view proguard/dump.txt @ 24:d1c549560aff tn5250

adding tn5250 files
author Carl Byington <>
date Tue, 03 Jun 2014 11:44:37 -0700
parents 0ce5cc452d02
line wrap: on
line source

+ Program class: com/google/ase/Exec
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 31):
  + String [com_google_ase_Exec]
  + Class [com/google/ase/Exec]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.loadLibrary (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [loadLibrary (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;IIII)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[I)Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Lcom/google/ase/Exec;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [com/google/ase/Exec]
  + Utf8 [com_google_ase_Exec]
  + Utf8 [createSubprocess]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [loadLibrary]
  + Utf8 [setPtyWindowSize]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [waitFor]

Fields (count = 0):

Methods (count = 5):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 0, stack = 1):
      [0] ldc #1
        + String [com_google_ase_Exec]
      [2] invokestatic #6
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.loadLibrary (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 67
        [5] -> line 24
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public Exec()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #5
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 24
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/google/ase/Exec; this]
  + Method:       createSubprocess(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[I)Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;
    Access flags: 0x109
      = public static native createSubprocess(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,int[])
  + Method:       setPtyWindowSize(Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;IIII)V
    Access flags: 0x109
      = public static native void setPtyWindowSize(,int,int,int,int)
  + Method:       waitFor(I)I
    Access flags: 0x109
      = public static native int waitFor(int)

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/jcraft/jzlib/Adler32
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x30
    = final class com.jcraft.jzlib.Adler32 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 32):
  + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/Adler32]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Long [65521]
  + Long [65535]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(J[BII)J]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [J]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Adler32;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [adler]
  + Utf8 [adler32]
  + Utf8 [buf]
  + Utf8 [com/jcraft/jzlib/Adler32]
  + Utf8 [index]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [k]
  + Utf8 [len]
  + Utf8 [s1]
  + Utf8 [s2]
  + Utf8 [this]

Fields (count = 0):

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = Adler32()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #7
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 37
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Adler32; this]
  + Method:       adler32(J[BII)J
    Access flags: 0x0
      = long adler32(long,byte[],int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 515, locals = 11, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_3 v3
      [1] ifnonnull +5 (target=6)
      [4] lconst_1
      [5] lreturn
      [6] lload_1 v1
      [7] ldc2_w #5
        + Long [65535]
      [10] land
      [11] lstore v6
      [13] lload_1 v1
      [14] bipush 16
      [16] lshr
      [17] ldc2_w #5
        + Long [65535]
      [20] land
      [21] lstore v8
      [23] goto +478 (target=501)
      [26] iload v5
      [28] sipush 5552
      [31] ificmpge +8 (target=39)
      [34] iload v5
      [36] goto +6 (target=42)
      [39] sipush 5552
      [42] istore v10
      [44] iload v5
      [46] iload v10
      [48] isub
      [49] istore v5
      [51] goto +390 (target=441)
      [54] lload v6
      [56] aload_3 v3
      [57] iload v4
      [59] iinc v4, 1
      [62] baload
      [63] sipush 255
      [66] iand
      [67] i2l
      [68] ladd
      [69] lstore v6
      [71] lload v8
      [73] lload v6
      [75] ladd
      [76] lstore v8
      [78] lload v6
      [80] aload_3 v3
      [81] iload v4
      [83] iinc v4, 1
      [86] baload
      [87] sipush 255
      [90] iand
      [91] i2l
      [92] ladd
      [93] lstore v6
      [95] lload v8
      [97] lload v6
      [99] ladd
      [100] lstore v8
      [102] lload v6
      [104] aload_3 v3
      [105] iload v4
      [107] iinc v4, 1
      [110] baload
      [111] sipush 255
      [114] iand
      [115] i2l
      [116] ladd
      [117] lstore v6
      [119] lload v8
      [121] lload v6
      [123] ladd
      [124] lstore v8
      [126] lload v6
      [128] aload_3 v3
      [129] iload v4
      [131] iinc v4, 1
      [134] baload
      [135] sipush 255
      [138] iand
      [139] i2l
      [140] ladd
      [141] lstore v6
      [143] lload v8
      [145] lload v6
      [147] ladd
      [148] lstore v8
      [150] lload v6
      [152] aload_3 v3
      [153] iload v4
      [155] iinc v4, 1
      [158] baload
      [159] sipush 255
      [162] iand
      [163] i2l
      [164] ladd
      [165] lstore v6
      [167] lload v8
      [169] lload v6
      [171] ladd
      [172] lstore v8
      [174] lload v6
      [176] aload_3 v3
      [177] iload v4
      [179] iinc v4, 1
      [182] baload
      [183] sipush 255
      [186] iand
      [187] i2l
      [188] ladd
      [189] lstore v6
      [191] lload v8
      [193] lload v6
      [195] ladd
      [196] lstore v8
      [198] lload v6
      [200] aload_3 v3
      [201] iload v4
      [203] iinc v4, 1
      [206] baload
      [207] sipush 255
      [210] iand
      [211] i2l
      [212] ladd
      [213] lstore v6
      [215] lload v8
      [217] lload v6
      [219] ladd
      [220] lstore v8
      [222] lload v6
      [224] aload_3 v3
      [225] iload v4
      [227] iinc v4, 1
      [230] baload
      [231] sipush 255
      [234] iand
      [235] i2l
      [236] ladd
      [237] lstore v6
      [239] lload v8
      [241] lload v6
      [243] ladd
      [244] lstore v8
      [246] lload v6
      [248] aload_3 v3
      [249] iload v4
      [251] iinc v4, 1
      [254] baload
      [255] sipush 255
      [258] iand
      [259] i2l
      [260] ladd
      [261] lstore v6
      [263] lload v8
      [265] lload v6
      [267] ladd
      [268] lstore v8
      [270] lload v6
      [272] aload_3 v3
      [273] iload v4
      [275] iinc v4, 1
      [278] baload
      [279] sipush 255
      [282] iand
      [283] i2l
      [284] ladd
      [285] lstore v6
      [287] lload v8
      [289] lload v6
      [291] ladd
      [292] lstore v8
      [294] lload v6
      [296] aload_3 v3
      [297] iload v4
      [299] iinc v4, 1
      [302] baload
      [303] sipush 255
      [306] iand
      [307] i2l
      [308] ladd
      [309] lstore v6
      [311] lload v8
      [313] lload v6
      [315] ladd
      [316] lstore v8
      [318] lload v6
      [320] aload_3 v3
      [321] iload v4
      [323] iinc v4, 1
      [326] baload
      [327] sipush 255
      [330] iand
      [331] i2l
      [332] ladd
      [333] lstore v6
      [335] lload v8
      [337] lload v6
      [339] ladd
      [340] lstore v8
      [342] lload v6
      [344] aload_3 v3
      [345] iload v4
      [347] iinc v4, 1
      [350] baload
      [351] sipush 255
      [354] iand
      [355] i2l
      [356] ladd
      [357] lstore v6
      [359] lload v8
      [361] lload v6
      [363] ladd
      [364] lstore v8
      [366] lload v6
      [368] aload_3 v3
      [369] iload v4
      [371] iinc v4, 1
      [374] baload
      [375] sipush 255
      [378] iand
      [379] i2l
      [380] ladd
      [381] lstore v6
      [383] lload v8
      [385] lload v6
      [387] ladd
      [388] lstore v8
      [390] lload v6
      [392] aload_3 v3
      [393] iload v4
      [395] iinc v4, 1
      [398] baload
      [399] sipush 255
      [402] iand
      [403] i2l
      [404] ladd
      [405] lstore v6
      [407] lload v8
      [409] lload v6
      [411] ladd
      [412] lstore v8
      [414] lload v6
      [416] aload_3 v3
      [417] iload v4
      [419] iinc v4, 1
      [422] baload
      [423] sipush 255
      [426] iand
      [427] i2l
      [428] ladd
      [429] lstore v6
      [431] lload v8
      [433] lload v6
      [435] ladd
      [436] lstore v8
      [438] iinc v10, -16
      [441] iload v10
      [443] bipush 16
      [445] ificmpge -391 (target=54)
      [448] iload v10
      [450] ifeq +35 (target=485)
      [453] lload v6
      [455] aload_3 v3
      [456] iload v4
      [458] iinc v4, 1
      [461] baload
      [462] sipush 255
      [465] iand
      [466] i2l
      [467] ladd
      [468] lstore v6
      [470] lload v8
      [472] lload v6
      [474] ladd
      [475] lstore v8
      [477] iinc v10, -1
      [480] iload v10
      [482] ifne -29 (target=453)
      [485] lload v6
      [487] ldc2_w #3
        + Long [65521]
      [490] lrem
      [491] lstore v6
      [493] lload v8
      [495] ldc2_w #3
        + Long [65521]
      [498] lrem
      [499] lstore v8
      [501] iload v5
      [503] ifgt -477 (target=26)
      [506] lload v8
      [508] bipush 16
      [510] lshl
      [511] lload v6
      [513] lor
      [514] lreturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 32)
        [0] -> line 45
        [6] -> line 47
        [13] -> line 48
        [23] -> line 51
        [26] -> line 52
        [44] -> line 53
        [51] -> line 54
        [54] -> line 55
        [78] -> line 56
        [102] -> line 57
        [126] -> line 58
        [150] -> line 59
        [174] -> line 60
        [198] -> line 61
        [222] -> line 62
        [246] -> line 63
        [270] -> line 64
        [294] -> line 65
        [318] -> line 66
        [342] -> line 67
        [366] -> line 68
        [390] -> line 69
        [414] -> line 70
        [438] -> line 71
        [441] -> line 54
        [448] -> line 73
        [453] -> line 75
        [477] -> line 77
        [485] -> line 79
        [493] -> line 80
        [501] -> line 51
        [506] -> line 82
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 8)
        v0: 0 -> 515 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Adler32; this]
        v1: 0 -> 515 [J adler]
        v3: 0 -> 515 [[B buf]
        v4: 0 -> 515 [I index]
        v5: 0 -> 515 [I len]
        v6: 13 -> 515 [J s1]
        v8: 23 -> 515 [J s2]
        v10: 44 -> 501 [I k]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x31
    = public final class com.jcraft.jzlib.Deflate extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 547):
  + Integer [65280]
  + Integer [65535]
  + String []
  + String [buffer error]
  + String [data error]
  + String [file error]
  + String [incompatible version]
  + String [insufficient memory]
  + String [need dictionary]
  + String [stream end]
  + String [stream error]
  + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/Adler32]
  + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate]
  + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config]
  + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree]
  + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree]
  + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Long [5]
  + Long [65535]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bi_buf S]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bi_valid I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bl_count [S]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bl_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Tree;]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bl_tree [S]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.block_start I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.config_table [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config;]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.d_buf I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.d_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Tree;]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.data_type B]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.depth [B]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.dyn_dtree [S]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.dyn_ltree [S]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.good_match I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.hash_bits I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.hash_mask I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.hash_shift I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.hash_size I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.head [S]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap [I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap_len I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.ins_h I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.l_buf I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.l_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Tree;]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.last_eob_len I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.last_flush I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.last_lit I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.level I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lit_bufsize I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lookahead I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.match_available I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.match_length I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.match_start I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.matches I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.max_chain_length I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.max_lazy_match I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.method B]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.nice_match I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.noheader I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.opt_len I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pending I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pending_buf [B]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pending_buf_size I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pending_out I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.prev [S]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.prev_length I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.prev_match I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.static_len I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.status I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strategy I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strm Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.w_bits I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.w_mask I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.w_size I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window [B]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window_size I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.z_errmsg [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config.func I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config.good_length I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config.max_chain I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config.max_lazy I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config.nice_length I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.static_bl_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree;]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.static_d_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree;]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.static_dtree [S]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.static_l_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree;]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.static_ltree [S]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree._length_code [B]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.base_dist [I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.base_length [I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.bl_order [B]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.dyn_tree [S]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.extra_dbits [I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.extra_lbits [I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.max_code I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.stat_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree;]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream._adler Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Adler32;]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.adler J]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_out I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.data_type I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.dstate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate;]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.msg Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in [B]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_out [B]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_out J]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Adler32.adler32 (J[BII)J]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate._tr_align ()V]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate._tr_flush_block (IIZ)V]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate._tr_stored_block (IIZ)V]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate._tr_tally (II)Z]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bi_flush ()V]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bi_windup ()V]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.build_bl_tree ()I]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.compress_block ([S[S)V]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.copy_block (IIZ)V]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.deflateInit2 (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;IIIII)I]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.deflateReset (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)I]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.deflate_fast (I)I]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.deflate_slow (I)I]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.deflate_stored (I)I]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.fill_window ()V]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.flush_block_only (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.init_block ()V]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lm_init ()V]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.longest_match (I)I]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.putShortMSB (I)V]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.put_byte (B)V]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.put_byte ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.put_short (I)V]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.scan_tree ([SI)V]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.send_all_trees (III)V]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.send_bits (II)V]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.send_code (I[S)V]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.send_tree ([SI)V]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.set_data_type ()V]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.smaller ([SII[B)Z]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.tr_init ()V]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config.<init> (IIIII)V]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.build_tree (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate;)V]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.d_code (I)I]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.flush_pending ()V]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.read_buf ([BII)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (IIIII)V]
  + NameAndType [_adler Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Adler32;]
  + NameAndType [_length_code [B]
  + NameAndType [_tr_align ()V]
  + NameAndType [_tr_flush_block (IIZ)V]
  + NameAndType [_tr_stored_block (IIZ)V]
  + NameAndType [_tr_tally (II)Z]
  + NameAndType [adler J]
  + NameAndType [adler32 (J[BII)J]
  + NameAndType [arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [avail_in I]
  + NameAndType [avail_out I]
  + NameAndType [base_dist [I]
  + NameAndType [base_length [I]
  + NameAndType [bi_buf S]
  + NameAndType [bi_flush ()V]
  + NameAndType [bi_valid I]
  + NameAndType [bi_windup ()V]
  + NameAndType [bl_count [S]
  + NameAndType [bl_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Tree;]
  + NameAndType [bl_order [B]
  + NameAndType [bl_tree [S]
  + NameAndType [block_start I]
  + NameAndType [build_bl_tree ()I]
  + NameAndType [build_tree (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate;)V]
  + NameAndType [compress_block ([S[S)V]
  + NameAndType [config_table [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config;]
  + NameAndType [copy_block (IIZ)V]
  + NameAndType [d_buf I]
  + NameAndType [d_code (I)I]
  + NameAndType [d_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Tree;]
  + NameAndType [data_type B]
  + NameAndType [data_type I]
  + NameAndType [deflateInit2 (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;IIIII)I]
  + NameAndType [deflateReset (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)I]
  + NameAndType [deflate_fast (I)I]
  + NameAndType [deflate_slow (I)I]
  + NameAndType [deflate_stored (I)I]
  + NameAndType [depth [B]
  + NameAndType [dstate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate;]
  + NameAndType [dyn_dtree [S]
  + NameAndType [dyn_ltree [S]
  + NameAndType [dyn_tree [S]
  + NameAndType [extra_dbits [I]
  + NameAndType [extra_lbits [I]
  + NameAndType [fill_window ()V]
  + NameAndType [flush_block_only (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [flush_pending ()V]
  + NameAndType [func I]
  + NameAndType [good_length I]
  + NameAndType [good_match I]
  + NameAndType [hash_bits I]
  + NameAndType [hash_mask I]
  + NameAndType [hash_shift I]
  + NameAndType [hash_size I]
  + NameAndType [head [S]
  + NameAndType [heap [I]
  + NameAndType [heap_len I]
  + NameAndType [init_block ()V]
  + NameAndType [ins_h I]
  + NameAndType [l_buf I]
  + NameAndType [l_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Tree;]
  + NameAndType [last_eob_len I]
  + NameAndType [last_flush I]
  + NameAndType [last_lit I]
  + NameAndType [level I]
  + NameAndType [lit_bufsize I]
  + NameAndType [lm_init ()V]
  + NameAndType [longest_match (I)I]
  + NameAndType [lookahead I]
  + NameAndType [match_available I]
  + NameAndType [match_length I]
  + NameAndType [match_start I]
  + NameAndType [matches I]
  + NameAndType [max_chain I]
  + NameAndType [max_chain_length I]
  + NameAndType [max_code I]
  + NameAndType [max_lazy I]
  + NameAndType [max_lazy_match I]
  + NameAndType [method B]
  + NameAndType [msg Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [next_in [B]
  + NameAndType [next_out [B]
  + NameAndType [nice_length I]
  + NameAndType [nice_match I]
  + NameAndType [noheader I]
  + NameAndType [opt_len I]
  + NameAndType [pending I]
  + NameAndType [pending_buf [B]
  + NameAndType [pending_buf_size I]
  + NameAndType [pending_out I]
  + NameAndType [prev [S]
  + NameAndType [prev_length I]
  + NameAndType [prev_match I]
  + NameAndType [putShortMSB (I)V]
  + NameAndType [put_byte (B)V]
  + NameAndType [put_byte ([BII)V]
  + NameAndType [put_short (I)V]
  + NameAndType [read_buf ([BII)I]
  + NameAndType [scan_tree ([SI)V]
  + NameAndType [send_all_trees (III)V]
  + NameAndType [send_bits (II)V]
  + NameAndType [send_code (I[S)V]
  + NameAndType [send_tree ([SI)V]
  + NameAndType [set_data_type ()V]
  + NameAndType [smaller ([SII[B)Z]
  + NameAndType [stat_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree;]
  + NameAndType [static_bl_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree;]
  + NameAndType [static_d_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree;]
  + NameAndType [static_dtree [S]
  + NameAndType [static_l_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree;]
  + NameAndType [static_len I]
  + NameAndType [static_ltree [S]
  + NameAndType [status I]
  + NameAndType [strategy I]
  + NameAndType [strm Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
  + NameAndType [strstart I]
  + NameAndType [total_in J]
  + NameAndType [total_out J]
  + NameAndType [tr_init ()V]
  + NameAndType [w_bits I]
  + NameAndType [w_mask I]
  + NameAndType [w_size I]
  + NameAndType [window [B]
  + NameAndType [window_size I]
  + NameAndType [z_errmsg [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(B)V]
  + Utf8 [(I)I]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(II)V]
  + Utf8 [(II)Z]
  + Utf8 [(III)V]
  + Utf8 [(IIIII)V]
  + Utf8 [(IIZ)V]
  + Utf8 [(I[S)V]
  + Utf8 [(J[BII)J]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;II)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;IIIII)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [([BII)I]
  + Utf8 [([BII)V]
  + Utf8 [([SI)V]
  + Utf8 [([SII[B)Z]
  + Utf8 [([S[S)V]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [B]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Config]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [J]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Adler32;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Tree;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [S]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [[I]
  + Utf8 [[Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config;]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [[S]
  + Utf8 [_adler]
  + Utf8 [_length_code]
  + Utf8 [_tr_align]
  + Utf8 [_tr_flush_block]
  + Utf8 [_tr_stored_block]
  + Utf8 [_tr_tally]
  + Utf8 [adler]
  + Utf8 [adler32]
  + Utf8 [arraycopy]
  + Utf8 [ascii_freq]
  + Utf8 [avail_in]
  + Utf8 [avail_out]
  + Utf8 [b]
  + Utf8 [base_dist]
  + Utf8 [base_length]
  + Utf8 [best_len]
  + Utf8 [bflush]
  + Utf8 [bi_buf]
  + Utf8 [bi_flush]
  + Utf8 [bi_valid]
  + Utf8 [bi_windup]
  + Utf8 [bin_freq]
  + Utf8 [bits]
  + Utf8 [bl_count]
  + Utf8 [bl_desc]
  + Utf8 [bl_order]
  + Utf8 [bl_tree]
  + Utf8 [blcodes]
  + Utf8 [block_start]
  + Utf8 [bstate]
  + Utf8 [buf]
  + Utf8 [buffer error]
  + Utf8 [build_bl_tree]
  + Utf8 [build_tree]
  + Utf8 [c]
  + Utf8 [c2]
  + Utf8 [chain_length]
  + Utf8 [code]
  + Utf8 [com/jcraft/jzlib/Adler32]
  + Utf8 [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate]
  + Utf8 [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config]
  + Utf8 [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree]
  + Utf8 [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree]
  + Utf8 [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream]
  + Utf8 [compress_block]
  + Utf8 [config_table]
  + Utf8 [copy_block]
  + Utf8 [count]
  + Utf8 [cur_match]
  + Utf8 [curlen]
  + Utf8 [d_buf]
  + Utf8 [d_code]
  + Utf8 [d_desc]
  + Utf8 [data error]
  + Utf8 [data_type]
  + Utf8 [dcode]
  + Utf8 [dcodes]
  + Utf8 [deflate]
  + Utf8 [deflateInit]
  + Utf8 [deflateInit2]
  + Utf8 [deflateReset]
  + Utf8 [deflate_fast]
  + Utf8 [deflate_slow]
  + Utf8 [deflate_stored]
  + Utf8 [depth]
  + Utf8 [dist]
  + Utf8 [dstate]
  + Utf8 [dtree]
  + Utf8 [dyn_dtree]
  + Utf8 [dyn_ltree]
  + Utf8 [dyn_tree]
  + Utf8 [eof]
  + Utf8 [extra]
  + Utf8 [extra_dbits]
  + Utf8 [extra_lbits]
  + Utf8 [file error]
  + Utf8 [fill_window]
  + Utf8 [flush]
  + Utf8 [flush_block_only]
  + Utf8 [flush_pending]
  + Utf8 [func]
  + Utf8 [good_length]
  + Utf8 [good_match]
  + Utf8 [hash_bits]
  + Utf8 [hash_head]
  + Utf8 [hash_mask]
  + Utf8 [hash_shift]
  + Utf8 [hash_size]
  + Utf8 [head]
  + Utf8 [header]
  + Utf8 [heap]
  + Utf8 [heap_len]
  + Utf8 [heap_max]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [in_length]
  + Utf8 [incompatible version]
  + Utf8 [index]
  + Utf8 [init_block]
  + Utf8 [ins_h]
  + Utf8 [insufficient memory]
  + Utf8 [j]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [k]
  + Utf8 [l_buf]
  + Utf8 [l_desc]
  + Utf8 [last_eob_len]
  + Utf8 [last_flush]
  + Utf8 [last_lit]
  + Utf8 [lc]
  + Utf8 [lcodes]
  + Utf8 [len]
  + Utf8 [length]
  + Utf8 [level]
  + Utf8 [level_flags]
  + Utf8 [limit]
  + Utf8 [lit_bufsize]
  + Utf8 [lm_init]
  + Utf8 [longest_match]
  + Utf8 [lookahead]
  + Utf8 [ltree]
  + Utf8 [lx]
  + Utf8 [m]
  + Utf8 [match]
  + Utf8 [match_available]
  + Utf8 [match_length]
  + Utf8 [match_start]
  + Utf8 [matches]
  + Utf8 [max_blindex]
  + Utf8 [max_block_size]
  + Utf8 [max_chain]
  + Utf8 [max_chain_length]
  + Utf8 [max_code]
  + Utf8 [max_count]
  + Utf8 [max_insert]
  + Utf8 [max_lazy]
  + Utf8 [max_lazy_match]
  + Utf8 [max_start]
  + Utf8 [memLevel]
  + Utf8 [method]
  + Utf8 [min_count]
  + Utf8 [more]
  + Utf8 [msg]
  + Utf8 [n]
  + Utf8 [need dictionary]
  + Utf8 [next_in]
  + Utf8 [next_out]
  + Utf8 [nextlen]
  + Utf8 [nice_length]
  + Utf8 [nice_match]
  + Utf8 [noheader]
  + Utf8 [old_flush]
  + Utf8 [opt_len]
  + Utf8 [opt_lenb]
  + Utf8 [out_length]
  + Utf8 [p]
  + Utf8 [pending]
  + Utf8 [pending_buf]
  + Utf8 [pending_buf_size]
  + Utf8 [pending_out]
  + Utf8 [pqdownheap]
  + Utf8 [prev]
  + Utf8 [prev_length]
  + Utf8 [prev_match]
  + Utf8 [prevlen]
  + Utf8 [putShortMSB]
  + Utf8 [put_byte]
  + Utf8 [put_short]
  + Utf8 [rank]
  + Utf8 [read_buf]
  + Utf8 [scan]
  + Utf8 [scan_end]
  + Utf8 [scan_end1]
  + Utf8 [scan_tree]
  + Utf8 [send_all_trees]
  + Utf8 [send_bits]
  + Utf8 [send_code]
  + Utf8 [send_tree]
  + Utf8 [set_data_type]
  + Utf8 [smaller]
  + Utf8 [start]
  + Utf8 [stat_desc]
  + Utf8 [static_bl_desc]
  + Utf8 [static_d_desc]
  + Utf8 [static_dtree]
  + Utf8 [static_l_desc]
  + Utf8 [static_len]
  + Utf8 [static_lenb]
  + Utf8 [static_ltree]
  + Utf8 [status]
  + Utf8 [stored_len]
  + Utf8 [strategy]
  + Utf8 [stream end]
  + Utf8 [stream error]
  + Utf8 [strend]
  + Utf8 [strm]
  + Utf8 [strstart]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [tm2]
  + Utf8 [tn2]
  + Utf8 [total_in]
  + Utf8 [total_out]
  + Utf8 [tr_init]
  + Utf8 [tree]
  + Utf8 [v]
  + Utf8 [val]
  + Utf8 [value]
  + Utf8 [w]
  + Utf8 [w_bits]
  + Utf8 [w_mask]
  + Utf8 [w_size]
  + Utf8 [window]
  + Utf8 [windowBits]
  + Utf8 [window_size]
  + Utf8 [wmask]
  + Utf8 [z_errmsg]

Fields (count = 59):
  + Field:        config_table [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config;
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final com.jcraft.jzlib.Deflate$Config[] config_table
  + Field:        z_errmsg [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final java.lang.String[] z_errmsg
  + Field:        strm Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = com.jcraft.jzlib.ZStream strm
  + Field:        status I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int status
  + Field:        pending_buf [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] pending_buf
  + Field:        pending_buf_size I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int pending_buf_size
  + Field:        pending_out I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int pending_out
  + Field:        pending I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int pending
  + Field:        noheader I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int noheader
  + Field:        data_type B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte data_type
  + Field:        method B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte method
  + Field:        last_flush I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int last_flush
  + Field:        w_size I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int w_size
  + Field:        w_bits I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int w_bits
  + Field:        w_mask I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int w_mask
  + Field:        window [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] window
  + Field:        window_size I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int window_size
  + Field:        prev [S
    Access flags: 0x0
      = short[] prev
  + Field:        head [S
    Access flags: 0x0
      = short[] head
  + Field:        ins_h I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int ins_h
  + Field:        hash_size I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int hash_size
  + Field:        hash_bits I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int hash_bits
  + Field:        hash_mask I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int hash_mask
  + Field:        hash_shift I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int hash_shift
  + Field:        block_start I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int block_start
  + Field:        match_length I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int match_length
  + Field:        prev_match I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int prev_match
  + Field:        match_available I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int match_available
  + Field:        strstart I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int strstart
  + Field:        match_start I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int match_start
  + Field:        lookahead I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int lookahead
  + Field:        prev_length I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int prev_length
  + Field:        max_chain_length I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int max_chain_length
  + Field:        max_lazy_match I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int max_lazy_match
  + Field:        level I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int level
  + Field:        strategy I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int strategy
  + Field:        good_match I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int good_match
  + Field:        nice_match I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int nice_match
  + Field:        dyn_ltree [S
    Access flags: 0x0
      = short[] dyn_ltree
  + Field:        dyn_dtree [S
    Access flags: 0x0
      = short[] dyn_dtree
  + Field:        bl_tree [S
    Access flags: 0x0
      = short[] bl_tree
  + Field:        l_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Tree;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = com.jcraft.jzlib.Tree l_desc
  + Field:        d_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Tree;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = com.jcraft.jzlib.Tree d_desc
  + Field:        bl_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Tree;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = com.jcraft.jzlib.Tree bl_desc
  + Field:        bl_count [S
    Access flags: 0x0
      = short[] bl_count
  + Field:        heap [I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int[] heap
  + Field:        heap_len I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int heap_len
  + Field:        heap_max I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int heap_max
  + Field:        depth [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] depth
  + Field:        l_buf I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int l_buf
  + Field:        lit_bufsize I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int lit_bufsize
  + Field:        last_lit I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int last_lit
  + Field:        d_buf I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int d_buf
  + Field:        opt_len I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int opt_len
  + Field:        static_len I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int static_len
  + Field:        matches I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int matches
  + Field:        last_eob_len I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int last_eob_len
  + Field:        bi_buf S
    Access flags: 0x0
      = short bi_buf
  + Field:        bi_valid I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int bi_valid

Methods (count = 36):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 283, locals = 0, stack = 9):
      [0] bipush 10
      [2] anewarray #14
        + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config]
      [5] putstatic #31
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.config_table [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config;]
      [8] getstatic #31
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.config_table [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config;]
      [11] iconst_0
      [12] new #14
        + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config]
      [15] dup
      [16] iconst_0
      [17] iconst_0
      [18] iconst_0
      [19] iconst_0
      [20] iconst_0
      [21] invokespecial #145
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config.<init> (IIIII)V]
      [24] aastore
      [25] getstatic #31
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.config_table [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config;]
      [28] iconst_1
      [29] new #14
        + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config]
      [32] dup
      [33] iconst_4
      [34] iconst_4
      [35] bipush 8
      [37] iconst_4
      [38] iconst_1
      [39] invokespecial #145
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config.<init> (IIIII)V]
      [42] aastore
      [43] getstatic #31
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.config_table [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config;]
      [46] iconst_2
      [47] new #14
        + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config]
      [50] dup
      [51] iconst_4
      [52] iconst_5
      [53] bipush 16
      [55] bipush 8
      [57] iconst_1
      [58] invokespecial #145
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config.<init> (IIIII)V]
      [61] aastore
      [62] getstatic #31
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.config_table [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config;]
      [65] iconst_3
      [66] new #14
        + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config]
      [69] dup
      [70] iconst_4
      [71] bipush 6
      [73] bipush 32
      [75] bipush 32
      [77] iconst_1
      [78] invokespecial #145
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config.<init> (IIIII)V]
      [81] aastore
      [82] getstatic #31
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.config_table [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config;]
      [85] iconst_4
      [86] new #14
        + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config]
      [89] dup
      [90] iconst_4
      [91] iconst_4
      [92] bipush 16
      [94] bipush 16
      [96] iconst_2
      [97] invokespecial #145
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config.<init> (IIIII)V]
      [100] aastore
      [101] getstatic #31
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.config_table [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config;]
      [104] iconst_5
      [105] new #14
        + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config]
      [108] dup
      [109] bipush 8
      [111] bipush 16
      [113] bipush 32
      [115] bipush 32
      [117] iconst_2
      [118] invokespecial #145
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config.<init> (IIIII)V]
      [121] aastore
      [122] getstatic #31
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.config_table [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config;]
      [125] bipush 6
      [127] new #14
        + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config]
      [130] dup
      [131] bipush 8
      [133] bipush 16
      [135] sipush 128
      [138] sipush 128
      [141] iconst_2
      [142] invokespecial #145
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config.<init> (IIIII)V]
      [145] aastore
      [146] getstatic #31
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.config_table [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config;]
      [149] bipush 7
      [151] new #14
        + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config]
      [154] dup
      [155] bipush 8
      [157] bipush 32
      [159] sipush 128
      [162] sipush 256
      [165] iconst_2
      [166] invokespecial #145
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config.<init> (IIIII)V]
      [169] aastore
      [170] getstatic #31
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.config_table [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config;]
      [173] bipush 8
      [175] new #14
        + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config]
      [178] dup
      [179] bipush 32
      [181] sipush 128
      [184] sipush 258
      [187] sipush 1024
      [190] iconst_2
      [191] invokespecial #145
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config.<init> (IIIII)V]
      [194] aastore
      [195] getstatic #31
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.config_table [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config;]
      [198] bipush 9
      [200] new #14
        + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config]
      [203] dup
      [204] bipush 32
      [206] sipush 258
      [209] sipush 258
      [212] sipush 4096
      [215] iconst_2
      [216] invokespecial #145
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config.<init> (IIIII)V]
      [219] aastore
      [220] bipush 10
      [222] anewarray #19
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [225] dup
      [226] iconst_0
      [227] ldc #9
        + String [need dictionary]
      [229] aastore
      [230] dup
      [231] iconst_1
      [232] ldc #10
        + String [stream end]
      [234] aastore
      [235] dup
      [236] iconst_2
      [237] ldc #3
        + String []
      [239] aastore
      [240] dup
      [241] iconst_3
      [242] ldc #6
        + String [file error]
      [244] aastore
      [245] dup
      [246] iconst_4
      [247] ldc #11
        + String [stream error]
      [249] aastore
      [250] dup
      [251] iconst_5
      [252] ldc #5
        + String [data error]
      [254] aastore
      [255] dup
      [256] bipush 6
      [258] ldc #8
        + String [insufficient memory]
      [260] aastore
      [261] dup
      [262] bipush 7
      [264] ldc #4
        + String [buffer error]
      [266] aastore
      [267] dup
      [268] bipush 8
      [270] ldc #7
        + String [incompatible version]
      [272] aastore
      [273] dup
      [274] bipush 9
      [276] ldc #3
        + String []
      [278] aastore
      [279] putstatic #82
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.z_errmsg [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [282] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 24)
        [0] -> line 68
        [8] -> line 70
        [25] -> line 71
        [43] -> line 72
        [62] -> line 73
        [82] -> line 75
        [101] -> line 76
        [122] -> line 77
        [146] -> line 78
        [170] -> line 79
        [195] -> line 80
        [220] -> line 83
        [227] -> line 84
        [232] -> line 85
        [237] -> line 86
        [242] -> line 87
        [247] -> line 88
        [252] -> line 89
        [258] -> line 90
        [264] -> line 91
        [270] -> line 92
        [276] -> line 93
        [279] -> line 83
        [282] -> line 38
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = Deflate()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 89, locals = 1, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #151
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] new #16
        + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree]
      [8] dup
      [9] invokespecial #146
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.<init> ()V]
      [12] putfield #48
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.l_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Tree;]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] new #16
        + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree]
      [19] dup
      [20] invokespecial #146
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.<init> ()V]
      [23] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.d_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Tree;]
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] new #16
        + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree]
      [30] dup
      [31] invokespecial #146
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.<init> ()V]
      [34] putfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bl_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Tree;]
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] bipush 16
      [40] newarray 9
      [42] putfield #27
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bl_count [S]
      [45] aload_0 v0
      [46] sipush 573
      [49] newarray 10
      [51] putfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap [I]
      [54] aload_0 v0
      [55] sipush 573
      [58] newarray 8
      [60] putfield #35
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.depth [B]
      [63] aload_0 v0
      [64] sipush 1146
      [67] newarray 9
      [69] putfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.dyn_ltree [S]
      [72] aload_0 v0
      [73] bipush 122
      [75] newarray 9
      [77] putfield #36
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.dyn_dtree [S]
      [80] aload_0 v0
      [81] bipush 78
      [83] newarray 9
      [85] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bl_tree [S]
      [88] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 11)
        [0] -> line 320
        [4] -> line 260
        [15] -> line 261
        [26] -> line 262
        [37] -> line 265
        [45] -> line 268
        [54] -> line 276
        [63] -> line 321
        [72] -> line 322
        [80] -> line 323
        [88] -> line 324
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 89 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate; this]
  + Method:       lm_init()V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = void lm_init()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 143, locals = 2, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iconst_2
      [2] aload_0 v0
      [3] getfield #79
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.w_size I]
      [6] imul
      [7] putfield #81
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window_size I]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] getfield #43
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.head [S]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] getfield #42
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.hash_size I]
      [18] iconst_1
      [19] isub
      [20] iconst_0
      [21] sastore
      [22] iconst_0
      [23] istore_1 v1
      [24] goto +13 (target=37)
      [27] aload_0 v0
      [28] getfield #43
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.head [S]
      [31] iload_1 v1
      [32] iconst_0
      [33] sastore
      [34] iinc v1, 1
      [37] iload_1 v1
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] getfield #42
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.hash_size I]
      [42] iconst_1
      [43] isub
      [44] ificmplt -17 (target=27)
      [47] aload_0 v0
      [48] getstatic #31
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.config_table [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config;]
      [51] aload_0 v0
      [52] getfield #52
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.level I]
      [55] aaload
      [56] getfield #86
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config.max_lazy I]
      [59] putfield #60
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.max_lazy_match I]
      [62] aload_0 v0
      [63] getstatic #31
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.config_table [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config;]
      [66] aload_0 v0
      [67] getfield #52
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.level I]
      [70] aaload
      [71] getfield #84
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config.good_length I]
      [74] putfield #38
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.good_match I]
      [77] aload_0 v0
      [78] getstatic #31
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.config_table [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config;]
      [81] aload_0 v0
      [82] getfield #52
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.level I]
      [85] aaload
      [86] getfield #87
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config.nice_length I]
      [89] putfield #62
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.nice_match I]
      [92] aload_0 v0
      [93] getstatic #31
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.config_table [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config;]
      [96] aload_0 v0
      [97] getfield #52
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.level I]
      [100] aaload
      [101] getfield #85
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config.max_chain I]
      [104] putfield #59
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.max_chain_length I]
      [107] aload_0 v0
      [108] iconst_0
      [109] putfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [112] aload_0 v0
      [113] iconst_0
      [114] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.block_start I]
      [117] aload_0 v0
      [118] iconst_0
      [119] putfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lookahead I]
      [122] aload_0 v0
      [123] aload_0 v0
      [124] iconst_2
      [125] dup_x1
      [126] putfield #70
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.prev_length I]
      [129] putfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.match_length I]
      [132] aload_0 v0
      [133] iconst_0
      [134] putfield #55
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.match_available I]
      [137] aload_0 v0
      [138] iconst_0
      [139] putfield #46
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.ins_h I]
      [142] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 16)
        [0] -> line 327
        [10] -> line 329
        [22] -> line 330
        [27] -> line 331
        [34] -> line 330
        [47] -> line 335
        [62] -> line 336
        [77] -> line 337
        [92] -> line 338
        [107] -> line 340
        [112] -> line 341
        [117] -> line 342
        [122] -> line 343
        [132] -> line 344
        [137] -> line 345
        [142] -> line 346
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 143 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate; this]
        v1: 24 -> 47 [I i]
  + Method:       tr_init()V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = void tr_init()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 84, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #48
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.l_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Tree;]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.dyn_ltree [S]
      [8] putfield #97
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.dyn_tree [S]
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] getfield #48
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.l_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Tree;]
      [15] getstatic #91
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.static_l_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree;]
      [18] putfield #101
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.stat_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree;]
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.d_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Tree;]
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] getfield #36
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.dyn_dtree [S]
      [29] putfield #97
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.dyn_tree [S]
      [32] aload_0 v0
      [33] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.d_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Tree;]
      [36] getstatic #89
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.static_d_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree;]
      [39] putfield #101
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.stat_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree;]
      [42] aload_0 v0
      [43] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bl_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Tree;]
      [46] aload_0 v0
      [47] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bl_tree [S]
      [50] putfield #97
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.dyn_tree [S]
      [53] aload_0 v0
      [54] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bl_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Tree;]
      [57] getstatic #88
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.static_bl_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree;]
      [60] putfield #101
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.stat_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree;]
      [63] aload_0 v0
      [64] iconst_0
      [65] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bi_buf S]
      [68] aload_0 v0
      [69] iconst_0
      [70] putfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bi_valid I]
      [73] aload_0 v0
      [74] bipush 8
      [76] putfield #49
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.last_eob_len I]
      [79] aload_0 v0
      [80] invokevirtual #130
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.init_block ()V]
      [83] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 11)
        [0] -> line 351
        [11] -> line 352
        [21] -> line 354
        [32] -> line 355
        [42] -> line 357
        [53] -> line 358
        [63] -> line 360
        [68] -> line 361
        [73] -> line 362
        [79] -> line 365
        [83] -> line 366
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 84 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate; this]
  + Method:       init_block()V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = void init_block()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 100, locals = 2, stack = 4):
      [0] iconst_0
      [1] istore_1 v1
      [2] goto +15 (target=17)
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] getfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.dyn_ltree [S]
      [9] iload_1 v1
      [10] iconst_2
      [11] imul
      [12] iconst_0
      [13] sastore
      [14] iinc v1, 1
      [17] iload_1 v1
      [18] sipush 286
      [21] ificmplt -16 (target=5)
      [24] iconst_0
      [25] istore_1 v1
      [26] goto +15 (target=41)
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] getfield #36
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.dyn_dtree [S]
      [33] iload_1 v1
      [34] iconst_2
      [35] imul
      [36] iconst_0
      [37] sastore
      [38] iinc v1, 1
      [41] iload_1 v1
      [42] bipush 30
      [44] ificmplt -15 (target=29)
      [47] iconst_0
      [48] istore_1 v1
      [49] goto +15 (target=64)
      [52] aload_0 v0
      [53] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bl_tree [S]
      [56] iload_1 v1
      [57] iconst_2
      [58] imul
      [59] iconst_0
      [60] sastore
      [61] iinc v1, 1
      [64] iload_1 v1
      [65] bipush 19
      [67] ificmplt -15 (target=52)
      [70] aload_0 v0
      [71] getfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.dyn_ltree [S]
      [74] sipush 512
      [77] iconst_1
      [78] sastore
      [79] aload_0 v0
      [80] aload_0 v0
      [81] iconst_0
      [82] dup_x1
      [83] putfield #72
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.static_len I]
      [86] putfield #64
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.opt_len I]
      [89] aload_0 v0
      [90] aload_0 v0
      [91] iconst_0
      [92] dup_x1
      [93] putfield #58
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.matches I]
      [96] putfield #51
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.last_lit I]
      [99] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 370
        [24] -> line 371
        [47] -> line 372
        [70] -> line 374
        [79] -> line 375
        [89] -> line 376
        [99] -> line 377
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 100 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate; this]
        v1: 2 -> 24 [I i]
        v1: 26 -> 47 [I i]
        v1: 49 -> 70 [I i]
  + Method:       pqdownheap([SI)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = void pqdownheap(short[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 115, locals = 5, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap [I]
      [4] iload_2 v2
      [5] iaload
      [6] istore_3 v3
      [7] iload_2 v2
      [8] iconst_1
      [9] ishl
      [10] istore v4
      [12] goto +86 (target=98)
      [15] iload v4
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap_len I]
      [21] ificmpge +33 (target=54)
      [24] aload_1 v1
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap [I]
      [29] iload v4
      [31] iconst_1
      [32] iadd
      [33] iaload
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap [I]
      [38] iload v4
      [40] iaload
      [41] aload_0 v0
      [42] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.depth [B]
      [45] invokestatic #143
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.smaller ([SII[B)Z]
      [48] ifeq +6 (target=54)
      [51] iinc v4, 1
      [54] aload_1 v1
      [55] iload_3 v3
      [56] aload_0 v0
      [57] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap [I]
      [60] iload v4
      [62] iaload
      [63] aload_0 v0
      [64] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.depth [B]
      [67] invokestatic #143
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.smaller ([SII[B)Z]
      [70] ifeq +6 (target=76)
      [73] goto +34 (target=107)
      [76] aload_0 v0
      [77] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap [I]
      [80] iload_2 v2
      [81] aload_0 v0
      [82] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap [I]
      [85] iload v4
      [87] iaload
      [88] iastore
      [89] iload v4
      [91] istore_2 v2
      [92] iload v4
      [94] iconst_1
      [95] ishl
      [96] istore v4
      [98] iload v4
      [100] aload_0 v0
      [101] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap_len I]
      [104] ificmple -89 (target=15)
      [107] aload_0 v0
      [108] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap [I]
      [111] iload_2 v2
      [112] iload_3 v3
      [113] iastore
      [114] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 12)
        [0] -> line 386
        [7] -> line 387
        [12] -> line 388
        [15] -> line 390
        [24] -> line 391
        [51] -> line 392
        [54] -> line 395
        [76] -> line 398
        [92] -> line 400
        [98] -> line 388
        [107] -> line 402
        [114] -> line 403
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 115 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate; this]
        v1: 0 -> 115 [[S tree]
        v2: 0 -> 115 [I k]
        v3: 7 -> 115 [I v]
        v4: 12 -> 115 [I j]
  + Method:       smaller([SII[B)Z
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static boolean smaller(short[],int,int,byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 41, locals = 6, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] iconst_2
      [3] imul
      [4] saload
      [5] istore v4
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] iload_2 v2
      [9] iconst_2
      [10] imul
      [11] saload
      [12] istore v5
      [14] iload v4
      [16] iload v5
      [18] ificmplt +21 (target=39)
      [21] iload v4
      [23] iload v5
      [25] ificmpne +12 (target=37)
      [28] aload_3 v3
      [29] iload_1 v1
      [30] baload
      [31] aload_3 v3
      [32] iload_2 v2
      [33] baload
      [34] ificmple +5 (target=39)
      [37] iconst_0
      [38] ireturn
      [39] iconst_1
      [40] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 406
        [7] -> line 407
        [14] -> line 408
        [21] -> line 409
        [40] -> line 408
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 41 [[S tree]
        v1: 0 -> 41 [I n]
        v2: 0 -> 41 [I m]
        v3: 0 -> 41 [[B depth]
        v4: 7 -> 41 [S tn2]
        v5: 14 -> 41 [S tm2]
  + Method:       scan_tree([SI)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = void scan_tree(short[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 237, locals = 10, stack = 4):
      [0] iconst_m1
      [1] istore v4
      [3] aload_1 v1
      [4] iconst_1
      [5] saload
      [6] istore v6
      [8] iconst_0
      [9] istore v7
      [11] bipush 7
      [13] istore v8
      [15] iconst_4
      [16] istore v9
      [18] iload v6
      [20] ifne +11 (target=31)
      [23] sipush 138
      [26] istore v8
      [28] iconst_3
      [29] istore v9
      [31] aload_1 v1
      [32] iload_2 v2
      [33] iconst_1
      [34] iadd
      [35] iconst_2
      [36] imul
      [37] iconst_1
      [38] iadd
      [39] iconst_m1
      [40] sastore
      [41] iconst_0
      [42] istore_3 v3
      [43] goto +188 (target=231)
      [46] iload v6
      [48] istore v5
      [50] aload_1 v1
      [51] iload_3 v3
      [52] iconst_1
      [53] iadd
      [54] iconst_2
      [55] imul
      [56] iconst_1
      [57] iadd
      [58] saload
      [59] istore v6
      [61] iinc v7, 1
      [64] iload v7
      [66] iload v8
      [68] ificmpge +13 (target=81)
      [71] iload v5
      [73] iload v6
      [75] ificmpne +6 (target=81)
      [78] goto +150 (target=228)
      [81] iload v7
      [83] iload v9
      [85] ificmpge +21 (target=106)
      [88] aload_0 v0
      [89] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bl_tree [S]
      [92] iload v5
      [94] iconst_2
      [95] imul
      [96] dup2
      [97] saload
      [98] iload v7
      [100] iadd
      [101] i2s
      [102] sastore
      [103] goto +78 (target=181)
      [106] iload v5
      [108] ifeq +39 (target=147)
      [111] iload v5
      [113] iload v4
      [115] ificmpeq +17 (target=132)
      [118] aload_0 v0
      [119] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bl_tree [S]
      [122] iload v5
      [124] iconst_2
      [125] imul
      [126] dup2
      [127] saload
      [128] iconst_1
      [129] iadd
      [130] i2s
      [131] sastore
      [132] aload_0 v0
      [133] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bl_tree [S]
      [136] bipush 32
      [138] dup2
      [139] saload
      [140] iconst_1
      [141] iadd
      [142] i2s
      [143] sastore
      [144] goto +37 (target=181)
      [147] iload v7
      [149] bipush 10
      [151] ificmpgt +18 (target=169)
      [154] aload_0 v0
      [155] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bl_tree [S]
      [158] bipush 34
      [160] dup2
      [161] saload
      [162] iconst_1
      [163] iadd
      [164] i2s
      [165] sastore
      [166] goto +15 (target=181)
      [169] aload_0 v0
      [170] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bl_tree [S]
      [173] bipush 36
      [175] dup2
      [176] saload
      [177] iconst_1
      [178] iadd
      [179] i2s
      [180] sastore
      [181] iconst_0
      [182] istore v7
      [184] iload v5
      [186] istore v4
      [188] iload v6
      [190] ifne +14 (target=204)
      [193] sipush 138
      [196] istore v8
      [198] iconst_3
      [199] istore v9
      [201] goto +27 (target=228)
      [204] iload v5
      [206] iload v6
      [208] ificmpne +13 (target=221)
      [211] bipush 6
      [213] istore v8
      [215] iconst_3
      [216] istore v9
      [218] goto +10 (target=228)
      [221] bipush 7
      [223] istore v8
      [225] iconst_4
      [226] istore v9
      [228] iinc v3, 1
      [231] iload_3 v3
      [232] iload_2 v2
      [233] ificmple -187 (target=46)
      [236] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 27)
        [0] -> line 418
        [3] -> line 420
        [8] -> line 421
        [11] -> line 422
        [15] -> line 423
        [18] -> line 425
        [31] -> line 426
        [41] -> line 428
        [46] -> line 429
        [61] -> line 430
        [78] -> line 431
        [81] -> line 433
        [88] -> line 434
        [106] -> line 436
        [111] -> line 437
        [132] -> line 438
        [147] -> line 440
        [154] -> line 441
        [169] -> line 444
        [181] -> line 446
        [188] -> line 447
        [193] -> line 448
        [204] -> line 450
        [211] -> line 451
        [221] -> line 454
        [228] -> line 428
        [236] -> line 457
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 10)
        v0: 0 -> 237 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate; this]
        v1: 0 -> 237 [[S tree]
        v2: 0 -> 237 [I max_code]
        v3: 43 -> 237 [I n]
        v4: 3 -> 237 [I prevlen]
        v5: 50 -> 231 [I curlen]
        v6: 8 -> 237 [I nextlen]
        v7: 11 -> 237 [I count]
        v8: 15 -> 237 [I max_count]
        v9: 18 -> 237 [I min_count]
  + Method:       build_bl_tree()I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int build_bl_tree()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 94, locals = 2, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_0 v0
      [2] getfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.dyn_ltree [S]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] getfield #48
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.l_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Tree;]
      [9] getfield #100
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.max_code I]
      [12] invokevirtual #137
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.scan_tree ([SI)V]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] aload_0 v0
      [17] getfield #36
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.dyn_dtree [S]
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.d_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Tree;]
      [24] getfield #100
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.max_code I]
      [27] invokevirtual #137
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.scan_tree ([SI)V]
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bl_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Tree;]
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] invokevirtual #147
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.build_tree (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate;)V]
      [38] bipush 18
      [40] istore_1 v1
      [41] goto +26 (target=67)
      [44] aload_0 v0
      [45] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bl_tree [S]
      [48] getstatic #96
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.bl_order [B]
      [51] iload_1 v1
      [52] baload
      [53] iconst_2
      [54] imul
      [55] iconst_1
      [56] iadd
      [57] saload
      [58] ifeq +6 (target=64)
      [61] goto +11 (target=72)
      [64] iinc v1, -1
      [67] iload_1 v1
      [68] iconst_3
      [69] ificmpge -25 (target=44)
      [72] aload_0 v0
      [73] dup
      [74] getfield #64
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.opt_len I]
      [77] iconst_3
      [78] iload_1 v1
      [79] iconst_1
      [80] iadd
      [81] imul
      [82] iconst_5
      [83] iadd
      [84] iconst_5
      [85] iadd
      [86] iconst_4
      [87] iadd
      [88] iadd
      [89] putfield #64
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.opt_len I]
      [92] iload_1 v1
      [93] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 465
        [15] -> line 466
        [30] -> line 469
        [38] -> line 476
        [44] -> line 477
        [64] -> line 476
        [72] -> line 480
        [92] -> line 482
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 94 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate; this]
        v1: 41 -> 94 [I max_blindex]
  + Method:       send_all_trees(III)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = void send_all_trees(int,int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 84, locals = 5, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] sipush 257
      [5] isub
      [6] iconst_5
      [7] invokevirtual #139
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.send_bits (II)V]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] iload_2 v2
      [12] iconst_1
      [13] isub
      [14] iconst_5
      [15] invokevirtual #139
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.send_bits (II)V]
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] iload_3 v3
      [20] iconst_4
      [21] isub
      [22] iconst_4
      [23] invokevirtual #139
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.send_bits (II)V]
      [26] iconst_0
      [27] istore v4
      [29] goto +26 (target=55)
      [32] aload_0 v0
      [33] aload_0 v0
      [34] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bl_tree [S]
      [37] getstatic #96
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.bl_order [B]
      [40] iload v4
      [42] baload
      [43] iconst_2
      [44] imul
      [45] iconst_1
      [46] iadd
      [47] saload
      [48] iconst_3
      [49] invokevirtual #139
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.send_bits (II)V]
      [52] iinc v4, 1
      [55] iload v4
      [57] iload_3 v3
      [58] ificmplt -26 (target=32)
      [61] aload_0 v0
      [62] aload_0 v0
      [63] getfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.dyn_ltree [S]
      [66] iload_1 v1
      [67] iconst_1
      [68] isub
      [69] invokevirtual #141
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.send_tree ([SI)V]
      [72] aload_0 v0
      [73] aload_0 v0
      [74] getfield #36
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.dyn_dtree [S]
      [77] iload_2 v2
      [78] iconst_1
      [79] isub
      [80] invokevirtual #141
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.send_tree ([SI)V]
      [83] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 492
        [10] -> line 493
        [18] -> line 494
        [26] -> line 495
        [32] -> line 496
        [52] -> line 495
        [61] -> line 498
        [72] -> line 499
        [83] -> line 500
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 84 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate; this]
        v1: 0 -> 84 [I lcodes]
        v2: 0 -> 84 [I dcodes]
        v3: 0 -> 84 [I blcodes]
        v4: 29 -> 84 [I rank]
  + Method:       send_tree([SI)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = void send_tree(short[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 252, locals = 10, stack = 3):
      [0] iconst_m1
      [1] istore v4
      [3] aload_1 v1
      [4] iconst_1
      [5] saload
      [6] istore v6
      [8] iconst_0
      [9] istore v7
      [11] bipush 7
      [13] istore v8
      [15] iconst_4
      [16] istore v9
      [18] iload v6
      [20] ifne +11 (target=31)
      [23] sipush 138
      [26] istore v8
      [28] iconst_3
      [29] istore v9
      [31] iconst_0
      [32] istore_3 v3
      [33] goto +213 (target=246)
      [36] iload v6
      [38] istore v5
      [40] aload_1 v1
      [41] iload_3 v3
      [42] iconst_1
      [43] iadd
      [44] iconst_2
      [45] imul
      [46] iconst_1
      [47] iadd
      [48] saload
      [49] istore v6
      [51] iinc v7, 1
      [54] iload v7
      [56] iload v8
      [58] ificmpge +13 (target=71)
      [61] iload v5
      [63] iload v6
      [65] ificmpne +6 (target=71)
      [68] goto +175 (target=243)
      [71] iload v7
      [73] iload v9
      [75] ificmpge +24 (target=99)
      [78] aload_0 v0
      [79] iload v5
      [81] aload_0 v0
      [82] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bl_tree [S]
      [85] invokevirtual #140
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.send_code (I[S)V]
      [88] iinc v7, -1
      [91] iload v7
      [93] ifne -15 (target=78)
      [96] goto +100 (target=196)
      [99] iload v5
      [101] ifeq +45 (target=146)
      [104] iload v5
      [106] iload v4
      [108] ificmpeq +16 (target=124)
      [111] aload_0 v0
      [112] iload v5
      [114] aload_0 v0
      [115] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bl_tree [S]
      [118] invokevirtual #140
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.send_code (I[S)V]
      [121] iinc v7, -1
      [124] aload_0 v0
      [125] bipush 16
      [127] aload_0 v0
      [128] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bl_tree [S]
      [131] invokevirtual #140
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.send_code (I[S)V]
      [134] aload_0 v0
      [135] iload v7
      [137] iconst_3
      [138] isub
      [139] iconst_2
      [140] invokevirtual #139
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.send_bits (II)V]
      [143] goto +53 (target=196)
      [146] iload v7
      [148] bipush 10
      [150] ificmpgt +25 (target=175)
      [153] aload_0 v0
      [154] bipush 17
      [156] aload_0 v0
      [157] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bl_tree [S]
      [160] invokevirtual #140
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.send_code (I[S)V]
      [163] aload_0 v0
      [164] iload v7
      [166] iconst_3
      [167] isub
      [168] iconst_3
      [169] invokevirtual #139
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.send_bits (II)V]
      [172] goto +24 (target=196)
      [175] aload_0 v0
      [176] bipush 18
      [178] aload_0 v0
      [179] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bl_tree [S]
      [182] invokevirtual #140
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.send_code (I[S)V]
      [185] aload_0 v0
      [186] iload v7
      [188] bipush 11
      [190] isub
      [191] bipush 7
      [193] invokevirtual #139
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.send_bits (II)V]
      [196] iconst_0
      [197] istore v7
      [199] iload v5
      [201] istore v4
      [203] iload v6
      [205] ifne +14 (target=219)
      [208] sipush 138
      [211] istore v8
      [213] iconst_3
      [214] istore v9
      [216] goto +27 (target=243)
      [219] iload v5
      [221] iload v6
      [223] ificmpne +13 (target=236)
      [226] bipush 6
      [228] istore v8
      [230] iconst_3
      [231] istore v9
      [233] goto +10 (target=243)
      [236] bipush 7
      [238] istore v8
      [240] iconst_4
      [241] istore v9
      [243] iinc v3, 1
      [246] iload_3 v3
      [247] iload_2 v2
      [248] ificmple -212 (target=36)
      [251] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 30)
        [0] -> line 508
        [3] -> line 510
        [8] -> line 511
        [11] -> line 512
        [15] -> line 513
        [18] -> line 515
        [31] -> line 517
        [36] -> line 518
        [51] -> line 519
        [68] -> line 520
        [71] -> line 522
        [78] -> line 523
        [99] -> line 525
        [104] -> line 526
        [111] -> line 527
        [124] -> line 529
        [134] -> line 530
        [146] -> line 532
        [153] -> line 533
        [163] -> line 534
        [175] -> line 537
        [185] -> line 538
        [196] -> line 540
        [203] -> line 541
        [208] -> line 542
        [219] -> line 544
        [226] -> line 545
        [236] -> line 548
        [243] -> line 517
        [251] -> line 551
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 10)
        v0: 0 -> 252 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate; this]
        v1: 0 -> 252 [[S tree]
        v2: 0 -> 252 [I max_code]
        v3: 33 -> 252 [I n]
        v4: 3 -> 252 [I prevlen]
        v5: 40 -> 246 [I curlen]
        v6: 8 -> 252 [I nextlen]
        v7: 11 -> 252 [I count]
        v8: 15 -> 252 [I max_count]
        v9: 18 -> 252 [I min_count]
  + Method:       put_byte([BII)V
    Access flags: 0x10
      = final void put_byte(byte[],int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 25, locals = 4, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] iload_2 v2
      [2] aload_0 v0
      [3] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pending_buf [B]
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] getfield #65
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pending I]
      [10] iload_3 v3
      [11] invokestatic #152
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] dup
      [16] getfield #65
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pending I]
      [19] iload_3 v3
      [20] iadd
      [21] putfield #65
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pending I]
      [24] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 556
        [14] -> line 557
        [24] -> line 558
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 25 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate; this]
        v1: 0 -> 25 [[B p]
        v2: 0 -> 25 [I start]
        v3: 0 -> 25 [I len]
  + Method:       put_byte(B)V
    Access flags: 0x10
      = final void put_byte(byte)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 18, locals = 2, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pending_buf [B]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] dup
      [6] getfield #65
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pending I]
      [9] dup_x1
      [10] iconst_1
      [11] iadd
      [12] putfield #65
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pending I]
      [15] iload_1 v1
      [16] bastore
      [17] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 561
        [17] -> line 562
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 18 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate; this]
        v1: 0 -> 18 [B c]
  + Method:       put_short(I)V
    Access flags: 0x10
      = final void put_short(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 16, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] i2b
      [3] invokevirtual #134
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.put_byte (B)V]
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] iload_1 v1
      [8] bipush 8
      [10] iushr
      [11] i2b
      [12] invokevirtual #134
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.put_byte (B)V]
      [15] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 564
        [6] -> line 565
        [15] -> line 566
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 16 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate; this]
        v1: 0 -> 16 [I w]
  + Method:       putShortMSB(I)V
    Access flags: 0x10
      = final void putShortMSB(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 16, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] bipush 8
      [4] ishr
      [5] i2b
      [6] invokevirtual #134
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.put_byte (B)V]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] iload_1 v1
      [11] i2b
      [12] invokevirtual #134
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.put_byte (B)V]
      [15] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 568
        [9] -> line 569
        [15] -> line 570
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 16 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate; this]
        v1: 0 -> 16 [I b]
  + Method:       send_code(I[S)V
    Access flags: 0x10
      = final void send_code(int,short[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 23, locals = 4, stack = 5):
      [0] iload_1 v1
      [1] iconst_2
      [2] imul
      [3] istore_3 v3
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aload_2 v2
      [6] iload_3 v3
      [7] saload
      [8] ldc #2
        + Integer [65535]
      [10] iand
      [11] aload_2 v2
      [12] iload_3 v3
      [13] iconst_1
      [14] iadd
      [15] saload
      [16] ldc #2
        + Integer [65535]
      [18] iand
      [19] invokevirtual #139
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.send_bits (II)V]
      [22] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 573
        [4] -> line 574
        [22] -> line 575
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 23 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate; this]
        v1: 0 -> 23 [I c]
        v2: 0 -> 23 [[S tree]
        v3: 4 -> 23 [I c2]
  + Method:       send_bits(II)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = void send_bits(int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 105, locals = 5, stack = 4):
      [0] iload_2 v2
      [1] istore_3 v3
      [2] aload_0 v0
      [3] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bi_valid I]
      [6] bipush 16
      [8] iload_3 v3
      [9] isub
      [10] ificmple +65 (target=75)
      [13] iload_1 v1
      [14] istore v4
      [16] aload_0 v0
      [17] dup
      [18] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bi_buf S]
      [21] iload v4
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bi_valid I]
      [27] ishl
      [28] ldc #2
        + Integer [65535]
      [30] iand
      [31] ior
      [32] i2s
      [33] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bi_buf S]
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bi_buf S]
      [41] invokevirtual #136
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.put_short (I)V]
      [44] aload_0 v0
      [45] iload v4
      [47] bipush 16
      [49] aload_0 v0
      [50] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bi_valid I]
      [53] isub
      [54] iushr
      [55] i2s
      [56] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bi_buf S]
      [59] aload_0 v0
      [60] dup
      [61] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bi_valid I]
      [64] iload_3 v3
      [65] bipush 16
      [67] isub
      [68] iadd
      [69] putfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bi_valid I]
      [72] goto +32 (target=104)
      [75] aload_0 v0
      [76] dup
      [77] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bi_buf S]
      [80] iload_1 v1
      [81] aload_0 v0
      [82] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bi_valid I]
      [85] ishl
      [86] ldc #2
        + Integer [65535]
      [88] iand
      [89] ior
      [90] i2s
      [91] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bi_buf S]
      [94] aload_0 v0
      [95] dup
      [96] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bi_valid I]
      [99] iload_3 v3
      [100] iadd
      [101] putfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bi_valid I]
      [104] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 10)
        [0] -> line 578
        [2] -> line 579
        [13] -> line 580
        [16] -> line 582
        [36] -> line 583
        [44] -> line 584
        [59] -> line 585
        [75] -> line 588
        [94] -> line 589
        [104] -> line 591
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 105 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate; this]
        v1: 0 -> 105 [I value]
        v2: 0 -> 105 [I length]
        v3: 2 -> 105 [I len]
        v4: 16 -> 75 [I val]
  + Method:       _tr_align()V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = void _tr_align()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 66, locals = 1, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iconst_2
      [2] iconst_3
      [3] invokevirtual #139
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.send_bits (II)V]
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] sipush 256
      [10] getstatic #92
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.static_ltree [S]
      [13] invokevirtual #140
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.send_code (I[S)V]
      [16] aload_0 v0
      [17] invokevirtual #118
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bi_flush ()V]
      [20] iconst_1
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.last_eob_len I]
      [25] iadd
      [26] bipush 10
      [28] iadd
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bi_valid I]
      [33] isub
      [34] bipush 9
      [36] ificmpge +23 (target=59)
      [39] aload_0 v0
      [40] iconst_2
      [41] iconst_3
      [42] invokevirtual #139
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.send_bits (II)V]
      [45] aload_0 v0
      [46] sipush 256
      [49] getstatic #92
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.static_ltree [S]
      [52] invokevirtual #140
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.send_code (I[S)V]
      [55] aload_0 v0
      [56] invokevirtual #118
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bi_flush ()V]
      [59] aload_0 v0
      [60] bipush 7
      [62] putfield #49
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.last_eob_len I]
      [65] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 603
        [6] -> line 604
        [16] -> line 606
        [20] -> line 612
        [39] -> line 613
        [45] -> line 614
        [55] -> line 615
        [59] -> line 617
        [65] -> line 618
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 66 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate; this]
  + Method:       _tr_tally(II)Z
    Access flags: 0x0
      = boolean _tr_tally(int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 264, locals = 6, stack = 8):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pending_buf [B]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.d_buf I]
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] getfield #51
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.last_lit I]
      [12] iconst_2
      [13] imul
      [14] iadd
      [15] iload_1 v1
      [16] bipush 8
      [18] iushr
      [19] i2b
      [20] bastore
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pending_buf [B]
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.d_buf I]
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] getfield #51
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.last_lit I]
      [33] iconst_2
      [34] imul
      [35] iadd
      [36] iconst_1
      [37] iadd
      [38] iload_1 v1
      [39] i2b
      [40] bastore
      [41] aload_0 v0
      [42] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pending_buf [B]
      [45] aload_0 v0
      [46] getfield #47
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.l_buf I]
      [49] aload_0 v0
      [50] getfield #51
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.last_lit I]
      [53] iadd
      [54] iload_2 v2
      [55] i2b
      [56] bastore
      [57] aload_0 v0
      [58] dup
      [59] getfield #51
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.last_lit I]
      [62] iconst_1
      [63] iadd
      [64] putfield #51
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.last_lit I]
      [67] iload_1 v1
      [68] ifne +19 (target=87)
      [71] aload_0 v0
      [72] getfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.dyn_ltree [S]
      [75] iload_2 v2
      [76] iconst_2
      [77] imul
      [78] dup2
      [79] saload
      [80] iconst_1
      [81] iadd
      [82] i2s
      [83] sastore
      [84] goto +55 (target=139)
      [87] aload_0 v0
      [88] dup
      [89] getfield #58
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.matches I]
      [92] iconst_1
      [93] iadd
      [94] putfield #58
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.matches I]
      [97] iinc v1, -1
      [100] aload_0 v0
      [101] getfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.dyn_ltree [S]
      [104] getstatic #93
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree._length_code [B]
      [107] iload_2 v2
      [108] baload
      [109] sipush 256
      [112] iadd
      [113] iconst_1
      [114] iadd
      [115] iconst_2
      [116] imul
      [117] dup2
      [118] saload
      [119] iconst_1
      [120] iadd
      [121] i2s
      [122] sastore
      [123] aload_0 v0
      [124] getfield #36
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.dyn_dtree [S]
      [127] iload_1 v1
      [128] invokestatic #148
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.d_code (I)I]
      [131] iconst_2
      [132] imul
      [133] dup2
      [134] saload
      [135] iconst_1
      [136] iadd
      [137] i2s
      [138] sastore
      [139] aload_0 v0
      [140] getfield #51
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.last_lit I]
      [143] sipush 8191
      [146] iand
      [147] ifne +100 (target=247)
      [150] aload_0 v0
      [151] getfield #52
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.level I]
      [154] iconst_2
      [155] ificmple +92 (target=247)
      [158] aload_0 v0
      [159] getfield #51
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.last_lit I]
      [162] bipush 8
      [164] imul
      [165] istore_3 v3
      [166] aload_0 v0
      [167] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [170] aload_0 v0
      [171] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.block_start I]
      [174] isub
      [175] istore v4
      [177] iconst_0
      [178] istore v5
      [180] goto +33 (target=213)
      [183] iload_3 v3
      [184] i2l
      [185] aload_0 v0
      [186] getfield #36
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.dyn_dtree [S]
      [189] iload v5
      [191] iconst_2
      [192] imul
      [193] saload
      [194] i2l
      [195] ldc2_w #21
        + Long [5]
      [198] getstatic #98
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.extra_dbits [I]
      [201] iload v5
      [203] iaload
      [204] i2l
      [205] ladd
      [206] lmul
      [207] ladd
      [208] l2i
      [209] istore_3 v3
      [210] iinc v5, 1
      [213] iload v5
      [215] bipush 30
      [217] ificmplt -34 (target=183)
      [220] iload_3 v3
      [221] iconst_3
      [222] iushr
      [223] istore_3 v3
      [224] aload_0 v0
      [225] getfield #58
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.matches I]
      [228] aload_0 v0
      [229] getfield #51
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.last_lit I]
      [232] iconst_2
      [233] idiv
      [234] ificmpge +13 (target=247)
      [237] iload_3 v3
      [238] iload v4
      [240] iconst_2
      [241] idiv
      [242] ificmpge +5 (target=247)
      [245] iconst_1
      [246] ireturn
      [247] aload_0 v0
      [248] getfield #51
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.last_lit I]
      [251] aload_0 v0
      [252] getfield #53
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lit_bufsize I]
      [255] iconst_1
      [256] isub
      [257] ificmpne +5 (target=262)
      [260] iconst_1
      [261] ireturn
      [262] iconst_0
      [263] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 20)
        [0] -> line 627
        [21] -> line 628
        [41] -> line 630
        [67] -> line 632
        [71] -> line 634
        [87] -> line 637
        [97] -> line 639
        [100] -> line 640
        [123] -> line 641
        [139] -> line 644
        [158] -> line 646
        [166] -> line 647
        [177] -> line 649
        [183] -> line 650
        [185] -> line 650
        [195] -> line 651
        [210] -> line 649
        [220] -> line 653
        [224] -> line 654
        [247] -> line 657
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 264 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate; this]
        v1: 0 -> 264 [I dist]
        v2: 0 -> 264 [I lc]
        v3: 166 -> 247 [I out_length]
        v4: 177 -> 247 [I in_length]
        v5: 180 -> 247 [I dcode]
  + Method:       compress_block([S[S)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = void compress_block(short[],short[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 212, locals = 8, stack = 5):
      [0] iconst_0
      [1] istore v5
      [3] aload_0 v0
      [4] getfield #51
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.last_lit I]
      [7] ifeq +187 (target=194)
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pending_buf [B]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.d_buf I]
      [18] iload v5
      [20] iconst_2
      [21] imul
      [22] iadd
      [23] baload
      [24] bipush 8
      [26] ishl
      [27] ldc #1
        + Integer [65280]
      [29] iand
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pending_buf [B]
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.d_buf I]
      [38] iload v5
      [40] iconst_2
      [41] imul
      [42] iadd
      [43] iconst_1
      [44] iadd
      [45] baload
      [46] sipush 255
      [49] iand
      [50] ior
      [51] istore_3 v3
      [52] aload_0 v0
      [53] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pending_buf [B]
      [56] aload_0 v0
      [57] getfield #47
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.l_buf I]
      [60] iload v5
      [62] iadd
      [63] baload
      [64] sipush 255
      [67] iand
      [68] istore v4
      [70] iinc v5, 1
      [73] iload_3 v3
      [74] ifne +13 (target=87)
      [77] aload_0 v0
      [78] iload v4
      [80] aload_1 v1
      [81] invokevirtual #140
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.send_code (I[S)V]
      [84] goto +101 (target=185)
      [87] getstatic #93
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree._length_code [B]
      [90] iload v4
      [92] baload
      [93] istore v6
      [95] aload_0 v0
      [96] iload v6
      [98] sipush 256
      [101] iadd
      [102] iconst_1
      [103] iadd
      [104] aload_1 v1
      [105] invokevirtual #140
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.send_code (I[S)V]
      [108] getstatic #99
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.extra_lbits [I]
      [111] iload v6
      [113] iaload
      [114] istore v7
      [116] iload v7
      [118] ifeq +22 (target=140)
      [121] iload v4
      [123] getstatic #95
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.base_length [I]
      [126] iload v6
      [128] iaload
      [129] isub
      [130] istore v4
      [132] aload_0 v0
      [133] iload v4
      [135] iload v7
      [137] invokevirtual #139
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.send_bits (II)V]
      [140] iinc v3, -1
      [143] iload_3 v3
      [144] invokestatic #148
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.d_code (I)I]
      [147] istore v6
      [149] aload_0 v0
      [150] iload v6
      [152] aload_2 v2
      [153] invokevirtual #140
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.send_code (I[S)V]
      [156] getstatic #98
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.extra_dbits [I]
      [159] iload v6
      [161] iaload
      [162] istore v7
      [164] iload v7
      [166] ifeq +19 (target=185)
      [169] iload_3 v3
      [170] getstatic #94
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.base_dist [I]
      [173] iload v6
      [175] iaload
      [176] isub
      [177] istore_3 v3
      [178] aload_0 v0
      [179] iload_3 v3
      [180] iload v7
      [182] invokevirtual #139
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.send_bits (II)V]
      [185] iload v5
      [187] aload_0 v0
      [188] getfield #51
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.last_lit I]
      [191] ificmplt -181 (target=10)
      [194] aload_0 v0
      [195] sipush 256
      [198] aload_1 v1
      [199] invokevirtual #140
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.send_code (I[S)V]
      [202] aload_0 v0
      [203] aload_1 v1
      [204] sipush 513
      [207] saload
      [208] putfield #49
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.last_eob_len I]
      [211] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 25)
        [0] -> line 667
        [3] -> line 671
        [10] -> line 673
        [30] -> line 674
        [50] -> line 673
        [52] -> line 675
        [73] -> line 677
        [77] -> line 678
        [87] -> line 682
        [95] -> line 684
        [108] -> line 685
        [116] -> line 686
        [121] -> line 687
        [132] -> line 688
        [140] -> line 690
        [143] -> line 691
        [149] -> line 693
        [156] -> line 694
        [164] -> line 695
        [169] -> line 696
        [178] -> line 697
        [185] -> line 703
        [194] -> line 706
        [202] -> line 707
        [211] -> line 708
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 8)
        v0: 0 -> 212 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate; this]
        v1: 0 -> 212 [[S ltree]
        v2: 0 -> 212 [[S dtree]
        v3: 52 -> 194 [I dist]
        v4: 70 -> 194 [I lc]
        v5: 3 -> 212 [I lx]
        v6: 95 -> 185 [I code]
        v7: 116 -> 185 [I extra]
  + Method:       set_data_type()V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = void set_data_type()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 95, locals = 4, stack = 4):
      [0] iconst_0
      [1] istore_1 v1
      [2] iconst_0
      [3] istore_2 v2
      [4] iconst_0
      [5] istore_3 v3
      [6] goto +17 (target=23)
      [9] iload_3 v3
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] getfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.dyn_ltree [S]
      [14] iload_1 v1
      [15] iconst_2
      [16] imul
      [17] saload
      [18] iadd
      [19] istore_3 v3
      [20] iinc v1, 1
      [23] iload_1 v1
      [24] bipush 7
      [26] ificmplt -17 (target=9)
      [29] goto +17 (target=46)
      [32] iload_2 v2
      [33] aload_0 v0
      [34] getfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.dyn_ltree [S]
      [37] iload_1 v1
      [38] iconst_2
      [39] imul
      [40] saload
      [41] iadd
      [42] istore_2 v2
      [43] iinc v1, 1
      [46] iload_1 v1
      [47] sipush 128
      [50] ificmplt -18 (target=32)
      [53] goto +17 (target=70)
      [56] iload_3 v3
      [57] aload_0 v0
      [58] getfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.dyn_ltree [S]
      [61] iload_1 v1
      [62] iconst_2
      [63] imul
      [64] saload
      [65] iadd
      [66] istore_3 v3
      [67] iinc v1, 1
      [70] iload_1 v1
      [71] sipush 256
      [74] ificmplt -18 (target=56)
      [77] aload_0 v0
      [78] iload_3 v3
      [79] iload_2 v2
      [80] iconst_2
      [81] iushr
      [82] ificmple +7 (target=89)
      [85] iconst_0
      [86] goto +4 (target=90)
      [89] iconst_1
      [90] i2b
      [91] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.data_type B]
      [94] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 715
        [2] -> line 716
        [4] -> line 717
        [6] -> line 718
        [29] -> line 719
        [53] -> line 720
        [77] -> line 721
        [94] -> line 722
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 95 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate; this]
        v1: 2 -> 95 [I n]
        v2: 4 -> 95 [I ascii_freq]
        v3: 6 -> 95 [I bin_freq]
  + Method:       bi_flush()V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = void bi_flush()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 72, locals = 1, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bi_valid I]
      [4] bipush 16
      [6] ificmpne +24 (target=30)
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bi_buf S]
      [14] invokevirtual #136
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.put_short (I)V]
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] iconst_0
      [19] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bi_buf S]
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] iconst_0
      [24] putfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bi_valid I]
      [27] goto +44 (target=71)
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bi_valid I]
      [34] bipush 8
      [36] ificmplt +35 (target=71)
      [39] aload_0 v0
      [40] aload_0 v0
      [41] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bi_buf S]
      [44] i2b
      [45] invokevirtual #134
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.put_byte (B)V]
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] dup
      [50] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bi_buf S]
      [53] bipush 8
      [55] iushr
      [56] i2s
      [57] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bi_buf S]
      [60] aload_0 v0
      [61] dup
      [62] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bi_valid I]
      [65] bipush 8
      [67] isub
      [68] putfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bi_valid I]
      [71] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 726
        [9] -> line 727
        [17] -> line 728
        [22] -> line 729
        [30] -> line 731
        [39] -> line 732
        [48] -> line 733
        [60] -> line 734
        [71] -> line 736
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 72 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate; this]
  + Method:       bi_windup()V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = void bi_windup()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 47, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bi_valid I]
      [4] bipush 8
      [6] ificmple +14 (target=20)
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bi_buf S]
      [14] invokevirtual #136
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.put_short (I)V]
      [17] goto +19 (target=36)
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bi_valid I]
      [24] ifle +12 (target=36)
      [27] aload_0 v0
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bi_buf S]
      [32] i2b
      [33] invokevirtual #134
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.put_byte (B)V]
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] iconst_0
      [38] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bi_buf S]
      [41] aload_0 v0
      [42] iconst_0
      [43] putfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bi_valid I]
      [46] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 740
        [9] -> line 741
        [20] -> line 742
        [27] -> line 743
        [36] -> line 745
        [41] -> line 746
        [46] -> line 747
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 47 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate; this]
  + Method:       copy_block(IIZ)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = void copy_block(int,int,boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 42, locals = 5, stack = 4):
      [0] iconst_0
      [1] istore v4
      [3] aload_0 v0
      [4] invokevirtual #119
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bi_windup ()V]
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] bipush 8
      [10] putfield #49
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.last_eob_len I]
      [13] iload_3 v3
      [14] ifeq +17 (target=31)
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] iload_2 v2
      [19] i2s
      [20] invokevirtual #136
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.put_short (I)V]
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] iload_2 v2
      [25] iconst_m1
      [26] ixor
      [27] i2s
      [28] invokevirtual #136
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.put_short (I)V]
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] aload_0 v0
      [33] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window [B]
      [36] iload_1 v1
      [37] iload_2 v2
      [38] invokevirtual #135
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.put_byte ([BII)V]
      [41] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 755
        [3] -> line 756
        [7] -> line 757
        [13] -> line 759
        [17] -> line 760
        [23] -> line 761
        [31] -> line 768
        [41] -> line 769
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 42 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate; this]
        v1: 0 -> 42 [I buf]
        v2: 0 -> 42 [I len]
        v3: 0 -> 42 [Z header]
        v4: 3 -> 42 [I index]
  + Method:       flush_block_only(Z)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = void flush_block_only(boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 45, locals = 2, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_0 v0
      [2] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.block_start I]
      [5] iflt +10 (target=15)
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.block_start I]
      [12] goto +4 (target=16)
      [15] iconst_m1
      [16] aload_0 v0
      [17] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.block_start I]
      [24] isub
      [25] iload_1 v1
      [26] invokevirtual #115
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate._tr_flush_block (IIZ)V]
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [34] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.block_start I]
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] getfield #75
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strm Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
      [41] invokevirtual #149
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.flush_pending ()V]
      [44] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 772
        [16] -> line 773
        [25] -> line 774
        [26] -> line 772
        [29] -> line 775
        [37] -> line 776
        [44] -> line 777
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 45 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate; this]
        v1: 0 -> 45 [Z eof]
  + Method:       deflate_stored(I)I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int deflate_stored(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 210, locals = 4, stack = 3):
      [0] ldc #2
        + Integer [65535]
      [2] istore_2 v2
      [3] iload_2 v2
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #67
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pending_buf_size I]
      [8] iconst_5
      [9] isub
      [10] ificmple +10 (target=20)
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] getfield #67
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pending_buf_size I]
      [17] iconst_5
      [18] isub
      [19] istore_2 v2
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lookahead I]
      [24] iconst_1
      [25] ificmpgt +30 (target=55)
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] invokevirtual #128
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.fill_window ()V]
      [32] aload_0 v0
      [33] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lookahead I]
      [36] ifne +9 (target=45)
      [39] iload_1 v1
      [40] ifne +5 (target=45)
      [43] iconst_0
      [44] ireturn
      [45] aload_0 v0
      [46] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lookahead I]
      [49] ifne +6 (target=55)
      [52] goto +112 (target=164)
      [55] aload_0 v0
      [56] dup
      [57] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [60] aload_0 v0
      [61] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lookahead I]
      [64] iadd
      [65] putfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [68] aload_0 v0
      [69] iconst_0
      [70] putfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lookahead I]
      [73] aload_0 v0
      [74] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.block_start I]
      [77] iload_2 v2
      [78] iadd
      [79] istore_3 v3
      [80] aload_0 v0
      [81] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [84] ifeq +11 (target=95)
      [87] aload_0 v0
      [88] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [91] iload_3 v3
      [92] ificmplt +35 (target=127)
      [95] aload_0 v0
      [96] aload_0 v0
      [97] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [100] iload_3 v3
      [101] isub
      [102] putfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lookahead I]
      [105] aload_0 v0
      [106] iload_3 v3
      [107] putfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [110] aload_0 v0
      [111] iconst_0
      [112] invokevirtual #129
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.flush_block_only (Z)V]
      [115] aload_0 v0
      [116] getfield #75
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strm Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
      [119] getfield #105
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_out I]
      [122] ifne +5 (target=127)
      [125] iconst_0
      [126] ireturn
      [127] aload_0 v0
      [128] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [131] aload_0 v0
      [132] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.block_start I]
      [135] isub
      [136] aload_0 v0
      [137] getfield #79
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.w_size I]
      [140] sipush 262
      [143] isub
      [144] ificmplt -124 (target=20)
      [147] aload_0 v0
      [148] iconst_0
      [149] invokevirtual #129
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.flush_block_only (Z)V]
      [152] aload_0 v0
      [153] getfield #75
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strm Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
      [156] getfield #105
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_out I]
      [159] ifne -139 (target=20)
      [162] iconst_0
      [163] ireturn
      [164] aload_0 v0
      [165] iload_1 v1
      [166] iconst_4
      [167] ificmpne +7 (target=174)
      [170] iconst_1
      [171] goto +4 (target=175)
      [174] iconst_0
      [175] invokevirtual #129
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.flush_block_only (Z)V]
      [178] aload_0 v0
      [179] getfield #75
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strm Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
      [182] getfield #105
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_out I]
      [185] ifne +14 (target=199)
      [188] iload_1 v1
      [189] iconst_4
      [190] ificmpne +7 (target=197)
      [193] iconst_2
      [194] goto +4 (target=198)
      [197] iconst_0
      [198] ireturn
      [199] iload_1 v1
      [200] iconst_4
      [201] ificmpne +7 (target=208)
      [204] iconst_3
      [205] goto +4 (target=209)
      [208] iconst_1
      [209] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 22)
        [0] -> line 790
        [3] -> line 793
        [13] -> line 794
        [20] -> line 800
        [28] -> line 801
        [32] -> line 802
        [45] -> line 803
        [55] -> line 806
        [68] -> line 807
        [73] -> line 810
        [80] -> line 811
        [95] -> line 813
        [105] -> line 814
        [110] -> line 816
        [115] -> line 817
        [127] -> line 823
        [147] -> line 824
        [152] -> line 825
        [164] -> line 829
        [178] -> line 830
        [188] -> line 831
        [199] -> line 833
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 210 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate; this]
        v1: 0 -> 210 [I flush]
        v2: 3 -> 210 [I max_block_size]
        v3: 80 -> 164 [I max_start]
  + Method:       _tr_stored_block(IIZ)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = void _tr_stored_block(int,int,boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 24, locals = 4, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iconst_0
      [2] iload_3 v3
      [3] ifeq +7 (target=10)
      [6] iconst_1
      [7] goto +4 (target=11)
      [10] iconst_0
      [11] iadd
      [12] iconst_3
      [13] invokevirtual #139
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.send_bits (II)V]
      [16] aload_0 v0
      [17] iload_1 v1
      [18] iload_2 v2
      [19] iconst_1
      [20] invokevirtual #122
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.copy_block (IIZ)V]
      [23] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 841
        [16] -> line 842
        [23] -> line 843
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 24 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate; this]
        v1: 0 -> 24 [I buf]
        v2: 0 -> 24 [I stored_len]
        v3: 0 -> 24 [Z eof]
  + Method:       _tr_flush_block(IIZ)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = void _tr_flush_block(int,int,boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 218, locals = 7, stack = 5):
      [0] iconst_0
      [1] istore v6
      [3] aload_0 v0
      [4] getfield #52
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.level I]
      [7] ifle +77 (target=84)
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.data_type B]
      [14] iconst_2
      [15] ificmpne +7 (target=22)
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] invokevirtual #142
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.set_data_type ()V]
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] getfield #48
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.l_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Tree;]
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] invokevirtual #147
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.build_tree (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate;)V]
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.d_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Tree;]
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] invokevirtual #147
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.build_tree (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate;)V]
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] invokevirtual #120
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.build_bl_tree ()I]
      [42] istore v6
      [44] aload_0 v0
      [45] getfield #64
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.opt_len I]
      [48] iconst_3
      [49] iadd
      [50] bipush 7
      [52] iadd
      [53] iconst_3
      [54] iushr
      [55] istore v4
      [57] aload_0 v0
      [58] getfield #72
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.static_len I]
      [61] iconst_3
      [62] iadd
      [63] bipush 7
      [65] iadd
      [66] iconst_3
      [67] iushr
      [68] istore v5
      [70] iload v5
      [72] iload v4
      [74] ificmpgt +18 (target=92)
      [77] iload v5
      [79] istore v4
      [81] goto +11 (target=92)
      [84] iload_2 v2
      [85] iconst_5
      [86] iadd
      [87] dup
      [88] istore v5
      [90] istore v4
      [92] iload_2 v2
      [93] iconst_4
      [94] iadd
      [95] iload v4
      [97] ificmpgt +18 (target=115)
      [100] iload_1 v1
      [101] iconst_m1
      [102] ificmpeq +13 (target=115)
      [105] aload_0 v0
      [106] iload_1 v1
      [107] iload_2 v2
      [108] iload_3 v3
      [109] invokevirtual #116
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate._tr_stored_block (IIZ)V]
      [112] goto +93 (target=205)
      [115] iload v5
      [117] iload v4
      [119] ificmpne +32 (target=151)
      [122] aload_0 v0
      [123] iconst_2
      [124] iload_3 v3
      [125] ifeq +7 (target=132)
      [128] iconst_1
      [129] goto +4 (target=133)
      [132] iconst_0
      [133] iadd
      [134] iconst_3
      [135] invokevirtual #139
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.send_bits (II)V]
      [138] aload_0 v0
      [139] getstatic #92
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.static_ltree [S]
      [142] getstatic #90
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.static_dtree [S]
      [145] invokevirtual #121
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.compress_block ([S[S)V]
      [148] goto +57 (target=205)
      [151] aload_0 v0
      [152] iconst_4
      [153] iload_3 v3
      [154] ifeq +7 (target=161)
      [157] iconst_1
      [158] goto +4 (target=162)
      [161] iconst_0
      [162] iadd
      [163] iconst_3
      [164] invokevirtual #139
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.send_bits (II)V]
      [167] aload_0 v0
      [168] aload_0 v0
      [169] getfield #48
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.l_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Tree;]
      [172] getfield #100
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.max_code I]
      [175] iconst_1
      [176] iadd
      [177] aload_0 v0
      [178] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.d_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Tree;]
      [181] getfield #100
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.max_code I]
      [184] iconst_1
      [185] iadd
      [186] iload v6
      [188] iconst_1
      [189] iadd
      [190] invokevirtual #138
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.send_all_trees (III)V]
      [193] aload_0 v0
      [194] aload_0 v0
      [195] getfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.dyn_ltree [S]
      [198] aload_0 v0
      [199] getfield #36
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.dyn_dtree [S]
      [202] invokevirtual #121
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.compress_block ([S[S)V]
      [205] aload_0 v0
      [206] invokevirtual #130
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.init_block ()V]
      [209] iload_3 v3
      [210] ifeq +7 (target=217)
      [213] aload_0 v0
      [214] invokevirtual #119
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bi_windup ()V]
      [217] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 22)
        [0] -> line 852
        [3] -> line 855
        [10] -> line 857
        [22] -> line 860
        [30] -> line 862
        [38] -> line 869
        [44] -> line 872
        [57] -> line 873
        [70] -> line 875
        [84] -> line 878
        [92] -> line 881
        [105] -> line 888
        [115] -> line 890
        [122] -> line 891
        [138] -> line 892
        [151] -> line 895
        [167] -> line 896
        [193] -> line 897
        [205] -> line 903
        [209] -> line 905
        [213] -> line 906
        [217] -> line 908
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 9)
        v0: 0 -> 218 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate; this]
        v1: 0 -> 218 [I buf]
        v2: 0 -> 218 [I stored_len]
        v3: 0 -> 218 [Z eof]
        v4: 57 -> 84 [I opt_lenb]
        v4: 92 -> 218 [I opt_lenb]
        v5: 70 -> 84 [I static_lenb]
        v5: 90 -> 218 [I static_lenb]
        v6: 3 -> 218 [I max_blindex]
  + Method:       fill_window()V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = void fill_window()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 372, locals = 5, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #81
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window_size I]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lookahead I]
      [8] isub
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [13] isub
      [14] istore v4
      [16] iload v4
      [18] ifne +26 (target=44)
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [25] ifne +19 (target=44)
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lookahead I]
      [32] ifne +12 (target=44)
      [35] aload_0 v0
      [36] getfield #79
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.w_size I]
      [39] istore v4
      [41] goto +207 (target=248)
      [44] iload v4
      [46] iconst_m1
      [47] ificmpne +9 (target=56)
      [50] iinc v4, -1
      [53] goto +195 (target=248)
      [56] aload_0 v0
      [57] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [60] aload_0 v0
      [61] getfield #79
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.w_size I]
      [64] aload_0 v0
      [65] getfield #79
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.w_size I]
      [68] iadd
      [69] sipush 262
      [72] isub
      [73] ificmplt +175 (target=248)
      [76] aload_0 v0
      [77] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window [B]
      [80] aload_0 v0
      [81] getfield #79
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.w_size I]
      [84] aload_0 v0
      [85] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window [B]
      [88] iconst_0
      [89] aload_0 v0
      [90] getfield #79
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.w_size I]
      [93] invokestatic #152
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [96] aload_0 v0
      [97] dup
      [98] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.match_start I]
      [101] aload_0 v0
      [102] getfield #79
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.w_size I]
      [105] isub
      [106] putfield #57
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.match_start I]
      [109] aload_0 v0
      [110] dup
      [111] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [114] aload_0 v0
      [115] getfield #79
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.w_size I]
      [118] isub
      [119] putfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [122] aload_0 v0
      [123] dup
      [124] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.block_start I]
      [127] aload_0 v0
      [128] getfield #79
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.w_size I]
      [131] isub
      [132] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.block_start I]
      [135] aload_0 v0
      [136] getfield #42
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.hash_size I]
      [139] istore_1 v1
      [140] iload_1 v1
      [141] istore_3 v3
      [142] aload_0 v0
      [143] getfield #43
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.head [S]
      [146] iinc v3, -1
      [149] iload_3 v3
      [150] saload
      [151] ldc #2
        + Integer [65535]
      [153] iand
      [154] istore_2 v2
      [155] aload_0 v0
      [156] getfield #43
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.head [S]
      [159] iload_3 v3
      [160] iload_2 v2
      [161] aload_0 v0
      [162] getfield #79
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.w_size I]
      [165] ificmplt +13 (target=178)
      [168] iload_2 v2
      [169] aload_0 v0
      [170] getfield #79
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.w_size I]
      [173] isub
      [174] i2s
      [175] goto +4 (target=179)
      [178] iconst_0
      [179] sastore
      [180] iinc v1, -1
      [183] iload_1 v1
      [184] ifne -42 (target=142)
      [187] aload_0 v0
      [188] getfield #79
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.w_size I]
      [191] istore_1 v1
      [192] iload_1 v1
      [193] istore_3 v3
      [194] aload_0 v0
      [195] getfield #69
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.prev [S]
      [198] iinc v3, -1
      [201] iload_3 v3
      [202] saload
      [203] ldc #2
        + Integer [65535]
      [205] iand
      [206] istore_2 v2
      [207] aload_0 v0
      [208] getfield #69
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.prev [S]
      [211] iload_3 v3
      [212] iload_2 v2
      [213] aload_0 v0
      [214] getfield #79
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.w_size I]
      [217] ificmplt +13 (target=230)
      [220] iload_2 v2
      [221] aload_0 v0
      [222] getfield #79
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.w_size I]
      [225] isub
      [226] i2s
      [227] goto +4 (target=231)
      [230] iconst_0
      [231] sastore
      [232] iinc v1, -1
      [235] iload_1 v1
      [236] ifne -42 (target=194)
      [239] iload v4
      [241] aload_0 v0
      [242] getfield #79
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.w_size I]
      [245] iadd
      [246] istore v4
      [248] aload_0 v0
      [249] getfield #75
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strm Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
      [252] getfield #104
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [255] ifne +4 (target=259)
      [258] return
      [259] aload_0 v0
      [260] getfield #75
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strm Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
      [263] aload_0 v0
      [264] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window [B]
      [267] aload_0 v0
      [268] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [271] aload_0 v0
      [272] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lookahead I]
      [275] iadd
      [276] iload v4
      [278] invokevirtual #150
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.read_buf ([BII)I]
      [281] istore_1 v1
      [282] aload_0 v0
      [283] dup
      [284] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lookahead I]
      [287] iload_1 v1
      [288] iadd
      [289] putfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lookahead I]
      [292] aload_0 v0
      [293] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lookahead I]
      [296] iconst_3
      [297] ificmplt +54 (target=351)
      [300] aload_0 v0
      [301] aload_0 v0
      [302] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window [B]
      [305] aload_0 v0
      [306] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [309] baload
      [310] sipush 255
      [313] iand
      [314] putfield #46
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.ins_h I]
      [317] aload_0 v0
      [318] aload_0 v0
      [319] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.ins_h I]
      [322] aload_0 v0
      [323] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.hash_shift I]
      [326] ishl
      [327] aload_0 v0
      [328] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window [B]
      [331] aload_0 v0
      [332] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [335] iconst_1
      [336] iadd
      [337] baload
      [338] sipush 255
      [341] iand
      [342] ixor
      [343] aload_0 v0
      [344] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.hash_mask I]
      [347] iand
      [348] putfield #46
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.ins_h I]
      [351] aload_0 v0
      [352] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lookahead I]
      [355] sipush 262
      [358] ificmpge +13 (target=371)
      [361] aload_0 v0
      [362] getfield #75
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strm Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
      [365] getfield #104
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [368] ifne -368 (target=0)
      [371] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 29)
        [0] -> line 924
        [16] -> line 927
        [35] -> line 928
        [44] -> line 930
        [50] -> line 933
        [56] -> line 938
        [76] -> line 939
        [96] -> line 940
        [109] -> line 941
        [122] -> line 942
        [135] -> line 950
        [140] -> line 951
        [142] -> line 953
        [155] -> line 954
        [180] -> line 956
        [187] -> line 958
        [192] -> line 959
        [194] -> line 961
        [207] -> line 962
        [232] -> line 966
        [239] -> line 967
        [248] -> line 970
        [259] -> line 983
        [282] -> line 984
        [292] -> line 987
        [300] -> line 988
        [317] -> line 989
        [351] -> line 994
        [371] -> line 995
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 372 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate; this]
        v1: 140 -> 248 [I n]
        v1: 282 -> 372 [I n]
        v2: 155 -> 248 [I m]
        v3: 142 -> 248 [I p]
        v4: 16 -> 372 [I more]
  + Method:       deflate_fast(I)I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int deflate_fast(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 545, locals = 4, stack = 5):
      [0] iconst_0
      [1] istore_2 v2
      [2] aload_0 v0
      [3] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lookahead I]
      [6] sipush 262
      [9] ificmpge +33 (target=42)
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] invokevirtual #128
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.fill_window ()V]
      [16] aload_0 v0
      [17] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lookahead I]
      [20] sipush 262
      [23] ificmpge +9 (target=32)
      [26] iload_1 v1
      [27] ifne +5 (target=32)
      [30] iconst_0
      [31] ireturn
      [32] aload_0 v0
      [33] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lookahead I]
      [36] ifne +6 (target=42)
      [39] goto +462 (target=501)
      [42] aload_0 v0
      [43] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lookahead I]
      [46] iconst_3
      [47] ificmplt +87 (target=134)
      [50] aload_0 v0
      [51] aload_0 v0
      [52] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.ins_h I]
      [55] aload_0 v0
      [56] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.hash_shift I]
      [59] ishl
      [60] aload_0 v0
      [61] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window [B]
      [64] aload_0 v0
      [65] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [68] iconst_2
      [69] iadd
      [70] baload
      [71] sipush 255
      [74] iand
      [75] ixor
      [76] aload_0 v0
      [77] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.hash_mask I]
      [80] iand
      [81] putfield #46
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.ins_h I]
      [84] aload_0 v0
      [85] getfield #43
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.head [S]
      [88] aload_0 v0
      [89] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.ins_h I]
      [92] saload
      [93] ldc #2
        + Integer [65535]
      [95] iand
      [96] istore_2 v2
      [97] aload_0 v0
      [98] getfield #69
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.prev [S]
      [101] aload_0 v0
      [102] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [105] aload_0 v0
      [106] getfield #78
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.w_mask I]
      [109] iand
      [110] aload_0 v0
      [111] getfield #43
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.head [S]
      [114] aload_0 v0
      [115] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.ins_h I]
      [118] saload
      [119] sastore
      [120] aload_0 v0
      [121] getfield #43
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.head [S]
      [124] aload_0 v0
      [125] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.ins_h I]
      [128] aload_0 v0
      [129] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [132] i2s
      [133] sastore
      [134] iload_2 v2
      [135] i2l
      [136] lconst_0
      [137] lcmp
      [138] ifeq +40 (target=178)
      [141] aload_0 v0
      [142] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [145] iload_2 v2
      [146] isub
      [147] ldc #2
        + Integer [65535]
      [149] iand
      [150] aload_0 v0
      [151] getfield #79
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.w_size I]
      [154] sipush 262
      [157] isub
      [158] ificmpgt +20 (target=178)
      [161] aload_0 v0
      [162] getfield #74
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strategy I]
      [165] iconst_2
      [166] ificmpeq +12 (target=178)
      [169] aload_0 v0
      [170] aload_0 v0
      [171] iload_2 v2
      [172] invokevirtual #132
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.longest_match (I)I]
      [175] putfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.match_length I]
      [178] aload_0 v0
      [179] getfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.match_length I]
      [182] iconst_3
      [183] ificmplt +258 (target=441)
      [186] aload_0 v0
      [187] aload_0 v0
      [188] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [191] aload_0 v0
      [192] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.match_start I]
      [195] isub
      [196] aload_0 v0
      [197] getfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.match_length I]
      [200] iconst_3
      [201] isub
      [202] invokevirtual #117
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate._tr_tally (II)Z]
      [205] istore_3 v3
      [206] aload_0 v0
      [207] dup
      [208] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lookahead I]
      [211] aload_0 v0
      [212] getfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.match_length I]
      [215] isub
      [216] putfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lookahead I]
      [219] aload_0 v0
      [220] getfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.match_length I]
      [223] aload_0 v0
      [224] getfield #60
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.max_lazy_match I]
      [227] ificmpgt +142 (target=369)
      [230] aload_0 v0
      [231] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lookahead I]
      [234] iconst_3
      [235] ificmplt +134 (target=369)
      [238] aload_0 v0
      [239] dup
      [240] getfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.match_length I]
      [243] iconst_1
      [244] isub
      [245] putfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.match_length I]
      [248] aload_0 v0
      [249] dup
      [250] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [253] iconst_1
      [254] iadd
      [255] putfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [258] aload_0 v0
      [259] aload_0 v0
      [260] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.ins_h I]
      [263] aload_0 v0
      [264] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.hash_shift I]
      [267] ishl
      [268] aload_0 v0
      [269] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window [B]
      [272] aload_0 v0
      [273] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [276] iconst_2
      [277] iadd
      [278] baload
      [279] sipush 255
      [282] iand
      [283] ixor
      [284] aload_0 v0
      [285] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.hash_mask I]
      [288] iand
      [289] putfield #46
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.ins_h I]
      [292] aload_0 v0
      [293] getfield #43
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.head [S]
      [296] aload_0 v0
      [297] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.ins_h I]
      [300] saload
      [301] ldc #2
        + Integer [65535]
      [303] iand
      [304] istore_2 v2
      [305] aload_0 v0
      [306] getfield #69
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.prev [S]
      [309] aload_0 v0
      [310] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [313] aload_0 v0
      [314] getfield #78
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.w_mask I]
      [317] iand
      [318] aload_0 v0
      [319] getfield #43
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.head [S]
      [322] aload_0 v0
      [323] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.ins_h I]
      [326] saload
      [327] sastore
      [328] aload_0 v0
      [329] getfield #43
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.head [S]
      [332] aload_0 v0
      [333] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.ins_h I]
      [336] aload_0 v0
      [337] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [340] i2s
      [341] sastore
      [342] aload_0 v0
      [343] dup
      [344] getfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.match_length I]
      [347] iconst_1
      [348] isub
      [349] dup_x1
      [350] putfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.match_length I]
      [353] ifne -105 (target=248)
      [356] aload_0 v0
      [357] dup
      [358] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [361] iconst_1
      [362] iadd
      [363] putfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [366] goto +114 (target=480)
      [369] aload_0 v0
      [370] dup
      [371] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [374] aload_0 v0
      [375] getfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.match_length I]
      [378] iadd
      [379] putfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [382] aload_0 v0
      [383] iconst_0
      [384] putfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.match_length I]
      [387] aload_0 v0
      [388] aload_0 v0
      [389] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window [B]
      [392] aload_0 v0
      [393] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [396] baload
      [397] sipush 255
      [400] iand
      [401] putfield #46
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.ins_h I]
      [404] aload_0 v0
      [405] aload_0 v0
      [406] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.ins_h I]
      [409] aload_0 v0
      [410] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.hash_shift I]
      [413] ishl
      [414] aload_0 v0
      [415] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window [B]
      [418] aload_0 v0
      [419] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [422] iconst_1
      [423] iadd
      [424] baload
      [425] sipush 255
      [428] iand
      [429] ixor
      [430] aload_0 v0
      [431] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.hash_mask I]
      [434] iand
      [435] putfield #46
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.ins_h I]
      [438] goto +42 (target=480)
      [441] aload_0 v0
      [442] iconst_0
      [443] aload_0 v0
      [444] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window [B]
      [447] aload_0 v0
      [448] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [451] baload
      [452] sipush 255
      [455] iand
      [456] invokevirtual #117
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate._tr_tally (II)Z]
      [459] istore_3 v3
      [460] aload_0 v0
      [461] dup
      [462] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lookahead I]
      [465] iconst_1
      [466] isub
      [467] putfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lookahead I]
      [470] aload_0 v0
      [471] dup
      [472] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [475] iconst_1
      [476] iadd
      [477] putfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [480] iload_3 v3
      [481] ifeq -479 (target=2)
      [484] aload_0 v0
      [485] iconst_0
      [486] invokevirtual #129
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.flush_block_only (Z)V]
      [489] aload_0 v0
      [490] getfield #75
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strm Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
      [493] getfield #105
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_out I]
      [496] ifne -494 (target=2)
      [499] iconst_0
      [500] ireturn
      [501] aload_0 v0
      [502] iload_1 v1
      [503] iconst_4
      [504] ificmpne +7 (target=511)
      [507] iconst_1
      [508] goto +4 (target=512)
      [511] iconst_0
      [512] invokevirtual #129
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.flush_block_only (Z)V]
      [515] aload_0 v0
      [516] getfield #75
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strm Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
      [519] getfield #105
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_out I]
      [522] ifne +12 (target=534)
      [525] iload_1 v1
      [526] iconst_4
      [527] ificmpne +5 (target=532)
      [530] iconst_2
      [531] ireturn
      [532] iconst_0
      [533] ireturn
      [534] iload_1 v1
      [535] iconst_4
      [536] ificmpne +7 (target=543)
      [539] iconst_3
      [540] goto +4 (target=544)
      [543] iconst_1
      [544] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 43)
        [0] -> line 1004
        [2] -> line 1012
        [12] -> line 1013
        [16] -> line 1014
        [30] -> line 1015
        [32] -> line 1017
        [42] -> line 1022
        [50] -> line 1023
        [84] -> line 1026
        [97] -> line 1027
        [120] -> line 1028
        [134] -> line 1034
        [141] -> line 1035
        [161] -> line 1040
        [169] -> line 1041
        [178] -> line 1045
        [186] -> line 1048
        [206] -> line 1050
        [219] -> line 1054
        [230] -> line 1055
        [238] -> line 1056
        [248] -> line 1058
        [258] -> line 1060
        [292] -> line 1062
        [305] -> line 1063
        [328] -> line 1064
        [342] -> line 1069
        [356] -> line 1070
        [369] -> line 1073
        [382] -> line 1074
        [387] -> line 1075
        [404] -> line 1077
        [441] -> line 1085
        [460] -> line 1086
        [470] -> line 1087
        [480] -> line 1089
        [484] -> line 1091
        [489] -> line 1092
        [501] -> line 1096
        [515] -> line 1097
        [525] -> line 1098
        [532] -> line 1099
        [534] -> line 1101
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 545 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate; this]
        v1: 0 -> 545 [I flush]
        v2: 2 -> 545 [I hash_head]
        v3: 206 -> 441 [Z bflush]
        v3: 460 -> 501 [Z bflush]
  + Method:       deflate_slow(I)I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int deflate_slow(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 659, locals = 5, stack = 5):
      [0] iconst_0
      [1] istore_2 v2
      [2] aload_0 v0
      [3] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lookahead I]
      [6] sipush 262
      [9] ificmpge +33 (target=42)
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] invokevirtual #128
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.fill_window ()V]
      [16] aload_0 v0
      [17] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lookahead I]
      [20] sipush 262
      [23] ificmpge +9 (target=32)
      [26] iload_1 v1
      [27] ifne +5 (target=32)
      [30] iconst_0
      [31] ireturn
      [32] aload_0 v0
      [33] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lookahead I]
      [36] ifne +6 (target=42)
      [39] goto +543 (target=582)
      [42] aload_0 v0
      [43] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lookahead I]
      [46] iconst_3
      [47] ificmplt +87 (target=134)
      [50] aload_0 v0
      [51] aload_0 v0
      [52] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.ins_h I]
      [55] aload_0 v0
      [56] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.hash_shift I]
      [59] ishl
      [60] aload_0 v0
      [61] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window [B]
      [64] aload_0 v0
      [65] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [68] iconst_2
      [69] iadd
      [70] baload
      [71] sipush 255
      [74] iand
      [75] ixor
      [76] aload_0 v0
      [77] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.hash_mask I]
      [80] iand
      [81] putfield #46
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.ins_h I]
      [84] aload_0 v0
      [85] getfield #43
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.head [S]
      [88] aload_0 v0
      [89] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.ins_h I]
      [92] saload
      [93] ldc #2
        + Integer [65535]
      [95] iand
      [96] istore_2 v2
      [97] aload_0 v0
      [98] getfield #69
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.prev [S]
      [101] aload_0 v0
      [102] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [105] aload_0 v0
      [106] getfield #78
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.w_mask I]
      [109] iand
      [110] aload_0 v0
      [111] getfield #43
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.head [S]
      [114] aload_0 v0
      [115] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.ins_h I]
      [118] saload
      [119] sastore
      [120] aload_0 v0
      [121] getfield #43
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.head [S]
      [124] aload_0 v0
      [125] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.ins_h I]
      [128] aload_0 v0
      [129] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [132] i2s
      [133] sastore
      [134] aload_0 v0
      [135] aload_0 v0
      [136] getfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.match_length I]
      [139] putfield #70
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.prev_length I]
      [142] aload_0 v0
      [143] aload_0 v0
      [144] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.match_start I]
      [147] putfield #71
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.prev_match I]
      [150] aload_0 v0
      [151] iconst_2
      [152] putfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.match_length I]
      [155] iload_2 v2
      [156] ifeq +95 (target=251)
      [159] aload_0 v0
      [160] getfield #70
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.prev_length I]
      [163] aload_0 v0
      [164] getfield #60
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.max_lazy_match I]
      [167] ificmpge +84 (target=251)
      [170] aload_0 v0
      [171] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [174] iload_2 v2
      [175] isub
      [176] ldc #2
        + Integer [65535]
      [178] iand
      [179] aload_0 v0
      [180] getfield #79
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.w_size I]
      [183] sipush 262
      [186] isub
      [187] ificmpgt +64 (target=251)
      [190] aload_0 v0
      [191] getfield #74
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strategy I]
      [194] iconst_2
      [195] ificmpeq +12 (target=207)
      [198] aload_0 v0
      [199] aload_0 v0
      [200] iload_2 v2
      [201] invokevirtual #132
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.longest_match (I)I]
      [204] putfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.match_length I]
      [207] aload_0 v0
      [208] getfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.match_length I]
      [211] iconst_5
      [212] ificmpgt +39 (target=251)
      [215] aload_0 v0
      [216] getfield #74
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strategy I]
      [219] iconst_1
      [220] ificmpeq +26 (target=246)
      [223] aload_0 v0
      [224] getfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.match_length I]
      [227] iconst_3
      [228] ificmpne +23 (target=251)
      [231] aload_0 v0
      [232] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [235] aload_0 v0
      [236] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.match_start I]
      [239] isub
      [240] sipush 4096
      [243] ificmple +8 (target=251)
      [246] aload_0 v0
      [247] iconst_2
      [248] putfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.match_length I]
      [251] aload_0 v0
      [252] getfield #70
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.prev_length I]
      [255] iconst_3
      [256] ificmplt +229 (target=485)
      [259] aload_0 v0
      [260] getfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.match_length I]
      [263] aload_0 v0
      [264] getfield #70
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.prev_length I]
      [267] ificmpgt +218 (target=485)
      [270] aload_0 v0
      [271] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [274] aload_0 v0
      [275] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lookahead I]
      [278] iadd
      [279] iconst_3
      [280] isub
      [281] istore v4
      [283] aload_0 v0
      [284] aload_0 v0
      [285] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [288] iconst_1
      [289] isub
      [290] aload_0 v0
      [291] getfield #71
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.prev_match I]
      [294] isub
      [295] aload_0 v0
      [296] getfield #70
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.prev_length I]
      [299] iconst_3
      [300] isub
      [301] invokevirtual #117
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate._tr_tally (II)Z]
      [304] istore_3 v3
      [305] aload_0 v0
      [306] dup
      [307] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lookahead I]
      [310] aload_0 v0
      [311] getfield #70
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.prev_length I]
      [314] iconst_1
      [315] isub
      [316] isub
      [317] putfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lookahead I]
      [320] aload_0 v0
      [321] dup
      [322] getfield #70
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.prev_length I]
      [325] iconst_2
      [326] isub
      [327] putfield #70
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.prev_length I]
      [330] aload_0 v0
      [331] dup
      [332] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [335] iconst_1
      [336] iadd
      [337] dup_x1
      [338] putfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [341] iload v4
      [343] ificmpgt +87 (target=430)
      [346] aload_0 v0
      [347] aload_0 v0
      [348] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.ins_h I]
      [351] aload_0 v0
      [352] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.hash_shift I]
      [355] ishl
      [356] aload_0 v0
      [357] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window [B]
      [360] aload_0 v0
      [361] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [364] iconst_2
      [365] iadd
      [366] baload
      [367] sipush 255
      [370] iand
      [371] ixor
      [372] aload_0 v0
      [373] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.hash_mask I]
      [376] iand
      [377] putfield #46
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.ins_h I]
      [380] aload_0 v0
      [381] getfield #43
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.head [S]
      [384] aload_0 v0
      [385] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.ins_h I]
      [388] saload
      [389] ldc #2
        + Integer [65535]
      [391] iand
      [392] istore_2 v2
      [393] aload_0 v0
      [394] getfield #69
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.prev [S]
      [397] aload_0 v0
      [398] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [401] aload_0 v0
      [402] getfield #78
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.w_mask I]
      [405] iand
      [406] aload_0 v0
      [407] getfield #43
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.head [S]
      [410] aload_0 v0
      [411] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.ins_h I]
      [414] saload
      [415] sastore
      [416] aload_0 v0
      [417] getfield #43
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.head [S]
      [420] aload_0 v0
      [421] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.ins_h I]
      [424] aload_0 v0
      [425] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [428] i2s
      [429] sastore
      [430] aload_0 v0
      [431] dup
      [432] getfield #70
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.prev_length I]
      [435] iconst_1
      [436] isub
      [437] dup_x1
      [438] putfield #70
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.prev_length I]
      [441] ifne -111 (target=330)
      [444] aload_0 v0
      [445] iconst_0
      [446] putfield #55
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.match_available I]
      [449] aload_0 v0
      [450] iconst_2
      [451] putfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.match_length I]
      [454] aload_0 v0
      [455] dup
      [456] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [459] iconst_1
      [460] iadd
      [461] putfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [464] iload_3 v3
      [465] ifeq -463 (target=2)
      [468] aload_0 v0
      [469] iconst_0
      [470] invokevirtual #129
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.flush_block_only (Z)V]
      [473] aload_0 v0
      [474] getfield #75
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strm Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
      [477] getfield #105
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_out I]
      [480] ifne -478 (target=2)
      [483] iconst_0
      [484] ireturn
      [485] aload_0 v0
      [486] getfield #55
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.match_available I]
      [489] ifeq +65 (target=554)
      [492] aload_0 v0
      [493] iconst_0
      [494] aload_0 v0
      [495] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window [B]
      [498] aload_0 v0
      [499] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [502] iconst_1
      [503] isub
      [504] baload
      [505] sipush 255
      [508] iand
      [509] invokevirtual #117
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate._tr_tally (II)Z]
      [512] istore_3 v3
      [513] iload_3 v3
      [514] ifeq +8 (target=522)
      [517] aload_0 v0
      [518] iconst_0
      [519] invokevirtual #129
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.flush_block_only (Z)V]
      [522] aload_0 v0
      [523] dup
      [524] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [527] iconst_1
      [528] iadd
      [529] putfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [532] aload_0 v0
      [533] dup
      [534] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lookahead I]
      [537] iconst_1
      [538] isub
      [539] putfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lookahead I]
      [542] aload_0 v0
      [543] getfield #75
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strm Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
      [546] getfield #105
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_out I]
      [549] ifne -547 (target=2)
      [552] iconst_0
      [553] ireturn
      [554] aload_0 v0
      [555] iconst_1
      [556] putfield #55
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.match_available I]
      [559] aload_0 v0
      [560] dup
      [561] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [564] iconst_1
      [565] iadd
      [566] putfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [569] aload_0 v0
      [570] dup
      [571] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lookahead I]
      [574] iconst_1
      [575] isub
      [576] putfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lookahead I]
      [579] goto -577 (target=2)
      [582] aload_0 v0
      [583] getfield #55
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.match_available I]
      [586] ifeq +29 (target=615)
      [589] aload_0 v0
      [590] iconst_0
      [591] aload_0 v0
      [592] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window [B]
      [595] aload_0 v0
      [596] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [599] iconst_1
      [600] isub
      [601] baload
      [602] sipush 255
      [605] iand
      [606] invokevirtual #117
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate._tr_tally (II)Z]
      [609] istore_3 v3
      [610] aload_0 v0
      [611] iconst_0
      [612] putfield #55
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.match_available I]
      [615] aload_0 v0
      [616] iload_1 v1
      [617] iconst_4
      [618] ificmpne +7 (target=625)
      [621] iconst_1
      [622] goto +4 (target=626)
      [625] iconst_0
      [626] invokevirtual #129
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.flush_block_only (Z)V]
      [629] aload_0 v0
      [630] getfield #75
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strm Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
      [633] getfield #105
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_out I]
      [636] ifne +12 (target=648)
      [639] iload_1 v1
      [640] iconst_4
      [641] ificmpne +5 (target=646)
      [644] iconst_2
      [645] ireturn
      [646] iconst_0
      [647] ireturn
      [648] iload_1 v1
      [649] iconst_4
      [650] ificmpne +7 (target=657)
      [653] iconst_3
      [654] goto +4 (target=658)
      [657] iconst_1
      [658] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 57)
        [0] -> line 1109
        [2] -> line 1119
        [12] -> line 1120
        [16] -> line 1121
        [30] -> line 1122
        [32] -> line 1124
        [42] -> line 1130
        [50] -> line 1131
        [84] -> line 1133
        [97] -> line 1134
        [120] -> line 1135
        [134] -> line 1139
        [150] -> line 1140
        [155] -> line 1142
        [170] -> line 1143
        [190] -> line 1149
        [198] -> line 1150
        [207] -> line 1154
        [223] -> line 1155
        [231] -> line 1156
        [246] -> line 1160
        [251] -> line 1166
        [270] -> line 1167
        [283] -> line 1172
        [305] -> line 1178
        [320] -> line 1179
        [330] -> line 1181
        [346] -> line 1182
        [380] -> line 1184
        [393] -> line 1185
        [416] -> line 1186
        [430] -> line 1189
        [444] -> line 1190
        [449] -> line 1191
        [454] -> line 1192
        [464] -> line 1194
        [468] -> line 1195
        [473] -> line 1196
        [485] -> line 1198
        [492] -> line 1204
        [513] -> line 1206
        [517] -> line 1207
        [522] -> line 1209
        [532] -> line 1210
        [542] -> line 1211
        [554] -> line 1216
        [559] -> line 1217
        [569] -> line 1218
        [579] -> line 1113
        [582] -> line 1222
        [589] -> line 1223
        [610] -> line 1224
        [615] -> line 1226
        [629] -> line 1228
        [639] -> line 1229
        [646] -> line 1230
        [648] -> line 1233
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 659 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate; this]
        v1: 0 -> 659 [I flush]
        v2: 2 -> 659 [I hash_head]
        v3: 305 -> 485 [Z bflush]
        v3: 513 -> 554 [Z bflush]
        v3: 610 -> 615 [Z bflush]
        v4: 283 -> 485 [I max_insert]
  + Method:       longest_match(I)I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int longest_match(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 499, locals = 13, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #59
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.max_chain_length I]
      [4] istore_2 v2
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [9] istore_3 v3
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] getfield #70
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.prev_length I]
      [14] istore v6
      [16] aload_0 v0
      [17] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] getfield #79
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.w_size I]
      [24] sipush 262
      [27] isub
      [28] ificmple +19 (target=47)
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [35] aload_0 v0
      [36] getfield #79
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.w_size I]
      [39] sipush 262
      [42] isub
      [43] isub
      [44] goto +4 (target=48)
      [47] iconst_0
      [48] istore v7
      [50] aload_0 v0
      [51] getfield #62
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.nice_match I]
      [54] istore v8
      [56] aload_0 v0
      [57] getfield #78
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.w_mask I]
      [60] istore v9
      [62] aload_0 v0
      [63] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [66] sipush 258
      [69] iadd
      [70] istore v10
      [72] aload_0 v0
      [73] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window [B]
      [76] iload_3 v3
      [77] iload v6
      [79] iadd
      [80] iconst_1
      [81] isub
      [82] baload
      [83] istore v11
      [85] aload_0 v0
      [86] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window [B]
      [89] iload_3 v3
      [90] iload v6
      [92] iadd
      [93] baload
      [94] istore v12
      [96] aload_0 v0
      [97] getfield #70
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.prev_length I]
      [100] aload_0 v0
      [101] getfield #38
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.good_match I]
      [104] ificmplt +7 (target=111)
      [107] iload_2 v2
      [108] iconst_2
      [109] ishr
      [110] istore_2 v2
      [111] iload v8
      [113] aload_0 v0
      [114] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lookahead I]
      [117] ificmple +9 (target=126)
      [120] aload_0 v0
      [121] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lookahead I]
      [124] istore v8
      [126] iload_1 v1
      [127] istore v4
      [129] aload_0 v0
      [130] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window [B]
      [133] iload v4
      [135] iload v6
      [137] iadd
      [138] baload
      [139] iload v12
      [141] ificmpne +315 (target=456)
      [144] aload_0 v0
      [145] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window [B]
      [148] iload v4
      [150] iload v6
      [152] iadd
      [153] iconst_1
      [154] isub
      [155] baload
      [156] iload v11
      [158] ificmpne +298 (target=456)
      [161] aload_0 v0
      [162] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window [B]
      [165] iload v4
      [167] baload
      [168] aload_0 v0
      [169] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window [B]
      [172] iload_3 v3
      [173] baload
      [174] ificmpne +282 (target=456)
      [177] aload_0 v0
      [178] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window [B]
      [181] iinc v4, 1
      [184] iload v4
      [186] baload
      [187] aload_0 v0
      [188] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window [B]
      [191] iload_3 v3
      [192] iconst_1
      [193] iadd
      [194] baload
      [195] ificmpeq +6 (target=201)
      [198] goto +258 (target=456)
      [201] iinc v3, 2
      [204] iinc v4, 1
      [207] aload_0 v0
      [208] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window [B]
      [211] iinc v3, 1
      [214] iload_3 v3
      [215] baload
      [216] aload_0 v0
      [217] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window [B]
      [220] iinc v4, 1
      [223] iload v4
      [225] baload
      [226] ificmpne +163 (target=389)
      [229] aload_0 v0
      [230] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window [B]
      [233] iinc v3, 1
      [236] iload_3 v3
      [237] baload
      [238] aload_0 v0
      [239] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window [B]
      [242] iinc v4, 1
      [245] iload v4
      [247] baload
      [248] ificmpne +141 (target=389)
      [251] aload_0 v0
      [252] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window [B]
      [255] iinc v3, 1
      [258] iload_3 v3
      [259] baload
      [260] aload_0 v0
      [261] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window [B]
      [264] iinc v4, 1
      [267] iload v4
      [269] baload
      [270] ificmpne +119 (target=389)
      [273] aload_0 v0
      [274] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window [B]
      [277] iinc v3, 1
      [280] iload_3 v3
      [281] baload
      [282] aload_0 v0
      [283] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window [B]
      [286] iinc v4, 1
      [289] iload v4
      [291] baload
      [292] ificmpne +97 (target=389)
      [295] aload_0 v0
      [296] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window [B]
      [299] iinc v3, 1
      [302] iload_3 v3
      [303] baload
      [304] aload_0 v0
      [305] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window [B]
      [308] iinc v4, 1
      [311] iload v4
      [313] baload
      [314] ificmpne +75 (target=389)
      [317] aload_0 v0
      [318] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window [B]
      [321] iinc v3, 1
      [324] iload_3 v3
      [325] baload
      [326] aload_0 v0
      [327] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window [B]
      [330] iinc v4, 1
      [333] iload v4
      [335] baload
      [336] ificmpne +53 (target=389)
      [339] aload_0 v0
      [340] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window [B]
      [343] iinc v3, 1
      [346] iload_3 v3
      [347] baload
      [348] aload_0 v0
      [349] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window [B]
      [352] iinc v4, 1
      [355] iload v4
      [357] baload
      [358] ificmpne +31 (target=389)
      [361] aload_0 v0
      [362] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window [B]
      [365] iinc v3, 1
      [368] iload_3 v3
      [369] baload
      [370] aload_0 v0
      [371] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window [B]
      [374] iinc v4, 1
      [377] iload v4
      [379] baload
      [380] ificmpne +9 (target=389)
      [383] iload_3 v3
      [384] iload v10
      [386] ificmplt -179 (target=207)
      [389] sipush 258
      [392] iload v10
      [394] iload_3 v3
      [395] isub
      [396] isub
      [397] istore v5
      [399] iload v10
      [401] sipush 258
      [404] isub
      [405] istore_3 v3
      [406] iload v5
      [408] iload v6
      [410] ificmple +46 (target=456)
      [413] aload_0 v0
      [414] iload_1 v1
      [415] putfield #57
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.match_start I]
      [418] iload v5
      [420] istore v6
      [422] iload v5
      [424] iload v8
      [426] ificmplt +6 (target=432)
      [429] goto +53 (target=482)
      [432] aload_0 v0
      [433] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window [B]
      [436] iload_3 v3
      [437] iload v6
      [439] iadd
      [440] iconst_1
      [441] isub
      [442] baload
      [443] istore v11
      [445] aload_0 v0
      [446] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window [B]
      [449] iload_3 v3
      [450] iload v6
      [452] iadd
      [453] baload
      [454] istore v12
      [456] aload_0 v0
      [457] getfield #69
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.prev [S]
      [460] iload_1 v1
      [461] iload v9
      [463] iand
      [464] saload
      [465] ldc #2
        + Integer [65535]
      [467] iand
      [468] dup
      [469] istore_1 v1
      [470] iload v7
      [472] ificmple +10 (target=482)
      [475] iinc v2, -1
      [478] iload_2 v2
      [479] ifne -353 (target=126)
      [482] iload v6
      [484] aload_0 v0
      [485] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lookahead I]
      [488] ificmpgt +6 (target=494)
      [491] iload v6
      [493] ireturn
      [494] aload_0 v0
      [495] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lookahead I]
      [498] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 41)
        [0] -> line 1237
        [5] -> line 1238
        [10] -> line 1241
        [16] -> line 1242
        [31] -> line 1243
        [48] -> line 1242
        [50] -> line 1244
        [56] -> line 1249
        [62] -> line 1251
        [72] -> line 1252
        [85] -> line 1253
        [96] -> line 1259
        [107] -> line 1260
        [111] -> line 1265
        [126] -> line 1268
        [129] -> line 1272
        [144] -> line 1273
        [161] -> line 1274
        [177] -> line 1275
        [201] -> line 1282
        [207] -> line 1287
        [229] -> line 1288
        [251] -> line 1289
        [273] -> line 1290
        [295] -> line 1291
        [317] -> line 1292
        [339] -> line 1293
        [361] -> line 1294
        [383] -> line 1295
        [389] -> line 1297
        [399] -> line 1298
        [406] -> line 1300
        [413] -> line 1301
        [418] -> line 1302
        [422] -> line 1303
        [432] -> line 1304
        [445] -> line 1305
        [456] -> line 1308
        [475] -> line 1309
        [482] -> line 1311
        [494] -> line 1312
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 13)
        v0: 0 -> 499 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate; this]
        v1: 0 -> 499 [I cur_match]
        v2: 5 -> 499 [I chain_length]
        v3: 10 -> 499 [I scan]
        v4: 129 -> 499 [I match]
        v5: 399 -> 456 [I len]
        v6: 16 -> 499 [I best_len]
        v7: 50 -> 499 [I limit]
        v8: 56 -> 499 [I nice_match]
        v9: 62 -> 499 [I wmask]
        v10: 72 -> 499 [I strend]
        v11: 85 -> 499 [B scan_end1]
        v12: 96 -> 499 [B scan_end]
  + Method:       deflateInit(Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;II)I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int deflateInit(com.jcraft.jzlib.ZStream,int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 13, locals = 4, stack = 7):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] iload_2 v2
      [3] bipush 8
      [5] iload_3 v3
      [6] bipush 8
      [8] iconst_0
      [9] invokevirtual #123
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.deflateInit2 (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;IIIII)I]
      [12] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 1316
        [8] -> line 1317
        [9] -> line 1316
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 13 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate; this]
        v1: 0 -> 13 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream; strm]
        v2: 0 -> 13 [I level]
        v3: 0 -> 13 [I bits]
  + Method:       deflateInit2(Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;IIIII)I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int deflateInit2(com.jcraft.jzlib.ZStream,int,int,int,int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 274, locals = 8, stack = 4):
      [0] iconst_0
      [1] istore v7
      [3] aload_1 v1
      [4] aconst_null
      [5] putfield #108
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.msg Ljava/lang/String;]
      [8] iload_2 v2
      [9] iconst_m1
      [10] ificmpne +6 (target=16)
      [13] bipush 6
      [15] istore_2 v2
      [16] iload v4
      [18] ifge +11 (target=29)
      [21] iconst_1
      [22] istore v7
      [24] iload v4
      [26] ineg
      [27] istore v4
      [29] iload v5
      [31] iconst_1
      [32] ificmplt +51 (target=83)
      [35] iload v5
      [37] bipush 9
      [39] ificmpgt +44 (target=83)
      [42] iload_3 v3
      [43] bipush 8
      [45] ificmpne +38 (target=83)
      [48] iload v4
      [50] bipush 9
      [52] ificmplt +31 (target=83)
      [55] iload v4
      [57] bipush 15
      [59] ificmpgt +24 (target=83)
      [62] iload_2 v2
      [63] iflt +20 (target=83)
      [66] iload_2 v2
      [67] bipush 9
      [69] ificmpgt +14 (target=83)
      [72] iload v6
      [74] iflt +9 (target=83)
      [77] iload v6
      [79] iconst_2
      [80] ificmple +6 (target=86)
      [83] bipush -2
      [85] ireturn
      [86] aload_1 v1
      [87] aload_0 v0
      [88] putfield #107
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.dstate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate;]
      [91] aload_0 v0
      [92] iload v7
      [94] putfield #63
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.noheader I]
      [97] aload_0 v0
      [98] iload v4
      [100] putfield #77
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.w_bits I]
      [103] aload_0 v0
      [104] iconst_1
      [105] aload_0 v0
      [106] getfield #77
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.w_bits I]
      [109] ishl
      [110] putfield #79
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.w_size I]
      [113] aload_0 v0
      [114] aload_0 v0
      [115] getfield #79
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.w_size I]
      [118] iconst_1
      [119] isub
      [120] putfield #78
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.w_mask I]
      [123] aload_0 v0
      [124] iload v5
      [126] bipush 7
      [128] iadd
      [129] putfield #39
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.hash_bits I]
      [132] aload_0 v0
      [133] iconst_1
      [134] aload_0 v0
      [135] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.hash_bits I]
      [138] ishl
      [139] putfield #42
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.hash_size I]
      [142] aload_0 v0
      [143] aload_0 v0
      [144] getfield #42
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.hash_size I]
      [147] iconst_1
      [148] isub
      [149] putfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.hash_mask I]
      [152] aload_0 v0
      [153] aload_0 v0
      [154] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.hash_bits I]
      [157] iconst_3
      [158] iadd
      [159] iconst_1
      [160] isub
      [161] iconst_3
      [162] idiv
      [163] putfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.hash_shift I]
      [166] aload_0 v0
      [167] aload_0 v0
      [168] getfield #79
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.w_size I]
      [171] iconst_2
      [172] imul
      [173] newarray 8
      [175] putfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.window [B]
      [178] aload_0 v0
      [179] aload_0 v0
      [180] getfield #79
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.w_size I]
      [183] newarray 9
      [185] putfield #69
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.prev [S]
      [188] aload_0 v0
      [189] aload_0 v0
      [190] getfield #42
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.hash_size I]
      [193] newarray 9
      [195] putfield #43
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.head [S]
      [198] aload_0 v0
      [199] iconst_1
      [200] iload v5
      [202] bipush 6
      [204] iadd
      [205] ishl
      [206] putfield #53
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lit_bufsize I]
      [209] aload_0 v0
      [210] aload_0 v0
      [211] getfield #53
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lit_bufsize I]
      [214] iconst_4
      [215] imul
      [216] newarray 8
      [218] putfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pending_buf [B]
      [221] aload_0 v0
      [222] aload_0 v0
      [223] getfield #53
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lit_bufsize I]
      [226] iconst_4
      [227] imul
      [228] putfield #67
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pending_buf_size I]
      [231] aload_0 v0
      [232] aload_0 v0
      [233] getfield #53
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lit_bufsize I]
      [236] iconst_2
      [237] idiv
      [238] putfield #32
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.d_buf I]
      [241] aload_0 v0
      [242] iconst_3
      [243] aload_0 v0
      [244] getfield #53
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lit_bufsize I]
      [247] imul
      [248] putfield #47
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.l_buf I]
      [251] aload_0 v0
      [252] iload_2 v2
      [253] putfield #52
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.level I]
      [256] aload_0 v0
      [257] iload v6
      [259] putfield #74
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strategy I]
      [262] aload_0 v0
      [263] iload_3 v3
      [264] i2b
      [265] putfield #61
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.method B]
      [268] aload_0 v0
      [269] aload_1 v1
      [270] invokevirtual #124
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.deflateReset (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)I]
      [273] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 32)
        [0] -> line 1324
        [3] -> line 1333
        [8] -> line 1335
        [16] -> line 1337
        [21] -> line 1338
        [24] -> line 1339
        [29] -> line 1342
        [42] -> line 1343
        [48] -> line 1344
        [72] -> line 1345
        [83] -> line 1346
        [86] -> line 1349
        [91] -> line 1351
        [97] -> line 1352
        [103] -> line 1353
        [113] -> line 1354
        [123] -> line 1356
        [132] -> line 1357
        [142] -> line 1358
        [152] -> line 1359
        [166] -> line 1361
        [178] -> line 1362
        [188] -> line 1363
        [198] -> line 1365
        [209] -> line 1369
        [221] -> line 1370
        [231] -> line 1372
        [241] -> line 1373
        [251] -> line 1375
        [256] -> line 1379
        [262] -> line 1380
        [268] -> line 1382
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 8)
        v0: 0 -> 274 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate; this]
        v1: 0 -> 274 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream; strm]
        v2: 0 -> 274 [I level]
        v3: 0 -> 274 [I method]
        v4: 0 -> 274 [I windowBits]
        v5: 0 -> 274 [I memLevel]
        v6: 0 -> 274 [I strategy]
        v7: 3 -> 274 [I noheader]
  + Method:       deflateReset(Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int deflateReset(com.jcraft.jzlib.ZStream)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 90, locals = 2, stack = 7):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] lconst_0
      [3] dup2_x1
      [4] putfield #112
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_out J]
      [7] putfield #111
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [10] aload_1 v1
      [11] aconst_null
      [12] putfield #108
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.msg Ljava/lang/String;]
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] iconst_2
      [17] putfield #106
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.data_type I]
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] iconst_0
      [22] putfield #65
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pending I]
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] iconst_0
      [27] putfield #68
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pending_out I]
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] getfield #63
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.noheader I]
      [34] ifge +8 (target=42)
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] iconst_0
      [39] putfield #63
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.noheader I]
      [42] aload_0 v0
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] getfield #63
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.noheader I]
      [47] ifeq +8 (target=55)
      [50] bipush 113
      [52] goto +5 (target=57)
      [55] bipush 42
      [57] putfield #73
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.status I]
      [60] aload_1 v1
      [61] aload_1 v1
      [62] getfield #102
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream._adler Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Adler32;]
      [65] lconst_0
      [66] aconst_null
      [67] iconst_0
      [68] iconst_0
      [69] invokevirtual #113
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Adler32.adler32 (J[BII)J]
      [72] putfield #103
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.adler J]
      [75] aload_0 v0
      [76] iconst_0
      [77] putfield #50
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.last_flush I]
      [80] aload_0 v0
      [81] invokevirtual #144
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.tr_init ()V]
      [84] aload_0 v0
      [85] invokevirtual #131
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lm_init ()V]
      [88] iconst_0
      [89] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 13)
        [0] -> line 1386
        [10] -> line 1387
        [15] -> line 1388
        [20] -> line 1390
        [25] -> line 1391
        [30] -> line 1393
        [37] -> line 1394
        [42] -> line 1396
        [60] -> line 1397
        [75] -> line 1399
        [80] -> line 1401
        [84] -> line 1402
        [88] -> line 1403
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 90 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate; this]
        v1: 0 -> 90 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream; strm]
  + Method:       deflate(Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int deflate(com.jcraft.jzlib.ZStream,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 600, locals = 6, stack = 7):
      [0] iload_2 v2
      [1] iconst_4
      [2] ificmpgt +7 (target=9)
      [5] iload_2 v2
      [6] ifge +6 (target=12)
      [9] bipush -2
      [11] ireturn
      [12] aload_1 v1
      [13] getfield #110
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_out [B]
      [16] ifnull +32 (target=48)
      [19] aload_1 v1
      [20] getfield #109
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in [B]
      [23] ifnonnull +10 (target=33)
      [26] aload_1 v1
      [27] getfield #104
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [30] ifne +18 (target=48)
      [33] aload_0 v0
      [34] getfield #73
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.status I]
      [37] sipush 666
      [40] ificmpne +20 (target=60)
      [43] iload_2 v2
      [44] iconst_4
      [45] ificmpeq +15 (target=60)
      [48] aload_1 v1
      [49] getstatic #82
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.z_errmsg [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [52] iconst_4
      [53] aaload
      [54] putfield #108
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.msg Ljava/lang/String;]
      [57] bipush -2
      [59] ireturn
      [60] aload_1 v1
      [61] getfield #105
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_out I]
      [64] ifne +16 (target=80)
      [67] aload_1 v1
      [68] getstatic #82
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.z_errmsg [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [71] bipush 7
      [73] aaload
      [74] putfield #108
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.msg Ljava/lang/String;]
      [77] bipush -5
      [79] ireturn
      [80] aload_0 v0
      [81] aload_1 v1
      [82] putfield #75
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strm Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
      [85] aload_0 v0
      [86] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.last_flush I]
      [89] istore_3 v3
      [90] aload_0 v0
      [91] iload_2 v2
      [92] putfield #50
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.last_flush I]
      [95] aload_0 v0
      [96] getfield #73
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.status I]
      [99] bipush 42
      [101] ificmpne +139 (target=240)
      [104] bipush 8
      [106] aload_0 v0
      [107] getfield #77
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.w_bits I]
      [110] bipush 8
      [112] isub
      [113] iconst_4
      [114] ishl
      [115] iadd
      [116] bipush 8
      [118] ishl
      [119] istore v4
      [121] aload_0 v0
      [122] getfield #52
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.level I]
      [125] iconst_1
      [126] isub
      [127] sipush 255
      [130] iand
      [131] iconst_1
      [132] ishr
      [133] istore v5
      [135] iload v5
      [137] iconst_3
      [138] ificmple +6 (target=144)
      [141] iconst_3
      [142] istore v5
      [144] iload v4
      [146] iload v5
      [148] bipush 6
      [150] ishl
      [151] ior
      [152] istore v4
      [154] aload_0 v0
      [155] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [158] ifeq +10 (target=168)
      [161] iload v4
      [163] bipush 32
      [165] ior
      [166] istore v4
      [168] iload v4
      [170] bipush 31
      [172] iload v4
      [174] bipush 31
      [176] irem
      [177] isub
      [178] iadd
      [179] istore v4
      [181] aload_0 v0
      [182] bipush 113
      [184] putfield #73
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.status I]
      [187] aload_0 v0
      [188] iload v4
      [190] invokevirtual #133
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.putShortMSB (I)V]
      [193] aload_0 v0
      [194] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.strstart I]
      [197] ifeq +28 (target=225)
      [200] aload_0 v0
      [201] aload_1 v1
      [202] getfield #103
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.adler J]
      [205] bipush 16
      [207] lushr
      [208] l2i
      [209] invokevirtual #133
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.putShortMSB (I)V]
      [212] aload_0 v0
      [213] aload_1 v1
      [214] getfield #103
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.adler J]
      [217] ldc2_w #23
        + Long [65535]
      [220] land
      [221] l2i
      [222] invokevirtual #133
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.putShortMSB (I)V]
      [225] aload_1 v1
      [226] aload_1 v1
      [227] getfield #102
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream._adler Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Adler32;]
      [230] lconst_0
      [231] aconst_null
      [232] iconst_0
      [233] iconst_0
      [234] invokevirtual #113
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Adler32.adler32 (J[BII)J]
      [237] putfield #103
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.adler J]
      [240] aload_0 v0
      [241] getfield #65
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pending I]
      [244] ifeq +21 (target=265)
      [247] aload_1 v1
      [248] invokevirtual #149
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.flush_pending ()V]
      [251] aload_1 v1
      [252] getfield #105
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_out I]
      [255] ifne +40 (target=295)
      [258] aload_0 v0
      [259] iconst_m1
      [260] putfield #50
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.last_flush I]
      [263] iconst_0
      [264] ireturn
      [265] aload_1 v1
      [266] getfield #104
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [269] ifne +26 (target=295)
      [272] iload_2 v2
      [273] iload_3 v3
      [274] ificmpgt +21 (target=295)
      [277] iload_2 v2
      [278] iconst_4
      [279] ificmpeq +16 (target=295)
      [282] aload_1 v1
      [283] getstatic #82
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.z_errmsg [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [286] bipush 7
      [288] aaload
      [289] putfield #108
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.msg Ljava/lang/String;]
      [292] bipush -5
      [294] ireturn
      [295] aload_0 v0
      [296] getfield #73
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.status I]
      [299] sipush 666
      [302] ificmpne +23 (target=325)
      [305] aload_1 v1
      [306] getfield #104
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [309] ifeq +16 (target=325)
      [312] aload_1 v1
      [313] getstatic #82
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.z_errmsg [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [316] bipush 7
      [318] aaload
      [319] putfield #108
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.msg Ljava/lang/String;]
      [322] bipush -5
      [324] ireturn
      [325] aload_1 v1
      [326] getfield #104
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [329] ifne +24 (target=353)
      [332] aload_0 v0
      [333] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.lookahead I]
      [336] ifne +17 (target=353)
      [339] iload_2 v2
      [340] ifeq +197 (target=537)
      [343] aload_0 v0
      [344] getfield #73
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.status I]
      [347] sipush 666
      [350] ificmpeq +187 (target=537)
      [353] iconst_m1
      [354] istore v4
      [356] getstatic #31
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.config_table [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config;]
      [359] aload_0 v0
      [360] getfield #52
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.level I]
      [363] aaload
      [364] getfield #83
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config.func I]
      [367] tableswitch (3 offsets, default=52) (target=419)
        0: offset = 25, target = 392
        1: offset = 35, target = 402
        2: offset = 45, target = 412
        default: offset = 52, target = 419
      [392] aload_0 v0
      [393] iload_2 v2
      [394] invokevirtual #127
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.deflate_stored (I)I]
      [397] istore v4
      [399] goto +20 (target=419)
      [402] aload_0 v0
      [403] iload_2 v2
      [404] invokevirtual #125
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.deflate_fast (I)I]
      [407] istore v4
      [409] goto +10 (target=419)
      [412] aload_0 v0
      [413] iload_2 v2
      [414] invokevirtual #126
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.deflate_slow (I)I]
      [417] istore v4
      [419] iload v4
      [421] iconst_2
      [422] ificmpeq +9 (target=431)
      [425] iload v4
      [427] iconst_3
      [428] ificmpne +10 (target=438)
      [431] aload_0 v0
      [432] sipush 666
      [435] putfield #73
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.status I]
      [438] iload v4
      [440] ifeq +9 (target=449)
      [443] iload v4
      [445] iconst_2
      [446] ificmpne +17 (target=463)
      [449] aload_1 v1
      [450] getfield #105
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_out I]
      [453] ifne +8 (target=461)
      [456] aload_0 v0
      [457] iconst_m1
      [458] putfield #50
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.last_flush I]
      [461] iconst_0
      [462] ireturn
      [463] iload v4
      [465] iconst_1
      [466] ificmpne +71 (target=537)
      [469] iload_2 v2
      [470] iconst_1
      [471] ificmpne +10 (target=481)
      [474] aload_0 v0
      [475] invokevirtual #114
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate._tr_align ()V]
      [478] goto +41 (target=519)
      [481] aload_0 v0
      [482] iconst_0
      [483] iconst_0
      [484] iconst_0
      [485] invokevirtual #116
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate._tr_stored_block (IIZ)V]
      [488] iload_2 v2
      [489] iconst_3
      [490] ificmpne +29 (target=519)
      [493] iconst_0
      [494] istore v5
      [496] goto +14 (target=510)
      [499] aload_0 v0
      [500] getfield #43
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.head [S]
      [503] iload v5
      [505] iconst_0
      [506] sastore
      [507] iinc v5, 1
      [510] iload v5
      [512] aload_0 v0
      [513] getfield #42
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.hash_size I]
      [516] ificmplt -17 (target=499)
      [519] aload_1 v1
      [520] invokevirtual #149
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.flush_pending ()V]
      [523] aload_1 v1
      [524] getfield #105
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_out I]
      [527] ifne +10 (target=537)
      [530] aload_0 v0
      [531] iconst_m1
      [532] putfield #50
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.last_flush I]
      [535] iconst_0
      [536] ireturn
      [537] iload_2 v2
      [538] iconst_4
      [539] ificmpeq +5 (target=544)
      [542] iconst_0
      [543] ireturn
      [544] aload_0 v0
      [545] getfield #63
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.noheader I]
      [548] ifeq +5 (target=553)
      [551] iconst_1
      [552] ireturn
      [553] aload_0 v0
      [554] aload_1 v1
      [555] getfield #103
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.adler J]
      [558] bipush 16
      [560] lushr
      [561] l2i
      [562] invokevirtual #133
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.putShortMSB (I)V]
      [565] aload_0 v0
      [566] aload_1 v1
      [567] getfield #103
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.adler J]
      [570] ldc2_w #23
        + Long [65535]
      [573] land
      [574] l2i
      [575] invokevirtual #133
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.putShortMSB (I)V]
      [578] aload_1 v1
      [579] invokevirtual #149
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.flush_pending ()V]
      [582] aload_0 v0
      [583] iconst_m1
      [584] putfield #63
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.noheader I]
      [587] aload_0 v0
      [588] getfield #65
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pending I]
      [591] ifeq +7 (target=598)
      [594] iconst_0
      [595] goto +4 (target=599)
      [598] iconst_1
      [599] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 72)
        [0] -> line 1484
        [9] -> line 1485
        [12] -> line 1488
        [19] -> line 1489
        [33] -> line 1490
        [48] -> line 1491
        [57] -> line 1492
        [60] -> line 1494
        [67] -> line 1495
        [77] -> line 1496
        [80] -> line 1499
        [85] -> line 1500
        [90] -> line 1501
        [95] -> line 1504
        [104] -> line 1505
        [121] -> line 1506
        [135] -> line 1508
        [144] -> line 1509
        [154] -> line 1510
        [168] -> line 1511
        [181] -> line 1513
        [187] -> line 1514
        [193] -> line 1518
        [200] -> line 1519
        [212] -> line 1520
        [225] -> line 1522
        [240] -> line 1526
        [247] -> line 1527
        [251] -> line 1528
        [258] -> line 1535
        [263] -> line 1536
        [265] -> line 1543
        [277] -> line 1544
        [282] -> line 1545
        [292] -> line 1546
        [295] -> line 1550
        [312] -> line 1551
        [322] -> line 1552
        [325] -> line 1556
        [339] -> line 1557
        [353] -> line 1558
        [356] -> line 1559
        [392] -> line 1561
        [399] -> line 1562
        [402] -> line 1564
        [409] -> line 1565
        [412] -> line 1567
        [419] -> line 1572
        [431] -> line 1573
        [438] -> line 1575
        [449] -> line 1576
        [456] -> line 1577
        [461] -> line 1579
        [463] -> line 1588
        [469] -> line 1589
        [474] -> line 1590
        [481] -> line 1593
        [488] -> line 1596
        [493] -> line 1598
        [499] -> line 1599
        [507] -> line 1598
        [519] -> line 1602
        [523] -> line 1603
        [530] -> line 1604
        [535] -> line 1605
        [537] -> line 1610
        [544] -> line 1611
        [553] -> line 1614
        [565] -> line 1615
        [578] -> line 1616
        [582] -> line 1620
        [587] -> line 1621
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 8)
        v0: 0 -> 600 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate; this]
        v1: 0 -> 600 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream; strm]
        v2: 0 -> 600 [I flush]
        v3: 90 -> 600 [I old_flush]
        v4: 121 -> 240 [I header]
        v5: 135 -> 240 [I level_flags]
        v4: 356 -> 537 [I bstate]
        v5: 496 -> 519 [I i]

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x8 = static 
      + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config]
      + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate]
      + Utf8 [Config]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.jcraft.jzlib.Deflate$Config extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 37):
  + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate]
  + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config.func I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config.good_length I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config.max_chain I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config.max_lazy I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config.nice_length I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [func I]
  + NameAndType [good_length I]
  + NameAndType [max_chain I]
  + NameAndType [max_lazy I]
  + NameAndType [nice_length I]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(IIIII)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Config]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate]
  + Utf8 [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config]
  + Utf8 [func]
  + Utf8 [good_length]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [max_chain]
  + Utf8 [max_lazy]
  + Utf8 [nice_length]
  + Utf8 [this]

Fields (count = 5):
  + Field:        good_length I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int good_length
  + Field:        max_lazy I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int max_lazy
  + Field:        nice_length I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int nice_length
  + Field:        max_chain I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int max_chain
  + Field:        func I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int func

Methods (count = 1):
  + Method:       <init>(IIIII)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = Deflate$Config(int,int,int,int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 32, locals = 6, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #9
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] iload_1 v1
      [6] putfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config.good_length I]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] iload_2 v2
      [11] putfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config.max_lazy I]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] iload_3 v3
      [16] putfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config.nice_length I]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] iload v4
      [22] putfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config.max_chain I]
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] iload v5
      [28] putfield #4
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config.func I]
      [31] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 53
        [4] -> line 55
        [9] -> line 56
        [14] -> line 57
        [19] -> line 58
        [25] -> line 59
        [31] -> line 60
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 32 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config; this]
        v1: 0 -> 32 [I good_length]
        v2: 0 -> 32 [I max_lazy]
        v3: 0 -> 32 [I nice_length]
        v4: 0 -> 32 [I max_chain]
        v5: 0 -> 32 [I func]

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x8 = static 
      + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate$Config]
      + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate]
      + Utf8 [Config]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x30
    = final class com.jcraft.jzlib.InfBlocks extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 205):
  + Integer [65535]
  + String [invalid bit length repeat]
  + String [invalid block type]
  + String [invalid stored block lengths]
  + String [too many length or distance symbols]
  + Class [[I]
  + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/Adler32]
  + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks]
  + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes]
  + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree]
  + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ [I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitb I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitk I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.blens [I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.border [I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.check J]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.checkfn Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes;]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.end I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.hufts [I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.index I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inflate_mask [I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inftree Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree;]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.last I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.left I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.mode I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.table I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.tb [I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.window [B]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream._adler Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Adler32;]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.adler J]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_out I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.msg Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in [B]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_out [B]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_out_index I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_out J]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Adler32.adler32 (J[BII)J]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inflate_flush (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.reset (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;[J)V]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)V]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.init (II[II[IILcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)V]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.proc (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks;Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.inflate_trees_bits ([I[I[I[ILcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)I]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.inflate_trees_dynamic (II[I[I[I[I[I[ILcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)I]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.inflate_trees_fixed ([I[I[[I[[ILcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [_adler Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Adler32;]
  + NameAndType [adler J]
  + NameAndType [adler32 (J[BII)J]
  + NameAndType [arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [avail_in I]
  + NameAndType [avail_out I]
  + NameAndType [bb [I]
  + NameAndType [bitb I]
  + NameAndType [bitk I]
  + NameAndType [blens [I]
  + NameAndType [border [I]
  + NameAndType [check J]
  + NameAndType [checkfn Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [codes Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes;]
  + NameAndType [end I]
  + NameAndType [free (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)V]
  + NameAndType [hufts [I]
  + NameAndType [index I]
  + NameAndType [inflate_flush (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
  + NameAndType [inflate_mask [I]
  + NameAndType [inflate_trees_bits ([I[I[I[ILcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)I]
  + NameAndType [inflate_trees_dynamic (II[I[I[I[I[I[ILcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)I]
  + NameAndType [inflate_trees_fixed ([I[I[[I[[ILcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)I]
  + NameAndType [inftree Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree;]
  + NameAndType [init (II[II[IILcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)V]
  + NameAndType [last I]
  + NameAndType [left I]
  + NameAndType [mode I]
  + NameAndType [msg Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [next_in [B]
  + NameAndType [next_in_index I]
  + NameAndType [next_out [B]
  + NameAndType [next_out_index I]
  + NameAndType [proc (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks;Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
  + NameAndType [read I]
  + NameAndType [reset (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;[J)V]
  + NameAndType [table I]
  + NameAndType [tb [I]
  + NameAndType [total_in J]
  + NameAndType [total_out J]
  + NameAndType [window [B]
  + NameAndType [write I]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(II[II[IILcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)V]
  + Utf8 [(II[I[I[I[I[I[ILcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)I]
  + Utf8 [(J[BII)J]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks;Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;Ljava/lang/Object;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;[J)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Utf8 [([I[I[I[ILcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)I]
  + Utf8 [([I[I[[I[[ILcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)I]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [J]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Adler32;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [[I]
  + Utf8 [[J]
  + Utf8 [[[I]
  + Utf8 [_adler]
  + Utf8 [adler]
  + Utf8 [adler32]
  + Utf8 [arraycopy]
  + Utf8 [avail_in]
  + Utf8 [avail_out]
  + Utf8 [b]
  + Utf8 [bb]
  + Utf8 [bd]
  + Utf8 [bitb]
  + Utf8 [bitk]
  + Utf8 [bl]
  + Utf8 [blens]
  + Utf8 [border]
  + Utf8 [c]
  + Utf8 [check]
  + Utf8 [checkfn]
  + Utf8 [codes]
  + Utf8 [com/jcraft/jzlib/Adler32]
  + Utf8 [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks]
  + Utf8 [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes]
  + Utf8 [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree]
  + Utf8 [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream]
  + Utf8 [end]
  + Utf8 [free]
  + Utf8 [hufts]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [index]
  + Utf8 [inflate_flush]
  + Utf8 [inflate_mask]
  + Utf8 [inflate_trees_bits]
  + Utf8 [inflate_trees_dynamic]
  + Utf8 [inflate_trees_fixed]
  + Utf8 [inftree]
  + Utf8 [init]
  + Utf8 [invalid bit length repeat]
  + Utf8 [invalid block type]
  + Utf8 [invalid stored block lengths]
  + Utf8 [j]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [k]
  + Utf8 [last]
  + Utf8 [left]
  + Utf8 [m]
  + Utf8 [mode]
  + Utf8 [msg]
  + Utf8 [n]
  + Utf8 [next_in]
  + Utf8 [next_in_index]
  + Utf8 [next_out]
  + Utf8 [next_out_index]
  + Utf8 [p]
  + Utf8 [proc]
  + Utf8 [q]
  + Utf8 [r]
  + Utf8 [read]
  + Utf8 [reset]
  + Utf8 [t]
  + Utf8 [table]
  + Utf8 [tb]
  + Utf8 [td]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [tl]
  + Utf8 [too many length or distance symbols]
  + Utf8 [total_in]
  + Utf8 [total_out]
  + Utf8 [w]
  + Utf8 [window]
  + Utf8 [write]
  + Utf8 [z]

Fields (count = 21):
  + Field:        inflate_mask [I
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final int[] inflate_mask
  + Field:        border [I
    Access flags: 0x18
      = static final int[] border
  + Field:        mode I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int mode
  + Field:        left I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int left
  + Field:        table I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int table
  + Field:        index I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int index
  + Field:        blens [I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int[] blens
  + Field:        bb [I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int[] bb
  + Field:        tb [I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int[] tb
  + Field:        codes Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = com.jcraft.jzlib.InfCodes codes
  + Field:        last I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int last
  + Field:        bitk I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int bitk
  + Field:        bitb I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int bitb
  + Field:        hufts [I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int[] hufts
  + Field:        window [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] window
  + Field:        end I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int end
  + Field:        read I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int read
  + Field:        write I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int write
  + Field:        checkfn Ljava/lang/Object;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.Object checkfn
  + Field:        check J
    Access flags: 0x0
      = long check
  + Field:        inftree Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = com.jcraft.jzlib.InfTree inftree

