line source
* Title: tn5250J
* Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001
* Company:
* @author Kenneth J. Pouncey
* @version 0.5
* Description:
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package org.tn5250j.framework.tn5250;
import static org.tn5250j.TN5250jConstants.BOTTOM;
import static org.tn5250j.TN5250jConstants.GUI_LEFT;
import static org.tn5250j.TN5250jConstants.GUI_RIGHT;
import static org.tn5250j.TN5250jConstants.LOWER_LEFT;
import static org.tn5250j.TN5250jConstants.LOWER_RIGHT;
import static org.tn5250j.TN5250jConstants.NO_GUI;
import static org.tn5250j.TN5250jConstants.NR_REQUEST_ERROR;
import static org.tn5250j.TN5250jConstants.UPPER;
import static org.tn5250j.TN5250jConstants.UPPER_LEFT;
import static org.tn5250j.TN5250jConstants.UPPER_RIGHT;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.tn5250j.encoding.ICodePage;
import android.util.Log;
* Write To Display Structured Field:
* This module will parse the structured field information for enhanced
* emulation mode.
public class WTDSFParser {
private static final String TAG = "WTDSFParser";
private Screen5250 screen52;
private tnvt vt;
private ICodePage codePage;
int pos;
byte[] segment;
int length;
boolean error;
boolean guiStructsExist;
private final List<Window> guiStructs = new ArrayList<Window>(3);
private final List<ChoiceField> choices = new ArrayList<ChoiceField>(3);
WTDSFParser (tnvt vt) {
this.vt = vt;
screen52 = vt.screen52;
codePage = vt.codePage;
protected class ChoiceField {
int x;
int y;
int row;
int col;
int width;
int height;
char mnemonic;
int fieldId;
int selectIndex;
ChoiceField(int row, int col, int fldRow, int fldCol) {
x = row;
y = col;
row = fldRow;
col = fldCol;
protected class Window {
byte[] window;
int pos;
Window(byte[] seg, int pos) {
//Log.i(TAG,"window created at " + pos);
window = seg;
this.pos = pos;
guiStructsExist = true;
protected void addChoiceField(int row,int col,int fldRow, int fldCol, String text) {
ChoiceField cf = new ChoiceField(row,col, fldRow, fldCol);
cf.fieldId = screen52.getScreenFields().getCurrentField().getFieldId();
protected boolean isGuisExists () {
return guiStructsExist;
protected byte[] getSegmentAtPos(int pos) {
int len = guiStructs.size();
for (int x = 0; x < len; x++) {
Window w = guiStructs.get(x);
if (w.pos == pos)
return w.window;
return null;
protected void clearGuiStructs() {
protected boolean parseWriteToDisplayStructuredField(byte[] seg) {
// bk = vt.bk;
error = false;
boolean done = false;
boolean windowDefined = false;
// int nextone;
pos = 0;
segment = seg;
// try {
length = (( segment[pos++] & 0xff )<< 8 | (segment[pos++] & 0xff));
while (!done) {
int s = segment[pos++] & 0xff;
switch (s) {
case 0xD9: // Class Type 0xD9 - Create Window
switch (segment[pos++]) {
case 0x50: // Define Selection Field
done = true;
case 0x51: // Create Window
guiStructs.add(new Window(segment, screen52.getLastPos()));
boolean cr = false;
int rows = 0;
int cols = 0;
// pull down not supported yet
if ((segment[pos++] & 0x80) == 0x80)
cr = true; // restrict cursor
pos++; // get reserved field pos 6
pos++; // get reserved field pos 7
rows = segment[pos++]; // get window depth rows pos 8
cols = segment[pos++]; // get window width cols pos 9
length -= 9;
if (length == 0) {
done = true;
// System.out.println("Create Window");
// System.out.println(" restrict cursor " + cr);