Methods (count = 6):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 210, locals = 0, stack = 4):
      [0] bipush 17
      [2] newarray 10
      [4] dup
      [5] iconst_1
      [6] iconst_1
      [7] iastore
      [8] dup
      [9] iconst_2
      [10] iconst_3
      [11] iastore
      [12] dup
      [13] iconst_3
      [14] bipush 7
      [16] iastore
      [17] dup
      [18] iconst_4
      [19] bipush 15
      [21] iastore
      [22] dup
      [23] iconst_5
      [24] bipush 31
      [26] iastore
      [27] dup
      [28] bipush 6
      [30] bipush 63
      [32] iastore
      [33] dup
      [34] bipush 7
      [36] bipush 127
      [38] iastore
      [39] dup
      [40] bipush 8
      [42] sipush 255
      [45] iastore
      [46] dup
      [47] bipush 9
      [49] sipush 511
      [52] iastore
      [53] dup
      [54] bipush 10
      [56] sipush 1023
      [59] iastore
      [60] dup
      [61] bipush 11
      [63] sipush 2047
      [66] iastore
      [67] dup
      [68] bipush 12
      [70] sipush 4095
      [73] iastore
      [74] dup
      [75] bipush 13
      [77] sipush 8191
      [80] iastore
      [81] dup
      [82] bipush 14
      [84] sipush 16383
      [87] iastore
      [88] dup
      [89] bipush 15
      [91] sipush 32767
      [94] iastore
      [95] dup
      [96] bipush 16
      [98] ldc #1
        + Integer [65535]
      [100] iastore
      [101] putstatic #25
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inflate_mask [I]
      [104] bipush 19
      [106] newarray 10
      [108] dup
      [109] iconst_0
      [110] bipush 16
      [112] iastore
      [113] dup
      [114] iconst_1
      [115] bipush 17
      [117] iastore
      [118] dup
      [119] iconst_2
      [120] bipush 18
      [122] iastore
      [123] dup
      [124] iconst_4
      [125] bipush 8
      [127] iastore
      [128] dup
      [129] iconst_5
      [130] bipush 7
      [132] iastore
      [133] dup
      [134] bipush 6
      [136] bipush 9
      [138] iastore
      [139] dup
      [140] bipush 7
      [142] bipush 6
      [144] iastore
      [145] dup
      [146] bipush 8
      [148] bipush 10
      [150] iastore
      [151] dup
      [152] bipush 9
      [154] iconst_5
      [155] iastore
      [156] dup
      [157] bipush 10
      [159] bipush 11
      [161] iastore
      [162] dup
      [163] bipush 11
      [165] iconst_4
      [166] iastore
      [167] dup
      [168] bipush 12
      [170] bipush 12
      [172] iastore
      [173] dup
      [174] bipush 13
      [176] iconst_3
      [177] iastore
      [178] dup
      [179] bipush 14
      [181] bipush 13
      [183] iastore
      [184] dup
      [185] bipush 15
      [187] iconst_2
      [188] iastore
      [189] dup
      [190] bipush 16
      [192] bipush 14
      [194] iastore
      [195] dup
      [196] bipush 17
      [198] iconst_1
      [199] iastore
      [200] dup
      [201] bipush 18
      [203] bipush 15
      [205] iastore
      [206] putstatic #18
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.border [I]
      [209] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 10)
        [0] -> line 41
        [6] -> line 42
        [24] -> line 43
        [56] -> line 44
        [91] -> line 45
        [101] -> line 41
        [104] -> line 49
        [110] -> line 50
        [206] -> line 49
        [209] -> line 37
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;Ljava/lang/Object;I)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = InfBlocks(com.jcraft.jzlib.ZStream,java.lang.Object,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 78, locals = 4, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #57
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] iconst_1
      [6] newarray 10
      [8] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ [I]
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] iconst_1
      [13] newarray 10
      [15] putfield #32
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.tb [I]
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] new #9
        + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes]
      [22] dup
      [23] invokespecial #49
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.<init> ()V]
      [26] putfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes;]
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] new #10
        + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree]
      [33] dup
      [34] invokespecial #53
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.<init> ()V]
      [37] putfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inftree Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree;]
      [40] aload_0 v0
      [41] sipush 4320
      [44] newarray 10
      [46] putfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.hufts [I]
      [49] aload_0 v0
      [50] iload_3 v3
      [51] newarray 8
      [53] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.window [B]
      [56] aload_0 v0
      [57] iload_3 v3
      [58] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.end I]
      [61] aload_0 v0
      [62] aload_2 v2
      [63] putfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.checkfn Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [66] aload_0 v0
      [67] iconst_0
      [68] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.mode I]
      [71] aload_0 v0
      [72] aload_1 v1
      [73] aconst_null
      [74] invokevirtual #48
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.reset (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;[J)V]
      [77] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 12)
        [0] -> line 101
        [4] -> line 81
        [11] -> line 82
        [18] -> line 84
        [29] -> line 99
        [40] -> line 102
        [49] -> line 103
        [56] -> line 104
        [61] -> line 105
        [66] -> line 106
        [71] -> line 107
        [77] -> line 108
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 78 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks; this]
        v1: 0 -> 78 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream; z]
        v2: 0 -> 78 [Ljava/lang/Object; checkfn]
        v3: 0 -> 78 [I w]
  + Method:       reset(Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;[J)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = void reset(com.jcraft.jzlib.ZStream,long[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 89, locals = 3, stack = 8):
      [0] aload_2 v2
      [1] ifnull +10 (target=11)
      [4] aload_2 v2
      [5] iconst_0
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.check J]
      [10] lastore
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.mode I]
      [15] iconst_4
      [16] ificmpeq +3 (target=19)
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.mode I]
      [23] bipush 6
      [25] ificmpne +11 (target=36)
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes;]
      [32] aload_1 v1
      [33] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)V]
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] iconst_0
      [38] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.mode I]
      [41] aload_0 v0
      [42] iconst_0
      [43] putfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitk I]
      [46] aload_0 v0
      [47] iconst_0
      [48] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitb I]
      [51] aload_0 v0
      [52] aload_0 v0
      [53] iconst_0
      [54] dup_x1
      [55] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [58] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ I]
      [61] aload_0 v0
      [62] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.checkfn Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [65] ifnull +23 (target=88)
      [68] aload_1 v1
      [69] aload_0 v0
      [70] aload_1 v1
      [71] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream._adler Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Adler32;]
      [74] lconst_0
      [75] aconst_null
      [76] iconst_0
      [77] iconst_0
      [78] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Adler32.adler32 (J[BII)J]
      [81] dup2_x1
      [82] putfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.check J]
      [85] putfield #36
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.adler J]
      [88] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 11)
        [0] -> line 111
        [11] -> line 112
        [19] -> line 114
        [28] -> line 115
        [36] -> line 117
        [41] -> line 118
        [46] -> line 119
        [51] -> line 120
        [61] -> line 122
        [68] -> line 123
        [88] -> line 124
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 89 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks; this]
        v1: 0 -> 89 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream; z]
        v2: 0 -> 89 [[J c]
  + Method:       proc(Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int proc(com.jcraft.jzlib.ZStream,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 2921, locals = 14, stack = 10):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [4] istore v6
      [6] aload_1 v1
      [7] getfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [10] istore v7
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitb I]
      [16] istore v4
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitk I]
      [22] istore v5
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [28] istore v8
      [30] iload v8
      [32] aload_0 v0
      [33] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ I]
      [36] ificmpge +15 (target=51)
      [39] aload_0 v0
      [40] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ I]
      [43] iload v8
      [45] isub
      [46] iconst_1
      [47] isub
      [48] goto +10 (target=58)
      [51] aload_0 v0
      [52] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.end I]
      [55] iload v8
      [57] isub
      [58] istore v9
      [60] aload_0 v0
      [61] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.mode I]
      [64] tableswitch (10 offsets, default=2800) (target=2864)
        0: offset = 56, target = 120
        1: offset = 416, target = 480
        2: offset = 651, target = 715
        3: offset = 1028, target = 1092
        4: offset = 1316, target = 1380
        5: offset = 1620, target = 1684
        6: offset = 2406, target = 2470
        7: offset = 2567, target = 2631
        8: offset = 2687, target = 2751
        9: offset = 2743, target = 2807
        default: offset = 2800, target = 2864
      [120] goto +95 (target=215)
      [123] iload v7
      [125] ifeq +8 (target=133)
      [128] iconst_0
      [129] istore_2 v2
      [130] goto +57 (target=187)
      [133] aload_0 v0
      [134] iload v4
      [136] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitb I]
      [139] aload_0 v0
      [140] iload v5
      [142] putfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitk I]
      [145] aload_1 v1
      [146] iload v7
      [148] putfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [151] aload_1 v1
      [152] dup
      [153] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [156] iload v6
      [158] aload_1 v1
      [159] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [162] isub
      [163] i2l
      [164] ladd
      [165] putfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [168] aload_1 v1
      [169] iload v6
      [171] putfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [174] aload_0 v0
      [175] iload v8
      [177] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [180] aload_0 v0
      [181] aload_1 v1
      [182] iload_2 v2
      [183] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inflate_flush (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
      [186] ireturn
      [187] iinc v7, -1
      [190] iload v4
      [192] aload_1 v1
      [193] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in [B]
      [196] iload v6
      [198] iinc v6, 1
      [201] baload
      [202] sipush 255
      [205] iand
      [206] iload v5
      [208] ishl
      [209] ior
      [210] istore v4
      [212] iinc v5, 8
      [215] iload v5
      [217] iconst_3
      [218] ificmplt -95 (target=123)
      [221] iload v4
      [223] bipush 7
      [225] iand
      [226] istore_3 v3
      [227] aload_0 v0
      [228] iload_3 v3
      [229] iconst_1
      [230] iand
      [231] putfield #27
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.last I]
      [234] iload_3 v3
      [235] iconst_1
      [236] iushr
      [237] tableswitch (4 offsets, default=240) (target=477)
        0: offset = 31, target = 268
        1: offset = 66, target = 303
        2: offset = 145, target = 382
        3: offset = 162, target = 399
        default: offset = 240, target = 477
      [268] iload v4
      [270] iconst_3
      [271] iushr
      [272] istore v4
      [274] iinc v5, -3
      [277] iload v5
      [279] bipush 7
      [281] iand
      [282] istore_3 v3
      [283] iload v4
      [285] iload_3 v3
      [286] iushr
      [287] istore v4
      [289] iload v5
      [291] iload_3 v3
      [292] isub
      [293] istore v5
      [295] aload_0 v0
      [296] iconst_1
      [297] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.mode I]
      [300] goto -240 (target=60)
      [303] iconst_1
      [304] newarray 10
      [306] astore v10
      [308] iconst_1
      [309] newarray 10
      [311] astore v11
      [313] iconst_1
      [314] anewarray #6
        + Class [[I]
      [317] astore v12
      [319] iconst_1
      [320] anewarray #6
        + Class [[I]
      [323] astore v13
      [325] aload v10
      [327] aload v11
      [329] aload v12
      [331] aload v13
      [333] aload_1 v1
      [334] invokestatic #56
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.inflate_trees_fixed ([I[I[[I[[ILcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)I]
      [337] pop
      [338] aload_0 v0
      [339] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes;]
      [342] aload v10
      [344] iconst_0
      [345] iaload
      [346] aload v11
      [348] iconst_0
      [349] iaload
      [350] aload v12
      [352] iconst_0
      [353] aaload
      [354] iconst_0
      [355] aload v13
      [357] iconst_0
      [358] aaload
      [359] iconst_0
      [360] aload_1 v1
      [361] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.init (II[II[IILcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)V]
      [364] iload v4
      [366] iconst_3
      [367] iushr
      [368] istore v4
      [370] iinc v5, -3
      [373] aload_0 v0
      [374] bipush 6
      [376] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.mode I]
      [379] goto -319 (target=60)
      [382] iload v4
      [384] iconst_3
      [385] iushr
      [386] istore v4
      [388] iinc v5, -3
      [391] aload_0 v0
      [392] iconst_3
      [393] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.mode I]
      [396] goto -336 (target=60)
      [399] iload v4
      [401] iconst_3
      [402] iushr
      [403] istore v4
      [405] iinc v5, -3
      [408] aload_0 v0
      [409] bipush 9
      [411] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.mode I]
      [414] aload_1 v1
      [415] ldc #3
        + String [invalid block type]
      [417] putfield #39
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.msg Ljava/lang/String;]
      [420] bipush -3
      [422] istore_2 v2
      [423] aload_0 v0
      [424] iload v4
      [426] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitb I]
      [429] aload_0 v0
      [430] iload v5
      [432] putfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitk I]
      [435] aload_1 v1
      [436] iload v7
      [438] putfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [441] aload_1 v1
      [442] dup
      [443] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [446] iload v6
      [448] aload_1 v1
      [449] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [452] isub
      [453] i2l
      [454] ladd
      [455] putfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [458] aload_1 v1
      [459] iload v6
      [461] putfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [464] aload_0 v0
      [465] iload v8
      [467] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [470] aload_0 v0
      [471] aload_1 v1
      [472] iload_2 v2
      [473] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inflate_flush (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
      [476] ireturn
      [477] goto -417 (target=60)
      [480] goto +95 (target=575)
      [483] iload v7
      [485] ifeq +8 (target=493)
      [488] iconst_0
      [489] istore_2 v2
      [490] goto +57 (target=547)
      [493] aload_0 v0
      [494] iload v4
      [496] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitb I]
      [499] aload_0 v0
      [500] iload v5
      [502] putfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitk I]
      [505] aload_1 v1
      [506] iload v7
      [508] putfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [511] aload_1 v1
      [512] dup
      [513] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [516] iload v6
      [518] aload_1 v1
      [519] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [522] isub
      [523] i2l
      [524] ladd
      [525] putfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [528] aload_1 v1
      [529] iload v6
      [531] putfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [534] aload_0 v0
      [535] iload v8
      [537] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [540] aload_0 v0
      [541] aload_1 v1
      [542] iload_2 v2
      [543] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inflate_flush (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
      [546] ireturn
      [547] iinc v7, -1
      [550] iload v4
      [552] aload_1 v1
      [553] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in [B]
      [556] iload v6
      [558] iinc v6, 1
      [561] baload
      [562] sipush 255
      [565] iand
      [566] iload v5
      [568] ishl
      [569] ior
      [570] istore v4
      [572] iinc v5, 8
      [575] iload v5
      [577] bipush 32
      [579] ificmplt -96 (target=483)
      [582] iload v4
      [584] iconst_m1
      [585] ixor
      [586] bipush 16
      [588] iushr
      [589] ldc #1
        + Integer [65535]
      [591] iand
      [592] iload v4
      [594] ldc #1
        + Integer [65535]
      [596] iand
      [597] ificmpeq +72 (target=669)
      [600] aload_0 v0
      [601] bipush 9
      [603] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.mode I]
      [606] aload_1 v1
      [607] ldc #4
        + String [invalid stored block lengths]
      [609] putfield #39
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.msg Ljava/lang/String;]
      [612] bipush -3
      [614] istore_2 v2
      [615] aload_0 v0
      [616] iload v4
      [618] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitb I]
      [621] aload_0 v0
      [622] iload v5
      [624] putfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitk I]
      [627] aload_1 v1
      [628] iload v7
      [630] putfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [633] aload_1 v1
      [634] dup
      [635] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [638] iload v6
      [640] aload_1 v1
      [641] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [644] isub
      [645] i2l
      [646] ladd
      [647] putfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [650] aload_1 v1
      [651] iload v6
      [653] putfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [656] aload_0 v0
      [657] iload v8
      [659] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [662] aload_0 v0
      [663] aload_1 v1
      [664] iload_2 v2
      [665] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inflate_flush (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
      [668] ireturn
      [669] aload_0 v0
      [670] iload v4
      [672] ldc #1
        + Integer [65535]
      [674] iand
      [675] putfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.left I]
      [678] iconst_0
      [679] dup
      [680] istore v5
      [682] istore v4
      [684] aload_0 v0
      [685] aload_0 v0
      [686] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.left I]
      [689] ifeq +7 (target=696)
      [692] iconst_2
      [693] goto +16 (target=709)
      [696] aload_0 v0
      [697] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.last I]
      [700] ifeq +8 (target=708)
      [703] bipush 7
      [705] goto +4 (target=709)
      [708] iconst_0
      [709] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.mode I]
      [712] goto -652 (target=60)
      [715] iload v7
      [717] ifne +57 (target=774)
      [720] aload_0 v0
      [721] iload v4
      [723] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitb I]
      [726] aload_0 v0
      [727] iload v5
      [729] putfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitk I]
      [732] aload_1 v1
      [733] iload v7
      [735] putfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [738] aload_1 v1
      [739] dup
      [740] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [743] iload v6
      [745] aload_1 v1
      [746] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [749] isub
      [750] i2l
      [751] ladd
      [752] putfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [755] aload_1 v1
      [756] iload v6
      [758] putfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [761] aload_0 v0
      [762] iload v8
      [764] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [767] aload_0 v0
      [768] aload_1 v1
      [769] iload_2 v2
      [770] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inflate_flush (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
      [773] ireturn
      [774] iload v9
      [776] ifne +214 (target=990)
      [779] iload v8
      [781] aload_0 v0
      [782] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.end I]
      [785] ificmpne +43 (target=828)
      [788] aload_0 v0
      [789] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ I]
      [792] ifeq +36 (target=828)
      [795] iconst_0
      [796] istore v8
      [798] iload v8
      [800] aload_0 v0
      [801] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ I]
      [804] ificmpge +15 (target=819)
      [807] aload_0 v0
      [808] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ I]
      [811] iload v8
      [813] isub
      [814] iconst_1
      [815] isub
      [816] goto +10 (target=826)
      [819] aload_0 v0
      [820] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.end I]
      [823] iload v8
      [825] isub
      [826] istore v9
      [828] iload v9
      [830] ifne +160 (target=990)
      [833] aload_0 v0
      [834] iload v8
      [836] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [839] aload_0 v0
      [840] aload_1 v1
      [841] iload_2 v2
      [842] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inflate_flush (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
      [845] istore_2 v2
      [846] aload_0 v0
      [847] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [850] istore v8
      [852] iload v8
      [854] aload_0 v0
      [855] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ I]
      [858] ificmpge +15 (target=873)
      [861] aload_0 v0
      [862] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ I]
      [865] iload v8
      [867] isub
      [868] iconst_1
      [869] isub
      [870] goto +10 (target=880)
      [873] aload_0 v0
      [874] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.end I]
      [877] iload v8
      [879] isub
      [880] istore v9
      [882] iload v8
      [884] aload_0 v0
      [885] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.end I]
      [888] ificmpne +43 (target=931)
      [891] aload_0 v0
      [892] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ I]
      [895] ifeq +36 (target=931)
      [898] iconst_0
      [899] istore v8
      [901] iload v8
      [903] aload_0 v0
      [904] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ I]
      [907] ificmpge +15 (target=922)
      [910] aload_0 v0
      [911] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ I]
      [914] iload v8
      [916] isub
      [917] iconst_1
      [918] isub
      [919] goto +10 (target=929)
      [922] aload_0 v0
      [923] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.end I]
      [926] iload v8
      [928] isub
      [929] istore v9
      [931] iload v9
      [933] ifne +57 (target=990)
      [936] aload_0 v0
      [937] iload v4
      [939] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitb I]
      [942] aload_0 v0
      [943] iload v5
      [945] putfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitk I]
      [948] aload_1 v1
      [949] iload v7
      [951] putfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [954] aload_1 v1
      [955] dup
      [956] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [959] iload v6
      [961] aload_1 v1
      [962] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [965] isub
      [966] i2l
      [967] ladd
      [968] putfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [971] aload_1 v1
      [972] iload v6
      [974] putfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [977] aload_0 v0
      [978] iload v8
      [980] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [983] aload_0 v0
      [984] aload_1 v1
      [985] iload_2 v2
      [986] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inflate_flush (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
      [989] ireturn
      [990] iconst_0
      [991] istore_2 v2
      [992] aload_0 v0
      [993] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.left I]
      [996] istore_3 v3
      [997] iload_3 v3
      [998] iload v7
      [1000] ificmple +6 (target=1006)
      [1003] iload v7
      [1005] istore_3 v3
      [1006] iload_3 v3
      [1007] iload v9
      [1009] ificmple +6 (target=1015)
      [1012] iload v9
      [1014] istore_3 v3
      [1015] aload_1 v1
      [1016] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in [B]
      [1019] iload v6
      [1021] aload_0 v0
      [1022] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.window [B]
      [1025] iload v8
      [1027] iload_3 v3
      [1028] invokestatic #58
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [1031] iload v6
      [1033] iload_3 v3
      [1034] iadd
      [1035] istore v6
      [1037] iload v7
      [1039] iload_3 v3
      [1040] isub
      [1041] istore v7
      [1043] iload v8
      [1045] iload_3 v3
      [1046] iadd
      [1047] istore v8
      [1049] iload v9
      [1051] iload_3 v3
      [1052] isub
      [1053] istore v9
      [1055] aload_0 v0
      [1056] dup
      [1057] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.left I]
      [1060] iload_3 v3
      [1061] isub
      [1062] dup_x1
      [1063] putfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.left I]
      [1066] ifeq +6 (target=1072)
      [1069] goto -1009 (target=60)
      [1072] aload_0 v0
      [1073] aload_0 v0
      [1074] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.last I]
      [1077] ifeq +8 (target=1085)
      [1080] bipush 7
      [1082] goto +4 (target=1086)
      [1085] iconst_0
      [1086] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.mode I]
      [1089] goto -1029 (target=60)
      [1092] goto +95 (target=1187)
      [1095] iload v7
      [1097] ifeq +8 (target=1105)
      [1100] iconst_0
      [1101] istore_2 v2
      [1102] goto +57 (target=1159)
      [1105] aload_0 v0
      [1106] iload v4
      [1108] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitb I]
      [1111] aload_0 v0
      [1112] iload v5
      [1114] putfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitk I]
      [1117] aload_1 v1
      [1118] iload v7
      [1120] putfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [1123] aload_1 v1
      [1124] dup
      [1125] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [1128] iload v6
      [1130] aload_1 v1
      [1131] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [1134] isub
      [1135] i2l
      [1136] ladd
      [1137] putfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [1140] aload_1 v1
      [1141] iload v6
      [1143] putfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [1146] aload_0 v0
      [1147] iload v8
      [1149] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [1152] aload_0 v0
      [1153] aload_1 v1
      [1154] iload_2 v2
      [1155] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inflate_flush (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
      [1158] ireturn
      [1159] iinc v7, -1
      [1162] iload v4
      [1164] aload_1 v1
      [1165] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in [B]
      [1168] iload v6
      [1170] iinc v6, 1
      [1173] baload
      [1174] sipush 255
      [1177] iand
      [1178] iload v5
      [1180] ishl
      [1181] ior
      [1182] istore v4
      [1184] iinc v5, 8
      [1187] iload v5
      [1189] bipush 14
      [1191] ificmplt -96 (target=1095)
      [1194] aload_0 v0
      [1195] iload v4
      [1197] sipush 16383
      [1200] iand
      [1201] dup
      [1202] istore_3 v3
      [1203] putfield #31
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.table I]
      [1206] iload_3 v3
      [1207] bipush 31
      [1209] iand
      [1210] bipush 29
      [1212] ificmpgt +14 (target=1226)
      [1215] iload_3 v3
      [1216] iconst_5
      [1217] ishr
      [1218] bipush 31
      [1220] iand
      [1221] bipush 29
      [1223] ificmple +72 (target=1295)
      [1226] aload_0 v0
      [1227] bipush 9
      [1229] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.mode I]
      [1232] aload_1 v1
      [1233] ldc #5
        + String [too many length or distance symbols]
      [1235] putfield #39
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.msg Ljava/lang/String;]
      [1238] bipush -3
      [1240] istore_2 v2
      [1241] aload_0 v0
      [1242] iload v4
      [1244] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitb I]
      [1247] aload_0 v0
      [1248] iload v5
      [1250] putfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitk I]
      [1253] aload_1 v1
      [1254] iload v7
      [1256] putfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [1259] aload_1 v1
      [1260] dup
      [1261] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [1264] iload v6
      [1266] aload_1 v1
      [1267] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [1270] isub
      [1271] i2l
      [1272] ladd
      [1273] putfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [1276] aload_1 v1
      [1277] iload v6
      [1279] putfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [1282] aload_0 v0
      [1283] iload v8
      [1285] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [1288] aload_0 v0
      [1289] aload_1 v1
      [1290] iload_2 v2
      [1291] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inflate_flush (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
      [1294] ireturn
      [1295] sipush 258
      [1298] iload_3 v3
      [1299] bipush 31
      [1301] iand
      [1302] iadd
      [1303] iload_3 v3
      [1304] iconst_5
      [1305] ishr
      [1306] bipush 31
      [1308] iand
      [1309] iadd
      [1310] istore_3 v3
      [1311] aload_0 v0
      [1312] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.blens [I]
      [1315] ifnull +12 (target=1327)
      [1318] aload_0 v0
      [1319] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.blens [I]
      [1322] arraylength
      [1323] iload_3 v3
      [1324] ificmpge +13 (target=1337)
      [1327] aload_0 v0
      [1328] iload_3 v3
      [1329] newarray 10
      [1331] putfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.blens [I]
      [1334] goto +26 (target=1360)
      [1337] iconst_0
      [1338] istore v10
      [1340] goto +14 (target=1354)
      [1343] aload_0 v0
      [1344] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.blens [I]
      [1347] iload v10
      [1349] iconst_0
      [1350] iastore
      [1351] iinc v10, 1
      [1354] iload v10
      [1356] iload_3 v3
      [1357] ificmplt -14 (target=1343)
      [1360] iload v4
      [1362] bipush 14
      [1364] iushr
      [1365] istore v4
      [1367] iinc v5, -14
      [1370] aload_0 v0
      [1371] iconst_0
      [1372] putfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.index I]
      [1375] aload_0 v0
      [1376] iconst_4
      [1377] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.mode I]
      [1380] goto +135 (target=1515)
      [1383] iload v7
      [1385] ifeq +8 (target=1393)
      [1388] iconst_0
      [1389] istore_2 v2
      [1390] goto +57 (target=1447)
      [1393] aload_0 v0
      [1394] iload v4
      [1396] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitb I]
      [1399] aload_0 v0
      [1400] iload v5
      [1402] putfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitk I]
      [1405] aload_1 v1
      [1406] iload v7
      [1408] putfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [1411] aload_1 v1
      [1412] dup
      [1413] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [1416] iload v6
      [1418] aload_1 v1
      [1419] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [1422] isub
      [1423] i2l
      [1424] ladd
      [1425] putfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [1428] aload_1 v1
      [1429] iload v6
      [1431] putfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [1434] aload_0 v0
      [1435] iload v8
      [1437] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [1440] aload_0 v0
      [1441] aload_1 v1
      [1442] iload_2 v2
      [1443] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inflate_flush (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
      [1446] ireturn
      [1447] iinc v7, -1
      [1450] iload v4
      [1452] aload_1 v1
      [1453] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in [B]
      [1456] iload v6
      [1458] iinc v6, 1
      [1461] baload
      [1462] sipush 255
      [1465] iand
      [1466] iload v5
      [1468] ishl
      [1469] ior
      [1470] istore v4
      [1472] iinc v5, 8
      [1475] iload v5
      [1477] iconst_3
      [1478] ificmplt -95 (target=1383)
      [1481] aload_0 v0
      [1482] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.blens [I]
      [1485] getstatic #18
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.border [I]
      [1488] aload_0 v0
      [1489] dup
      [1490] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.index I]
      [1493] dup_x1
      [1494] iconst_1
      [1495] iadd
      [1496] putfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.index I]
      [1499] iaload
      [1500] iload v4
      [1502] bipush 7
      [1504] iand
      [1505] iastore
      [1506] iload v4
      [1508] iconst_3
      [1509] iushr
      [1510] istore v4
      [1512] iinc v5, -3
      [1515] aload_0 v0
      [1516] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.index I]
      [1519] iconst_4
      [1520] aload_0 v0
      [1521] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.table I]
      [1524] bipush 10
      [1526] iushr
      [1527] iadd
      [1528] ificmplt -53 (target=1475)
      [1531] goto +24 (target=1555)
      [1534] aload_0 v0
      [1535] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.blens [I]
      [1538] getstatic #18
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.border [I]
      [1541] aload_0 v0
      [1542] dup
      [1543] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.index I]
      [1546] dup_x1
      [1547] iconst_1
      [1548] iadd
      [1549] putfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.index I]
      [1552] iaload
      [1553] iconst_0
      [1554] iastore
      [1555] aload_0 v0
      [1556] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.index I]
      [1559] bipush 19
      [1561] ificmplt -27 (target=1534)
      [1564] aload_0 v0
      [1565] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ [I]
      [1568] iconst_0
      [1569] bipush 7
      [1571] iastore
      [1572] aload_0 v0
      [1573] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inftree Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree;]
      [1576] aload_0 v0
      [1577] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.blens [I]
      [1580] aload_0 v0
      [1581] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ [I]
      [1584] aload_0 v0
      [1585] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.tb [I]
      [1588] aload_0 v0
      [1589] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.hufts [I]
      [1592] aload_1 v1
      [1593] invokevirtual #54
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.inflate_trees_bits ([I[I[I[ILcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)I]
      [1596] istore_3 v3
      [1597] iload_3 v3
      [1598] ifeq +76 (target=1674)
      [1601] iload_3 v3
      [1602] istore_2 v2
      [1603] iload_2 v2
      [1604] bipush -3
      [1606] ificmpne +14 (target=1620)
      [1609] aload_0 v0
      [1610] aconst_null
      [1611] putfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.blens [I]
      [1614] aload_0 v0
      [1615] bipush 9
      [1617] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.mode I]
      [1620] aload_0 v0
      [1621] iload v4
      [1623] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitb I]
      [1626] aload_0 v0
      [1627] iload v5
      [1629] putfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitk I]
      [1632] aload_1 v1
      [1633] iload v7
      [1635] putfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [1638] aload_1 v1
      [1639] dup
      [1640] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [1643] iload v6
      [1645] aload_1 v1
      [1646] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [1649] isub
      [1650] i2l
      [1651] ladd
      [1652] putfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [1655] aload_1 v1
      [1656] iload v6
      [1658] putfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [1661] aload_0 v0
      [1662] iload v8
      [1664] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [1667] aload_0 v0
      [1668] aload_1 v1
      [1669] iload_2 v2
      [1670] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inflate_flush (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
      [1673] ireturn
      [1674] aload_0 v0
      [1675] iconst_0
      [1676] putfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.index I]
      [1679] aload_0 v0
      [1680] iconst_5
      [1681] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.mode I]
      [1684] aload_0 v0
      [1685] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.table I]
      [1688] istore_3 v3
      [1689] aload_0 v0
      [1690] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.index I]
      [1693] sipush 258
      [1696] iload_3 v3
      [1697] bipush 31
      [1699] iand
      [1700] iadd
      [1701] iload_3 v3
      [1702] iconst_5
      [1703] ishr
      [1704] bipush 31
      [1706] iand
      [1707] iadd
      [1708] ificmplt +6 (target=1714)
      [1711] goto +559 (target=2270)
      [1714] aload_0 v0
      [1715] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ [I]
      [1718] iconst_0
      [1719] iaload
      [1720] istore_3 v3
      [1721] goto +95 (target=1816)
      [1724] iload v7
      [1726] ifeq +8 (target=1734)
      [1729] iconst_0
      [1730] istore_2 v2
      [1731] goto +57 (target=1788)
      [1734] aload_0 v0
      [1735] iload v4
      [1737] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitb I]
      [1740] aload_0 v0
      [1741] iload v5
      [1743] putfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitk I]
      [1746] aload_1 v1
      [1747] iload v7
      [1749] putfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [1752] aload_1 v1
      [1753] dup
      [1754] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [1757] iload v6
      [1759] aload_1 v1
      [1760] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [1763] isub
      [1764] i2l
      [1765] ladd
      [1766] putfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [1769] aload_1 v1
      [1770] iload v6
      [1772] putfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [1775] aload_0 v0
      [1776] iload v8
      [1778] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [1781] aload_0 v0
      [1782] aload_1 v1
      [1783] iload_2 v2
      [1784] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inflate_flush (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
      [1787] ireturn
      [1788] iinc v7, -1
      [1791] iload v4
      [1793] aload_1 v1
      [1794] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in [B]
      [1797] iload v6
      [1799] iinc v6, 1
      [1802] baload
      [1803] sipush 255
      [1806] iand
      [1807] iload v5
      [1809] ishl
      [1810] ior
      [1811] istore v4
      [1813] iinc v5, 8
      [1816] iload v5
      [1818] iload_3 v3
      [1819] ificmplt -95 (target=1724)
      [1822] aload_0 v0
      [1823] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.tb [I]
      [1826] iconst_0
      [1827] iaload
      [1828] pop
      [1829] aload_0 v0
      [1830] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.hufts [I]
      [1833] aload_0 v0
      [1834] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.tb [I]
      [1837] iconst_0
      [1838] iaload
      [1839] iload v4
      [1841] getstatic #25
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inflate_mask [I]
      [1844] iload_3 v3
      [1845] iaload
      [1846] iand
      [1847] iadd
      [1848] iconst_3
      [1849] imul
      [1850] iconst_1
      [1851] iadd
      [1852] iaload
      [1853] istore_3 v3
      [1854] aload_0 v0
      [1855] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.hufts [I]
      [1858] aload_0 v0
      [1859] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.tb [I]
      [1862] iconst_0
      [1863] iaload
      [1864] iload v4
      [1866] getstatic #25
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inflate_mask [I]
      [1869] iload_3 v3
      [1870] iaload
      [1871] iand
      [1872] iadd
      [1873] iconst_3
      [1874] imul
      [1875] iconst_2
      [1876] iadd
      [1877] iaload
      [1878] istore v13
      [1880] iload v13
      [1882] bipush 16
      [1884] ificmpge +36 (target=1920)
      [1887] iload v4
      [1889] iload_3 v3
      [1890] iushr
      [1891] istore v4
      [1893] iload v5
      [1895] iload_3 v3
      [1896] isub
      [1897] istore v5
      [1899] aload_0 v0
      [1900] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.blens [I]
      [1903] aload_0 v0
      [1904] dup
      [1905] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.index I]
      [1908] dup_x1
      [1909] iconst_1
      [1910] iadd
      [1911] putfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.index I]
      [1914] iload v13
      [1916] iastore
      [1917] goto -233 (target=1684)
      [1920] iload v13
      [1922] bipush 18
      [1924] ificmpne +8 (target=1932)
      [1927] bipush 7
      [1929] goto +8 (target=1937)
      [1932] iload v13
      [1934] bipush 14
      [1936] isub
      [1937] istore v11
      [1939] iload v13
      [1941] bipush 18
      [1943] ificmpne +8 (target=1951)
      [1946] bipush 11
      [1948] goto +4 (target=1952)
      [1951] iconst_3
      [1952] istore v12
      [1954] goto +95 (target=2049)
      [1957] iload v7
      [1959] ifeq +8 (target=1967)
      [1962] iconst_0
      [1963] istore_2 v2
      [1964] goto +57 (target=2021)
      [1967] aload_0 v0
      [1968] iload v4
      [1970] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitb I]
      [1973] aload_0 v0
      [1974] iload v5
      [1976] putfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitk I]
      [1979] aload_1 v1
      [1980] iload v7
      [1982] putfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [1985] aload_1 v1
      [1986] dup
      [1987] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [1990] iload v6
      [1992] aload_1 v1
      [1993] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [1996] isub
      [1997] i2l
      [1998] ladd
      [1999] putfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [2002] aload_1 v1
      [2003] iload v6
      [2005] putfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [2008] aload_0 v0
      [2009] iload v8
      [2011] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [2014] aload_0 v0
      [2015] aload_1 v1
      [2016] iload_2 v2
      [2017] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inflate_flush (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
      [2020] ireturn
      [2021] iinc v7, -1
      [2024] iload v4
      [2026] aload_1 v1
      [2027] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in [B]
      [2030] iload v6
      [2032] iinc v6, 1
      [2035] baload
      [2036] sipush 255
      [2039] iand
      [2040] iload v5
      [2042] ishl
      [2043] ior
      [2044] istore v4
      [2046] iinc v5, 8
      [2049] iload v5
      [2051] iload_3 v3
      [2052] iload v11
      [2054] iadd
      [2055] ificmplt -98 (target=1957)
      [2058] iload v4
      [2060] iload_3 v3
      [2061] iushr
      [2062] istore v4
      [2064] iload v5
      [2066] iload_3 v3
      [2067] isub
      [2068] istore v5
      [2070] iload v12
      [2072] iload v4
      [2074] getstatic #25
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inflate_mask [I]
      [2077] iload v11
      [2079] iaload
      [2080] iand
      [2081] iadd
      [2082] istore v12
      [2084] iload v4
      [2086] iload v11
      [2088] iushr
      [2089] istore v4
      [2091] iload v5
      [2093] iload v11
      [2095] isub
      [2096] istore v5
      [2098] aload_0 v0
      [2099] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.index I]
      [2102] istore v11
      [2104] aload_0 v0
      [2105] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.table I]
      [2108] istore_3 v3
      [2109] iload v11
      [2111] iload v12
      [2113] iadd
      [2114] sipush 258
      [2117] iload_3 v3
      [2118] bipush 31
      [2120] iand
      [2121] iadd
      [2122] iload_3 v3
      [2123] iconst_5
      [2124] ishr
      [2125] bipush 31
      [2127] iand
      [2128] iadd
      [2129] ificmpgt +16 (target=2145)
      [2132] iload v13
      [2134] bipush 16
      [2136] ificmpne +83 (target=2219)
      [2139] iload v11
      [2141] iconst_1
      [2142] ificmpge +77 (target=2219)
      [2145] aload_0 v0
      [2146] aconst_null
      [2147] putfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.blens [I]
      [2150] aload_0 v0
      [2151] bipush 9
      [2153] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.mode I]
      [2156] aload_1 v1
      [2157] ldc #2
        + String [invalid bit length repeat]
      [2159] putfield #39
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.msg Ljava/lang/String;]
      [2162] bipush -3
      [2164] istore_2 v2
      [2165] aload_0 v0
      [2166] iload v4
      [2168] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitb I]
      [2171] aload_0 v0
      [2172] iload v5
      [2174] putfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitk I]
      [2177] aload_1 v1
      [2178] iload v7
      [2180] putfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [2183] aload_1 v1
      [2184] dup
      [2185] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [2188] iload v6
      [2190] aload_1 v1
      [2191] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [2194] isub
      [2195] i2l
      [2196] ladd
      [2197] putfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [2200] aload_1 v1
      [2201] iload v6
      [2203] putfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [2206] aload_0 v0
      [2207] iload v8
      [2209] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [2212] aload_0 v0
      [2213] aload_1 v1
      [2214] iload_2 v2
      [2215] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inflate_flush (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
      [2218] ireturn
      [2219] iload v13
      [2221] bipush 16
      [2223] ificmpne +15 (target=2238)
      [2226] aload_0 v0
      [2227] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.blens [I]
      [2230] iload v11
      [2232] iconst_1
      [2233] isub
      [2234] iaload
      [2235] goto +4 (target=2239)
      [2238] iconst_0
      [2239] istore v13
      [2241] aload_0 v0
      [2242] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.blens [I]
      [2245] iload v11
      [2247] iinc v11, 1
      [2250] iload v13
      [2252] iastore
      [2253] iinc v12, -1
      [2256] iload v12
      [2258] ifne -17 (target=2241)
      [2261] aload_0 v0
      [2262] iload v11
      [2264] putfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.index I]
      [2267] goto -583 (target=1684)
      [2270] aload_0 v0
      [2271] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.tb [I]
      [2274] iconst_0
      [2275] iconst_m1
      [2276] iastore
      [2277] iconst_1
      [2278] newarray 10
      [2280] astore v10
      [2282] iconst_1
      [2283] newarray 10
      [2285] astore v11
      [2287] iconst_1
      [2288] newarray 10
      [2290] astore v12
      [2292] iconst_1
      [2293] newarray 10
      [2295] astore v13
      [2297] aload v10
      [2299] iconst_0
      [2300] bipush 9
      [2302] iastore
      [2303] aload v11
      [2305] iconst_0
      [2306] bipush 6
      [2308] iastore
      [2309] aload_0 v0
      [2310] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.table I]
      [2313] istore_3 v3
      [2314] aload_0 v0
      [2315] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inftree Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree;]
      [2318] sipush 257
      [2321] iload_3 v3
      [2322] bipush 31
      [2324] iand
      [2325] iadd
      [2326] iconst_1
      [2327] iload_3 v3
      [2328] iconst_5
      [2329] ishr
      [2330] bipush 31
      [2332] iand
      [2333] iadd
      [2334] aload_0 v0
      [2335] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.blens [I]
      [2338] aload v10
      [2340] aload v11
      [2342] aload v12
      [2344] aload v13
      [2346] aload_0 v0
      [2347] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.hufts [I]
      [2350] aload_1 v1
      [2351] invokevirtual #55
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.inflate_trees_dynamic (II[I[I[I[I[I[ILcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)I]
      [2354] istore_3 v3
      [2355] iload_3 v3
      [2356] ifeq +76 (target=2432)
      [2359] iload_3 v3
      [2360] bipush -3
      [2362] ificmpne +14 (target=2376)
      [2365] aload_0 v0
      [2366] aconst_null
      [2367] putfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.blens [I]
      [2370] aload_0 v0
      [2371] bipush 9
      [2373] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.mode I]
      [2376] iload_3 v3
      [2377] istore_2 v2
      [2378] aload_0 v0
      [2379] iload v4
      [2381] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitb I]
      [2384] aload_0 v0
      [2385] iload v5
      [2387] putfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitk I]
      [2390] aload_1 v1
      [2391] iload v7
      [2393] putfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [2396] aload_1 v1
      [2397] dup
      [2398] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [2401] iload v6
      [2403] aload_1 v1
      [2404] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [2407] isub
      [2408] i2l
      [2409] ladd
      [2410] putfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [2413] aload_1 v1
      [2414] iload v6
      [2416] putfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [2419] aload_0 v0
      [2420] iload v8
      [2422] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [2425] aload_0 v0
      [2426] aload_1 v1
      [2427] iload_2 v2
      [2428] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inflate_flush (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
      [2431] ireturn
      [2432] aload_0 v0
      [2433] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes;]
      [2436] aload v10
      [2438] iconst_0
      [2439] iaload
      [2440] aload v11
      [2442] iconst_0
      [2443] iaload
      [2444] aload_0 v0
      [2445] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.hufts [I]
      [2448] aload v12
      [2450] iconst_0
      [2451] iaload
      [2452] aload_0 v0
      [2453] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.hufts [I]
      [2456] aload v13
      [2458] iconst_0
      [2459] iaload
      [2460] aload_1 v1
      [2461] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.init (II[II[IILcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)V]
      [2464] aload_0 v0
      [2465] bipush 6
      [2467] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.mode I]
      [2470] aload_0 v0
      [2471] iload v4
      [2473] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitb I]
      [2476] aload_0 v0
      [2477] iload v5
      [2479] putfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitk I]
      [2482] aload_1 v1
      [2483] iload v7
      [2485] putfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [2488] aload_1 v1
      [2489] dup
      [2490] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [2493] iload v6
      [2495] aload_1 v1
      [2496] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [2499] isub
      [2500] i2l
      [2501] ladd
      [2502] putfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [2505] aload_1 v1
      [2506] iload v6
      [2508] putfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [2511] aload_0 v0
      [2512] iload v8
      [2514] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [2517] aload_0 v0
      [2518] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes;]
      [2521] aload_0 v0
      [2522] aload_1 v1
      [2523] iload_2 v2
      [2524] invokevirtual #52
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.proc (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks;Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
      [2527] dup
      [2528] istore_2 v2
      [2529] iconst_1
      [2530] ificmpeq +10 (target=2540)
      [2533] aload_0 v0
      [2534] aload_1 v1
      [2535] iload_2 v2
      [2536] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inflate_flush (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
      [2539] ireturn
      [2540] iconst_0
      [2541] istore_2 v2
      [2542] aload_0 v0
      [2543] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes;]
      [2546] aload_1 v1
      [2547] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)V]
      [2550] aload_1 v1
      [2551] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [2554] istore v6
      [2556] aload_1 v1
      [2557] getfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [2560] istore v7
      [2562] aload_0 v0
      [2563] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitb I]
      [2566] istore v4
      [2568] aload_0 v0
      [2569] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitk I]
      [2572] istore v5
      [2574] aload_0 v0
      [2575] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [2578] istore v8
      [2580] iload v8
      [2582] aload_0 v0
      [2583] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ I]
      [2586] ificmpge +15 (target=2601)
      [2589] aload_0 v0
      [2590] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ I]
      [2593] iload v8
      [2595] isub
      [2596] iconst_1
      [2597] isub
      [2598] goto +10 (target=2608)
      [2601] aload_0 v0
      [2602] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.end I]
      [2605] iload v8
      [2607] isub
      [2608] istore v9
      [2610] aload_0 v0
      [2611] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.last I]
      [2614] ifne +11 (target=2625)
      [2617] aload_0 v0
      [2618] iconst_0
      [2619] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.mode I]
      [2622] goto -2562 (target=60)
      [2625] aload_0 v0
      [2626] bipush 7
      [2628] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.mode I]
      [2631] aload_0 v0
      [2632] iload v8
      [2634] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [2637] aload_0 v0
      [2638] aload_1 v1
      [2639] iload_2 v2
      [2640] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inflate_flush (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
      [2643] istore_2 v2
      [2644] aload_0 v0
      [2645] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [2648] istore v8
      [2650] iload v8
      [2652] aload_0 v0
      [2653] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ I]
      [2656] ificmpge +15 (target=2671)
      [2659] aload_0 v0
      [2660] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ I]
      [2663] iload v8
      [2665] isub
      [2666] iconst_1
      [2667] isub
      [2668] goto +10 (target=2678)
      [2671] aload_0 v0
      [2672] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.end I]
      [2675] iload v8
      [2677] isub
      [2678] istore v9
      [2680] aload_0 v0
      [2681] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ I]
      [2684] aload_0 v0
      [2685] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [2688] ificmpeq +57 (target=2745)
      [2691] aload_0 v0
      [2692] iload v4
      [2694] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitb I]
      [2697] aload_0 v0
      [2698] iload v5
      [2700] putfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitk I]
      [2703] aload_1 v1
      [2704] iload v7
      [2706] putfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [2709] aload_1 v1
      [2710] dup
      [2711] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [2714] iload v6
      [2716] aload_1 v1
      [2717] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [2720] isub
      [2721] i2l
      [2722] ladd
      [2723] putfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [2726] aload_1 v1
      [2727] iload v6
      [2729] putfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [2732] aload_0 v0
      [2733] iload v8
      [2735] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [2738] aload_0 v0
      [2739] aload_1 v1
      [2740] iload_2 v2
      [2741] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inflate_flush (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
      [2744] ireturn
      [2745] aload_0 v0
      [2746] bipush 8
      [2748] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.mode I]
      [2751] iconst_1
      [2752] istore_2 v2
      [2753] aload_0 v0
      [2754] iload v4
      [2756] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitb I]
      [2759] aload_0 v0
      [2760] iload v5
      [2762] putfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitk I]
      [2765] aload_1 v1
      [2766] iload v7
      [2768] putfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [2771] aload_1 v1
      [2772] dup
      [2773] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [2776] iload v6
      [2778] aload_1 v1
      [2779] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [2782] isub
      [2783] i2l
      [2784] ladd
      [2785] putfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [2788] aload_1 v1
      [2789] iload v6
      [2791] putfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [2794] aload_0 v0
      [2795] iload v8
      [2797] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [2800] aload_0 v0
      [2801] aload_1 v1
      [2802] iload_2 v2
      [2803] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inflate_flush (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
      [2806] ireturn
      [2807] bipush -3
      [2809] istore_2 v2
      [2810] aload_0 v0
      [2811] iload v4
      [2813] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitb I]
      [2816] aload_0 v0
      [2817] iload v5
      [2819] putfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitk I]
      [2822] aload_1 v1
      [2823] iload v7
      [2825] putfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [2828] aload_1 v1
      [2829] dup
      [2830] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [2833] iload v6
      [2835] aload_1 v1
      [2836] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [2839] isub
      [2840] i2l
      [2841] ladd
      [2842] putfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [2845] aload_1 v1
      [2846] iload v6
      [2848] putfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [2851] aload_0 v0
      [2852] iload v8
      [2854] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [2857] aload_0 v0
      [2858] aload_1 v1
      [2859] iload_2 v2
      [2860] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inflate_flush (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
      [2863] ireturn
      [2864] bipush -2
      [2866] istore_2 v2
      [2867] aload_0 v0
      [2868] iload v4
      [2870] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitb I]
      [2873] aload_0 v0
      [2874] iload v5
      [2876] putfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitk I]
      [2879] aload_1 v1
      [2880] iload v7
      [2882] putfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [2885] aload_1 v1
      [2886] dup
      [2887] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [2890] iload v6
      [2892] aload_1 v1
      [2893] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [2896] isub
      [2897] i2l
      [2898] ladd
      [2899] putfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [2902] aload_1 v1
      [2903] iload v6
      [2905] putfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [2908] aload_0 v0
      [2909] iload v8
      [2911] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [2914] aload_0 v0
      [2915] aload_1 v1
      [2916] iload_2 v2
      [2917] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inflate_flush (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
      [2920] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 273)
        [0] -> line 136
        [24] -> line 137
        [60] -> line 141
        [120] -> line 144
        [123] -> line 145
        [128] -> line 146
        [133] -> line 149
        [145] -> line 150
        [151] -> line 151
        [174] -> line 152
        [180] -> line 153
        [187] -> line 155
        [190] -> line 156
        [212] -> line 157
        [215] -> line 144
        [221] -> line 159
        [227] -> line 160
        [234] -> line 162
        [268] -> line 164
        [277] -> line 165
        [283] -> line 167
        [295] -> line 168
        [300] -> line 169
        [303] -> line 172
        [308] -> line 173
        [313] -> line 174
        [319] -> line 175
        [325] -> line 177
        [338] -> line 178
        [364] -> line 181
        [373] -> line 183
        [379] -> line 184
        [382] -> line 187
        [391] -> line 189
        [396] -> line 190
        [399] -> line 193
        [408] -> line 194
        [414] -> line 195
        [420] -> line 196
        [423] -> line 198
        [435] -> line 199
        [464] -> line 200
        [470] -> line 201
        [477] -> line 203
        [480] -> line 206
        [483] -> line 207
        [488] -> line 208
        [493] -> line 211
        [505] -> line 212
        [511] -> line 213
        [534] -> line 214
        [540] -> line 215
        [547] -> line 217
        [550] -> line 218
        [572] -> line 219
        [575] -> line 206
        [582] -> line 222
        [600] -> line 223
        [606] -> line 224
        [612] -> line 225
        [615] -> line 227
        [627] -> line 228
        [656] -> line 229
        [662] -> line 230
        [669] -> line 232
        [678] -> line 233
        [684] -> line 234
        [712] -> line 235
        [715] -> line 237
        [720] -> line 238
        [732] -> line 239
        [761] -> line 240
        [767] -> line 241
        [774] -> line 244
        [779] -> line 245
        [795] -> line 246
        [828] -> line 248
        [833] -> line 249
        [839] -> line 250
        [846] -> line 251
        [882] -> line 252
        [898] -> line 253
        [931] -> line 255
        [936] -> line 256
        [948] -> line 257
        [977] -> line 258
        [983] -> line 259
        [990] -> line 263
        [992] -> line 265
        [997] -> line 266
        [1006] -> line 267
        [1015] -> line 268
        [1031] -> line 269
        [1043] -> line 270
        [1055] -> line 271
        [1069] -> line 272
        [1072] -> line 273
        [1089] -> line 274
        [1092] -> line 277
        [1095] -> line 278
        [1100] -> line 279
        [1105] -> line 282
        [1117] -> line 283
        [1123] -> line 284
        [1146] -> line 285
        [1152] -> line 286
        [1159] -> line 288
        [1162] -> line 289
        [1184] -> line 290
        [1187] -> line 277
        [1194] -> line 293
        [1206] -> line 294
        [1226] -> line 296
        [1232] -> line 297
        [1238] -> line 298
        [1241] -> line 300
        [1253] -> line 301
        [1282] -> line 302
        [1288] -> line 303
        [1295] -> line 305
        [1311] -> line 306
        [1327] -> line 307
        [1337] -> line 310
        [1360] -> line 313
        [1370] -> line 315
        [1375] -> line 316
        [1380] -> line 318
        [1383] -> line 320
        [1388] -> line 321
        [1393] -> line 324
        [1405] -> line 325
        [1411] -> line 326
        [1434] -> line 327
        [1440] -> line 328
        [1447] -> line 330
        [1450] -> line 331
        [1472] -> line 332
        [1475] -> line 319
        [1481] -> line 335
        [1506] -> line 337
        [1515] -> line 318
        [1531] -> line 340
        [1534] -> line 341
        [1555] -> line 340
        [1564] -> line 344
        [1572] -> line 345
        [1597] -> line 346
        [1601] -> line 347
        [1603] -> line 348
        [1609] -> line 349
        [1614] -> line 350
        [1620] -> line 353
        [1632] -> line 354
        [1661] -> line 355
        [1667] -> line 356
        [1674] -> line 359
        [1679] -> line 360
        [1684] -> line 363
        [1689] -> line 364
        [1711] -> line 365
        [1714] -> line 371
        [1721] -> line 373
        [1724] -> line 374
        [1729] -> line 375
        [1734] -> line 378
        [1746] -> line 379
        [1752] -> line 380
        [1775] -> line 381
        [1781] -> line 382
        [1788] -> line 384
        [1791] -> line 385
        [1813] -> line 386
        [1816] -> line 373
        [1822] -> line 389
        [1829] -> line 393
        [1854] -> line 394
        [1880] -> line 396
        [1887] -> line 397
        [1899] -> line 398
        [1920] -> line 401
        [1939] -> line 402
        [1954] -> line 404
        [1957] -> line 405
        [1962] -> line 406
        [1967] -> line 409
        [1979] -> line 410
        [1985] -> line 411
        [2008] -> line 412
        [2014] -> line 413
        [2021] -> line 415
        [2024] -> line 416
        [2046] -> line 417
        [2049] -> line 404
        [2058] -> line 420
        [2070] -> line 422
        [2084] -> line 424
        [2098] -> line 426
        [2104] -> line 427
        [2109] -> line 428
        [2132] -> line 429
        [2145] -> line 430
        [2150] -> line 431
        [2156] -> line 432
        [2162] -> line 433
        [2165] -> line 435
        [2177] -> line 436
        [2206] -> line 437
        [2212] -> line 438
        [2219] -> line 441
        [2241] -> line 443
        [2253] -> line 445
        [2261] -> line 446
        [2267] -> line 362
        [2270] -> line 450
        [2277] -> line 452
        [2282] -> line 453
        [2287] -> line 454
        [2292] -> line 455
        [2297] -> line 456
        [2303] -> line 457
        [2309] -> line 459
        [2314] -> line 460
        [2326] -> line 461
        [2334] -> line 462
        [2351] -> line 460
        [2355] -> line 464
        [2359] -> line 465
        [2365] -> line 466
        [2370] -> line 467
        [2376] -> line 469
        [2378] -> line 471
        [2390] -> line 472
        [2419] -> line 473
        [2425] -> line 474
        [2432] -> line 476
        [2464] -> line 478
        [2470] -> line 480
        [2482] -> line 481
        [2511] -> line 482
        [2517] -> line 484
        [2533] -> line 485
        [2540] -> line 487
        [2542] -> line 488
        [2550] -> line 490
        [2574] -> line 491
        [2610] -> line 493
        [2617] -> line 494
        [2622] -> line 495
        [2625] -> line 497
        [2631] -> line 499
        [2637] -> line 500
        [2644] -> line 501
        [2680] -> line 502
        [2691] -> line 503
        [2703] -> line 504
        [2732] -> line 505
        [2738] -> line 506
        [2745] -> line 508
        [2751] -> line 510
        [2753] -> line 512
        [2765] -> line 513
        [2794] -> line 514
        [2800] -> line 515
        [2807] -> line 517
        [2810] -> line 519
        [2822] -> line 520
        [2851] -> line 521
        [2857] -> line 522
        [2864] -> line 525
        [2867] -> line 527
        [2879] -> line 528
        [2908] -> line 529
        [2914] -> line 530
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 27)
        v0: 0 -> 2921 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks; this]
        v1: 0 -> 2921 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream; z]
        v2: 0 -> 2921 [I r]
        v3: 227 -> 480 [I t]
        v3: 997 -> 1092 [I t]
        v3: 1203 -> 1380 [I t]
        v3: 1597 -> 1684 [I t]
        v3: 1689 -> 2267 [I t]
        v3: 2270 -> 2470 [I t]
        v4: 18 -> 2921 [I b]
        v5: 24 -> 2921 [I k]
        v6: 6 -> 2921 [I p]
        v7: 12 -> 2921 [I n]
        v8: 30 -> 2921 [I q]
        v9: 60 -> 2921 [I m]
        v10: 308 -> 364 [[I bl]
        v11: 313 -> 364 [[I bd]
        v12: 319 -> 364 [[[I tl]
        v13: 325 -> 364 [[[I td]
        v10: 1340 -> 1360 [I i]
        v11: 1939 -> 2267 [I i]
        v12: 1954 -> 2267 [I j]
        v13: 1880 -> 2267 [I c]
        v10: 2282 -> 2464 [[I bl]
        v11: 2287 -> 2464 [[I bd]
        v12: 2292 -> 2464 [[I tl]
        v13: 2297 -> 2464 [[I td]
  + Method:       free(Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = void free(com.jcraft.jzlib.ZStream)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 17, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] aconst_null
      [3] invokevirtual #48
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.reset (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;[J)V]
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] aconst_null
      [8] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.window [B]
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] aconst_null
      [13] putfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.hufts [I]
      [16] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 536
        [6] -> line 537
        [11] -> line 538
        [16] -> line 540
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 17 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks; this]
        v1: 0 -> 17 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream; z]
  + Method:       inflate_flush(Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int inflate_flush(com.jcraft.jzlib.ZStream,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 302, locals = 6, stack = 8):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] getfield #43
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_out_index I]
      [4] istore v4
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ I]
      [10] istore v5
      [12] iload v5
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [18] ificmpgt +10 (target=28)
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [25] goto +7 (target=32)
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.end I]
      [32] iload v5
      [34] isub
      [35] istore_3 v3
      [36] iload_3 v3
      [37] aload_1 v1
      [38] getfield #38
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_out I]
      [41] ificmple +8 (target=49)
      [44] aload_1 v1
      [45] getfield #38
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_out I]
      [48] istore_3 v3
      [49] iload_3 v3
      [50] ifeq +11 (target=61)
      [53] iload_2 v2
      [54] bipush -5
      [56] ificmpne +5 (target=61)
      [59] iconst_0
      [60] istore_2 v2
      [61] aload_1 v1
      [62] dup
      [63] getfield #38
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_out I]
      [66] iload_3 v3
      [67] isub
      [68] putfield #38
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_out I]
      [71] aload_1 v1
      [72] dup
      [73] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_out J]
      [76] iload_3 v3
      [77] i2l
      [78] ladd
      [79] putfield #45
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_out J]
      [82] aload_0 v0
      [83] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.checkfn Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [86] ifnull +30 (target=116)
      [89] aload_1 v1
      [90] aload_0 v0
      [91] aload_1 v1
      [92] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream._adler Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Adler32;]
      [95] aload_0 v0
      [96] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.check J]
      [99] aload_0 v0
      [100] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.window [B]
      [103] iload v5
      [105] iload_3 v3
      [106] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Adler32.adler32 (J[BII)J]
      [109] dup2_x1
      [110] putfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.check J]
      [113] putfield #36
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.adler J]
      [116] aload_0 v0
      [117] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.window [B]
      [120] iload v5
      [122] aload_1 v1
      [123] getfield #42
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_out [B]
      [126] iload v4
      [128] iload_3 v3
      [129] invokestatic #58
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [132] iload v4
      [134] iload_3 v3
      [135] iadd
      [136] istore v4
      [138] iload v5
      [140] iload_3 v3
      [141] iadd
      [142] istore v5
      [144] iload v5
      [146] aload_0 v0
      [147] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.end I]
      [150] ificmpne +138 (target=288)
      [153] iconst_0
      [154] istore v5
      [156] aload_0 v0
      [157] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [160] aload_0 v0
      [161] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.end I]
      [164] ificmpne +8 (target=172)
      [167] aload_0 v0
      [168] iconst_0
      [169] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [172] aload_0 v0
      [173] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [176] iload v5
      [178] isub
      [179] istore_3 v3
      [180] iload_3 v3
      [181] aload_1 v1
      [182] getfield #38
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_out I]
      [185] ificmple +8 (target=193)
      [188] aload_1 v1
      [189] getfield #38
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_out I]
      [192] istore_3 v3
      [193] iload_3 v3
      [194] ifeq +11 (target=205)
      [197] iload_2 v2
      [198] bipush -5
      [200] ificmpne +5 (target=205)
      [203] iconst_0
      [204] istore_2 v2
      [205] aload_1 v1
      [206] dup
      [207] getfield #38
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_out I]
      [210] iload_3 v3
      [211] isub
      [212] putfield #38
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_out I]
      [215] aload_1 v1
      [216] dup
      [217] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_out J]
      [220] iload_3 v3
      [221] i2l
      [222] ladd
      [223] putfield #45
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_out J]
      [226] aload_0 v0
      [227] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.checkfn Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [230] ifnull +30 (target=260)
      [233] aload_1 v1
      [234] aload_0 v0
      [235] aload_1 v1
      [236] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream._adler Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Adler32;]
      [239] aload_0 v0
      [240] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.check J]
      [243] aload_0 v0
      [244] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.window [B]
      [247] iload v5
      [249] iload_3 v3
      [250] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Adler32.adler32 (J[BII)J]
      [253] dup2_x1
      [254] putfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.check J]
      [257] putfield #36
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.adler J]
      [260] aload_0 v0
      [261] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.window [B]
      [264] iload v5
      [266] aload_1 v1
      [267] getfield #42
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_out [B]
      [270] iload v4
      [272] iload_3 v3
      [273] invokestatic #58
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [276] iload v4
      [278] iload_3 v3
      [279] iadd
      [280] istore v4
      [282] iload v5
      [284] iload_3 v3
      [285] iadd
      [286] istore v5
      [288] aload_1 v1
      [289] iload v4
      [291] putfield #43
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_out_index I]
      [294] aload_0 v0
      [295] iload v5
      [297] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ I]
      [300] iload_2 v2
      [301] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 29)
        [0] -> line 560
        [6] -> line 561
        [12] -> line 564
        [36] -> line 565
        [49] -> line 566
        [61] -> line 569
        [71] -> line 570
        [82] -> line 573
        [89] -> line 574
        [116] -> line 577
        [132] -> line 578
        [138] -> line 579
        [144] -> line 582
        [153] -> line 584
        [156] -> line 585
        [167] -> line 586
        [172] -> line 589
        [180] -> line 590
        [193] -> line 591
        [205] -> line 594
        [215] -> line 595
        [226] -> line 598
        [233] -> line 599
        [260] -> line 602
        [276] -> line 603
        [282] -> line 604
        [288] -> line 608
        [294] -> line 609
        [300] -> line 612
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 302 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks; this]
        v1: 0 -> 302 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream; z]
        v2: 0 -> 302 [I r]
        v3: 36 -> 302 [I n]
        v4: 6 -> 302 [I p]
        v5: 12 -> 302 [I q]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x30
    = final class com.jcraft.jzlib.InfCodes extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 159):
  + Integer [65535]
  + String [invalid distance code]
  + String [invalid literal/length code]
  + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks]
  + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes]
  + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitb I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitk I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.end I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.window [B]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.dbits B]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.dist I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.dtree [I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.dtree_index I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.get I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.inflate_mask [I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.lbits B]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.len I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.lit I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.ltree [I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.ltree_index I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.mode I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.need I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.tree [I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.tree_index I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.msg Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in [B]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inflate_flush (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.inflate_fast (II[II[IILcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks;Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [avail_in I]
  + NameAndType [bitb I]
  + NameAndType [bitk I]
  + NameAndType [dbits B]
  + NameAndType [dist I]
  + NameAndType [dtree [I]
  + NameAndType [dtree_index I]
  + NameAndType [end I]
  + NameAndType [get I]
  + NameAndType [inflate_fast (II[II[IILcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks;Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)I]
  + NameAndType [inflate_flush (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
  + NameAndType [inflate_mask [I]
  + NameAndType [lbits B]
  + NameAndType [len I]
  + NameAndType [lit I]
  + NameAndType [ltree [I]
  + NameAndType [ltree_index I]
  + NameAndType [mode I]
  + NameAndType [msg Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [need I]
  + NameAndType [next_in [B]
  + NameAndType [next_in_index I]
  + NameAndType [read I]
  + NameAndType [total_in J]
  + NameAndType [tree [I]
  + NameAndType [tree_index I]
  + NameAndType [window [B]
  + NameAndType [write I]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(II[II[IILcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks;Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)I]
  + Utf8 [(II[II[IILcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks;Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [B]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [J]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [[I]
  + Utf8 [arraycopy]
  + Utf8 [avail_in]
  + Utf8 [b]
  + Utf8 [bd]
  + Utf8 [bitb]
  + Utf8 [bitk]
  + Utf8 [bl]
  + Utf8 [c]
  + Utf8 [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks]
  + Utf8 [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes]
  + Utf8 [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream]
  + Utf8 [d]
  + Utf8 [dbits]
  + Utf8 [dist]
  + Utf8 [dtree]
  + Utf8 [dtree_index]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [end]
  + Utf8 [f]
  + Utf8 [free]
  + Utf8 [get]
  + Utf8 [inflate_fast]
  + Utf8 [inflate_flush]
  + Utf8 [inflate_mask]
  + Utf8 [init]
  + Utf8 [invalid distance code]
  + Utf8 [invalid literal/length code]
  + Utf8 [j]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [k]
  + Utf8 [lbits]
  + Utf8 [len]
  + Utf8 [lit]
  + Utf8 [ltree]
  + Utf8 [ltree_index]
  + Utf8 [m]
  + Utf8 [md]
  + Utf8 [ml]
  + Utf8 [mode]
  + Utf8 [msg]
  + Utf8 [n]
  + Utf8 [need]
  + Utf8 [next_in]
  + Utf8 [next_in_index]
  + Utf8 [p]
  + Utf8 [proc]
  + Utf8 [q]
  + Utf8 [r]
  + Utf8 [read]
  + Utf8 [s]
  + Utf8 [t]
  + Utf8 [td]
  + Utf8 [td_index]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [tindex]
  + Utf8 [tl]
  + Utf8 [tl_index]
  + Utf8 [total_in]
  + Utf8 [tp]
  + Utf8 [tp_index]
  + Utf8 [tp_index_t_3]
  + Utf8 [tree]
  + Utf8 [tree_index]
  + Utf8 [window]
  + Utf8 [write]
  + Utf8 [z]

Fields (count = 15):
  + Field:        inflate_mask [I
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final int[] inflate_mask
  + Field:        mode I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int mode
  + Field:        len I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int len
  + Field:        tree [I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int[] tree
  + Field:        tree_index I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int tree_index
  + Field:        need I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int need
  + Field:        lit I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int lit
  + Field:        get I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int get
  + Field:        dist I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int dist
  + Field:        lbits B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte lbits
  + Field:        dbits B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte dbits
  + Field:        ltree [I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int[] ltree
  + Field:        ltree_index I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int ltree_index
  + Field:        dtree [I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int[] dtree
  + Field:        dtree_index I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int dtree_index

Methods (count = 6):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 105, locals = 0, stack = 4):
      [0] bipush 17
      [2] newarray 10
      [4] dup
      [5] iconst_1
      [6] iconst_1
      [7] iastore
      [8] dup
      [9] iconst_2
      [10] iconst_3
      [11] iastore
      [12] dup
      [13] iconst_3
      [14] bipush 7
      [16] iastore
      [17] dup
      [18] iconst_4
      [19] bipush 15
      [21] iastore
      [22] dup
      [23] iconst_5
      [24] bipush 31
      [26] iastore
      [27] dup
      [28] bipush 6
      [30] bipush 63
      [32] iastore
      [33] dup
      [34] bipush 7
      [36] bipush 127
      [38] iastore
      [39] dup
      [40] bipush 8
      [42] sipush 255
      [45] iastore
      [46] dup
      [47] bipush 9
      [49] sipush 511
      [52] iastore
      [53] dup
      [54] bipush 10
      [56] sipush 1023
      [59] iastore
      [60] dup
      [61] bipush 11
      [63] sipush 2047
      [66] iastore
      [67] dup
      [68] bipush 12
      [70] sipush 4095
      [73] iastore
      [74] dup
      [75] bipush 13
      [77] sipush 8191
      [80] iastore
      [81] dup
      [82] bipush 14
      [84] sipush 16383
      [87] iastore
      [88] dup
      [89] bipush 15
      [91] sipush 32767
      [94] iastore
      [95] dup
      [96] bipush 16
      [98] ldc #1
        + Integer [65535]
      [100] iastore
      [101] putstatic #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.inflate_mask [I]
      [104] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 39
        [6] -> line 40
        [24] -> line 41
        [56] -> line 42
        [91] -> line 43
        [101] -> line 39
        [104] -> line 37
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = InfCodes()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #37
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] iconst_0
      [6] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.tree_index I]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 92
        [4] -> line 76
        [9] -> line 93
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes; this]
  + Method:       init(II[II[IILcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = void init(int,int,int[],int,int[],int,com.jcraft.jzlib.ZStream)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 46, locals = 8, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iconst_0
      [2] putfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.mode I]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] iload_1 v1
      [7] i2b
      [8] putfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.lbits B]
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] iload_2 v2
      [13] i2b
      [14] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.dbits B]
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] aload_3 v3
      [19] putfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.ltree [I]
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] iload v4
      [25] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.ltree_index I]
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] aload v5
      [31] putfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.dtree [I]
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] iload v6
      [37] putfield #18
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.dtree_index I]
      [40] aload_0 v0
      [41] aconst_null
      [42] putfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.tree [I]
      [45] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 97
        [5] -> line 98
        [11] -> line 99
        [17] -> line 100
        [22] -> line 101
        [28] -> line 102
        [34] -> line 103
        [40] -> line 104
        [45] -> line 105
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 8)
        v0: 0 -> 46 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes; this]
        v1: 0 -> 46 [I bl]
        v2: 0 -> 46 [I bd]
        v3: 0 -> 46 [[I tl]
        v4: 0 -> 46 [I tl_index]
        v5: 0 -> 46 [[I td]
        v6: 0 -> 46 [I td_index]
        v7: 0 -> 46 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream; z]
  + Method:       proc(Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks;Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int proc(com.jcraft.jzlib.InfBlocks,com.jcraft.jzlib.ZStream,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 2156, locals = 15, stack = 9):
      [0] iconst_0
      [1] istore v8
      [3] iconst_0
      [4] istore v9
      [6] iconst_0
      [7] istore v10
      [9] aload_2 v2
      [10] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [13] istore v10
      [15] aload_2 v2
      [16] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [19] istore v11
      [21] aload_1 v1
      [22] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitb I]
      [25] istore v8
      [27] aload_1 v1
      [28] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitk I]
      [31] istore v9
      [33] aload_1 v1
      [34] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [37] istore v12
      [39] iload v12
      [41] aload_1 v1
      [42] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ I]
      [45] ificmpge +15 (target=60)
      [48] aload_1 v1
      [49] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ I]
      [52] iload v12
      [54] isub
      [55] iconst_1
      [56] isub
      [57] goto +10 (target=67)
      [60] aload_1 v1
      [61] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.end I]
      [64] iload v12
      [66] isub
      [67] istore v13
      [69] aload_0 v0
      [70] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.mode I]
      [73] tableswitch (10 offsets, default=2026) (target=2099)
        0: offset = 55, target = 128
        1: offset = 260, target = 333
        2: offset = 609, target = 682
        3: offset = 778, target = 851
        4: offset = 1083, target = 1156
        5: offset = 1228, target = 1301
        6: offset = 1533, target = 1606
        7: offset = 1777, target = 1850
        8: offset = 1913, target = 1986
        9: offset = 1969, target = 2042
        default: offset = 2026, target = 2099
      [128] iload v13
      [130] sipush 258
      [133] ificmplt +171 (target=304)
      [136] iload v11
      [138] bipush 10
      [140] ificmplt +164 (target=304)
      [143] aload_1 v1
      [144] iload v8
      [146] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitb I]
      [149] aload_1 v1
      [150] iload v9
      [152] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitk I]
      [155] aload_2 v2
      [156] iload v11
      [158] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [161] aload_2 v2
      [162] dup
      [163] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [166] iload v10
      [168] aload_2 v2
      [169] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [172] isub
      [173] i2l
      [174] ladd
      [175] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [178] aload_2 v2
      [179] iload v10
      [181] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [184] aload_1 v1
      [185] iload v12
      [187] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [190] aload_0 v0
      [191] aload_0 v0
      [192] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.lbits B]
      [195] aload_0 v0
      [196] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.dbits B]
      [199] aload_0 v0
      [200] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.ltree [I]
      [203] aload_0 v0
      [204] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.ltree_index I]
      [207] aload_0 v0
      [208] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.dtree [I]
      [211] aload_0 v0
      [212] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.dtree_index I]
      [215] aload_1 v1
      [216] aload_2 v2
      [217] invokevirtual #36
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.inflate_fast (II[II[IILcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks;Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)I]
      [220] istore_3 v3
      [221] aload_2 v2
      [222] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [225] istore v10
      [227] aload_2 v2
      [228] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [231] istore v11
      [233] aload_1 v1
      [234] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitb I]
      [237] istore v8
      [239] aload_1 v1
      [240] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitk I]
      [243] istore v9
      [245] aload_1 v1
      [246] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [249] istore v12
      [251] iload v12
      [253] aload_1 v1
      [254] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ I]
      [257] ificmpge +15 (target=272)
      [260] aload_1 v1
      [261] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ I]
      [264] iload v12
      [266] isub
      [267] iconst_1
      [268] isub
      [269] goto +10 (target=279)
      [272] aload_1 v1
      [273] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.end I]
      [276] iload v12
      [278] isub
      [279] istore v13
      [281] iload_3 v3
      [282] ifeq +22 (target=304)
      [285] aload_0 v0
      [286] iload_3 v3
      [287] iconst_1
      [288] ificmpne +8 (target=296)
      [291] bipush 7
      [293] goto +5 (target=298)
      [296] bipush 9
      [298] putfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.mode I]
      [301] goto -232 (target=69)
      [304] aload_0 v0
      [305] aload_0 v0
      [306] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.lbits B]
      [309] putfield #27
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.need I]
      [312] aload_0 v0
      [313] aload_0 v0
      [314] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.ltree [I]
      [317] putfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.tree [I]
      [320] aload_0 v0
      [321] aload_0 v0
      [322] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.ltree_index I]
      [325] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.tree_index I]
      [328] aload_0 v0
      [329] iconst_1
      [330] putfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.mode I]
      [333] aload_0 v0
      [334] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.need I]
      [337] istore v4
      [339] goto +95 (target=434)
      [342] iload v11
      [344] ifeq +8 (target=352)
      [347] iconst_0
      [348] istore_3 v3
      [349] goto +57 (target=406)
      [352] aload_1 v1
      [353] iload v8
      [355] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitb I]
      [358] aload_1 v1
      [359] iload v9
      [361] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitk I]
      [364] aload_2 v2
      [365] iload v11
      [367] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [370] aload_2 v2
      [371] dup
      [372] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [375] iload v10
      [377] aload_2 v2
      [378] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [381] isub
      [382] i2l
      [383] ladd
      [384] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [387] aload_2 v2
      [388] iload v10
      [390] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [393] aload_1 v1
      [394] iload v12
      [396] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [399] aload_1 v1
      [400] aload_2 v2
      [401] iload_3 v3
      [402] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inflate_flush (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
      [405] ireturn
      [406] iinc v11, -1
      [409] iload v8
      [411] aload_2 v2
      [412] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in [B]
      [415] iload v10
      [417] iinc v10, 1
      [420] baload
      [421] sipush 255
      [424] iand
      [425] iload v9
      [427] ishl
      [428] ior
      [429] istore v8
      [431] iinc v9, 8
      [434] iload v9
      [436] iload v4
      [438] ificmplt -96 (target=342)
      [441] aload_0 v0
      [442] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.tree_index I]
      [445] iload v8
      [447] getstatic #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.inflate_mask [I]
      [450] iload v4
      [452] iaload
      [453] iand
      [454] iadd
      [455] iconst_3
      [456] imul
      [457] istore v6
      [459] iload v8
      [461] aload_0 v0
      [462] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.tree [I]
      [465] iload v6
      [467] iconst_1
      [468] iadd
      [469] iaload
      [470] iushr
      [471] istore v8
      [473] iload v9
      [475] aload_0 v0
      [476] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.tree [I]
      [479] iload v6
      [481] iconst_1
      [482] iadd
      [483] iaload
      [484] isub
      [485] istore v9
      [487] aload_0 v0
      [488] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.tree [I]
      [491] iload v6
      [493] iaload
      [494] istore v7
      [496] iload v7
      [498] ifne +25 (target=523)
      [501] aload_0 v0
      [502] aload_0 v0
      [503] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.tree [I]
      [506] iload v6
      [508] iconst_2
      [509] iadd
      [510] iaload
      [511] putfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.lit I]
      [514] aload_0 v0
      [515] bipush 6
      [517] putfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.mode I]
      [520] goto -451 (target=69)
      [523] iload v7
      [525] bipush 16
      [527] iand
      [528] ifeq +33 (target=561)
      [531] aload_0 v0
      [532] iload v7
      [534] bipush 15
      [536] iand
      [537] putfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.get I]
      [540] aload_0 v0
      [541] aload_0 v0
      [542] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.tree [I]
      [545] iload v6
      [547] iconst_2
      [548] iadd
      [549] iaload
      [550] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.len I]
      [553] aload_0 v0
      [554] iconst_2
      [555] putfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.mode I]
      [558] goto -489 (target=69)
      [561] iload v7
      [563] bipush 64
      [565] iand
      [566] ifne +30 (target=596)
      [569] aload_0 v0
      [570] iload v7
      [572] putfield #27
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.need I]
      [575] aload_0 v0
      [576] iload v6
      [578] iconst_3
      [579] idiv
      [580] aload_0 v0
      [581] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.tree [I]
      [584] iload v6
      [586] iconst_2
      [587] iadd
      [588] iaload
      [589] iadd
      [590] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.tree_index I]
      [593] goto -524 (target=69)
      [596] iload v7
      [598] bipush 32
      [600] iand
      [601] ifeq +12 (target=613)
      [604] aload_0 v0
      [605] bipush 7
      [607] putfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.mode I]
      [610] goto -541 (target=69)
      [613] aload_0 v0
      [614] bipush 9
      [616] putfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.mode I]
      [619] aload_2 v2
      [620] ldc #3
        + String [invalid literal/length code]
      [622] putfield #31
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.msg Ljava/lang/String;]
      [625] bipush -3
      [627] istore_3 v3
      [628] aload_1 v1
      [629] iload v8
      [631] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitb I]
      [634] aload_1 v1
      [635] iload v9
      [637] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitk I]
      [640] aload_2 v2
      [641] iload v11
      [643] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [646] aload_2 v2
      [647] dup
      [648] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [651] iload v10
      [653] aload_2 v2
      [654] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [657] isub
      [658] i2l
      [659] ladd
      [660] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [663] aload_2 v2
      [664] iload v10
      [666] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [669] aload_1 v1
      [670] iload v12
      [672] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [675] aload_1 v1
      [676] aload_2 v2
      [677] iload_3 v3
      [678] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inflate_flush (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
      [681] ireturn
      [682] aload_0 v0
      [683] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.get I]
      [686] istore v4
      [688] goto +95 (target=783)
      [691] iload v11
      [693] ifeq +8 (target=701)
      [696] iconst_0
      [697] istore_3 v3
      [698] goto +57 (target=755)
      [701] aload_1 v1
      [702] iload v8
      [704] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitb I]
      [707] aload_1 v1
      [708] iload v9
      [710] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitk I]
      [713] aload_2 v2
      [714] iload v11
      [716] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [719] aload_2 v2
      [720] dup
      [721] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [724] iload v10
      [726] aload_2 v2
      [727] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [730] isub
      [731] i2l
      [732] ladd
      [733] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [736] aload_2 v2
      [737] iload v10
      [739] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [742] aload_1 v1
      [743] iload v12
      [745] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [748] aload_1 v1
      [749] aload_2 v2
      [750] iload_3 v3
      [751] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inflate_flush (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
      [754] ireturn
      [755] iinc v11, -1
      [758] iload v8
      [760] aload_2 v2
      [761] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in [B]
      [764] iload v10
      [766] iinc v10, 1
      [769] baload
      [770] sipush 255
      [773] iand
      [774] iload v9
      [776] ishl
      [777] ior
      [778] istore v8
      [780] iinc v9, 8
      [783] iload v9
      [785] iload v4
      [787] ificmplt -96 (target=691)
      [790] aload_0 v0
      [791] dup
      [792] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.len I]
      [795] iload v8
      [797] getstatic #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.inflate_mask [I]
      [800] iload v4
      [802] iaload
      [803] iand
      [804] iadd
      [805] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.len I]
      [808] iload v8
      [810] iload v4
      [812] ishr
      [813] istore v8
      [815] iload v9
      [817] iload v4
      [819] isub
      [820] istore v9
      [822] aload_0 v0
      [823] aload_0 v0
      [824] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.dbits B]
      [827] putfield #27
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.need I]
      [830] aload_0 v0
      [831] aload_0 v0
      [832] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.dtree [I]
      [835] putfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.tree [I]
      [838] aload_0 v0
      [839] aload_0 v0
      [840] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.dtree_index I]
      [843] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.tree_index I]
      [846] aload_0 v0
      [847] iconst_3
      [848] putfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.mode I]
      [851] aload_0 v0
      [852] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.need I]
      [855] istore v4
      [857] goto +95 (target=952)
      [860] iload v11
      [862] ifeq +8 (target=870)
      [865] iconst_0
      [866] istore_3 v3
      [867] goto +57 (target=924)
      [870] aload_1 v1
      [871] iload v8
      [873] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitb I]
      [876] aload_1 v1
      [877] iload v9
      [879] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitk I]
      [882] aload_2 v2
      [883] iload v11
      [885] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [888] aload_2 v2
      [889] dup
      [890] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [893] iload v10
      [895] aload_2 v2
      [896] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [899] isub
      [900] i2l
      [901] ladd
      [902] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [905] aload_2 v2
      [906] iload v10
      [908] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [911] aload_1 v1
      [912] iload v12
      [914] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [917] aload_1 v1
      [918] aload_2 v2
      [919] iload_3 v3
      [920] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inflate_flush (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
      [923] ireturn
      [924] iinc v11, -1
      [927] iload v8
      [929] aload_2 v2
      [930] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in [B]
      [933] iload v10
      [935] iinc v10, 1
      [938] baload
      [939] sipush 255
      [942] iand
      [943] iload v9
      [945] ishl
      [946] ior
      [947] istore v8
      [949] iinc v9, 8
      [952] iload v9
      [954] iload v4
      [956] ificmplt -96 (target=860)
      [959] aload_0 v0
      [960] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.tree_index I]
      [963] iload v8
      [965] getstatic #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.inflate_mask [I]
      [968] iload v4
      [970] iaload
      [971] iand
      [972] iadd
      [973] iconst_3
      [974] imul
      [975] istore v6
      [977] iload v8
      [979] aload_0 v0
      [980] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.tree [I]
      [983] iload v6
      [985] iconst_1
      [986] iadd
      [987] iaload
      [988] ishr
      [989] istore v8
      [991] iload v9
      [993] aload_0 v0
      [994] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.tree [I]
      [997] iload v6
      [999] iconst_1
      [1000] iadd
      [1001] iaload
      [1002] isub
      [1003] istore v9
      [1005] aload_0 v0
      [1006] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.tree [I]
      [1009] iload v6
      [1011] iaload
      [1012] istore v7
      [1014] iload v7
      [1016] bipush 16
      [1018] iand
      [1019] ifeq +33 (target=1052)
      [1022] aload_0 v0
      [1023] iload v7
      [1025] bipush 15
      [1027] iand
      [1028] putfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.get I]
      [1031] aload_0 v0
      [1032] aload_0 v0
      [1033] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.tree [I]
      [1036] iload v6
      [1038] iconst_2
      [1039] iadd
      [1040] iaload
      [1041] putfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.dist I]
      [1044] aload_0 v0
      [1045] iconst_4
      [1046] putfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.mode I]
      [1049] goto -980 (target=69)
      [1052] iload v7
      [1054] bipush 64
      [1056] iand
      [1057] ifne +30 (target=1087)
      [1060] aload_0 v0
      [1061] iload v7
      [1063] putfield #27
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.need I]
      [1066] aload_0 v0
      [1067] iload v6
      [1069] iconst_3
      [1070] idiv
      [1071] aload_0 v0
      [1072] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.tree [I]
      [1075] iload v6
      [1077] iconst_2
      [1078] iadd
      [1079] iaload
      [1080] iadd
      [1081] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.tree_index I]
      [1084] goto -1015 (target=69)
      [1087] aload_0 v0
      [1088] bipush 9
      [1090] putfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.mode I]
      [1093] aload_2 v2
      [1094] ldc #2
        + String [invalid distance code]
      [1096] putfield #31
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.msg Ljava/lang/String;]
      [1099] bipush -3
      [1101] istore_3 v3
      [1102] aload_1 v1
      [1103] iload v8
      [1105] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitb I]
      [1108] aload_1 v1
      [1109] iload v9
      [1111] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitk I]
      [1114] aload_2 v2
      [1115] iload v11
      [1117] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [1120] aload_2 v2
      [1121] dup
      [1122] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [1125] iload v10
      [1127] aload_2 v2
      [1128] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [1131] isub
      [1132] i2l
      [1133] ladd
      [1134] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [1137] aload_2 v2
      [1138] iload v10
      [1140] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [1143] aload_1 v1
      [1144] iload v12
      [1146] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [1149] aload_1 v1
      [1150] aload_2 v2
      [1151] iload_3 v3
      [1152] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inflate_flush (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
      [1155] ireturn
      [1156] aload_0 v0
      [1157] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.get I]
      [1160] istore v4
      [1162] goto +95 (target=1257)
      [1165] iload v11
      [1167] ifeq +8 (target=1175)
      [1170] iconst_0
      [1171] istore_3 v3
      [1172] goto +57 (target=1229)
      [1175] aload_1 v1
      [1176] iload v8
      [1178] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitb I]
      [1181] aload_1 v1
      [1182] iload v9
      [1184] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitk I]
      [1187] aload_2 v2
      [1188] iload v11
      [1190] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [1193] aload_2 v2
      [1194] dup
      [1195] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [1198] iload v10
      [1200] aload_2 v2
      [1201] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [1204] isub
      [1205] i2l
      [1206] ladd
      [1207] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [1210] aload_2 v2
      [1211] iload v10
      [1213] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [1216] aload_1 v1
      [1217] iload v12
      [1219] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [1222] aload_1 v1
      [1223] aload_2 v2
      [1224] iload_3 v3
      [1225] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inflate_flush (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
      [1228] ireturn
      [1229] iinc v11, -1
      [1232] iload v8
      [1234] aload_2 v2
      [1235] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in [B]
      [1238] iload v10
      [1240] iinc v10, 1
      [1243] baload
      [1244] sipush 255
      [1247] iand
      [1248] iload v9
      [1250] ishl
      [1251] ior
      [1252] istore v8
      [1254] iinc v9, 8
      [1257] iload v9
      [1259] iload v4
      [1261] ificmplt -96 (target=1165)
      [1264] aload_0 v0
      [1265] dup
      [1266] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.dist I]
      [1269] iload v8
      [1271] getstatic #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.inflate_mask [I]
      [1274] iload v4
      [1276] iaload
      [1277] iand
      [1278] iadd
      [1279] putfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.dist I]
      [1282] iload v8
      [1284] iload v4
      [1286] ishr
      [1287] istore v8
      [1289] iload v9
      [1291] iload v4
      [1293] isub
      [1294] istore v9
      [1296] aload_0 v0
      [1297] iconst_5
      [1298] putfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.mode I]
      [1301] iload v12
      [1303] aload_0 v0
      [1304] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.dist I]
      [1307] isub
      [1308] istore v14
      [1310] goto +12 (target=1322)
      [1313] iload v14
      [1315] aload_1 v1
      [1316] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.end I]
      [1319] iadd
      [1320] istore v14
      [1322] iload v14
      [1324] iflt -11 (target=1313)
      [1327] goto +264 (target=1591)
      [1330] iload v13
      [1332] ifne +214 (target=1546)
      [1335] iload v12
      [1337] aload_1 v1
      [1338] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.end I]
      [1341] ificmpne +43 (target=1384)
      [1344] aload_1 v1
      [1345] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ I]
      [1348] ifeq +36 (target=1384)
      [1351] iconst_0
      [1352] istore v12
      [1354] iload v12
      [1356] aload_1 v1
      [1357] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ I]
      [1360] ificmpge +15 (target=1375)
      [1363] aload_1 v1
      [1364] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ I]
      [1367] iload v12
      [1369] isub
      [1370] iconst_1
      [1371] isub
      [1372] goto +10 (target=1382)
      [1375] aload_1 v1
      [1376] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.end I]
      [1379] iload v12
      [1381] isub
      [1382] istore v13
      [1384] iload v13
      [1386] ifne +160 (target=1546)
      [1389] aload_1 v1
      [1390] iload v12
      [1392] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [1395] aload_1 v1
      [1396] aload_2 v2
      [1397] iload_3 v3
      [1398] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inflate_flush (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
      [1401] istore_3 v3
      [1402] aload_1 v1
      [1403] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [1406] istore v12
      [1408] iload v12
      [1410] aload_1 v1
      [1411] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ I]
      [1414] ificmpge +15 (target=1429)
      [1417] aload_1 v1
      [1418] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ I]
      [1421] iload v12
      [1423] isub
      [1424] iconst_1
      [1425] isub
      [1426] goto +10 (target=1436)
      [1429] aload_1 v1
      [1430] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.end I]
      [1433] iload v12
      [1435] isub
      [1436] istore v13
      [1438] iload v12
      [1440] aload_1 v1
      [1441] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.end I]
      [1444] ificmpne +43 (target=1487)
      [1447] aload_1 v1
      [1448] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ I]
      [1451] ifeq +36 (target=1487)
      [1454] iconst_0
      [1455] istore v12
      [1457] iload v12
      [1459] aload_1 v1
      [1460] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ I]
      [1463] ificmpge +15 (target=1478)
      [1466] aload_1 v1
      [1467] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ I]
      [1470] iload v12
      [1472] isub
      [1473] iconst_1
      [1474] isub
      [1475] goto +10 (target=1485)
      [1478] aload_1 v1
      [1479] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.end I]
      [1482] iload v12
      [1484] isub
      [1485] istore v13
      [1487] iload v13
      [1489] ifne +57 (target=1546)
      [1492] aload_1 v1
      [1493] iload v8
      [1495] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitb I]
      [1498] aload_1 v1
      [1499] iload v9
      [1501] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitk I]
      [1504] aload_2 v2
      [1505] iload v11
      [1507] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [1510] aload_2 v2
      [1511] dup
      [1512] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [1515] iload v10
      [1517] aload_2 v2
      [1518] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [1521] isub
      [1522] i2l
      [1523] ladd
      [1524] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [1527] aload_2 v2
      [1528] iload v10
      [1530] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [1533] aload_1 v1
      [1534] iload v12
      [1536] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [1539] aload_1 v1
      [1540] aload_2 v2
      [1541] iload_3 v3
      [1542] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inflate_flush (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
      [1545] ireturn
      [1546] aload_1 v1
      [1547] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.window [B]
      [1550] iload v12
      [1552] iinc v12, 1
      [1555] aload_1 v1
      [1556] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.window [B]
      [1559] iload v14
      [1561] iinc v14, 1
      [1564] baload
      [1565] bastore
      [1566] iinc v13, -1
      [1569] iload v14
      [1571] aload_1 v1
      [1572] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.end I]
      [1575] ificmpne +6 (target=1581)
      [1578] iconst_0
      [1579] istore v14
      [1581] aload_0 v0
      [1582] dup
      [1583] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.len I]
      [1586] iconst_1
      [1587] isub
      [1588] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.len I]
      [1591] aload_0 v0
      [1592] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.len I]
      [1595] ifne -265 (target=1330)
      [1598] aload_0 v0
      [1599] iconst_0
      [1600] putfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.mode I]
      [1603] goto -1534 (target=69)
      [1606] iload v13
      [1608] ifne +214 (target=1822)
      [1611] iload v12
      [1613] aload_1 v1
      [1614] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.end I]
      [1617] ificmpne +43 (target=1660)
      [1620] aload_1 v1
      [1621] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ I]
      [1624] ifeq +36 (target=1660)
      [1627] iconst_0
      [1628] istore v12
      [1630] iload v12
      [1632] aload_1 v1
      [1633] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ I]
      [1636] ificmpge +15 (target=1651)
      [1639] aload_1 v1
      [1640] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ I]
      [1643] iload v12
      [1645] isub
      [1646] iconst_1
      [1647] isub
      [1648] goto +10 (target=1658)
      [1651] aload_1 v1
      [1652] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.end I]
      [1655] iload v12
      [1657] isub
      [1658] istore v13
      [1660] iload v13
      [1662] ifne +160 (target=1822)
      [1665] aload_1 v1
      [1666] iload v12
      [1668] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [1671] aload_1 v1
      [1672] aload_2 v2
      [1673] iload_3 v3
      [1674] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inflate_flush (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
      [1677] istore_3 v3
      [1678] aload_1 v1
      [1679] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [1682] istore v12
      [1684] iload v12
      [1686] aload_1 v1
      [1687] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ I]
      [1690] ificmpge +15 (target=1705)
      [1693] aload_1 v1
      [1694] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ I]
      [1697] iload v12
      [1699] isub
      [1700] iconst_1
      [1701] isub
      [1702] goto +10 (target=1712)
      [1705] aload_1 v1
      [1706] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.end I]
      [1709] iload v12
      [1711] isub
      [1712] istore v13
      [1714] iload v12
      [1716] aload_1 v1
      [1717] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.end I]
      [1720] ificmpne +43 (target=1763)
      [1723] aload_1 v1
      [1724] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ I]
      [1727] ifeq +36 (target=1763)
      [1730] iconst_0
      [1731] istore v12
      [1733] iload v12
      [1735] aload_1 v1
      [1736] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ I]
      [1739] ificmpge +15 (target=1754)
      [1742] aload_1 v1
      [1743] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ I]
      [1746] iload v12
      [1748] isub
      [1749] iconst_1
      [1750] isub
      [1751] goto +10 (target=1761)
      [1754] aload_1 v1
      [1755] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.end I]
      [1758] iload v12
      [1760] isub
      [1761] istore v13
      [1763] iload v13
      [1765] ifne +57 (target=1822)
      [1768] aload_1 v1
      [1769] iload v8
      [1771] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitb I]
      [1774] aload_1 v1
      [1775] iload v9
      [1777] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitk I]
      [1780] aload_2 v2
      [1781] iload v11
      [1783] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [1786] aload_2 v2
      [1787] dup
      [1788] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [1791] iload v10
      [1793] aload_2 v2
      [1794] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [1797] isub
      [1798] i2l
      [1799] ladd
      [1800] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [1803] aload_2 v2
      [1804] iload v10
      [1806] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [1809] aload_1 v1
      [1810] iload v12
      [1812] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [1815] aload_1 v1
      [1816] aload_2 v2
      [1817] iload_3 v3
      [1818] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inflate_flush (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
      [1821] ireturn
      [1822] iconst_0
      [1823] istore_3 v3
      [1824] aload_1 v1
      [1825] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.window [B]
      [1828] iload v12
      [1830] iinc v12, 1
      [1833] aload_0 v0
      [1834] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.lit I]
      [1837] i2b
      [1838] bastore
      [1839] iinc v13, -1
      [1842] aload_0 v0
      [1843] iconst_0
      [1844] putfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.mode I]
      [1847] goto -1778 (target=69)
      [1850] iload v9
      [1852] bipush 7
      [1854] ificmple +12 (target=1866)
      [1857] iinc v9, -8
      [1860] iinc v11, 1
      [1863] iinc v10, -1
      [1866] aload_1 v1
      [1867] iload v12
      [1869] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [1872] aload_1 v1
      [1873] aload_2 v2
      [1874] iload_3 v3
      [1875] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inflate_flush (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
      [1878] istore_3 v3
      [1879] aload_1 v1
      [1880] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [1883] istore v12
      [1885] iload v12
      [1887] aload_1 v1
      [1888] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ I]
      [1891] ificmpge +15 (target=1906)
      [1894] aload_1 v1
      [1895] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ I]
      [1898] iload v12
      [1900] isub
      [1901] iconst_1
      [1902] isub
      [1903] goto +10 (target=1913)
      [1906] aload_1 v1
      [1907] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.end I]
      [1910] iload v12
      [1912] isub
      [1913] istore v13
      [1915] aload_1 v1
      [1916] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ I]
      [1919] aload_1 v1
      [1920] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [1923] ificmpeq +57 (target=1980)
      [1926] aload_1 v1
      [1927] iload v8
      [1929] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitb I]
      [1932] aload_1 v1
      [1933] iload v9
      [1935] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitk I]
      [1938] aload_2 v2
      [1939] iload v11
      [1941] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [1944] aload_2 v2
      [1945] dup
      [1946] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [1949] iload v10
      [1951] aload_2 v2
      [1952] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [1955] isub
      [1956] i2l
      [1957] ladd
      [1958] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [1961] aload_2 v2
      [1962] iload v10
      [1964] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [1967] aload_1 v1
      [1968] iload v12
      [1970] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [1973] aload_1 v1
      [1974] aload_2 v2
      [1975] iload_3 v3
      [1976] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inflate_flush (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
      [1979] ireturn
      [1980] aload_0 v0
      [1981] bipush 8
      [1983] putfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.mode I]
      [1986] iconst_1
      [1987] istore_3 v3
      [1988] aload_1 v1
      [1989] iload v8
      [1991] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitb I]
      [1994] aload_1 v1
      [1995] iload v9
      [1997] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitk I]
      [2000] aload_2 v2
      [2001] iload v11
      [2003] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [2006] aload_2 v2
      [2007] dup
      [2008] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [2011] iload v10
      [2013] aload_2 v2
      [2014] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [2017] isub
      [2018] i2l
      [2019] ladd
      [2020] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [2023] aload_2 v2
      [2024] iload v10
      [2026] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [2029] aload_1 v1
      [2030] iload v12
      [2032] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [2035] aload_1 v1
      [2036] aload_2 v2
      [2037] iload_3 v3
      [2038] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inflate_flush (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
      [2041] ireturn
      [2042] bipush -3
      [2044] istore_3 v3
      [2045] aload_1 v1
      [2046] iload v8
      [2048] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitb I]
      [2051] aload_1 v1
      [2052] iload v9
      [2054] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitk I]
      [2057] aload_2 v2
      [2058] iload v11
      [2060] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [2063] aload_2 v2
      [2064] dup
      [2065] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [2068] iload v10
      [2070] aload_2 v2
      [2071] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [2074] isub
      [2075] i2l
      [2076] ladd
      [2077] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [2080] aload_2 v2
      [2081] iload v10
      [2083] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [2086] aload_1 v1
      [2087] iload v12
      [2089] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [2092] aload_1 v1
      [2093] aload_2 v2
      [2094] iload_3 v3
      [2095] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inflate_flush (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
      [2098] ireturn
      [2099] bipush -2
      [2101] istore_3 v3
      [2102] aload_1 v1
      [2103] iload v8
      [2105] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitb I]
      [2108] aload_1 v1
      [2109] iload v9
      [2111] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitk I]
      [2114] aload_2 v2
      [2115] iload v11
      [2117] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [2120] aload_2 v2
      [2121] dup
      [2122] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [2125] iload v10
      [2127] aload_2 v2
      [2128] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [2131] isub
      [2132] i2l
      [2133] ladd
      [2134] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [2137] aload_2 v2
      [2138] iload v10
      [2140] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [2143] aload_1 v1
      [2144] iload v12
      [2146] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [2149] aload_1 v1
      [2150] aload_2 v2
      [2151] iload_3 v3
      [2152] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.inflate_flush (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
      [2155] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 188)
        [0] -> line 112
        [3] -> line 113
        [6] -> line 114
        [9] -> line 121
        [33] -> line 122
        [69] -> line 126
        [128] -> line 129
        [143] -> line 131
        [155] -> line 132
        [184] -> line 133
        [190] -> line 134
        [199] -> line 135
        [207] -> line 136
        [215] -> line 137
        [217] -> line 134
        [221] -> line 139
        [245] -> line 140
        [281] -> line 142
        [285] -> line 143
        [301] -> line 144
        [304] -> line 147
        [312] -> line 148
        [320] -> line 149
        [328] -> line 151
        [333] -> line 153
        [339] -> line 155
        [342] -> line 156
        [352] -> line 159
        [364] -> line 160
        [393] -> line 161
        [399] -> line 162
        [406] -> line 164
        [409] -> line 165
        [431] -> line 166
        [434] -> line 155
        [441] -> line 169
        [459] -> line 171
        [473] -> line 172
        [487] -> line 174
        [496] -> line 176
        [501] -> line 177
        [514] -> line 178
        [520] -> line 179
        [523] -> line 181
        [531] -> line 182
        [540] -> line 183
        [553] -> line 184
        [558] -> line 185
        [561] -> line 187
        [569] -> line 188
        [575] -> line 189
        [593] -> line 190
        [596] -> line 192
        [604] -> line 193
        [610] -> line 194
        [613] -> line 196
        [619] -> line 197
        [625] -> line 198
        [628] -> line 200
        [640] -> line 201
        [669] -> line 202
        [675] -> line 203
        [682] -> line 206
        [688] -> line 208
        [691] -> line 209
        [701] -> line 212
        [713] -> line 213
        [742] -> line 214
        [748] -> line 215
        [755] -> line 217
        [780] -> line 218
        [783] -> line 208
        [790] -> line 221
        [808] -> line 223
        [815] -> line 224
        [822] -> line 226
        [830] -> line 227
        [838] -> line 228
        [846] -> line 229
        [851] -> line 231
        [857] -> line 233
        [860] -> line 234
        [870] -> line 237
        [882] -> line 238
        [911] -> line 239
        [917] -> line 240
        [924] -> line 242
        [949] -> line 243
        [952] -> line 233
        [959] -> line 246
        [977] -> line 248
        [991] -> line 249
        [1005] -> line 251
        [1014] -> line 252
        [1022] -> line 253
        [1031] -> line 254
        [1044] -> line 255
        [1049] -> line 256
        [1052] -> line 258
        [1060] -> line 259
        [1066] -> line 260
        [1084] -> line 261
        [1087] -> line 263
        [1093] -> line 264
        [1099] -> line 265
        [1102] -> line 267
        [1114] -> line 268
        [1143] -> line 269
        [1149] -> line 270
        [1156] -> line 273
        [1162] -> line 275
        [1165] -> line 276
        [1175] -> line 279
        [1187] -> line 280
        [1216] -> line 281
        [1222] -> line 282
        [1229] -> line 284
        [1254] -> line 285
        [1257] -> line 275
        [1264] -> line 288
        [1282] -> line 290
        [1289] -> line 291
        [1296] -> line 293
        [1301] -> line 295
        [1310] -> line 296
        [1313] -> line 297
        [1322] -> line 296
        [1327] -> line 299
        [1330] -> line 301
        [1335] -> line 302
        [1384] -> line 303
        [1389] -> line 304
        [1402] -> line 305
        [1438] -> line 307
        [1487] -> line 309
        [1492] -> line 310
        [1504] -> line 311
        [1533] -> line 312
        [1539] -> line 313
        [1546] -> line 318
        [1569] -> line 320
        [1578] -> line 321
        [1581] -> line 322
        [1591] -> line 299
        [1598] -> line 324
        [1603] -> line 325
        [1606] -> line 327
        [1611] -> line 328
        [1660] -> line 329
        [1665] -> line 330
        [1678] -> line 331
        [1714] -> line 333
        [1763] -> line 334
        [1768] -> line 335
        [1780] -> line 336
        [1809] -> line 337
        [1815] -> line 338
        [1822] -> line 342
        [1824] -> line 344
        [1842] -> line 346
        [1847] -> line 347
        [1850] -> line 349
        [1857] -> line 350
        [1860] -> line 351
        [1863] -> line 352
        [1866] -> line 355
        [1879] -> line 356
        [1915] -> line 358
        [1926] -> line 359
        [1938] -> line 360
        [1967] -> line 361
        [1973] -> line 362
        [1980] -> line 364
        [1986] -> line 366
        [1988] -> line 367
        [2000] -> line 368
        [2029] -> line 369
        [2035] -> line 370
        [2042] -> line 374
        [2045] -> line 376
        [2057] -> line 377
        [2086] -> line 378
        [2092] -> line 379
        [2099] -> line 382
        [2102] -> line 384
        [2114] -> line 385
        [2143] -> line 386
        [2149] -> line 387
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 19)
        v0: 0 -> 2156 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes; this]
        v1: 0 -> 2156 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks; s]
        v2: 0 -> 2156 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream; z]
        v3: 0 -> 2156 [I r]
        v4: 339 -> 682 [I j]
        v4: 688 -> 851 [I j]
        v4: 857 -> 1156 [I j]
        v4: 1162 -> 1301 [I j]
        v6: 459 -> 682 [I tindex]
        v6: 977 -> 1156 [I tindex]
        v7: 496 -> 682 [I e]
        v7: 1014 -> 1156 [I e]
        v8: 3 -> 2156 [I b]
        v9: 6 -> 2156 [I k]
        v10: 9 -> 2156 [I p]
        v11: 21 -> 2156 [I n]
        v12: 39 -> 2156 [I q]
        v13: 69 -> 2156 [I m]
        v14: 1310 -> 1606 [I f]
  + Method:       free(Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = void free(com.jcraft.jzlib.ZStream)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 1, locals = 2, stack = 0):
      [0] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 394
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 1 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes; this]
        v1: 0 -> 1 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream; z]
  + Method:       inflate_fast(II[II[IILcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks;Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int inflate_fast(int,int,int[],int,int[],int,com.jcraft.jzlib.InfBlocks,com.jcraft.jzlib.ZStream)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 1432, locals = 25, stack = 5):
      [0] aload v8
      [2] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [5] istore v15
      [7] aload v8
      [9] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [12] istore v16
      [14] aload v7
      [16] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitb I]
      [19] istore v13
      [21] aload v7
      [23] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitk I]
      [26] istore v14
      [28] aload v7
      [30] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [33] istore v17
      [35] iload v17
      [37] aload v7
      [39] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ I]
      [42] ificmpge +16 (target=58)
      [45] aload v7
      [47] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ I]
      [50] iload v17
      [52] isub
      [53] iconst_1
      [54] isub
      [55] goto +11 (target=66)
      [58] aload v7
      [60] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.end I]
      [63] iload v17
      [65] isub
      [66] istore v18
      [68] getstatic #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.inflate_mask [I]
      [71] iload_1 v1
      [72] iaload
      [73] istore v19
      [75] getstatic #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.inflate_mask [I]
      [78] iload_2 v2
      [79] iaload
      [80] istore v20
      [82] goto +32 (target=114)
      [85] iinc v16, -1
      [88] iload v13
      [90] aload v8
      [92] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in [B]
      [95] iload v15
      [97] iinc v15, 1
      [100] baload
      [101] sipush 255
      [104] iand
      [105] iload v14
      [107] ishl
      [108] ior
      [109] istore v13
      [111] iinc v14, 8
      [114] iload v14
      [116] bipush 20
      [118] ificmplt -33 (target=85)
      [121] iload v13
      [123] iload v19
      [125] iand
      [126] istore v9
      [128] aload_3 v3
      [129] astore v10
      [131] iload v4
      [133] istore v11
      [135] iload v11
      [137] iload v9
      [139] iadd
      [140] iconst_3
      [141] imul
      [142] istore v24
      [144] aload v10
      [146] iload v24
      [148] iaload
      [149] dup
      [150] istore v12
      [152] ifne +52 (target=204)
      [155] iload v13
      [157] aload v10
      [159] iload v24
      [161] iconst_1
      [162] iadd
      [163] iaload
      [164] ishr
      [165] istore v13
      [167] iload v14
      [169] aload v10
      [171] iload v24
      [173] iconst_1
      [174] iadd
      [175] iaload
      [176] isub
      [177] istore v14
      [179] aload v7
      [181] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.window [B]
      [184] iload v17
      [186] iinc v17, 1
      [189] aload v10
      [191] iload v24
      [193] iconst_2
      [194] iadd
      [195] iaload
      [196] i2b
      [197] bastore
      [198] iinc v18, -1
      [201] goto +1107 (target=1308)
      [204] iload v13
      [206] aload v10
      [208] iload v24
      [210] iconst_1
      [211] iadd
      [212] iaload
      [213] ishr
      [214] istore v13
      [216] iload v14
      [218] aload v10
      [220] iload v24
      [222] iconst_1
      [223] iadd
      [224] iaload
      [225] isub
      [226] istore v14
      [228] iload v12
      [230] bipush 16
      [232] iand
      [233] ifeq +738 (target=971)
      [236] iload v12
      [238] bipush 15
      [240] iand
      [241] istore v12
      [243] aload v10
      [245] iload v24
      [247] iconst_2
      [248] iadd
      [249] iaload
      [250] iload v13
      [252] getstatic #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.inflate_mask [I]
      [255] iload v12
      [257] iaload
      [258] iand
      [259] iadd
      [260] istore v21
      [262] iload v13
      [264] iload v12
      [266] ishr
      [267] istore v13
      [269] iload v14
      [271] iload v12
      [273] isub
      [274] istore v14
      [276] goto +32 (target=308)
      [279] iinc v16, -1
      [282] iload v13
      [284] aload v8
      [286] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in [B]
      [289] iload v15
      [291] iinc v15, 1
      [294] baload
      [295] sipush 255
      [298] iand
      [299] iload v14
      [301] ishl
      [302] ior
      [303] istore v13
      [305] iinc v14, 8
      [308] iload v14
      [310] bipush 15
      [312] ificmplt -33 (target=279)
      [315] iload v13
      [317] iload v20
      [319] iand
      [320] istore v9
      [322] aload v5
      [324] astore v10
      [326] iload v6
      [328] istore v11
      [330] iload v11
      [332] iload v9
      [334] iadd
      [335] iconst_3
      [336] imul
      [337] istore v24
      [339] aload v10
      [341] iload v24
      [343] iaload
      [344] istore v12
      [346] iload v13
      [348] aload v10
      [350] iload v24
      [352] iconst_1
      [353] iadd
      [354] iaload
      [355] ishr
      [356] istore v13
      [358] iload v14
      [360] aload v10
      [362] iload v24
      [364] iconst_1
      [365] iadd
      [366] iaload
      [367] isub
      [368] istore v14
      [370] iload v12
      [372] bipush 16
      [374] iand
      [375] ifeq +426 (target=801)
      [378] iload v12
      [380] bipush 15
      [382] iand
      [383] istore v12
      [385] goto +32 (target=417)
      [388] iinc v16, -1
      [391] iload v13
      [393] aload v8
      [395] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in [B]
      [398] iload v15
      [400] iinc v15, 1
      [403] baload
      [404] sipush 255
      [407] iand
      [408] iload v14
      [410] ishl
      [411] ior
      [412] istore v13
      [414] iinc v14, 8
      [417] iload v14
      [419] iload v12
      [421] ificmplt -33 (target=388)
      [424] aload v10
      [426] iload v24
      [428] iconst_2
      [429] iadd
      [430] iaload
      [431] iload v13
      [433] getstatic #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.inflate_mask [I]
      [436] iload v12
      [438] iaload
      [439] iand
      [440] iadd
      [441] istore v22
      [443] iload v13
      [445] iload v12
      [447] ishr
      [448] istore v13
      [450] iload v14
      [452] iload v12
      [454] isub
      [455] istore v14
      [457] iload v18
      [459] iload v21
      [461] isub
      [462] istore v18
      [464] iload v17
      [466] iload v22
      [468] ificmplt +107 (target=575)
      [471] iload v17
      [473] iload v22
      [475] isub
      [476] istore v23
      [478] iload v17
      [480] iload v23
      [482] isub
      [483] ifle +62 (target=545)
      [486] iconst_2
      [487] iload v17
      [489] iload v23
      [491] isub
      [492] ificmple +53 (target=545)
      [495] aload v7
      [497] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.window [B]
      [500] iload v17
      [502] iinc v17, 1
      [505] aload v7
      [507] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.window [B]
      [510] iload v23
      [512] iinc v23, 1
      [515] baload
      [516] bastore
      [517] aload v7
      [519] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.window [B]
      [522] iload v17
      [524] iinc v17, 1
      [527] aload v7
      [529] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.window [B]
      [532] iload v23
      [534] iinc v23, 1
      [537] baload
      [538] bastore
      [539] iinc v21, -2
      [542] goto +169 (target=711)
      [545] aload v7
      [547] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.window [B]
      [550] iload v23
      [552] aload v7
      [554] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.window [B]
      [557] iload v17
      [559] iconst_2
      [560] invokestatic #38
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [563] iinc v17, 2
      [566] iinc v23, 2
      [569] iinc v21, -2
      [572] goto +139 (target=711)
      [575] iload v17
      [577] iload v22
      [579] isub
      [580] istore v23
      [582] iload v23
      [584] aload v7
      [586] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.end I]
      [589] iadd
      [590] istore v23
      [592] iload v23
      [594] iflt -12 (target=582)
      [597] aload v7
      [599] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.end I]
      [602] iload v23
      [604] isub
      [605] istore v12
      [607] iload v21
      [609] iload v12
      [611] ificmple +100 (target=711)
      [614] iload v21
      [616] iload v12
      [618] isub
      [619] istore v21
      [621] iload v17
      [623] iload v23
      [625] isub
      [626] ifle +46 (target=672)
      [629] iload v12
      [631] iload v17
      [633] iload v23
      [635] isub
      [636] ificmple +36 (target=672)
      [639] aload v7
      [641] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.window [B]
      [644] iload v17
      [646] iinc v17, 1
      [649] aload v7
      [651] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.window [B]
      [654] iload v23
      [656] iinc v23, 1
      [659] baload
      [660] bastore
      [661] iinc v12, -1
      [664] iload v12
      [666] ifne -27 (target=639)
      [669] goto +39 (target=708)
      [672] aload v7
      [674] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.window [B]
      [677] iload v23
      [679] aload v7
      [681] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.window [B]
      [684] iload v17
      [686] iload v12
      [688] invokestatic #38
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [691] iload v17
      [693] iload v12
      [695] iadd
      [696] istore v17
      [698] iload v23
      [700] iload v12
      [702] iadd
      [703] istore v23
      [705] iconst_0
      [706] istore v12
      [708] iconst_0
      [709] istore v23
      [711] iload v17
      [713] iload v23
      [715] isub
      [716] ifle +46 (target=762)
      [719] iload v21
      [721] iload v17
      [723] iload v23
      [725] isub
      [726] ificmple +36 (target=762)
      [729] aload v7
      [731] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.window [B]
      [734] iload v17
      [736] iinc v17, 1
      [739] aload v7
      [741] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.window [B]
      [744] iload v23
      [746] iinc v23, 1
      [749] baload
      [750] bastore
      [751] iinc v21, -1
      [754] iload v21
      [756] ifne -27 (target=729)
      [759] goto +549 (target=1308)
      [762] aload v7
      [764] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.window [B]
      [767] iload v23
      [769] aload v7
      [771] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.window [B]
      [774] iload v17
      [776] iload v21
      [778] invokestatic #38
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [781] iload v17
      [783] iload v21
      [785] iadd
      [786] istore v17
      [788] iload v23
      [790] iload v21
      [792] iadd
      [793] istore v23
      [795] iconst_0
      [796] istore v21
      [798] goto +510 (target=1308)
      [801] iload v12
      [803] bipush 64
      [805] iand
      [806] ifne +48 (target=854)
      [809] iload v9
      [811] aload v10
      [813] iload v24
      [815] iconst_2
      [816] iadd
      [817] iaload
      [818] iadd
      [819] istore v9
      [821] iload v9
      [823] iload v13
      [825] getstatic #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.inflate_mask [I]
      [828] iload v12
      [830] iaload
      [831] iand
      [832] iadd
      [833] istore v9
      [835] iload v11
      [837] iload v9
      [839] iadd
      [840] iconst_3
      [841] imul
      [842] istore v24
      [844] aload v10
      [846] iload v24
      [848] iaload
      [849] istore v12
      [851] goto -505 (target=346)
      [854] aload v8
      [856] ldc #2
        + String [invalid distance code]
      [858] putfield #31
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.msg Ljava/lang/String;]
      [861] aload v8
      [863] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [866] iload v16
      [868] isub
      [869] istore v21
      [871] iload v14
      [873] iconst_3
      [874] ishr
      [875] iload v21
      [877] ificmpge +10 (target=887)
      [880] iload v14
      [882] iconst_3
      [883] ishr
      [884] goto +5 (target=889)
      [887] iload v21
      [889] istore v21
      [891] iload v16
      [893] iload v21
      [895] iadd
      [896] istore v16
      [898] iload v15
      [900] iload v21
      [902] isub
      [903] istore v15
      [905] iload v14
      [907] iload v21
      [909] iconst_3
      [910] ishl
      [911] isub
      [912] istore v14
      [914] aload v7
      [916] iload v13
      [918] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitb I]
      [921] aload v7
      [923] iload v14
      [925] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitk I]
      [928] aload v8
      [930] iload v16
      [932] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [935] aload v8
      [937] dup
      [938] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [941] iload v15
      [943] aload v8
      [945] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [948] isub
      [949] i2l
      [950] ladd
      [951] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [954] aload v8
      [956] iload v15
      [958] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [961] aload v7
      [963] iload v17
      [965] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [968] bipush -3
      [970] ireturn
      [971] iload v12
      [973] bipush 64
      [975] iand
      [976] ifne +98 (target=1074)
      [979] iload v9
      [981] aload v10
      [983] iload v24
      [985] iconst_2
      [986] iadd
      [987] iaload
      [988] iadd
      [989] istore v9
      [991] iload v9
      [993] iload v13
      [995] getstatic #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes.inflate_mask [I]
      [998] iload v12
      [1000] iaload
      [1001] iand
      [1002] iadd
      [1003] istore v9
      [1005] iload v11
      [1007] iload v9
      [1009] iadd
      [1010] iconst_3
      [1011] imul
      [1012] istore v24
      [1014] aload v10
      [1016] iload v24
      [1018] iaload
      [1019] dup
      [1020] istore v12
      [1022] ifne -818 (target=204)
      [1025] iload v13
      [1027] aload v10
      [1029] iload v24
      [1031] iconst_1
      [1032] iadd
      [1033] iaload
      [1034] ishr
      [1035] istore v13
      [1037] iload v14
      [1039] aload v10
      [1041] iload v24
      [1043] iconst_1
      [1044] iadd
      [1045] iaload
      [1046] isub
      [1047] istore v14
      [1049] aload v7
      [1051] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.window [B]
      [1054] iload v17
      [1056] iinc v17, 1
      [1059] aload v10
      [1061] iload v24
      [1063] iconst_2
      [1064] iadd
      [1065] iaload
      [1066] i2b
      [1067] bastore
      [1068] iinc v18, -1
      [1071] goto +237 (target=1308)
      [1074] iload v12
      [1076] bipush 32
      [1078] iand
      [1079] ifeq +112 (target=1191)
      [1082] aload v8
      [1084] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [1087] iload v16
      [1089] isub
      [1090] istore v21
      [1092] iload v14
      [1094] iconst_3
      [1095] ishr
      [1096] iload v21
      [1098] ificmpge +10 (target=1108)
      [1101] iload v14
      [1103] iconst_3
      [1104] ishr
      [1105] goto +5 (target=1110)
      [1108] iload v21
      [1110] istore v21
      [1112] iload v16
      [1114] iload v21
      [1116] iadd
      [1117] istore v16
      [1119] iload v15
      [1121] iload v21
      [1123] isub
      [1124] istore v15
      [1126] iload v14
      [1128] iload v21
      [1130] iconst_3
      [1131] ishl
      [1132] isub
      [1133] istore v14
      [1135] aload v7
      [1137] iload v13
      [1139] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitb I]
      [1142] aload v7
      [1144] iload v14
      [1146] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitk I]
      [1149] aload v8
      [1151] iload v16
      [1153] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [1156] aload v8
      [1158] dup
      [1159] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [1162] iload v15
      [1164] aload v8
      [1166] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [1169] isub
      [1170] i2l
      [1171] ladd
      [1172] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [1175] aload v8
      [1177] iload v15
      [1179] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [1182] aload v7
      [1184] iload v17
      [1186] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [1189] iconst_1
      [1190] ireturn
      [1191] aload v8
      [1193] ldc #3
        + String [invalid literal/length code]
      [1195] putfield #31
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.msg Ljava/lang/String;]
      [1198] aload v8
      [1200] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [1203] iload v16
      [1205] isub
      [1206] istore v21
      [1208] iload v14
      [1210] iconst_3
      [1211] ishr
      [1212] iload v21
      [1214] ificmpge +10 (target=1224)
      [1217] iload v14
      [1219] iconst_3
      [1220] ishr
      [1221] goto +5 (target=1226)
      [1224] iload v21
      [1226] istore v21
      [1228] iload v16
      [1230] iload v21
      [1232] iadd
      [1233] istore v16
      [1235] iload v15
      [1237] iload v21
      [1239] isub
      [1240] istore v15
      [1242] iload v14
      [1244] iload v21
      [1246] iconst_3
      [1247] ishl
      [1248] isub
      [1249] istore v14
      [1251] aload v7
      [1253] iload v13
      [1255] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitb I]
      [1258] aload v7
      [1260] iload v14
      [1262] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitk I]
      [1265] aload v8
      [1267] iload v16
      [1269] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [1272] aload v8
      [1274] dup
      [1275] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [1278] iload v15
      [1280] aload v8
      [1282] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [1285] isub
      [1286] i2l
      [1287] ladd
      [1288] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [1291] aload v8
      [1293] iload v15
      [1295] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [1298] aload v7
      [1300] iload v17
      [1302] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [1305] bipush -3
      [1307] ireturn
      [1308] iload v18
      [1310] sipush 258
      [1313] ificmplt +10 (target=1323)
      [1316] iload v16
      [1318] bipush 10
      [1320] ificmpge -1206 (target=114)
      [1323] aload v8
      [1325] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [1328] iload v16
      [1330] isub
      [1331] istore v21
      [1333] iload v14
      [1335] iconst_3
      [1336] ishr
      [1337] iload v21
      [1339] ificmpge +10 (target=1349)
      [1342] iload v14
      [1344] iconst_3
      [1345] ishr
      [1346] goto +5 (target=1351)
      [1349] iload v21
      [1351] istore v21
      [1353] iload v16
      [1355] iload v21
      [1357] iadd
      [1358] istore v16
      [1360] iload v15
      [1362] iload v21
      [1364] isub
      [1365] istore v15
      [1367] iload v14
      [1369] iload v21
      [1371] iconst_3
      [1372] ishl
      [1373] isub
      [1374] istore v14
      [1376] aload v7
      [1378] iload v13
      [1380] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitb I]
      [1383] aload v7
      [1385] iload v14
      [1387] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.bitk I]
      [1390] aload v8
      [1392] iload v16
      [1394] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [1397] aload v8
      [1399] dup
      [1400] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [1403] iload v15
      [1405] aload v8
      [1407] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [1410] isub
      [1411] i2l
      [1412] ladd
      [1413] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [1416] aload v8
      [1418] iload v15
      [1420] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [1423] aload v7
      [1425] iload v17
      [1427] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.write I]
      [1430] iconst_0
      [1431] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 105)
        [0] -> line 424
        [28] -> line 425
        [68] -> line 428
        [75] -> line 429
        [82] -> line 434
        [85] -> line 435
        [88] -> line 436
        [114] -> line 434
        [121] -> line 439
        [128] -> line 440
        [131] -> line 441
        [135] -> line 442
        [144] -> line 443
        [155] -> line 444
        [179] -> line 446
        [198] -> line 447
        [201] -> line 448
        [204] -> line 452
        [228] -> line 454
        [236] -> line 455
        [243] -> line 456
        [262] -> line 458
        [276] -> line 461
        [279] -> line 462
        [282] -> line 463
        [308] -> line 461
        [315] -> line 466
        [322] -> line 467
        [326] -> line 468
        [330] -> line 469
        [339] -> line 470
        [346] -> line 474
        [370] -> line 476
        [378] -> line 478
        [385] -> line 479
        [388] -> line 480
        [391] -> line 481
        [417] -> line 479
        [424] -> line 484
        [443] -> line 486
        [457] -> line 489
        [464] -> line 490
        [471] -> line 492
        [478] -> line 493
        [495] -> line 494
        [517] -> line 495
        [539] -> line 496
        [545] -> line 499
        [563] -> line 500
        [575] -> line 504
        [582] -> line 506
        [592] -> line 507
        [597] -> line 508
        [607] -> line 509
        [614] -> line 510
        [621] -> line 511
        [639] -> line 512
        [661] -> line 513
        [672] -> line 516
        [691] -> line 517
        [708] -> line 519
        [711] -> line 525
        [729] -> line 526
        [751] -> line 527
        [762] -> line 530
        [781] -> line 531
        [798] -> line 533
        [801] -> line 535
        [809] -> line 536
        [821] -> line 537
        [835] -> line 538
        [844] -> line 539
        [854] -> line 542
        [861] -> line 544
        [914] -> line 546
        [928] -> line 547
        [961] -> line 548
        [968] -> line 550
        [971] -> line 557
        [979] -> line 558
        [991] -> line 559
        [1005] -> line 560
        [1014] -> line 561
        [1025] -> line 563
        [1049] -> line 565
        [1068] -> line 566
        [1071] -> line 567
        [1074] -> line 570
        [1082] -> line 572
        [1135] -> line 574
        [1149] -> line 575
        [1182] -> line 576
        [1189] -> line 578
        [1191] -> line 581
        [1198] -> line 583
        [1251] -> line 585
        [1265] -> line 586
        [1298] -> line 587
        [1305] -> line 589
        [1308] -> line 594
        [1323] -> line 597
        [1376] -> line 599
        [1390] -> line 600
        [1423] -> line 601
        [1430] -> line 603
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 29)
        v0: 0 -> 1432 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfCodes; this]
        v1: 0 -> 1432 [I bl]
        v2: 0 -> 1432 [I bd]
        v3: 0 -> 1432 [[I tl]
        v4: 0 -> 1432 [I tl_index]
        v5: 0 -> 1432 [[I td]
        v6: 0 -> 1432 [I td_index]
        v7: 0 -> 1432 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks; s]
        v8: 0 -> 1432 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream; z]
        v9: 128 -> 1432 [I t]
        v10: 131 -> 1432 [[I tp]
        v11: 135 -> 1432 [I tp_index]
        v12: 152 -> 1432 [I e]
        v13: 21 -> 1432 [I b]
        v14: 28 -> 1432 [I k]
        v15: 7 -> 1432 [I p]
        v16: 14 -> 1432 [I n]
        v17: 35 -> 1432 [I q]
        v18: 68 -> 1432 [I m]
        v19: 75 -> 1432 [I ml]
        v20: 82 -> 1432 [I md]
        v21: 262 -> 971 [I c]
        v21: 1092 -> 1191 [I c]
        v21: 1208 -> 1308 [I c]
        v21: 1333 -> 1432 [I c]
        v22: 443 -> 801 [I d]
        v23: 478 -> 575 [I r]
        v23: 582 -> 801 [I r]
        v24: 144 -> 1432 [I tp_index_t_3]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x30
    = final class com.jcraft.jzlib.InfTree extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 131):
  + String [empty distance tree with lengths]
  + String [incomplete distance tree]
  + String [incomplete dynamic bit lengths tree]
  + String [incomplete literal/length tree]
  + String [oversubscribed distance tree]
  + String [oversubscribed dynamic bit lengths tree]
  + String [oversubscribed literal/length tree]
  + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree]
  + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.c [I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.cpdext [I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.cpdist [I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.cplens [I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.cplext [I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.fixed_td [I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.fixed_tl [I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ [I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.r [I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.u [I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.v [I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.x [I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.msg Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.huft_build ([IIII[I[I[I[I[I[I[I)I]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.initWorkArea (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [c [I]
  + NameAndType [cpdext [I]
  + NameAndType [cpdist [I]
  + NameAndType [cplens [I]
  + NameAndType [cplext [I]
  + NameAndType [fixed_td [I]
  + NameAndType [fixed_tl [I]
  + NameAndType [hn [I]
  + NameAndType [huft_build ([IIII[I[I[I[I[I[I[I)I]
  + NameAndType [initWorkArea (I)V]
  + NameAndType [msg Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [r [I]
  + NameAndType [u [I]
  + NameAndType [v [I]
  + NameAndType [x [I]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(II[I[I[I[I[I[ILcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Utf8 [([IIII[I[I[I[I[I[I[I)I]
  + Utf8 [([I[I[I[ILcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)I]
  + Utf8 [([I[I[[I[[ILcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)I]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[I]
  + Utf8 [[[I]
  + Utf8 [a]
  + Utf8 [arraycopy]
  + Utf8 [b]
  + Utf8 [bb]
  + Utf8 [bd]
  + Utf8 [bindex]
  + Utf8 [bl]
  + Utf8 [c]
  + Utf8 [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree]
  + Utf8 [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream]
  + Utf8 [cpdext]
  + Utf8 [cpdist]
  + Utf8 [cplens]
  + Utf8 [cplext]
  + Utf8 [d]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [empty distance tree with lengths]
  + Utf8 [f]
  + Utf8 [fixed_td]
  + Utf8 [fixed_tl]
  + Utf8 [g]
  + Utf8 [h]
  + Utf8 [hn]
  + Utf8 [hp]
  + Utf8 [huft_build]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [incomplete distance tree]
  + Utf8 [incomplete dynamic bit lengths tree]
  + Utf8 [incomplete literal/length tree]
  + Utf8 [inflate_trees_bits]
  + Utf8 [inflate_trees_dynamic]
  + Utf8 [inflate_trees_fixed]
  + Utf8 [initWorkArea]
  + Utf8 [j]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [k]
  + Utf8 [l]
  + Utf8 [m]
  + Utf8 [mask]
  + Utf8 [msg]
  + Utf8 [n]
  + Utf8 [nd]
  + Utf8 [nl]
  + Utf8 [oversubscribed distance tree]
  + Utf8 [oversubscribed dynamic bit lengths tree]
  + Utf8 [oversubscribed literal/length tree]
  + Utf8 [p]
  + Utf8 [q]
  + Utf8 [r]
  + Utf8 [result]
  + Utf8 [s]
  + Utf8 [t]
  + Utf8 [tb]
  + Utf8 [td]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [tl]
  + Utf8 [u]
  + Utf8 [v]
  + Utf8 [vsize]
  + Utf8 [w]
  + Utf8 [x]
  + Utf8 [xp]
  + Utf8 [y]
  + Utf8 [z]

Fields (count = 12):
  + Field:        fixed_tl [I
    Access flags: 0x18
      = static final int[] fixed_tl
  + Field:        fixed_td [I
    Access flags: 0x18
      = static final int[] fixed_td
  + Field:        cplens [I
    Access flags: 0x18
      = static final int[] cplens
  + Field:        cplext [I
    Access flags: 0x18
      = static final int[] cplext
  + Field:        cpdist [I
    Access flags: 0x18
      = static final int[] cpdist
  + Field:        cpdext [I
    Access flags: 0x18
      = static final int[] cpdext
  + Field:        hn [I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int[] hn
  + Field:        v [I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int[] v
  + Field:        c [I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int[] c
  + Field:        r [I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int[] r
  + Field:        u [I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int[] u
  + Field:        x [I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int[] x

Methods (count = 7):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 9158, locals = 0, stack = 4):
      [0] sipush 1536
      [3] newarray 10
      [5] dup
      [6] iconst_0
      [7] bipush 96
      [9] iastore
      [10] dup
      [11] iconst_1
      [12] bipush 7
      [14] iastore
      [15] dup
      [16] iconst_2
      [17] sipush 256
      [20] iastore
      [21] dup
      [22] iconst_4
      [23] bipush 8
      [25] iastore
      [26] dup
      [27] iconst_5
      [28] bipush 80
      [30] iastore
      [31] dup
      [32] bipush 7
      [34] bipush 8
      [36] iastore
      [37] dup
      [38] bipush 8
      [40] bipush 16
      [42] iastore
      [43] dup
      [44] bipush 9
      [46] bipush 84
      [48] iastore
      [49] dup
      [50] bipush 10
      [52] bipush 8
      [54] iastore
      [55] dup
      [56] bipush 11
      [58] bipush 115
      [60] iastore
      [61] dup
      [62] bipush 12
      [64] bipush 82
      [66] iastore
      [67] dup
      [68] bipush 13
      [70] bipush 7
      [72] iastore
      [73] dup
      [74] bipush 14
      [76] bipush 31
      [78] iastore
      [79] dup
      [80] bipush 16
      [82] bipush 8
      [84] iastore
      [85] dup
      [86] bipush 17
      [88] bipush 112
      [90] iastore
      [91] dup
      [92] bipush 19
      [94] bipush 8
      [96] iastore
      [97] dup
      [98] bipush 20
      [100] bipush 48
      [102] iastore
      [103] dup
      [104] bipush 22
      [106] bipush 9
      [108] iastore
      [109] dup
      [110] bipush 23
      [112] sipush 192
      [115] iastore
      [116] dup
      [117] bipush 24
      [119] bipush 80
      [121] iastore
      [122] dup
      [123] bipush 25
      [125] bipush 7
      [127] iastore
      [128] dup
      [129] bipush 26
      [131] bipush 10
      [133] iastore
      [134] dup
      [135] bipush 28
      [137] bipush 8
      [139] iastore
      [140] dup
      [141] bipush 29
      [143] bipush 96
      [145] iastore
      [146] dup
      [147] bipush 31
      [149] bipush 8
      [151] iastore
      [152] dup
      [153] bipush 32
      [155] bipush 32
      [157] iastore
      [158] dup
      [159] bipush 34
      [161] bipush 9
      [163] iastore
      [164] dup
      [165] bipush 35
      [167] sipush 160
      [170] iastore
      [171] dup
      [172] bipush 37
      [174] bipush 8
      [176] iastore
      [177] dup
      [178] bipush 40
      [180] bipush 8
      [182] iastore
      [183] dup
      [184] bipush 41
      [186] sipush 128
      [189] iastore
      [190] dup
      [191] bipush 43
      [193] bipush 8
      [195] iastore
      [196] dup
      [197] bipush 44
      [199] bipush 64
      [201] iastore
      [202] dup
      [203] bipush 46
      [205] bipush 9
      [207] iastore
      [208] dup
      [209] bipush 47
      [211] sipush 224
      [214] iastore
      [215] dup
      [216] bipush 48
      [218] bipush 80
      [220] iastore
      [221] dup
      [222] bipush 49
      [224] bipush 7
      [226] iastore
      [227] dup
      [228] bipush 50
      [230] bipush 6
      [232] iastore
      [233] dup
      [234] bipush 52
      [236] bipush 8
      [238] iastore
      [239] dup
      [240] bipush 53
      [242] bipush 88
      [244] iastore
      [245] dup
      [246] bipush 55
      [248] bipush 8
      [250] iastore
      [251] dup
      [252] bipush 56
      [254] bipush 24
      [256] iastore
      [257] dup
      [258] bipush 58
      [260] bipush 9
      [262] iastore
      [263] dup
      [264] bipush 59
      [266] sipush 144
      [269] iastore
      [270] dup
      [271] bipush 60
      [273] bipush 83
      [275] iastore
      [276] dup
      [277] bipush 61
      [279] bipush 7
      [281] iastore
      [282] dup
      [283] bipush 62
      [285] bipush 59
      [287] iastore
      [288] dup
      [289] bipush 64
      [291] bipush 8
      [293] iastore
      [294] dup
      [295] bipush 65
      [297] bipush 120
      [299] iastore
      [300] dup
      [301] bipush 67
      [303] bipush 8
      [305] iastore
      [306] dup
      [307] bipush 68
      [309] bipush 56
      [311] iastore
      [312] dup
      [313] bipush 70
      [315] bipush 9
      [317] iastore
      [318] dup
      [319] bipush 71
      [321] sipush 208
      [324] iastore
      [325] dup
      [326] bipush 72
      [328] bipush 81
      [330] iastore
      [331] dup
      [332] bipush 73
      [334] bipush 7
      [336] iastore
      [337] dup
      [338] bipush 74
      [340] bipush 17
      [342] iastore
      [343] dup
      [344] bipush 76
      [346] bipush 8
      [348] iastore
      [349] dup
      [350] bipush 77
      [352] bipush 104
      [354] iastore
      [355] dup
      [356] bipush 79
      [358] bipush 8
      [360] iastore
      [361] dup
      [362] bipush 80
      [364] bipush 40
      [366] iastore
      [367] dup
      [368] bipush 82
      [370] bipush 9
      [372] iastore
      [373] dup
      [374] bipush 83
      [376] sipush 176
      [379] iastore
      [380] dup
      [381] bipush 85
      [383] bipush 8
      [385] iastore
      [386] dup
      [387] bipush 86
      [389] bipush 8
      [391] iastore
      [392] dup
      [393] bipush 88
      [395] bipush 8
      [397] iastore
      [398] dup
      [399] bipush 89
      [401] sipush 136
      [404] iastore
      [405] dup
      [406] bipush 91
      [408] bipush 8
      [410] iastore
      [411] dup
      [412] bipush 92
      [414] bipush 72
      [416] iastore
      [417] dup
      [418] bipush 94
      [420] bipush 9
      [422] iastore
      [423] dup
      [424] bipush 95
      [426] sipush 240
      [429] iastore
      [430] dup
      [431] bipush 96
      [433] bipush 80
      [435] iastore
      [436] dup
      [437] bipush 97
      [439] bipush 7
      [441] iastore
      [442] dup
      [443] bipush 98
      [445] iconst_4
      [446] iastore
      [447] dup
      [448] bipush 100
      [450] bipush 8
      [452] iastore
      [453] dup
      [454] bipush 101
      [456] bipush 84
      [458] iastore
      [459] dup
      [460] bipush 103
      [462] bipush 8
      [464] iastore
      [465] dup
      [466] bipush 104
      [468] bipush 20
      [470] iastore
      [471] dup
      [472] bipush 105
      [474] bipush 85
      [476] iastore
      [477] dup
      [478] bipush 106
      [480] bipush 8
      [482] iastore
      [483] dup
      [484] bipush 107
      [486] sipush 227
      [489] iastore
      [490] dup
      [491] bipush 108
      [493] bipush 83
      [495] iastore
      [496] dup
      [497] bipush 109
      [499] bipush 7
      [501] iastore
      [502] dup
      [503] bipush 110
      [505] bipush 43
      [507] iastore
      [508] dup
      [509] bipush 112
      [511] bipush 8
      [513] iastore
      [514] dup
      [515] bipush 113
      [517] bipush 116
      [519] iastore
      [520] dup
      [521] bipush 115
      [523] bipush 8
      [525] iastore
      [526] dup
      [527] bipush 116
      [529] bipush 52
      [531] iastore
      [532] dup
      [533] bipush 118
      [535] bipush 9
      [537] iastore
      [538] dup
      [539] bipush 119
      [541] sipush 200
      [544] iastore
      [545] dup
      [546] bipush 120
      [548] bipush 81
      [550] iastore
      [551] dup
      [552] bipush 121
      [554] bipush 7
      [556] iastore
      [557] dup
      [558] bipush 122
      [560] bipush 13
      [562] iastore
      [563] dup
      [564] bipush 124
      [566] bipush 8
      [568] iastore
      [569] dup
      [570] bipush 125
      [572] bipush 100
      [574] iastore
      [575] dup
      [576] bipush 127
      [578] bipush 8
      [580] iastore
      [581] dup
      [582] sipush 128
      [585] bipush 36
      [587] iastore
      [588] dup
      [589] sipush 130
      [592] bipush 9
      [594] iastore
      [595] dup
      [596] sipush 131
      [599] sipush 168
      [602] iastore
      [603] dup
      [604] sipush 133
      [607] bipush 8
      [609] iastore
      [610] dup
      [611] sipush 134
      [614] iconst_4
      [615] iastore
      [616] dup
      [617] sipush 136
      [620] bipush 8
      [622] iastore
      [623] dup
      [624] sipush 137
      [627] sipush 132
      [630] iastore
      [631] dup
      [632] sipush 139
      [635] bipush 8
      [637] iastore
      [638] dup
      [639] sipush 140
      [642] bipush 68
      [644] iastore
      [645] dup
      [646] sipush 142
      [649] bipush 9
      [651] iastore
      [652] dup
      [653] sipush 143
      [656] sipush 232
      [659] iastore
      [660] dup
      [661] sipush 144
      [664] bipush 80
      [666] iastore
      [667] dup
      [668] sipush 145
      [671] bipush 7
      [673] iastore
      [674] dup
      [675] sipush 146
      [678] bipush 8
      [680] iastore
      [681] dup
      [682] sipush 148
      [685] bipush 8
      [687] iastore
      [688] dup
      [689] sipush 149
      [692] bipush 92
      [694] iastore
      [695] dup
      [696] sipush 151
      [699] bipush 8
      [701] iastore
      [702] dup
      [703] sipush 152
      [706] bipush 28
      [708] iastore
      [709] dup
      [710] sipush 154
      [713] bipush 9
      [715] iastore
      [716] dup
      [717] sipush 155
      [720] sipush 152
      [723] iastore
      [724] dup
      [725] sipush 156
      [728] bipush 84
      [730] iastore
      [731] dup
      [732] sipush 157
      [735] bipush 7
      [737] iastore
      [738] dup
      [739] sipush 158
      [742] bipush 83
      [744] iastore
      [745] dup
      [746] sipush 160
      [749] bipush 8
      [751] iastore
      [752] dup
      [753] sipush 161
      [756] bipush 124
      [758] iastore
      [759] dup
      [760] sipush 163
      [763] bipush 8
      [765] iastore
      [766] dup
      [767] sipush 164
      [770] bipush 60
      [772] iastore
      [773] dup
      [774] sipush 166
      [777] bipush 9
      [779] iastore
      [780] dup
      [781] sipush 167
      [784] sipush 216
      [787] iastore
      [788] dup
      [789] sipush 168
      [792] bipush 82
      [794] iastore
      [795] dup
      [796] sipush 169
      [799] bipush 7
      [801] iastore
      [802] dup
      [803] sipush 170
      [806] bipush 23
      [808] iastore
      [809] dup
      [810] sipush 172
      [813] bipush 8
      [815] iastore
      [816] dup
      [817] sipush 173
      [820] bipush 108
      [822] iastore
      [823] dup
      [824] sipush 175
      [827] bipush 8
      [829] iastore
      [830] dup
      [831] sipush 176
      [834] bipush 44
      [836] iastore
      [837] dup
      [838] sipush 178
      [841] bipush 9
      [843] iastore
      [844] dup
      [845] sipush 179
      [848] sipush 184
      [851] iastore
      [852] dup
      [853] sipush 181
      [856] bipush 8
      [858] iastore
      [859] dup
      [860] sipush 182
      [863] bipush 12
      [865] iastore
      [866] dup
      [867] sipush 184
      [870] bipush 8
      [872] iastore
      [873] dup
      [874] sipush 185
      [877] sipush 140
      [880] iastore
      [881] dup
      [882] sipush 187
      [885] bipush 8
      [887] iastore
      [888] dup
      [889] sipush 188
      [892] bipush 76
      [894] iastore
      [895] dup
      [896] sipush 190
      [899] bipush 9
      [901] iastore
      [902] dup
      [903] sipush 191
      [906] sipush 248
      [909] iastore
      [910] dup
      [911] sipush 192
      [914] bipush 80
      [916] iastore
      [917] dup
      [918] sipush 193
      [921] bipush 7
      [923] iastore
      [924] dup
      [925] sipush 194
      [928] iconst_3
      [929] iastore
      [930] dup
      [931] sipush 196
      [934] bipush 8
      [936] iastore
      [937] dup
      [938] sipush 197
      [941] bipush 82
      [943] iastore
      [944] dup
      [945] sipush 199
      [948] bipush 8
      [950] iastore
      [951] dup
      [952] sipush 200
      [955] bipush 18
      [957] iastore
      [958] dup
      [959] sipush 201
      [962] bipush 85
      [964] iastore
      [965] dup
      [966] sipush 202
      [969] bipush 8
      [971] iastore
      [972] dup
      [973] sipush 203
      [976] sipush 163
      [979] iastore
      [980] dup
      [981] sipush 204
      [984] bipush 83
      [986] iastore
      [987] dup
      [988] sipush 205
      [991] bipush 7
      [993] iastore
      [994] dup
      [995] sipush 206
      [998] bipush 35
      [1000] iastore
      [1001] dup
      [1002] sipush 208
      [1005] bipush 8
      [1007] iastore
      [1008] dup
      [1009] sipush 209
      [1012] bipush 114
      [1014] iastore
      [1015] dup
      [1016] sipush 211
      [1019] bipush 8
      [1021] iastore
      [1022] dup
      [1023] sipush 212
      [1026] bipush 50
      [1028] iastore
      [1029] dup
      [1030] sipush 214
      [1033] bipush 9
      [1035] iastore
      [1036] dup
      [1037] sipush 215
      [1040] sipush 196
      [1043] iastore
      [1044] dup
      [1045] sipush 216
      [1048] bipush 81
      [1050] iastore
      [1051] dup
      [1052] sipush 217
      [1055] bipush 7
      [1057] iastore
      [1058] dup
      [1059] sipush 218
      [1062] bipush 11
      [1064] iastore
      [1065] dup
      [1066] sipush 220
      [1069] bipush 8
      [1071] iastore
      [1072] dup
      [1073] sipush 221
      [1076] bipush 98
      [1078] iastore
      [1079] dup
      [1080] sipush 223
      [1083] bipush 8
      [1085] iastore
      [1086] dup
      [1087] sipush 224
      [1090] bipush 34
      [1092] iastore
      [1093] dup
      [1094] sipush 226
      [1097] bipush 9
      [1099] iastore
      [1100] dup
      [1101] sipush 227
      [1104] sipush 164
      [1107] iastore
      [1108] dup
      [1109] sipush 229
      [1112] bipush 8
      [1114] iastore
      [1115] dup
      [1116] sipush 230
      [1119] iconst_2
      [1120] iastore
      [1121] dup
      [1122] sipush 232
      [1125] bipush 8
      [1127] iastore
      [1128] dup
      [1129] sipush 233
      [1132] sipush 130
      [1135] iastore
      [1136] dup
      [1137] sipush 235
      [1140] bipush 8
      [1142] iastore
      [1143] dup
      [1144] sipush 236
      [1147] bipush 66
      [1149] iastore
      [1150] dup
      [1151] sipush 238
      [1154] bipush 9
      [1156] iastore
      [1157] dup
      [1158] sipush 239
      [1161] sipush 228
      [1164] iastore
      [1165] dup
      [1166] sipush 240
      [1169] bipush 80
      [1171] iastore
      [1172] dup
      [1173] sipush 241
      [1176] bipush 7
      [1178] iastore
      [1179] dup
      [1180] sipush 242
      [1183] bipush 7
      [1185] iastore
      [1186] dup
      [1187] sipush 244
      [1190] bipush 8
      [1192] iastore
      [1193] dup
      [1194] sipush 245
      [1197] bipush 90
      [1199] iastore
      [1200] dup
      [1201] sipush 247
      [1204] bipush 8
      [1206] iastore
      [1207] dup
      [1208] sipush 248
      [1211] bipush 26
      [1213] iastore
      [1214] dup
      [1215] sipush 250
      [1218] bipush 9
      [1220] iastore
      [1221] dup
      [1222] sipush 251
      [1225] sipush 148
      [1228] iastore
      [1229] dup
      [1230] sipush 252
      [1233] bipush 84
      [1235] iastore
      [1236] dup
      [1237] sipush 253
      [1240] bipush 7
      [1242] iastore
      [1243] dup
      [1244] sipush 254
      [1247] bipush 67
      [1249] iastore
      [1250] dup
      [1251] sipush 256
      [1254] bipush 8
      [1256] iastore
      [1257] dup
      [1258] sipush 257
      [1261] bipush 122
      [1263] iastore
      [1264] dup
      [1265] sipush 259
      [1268] bipush 8
      [1270] iastore
      [1271] dup
      [1272] sipush 260
      [1275] bipush 58
      [1277] iastore
      [1278] dup
      [1279] sipush 262
      [1282] bipush 9
      [1284] iastore
      [1285] dup
      [1286] sipush 263
      [1289] sipush 212
      [1292] iastore
      [1293] dup
      [1294] sipush 264
      [1297] bipush 82
      [1299] iastore
      [1300] dup
      [1301] sipush 265
      [1304] bipush 7
      [1306] iastore
      [1307] dup
      [1308] sipush 266
      [1311] bipush 19
      [1313] iastore
      [1314] dup
      [1315] sipush 268
      [1318] bipush 8
      [1320] iastore
      [1321] dup
      [1322] sipush 269
      [1325] bipush 106
      [1327] iastore
      [1328] dup
      [1329] sipush 271
      [1332] bipush 8
      [1334] iastore
      [1335] dup
      [1336] sipush 272
      [1339] bipush 42
      [1341] iastore
      [1342] dup
      [1343] sipush 274
      [1346] bipush 9
      [1348] iastore
      [1349] dup
      [1350] sipush 275
      [1353] sipush 180
      [1356] iastore
      [1357] dup
      [1358] sipush 277
      [1361] bipush 8
      [1363] iastore
      [1364] dup
      [1365] sipush 278
      [1368] bipush 10
      [1370] iastore
      [1371] dup
      [1372] sipush 280
      [1375] bipush 8
      [1377] iastore
      [1378] dup
      [1379] sipush 281
      [1382] sipush 138
      [1385] iastore
      [1386] dup
      [1387] sipush 283
      [1390] bipush 8
      [1392] iastore
      [1393] dup
      [1394] sipush 284
      [1397] bipush 74
      [1399] iastore
      [1400] dup
      [1401] sipush 286
      [1404] bipush 9
      [1406] iastore
      [1407] dup
      [1408] sipush 287
      [1411] sipush 244
      [1414] iastore
      [1415] dup
      [1416] sipush 288
      [1419] bipush 80
      [1421] iastore
      [1422] dup
      [1423] sipush 289
      [1426] bipush 7
      [1428] iastore
      [1429] dup
      [1430] sipush 290
      [1433] iconst_5
      [1434] iastore
      [1435] dup
      [1436] sipush 292
      [1439] bipush 8
      [1441] iastore
      [1442] dup
      [1443] sipush 293
      [1446] bipush 86
      [1448] iastore
      [1449] dup
      [1450] sipush 295
      [1453] bipush 8
      [1455] iastore
      [1456] dup
      [1457] sipush 296
      [1460] bipush 22
      [1462] iastore
      [1463] dup
      [1464] sipush 297
      [1467] sipush 192
      [1470] iastore
      [1471] dup
      [1472] sipush 298
      [1475] bipush 8
      [1477] iastore
      [1478] dup
      [1479] sipush 300
      [1482] bipush 83
      [1484] iastore
      [1485] dup
      [1486] sipush 301
      [1489] bipush 7
      [1491] iastore
      [1492] dup
      [1493] sipush 302
      [1496] bipush 51
      [1498] iastore
      [1499] dup
      [1500] sipush 304
      [1503] bipush 8
      [1505] iastore
      [1506] dup
      [1507] sipush 305
      [1510] bipush 118
      [1512] iastore
      [1513] dup
      [1514] sipush 307
      [1517] bipush 8
      [1519] iastore
      [1520] dup
      [1521] sipush 308
      [1524] bipush 54
      [1526] iastore
      [1527] dup
      [1528] sipush 310
      [1531] bipush 9
      [1533] iastore
      [1534] dup
      [1535] sipush 311
      [1538] sipush 204
      [1541] iastore
      [1542] dup
      [1543] sipush 312
      [1546] bipush 81
      [1548] iastore
      [1549] dup
      [1550] sipush 313
      [1553] bipush 7
      [1555] iastore
      [1556] dup
      [1557] sipush 314
      [1560] bipush 15
      [1562] iastore
      [1563] dup
      [1564] sipush 316
      [1567] bipush 8
      [1569] iastore
      [1570] dup
      [1571] sipush 317
      [1574] bipush 102
      [1576] iastore
      [1577] dup
      [1578] sipush 319
      [1581] bipush 8
      [1583] iastore
      [1584] dup
      [1585] sipush 320
      [1588] bipush 38
      [1590] iastore
      [1591] dup
      [1592] sipush 322
      [1595] bipush 9
      [1597] iastore
      [1598] dup
      [1599] sipush 323
      [1602] sipush 172
      [1605] iastore
      [1606] dup
      [1607] sipush 325
      [1610] bipush 8
      [1612] iastore
      [1613] dup
      [1614] sipush 326
      [1617] bipush 6
      [1619] iastore
      [1620] dup
      [1621] sipush 328
      [1624] bipush 8
      [1626] iastore
      [1627] dup
      [1628] sipush 329
      [1631] sipush 134
      [1634] iastore
      [1635] dup
      [1636] sipush 331
      [1639] bipush 8
      [1641] iastore
      [1642] dup
      [1643] sipush 332
      [1646] bipush 70
      [1648] iastore
      [1649] dup
      [1650] sipush 334
      [1653] bipush 9
      [1655] iastore
      [1656] dup
      [1657] sipush 335
      [1660] sipush 236
      [1663] iastore
      [1664] dup
      [1665] sipush 336
      [1668] bipush 80
      [1670] iastore
      [1671] dup
      [1672] sipush 337
      [1675] bipush 7
      [1677] iastore
      [1678] dup
      [1679] sipush 338
      [1682] bipush 9
      [1684] iastore
      [1685] dup
      [1686] sipush 340
      [1689] bipush 8
      [1691] iastore
      [1692] dup
      [1693] sipush 341
      [1696] bipush 94
      [1698] iastore
      [1699] dup
      [1700] sipush 343
      [1703] bipush 8
      [1705] iastore
      [1706] dup
      [1707] sipush 344
      [1710] bipush 30
      [1712] iastore
      [1713] dup
      [1714] sipush 346
      [1717] bipush 9
      [1719] iastore
      [1720] dup
      [1721] sipush 347
      [1724] sipush 156
      [1727] iastore
      [1728] dup
      [1729] sipush 348
      [1732] bipush 84
      [1734] iastore
      [1735] dup
      [1736] sipush 349
      [1739] bipush 7
      [1741] iastore
      [1742] dup
      [1743] sipush 350
      [1746] bipush 99
      [1748] iastore
      [1749] dup
      [1750] sipush 352
      [1753] bipush 8
      [1755] iastore
      [1756] dup
      [1757] sipush 353
      [1760] bipush 126
      [1762] iastore
      [1763] dup
      [1764] sipush 355
      [1767] bipush 8
      [1769] iastore
      [1770] dup
      [1771] sipush 356
      [1774] bipush 62
      [1776] iastore
      [1777] dup
      [1778] sipush 358
      [1781] bipush 9
      [1783] iastore
      [1784] dup
      [1785] sipush 359
      [1788] sipush 220
      [1791] iastore
      [1792] dup
      [1793] sipush 360
      [1796] bipush 82
      [1798] iastore
      [1799] dup
      [1800] sipush 361
      [1803] bipush 7
      [1805] iastore
      [1806] dup
      [1807] sipush 362
      [1810] bipush 27
      [1812] iastore
      [1813] dup
      [1814] sipush 364
      [1817] bipush 8
      [1819] iastore
      [1820] dup
      [1821] sipush 365
      [1824] bipush 110
      [1826] iastore
      [1827] dup
      [1828] sipush 367
      [1831] bipush 8
      [1833] iastore
      [1834] dup
      [1835] sipush 368
      [1838] bipush 46
      [1840] iastore
      [1841] dup
      [1842] sipush 370
      [1845] bipush 9
      [1847] iastore
      [1848] dup
      [1849] sipush 371
      [1852] sipush 188
      [1855] iastore
      [1856] dup
      [1857] sipush 373
      [1860] bipush 8
      [1862] iastore
      [1863] dup
      [1864] sipush 374
      [1867] bipush 14
      [1869] iastore
      [1870] dup
      [1871] sipush 376
      [1874] bipush 8
      [1876] iastore
      [1877] dup
      [1878] sipush 377
      [1881] sipush 142
      [1884] iastore
      [1885] dup
      [1886] sipush 379
      [1889] bipush 8
      [1891] iastore
      [1892] dup
      [1893] sipush 380
      [1896] bipush 78
      [1898] iastore
      [1899] dup
      [1900] sipush 382
      [1903] bipush 9
      [1905] iastore
      [1906] dup
      [1907] sipush 383
      [1910] sipush 252
      [1913] iastore
      [1914] dup
      [1915] sipush 384
      [1918] bipush 96
      [1920] iastore
      [1921] dup
      [1922] sipush 385
      [1925] bipush 7
      [1927] iastore
      [1928] dup
      [1929] sipush 386
      [1932] sipush 256
      [1935] iastore
      [1936] dup
      [1937] sipush 388
      [1940] bipush 8
      [1942] iastore
      [1943] dup
      [1944] sipush 389
      [1947] bipush 81
      [1949] iastore
      [1950] dup
      [1951] sipush 391
      [1954] bipush 8
      [1956] iastore
      [1957] dup
      [1958] sipush 392
      [1961] bipush 17
      [1963] iastore
      [1964] dup
      [1965] sipush 393
      [1968] bipush 85
      [1970] iastore
      [1971] dup
      [1972] sipush 394
      [1975] bipush 8
      [1977] iastore
      [1978] dup
      [1979] sipush 395
      [1982] sipush 131
      [1985] iastore
      [1986] dup
      [1987] sipush 396
      [1990] bipush 82
      [1992] iastore
      [1993] dup
      [1994] sipush 397
      [1997] bipush 7
      [1999] iastore
      [2000] dup
      [2001] sipush 398
      [2004] bipush 31
      [2006] iastore
      [2007] dup
      [2008] sipush 400
      [2011] bipush 8
      [2013] iastore
      [2014] dup
      [2015] sipush 401
      [2018] bipush 113
      [2020] iastore
      [2021] dup
      [2022] sipush 403
      [2025] bipush 8
      [2027] iastore
      [2028] dup
      [2029] sipush 404
      [2032] bipush 49
      [2034] iastore
      [2035] dup
      [2036] sipush 406
      [2039] bipush 9
      [2041] iastore
      [2042] dup
      [2043] sipush 407
      [2046] sipush 194
      [2049] iastore
      [2050] dup
      [2051] sipush 408
      [2054] bipush 80
      [2056] iastore
      [2057] dup
      [2058] sipush 409
      [2061] bipush 7
      [2063] iastore
      [2064] dup
      [2065] sipush 410
      [2068] bipush 10
      [2070] iastore
      [2071] dup
      [2072] sipush 412
      [2075] bipush 8
      [2077] iastore
      [2078] dup
      [2079] sipush 413
      [2082] bipush 97
      [2084] iastore
      [2085] dup
      [2086] sipush 415
      [2089] bipush 8
      [2091] iastore
      [2092] dup
      [2093] sipush 416
      [2096] bipush 33
      [2098] iastore
      [2099] dup
      [2100] sipush 418
      [2103] bipush 9
      [2105] iastore
      [2106] dup
      [2107] sipush 419
      [2110] sipush 162
      [2113] iastore
      [2114] dup
      [2115] sipush 421
      [2118] bipush 8
      [2120] iastore
      [2121] dup
      [2122] sipush 422
      [2125] iconst_1
      [2126] iastore
      [2127] dup
      [2128] sipush 424
      [2131] bipush 8
      [2133] iastore
      [2134] dup
      [2135] sipush 425
      [2138] sipush 129
      [2141] iastore
      [2142] dup
      [2143] sipush 427
      [2146] bipush 8
      [2148] iastore
      [2149] dup
      [2150] sipush 428
      [2153] bipush 65
      [2155] iastore
      [2156] dup
      [2157] sipush 430
      [2160] bipush 9
      [2162] iastore
      [2163] dup
      [2164] sipush 431
      [2167] sipush 226
      [2170] iastore
      [2171] dup
      [2172] sipush 432
      [2175] bipush 80
      [2177] iastore
      [2178] dup
      [2179] sipush 433
      [2182] bipush 7
      [2184] iastore
      [2185] dup
      [2186] sipush 434
      [2189] bipush 6
      [2191] iastore
      [2192] dup
      [2193] sipush 436
      [2196] bipush 8
      [2198] iastore
      [2199] dup
      [2200] sipush 437
      [2203] bipush 89
      [2205] iastore
      [2206] dup
      [2207] sipush 439
      [2210] bipush 8
      [2212] iastore
      [2213] dup
      [2214] sipush 440
      [2217] bipush 25
      [2219] iastore
      [2220] dup
      [2221] sipush 442
      [2224] bipush 9
      [2226] iastore
      [2227] dup
      [2228] sipush 443
      [2231] sipush 146
      [2234] iastore
      [2235] dup
      [2236] sipush 444
      [2239] bipush 83
      [2241] iastore
      [2242] dup
      [2243] sipush 445
      [2246] bipush 7
      [2248] iastore
      [2249] dup
      [2250] sipush 446
      [2253] bipush 59
      [2255] iastore
      [2256] dup
      [2257] sipush 448
      [2260] bipush 8
      [2262] iastore
      [2263] dup
      [2264] sipush 449
      [2267] bipush 121
      [2269] iastore
      [2270] dup
      [2271] sipush 451
      [2274] bipush 8
      [2276] iastore
      [2277] dup
      [2278] sipush 452
      [2281] bipush 57
      [2283] iastore
      [2284] dup
      [2285] sipush 454
      [2288] bipush 9
      [2290] iastore
      [2291] dup
      [2292] sipush 455
      [2295] sipush 210
      [2298] iastore
      [2299] dup
      [2300] sipush 456
      [2303] bipush 81
      [2305] iastore
      [2306] dup
      [2307] sipush 457
      [2310] bipush 7
      [2312] iastore
      [2313] dup
      [2314] sipush 458
      [2317] bipush 17
      [2319] iastore
      [2320] dup
      [2321] sipush 460
      [2324] bipush 8
      [2326] iastore
      [2327] dup
      [2328] sipush 461
      [2331] bipush 105
      [2333] iastore
      [2334] dup
      [2335] sipush 463
      [2338] bipush 8
      [2340] iastore
      [2341] dup
      [2342] sipush 464
      [2345] bipush 41
      [2347] iastore
      [2348] dup
      [2349] sipush 466
      [2352] bipush 9
      [2354] iastore
      [2355] dup
      [2356] sipush 467
      [2359] sipush 178
      [2362] iastore
      [2363] dup
      [2364] sipush 469
      [2367] bipush 8
      [2369] iastore
      [2370] dup
      [2371] sipush 470
      [2374] bipush 9
      [2376] iastore
      [2377] dup
      [2378] sipush 472
      [2381] bipush 8
      [2383] iastore
      [2384] dup
      [2385] sipush 473
      [2388] sipush 137
      [2391] iastore
      [2392] dup
      [2393] sipush 475
      [2396] bipush 8
      [2398] iastore
      [2399] dup
      [2400] sipush 476
      [2403] bipush 73
      [2405] iastore
      [2406] dup
      [2407] sipush 478
      [2410] bipush 9
      [2412] iastore
      [2413] dup
      [2414] sipush 479
      [2417] sipush 242
      [2420] iastore
      [2421] dup
      [2422] sipush 480
      [2425] bipush 80
      [2427] iastore
      [2428] dup
      [2429] sipush 481
      [2432] bipush 7
      [2434] iastore
      [2435] dup
      [2436] sipush 482
      [2439] iconst_4
      [2440] iastore
      [2441] dup
      [2442] sipush 484
      [2445] bipush 8
      [2447] iastore
      [2448] dup
      [2449] sipush 485
      [2452] bipush 85
      [2454] iastore
      [2455] dup
      [2456] sipush 487
      [2459] bipush 8
      [2461] iastore
      [2462] dup
      [2463] sipush 488
      [2466] bipush 21
      [2468] iastore
      [2469] dup
      [2470] sipush 489
      [2473] bipush 80
      [2475] iastore
      [2476] dup
      [2477] sipush 490
      [2480] bipush 8
      [2482] iastore
      [2483] dup
      [2484] sipush 491
      [2487] sipush 258
      [2490] iastore
      [2491] dup
      [2492] sipush 492
      [2495] bipush 83
      [2497] iastore
      [2498] dup
      [2499] sipush 493
      [2502] bipush 7
      [2504] iastore
      [2505] dup
      [2506] sipush 494
      [2509] bipush 43
      [2511] iastore
      [2512] dup
      [2513] sipush 496
      [2516] bipush 8
      [2518] iastore
      [2519] dup
      [2520] sipush 497
      [2523] bipush 117
      [2525] iastore
      [2526] dup
      [2527] sipush 499
      [2530] bipush 8
      [2532] iastore
      [2533] dup
      [2534] sipush 500
      [2537] bipush 53
      [2539] iastore
      [2540] dup
      [2541] sipush 502
      [2544] bipush 9
      [2546] iastore
      [2547] dup
      [2548] sipush 503
      [2551] sipush 202
      [2554] iastore
      [2555] dup
      [2556] sipush 504
      [2559] bipush 81
      [2561] iastore
      [2562] dup
      [2563] sipush 505
      [2566] bipush 7
      [2568] iastore
      [2569] dup
      [2570] sipush 506
      [2573] bipush 13
      [2575] iastore
      [2576] dup
      [2577] sipush 508
      [2580] bipush 8
      [2582] iastore
      [2583] dup
      [2584] sipush 509
      [2587] bipush 101
      [2589] iastore
      [2590] dup
      [2591] sipush 511
      [2594] bipush 8
      [2596] iastore
      [2597] dup
      [2598] sipush 512
      [2601] bipush 37
      [2603] iastore
      [2604] dup
      [2605] sipush 514
      [2608] bipush 9
      [2610] iastore
      [2611] dup
      [2612] sipush 515
      [2615] sipush 170
      [2618] iastore
      [2619] dup
      [2620] sipush 517
      [2623] bipush 8
      [2625] iastore
      [2626] dup
      [2627] sipush 518
      [2630] iconst_5
      [2631] iastore
      [2632] dup
      [2633] sipush 520
      [2636] bipush 8
      [2638] iastore
      [2639] dup
      [2640] sipush 521
      [2643] sipush 133
      [2646] iastore
      [2647] dup
      [2648] sipush 523
      [2651] bipush 8
      [2653] iastore
      [2654] dup
      [2655] sipush 524
      [2658] bipush 69
      [2660] iastore
      [2661] dup
      [2662] sipush 526
      [2665] bipush 9
      [2667] iastore
      [2668] dup
      [2669] sipush 527
      [2672] sipush 234
      [2675] iastore
      [2676] dup
      [2677] sipush 528
      [2680] bipush 80
      [2682] iastore
      [2683] dup
      [2684] sipush 529
      [2687] bipush 7
      [2689] iastore
      [2690] dup
      [2691] sipush 530
      [2694] bipush 8
      [2696] iastore
      [2697] dup
      [2698] sipush 532
      [2701] bipush 8
      [2703] iastore
      [2704] dup
      [2705] sipush 533
      [2708] bipush 93
      [2710] iastore
      [2711] dup
      [2712] sipush 535
      [2715] bipush 8
      [2717] iastore
      [2718] dup
      [2719] sipush 536
      [2722] bipush 29
      [2724] iastore
      [2725] dup
      [2726] sipush 538
      [2729] bipush 9
      [2731] iastore
      [2732] dup
      [2733] sipush 539
      [2736] sipush 154
      [2739] iastore
      [2740] dup
      [2741] sipush 540
      [2744] bipush 84
      [2746] iastore
      [2747] dup
      [2748] sipush 541
      [2751] bipush 7
      [2753] iastore
      [2754] dup
      [2755] sipush 542
      [2758] bipush 83
      [2760] iastore
      [2761] dup
      [2762] sipush 544
      [2765] bipush 8
      [2767] iastore
      [2768] dup
      [2769] sipush 545
      [2772] bipush 125
      [2774] iastore
      [2775] dup
      [2776] sipush 547
      [2779] bipush 8
      [2781] iastore
      [2782] dup
      [2783] sipush 548
      [2786] bipush 61
      [2788] iastore
      [2789] dup
      [2790] sipush 550
      [2793] bipush 9
      [2795] iastore
      [2796] dup
      [2797] sipush 551
      [2800] sipush 218
      [2803] iastore
      [2804] dup
      [2805] sipush 552
      [2808] bipush 82
      [2810] iastore
      [2811] dup
      [2812] sipush 553
      [2815] bipush 7
      [2817] iastore
      [2818] dup
      [2819] sipush 554
      [2822] bipush 23
      [2824] iastore
      [2825] dup
      [2826] sipush 556
      [2829] bipush 8
      [2831] iastore
      [2832] dup
      [2833] sipush 557
      [2836] bipush 109
      [2838] iastore
      [2839] dup
      [2840] sipush 559
      [2843] bipush 8
      [2845] iastore
      [2846] dup
      [2847] sipush 560
      [2850] bipush 45
      [2852] iastore
      [2853] dup
      [2854] sipush 562
      [2857] bipush 9
      [2859] iastore
      [2860] dup
      [2861] sipush 563
      [2864] sipush 186
      [2867] iastore
      [2868] dup
      [2869] sipush 565
      [2872] bipush 8
      [2874] iastore
      [2875] dup
      [2876] sipush 566
      [2879] bipush 13
      [2881] iastore
      [2882] dup
      [2883] sipush 568
      [2886] bipush 8
      [2888] iastore
      [2889] dup
      [2890] sipush 569
      [2893] sipush 141
      [2896] iastore
      [2897] dup
      [2898] sipush 571
      [2901] bipush 8
      [2903] iastore
      [2904] dup
      [2905] sipush 572
      [2908] bipush 77
      [2910] iastore
      [2911] dup
      [2912] sipush 574
      [2915] bipush 9
      [2917] iastore
      [2918] dup
      [2919] sipush 575
      [2922] sipush 250
      [2925] iastore
      [2926] dup
      [2927] sipush 576
      [2930] bipush 80
      [2932] iastore
      [2933] dup
      [2934] sipush 577
      [2937] bipush 7
      [2939] iastore
      [2940] dup
      [2941] sipush 578
      [2944] iconst_3
      [2945] iastore
      [2946] dup
      [2947] sipush 580
      [2950] bipush 8
      [2952] iastore
      [2953] dup
      [2954] sipush 581
      [2957] bipush 83
      [2959] iastore
      [2960] dup
      [2961] sipush 583
      [2964] bipush 8
      [2966] iastore
      [2967] dup
      [2968] sipush 584
      [2971] bipush 19
      [2973] iastore
      [2974] dup
      [2975] sipush 585
      [2978] bipush 85
      [2980] iastore
      [2981] dup
      [2982] sipush 586
      [2985] bipush 8
      [2987] iastore
      [2988] dup
      [2989] sipush 587
      [2992] sipush 195
      [2995] iastore
      [2996] dup
      [2997] sipush 588
      [3000] bipush 83
      [3002] iastore
      [3003] dup
      [3004] sipush 589
      [3007] bipush 7
      [3009] iastore
      [3010] dup
      [3011] sipush 590
      [3014] bipush 35
      [3016] iastore
      [3017] dup
      [3018] sipush 592
      [3021] bipush 8
      [3023] iastore
      [3024] dup
      [3025] sipush 593
      [3028] bipush 115
      [3030] iastore
      [3031] dup
      [3032] sipush 595
      [3035] bipush 8
      [3037] iastore
      [3038] dup
      [3039] sipush 596
      [3042] bipush 51
      [3044] iastore
      [3045] dup
      [3046] sipush 598
      [3049] bipush 9
      [3051] iastore
      [3052] dup
      [3053] sipush 599
      [3056] sipush 198
      [3059] iastore
      [3060] dup
      [3061] sipush 600
      [3064] bipush 81
      [3066] iastore
      [3067] dup
      [3068] sipush 601
      [3071] bipush 7
      [3073] iastore
      [3074] dup
      [3075] sipush 602
      [3078] bipush 11
      [3080] iastore
      [3081] dup
      [3082] sipush 604
      [3085] bipush 8
      [3087] iastore
      [3088] dup
      [3089] sipush 605
      [3092] bipush 99
      [3094] iastore
      [3095] dup
      [3096] sipush 607
      [3099] bipush 8
      [3101] iastore
      [3102] dup
      [3103] sipush 608
      [3106] bipush 35
      [3108] iastore
      [3109] dup
      [3110] sipush 610
      [3113] bipush 9
      [3115] iastore
      [3116] dup
      [3117] sipush 611
      [3120] sipush 166
      [3123] iastore
      [3124] dup
      [3125] sipush 613
      [3128] bipush 8
      [3130] iastore
      [3131] dup
      [3132] sipush 614
      [3135] iconst_3
      [3136] iastore
      [3137] dup
      [3138] sipush 616
      [3141] bipush 8
      [3143] iastore
      [3144] dup
      [3145] sipush 617
      [3148] sipush 131
      [3151] iastore
      [3152] dup
      [3153] sipush 619
      [3156] bipush 8
      [3158] iastore
      [3159] dup
      [3160] sipush 620
      [3163] bipush 67
      [3165] iastore
      [3166] dup
      [3167] sipush 622
      [3170] bipush 9
      [3172] iastore
      [3173] dup
      [3174] sipush 623
      [3177] sipush 230
      [3180] iastore
      [3181] dup
      [3182] sipush 624
      [3185] bipush 80
      [3187] iastore
      [3188] dup
      [3189] sipush 625
      [3192] bipush 7
      [3194] iastore
      [3195] dup
      [3196] sipush 626
      [3199] bipush 7
      [3201] iastore
      [3202] dup
      [3203] sipush 628
      [3206] bipush 8
      [3208] iastore
      [3209] dup
      [3210] sipush 629
      [3213] bipush 91
      [3215] iastore
      [3216] dup
      [3217] sipush 631
      [3220] bipush 8
      [3222] iastore
      [3223] dup
      [3224] sipush 632
      [3227] bipush 27
      [3229] iastore
      [3230] dup
      [3231] sipush 634
      [3234] bipush 9
      [3236] iastore
      [3237] dup
      [3238] sipush 635
      [3241] sipush 150
      [3244] iastore
      [3245] dup
      [3246] sipush 636
      [3249] bipush 84
      [3251] iastore
      [3252] dup
      [3253] sipush 637
      [3256] bipush 7
      [3258] iastore
      [3259] dup
      [3260] sipush 638
      [3263] bipush 67
      [3265] iastore
      [3266] dup
      [3267] sipush 640
      [3270] bipush 8
      [3272] iastore
      [3273] dup
      [3274] sipush 641
      [3277] bipush 123
      [3279] iastore
      [3280] dup
      [3281] sipush 643
      [3284] bipush 8
      [3286] iastore
      [3287] dup
      [3288] sipush 644
      [3291] bipush 59
      [3293] iastore
      [3294] dup
      [3295] sipush 646
      [3298] bipush 9
      [3300] iastore
      [3301] dup
      [3302] sipush 647
      [3305] sipush 214
      [3308] iastore
      [3309] dup
      [3310] sipush 648
      [3313] bipush 82
      [3315] iastore
      [3316] dup
      [3317] sipush 649
      [3320] bipush 7
      [3322] iastore
      [3323] dup
      [3324] sipush 650
      [3327] bipush 19
      [3329] iastore
      [3330] dup
      [3331] sipush 652
      [3334] bipush 8
      [3336] iastore
      [3337] dup
      [3338] sipush 653
      [3341] bipush 107
      [3343] iastore
      [3344] dup
      [3345] sipush 655
      [3348] bipush 8
      [3350] iastore
      [3351] dup
      [3352] sipush 656
      [3355] bipush 43
      [3357] iastore
      [3358] dup
      [3359] sipush 658
      [3362] bipush 9
      [3364] iastore
      [3365] dup
      [3366] sipush 659
      [3369] sipush 182
      [3372] iastore
      [3373] dup
      [3374] sipush 661
      [3377] bipush 8
      [3379] iastore
      [3380] dup
      [3381] sipush 662
      [3384] bipush 11
      [3386] iastore
      [3387] dup
      [3388] sipush 664
      [3391] bipush 8
      [3393] iastore
      [3394] dup
      [3395] sipush 665
      [3398] sipush 139
      [3401] iastore
      [3402] dup
      [3403] sipush 667
      [3406] bipush 8
      [3408] iastore
      [3409] dup
      [3410] sipush 668
      [3413] bipush 75
      [3415] iastore
      [3416] dup
      [3417] sipush 670
      [3420] bipush 9
      [3422] iastore
      [3423] dup
      [3424] sipush 671
      [3427] sipush 246
      [3430] iastore
      [3431] dup
      [3432] sipush 672
      [3435] bipush 80
      [3437] iastore
      [3438] dup
      [3439] sipush 673
      [3442] bipush 7
      [3444] iastore
      [3445] dup
      [3446] sipush 674
      [3449] iconst_5
      [3450] iastore
      [3451] dup
      [3452] sipush 676
      [3455] bipush 8
      [3457] iastore
      [3458] dup
      [3459] sipush 677
      [3462] bipush 87
      [3464] iastore
      [3465] dup
      [3466] sipush 679
      [3469] bipush 8
      [3471] iastore
      [3472] dup
      [3473] sipush 680
      [3476] bipush 23
      [3478] iastore
      [3479] dup
      [3480] sipush 681
      [3483] sipush 192
      [3486] iastore
      [3487] dup
      [3488] sipush 682
      [3491] bipush 8
      [3493] iastore
      [3494] dup
      [3495] sipush 684
      [3498] bipush 83
      [3500] iastore
      [3501] dup
      [3502] sipush 685
      [3505] bipush 7
      [3507] iastore
      [3508] dup
      [3509] sipush 686
      [3512] bipush 51
      [3514] iastore
      [3515] dup
      [3516] sipush 688
      [3519] bipush 8
      [3521] iastore
      [3522] dup
      [3523] sipush 689
      [3526] bipush 119
      [3528] iastore
      [3529] dup
      [3530] sipush 691
      [3533] bipush 8
      [3535] iastore
      [3536] dup
      [3537] sipush 692
      [3540] bipush 55
      [3542] iastore
      [3543] dup
      [3544] sipush 694
      [3547] bipush 9
      [3549] iastore
      [3550] dup
      [3551] sipush 695
      [3554] sipush 206
      [3557] iastore
      [3558] dup
      [3559] sipush 696
      [3562] bipush 81
      [3564] iastore
      [3565] dup
      [3566] sipush 697
      [3569] bipush 7
      [3571] iastore
      [3572] dup
      [3573] sipush 698
      [3576] bipush 15
      [3578] iastore
      [3579] dup
      [3580] sipush 700
      [3583] bipush 8
      [3585] iastore
      [3586] dup
      [3587] sipush 701
      [3590] bipush 103
      [3592] iastore
      [3593] dup
      [3594] sipush 703
      [3597] bipush 8
      [3599] iastore
      [3600] dup
      [3601] sipush 704
      [3604] bipush 39
      [3606] iastore
      [3607] dup
      [3608] sipush 706
      [3611] bipush 9
      [3613] iastore
      [3614] dup
      [3615] sipush 707
      [3618] sipush 174
      [3621] iastore
      [3622] dup
      [3623] sipush 709
      [3626] bipush 8
      [3628] iastore
      [3629] dup
      [3630] sipush 710
      [3633] bipush 7
      [3635] iastore
      [3636] dup
      [3637] sipush 712
      [3640] bipush 8
      [3642] iastore
      [3643] dup
      [3644] sipush 713
      [3647] sipush 135
      [3650] iastore
      [3651] dup
      [3652] sipush 715
      [3655] bipush 8
      [3657] iastore
      [3658] dup
      [3659] sipush 716
      [3662] bipush 71
      [3664] iastore
      [3665] dup
      [3666] sipush 718
      [3669] bipush 9
      [3671] iastore
      [3672] dup
      [3673] sipush 719
      [3676] sipush 238
      [3679] iastore
      [3680] dup
      [3681] sipush 720
      [3684] bipush 80
      [3686] iastore
      [3687] dup
      [3688] sipush 721
      [3691] bipush 7
      [3693] iastore
      [3694] dup
      [3695] sipush 722
      [3698] bipush 9
      [3700] iastore
      [3701] dup
      [3702] sipush 724
      [3705] bipush 8
      [3707] iastore
      [3708] dup
      [3709] sipush 725
      [3712] bipush 95
      [3714] iastore
      [3715] dup
      [3716] sipush 727
      [3719] bipush 8
      [3721] iastore
      [3722] dup
      [3723] sipush 728
      [3726] bipush 31
      [3728] iastore
      [3729] dup
      [3730] sipush 730
      [3733] bipush 9
      [3735] iastore
      [3736] dup
      [3737] sipush 731
      [3740] sipush 158
      [3743] iastore
      [3744] dup
      [3745] sipush 732
      [3748] bipush 84
      [3750] iastore
      [3751] dup
      [3752] sipush 733
      [3755] bipush 7
      [3757] iastore
      [3758] dup
      [3759] sipush 734
      [3762] bipush 99
      [3764] iastore
      [3765] dup
      [3766] sipush 736
      [3769] bipush 8
      [3771] iastore
      [3772] dup
      [3773] sipush 737
      [3776] bipush 127
      [3778] iastore
      [3779] dup
      [3780] sipush 739
      [3783] bipush 8
      [3785] iastore
      [3786] dup
      [3787] sipush 740
      [3790] bipush 63
      [3792] iastore
      [3793] dup
      [3794] sipush 742
      [3797] bipush 9
      [3799] iastore
      [3800] dup
      [3801] sipush 743
      [3804] sipush 222
      [3807] iastore
      [3808] dup
      [3809] sipush 744
      [3812] bipush 82
      [3814] iastore
      [3815] dup
      [3816] sipush 745
      [3819] bipush 7
      [3821] iastore
      [3822] dup
      [3823] sipush 746
      [3826] bipush 27
      [3828] iastore
      [3829] dup
      [3830] sipush 748
      [3833] bipush 8
      [3835] iastore
      [3836] dup
      [3837] sipush 749
      [3840] bipush 111
      [3842] iastore
      [3843] dup
      [3844] sipush 751
      [3847] bipush 8
      [3849] iastore
      [3850] dup
      [3851] sipush 752
      [3854] bipush 47
      [3856] iastore
      [3857] dup
      [3858] sipush 754
      [3861] bipush 9
      [3863] iastore
      [3864] dup
      [3865] sipush 755
      [3868] sipush 190
      [3871] iastore
      [3872] dup
      [3873] sipush 757
      [3876] bipush 8
      [3878] iastore
      [3879] dup
      [3880] sipush 758
      [3883] bipush 15
      [3885] iastore
      [3886] dup
      [3887] sipush 760
      [3890] bipush 8
      [3892] iastore
      [3893] dup
      [3894] sipush 761
      [3897] sipush 143
      [3900] iastore
      [3901] dup
      [3902] sipush 763
      [3905] bipush 8
      [3907] iastore
      [3908] dup
      [3909] sipush 764
      [3912] bipush 79
      [3914] iastore
      [3915] dup
      [3916] sipush 766
      [3919] bipush 9
      [3921] iastore
      [3922] dup
      [3923] sipush 767
      [3926] sipush 254
      [3929] iastore
      [3930] dup
      [3931] sipush 768
      [3934] bipush 96
      [3936] iastore
      [3937] dup
      [3938] sipush 769
      [3941] bipush 7
      [3943] iastore
      [3944] dup
      [3945] sipush 770
      [3948] sipush 256
      [3951] iastore
      [3952] dup
      [3953] sipush 772
      [3956] bipush 8
      [3958] iastore
      [3959] dup
      [3960] sipush 773
      [3963] bipush 80
      [3965] iastore
      [3966] dup
      [3967] sipush 775
      [3970] bipush 8
      [3972] iastore
      [3973] dup
      [3974] sipush 776
      [3977] bipush 16
      [3979] iastore
      [3980] dup
      [3981] sipush 777
      [3984] bipush 84
      [3986] iastore
      [3987] dup
      [3988] sipush 778
      [3991] bipush 8
      [3993] iastore
      [3994] dup
      [3995] sipush 779
      [3998] bipush 115
      [4000] iastore
      [4001] dup
      [4002] sipush 780
      [4005] bipush 82
      [4007] iastore
      [4008] dup
      [4009] sipush 781
      [4012] bipush 7
      [4014] iastore
      [4015] dup
      [4016] sipush 782
      [4019] bipush 31
      [4021] iastore
      [4022] dup
      [4023] sipush 784
      [4026] bipush 8
      [4028] iastore
      [4029] dup
      [4030] sipush 785
      [4033] bipush 112
      [4035] iastore
      [4036] dup
      [4037] sipush 787
      [4040] bipush 8
      [4042] iastore
      [4043] dup
      [4044] sipush 788
      [4047] bipush 48
      [4049] iastore
      [4050] dup
      [4051] sipush 790
      [4054] bipush 9
      [4056] iastore
      [4057] dup
      [4058] sipush 791
      [4061] sipush 193
      [4064] iastore
      [4065] dup
      [4066] sipush 792
      [4069] bipush 80
      [4071] iastore
      [4072] dup
      [4073] sipush 793
      [4076] bipush 7
      [4078] iastore
      [4079] dup
      [4080] sipush 794
      [4083] bipush 10
      [4085] iastore
      [4086] dup
      [4087] sipush 796
      [4090] bipush 8
      [4092] iastore
      [4093] dup
      [4094] sipush 797
      [4097] bipush 96
      [4099] iastore
      [4100] dup
      [4101] sipush 799
      [4104] bipush 8
      [4106] iastore
      [4107] dup
      [4108] sipush 800
      [4111] bipush 32
      [4113] iastore
      [4114] dup
      [4115] sipush 802
      [4118] bipush 9
      [4120] iastore
      [4121] dup
      [4122] sipush 803
      [4125] sipush 161
      [4128] iastore
      [4129] dup
      [4130] sipush 805
      [4133] bipush 8
      [4135] iastore
      [4136] dup
      [4137] sipush 808
      [4140] bipush 8
      [4142] iastore
      [4143] dup
      [4144] sipush 809
      [4147] sipush 128
      [4150] iastore
      [4151] dup
      [4152] sipush 811
      [4155] bipush 8
      [4157] iastore
      [4158] dup
      [4159] sipush 812
      [4162] bipush 64
      [4164] iastore
      [4165] dup
      [4166] sipush 814
      [4169] bipush 9
      [4171] iastore
      [4172] dup
      [4173] sipush 815
      [4176] sipush 225
      [4179] iastore
      [4180] dup
      [4181] sipush 816
      [4184] bipush 80
      [4186] iastore
      [4187] dup
      [4188] sipush 817
      [4191] bipush 7
      [4193] iastore
      [4194] dup
      [4195] sipush 818
      [4198] bipush 6
      [4200] iastore
      [4201] dup
      [4202] sipush 820
      [4205] bipush 8
      [4207] iastore
      [4208] dup
      [4209] sipush 821
      [4212] bipush 88
      [4214] iastore
      [4215] dup
      [4216] sipush 823
      [4219] bipush 8
      [4221] iastore
      [4222] dup
      [4223] sipush 824
      [4226] bipush 24
      [4228] iastore
      [4229] dup
      [4230] sipush 826
      [4233] bipush 9
      [4235] iastore
      [4236] dup
      [4237] sipush 827
      [4240] sipush 145
      [4243] iastore
      [4244] dup
      [4245] sipush 828
      [4248] bipush 83
      [4250] iastore
      [4251] dup
      [4252] sipush 829
      [4255] bipush 7
      [4257] iastore
      [4258] dup
      [4259] sipush 830
      [4262] bipush 59
      [4264] iastore
      [4265] dup
      [4266] sipush 832
      [4269] bipush 8
      [4271] iastore
      [4272] dup
      [4273] sipush 833
      [4276] bipush 120
      [4278] iastore
      [4279] dup
      [4280] sipush 835
      [4283] bipush 8
      [4285] iastore
      [4286] dup
      [4287] sipush 836
      [4290] bipush 56
      [4292] iastore
      [4293] dup
      [4294] sipush 838
      [4297] bipush 9
      [4299] iastore
      [4300] dup
      [4301] sipush 839
      [4304] sipush 209
      [4307] iastore
      [4308] dup
      [4309] sipush 840
      [4312] bipush 81
      [4314] iastore
      [4315] dup
      [4316] sipush 841
      [4319] bipush 7
      [4321] iastore
      [4322] dup
      [4323] sipush 842
      [4326] bipush 17
      [4328] iastore
      [4329] dup
      [4330] sipush 844
      [4333] bipush 8
      [4335] iastore
      [4336] dup
      [4337] sipush 845
      [4340] bipush 104
      [4342] iastore
      [4343] dup
      [4344] sipush 847
      [4347] bipush 8
      [4349] iastore
      [4350] dup
      [4351] sipush 848
      [4354] bipush 40
      [4356] iastore
      [4357] dup
      [4358] sipush 850
      [4361] bipush 9
      [4363] iastore
      [4364] dup
      [4365] sipush 851
      [4368] sipush 177
      [4371] iastore
      [4372] dup
      [4373] sipush 853
      [4376] bipush 8
      [4378] iastore
      [4379] dup
      [4380] sipush 854
      [4383] bipush 8
      [4385] iastore
      [4386] dup
      [4387] sipush 856
      [4390] bipush 8
      [4392] iastore
      [4393] dup
      [4394] sipush 857
      [4397] sipush 136
      [4400] iastore
      [4401] dup
      [4402] sipush 859
      [4405] bipush 8
      [4407] iastore
      [4408] dup
      [4409] sipush 860
      [4412] bipush 72
      [4414] iastore
      [4415] dup
      [4416] sipush 862
      [4419] bipush 9
      [4421] iastore
      [4422] dup
      [4423] sipush 863
      [4426] sipush 241
      [4429] iastore
      [4430] dup
      [4431] sipush 864
      [4434] bipush 80
      [4436] iastore
      [4437] dup
      [4438] sipush 865
      [4441] bipush 7
      [4443] iastore
      [4444] dup
      [4445] sipush 866
      [4448] iconst_4
      [4449] iastore
      [4450] dup
      [4451] sipush 868
      [4454] bipush 8
      [4456] iastore
      [4457] dup
      [4458] sipush 869
      [4461] bipush 84
      [4463] iastore
      [4464] dup
      [4465] sipush 871
      [4468] bipush 8
      [4470] iastore
      [4471] dup
      [4472] sipush 872
      [4475] bipush 20
      [4477] iastore
      [4478] dup
      [4479] sipush 873
      [4482] bipush 85
      [4484] iastore
      [4485] dup
      [4486] sipush 874
      [4489] bipush 8
      [4491] iastore
      [4492] dup
      [4493] sipush 875
      [4496] sipush 227
      [4499] iastore
      [4500] dup
      [4501] sipush 876
      [4504] bipush 83
      [4506] iastore
      [4507] dup
      [4508] sipush 877
      [4511] bipush 7
      [4513] iastore
      [4514] dup
      [4515] sipush 878
      [4518] bipush 43
      [4520] iastore
      [4521] dup
      [4522] sipush 880
      [4525] bipush 8
      [4527] iastore
      [4528] dup
      [4529] sipush 881
      [4532] bipush 116
      [4534] iastore
      [4535] dup
      [4536] sipush 883
      [4539] bipush 8
      [4541] iastore
      [4542] dup
      [4543] sipush 884
      [4546] bipush 52
      [4548] iastore
      [4549] dup
      [4550] sipush 886
      [4553] bipush 9
      [4555] iastore
      [4556] dup
      [4557] sipush 887
      [4560] sipush 201
      [4563] iastore
      [4564] dup
      [4565] sipush 888
      [4568] bipush 81
      [4570] iastore
      [4571] dup
      [4572] sipush 889
      [4575] bipush 7
      [4577] iastore
      [4578] dup
      [4579] sipush 890
      [4582] bipush 13
      [4584] iastore
      [4585] dup
      [4586] sipush 892
      [4589] bipush 8
      [4591] iastore
      [4592] dup
      [4593] sipush 893
      [4596] bipush 100
      [4598] iastore
      [4599] dup
      [4600] sipush 895
      [4603] bipush 8
      [4605] iastore
      [4606] dup
      [4607] sipush 896
      [4610] bipush 36
      [4612] iastore
      [4613] dup
      [4614] sipush 898
      [4617] bipush 9
      [4619] iastore
      [4620] dup
      [4621] sipush 899
      [4624] sipush 169
      [4627] iastore
      [4628] dup
      [4629] sipush 901
      [4632] bipush 8
      [4634] iastore
      [4635] dup
      [4636] sipush 902
      [4639] iconst_4
      [4640] iastore
      [4641] dup
      [4642] sipush 904
      [4645] bipush 8
      [4647] iastore
      [4648] dup
      [4649] sipush 905
      [4652] sipush 132
      [4655] iastore
      [4656] dup
      [4657] sipush 907
      [4660] bipush 8
      [4662] iastore
      [4663] dup
      [4664] sipush 908
      [4667] bipush 68
      [4669] iastore
      [4670] dup
      [4671] sipush 910
      [4674] bipush 9
      [4676] iastore
      [4677] dup
      [4678] sipush 911
      [4681] sipush 233
      [4684] iastore
      [4685] dup
      [4686] sipush 912
      [4689] bipush 80
      [4691] iastore
      [4692] dup
      [4693] sipush 913
      [4696] bipush 7
      [4698] iastore
      [4699] dup
      [4700] sipush 914
      [4703] bipush 8
      [4705] iastore
      [4706] dup
      [4707] sipush 916
      [4710] bipush 8
      [4712] iastore
      [4713] dup
      [4714] sipush 917
      [4717] bipush 92
      [4719] iastore
      [4720] dup
      [4721] sipush 919
      [4724] bipush 8
      [4726] iastore
      [4727] dup
      [4728] sipush 920
      [4731] bipush 28
      [4733] iastore
      [4734] dup
      [4735] sipush 922
      [4738] bipush 9
      [4740] iastore
      [4741] dup
      [4742] sipush 923
      [4745] sipush 153
      [4748] iastore
      [4749] dup
      [4750] sipush 924
      [4753] bipush 84
      [4755] iastore
      [4756] dup
      [4757] sipush 925
      [4760] bipush 7
      [4762] iastore
      [4763] dup
      [4764] sipush 926
      [4767] bipush 83
      [4769] iastore
      [4770] dup
      [4771] sipush 928
      [4774] bipush 8
      [4776] iastore
      [4777] dup
      [4778] sipush 929
      [4781] bipush 124
      [4783] iastore
      [4784] dup
      [4785] sipush 931
      [4788] bipush 8
      [4790] iastore
      [4791] dup
      [4792] sipush 932
      [4795] bipush 60
      [4797] iastore
      [4798] dup
      [4799] sipush 934
      [4802] bipush 9
      [4804] iastore
      [4805] dup
      [4806] sipush 935
      [4809] sipush 217
      [4812] iastore
      [4813] dup
      [4814] sipush 936
      [4817] bipush 82
      [4819] iastore
      [4820] dup
      [4821] sipush 937
      [4824] bipush 7
      [4826] iastore
      [4827] dup
      [4828] sipush 938
      [4831] bipush 23
      [4833] iastore
      [4834] dup
      [4835] sipush 940
      [4838] bipush 8
      [4840] iastore
      [4841] dup
      [4842] sipush 941
      [4845] bipush 108
      [4847] iastore
      [4848] dup
      [4849] sipush 943
      [4852] bipush 8
      [4854] iastore
      [4855] dup
      [4856] sipush 944
      [4859] bipush 44
      [4861] iastore
      [4862] dup
      [4863] sipush 946
      [4866] bipush 9
      [4868] iastore
      [4869] dup
      [4870] sipush 947
      [4873] sipush 185
      [4876] iastore
      [4877] dup
      [4878] sipush 949
      [4881] bipush 8
      [4883] iastore
      [4884] dup
      [4885] sipush 950
      [4888] bipush 12
      [4890] iastore
      [4891] dup
      [4892] sipush 952
      [4895] bipush 8
      [4897] iastore
      [4898] dup
      [4899] sipush 953
      [4902] sipush 140
      [4905] iastore
      [4906] dup
      [4907] sipush 955
      [4910] bipush 8
      [4912] iastore
      [4913] dup
      [4914] sipush 956
      [4917] bipush 76
      [4919] iastore
      [4920] dup
      [4921] sipush 958
      [4924] bipush 9
      [4926] iastore
      [4927] dup
      [4928] sipush 959
      [4931] sipush 249
      [4934] iastore
      [4935] dup
      [4936] sipush 960
      [4939] bipush 80
      [4941] iastore
      [4942] dup
      [4943] sipush 961
      [4946] bipush 7
      [4948] iastore
      [4949] dup
      [4950] sipush 962
      [4953] iconst_3
      [4954] iastore
      [4955] dup
      [4956] sipush 964
      [4959] bipush 8
      [4961] iastore
      [4962] dup
      [4963] sipush 965
      [4966] bipush 82
      [4968] iastore
      [4969] dup
      [4970] sipush 967
      [4973] bipush 8
      [4975] iastore
      [4976] dup
      [4977] sipush 968
      [4980] bipush 18
      [4982] iastore
      [4983] dup
      [4984] sipush 969
      [4987] bipush 85
      [4989] iastore
      [4990] dup
      [4991] sipush 970
      [4994] bipush 8
      [4996] iastore
      [4997] dup
      [4998] sipush 971
      [5001] sipush 163
      [5004] iastore
      [5005] dup
      [5006] sipush 972
      [5009] bipush 83
      [5011] iastore
      [5012] dup
      [5013] sipush 973
      [5016] bipush 7
      [5018] iastore
      [5019] dup
      [5020] sipush 974
      [5023] bipush 35
      [5025] iastore
      [5026] dup
      [5027] sipush 976
      [5030] bipush 8
      [5032] iastore
      [5033] dup
      [5034] sipush 977
      [5037] bipush 114
      [5039] iastore
      [5040] dup
      [5041] sipush 979
      [5044] bipush 8
      [5046] iastore
      [5047] dup
      [5048] sipush 980
      [5051] bipush 50
      [5053] iastore
      [5054] dup
      [5055] sipush 982
      [5058] bipush 9
      [5060] iastore
      [5061] dup
      [5062] sipush 983
      [5065] sipush 197
      [5068] iastore
      [5069] dup
      [5070] sipush 984
      [5073] bipush 81
      [5075] iastore
      [5076] dup
      [5077] sipush 985
      [5080] bipush 7
      [5082] iastore
      [5083] dup
      [5084] sipush 986
      [5087] bipush 11
      [5089] iastore
      [5090] dup
      [5091] sipush 988
      [5094] bipush 8
      [5096] iastore
      [5097] dup
      [5098] sipush 989
      [5101] bipush 98
      [5103] iastore
      [5104] dup
      [5105] sipush 991
      [5108] bipush 8
      [5110] iastore
      [5111] dup
      [5112] sipush 992
      [5115] bipush 34
      [5117] iastore
      [5118] dup
      [5119] sipush 994
      [5122] bipush 9
      [5124] iastore
      [5125] dup
      [5126] sipush 995
      [5129] sipush 165
      [5132] iastore
      [5133] dup
      [5134] sipush 997
      [5137] bipush 8
      [5139] iastore
      [5140] dup
      [5141] sipush 998
      [5144] iconst_2
      [5145] iastore
      [5146] dup
      [5147] sipush 1000
      [5150] bipush 8
      [5152] iastore
      [5153] dup
      [5154] sipush 1001
      [5157] sipush 130
      [5160] iastore
      [5161] dup
      [5162] sipush 1003
      [5165] bipush 8
      [5167] iastore
      [5168] dup
      [5169] sipush 1004
      [5172] bipush 66
      [5174] iastore
      [5175] dup
      [5176] sipush 1006
      [5179] bipush 9
      [5181] iastore
      [5182] dup
      [5183] sipush 1007
      [5186] sipush 229
      [5189] iastore
      [5190] dup
      [5191] sipush 1008
      [5194] bipush 80
      [5196] iastore
      [5197] dup
      [5198] sipush 1009
      [5201] bipush 7
      [5203] iastore
      [5204] dup
      [5205] sipush 1010
      [5208] bipush 7
      [5210] iastore
      [5211] dup
      [5212] sipush 1012
      [5215] bipush 8
      [5217] iastore
      [5218] dup
      [5219] sipush 1013
      [5222] bipush 90
      [5224] iastore
      [5225] dup
      [5226] sipush 1015
      [5229] bipush 8
      [5231] iastore
      [5232] dup
      [5233] sipush 1016
      [5236] bipush 26
      [5238] iastore
      [5239] dup
      [5240] sipush 1018
      [5243] bipush 9
      [5245] iastore
      [5246] dup
      [5247] sipush 1019
      [5250] sipush 149
      [5253] iastore
      [5254] dup
      [5255] sipush 1020
      [5258] bipush 84
      [5260] iastore
      [5261] dup
      [5262] sipush 1021
      [5265] bipush 7
      [5267] iastore
      [5268] dup
      [5269] sipush 1022
      [5272] bipush 67
      [5274] iastore
      [5275] dup
      [5276] sipush 1024
      [5279] bipush 8
      [5281] iastore
      [5282] dup
      [5283] sipush 1025
      [5286] bipush 122
      [5288] iastore
      [5289] dup
      [5290] sipush 1027
      [5293] bipush 8
      [5295] iastore
      [5296] dup
      [5297] sipush 1028
      [5300] bipush 58
      [5302] iastore
      [5303] dup
      [5304] sipush 1030
      [5307] bipush 9
      [5309] iastore
      [5310] dup
      [5311] sipush 1031
      [5314] sipush 213
      [5317] iastore
      [5318] dup
      [5319] sipush 1032
      [5322] bipush 82
      [5324] iastore
      [5325] dup
      [5326] sipush 1033
      [5329] bipush 7
      [5331] iastore
      [5332] dup
      [5333] sipush 1034
      [5336] bipush 19
      [5338] iastore
      [5339] dup
      [5340] sipush 1036
      [5343] bipush 8
      [5345] iastore
      [5346] dup
      [5347] sipush 1037
      [5350] bipush 106
      [5352] iastore
      [5353] dup
      [5354] sipush 1039
      [5357] bipush 8
      [5359] iastore
      [5360] dup
      [5361] sipush 1040
      [5364] bipush 42
      [5366] iastore
      [5367] dup
      [5368] sipush 1042
      [5371] bipush 9
      [5373] iastore
      [5374] dup
      [5375] sipush 1043
      [5378] sipush 181
      [5381] iastore
      [5382] dup
      [5383] sipush 1045
      [5386] bipush 8
      [5388] iastore
      [5389] dup
      [5390] sipush 1046
      [5393] bipush 10
      [5395] iastore
      [5396] dup
      [5397] sipush 1048
      [5400] bipush 8
      [5402] iastore
      [5403] dup
      [5404] sipush 1049
      [5407] sipush 138
      [5410] iastore
      [5411] dup
      [5412] sipush 1051
      [5415] bipush 8
      [5417] iastore
      [5418] dup
      [5419] sipush 1052
      [5422] bipush 74
      [5424] iastore
      [5425] dup
      [5426] sipush 1054
      [5429] bipush 9
      [5431] iastore
      [5432] dup
      [5433] sipush 1055
      [5436] sipush 245
      [5439] iastore
      [5440] dup
      [5441] sipush 1056
      [5444] bipush 80
      [5446] iastore
      [5447] dup
      [5448] sipush 1057
      [5451] bipush 7
      [5453] iastore
      [5454] dup
      [5455] sipush 1058
      [5458] iconst_5
      [5459] iastore
      [5460] dup
      [5461] sipush 1060
      [5464] bipush 8
      [5466] iastore
      [5467] dup
      [5468] sipush 1061
      [5471] bipush 86
      [5473] iastore
      [5474] dup
      [5475] sipush 1063
      [5478] bipush 8
      [5480] iastore
      [5481] dup
      [5482] sipush 1064
      [5485] bipush 22
      [5487] iastore
      [5488] dup
      [5489] sipush 1065
      [5492] sipush 192
      [5495] iastore
      [5496] dup
      [5497] sipush 1066
      [5500] bipush 8
      [5502] iastore
      [5503] dup
      [5504] sipush 1068
      [5507] bipush 83
      [5509] iastore
      [5510] dup
      [5511] sipush 1069
      [5514] bipush 7
      [5516] iastore
      [5517] dup
      [5518] sipush 1070
      [5521] bipush 51
      [5523] iastore
      [5524] dup
      [5525] sipush 1072
      [5528] bipush 8
      [5530] iastore
      [5531] dup
      [5532] sipush 1073
      [5535] bipush 118
      [5537] iastore
      [5538] dup
      [5539] sipush 1075
      [5542] bipush 8
      [5544] iastore
      [5545] dup
      [5546] sipush 1076
      [5549] bipush 54
      [5551] iastore
      [5552] dup
      [5553] sipush 1078
      [5556] bipush 9
      [5558] iastore
      [5559] dup
      [5560] sipush 1079
      [5563] sipush 205
      [5566] iastore
      [5567] dup
      [5568] sipush 1080
      [5571] bipush 81
      [5573] iastore
      [5574] dup
      [5575] sipush 1081
      [5578] bipush 7
      [5580] iastore
      [5581] dup
      [5582] sipush 1082
      [5585] bipush 15
      [5587] iastore
      [5588] dup
      [5589] sipush 1084
      [5592] bipush 8
      [5594] iastore
      [5595] dup
      [5596] sipush 1085
      [5599] bipush 102
      [5601] iastore
      [5602] dup
      [5603] sipush 1087
      [5606] bipush 8
      [5608] iastore
      [5609] dup
      [5610] sipush 1088
      [5613] bipush 38
      [5615] iastore
      [5616] dup
      [5617] sipush 1090
      [5620] bipush 9
      [5622] iastore
      [5623] dup
      [5624] sipush 1091
      [5627] sipush 173
      [5630] iastore
      [5631] dup
      [5632] sipush 1093
      [5635] bipush 8
      [5637] iastore
      [5638] dup
      [5639] sipush 1094
      [5642] bipush 6
      [5644] iastore
      [5645] dup
      [5646] sipush 1096
      [5649] bipush 8
      [5651] iastore
      [5652] dup
      [5653] sipush 1097
      [5656] sipush 134
      [5659] iastore
      [5660] dup
      [5661] sipush 1099
      [5664] bipush 8
      [5666] iastore
      [5667] dup
      [5668] sipush 1100
      [5671] bipush 70
      [5673] iastore
      [5674] dup
      [5675] sipush 1102
      [5678] bipush 9
      [5680] iastore
      [5681] dup
      [5682] sipush 1103
      [5685] sipush 237
      [5688] iastore
      [5689] dup
      [5690] sipush 1104
      [5693] bipush 80
      [5695] iastore
      [5696] dup
      [5697] sipush 1105
      [5700] bipush 7
      [5702] iastore
      [5703] dup
      [5704] sipush 1106
      [5707] bipush 9
      [5709] iastore
      [5710] dup
      [5711] sipush 1108
      [5714] bipush 8
      [5716] iastore
      [5717] dup
      [5718] sipush 1109
      [5721] bipush 94
      [5723] iastore
      [5724] dup
      [5725] sipush 1111
      [5728] bipush 8
      [5730] iastore
      [5731] dup
      [5732] sipush 1112
      [5735] bipush 30
      [5737] iastore
      [5738] dup
      [5739] sipush 1114
      [5742] bipush 9
      [5744] iastore
      [5745] dup
      [5746] sipush 1115
      [5749] sipush 157
      [5752] iastore
      [5753] dup
      [5754] sipush 1116
      [5757] bipush 84
      [5759] iastore
      [5760] dup
      [5761] sipush 1117
      [5764] bipush 7
      [5766] iastore
      [5767] dup
      [5768] sipush 1118
      [5771] bipush 99
      [5773] iastore
      [5774] dup
      [5775] sipush 1120
      [5778] bipush 8
      [5780] iastore
      [5781] dup
      [5782] sipush 1121
      [5785] bipush 126
      [5787] iastore
      [5788] dup
      [5789] sipush 1123
      [5792] bipush 8
      [5794] iastore
      [5795] dup
      [5796] sipush 1124
      [5799] bipush 62
      [5801] iastore
      [5802] dup
      [5803] sipush 1126
      [5806] bipush 9
      [5808] iastore
      [5809] dup
      [5810] sipush 1127
      [5813] sipush 221
      [5816] iastore
      [5817] dup
      [5818] sipush 1128
      [5821] bipush 82
      [5823] iastore
      [5824] dup
      [5825] sipush 1129
      [5828] bipush 7
      [5830] iastore
      [5831] dup
      [5832] sipush 1130
      [5835] bipush 27
      [5837] iastore
      [5838] dup
      [5839] sipush 1132
      [5842] bipush 8
      [5844] iastore
      [5845] dup
      [5846] sipush 1133
      [5849] bipush 110
      [5851] iastore
      [5852] dup
      [5853] sipush 1135
      [5856] bipush 8
      [5858] iastore
      [5859] dup
      [5860] sipush 1136
      [5863] bipush 46
      [5865] iastore
      [5866] dup
      [5867] sipush 1138
      [5870] bipush 9
      [5872] iastore
      [5873] dup
      [5874] sipush 1139
      [5877] sipush 189
      [5880] iastore
      [5881] dup
      [5882] sipush 1141
      [5885] bipush 8
      [5887] iastore
      [5888] dup
      [5889] sipush 1142
      [5892] bipush 14
      [5894] iastore
      [5895] dup
      [5896] sipush 1144
      [5899] bipush 8
      [5901] iastore
      [5902] dup
      [5903] sipush 1145
      [5906] sipush 142
      [5909] iastore
      [5910] dup
      [5911] sipush 1147
      [5914] bipush 8
      [5916] iastore
      [5917] dup
      [5918] sipush 1148
      [5921] bipush 78
      [5923] iastore
      [5924] dup
      [5925] sipush 1150
      [5928] bipush 9
      [5930] iastore
      [5931] dup
      [5932] sipush 1151
      [5935] sipush 253
      [5938] iastore
      [5939] dup
      [5940] sipush 1152
      [5943] bipush 96
      [5945] iastore
      [5946] dup
      [5947] sipush 1153
      [5950] bipush 7
      [5952] iastore
      [5953] dup
      [5954] sipush 1154
      [5957] sipush 256
      [5960] iastore
      [5961] dup
      [5962] sipush 1156
      [5965] bipush 8
      [5967] iastore
      [5968] dup
      [5969] sipush 1157
      [5972] bipush 81
      [5974] iastore
      [5975] dup
      [5976] sipush 1159
      [5979] bipush 8
      [5981] iastore
      [5982] dup
      [5983] sipush 1160
      [5986] bipush 17
      [5988] iastore
      [5989] dup
      [5990] sipush 1161
      [5993] bipush 85
      [5995] iastore
      [5996] dup
      [5997] sipush 1162
      [6000] bipush 8
      [6002] iastore
      [6003] dup
      [6004] sipush 1163
      [6007] sipush 131
      [6010] iastore
      [6011] dup
      [6012] sipush 1164
      [6015] bipush 82
      [6017] iastore
      [6018] dup
      [6019] sipush 1165
      [6022] bipush 7
      [6024] iastore
      [6025] dup
      [6026] sipush 1166
      [6029] bipush 31
      [6031] iastore
      [6032] dup
      [6033] sipush 1168
      [6036] bipush 8
      [6038] iastore
      [6039] dup
      [6040] sipush 1169
      [6043] bipush 113
      [6045] iastore
      [6046] dup
      [6047] sipush 1171
      [6050] bipush 8
      [6052] iastore
      [6053] dup
      [6054] sipush 1172
      [6057] bipush 49
      [6059] iastore
      [6060] dup
      [6061] sipush 1174
      [6064] bipush 9
      [6066] iastore
      [6067] dup
      [6068] sipush 1175
      [6071] sipush 195
      [6074] iastore
      [6075] dup
      [6076] sipush 1176
      [6079] bipush 80
      [6081] iastore
      [6082] dup
      [6083] sipush 1177
      [6086] bipush 7
      [6088] iastore
      [6089] dup
      [6090] sipush 1178
      [6093] bipush 10
      [6095] iastore
      [6096] dup
      [6097] sipush 1180
      [6100] bipush 8
      [6102] iastore
      [6103] dup
      [6104] sipush 1181
      [6107] bipush 97
      [6109] iastore
      [6110] dup
      [6111] sipush 1183
      [6114] bipush 8
      [6116] iastore
      [6117] dup
      [6118] sipush 1184
      [6121] bipush 33
      [6123] iastore
      [6124] dup
      [6125] sipush 1186
      [6128] bipush 9
      [6130] iastore
      [6131] dup
      [6132] sipush 1187
      [6135] sipush 163
      [6138] iastore
      [6139] dup
      [6140] sipush 1189
      [6143] bipush 8
      [6145] iastore
      [6146] dup
      [6147] sipush 1190
      [6150] iconst_1
      [6151] iastore
      [6152] dup
      [6153] sipush 1192
      [6156] bipush 8
      [6158] iastore
      [6159] dup
      [6160] sipush 1193
      [6163] sipush 129
      [6166] iastore
      [6167] dup
      [6168] sipush 1195
      [6171] bipush 8
      [6173] iastore
      [6174] dup
      [6175] sipush 1196
      [6178] bipush 65
      [6180] iastore
      [6181] dup
      [6182] sipush 1198
      [6185] bipush 9
      [6187] iastore
      [6188] dup
      [6189] sipush 1199
      [6192] sipush 227
      [6195] iastore
      [6196] dup
      [6197] sipush 1200
      [6200] bipush 80
      [6202] iastore
      [6203] dup
      [6204] sipush 1201
      [6207] bipush 7
      [6209] iastore
      [6210] dup
      [6211] sipush 1202
      [6214] bipush 6
      [6216] iastore
      [6217] dup
      [6218] sipush 1204
      [6221] bipush 8
      [6223] iastore
      [6224] dup
      [6225] sipush 1205
      [6228] bipush 89
      [6230] iastore
      [6231] dup
      [6232] sipush 1207
      [6235] bipush 8
      [6237] iastore
      [6238] dup
      [6239] sipush 1208
      [6242] bipush 25
      [6244] iastore
      [6245] dup
      [6246] sipush 1210
      [6249] bipush 9
      [6251] iastore
      [6252] dup
      [6253] sipush 1211
      [6256] sipush 147
      [6259] iastore
      [6260] dup
      [6261] sipush 1212
      [6264] bipush 83
      [6266] iastore
      [6267] dup
      [6268] sipush 1213
      [6271] bipush 7
      [6273] iastore
      [6274] dup
      [6275] sipush 1214
      [6278] bipush 59
      [6280] iastore
      [6281] dup
      [6282] sipush 1216
      [6285] bipush 8
      [6287] iastore
      [6288] dup
      [6289] sipush 1217
      [6292] bipush 121
      [6294] iastore
      [6295] dup
      [6296] sipush 1219
      [6299] bipush 8
      [6301] iastore
      [6302] dup
      [6303] sipush 1220
      [6306] bipush 57
      [6308] iastore
      [6309] dup
      [6310] sipush 1222
      [6313] bipush 9
      [6315] iastore
      [6316] dup
      [6317] sipush 1223
      [6320] sipush 211
      [6323] iastore
      [6324] dup
      [6325] sipush 1224
      [6328] bipush 81
      [6330] iastore
      [6331] dup
      [6332] sipush 1225
      [6335] bipush 7
      [6337] iastore
      [6338] dup
      [6339] sipush 1226
      [6342] bipush 17
      [6344] iastore
      [6345] dup
      [6346] sipush 1228
      [6349] bipush 8
      [6351] iastore
      [6352] dup
      [6353] sipush 1229
      [6356] bipush 105
      [6358] iastore
      [6359] dup
      [6360] sipush 1231
      [6363] bipush 8
      [6365] iastore
      [6366] dup
      [6367] sipush 1232
      [6370] bipush 41
      [6372] iastore
      [6373] dup
      [6374] sipush 1234
      [6377] bipush 9
      [6379] iastore
      [6380] dup
      [6381] sipush 1235
      [6384] sipush 179
      [6387] iastore
      [6388] dup
      [6389] sipush 1237
      [6392] bipush 8
      [6394] iastore
      [6395] dup
      [6396] sipush 1238
      [6399] bipush 9
      [6401] iastore
      [6402] dup
      [6403] sipush 1240
      [6406] bipush 8
      [6408] iastore
      [6409] dup
      [6410] sipush 1241
      [6413] sipush 137
      [6416] iastore
      [6417] dup
      [6418] sipush 1243
      [6421] bipush 8
      [6423] iastore
      [6424] dup
      [6425] sipush 1244
      [6428] bipush 73
      [6430] iastore
      [6431] dup
      [6432] sipush 1246
      [6435] bipush 9
      [6437] iastore
      [6438] dup
      [6439] sipush 1247
      [6442] sipush 243
      [6445] iastore
      [6446] dup
      [6447] sipush 1248
      [6450] bipush 80
      [6452] iastore
      [6453] dup
      [6454] sipush 1249
      [6457] bipush 7
      [6459] iastore
      [6460] dup
      [6461] sipush 1250
      [6464] iconst_4
      [6465] iastore
      [6466] dup
      [6467] sipush 1252
      [6470] bipush 8
      [6472] iastore
      [6473] dup
      [6474] sipush 1253
      [6477] bipush 85
      [6479] iastore
      [6480] dup
      [6481] sipush 1255
      [6484] bipush 8
      [6486] iastore
      [6487] dup
      [6488] sipush 1256
      [6491] bipush 21
      [6493] iastore
      [6494] dup
      [6495] sipush 1257
      [6498] bipush 80
      [6500] iastore
      [6501] dup
      [6502] sipush 1258
      [6505] bipush 8
      [6507] iastore
      [6508] dup
      [6509] sipush 1259
      [6512] sipush 258
      [6515] iastore
      [6516] dup
      [6517] sipush 1260
      [6520] bipush 83
      [6522] iastore
      [6523] dup
      [6524] sipush 1261
      [6527] bipush 7
      [6529] iastore
      [6530] dup
      [6531] sipush 1262
      [6534] bipush 43
      [6536] iastore
      [6537] dup
      [6538] sipush 1264
      [6541] bipush 8
      [6543] iastore
      [6544] dup
      [6545] sipush 1265
      [6548] bipush 117
      [6550] iastore
      [6551] dup
      [6552] sipush 1267
      [6555] bipush 8
      [6557] iastore
      [6558] dup
      [6559] sipush 1268
      [6562] bipush 53
      [6564] iastore
      [6565] dup
      [6566] sipush 1270
      [6569] bipush 9
      [6571] iastore
      [6572] dup
      [6573] sipush 1271
      [6576] sipush 203
      [6579] iastore
      [6580] dup
      [6581] sipush 1272
      [6584] bipush 81
      [6586] iastore
      [6587] dup
      [6588] sipush 1273
      [6591] bipush 7
      [6593] iastore
      [6594] dup
      [6595] sipush 1274
      [6598] bipush 13
      [6600] iastore
      [6601] dup
      [6602] sipush 1276
      [6605] bipush 8
      [6607] iastore
      [6608] dup
      [6609] sipush 1277
      [6612] bipush 101
      [6614] iastore
      [6615] dup
      [6616] sipush 1279
      [6619] bipush 8
      [6621] iastore
      [6622] dup
      [6623] sipush 1280
      [6626] bipush 37
      [6628] iastore
      [6629] dup
      [6630] sipush 1282
      [6633] bipush 9
      [6635] iastore
      [6636] dup
      [6637] sipush 1283
      [6640] sipush 171
      [6643] iastore
      [6644] dup
      [6645] sipush 1285
      [6648] bipush 8
      [6650] iastore
      [6651] dup
      [6652] sipush 1286
      [6655] iconst_5
      [6656] iastore
      [6657] dup
      [6658] sipush 1288
      [6661] bipush 8
      [6663] iastore
      [6664] dup
      [6665] sipush 1289
      [6668] sipush 133
      [6671] iastore
      [6672] dup
      [6673] sipush 1291
      [6676] bipush 8
      [6678] iastore
      [6679] dup
      [6680] sipush 1292
      [6683] bipush 69
      [6685] iastore
      [6686] dup
      [6687] sipush 1294
      [6690] bipush 9
      [6692] iastore
      [6693] dup
      [6694] sipush 1295
      [6697] sipush 235
      [6700] iastore
      [6701] dup
      [6702] sipush 1296
      [6705] bipush 80
      [6707] iastore
      [6708] dup
      [6709] sipush 1297
      [6712] bipush 7
      [6714] iastore
      [6715] dup
      [6716] sipush 1298
      [6719] bipush 8
      [6721] iastore
      [6722] dup
      [6723] sipush 1300
      [6726] bipush 8
      [6728] iastore
      [6729] dup
      [6730] sipush 1301
      [6733] bipush 93
      [6735] iastore
      [6736] dup
      [6737] sipush 1303
      [6740] bipush 8
      [6742] iastore
      [6743] dup
      [6744] sipush 1304
      [6747] bipush 29
      [6749] iastore
      [6750] dup
      [6751] sipush 1306
      [6754] bipush 9
      [6756] iastore
      [6757] dup
      [6758] sipush 1307
      [6761] sipush 155
      [6764] iastore
      [6765] dup
      [6766] sipush 1308
      [6769] bipush 84
      [6771] iastore
      [6772] dup
      [6773] sipush 1309
      [6776] bipush 7
      [6778] iastore
      [6779] dup
      [6780] sipush 1310
      [6783] bipush 83
      [6785] iastore
      [6786] dup
      [6787] sipush 1312
      [6790] bipush 8
      [6792] iastore
      [6793] dup
      [6794] sipush 1313
      [6797] bipush 125
      [6799] iastore
      [6800] dup
      [6801] sipush 1315
      [6804] bipush 8
      [6806] iastore
      [6807] dup
      [6808] sipush 1316
      [6811] bipush 61
      [6813] iastore
      [6814] dup
      [6815] sipush 1318
      [6818] bipush 9
      [6820] iastore
      [6821] dup
      [6822] sipush 1319
      [6825] sipush 219
      [6828] iastore
      [6829] dup
      [6830] sipush 1320
      [6833] bipush 82
      [6835] iastore
      [6836] dup
      [6837] sipush 1321
      [6840] bipush 7
      [6842] iastore
      [6843] dup
      [6844] sipush 1322
      [6847] bipush 23
      [6849] iastore
      [6850] dup
      [6851] sipush 1324
      [6854] bipush 8
      [6856] iastore
      [6857] dup
      [6858] sipush 1325
      [6861] bipush 109
      [6863] iastore
      [6864] dup
      [6865] sipush 1327
      [6868] bipush 8
      [6870] iastore
      [6871] dup
      [6872] sipush 1328
      [6875] bipush 45
      [6877] iastore
      [6878] dup
      [6879] sipush 1330
      [6882] bipush 9
      [6884] iastore
      [6885] dup
      [6886] sipush 1331
      [6889] sipush 187
      [6892] iastore
      [6893] dup
      [6894] sipush 1333
      [6897] bipush 8
      [6899] iastore
      [6900] dup
      [6901] sipush 1334
      [6904] bipush 13
      [6906] iastore
      [6907] dup
      [6908] sipush 1336
      [6911] bipush 8
      [6913] iastore
      [6914] dup
      [6915] sipush 1337
      [6918] sipush 141
      [6921] iastore
      [6922] dup
      [6923] sipush 1339
      [6926] bipush 8
      [6928] iastore
      [6929] dup
      [6930] sipush 1340
      [6933] bipush 77
      [6935] iastore
      [6936] dup
      [6937] sipush 1342
      [6940] bipush 9
      [6942] iastore
      [6943] dup
      [6944] sipush 1343
      [6947] sipush 251
      [6950] iastore
      [6951] dup
      [6952] sipush 1344
      [6955] bipush 80
      [6957] iastore
      [6958] dup
      [6959] sipush 1345
      [6962] bipush 7
      [6964] iastore
      [6965] dup
      [6966] sipush 1346
      [6969] iconst_3
      [6970] iastore
      [6971] dup
      [6972] sipush 1348
      [6975] bipush 8
      [6977] iastore
      [6978] dup
      [6979] sipush 1349
      [6982] bipush 83
      [6984] iastore
      [6985] dup
      [6986] sipush 1351
      [6989] bipush 8
      [6991] iastore
      [6992] dup
      [6993] sipush 1352
      [6996] bipush 19
      [6998] iastore
      [6999] dup
      [7000] sipush 1353
      [7003] bipush 85
      [7005] iastore
      [7006] dup
      [7007] sipush 1354
      [7010] bipush 8
      [7012] iastore
      [7013] dup
      [7014] sipush 1355
      [7017] sipush 195
      [7020] iastore
      [7021] dup
      [7022] sipush 1356
      [7025] bipush 83
      [7027] iastore
      [7028] dup
      [7029] sipush 1357
      [7032] bipush 7
      [7034] iastore
      [7035] dup
      [7036] sipush 1358
      [7039] bipush 35
      [7041] iastore
      [7042] dup
      [7043] sipush 1360
      [7046] bipush 8
      [7048] iastore
      [7049] dup
      [7050] sipush 1361
      [7053] bipush 115
      [7055] iastore
      [7056] dup
      [7057] sipush 1363
      [7060] bipush 8
      [7062] iastore
      [7063] dup
      [7064] sipush 1364
      [7067] bipush 51
      [7069] iastore
      [7070] dup
      [7071] sipush 1366
      [7074] bipush 9
      [7076] iastore
      [7077] dup
      [7078] sipush 1367
      [7081] sipush 199
      [7084] iastore
      [7085] dup
      [7086] sipush 1368
      [7089] bipush 81
      [7091] iastore
      [7092] dup
      [7093] sipush 1369
      [7096] bipush 7
      [7098] iastore
      [7099] dup
      [7100] sipush 1370
      [7103] bipush 11
      [7105] iastore
      [7106] dup
      [7107] sipush 1372
      [7110] bipush 8
      [7112] iastore
      [7113] dup
      [7114] sipush 1373
      [7117] bipush 99
      [7119] iastore
      [7120] dup
      [7121] sipush 1375
      [7124] bipush 8
      [7126] iastore
      [7127] dup
      [7128] sipush 1376
      [7131] bipush 35
      [7133] iastore
      [7134] dup
      [7135] sipush 1378
      [7138] bipush 9
      [7140] iastore
      [7141] dup
      [7142] sipush 1379
      [7145] sipush 167
      [7148] iastore
      [7149] dup
      [7150] sipush 1381
      [7153] bipush 8
      [7155] iastore
      [7156] dup
      [7157] sipush 1382
      [7160] iconst_3
      [7161] iastore
      [7162] dup
      [7163] sipush 1384
      [7166] bipush 8
      [7168] iastore
      [7169] dup
      [7170] sipush 1385
      [7173] sipush 131
      [7176] iastore
      [7177] dup
      [7178] sipush 1387
      [7181] bipush 8
      [7183] iastore
      [7184] dup
      [7185] sipush 1388
      [7188] bipush 67
      [7190] iastore
      [7191] dup
      [7192] sipush 1390
      [7195] bipush 9
      [7197] iastore
      [7198] dup
      [7199] sipush 1391
      [7202] sipush 231
      [7205] iastore
      [7206] dup
      [7207] sipush 1392
      [7210] bipush 80
      [7212] iastore
      [7213] dup
      [7214] sipush 1393
      [7217] bipush 7
      [7219] iastore
      [7220] dup
      [7221] sipush 1394
      [7224] bipush 7
      [7226] iastore
      [7227] dup
      [7228] sipush 1396
      [7231] bipush 8
      [7233] iastore
      [7234] dup
      [7235] sipush 1397
      [7238] bipush 91
      [7240] iastore
      [7241] dup
      [7242] sipush 1399
      [7245] bipush 8
      [7247] iastore
      [7248] dup
      [7249] sipush 1400
      [7252] bipush 27
      [7254] iastore
      [7255] dup
      [7256] sipush 1402
      [7259] bipush 9
      [7261] iastore
      [7262] dup
      [7263] sipush 1403
      [7266] sipush 151
      [7269] iastore
      [7270] dup
      [7271] sipush 1404
      [7274] bipush 84
      [7276] iastore
      [7277] dup
      [7278] sipush 1405
      [7281] bipush 7
      [7283] iastore
      [7284] dup
      [7285] sipush 1406
      [7288] bipush 67
      [7290] iastore
      [7291] dup
      [7292] sipush 1408
      [7295] bipush 8
      [7297] iastore
      [7298] dup
      [7299] sipush 1409
      [7302] bipush 123
      [7304] iastore
      [7305] dup
      [7306] sipush 1411
      [7309] bipush 8
      [7311] iastore
      [7312] dup
      [7313] sipush 1412
      [7316] bipush 59
      [7318] iastore
      [7319] dup
      [7320] sipush 1414
      [7323] bipush 9
      [7325] iastore
      [7326] dup
      [7327] sipush 1415
      [7330] sipush 215
      [7333] iastore
      [7334] dup
      [7335] sipush 1416
      [7338] bipush 82
      [7340] iastore
      [7341] dup
      [7342] sipush 1417
      [7345] bipush 7
      [7347] iastore
      [7348] dup
      [7349] sipush 1418
      [7352] bipush 19
      [7354] iastore
      [7355] dup
      [7356] sipush 1420
      [7359] bipush 8
      [7361] iastore
      [7362] dup
      [7363] sipush 1421
      [7366] bipush 107
      [7368] iastore
      [7369] dup
      [7370] sipush 1423
      [7373] bipush 8
      [7375] iastore
      [7376] dup
      [7377] sipush 1424
      [7380] bipush 43
      [7382] iastore
      [7383] dup
      [7384] sipush 1426
      [7387] bipush 9
      [7389] iastore
      [7390] dup
      [7391] sipush 1427
      [7394] sipush 183
      [7397] iastore
      [7398] dup
      [7399] sipush 1429
      [7402] bipush 8
      [7404] iastore
      [7405] dup
      [7406] sipush 1430
      [7409] bipush 11
      [7411] iastore
      [7412] dup
      [7413] sipush 1432
      [7416] bipush 8
      [7418] iastore
      [7419] dup
      [7420] sipush 1433
      [7423] sipush 139
      [7426] iastore
      [7427] dup
      [7428] sipush 1435
      [7431] bipush 8
      [7433] iastore
      [7434] dup
      [7435] sipush 1436
      [7438] bipush 75
      [7440] iastore
      [7441] dup
      [7442] sipush 1438
      [7445] bipush 9
      [7447] iastore
      [7448] dup
      [7449] sipush 1439
      [7452] sipush 247
      [7455] iastore
      [7456] dup
      [7457] sipush 1440
      [7460] bipush 80
      [7462] iastore
      [7463] dup
      [7464] sipush 1441
      [7467] bipush 7
      [7469] iastore
      [7470] dup
      [7471] sipush 1442
      [7474] iconst_5
      [7475] iastore
      [7476] dup
      [7477] sipush 1444
      [7480] bipush 8
      [7482] iastore
      [7483] dup
      [7484] sipush 1445
      [7487] bipush 87
      [7489] iastore
      [7490] dup
      [7491] sipush 1447
      [7494] bipush 8
      [7496] iastore
      [7497] dup
      [7498] sipush 1448
      [7501] bipush 23
      [7503] iastore
      [7504] dup
      [7505] sipush 1449
      [7508] sipush 192
      [7511] iastore
      [7512] dup
      [7513] sipush 1450
      [7516] bipush 8
      [7518] iastore
      [7519] dup
      [7520] sipush 1452
      [7523] bipush 83
      [7525] iastore
      [7526] dup
      [7527] sipush 1453
      [7530] bipush 7
      [7532] iastore
      [7533] dup
      [7534] sipush 1454
      [7537] bipush 51
      [7539] iastore
      [7540] dup
      [7541] sipush 1456
      [7544] bipush 8
      [7546] iastore
      [7547] dup
      [7548] sipush 1457
      [7551] bipush 119
      [7553] iastore
      [7554] dup
      [7555] sipush 1459
      [7558] bipush 8
      [7560] iastore
      [7561] dup
      [7562] sipush 1460
      [7565] bipush 55
      [7567] iastore
      [7568] dup
      [7569] sipush 1462
      [7572] bipush 9
      [7574] iastore
      [7575] dup
      [7576] sipush 1463
      [7579] sipush 207
      [7582] iastore
      [7583] dup
      [7584] sipush 1464
      [7587] bipush 81
      [7589] iastore
      [7590] dup
      [7591] sipush 1465
      [7594] bipush 7
      [7596] iastore
      [7597] dup
      [7598] sipush 1466
      [7601] bipush 15
      [7603] iastore
      [7604] dup
      [7605] sipush 1468
      [7608] bipush 8
      [7610] iastore
      [7611] dup
      [7612] sipush 1469
      [7615] bipush 103
      [7617] iastore
      [7618] dup
      [7619] sipush 1471
      [7622] bipush 8
      [7624] iastore
      [7625] dup
      [7626] sipush 1472
      [7629] bipush 39
      [7631] iastore
      [7632] dup
      [7633] sipush 1474
      [7636] bipush 9
      [7638] iastore
      [7639] dup
      [7640] sipush 1475
      [7643] sipush 175
      [7646] iastore
      [7647] dup
      [7648] sipush 1477
      [7651] bipush 8
      [7653] iastore
      [7654] dup
      [7655] sipush 1478
      [7658] bipush 7
      [7660] iastore
      [7661] dup
      [7662] sipush 1480
      [7665] bipush 8
      [7667] iastore
      [7668] dup
      [7669] sipush 1481
      [7672] sipush 135
      [7675] iastore
      [7676] dup
      [7677] sipush 1483
      [7680] bipush 8
      [7682] iastore
      [7683] dup
      [7684] sipush 1484
      [7687] bipush 71
      [7689] iastore
      [7690] dup
      [7691] sipush 1486
      [7694] bipush 9
      [7696] iastore
      [7697] dup
      [7698] sipush 1487
      [7701] sipush 239
      [7704] iastore
      [7705] dup
      [7706] sipush 1488
      [7709] bipush 80
      [7711] iastore
      [7712] dup
      [7713] sipush 1489
      [7716] bipush 7
      [7718] iastore
      [7719] dup
      [7720] sipush 1490
      [7723] bipush 9
      [7725] iastore
      [7726] dup
      [7727] sipush 1492
      [7730] bipush 8
      [7732] iastore
      [7733] dup
      [7734] sipush 1493
      [7737] bipush 95
      [7739] iastore
      [7740] dup
      [7741] sipush 1495
      [7744] bipush 8
      [7746] iastore
      [7747] dup
      [7748] sipush 1496
      [7751] bipush 31
      [7753] iastore
      [7754] dup
      [7755] sipush 1498
      [7758] bipush 9
      [7760] iastore
      [7761] dup
      [7762] sipush 1499
      [7765] sipush 159
      [7768] iastore
      [7769] dup
      [7770] sipush 1500
      [7773] bipush 84
      [7775] iastore
      [7776] dup
      [7777] sipush 1501
      [7780] bipush 7
      [7782] iastore
      [7783] dup
      [7784] sipush 1502
      [7787] bipush 99
      [7789] iastore
      [7790] dup
      [7791] sipush 1504
      [7794] bipush 8
      [7796] iastore
      [7797] dup
      [7798] sipush 1505
      [7801] bipush 127
      [7803] iastore
      [7804] dup
      [7805] sipush 1507
      [7808] bipush 8
      [7810] iastore
      [7811] dup
      [7812] sipush 1508
      [7815] bipush 63
      [7817] iastore
      [7818] dup
      [7819] sipush 1510
      [7822] bipush 9
      [7824] iastore
      [7825] dup
      [7826] sipush 1511
      [7829] sipush 223
      [7832] iastore
      [7833] dup
      [7834] sipush 1512
      [7837] bipush 82
      [7839] iastore
      [7840] dup
      [7841] sipush 1513
      [7844] bipush 7
      [7846] iastore
      [7847] dup
      [7848] sipush 1514
      [7851] bipush 27
      [7853] iastore
      [7854] dup
      [7855] sipush 1516
      [7858] bipush 8
      [7860] iastore
      [7861] dup
      [7862] sipush 1517
      [7865] bipush 111
      [7867] iastore
      [7868] dup
      [7869] sipush 1519
      [7872] bipush 8
      [7874] iastore
      [7875] dup
      [7876] sipush 1520
      [7879] bipush 47
      [7881] iastore
      [7882] dup
      [7883] sipush 1522
      [7886] bipush 9
      [7888] iastore
      [7889] dup
      [7890] sipush 1523
      [7893] sipush 191
      [7896] iastore
      [7897] dup
      [7898] sipush 1525
      [7901] bipush 8
      [7903] iastore
      [7904] dup
      [7905] sipush 1526
      [7908] bipush 15
      [7910] iastore
      [7911] dup
      [7912] sipush 1528
      [7915] bipush 8
      [7917] iastore
      [7918] dup
      [7919] sipush 1529
      [7922] sipush 143
      [7925] iastore
      [7926] dup
      [7927] sipush 1531
      [7930] bipush 8
      [7932] iastore
      [7933] dup
      [7934] sipush 1532
      [7937] bipush 79
      [7939] iastore
      [7940] dup
      [7941] sipush 1534
      [7944] bipush 9
      [7946] iastore
      [7947] dup
      [7948] sipush 1535
      [7951] sipush 255
      [7954] iastore
      [7955] putstatic #18
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.fixed_tl [I]
      [7958] bipush 96
      [7960] newarray 10
      [7962] dup
      [7963] iconst_0
      [7964] bipush 80
      [7966] iastore
      [7967] dup
      [7968] iconst_1
      [7969] iconst_5
      [7970] iastore
      [7971] dup
      [7972] iconst_2
      [7973] iconst_1
      [7974] iastore
      [7975] dup
      [7976] iconst_3
      [7977] bipush 87
      [7979] iastore
      [7980] dup
      [7981] iconst_4
      [7982] iconst_5
      [7983] iastore
      [7984] dup
      [7985] iconst_5
      [7986] sipush 257
      [7989] iastore
      [7990] dup
      [7991] bipush 6
      [7993] bipush 83
      [7995] iastore
      [7996] dup
      [7997] bipush 7
      [7999] iconst_5
      [8000] iastore
      [8001] dup
      [8002] bipush 8
      [8004] bipush 17
      [8006] iastore
      [8007] dup
      [8008] bipush 9
      [8010] bipush 91
      [8012] iastore
      [8013] dup
      [8014] bipush 10
      [8016] iconst_5
      [8017] iastore
      [8018] dup
      [8019] bipush 11
      [8021] sipush 4097
      [8024] iastore
      [8025] dup
      [8026] bipush 12
      [8028] bipush 81
      [8030] iastore
      [8031] dup
      [8032] bipush 13
      [8034] iconst_5
      [8035] iastore
      [8036] dup
      [8037] bipush 14
      [8039] iconst_5
      [8040] iastore
      [8041] dup
      [8042] bipush 15
      [8044] bipush 89
      [8046] iastore
      [8047] dup
      [8048] bipush 16
      [8050] iconst_5
      [8051] iastore
      [8052] dup
      [8053] bipush 17
      [8055] sipush 1025
      [8058] iastore
      [8059] dup
      [8060] bipush 18
      [8062] bipush 85
      [8064] iastore
      [8065] dup
      [8066] bipush 19
      [8068] iconst_5
      [8069] iastore
      [8070] dup
      [8071] bipush 20
      [8073] bipush 65
      [8075] iastore
      [8076] dup
      [8077] bipush 21
      [8079] bipush 93
      [8081] iastore
      [8082] dup
      [8083] bipush 22
      [8085] iconst_5
      [8086] iastore
      [8087] dup
      [8088] bipush 23
      [8090] sipush 16385
      [8093] iastore
      [8094] dup
      [8095] bipush 24
      [8097] bipush 80
      [8099] iastore
      [8100] dup
      [8101] bipush 25
      [8103] iconst_5
      [8104] iastore
      [8105] dup
      [8106] bipush 26
      [8108] iconst_3
      [8109] iastore
      [8110] dup
      [8111] bipush 27
      [8113] bipush 88
      [8115] iastore
      [8116] dup
      [8117] bipush 28
      [8119] iconst_5
      [8120] iastore
      [8121] dup
      [8122] bipush 29
      [8124] sipush 513
      [8127] iastore
      [8128] dup
      [8129] bipush 30
      [8131] bipush 84
      [8133] iastore
      [8134] dup
      [8135] bipush 31
      [8137] iconst_5
      [8138] iastore
      [8139] dup
      [8140] bipush 32
      [8142] bipush 33
      [8144] iastore
      [8145] dup
      [8146] bipush 33
      [8148] bipush 92
      [8150] iastore
      [8151] dup
      [8152] bipush 34
      [8154] iconst_5
      [8155] iastore
      [8156] dup
      [8157] bipush 35
      [8159] sipush 8193
      [8162] iastore
      [8163] dup
      [8164] bipush 36
      [8166] bipush 82
      [8168] iastore
      [8169] dup
      [8170] bipush 37
      [8172] iconst_5
      [8173] iastore
      [8174] dup
      [8175] bipush 38
      [8177] bipush 9
      [8179] iastore
      [8180] dup
      [8181] bipush 39
      [8183] bipush 90
      [8185] iastore
      [8186] dup
      [8187] bipush 40
      [8189] iconst_5
      [8190] iastore
      [8191] dup
      [8192] bipush 41
      [8194] sipush 2049
      [8197] iastore
      [8198] dup
      [8199] bipush 42
      [8201] bipush 86
      [8203] iastore
      [8204] dup
      [8205] bipush 43
      [8207] iconst_5
      [8208] iastore
      [8209] dup
      [8210] bipush 44
      [8212] sipush 129
      [8215] iastore
      [8216] dup
      [8217] bipush 45
      [8219] sipush 192
      [8222] iastore
      [8223] dup
      [8224] bipush 46
      [8226] iconst_5
      [8227] iastore
      [8228] dup
      [8229] bipush 47
      [8231] sipush 24577
      [8234] iastore
      [8235] dup
      [8236] bipush 48
      [8238] bipush 80
      [8240] iastore
      [8241] dup
      [8242] bipush 49
      [8244] iconst_5
      [8245] iastore
      [8246] dup
      [8247] bipush 50
      [8249] iconst_2
      [8250] iastore
      [8251] dup
      [8252] bipush 51
      [8254] bipush 87
      [8256] iastore
      [8257] dup
      [8258] bipush 52
      [8260] iconst_5
      [8261] iastore
      [8262] dup
      [8263] bipush 53
      [8265] sipush 385
      [8268] iastore
      [8269] dup
      [8270] bipush 54
      [8272] bipush 83
      [8274] iastore
      [8275] dup
      [8276] bipush 55
      [8278] iconst_5
      [8279] iastore
      [8280] dup
      [8281] bipush 56
      [8283] bipush 25
      [8285] iastore
      [8286] dup
      [8287] bipush 57
      [8289] bipush 91
      [8291] iastore
      [8292] dup
      [8293] bipush 58
      [8295] iconst_5
      [8296] iastore
      [8297] dup
      [8298] bipush 59
      [8300] sipush 6145
      [8303] iastore
      [8304] dup
      [8305] bipush 60
      [8307] bipush 81
      [8309] iastore
      [8310] dup
      [8311] bipush 61
      [8313] iconst_5
      [8314] iastore
      [8315] dup
      [8316] bipush 62
      [8318] bipush 7
      [8320] iastore
      [8321] dup
      [8322] bipush 63
      [8324] bipush 89
      [8326] iastore
      [8327] dup
      [8328] bipush 64
      [8330] iconst_5
      [8331] iastore
      [8332] dup
      [8333] bipush 65
      [8335] sipush 1537
      [8338] iastore
      [8339] dup
      [8340] bipush 66
      [8342] bipush 85
      [8344] iastore
      [8345] dup
      [8346] bipush 67
      [8348] iconst_5
      [8349] iastore
      [8350] dup
      [8351] bipush 68
      [8353] bipush 97
      [8355] iastore
      [8356] dup
      [8357] bipush 69
      [8359] bipush 93
      [8361] iastore
      [8362] dup
      [8363] bipush 70
      [8365] iconst_5
      [8366] iastore
      [8367] dup
      [8368] bipush 71
      [8370] sipush 24577
      [8373] iastore
      [8374] dup
      [8375] bipush 72
      [8377] bipush 80
      [8379] iastore
      [8380] dup
      [8381] bipush 73
      [8383] iconst_5
      [8384] iastore
      [8385] dup
      [8386] bipush 74
      [8388] iconst_4
      [8389] iastore
      [8390] dup
      [8391] bipush 75
      [8393] bipush 88
      [8395] iastore
      [8396] dup
      [8397] bipush 76
      [8399] iconst_5
      [8400] iastore
      [8401] dup
      [8402] bipush 77
      [8404] sipush 769
      [8407] iastore
      [8408] dup
      [8409] bipush 78
      [8411] bipush 84
      [8413] iastore
      [8414] dup
      [8415] bipush 79
      [8417] iconst_5
      [8418] iastore
      [8419] dup
      [8420] bipush 80
      [8422] bipush 49
      [8424] iastore
      [8425] dup
      [8426] bipush 81
      [8428] bipush 92
      [8430] iastore
      [8431] dup
      [8432] bipush 82
      [8434] iconst_5
      [8435] iastore
      [8436] dup
      [8437] bipush 83
      [8439] sipush 12289
      [8442] iastore
      [8443] dup
      [8444] bipush 84
      [8446] bipush 82
      [8448] iastore
      [8449] dup
      [8450] bipush 85
      [8452] iconst_5
      [8453] iastore
      [8454] dup
      [8455] bipush 86
      [8457] bipush 13
      [8459] iastore
      [8460] dup
      [8461] bipush 87
      [8463] bipush 90
      [8465] iastore
      [8466] dup
      [8467] bipush 88
      [8469] iconst_5
      [8470] iastore
      [8471] dup
      [8472] bipush 89
      [8474] sipush 3073
      [8477] iastore
      [8478] dup
      [8479] bipush 90
      [8481] bipush 86
      [8483] iastore
      [8484] dup
      [8485] bipush 91
      [8487] iconst_5
      [8488] iastore
      [8489] dup
      [8490] bipush 92
      [8492] sipush 193
      [8495] iastore
      [8496] dup
      [8497] bipush 93
      [8499] sipush 192
      [8502] iastore
      [8503] dup
      [8504] bipush 94
      [8506] iconst_5
      [8507] iastore
      [8508] dup
      [8509] bipush 95
      [8511] sipush 24577
      [8514] iastore
      [8515] putstatic #17
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.fixed_td [I]
      [8518] bipush 31
      [8520] newarray 10
      [8522] dup
      [8523] iconst_0
      [8524] iconst_3
      [8525] iastore
      [8526] dup
      [8527] iconst_1
      [8528] iconst_4
      [8529] iastore
      [8530] dup
      [8531] iconst_2
      [8532] iconst_5
      [8533] iastore
      [8534] dup
      [8535] iconst_3
      [8536] bipush 6
      [8538] iastore
      [8539] dup
      [8540] iconst_4
      [8541] bipush 7
      [8543] iastore
      [8544] dup
      [8545] iconst_5
      [8546] bipush 8
      [8548] iastore
      [8549] dup
      [8550] bipush 6
      [8552] bipush 9
      [8554] iastore
      [8555] dup
      [8556] bipush 7
      [8558] bipush 10
      [8560] iastore
      [8561] dup
      [8562] bipush 8
      [8564] bipush 11
      [8566] iastore
      [8567] dup
      [8568] bipush 9
      [8570] bipush 13
      [8572] iastore
      [8573] dup
      [8574] bipush 10
      [8576] bipush 15
      [8578] iastore
      [8579] dup
      [8580] bipush 11
      [8582] bipush 17
      [8584] iastore
      [8585] dup
      [8586] bipush 12
      [8588] bipush 19
      [8590] iastore
      [8591] dup
      [8592] bipush 13
      [8594] bipush 23
      [8596] iastore
      [8597] dup
      [8598] bipush 14
      [8600] bipush 27
      [8602] iastore
      [8603] dup
      [8604] bipush 15
      [8606] bipush 31
      [8608] iastore
      [8609] dup
      [8610] bipush 16
      [8612] bipush 35
      [8614] iastore
      [8615] dup
      [8616] bipush 17
      [8618] bipush 43
      [8620] iastore
      [8621] dup
      [8622] bipush 18
      [8624] bipush 51
      [8626] iastore
      [8627] dup
      [8628] bipush 19
      [8630] bipush 59
      [8632] iastore
      [8633] dup
      [8634] bipush 20
      [8636] bipush 67
      [8638] iastore
      [8639] dup
      [8640] bipush 21
      [8642] bipush 83
      [8644] iastore
      [8645] dup
      [8646] bipush 22
      [8648] bipush 99
      [8650] iastore
      [8651] dup
      [8652] bipush 23
      [8654] bipush 115
      [8656] iastore
      [8657] dup
      [8658] bipush 24
      [8660] sipush 131
      [8663] iastore
      [8664] dup
      [8665] bipush 25
      [8667] sipush 163
      [8670] iastore
      [8671] dup
      [8672] bipush 26
      [8674] sipush 195
      [8677] iastore
      [8678] dup
      [8679] bipush 27
      [8681] sipush 227
      [8684] iastore
      [8685] dup
      [8686] bipush 28
      [8688] sipush 258
      [8691] iastore
      [8692] putstatic #15
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.cplens [I]
      [8695] bipush 31
      [8697] newarray 10
      [8699] dup
      [8700] bipush 8
      [8702] iconst_1
      [8703] iastore
      [8704] dup
      [8705] bipush 9
      [8707] iconst_1
      [8708] iastore
      [8709] dup
      [8710] bipush 10
      [8712] iconst_1
      [8713] iastore
      [8714] dup
      [8715] bipush 11
      [8717] iconst_1
      [8718] iastore
      [8719] dup
      [8720] bipush 12
      [8722] iconst_2
      [8723] iastore
      [8724] dup
      [8725] bipush 13
      [8727] iconst_2
      [8728] iastore
      [8729] dup
      [8730] bipush 14
      [8732] iconst_2
      [8733] iastore
      [8734] dup
      [8735] bipush 15
      [8737] iconst_2
      [8738] iastore
      [8739] dup
      [8740] bipush 16
      [8742] iconst_3
      [8743] iastore
      [8744] dup
      [8745] bipush 17
      [8747] iconst_3
      [8748] iastore
      [8749] dup
      [8750] bipush 18
      [8752] iconst_3
      [8753] iastore
      [8754] dup
      [8755] bipush 19
      [8757] iconst_3
      [8758] iastore
      [8759] dup
      [8760] bipush 20
      [8762] iconst_4
      [8763] iastore
      [8764] dup
      [8765] bipush 21
      [8767] iconst_4
      [8768] iastore
      [8769] dup
      [8770] bipush 22
      [8772] iconst_4
      [8773] iastore
      [8774] dup
      [8775] bipush 23
      [8777] iconst_4
      [8778] iastore
      [8779] dup
      [8780] bipush 24
      [8782] iconst_5
      [8783] iastore
      [8784] dup
      [8785] bipush 25
      [8787] iconst_5
      [8788] iastore
      [8789] dup
      [8790] bipush 26
      [8792] iconst_5
      [8793] iastore
      [8794] dup
      [8795] bipush 27
      [8797] iconst_5
      [8798] iastore
      [8799] dup
      [8800] bipush 29
      [8802] bipush 112
      [8804] iastore
      [8805] dup
      [8806] bipush 30
      [8808] bipush 112
      [8810] iastore
      [8811] putstatic #16
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.cplext [I]
      [8814] bipush 30
      [8816] newarray 10
      [8818] dup
      [8819] iconst_0
      [8820] iconst_1
      [8821] iastore
      [8822] dup
      [8823] iconst_1
      [8824] iconst_2
      [8825] iastore
      [8826] dup
      [8827] iconst_2
      [8828] iconst_3
      [8829] iastore
      [8830] dup
      [8831] iconst_3
      [8832] iconst_4
      [8833] iastore
      [8834] dup
      [8835] iconst_4
      [8836] iconst_5
      [8837] iastore
      [8838] dup
      [8839] iconst_5
      [8840] bipush 7
      [8842] iastore
      [8843] dup
      [8844] bipush 6
      [8846] bipush 9
      [8848] iastore
      [8849] dup
      [8850] bipush 7
      [8852] bipush 13
      [8854] iastore
      [8855] dup
      [8856] bipush 8
      [8858] bipush 17
      [8860] iastore
      [8861] dup
      [8862] bipush 9
      [8864] bipush 25
      [8866] iastore
      [8867] dup
      [8868] bipush 10
      [8870] bipush 33
      [8872] iastore
      [8873] dup
      [8874] bipush 11
      [8876] bipush 49
      [8878] iastore
      [8879] dup
      [8880] bipush 12
      [8882] bipush 65
      [8884] iastore
      [8885] dup
      [8886] bipush 13
      [8888] bipush 97
      [8890] iastore
      [8891] dup
      [8892] bipush 14
      [8894] sipush 129
      [8897] iastore
      [8898] dup
      [8899] bipush 15
      [8901] sipush 193
      [8904] iastore
      [8905] dup
      [8906] bipush 16
      [8908] sipush 257
      [8911] iastore
      [8912] dup
      [8913] bipush 17
      [8915] sipush 385
      [8918] iastore
      [8919] dup
      [8920] bipush 18
      [8922] sipush 513
      [8925] iastore
      [8926] dup
      [8927] bipush 19
      [8929] sipush 769
      [8932] iastore
      [8933] dup
      [8934] bipush 20
      [8936] sipush 1025
      [8939] iastore
      [8940] dup
      [8941] bipush 21
      [8943] sipush 1537
      [8946] iastore
      [8947] dup
      [8948] bipush 22
      [8950] sipush 2049
      [8953] iastore
      [8954] dup
      [8955] bipush 23
      [8957] sipush 3073
      [8960] iastore
      [8961] dup
      [8962] bipush 24
      [8964] sipush 4097
      [8967] iastore
      [8968] dup
      [8969] bipush 25
      [8971] sipush 6145
      [8974] iastore
      [8975] dup
      [8976] bipush 26
      [8978] sipush 8193
      [8981] iastore
      [8982] dup
      [8983] bipush 27
      [8985] sipush 12289
      [8988] iastore
      [8989] dup
      [8990] bipush 28
      [8992] sipush 16385
      [8995] iastore
      [8996] dup
      [8997] bipush 29
      [8999] sipush 24577
      [9002] iastore
      [9003] putstatic #14
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.cpdist [I]
      [9006] bipush 30
      [9008] newarray 10
      [9010] dup
      [9011] iconst_4
      [9012] iconst_1
      [9013] iastore
      [9014] dup
      [9015] iconst_5
      [9016] iconst_1
      [9017] iastore
      [9018] dup
      [9019] bipush 6
      [9021] iconst_2
      [9022] iastore
      [9023] dup
      [9024] bipush 7
      [9026] iconst_2
      [9027] iastore
      [9028] dup
      [9029] bipush 8
      [9031] iconst_3
      [9032] iastore
      [9033] dup
      [9034] bipush 9
      [9036] iconst_3
      [9037] iastore
      [9038] dup
      [9039] bipush 10
      [9041] iconst_4
      [9042] iastore
      [9043] dup
      [9044] bipush 11
      [9046] iconst_4
      [9047] iastore
      [9048] dup
      [9049] bipush 12
      [9051] iconst_5
      [9052] iastore
      [9053] dup
      [9054] bipush 13
      [9056] iconst_5
      [9057] iastore
      [9058] dup
      [9059] bipush 14
      [9061] bipush 6
      [9063] iastore
      [9064] dup
      [9065] bipush 15
      [9067] bipush 6
      [9069] iastore
      [9070] dup
      [9071] bipush 16
      [9073] bipush 7
      [9075] iastore
      [9076] dup
      [9077] bipush 17
      [9079] bipush 7
      [9081] iastore
      [9082] dup
      [9083] bipush 18
      [9085] bipush 8
      [9087] iastore
      [9088] dup
      [9089] bipush 19
      [9091] bipush 8
      [9093] iastore
      [9094] dup
      [9095] bipush 20
      [9097] bipush 9
      [9099] iastore
      [9100] dup
      [9101] bipush 21
      [9103] bipush 9
      [9105] iastore
      [9106] dup
      [9107] bipush 22
      [9109] bipush 10
      [9111] iastore
      [9112] dup
      [9113] bipush 23
      [9115] bipush 10
      [9117] iastore
      [9118] dup
      [9119] bipush 24
      [9121] bipush 11
      [9123] iastore
      [9124] dup
      [9125] bipush 25
      [9127] bipush 11
      [9129] iastore
      [9130] dup
      [9131] bipush 26
      [9133] bipush 12
      [9135] iastore
      [9136] dup
      [9137] bipush 27
      [9139] bipush 12
      [9141] iastore
      [9142] dup
      [9143] bipush 28
      [9145] bipush 13
      [9147] iastore
      [9148] dup
      [9149] bipush 29
      [9151] bipush 13
      [9153] iastore
      [9154] putstatic #13
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.cpdext [I]
      [9157] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 159)
        [0] -> line 54
        [7] -> line 55
        [64] -> line 56
        [119] -> line 57
        [174] -> line 58
        [218] -> line 59
        [273] -> line 60
        [328] -> line 61
        [383] -> line 62
        [433] -> line 63
        [493] -> line 64
        [548] -> line 65
        [607] -> line 66
        [664] -> line 67
        [728] -> line 68
        [792] -> line 69
        [856] -> line 70
        [914] -> line 71
        [984] -> line 72
        [1048] -> line 73
        [1112] -> line 74
        [1169] -> line 75
        [1233] -> line 76
        [1297] -> line 77
        [1361] -> line 78
        [1419] -> line 79
        [1482] -> line 80
        [1546] -> line 81
        [1610] -> line 82
        [1668] -> line 83
        [1732] -> line 84
        [1796] -> line 85
        [1860] -> line 86
        [1918] -> line 87
        [1990] -> line 88
        [2054] -> line 89
        [2118] -> line 90
        [2175] -> line 91
        [2239] -> line 92
        [2303] -> line 93
        [2367] -> line 94
        [2425] -> line 95
        [2495] -> line 96
        [2559] -> line 97
        [2623] -> line 98
        [2680] -> line 99
        [2744] -> line 100
        [2808] -> line 101
        [2872] -> line 102
        [2930] -> line 103
        [3000] -> line 104
        [3064] -> line 105
        [3128] -> line 106
        [3185] -> line 107
        [3249] -> line 108
        [3313] -> line 109
        [3377] -> line 110
        [3435] -> line 111
        [3498] -> line 112
        [3562] -> line 113
        [3626] -> line 114
        [3684] -> line 115
        [3748] -> line 116
        [3812] -> line 117
        [3876] -> line 118
        [3934] -> line 119
        [4005] -> line 120
        [4069] -> line 122
        [4133] -> line 123
        [4184] -> line 124
        [4248] -> line 125
        [4312] -> line 126
        [4376] -> line 127
        [4434] -> line 128
        [4504] -> line 129
        [4568] -> line 130
        [4632] -> line 131
        [4689] -> line 132
        [4753] -> line 133
        [4817] -> line 134
        [4881] -> line 135
        [4939] -> line 136
        [5009] -> line 137
        [5073] -> line 138
        [5137] -> line 139
        [5194] -> line 140
        [5258] -> line 141
        [5322] -> line 142
        [5386] -> line 143
        [5444] -> line 144
        [5507] -> line 145
        [5571] -> line 146
        [5635] -> line 147
        [5693] -> line 148
        [5757] -> line 149
        [5821] -> line 150
        [5885] -> line 151
        [5943] -> line 152
        [6015] -> line 153
        [6079] -> line 154
        [6143] -> line 155
        [6200] -> line 156
        [6264] -> line 157
        [6328] -> line 158
        [6392] -> line 159
        [6450] -> line 160
        [6520] -> line 161
        [6584] -> line 162
        [6648] -> line 163
        [6705] -> line 164
        [6769] -> line 165
        [6833] -> line 166
        [6897] -> line 167
        [6955] -> line 168
        [7025] -> line 169
        [7089] -> line 170
        [7153] -> line 171
        [7210] -> line 172
        [7274] -> line 173
        [7338] -> line 174
        [7402] -> line 175
        [7460] -> line 176
        [7523] -> line 177
        [7587] -> line 178
        [7651] -> line 179
        [7709] -> line 180
        [7773] -> line 181
        [7837] -> line 182
        [7901] -> line 183
        [7955] -> line 54
        [7958] -> line 185
        [7964] -> line 186
        [8028] -> line 187
        [8097] -> line 188
        [8166] -> line 189
        [8238] -> line 190
        [8307] -> line 191
        [8377] -> line 192
        [8446] -> line 193
        [8515] -> line 185
        [8518] -> line 197
        [8524] -> line 198
        [8612] -> line 199
        [8692] -> line 197
        [8695] -> line 203
        [8702] -> line 204
        [8742] -> line 205
        [8811] -> line 203
        [8814] -> line 208
        [8820] -> line 209
        [8908] -> line 210
        [8978] -> line 211
        [9003] -> line 208
        [9006] -> line 214
        [9012] -> line 215
        [9073] -> line 216
        [9133] -> line 217
        [9154] -> line 214
        [9157] -> line 37
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = InfTree()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 35, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #27
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aconst_null
      [6] putfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ [I]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aconst_null
      [11] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.v [I]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] aconst_null
      [16] putfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.c [I]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] aconst_null
      [21] putfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.r [I]
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] aconst_null
      [26] putfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.u [I]
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] aconst_null
      [31] putfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.x [I]
      [34] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 37
        [4] -> line 222
        [9] -> line 223
        [14] -> line 224
        [19] -> line 225
        [24] -> line 226
        [29] -> line 227
        [34] -> line 37
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 35 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree; this]
  + Method:       huft_build([IIII[I[I[I[I[I[I[I)I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int huft_build(int[],int,int,int,int[],int[],int[],int[],int[],int[],int[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 953, locals = 27, stack = 6):
      [0] iconst_0
      [1] istore v21
      [3] iload_3 v3
      [4] istore v16
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.c [I]
      [10] aload_1 v1
      [11] iload_2 v2
      [12] iload v21
      [14] iadd
      [15] iaload
      [16] dup2
      [17] iaload
      [18] iconst_1
      [19] iadd
      [20] iastore
      [21] iinc v21, 1
      [24] iinc v16, -1
      [27] iload v16
      [29] ifne -23 (target=6)
      [32] aload_0 v0
      [33] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.c [I]
      [36] iconst_0
      [37] iaload
      [38] iload_3 v3
      [39] ificmpne +15 (target=54)
      [42] aload v7
      [44] iconst_0
      [45] iconst_m1
      [46] iastore
      [47] aload v8
      [49] iconst_0
      [50] iconst_0
      [51] iastore
      [52] iconst_0
      [53] ireturn
      [54] aload v8
      [56] iconst_0
      [57] iaload
      [58] istore v19
      [60] iconst_1
      [61] istore v17
      [63] goto +19 (target=82)
      [66] aload_0 v0
      [67] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.c [I]
      [70] iload v17
      [72] iaload
      [73] ifeq +6 (target=79)
      [76] goto +13 (target=89)
      [79] iinc v17, 1
      [82] iload v17
      [84] bipush 15
      [86] ificmple -20 (target=66)
      [89] iload v17
      [91] istore v18
      [93] iload v19
      [95] iload v17
      [97] ificmpge +7 (target=104)
      [100] iload v17
      [102] istore v19
      [104] bipush 15
      [106] istore v16
      [108] goto +19 (target=127)
      [111] aload_0 v0
      [112] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.c [I]
      [115] iload v16
      [117] iaload
      [118] ifeq +6 (target=124)
      [121] goto +11 (target=132)
      [124] iinc v16, -1
      [127] iload v16
      [129] ifne -18 (target=111)
      [132] iload v16
      [134] istore v14
      [136] iload v19
      [138] iload v16
      [140] ificmple +7 (target=147)
      [143] iload v16
      [145] istore v19
      [147] aload v8
      [149] iconst_0
      [150] iload v19
      [152] iastore
      [153] iconst_1
      [154] iload v17
      [156] ishl
      [157] istore v25
      [159] goto +31 (target=190)
      [162] iload v25
      [164] aload_0 v0
      [165] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.c [I]
      [168] iload v17
      [170] iaload
      [171] isub
      [172] dup
      [173] istore v25
      [175] ifge +6 (target=181)
      [178] bipush -3
      [180] ireturn
      [181] iinc v17, 1
      [184] iload v25
      [186] iconst_1
      [187] ishl
      [188] istore v25
      [190] iload v17
      [192] iload v16
      [194] ificmplt -32 (target=162)
      [197] iload v25
      [199] aload_0 v0
      [200] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.c [I]
      [203] iload v16
      [205] iaload
      [206] isub
      [207] dup
      [208] istore v25
      [210] ifge +6 (target=216)
      [213] bipush -3
      [215] ireturn
      [216] aload_0 v0
      [217] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.c [I]
      [220] iload v16
      [222] dup2
      [223] iaload
      [224] iload v25
      [226] iadd
      [227] iastore
      [228] aload_0 v0
      [229] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.x [I]
      [232] iconst_1
      [233] iconst_0
      [234] dup
      [235] istore v17
      [237] iastore
      [238] iconst_1
      [239] istore v21
      [241] iconst_2
      [242] istore v24
      [244] goto +29 (target=273)
      [247] aload_0 v0
      [248] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.x [I]
      [251] iload v24
      [253] iload v17
      [255] aload_0 v0
      [256] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.c [I]
      [259] iload v21
      [261] iaload
      [262] iadd
      [263] dup
      [264] istore v17
      [266] iastore
      [267] iinc v24, 1
      [270] iinc v21, 1
      [273] iinc v16, -1
      [276] iload v16
      [278] ifne -31 (target=247)
      [281] iconst_0
      [282] istore v16
      [284] iconst_0
      [285] istore v21
      [287] aload_1 v1
      [288] iload_2 v2
      [289] iload v21
      [291] iadd
      [292] iaload
      [293] dup
      [294] istore v17
      [296] ifeq +20 (target=316)
      [299] aload v11
      [301] aload_0 v0
      [302] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.x [I]
      [305] iload v17
      [307] dup2
      [308] iaload
      [309] dup_x2
      [310] iconst_1
      [311] iadd
      [312] iastore
      [313] iload v16
      [315] iastore
      [316] iinc v21, 1
      [319] iinc v16, 1
      [322] iload v16
      [324] iload_3 v3
      [325] ificmplt -38 (target=287)
      [328] aload_0 v0
      [329] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.x [I]
      [332] iload v14
      [334] iaload
      [335] istore_3 v3
      [336] aload_0 v0
      [337] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.x [I]
      [340] iconst_0
      [341] iconst_0
      [342] dup
      [343] istore v16
      [345] iastore
      [346] iconst_0
      [347] istore v21
      [349] iconst_m1
      [350] istore v15
      [352] iload v19
      [354] ineg
      [355] istore v23
      [357] aload_0 v0
      [358] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.u [I]
      [361] iconst_0
      [362] iconst_0
      [363] iastore
      [364] iconst_0
      [365] istore v22
      [367] iconst_0
      [368] istore v26
      [370] goto +558 (target=928)
      [373] aload_0 v0
      [374] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.c [I]
      [377] iload v18
      [379] iaload
      [380] istore v12
      [382] goto +535 (target=917)
      [385] iinc v15, 1
      [388] iload v23
      [390] iload v19
      [392] iadd
      [393] istore v23
      [395] iload v14
      [397] iload v23
      [399] isub
      [400] istore v26
      [402] iload v26
      [404] iload v19
      [406] ificmple +8 (target=414)
      [409] iload v19
      [411] goto +5 (target=416)
      [414] iload v26
      [416] istore v26
      [418] iconst_1
      [419] iload v18
      [421] iload v23
      [423] isub
      [424] dup
      [425] istore v17
      [427] ishl
      [428] dup
      [429] istore v13
      [431] iload v12
      [433] iconst_1
      [434] iadd
      [435] ificmple +71 (target=506)
      [438] iload v13
      [440] iload v12
      [442] iconst_1
      [443] iadd
      [444] isub
      [445] istore v13
      [447] iload v18
      [449] istore v24
      [451] iload v17
      [453] iload v26
      [455] ificmpge +51 (target=506)
      [458] goto +38 (target=496)
      [461] iload v13
      [463] iconst_1
      [464] ishl
      [465] dup
      [466] istore v13
      [468] aload_0 v0
      [469] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.c [I]
      [472] iinc v24, 1
      [475] iload v24
      [477] iaload
      [478] ificmpgt +6 (target=484)
      [481] goto +25 (target=506)
      [484] iload v13
      [486] aload_0 v0
      [487] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.c [I]
      [490] iload v24
      [492] iaload
      [493] isub
      [494] istore v13
      [496] iinc v17, 1
      [499] iload v17
      [501] iload v26
      [503] ificmplt -42 (target=461)
      [506] iconst_1
      [507] iload v17
      [509] ishl
      [510] istore v26
      [512] aload v10
      [514] iconst_0
      [515] iaload
      [516] iload v26
      [518] iadd
      [519] sipush 1440
      [522] ificmple +6 (target=528)
      [525] bipush -3
      [527] ireturn
      [528] aload_0 v0
      [529] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.u [I]
      [532] iload v15
      [534] aload v10
      [536] iconst_0
      [537] iaload
      [538] dup
      [539] istore v22
      [541] iastore
      [542] aload v10
      [544] iconst_0
      [545] dup2
      [546] iaload
      [547] iload v26
      [549] iadd
      [550] iastore
      [551] iload v15
      [553] ifeq +89 (target=642)
      [556] aload_0 v0
      [557] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.x [I]
      [560] iload v15
      [562] iload v16
      [564] iastore
      [565] aload_0 v0
      [566] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.r [I]
      [569] iconst_0
      [570] iload v17
      [572] i2b
      [573] iastore
      [574] aload_0 v0
      [575] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.r [I]
      [578] iconst_1
      [579] iload v19
      [581] i2b
      [582] iastore
      [583] iload v16
      [585] iload v23
      [587] iload v19
      [589] isub
      [590] iushr
      [591] istore v17
      [593] aload_0 v0
      [594] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.r [I]
      [597] iconst_2
      [598] iload v22
      [600] aload_0 v0
      [601] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.u [I]
      [604] iload v15
      [606] iconst_1
      [607] isub
      [608] iaload
      [609] isub
      [610] iload v17
      [612] isub
      [613] iastore
      [614] aload_0 v0
      [615] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.r [I]
      [618] iconst_0
      [619] aload v9
      [621] aload_0 v0
      [622] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.u [I]
      [625] iload v15
      [627] iconst_1
      [628] isub
      [629] iaload
      [630] iload v17
      [632] iadd
      [633] iconst_3
      [634] imul
      [635] iconst_3
      [636] invokestatic #28
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [639] goto +9 (target=648)
      [642] aload v7
      [644] iconst_0
      [645] iload v22
      [647] iastore
      [648] iload v18
      [650] iload v23
      [652] iload v19
      [654] iadd
      [655] ificmpgt -270 (target=385)
      [658] aload_0 v0
      [659] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.r [I]
      [662] iconst_1
      [663] iload v18
      [665] iload v23
      [667] isub
      [668] i2b
      [669] iastore
      [670] iload v21
      [672] iload_3 v3
      [673] ificmplt +15 (target=688)
      [676] aload_0 v0
      [677] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.r [I]
      [680] iconst_0
      [681] sipush 192
      [684] iastore
      [685] goto +98 (target=783)
      [688] aload v11
      [690] iload v21
      [692] iaload
      [693] iload v4
      [695] ificmpge +44 (target=739)
      [698] aload_0 v0
      [699] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.r [I]
      [702] iconst_0
      [703] aload v11
      [705] iload v21
      [707] iaload
      [708] sipush 256
      [711] ificmpge +7 (target=718)
      [714] iconst_0
      [715] goto +5 (target=720)
      [718] bipush 96
      [720] i2b
      [721] iastore
      [722] aload_0 v0
      [723] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.r [I]
      [726] iconst_2
      [727] aload v11
      [729] iload v21
      [731] iinc v21, 1
      [734] iaload
      [735] iastore
      [736] goto +47 (target=783)
      [739] aload_0 v0
      [740] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.r [I]
      [743] iconst_0
      [744] aload v6
      [746] aload v11
      [748] iload v21
      [750] iaload
      [751] iload v4
      [753] isub
      [754] iaload
      [755] bipush 16
      [757] iadd
      [758] bipush 64
      [760] iadd
      [761] i2b
      [762] iastore
      [763] aload_0 v0
      [764] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.r [I]
      [767] iconst_2
      [768] aload v5
      [770] aload v11
      [772] iload v21
      [774] iinc v21, 1
      [777] iaload
      [778] iload v4
      [780] isub
      [781] iaload
      [782] iastore
      [783] iconst_1
      [784] iload v18
      [786] iload v23
      [788] isub
      [789] ishl
      [790] istore v13
      [792] iload v16
      [794] iload v23
      [796] iushr
      [797] istore v17
      [799] goto +28 (target=827)
      [802] aload_0 v0
      [803] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.r [I]
      [806] iconst_0
      [807] aload v9
      [809] iload v22
      [811] iload v17
      [813] iadd
      [814] iconst_3
      [815] imul
      [816] iconst_3
      [817] invokestatic #28
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [820] iload v17
      [822] iload v13
      [824] iadd
      [825] istore v17
      [827] iload v17
      [829] iload v26
      [831] ificmplt -29 (target=802)
      [834] iconst_1
      [835] iload v18
      [837] iconst_1
      [838] isub
      [839] ishl
      [840] istore v17
      [842] goto +16 (target=858)
      [845] iload v16
      [847] iload v17
      [849] ixor
      [850] istore v16
      [852] iload v17
      [854] iconst_1
      [855] iushr
      [856] istore v17
      [858] iload v16
      [860] iload v17
      [862] iand
      [863] ifne -18 (target=845)
      [866] iload v16
      [868] iload v17
      [870] ixor
      [871] istore v16
      [873] iconst_1
      [874] iload v23
      [876] ishl
      [877] iconst_1
      [878] isub
      [879] istore v20
      [881] goto +21 (target=902)
      [884] iinc v15, -1
      [887] iload v23
      [889] iload v19
      [891] isub
      [892] istore v23
      [894] iconst_1
      [895] iload v23
      [897] ishl
      [898] iconst_1
      [899] isub
      [900] istore v20
      [902] iload v16
      [904] iload v20
      [906] iand
      [907] aload_0 v0
      [908] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.x [I]
      [911] iload v15
      [913] iaload
      [914] ificmpne -30 (target=884)
      [917] iload v12
      [919] iinc v12, -1
      [922] ifne -274 (target=648)
      [925] iinc v18, 1
      [928] iload v18
      [930] iload v14
      [932] ificmple -559 (target=373)
      [935] iload v25
      [937] ifeq +14 (target=951)
      [940] iload v14
      [942] iconst_1
      [943] ificmpeq +8 (target=951)
      [946] bipush -5
      [948] goto +4 (target=952)
      [951] iconst_0
      [952] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 103)
        [0] -> line 265
        [6] -> line 267
        [27] -> line 268
        [32] -> line 270
        [42] -> line 271
        [47] -> line 272
        [52] -> line 273
        [54] -> line 277
        [60] -> line 278
        [66] -> line 279
        [79] -> line 278
        [89] -> line 280
        [93] -> line 281
        [100] -> line 282
        [104] -> line 284
        [111] -> line 285
        [124] -> line 284
        [132] -> line 287
        [136] -> line 288
        [143] -> line 289
        [147] -> line 291
        [153] -> line 294
        [162] -> line 295
        [178] -> line 296
        [181] -> line 294
        [197] -> line 299
        [213] -> line 300
        [216] -> line 302
        [228] -> line 305
        [238] -> line 306
        [244] -> line 307
        [247] -> line 308
        [267] -> line 309
        [270] -> line 310
        [273] -> line 307
        [281] -> line 314
        [287] -> line 316
        [299] -> line 317
        [316] -> line 319
        [319] -> line 321
        [328] -> line 322
        [336] -> line 325
        [346] -> line 326
        [349] -> line 327
        [352] -> line 328
        [357] -> line 329
        [364] -> line 330
        [367] -> line 331
        [370] -> line 334
        [373] -> line 335
        [382] -> line 336
        [385] -> line 340
        [388] -> line 341
        [395] -> line 343
        [402] -> line 344
        [418] -> line 345
        [438] -> line 347
        [447] -> line 348
        [451] -> line 349
        [458] -> line 350
        [461] -> line 351
        [481] -> line 352
        [484] -> line 353
        [496] -> line 350
        [506] -> line 357
        [512] -> line 360
        [525] -> line 361
        [528] -> line 363
        [542] -> line 364
        [551] -> line 367
        [556] -> line 368
        [565] -> line 369
        [574] -> line 370
        [583] -> line 371
        [593] -> line 372
        [614] -> line 373
        [642] -> line 376
        [648] -> line 339
        [658] -> line 381
        [670] -> line 382
        [676] -> line 383
        [688] -> line 385
        [698] -> line 386
        [722] -> line 387
        [739] -> line 390
        [763] -> line 391
        [783] -> line 395
        [792] -> line 396
        [802] -> line 397
        [820] -> line 396
        [834] -> line 401
        [845] -> line 402
        [852] -> line 401
        [866] -> line 404
        [873] -> line 407
        [881] -> line 408
        [884] -> line 409
        [887] -> line 410
        [894] -> line 411
        [902] -> line 408
        [917] -> line 336
        [925] -> line 334
        [935] -> line 416
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 28)
        v0: 0 -> 953 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree; this]
        v1: 0 -> 953 [[I b]
        v2: 0 -> 953 [I bindex]
        v3: 0 -> 953 [I n]
        v4: 0 -> 953 [I s]
        v5: 0 -> 953 [[I d]
        v6: 0 -> 953 [[I e]
        v7: 0 -> 953 [[I t]
        v8: 0 -> 953 [[I m]
        v9: 0 -> 953 [[I hp]
        v10: 0 -> 953 [[I hn]
        v11: 0 -> 953 [[I v]
        v12: 382 -> 928 [I a]
        v13: 431 -> 648 [I f]
        v13: 792 -> 917 [I f]
        v14: 136 -> 953 [I g]
        v15: 352 -> 953 [I h]
        v16: 6 -> 953 [I i]
        v17: 63 -> 953 [I j]
        v18: 93 -> 953 [I k]
        v19: 60 -> 953 [I l]
        v20: 881 -> 917 [I mask]
        v21: 3 -> 953 [I p]
        v22: 367 -> 953 [I q]
        v23: 357 -> 953 [I w]
        v24: 244 -> 953 [I xp]
        v25: 159 -> 953 [I y]
        v26: 370 -> 953 [I z]
  + Method:       inflate_trees_bits([I[I[I[ILcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int inflate_trees_bits(int[],int[],int[],int[],com.jcraft.jzlib.ZStream)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 83, locals = 7, stack = 12):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] bipush 19
      [3] invokespecial #26
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.initWorkArea (I)V]
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ [I]
      [10] iconst_0
      [11] iconst_0
      [12] iastore
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] aload_1 v1
      [15] iconst_0
      [16] bipush 19
      [18] bipush 19
      [20] aconst_null
      [21] aconst_null
      [22] aload_3 v3
      [23] aload_2 v2
      [24] aload v4
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ [I]
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.v [I]
      [34] invokespecial #25
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.huft_build ([IIII[I[I[I[I[I[I[I)I]
      [37] istore v6
      [39] iload v6
      [41] bipush -3
      [43] ificmpne +13 (target=56)
      [46] aload v5
      [48] ldc #6
        + String [oversubscribed dynamic bit lengths tree]
      [50] putfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.msg Ljava/lang/String;]
      [53] goto +27 (target=80)
      [56] iload v6
      [58] bipush -5
      [60] ificmpeq +9 (target=69)
      [63] aload_2 v2
      [64] iconst_0
      [65] iaload
      [66] ifne +14 (target=80)
      [69] aload v5
      [71] ldc #3
        + String [incomplete dynamic bit lengths tree]
      [73] putfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.msg Ljava/lang/String;]
      [76] bipush -3
      [78] istore v6
      [80] iload v6
      [82] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 426
        [6] -> line 427
        [13] -> line 428
        [39] -> line 430
        [46] -> line 431
        [56] -> line 433
        [69] -> line 434
        [76] -> line 435
        [80] -> line 437
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 83 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree; this]
        v1: 0 -> 83 [[I c]
        v2: 0 -> 83 [[I bb]
        v3: 0 -> 83 [[I tb]
        v4: 0 -> 83 [[I hp]
        v5: 0 -> 83 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream; z]
        v6: 39 -> 83 [I result]
  + Method:       inflate_trees_dynamic(II[I[I[I[I[I[ILcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int inflate_trees_dynamic(int,int,int[],int[],int[],int[],int[],int[],com.jcraft.jzlib.ZStream)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 213, locals = 11, stack = 12):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] sipush 288
      [4] invokespecial #26
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.initWorkArea (I)V]
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ [I]
      [11] iconst_0
      [12] iconst_0
      [13] iastore
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] aload_3 v3
      [16] iconst_0
      [17] iload_1 v1
      [18] sipush 257
      [21] getstatic #15
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.cplens [I]
      [24] getstatic #16
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.cplext [I]
      [27] aload v6
      [29] aload v4
      [31] aload v8
      [33] aload_0 v0
      [34] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ [I]
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.v [I]
      [41] invokespecial #25
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.huft_build ([IIII[I[I[I[I[I[I[I)I]
      [44] istore v10
      [46] iload v10
      [48] ifne +10 (target=58)
      [51] aload v4
      [53] iconst_0
      [54] iaload
      [55] ifne +41 (target=96)
      [58] iload v10
      [60] bipush -3
      [62] ificmpne +13 (target=75)
      [65] aload v9
      [67] ldc #7
        + String [oversubscribed literal/length tree]
      [69] putfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.msg Ljava/lang/String;]
      [72] goto +21 (target=93)
      [75] iload v10
      [77] bipush -4
      [79] ificmpeq +14 (target=93)
      [82] aload v9
      [84] ldc #4
        + String [incomplete literal/length tree]
      [86] putfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.msg Ljava/lang/String;]
      [89] bipush -3
      [91] istore v10
      [93] iload v10
      [95] ireturn
      [96] aload_0 v0
      [97] sipush 288
      [100] invokespecial #26
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.initWorkArea (I)V]
      [103] aload_0 v0
      [104] aload_3 v3
      [105] iload_1 v1
      [106] iload_2 v2
      [107] iconst_0
      [108] getstatic #14
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.cpdist [I]
      [111] getstatic #13
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.cpdext [I]
      [114] aload v7
      [116] aload v5
      [118] aload v8
      [120] aload_0 v0
      [121] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ [I]
      [124] aload_0 v0
      [125] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.v [I]
      [128] invokespecial #25
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.huft_build ([IIII[I[I[I[I[I[I[I)I]
      [131] istore v10
      [133] iload v10
      [135] ifne +17 (target=152)
      [138] aload v5
      [140] iconst_0
      [141] iaload
      [142] ifne +69 (target=211)
      [145] iload_1 v1
      [146] sipush 257
      [149] ificmple +62 (target=211)
      [152] iload v10
      [154] bipush -3
      [156] ificmpne +13 (target=169)
      [159] aload v9
      [161] ldc #5
        + String [oversubscribed distance tree]
      [163] putfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.msg Ljava/lang/String;]
      [166] goto +42 (target=208)
      [169] iload v10
      [171] bipush -5
      [173] ificmpne +17 (target=190)
      [176] aload v9
      [178] ldc #2
        + String [incomplete distance tree]
      [180] putfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.msg Ljava/lang/String;]
      [183] bipush -3
      [185] istore v10
      [187] goto +21 (target=208)
      [190] iload v10
      [192] bipush -4
      [194] ificmpeq +14 (target=208)
      [197] aload v9
      [199] ldc #1
        + String [empty distance tree with lengths]
      [201] putfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.msg Ljava/lang/String;]
      [204] bipush -3
      [206] istore v10
      [208] iload v10
      [210] ireturn
      [211] iconst_0
      [212] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 23)
        [0] -> line 453
        [7] -> line 454
        [14] -> line 455
        [46] -> line 456
        [58] -> line 457
        [65] -> line 458
        [75] -> line 460
        [82] -> line 461
        [89] -> line 462
        [93] -> line 464
        [96] -> line 468
        [103] -> line 469
        [133] -> line 471
        [152] -> line 472
        [159] -> line 473
        [169] -> line 475
        [176] -> line 476
        [183] -> line 477
        [190] -> line 479
        [197] -> line 480
        [204] -> line 481
        [208] -> line 483
        [211] -> line 486
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 11)
        v0: 0 -> 213 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree; this]
        v1: 0 -> 213 [I nl]
        v2: 0 -> 213 [I nd]
        v3: 0 -> 213 [[I c]
        v4: 0 -> 213 [[I bl]
        v5: 0 -> 213 [[I bd]
        v6: 0 -> 213 [[I tl]
        v7: 0 -> 213 [[I td]
        v8: 0 -> 213 [[I hp]
        v9: 0 -> 213 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream; z]
        v10: 46 -> 213 [I result]
  + Method:       inflate_trees_fixed([I[I[[I[[ILcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)I
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static int inflate_trees_fixed(int[],int[],int[][],int[][],com.jcraft.jzlib.ZStream)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 23, locals = 5, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iconst_0
      [2] bipush 9
      [4] iastore
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] iconst_0
      [7] iconst_5
      [8] iastore
      [9] aload_2 v2
      [10] iconst_0
      [11] getstatic #18
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.fixed_tl [I]
      [14] aastore
      [15] aload_3 v3
      [16] iconst_0
      [17] getstatic #17
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.fixed_td [I]
      [20] aastore
      [21] iconst_0
      [22] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 495
        [5] -> line 496
        [9] -> line 497
        [15] -> line 498
        [21] -> line 499
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 23 [[I bl]
        v1: 0 -> 23 [[I bd]
        v2: 0 -> 23 [[[I tl]
        v3: 0 -> 23 [[[I td]
        v4: 0 -> 23 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream; z]
  + Method:       initWorkArea(I)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void initWorkArea(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 160, locals = 3, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ [I]
      [4] ifnonnull +48 (target=52)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] iconst_1
      [9] newarray 10
      [11] putfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ [I]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] iload_1 v1
      [16] newarray 10
      [18] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.v [I]
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] bipush 16
      [24] newarray 10
      [26] putfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.c [I]
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] iconst_3
      [31] newarray 10
      [33] putfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.r [I]
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] bipush 15
      [39] newarray 10
      [41] putfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.u [I]
      [44] aload_0 v0
      [45] bipush 16
      [47] newarray 10
      [49] putfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.x [I]
      [52] aload_0 v0
      [53] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.v [I]
      [56] arraylength
      [57] iload_1 v1
      [58] ificmpge +10 (target=68)
      [61] aload_0 v0
      [62] iload_1 v1
      [63] newarray 10
      [65] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.v [I]
      [68] iconst_0
      [69] istore_2 v2
      [70] goto +13 (target=83)
      [73] aload_0 v0
      [74] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.v [I]
      [77] iload_2 v2
      [78] iconst_0
      [79] iastore
      [80] iinc v2, 1
      [83] iload_2 v2
      [84] iload_1 v1
      [85] ificmplt -12 (target=73)
      [88] iconst_0
      [89] istore_2 v2
      [90] goto +13 (target=103)
      [93] aload_0 v0
      [94] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.c [I]
      [97] iload_2 v2
      [98] iconst_0
      [99] iastore
      [100] iinc v2, 1
      [103] iload_2 v2
      [104] bipush 16
      [106] ificmplt -13 (target=93)
      [109] iconst_0
      [110] istore_2 v2
      [111] goto +13 (target=124)
      [114] aload_0 v0
      [115] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.r [I]
      [118] iload_2 v2
      [119] iconst_0
      [120] iastore
      [121] iinc v2, 1
      [124] iload_2 v2
      [125] iconst_3
      [126] ificmplt -12 (target=114)
      [129] aload_0 v0
      [130] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.c [I]
      [133] iconst_0
      [134] aload_0 v0
      [135] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.u [I]
      [138] iconst_0
      [139] bipush 15
      [141] invokestatic #28
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [144] aload_0 v0
      [145] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.c [I]
      [148] iconst_0
      [149] aload_0 v0
      [150] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree.x [I]
      [153] iconst_0
      [154] bipush 16
      [156] invokestatic #28
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [159] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 14)
        [0] -> line 503
        [7] -> line 504
        [14] -> line 505
        [21] -> line 506
        [29] -> line 507
        [36] -> line 508
        [44] -> line 509
        [52] -> line 511
        [68] -> line 512
        [88] -> line 513
        [109] -> line 514
        [129] -> line 516
        [144] -> line 518
        [159] -> line 519
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 160 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfTree; this]
        v1: 0 -> 160 [I vsize]
        v2: 70 -> 88 [I i]
        v2: 90 -> 109 [I i]
        v2: 111 -> 129 [I i]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x30
    = final class com.jcraft.jzlib.Inflate extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 126):
  + String [incorrect data check]
  + String [incorrect header check]
  + String [invalid window size]
  + String [need dictionary]
  + String [unknown compression method]
  + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks]
  + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate]
  + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Long [255]
  + Long [65280]
  + Long [16711680]
  + Long [4278190080]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.blocks Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks;]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.mark [B]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.marker I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.method I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.mode I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.need J]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.nowrap I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.was [J]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.wbits I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.adler J]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.msg Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in [B]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_out J]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.<init> (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;Ljava/lang/Object;I)V]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)V]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.proc (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.reset (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;[J)V]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.inflateEnd (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)I]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.inflateReset (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;Ljava/lang/Object;I)V]
  + NameAndType [adler J]
  + NameAndType [avail_in I]
  + NameAndType [blocks Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks;]
  + NameAndType [free (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)V]
  + NameAndType [inflateEnd (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)I]
  + NameAndType [inflateReset (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)I]
  + NameAndType [istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
  + NameAndType [mark [B]
  + NameAndType [marker I]
  + NameAndType [method I]
  + NameAndType [mode I]
  + NameAndType [msg Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [need J]
  + NameAndType [next_in [B]
  + NameAndType [next_in_index I]
  + NameAndType [nowrap I]
  + NameAndType [proc (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
  + NameAndType [reset (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;[J)V]
  + NameAndType [total_in J]
  + NameAndType [total_out J]
  + NameAndType [was [J]
  + NameAndType [wbits I]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;Ljava/lang/Object;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;[J)V]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [J]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [[J]
  + Utf8 [adler]
  + Utf8 [avail_in]
  + Utf8 [b]
  + Utf8 [blocks]
  + Utf8 [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks]
  + Utf8 [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate]
  + Utf8 [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream]
  + Utf8 [f]
  + Utf8 [free]
  + Utf8 [incorrect data check]
  + Utf8 [incorrect header check]
  + Utf8 [inflate]
  + Utf8 [inflateEnd]
  + Utf8 [inflateInit]
  + Utf8 [inflateReset]
  + Utf8 [invalid window size]
  + Utf8 [istate]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [mark]
  + Utf8 [marker]
  + Utf8 [method]
  + Utf8 [mode]
  + Utf8 [msg]
  + Utf8 [need]
  + Utf8 [need dictionary]
  + Utf8 [next_in]
  + Utf8 [next_in_index]
  + Utf8 [nowrap]
  + Utf8 [proc]
  + Utf8 [r]
  + Utf8 [reset]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [total_in]
  + Utf8 [total_out]
  + Utf8 [unknown compression method]
  + Utf8 [w]
  + Utf8 [was]
  + Utf8 [wbits]
  + Utf8 [z]

Fields (count = 9):
  + Field:        mode I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int mode
  + Field:        method I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int method
  + Field:        was [J
    Access flags: 0x0
      = long[] was
  + Field:        need J
    Access flags: 0x0
      = long need
  + Field:        marker I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int marker
  + Field:        nowrap I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int nowrap
  + Field:        wbits I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int wbits
  + Field:        blocks Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = com.jcraft.jzlib.InfBlocks blocks
  + Field:        mark [B
    Access flags: 0xa
      = private static byte[] mark

Methods (count = 6):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 0, stack = 4):
      [0] iconst_4
      [1] newarray 8
      [3] dup
      [4] iconst_2
      [5] iconst_m1
      [6] bastore
      [7] dup
      [8] iconst_3
      [9] iconst_m1
      [10] bastore
      [11] putstatic #19
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.mark [B]
      [14] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 312
        [14] -> line 37
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = Inflate()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 12, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #41
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] iconst_1
      [6] newarray 11
      [8] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.was [J]
      [11] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 37
        [4] -> line 83
        [11] -> line 37
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 12 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate; this]
  + Method:       inflateReset(Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int inflateReset(com.jcraft.jzlib.ZStream)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 66, locals = 2, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] ifnull +10 (target=11)
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [8] ifnonnull +6 (target=14)
      [11] bipush -2
      [13] ireturn
      [14] aload_1 v1
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] lconst_0
      [17] dup2_x1
      [18] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_out J]
      [21] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [24] aload_1 v1
      [25] aconst_null
      [26] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.msg Ljava/lang/String;]
      [29] aload_1 v1
      [30] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [33] aload_1 v1
      [34] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [37] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.nowrap I]
      [40] ifeq +8 (target=48)
      [43] bipush 7
      [45] goto +4 (target=49)
      [48] iconst_0
      [49] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.mode I]
      [52] aload_1 v1
      [53] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [56] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.blocks Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks;]
      [59] aload_1 v1
      [60] aconst_null
      [61] invokevirtual #38
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.reset (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;[J)V]
      [64] iconst_0
      [65] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 96
        [14] -> line 98
        [24] -> line 99
        [29] -> line 100
        [52] -> line 101
        [64] -> line 102
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 66 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate; this]
        v1: 0 -> 66 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream; z]
  + Method:       inflateEnd(Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int inflateEnd(com.jcraft.jzlib.ZStream)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 22, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.blocks Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks;]
      [4] ifnull +11 (target=15)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.blocks Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks;]
      [11] aload_1 v1
      [12] invokevirtual #36
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)V]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] aconst_null
      [17] putfield #18
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.blocks Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks;]
      [20] iconst_0
      [21] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 106
        [7] -> line 107
        [15] -> line 108
        [20] -> line 110
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 22 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate; this]
        v1: 0 -> 22 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream; z]
  + Method:       inflateInit(Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int inflateInit(com.jcraft.jzlib.ZStream,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 94, locals = 3, stack = 7):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] aconst_null
      [2] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.msg Ljava/lang/String;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aconst_null
      [7] putfield #18
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.blocks Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks;]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] iconst_0
      [12] putfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.nowrap I]
      [15] iload_2 v2
      [16] ifge +11 (target=27)
      [19] iload_2 v2
      [20] ineg
      [21] istore_2 v2
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] iconst_1
      [24] putfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.nowrap I]
      [27] iload_2 v2
      [28] bipush 8
      [30] ificmplt +9 (target=39)
      [33] iload_2 v2
      [34] bipush 15
      [36] ificmple +12 (target=48)
      [39] aload_0 v0
      [40] aload_1 v1
      [41] invokevirtual #39
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.inflateEnd (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)I]
      [44] pop
      [45] bipush -2
      [47] ireturn
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] iload_2 v2
      [50] putfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.wbits I]
      [53] aload_1 v1
      [54] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [57] new #6
        + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks]
      [60] dup
      [61] aload_1 v1
      [62] aload_1 v1
      [63] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [66] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.nowrap I]
      [69] ifeq +7 (target=76)
      [72] aconst_null
      [73] goto +4 (target=77)
      [76] aload_0 v0
      [77] iconst_1
      [78] iload_2 v2
      [79] ishl
      [80] invokespecial #35
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.<init> (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;Ljava/lang/Object;I)V]
      [83] putfield #18
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.blocks Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks;]
      [86] aload_0 v0
      [87] aload_1 v1
      [88] invokevirtual #40
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.inflateReset (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;)I]
      [91] pop
      [92] iconst_0
      [93] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 16)
        [0] -> line 114
        [5] -> line 115
        [10] -> line 118
        [15] -> line 119
        [19] -> line 120
        [22] -> line 121
        [27] -> line 125
        [39] -> line 126
        [45] -> line 127
        [48] -> line 129
        [53] -> line 131
        [62] -> line 132
        [77] -> line 133
        [83] -> line 131
        [86] -> line 136
        [92] -> line 137
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 94 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate; this]
        v1: 0 -> 94 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream; z]
        v2: 0 -> 94 [I w]
  + Method:       inflate(Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int inflate(com.jcraft.jzlib.ZStream,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 1193, locals = 5, stack = 8):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] ifnull +17 (target=18)
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [8] ifnull +10 (target=18)
      [11] aload_1 v1
      [12] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in [B]
      [15] ifnonnull +6 (target=21)
      [18] bipush -2
      [20] ireturn
      [21] iload_2 v2
      [22] iconst_4
      [23] ificmpne +8 (target=31)
      [26] bipush -5
      [28] goto +4 (target=32)
      [31] iconst_0
      [32] istore_2 v2
      [33] bipush -5
      [35] istore_3 v3
      [36] aload_1 v1
      [37] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [40] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.mode I]
      [43] tableswitch (14 offsets, default=1147) (target=1190)
        0: offset = 69, target = 112
        1: offset = 214, target = 257
        2: offset = 340, target = 383
        3: offset = 414, target = 457
        4: offset = 493, target = 536
        5: offset = 572, target = 615
        6: offset = 658, target = 701
        7: offset = 684, target = 727
        8: offset = 787, target = 830
        9: offset = 862, target = 905
        10: offset = 942, target = 985
        11: offset = 1022, target = 1065
        12: offset = 1142, target = 1185
        13: offset = 1144, target = 1187
        default: offset = 1147, target = 1190
      [112] aload_1 v1
      [113] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [116] ifne +5 (target=121)
      [119] iload_3 v3
      [120] ireturn
      [121] iload_2 v2
      [122] istore_3 v3
      [123] aload_1 v1
      [124] dup
      [125] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [128] iconst_1
      [129] isub
      [130] putfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [133] aload_1 v1
      [134] dup
      [135] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [138] lconst_1
      [139] ladd
      [140] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [143] aload_1 v1
      [144] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [147] aload_1 v1
      [148] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in [B]
      [151] aload_1 v1
      [152] dup
      [153] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [156] dup_x1
      [157] iconst_1
      [158] iadd
      [159] putfield #32
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [162] baload
      [163] dup_x1
      [164] putfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.method I]
      [167] bipush 15
      [169] iand
      [170] bipush 8
      [172] ificmpeq +29 (target=201)
      [175] aload_1 v1
      [176] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [179] bipush 13
      [181] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.mode I]
      [184] aload_1 v1
      [185] ldc #5
        + String [unknown compression method]
      [187] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.msg Ljava/lang/String;]
      [190] aload_1 v1
      [191] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [194] iconst_5
      [195] putfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.marker I]
      [198] goto -162 (target=36)
      [201] aload_1 v1
      [202] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [205] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.method I]
      [208] iconst_4
      [209] ishr
      [210] bipush 8
      [212] iadd
      [213] aload_1 v1
      [214] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [217] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.wbits I]
      [220] ificmple +29 (target=249)
      [223] aload_1 v1
      [224] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [227] bipush 13
      [229] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.mode I]
      [232] aload_1 v1
      [233] ldc #3
        + String [invalid window size]
      [235] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.msg Ljava/lang/String;]
      [238] aload_1 v1
      [239] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [242] iconst_5
      [243] putfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.marker I]
      [246] goto -210 (target=36)
      [249] aload_1 v1
      [250] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [253] iconst_1
      [254] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.mode I]
      [257] aload_1 v1
      [258] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [261] ifne +5 (target=266)
      [264] iload_3 v3
      [265] ireturn
      [266] iload_2 v2
      [267] istore_3 v3
      [268] aload_1 v1
      [269] dup
      [270] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [273] iconst_1
      [274] isub
      [275] putfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [278] aload_1 v1
      [279] dup
      [280] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [283] lconst_1
      [284] ladd
      [285] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [288] aload_1 v1
      [289] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in [B]
      [292] aload_1 v1
      [293] dup
      [294] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [297] dup_x1
      [298] iconst_1
      [299] iadd
      [300] putfield #32
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [303] baload
      [304] sipush 255
      [307] iand
      [308] istore v4
      [310] aload_1 v1
      [311] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [314] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.method I]
      [317] bipush 8
      [319] ishl
      [320] iload v4
      [322] iadd
      [323] bipush 31
      [325] irem
      [326] ifeq +29 (target=355)
      [329] aload_1 v1
      [330] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [333] bipush 13
      [335] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.mode I]
      [338] aload_1 v1
      [339] ldc #2
        + String [incorrect header check]
      [341] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.msg Ljava/lang/String;]
      [344] aload_1 v1
      [345] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [348] iconst_5
      [349] putfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.marker I]
      [352] goto -316 (target=36)
      [355] iload v4
      [357] bipush 32
      [359] iand
      [360] ifne +15 (target=375)
      [363] aload_1 v1
      [364] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [367] bipush 7
      [369] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.mode I]
      [372] goto -336 (target=36)
      [375] aload_1 v1
      [376] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [379] iconst_2
      [380] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.mode I]
      [383] aload_1 v1
      [384] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [387] ifne +5 (target=392)
      [390] iload_3 v3
      [391] ireturn
      [392] iload_2 v2
      [393] istore_3 v3
      [394] aload_1 v1
      [395] dup
      [396] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [399] iconst_1
      [400] isub
      [401] putfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [404] aload_1 v1
      [405] dup
      [406] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [409] lconst_1
      [410] ladd
      [411] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [414] aload_1 v1
      [415] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [418] aload_1 v1
      [419] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in [B]
      [422] aload_1 v1
      [423] dup
      [424] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [427] dup_x1
      [428] iconst_1
      [429] iadd
      [430] putfield #32
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [433] baload
      [434] sipush 255
      [437] iand
      [438] bipush 24
      [440] ishl
      [441] i2l
      [442] ldc2_w #16
        + Long [4278190080]
      [445] land
      [446] putfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.need J]
      [449] aload_1 v1
      [450] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [453] iconst_3
      [454] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.mode I]
      [457] aload_1 v1
      [458] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [461] ifne +5 (target=466)
      [464] iload_3 v3
      [465] ireturn
      [466] iload_2 v2
      [467] istore_3 v3
      [468] aload_1 v1
      [469] dup
      [470] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [473] iconst_1
      [474] isub
      [475] putfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [478] aload_1 v1
      [479] dup
      [480] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [483] lconst_1
      [484] ladd
      [485] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [488] aload_1 v1
      [489] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [492] dup
      [493] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.need J]
      [496] aload_1 v1
      [497] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in [B]
      [500] aload_1 v1
      [501] dup
      [502] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [505] dup_x1
      [506] iconst_1
      [507] iadd
      [508] putfield #32
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [511] baload
      [512] sipush 255
      [515] iand
      [516] bipush 16
      [518] ishl
      [519] i2l
      [520] ldc2_w #14
        + Long [16711680]
      [523] land
      [524] ladd
      [525] putfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.need J]
      [528] aload_1 v1
      [529] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [532] iconst_4
      [533] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.mode I]
      [536] aload_1 v1
      [537] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [540] ifne +5 (target=545)
      [543] iload_3 v3
      [544] ireturn
      [545] iload_2 v2
      [546] istore_3 v3
      [547] aload_1 v1
      [548] dup
      [549] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [552] iconst_1
      [553] isub
      [554] putfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [557] aload_1 v1
      [558] dup
      [559] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [562] lconst_1
      [563] ladd
      [564] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [567] aload_1 v1
      [568] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [571] dup
      [572] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.need J]
      [575] aload_1 v1
      [576] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in [B]
      [579] aload_1 v1
      [580] dup
      [581] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [584] dup_x1
      [585] iconst_1
      [586] iadd
      [587] putfield #32
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [590] baload
      [591] sipush 255
      [594] iand
      [595] bipush 8
      [597] ishl
      [598] i2l
      [599] ldc2_w #12
        + Long [65280]
      [602] land
      [603] ladd
      [604] putfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.need J]
      [607] aload_1 v1
      [608] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [611] iconst_5
      [612] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.mode I]
      [615] aload_1 v1
      [616] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [619] ifne +5 (target=624)
      [622] iload_3 v3
      [623] ireturn
      [624] iload_2 v2
      [625] istore_3 v3
      [626] aload_1 v1
      [627] dup
      [628] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [631] iconst_1
      [632] isub
      [633] putfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [636] aload_1 v1
      [637] dup
      [638] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [641] lconst_1
      [642] ladd
      [643] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [646] aload_1 v1
      [647] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [650] dup
      [651] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.need J]
      [654] aload_1 v1
      [655] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in [B]
      [658] aload_1 v1
      [659] dup
      [660] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [663] dup_x1
      [664] iconst_1
      [665] iadd
      [666] putfield #32
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [669] baload
      [670] i2l
      [671] ldc2_w #10
        + Long [255]
      [674] land
      [675] ladd
      [676] putfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.need J]
      [679] aload_1 v1
      [680] aload_1 v1
      [681] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [684] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.need J]
      [687] putfield #27
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.adler J]
      [690] aload_1 v1
      [691] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [694] bipush 6
      [696] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.mode I]
      [699] iconst_2
      [700] ireturn
      [701] aload_1 v1
      [702] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [705] bipush 13
      [707] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.mode I]
      [710] aload_1 v1
      [711] ldc #4
        + String [need dictionary]
      [713] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.msg Ljava/lang/String;]
      [716] aload_1 v1
      [717] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [720] iconst_0
      [721] putfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.marker I]
      [724] bipush -2
      [726] ireturn
      [727] aload_1 v1
      [728] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [731] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.blocks Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks;]
      [734] aload_1 v1
      [735] iload_3 v3
      [736] invokevirtual #37
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.proc (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
      [739] istore_3 v3
      [740] iload_3 v3
      [741] bipush -3
      [743] ificmpne +23 (target=766)
      [746] aload_1 v1
      [747] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [750] bipush 13
      [752] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.mode I]
      [755] aload_1 v1
      [756] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [759] iconst_0
      [760] putfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.marker I]
      [763] goto -727 (target=36)
      [766] iload_3 v3
      [767] ifne +5 (target=772)
      [770] iload_2 v2
      [771] istore_3 v3
      [772] iload_3 v3
      [773] iconst_1
      [774] ificmpeq +5 (target=779)
      [777] iload_3 v3
      [778] ireturn
      [779] iload_2 v2
      [780] istore_3 v3
      [781] aload_1 v1
      [782] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [785] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.blocks Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks;]
      [788] aload_1 v1
      [789] aload_1 v1
      [790] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [793] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.was [J]
      [796] invokevirtual #38
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/InfBlocks.reset (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;[J)V]
      [799] aload_1 v1
      [800] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [803] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.nowrap I]
      [806] ifeq +15 (target=821)
      [809] aload_1 v1
      [810] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [813] bipush 12
      [815] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.mode I]
      [818] goto -782 (target=36)
      [821] aload_1 v1
      [822] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [825] bipush 8
      [827] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.mode I]
      [830] aload_1 v1
      [831] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [834] ifne +5 (target=839)
      [837] iload_3 v3
      [838] ireturn
      [839] iload_2 v2
      [840] istore_3 v3
      [841] aload_1 v1
      [842] dup
      [843] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [846] iconst_1
      [847] isub
      [848] putfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [851] aload_1 v1
      [852] dup
      [853] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [856] lconst_1
      [857] ladd
      [858] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [861] aload_1 v1
      [862] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [865] aload_1 v1
      [866] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in [B]
      [869] aload_1 v1
      [870] dup
      [871] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [874] dup_x1
      [875] iconst_1
      [876] iadd
      [877] putfield #32
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [880] baload
      [881] sipush 255
      [884] iand
      [885] bipush 24
      [887] ishl
      [888] i2l
      [889] ldc2_w #16
        + Long [4278190080]
      [892] land
      [893] putfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.need J]
      [896] aload_1 v1
      [897] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [900] bipush 9
      [902] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.mode I]
      [905] aload_1 v1
      [906] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [909] ifne +5 (target=914)
      [912] iload_3 v3
      [913] ireturn
      [914] iload_2 v2
      [915] istore_3 v3
      [916] aload_1 v1
      [917] dup
      [918] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [921] iconst_1
      [922] isub
      [923] putfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [926] aload_1 v1
      [927] dup
      [928] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [931] lconst_1
      [932] ladd
      [933] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [936] aload_1 v1
      [937] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [940] dup
      [941] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.need J]
      [944] aload_1 v1
      [945] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in [B]
      [948] aload_1 v1
      [949] dup
      [950] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [953] dup_x1
      [954] iconst_1
      [955] iadd
      [956] putfield #32
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [959] baload
      [960] sipush 255
      [963] iand
      [964] bipush 16
      [966] ishl
      [967] i2l
      [968] ldc2_w #14
        + Long [16711680]
      [971] land
      [972] ladd
      [973] putfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.need J]
      [976] aload_1 v1
      [977] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [980] bipush 10
      [982] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.mode I]
      [985] aload_1 v1
      [986] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [989] ifne +5 (target=994)
      [992] iload_3 v3
      [993] ireturn
      [994] iload_2 v2
      [995] istore_3 v3
      [996] aload_1 v1
      [997] dup
      [998] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [1001] iconst_1
      [1002] isub
      [1003] putfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [1006] aload_1 v1
      [1007] dup
      [1008] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [1011] lconst_1
      [1012] ladd
      [1013] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [1016] aload_1 v1
      [1017] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [1020] dup
      [1021] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.need J]
      [1024] aload_1 v1
      [1025] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in [B]
      [1028] aload_1 v1
      [1029] dup
      [1030] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [1033] dup_x1
      [1034] iconst_1
      [1035] iadd
      [1036] putfield #32
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [1039] baload
      [1040] sipush 255
      [1043] iand
      [1044] bipush 8
      [1046] ishl
      [1047] i2l
      [1048] ldc2_w #12
        + Long [65280]
      [1051] land
      [1052] ladd
      [1053] putfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.need J]
      [1056] aload_1 v1
      [1057] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [1060] bipush 11
      [1062] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.mode I]
      [1065] aload_1 v1
      [1066] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [1069] ifne +5 (target=1074)
      [1072] iload_3 v3
      [1073] ireturn
      [1074] iload_2 v2
      [1075] istore_3 v3
      [1076] aload_1 v1
      [1077] dup
      [1078] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [1081] iconst_1
      [1082] isub
      [1083] putfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [1086] aload_1 v1
      [1087] dup
      [1088] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [1091] lconst_1
      [1092] ladd
      [1093] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [1096] aload_1 v1
      [1097] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [1100] dup
      [1101] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.need J]
      [1104] aload_1 v1
      [1105] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in [B]
      [1108] aload_1 v1
      [1109] dup
      [1110] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [1113] dup_x1
      [1114] iconst_1
      [1115] iadd
      [1116] putfield #32
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [1119] baload
      [1120] i2l
      [1121] ldc2_w #10
        + Long [255]
      [1124] land
      [1125] ladd
      [1126] putfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.need J]
      [1129] aload_1 v1
      [1130] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [1133] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.was [J]
      [1136] iconst_0
      [1137] laload
      [1138] l2i
      [1139] aload_1 v1
      [1140] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [1143] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.need J]
      [1146] l2i
      [1147] ificmpeq +29 (target=1176)
      [1150] aload_1 v1
      [1151] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [1154] bipush 13
      [1156] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.mode I]
      [1159] aload_1 v1
      [1160] ldc #1
        + String [incorrect data check]
      [1162] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.msg Ljava/lang/String;]
      [1165] aload_1 v1
      [1166] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [1169] iconst_5
      [1170] putfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.marker I]
      [1173] goto -1137 (target=36)
      [1176] aload_1 v1
      [1177] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [1180] bipush 12
      [1182] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.mode I]
      [1185] iconst_1
      [1186] ireturn
      [1187] bipush -3
      [1189] ireturn
      [1190] bipush -2
      [1192] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 91)
        [0] -> line 144
        [18] -> line 145
        [21] -> line 146
        [33] -> line 147
        [36] -> line 150
        [112] -> line 153
        [123] -> line 155
        [143] -> line 156
        [175] -> line 157
        [184] -> line 158
        [190] -> line 159
        [198] -> line 160
        [201] -> line 162
        [223] -> line 163
        [232] -> line 164
        [238] -> line 165
        [246] -> line 166
        [249] -> line 168
        [257] -> line 171
        [268] -> line 173
        [288] -> line 174
        [310] -> line 176
        [329] -> line 177
        [338] -> line 178
        [344] -> line 179
        [352] -> line 180
        [355] -> line 183
        [363] -> line 184
        [372] -> line 185
        [375] -> line 187
        [383] -> line 190
        [394] -> line 192
        [414] -> line 193
        [449] -> line 194
        [457] -> line 197
        [468] -> line 199
        [488] -> line 200
        [528] -> line 201
        [536] -> line 204
        [547] -> line 206
        [567] -> line 207
        [607] -> line 208
        [615] -> line 211
        [626] -> line 213
        [646] -> line 214
        [679] -> line 215
        [690] -> line 216
        [699] -> line 217
        [701] -> line 219
        [710] -> line 220
        [716] -> line 221
        [724] -> line 222
        [727] -> line 225
        [740] -> line 226
        [746] -> line 227
        [755] -> line 228
        [763] -> line 229
        [766] -> line 231
        [770] -> line 232
        [772] -> line 234
        [777] -> line 235
        [779] -> line 237
        [781] -> line 238
        [799] -> line 239
        [809] -> line 240
        [818] -> line 241
        [821] -> line 243
        [830] -> line 246
        [841] -> line 248
        [861] -> line 249
        [896] -> line 250
        [905] -> line 253
        [916] -> line 255
        [936] -> line 256
        [976] -> line 257
        [985] -> line 260
        [996] -> line 262
        [1016] -> line 263
        [1056] -> line 264
        [1065] -> line 267
        [1076] -> line 269
        [1096] -> line 270
        [1129] -> line 272
        [1150] -> line 273
        [1159] -> line 274
        [1165] -> line 275
        [1173] -> line 276
        [1176] -> line 279
        [1185] -> line 281
        [1187] -> line 283
        [1190] -> line 285
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 1193 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate; this]
        v1: 0 -> 1193 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream; z]
        v2: 0 -> 1193 [I f]
        v3: 36 -> 1193 [I r]
        v4: 310 -> 383 [I b]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x30
    = final class com.jcraft.jzlib.StaticTree extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 64):
  + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree]
  + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.elems I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.extra_base I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.extra_bits [I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.max_length I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.static_bl_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree;]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.static_d_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree;]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.static_dtree [S]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.static_l_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree;]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.static_ltree [S]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.static_tree [S]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.extra_blbits [I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.extra_dbits [I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.extra_lbits [I]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.<init> ([S[IIII)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([S[IIII)V]
  + NameAndType [elems I]
  + NameAndType [extra_base I]
  + NameAndType [extra_bits [I]
  + NameAndType [extra_blbits [I]
  + NameAndType [extra_dbits [I]
  + NameAndType [extra_lbits [I]
  + NameAndType [max_length I]
  + NameAndType [static_bl_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree;]
  + NameAndType [static_d_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree;]
  + NameAndType [static_dtree [S]
  + NameAndType [static_l_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree;]
  + NameAndType [static_ltree [S]
  + NameAndType [static_tree [S]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [([S[IIII)V]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [[I]
  + Utf8 [[S]
  + Utf8 [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree]
  + Utf8 [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree]
  + Utf8 [elems]
  + Utf8 [extra_base]
  + Utf8 [extra_bits]
  + Utf8 [extra_blbits]
  + Utf8 [extra_dbits]
  + Utf8 [extra_lbits]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [max_length]
  + Utf8 [static_bl_desc]
  + Utf8 [static_d_desc]
  + Utf8 [static_dtree]
  + Utf8 [static_l_desc]
  + Utf8 [static_ltree]
  + Utf8 [static_tree]
  + Utf8 [this]

Fields (count = 10):
  + Field:        static_ltree [S
    Access flags: 0x18
      = static final short[] static_ltree
  + Field:        static_dtree [S
    Access flags: 0x18
      = static final short[] static_dtree
  + Field:        static_l_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree;
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static com.jcraft.jzlib.StaticTree static_l_desc
  + Field:        static_d_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree;
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static com.jcraft.jzlib.StaticTree static_d_desc
  + Field:        static_bl_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree;
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static com.jcraft.jzlib.StaticTree static_bl_desc
  + Field:        static_tree [S
    Access flags: 0x0
      = short[] static_tree
  + Field:        extra_bits [I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int[] extra_bits
  + Field:        extra_base I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int extra_base
  + Field:        elems I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int elems
  + Field:        max_length I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int max_length

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 4440, locals = 0, stack = 7):
      [0] sipush 576
      [3] newarray 9
      [5] dup
      [6] iconst_0
      [7] bipush 12
      [9] sastore
      [10] dup
      [11] iconst_1
      [12] bipush 8
      [14] sastore
      [15] dup
      [16] iconst_2
      [17] sipush 140
      [20] sastore
      [21] dup
      [22] iconst_3
      [23] bipush 8
      [25] sastore
      [26] dup
      [27] iconst_4
      [28] bipush 76
      [30] sastore
      [31] dup
      [32] iconst_5
      [33] bipush 8
      [35] sastore
      [36] dup
      [37] bipush 6
      [39] sipush 204
      [42] sastore
      [43] dup
      [44] bipush 7
      [46] bipush 8
      [48] sastore
      [49] dup
      [50] bipush 8
      [52] bipush 44
      [54] sastore
      [55] dup
      [56] bipush 9
      [58] bipush 8
      [60] sastore
      [61] dup
      [62] bipush 10
      [64] sipush 172
      [67] sastore
      [68] dup
      [69] bipush 11
      [71] bipush 8
      [73] sastore
      [74] dup
      [75] bipush 12
      [77] bipush 108
      [79] sastore
      [80] dup
      [81] bipush 13
      [83] bipush 8
      [85] sastore
      [86] dup
      [87] bipush 14
      [89] sipush 236
      [92] sastore
      [93] dup
      [94] bipush 15
      [96] bipush 8
      [98] sastore
      [99] dup
      [100] bipush 16
      [102] bipush 28
      [104] sastore
      [105] dup
      [106] bipush 17
      [108] bipush 8
      [110] sastore
      [111] dup
      [112] bipush 18
      [114] sipush 156
      [117] sastore
      [118] dup
      [119] bipush 19
      [121] bipush 8
      [123] sastore
      [124] dup
      [125] bipush 20
      [127] bipush 92
      [129] sastore
      [130] dup
      [131] bipush 21
      [133] bipush 8
      [135] sastore
      [136] dup
      [137] bipush 22
      [139] sipush 220
      [142] sastore
      [143] dup
      [144] bipush 23
      [146] bipush 8
      [148] sastore
      [149] dup
      [150] bipush 24
      [152] bipush 60
      [154] sastore
      [155] dup
      [156] bipush 25
      [158] bipush 8
      [160] sastore
      [161] dup
      [162] bipush 26
      [164] sipush 188
      [167] sastore
      [168] dup
      [169] bipush 27
      [171] bipush 8
      [173] sastore
      [174] dup
      [175] bipush 28
      [177] bipush 124
      [179] sastore
      [180] dup
      [181] bipush 29
      [183] bipush 8
      [185] sastore
      [186] dup
      [187] bipush 30
      [189] sipush 252
      [192] sastore
      [193] dup
      [194] bipush 31
      [196] bipush 8
      [198] sastore
      [199] dup
      [200] bipush 32
      [202] iconst_2
      [203] sastore
      [204] dup
      [205] bipush 33
      [207] bipush 8
      [209] sastore
      [210] dup
      [211] bipush 34
      [213] sipush 130
      [216] sastore
      [217] dup
      [218] bipush 35
      [220] bipush 8
      [222] sastore
      [223] dup
      [224] bipush 36
      [226] bipush 66
      [228] sastore
      [229] dup
      [230] bipush 37
      [232] bipush 8
      [234] sastore
      [235] dup
      [236] bipush 38
      [238] sipush 194
      [241] sastore
      [242] dup
      [243] bipush 39
      [245] bipush 8
      [247] sastore
      [248] dup
      [249] bipush 40
      [251] bipush 34
      [253] sastore
      [254] dup
      [255] bipush 41
      [257] bipush 8
      [259] sastore
      [260] dup
      [261] bipush 42
      [263] sipush 162
      [266] sastore
      [267] dup
      [268] bipush 43
      [270] bipush 8
      [272] sastore
      [273] dup
      [274] bipush 44
      [276] bipush 98
      [278] sastore
      [279] dup
      [280] bipush 45
      [282] bipush 8
      [284] sastore
      [285] dup
      [286] bipush 46
      [288] sipush 226
      [291] sastore
      [292] dup
      [293] bipush 47
      [295] bipush 8
      [297] sastore
      [298] dup
      [299] bipush 48
      [301] bipush 18
      [303] sastore
      [304] dup
      [305] bipush 49
      [307] bipush 8
      [309] sastore
      [310] dup
      [311] bipush 50
      [313] sipush 146
      [316] sastore
      [317] dup
      [318] bipush 51
      [320] bipush 8
      [322] sastore
      [323] dup
      [324] bipush 52
      [326] bipush 82
      [328] sastore
      [329] dup
      [330] bipush 53
      [332] bipush 8
      [334] sastore
      [335] dup
      [336] bipush 54
      [338] sipush 210
      [341] sastore
      [342] dup
      [343] bipush 55
      [345] bipush 8
      [347] sastore
      [348] dup
      [349] bipush 56
      [351] bipush 50
      [353] sastore
      [354] dup
      [355] bipush 57
      [357] bipush 8
      [359] sastore
      [360] dup
      [361] bipush 58
      [363] sipush 178
      [366] sastore
      [367] dup
      [368] bipush 59
      [370] bipush 8
      [372] sastore
      [373] dup
      [374] bipush 60
      [376] bipush 114
      [378] sastore
      [379] dup
      [380] bipush 61
      [382] bipush 8
      [384] sastore
      [385] dup
      [386] bipush 62
      [388] sipush 242
      [391] sastore
      [392] dup
      [393] bipush 63
      [395] bipush 8
      [397] sastore
      [398] dup
      [399] bipush 64
      [401] bipush 10
      [403] sastore
      [404] dup
      [405] bipush 65
      [407] bipush 8
      [409] sastore
      [410] dup
      [411] bipush 66
      [413] sipush 138
      [416] sastore
      [417] dup
      [418] bipush 67
      [420] bipush 8
      [422] sastore
      [423] dup
      [424] bipush 68
      [426] bipush 74
      [428] sastore
      [429] dup
      [430] bipush 69
      [432] bipush 8
      [434] sastore
      [435] dup
      [436] bipush 70
      [438] sipush 202
      [441] sastore
      [442] dup
      [443] bipush 71
      [445] bipush 8
      [447] sastore
      [448] dup
      [449] bipush 72
      [451] bipush 42
      [453] sastore
      [454] dup
      [455] bipush 73
      [457] bipush 8
      [459] sastore
      [460] dup
      [461] bipush 74
      [463] sipush 170
      [466] sastore
      [467] dup
      [468] bipush 75
      [470] bipush 8
      [472] sastore
      [473] dup
      [474] bipush 76
      [476] bipush 106
      [478] sastore
      [479] dup
      [480] bipush 77
      [482] bipush 8
      [484] sastore
      [485] dup
      [486] bipush 78
      [488] sipush 234
      [491] sastore
      [492] dup
      [493] bipush 79
      [495] bipush 8
      [497] sastore
      [498] dup
      [499] bipush 80
      [501] bipush 26
      [503] sastore
      [504] dup
      [505] bipush 81
      [507] bipush 8
      [509] sastore
      [510] dup
      [511] bipush 82
      [513] sipush 154
      [516] sastore
      [517] dup
      [518] bipush 83
      [520] bipush 8
      [522] sastore
      [523] dup
      [524] bipush 84
      [526] bipush 90
      [528] sastore
      [529] dup
      [530] bipush 85
      [532] bipush 8
      [534] sastore
      [535] dup
      [536] bipush 86
      [538] sipush 218
      [541] sastore
      [542] dup
      [543] bipush 87
      [545] bipush 8
      [547] sastore
      [548] dup
      [549] bipush 88
      [551] bipush 58
      [553] sastore
      [554] dup
      [555] bipush 89
      [557] bipush 8
      [559] sastore
      [560] dup
      [561] bipush 90
      [563] sipush 186
      [566] sastore
      [567] dup
      [568] bipush 91
      [570] bipush 8
      [572] sastore
      [573] dup
      [574] bipush 92
      [576] bipush 122
      [578] sastore
      [579] dup
      [580] bipush 93
      [582] bipush 8
      [584] sastore
      [585] dup
      [586] bipush 94
      [588] sipush 250
      [591] sastore
      [592] dup
      [593] bipush 95
      [595] bipush 8
      [597] sastore
      [598] dup
      [599] bipush 96
      [601] bipush 6
      [603] sastore
      [604] dup
      [605] bipush 97
      [607] bipush 8
      [609] sastore
      [610] dup
      [611] bipush 98
      [613] sipush 134
      [616] sastore
      [617] dup
      [618] bipush 99
      [620] bipush 8
      [622] sastore
      [623] dup
      [624] bipush 100
      [626] bipush 70
      [628] sastore
      [629] dup
      [630] bipush 101
      [632] bipush 8
      [634] sastore
      [635] dup
      [636] bipush 102
      [638] sipush 198
      [641] sastore
      [642] dup
      [643] bipush 103
      [645] bipush 8
      [647] sastore
      [648] dup
      [649] bipush 104
      [651] bipush 38
      [653] sastore
      [654] dup
      [655] bipush 105
      [657] bipush 8
      [659] sastore
      [660] dup
      [661] bipush 106
      [663] sipush 166
      [666] sastore
      [667] dup
      [668] bipush 107
      [670] bipush 8
      [672] sastore
      [673] dup
      [674] bipush 108
      [676] bipush 102
      [678] sastore
      [679] dup
      [680] bipush 109
      [682] bipush 8
      [684] sastore
      [685] dup
      [686] bipush 110
      [688] sipush 230
      [691] sastore
      [692] dup
      [693] bipush 111
      [695] bipush 8
      [697] sastore
      [698] dup
      [699] bipush 112
      [701] bipush 22
      [703] sastore
      [704] dup
      [705] bipush 113
      [707] bipush 8
      [709] sastore
      [710] dup
      [711] bipush 114
      [713] sipush 150
      [716] sastore
      [717] dup
      [718] bipush 115
      [720] bipush 8
      [722] sastore
      [723] dup
      [724] bipush 116
      [726] bipush 86
      [728] sastore
      [729] dup
      [730] bipush 117
      [732] bipush 8
      [734] sastore
      [735] dup
      [736] bipush 118
      [738] sipush 214
      [741] sastore
      [742] dup
      [743] bipush 119
      [745] bipush 8
      [747] sastore
      [748] dup
      [749] bipush 120
      [751] bipush 54
      [753] sastore
      [754] dup
      [755] bipush 121
      [757] bipush 8
      [759] sastore
      [760] dup
      [761] bipush 122
      [763] sipush 182
      [766] sastore
      [767] dup
      [768] bipush 123
      [770] bipush 8
      [772] sastore
      [773] dup
      [774] bipush 124
      [776] bipush 118
      [778] sastore
      [779] dup
      [780] bipush 125
      [782] bipush 8
      [784] sastore
      [785] dup
      [786] bipush 126
      [788] sipush 246
      [791] sastore
      [792] dup
      [793] bipush 127
      [795] bipush 8
      [797] sastore
      [798] dup
      [799] sipush 128
      [802] bipush 14
      [804] sastore
      [805] dup
      [806] sipush 129
      [809] bipush 8
      [811] sastore
      [812] dup
      [813] sipush 130
      [816] sipush 142
      [819] sastore
      [820] dup
      [821] sipush 131
      [824] bipush 8
      [826] sastore
      [827] dup
      [828] sipush 132
      [831] bipush 78
      [833] sastore
      [834] dup
      [835] sipush 133
      [838] bipush 8
      [840] sastore
      [841] dup
      [842] sipush 134
      [845] sipush 206
      [848] sastore
      [849] dup
      [850] sipush 135
      [853] bipush 8
      [855] sastore
      [856] dup
      [857] sipush 136
      [860] bipush 46
      [862] sastore
      [863] dup
      [864] sipush 137
      [867] bipush 8
      [869] sastore
      [870] dup
      [871] sipush 138
      [874] sipush 174
      [877] sastore
      [878] dup
      [879] sipush 139
      [882] bipush 8
      [884] sastore
      [885] dup
      [886] sipush 140
      [889] bipush 110
      [891] sastore
      [892] dup
      [893] sipush 141
      [896] bipush 8
      [898] sastore
      [899] dup
      [900] sipush 142
      [903] sipush 238
      [906] sastore
      [907] dup
      [908] sipush 143
      [911] bipush 8
      [913] sastore
      [914] dup
      [915] sipush 144
      [918] bipush 30
      [920] sastore
      [921] dup
      [922] sipush 145
      [925] bipush 8
      [927] sastore
      [928] dup
      [929] sipush 146
      [932] sipush 158
      [935] sastore
      [936] dup
      [937] sipush 147
      [940] bipush 8
      [942] sastore
      [943] dup
      [944] sipush 148
      [947] bipush 94
      [949] sastore
      [950] dup
      [951] sipush 149
      [954] bipush 8
      [956] sastore
      [957] dup
      [958] sipush 150
      [961] sipush 222
      [964] sastore
      [965] dup
      [966] sipush 151
      [969] bipush 8
      [971] sastore
      [972] dup
      [973] sipush 152
      [976] bipush 62
      [978] sastore
      [979] dup
      [980] sipush 153
      [983] bipush 8
      [985] sastore
      [986] dup
      [987] sipush 154
      [990] sipush 190
      [993] sastore
      [994] dup
      [995] sipush 155
      [998] bipush 8
      [1000] sastore
      [1001] dup
      [1002] sipush 156
      [1005] bipush 126
      [1007] sastore
      [1008] dup
      [1009] sipush 157
      [1012] bipush 8
      [1014] sastore
      [1015] dup
      [1016] sipush 158
      [1019] sipush 254
      [1022] sastore
      [1023] dup
      [1024] sipush 159
      [1027] bipush 8
      [1029] sastore
      [1030] dup
      [1031] sipush 160
      [1034] iconst_1
      [1035] sastore
      [1036] dup
      [1037] sipush 161
      [1040] bipush 8
      [1042] sastore
      [1043] dup
      [1044] sipush 162
      [1047] sipush 129
      [1050] sastore
      [1051] dup
      [1052] sipush 163
      [1055] bipush 8
      [1057] sastore
      [1058] dup
      [1059] sipush 164
      [1062] bipush 65
      [1064] sastore
      [1065] dup
      [1066] sipush 165
      [1069] bipush 8
      [1071] sastore
      [1072] dup
      [1073] sipush 166
      [1076] sipush 193
      [1079] sastore
      [1080] dup
      [1081] sipush 167
      [1084] bipush 8
      [1086] sastore
      [1087] dup
      [1088] sipush 168
      [1091] bipush 33
      [1093] sastore
      [1094] dup
      [1095] sipush 169
      [1098] bipush 8
      [1100] sastore
      [1101] dup
      [1102] sipush 170
      [1105] sipush 161
      [1108] sastore
      [1109] dup
      [1110] sipush 171
      [1113] bipush 8
      [1115] sastore
      [1116] dup
      [1117] sipush 172
      [1120] bipush 97
      [1122] sastore
      [1123] dup
      [1124] sipush 173
      [1127] bipush 8
      [1129] sastore
      [1130] dup
      [1131] sipush 174
      [1134] sipush 225
      [1137] sastore
      [1138] dup
      [1139] sipush 175
      [1142] bipush 8
      [1144] sastore
      [1145] dup
      [1146] sipush 176
      [1149] bipush 17
      [1151] sastore
      [1152] dup
      [1153] sipush 177
      [1156] bipush 8
      [1158] sastore
      [1159] dup
      [1160] sipush 178
      [1163] sipush 145
      [1166] sastore
      [1167] dup
      [1168] sipush 179
      [1171] bipush 8
      [1173] sastore
      [1174] dup
      [1175] sipush 180
      [1178] bipush 81
      [1180] sastore
      [1181] dup
      [1182] sipush 181
      [1185] bipush 8
      [1187] sastore
      [1188] dup
      [1189] sipush 182
      [1192] sipush 209
      [1195] sastore
      [1196] dup
      [1197] sipush 183
      [1200] bipush 8
      [1202] sastore
      [1203] dup
      [1204] sipush 184
      [1207] bipush 49
      [1209] sastore
      [1210] dup
      [1211] sipush 185
      [1214] bipush 8
      [1216] sastore
      [1217] dup
      [1218] sipush 186
      [1221] sipush 177
      [1224] sastore
      [1225] dup
      [1226] sipush 187
      [1229] bipush 8
      [1231] sastore
      [1232] dup
      [1233] sipush 188
      [1236] bipush 113
      [1238] sastore
      [1239] dup
      [1240] sipush 189
      [1243] bipush 8
      [1245] sastore
      [1246] dup
      [1247] sipush 190
      [1250] sipush 241
      [1253] sastore
      [1254] dup
      [1255] sipush 191
      [1258] bipush 8
      [1260] sastore
      [1261] dup
      [1262] sipush 192
      [1265] bipush 9
      [1267] sastore
      [1268] dup
      [1269] sipush 193
      [1272] bipush 8
      [1274] sastore
      [1275] dup
      [1276] sipush 194
      [1279] sipush 137
      [1282] sastore
      [1283] dup
      [1284] sipush 195
      [1287] bipush 8
      [1289] sastore
      [1290] dup
      [1291] sipush 196
      [1294] bipush 73
      [1296] sastore
      [1297] dup
      [1298] sipush 197
      [1301] bipush 8
      [1303] sastore
      [1304] dup
      [1305] sipush 198
      [1308] sipush 201
      [1311] sastore
      [1312] dup
      [1313] sipush 199
      [1316] bipush 8
      [1318] sastore
      [1319] dup
      [1320] sipush 200
      [1323] bipush 41
      [1325] sastore
      [1326] dup
      [1327] sipush 201
      [1330] bipush 8
      [1332] sastore
      [1333] dup
      [1334] sipush 202
      [1337] sipush 169
      [1340] sastore
      [1341] dup
      [1342] sipush 203
      [1345] bipush 8
      [1347] sastore
      [1348] dup
      [1349] sipush 204
      [1352] bipush 105
      [1354] sastore
      [1355] dup
      [1356] sipush 205
      [1359] bipush 8
      [1361] sastore
      [1362] dup
      [1363] sipush 206
      [1366] sipush 233
      [1369] sastore
      [1370] dup
      [1371] sipush 207
      [1374] bipush 8
      [1376] sastore
      [1377] dup
      [1378] sipush 208
      [1381] bipush 25
      [1383] sastore
      [1384] dup
      [1385] sipush 209
      [1388] bipush 8
      [1390] sastore
      [1391] dup
      [1392] sipush 210
      [1395] sipush 153
      [1398] sastore
      [1399] dup
      [1400] sipush 211
      [1403] bipush 8
      [1405] sastore
      [1406] dup
      [1407] sipush 212
      [1410] bipush 89
      [1412] sastore
      [1413] dup
      [1414] sipush 213
      [1417] bipush 8
      [1419] sastore
      [1420] dup
      [1421] sipush 214
      [1424] sipush 217
      [1427] sastore
      [1428] dup
      [1429] sipush 215
      [1432] bipush 8
      [1434] sastore
      [1435] dup
      [1436] sipush 216
      [1439] bipush 57
      [1441] sastore
      [1442] dup
      [1443] sipush 217
      [1446] bipush 8
      [1448] sastore
      [1449] dup
      [1450] sipush 218
      [1453] sipush 185
      [1456] sastore
      [1457] dup
      [1458] sipush 219
      [1461] bipush 8
      [1463] sastore
      [1464] dup
      [1465] sipush 220
      [1468] bipush 121
      [1470] sastore
      [1471] dup
      [1472] sipush 221
      [1475] bipush 8
      [1477] sastore
      [1478] dup
      [1479] sipush 222
      [1482] sipush 249
      [1485] sastore
      [1486] dup
      [1487] sipush 223
      [1490] bipush 8
      [1492] sastore
      [1493] dup
      [1494] sipush 224
      [1497] iconst_5
      [1498] sastore
      [1499] dup
      [1500] sipush 225
      [1503] bipush 8
      [1505] sastore
      [1506] dup
      [1507] sipush 226
      [1510] sipush 133
      [1513] sastore
      [1514] dup
      [1515] sipush 227
      [1518] bipush 8
      [1520] sastore
      [1521] dup
      [1522] sipush 228
      [1525] bipush 69
      [1527] sastore
      [1528] dup
      [1529] sipush 229
      [1532] bipush 8
      [1534] sastore
      [1535] dup
      [1536] sipush 230
      [1539] sipush 197
      [1542] sastore
      [1543] dup
      [1544] sipush 231
      [1547] bipush 8
      [1549] sastore
      [1550] dup
      [1551] sipush 232
      [1554] bipush 37
      [1556] sastore
      [1557] dup
      [1558] sipush 233
      [1561] bipush 8
      [1563] sastore
      [1564] dup
      [1565] sipush 234
      [1568] sipush 165
      [1571] sastore
      [1572] dup
      [1573] sipush 235
      [1576] bipush 8
      [1578] sastore
      [1579] dup
      [1580] sipush 236
      [1583] bipush 101
      [1585] sastore
      [1586] dup
      [1587] sipush 237
      [1590] bipush 8
      [1592] sastore
      [1593] dup
      [1594] sipush 238
      [1597] sipush 229
      [1600] sastore
      [1601] dup
      [1602] sipush 239
      [1605] bipush 8
      [1607] sastore
      [1608] dup
      [1609] sipush 240
      [1612] bipush 21
      [1614] sastore
      [1615] dup
      [1616] sipush 241
      [1619] bipush 8
      [1621] sastore
      [1622] dup
      [1623] sipush 242
      [1626] sipush 149
      [1629] sastore
      [1630] dup
      [1631] sipush 243
      [1634] bipush 8
      [1636] sastore
      [1637] dup
      [1638] sipush 244
      [1641] bipush 85
      [1643] sastore
      [1644] dup
      [1645] sipush 245
      [1648] bipush 8
      [1650] sastore
      [1651] dup
      [1652] sipush 246
      [1655] sipush 213
      [1658] sastore
      [1659] dup
      [1660] sipush 247
      [1663] bipush 8
      [1665] sastore
      [1666] dup
      [1667] sipush 248
      [1670] bipush 53
      [1672] sastore
      [1673] dup
      [1674] sipush 249
      [1677] bipush 8
      [1679] sastore
      [1680] dup
      [1681] sipush 250
      [1684] sipush 181
      [1687] sastore
      [1688] dup
      [1689] sipush 251
      [1692] bipush 8
      [1694] sastore
      [1695] dup
      [1696] sipush 252
      [1699] bipush 117
      [1701] sastore
      [1702] dup
      [1703] sipush 253
      [1706] bipush 8
      [1708] sastore
      [1709] dup
      [1710] sipush 254
      [1713] sipush 245
      [1716] sastore
      [1717] dup
      [1718] sipush 255
      [1721] bipush 8
      [1723] sastore
      [1724] dup
      [1725] sipush 256
      [1728] bipush 13
      [1730] sastore
      [1731] dup
      [1732] sipush 257
      [1735] bipush 8
      [1737] sastore
      [1738] dup
      [1739] sipush 258
      [1742] sipush 141
      [1745] sastore
      [1746] dup
      [1747] sipush 259
      [1750] bipush 8
      [1752] sastore
      [1753] dup
      [1754] sipush 260
      [1757] bipush 77
      [1759] sastore
      [1760] dup
      [1761] sipush 261
      [1764] bipush 8
      [1766] sastore
      [1767] dup
      [1768] sipush 262
      [1771] sipush 205
      [1774] sastore
      [1775] dup
      [1776] sipush 263
      [1779] bipush 8
      [1781] sastore
      [1782] dup
      [1783] sipush 264
      [1786] bipush 45
      [1788] sastore
      [1789] dup
      [1790] sipush 265
      [1793] bipush 8
      [1795] sastore
      [1796] dup
      [1797] sipush 266
      [1800] sipush 173
      [1803] sastore
      [1804] dup
      [1805] sipush 267
      [1808] bipush 8
      [1810] sastore
      [1811] dup
      [1812] sipush 268
      [1815] bipush 109
      [1817] sastore
      [1818] dup
      [1819] sipush 269
      [1822] bipush 8
      [1824] sastore
      [1825] dup
      [1826] sipush 270
      [1829] sipush 237
      [1832] sastore
      [1833] dup
      [1834] sipush 271
      [1837] bipush 8
      [1839] sastore
      [1840] dup
      [1841] sipush 272
      [1844] bipush 29
      [1846] sastore
      [1847] dup
      [1848] sipush 273
      [1851] bipush 8
      [1853] sastore
      [1854] dup
      [1855] sipush 274
      [1858] sipush 157
      [1861] sastore
      [1862] dup
      [1863] sipush 275
      [1866] bipush 8
      [1868] sastore
      [1869] dup
      [1870] sipush 276
      [1873] bipush 93
      [1875] sastore
      [1876] dup
      [1877] sipush 277
      [1880] bipush 8
      [1882] sastore
      [1883] dup
      [1884] sipush 278
      [1887] sipush 221
      [1890] sastore
      [1891] dup
      [1892] sipush 279
      [1895] bipush 8
      [1897] sastore
      [1898] dup
      [1899] sipush 280
      [1902] bipush 61
      [1904] sastore
      [1905] dup
      [1906] sipush 281
      [1909] bipush 8
      [1911] sastore
      [1912] dup
      [1913] sipush 282
      [1916] sipush 189
      [1919] sastore
      [1920] dup
      [1921] sipush 283
      [1924] bipush 8
      [1926] sastore
      [1927] dup
      [1928] sipush 284
      [1931] bipush 125
      [1933] sastore
      [1934] dup
      [1935] sipush 285
      [1938] bipush 8
      [1940] sastore
      [1941] dup
      [1942] sipush 286
      [1945] sipush 253
      [1948] sastore
      [1949] dup
      [1950] sipush 287
      [1953] bipush 8
      [1955] sastore
      [1956] dup
      [1957] sipush 288
      [1960] bipush 19
      [1962] sastore
      [1963] dup
      [1964] sipush 289
      [1967] bipush 9
      [1969] sastore
      [1970] dup
      [1971] sipush 290
      [1974] sipush 275
      [1977] sastore
      [1978] dup
      [1979] sipush 291
      [1982] bipush 9
      [1984] sastore
      [1985] dup
      [1986] sipush 292
      [1989] sipush 147
      [1992] sastore
      [1993] dup
      [1994] sipush 293
      [1997] bipush 9
      [1999] sastore
      [2000] dup
      [2001] sipush 294
      [2004] sipush 403
      [2007] sastore
      [2008] dup
      [2009] sipush 295
      [2012] bipush 9
      [2014] sastore
      [2015] dup
      [2016] sipush 296
      [2019] bipush 83
      [2021] sastore
      [2022] dup
      [2023] sipush 297
      [2026] bipush 9
      [2028] sastore
      [2029] dup
      [2030] sipush 298
      [2033] sipush 339
      [2036] sastore
      [2037] dup
      [2038] sipush 299
      [2041] bipush 9
      [2043] sastore
      [2044] dup
      [2045] sipush 300
      [2048] sipush 211
      [2051] sastore
      [2052] dup
      [2053] sipush 301
      [2056] bipush 9
      [2058] sastore
      [2059] dup
      [2060] sipush 302
      [2063] sipush 467
      [2066] sastore
      [2067] dup
      [2068] sipush 303
      [2071] bipush 9
      [2073] sastore
      [2074] dup
      [2075] sipush 304
      [2078] bipush 51
      [2080] sastore
      [2081] dup
      [2082] sipush 305
      [2085] bipush 9
      [2087] sastore
      [2088] dup
      [2089] sipush 306
      [2092] sipush 307
      [2095] sastore
      [2096] dup
      [2097] sipush 307
      [2100] bipush 9
      [2102] sastore
      [2103] dup
      [2104] sipush 308
      [2107] sipush 179
      [2110] sastore
      [2111] dup
      [2112] sipush 309
      [2115] bipush 9
      [2117] sastore
      [2118] dup
      [2119] sipush 310
      [2122] sipush 435
      [2125] sastore
      [2126] dup
      [2127] sipush 311
      [2130] bipush 9
      [2132] sastore
      [2133] dup
      [2134] sipush 312
      [2137] bipush 115
      [2139] sastore
      [2140] dup
      [2141] sipush 313
      [2144] bipush 9
      [2146] sastore
      [2147] dup
      [2148] sipush 314
      [2151] sipush 371
      [2154] sastore
      [2155] dup
      [2156] sipush 315
      [2159] bipush 9
      [2161] sastore
      [2162] dup
      [2163] sipush 316
      [2166] sipush 243
      [2169] sastore
      [2170] dup
      [2171] sipush 317
      [2174] bipush 9
      [2176] sastore
      [2177] dup
      [2178] sipush 318
      [2181] sipush 499
      [2184] sastore
      [2185] dup
      [2186] sipush 319
      [2189] bipush 9
      [2191] sastore
      [2192] dup
      [2193] sipush 320
      [2196] bipush 11
      [2198] sastore
      [2199] dup
      [2200] sipush 321
      [2203] bipush 9
      [2205] sastore
      [2206] dup
      [2207] sipush 322
      [2210] sipush 267
      [2213] sastore
      [2214] dup
      [2215] sipush 323
      [2218] bipush 9
      [2220] sastore
      [2221] dup
      [2222] sipush 324
      [2225] sipush 139
      [2228] sastore
      [2229] dup
      [2230] sipush 325
      [2233] bipush 9
      [2235] sastore
      [2236] dup
      [2237] sipush 326
      [2240] sipush 395
      [2243] sastore
      [2244] dup
      [2245] sipush 327
      [2248] bipush 9
      [2250] sastore
      [2251] dup
      [2252] sipush 328
      [2255] bipush 75
      [2257] sastore
      [2258] dup
      [2259] sipush 329
      [2262] bipush 9
      [2264] sastore
      [2265] dup
      [2266] sipush 330
      [2269] sipush 331
      [2272] sastore
      [2273] dup
      [2274] sipush 331
      [2277] bipush 9
      [2279] sastore
      [2280] dup
      [2281] sipush 332
      [2284] sipush 203
      [2287] sastore
      [2288] dup
      [2289] sipush 333
      [2292] bipush 9
      [2294] sastore
      [2295] dup
      [2296] sipush 334
      [2299] sipush 459
      [2302] sastore
      [2303] dup
      [2304] sipush 335
      [2307] bipush 9
      [2309] sastore
      [2310] dup
      [2311] sipush 336
      [2314] bipush 43
      [2316] sastore
      [2317] dup
      [2318] sipush 337
      [2321] bipush 9
      [2323] sastore
      [2324] dup
      [2325] sipush 338
      [2328] sipush 299
      [2331] sastore
      [2332] dup
      [2333] sipush 339
      [2336] bipush 9
      [2338] sastore
      [2339] dup
      [2340] sipush 340
      [2343] sipush 171
      [2346] sastore
      [2347] dup
      [2348] sipush 341
      [2351] bipush 9
      [2353] sastore
      [2354] dup
      [2355] sipush 342
      [2358] sipush 427
      [2361] sastore
      [2362] dup
      [2363] sipush 343
      [2366] bipush 9
      [2368] sastore
      [2369] dup
      [2370] sipush 344
      [2373] bipush 107
      [2375] sastore
      [2376] dup
      [2377] sipush 345
      [2380] bipush 9
      [2382] sastore
      [2383] dup
      [2384] sipush 346
      [2387] sipush 363
      [2390] sastore
      [2391] dup
      [2392] sipush 347
      [2395] bipush 9
      [2397] sastore
      [2398] dup
      [2399] sipush 348
      [2402] sipush 235
      [2405] sastore
      [2406] dup
      [2407] sipush 349
      [2410] bipush 9
      [2412] sastore
      [2413] dup
      [2414] sipush 350
      [2417] sipush 491
      [2420] sastore
      [2421] dup
      [2422] sipush 351
      [2425] bipush 9
      [2427] sastore
      [2428] dup
      [2429] sipush 352
      [2432] bipush 27
      [2434] sastore
      [2435] dup
      [2436] sipush 353
      [2439] bipush 9
      [2441] sastore
      [2442] dup
      [2443] sipush 354
      [2446] sipush 283
      [2449] sastore
      [2450] dup
      [2451] sipush 355
      [2454] bipush 9
      [2456] sastore
      [2457] dup
      [2458] sipush 356
      [2461] sipush 155
      [2464] sastore
      [2465] dup
      [2466] sipush 357
      [2469] bipush 9
      [2471] sastore
      [2472] dup
      [2473] sipush 358
      [2476] sipush 411
      [2479] sastore
      [2480] dup
      [2481] sipush 359
      [2484] bipush 9
      [2486] sastore
      [2487] dup
      [2488] sipush 360
      [2491] bipush 91
      [2493] sastore
      [2494] dup
      [2495] sipush 361
      [2498] bipush 9
      [2500] sastore
      [2501] dup
      [2502] sipush 362
      [2505] sipush 347
      [2508] sastore
      [2509] dup
      [2510] sipush 363
      [2513] bipush 9
      [2515] sastore
      [2516] dup
      [2517] sipush 364
      [2520] sipush 219
      [2523] sastore
      [2524] dup
      [2525] sipush 365
      [2528] bipush 9
      [2530] sastore
      [2531] dup
      [2532] sipush 366
      [2535] sipush 475
      [2538] sastore
      [2539] dup
      [2540] sipush 367
      [2543] bipush 9
      [2545] sastore
      [2546] dup
      [2547] sipush 368
      [2550] bipush 59
      [2552] sastore
      [2553] dup
      [2554] sipush 369
      [2557] bipush 9
      [2559] sastore
      [2560] dup
      [2561] sipush 370
      [2564] sipush 315
      [2567] sastore
      [2568] dup
      [2569] sipush 371
      [2572] bipush 9
      [2574] sastore
      [2575] dup
      [2576] sipush 372
      [2579] sipush 187
      [2582] sastore
      [2583] dup
      [2584] sipush 373
      [2587] bipush 9
      [2589] sastore
      [2590] dup
      [2591] sipush 374
      [2594] sipush 443
      [2597] sastore
      [2598] dup
      [2599] sipush 375
      [2602] bipush 9
      [2604] sastore
      [2605] dup
      [2606] sipush 376
      [2609] bipush 123
      [2611] sastore
      [2612] dup
      [2613] sipush 377
      [2616] bipush 9
      [2618] sastore
      [2619] dup
      [2620] sipush 378
      [2623] sipush 379
      [2626] sastore
      [2627] dup
      [2628] sipush 379
      [2631] bipush 9
      [2633] sastore
      [2634] dup
      [2635] sipush 380
      [2638] sipush 251
      [2641] sastore
      [2642] dup
      [2643] sipush 381
      [2646] bipush 9
      [2648] sastore
      [2649] dup
      [2650] sipush 382
      [2653] sipush 507
      [2656] sastore
      [2657] dup
      [2658] sipush 383
      [2661] bipush 9
      [2663] sastore
      [2664] dup
      [2665] sipush 384
      [2668] bipush 7
      [2670] sastore
      [2671] dup
      [2672] sipush 385
      [2675] bipush 9
      [2677] sastore
      [2678] dup
      [2679] sipush 386
      [2682] sipush 263
      [2685] sastore
      [2686] dup
      [2687] sipush 387
      [2690] bipush 9
      [2692] sastore
      [2693] dup
      [2694] sipush 388
      [2697] sipush 135
      [2700] sastore
      [2701] dup
      [2702] sipush 389
      [2705] bipush 9
      [2707] sastore
      [2708] dup
      [2709] sipush 390
      [2712] sipush 391
      [2715] sastore
      [2716] dup
      [2717] sipush 391
      [2720] bipush 9
      [2722] sastore
      [2723] dup
      [2724] sipush 392
      [2727] bipush 71
      [2729] sastore
      [2730] dup
      [2731] sipush 393
      [2734] bipush 9
      [2736] sastore
      [2737] dup
      [2738] sipush 394
      [2741] sipush 327
      [2744] sastore
      [2745] dup
      [2746] sipush 395
      [2749] bipush 9
      [2751] sastore
      [2752] dup
      [2753] sipush 396
      [2756] sipush 199
      [2759] sastore
      [2760] dup
      [2761] sipush 397
      [2764] bipush 9
      [2766] sastore
      [2767] dup
      [2768] sipush 398
      [2771] sipush 455
      [2774] sastore
      [2775] dup
      [2776] sipush 399
      [2779] bipush 9
      [2781] sastore
      [2782] dup
      [2783] sipush 400
      [2786] bipush 39
      [2788] sastore
      [2789] dup
      [2790] sipush 401
      [2793] bipush 9
      [2795] sastore
      [2796] dup
      [2797] sipush 402
      [2800] sipush 295
      [2803] sastore
      [2804] dup
      [2805] sipush 403
      [2808] bipush 9
      [2810] sastore
      [2811] dup
      [2812] sipush 404
      [2815] sipush 167
      [2818] sastore
      [2819] dup
      [2820] sipush 405
      [2823] bipush 9
      [2825] sastore
      [2826] dup
      [2827] sipush 406
      [2830] sipush 423
      [2833] sastore
      [2834] dup
      [2835] sipush 407
      [2838] bipush 9
      [2840] sastore
      [2841] dup
      [2842] sipush 408
      [2845] bipush 103
      [2847] sastore
      [2848] dup
      [2849] sipush 409
      [2852] bipush 9
      [2854] sastore
      [2855] dup
      [2856] sipush 410
      [2859] sipush 359
      [2862] sastore
      [2863] dup
      [2864] sipush 411
      [2867] bipush 9
      [2869] sastore
      [2870] dup
      [2871] sipush 412
      [2874] sipush 231
      [2877] sastore
      [2878] dup
      [2879] sipush 413
      [2882] bipush 9
      [2884] sastore
      [2885] dup
      [2886] sipush 414
      [2889] sipush 487
      [2892] sastore
      [2893] dup
      [2894] sipush 415
      [2897] bipush 9
      [2899] sastore
      [2900] dup
      [2901] sipush 416
      [2904] bipush 23
      [2906] sastore
      [2907] dup
      [2908] sipush 417
      [2911] bipush 9
      [2913] sastore
      [2914] dup
      [2915] sipush 418
      [2918] sipush 279
      [2921] sastore
      [2922] dup
      [2923] sipush 419
      [2926] bipush 9
      [2928] sastore
      [2929] dup
      [2930] sipush 420
      [2933] sipush 151
      [2936] sastore
      [2937] dup
      [2938] sipush 421
      [2941] bipush 9
      [2943] sastore
      [2944] dup
      [2945] sipush 422
      [2948] sipush 407
      [2951] sastore
      [2952] dup
      [2953] sipush 423
      [2956] bipush 9
      [2958] sastore
      [2959] dup
      [2960] sipush 424
      [2963] bipush 87
      [2965] sastore
      [2966] dup
      [2967] sipush 425
      [2970] bipush 9
      [2972] sastore
      [2973] dup
      [2974] sipush 426
      [2977] sipush 343
      [2980] sastore
      [2981] dup
      [2982] sipush 427
      [2985] bipush 9
      [2987] sastore
      [2988] dup
      [2989] sipush 428
      [2992] sipush 215
      [2995] sastore
      [2996] dup
      [2997] sipush 429
      [3000] bipush 9
      [3002] sastore
      [3003] dup
      [3004] sipush 430
      [3007] sipush 471
      [3010] sastore
      [3011] dup
      [3012] sipush 431
      [3015] bipush 9
      [3017] sastore
      [3018] dup
      [3019] sipush 432
      [3022] bipush 55
      [3024] sastore
      [3025] dup
      [3026] sipush 433
      [3029] bipush 9
      [3031] sastore
      [3032] dup
      [3033] sipush 434
      [3036] sipush 311
      [3039] sastore
      [3040] dup
      [3041] sipush 435
      [3044] bipush 9
      [3046] sastore
      [3047] dup
      [3048] sipush 436
      [3051] sipush 183
      [3054] sastore
      [3055] dup
      [3056] sipush 437
      [3059] bipush 9
      [3061] sastore
      [3062] dup
      [3063] sipush 438
      [3066] sipush 439
      [3069] sastore
      [3070] dup
      [3071] sipush 439
      [3074] bipush 9
      [3076] sastore
      [3077] dup
      [3078] sipush 440
      [3081] bipush 119
      [3083] sastore
      [3084] dup
      [3085] sipush 441
      [3088] bipush 9
      [3090] sastore
      [3091] dup
      [3092] sipush 442
      [3095] sipush 375
      [3098] sastore
      [3099] dup
      [3100] sipush 443
      [3103] bipush 9
      [3105] sastore
      [3106] dup
      [3107] sipush 444
      [3110] sipush 247
      [3113] sastore
      [3114] dup
      [3115] sipush 445
      [3118] bipush 9
      [3120] sastore
      [3121] dup
      [3122] sipush 446
      [3125] sipush 503
      [3128] sastore
      [3129] dup
      [3130] sipush 447
      [3133] bipush 9
      [3135] sastore
      [3136] dup
      [3137] sipush 448
      [3140] bipush 15
      [3142] sastore
      [3143] dup
      [3144] sipush 449
      [3147] bipush 9
      [3149] sastore
      [3150] dup
      [3151] sipush 450
      [3154] sipush 271
      [3157] sastore
      [3158] dup
      [3159] sipush 451
      [3162] bipush 9
      [3164] sastore
      [3165] dup
      [3166] sipush 452
      [3169] sipush 143
      [3172] sastore
      [3173] dup
      [3174] sipush 453
      [3177] bipush 9
      [3179] sastore
      [3180] dup
      [3181] sipush 454
      [3184] sipush 399
      [3187] sastore
      [3188] dup
      [3189] sipush 455
      [3192] bipush 9
      [3194] sastore
      [3195] dup
      [3196] sipush 456
      [3199] bipush 79
      [3201] sastore
      [3202] dup
      [3203] sipush 457
      [3206] bipush 9
      [3208] sastore
      [3209] dup
      [3210] sipush 458
      [3213] sipush 335
      [3216] sastore
      [3217] dup
      [3218] sipush 459
      [3221] bipush 9
      [3223] sastore
      [3224] dup
      [3225] sipush 460
      [3228] sipush 207
      [3231] sastore
      [3232] dup
      [3233] sipush 461
      [3236] bipush 9
      [3238] sastore
      [3239] dup
      [3240] sipush 462
      [3243] sipush 463
      [3246] sastore
      [3247] dup
      [3248] sipush 463
      [3251] bipush 9
      [3253] sastore
      [3254] dup
      [3255] sipush 464
      [3258] bipush 47
      [3260] sastore
      [3261] dup
      [3262] sipush 465
      [3265] bipush 9
      [3267] sastore
      [3268] dup
      [3269] sipush 466
      [3272] sipush 303
      [3275] sastore
      [3276] dup
      [3277] sipush 467
      [3280] bipush 9
      [3282] sastore
      [3283] dup
      [3284] sipush 468
      [3287] sipush 175
      [3290] sastore
      [3291] dup
      [3292] sipush 469
      [3295] bipush 9
      [3297] sastore
      [3298] dup
      [3299] sipush 470
      [3302] sipush 431
      [3305] sastore
      [3306] dup
      [3307] sipush 471
      [3310] bipush 9
      [3312] sastore
      [3313] dup
      [3314] sipush 472
      [3317] bipush 111
      [3319] sastore
      [3320] dup
      [3321] sipush 473
      [3324] bipush 9
      [3326] sastore
      [3327] dup
      [3328] sipush 474
      [3331] sipush 367
      [3334] sastore
      [3335] dup
      [3336] sipush 475
      [3339] bipush 9
      [3341] sastore
      [3342] dup
      [3343] sipush 476
      [3346] sipush 239
      [3349] sastore
      [3350] dup
      [3351] sipush 477
      [3354] bipush 9
      [3356] sastore
      [3357] dup
      [3358] sipush 478
      [3361] sipush 495
      [3364] sastore
      [3365] dup
      [3366] sipush 479
      [3369] bipush 9
      [3371] sastore
      [3372] dup
      [3373] sipush 480
      [3376] bipush 31
      [3378] sastore
      [3379] dup
      [3380] sipush 481
      [3383] bipush 9
      [3385] sastore
      [3386] dup
      [3387] sipush 482
      [3390] sipush 287
      [3393] sastore
      [3394] dup
      [3395] sipush 483
      [3398] bipush 9
      [3400] sastore
      [3401] dup
      [3402] sipush 484
      [3405] sipush 159
      [3408] sastore
      [3409] dup
      [3410] sipush 485
      [3413] bipush 9
      [3415] sastore
      [3416] dup
      [3417] sipush 486
      [3420] sipush 415
      [3423] sastore
      [3424] dup
      [3425] sipush 487
      [3428] bipush 9
      [3430] sastore
      [3431] dup
      [3432] sipush 488
      [3435] bipush 95
      [3437] sastore
      [3438] dup
      [3439] sipush 489
      [3442] bipush 9
      [3444] sastore
      [3445] dup
      [3446] sipush 490
      [3449] sipush 351
      [3452] sastore
      [3453] dup
      [3454] sipush 491
      [3457] bipush 9
      [3459] sastore
      [3460] dup
      [3461] sipush 492
      [3464] sipush 223
      [3467] sastore
      [3468] dup
      [3469] sipush 493
      [3472] bipush 9
      [3474] sastore
      [3475] dup
      [3476] sipush 494
      [3479] sipush 479
      [3482] sastore
      [3483] dup
      [3484] sipush 495
      [3487] bipush 9
      [3489] sastore
      [3490] dup
      [3491] sipush 496
      [3494] bipush 63
      [3496] sastore
      [3497] dup
      [3498] sipush 497
      [3501] bipush 9
      [3503] sastore
      [3504] dup
      [3505] sipush 498
      [3508] sipush 319
      [3511] sastore
      [3512] dup
      [3513] sipush 499
      [3516] bipush 9
      [3518] sastore
      [3519] dup
      [3520] sipush 500
      [3523] sipush 191
      [3526] sastore
      [3527] dup
      [3528] sipush 501
      [3531] bipush 9
      [3533] sastore
      [3534] dup
      [3535] sipush 502
      [3538] sipush 447
      [3541] sastore
      [3542] dup
      [3543] sipush 503
      [3546] bipush 9
      [3548] sastore
      [3549] dup
      [3550] sipush 504
      [3553] bipush 127
      [3555] sastore
      [3556] dup
      [3557] sipush 505
      [3560] bipush 9
      [3562] sastore
      [3563] dup
      [3564] sipush 506
      [3567] sipush 383
      [3570] sastore
      [3571] dup
      [3572] sipush 507
      [3575] bipush 9
      [3577] sastore
      [3578] dup
      [3579] sipush 508
      [3582] sipush 255
      [3585] sastore
      [3586] dup
      [3587] sipush 509
      [3590] bipush 9
      [3592] sastore
      [3593] dup
      [3594] sipush 510
      [3597] sipush 511
      [3600] sastore
      [3601] dup
      [3602] sipush 511
      [3605] bipush 9
      [3607] sastore
      [3608] dup
      [3609] sipush 513
      [3612] bipush 7
      [3614] sastore
      [3615] dup
      [3616] sipush 514
      [3619] bipush 64
      [3621] sastore
      [3622] dup
      [3623] sipush 515
      [3626] bipush 7
      [3628] sastore
      [3629] dup
      [3630] sipush 516
      [3633] bipush 32
      [3635] sastore
      [3636] dup
      [3637] sipush 517
      [3640] bipush 7
      [3642] sastore
      [3643] dup
      [3644] sipush 518
      [3647] bipush 96
      [3649] sastore
      [3650] dup
      [3651] sipush 519
      [3654] bipush 7
      [3656] sastore
      [3657] dup
      [3658] sipush 520
      [3661] bipush 16
      [3663] sastore
      [3664] dup
      [3665] sipush 521
      [3668] bipush 7
      [3670] sastore
      [3671] dup
      [3672] sipush 522
      [3675] bipush 80
      [3677] sastore
      [3678] dup
      [3679] sipush 523
      [3682] bipush 7
      [3684] sastore
      [3685] dup
      [3686] sipush 524
      [3689] bipush 48
      [3691] sastore
      [3692] dup
      [3693] sipush 525
      [3696] bipush 7
      [3698] sastore
      [3699] dup
      [3700] sipush 526
      [3703] bipush 112
      [3705] sastore
      [3706] dup
      [3707] sipush 527
      [3710] bipush 7
      [3712] sastore
      [3713] dup
      [3714] sipush 528
      [3717] bipush 8
      [3719] sastore
      [3720] dup
      [3721] sipush 529
      [3724] bipush 7
      [3726] sastore
      [3727] dup
      [3728] sipush 530
      [3731] bipush 72
      [3733] sastore
      [3734] dup
      [3735] sipush 531
      [3738] bipush 7
      [3740] sastore
      [3741] dup
      [3742] sipush 532
      [3745] bipush 40
      [3747] sastore
      [3748] dup
      [3749] sipush 533
      [3752] bipush 7
      [3754] sastore
      [3755] dup
      [3756] sipush 534
      [3759] bipush 104
      [3761] sastore
      [3762] dup
      [3763] sipush 535
      [3766] bipush 7
      [3768] sastore
      [3769] dup
      [3770] sipush 536
      [3773] bipush 24
      [3775] sastore
      [3776] dup
      [3777] sipush 537
      [3780] bipush 7
      [3782] sastore
      [3783] dup
      [3784] sipush 538
      [3787] bipush 88
      [3789] sastore
      [3790] dup
      [3791] sipush 539
      [3794] bipush 7
      [3796] sastore
      [3797] dup
      [3798] sipush 540
      [3801] bipush 56
      [3803] sastore
      [3804] dup
      [3805] sipush 541
      [3808] bipush 7
      [3810] sastore
      [3811] dup
      [3812] sipush 542
      [3815] bipush 120
      [3817] sastore
      [3818] dup
      [3819] sipush 543
      [3822] bipush 7
      [3824] sastore
      [3825] dup
      [3826] sipush 544
      [3829] iconst_4
      [3830] sastore
      [3831] dup
      [3832] sipush 545
      [3835] bipush 7
      [3837] sastore
      [3838] dup
      [3839] sipush 546
      [3842] bipush 68
      [3844] sastore
      [3845] dup
      [3846] sipush 547
      [3849] bipush 7
      [3851] sastore
      [3852] dup
      [3853] sipush 548
      [3856] bipush 36
      [3858] sastore
      [3859] dup
      [3860] sipush 549
      [3863] bipush 7
      [3865] sastore
      [3866] dup
      [3867] sipush 550
      [3870] bipush 100
      [3872] sastore
      [3873] dup
      [3874] sipush 551
      [3877] bipush 7
      [3879] sastore
      [3880] dup
      [3881] sipush 552
      [3884] bipush 20
      [3886] sastore
      [3887] dup
      [3888] sipush 553
      [3891] bipush 7
      [3893] sastore
      [3894] dup
      [3895] sipush 554
      [3898] bipush 84
      [3900] sastore
      [3901] dup
      [3902] sipush 555
      [3905] bipush 7
      [3907] sastore
      [3908] dup
      [3909] sipush 556
      [3912] bipush 52
      [3914] sastore
      [3915] dup
      [3916] sipush 557
      [3919] bipush 7
      [3921] sastore
      [3922] dup
      [3923] sipush 558
      [3926] bipush 116
      [3928] sastore
      [3929] dup
      [3930] sipush 559
      [3933] bipush 7
      [3935] sastore
      [3936] dup
      [3937] sipush 560
      [3940] iconst_3
      [3941] sastore
      [3942] dup
      [3943] sipush 561
      [3946] bipush 8
      [3948] sastore
      [3949] dup
      [3950] sipush 562
      [3953] sipush 131
      [3956] sastore
      [3957] dup
      [3958] sipush 563
      [3961] bipush 8
      [3963] sastore
      [3964] dup
      [3965] sipush 564
      [3968] bipush 67
      [3970] sastore
      [3971] dup
      [3972] sipush 565
      [3975] bipush 8
      [3977] sastore
      [3978] dup
      [3979] sipush 566
      [3982] sipush 195
      [3985] sastore
      [3986] dup
      [3987] sipush 567
      [3990] bipush 8
      [3992] sastore
      [3993] dup
      [3994] sipush 568
      [3997] bipush 35
      [3999] sastore
      [4000] dup
      [4001] sipush 569
      [4004] bipush 8
      [4006] sastore
      [4007] dup
      [4008] sipush 570
      [4011] sipush 163
      [4014] sastore
      [4015] dup
      [4016] sipush 571
      [4019] bipush 8
      [4021] sastore
      [4022] dup
      [4023] sipush 572
      [4026] bipush 99
      [4028] sastore
      [4029] dup
      [4030] sipush 573
      [4033] bipush 8
      [4035] sastore
      [4036] dup
      [4037] sipush 574
      [4040] sipush 227
      [4043] sastore
      [4044] dup
      [4045] sipush 575
      [4048] bipush 8
      [4050] sastore
      [4051] putstatic #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.static_ltree [S]
      [4054] bipush 60
      [4056] newarray 9
      [4058] dup
      [4059] iconst_1
      [4060] iconst_5
      [4061] sastore
      [4062] dup
      [4063] iconst_2
      [4064] bipush 16
      [4066] sastore
      [4067] dup
      [4068] iconst_3
      [4069] iconst_5
      [4070] sastore
      [4071] dup
      [4072] iconst_4
      [4073] bipush 8
      [4075] sastore
      [4076] dup
      [4077] iconst_5
      [4078] iconst_5
      [4079] sastore
      [4080] dup
      [4081] bipush 6
      [4083] bipush 24
      [4085] sastore
      [4086] dup
      [4087] bipush 7
      [4089] iconst_5
      [4090] sastore
      [4091] dup
      [4092] bipush 8
      [4094] iconst_4
      [4095] sastore
      [4096] dup
      [4097] bipush 9
      [4099] iconst_5
      [4100] sastore
      [4101] dup
      [4102] bipush 10
      [4104] bipush 20
      [4106] sastore
      [4107] dup
      [4108] bipush 11
      [4110] iconst_5
      [4111] sastore
      [4112] dup
      [4113] bipush 12
      [4115] bipush 12
      [4117] sastore
      [4118] dup
      [4119] bipush 13
      [4121] iconst_5
      [4122] sastore
      [4123] dup
      [4124] bipush 14
      [4126] bipush 28
      [4128] sastore
      [4129] dup
      [4130] bipush 15
      [4132] iconst_5
      [4133] sastore
      [4134] dup
      [4135] bipush 16
      [4137] iconst_2
      [4138] sastore
      [4139] dup
      [4140] bipush 17
      [4142] iconst_5
      [4143] sastore
      [4144] dup
      [4145] bipush 18
      [4147] bipush 18
      [4149] sastore
      [4150] dup
      [4151] bipush 19
      [4153] iconst_5
      [4154] sastore
      [4155] dup
      [4156] bipush 20
      [4158] bipush 10
      [4160] sastore
      [4161] dup
      [4162] bipush 21
      [4164] iconst_5
      [4165] sastore
      [4166] dup
      [4167] bipush 22
      [4169] bipush 26
      [4171] sastore
      [4172] dup
      [4173] bipush 23
      [4175] iconst_5
      [4176] sastore
      [4177] dup
      [4178] bipush 24
      [4180] bipush 6
      [4182] sastore
      [4183] dup
      [4184] bipush 25
      [4186] iconst_5
      [4187] sastore
      [4188] dup
      [4189] bipush 26
      [4191] bipush 22
      [4193] sastore
      [4194] dup
      [4195] bipush 27
      [4197] iconst_5
      [4198] sastore
      [4199] dup
      [4200] bipush 28
      [4202] bipush 14
      [4204] sastore
      [4205] dup
      [4206] bipush 29
      [4208] iconst_5
      [4209] sastore
      [4210] dup
      [4211] bipush 30
      [4213] bipush 30
      [4215] sastore
      [4216] dup
      [4217] bipush 31
      [4219] iconst_5
      [4220] sastore
      [4221] dup
      [4222] bipush 32
      [4224] iconst_1
      [4225] sastore
      [4226] dup
      [4227] bipush 33
      [4229] iconst_5
      [4230] sastore
      [4231] dup
      [4232] bipush 34
      [4234] bipush 17
      [4236] sastore
      [4237] dup
      [4238] bipush 35
      [4240] iconst_5
      [4241] sastore
      [4242] dup
      [4243] bipush 36
      [4245] bipush 9
      [4247] sastore
      [4248] dup
      [4249] bipush 37
      [4251] iconst_5
      [4252] sastore
      [4253] dup
      [4254] bipush 38
      [4256] bipush 25
      [4258] sastore
      [4259] dup
      [4260] bipush 39
      [4262] iconst_5
      [4263] sastore
      [4264] dup
      [4265] bipush 40
      [4267] iconst_5
      [4268] sastore
      [4269] dup
      [4270] bipush 41
      [4272] iconst_5
      [4273] sastore
      [4274] dup
      [4275] bipush 42
      [4277] bipush 21
      [4279] sastore
      [4280] dup
      [4281] bipush 43
      [4283] iconst_5
      [4284] sastore
      [4285] dup
      [4286] bipush 44
      [4288] bipush 13
      [4290] sastore
      [4291] dup
      [4292] bipush 45
      [4294] iconst_5
      [4295] sastore
      [4296] dup
      [4297] bipush 46
      [4299] bipush 29
      [4301] sastore
      [4302] dup
      [4303] bipush 47
      [4305] iconst_5
      [4306] sastore
      [4307] dup
      [4308] bipush 48
      [4310] iconst_3
      [4311] sastore
      [4312] dup
      [4313] bipush 49
      [4315] iconst_5
      [4316] sastore
      [4317] dup
      [4318] bipush 50
      [4320] bipush 19
      [4322] sastore
      [4323] dup
      [4324] bipush 51
      [4326] iconst_5
      [4327] sastore
      [4328] dup
      [4329] bipush 52
      [4331] bipush 11
      [4333] sastore
      [4334] dup
      [4335] bipush 53
      [4337] iconst_5
      [4338] sastore
      [4339] dup
      [4340] bipush 54
      [4342] bipush 27
      [4344] sastore
      [4345] dup
      [4346] bipush 55
      [4348] iconst_5
      [4349] sastore
      [4350] dup
      [4351] bipush 56
      [4353] bipush 7
      [4355] sastore
      [4356] dup
      [4357] bipush 57
      [4359] iconst_5
      [4360] sastore
      [4361] dup
      [4362] bipush 58
      [4364] bipush 23
      [4366] sastore
      [4367] dup
      [4368] bipush 59
      [4370] iconst_5
      [4371] sastore
      [4372] putstatic #10
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.static_dtree [S]
      [4375] new #1
        + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree]
      [4378] dup
      [4379] getstatic #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.static_ltree [S]
      [4382] getstatic #16
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.extra_lbits [I]
      [4385] sipush 257
      [4388] sipush 286
      [4391] bipush 15
      [4393] invokespecial #17
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.<init> ([S[IIII)V]
      [4396] putstatic #11
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.static_l_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree;]
      [4399] new #1
        + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree]
      [4402] dup
      [4403] getstatic #10
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.static_dtree [S]
      [4406] getstatic #15
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.extra_dbits [I]
      [4409] iconst_0
      [4410] bipush 30
      [4412] bipush 15
      [4414] invokespecial #17
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.<init> ([S[IIII)V]
      [4417] putstatic #9
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.static_d_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree;]
      [4420] new #1
        + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree]
      [4423] dup
      [4424] aconst_null
      [4425] getstatic #14
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.extra_blbits [I]
      [4428] iconst_0
      [4429] bipush 19
      [4431] bipush 7
      [4433] invokespecial #17
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.<init> ([S[IIII)V]
      [4436] putstatic #8
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.static_bl_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree;]
      [4439] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 81)
        [0] -> line 49
        [7] -> line 50
        [64] -> line 51
        [127] -> line 52
        [189] -> line 53
        [251] -> line 54
        [313] -> line 55
        [376] -> line 56
        [438] -> line 57
        [501] -> line 58
        [563] -> line 59
        [626] -> line 60
        [688] -> line 61
        [751] -> line 62
        [816] -> line 63
        [889] -> line 64
        [961] -> line 65
        [1034] -> line 66
        [1105] -> line 67
        [1178] -> line 68
        [1250] -> line 69
        [1323] -> line 70
        [1395] -> line 71
        [1468] -> line 72
        [1539] -> line 73
        [1612] -> line 74
        [1684] -> line 75
        [1757] -> line 76
        [1829] -> line 77
        [1902] -> line 78
        [1974] -> line 79
        [2048] -> line 80
        [2122] -> line 81
        [2196] -> line 82
        [2269] -> line 83
        [2343] -> line 84
        [2417] -> line 85
        [2491] -> line 86
        [2564] -> line 87
        [2638] -> line 88
        [2712] -> line 89
        [2786] -> line 90
        [2859] -> line 91
        [2933] -> line 92
        [3007] -> line 93
        [3081] -> line 94
        [3154] -> line 95
        [3228] -> line 96
        [3302] -> line 97
        [3376] -> line 98
        [3449] -> line 99
        [3523] -> line 100
        [3597] -> line 101
        [3661] -> line 102
        [3731] -> line 103
        [3801] -> line 104
        [3870] -> line 105
        [3940] -> line 106
        [4011] -> line 107
        [4051] -> line 49
        [4054] -> line 110
        [4060] -> line 111
        [4104] -> line 112
        [4158] -> line 113
        [4213] -> line 114
        [4267] -> line 115
        [4320] -> line 116
        [4372] -> line 110
        [4375] -> line 120
        [4385] -> line 121
        [4393] -> line 120
        [4396] -> line 119
        [4399] -> line 124
        [4409] -> line 125
        [4414] -> line 124
        [4417] -> line 123
        [4420] -> line 128
        [4428] -> line 129
        [4433] -> line 128
        [4436] -> line 127
        [4439] -> line 37
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>([S[IIII)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = StaticTree(short[],int[],int,int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 32, locals = 6, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #18
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] putfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.static_tree [S]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aload_2 v2
      [11] putfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.extra_bits [I]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] iload_3 v3
      [16] putfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.extra_base I]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] iload v4
      [22] putfield #4
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.elems I]
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] iload v5
      [28] putfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.max_length I]
      [31] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 137
        [4] -> line 143
        [9] -> line 144
        [14] -> line 145
        [19] -> line 146
        [25] -> line 147
        [31] -> line 148
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 32 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree; this]
        v1: 0 -> 32 [[S static_tree]
        v2: 0 -> 32 [[I extra_bits]
        v3: 0 -> 32 [I extra_base]
        v4: 0 -> 32 [I elems]
        v5: 0 -> 32 [I max_length]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x30
    = final class com.jcraft.jzlib.Tree extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 139):
  + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate]
  + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree]
  + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree]
  + Class [java/lang/Math]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bl_count [S]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.depth [B]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap [I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap_len I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap_max I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.opt_len I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.static_len I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.elems I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.extra_base I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.extra_bits [I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.max_length I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.static_tree [S]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree._dist_code [B]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree._length_code [B]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.base_dist [I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.base_length [I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.bl_order [B]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.dyn_tree [S]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.extra_blbits [I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.extra_dbits [I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.extra_lbits [I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.max_code I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.stat_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree;]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pqdownheap ([SI)V]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.bi_reverse (II)I]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.gen_bitlen (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate;)V]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.gen_codes ([SI[S)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Math.max (II)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [_dist_code [B]
  + NameAndType [_length_code [B]
  + NameAndType [base_dist [I]
  + NameAndType [base_length [I]
  + NameAndType [bi_reverse (II)I]
  + NameAndType [bl_count [S]
  + NameAndType [bl_order [B]
  + NameAndType [depth [B]
  + NameAndType [dyn_tree [S]
  + NameAndType [elems I]
  + NameAndType [extra_base I]
  + NameAndType [extra_bits [I]
  + NameAndType [extra_blbits [I]
  + NameAndType [extra_dbits [I]
  + NameAndType [extra_lbits [I]
  + NameAndType [gen_bitlen (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate;)V]
  + NameAndType [gen_codes ([SI[S)V]
  + NameAndType [heap [I]
  + NameAndType [heap_len I]
  + NameAndType [heap_max I]
  + NameAndType [max (II)I]
  + NameAndType [max_code I]
  + NameAndType [max_length I]
  + NameAndType [opt_len I]
  + NameAndType [pqdownheap ([SI)V]
  + NameAndType [stat_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree;]
  + NameAndType [static_len I]
  + NameAndType [static_tree [S]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)I]
  + Utf8 [(II)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate;)V]
  + Utf8 [([SI)V]
  + Utf8 [([SI[S)V]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Tree;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [S]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [[I]
  + Utf8 [[S]
  + Utf8 [_dist_code]
  + Utf8 [_length_code]
  + Utf8 [base]
  + Utf8 [base_dist]
  + Utf8 [base_length]
  + Utf8 [bi_reverse]
  + Utf8 [bits]
  + Utf8 [bl_count]
  + Utf8 [bl_order]
  + Utf8 [build_tree]
  + Utf8 [code]
  + Utf8 [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate]
  + Utf8 [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree]
  + Utf8 [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree]
  + Utf8 [d_code]
  + Utf8 [depth]
  + Utf8 [dist]
  + Utf8 [dyn_tree]
  + Utf8 [elems]
  + Utf8 [extra]
  + Utf8 [extra_base]
  + Utf8 [extra_bits]
  + Utf8 [extra_blbits]
  + Utf8 [extra_dbits]
  + Utf8 [extra_lbits]
  + Utf8 [f]
  + Utf8 [gen_bitlen]
  + Utf8 [gen_codes]
  + Utf8 [h]
  + Utf8 [heap]
  + Utf8 [heap_len]
  + Utf8 [heap_max]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Math]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [len]
  + Utf8 [m]
  + Utf8 [max]
  + Utf8 [max_code]
  + Utf8 [max_length]
  + Utf8 [n]
  + Utf8 [next_code]
  + Utf8 [node]
  + Utf8 [opt_len]
  + Utf8 [overflow]
  + Utf8 [pqdownheap]
  + Utf8 [res]
  + Utf8 [s]
  + Utf8 [stat_desc]
  + Utf8 [static_len]
  + Utf8 [static_tree]
  + Utf8 [stree]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [tree]
  + Utf8 [xbits]