// System.out.println(" Depth = " + rows + " Width = " + cols);
// screen52.createWindow(rows,cols,1,true,32,58,
windowDefined = true;
// pos 10 is Minor Structure
int ml = 0;
int type = 0;
int lastPos = screen52.getLastPos();
// if (cr)
// screen52.setPendingInsert(true,
// screen52.getCurrentRow(),
// screen52.getCurrentCol());
int mAttr = 0;
int cAttr = 0;
while (length > 0) {
// get minor length
ml = ( segment[pos++] & 0xff );
length -= ml;
// only normal windows are supported at this time
type = segment[pos++];
switch (type) {
case 0x01 : // Border presentation
boolean gui = false;
if ((segment[pos++] & 0x80) == 0x80)
gui = true;
mAttr = segment[pos++];
cAttr = segment[pos++];
char ul = '.';
char upper = '.';
char ur = '.';
char left = ':';
char right = ':';
char ll = ':';
char bottom = '.';
char lr = ':';
// if minor length is greater than 5 then
// the border characters are specified
if (ml > 5) {
ul = codePage.ebcdic2uni(segment[pos++]);
// ul = getASCIIChar(segment[pos++]);
if (ul == 0)
ul = '.';
upper = codePage.ebcdic2uni(segment[pos++]);
// upper = getASCIIChar(segment[pos++]);
if (upper == 0)
upper = '.';
ur = codePage.ebcdic2uni(segment[pos++]);
// ur = getASCIIChar(segment[pos++]);
if (ur == 0)
ur = '.';
left = codePage.ebcdic2uni(segment[pos++]);
// left = getASCIIChar(segment[pos++]);
if (left == 0)
left = ':';
right = codePage.ebcdic2uni(segment[pos++]);
// right = getASCIIChar(segment[pos++]);
if (right == 0)
right = ':';
ll = codePage.ebcdic2uni(segment[pos++]);
// ll = getASCIIChar(segment[pos++]);
if (ll == 0)
ll = ':';
bottom = codePage.ebcdic2uni(segment[pos++]);
// bottom = getASCIIChar(segment[pos++]);
if (bottom == 0)
bottom = '.';
lr = codePage.ebcdic2uni(segment[pos++]);
// lr = getASCIIChar(segment[pos++]);
if (lr == 0)
lr = ':';
// System.out.println("Create Window");
// System.out.println(" restrict cursor " + cr);
// System.out.println(" Depth = " + rows + " Width = " + cols);
// System.out.println(" type = " + type + " gui = " + gui);
// System.out.println(" mono attr = " + mAttr + " color attr = " + cAttr);
// System.out.println(" ul = " + ul + " upper = " + upper +
// " ur = " + ur +
// " left = " + left +
// " right = " + right +
// " ll = " + ll +
// " bottom = " + bottom +
// " lr = " + lr
// );
// screen52.createWindow(rows,cols,type,gui,mAttr,cAttr,
windowDefined = true;
// The following shows the input for window with a title
// +0000 019A12A0 00000400 00020411 00200107 .?.?..?...?..?.
// +0010 00000018 00000011 06131500 37D95180 ........?.?..R??
// +0020 00000A24 0D018023 23404040 40404040 ..??..???
// +0030 40211000 000000D7 C2C1D9C4 C5D4D67A \uFFFD.....PBARDEMO:
// +0040 40D79996 879985A2 A2408281 99408485 Progress bar de
// +0050 94961108 1520D5A4 94828599 40968640 mo.???Number of
// +0060 8595A399 8985A24B 4B4B4B4B 4B7A2011 entries......:?.
// +0070 082E2040 404040F5 F0F06BF0 F0F02011 ?.? 500,000?.
// +0080 091520C3 A4999985 95A34085 95A399A8 \uFFFD??Current entry
// +0090 4095A494 8285994B 4B4B7A20 11092E20 number...:?.\uFFFD.?
// +00A0 40404040 4040F56B F0F0F020 110A1520 5,000?.???
// +00B0 D9859481 89958995 87408595 A3998985 Remaining entrie
// +00C0 A24B4B4B 4B4B4B7A 20110A2E 20404040 s......:?.?.?
// +00D0 40F4F9F5 6BF0F0F0 20110C15 20E2A381 495,000?..??Sta
// +00E0 99A340A3 8994854B 4B4B4B4B 4B4B4B4B rt time.........
// +00F0 4B4B4B4B 7A20110C 2F2040F7 7AF5F37A ....:?...? 7:53:
case 0x10 : // Window title/footer
if (!windowDefined) {
// screen52.createWindow(rows,cols,1,true,32,58,
guiStructs.add(new Window(segment, screen52.getLastPos()));
windowDefined = true;
byte orientation = segment[pos++];
mAttr = segment[pos++];
cAttr = segment[pos++];
ml -= 6;
StringBuffer hfBuffer = new StringBuffer(ml);
while (ml-- > 0) {
//LDC - 13/02/2003 - Convert it to unicode
// hfBuffer.append(getASCIIChar(segment[pos++]));
" orientation " + Integer.toBinaryString(orientation) +
" mAttr " + mAttr +
" cAttr " + cAttr +
" Header/Footer " + hfBuffer);
Log.w(TAG,"Invalid Window minor structure");
length = 0;
done = true;
done = true;
case 0x53: // Scroll Bar
int sblen = 15;
byte sbflag = segment[pos++]; // flag position 5
pos++; // reserved position 6
// position 7,8
int totalRowScrollable = (( segment[pos++] & 0xff )<< 8
| (segment[pos++] & 0xff));
// position 9,10
int totalColScrollable = (( segment[pos++] & 0xff )<< 8
| (segment[pos++] & 0xff));
// position 11,12
int sliderRowPos = (( segment[pos++] & 0xff )<< 8
| (segment[pos++] & 0xff));
// position 13,14
int sliderColPos = (( segment[pos++] & 0xff )<< 8
| (segment[pos++] & 0xff));
// position 15
int sliderRC = segment[pos++];
length -= 15;
done = true;
case 0x5B: // Remove GUI ScrollBar field
pos++; // reserved must be set to off pos 5
pos++; // reserved must be set to zero pos 6
done = true;
case 0x5F: // Remove All GUI Constructs
Log.i(TAG,"remove all gui contructs");
guiStructsExist = false;
int len = 4;
int d = 0;
length -= s;
while (--len > 0)
d = segment[pos++];
// if (length > 0) {
// len = (segment[pos++] & 0xff )<< 8;
// while (--len > 0)
// d = segment[pos++];
// }
// per documentation we should clear the
// format table after this command
done = true;
case 0x59: // remove gui window
Log.i(TAG," remove window at " + screen52.getCurrentPos());
done = true;
case 0x60: // Erase/Draw Grid Lines - not supported
// do not know what they are
// as of 03/11/2002 we should not be getting
// this anymore but I will leave it here
// just in case.
// System.out.println("erase/draw grid lines " + length);
len = 6;
d = 0;
length -= 9;
while (--len > 0)
d = segment[pos++];
if (length > 0) {
len = (segment[pos++] & 0xff )<< 8;
while (--len > 0) {
d = segment[pos++];
done = true;
vt.sendNegResponse(NR_REQUEST_ERROR,0x03,0x01,0x01,"invalid wtd structured field sub command "
+ ( pos - 1));
// + bk.getByteOffset(-1));
error = true;
"invalid wtd structured field command "
+ (pos - 1));
// + bk.getByteOffset(-1));
error = true;
if (error)
done = true;
// }
// catch (Exception e) {};
return error;
* Creates a window on the screen
* @param depth
* @param width
* @param type
* @param gui
* @param monoAttr
* @param colorAttr
* @param ul
* @param upper
* @param ur
* @param left
* @param right
* @param ll
* @param bottom
* @param lr
protected void createWindow(int depth, int width, int type, boolean gui,
int monoAttr, int colorAttr, int ul, int upper, int ur, int left,
int right, int ll, int bottom, int lr) {
int lastPos = screen52.getLastPos();
int numCols = screen52.getColumns();
int c = screen52.getCol(lastPos);
int w = 0;
w = width;
char initChar = Screen5250.initChar;
int initAttr = Screen5250.initAttr;
// set leading attribute byte
screen52.setScreenCharAndAttr(initChar, initAttr, true);
// set upper left
if (gui) {
screen52.setScreenCharAndAttr((char) ul, colorAttr, UPPER_LEFT, false);
else {
screen52.setScreenCharAndAttr((char) ul, colorAttr, false);
// draw top row
while (w-- >= 0) {
if (gui) {
screen52.setScreenCharAndAttr((char) upper, colorAttr, UPPER,false);
else {
screen52.setScreenCharAndAttr((char) upper, colorAttr, false);
// set upper right
if (gui) {