Fields (count = 11):
  + Field:        extra_lbits [I
    Access flags: 0x18
      = static final int[] extra_lbits
  + Field:        extra_dbits [I
    Access flags: 0x18
      = static final int[] extra_dbits
  + Field:        extra_blbits [I
    Access flags: 0x18
      = static final int[] extra_blbits
  + Field:        bl_order [B
    Access flags: 0x18
      = static final byte[] bl_order
  + Field:        _dist_code [B
    Access flags: 0x18
      = static final byte[] _dist_code
  + Field:        _length_code [B
    Access flags: 0x18
      = static final byte[] _length_code
  + Field:        base_length [I
    Access flags: 0x18
      = static final int[] base_length
  + Field:        base_dist [I
    Access flags: 0x18
      = static final int[] base_dist
  + Field:        dyn_tree [S
    Access flags: 0x0
      = short[] dyn_tree
  + Field:        max_code I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int max_code
  + Field:        stat_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = com.jcraft.jzlib.StaticTree stat_desc

Methods (count = 7):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5826, locals = 0, stack = 4):
      [0] bipush 29
      [2] newarray 10
      [4] dup
      [5] bipush 8
      [7] iconst_1
      [8] iastore
      [9] dup
      [10] bipush 9
      [12] iconst_1
      [13] iastore
      [14] dup
      [15] bipush 10
      [17] iconst_1
      [18] iastore
      [19] dup
      [20] bipush 11
      [22] iconst_1
      [23] iastore
      [24] dup
      [25] bipush 12
      [27] iconst_2
      [28] iastore
      [29] dup
      [30] bipush 13
      [32] iconst_2
      [33] iastore
      [34] dup
      [35] bipush 14
      [37] iconst_2
      [38] iastore
      [39] dup
      [40] bipush 15
      [42] iconst_2
      [43] iastore
      [44] dup
      [45] bipush 16
      [47] iconst_3
      [48] iastore
      [49] dup
      [50] bipush 17
      [52] iconst_3
      [53] iastore
      [54] dup
      [55] bipush 18
      [57] iconst_3
      [58] iastore
      [59] dup
      [60] bipush 19
      [62] iconst_3
      [63] iastore
      [64] dup
      [65] bipush 20
      [67] iconst_4
      [68] iastore
      [69] dup
      [70] bipush 21
      [72] iconst_4
      [73] iastore
      [74] dup
      [75] bipush 22
      [77] iconst_4
      [78] iastore
      [79] dup
      [80] bipush 23
      [82] iconst_4
      [83] iastore
      [84] dup
      [85] bipush 24
      [87] iconst_5
      [88] iastore
      [89] dup
      [90] bipush 25
      [92] iconst_5
      [93] iastore
      [94] dup
      [95] bipush 26
      [97] iconst_5
      [98] iastore
      [99] dup
      [100] bipush 27
      [102] iconst_5
      [103] iastore
      [104] putstatic #26
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.extra_lbits [I]
      [107] bipush 30
      [109] newarray 10
      [111] dup
      [112] iconst_4
      [113] iconst_1
      [114] iastore
      [115] dup
      [116] iconst_5
      [117] iconst_1
      [118] iastore
      [119] dup
      [120] bipush 6
      [122] iconst_2
      [123] iastore
      [124] dup
      [125] bipush 7
      [127] iconst_2
      [128] iastore
      [129] dup
      [130] bipush 8
      [132] iconst_3
      [133] iastore
      [134] dup
      [135] bipush 9
      [137] iconst_3
      [138] iastore
      [139] dup
      [140] bipush 10
      [142] iconst_4
      [143] iastore
      [144] dup
      [145] bipush 11
      [147] iconst_4
      [148] iastore
      [149] dup
      [150] bipush 12
      [152] iconst_5
      [153] iastore
      [154] dup
      [155] bipush 13
      [157] iconst_5
      [158] iastore
      [159] dup
      [160] bipush 14
      [162] bipush 6
      [164] iastore
      [165] dup
      [166] bipush 15
      [168] bipush 6
      [170] iastore
      [171] dup
      [172] bipush 16
      [174] bipush 7
      [176] iastore
      [177] dup
      [178] bipush 17
      [180] bipush 7
      [182] iastore
      [183] dup
      [184] bipush 18
      [186] bipush 8
      [188] iastore
      [189] dup
      [190] bipush 19
      [192] bipush 8
      [194] iastore
      [195] dup
      [196] bipush 20
      [198] bipush 9
      [200] iastore
      [201] dup
      [202] bipush 21
      [204] bipush 9
      [206] iastore
      [207] dup
      [208] bipush 22
      [210] bipush 10
      [212] iastore
      [213] dup
      [214] bipush 23
      [216] bipush 10
      [218] iastore
      [219] dup
      [220] bipush 24
      [222] bipush 11
      [224] iastore
      [225] dup
      [226] bipush 25
      [228] bipush 11
      [230] iastore
      [231] dup
      [232] bipush 26
      [234] bipush 12
      [236] iastore
      [237] dup
      [238] bipush 27
      [240] bipush 12
      [242] iastore
      [243] dup
      [244] bipush 28
      [246] bipush 13
      [248] iastore
      [249] dup
      [250] bipush 29
      [252] bipush 13
      [254] iastore
      [255] putstatic #25
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.extra_dbits [I]
      [258] bipush 19
      [260] newarray 10
      [262] dup
      [263] bipush 16
      [265] iconst_2
      [266] iastore
      [267] dup
      [268] bipush 17
      [270] iconst_3
      [271] iastore
      [272] dup
      [273] bipush 18
      [275] bipush 7
      [277] iastore
      [278] putstatic #24
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.extra_blbits [I]
      [281] bipush 19
      [283] newarray 8
      [285] dup
      [286] iconst_0
      [287] bipush 16
      [289] bastore
      [290] dup
      [291] iconst_1
      [292] bipush 17
      [294] bastore
      [295] dup
      [296] iconst_2
      [297] bipush 18
      [299] bastore
      [300] dup
      [301] iconst_4
      [302] bipush 8
      [304] bastore
      [305] dup
      [306] iconst_5
      [307] bipush 7
      [309] bastore
      [310] dup
      [311] bipush 6
      [313] bipush 9
      [315] bastore
      [316] dup
      [317] bipush 7
      [319] bipush 6
      [321] bastore
      [322] dup
      [323] bipush 8
      [325] bipush 10
      [327] bastore
      [328] dup
      [329] bipush 9
      [331] iconst_5
      [332] bastore
      [333] dup
      [334] bipush 10
      [336] bipush 11
      [338] bastore
      [339] dup
      [340] bipush 11
      [342] iconst_4
      [343] bastore
      [344] dup
      [345] bipush 12
      [347] bipush 12
      [349] bastore
      [350] dup
      [351] bipush 13
      [353] iconst_3
      [354] bastore
      [355] dup
      [356] bipush 14
      [358] bipush 13
      [360] bastore
      [361] dup
      [362] bipush 15
      [364] iconst_2
      [365] bastore
      [366] dup
      [367] bipush 16
      [369] bipush 14
      [371] bastore
      [372] dup
      [373] bipush 17
      [375] iconst_1
      [376] bastore
      [377] dup
      [378] bipush 18
      [380] bipush 15
      [382] bastore
      [383] putstatic #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.bl_order [B]
      [386] sipush 512
      [389] newarray 8
      [391] dup
      [392] iconst_1
      [393] iconst_1
      [394] bastore
      [395] dup
      [396] iconst_2
      [397] iconst_2
      [398] bastore
      [399] dup
      [400] iconst_3
      [401] iconst_3
      [402] bastore
      [403] dup
      [404] iconst_4
      [405] iconst_4
      [406] bastore
      [407] dup
      [408] iconst_5
      [409] iconst_4
      [410] bastore
      [411] dup
      [412] bipush 6
      [414] iconst_5
      [415] bastore
      [416] dup
      [417] bipush 7
      [419] iconst_5
      [420] bastore
      [421] dup
      [422] bipush 8
      [424] bipush 6
      [426] bastore
      [427] dup
      [428] bipush 9
      [430] bipush 6
      [432] bastore
      [433] dup
      [434] bipush 10
      [436] bipush 6
      [438] bastore
      [439] dup
      [440] bipush 11
      [442] bipush 6
      [444] bastore
      [445] dup
      [446] bipush 12
      [448] bipush 7
      [450] bastore
      [451] dup
      [452] bipush 13
      [454] bipush 7
      [456] bastore
      [457] dup
      [458] bipush 14
      [460] bipush 7
      [462] bastore
      [463] dup
      [464] bipush 15
      [466] bipush 7
      [468] bastore
      [469] dup
      [470] bipush 16
      [472] bipush 8
      [474] bastore
      [475] dup
      [476] bipush 17
      [478] bipush 8
      [480] bastore
      [481] dup
      [482] bipush 18
      [484] bipush 8
      [486] bastore
      [487] dup
      [488] bipush 19
      [490] bipush 8
      [492] bastore
      [493] dup
      [494] bipush 20
      [496] bipush 8
      [498] bastore
      [499] dup
      [500] bipush 21
      [502] bipush 8
      [504] bastore
      [505] dup
      [506] bipush 22
      [508] bipush 8
      [510] bastore
      [511] dup
      [512] bipush 23
      [514] bipush 8
      [516] bastore
      [517] dup
      [518] bipush 24
      [520] bipush 9
      [522] bastore
      [523] dup
      [524] bipush 25
      [526] bipush 9
      [528] bastore
      [529] dup
      [530] bipush 26
      [532] bipush 9
      [534] bastore
      [535] dup
      [536] bipush 27
      [538] bipush 9
      [540] bastore
      [541] dup
      [542] bipush 28
      [544] bipush 9
      [546] bastore
      [547] dup
      [548] bipush 29
      [550] bipush 9
      [552] bastore
      [553] dup
      [554] bipush 30
      [556] bipush 9
      [558] bastore
      [559] dup
      [560] bipush 31
      [562] bipush 9
      [564] bastore
      [565] dup
      [566] bipush 32
      [568] bipush 10
      [570] bastore
      [571] dup
      [572] bipush 33
      [574] bipush 10
      [576] bastore
      [577] dup
      [578] bipush 34
      [580] bipush 10
      [582] bastore
      [583] dup
      [584] bipush 35
      [586] bipush 10
      [588] bastore
      [589] dup
      [590] bipush 36
      [592] bipush 10
      [594] bastore
      [595] dup
      [596] bipush 37
      [598] bipush 10
      [600] bastore
      [601] dup
      [602] bipush 38
      [604] bipush 10
      [606] bastore
      [607] dup
      [608] bipush 39
      [610] bipush 10
      [612] bastore
      [613] dup
      [614] bipush 40
      [616] bipush 10
      [618] bastore
      [619] dup
      [620] bipush 41
      [622] bipush 10
      [624] bastore
      [625] dup
      [626] bipush 42
      [628] bipush 10
      [630] bastore
      [631] dup
      [632] bipush 43
      [634] bipush 10
      [636] bastore
      [637] dup
      [638] bipush 44
      [640] bipush 10
      [642] bastore
      [643] dup
      [644] bipush 45
      [646] bipush 10
      [648] bastore
      [649] dup
      [650] bipush 46
      [652] bipush 10
      [654] bastore
      [655] dup
      [656] bipush 47
      [658] bipush 10
      [660] bastore
      [661] dup
      [662] bipush 48
      [664] bipush 11
      [666] bastore
      [667] dup
      [668] bipush 49
      [670] bipush 11
      [672] bastore
      [673] dup
      [674] bipush 50
      [676] bipush 11
      [678] bastore
      [679] dup
      [680] bipush 51
      [682] bipush 11
      [684] bastore
      [685] dup
      [686] bipush 52
      [688] bipush 11
      [690] bastore
      [691] dup
      [692] bipush 53
      [694] bipush 11
      [696] bastore
      [697] dup
      [698] bipush 54
      [700] bipush 11
      [702] bastore
      [703] dup
      [704] bipush 55
      [706] bipush 11
      [708] bastore
      [709] dup
      [710] bipush 56
      [712] bipush 11
      [714] bastore
      [715] dup
      [716] bipush 57
      [718] bipush 11
      [720] bastore
      [721] dup
      [722] bipush 58
      [724] bipush 11
      [726] bastore
      [727] dup
      [728] bipush 59
      [730] bipush 11
      [732] bastore
      [733] dup
      [734] bipush 60
      [736] bipush 11
      [738] bastore
      [739] dup
      [740] bipush 61
      [742] bipush 11
      [744] bastore
      [745] dup
      [746] bipush 62
      [748] bipush 11
      [750] bastore
      [751] dup
      [752] bipush 63
      [754] bipush 11
      [756] bastore
      [757] dup
      [758] bipush 64
      [760] bipush 12
      [762] bastore
      [763] dup
      [764] bipush 65
      [766] bipush 12
      [768] bastore
      [769] dup
      [770] bipush 66
      [772] bipush 12
      [774] bastore
      [775] dup
      [776] bipush 67
      [778] bipush 12
      [780] bastore
      [781] dup
      [782] bipush 68
      [784] bipush 12
      [786] bastore
      [787] dup
      [788] bipush 69
      [790] bipush 12
      [792] bastore
      [793] dup
      [794] bipush 70
      [796] bipush 12
      [798] bastore
      [799] dup
      [800] bipush 71
      [802] bipush 12
      [804] bastore
      [805] dup
      [806] bipush 72
      [808] bipush 12
      [810] bastore
      [811] dup
      [812] bipush 73
      [814] bipush 12
      [816] bastore
      [817] dup
      [818] bipush 74
      [820] bipush 12
      [822] bastore
      [823] dup
      [824] bipush 75
      [826] bipush 12
      [828] bastore
      [829] dup
      [830] bipush 76
      [832] bipush 12
      [834] bastore
      [835] dup
      [836] bipush 77
      [838] bipush 12
      [840] bastore
      [841] dup
      [842] bipush 78
      [844] bipush 12
      [846] bastore
      [847] dup
      [848] bipush 79
      [850] bipush 12
      [852] bastore
      [853] dup
      [854] bipush 80
      [856] bipush 12
      [858] bastore
      [859] dup
      [860] bipush 81
      [862] bipush 12
      [864] bastore
      [865] dup
      [866] bipush 82
      [868] bipush 12
      [870] bastore
      [871] dup
      [872] bipush 83
      [874] bipush 12
      [876] bastore
      [877] dup
      [878] bipush 84
      [880] bipush 12
      [882] bastore
      [883] dup
      [884] bipush 85
      [886] bipush 12
      [888] bastore
      [889] dup
      [890] bipush 86
      [892] bipush 12
      [894] bastore
      [895] dup
      [896] bipush 87
      [898] bipush 12
      [900] bastore
      [901] dup
      [902] bipush 88
      [904] bipush 12
      [906] bastore
      [907] dup
      [908] bipush 89
      [910] bipush 12
      [912] bastore
      [913] dup
      [914] bipush 90
      [916] bipush 12
      [918] bastore
      [919] dup
      [920] bipush 91
      [922] bipush 12
      [924] bastore
      [925] dup
      [926] bipush 92
      [928] bipush 12
      [930] bastore
      [931] dup
      [932] bipush 93
      [934] bipush 12
      [936] bastore
      [937] dup
      [938] bipush 94
      [940] bipush 12
      [942] bastore
      [943] dup
      [944] bipush 95
      [946] bipush 12
      [948] bastore
      [949] dup
      [950] bipush 96
      [952] bipush 13
      [954] bastore
      [955] dup
      [956] bipush 97
      [958] bipush 13
      [960] bastore
      [961] dup
      [962] bipush 98
      [964] bipush 13
      [966] bastore
      [967] dup
      [968] bipush 99
      [970] bipush 13
      [972] bastore
      [973] dup
      [974] bipush 100
      [976] bipush 13
      [978] bastore
      [979] dup
      [980] bipush 101
      [982] bipush 13
      [984] bastore
      [985] dup
      [986] bipush 102
      [988] bipush 13
      [990] bastore
      [991] dup
      [992] bipush 103
      [994] bipush 13
      [996] bastore
      [997] dup
      [998] bipush 104
      [1000] bipush 13
      [1002] bastore
      [1003] dup
      [1004] bipush 105
      [1006] bipush 13
      [1008] bastore
      [1009] dup
      [1010] bipush 106
      [1012] bipush 13
      [1014] bastore
      [1015] dup
      [1016] bipush 107
      [1018] bipush 13
      [1020] bastore
      [1021] dup
      [1022] bipush 108
      [1024] bipush 13
      [1026] bastore
      [1027] dup
      [1028] bipush 109
      [1030] bipush 13
      [1032] bastore
      [1033] dup
      [1034] bipush 110
      [1036] bipush 13
      [1038] bastore
      [1039] dup
      [1040] bipush 111
      [1042] bipush 13
      [1044] bastore
      [1045] dup
      [1046] bipush 112
      [1048] bipush 13
      [1050] bastore
      [1051] dup
      [1052] bipush 113
      [1054] bipush 13
      [1056] bastore
      [1057] dup
      [1058] bipush 114
      [1060] bipush 13
      [1062] bastore
      [1063] dup
      [1064] bipush 115
      [1066] bipush 13
      [1068] bastore
      [1069] dup
      [1070] bipush 116
      [1072] bipush 13
      [1074] bastore
      [1075] dup
      [1076] bipush 117
      [1078] bipush 13
      [1080] bastore
      [1081] dup
      [1082] bipush 118
      [1084] bipush 13
      [1086] bastore
      [1087] dup
      [1088] bipush 119
      [1090] bipush 13
      [1092] bastore
      [1093] dup
      [1094] bipush 120
      [1096] bipush 13
      [1098] bastore
      [1099] dup
      [1100] bipush 121
      [1102] bipush 13
      [1104] bastore
      [1105] dup
      [1106] bipush 122
      [1108] bipush 13
      [1110] bastore
      [1111] dup
      [1112] bipush 123
      [1114] bipush 13
      [1116] bastore
      [1117] dup
      [1118] bipush 124
      [1120] bipush 13
      [1122] bastore
      [1123] dup
      [1124] bipush 125
      [1126] bipush 13
      [1128] bastore
      [1129] dup
      [1130] bipush 126
      [1132] bipush 13
      [1134] bastore
      [1135] dup
      [1136] bipush 127
      [1138] bipush 13
      [1140] bastore
      [1141] dup
      [1142] sipush 128
      [1145] bipush 14
      [1147] bastore
      [1148] dup
      [1149] sipush 129
      [1152] bipush 14
      [1154] bastore
      [1155] dup
      [1156] sipush 130
      [1159] bipush 14
      [1161] bastore
      [1162] dup
      [1163] sipush 131
      [1166] bipush 14
      [1168] bastore
      [1169] dup
      [1170] sipush 132
      [1173] bipush 14
      [1175] bastore
      [1176] dup
      [1177] sipush 133
      [1180] bipush 14
      [1182] bastore
      [1183] dup
      [1184] sipush 134
      [1187] bipush 14
      [1189] bastore
      [1190] dup
      [1191] sipush 135
      [1194] bipush 14
      [1196] bastore
      [1197] dup
      [1198] sipush 136
      [1201] bipush 14
      [1203] bastore
      [1204] dup
      [1205] sipush 137
      [1208] bipush 14
      [1210] bastore
      [1211] dup
      [1212] sipush 138
      [1215] bipush 14
      [1217] bastore
      [1218] dup
      [1219] sipush 139
      [1222] bipush 14
      [1224] bastore
      [1225] dup
      [1226] sipush 140
      [1229] bipush 14
      [1231] bastore
      [1232] dup
      [1233] sipush 141
      [1236] bipush 14
      [1238] bastore
      [1239] dup
      [1240] sipush 142
      [1243] bipush 14
      [1245] bastore
      [1246] dup
      [1247] sipush 143
      [1250] bipush 14
      [1252] bastore
      [1253] dup
      [1254] sipush 144
      [1257] bipush 14
      [1259] bastore
      [1260] dup
      [1261] sipush 145
      [1264] bipush 14
      [1266] bastore
      [1267] dup
      [1268] sipush 146
      [1271] bipush 14
      [1273] bastore
      [1274] dup
      [1275] sipush 147
      [1278] bipush 14
      [1280] bastore
      [1281] dup
      [1282] sipush 148
      [1285] bipush 14
      [1287] bastore
      [1288] dup
      [1289] sipush 149
      [1292] bipush 14
      [1294] bastore
      [1295] dup
      [1296] sipush 150
      [1299] bipush 14
      [1301] bastore
      [1302] dup
      [1303] sipush 151
      [1306] bipush 14
      [1308] bastore
      [1309] dup
      [1310] sipush 152
      [1313] bipush 14
      [1315] bastore
      [1316] dup
      [1317] sipush 153
      [1320] bipush 14
      [1322] bastore
      [1323] dup
      [1324] sipush 154
      [1327] bipush 14
      [1329] bastore
      [1330] dup
      [1331] sipush 155
      [1334] bipush 14
      [1336] bastore
      [1337] dup
      [1338] sipush 156
      [1341] bipush 14
      [1343] bastore
      [1344] dup
      [1345] sipush 157
      [1348] bipush 14
      [1350] bastore
      [1351] dup
      [1352] sipush 158
      [1355] bipush 14
      [1357] bastore
      [1358] dup
      [1359] sipush 159
      [1362] bipush 14
      [1364] bastore
      [1365] dup
      [1366] sipush 160
      [1369] bipush 14
      [1371] bastore
      [1372] dup
      [1373] sipush 161
      [1376] bipush 14
      [1378] bastore
      [1379] dup
      [1380] sipush 162
      [1383] bipush 14
      [1385] bastore
      [1386] dup
      [1387] sipush 163
      [1390] bipush 14
      [1392] bastore
      [1393] dup
      [1394] sipush 164
      [1397] bipush 14
      [1399] bastore
      [1400] dup
      [1401] sipush 165
      [1404] bipush 14
      [1406] bastore
      [1407] dup
      [1408] sipush 166
      [1411] bipush 14
      [1413] bastore
      [1414] dup
      [1415] sipush 167
      [1418] bipush 14
      [1420] bastore
      [1421] dup
      [1422] sipush 168
      [1425] bipush 14
      [1427] bastore
      [1428] dup
      [1429] sipush 169
      [1432] bipush 14
      [1434] bastore
      [1435] dup
      [1436] sipush 170
      [1439] bipush 14
      [1441] bastore
      [1442] dup
      [1443] sipush 171
      [1446] bipush 14
      [1448] bastore
      [1449] dup
      [1450] sipush 172
      [1453] bipush 14
      [1455] bastore
      [1456] dup
      [1457] sipush 173
      [1460] bipush 14
      [1462] bastore
      [1463] dup
      [1464] sipush 174
      [1467] bipush 14
      [1469] bastore
      [1470] dup
      [1471] sipush 175
      [1474] bipush 14
      [1476] bastore
      [1477] dup
      [1478] sipush 176
      [1481] bipush 14
      [1483] bastore
      [1484] dup
      [1485] sipush 177
      [1488] bipush 14
      [1490] bastore
      [1491] dup
      [1492] sipush 178
      [1495] bipush 14
      [1497] bastore
      [1498] dup
      [1499] sipush 179
      [1502] bipush 14
      [1504] bastore
      [1505] dup
      [1506] sipush 180
      [1509] bipush 14
      [1511] bastore
      [1512] dup
      [1513] sipush 181
      [1516] bipush 14
      [1518] bastore
      [1519] dup
      [1520] sipush 182
      [1523] bipush 14
      [1525] bastore
      [1526] dup
      [1527] sipush 183
      [1530] bipush 14
      [1532] bastore
      [1533] dup
      [1534] sipush 184
      [1537] bipush 14
      [1539] bastore
      [1540] dup
      [1541] sipush 185
      [1544] bipush 14
      [1546] bastore
      [1547] dup
      [1548] sipush 186
      [1551] bipush 14
      [1553] bastore
      [1554] dup
      [1555] sipush 187
      [1558] bipush 14
      [1560] bastore
      [1561] dup
      [1562] sipush 188
      [1565] bipush 14
      [1567] bastore
      [1568] dup
      [1569] sipush 189
      [1572] bipush 14
      [1574] bastore
      [1575] dup
      [1576] sipush 190
      [1579] bipush 14
      [1581] bastore
      [1582] dup
      [1583] sipush 191
      [1586] bipush 14
      [1588] bastore
      [1589] dup
      [1590] sipush 192
      [1593] bipush 15
      [1595] bastore
      [1596] dup
      [1597] sipush 193
      [1600] bipush 15
      [1602] bastore
      [1603] dup
      [1604] sipush 194
      [1607] bipush 15
      [1609] bastore
      [1610] dup
      [1611] sipush 195
      [1614] bipush 15
      [1616] bastore
      [1617] dup
      [1618] sipush 196
      [1621] bipush 15
      [1623] bastore
      [1624] dup
      [1625] sipush 197
      [1628] bipush 15
      [1630] bastore
      [1631] dup
      [1632] sipush 198
      [1635] bipush 15
      [1637] bastore
      [1638] dup
      [1639] sipush 199
      [1642] bipush 15
      [1644] bastore
      [1645] dup
      [1646] sipush 200
      [1649] bipush 15
      [1651] bastore
      [1652] dup
      [1653] sipush 201
      [1656] bipush 15
      [1658] bastore
      [1659] dup
      [1660] sipush 202
      [1663] bipush 15
      [1665] bastore
      [1666] dup
      [1667] sipush 203
      [1670] bipush 15
      [1672] bastore
      [1673] dup
      [1674] sipush 204
      [1677] bipush 15
      [1679] bastore
      [1680] dup
      [1681] sipush 205
      [1684] bipush 15
      [1686] bastore
      [1687] dup
      [1688] sipush 206
      [1691] bipush 15
      [1693] bastore
      [1694] dup
      [1695] sipush 207
      [1698] bipush 15
      [1700] bastore
      [1701] dup
      [1702] sipush 208
      [1705] bipush 15
      [1707] bastore
      [1708] dup
      [1709] sipush 209
      [1712] bipush 15
      [1714] bastore
      [1715] dup
      [1716] sipush 210
      [1719] bipush 15
      [1721] bastore
      [1722] dup
      [1723] sipush 211
      [1726] bipush 15
      [1728] bastore
      [1729] dup
      [1730] sipush 212
      [1733] bipush 15
      [1735] bastore
      [1736] dup
      [1737] sipush 213
      [1740] bipush 15
      [1742] bastore
      [1743] dup
      [1744] sipush 214
      [1747] bipush 15
      [1749] bastore
      [1750] dup
      [1751] sipush 215
      [1754] bipush 15
      [1756] bastore
      [1757] dup
      [1758] sipush 216
      [1761] bipush 15
      [1763] bastore
      [1764] dup
      [1765] sipush 217
      [1768] bipush 15
      [1770] bastore
      [1771] dup
      [1772] sipush 218
      [1775] bipush 15
      [1777] bastore
      [1778] dup
      [1779] sipush 219
      [1782] bipush 15
      [1784] bastore
      [1785] dup
      [1786] sipush 220
      [1789] bipush 15
      [1791] bastore
      [1792] dup
      [1793] sipush 221
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      [1799] dup
      [1800] sipush 222
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      [1807] sipush 223
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      [1813] dup
      [1814] sipush 224
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      [1820] dup
      [1821] sipush 225
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      [1827] dup
      [1828] sipush 226
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      [1835] sipush 227
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      [1841] dup
      [1842] sipush 228
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      [1848] dup
      [1849] sipush 229
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      [1855] dup
      [1856] sipush 230
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      [1862] dup
      [1863] sipush 231
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      [1869] dup
      [1870] sipush 232
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      [1877] sipush 233
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      [1882] bastore
      [1883] dup
      [1884] sipush 234
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      [1890] dup
      [1891] sipush 235
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      [1897] dup
      [1898] sipush 236
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      [1905] sipush 237
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      [1912] sipush 238
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      [1919] sipush 239
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      [1926] sipush 240
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      [1932] dup
      [1933] sipush 241
      [1936] bipush 15
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      [1939] dup
      [1940] sipush 242
      [1943] bipush 15
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      [1947] sipush 243
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      [1953] dup
      [1954] sipush 244
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      [1960] dup
      [1961] sipush 245
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      [1967] dup
      [1968] sipush 246
      [1971] bipush 15
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      [1974] dup
      [1975] sipush 247
      [1978] bipush 15
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      [1981] dup
      [1982] sipush 248
      [1985] bipush 15
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      [1989] sipush 249
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      [1996] sipush 250
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      [2003] sipush 251
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      [2010] sipush 252
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      [2017] sipush 253
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      [2024] sipush 254
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      [2030] dup
      [2031] sipush 255
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      [2037] dup
      [2038] sipush 258
      [2041] bipush 16
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      [2044] dup
      [2045] sipush 259
      [2048] bipush 17
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      [2051] dup
      [2052] sipush 260
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      [2058] dup
      [2059] sipush 261
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      [2065] dup
      [2066] sipush 262
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      [2072] dup
      [2073] sipush 263
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      [2079] dup
      [2080] sipush 264
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      [2086] dup
      [2087] sipush 265
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      [2093] dup
      [2094] sipush 266
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      [2101] sipush 267
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      [2107] dup
      [2108] sipush 268
      [2111] bipush 21
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      [2114] dup
      [2115] sipush 269
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      [2121] dup
      [2122] sipush 270
      [2125] bipush 21
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      [2128] dup
      [2129] sipush 271
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      [2135] dup
      [2136] sipush 272
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      [2142] dup
      [2143] sipush 273
      [2146] bipush 22
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      [2149] dup
      [2150] sipush 274
      [2153] bipush 22
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      [2156] dup
      [2157] sipush 275
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      [2162] bastore
      [2163] dup
      [2164] sipush 276
      [2167] bipush 22
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      [2170] dup
      [2171] sipush 277
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      [2177] dup
      [2178] sipush 278
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      [2184] dup
      [2185] sipush 279
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      [2191] dup
      [2192] sipush 280
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      [2198] dup
      [2199] sipush 281
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      [2205] dup
      [2206] sipush 282
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      [2212] dup
      [2213] sipush 283
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      [2219] dup
      [2220] sipush 284
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      [2226] dup
      [2227] sipush 285
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      [2233] dup
      [2234] sipush 286
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      [2240] dup
      [2241] sipush 287
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      [2248] sipush 288
      [2251] bipush 24
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      [2254] dup
      [2255] sipush 289
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      [2261] dup
      [2262] sipush 290
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      [2268] dup
      [2269] sipush 291
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      [2275] dup
      [2276] sipush 292
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      [2282] dup
      [2283] sipush 293
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      [2289] dup
      [2290] sipush 294
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      [2295] bastore
      [2296] dup
      [2297] sipush 295
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      [2303] dup
      [2304] sipush 296
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      [2310] dup
      [2311] sipush 297
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      [2317] dup
      [2318] sipush 298
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      [2323] bastore
      [2324] dup
      [2325] sipush 299
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      [2331] dup
      [2332] sipush 300
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      [2338] dup
      [2339] sipush 301
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      [2345] dup
      [2346] sipush 302
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      [2351] bastore
      [2352] dup
      [2353] sipush 303
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      [2358] bastore
      [2359] dup
      [2360] sipush 304
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      [2365] bastore
      [2366] dup
      [2367] sipush 305
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      [2372] bastore
      [2373] dup
      [2374] sipush 306
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      [2380] dup
      [2381] sipush 307
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      [2387] dup
      [2388] sipush 308
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      [2394] dup
      [2395] sipush 309
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      [2401] dup
      [2402] sipush 310
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      [2408] dup
      [2409] sipush 311
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      [2415] dup
      [2416] sipush 312
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      [2422] dup
      [2423] sipush 313
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      [2429] dup
      [2430] sipush 314
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      [2436] dup
      [2437] sipush 315
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      [2443] dup
      [2444] sipush 316
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      [2449] bastore
      [2450] dup
      [2451] sipush 317
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      [2457] dup
      [2458] sipush 318
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      [2464] dup
      [2465] sipush 319
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      [2471] dup
      [2472] sipush 320
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      [2478] dup
      [2479] sipush 321
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      [2485] dup
      [2486] sipush 322
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      [2492] dup
      [2493] sipush 323
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      [2499] dup
      [2500] sipush 324
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      [2507] sipush 325
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      [2513] dup
      [2514] sipush 326
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      [2520] dup
      [2521] sipush 327
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      [2527] dup
      [2528] sipush 328
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      [2533] bastore
      [2534] dup
      [2535] sipush 329
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      [2541] dup
      [2542] sipush 330
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      [2548] dup
      [2549] sipush 331
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      [2555] dup
      [2556] sipush 332
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      [2562] dup
      [2563] sipush 333
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      [2568] bastore
      [2569] dup
      [2570] sipush 334
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      [2575] bastore
      [2576] dup
      [2577] sipush 335
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      [2582] bastore
      [2583] dup
      [2584] sipush 336
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      [2590] dup
      [2591] sipush 337
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      [2597] dup
      [2598] sipush 338
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      [2603] bastore
      [2604] dup
      [2605] sipush 339
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      [2610] bastore
      [2611] dup
      [2612] sipush 340
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      [2617] bastore
      [2618] dup
      [2619] sipush 341
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      [2624] bastore
      [2625] dup
      [2626] sipush 342
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      [2631] bastore
      [2632] dup
      [2633] sipush 343
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      [2638] bastore
      [2639] dup
      [2640] sipush 344
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      [2645] bastore
      [2646] dup
      [2647] sipush 345
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      [2653] dup
      [2654] sipush 346
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      [2659] bastore
      [2660] dup
      [2661] sipush 347
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      [2666] bastore
      [2667] dup
      [2668] sipush 348
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      [2673] bastore
      [2674] dup
      [2675] sipush 349
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      [2681] dup
      [2682] sipush 350
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      [2688] dup
      [2689] sipush 351
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      [2695] dup
      [2696] sipush 352
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      [2701] bastore
      [2702] dup
      [2703] sipush 353
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      [2709] dup
      [2710] sipush 354
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      [2716] dup
      [2717] sipush 355
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      [2723] dup
      [2724] sipush 356
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      [2730] dup
      [2731] sipush 357
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      [2737] dup
      [2738] sipush 358
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      [2745] sipush 359
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      [2752] sipush 360
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      [2758] dup
      [2759] sipush 361
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      [2766] sipush 362
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      [2772] dup
      [2773] sipush 363
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      [2779] dup
      [2780] sipush 364
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      [2786] dup
      [2787] sipush 365
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      [2794] sipush 366
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      [2800] dup
      [2801] sipush 367
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      [2807] dup
      [2808] sipush 368
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      [2814] dup
      [2815] sipush 369
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      [2821] dup
      [2822] sipush 370
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      [2828] dup
      [2829] sipush 371
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      [2835] dup
      [2836] sipush 372
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      [2842] dup
      [2843] sipush 373
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      [2849] dup
      [2850] sipush 374
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      [2856] dup
      [2857] sipush 375
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      [2863] dup
      [2864] sipush 376
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      [2870] dup
      [2871] sipush 377
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      [2877] dup
      [2878] sipush 378
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      [2884] dup
      [2885] sipush 379
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      [2891] dup
      [2892] sipush 380
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      [2899] sipush 381
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      [2905] dup
      [2906] sipush 382
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      [2912] dup
      [2913] sipush 383
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      [2919] dup
      [2920] sipush 384
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      [2926] dup
      [2927] sipush 385
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      [2933] dup
      [2934] sipush 386
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      [2940] dup
      [2941] sipush 387
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      [2947] dup
      [2948] sipush 388
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      [2954] dup
      [2955] sipush 389
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      [2961] dup
      [2962] sipush 390
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      [2968] dup
      [2969] sipush 391
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      [2975] dup
      [2976] sipush 392
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      [2981] bastore
      [2982] dup
      [2983] sipush 393
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      [2989] dup
      [2990] sipush 394
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      [2996] dup
      [2997] sipush 395
      [3000] bipush 28
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      [3003] dup
      [3004] sipush 396
      [3007] bipush 28
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      [3010] dup
      [3011] sipush 397
      [3014] bipush 28
      [3016] bastore
      [3017] dup
      [3018] sipush 398
      [3021] bipush 28
      [3023] bastore
      [3024] dup
      [3025] sipush 399
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      [3031] dup
      [3032] sipush 400
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      [3038] dup
      [3039] sipush 401
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      [3045] dup
      [3046] sipush 402
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      [3053] sipush 403
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      [3059] dup
      [3060] sipush 404
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      [3066] dup
      [3067] sipush 405
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      [3073] dup
      [3074] sipush 406
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      [3080] dup
      [3081] sipush 407
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      [3087] dup
      [3088] sipush 408
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      [3094] dup
      [3095] sipush 409
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      [3101] dup
      [3102] sipush 410
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      [3108] dup
      [3109] sipush 411
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      [3114] bastore
      [3115] dup
      [3116] sipush 412
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      [3122] dup
      [3123] sipush 413
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      [3129] dup
      [3130] sipush 414
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      [3136] dup
      [3137] sipush 415
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      [3143] dup
      [3144] sipush 416
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      [3150] dup
      [3151] sipush 417
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      [3157] dup
      [3158] sipush 418
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      [3164] dup
      [3165] sipush 419
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      [3171] dup
      [3172] sipush 420
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      [3178] dup
      [3179] sipush 421
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      [3185] dup
      [3186] sipush 422
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      [3192] dup
      [3193] sipush 423
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      [3200] sipush 424
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      [3206] dup
      [3207] sipush 425
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      [3213] dup
      [3214] sipush 426
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      [3220] dup
      [3221] sipush 427
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      [3227] dup
      [3228] sipush 428
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      [3234] dup
      [3235] sipush 429
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      [3241] dup
      [3242] sipush 430
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      [3248] dup
      [3249] sipush 431
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      [3255] dup
      [3256] sipush 432
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      [3262] dup
      [3263] sipush 433
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      [3269] dup
      [3270] sipush 434
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      [3277] sipush 435
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      [3283] dup
      [3284] sipush 436
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      [3290] dup
      [3291] sipush 437
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      [3298] sipush 438
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      [3304] dup
      [3305] sipush 439
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      [3311] dup
      [3312] sipush 440
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      [3318] dup
      [3319] sipush 441
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      [3325] dup
      [3326] sipush 442
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      [3332] dup
      [3333] sipush 443
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      [3338] bastore
      [3339] dup
      [3340] sipush 444
      [3343] bipush 28
      [3345] bastore
      [3346] dup
      [3347] sipush 445
      [3350] bipush 28
      [3352] bastore
      [3353] dup
      [3354] sipush 446
      [3357] bipush 28
      [3359] bastore
      [3360] dup
      [3361] sipush 447
      [3364] bipush 28
      [3366] bastore
      [3367] dup
      [3368] sipush 448
      [3371] bipush 29
      [3373] bastore
      [3374] dup
      [3375] sipush 449
      [3378] bipush 29
      [3380] bastore
      [3381] dup
      [3382] sipush 450
      [3385] bipush 29
      [3387] bastore
      [3388] dup
      [3389] sipush 451
      [3392] bipush 29
      [3394] bastore
      [3395] dup
      [3396] sipush 452
      [3399] bipush 29
      [3401] bastore
      [3402] dup
      [3403] sipush 453
      [3406] bipush 29
      [3408] bastore
      [3409] dup
      [3410] sipush 454
      [3413] bipush 29
      [3415] bastore
      [3416] dup
      [3417] sipush 455
      [3420] bipush 29
      [3422] bastore
      [3423] dup
      [3424] sipush 456
      [3427] bipush 29
      [3429] bastore
      [3430] dup
      [3431] sipush 457
      [3434] bipush 29
      [3436] bastore
      [3437] dup
      [3438] sipush 458
      [3441] bipush 29
      [3443] bastore
      [3444] dup
      [3445] sipush 459
      [3448] bipush 29
      [3450] bastore
      [3451] dup
      [3452] sipush 460
      [3455] bipush 29
      [3457] bastore
      [3458] dup
      [3459] sipush 461
      [3462] bipush 29
      [3464] bastore
      [3465] dup
      [3466] sipush 462
      [3469] bipush 29
      [3471] bastore
      [3472] dup
      [3473] sipush 463
      [3476] bipush 29
      [3478] bastore
      [3479] dup
      [3480] sipush 464
      [3483] bipush 29
      [3485] bastore
      [3486] dup
      [3487] sipush 465
      [3490] bipush 29
      [3492] bastore
      [3493] dup
      [3494] sipush 466
      [3497] bipush 29
      [3499] bastore
      [3500] dup
      [3501] sipush 467
      [3504] bipush 29
      [3506] bastore
      [3507] dup
      [3508] sipush 468
      [3511] bipush 29
      [3513] bastore
      [3514] dup
      [3515] sipush 469
      [3518] bipush 29
      [3520] bastore
      [3521] dup
      [3522] sipush 470
      [3525] bipush 29
      [3527] bastore
      [3528] dup
      [3529] sipush 471
      [3532] bipush 29
      [3534] bastore
      [3535] dup
      [3536] sipush 472
      [3539] bipush 29
      [3541] bastore
      [3542] dup
      [3543] sipush 473
      [3546] bipush 29
      [3548] bastore
      [3549] dup
      [3550] sipush 474
      [3553] bipush 29
      [3555] bastore
      [3556] dup
      [3557] sipush 475
      [3560] bipush 29
      [3562] bastore
      [3563] dup
      [3564] sipush 476
      [3567] bipush 29
      [3569] bastore
      [3570] dup
      [3571] sipush 477
      [3574] bipush 29
      [3576] bastore
      [3577] dup
      [3578] sipush 478
      [3581] bipush 29
      [3583] bastore
      [3584] dup
      [3585] sipush 479
      [3588] bipush 29
      [3590] bastore
      [3591] dup
      [3592] sipush 480
      [3595] bipush 29
      [3597] bastore
      [3598] dup
      [3599] sipush 481
      [3602] bipush 29
      [3604] bastore
      [3605] dup
      [3606] sipush 482
      [3609] bipush 29
      [3611] bastore
      [3612] dup
      [3613] sipush 483
      [3616] bipush 29
      [3618] bastore
      [3619] dup
      [3620] sipush 484
      [3623] bipush 29
      [3625] bastore
      [3626] dup
      [3627] sipush 485
      [3630] bipush 29
      [3632] bastore
      [3633] dup
      [3634] sipush 486
      [3637] bipush 29
      [3639] bastore
      [3640] dup
      [3641] sipush 487
      [3644] bipush 29
      [3646] bastore
      [3647] dup
      [3648] sipush 488
      [3651] bipush 29
      [3653] bastore
      [3654] dup
      [3655] sipush 489
      [3658] bipush 29
      [3660] bastore
      [3661] dup
      [3662] sipush 490
      [3665] bipush 29
      [3667] bastore
      [3668] dup
      [3669] sipush 491
      [3672] bipush 29
      [3674] bastore
      [3675] dup
      [3676] sipush 492
      [3679] bipush 29
      [3681] bastore
      [3682] dup
      [3683] sipush 493
      [3686] bipush 29
      [3688] bastore
      [3689] dup
      [3690] sipush 494
      [3693] bipush 29
      [3695] bastore
      [3696] dup
      [3697] sipush 495
      [3700] bipush 29
      [3702] bastore
      [3703] dup
      [3704] sipush 496
      [3707] bipush 29
      [3709] bastore
      [3710] dup
      [3711] sipush 497
      [3714] bipush 29
      [3716] bastore
      [3717] dup
      [3718] sipush 498
      [3721] bipush 29
      [3723] bastore
      [3724] dup
      [3725] sipush 499
      [3728] bipush 29
      [3730] bastore
      [3731] dup
      [3732] sipush 500
      [3735] bipush 29
      [3737] bastore
      [3738] dup
      [3739] sipush 501
      [3742] bipush 29
      [3744] bastore
      [3745] dup
      [3746] sipush 502
      [3749] bipush 29
      [3751] bastore
      [3752] dup
      [3753] sipush 503
      [3756] bipush 29
      [3758] bastore
      [3759] dup
      [3760] sipush 504
      [3763] bipush 29
      [3765] bastore
      [3766] dup
      [3767] sipush 505
      [3770] bipush 29
      [3772] bastore
      [3773] dup
      [3774] sipush 506
      [3777] bipush 29
      [3779] bastore
      [3780] dup
      [3781] sipush 507
      [3784] bipush 29
      [3786] bastore
      [3787] dup
      [3788] sipush 508
      [3791] bipush 29
      [3793] bastore
      [3794] dup
      [3795] sipush 509
      [3798] bipush 29
      [3800] bastore
      [3801] dup
      [3802] sipush 510
      [3805] bipush 29
      [3807] bastore
      [3808] dup
      [3809] sipush 511
      [3812] bipush 29
      [3814] bastore
      [3815] putstatic #18
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree._dist_code [B]
      [3818] sipush 256
      [3821] newarray 8
      [3823] dup
      [3824] iconst_1
      [3825] iconst_1
      [3826] bastore
      [3827] dup
      [3828] iconst_2
      [3829] iconst_2
      [3830] bastore
      [3831] dup
      [3832] iconst_3
      [3833] iconst_3
      [3834] bastore
      [3835] dup
      [3836] iconst_4
      [3837] iconst_4
      [3838] bastore
      [3839] dup
      [3840] iconst_5
      [3841] iconst_5
      [3842] bastore
      [3843] dup
      [3844] bipush 6
      [3846] bipush 6
      [3848] bastore
      [3849] dup
      [3850] bipush 7
      [3852] bipush 7
      [3854] bastore
      [3855] dup
      [3856] bipush 8
      [3858] bipush 8
      [3860] bastore
      [3861] dup
      [3862] bipush 9
      [3864] bipush 8
      [3866] bastore
      [3867] dup
      [3868] bipush 10
      [3870] bipush 9
      [3872] bastore
      [3873] dup
      [3874] bipush 11
      [3876] bipush 9
      [3878] bastore
      [3879] dup
      [3880] bipush 12
      [3882] bipush 10
      [3884] bastore
      [3885] dup
      [3886] bipush 13
      [3888] bipush 10
      [3890] bastore
      [3891] dup
      [3892] bipush 14
      [3894] bipush 11
      [3896] bastore
      [3897] dup
      [3898] bipush 15
      [3900] bipush 11
      [3902] bastore
      [3903] dup
      [3904] bipush 16
      [3906] bipush 12
      [3908] bastore
      [3909] dup
      [3910] bipush 17
      [3912] bipush 12
      [3914] bastore
      [3915] dup
      [3916] bipush 18
      [3918] bipush 12
      [3920] bastore
      [3921] dup
      [3922] bipush 19
      [3924] bipush 12
      [3926] bastore
      [3927] dup
      [3928] bipush 20
      [3930] bipush 13
      [3932] bastore
      [3933] dup
      [3934] bipush 21
      [3936] bipush 13
      [3938] bastore
      [3939] dup
      [3940] bipush 22
      [3942] bipush 13
      [3944] bastore
      [3945] dup
      [3946] bipush 23
      [3948] bipush 13
      [3950] bastore
      [3951] dup
      [3952] bipush 24
      [3954] bipush 14
      [3956] bastore
      [3957] dup
      [3958] bipush 25
      [3960] bipush 14
      [3962] bastore
      [3963] dup
      [3964] bipush 26
      [3966] bipush 14
      [3968] bastore
      [3969] dup
      [3970] bipush 27
      [3972] bipush 14
      [3974] bastore
      [3975] dup
      [3976] bipush 28
      [3978] bipush 15
      [3980] bastore
      [3981] dup
      [3982] bipush 29
      [3984] bipush 15
      [3986] bastore
      [3987] dup
      [3988] bipush 30
      [3990] bipush 15
      [3992] bastore
      [3993] dup
      [3994] bipush 31
      [3996] bipush 15
      [3998] bastore
      [3999] dup
      [4000] bipush 32
      [4002] bipush 16
      [4004] bastore
      [4005] dup
      [4006] bipush 33
      [4008] bipush 16
      [4010] bastore
      [4011] dup
      [4012] bipush 34
      [4014] bipush 16
      [4016] bastore
      [4017] dup
      [4018] bipush 35
      [4020] bipush 16
      [4022] bastore
      [4023] dup
      [4024] bipush 36
      [4026] bipush 16
      [4028] bastore
      [4029] dup
      [4030] bipush 37
      [4032] bipush 16
      [4034] bastore
      [4035] dup
      [4036] bipush 38
      [4038] bipush 16
      [4040] bastore
      [4041] dup
      [4042] bipush 39
      [4044] bipush 16
      [4046] bastore
      [4047] dup
      [4048] bipush 40
      [4050] bipush 17
      [4052] bastore
      [4053] dup
      [4054] bipush 41
      [4056] bipush 17
      [4058] bastore
      [4059] dup
      [4060] bipush 42
      [4062] bipush 17
      [4064] bastore
      [4065] dup
      [4066] bipush 43
      [4068] bipush 17
      [4070] bastore
      [4071] dup
      [4072] bipush 44
      [4074] bipush 17
      [4076] bastore
      [4077] dup
      [4078] bipush 45
      [4080] bipush 17
      [4082] bastore
      [4083] dup
      [4084] bipush 46
      [4086] bipush 17
      [4088] bastore
      [4089] dup
      [4090] bipush 47
      [4092] bipush 17
      [4094] bastore
      [4095] dup
      [4096] bipush 48
      [4098] bipush 18
      [4100] bastore
      [4101] dup
      [4102] bipush 49
      [4104] bipush 18
      [4106] bastore
      [4107] dup
      [4108] bipush 50
      [4110] bipush 18
      [4112] bastore
      [4113] dup
      [4114] bipush 51
      [4116] bipush 18
      [4118] bastore
      [4119] dup
      [4120] bipush 52
      [4122] bipush 18
      [4124] bastore
      [4125] dup
      [4126] bipush 53
      [4128] bipush 18
      [4130] bastore
      [4131] dup
      [4132] bipush 54
      [4134] bipush 18
      [4136] bastore
      [4137] dup
      [4138] bipush 55
      [4140] bipush 18
      [4142] bastore
      [4143] dup
      [4144] bipush 56
      [4146] bipush 19
      [4148] bastore
      [4149] dup
      [4150] bipush 57
      [4152] bipush 19
      [4154] bastore
      [4155] dup
      [4156] bipush 58
      [4158] bipush 19
      [4160] bastore
      [4161] dup
      [4162] bipush 59
      [4164] bipush 19
      [4166] bastore
      [4167] dup
      [4168] bipush 60
      [4170] bipush 19
      [4172] bastore
      [4173] dup
      [4174] bipush 61
      [4176] bipush 19
      [4178] bastore
      [4179] dup
      [4180] bipush 62
      [4182] bipush 19
      [4184] bastore
      [4185] dup
      [4186] bipush 63
      [4188] bipush 19
      [4190] bastore
      [4191] dup
      [4192] bipush 64
      [4194] bipush 20
      [4196] bastore
      [4197] dup
      [4198] bipush 65
      [4200] bipush 20
      [4202] bastore
      [4203] dup
      [4204] bipush 66
      [4206] bipush 20
      [4208] bastore
      [4209] dup
      [4210] bipush 67
      [4212] bipush 20
      [4214] bastore
      [4215] dup
      [4216] bipush 68
      [4218] bipush 20
      [4220] bastore
      [4221] dup
      [4222] bipush 69
      [4224] bipush 20
      [4226] bastore
      [4227] dup
      [4228] bipush 70
      [4230] bipush 20
      [4232] bastore
      [4233] dup
      [4234] bipush 71
      [4236] bipush 20
      [4238] bastore
      [4239] dup
      [4240] bipush 72
      [4242] bipush 20
      [4244] bastore
      [4245] dup
      [4246] bipush 73
      [4248] bipush 20
      [4250] bastore
      [4251] dup
      [4252] bipush 74
      [4254] bipush 20
      [4256] bastore
      [4257] dup
      [4258] bipush 75
      [4260] bipush 20
      [4262] bastore
      [4263] dup
      [4264] bipush 76
      [4266] bipush 20
      [4268] bastore
      [4269] dup
      [4270] bipush 77
      [4272] bipush 20
      [4274] bastore
      [4275] dup
      [4276] bipush 78
      [4278] bipush 20
      [4280] bastore
      [4281] dup
      [4282] bipush 79
      [4284] bipush 20
      [4286] bastore
      [4287] dup
      [4288] bipush 80
      [4290] bipush 21
      [4292] bastore
      [4293] dup
      [4294] bipush 81
      [4296] bipush 21
      [4298] bastore
      [4299] dup
      [4300] bipush 82
      [4302] bipush 21
      [4304] bastore
      [4305] dup
      [4306] bipush 83
      [4308] bipush 21
      [4310] bastore
      [4311] dup
      [4312] bipush 84
      [4314] bipush 21
      [4316] bastore
      [4317] dup
      [4318] bipush 85
      [4320] bipush 21
      [4322] bastore
      [4323] dup
      [4324] bipush 86
      [4326] bipush 21
      [4328] bastore
      [4329] dup
      [4330] bipush 87
      [4332] bipush 21
      [4334] bastore
      [4335] dup
      [4336] bipush 88
      [4338] bipush 21
      [4340] bastore
      [4341] dup
      [4342] bipush 89
      [4344] bipush 21
      [4346] bastore
      [4347] dup
      [4348] bipush 90
      [4350] bipush 21
      [4352] bastore
      [4353] dup
      [4354] bipush 91
      [4356] bipush 21
      [4358] bastore
      [4359] dup
      [4360] bipush 92
      [4362] bipush 21
      [4364] bastore
      [4365] dup
      [4366] bipush 93
      [4368] bipush 21
      [4370] bastore
      [4371] dup
      [4372] bipush 94
      [4374] bipush 21
      [4376] bastore
      [4377] dup
      [4378] bipush 95
      [4380] bipush 21
      [4382] bastore
      [4383] dup
      [4384] bipush 96
      [4386] bipush 22
      [4388] bastore
      [4389] dup
      [4390] bipush 97
      [4392] bipush 22
      [4394] bastore
      [4395] dup
      [4396] bipush 98
      [4398] bipush 22
      [4400] bastore
      [4401] dup
      [4402] bipush 99
      [4404] bipush 22
      [4406] bastore
      [4407] dup
      [4408] bipush 100
      [4410] bipush 22
      [4412] bastore
      [4413] dup
      [4414] bipush 101
      [4416] bipush 22
      [4418] bastore
      [4419] dup
      [4420] bipush 102
      [4422] bipush 22
      [4424] bastore
      [4425] dup
      [4426] bipush 103
      [4428] bipush 22
      [4430] bastore
      [4431] dup
      [4432] bipush 104
      [4434] bipush 22
      [4436] bastore
      [4437] dup
      [4438] bipush 105
      [4440] bipush 22
      [4442] bastore
      [4443] dup
      [4444] bipush 106
      [4446] bipush 22
      [4448] bastore
      [4449] dup
      [4450] bipush 107
      [4452] bipush 22
      [4454] bastore
      [4455] dup
      [4456] bipush 108
      [4458] bipush 22
      [4460] bastore
      [4461] dup
      [4462] bipush 109
      [4464] bipush 22
      [4466] bastore
      [4467] dup
      [4468] bipush 110
      [4470] bipush 22
      [4472] bastore
      [4473] dup
      [4474] bipush 111
      [4476] bipush 22
      [4478] bastore
      [4479] dup
      [4480] bipush 112
      [4482] bipush 23
      [4484] bastore
      [4485] dup
      [4486] bipush 113
      [4488] bipush 23
      [4490] bastore
      [4491] dup
      [4492] bipush 114
      [4494] bipush 23
      [4496] bastore
      [4497] dup
      [4498] bipush 115
      [4500] bipush 23
      [4502] bastore
      [4503] dup
      [4504] bipush 116
      [4506] bipush 23
      [4508] bastore
      [4509] dup
      [4510] bipush 117
      [4512] bipush 23
      [4514] bastore
      [4515] dup
      [4516] bipush 118
      [4518] bipush 23
      [4520] bastore
      [4521] dup
      [4522] bipush 119
      [4524] bipush 23
      [4526] bastore
      [4527] dup
      [4528] bipush 120
      [4530] bipush 23
      [4532] bastore
      [4533] dup
      [4534] bipush 121
      [4536] bipush 23
      [4538] bastore
      [4539] dup
      [4540] bipush 122
      [4542] bipush 23
      [4544] bastore
      [4545] dup
      [4546] bipush 123
      [4548] bipush 23
      [4550] bastore
      [4551] dup
      [4552] bipush 124
      [4554] bipush 23
      [4556] bastore
      [4557] dup
      [4558] bipush 125
      [4560] bipush 23
      [4562] bastore
      [4563] dup
      [4564] bipush 126
      [4566] bipush 23
      [4568] bastore
      [4569] dup
      [4570] bipush 127
      [4572] bipush 23
      [4574] bastore
      [4575] dup
      [4576] sipush 128
      [4579] bipush 24
      [4581] bastore
      [4582] dup
      [4583] sipush 129
      [4586] bipush 24
      [4588] bastore
      [4589] dup
      [4590] sipush 130
      [4593] bipush 24
      [4595] bastore
      [4596] dup
      [4597] sipush 131
      [4600] bipush 24
      [4602] bastore
      [4603] dup
      [4604] sipush 132
      [4607] bipush 24
      [4609] bastore
      [4610] dup
      [4611] sipush 133
      [4614] bipush 24
      [4616] bastore
      [4617] dup
      [4618] sipush 134
      [4621] bipush 24
      [4623] bastore
      [4624] dup
      [4625] sipush 135
      [4628] bipush 24
      [4630] bastore
      [4631] dup
      [4632] sipush 136
      [4635] bipush 24
      [4637] bastore
      [4638] dup
      [4639] sipush 137
      [4642] bipush 24
      [4644] bastore
      [4645] dup
      [4646] sipush 138
      [4649] bipush 24
      [4651] bastore
      [4652] dup
      [4653] sipush 139
      [4656] bipush 24
      [4658] bastore
      [4659] dup
      [4660] sipush 140
      [4663] bipush 24
      [4665] bastore
      [4666] dup
      [4667] sipush 141
      [4670] bipush 24
      [4672] bastore
      [4673] dup
      [4674] sipush 142
      [4677] bipush 24
      [4679] bastore
      [4680] dup
      [4681] sipush 143
      [4684] bipush 24
      [4686] bastore
      [4687] dup
      [4688] sipush 144
      [4691] bipush 24
      [4693] bastore
      [4694] dup
      [4695] sipush 145
      [4698] bipush 24
      [4700] bastore
      [4701] dup
      [4702] sipush 146
      [4705] bipush 24
      [4707] bastore
      [4708] dup
      [4709] sipush 147
      [4712] bipush 24
      [4714] bastore
      [4715] dup
      [4716] sipush 148
      [4719] bipush 24
      [4721] bastore
      [4722] dup
      [4723] sipush 149
      [4726] bipush 24
      [4728] bastore
      [4729] dup
      [4730] sipush 150
      [4733] bipush 24
      [4735] bastore
      [4736] dup
      [4737] sipush 151
      [4740] bipush 24
      [4742] bastore
      [4743] dup
      [4744] sipush 152
      [4747] bipush 24
      [4749] bastore
      [4750] dup
      [4751] sipush 153
      [4754] bipush 24
      [4756] bastore
      [4757] dup
      [4758] sipush 154
      [4761] bipush 24
      [4763] bastore
      [4764] dup
      [4765] sipush 155
      [4768] bipush 24
      [4770] bastore
      [4771] dup
      [4772] sipush 156
      [4775] bipush 24
      [4777] bastore
      [4778] dup
      [4779] sipush 157
      [4782] bipush 24
      [4784] bastore
      [4785] dup
      [4786] sipush 158
      [4789] bipush 24
      [4791] bastore
      [4792] dup
      [4793] sipush 159
      [4796] bipush 24
      [4798] bastore
      [4799] dup
      [4800] sipush 160
      [4803] bipush 25
      [4805] bastore
      [4806] dup
      [4807] sipush 161
      [4810] bipush 25
      [4812] bastore
      [4813] dup
      [4814] sipush 162
      [4817] bipush 25
      [4819] bastore
      [4820] dup
      [4821] sipush 163
      [4824] bipush 25
      [4826] bastore
      [4827] dup
      [4828] sipush 164
      [4831] bipush 25
      [4833] bastore
      [4834] dup
      [4835] sipush 165
      [4838] bipush 25
      [4840] bastore
      [4841] dup
      [4842] sipush 166
      [4845] bipush 25
      [4847] bastore
      [4848] dup
      [4849] sipush 167
      [4852] bipush 25
      [4854] bastore
      [4855] dup
      [4856] sipush 168
      [4859] bipush 25
      [4861] bastore
      [4862] dup
      [4863] sipush 169
      [4866] bipush 25
      [4868] bastore
      [4869] dup
      [4870] sipush 170
      [4873] bipush 25
      [4875] bastore
      [4876] dup
      [4877] sipush 171
      [4880] bipush 25
      [4882] bastore
      [4883] dup
      [4884] sipush 172
      [4887] bipush 25
      [4889] bastore
      [4890] dup
      [4891] sipush 173
      [4894] bipush 25
      [4896] bastore
      [4897] dup
      [4898] sipush 174
      [4901] bipush 25
      [4903] bastore
      [4904] dup
      [4905] sipush 175
      [4908] bipush 25
      [4910] bastore
      [4911] dup
      [4912] sipush 176
      [4915] bipush 25
      [4917] bastore
      [4918] dup
      [4919] sipush 177
      [4922] bipush 25
      [4924] bastore
      [4925] dup
      [4926] sipush 178
      [4929] bipush 25
      [4931] bastore
      [4932] dup
      [4933] sipush 179
      [4936] bipush 25
      [4938] bastore
      [4939] dup
      [4940] sipush 180
      [4943] bipush 25
      [4945] bastore
      [4946] dup
      [4947] sipush 181
      [4950] bipush 25
      [4952] bastore
      [4953] dup
      [4954] sipush 182
      [4957] bipush 25
      [4959] bastore
      [4960] dup
      [4961] sipush 183
      [4964] bipush 25
      [4966] bastore
      [4967] dup
      [4968] sipush 184
      [4971] bipush 25
      [4973] bastore
      [4974] dup
      [4975] sipush 185
      [4978] bipush 25
      [4980] bastore
      [4981] dup
      [4982] sipush 186
      [4985] bipush 25
      [4987] bastore
      [4988] dup
      [4989] sipush 187
      [4992] bipush 25
      [4994] bastore
      [4995] dup
      [4996] sipush 188
      [4999] bipush 25
      [5001] bastore
      [5002] dup
      [5003] sipush 189
      [5006] bipush 25
      [5008] bastore
      [5009] dup
      [5010] sipush 190
      [5013] bipush 25
      [5015] bastore
      [5016] dup
      [5017] sipush 191
      [5020] bipush 25
      [5022] bastore
      [5023] dup
      [5024] sipush 192
      [5027] bipush 26
      [5029] bastore
      [5030] dup
      [5031] sipush 193
      [5034] bipush 26
      [5036] bastore
      [5037] dup
      [5038] sipush 194
      [5041] bipush 26
      [5043] bastore
      [5044] dup
      [5045] sipush 195
      [5048] bipush 26
      [5050] bastore
      [5051] dup
      [5052] sipush 196
      [5055] bipush 26
      [5057] bastore
      [5058] dup
      [5059] sipush 197
      [5062] bipush 26
      [5064] bastore
      [5065] dup
      [5066] sipush 198
      [5069] bipush 26
      [5071] bastore
      [5072] dup
      [5073] sipush 199
      [5076] bipush 26
      [5078] bastore
      [5079] dup
      [5080] sipush 200
      [5083] bipush 26
      [5085] bastore
      [5086] dup
      [5087] sipush 201
      [5090] bipush 26
      [5092] bastore
      [5093] dup
      [5094] sipush 202
      [5097] bipush 26
      [5099] bastore
      [5100] dup
      [5101] sipush 203
      [5104] bipush 26
      [5106] bastore
      [5107] dup
      [5108] sipush 204
      [5111] bipush 26
      [5113] bastore
      [5114] dup
      [5115] sipush 205
      [5118] bipush 26
      [5120] bastore
      [5121] dup
      [5122] sipush 206
      [5125] bipush 26
      [5127] bastore
      [5128] dup
      [5129] sipush 207
      [5132] bipush 26
      [5134] bastore
      [5135] dup
      [5136] sipush 208
      [5139] bipush 26
      [5141] bastore
      [5142] dup
      [5143] sipush 209
      [5146] bipush 26
      [5148] bastore
      [5149] dup
      [5150] sipush 210
      [5153] bipush 26
      [5155] bastore
      [5156] dup
      [5157] sipush 211
      [5160] bipush 26
      [5162] bastore
      [5163] dup
      [5164] sipush 212
      [5167] bipush 26
      [5169] bastore
      [5170] dup
      [5171] sipush 213
      [5174] bipush 26
      [5176] bastore
      [5177] dup
      [5178] sipush 214
      [5181] bipush 26
      [5183] bastore
      [5184] dup
      [5185] sipush 215
      [5188] bipush 26
      [5190] bastore
      [5191] dup
      [5192] sipush 216
      [5195] bipush 26
      [5197] bastore
      [5198] dup
      [5199] sipush 217
      [5202] bipush 26
      [5204] bastore
      [5205] dup
      [5206] sipush 218
      [5209] bipush 26
      [5211] bastore
      [5212] dup
      [5213] sipush 219
      [5216] bipush 26
      [5218] bastore
      [5219] dup
      [5220] sipush 220
      [5223] bipush 26
      [5225] bastore
      [5226] dup
      [5227] sipush 221
      [5230] bipush 26
      [5232] bastore
      [5233] dup
      [5234] sipush 222
      [5237] bipush 26
      [5239] bastore
      [5240] dup
      [5241] sipush 223
      [5244] bipush 26
      [5246] bastore
      [5247] dup
      [5248] sipush 224
      [5251] bipush 27
      [5253] bastore
      [5254] dup
      [5255] sipush 225
      [5258] bipush 27
      [5260] bastore
      [5261] dup
      [5262] sipush 226
      [5265] bipush 27
      [5267] bastore
      [5268] dup
      [5269] sipush 227
      [5272] bipush 27
      [5274] bastore
      [5275] dup
      [5276] sipush 228
      [5279] bipush 27
      [5281] bastore
      [5282] dup
      [5283] sipush 229
      [5286] bipush 27
      [5288] bastore
      [5289] dup
      [5290] sipush 230
      [5293] bipush 27
      [5295] bastore
      [5296] dup
      [5297] sipush 231
      [5300] bipush 27
      [5302] bastore
      [5303] dup
      [5304] sipush 232
      [5307] bipush 27
      [5309] bastore
      [5310] dup
      [5311] sipush 233
      [5314] bipush 27
      [5316] bastore
      [5317] dup
      [5318] sipush 234
      [5321] bipush 27
      [5323] bastore
      [5324] dup
      [5325] sipush 235
      [5328] bipush 27
      [5330] bastore
      [5331] dup
      [5332] sipush 236
      [5335] bipush 27
      [5337] bastore
      [5338] dup
      [5339] sipush 237
      [5342] bipush 27
      [5344] bastore
      [5345] dup
      [5346] sipush 238
      [5349] bipush 27
      [5351] bastore
      [5352] dup
      [5353] sipush 239
      [5356] bipush 27
      [5358] bastore
      [5359] dup
      [5360] sipush 240
      [5363] bipush 27
      [5365] bastore
      [5366] dup
      [5367] sipush 241
      [5370] bipush 27
      [5372] bastore
      [5373] dup
      [5374] sipush 242
      [5377] bipush 27
      [5379] bastore
      [5380] dup
      [5381] sipush 243
      [5384] bipush 27
      [5386] bastore
      [5387] dup
      [5388] sipush 244
      [5391] bipush 27
      [5393] bastore
      [5394] dup
      [5395] sipush 245
      [5398] bipush 27
      [5400] bastore
      [5401] dup
      [5402] sipush 246
      [5405] bipush 27
      [5407] bastore
      [5408] dup
      [5409] sipush 247
      [5412] bipush 27
      [5414] bastore
      [5415] dup
      [5416] sipush 248
      [5419] bipush 27
      [5421] bastore
      [5422] dup
      [5423] sipush 249
      [5426] bipush 27
      [5428] bastore
      [5429] dup
      [5430] sipush 250
      [5433] bipush 27
      [5435] bastore
      [5436] dup
      [5437] sipush 251
      [5440] bipush 27
      [5442] bastore
      [5443] dup
      [5444] sipush 252
      [5447] bipush 27
      [5449] bastore
      [5450] dup
      [5451] sipush 253
      [5454] bipush 27
      [5456] bastore
      [5457] dup
      [5458] sipush 254
      [5461] bipush 27
      [5463] bastore
      [5464] dup
      [5465] sipush 255
      [5468] bipush 28
      [5470] bastore
      [5471] putstatic #19
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree._length_code [B]
      [5474] bipush 29
      [5476] newarray 10
      [5478] dup
      [5479] iconst_1
      [5480] iconst_1
      [5481] iastore
      [5482] dup
      [5483] iconst_2
      [5484] iconst_2
      [5485] iastore
      [5486] dup
      [5487] iconst_3
      [5488] iconst_3
      [5489] iastore
      [5490] dup
      [5491] iconst_4
      [5492] iconst_4
      [5493] iastore
      [5494] dup
      [5495] iconst_5
      [5496] iconst_5
      [5497] iastore
      [5498] dup
      [5499] bipush 6
      [5501] bipush 6
      [5503] iastore
      [5504] dup
      [5505] bipush 7
      [5507] bipush 7
      [5509] iastore
      [5510] dup
      [5511] bipush 8
      [5513] bipush 8
      [5515] iastore
      [5516] dup
      [5517] bipush 9
      [5519] bipush 10
      [5521] iastore
      [5522] dup
      [5523] bipush 10
      [5525] bipush 12
      [5527] iastore
      [5528] dup
      [5529] bipush 11
      [5531] bipush 14
      [5533] iastore
      [5534] dup
      [5535] bipush 12
      [5537] bipush 16
      [5539] iastore
      [5540] dup
      [5541] bipush 13
      [5543] bipush 20
      [5545] iastore
      [5546] dup
      [5547] bipush 14
      [5549] bipush 24
      [5551] iastore
      [5552] dup
      [5553] bipush 15
      [5555] bipush 28
      [5557] iastore
      [5558] dup
      [5559] bipush 16
      [5561] bipush 32
      [5563] iastore
      [5564] dup
      [5565] bipush 17
      [5567] bipush 40
      [5569] iastore
      [5570] dup
      [5571] bipush 18
      [5573] bipush 48
      [5575] iastore
      [5576] dup
      [5577] bipush 19
      [5579] bipush 56
      [5581] iastore
      [5582] dup
      [5583] bipush 20
      [5585] bipush 64
      [5587] iastore
      [5588] dup
      [5589] bipush 21
      [5591] bipush 80
      [5593] iastore
      [5594] dup
      [5595] bipush 22
      [5597] bipush 96
      [5599] iastore
      [5600] dup
      [5601] bipush 23
      [5603] bipush 112
      [5605] iastore
      [5606] dup
      [5607] bipush 24
      [5609] sipush 128
      [5612] iastore
      [5613] dup
      [5614] bipush 25
      [5616] sipush 160
      [5619] iastore
      [5620] dup
      [5621] bipush 26
      [5623] sipush 192
      [5626] iastore
      [5627] dup
      [5628] bipush 27
      [5630] sipush 224
      [5633] iastore
      [5634] putstatic #21
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.base_length [I]
      [5637] bipush 30
      [5639] newarray 10
      [5641] dup
      [5642] iconst_1
      [5643] iconst_1
      [5644] iastore
      [5645] dup
      [5646] iconst_2
      [5647] iconst_2
      [5648] iastore
      [5649] dup
      [5650] iconst_3
      [5651] iconst_3
      [5652] iastore
      [5653] dup
      [5654] iconst_4
      [5655] iconst_4
      [5656] iastore
      [5657] dup
      [5658] iconst_5
      [5659] bipush 6
      [5661] iastore
      [5662] dup
      [5663] bipush 6
      [5665] bipush 8
      [5667] iastore
      [5668] dup
      [5669] bipush 7
      [5671] bipush 12
      [5673] iastore
      [5674] dup
      [5675] bipush 8
      [5677] bipush 16
      [5679] iastore
      [5680] dup
      [5681] bipush 9
      [5683] bipush 24
      [5685] iastore
      [5686] dup
      [5687] bipush 10
      [5689] bipush 32
      [5691] iastore
      [5692] dup
      [5693] bipush 11
      [5695] bipush 48
      [5697] iastore
      [5698] dup
      [5699] bipush 12
      [5701] bipush 64
      [5703] iastore
      [5704] dup
      [5705] bipush 13
      [5707] bipush 96
      [5709] iastore
      [5710] dup
      [5711] bipush 14
      [5713] sipush 128
      [5716] iastore
      [5717] dup
      [5718] bipush 15
      [5720] sipush 192
      [5723] iastore
      [5724] dup
      [5725] bipush 16
      [5727] sipush 256
      [5730] iastore
      [5731] dup
      [5732] bipush 17
      [5734] sipush 384
      [5737] iastore
      [5738] dup
      [5739] bipush 18
      [5741] sipush 512
      [5744] iastore
      [5745] dup
      [5746] bipush 19
      [5748] sipush 768
      [5751] iastore
      [5752] dup
      [5753] bipush 20
      [5755] sipush 1024
      [5758] iastore
      [5759] dup
      [5760] bipush 21
      [5762] sipush 1536
      [5765] iastore
      [5766] dup
      [5767] bipush 22
      [5769] sipush 2048
      [5772] iastore
      [5773] dup
      [5774] bipush 23
      [5776] sipush 3072
      [5779] iastore
      [5780] dup
      [5781] bipush 24
      [5783] sipush 4096
      [5786] iastore
      [5787] dup
      [5788] bipush 25
      [5790] sipush 6144
      [5793] iastore
      [5794] dup
      [5795] bipush 26
      [5797] sipush 8192
      [5800] iastore
      [5801] dup
      [5802] bipush 27
      [5804] sipush 12288
      [5807] iastore
      [5808] dup
      [5809] bipush 28
      [5811] sipush 16384
      [5814] iastore
      [5815] dup
      [5816] bipush 29
      [5818] sipush 24576
      [5821] iastore
      [5822] putstatic #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.base_dist [I]
      [5825] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 65)
        [0] -> line 62
        [7] -> line 63
        [104] -> line 62
        [107] -> line 67
        [113] -> line 68
        [255] -> line 67
        [258] -> line 72
        [265] -> line 73
        [278] -> line 72
        [281] -> line 76
        [287] -> line 77
        [383] -> line 76
        [386] -> line 89
        [393] -> line 90
        [496] -> line 91
        [616] -> line 92
        [736] -> line 93
        [856] -> line 94
        [976] -> line 95
        [1096] -> line 96
        [1229] -> line 97
        [1369] -> line 98
        [1509] -> line 99
        [1649] -> line 100
        [1789] -> line 101
        [1929] -> line 102
        [2055] -> line 103
        [2195] -> line 104
        [2335] -> line 105
        [2475] -> line 106
        [2615] -> line 107
        [2755] -> line 108
        [2895] -> line 109
        [3035] -> line 110
        [3175] -> line 111
        [3315] -> line 112
        [3455] -> line 113
        [3595] -> line 114
        [3735] -> line 115
        [3815] -> line 89
        [3818] -> line 118
        [3825] -> line 119
        [3930] -> line 120
        [4050] -> line 121
        [4170] -> line 122
        [4290] -> line 123
        [4410] -> line 124
        [4530] -> line 125
        [4663] -> line 126
        [4803] -> line 127
        [4943] -> line 128
        [5083] -> line 129
        [5223] -> line 130
        [5363] -> line 131
        [5471] -> line 118
        [5474] -> line 134
        [5480] -> line 135
        [5585] -> line 136
        [5634] -> line 134
        [5637] -> line 139
        [5643] -> line 140
        [5689] -> line 141
        [5755] -> line 142
        [5822] -> line 139
        [5825] -> line 37
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = Tree()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #34
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 37
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Tree; this]
  + Method:       d_code(I)I
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static int d_code(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 28, locals = 1, stack = 4):
      [0] iload_0 v0
      [1] sipush 256
      [4] ificmpge +11 (target=15)
      [7] getstatic #18
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree._dist_code [B]
      [10] iload_0 v0
      [11] baload
      [12] goto +15 (target=27)
      [15] getstatic #18
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree._dist_code [B]
      [18] sipush 256
      [21] iload_0 v0
      [22] bipush 7
      [24] iushr
      [25] iadd
      [26] baload
      [27] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 149
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 28 [I dist]
  + Method:       gen_bitlen(Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = void gen_bitlen(com.jcraft.jzlib.Deflate)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 443, locals = 14, stack = 8):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.dyn_tree [S]
      [4] astore_2 v2
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.stat_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree;]
      [9] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.static_tree [S]
      [12] astore_3 v3
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.stat_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree;]
      [17] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.extra_bits [I]
      [20] astore v4
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.stat_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree;]
      [26] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.extra_base I]
      [29] istore v5
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.stat_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree;]
      [35] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.max_length I]
      [38] istore v6
      [40] iconst_0
      [41] istore v13
      [43] iconst_0
      [44] istore v10
      [46] goto +14 (target=60)
      [49] aload_1 v1
      [50] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bl_count [S]
      [53] iload v10
      [55] iconst_0
      [56] sastore
      [57] iinc v10, 1
      [60] iload v10
      [62] bipush 15
      [64] ificmple -15 (target=49)
      [67] aload_2 v2
      [68] aload_1 v1
      [69] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap [I]
      [72] aload_1 v1
      [73] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap_max I]
      [76] iaload
      [77] iconst_2
      [78] imul
      [79] iconst_1
      [80] iadd
      [81] iconst_0
      [82] sastore
      [83] aload_1 v1
      [84] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap_max I]
      [87] iconst_1
      [88] iadd
      [89] istore v7
      [91] goto +154 (target=245)
      [94] aload_1 v1
      [95] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap [I]
      [98] iload v7
      [100] iaload
      [101] istore v8
      [103] aload_2 v2
      [104] aload_2 v2
      [105] iload v8
      [107] iconst_2
      [108] imul
      [109] iconst_1
      [110] iadd
      [111] saload
      [112] iconst_2
      [113] imul
      [114] iconst_1
      [115] iadd
      [116] saload
      [117] iconst_1
      [118] iadd
      [119] istore v10
      [121] iload v10
      [123] iload v6
      [125] ificmple +10 (target=135)
      [128] iload v6
      [130] istore v10
      [132] iinc v13, 1
      [135] aload_2 v2
      [136] iload v8
      [138] iconst_2
      [139] imul
      [140] iconst_1
      [141] iadd
      [142] iload v10
      [144] i2s
      [145] sastore
      [146] iload v8
      [148] aload_0 v0
      [149] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.max_code I]
      [152] ificmple +6 (target=158)
      [155] goto +87 (target=242)
      [158] aload_1 v1
      [159] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bl_count [S]
      [162] iload v10
      [164] dup2
      [165] saload
      [166] iconst_1
      [167] iadd
      [168] i2s
      [169] sastore
      [170] iconst_0
      [171] istore v11
      [173] iload v8
      [175] iload v5
      [177] ificmplt +13 (target=190)
      [180] aload v4
      [182] iload v8
      [184] iload v5
      [186] isub
      [187] iaload
      [188] istore v11
      [190] aload_2 v2
      [191] iload v8
      [193] iconst_2
      [194] imul
      [195] saload
      [196] istore v12
      [198] aload_1 v1
      [199] dup
      [200] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.opt_len I]
      [203] iload v12
      [205] iload v10
      [207] iload v11
      [209] iadd
      [210] imul
      [211] iadd
      [212] putfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.opt_len I]
      [215] aload_3 v3
      [216] ifnull +26 (target=242)
      [219] aload_1 v1
      [220] dup
      [221] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.static_len I]
      [224] iload v12
      [226] aload_3 v3
      [227] iload v8
      [229] iconst_2
      [230] imul
      [231] iconst_1
      [232] iadd
      [233] saload
      [234] iload v11
      [236] iadd
      [237] imul
      [238] iadd
      [239] putfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.static_len I]
      [242] iinc v7, 1
      [245] iload v7
      [247] sipush 573
      [250] ificmplt -156 (target=94)
      [253] iload v13
      [255] ifne +4 (target=259)
      [258] return
      [259] iload v6
      [261] iconst_1
      [262] isub
      [263] istore v10
      [265] goto +6 (target=271)
      [268] iinc v10, -1
      [271] aload_1 v1
      [272] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bl_count [S]
      [275] iload v10
      [277] saload
      [278] ifeq -10 (target=268)
      [281] aload_1 v1
      [282] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bl_count [S]
      [285] iload v10
      [287] dup2
      [288] saload
      [289] iconst_1
      [290] isub
      [291] i2s
      [292] sastore
      [293] aload_1 v1
      [294] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bl_count [S]
      [297] iload v10
      [299] iconst_1
      [300] iadd
      [301] dup2
      [302] saload
      [303] iconst_2
      [304] iadd
      [305] i2s
      [306] sastore
      [307] aload_1 v1
      [308] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bl_count [S]
      [311] iload v6
      [313] dup2
      [314] saload
      [315] iconst_1
      [316] isub
      [317] i2s
      [318] sastore
      [319] iinc v13, -2
      [322] iload v13
      [324] ifgt -65 (target=259)
      [327] iload v6
      [329] istore v10
      [331] goto +106 (target=437)
      [334] aload_1 v1
      [335] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bl_count [S]
      [338] iload v10
      [340] saload
      [341] istore v8
      [343] goto +86 (target=429)
      [346] aload_1 v1
      [347] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap [I]
      [350] iinc v7, -1
      [353] iload v7
      [355] iaload
      [356] istore v9
      [358] iload v9
      [360] aload_0 v0
      [361] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.max_code I]
      [364] ificmple +6 (target=370)
      [367] goto +62 (target=429)
      [370] aload_2 v2
      [371] iload v9
      [373] iconst_2
      [374] imul
      [375] iconst_1
      [376] iadd
      [377] saload
      [378] iload v10
      [380] ificmpeq +46 (target=426)
      [383] aload_1 v1
      [384] dup
      [385] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.opt_len I]
      [388] i2l
      [389] iload v10
      [391] i2l
      [392] aload_2 v2
      [393] iload v9
      [395] iconst_2
      [396] imul
      [397] iconst_1
      [398] iadd
      [399] saload
      [400] i2l
      [401] lsub
      [402] aload_2 v2
      [403] iload v9
      [405] iconst_2
      [406] imul
      [407] saload
      [408] i2l
      [409] lmul
      [410] ladd
      [411] l2i
      [412] putfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.opt_len I]
      [415] aload_2 v2
      [416] iload v9
      [418] iconst_2
      [419] imul
      [420] iconst_1
      [421] iadd
      [422] iload v10
      [424] i2s
      [425] sastore
      [426] iinc v8, -1
      [429] iload v8
      [431] ifne -85 (target=346)
      [434] iinc v10, -1
      [437] iload v10
      [439] ifne -105 (target=334)
      [442] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 41)
        [0] -> line 165
        [5] -> line 166
        [13] -> line 167
        [22] -> line 168
        [31] -> line 169
        [40] -> line 175
        [43] -> line 177
        [67] -> line 181
        [83] -> line 183
        [94] -> line 184
        [103] -> line 185
        [121] -> line 186
        [135] -> line 187
        [146] -> line 190
        [158] -> line 192
        [170] -> line 193
        [173] -> line 194
        [190] -> line 195
        [198] -> line 196
        [215] -> line 197
        [242] -> line 183
        [253] -> line 199
        [259] -> line 204
        [265] -> line 205
        [281] -> line 206
        [293] -> line 207
        [307] -> line 208
        [319] -> line 211
        [322] -> line 213
        [327] -> line 215
        [334] -> line 216
        [343] -> line 217
        [346] -> line 218
        [358] -> line 219
        [370] -> line 220
        [383] -> line 221
        [415] -> line 222
        [426] -> line 224
        [429] -> line 217
        [434] -> line 215
        [442] -> line 227
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 15)
        v0: 0 -> 443 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Tree; this]
        v1: 0 -> 443 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate; s]
        v2: 5 -> 443 [[S tree]
        v3: 13 -> 443 [[S stree]
        v4: 22 -> 443 [[I extra]
        v5: 31 -> 443 [I base]
        v6: 40 -> 443 [I max_length]
        v7: 91 -> 443 [I h]
        v8: 103 -> 245 [I n]
        v8: 343 -> 437 [I n]
        v9: 358 -> 429 [I m]
        v10: 46 -> 443 [I bits]
        v11: 173 -> 242 [I xbits]
        v12: 198 -> 242 [S f]
        v13: 43 -> 443 [I overflow]
  + Method:       build_tree(Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = void build_tree(com.jcraft.jzlib.Deflate)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 441, locals = 9, stack = 7):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.dyn_tree [S]
      [4] astore_2 v2
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.stat_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree;]
      [9] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.static_tree [S]
      [12] astore_3 v3
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.stat_desc Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree;]
      [17] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/StaticTree.elems I]
      [20] istore v4
      [22] iconst_m1
      [23] istore v7
      [25] aload_1 v1
      [26] iconst_0
      [27] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap_len I]
      [30] aload_1 v1
      [31] sipush 573
      [34] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap_max I]
      [37] iconst_0
      [38] istore v5
      [40] goto +56 (target=96)
      [43] aload_2 v2
      [44] iload v5
      [46] iconst_2
      [47] imul
      [48] saload
      [49] ifeq +35 (target=84)
      [52] aload_1 v1
      [53] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap [I]
      [56] aload_1 v1
      [57] dup
      [58] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap_len I]
      [61] iconst_1
      [62] iadd
      [63] dup_x1
      [64] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap_len I]
      [67] iload v5
      [69] dup
      [70] istore v7
      [72] iastore
      [73] aload_1 v1
      [74] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.depth [B]
      [77] iload v5
      [79] iconst_0
      [80] bastore
      [81] goto +12 (target=93)
      [84] aload_2 v2
      [85] iload v5
      [87] iconst_2
      [88] imul
      [89] iconst_1
      [90] iadd
      [91] iconst_0
      [92] sastore
      [93] iinc v5, 1
      [96] iload v5
      [98] iload v4
      [100] ificmplt -57 (target=43)
      [103] goto +83 (target=186)
      [106] aload_1 v1
      [107] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap [I]
      [110] aload_1 v1
      [111] dup
      [112] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap_len I]
      [115] iconst_1
      [116] iadd
      [117] dup_x1
      [118] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap_len I]
      [121] iload v7
      [123] iconst_2
      [124] ificmpge +11 (target=135)
      [127] iinc v7, 1
      [130] iload v7
      [132] goto +4 (target=136)
      [135] iconst_0
      [136] dup_x2
      [137] iastore
      [138] istore v8
      [140] aload_2 v2
      [141] iload v8
      [143] iconst_2
      [144] imul
      [145] iconst_1
      [146] sastore
      [147] aload_1 v1
      [148] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.depth [B]
      [151] iload v8
      [153] iconst_0
      [154] bastore
      [155] aload_1 v1
      [156] dup
      [157] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.opt_len I]
      [160] iconst_1
      [161] isub
      [162] putfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.opt_len I]
      [165] aload_3 v3
      [166] ifnull +20 (target=186)
      [169] aload_1 v1
      [170] dup
      [171] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.static_len I]
      [174] aload_3 v3
      [175] iload v8
      [177] iconst_2
      [178] imul
      [179] iconst_1
      [180] iadd
      [181] saload
      [182] isub
      [183] putfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.static_len I]
      [186] aload_1 v1
      [187] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap_len I]
      [190] iconst_2
      [191] ificmplt -85 (target=106)
      [194] aload_0 v0
      [195] iload v7
      [197] putfield #27
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.max_code I]
      [200] aload_1 v1
      [201] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap_len I]
      [204] iconst_2
      [205] idiv
      [206] istore v5
      [208] goto +13 (target=221)
      [211] aload_1 v1
      [212] aload_2 v2
      [213] iload v5
      [215] invokevirtual #29
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pqdownheap ([SI)V]
      [218] iinc v5, -1
      [221] iload v5
      [223] iconst_1
      [224] ificmpge -13 (target=211)
      [227] iload v4
      [229] istore v8
      [231] aload_1 v1
      [232] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap [I]
      [235] iconst_1
      [236] iaload
      [237] istore v5
      [239] aload_1 v1
      [240] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap [I]
      [243] iconst_1
      [244] aload_1 v1
      [245] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap [I]
      [248] aload_1 v1
      [249] dup
      [250] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap_len I]
      [253] dup_x1
      [254] iconst_1
      [255] isub
      [256] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap_len I]
      [259] iaload
      [260] iastore
      [261] aload_1 v1
      [262] aload_2 v2
      [263] iconst_1
      [264] invokevirtual #29
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pqdownheap ([SI)V]
      [267] aload_1 v1
      [268] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap [I]
      [271] iconst_1
      [272] iaload
      [273] istore v6
      [275] aload_1 v1
      [276] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap [I]
      [279] aload_1 v1
      [280] dup
      [281] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap_max I]
      [284] iconst_1
      [285] isub
      [286] dup_x1
      [287] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap_max I]
      [290] iload v5
      [292] iastore
      [293] aload_1 v1
      [294] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap [I]
      [297] aload_1 v1
      [298] dup
      [299] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap_max I]
      [302] iconst_1
      [303] isub
      [304] dup_x1
      [305] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap_max I]
      [308] iload v6
      [310] iastore
      [311] aload_2 v2
      [312] iload v8
      [314] iconst_2
      [315] imul
      [316] aload_2 v2
      [317] iload v5
      [319] iconst_2
      [320] imul
      [321] saload
      [322] aload_2 v2
      [323] iload v6
      [325] iconst_2
      [326] imul
      [327] saload
      [328] iadd
      [329] i2s
      [330] sastore
      [331] aload_1 v1
      [332] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.depth [B]
      [335] iload v8
      [337] aload_1 v1
      [338] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.depth [B]
      [341] iload v5
      [343] baload
      [344] aload_1 v1
      [345] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.depth [B]
      [348] iload v6
      [350] baload
      [351] invokestatic #33
        + Methodref [java/lang/Math.max (II)I]
      [354] iconst_1
      [355] iadd
      [356] i2b
      [357] bastore
      [358] aload_2 v2
      [359] iload v5
      [361] iconst_2
      [362] imul
      [363] iconst_1
      [364] iadd
      [365] aload_2 v2
      [366] iload v6
      [368] iconst_2
      [369] imul
      [370] iconst_1
      [371] iadd
      [372] iload v8
      [374] i2s
      [375] dup_x2
      [376] sastore
      [377] sastore
      [378] aload_1 v1
      [379] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap [I]
      [382] iconst_1
      [383] iload v8
      [385] iinc v8, 1
      [388] iastore
      [389] aload_1 v1
      [390] aload_2 v2
      [391] iconst_1
      [392] invokevirtual #29
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pqdownheap ([SI)V]
      [395] aload_1 v1
      [396] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap_len I]
      [399] iconst_2
      [400] ificmpge -169 (target=231)
      [403] aload_1 v1
      [404] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap [I]
      [407] aload_1 v1
      [408] dup
      [409] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap_max I]
      [412] iconst_1
      [413] isub
      [414] dup_x1
      [415] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap_max I]
      [418] aload_1 v1
      [419] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.heap [I]
      [422] iconst_1
      [423] iaload
      [424] iastore
      [425] aload_0 v0
      [426] aload_1 v1
      [427] invokevirtual #31
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.gen_bitlen (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate;)V]
      [430] aload_2 v2
      [431] iload v7
      [433] aload_1 v1
      [434] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.bl_count [S]
      [437] invokestatic #32
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.gen_codes ([SI[S)V]
      [440] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 39)
        [0] -> line 236
        [5] -> line 237
        [13] -> line 238
        [22] -> line 240
        [25] -> line 246
        [30] -> line 247
        [37] -> line 249
        [43] -> line 250
        [52] -> line 251
        [73] -> line 252
        [84] -> line 255
        [93] -> line 249
        [103] -> line 263
        [106] -> line 264
        [140] -> line 265
        [147] -> line 266
        [155] -> line 267
        [186] -> line 263
        [194] -> line 270
        [200] -> line 275
        [211] -> line 276
        [218] -> line 275
        [227] -> line 281
        [231] -> line 284
        [239] -> line 285
        [261] -> line 286
        [267] -> line 287
        [275] -> line 289
        [293] -> line 290
        [311] -> line 293
        [331] -> line 294
        [358] -> line 295
        [378] -> line 298
        [389] -> line 299
        [395] -> line 301
        [403] -> line 303
        [425] -> line 308
        [430] -> line 311
        [440] -> line 312
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 10)
        v0: 0 -> 441 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Tree; this]
        v1: 0 -> 441 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate; s]
        v2: 5 -> 441 [[S tree]
        v3: 13 -> 441 [[S stree]
        v4: 22 -> 441 [I elems]
        v5: 40 -> 441 [I n]
        v6: 275 -> 441 [I m]
        v7: 25 -> 441 [I max_code]
        v8: 140 -> 186 [I node]
        v8: 231 -> 441 [I node]
  + Method:       gen_codes([SI[S)V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void gen_codes(short[],int,short[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 99, locals = 8, stack = 7):
      [0] bipush 16
      [2] newarray 9
      [4] astore_3 v3
      [5] iconst_0
      [6] istore v4
      [8] iconst_1
      [9] istore v5
      [11] goto +25 (target=36)
      [14] aload_3 v3
      [15] iload v5
      [17] iload v4
      [19] aload_2 v2
      [20] iload v5
      [22] iconst_1
      [23] isub
      [24] saload
      [25] iadd
      [26] iconst_1
      [27] ishl
      [28] i2s
      [29] dup
      [30] istore v4
      [32] sastore
      [33] iinc v5, 1
      [36] iload v5
      [38] bipush 15
      [40] ificmple -26 (target=14)
      [43] iconst_0
      [44] istore v6
      [46] goto +46 (target=92)
      [49] aload_0 v0
      [50] iload v6
      [52] iconst_2
      [53] imul
      [54] iconst_1
      [55] iadd
      [56] saload
      [57] istore v7
      [59] iload v7
      [61] ifne +6 (target=67)
      [64] goto +25 (target=89)
      [67] aload_0 v0
      [68] iload v6
      [70] iconst_2
      [71] imul
      [72] aload_3 v3
      [73] iload v7
      [75] dup2
      [76] saload
      [77] dup_x2
      [78] iconst_1
      [79] iadd
      [80] i2s
      [81] sastore
      [82] iload v7
      [84] invokestatic #30
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Tree.bi_reverse (II)I]
      [87] i2s
      [88] sastore
      [89] iinc v6, 1
      [92] iload v6
      [94] iload_1 v1
      [95] ificmple -46 (target=49)
      [98] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 11)
        [0] -> line 324
        [5] -> line 325
        [8] -> line 331
        [14] -> line 332
        [33] -> line 331
        [43] -> line 341
        [49] -> line 342
        [59] -> line 343
        [67] -> line 345
        [89] -> line 341
        [98] -> line 347
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 8)
        v0: 0 -> 99 [[S tree]
        v1: 0 -> 99 [I max_code]
        v2: 0 -> 99 [[S bl_count]
        v3: 5 -> 99 [[S next_code]
        v4: 8 -> 99 [S code]
        v5: 11 -> 99 [I bits]
        v6: 46 -> 99 [I n]
        v7: 59 -> 89 [I len]
  + Method:       bi_reverse(II)I
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static int bi_reverse(int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 27, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] iconst_0
      [1] istore_2 v2
      [2] iload_2 v2
      [3] iload_0 v0
      [4] iconst_1
      [5] iand
      [6] ior
      [7] istore_2 v2
      [8] iload_0 v0
      [9] iconst_1
      [10] iushr
      [11] istore_0 v0
      [12] iload_2 v2
      [13] iconst_1
      [14] ishl
      [15] istore_2 v2
      [16] iinc v1, -1
      [19] iload_1 v1
      [20] ifgt -18 (target=2)
      [23] iload_2 v2
      [24] iconst_1
      [25] iushr
      [26] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 355
        [2] -> line 357
        [8] -> line 358
        [12] -> line 359
        [16] -> line 361
        [23] -> line 362
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 27 [I code]
        v1: 0 -> 27 [I len]
        v2: 2 -> 27 [I res]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x31
    = public final class com.jcraft.jzlib.ZStream extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 168):
  + String [, ]
  + String [avail_out=]
  + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/Adler32]
  + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate]
  + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate]
  + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream]
  + Class [java/io/PrintStream]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.noheader I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pending I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pending_buf [B]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pending_out I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream._adler Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Adler32;]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.adler J]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_out I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.dstate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate;]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in [B]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_out [B]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_out_index I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_out J]
  + Fieldref [java/lang/System.out Ljava/io/PrintStream;]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Adler32.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Adler32.adler32 (J[BII)J]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.deflate (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.deflateInit (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;II)I]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.inflate (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.inflateInit (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.deflateInit (II)I]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.deflateInit (IIZ)I]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.inflateInit (I)I]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.inflateInit (IZ)I]
  + Methodref [java/io/PrintStream.println (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [_adler Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Adler32;]
  + NameAndType [adler J]
  + NameAndType [adler32 (J[BII)J]
  + NameAndType [append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [avail_in I]
  + NameAndType [avail_out I]
  + NameAndType [deflate (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
  + NameAndType [deflateInit (II)I]
  + NameAndType [deflateInit (IIZ)I]
  + NameAndType [deflateInit (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;II)I]
  + NameAndType [dstate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate;]
  + NameAndType [inflate (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
  + NameAndType [inflateInit (I)I]
  + NameAndType [inflateInit (IZ)I]
  + NameAndType [inflateInit (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
  + NameAndType [istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
  + NameAndType [next_in [B]
  + NameAndType [next_in_index I]
  + NameAndType [next_out [B]
  + NameAndType [next_out_index I]
  + NameAndType [noheader I]
  + NameAndType [out Ljava/io/PrintStream;]
  + NameAndType [pending I]
  + NameAndType [pending_buf [B]
  + NameAndType [pending_out I]
  + NameAndType [println (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [total_in J]
  + NameAndType [total_out J]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)I]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(II)I]
  + Utf8 [(IIZ)I]
  + Utf8 [(IZ)I]
  + Utf8 [(J[BII)J]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;II)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [([BII)I]
  + Utf8 [, ]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [J]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Adler32;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/PrintStream;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [_adler]
  + Utf8 [adler]
  + Utf8 [adler32]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [arraycopy]
  + Utf8 [avail_in]
  + Utf8 [avail_out]
  + Utf8 [avail_out=]
  + Utf8 [bits]
  + Utf8 [buf]
  + Utf8 [com/jcraft/jzlib/Adler32]
  + Utf8 [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate]
  + Utf8 [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate]
  + Utf8 [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream]
  + Utf8 [data_type]
  + Utf8 [deflate]
  + Utf8 [deflateInit]
  + Utf8 [dstate]
  + Utf8 [f]
  + Utf8 [flush]
  + Utf8 [flush_pending]
  + Utf8 [inflate]
  + Utf8 [inflateInit]
  + Utf8 [istate]
  + Utf8 [java/io/PrintStream]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [len]
  + Utf8 [level]
  + Utf8 [msg]
  + Utf8 [next_in]
  + Utf8 [next_in_index]
  + Utf8 [next_out]
  + Utf8 [next_out_index]
  + Utf8 [noheader]
  + Utf8 [nowrap]
  + Utf8 [out]
  + Utf8 [pending]
  + Utf8 [pending_buf]
  + Utf8 [pending_out]
  + Utf8 [println]
  + Utf8 [read_buf]
  + Utf8 [size]
  + Utf8 [start]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [total_in]
  + Utf8 [total_out]
  + Utf8 [valueOf]
  + Utf8 [w]

Fields (count = 14):
  + Field:        next_in [B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] next_in
  + Field:        next_in_index I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int next_in_index
  + Field:        avail_in I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int avail_in
  + Field:        total_in J
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public long total_in
  + Field:        next_out [B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] next_out
  + Field:        next_out_index I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int next_out_index
  + Field:        avail_out I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int avail_out
  + Field:        total_out J
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public long total_out
  + Field:        msg Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String msg
  + Field:        dstate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = com.jcraft.jzlib.Deflate dstate
  + Field:        istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = com.jcraft.jzlib.Inflate istate
  + Field:        data_type I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int data_type
  + Field:        adler J
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public long adler
  + Field:        _adler Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Adler32;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = com.jcraft.jzlib.Adler32 _adler

Methods (count = 11):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public ZStream()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 16, locals = 1, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #42
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] new #3
        + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/Adler32]
      [8] dup
      [9] invokespecial #29
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Adler32.<init> ()V]
      [12] putfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream._adler Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Adler32;]
      [15] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 37
        [4] -> line 78
        [15] -> line 37
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 16 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream; this]
  + Method:       inflateInit()I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int inflateInit()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 7, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] bipush 15
      [3] invokevirtual #39
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.inflateInit (I)I]
      [6] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 81
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 7 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream; this]
  + Method:       inflateInit(I)I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int inflateInit(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 7, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] iconst_0
      [3] invokevirtual #40
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.inflateInit (IZ)I]
      [6] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 87
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 7 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream; this]
        v1: 0 -> 7 [I w]
  + Method:       inflateInit(IZ)I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int inflateInit(int,boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 30, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] new #5
        + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate]
      [4] dup
      [5] invokespecial #34
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.<init> ()V]
      [8] putfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] iload_2 v2
      [17] ifeq +8 (target=25)
      [20] iload_1 v1
      [21] ineg
      [22] goto +4 (target=26)
      [25] iload_1 v1
      [26] invokevirtual #36
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.inflateInit (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
      [29] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 91
        [11] -> line 92
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 30 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream; this]
        v1: 0 -> 30 [I w]
        v2: 0 -> 30 [Z nowrap]
  + Method:       inflate(I)I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int inflate(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 20, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [4] ifnonnull +6 (target=10)
      [7] bipush -2
      [9] ireturn
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.istate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate;]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] iload_1 v1
      [16] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Inflate.inflate (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
      [19] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 96
        [10] -> line 97
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 20 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream; this]
        v1: 0 -> 20 [I f]
  + Method:       deflateInit(I)I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int deflateInit(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 8, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] bipush 15
      [4] invokevirtual #37
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.deflateInit (II)I]
      [7] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 117
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 8 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream; this]
        v1: 0 -> 8 [I level]
  + Method:       deflateInit(II)I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int deflateInit(int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 8, locals = 3, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] iload_2 v2
      [3] iconst_0
      [4] invokevirtual #38
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.deflateInit (IIZ)I]
      [7] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 123
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 8 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream; this]
        v1: 0 -> 8 [I level]
        v2: 0 -> 8 [I bits]
  + Method:       deflateInit(IIZ)I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int deflateInit(int,int,boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 31, locals = 4, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] new #4
        + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate]
      [4] dup
      [5] invokespecial #31
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.<init> ()V]
      [8] putfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.dstate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate;]
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.dstate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate;]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] iload_1 v1
      [17] iload_3 v3
      [18] ifeq +8 (target=26)
      [21] iload_2 v2
      [22] ineg
      [23] goto +4 (target=27)
      [26] iload_2 v2
      [27] invokevirtual #33
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.deflateInit (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;II)I]
      [30] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 126
        [11] -> line 127
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 31 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream; this]
        v1: 0 -> 31 [I level]
        v2: 0 -> 31 [I bits]
        v3: 0 -> 31 [Z nowrap]
  + Method:       deflate(I)I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int deflate(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 20, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.dstate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate;]
      [4] ifnonnull +6 (target=10)
      [7] bipush -2
      [9] ireturn
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.dstate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate;]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] iload_1 v1
      [16] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.deflate (Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;I)I]
      [19] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 130
        [7] -> line 131
        [10] -> line 133
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 20 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream; this]
        v1: 0 -> 20 [I flush]
  + Method:       flush_pending()V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = void flush_pending()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 293, locals = 2, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.dstate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate;]
      [4] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pending I]
      [7] istore_1 v1
      [8] iload_1 v1
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_out I]
      [13] ificmple +8 (target=21)
      [16] aload_0 v0
      [17] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_out I]
      [20] istore_1 v1
      [21] iload_1 v1
      [22] ifne +4 (target=26)
      [25] return
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.dstate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate;]
      [30] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pending_buf [B]
      [33] arraylength
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.dstate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate;]
      [38] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pending_out I]
      [41] ificmple +49 (target=90)
      [44] aload_0 v0
      [45] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_out [B]
      [48] arraylength
      [49] aload_0 v0
      [50] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_out_index I]
      [53] ificmple +37 (target=90)
      [56] aload_0 v0
      [57] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.dstate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate;]
      [60] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pending_buf [B]
      [63] arraylength
      [64] aload_0 v0
      [65] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.dstate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate;]
      [68] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pending_out I]
      [71] iload_1 v1
      [72] iadd
      [73] ificmplt +17 (target=90)
      [76] aload_0 v0
      [77] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_out [B]
      [80] arraylength
      [81] aload_0 v0
      [82] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_out_index I]
      [85] iload_1 v1
      [86] iadd
      [87] ificmpge +104 (target=191)
      [90] getstatic #28
        + Fieldref [java/lang/System.out Ljava/io/PrintStream;]
      [93] new #10
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [96] dup
      [97] aload_0 v0
      [98] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.dstate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate;]
      [101] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pending_buf [B]
      [104] arraylength
      [105] invokestatic #43
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [108] invokespecial #44
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [111] ldc #1
        + String [, ]
      [113] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [116] aload_0 v0
      [117] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.dstate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate;]
      [120] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pending_out I]
      [123] invokevirtual #45
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [126] ldc #1
        + String [, ]
      [128] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [131] aload_0 v0
      [132] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_out [B]
      [135] arraylength
      [136] invokevirtual #45
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [139] ldc #1
        + String [, ]
      [141] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [144] aload_0 v0
      [145] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_out_index I]
      [148] invokevirtual #45
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [151] ldc #1
        + String [, ]
      [153] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [156] iload_1 v1
      [157] invokevirtual #45
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [160] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [163] invokevirtual #41
        + Methodref [java/io/PrintStream.println (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [166] getstatic #28
        + Fieldref [java/lang/System.out Ljava/io/PrintStream;]
      [169] new #10
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [172] dup
      [173] ldc #2
        + String [avail_out=]
      [175] invokespecial #44
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [178] aload_0 v0
      [179] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_out I]
      [182] invokevirtual #45
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [185] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [188] invokevirtual #41
        + Methodref [java/io/PrintStream.println (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [191] aload_0 v0
      [192] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.dstate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate;]
      [195] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pending_buf [B]
      [198] aload_0 v0
      [199] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.dstate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate;]
      [202] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pending_out I]
      [205] aload_0 v0
      [206] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_out [B]
      [209] aload_0 v0
      [210] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_out_index I]
      [213] iload_1 v1
      [214] invokestatic #48
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [217] aload_0 v0
      [218] dup
      [219] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_out_index I]
      [222] iload_1 v1
      [223] iadd
      [224] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_out_index I]
      [227] aload_0 v0
      [228] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.dstate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate;]
      [231] dup
      [232] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pending_out I]
      [235] iload_1 v1
      [236] iadd
      [237] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pending_out I]
      [240] aload_0 v0
      [241] dup
      [242] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_out J]
      [245] iload_1 v1
      [246] i2l
      [247] ladd
      [248] putfield #27
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_out J]
      [251] aload_0 v0
      [252] dup
      [253] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_out I]
      [256] iload_1 v1
      [257] isub
      [258] putfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_out I]
      [261] aload_0 v0
      [262] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.dstate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate;]
      [265] dup
      [266] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pending I]
      [269] iload_1 v1
      [270] isub
      [271] putfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pending I]
      [274] aload_0 v0
      [275] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.dstate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate;]
      [278] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pending I]
      [281] ifne +11 (target=292)
      [284] aload_0 v0
      [285] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.dstate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate;]
      [288] iconst_0
      [289] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.pending_out I]
      [292] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 22)
        [0] -> line 156
        [8] -> line 158
        [21] -> line 159
        [26] -> line 161
        [44] -> line 162
        [56] -> line 163
        [76] -> line 164
        [90] -> line 165
        [126] -> line 166
        [163] -> line 165
        [166] -> line 167
        [191] -> line 170
        [205] -> line 171
        [214] -> line 170
        [217] -> line 173
        [227] -> line 174
        [240] -> line 175
        [251] -> line 176
        [261] -> line 177
        [274] -> line 178
        [284] -> line 179
        [292] -> line 181
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 293 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream; this]
        v1: 8 -> 293 [I len]
  + Method:       read_buf([BII)I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int read_buf(byte[],int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 109, locals = 5, stack = 7):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [4] istore v4
      [6] iload v4
      [8] iload_3 v3
      [9] ificmple +6 (target=15)
      [12] iload_3 v3
      [13] istore v4
      [15] iload v4
      [17] ifne +5 (target=22)
      [20] iconst_0
      [21] ireturn
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] dup
      [24] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [27] iload v4
      [29] isub
      [30] putfield #18
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [33] aload_0 v0
      [34] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.dstate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate;]
      [37] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Deflate.noheader I]
      [40] ifne +28 (target=68)
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] aload_0 v0
      [45] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream._adler Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/Adler32;]
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.adler J]
      [52] aload_0 v0
      [53] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in [B]
      [56] aload_0 v0
      [57] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [60] iload v4
      [62] invokevirtual #30
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/Adler32.adler32 (J[BII)J]
      [65] putfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.adler J]
      [68] aload_0 v0
      [69] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in [B]
      [72] aload_0 v0
      [73] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [76] aload_1 v1
      [77] iload_2 v2
      [78] iload v4
      [80] invokestatic #48
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [83] aload_0 v0
      [84] dup
      [85] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [88] iload v4
      [90] iadd
      [91] putfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [94] aload_0 v0
      [95] dup
      [96] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [99] iload v4
      [101] i2l
      [102] ladd
      [103] putfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.total_in J]
      [106] iload v4
      [108] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 10)
        [0] -> line 189
        [6] -> line 191
        [15] -> line 192
        [22] -> line 194
        [33] -> line 196
        [43] -> line 197
        [68] -> line 199
        [83] -> line 200
        [94] -> line 201
        [106] -> line 202
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 109 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream; this]
        v1: 0 -> 109 [[B buf]
        v2: 0 -> 109 [I start]
        v3: 0 -> 109 [I size]
        v4: 6 -> 109 [I len]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x601
    = public interface com.trilead.ssh2.AuthAgentCallback extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 23):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/Map;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;[B>;]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;ZI)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Utf8 [([B)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [([B)Z]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Signature]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [addIdentity]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback]
  + Utf8 [getPrivateKey]
  + Utf8 [isAgentLocked]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [removeAllIdentities]
  + Utf8 [removeIdentity]
  + Utf8 [requestAgentUnlock]
  + Utf8 [retrieveIdentities]
  + Utf8 [setAgentLock]

Fields (count = 0):

Methods (count = 8):
  + Method:       retrieveIdentities()Ljava/util/Map;
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract java.util.Map retrieveIdentities()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;[B>;]
  + Method:       addIdentity(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;ZI)Z
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract boolean addIdentity(java.lang.Object,java.lang.String,boolean,int)
  + Method:       removeIdentity([B)Z
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract boolean removeIdentity(byte[])
  + Method:       removeAllIdentities()Z
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract boolean removeAllIdentities()
  + Method:       getPrivateKey([B)Ljava/lang/Object;
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract java.lang.Object getPrivateKey(byte[])
  + Method:       isAgentLocked()Z
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract boolean isAgentLocked()
  + Method:       setAgentLock(Ljava/lang/String;)Z
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract boolean setAgentLock(java.lang.String)
  + Method:       requestAgentUnlock(Ljava/lang/String;)Z
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract boolean requestAgentUnlock(java.lang.String)

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/Connection
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.Connection extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 390):
  + String [ is already in connected state!]
  + String [ ms) expired.]
  + String [:]
  + String [Callback may not ne NULL!]
  + String [Cannot forward ports, connection is not authenticated.]
  + String [Cannot forward ports, you need to establish a connection first.]
  + String [Cannot open session, connection is not authenticated.]
  + String [Cannot open session, you need to establish a connection first.]
  + String [Closed due to user request.]
  + String [Connection is already authenticated!]
  + String [Connection is not established!]
  + String [Connection to ]
  + String [Key argument is null]
  + String [The connect() operation on the socket timed out.]
  + String [The connection is not authenticated.]
  + String [The kexTimeout (]
  + String [There was a problem during connect.]
  + String [There was a problem while connecting to ]
  + String [This exception will be replaced by the one below =)]
  + String [You need to establish a connection first.]
  + String [cmon argument is null]
  + String [connectTimeout must be non-negative!]
  + String [kexTimeout must be non-negative!]
  + String [method argument may not be NULL!]
  + String [none]
  + String [password argument is null]
  + String [user argument is null]
  + String [user argument may not be NULL!]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/DynamicPortForwarder]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/HTTPProxyException]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/LocalPortForwarder]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/Session]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Class [java/lang/Throwable]
  + Class [java/net/SocketTimeoutException]
  + Class [java/security/SecureRandom]
  + Class [java/util/Vector]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.authenticated Z]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.compression Z]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.connectionMonitors Ljava/util/Vector;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.cryptoWishList Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.dhgexpara Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.generator Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.hostname Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.port I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.proxyData Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ProxyData;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.tcpNoDelay Z]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState.isCancelled Z]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState.timeoutSocketClosed Z]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList.c2s_comp_algos [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList.s2c_comp_algos [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.authenticateWithKeyboardInteractive (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/InteractiveCallback;)Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.close (Ljava/lang/Throwable;Z)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.connect (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier;II)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.getOrCreateSecureRND ()Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.getRemainingAuthMethods (Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/DynamicPortForwarder.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/LocalPortForwarder.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress;Ljava/lang/String;I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Session.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.authenticateInteractive (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/InteractiveCallback;)Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.authenticateNone (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.authenticatePassword (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.authenticatePublicKey (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.getRemainingMethods (Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.closeAllChannels ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.requestCancelGlobalForward (I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.requestGlobalForward (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.close (Ljava/lang/Throwable;Z)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.getConnectionInfo (I)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.initialize (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;ILjava/security/SecureRandom;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ProxyData;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.setConnectionMonitors (Ljava/util/Vector;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.setTcpNoDelay (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService.addTimeoutHandler (JLjava/lang/Runnable;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService.cancelTimeoutHandler (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken;)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.initCause (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalStateException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.compareTo (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.currentTimeMillis ()J]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Throwable.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/net/SocketTimeoutException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/net/SocketTimeoutException.initCause (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
  + Methodref [java/security/SecureRandom.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/util/Vector.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/util/Vector.addElement (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress;Ljava/lang/String;I)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;I)V]
  + NameAndType [addElement (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + NameAndType [addTimeoutHandler (JLjava/lang/Runnable;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken;]
  + NameAndType [am Lcom/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager;]
  + NameAndType [append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [authenticateInteractive (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/InteractiveCallback;)Z]
  + NameAndType [authenticateNone (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + NameAndType [authenticatePassword (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + NameAndType [authenticatePublicKey (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)Z]
  + NameAndType [authenticateWithKeyboardInteractive (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/InteractiveCallback;)Z]
  + NameAndType [authenticated Z]
  + NameAndType [c2s_comp_algos [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [cancelTimeoutHandler (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken;)V]
  + NameAndType [close (Ljava/lang/Throwable;Z)V]
  + NameAndType [closeAllChannels ()V]
  + NameAndType [cm Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + NameAndType [compareTo (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [compression Z]
  + NameAndType [connect (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier;II)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
  + NameAndType [connectionMonitors Ljava/util/Vector;]
  + NameAndType [cryptoWishList Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;]
  + NameAndType [currentTimeMillis ()J]
  + NameAndType [dhgexpara Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;]
  + NameAndType [generator Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
  + NameAndType [getConnectionInfo (I)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
  + NameAndType [getOrCreateSecureRND ()Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
  + NameAndType [getRemainingAuthMethods (Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getRemainingMethods (Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [hostname Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [initCause (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
  + NameAndType [initialize (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;ILjava/security/SecureRandom;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ProxyData;)V]
  + NameAndType [isCancelled Z]
  + NameAndType [port I]
  + NameAndType [proxyData Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ProxyData;]
  + NameAndType [requestCancelGlobalForward (I)V]
  + NameAndType [requestGlobalForward (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)I]
  + NameAndType [s2c_comp_algos [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [setConnectionMonitors (Ljava/util/Vector;)V]
  + NameAndType [setTcpNoDelay (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [tcpNoDelay Z]
  + NameAndType [timeoutSocketClosed Z]
  + NameAndType [tm Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [ is already in connected state!]
  + Utf8 [ ms) expired.]
  + Utf8 [()J]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Session;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(I)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(JLjava/lang/Runnable;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionMonitor;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier;II)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress;Ljava/lang/String;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;ILjava/security/SecureRandom;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ProxyData;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/InteractiveCallback;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/InteractiveCallback;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Throwable;Z)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DynamicPortForwarder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress;Ljava/lang/String;I)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/LocalPortForwarder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/util/Vector;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [:]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Callback may not ne NULL!]
  + Utf8 [Cannot forward ports, connection is not authenticated.]
  + Utf8 [Cannot forward ports, you need to establish a connection first.]
  + Utf8 [Cannot open session, connection is not authenticated.]
  + Utf8 [Cannot open session, you need to establish a connection first.]
  + Utf8 [Closed due to user request.]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Connection is already authenticated!]
  + Utf8 [Connection is not established!]
  + Utf8 [Connection to ]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [J]
  + Utf8 [Key argument is null]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionMonitor;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/InteractiveCallback;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ProxyData;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/IOException;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Runnable;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/net/SocketTimeoutException;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Vector;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Vector<Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionMonitor;>;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Signature]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [The connect() operation on the socket timed out.]
  + Utf8 [The connection is not authenticated.]
  + Utf8 [The kexTimeout (]
  + Utf8 [There was a problem during connect.]
  + Utf8 [There was a problem while connecting to ]
  + Utf8 [This exception will be replaced by the one below =)]
  + Utf8 [TimeoutState]
  + Utf8 [TimeoutToken]
  + Utf8 [You need to establish a connection first.]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [addConnectionMonitor]
  + Utf8 [addElement]
  + Utf8 [addTimeoutHandler]
  + Utf8 [addr]
  + Utf8 [am]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [authenticateInteractive]
  + Utf8 [authenticateNone]
  + Utf8 [authenticatePassword]
  + Utf8 [authenticatePublicKey]
  + Utf8 [authenticateWithKeyboardInteractive]
  + Utf8 [authenticateWithNone]
  + Utf8 [authenticateWithPassword]
  + Utf8 [authenticateWithPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [authenticated]
  + Utf8 [bindAddress]
  + Utf8 [bindPort]
  + Utf8 [c2s_comp_algos]
  + Utf8 [cancelRemotePortForwarding]
  + Utf8 [cancelTimeoutHandler]
  + Utf8 [cb]
  + Utf8 [ci]
  + Utf8 [close]
  + Utf8 [closeAllChannels]
  + Utf8 [cm]
  + Utf8 [cmon]
  + Utf8 [cmon argument is null]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/DynamicPortForwarder]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/HTTPProxyException]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/LocalPortForwarder]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/Session]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken]
  + Utf8 [compareTo]
  + Utf8 [compression]
  + Utf8 [connect]
  + Utf8 [connectTimeout]
  + Utf8 [connectTimeout must be non-negative!]
  + Utf8 [connectionMonitors]
  + Utf8 [createDynamicPortForwarder]
  + Utf8 [createLocalPortForwarder]
  + Utf8 [cryptoWishList]
  + Utf8 [currentTimeMillis]
  + Utf8 [dhgexpara]
  + Utf8 [e1]
  + Utf8 [enabled]
  + Utf8 [generator]
  + Utf8 [getConnectionInfo]
  + Utf8 [getOrCreateSecureRND]
  + Utf8 [getRemainingAuthMethods]
  + Utf8 [getRemainingMethods]
  + Utf8 [hard]
  + Utf8 [host_to_connect]
  + Utf8 [hostname]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [initCause]
  + Utf8 [initialize]
  + Utf8 [isAuthMethodAvailable]
  + Utf8 [isAuthenticationComplete]
  + Utf8 [isCancelled]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Throwable]
  + Utf8 [java/net/SocketTimeoutException]
  + Utf8 [java/security/SecureRandom]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Vector]
  + Utf8 [kexTimeout]
  + Utf8 [kexTimeout must be non-negative!]
  + Utf8 [key]
  + Utf8 [method]
  + Utf8 [method argument may not be NULL!]
  + Utf8 [methods]
  + Utf8 [none]
  + Utf8 [openSession]
  + Utf8 [password]
  + Utf8 [password argument is null]
  + Utf8 [port]
  + Utf8 [port_to_connect]
  + Utf8 [proxyData]
  + Utf8 [requestCancelGlobalForward]
  + Utf8 [requestGlobalForward]
  + Utf8 [requestRemotePortForwarding]
  + Utf8 [s2c_comp_algos]
  + Utf8 [se]
  + Utf8 [setCompression]
  + Utf8 [setConnectionMonitors]
  + Utf8 [setTcpNoDelay]
  + Utf8 [state]
  + Utf8 [ste]
  + Utf8 [submethods]
  + Utf8 [t]
  + Utf8 [targetAddress]
  + Utf8 [targetPort]
  + Utf8 [tcpNoDelay]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [timeoutHandler]
  + Utf8 [timeoutHorizont]
  + Utf8 [timeoutSocketClosed]
  + Utf8 [tm]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [token]
  + Utf8 [user]
  + Utf8 [user argument is null]
  + Utf8 [user argument may not be NULL!]
  + Utf8 [verifier]

Fields (count = 13):
  + Field:        generator Ljava/security/SecureRandom;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private generator
  + Field:        am Lcom/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private com.trilead.ssh2.auth.AuthenticationManager am
  + Field:        authenticated Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean authenticated
  + Field:        compression Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean compression
  + Field:        cm Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private cm
  + Field:        cryptoWishList Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.CryptoWishList cryptoWishList
  + Field:        dhgexpara Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private com.trilead.ssh2.DHGexParameters dhgexpara
  + Field:        hostname Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final java.lang.String hostname
  + Field:        port I
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final int port
  + Field:        tm Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private com.trilead.ssh2.transport.TransportManager tm
  + Field:        tcpNoDelay Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean tcpNoDelay
  + Field:        proxyData Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ProxyData;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private com.trilead.ssh2.ProxyData proxyData
  + Field:        connectionMonitors Ljava/util/Vector;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.util.Vector connectionMonitors
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Vector<Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionMonitor;>;]

Methods (count = 22):
  + Method:       <init>(Ljava/lang/String;I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public Connection(java.lang.String,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 68, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #106
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] iconst_0
      [6] putfield #55
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.authenticated Z]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] iconst_0
      [11] putfield #57
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.compression Z]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] new #39
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList]
      [18] dup
      [19] invokespecial #92
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList.<init> ()V]
      [22] putfield #59
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.cryptoWishList Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;]
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] new #32
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters]
      [29] dup
      [30] invokespecial #78
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters.<init> ()V]
      [33] putfield #60
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.dhgexpara Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;]
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] iconst_0
      [38] putfield #65
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.tcpNoDelay Z]
      [41] aload_0 v0
      [42] aconst_null
      [43] putfield #64
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.proxyData Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ProxyData;]
      [46] aload_0 v0
      [47] new #53
        + Class [java/util/Vector]
      [50] dup
      [51] invokespecial #117
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.<init> ()V]
      [54] putfield #58
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.connectionMonitors Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [57] aload_0 v0
      [58] aload_1 v1
      [59] putfield #62
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.hostname Ljava/lang/String;]
      [62] aload_0 v0
      [63] iload_2 v2
      [64] putfield #63
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.port I]
      [67] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 11)
        [0] -> line 134
        [4] -> line 91
        [9] -> line 92
        [14] -> line 95
        [25] -> line 97
        [36] -> line 105
        [41] -> line 107
        [46] -> line 109
        [57] -> line 136
        [62] -> line 137
        [67] -> line 138
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 68 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection; this]
        v1: 0 -> 68 [Ljava/lang/String; hostname]
        v2: 0 -> 68 [I port]
  + Method:       authenticateWithKeyboardInteractive(Ljava/lang/String;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/InteractiveCallback;)Z
    Access flags: 0x21
      = public synchronized boolean authenticateWithKeyboardInteractive(java.lang.String,com.trilead.ssh2.InteractiveCallback)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 8, locals = 3, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] aconst_null
      [3] aload_2 v2
      [4] invokevirtual #71
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.authenticateWithKeyboardInteractive (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/InteractiveCallback;)Z]
      [7] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 214
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection; this]
        v1: 0 -> 8 [Ljava/lang/String; user]
        v2: 0 -> 8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/InteractiveCallback; cb]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       authenticateWithKeyboardInteractive(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/InteractiveCallback;)Z
    Access flags: 0x21
      = public synchronized boolean authenticateWithKeyboardInteractive(java.lang.String,java.lang.String[],com.trilead.ssh2.InteractiveCallback)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 125, locals = 4, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_3 v3
      [1] ifnonnull +13 (target=14)
      [4] new #44
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [7] dup
      [8] ldc #4
        + String [Callback may not ne NULL!]
      [10] invokespecial #104
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [13] athrow
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [18] ifnonnull +13 (target=31)
      [21] new #45
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
      [24] dup
      [25] ldc #11
        + String [Connection is not established!]
      [27] invokespecial #105
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalStateException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [30] athrow
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] getfield #55
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.authenticated Z]
      [35] ifeq +13 (target=48)
      [38] new #45
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
      [41] dup
      [42] ldc #10
        + String [Connection is already authenticated!]
      [44] invokespecial #105
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalStateException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [47] athrow
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager;]
      [52] ifnonnull +18 (target=70)
      [55] aload_0 v0
      [56] new #37
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager]
      [59] dup
      [60] aload_0 v0
      [61] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [64] invokespecial #82
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;)V]
      [67] putfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager;]
      [70] aload_0 v0
      [71] getfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [74] ifnonnull +18 (target=92)
      [77] aload_0 v0
      [78] new #38
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager]
      [81] dup
      [82] aload_0 v0
      [83] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [86] invokespecial #88
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;)V]
      [89] putfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [92] aload_1 v1
      [93] ifnonnull +13 (target=106)
      [96] new #44
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [99] dup
      [100] ldc #27
        + String [user argument is null]
      [102] invokespecial #104
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [105] athrow
      [106] aload_0 v0
      [107] aload_0 v0
      [108] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager;]
      [111] aload_1 v1
      [112] aload_2 v2
      [113] aload_3 v3
      [114] invokevirtual #83
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.authenticateInteractive (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/InteractiveCallback;)Z]
      [117] putfield #55
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.authenticated Z]
      [120] aload_0 v0
      [121] getfield #55
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.authenticated Z]
      [124] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 14)
        [0] -> line 254
        [4] -> line 255
        [14] -> line 257
        [21] -> line 258
        [31] -> line 260
        [38] -> line 261
        [48] -> line 263
        [55] -> line 264
        [70] -> line 266
        [77] -> line 267
        [92] -> line 269
        [96] -> line 270
        [106] -> line 272
        [120] -> line 274
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 125 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection; this]
        v1: 0 -> 125 [Ljava/lang/String; user]
        v2: 0 -> 125 [[Ljava/lang/String; submethods]
        v3: 0 -> 125 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/InteractiveCallback; cb]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       authenticateWithPassword(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z
    Access flags: 0x21
      = public synchronized boolean authenticateWithPassword(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 124, locals = 3, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [4] ifnonnull +13 (target=17)
      [7] new #45
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
      [10] dup
      [11] ldc #11
        + String [Connection is not established!]
      [13] invokespecial #105
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalStateException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [16] athrow
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] getfield #55
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.authenticated Z]
      [21] ifeq +13 (target=34)
      [24] new #45
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
      [27] dup
      [28] ldc #10
        + String [Connection is already authenticated!]
      [30] invokespecial #105
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalStateException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [33] athrow
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager;]
      [38] ifnonnull +18 (target=56)
      [41] aload_0 v0
      [42] new #37
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager]
      [45] dup
      [46] aload_0 v0
      [47] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [50] invokespecial #82
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;)V]
      [53] putfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager;]
      [56] aload_0 v0
      [57] getfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [60] ifnonnull +18 (target=78)
      [63] aload_0 v0
      [64] new #38
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager]
      [67] dup
      [68] aload_0 v0
      [69] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [72] invokespecial #88
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;)V]
      [75] putfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [78] aload_1 v1
      [79] ifnonnull +13 (target=92)
      [82] new #44
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [85] dup
      [86] ldc #27
        + String [user argument is null]
      [88] invokespecial #104
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [91] athrow
      [92] aload_2 v2
      [93] ifnonnull +13 (target=106)
      [96] new #44
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [99] dup
      [100] ldc #26
        + String [password argument is null]
      [102] invokespecial #104
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [105] athrow
      [106] aload_0 v0
      [107] aload_0 v0
      [108] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager;]
      [111] aload_1 v1
      [112] aload_2 v2
      [113] invokevirtual #85
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.authenticatePassword (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [116] putfield #55
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.authenticated Z]
      [119] aload_0 v0
      [120] getfield #55
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.authenticated Z]
      [123] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 14)
        [0] -> line 305
        [7] -> line 306
        [17] -> line 308
        [24] -> line 309
        [34] -> line 311
        [41] -> line 312
        [56] -> line 314
        [63] -> line 315
        [78] -> line 317
        [82] -> line 318
        [92] -> line 320
        [96] -> line 321
        [106] -> line 323
        [119] -> line 325
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 124 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection; this]
        v1: 0 -> 124 [Ljava/lang/String; user]
        v2: 0 -> 124 [Ljava/lang/String; password]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       authenticateWithNone(Ljava/lang/String;)Z
    Access flags: 0x21
      = public synchronized boolean authenticateWithNone(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 109, locals = 2, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [4] ifnonnull +13 (target=17)
      [7] new #45
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
      [10] dup
      [11] ldc #11
        + String [Connection is not established!]
      [13] invokespecial #105
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalStateException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [16] athrow
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] getfield #55
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.authenticated Z]
      [21] ifeq +13 (target=34)
      [24] new #45
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
      [27] dup
      [28] ldc #10
        + String [Connection is already authenticated!]
      [30] invokespecial #105
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalStateException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [33] athrow
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager;]
      [38] ifnonnull +18 (target=56)
      [41] aload_0 v0
      [42] new #37
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager]
      [45] dup
      [46] aload_0 v0
      [47] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [50] invokespecial #82
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;)V]
      [53] putfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager;]
      [56] aload_0 v0
      [57] getfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [60] ifnonnull +18 (target=78)
      [63] aload_0 v0
      [64] new #38
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager]
      [67] dup
      [68] aload_0 v0
      [69] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [72] invokespecial #88
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;)V]
      [75] putfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [78] aload_1 v1
      [79] ifnonnull +13 (target=92)
      [82] new #44
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [85] dup
      [86] ldc #27
        + String [user argument is null]
      [88] invokespecial #104
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [91] athrow
      [92] aload_0 v0
      [93] aload_0 v0
      [94] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager;]
      [97] aload_1 v1
      [98] invokevirtual #84
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.authenticateNone (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [101] putfield #55
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.authenticated Z]
      [104] aload_0 v0
      [105] getfield #55
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.authenticated Z]
      [108] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 12)
        [0] -> line 356
        [7] -> line 357
        [17] -> line 359
        [24] -> line 360
        [34] -> line 362
        [41] -> line 363
        [56] -> line 365
        [63] -> line 366
        [78] -> line 368
        [82] -> line 369
        [92] -> line 374
        [104] -> line 376
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 109 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection; this]
        v1: 0 -> 109 [Ljava/lang/String; user]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       authenticateWithPublicKey(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
    Access flags: 0x21
      = public synchronized boolean authenticateWithPublicKey(java.lang.String,java.lang.Object)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 128, locals = 3, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [4] ifnonnull +13 (target=17)
      [7] new #45
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
      [10] dup
      [11] ldc #11
        + String [Connection is not established!]
      [13] invokespecial #105
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalStateException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [16] athrow
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] getfield #55
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.authenticated Z]
      [21] ifeq +13 (target=34)
      [24] new #45
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
      [27] dup
      [28] ldc #10
        + String [Connection is already authenticated!]
      [30] invokespecial #105
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalStateException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [33] athrow
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager;]
      [38] ifnonnull +18 (target=56)
      [41] aload_0 v0
      [42] new #37
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager]
      [45] dup
      [46] aload_0 v0
      [47] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [50] invokespecial #82
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;)V]
      [53] putfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager;]
      [56] aload_0 v0
      [57] getfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [60] ifnonnull +18 (target=78)
      [63] aload_0 v0
      [64] new #38
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager]
      [67] dup
      [68] aload_0 v0
      [69] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [72] invokespecial #88
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;)V]
      [75] putfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [78] aload_1 v1
      [79] ifnonnull +13 (target=92)
      [82] new #44
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [85] dup
      [86] ldc #27
        + String [user argument is null]
      [88] invokespecial #104
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [91] athrow
      [92] aload_2 v2
      [93] ifnonnull +13 (target=106)
      [96] new #44
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [99] dup
      [100] ldc #13
        + String [Key argument is null]
      [102] invokespecial #104
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [105] athrow
      [106] aload_0 v0
      [107] aload_0 v0
      [108] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager;]
      [111] aload_1 v1
      [112] aload_2 v2
      [113] aload_0 v0
      [114] invokespecial #74
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.getOrCreateSecureRND ()Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
      [117] invokevirtual #86
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.authenticatePublicKey (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)Z]
      [120] putfield #55
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.authenticated Z]
      [123] aload_0 v0
      [124] getfield #55
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.authenticated Z]
      [127] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 14)
        [0] -> line 479
        [7] -> line 480
        [17] -> line 482
        [24] -> line 483
        [34] -> line 485
        [41] -> line 486
        [56] -> line 488
        [63] -> line 489
        [78] -> line 491
        [82] -> line 492
        [92] -> line 494
        [96] -> line 495
        [106] -> line 497
        [123] -> line 499
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 128 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection; this]
        v1: 0 -> 128 [Ljava/lang/String; user]
        v2: 0 -> 128 [Ljava/lang/Object; key]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       addConnectionMonitor(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionMonitor;)V
    Access flags: 0x21
      = public synchronized void addConnectionMonitor(com.trilead.ssh2.ConnectionMonitor)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 41, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] ifnonnull +13 (target=14)
      [4] new #44
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [7] dup
      [8] ldc #21
        + String [cmon argument is null]
      [10] invokespecial #104
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [13] athrow
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] getfield #58
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.connectionMonitors Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [18] aload_1 v1
      [19] invokevirtual #118
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.addElement (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [26] ifnull +14 (target=40)
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [33] aload_0 v0
      [34] getfield #58
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.connectionMonitors Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [37] invokevirtual #97
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.setConnectionMonitors (Ljava/util/Vector;)V]
      [40] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 569
        [4] -> line 570
        [14] -> line 572
        [22] -> line 574
        [29] -> line 575
        [40] -> line 576
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 41 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection; this]
        v1: 0 -> 41 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionMonitor; cmon]
  + Method:       setCompression(Z)V
    Access flags: 0x21
      = public synchronized void setCompression(boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 45, locals = 2, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [4] ifnull +35 (target=39)
      [7] new #43
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [10] dup
      [11] new #48
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [14] dup
      [15] ldc #12
        + String [Connection to ]
      [17] invokespecial #108
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] getfield #62
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.hostname Ljava/lang/String;]
      [24] invokevirtual #110
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [27] ldc #1
        + String [ is already in connected state!]
      [29] invokevirtual #110
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [32] invokevirtual #111
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [35] invokespecial #101
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [38] athrow
      [39] aload_0 v0
      [40] iload_1 v1
      [41] putfield #57
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.compression Z]
      [44] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 586
        [7] -> line 587
        [39] -> line 589
        [44] -> line 590
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 45 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection; this]
        v1: 0 -> 45 [Z enabled]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       close()V
    Access flags: 0x21
      = public synchronized void close()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 17, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] new #50
        + Class [java/lang/Throwable]
      [3] dup
      [4] ldc #9
        + String [Closed due to user request.]
      [6] invokespecial #113
        + Methodref [java/lang/Throwable.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [9] astore_1 v1
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] aload_1 v1
      [12] iconst_0
      [13] invokespecial #72
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.close (Ljava/lang/Throwable;Z)V]
      [16] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 600
        [10] -> line 601
        [16] -> line 602
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 17 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection; this]
        v1: 10 -> 17 [Ljava/lang/Throwable; t]
  + Method:       close(Ljava/lang/Throwable;Z)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void close(java.lang.Throwable,boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 59, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [4] ifnull +10 (target=14)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [11] invokevirtual #89
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.closeAllChannels ()V]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [18] ifnull +25 (target=43)
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [25] aload_1 v1
      [26] iload_2 v2
      [27] ifeq +7 (target=34)
      [30] iconst_0
      [31] goto +4 (target=35)
      [34] iconst_1
      [35] invokevirtual #94
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.close (Ljava/lang/Throwable;Z)V]
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] aconst_null
      [40] putfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] aconst_null
      [45] putfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager;]
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] aconst_null
      [50] putfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [53] aload_0 v0
      [54] iconst_0
      [55] putfield #55
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.authenticated Z]
      [58] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 606
        [7] -> line 607
        [14] -> line 609
        [21] -> line 611
        [38] -> line 612
        [43] -> line 614
        [48] -> line 615
        [53] -> line 616
        [58] -> line 617
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 59 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection; this]
        v1: 0 -> 59 [Ljava/lang/Throwable; t]
        v2: 0 -> 59 [Z hard]
  + Method:       connect(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;
    Access flags: 0x21
      = public synchronized com.trilead.ssh2.ConnectionInfo connect(com.trilead.ssh2.ServerHostKeyVerifier)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 8, locals = 2, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] iconst_0
      [3] iconst_0
      [4] invokevirtual #73
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.connect (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier;II)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
      [7] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 644
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection; this]
        v1: 0 -> 8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier; verifier]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       connect(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier;II)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;
    Access flags: 0x21
      = public synchronized com.trilead.ssh2.ConnectionInfo connect(com.trilead.ssh2.ServerHostKeyVerifier,int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 443, locals = 9, stack = 7):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [4] ifnull +35 (target=39)
      [7] new #43
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [10] dup
      [11] new #48
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [14] dup
      [15] ldc #12
        + String [Connection to ]
      [17] invokespecial #108
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] getfield #62
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.hostname Ljava/lang/String;]
      [24] invokevirtual #110
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [27] ldc #1
        + String [ is already in connected state!]
      [29] invokevirtual #110
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [32] invokevirtual #111
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [35] invokespecial #101
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [38] athrow
      [39] iload_2 v2
      [40] ifge +13 (target=53)
      [43] new #44
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [46] dup
      [47] ldc #22
        + String [connectTimeout must be non-negative!]
      [49] invokespecial #104
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [52] athrow
      [53] iload_3 v3
      [54] ifge +13 (target=67)
      [57] new #44
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [60] dup
      [61] ldc #23
        + String [kexTimeout must be non-negative!]
      [63] invokespecial #104
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [66] athrow
      [67] new #31
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState]
      [70] dup
      [71] aload_0 v0
      [72] invokespecial #77
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;)V]
      [75] astore v4
      [77] aload_0 v0
      [78] new #40
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager]
      [81] dup
      [82] aload_0 v0
      [83] getfield #62
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.hostname Ljava/lang/String;]
      [86] aload_0 v0
      [87] getfield #63
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.port I]
      [90] invokespecial #93
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;I)V]
      [93] putfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [96] aload_0 v0
      [97] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [100] aload_0 v0
      [101] getfield #58
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.connectionMonitors Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [104] invokevirtual #97
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.setConnectionMonitors (Ljava/util/Vector;)V]
      [107] aload_0 v0
      [108] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.compression Z]
      [111] ifne +35 (target=146)
      [114] aload_0 v0
      [115] getfield #59
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.cryptoWishList Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;]
      [118] iconst_1
      [119] anewarray #47
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [122] dup
      [123] iconst_0
      [124] ldc #25
        + String [none]
      [126] aastore
      [127] putfield #69
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList.c2s_comp_algos [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [130] aload_0 v0
      [131] getfield #59
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.cryptoWishList Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;]
      [134] iconst_1
      [135] anewarray #47
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [138] dup
      [139] iconst_0
      [140] ldc #25
        + String [none]
      [142] aastore
      [143] putfield #70
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList.s2c_comp_algos [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [146] aload_0 v0
      [147] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [150] dup
      [151] monitorenter
      [152] monitorexit
      [153] aconst_null
      [154] astore v5
      [156] iload_3 v3
      [157] ifle +32 (target=189)
      [160] new #30
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1]
      [163] dup
      [164] aload_0 v0
      [165] aload v4
      [167] invokespecial #76
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState;)V]
      [170] astore v6
      [172] invokestatic #112
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.currentTimeMillis ()J]
      [175] iload_3 v3
      [176] i2l
      [177] ladd
      [178] lstore v7
      [180] lload v7
      [182] aload v6
      [184] invokestatic #99
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService.addTimeoutHandler (JLjava/lang/Runnable;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken;]
      [187] astore v5
      [189] aload_0 v0
      [190] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [193] aload_0 v0
      [194] getfield #59
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.cryptoWishList Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;]
      [197] aload_1 v1
      [198] aload_0 v0
      [199] getfield #60
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.dhgexpara Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;]
      [202] iload_2 v2
      [203] aload_0 v0
      [204] invokespecial #74
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.getOrCreateSecureRND ()Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
      [207] aload_0 v0
      [208] getfield #64
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.proxyData Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ProxyData;]
      [211] invokevirtual #96
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.initialize (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;ILjava/security/SecureRandom;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ProxyData;)V]
      [214] goto +23 (target=237)
      [217] astore v6
      [219] new #51
        + Class [java/net/SocketTimeoutException]
      [222] dup
      [223] ldc #14
        + String [The connect() operation on the socket timed out.]
      [225] invokespecial #114
        + Methodref [java/net/SocketTimeoutException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [228] aload v6
      [230] invokevirtual #115
        + Methodref [java/net/SocketTimeoutException.initCause (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
      [233] checkcast #51
        + Class [java/net/SocketTimeoutException]
      [236] athrow
      [237] aload_0 v0
      [238] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [241] aload_0 v0
      [242] getfield #65
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.tcpNoDelay Z]
      [245] invokevirtual #98
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.setTcpNoDelay (Z)V]
      [248] aload_0 v0
      [249] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [252] iconst_1
      [253] invokevirtual #95
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.getConnectionInfo (I)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
      [256] astore v6
      [258] aload v5
      [260] ifnull +48 (target=308)
      [263] aload v5
      [265] invokestatic #100
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService.cancelTimeoutHandler (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken;)V]
      [268] aload v4
      [270] dup
      [271] astore v7
      [273] monitorenter
      [274] aload v4
      [276] getfield #68
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState.timeoutSocketClosed Z]
      [279] ifeq +13 (target=292)
      [282] new #43
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [285] dup
      [286] ldc #19
        + String [This exception will be replaced by the one below =)]
      [288] invokespecial #101
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [291] athrow
      [292] aload v4
      [294] iconst_1
      [295] putfield #67
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState.isCancelled Z]
      [298] aload v7
      [300] monitorexit
      [301] goto +7 (target=308)
      [304] aload v7
      [306] monitorexit
      [307] athrow
      [308] aload v6
      [310] areturn
      [311] astore v5
      [313] aload v5
      [315] athrow
      [316] astore v5
      [318] aload_0 v0
      [319] new #50
        + Class [java/lang/Throwable]
      [322] dup
      [323] ldc #17
        + String [There was a problem during connect.]
      [325] invokespecial #113
        + Methodref [java/lang/Throwable.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [328] iconst_0
      [329] invokespecial #72
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.close (Ljava/lang/Throwable;Z)V]
      [332] aload v4
      [334] dup
      [335] astore v6
      [337] monitorenter
      [338] aload v4
      [340] getfield #68
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState.timeoutSocketClosed Z]
      [343] ifeq +32 (target=375)
      [346] new #51
        + Class [java/net/SocketTimeoutException]
      [349] dup
      [350] new #48
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [353] dup
      [354] ldc #16
        + String [The kexTimeout (]
      [356] invokespecial #108
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [359] iload_3 v3
      [360] invokevirtual #109
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [363] ldc #2
        + String [ ms) expired.]
      [365] invokevirtual #110
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [368] invokevirtual #111
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [371] invokespecial #114
        + Methodref [java/net/SocketTimeoutException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [374] athrow
      [375] aload v6
      [377] monitorexit
      [378] goto +7 (target=385)
      [381] aload v6
      [383] monitorexit
      [384] athrow
      [385] aload v5
      [387] instanceof #34
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/HTTPProxyException]
      [390] ifeq +6 (target=396)
      [393] aload v5
      [395] athrow
      [396] new #43
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [399] dup
      [400] new #48
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [403] dup
      [404] ldc #18
        + String [There was a problem while connecting to ]
      [406] invokespecial #108
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [409] aload_0 v0
      [410] getfield #62
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.hostname Ljava/lang/String;]
      [413] invokevirtual #110
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [416] ldc #3
        + String [:]
      [418] invokevirtual #110
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [421] aload_0 v0
      [422] getfield #63
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.port I]
      [425] invokevirtual #109
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [428] invokevirtual #111
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [431] invokespecial #101
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [434] aload v5
      [436] invokevirtual #102
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.initCause (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
      [439] checkcast #43
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [442] athrow
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 7):
      + ExceptionInfo (189 -> 214: 217):
      + Class [java/net/SocketTimeoutException]
      + ExceptionInfo (274 -> 301: 304):
      + ExceptionInfo (304 -> 307: 304):
      + ExceptionInfo (153 -> 310: 311):
      + Class [java/net/SocketTimeoutException]
      + ExceptionInfo (153 -> 310: 316):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (338 -> 378: 381):
      + ExceptionInfo (381 -> 384: 381):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 48)
        [0] -> line 738
        [7] -> line 739
        [39] -> line 741
        [43] -> line 742
        [53] -> line 744
        [57] -> line 745
        [67] -> line 747
        [77] -> line 749
        [96] -> line 751
        [107] -> line 754
        [114] -> line 755
        [130] -> line 756
        [146] -> line 772
        [153] -> line 779
        [156] -> line 781
        [160] -> line 783
        [172] -> line 797
        [180] -> line 799
        [189] -> line 804
        [217] -> line 806
        [219] -> line 808
        [223] -> line 809
        [225] -> line 808
        [228] -> line 809
        [233] -> line 808
        [237] -> line 812
        [248] -> line 816
        [258] -> line 820
        [263] -> line 822
        [268] -> line 826
        [274] -> line 828
        [282] -> line 829
        [292] -> line 835
        [298] -> line 826
        [308] -> line 839
        [311] -> line 841
        [313] -> line 843
        [316] -> line 845
        [318] -> line 848
        [332] -> line 850
        [338] -> line 856
        [346] -> line 857
        [375] -> line 850
        [385] -> line 861
        [393] -> line 862
        [396] -> line 864
        [434] -> line 865
        [439] -> line 864
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 12)
        v0: 0 -> 443 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection; this]
        v1: 0 -> 443 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier; verifier]
        v2: 0 -> 443 [I connectTimeout]
        v3: 0 -> 443 [I kexTimeout]
        v4: 77 -> 443 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState; state]
        v5: 156 -> 311 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken; token]
        v6: 172 -> 189 [Ljava/lang/Runnable; timeoutHandler]
        v7: 180 -> 189 [J timeoutHorizont]
        v6: 219 -> 237 [Ljava/net/SocketTimeoutException; se]
        v6: 258 -> 311 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo; ci]
        v5: 313 -> 316 [Ljava/net/SocketTimeoutException; ste]
        v5: 318 -> 443 [Ljava/io/IOException; e1]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       createLocalPortForwarder(Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress;Ljava/lang/String;I)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/LocalPortForwarder;
    Access flags: 0x21
      = public synchronized com.trilead.ssh2.LocalPortForwarder createLocalPortForwarder(,java.lang.String,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 49, locals = 4, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [4] ifnonnull +13 (target=17)
      [7] new #45
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
      [10] dup
      [11] ldc #6
        + String [Cannot forward ports, you need to establish a connection first.]
      [13] invokespecial #105
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalStateException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [16] athrow
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] getfield #55
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.authenticated Z]
      [21] ifne +13 (target=34)
      [24] new #45
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
      [27] dup
      [28] ldc #5
        + String [Cannot forward ports, connection is not authenticated.]
      [30] invokespecial #105
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalStateException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [33] athrow
      [34] new #35
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/LocalPortForwarder]
      [37] dup
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] getfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [42] aload_1 v1
      [43] aload_2 v2
      [44] iload_3 v3
      [45] invokespecial #80
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/LocalPortForwarder.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress;Ljava/lang/String;I)V]
      [48] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 923
        [7] -> line 924
        [17] -> line 926
        [24] -> line 927
        [34] -> line 929
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 49 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection; this]
        v1: 0 -> 49 [Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress; addr]
        v2: 0 -> 49 [Ljava/lang/String; host_to_connect]
        v3: 0 -> 49 [I port_to_connect]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       createDynamicPortForwarder(Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DynamicPortForwarder;
    Access flags: 0x21
      = public synchronized com.trilead.ssh2.DynamicPortForwarder createDynamicPortForwarder(
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 47, locals = 2, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [4] ifnonnull +13 (target=17)
      [7] new #45
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
      [10] dup
      [11] ldc #6
        + String [Cannot forward ports, you need to establish a connection first.]
      [13] invokespecial #105
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalStateException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [16] athrow
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] getfield #55
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.authenticated Z]
      [21] ifne +13 (target=34)
      [24] new #45
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
      [27] dup
      [28] ldc #5
        + String [Cannot forward ports, connection is not authenticated.]
      [30] invokespecial #105
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalStateException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [33] athrow
      [34] new #33
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/DynamicPortForwarder]
      [37] dup
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] getfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [42] aload_1 v1
      [43] invokespecial #79
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/DynamicPortForwarder.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress;)V]
      [46] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 999
        [7] -> line 1000
        [17] -> line 1002
        [24] -> line 1003
        [34] -> line 1005
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 47 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection; this]
        v1: 0 -> 47 [Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress; addr]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       getRemainingAuthMethods(Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x21
      = public synchronized java.lang.String[] getRemainingAuthMethods(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 101, locals = 2, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] ifnonnull +13 (target=14)
      [4] new #44
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [7] dup
      [8] ldc #28
        + String [user argument may not be NULL!]
      [10] invokespecial #104
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [13] athrow
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [18] ifnonnull +13 (target=31)
      [21] new #45
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
      [24] dup
      [25] ldc #11
        + String [Connection is not established!]
      [27] invokespecial #105
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalStateException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [30] athrow
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] getfield #55
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.authenticated Z]
      [35] ifeq +13 (target=48)
      [38] new #45
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
      [41] dup
      [42] ldc #10
        + String [Connection is already authenticated!]
      [44] invokespecial #105
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalStateException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [47] athrow
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager;]
      [52] ifnonnull +18 (target=70)
      [55] aload_0 v0
      [56] new #37
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager]
      [59] dup
      [60] aload_0 v0
      [61] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [64] invokespecial #82
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;)V]
      [67] putfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager;]
      [70] aload_0 v0
      [71] getfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [74] ifnonnull +18 (target=92)
      [77] aload_0 v0
      [78] new #38
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager]
      [81] dup
      [82] aload_0 v0
      [83] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [86] invokespecial #88
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;)V]
      [89] putfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [92] aload_0 v0
      [93] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager;]
      [96] aload_1 v1
      [97] invokevirtual #87
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.getRemainingMethods (Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String;]
      [100] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 11)
        [0] -> line 1116
        [4] -> line 1117
        [14] -> line 1119
        [21] -> line 1120
        [31] -> line 1122
        [38] -> line 1123
        [48] -> line 1125
        [55] -> line 1126
        [70] -> line 1128
        [77] -> line 1129
        [92] -> line 1131
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 101 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection; this]
        v1: 0 -> 101 [Ljava/lang/String; user]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       isAuthenticationComplete()Z
    Access flags: 0x21
      = public synchronized boolean isAuthenticationComplete()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #55
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.authenticated Z]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 1143
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection; this]
  + Method:       isAuthMethodAvailable(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z
    Access flags: 0x21
      = public synchronized boolean isAuthMethodAvailable(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 51, locals = 5, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_2 v2
      [1] ifnonnull +13 (target=14)
      [4] new #44
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [7] dup
      [8] ldc #24
        + String [method argument may not be NULL!]
      [10] invokespecial #104
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [13] athrow
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] invokevirtual #75
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.getRemainingAuthMethods (Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String;]
      [19] astore_3 v3
      [20] iconst_0
      [21] istore v4
      [23] goto +19 (target=42)
      [26] aload_3 v3
      [27] iload v4
      [29] aaload
      [30] aload_2 v2
      [31] invokevirtual #107
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.compareTo (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [34] ifne +5 (target=39)
      [37] iconst_1
      [38] ireturn
      [39] iinc v4, 1
      [42] iload v4
      [44] aload_3 v3
      [45] arraylength
      [46] ificmplt -20 (target=26)
      [49] iconst_0
      [50] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 1181
        [4] -> line 1182
        [14] -> line 1184
        [20] -> line 1186
        [26] -> line 1188
        [37] -> line 1189
        [39] -> line 1186
        [49] -> line 1192
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 51 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection; this]
        v1: 0 -> 51 [Ljava/lang/String; user]
        v2: 0 -> 51 [Ljava/lang/String; method]
        v3: 20 -> 51 [[Ljava/lang/String; methods]
        v4: 23 -> 49 [I i]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       getOrCreateSecureRND()Ljava/security/SecureRandom;
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final getOrCreateSecureRND()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 23, locals = 1, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #61
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.generator Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
      [4] ifnonnull +14 (target=18)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] new #52
        + Class [java/security/SecureRandom]
      [11] dup
      [12] invokespecial #116
        + Methodref [java/security/SecureRandom.<init> ()V]
      [15] putfield #61
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.generator Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] getfield #61
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.generator Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
      [22] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 1197
        [7] -> line 1198
        [18] -> line 1200
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 23 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection; this]
  + Method:       openSession()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Session;
    Access flags: 0x21
      = public synchronized com.trilead.ssh2.Session openSession()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 50, locals = 1, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [4] ifnonnull +13 (target=17)
      [7] new #45
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
      [10] dup
      [11] ldc #8
        + String [Cannot open session, you need to establish a connection first.]
      [13] invokespecial #105
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalStateException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [16] athrow
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] getfield #55
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.authenticated Z]
      [21] ifne +13 (target=34)
      [24] new #45
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
      [27] dup
      [28] ldc #7
        + String [Cannot open session, connection is not authenticated.]
      [30] invokespecial #105
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalStateException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [33] athrow
      [34] new #36
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/Session]
      [37] dup
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] getfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [42] aload_0 v0
      [43] invokespecial #74
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.getOrCreateSecureRND ()Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
      [46] invokespecial #81
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Session.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)V]
      [49] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 1213
        [7] -> line 1214
        [17] -> line 1216
        [24] -> line 1217
        [34] -> line 1219
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 50 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection; this]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       requestRemotePortForwarding(Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)V
    Access flags: 0x21
      = public synchronized void requestRemotePortForwarding(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 73, locals = 5, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [4] ifnonnull +13 (target=17)
      [7] new #45
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
      [10] dup
      [11] ldc #20
        + String [You need to establish a connection first.]
      [13] invokespecial #105
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalStateException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [16] athrow
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] getfield #55
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.authenticated Z]
      [21] ifne +13 (target=34)
      [24] new #45
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
      [27] dup
      [28] ldc #15
        + String [The connection is not authenticated.]
      [30] invokespecial #105
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalStateException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [33] athrow
      [34] aload_1 v1
      [35] ifnull +16 (target=51)
      [38] aload_3 v3
      [39] ifnull +12 (target=51)
      [42] iload_2 v2
      [43] ifle +8 (target=51)
      [46] iload v4
      [48] ifgt +11 (target=59)
      [51] new #44
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [54] dup
      [55] invokespecial #103
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> ()V]
      [58] athrow
      [59] aload_0 v0
      [60] getfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [63] aload_1 v1
      [64] iload_2 v2
      [65] aload_3 v3
      [66] iload v4
      [68] invokevirtual #91
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.requestGlobalForward (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)I]
      [71] pop
      [72] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 1499
        [7] -> line 1500
        [17] -> line 1502
        [24] -> line 1503
        [34] -> line 1505
        [51] -> line 1506
        [59] -> line 1508
        [72] -> line 1509
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 73 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection; this]
        v1: 0 -> 73 [Ljava/lang/String; bindAddress]
        v2: 0 -> 73 [I bindPort]
        v3: 0 -> 73 [Ljava/lang/String; targetAddress]
        v4: 0 -> 73 [I targetPort]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       cancelRemotePortForwarding(I)V
    Access flags: 0x21
      = public synchronized void cancelRemotePortForwarding(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 43, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [4] ifnonnull +13 (target=17)
      [7] new #45
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
      [10] dup
      [11] ldc #20
        + String [You need to establish a connection first.]
      [13] invokespecial #105
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalStateException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [16] athrow
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] getfield #55
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.authenticated Z]
      [21] ifne +13 (target=34)
      [24] new #45
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
      [27] dup
      [28] ldc #15
        + String [The connection is not authenticated.]
      [30] invokespecial #105
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalStateException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [33] athrow
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] getfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [38] iload_1 v1
      [39] invokevirtual #90
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.requestCancelGlobalForward (I)V]
      [42] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 1526
        [7] -> line 1527
        [17] -> line 1529
        [24] -> line 1530
        [34] -> line 1532
        [42] -> line 1533
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 43 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection; this]
        v1: 0 -> 43 [I bindPort]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       access$0(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic com.trilead.ssh2.transport.TransportManager access$0(com.trilead.ssh2.Connection)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 103
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 3)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x10 = final 
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState]
      + Utf8 [TimeoutState]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x9 = public static 
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken]
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService]
      + Utf8 [TimeoutToken]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.trilead.ssh2.Connection$1 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [java/lang/Runnable]

Constant Pool (count = 62):
  + String [The connect timeout expired]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/Runnable]
  + Class [java/net/SocketTimeoutException]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1.this$0 Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1.val$state Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState.isCancelled Z]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState.timeoutSocketClosed Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.access$0 (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.close (Ljava/lang/Throwable;Z)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/net/SocketTimeoutException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [access$0 (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
  + NameAndType [close (Ljava/lang/Throwable;Z)V]
  + NameAndType [connect (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier;II)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
  + NameAndType [isCancelled Z]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;]
  + NameAndType [timeoutSocketClosed Z]
  + NameAndType [val$state Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier;II)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Throwable;Z)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [The connect timeout expired]
  + Utf8 [TimeoutState]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [close]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager]
  + Utf8 [connect]
  + Utf8 [isCancelled]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Runnable]
  + Utf8 [java/net/SocketTimeoutException]
  + Utf8 [run]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [timeoutSocketClosed]
  + Utf8 [val$state]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.trilead.ssh2.Connection this$0
  + Field:        val$state Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic com.trilead.ssh2.Connection$1TimeoutState val$state

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = Connection$1(com.trilead.ssh2.Connection,com.trilead.ssh2.Connection$1TimeoutState)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1.this$0 Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_2 v2
      [7] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1.val$state Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState;]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] invokespecial #15
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [14] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [10] -> line 783
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 15 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1; this]
  + Method:       run()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void run()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 57, locals = 2, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1.val$state Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState;]
      [4] dup
      [5] astore_1 v1
      [6] monitorenter
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1.val$state Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState;]
      [11] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState.isCancelled Z]
      [14] ifeq +6 (target=20)
      [17] aload_1 v1
      [18] monitorexit
      [19] return
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1.val$state Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState;]
      [24] iconst_1
      [25] putfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState.timeoutSocketClosed Z]
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1.this$0 Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;]
      [32] invokestatic #13
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.access$0 (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [35] new #8
        + Class [java/net/SocketTimeoutException]
      [38] dup
      [39] ldc #1
        + String [The connect timeout expired]
      [41] invokespecial #16
        + Methodref [java/net/SocketTimeoutException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [44] iconst_0
      [45] invokevirtual #14
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.close (Ljava/lang/Throwable;Z)V]
      [48] aload_1 v1
      [49] monitorexit
      [50] goto +6 (target=56)
      [53] aload_1 v1
      [54] monitorexit
      [55] athrow
      [56] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 3):
      + ExceptionInfo (7 -> 19: 53):
      + ExceptionInfo (20 -> 50: 53):
      + ExceptionInfo (53 -> 55: 53):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 787
        [7] -> line 789
        [17] -> line 790
        [20] -> line 791
        [28] -> line 792
        [48] -> line 787
        [56] -> line 794
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 57 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1; this]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection]
    + NameAndType [connect (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier;II)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x10 = final 
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState]
      + Utf8 [TimeoutState]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x30
    = final class com.trilead.ssh2.Connection$1TimeoutState extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 36):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState.isCancelled Z]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState.this$0 Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState.timeoutSocketClosed Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [connect (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier;II)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
  + NameAndType [isCancelled Z]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;]
  + NameAndType [timeoutSocketClosed Z]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier;II)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [TimeoutState]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState]
  + Utf8 [connect]
  + Utf8 [isCancelled]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [timeoutSocketClosed]

Fields (count = 3):
  + Field:        isCancelled Z
    Access flags: 0x0
      = boolean isCancelled
  + Field:        timeoutSocketClosed Z
    Access flags: 0x0
      = boolean timeoutSocketClosed
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.trilead.ssh2.Connection this$0

Methods (count = 1):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = Connection$1TimeoutState(com.trilead.ssh2.Connection)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 20, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState.this$0 Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #7
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] iconst_0
      [11] putfield #4
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState.isCancelled Z]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] iconst_0
      [16] putfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState.timeoutSocketClosed Z]
      [19] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 732
        [9] -> line 734
        [14] -> line 735
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 20 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState; this]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection]
    + NameAndType [connect (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier;II)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x10 = final 
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection$1TimeoutState]
      + Utf8 [TimeoutState]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.ConnectionInfo extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 29):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo.keyExchangeCounter I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [keyExchangeCounter I]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [clientToServerCryptoAlgorithm]
  + Utf8 [clientToServerMACAlgorithm]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [keyExchangeAlgorithm]
  + Utf8 [keyExchangeCounter]
  + Utf8 [serverHostKey]
  + Utf8 [serverHostKeyAlgorithm]
  + Utf8 [serverToClientCryptoAlgorithm]
  + Utf8 [serverToClientMACAlgorithm]
  + Utf8 [this]

Fields (count = 8):
  + Field:        keyExchangeAlgorithm Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String keyExchangeAlgorithm
  + Field:        clientToServerCryptoAlgorithm Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String clientToServerCryptoAlgorithm
  + Field:        serverToClientCryptoAlgorithm Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String serverToClientCryptoAlgorithm
  + Field:        clientToServerMACAlgorithm Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String clientToServerMACAlgorithm
  + Field:        serverToClientMACAlgorithm Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String serverToClientMACAlgorithm
  + Field:        serverHostKeyAlgorithm Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String serverHostKeyAlgorithm
  + Field:        serverHostKey [B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] serverHostKey
  + Field:        keyExchangeCounter I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int keyExchangeCounter

Methods (count = 1):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public ConnectionInfo()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #4
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] iconst_0
      [6] putfield #3
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo.keyExchangeCounter I]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 10
        [4] -> line 52
        [9] -> line 10
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo; this]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionMonitor
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x601
    = public interface com.trilead.ssh2.ConnectionMonitor extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 9):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionMonitor]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionMonitor]
  + Utf8 [connectionLost]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]

Fields (count = 0):

Methods (count = 1):
  + Method:       connectionLost(Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract void connectionLost(java.lang.Throwable)

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.DHGexParameters extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 48):
  + String [max_group_len must not be smaller than min_group_len!]
  + String [max_group_len out of range!]
  + String [min_group_len out of range!]
  + String [pref_group_len is incompatible with min and max!]
  + String [pref_group_len out of range!]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters]
  + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters.max_group_len I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters.min_group_len I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters.pref_group_len I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters.<init> (III)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (III)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [max_group_len I]
  + NameAndType [min_group_len I]
  + NameAndType [pref_group_len I]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(III)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters]
  + Utf8 [getMax_group_len]
  + Utf8 [getMin_group_len]
  + Utf8 [getPref_group_len]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [max_group_len]
  + Utf8 [max_group_len must not be smaller than min_group_len!]
  + Utf8 [max_group_len out of range!]
  + Utf8 [min_group_len]
  + Utf8 [min_group_len out of range!]
  + Utf8 [pref_group_len]
  + Utf8 [pref_group_len is incompatible with min and max!]
  + Utf8 [pref_group_len out of range!]
  + Utf8 [this]

Fields (count = 3):
  + Field:        min_group_len I
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final int min_group_len
  + Field:        pref_group_len I
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final int pref_group_len
  + Field:        max_group_len I
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final int max_group_len

Methods (count = 5):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public DHGexParameters()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 14, locals = 1, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] sipush 1024
      [4] sipush 1024
      [7] sipush 4096
      [10] invokespecial #12
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters.<init> (III)V]
      [13] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 33
        [13] -> line 34
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 14 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters; this]
  + Method:       <init>(III)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public DHGexParameters(int,int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 127, locals = 4, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #14
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] iload_1 v1
      [5] sipush 1024
      [8] ificmplt +10 (target=18)
      [11] iload_1 v1
      [12] sipush 8192
      [15] ificmple +13 (target=28)
      [18] new #7
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [21] dup
      [22] ldc #3
        + String [min_group_len out of range!]
      [24] invokespecial #13
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [27] athrow
      [28] iload_2 v2
      [29] sipush 1024
      [32] ificmplt +10 (target=42)
      [35] iload_2 v2
      [36] sipush 8192
      [39] ificmple +13 (target=52)
      [42] new #7
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [45] dup
      [46] ldc #5
        + String [pref_group_len out of range!]
      [48] invokespecial #13
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [51] athrow
      [52] iload_3 v3
      [53] sipush 1024
      [56] ificmplt +10 (target=66)
      [59] iload_3 v3
      [60] sipush 8192
      [63] ificmple +13 (target=76)
      [66] new #7
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [69] dup
      [70] ldc #2
        + String [max_group_len out of range!]
      [72] invokespecial #13
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [75] athrow
      [76] iload_2 v2
      [77] iload_1 v1
      [78] ificmplt +8 (target=86)
      [81] iload_2 v2
      [82] iload_3 v3
      [83] ificmple +13 (target=96)
      [86] new #7
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [89] dup
      [90] ldc #4
        + String [pref_group_len is incompatible with min and max!]
      [92] invokespecial #13
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [95] athrow
      [96] iload_3 v3
      [97] iload_1 v1
      [98] ificmpge +13 (target=111)
      [101] new #7
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [104] dup
      [105] ldc #1
        + String [max_group_len must not be smaller than min_group_len!]
      [107] invokespecial #13
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [110] athrow
      [111] aload_0 v0
      [112] iload_1 v1
      [113] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters.min_group_len I]
      [116] aload_0 v0
      [117] iload_2 v2
      [118] putfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters.pref_group_len I]
      [121] aload_0 v0
      [122] iload_3 v3
      [123] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters.max_group_len I]
      [126] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 15)
        [0] -> line 68
        [4] -> line 70
        [18] -> line 71
        [28] -> line 73
        [42] -> line 74
        [52] -> line 76
        [66] -> line 77
        [76] -> line 79
        [86] -> line 80
        [96] -> line 82
        [101] -> line 83
        [111] -> line 85
        [116] -> line 86
        [121] -> line 87
        [126] -> line 88
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 127 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters; this]
        v1: 0 -> 127 [I min_group_len]
        v2: 0 -> 127 [I pref_group_len]
        v3: 0 -> 127 [I max_group_len]
  + Method:       getMax_group_len()I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int getMax_group_len()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters.max_group_len I]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 98
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters; this]
  + Method:       getMin_group_len()I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int getMin_group_len()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters.min_group_len I]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 109
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters; this]
  + Method:       getPref_group_len()I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int getPref_group_len()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters.pref_group_len I]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 119
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters; this]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/DebugLogger
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x601
    = public interface com.trilead.ssh2.DebugLogger extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 9):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/DebugLogger]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [(ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/DebugLogger]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [log]

Fields (count = 0):

Methods (count = 1):
  + Method:       log(ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract void log(int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String)

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/DynamicPortForwarder
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.DynamicPortForwarder extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 45):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/DynamicPortForwarder]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/DynamicPortForwarder.dat Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread.setDaemon (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread.start ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread.stopWorking ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress;)V]
  + NameAndType [cm Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + NameAndType [dat Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread;]
  + NameAndType [setDaemon (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [start ()V]
  + NameAndType [stopWorking ()V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DynamicPortForwarder;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [addr]
  + Utf8 [close]
  + Utf8 [cm]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/DynamicPortForwarder]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread]
  + Utf8 [dat]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [setDaemon]
  + Utf8 [start]
  + Utf8 [stopWorking]
  + Utf8 [this]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        cm Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = cm
  + Field:        dat Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = dat

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = DynamicPortForwarder(,
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 38, locals = 3, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #11
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] putfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] new #2
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread]
      [13] dup
      [14] aload_1 v1
      [15] aload_2 v2
      [16] invokespecial #7
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress;)V]
      [19] putfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/DynamicPortForwarder.dat Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread;]
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/DynamicPortForwarder.dat Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread;]
      [26] iconst_1
      [27] invokevirtual #8
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread.setDaemon (Z)V]
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/DynamicPortForwarder.dat Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread;]
      [34] invokevirtual #9
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread.start ()V]
      [37] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 50
        [4] -> line 51
        [9] -> line 53
        [22] -> line 54
        [30] -> line 55
        [37] -> line 56
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 38 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DynamicPortForwarder; this]
        v1: 0 -> 38 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; cm]
        v2: 0 -> 38 [Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress; addr]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       close()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void close()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 8, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/DynamicPortForwarder.dat Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread;]
      [4] invokevirtual #10
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread.stopWorking ()V]
      [7] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 65
        [7] -> line 66
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DynamicPortForwarder; this]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/HTTPProxyData
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.HTTPProxyData extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/ProxyData]

Constant Pool (count = 17):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/HTTPProxyData]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/ProxyData]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/HTTPProxyData]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/ProxyData]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [proxyHost]
  + Utf8 [proxyPass]
  + Utf8 [proxyPort]
  + Utf8 [proxyUser]
  + Utf8 [requestHeaderLines]

Fields (count = 5):
  + Field:        proxyHost Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x11
      = public final java.lang.String proxyHost
  + Field:        proxyPort I
    Access flags: 0x11
      = public final int proxyPort
  + Field:        proxyUser Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x11
      = public final java.lang.String proxyUser
  + Field:        proxyPass Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x11
      = public final java.lang.String proxyPass
  + Field:        requestHeaderLines [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x11
      = public final java.lang.String[] requestHeaderLines

Methods (count = 0):

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/HTTPProxyException
  Superclass:    java/io/IOException
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.HTTPProxyException extends

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 45):
  + String [ ]
  + String [)]
  + String [HTTP Proxy Error (]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/HTTPProxyException]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/HTTPProxyException.httpErrorCode I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/HTTPProxyException.httpResponse Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [httpErrorCode I]
  + NameAndType [httpResponse Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [ ]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;I)V]
  + Utf8 [)]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [HTTP Proxy Error (]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/HTTPProxyException;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/HTTPProxyException]
  + Utf8 [httpErrorCode]
  + Utf8 [httpResponse]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        httpResponse Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x11
      = public final java.lang.String httpResponse
  + Field:        httpErrorCode I
    Access flags: 0x11
      = public final int httpErrorCode

Methods (count = 1):
  + Method:       <init>(Ljava/lang/String;I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public HTTPProxyException(java.lang.String,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 45, locals = 3, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] new #6
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [4] dup
      [5] ldc #3
        + String [HTTP Proxy Error (]
      [7] invokespecial #10
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [10] iload_2 v2
      [11] invokevirtual #11
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [14] ldc #1
        + String [ ]
      [16] invokevirtual #12
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [19] aload_1 v1
      [20] invokevirtual #12
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [23] ldc #2
        + String [)]
      [25] invokevirtual #12
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [28] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [31] invokespecial #9
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] aload_1 v1
      [36] putfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/HTTPProxyException.httpResponse Ljava/lang/String;]
      [39] aload_0 v0
      [40] iload_2 v2
      [41] putfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/HTTPProxyException.httpErrorCode I]
      [44] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 25
        [34] -> line 26
        [39] -> line 27
        [44] -> line 28
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 45 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/HTTPProxyException; this]
        v1: 0 -> 45 [Ljava/lang/String; httpResponse]
        v2: 0 -> 45 [I httpErrorCode]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/InteractiveCallback
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x601
    = public interface com.trilead.ssh2.InteractiveCallback extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 12):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/InteractiveCallback]
  + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I[Ljava/lang/String;[Z)[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/InteractiveCallback]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Exception]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [replyToChallenge]

Fields (count = 0):

Methods (count = 1):
  + Method:       replyToChallenge(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I[Ljava/lang/String;[Z)[Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract java.lang.String[] replyToChallenge(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String[],boolean[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.KnownHosts extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 353):
  + String [)]
  + String [0123456789abcdef]
  + String [ISO-8859-1]
  + String [Salt has wrong length (]
  + String [Unknown hash type ]
  + String [Unknown hostkey type ]
  + String [Unknown key type ]
  + String [Unknwon host key type (]
  + String [hostkey is null]
  + String [hostnames may not be null]
  + String [md5]
  + String [sha1]
  + String [ssh-dss]
  + String [ssh-rsa]
  + String [|1|]
  + Class [[B]
  + Class [[Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts$KnownHostsEntry]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/Base64]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/io/UnsupportedEncodingException]
  + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuffer]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/math/BigInteger]
  + Class [java/net/InetAddress]
  + Class [java/net/UnknownHostException]
  + Class [java/util/Iterator]
  + Class [java/util/LinkedList]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts.publicKeys Ljava/util/LinkedList;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts$KnownHostsEntry.key Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts$KnownHostsEntry.patterns [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts.checkHashed (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts.checkKey (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts.hmacSha1Hash ([BLjava/lang/String;)[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts.hostnameMatches ([Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts.matchKeys (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts.pseudoRegex ([CI[CI)Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts.rawFingerPrint (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[B)[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts.rawToHexFingerprint ([B)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts$KnownHostsEntry.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/Base64.decode ([C)[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;[BI)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC.digest ([B)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC.getDigestLength ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC.update ([B)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.getDigestLength ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey.getG ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey.getP ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey.getQ ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey.getY ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify.decodeSSHDSAPublicKey ([B)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey.getE ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey.getN ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify.decodeSSHRSAPublicKey ([B)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.charAt (I)C]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.compareTo (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.getBytes ()[B]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.getBytes (Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.indexOf (I)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.indexOf (II)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.startsWith (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (II)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.toCharArray ()[C]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.toLowerCase ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/net/InetAddress.getAllByName (Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
  + Methodref [java/net/InetAddress.getHostAddress ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.digest ([B)V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.getDigestLength ()I]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.update ([B)V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Iterator.hasNext ()Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/ ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;[BI)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + NameAndType [append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [charAt (I)C]
  + NameAndType [checkHashed (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + NameAndType [checkKey (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)I]
  + NameAndType [compareTo (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [decode ([C)[B]
  + NameAndType [decodeSSHDSAPublicKey ([B)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;]
  + NameAndType [decodeSSHRSAPublicKey ([B)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;]
  + NameAndType [digest ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [getAllByName (Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
  + NameAndType [getBytes ()[B]
  + NameAndType [getBytes (Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
  + NameAndType [getDigestLength ()I]
  + NameAndType [getE ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [getG ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [getHostAddress ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getN ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [getP ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [getQ ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [getY ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [hasNext ()Z]
  + NameAndType [hmacSha1Hash ([BLjava/lang/String;)[B]
  + NameAndType [hostnameMatches ([Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + NameAndType [indexOf (I)I]
  + NameAndType [indexOf (II)I]
  + NameAndType [iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
  + NameAndType [key Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [length ()I]
  + NameAndType [matchKeys (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [next ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [patterns [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [pseudoRegex ([CI[CI)Z]
  + NameAndType [publicKeys Ljava/util/LinkedList;]
  + NameAndType [rawFingerPrint (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[B)[B]
  + NameAndType [rawToHexFingerprint ([B)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [startsWith (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + NameAndType [substring (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [substring (II)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [toCharArray ()[C]
  + NameAndType [toLowerCase ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [update ([B)V]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [()[C]
  + Utf8 [(C)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + Utf8 [(I)C]
  + Utf8 [(I)I]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(II)I]
  + Utf8 [(II)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;[BI)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[B)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[B)[B]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;[B)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [([B)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;]
  + Utf8 [([B)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;]
  + Utf8 [([B)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [([BLjava/lang/String;)[B]
  + Utf8 [([C)[B]
  + Utf8 [([CI[CI)Z]
  + Utf8 [([Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Utf8 [([Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[B)V]
  + Utf8 [)]
  + Utf8 [0123456789abcdef]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [ISO-8859-1]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [KnownHostsEntry]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts$KnownHostsEntry;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/IOException;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/UnsupportedEncodingException;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/net/UnknownHostException;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Iterator;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/LinkedList;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Salt has wrong length (]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Unknown hash type ]
  + Utf8 [Unknown hostkey type ]
  + Utf8 [Unknown key type ]
  + Utf8 [Unknwon host key type (]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [[C]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
  + Utf8 [add]
  + Utf8 [addHostkey]
  + Utf8 [alpha]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [b]
  + Utf8 [charAt]
  + Utf8 [checkHashed]
  + Utf8 [checkKey]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts$KnownHostsEntry]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/Base64]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify]
  + Utf8 [compareTo]
  + Utf8 [createHexFingerprint]
  + Utf8 [decode]
  + Utf8 [decodeSSHDSAPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [decodeSSHRSAPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [delim_idx]
  + Utf8 [dig]
  + Utf8 [digest]
  + Utf8 [dpk]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [entry]
  + Utf8 [equals]
  + Utf8 [fingerprint]
  + Utf8 [getAllByName]
  + Utf8 [getBytes]
  + Utf8 [getDigestLength]
  + Utf8 [getE]
  + Utf8 [getG]
  + Utf8 [getHostAddress]
  + Utf8 [getN]
  + Utf8 [getP]
  + Utf8 [getQ]
  + Utf8 [getY]
  + Utf8 [hasNext]
  + Utf8 [hash]
  + Utf8 [hash_base64]
  + Utf8 [hmac]
  + Utf8 [hmacSha1Hash]
  + Utf8 [hostkey]
  + Utf8 [hostkey is null]
  + Utf8 [hostname]
  + Utf8 [hostnameMatches]
  + Utf8 [hostnames]
  + Utf8 [hostnames may not be null]
  + Utf8 [hostpatterns]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [ignore]
  + Utf8 [indexOf]
  + Utf8 [ipAdresses]
  + Utf8 [isMatch]
  + Utf8 [iterator]
  + Utf8 [j]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/io/UnsupportedEncodingException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuffer]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/math/BigInteger]
  + Utf8 [java/net/InetAddress]
  + Utf8 [java/net/UnknownHostException]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Iterator]
  + Utf8 [java/util/LinkedList]
  + Utf8 [k]
  + Utf8 [ke]
  + Utf8 [key]
  + Utf8 [key1]
  + Utf8 [key2]
  + Utf8 [keyType]
  + Utf8 [keytype]
  + Utf8 [length]
  + Utf8 [match]
  + Utf8 [matchKeys]
  + Utf8 [md5]
  + Utf8 [negate]
  + Utf8 [newresult]
  + Utf8 [next]
  + Utf8 [pattern]
  + Utf8 [patterns]
  + Utf8 [pseudoRegex]
  + Utf8 [publicKeys]
  + Utf8 [publickey]
  + Utf8 [raw]
  + Utf8 [rawFingerPrint]
  + Utf8 [rawToHexFingerprint]
  + Utf8 [remoteDSAKey]
  + Utf8 [remoteHostname]
  + Utf8 [remoteKey]
  + Utf8 [remoteRSAKey]
  + Utf8 [res]
  + Utf8 [result]
  + Utf8 [rpk]
  + Utf8 [salt]
  + Utf8 [salt_base64]
  + Utf8 [savedDSAKey]
  + Utf8 [savedRSAKey]
  + Utf8 [sb]
  + Utf8 [serverHostKey]
  + Utf8 [serverHostKeyAlgorithm]
  + Utf8 [sha1]
  + Utf8 [ssh-dss]
  + Utf8 [ssh-rsa]
  + Utf8 [startsWith]
  + Utf8 [substring]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toCharArray]
  + Utf8 [toLowerCase]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [type]
  + Utf8 [update]
  + Utf8 [verifyHostkey]
  + Utf8 [|1|]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        publicKeys Ljava/util/LinkedList;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.util.LinkedList publicKeys

Methods (count = 12):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public KnownHosts()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 16, locals = 1, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #71
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] new #40
        + Class [java/util/LinkedList]
      [8] dup
      [9] invokespecial #95
        + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.<init> ()V]
      [12] putfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts.publicKeys Ljava/util/LinkedList;]
      [15] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 66
        [4] -> line 64
        [15] -> line 68
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 16 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts; this]
  + Method:       addHostkey([Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[B)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void addHostkey(java.lang.String[],java.lang.String,byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 148, locals = 6, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] ifnonnull +13 (target=14)
      [4] new #31
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [7] dup
      [8] ldc #10
        + String [hostnames may not be null]
      [10] invokespecial #70
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [13] athrow
      [14] ldc #14
        + String [ssh-rsa]
      [16] aload_2 v2
      [17] invokevirtual #74
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [20] ifeq +46 (target=66)
      [23] aload_3 v3
      [24] invokestatic #68
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify.decodeSSHRSAPublicKey ([B)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;]
      [27] astore v4
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts.publicKeys Ljava/util/LinkedList;]
      [33] dup
      [34] astore v5
      [36] monitorenter
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts.publicKeys Ljava/util/LinkedList;]
      [41] new #19
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts$KnownHostsEntry]
      [44] dup
      [45] aload_0 v0
      [46] aload_1 v1
      [47] aload v4
      [49] invokespecial #52
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts$KnownHostsEntry.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
      [52] invokevirtual #96
        + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [55] pop
      [56] aload v5
      [58] monitorexit
      [59] goto +88 (target=147)
      [62] aload v5
      [64] monitorexit
      [65] athrow
      [66] ldc #13
        + String [ssh-dss]
      [68] aload_2 v2
      [69] invokevirtual #74
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [72] ifeq +46 (target=118)
      [75] aload_3 v3
      [76] invokestatic #65
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify.decodeSSHDSAPublicKey ([B)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;]
      [79] astore v4
      [81] aload_0 v0
      [82] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts.publicKeys Ljava/util/LinkedList;]
      [85] dup
      [86] astore v5
      [88] monitorenter
      [89] aload_0 v0
      [90] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts.publicKeys Ljava/util/LinkedList;]
      [93] new #19
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts$KnownHostsEntry]
      [96] dup
      [97] aload_0 v0
      [98] aload_1 v1
      [99] aload v4
      [101] invokespecial #52
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts$KnownHostsEntry.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
      [104] invokevirtual #96
        + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [107] pop
      [108] aload v5
      [110] monitorexit
      [111] goto +36 (target=147)
      [114] aload v5
      [116] monitorexit
      [117] athrow
      [118] new #29
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [121] dup
      [122] new #35
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [125] dup
      [126] ldc #8
        + String [Unknwon host key type (]
      [128] invokespecial #88
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [131] aload_2 v2
      [132] invokevirtual #90
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [135] ldc #1
        + String [)]
      [137] invokevirtual #90
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [140] invokevirtual #91
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [143] invokespecial #69
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [146] athrow
      [147] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 4):
      + ExceptionInfo (37 -> 59: 62):
      + ExceptionInfo (62 -> 65: 62):
      + ExceptionInfo (89 -> 111: 114):
      + ExceptionInfo (114 -> 117: 114):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 14)
        [0] -> line 93
        [4] -> line 94
        [14] -> line 96
        [23] -> line 98
        [29] -> line 100
        [37] -> line 102
        [56] -> line 100
        [66] -> line 105
        [75] -> line 107
        [81] -> line 109
        [89] -> line 111
        [108] -> line 109
        [118] -> line 115
        [147] -> line 116
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 148 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts; this]
        v1: 0 -> 148 [[Ljava/lang/String; hostnames]
        v2: 0 -> 148 [Ljava/lang/String; serverHostKeyAlgorithm]
        v3: 0 -> 148 [[B serverHostKey]
        v4: 29 -> 66 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey; rpk]
        v4: 81 -> 118 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey; dpk]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       hmacSha1Hash([BLjava/lang/String;)[B
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final byte[] hmacSha1Hash(byte[],java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 99, locals = 5, stack = 5):
      [0] new #24
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1]
      [3] dup
      [4] invokespecial #59
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.<init> ()V]
      [7] astore_2 v2
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] arraylength
      [10] aload_2 v2
      [11] invokevirtual #60
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.getDigestLength ()I]
      [14] ificmpeq +33 (target=47)
      [17] new #31
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [20] dup
      [21] new #35
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [24] dup
      [25] ldc #4
        + String [Salt has wrong length (]
      [27] invokespecial #88
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] arraylength
      [32] invokevirtual #89
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [35] ldc #1
        + String [)]
      [37] invokevirtual #90
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [40] invokevirtual #91
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [43] invokespecial #70
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [46] athrow
      [47] new #22
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC]
      [50] dup
      [51] aload_2 v2
      [52] aload_0 v0
      [53] aload_0 v0
      [54] arraylength
      [55] invokespecial #54
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;[BI)V]
      [58] astore_3 v3
      [59] aload_3 v3
      [60] aload_1 v1
      [61] ldc #3
        + String [ISO-8859-1]
      [63] invokevirtual #76
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.getBytes (Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
      [66] invokevirtual #57
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC.update ([B)V]
      [69] goto +13 (target=82)
      [72] astore v4
      [74] aload_3 v3
      [75] aload_1 v1
      [76] invokevirtual #75
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.getBytes ()[B]
      [79] invokevirtual #57
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC.update ([B)V]
      [82] aload_3 v3
      [83] invokevirtual #56
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC.getDigestLength ()I]
      [86] newarray 8
      [88] astore v4
      [90] aload_3 v3
      [91] aload v4
      [93] invokevirtual #55
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC.digest ([B)V]
      [96] aload v4
      [98] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (59 -> 69: 72):
      + Class [java/io/UnsupportedEncodingException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 10)
        [0] -> line 165
        [8] -> line 167
        [17] -> line 168
        [47] -> line 170
        [59] -> line 174
        [72] -> line 175
        [74] -> line 179
        [82] -> line 182
        [90] -> line 184
        [96] -> line 186
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 99 [[B salt]
        v1: 0 -> 99 [Ljava/lang/String; hostname]
        v2: 8 -> 99 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1; sha1]
        v3: 59 -> 99 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC; hmac]
        v4: 74 -> 82 [Ljava/io/UnsupportedEncodingException; ignore]
        v4: 90 -> 99 [[B dig]
  + Method:       checkHashed(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final boolean checkHashed(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 146, locals = 11, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] ldc #15
        + String [|1|]
      [3] invokevirtual #80
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.startsWith (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [6] ifne +5 (target=11)
      [9] iconst_0
      [10] ireturn
      [11] aload_1 v1
      [12] bipush 124
      [14] iconst_3
      [15] invokevirtual #78
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.indexOf (II)I]
      [18] istore_3 v3
      [19] iload_3 v3
      [20] iconst_m1
      [21] ificmpne +5 (target=26)
      [24] iconst_0
      [25] ireturn
      [26] aload_1 v1
      [27] iconst_3
      [28] iload_3 v3
      [29] invokevirtual #82
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (II)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [32] astore v4
      [34] aload_1 v1
      [35] iload_3 v3
      [36] iconst_1
      [37] iadd
      [38] invokevirtual #81
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [41] astore v5
      [43] aconst_null
      [44] checkcast #16
        + Class [[B]
      [47] astore v6
      [49] aconst_null
      [50] checkcast #16
        + Class [[B]
      [53] astore v7
      [55] aload v4
      [57] invokevirtual #83
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.toCharArray ()[C]
      [60] invokestatic #53
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/Base64.decode ([C)[B]
      [63] astore v6
      [65] aload v5
      [67] invokevirtual #83
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.toCharArray ()[C]
      [70] invokestatic #53
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/Base64.decode ([C)[B]
      [73] astore v7
      [75] goto +7 (target=82)
      [78] astore v8
      [80] iconst_0
      [81] ireturn
      [82] new #24
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1]
      [85] dup
      [86] invokespecial #59
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.<init> ()V]
      [89] astore v8
      [91] aload v6
      [93] arraylength
      [94] aload v8
      [96] invokevirtual #60
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.getDigestLength ()I]
      [99] ificmpeq +5 (target=104)
      [102] iconst_0
      [103] ireturn
      [104] aload v6
      [106] aload_2 v2
      [107] invokestatic #46
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts.hmacSha1Hash ([BLjava/lang/String;)[B]
      [110] astore v9
      [112] iconst_0
      [113] istore v10
      [115] goto +21 (target=136)
      [118] aload v9
      [120] iload v10
      [122] baload
      [123] aload v7
      [125] iload v10
      [127] baload
      [128] ificmpeq +5 (target=133)
      [131] iconst_0
      [132] ireturn
      [133] iinc v10, 1
      [136] iload v10
      [138] aload v9
      [140] arraylength
      [141] ificmplt -23 (target=118)
      [144] iconst_1
      [145] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (55 -> 75: 78):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 22)
        [0] -> line 191
        [9] -> line 192
        [11] -> line 194
        [19] -> line 196
        [24] -> line 197
        [26] -> line 199
        [34] -> line 200
        [43] -> line 202
        [49] -> line 203
        [55] -> line 207
        [65] -> line 208
        [78] -> line 210
        [80] -> line 212
        [82] -> line 215
        [91] -> line 217
        [102] -> line 218
        [104] -> line 220
        [112] -> line 222
        [118] -> line 223
        [131] -> line 224
        [133] -> line 222
        [144] -> line 226
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 12)
        v0: 0 -> 146 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts; this]
        v1: 0 -> 146 [Ljava/lang/String; entry]
        v2: 0 -> 146 [Ljava/lang/String; hostname]
        v3: 19 -> 146 [I delim_idx]
        v4: 34 -> 146 [Ljava/lang/String; salt_base64]
        v5: 43 -> 146 [Ljava/lang/String; hash_base64]
        v6: 49 -> 146 [[B salt]
        v7: 55 -> 146 [[B hash]
        v8: 80 -> 82 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]
        v8: 91 -> 146 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1; sha1]
        v9: 112 -> 146 [[B dig]
        v10: 115 -> 144 [I i]
  + Method:       checkKey(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int checkKey(java.lang.String,java.lang.Object)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 96, locals = 8, stack = 3):
      [0] iconst_1
      [1] istore_3 v3
      [2] aload_0 v0
      [3] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts.publicKeys Ljava/util/LinkedList;]
      [6] dup
      [7] astore v4
      [9] monitorenter
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts.publicKeys Ljava/util/LinkedList;]
      [14] invokevirtual #97
        + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
      [17] astore v5
      [19] goto +55 (target=74)
      [22] aload v5
      [24] invokeinterface #102
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/ ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [29] checkcast #19
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts$KnownHostsEntry]
      [32] astore v6
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] aload v6
      [37] getfield #43
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts$KnownHostsEntry.patterns [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [40] aload_1 v1
      [41] invokespecial #47
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts.hostnameMatches ([Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [44] ifne +6 (target=50)
      [47] goto +27 (target=74)
      [50] aload_0 v0
      [51] aload v6
      [53] getfield #42
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts$KnownHostsEntry.key Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [56] aload_2 v2
      [57] invokespecial #48
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts.matchKeys (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [60] istore v7
      [62] iload v7
      [64] ifeq +8 (target=72)
      [67] aload v4
      [69] monitorexit
      [70] iconst_0
      [71] ireturn
      [72] iconst_2
      [73] istore_3 v3
      [74] aload v5
      [76] invokeinterface #101
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Iterator.hasNext ()Z]
      [81] ifne -59 (target=22)
      [84] aload v4
      [86] monitorexit
      [87] goto +7 (target=94)
      [90] aload v4
      [92] monitorexit
      [93] athrow
      [94] iload_3 v3
      [95] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 3):
      + ExceptionInfo (10 -> 70: 90):
      + ExceptionInfo (72 -> 87: 90):
      + ExceptionInfo (90 -> 93: 90):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 14)
        [0] -> line 231
        [2] -> line 233
        [10] -> line 235
        [19] -> line 237
        [22] -> line 239
        [34] -> line 241
        [47] -> line 242
        [50] -> line 244
        [62] -> line 246
        [67] -> line 247
        [72] -> line 249
        [74] -> line 237
        [84] -> line 233
        [94] -> line 252
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 96 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts; this]
        v1: 0 -> 96 [Ljava/lang/String; remoteHostname]
        v2: 0 -> 96 [Ljava/lang/Object; remoteKey]
        v3: 2 -> 96 [I result]
        v5: 19 -> 84 [Ljava/util/Iterator; i]
        v6: 34 -> 74 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts$KnownHostsEntry; ke]
        v7: 62 -> 74 [Z res]
  + Method:       hostnameMatches([Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final boolean hostnameMatches(java.lang.String[],java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 211, locals = 7, stack = 5):
      [0] iconst_0
      [1] istore_3 v3
      [2] iconst_0
      [3] istore v4
      [5] aload_2 v2
      [6] invokevirtual #84
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.toLowerCase ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [9] astore_2 v2
      [10] iconst_0
      [11] istore v5
      [13] goto +189 (target=202)
      [16] aload_1 v1
      [17] iload v5
      [19] aaload
      [20] ifnonnull +6 (target=26)
      [23] goto +176 (target=199)
      [26] aconst_null
      [27] astore v6
      [29] aload_1 v1
      [30] iload v5
      [32] aaload
      [33] invokevirtual #79
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
      [36] ifle +32 (target=68)
      [39] aload_1 v1
      [40] iload v5
      [42] aaload
      [43] iconst_0
      [44] invokevirtual #72
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.charAt (I)C]
      [47] bipush 33
      [49] ificmpne +19 (target=68)
      [52] aload_1 v1
      [53] iload v5
      [55] aaload
      [56] iconst_1
      [57] invokevirtual #81
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [60] astore v6
      [62] iconst_1
      [63] istore v4
      [65] goto +12 (target=77)
      [68] aload_1 v1
      [69] iload v5
      [71] aaload
      [72] astore v6
      [74] iconst_0
      [75] istore v4
      [77] iload_3 v3
      [78] ifeq +11 (target=89)
      [81] iload v4
      [83] ifne +6 (target=89)
      [86] goto +113 (target=199)
      [89] aload v6
      [91] iconst_0
      [92] invokevirtual #72
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.charAt (I)C]
      [95] bipush 124
      [97] ificmpne +25 (target=122)
      [100] aload_0 v0
      [101] aload v6
      [103] aload_2 v2
      [104] invokespecial #44
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts.checkHashed (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [107] ifeq +92 (target=199)
      [110] iload v4
      [112] ifeq +5 (target=117)
      [115] iconst_0
      [116] ireturn
      [117] iconst_1
      [118] istore_3 v3
      [119] goto +80 (target=199)
      [122] aload v6
      [124] invokevirtual #84
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.toLowerCase ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [127] astore v6
      [129] aload v6
      [131] bipush 63
      [133] invokevirtual #77
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.indexOf (I)I]
      [136] iconst_m1
      [137] ificmpne +14 (target=151)
      [140] aload v6
      [142] bipush 42
      [144] invokevirtual #77
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.indexOf (I)I]
      [147] iconst_m1
      [148] ificmpeq +33 (target=181)
      [151] aload_0 v0
      [152] aload v6
      [154] invokevirtual #83
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.toCharArray ()[C]
      [157] iconst_0
      [158] aload_2 v2
      [159] invokevirtual #83
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.toCharArray ()[C]
      [162] iconst_0
      [163] invokespecial #49
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts.pseudoRegex ([CI[CI)Z]
      [166] ifeq +33 (target=199)
      [169] iload v4
      [171] ifeq +5 (target=176)
      [174] iconst_0
      [175] ireturn
      [176] iconst_1
      [177] istore_3 v3
      [178] goto +21 (target=199)
      [181] aload v6
      [183] aload_2 v2
      [184] invokevirtual #73
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.compareTo (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [187] ifne +12 (target=199)
      [190] iload v4
      [192] ifeq +5 (target=197)
      [195] iconst_0
      [196] ireturn
      [197] iconst_1
      [198] istore_3 v3
      [199] iinc v5, 1
      [202] iload v5
      [204] aload_1 v1
      [205] arraylength
      [206] ificmplt -190 (target=16)
      [209] iload_3 v3
      [210] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 31)
        [0] -> line 320
        [2] -> line 321
        [5] -> line 323
        [10] -> line 325
        [16] -> line 327
        [23] -> line 328
        [26] -> line 330
        [29] -> line 336
        [52] -> line 338
        [62] -> line 339
        [68] -> line 343
        [74] -> line 344
        [77] -> line 349
        [86] -> line 350
        [89] -> line 354
        [100] -> line 356
        [110] -> line 358
        [115] -> line 359
        [117] -> line 360
        [122] -> line 365
        [129] -> line 367
        [151] -> line 369
        [169] -> line 371
        [174] -> line 372
        [176] -> line 373
        [181] -> line 376
        [190] -> line 378
        [195] -> line 379
        [197] -> line 380
        [199] -> line 325
        [209] -> line 385
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 211 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts; this]
        v1: 0 -> 211 [[Ljava/lang/String; hostpatterns]
        v2: 0 -> 211 [Ljava/lang/String; hostname]
        v3: 2 -> 211 [Z isMatch]
        v4: 5 -> 211 [Z negate]
        v5: 13 -> 209 [I k]
        v6: 29 -> 199 [Ljava/lang/String; pattern]
  + Method:       matchKeys(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final boolean matchKeys(java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 158, locals = 5, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] instanceof #27
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey]
      [4] ifeq +57 (target=61)
      [7] aload_2 v2
      [8] instanceof #27
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey]
      [11] ifeq +50 (target=61)
      [14] aload_1 v1
      [15] checkcast #27
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey]
      [18] astore_3 v3
      [19] aload_2 v2
      [20] checkcast #27
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey]
      [23] astore v4
      [25] aload_3 v3
      [26] invokevirtual #66
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey.getE ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [29] aload v4
      [31] invokevirtual #66
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey.getE ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [34] invokevirtual #92
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [37] ifne +5 (target=42)
      [40] iconst_0
      [41] ireturn
      [42] aload_3 v3
      [43] invokevirtual #67
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey.getN ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [46] aload v4
      [48] invokevirtual #67
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey.getN ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [51] invokevirtual #92
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [54] ifne +5 (target=59)
      [57] iconst_0
      [58] ireturn
      [59] iconst_1
      [60] ireturn
      [61] aload_1 v1
      [62] instanceof #25
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey]
      [65] ifeq +91 (target=156)
      [68] aload_2 v2
      [69] instanceof #25
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey]
      [72] ifeq +84 (target=156)
      [75] aload_1 v1
      [76] checkcast #25
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey]
      [79] astore_3 v3
      [80] aload_2 v2
      [81] checkcast #25
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey]
      [84] astore v4
      [86] aload_3 v3
      [87] invokevirtual #61
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey.getG ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [90] aload v4
      [92] invokevirtual #61
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey.getG ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [95] invokevirtual #92
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [98] ifne +5 (target=103)
      [101] iconst_0
      [102] ireturn
      [103] aload_3 v3
      [104] invokevirtual #62
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey.getP ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [107] aload v4
      [109] invokevirtual #62
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey.getP ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [112] invokevirtual #92
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [115] ifne +5 (target=120)
      [118] iconst_0
      [119] ireturn
      [120] aload_3 v3
      [121] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey.getQ ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [124] aload v4
      [126] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey.getQ ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [129] invokevirtual #92
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [132] ifne +5 (target=137)
      [135] iconst_0
      [136] ireturn
      [137] aload_3 v3
      [138] invokevirtual #64
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey.getY ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [141] aload v4
      [143] invokevirtual #64
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey.getY ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [146] invokevirtual #92
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [149] ifne +5 (target=154)
      [152] iconst_0
      [153] ireturn
      [154] iconst_1
      [155] ireturn
      [156] iconst_0
      [157] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 21)
        [0] -> line 445
        [14] -> line 447
        [19] -> line 448
        [25] -> line 450
        [40] -> line 451
        [42] -> line 453
        [57] -> line 454
        [59] -> line 456
        [61] -> line 459
        [75] -> line 461
        [80] -> line 462
        [86] -> line 464
        [101] -> line 465
        [103] -> line 467
        [118] -> line 468
        [120] -> line 470
        [135] -> line 471
        [137] -> line 473
        [152] -> line 474
        [154] -> line 476
        [156] -> line 479
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 158 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts; this]
        v1: 0 -> 158 [Ljava/lang/Object; key1]
        v2: 0 -> 158 [Ljava/lang/Object; key2]
        v3: 19 -> 61 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey; savedRSAKey]
        v4: 25 -> 61 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey; remoteRSAKey]
        v3: 80 -> 156 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey; savedDSAKey]
        v4: 86 -> 156 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey; remoteDSAKey]
  + Method:       pseudoRegex([CI[CI)Z
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final boolean pseudoRegex(char[],int,char[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 156, locals = 5, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] arraylength
      [2] iload_2 v2
      [3] ificmpne +14 (target=17)
      [6] aload_3 v3
      [7] arraylength
      [8] iload v4
      [10] ificmpne +5 (target=15)
      [13] iconst_1
      [14] ireturn
      [15] iconst_0
      [16] ireturn
      [17] aload_1 v1
      [18] iload_2 v2
      [19] caload
      [20] bipush 42
      [22] ificmpne +96 (target=118)
      [25] iinc v2, 1
      [28] aload_1 v1
      [29] arraylength
      [30] iload_2 v2
      [31] ificmpne +5 (target=36)
      [34] iconst_1
      [35] ireturn
      [36] aload_1 v1
      [37] iload_2 v2
      [38] caload
      [39] bipush 42
      [41] ificmpeq +51 (target=92)
      [44] aload_1 v1
      [45] iload_2 v2
      [46] caload
      [47] bipush 63
      [49] ificmpeq +43 (target=92)
      [52] aload_1 v1
      [53] iload_2 v2
      [54] caload
      [55] aload_3 v3
      [56] iload v4
      [58] caload
      [59] ificmpne +21 (target=80)
      [62] aload_0 v0
      [63] aload_1 v1
      [64] iload_2 v2
      [65] iconst_1
      [66] iadd
      [67] aload_3 v3
      [68] iload v4
      [70] iconst_1
      [71] iadd
      [72] invokespecial #49
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts.pseudoRegex ([CI[CI)Z]
      [75] ifeq +5 (target=80)
      [78] iconst_1
      [79] ireturn
      [80] iinc v4, 1
      [83] aload_3 v3
      [84] arraylength
      [85] iload v4
      [87] ificmpne -35 (target=52)
      [90] iconst_0
      [91] ireturn
      [92] aload_0 v0
      [93] aload_1 v1
      [94] iload_2 v2
      [95] aload_3 v3
      [96] iload v4
      [98] invokespecial #49
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts.pseudoRegex ([CI[CI)Z]
      [101] ifeq +5 (target=106)
      [104] iconst_1
      [105] ireturn
      [106] iinc v4, 1
      [109] aload_3 v3
      [110] arraylength
      [111] iload v4
      [113] ificmpne -21 (target=92)
      [116] iconst_0
      [117] ireturn
      [118] aload_3 v3
      [119] arraylength
      [120] iload v4
      [122] ificmpne +5 (target=127)
      [125] iconst_0
      [126] ireturn
      [127] aload_1 v1
      [128] iload_2 v2
      [129] caload
      [130] bipush 63
      [132] ificmpeq +15 (target=147)
      [135] aload_1 v1
      [136] iload_2 v2
      [137] caload
      [138] aload_3 v3
      [139] iload v4
      [141] caload
      [142] ificmpeq +5 (target=147)
      [145] iconst_0
      [146] ireturn
      [147] iinc v2, 1
      [150] iinc v4, 1
      [153] goto -153 (target=0)
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 24)
        [0] -> line 490
        [6] -> line 491
        [17] -> line 493
        [25] -> line 495
        [28] -> line 497
        [34] -> line 498
        [36] -> line 500
        [52] -> line 504
        [78] -> line 505
        [80] -> line 506
        [83] -> line 507
        [90] -> line 508
        [92] -> line 514
        [104] -> line 515
        [106] -> line 516
        [109] -> line 517
        [116] -> line 518
        [118] -> line 522
        [125] -> line 523
        [127] -> line 525
        [145] -> line 526
        [147] -> line 528
        [150] -> line 529
        [153] -> line 486
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 156 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts; this]
        v1: 0 -> 156 [[C pattern]
        v2: 0 -> 156 [I i]
        v3: 0 -> 156 [[C match]
        v4: 0 -> 156 [I j]
  + Method:       verifyHostkey(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[B)I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int verifyHostkey(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 153, locals = 9, stack = 5):
      [0] aconst_null
      [1] astore v4
      [3] ldc #14
        + String [ssh-rsa]
      [5] aload_2 v2
      [6] invokevirtual #74
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [9] ifeq +12 (target=21)
      [12] aload_3 v3
      [13] invokestatic #68
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify.decodeSSHRSAPublicKey ([B)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;]
      [16] astore v4
      [18] goto +45 (target=63)
      [21] ldc #13
        + String [ssh-dss]
      [23] aload_2 v2
      [24] invokevirtual #74
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [27] ifeq +12 (target=39)
      [30] aload_3 v3
      [31] invokestatic #65
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify.decodeSSHDSAPublicKey ([B)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;]
      [34] astore v4
      [36] goto +27 (target=63)
      [39] new #31
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [42] dup
      [43] new #35
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [46] dup
      [47] ldc #6
        + String [Unknown hostkey type ]
      [49] invokespecial #88
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [52] aload_2 v2
      [53] invokevirtual #90
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [56] invokevirtual #91
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [59] invokespecial #70
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [62] athrow
      [63] aload_0 v0
      [64] aload_1 v1
      [65] aload v4
      [67] invokespecial #45
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts.checkKey (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)I]
      [70] istore v5
      [72] iload v5
      [74] ifne +6 (target=80)
      [77] iload v5
      [79] ireturn
      [80] aconst_null
      [81] checkcast #17
        + Class [[Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
      [84] astore v6
      [86] aload_1 v1
      [87] invokestatic #93
        + Methodref [java/net/InetAddress.getAllByName (Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
      [90] astore v6
      [92] goto +8 (target=100)
      [95] astore v7
      [97] iload v5
      [99] ireturn
      [100] iconst_0
      [101] istore v7
      [103] goto +39 (target=142)
      [106] aload_0 v0
      [107] aload v6
      [109] iload v7
      [111] aaload
      [112] invokevirtual #94
        + Methodref [java/net/InetAddress.getHostAddress ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [115] aload v4
      [117] invokespecial #45
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts.checkKey (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)I]
      [120] istore v8
      [122] iload v8
      [124] ifne +6 (target=130)
      [127] iload v8
      [129] ireturn
      [130] iload v8
      [132] iconst_2
      [133] ificmpne +6 (target=139)
      [136] iconst_2
      [137] istore v5
      [139] iinc v7, 1
      [142] iload v7
      [144] aload v6
      [146] arraylength
      [147] ificmplt -41 (target=106)
      [150] iload v5
      [152] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (86 -> 92: 95):
      + Class [java/net/UnknownHostException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 21)
        [0] -> line 604
        [3] -> line 606
        [12] -> line 608
        [21] -> line 610
        [30] -> line 612
        [39] -> line 615
        [63] -> line 617
        [72] -> line 619
        [77] -> line 620
        [80] -> line 622
        [86] -> line 626
        [95] -> line 628
        [97] -> line 630
        [100] -> line 633
        [106] -> line 635
        [122] -> line 637
        [127] -> line 638
        [130] -> line 640
        [136] -> line 641
        [139] -> line 633
        [150] -> line 644
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 10)
        v0: 0 -> 153 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts; this]
        v1: 0 -> 153 [Ljava/lang/String; hostname]
        v2: 0 -> 153 [Ljava/lang/String; serverHostKeyAlgorithm]
        v3: 0 -> 153 [[B serverHostKey]
        v4: 3 -> 153 [Ljava/lang/Object; remoteKey]
        v5: 72 -> 153 [I result]
        v6: 86 -> 153 [[Ljava/net/InetAddress; ipAdresses]
        v7: 97 -> 100 [Ljava/net/UnknownHostException; e]
        v7: 103 -> 150 [I i]
        v8: 122 -> 139 [I newresult]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       rawFingerPrint(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[B)[B
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final byte[] rawFingerPrint(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 150, locals = 5, stack = 5):
      [0] aconst_null
      [1] astore_3 v3
      [2] ldc #11
        + String [md5]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] invokevirtual #74
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [8] ifeq +14 (target=22)
      [11] new #23
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5]
      [14] dup
      [15] invokespecial #58
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.<init> ()V]
      [18] astore_3 v3
      [19] goto +47 (target=66)
      [22] ldc #12
        + String [sha1]
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] invokevirtual #74
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [28] ifeq +14 (target=42)
      [31] new #24
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1]
      [34] dup
      [35] invokespecial #59
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.<init> ()V]
      [38] astore_3 v3
      [39] goto +27 (target=66)
      [42] new #31
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [45] dup
      [46] new #35
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [49] dup
      [50] ldc #5
        + String [Unknown hash type ]
      [52] invokespecial #88
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [55] aload_0 v0
      [56] invokevirtual #90
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [59] invokevirtual #91
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [62] invokespecial #70
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [65] athrow
      [66] ldc #14
        + String [ssh-rsa]
      [68] aload_1 v1
      [69] invokevirtual #74
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [72] ifne +36 (target=108)
      [75] ldc #13
        + String [ssh-dss]
      [77] aload_1 v1
      [78] invokevirtual #74
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [81] ifne +27 (target=108)
      [84] new #31
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [87] dup
      [88] new #35
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [91] dup
      [92] ldc #7
        + String [Unknown key type ]
      [94] invokespecial #88
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [97] aload_1 v1
      [98] invokevirtual #90
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [101] invokevirtual #91
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [104] invokespecial #70
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [107] athrow
      [108] aload_2 v2
      [109] ifnonnull +13 (target=122)
      [112] new #31
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [115] dup
      [116] ldc #9
        + String [hostkey is null]
      [118] invokespecial #70
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [121] athrow
      [122] aload_3 v3
      [123] aload_2 v2
      [124] invokeinterface #100
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.update ([B)V]
      [129] aload_3 v3
      [130] invokeinterface #99
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.getDigestLength ()I]
      [135] newarray 8
      [137] astore v4
      [139] aload_3 v3
      [140] aload v4
      [142] invokeinterface #98
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.digest ([B)V]
      [147] aload v4
      [149] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 15)
        [0] -> line 710
        [2] -> line 712
        [11] -> line 714
        [22] -> line 716
        [31] -> line 718
        [42] -> line 721
        [66] -> line 723
        [75] -> line 726
        [84] -> line 730
        [108] -> line 732
        [112] -> line 733
        [122] -> line 735
        [129] -> line 736
        [139] -> line 737
        [147] -> line 738
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 150 [Ljava/lang/String; type]
        v1: 0 -> 150 [Ljava/lang/String; keyType]
        v2: 0 -> 150 [[B hostkey]
        v3: 2 -> 150 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest; dig]
        v4: 139 -> 150 [[B res]
  + Method:       rawToHexFingerprint([B)Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final java.lang.String rawToHexFingerprint(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 76, locals = 5, stack = 4):
      [0] ldc #2
        + String [0123456789abcdef]
      [2] invokevirtual #83
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.toCharArray ()[C]
      [5] astore_1 v1
      [6] new #34
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuffer]
      [9] dup
      [10] invokespecial #85
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.<init> ()V]
      [13] astore_2 v2
      [14] iconst_0
      [15] istore_3 v3
      [16] goto +49 (target=65)
      [19] iload_3 v3
      [20] ifeq +10 (target=30)
      [23] aload_2 v2
      [24] bipush 58
      [26] invokevirtual #86
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
      [29] pop
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] iload_3 v3
      [32] baload
      [33] sipush 255
      [36] iand
      [37] istore v4
      [39] aload_2 v2
      [40] aload_1 v1
      [41] iload v4
      [43] iconst_4
      [44] ishr
      [45] caload
      [46] invokevirtual #86
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
      [49] pop
      [50] aload_2 v2
      [51] aload_1 v1
      [52] iload v4
      [54] bipush 15
      [56] iand
      [57] caload
      [58] invokevirtual #86
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
      [61] pop
      [62] iinc v3, 1
      [65] iload_3 v3
      [66] aload_0 v0
      [67] arraylength
      [68] ificmplt -49 (target=19)
      [71] aload_2 v2
      [72] invokevirtual #87
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [75] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 10)
        [0] -> line 748
        [6] -> line 750
        [14] -> line 752
        [19] -> line 754
        [23] -> line 755
        [30] -> line 756
        [39] -> line 757
        [50] -> line 758
        [62] -> line 752
        [71] -> line 761
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 76 [[B fingerprint]
        v1: 6 -> 76 [[C alpha]
        v2: 14 -> 76 [Ljava/lang/StringBuffer; sb]
        v3: 16 -> 71 [I i]
        v4: 39 -> 62 [I b]
  + Method:       createHexFingerprint(Ljava/lang/String;[B)Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x19
      = public static final java.lang.String createHexFingerprint(java.lang.String,byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 13, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] ldc #11
        + String [md5]
      [2] aload_0 v0
      [3] aload_1 v1
      [4] invokestatic #50
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts.rawFingerPrint (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[B)[B]
      [7] astore_2 v2
      [8] aload_2 v2
      [9] invokestatic #51
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts.rawToHexFingerprint ([B)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [12] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 824
        [8] -> line 825
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 13 [Ljava/lang/String; keytype]
        v1: 0 -> 13 [[B publickey]
        v2: 8 -> 13 [[B raw]

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x2 = private 
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts$KnownHostsEntry]
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts]
      + Utf8 [KnownHostsEntry]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts$KnownHostsEntry
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.trilead.ssh2.KnownHosts$KnownHostsEntry extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 33):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts$KnownHostsEntry]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts$KnownHostsEntry.key Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts$KnownHostsEntry.patterns [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts$KnownHostsEntry.this$0 Lcom/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [key Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [patterns [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [KnownHostsEntry]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts$KnownHostsEntry;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts$KnownHostsEntry]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [key]
  + Utf8 [patterns]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]

Fields (count = 3):
  + Field:        patterns [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String[] patterns
  + Field:        key Ljava/lang/Object;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.Object key
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.trilead.ssh2.KnownHosts this$0

Methods (count = 1):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = KnownHosts$KnownHostsEntry(com.trilead.ssh2.KnownHosts,java.lang.String[],java.lang.Object)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 20, locals = 4, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts$KnownHostsEntry.this$0 Lcom/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #7
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aload_2 v2
      [11] putfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts$KnownHostsEntry.patterns [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] aload_3 v3
      [16] putfield #4
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts$KnownHostsEntry.key Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [19] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 58
        [5] -> line 57
        [9] -> line 59
        [14] -> line 60
        [19] -> line 61
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 20 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts$KnownHostsEntry; this]
        v2: 0 -> 20 [[Ljava/lang/String; patterns]
        v3: 0 -> 20 [Ljava/lang/Object; key]

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x2 = private 
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts$KnownHostsEntry]
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts]
      + Utf8 [KnownHostsEntry]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/LocalPortForwarder
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.LocalPortForwarder extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 53):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/LocalPortForwarder]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/LocalAcceptThread]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/LocalPortForwarder.host_to_connect Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/LocalAcceptThread;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/LocalPortForwarder.port_to_connect I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/LocalAcceptThread.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress;Ljava/lang/String;I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/LocalAcceptThread.setDaemon (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/LocalAcceptThread.start ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/LocalAcceptThread.stopWorking ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress;Ljava/lang/String;I)V]
  + NameAndType [cm Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + NameAndType [host_to_connect Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [lat Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/LocalAcceptThread;]
  + NameAndType [port_to_connect I]
  + NameAndType [setDaemon (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [start ()V]
  + NameAndType [stopWorking ()V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress;Ljava/lang/String;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/LocalPortForwarder;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/LocalAcceptThread;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress;]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [addr]
  + Utf8 [close]
  + Utf8 [cm]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/LocalPortForwarder]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/LocalAcceptThread]
  + Utf8 [host_to_connect]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [lat]
  + Utf8 [port_to_connect]
  + Utf8 [setDaemon]
  + Utf8 [start]
  + Utf8 [stopWorking]
  + Utf8 [this]

Fields (count = 4):
  + Field:        cm Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = cm
  + Field:        host_to_connect Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String host_to_connect
  + Field:        port_to_connect I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int port_to_connect
  + Field:        lat Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/LocalAcceptThread;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = lat

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress;Ljava/lang/String;I)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = LocalPortForwarder(,,java.lang.String,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 52, locals = 5, stack = 7):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #13
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] putfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aload_3 v3
      [11] putfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/LocalPortForwarder.host_to_connect Ljava/lang/String;]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] iload v4
      [17] putfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/LocalPortForwarder.port_to_connect I]
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] new #2
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/LocalAcceptThread]
      [24] dup
      [25] aload_1 v1
      [26] aload_2 v2
      [27] aload_3 v3
      [28] iload v4
      [30] invokespecial #9
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/LocalAcceptThread.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress;Ljava/lang/String;I)V]
      [33] putfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/LocalAcceptThread;]
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/LocalAcceptThread;]
      [40] iconst_1
      [41] invokevirtual #10
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/LocalAcceptThread.setDaemon (Z)V]
      [44] aload_0 v0
      [45] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/LocalAcceptThread;]
      [48] invokevirtual #11
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/LocalAcceptThread.start ()V]
      [51] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 42
        [4] -> line 45
        [9] -> line 46
        [14] -> line 47
        [20] -> line 49
        [36] -> line 50
        [44] -> line 51
        [51] -> line 52
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 52 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/LocalPortForwarder; this]
        v1: 0 -> 52 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; cm]
        v2: 0 -> 52 [Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress; addr]
        v3: 0 -> 52 [Ljava/lang/String; host_to_connect]
        v4: 0 -> 52 [I port_to_connect]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       close()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void close()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 8, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/LocalAcceptThread;]
      [4] invokevirtual #12
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/LocalAcceptThread.stopWorking ()V]
      [7] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 61
        [7] -> line 62
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/LocalPortForwarder; this]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/ProxyData
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x601
    = public interface com.trilead.ssh2.ProxyData extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 7):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/ProxyData]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/ProxyData]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]

Fields (count = 0):

Methods (count = 0):

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x601
    = public interface com.trilead.ssh2.ServerHostKeyVerifier extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 12):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier]
  + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;[B)Z]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Exception]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [verifyServerHostKey]

Fields (count = 0):

Methods (count = 1):
  + Method:       verifyServerHostKey(Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;[B)Z
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract boolean verifyServerHostKey(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/Session
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.Session extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 143):
  + String [A PTY was already requested.]
  + String [A remote execution has already started.]
  + String [Cannot request PTY at this stage anymore, a remote execution has already started.]
  + String [Closed due to user request]
  + String [Illegal terminal modes description, does not end in zero byte]
  + String [TERM cannot be null.]
  + String [This session is closed.]
  + String [timeout must be non-negative!]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/Session]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Session.flag_closed Z]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Session.flag_execution_started Z]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Session.flag_pty_requested Z]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Session.flag_x11_requested Z]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Session.rnd Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Session.x11FakeCookie Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.getStderrStream ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.getStdinStream ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.getStdoutStream ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.closeChannel (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.openSessionChannel ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.requestChannelAgentForwarding (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback;)Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.requestPTY (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;IIII[B)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.requestShell (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.resizePTY (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;IIII)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.unRegisterX11Cookie (Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.waitForCondition (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;JI)I]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [closeChannel (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
  + NameAndType [cm Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + NameAndType [cn Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
  + NameAndType [flag_closed Z]
  + NameAndType [flag_execution_started Z]
  + NameAndType [flag_pty_requested Z]
  + NameAndType [flag_x11_requested Z]
  + NameAndType [getStderrStream ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream;]
  + NameAndType [getStdinStream ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream;]
  + NameAndType [getStdoutStream ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream;]
  + NameAndType [openSessionChannel ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
  + NameAndType [requestChannelAgentForwarding (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback;)Z]
  + NameAndType [requestPTY (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;IIII[B)V]
  + NameAndType [requestShell (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)V]
  + NameAndType [resizePTY (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;IIII)V]
  + NameAndType [rnd Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
  + NameAndType [unRegisterX11Cookie (Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
  + NameAndType [waitForCondition (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;JI)I]
  + NameAndType [x11FakeCookie Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream;]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(IIII)V]
  + Utf8 [(IJ)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;IIII)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;JI)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;IIII[B)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;IIII[B)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [A PTY was already requested.]
  + Utf8 [A remote execution has already started.]
  + Utf8 [Cannot request PTY at this stage anymore, a remote execution has already started.]
  + Utf8 [Closed due to user request]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Illegal terminal modes description, does not end in zero byte]
  + Utf8 [J]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Session;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [TERM cannot be null.]
  + Utf8 [This session is closed.]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [agent]
  + Utf8 [close]
  + Utf8 [closeChannel]
  + Utf8 [cm]
  + Utf8 [cn]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/Session]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager]
  + Utf8 [condition_set]
  + Utf8 [flag_closed]
  + Utf8 [flag_execution_started]
  + Utf8 [flag_pty_requested]
  + Utf8 [flag_x11_requested]
  + Utf8 [getStderr]
  + Utf8 [getStderrStream]
  + Utf8 [getStdin]
  + Utf8 [getStdinStream]
  + Utf8 [getStdout]
  + Utf8 [getStdoutStream]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [openSessionChannel]
  + Utf8 [requestAuthAgentForwarding]
  + Utf8 [requestChannelAgentForwarding]
  + Utf8 [requestPTY]
  + Utf8 [requestShell]
  + Utf8 [resizePTY]
  + Utf8 [rnd]
  + Utf8 [startShell]
  + Utf8 [term]
  + Utf8 [term_height_characters]
  + Utf8 [term_height_pixels]
  + Utf8 [term_width_characters]
  + Utf8 [term_width_pixels]
  + Utf8 [terminal_modes]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [timeout]
  + Utf8 [timeout must be non-negative!]
  + Utf8 [unRegisterX11Cookie]
  + Utf8 [waitForCondition]
  + Utf8 [x11FakeCookie]

Fields (count = 8):
  + Field:        cm Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = cm
  + Field:        cn Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = cn
  + Field:        flag_pty_requested Z
    Access flags: 0x0
      = boolean flag_pty_requested
  + Field:        flag_x11_requested Z
    Access flags: 0x0
      = boolean flag_x11_requested
  + Field:        flag_execution_started Z
    Access flags: 0x0
      = boolean flag_execution_started
  + Field:        flag_closed Z
    Access flags: 0x0
      = boolean flag_closed
  + Field:        x11FakeCookie Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String x11FakeCookie
  + Field:        rnd Ljava/security/SecureRandom;
    Access flags: 0x10
      = final rnd

Methods (count = 10):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = Session(,
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 48, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #36
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] iconst_0
      [6] putfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Session.flag_pty_requested Z]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] iconst_0
      [11] putfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Session.flag_x11_requested Z]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] iconst_0
      [16] putfield #18
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Session.flag_execution_started Z]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] iconst_0
      [21] putfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Session.flag_closed Z]
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] aconst_null
      [26] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Session.x11FakeCookie Ljava/lang/String;]
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] aload_1 v1
      [31] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] aload_1 v1
      [36] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.openSessionChannel ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [39] putfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [42] aload_0 v0
      [43] aload_2 v2
      [44] putfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Session.rnd Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
      [47] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 10)
        [0] -> line 37
        [4] -> line 28
        [9] -> line 29
        [14] -> line 30
        [19] -> line 31
        [24] -> line 33
        [29] -> line 39
        [34] -> line 40
        [42] -> line 41
        [47] -> line 42
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 48 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Session; this]
        v1: 0 -> 48 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; cm]
        v2: 0 -> 48 [Ljava/security/SecureRandom; rnd]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       requestPTY(Ljava/lang/String;IIII[B)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void requestPTY(java.lang.String,int,int,int,int,byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 143, locals = 8, stack = 8):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] ifnonnull +13 (target=14)
      [4] new #13
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [7] dup
      [8] ldc #6
        + String [TERM cannot be null.]
      [10] invokespecial #35
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [13] athrow
      [14] aload v6
      [16] ifnull +30 (target=46)
      [19] aload v6
      [21] arraylength
      [22] ifle +24 (target=46)
      [25] aload v6
      [27] aload v6
      [29] arraylength
      [30] iconst_1
      [31] isub
      [32] baload
      [33] ifeq +18 (target=51)
      [36] new #12
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [39] dup
      [40] ldc #5
        + String [Illegal terminal modes description, does not end in zero byte]
      [42] invokespecial #34
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [45] athrow
      [46] iconst_1
      [47] newarray 8
      [49] astore v6
      [51] aload_0 v0
      [52] dup
      [53] astore v7
      [55] monitorenter
      [56] aload_0 v0
      [57] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Session.flag_closed Z]
      [60] ifeq +13 (target=73)
      [63] new #12
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [66] dup
      [67] ldc #7
        + String [This session is closed.]
      [69] invokespecial #34
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [72] athrow
      [73] aload_0 v0
      [74] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Session.flag_pty_requested Z]
      [77] ifeq +13 (target=90)
      [80] new #12
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [83] dup
      [84] ldc #1
        + String [A PTY was already requested.]
      [86] invokespecial #34
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [89] athrow
      [90] aload_0 v0
      [91] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Session.flag_execution_started Z]
      [94] ifeq +13 (target=107)
      [97] new #12
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [100] dup
      [101] ldc #3
        + String [Cannot request PTY at this stage anymore, a remote execution has already started.]
      [103] invokespecial #34
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [106] athrow
      [107] aload_0 v0
      [108] iconst_1
      [109] putfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Session.flag_pty_requested Z]
      [112] aload v7
      [114] monitorexit
      [115] goto +7 (target=122)
      [118] aload v7
      [120] monitorexit
      [121] athrow
      [122] aload_0 v0
      [123] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [126] aload_0 v0
      [127] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [130] aload_1 v1
      [131] iload_2 v2
      [132] iload_3 v3
      [133] iload v4
      [135] iload v5
      [137] aload v6
      [139] invokevirtual #29
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.requestPTY (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;IIII[B)V]
      [142] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (56 -> 115: 118):
      + ExceptionInfo (118 -> 121: 118):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 21)
        [0] -> line 102
        [4] -> line 103
        [14] -> line 105
        [25] -> line 107
        [36] -> line 108
        [46] -> line 111
        [51] -> line 113
        [56] -> line 116
        [63] -> line 117
        [73] -> line 119
        [80] -> line 120
        [90] -> line 122
        [97] -> line 123
        [101] -> line 124
        [103] -> line 123
        [107] -> line 126
        [112] -> line 113
        [122] -> line 129
        [137] -> line 130
        [139] -> line 129
        [142] -> line 131
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 143 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Session; this]
        v1: 0 -> 143 [Ljava/lang/String; term]
        v2: 0 -> 143 [I term_width_characters]
        v3: 0 -> 143 [I term_height_characters]
        v4: 0 -> 143 [I term_width_pixels]
        v5: 0 -> 143 [I term_height_pixels]
        v6: 0 -> 143 [[B terminal_modes]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       resizePTY(IIII)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void resizePTY(int,int,int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 49, locals = 6, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] dup
      [2] astore v5
      [4] monitorenter
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Session.flag_closed Z]
      [9] ifeq +13 (target=22)
      [12] new #12
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [15] dup
      [16] ldc #7
        + String [This session is closed.]
      [18] invokespecial #34
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [21] athrow
      [22] aload v5
      [24] monitorexit
      [25] goto +7 (target=32)
      [28] aload v5
      [30] monitorexit
      [31] athrow
      [32] aload_0 v0
      [33] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [40] iload_1 v1
      [41] iload_2 v2
      [42] iload_3 v3
      [43] iload v4
      [45] invokevirtual #31
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.resizePTY (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;IIII)V]
      [48] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (5 -> 25: 28):
      + ExceptionInfo (28 -> 31: 28):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 153
        [5] -> line 156
        [12] -> line 157
        [22] -> line 153
        [32] -> line 160
        [48] -> line 161
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 49 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Session; this]
        v1: 0 -> 49 [I term_width_characters]
        v2: 0 -> 49 [I term_height_characters]
        v3: 0 -> 49 [I term_width_pixels]
        v4: 0 -> 49 [I term_height_pixels]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       startShell()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void startShell()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 63, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] dup
      [2] astore_1 v1
      [3] monitorenter
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Session.flag_closed Z]
      [8] ifeq +13 (target=21)
      [11] new #12
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [14] dup
      [15] ldc #7
        + String [This session is closed.]
      [17] invokespecial #34
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [20] athrow
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Session.flag_execution_started Z]
      [25] ifeq +13 (target=38)
      [28] new #12
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [31] dup
      [32] ldc #2
        + String [A remote execution has already started.]
      [34] invokespecial #34
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [37] athrow
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] iconst_1
      [40] putfield #18
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Session.flag_execution_started Z]
      [43] aload_1 v1
      [44] monitorexit
      [45] goto +6 (target=51)
      [48] aload_1 v1
      [49] monitorexit
      [50] athrow
      [51] aload_0 v0
      [52] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [55] aload_0 v0
      [56] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [59] invokevirtual #30
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.requestShell (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)V]
      [62] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (4 -> 45: 48):
      + ExceptionInfo (48 -> 50: 48):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 289
        [4] -> line 292
        [11] -> line 293
        [21] -> line 295
        [28] -> line 296
        [38] -> line 298
        [43] -> line 289
        [51] -> line 301
        [62] -> line 302
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 63 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Session; this]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       requestAuthAgentForwarding(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback;)Z
    Access flags: 0x21
      = public synchronized boolean requestAuthAgentForwarding(com.trilead.ssh2.AuthAgentCallback)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 42, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] dup
      [2] astore_2 v2
      [3] monitorenter
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Session.flag_closed Z]
      [8] ifeq +13 (target=21)
      [11] new #12
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [14] dup
      [15] ldc #7
        + String [This session is closed.]
      [17] invokespecial #34
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [20] athrow
      [21] aload_2 v2
      [22] monitorexit
      [23] goto +6 (target=29)
      [26] aload_2 v2
      [27] monitorexit
      [28] athrow
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [33] aload_0 v0
      [34] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [37] aload_1 v1
      [38] invokevirtual #28
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.requestChannelAgentForwarding (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback;)Z]
      [41] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (4 -> 23: 26):
      + ExceptionInfo (26 -> 28: 26):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 365
        [4] -> line 371
        [11] -> line 372
        [21] -> line 365
        [29] -> line 375
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 42 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Session; this]
        v1: 0 -> 42 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback; agent]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       getStdout()Ljava/io/InputStream;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public getStdout()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 8, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [4] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.getStdoutStream ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream;]
      [7] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 380
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Session; this]
  + Method:       getStderr()Ljava/io/InputStream;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public getStderr()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 8, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [4] invokevirtual #23
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.getStderrStream ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream;]
      [7] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 385
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Session; this]
  + Method:       getStdin()Ljava/io/OutputStream;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public getStdin()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 8, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [4] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.getStdinStream ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream;]
      [7] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 390
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Session; this]
  + Method:       waitForCondition(IJ)I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int waitForCondition(int,long)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 30, locals = 4, stack = 5):
      [0] lload_2 v2
      [1] lconst_0
      [2] lcmp
      [3] ifge +13 (target=16)
      [6] new #13
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [9] dup
      [10] ldc #8
        + String [timeout must be non-negative!]
      [12] invokespecial #35
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [15] athrow
      [16] aload_0 v0
      [17] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [24] lload_2 v2
      [25] iload_1 v1
      [26] invokevirtual #33
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.waitForCondition (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;JI)I]
      [29] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 465
        [6] -> line 466
        [16] -> line 468
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 30 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Session; this]
        v1: 0 -> 30 [I condition_set]
        v2: 0 -> 30 [J timeout]
  + Method:       close()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void close()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 65, locals = 3, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] dup
      [2] astore_1 v1
      [3] monitorenter
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Session.flag_closed Z]
      [8] ifeq +6 (target=14)
      [11] aload_1 v1
      [12] monitorexit
      [13] return
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] iconst_1
      [16] putfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Session.flag_closed Z]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Session.x11FakeCookie Ljava/lang/String;]
      [23] ifnull +15 (target=38)
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/Session.x11FakeCookie Ljava/lang/String;]
      [34] iconst_1
      [35] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.unRegisterX11Cookie (Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [42] aload_0 v0
      [43] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [46] ldc #4
        + String [Closed due to user request]
      [48] iconst_1
      [49] invokevirtual #26
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.closeChannel (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
      [52] goto +4 (target=56)
      [55] astore_2 v2
      [56] aload_1 v1
      [57] monitorexit
      [58] goto +6 (target=64)
      [61] aload_1 v1
      [62] monitorexit
      [63] athrow
      [64] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 4):
      + ExceptionInfo (38 -> 52: 55):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (4 -> 13: 61):
      + ExceptionInfo (14 -> 58: 61):
      + ExceptionInfo (61 -> 63: 61):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 10)
        [0] -> line 511
        [4] -> line 513
        [11] -> line 514
        [14] -> line 516
        [19] -> line 518
        [26] -> line 519
        [38] -> line 523
        [55] -> line 525
        [56] -> line 511
        [64] -> line 529
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 65 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Session; this]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.auth.AuthenticationManager extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler]

Constant Pool (count = 396):
  + String [)]
  + String [Authentication method keyboard-interactive not supported by the server at this stage.]
  + String [Authentication method password not supported by the server at this stage.]
  + String [Authentication method publickey not supported by the server at this stage.]
  + String [Error, peer is flooding us with authentication packets.]
  + String [Exception in callback.]
  + String [Keyboard-interactive authentication failed.]
  + String [None authentication failed.]
  + String [Password authentication failed.]
  + String [Publickey authentication failed.]
  + String [The connection is closed.]
  + String [Unexpected SSH message (type ]
  + String [Unknown private key type returned by the PEM decoder.]
  + String [Your callback may not return NULL!]
  + String [keyboard-interactive]
  + String [password]
  + String [publickey]
  + String [ssh-connection]
  + String [ssh-dss]
  + String [ssh-rsa]
  + String [ssh-userauth]
  + Class [[B]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/InteractiveCallback]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketServiceAccept]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketServiceRequest]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthBanner]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthFailure]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoResponse]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestInteractive]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestNone]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPassword]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPublicKey]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Class [java/lang/InterruptedException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Class [java/util/Vector]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.authenticated Z]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.banner Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.connectionClosed Z]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.initDone Z]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.isPartialSuccess Z]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.packets Ljava/util/Vector;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.remainingMethods [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.deQueue ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.getNextMessage ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.initialize (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.methodPossible (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketServiceAccept.<init> ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketServiceRequest.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketServiceRequest.getPayload ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthBanner.<init> ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthBanner.getBanner ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthFailure.<init> ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthFailure.getAuthThatCanContinue ()[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthFailure.isPartialSuccess ()Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest.<init> ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest.getEcho ()[Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest.getInstruction ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest.getName ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest.getNumPrompts ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest.getPrompt ()[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoResponse.<init> ([Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoResponse.getPayload ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestInteractive.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestInteractive.getPayload ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestNone.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestNone.getPayload ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPassword.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPassword.getPayload ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPublicKey.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[B[B)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPublicKey.getPayload ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeBoolean (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey.getPublicKey ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify.encodeSSHDSAPublicKey (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;)[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify.encodeSSHDSASignature (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature;)[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify.generateSignature ([BLcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey;Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey.getPublicKey ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify.encodeSSHRSAPublicKey (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;)[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify.encodeSSHRSASignature (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature;)[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify.generateSignature ([BLcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.close (Ljava/lang/Throwable;Z)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.getReasonClosedCause ()Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.getSessionIdentifier ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.registerMessageHandler (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler;II)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.removeMessageHandler (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler;II)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sendMessage ([B)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.initCause (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.printStackTrace ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.notifyAll ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.wait ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.compareTo (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Methodref [java/util/Vector.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/util/Vector.addElement (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + Methodref [java/util/Vector.firstElement ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [java/util/Vector.removeElementAt (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/util/Vector.size ()I]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/InteractiveCallback.replyToChallenge (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I[Ljava/lang/String;[Z)[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[B[B)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([BII)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [addElement (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + NameAndType [append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [authenticated Z]
  + NameAndType [banner Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [close (Ljava/lang/Throwable;Z)V]
  + NameAndType [compareTo (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [connectionClosed Z]
  + NameAndType [deQueue ()[B]
  + NameAndType [encodeSSHDSAPublicKey (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;)[B]
  + NameAndType [encodeSSHDSASignature (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature;)[B]
  + NameAndType [encodeSSHRSAPublicKey (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;)[B]
  + NameAndType [encodeSSHRSASignature (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature;)[B]
  + NameAndType [firstElement ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [generateSignature ([BLcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey;Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature;]
  + NameAndType [generateSignature ([BLcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature;]
  + NameAndType [getAuthThatCanContinue ()[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getBanner ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getBytes ()[B]
  + NameAndType [getEcho ()[Z]
  + NameAndType [getInstruction ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getName ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getNextMessage ()[B]
  + NameAndType [getNumPrompts ()I]
  + NameAndType [getPayload ()[B]
  + NameAndType [getPrompt ()[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getPublicKey ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;]
  + NameAndType [getPublicKey ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;]
  + NameAndType [getReasonClosedCause ()Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
  + NameAndType [getSessionIdentifier ()[B]
  + NameAndType [initCause (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
  + NameAndType [initDone Z]
  + NameAndType [initialize (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + NameAndType [isPartialSuccess ()Z]
  + NameAndType [isPartialSuccess Z]
  + NameAndType [methodPossible (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + NameAndType [notifyAll ()V]
  + NameAndType [packets Ljava/util/Vector;]
  + NameAndType [printStackTrace ()V]
  + NameAndType [registerMessageHandler (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler;II)V]
  + NameAndType [remainingMethods [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [removeElementAt (I)V]
  + NameAndType [removeMessageHandler (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler;II)V]
  + NameAndType [replyToChallenge (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I[Ljava/lang/String;[Z)[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [sendMessage ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [size ()I]
  + NameAndType [tm Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [wait ()V]
  + NameAndType [writeBoolean (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [writeByte (I)V]
  + NameAndType [writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [writeString ([BII)V]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [()[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()[Z]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;)[B]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature;)[B]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;)[B]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature;)[B]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler;II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I[Ljava/lang/String;[Z)[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[B[B)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/InteractiveCallback;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Throwable;Z)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [([BI)V]
  + Utf8 [([BII)V]
  + Utf8 [([BLcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey;Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature;]
  + Utf8 [([BLcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature;]
  + Utf8 [([Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [)]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Authentication method keyboard-interactive not supported by the server at this stage.]
  + Utf8 [Authentication method password not supported by the server at this stage.]
  + Utf8 [Authentication method publickey not supported by the server at this stage.]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Error, peer is flooding us with authentication packets.]
  + Utf8 [Exception in callback.]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [H]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Keyboard-interactive authentication failed.]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/InteractiveCallback;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketServiceRequest;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthBanner;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthFailure;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoResponse;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestInteractive;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestNone;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPassword;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPublicKey;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/IOException;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Exception;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Vector;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [None authentication failed.]
  + Utf8 [Password authentication failed.]
  + Utf8 [Publickey authentication failed.]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [The connection is closed.]
  + Utf8 [Unexpected SSH message (type ]
  + Utf8 [Unknown private key type returned by the PEM decoder.]
  + Utf8 [Your callback may not return NULL!]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [addElement]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [ar]
  + Utf8 [arraycopy]
  + Utf8 [authenticateInteractive]
  + Utf8 [authenticateNone]
  + Utf8 [authenticatePassword]
  + Utf8 [authenticatePublicKey]
  + Utf8 [authenticated]
  + Utf8 [banner]
  + Utf8 [cb]
  + Utf8 [close]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/InteractiveCallback]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketServiceAccept]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketServiceRequest]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthBanner]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthFailure]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoResponse]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestInteractive]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestNone]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPassword]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager]
  + Utf8 [compareTo]
  + Utf8 [connectionClosed]
  + Utf8 [deQueue]
  + Utf8 [ds]
  + Utf8 [ds_enc]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [encodeSSHDSAPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [encodeSSHDSASignature]
  + Utf8 [encodeSSHRSAPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [encodeSSHRSASignature]
  + Utf8 [firstElement]
  + Utf8 [generateSignature]
  + Utf8 [getAuthThatCanContinue]
  + Utf8 [getBanner]
  + Utf8 [getBytes]
  + Utf8 [getEcho]
  + Utf8 [getInstruction]
  + Utf8 [getName]
  + Utf8 [getNextMessage]
  + Utf8 [getNumPrompts]
  + Utf8 [getPayload]
  + Utf8 [getPrompt]
  + Utf8 [getPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [getReasonClosedCause]
  + Utf8 [getRemainingMethods]
  + Utf8 [getSessionIdentifier]
  + Utf8 [handleMessage]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [initCause]
  + Utf8 [initDone]
  + Utf8 [initialize]
  + Utf8 [isPartialSuccess]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Exception]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/InterruptedException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Vector]
  + Utf8 [key]
  + Utf8 [keyboard-interactive]
  + Utf8 [methName]
  + Utf8 [methodPossible]
  + Utf8 [msg]
  + Utf8 [msglen]
  + Utf8 [notifyAll]
  + Utf8 [packets]
  + Utf8 [pass]
  + Utf8 [password]
  + Utf8 [pk]
  + Utf8 [pk_enc]
  + Utf8 [printStackTrace]
  + Utf8 [publickey]
  + Utf8 [puf]
  + Utf8 [pui]
  + Utf8 [puir]
  + Utf8 [registerMessageHandler]
  + Utf8 [remainingMethods]
  + Utf8 [removeElementAt]
  + Utf8 [removeMessageHandler]
  + Utf8 [replyToChallenge]
  + Utf8 [res]
  + Utf8 [responses]
  + Utf8 [rnd]
  + Utf8 [rsa_sig_enc]
  + Utf8 [sb]
  + Utf8 [sendMessage]
  + Utf8 [size]
  + Utf8 [sr]
  + Utf8 [ssh-connection]
  + Utf8 [ssh-dss]
  + Utf8 [ssh-rsa]
  + Utf8 [ssh-userauth]
  + Utf8 [submethods]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [tm]
  + Utf8 [tmp]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [tw]
  + Utf8 [ua]
  + Utf8 [urn]
  + Utf8 [user]
  + Utf8 [wait]
  + Utf8 [writeBoolean]
  + Utf8 [writeByte]
  + Utf8 [writeString]

Fields (count = 8):
  + Field:        tm Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = com.trilead.ssh2.transport.TransportManager tm
  + Field:        packets Ljava/util/Vector;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.util.Vector packets
  + Field:        connectionClosed Z
    Access flags: 0x0
      = boolean connectionClosed
  + Field:        banner Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String banner
  + Field:        remainingMethods [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String[] remainingMethods
  + Field:        isPartialSuccess Z
    Access flags: 0x0
      = boolean isPartialSuccess
  + Field:        authenticated Z
    Access flags: 0x0
      = boolean authenticated
  + Field:        initDone Z
    Access flags: 0x0
      = boolean initDone

Methods (count = 11):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public AuthenticationManager(com.trilead.ssh2.transport.TransportManager)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 49, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #109
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] new #49
        + Class [java/util/Vector]
      [8] dup
      [9] invokespecial #118
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.<init> ()V]
      [12] putfield #55
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.packets Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] iconst_0
      [17] putfield #52
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.connectionClosed Z]
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] iconst_0
      [22] anewarray #46
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [25] putfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.remainingMethods [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] iconst_0
      [30] putfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.isPartialSuccess Z]
      [33] aload_0 v0
      [34] iconst_0
      [35] putfield #50
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.authenticated Z]
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] iconst_0
      [40] putfield #53
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.initDone Z]
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] aload_1 v1
      [45] putfield #57
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [48] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 53
        [4] -> line 42
        [15] -> line 43
        [20] -> line 47
        [28] -> line 48
        [33] -> line 50
        [38] -> line 51
        [43] -> line 55
        [48] -> line 56
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 49 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 49 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager; tm]
  + Method:       methodPossible(Ljava/lang/String;)Z
    Access flags: 0x0
      = boolean methodPossible(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 43, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.remainingMethods [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4] ifnonnull +5 (target=9)
      [7] iconst_0
      [8] ireturn
      [9] iconst_0
      [10] istore_2 v2
      [11] goto +21 (target=32)
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] getfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.remainingMethods [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [18] iload_2 v2
      [19] aaload
      [20] aload_1 v1
      [21] invokevirtual #112
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.compareTo (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [24] ifne +5 (target=29)
      [27] iconst_1
      [28] ireturn
      [29] iinc v2, 1
      [32] iload_2 v2
      [33] aload_0 v0
      [34] getfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.remainingMethods [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [37] arraylength
      [38] ificmplt -24 (target=14)
      [41] iconst_0
      [42] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 60
        [7] -> line 61
        [9] -> line 63
        [14] -> line 65
        [27] -> line 66
        [29] -> line 63
        [41] -> line 68
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 43 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 43 [Ljava/lang/String; methName]
        v2: 11 -> 41 [I i]
  + Method:       deQueue()[B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] deQueue()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 87, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #55
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.packets Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [4] dup
      [5] astore_1 v1
      [6] monitorenter
      [7] goto +44 (target=51)
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] getfield #52
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.connectionClosed Z]
      [14] ifeq +26 (target=40)
      [17] new #42
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [20] dup
      [21] ldc #11
        + String [The connection is closed.]
      [23] invokespecial #106
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [30] invokevirtual #101
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.getReasonClosedCause ()Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
      [33] invokevirtual #107
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.initCause (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
      [36] checkcast #42
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [39] athrow
      [40] aload_0 v0
      [41] getfield #55
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.packets Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [44] invokevirtual #111
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.wait ()V]
      [47] goto +4 (target=51)
      [50] astore_2 v2
      [51] aload_0 v0
      [52] getfield #55
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.packets Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [55] invokevirtual #122
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.size ()I]
      [58] ifeq -48 (target=10)
      [61] aload_0 v0
      [62] getfield #55
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.packets Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [65] invokevirtual #120
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.firstElement ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [68] checkcast #22
        + Class [[B]
      [71] astore_2 v2
      [72] aload_0 v0
      [73] getfield #55
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.packets Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [76] iconst_0
      [77] invokevirtual #121
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.removeElementAt (I)V]
      [80] aload_2 v2
      [81] aload_1 v1
      [82] monitorexit
      [83] areturn
      [84] aload_1 v1
      [85] monitorexit
      [86] athrow
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 3):
      + ExceptionInfo (40 -> 47: 50):
      + Class [java/lang/InterruptedException]
      + ExceptionInfo (7 -> 83: 84):
      + ExceptionInfo (84 -> 86: 84):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 13)
        [0] -> line 73
        [7] -> line 75
        [10] -> line 77
        [17] -> line 78
        [30] -> line 79
        [33] -> line 78
        [40] -> line 83
        [50] -> line 85
        [51] -> line 75
        [61] -> line 90
        [72] -> line 91
        [80] -> line 92
        [84] -> line 73
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 87 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager; this]
        v2: 72 -> 84 [[B res]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       getNextMessage()[B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] getNextMessage()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 38, locals = 3, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokevirtual #58
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.deQueue ()[B]
      [4] astore_1 v1
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] iconst_0
      [7] baload
      [8] bipush 53
      [10] ificmpeq +5 (target=15)
      [13] aload_1 v1
      [14] areturn
      [15] new #27
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthBanner]
      [18] dup
      [19] aload_1 v1
      [20] iconst_0
      [21] aload_1 v1
      [22] arraylength
      [23] invokespecial #65
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthBanner.<init> ([BII)V]
      [26] astore_2 v2
      [27] aload_0 v0
      [28] aload_2 v2
      [29] invokevirtual #66
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthBanner.getBanner ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [32] putfield #51
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.banner Ljava/lang/String;]
      [35] goto -35 (target=0)
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 100
        [5] -> line 102
        [13] -> line 103
        [15] -> line 105
        [27] -> line 107
        [35] -> line 98
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 38 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager; this]
        v1: 5 -> 35 [[B msg]
        v2: 27 -> 35 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthBanner; sb]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       getRemainingMethods(Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String[] getRemainingMethods(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 11, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #60
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.initialize (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [5] pop
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] getfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.remainingMethods [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [10] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 113
        [6] -> line 114
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 11 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 11 [Ljava/lang/String; user]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       initialize(Ljava/lang/String;)Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean initialize(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 200, locals = 6, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #53
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.initDone Z]
      [4] ifne +191 (target=195)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] iconst_0
      [13] sipush 255
      [16] invokevirtual #103
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.registerMessageHandler (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler;II)V]
      [19] new #26
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketServiceRequest]
      [22] dup
      [23] ldc #21
        + String [ssh-userauth]
      [25] invokespecial #63
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketServiceRequest.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [28] astore_2 v2
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [33] aload_2 v2
      [34] invokevirtual #64
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketServiceRequest.getPayload ()[B]
      [37] invokevirtual #105
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sendMessage ([B)V]
      [40] new #32
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestNone]
      [43] dup
      [44] ldc #18
        + String [ssh-connection]
      [46] aload_1 v1
      [47] invokespecial #80
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestNone.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [50] astore_3 v3
      [51] aload_0 v0
      [52] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [55] aload_3 v3
      [56] invokevirtual #81
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestNone.getPayload ()[B]
      [59] invokevirtual #105
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sendMessage ([B)V]
      [62] aload_0 v0
      [63] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.getNextMessage ()[B]
      [66] astore v4
      [68] new #25
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketServiceAccept]
      [71] aload v4
      [73] iconst_0
      [74] aload v4
      [76] arraylength
      [77] invokespecial #62
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketServiceAccept.<init> ([BII)V]
      [80] aload_0 v0
      [81] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.getNextMessage ()[B]
      [84] astore v4
      [86] aload_0 v0
      [87] iconst_1
      [88] putfield #53
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.initDone Z]
      [91] aload v4
      [93] iconst_0
      [94] baload
      [95] bipush 52
      [97] ificmpne +22 (target=119)
      [100] aload_0 v0
      [101] iconst_1
      [102] putfield #50
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.authenticated Z]
      [105] aload_0 v0
      [106] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [109] aload_0 v0
      [110] iconst_0
      [111] sipush 255
      [114] invokevirtual #104
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.removeMessageHandler (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler;II)V]
      [117] iconst_1
      [118] ireturn
      [119] aload v4
      [121] iconst_0
      [122] baload
      [123] bipush 51
      [125] ificmpne +38 (target=163)
      [128] new #28
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthFailure]
      [131] dup
      [132] aload v4
      [134] iconst_0
      [135] aload v4
      [137] arraylength
      [138] invokespecial #67
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthFailure.<init> ([BII)V]
      [141] astore v5
      [143] aload_0 v0
      [144] aload v5
      [146] invokevirtual #68
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthFailure.getAuthThatCanContinue ()[Ljava/lang/String;]
      [149] putfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.remainingMethods [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [152] aload_0 v0
      [153] aload v5
      [155] invokevirtual #69
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthFailure.isPartialSuccess ()Z]
      [158] putfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.isPartialSuccess Z]
      [161] iconst_0
      [162] ireturn
      [163] new #42
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [166] dup
      [167] new #47
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [170] dup
      [171] ldc #12
        + String [Unexpected SSH message (type ]
      [173] invokespecial #113
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [176] aload v4
      [178] iconst_0
      [179] baload
      [180] invokevirtual #114
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [183] ldc #1
        + String [)]
      [185] invokevirtual #115
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [188] invokevirtual #116
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [191] invokespecial #106
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [194] athrow
      [195] aload_0 v0
      [196] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.authenticated Z]
      [199] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 21)
        [0] -> line 124
        [7] -> line 126
        [19] -> line 128
        [29] -> line 129
        [40] -> line 131
        [51] -> line 132
        [62] -> line 134
        [68] -> line 135
        [80] -> line 136
        [86] -> line 138
        [91] -> line 140
        [100] -> line 142
        [105] -> line 143
        [117] -> line 144
        [119] -> line 147
        [128] -> line 149
        [143] -> line 151
        [152] -> line 152
        [161] -> line 153
        [163] -> line 156
        [195] -> line 158
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 200 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 200 [Ljava/lang/String; user]
        v2: 29 -> 195 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketServiceRequest; sr]
        v3: 51 -> 195 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestNone; urn]
        v4: 68 -> 195 [[B msg]
        v5: 143 -> 163 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthFailure; puf]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       authenticatePublicKey(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean authenticatePublicKey(java.lang.String,java.lang.Object,
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 499, locals = 12, stack = 7):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #60
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.initialize (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [5] pop
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] ldc #17
        + String [publickey]
      [9] invokevirtual #61
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.methodPossible (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [12] ifne +13 (target=25)
      [15] new #42
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [18] dup
      [19] ldc #4
        + String [Authentication method publickey not supported by the server at this stage.]
      [21] invokespecial #106
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [24] athrow
      [25] aload_2 v2
      [26] instanceof #36
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey]
      [29] ifeq +156 (target=185)
      [32] aload_2 v2
      [33] checkcast #36
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey]
      [36] astore v4
      [38] aload v4
      [40] invokevirtual #92
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey.getPublicKey ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;]
      [43] invokestatic #93
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify.encodeSSHDSAPublicKey (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;)[B]
      [46] astore v5
      [48] new #35
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
      [51] dup
      [52] invokespecial #86
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
      [55] astore v6
      [57] aload_0 v0
      [58] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [61] invokevirtual #102
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.getSessionIdentifier ()[B]
      [64] astore v7
      [66] aload v6
      [68] aload v7
      [70] iconst_0
      [71] aload v7
      [73] arraylength
      [74] invokevirtual #91
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString ([BII)V]
      [77] aload v6
      [79] bipush 50
      [81] invokevirtual #89
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
      [84] aload v6
      [86] aload_1 v1
      [87] invokevirtual #90
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [90] aload v6
      [92] ldc #18
        + String [ssh-connection]
      [94] invokevirtual #90
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [97] aload v6
      [99] ldc #17
        + String [publickey]
      [101] invokevirtual #90
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [104] aload v6
      [106] iconst_1
      [107] invokevirtual #88
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeBoolean (Z)V]
      [110] aload v6
      [112] ldc #19
        + String [ssh-dss]
      [114] invokevirtual #90
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [117] aload v6
      [119] aload v5
      [121] iconst_0
      [122] aload v5
      [124] arraylength
      [125] invokevirtual #91
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString ([BII)V]
      [128] aload v6
      [130] invokevirtual #87
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
      [133] astore v8
      [135] aload v8
      [137] aload v4
      [139] aload_3 v3
      [140] invokestatic #95
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify.generateSignature ([BLcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey;Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature;]
      [143] astore v9
      [145] aload v9
      [147] invokestatic #94
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify.encodeSSHDSASignature (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature;)[B]
      [150] astore v10
      [152] new #34
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPublicKey]
      [155] dup
      [156] ldc #18
        + String [ssh-connection]
      [158] aload_1 v1
      [159] ldc #19
        + String [ssh-dss]
      [161] aload v5
      [163] aload v10
      [165] invokespecial #84
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPublicKey.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[B[B)V]
      [168] astore v11
      [170] aload_0 v0
      [171] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [174] aload v11
      [176] invokevirtual #85
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPublicKey.getPayload ()[B]
      [179] invokevirtual #105
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sendMessage ([B)V]
      [182] goto +172 (target=354)
      [185] aload_2 v2
      [186] instanceof #38
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey]
      [189] ifeq +155 (target=344)
      [192] aload_2 v2
      [193] checkcast #38
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey]
      [196] astore v4
      [198] aload v4
      [200] invokevirtual #96
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey.getPublicKey ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;]
      [203] invokestatic #97
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify.encodeSSHRSAPublicKey (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;)[B]
      [206] astore v5
      [208] new #35
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
      [211] dup
      [212] invokespecial #86
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
      [215] astore v6
      [217] aload_0 v0
      [218] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [221] invokevirtual #102
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.getSessionIdentifier ()[B]
      [224] astore v7
      [226] aload v6
      [228] aload v7
      [230] iconst_0
      [231] aload v7
      [233] arraylength
      [234] invokevirtual #91
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString ([BII)V]
      [237] aload v6
      [239] bipush 50
      [241] invokevirtual #89
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
      [244] aload v6
      [246] aload_1 v1
      [247] invokevirtual #90
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [250] aload v6
      [252] ldc #18
        + String [ssh-connection]
      [254] invokevirtual #90
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [257] aload v6
      [259] ldc #17
        + String [publickey]
      [261] invokevirtual #90
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [264] aload v6
      [266] iconst_1
      [267] invokevirtual #88
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeBoolean (Z)V]
      [270] aload v6
      [272] ldc #20
        + String [ssh-rsa]
      [274] invokevirtual #90
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [277] aload v6
      [279] aload v5
      [281] iconst_0
      [282] aload v5
      [284] arraylength
      [285] invokevirtual #91
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString ([BII)V]
      [288] aload v6
      [290] invokevirtual #87
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
      [293] astore v7
      [295] aload v7
      [297] aload v4
      [299] invokestatic #99
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify.generateSignature ([BLcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature;]
      [302] astore v8
      [304] aload v8
      [306] invokestatic #98
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify.encodeSSHRSASignature (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature;)[B]
      [309] astore v9
      [311] new #34
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPublicKey]
      [314] dup
      [315] ldc #18
        + String [ssh-connection]
      [317] aload_1 v1
      [318] ldc #20
        + String [ssh-rsa]
      [320] aload v5
      [322] aload v9
      [324] invokespecial #84
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPublicKey.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[B[B)V]
      [327] astore v10
      [329] aload_0 v0
      [330] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [333] aload v10
      [335] invokevirtual #85
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPublicKey.getPayload ()[B]
      [338] invokevirtual #105
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sendMessage ([B)V]
      [341] goto +13 (target=354)
      [344] new #42
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [347] dup
      [348] ldc #13
        + String [Unknown private key type returned by the PEM decoder.]
      [350] invokespecial #106
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [353] athrow
      [354] aload_0 v0
      [355] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.getNextMessage ()[B]
      [358] astore v4
      [360] aload v4
      [362] iconst_0
      [363] baload
      [364] bipush 52
      [366] ificmpne +22 (target=388)
      [369] aload_0 v0
      [370] iconst_1
      [371] putfield #50
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.authenticated Z]
      [374] aload_0 v0
      [375] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [378] aload_0 v0
      [379] iconst_0
      [380] sipush 255
      [383] invokevirtual #104
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.removeMessageHandler (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler;II)V]
      [386] iconst_1
      [387] ireturn
      [388] aload v4
      [390] iconst_0
      [391] baload
      [392] bipush 51
      [394] ificmpne +38 (target=432)
      [397] new #28
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthFailure]
      [400] dup
      [401] aload v4
      [403] iconst_0
      [404] aload v4
      [406] arraylength
      [407] invokespecial #67
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthFailure.<init> ([BII)V]
      [410] astore v5
      [412] aload_0 v0
      [413] aload v5
      [415] invokevirtual #68
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthFailure.getAuthThatCanContinue ()[Ljava/lang/String;]
      [418] putfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.remainingMethods [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [421] aload_0 v0
      [422] aload v5
      [424] invokevirtual #69
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthFailure.isPartialSuccess ()Z]
      [427] putfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.isPartialSuccess Z]
      [430] iconst_0
      [431] ireturn
      [432] new #42
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [435] dup
      [436] new #47
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [439] dup
      [440] ldc #12
        + String [Unexpected SSH message (type ]
      [442] invokespecial #113
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [445] aload v4
      [447] iconst_0
      [448] baload
      [449] invokevirtual #114
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [452] ldc #1
        + String [)]
      [454] invokevirtual #115
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [457] invokevirtual #116
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [460] invokespecial #106
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [463] athrow
      [464] astore v4
      [466] aload v4
      [468] invokevirtual #108
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.printStackTrace ()V]
      [471] aload_0 v0
      [472] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [475] aload v4
      [477] iconst_0
      [478] invokevirtual #100
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.close (Ljava/lang/Throwable;Z)V]
      [481] new #42
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [484] dup
      [485] ldc #10
        + String [Publickey authentication failed.]
      [487] invokespecial #106
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [490] aload v4
      [492] invokevirtual #107
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.initCause (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
      [495] checkcast #42
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [498] athrow
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 3):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 386: 464):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (388 -> 430: 464):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (432 -> 464: 464):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 59)
        [0] -> line 174
        [6] -> line 176
        [15] -> line 177
        [25] -> line 179
        [32] -> line 181
        [38] -> line 183
        [48] -> line 185
        [57] -> line 187
        [66] -> line 189
        [77] -> line 190
        [84] -> line 191
        [90] -> line 192
        [97] -> line 193
        [104] -> line 194
        [110] -> line 195
        [117] -> line 196
        [128] -> line 198
        [135] -> line 200
        [145] -> line 202
        [152] -> line 204
        [159] -> line 205
        [165] -> line 204
        [170] -> line 206
        [185] -> line 208
        [192] -> line 210
        [198] -> line 212
        [208] -> line 214
        [217] -> line 216
        [226] -> line 218
        [237] -> line 219
        [244] -> line 220
        [250] -> line 221
        [257] -> line 222
        [264] -> line 223
        [270] -> line 224
        [277] -> line 225
        [288] -> line 228
        [295] -> line 230
        [304] -> line 232
        [311] -> line 234
        [318] -> line 235
        [324] -> line 234
        [329] -> line 237
        [344] -> line 242
        [354] -> line 245
        [360] -> line 246
        [369] -> line 248
        [374] -> line 249
        [386] -> line 250
        [388] -> line 253
        [397] -> line 255
        [412] -> line 257
        [421] -> line 258
        [430] -> line 260
        [432] -> line 263
        [464] -> line 266
        [466] -> line 268
        [471] -> line 269
        [481] -> line 270
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 23)
        v0: 0 -> 499 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 499 [Ljava/lang/String; user]
        v2: 0 -> 499 [Ljava/lang/Object; key]
        v3: 0 -> 499 [Ljava/security/SecureRandom; rnd]
        v4: 38 -> 185 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey; pk]
        v5: 48 -> 185 [[B pk_enc]
        v6: 57 -> 185 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; tw]
        v7: 66 -> 185 [[B H]
        v8: 135 -> 185 [[B msg]
        v9: 145 -> 185 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature; ds]
        v10: 152 -> 185 [[B ds_enc]
        v11: 170 -> 185 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPublicKey; ua]
        v4: 198 -> 344 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey; pk]
        v5: 208 -> 344 [[B pk_enc]
        v6: 217 -> 344 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; tw]
        v7: 226 -> 288 [[B H]
        v7: 295 -> 344 [[B msg]
        v8: 304 -> 344 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature; ds]
        v9: 311 -> 344 [[B rsa_sig_enc]
        v10: 329 -> 344 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPublicKey; ua]
        v4: 360 -> 464 [[B ar]
        v5: 412 -> 432 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthFailure; puf]
        v4: 466 -> 499 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       authenticateNone(Ljava/lang/String;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean authenticateNone(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 38, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #60
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.initialize (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [5] pop
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.authenticated Z]
      [10] ireturn
      [11] astore_2 v2
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [16] aload_2 v2
      [17] iconst_0
      [18] invokevirtual #100
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.close (Ljava/lang/Throwable;Z)V]
      [21] new #42
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [24] dup
      [25] ldc #8
        + String [None authentication failed.]
      [27] invokespecial #106
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [30] aload_2 v2
      [31] invokevirtual #107
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.initCause (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
      [34] checkcast #42
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [37] athrow
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 10: 11):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 278
        [6] -> line 279
        [11] -> line 281
        [12] -> line 283
        [21] -> line 284
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 38 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 38 [Ljava/lang/String; user]
        v2: 12 -> 38 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       authenticatePassword(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean authenticatePassword(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 185, locals = 6, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #60
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.initialize (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [5] pop
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] ldc #16
        + String [password]
      [9] invokevirtual #61
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.methodPossible (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [12] ifne +13 (target=25)
      [15] new #42
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [18] dup
      [19] ldc #3
        + String [Authentication method password not supported by the server at this stage.]
      [21] invokespecial #106
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [24] athrow
      [25] new #33
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPassword]
      [28] dup
      [29] ldc #18
        + String [ssh-connection]
      [31] aload_1 v1
      [32] aload_2 v2
      [33] invokespecial #82
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPassword.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [36] astore_3 v3
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [41] aload_3 v3
      [42] invokevirtual #83
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPassword.getPayload ()[B]
      [45] invokevirtual #105
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sendMessage ([B)V]
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.getNextMessage ()[B]
      [52] astore v4
      [54] aload v4
      [56] iconst_0
      [57] baload
      [58] bipush 52
      [60] ificmpne +22 (target=82)
      [63] aload_0 v0
      [64] iconst_1
      [65] putfield #50
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.authenticated Z]
      [68] aload_0 v0
      [69] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [72] aload_0 v0
      [73] iconst_0
      [74] sipush 255
      [77] invokevirtual #104
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.removeMessageHandler (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler;II)V]
      [80] iconst_1
      [81] ireturn
      [82] aload v4
      [84] iconst_0
      [85] baload
      [86] bipush 51
      [88] ificmpne +38 (target=126)
      [91] new #28
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthFailure]
      [94] dup
      [95] aload v4
      [97] iconst_0
      [98] aload v4
      [100] arraylength
      [101] invokespecial #67
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthFailure.<init> ([BII)V]
      [104] astore v5
      [106] aload_0 v0
      [107] aload v5
      [109] invokevirtual #68
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthFailure.getAuthThatCanContinue ()[Ljava/lang/String;]
      [112] putfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.remainingMethods [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [115] aload_0 v0
      [116] aload v5
      [118] invokevirtual #69
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthFailure.isPartialSuccess ()Z]
      [121] putfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.isPartialSuccess Z]
      [124] iconst_0
      [125] ireturn
      [126] new #42
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [129] dup
      [130] new #47
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [133] dup
      [134] ldc #12
        + String [Unexpected SSH message (type ]
      [136] invokespecial #113
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [139] aload v4
      [141] iconst_0
      [142] baload
      [143] invokevirtual #114
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [146] ldc #1
        + String [)]
      [148] invokevirtual #115
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [151] invokevirtual #116
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [154] invokespecial #106
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [157] athrow
      [158] astore_3 v3
      [159] aload_0 v0
      [160] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [163] aload_3 v3
      [164] iconst_0
      [165] invokevirtual #100
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.close (Ljava/lang/Throwable;Z)V]
      [168] new #42
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [171] dup
      [172] ldc #9
        + String [Password authentication failed.]
      [174] invokespecial #106
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [177] aload_3 v3
      [178] invokevirtual #107
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.initCause (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
      [181] checkcast #42
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [184] athrow
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 3):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 80: 158):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (82 -> 124: 158):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (126 -> 158: 158):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 19)
        [0] -> line 292
        [6] -> line 294
        [15] -> line 295
        [25] -> line 297
        [37] -> line 298
        [48] -> line 300
        [54] -> line 302
        [63] -> line 304
        [68] -> line 305
        [80] -> line 306
        [82] -> line 309
        [91] -> line 311
        [106] -> line 313
        [115] -> line 314
        [124] -> line 316
        [126] -> line 319
        [158] -> line 322
        [159] -> line 324
        [168] -> line 325
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 185 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 185 [Ljava/lang/String; user]
        v2: 0 -> 185 [Ljava/lang/String; pass]
        v3: 37 -> 158 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPassword; ua]
        v4: 54 -> 158 [[B ar]
        v5: 106 -> 126 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthFailure; puf]
        v3: 159 -> 185 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       authenticateInteractive(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/InteractiveCallback;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean authenticateInteractive(java.lang.String,java.lang.String[],com.trilead.ssh2.InteractiveCallback)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 320, locals = 9, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #60
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.initialize (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [5] pop
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] ldc #15
        + String [keyboard-interactive]
      [9] invokevirtual #61
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.methodPossible (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [12] ifne +13 (target=25)
      [15] new #42
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [18] dup
      [19] ldc #2
        + String [Authentication method keyboard-interactive not supported by the server at this stage.]
      [21] invokespecial #106
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [24] athrow
      [25] aload_2 v2
      [26] ifnonnull +8 (target=34)
      [29] iconst_0
      [30] anewarray #46
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [33] astore_2 v2
      [34] new #31
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestInteractive]
      [37] dup
      [38] ldc #18
        + String [ssh-connection]
      [40] aload_1 v1
      [41] aload_2 v2
      [42] invokespecial #78
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestInteractive.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [45] astore v4
      [47] aload_0 v0
      [48] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [51] aload v4
      [53] invokevirtual #79
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestInteractive.getPayload ()[B]
      [56] invokevirtual #105
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sendMessage ([B)V]
      [59] aload_0 v0
      [60] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.getNextMessage ()[B]
      [63] astore v5
      [65] aload v5
      [67] iconst_0
      [68] baload
      [69] bipush 52
      [71] ificmpne +22 (target=93)
      [74] aload_0 v0
      [75] iconst_1
      [76] putfield #50
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.authenticated Z]
      [79] aload_0 v0
      [80] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [83] aload_0 v0
      [84] iconst_0
      [85] sipush 255
      [88] invokevirtual #104
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.removeMessageHandler (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler;II)V]
      [91] iconst_1
      [92] ireturn
      [93] aload v5
      [95] iconst_0
      [96] baload
      [97] bipush 51
      [99] ificmpne +38 (target=137)
      [102] new #28
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthFailure]
      [105] dup
      [106] aload v5
      [108] iconst_0
      [109] aload v5
      [111] arraylength
      [112] invokespecial #67
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthFailure.<init> ([BII)V]
      [115] astore v6
      [117] aload_0 v0
      [118] aload v6
      [120] invokevirtual #68
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthFailure.getAuthThatCanContinue ()[Ljava/lang/String;]
      [123] putfield #56
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.remainingMethods [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [126] aload_0 v0
      [127] aload v6
      [129] invokevirtual #69
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthFailure.isPartialSuccess ()Z]
      [132] putfield #54
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.isPartialSuccess Z]
      [135] iconst_0
      [136] ireturn
      [137] aload v5
      [139] iconst_0
      [140] baload
      [141] bipush 60
      [143] ificmpne +115 (target=258)
      [146] new #29
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest]
      [149] dup
      [150] aload v5
      [152] iconst_0
      [153] aload v5
      [155] arraylength
      [156] invokespecial #70
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest.<init> ([BII)V]
      [159] astore v6
      [161] aload_3 v3
      [162] aload v6
      [164] invokevirtual #73
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest.getName ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [167] aload v6
      [169] invokevirtual #72
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest.getInstruction ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [172] aload v6
      [174] invokevirtual #74
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest.getNumPrompts ()I]
      [177] aload v6
      [179] invokevirtual #75
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest.getPrompt ()[Ljava/lang/String;]
      [182] aload v6
      [184] invokevirtual #71
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest.getEcho ()[Z]
      [187] invokeinterface #123
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/InteractiveCallback.replyToChallenge (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I[Ljava/lang/String;[Z)[Ljava/lang/String;]
      [192] astore v7
      [194] goto +23 (target=217)
      [197] astore v8
      [199] new #42
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [202] dup
      [203] ldc #6
        + String [Exception in callback.]
      [205] invokespecial #106
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [208] aload v8
      [210] invokevirtual #107
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.initCause (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
      [213] checkcast #42
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [216] athrow
      [217] aload v7
      [219] ifnonnull +13 (target=232)
      [222] new #42
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [225] dup
      [226] ldc #14
        + String [Your callback may not return NULL!]
      [228] invokespecial #106
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [231] athrow
      [232] new #30
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoResponse]
      [235] dup
      [236] aload v7
      [238] invokespecial #76
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoResponse.<init> ([Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [241] astore v8
      [243] aload_0 v0
      [244] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [247] aload v8
      [249] invokevirtual #77
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoResponse.getPayload ()[B]
      [252] invokevirtual #105
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sendMessage ([B)V]
      [255] goto -196 (target=59)
      [258] new #42
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [261] dup
      [262] new #47
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [265] dup
      [266] ldc #12
        + String [Unexpected SSH message (type ]
      [268] invokespecial #113
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [271] aload v5
      [273] iconst_0
      [274] baload
      [275] invokevirtual #114
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [278] ldc #1
        + String [)]
      [280] invokevirtual #115
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [283] invokevirtual #116
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [286] invokespecial #106
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [289] athrow
      [290] astore v4
      [292] aload_0 v0
      [293] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [296] aload v4
      [298] iconst_0
      [299] invokevirtual #100
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.close (Ljava/lang/Throwable;Z)V]
      [302] new #42
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [305] dup
      [306] ldc #7
        + String [Keyboard-interactive authentication failed.]
      [308] invokespecial #106
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [311] aload v4
      [313] invokevirtual #107
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.initCause (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
      [316] checkcast #42
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [319] athrow
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 4):
      + ExceptionInfo (161 -> 194: 197):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 91: 290):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (93 -> 135: 290):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (137 -> 290: 290):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 37)
        [0] -> line 333
        [6] -> line 335
        [15] -> line 336
        [19] -> line 337
        [21] -> line 336
        [25] -> line 339
        [29] -> line 340
        [34] -> line 342
        [41] -> line 343
        [42] -> line 342
        [47] -> line 345
        [59] -> line 349
        [65] -> line 351
        [74] -> line 353
        [79] -> line 354
        [91] -> line 355
        [93] -> line 358
        [102] -> line 360
        [117] -> line 362
        [126] -> line 363
        [135] -> line 365
        [137] -> line 368
        [146] -> line 370
        [161] -> line 376
        [179] -> line 377
        [187] -> line 376
        [197] -> line 379
        [199] -> line 381
        [217] -> line 384
        [222] -> line 385
        [232] -> line 387
        [243] -> line 388
        [255] -> line 390
        [258] -> line 393
        [290] -> line 396
        [292] -> line 398
        [302] -> line 399
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 13)
        v0: 0 -> 320 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 320 [Ljava/lang/String; user]
        v2: 0 -> 320 [[Ljava/lang/String; submethods]
        v3: 0 -> 320 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/InteractiveCallback; cb]
        v4: 47 -> 290 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestInteractive; ua]
        v5: 65 -> 290 [[B ar]
        v6: 117 -> 137 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthFailure; puf]
        v6: 161 -> 258 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest; pui]
        v7: 194 -> 197 [[Ljava/lang/String; responses]
        v7: 217 -> 258 [[Ljava/lang/String; responses]
        v8: 199 -> 217 [Ljava/lang/Exception; e]
        v8: 243 -> 258 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoResponse; puir]
        v4: 292 -> 320 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       handleMessage([BI)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void handleMessage(byte[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 84, locals = 5, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #55
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.packets Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [4] dup
      [5] astore_3 v3
      [6] monitorenter
      [7] aload_1 v1
      [8] ifnonnull +11 (target=19)
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] iconst_1
      [13] putfield #52
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.connectionClosed Z]
      [16] goto +26 (target=42)
      [19] iload_2 v2
      [20] newarray 8
      [22] astore v4
      [24] aload_1 v1
      [25] iconst_0
      [26] aload v4
      [28] iconst_0
      [29] iload_2 v2
      [30] invokestatic #117
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [33] aload_0 v0
      [34] getfield #55
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.packets Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [37] aload v4
      [39] invokevirtual #119
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.addElement (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
      [42] aload_0 v0
      [43] getfield #55
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.packets Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [46] invokevirtual #110
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.notifyAll ()V]
      [49] aload_0 v0
      [50] getfield #55
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.packets Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [53] invokevirtual #122
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.size ()I]
      [56] iconst_5
      [57] ificmple +18 (target=75)
      [60] aload_0 v0
      [61] iconst_1
      [62] putfield #52
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager.connectionClosed Z]
      [65] new #42
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [68] dup
      [69] ldc #5
        + String [Error, peer is flooding us with authentication packets.]
      [71] invokespecial #106
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [74] athrow
      [75] aload_3 v3
      [76] monitorexit
      [77] goto +6 (target=83)
      [80] aload_3 v3
      [81] monitorexit
      [82] athrow
      [83] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (7 -> 77: 80):
      + ExceptionInfo (80 -> 82: 80):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 12)
        [0] -> line 405
        [7] -> line 407
        [11] -> line 409
        [19] -> line 413
        [24] -> line 414
        [33] -> line 415
        [42] -> line 418
        [49] -> line 420
        [60] -> line 422
        [65] -> line 423
        [75] -> line 405
        [83] -> line 426
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 84 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/auth/AuthenticationManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 84 [[B msg]
        v2: 0 -> 84 [I msglen]
        v4: 24 -> 42 [[B tmp]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread
  Superclass:    java/lang/Thread
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class extends java.lang.Thread

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/IChannelWorkerThread]

Constant Pool (count = 373):
  + String [)]
  + String [AuthAgentForwardThread started]
  + String [EOF on both streams reached.]
  + String [IOException in agent forwarder (]
  + String [IOException in agent forwarder: ]
  + String [ssh-dss]
  + String [ssh-rsa]
  + Class [[B]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/IChannelWorkerThread]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/io/InputStream]
  + Class [java/io/OutputStream]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/lang/Thread]
  + Class [java/security/SecureRandom]
  + Class [java/util/Iterator]
  + Class [java/util/Map]
  + Class [java/util/Map$Entry]
  + Class [java/util/Set]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.SSH_AGENT_FAILURE [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.SSH_AGENT_SUCCESS [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.authAgent Lcom/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.buffer [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.os Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.addIdentity (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader;Z)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.failWhenLocked ()Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.processLockRequest (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.processSignRequest (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.processUnlockRequest (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.removeAllIdentities (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.removeIdentity (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.sendIdentities ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.sendPacket ([B)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.stopWorking ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.getStdinStream ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.getStdoutStream ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.closeChannel (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.registerThread (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/IChannelWorkerThread;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.sendOpenConfirmation (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.getLogger (Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.<init> ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readByte ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readByteString ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readMPINT ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readUINT32 ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.remain ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeBytes ([B)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey.<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify.encodeSSHDSASignature (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature;)[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify.generateSignature ([BLcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey;Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey.<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify.encodeSSHRSASignature (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature;)[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify.generateSignature ([BLcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature;]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.getMessage ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/io/InputStream.close ()V]
  + Methodref [java/io/ ([BII)I]
  + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.close ()V]
  + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/security/SecureRandom.<init> ()V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback.addIdentity (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;ZI)Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback.getPrivateKey ([B)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback.isAgentLocked ()Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback.removeAllIdentities ()Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback.removeIdentity ([B)Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback.requestAgentUnlock (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback.retrieveIdentities ()Ljava/util/Map;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback.setAgentLock (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Iterator.hasNext ()Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/ ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.entrySet ()Ljava/util/Set;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.size ()I]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map$Entry.getKey ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map$Entry.getValue ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Set.iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([BII)V]
  + NameAndType [SSH_AGENT_FAILURE [B]
  + NameAndType [SSH_AGENT_SUCCESS [B]
  + NameAndType [addIdentity (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader;Z)V]
  + NameAndType [addIdentity (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;ZI)Z]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [authAgent Lcom/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback;]
  + NameAndType [buffer [B]
  + NameAndType [c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
  + NameAndType [close ()V]
  + NameAndType [closeChannel (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
  + NameAndType [cm Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + NameAndType [encodeSSHDSASignature (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature;)[B]
  + NameAndType [encodeSSHRSASignature (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature;)[B]
  + NameAndType [entrySet ()Ljava/util/Set;]
  + NameAndType [equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [failWhenLocked ()Z]
  + NameAndType [generateSignature ([BLcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey;Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature;]
  + NameAndType [generateSignature ([BLcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature;]
  + NameAndType [getBytes ()[B]
  + NameAndType [getKey ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [getLogger (Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + NameAndType [getMessage ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getPrivateKey ([B)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [getStdinStream ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream;]
  + NameAndType [getStdoutStream ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream;]
  + NameAndType [getValue ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [hasNext ()Z]
  + NameAndType [is Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + NameAndType [isAgentLocked ()Z]
  + NameAndType [isEnabled ()Z]
  + NameAndType [iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
  + NameAndType [log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + NameAndType [next ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [os Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + NameAndType [processLockRequest (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader;)V]
  + NameAndType [processSignRequest (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader;)V]
  + NameAndType [processUnlockRequest (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader;)V]
  + NameAndType [read ([BII)I]
  + NameAndType [readByte ()I]
  + NameAndType [readByteString ()[B]
  + NameAndType [readMPINT ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [readString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [readUINT32 ()I]
  + NameAndType [registerThread (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/IChannelWorkerThread;)V]
  + NameAndType [remain ()I]
  + NameAndType [removeAllIdentities ()Z]
  + NameAndType [removeAllIdentities (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader;)V]
  + NameAndType [removeIdentity (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader;)V]
  + NameAndType [removeIdentity ([B)Z]
  + NameAndType [requestAgentUnlock (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + NameAndType [retrieveIdentities ()Ljava/util/Map;]
  + NameAndType [sendIdentities ()V]
  + NameAndType [sendOpenConfirmation (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)V]
  + NameAndType [sendPacket ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [setAgentLock (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + NameAndType [size ()I]
  + NameAndType [stopWorking ()V]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [write ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [writeByte (I)V]
  + NameAndType [writeBytes ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [writeString ([BII)V]
  + NameAndType [writeUINT32 (I)V]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream;]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/Map;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/Set;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(ILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/IChannelWorkerThread;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader;Z)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature;)[B]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature;)[B]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;ZI)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)Z]
  + Utf8 [([BII)I]
  + Utf8 [([BII)V]
  + Utf8 [([BLcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey;Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature;]
  + Utf8 [([BLcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature;]
  + Utf8 [)]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [AuthAgentForwardThread started]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EOF on both streams reached.]
  + Utf8 [Entry]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [IOException in agent forwarder (]
  + Utf8 [IOException in agent forwarder: ]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/IOException;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Map$Entry;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Map$Entry<Ljava/lang/String;[B>;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Map;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;[B>;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTypeTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [addIdentity]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [authAgent]
  + Utf8 [buffer]
  + Utf8 [c]
  + Utf8 [challenge]
  + Utf8 [checkConstraints]
  + Utf8 [close]
  + Utf8 [closeChannel]
  + Utf8 [cm]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/IChannelWorkerThread]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify]
  + Utf8 [comment]
  + Utf8 [confirmUse]
  + Utf8 [constraint]
  + Utf8 [d]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [encodeSSHDSASignature]
  + Utf8 [encodeSSHRSASignature]
  + Utf8 [entry]
  + Utf8 [entrySet]
  + Utf8 [equals]
  + Utf8 [failWhenLocked]
  + Utf8 [flags]
  + Utf8 [g]
  + Utf8 [generateSignature]
  + Utf8 [getBytes]
  + Utf8 [getKey]
  + Utf8 [getLogger]
  + Utf8 [getMessage]
  + Utf8 [getPrivateKey]
  + Utf8 [getStdinStream]
  + Utf8 [getStdoutStream]
  + Utf8 [getValue]
  + Utf8 [hasNext]
  + Utf8 [is]
  + Utf8 [isAgentLocked]
  + Utf8 [isEnabled]
  + Utf8 [iterator]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/io/InputStream]
  + Utf8 [java/io/OutputStream]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Thread]
  + Utf8 [java/security/SecureRandom]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Iterator]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Map]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Map$Entry]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Set]
  + Utf8 [key]
  + Utf8 [keyBytes]
  + Utf8 [keys]
  + Utf8 [len]
  + Utf8 [lifetime]
  + Utf8 [lockPassphrase]
  + Utf8 [log]
  + Utf8 [message]
  + Utf8 [messageType]
  + Utf8 [n]
  + Utf8 [next]
  + Utf8 [numKeys]
  + Utf8 [os]
  + Utf8 [p]
  + Utf8 [packet]
  + Utf8 [processLockRequest]
  + Utf8 [processSignRequest]
  + Utf8 [processUnlockRequest]
  + Utf8 [publicKey]
  + Utf8 [q]
  + Utf8 [read]
  + Utf8 [readByte]
  + Utf8 [readByteString]
  + Utf8 [readMPINT]
  + Utf8 [readSoFar]
  + Utf8 [readString]
  + Utf8 [readUINT32]
  + Utf8 [registerThread]
  + Utf8 [remain]
  + Utf8 [removeAllIdentities]
  + Utf8 [removeIdentity]
  + Utf8 [requestAgentUnlock]
  + Utf8 [response]
  + Utf8 [retrieveIdentities]
  + Utf8 [run]
  + Utf8 [sendIdentities]
  + Utf8 [sendOpenConfirmation]
  + Utf8 [sendPacket]
  + Utf8 [setAgentLock]
  + Utf8 [signature]
  + Utf8 [size]
  + Utf8 [ssh-dss]
  + Utf8 [ssh-rsa]
  + Utf8 [stopWorking]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [totalSize]
  + Utf8 [tr]
  + Utf8 [trileadKey]
  + Utf8 [tw]
  + Utf8 [type]
  + Utf8 [unlockPassphrase]
  + Utf8 [write]
  + Utf8 [writeByte]
  + Utf8 [writeBytes]
  + Utf8 [writeString]
  + Utf8 [writeUINT32]
  + Utf8 [x]
  + Utf8 [y]

Fields (count = 8):
  + Field:        SSH_AGENT_FAILURE [B
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final byte[] SSH_AGENT_FAILURE
  + Field:        SSH_AGENT_SUCCESS [B
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final byte[] SSH_AGENT_SUCCESS
  + Field:        log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final com.trilead.ssh2.log.Logger log
  + Field:        authAgent Lcom/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = com.trilead.ssh2.AuthAgentCallback authAgent
  + Field:        os Ljava/io/OutputStream;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = os
  + Field:        is Ljava/io/InputStream;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = is
  + Field:        c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = c
  + Field:        buffer [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] buffer

Methods (count = 13):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 38, locals = 0, stack = 4):
      [0] iconst_5
      [1] newarray 8
      [3] dup
      [4] iconst_3
      [5] iconst_1
      [6] bastore
      [7] dup
      [8] iconst_4
      [9] iconst_5
      [10] bastore
      [11] putstatic #33
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.SSH_AGENT_FAILURE [B]
      [14] iconst_5
      [15] newarray 8
      [17] dup
      [18] iconst_3
      [19] iconst_1
      [20] bastore
      [21] dup
      [22] iconst_4
      [23] bipush 6
      [25] bastore
      [26] putstatic #34
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.SSH_AGENT_SUCCESS [B]
      [29] ldc #14
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread]
      [31] invokestatic #57
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.getLogger (Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [34] putstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [37] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 47
        [14] -> line 48
        [29] -> line 76
        [37] -> line 45
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public AuthAgentForwardThread(,com.trilead.ssh2.AuthAgentCallback)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 43, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #89
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] sipush 30000
      [8] newarray 8
      [10] putfield #36
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.buffer [B]
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] aload_1 v1
      [15] putfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] aload_2 v2
      [20] putfield #35
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.authAgent Lcom/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback;]
      [23] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [26] invokevirtual #58
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
      [29] ifeq +13 (target=42)
      [32] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [35] bipush 20
      [37] ldc #2
        + String [AuthAgentForwardThread started]
      [39] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [42] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 85
        [4] -> line 83
        [13] -> line 87
        [18] -> line 88
        [23] -> line 90
        [32] -> line 91
        [42] -> line 92
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 43 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread; this]
        v1: 0 -> 43 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; c]
        v2: 0 -> 43 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback; authAgent]
  + Method:       run()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void run()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 437, locals = 6, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [4] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] invokevirtual #55
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.registerThread (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/IChannelWorkerThread;)V]
      [11] goto +9 (target=20)
      [14] astore_1 v1
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.stopWorking ()V]
      [19] return
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] getfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [24] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [27] aload_0 v0
      [28] getfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [31] invokevirtual #56
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.sendOpenConfirmation (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)V]
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] aload_0 v0
      [36] getfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [39] invokevirtual #53
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.getStdoutStream ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream;]
      [42] putfield #38
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Ljava/io/InputStream;]
      [45] aload_0 v0
      [46] aload_0 v0
      [47] getfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [50] invokevirtual #52
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.getStdinStream ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream;]
      [53] putfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.os Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [56] iconst_4
      [57] istore_1 v1
      [58] iconst_0
      [59] istore_2 v2
      [60] aload_0 v0
      [61] getfield #38
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Ljava/io/InputStream;]
      [64] aload_0 v0
      [65] getfield #36
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.buffer [B]
      [68] iload_2 v2
      [69] aload_0 v0
      [70] getfield #36
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.buffer [B]
      [73] arraylength
      [74] iload_2 v2
      [75] isub
      [76] invokevirtual #82
        + Methodref [java/io/ ([BII)I]
      [79] istore_3 v3
      [80] goto +10 (target=90)
      [83] astore v4
      [85] aload_0 v0
      [86] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.stopWorking ()V]
      [89] return
      [90] iload_3 v3
      [91] ifgt +6 (target=97)
      [94] goto +229 (target=323)
      [97] iload_2 v2
      [98] iload_3 v3
      [99] iadd
      [100] istore_2 v2
      [101] iload_2 v2
      [102] iconst_4
      [103] ificmplt +26 (target=129)
      [106] new #16
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
      [109] dup
      [110] aload_0 v0
      [111] getfield #36
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.buffer [B]
      [114] iconst_0
      [115] iconst_4
      [116] invokespecial #60
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.<init> ([BII)V]
      [119] astore v4
      [121] aload v4
      [123] invokevirtual #65
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readUINT32 ()I]
      [126] iconst_4
      [127] iadd
      [128] istore_1 v1
      [129] iload_1 v1
      [130] iload_2 v2
      [131] ificmpne -71 (target=60)
      [134] new #16
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
      [137] dup
      [138] aload_0 v0
      [139] getfield #36
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.buffer [B]
      [142] iconst_4
      [143] iload_2 v2
      [144] iconst_4
      [145] isub
      [146] invokespecial #60
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.<init> ([BII)V]
      [149] astore v4
      [151] aload v4
      [153] invokevirtual #61
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readByte ()I]
      [156] istore v5
      [158] iload v5
      [160] tableswitch (15 offsets, default=148) (target=308)
        11: offset = 76, target = 236
        12: offset = 148, target = 308
        13: offset = 121, target = 281
        14: offset = 148, target = 308
        15: offset = 148, target = 308
        16: offset = 148, target = 308
        17: offset = 83, target = 243
        18: offset = 103, target = 263
        19: offset = 112, target = 272
        20: offset = 148, target = 308
        21: offset = 148, target = 308
        22: offset = 130, target = 290
        23: offset = 139, target = 299
        24: offset = 148, target = 308
        25: offset = 93, target = 253
        default: offset = 148, target = 308
      [236] aload_0 v0
      [237] invokespecial #49
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.sendIdentities ()V]
      [240] goto +78 (target=318)
      [243] aload_0 v0
      [244] aload v4
      [246] iconst_0
      [247] invokespecial #42
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.addIdentity (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader;Z)V]
      [250] goto +68 (target=318)
      [253] aload_0 v0
      [254] aload v4
      [256] iconst_1
      [257] invokespecial #42
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.addIdentity (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader;Z)V]
      [260] goto +58 (target=318)
      [263] aload_0 v0
      [264] aload v4
      [266] invokespecial #48
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.removeIdentity (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader;)V]
      [269] goto +49 (target=318)
      [272] aload_0 v0
      [273] aload v4
      [275] invokespecial #47
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.removeAllIdentities (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader;)V]
      [278] goto +40 (target=318)
      [281] aload_0 v0
      [282] aload v4
      [284] invokespecial #45
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.processSignRequest (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader;)V]
      [287] goto +31 (target=318)
      [290] aload_0 v0
      [291] aload v4
      [293] invokespecial #44
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.processLockRequest (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader;)V]
      [296] goto +22 (target=318)
      [299] aload_0 v0
      [300] aload v4
      [302] invokespecial #46
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.processUnlockRequest (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader;)V]
      [305] goto +13 (target=318)
      [308] aload_0 v0
      [309] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.os Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [312] getstatic #33
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.SSH_AGENT_FAILURE [B]
      [315] invokevirtual #84
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
      [318] iconst_0
      [319] istore_2 v2
      [320] goto -260 (target=60)
      [323] aload_0 v0
      [324] getfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [327] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [330] aload_0 v0
      [331] getfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [334] ldc #3
        + String [EOF on both streams reached.]
      [336] iconst_1
      [337] invokevirtual #54
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.closeChannel (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
      [340] goto +96 (target=436)
      [343] astore_1 v1
      [344] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [347] bipush 50
      [349] new #26
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [352] dup
      [353] ldc #5
        + String [IOException in agent forwarder: ]
      [355] invokespecial #86
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [358] aload_1 v1
      [359] invokevirtual #80
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.getMessage ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [362] invokevirtual #87
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [365] invokevirtual #88
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [368] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [371] aload_0 v0
      [372] getfield #38
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Ljava/io/InputStream;]
      [375] invokevirtual #81
        + Methodref [java/io/InputStream.close ()V]
      [378] goto +4 (target=382)
      [381] astore_2 v2
      [382] aload_0 v0
      [383] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.os Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [386] invokevirtual #83
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.close ()V]
      [389] goto +4 (target=393)
      [392] astore_2 v2
      [393] aload_0 v0
      [394] getfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [397] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [400] aload_0 v0
      [401] getfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [404] new #26
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [407] dup
      [408] ldc #4
        + String [IOException in agent forwarder (]
      [410] invokespecial #86
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [413] aload_1 v1
      [414] invokevirtual #80
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.getMessage ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [417] invokevirtual #87
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [420] ldc #1
        + String [)]
      [422] invokevirtual #87
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [425] invokevirtual #88
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [428] iconst_1
      [429] invokevirtual #54
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.closeChannel (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
      [432] goto +4 (target=436)
      [435] astore_2 v2
      [436] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 7):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 11: 14):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (60 -> 80: 83):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (20 -> 89: 343):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (90 -> 340: 343):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (371 -> 378: 381):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (382 -> 389: 392):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (393 -> 432: 435):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 52)
        [0] -> line 99
        [14] -> line 101
        [15] -> line 103
        [19] -> line 104
        [20] -> line 109
        [34] -> line 111
        [45] -> line 112
        [56] -> line 114
        [58] -> line 115
        [60] -> line 122
        [83] -> line 124
        [85] -> line 126
        [89] -> line 127
        [90] -> line 130
        [94] -> line 131
        [97] -> line 133
        [101] -> line 135
        [106] -> line 136
        [121] -> line 137
        [129] -> line 140
        [134] -> line 141
        [151] -> line 142
        [158] -> line 144
        [236] -> line 146
        [240] -> line 147
        [243] -> line 149
        [250] -> line 150
        [253] -> line 152
        [260] -> line 153
        [263] -> line 155
        [269] -> line 156
        [272] -> line 158
        [278] -> line 159
        [281] -> line 161
        [287] -> line 162
        [290] -> line 164
        [296] -> line 165
        [299] -> line 167
        [305] -> line 168
        [308] -> line 170
        [318] -> line 174
        [320] -> line 117
        [323] -> line 178
        [343] -> line 180
        [344] -> line 182
        [371] -> line 186
        [381] -> line 188
        [382] -> line 194
        [392] -> line 196
        [393] -> line 202
        [435] -> line 204
        [436] -> line 208
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 11)
        v0: 0 -> 437 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread; this]
        v1: 15 -> 20 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]
        v1: 58 -> 343 [I totalSize]
        v2: 60 -> 343 [I readSoFar]
        v3: 80 -> 83 [I len]
        v3: 90 -> 320 [I len]
        v4: 85 -> 90 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]
        v4: 121 -> 129 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader; tr]
        v4: 151 -> 320 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader; tr]
        v5: 158 -> 320 [I messageType]
        v1: 344 -> 436 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]
  + Method:       stopWorking()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void stopWorking()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 12, locals = 2, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #38
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Ljava/io/InputStream;]
      [4] invokevirtual #81
        + Methodref [java/io/InputStream.close ()V]
      [7] goto +4 (target=11)
      [10] astore_1 v1
      [11] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 7: 10):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 214
        [10] -> line 216
        [11] -> line 219
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 12 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread; this]
  + Method:       failWhenLocked()Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean failWhenLocked()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 26, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.authAgent Lcom/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback;]
      [4] invokeinterface #93
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback.isAgentLocked ()Z]
      [9] ifeq +15 (target=24)
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.os Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [16] getstatic #33
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.SSH_AGENT_FAILURE [B]
      [19] invokevirtual #84
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
      [22] iconst_1
      [23] ireturn
      [24] iconst_0
      [25] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 226
        [12] -> line 227
        [22] -> line 228
        [24] -> line 230
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 26 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread; this]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       sendIdentities()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void sendIdentities()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 143, locals = 7, stack = 4):
      [0] aconst_null
      [1] astore_1 v1
      [2] new #17
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
      [5] dup
      [6] invokespecial #67
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
      [9] astore_2 v2
      [10] aload_2 v2
      [11] bipush 12
      [13] invokevirtual #69
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
      [16] iconst_0
      [17] istore_3 v3
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.authAgent Lcom/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback;]
      [22] invokeinterface #93
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback.isAgentLocked ()Z]
      [27] ifne +13 (target=40)
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.authAgent Lcom/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback;]
      [34] invokeinterface #97
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback.retrieveIdentities ()Ljava/util/Map;]
      [39] astore_1 v1
      [40] aload_1 v1
      [41] ifnull +10 (target=51)
      [44] aload_1 v1
      [45] invokeinterface #102
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.size ()I]
      [50] istore_3 v3
      [51] aload_2 v2
      [52] iload_3 v3
      [53] invokevirtual #73
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
      [56] aload_1 v1
      [57] ifnull +77 (target=134)
      [60] aload_1 v1
      [61] invokeinterface #101
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.entrySet ()Ljava/util/Set;]
      [66] invokeinterface #105
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Set.iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
      [71] astore v5
      [73] goto +51 (target=124)
      [76] aload v5
      [78] invokeinterface #100
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/ ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [83] checkcast #31
        + Class [java/util/Map$Entry]
      [86] astore v4
      [88] aload v4
      [90] invokeinterface #104
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map$Entry.getValue ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [95] checkcast #8
        + Class [[B]
      [98] astore v6
      [100] aload_2 v2
      [101] aload v6
      [103] iconst_0
      [104] aload v6
      [106] arraylength
      [107] invokevirtual #72
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString ([BII)V]
      [110] aload_2 v2
      [111] aload v4
      [113] invokeinterface #103
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map$Entry.getKey ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [118] checkcast #25
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [121] invokevirtual #71
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [124] aload v5
      [126] invokeinterface #99
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Iterator.hasNext ()Z]
      [131] ifne -55 (target=76)
      [134] aload_0 v0
      [135] aload_2 v2
      [136] invokevirtual #68
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
      [139] invokespecial #50
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.sendPacket ([B)V]
      [142] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 17)
        [0] -> line 235
        [2] -> line 237
        [10] -> line 238
        [16] -> line 239
        [18] -> line 241
        [30] -> line 242
        [40] -> line 244
        [44] -> line 245
        [51] -> line 247
        [56] -> line 249
        [60] -> line 250
        [88] -> line 251
        [100] -> line 252
        [110] -> line 253
        [124] -> line 250
        [134] -> line 257
        [142] -> line 258
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 143 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread; this]
        v1: 2 -> 143 [Ljava/util/Map; keys]
        v2: 10 -> 143 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; tw]
        v3: 18 -> 143 [I numKeys]
        v4: 88 -> 124 [Ljava/util/Map$Entry; entry]
        v6: 100 -> 124 [[B keyBytes]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 2)
        v1: 2 -> 143 [Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;[B>; keys]
        v4: 88 -> 124 [Ljava/util/Map$Entry<Ljava/lang/String;[B>; entry]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       addIdentity(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader;Z)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void addIdentity(com.trilead.ssh2.packets.TypesReader,boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 284, locals = 11, stack = 7):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #43
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.failWhenLocked ()Z]
      [4] ifeq +4 (target=8)
      [7] return
      [8] aload_1 v1
      [9] invokevirtual #64
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [12] astore_3 v3
      [13] aload_3 v3
      [14] ldc #7
        + String [ssh-rsa]
      [16] invokevirtual #85
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [19] ifeq +60 (target=79)
      [22] aload_1 v1
      [23] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readMPINT ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [26] astore v6
      [28] aload_1 v1
      [29] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readMPINT ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [32] astore v7
      [34] aload_1 v1
      [35] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readMPINT ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [38] astore v8
      [40] aload_1 v1
      [41] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readMPINT ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [44] pop
      [45] aload_1 v1
      [46] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readMPINT ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [49] pop
      [50] aload_1 v1
      [51] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readMPINT ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [54] pop
      [55] aload_1 v1
      [56] invokevirtual #64
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [59] astore v5
      [61] new #20
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey]
      [64] dup
      [65] aload v8
      [67] aload v7
      [69] aload v6
      [71] invokespecial #77
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey.<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
      [74] astore v4
      [76] goto +81 (target=157)
      [79] aload_3 v3
      [80] ldc #6
        + String [ssh-dss]
      [82] invokevirtual #85
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [85] ifeq +61 (target=146)
      [88] aload_1 v1
      [89] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readMPINT ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [92] astore v6
      [94] aload_1 v1
      [95] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readMPINT ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [98] astore v7
      [100] aload_1 v1
      [101] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readMPINT ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [104] astore v8
      [106] aload_1 v1
      [107] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readMPINT ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [110] astore v9
      [112] aload_1 v1
      [113] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readMPINT ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [116] astore v10
      [118] aload_1 v1
      [119] invokevirtual #64
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [122] astore v5
      [124] new #18
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey]
      [127] dup
      [128] aload v6
      [130] aload v7
      [132] aload v8
      [134] aload v9
      [136] aload v10
      [138] invokespecial #74
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey.<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
      [141] astore v4
      [143] goto +14 (target=157)
      [146] aload_0 v0
      [147] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.os Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [150] getstatic #33
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.SSH_AGENT_FAILURE [B]
      [153] invokevirtual #84
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
      [156] return
      [157] iconst_0
      [158] istore v6
      [160] iconst_0
      [161] istore v7
      [163] iload_2 v2
      [164] ifeq +57 (target=221)
      [167] goto +47 (target=214)
      [170] aload_1 v1
      [171] invokevirtual #61
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readByte ()I]
      [174] istore v8
      [176] iload v8
      [178] iconst_2
      [179] ificmpne +9 (target=188)
      [182] iconst_1
      [183] istore v6
      [185] goto +29 (target=214)
      [188] iload v8
      [190] iconst_1
      [191] ificmpne +12 (target=203)
      [194] aload_1 v1
      [195] invokevirtual #65
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readUINT32 ()I]
      [198] istore v7
      [200] goto +14 (target=214)
      [203] aload_0 v0
      [204] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.os Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [207] getstatic #33
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.SSH_AGENT_FAILURE [B]
      [210] invokevirtual #84
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
      [213] return
      [214] aload_1 v1
      [215] invokevirtual #66
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.remain ()I]
      [218] ifgt -48 (target=170)
      [221] aload_0 v0
      [222] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.authAgent Lcom/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback;]
      [225] aload v4
      [227] aload v5
      [229] iload v6
      [231] iload v7
      [233] invokeinterface #91
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback.addIdentity (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;ZI)Z]
      [238] ifeq +16 (target=254)
      [241] aload_0 v0
      [242] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.os Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [245] getstatic #34
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.SSH_AGENT_SUCCESS [B]
      [248] invokevirtual #84
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
      [251] goto +32 (target=283)
      [254] aload_0 v0
      [255] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.os Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [258] getstatic #33
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.SSH_AGENT_FAILURE [B]
      [261] invokevirtual #84
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
      [264] goto +19 (target=283)
      [267] astore_3 v3
      [268] aload_0 v0
      [269] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.os Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [272] getstatic #33
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.SSH_AGENT_FAILURE [B]
      [275] invokevirtual #84
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
      [278] goto +5 (target=283)
      [281] astore v4
      [283] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 5):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 7: 267):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (8 -> 156: 267):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (157 -> 213: 267):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (214 -> 264: 267):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (268 -> 278: 281):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 41)
        [0] -> line 266
        [7] -> line 267
        [8] -> line 269
        [13] -> line 274
        [22] -> line 275
        [28] -> line 276
        [34] -> line 277
        [40] -> line 278
        [45] -> line 279
        [50] -> line 280
        [55] -> line 281
        [61] -> line 283
        [79] -> line 284
        [88] -> line 285
        [94] -> line 286
        [100] -> line 287
        [106] -> line 288
        [112] -> line 289
        [118] -> line 290
        [124] -> line 292
        [146] -> line 294
        [156] -> line 295
        [157] -> line 298
        [160] -> line 299
        [163] -> line 301
        [167] -> line 302
        [170] -> line 303
        [176] -> line 304
        [182] -> line 305
        [188] -> line 306
        [194] -> line 307
        [203] -> line 310
        [213] -> line 311
        [214] -> line 302
        [221] -> line 316
        [241] -> line 317
        [254] -> line 319
        [267] -> line 321
        [268] -> line 325
        [281] -> line 327
        [283] -> line 331
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 22)
        v0: 0 -> 284 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread; this]
        v1: 0 -> 284 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader; tr]
        v2: 0 -> 284 [Z checkConstraints]
        v3: 13 -> 267 [Ljava/lang/String; type]
        v4: 76 -> 79 [Ljava/lang/Object; key]
        v4: 143 -> 146 [Ljava/lang/Object; key]
        v4: 157 -> 267 [Ljava/lang/Object; key]
        v5: 61 -> 79 [Ljava/lang/String; comment]
        v5: 124 -> 146 [Ljava/lang/String; comment]
        v5: 157 -> 267 [Ljava/lang/String; comment]
        v6: 28 -> 79 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; n]
        v7: 34 -> 79 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; e]
        v8: 40 -> 79 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; d]
        v6: 94 -> 146 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; p]
        v7: 100 -> 146 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; q]
        v8: 106 -> 146 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; g]
        v9: 112 -> 146 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; y]
        v10: 118 -> 146 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; x]
        v6: 160 -> 267 [Z confirmUse]
        v7: 163 -> 267 [I lifetime]
        v8: 176 -> 214 [I constraint]
        v3: 268 -> 283 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]
  + Method:       removeIdentity(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader;)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void removeIdentity(com.trilead.ssh2.packets.TypesReader)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 68, locals = 4, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #43
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.failWhenLocked ()Z]
      [4] ifeq +4 (target=8)
      [7] return
      [8] aload_1 v1
      [9] invokevirtual #62
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readByteString ()[B]
      [12] astore_2 v2
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.authAgent Lcom/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback;]
      [17] aload_2 v2
      [18] invokeinterface #95
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback.removeIdentity ([B)Z]
      [23] ifeq +16 (target=39)
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.os Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [30] getstatic #34
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.SSH_AGENT_SUCCESS [B]
      [33] invokevirtual #84
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
      [36] goto +31 (target=67)
      [39] aload_0 v0
      [40] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.os Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [43] getstatic #33
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.SSH_AGENT_FAILURE [B]
      [46] invokevirtual #84
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
      [49] goto +18 (target=67)
      [52] astore_2 v2
      [53] aload_0 v0
      [54] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.os Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [57] getstatic #33
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.SSH_AGENT_FAILURE [B]
      [60] invokevirtual #84
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
      [63] goto +4 (target=67)
      [66] astore_3 v3
      [67] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 3):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 7: 52):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (8 -> 49: 52):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (53 -> 63: 66):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 10)
        [0] -> line 339
        [7] -> line 340
        [8] -> line 342
        [13] -> line 343
        [26] -> line 344
        [39] -> line 346
        [52] -> line 348
        [53] -> line 352
        [66] -> line 354
        [67] -> line 358
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 68 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread; this]
        v1: 0 -> 68 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader; tr]
        v2: 13 -> 52 [[B publicKey]
        v2: 53 -> 67 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]
  + Method:       removeAllIdentities(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader;)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void removeAllIdentities(com.trilead.ssh2.packets.TypesReader)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 62, locals = 4, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #43
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.failWhenLocked ()Z]
      [4] ifeq +4 (target=8)
      [7] return
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.authAgent Lcom/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback;]
      [12] invokeinterface #94
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback.removeAllIdentities ()Z]
      [17] ifeq +16 (target=33)
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.os Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [24] getstatic #34
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.SSH_AGENT_SUCCESS [B]
      [27] invokevirtual #84
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
      [30] goto +31 (target=61)
      [33] aload_0 v0
      [34] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.os Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [37] getstatic #33
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.SSH_AGENT_FAILURE [B]
      [40] invokevirtual #84
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
      [43] goto +18 (target=61)
      [46] astore_2 v2
      [47] aload_0 v0
      [48] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.os Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [51] getstatic #33
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.SSH_AGENT_FAILURE [B]
      [54] invokevirtual #84
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
      [57] goto +4 (target=61)
      [60] astore_3 v3
      [61] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 3):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 7: 46):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (8 -> 43: 46):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (47 -> 57: 60):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 366
        [7] -> line 367
        [8] -> line 369
        [20] -> line 370
        [33] -> line 372
        [46] -> line 374
        [47] -> line 378
        [60] -> line 380
        [61] -> line 384
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 62 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread; this]
        v1: 0 -> 62 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader; tr]
        v2: 47 -> 61 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]
  + Method:       processSignRequest(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader;)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void processSignRequest(com.trilead.ssh2.packets.TypesReader)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 199, locals = 8, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #43
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.failWhenLocked ()Z]
      [4] ifeq +4 (target=8)
      [7] return
      [8] aload_1 v1
      [9] invokevirtual #62
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readByteString ()[B]
      [12] astore_2 v2
      [13] aload_1 v1
      [14] invokevirtual #62
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readByteString ()[B]
      [17] astore_3 v3
      [18] aload_1 v1
      [19] invokevirtual #65
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readUINT32 ()I]
      [22] istore v4
      [24] iload v4
      [26] ifeq +14 (target=40)
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.os Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [33] getstatic #33
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.SSH_AGENT_FAILURE [B]
      [36] invokevirtual #84
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
      [39] return
      [40] aload_0 v0
      [41] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.authAgent Lcom/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback;]
      [44] aload_2 v2
      [45] invokeinterface #92
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback.getPrivateKey ([B)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [50] astore v5
      [52] aload v5
      [54] ifnonnull +14 (target=68)
      [57] aload_0 v0
      [58] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.os Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [61] getstatic #33
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.SSH_AGENT_FAILURE [B]
      [64] invokevirtual #84
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
      [67] return
      [68] aload v5
      [70] instanceof #20
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey]
      [73] ifeq +24 (target=97)
      [76] aload_3 v3
      [77] aload v5
      [79] checkcast #20
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey]
      [82] invokestatic #79
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify.generateSignature ([BLcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature;]
      [85] astore v7
      [87] aload v7
      [89] invokestatic #78
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify.encodeSSHRSASignature (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature;)[B]
      [92] astore v6
      [94] goto +50 (target=144)
      [97] aload v5
      [99] instanceof #18
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey]
      [102] ifeq +31 (target=133)
      [105] aload_3 v3
      [106] aload v5
      [108] checkcast #18
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey]
      [111] new #28
        + Class [java/security/SecureRandom]
      [114] dup
      [115] invokespecial #90
        + Methodref [java/security/SecureRandom.<init> ()V]
      [118] invokestatic #76
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify.generateSignature ([BLcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey;Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature;]
      [121] astore v7
      [123] aload v7
      [125] invokestatic #75
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify.encodeSSHDSASignature (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature;)[B]
      [128] astore v6
      [130] goto +14 (target=144)
      [133] aload_0 v0
      [134] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.os Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [137] getstatic #33
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.SSH_AGENT_FAILURE [B]
      [140] invokevirtual #84
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
      [143] return
      [144] new #17
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
      [147] dup
      [148] invokespecial #67
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
      [151] astore v7
      [153] aload v7
      [155] bipush 14
      [157] invokevirtual #69
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
      [160] aload v7
      [162] aload v6
      [164] iconst_0
      [165] aload v6
      [167] arraylength
      [168] invokevirtual #72
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString ([BII)V]
      [171] aload_0 v0
      [172] aload v7
      [174] invokevirtual #68
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
      [177] invokespecial #50
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.sendPacket ([B)V]
      [180] goto +18 (target=198)
      [183] astore_2 v2
      [184] aload_0 v0
      [185] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.os Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [188] getstatic #33
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.SSH_AGENT_FAILURE [B]
      [191] invokevirtual #84
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
      [194] goto +4 (target=198)
      [197] astore_3 v3
      [198] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 6):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 7: 183):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (8 -> 39: 183):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (40 -> 67: 183):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (68 -> 143: 183):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (144 -> 180: 183):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (184 -> 194: 197):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 32)
        [0] -> line 390
        [7] -> line 391
        [8] -> line 393
        [13] -> line 394
        [18] -> line 396
        [24] -> line 398
        [29] -> line 400
        [39] -> line 401
        [40] -> line 404
        [52] -> line 406
        [57] -> line 407
        [67] -> line 408
        [68] -> line 413
        [76] -> line 414
        [77] -> line 415
        [82] -> line 414
        [87] -> line 416
        [97] -> line 417
        [105] -> line 418
        [106] -> line 419
        [118] -> line 418
        [123] -> line 420
        [133] -> line 422
        [143] -> line 423
        [144] -> line 426
        [153] -> line 427
        [160] -> line 428
        [171] -> line 430
        [183] -> line 432
        [184] -> line 436
        [197] -> line 438
        [198] -> line 442
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 13)
        v0: 0 -> 199 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread; this]
        v1: 0 -> 199 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader; tr]
        v2: 13 -> 183 [[B publicKey]
        v3: 18 -> 183 [[B challenge]
        v4: 24 -> 183 [I flags]
        v5: 52 -> 183 [Ljava/lang/Object; trileadKey]
        v6: 94 -> 97 [[B response]
        v6: 130 -> 133 [[B response]
        v6: 144 -> 183 [[B response]
        v7: 87 -> 97 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature; signature]
        v7: 123 -> 133 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature; signature]
        v7: 153 -> 183 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; tw]
        v2: 184 -> 198 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]
  + Method:       processLockRequest(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader;)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void processLockRequest(com.trilead.ssh2.packets.TypesReader)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 66, locals = 4, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #43
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.failWhenLocked ()Z]
      [4] ifeq +4 (target=8)
      [7] return
      [8] aload_1 v1
      [9] invokevirtual #64
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [12] astore_2 v2
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.authAgent Lcom/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback;]
      [17] aload_2 v2
      [18] invokeinterface #98
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback.setAgentLock (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [23] ifne +14 (target=37)
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.os Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [30] getstatic #33
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.SSH_AGENT_FAILURE [B]
      [33] invokevirtual #84
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
      [36] return
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.os Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [41] getstatic #34
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.SSH_AGENT_SUCCESS [B]
      [44] invokevirtual #84
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
      [47] goto +18 (target=65)
      [50] astore_2 v2
      [51] aload_0 v0
      [52] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.os Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [55] getstatic #33
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.SSH_AGENT_FAILURE [B]
      [58] invokevirtual #84
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
      [61] goto +4 (target=65)
      [64] astore_3 v3
      [65] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 4):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 7: 50):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (8 -> 36: 50):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (37 -> 47: 50):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (51 -> 61: 64):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 11)
        [0] -> line 450
        [7] -> line 451
        [8] -> line 453
        [13] -> line 454
        [26] -> line 455
        [36] -> line 456
        [37] -> line 458
        [50] -> line 460
        [51] -> line 464
        [64] -> line 466
        [65] -> line 470
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 66 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread; this]
        v1: 0 -> 66 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader; tr]
        v2: 13 -> 50 [Ljava/lang/String; lockPassphrase]
        v2: 51 -> 65 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]
  + Method:       processUnlockRequest(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader;)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void processUnlockRequest(com.trilead.ssh2.packets.TypesReader)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 60, locals = 4, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] invokevirtual #64
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4] astore_2 v2
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.authAgent Lcom/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback;]
      [9] aload_2 v2
      [10] invokeinterface #96
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback.requestAgentUnlock (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [15] ifeq +16 (target=31)
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.os Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [22] getstatic #34
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.SSH_AGENT_SUCCESS [B]
      [25] invokevirtual #84
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
      [28] goto +31 (target=59)
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.os Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [35] getstatic #33
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.SSH_AGENT_FAILURE [B]
      [38] invokevirtual #84
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
      [41] goto +18 (target=59)
      [44] astore_2 v2
      [45] aload_0 v0
      [46] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.os Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [49] getstatic #33
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.SSH_AGENT_FAILURE [B]
      [52] invokevirtual #84
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
      [55] goto +4 (target=59)
      [58] astore_3 v3
      [59] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 41: 44):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (45 -> 55: 58):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 479
        [5] -> line 481
        [18] -> line 482
        [31] -> line 484
        [44] -> line 486
        [45] -> line 490
        [58] -> line 492
        [59] -> line 496
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 60 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread; this]
        v1: 0 -> 60 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader; tr]
        v2: 5 -> 44 [Ljava/lang/String; unlockPassphrase]
        v2: 45 -> 59 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]
  + Method:       sendPacket([B)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void sendPacket(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 31, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] new #17
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
      [3] dup
      [4] invokespecial #67
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
      [7] astore_2 v2
      [8] aload_2 v2
      [9] aload_1 v1
      [10] arraylength
      [11] invokevirtual #73
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
      [14] aload_2 v2
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] invokevirtual #70
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeBytes ([B)V]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.os Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [23] aload_2 v2
      [24] invokevirtual #68
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
      [27] invokevirtual #84
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
      [30] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 504
        [8] -> line 505
        [14] -> line 506
        [19] -> line 507
        [30] -> line 508
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 31 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread; this]
        v1: 0 -> 31 [[B message]
        v2: 8 -> 31 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; packet]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [java/util/Map$Entry]
      + Class [java/util/Map]
      + Utf8 [Entry]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 135):
  + Integer [33976]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.EOF Z]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.channelSendLock Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.closeMessageRecv Z]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.closeMessageSent Z]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.exit_signal Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.exit_status Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.failedCounter I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.localID I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.localMaxPacketSize I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.localWindow I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.msgWindowAdjust [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.reasonClosed Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.reasonClosedLock Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteID I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteMaxPacketSize I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteWindow J]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.state I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stderrBuffer [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stderrReadpos I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stderrStream Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stderrWritepos I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdinStream Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdoutBuffer [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdoutReadpos I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdoutStream Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdoutWritepos I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.successCounter I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Z)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Z)V]
  + NameAndType [EOF Z]
  + NameAndType [channelSendLock Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [closeMessageRecv Z]
  + NameAndType [closeMessageSent Z]
  + NameAndType [cm Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + NameAndType [exit_signal Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [exit_status Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + NameAndType [failedCounter I]
  + NameAndType [localID I]
  + NameAndType [localMaxPacketSize I]
  + NameAndType [localWindow I]
  + NameAndType [msgWindowAdjust [B]
  + NameAndType [reasonClosed Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [reasonClosedLock Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [remoteID I]
  + NameAndType [remoteMaxPacketSize I]
  + NameAndType [remoteWindow J]
  + NameAndType [state I]
  + NameAndType [stderrBuffer [B]
  + NameAndType [stderrReadpos I]
  + NameAndType [stderrStream Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream;]
  + NameAndType [stderrWritepos I]
  + NameAndType [stdinStream Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream;]
  + NameAndType [stdoutBuffer [B]
  + NameAndType [stdoutReadpos I]
  + NameAndType [stdoutStream Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream;]
  + NameAndType [stdoutWritepos I]
  + NameAndType [successCounter I]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream;]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Z)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EOF]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [J]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [channelSendLock]
  + Utf8 [closeMessageRecv]
  + Utf8 [closeMessageSent]
  + Utf8 [cm]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream]
  + Utf8 [exit_signal]
  + Utf8 [exit_status]
  + Utf8 [failedCounter]
  + Utf8 [getExitSignal]
  + Utf8 [getExitStatus]
  + Utf8 [getReasonClosed]
  + Utf8 [getStderrStream]
  + Utf8 [getStdinStream]
  + Utf8 [getStdoutStream]
  + Utf8 [hexX11FakeCookie]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [localID]
  + Utf8 [localMaxPacketSize]
  + Utf8 [localWindow]
  + Utf8 [msgWindowAdjust]
  + Utf8 [reasonClosed]
  + Utf8 [reasonClosedLock]
  + Utf8 [remoteID]
  + Utf8 [remoteMaxPacketSize]
  + Utf8 [remoteWindow]
  + Utf8 [setReasonClosed]
  + Utf8 [state]
  + Utf8 [stderrBuffer]
  + Utf8 [stderrReadpos]
  + Utf8 [stderrStream]
  + Utf8 [stderrWritepos]
  + Utf8 [stdinStream]
  + Utf8 [stdoutBuffer]
  + Utf8 [stdoutReadpos]
  + Utf8 [stdoutStream]
  + Utf8 [stdoutWritepos]
  + Utf8 [successCounter]
  + Utf8 [this]