screen52.setScreenCharAndAttr((char) ur, colorAttr, UPPER_RIGHT, false);
else {
screen52.setScreenCharAndAttr((char) ur, colorAttr, false);
// set ending attribute byte
screen52.setScreenCharAndAttr(initChar, initAttr, true);
lastPos = ((screen52.getRow(lastPos) + 1) * numCols) + c;
// now handle body of window
while (depth-- > 0) {
// set leading attribute byte
screen52.setScreenCharAndAttr(initChar, initAttr, true);
// set left
if (gui) {
screen52.setScreenCharAndAttr((char) left, colorAttr, GUI_LEFT, false);
else {
screen52.setScreenCharAndAttr((char) left, colorAttr, false);
w = width - 2;
screen52.setScreenCharAndAttr(initChar, initAttr, NO_GUI, true);
// fill it in
while (w-- >= 0) {
// if (!planes.isUseGui(screen52.getLastPos()))
screen52.setScreenCharAndAttr(initChar, initAttr, NO_GUI, false);
screen52.setScreenCharAndAttr(initChar, initAttr, NO_GUI, true);
// set right
if (gui) {
screen52.setScreenCharAndAttr((char) right, colorAttr, GUI_RIGHT, false);
else {
screen52.setScreenCharAndAttr((char) right, colorAttr, false);
screen52.setScreenCharAndAttr(initChar, initAttr, true);
lastPos = ((screen52.getRow(lastPos) + 1) * numCols) + c;
// set leading attribute byte
screen52.setScreenCharAndAttr(initChar, initAttr, true);
if (gui) {
screen52.setScreenCharAndAttr((char) ll, colorAttr, LOWER_LEFT, false);
else {
screen52.setScreenCharAndAttr((char) ll, colorAttr, false);
w = width;
// draw bottom row
while (w-- >= 0) {
if (gui) {
screen52.setScreenCharAndAttr((char) bottom, colorAttr, BOTTOM, false);
else {
screen52.setScreenCharAndAttr((char) bottom, colorAttr, false);
// set lower right
if (gui) {
screen52.setScreenCharAndAttr((char) lr, colorAttr, LOWER_RIGHT, false);
else {
screen52.setScreenCharAndAttr((char) lr, colorAttr, false);
// set ending attribute byte
screen52.setScreenCharAndAttr(initChar, initAttr, true);
/* *** NEVER USED LOCALLY ************************************************** */
// private void clearWindowBody(ScreenPlanes planes, int startPos, int depth, int width) {
// int lastPos = startPos;
// char initChar = Screen5250.initChar;
// int initAttr = Screen5250.initAttr;
// // now handle body of window
// while (depth-- > 0) {
// // set leading attribute byte
//// planes.setScreenCharAndAttr(lastPos,initChar, initAttr, true);
//// setDirty(lastPos);
//// advancePos();
//// // set left
//// planes.setScreenCharAndAttr(lastPos, (char) left, colorAttr, false);
//// if (gui) {
//// planes.setUseGUI(lastPos,GUI_LEFT);
//// }
//// setDirty(lastPos);
//// advancePos();
// int w = width;
// // fill it in
// while (w-- >= 0) {
//// screen[lastPos].setCharAndAttr(initChar, initAttr, true);
// planes.setScreenCharAndAttr(lastPos,initChar, initAttr, true);
//// screen[lastPos].setUseGUI(NO_GUI);
// planes.setUseGUI(lastPos,NO_GUI);
//// setDirty(lastPos);
// lastPos++;
// advancePos();
// }
//// // set right
//// // screen[lastPos].setCharAndAttr((char) right, colorAttr, false);
//// planes.setScreenCharAndAttr(lastPos,(char) right, colorAttr, false);
//// if (gui) {
//// // screen[lastPos].setUseGUI(RIGHT);
//// planes.setUseGUI(lastPos,GUI_RIGHT);
//// }
//// setDirty(lastPos);
//// advancePos();
//// // set ending attribute byte
//// // screen[lastPos].setCharAndAttr(initChar, initAttr, true);
//// planes.setScreenCharAndAttr(lastPos,initChar, initAttr, true);
//// setDirty(lastPos);
// lastPos = startPos;
// }
// }
/* *** NEVER USED LOCALLY ************************************************** */
// private void setDirty(int pos) {
// screen52.setDirty(pos);
// }
/* *** NEVER USED LOCALLY ************************************************** */
// private void advancePos() {
// screen52.advancePos();
// }
private void defineSelectionField(int majLen) {
// 0030: 20 00 2C 3E 00 00 00 69 12 A0 00 00 04 00 00 03 .,>...i........