Fields (count = 29):
  + Field:        cm Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;
    Access flags: 0x10
      = final cm
  + Field:        stdinStream Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream;
    Access flags: 0x10
      = final stdinStream
  + Field:        stdoutStream Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream;
    Access flags: 0x10
      = final stdoutStream
  + Field:        stderrStream Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream;
    Access flags: 0x10
      = final stderrStream
  + Field:        localID I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int localID
  + Field:        remoteID I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int remoteID
  + Field:        channelSendLock Ljava/lang/Object;
    Access flags: 0x10
      = final java.lang.Object channelSendLock
  + Field:        closeMessageSent Z
    Access flags: 0x0
      = boolean closeMessageSent
  + Field:        msgWindowAdjust [B
    Access flags: 0x10
      = final byte[] msgWindowAdjust
  + Field:        state I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int state
  + Field:        closeMessageRecv Z
    Access flags: 0x0
      = boolean closeMessageRecv
  + Field:        successCounter I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int successCounter
  + Field:        failedCounter I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int failedCounter
  + Field:        localWindow I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int localWindow
  + Field:        remoteWindow J
    Access flags: 0x0
      = long remoteWindow
  + Field:        localMaxPacketSize I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int localMaxPacketSize
  + Field:        remoteMaxPacketSize I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int remoteMaxPacketSize
  + Field:        stdoutBuffer [B
    Access flags: 0x10
      = final byte[] stdoutBuffer
  + Field:        stderrBuffer [B
    Access flags: 0x10
      = final byte[] stderrBuffer
  + Field:        stdoutReadpos I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int stdoutReadpos
  + Field:        stdoutWritepos I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int stdoutWritepos
  + Field:        stderrReadpos I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int stderrReadpos
  + Field:        stderrWritepos I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int stderrWritepos
  + Field:        EOF Z
    Access flags: 0x0
      = boolean EOF
  + Field:        exit_status Ljava/lang/Integer;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.Integer exit_status
  + Field:        exit_signal Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String exit_signal
  + Field:        hexX11FakeCookie Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String hexX11FakeCookie
  + Field:        reasonClosedLock Ljava/lang/Object;
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final java.lang.Object reasonClosedLock
  + Field:        reasonClosed Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String reasonClosed

Methods (count = 8):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public Channel(
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 194, locals = 2, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #36
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] iconst_m1
      [6] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.localID I]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] iconst_m1
      [11] putfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteID I]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] new #5
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [18] dup
      [19] invokespecial #36
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [22] putfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.channelSendLock Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] iconst_0
      [27] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.closeMessageSent Z]
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] bipush 9
      [33] newarray 8
      [35] putfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.msgWindowAdjust [B]
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] iconst_1
      [40] putfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.state I]
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] iconst_0
      [45] putfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.closeMessageRecv Z]
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] iconst_0
      [50] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.successCounter I]
      [53] aload_0 v0
      [54] iconst_0
      [55] putfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.failedCounter I]
      [58] aload_0 v0
      [59] iconst_0
      [60] putfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.localWindow I]
      [63] aload_0 v0
      [64] lconst_0
      [65] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteWindow J]
      [68] aload_0 v0
      [69] iconst_m1
      [70] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.localMaxPacketSize I]
      [73] aload_0 v0
      [74] iconst_m1
      [75] putfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteMaxPacketSize I]
      [78] aload_0 v0
      [79] sipush 30000
      [82] newarray 8
      [84] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdoutBuffer [B]
      [87] aload_0 v0
      [88] sipush 30000
      [91] newarray 8
      [93] putfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stderrBuffer [B]
      [96] aload_0 v0
      [97] iconst_0
      [98] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdoutReadpos I]
      [101] aload_0 v0
      [102] iconst_0
      [103] putfield #32
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdoutWritepos I]
      [106] aload_0 v0
      [107] iconst_0
      [108] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stderrReadpos I]
      [111] aload_0 v0
      [112] iconst_0
      [113] putfield #27
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stderrWritepos I]
      [116] aload_0 v0
      [117] iconst_0
      [118] putfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.EOF Z]
      [121] aload_0 v0
      [122] new #5
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [125] dup
      [126] invokespecial #36
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [129] putfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.reasonClosedLock Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [132] aload_0 v0
      [133] aconst_null
      [134] putfield #18
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.reasonClosed Ljava/lang/String;]
      [137] aload_0 v0
      [138] aload_1 v1
      [139] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [142] aload_0 v0
      [143] sipush 30000
      [146] putfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.localWindow I]
      [149] aload_0 v0
      [150] ldc #1
        + Integer [33976]
      [152] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.localMaxPacketSize I]
      [155] aload_0 v0
      [156] new #4
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream]
      [159] dup
      [160] aload_0 v0
      [161] invokespecial #35
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)V]
      [164] putfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdinStream Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream;]
      [167] aload_0 v0
      [168] new #3
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream]
      [171] dup
      [172] aload_0 v0
      [173] iconst_0
      [174] invokespecial #34
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Z)V]
      [177] putfield #31
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdoutStream Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream;]
      [180] aload_0 v0
      [181] new #3
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream]
      [184] dup
      [185] aload_0 v0
      [186] iconst_1
      [187] invokespecial #34
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Z)V]
      [190] putfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stderrStream Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream;]
      [193] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 30)
        [0] -> line 146
        [4] -> line 65
        [9] -> line 66
        [14] -> line 91
        [25] -> line 92
        [30] -> line 99
        [38] -> line 104
        [43] -> line 106
        [48] -> line 111
        [53] -> line 112
        [58] -> line 114
        [63] -> line 115
        [68] -> line 117
        [73] -> line 118
        [78] -> line 120
        [87] -> line 121
        [96] -> line 123
        [101] -> line 124
        [106] -> line 125
        [111] -> line 126
        [116] -> line 128
        [121] -> line 143
        [132] -> line 144
        [137] -> line 148
        [142] -> line 150
        [149] -> line 151
        [155] -> line 153
        [167] -> line 154
        [180] -> line 155
        [193] -> line 156
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 194 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; this]
        v1: 0 -> 194 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; cm]
  + Method:       getStderrStream()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public getStderrStream()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stderrStream Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 162
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; this]
  + Method:       getStdinStream()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public getStdinStream()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdinStream Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 167
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; this]
  + Method:       getStdoutStream()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public getStdoutStream()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdoutStream Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 172
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; this]
  + Method:       getExitSignal()Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String getExitSignal()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 14, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] dup
      [2] astore_1 v1
      [3] monitorenter
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.exit_signal Ljava/lang/String;]
      [8] aload_1 v1
      [9] monitorexit
      [10] areturn
      [11] aload_1 v1
      [12] monitorexit
      [13] athrow
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (4 -> 10: 11):
      + ExceptionInfo (11 -> 13: 11):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 177
        [4] -> line 179
        [11] -> line 177
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 14 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; this]
  + Method:       getExitStatus()Ljava/lang/Integer;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.Integer getExitStatus()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 14, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] dup
      [2] astore_1 v1
      [3] monitorenter
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.exit_status Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [8] aload_1 v1
      [9] monitorexit
      [10] areturn
      [11] aload_1 v1
      [12] monitorexit
      [13] athrow
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (4 -> 10: 11):
      + ExceptionInfo (11 -> 13: 11):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 185
        [4] -> line 187
        [11] -> line 185
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 14 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; this]
  + Method:       getReasonClosed()Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String getReasonClosed()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 17, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.reasonClosedLock Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [4] dup
      [5] astore_1 v1
      [6] monitorenter
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.reasonClosed Ljava/lang/String;]
      [11] aload_1 v1
      [12] monitorexit
      [13] areturn
      [14] aload_1 v1
      [15] monitorexit
      [16] athrow
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (7 -> 13: 14):
      + ExceptionInfo (14 -> 16: 14):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 193
        [7] -> line 195
        [14] -> line 193
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 17 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; this]
  + Method:       setReasonClosed(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setReasonClosed(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 28, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.reasonClosedLock Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [4] dup
      [5] astore_2 v2
      [6] monitorenter
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.reasonClosed Ljava/lang/String;]
      [11] ifnonnull +8 (target=19)
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] putfield #18
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.reasonClosed Ljava/lang/String;]
      [19] aload_2 v2
      [20] monitorexit
      [21] goto +6 (target=27)
      [24] aload_2 v2
      [25] monitorexit
      [26] athrow
      [27] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (7 -> 21: 24):
      + ExceptionInfo (24 -> 26: 24):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 201
        [7] -> line 203
        [14] -> line 204
        [19] -> line 201
        [27] -> line 206
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 28 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; this]
        v1: 0 -> 28 [Ljava/lang/String; reasonClosed]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream
  Superclass:    java/io/InputStream
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x31
    = public final class extends

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 72):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/io/InputStream]
  + Class [java/lang/IndexOutOfBoundsException]
  + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream.extendedFlag Z]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream.isClosed Z]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream.isEOF Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ ([BII)I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.getAvailable (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Z)I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.getChannelData (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Z[BII)I]
  + Methodref [java/io/InputStream.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/IndexOutOfBoundsException.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/NullPointerException.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
  + NameAndType [cm Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + NameAndType [extendedFlag Z]
  + NameAndType [getAvailable (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Z)I]
  + NameAndType [getChannelData (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Z[BII)I]
  + NameAndType [isClosed Z]
  + NameAndType [isEOF Z]
  + NameAndType [read ([BII)I]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Z)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Z)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Z[BII)I]
  + Utf8 [([B)I]
  + Utf8 [([BII)I]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [avail]
  + Utf8 [available]
  + Utf8 [b]
  + Utf8 [c]
  + Utf8 [close]
  + Utf8 [cm]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager]
  + Utf8 [extendedFlag]
  + Utf8 [getAvailable]
  + Utf8 [getChannelData]
  + Utf8 [isClosed]
  + Utf8 [isEOF]
  + Utf8 [isExtended]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/io/InputStream]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/IndexOutOfBoundsException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/NullPointerException]
  + Utf8 [len]
  + Utf8 [off]
  + Utf8 [read]
  + Utf8 [ret]
  + Utf8 [this]

Fields (count = 4):
  + Field:        c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = c
  + Field:        isClosed Z
    Access flags: 0x0
      = boolean isClosed
  + Field:        isEOF Z
    Access flags: 0x0
      = boolean isEOF
  + Field:        extendedFlag Z
    Access flags: 0x0
      = boolean extendedFlag

Methods (count = 6):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Z)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = ChannelInputStream(,boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 30, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #16
        + Methodref [java/io/InputStream.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] iconst_0
      [6] putfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream.isClosed Z]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] iconst_0
      [11] putfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream.isEOF Z]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] iconst_0
      [16] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream.extendedFlag Z]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] aload_1 v1
      [21] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] iload_2 v2
      [26] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream.extendedFlag Z]
      [29] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 21
        [4] -> line 17
        [9] -> line 18
        [14] -> line 19
        [19] -> line 23
        [24] -> line 24
        [29] -> line 25
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 30 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream; this]
        v1: 0 -> 30 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; c]
        v2: 0 -> 30 [Z isExtended]
  + Method:       available()I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int available()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 38, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream.isEOF Z]
      [4] ifeq +5 (target=9)
      [7] iconst_0
      [8] ireturn
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [13] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [16] aload_0 v0
      [17] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream.extendedFlag Z]
      [24] invokevirtual #14
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.getAvailable (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Z)I]
      [27] istore_1 v1
      [28] iload_1 v1
      [29] ifle +7 (target=36)
      [32] iload_1 v1
      [33] goto +4 (target=37)
      [36] iconst_0
      [37] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 29
        [7] -> line 30
        [9] -> line 32
        [28] -> line 36
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 38 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream; this]
        v1: 28 -> 38 [I avail]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       close()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void close()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iconst_1
      [2] putfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream.isClosed Z]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 41
        [5] -> line 42
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream; this]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       read([BII)I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int read(byte[],int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 100, locals = 5, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] ifnonnull +11 (target=12)
      [4] new #7
        + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
      [7] dup
      [8] invokespecial #18
        + Methodref [java/lang/NullPointerException.<init> ()V]
      [11] athrow
      [12] iload_2 v2
      [13] iflt +27 (target=40)
      [16] iload_3 v3
      [17] iflt +23 (target=40)
      [20] iload_2 v2
      [21] iload_3 v3
      [22] iadd
      [23] aload_1 v1
      [24] arraylength
      [25] ificmpgt +15 (target=40)
      [28] iload_2 v2
      [29] iload_3 v3
      [30] iadd
      [31] iflt +9 (target=40)
      [34] iload_2 v2
      [35] aload_1 v1
      [36] arraylength
      [37] ificmple +11 (target=48)
      [40] new #6
        + Class [java/lang/IndexOutOfBoundsException]
      [43] dup
      [44] invokespecial #17
        + Methodref [java/lang/IndexOutOfBoundsException.<init> ()V]
      [47] athrow
      [48] iload_3 v3
      [49] ifne +5 (target=54)
      [52] iconst_0
      [53] ireturn
      [54] aload_0 v0
      [55] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream.isEOF Z]
      [58] ifeq +5 (target=63)
      [61] iconst_m1
      [62] ireturn
      [63] aload_0 v0
      [64] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [67] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [70] aload_0 v0
      [71] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [74] aload_0 v0
      [75] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream.extendedFlag Z]
      [78] aload_1 v1
      [79] iload_2 v2
      [80] iload_3 v3
      [81] invokevirtual #15
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.getChannelData (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Z[BII)I]
      [84] istore v4
      [86] iload v4
      [88] iconst_m1
      [89] ificmpne +8 (target=97)
      [92] aload_0 v0
      [93] iconst_1
      [94] putfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream.isEOF Z]
      [97] iload v4
      [99] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 12)
        [0] -> line 46
        [4] -> line 47
        [12] -> line 49
        [40] -> line 50
        [48] -> line 52
        [52] -> line 53
        [54] -> line 55
        [61] -> line 56
        [63] -> line 58
        [86] -> line 60
        [92] -> line 62
        [97] -> line 65
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 100 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream; this]
        v1: 0 -> 100 [[B b]
        v2: 0 -> 100 [I off]
        v3: 0 -> 100 [I len]
        v4: 86 -> 100 [I ret]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       read([B)I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int read(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 9, locals = 2, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] iconst_0
      [3] aload_1 v1
      [4] arraylength
      [5] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ ([BII)I]
      [8] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 70
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 9 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream; this]
        v1: 0 -> 9 [[B b]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       read()I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int read()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 27, locals = 3, stack = 4):
      [0] iconst_1
      [1] newarray 8
      [3] astore_1 v1
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] iconst_0
      [7] iconst_1
      [8] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ ([BII)I]
      [11] istore_2 v2
      [12] iload_2 v2
      [13] iconst_1
      [14] ificmpeq +5 (target=19)
      [17] iconst_m1
      [18] ireturn
      [19] aload_1 v1
      [20] iconst_0
      [21] baload
      [22] sipush 255
      [25] iand
      [26] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 77
        [4] -> line 79
        [12] -> line 81
        [17] -> line 82
        [19] -> line 84
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 27 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream; this]
        v1: 4 -> 27 [[B b]
        v2: 12 -> 27 [I ret]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler]

Constant Pool (count = 872):
  + Integer [65533]
  + String []
  + String [ / remote: ]
  + String [ SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE messages.]
  + String [ SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS and ]
  + String [ SSH_MSG_REQUEST_FAILURE messages.]
  + String [ SSH_MSG_REQUEST_SUCCESS and ]
  + String [' is not known, ignoring it]
  + String [')]
  + String [', ]
  + String [)]
  + String [, ]
  + String [, ']
  + String [, got ]
  + String [, signal ]
  + String [, status ]
  + String [/]
  + String [Auth agent already exists]
  + String [Badly formatted SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST message]
  + String [Badly formatted SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST message, 'want reply' is true]
  + String [Cannot handle unknown channel message ]
  + String [Cannot request PTY on this channel (]
  + String [Cannot start shell on this channel (]
  + String [Channel request ']
  + String [Close requested by remote]
  + String [Closing X11 channel since the corresponding session is closing]
  + String [Closing all X11 channels for the given fake cookie]
  + String [Closing all channels]
  + String [Could not open channel (]
  + String [Got EXIT SIGNAL (channel ]
  + String [Got EXIT STATUS (channel ]
  + String [Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE (channel ]
  + String [Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA (channel ]
  + String [Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA, but channel is not in correct state (]
  + String [Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF (channel ]
  + String [Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA (channel ]
  + String [Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA, but channel is not in correct state (]
  + String [Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE (channel ]
  + String [Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE (channel ]
  + String [Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST (channel ]
  + String [Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS (channel ]
  + String [Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (channel ]
  + String [HandleMessage: got shutdown]
  + String [Illegal state. The server sent ]
  + String [No thanks, unknown port in forwarded-tcpip request]
  + String [PTY request failed]
  + String [Remote sent too much data, does not fit into window.]
  + String [Requesting a remote forwarding (']
  + String [Requesting agent forwarding]
  + String [Requesting cancelation of remote forward (']
  + String [SSH channel in strange state. (]
  + String [SSH channel is closed. (]
  + String [SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE message has wrong size (]
  + String [SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA message has wrong len (calculated ]
  + String [SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA message has wrong size (]
  + String [SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF message has wrong size (]
  + String [SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA message has unknown type (]
  + String [SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA message has wrong len (calculated ]
  + String [SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA message has wrong size (]
  + String [SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE message has wrong size (]
  + String [SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE message has wrong size (]
  + String [SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS message has wrong size (]
  + String [SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST message has wrong size (]
  + String [Sending SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN (Channel ]
  + String [Sending SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (channel ]
  + String [Sent EOF (Channel ]
  + String [Sent SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE (channel ]
  + String [Sorry, there is no known remote forwarding for remote port ]
  + String [The connection is being shutdown]
  + String [The peer tried to open an unsupported channel type (]
  + String [The server denied the request (did you enable port forwarding?)]
  + String [The server denied the request.]
  + String [The server refused to open the channel (]
  + String [The shell request failed.]
  + String [There is already a forwarding for remote port ]
  + String [This SSH2 channel is not open (]
  + String [Too late, this connection is closed.]
  + String [US-ASCII]
  + String [UTF-8]
  + String [Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE message for non-existent channel ]
  + String [Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA message for non-existent channel ]
  + String [Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF message for non-existent channel ]
  + String [Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA message for non-existent channel ]
  + String [Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE message for non-existent channel ]
  + String [Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION message for channel ]
  + String [Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION message for non-existent channel ]
  + String [Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE message for non-existent channel ]
  + String [Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST message for non-existent channel ]
  + String [Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS message for non-existent channel ]
  + String [Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST message for non-existent channel ]
  + String [Unexpected X11 request, denying it!]
  + String [Unexpected forwarded-tcpip request, denying it!]
  + String [Unknown channel type]
  + String [X11 forwarding not activated]
  + String []
  + String [exit-signal]
  + String [exit-status]
  + String [forwarded-tcpip]
  + String [hexFakeCookie may not be null]
  + String [state: ]
  + String [x11]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/IChannelWorkerThread]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteForwardingData]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/X11ServerData]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelAuthAgentReq]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenFailure]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalCancelForwardRequest]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalForwardRequest]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenSessionChannel]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyRequest]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyResize]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionStartShell]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
  + Class [java/lang/Integer]
  + Class [java/lang/InterruptedException]
  + Class [java/lang/Math]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuffer]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Class [java/util/HashMap]
  + Class [java/util/Vector]
  + Long [4294967295]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.EOF Z]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.channelSendLock Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.closeMessageRecv Z]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.closeMessageSent Z]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.exit_signal Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.exit_status Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.failedCounter I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.hexX11FakeCookie Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.localID I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.localMaxPacketSize I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.localWindow I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.msgWindowAdjust [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteID I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteMaxPacketSize I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteWindow J]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.state I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stderrBuffer [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stderrReadpos I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stderrWritepos I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdoutBuffer [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdoutReadpos I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdoutWritepos I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.successCounter I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.authAgent Lcom/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.channels Ljava/util/Vector;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.globalFailedCounter I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.globalSuccessCounter I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.listenerThreads Ljava/util/Vector;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.listenerThreadsAllowed Z]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.nextLocalChannel I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.remoteForwardings Ljava/util/HashMap;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.shutdown Z]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.x11_magic_cookies Ljava/util/HashMap;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteForwardingData.bindAddress Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteForwardingData.bindPort I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteForwardingData.targetAddress Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteForwardingData.targetPort I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation.initialWindowSize I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation.maxPacketSize I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation.recipientChannelID I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation.senderChannelID I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.setDaemon (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.start ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.getExitSignal ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.getExitStatus ()Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.getReasonClosed ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.setReasonClosed (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.addChannel (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.closeChannel (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.getChannel (I)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.msgChannelClose ([BI)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.msgChannelData ([BI)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.msgChannelEOF ([BI)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.msgChannelExtendedData ([BI)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.msgChannelFailure ([BI)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.msgChannelOpen ([BI)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.msgChannelOpenConfirmation ([BI)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.msgChannelOpenFailure ([BI)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.msgChannelRequest ([BI)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.msgChannelSuccess ([BI)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.msgChannelWindowAdjust ([BI)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.msgGlobalFailure ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.msgGlobalRequest ([BI)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.msgGlobalSuccess ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.removeChannel (I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.waitForChannelRequestResult (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.waitForGlobalRequestResult ()Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.waitUntilChannelOpen (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread.setDaemon (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread.start ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteForwardingData.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread.setDaemon (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread.start ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.getLogger (Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelAuthAgentReq.<init> (I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelAuthAgentReq.getPayload ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation.<init> (IIII)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation.<init> ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation.getPayload ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenFailure.<init> (IILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenFailure.getPayload ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalCancelForwardRequest.<init> (ZLjava/lang/String;I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalCancelForwardRequest.getPayload ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalForwardRequest.<init> (ZLjava/lang/String;I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalForwardRequest.getPayload ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel.<init> (IIILjava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel.getPayload ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenSessionChannel.<init> (III)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenSessionChannel.getPayload ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyRequest.<init> (IZLjava/lang/String;IIII[B)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyRequest.getPayload ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyResize.<init> (IIIII)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyResize.getPayload ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionStartShell.<init> (IZ)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionStartShell.getPayload ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.<init> ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readBoolean ()Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readByte ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readString (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readUINT32 ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.remain ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.getPacketOverheadEstimate ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.registerMessageHandler (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler;II)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sendAsynchronousMessage ([B)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sendMessage ([B)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.initCause (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalStateException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.<init> (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Math.min (II)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.notifyAll ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.wait ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.wait (J)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.charAt (I)C]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.length ()I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.setCharAt (IC)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.currentTimeMillis ()J]
  + Methodref [java/util/HashMap.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/util/HashMap.get (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [java/util/HashMap.put (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [java/util/HashMap.remove (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [java/util/HashMap.size ()I]
  + Methodref [java/util/Vector.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/util/Vector.addElement (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + Methodref [java/util/Vector.clone ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [java/util/Vector.elementAt (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [java/util/Vector.removeElementAt (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/util/Vector.setSize (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/util/Vector.size ()I]
  + Methodref [java/util/Vector.trimToSize ()V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/IChannelWorkerThread.stopWorking ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (I)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (III)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (IIII)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (IIIII)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (IIILjava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (IILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (IZ)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (IZLjava/lang/String;IIII[B)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;I)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (ZLjava/lang/String;I)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([BII)V]
  + NameAndType [EOF Z]
  + NameAndType [addChannel (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)I]
  + NameAndType [addElement (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + NameAndType [append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [authAgent Lcom/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback;]
  + NameAndType [bindAddress Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [bindPort I]
  + NameAndType [channelSendLock Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [channels Ljava/util/Vector;]
  + NameAndType [charAt (I)C]
  + NameAndType [clone ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [closeChannel (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
  + NameAndType [closeMessageRecv Z]
  + NameAndType [closeMessageSent Z]
  + NameAndType [currentTimeMillis ()J]
  + NameAndType [elementAt (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [exit_signal Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [exit_status Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + NameAndType [failedCounter I]
  + NameAndType [get (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [getChannel (I)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
  + NameAndType [getExitSignal ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getExitStatus ()Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + NameAndType [getLogger (Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + NameAndType [getPacketOverheadEstimate ()I]
  + NameAndType [getPayload ()[B]
  + NameAndType [getReasonClosed ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [globalFailedCounter I]
  + NameAndType [globalSuccessCounter I]
  + NameAndType [hexX11FakeCookie Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [initCause (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
  + NameAndType [initialWindowSize I]
  + NameAndType [isEnabled ()Z]
  + NameAndType [length ()I]
  + NameAndType [listenerThreads Ljava/util/Vector;]
  + NameAndType [listenerThreadsAllowed Z]
  + NameAndType [localID I]
  + NameAndType [localMaxPacketSize I]
  + NameAndType [localWindow I]
  + NameAndType [log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + NameAndType [maxPacketSize I]
  + NameAndType [min (II)I]
  + NameAndType [msgChannelClose ([BI)V]
  + NameAndType [msgChannelData ([BI)V]
  + NameAndType [msgChannelEOF ([BI)V]
  + NameAndType [msgChannelExtendedData ([BI)V]
  + NameAndType [msgChannelFailure ([BI)V]
  + NameAndType [msgChannelOpen ([BI)V]
  + NameAndType [msgChannelOpenConfirmation ([BI)V]
  + NameAndType [msgChannelOpenFailure ([BI)V]
  + NameAndType [msgChannelRequest ([BI)V]
  + NameAndType [msgChannelSuccess ([BI)V]
  + NameAndType [msgChannelWindowAdjust ([BI)V]
  + NameAndType [msgGlobalFailure ()V]
  + NameAndType [msgGlobalRequest ([BI)V]
  + NameAndType [msgGlobalSuccess ()V]
  + NameAndType [msgWindowAdjust [B]
  + NameAndType [nextLocalChannel I]
  + NameAndType [notifyAll ()V]
  + NameAndType [put (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [readBoolean ()Z]
  + NameAndType [readByte ()I]
  + NameAndType [readString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [readString (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [readUINT32 ()I]
  + NameAndType [recipientChannelID I]
  + NameAndType [registerMessageHandler (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler;II)V]
  + NameAndType [remain ()I]
  + NameAndType [remoteForwardings Ljava/util/HashMap;]
  + NameAndType [remoteID I]
  + NameAndType [remoteMaxPacketSize I]
  + NameAndType [remoteWindow J]
  + NameAndType [remove (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [removeChannel (I)V]
  + NameAndType [removeElementAt (I)V]
  + NameAndType [sendAsynchronousMessage ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [sendMessage ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [senderChannelID I]
  + NameAndType [setCharAt (IC)V]
  + NameAndType [setDaemon (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [setReasonClosed (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [setSize (I)V]
  + NameAndType [shutdown Z]
  + NameAndType [size ()I]
  + NameAndType [start ()V]
  + NameAndType [state I]
  + NameAndType [stderrBuffer [B]
  + NameAndType [stderrReadpos I]
  + NameAndType [stderrWritepos I]
  + NameAndType [stdoutBuffer [B]
  + NameAndType [stdoutReadpos I]
  + NameAndType [stdoutWritepos I]
  + NameAndType [stopWorking ()V]
  + NameAndType [successCounter I]
  + NameAndType [targetAddress Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [targetPort I]
  + NameAndType [tm Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [trimToSize ()V]
  + NameAndType [wait ()V]
  + NameAndType [wait (J)V]
  + NameAndType [waitForChannelRequestResult (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)Z]
  + NameAndType [waitForGlobalRequestResult ()Z]
  + NameAndType [waitUntilChannelOpen (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)V]
  + NameAndType [x11_magic_cookies Ljava/util/HashMap;]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [ / remote: ]
  + Utf8 [ SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE messages.]
  + Utf8 [ SSH_MSG_REQUEST_FAILURE messages.]
  + Utf8 [' is not known, ignoring it]
  + Utf8 [')]
  + Utf8 [', ]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()J]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [(I)C]
  + Utf8 [(I)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(IC)V]
  + Utf8 [(II)I]
  + Utf8 [(III)V]
  + Utf8 [(IIII)V]
  + Utf8 [(IIIII)V]
  + Utf8 [(IIILjava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(IILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(ILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(IZ)V]
  + Utf8 [(IZLjava/lang/String;IIII[B)V]
  + Utf8 [(J)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;IIII)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;JI)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;IIII[B)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Z)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Z[BII)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;[BII)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/IChannelWorkerThread;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler;II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/X11ServerData;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [(ZLjava/lang/String;I)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [([BI)V]
  + Utf8 [([BII)V]
  + Utf8 [)]
  + Utf8 [, ]
  + Utf8 [, ']
  + Utf8 [, got ]
  + Utf8 [, signal ]
  + Utf8 [, status ]
  + Utf8 [/]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Auth agent already exists]
  + Utf8 [Badly formatted SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST message]
  + Utf8 [Badly formatted SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST message, 'want reply' is true]
  + Utf8 [C]
  + Utf8 [Cannot handle unknown channel message ]
  + Utf8 [Cannot request PTY on this channel (]
  + Utf8 [Cannot start shell on this channel (]
  + Utf8 [Channel request ']
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Close requested by remote]
  + Utf8 [Closing X11 channel since the corresponding session is closing]
  + Utf8 [Closing all X11 channels for the given fake cookie]
  + Utf8 [Closing all channels]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Could not open channel (]
  + Utf8 [EOF]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [Got EXIT SIGNAL (channel ]
  + Utf8 [Got EXIT STATUS (channel ]
  + Utf8 [Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE (channel ]
  + Utf8 [Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA (channel ]
  + Utf8 [Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA, but channel is not in correct state (]
  + Utf8 [Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF (channel ]
  + Utf8 [Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA (channel ]
  + Utf8 [Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA, but channel is not in correct state (]
  + Utf8 [Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE (channel ]
  + Utf8 [Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE (channel ]
  + Utf8 [Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST (channel ]
  + Utf8 [Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS (channel ]
  + Utf8 [Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (channel ]
  + Utf8 [HandleMessage: got shutdown]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Illegal state. The server sent ]
  + Utf8 [J]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/IChannelWorkerThread;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteForwardingData;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelAuthAgentReq;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenFailure;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalCancelForwardRequest;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalForwardRequest;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenSessionChannel;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyRequest;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyResize;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionStartShell;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/IOException;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/HashMap;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Vector;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [No thanks, unknown port in forwarded-tcpip request]
  + Utf8 [PTY request failed]
  + Utf8 [Remote sent too much data, does not fit into window.]
  + Utf8 [Requesting a remote forwarding (']
  + Utf8 [Requesting agent forwarding]
  + Utf8 [Requesting cancelation of remote forward (']
  + Utf8 [SSH channel in strange state. (]
  + Utf8 [SSH channel is closed. (]
  + Utf8 [SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE message has wrong size (]
  + Utf8 [SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA message has wrong len (calculated ]
  + Utf8 [SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA message has wrong size (]
  + Utf8 [SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF message has wrong size (]
  + Utf8 [SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA message has unknown type (]
  + Utf8 [SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA message has wrong len (calculated ]
  + Utf8 [SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA message has wrong size (]
  + Utf8 [SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE message has wrong size (]
  + Utf8 [SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE message has wrong size (]
  + Utf8 [SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS message has wrong size (]
  + Utf8 [SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST message has wrong size (]
  + Utf8 [Sending SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN (Channel ]
  + Utf8 [Sending SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (channel ]
  + Utf8 [Sent EOF (Channel ]
  + Utf8 [Sent SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE (channel ]
  + Utf8 [Sorry, there is no known remote forwarding for remote port ]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [The connection is being shutdown]
  + Utf8 [The peer tried to open an unsupported channel type (]
  + Utf8 [The server denied the request (did you enable port forwarding?)]
  + Utf8 [The server denied the request.]
  + Utf8 [The server refused to open the channel (]
  + Utf8 [The shell request failed.]
  + Utf8 [There is already a forwarding for remote port ]
  + Utf8 [This SSH2 channel is not open (]
  + Utf8 [Too late, this connection is closed.]
  + Utf8 [US-ASCII]
  + Utf8 [UTF-8]
  + Utf8 [Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE message for non-existent channel ]
  + Utf8 [Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA message for non-existent channel ]
  + Utf8 [Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF message for non-existent channel ]
  + Utf8 [Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA message for non-existent channel ]
  + Utf8 [Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE message for non-existent channel ]
  + Utf8 [Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION message for channel ]
  + Utf8 [Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION message for non-existent channel ]
  + Utf8 [Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE message for non-existent channel ]
  + Utf8 [Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST message for non-existent channel ]
  + Utf8 [Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS message for non-existent channel ]
  + Utf8 [Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST message for non-existent channel ]
  + Utf8 [Unexpected X11 request, denying it!]
  + Utf8 [Unexpected forwarded-tcpip request, denying it!]
  + Utf8 [Unknown channel type]
  + Utf8 [X11 forwarding not activated]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [aar]
  + Utf8 [aat]
  + Utf8 [addChannel]
  + Utf8 [addElement]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [arraycopy]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [authAgent]
  + Utf8 [avail]
  + Utf8 [bindAddress]
  + Utf8 [bindPort]
  + Utf8 [buffer]
  + Utf8 [c]
  + Utf8 [cc]
  + Utf8 [channelSendLock]
  + Utf8 [channelType]
  + Utf8 [channel_copy]
  + Utf8 [channels]
  + Utf8 [charAt]
  + Utf8 [checkX11Cookie]
  + Utf8 [clone]
  + Utf8 [closeAllChannels]
  + Utf8 [closeChannel]
  + Utf8 [closeMessageRecv]
  + Utf8 [closeMessageSent]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/IChannelWorkerThread]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteForwardingData]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/X11ServerData]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelAuthAgentReq]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenFailure]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalCancelForwardRequest]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalForwardRequest]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenSessionChannel]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyRequest]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyResize]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionStartShell]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager]
  + Utf8 [condition_mask]
  + Utf8 [copylen]
  + Utf8 [currentTimeMillis]
  + Utf8 [current_cond]
  + Utf8 [dataType]
  + Utf8 [description]
  + Utf8 [descriptionBuffer]
  + Utf8 [detail]
  + Utf8 [dtc]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [elementAt]
  + Utf8 [end_time]
  + Utf8 [end_time_set]
  + Utf8 [equals]
  + Utf8 [estimatedMaxDataLen]
  + Utf8 [exit-signal]
  + Utf8 [exit-status]
  + Utf8 [exit_signal]
  + Utf8 [exit_status]
  + Utf8 [extended]
  + Utf8 [failedCounter]
  + Utf8 [force]
  + Utf8 [forwarded-tcpip]
  + Utf8 [get]
  + Utf8 [getAvailable]
  + Utf8 [getChannel]
  + Utf8 [getChannelData]
  + Utf8 [getExitSignal]
  + Utf8 [getExitStatus]
  + Utf8 [getLogger]
  + Utf8 [getPacketOverheadEstimate]
  + Utf8 [getPayload]
  + Utf8 [getReasonClosed]
  + Utf8 [globalFailedCounter]
  + Utf8 [globalSuccessCounter]
  + Utf8 [handleMessage]
  + Utf8 [hexFakeCookie]
  + Utf8 [hexFakeCookie may not be null]
  + Utf8 [hexX11FakeCookie]
  + Utf8 [host_to_connect]
  + Utf8 [huge]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [id]
  + Utf8 [increment]
  + Utf8 [initCause]
  + Utf8 [initialWindowSize]
  + Utf8 [isEnabled]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Integer]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/InterruptedException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Math]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuffer]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [java/util/HashMap]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Vector]
  + Utf8 [key]
  + Utf8 [killChannels]
  + Utf8 [lat]
  + Utf8 [len]
  + Utf8 [length]
  + Utf8 [listenerThreads]
  + Utf8 [listenerThreadsAllowed]
  + Utf8 [localID]
  + Utf8 [localMaxPacketSize]
  + Utf8 [localWindow]
  + Utf8 [log]
  + Utf8 [maxPacketSize]
  + Utf8 [min]
  + Utf8 [minFreeSpace]
  + Utf8 [msg]
  + Utf8 [msgChannelClose]
  + Utf8 [msgChannelData]
  + Utf8 [msgChannelEOF]
  + Utf8 [msgChannelExtendedData]
  + Utf8 [msgChannelFailure]
  + Utf8 [msgChannelOpen]
  + Utf8 [msgChannelOpenConfirmation]
  + Utf8 [msgChannelOpenFailure]
  + Utf8 [msgChannelRequest]
  + Utf8 [msgChannelSuccess]
  + Utf8 [msgChannelWindowAdjust]
  + Utf8 [msgGlobalFailure]
  + Utf8 [msgGlobalRequest]
  + Utf8 [msgGlobalSuccess]
  + Utf8 [msgWindowAdjust]
  + Utf8 [msglen]
  + Utf8 [nextLocalChannel]
  + Utf8 [notifyAll]
  + Utf8 [off]
  + Utf8 [openDirectTCPIPChannel]
  + Utf8 [openSessionChannel]
  + Utf8 [originator_IP_address]
  + Utf8 [originator_port]
  + Utf8 [pcoc]
  + Utf8 [pcof]
  + Utf8 [pgcf]
  + Utf8 [pgf]
  + Utf8 [port_to_connect]
  + Utf8 [pos]
  + Utf8 [put]
  + Utf8 [rat]
  + Utf8 [readBoolean]
  + Utf8 [readByte]
  + Utf8 [readString]
  + Utf8 [readUINT32]
  + Utf8 [reason]
  + Utf8 [reasonCode]
  + Utf8 [reasonCodeSymbolicName]
  + Utf8 [recipientChannelID]
  + Utf8 [registerMessageHandler]
  + Utf8 [registerThread]
  + Utf8 [remain]
  + Utf8 [remoteConnectedAddress]
  + Utf8 [remoteConnectedPort]
  + Utf8 [remoteForwardings]
  + Utf8 [remoteID]
  + Utf8 [remoteMaxPacketSize]
  + Utf8 [remoteOriginatorAddress]
  + Utf8 [remoteOriginatorPort]
  + Utf8 [remoteWindow]
  + Utf8 [remove]
  + Utf8 [removeChannel]
  + Utf8 [removeElementAt]
  + Utf8 [reply]
  + Utf8 [reply_failure]
  + Utf8 [requestCancelGlobalForward]
  + Utf8 [requestChannelAgentForwarding]
  + Utf8 [requestGlobalForward]
  + Utf8 [requestName]
  + Utf8 [requestPTY]
  + Utf8 [requestShell]
  + Utf8 [resizePTY]
  + Utf8 [rfd]
  + Utf8 [rxat]
  + Utf8 [sendAsynchronousMessage]
  + Utf8 [sendData]
  + Utf8 [sendEOF]
  + Utf8 [sendMessage]
  + Utf8 [sendOpenConfirmation]
  + Utf8 [senderChannelID]
  + Utf8 [setCharAt]
  + Utf8 [setDaemon]
  + Utf8 [setReasonClosed]
  + Utf8 [setSize]
  + Utf8 [shutdown]
  + Utf8 [signame]
  + Utf8 [size]
  + Utf8 [sm]
  + Utf8 [smo]
  + Utf8 [spr]
  + Utf8 [start]
  + Utf8 [state]
  + Utf8 [state: ]
  + Utf8 [stderrAvail]
  + Utf8 [stderrBuffer]
  + Utf8 [stderrReadpos]
  + Utf8 [stderrWritepos]
  + Utf8 [stdoutAvail]
  + Utf8 [stdoutBuffer]
  + Utf8 [stdoutReadpos]
  + Utf8 [stdoutWritepos]
  + Utf8 [stopWorking]
  + Utf8 [successCounter]
  + Utf8 [target]
  + Utf8 [targetAddress]
  + Utf8 [targetPort]
  + Utf8 [term]
  + Utf8 [term_height_characters]
  + Utf8 [term_height_pixels]
  + Utf8 [term_width_characters]
  + Utf8 [term_width_pixels]
  + Utf8 [terminal_modes]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [thislen]
  + Utf8 [thr]
  + Utf8 [timeout]
  + Utf8 [tm]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [tr]
  + Utf8 [trimToSize]
  + Utf8 [type]
  + Utf8 [unRegisterX11Cookie]
  + Utf8 [wait]
  + Utf8 [waitForChannelRequestResult]
  + Utf8 [waitForCondition]
  + Utf8 [waitForGlobalRequestResult]
  + Utf8 [waitUntilChannelOpen]
  + Utf8 [wantReply]
  + Utf8 [windowChange]
  + Utf8 [x11]
  + Utf8 [x11_magic_cookies]

Fields (count = 12):
  + Field:        log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final com.trilead.ssh2.log.Logger log
  + Field:        x11_magic_cookies Ljava/util/HashMap;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.util.HashMap x11_magic_cookies
  + Field:        tm Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private com.trilead.ssh2.transport.TransportManager tm
  + Field:        channels Ljava/util/Vector;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.util.Vector channels
  + Field:        nextLocalChannel I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int nextLocalChannel
  + Field:        shutdown Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean shutdown
  + Field:        globalSuccessCounter I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int globalSuccessCounter
  + Field:        globalFailedCounter I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int globalFailedCounter
  + Field:        remoteForwardings Ljava/util/HashMap;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.util.HashMap remoteForwardings
  + Field:        authAgent Lcom/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private com.trilead.ssh2.AuthAgentCallback authAgent
  + Field:        listenerThreads Ljava/util/Vector;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.util.Vector listenerThreads
  + Field:        listenerThreadsAllowed Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean listenerThreadsAllowed

Methods (count = 42):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 9, locals = 0, stack = 1):
      [0] ldc #113
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager]
      [2] invokestatic #226
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.getLogger (Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [5] putstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [8] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 41
        [8] -> line 39
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public ChannelManager(com.trilead.ssh2.transport.TransportManager)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 89, locals = 2, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #266
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] new #143
        + Class [java/util/HashMap]
      [8] dup
      [9] invokespecial #283
        + Methodref [java/util/HashMap.<init> ()V]
      [12] putfield #181
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.x11_magic_cookies Ljava/util/HashMap;]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] new #144
        + Class [java/util/Vector]
      [19] dup
      [20] invokespecial #288
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.<init> ()V]
      [23] putfield #171
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.channels Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] bipush 100
      [29] putfield #177
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.nextLocalChannel I]
      [32] aload_0 v0
      [33] iconst_0
      [34] putfield #179
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.shutdown Z]
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] iconst_0
      [39] putfield #173
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.globalSuccessCounter I]
      [42] aload_0 v0
      [43] iconst_0
      [44] putfield #172
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.globalFailedCounter I]
      [47] aload_0 v0
      [48] new #143
        + Class [java/util/HashMap]
      [51] dup
      [52] invokespecial #283
        + Methodref [java/util/HashMap.<init> ()V]
      [55] putfield #178
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.remoteForwardings Ljava/util/HashMap;]
      [58] aload_0 v0
      [59] new #144
        + Class [java/util/Vector]
      [62] dup
      [63] invokespecial #288
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.<init> ()V]
      [66] putfield #174
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.listenerThreads Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [69] aload_0 v0
      [70] iconst_1
      [71] putfield #175
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.listenerThreadsAllowed Z]
      [74] aload_0 v0
      [75] aload_1 v1
      [76] putfield #180
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [79] aload_1 v1
      [80] aload_0 v0
      [81] bipush 80
      [83] bipush 100
      [85] invokevirtual #258
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.registerMessageHandler (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler;II)V]
      [88] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 13)
        [0] -> line 61
        [4] -> line 43
        [15] -> line 47
        [26] -> line 48
        [32] -> line 49
        [37] -> line 50
        [42] -> line 51
        [47] -> line 53
        [58] -> line 57
        [69] -> line 59
        [74] -> line 63
        [79] -> line 64
        [88] -> line 65
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 89 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 89 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager; tm]
  + Method:       getChannel(I)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private getChannel(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 63, locals = 5, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #171
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.channels Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [4] dup
      [5] astore_2 v2
      [6] monitorenter
      [7] iconst_0
      [8] istore_3 v3
      [9] goto +33 (target=42)
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] getfield #171
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.channels Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [16] iload_3 v3
      [17] invokevirtual #291
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.elementAt (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [20] checkcast #112
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel]
      [23] astore v4
      [25] aload v4
      [27] getfield #155
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.localID I]
      [30] iload_1 v1
      [31] ificmpne +8 (target=39)
      [34] aload v4
      [36] aload_2 v2
      [37] monitorexit
      [38] areturn
      [39] iinc v3, 1
      [42] iload_3 v3
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] getfield #171
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.channels Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [47] invokevirtual #294
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.size ()I]
      [50] ificmplt -38 (target=12)
      [53] aload_2 v2
      [54] monitorexit
      [55] goto +6 (target=61)
      [58] aload_2 v2
      [59] monitorexit
      [60] athrow
      [61] aconst_null
      [62] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 3):
      + ExceptionInfo (7 -> 38: 58):
      + ExceptionInfo (39 -> 55: 58):
      + ExceptionInfo (58 -> 60: 58):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 69
        [7] -> line 71
        [12] -> line 73
        [25] -> line 74
        [34] -> line 75
        [39] -> line 71
        [53] -> line 69
        [61] -> line 78
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 63 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 63 [I id]
        v3: 9 -> 53 [I i]
        v4: 25 -> 39 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; c]
  + Method:       removeChannel(I)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void removeChannel(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 68, locals = 5, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #171
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.channels Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [4] dup
      [5] astore_2 v2
      [6] monitorenter
      [7] iconst_0
      [8] istore_3 v3
      [9] goto +39 (target=48)
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] getfield #171
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.channels Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [16] iload_3 v3
      [17] invokevirtual #291
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.elementAt (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [20] checkcast #112
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel]
      [23] astore v4
      [25] aload v4
      [27] getfield #155
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.localID I]
      [30] iload_1 v1
      [31] ificmpne +14 (target=45)
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] getfield #171
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.channels Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [38] iload_3 v3
      [39] invokevirtual #292
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.removeElementAt (I)V]
      [42] goto +17 (target=59)
      [45] iinc v3, 1
      [48] iload_3 v3
      [49] aload_0 v0
      [50] getfield #171
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.channels Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [53] invokevirtual #294
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.size ()I]
      [56] ificmplt -44 (target=12)
      [59] aload_2 v2
      [60] monitorexit
      [61] goto +6 (target=67)
      [64] aload_2 v2
      [65] monitorexit
      [66] athrow
      [67] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (7 -> 61: 64):
      + ExceptionInfo (64 -> 66: 64):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 83
        [7] -> line 85
        [12] -> line 87
        [25] -> line 88
        [34] -> line 90
        [42] -> line 91
        [45] -> line 85
        [59] -> line 83
        [67] -> line 95
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 68 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 68 [I id]
        v3: 9 -> 59 [I i]
        v4: 25 -> 45 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; c]
  + Method:       addChannel(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int addChannel(
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 32, locals = 3, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #171
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.channels Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [4] dup
      [5] astore_2 v2
      [6] monitorenter
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #171
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.channels Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [11] aload_1 v1
      [12] invokevirtual #289
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.addElement (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] dup
      [17] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.nextLocalChannel I]
      [20] dup_x1
      [21] iconst_1
      [22] iadd
      [23] putfield #177
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.nextLocalChannel I]
      [26] aload_2 v2
      [27] monitorexit
      [28] ireturn
      [29] aload_2 v2
      [30] monitorexit
      [31] athrow
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (7 -> 28: 29):
      + ExceptionInfo (29 -> 31: 29):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 99
        [7] -> line 101
        [15] -> line 102
        [29] -> line 99
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 32 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 32 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; c]
  + Method:       waitUntilChannelOpen(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void waitUntilChannelOpen(
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 106, locals = 4, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] dup
      [2] astore_2 v2
      [3] monitorenter
      [4] goto +11 (target=15)
      [7] aload_1 v1
      [8] invokevirtual #268
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.wait ()V]
      [11] goto +4 (target=15)
      [14] astore_3 v3
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] getfield #162
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.state I]
      [19] iconst_1
      [20] ificmpeq -13 (target=7)
      [23] aload_1 v1
      [24] getfield #162
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.state I]
      [27] iconst_2
      [28] ificmpeq +69 (target=97)
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] aload_1 v1
      [33] getfield #155
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.localID I]
      [36] invokespecial #215
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.removeChannel (I)V]
      [39] aload_1 v1
      [40] invokevirtual #196
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.getReasonClosed ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [43] astore_3 v3
      [44] aload_3 v3
      [45] ifnonnull +23 (target=68)
      [48] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [51] dup
      [52] ldc #109
        + String [state: ]
      [54] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [57] aload_1 v1
      [58] getfield #162
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.state I]
      [61] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [64] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [67] astore_3 v3
      [68] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [71] dup
      [72] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [75] dup
      [76] ldc #29
        + String [Could not open channel (]
      [78] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [81] aload_3 v3
      [82] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [85] ldc #11
        + String [)]
      [87] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [90] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [93] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [96] athrow
      [97] aload_2 v2
      [98] monitorexit
      [99] goto +6 (target=105)
      [102] aload_2 v2
      [103] monitorexit
      [104] athrow
      [105] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 3):
      + ExceptionInfo (7 -> 11: 14):
      + Class [java/lang/InterruptedException]
      + ExceptionInfo (4 -> 99: 102):
      + ExceptionInfo (102 -> 104: 102):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 13)
        [0] -> line 108
        [4] -> line 110
        [7] -> line 114
        [14] -> line 116
        [15] -> line 110
        [23] -> line 121
        [31] -> line 123
        [39] -> line 125
        [44] -> line 127
        [48] -> line 128
        [68] -> line 130
        [97] -> line 108
        [105] -> line 133
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 106 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 106 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; c]
        v3: 44 -> 97 [Ljava/lang/String; detail]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       waitForGlobalRequestResult()Z
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final boolean waitForGlobalRequestResult()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 137, locals = 3, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #171
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.channels Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [4] dup
      [5] astore_1 v1
      [6] monitorenter
      [7] goto +31 (target=38)
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.shutdown Z]
      [14] ifeq +13 (target=27)
      [17] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [20] dup
      [21] ldc #77
        + String [The connection is being shutdown]
      [23] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [26] athrow
      [27] aload_0 v0
      [28] getfield #171
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.channels Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [31] invokevirtual #268
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.wait ()V]
      [34] goto +4 (target=38)
      [37] astore_2 v2
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] getfield #173
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.globalSuccessCounter I]
      [42] ifne +10 (target=52)
      [45] aload_0 v0
      [46] getfield #172
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.globalFailedCounter I]
      [49] ifeq -39 (target=10)
      [52] aload_0 v0
      [53] getfield #172
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.globalFailedCounter I]
      [56] ifne +15 (target=71)
      [59] aload_0 v0
      [60] getfield #173
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.globalSuccessCounter I]
      [63] iconst_1
      [64] ificmpne +7 (target=71)
      [67] aload_1 v1
      [68] monitorexit
      [69] iconst_1
      [70] ireturn
      [71] aload_0 v0
      [72] getfield #172
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.globalFailedCounter I]
      [75] iconst_1
      [76] ificmpne +14 (target=90)
      [79] aload_0 v0
      [80] getfield #173
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.globalSuccessCounter I]
      [83] ifne +7 (target=90)
      [86] aload_1 v1
      [87] monitorexit
      [88] iconst_0
      [89] ireturn
      [90] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [93] dup
      [94] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [97] dup
      [98] ldc #48
        + String [Illegal state. The server sent ]
      [100] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [103] aload_0 v0
      [104] getfield #173
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.globalSuccessCounter I]
      [107] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [110] ldc #7
        + String [ SSH_MSG_REQUEST_SUCCESS and ]
      [112] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [115] aload_0 v0
      [116] getfield #172
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.globalFailedCounter I]
      [119] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [122] ldc #6
        + String [ SSH_MSG_REQUEST_FAILURE messages.]
      [124] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [127] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [130] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [133] athrow
      [134] aload_1 v1
      [135] monitorexit
      [136] athrow
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 4):
      + ExceptionInfo (27 -> 34: 37):
      + Class [java/lang/InterruptedException]
      + ExceptionInfo (7 -> 69: 134):
      + ExceptionInfo (71 -> 88: 134):
      + ExceptionInfo (90 -> 136: 134):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 15)
        [0] -> line 137
        [7] -> line 139
        [10] -> line 141
        [17] -> line 143
        [27] -> line 148
        [37] -> line 150
        [38] -> line 139
        [52] -> line 155
        [67] -> line 156
        [71] -> line 158
        [86] -> line 159
        [90] -> line 161
        [110] -> line 162
        [130] -> line 161
        [134] -> line 137
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 137 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; this]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       waitForChannelRequestResult(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)Z
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final boolean waitForChannelRequestResult(
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 180, locals = 4, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] dup
      [2] astore_2 v2
      [3] monitorenter
      [4] goto +77 (target=81)
      [7] aload_1 v1
      [8] getfield #162
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.state I]
      [11] iconst_2
      [12] ificmpeq +61 (target=73)
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] invokevirtual #196
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.getReasonClosed ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [19] astore_3 v3
      [20] aload_3 v3
      [21] ifnonnull +23 (target=44)
      [24] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [27] dup
      [28] ldc #109
        + String [state: ]
      [30] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [33] aload_1 v1
      [34] getfield #162
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.state I]
      [37] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [40] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [43] astore_3 v3
      [44] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [47] dup
      [48] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [51] dup
      [52] ldc #84
        + String [This SSH2 channel is not open (]
      [54] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [57] aload_3 v3
      [58] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [61] ldc #11
        + String [)]
      [63] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [66] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [69] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [72] athrow
      [73] aload_1 v1
      [74] invokevirtual #268
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.wait ()V]
      [77] goto +4 (target=81)
      [80] astore_3 v3
      [81] aload_1 v1
      [82] getfield #169
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.successCounter I]
      [85] ifne +10 (target=95)
      [88] aload_1 v1
      [89] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.failedCounter I]
      [92] ifeq -85 (target=7)
      [95] aload_1 v1
      [96] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.failedCounter I]
      [99] ifne +15 (target=114)
      [102] aload_1 v1
      [103] getfield #169
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.successCounter I]
      [106] iconst_1
      [107] ificmpne +7 (target=114)
      [110] aload_2 v2
      [111] monitorexit
      [112] iconst_1
      [113] ireturn
      [114] aload_1 v1
      [115] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.failedCounter I]
      [118] iconst_1
      [119] ificmpne +14 (target=133)
      [122] aload_1 v1
      [123] getfield #169
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.successCounter I]
      [126] ifne +7 (target=133)
      [129] aload_2 v2
      [130] monitorexit
      [131] iconst_0
      [132] ireturn
      [133] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [136] dup
      [137] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [140] dup
      [141] ldc #48
        + String [Illegal state. The server sent ]
      [143] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [146] aload_1 v1
      [147] getfield #169
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.successCounter I]
      [150] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [153] ldc #5
        + String [ SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS and ]
      [155] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [158] aload_1 v1
      [159] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.failedCounter I]
      [162] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [165] ldc #4
        + String [ SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE messages.]
      [167] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [170] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [173] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [176] athrow
      [177] aload_2 v2
      [178] monitorexit
      [179] athrow
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 4):
      + ExceptionInfo (73 -> 77: 80):
      + Class [java/lang/InterruptedException]
      + ExceptionInfo (4 -> 112: 177):
      + ExceptionInfo (114 -> 131: 177):
      + ExceptionInfo (133 -> 179: 177):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 18)
        [0] -> line 168
        [4] -> line 170
        [7] -> line 172
        [15] -> line 174
        [20] -> line 176
        [24] -> line 177
        [44] -> line 179
        [73] -> line 184
        [80] -> line 186
        [81] -> line 170
        [95] -> line 191
        [110] -> line 192
        [114] -> line 194
        [129] -> line 195
        [133] -> line 197
        [153] -> line 198
        [173] -> line 197
        [177] -> line 168
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 180 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 180 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; c]
        v3: 20 -> 73 [Ljava/lang/String; detail]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       unRegisterX11Cookie(Ljava/lang/String;Z)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void unRegisterX11Cookie(java.lang.String,boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 169, locals = 7, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] ifnonnull +13 (target=14)
      [4] new #134
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
      [7] dup
      [8] ldc #108
        + String [hexFakeCookie may not be null]
      [10] invokespecial #263
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalStateException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [13] athrow
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] getfield #181
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.x11_magic_cookies Ljava/util/HashMap;]
      [18] dup
      [19] astore_3 v3
      [20] monitorenter
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] getfield #181
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.x11_magic_cookies Ljava/util/HashMap;]
      [25] aload_1 v1
      [26] invokevirtual #286
        + Methodref [java/util/HashMap.remove (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [29] pop
      [30] aload_3 v3
      [31] monitorexit
      [32] goto +6 (target=38)
      [35] aload_3 v3
      [36] monitorexit
      [37] athrow
      [38] iload_2 v2
      [39] ifne +4 (target=43)
      [42] return
      [43] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [46] invokevirtual #227
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
      [49] ifeq +13 (target=62)
      [52] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [55] bipush 50
      [57] ldc #27
        + String [Closing all X11 channels for the given fake cookie]
      [59] invokevirtual #228
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [62] aload_0 v0
      [63] getfield #171
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.channels Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [66] dup
      [67] astore v4
      [69] monitorenter
      [70] aload_0 v0
      [71] getfield #171
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.channels Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [74] invokevirtual #290
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.clone ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [77] checkcast #144
        + Class [java/util/Vector]
      [80] astore_3 v3
      [81] aload v4
      [83] monitorexit
      [84] goto +7 (target=91)
      [87] aload v4
      [89] monitorexit
      [90] athrow
      [91] iconst_0
      [92] istore v4
      [94] goto +65 (target=159)
      [97] aload_3 v3
      [98] iload v4
      [100] invokevirtual #291
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.elementAt (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [103] checkcast #112
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel]
      [106] astore v5
      [108] aload v5
      [110] dup
      [111] astore v6
      [113] monitorenter
      [114] aload_1 v1
      [115] aload v5
      [117] getfield #154
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.hexX11FakeCookie Ljava/lang/String;]
      [120] invokevirtual #270
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [123] ifne +9 (target=132)
      [126] aload v6
      [128] monitorexit
      [129] goto +27 (target=156)
      [132] aload v6
      [134] monitorexit
      [135] goto +7 (target=142)
      [138] aload v6
      [140] monitorexit
      [141] athrow
      [142] aload_0 v0
      [143] aload v5
      [145] ldc #26
        + String [Closing X11 channel since the corresponding session is closing]
      [147] iconst_1
      [148] invokevirtual #199
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.closeChannel (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
      [151] goto +5 (target=156)
      [154] astore v6
      [156] iinc v4, 1
      [159] iload v4
      [161] aload_3 v3
      [162] invokevirtual #294
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.size ()I]
      [165] ificmplt -68 (target=97)
      [168] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 8):
      + ExceptionInfo (21 -> 32: 35):
      + ExceptionInfo (35 -> 37: 35):
      + ExceptionInfo (70 -> 84: 87):
      + ExceptionInfo (87 -> 90: 87):
      + ExceptionInfo (114 -> 129: 138):
      + ExceptionInfo (132 -> 135: 138):
      + ExceptionInfo (138 -> 141: 138):
      + ExceptionInfo (142 -> 151: 154):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 22)
        [0] -> line 212
        [4] -> line 213
        [14] -> line 215
        [21] -> line 217
        [30] -> line 215
        [38] -> line 220
        [42] -> line 221
        [43] -> line 223
        [52] -> line 224
        [62] -> line 228
        [70] -> line 230
        [81] -> line 228
        [91] -> line 233
        [97] -> line 235
        [108] -> line 237
        [114] -> line 239
        [126] -> line 240
        [132] -> line 237
        [142] -> line 245
        [154] -> line 247
        [156] -> line 233
        [168] -> line 251
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 169 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 169 [Ljava/lang/String; hexFakeCookie]
        v2: 0 -> 169 [Z killChannels]
        v3: 81 -> 87 [Ljava/util/Vector; channel_copy]
        v3: 91 -> 169 [Ljava/util/Vector; channel_copy]
        v4: 94 -> 168 [I i]
        v5: 108 -> 156 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; c]
  + Method:       checkX11Cookie(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/X11ServerData;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public checkX11Cookie(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 35, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #181
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.x11_magic_cookies Ljava/util/HashMap;]
      [4] dup
      [5] astore_2 v2
      [6] monitorenter
      [7] aload_1 v1
      [8] ifnull +17 (target=25)
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] getfield #181
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.x11_magic_cookies Ljava/util/HashMap;]
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] invokevirtual #284
        + Methodref [java/util/HashMap.get (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [19] checkcast #118
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/X11ServerData]
      [22] aload_2 v2
      [23] monitorexit
      [24] areturn
      [25] aload_2 v2
      [26] monitorexit
      [27] goto +6 (target=33)
      [30] aload_2 v2
      [31] monitorexit
      [32] athrow
      [33] aconst_null
      [34] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 3):
      + ExceptionInfo (7 -> 24: 30):
      + ExceptionInfo (25 -> 27: 30):
      + ExceptionInfo (30 -> 32: 30):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 255
        [7] -> line 257
        [11] -> line 258
        [25] -> line 255
        [33] -> line 260
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 35 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 35 [Ljava/lang/String; hexFakeCookie]
  + Method:       closeAllChannels()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void closeAllChannels()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 84, locals = 5, stack = 4):
      [0] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [3] invokevirtual #227
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
      [6] ifeq +13 (target=19)
      [9] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [12] bipush 50
      [14] ldc #28
        + String [Closing all channels]
      [16] invokevirtual #228
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] getfield #171
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.channels Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [23] dup
      [24] astore_2 v2
      [25] monitorenter
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] getfield #171
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.channels Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [30] invokevirtual #290
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.clone ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [33] checkcast #144
        + Class [java/util/Vector]
      [36] astore_1 v1
      [37] aload_2 v2
      [38] monitorexit
      [39] goto +6 (target=45)
      [42] aload_2 v2
      [43] monitorexit
      [44] athrow
      [45] iconst_0
      [46] istore_2 v2
      [47] goto +28 (target=75)
      [50] aload_1 v1
      [51] iload_2 v2
      [52] invokevirtual #291
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.elementAt (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [55] checkcast #112
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel]
      [58] astore_3 v3
      [59] aload_0 v0
      [60] aload_3 v3
      [61] ldc #28
        + String [Closing all channels]
      [63] iconst_1
      [64] invokevirtual #199
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.closeChannel (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
      [67] goto +5 (target=72)
      [70] astore v4
      [72] iinc v2, 1
      [75] iload_2 v2
      [76] aload_1 v1
      [77] invokevirtual #294
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.size ()I]
      [80] ificmplt -30 (target=50)
      [83] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 3):
      + ExceptionInfo (26 -> 39: 42):
      + ExceptionInfo (42 -> 44: 42):
      + ExceptionInfo (59 -> 67: 70):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 11)
        [0] -> line 265
        [9] -> line 266
        [19] -> line 270
        [26] -> line 272
        [37] -> line 270
        [45] -> line 275
        [50] -> line 277
        [59] -> line 280
        [70] -> line 282
        [72] -> line 275
        [83] -> line 286
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 84 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; this]
        v1: 37 -> 42 [Ljava/util/Vector; channel_copy]
        v1: 45 -> 84 [Ljava/util/Vector; channel_copy]
        v2: 47 -> 83 [I i]
        v3: 59 -> 72 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; c]
  + Method:       closeChannel(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void closeChannel(,java.lang.String,boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 179, locals = 6, stack = 5):
      [0] iconst_5
      [1] newarray 8
      [3] astore v4
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] dup
      [7] astore v5
      [9] monitorenter
      [10] iload_3 v3
      [11] ifeq +13 (target=24)
      [14] aload_1 v1
      [15] iconst_4
      [16] putfield #162
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.state I]
      [19] aload_1 v1
      [20] iconst_1
      [21] putfield #147
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.EOF Z]
      [24] aload_1 v1
      [25] aload_2 v2
      [26] invokevirtual #197
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.setReasonClosed (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [29] aload v4
      [31] iconst_0
      [32] bipush 97
      [34] bastore
      [35] aload v4
      [37] iconst_1
      [38] aload_1 v1
      [39] getfield #159
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteID I]
      [42] bipush 24
      [44] ishr
      [45] i2b
      [46] bastore
      [47] aload v4
      [49] iconst_2
      [50] aload_1 v1
      [51] getfield #159
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteID I]
      [54] bipush 16
      [56] ishr
      [57] i2b
      [58] bastore
      [59] aload v4
      [61] iconst_3
      [62] aload_1 v1
      [63] getfield #159
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteID I]
      [66] bipush 8
      [68] ishr
      [69] i2b
      [70] bastore
      [71] aload v4
      [73] iconst_4
      [74] aload_1 v1
      [75] getfield #159
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteID I]
      [78] i2b
      [79] bastore
      [80] aload_1 v1
      [81] invokevirtual #267
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.notifyAll ()V]
      [84] aload v5
      [86] monitorexit
      [87] goto +7 (target=94)
      [90] aload v5
      [92] monitorexit
      [93] athrow
      [94] aload_1 v1
      [95] getfield #148
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.channelSendLock Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [98] dup
      [99] astore v5
      [101] monitorenter
      [102] aload_1 v1
      [103] getfield #150
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.closeMessageSent Z]
      [106] ifeq +7 (target=113)
      [109] aload v5
      [111] monitorexit
      [112] return
      [113] aload_0 v0
      [114] getfield #180
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [117] aload v4
      [119] invokevirtual #260
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sendMessage ([B)V]
      [122] aload_1 v1
      [123] iconst_1
      [124] putfield #150
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.closeMessageSent Z]
      [127] aload v5
      [129] monitorexit
      [130] goto +7 (target=137)
      [133] aload v5
      [135] monitorexit
      [136] athrow
      [137] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [140] invokevirtual #227
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
      [143] ifeq +35 (target=178)
      [146] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [149] bipush 50
      [151] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [154] dup
      [155] ldc #75
        + String [Sent SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE (channel ]
      [157] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [160] aload_1 v1
      [161] getfield #155
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.localID I]
      [164] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [167] ldc #11
        + String [)]
      [169] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [172] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [175] invokevirtual #228
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [178] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 5):
      + ExceptionInfo (10 -> 87: 90):
      + ExceptionInfo (90 -> 93: 90):
      + ExceptionInfo (102 -> 112: 133):
      + ExceptionInfo (113 -> 130: 133):
      + ExceptionInfo (133 -> 136: 133):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 22)
        [0] -> line 290
        [5] -> line 292
        [10] -> line 294
        [14] -> line 296
        [19] -> line 297
        [24] -> line 300
        [29] -> line 302
        [35] -> line 303
        [47] -> line 304
        [59] -> line 305
        [71] -> line 306
        [80] -> line 308
        [84] -> line 292
        [94] -> line 311
        [102] -> line 313
        [109] -> line 314
        [113] -> line 315
        [122] -> line 316
        [127] -> line 311
        [137] -> line 319
        [146] -> line 320
        [178] -> line 321
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 179 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 179 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; c]
        v2: 0 -> 179 [Ljava/lang/String; reason]
        v3: 0 -> 179 [Z force]
        v4: 5 -> 179 [[B msg]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       sendEOF(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void sendEOF(
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 160, locals = 4, stack = 5):
      [0] iconst_5
      [1] newarray 8
      [3] astore_2 v2
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] dup
      [6] astore_3 v3
      [7] monitorenter
      [8] aload_1 v1
      [9] getfield #162
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.state I]
      [12] iconst_2
      [13] ificmpeq +6 (target=19)
      [16] aload_3 v3
      [17] monitorexit
      [18] return
      [19] aload_2 v2
      [20] iconst_0
      [21] bipush 96
      [23] bastore
      [24] aload_2 v2
      [25] iconst_1
      [26] aload_1 v1
      [27] getfield #159
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteID I]
      [30] bipush 24
      [32] ishr
      [33] i2b
      [34] bastore
      [35] aload_2 v2
      [36] iconst_2
      [37] aload_1 v1
      [38] getfield #159
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteID I]
      [41] bipush 16
      [43] ishr
      [44] i2b
      [45] bastore
      [46] aload_2 v2
      [47] iconst_3
      [48] aload_1 v1
      [49] getfield #159
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteID I]
      [52] bipush 8
      [54] ishr
      [55] i2b
      [56] bastore
      [57] aload_2 v2
      [58] iconst_4
      [59] aload_1 v1
      [60] getfield #159
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteID I]
      [63] i2b
      [64] bastore
      [65] aload_3 v3
      [66] monitorexit
      [67] goto +6 (target=73)
      [70] aload_3 v3
      [71] monitorexit
      [72] athrow
      [73] aload_1 v1
      [74] getfield #148
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.channelSendLock Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [77] dup
      [78] astore_3 v3
      [79] monitorenter
      [80] aload_1 v1
      [81] getfield #150
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.closeMessageSent Z]
      [84] ifeq +6 (target=90)
      [87] aload_3 v3
      [88] monitorexit
      [89] return
      [90] aload_0 v0
      [91] getfield #180
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [94] aload_2 v2
      [95] invokevirtual #260
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sendMessage ([B)V]
      [98] aload_3 v3
      [99] monitorexit
      [100] goto +6 (target=106)
      [103] aload_3 v3
      [104] monitorexit
      [105] athrow
      [106] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [109] invokevirtual #227
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
      [112] ifeq +47 (target=159)
      [115] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [118] bipush 50
      [120] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [123] dup
      [124] ldc #74
        + String [Sent EOF (Channel ]
      [126] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [129] aload_1 v1
      [130] getfield #155
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.localID I]
      [133] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [136] ldc #17
        + String [/]
      [138] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [141] aload_1 v1
      [142] getfield #159
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteID I]
      [145] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [148] ldc #11
        + String [)]
      [150] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [153] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [156] invokevirtual #228
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [159] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 6):
      + ExceptionInfo (8 -> 18: 70):
      + ExceptionInfo (19 -> 67: 70):
      + ExceptionInfo (70 -> 72: 70):
      + ExceptionInfo (80 -> 89: 103):
      + ExceptionInfo (90 -> 100: 103):
      + ExceptionInfo (103 -> 105: 103):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 18)
        [0] -> line 325
        [4] -> line 327
        [8] -> line 329
        [16] -> line 330
        [19] -> line 332
        [24] -> line 333
        [35] -> line 334
        [46] -> line 335
        [57] -> line 336
        [65] -> line 327
        [73] -> line 339
        [80] -> line 341
        [87] -> line 342
        [90] -> line 343
        [98] -> line 339
        [106] -> line 346
        [115] -> line 347
        [159] -> line 348
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 160 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 160 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; c]
        v2: 4 -> 160 [[B msg]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       sendOpenConfirmation(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void sendOpenConfirmation(
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 91, locals = 4, stack = 6):
      [0] aconst_null
      [1] astore_2 v2
      [2] aload_1 v1
      [3] dup
      [4] astore_3 v3
      [5] monitorenter
      [6] aload_1 v1
      [7] getfield #162
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.state I]
      [10] iconst_1
      [11] ificmpeq +6 (target=17)
      [14] aload_3 v3
      [15] monitorexit
      [16] return
      [17] aload_1 v1
      [18] iconst_2
      [19] putfield #162
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.state I]
      [22] new #121
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation]
      [25] dup
      [26] aload_1 v1
      [27] getfield #159
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteID I]
      [30] aload_1 v1
      [31] getfield #155
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.localID I]
      [34] aload_1 v1
      [35] getfield #157
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.localWindow I]
      [38] aload_1 v1
      [39] getfield #156
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.localMaxPacketSize I]
      [42] invokespecial #231
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation.<init> (IIII)V]
      [45] astore_2 v2
      [46] aload_3 v3
      [47] monitorexit
      [48] goto +6 (target=54)
      [51] aload_3 v3
      [52] monitorexit
      [53] athrow
      [54] aload_1 v1
      [55] getfield #148
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.channelSendLock Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [58] dup
      [59] astore_3 v3
      [60] monitorenter
      [61] aload_1 v1
      [62] getfield #150
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.closeMessageSent Z]
      [65] ifeq +6 (target=71)
      [68] aload_3 v3
      [69] monitorexit
      [70] return
      [71] aload_0 v0
      [72] getfield #180
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [75] aload_2 v2
      [76] invokevirtual #233
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation.getPayload ()[B]
      [79] invokevirtual #260
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sendMessage ([B)V]
      [82] aload_3 v3
      [83] monitorexit
      [84] goto +6 (target=90)
      [87] aload_3 v3
      [88] monitorexit
      [89] athrow
      [90] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 6):
      + ExceptionInfo (6 -> 16: 51):
      + ExceptionInfo (17 -> 48: 51):
      + ExceptionInfo (51 -> 53: 51):
      + ExceptionInfo (61 -> 70: 87):
      + ExceptionInfo (71 -> 84: 87):
      + ExceptionInfo (87 -> 89: 87):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 13)
        [0] -> line 352
        [2] -> line 354
        [6] -> line 356
        [14] -> line 357
        [17] -> line 359
        [22] -> line 361
        [46] -> line 354
        [54] -> line 364
        [61] -> line 366
        [68] -> line 367
        [71] -> line 368
        [82] -> line 364
        [90] -> line 370
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 91 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 91 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; c]
        v2: 2 -> 91 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation; pcoc]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       sendData(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;[BII)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void sendData(,byte[],int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 391, locals = 9, stack = 5):
      [0] goto +385 (target=385)
      [3] iconst_0
      [4] istore v5
      [6] aload_1 v1
      [7] dup
      [8] astore v7
      [10] monitorenter
      [11] aload_1 v1
      [12] getfield #162
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.state I]
      [15] iconst_4
      [16] ificmpne +35 (target=51)
      [19] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [22] dup
      [23] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [26] dup
      [27] ldc #56
        + String [SSH channel is closed. (]
      [29] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [32] aload_1 v1
      [33] invokevirtual #196
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.getReasonClosed ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [36] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [39] ldc #11
        + String [)]
      [41] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [44] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [47] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [50] athrow
      [51] aload_1 v1
      [52] getfield #162
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.state I]
      [55] iconst_2
      [56] ificmpeq +35 (target=91)
      [59] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [62] dup
      [63] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [66] dup
      [67] ldc #55
        + String [SSH channel in strange state. (]
      [69] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [72] aload_1 v1
      [73] getfield #162
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.state I]
      [76] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [79] ldc #11
        + String [)]
      [81] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [84] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [87] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [90] athrow
      [91] aload_1 v1
      [92] getfield #161
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteWindow J]
      [95] lconst_0
      [96] lcmp
      [97] ifeq +6 (target=103)
      [100] goto +15 (target=115)
      [103] aload_1 v1
      [104] invokevirtual #268
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.wait ()V]
      [107] goto -96 (target=11)
      [110] astore v8
      [112] goto -101 (target=11)
      [115] aload_1 v1
      [116] getfield #161
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteWindow J]
      [119] iload v4
      [121] i2l
      [122] lcmp
      [123] iflt +8 (target=131)
      [126] iload v4
      [128] goto +8 (target=136)
      [131] aload_1 v1
      [132] getfield #161
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteWindow J]
      [135] l2i
      [136] istore v5
      [138] aload_1 v1
      [139] getfield #160
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteMaxPacketSize I]
      [142] aload_0 v0
      [143] getfield #180
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [146] invokevirtual #257
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.getPacketOverheadEstimate ()I]
      [149] bipush 9
      [151] iadd
      [152] isub
      [153] istore v8
      [155] iload v8
      [157] ifgt +6 (target=163)
      [160] iconst_1
      [161] istore v8
      [163] iload v5
      [165] iload v8
      [167] ificmple +7 (target=174)
      [170] iload v8
      [172] istore v5
      [174] aload_1 v1
      [175] dup
      [176] getfield #161
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteWindow J]
      [179] iload v5
      [181] i2l
      [182] lsub
      [183] putfield #161
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteWindow J]
      [186] bipush 9
      [188] iload v5
      [190] iadd
      [191] newarray 8
      [193] astore v6
      [195] aload v6
      [197] iconst_0
      [198] bipush 94
      [200] bastore
      [201] aload v6
      [203] iconst_1
      [204] aload_1 v1
      [205] getfield #159
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteID I]
      [208] bipush 24
      [210] ishr
      [211] i2b
      [212] bastore
      [213] aload v6
      [215] iconst_2
      [216] aload_1 v1
      [217] getfield #159
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteID I]
      [220] bipush 16
      [222] ishr
      [223] i2b
      [224] bastore
      [225] aload v6
      [227] iconst_3
      [228] aload_1 v1
      [229] getfield #159
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteID I]
      [232] bipush 8
      [234] ishr
      [235] i2b
      [236] bastore
      [237] aload v6
      [239] iconst_4
      [240] aload_1 v1
      [241] getfield #159
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteID I]
      [244] i2b
      [245] bastore
      [246] aload v6
      [248] iconst_5
      [249] iload v5
      [251] bipush 24
      [253] ishr
      [254] i2b
      [255] bastore
      [256] aload v6
      [258] bipush 6
      [260] iload v5
      [262] bipush 16
      [264] ishr
      [265] i2b
      [266] bastore
      [267] aload v6
      [269] bipush 7
      [271] iload v5
      [273] bipush 8
      [275] ishr
      [276] i2b
      [277] bastore
      [278] aload v6
      [280] bipush 8
      [282] iload v5
      [284] i2b
      [285] bastore
      [286] aload_2 v2
      [287] iload_3 v3
      [288] aload v6
      [290] bipush 9
      [292] iload v5
      [294] invokestatic #281
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [297] aload v7
      [299] monitorexit
      [300] goto +7 (target=307)
      [303] aload v7
      [305] monitorexit
      [306] athrow
      [307] aload_1 v1
      [308] getfield #148
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.channelSendLock Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [311] dup
      [312] astore v7
      [314] monitorenter
      [315] aload_1 v1
      [316] getfield #150
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.closeMessageSent Z]
      [319] ifeq +35 (target=354)
      [322] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [325] dup
      [326] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [329] dup
      [330] ldc #56
        + String [SSH channel is closed. (]
      [332] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [335] aload_1 v1
      [336] invokevirtual #196
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.getReasonClosed ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [339] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [342] ldc #11
        + String [)]
      [344] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [347] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [350] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [353] athrow
      [354] aload_0 v0
      [355] getfield #180
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [358] aload v6
      [360] invokevirtual #260
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sendMessage ([B)V]
      [363] aload v7
      [365] monitorexit
      [366] goto +7 (target=373)
      [369] aload v7
      [371] monitorexit
      [372] athrow
      [373] iload_3 v3
      [374] iload v5
      [376] iadd
      [377] istore_3 v3
      [378] iload v4
      [380] iload v5
      [382] isub
      [383] istore v4
      [385] iload v4
      [387] ifgt -384 (target=3)
      [390] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 5):
      + ExceptionInfo (103 -> 107: 110):
      + Class [java/lang/InterruptedException]
      + ExceptionInfo (11 -> 300: 303):
      + ExceptionInfo (303 -> 306: 303):
      + ExceptionInfo (315 -> 366: 369):
      + ExceptionInfo (369 -> 372: 369):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 40)
        [0] -> line 374
        [3] -> line 376
        [6] -> line 379
        [11] -> line 383
        [19] -> line 384
        [51] -> line 386
        [59] -> line 387
        [91] -> line 389
        [100] -> line 390
        [103] -> line 394
        [110] -> line 396
        [112] -> line 381
        [115] -> line 403
        [138] -> line 405
        [155] -> line 409
        [160] -> line 411
        [163] -> line 414
        [170] -> line 415
        [174] -> line 417
        [186] -> line 419
        [195] -> line 421
        [201] -> line 422
        [213] -> line 423
        [225] -> line 424
        [237] -> line 425
        [246] -> line 426
        [256] -> line 427
        [267] -> line 428
        [278] -> line 429
        [286] -> line 431
        [297] -> line 379
        [307] -> line 434
        [315] -> line 436
        [322] -> line 437
        [354] -> line 439
        [363] -> line 434
        [373] -> line 442
        [378] -> line 443
        [385] -> line 374
        [390] -> line 445
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 9)
        v0: 0 -> 391 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 391 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; c]
        v2: 0 -> 391 [[B buffer]
        v3: 0 -> 391 [I pos]
        v4: 0 -> 391 [I len]
        v5: 6 -> 385 [I thislen]
        v6: 195 -> 303 [[B msg]
        v6: 307 -> 385 [[B msg]
        v8: 155 -> 297 [I estimatedMaxDataLen]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       requestGlobalForward(Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int requestGlobalForward(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 261, locals = 9, stack = 5):
      [0] new #116
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteForwardingData]
      [3] dup
      [4] invokespecial #222
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteForwardingData.<init> ()V]
      [7] astore v5
      [9] aload v5
      [11] aload_1 v1
      [12] putfield #182
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteForwardingData.bindAddress Ljava/lang/String;]
      [15] aload v5
      [17] iload_2 v2
      [18] putfield #183
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteForwardingData.bindPort I]
      [21] aload v5
      [23] aload_3 v3
      [24] putfield #184
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteForwardingData.targetAddress Ljava/lang/String;]
      [27] aload v5
      [29] iload v4
      [31] putfield #185
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteForwardingData.targetPort I]
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] getfield #178
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.remoteForwardings Ljava/util/HashMap;]
      [38] dup
      [39] astore v6
      [41] monitorenter
      [42] new #135
        + Class [java/lang/Integer]
      [45] dup
      [46] iload_2 v2
      [47] invokespecial #264
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.<init> (I)V]
      [50] astore v7
      [52] aload_0 v0
      [53] getfield #178
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.remoteForwardings Ljava/util/HashMap;]
      [56] aload v7
      [58] invokevirtual #284
        + Methodref [java/util/HashMap.get (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [61] ifnull +27 (target=88)
      [64] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [67] dup
      [68] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [71] dup
      [72] ldc #83
        + String [There is already a forwarding for remote port ]
      [74] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [77] iload_2 v2
      [78] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [81] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [84] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [87] athrow
      [88] aload_0 v0
      [89] getfield #178
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.remoteForwardings Ljava/util/HashMap;]
      [92] aload v7
      [94] aload v5
      [96] invokevirtual #285
        + Methodref [java/util/HashMap.put (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [99] pop
      [100] aload v6
      [102] monitorexit
      [103] goto +7 (target=110)
      [106] aload v6
      [108] monitorexit
      [109] athrow
      [110] aload_0 v0
      [111] getfield #171
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.channels Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [114] dup
      [115] astore v6
      [117] monitorenter
      [118] aload_0 v0
      [119] aload_0 v0
      [120] iconst_0
      [121] dup_x1
      [122] putfield #172
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.globalFailedCounter I]
      [125] putfield #173
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.globalSuccessCounter I]
      [128] aload v6
      [130] monitorexit
      [131] goto +7 (target=138)
      [134] aload v6
      [136] monitorexit
      [137] athrow
      [138] new #124
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalForwardRequest]
      [141] dup
      [142] iconst_1
      [143] aload_1 v1
      [144] iload_2 v2
      [145] invokespecial #238
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalForwardRequest.<init> (ZLjava/lang/String;I)V]
      [148] astore v6
      [150] aload_0 v0
      [151] getfield #180
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [154] aload v6
      [156] invokevirtual #239
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalForwardRequest.getPayload ()[B]
      [159] invokevirtual #260
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sendMessage ([B)V]
      [162] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [165] invokevirtual #227
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
      [168] ifeq +41 (target=209)
      [171] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [174] bipush 50
      [176] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [179] dup
      [180] ldc #52
        + String [Requesting a remote forwarding (']
      [182] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [185] aload_1 v1
      [186] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [189] ldc #10
        + String [', ]
      [191] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [194] iload_2 v2
      [195] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [198] ldc #11
        + String [)]
      [200] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [203] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [206] invokevirtual #228
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [209] aload_0 v0
      [210] invokespecial #217
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.waitForGlobalRequestResult ()Z]
      [213] ifne +46 (target=259)
      [216] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [219] dup
      [220] ldc #79
        + String [The server denied the request (did you enable port forwarding?)]
      [222] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [225] athrow
      [226] astore v7
      [228] aload_0 v0
      [229] getfield #178
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.remoteForwardings Ljava/util/HashMap;]
      [232] dup
      [233] astore v8
      [235] monitorenter
      [236] aload_0 v0
      [237] getfield #178
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.remoteForwardings Ljava/util/HashMap;]
      [240] aload v5
      [242] invokevirtual #286
        + Methodref [java/util/HashMap.remove (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [245] pop
      [246] aload v8
      [248] monitorexit
      [249] goto +7 (target=256)
      [252] aload v8
      [254] monitorexit
      [255] athrow
      [256] aload v7
      [258] athrow
      [259] iload_2 v2
      [260] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 7):
      + ExceptionInfo (42 -> 103: 106):
      + ExceptionInfo (106 -> 109: 106):
      + ExceptionInfo (118 -> 131: 134):
      + ExceptionInfo (134 -> 137: 134):
      + ExceptionInfo (209 -> 226: 226):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (236 -> 249: 252):
      + ExceptionInfo (252 -> 255: 252):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 26)
        [0] -> line 450
        [9] -> line 452
        [15] -> line 453
        [21] -> line 454
        [27] -> line 455
        [34] -> line 457
        [42] -> line 459
        [52] -> line 461
        [64] -> line 463
        [88] -> line 466
        [100] -> line 457
        [110] -> line 469
        [118] -> line 471
        [128] -> line 469
        [138] -> line 474
        [150] -> line 475
        [162] -> line 477
        [171] -> line 478
        [209] -> line 482
        [216] -> line 483
        [226] -> line 485
        [228] -> line 487
        [236] -> line 489
        [246] -> line 487
        [256] -> line 491
        [259] -> line 494
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 9)
        v0: 0 -> 261 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 261 [Ljava/lang/String; bindAddress]
        v2: 0 -> 261 [I bindPort]
        v3: 0 -> 261 [Ljava/lang/String; targetAddress]
        v4: 0 -> 261 [I targetPort]
        v5: 9 -> 261 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteForwardingData; rfd]
        v7: 52 -> 100 [Ljava/lang/Integer; key]
        v6: 150 -> 261 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalForwardRequest; pgf]
        v7: 228 -> 259 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       requestCancelGlobalForward(I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void requestCancelGlobalForward(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 247, locals = 6, stack = 5):
      [0] aconst_null
      [1] astore_2 v2
      [2] aload_0 v0
      [3] getfield #178
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.remoteForwardings Ljava/util/HashMap;]
      [6] dup
      [7] astore_3 v3
      [8] monitorenter
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] getfield #178
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.remoteForwardings Ljava/util/HashMap;]
      [13] new #135
        + Class [java/lang/Integer]
      [16] dup
      [17] iload_1 v1
      [18] invokespecial #264
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.<init> (I)V]
      [21] invokevirtual #284
        + Methodref [java/util/HashMap.get (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [24] checkcast #116
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteForwardingData]
      [27] astore_2 v2
      [28] aload_2 v2
      [29] ifnonnull +27 (target=56)
      [32] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [35] dup
      [36] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [39] dup
      [40] ldc #76
        + String [Sorry, there is no known remote forwarding for remote port ]
      [42] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [45] iload_1 v1
      [46] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [49] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [52] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [55] athrow
      [56] aload_3 v3
      [57] monitorexit
      [58] goto +6 (target=64)
      [61] aload_3 v3
      [62] monitorexit
      [63] athrow
      [64] aload_0 v0
      [65] getfield #171
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.channels Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [68] dup
      [69] astore_3 v3
      [70] monitorenter
      [71] aload_0 v0
      [72] aload_0 v0
      [73] iconst_0
      [74] dup_x1
      [75] putfield #172
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.globalFailedCounter I]
      [78] putfield #173
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.globalSuccessCounter I]
      [81] aload_3 v3
      [82] monitorexit
      [83] goto +6 (target=89)
      [86] aload_3 v3
      [87] monitorexit
      [88] athrow
      [89] new #123
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalCancelForwardRequest]
      [92] dup
      [93] iconst_1
      [94] aload_2 v2
      [95] getfield #182
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteForwardingData.bindAddress Ljava/lang/String;]
      [98] aload_2 v2
      [99] getfield #183
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteForwardingData.bindPort I]
      [102] invokespecial #236
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalCancelForwardRequest.<init> (ZLjava/lang/String;I)V]
      [105] astore_3 v3
      [106] aload_0 v0
      [107] getfield #180
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [110] aload_3 v3
      [111] invokevirtual #237
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalCancelForwardRequest.getPayload ()[B]
      [114] invokevirtual #260
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sendMessage ([B)V]
      [117] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [120] invokevirtual #227
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
      [123] ifeq +47 (target=170)
      [126] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [129] bipush 50
      [131] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [134] dup
      [135] ldc #54
        + String [Requesting cancelation of remote forward (']
      [137] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [140] aload_2 v2
      [141] getfield #182
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteForwardingData.bindAddress Ljava/lang/String;]
      [144] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [147] ldc #10
        + String [', ]
      [149] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [152] aload_2 v2
      [153] getfield #183
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteForwardingData.bindPort I]
      [156] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [159] ldc #11
        + String [)]
      [161] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [164] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [167] invokevirtual #228
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [170] aload_0 v0
      [171] invokespecial #217
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.waitForGlobalRequestResult ()Z]
      [174] ifne +45 (target=219)
      [177] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [180] dup
      [181] ldc #80
        + String [The server denied the request.]
      [183] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [186] athrow
      [187] astore v4
      [189] aload_0 v0
      [190] getfield #178
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.remoteForwardings Ljava/util/HashMap;]
      [193] dup
      [194] astore v5
      [196] monitorenter
      [197] aload_0 v0
      [198] getfield #178
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.remoteForwardings Ljava/util/HashMap;]
      [201] aload_2 v2
      [202] invokevirtual #286
        + Methodref [java/util/HashMap.remove (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [205] pop
      [206] aload v5
      [208] monitorexit
      [209] goto +7 (target=216)
      [212] aload v5
      [214] monitorexit
      [215] athrow
      [216] aload v4
      [218] athrow
      [219] aload_0 v0
      [220] getfield #178
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.remoteForwardings Ljava/util/HashMap;]
      [223] dup
      [224] astore v5
      [226] monitorenter
      [227] aload_0 v0
      [228] getfield #178
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.remoteForwardings Ljava/util/HashMap;]
      [231] aload_2 v2
      [232] invokevirtual #286
        + Methodref [java/util/HashMap.remove (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [235] pop
      [236] aload v5
      [238] monitorexit
      [239] goto +7 (target=246)
      [242] aload v5
      [244] monitorexit
      [245] athrow
      [246] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 9):
      + ExceptionInfo (9 -> 58: 61):
      + ExceptionInfo (61 -> 63: 61):
      + ExceptionInfo (71 -> 83: 86):
      + ExceptionInfo (86 -> 88: 86):
      + ExceptionInfo (170 -> 187: 187):
      + ExceptionInfo (197 -> 209: 212):
      + ExceptionInfo (212 -> 215: 212):
      + ExceptionInfo (227 -> 239: 242):
      + ExceptionInfo (242 -> 245: 242):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 26)
        [0] -> line 499
        [2] -> line 501
        [9] -> line 503
        [28] -> line 505
        [32] -> line 506
        [56] -> line 501
        [64] -> line 509
        [71] -> line 511
        [81] -> line 509
        [89] -> line 514
        [98] -> line 515
        [102] -> line 514
        [106] -> line 516
        [117] -> line 518
        [126] -> line 519
        [170] -> line 523
        [177] -> line 524
        [187] -> line 527
        [189] -> line 528
        [197] -> line 531
        [206] -> line 528
        [216] -> line 533
        [219] -> line 528
        [227] -> line 531
        [236] -> line 528
        [246] -> line 535
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 247 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 247 [I bindPort]
        v2: 2 -> 247 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteForwardingData; rfd]
        v3: 106 -> 247 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalCancelForwardRequest; pgcf]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       requestChannelAgentForwarding(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean requestChannelAgentForwarding(,com.trilead.ssh2.AuthAgentCallback)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 115, locals = 4, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] dup
      [2] astore_3 v3
      [3] monitorenter
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #170
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.authAgent Lcom/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback;]
      [8] ifnull +13 (target=21)
      [11] new #134
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
      [14] dup
      [15] ldc #18
        + String [Auth agent already exists]
      [17] invokespecial #263
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalStateException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [20] athrow
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] aload_2 v2
      [23] putfield #170
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.authAgent Lcom/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback;]
      [26] aload_3 v3
      [27] monitorexit
      [28] goto +6 (target=34)
      [31] aload_3 v3
      [32] monitorexit
      [33] athrow
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] getfield #171
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.channels Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [38] dup
      [39] astore_3 v3
      [40] monitorenter
      [41] aload_0 v0
      [42] aload_0 v0
      [43] iconst_0
      [44] dup_x1
      [45] putfield #172
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.globalFailedCounter I]
      [48] putfield #173
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.globalSuccessCounter I]
      [51] aload_3 v3
      [52] monitorexit
      [53] goto +6 (target=59)
      [56] aload_3 v3
      [57] monitorexit
      [58] athrow
      [59] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [62] invokevirtual #227
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
      [65] ifeq +13 (target=78)
      [68] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [71] bipush 50
      [73] ldc #53
        + String [Requesting agent forwarding]
      [75] invokevirtual #228
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [78] new #120
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelAuthAgentReq]
      [81] dup
      [82] aload_1 v1
      [83] getfield #159
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteID I]
      [86] invokespecial #229
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelAuthAgentReq.<init> (I)V]
      [89] astore_3 v3
      [90] aload_0 v0
      [91] getfield #180
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [94] aload_3 v3
      [95] invokevirtual #230
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelAuthAgentReq.getPayload ()[B]
      [98] invokevirtual #260
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sendMessage ([B)V]
      [101] aload_0 v0
      [102] aload_1 v1
      [103] invokespecial #216
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.waitForChannelRequestResult (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)Z]
      [106] ifne +7 (target=113)
      [109] aconst_null
      [110] astore_2 v2
      [111] iconst_0
      [112] ireturn
      [113] iconst_1
      [114] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 4):
      + ExceptionInfo (4 -> 28: 31):
      + ExceptionInfo (31 -> 33: 31):
      + ExceptionInfo (41 -> 53: 56):
      + ExceptionInfo (56 -> 58: 56):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 16)
        [0] -> line 542
        [4] -> line 544
        [11] -> line 545
        [21] -> line 547
        [26] -> line 542
        [34] -> line 550
        [41] -> line 552
        [51] -> line 550
        [59] -> line 555
        [68] -> line 556
        [78] -> line 558
        [90] -> line 559
        [101] -> line 561
        [109] -> line 562
        [111] -> line 563
        [113] -> line 566
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 115 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 115 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; c]
        v2: 0 -> 115 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback; authAgent]
        v3: 90 -> 115 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelAuthAgentReq; aar]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       registerThread(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/IChannelWorkerThread;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void registerThread(
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 41, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #174
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.listenerThreads Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [4] dup
      [5] astore_2 v2
      [6] monitorenter
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #175
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.listenerThreadsAllowed Z]
      [11] ifne +13 (target=24)
      [14] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [17] dup
      [18] ldc #85
        + String [Too late, this connection is closed.]
      [20] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [23] athrow
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] getfield #174
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.listenerThreads Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [28] aload_1 v1
      [29] invokevirtual #289
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.addElement (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
      [32] aload_2 v2
      [33] monitorexit
      [34] goto +6 (target=40)
      [37] aload_2 v2
      [38] monitorexit
      [39] athrow
      [40] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (7 -> 34: 37):
      + ExceptionInfo (37 -> 39: 37):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 571
        [7] -> line 573
        [14] -> line 574
        [24] -> line 575
        [32] -> line 571
        [40] -> line 577
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 41 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 41 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/IChannelWorkerThread; thr]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       openDirectTCPIPChannel(Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public openDirectTCPIPChannel(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 87, locals = 7, stack = 9):
      [0] new #112
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel]
      [3] dup
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] invokespecial #193
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;)V]
      [8] astore v5
      [10] aload v5
      [12] dup
      [13] astore v6
      [15] monitorenter
      [16] aload v5
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] aload v5
      [21] invokespecial #198
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.addChannel (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)I]
      [24] putfield #155
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.localID I]
      [27] aload v6
      [29] monitorexit
      [30] goto +7 (target=37)
      [33] aload v6
      [35] monitorexit
      [36] athrow
      [37] new #125
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel]
      [40] dup
      [41] aload v5
      [43] getfield #155
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.localID I]
      [46] aload v5
      [48] getfield #157
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.localWindow I]
      [51] aload v5
      [53] getfield #156
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.localMaxPacketSize I]
      [56] aload_1 v1
      [57] iload_2 v2
      [58] aload_3 v3
      [59] iload v4
      [61] invokespecial #240
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel.<init> (IIILjava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)V]
      [64] astore v6
      [66] aload_0 v0
      [67] getfield #180
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [70] aload v6
      [72] invokevirtual #241
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel.getPayload ()[B]
      [75] invokevirtual #260
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sendMessage ([B)V]
      [78] aload_0 v0
      [79] aload v5
      [81] invokespecial #218
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.waitUntilChannelOpen (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)V]
      [84] aload v5
      [86] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (16 -> 30: 33):
      + ExceptionInfo (33 -> 36: 33):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 10)
        [0] -> line 582
        [10] -> line 584
        [16] -> line 586
        [27] -> line 584
        [37] -> line 590
        [51] -> line 591
        [61] -> line 590
        [66] -> line 593
        [78] -> line 595
        [84] -> line 597
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 87 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 87 [Ljava/lang/String; host_to_connect]
        v2: 0 -> 87 [I port_to_connect]
        v3: 0 -> 87 [Ljava/lang/String; originator_IP_address]
        v4: 0 -> 87 [I originator_port]
        v5: 10 -> 87 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; c]
        v6: 66 -> 87 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel; dtc]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       openSessionChannel()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public openSessionChannel()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 109, locals = 3, stack = 5):
      [0] new #112
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel]
      [3] dup
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] invokespecial #193
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;)V]
      [8] astore_1 v1
      [9] aload_1 v1
      [10] dup
      [11] astore_2 v2
      [12] monitorenter
      [13] aload_1 v1
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] invokespecial #198
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.addChannel (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)I]
      [19] putfield #155
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.localID I]
      [22] aload_2 v2
      [23] monitorexit
      [24] goto +6 (target=30)
      [27] aload_2 v2
      [28] monitorexit
      [29] athrow
      [30] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [33] invokevirtual #227
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
      [36] ifeq +35 (target=71)
      [39] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [42] bipush 50
      [44] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [47] dup
      [48] ldc #72
        + String [Sending SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN (Channel ]
      [50] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [53] aload_1 v1
      [54] getfield #155
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.localID I]
      [57] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [60] ldc #11
        + String [)]
      [62] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [65] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [68] invokevirtual #228
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [71] new #126
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenSessionChannel]
      [74] dup
      [75] aload_1 v1
      [76] getfield #155
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.localID I]
      [79] aload_1 v1
      [80] getfield #157
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.localWindow I]
      [83] aload_1 v1
      [84] getfield #156
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.localMaxPacketSize I]
      [87] invokespecial #242
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenSessionChannel.<init> (III)V]
      [90] astore_2 v2
      [91] aload_0 v0
      [92] getfield #180
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [95] aload_2 v2
      [96] invokevirtual #243
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenSessionChannel.getPayload ()[B]
      [99] invokevirtual #260
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sendMessage ([B)V]
      [102] aload_0 v0
      [103] aload_1 v1
      [104] invokespecial #218
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.waitUntilChannelOpen (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)V]
      [107] aload_1 v1
      [108] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (13 -> 24: 27):
      + ExceptionInfo (27 -> 29: 27):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 10)
        [0] -> line 602
        [9] -> line 604
        [13] -> line 606
        [22] -> line 604
        [30] -> line 610
        [39] -> line 611
        [71] -> line 613
        [91] -> line 614
        [102] -> line 616
        [107] -> line 618
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 109 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; this]
        v1: 9 -> 109 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; c]
        v2: 91 -> 109 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenSessionChannel; smo]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       requestPTY(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;IIII[B)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void requestPTY(,java.lang.String,int,int,int,int,byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 197, locals = 10, stack = 10):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] dup
      [2] astore v9
      [4] monitorenter
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] getfield #162
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.state I]
      [9] iconst_2
      [10] ificmpeq +35 (target=45)
      [13] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [16] dup
      [17] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [20] dup
      [21] ldc #22
        + String [Cannot request PTY on this channel (]
      [23] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [26] aload_1 v1
      [27] invokevirtual #196
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.getReasonClosed ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [30] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [33] ldc #11
        + String [)]
      [35] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [38] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [41] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [44] athrow
      [45] new #127
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyRequest]
      [48] dup
      [49] aload_1 v1
      [50] getfield #159
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteID I]
      [53] iconst_1
      [54] aload_2 v2
      [55] iload_3 v3
      [56] iload v4
      [58] iload v5
      [60] iload v6
      [62] aload v7
      [64] invokespecial #244
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyRequest.<init> (IZLjava/lang/String;IIII[B)V]
      [67] astore v8
      [69] aload_1 v1
      [70] aload_1 v1
      [71] iconst_0
      [72] dup_x1
      [73] putfield #153
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.failedCounter I]
      [76] putfield #169
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.successCounter I]
      [79] aload v9
      [81] monitorexit
      [82] goto +7 (target=89)
      [85] aload v9
      [87] monitorexit
      [88] athrow
      [89] aload_1 v1
      [90] getfield #148
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.channelSendLock Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [93] dup
      [94] astore v9
      [96] monitorenter
      [97] aload_1 v1
      [98] getfield #150
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.closeMessageSent Z]
      [101] ifeq +35 (target=136)
      [104] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [107] dup
      [108] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [111] dup
      [112] ldc #22
        + String [Cannot request PTY on this channel (]
      [114] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [117] aload_1 v1
      [118] invokevirtual #196
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.getReasonClosed ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [121] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [124] ldc #11
        + String [)]
      [126] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [129] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [132] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [135] athrow
      [136] aload_0 v0
      [137] getfield #180
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [140] aload v8
      [142] invokevirtual #245
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyRequest.getPayload ()[B]
      [145] invokevirtual #260
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sendMessage ([B)V]
      [148] aload v9
      [150] monitorexit
      [151] goto +7 (target=158)
      [154] aload v9
      [156] monitorexit
      [157] athrow
      [158] aload_0 v0
      [159] aload_1 v1
      [160] invokespecial #216
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.waitForChannelRequestResult (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)Z]
      [163] ifne +33 (target=196)
      [166] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [169] dup
      [170] ldc #80
        + String [The server denied the request.]
      [172] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [175] athrow
      [176] astore v9
      [178] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [181] dup
      [182] ldc #50
        + String [PTY request failed]
      [184] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [187] aload v9
      [189] invokevirtual #262
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.initCause (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
      [192] checkcast #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [195] athrow
      [196] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 5):
      + ExceptionInfo (5 -> 82: 85):
      + ExceptionInfo (85 -> 88: 85):
      + ExceptionInfo (97 -> 151: 154):
      + ExceptionInfo (154 -> 157: 154):
      + ExceptionInfo (158 -> 176: 176):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 18)
        [0] -> line 687
        [5] -> line 689
        [13] -> line 690
        [45] -> line 692
        [58] -> line 693
        [64] -> line 692
        [69] -> line 695
        [79] -> line 687
        [89] -> line 698
        [97] -> line 700
        [104] -> line 701
        [136] -> line 702
        [148] -> line 698
        [158] -> line 707
        [166] -> line 708
        [176] -> line 710
        [178] -> line 712
        [196] -> line 714
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 11)
        v0: 0 -> 197 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 197 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; c]
        v2: 0 -> 197 [Ljava/lang/String; term]
        v3: 0 -> 197 [I term_width_characters]
        v4: 0 -> 197 [I term_height_characters]
        v5: 0 -> 197 [I term_width_pixels]
        v6: 0 -> 197 [I term_height_pixels]
        v7: 0 -> 197 [[B terminal_modes]
        v8: 69 -> 85 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyRequest; spr]
        v8: 89 -> 197 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyRequest; spr]
        v9: 178 -> 196 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       resizePTY(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;IIII)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void resizePTY(,int,int,int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 154, locals = 8, stack = 7):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] dup
      [2] astore v7
      [4] monitorenter
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] getfield #162
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.state I]
      [9] iconst_2
      [10] ificmpeq +35 (target=45)
      [13] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [16] dup
      [17] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [20] dup
      [21] ldc #22
        + String [Cannot request PTY on this channel (]
      [23] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [26] aload_1 v1
      [27] invokevirtual #196
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.getReasonClosed ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [30] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [33] ldc #11
        + String [)]
      [35] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [38] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [41] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [44] athrow
      [45] new #128
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyResize]
      [48] dup
      [49] aload_1 v1
      [50] getfield #159
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteID I]
      [53] iload_2 v2
      [54] iload_3 v3
      [55] iload v4
      [57] iload v5
      [59] invokespecial #246
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyResize.<init> (IIIII)V]
      [62] astore v6
      [64] aload_1 v1
      [65] aload_1 v1
      [66] iconst_0
      [67] dup_x1
      [68] putfield #153
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.failedCounter I]
      [71] putfield #169
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.successCounter I]
      [74] aload v7
      [76] monitorexit
      [77] goto +7 (target=84)
      [80] aload v7
      [82] monitorexit
      [83] athrow
      [84] aload_1 v1
      [85] getfield #148
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.channelSendLock Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [88] dup
      [89] astore v7
      [91] monitorenter
      [92] aload_1 v1
      [93] getfield #150
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.closeMessageSent Z]
      [96] ifeq +35 (target=131)
      [99] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [102] dup
      [103] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [106] dup
      [107] ldc #22
        + String [Cannot request PTY on this channel (]
      [109] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [112] aload_1 v1
      [113] invokevirtual #196
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.getReasonClosed ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [116] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [119] ldc #11
        + String [)]
      [121] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [124] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [127] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [130] athrow
      [131] aload_0 v0
      [132] getfield #180
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [135] aload v6
      [137] invokevirtual #247
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyResize.getPayload ()[B]
      [140] invokevirtual #260
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sendMessage ([B)V]
      [143] aload v7
      [145] monitorexit
      [146] goto +7 (target=153)
      [149] aload v7
      [151] monitorexit
      [152] athrow
      [153] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 4):
      + ExceptionInfo (5 -> 77: 80):
      + ExceptionInfo (80 -> 83: 80):
      + ExceptionInfo (92 -> 146: 149):
      + ExceptionInfo (149 -> 152: 149):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 18)
        [0] -> line 721
        [5] -> line 722
        [13] -> line 723
        [26] -> line 724
        [41] -> line 723
        [45] -> line 726
        [55] -> line 727
        [59] -> line 726
        [64] -> line 728
        [74] -> line 721
        [84] -> line 731
        [92] -> line 732
        [99] -> line 733
        [112] -> line 734
        [127] -> line 733
        [131] -> line 735
        [143] -> line 731
        [153] -> line 737
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 8)
        v0: 0 -> 154 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 154 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; c]
        v2: 0 -> 154 [I term_width_characters]
        v3: 0 -> 154 [I term_height_characters]
        v4: 0 -> 154 [I term_width_pixels]
        v5: 0 -> 154 [I term_height_pixels]
        v6: 64 -> 80 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyResize; spr]
        v6: 84 -> 154 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyResize; spr]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       requestShell(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void requestShell(
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 177, locals = 4, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] dup
      [2] astore_3 v3
      [3] monitorenter
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] getfield #162
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.state I]
      [8] iconst_2
      [9] ificmpeq +35 (target=44)
      [12] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [15] dup
      [16] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [19] dup
      [20] ldc #23
        + String [Cannot start shell on this channel (]
      [22] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [25] aload_1 v1
      [26] invokevirtual #196
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.getReasonClosed ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [29] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [32] ldc #11
        + String [)]
      [34] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [37] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [40] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [43] athrow
      [44] new #129
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionStartShell]
      [47] dup
      [48] aload_1 v1
      [49] getfield #159
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteID I]
      [52] iconst_1
      [53] invokespecial #248
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionStartShell.<init> (IZ)V]
      [56] astore_2 v2
      [57] aload_1 v1
      [58] aload_1 v1
      [59] iconst_0
      [60] dup_x1
      [61] putfield #153
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.failedCounter I]
      [64] putfield #169
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.successCounter I]
      [67] aload_3 v3
      [68] monitorexit
      [69] goto +6 (target=75)
      [72] aload_3 v3
      [73] monitorexit
      [74] athrow
      [75] aload_1 v1
      [76] getfield #148
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.channelSendLock Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [79] dup
      [80] astore_3 v3
      [81] monitorenter
      [82] aload_1 v1
      [83] getfield #150
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.closeMessageSent Z]
      [86] ifeq +35 (target=121)
      [89] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [92] dup
      [93] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [96] dup
      [97] ldc #23
        + String [Cannot start shell on this channel (]
      [99] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [102] aload_1 v1
      [103] invokevirtual #196
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.getReasonClosed ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [106] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [109] ldc #11
        + String [)]
      [111] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [114] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [117] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [120] athrow
      [121] aload_0 v0
      [122] getfield #180
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [125] aload_2 v2
      [126] invokevirtual #249
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionStartShell.getPayload ()[B]
      [129] invokevirtual #260
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sendMessage ([B)V]
      [132] aload_3 v3
      [133] monitorexit
      [134] goto +6 (target=140)
      [137] aload_3 v3
      [138] monitorexit
      [139] athrow
      [140] aload_0 v0
      [141] aload_1 v1
      [142] invokespecial #216
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.waitForChannelRequestResult (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)Z]
      [145] ifne +31 (target=176)
      [148] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [151] dup
      [152] ldc #80
        + String [The server denied the request.]
      [154] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [157] athrow
      [158] astore_3 v3
      [159] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [162] dup
      [163] ldc #82
        + String [The shell request failed.]
      [165] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [168] aload_3 v3
      [169] invokevirtual #262
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.initCause (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
      [172] checkcast #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [175] athrow
      [176] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 5):
      + ExceptionInfo (4 -> 69: 72):
      + ExceptionInfo (72 -> 74: 72):
      + ExceptionInfo (82 -> 134: 137):
      + ExceptionInfo (137 -> 139: 137):
      + ExceptionInfo (140 -> 158: 158):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 16)
        [0] -> line 848
        [4] -> line 850
        [12] -> line 851
        [44] -> line 853
        [57] -> line 855
        [67] -> line 848
        [75] -> line 858
        [82] -> line 860
        [89] -> line 861
        [121] -> line 862
        [132] -> line 858
        [140] -> line 867
        [148] -> line 868
        [158] -> line 870
        [159] -> line 872
        [176] -> line 874
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 177 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 177 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; c]
        v2: 57 -> 72 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionStartShell; sm]
        v2: 75 -> 177 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionStartShell; sm]
        v3: 159 -> 176 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       msgChannelExtendedData([BI)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void msgChannelExtendedData(byte[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 477, locals = 8, stack = 5):
      [0] iload_2 v2
      [1] bipush 13
      [3] ificmpgt +32 (target=35)
      [6] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [9] dup
      [10] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [13] dup
      [14] ldc #63
        + String [SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA message has wrong size (]
      [16] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [19] iload_2 v2
      [20] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [23] ldc #11
        + String [)]
      [25] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [28] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [31] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [34] athrow
      [35] aload_1 v1
      [36] iconst_1
      [37] baload
      [38] sipush 255
      [41] iand
      [42] bipush 24
      [44] ishl
      [45] aload_1 v1
      [46] iconst_2
      [47] baload
      [48] sipush 255
      [51] iand
      [52] bipush 16
      [54] ishl
      [55] ior
      [56] aload_1 v1
      [57] iconst_3
      [58] baload
      [59] sipush 255
      [62] iand
      [63] bipush 8
      [65] ishl
      [66] ior
      [67] aload_1 v1
      [68] iconst_4
      [69] baload
      [70] sipush 255
      [73] iand
      [74] ior
      [75] istore_3 v3
      [76] aload_1 v1
      [77] iconst_5
      [78] baload
      [79] sipush 255
      [82] iand
      [83] bipush 24
      [85] ishl
      [86] aload_1 v1
      [87] bipush 6
      [89] baload
      [90] sipush 255
      [93] iand
      [94] bipush 16
      [96] ishl
      [97] ior
      [98] aload_1 v1
      [99] bipush 7
      [101] baload
      [102] sipush 255
      [105] iand
      [106] bipush 8
      [108] ishl
      [109] ior
      [110] aload_1 v1
      [111] bipush 8
      [113] baload
      [114] sipush 255
      [117] iand
      [118] ior
      [119] istore v4
      [121] aload_1 v1
      [122] bipush 9
      [124] baload
      [125] sipush 255
      [128] iand
      [129] bipush 24
      [131] ishl
      [132] aload_1 v1
      [133] bipush 10
      [135] baload
      [136] sipush 255
      [139] iand
      [140] bipush 16
      [142] ishl
      [143] ior
      [144] aload_1 v1
      [145] bipush 11
      [147] baload
      [148] sipush 255
      [151] iand
      [152] bipush 8
      [154] ishl
      [155] ior
      [156] aload_1 v1
      [157] bipush 12
      [159] baload
      [160] sipush 255
      [163] iand
      [164] ior
      [165] istore v5
      [167] aload_0 v0
      [168] iload_3 v3
      [169] invokespecial #200
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.getChannel (I)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [172] astore v6
      [174] aload v6
      [176] ifnonnull +27 (target=203)
      [179] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [182] dup
      [183] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [186] dup
      [187] ldc #92
        + String [Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA message for non-existent channel ]
      [189] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [192] iload_3 v3
      [193] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [196] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [199] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [202] athrow
      [203] iload v4
      [205] iconst_1
      [206] ificmpeq +33 (target=239)
      [209] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [212] dup
      [213] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [216] dup
      [217] ldc #61
        + String [SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA message has unknown type (]
      [219] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [222] iload v4
      [224] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [227] ldc #11
        + String [)]
      [229] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [232] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [235] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [238] athrow
      [239] iload v5
      [241] iload_2 v2
      [242] bipush 13
      [244] isub
      [245] ificmpeq +45 (target=290)
      [248] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [251] dup
      [252] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [255] dup
      [256] ldc #62
        + String [SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA message has wrong len (calculated ]
      [258] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [261] iload_2 v2
      [262] bipush 13
      [264] isub
      [265] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [268] ldc #14
        + String [, got ]
      [270] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [273] iload v5
      [275] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [278] ldc #11
        + String [)]
      [280] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [283] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [286] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [289] athrow
      [290] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [293] invokevirtual #227
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
      [296] ifeq +42 (target=338)
      [299] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [302] bipush 80
      [304] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [307] dup
      [308] ldc #36
        + String [Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA (channel ]
      [310] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [313] iload_3 v3
      [314] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [317] ldc #12
        + String [, ]
      [319] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [322] iload v5
      [324] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [327] ldc #11
        + String [)]
      [329] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [332] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [335] invokevirtual #228
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [338] aload v6
      [340] dup
      [341] astore v7
      [343] monitorenter
      [344] aload v6
      [346] getfield #162
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.state I]
      [349] iconst_4
      [350] ificmpne +7 (target=357)
      [353] aload v7
      [355] monitorexit
      [356] return
      [357] aload v6
      [359] getfield #162
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.state I]
      [362] iconst_2
      [363] ificmpeq +36 (target=399)
      [366] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [369] dup
      [370] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [373] dup
      [374] ldc #37
        + String [Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA, but channel is not in correct state (]
      [376] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [379] aload v6
      [381] getfield #162
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.state I]
      [384] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [387] ldc #11
        + String [)]
      [389] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [392] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [395] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [398] athrow
      [399] aload v6
      [401] getfield #157
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.localWindow I]
      [404] iload v5
      [406] ificmpge +13 (target=419)
      [409] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [412] dup
      [413] ldc #51
        + String [Remote sent too much data, does not fit into window.]
      [415] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [418] athrow
      [419] aload v6
      [421] dup
      [422] getfield #157
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.localWindow I]
      [425] iload v5
      [427] isub
      [428] putfield #157
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.localWindow I]
      [431] aload_1 v1
      [432] bipush 13
      [434] aload v6
      [436] getfield #163
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stderrBuffer [B]
      [439] aload v6
      [441] getfield #165
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stderrWritepos I]
      [444] iload v5
      [446] invokestatic #281
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [449] aload v6
      [451] dup
      [452] getfield #165
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stderrWritepos I]
      [455] iload v5
      [457] iadd
      [458] putfield #165
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stderrWritepos I]
      [461] aload v6
      [463] invokevirtual #267
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.notifyAll ()V]
      [466] aload v7
      [468] monitorexit
      [469] goto +7 (target=476)
      [472] aload v7
      [474] monitorexit
      [475] athrow
      [476] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 3):
      + ExceptionInfo (344 -> 356: 472):
      + ExceptionInfo (357 -> 469: 472):
      + ExceptionInfo (472 -> 475: 472):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 31)
        [0] -> line 878
        [6] -> line 879
        [35] -> line 881
        [76] -> line 882
        [121] -> line 883
        [167] -> line 885
        [174] -> line 887
        [179] -> line 888
        [203] -> line 890
        [209] -> line 891
        [239] -> line 893
        [248] -> line 894
        [268] -> line 895
        [286] -> line 894
        [290] -> line 897
        [299] -> line 898
        [338] -> line 900
        [344] -> line 902
        [353] -> line 903
        [357] -> line 905
        [366] -> line 906
        [379] -> line 907
        [395] -> line 906
        [399] -> line 909
        [409] -> line 910
        [419] -> line 912
        [431] -> line 914
        [449] -> line 915
        [461] -> line 917
        [466] -> line 900
        [476] -> line 919
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 477 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 477 [[B msg]
        v2: 0 -> 477 [I msglen]
        v3: 76 -> 477 [I id]
        v4: 121 -> 477 [I dataType]
        v5: 167 -> 477 [I len]
        v6: 174 -> 477 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; c]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       waitForCondition(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;JI)I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int waitForCondition(,long,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 209, locals = 13, stack = 4):
      [0] lconst_0
      [1] lstore v5
      [3] iconst_0
      [4] istore v7
      [6] aload_1 v1
      [7] dup
      [8] astore v8
      [10] monitorenter
      [11] iconst_0
      [12] istore v9
      [14] aload_1 v1
      [15] getfield #168
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdoutWritepos I]
      [18] aload_1 v1
      [19] getfield #167
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdoutReadpos I]
      [22] isub
      [23] istore v10
      [25] aload_1 v1
      [26] getfield #165
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stderrWritepos I]
      [29] aload_1 v1
      [30] getfield #164
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stderrReadpos I]
      [33] isub
      [34] istore v11
      [36] iload v10
      [38] ifle +9 (target=47)
      [41] iload v9
      [43] iconst_4
      [44] ior
      [45] istore v9
      [47] iload v11
      [49] ifle +10 (target=59)
      [52] iload v9
      [54] bipush 8
      [56] ior
      [57] istore v9
      [59] aload_1 v1
      [60] getfield #147
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.EOF Z]
      [63] ifeq +10 (target=73)
      [66] iload v9
      [68] bipush 16
      [70] ior
      [71] istore v9
      [73] aload_1 v1
      [74] invokevirtual #195
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.getExitStatus ()Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [77] ifnull +10 (target=87)
      [80] iload v9
      [82] bipush 32
      [84] ior
      [85] istore v9
      [87] aload_1 v1
      [88] invokevirtual #194
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.getExitSignal ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [91] ifnull +10 (target=101)
      [94] iload v9
      [96] bipush 64
      [98] ior
      [99] istore v9
      [101] aload_1 v1
      [102] getfield #162
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.state I]
      [105] iconst_4
      [106] ificmpne +14 (target=120)
      [109] iload v9
      [111] iconst_2
      [112] ior
      [113] bipush 16
      [115] ior
      [116] aload v8
      [118] monitorexit
      [119] ireturn
      [120] iload v9
      [122] iload v4
      [124] iand
      [125] ifeq +9 (target=134)
      [128] iload v9
      [130] aload v8
      [132] monitorexit
      [133] ireturn
      [134] lload_2 v2
      [135] lconst_0
      [136] lcmp
      [137] ifle +42 (target=179)
      [140] iload v7
      [142] ifne +16 (target=158)
      [145] invokestatic #282
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.currentTimeMillis ()J]
      [148] lload_2 v2
      [149] ladd
      [150] lstore v5
      [152] iconst_1
      [153] istore v7
      [155] goto +24 (target=179)
      [158] lload v5
      [160] invokestatic #282
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.currentTimeMillis ()J]
      [163] lsub
      [164] lstore_2 v2
      [165] lload_2 v2
      [166] lconst_0
      [167] lcmp
      [168] ifgt +11 (target=179)
      [171] iload v9
      [173] iconst_1
      [174] ior
      [175] aload v8
      [177] monitorexit
      [178] ireturn
      [179] lload_2 v2
      [180] lconst_0
      [181] lcmp
      [182] ifle +11 (target=193)
      [185] aload_1 v1
      [186] lload_2 v2
      [187] invokevirtual #269
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.wait (J)V]
      [190] goto -179 (target=11)
      [193] aload_1 v1
      [194] invokevirtual #268
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.wait ()V]
      [197] goto -186 (target=11)
      [200] astore v12
      [202] goto -191 (target=11)
      [205] aload v8
      [207] monitorexit
      [208] athrow
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 5):
      + ExceptionInfo (179 -> 197: 200):
      + Class [java/lang/InterruptedException]
      + ExceptionInfo (11 -> 119: 205):
      + ExceptionInfo (120 -> 133: 205):
      + ExceptionInfo (134 -> 178: 205):
      + ExceptionInfo (179 -> 208: 205):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 33)
        [0] -> line 935
        [3] -> line 936
        [6] -> line 938
        [11] -> line 942
        [14] -> line 944
        [25] -> line 945
        [36] -> line 947
        [41] -> line 948
        [47] -> line 950
        [52] -> line 951
        [59] -> line 953
        [66] -> line 954
        [73] -> line 956
        [80] -> line 957
        [87] -> line 959
        [94] -> line 960
        [101] -> line 962
        [109] -> line 963
        [120] -> line 965
        [128] -> line 966
        [134] -> line 968
        [140] -> line 970
        [145] -> line 972
        [152] -> line 973
        [158] -> line 977
        [165] -> line 979
        [171] -> line 980
        [179] -> line 986
        [185] -> line 987
        [193] -> line 989
        [200] -> line 991
        [202] -> line 940
        [205] -> line 938
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 9)
        v0: 0 -> 209 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 209 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; c]
        v2: 0 -> 209 [J timeout]
        v4: 0 -> 209 [I condition_mask]
        v5: 3 -> 209 [J end_time]
        v7: 6 -> 209 [Z end_time_set]
        v9: 14 -> 202 [I current_cond]
        v10: 25 -> 202 [I stdoutAvail]
        v11: 36 -> 202 [I stderrAvail]
  + Method:       getAvailable(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Z)I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int getAvailable(,boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 61, locals = 5, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] dup
      [2] astore_3 v3
      [3] monitorenter
      [4] iload_2 v2
      [5] ifeq +17 (target=22)
      [8] aload_1 v1
      [9] getfield #165
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stderrWritepos I]
      [12] aload_1 v1
      [13] getfield #164
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stderrReadpos I]
      [16] isub
      [17] istore v4
      [19] goto +14 (target=33)
      [22] aload_1 v1
      [23] getfield #168
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdoutWritepos I]
      [26] aload_1 v1
      [27] getfield #167
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdoutReadpos I]
      [30] isub
      [31] istore v4
      [33] iload v4
      [35] ifle +8 (target=43)
      [38] iload v4
      [40] goto +15 (target=55)
      [43] aload_1 v1
      [44] getfield #147
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.EOF Z]
      [47] ifeq +7 (target=54)
      [50] iconst_m1
      [51] goto +4 (target=55)
      [54] iconst_0
      [55] aload_3 v3
      [56] monitorexit
      [57] ireturn
      [58] aload_3 v3
      [59] monitorexit
      [60] athrow
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (4 -> 57: 58):
      + ExceptionInfo (58 -> 60: 58):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 1000
        [4] -> line 1004
        [8] -> line 1005
        [22] -> line 1007
        [33] -> line 1009
        [58] -> line 1000
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 61 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 61 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; c]
        v2: 0 -> 61 [Z extended]
        v4: 19 -> 22 [I avail]
        v4: 33 -> 58 [I avail]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       getChannelData(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Z[BII)I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int getChannelData(,boolean,byte[],int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 564, locals = 14, stack = 6):
      [0] iconst_0
      [1] istore v6
      [3] iconst_0
      [4] istore v7
      [6] iconst_0
      [7] istore v8
      [9] iconst_0
      [10] istore v9
      [12] aload_1 v1
      [13] dup
      [14] astore v10
      [16] monitorenter
      [17] iconst_0
      [18] istore v11
      [20] iconst_0
      [21] istore v12
      [23] aload_1 v1
      [24] getfield #168
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdoutWritepos I]
      [27] aload_1 v1
      [28] getfield #167
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdoutReadpos I]
      [31] isub
      [32] istore v11
      [34] aload_1 v1
      [35] getfield #165
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stderrWritepos I]
      [38] aload_1 v1
      [39] getfield #164
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stderrReadpos I]
      [42] isub
      [43] istore v12
      [45] iload_2 v2
      [46] ifne +11 (target=57)
      [49] iload v11
      [51] ifeq +6 (target=57)
      [54] goto +47 (target=101)
      [57] iload_2 v2
      [58] ifeq +11 (target=69)
      [61] iload v12
      [63] ifeq +6 (target=69)
      [66] goto +35 (target=101)
      [69] aload_1 v1
      [70] getfield #147
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.EOF Z]
      [73] ifne +11 (target=84)
      [76] aload_1 v1
      [77] getfield #162
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.state I]
      [80] iconst_2
      [81] ificmpeq +8 (target=89)
      [84] aload v10
      [86] monitorexit
      [87] iconst_m1
      [88] ireturn
      [89] aload_1 v1
      [90] invokevirtual #268
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.wait ()V]
      [93] goto -70 (target=23)
      [96] astore v13
      [98] goto -75 (target=23)
      [101] iload_2 v2
      [102] ifne +103 (target=205)
      [105] iload v11
      [107] iload v5
      [109] ificmple +8 (target=117)
      [112] iload v5
      [114] goto +5 (target=119)
      [117] iload v11
      [119] istore v6
      [121] aload_1 v1
      [122] getfield #166
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdoutBuffer [B]
      [125] aload_1 v1
      [126] getfield #167
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdoutReadpos I]
      [129] aload_3 v3
      [130] iload v4
      [132] iload v6
      [134] invokestatic #281
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [137] aload_1 v1
      [138] dup
      [139] getfield #167
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdoutReadpos I]
      [142] iload v6
      [144] iadd
      [145] putfield #167
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdoutReadpos I]
      [148] aload_1 v1
      [149] getfield #167
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdoutReadpos I]
      [152] aload_1 v1
      [153] getfield #168
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdoutWritepos I]
      [156] ificmpeq +28 (target=184)
      [159] aload_1 v1
      [160] getfield #166
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdoutBuffer [B]
      [163] aload_1 v1
      [164] getfield #167
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdoutReadpos I]
      [167] aload_1 v1
      [168] getfield #166
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdoutBuffer [B]
      [171] iconst_0
      [172] aload_1 v1
      [173] getfield #168
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdoutWritepos I]
      [176] aload_1 v1
      [177] getfield #167
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdoutReadpos I]
      [180] isub
      [181] invokestatic #281
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [184] aload_1 v1
      [185] dup
      [186] getfield #168
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdoutWritepos I]
      [189] aload_1 v1
      [190] getfield #167
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdoutReadpos I]
      [193] isub
      [194] putfield #168
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdoutWritepos I]
      [197] aload_1 v1
      [198] iconst_0
      [199] putfield #167
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdoutReadpos I]
      [202] goto +100 (target=302)
      [205] iload v12
      [207] iload v5
      [209] ificmple +8 (target=217)
      [212] iload v5
      [214] goto +5 (target=219)
      [217] iload v12
      [219] istore v6
      [221] aload_1 v1
      [222] getfield #163
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stderrBuffer [B]
      [225] aload_1 v1
      [226] getfield #164
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stderrReadpos I]
      [229] aload_3 v3
      [230] iload v4
      [232] iload v6
      [234] invokestatic #281
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [237] aload_1 v1
      [238] dup
      [239] getfield #164
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stderrReadpos I]
      [242] iload v6
      [244] iadd
      [245] putfield #164
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stderrReadpos I]
      [248] aload_1 v1
      [249] getfield #164
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stderrReadpos I]
      [252] aload_1 v1
      [253] getfield #165
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stderrWritepos I]
      [256] ificmpeq +28 (target=284)
      [259] aload_1 v1
      [260] getfield #163
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stderrBuffer [B]
      [263] aload_1 v1
      [264] getfield #164
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stderrReadpos I]
      [267] aload_1 v1
      [268] getfield #163
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stderrBuffer [B]
      [271] iconst_0
      [272] aload_1 v1
      [273] getfield #165
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stderrWritepos I]
      [276] aload_1 v1
      [277] getfield #164
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stderrReadpos I]
      [280] isub
      [281] invokestatic #281
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [284] aload_1 v1
      [285] dup
      [286] getfield #165
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stderrWritepos I]
      [289] aload_1 v1
      [290] getfield #164
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stderrReadpos I]
      [293] isub
      [294] putfield #165
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stderrWritepos I]
      [297] aload_1 v1
      [298] iconst_0
      [299] putfield #164
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stderrReadpos I]
      [302] aload_1 v1
      [303] getfield #162
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.state I]
      [306] iconst_2
      [307] ificmpeq +9 (target=316)
      [310] iload v6
      [312] aload v10
      [314] monitorexit
      [315] ireturn
      [316] aload_1 v1
      [317] getfield #157
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.localWindow I]
      [320] sipush 15000
      [323] ificmpge +39 (target=362)
      [326] sipush 30000
      [329] aload_1 v1
      [330] getfield #168
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdoutWritepos I]
      [333] isub
      [334] sipush 30000
      [337] aload_1 v1
      [338] getfield #165
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stderrWritepos I]
      [341] isub
      [342] invokestatic #265
        + Methodref [java/lang/Math.min (II)I]
      [345] istore v13
      [347] iload v13
      [349] aload_1 v1
      [350] getfield #157
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.localWindow I]
      [353] isub
      [354] istore v7
      [356] aload_1 v1
      [357] iload v13
      [359] putfield #157
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.localWindow I]
      [362] aload_1 v1
      [363] getfield #159
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteID I]
      [366] istore v8
      [368] aload_1 v1
      [369] getfield #155
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.localID I]
      [372] istore v9
      [374] aload v10
      [376] monitorexit
      [377] goto +7 (target=384)
      [380] aload v10
      [382] monitorexit
      [383] athrow
      [384] iload v7
      [386] ifle +175 (target=561)
      [389] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [392] invokevirtual #227
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
      [395] ifeq +43 (target=438)
      [398] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [401] bipush 80
      [403] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [406] dup
      [407] ldc #73
        + String [Sending SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (channel ]
      [409] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [412] iload v9
      [414] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [417] ldc #12
        + String [, ]
      [419] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [422] iload v7
      [424] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [427] ldc #11
        + String [)]
      [429] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [432] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [435] invokevirtual #228
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [438] aload_1 v1
      [439] getfield #148
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.channelSendLock Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [442] dup
      [443] astore v10
      [445] monitorenter
      [446] aload_1 v1
      [447] getfield #158
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.msgWindowAdjust [B]
      [450] astore v11
      [452] aload v11
      [454] iconst_0
      [455] bipush 93
      [457] bastore
      [458] aload v11
      [460] iconst_1
      [461] iload v8
      [463] bipush 24
      [465] ishr
      [466] i2b
      [467] bastore
      [468] aload v11
      [470] iconst_2
      [471] iload v8
      [473] bipush 16
      [475] ishr
      [476] i2b
      [477] bastore
      [478] aload v11
      [480] iconst_3
      [481] iload v8
      [483] bipush 8
      [485] ishr
      [486] i2b
      [487] bastore
      [488] aload v11
      [490] iconst_4
      [491] iload v8
      [493] i2b
      [494] bastore
      [495] aload v11
      [497] iconst_5
      [498] iload v7
      [500] bipush 24
      [502] ishr
      [503] i2b
      [504] bastore
      [505] aload v11
      [507] bipush 6
      [509] iload v7
      [511] bipush 16
      [513] ishr
      [514] i2b
      [515] bastore
      [516] aload v11
      [518] bipush 7
      [520] iload v7
      [522] bipush 8
      [524] ishr
      [525] i2b
      [526] bastore
      [527] aload v11
      [529] bipush 8
      [531] iload v7
      [533] i2b
      [534] bastore
      [535] aload_1 v1
      [536] getfield #150
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.closeMessageSent Z]
      [539] ifne +12 (target=551)
      [542] aload_0 v0
      [543] getfield #180
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [546] aload v11
      [548] invokevirtual #260
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sendMessage ([B)V]
      [551] aload v10
      [553] monitorexit
      [554] goto +7 (target=561)
      [557] aload v10
      [559] monitorexit
      [560] athrow
      [561] iload v6
      [563] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 7):
      + ExceptionInfo (89 -> 93: 96):
      + Class [java/lang/InterruptedException]
      + ExceptionInfo (17 -> 87: 380):
      + ExceptionInfo (89 -> 315: 380):
      + ExceptionInfo (316 -> 377: 380):
      + ExceptionInfo (380 -> 383: 380):
      + ExceptionInfo (446 -> 554: 557):
      + ExceptionInfo (557 -> 560: 557):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 66)
        [0] -> line 1015
        [3] -> line 1016
        [6] -> line 1017
        [9] -> line 1018
        [12] -> line 1020
        [17] -> line 1022
        [20] -> line 1023
        [23] -> line 1032
        [34] -> line 1033
        [45] -> line 1035
        [54] -> line 1036
        [57] -> line 1038
        [66] -> line 1039
        [69] -> line 1043
        [84] -> line 1044
        [89] -> line 1048
        [96] -> line 1050
        [98] -> line 1025
        [101] -> line 1057
        [105] -> line 1059
        [121] -> line 1060
        [137] -> line 1061
        [148] -> line 1063
        [159] -> line 1065
        [176] -> line 1066
        [181] -> line 1065
        [184] -> line 1068
        [197] -> line 1069
        [205] -> line 1073
        [221] -> line 1074
        [237] -> line 1075
        [248] -> line 1077
        [259] -> line 1079
        [276] -> line 1080
        [281] -> line 1079
        [284] -> line 1082
        [297] -> line 1083
        [302] -> line 1086
        [310] -> line 1087
        [316] -> line 1089
        [326] -> line 1091
        [337] -> line 1092
        [342] -> line 1091
        [347] -> line 1094
        [356] -> line 1095
        [362] -> line 1098
        [368] -> line 1099
        [374] -> line 1020
        [384] -> line 1108
        [389] -> line 1110
        [398] -> line 1111
        [438] -> line 1113
        [446] -> line 1115
        [452] -> line 1117
        [458] -> line 1118
        [468] -> line 1119
        [478] -> line 1120
        [488] -> line 1121
        [495] -> line 1122
        [505] -> line 1123
        [516] -> line 1124
        [527] -> line 1125
        [535] -> line 1127
        [542] -> line 1128
        [551] -> line 1113
        [561] -> line 1132
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 14)
        v0: 0 -> 564 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 564 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; c]
        v2: 0 -> 564 [Z extended]
        v3: 0 -> 564 [[B target]
        v4: 0 -> 564 [I off]
        v5: 0 -> 564 [I len]
        v6: 3 -> 564 [I copylen]
        v7: 6 -> 564 [I increment]
        v8: 9 -> 564 [I remoteID]
        v9: 12 -> 564 [I localID]
        v11: 20 -> 374 [I stdoutAvail]
        v12: 23 -> 374 [I stderrAvail]
        v13: 347 -> 362 [I minFreeSpace]
        v11: 452 -> 551 [[B msg]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       msgChannelData([BI)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void msgChannelData(byte[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 395, locals = 7, stack = 5):
      [0] iload_2 v2
      [1] bipush 9
      [3] ificmpgt +32 (target=35)
      [6] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [9] dup
      [10] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [13] dup
      [14] ldc #59
        + String [SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA message has wrong size (]
      [16] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [19] iload_2 v2
      [20] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [23] ldc #11
        + String [)]
      [25] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [28] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [31] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [34] athrow
      [35] aload_1 v1
      [36] iconst_1
      [37] baload
      [38] sipush 255
      [41] iand
      [42] bipush 24
      [44] ishl
      [45] aload_1 v1
      [46] iconst_2
      [47] baload
      [48] sipush 255
      [51] iand
      [52] bipush 16
      [54] ishl
      [55] ior
      [56] aload_1 v1
      [57] iconst_3
      [58] baload
      [59] sipush 255
      [62] iand
      [63] bipush 8
      [65] ishl
      [66] ior
      [67] aload_1 v1
      [68] iconst_4
      [69] baload
      [70] sipush 255
      [73] iand
      [74] ior
      [75] istore_3 v3
      [76] aload_1 v1
      [77] iconst_5
      [78] baload
      [79] sipush 255
      [82] iand
      [83] bipush 24
      [85] ishl
      [86] aload_1 v1
      [87] bipush 6
      [89] baload
      [90] sipush 255
      [93] iand
      [94] bipush 16
      [96] ishl
      [97] ior
      [98] aload_1 v1
      [99] bipush 7
      [101] baload
      [102] sipush 255
      [105] iand
      [106] bipush 8
      [108] ishl
      [109] ior
      [110] aload_1 v1
      [111] bipush 8
      [113] baload
      [114] sipush 255
      [117] iand
      [118] ior
      [119] istore v4
      [121] aload_0 v0
      [122] iload_3 v3
      [123] invokespecial #200
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.getChannel (I)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [126] astore v5
      [128] aload v5
      [130] ifnonnull +27 (target=157)
      [133] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [136] dup
      [137] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [140] dup
      [141] ldc #90
        + String [Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA message for non-existent channel ]
      [143] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [146] iload_3 v3
      [147] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [150] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [153] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [156] athrow
      [157] iload v4
      [159] iload_2 v2
      [160] bipush 9
      [162] isub
      [163] ificmpeq +45 (target=208)
      [166] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [169] dup
      [170] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [173] dup
      [174] ldc #58
        + String [SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA message has wrong len (calculated ]
      [176] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [179] iload_2 v2
      [180] bipush 9
      [182] isub
      [183] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [186] ldc #14
        + String [, got ]
      [188] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [191] iload v4
      [193] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [196] ldc #11
        + String [)]
      [198] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [201] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [204] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [207] athrow
      [208] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [211] invokevirtual #227
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
      [214] ifeq +42 (target=256)
      [217] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [220] bipush 80
      [222] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [225] dup
      [226] ldc #33
        + String [Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA (channel ]
      [228] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [231] iload_3 v3
      [232] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [235] ldc #12
        + String [, ]
      [237] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [240] iload v4
      [242] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [245] ldc #11
        + String [)]
      [247] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [250] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [253] invokevirtual #228
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [256] aload v5
      [258] dup
      [259] astore v6
      [261] monitorenter
      [262] aload v5
      [264] getfield #162
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.state I]
      [267] iconst_4
      [268] ificmpne +7 (target=275)
      [271] aload v6
      [273] monitorexit
      [274] return
      [275] aload v5
      [277] getfield #162
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.state I]
      [280] iconst_2
      [281] ificmpeq +36 (target=317)
      [284] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [287] dup
      [288] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [291] dup
      [292] ldc #34
        + String [Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA, but channel is not in correct state (]
      [294] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [297] aload v5
      [299] getfield #162
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.state I]
      [302] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [305] ldc #11
        + String [)]
      [307] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [310] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [313] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [316] athrow
      [317] aload v5
      [319] getfield #157
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.localWindow I]
      [322] iload v4
      [324] ificmpge +13 (target=337)
      [327] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [330] dup
      [331] ldc #51
        + String [Remote sent too much data, does not fit into window.]
      [333] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [336] athrow
      [337] aload v5
      [339] dup
      [340] getfield #157
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.localWindow I]
      [343] iload v4
      [345] isub
      [346] putfield #157
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.localWindow I]
      [349] aload_1 v1
      [350] bipush 9
      [352] aload v5
      [354] getfield #166
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdoutBuffer [B]
      [357] aload v5
      [359] getfield #168
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdoutWritepos I]
      [362] iload v4
      [364] invokestatic #281
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [367] aload v5
      [369] dup
      [370] getfield #168
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdoutWritepos I]
      [373] iload v4
      [375] iadd
      [376] putfield #168
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdoutWritepos I]
      [379] aload v5
      [381] invokevirtual #267
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.notifyAll ()V]
      [384] aload v6
      [386] monitorexit
      [387] goto +7 (target=394)
      [390] aload v6
      [392] monitorexit
      [393] athrow
      [394] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 3):
      + ExceptionInfo (262 -> 274: 390):
      + ExceptionInfo (275 -> 387: 390):
      + ExceptionInfo (390 -> 393: 390):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 26)
        [0] -> line 1137
        [6] -> line 1138
        [35] -> line 1140
        [76] -> line 1141
        [121] -> line 1143
        [128] -> line 1145
        [133] -> line 1146
        [157] -> line 1148
        [166] -> line 1149
        [191] -> line 1150
        [204] -> line 1149
        [208] -> line 1152
        [217] -> line 1153
        [256] -> line 1155
        [262] -> line 1157
        [271] -> line 1158
        [275] -> line 1160
        [284] -> line 1161
        [317] -> line 1163
        [327] -> line 1164
        [337] -> line 1166
        [349] -> line 1168
        [367] -> line 1169
        [379] -> line 1171
        [384] -> line 1155
        [394] -> line 1173
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 395 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 395 [[B msg]
        v2: 0 -> 395 [I msglen]
        v3: 76 -> 395 [I id]
        v4: 121 -> 395 [I len]
        v5: 128 -> 395 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; c]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       msgChannelWindowAdjust([BI)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void msgChannelWindowAdjust(byte[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 269, locals = 9, stack = 7):
      [0] iload_2 v2
      [1] bipush 9
      [3] ificmpeq +32 (target=35)
      [6] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [9] dup
      [10] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [13] dup
      [14] ldc #67
        + String [SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST message has wrong size (]
      [16] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [19] iload_2 v2
      [20] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [23] ldc #11
        + String [)]
      [25] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [28] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [31] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [34] athrow
      [35] aload_1 v1
      [36] iconst_1
      [37] baload
      [38] sipush 255
      [41] iand
      [42] bipush 24
      [44] ishl
      [45] aload_1 v1
      [46] iconst_2
      [47] baload
      [48] sipush 255
      [51] iand
      [52] bipush 16
      [54] ishl
      [55] ior
      [56] aload_1 v1
      [57] iconst_3
      [58] baload
      [59] sipush 255
      [62] iand
      [63] bipush 8
      [65] ishl
      [66] ior
      [67] aload_1 v1
      [68] iconst_4
      [69] baload
      [70] sipush 255
      [73] iand
      [74] ior
      [75] istore_3 v3
      [76] aload_1 v1
      [77] iconst_5
      [78] baload
      [79] sipush 255
      [82] iand
      [83] bipush 24
      [85] ishl
      [86] aload_1 v1
      [87] bipush 6
      [89] baload
      [90] sipush 255
      [93] iand
      [94] bipush 16
      [96] ishl
      [97] ior
      [98] aload_1 v1
      [99] bipush 7
      [101] baload
      [102] sipush 255
      [105] iand
      [106] bipush 8
      [108] ishl
      [109] ior
      [110] aload_1 v1
      [111] bipush 8
      [113] baload
      [114] sipush 255
      [117] iand
      [118] ior
      [119] istore v4
      [121] aload_0 v0
      [122] iload_3 v3
      [123] invokespecial #200
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.getChannel (I)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [126] astore v5
      [128] aload v5
      [130] ifnonnull +27 (target=157)
      [133] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [136] dup
      [137] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [140] dup
      [141] ldc #99
        + String [Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST message for non-existent channel ]
      [143] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [146] iload_3 v3
      [147] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [150] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [153] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [156] athrow
      [157] aload v5
      [159] dup
      [160] astore v6
      [162] monitorenter
      [163] ldc2_w #145
        + Long [4294967295]
      [166] lstore v7
      [168] aload v5
      [170] dup
      [171] getfield #161
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteWindow J]
      [174] iload v4
      [176] i2l
      [177] ldc2_w #145
        + Long [4294967295]
      [180] land
      [181] ladd
      [182] putfield #161
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteWindow J]
      [185] aload v5
      [187] getfield #161
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteWindow J]
      [190] ldc2_w #145
        + Long [4294967295]
      [193] lcmp
      [194] ifle +11 (target=205)
      [197] aload v5
      [199] ldc2_w #145
        + Long [4294967295]
      [202] putfield #161
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteWindow J]
      [205] aload v5
      [207] invokevirtual #267
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.notifyAll ()V]
      [210] aload v6
      [212] monitorexit
      [213] goto +7 (target=220)
      [216] aload v6
      [218] monitorexit
      [219] athrow
      [220] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [223] invokevirtual #227
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
      [226] ifeq +42 (target=268)
      [229] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [232] bipush 80
      [234] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [237] dup
      [238] ldc #43
        + String [Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (channel ]
      [240] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [243] iload_3 v3
      [244] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [247] ldc #12
        + String [, ]
      [249] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [252] iload v4
      [254] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [257] ldc #11
        + String [)]
      [259] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [262] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [265] invokevirtual #228
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [268] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (163 -> 213: 216):
      + ExceptionInfo (216 -> 219: 216):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 17)
        [0] -> line 1177
        [6] -> line 1178
        [35] -> line 1180
        [76] -> line 1181
        [121] -> line 1183
        [128] -> line 1185
        [133] -> line 1186
        [157] -> line 1188
        [163] -> line 1190
        [168] -> line 1192
        [185] -> line 1196
        [197] -> line 1197
        [205] -> line 1199
        [210] -> line 1188
        [220] -> line 1202
        [229] -> line 1203
        [268] -> line 1204
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 269 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 269 [[B msg]
        v2: 0 -> 269 [I msglen]
        v3: 76 -> 269 [I id]
        v4: 121 -> 269 [I windowChange]
        v5: 128 -> 269 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; c]
        v7: 168 -> 210 [J huge]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       msgChannelOpen([BI)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void msgChannelOpen(byte[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 632, locals = 15, stack = 9):
      [0] new #130
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
      [3] dup
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] iconst_0
      [6] iload_2 v2
      [7] invokespecial #250
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.<init> ([BII)V]
      [10] astore_3 v3
      [11] aload_3 v3
      [12] invokevirtual #252
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readByte ()I]
      [15] pop
      [16] aload_3 v3
      [17] invokevirtual #253
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [20] astore v4
      [22] aload_3 v3
      [23] invokevirtual #255
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readUINT32 ()I]
      [26] istore v5
      [28] aload_3 v3
      [29] invokevirtual #255
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readUINT32 ()I]
      [32] istore v6
      [34] aload_3 v3
      [35] invokevirtual #255
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readUINT32 ()I]
      [38] istore v7
      [40] ldc #110
        + String [x11]
      [42] aload v4
      [44] invokevirtual #270
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [47] ifeq +184 (target=231)
      [50] aload_0 v0
      [51] getfield #181
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.x11_magic_cookies Ljava/util/HashMap;]
      [54] dup
      [55] astore v8
      [57] monitorenter
      [58] aload_0 v0
      [59] getfield #181
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.x11_magic_cookies Ljava/util/HashMap;]
      [62] invokevirtual #287
        + Methodref [java/util/HashMap.size ()I]
      [65] ifne +54 (target=119)
      [68] new #122
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenFailure]
      [71] dup
      [72] iload v5
      [74] iconst_1
      [75] ldc #103
        + String [X11 forwarding not activated]
      [77] ldc #2
        + String []
      [79] invokespecial #234
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenFailure.<init> (IILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [82] astore v9
      [84] aload_0 v0
      [85] getfield #180
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [88] aload v9
      [90] invokevirtual #235
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenFailure.getPayload ()[B]
      [93] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sendAsynchronousMessage ([B)V]
      [96] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [99] invokevirtual #227
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
      [102] ifeq +13 (target=115)
      [105] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [108] bipush 20
      [110] ldc #100
        + String [Unexpected X11 request, denying it!]
      [112] invokevirtual #228
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [115] aload v8
      [117] monitorexit
      [118] return
      [119] aload v8
      [121] monitorexit
      [122] goto +7 (target=129)
      [125] aload v8
      [127] monitorexit
      [128] athrow
      [129] aload_3 v3
      [130] invokevirtual #253
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [133] astore v8
      [135] aload_3 v3
      [136] invokevirtual #255
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readUINT32 ()I]
      [139] istore v9
      [141] new #112
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel]
      [144] dup
      [145] aload_0 v0
      [146] invokespecial #193
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;)V]
      [149] astore v10
      [151] aload v10
      [153] dup
      [154] astore v11
      [156] monitorenter
      [157] aload v10
      [159] iload v5
      [161] putfield #159
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteID I]
      [164] aload v10
      [166] iload v6
      [168] i2l
      [169] ldc2_w #145
        + Long [4294967295]
      [172] land
      [173] putfield #161
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteWindow J]
      [176] aload v10
      [178] iload v7
      [180] putfield #160
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteMaxPacketSize I]
      [183] aload v10
      [185] aload_0 v0
      [186] aload v10
      [188] invokespecial #198
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.addChannel (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)I]
      [191] putfield #155
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.localID I]
      [194] aload v11
      [196] monitorexit
      [197] goto +7 (target=204)
      [200] aload v11
      [202] monitorexit
      [203] athrow
      [204] new #117
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread]
      [207] dup
      [208] aload v10
      [210] aload v8
      [212] iload v9
      [214] invokespecial #223
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;I)V]
      [217] astore v11
      [219] aload v11
      [221] iconst_1
      [222] invokevirtual #224
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread.setDaemon (Z)V]
      [225] aload v11
      [227] invokevirtual #225
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread.start ()V]
      [230] return
      [231] ldc #107
        + String [forwarded-tcpip]
      [233] aload v4
      [235] invokevirtual #270
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [238] ifeq +226 (target=464)
      [241] aload_3 v3
      [242] invokevirtual #253
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [245] astore v8
      [247] aload_3 v3
      [248] invokevirtual #255
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readUINT32 ()I]
      [251] istore v9
      [253] aload_3 v3
      [254] invokevirtual #253
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [257] astore v10
      [259] aload_3 v3
      [260] invokevirtual #255
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readUINT32 ()I]
      [263] istore v11
      [265] aconst_null
      [266] astore v12
      [268] aload_0 v0
      [269] getfield #178
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.remoteForwardings Ljava/util/HashMap;]
      [272] dup
      [273] astore v13
      [275] monitorenter
      [276] aload_0 v0
      [277] getfield #178
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.remoteForwardings Ljava/util/HashMap;]
      [280] new #135
        + Class [java/lang/Integer]
      [283] dup
      [284] iload v9
      [286] invokespecial #264
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.<init> (I)V]
      [289] invokevirtual #284
        + Methodref [java/util/HashMap.get (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [292] checkcast #116
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteForwardingData]
      [295] astore v12
      [297] aload v13
      [299] monitorexit
      [300] goto +7 (target=307)
      [303] aload v13
      [305] monitorexit
      [306] athrow
      [307] aload v12
      [309] ifnonnull +51 (target=360)
      [312] new #122
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenFailure]
      [315] dup
      [316] iload v5
      [318] iconst_1
      [319] ldc #49
        + String [No thanks, unknown port in forwarded-tcpip request]
      [321] ldc #2
        + String []
      [323] invokespecial #234
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenFailure.<init> (IILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [326] astore v13
      [328] aload_0 v0
      [329] getfield #180
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [332] aload v13
      [334] invokevirtual #235
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenFailure.getPayload ()[B]
      [337] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sendAsynchronousMessage ([B)V]
      [340] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [343] invokevirtual #227
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
      [346] ifeq +13 (target=359)
      [349] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [352] bipush 20
      [354] ldc #101
        + String [Unexpected forwarded-tcpip request, denying it!]
      [356] invokevirtual #228
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [359] return
      [360] new #112
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel]
      [363] dup
      [364] aload_0 v0
      [365] invokespecial #193
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;)V]
      [368] astore v13
      [370] aload v13
      [372] dup
      [373] astore v14
      [375] monitorenter
      [376] aload v13
      [378] iload v5
      [380] putfield #159
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteID I]
      [383] aload v13
      [385] iload v6
      [387] i2l
      [388] ldc2_w #145
        + Long [4294967295]
      [391] land
      [392] putfield #161
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteWindow J]
      [395] aload v13
      [397] iload v7
      [399] putfield #160
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteMaxPacketSize I]
      [402] aload v13
      [404] aload_0 v0
      [405] aload v13
      [407] invokespecial #198
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.addChannel (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)I]
      [410] putfield #155
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.localID I]
      [413] aload v14
      [415] monitorexit
      [416] goto +7 (target=423)
      [419] aload v14
      [421] monitorexit
      [422] athrow
      [423] new #115
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread]
      [426] dup
      [427] aload v13
      [429] aload v8
      [431] iload v9
      [433] aload v10
      [435] iload v11
      [437] aload v12
      [439] getfield #184
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteForwardingData.targetAddress Ljava/lang/String;]
      [442] aload v12
      [444] getfield #185
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteForwardingData.targetPort I]
      [447] invokespecial #219
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)V]
      [450] astore v14
      [452] aload v14
      [454] iconst_1
      [455] invokevirtual #220
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread.setDaemon (Z)V]
      [458] aload v14
      [460] invokevirtual #221
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread.start ()V]
      [463] return
      [464] ldc #104
        + String []
      [466] aload v4
      [468] invokevirtual #270
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [471] ifeq +93 (target=564)
      [474] new #112
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel]
      [477] dup
      [478] aload_0 v0
      [479] invokespecial #193
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;)V]
      [482] astore v8
      [484] aload v8
      [486] dup
      [487] astore v9
      [489] monitorenter
      [490] aload v8
      [492] iload v5
      [494] putfield #159
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteID I]
      [497] aload v8
      [499] iload v6
      [501] i2l
      [502] ldc2_w #145
        + Long [4294967295]
      [505] land
      [506] putfield #161
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteWindow J]
      [509] aload v8
      [511] iload v7
      [513] putfield #160
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteMaxPacketSize I]
      [516] aload v8
      [518] aload_0 v0
      [519] aload v8
      [521] invokespecial #198
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.addChannel (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)I]
      [524] putfield #155
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.localID I]
      [527] aload v9
      [529] monitorexit
      [530] goto +7 (target=537)
      [533] aload v9
      [535] monitorexit
      [536] athrow
      [537] new #111
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread]
      [540] dup
      [541] aload v8
      [543] aload_0 v0
      [544] getfield #170
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.authAgent Lcom/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback;]
      [547] invokespecial #190
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback;)V]
      [550] astore v9
      [552] aload v9
      [554] iconst_1
      [555] invokevirtual #191
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.setDaemon (Z)V]
      [558] aload v9
      [560] invokevirtual #192
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread.start ()V]
      [563] return
      [564] new #122
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenFailure]
      [567] dup
      [568] iload v5
      [570] iconst_3
      [571] ldc #102
        + String [Unknown channel type]
      [573] ldc #2
        + String []
      [575] invokespecial #234
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenFailure.<init> (IILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [578] astore v8
      [580] aload_0 v0
      [581] getfield #180
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [584] aload v8
      [586] invokevirtual #235
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenFailure.getPayload ()[B]
      [589] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sendAsynchronousMessage ([B)V]
      [592] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [595] invokevirtual #227
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
      [598] ifeq +33 (target=631)
      [601] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [604] bipush 20
      [606] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [609] dup
      [610] ldc #78
        + String [The peer tried to open an unsupported channel type (]
      [612] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [615] aload v4
      [617] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [620] ldc #11
        + String [)]
      [622] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [625] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [628] invokevirtual #228
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [631] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 11):
      + ExceptionInfo (58 -> 118: 125):
      + ExceptionInfo (119 -> 122: 125):
      + ExceptionInfo (125 -> 128: 125):
      + ExceptionInfo (157 -> 197: 200):
      + ExceptionInfo (200 -> 203: 200):
      + ExceptionInfo (276 -> 300: 303):
      + ExceptionInfo (303 -> 306: 303):
      + ExceptionInfo (376 -> 416: 419):
      + ExceptionInfo (419 -> 422: 419):
      + ExceptionInfo (490 -> 530: 533):
      + ExceptionInfo (533 -> 536: 533):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 80)
        [0] -> line 1208
        [11] -> line 1210
        [16] -> line 1211
        [22] -> line 1212
        [28] -> line 1213
        [34] -> line 1214
        [40] -> line 1216
        [50] -> line 1218
        [58] -> line 1222
        [68] -> line 1224
        [74] -> line 1225
        [79] -> line 1224
        [84] -> line 1227
        [96] -> line 1229
        [105] -> line 1230
        [115] -> line 1232
        [119] -> line 1218
        [129] -> line 1236
        [135] -> line 1237
        [141] -> line 1239
        [151] -> line 1241
        [157] -> line 1243
        [164] -> line 1244
        [176] -> line 1245
        [183] -> line 1246
        [194] -> line 1241
        [204] -> line 1253
        [219] -> line 1254
        [225] -> line 1255
        [230] -> line 1257
        [231] -> line 1260
        [241] -> line 1262
        [247] -> line 1263
        [253] -> line 1264
        [259] -> line 1265
        [265] -> line 1267
        [268] -> line 1269
        [276] -> line 1271
        [297] -> line 1269
        [307] -> line 1274
        [312] -> line 1276
        [318] -> line 1277
        [319] -> line 1278
        [323] -> line 1276
        [328] -> line 1282
        [340] -> line 1284
        [349] -> line 1285
        [359] -> line 1287
        [360] -> line 1290
        [370] -> line 1292
        [376] -> line 1294
        [383] -> line 1295
        [395] -> line 1296
        [402] -> line 1297
        [413] -> line 1292
        [423] -> line 1304
        [433] -> line 1305
        [447] -> line 1304
        [452] -> line 1307
        [458] -> line 1308
        [463] -> line 1310
        [464] -> line 1313
        [474] -> line 1314
        [484] -> line 1316
        [490] -> line 1318
        [497] -> line 1319
        [509] -> line 1320
        [516] -> line 1321
        [527] -> line 1316
        [537] -> line 1324
        [552] -> line 1326
        [558] -> line 1327
        [563] -> line 1329
        [564] -> line 1334
        [571] -> line 1335
        [575] -> line 1334
        [580] -> line 1337
        [592] -> line 1339
        [601] -> line 1340
        [631] -> line 1341
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 24)
        v0: 0 -> 632 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 632 [[B msg]
        v2: 0 -> 632 [I msglen]
        v3: 11 -> 632 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader; tr]
        v4: 22 -> 632 [Ljava/lang/String; channelType]
        v5: 28 -> 632 [I remoteID]
        v6: 34 -> 632 [I remoteWindow]
        v7: 40 -> 632 [I remoteMaxPacketSize]
        v9: 84 -> 119 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenFailure; pcof]
        v8: 135 -> 231 [Ljava/lang/String; remoteOriginatorAddress]
        v9: 141 -> 231 [I remoteOriginatorPort]
        v10: 151 -> 231 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; c]
        v11: 219 -> 231 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread; rxat]
        v8: 247 -> 464 [Ljava/lang/String; remoteConnectedAddress]
        v9: 253 -> 464 [I remoteConnectedPort]
        v10: 259 -> 464 [Ljava/lang/String; remoteOriginatorAddress]
        v11: 265 -> 464 [I remoteOriginatorPort]
        v12: 268 -> 464 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteForwardingData; rfd]
        v13: 328 -> 360 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenFailure; pcof]
        v13: 370 -> 464 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; c]
        v14: 452 -> 464 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread; rat]
        v8: 484 -> 564 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; c]
        v9: 552 -> 564 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/AuthAgentForwardThread; aat]
        v8: 580 -> 632 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenFailure; pcof]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       msgChannelRequest([BI)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void msgChannelRequest(byte[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 513, locals = 10, stack = 5):
      [0] new #130
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
      [3] dup
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] iconst_0
      [6] iload_2 v2
      [7] invokespecial #250
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.<init> ([BII)V]
      [10] astore_3 v3
      [11] aload_3 v3
      [12] invokevirtual #252
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readByte ()I]
      [15] pop
      [16] aload_3 v3
      [17] invokevirtual #255
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readUINT32 ()I]
      [20] istore v4
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] iload v4
      [25] invokespecial #200
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.getChannel (I)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [28] astore v5
      [30] aload v5
      [32] ifnonnull +28 (target=60)
      [35] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [38] dup
      [39] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [42] dup
      [43] ldc #97
        + String [Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST message for non-existent channel ]
      [45] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [48] iload v4
      [50] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [53] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [56] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [59] athrow
      [60] aload_3 v3
      [61] ldc #87
        + String [US-ASCII]
      [63] invokevirtual #254
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readString (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [66] astore v6
      [68] aload_3 v3
      [69] invokevirtual #251
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readBoolean ()Z]
      [72] istore v7
      [74] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [77] invokevirtual #227
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
      [80] ifeq +43 (target=123)
      [83] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [86] bipush 80
      [88] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [91] dup
      [92] ldc #41
        + String [Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST (channel ]
      [94] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [97] iload v4
      [99] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [102] ldc #13
        + String [, ']
      [104] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [107] aload v6
      [109] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [112] ldc #9
        + String [')]
      [114] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [117] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [120] invokevirtual #228
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [123] aload v6
      [125] ldc #106
        + String [exit-status]
      [127] invokevirtual #270
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [130] ifeq +126 (target=256)
      [133] iload v7
      [135] ifeq +13 (target=148)
      [138] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [141] dup
      [142] ldc #20
        + String [Badly formatted SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST message, 'want reply' is true]
      [144] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [147] athrow
      [148] aload_3 v3
      [149] invokevirtual #255
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readUINT32 ()I]
      [152] istore v8
      [154] aload_3 v3
      [155] invokevirtual #256
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.remain ()I]
      [158] ifeq +13 (target=171)
      [161] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [164] dup
      [165] ldc #19
        + String [Badly formatted SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST message]
      [167] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [170] athrow
      [171] aload v5
      [173] dup
      [174] astore v9
      [176] monitorenter
      [177] aload v5
      [179] new #135
        + Class [java/lang/Integer]
      [182] dup
      [183] iload v8
      [185] invokespecial #264
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.<init> (I)V]
      [188] putfield #152
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.exit_status Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [191] aload v5
      [193] invokevirtual #267
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.notifyAll ()V]
      [196] aload v9
      [198] monitorexit
      [199] goto +7 (target=206)
      [202] aload v9
      [204] monitorexit
      [205] athrow
      [206] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [209] invokevirtual #227
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
      [212] ifeq +43 (target=255)
      [215] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [218] bipush 50
      [220] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [223] dup
      [224] ldc #31
        + String [Got EXIT STATUS (channel ]
      [226] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [229] iload v4
      [231] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [234] ldc #16
        + String [, status ]
      [236] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [239] iload v8
      [241] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [244] ldc #11
        + String [)]
      [246] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [249] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [252] invokevirtual #228
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [255] return
      [256] aload v6
      [258] ldc #105
        + String [exit-signal]
      [260] invokevirtual #270
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [263] ifeq +136 (target=399)
      [266] iload v7
      [268] ifeq +13 (target=281)
      [271] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [274] dup
      [275] ldc #20
        + String [Badly formatted SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST message, 'want reply' is true]
      [277] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [280] athrow
      [281] aload_3 v3
      [282] ldc #87
        + String [US-ASCII]
      [284] invokevirtual #254
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readString (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [287] astore v8
      [289] aload_3 v3
      [290] invokevirtual #251
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readBoolean ()Z]
      [293] pop
      [294] aload_3 v3
      [295] invokevirtual #253
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [298] pop
      [299] aload_3 v3
      [300] invokevirtual #253
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [303] pop
      [304] aload_3 v3
      [305] invokevirtual #256
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.remain ()I]
      [308] ifeq +13 (target=321)
      [311] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [314] dup
      [315] ldc #19
        + String [Badly formatted SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST message]
      [317] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [320] athrow
      [321] aload v5
      [323] dup
      [324] astore v9
      [326] monitorenter
      [327] aload v5
      [329] aload v8
      [331] putfield #151
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.exit_signal Ljava/lang/String;]
      [334] aload v5
      [336] invokevirtual #267
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.notifyAll ()V]
      [339] aload v9
      [341] monitorexit
      [342] goto +7 (target=349)
      [345] aload v9
      [347] monitorexit
      [348] athrow
      [349] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [352] invokevirtual #227
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
      [355] ifeq +43 (target=398)
      [358] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [361] bipush 50
      [363] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [366] dup
      [367] ldc #30
        + String [Got EXIT SIGNAL (channel ]
      [369] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [372] iload v4
      [374] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [377] ldc #15
        + String [, signal ]
      [379] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [382] aload v8
      [384] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [387] ldc #11
        + String [)]
      [389] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [392] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [395] invokevirtual #228
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [398] return
      [399] iload v7
      [401] ifeq +72 (target=473)
      [404] iconst_5
      [405] newarray 8
      [407] astore v8
      [409] aload v8
      [411] iconst_0
      [412] bipush 100
      [414] bastore
      [415] aload v8
      [417] iconst_1
      [418] aload v5
      [420] getfield #159
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteID I]
      [423] bipush 24
      [425] ishr
      [426] i2b
      [427] bastore
      [428] aload v8
      [430] iconst_2
      [431] aload v5
      [433] getfield #159
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteID I]
      [436] bipush 16
      [438] ishr
      [439] i2b
      [440] bastore
      [441] aload v8
      [443] iconst_3
      [444] aload v5
      [446] getfield #159
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteID I]
      [449] bipush 8
      [451] ishr
      [452] i2b
      [453] bastore
      [454] aload v8
      [456] iconst_4
      [457] aload v5
      [459] getfield #159
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteID I]
      [462] i2b
      [463] bastore
      [464] aload_0 v0
      [465] getfield #180
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [468] aload v8
      [470] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sendAsynchronousMessage ([B)V]
      [473] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [476] invokevirtual #227
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
      [479] ifeq +33 (target=512)
      [482] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [485] bipush 50
      [487] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [490] dup
      [491] ldc #24
        + String [Channel request ']
      [493] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [496] aload v6
      [498] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [501] ldc #8
        + String [' is not known, ignoring it]
      [503] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [506] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [509] invokevirtual #228
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [512] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 4):
      + ExceptionInfo (177 -> 199: 202):
      + ExceptionInfo (202 -> 205: 202):
      + ExceptionInfo (327 -> 342: 345):
      + ExceptionInfo (345 -> 348: 345):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 50)
        [0] -> line 1345
        [11] -> line 1347
        [16] -> line 1348
        [22] -> line 1350
        [30] -> line 1352
        [35] -> line 1353
        [60] -> line 1355
        [68] -> line 1356
        [74] -> line 1358
        [83] -> line 1359
        [123] -> line 1361
        [133] -> line 1363
        [138] -> line 1364
        [148] -> line 1366
        [154] -> line 1368
        [161] -> line 1369
        [171] -> line 1371
        [177] -> line 1373
        [191] -> line 1374
        [196] -> line 1371
        [206] -> line 1377
        [215] -> line 1378
        [255] -> line 1380
        [256] -> line 1383
        [266] -> line 1385
        [271] -> line 1386
        [281] -> line 1388
        [289] -> line 1389
        [294] -> line 1390
        [299] -> line 1391
        [304] -> line 1393
        [311] -> line 1394
        [321] -> line 1396
        [327] -> line 1398
        [334] -> line 1399
        [339] -> line 1396
        [349] -> line 1402
        [358] -> line 1403
        [398] -> line 1405
        [399] -> line 1412
        [404] -> line 1414
        [409] -> line 1416
        [415] -> line 1417
        [428] -> line 1418
        [441] -> line 1419
        [454] -> line 1420
        [464] -> line 1422
        [473] -> line 1425
        [482] -> line 1426
        [512] -> line 1427
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 11)
        v0: 0 -> 513 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 513 [[B msg]
        v2: 0 -> 513 [I msglen]
        v3: 11 -> 513 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader; tr]
        v4: 22 -> 513 [I id]
        v5: 30 -> 513 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; c]
        v6: 68 -> 513 [Ljava/lang/String; type]
        v7: 74 -> 513 [Z wantReply]
        v8: 154 -> 256 [I exit_status]
        v8: 289 -> 399 [Ljava/lang/String; signame]
        v8: 409 -> 473 [[B reply]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       msgChannelEOF([BI)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void msgChannelEOF(byte[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 177, locals = 6, stack = 5):
      [0] iload_2 v2
      [1] iconst_5
      [2] ificmpeq +32 (target=34)
      [5] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [8] dup
      [9] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [12] dup
      [13] ldc #60
        + String [SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF message has wrong size (]
      [15] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [18] iload_2 v2
      [19] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [22] ldc #11
        + String [)]
      [24] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [27] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [30] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [33] athrow
      [34] aload_1 v1
      [35] iconst_1
      [36] baload
      [37] sipush 255
      [40] iand
      [41] bipush 24
      [43] ishl
      [44] aload_1 v1
      [45] iconst_2
      [46] baload
      [47] sipush 255
      [50] iand
      [51] bipush 16
      [53] ishl
      [54] ior
      [55] aload_1 v1
      [56] iconst_3
      [57] baload
      [58] sipush 255
      [61] iand
      [62] bipush 8
      [64] ishl
      [65] ior
      [66] aload_1 v1
      [67] iconst_4
      [68] baload
      [69] sipush 255
      [72] iand
      [73] ior
      [74] istore_3 v3
      [75] aload_0 v0
      [76] iload_3 v3
      [77] invokespecial #200
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.getChannel (I)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [80] astore v4
      [82] aload v4
      [84] ifnonnull +27 (target=111)
      [87] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [90] dup
      [91] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [94] dup
      [95] ldc #91
        + String [Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF message for non-existent channel ]
      [97] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [100] iload_3 v3
      [101] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [104] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [107] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [110] athrow
      [111] aload v4
      [113] dup
      [114] astore v5
      [116] monitorenter
      [117] aload v4
      [119] iconst_1
      [120] putfield #147
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.EOF Z]
      [123] aload v4
      [125] invokevirtual #267
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.notifyAll ()V]
      [128] aload v5
      [130] monitorexit
      [131] goto +7 (target=138)
      [134] aload v5
      [136] monitorexit
      [137] athrow
      [138] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [141] invokevirtual #227
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
      [144] ifeq +32 (target=176)
      [147] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [150] bipush 50
      [152] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [155] dup
      [156] ldc #35
        + String [Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF (channel ]
      [158] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [161] iload_3 v3
      [162] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [165] ldc #11
        + String [)]
      [167] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [170] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [173] invokevirtual #228
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [176] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (117 -> 131: 134):
      + ExceptionInfo (134 -> 137: 134):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 13)
        [0] -> line 1431
        [5] -> line 1432
        [34] -> line 1434
        [75] -> line 1436
        [82] -> line 1438
        [87] -> line 1439
        [111] -> line 1441
        [117] -> line 1443
        [123] -> line 1444
        [128] -> line 1441
        [138] -> line 1447
        [147] -> line 1448
        [176] -> line 1449
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 177 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 177 [[B msg]
        v2: 0 -> 177 [I msglen]
        v3: 75 -> 177 [I id]
        v4: 82 -> 177 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; c]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       msgChannelClose([BI)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void msgChannelClose(byte[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 205, locals = 6, stack = 5):
      [0] iload_2 v2
      [1] iconst_5
      [2] ificmpeq +32 (target=34)
      [5] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [8] dup
      [9] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [12] dup
      [13] ldc #57
        + String [SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE message has wrong size (]
      [15] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [18] iload_2 v2
      [19] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [22] ldc #11
        + String [)]
      [24] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [27] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [30] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [33] athrow
      [34] aload_1 v1
      [35] iconst_1
      [36] baload
      [37] sipush 255
      [40] iand
      [41] bipush 24
      [43] ishl
      [44] aload_1 v1
      [45] iconst_2
      [46] baload
      [47] sipush 255
      [50] iand
      [51] bipush 16
      [53] ishl
      [54] ior
      [55] aload_1 v1
      [56] iconst_3
      [57] baload
      [58] sipush 255
      [61] iand
      [62] bipush 8
      [64] ishl
      [65] ior
      [66] aload_1 v1
      [67] iconst_4
      [68] baload
      [69] sipush 255
      [72] iand
      [73] ior
      [74] istore_3 v3
      [75] aload_0 v0
      [76] iload_3 v3
      [77] invokespecial #200
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.getChannel (I)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [80] astore v4
      [82] aload v4
      [84] ifnonnull +27 (target=111)
      [87] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [90] dup
      [91] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [94] dup
      [95] ldc #89
        + String [Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE message for non-existent channel ]
      [97] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [100] iload_3 v3
      [101] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [104] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [107] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [110] athrow
      [111] aload v4
      [113] dup
      [114] astore v5
      [116] monitorenter
      [117] aload v4
      [119] iconst_1
      [120] putfield #147
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.EOF Z]
      [123] aload v4
      [125] iconst_4
      [126] putfield #162
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.state I]
      [129] aload v4
      [131] ldc #25
        + String [Close requested by remote]
      [133] invokevirtual #197
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.setReasonClosed (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [136] aload v4
      [138] iconst_1
      [139] putfield #149
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.closeMessageRecv Z]
      [142] aload_0 v0
      [143] aload v4
      [145] getfield #155
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.localID I]
      [148] invokespecial #215
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.removeChannel (I)V]
      [151] aload v4
      [153] invokevirtual #267
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.notifyAll ()V]
      [156] aload v5
      [158] monitorexit
      [159] goto +7 (target=166)
      [162] aload v5
      [164] monitorexit
      [165] athrow
      [166] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [169] invokevirtual #227
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
      [172] ifeq +32 (target=204)
      [175] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [178] bipush 50
      [180] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [183] dup
      [184] ldc #32
        + String [Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE (channel ]
      [186] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [189] iload_3 v3
      [190] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [193] ldc #11
        + String [)]
      [195] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [198] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [201] invokevirtual #228
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [204] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (117 -> 159: 162):
      + ExceptionInfo (162 -> 165: 162):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 17)
        [0] -> line 1453
        [5] -> line 1454
        [34] -> line 1456
        [75] -> line 1458
        [82] -> line 1460
        [87] -> line 1461
        [111] -> line 1463
        [117] -> line 1465
        [123] -> line 1466
        [129] -> line 1467
        [136] -> line 1468
        [142] -> line 1470
        [151] -> line 1472
        [156] -> line 1463
        [166] -> line 1475
        [175] -> line 1476
        [204] -> line 1477
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 205 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 205 [[B msg]
        v2: 0 -> 205 [I msglen]
        v3: 75 -> 205 [I id]
        v4: 82 -> 205 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; c]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       msgChannelSuccess([BI)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void msgChannelSuccess(byte[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 182, locals = 6, stack = 5):
      [0] iload_2 v2
      [1] iconst_5
      [2] ificmpeq +32 (target=34)
      [5] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [8] dup
      [9] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [12] dup
      [13] ldc #66
        + String [SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS message has wrong size (]
      [15] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [18] iload_2 v2
      [19] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [22] ldc #11
        + String [)]
      [24] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [27] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [30] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [33] athrow
      [34] aload_1 v1
      [35] iconst_1
      [36] baload
      [37] sipush 255
      [40] iand
      [41] bipush 24
      [43] ishl
      [44] aload_1 v1
      [45] iconst_2
      [46] baload
      [47] sipush 255
      [50] iand
      [51] bipush 16
      [53] ishl
      [54] ior
      [55] aload_1 v1
      [56] iconst_3
      [57] baload
      [58] sipush 255
      [61] iand
      [62] bipush 8
      [64] ishl
      [65] ior
      [66] aload_1 v1
      [67] iconst_4
      [68] baload
      [69] sipush 255
      [72] iand
      [73] ior
      [74] istore_3 v3
      [75] aload_0 v0
      [76] iload_3 v3
      [77] invokespecial #200
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.getChannel (I)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [80] astore v4
      [82] aload v4
      [84] ifnonnull +27 (target=111)
      [87] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [90] dup
      [91] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [94] dup
      [95] ldc #98
        + String [Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS message for non-existent channel ]
      [97] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [100] iload_3 v3
      [101] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [104] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [107] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [110] athrow
      [111] aload v4
      [113] dup
      [114] astore v5
      [116] monitorenter
      [117] aload v4
      [119] dup
      [120] getfield #169
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.successCounter I]
      [123] iconst_1
      [124] iadd
      [125] putfield #169
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.successCounter I]
      [128] aload v4
      [130] invokevirtual #267
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.notifyAll ()V]
      [133] aload v5
      [135] monitorexit
      [136] goto +7 (target=143)
      [139] aload v5
      [141] monitorexit
      [142] athrow
      [143] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [146] invokevirtual #227
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
      [149] ifeq +32 (target=181)
      [152] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [155] bipush 80
      [157] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [160] dup
      [161] ldc #42
        + String [Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS (channel ]
      [163] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [166] iload_3 v3
      [167] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [170] ldc #11
        + String [)]
      [172] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [175] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [178] invokevirtual #228
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [181] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (117 -> 136: 139):
      + ExceptionInfo (139 -> 142: 139):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 13)
        [0] -> line 1481
        [5] -> line 1482
        [34] -> line 1484
        [75] -> line 1486
        [82] -> line 1488
        [87] -> line 1489
        [111] -> line 1491
        [117] -> line 1493
        [128] -> line 1494
        [133] -> line 1491
        [143] -> line 1497
        [152] -> line 1498
        [181] -> line 1499
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 182 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 182 [[B msg]
        v2: 0 -> 182 [I msglen]
        v3: 75 -> 182 [I id]
        v4: 82 -> 182 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; c]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       msgChannelFailure([BI)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void msgChannelFailure(byte[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 182, locals = 6, stack = 5):
      [0] iload_2 v2
      [1] iconst_5
      [2] ificmpeq +32 (target=34)
      [5] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [8] dup
      [9] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [12] dup
      [13] ldc #64
        + String [SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE message has wrong size (]
      [15] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [18] iload_2 v2
      [19] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [22] ldc #11
        + String [)]
      [24] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [27] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [30] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [33] athrow
      [34] aload_1 v1
      [35] iconst_1
      [36] baload
      [37] sipush 255
      [40] iand
      [41] bipush 24
      [43] ishl
      [44] aload_1 v1
      [45] iconst_2
      [46] baload
      [47] sipush 255
      [50] iand
      [51] bipush 16
      [53] ishl
      [54] ior
      [55] aload_1 v1
      [56] iconst_3
      [57] baload
      [58] sipush 255
      [61] iand
      [62] bipush 8
      [64] ishl
      [65] ior
      [66] aload_1 v1
      [67] iconst_4
      [68] baload
      [69] sipush 255
      [72] iand
      [73] ior
      [74] istore_3 v3
      [75] aload_0 v0
      [76] iload_3 v3
      [77] invokespecial #200
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.getChannel (I)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [80] astore v4
      [82] aload v4
      [84] ifnonnull +27 (target=111)
      [87] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [90] dup
      [91] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [94] dup
      [95] ldc #93
        + String [Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE message for non-existent channel ]
      [97] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [100] iload_3 v3
      [101] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [104] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [107] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [110] athrow
      [111] aload v4
      [113] dup
      [114] astore v5
      [116] monitorenter
      [117] aload v4
      [119] dup
      [120] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.failedCounter I]
      [123] iconst_1
      [124] iadd
      [125] putfield #153
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.failedCounter I]
      [128] aload v4
      [130] invokevirtual #267
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.notifyAll ()V]
      [133] aload v5
      [135] monitorexit
      [136] goto +7 (target=143)
      [139] aload v5
      [141] monitorexit
      [142] athrow
      [143] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [146] invokevirtual #227
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
      [149] ifeq +32 (target=181)
      [152] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [155] bipush 50
      [157] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [160] dup
      [161] ldc #38
        + String [Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE (channel ]
      [163] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [166] iload_3 v3
      [167] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [170] ldc #11
        + String [)]
      [172] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [175] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [178] invokevirtual #228
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [181] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (117 -> 136: 139):
      + ExceptionInfo (139 -> 142: 139):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 13)
        [0] -> line 1503
        [5] -> line 1504
        [34] -> line 1506
        [75] -> line 1508
        [82] -> line 1510
        [87] -> line 1511
        [111] -> line 1513
        [117] -> line 1515
        [128] -> line 1516
        [133] -> line 1513
        [143] -> line 1519
        [152] -> line 1520
        [181] -> line 1521
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 182 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 182 [[B msg]
        v2: 0 -> 182 [I msglen]
        v3: 75 -> 182 [I id]
        v4: 82 -> 182 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; c]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       msgChannelOpenConfirmation([BI)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void msgChannelOpenConfirmation(byte[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 202, locals = 6, stack = 5):
      [0] new #121
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation]
      [3] dup
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] iconst_0
      [6] iload_2 v2
      [7] invokespecial #232
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation.<init> ([BII)V]
      [10] astore_3 v3
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] aload_3 v3
      [13] getfield #188
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation.recipientChannelID I]
      [16] invokespecial #200
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.getChannel (I)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [19] astore v4
      [21] aload v4
      [23] ifnonnull +30 (target=53)
      [26] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [29] dup
      [30] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [33] dup
      [34] ldc #95
        + String [Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION message for non-existent channel ]
      [36] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [39] aload_3 v3
      [40] getfield #188
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation.recipientChannelID I]
      [43] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [46] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [49] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [52] athrow
      [53] aload v4
      [55] dup
      [56] astore v5
      [58] monitorenter
      [59] aload v4
      [61] getfield #162
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.state I]
      [64] iconst_1
      [65] ificmpeq +30 (target=95)
      [68] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [71] dup
      [72] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [75] dup
      [76] ldc #94
        + String [Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION message for channel ]
      [78] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [81] aload_3 v3
      [82] getfield #188
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation.recipientChannelID I]
      [85] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [88] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [91] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [94] athrow
      [95] aload v4
      [97] aload_3 v3
      [98] getfield #189
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation.senderChannelID I]
      [101] putfield #159
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteID I]
      [104] aload v4
      [106] aload_3 v3
      [107] getfield #186
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation.initialWindowSize I]
      [110] i2l
      [111] ldc2_w #145
        + Long [4294967295]
      [114] land
      [115] putfield #161
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteWindow J]
      [118] aload v4
      [120] aload_3 v3
      [121] getfield #187
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation.maxPacketSize I]
      [124] putfield #160
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.remoteMaxPacketSize I]
      [127] aload v4
      [129] iconst_2
      [130] putfield #162
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.state I]
      [133] aload v4
      [135] invokevirtual #267
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.notifyAll ()V]
      [138] aload v5
      [140] monitorexit
      [141] goto +7 (target=148)
      [144] aload v5
      [146] monitorexit
      [147] athrow
      [148] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [151] invokevirtual #227
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
      [154] ifeq +47 (target=201)
      [157] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [160] bipush 50
      [162] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [165] dup
      [166] ldc #39
        + String [Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION (channel ]
      [168] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [171] aload_3 v3
      [172] getfield #188
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation.recipientChannelID I]
      [175] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [178] ldc #3
        + String [ / remote: ]
      [180] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [183] aload_3 v3
      [184] getfield #189
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation.senderChannelID I]
      [187] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [190] ldc #11
        + String [)]
      [192] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [195] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [198] invokevirtual #228
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [201] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (59 -> 141: 144):
      + ExceptionInfo (144 -> 147: 144):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 22)
        [0] -> line 1525
        [11] -> line 1527
        [21] -> line 1529
        [26] -> line 1530
        [39] -> line 1531
        [49] -> line 1530
        [53] -> line 1533
        [59] -> line 1535
        [68] -> line 1536
        [81] -> line 1537
        [91] -> line 1536
        [95] -> line 1539
        [104] -> line 1540
        [118] -> line 1541
        [127] -> line 1542
        [133] -> line 1543
        [138] -> line 1533
        [148] -> line 1546
        [157] -> line 1547
        [183] -> line 1548
        [198] -> line 1547
        [201] -> line 1549
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 202 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 202 [[B msg]
        v2: 0 -> 202 [I msglen]
        v3: 11 -> 202 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation; sm]
        v4: 21 -> 202 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; c]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       msgChannelOpenFailure([BI)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void msgChannelOpenFailure(byte[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 380, locals = 12, stack = 5):
      [0] iload_2 v2
      [1] iconst_5
      [2] ificmpge +32 (target=34)
      [5] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [8] dup
      [9] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [12] dup
      [13] ldc #65
        + String [SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE message has wrong size (]
      [15] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [18] iload_2 v2
      [19] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [22] ldc #11
        + String [)]
      [24] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [27] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [30] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [33] athrow
      [34] new #130
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
      [37] dup
      [38] aload_1 v1
      [39] iconst_0
      [40] iload_2 v2
      [41] invokespecial #250
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.<init> ([BII)V]
      [44] astore_3 v3
      [45] aload_3 v3
      [46] invokevirtual #252
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readByte ()I]
      [49] pop
      [50] aload_3 v3
      [51] invokevirtual #255
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readUINT32 ()I]
      [54] istore v4
      [56] aload_0 v0
      [57] iload v4
      [59] invokespecial #200
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.getChannel (I)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [62] astore v5
      [64] aload v5
      [66] ifnonnull +28 (target=94)
      [69] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [72] dup
      [73] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [76] dup
      [77] ldc #96
        + String [Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE message for non-existent channel ]
      [79] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [82] iload v4
      [84] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [87] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [90] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [93] athrow
      [94] aload_3 v3
      [95] invokevirtual #255
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readUINT32 ()I]
      [98] istore v6
      [100] aload_3 v3
      [101] ldc #88
        + String [UTF-8]
      [103] invokevirtual #254
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readString (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [106] astore v7
      [108] aconst_null
      [109] astore v8
      [111] iload v6
      [113] tableswitch (4 offsets, default=59) (target=172)
        1: offset = 31, target = 144
        2: offset = 38, target = 151
        3: offset = 45, target = 158
        4: offset = 52, target = 165
        default: offset = 59, target = 172
      [144] ldc #68
      [146] astore v8
      [148] goto +48 (target=196)
      [151] ldc #69
        + String [SSH_OPEN_CONNECT_FAILED]
      [153] astore v8
      [155] goto +41 (target=196)
      [158] ldc #71
      [160] astore v8
      [162] goto +34 (target=196)
      [165] ldc #70
      [167] astore v8
      [169] goto +27 (target=196)
      [172] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [175] dup
      [176] ldc #86
        + String [UNKNOWN REASON CODE (]
      [178] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [181] iload v6
      [183] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [186] ldc #11
        + String [)]
      [188] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [191] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [194] astore v8
      [196] new #140
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuffer]
      [199] dup
      [200] invokespecial #271
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.<init> ()V]
      [203] astore v9
      [205] aload v9
      [207] aload v7
      [209] invokevirtual #272
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
      [212] pop
      [213] iconst_0
      [214] istore v10
      [216] goto +41 (target=257)
      [219] aload v9
      [221] iload v10
      [223] invokevirtual #273
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.charAt (I)C]
      [226] istore v11
      [228] iload v11
      [230] bipush 32
      [232] ificmplt +13 (target=245)
      [235] iload v11
      [237] bipush 126
      [239] ificmpgt +6 (target=245)
      [242] goto +12 (target=254)
      [245] aload v9
      [247] iload v10
      [249] ldc #1
        + Integer [65533]
      [251] invokevirtual #275
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.setCharAt (IC)V]
      [254] iinc v10, 1
      [257] iload v10
      [259] aload v9
      [261] invokevirtual #274
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.length ()I]
      [264] ificmplt -45 (target=219)
      [267] aload v5
      [269] dup
      [270] astore v10
      [272] monitorenter
      [273] aload v5
      [275] iconst_1
      [276] putfield #147
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.EOF Z]
      [279] aload v5
      [281] iconst_4
      [282] putfield #162
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.state I]
      [285] aload v5
      [287] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [290] dup
      [291] ldc #81
        + String [The server refused to open the channel (]
      [293] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [296] aload v8
      [298] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [301] ldc #13
        + String [, ']
      [303] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [306] aload v9
      [308] invokevirtual #276
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [311] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [314] ldc #9
        + String [')]
      [316] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [319] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [322] invokevirtual #197
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.setReasonClosed (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [325] aload v5
      [327] invokevirtual #267
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.notifyAll ()V]
      [330] aload v10
      [332] monitorexit
      [333] goto +7 (target=340)
      [336] aload v10
      [338] monitorexit
      [339] athrow
      [340] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [343] invokevirtual #227
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
      [346] ifeq +33 (target=379)
      [349] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [352] bipush 50
      [354] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [357] dup
      [358] ldc #40
        + String [Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE (channel ]
      [360] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [363] iload v4
      [365] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [368] ldc #11
        + String [)]
      [370] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [373] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [376] invokevirtual #228
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [379] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (273 -> 333: 336):
      + ExceptionInfo (336 -> 339: 336):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 40)
        [0] -> line 1553
        [5] -> line 1554
        [34] -> line 1556
        [45] -> line 1558
        [50] -> line 1559
        [56] -> line 1561
        [64] -> line 1563
        [69] -> line 1564
        [94] -> line 1566
        [100] -> line 1567
        [108] -> line 1569
        [111] -> line 1571
        [144] -> line 1574
        [148] -> line 1575
        [151] -> line 1577
        [155] -> line 1578
        [158] -> line 1580
        [162] -> line 1581
        [165] -> line 1583
        [169] -> line 1584
        [172] -> line 1586
        [196] -> line 1589
        [205] -> line 1590
        [213] -> line 1592
        [219] -> line 1594
        [228] -> line 1596
        [242] -> line 1597
        [245] -> line 1598
        [254] -> line 1592
        [267] -> line 1601
        [273] -> line 1603
        [279] -> line 1604
        [285] -> line 1605
        [306] -> line 1606
        [322] -> line 1605
        [325] -> line 1607
        [330] -> line 1601
        [340] -> line 1610
        [349] -> line 1611
        [379] -> line 1612
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 12)
        v0: 0 -> 380 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 380 [[B msg]
        v2: 0 -> 380 [I msglen]
        v3: 45 -> 380 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader; tr]
        v4: 56 -> 380 [I id]
        v5: 64 -> 380 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; c]
        v6: 100 -> 380 [I reasonCode]
        v7: 108 -> 380 [Ljava/lang/String; description]
        v8: 111 -> 380 [Ljava/lang/String; reasonCodeSymbolicName]
        v9: 205 -> 380 [Ljava/lang/StringBuffer; descriptionBuffer]
        v10: 216 -> 267 [I i]
        v11: 228 -> 254 [C cc]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       msgGlobalRequest([BI)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void msgGlobalRequest(byte[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 93, locals = 7, stack = 5):
      [0] new #130
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
      [3] dup
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] iconst_0
      [6] iload_2 v2
      [7] invokespecial #250
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.<init> ([BII)V]
      [10] astore_3 v3
      [11] aload_3 v3
      [12] invokevirtual #252
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readByte ()I]
      [15] pop
      [16] aload_3 v3
      [17] invokevirtual #253
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [20] astore v4
      [22] aload_3 v3
      [23] invokevirtual #251
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readBoolean ()Z]
      [26] istore v5
      [28] iload v5
      [30] ifeq +23 (target=53)
      [33] iconst_1
      [34] newarray 8
      [36] astore v6
      [38] aload v6
      [40] iconst_0
      [41] bipush 82
      [43] bastore
      [44] aload_0 v0
      [45] getfield #180
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [48] aload v6
      [50] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sendAsynchronousMessage ([B)V]
      [53] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [56] invokevirtual #227
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
      [59] ifeq +33 (target=92)
      [62] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [65] bipush 80
      [67] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [70] dup
      [71] ldc #44
        + String [Got SSH_MSG_GLOBAL_REQUEST (]
      [73] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [76] aload v4
      [78] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [81] ldc #11
        + String [)]
      [83] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [86] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [89] invokevirtual #228
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [92] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 11)
        [0] -> line 1618
        [11] -> line 1620
        [16] -> line 1621
        [22] -> line 1622
        [28] -> line 1624
        [33] -> line 1626
        [38] -> line 1627
        [44] -> line 1629
        [53] -> line 1634
        [62] -> line 1635
        [92] -> line 1636
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 93 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 93 [[B msg]
        v2: 0 -> 93 [I msglen]
        v3: 11 -> 93 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader; tr]
        v4: 22 -> 93 [Ljava/lang/String; requestName]
        v5: 28 -> 93 [Z wantReply]
        v6: 38 -> 53 [[B reply_failure]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       msgGlobalSuccess()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void msgGlobalSuccess()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 52, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #171
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.channels Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [4] dup
      [5] astore_1 v1
      [6] monitorenter
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] dup
      [9] getfield #173
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.globalSuccessCounter I]
      [12] iconst_1
      [13] iadd
      [14] putfield #173
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.globalSuccessCounter I]
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] getfield #171
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.channels Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [21] invokevirtual #267
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.notifyAll ()V]
      [24] aload_1 v1
      [25] monitorexit
      [26] goto +6 (target=32)
      [29] aload_1 v1
      [30] monitorexit
      [31] athrow
      [32] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [35] invokevirtual #227
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
      [38] ifeq +13 (target=51)
      [41] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [44] bipush 80
      [46] ldc #46
        + String [Got SSH_MSG_REQUEST_SUCCESS]
      [48] invokevirtual #228
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [51] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (7 -> 26: 29):
      + ExceptionInfo (29 -> 31: 29):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 1640
        [7] -> line 1642
        [17] -> line 1643
        [24] -> line 1640
        [32] -> line 1646
        [41] -> line 1647
        [51] -> line 1648
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 52 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; this]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       msgGlobalFailure()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void msgGlobalFailure()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 52, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #171
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.channels Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [4] dup
      [5] astore_1 v1
      [6] monitorenter
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] dup
      [9] getfield #172
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.globalFailedCounter I]
      [12] iconst_1
      [13] iadd
      [14] putfield #172
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.globalFailedCounter I]
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] getfield #171
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.channels Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [21] invokevirtual #267
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.notifyAll ()V]
      [24] aload_1 v1
      [25] monitorexit
      [26] goto +6 (target=32)
      [29] aload_1 v1
      [30] monitorexit
      [31] athrow
      [32] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [35] invokevirtual #227
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
      [38] ifeq +13 (target=51)
      [41] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [44] bipush 80
      [46] ldc #45
        + String [Got SSH_MSG_REQUEST_FAILURE]
      [48] invokevirtual #228
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [51] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (7 -> 26: 29):
      + ExceptionInfo (29 -> 31: 29):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 1652
        [7] -> line 1654
        [17] -> line 1655
        [24] -> line 1652
        [32] -> line 1658
        [41] -> line 1659
        [51] -> line 1660
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 52 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; this]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       handleMessage([BI)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void handleMessage(byte[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 461, locals = 7, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] ifnonnull +205 (target=206)
      [4] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [7] invokevirtual #227
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
      [10] ifeq +13 (target=23)
      [13] getstatic #176
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [16] bipush 50
      [18] ldc #47
        + String [HandleMessage: got shutdown]
      [20] invokevirtual #228
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] getfield #174
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.listenerThreads Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [27] dup
      [28] astore_3 v3
      [29] monitorenter
      [30] iconst_0
      [31] istore v4
      [33] goto +27 (target=60)
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] getfield #174
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.listenerThreads Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [40] iload v4
      [42] invokevirtual #291
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.elementAt (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [45] checkcast #114
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/IChannelWorkerThread]
      [48] astore v5
      [50] aload v5
      [52] invokeinterface #296
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/IChannelWorkerThread.stopWorking ()V]
      [57] iinc v4, 1
      [60] iload v4
      [62] aload_0 v0
      [63] getfield #174
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.listenerThreads Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [66] invokevirtual #294
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.size ()I]
      [69] ificmplt -33 (target=36)
      [72] aload_0 v0
      [73] iconst_0
      [74] putfield #175
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.listenerThreadsAllowed Z]
      [77] aload_3 v3
      [78] monitorexit
      [79] goto +6 (target=85)
      [82] aload_3 v3
      [83] monitorexit
      [84] athrow
      [85] aload_0 v0
      [86] getfield #171
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.channels Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [89] dup
      [90] astore_3 v3
      [91] monitorenter
      [92] aload_0 v0
      [93] iconst_1
      [94] putfield #179
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.shutdown Z]
      [97] iconst_0
      [98] istore v4
      [100] goto +66 (target=166)
      [103] aload_0 v0
      [104] getfield #171
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.channels Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [107] iload v4
      [109] invokevirtual #291
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.elementAt (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [112] checkcast #112
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel]
      [115] astore v5
      [117] aload v5
      [119] dup
      [120] astore v6
      [122] monitorenter
      [123] aload v5
      [125] iconst_1
      [126] putfield #147
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.EOF Z]
      [129] aload v5
      [131] iconst_4
      [132] putfield #162
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.state I]
      [135] aload v5
      [137] ldc #77
        + String [The connection is being shutdown]
      [139] invokevirtual #197
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.setReasonClosed (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [142] aload v5
      [144] iconst_1
      [145] putfield #149
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.closeMessageRecv Z]
      [148] aload v5
      [150] invokevirtual #267
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.notifyAll ()V]
      [153] aload v6
      [155] monitorexit
      [156] goto +7 (target=163)
      [159] aload v6
      [161] monitorexit
      [162] athrow
      [163] iinc v4, 1
      [166] iload v4
      [168] aload_0 v0
      [169] getfield #171
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.channels Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [172] invokevirtual #294
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.size ()I]
      [175] ificmplt -72 (target=103)
      [178] aload_0 v0
      [179] getfield #171
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.channels Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [182] iconst_0
      [183] invokevirtual #293
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.setSize (I)V]
      [186] aload_0 v0
      [187] getfield #171
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.channels Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [190] invokevirtual #295
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.trimToSize ()V]
      [193] aload_0 v0
      [194] getfield #171
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.channels Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [197] invokevirtual #267
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.notifyAll ()V]
      [200] aload_3 v3
      [201] monitorexit
      [202] return
      [203] aload_3 v3
      [204] monitorexit
      [205] athrow
      [206] aload_1 v1
      [207] iconst_0
      [208] baload
      [209] tableswitch (21 offsets, default=221) (target=430)
        80: offset = 198, target = 407
        81: offset = 207, target = 416
        82: offset = 214, target = 423
        83: offset = 221, target = 430
        84: offset = 221, target = 430
        85: offset = 221, target = 430
        86: offset = 221, target = 430
        87: offset = 221, target = 430
        88: offset = 221, target = 430
        89: offset = 221, target = 430
        90: offset = 153, target = 362
        91: offset = 99, target = 308
        92: offset = 189, target = 398
        93: offset = 108, target = 317
        94: offset = 117, target = 326
        95: offset = 126, target = 335
        96: offset = 144, target = 353
        97: offset = 162, target = 371
        98: offset = 135, target = 344
        99: offset = 171, target = 380
        100: offset = 180, target = 389
        default: offset = 221, target = 430
      [308] aload_0 v0
      [309] aload_1 v1
      [310] iload_2 v2
      [311] invokevirtual #207
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.msgChannelOpenConfirmation ([BI)V]
      [314] goto +146 (target=460)
      [317] aload_0 v0
      [318] aload_1 v1
      [319] iload_2 v2
      [320] invokevirtual #211
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.msgChannelWindowAdjust ([BI)V]
      [323] goto +137 (target=460)
      [326] aload_0 v0
      [327] aload_1 v1
      [328] iload_2 v2
      [329] invokevirtual #202
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.msgChannelData ([BI)V]
      [332] goto +128 (target=460)
      [335] aload_0 v0
      [336] aload_1 v1
      [337] iload_2 v2
      [338] invokevirtual #204
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.msgChannelExtendedData ([BI)V]
      [341] goto +119 (target=460)
      [344] aload_0 v0
      [345] aload_1 v1
      [346] iload_2 v2
      [347] invokevirtual #209
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.msgChannelRequest ([BI)V]
      [350] goto +110 (target=460)
      [353] aload_0 v0
      [354] aload_1 v1
      [355] iload_2 v2
      [356] invokevirtual #203
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.msgChannelEOF ([BI)V]
      [359] goto +101 (target=460)
      [362] aload_0 v0
      [363] aload_1 v1
      [364] iload_2 v2
      [365] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.msgChannelOpen ([BI)V]
      [368] goto +92 (target=460)
      [371] aload_0 v0
      [372] aload_1 v1
      [373] iload_2 v2
      [374] invokevirtual #201
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.msgChannelClose ([BI)V]
      [377] goto +83 (target=460)
      [380] aload_0 v0
      [381] aload_1 v1
      [382] iload_2 v2
      [383] invokevirtual #210
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.msgChannelSuccess ([BI)V]
      [386] goto +74 (target=460)
      [389] aload_0 v0
      [390] aload_1 v1
      [391] iload_2 v2
      [392] invokevirtual #205
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.msgChannelFailure ([BI)V]
      [395] goto +65 (target=460)
      [398] aload_0 v0
      [399] aload_1 v1
      [400] iload_2 v2
      [401] invokevirtual #208
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.msgChannelOpenFailure ([BI)V]
      [404] goto +56 (target=460)
      [407] aload_0 v0
      [408] aload_1 v1
      [409] iload_2 v2
      [410] invokevirtual #213
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.msgGlobalRequest ([BI)V]
      [413] goto +47 (target=460)
      [416] aload_0 v0
      [417] invokevirtual #214
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.msgGlobalSuccess ()V]
      [420] goto +40 (target=460)
      [423] aload_0 v0
      [424] invokevirtual #212
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.msgGlobalFailure ()V]
      [427] goto +33 (target=460)
      [430] new #133
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [433] dup
      [434] new #141
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [437] dup
      [438] ldc #21
        + String [Cannot handle unknown channel message ]
      [440] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [443] aload_1 v1
      [444] iconst_0
      [445] baload
      [446] sipush 255
      [449] iand
      [450] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [453] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [456] invokespecial #261
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [459] athrow
      [460] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 6):
      + ExceptionInfo (30 -> 79: 82):
      + ExceptionInfo (82 -> 84: 82):
      + ExceptionInfo (123 -> 156: 159):
      + ExceptionInfo (159 -> 162: 159):
      + ExceptionInfo (92 -> 202: 203):
      + ExceptionInfo (203 -> 205: 203):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 58)
        [0] -> line 1664
        [4] -> line 1666
        [13] -> line 1667
        [23] -> line 1669
        [30] -> line 1671
        [36] -> line 1673
        [50] -> line 1674
        [57] -> line 1671
        [72] -> line 1676
        [77] -> line 1669
        [85] -> line 1679
        [92] -> line 1681
        [97] -> line 1683
        [103] -> line 1685
        [117] -> line 1686
        [123] -> line 1688
        [129] -> line 1689
        [135] -> line 1690
        [142] -> line 1691
        [148] -> line 1697
        [153] -> line 1686
        [163] -> line 1683
        [178] -> line 1701
        [186] -> line 1702
        [193] -> line 1703
        [200] -> line 1704
        [203] -> line 1679
        [206] -> line 1708
        [308] -> line 1711
        [314] -> line 1712
        [317] -> line 1714
        [323] -> line 1715
        [326] -> line 1717
        [332] -> line 1718
        [335] -> line 1720
        [341] -> line 1721
        [344] -> line 1723
        [350] -> line 1724
        [353] -> line 1726
        [359] -> line 1727
        [362] -> line 1729
        [368] -> line 1730
        [371] -> line 1732
        [377] -> line 1733
        [380] -> line 1735
        [386] -> line 1736
        [389] -> line 1738
        [395] -> line 1739
        [398] -> line 1741
        [404] -> line 1742
        [407] -> line 1744
        [413] -> line 1745
        [416] -> line 1747
        [420] -> line 1748
        [423] -> line 1750
        [427] -> line 1751
        [430] -> line 1753
        [460] -> line 1755
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 461 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 461 [[B msg]
        v2: 0 -> 461 [I msglen]
        v4: 33 -> 72 [I i]
        v5: 50 -> 57 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/IChannelWorkerThread; lat]
        v4: 100 -> 178 [I i]
        v5: 117 -> 163 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; c]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream
  Superclass:    java/io/OutputStream
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x31
    = public final class extends

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 70):
  + String [This OutputStream is closed.]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/io/OutputStream]
  + Class [java/lang/IndexOutOfBoundsException]
  + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream.isClosed Z]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream.writeBuffer [B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.sendData (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;[BII)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.sendEOF (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream.write ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/IndexOutOfBoundsException.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/NullPointerException.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
  + NameAndType [cm Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + NameAndType [isClosed Z]
  + NameAndType [sendData (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;[BII)V]
  + NameAndType [sendEOF (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)V]
  + NameAndType [write ([BII)V]
  + NameAndType [writeBuffer [B]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;[BII)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [([BII)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [This OutputStream is closed.]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [b]
  + Utf8 [c]
  + Utf8 [close]
  + Utf8 [cm]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream]
  + Utf8 [flush]
  + Utf8 [isClosed]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/io/OutputStream]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/IndexOutOfBoundsException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/NullPointerException]
  + Utf8 [len]
  + Utf8 [off]
  + Utf8 [sendData]
  + Utf8 [sendEOF]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [write]
  + Utf8 [writeBuffer]

Fields (count = 3):
  + Field:        c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = c
  + Field:        writeBuffer [B
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private byte[] writeBuffer
  + Field:        isClosed Z
    Access flags: 0x0
      = boolean isClosed

Methods (count = 6):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = ChannelOutputStream(
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 22, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #17
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] iconst_0
      [6] putfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream.isClosed Z]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aload_1 v1
      [11] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] iconst_1
      [16] newarray 8
      [18] putfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream.writeBuffer [B]
      [21] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 20
        [4] -> line 18
        [9] -> line 22
        [14] -> line 23
        [21] -> line 24
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 22 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream; this]
        v1: 0 -> 22 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; c]
  + Method:       write(I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void write(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 19, locals = 2, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream.writeBuffer [B]
      [4] iconst_0
      [5] iload_1 v1
      [6] i2b
      [7] bastore
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream.writeBuffer [B]
      [13] iconst_0
      [14] iconst_1
      [15] invokevirtual #15
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream.write ([BII)V]
      [18] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 28
        [8] -> line 30
        [18] -> line 31
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 19 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream; this]
        v1: 0 -> 19 [I b]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       close()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void close()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 27, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream.isClosed Z]
      [4] ifne +22 (target=26)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] iconst_1
      [9] putfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream.isClosed Z]
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [16] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [23] invokevirtual #14
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.sendEOF (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)V]
      [26] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 35
        [7] -> line 37
        [12] -> line 38
        [26] -> line 40
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 27 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream; this]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       flush()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void flush()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 18, locals = 1, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream.isClosed Z]
      [4] ifeq +13 (target=17)
      [7] new #5
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [10] dup
      [11] ldc #1
        + String [This OutputStream is closed.]
      [13] invokespecial #16
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [16] athrow
      [17] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 44
        [7] -> line 45
        [17] -> line 48
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 18 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream; this]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       write([BII)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void write(byte[],int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 88, locals = 4, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream.isClosed Z]
      [4] ifeq +13 (target=17)
      [7] new #5
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [10] dup
      [11] ldc #1
        + String [This OutputStream is closed.]
      [13] invokespecial #16
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [16] athrow
      [17] aload_1 v1
      [18] ifnonnull +11 (target=29)
      [21] new #8
        + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
      [24] dup
      [25] invokespecial #19
        + Methodref [java/lang/NullPointerException.<init> ()V]
      [28] athrow
      [29] iload_2 v2
      [30] iflt +27 (target=57)
      [33] iload_3 v3
      [34] iflt +23 (target=57)
      [37] iload_2 v2
      [38] iload_3 v3
      [39] iadd
      [40] aload_1 v1
      [41] arraylength
      [42] ificmpgt +15 (target=57)
      [45] iload_2 v2
      [46] iload_3 v3
      [47] iadd
      [48] iflt +9 (target=57)
      [51] iload_2 v2
      [52] aload_1 v1
      [53] arraylength
      [54] ificmple +11 (target=65)
      [57] new #7
        + Class [java/lang/IndexOutOfBoundsException]
      [60] dup
      [61] invokespecial #18
        + Methodref [java/lang/IndexOutOfBoundsException.<init> ()V]
      [64] athrow
      [65] iload_3 v3
      [66] ifne +4 (target=70)
      [69] return
      [70] aload_0 v0
      [71] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [74] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [77] aload_0 v0
      [78] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [81] aload_1 v1
      [82] iload_2 v2
      [83] iload_3 v3
      [84] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.sendData (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;[BII)V]
      [87] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 10)
        [0] -> line 52
        [7] -> line 53
        [17] -> line 55
        [21] -> line 56
        [29] -> line 58
        [57] -> line 59
        [65] -> line 61
        [69] -> line 62
        [70] -> line 64
        [87] -> line 65
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 88 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream; this]
        v1: 0 -> 88 [[B b]
        v2: 0 -> 88 [I off]
        v3: 0 -> 88 [I len]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       write([B)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void write(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 9, locals = 2, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] iconst_0
      [3] aload_1 v1
      [4] arraylength
      [5] invokevirtual #15
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream.write ([BII)V]
      [8] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 69
        [8] -> line 70
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 9 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream; this]
        v1: 0 -> 9 [[B b]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread
  Superclass:    java/lang/Thread
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class extends java.lang.Thread

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/IChannelWorkerThread]

Constant Pool (count = 86):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/IChannelWorkerThread]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/lang/Thread]
  + Class [java/net/ServerSocket]
  + Class [net/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticatorNone]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Ljava/net/ServerSocket;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.registerThread (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/IChannelWorkerThread;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread.stopWorking ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread;Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator;Ljava/net/Socket;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.<init> (Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.setDaemon (Z)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.start ()V]
  + Methodref [java/net/ServerSocket.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/net/ServerSocket.accept ()Ljava/net/Socket;]
  + Methodref [java/net/ServerSocket.bind (Ljava/net/SocketAddress;)V]
  + Methodref [java/net/ServerSocket.close ()V]
  + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticatorNone.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread;Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator;Ljava/net/Socket;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V]
  + NameAndType [accept ()Ljava/net/Socket;]
  + NameAndType [bind (Ljava/net/SocketAddress;)V]
  + NameAndType [close ()V]
  + NameAndType [cm Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + NameAndType [registerThread (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/IChannelWorkerThread;)V]
  + NameAndType [setDaemon (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [ss Ljava/net/ServerSocket;]
  + NameAndType [start ()V]
  + NameAndType [stopWorking ()V]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/net/Socket;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread;Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator;Ljava/net/Socket;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/IChannelWorkerThread;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/net/SocketAddress;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [DynamicAcceptRunnable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/IOException;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Thread;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/net/ServerSocket;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/net/Socket;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [accept]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [bind]
  + Utf8 [close]
  + Utf8 [cm]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/IChannelWorkerThread]
  + Utf8 [dar]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Thread]
  + Utf8 [java/net/ServerSocket]
  + Utf8 [localAddress]
  + Utf8 [net/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticatorNone]
  + Utf8 [registerThread]
  + Utf8 [run]
  + Utf8 [setDaemon]
  + Utf8 [sock]
  + Utf8 [ss]
  + Utf8 [start]
  + Utf8 [stopWorking]
  + Utf8 [t]
  + Utf8 [this]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        cm Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private cm
  + Field:        ss Ljava/net/ServerSocket;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private ss

Methods (count = 4):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public DynamicAcceptThread(,
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 29, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #14
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] new #7
        + Class [java/net/ServerSocket]
      [13] dup
      [14] invokespecial #18
        + Methodref [java/net/ServerSocket.<init> ()V]
      [17] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Ljava/net/ServerSocket;]
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Ljava/net/ServerSocket;]
      [24] aload_2 v2
      [25] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [java/net/ServerSocket.bind (Ljava/net/SocketAddress;)V]
      [28] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 238
        [4] -> line 240
        [9] -> line 242
        [20] -> line 243
        [28] -> line 244
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 29 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread; this]
        v1: 0 -> 29 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; cm]
        v2: 0 -> 29 [Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress; localAddress]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       run()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void run()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 74, locals = 4, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] invokevirtual #11
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.registerThread (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/IChannelWorkerThread;)V]
      [8] goto +9 (target=17)
      [11] astore_1 v1
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] invokevirtual #12
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread.stopWorking ()V]
      [16] return
      [17] aconst_null
      [18] astore_1 v1
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Ljava/net/ServerSocket;]
      [23] invokevirtual #19
        + Methodref [java/net/ServerSocket.accept ()Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [26] astore_1 v1
      [27] goto +9 (target=36)
      [30] astore_2 v2
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] invokevirtual #12
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread.stopWorking ()V]
      [35] return
      [36] new #3
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable]
      [39] dup
      [40] aload_0 v0
      [41] new #8
        + Class [net/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticatorNone]
      [44] dup
      [45] invokespecial #22
        + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticatorNone.<init> ()V]
      [48] aload_1 v1
      [49] invokespecial #13
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread;Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator;Ljava/net/Socket;)V]
      [52] astore_2 v2
      [53] new #6
        + Class [java/lang/Thread]
      [56] dup
      [57] aload_2 v2
      [58] invokespecial #15
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.<init> (Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V]
      [61] astore_3 v3
      [62] aload_3 v3
      [63] iconst_1
      [64] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.setDaemon (Z)V]
      [67] aload_3 v3
      [68] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.start ()V]
      [71] goto -54 (target=17)
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 8: 11):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (19 -> 27: 30):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 14)
        [0] -> line 249
        [11] -> line 250
        [12] -> line 251
        [16] -> line 252
        [17] -> line 256
        [19] -> line 259
        [30] -> line 260
        [31] -> line 261
        [35] -> line 262
        [36] -> line 265
        [53] -> line 266
        [62] -> line 267
        [67] -> line 268
        [71] -> line 255
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 74 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread; this]
        v1: 12 -> 17 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]
        v1: 19 -> 71 [Ljava/net/Socket; sock]
        v2: 31 -> 36 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]
        v2: 53 -> 71 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable; dar]
        v3: 62 -> 71 [Ljava/lang/Thread; t]
  + Method:       stopWorking()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void stopWorking()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 12, locals = 2, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Ljava/net/ServerSocket;]
      [4] invokevirtual #21
        + Methodref [java/net/ServerSocket.close ()V]
      [7] goto +4 (target=11)
      [10] astore_1 v1
      [11] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 7: 10):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 280
        [10] -> line 281
        [11] -> line 283
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 12 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread; this]
  + Method:       access$0(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic access$0(
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 47
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable]
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread]
      + Utf8 [DynamicAcceptRunnable]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class$DynamicAcceptRunnable extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [java/lang/Runnable]

Constant Pool (count = 265):
  + Integer [180000]
  + String [)]
  + String []
  + String [Could not start SOCKS session]
  + String [DynamicAcceptRunnable]
  + String [LocalToRemote]
  + String [RemoteToLocal]
  + String [SOCKS auth failed]
  + String [Weird error during creation of StreamForwarder (]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/io/InterruptedIOException]
  + Class [java/io/PrintStream]
  + Class [java/io/PushbackInputStream]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/Runnable]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Class [java/net/ConnectException]
  + Class [java/net/InetAddress]
  + Class [java/net/NoRouteToHostException]
  + Class [java/net/Socket]
  + Class [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage]
  + Class [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message]
  + Class [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message]
  + Class [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException]
  + Class [net/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdinStream Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdoutStream Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.auth Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$ Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.msg Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.out Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.sock Ljava/net/Socket;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.this$0 Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread;]
  + Fieldref [java/lang/System.out Ljava/io/PrintStream;]
  + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage.command I]
  + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage.ip Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
  + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage.port I]
  + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException.errCode I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.closeChannel (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.openDirectTCPIPChannel (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread.access$0 (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread.setName (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.handleRequest (Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.onConnect (Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.readMsg (Ljava/io/InputStream;)Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.sendErrorMessage (I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.startSession ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder;Ljava/net/Socket;Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/OutputStream;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.setDaemon (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.start ()V]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.getMessage ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.printStackTrace ()V]
  + Methodref [java/io/PrintStream.println (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/PushbackInputStream.<init> (Ljava/io/InputStream;)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/ ()I]
  + Methodref [java/io/PushbackInputStream.unread (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/net/InetAddress.getHostAddress ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/net/Socket.close ()V]
  + Methodref [java/net/Socket.setSoTimeout (I)V]
  + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage.write (Ljava/io/OutputStream;)V]
  + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.<init> (I)V]
  + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.<init> (ILjava/net/InetAddress;I)V]
  + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.<init> (Ljava/io/InputStream;Z)V]
  + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.<init> (I)V]
  + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.<init> (ILjava/net/InetAddress;I)V]
  + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.<init> (Ljava/io/InputStream;Z)V]
  + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException.<init> (I)V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator.checkRequest (Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage;)Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator.endSession ()V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator.getInputStream ()Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator.getOutputStream ()Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator.startSession (Ljava/net/Socket;)Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (I)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (ILjava/net/InetAddress;I)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder;Ljava/net/Socket;Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/OutputStream;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/io/InputStream;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/io/InputStream;Z)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [access$0 (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [auth Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator;]
  + NameAndType [checkRequest (Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage;)Z]
  + NameAndType [close ()V]
  + NameAndType [closeChannel (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
  + NameAndType [cm Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + NameAndType [command I]
  + NameAndType [endSession ()V]
  + NameAndType [errCode I]
  + NameAndType [getHostAddress ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getInputStream ()Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + NameAndType [getMessage ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getOutputStream ()Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + NameAndType [handleRequest (Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage;)V]
  + NameAndType [host Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [in Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + NameAndType [ip Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
  + NameAndType [msg Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage;]
  + NameAndType [onConnect (Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage;)V]
  + NameAndType [openDirectTCPIPChannel (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
  + NameAndType [out Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + NameAndType [out Ljava/io/PrintStream;]
  + NameAndType [port I]
  + NameAndType [printStackTrace ()V]
  + NameAndType [println (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [read ()I]
  + NameAndType [readMsg (Ljava/io/InputStream;)Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage;]
  + NameAndType [sendErrorMessage (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setDaemon (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [setName (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [setSoTimeout (I)V]
  + NameAndType [sock Ljava/net/Socket;]
  + NameAndType [start ()V]
  + NameAndType [startSession ()V]
  + NameAndType [startSession (Ljava/net/Socket;)Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator;]
  + NameAndType [stdinStream Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream;]
  + NameAndType [stdoutStream Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream;]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread;]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [unread (I)V]
  + NameAndType [write (Ljava/io/OutputStream;)V]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(ILjava/net/InetAddress;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder;Ljava/net/Socket;Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/OutputStream;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread;Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator;Ljava/net/Socket;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/io/InputStream;)Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/io/InputStream;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/io/InputStream;Z)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/io/OutputStream;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/net/Socket;)Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator;]
  + Utf8 [(Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [)]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Could not start SOCKS session]
  + Utf8 [DynamicAcceptRunnable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/IOException;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/PrintStream;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/PushbackInputStream;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/net/Socket;]
  + Utf8 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage;]
  + Utf8 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator;]
  + Utf8 [LocalToRemote]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [RemoteToLocal]
  + Utf8 [SOCKS auth failed]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Weird error during creation of StreamForwarder (]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [auth]
  + Utf8 [checkRequest]
  + Utf8 [close]
  + Utf8 [closeChannel]
  + Utf8 [cm]
  + Utf8 [cn]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder]
  + Utf8 [command]
  + Utf8 [destHost]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [endSession]
  + Utf8 [errCode]
  + Utf8 [err_msg]
  + Utf8 [error_code]
  + Utf8 [getHostAddress]
  + Utf8 [getInputStream]
  + Utf8 [getMessage]
  + Utf8 [getOutputStream]
  + Utf8 [handleRequest]
  + Utf8 [host]
  + Utf8 [in]
  + Utf8 [ioe]
  + Utf8 [ip]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/io/InterruptedIOException]
  + Utf8 [java/io/PrintStream]
  + Utf8 [java/io/PushbackInputStream]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Runnable]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [java/net/ConnectException]
  + Utf8 [java/net/InetAddress]
  + Utf8 [java/net/NoRouteToHostException]
  + Utf8 [java/net/Socket]
  + Utf8 [l2r]
  + Utf8 [msg]
  + Utf8 [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage]
  + Utf8 [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message]
  + Utf8 [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message]
  + Utf8 [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException]
  + Utf8 [net/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator]
  + Utf8 [onConnect]
  + Utf8 [openDirectTCPIPChannel]
  + Utf8 [out]
  + Utf8 [port]
  + Utf8 [printStackTrace]
  + Utf8 [println]
  + Utf8 [push_in]
  + Utf8 [r2l]
  + Utf8 [read]
  + Utf8 [readMsg]
  + Utf8 [response]
  + Utf8 [run]
  + Utf8 [sendErrorMessage]
  + Utf8 [setDaemon]
  + Utf8 [setName]
  + Utf8 [setSoTimeout]
  + Utf8 [sock]
  + Utf8 [start]
  + Utf8 [startSession]
  + Utf8 [stdinStream]
  + Utf8 [stdoutStream]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [unread]
  + Utf8 [version]
  + Utf8 [write]

Fields (count = 6):
  + Field:        auth Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private net.sourceforge.jsocks.server.ServerAuthenticator auth
  + Field:        sock Ljava/net/Socket;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private sock
  + Field:        in Ljava/io/InputStream;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private in
  + Field:        out Ljava/io/OutputStream;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private out
  + Field:        msg Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private net.sourceforge.jsocks.ProxyMessage msg
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic this$0

Methods (count = 7):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread;Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator;Ljava/net/Socket;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable(,net.sourceforge.jsocks.server.ServerAuthenticator,
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 26, locals = 4, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.this$0 Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #65
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aload_2 v2
      [11] putfield #35
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.auth Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator;]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] aload_3 v3
      [16] putfield #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.sock Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [19] aload_1 v1
      [20] ldc #5
        + String [DynamicAcceptRunnable]
      [22] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread.setName (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [25] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 59
        [9] -> line 60
        [14] -> line 61
        [19] -> line 63
        [25] -> line 64
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 26 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable; this]
        v2: 0 -> 26 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator; auth]
        v3: 0 -> 26 [Ljava/net/Socket; sock]
  + Method:       run()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void run()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 134, locals = 4, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #55
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.startSession ()V]
      [4] goto +113 (target=117)
      [7] astore_1 v1
      [8] iconst_1
      [9] istore_2 v2
      [10] aload_1 v1
      [11] instanceof #30
        + Class [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException]
      [14] ifeq +14 (target=28)
      [17] aload_1 v1
      [18] checkcast #30
        + Class [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException]
      [21] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException.errCode I]
      [24] istore_2 v2
      [25] goto +37 (target=62)
      [28] aload_1 v1
      [29] instanceof #25
        + Class [java/net/NoRouteToHostException]
      [32] ifeq +8 (target=40)
      [35] iconst_4
      [36] istore_2 v2
      [37] goto +25 (target=62)
      [40] aload_1 v1
      [41] instanceof #23
        + Class [java/net/ConnectException]
      [44] ifeq +8 (target=52)
      [47] iconst_5
      [48] istore_2 v2
      [49] goto +13 (target=62)
      [52] aload_1 v1
      [53] instanceof #16
        + Class [java/io/InterruptedIOException]
      [56] ifeq +6 (target=62)
      [59] bipush 6
      [61] istore_2 v2
      [62] iload_2 v2
      [63] bipush 8
      [65] ificmpgt +7 (target=72)
      [68] iload_2 v2
      [69] ifge +5 (target=74)
      [72] iconst_1
      [73] istore_2 v2
      [74] aload_0 v0
      [75] iload_2 v2
      [76] invokespecial #54
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.sendErrorMessage (I)V]
      [79] aload_0 v0
      [80] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.auth Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator;]
      [83] ifnull +50 (target=133)
      [86] aload_0 v0
      [87] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.auth Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator;]
      [90] invokeinterface #81
        + InterfaceMethodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator.endSession ()V]
      [95] goto +38 (target=133)
      [98] astore_3 v3
      [99] aload_0 v0
      [100] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.auth Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator;]
      [103] ifnull +12 (target=115)
      [106] aload_0 v0
      [107] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.auth Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator;]
      [110] invokeinterface #81
        + InterfaceMethodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator.endSession ()V]
      [115] aload_3 v3
      [116] athrow
      [117] aload_0 v0
      [118] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.auth Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator;]
      [121] ifnull +12 (target=133)
      [124] aload_0 v0
      [125] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.auth Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator;]
      [128] invokeinterface #81
        + InterfaceMethodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator.endSession ()V]
      [133] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 4: 7):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 79: 98):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 24)
        [0] -> line 68
        [7] -> line 69
        [8] -> line 70
        [10] -> line 72
        [17] -> line 73
        [28] -> line 74
        [35] -> line 75
        [40] -> line 76
        [47] -> line 77
        [52] -> line 78
        [59] -> line 79
        [62] -> line 81
        [68] -> line 82
        [72] -> line 83
        [74] -> line 86
        [79] -> line 88
        [86] -> line 89
        [98] -> line 87
        [99] -> line 88
        [106] -> line 89
        [115] -> line 90
        [117] -> line 88
        [124] -> line 89
        [133] -> line 91
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 134 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable; this]
        v1: 8 -> 79 [Ljava/io/IOException; ioe]
        v2: 10 -> 79 [I error_code]
  + Method:       readMsg(Ljava/io/InputStream;)Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private net.sourceforge.jsocks.ProxyMessage readMsg(
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 84, locals = 5, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] instanceof #18
        + Class [java/io/PushbackInputStream]
      [4] ifeq +11 (target=15)
      [7] aload_1 v1
      [8] checkcast #18
        + Class [java/io/PushbackInputStream]
      [11] astore_2 v2
      [12] goto +12 (target=24)
      [15] new #18
        + Class [java/io/PushbackInputStream]
      [18] dup
      [19] aload_1 v1
      [20] invokespecial #62
        + Methodref [java/io/PushbackInputStream.<init> (Ljava/io/InputStream;)V]
      [23] astore_2 v2
      [24] aload_2 v2
      [25] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [java/io/ ()I]
      [28] istore_3 v3
      [29] aload_2 v2
      [30] iload_3 v3
      [31] invokevirtual #64
        + Methodref [java/io/PushbackInputStream.unread (I)V]
      [34] iload_3 v3
      [35] iconst_5
      [36] ificmpne +17 (target=53)
      [39] new #29
        + Class [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message]
      [42] dup
      [43] aload_2 v2
      [44] iconst_0
      [45] invokespecial #78
        + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.<init> (Ljava/io/InputStream;Z)V]
      [48] astore v4
      [50] goto +31 (target=81)
      [53] iload_3 v3
      [54] iconst_4
      [55] ificmpne +17 (target=72)
      [58] new #28
        + Class [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message]
      [61] dup
      [62] aload_2 v2
      [63] iconst_0
      [64] invokespecial #75
        + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.<init> (Ljava/io/InputStream;Z)V]
      [67] astore v4
      [69] goto +12 (target=81)
      [72] new #30
        + Class [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException]
      [75] dup
      [76] iconst_1
      [77] invokespecial #79
        + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException.<init> (I)V]
      [80] athrow
      [81] aload v4
      [83] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 11)
        [0] -> line 95
        [7] -> line 96
        [15] -> line 98
        [24] -> line 100
        [29] -> line 101
        [34] -> line 105
        [39] -> line 106
        [53] -> line 107
        [58] -> line 108
        [72] -> line 110
        [81] -> line 112
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 8)
        v0: 0 -> 84 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable; this]
        v1: 0 -> 84 [Ljava/io/InputStream; in]
        v2: 12 -> 15 [Ljava/io/PushbackInputStream; push_in]
        v2: 24 -> 84 [Ljava/io/PushbackInputStream; push_in]
        v3: 29 -> 84 [I version]
        v4: 50 -> 53 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage; msg]
        v4: 69 -> 72 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage; msg]
        v4: 81 -> 84 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage; msg]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       sendErrorMessage(I)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void sendErrorMessage(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 45, locals = 4, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.msg Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage;]
      [4] instanceof #28
        + Class [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message]
      [7] ifeq +16 (target=23)
      [10] new #28
        + Class [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message]
      [13] dup
      [14] bipush 91
      [16] invokespecial #73
        + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.<init> (I)V]
      [19] astore_2 v2
      [20] goto +12 (target=32)
      [23] new #29
        + Class [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message]
      [26] dup
      [27] iload_1 v1
      [28] invokespecial #76
        + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.<init> (I)V]
      [31] astore_2 v2
      [32] aload_2 v2
      [33] aload_0 v0
      [34] getfield #38
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.out Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [37] invokevirtual #72
        + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage.write (Ljava/io/OutputStream;)V]
      [40] goto +4 (target=44)
      [43] astore_3 v3
      [44] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (32 -> 40: 43):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 117
        [10] -> line 118
        [23] -> line 120
        [32] -> line 122
        [43] -> line 123
        [44] -> line 125
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 45 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable; this]
        v1: 0 -> 45 [I error_code]
        v2: 20 -> 23 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage; err_msg]
        v2: 32 -> 45 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage; err_msg]
  + Method:       handleRequest(Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage;)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void handleRequest(net.sourceforge.jsocks.ProxyMessage)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 63, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.auth Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator;]
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] invokeinterface #80
        + InterfaceMethodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator.checkRequest (Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage;)Z]
      [10] ifne +12 (target=22)
      [13] new #30
        + Class [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException]
      [16] dup
      [17] iconst_1
      [18] invokespecial #79
        + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException.<init> (I)V]
      [21] athrow
      [22] aload_1 v1
      [23] getfield #42
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage.command I]
      [26] tableswitch (1 offsets, default=26) (target=52)
        1: offset = 18, target = 44
        default: offset = 26, target = 52
      [44] aload_0 v0
      [45] aload_1 v1
      [46] invokespecial #52
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.onConnect (Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage;)V]
      [49] goto +13 (target=62)
      [52] new #30
        + Class [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException]
      [55] dup
      [56] bipush 7
      [58] invokespecial #79
        + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException.<init> (I)V]
      [61] athrow
      [62] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 128
        [13] -> line 129
        [22] -> line 131
        [44] -> line 133
        [49] -> line 134
        [52] -> line 136
        [62] -> line 138
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 63 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable; this]
        v1: 0 -> 63 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage; msg]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       startSession()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void startSession()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 111, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.sock Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [4] ldc #1
        + Integer [180000]
      [6] invokevirtual #71
        + Methodref [java/net/Socket.setSoTimeout (I)V]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.auth Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator;]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.sock Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [18] invokeinterface #84
        + InterfaceMethodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator.startSession (Ljava/net/Socket;)Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator;]
      [23] putfield #35
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.auth Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator;]
      [26] goto +22 (target=48)
      [29] astore_1 v1
      [30] getstatic #41
        + Fieldref [java/lang/System.out Ljava/io/PrintStream;]
      [33] ldc #4
        + String [Could not start SOCKS session]
      [35] invokevirtual #61
        + Methodref [java/io/PrintStream.println (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [38] aload_1 v1
      [39] invokevirtual #60
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.printStackTrace ()V]
      [42] aload_0 v0
      [43] aconst_null
      [44] putfield #35
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.auth Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator;]
      [47] return
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.auth Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator;]
      [52] ifnonnull +12 (target=64)
      [55] getstatic #41
        + Fieldref [java/lang/System.out Ljava/io/PrintStream;]
      [58] ldc #8
        + String [SOCKS auth failed]
      [60] invokevirtual #61
        + Methodref [java/io/PrintStream.println (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [63] return
      [64] aload_0 v0
      [65] aload_0 v0
      [66] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.auth Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator;]
      [69] invokeinterface #82
        + InterfaceMethodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator.getInputStream ()Ljava/io/InputStream;]
      [74] putfield #36
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$ Ljava/io/InputStream;]
      [77] aload_0 v0
      [78] aload_0 v0
      [79] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.auth Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator;]
      [82] invokeinterface #83
        + InterfaceMethodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator.getOutputStream ()Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [87] putfield #38
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.out Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [90] aload_0 v0
      [91] aload_0 v0
      [92] aload_0 v0
      [93] getfield #36
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$ Ljava/io/InputStream;]
      [96] invokespecial #53
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.readMsg (Ljava/io/InputStream;)Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage;]
      [99] putfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.msg Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage;]
      [102] aload_0 v0
      [103] aload_0 v0
      [104] getfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.msg Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage;]
      [107] invokespecial #51
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.handleRequest (Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage;)V]
      [110] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (9 -> 26: 29):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 15)
        [0] -> line 141
        [9] -> line 144
        [29] -> line 145
        [30] -> line 146
        [38] -> line 147
        [42] -> line 148
        [47] -> line 149
        [48] -> line 152
        [55] -> line 153
        [63] -> line 154
        [64] -> line 157
        [77] -> line 158
        [90] -> line 160
        [102] -> line 161
        [110] -> line 162
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 111 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable; this]
        v1: 30 -> 48 [Ljava/io/IOException; ioe]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       onConnect(Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage;)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void onConnect(net.sourceforge.jsocks.ProxyMessage)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 230, locals = 9, stack = 8):
      [0] aconst_null
      [1] astore_2 v2
      [2] aconst_null
      [3] astore_3 v3
      [4] aconst_null
      [5] astore v4
      [7] aconst_null
      [8] astore v5
      [10] aload_1 v1
      [11] instanceof #29
        + Class [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message]
      [14] ifeq +17 (target=31)
      [17] new #29
        + Class [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message]
      [20] dup
      [21] iconst_0
      [22] aconst_null
      [23] iconst_0
      [24] invokespecial #77
        + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.<init> (ILjava/net/InetAddress;I)V]
      [27] astore_2 v2
      [28] goto +15 (target=43)
      [31] new #28
        + Class [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message]
      [34] dup
      [35] bipush 90
      [37] aconst_null
      [38] iconst_0
      [39] invokespecial #74
        + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.<init> (ILjava/net/InetAddress;I)V]
      [42] astore_2 v2
      [43] aload_2 v2
      [44] aload_0 v0
      [45] getfield #38
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.out Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [48] invokevirtual #72
        + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage.write (Ljava/io/OutputStream;)V]
      [51] aload_1 v1
      [52] getfield #43
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ Ljava/lang/String;]
      [55] astore v6
      [57] aload_1 v1
      [58] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage.ip Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
      [61] ifnull +12 (target=73)
      [64] aload_1 v1
      [65] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage.ip Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
      [68] invokevirtual #69
        + Methodref [java/net/InetAddress.getHostAddress ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [71] astore v6
      [73] aload_0 v0
      [74] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.this$0 Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread;]
      [77] invokestatic #49
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread.access$0 (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [80] aload v6
      [82] aload_1 v1
      [83] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage.port I]
      [86] ldc #3
        + String []
      [88] iconst_0
      [89] invokevirtual #48
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.openDirectTCPIPChannel (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [92] astore_3 v3
      [93] goto +18 (target=111)
      [96] astore v7
      [98] aload_0 v0
      [99] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.sock Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [102] invokevirtual #70
        + Methodref [java/net/Socket.close ()V]
      [105] goto +5 (target=110)
      [108] astore v8
      [110] return
      [111] new #14
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder]
      [114] dup
      [115] aload_3 v3
      [116] aconst_null
      [117] aload_0 v0
      [118] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.sock Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [121] aload_3 v3
      [122] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdoutStream Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream;]
      [125] aload_0 v0
      [126] getfield #38
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.out Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [129] ldc #7
        + String [RemoteToLocal]
      [131] invokespecial #56
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder;Ljava/net/Socket;Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/OutputStream;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [134] astore v4
      [136] new #14
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder]
      [139] dup
      [140] aload_3 v3
      [141] aload v4
      [143] aload_0 v0
      [144] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable.sock Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [147] aload_0 v0
      [148] getfield #36
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$ Ljava/io/InputStream;]
      [151] aload_3 v3
      [152] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdinStream Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream;]
      [155] ldc #6
        + String [LocalToRemote]
      [157] invokespecial #56
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder;Ljava/net/Socket;Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/OutputStream;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [160] astore v5
      [162] goto +45 (target=207)
      [165] astore v7
      [167] aload_3 v3
      [168] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [171] aload_3 v3
      [172] new #21
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [175] dup
      [176] ldc #9
        + String [Weird error during creation of StreamForwarder (]
      [178] invokespecial #66
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [181] aload v7
      [183] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.getMessage ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [186] invokevirtual #67
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [189] ldc #2
        + String [)]
      [191] invokevirtual #67
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [194] invokevirtual #68
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [197] iconst_1
      [198] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.closeChannel (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
      [201] goto +5 (target=206)
      [204] astore v8
      [206] return
      [207] aload v4
      [209] iconst_1
      [210] invokevirtual #57
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.setDaemon (Z)V]
      [213] aload v5
      [215] iconst_1
      [216] invokevirtual #57
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.setDaemon (Z)V]
      [219] aload v4
      [221] invokevirtual #58
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.start ()V]
      [224] aload v5
      [226] invokevirtual #58
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.start ()V]
      [229] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 4):
      + ExceptionInfo (73 -> 93: 96):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (98 -> 105: 108):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (111 -> 162: 165):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (167 -> 201: 204):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 34)
        [0] -> line 165
        [2] -> line 166
        [4] -> line 167
        [7] -> line 168
        [10] -> line 170
        [17] -> line 171
        [31] -> line 173
        [43] -> line 175
        [51] -> line 177
        [57] -> line 178
        [64] -> line 179
        [73] -> line 187
        [86] -> line 188
        [89] -> line 187
        [96] -> line 190
        [98] -> line 197
        [108] -> line 198
        [110] -> line 201
        [111] -> line 205
        [136] -> line 206
        [165] -> line 207
        [167] -> line 213
        [172] -> line 214
        [181] -> line 215
        [194] -> line 214
        [197] -> line 215
        [198] -> line 213
        [204] -> line 216
        [206] -> line 219
        [207] -> line 222
        [213] -> line 223
        [219] -> line 224
        [224] -> line 225
        [229] -> line 226
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 9)
        v0: 0 -> 230 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable; this]
        v1: 0 -> 230 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage; msg]
        v2: 2 -> 230 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage; response]
        v3: 4 -> 230 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; cn]
        v4: 7 -> 230 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder; r2l]
        v5: 10 -> 230 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder; l2r]
        v6: 57 -> 230 [Ljava/lang/String; destHost]
        v7: 98 -> 111 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]
        v7: 167 -> 207 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread$DynamicAcceptRunnable]
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/DynamicAcceptThread]
      + Utf8 [DynamicAcceptRunnable]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/channel/IChannelWorkerThread
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x600
    = interface extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 9):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/IChannelWorkerThread]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/IChannelWorkerThread]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [stopWorking]

Fields (count = 0):

Methods (count = 1):
  + Method:       stopWorking()V
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract void stopWorking()

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/channel/LocalAcceptThread
  Superclass:    java/lang/Thread
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class extends java.lang.Thread

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/IChannelWorkerThread]

Constant Pool (count = 152):
  + String [)]
  + String [LocalToRemote]
  + String [RemoteToLocal]
  + String [Weird error during creation of StreamForwarder (]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/IChannelWorkerThread]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/LocalAcceptThread]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/lang/Thread]
  + Class [java/net/InetAddress]
  + Class [java/net/ServerSocket]
  + Class [java/net/Socket]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdinStream Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdoutStream Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/LocalAcceptThread.host_to_connect Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/LocalAcceptThread.port_to_connect I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Ljava/net/ServerSocket;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.closeChannel (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.openDirectTCPIPChannel (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.registerThread (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/IChannelWorkerThread;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/LocalAcceptThread.stopWorking ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder;Ljava/net/Socket;Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/OutputStream;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.setDaemon (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.start ()V]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.getMessage ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/net/InetAddress.getHostAddress ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/net/ServerSocket.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/net/ServerSocket.accept ()Ljava/net/Socket;]
  + Methodref [java/net/ServerSocket.bind (Ljava/net/SocketAddress;)V]
  + Methodref [java/net/ServerSocket.close ()V]
  + Methodref [java/net/Socket.close ()V]
  + Methodref [java/net/Socket.getInetAddress ()Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
  + Methodref [java/net/Socket.getInputStream ()Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + Methodref [java/net/Socket.getOutputStream ()Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + Methodref [java/net/Socket.getPort ()I]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder;Ljava/net/Socket;Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/OutputStream;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [accept ()Ljava/net/Socket;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [bind (Ljava/net/SocketAddress;)V]
  + NameAndType [close ()V]
  + NameAndType [closeChannel (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
  + NameAndType [cm Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + NameAndType [getHostAddress ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getInetAddress ()Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
  + NameAndType [getInputStream ()Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + NameAndType [getMessage ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getOutputStream ()Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + NameAndType [getPort ()I]
  + NameAndType [host_to_connect Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [openDirectTCPIPChannel (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
  + NameAndType [port_to_connect I]
  + NameAndType [registerThread (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/IChannelWorkerThread;)V]
  + NameAndType [setDaemon (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [ss Ljava/net/ServerSocket;]
  + NameAndType [start ()V]
  + NameAndType [stdinStream Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream;]
  + NameAndType [stdoutStream Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream;]
  + NameAndType [stopWorking ()V]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/net/Socket;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder;Ljava/net/Socket;Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/OutputStream;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress;Ljava/lang/String;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/IChannelWorkerThread;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/net/SocketAddress;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [)]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/LocalAcceptThread;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/IOException;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/net/ServerSocket;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/net/Socket;]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [LocalToRemote]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [RemoteToLocal]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Weird error during creation of StreamForwarder (]
  + Utf8 [accept]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [bind]
  + Utf8 [close]
  + Utf8 [closeChannel]
  + Utf8 [cm]
  + Utf8 [cn]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/IChannelWorkerThread]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/LocalAcceptThread]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [getHostAddress]
  + Utf8 [getInetAddress]
  + Utf8 [getInputStream]
  + Utf8 [getMessage]
  + Utf8 [getOutputStream]
  + Utf8 [getPort]
  + Utf8 [host_to_connect]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Thread]
  + Utf8 [java/net/InetAddress]
  + Utf8 [java/net/ServerSocket]
  + Utf8 [java/net/Socket]
  + Utf8 [l2r]
  + Utf8 [localAddress]
  + Utf8 [openDirectTCPIPChannel]
  + Utf8 [port_to_connect]
  + Utf8 [r2l]
  + Utf8 [registerThread]
  + Utf8 [run]
  + Utf8 [s]
  + Utf8 [setDaemon]
  + Utf8 [ss]
  + Utf8 [start]
  + Utf8 [stdinStream]
  + Utf8 [stdoutStream]
  + Utf8 [stopWorking]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]

Fields (count = 4):
  + Field:        cm Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = cm
  + Field:        host_to_connect Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String host_to_connect
  + Field:        port_to_connect I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int port_to_connect
  + Field:        ss Ljava/net/ServerSocket;
    Access flags: 0x10
      = final ss

Methods (count = 3):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress;Ljava/lang/String;I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public LocalAcceptThread(,,java.lang.String,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 40, locals = 5, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #34
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] putfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aload_3 v3
      [11] putfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/LocalAcceptThread.host_to_connect Ljava/lang/String;]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] iload v4
      [17] putfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/LocalAcceptThread.port_to_connect I]
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] new #14
        + Class [java/net/ServerSocket]
      [24] dup
      [25] invokespecial #36
        + Methodref [java/net/ServerSocket.<init> ()V]
      [28] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Ljava/net/ServerSocket;]
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Ljava/net/ServerSocket;]
      [35] aload_2 v2
      [36] invokevirtual #38
        + Methodref [java/net/ServerSocket.bind (Ljava/net/SocketAddress;)V]
      [39] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 33
        [4] -> line 36
        [9] -> line 37
        [14] -> line 38
        [20] -> line 40
        [31] -> line 41
        [39] -> line 42
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 40 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/LocalAcceptThread; this]
        v1: 0 -> 40 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager; cm]
        v2: 0 -> 40 [Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress; localAddress]
        v3: 0 -> 40 [Ljava/lang/String; host_to_connect]
        v4: 0 -> 40 [I port_to_connect]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       run()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void run()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 200, locals = 7, stack = 8):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.registerThread (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/IChannelWorkerThread;)V]
      [8] goto +9 (target=17)
      [11] astore_1 v1
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] invokevirtual #26
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/LocalAcceptThread.stopWorking ()V]
      [16] return
      [17] aconst_null
      [18] astore_1 v1
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Ljava/net/ServerSocket;]
      [23] invokevirtual #37
        + Methodref [java/net/ServerSocket.accept ()Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [26] astore_1 v1
      [27] goto +9 (target=36)
      [30] astore_2 v2
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] invokevirtual #26
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/LocalAcceptThread.stopWorking ()V]
      [35] return
      [36] aconst_null
      [37] astore_2 v2
      [38] aconst_null
      [39] astore_3 v3
      [40] aconst_null
      [41] astore v4
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [47] aload_0 v0
      [48] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/LocalAcceptThread.host_to_connect Ljava/lang/String;]
      [51] aload_0 v0
      [52] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/LocalAcceptThread.port_to_connect I]
      [55] aload_1 v1
      [56] invokevirtual #41
        + Methodref [java/net/Socket.getInetAddress ()Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
      [59] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [java/net/InetAddress.getHostAddress ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [62] aload_1 v1
      [63] invokevirtual #44
        + Methodref [java/net/Socket.getPort ()I]
      [66] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.openDirectTCPIPChannel (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [69] astore_2 v2
      [70] goto +17 (target=87)
      [73] astore v5
      [75] aload_1 v1
      [76] invokevirtual #40
        + Methodref [java/net/Socket.close ()V]
      [79] goto -62 (target=17)
      [82] astore v6
      [84] goto -67 (target=17)
      [87] new #9
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder]
      [90] dup
      [91] aload_2 v2
      [92] aconst_null
      [93] aload_1 v1
      [94] aload_2 v2
      [95] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdoutStream Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream;]
      [98] aload_1 v1
      [99] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [java/net/Socket.getOutputStream ()Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [102] ldc #3
        + String [RemoteToLocal]
      [104] invokespecial #27
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder;Ljava/net/Socket;Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/OutputStream;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [107] astore_3 v3
      [108] new #9
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder]
      [111] dup
      [112] aload_2 v2
      [113] aload_3 v3
      [114] aload_1 v1
      [115] aload_1 v1
      [116] invokevirtual #42
        + Methodref [java/net/Socket.getInputStream ()Ljava/io/InputStream;]
      [119] aload_2 v2
      [120] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.stdinStream Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream;]
      [123] ldc #2
        + String [LocalToRemote]
      [125] invokespecial #27
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder;Ljava/net/Socket;Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/OutputStream;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [128] astore v4
      [130] goto +47 (target=177)
      [133] astore v5
      [135] aload_2 v2
      [136] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [139] aload_2 v2
      [140] new #11
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [143] dup
      [144] ldc #4
        + String [Weird error during creation of StreamForwarder (]
      [146] invokespecial #31
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [149] aload v5
      [151] invokevirtual #30
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.getMessage ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [154] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [157] ldc #1
        + String [)]
      [159] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [162] invokevirtual #33
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [165] iconst_1
      [166] invokevirtual #23
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.closeChannel (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
      [169] goto -152 (target=17)
      [172] astore v6
      [174] goto -157 (target=17)
      [177] aload_3 v3
      [178] iconst_1
      [179] invokevirtual #28
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.setDaemon (Z)V]
      [182] aload v4
      [184] iconst_1
      [185] invokevirtual #28
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.setDaemon (Z)V]
      [188] aload_3 v3
      [189] invokevirtual #29
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.start ()V]
      [192] aload v4
      [194] invokevirtual #29
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.start ()V]
      [197] goto -180 (target=17)
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 6):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 8: 11):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (19 -> 27: 30):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (43 -> 70: 73):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (75 -> 79: 82):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (87 -> 130: 133):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (135 -> 169: 172):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 32)
        [0] -> line 48
        [11] -> line 50
        [12] -> line 52
        [16] -> line 53
        [17] -> line 58
        [19] -> line 62
        [30] -> line 64
        [31] -> line 66
        [35] -> line 67
        [36] -> line 70
        [38] -> line 71
        [40] -> line 72
        [43] -> line 78
        [63] -> line 79
        [66] -> line 78
        [73] -> line 82
        [75] -> line 88
        [82] -> line 90
        [84] -> line 94
        [87] -> line 99
        [108] -> line 100
        [133] -> line 102
        [135] -> line 107
        [165] -> line 108
        [166] -> line 107
        [172] -> line 110
        [174] -> line 114
        [177] -> line 117
        [182] -> line 118
        [188] -> line 119
        [192] -> line 120
        [197] -> line 56
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 9)
        v0: 0 -> 200 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/LocalAcceptThread; this]
        v1: 12 -> 17 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]
        v1: 19 -> 197 [Ljava/net/Socket; s]
        v2: 31 -> 36 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]
        v2: 38 -> 197 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; cn]
        v3: 40 -> 197 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder; r2l]
        v4: 43 -> 197 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder; l2r]
        v5: 75 -> 87 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]
        v5: 135 -> 177 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]
  + Method:       stopWorking()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void stopWorking()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 12, locals = 2, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Ljava/net/ServerSocket;]
      [4] invokevirtual #39
        + Methodref [java/net/ServerSocket.close ()V]
      [7] goto +4 (target=11)
      [10] astore_1 v1
      [11] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 7: 10):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 129
        [10] -> line 131
        [11] -> line 134
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 12 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/LocalAcceptThread; this]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread
  Superclass:    java/lang/Thread
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class extends java.lang.Thread

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 170):
  + String [)]
  + String [, R: ]
  + String [/]
  + String [EOF on both streams reached.]
  + String [IOException in proxy code (]
  + String [IOException in proxy code: ]
  + String [LocalToRemote]
  + String [RemoteAcceptThread: ]
  + String [RemoteToLocal]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/lang/InterruptedException]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/lang/Thread]
  + Class [java/net/Socket]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread.remoteConnectedAddress Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread.remoteConnectedPort I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread.remoteOriginatorAddress Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread.remoteOriginatorPort I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread.s Ljava/net/Socket;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread.targetAddress Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread.targetPort I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.getStdinStream ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.getStdoutStream ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.closeChannel (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.sendOpenConfirmation (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder;Ljava/net/Socket;Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/OutputStream;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.isAlive ()Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.join ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.setDaemon (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.start ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.getLogger (Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.getMessage ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/net/Socket.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;I)V]
  + Methodref [java/net/Socket.close ()V]
  + Methodref [java/net/Socket.getInputStream ()Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + Methodref [java/net/Socket.getOutputStream ()Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder;Ljava/net/Socket;Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/OutputStream;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;I)V]
  + NameAndType [append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
  + NameAndType [close ()V]
  + NameAndType [closeChannel (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
  + NameAndType [cm Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + NameAndType [getInputStream ()Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + NameAndType [getLogger (Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + NameAndType [getMessage ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getOutputStream ()Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + NameAndType [getStdinStream ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream;]
  + NameAndType [getStdoutStream ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream;]
  + NameAndType [isAlive ()Z]
  + NameAndType [isEnabled ()Z]
  + NameAndType [join ()V]
  + NameAndType [log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + NameAndType [remoteConnectedAddress Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [remoteConnectedPort I]
  + NameAndType [remoteOriginatorAddress Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [remoteOriginatorPort I]
  + NameAndType [run ()V]
  + NameAndType [s Ljava/net/Socket;]
  + NameAndType [sendOpenConfirmation (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)V]
  + NameAndType [setDaemon (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [start ()V]
  + NameAndType [targetAddress Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [targetPort I]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream;]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(ILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder;Ljava/net/Socket;Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/OutputStream;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [)]
  + Utf8 [, R: ]
  + Utf8 [/]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EOF on both streams reached.]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [IOException in proxy code (]
  + Utf8 [IOException in proxy code: ]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/IOException;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/net/Socket;]
  + Utf8 [LocalToRemote]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [RemoteAcceptThread: ]
  + Utf8 [RemoteToLocal]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [c]
  + Utf8 [close]
  + Utf8 [closeChannel]
  + Utf8 [cm]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [getInputStream]
  + Utf8 [getLogger]
  + Utf8 [getMessage]
  + Utf8 [getOutputStream]
  + Utf8 [getStdinStream]
  + Utf8 [getStdoutStream]
  + Utf8 [isAlive]
  + Utf8 [isEnabled]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/InterruptedException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Thread]
  + Utf8 [java/net/Socket]
  + Utf8 [join]
  + Utf8 [l2r]
  + Utf8 [log]
  + Utf8 [r2l]
  + Utf8 [remoteConnectedAddress]
  + Utf8 [remoteConnectedPort]
  + Utf8 [remoteOriginatorAddress]
  + Utf8 [remoteOriginatorPort]
  + Utf8 [run]
  + Utf8 [s]
  + Utf8 [sendOpenConfirmation]
  + Utf8 [setDaemon]
  + Utf8 [start]
  + Utf8 [targetAddress]
  + Utf8 [targetPort]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]

Fields (count = 9):
  + Field:        log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final com.trilead.ssh2.log.Logger log
  + Field:        c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = c
  + Field:        remoteConnectedAddress Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String remoteConnectedAddress
  + Field:        remoteConnectedPort I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int remoteConnectedPort
  + Field:        remoteOriginatorAddress Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String remoteOriginatorAddress
  + Field:        remoteOriginatorPort I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int remoteOriginatorPort
  + Field:        targetAddress Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String targetAddress
  + Field:        targetPort I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int targetPort
  + Field:        s Ljava/net/Socket;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = s

Methods (count = 3):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 9, locals = 0, stack = 1):
      [0] ldc #12
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread]
      [2] invokestatic #40
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.getLogger (Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [5] putstatic #22
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [8] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 18
        [8] -> line 16
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public RemoteAcceptThread(,java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 106, locals = 8, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #48
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] putfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aload_2 v2
      [11] putfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread.remoteConnectedAddress Ljava/lang/String;]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] iload_3 v3
      [16] putfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread.remoteConnectedPort I]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] aload v4
      [22] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread.remoteOriginatorAddress Ljava/lang/String;]
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] iload v5
      [28] putfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread.remoteOriginatorPort I]
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] aload v6
      [34] putfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread.targetAddress Ljava/lang/String;]
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] iload v7
      [40] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread.targetPort I]
      [43] getstatic #22
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [46] invokevirtual #41
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
      [49] ifeq +56 (target=105)
      [52] getstatic #22
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [55] bipush 20
      [57] new #17
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [60] dup
      [61] ldc #8
        + String [RemoteAcceptThread: ]
      [63] invokespecial #44
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [66] aload_2 v2
      [67] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [70] ldc #3
        + String [/]
      [72] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [75] iload_3 v3
      [76] invokevirtual #45
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [79] ldc #2
        + String [, R: ]
      [81] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [84] aload v4
      [86] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [89] ldc #3
        + String [/]
      [91] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [94] iload v5
      [96] invokevirtual #45
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [99] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [102] invokevirtual #42
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [105] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 13)
        [0] -> line 31
        [4] -> line 34
        [9] -> line 35
        [14] -> line 36
        [19] -> line 37
        [25] -> line 38
        [31] -> line 39
        [37] -> line 40
        [43] -> line 42
        [52] -> line 43
        [84] -> line 44
        [102] -> line 43
        [105] -> line 45
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 8)
        v0: 0 -> 106 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread; this]
        v1: 0 -> 106 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; c]
        v2: 0 -> 106 [Ljava/lang/String; remoteConnectedAddress]
        v3: 0 -> 106 [I remoteConnectedPort]
        v4: 0 -> 106 [Ljava/lang/String; remoteOriginatorAddress]
        v5: 0 -> 106 [I remoteOriginatorPort]
        v6: 0 -> 106 [Ljava/lang/String; targetAddress]
        v7: 0 -> 106 [I targetPort]
  + Method:       run()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void run()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 244, locals = 4, stack = 8):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [4] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [11] invokevirtual #33
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.sendOpenConfirmation (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)V]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] new #19
        + Class [java/net/Socket]
      [18] dup
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread.targetAddress Ljava/lang/String;]
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread.targetPort I]
      [27] invokespecial #49
        + Methodref [java/net/Socket.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;I)V]
      [30] putfield #27
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread.s Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [33] new #13
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder]
      [36] dup
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [41] aconst_null
      [42] aload_0 v0
      [43] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread.s Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [46] aload_0 v0
      [47] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [50] invokevirtual #31
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.getStdoutStream ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream;]
      [53] aload_0 v0
      [54] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread.s Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [57] invokevirtual #52
        + Methodref [java/net/Socket.getOutputStream ()Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [60] ldc #9
        + String [RemoteToLocal]
      [62] invokespecial #34
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder;Ljava/net/Socket;Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/OutputStream;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [65] astore_1 v1
      [66] new #13
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder]
      [69] dup
      [70] aload_0 v0
      [71] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [74] aconst_null
      [75] aconst_null
      [76] aload_0 v0
      [77] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread.s Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [80] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [java/net/Socket.getInputStream ()Ljava/io/InputStream;]
      [83] aload_0 v0
      [84] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [87] invokevirtual #30
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.getStdinStream ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream;]
      [90] ldc #7
        + String [LocalToRemote]
      [92] invokespecial #34
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder;Ljava/net/Socket;Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/OutputStream;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [95] astore_2 v2
      [96] aload_1 v1
      [97] iconst_1
      [98] invokevirtual #38
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.setDaemon (Z)V]
      [101] aload_1 v1
      [102] invokevirtual #39
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.start ()V]
      [105] aload_2 v2
      [106] invokevirtual #37
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ ()V]
      [109] goto +11 (target=120)
      [112] aload_1 v1
      [113] invokevirtual #36
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.join ()V]
      [116] goto +4 (target=120)
      [119] astore_3 v3
      [120] aload_1 v1
      [121] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.isAlive ()Z]
      [124] ifne -12 (target=112)
      [127] aload_0 v0
      [128] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [131] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [134] aload_0 v0
      [135] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [138] ldc #4
        + String [EOF on both streams reached.]
      [140] iconst_1
      [141] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.closeChannel (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
      [144] aload_0 v0
      [145] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread.s Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [148] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [java/net/Socket.close ()V]
      [151] goto +92 (target=243)
      [154] astore_1 v1
      [155] getstatic #22
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [158] bipush 50
      [160] new #17
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [163] dup
      [164] ldc #6
        + String [IOException in proxy code: ]
      [166] invokespecial #44
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [169] aload_1 v1
      [170] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.getMessage ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [173] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [176] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [179] invokevirtual #42
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [182] aload_0 v0
      [183] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [186] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [189] aload_0 v0
      [190] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [193] new #17
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [196] dup
      [197] ldc #5
        + String [IOException in proxy code (]
      [199] invokespecial #44
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [202] aload_1 v1
      [203] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.getMessage ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [206] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [209] ldc #1
        + String [)]
      [211] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [214] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [217] iconst_1
      [218] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.closeChannel (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
      [221] goto +4 (target=225)
      [224] astore_2 v2
      [225] aload_0 v0
      [226] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread.s Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [229] ifnull +14 (target=243)
      [232] aload_0 v0
      [233] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread.s Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [236] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [java/net/Socket.close ()V]
      [239] goto +4 (target=243)
      [242] astore_2 v2
      [243] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 4):
      + ExceptionInfo (112 -> 116: 119):
      + Class [java/lang/InterruptedException]
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 151: 154):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (182 -> 221: 224):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (225 -> 239: 242):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 25)
        [0] -> line 51
        [14] -> line 53
        [33] -> line 55
        [60] -> line 56
        [62] -> line 55
        [66] -> line 57
        [90] -> line 58
        [92] -> line 57
        [96] -> line 62
        [101] -> line 63
        [105] -> line 64
        [109] -> line 66
        [112] -> line 70
        [119] -> line 72
        [120] -> line 66
        [127] -> line 79
        [144] -> line 80
        [154] -> line 82
        [155] -> line 84
        [182] -> line 88
        [224] -> line 90
        [225] -> line 95
        [232] -> line 96
        [242] -> line 98
        [243] -> line 102
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 244 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteAcceptThread; this]
        v1: 66 -> 154 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder; r2l]
        v2: 96 -> 154 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder; l2r]
        v1: 155 -> 243 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteForwardingData
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 22):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteForwardingData]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteForwardingData;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [bindAddress]
  + Utf8 [bindPort]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteForwardingData]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [targetAddress]
  + Utf8 [targetPort]
  + Utf8 [this]

Fields (count = 4):
  + Field:        bindAddress Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String bindAddress
  + Field:        bindPort I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int bindPort
  + Field:        targetAddress Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String targetAddress
  + Field:        targetPort I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int targetPort

Methods (count = 1):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public RemoteForwardingData()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #3
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 10
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteForwardingData; this]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread
  Superclass:    java/lang/Thread
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class extends java.lang.Thread

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 267):
  + String [)]
  + String [0]
  + String [Buggy X11 authorization data]
  + String [EOF on both X11 streams reached.]
  + String [IOException in X11 proxy code (]
  + String [IOException in X11 proxy code: ]
  + String [ISO-8859-1]
  + String [Invalid X11 cookie received.]
  + String [MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1]
  + String [RemoteToX11]
  + String [The real X11 cookie has an invalid length!]
  + String [Unexpected EOF on X11 startup!]
  + String [Unexpected EOF on X11 startup! (authProtocolData)]
  + String [Unexpected EOF on X11 startup! (authProtocolDataPadding)]
  + String [Unexpected EOF on X11 startup! (authProtocolName)]
  + String [Unexpected EOF on X11 startup! (authProtocolNamePadding)]
  + String [Unknown X11 authorization protocol!]
  + String [Unknown endian format in X11 message!]
  + String [Wrong data length for X11 authorization data!]
  + String [X11ToRemote]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/X11ServerData]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/io/InputStream]
  + Class [java/io/OutputStream]
  + Class [java/lang/Integer]
  + Class [java/lang/InterruptedException]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuffer]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/lang/Thread]
  + Class [java/net/Socket]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.hexX11FakeCookie Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread.remoteOriginatorAddress Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread.remoteOriginatorPort I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread.s Ljava/net/Socket;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/X11ServerData.hostname Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/X11ServerData.port I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/X11ServerData.x11_magic_cookie [B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.getStdinStream ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.getStdoutStream ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.checkX11Cookie (Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/X11ServerData;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.closeChannel (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.sendOpenConfirmation (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder;Ljava/net/Socket;Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/OutputStream;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.isAlive ()Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.join ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.setDaemon (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.start ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.getLogger (Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.getMessage ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/io/ ([B)I]
  + Methodref [java/io/ ([BII)I]
  + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.flush ()V]
  + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.toHexString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.<init> ([BLjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.<init> (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/net/Socket.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;I)V]
  + Methodref [java/net/Socket.close ()V]
  + Methodref [java/net/Socket.getInputStream ()Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + Methodref [java/net/Socket.getOutputStream ()Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (I)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder;Ljava/net/Socket;Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/OutputStream;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;I)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([BLjava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
  + NameAndType [checkX11Cookie (Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/X11ServerData;]
  + NameAndType [close ()V]
  + NameAndType [closeChannel (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
  + NameAndType [cm Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + NameAndType [equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [flush ()V]
  + NameAndType [getInputStream ()Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + NameAndType [getLogger (Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + NameAndType [getMessage ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getOutputStream ()Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + NameAndType [getStdinStream ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream;]
  + NameAndType [getStdoutStream ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream;]
  + NameAndType [hexX11FakeCookie Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [hostname Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [isAlive ()Z]
  + NameAndType [join ()V]
  + NameAndType [length ()I]
  + NameAndType [log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + NameAndType [port I]
  + NameAndType [read ([B)I]
  + NameAndType [read ([BII)I]
  + NameAndType [remoteOriginatorAddress Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [remoteOriginatorPort I]
  + NameAndType [run ()V]
  + NameAndType [s Ljava/net/Socket;]
  + NameAndType [sendOpenConfirmation (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)V]
  + NameAndType [setDaemon (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [start ()V]
  + NameAndType [toHexString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [write ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [write ([BII)V]
  + NameAndType [x11_magic_cookie [B]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream;]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(ILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder;Ljava/net/Socket;Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/OutputStream;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/X11ServerData;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)I]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [([BII)I]
  + Utf8 [([BII)V]
  + Utf8 [([BLjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [)]
  + Utf8 [0]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Buggy X11 authorization data]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EOF on both X11 streams reached.]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [IOException in X11 proxy code (]
  + Utf8 [IOException in X11 proxy code: ]
  + Utf8 [ISO-8859-1]
  + Utf8 [Invalid X11 cookie received.]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/X11ServerData;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/IOException;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/net/Socket;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [RemoteToX11]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [The real X11 cookie has an invalid length!]
  + Utf8 [Unexpected EOF on X11 startup!]
  + Utf8 [Unexpected EOF on X11 startup! (authProtocolData)]
  + Utf8 [Unexpected EOF on X11 startup! (authProtocolDataPadding)]
  + Utf8 [Unexpected EOF on X11 startup! (authProtocolName)]
  + Utf8 [Unexpected EOF on X11 startup! (authProtocolNamePadding)]
  + Utf8 [Unknown X11 authorization protocol!]
  + Utf8 [Unknown endian format in X11 message!]
  + Utf8 [Wrong data length for X11 authorization data!]
  + Utf8 [X11ToRemote]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [authProtocolData]
  + Utf8 [authProtocolDataLength]
  + Utf8 [authProtocolDataPadding]
  + Utf8 [authProtocolName]
  + Utf8 [authProtocolNameLength]
  + Utf8 [authProtocolNamePadding]
  + Utf8 [auth_buff]
  + Utf8 [c]
  + Utf8 [checkX11Cookie]
  + Utf8 [close]
  + Utf8 [closeChannel]
  + Utf8 [cm]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/X11ServerData]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger]
  + Utf8 [digit2]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [emptyAuthData]
  + Utf8 [equals]
  + Utf8 [flush]
  + Utf8 [getInputStream]
  + Utf8 [getLogger]
  + Utf8 [getMessage]
  + Utf8 [getOutputStream]
  + Utf8 [getStdinStream]
  + Utf8 [getStdoutStream]
  + Utf8 [header]
  + Utf8 [hexEncodedFakeCookie]
  + Utf8 [hexX11FakeCookie]
  + Utf8 [hostname]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [idxMSB]
  + Utf8 [isAlive]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/io/InputStream]
  + Utf8 [java/io/OutputStream]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Integer]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/InterruptedException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuffer]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Thread]
  + Utf8 [java/net/Socket]
  + Utf8 [join]
  + Utf8 [l2r]
  + Utf8 [length]
  + Utf8 [log]
  + Utf8 [paddingBuffer]
  + Utf8 [port]
  + Utf8 [r2l]
  + Utf8 [read]
  + Utf8 [remoteOriginatorAddress]
  + Utf8 [remoteOriginatorPort]
  + Utf8 [remote_is]
  + Utf8 [remote_os]
  + Utf8 [run]
  + Utf8 [s]
  + Utf8 [sd]
  + Utf8 [sendOpenConfirmation]
  + Utf8 [setDaemon]
  + Utf8 [start]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [tmp]
  + Utf8 [toHexString]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [write]
  + Utf8 [x11_is]
  + Utf8 [x11_magic_cookie]
  + Utf8 [x11_os]

Fields (count = 5):
  + Field:        log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final com.trilead.ssh2.log.Logger log
  + Field:        c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = c
  + Field:        remoteOriginatorAddress Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String remoteOriginatorAddress
  + Field:        remoteOriginatorPort I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int remoteOriginatorPort
  + Field:        s Ljava/net/Socket;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = s

Methods (count = 3):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 9, locals = 0, stack = 1):
      [0] ldc #23
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread]
      [2] invokestatic #58
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.getLogger (Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [5] putstatic #40
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [8] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 20
        [8] -> line 18
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public RemoteX11AcceptThread(,java.lang.String,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 20, locals = 4, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #77
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] putfield #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aload_2 v2
      [11] putfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread.remoteOriginatorAddress Ljava/lang/String;]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] iload_3 v3
      [16] putfield #42
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread.remoteOriginatorPort I]
      [19] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 29
        [4] -> line 31
        [9] -> line 32
        [14] -> line 33
        [19] -> line 34
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 20 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread; this]
        v1: 0 -> 20 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; c]
        v2: 0 -> 20 [Ljava/lang/String; remoteOriginatorAddress]
        v3: 0 -> 20 [I remoteOriginatorPort]
  + Method:       run()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void run()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 854, locals = 21, stack = 8):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [4] getfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [11] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.sendOpenConfirmation (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;)V]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [18] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.getStdinStream ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelOutputStream;]
      [21] astore_1 v1
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [26] invokevirtual #48
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.getStdoutStream ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelInputStream;]
      [29] astore_2 v2
      [30] bipush 6
      [32] newarray 8
      [34] astore_3 v3
      [35] aload_2 v2
      [36] aload_3 v3
      [37] invokevirtual #62
        + Methodref [java/io/ ([B)I]
      [40] bipush 6
      [42] ificmpeq +13 (target=55)
      [45] new #27
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [48] dup
      [49] ldc #12
        + String [Unexpected EOF on X11 startup!]
      [51] invokespecial #60
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [54] athrow
      [55] aload_3 v3
      [56] iconst_0
      [57] baload
      [58] bipush 66
      [60] ificmpeq +21 (target=81)
      [63] aload_3 v3
      [64] iconst_0
      [65] baload
      [66] bipush 108
      [68] ificmpeq +13 (target=81)
      [71] new #27
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [74] dup
      [75] ldc #18
        + String [Unknown endian format in X11 message!]
      [77] invokespecial #60
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [80] athrow
      [81] aload_3 v3
      [82] iconst_0
      [83] baload
      [84] bipush 66
      [86] ificmpne +7 (target=93)
      [89] iconst_0
      [90] goto +4 (target=94)
      [93] iconst_1
      [94] istore v4
      [96] bipush 6
      [98] newarray 8
      [100] astore v5
      [102] aload_2 v2
      [103] aload v5
      [105] invokevirtual #62
        + Methodref [java/io/ ([B)I]
      [108] bipush 6
      [110] ificmpeq +13 (target=123)
      [113] new #27
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [116] dup
      [117] ldc #12
        + String [Unexpected EOF on X11 startup!]
      [119] invokespecial #60
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [122] athrow
      [123] aload v5
      [125] iload v4
      [127] baload
      [128] sipush 255
      [131] iand
      [132] bipush 8
      [134] ishl
      [135] aload v5
      [137] iconst_1
      [138] iload v4
      [140] isub
      [141] baload
      [142] sipush 255
      [145] iand
      [146] ior
      [147] istore v6
      [149] aload v5
      [151] iconst_2
      [152] iload v4
      [154] iadd
      [155] baload
      [156] sipush 255
      [159] iand
      [160] bipush 8
      [162] ishl
      [163] aload v5
      [165] iconst_3
      [166] iload v4
      [168] isub
      [169] baload
      [170] sipush 255
      [173] iand
      [174] ior
      [175] istore v7
      [177] iload v6
      [179] sipush 256
      [182] ificmpgt +11 (target=193)
      [185] iload v7
      [187] sipush 256
      [190] ificmple +13 (target=203)
      [193] new #27
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [196] dup
      [197] ldc #3
        + String [Buggy X11 authorization data]
      [199] invokespecial #60
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [202] athrow
      [203] iconst_4
      [204] iload v6
      [206] iconst_4
      [207] irem
      [208] isub
      [209] iconst_4
      [210] irem
      [211] istore v8
      [213] iconst_4
      [214] iload v7
      [216] iconst_4
      [217] irem
      [218] isub
      [219] iconst_4
      [220] irem
      [221] istore v9
      [223] iload v6
      [225] newarray 8
      [227] astore v10
      [229] iload v7
      [231] newarray 8
      [233] astore v11
      [235] iconst_4
      [236] newarray 8
      [238] astore v12
      [240] aload_2 v2
      [241] aload v10
      [243] invokevirtual #62
        + Methodref [java/io/ ([B)I]
      [246] iload v6
      [248] ificmpeq +13 (target=261)
      [251] new #27
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [254] dup
      [255] ldc #15
        + String [Unexpected EOF on X11 startup! (authProtocolName)]
      [257] invokespecial #60
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [260] athrow
      [261] aload_2 v2
      [262] aload v12
      [264] iconst_0
      [265] iload v8
      [267] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [java/io/ ([BII)I]
      [270] iload v8
      [272] ificmpeq +13 (target=285)
      [275] new #27
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [278] dup
      [279] ldc #16
        + String [Unexpected EOF on X11 startup! (authProtocolNamePadding)]
      [281] invokespecial #60
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [284] athrow
      [285] aload_2 v2
      [286] aload v11
      [288] invokevirtual #62
        + Methodref [java/io/ ([B)I]
      [291] iload v7
      [293] ificmpeq +13 (target=306)
      [296] new #27
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [299] dup
      [300] ldc #13
        + String [Unexpected EOF on X11 startup! (authProtocolData)]
      [302] invokespecial #60
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [305] athrow
      [306] aload_2 v2
      [307] aload v12
      [309] iconst_0
      [310] iload v9
      [312] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [java/io/ ([BII)I]
      [315] iload v9
      [317] ificmpeq +13 (target=330)
      [320] new #27
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [323] dup
      [324] ldc #14
        + String [Unexpected EOF on X11 startup! (authProtocolDataPadding)]
      [326] invokespecial #60
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [329] athrow
      [330] ldc #9
        + String [MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1]
      [332] new #32
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [335] dup
      [336] aload v10
      [338] ldc #7
        + String [ISO-8859-1]
      [340] invokespecial #68
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.<init> ([BLjava/lang/String;)V]
      [343] invokevirtual #69
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [346] ifne +13 (target=359)
      [349] new #27
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [352] dup
      [353] ldc #17
        + String [Unknown X11 authorization protocol!]
      [355] invokespecial #60
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [358] athrow
      [359] iload v7
      [361] bipush 16
      [363] ificmpeq +13 (target=376)
      [366] new #27
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [369] dup
      [370] ldc #19
        + String [Wrong data length for X11 authorization data!]
      [372] invokespecial #60
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [375] athrow
      [376] new #33
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuffer]
      [379] dup
      [380] bipush 32
      [382] invokespecial #71
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.<init> (I)V]
      [385] astore v13
      [387] iconst_0
      [388] istore v14
      [390] goto +57 (target=447)
      [393] aload v11
      [395] iload v14
      [397] baload
      [398] sipush 255
      [401] iand
      [402] invokestatic #67
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.toHexString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [405] astore v15
      [407] aload v13
      [409] aload v15
      [411] invokevirtual #70
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
      [414] iconst_2
      [415] ificmpne +8 (target=423)
      [418] aload v15
      [420] goto +20 (target=440)
      [423] new #34
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [426] dup
      [427] ldc #2
        + String [0]
      [429] invokespecial #74
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [432] aload v15
      [434] invokevirtual #75
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [437] invokevirtual #76
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [440] invokevirtual #72
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
      [443] pop
      [444] iinc v14, 1
      [447] iload v14
      [449] aload v11
      [451] arraylength
      [452] ificmplt -59 (target=393)
      [455] aload v13
      [457] invokevirtual #73
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [460] astore v14
      [462] aload_0 v0
      [463] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [466] dup
      [467] astore v15
      [469] monitorenter
      [470] aload_0 v0
      [471] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [474] aload v14
      [476] putfield #38
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel.hexX11FakeCookie Ljava/lang/String;]
      [479] aload v15
      [481] monitorexit
      [482] goto +7 (target=489)
      [485] aload v15
      [487] monitorexit
      [488] athrow
      [489] aload_0 v0
      [490] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [493] getfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [496] aload v14
      [498] invokevirtual #49
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.checkX11Cookie (Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/X11ServerData;]
      [501] astore v15
      [503] aload v15
      [505] ifnonnull +13 (target=518)
      [508] new #27
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [511] dup
      [512] ldc #8
        + String [Invalid X11 cookie received.]
      [514] invokespecial #60
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [517] athrow
      [518] aload_0 v0
      [519] new #36
        + Class [java/net/Socket]
      [522] dup
      [523] aload v15
      [525] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/X11ServerData.hostname Ljava/lang/String;]
      [528] aload v15
      [530] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/X11ServerData.port I]
      [533] invokespecial #78
        + Methodref [java/net/Socket.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;I)V]
      [536] putfield #43
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread.s Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [539] aload_0 v0
      [540] getfield #43
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread.s Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [543] invokevirtual #81
        + Methodref [java/net/Socket.getOutputStream ()Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [546] astore v16
      [548] aload_0 v0
      [549] getfield #43
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread.s Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [552] invokevirtual #80
        + Methodref [java/net/Socket.getInputStream ()Ljava/io/InputStream;]
      [555] astore v17
      [557] aload v16
      [559] aload_3 v3
      [560] invokevirtual #65
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
      [563] aload v15
      [565] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/X11ServerData.x11_magic_cookie [B]
      [568] ifnonnull +19 (target=587)
      [571] bipush 6
      [573] newarray 8
      [575] astore v18
      [577] aload v16
      [579] aload v18
      [581] invokevirtual #65
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
      [584] goto +68 (target=652)
      [587] aload v15
      [589] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/X11ServerData.x11_magic_cookie [B]
      [592] arraylength
      [593] bipush 16
      [595] ificmpeq +13 (target=608)
      [598] new #27
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [601] dup
      [602] ldc #11
        + String [The real X11 cookie has an invalid length!]
      [604] invokespecial #60
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [607] athrow
      [608] aload v16
      [610] aload v5
      [612] invokevirtual #65
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
      [615] aload v16
      [617] aload v10
      [619] invokevirtual #65
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
      [622] aload v16
      [624] aload v12
      [626] iconst_0
      [627] iload v8
      [629] invokevirtual #66
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([BII)V]
      [632] aload v16
      [634] aload v15
      [636] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/X11ServerData.x11_magic_cookie [B]
      [639] invokevirtual #65
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
      [642] aload v16
      [644] aload v12
      [646] iconst_0
      [647] iload v9
      [649] invokevirtual #66
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([BII)V]
      [652] aload v16
      [654] invokevirtual #64
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.flush ()V]
      [657] new #24
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder]
      [660] dup
      [661] aload_0 v0
      [662] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [665] aconst_null
      [666] aload_0 v0
      [667] getfield #43
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread.s Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [670] aload_2 v2
      [671] aload v16
      [673] ldc #10
        + String [RemoteToX11]
      [675] invokespecial #52
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder;Ljava/net/Socket;Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/OutputStream;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [678] astore v18
      [680] new #24
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder]
      [683] dup
      [684] aload_0 v0
      [685] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [688] aconst_null
      [689] aconst_null
      [690] aload v17
      [692] aload_1 v1
      [693] ldc #20
        + String [X11ToRemote]
      [695] invokespecial #52
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder;Ljava/net/Socket;Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/OutputStream;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [698] astore v19
      [700] aload v18
      [702] iconst_1
      [703] invokevirtual #56
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.setDaemon (Z)V]
      [706] aload v18
      [708] invokevirtual #57
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.start ()V]
      [711] aload v19
      [713] invokevirtual #55
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ ()V]
      [716] goto +13 (target=729)
      [719] aload v18
      [721] invokevirtual #54
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.join ()V]
      [724] goto +5 (target=729)
      [727] astore v20
      [729] aload v18
      [731] invokevirtual #53
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.isAlive ()Z]
      [734] ifne -15 (target=719)
      [737] aload_0 v0
      [738] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [741] getfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [744] aload_0 v0
      [745] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [748] ldc #4
        + String [EOF on both X11 streams reached.]
      [750] iconst_1
      [751] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.closeChannel (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
      [754] aload_0 v0
      [755] getfield #43
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread.s Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [758] invokevirtual #79
        + Methodref [java/net/Socket.close ()V]
      [761] goto +92 (target=853)
      [764] astore_1 v1
      [765] getstatic #40
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [768] bipush 50
      [770] new #34
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [773] dup
      [774] ldc #6
        + String [IOException in X11 proxy code: ]
      [776] invokespecial #74
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [779] aload_1 v1
      [780] invokevirtual #61
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.getMessage ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [783] invokevirtual #75
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [786] invokevirtual #76
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [789] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [792] aload_0 v0
      [793] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [796] getfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [799] aload_0 v0
      [800] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [803] new #34
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [806] dup
      [807] ldc #5
        + String [IOException in X11 proxy code (]
      [809] invokespecial #74
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [812] aload_1 v1
      [813] invokevirtual #61
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.getMessage ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [816] invokevirtual #75
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [819] ldc #1
        + String [)]
      [821] invokevirtual #75
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [824] invokevirtual #76
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [827] iconst_1
      [828] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.closeChannel (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
      [831] goto +4 (target=835)
      [834] astore_2 v2
      [835] aload_0 v0
      [836] getfield #43
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread.s Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [839] ifnull +14 (target=853)
      [842] aload_0 v0
      [843] getfield #43
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread.s Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [846] invokevirtual #79
        + Methodref [java/net/Socket.close ()V]
      [849] goto +4 (target=853)
      [852] astore_2 v2
      [853] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 6):
      + ExceptionInfo (470 -> 482: 485):
      + ExceptionInfo (485 -> 488: 485):
      + ExceptionInfo (719 -> 724: 727):
      + Class [java/lang/InterruptedException]
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 761: 764):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (792 -> 831: 834):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (835 -> 849: 852):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 79)
        [0] -> line 42
        [14] -> line 46
        [22] -> line 47
        [30] -> line 81
        [35] -> line 83
        [45] -> line 84
        [55] -> line 86
        [71] -> line 87
        [81] -> line 91
        [96] -> line 95
        [102] -> line 97
        [113] -> line 98
        [123] -> line 100
        [149] -> line 101
        [177] -> line 103
        [193] -> line 104
        [203] -> line 106
        [213] -> line 107
        [223] -> line 109
        [229] -> line 110
        [235] -> line 112
        [240] -> line 114
        [251] -> line 115
        [261] -> line 117
        [275] -> line 118
        [285] -> line 120
        [296] -> line 121
        [306] -> line 123
        [320] -> line 124
        [330] -> line 126
        [349] -> line 127
        [359] -> line 129
        [366] -> line 130
        [376] -> line 132
        [387] -> line 133
        [393] -> line 135
        [407] -> line 136
        [444] -> line 133
        [455] -> line 138
        [462] -> line 144
        [470] -> line 147
        [479] -> line 144
        [489] -> line 152
        [503] -> line 154
        [508] -> line 155
        [518] -> line 162
        [539] -> line 164
        [548] -> line 165
        [557] -> line 169
        [563] -> line 171
        [571] -> line 173
        [577] -> line 175
        [587] -> line 179
        [598] -> line 180
        [608] -> line 183
        [615] -> line 184
        [622] -> line 185
        [632] -> line 186
        [642] -> line 187
        [652] -> line 190
        [657] -> line 194
        [680] -> line 195
        [700] -> line 199
        [706] -> line 200
        [711] -> line 201
        [716] -> line 203
        [719] -> line 207
        [727] -> line 209
        [729] -> line 203
        [737] -> line 216
        [754] -> line 217
        [764] -> line 219
        [765] -> line 221
        [792] -> line 225
        [834] -> line 227
        [835] -> line 232
        [842] -> line 233
        [852] -> line 235
        [853] -> line 239
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 24)
        v0: 0 -> 854 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/RemoteX11AcceptThread; this]
        v1: 22 -> 764 [Ljava/io/OutputStream; remote_os]
        v2: 30 -> 764 [Ljava/io/InputStream; remote_is]
        v3: 35 -> 764 [[B header]
        v4: 96 -> 764 [I idxMSB]
        v5: 102 -> 764 [[B auth_buff]
        v6: 149 -> 764 [I authProtocolNameLength]
        v7: 177 -> 764 [I authProtocolDataLength]
        v8: 213 -> 764 [I authProtocolNamePadding]
        v9: 223 -> 764 [I authProtocolDataPadding]
        v10: 229 -> 764 [[B authProtocolName]
        v11: 235 -> 764 [[B authProtocolData]
        v12: 240 -> 764 [[B paddingBuffer]
        v13: 387 -> 764 [Ljava/lang/StringBuffer; tmp]
        v14: 390 -> 455 [I i]
        v15: 407 -> 444 [Ljava/lang/String; digit2]
        v14: 462 -> 764 [Ljava/lang/String; hexEncodedFakeCookie]
        v15: 503 -> 764 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/X11ServerData; sd]
        v16: 548 -> 764 [Ljava/io/OutputStream; x11_os]
        v17: 557 -> 764 [Ljava/io/InputStream; x11_is]
        v18: 577 -> 587 [[B emptyAuthData]
        v18: 680 -> 764 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder; r2l]
        v19: 700 -> 764 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder; l2r]
        v1: 765 -> 853 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder
  Superclass:    java/lang/Thread
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class extends java.lang.Thread

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 119):
  + String [) is cleaning up the connection]
  + String [): ]
  + String [Closed due to exception in StreamForwarder (]
  + String [StreamForwarder (]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/io/InputStream]
  + Class [java/io/OutputStream]
  + Class [java/lang/InterruptedException]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/lang/Thread]
  + Class [java/net/Socket]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.buffer [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.mode Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.os Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.s Ljava/net/Socket;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.sibling Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.closeChannel (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.isAlive ()Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.join ()V]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.getMessage ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/io/InputStream.close ()V]
  + Methodref [java/io/ ([B)I]
  + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.close ()V]
  + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.flush ()V]
  + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/net/Socket.close ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [buffer [B]
  + NameAndType [c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
  + NameAndType [close ()V]
  + NameAndType [closeChannel (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
  + NameAndType [cm Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + NameAndType [flush ()V]
  + NameAndType [getMessage ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [is Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + NameAndType [isAlive ()Z]
  + NameAndType [join ()V]
  + NameAndType [mode Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [os Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + NameAndType [read ([B)I]
  + NameAndType [s Ljava/net/Socket;]
  + NameAndType [sibling Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder;]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [write ([BII)V]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder;Ljava/net/Socket;Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/OutputStream;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)I]
  + Utf8 [([BII)V]
  + Utf8 [) is cleaning up the connection]
  + Utf8 [): ]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Closed due to exception in StreamForwarder (]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/IOException;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/net/Socket;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [StreamForwarder (]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [buffer]
  + Utf8 [c]
  + Utf8 [close]
  + Utf8 [closeChannel]
  + Utf8 [cm]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder]
  + Utf8 [flush]
  + Utf8 [getMessage]
  + Utf8 [ignore]
  + Utf8 [is]
  + Utf8 [isAlive]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/io/InputStream]
  + Utf8 [java/io/OutputStream]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/InterruptedException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Thread]
  + Utf8 [java/net/Socket]
  + Utf8 [join]
  + Utf8 [len]
  + Utf8 [mode]
  + Utf8 [os]
  + Utf8 [read]
  + Utf8 [run]
  + Utf8 [s]
  + Utf8 [sibling]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [write]

Fields (count = 7):
  + Field:        os Ljava/io/OutputStream;
    Access flags: 0x10
      = final os
  + Field:        is Ljava/io/InputStream;
    Access flags: 0x10
      = final is
  + Field:        buffer [B
    Access flags: 0x10
      = final byte[] buffer
  + Field:        c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;
    Access flags: 0x10
      = final c
  + Field:        sibling Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder;
    Access flags: 0x10
      = final sibling
  + Field:        s Ljava/net/Socket;
    Access flags: 0x10
      = final s
  + Field:        mode Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x10
      = final java.lang.String mode

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder;Ljava/net/Socket;Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/OutputStream;Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = StreamForwarder(,,,,,java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 47, locals = 7, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #35
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] sipush 30000
      [8] newarray 8
      [10] putfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.buffer [B]
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] aload v4
      [16] putfield #18
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Ljava/io/InputStream;]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] aload v5
      [22] putfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.os Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] aload v6
      [28] putfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.mode Ljava/lang/String;]
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] aload_1 v1
      [33] putfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] aload_2 v2
      [38] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.sibling Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder;]
      [41] aload_0 v0
      [42] aload_3 v3
      [43] putfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.s Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [46] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 28
        [4] -> line 22
        [13] -> line 31
        [19] -> line 32
        [25] -> line 33
        [31] -> line 34
        [36] -> line 35
        [41] -> line 36
        [46] -> line 37
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 47 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder; this]
        v1: 0 -> 47 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel; c]
        v2: 0 -> 47 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder; sibling]
        v3: 0 -> 47 [Ljava/net/Socket; s]
        v4: 0 -> 47 [Ljava/io/InputStream; is]
        v5: 0 -> 47 [Ljava/io/OutputStream; os]
        v6: 0 -> 47 [Ljava/lang/String; mode]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       run()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void run()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 457, locals = 5, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Ljava/io/InputStream;]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.buffer [B]
      [8] invokevirtual #28
        + Methodref [java/io/ ([B)I]
      [11] istore_1 v1
      [12] iload_1 v1
      [13] ifgt +6 (target=19)
      [16] goto +321 (target=337)
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.os Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.buffer [B]
      [27] iconst_0
      [28] iload_1 v1
      [29] invokevirtual #31
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([BII)V]
      [32] aload_0 v0
      [33] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.os Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [36] invokevirtual #30
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.flush ()V]
      [39] goto -39 (target=0)
      [42] astore_1 v1
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [47] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [50] aload_0 v0
      [51] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [54] new #12
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [57] dup
      [58] ldc #3
        + String [Closed due to exception in StreamForwarder (]
      [60] invokespecial #32
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [63] aload_0 v0
      [64] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.mode Ljava/lang/String;]
      [67] invokevirtual #33
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [70] ldc #2
        + String [): ]
      [72] invokevirtual #33
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [75] aload_1 v1
      [76] invokevirtual #26
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.getMessage ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [79] invokevirtual #33
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [82] invokevirtual #34
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [85] iconst_1
      [86] invokevirtual #23
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.closeChannel (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
      [89] goto +4 (target=93)
      [92] astore_2 v2
      [93] aload_0 v0
      [94] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.os Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [97] invokevirtual #29
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.close ()V]
      [100] goto +5 (target=105)
      [103] astore v4
      [105] aload_0 v0
      [106] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Ljava/io/InputStream;]
      [109] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [java/io/InputStream.close ()V]
      [112] goto +5 (target=117)
      [115] astore v4
      [117] aload_0 v0
      [118] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.sibling Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder;]
      [121] ifnull +72 (target=193)
      [124] goto +15 (target=139)
      [127] aload_0 v0
      [128] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.sibling Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder;]
      [131] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.join ()V]
      [134] goto +5 (target=139)
      [137] astore v4
      [139] aload_0 v0
      [140] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.sibling Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder;]
      [143] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.isAlive ()Z]
      [146] ifne -19 (target=127)
      [149] aload_0 v0
      [150] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [153] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [156] aload_0 v0
      [157] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [160] new #12
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [163] dup
      [164] ldc #4
        + String [StreamForwarder (]
      [166] invokespecial #32
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [169] aload_0 v0
      [170] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.mode Ljava/lang/String;]
      [173] invokevirtual #33
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [176] ldc #1
        + String [) is cleaning up the connection]
      [178] invokevirtual #33
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [181] invokevirtual #34
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [184] iconst_1
      [185] invokevirtual #23
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.closeChannel (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
      [188] goto +5 (target=193)
      [191] astore v4
      [193] aload_0 v0
      [194] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.s Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [197] ifnull +259 (target=456)
      [200] aload_0 v0
      [201] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.s Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [204] invokevirtual #36
        + Methodref [java/net/Socket.close ()V]
      [207] goto +249 (target=456)
      [210] astore v4
      [212] goto +244 (target=456)
      [215] astore_3 v3
      [216] aload_0 v0
      [217] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.os Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [220] invokevirtual #29
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.close ()V]
      [223] goto +5 (target=228)
      [226] astore v4
      [228] aload_0 v0
      [229] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Ljava/io/InputStream;]
      [232] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [java/io/InputStream.close ()V]
      [235] goto +5 (target=240)
      [238] astore v4
      [240] aload_0 v0
      [241] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.sibling Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder;]
      [244] ifnull +72 (target=316)
      [247] goto +15 (target=262)
      [250] aload_0 v0
      [251] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.sibling Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder;]
      [254] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.join ()V]
      [257] goto +5 (target=262)
      [260] astore v4
      [262] aload_0 v0
      [263] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.sibling Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder;]
      [266] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.isAlive ()Z]
      [269] ifne -19 (target=250)
      [272] aload_0 v0
      [273] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [276] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [279] aload_0 v0
      [280] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [283] new #12
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [286] dup
      [287] ldc #4
        + String [StreamForwarder (]
      [289] invokespecial #32
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [292] aload_0 v0
      [293] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.mode Ljava/lang/String;]
      [296] invokevirtual #33
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [299] ldc #1
        + String [) is cleaning up the connection]
      [301] invokevirtual #33
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [304] invokevirtual #34
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [307] iconst_1
      [308] invokevirtual #23
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.closeChannel (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
      [311] goto +5 (target=316)
      [314] astore v4
      [316] aload_0 v0
      [317] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.s Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [320] ifnull +15 (target=335)
      [323] aload_0 v0
      [324] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.s Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [327] invokevirtual #36
        + Methodref [java/net/Socket.close ()V]
      [330] goto +5 (target=335)
      [333] astore v4
      [335] aload_3 v3
      [336] athrow
      [337] aload_0 v0
      [338] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.os Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [341] invokevirtual #29
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.close ()V]
      [344] goto +5 (target=349)
      [347] astore v4
      [349] aload_0 v0
      [350] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Ljava/io/InputStream;]
      [353] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [java/io/InputStream.close ()V]
      [356] goto +5 (target=361)
      [359] astore v4
      [361] aload_0 v0
      [362] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.sibling Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder;]
      [365] ifnull +72 (target=437)
      [368] goto +15 (target=383)
      [371] aload_0 v0
      [372] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.sibling Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder;]
      [375] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.join ()V]
      [378] goto +5 (target=383)
      [381] astore v4
      [383] aload_0 v0
      [384] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.sibling Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder;]
      [387] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.isAlive ()Z]
      [390] ifne -19 (target=371)
      [393] aload_0 v0
      [394] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [397] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager;]
      [400] aload_0 v0
      [401] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.c Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;]
      [404] new #12
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [407] dup
      [408] ldc #4
        + String [StreamForwarder (]
      [410] invokespecial #32
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [413] aload_0 v0
      [414] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.mode Ljava/lang/String;]
      [417] invokevirtual #33
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [420] ldc #1
        + String [) is cleaning up the connection]
      [422] invokevirtual #33
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [425] invokevirtual #34
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [428] iconst_1
      [429] invokevirtual #23
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/ChannelManager.closeChannel (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/Channel;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
      [432] goto +5 (target=437)
      [435] astore v4
      [437] aload_0 v0
      [438] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.s Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [441] ifnull +15 (target=456)
      [444] aload_0 v0
      [445] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder.s Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [448] invokevirtual #36
        + Methodref [java/net/Socket.close ()V]
      [451] goto +5 (target=456)
      [454] astore v4
      [456] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 18):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 42: 42):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (43 -> 89: 92):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (93 -> 100: 103):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (105 -> 112: 115):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (127 -> 134: 137):
      + Class [java/lang/InterruptedException]
      + ExceptionInfo (149 -> 188: 191):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (200 -> 207: 210):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 93: 215):
      + ExceptionInfo (216 -> 223: 226):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (228 -> 235: 238):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (250 -> 257: 260):
      + Class [java/lang/InterruptedException]
      + ExceptionInfo (272 -> 311: 314):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (323 -> 330: 333):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (337 -> 344: 347):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (349 -> 356: 359):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (371 -> 378: 381):
      + Class [java/lang/InterruptedException]
      + ExceptionInfo (393 -> 432: 435):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (444 -> 451: 454):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 56)
        [0] -> line 45
        [12] -> line 46
        [16] -> line 47
        [19] -> line 48
        [32] -> line 49
        [39] -> line 43
        [42] -> line 52
        [43] -> line 56
        [75] -> line 57
        [86] -> line 56
        [92] -> line 59
        [93] -> line 67
        [103] -> line 69
        [105] -> line 74
        [115] -> line 76
        [117] -> line 80
        [124] -> line 82
        [127] -> line 86
        [137] -> line 88
        [139] -> line 82
        [149] -> line 95
        [191] -> line 97
        [193] -> line 102
        [200] -> line 105
        [210] -> line 107
        [215] -> line 64
        [216] -> line 67
        [226] -> line 69
        [228] -> line 74
        [238] -> line 76
        [240] -> line 80
        [247] -> line 82
        [250] -> line 86
        [260] -> line 88
        [262] -> line 82
        [272] -> line 95
        [314] -> line 97
        [316] -> line 102
        [323] -> line 105
        [333] -> line 107
        [335] -> line 111
        [337] -> line 67
        [347] -> line 69
        [349] -> line 74
        [359] -> line 76
        [361] -> line 80
        [368] -> line 82
        [371] -> line 86
        [381] -> line 88
        [383] -> line 82
        [393] -> line 95
        [435] -> line 97
        [437] -> line 102
        [444] -> line 105
        [454] -> line 107
        [456] -> line 112
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 457 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/StreamForwarder; this]
        v1: 12 -> 39 [I len]
        v1: 43 -> 93 [Ljava/io/IOException; ignore]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/channel/X11ServerData
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 22):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/X11ServerData]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/X11ServerData;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/channel/X11ServerData]
  + Utf8 [hostname]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [port]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [x11_magic_cookie]

Fields (count = 3):
  + Field:        hostname Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String hostname
  + Field:        port I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int port
  + Field:        x11_magic_cookie [B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] x11_magic_cookie

Methods (count = 1):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public X11ServerData()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #3
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 11
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/channel/X11ServerData; this]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.compression.CompressionFactory extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 127):
  + String []
  + String [Cannot instantiate ]
  + String [Unkown algorithm ]
  + String [com.trilead.ssh2.compression.Zlib]
  + String [com.trilead.ssh2.compression.ZlibOpenSSH]
  + String [none]
  + String [zlib]
  + String []
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory$CompressorEntry]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor]
  + Class [java/lang/Class]
  + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/util/Vector]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory.compressors Ljava/util/Vector;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory$CompressorEntry.compressorClass Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory$CompressorEntry.type Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory.getEntry (Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory$CompressorEntry;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory$CompressorEntry.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Class.forName (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Class.newInstance ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/util/Vector.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/util/Vector.addElement (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + Methodref [java/util/Vector.elementAt (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [java/util/Vector.size ()I]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [addElement (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [compressorClass Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [compressors Ljava/util/Vector;]
  + NameAndType [elementAt (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [forName (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;]
  + NameAndType [getEntry (Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory$CompressorEntry;]
  + NameAndType [newInstance ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [size ()I]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [type Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory$CompressorEntry;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Cannot instantiate ]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [CompressorEntry]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory$CompressorEntry;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Class;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Class<*>;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Exception;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Vector;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Vector<Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory$CompressorEntry;>;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTypeTable]
  + Utf8 [Signature]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Unkown algorithm ]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [addElement]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [cc]
  + Utf8 [ce]
  + Utf8 [cmp]
  + Utf8 [com.trilead.ssh2.compression.Zlib]
  + Utf8 [com.trilead.ssh2.compression.ZlibOpenSSH]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory$CompressorEntry]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor]
  + Utf8 [compressorClass]
  + Utf8 [compressors]
  + Utf8 [createCompressor]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [elementAt]
  + Utf8 [equals]
  + Utf8 [forName]
  + Utf8 [getDefaultCompressorList]
  + Utf8 [getEntry]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Class]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Exception]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Vector]
  + Utf8 [list]
  + Utf8 [newInstance]
  + Utf8 [none]
  + Utf8 [size]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [type]
  + Utf8 [zlib]
  + Utf8 []

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        compressors Ljava/util/Vector;
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static java.util.Vector compressors
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Vector<Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory$CompressorEntry;>;]

Methods (count = 5):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 62, locals = 0, stack = 5):
      [0] new #18
        + Class [java/util/Vector]
      [3] dup
      [4] invokespecial #33
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.<init> ()V]
      [7] putstatic #19
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory.compressors Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [10] getstatic #19
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory.compressors Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [13] new #10
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory$CompressorEntry]
      [16] dup
      [17] ldc #7
        + String [zlib]
      [19] ldc #4
        + String [com.trilead.ssh2.compression.Zlib]
      [21] invokespecial #23
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory$CompressorEntry.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [24] invokevirtual #34
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.addElement (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
      [27] getstatic #19
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory.compressors Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [30] new #10
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory$CompressorEntry]
      [33] dup
      [34] ldc #8
        + String []
      [36] ldc #5
        + String [com.trilead.ssh2.compression.ZlibOpenSSH]
      [38] invokespecial #23
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory$CompressorEntry.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [41] invokevirtual #34
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.addElement (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
      [44] getstatic #19
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory.compressors Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [47] new #10
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory$CompressorEntry]
      [50] dup
      [51] ldc #6
        + String [none]
      [53] ldc #1
        + String []
      [55] invokespecial #23
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory$CompressorEntry.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [58] invokevirtual #34
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.addElement (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
      [61] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 39
        [10] -> line 45
        [27] -> line 46
        [44] -> line 47
        [61] -> line 26
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public CompressionFactory()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #27
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 26
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory; this]
  + Method:       getDefaultCompressorList()[Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static java.lang.String[] getDefaultCompressorList()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 55, locals = 3, stack = 5):
      [0] getstatic #19
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory.compressors Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [3] invokevirtual #36
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.size ()I]
      [6] anewarray #16
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [9] astore_0 v0
      [10] iconst_0
      [11] istore_1 v1
      [12] goto +31 (target=43)
      [15] getstatic #19
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory.compressors Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [18] iload_1 v1
      [19] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.elementAt (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [22] checkcast #10
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory$CompressorEntry]
      [25] astore_2 v2
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] iload_1 v1
      [28] new #16
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [31] dup
      [32] aload_2 v2
      [33] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory$CompressorEntry.type Ljava/lang/String;]
      [36] invokespecial #28
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [39] aastore
      [40] iinc v1, 1
      [43] iload_1 v1
      [44] getstatic #19
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory.compressors Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [47] invokevirtual #36
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.size ()I]
      [50] ificmplt -35 (target=15)
      [53] aload_0 v0
      [54] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 52
        [10] -> line 53
        [15] -> line 55
        [26] -> line 56
        [40] -> line 53
        [53] -> line 58
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 10 -> 55 [[Ljava/lang/String; list]
        v1: 12 -> 53 [I i]
        v2: 26 -> 40 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory$CompressorEntry; ce]
  + Method:       createCompressor(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static com.trilead.ssh2.compression.ICompressor createCompressor(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 62, locals = 4, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokestatic #22
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory.getEntry (Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory$CompressorEntry;]
      [4] astore_1 v1
      [5] ldc #1
        + String []
      [7] aload_1 v1
      [8] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory$CompressorEntry.compressorClass Ljava/lang/String;]
      [11] invokevirtual #29
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [14] ifeq +5 (target=19)
      [17] aconst_null
      [18] areturn
      [19] aload_1 v1
      [20] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory$CompressorEntry.compressorClass Ljava/lang/String;]
      [23] invokestatic #24
        + Methodref [java/lang/Class.forName (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;]
      [26] astore_2 v2
      [27] aload_2 v2
      [28] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [java/lang/Class.newInstance ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [31] checkcast #11
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor]
      [34] astore_3 v3
      [35] aload_3 v3
      [36] areturn
      [37] astore_1 v1
      [38] new #14
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [41] dup
      [42] new #17
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [45] dup
      [46] ldc #2
        + String [Cannot instantiate ]
      [48] invokespecial #30
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [51] aload_0 v0
      [52] invokevirtual #31
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [55] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [58] invokespecial #26
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [61] athrow
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 17: 37):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      + ExceptionInfo (19 -> 36: 37):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 71
        [5] -> line 72
        [17] -> line 73
        [19] -> line 75
        [27] -> line 76
        [35] -> line 78
        [37] -> line 80
        [38] -> line 82
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 62 [Ljava/lang/String; type]
        v1: 5 -> 37 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory$CompressorEntry; ce]
        v2: 27 -> 37 [Ljava/lang/Class; cc]
        v3: 35 -> 37 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor; cmp]
        v1: 38 -> 62 [Ljava/lang/Exception; e]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 1)
        v2: 27 -> 37 [Ljava/lang/Class<*>; cc]
  + Method:       getEntry(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory$CompressorEntry;
    Access flags: 0xa
      = private static com.trilead.ssh2.compression.CompressionFactory$CompressorEntry getEntry(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 66, locals = 3, stack = 5):
      [0] iconst_0
      [1] istore_1 v1
      [2] goto +30 (target=32)
      [5] getstatic #19
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory.compressors Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [8] iload_1 v1
      [9] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.elementAt (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [12] checkcast #10
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory$CompressorEntry]
      [15] astore_2 v2
      [16] aload_2 v2
      [17] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory$CompressorEntry.type Ljava/lang/String;]
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] invokevirtual #29
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [24] ifeq +5 (target=29)
      [27] aload_2 v2
      [28] areturn
      [29] iinc v1, 1
      [32] iload_1 v1
      [33] getstatic #19
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory.compressors Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [36] invokevirtual #36
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.size ()I]
      [39] ificmplt -34 (target=5)
      [42] new #14
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [45] dup
      [46] new #17
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [49] dup
      [50] ldc #3
        + String [Unkown algorithm ]
      [52] invokespecial #30
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [55] aload_0 v0
      [56] invokevirtual #31
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [59] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [62] invokespecial #26
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [65] athrow
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 88
        [5] -> line 90
        [16] -> line 91
        [27] -> line 92
        [29] -> line 88
        [42] -> line 94
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 66 [Ljava/lang/String; type]
        v1: 2 -> 42 [I i]
        v2: 16 -> 29 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory$CompressorEntry; ce]

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x8 = static 
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory$CompressorEntry]
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory]
      + Utf8 [CompressorEntry]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory$CompressorEntry
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.trilead.ssh2.compression.CompressionFactory$CompressorEntry extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 28):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory$CompressorEntry]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory$CompressorEntry.compressorClass Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory$CompressorEntry.type Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [compressorClass Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [type Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [CompressorEntry]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory$CompressorEntry;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory$CompressorEntry]
  + Utf8 [compressorClass]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [type]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        type Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String type
  + Field:        compressorClass Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String compressorClass

Methods (count = 1):
  + Method:       <init>(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public CompressionFactory$CompressorEntry(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #6
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] putfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory$CompressorEntry.type Ljava/lang/String;]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aload_2 v2
      [11] putfield #4
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory$CompressorEntry.compressorClass Ljava/lang/String;]
      [14] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 32
        [4] -> line 34
        [9] -> line 35
        [14] -> line 36
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 15 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory$CompressorEntry; this]
        v1: 0 -> 15 [Ljava/lang/String; type]
        v2: 0 -> 15 [Ljava/lang/String; compressorClass]

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x8 = static 
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory$CompressorEntry]
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory]
      + Utf8 [CompressorEntry]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x601
    = public interface com.trilead.ssh2.compression.ICompressor extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 15):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [([BII[B)I]
  + Utf8 [([BI[I)[B]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [canCompressPreauth]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor]
  + Utf8 [compress]
  + Utf8 [getBufferSize]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [uncompress]

Fields (count = 0):

Methods (count = 4):
  + Method:       getBufferSize()I
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract int getBufferSize()
  + Method:       compress([BII[B)I
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract int compress(byte[],int,int,byte[])
  + Method:       uncompress([BI[I)[B
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract byte[] uncompress(byte[],int,int[])
  + Method:       canCompressPreauth()Z
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract boolean canCompressPreauth()

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.compression.Zlib extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor]

Constant Pool (count = 121):
  + String [compress: compression failure]
  + String [compress: deflated data too large]
  + String [uncompress: inflate returnd ]
  + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib]
  + Class [java/io/PrintStream]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_out I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in [B]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_out [B]
  + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_out_index I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.deflate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.deflate_tmpbuf [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.inflate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.inflate_tmpbuf [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.inflated_buf [B]
  + Fieldref [java/lang/System.err Ljava/io/PrintStream;]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.deflate (I)I]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.deflateInit (I)I]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.inflate (I)I]
  + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.inflateInit ()I]
  + Methodref [java/io/PrintStream.println (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [avail_in I]
  + NameAndType [avail_out I]
  + NameAndType [deflate (I)I]
  + NameAndType [deflate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
  + NameAndType [deflateInit (I)I]
  + NameAndType [deflate_tmpbuf [B]
  + NameAndType [err Ljava/io/PrintStream;]
  + NameAndType [inflate (I)I]
  + NameAndType [inflate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
  + NameAndType [inflateInit ()I]
  + NameAndType [inflate_tmpbuf [B]
  + NameAndType [inflated_buf [B]
  + NameAndType [next_in [B]
  + NameAndType [next_in_index I]
  + NameAndType [next_out [B]
  + NameAndType [next_out_index I]
  + NameAndType [println (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(I)I]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [([BII[B)I]
  + Utf8 [([BI[I)[B]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/PrintStream;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [[I]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [arraycopy]
  + Utf8 [avail_in]
  + Utf8 [avail_out]
  + Utf8 [buf]
  + Utf8 [buffer]
  + Utf8 [canCompressPreauth]
  + Utf8 [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib]
  + Utf8 [compress]
  + Utf8 [compress: compression failure]
  + Utf8 [compress: deflated data too large]
  + Utf8 [deflate]
  + Utf8 [deflateInit]
  + Utf8 [deflate_tmpbuf]
  + Utf8 [err]
  + Utf8 [foo]
  + Utf8 [getBufferSize]
  + Utf8 [inflate]
  + Utf8 [inflateInit]
  + Utf8 [inflate_tmpbuf]
  + Utf8 [inflated_buf]
  + Utf8 [inflated_end]
  + Utf8 [java/io/PrintStream]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [len]
  + Utf8 [length]
  + Utf8 [next_in]
  + Utf8 [next_in_index]
  + Utf8 [next_out]
  + Utf8 [next_out_index]
  + Utf8 [output]
  + Utf8 [outputlen]
  + Utf8 [println]
  + Utf8 [start]
  + Utf8 [status]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [uncompress]
  + Utf8 [uncompress: inflate returnd ]

Fields (count = 5):
  + Field:        deflate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private com.jcraft.jzlib.ZStream deflate
  + Field:        deflate_tmpbuf [B
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private byte[] deflate_tmpbuf
  + Field:        inflate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private com.jcraft.jzlib.ZStream inflate
  + Field:        inflate_tmpbuf [B
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private byte[] inflate_tmpbuf
  + Field:        inflated_buf [B
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private byte[] inflated_buf

Methods (count = 5):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public Zlib()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 71, locals = 1, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #29
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] new #4
        + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream]
      [8] dup
      [9] invokespecial #23
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.<init> ()V]
      [12] putfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.deflate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] new #4
        + Class [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream]
      [19] dup
      [20] invokespecial #23
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.<init> ()V]
      [23] putfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.inflate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.deflate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
      [30] iconst_5
      [31] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.deflateInit (I)I]
      [34] pop
      [35] aload_0 v0
      [36] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.inflate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
      [39] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.inflateInit ()I]
      [42] pop
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] sipush 4096
      [47] newarray 8
      [49] putfield #18
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.deflate_tmpbuf [B]
      [52] aload_0 v0
      [53] sipush 4096
      [56] newarray 8
      [58] putfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.inflate_tmpbuf [B]
      [61] aload_0 v0
      [62] sipush 4096
      [65] newarray 8
      [67] putfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.inflated_buf [B]
      [70] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 38
        [4] -> line 39
        [15] -> line 40
        [26] -> line 42
        [35] -> line 43
        [43] -> line 45
        [52] -> line 46
        [61] -> line 47
        [70] -> line 48
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 71 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib; this]
  + Method:       canCompressPreauth()Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean canCompressPreauth()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 2, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] iconst_1
      [1] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 51
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 2 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib; this]
  + Method:       getBufferSize()I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int getBufferSize()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 4, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] sipush 4096
      [3] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 55
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 4 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib; this]
  + Method:       compress([BII[B)I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int compress(byte[],int,int,byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 147, locals = 6, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.deflate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] putfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in [B]
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.deflate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
      [12] iload_2 v2
      [13] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [16] aload_0 v0
      [17] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.deflate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
      [20] iload_3 v3
      [21] iload_2 v2
      [22] isub
      [23] putfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [26] aload_1 v1
      [27] arraylength
      [28] sipush 1024
      [31] iadd
      [32] aload_0 v0
      [33] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.deflate_tmpbuf [B]
      [36] arraylength
      [37] ificmple +15 (target=52)
      [40] aload_0 v0
      [41] aload_1 v1
      [42] arraylength
      [43] sipush 1024
      [46] iadd
      [47] newarray 8
      [49] putfield #18
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.deflate_tmpbuf [B]
      [52] aload_0 v0
      [53] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.deflate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
      [56] aload_0 v0
      [57] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.deflate_tmpbuf [B]
      [60] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_out [B]
      [63] aload_0 v0
      [64] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.deflate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
      [67] iconst_0
      [68] putfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_out_index I]
      [71] aload_0 v0
      [72] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.deflate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
      [75] aload v4
      [77] arraylength
      [78] putfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_out I]
      [81] aload_0 v0
      [82] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.deflate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
      [85] iconst_1
      [86] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.deflate (I)I]
      [89] ifeq +11 (target=100)
      [92] getstatic #22
        + Fieldref [java/lang/System.err Ljava/io/PrintStream;]
      [95] ldc #1
        + String [compress: compression failure]
      [97] invokevirtual #28
        + Methodref [java/io/PrintStream.println (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [100] aload_0 v0
      [101] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.deflate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
      [104] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [107] ifle +11 (target=118)
      [110] getstatic #22
        + Fieldref [java/lang/System.err Ljava/io/PrintStream;]
      [113] ldc #2
        + String [compress: deflated data too large]
      [115] invokevirtual #28
        + Methodref [java/io/PrintStream.println (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [118] aload v4
      [120] arraylength
      [121] aload_0 v0
      [122] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.deflate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
      [125] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_out I]
      [128] isub
      [129] istore v5
      [131] aload_0 v0
      [132] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.deflate_tmpbuf [B]
      [135] iconst_0
      [136] aload v4
      [138] iconst_0
      [139] iload v5
      [141] invokestatic #33
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [144] iload v5
      [146] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 15)
        [0] -> line 59
        [8] -> line 60
        [16] -> line 61
        [26] -> line 63
        [40] -> line 64
        [52] -> line 67
        [63] -> line 68
        [71] -> line 69
        [81] -> line 71
        [92] -> line 72
        [100] -> line 75
        [110] -> line 76
        [118] -> line 79
        [131] -> line 81
        [144] -> line 83
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 147 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib; this]
        v1: 0 -> 147 [[B buf]
        v2: 0 -> 147 [I start]
        v3: 0 -> 147 [I len]
        v4: 0 -> 147 [[B output]
        v5: 131 -> 147 [I outputlen]
  + Method:       uncompress([BI[I)[B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] uncompress(byte[],int,int[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 293, locals = 7, stack = 6):
      [0] iconst_0
      [1] istore v4
      [3] aload_0 v0
      [4] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.inflate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
      [7] aload_1 v1
      [8] putfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in [B]
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.inflate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
      [15] iload_2 v2
      [16] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_in_index I]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.inflate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
      [23] aload_3 v3
      [24] iconst_0
      [25] iaload
      [26] putfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_in I]
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.inflate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
      [33] aload_0 v0
      [34] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.inflate_tmpbuf [B]
      [37] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_out [B]
      [40] aload_0 v0
      [41] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.inflate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
      [44] iconst_0
      [45] putfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.next_out_index I]
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.inflate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
      [52] sipush 4096
      [55] putfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_out I]
      [58] aload_0 v0
      [59] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.inflate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
      [62] iconst_1
      [63] invokevirtual #26
        + Methodref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.inflate (I)I]
      [66] istore v5
      [68] iload v5
      [70] lookupswitch (2 offsets, default=198) (target=268)
        -5: offset = 134, target = 204
        0: offset = 26, target = 96
        default: offset = 198, target = 268
      [96] aload_0 v0
      [97] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.inflated_buf [B]
      [100] arraylength
      [101] iload v4
      [103] sipush 4096
      [106] iadd
      [107] aload_0 v0
      [108] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.inflate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
      [111] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_out I]
      [114] isub
      [115] ificmpge +40 (target=155)
      [118] iload v4
      [120] sipush 4096
      [123] iadd
      [124] aload_0 v0
      [125] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.inflate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
      [128] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_out I]
      [131] isub
      [132] newarray 8
      [134] astore v6
      [136] aload_0 v0
      [137] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.inflated_buf [B]
      [140] iconst_0
      [141] aload v6
      [143] iconst_0
      [144] iload v4
      [146] invokestatic #33
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [149] aload_0 v0
      [150] aload v6
      [152] putfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.inflated_buf [B]
      [155] aload_0 v0
      [156] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.inflate_tmpbuf [B]
      [159] iconst_0
      [160] aload_0 v0
      [161] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.inflated_buf [B]
      [164] iload v4
      [166] sipush 4096
      [169] aload_0 v0
      [170] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.inflate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
      [173] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_out I]
      [176] isub
      [177] invokestatic #33
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [180] iload v4
      [182] sipush 4096
      [185] aload_0 v0
      [186] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.inflate Lcom/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream;]
      [189] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/jcraft/jzlib/ZStream.avail_out I]
      [192] isub
      [193] iadd
      [194] istore v4
      [196] aload_3 v3
      [197] iconst_0
      [198] iload v4
      [200] iastore
      [201] goto -172 (target=29)
      [204] iload v4
      [206] aload_1 v1
      [207] arraylength
      [208] iload_2 v2
      [209] isub
      [210] ificmple +39 (target=249)
      [213] iload v4
      [215] iload_2 v2
      [216] iadd
      [217] newarray 8
      [219] astore v6
      [221] aload_1 v1
      [222] iconst_0
      [223] aload v6
      [225] iconst_0
      [226] iload_2 v2
      [227] invokestatic #33
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [230] aload_0 v0
      [231] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.inflated_buf [B]
      [234] iconst_0
      [235] aload v6
      [237] iload_2 v2
      [238] iload v4
      [240] invokestatic #33
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [243] aload v6
      [245] astore_1 v1
      [246] goto +15 (target=261)
      [249] aload_0 v0
      [250] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.inflated_buf [B]
      [253] iconst_0
      [254] aload_1 v1
      [255] iload_2 v2
      [256] iload v4
      [258] invokestatic #33
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [261] aload_3 v3
      [262] iconst_0
      [263] iload v4
      [265] iastore
      [266] aload_1 v1
      [267] areturn
      [268] getstatic #22
        + Fieldref [java/lang/System.err Ljava/io/PrintStream;]
      [271] new #9
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [274] dup
      [275] ldc #3
        + String [uncompress: inflate returnd ]
      [277] invokespecial #30
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [280] iload v5
      [282] invokevirtual #31
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [285] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [288] invokevirtual #28
        + Methodref [java/io/PrintStream.println (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [291] aconst_null
      [292] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 34)
        [0] -> line 87
        [3] -> line 89
        [11] -> line 90
        [19] -> line 91
        [29] -> line 94
        [40] -> line 95
        [48] -> line 96
        [58] -> line 97
        [68] -> line 98
        [96] -> line 100
        [107] -> line 101
        [118] -> line 102
        [124] -> line 103
        [131] -> line 102
        [136] -> line 104
        [149] -> line 105
        [155] -> line 107
        [166] -> line 108
        [177] -> line 107
        [180] -> line 109
        [196] -> line 110
        [201] -> line 111
        [204] -> line 113
        [213] -> line 114
        [221] -> line 115
        [230] -> line 116
        [243] -> line 117
        [249] -> line 119
        [256] -> line 120
        [258] -> line 119
        [261] -> line 122
        [266] -> line 123
        [268] -> line 125
        [291] -> line 126
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 8)
        v0: 0 -> 293 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib; this]
        v1: 0 -> 293 [[B buffer]
        v2: 0 -> 293 [I start]
        v3: 0 -> 293 [[I length]
        v4: 3 -> 293 [I inflated_end]
        v5: 68 -> 293 [I status]
        v6: 136 -> 155 [[B foo]
        v6: 221 -> 249 [[B foo]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/compression/ZlibOpenSSH
  Superclass:    com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.compression.ZlibOpenSSH extends com.trilead.ssh2.compression.Zlib

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 18):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/ZlibOpenSSH]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ZlibOpenSSH;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [canCompressPreauth]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/ZlibOpenSSH]
  + Utf8 [this]

Fields (count = 0):

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public ZlibOpenSSH()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #3
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/Zlib.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 29
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ZlibOpenSSH; this]
  + Method:       canCompressPreauth()Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean canCompressPreauth()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 2, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] iconst_0
      [1] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 32
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 2 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ZlibOpenSSH; this]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/Base64
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.Base64 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 74):
  + String [ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/]
  + String [Illegal char in base64 code.]
  + String [Unexpected '=' in base64 code.]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/Base64]
  + Class [java/io/CharArrayWriter]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/Base64.alphabet [C]
  + Methodref [java/io/CharArrayWriter.<init> (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/CharArrayWriter.toCharArray ()[C]
  + Methodref [java/io/CharArrayWriter.write (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.toCharArray ()[C]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (I)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [alphabet [C]
  + NameAndType [arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [toCharArray ()[C]
  + NameAndType [write (I)V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()[C]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)[C]
  + Utf8 [([C)[B]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Illegal char in base64 code.]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/Base64;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/CharArrayWriter;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Unexpected '=' in base64 code.]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [[C]
  + Utf8 [alphabet]
  + Utf8 [arraycopy]
  + Utf8 [bpos]
  + Utf8 [buff]
  + Utf8 [c]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/Base64]
  + Utf8 [content]
  + Utf8 [cw]
  + Utf8 [decode]
  + Utf8 [dest]
  + Utf8 [destpos]
  + Utf8 [encode]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [idx]
  + Utf8 [java/io/CharArrayWriter]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [message]
  + Utf8 [res]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toCharArray]
  + Utf8 [v]
  + Utf8 [write]
  + Utf8 [x]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        alphabet [C
    Access flags: 0x18
      = static final char[] alphabet

Methods (count = 4):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 9, locals = 0, stack = 1):
      [0] ldc #1
        + String [ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/]
      [2] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.toCharArray ()[C]
      [5] putstatic #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/Base64.alphabet [C]
      [8] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 15
        [8] -> line 13
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public Base64()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #15
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 13
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/Base64; this]
  + Method:       encode([B)[C
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static char[] encode(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 252, locals = 5, stack = 4):
      [0] new #5
        + Class [java/io/CharArrayWriter]
      [3] dup
      [4] iconst_4
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] arraylength
      [7] imul
      [8] iconst_3
      [9] idiv
      [10] invokespecial #11
        + Methodref [java/io/CharArrayWriter.<init> (I)V]
      [13] astore_1 v1
      [14] iconst_0
      [15] istore_2 v2
      [16] iconst_0
      [17] istore_3 v3
      [18] iconst_0
      [19] istore v4
      [21] goto +122 (target=143)
      [24] iload_2 v2
      [25] ifne +18 (target=43)
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] iload v4
      [31] baload
      [32] sipush 255
      [35] iand
      [36] bipush 16
      [38] ishl
      [39] istore_3 v3
      [40] goto +36 (target=76)
      [43] iload_2 v2
      [44] iconst_1
      [45] ificmpne +20 (target=65)
      [48] iload_3 v3
      [49] aload_0 v0
      [50] iload v4
      [52] baload
      [53] sipush 255
      [56] iand
      [57] bipush 8
      [59] ishl
      [60] ior
      [61] istore_3 v3
      [62] goto +14 (target=76)
      [65] iload_3 v3
      [66] aload_0 v0
      [67] iload v4
      [69] baload
      [70] sipush 255
      [73] iand
      [74] ior
      [75] istore_3 v3
      [76] iinc v2, 1
      [79] iload_2 v2
      [80] iconst_3
      [81] ificmpne +59 (target=140)
      [84] aload_1 v1
      [85] getstatic #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/Base64.alphabet [C]
      [88] iload_3 v3
      [89] bipush 18
      [91] ishr
      [92] caload
      [93] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [java/io/CharArrayWriter.write (I)V]
      [96] aload_1 v1
      [97] getstatic #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/Base64.alphabet [C]
      [100] iload_3 v3
      [101] bipush 12
      [103] ishr
      [104] bipush 63
      [106] iand
      [107] caload
      [108] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [java/io/CharArrayWriter.write (I)V]
      [111] aload_1 v1
      [112] getstatic #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/Base64.alphabet [C]
      [115] iload_3 v3
      [116] bipush 6
      [118] ishr
      [119] bipush 63
      [121] iand
      [122] caload
      [123] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [java/io/CharArrayWriter.write (I)V]
      [126] aload_1 v1
      [127] getstatic #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/Base64.alphabet [C]
      [130] iload_3 v3
      [131] bipush 63
      [133] iand
      [134] caload
      [135] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [java/io/CharArrayWriter.write (I)V]
      [138] iconst_0
      [139] istore_2 v2
      [140] iinc v4, 1
      [143] iload v4
      [145] aload_0 v0
      [146] arraylength
      [147] ificmplt -123 (target=24)
      [150] iload_2 v2
      [151] iconst_1
      [152] ificmpne +42 (target=194)
      [155] aload_1 v1
      [156] getstatic #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/Base64.alphabet [C]
      [159] iload_3 v3
      [160] bipush 18
      [162] ishr
      [163] caload
      [164] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [java/io/CharArrayWriter.write (I)V]
      [167] aload_1 v1
      [168] getstatic #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/Base64.alphabet [C]
      [171] iload_3 v3
      [172] bipush 12
      [174] ishr
      [175] bipush 63
      [177] iand
      [178] caload
      [179] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [java/io/CharArrayWriter.write (I)V]
      [182] aload_1 v1
      [183] bipush 61
      [185] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [java/io/CharArrayWriter.write (I)V]
      [188] aload_1 v1
      [189] bipush 61
      [191] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [java/io/CharArrayWriter.write (I)V]
      [194] iload_2 v2
      [195] iconst_2
      [196] ificmpne +51 (target=247)
      [199] aload_1 v1
      [200] getstatic #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/Base64.alphabet [C]
      [203] iload_3 v3
      [204] bipush 18
      [206] ishr
      [207] caload
      [208] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [java/io/CharArrayWriter.write (I)V]
      [211] aload_1 v1
      [212] getstatic #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/Base64.alphabet [C]
      [215] iload_3 v3
      [216] bipush 12
      [218] ishr
      [219] bipush 63
      [221] iand
      [222] caload
      [223] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [java/io/CharArrayWriter.write (I)V]
      [226] aload_1 v1
      [227] getstatic #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/Base64.alphabet [C]
      [230] iload_3 v3
      [231] bipush 6
      [233] ishr
      [234] bipush 63
      [236] iand
      [237] caload
      [238] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [java/io/CharArrayWriter.write (I)V]
      [241] aload_1 v1
      [242] bipush 61
      [244] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [java/io/CharArrayWriter.write (I)V]
      [247] aload_1 v1
      [248] invokevirtual #12
        + Methodref [java/io/CharArrayWriter.toCharArray ()[C]
      [251] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 28)
        [0] -> line 19
        [14] -> line 21
        [16] -> line 23
        [18] -> line 25
        [24] -> line 27
        [28] -> line 28
        [43] -> line 29
        [48] -> line 30
        [65] -> line 32
        [76] -> line 34
        [79] -> line 36
        [84] -> line 38
        [96] -> line 39
        [111] -> line 40
        [126] -> line 41
        [138] -> line 43
        [140] -> line 25
        [150] -> line 47
        [155] -> line 49
        [167] -> line 50
        [182] -> line 51
        [188] -> line 52
        [194] -> line 55
        [199] -> line 57
        [211] -> line 58
        [226] -> line 59
        [241] -> line 60
        [247] -> line 63
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 252 [[B content]
        v1: 14 -> 252 [Ljava/io/CharArrayWriter; cw]
        v2: 16 -> 252 [I idx]
        v3: 18 -> 252 [I x]
        v4: 21 -> 150 [I i]
  + Method:       decode([C)[B
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static byte[] decode(char[])
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 458, locals = 8, stack = 5):
      [0] iconst_4
      [1] newarray 8
      [3] astore_1 v1
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] arraylength
      [6] newarray 8
      [8] astore_2 v2
      [9] iconst_0
      [10] istore_3 v3
      [11] iconst_0
      [12] istore v4
      [14] iconst_0
      [15] istore v5
      [17] goto +415 (target=432)
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] iload v5
      [23] caload
      [24] istore v6
      [26] iload v6
      [28] bipush 10
      [30] ificmpeq +399 (target=429)
      [33] iload v6
      [35] bipush 13
      [37] ificmpeq +392 (target=429)
      [40] iload v6
      [42] bipush 32
      [44] ificmpeq +385 (target=429)
      [47] iload v6
      [49] bipush 9
      [51] ificmpne +6 (target=57)
      [54] goto +375 (target=429)
      [57] iload v6
      [59] bipush 65
      [61] ificmplt +25 (target=86)
      [64] iload v6
      [66] bipush 90
      [68] ificmpgt +18 (target=86)
      [71] aload_1 v1
      [72] iload_3 v3
      [73] iinc v3, 1
      [76] iload v6
      [78] bipush 65
      [80] isub
      [81] i2b
      [82] bastore
      [83] goto +131 (target=214)
      [86] iload v6
      [88] bipush 97
      [90] ificmplt +28 (target=118)
      [93] iload v6
      [95] bipush 122
      [97] ificmpgt +21 (target=118)
      [100] aload_1 v1
      [101] iload_3 v3
      [102] iinc v3, 1
      [105] iload v6
      [107] bipush 97
      [109] isub
      [110] bipush 26
      [112] iadd
      [113] i2b
      [114] bastore
      [115] goto +99 (target=214)
      [118] iload v6
      [120] bipush 48
      [122] ificmplt +28 (target=150)
      [125] iload v6
      [127] bipush 57
      [129] ificmpgt +21 (target=150)
      [132] aload_1 v1
      [133] iload_3 v3
      [134] iinc v3, 1
      [137] iload v6
      [139] bipush 48
      [141] isub
      [142] bipush 52
      [144] iadd
      [145] i2b
      [146] bastore
      [147] goto +67 (target=214)
      [150] iload v6
      [152] bipush 43
      [154] ificmpne +14 (target=168)
      [157] aload_1 v1
      [158] iload_3 v3
      [159] iinc v3, 1
      [162] bipush 62
      [164] bastore
      [165] goto +49 (target=214)
      [168] iload v6
      [170] bipush 47
      [172] ificmpne +14 (target=186)
      [175] aload_1 v1
      [176] iload_3 v3
      [177] iinc v3, 1
      [180] bipush 63
      [182] bastore
      [183] goto +31 (target=214)
      [186] iload v6
      [188] bipush 61
      [190] ificmpne +14 (target=204)
      [193] aload_1 v1
      [194] iload_3 v3
      [195] iinc v3, 1
      [198] bipush 64
      [200] bastore
      [201] goto +13 (target=214)
      [204] new #6
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [207] dup
      [208] ldc #2
        + String [Illegal char in base64 code.]
      [210] invokespecial #14
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [213] athrow
      [214] iload_3 v3
      [215] iconst_4
      [216] ificmpne +213 (target=429)
      [219] iconst_0
      [220] istore_3 v3
      [221] aload_1 v1
      [222] iconst_0
      [223] baload
      [224] bipush 64
      [226] ificmpne +6 (target=232)
      [229] goto +210 (target=439)
      [232] aload_1 v1
      [233] iconst_1
      [234] baload
      [235] bipush 64
      [237] ificmpne +13 (target=250)
      [240] new #6
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [243] dup
      [244] ldc #3
        + String [Unexpected '=' in base64 code.]
      [246] invokespecial #14
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [249] athrow
      [250] aload_1 v1
      [251] iconst_2
      [252] baload
      [253] bipush 64
      [255] ificmpne +36 (target=291)
      [258] aload_1 v1
      [259] iconst_0
      [260] baload
      [261] bipush 63
      [263] iand
      [264] bipush 6
      [266] ishl
      [267] aload_1 v1
      [268] iconst_1
      [269] baload
      [270] bipush 63
      [272] iand
      [273] ior
      [274] istore v7
      [276] aload_2 v2
      [277] iload v4
      [279] iinc v4, 1
      [282] iload v7
      [284] iconst_4
      [285] ishr
      [286] i2b
      [287] bastore
      [288] goto +151 (target=439)
      [291] aload_1 v1
      [292] iconst_3
      [293] baload
      [294] bipush 64
      [296] ificmpne +59 (target=355)
      [299] aload_1 v1
      [300] iconst_0
      [301] baload
      [302] bipush 63
      [304] iand
      [305] bipush 12
      [307] ishl
      [308] aload_1 v1
      [309] iconst_1
      [310] baload
      [311] bipush 63
      [313] iand
      [314] bipush 6
      [316] ishl
      [317] ior
      [318] aload_1 v1
      [319] iconst_2
      [320] baload
      [321] bipush 63
      [323] iand
      [324] ior
      [325] istore v7
      [327] aload_2 v2
      [328] iload v4
      [330] iinc v4, 1
      [333] iload v7
      [335] bipush 10
      [337] ishr
      [338] i2b
      [339] bastore
      [340] aload_2 v2
      [341] iload v4
      [343] iinc v4, 1
      [346] iload v7
      [348] iconst_2
      [349] ishr
      [350] i2b
      [351] bastore
      [352] goto +87 (target=439)
      [355] aload_1 v1
      [356] iconst_0
      [357] baload
      [358] bipush 63
      [360] iand
      [361] bipush 18
      [363] ishl
      [364] aload_1 v1
      [365] iconst_1
      [366] baload
      [367] bipush 63
      [369] iand
      [370] bipush 12
      [372] ishl
      [373] ior
      [374] aload_1 v1
      [375] iconst_2
      [376] baload
      [377] bipush 63
      [379] iand
      [380] bipush 6
      [382] ishl
      [383] ior
      [384] aload_1 v1
      [385] iconst_3
      [386] baload
      [387] bipush 63
      [389] iand
      [390] ior
      [391] istore v7
      [393] aload_2 v2
      [394] iload v4
      [396] iinc v4, 1
      [399] iload v7
      [401] bipush 16
      [403] ishr
      [404] i2b
      [405] bastore
      [406] aload_2 v2
      [407] iload v4
      [409] iinc v4, 1
      [412] iload v7
      [414] bipush 8
      [416] ishr
      [417] i2b
      [418] bastore
      [419] aload_2 v2
      [420] iload v4
      [422] iinc v4, 1
      [425] iload v7
      [427] i2b
      [428] bastore
      [429] iinc v5, 1
      [432] iload v5
      [434] aload_0 v0
      [435] arraylength
      [436] ificmplt -416 (target=20)
      [439] iload v4
      [441] newarray 8
      [443] astore v5
      [445] aload_2 v2
      [446] iconst_0
      [447] aload v5
      [449] iconst_0
      [450] iload v4
      [452] invokestatic #17
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [455] aload v5
      [457] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 44)
        [0] -> line 68
        [4] -> line 69
        [9] -> line 71
        [11] -> line 72
        [14] -> line 74
        [20] -> line 76
        [26] -> line 78
        [54] -> line 79
        [57] -> line 81
        [71] -> line 83
        [86] -> line 85
        [100] -> line 87
        [118] -> line 89
        [132] -> line 91
        [150] -> line 93
        [157] -> line 95
        [168] -> line 97
        [175] -> line 99
        [186] -> line 101
        [193] -> line 103
        [204] -> line 107
        [214] -> line 110
        [219] -> line 112
        [221] -> line 114
        [229] -> line 115
        [232] -> line 117
        [240] -> line 118
        [250] -> line 120
        [258] -> line 122
        [276] -> line 123
        [288] -> line 124
        [291] -> line 126
        [299] -> line 128
        [327] -> line 129
        [340] -> line 130
        [352] -> line 131
        [355] -> line 135
        [393] -> line 136
        [406] -> line 137
        [419] -> line 138
        [429] -> line 74
        [439] -> line 143
        [445] -> line 144
        [455] -> line 146
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 11)
        v0: 0 -> 458 [[C message]
        v1: 4 -> 458 [[B buff]
        v2: 9 -> 458 [[B dest]
        v3: 11 -> 458 [I bpos]
        v4: 14 -> 458 [I destpos]
        v5: 17 -> 439 [I i]
        v6: 26 -> 429 [I c]
        v7: 276 -> 291 [I v]
        v7: 327 -> 355 [I v]
        v7: 393 -> 429 [I v]
        v5: 445 -> 458 [[B res]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.CryptoWishList extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 65):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList.c2s_comp_algos [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList.c2s_enc_algos [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList.c2s_mac_algos [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList.kexAlgorithms [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList.s2c_comp_algos [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList.s2c_enc_algos [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList.s2c_mac_algos [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList.serverHostKeyAlgorithms [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory.getDefaultCompressorList ()[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory.getDefaultCipherList ()[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC.getMacList ()[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.getDefaultKexAlgorithmList ()[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.getDefaultServerHostkeyAlgorithmList ()[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [c2s_comp_algos [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [c2s_enc_algos [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [c2s_mac_algos [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getDefaultCipherList ()[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getDefaultCompressorList ()[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getDefaultKexAlgorithmList ()[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getDefaultServerHostkeyAlgorithmList ()[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getMacList ()[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [kexAlgorithms [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [s2c_comp_algos [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [s2c_enc_algos [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [s2c_mac_algos [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [serverHostKeyAlgorithms [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [c2s_comp_algos]
  + Utf8 [c2s_enc_algos]
  + Utf8 [c2s_mac_algos]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager]
  + Utf8 [getDefaultCipherList]
  + Utf8 [getDefaultCompressorList]
  + Utf8 [getDefaultKexAlgorithmList]
  + Utf8 [getDefaultServerHostkeyAlgorithmList]
  + Utf8 [getMacList]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [kexAlgorithms]
  + Utf8 [s2c_comp_algos]
  + Utf8 [s2c_enc_algos]
  + Utf8 [s2c_mac_algos]
  + Utf8 [serverHostKeyAlgorithms]
  + Utf8 [this]

Fields (count = 8):
  + Field:        kexAlgorithms [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String[] kexAlgorithms
  + Field:        serverHostKeyAlgorithms [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String[] serverHostKeyAlgorithms
  + Field:        c2s_enc_algos [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String[] c2s_enc_algos
  + Field:        s2c_enc_algos [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String[] s2c_enc_algos
  + Field:        c2s_mac_algos [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String[] c2s_mac_algos
  + Field:        s2c_mac_algos [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String[] s2c_mac_algos
  + Field:        c2s_comp_algos [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String[] c2s_comp_algos
  + Field:        s2c_comp_algos [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String[] s2c_comp_algos

Methods (count = 1):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public CryptoWishList()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 61, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #20
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] invokestatic #18
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.getDefaultKexAlgorithmList ()[Ljava/lang/String;]
      [8] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList.kexAlgorithms [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] invokestatic #19
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.getDefaultServerHostkeyAlgorithmList ()[Ljava/lang/String;]
      [15] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList.serverHostKeyAlgorithms [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] invokestatic #16
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory.getDefaultCipherList ()[Ljava/lang/String;]
      [22] putfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList.c2s_enc_algos [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] invokestatic #16
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory.getDefaultCipherList ()[Ljava/lang/String;]
      [29] putfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList.s2c_enc_algos [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [32] aload_0 v0
      [33] invokestatic #17
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC.getMacList ()[Ljava/lang/String;]
      [36] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList.c2s_mac_algos [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [39] aload_0 v0
      [40] invokestatic #17
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC.getMacList ()[Ljava/lang/String;]
      [43] putfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList.s2c_mac_algos [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [46] aload_0 v0
      [47] invokestatic #15
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory.getDefaultCompressorList ()[Ljava/lang/String;]
      [50] putfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList.c2s_comp_algos [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [53] aload_0 v0
      [54] invokestatic #15
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory.getDefaultCompressorList ()[Ljava/lang/String;]
      [57] putfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList.s2c_comp_algos [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [60] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 10)
        [0] -> line 16
        [4] -> line 18
        [11] -> line 19
        [18] -> line 20
        [25] -> line 21
        [32] -> line 22
        [39] -> line 23
        [46] -> line 24
        [53] -> line 25
        [60] -> line 16
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 61 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList; this]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.KeyMaterial extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 114):
  + Class [[B]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types]
  + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Class [java/lang/Math]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial.enc_key_client_to_server [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial.enc_key_server_to_client [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial.initial_iv_client_to_server [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial.initial_iv_server_to_client [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial.integrity_key_client_to_server [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial.integrity_key_server_to_client [B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial.calculateKey (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types;Ljava/math/BigInteger;[BB[BI)[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.getDigest ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.getDigestLength ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.reset ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.updateBigInt (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.updateByte (B)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.updateBytes ([B)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Math.min (II)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [calculateKey (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types;Ljava/math/BigInteger;[BB[BI)[B]
  + NameAndType [enc_key_client_to_server [B]
  + NameAndType [enc_key_server_to_client [B]
  + NameAndType [getDigest ()[B]
  + NameAndType [getDigestLength ()I]
  + NameAndType [initial_iv_client_to_server [B]
  + NameAndType [initial_iv_server_to_client [B]
  + NameAndType [integrity_key_client_to_server [B]
  + NameAndType [integrity_key_server_to_client [B]
  + NameAndType [min (II)I]
  + NameAndType [reset ()V]
  + NameAndType [updateBigInt (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + NameAndType [updateByte (B)V]
  + NameAndType [updateBytes ([B)V]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [(B)V]
  + Utf8 [(II)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types;Ljava/math/BigInteger;[BB[BI)[B]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;[BLjava/math/BigInteger;[BIIIIII)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [B]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [H]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [K]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SessionID]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [[[B]
  + Utf8 [arraycopy]
  + Utf8 [blockSizeCS]
  + Utf8 [blockSizeSC]
  + Utf8 [calculateKey]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types]
  + Utf8 [create]
  + Utf8 [dglen]
  + Utf8 [enc_key_client_to_server]
  + Utf8 [enc_key_server_to_client]
  + Utf8 [getDigest]
  + Utf8 [getDigestLength]
  + Utf8 [hashType]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [initial_iv_client_to_server]
  + Utf8 [initial_iv_server_to_client]
  + Utf8 [integrity_key_client_to_server]
  + Utf8 [integrity_key_server_to_client]
  + Utf8 [j]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Math]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [keyLength]
  + Utf8 [keyLengthCS]
  + Utf8 [keyLengthSC]
  + Utf8 [km]
  + Utf8 [macLengthCS]
  + Utf8 [macLengthSC]
  + Utf8 [min]
  + Utf8 [numRounds]
  + Utf8 [off]
  + Utf8 [produced]
  + Utf8 [res]
  + Utf8 [reset]
  + Utf8 [sh]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [tmp]
  + Utf8 [type]
  + Utf8 [updateBigInt]
  + Utf8 [updateByte]
  + Utf8 [updateBytes]

Fields (count = 6):
  + Field:        initial_iv_client_to_server [B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] initial_iv_client_to_server
  + Field:        initial_iv_server_to_client [B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] initial_iv_server_to_client
  + Field:        enc_key_client_to_server [B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] enc_key_client_to_server
  + Field:        enc_key_server_to_client [B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] enc_key_server_to_client
  + Field:        integrity_key_client_to_server [B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] integrity_key_client_to_server
  + Field:        integrity_key_server_to_client [B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] integrity_key_server_to_client