// 0040: 04 40 04 11 00 28 01 07 00 00 00 19 00 00 04 11 .@...(..........
// 0050: 14 19 15 00 48 D9 50 00 60 00 11 01 84 84 00 00 ....H.P.`.......
// 0060: 05 03 01 01 00 00 00 13 01 E0 00 21 00 21 00 3B ...........!.!.;
// 0070: 22 20 20 20 20 3A 24 20 20 3A 0B 10 08 00 E0 00 " :$ :......
// 0080: D6 95 85 40 40 0B 10 08 00 E0 00 E3 A6 96 40 40 ...@@.........@@
// 0090: 0B 10 08 00 E0 00 E3 88 99 85 85 04 52 00 00 FF ............R...
// 00A0: EF .
try {
int flag1 = segment[pos++]; // Flag byte 1 - byte 5
int flag2 = segment[pos++]; // Flag byte 2 - byte 6
int flag3 = segment[pos++]; // Flag byte 3 - byte 7
int typeSelection = segment[pos++]; // Type of selection Field - byte 8
// GUI Device Characteristics:
// This byte is used if the target device is a GUI PWS or a GUI-like
// NWS. If neigher of these WS are the targets, this byte is ignored
int guiDevice = segment[pos++]; // byte 9
int withMnemonic = segment[pos++]; // byte 10
int noMnemonic = segment[pos++]; // byte 11
pos++; // Reserved - byte 12
pos++; // Reserved - byte 13
int cols = segment[pos++]; // Text Size - byte 14
int rows = segment[pos++]; // Rows - byte 15
int maxColChoice = segment[pos++]; // byte 16 num of column choices
int padding = segment[pos++]; // byte 17
int numSepChar = segment[pos++]; // byte 18
int ctySepChar = segment[pos++]; // byte 19
int cancelAID = segment[pos++]; // byte 20
int cnt = 0;
int minLen = 0;
majLen -= 21;
Log.d(TAG," row: " + screen52.getCurrentRow()
+ " col: " + screen52.getCurrentCol()
+ " type " + typeSelection
+ " gui " + guiDevice
+ " withMnemonic " + Integer.toHexString(withMnemonic & 0xf0)
+ " noMnemonic " + Integer.toHexString(noMnemonic & 0xf0)
+ " noMnemonic " + Integer.toBinaryString(noMnemonic)
+ " noMnemonicType " + Integer.toBinaryString((noMnemonic & 0xf0))
+ " noMnemonicSel " + Integer.toBinaryString((noMnemonic & 0x0f))
+ " maxcols " + maxColChoice
+ " cols " + cols
+ " rows " + rows);
int rowCtr = 0;
int colCtr = 0;
int chcRowStart = screen52.getCurrentRow();
int chcColStart = screen52.getCurrentCol();
int chcRow = chcRowStart;
int chcCol = chcColStart;
int chcPos = screen52.getPos(chcRow-1,chcCol);
// client access
//0000 00 04 ac 9e b9 35 00 01 02 32 bb 4e 08 00 45 00 .....5...2.N..E.
//0010 00 3c 4f 8e 40 00 80 06 00 00 c1 a8 33 58 c1 a8 .<O.@.......3X..
//0020 33 01 09 e4 00 17 5b bf b7 a4 c3 41 43 d1 50 18 3.....[....AC.P.
//0030 fc de e9 d8 00 00 00 12 12 a0 00 00 04 00 80 03 ................
//0040 16 18 f1 11 14 1a 00 22 ff ef ......."..
int colAvail = 0x20;
int colSelAvail = 0x20;
int fld = 0;
do {
minLen = segment[pos++]; // Minor Length byte 21
int minType = segment[pos++]; // Minor Type
switch (minType) {
case 0x01: // Choice Presentation Display
// flag
int flagCP1 = segment[pos++];
pos++; // mon select cursor avail emphasis - byte4
colSelAvail = segment[pos++]; // -byte 5
pos++; // mon select cursor - byte 6
int colSelCur = segment[pos++]; // -byte 7
pos++; // mon select cursor not avail emphasis - byte 8
int colSelNotAvail = segment[pos++]; // -byte 9
pos++; // mon avail emphasis - byte 10
colAvail = segment[pos++]; // -byte 11
pos++; // mon select emphasis - byte 12
int colSel = segment[pos++]; // -byte 13
pos++; // mon not avail emphasis - byte 14
int colNotAvail = segment[pos++]; // -byte 15
pos++; // mon indicator emphasis - byte 16
int colInd = segment[pos++]; // -byte 17
pos++; // mon indicator not avail emphasis - byte 18
int colNotAvailInd = segment[pos++]; // -byte 19
case 0x10: // Choice Text minor structure
cnt = 5;
int flagCT1 = segment[pos++];
int flagCT2 = segment[pos++];
int flagCT3 = segment[pos++];
int mnemOffset = 0;
boolean aid = false;
boolean selected = false;
// is in selected state
if ((flagCT1 & 0x40) == 0x40) {
Log.d(TAG," selected ");
selected = true;
//System.out.println(Integer.toBinaryString((flagCT1 & 0xf0)));
// is mnemonic offset specified
if ((flagCT1 & 0x08) == 8) {
Log.d(TAG," mnemOffset " + mnemOffset);
mnemOffset = segment[pos++];
// is aid key specified
if ((flagCT1 & 0x04) == 4) {
aid = true;
Log.d(TAG," aidKey " + aid);
// cnt++;
// is single digit number specified
if ((flagCT1 & 0x01) == 0x01) {
Log.d(TAG," single digit " );
// is double digint number specified
if ((flagCT1 & 0x02) == 0x02) {
Log.d(TAG," double digit " );
String s = "";
byte byte0 = 0;
// we do not add a selection if it is marked as unavailable
if ((flagCT1 & 0x80) != 0x80) {
screen52.setCursor(chcRowStart,chcColStart + 3);
for (;cnt < minLen; cnt++) {
byte0 = segment[pos++];
s += vt.codePage.ebcdic2uni(byte0);
// screen52.getScreenFields().getCurrentField().setMDT();
Log.d(TAG,s + " selected " + selected);
// chcRowStart;
// rowCtr++;
if (colCtr >= maxColChoice) {
chcColStart = chcCol;
chcRowStart = chcRow + rowCtr;
if (rowCtr > rows) {
chcRowStart = chcRow;
rowCtr = 0;
chcColStart = chcColStart + 3 + cols + padding;
else {
chcColStart = chcColStart + padding + cols + 3;
for (cnt = 2;cnt < minLen; cnt++) {
majLen -= minLen;
} while (majLen > 0);
catch (Exception exc) {
Log.w(TAG," defineSelectionField :", exc);
// negotiating commands
// private static final byte IAC = (byte)-1; // 255 FF
// private static final byte DONT = (byte)-2; //254 FE
// private static final byte DO = (byte)-3; //253 FD
// private static final byte WONT = (byte)-4; //252 FC
// private static final byte WILL = (byte)-5; //251 FB
// private static final byte SB = (byte)-6; //250 Sub Begin FA
// private static final byte SE = (byte)-16; //240 Sub End F0
// private static final byte EOR = (byte)-17; //239 End of Record EF
// private static final byte TERMINAL_TYPE = (byte)24; // 18
// private static final byte OPT_END_OF_RECORD = (byte)25; // 19
// private static final byte TRANSMIT_BINARY = (byte)0; // 0
// private static final byte QUAL_IS = (byte)0; // 0
// private static final byte TIMING_MARK = (byte)6; // 6
// private static final byte NEW_ENVIRONMENT = (byte)39; // 27
// private static final byte IS = (byte)0; // 0
// private static final byte SEND = (byte)1; // 1
// private static final byte INFO = (byte)2; // 2
// private static final byte VAR = (byte)0; // 0
// private static final byte VALUE = (byte)1; // 1
// private static final byte NEGOTIATE_ESC = (byte)2; // 2
// private static final byte USERVAR = (byte)3; // 3
// miscellaneous
// private static final byte ESC = 0x04; // 04
// private static final char char0 = 0;
// private static final byte CMD_READ_IMMEDIATE_ALT = (byte)0x83; // 131