Methods (count = 3):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public KeyMaterial()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #24
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 15
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial; this]
  + Method:       calculateKey(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types;Ljava/math/BigInteger;[BB[BI)[B
    Access flags: 0xa
      = private static byte[] calculateKey(com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.digest.HashForSSH2Types,java.math.BigInteger,byte[],byte,byte[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 205, locals = 14, stack = 5):
      [0] iload v5
      [2] newarray 8
      [4] astore v6
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] invokevirtual #18
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.getDigestLength ()I]
      [10] istore v7
      [12] iload v5
      [14] iload v7
      [16] iadd
      [17] iconst_1
      [18] isub
      [19] iload v7
      [21] idiv
      [22] istore v8
      [24] iload v8
      [26] anewarray #1
        + Class [[B]
      [29] astore v9
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] invokevirtual #19
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.reset ()V]
      [35] aload_0 v0
      [36] aload_1 v1
      [37] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.updateBigInt (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
      [40] aload_0 v0
      [41] aload_2 v2
      [42] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.updateBytes ([B)V]
      [45] aload_0 v0
      [46] iload_3 v3
      [47] invokevirtual #21
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.updateByte (B)V]
      [50] aload_0 v0
      [51] aload v4
      [53] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.updateBytes ([B)V]
      [56] aload v9
      [58] iconst_0
      [59] aload_0 v0
      [60] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.getDigest ()[B]
      [63] aastore
      [64] iconst_0
      [65] istore v10
      [67] iload v7
      [69] iload v5
      [71] invokestatic #23
        + Methodref [java/lang/Math.min (II)I]
      [74] istore v11
      [76] aload v9
      [78] iconst_0
      [79] aaload
      [80] iconst_0
      [81] aload v6
      [83] iload v10
      [85] iload v11
      [87] invokestatic #25
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [90] iload v5
      [92] iload v11
      [94] isub
      [95] istore v5
      [97] iload v10
      [99] iload v11
      [101] iadd
      [102] istore v10
      [104] iconst_1
      [105] istore v12
      [107] goto +88 (target=195)
      [110] aload_0 v0
      [111] aload_1 v1
      [112] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.updateBigInt (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
      [115] aload_0 v0
      [116] aload_2 v2
      [117] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.updateBytes ([B)V]
      [120] iconst_0
      [121] istore v13
      [123] goto +15 (target=138)
      [126] aload_0 v0
      [127] aload v9
      [129] iload v13
      [131] aaload
      [132] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.updateBytes ([B)V]
      [135] iinc v13, 1
      [138] iload v13
      [140] iload v12
      [142] ificmplt -16 (target=126)
      [145] aload v9
      [147] iload v12
      [149] aload_0 v0
      [150] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.getDigest ()[B]
      [153] aastore
      [154] iload v7
      [156] iload v5
      [158] invokestatic #23
        + Methodref [java/lang/Math.min (II)I]
      [161] istore v11
      [163] aload v9
      [165] iload v12
      [167] aaload
      [168] iconst_0
      [169] aload v6
      [171] iload v10
      [173] iload v11
      [175] invokestatic #25
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [178] iload v5
      [180] iload v11
      [182] isub
      [183] istore v5
      [185] iload v10
      [187] iload v11
      [189] iadd
      [190] istore v10
      [192] iinc v12, 1
      [195] iload v12
      [197] iload v8
      [199] ificmplt -89 (target=110)
      [202] aload v6
      [204] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 28)
        [0] -> line 27
        [6] -> line 29
        [12] -> line 30
        [24] -> line 32
        [31] -> line 34
        [35] -> line 35
        [40] -> line 36
        [45] -> line 37
        [50] -> line 38
        [56] -> line 40
        [64] -> line 42
        [67] -> line 43
        [76] -> line 45
        [90] -> line 47
        [97] -> line 48
        [104] -> line 50
        [110] -> line 52
        [115] -> line 53
        [120] -> line 55
        [126] -> line 56
        [135] -> line 55
        [145] -> line 58
        [154] -> line 60
        [163] -> line 61
        [178] -> line 62
        [185] -> line 63
        [192] -> line 50
        [202] -> line 66
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 14)
        v0: 0 -> 205 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types; sh]
        v1: 0 -> 205 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; K]
        v2: 0 -> 205 [[B H]
        v3: 0 -> 205 [B type]
        v4: 0 -> 205 [[B SessionID]
        v5: 0 -> 205 [I keyLength]
        v6: 6 -> 205 [[B res]
        v7: 12 -> 205 [I dglen]
        v8: 24 -> 205 [I numRounds]
        v9: 31 -> 205 [[[B tmp]
        v10: 67 -> 205 [I off]
        v11: 76 -> 205 [I produced]
        v12: 107 -> 202 [I i]
        v13: 123 -> 145 [I j]
  + Method:       create(Ljava/lang/String;[BLjava/math/BigInteger;[BIIIIII)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial;
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.KeyMaterial create(java.lang.String,byte[],java.math.BigInteger,byte[],int,int,int,int,int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 124, locals = 12, stack = 7):
      [0] new #2
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial]
      [3] dup
      [4] invokespecial #14
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial.<init> ()V]
      [7] astore v10
      [9] new #3
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types]
      [12] dup
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] invokespecial #16
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [17] astore v11
      [19] aload v10
      [21] aload v11
      [23] aload_2 v2
      [24] aload_1 v1
      [25] bipush 65
      [27] aload_3 v3
      [28] iload v5
      [30] invokestatic #15
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial.calculateKey (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types;Ljava/math/BigInteger;[BB[BI)[B]
      [33] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial.initial_iv_client_to_server [B]
      [36] aload v10
      [38] aload v11
      [40] aload_2 v2
      [41] aload_1 v1
      [42] bipush 66
      [44] aload_3 v3
      [45] iload v8
      [47] invokestatic #15
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial.calculateKey (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types;Ljava/math/BigInteger;[BB[BI)[B]
      [50] putfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial.initial_iv_server_to_client [B]
      [53] aload v10
      [55] aload v11
      [57] aload_2 v2
      [58] aload_1 v1
      [59] bipush 67
      [61] aload_3 v3
      [62] iload v4
      [64] invokestatic #15
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial.calculateKey (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types;Ljava/math/BigInteger;[BB[BI)[B]
      [67] putfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial.enc_key_client_to_server [B]
      [70] aload v10
      [72] aload v11
      [74] aload_2 v2
      [75] aload_1 v1
      [76] bipush 68
      [78] aload_3 v3
      [79] iload v7
      [81] invokestatic #15
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial.calculateKey (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types;Ljava/math/BigInteger;[BB[BI)[B]
      [84] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial.enc_key_server_to_client [B]
      [87] aload v10
      [89] aload v11
      [91] aload_2 v2
      [92] aload_1 v1
      [93] bipush 69
      [95] aload_3 v3
      [96] iload v6
      [98] invokestatic #15
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial.calculateKey (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types;Ljava/math/BigInteger;[BB[BI)[B]
      [101] putfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial.integrity_key_client_to_server [B]
      [104] aload v10
      [106] aload v11
      [108] aload_2 v2
      [109] aload_1 v1
      [110] bipush 70
      [112] aload_3 v3
      [113] iload v9
      [115] invokestatic #15
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial.calculateKey (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types;Ljava/math/BigInteger;[BB[BI)[B]
      [118] putfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial.integrity_key_server_to_client [B]
      [121] aload v10
      [123] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 73
        [9] -> line 75
        [19] -> line 77
        [36] -> line 79
        [53] -> line 81
        [70] -> line 83
        [87] -> line 85
        [104] -> line 87
        [121] -> line 89
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 12)
        v0: 0 -> 124 [Ljava/lang/String; hashType]
        v1: 0 -> 124 [[B H]
        v2: 0 -> 124 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; K]
        v3: 0 -> 124 [[B SessionID]
        v4: 0 -> 124 [I keyLengthCS]
        v5: 0 -> 124 [I blockSizeCS]
        v6: 0 -> 124 [I macLengthCS]
        v7: 0 -> 124 [I keyLengthSC]
        v8: 0 -> 124 [I blockSizeSC]
        v9: 0 -> 124 [I macLengthSC]
        v10: 9 -> 124 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial; km]
        v11: 19 -> 124 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types; sh]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMDecoder
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.PEMDecoder extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 382):
  + String [ missing]
  + String [)]
  + String [) in DSA PRIVATE KEY DER stream.]
  + String [) in RSA PRIVATE KEY DER stream.]
  + String [,]
  + String [-----BEGIN DSA PRIVATE KEY-----]
  + String [-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----]
  + String [-----END DSA PRIVATE KEY-----]
  + String [-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----]
  + String [4]
  + String [AES-128-CBC]
  + String [AES-192-CBC]
  + String [AES-256-CBC]
  + String [Broken PEM, DEK-Info is incomplete!]
  + String [Broken PEM, no mode and salt given, but encryption enabled]
  + String [Cannot decrypt PEM structure, unknown cipher ]
  + String [DEK-Info:]
  + String [DES-CBC]
  + String [DES-EDE3-CBC]
  + String [Decrypted PEM has wrong padding, did you specify the correct password?]
  + String [ENCRYPTED]
  + String [ISO-8859-1]
  + String [Invalid PEM structure, ]
  + String [Invalid PEM structure, '-----BEGIN...' missing]
  + String [Invalid PEM structure, no data available]
  + String [Invalid PEM structure, size of encrypted block is not a multiple of ]
  + String [Need hex char]
  + String [PEM is encrypted, but no password was specified]
  + String [PEM problem: it is of unknown type]
  + String [Padding in DSA PRIVATE KEY DER stream.]
  + String [Padding in RSA PRIVATE KEY DER stream.]
  + String [Proc-Type:]
  + String [Salt needs to be at least 8 bytes for key generation.]
  + String [Uneven string length in hex encoding.]
  + String [Unknown Proc-Type field (]
  + String [Unknown Proc-Type field.]
  + String [Wrong version (]
  + String [null argument]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/Base64]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMDecoder]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey]
  + Class [java/io/BufferedReader]
  + Class [java/io/CharArrayReader]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuffer]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Class [java/math/BigInteger]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/ [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure.dekInfo [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure.pemType I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure.procType [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [java/math/BigInteger.ONE Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Fieldref [java/math/BigInteger.ZERO Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/Base64.decode ([C)[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMDecoder.decryptPEM (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure;[B)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMDecoder.generateKeyFromPasswordSaltWithMD5 ([B[BI)[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMDecoder.hexToByteArray (Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMDecoder.hexToInt (C)I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMDecoder.isPEMEncrypted (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure;)Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMDecoder.parsePEM ([C)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMDecoder.removePadding ([BI)[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.<init> ([B)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.available ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.readInt ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.readSequenceAsByteArray ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.resetInput ([B)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.init (Z[B)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;[BZ)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.init (Z[B)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede.init (Z[B)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.digest ([BI)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.getDigestLength ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.update ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey.<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey.<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/BufferedReader.<init> (Ljava/io/Reader;)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/BufferedReader.readLine ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/io/CharArrayReader.<init> ([C)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.charAt (I)C]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.getBytes (Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.indexOf (I)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.split (Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.startsWith (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (II)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.trim ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.getChars (II[CI)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.length ()I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.compareTo (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)I]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher.getBlockSize ()I]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher.transformBlock ([BI[BI)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;[BZ)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/io/Reader;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([C)V]
  + NameAndType [ONE Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [ZERO Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [available ()I]
  + NameAndType [charAt (I)C]
  + NameAndType [compareTo (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)I]
  + NameAndType [data [B]
  + NameAndType [decode ([C)[B]
  + NameAndType [decryptPEM (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure;[B)V]
  + NameAndType [dekInfo [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [digest ([BI)V]
  + NameAndType [equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [generateKeyFromPasswordSaltWithMD5 ([B[BI)[B]
  + NameAndType [getBlockSize ()I]
  + NameAndType [getBytes (Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
  + NameAndType [getChars (II[CI)V]
  + NameAndType [getDigestLength ()I]
  + NameAndType [hexToByteArray (Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
  + NameAndType [hexToInt (C)I]
  + NameAndType [indexOf (I)I]
  + NameAndType [init (Z[B)V]
  + NameAndType [isPEMEncrypted (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure;)Z]
  + NameAndType [length ()I]
  + NameAndType [parsePEM ([C)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure;]
  + NameAndType [pemType I]
  + NameAndType [procType [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [readInt ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [readLine ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [readSequenceAsByteArray ()[B]
  + NameAndType [removePadding ([BI)[B]
  + NameAndType [resetInput ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [split (Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [startsWith (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + NameAndType [substring (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [substring (II)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [transformBlock ([BI[BI)V]
  + NameAndType [trim ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [update ([BII)V]
  + Utf8 [ missing]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [(C)I]
  + Utf8 [(I)C]
  + Utf8 [(I)I]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(II)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(II[CI)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure;[B)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;[BZ)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/io/Reader;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/math/BigInteger;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z[B)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [([BI)V]
  + Utf8 [([BI)[B]
  + Utf8 [([BII)V]
  + Utf8 [([BI[BI)V]
  + Utf8 [([B[BI)[B]
  + Utf8 [([C)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure;]
  + Utf8 [([C)V]
  + Utf8 [([C)[B]
  + Utf8 [([CLjava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [)]
  + Utf8 [) in DSA PRIVATE KEY DER stream.]
  + Utf8 [) in RSA PRIVATE KEY DER stream.]
  + Utf8 [,]
  + Utf8 [-----BEGIN DSA PRIVATE KEY-----]
  + Utf8 [-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----]
  + Utf8 [-----END DSA PRIVATE KEY-----]
  + Utf8 [-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----]
  + Utf8 [4]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [AES-128-CBC]
  + Utf8 [AES-192-CBC]
  + Utf8 [AES-256-CBC]
  + Utf8 [Broken PEM, DEK-Info is incomplete!]
  + Utf8 [Broken PEM, no mode and salt given, but encryption enabled]
  + Utf8 [C]
  + Utf8 [Cannot decrypt PEM structure, unknown cipher ]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [DEK-Info:]
  + Utf8 [DES-CBC]
  + Utf8 [DES-EDE3-CBC]
  + Utf8 [Decrypted PEM has wrong padding, did you specify the correct password?]
  + Utf8 [ENCRYPTED]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [ISO-8859-1]
  + Utf8 [Invalid PEM structure, ]
  + Utf8 [Invalid PEM structure, '-----BEGIN...' missing]
  + Utf8 [Invalid PEM structure, no data available]
  + Utf8 [Invalid PEM structure, size of encrypted block is not a multiple of ]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMDecoder;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/BufferedReader;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Need hex char]
  + Utf8 [ONE]
  + Utf8 [PEM is encrypted, but no password was specified]
  + Utf8 [PEM problem: it is of unknown type]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Padding in DSA PRIVATE KEY DER stream.]
  + Utf8 [Padding in RSA PRIVATE KEY DER stream.]
  + Utf8 [Proc-Type:]
  + Utf8 [Salt needs to be at least 8 bytes for key generation.]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Uneven string length in hex encoding.]
  + Utf8 [Unknown Proc-Type field (]
  + Utf8 [Unknown Proc-Type field.]
  + Utf8 [Wrong version (]
  + Utf8 [ZERO]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [[C]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [aes]
  + Utf8 [algo]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [arraycopy]
  + Utf8 [available]
  + Utf8 [bc]
  + Utf8 [blockSize]
  + Utf8 [br]
  + Utf8 [buff]
  + Utf8 [c]
  + Utf8 [charAt]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/Base64]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMDecoder]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey]
  + Utf8 [compareTo]
  + Utf8 [copy]
  + Utf8 [d]
  + Utf8 [data]
  + Utf8 [decode]
  + Utf8 [decoded]
  + Utf8 [decryptPEM]
  + Utf8 [dekInfo]
  + Utf8 [des]
  + Utf8 [des3]
  + Utf8 [digest]
  + Utf8 [dr]
  + Utf8 [dz]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [endLine]
  + Utf8 [equals]
  + Utf8 [g]
  + Utf8 [generateKeyFromPasswordSaltWithMD5]
  + Utf8 [getBlockSize]
  + Utf8 [getBytes]
  + Utf8 [getChars]
  + Utf8 [getDigestLength]
  + Utf8 [hex]
  + Utf8 [hexToByteArray]
  + Utf8 [hexToInt]
  + Utf8 [hi]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [indexOf]
  + Utf8 [init]
  + Utf8 [isPEMEncrypted]
  + Utf8 [java/io/BufferedReader]
  + Utf8 [java/io/CharArrayReader]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuffer]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [java/math/BigInteger]
  + Utf8 [key]
  + Utf8 [keyData]
  + Utf8 [keyLen]
  + Utf8 [length]
  + Utf8 [line]
  + Utf8 [lo]
  + Utf8 [md5]
  + Utf8 [n]
  + Utf8 [name]
  + Utf8 [null argument]
  + Utf8 [p]
  + Utf8 [parsePEM]
  + Utf8 [password]
  + Utf8 [pem]
  + Utf8 [pemType]
  + Utf8 [pem_chars]
  + Utf8 [procType]
  + Utf8 [ps]
  + Utf8 [pw]
  + Utf8 [q]
  + Utf8 [readInt]
  + Utf8 [readLine]
  + Utf8 [readSequenceAsByteArray]
  + Utf8 [removePadding]
  + Utf8 [resetInput]
  + Utf8 [rfc_1423_padding]
  + Utf8 [salt]
  + Utf8 [sem_idx]
  + Utf8 [seq]
  + Utf8 [split]
  + Utf8 [startsWith]
  + Utf8 [substring]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [tmp]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [transformBlock]
  + Utf8 [trim]
  + Utf8 [update]
  + Utf8 [value]
  + Utf8 [values]
  + Utf8 [version]
  + Utf8 [x]
  + Utf8 [y]

Fields (count = 0):

Methods (count = 9):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public PEMDecoder()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #99
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 24
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMDecoder; this]
  + Method:       hexToInt(C)I
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final int hexToInt(char)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 67, locals = 1, stack = 3):
      [0] iload_0 v0
      [1] bipush 97
      [3] ificmplt +17 (target=20)
      [6] iload_0 v0
      [7] bipush 102
      [9] ificmpgt +11 (target=20)
      [12] iload_0 v0
      [13] bipush 97
      [15] isub
      [16] bipush 10
      [18] iadd
      [19] ireturn
      [20] iload_0 v0
      [21] bipush 65
      [23] ificmplt +17 (target=40)
      [26] iload_0 v0
      [27] bipush 70
      [29] ificmpgt +11 (target=40)
      [32] iload_0 v0
      [33] bipush 65
      [35] isub
      [36] bipush 10
      [38] iadd
      [39] ireturn
      [40] iload_0 v0
      [41] bipush 48
      [43] ificmplt +14 (target=57)
      [46] iload_0 v0
      [47] bipush 57
      [49] ificmpgt +8 (target=57)
      [52] iload_0 v0
      [53] bipush 48
      [55] isub
      [56] ireturn
      [57] new #54
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [60] dup
      [61] ldc #27
        + String [Need hex char]
      [63] invokespecial #98
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [66] athrow
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 31
        [12] -> line 33
        [20] -> line 36
        [32] -> line 38
        [40] -> line 41
        [52] -> line 43
        [57] -> line 46
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 67 [C c]
  + Method:       hexToByteArray(Ljava/lang/String;)[B
    Access flags: 0xa
      = private static byte[] hexToByteArray(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 94, locals = 5, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] ifnonnull +13 (target=14)
      [4] new #54
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [7] dup
      [8] ldc #38
        + String [null argument]
      [10] invokespecial #98
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [13] athrow
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] invokevirtual #104
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
      [18] iconst_2
      [19] irem
      [20] ifeq +13 (target=33)
      [23] new #54
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [26] dup
      [27] ldc #34
        + String [Uneven string length in hex encoding.]
      [29] invokespecial #98
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [32] athrow
      [33] aload_0 v0
      [34] invokevirtual #104
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
      [37] iconst_2
      [38] idiv
      [39] newarray 8
      [41] astore_1 v1
      [42] iconst_0
      [43] istore_2 v2
      [44] goto +42 (target=86)
      [47] aload_0 v0
      [48] iload_2 v2
      [49] iconst_2
      [50] imul
      [51] invokevirtual #100
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.charAt (I)C]
      [54] invokestatic #71
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMDecoder.hexToInt (C)I]
      [57] istore_3 v3
      [58] aload_0 v0
      [59] iload_2 v2
      [60] iconst_2
      [61] imul
      [62] iconst_1
      [63] iadd
      [64] invokevirtual #100
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.charAt (I)C]
      [67] invokestatic #71
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMDecoder.hexToInt (C)I]
      [70] istore v4
      [72] aload_1 v1
      [73] iload_2 v2
      [74] iload_3 v3
      [75] bipush 16
      [77] imul
      [78] iload v4
      [80] iadd
      [81] i2b
      [82] bastore
      [83] iinc v2, 1
      [86] iload_2 v2
      [87] aload_1 v1
      [88] arraylength
      [89] ificmplt -42 (target=47)
      [92] aload_1 v1
      [93] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 11)
        [0] -> line 51
        [4] -> line 52
        [14] -> line 54
        [23] -> line 55
        [33] -> line 57
        [42] -> line 59
        [47] -> line 61
        [58] -> line 62
        [72] -> line 64
        [83] -> line 59
        [92] -> line 67
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 94 [Ljava/lang/String; hex]
        v1: 42 -> 94 [[B decoded]
        v2: 44 -> 92 [I i]
        v3: 58 -> 83 [I hi]
        v4: 72 -> 83 [I lo]
  + Method:       generateKeyFromPasswordSaltWithMD5([B[BI)[B
    Access flags: 0xa
      = private static byte[] generateKeyFromPasswordSaltWithMD5(byte[],byte[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 117, locals = 7, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] arraylength
      [2] bipush 8
      [4] ificmpge +13 (target=17)
      [7] new #54
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [10] dup
      [11] ldc #33
        + String [Salt needs to be at least 8 bytes for key generation.]
      [13] invokespecial #98
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [16] athrow
      [17] new #48
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5]
      [20] dup
      [21] invokespecial #88
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.<init> ()V]
      [24] astore_3 v3
      [25] iload_2 v2
      [26] newarray 8
      [28] astore v4
      [30] aload_3 v3
      [31] invokevirtual #90
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.getDigestLength ()I]
      [34] newarray 8
      [36] astore v5
      [38] aload_3 v3
      [39] aload_0 v0
      [40] iconst_0
      [41] aload_0 v0
      [42] arraylength
      [43] invokevirtual #91
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.update ([BII)V]
      [46] aload_3 v3
      [47] aload_1 v1
      [48] iconst_0
      [49] bipush 8
      [51] invokevirtual #91
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.update ([BII)V]
      [54] iload_2 v2
      [55] aload v5
      [57] arraylength
      [58] ificmpge +7 (target=65)
      [61] iload_2 v2
      [62] goto +6 (target=68)
      [65] aload v5
      [67] arraylength
      [68] istore v6
      [70] aload_3 v3
      [71] aload v5
      [73] iconst_0
      [74] invokevirtual #89
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.digest ([BI)V]
      [77] aload v5
      [79] iconst_0
      [80] aload v4
      [82] aload v4
      [84] arraylength
      [85] iload_2 v2
      [86] isub
      [87] iload v6
      [89] invokestatic #119
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [92] iload_2 v2
      [93] iload v6
      [95] isub
      [96] istore_2 v2
      [97] iload_2 v2
      [98] ifne +6 (target=104)
      [101] aload v4
      [103] areturn
      [104] aload_3 v3
      [105] aload v5
      [107] iconst_0
      [108] aload v5
      [110] arraylength
      [111] invokevirtual #91
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.update ([BII)V]
      [114] goto -76 (target=38)
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 15)
        [0] -> line 73
        [7] -> line 74
        [17] -> line 76
        [25] -> line 78
        [30] -> line 79
        [38] -> line 83
        [46] -> line 84
        [54] -> line 88
        [70] -> line 90
        [77] -> line 92
        [92] -> line 94
        [97] -> line 96
        [101] -> line 97
        [104] -> line 99
        [114] -> line 81
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 117 [[B password]
        v1: 0 -> 117 [[B salt]
        v2: 0 -> 117 [I keyLen]
        v3: 25 -> 117 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5; md5]
        v4: 30 -> 117 [[B key]
        v5: 38 -> 117 [[B tmp]
        v6: 70 -> 114 [I copy]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       removePadding([BI)[B
    Access flags: 0xa
      = private static byte[] removePadding(byte[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 84, locals = 4, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_0 v0
      [2] arraylength
      [3] iconst_1
      [4] isub
      [5] baload
      [6] sipush 255
      [9] iand
      [10] istore_2 v2
      [11] iload_2 v2
      [12] iconst_1
      [13] ificmplt +8 (target=21)
      [16] iload_2 v2
      [17] iload_1 v1
      [18] ificmple +13 (target=31)
      [21] new #53
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [24] dup
      [25] ldc #20
        + String [Decrypted PEM has wrong padding, did you specify the correct password?]
      [27] invokespecial #97
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [30] athrow
      [31] iconst_2
      [32] istore_3 v3
      [33] goto +26 (target=59)
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] arraylength
      [39] iload_3 v3
      [40] isub
      [41] baload
      [42] iload_2 v2
      [43] ificmpeq +13 (target=56)
      [46] new #53
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [49] dup
      [50] ldc #20
        + String [Decrypted PEM has wrong padding, did you specify the correct password?]
      [52] invokespecial #97
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [55] athrow
      [56] iinc v3, 1
      [59] iload_3 v3
      [60] iload_2 v2
      [61] ificmple -25 (target=36)
      [64] aload_0 v0
      [65] arraylength
      [66] iload_2 v2
      [67] isub
      [68] newarray 8
      [70] astore_3 v3
      [71] aload_0 v0
      [72] iconst_0
      [73] aload_3 v3
      [74] iconst_0
      [75] aload_0 v0
      [76] arraylength
      [77] iload_2 v2
      [78] isub
      [79] invokestatic #119
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [82] aload_3 v3
      [83] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 10)
        [0] -> line 107
        [11] -> line 109
        [21] -> line 110
        [31] -> line 112
        [36] -> line 114
        [46] -> line 115
        [56] -> line 112
        [64] -> line 118
        [71] -> line 119
        [82] -> line 120
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 84 [[B buff]
        v1: 0 -> 84 [I blockSize]
        v2: 11 -> 84 [I rfc_1423_padding]
        v3: 33 -> 64 [I i]
        v3: 71 -> 84 [[B tmp]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       parsePEM([C)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure;
    Access flags: 0x19
      = public static final com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.PEMStructure parsePEM(char[])
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 376, locals = 10, stack = 5):
      [0] new #41
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure]
      [3] dup
      [4] invokespecial #75
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure.<init> ()V]
      [7] astore_1 v1
      [8] aconst_null
      [9] astore_2 v2
      [10] new #51
        + Class [java/io/BufferedReader]
      [13] dup
      [14] new #52
        + Class [java/io/CharArrayReader]
      [17] dup
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] invokespecial #96
        + Methodref [java/io/CharArrayReader.<init> ([C)V]
      [22] invokespecial #94
        + Methodref [java/io/BufferedReader.<init> (Ljava/io/Reader;)V]
      [25] astore_3 v3
      [26] aconst_null
      [27] astore v4
      [29] aload_3 v3
      [30] invokevirtual #95
        + Methodref [java/io/BufferedReader.readLine ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [33] astore_2 v2
      [34] aload_2 v2
      [35] ifnonnull +13 (target=48)
      [38] new #53
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [41] dup
      [42] ldc #24
        + String [Invalid PEM structure, '-----BEGIN...' missing]
      [44] invokespecial #97
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [47] athrow
      [48] aload_2 v2
      [49] invokevirtual #109
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.trim ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [52] astore_2 v2
      [53] aload_2 v2
      [54] ldc #6
        + String [-----BEGIN DSA PRIVATE KEY-----]
      [56] invokevirtual #106
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.startsWith (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [59] ifeq +15 (target=74)
      [62] ldc #8
        + String [-----END DSA PRIVATE KEY-----]
      [64] astore v4
      [66] aload_1 v1
      [67] iconst_2
      [68] putfield #63
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure.pemType I]
      [71] goto +21 (target=92)
      [74] aload_2 v2
      [75] ldc #7
        + String [-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----]
      [77] invokevirtual #106
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.startsWith (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [80] ifeq -51 (target=29)
      [83] ldc #9
        + String [-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----]
      [85] astore v4
      [87] aload_1 v1
      [88] iconst_1
      [89] putfield #63
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure.pemType I]
      [92] aload_3 v3
      [93] invokevirtual #95
        + Methodref [java/io/BufferedReader.readLine ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [96] astore_2 v2
      [97] aload_2 v2
      [98] ifnonnull +33 (target=131)
      [101] new #53
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [104] dup
      [105] new #58
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [108] dup
      [109] ldc #23
        + String [Invalid PEM structure, ]
      [111] invokespecial #114
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [114] aload v4
      [116] invokevirtual #117
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [119] ldc #1
        + String [ missing]
      [121] invokevirtual #117
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [124] invokevirtual #118
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [127] invokespecial #97
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [130] athrow
      [131] aload_2 v2
      [132] invokevirtual #109
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.trim ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [135] astore_2 v2
      [136] aload_2 v2
      [137] bipush 58
      [139] invokevirtual #103
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.indexOf (I)I]
      [142] istore v5
      [144] iload v5
      [146] iconst_m1
      [147] ificmpne +6 (target=153)
      [150] goto +101 (target=251)
      [153] aload_2 v2
      [154] iconst_0
      [155] iload v5
      [157] iconst_1
      [158] iadd
      [159] invokevirtual #108
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (II)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [162] astore v6
      [164] aload_2 v2
      [165] iload v5
      [167] iconst_1
      [168] iadd
      [169] invokevirtual #107
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [172] astore v7
      [174] aload v7
      [176] ldc #5
        + String [,]
      [178] invokevirtual #105
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.split (Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String;]
      [181] astore v8
      [183] iconst_0
      [184] istore v9
      [186] goto +19 (target=205)
      [189] aload v8
      [191] iload v9
      [193] aload v8
      [195] iload v9
      [197] aaload
      [198] invokevirtual #109
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.trim ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [201] aastore
      [202] iinc v9, 1
      [205] iload v9
      [207] aload v8
      [209] arraylength
      [210] ificmplt -21 (target=189)
      [213] ldc #32
        + String [Proc-Type:]
      [215] aload v6
      [217] invokevirtual #101
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [220] ifeq +12 (target=232)
      [223] aload_1 v1
      [224] aload v8
      [226] putfield #64
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure.procType [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [229] goto -137 (target=92)
      [232] ldc #17
        + String [DEK-Info:]
      [234] aload v6
      [236] invokevirtual #101
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [239] ifeq -147 (target=92)
      [242] aload_1 v1
      [243] aload v8
      [245] putfield #62
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure.dekInfo [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [248] goto -156 (target=92)
      [251] new #57
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuffer]
      [254] dup
      [255] invokespecial #110
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.<init> ()V]
      [258] astore v5
      [260] aload_2 v2
      [261] ifnonnull +33 (target=294)
      [264] new #53
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [267] dup
      [268] new #58
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [271] dup
      [272] ldc #23
        + String [Invalid PEM structure, ]
      [274] invokespecial #114
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [277] aload v4
      [279] invokevirtual #117
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [282] ldc #1
        + String [ missing]
      [284] invokevirtual #117
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [287] invokevirtual #118
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [290] invokespecial #97
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [293] athrow
      [294] aload_2 v2
      [295] invokevirtual #109
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.trim ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [298] astore_2 v2
      [299] aload_2 v2
      [300] aload v4
      [302] invokevirtual #106
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.startsWith (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [305] ifeq +6 (target=311)
      [308] goto +18 (target=326)
      [311] aload v5
      [313] aload_2 v2
      [314] invokevirtual #111
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
      [317] pop
      [318] aload_3 v3
      [319] invokevirtual #95
        + Methodref [java/io/BufferedReader.readLine ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [322] astore_2 v2
      [323] goto -63 (target=260)
      [326] aload v5
      [328] invokevirtual #113
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.length ()I]
      [331] newarray 5
      [333] astore v6
      [335] aload v5
      [337] iconst_0
      [338] aload v6
      [340] arraylength
      [341] aload v6
      [343] iconst_0
      [344] invokevirtual #112
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.getChars (II[CI)V]
      [347] aload_1 v1
      [348] aload v6
      [350] invokestatic #67
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/Base64.decode ([C)[B]
      [353] putfield #61
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/ [B]
      [356] aload_1 v1
      [357] getfield #61
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/ [B]
      [360] arraylength
      [361] ifne +13 (target=374)
      [364] new #53
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [367] dup
      [368] ldc #25
        + String [Invalid PEM structure, no data available]
      [370] invokespecial #97
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [373] athrow
      [374] aload_1 v1
      [375] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 49)
        [0] -> line 125
        [8] -> line 127
        [10] -> line 129
        [26] -> line 131
        [29] -> line 135
        [34] -> line 137
        [38] -> line 138
        [48] -> line 140
        [53] -> line 142
        [62] -> line 144
        [66] -> line 145
        [71] -> line 146
        [74] -> line 149
        [83] -> line 151
        [87] -> line 152
        [92] -> line 159
        [97] -> line 161
        [101] -> line 162
        [131] -> line 164
        [136] -> line 166
        [144] -> line 168
        [150] -> line 169
        [153] -> line 171
        [164] -> line 172
        [174] -> line 174
        [183] -> line 176
        [189] -> line 177
        [202] -> line 176
        [213] -> line 182
        [223] -> line 184
        [229] -> line 185
        [232] -> line 188
        [242] -> line 190
        [248] -> line 157
        [251] -> line 196
        [260] -> line 200
        [264] -> line 201
        [294] -> line 203
        [299] -> line 205
        [308] -> line 206
        [311] -> line 208
        [318] -> line 210
        [323] -> line 198
        [326] -> line 213
        [335] -> line 214
        [347] -> line 216
        [356] -> line 218
        [364] -> line 219
        [374] -> line 221
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 12)
        v0: 0 -> 376 [[C pem]
        v1: 8 -> 376 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure; ps]
        v2: 10 -> 376 [Ljava/lang/String; line]
        v3: 26 -> 376 [Ljava/io/BufferedReader; br]
        v4: 29 -> 376 [Ljava/lang/String; endLine]
        v5: 144 -> 248 [I sem_idx]
        v6: 164 -> 248 [Ljava/lang/String; name]
        v7: 174 -> 248 [Ljava/lang/String; value]
        v8: 183 -> 248 [[Ljava/lang/String; values]
        v9: 186 -> 213 [I i]
        v5: 260 -> 376 [Ljava/lang/StringBuffer; keyData]
        v6: 335 -> 376 [[C pem_chars]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       decryptPEM(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure;[B)V
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final void decryptPEM(com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.PEMStructure,byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 461, locals = 7, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #62
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure.dekInfo [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4] ifnonnull +13 (target=17)
      [7] new #53
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [10] dup
      [11] ldc #15
        + String [Broken PEM, no mode and salt given, but encryption enabled]
      [13] invokespecial #97
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [16] athrow
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] getfield #62
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure.dekInfo [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [21] arraylength
      [22] iconst_2
      [23] ificmpeq +13 (target=36)
      [26] new #53
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [29] dup
      [30] ldc #14
        + String [Broken PEM, DEK-Info is incomplete!]
      [32] invokespecial #97
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [35] athrow
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] getfield #62
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure.dekInfo [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [40] iconst_0
      [41] aaload
      [42] astore_2 v2
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] getfield #62
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure.dekInfo [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [47] iconst_1
      [48] aaload
      [49] invokestatic #70
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMDecoder.hexToByteArray (Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
      [52] astore_3 v3
      [53] aconst_null
      [54] astore v4
      [56] aload_2 v2
      [57] ldc #19
        + String [DES-EDE3-CBC]
      [59] invokevirtual #101
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [62] ifeq +41 (target=103)
      [65] new #47
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede]
      [68] dup
      [69] invokespecial #86
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede.<init> ()V]
      [72] astore v5
      [74] aload v5
      [76] iconst_0
      [77] aload_1 v1
      [78] aload_3 v3
      [79] bipush 24
      [81] invokestatic #69
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMDecoder.generateKeyFromPasswordSaltWithMD5 ([B[BI)[B]
      [84] invokevirtual #87
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede.init (Z[B)V]
      [87] new #45
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode]
      [90] dup
      [91] aload v5
      [93] aload_3 v3
      [94] iconst_0
      [95] invokespecial #83
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;[BZ)V]
      [98] astore v4
      [100] goto +215 (target=315)
      [103] aload_2 v2
      [104] ldc #18
        + String [DES-CBC]
      [106] invokevirtual #101
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [109] ifeq +41 (target=150)
      [112] new #46
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES]
      [115] dup
      [116] invokespecial #84
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.<init> ()V]
      [119] astore v5
      [121] aload v5
      [123] iconst_0
      [124] aload_1 v1
      [125] aload_3 v3
      [126] bipush 8
      [128] invokestatic #69
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMDecoder.generateKeyFromPasswordSaltWithMD5 ([B[BI)[B]
      [131] invokevirtual #85
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.init (Z[B)V]
      [134] new #45
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode]
      [137] dup
      [138] aload v5
      [140] aload_3 v3
      [141] iconst_0
      [142] invokespecial #83
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;[BZ)V]
      [145] astore v4
      [147] goto +168 (target=315)
      [150] aload_2 v2
      [151] ldc #11
        + String [AES-128-CBC]
      [153] invokevirtual #101
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [156] ifeq +41 (target=197)
      [159] new #43
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES]
      [162] dup
      [163] invokespecial #81
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.<init> ()V]
      [166] astore v5
      [168] aload v5
      [170] iconst_0
      [171] aload_1 v1
      [172] aload_3 v3
      [173] bipush 16
      [175] invokestatic #69
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMDecoder.generateKeyFromPasswordSaltWithMD5 ([B[BI)[B]
      [178] invokevirtual #82
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.init (Z[B)V]
      [181] new #45
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode]
      [184] dup
      [185] aload v5
      [187] aload_3 v3
      [188] iconst_0
      [189] invokespecial #83
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;[BZ)V]
      [192] astore v4
      [194] goto +121 (target=315)
      [197] aload_2 v2
      [198] ldc #12
        + String [AES-192-CBC]
      [200] invokevirtual #101
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [203] ifeq +41 (target=244)
      [206] new #43
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES]
      [209] dup
      [210] invokespecial #81
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.<init> ()V]
      [213] astore v5
      [215] aload v5
      [217] iconst_0
      [218] aload_1 v1
      [219] aload_3 v3
      [220] bipush 24
      [222] invokestatic #69
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMDecoder.generateKeyFromPasswordSaltWithMD5 ([B[BI)[B]
      [225] invokevirtual #82
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.init (Z[B)V]
      [228] new #45
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode]
      [231] dup
      [232] aload v5
      [234] aload_3 v3
      [235] iconst_0
      [236] invokespecial #83
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;[BZ)V]
      [239] astore v4
      [241] goto +74 (target=315)
      [244] aload_2 v2
      [245] ldc #13
        + String [AES-256-CBC]
      [247] invokevirtual #101
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [250] ifeq +41 (target=291)
      [253] new #43
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES]
      [256] dup
      [257] invokespecial #81
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.<init> ()V]
      [260] astore v5
      [262] aload v5
      [264] iconst_0
      [265] aload_1 v1
      [266] aload_3 v3
      [267] bipush 32
      [269] invokestatic #69
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMDecoder.generateKeyFromPasswordSaltWithMD5 ([B[BI)[B]
      [272] invokevirtual #82
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.init (Z[B)V]
      [275] new #45
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode]
      [278] dup
      [279] aload v5
      [281] aload_3 v3
      [282] iconst_0
      [283] invokespecial #83
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;[BZ)V]
      [286] astore v4
      [288] goto +27 (target=315)
      [291] new #53
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [294] dup
      [295] new #58
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [298] dup
      [299] ldc #16
        + String [Cannot decrypt PEM structure, unknown cipher ]
      [301] invokespecial #114
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [304] aload_2 v2
      [305] invokevirtual #117
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [308] invokevirtual #118
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [311] invokespecial #97
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [314] athrow
      [315] aload_0 v0
      [316] getfield #61
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/ [B]
      [319] arraylength
      [320] aload v4
      [322] invokeinterface #121
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher.getBlockSize ()I]
      [327] irem
      [328] ifeq +33 (target=361)
      [331] new #53
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [334] dup
      [335] new #58
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [338] dup
      [339] ldc #26
        + String [Invalid PEM structure, size of encrypted block is not a multiple of ]
      [341] invokespecial #114
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [344] aload v4
      [346] invokeinterface #121
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher.getBlockSize ()I]
      [351] invokevirtual #115
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [354] invokevirtual #118
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [357] invokespecial #97
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [360] athrow
      [361] aload_0 v0
      [362] getfield #61
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/ [B]
      [365] arraylength
      [366] newarray 8
      [368] astore v5
      [370] iconst_0
      [371] istore v6
      [373] goto +39 (target=412)
      [376] aload v4
      [378] aload_0 v0
      [379] getfield #61
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/ [B]
      [382] iload v6
      [384] aload v4
      [386] invokeinterface #121
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher.getBlockSize ()I]
      [391] imul
      [392] aload v5
      [394] iload v6
      [396] aload v4
      [398] invokeinterface #121
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher.getBlockSize ()I]
      [403] imul
      [404] invokeinterface #122
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher.transformBlock ([BI[BI)V]
      [409] iinc v6, 1
      [412] iload v6
      [414] aload_0 v0
      [415] getfield #61
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/ [B]
      [418] arraylength
      [419] aload v4
      [421] invokeinterface #121
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher.getBlockSize ()I]
      [426] idiv
      [427] ificmplt -51 (target=376)
      [430] aload v5
      [432] aload v4
      [434] invokeinterface #121
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher.getBlockSize ()I]
      [439] invokestatic #74
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMDecoder.removePadding ([BI)[B]
      [442] astore v5
      [444] aload_0 v0
      [445] aload v5
      [447] putfield #61
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/ [B]
      [450] aload_0 v0
      [451] aconst_null
      [452] putfield #62
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure.dekInfo [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [455] aload_0 v0
      [456] aconst_null
      [457] putfield #64
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure.procType [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [460] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 41)
        [0] -> line 226
        [7] -> line 227
        [17] -> line 229
        [26] -> line 230
        [36] -> line 232
        [43] -> line 233
        [53] -> line 235
        [56] -> line 237
        [65] -> line 239
        [74] -> line 240
        [87] -> line 241
        [103] -> line 243
        [112] -> line 245
        [121] -> line 246
        [134] -> line 247
        [150] -> line 249
        [159] -> line 251
        [168] -> line 252
        [181] -> line 253
        [197] -> line 255
        [206] -> line 257
        [215] -> line 258
        [228] -> line 259
        [244] -> line 261
        [253] -> line 263
        [262] -> line 264
        [275] -> line 265
        [291] -> line 269
        [315] -> line 272
        [331] -> line 273
        [344] -> line 274
        [357] -> line 273
        [361] -> line 278
        [370] -> line 280
        [376] -> line 282
        [409] -> line 280
        [430] -> line 287
        [444] -> line 289
        [450] -> line 290
        [455] -> line 291
        [460] -> line 292
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 12)
        v0: 0 -> 461 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure; ps]
        v1: 0 -> 461 [[B pw]
        v2: 43 -> 461 [Ljava/lang/String; algo]
        v3: 53 -> 461 [[B salt]
        v4: 56 -> 461 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher; bc]
        v5: 74 -> 103 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede; des3]
        v5: 121 -> 150 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES; des]
        v5: 168 -> 197 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES; aes]
        v5: 215 -> 244 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES; aes]
        v5: 262 -> 291 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES; aes]
        v5: 370 -> 461 [[B dz]
        v6: 373 -> 430 [I i]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       isPEMEncrypted(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure;)Z
    Access flags: 0x19
      = public static final boolean isPEMEncrypted(com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.PEMStructure)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 94, locals = 1, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #64
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure.procType [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4] ifnonnull +5 (target=9)
      [7] iconst_0
      [8] ireturn
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] getfield #64
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure.procType [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [13] arraylength
      [14] iconst_2
      [15] ificmpeq +13 (target=28)
      [18] new #53
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [21] dup
      [22] ldc #36
        + String [Unknown Proc-Type field.]
      [24] invokespecial #97
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [27] athrow
      [28] ldc #10
        + String [4]
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] getfield #64
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure.procType [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [34] iconst_0
      [35] aaload
      [36] invokevirtual #101
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [39] ifne +37 (target=76)
      [42] new #53
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [45] dup
      [46] new #58
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [49] dup
      [50] ldc #35
        + String [Unknown Proc-Type field (]
      [52] invokespecial #114
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [55] aload_0 v0
      [56] getfield #64
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure.procType [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [59] iconst_0
      [60] aaload
      [61] invokevirtual #117
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [64] ldc #2
        + String [)]
      [66] invokevirtual #117
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [69] invokevirtual #118
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [72] invokespecial #97
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [75] athrow
      [76] ldc #21
        + String [ENCRYPTED]
      [78] aload_0 v0
      [79] getfield #64
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure.procType [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [82] iconst_1
      [83] aaload
      [84] invokevirtual #101
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [87] ifeq +5 (target=92)
      [90] iconst_1
      [91] ireturn
      [92] iconst_0
      [93] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 296
        [7] -> line 297
        [9] -> line 299
        [18] -> line 300
        [28] -> line 302
        [42] -> line 303
        [76] -> line 305
        [90] -> line 306
        [92] -> line 308
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 94 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure; ps]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       decode([CLjava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static java.lang.Object decode(char[],java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 346, locals = 11, stack = 7):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokestatic #73
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMDecoder.parsePEM ([C)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure;]
      [4] astore_2 v2
      [5] aload_2 v2
      [6] invokestatic #72
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMDecoder.isPEMEncrypted (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure;)Z]
      [9] ifeq +27 (target=36)
      [12] aload_1 v1
      [13] ifnonnull +13 (target=26)
      [16] new #53
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [19] dup
      [20] ldc #28
        + String [PEM is encrypted, but no password was specified]
      [22] invokespecial #97
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [25] athrow
      [26] aload_2 v2
      [27] aload_1 v1
      [28] ldc #22
        + String [ISO-8859-1]
      [30] invokevirtual #102
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.getBytes (Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
      [33] invokestatic #68
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMDecoder.decryptPEM (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure;[B)V]
      [36] aload_2 v2
      [37] getfield #63
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure.pemType I]
      [40] iconst_2
      [41] ificmpne +156 (target=197)
      [44] new #42
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader]
      [47] dup
      [48] aload_2 v2
      [49] getfield #61
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/ [B]
      [52] invokespecial #76
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.<init> ([B)V]
      [55] astore_3 v3
      [56] aload_3 v3
      [57] invokevirtual #79
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.readSequenceAsByteArray ()[B]
      [60] astore v4
      [62] aload_3 v3
      [63] invokevirtual #77
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.available ()I]
      [66] ifeq +13 (target=79)
      [69] new #53
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [72] dup
      [73] ldc #30
        + String [Padding in DSA PRIVATE KEY DER stream.]
      [75] invokespecial #97
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [78] athrow
      [79] aload_3 v3
      [80] aload v4
      [82] invokevirtual #80
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.resetInput ([B)V]
      [85] aload_3 v3
      [86] invokevirtual #78
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.readInt ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [89] astore v5
      [91] aload v5
      [93] getstatic #66
        + Fieldref [java/math/BigInteger.ZERO Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [96] invokevirtual #120
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.compareTo (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)I]
      [99] ifeq +33 (target=132)
      [102] new #53
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [105] dup
      [106] new #58
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [109] dup
      [110] ldc #37
        + String [Wrong version (]
      [112] invokespecial #114
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [115] aload v5
      [117] invokevirtual #116
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [120] ldc #3
        + String [) in DSA PRIVATE KEY DER stream.]
      [122] invokevirtual #117
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [125] invokevirtual #118
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [128] invokespecial #97
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [131] athrow
      [132] aload_3 v3
      [133] invokevirtual #78
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.readInt ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [136] astore v6
      [138] aload_3 v3
      [139] invokevirtual #78
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.readInt ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [142] astore v7
      [144] aload_3 v3
      [145] invokevirtual #78
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.readInt ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [148] astore v8
      [150] aload_3 v3
      [151] invokevirtual #78
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.readInt ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [154] astore v9
      [156] aload_3 v3
      [157] invokevirtual #78
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.readInt ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [160] astore v10
      [162] aload_3 v3
      [163] invokevirtual #77
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.available ()I]
      [166] ifeq +13 (target=179)
      [169] new #53
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [172] dup
      [173] ldc #30
        + String [Padding in DSA PRIVATE KEY DER stream.]
      [175] invokespecial #97
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [178] athrow
      [179] new #49
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey]
      [182] dup
      [183] aload v6
      [185] aload v7
      [187] aload v8
      [189] aload v9
      [191] aload v10
      [193] invokespecial #92
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey.<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
      [196] areturn
      [197] aload_2 v2
      [198] getfield #63
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure.pemType I]
      [201] iconst_1
      [202] ificmpne +134 (target=336)
      [205] new #42
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader]
      [208] dup
      [209] aload_2 v2
      [210] getfield #61
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/ [B]
      [213] invokespecial #76
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.<init> ([B)V]
      [216] astore_3 v3
      [217] aload_3 v3
      [218] invokevirtual #79
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.readSequenceAsByteArray ()[B]
      [221] astore v4
      [223] aload_3 v3
      [224] invokevirtual #77
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.available ()I]
      [227] ifeq +13 (target=240)
      [230] new #53
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [233] dup
      [234] ldc #31
        + String [Padding in RSA PRIVATE KEY DER stream.]
      [236] invokespecial #97
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [239] athrow
      [240] aload_3 v3
      [241] aload v4
      [243] invokevirtual #80
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.resetInput ([B)V]
      [246] aload_3 v3
      [247] invokevirtual #78
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.readInt ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [250] astore v5
      [252] aload v5
      [254] getstatic #66
        + Fieldref [java/math/BigInteger.ZERO Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [257] invokevirtual #120
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.compareTo (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)I]
      [260] ifeq +44 (target=304)
      [263] aload v5
      [265] getstatic #65
        + Fieldref [java/math/BigInteger.ONE Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [268] invokevirtual #120
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.compareTo (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)I]
      [271] ifeq +33 (target=304)
      [274] new #53
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [277] dup
      [278] new #58
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [281] dup
      [282] ldc #37
        + String [Wrong version (]
      [284] invokespecial #114
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [287] aload v5
      [289] invokevirtual #116
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [292] ldc #4
        + String [) in RSA PRIVATE KEY DER stream.]
      [294] invokevirtual #117
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [297] invokevirtual #118
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [300] invokespecial #97
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [303] athrow
      [304] aload_3 v3
      [305] invokevirtual #78
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.readInt ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [308] astore v6
      [310] aload_3 v3
      [311] invokevirtual #78
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.readInt ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [314] astore v7
      [316] aload_3 v3
      [317] invokevirtual #78
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.readInt ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [320] astore v8
      [322] new #50
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey]
      [325] dup
      [326] aload v8
      [328] aload v7
      [330] aload v6
      [332] invokespecial #93
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey.<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
      [335] areturn
      [336] new #53
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [339] dup
      [340] ldc #29
        + String [PEM problem: it is of unknown type]
      [342] invokespecial #97
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [345] athrow
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 36)
        [0] -> line 313
        [5] -> line 315
        [12] -> line 317
        [16] -> line 318
        [26] -> line 320
        [36] -> line 323
        [44] -> line 325
        [56] -> line 327
        [62] -> line 329
        [69] -> line 330
        [79] -> line 332
        [85] -> line 334
        [91] -> line 336
        [102] -> line 337
        [132] -> line 339
        [138] -> line 340
        [144] -> line 341
        [150] -> line 342
        [156] -> line 343
        [162] -> line 345
        [169] -> line 346
        [179] -> line 348
        [197] -> line 351
        [205] -> line 353
        [217] -> line 355
        [223] -> line 357
        [230] -> line 358
        [240] -> line 360
        [246] -> line 362
        [252] -> line 364
        [274] -> line 365
        [304] -> line 367
        [310] -> line 368
        [316] -> line 369
        [322] -> line 371
        [336] -> line 374
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 17)
        v0: 0 -> 346 [[C pem]
        v1: 0 -> 346 [Ljava/lang/String; password]
        v2: 5 -> 346 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure; ps]
        v3: 56 -> 197 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader; dr]
        v4: 62 -> 197 [[B seq]
        v5: 91 -> 197 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; version]
        v6: 138 -> 197 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; p]
        v7: 144 -> 197 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; q]
        v8: 150 -> 197 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; g]
        v9: 156 -> 197 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; y]
        v10: 162 -> 197 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; x]
        v3: 217 -> 336 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader; dr]
        v4: 223 -> 336 [[B seq]
        v5: 252 -> 336 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; version]
        v6: 310 -> 336 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; n]
        v7: 316 -> 336 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; e]
        v8: 322 -> 336 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; d]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.PEMStructure extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 23):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure]
  + Utf8 [data]
  + Utf8 [dekInfo]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [pemType]
  + Utf8 [procType]
  + Utf8 [this]

Fields (count = 4):
  + Field:        pemType I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int pemType
  + Field:        dekInfo [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String[] dekInfo
  + Field:        procType [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String[] procType
  + Field:        data [B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] data

Methods (count = 1):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public PEMStructure()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #3
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 11
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure; this]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.SimpleDERReader extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 103):
  + String [)]
  + String [DER byte array: out of data]
  + String [Expected DER Integer, but found type ]
  + String [Expected DER Octetstring, but found type ]
  + String [Expected DER Sequence, but found type ]
  + String [Illegal len in DER object (]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Class [java/math/BigInteger]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.buffer [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.count I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.pos I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.available ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.readByte ()B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.readBytes (I)[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.readLength ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.resetInput ([B)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.resetInput ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.<init> ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [available ()I]
  + NameAndType [buffer [B]
  + NameAndType [count I]
  + NameAndType [pos I]
  + NameAndType [readByte ()B]
  + NameAndType [readBytes (I)[B]
  + NameAndType [readLength ()I]
  + NameAndType [resetInput ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [resetInput ([BII)V]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()B]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(I)[B]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [([BII)V]
  + Utf8 [)]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [DER byte array: out of data]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [Expected DER Integer, but found type ]
  + Utf8 [Expected DER Octetstring, but found type ]
  + Utf8 [Expected DER Sequence, but found type ]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Illegal len in DER object (]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [arraycopy]
  + Utf8 [available]
  + Utf8 [b]
  + Utf8 [bi]
  + Utf8 [buffer]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader]
  + Utf8 [count]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [java/math/BigInteger]
  + Utf8 [len]
  + Utf8 [off]
  + Utf8 [pos]
  + Utf8 [readByte]
  + Utf8 [readBytes]
  + Utf8 [readInt]
  + Utf8 [readLength]
  + Utf8 [readOctetString]
  + Utf8 [readSequenceAsByteArray]
  + Utf8 [remain]
  + Utf8 [resetInput]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [type]

Fields (count = 3):
  + Field:        buffer [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] buffer
  + Field:        pos I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int pos
  + Field:        count I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int count

Methods (count = 11):
  + Method:       <init>([B)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public SimpleDERReader(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #23
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.resetInput ([B)V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 19
        [4] -> line 21
        [9] -> line 22
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader; this]
        v1: 0 -> 10 [[B b]
  + Method:       <init>([BII)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public SimpleDERReader(byte[],int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 12, locals = 4, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #23
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] iload_2 v2
      [7] iload_3 v3
      [8] invokevirtual #21
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.resetInput ([BII)V]
      [11] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 24
        [4] -> line 26
        [11] -> line 27
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 12 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader; this]
        v1: 0 -> 12 [[B b]
        v2: 0 -> 12 [I off]
        v3: 0 -> 12 [I len]
  + Method:       resetInput([B)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void resetInput(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 9, locals = 2, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] iconst_0
      [3] aload_1 v1
      [4] arraylength
      [5] invokevirtual #21
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.resetInput ([BII)V]
      [8] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 31
        [8] -> line 32
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 9 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader; this]
        v1: 0 -> 9 [[B b]
  + Method:       resetInput([BII)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void resetInput(byte[],int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 16, locals = 4, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.buffer [B]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] iload_2 v2
      [7] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.pos I]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] iload_3 v3
      [12] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.count I]
      [15] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 36
        [5] -> line 37
        [10] -> line 38
        [15] -> line 39
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 16 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader; this]
        v1: 0 -> 16 [[B b]
        v2: 0 -> 16 [I off]
        v3: 0 -> 16 [I len]
  + Method:       readByte()B
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private byte readByte()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 44, locals = 1, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.count I]
      [4] ifgt +13 (target=17)
      [7] new #8
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [10] dup
      [11] ldc #2
        + String [DER byte array: out of data]
      [13] invokespecial #22
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [16] athrow
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] dup
      [19] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.count I]
      [22] iconst_1
      [23] isub
      [24] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.count I]
      [27] aload_0 v0
      [28] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.buffer [B]
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] dup
      [33] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.pos I]
      [36] dup_x1
      [37] iconst_1
      [38] iadd
      [39] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.pos I]
      [42] baload
      [43] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 43
        [7] -> line 44
        [17] -> line 45
        [27] -> line 46
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 44 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader; this]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       readBytes(I)[B
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private byte[] readBytes(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 58, locals = 3, stack = 5):
      [0] iload_1 v1
      [1] aload_0 v0
      [2] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.count I]
      [5] ificmple +13 (target=18)
      [8] new #8
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [11] dup
      [12] ldc #2
        + String [DER byte array: out of data]
      [14] invokespecial #22
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [17] athrow
      [18] iload_1 v1
      [19] newarray 8
      [21] astore_2 v2
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.buffer [B]
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.pos I]
      [30] aload_2 v2
      [31] iconst_0
      [32] iload_1 v1
      [33] invokestatic #28
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] dup
      [38] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.pos I]
      [41] iload_1 v1
      [42] iadd
      [43] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.pos I]
      [46] aload_0 v0
      [47] dup
      [48] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.count I]
      [51] iload_1 v1
      [52] isub
      [53] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.count I]
      [56] aload_2 v2
      [57] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 51
        [8] -> line 52
        [18] -> line 54
        [22] -> line 56
        [36] -> line 58
        [46] -> line 59
        [56] -> line 61
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 58 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader; this]
        v1: 0 -> 58 [I len]
        v2: 22 -> 58 [[B b]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       available()I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int available()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.count I]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 66
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader; this]
  + Method:       readLength()I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int readLength()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 60, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #17
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.readByte ()B]
      [4] sipush 255
      [7] iand
      [8] istore_1 v1
      [9] iload_1 v1
      [10] sipush 128
      [13] iand
      [14] ifne +5 (target=19)
      [17] iload_1 v1
      [18] ireturn
      [19] iload_1 v1
      [20] bipush 127
      [22] iand
      [23] istore_2 v2
      [24] iload_2 v2
      [25] ifne +5 (target=30)
      [28] iconst_m1
      [29] ireturn
      [30] iconst_0
      [31] istore_1 v1
      [32] goto +22 (target=54)
      [35] iload_1 v1
      [36] bipush 8
      [38] ishl
      [39] istore_1 v1
      [40] iload_1 v1
      [41] aload_0 v0
      [42] invokespecial #17
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.readByte ()B]
      [45] sipush 255
      [48] iand
      [49] ior
      [50] istore_1 v1
      [51] iinc v2, -1
      [54] iload_2 v2
      [55] ifgt -20 (target=35)
      [58] iload_1 v1
      [59] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 13)
        [0] -> line 71
        [9] -> line 73
        [17] -> line 74
        [19] -> line 76
        [24] -> line 78
        [28] -> line 79
        [30] -> line 81
        [32] -> line 83
        [35] -> line 85
        [40] -> line 86
        [51] -> line 87
        [54] -> line 83
        [58] -> line 90
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 60 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader; this]
        v1: 9 -> 60 [I len]
        v2: 24 -> 60 [I remain]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       readInt()Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.math.BigInteger readInt()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 103, locals = 5, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #17
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.readByte ()B]
      [4] sipush 255
      [7] iand
      [8] istore_1 v1
      [9] iload_1 v1
      [10] iconst_2
      [11] ificmpeq +27 (target=38)
      [14] new #8
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [17] dup
      [18] new #10
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [21] dup
      [22] ldc #3
        + String [Expected DER Integer, but found type ]
      [24] invokespecial #24
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [27] iload_1 v1
      [28] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [31] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [34] invokespecial #22
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [37] athrow
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] invokespecial #19
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.readLength ()I]
      [42] istore_2 v2
      [43] iload_2 v2
      [44] iflt +11 (target=55)
      [47] iload_2 v2
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.available ()I]
      [52] ificmple +32 (target=84)
      [55] new #8
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [58] dup
      [59] new #10
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [62] dup
      [63] ldc #6
        + String [Illegal len in DER object (]
      [65] invokespecial #24
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [68] iload_2 v2
      [69] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [72] ldc #1
        + String [)]
      [74] invokevirtual #26
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [77] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [80] invokespecial #22
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [83] athrow
      [84] aload_0 v0
      [85] iload_2 v2
      [86] invokespecial #18
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.readBytes (I)[B]
      [89] astore_3 v3
      [90] new #12
        + Class [java/math/BigInteger]
      [93] dup
      [94] aload_3 v3
      [95] invokespecial #29
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.<init> ([B)V]
      [98] astore v4
      [100] aload v4
      [102] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 109
        [9] -> line 111
        [14] -> line 112
        [38] -> line 114
        [43] -> line 116
        [55] -> line 117
        [84] -> line 119
        [90] -> line 121
        [100] -> line 123
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 103 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader; this]
        v1: 9 -> 103 [I type]
        v2: 43 -> 103 [I len]
        v3: 90 -> 103 [[B b]
        v4: 100 -> 103 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; bi]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       readSequenceAsByteArray()[B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] readSequenceAsByteArray()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 93, locals = 4, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #17
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.readByte ()B]
      [4] sipush 255
      [7] iand
      [8] istore_1 v1
      [9] iload_1 v1
      [10] bipush 48
      [12] ificmpeq +27 (target=39)
      [15] new #8
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [18] dup
      [19] new #10
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [22] dup
      [23] ldc #5
        + String [Expected DER Sequence, but found type ]
      [25] invokespecial #24
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [28] iload_1 v1
      [29] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [32] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [35] invokespecial #22
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [38] athrow
      [39] aload_0 v0
      [40] invokespecial #19
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.readLength ()I]
      [43] istore_2 v2
      [44] iload_2 v2
      [45] iflt +11 (target=56)
      [48] iload_2 v2
      [49] aload_0 v0
      [50] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.available ()I]
      [53] ificmple +32 (target=85)
      [56] new #8
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [59] dup
      [60] new #10
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [63] dup
      [64] ldc #6
        + String [Illegal len in DER object (]
      [66] invokespecial #24
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [69] iload_2 v2
      [70] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [73] ldc #1
        + String [)]
      [75] invokevirtual #26
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [78] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [81] invokespecial #22
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [84] athrow
      [85] aload_0 v0
      [86] iload_2 v2
      [87] invokespecial #18
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.readBytes (I)[B]
      [90] astore_3 v3
      [91] aload_3 v3
      [92] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 128
        [9] -> line 130
        [15] -> line 131
        [39] -> line 133
        [44] -> line 135
        [56] -> line 136
        [85] -> line 138
        [91] -> line 140
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 93 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader; this]
        v1: 9 -> 93 [I type]
        v2: 44 -> 93 [I len]
        v3: 91 -> 93 [[B b]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       readOctetString()[B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] readOctetString()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 92, locals = 4, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #17
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.readByte ()B]
      [4] sipush 255
      [7] iand
      [8] istore_1 v1
      [9] iload_1 v1
      [10] iconst_4
      [11] ificmpeq +27 (target=38)
      [14] new #8
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [17] dup
      [18] new #10
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [21] dup
      [22] ldc #4
        + String [Expected DER Octetstring, but found type ]
      [24] invokespecial #24
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [27] iload_1 v1
      [28] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [31] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [34] invokespecial #22
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [37] athrow
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] invokespecial #19
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.readLength ()I]
      [42] istore_2 v2
      [43] iload_2 v2
      [44] iflt +11 (target=55)
      [47] iload_2 v2
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.available ()I]
      [52] ificmple +32 (target=84)
      [55] new #8
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [58] dup
      [59] new #10
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [62] dup
      [63] ldc #6
        + String [Illegal len in DER object (]
      [65] invokespecial #24
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [68] iload_2 v2
      [69] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [72] ldc #1
        + String [)]
      [74] invokevirtual #26
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [77] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [80] invokespecial #22
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [83] athrow
      [84] aload_0 v0
      [85] iload_2 v2
      [86] invokespecial #18
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.readBytes (I)[B]
      [89] astore_3 v3
      [90] aload_3 v3
      [91] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 145
        [9] -> line 147
        [14] -> line 148
        [38] -> line 150
        [43] -> line 152
        [55] -> line 153
        [84] -> line 155
        [90] -> line 157
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 92 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader; this]
        v1: 9 -> 92 [I type]
        v2: 43 -> 92 [I len]
        v3: 90 -> 92 [[B b]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.AES extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher]

Constant Pool (count = 2209):
  + Integer [-2146860154]
  + Integer [-2145674368]
  + Integer [-2143013594]
  + Integer [-2142255680]
  + Integer [-2141347906]
  + Integer [-2139087973]
  + Integer [-2139062144]
  + Integer [-2138470135]
  + Integer [-2134884288]
  + Integer [-2129465268]
  + Integer [-2129028991]
  + Integer [-2125673011]
  + Integer [-2122350594]
  + Integer [-2122245736]
  + Integer [-2114736182]
  + Integer [-2114607409]
  + Integer [-2114052960]
  + Integer [-2112426660]
  + Integer [-2111857278]
  + Integer [-2110711067]
  + Integer [-2105639172]
  + Integer [-2105401443]
  + Integer [-2101132991]
  + Integer [-2097827901]
  + Integer [-2097371446]
  + Integer [-2096416276]
  + Integer [-2095210877]
  + Integer [-2091922228]
  + Integer [-2088559202]
  + Integer [-2088337399]
  + Integer [-2088204277]
  + Integer [-2086102449]
  + Integer [-2084645843]
  + Integer [-2079090812]
  + Integer [-2078273082]
  + Integer [-2072216328]
  + Integer [-2071719017]
  + Integer [-2068943941]
  + Integer [-2067381694]
  + Integer [-2067039391]
  + Integer [-2064070370]
  + Integer [-2062592456]
  + Integer [-2062445435]
  + Integer [-2061897385]
  + Integer [-2058694705]
  + Integer [-2057092592]
  + Integer [-2055396278]
  + Integer [-2054876780]
  + Integer [-2054518257]
  + Integer [-2045907886]
  + Integer [-2045275770]
  + Integer [-2038429309]
  + Integer [-2038032495]
  + Integer [-2037675251]
  + Integer [-2036696123]
  + Integer [-2033892541]
  + Integer [-2032450440]
  + Integer [-2028629369]
  + Integer [-2027409166]
  + Integer [-2025206066]
  + Integer [-2022908268]
  + Integer [-2021818886]
  + Integer [-2021190254]
  + Integer [-2016981431]
  + Integer [-2013629580]
  + Integer [-2012511352]
  + Integer [-2006299621]
  + Integer [-2005370640]
  + Integer [-2004350077]
  + Integer [-2004121337]
  + Integer [-2003732788]
  + Integer [-1999879100]
  + Integer [-1997531219]
  + Integer [-1995994997]
  + Integer [-1995865975]
  + Integer [-1992551445]
  + Integer [-1992242743]
  + Integer [-1987507840]
  + Integer [-1987146233]
  + Integer [-1983744662]
  + Integer [-1983102144]
  + Integer [-1979370783]
  + Integer [-1978694262]
  + Integer [-1977532679]
  + Integer [-1976886065]
  + Integer [-1970663547]
  + Integer [-1970303227]
  + Integer [-1966127803]
  + Integer [-1963022652]
  + Integer [-1962047861]
  + Integer [-1958491960]
  + Integer [-1958134744]
  + Integer [-1955190461]
  + Integer [-1954973198]
  + Integer [-1953953912]
  + Integer [-1953821306]
  + Integer [-1947030073]
  + Integer [-1946067659]
  + Integer [-1945923700]
  + Integer [-1939744870]
  + Integer [-1936981105]
  + Integer [-1936880383]
  + Integer [-1932900794]
  + Integer [-1929598780]
  + Integer [-1929469238]
  + Integer [-1929278323]
  + Integer [-1924740149]
  + Integer [-1923837515]
  + Integer [-1921287178]
  + Integer [-1920138868]
  + Integer [-1918658746]
  + Integer [-1915335306]
  + Integer [-1913208301]
  + Integer [-1912108658]
  + Integer [-1911228327]
  + Integer [-1908094775]
  + Integer [-1904575756]
  + Integer [-1903294583]
  + Integer [-1900553690]
  + Integer [-1899411641]
  + Integer [-1896580999]
  + Integer [-1895569569]
  + Integer [-1895462257]
  + Integer [-1894122171]
  + Integer [-1893735593]
  + Integer [-1891251510]
  + Integer [-1886614525]
  + Integer [-1886452342]
  + Integer [-1885117771]
  + Integer [-1875696913]
  + Integer [-1875137648]
  + Integer [-1871679264]
  + Integer [-1869595733]
  + Integer [-1866377628]
  + Integer [-1864873912]
  + Integer [-1864322864]
  + Integer [-1863796520]
  + Integer [-1860751370]
  + Integer [-1858492271]
  + Integer [-1856715323]
  + Integer [-1854485368]
  + Integer [-1853454825]
  + Integer [-1852753496]
  + Integer [-1852105826]
  + Integer [-1850372780]
  + Integer [-1844079204]
  + Integer [-1841320558]
  + Integer [-1840065829]
  + Integer [-1837608947]
  + Integer [-1836611819]
  + Integer [-1835909203]
  + Integer [-1833666137]
  + Integer [-1831122615]
  + Integer [-1828461749]
  + Integer [-1827674281]
  + Integer [-1824674157]
  + Integer [-1822964540]
  + Integer [-1821281822]
  + Integer [-1819066962]
  + Integer [-1815058052]
  + Integer [-1813902662]
  + Integer [-1810761144]
  + Integer [-1809118983]
  + Integer [-1808554092]
  + Integer [-1803188975]
  + Integer [-1803064098]
  + Integer [-1802226777]
  + Integer [-1801075152]
  + Integer [-1797371318]
  + Integer [-1794244799]
  + Integer [-1791908715]
  + Integer [-1789737017]
  + Integer [-1787595802]
  + Integer [-1785384540]
  + Integer [-1784901099]
  + Integer [-1780852398]
  + Integer [-1780062866]
  + Integer [-1774739050]
  + Integer [-1774385443]
  + Integer [-1772214470]
  + Integer [-1770884380]
  + Integer [-1768540255]
  + Integer [-1763882165]
  + Integer [-1763385596]
  + Integer [-1762741038]
  + Integer [-1760346078]
  + Integer [-1758092649]
  + Integer [-1756983901]
  + Integer [-1756248378]
  + Integer [-1755303087]
  + Integer [-1752923117]
  + Integer [-1751698014]
  + Integer [-1746289194]
  + Integer [-1744506550]
  + Integer [-1743852987]
  + Integer [-1743182597]
  + Integer [-1741966440]
  + Integer [-1741288492]
  + Integer [-1736343271]
  + Integer [-1734857805]
  + Integer [-1730917300]
  + Integer [-1725321063]
  + Integer [-1722236479]
  + Integer [-1721024936]
  + Integer [-1720223762]
  + Integer [-1718015568]
  + Integer [-1716729797]
  + Integer [-1715900247]
  + Integer [-1712407587]
  + Integer [-1708149350]
  + Integer [-1706064984]
  + Integer [-1703512340]
  + Integer [-1703164538]
  + Integer [-1702075945]
  + Integer [-1701171275]
  + Integer [-1697166003]
  + Integer [-1695809097]
  + Integer [-1692688751]
  + Integer [-1691502949]
  + Integer [-1688485696]
  + Integer [-1686077413]
  + Integer [-1684329034]
  + Integer [-1681105046]
  + Integer [-1680780197]
  + Integer [-1679312167]
  + Integer [-1675378788]
  + Integer [-1671831598]
  + Integer [-1670089496]
  + Integer [-1668147819]
  + Integer [-1667488833]
  + Integer [-1663938994]
  + Integer [-1662733096]
  + Integer [-1662488989]
  + Integer [-1660622242]
  + Integer [-1658851003]
  + Integer [-1658733411]
  + Integer [-1657131804]
  + Integer [-1655493068]
  + Integer [-1654733885]
  + Integer [-1652391393]
  + Integer [-1650646596]
  + Integer [-1642247377]
  + Integer [-1641563746]
  + Integer [-1635548387]
  + Integer [-1634624741]
  + Integer [-1633802311]
  + Integer [-1630449841]
  + Integer [-1629919369]
  + Integer [-1629243951]
  + Integer [-1624917345]
  + Integer [-1624899081]
  + Integer [-1621245246]
  + Integer [-1619960314]
  + Integer [-1619692054]
  + Integer [-1616960070]
  + Integer [-1614905251]
  + Integer [-1612000247]
  + Integer [-1608892432]
  + Integer [-1604979806]
  + Integer [-1604584544]
  + Integer [-1604296512]
  + Integer [-1602093540]
  + Integer [-1600103429]
  + Integer [-1597971158]
  + Integer [-1594863536]
  + Integer [-1591097491]
  + Integer [-1590199796]
  + Integer [-1589179780]
  + Integer [-1587939167]
  + Integer [-1585652259]
  + Integer [-1583966665]
  + Integer [-1583261192]
  + Integer [-1578997426]
  + Integer [-1574904735]
  + Integer [-1573535642]
  + Integer [-1570767454]
  + Integer [-1567123659]
  + Integer [-1566550541]
  + Integer [-1566416899]
  + Integer [-1563783938]
  + Integer [-1561112239]
  + Integer [-1554121053]
  + Integer [-1553899070]
  + Integer [-1553812081]
  + Integer [-1551901476]
  + Integer [-1550367091]
  + Integer [-1549574658]
  + Integer [-1547542720]
  + Integer [-1543675777]
  + Integer [-1541989693]
  + Integer [-1540247630]
  + Integer [-1538000988]
  + Integer [-1535775754]
  + Integer [-1533700815]
  + Integer [-1532734473]
  + Integer [-1530942145]
  + Integer [-1527360942]
  + Integer [-1526188077]
  + Integer [-1524048262]
  + Integer [-1521355611]
  + Integer [-1520213050]
  + Integer [-1518673953]
  + Integer [-1515892236]
  + Integer [-1514200142]
  + Integer [-1513738092]
  + Integer [-1504185946]
  + Integer [-1503893471]
  + Integer [-1503501628]
  + Integer [-1499047951]
  + Integer [-1497068802]
  + Integer [-1496677636]
  + Integer [-1496350219]
  + Integer [-1493871789]
  + Integer [-1489824296]
  + Integer [-1487539545]
  + Integer [-1485185314]
  + Integer [-1484974064]
  + Integer [-1483557767]
  + Integer [-1483434957]
  + Integer [-1482205710]
  + Integer [-1477160624]
  + Integer [-1472630527]
  + Integer [-1471421528]
  + Integer [-1466855111]
  + Integer [-1466282109]
  + Integer [-1465365533]
  + Integer [-1464455751]
  + Integer [-1463513860]
  + Integer [-1459858348]
  + Integer [-1457646392]
  + Integer [-1456614033]
  + Integer [-1454776151]
  + Integer [-1452841010]
  + Integer [-1452221991]
  + Integer [-1449543312]
  + Integer [-1448523296]
  + Integer [-1446056409]
  + Integer [-1437604438]
  + Integer [-1436129588]
  + Integer [-1434523905]
  + Integer [-1431679003]
  + Integer [-1429449651]
  + Integer [-1427152832]
  + Integer [-1426235557]
  + Integer [-1426107051]
  + Integer [-1423715469]
  + Integer [-1422144661]
  + Integer [-1420958037]
  + Integer [-1420466646]
  + Integer [-1420232020]
  + Integer [-1418471208]
  + Integer [-1416589253]
  + Integer [-1414836762]
  + Integer [-1407137434]
  + Integer [-1404833876]
  + Integer [-1402706744]
  + Integer [-1401941730]
  + Integer [-1398056710]
  + Integer [-1397996561]
  + Integer [-1396163687]
  + Integer [-1392880042]
  + Integer [-1388337985]
  + Integer [-1388188499]
  + Integer [-1384719397]
  + Integer [-1383534569]
  + Integer [-1382903233]
  + Integer [-1381154324]
  + Integer [-1379431438]
  + Integer [-1376359050]
  + Integer [-1375387939]
  + Integer [-1374604551]
  + Integer [-1371726123]
  + Integer [-1371018834]
  + Integer [-1368671356]
  + Integer [-1366060227]
  + Integer [-1364310039]
  + Integer [-1359390889]
  + Integer [-1354372433]
  + Integer [-1353971851]
  + Integer [-1352309302]
  + Integer [-1351230758]
  + Integer [-1347467798]
  + Integer [-1347247055]
  + Integer [-1346141451]
  + Integer [-1345682957]
  + Integer [-1339435396]
  + Integer [-1334064208]
  + Integer [-1332111063]
  + Integer [-1330611253]
  + Integer [-1329773848]
  + Integer [-1328508704]
  + Integer [-1326950312]
  + Integer [-1326496947]
  + Integer [-1320715716]
  + Integer [-1318791723]
  + Integer [-1318647284]
  + Integer [-1318096930]
  + Integer [-1317418831]
  + Integer [-1313769016]
  + Integer [-1310832294]
  + Integer [-1310689436]
  + Integer [-1308153621]
  + Integer [-1301385508]
  + Integer [-1300247118]
  + Integer [-1297862225]
  + Integer [-1297760477]
  + Integer [-1296924723]
  + Integer [-1294142672]
  + Integer [-1293199015]
  + Integer [-1291056930]
  + Integer [-1290656305]
  + Integer [-1288999914]
  + Integer [-1285939865]
  + Integer [-1285040940]
  + Integer [-1283600717]
  + Integer [-1281845205]
  + Integer [-1280082482]
  + Integer [-1271214467]
  + Integer [-1267962664]
  + Integer [-1267480652]
  + Integer [-1267095662]
  + Integer [-1263242297]
  + Integer [-1261267218]
  + Integer [-1260872476]
  + Integer [-1259447718]
  + Integer [-1255210046]
  + Integer [-1251813417]
  + Integer [-1250835275]
  + Integer [-1249028975]
  + Integer [-1248877726]
  + Integer [-1248159185]
  + Integer [-1246400060]
  + Integer [-1244553501]
  + Integer [-1238517336]
  + Integer [-1238182544]
  + Integer [-1236278850]
  + Integer [-1234633491]
  + Integer [-1233665610]
  + Integer [-1231316179]
  + Integer [-1229555775]
  + Integer [-1225958565]
  + Integer [-1221211807]
  + Integer [-1218324778]
  + Integer [-1217565222]
  + Integer [-1217019209]
  + Integer [-1214583807]
  + Integer [-1212713534]
  + Integer [-1210440050]
  + Integer [-1208452270]
  + Integer [-1205916479]
  + Integer [-1201409564]
  + Integer [-1201116976]
  + Integer [-1200893000]
  + Integer [-1195873325]
  + Integer [-1194311081]
  + Integer [-1193766680]
  + Integer [-1192993700]
  + Integer [-1188569743]
  + Integer [-1187068824]
  + Integer [-1184312879]
  + Integer [-1184247623]
  + Integer [-1183798887]
  + Integer [-1180787161]
  + Integer [-1180125651]
  + Integer [-1179031088]
  + Integer [-1171953893]
  + Integer [-1167457534]
  + Integer [-1167075910]
  + Integer [-1164713462]
  + Integer [-1163944155]
  + Integer [-1162186795]
  + Integer [-1160143897]
  + Integer [-1159242403]
  + Integer [-1153705093]
  + Integer [-1150719534]
  + Integer [-1150562096]
  + Integer [-1150429509]
  + Integer [-1148932501]
  + Integer [-1145344554]
  + Integer [-1143801795]
  + Integer [-1143105042]
  + Integer [-1140054558]
  + Integer [-1138685745]
  + Integer [-1135709129]
  + Integer [-1134305348]
  + Integer [-1130521311]
  + Integer [-1128504353]
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  + Integer [2006899047]
  + Integer [2009183926]
  + Integer [2010178497]
  + Integer [2012125559]
  + Integer [2015808777]
  + Integer [2015897680]
  + Integer [2017737788]
  + Integer [2018512274]
  + Integer [2021191816]
  + Integer [2021232372]
  + Integer [2022103876]
  + Integer [2029029496]
  + Integer [2038035083]
  + Integer [2039411832]
  + Integer [2041025204]
  + Integer [2043195825]
  + Integer [2043548696]
  + Integer [2044456648]
  + Integer [2044649127]
  + Integer [2045938553]
  + Integer [2047648055]
  + Integer [2050797895]
  + Integer [2051489085]
  + Integer [2054012907]
  + Integer [2054878350]
  + Integer [2057644254]
  + Integer [2061492133]
  + Integer [2062847610]
  + Integer [2066295122]
  + Integer [2069018616]
  + Integer [2069988555]
  + Integer [2071721613]
  + Integer [2075868123]
  + Integer [2076542618]
  + Integer [2076946608]
  + Integer [2079755643]
  + Integer [2084716094]
  + Integer [2088564868]
  + Integer [2090061929]
  + Integer [2090944266]
  + Integer [2091919830]
  + Integer [2094914977]
  + Integer [2095648578]
  + Integer [2096661628]
  + Integer [2098729127]
  + Integer [2099530373]
  + Integer [2099981142]
  + Integer [2102843436]
  + Integer [2105408135]
  + Integer [2108963534]
  + Integer [2110698419]
  + Integer [2113570685]
  + Integer [2116692564]
  + Integer [2118205247]
  + Integer [2119394625]
  + Integer [2119459398]
  + Integer [2122251394]
  + Integer [2129067946]
  + Integer [2130402100]
  + Integer [2130477694]
  + Integer [2131644621]
  + Integer [2136040774]
  + Integer [2136171077]
  + Integer [2139062143]
  + Integer [2139094657]
  + Integer [2141453664]
  + Integer [2144187058]
  + Integer [2145180835]
  + Integer [2147385727]
  + String [AES engine not initialised]
  + String [Key length not 128/192/256 bits.]
  + String [input buffer too short]
  + String [output buffer too short]
  + Class [[[I]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher]
  + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C0 I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C1 I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C2 I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C3 I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.ROUNDS I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.S [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Si [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T0 [I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T1 [I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T2 [I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T3 [I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv0 [I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv1 [I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv2 [I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv3 [I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.WorkingKey [[I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.doEncrypt Z]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.rcon [I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.FFmulX (I)I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.decryptBlock ([[I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.encryptBlock ([[I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.generateWorkingKey ([BZ)[[I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.inv_mcol (I)I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.packBlock ([BI)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.processBlock ([BI[BI)I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.shift (II)I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.subWord (I)I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.unpackBlock ([BI)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalStateException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [C0 I]
  + NameAndType [C1 I]
  + NameAndType [C2 I]
  + NameAndType [C3 I]
  + NameAndType [FFmulX (I)I]
  + NameAndType [ROUNDS I]
  + NameAndType [S [B]
  + NameAndType [Si [B]
  + NameAndType [T0 [I]
  + NameAndType [T1 [I]
  + NameAndType [T2 [I]
  + NameAndType [T3 [I]
  + NameAndType [Tinv0 [I]
  + NameAndType [Tinv1 [I]
  + NameAndType [Tinv2 [I]
  + NameAndType [Tinv3 [I]
  + NameAndType [WorkingKey [[I]
  + NameAndType [decryptBlock ([[I)V]
  + NameAndType [doEncrypt Z]
  + NameAndType [encryptBlock ([[I)V]
  + NameAndType [generateWorkingKey ([BZ)[[I]
  + NameAndType [inv_mcol (I)I]
  + NameAndType [packBlock ([BI)V]
  + NameAndType [processBlock ([BI[BI)I]
  + NameAndType [rcon [I]
  + NameAndType [shift (II)I]
  + NameAndType [subWord (I)I]
  + NameAndType [unpackBlock ([BI)V]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)I]
  + Utf8 [(II)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z[B)V]
  + Utf8 [([BI)V]
  + Utf8 [([BI[BI)I]
  + Utf8 [([BI[BI)V]
  + Utf8 [([BZ)[[I]
  + Utf8 [([[I)V]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [AES engine not initialised]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [C0]
  + Utf8 [C1]
  + Utf8 [C2]
  + Utf8 [C3]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [FFmulX]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [KC]
  + Utf8 [KW]
  + Utf8 [Key length not 128/192/256 bits.]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [ROUNDS]
  + Utf8 [S]
  + Utf8 [Si]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [T0]
  + Utf8 [T1]
  + Utf8 [T2]
  + Utf8 [T3]
  + Utf8 [Tinv0]
  + Utf8 [Tinv1]
  + Utf8 [Tinv2]
  + Utf8 [Tinv3]
  + Utf8 [W]
  + Utf8 [WorkingKey]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [[I]
  + Utf8 [[[I]
  + Utf8 [bytes]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher]
  + Utf8 [decryptBlock]
  + Utf8 [doEncrypt]
  + Utf8 [dst]
  + Utf8 [dstoff]
  + Utf8 [encryptBlock]
  + Utf8 [f2]
  + Utf8 [f4]
  + Utf8 [f8]
  + Utf8 [f9]
  + Utf8 [forEncryption]
  + Utf8 [generateWorkingKey]
  + Utf8 [getBlockSize]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [in]
  + Utf8 [inOff]
  + Utf8 [index]
  + Utf8 [init]
  + Utf8 [input buffer too short]
  + Utf8 [inv_mcol]
  + Utf8 [j]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [k]
  + Utf8 [key]
  + Utf8 [off]
  + Utf8 [out]
  + Utf8 [outOff]
  + Utf8 [output buffer too short]
  + Utf8 [packBlock]
  + Utf8 [processBlock]
  + Utf8 [r]
  + Utf8 [r0]
  + Utf8 [r1]
  + Utf8 [r2]
  + Utf8 [r3]
  + Utf8 [rcon]
  + Utf8 [shift]
  + Utf8 [src]
  + Utf8 [srcoff]
  + Utf8 [subWord]
  + Utf8 [t]
  + Utf8 [temp]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [transformBlock]
  + Utf8 [unpackBlock]
  + Utf8 [x]

Fields (count = 18):
  + Field:        S [B
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final byte[] S
  + Field:        Si [B
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final byte[] Si
  + Field:        rcon [I
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final int[] rcon
  + Field:        T0 [I
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final int[] T0
  + Field:        T1 [I
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final int[] T1
  + Field:        T2 [I
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final int[] T2
  + Field:        T3 [I
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final int[] T3
  + Field:        Tinv0 [I
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final int[] Tinv0
  + Field:        Tinv1 [I
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final int[] Tinv1
  + Field:        Tinv2 [I
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final int[] Tinv2
  + Field:        Tinv3 [I
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final int[] Tinv3
  + Field:        ROUNDS I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int ROUNDS
  + Field:        WorkingKey [[I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int[][] WorkingKey
  + Field:        C0 I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int C0
  + Field:        C1 I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int C1
  + Field:        C2 I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int C2
  + Field:        C3 I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int C3
  + Field:        doEncrypt Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean doEncrypt

Methods (count = 15):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 18566, locals = 0, stack = 4):
      [0] sipush 256
      [3] newarray 8
      [5] dup
      [6] iconst_0
      [7] bipush 99
      [9] bastore
      [10] dup
      [11] iconst_1
      [12] bipush 124
      [14] bastore
      [15] dup
      [16] iconst_2
      [17] bipush 119
      [19] bastore
      [20] dup
      [21] iconst_3
      [22] bipush 123
      [24] bastore
      [25] dup
      [26] iconst_4
      [27] bipush -14
      [29] bastore
      [30] dup
      [31] iconst_5
      [32] bipush 107
      [34] bastore
      [35] dup
      [36] bipush 6
      [38] bipush 111
      [40] bastore
      [41] dup
      [42] bipush 7
      [44] bipush -59
      [46] bastore
      [47] dup
      [48] bipush 8
      [50] bipush 48
      [52] bastore
      [53] dup
      [54] bipush 9
      [56] iconst_1
      [57] bastore
      [58] dup
      [59] bipush 10
      [61] bipush 103
      [63] bastore
      [64] dup
      [65] bipush 11
      [67] bipush 43
      [69] bastore
      [70] dup
      [71] bipush 12
      [73] bipush -2
      [75] bastore
      [76] dup
      [77] bipush 13
      [79] bipush -41
      [81] bastore
      [82] dup
      [83] bipush 14
      [85] bipush -85
      [87] bastore
      [88] dup
      [89] bipush 15
      [91] bipush 118
      [93] bastore
      [94] dup
      [95] bipush 16
      [97] bipush -54
      [99] bastore
      [100] dup
      [101] bipush 17
      [103] bipush -126
      [105] bastore
      [106] dup
      [107] bipush 18
      [109] bipush -55
      [111] bastore
      [112] dup
      [113] bipush 19
      [115] bipush 125
      [117] bastore
      [118] dup
      [119] bipush 20
      [121] bipush -6
      [123] bastore
      [124] dup
      [125] bipush 21
      [127] bipush 89
      [129] bastore
      [130] dup
      [131] bipush 22
      [133] bipush 71
      [135] bastore
      [136] dup
      [137] bipush 23
      [139] bipush -16
      [141] bastore
      [142] dup
      [143] bipush 24
      [145] bipush -83
      [147] bastore
      [148] dup
      [149] bipush 25
      [151] bipush -44
      [153] bastore
      [154] dup
      [155] bipush 26
      [157] bipush -94
      [159] bastore
      [160] dup
      [161] bipush 27
      [163] bipush -81
      [165] bastore
      [166] dup
      [167] bipush 28
      [169] bipush -100
      [171] bastore
      [172] dup
      [173] bipush 29
      [175] bipush -92
      [177] bastore
      [178] dup
      [179] bipush 30
      [181] bipush 114
      [183] bastore
      [184] dup
      [185] bipush 31
      [187] bipush -64
      [189] bastore
      [190] dup
      [191] bipush 32
      [193] bipush -73
      [195] bastore
      [196] dup
      [197] bipush 33
      [199] bipush -3
      [201] bastore
      [202] dup
      [203] bipush 34
      [205] bipush -109
      [207] bastore
      [208] dup
      [209] bipush 35
      [211] bipush 38
      [213] bastore
      [214] dup
      [215] bipush 36
      [217] bipush 54
      [219] bastore
      [220] dup
      [221] bipush 37
      [223] bipush 63
      [225] bastore
      [226] dup
      [227] bipush 38
      [229] bipush -9
      [231] bastore
      [232] dup
      [233] bipush 39
      [235] bipush -52
      [237] bastore
      [238] dup
      [239] bipush 40
      [241] bipush 52
      [243] bastore
      [244] dup
      [245] bipush 41
      [247] bipush -91
      [249] bastore
      [250] dup
      [251] bipush 42
      [253] bipush -27
      [255] bastore
      [256] dup
      [257] bipush 43
      [259] bipush -15
      [261] bastore
      [262] dup
      [263] bipush 44
      [265] bipush 113
      [267] bastore
      [268] dup
      [269] bipush 45
      [271] bipush -40
      [273] bastore
      [274] dup
      [275] bipush 46
      [277] bipush 49
      [279] bastore
      [280] dup
      [281] bipush 47
      [283] bipush 21
      [285] bastore
      [286] dup
      [287] bipush 48
      [289] iconst_4
      [290] bastore
      [291] dup
      [292] bipush 49
      [294] bipush -57
      [296] bastore
      [297] dup
      [298] bipush 50
      [300] bipush 35
      [302] bastore
      [303] dup
      [304] bipush 51
      [306] bipush -61
      [308] bastore
      [309] dup
      [310] bipush 52
      [312] bipush 24
      [314] bastore
      [315] dup
      [316] bipush 53
      [318] bipush -106
      [320] bastore
      [321] dup
      [322] bipush 54
      [324] iconst_5
      [325] bastore
      [326] dup
      [327] bipush 55
      [329] bipush -102
      [331] bastore
      [332] dup
      [333] bipush 56
      [335] bipush 7
      [337] bastore
      [338] dup
      [339] bipush 57
      [341] bipush 18
      [343] bastore
      [344] dup
      [345] bipush 58
      [347] bipush -128
      [349] bastore
      [350] dup
      [351] bipush 59
      [353] bipush -30
      [355] bastore
      [356] dup
      [357] bipush 60
      [359] bipush -21
      [361] bastore
      [362] dup
      [363] bipush 61
      [365] bipush 39
      [367] bastore
      [368] dup
      [369] bipush 62
      [371] bipush -78
      [373] bastore
      [374] dup
      [375] bipush 63
      [377] bipush 117
      [379] bastore
      [380] dup
      [381] bipush 64
      [383] bipush 9
      [385] bastore
      [386] dup
      [387] bipush 65
      [389] bipush -125
      [391] bastore
      [392] dup
      [393] bipush 66
      [395] bipush 44
      [397] bastore
      [398] dup
      [399] bipush 67
      [401] bipush 26
      [403] bastore
      [404] dup
      [405] bipush 68
      [407] bipush 27
      [409] bastore
      [410] dup
      [411] bipush 69
      [413] bipush 110
      [415] bastore
      [416] dup
      [417] bipush 70
      [419] bipush 90
      [421] bastore
      [422] dup
      [423] bipush 71
      [425] bipush -96
      [427] bastore
      [428] dup
      [429] bipush 72
      [431] bipush 82
      [433] bastore
      [434] dup
      [435] bipush 73
      [437] bipush 59
      [439] bastore
      [440] dup
      [441] bipush 74
      [443] bipush -42
      [445] bastore
      [446] dup
      [447] bipush 75
      [449] bipush -77
      [451] bastore
      [452] dup
      [453] bipush 76
      [455] bipush 41
      [457] bastore
      [458] dup
      [459] bipush 77
      [461] bipush -29
      [463] bastore
      [464] dup
      [465] bipush 78
      [467] bipush 47
      [469] bastore
      [470] dup
      [471] bipush 79
      [473] bipush -124
      [475] bastore
      [476] dup
      [477] bipush 80
      [479] bipush 83
      [481] bastore
      [482] dup
      [483] bipush 81
      [485] bipush -47
      [487] bastore
      [488] dup
      [489] bipush 83
      [491] bipush -19
      [493] bastore
      [494] dup
      [495] bipush 84
      [497] bipush 32
      [499] bastore
      [500] dup
      [501] bipush 85
      [503] bipush -4
      [505] bastore
      [506] dup
      [507] bipush 86
      [509] bipush -79
      [511] bastore
      [512] dup
      [513] bipush 87
      [515] bipush 91
      [517] bastore
      [518] dup
      [519] bipush 88
      [521] bipush 106
      [523] bastore
      [524] dup
      [525] bipush 89
      [527] bipush -53
      [529] bastore
      [530] dup
      [531] bipush 90
      [533] bipush -66
      [535] bastore
      [536] dup
      [537] bipush 91
      [539] bipush 57
      [541] bastore
      [542] dup
      [543] bipush 92
      [545] bipush 74
      [547] bastore
      [548] dup
      [549] bipush 93
      [551] bipush 76
      [553] bastore
      [554] dup
      [555] bipush 94
      [557] bipush 88
      [559] bastore
      [560] dup
      [561] bipush 95
      [563] bipush -49
      [565] bastore
      [566] dup
      [567] bipush 96
      [569] bipush -48
      [571] bastore
      [572] dup
      [573] bipush 97
      [575] bipush -17
      [577] bastore
      [578] dup
      [579] bipush 98
      [581] bipush -86
      [583] bastore
      [584] dup
      [585] bipush 99
      [587] bipush -5
      [589] bastore
      [590] dup
      [591] bipush 100
      [593] bipush 67
      [595] bastore
      [596] dup
      [597] bipush 101
      [599] bipush 77
      [601] bastore
      [602] dup
      [603] bipush 102
      [605] bipush 51
      [607] bastore
      [608] dup
      [609] bipush 103
      [611] bipush -123
      [613] bastore
      [614] dup
      [615] bipush 104
      [617] bipush 69
      [619] bastore
      [620] dup
      [621] bipush 105
      [623] bipush -7
      [625] bastore
      [626] dup
      [627] bipush 106
      [629] iconst_2
      [630] bastore
      [631] dup
      [632] bipush 107
      [634] bipush 127
      [636] bastore
      [637] dup
      [638] bipush 108
      [640] bipush 80
      [642] bastore
      [643] dup
      [644] bipush 109
      [646] bipush 60
      [648] bastore
      [649] dup
      [650] bipush 110
      [652] bipush -97
      [654] bastore
      [655] dup
      [656] bipush 111
      [658] bipush -88
      [660] bastore
      [661] dup
      [662] bipush 112
      [664] bipush 81
      [666] bastore
      [667] dup
      [668] bipush 113
      [670] bipush -93
      [672] bastore
      [673] dup
      [674] bipush 114
      [676] bipush 64
      [678] bastore
      [679] dup
      [680] bipush 115
      [682] bipush -113
      [684] bastore
      [685] dup
      [686] bipush 116
      [688] bipush -110
      [690] bastore
      [691] dup
      [692] bipush 117
      [694] bipush -99
      [696] bastore
      [697] dup
      [698] bipush 118
      [700] bipush 56
      [702] bastore
      [703] dup
      [704] bipush 119
      [706] bipush -11
      [708] bastore
      [709] dup
      [710] bipush 120
      [712] bipush -68
      [714] bastore
      [715] dup
      [716] bipush 121
      [718] bipush -74
      [720] bastore
      [721] dup
      [722] bipush 122
      [724] bipush -38
      [726] bastore
      [727] dup
      [728] bipush 123
      [730] bipush 33
      [732] bastore
      [733] dup
      [734] bipush 124
      [736] bipush 16
      [738] bastore
      [739] dup
      [740] bipush 125
      [742] iconst_m1
      [743] bastore
      [744] dup
      [745] bipush 126
      [747] bipush -13
      [749] bastore
      [750] dup
      [751] bipush 127
      [753] bipush -46
      [755] bastore
      [756] dup
      [757] sipush 128
      [760] bipush -51
      [762] bastore
      [763] dup
      [764] sipush 129
      [767] bipush 12
      [769] bastore
      [770] dup
      [771] sipush 130
      [774] bipush 19
      [776] bastore
      [777] dup
      [778] sipush 131
      [781] bipush -20
      [783] bastore
      [784] dup
      [785] sipush 132
      [788] bipush 95
      [790] bastore
      [791] dup
      [792] sipush 133
      [795] bipush -105
      [797] bastore
      [798] dup
      [799] sipush 134
      [802] bipush 68
      [804] bastore
      [805] dup
      [806] sipush 135
      [809] bipush 23
      [811] bastore
      [812] dup
      [813] sipush 136
      [816] bipush -60
      [818] bastore
      [819] dup
      [820] sipush 137
      [823] bipush -89
      [825] bastore
      [826] dup
      [827] sipush 138
      [830] bipush 126
      [832] bastore
      [833] dup
      [834] sipush 139
      [837] bipush 61
      [839] bastore
      [840] dup
      [841] sipush 140
      [844] bipush 100
      [846] bastore
      [847] dup
      [848] sipush 141
      [851] bipush 93
      [853] bastore
      [854] dup
      [855] sipush 142
      [858] bipush 25
      [860] bastore
      [861] dup
      [862] sipush 143
      [865] bipush 115
      [867] bastore
      [868] dup
      [869] sipush 144
      [872] bipush 96
      [874] bastore
      [875] dup
      [876] sipush 145
      [879] bipush -127
      [881] bastore
      [882] dup
      [883] sipush 146
      [886] bipush 79
      [888] bastore
      [889] dup
      [890] sipush 147
      [893] bipush -36
      [895] bastore
      [896] dup
      [897] sipush 148
      [900] bipush 34
      [902] bastore
      [903] dup
      [904] sipush 149
      [907] bipush 42
      [909] bastore
      [910] dup
      [911] sipush 150
      [914] bipush -112
      [916] bastore
      [917] dup
      [918] sipush 151
      [921] bipush -120
      [923] bastore
      [924] dup
      [925] sipush 152
      [928] bipush 70
      [930] bastore
      [931] dup
      [932] sipush 153
      [935] bipush -18
      [937] bastore
      [938] dup
      [939] sipush 154
      [942] bipush -72
      [944] bastore
      [945] dup
      [946] sipush 155
      [949] bipush 20
      [951] bastore
      [952] dup
      [953] sipush 156
      [956] bipush -34
      [958] bastore
      [959] dup
      [960] sipush 157
      [963] bipush 94
      [965] bastore
      [966] dup
      [967] sipush 158
      [970] bipush 11
      [972] bastore
      [973] dup
      [974] sipush 159
      [977] bipush -37
      [979] bastore
      [980] dup
      [981] sipush 160
      [984] bipush -32
      [986] bastore
      [987] dup
      [988] sipush 161
      [991] bipush 50
      [993] bastore
      [994] dup
      [995] sipush 162
      [998] bipush 58
      [1000] bastore
      [1001] dup
      [1002] sipush 163
      [1005] bipush 10
      [1007] bastore
      [1008] dup
      [1009] sipush 164
      [1012] bipush 73
      [1014] bastore
      [1015] dup
      [1016] sipush 165
      [1019] bipush 6
      [1021] bastore
      [1022] dup
      [1023] sipush 166
      [1026] bipush 36
      [1028] bastore
      [1029] dup
      [1030] sipush 167
      [1033] bipush 92
      [1035] bastore
      [1036] dup
      [1037] sipush 168
      [1040] bipush -62
      [1042] bastore
      [1043] dup
      [1044] sipush 169
      [1047] bipush -45
      [1049] bastore
      [1050] dup
      [1051] sipush 170
      [1054] bipush -84
      [1056] bastore
      [1057] dup
      [1058] sipush 171
      [1061] bipush 98
      [1063] bastore
      [1064] dup
      [1065] sipush 172
      [1068] bipush -111
      [1070] bastore
      [1071] dup
      [1072] sipush 173
      [1075] bipush -107
      [1077] bastore
      [1078] dup
      [1079] sipush 174
      [1082] bipush -28
      [1084] bastore
      [1085] dup
      [1086] sipush 175
      [1089] bipush 121
      [1091] bastore
      [1092] dup
      [1093] sipush 176
      [1096] bipush -25
      [1098] bastore
      [1099] dup
      [1100] sipush 177
      [1103] bipush -56
      [1105] bastore
      [1106] dup
      [1107] sipush 178
      [1110] bipush 55
      [1112] bastore
      [1113] dup
      [1114] sipush 179
      [1117] bipush 109
      [1119] bastore
      [1120] dup
      [1121] sipush 180
      [1124] bipush -115
      [1126] bastore
      [1127] dup
      [1128] sipush 181
      [1131] bipush -43
      [1133] bastore
      [1134] dup
      [1135] sipush 182
      [1138] bipush 78
      [1140] bastore
      [1141] dup
      [1142] sipush 183
      [1145] bipush -87
      [1147] bastore
      [1148] dup
      [1149] sipush 184
      [1152] bipush 108
      [1154] bastore
      [1155] dup
      [1156] sipush 185
      [1159] bipush 86
      [1161] bastore
      [1162] dup
      [1163] sipush 186
      [1166] bipush -12
      [1168] bastore
      [1169] dup
      [1170] sipush 187
      [1173] bipush -22
      [1175] bastore
      [1176] dup
      [1177] sipush 188
      [1180] bipush 101
      [1182] bastore
      [1183] dup
      [1184] sipush 189
      [1187] bipush 122
      [1189] bastore
      [1190] dup
      [1191] sipush 190
      [1194] bipush -82
      [1196] bastore
      [1197] dup
      [1198] sipush 191
      [1201] bipush 8
      [1203] bastore
      [1204] dup
      [1205] sipush 192
      [1208] bipush -70
      [1210] bastore
      [1211] dup
      [1212] sipush 193
      [1215] bipush 120
      [1217] bastore
      [1218] dup
      [1219] sipush 194
      [1222] bipush 37
      [1224] bastore
      [1225] dup
      [1226] sipush 195
      [1229] bipush 46
      [1231] bastore
      [1232] dup
      [1233] sipush 196
      [1236] bipush 28
      [1238] bastore
      [1239] dup
      [1240] sipush 197
      [1243] bipush -90
      [1245] bastore
      [1246] dup
      [1247] sipush 198
      [1250] bipush -76
      [1252] bastore
      [1253] dup
      [1254] sipush 199
      [1257] bipush -58
      [1259] bastore
      [1260] dup
      [1261] sipush 200
      [1264] bipush -24
      [1266] bastore
      [1267] dup
      [1268] sipush 201
      [1271] bipush -35
      [1273] bastore
      [1274] dup
      [1275] sipush 202
      [1278] bipush 116
      [1280] bastore
      [1281] dup
      [1282] sipush 203
      [1285] bipush 31
      [1287] bastore
      [1288] dup
      [1289] sipush 204
      [1292] bipush 75
      [1294] bastore
      [1295] dup
      [1296] sipush 205
      [1299] bipush -67
      [1301] bastore
      [1302] dup
      [1303] sipush 206
      [1306] bipush -117
      [1308] bastore
      [1309] dup
      [1310] sipush 207
      [1313] bipush -118
      [1315] bastore
      [1316] dup
      [1317] sipush 208
      [1320] bipush 112
      [1322] bastore
      [1323] dup
      [1324] sipush 209
      [1327] bipush 62
      [1329] bastore
      [1330] dup
      [1331] sipush 210
      [1334] bipush -75
      [1336] bastore
      [1337] dup
      [1338] sipush 211
      [1341] bipush 102
      [1343] bastore
      [1344] dup
      [1345] sipush 212
      [1348] bipush 72
      [1350] bastore
      [1351] dup
      [1352] sipush 213
      [1355] iconst_3
      [1356] bastore
      [1357] dup
      [1358] sipush 214
      [1361] bipush -10
      [1363] bastore
      [1364] dup
      [1365] sipush 215
      [1368] bipush 14
      [1370] bastore
      [1371] dup
      [1372] sipush 216
      [1375] bipush 97
      [1377] bastore
      [1378] dup
      [1379] sipush 217
      [1382] bipush 53
      [1384] bastore
      [1385] dup
      [1386] sipush 218
      [1389] bipush 87
      [1391] bastore
      [1392] dup
      [1393] sipush 219
      [1396] bipush -71
      [1398] bastore
      [1399] dup
      [1400] sipush 220
      [1403] bipush -122
      [1405] bastore
      [1406] dup
      [1407] sipush 221
      [1410] bipush -63
      [1412] bastore
      [1413] dup
      [1414] sipush 222
      [1417] bipush 29
      [1419] bastore
      [1420] dup
      [1421] sipush 223
      [1424] bipush -98
      [1426] bastore
      [1427] dup
      [1428] sipush 224
      [1431] bipush -31
      [1433] bastore
      [1434] dup
      [1435] sipush 225
      [1438] bipush -8
      [1440] bastore
      [1441] dup
      [1442] sipush 226
      [1445] bipush -104
      [1447] bastore
      [1448] dup
      [1449] sipush 227
      [1452] bipush 17
      [1454] bastore
      [1455] dup
      [1456] sipush 228
      [1459] bipush 105
      [1461] bastore
      [1462] dup
      [1463] sipush 229
      [1466] bipush -39
      [1468] bastore
      [1469] dup
      [1470] sipush 230
      [1473] bipush -114
      [1475] bastore
      [1476] dup
      [1477] sipush 231
      [1480] bipush -108
      [1482] bastore
      [1483] dup
      [1484] sipush 232
      [1487] bipush -101
      [1489] bastore
      [1490] dup
      [1491] sipush 233
      [1494] bipush 30
      [1496] bastore
      [1497] dup
      [1498] sipush 234
      [1501] bipush -121
      [1503] bastore
      [1504] dup
      [1505] sipush 235
      [1508] bipush -23
      [1510] bastore
      [1511] dup
      [1512] sipush 236
      [1515] bipush -50
      [1517] bastore
      [1518] dup
      [1519] sipush 237
      [1522] bipush 85
      [1524] bastore
      [1525] dup
      [1526] sipush 238
      [1529] bipush 40
      [1531] bastore
      [1532] dup
      [1533] sipush 239
      [1536] bipush -33
      [1538] bastore
      [1539] dup
      [1540] sipush 240
      [1543] bipush -116
      [1545] bastore
      [1546] dup
      [1547] sipush 241
      [1550] bipush -95
      [1552] bastore
      [1553] dup
      [1554] sipush 242
      [1557] bipush -119
      [1559] bastore
      [1560] dup
      [1561] sipush 243
      [1564] bipush 13
      [1566] bastore
      [1567] dup
      [1568] sipush 244
      [1571] bipush -65
      [1573] bastore
      [1574] dup
      [1575] sipush 245
      [1578] bipush -26
      [1580] bastore
      [1581] dup
      [1582] sipush 246
      [1585] bipush 66
      [1587] bastore
      [1588] dup
      [1589] sipush 247
      [1592] bipush 104
      [1594] bastore
      [1595] dup
      [1596] sipush 248
      [1599] bipush 65
      [1601] bastore
      [1602] dup
      [1603] sipush 249
      [1606] bipush -103
      [1608] bastore
      [1609] dup
      [1610] sipush 250
      [1613] bipush 45
      [1615] bastore
      [1616] dup
      [1617] sipush 251
      [1620] bipush 15
      [1622] bastore
      [1623] dup
      [1624] sipush 252
      [1627] bipush -80
      [1629] bastore
      [1630] dup
      [1631] sipush 253
      [1634] bipush 84
      [1636] bastore
      [1637] dup
      [1638] sipush 254
      [1641] bipush -69
      [1643] bastore
      [1644] dup
      [1645] sipush 255
      [1648] bipush 22
      [1650] bastore
      [1651] putstatic #2057
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.S [B]
      [1654] sipush 256
      [1657] newarray 8
      [1659] dup
      [1660] iconst_0
      [1661] bipush 82
      [1663] bastore
      [1664] dup
      [1665] iconst_1
      [1666] bipush 9
      [1668] bastore
      [1669] dup
      [1670] iconst_2
      [1671] bipush 106
      [1673] bastore
      [1674] dup
      [1675] iconst_3
      [1676] bipush -43
      [1678] bastore
      [1679] dup
      [1680] iconst_4
      [1681] bipush 48
      [1683] bastore
      [1684] dup
      [1685] iconst_5
      [1686] bipush 54
      [1688] bastore
      [1689] dup
      [1690] bipush 6
      [1692] bipush -91
      [1694] bastore
      [1695] dup
      [1696] bipush 7
      [1698] bipush 56
      [1700] bastore
      [1701] dup
      [1702] bipush 8
      [1704] bipush -65
      [1706] bastore
      [1707] dup
      [1708] bipush 9
      [1710] bipush 64
      [1712] bastore
      [1713] dup
      [1714] bipush 10
      [1716] bipush -93
      [1718] bastore
      [1719] dup
      [1720] bipush 11
      [1722] bipush -98
      [1724] bastore
      [1725] dup
      [1726] bipush 12
      [1728] bipush -127
      [1730] bastore
      [1731] dup
      [1732] bipush 13
      [1734] bipush -13
      [1736] bastore
      [1737] dup
      [1738] bipush 14
      [1740] bipush -41
      [1742] bastore
      [1743] dup
      [1744] bipush 15
      [1746] bipush -5
      [1748] bastore
      [1749] dup
      [1750] bipush 16
      [1752] bipush 124
      [1754] bastore
      [1755] dup
      [1756] bipush 17
      [1758] bipush -29
      [1760] bastore
      [1761] dup
      [1762] bipush 18
      [1764] bipush 57
      [1766] bastore
      [1767] dup
      [1768] bipush 19
      [1770] bipush -126
      [1772] bastore
      [1773] dup
      [1774] bipush 20
      [1776] bipush -101
      [1778] bastore
      [1779] dup
      [1780] bipush 21
      [1782] bipush 47
      [1784] bastore
      [1785] dup
      [1786] bipush 22
      [1788] iconst_m1
      [1789] bastore
      [1790] dup
      [1791] bipush 23
      [1793] bipush -121
      [1795] bastore
      [1796] dup
      [1797] bipush 24
      [1799] bipush 52
      [1801] bastore
      [1802] dup
      [1803] bipush 25
      [1805] bipush -114
      [1807] bastore
      [1808] dup
      [1809] bipush 26
      [1811] bipush 67
      [1813] bastore
      [1814] dup
      [1815] bipush 27
      [1817] bipush 68
      [1819] bastore
      [1820] dup
      [1821] bipush 28
      [1823] bipush -60
      [1825] bastore
      [1826] dup
      [1827] bipush 29
      [1829] bipush -34
      [1831] bastore
      [1832] dup
      [1833] bipush 30
      [1835] bipush -23
      [1837] bastore
      [1838] dup
      [1839] bipush 31
      [1841] bipush -53
      [1843] bastore
      [1844] dup
      [1845] bipush 32
      [1847] bipush 84
      [1849] bastore
      [1850] dup
      [1851] bipush 33
      [1853] bipush 123
      [1855] bastore
      [1856] dup
      [1857] bipush 34
      [1859] bipush -108
      [1861] bastore
      [1862] dup
      [1863] bipush 35
      [1865] bipush 50
      [1867] bastore
      [1868] dup
      [1869] bipush 36
      [1871] bipush -90
      [1873] bastore
      [1874] dup
      [1875] bipush 37
      [1877] bipush -62
      [1879] bastore
      [1880] dup
      [1881] bipush 38
      [1883] bipush 35
      [1885] bastore
      [1886] dup
      [1887] bipush 39
      [1889] bipush 61
      [1891] bastore
      [1892] dup
      [1893] bipush 40
      [1895] bipush -18
      [1897] bastore
      [1898] dup
      [1899] bipush 41
      [1901] bipush 76
      [1903] bastore
      [1904] dup
      [1905] bipush 42
      [1907] bipush -107
      [1909] bastore
      [1910] dup
      [1911] bipush 43
      [1913] bipush 11
      [1915] bastore
      [1916] dup
      [1917] bipush 44
      [1919] bipush 66
      [1921] bastore
      [1922] dup
      [1923] bipush 45
      [1925] bipush -6
      [1927] bastore
      [1928] dup
      [1929] bipush 46
      [1931] bipush -61
      [1933] bastore
      [1934] dup
      [1935] bipush 47
      [1937] bipush 78
      [1939] bastore
      [1940] dup
      [1941] bipush 48
      [1943] bipush 8
      [1945] bastore
      [1946] dup
      [1947] bipush 49
      [1949] bipush 46
      [1951] bastore
      [1952] dup
      [1953] bipush 50
      [1955] bipush -95
      [1957] bastore
      [1958] dup
      [1959] bipush 51
      [1961] bipush 102
      [1963] bastore
      [1964] dup
      [1965] bipush 52
      [1967] bipush 40
      [1969] bastore
      [1970] dup
      [1971] bipush 53
      [1973] bipush -39
      [1975] bastore
      [1976] dup
      [1977] bipush 54
      [1979] bipush 36
      [1981] bastore
      [1982] dup
      [1983] bipush 55
      [1985] bipush -78
      [1987] bastore
      [1988] dup
      [1989] bipush 56
      [1991] bipush 118
      [1993] bastore
      [1994] dup
      [1995] bipush 57
      [1997] bipush 91
      [1999] bastore
      [2000] dup
      [2001] bipush 58
      [2003] bipush -94
      [2005] bastore
      [2006] dup
      [2007] bipush 59
      [2009] bipush 73
      [2011] bastore
      [2012] dup
      [2013] bipush 60
      [2015] bipush 109
      [2017] bastore
      [2018] dup
      [2019] bipush 61
      [2021] bipush -117
      [2023] bastore
      [2024] dup
      [2025] bipush 62
      [2027] bipush -47
      [2029] bastore
      [2030] dup
      [2031] bipush 63
      [2033] bipush 37
      [2035] bastore
      [2036] dup
      [2037] bipush 64
      [2039] bipush 114
      [2041] bastore
      [2042] dup
      [2043] bipush 65
      [2045] bipush -8
      [2047] bastore
      [2048] dup
      [2049] bipush 66
      [2051] bipush -10
      [2053] bastore
      [2054] dup
      [2055] bipush 67
      [2057] bipush 100
      [2059] bastore
      [2060] dup
      [2061] bipush 68
      [2063] bipush -122
      [2065] bastore
      [2066] dup
      [2067] bipush 69
      [2069] bipush 104
      [2071] bastore
      [2072] dup
      [2073] bipush 70
      [2075] bipush -104
      [2077] bastore
      [2078] dup
      [2079] bipush 71
      [2081] bipush 22
      [2083] bastore
      [2084] dup
      [2085] bipush 72
      [2087] bipush -44
      [2089] bastore
      [2090] dup
      [2091] bipush 73
      [2093] bipush -92
      [2095] bastore
      [2096] dup
      [2097] bipush 74
      [2099] bipush 92
      [2101] bastore
      [2102] dup
      [2103] bipush 75
      [2105] bipush -52
      [2107] bastore
      [2108] dup
      [2109] bipush 76
      [2111] bipush 93
      [2113] bastore
      [2114] dup
      [2115] bipush 77
      [2117] bipush 101
      [2119] bastore
      [2120] dup
      [2121] bipush 78
      [2123] bipush -74
      [2125] bastore
      [2126] dup
      [2127] bipush 79
      [2129] bipush -110
      [2131] bastore
      [2132] dup
      [2133] bipush 80
      [2135] bipush 108
      [2137] bastore
      [2138] dup
      [2139] bipush 81
      [2141] bipush 112
      [2143] bastore
      [2144] dup
      [2145] bipush 82
      [2147] bipush 72
      [2149] bastore
      [2150] dup
      [2151] bipush 83
      [2153] bipush 80
      [2155] bastore
      [2156] dup
      [2157] bipush 84
      [2159] bipush -3
      [2161] bastore
      [2162] dup
      [2163] bipush 85
      [2165] bipush -19
      [2167] bastore
      [2168] dup
      [2169] bipush 86
      [2171] bipush -71
      [2173] bastore
      [2174] dup
      [2175] bipush 87
      [2177] bipush -38
      [2179] bastore
      [2180] dup
      [2181] bipush 88
      [2183] bipush 94
      [2185] bastore
      [2186] dup
      [2187] bipush 89
      [2189] bipush 21
      [2191] bastore
      [2192] dup
      [2193] bipush 90
      [2195] bipush 70
      [2197] bastore
      [2198] dup
      [2199] bipush 91
      [2201] bipush 87
      [2203] bastore
      [2204] dup
      [2205] bipush 92
      [2207] bipush -89
      [2209] bastore
      [2210] dup
      [2211] bipush 93
      [2213] bipush -115
      [2215] bastore
      [2216] dup
      [2217] bipush 94
      [2219] bipush -99
      [2221] bastore
      [2222] dup
      [2223] bipush 95
      [2225] bipush -124
      [2227] bastore
      [2228] dup
      [2229] bipush 96
      [2231] bipush -112
      [2233] bastore
      [2234] dup
      [2235] bipush 97
      [2237] bipush -40
      [2239] bastore
      [2240] dup
      [2241] bipush 98
      [2243] bipush -85
      [2245] bastore
      [2246] dup
      [2247] bipush 100
      [2249] bipush -116
      [2251] bastore
      [2252] dup
      [2253] bipush 101
      [2255] bipush -68
      [2257] bastore
      [2258] dup
      [2259] bipush 102
      [2261] bipush -45
      [2263] bastore
      [2264] dup
      [2265] bipush 103
      [2267] bipush 10
      [2269] bastore
      [2270] dup
      [2271] bipush 104
      [2273] bipush -9
      [2275] bastore
      [2276] dup
      [2277] bipush 105
      [2279] bipush -28
      [2281] bastore
      [2282] dup
      [2283] bipush 106
      [2285] bipush 88
      [2287] bastore
      [2288] dup
      [2289] bipush 107
      [2291] iconst_5
      [2292] bastore
      [2293] dup
      [2294] bipush 108
      [2296] bipush -72
      [2298] bastore
      [2299] dup
      [2300] bipush 109
      [2302] bipush -77
      [2304] bastore
      [2305] dup
      [2306] bipush 110
      [2308] bipush 69
      [2310] bastore
      [2311] dup
      [2312] bipush 111
      [2314] bipush 6
      [2316] bastore
      [2317] dup
      [2318] bipush 112
      [2320] bipush -48
      [2322] bastore
      [2323] dup
      [2324] bipush 113
      [2326] bipush 44
      [2328] bastore
      [2329] dup
      [2330] bipush 114
      [2332] bipush 30
      [2334] bastore
      [2335] dup
      [2336] bipush 115
      [2338] bipush -113
      [2340] bastore
      [2341] dup
      [2342] bipush 116
      [2344] bipush -54
      [2346] bastore
      [2347] dup
      [2348] bipush 117
      [2350] bipush 63
      [2352] bastore
      [2353] dup
      [2354] bipush 118
      [2356] bipush 15
      [2358] bastore
      [2359] dup
      [2360] bipush 119
      [2362] iconst_2
      [2363] bastore
      [2364] dup
      [2365] bipush 120
      [2367] bipush -63
      [2369] bastore
      [2370] dup
      [2371] bipush 121
      [2373] bipush -81
      [2375] bastore
      [2376] dup
      [2377] bipush 122
      [2379] bipush -67
      [2381] bastore
      [2382] dup
      [2383] bipush 123
      [2385] iconst_3
      [2386] bastore
      [2387] dup
      [2388] bipush 124
      [2390] iconst_1
      [2391] bastore
      [2392] dup
      [2393] bipush 125
      [2395] bipush 19
      [2397] bastore
      [2398] dup
      [2399] bipush 126
      [2401] bipush -118
      [2403] bastore
      [2404] dup
      [2405] bipush 127
      [2407] bipush 107
      [2409] bastore
      [2410] dup
      [2411] sipush 128
      [2414] bipush 58
      [2416] bastore
      [2417] dup
      [2418] sipush 129
      [2421] bipush -111
      [2423] bastore
      [2424] dup
      [2425] sipush 130
      [2428] bipush 17
      [2430] bastore
      [2431] dup
      [2432] sipush 131
      [2435] bipush 65
      [2437] bastore
      [2438] dup
      [2439] sipush 132
      [2442] bipush 79
      [2444] bastore
      [2445] dup
      [2446] sipush 133
      [2449] bipush 103
      [2451] bastore
      [2452] dup
      [2453] sipush 134
      [2456] bipush -36
      [2458] bastore
      [2459] dup
      [2460] sipush 135
      [2463] bipush -22
      [2465] bastore
      [2466] dup
      [2467] sipush 136
      [2470] bipush -105
      [2472] bastore
      [2473] dup
      [2474] sipush 137
      [2477] bipush -14
      [2479] bastore
      [2480] dup
      [2481] sipush 138
      [2484] bipush -49
      [2486] bastore
      [2487] dup
      [2488] sipush 139
      [2491] bipush -50
      [2493] bastore
      [2494] dup
      [2495] sipush 140
      [2498] bipush -16
      [2500] bastore
      [2501] dup
      [2502] sipush 141
      [2505] bipush -76
      [2507] bastore
      [2508] dup
      [2509] sipush 142
      [2512] bipush -26
      [2514] bastore
      [2515] dup
      [2516] sipush 143
      [2519] bipush 115
      [2521] bastore
      [2522] dup
      [2523] sipush 144
      [2526] bipush -106
      [2528] bastore
      [2529] dup
      [2530] sipush 145
      [2533] bipush -84
      [2535] bastore
      [2536] dup
      [2537] sipush 146
      [2540] bipush 116
      [2542] bastore
      [2543] dup
      [2544] sipush 147
      [2547] bipush 34
      [2549] bastore
      [2550] dup
      [2551] sipush 148
      [2554] bipush -25
      [2556] bastore
      [2557] dup
      [2558] sipush 149
      [2561] bipush -83
      [2563] bastore
      [2564] dup
      [2565] sipush 150
      [2568] bipush 53
      [2570] bastore
      [2571] dup
      [2572] sipush 151
      [2575] bipush -123
      [2577] bastore
      [2578] dup
      [2579] sipush 152
      [2582] bipush -30
      [2584] bastore
      [2585] dup
      [2586] sipush 153
      [2589] bipush -7
      [2591] bastore
      [2592] dup
      [2593] sipush 154
      [2596] bipush 55
      [2598] bastore
      [2599] dup
      [2600] sipush 155
      [2603] bipush -24
      [2605] bastore
      [2606] dup
      [2607] sipush 156
      [2610] bipush 28
      [2612] bastore
      [2613] dup
      [2614] sipush 157
      [2617] bipush 117
      [2619] bastore
      [2620] dup
      [2621] sipush 158
      [2624] bipush -33
      [2626] bastore
      [2627] dup
      [2628] sipush 159
      [2631] bipush 110
      [2633] bastore
      [2634] dup
      [2635] sipush 160
      [2638] bipush 71
      [2640] bastore
      [2641] dup
      [2642] sipush 161
      [2645] bipush -15
      [2647] bastore
      [2648] dup
      [2649] sipush 162
      [2652] bipush 26
      [2654] bastore
      [2655] dup
      [2656] sipush 163
      [2659] bipush 113
      [2661] bastore
      [2662] dup
      [2663] sipush 164
      [2666] bipush 29
      [2668] bastore
      [2669] dup
      [2670] sipush 165
      [2673] bipush 41
      [2675] bastore
      [2676] dup
      [2677] sipush 166
      [2680] bipush -59
      [2682] bastore
      [2683] dup
      [2684] sipush 167
      [2687] bipush -119
      [2689] bastore
      [2690] dup
      [2691] sipush 168
      [2694] bipush 111
      [2696] bastore
      [2697] dup
      [2698] sipush 169
      [2701] bipush -73
      [2703] bastore
      [2704] dup
      [2705] sipush 170
      [2708] bipush 98
      [2710] bastore
      [2711] dup
      [2712] sipush 171
      [2715] bipush 14
      [2717] bastore
      [2718] dup
      [2719] sipush 172
      [2722] bipush -86
      [2724] bastore
      [2725] dup
      [2726] sipush 173
      [2729] bipush 24
      [2731] bastore
      [2732] dup
      [2733] sipush 174
      [2736] bipush -66
      [2738] bastore
      [2739] dup
      [2740] sipush 175
      [2743] bipush 27
      [2745] bastore
      [2746] dup
      [2747] sipush 176
      [2750] bipush -4
      [2752] bastore
      [2753] dup
      [2754] sipush 177
      [2757] bipush 86
      [2759] bastore
      [2760] dup
      [2761] sipush 178
      [2764] bipush 62
      [2766] bastore
      [2767] dup
      [2768] sipush 179
      [2771] bipush 75
      [2773] bastore
      [2774] dup
      [2775] sipush 180
      [2778] bipush -58
      [2780] bastore
      [2781] dup
      [2782] sipush 181
      [2785] bipush -46
      [2787] bastore
      [2788] dup
      [2789] sipush 182
      [2792] bipush 121
      [2794] bastore
      [2795] dup
      [2796] sipush 183
      [2799] bipush 32
      [2801] bastore
      [2802] dup
      [2803] sipush 184
      [2806] bipush -102
      [2808] bastore
      [2809] dup
      [2810] sipush 185
      [2813] bipush -37
      [2815] bastore
      [2816] dup
      [2817] sipush 186
      [2820] bipush -64
      [2822] bastore
      [2823] dup
      [2824] sipush 187
      [2827] bipush -2
      [2829] bastore
      [2830] dup
      [2831] sipush 188
      [2834] bipush 120
      [2836] bastore
      [2837] dup
      [2838] sipush 189
      [2841] bipush -51
      [2843] bastore
      [2844] dup
      [2845] sipush 190
      [2848] bipush 90
      [2850] bastore
      [2851] dup
      [2852] sipush 191
      [2855] bipush -12
      [2857] bastore
      [2858] dup
      [2859] sipush 192
      [2862] bipush 31
      [2864] bastore
      [2865] dup
      [2866] sipush 193
      [2869] bipush -35
      [2871] bastore
      [2872] dup
      [2873] sipush 194
      [2876] bipush -88
      [2878] bastore
      [2879] dup
      [2880] sipush 195
      [2883] bipush 51
      [2885] bastore
      [2886] dup
      [2887] sipush 196
      [2890] bipush -120
      [2892] bastore
      [2893] dup
      [2894] sipush 197
      [2897] bipush 7
      [2899] bastore
      [2900] dup
      [2901] sipush 198
      [2904] bipush -57
      [2906] bastore
      [2907] dup
      [2908] sipush 199
      [2911] bipush 49
      [2913] bastore
      [2914] dup
      [2915] sipush 200
      [2918] bipush -79
      [2920] bastore
      [2921] dup
      [2922] sipush 201
      [2925] bipush 18
      [2927] bastore
      [2928] dup
      [2929] sipush 202
      [2932] bipush 16
      [2934] bastore
      [2935] dup
      [2936] sipush 203
      [2939] bipush 89
      [2941] bastore
      [2942] dup
      [2943] sipush 204
      [2946] bipush 39
      [2948] bastore
      [2949] dup
      [2950] sipush 205
      [2953] bipush -128
      [2955] bastore
      [2956] dup
      [2957] sipush 206
      [2960] bipush -20
      [2962] bastore
      [2963] dup
      [2964] sipush 207
      [2967] bipush 95
      [2969] bastore
      [2970] dup
      [2971] sipush 208
      [2974] bipush 96
      [2976] bastore
      [2977] dup
      [2978] sipush 209
      [2981] bipush 81
      [2983] bastore
      [2984] dup
      [2985] sipush 210
      [2988] bipush 127
      [2990] bastore
      [2991] dup
      [2992] sipush 211
      [2995] bipush -87
      [2997] bastore
      [2998] dup
      [2999] sipush 212
      [3002] bipush 25
      [3004] bastore
      [3005] dup
      [3006] sipush 213
      [3009] bipush -75
      [3011] bastore
      [3012] dup
      [3013] sipush 214
      [3016] bipush 74
      [3018] bastore
      [3019] dup
      [3020] sipush 215
      [3023] bipush 13
      [3025] bastore
      [3026] dup
      [3027] sipush 216
      [3030] bipush 45
      [3032] bastore
      [3033] dup
      [3034] sipush 217
      [3037] bipush -27
      [3039] bastore
      [3040] dup
      [3041] sipush 218
      [3044] bipush 122
      [3046] bastore
      [3047] dup
      [3048] sipush 219
      [3051] bipush -97
      [3053] bastore
      [3054] dup
      [3055] sipush 220
      [3058] bipush -109
      [3060] bastore
      [3061] dup
      [3062] sipush 221
      [3065] bipush -55
      [3067] bastore
      [3068] dup
      [3069] sipush 222
      [3072] bipush -100
      [3074] bastore
      [3075] dup
      [3076] sipush 223
      [3079] bipush -17
      [3081] bastore
      [3082] dup
      [3083] sipush 224
      [3086] bipush -96
      [3088] bastore
      [3089] dup
      [3090] sipush 225
      [3093] bipush -32
      [3095] bastore
      [3096] dup
      [3097] sipush 226
      [3100] bipush 59
      [3102] bastore
      [3103] dup
      [3104] sipush 227
      [3107] bipush 77
      [3109] bastore
      [3110] dup
      [3111] sipush 228
      [3114] bipush -82
      [3116] bastore
      [3117] dup
      [3118] sipush 229
      [3121] bipush 42
      [3123] bastore
      [3124] dup
      [3125] sipush 230
      [3128] bipush -11
      [3130] bastore
      [3131] dup
      [3132] sipush 231
      [3135] bipush -80
      [3137] bastore
      [3138] dup
      [3139] sipush 232
      [3142] bipush -56
      [3144] bastore
      [3145] dup
      [3146] sipush 233
      [3149] bipush -21
      [3151] bastore
      [3152] dup
      [3153] sipush 234
      [3156] bipush -69
      [3158] bastore
      [3159] dup
      [3160] sipush 235
      [3163] bipush 60
      [3165] bastore
      [3166] dup
      [3167] sipush 236
      [3170] bipush -125
      [3172] bastore
      [3173] dup
      [3174] sipush 237
      [3177] bipush 83
      [3179] bastore
      [3180] dup
      [3181] sipush 238
      [3184] bipush -103
      [3186] bastore
      [3187] dup
      [3188] sipush 239
      [3191] bipush 97
      [3193] bastore
      [3194] dup
      [3195] sipush 240
      [3198] bipush 23
      [3200] bastore
      [3201] dup
      [3202] sipush 241
      [3205] bipush 43
      [3207] bastore
      [3208] dup
      [3209] sipush 242
      [3212] iconst_4
      [3213] bastore
      [3214] dup
      [3215] sipush 243
      [3218] bipush 126
      [3220] bastore
      [3221] dup
      [3222] sipush 244
      [3225] bipush -70
      [3227] bastore
      [3228] dup
      [3229] sipush 245
      [3232] bipush 119
      [3234] bastore
      [3235] dup
      [3236] sipush 246
      [3239] bipush -42
      [3241] bastore
      [3242] dup
      [3243] sipush 247
      [3246] bipush 38
      [3248] bastore
      [3249] dup
      [3250] sipush 248
      [3253] bipush -31
      [3255] bastore
      [3256] dup
      [3257] sipush 249
      [3260] bipush 105
      [3262] bastore
      [3263] dup
      [3264] sipush 250
      [3267] bipush 20
      [3269] bastore
      [3270] dup
      [3271] sipush 251
      [3274] bipush 99
      [3276] bastore
      [3277] dup
      [3278] sipush 252
      [3281] bipush 85
      [3283] bastore
      [3284] dup
      [3285] sipush 253
      [3288] bipush 33
      [3290] bastore
      [3291] dup
      [3292] sipush 254
      [3295] bipush 12
      [3297] bastore
      [3298] dup
      [3299] sipush 255
      [3302] bipush 125
      [3304] bastore
      [3305] putstatic #2058
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Si [B]
      [3308] bipush 30
      [3310] newarray 10
      [3312] dup
      [3313] iconst_0
      [3314] iconst_1
      [3315] iastore
      [3316] dup
      [3317] iconst_1
      [3318] iconst_2
      [3319] iastore
      [3320] dup
      [3321] iconst_2
      [3322] iconst_4
      [3323] iastore
      [3324] dup
      [3325] iconst_3
      [3326] bipush 8
      [3328] iastore
      [3329] dup
      [3330] iconst_4
      [3331] bipush 16
      [3333] iastore
      [3334] dup
      [3335] iconst_5
      [3336] bipush 32
      [3338] iastore
      [3339] dup
      [3340] bipush 6
      [3342] bipush 64
      [3344] iastore
      [3345] dup
      [3346] bipush 7
      [3348] sipush 128
      [3351] iastore
      [3352] dup
      [3353] bipush 8
      [3355] bipush 27
      [3357] iastore
      [3358] dup
      [3359] bipush 9
      [3361] bipush 54
      [3363] iastore
      [3364] dup
      [3365] bipush 10
      [3367] bipush 108
      [3369] iastore
      [3370] dup
      [3371] bipush 11
      [3373] sipush 216
      [3376] iastore
      [3377] dup
      [3378] bipush 12
      [3380] sipush 171
      [3383] iastore
      [3384] dup
      [3385] bipush 13
      [3387] bipush 77
      [3389] iastore
      [3390] dup
      [3391] bipush 14
      [3393] sipush 154
      [3396] iastore
      [3397] dup
      [3398] bipush 15
      [3400] bipush 47
      [3402] iastore
      [3403] dup
      [3404] bipush 16
      [3406] bipush 94
      [3408] iastore
      [3409] dup
      [3410] bipush 17
      [3412] sipush 188
      [3415] iastore
      [3416] dup
      [3417] bipush 18
      [3419] bipush 99
      [3421] iastore
      [3422] dup
      [3423] bipush 19
      [3425] sipush 198
      [3428] iastore
      [3429] dup
      [3430] bipush 20
      [3432] sipush 151
      [3435] iastore
      [3436] dup
      [3437] bipush 21
      [3439] bipush 53
      [3441] iastore
      [3442] dup
      [3443] bipush 22
      [3445] bipush 106
      [3447] iastore
      [3448] dup
      [3449] bipush 23
      [3451] sipush 212
      [3454] iastore
      [3455] dup
      [3456] bipush 24
      [3458] sipush 179
      [3461] iastore
      [3462] dup
      [3463] bipush 25
      [3465] bipush 125
      [3467] iastore
      [3468] dup
      [3469] bipush 26
      [3471] sipush 250
      [3474] iastore
      [3475] dup
      [3476] bipush 27
      [3478] sipush 239
      [3481] iastore
      [3482] dup
      [3483] bipush 28
      [3485] sipush 197
      [3488] iastore
      [3489] dup
      [3490] bipush 29
      [3492] sipush 145
      [3495] iastore
      [3496] putstatic #2069
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.rcon [I]
      [3499] sipush 256
      [3502] newarray 10
      [3504] dup
      [3505] iconst_0
      [3506] ldc_w #301
        + Integer [-1520213050]
      [3509] iastore
      [3510] dup
      [3511] iconst_1
      [3512] ldc #36
        + Integer [-2072216328]
      [3514] iastore
      [3515] dup
      [3516] iconst_2
      [3517] ldc #205
        + Integer [-1720223762]
      [3519] iastore
      [3520] dup
      [3521] iconst_3
      [3522] ldc #109
        + Integer [-1921287178]
      [3524] iastore
      [3525] dup
      [3526] iconst_4
      [3527] ldc_w #1127
        + Integer [234025727]
      [3530] iastore
      [3531] dup
      [3532] iconst_5
      [3533] ldc_w #493
        + Integer [-1117033514]
      [3536] iastore
      [3537] dup
      [3538] bipush 6
      [3540] ldc_w #397
        + Integer [-1318096930]
      [3543] iastore
      [3544] dup
      [3545] bipush 7
      [3547] ldc_w #1696
        + Integer [1422247313]
      [3550] iastore
      [3551] dup
      [3552] bipush 8
      [3554] ldc_w #1658
        + Integer [1345335392]
      [3557] iastore
      [3558] dup
      [3559] bipush 9
      [3561] ldc_w #1041
        + Integer [50397442]
      [3564] iastore
      [3565] dup
      [3566] bipush 10
      [3568] ldc_w #333
        + Integer [-1452841010]
      [3571] iastore
      [3572] dup
      [3573] bipush 11
      [3575] ldc_w #2019
        + Integer [2099981142]
      [3578] iastore
      [3579] dup
      [3580] bipush 12
      [3582] ldc_w #1224
        + Integer [436141799]
      [3585] iastore
      [3586] dup
      [3587] bipush 13
      [3589] ldc_w #1808
        + Integer [1658312629]
      [3592] iastore
      [3593] dup
      [3594] bipush 14
      [3596] ldc_w #821
        + Integer [-424957107]
      [3599] iastore
      [3600] dup
      [3601] bipush 15
      [3603] ldc #212
        + Integer [-1703512340]
      [3605] iastore
      [3606] dup
      [3607] bipush 16
      [3609] ldc_w #1575
        + Integer [1170918031]
      [3612] iastore
      [3613] dup
      [3614] bipush 17
      [3616] ldc #240
        + Integer [-1652391393]
      [3618] iastore
      [3619] dup
      [3620] bipush 18
      [3622] ldc_w #1536
        + Integer [1086966153]
      [3625] iastore
      [3626] dup
      [3627] bipush 19
      [3629] ldc #62
        + Integer [-2021818886]
      [3631] iastore
      [3632] dup
      [3633] bipush 20
      [3635] ldc_w #1192
        + Integer [368769775]
      [3638] iastore
      [3639] dup
      [3640] bipush 21
      [3642] ldc_w #859
        + Integer [-346465870]
      [3645] iastore
      [3646] dup
      [3647] bipush 22
      [3649] ldc_w #588
        + Integer [-918075506]
      [3652] iastore
      [3653] dup
      [3654] bipush 23
      [3656] ldc_w #1111
        + Integer [200339707]
      [3659] iastore
      [3660] dup
      [3661] bipush 24
      [3663] ldc_w #871
        + Integer [-324162239]
      [3666] iastore
      [3667] dup
      [3668] bipush 25
      [3670] ldc_w #1847
        + Integer [1742001331]
      [3673] iastore
      [3674] dup
      [3675] bipush 26
      [3677] ldc_w #1006
        + Integer [-39673249]
      [3680] iastore
      [3681] dup
      [3682] bipush 27
      [3684] ldc_w #853
        + Integer [-357585083]
      [3687] iastore
      [3688] dup
      [3689] bipush 28
      [3691] ldc_w #510
        + Integer [-1080255453]
      [3694] iastore
      [3695] dup
      [3696] bipush 29
      [3698] ldc_w #958
        + Integer [-140204973]
      [3701] iastore
      [3702] dup
      [3703] bipush 30
      [3705] ldc #181
        + Integer [-1770884380]
      [3707] iastore
      [3708] dup
      [3709] bipush 31
      [3711] ldc_w #1751
        + Integer [1539358875]
      [3714] iastore
      [3715] dup
      [3716] bipush 32
      [3718] ldc_w #536
        + Integer [-1028147339]
      [3721] iastore
      [3722] dup
      [3723] bipush 33
      [3725] ldc_w #1248
        + Integer [486407649]
      [3728] iastore
      [3729] dup
      [3730] bipush 34
      [3732] ldc_w #375
        + Integer [-1366060227]
      [3735] iastore
      [3736] dup
      [3737] bipush 35
      [3739] ldc_w #1866
        + Integer [1780885068]
      [3742] iastore
      [3743] dup
      [3744] bipush 36
      [3746] ldc_w #1738
        + Integer [1513502316]
      [3749] iastore
      [3750] dup
      [3751] bipush 37
      [3753] ldc_w #1538
        + Integer [1094664062]
      [3756] iastore
      [3757] dup
      [3758] bipush 38
      [3760] ldc_w #1040
        + Integer [49805301]
      [3763] iastore
      [3764] dup
      [3765] bipush 39
      [3767] ldc_w #1653
        + Integer [1338821763]
      [3770] iastore
      [3771] dup
      [3772] bipush 40
      [3774] ldc_w #1753
        + Integer [1546925160]
      [3777] iastore
      [3778] dup
      [3779] bipush 41
      [3781] ldc_w #934
        + Integer [-190470831]
      [3784] iastore
      [3785] dup
      [3786] bipush 42
      [3788] ldc_w #1440
        + Integer [887481809]
      [3791] iastore
      [3792] dup
      [3793] bipush 43
      [3795] ldc_w #1087
        + Integer [150073849]
      [3798] iastore
      [3799] dup
      [3800] bipush 44
      [3802] ldc #158
        + Integer [-1821281822]
      [3804] iastore
      [3805] dup
      [3806] bipush 45
      [3808] ldc_w #1942
        + Integer [1943591083]
      [3811] iastore
      [3812] dup
      [3813] bipush 46
      [3815] ldc_w #1682
        + Integer [1395732834]
      [3818] iastore
      [3819] dup
      [3820] bipush 47
      [3822] ldc_w #1521
        + Integer [1058346282]
      [3825] iastore
      [3826] dup
      [3827] bipush 48
      [3829] ldc_w #1113
        + Integer [201589768]
      [3832] iastore
      [3833] dup
      [3834] bipush 49
      [3836] ldc_w #1679
        + Integer [1388824469]
      [3839] iastore
      [3840] dup
      [3841] bipush 50
      [3843] ldc_w #1825
        + Integer [1696801606]
      [3846] iastore
      [3847] dup
      [3848] bipush 51
      [3850] ldc_w #1775
        + Integer [1589887901]
      [3853] iastore
      [3854] dup
      [3855] bipush 52
      [3857] ldc_w #1337
        + Integer [672667696]
      [3860] iastore
      [3861] dup
      [3862] bipush 53
      [3864] ldc_w #271
        + Integer [-1583966665]
      [3867] iastore
      [3868] dup
      [3869] bipush 54
      [3871] ldc_w #1137
        + Integer [251987210]
      [3874] iastore
      [3875] dup
      [3876] bipush 55
      [3878] ldc_w #431
        + Integer [-1248159185]
      [3881] iastore
      [3882] dup
      [3883] bipush 56
      [3885] ldc_w #1089
        + Integer [151455502]
      [3888] iastore
      [3889] dup
      [3890] bipush 57
      [3892] ldc_w #1450
        + Integer [907153956]
      [3895] iastore
      [3896] dup
      [3897] bipush 58
      [3899] ldc #221
        + Integer [-1686077413]
      [3901] iastore
      [3902] dup
      [3903] bipush 59
      [3905] ldc_w #1512
        + Integer [1038279391]
      [3908] iastore
      [3909] dup
      [3910] bipush 60
      [3912] ldc_w #1328
        + Integer [652995533]
      [3915] iastore
      [3916] dup
      [3917] bipush 61
      [3919] ldc_w #1857
        + Integer [1764173646]
      [3922] iastore
      [3923] dup
      [3924] bipush 62
      [3926] ldc_w #622
        + Integer [-843926913]
      [3929] iastore
      [3930] dup
      [3931] bipush 63
      [3933] ldc #254
        + Integer [-1619692054]
      [3935] iastore
      [3936] dup
      [3937] bipush 64
      [3939] ldc_w #1233
        + Integer [453576978]
      [3942] iastore
      [3943] dup
      [3944] bipush 65
      [3946] ldc #244
        + Integer [-1635548387]
      [3948] iastore
      [3949] dup
      [3950] bipush 66
      [3952] ldc_w #1945
        + Integer [1949051992]
      [3955] iastore
      [3956] dup
      [3957] bipush 67
      [3959] ldc_w #1385
        + Integer [773462580]
      [3962] iastore
      [3963] dup
      [3964] bipush 68
      [3966] ldc_w #1377
        + Integer [756751158]
      [3969] iastore
      [3970] dup
      [3971] bipush 69
      [3973] ldc_w #403
        + Integer [-1301385508]
      [3976] iastore
      [3977] dup
      [3978] bipush 70
      [3980] ldc_w #883
        + Integer [-296068428]
      [3983] iastore
      [3984] dup
      [3985] bipush 71
      [3987] ldc_w #990
        + Integer [-73359269]
      [3990] iastore
      [3991] dup
      [3992] bipush 72
      [3994] ldc_w #946
        + Integer [-162377052]
      [3997] iastore
      [3998] dup
      [3999] bipush 73
      [4001] ldc_w #1633
        + Integer [1295727478]
      [4004] iastore
      [4005] dup
      [4006] bipush 74
      [4008] ldc_w #1798
        + Integer [1641469623]
      [4011] iastore
      [4012] dup
      [4013] bipush 75
      [4015] ldc_w #631
        + Integer [-827083907]
      [4018] iastore
      [4019] dup
      [4020] bipush 76
      [4022] ldc_w #2001
        + Integer [2066295122]
      [4025] iastore
      [4026] dup
      [4027] bipush 77
      [4029] ldc_w #1519
        + Integer [1055122397]
      [4032] iastore
      [4033] dup
      [4034] bipush 78
      [4036] ldc_w #1923
        + Integer [1898917726]
      [4039] iastore
      [4040] dup
      [4041] bipush 79
      [4043] ldc #191
        + Integer [-1752923117]
      [4045] iastore
      [4046] dup
      [4047] bipush 80
      [4049] ldc_w #940
        + Integer [-179088474]
      [4052] iastore
      [4053] dup
      [4054] bipush 81
      [4056] ldc_w #1855
        + Integer [1758581177]
      [4059] iastore
      [4060] dup
      [4061] bipush 83
      [4063] ldc_w #1376
        + Integer [753790401]
      [4066] iastore
      [4067] dup
      [4068] bipush 84
      [4070] ldc_w #1785
        + Integer [1612718144]
      [4073] iastore
      [4074] dup
      [4075] bipush 85
      [4077] ldc_w #1272
        + Integer [536673507]
      [4080] iastore
      [4081] dup
      [4082] bipush 86
      [4084] ldc_w #583
        + Integer [-927878791]
      [4087] iastore
      [4088] dup
      [4089] bipush 87
      [4091] ldc_w #876
        + Integer [-312779850]
      [4094] iastore
      [4095] dup
      [4096] bipush 88
      [4098] ldc_w #500
        + Integer [-1100322092]
      [4101] iastore
      [4102] dup
      [4103] bipush 89
      [4105] ldc_w #1584
        + Integer [1187761037]
      [4108] iastore
      [4109] dup
      [4110] bipush 90
      [4112] ldc_w #719
        + Integer [-641810841]
      [4115] iastore
      [4116] dup
      [4117] bipush 91
      [4119] ldc_w #1618
        + Integer [1262041458]
      [4122] iastore
      [4123] dup
      [4124] bipush 92
      [4126] ldc_w #755
        + Integer [-565556588]
      [4129] iastore
      [4130] dup
      [4131] bipush 93
      [4133] ldc_w #677
        + Integer [-733197160]
      [4136] iastore
      [4137] dup
      [4138] bipush 94
      [4140] ldc_w #835
        + Integer [-396863312]
      [4143] iastore
      [4144] dup
      [4145] bipush 95
      [4147] ldc_w #1615
        + Integer [1255133061]
      [4150] iastore
      [4151] dup
      [4152] bipush 96
      [4154] ldc_w #1878
        + Integer [1808847035]
      [4157] iastore
      [4158] dup
      [4159] bipush 97
      [4161] ldc_w #1360
        + Integer [720367557]
      [4164] iastore
      [4165] dup
      [4166] bipush 98
      [4168] ldc_w #815
        + Integer [-441800113]
      [4171] iastore
      [4172] dup
      [4173] bipush 99
      [4175] ldc_w #1200
        + Integer [385612781]
      [4178] iastore
      [4179] dup
      [4180] bipush 100
      [4182] ldc_w #556
        + Integer [-985447546]
      [4185] iastore
      [4186] dup
      [4187] bipush 101
      [4189] ldc_w #699
        + Integer [-682799718]
      [4192] iastore
      [4193] dup
      [4194] bipush 102
      [4196] ldc_w #1697
        + Integer [1429418854]
      [4199] iastore
      [4200] dup
      [4201] bipush 103
      [4203] ldc #165
        + Integer [-1803188975]
      [4205] iastore
      [4206] dup
      [4207] bipush 104
      [4209] ldc_w #635
        + Integer [-817543798]
      [4212] iastore
      [4213] dup
      [4214] bipush 105
      [4216] ldc_w #1152
        + Integer [284817897]
      [4219] iastore
      [4220] dup
      [4221] bipush 106
      [4223] ldc_w #1065
        + Integer [100794884]
      [4226] iastore
      [4227] dup
      [4228] bipush 107
      [4230] ldc #13
        + Integer [-2122350594]
      [4232] iastore
      [4233] dup
      [4234] bipush 108
      [4236] ldc_w #900
        + Integer [-263171936]
      [4239] iastore
      [4240] dup
      [4241] bipush 109
      [4243] ldc_w #1562
        + Integer [1144798328]
      [4246] iastore
      [4247] dup
      [4248] bipush 110
      [4250] ldc_w #470
        + Integer [-1163944155]
      [4253] iastore
      [4254] dup
      [4255] bipush 111
      [4257] ldc_w #797
        + Integer [-475486133]
      [4260] iastore
      [4261] dup
      [4262] bipush 112
      [4264] ldc_w #924
        + Integer [-212774494]
      [4267] iastore
      [4268] dup
      [4269] bipush 113
      [4271] ldc_w #1014
        + Integer [-22830243]
      [4274] iastore
      [4275] dup
      [4276] bipush 114
      [4278] ldc_w #514
        + Integer [-1069531008]
      [4281] iastore
      [4282] dup
      [4283] bipush 115
      [4285] ldc #87
        + Integer [-1970303227]
      [4287] iastore
      [4288] dup
      [4289] bipush 116
      [4291] ldc_w #366
        + Integer [-1382903233]
      [4294] iastore
      [4295] dup
      [4296] bipush 117
      [4298] ldc_w #486
        + Integer [-1130521311]
      [4301] iastore
      [4302] dup
      [4303] bipush 118
      [4305] ldc_w #1593
        + Integer [1211644016]
      [4308] iastore
      [4309] dup
      [4310] bipush 119
      [4312] ldc_w #1056
        + Integer [83228145]
      [4315] iastore
      [4316] dup
      [4317] bipush 120
      [4319] ldc_w #767
        + Integer [-541279133]
      [4322] iastore
      [4323] dup
      [4324] bipush 121
      [4326] ldc_w #526
        + Integer [-1044990345]
      [4329] iastore
      [4330] dup
      [4331] bipush 122
      [4333] ldc_w #1958
        + Integer [1977277103]
      [4336] iastore
      [4337] dup
      [4338] bipush 123
      [4340] ldc_w #1810
        + Integer [1663115586]
      [4343] iastore
      [4344] dup
      [4345] bipush 124
      [4347] ldc_w #1401
        + Integer [806359072]
      [4350] iastore
      [4351] dup
      [4352] bipush 125
      [4354] ldc_w #1232
        + Integer [452984805]
      [4357] iastore
      [4358] dup
      [4359] bipush 126
      [4361] ldc_w #1135
        + Integer [250868733]
      [4364] iastore
      [4365] dup
      [4366] bipush 127
      [4368] ldc_w #1894
        + Integer [1842533055]
      [4371] iastore
      [4372] dup
      [4373] sipush 128
      [4376] ldc_w #1632
        + Integer [1288555905]
      [4379] iastore
      [4380] dup
      [4381] sipush 129
      [4384] ldc_w #1177
        + Integer [336333848]
      [4387] iastore
      [4388] dup
      [4389] sipush 130
      [4392] ldc_w #1441
        + Integer [890442534]
      [4395] iastore
      [4396] dup
      [4397] sipush 131
      [4400] ldc_w #1399
        + Integer [804056259]
      [4403] iastore
      [4404] dup
      [4405] sipush 132
      [4408] ldc_w #779
        + Integer [-513843266]
      [4411] iastore
      [4412] dup
      [4413] sipush 133
      [4416] ldc_w #277
        + Integer [-1567123659]
      [4419] iastore
      [4420] dup
      [4421] sipush 134
      [4424] ldc_w #611
        + Integer [-867941240]
      [4427] iastore
      [4428] dup
      [4429] sipush 135
      [4432] ldc_w #1473
        + Integer [957814574]
      [4435] iastore
      [4436] dup
      [4437] sipush 136
      [4440] ldc_w #1719
        + Integer [1472513171]
      [4443] iastore
      [4444] dup
      [4445] sipush 137
      [4448] ldc_w #918
        + Integer [-223893675]
      [4451] iastore
      [4452] dup
      [4453] sipush 138
      [4456] ldc #21
        + Integer [-2105639172]
      [4458] iastore
      [4459] dup
      [4460] sipush 139
      [4463] ldc_w #1587
        + Integer [1195195770]
      [4466] iastore
      [4467] dup
      [4468] sipush 140
      [4471] ldc_w #356
        + Integer [-1402706744]
      [4474] iastore
      [4475] dup
      [4476] sipush 141
      [4479] ldc_w #829
        + Integer [-413311558]
      [4482] iastore
      [4483] dup
      [4484] sipush 142
      [4487] ldc_w #1362
        + Integer [723065138]
      [4490] iastore
      [4491] dup
      [4492] sipush 143
      [4495] ldc #173
        + Integer [-1787595802]
      [4497] iastore
      [4498] dup
      [4499] sipush 144
      [4502] ldc_w #261
        + Integer [-1604296512]
      [4505] iastore
      [4506] dup
      [4507] sipush 145
      [4510] ldc #199
        + Integer [-1736343271]
      [4512] iastore
      [4513] dup
      [4514] sipush 146
      [4517] ldc_w #653
        + Integer [-783331426]
      [4520] iastore
      [4521] dup
      [4522] sipush 147
      [4525] ldc_w #2040
        + Integer [2145180835]
      [4528] iastore
      [4529] dup
      [4530] sipush 148
      [4533] ldc_w #1833
        + Integer [1713513028]
      [4536] iastore
      [4537] dup
      [4538] sipush 149
      [4541] ldc_w #2025
        + Integer [2116692564]
      [4544] iastore
      [4545] dup
      [4546] sipush 150
      [4549] ldc_w #352
        + Integer [-1416589253]
      [4552] iastore
      [4553] dup
      [4554] sipush 151
      [4557] ldc #31
        + Integer [-2088204277]
      [4559] iastore
      [4560] dup
      [4561] sipush 152
      [4564] ldc_w #594
        + Integer [-901364084]
      [4567] iastore
      [4568] dup
      [4569] sipush 153
      [4572] ldc_w #1352
        + Integer [703524551]
      [4575] iastore
      [4576] dup
      [4577] sipush 154
      [4580] ldc_w #671
        + Integer [-742868885]
      [4583] iastore
      [4584] dup
      [4585] sipush 155
      [4588] ldc_w #1498
        + Integer [1007948840]
      [4591] iastore
      [4592] dup
      [4593] sipush 156
      [4596] ldc_w #1991
        + Integer [2044649127]
      [4599] iastore
      [4600] dup
      [4601] sipush 157
      [4604] ldc_w #788
        + Integer [-497131844]
      [4607] iastore
      [4608] dup
      [4609] sipush 158
      [4612] ldc_w #1249
        + Integer [487262998]
      [4615] iastore
      [4616] dup
      [4617] sipush 159
      [4620] ldc_w #1967
        + Integer [1994120109]
      [4623] iastore
      [4624] dup
      [4625] sipush 160
      [4628] ldc_w #1496
        + Integer [1004593371]
      [4631] iastore
      [4632] dup
      [4633] sipush 161
      [4636] ldc_w #1706
        + Integer [1446130276]
      [4639] iastore
      [4640] dup
      [4641] sipush 162
      [4644] ldc_w #1641
        + Integer [1312438900]
      [4647] iastore
      [4648] dup
      [4649] sipush 163
      [4652] ldc_w #1257
        + Integer [503974420]
      [4655] iastore
      [4656] dup
      [4657] sipush 164
      [4660] ldc_w #732
        + Integer [-615954030]
      [4663] iastore
      [4664] dup
      [4665] sipush 165
      [4668] ldc_w #1097
        + Integer [168166924]
      [4671] iastore
      [4672] dup
      [4673] sipush 166
      [4676] ldc_w #1882
        + Integer [1814307912]
      [4679] iastore
      [4680] dup
      [4681] sipush 167
      [4684] ldc_w #802
        + Integer [-463709000]
      [4687] iastore
      [4688] dup
      [4689] sipush 168
      [4692] ldc_w #1765
        + Integer [1573044895]
      [4695] iastore
      [4696] dup
      [4697] sipush 169
      [4700] ldc_w #1902
        + Integer [1859376061]
      [4703] iastore
      [4704] dup
      [4705] sipush 170
      [4708] ldc_w #894
        + Integer [-273896381]
      [4711] iastore
      [4712] dup
      [4713] sipush 171
      [4716] ldc_w #308
        + Integer [-1503501628]
      [4719] iastore
      [4720] dup
      [4721] sipush 172
      [4724] ldc_w #324
        + Integer [-1466855111]
      [4727] iastore
      [4728] dup
      [4729] sipush 173
      [4732] ldc_w #294
        + Integer [-1533700815]
      [4735] iastore
      [4736] dup
      [4737] sipush 174
      [4740] ldc_w #1464
        + Integer [937747667]
      [4743] iastore
      [4744] dup
      [4745] sipush 175
      [4748] ldc #94
        + Integer [-1954973198]
      [4750] iastore
      [4751] dup
      [4752] sipush 176
      [4755] ldc_w #1423
        + Integer [854058965]
      [4758] iastore
      [4759] dup
      [4760] sipush 177
      [4763] ldc_w #1558
        + Integer [1137232011]
      [4766] iastore
      [4767] dup
      [4768] sipush 178
      [4771] ldc_w #1729
        + Integer [1496790894]
      [4774] iastore
      [4775] dup
      [4776] sipush 179
      [4779] ldc_w #444
        + Integer [-1217565222]
      [4782] iastore
      [4783] dup
      [4784] sipush 180
      [4787] ldc #102
        + Integer [-1936880383]
      [4789] iastore
      [4790] dup
      [4791] sipush 181
      [4794] ldc_w #1822
        + Integer [1691735473]
      [4797] iastore
      [4798] dup
      [4799] sipush 182
      [4802] ldc_w #658
        + Integer [-766620004]
      [4805] iastore
      [4806] dup
      [4807] sipush 183
      [4810] ldc_w #774
        + Integer [-525751991]
      [4813] iastore
      [4814] dup
      [4815] sipush 184
      [4818] ldc_w #419
        + Integer [-1267962664]
      [4821] iastore
      [4822] dup
      [4823] sipush 185
      [4826] ldc_w #980
        + Integer [-95005012]
      [4829] iastore
      [4830] dup
      [4831] sipush 186
      [4834] ldc_w #1080
        + Integer [133494003]
      [4837] iastore
      [4838] dup
      [4839] sipush 187
      [4842] ldc_w #1320
        + Integer [636152527]
      [4845] iastore
      [4846] dup
      [4847] sipush 188
      [4850] ldc_w #380
        + Integer [-1352309302]
      [4853] iastore
      [4854] dup
      [4855] sipush 189
      [4858] ldc #117
        + Integer [-1904575756]
      [4860] iastore
      [4861] dup
      [4862] sipush 190
      [4865] ldc_w #846
        + Integer [-374428089]
      [4868] iastore
      [4869] dup
      [4870] sipush 191
      [4873] ldc_w #1209
        + Integer [403179536]
      [4876] iastore
      [4877] dup
      [4878] sipush 192
      [4881] ldc_w #687
        + Integer [-709182865]
      [4884] iastore
      [4885] dup
      [4886] sipush 193
      [4889] ldc #68
        + Integer [-2005370640]
      [4891] iastore
      [4892] dup
      [4893] sipush 194
      [4896] ldc_w #1905
        + Integer [1864705354]
      [4899] iastore
      [4900] dup
      [4901] sipush 195
      [4904] ldc_w #1929
        + Integer [1915629148]
      [4907] iastore
      [4908] dup
      [4909] sipush 196
      [4912] ldc_w #1305
        + Integer [605822008]
      [4915] iastore
      [4916] dup
      [4917] sipush 197
      [4920] ldc_w #910
        + Integer [-240736681]
      [4923] iastore
      [4924] dup
      [4925] sipush 198
      [4928] ldc_w #576
        + Integer [-944458637]
      [4931] iastore
      [4932] dup
      [4933] sipush 199
      [4936] ldc_w #1671
        + Integer [1371981463]
      [4939] iastore
      [4940] dup
      [4941] sipush 200
      [4944] ldc_w #1304
        + Integer [602466507]
      [4947] iastore
      [4948] dup
      [4949] sipush 201
      [4952] ldc_w #2014
        + Integer [2094914977]
      [4955] iastore
      [4956] dup
      [4957] sipush 202
      [4960] ldc #228
        + Integer [-1670089496]
      [4962] iastore
      [4963] dup
      [4964] sipush 203
      [4967] ldc_w #1282
        + Integer [555687742]
      [4970] iastore
      [4971] dup
      [4972] sipush 204
      [4975] ldc_w #747
        + Integer [-582268010]
      [4978] iastore
      [4979] dup
      [4980] sipush 205
      [4983] ldc_w #742
        + Integer [-591544991]
      [4986] iastore
      [4987] dup
      [4988] sipush 206
      [4991] ldc #54
        + Integer [-2037675251]
      [4993] iastore
      [4994] dup
      [4995] sipush 207
      [4998] ldc #49
        + Integer [-2054518257]
      [5000] iastore
      [5001] dup
      [5002] sipush 208
      [5005] ldc #132
        + Integer [-1871679264]
      [5007] iastore
      [5008] dup
      [5009] sipush 209
      [5012] ldc_w #1546
        + Integer [1111375484]
      [5015] iastore
      [5016] dup
      [5017] sipush 210
      [5020] ldc_w #552
        + Integer [-994724495]
      [5023] iastore
      [5024] dup
      [5025] sipush 211
      [5028] ldc_w #339
        + Integer [-1436129588]
      [5031] iastore
      [5032] dup
      [5033] sipush 212
      [5036] ldc_w #707
        + Integer [-666351472]
      [5039] iastore
      [5040] dup
      [5041] sipush 213
      [5044] ldc_w #1057
        + Integer [84083462]
      [5047] iastore
      [5048] dup
      [5049] sipush 214
      [5052] ldc_w #1031
        + Integer [32962295]
      [5055] iastore
      [5056] dup
      [5057] sipush 215
      [5060] ldc_w #1161
        + Integer [302911004]
      [5063] iastore
      [5064] dup
      [5065] sipush 216
      [5068] ldc_w #283
        + Integer [-1553899070]
      [5071] iastore
      [5072] dup
      [5073] sipush 217
      [5076] ldc_w #1777
        + Integer [1597322602]
      [5079] iastore
      [5080] dup
      [5081] sipush 218
      [5084] ldc_w #971
        + Integer [-111716434]
      [5087] iastore
      [5088] dup
      [5089] sipush 219
      [5092] ldc_w #646
        + Integer [-793134743]
      [5095] iastore
      [5096] dup
      [5097] sipush 220
      [5100] ldc #142
        + Integer [-1853454825]
      [5102] iastore
      [5103] dup
      [5104] sipush 221
      [5107] ldc_w #1726
        + Integer [1489093017]
      [5110] iastore
      [5111] dup
      [5112] sipush 222
      [5115] ldc_w #1329
        + Integer [656219450]
      [5118] iastore
      [5119] dup
      [5120] sipush 223
      [5123] ldc_w #463
        + Integer [-1180787161]
      [5126] iastore
      [5127] dup
      [5128] sipush 224
      [5131] ldc_w #1472
        + Integer [954327513]
      [5134] iastore
      [5135] dup
      [5136] sipush 225
      [5139] ldc_w #1176
        + Integer [335083755]
      [5142] iastore
      [5143] dup
      [5144] sipush 226
      [5147] ldc_w #416
        + Integer [-1281845205]
      [5150] iastore
      [5151] dup
      [5152] sipush 227
      [5155] ldc_w #1425
        + Integer [856756514]
      [5158] iastore
      [5159] dup
      [5160] sipush 228
      [5163] ldc_w #475
        + Integer [-1150719534]
      [5166] iastore
      [5167] dup
      [5168] sipush 229
      [5171] ldc_w #1919
        + Integer [1893325225]
      [5174] iastore
      [5175] dup
      [5176] sipush 230
      [5179] ldc #79
        + Integer [-1987146233]
      [5181] iastore
      [5182] dup
      [5183] sipush 231
      [5186] ldc_w #319
        + Integer [-1483434957]
      [5189] iastore
      [5190] dup
      [5191] sipush 232
      [5194] ldc_w #439
        + Integer [-1231316179]
      [5197] iastore
      [5198] dup
      [5199] sipush 233
      [5202] ldc_w #1289
        + Integer [572399164]
      [5205] iastore
      [5206] dup
      [5207] sipush 234
      [5210] ldc #150
        + Integer [-1836611819]
      [5212] iastore
      [5213] dup
      [5214] sipush 235
      [5217] ldc_w #1280
        + Integer [552200649]
      [5220] iastore
      [5221] dup
      [5222] sipush 236
      [5225] ldc_w #1607
        + Integer [1238290055]
      [5228] iastore
      [5229] dup
      [5230] sipush 237
      [5233] ldc_w #1022
        + Integer [-11184726]
      [5236] iastore
      [5237] dup
      [5238] sipush 238
      [5241] ldc_w #1978
        + Integer [2015897680]
      [5244] iastore
      [5245] dup
      [5246] sipush 239
      [5249] ldc_w #1999
        + Integer [2061492133]
      [5252] iastore
      [5253] dup
      [5254] sipush 240
      [5257] ldc #127
        + Integer [-1886614525]
      [5259] iastore
      [5260] dup
      [5261] sipush 241
      [5264] ldc_w #966
        + Integer [-123625127]
      [5267] iastore
      [5268] dup
      [5269] sipush 242
      [5272] ldc #8
        + Integer [-2138470135]
      [5274] iastore
      [5275] dup
      [5276] sipush 243
      [5279] ldc_w #1201
        + Integer [386731290]
      [5282] iastore
      [5283] dup
      [5284] sipush 244
      [5287] ldc_w #727
        + Integer [-624967835]
      [5290] iastore
      [5291] dup
      [5292] sipush 245
      [5295] ldc_w #1416
        + Integer [837215959]
      [5298] iastore
      [5299] dup
      [5300] sipush 246
      [5303] ldc_w #564
        + Integer [-968736124]
      [5306] iastore
      [5307] dup
      [5308] sipush 247
      [5311] ldc_w #452
        + Integer [-1201116976]
      [5314] iastore
      [5315] dup
      [5316] sipush 248
      [5319] ldc_w #541
        + Integer [-1019133566]
      [5322] iastore
      [5323] dup
      [5324] sipush 249
      [5327] ldc_w #388
        + Integer [-1332111063]
      [5330] iastore
      [5331] dup
      [5332] sipush 250
      [5335] ldc_w #1969
        + Integer [1999449434]
      [5338] iastore
      [5339] dup
      [5340] sipush 251
      [5343] ldc_w #1153
        + Integer [286199582]
      [5346] iastore
      [5347] dup
      [5348] sipush 252
      [5351] ldc_w #607
        + Integer [-877612933]
      [5354] iastore
      [5355] dup
      [5356] sipush 253
      [5359] ldc_w #994
        + Integer [-61582168]
      [5362] iastore
      [5363] dup
      [5364] sipush 254
      [5367] ldc_w #695
        + Integer [-692339859]
      [5370] iastore
      [5371] dup
      [5372] sipush 255
      [5375] ldc_w #1481
        + Integer [974525996]
      [5378] iastore
      [5379] putstatic #2059
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T0 [I]
      [5382] sipush 256
      [5385] newarray 10
      [5387] dup
      [5388] iconst_0
      [5389] ldc_w #1812
        + Integer [1667483301]
      [5392] iastore
      [5393] dup
      [5394] iconst_1
      [5395] ldc_w #2010
        + Integer [2088564868]
      [5398] iastore
      [5399] dup
      [5400] iconst_2
      [5401] ldc_w #1972
        + Integer [2004348569]
      [5404] iastore
      [5405] dup
      [5406] iconst_3
      [5407] ldc_w #2004
        + Integer [2071721613]
      [5410] iastore
      [5411] dup
      [5412] iconst_4
      [5413] ldc_w #920
        + Integer [-218956019]
      [5416] iastore
      [5417] dup
      [5418] iconst_5
      [5419] ldc_w #1874
        + Integer [1802229437]
      [5422] iastore
      [5423] dup
      [5424] bipush 6
      [5426] ldc_w #1908
        + Integer [1869602481]
      [5429] iastore
      [5430] dup
      [5431] bipush 7
      [5433] ldc_w #560
        + Integer [-976907948]
      [5436] iastore
      [5437] dup
      [5438] bipush 8
      [5440] ldc_w #1404
        + Integer [808476752]
      [5443] iastore
      [5444] dup
      [5445] bipush 9
      [5447] ldc_w #1025
        + Integer [16843267]
      [5450] iastore
      [5451] dup
      [5452] bipush 10
      [5454] ldc_w #1843
        + Integer [1734856361]
      [5457] iastore
      [5458] dup
      [5459] bipush 11
      [5461] ldc_w #1364
        + Integer [724260477]
      [5464] iastore
      [5465] dup
      [5466] bipush 12
      [5468] ldc_w #1017
        + Integer [-16849127]
      [5471] iastore
      [5472] dup
      [5473] bipush 13
      [5475] ldc_w #704
        + Integer [-673729182]
      [5478] iastore
      [5479] dup
      [5480] bipush 14
      [5482] ldc_w #353
        + Integer [-1414836762]
      [5485] iastore
      [5486] dup
      [5487] bipush 15
      [5489] ldc_w #1963
        + Integer [1987505306]
      [5492] iastore
      [5493] dup
      [5494] bipush 16
      [5496] ldc_w #600
        + Integer [-892694715]
      [5499] iastore
      [5500] dup
      [5501] bipush 17
      [5503] ldc #22
        + Integer [-2105401443]
      [5505] iastore
      [5506] dup
      [5507] bipush 18
      [5509] ldc_w #593
        + Integer [-909539008]
      [5512] iastore
      [5513] dup
      [5514] bipush 19
      [5516] ldc_w #2021
        + Integer [2105408135]
      [5519] iastore
      [5520] dup
      [5521] bipush 20
      [5523] ldc_w #985
        + Integer [-84218091]
      [5526] iastore
      [5527] dup
      [5528] bipush 21
      [5530] ldc_w #1731
        + Integer [1499050731]
      [5533] iastore
      [5534] dup
      [5535] bipush 22
      [5537] ldc_w #1588
        + Integer [1195871945]
      [5540] iastore
      [5541] dup
      [5542] bipush 23
      [5544] ldc_w #903
        + Integer [-252642549]
      [5547] iastore
      [5548] dup
      [5549] bipush 24
      [5551] ldc_w #367
        + Integer [-1381154324]
      [5554] iastore
      [5555] dup
      [5556] bipush 25
      [5558] ldc_w #681
        + Integer [-724257945]
      [5561] iastore
      [5562] dup
      [5563] bipush 26
      [5565] ldc_w #279
        + Integer [-1566416899]
      [5568] iastore
      [5569] dup
      [5570] bipush 27
      [5572] ldc_w #382
        + Integer [-1347467798]
      [5575] iastore
      [5576] dup
      [5577] bipush 28
      [5579] ldc #230
        + Integer [-1667488833]
      [5581] iastore
      [5582] dup
      [5583] bipush 29
      [5585] ldc_w #295
        + Integer [-1532734473]
      [5588] iastore
      [5589] dup
      [5590] bipush 30
      [5592] ldc_w #1933
        + Integer [1920132246]
      [5595] iastore
      [5596] dup
      [5597] bipush 31
      [5599] ldc_w #519
        + Integer [-1061119141]
      [5602] iastore
      [5603] dup
      [5604] bipush 32
      [5606] ldc_w #447
        + Integer [-1212713534]
      [5609] iastore
      [5610] dup
      [5611] bipush 33
      [5613] ldc_w #1009
        + Integer [-33693412]
      [5616] iastore
      [5617] dup
      [5618] bipush 34
      [5620] ldc #159
        + Integer [-1819066962]
      [5622] iastore
      [5623] dup
      [5624] bipush 35
      [5626] ldc_w #1322
        + Integer [640044138]
      [5629] iastore
      [5630] dup
      [5631] bipush 36
      [5633] ldc_w #1454
        + Integer [909536346]
      [5636] iastore
      [5637] dup
      [5638] bipush 37
      [5640] ldc_w #1523
        + Integer [1061125697]
      [5643] iastore
      [5644] dup
      [5645] bipush 38
      [5647] ldc_w #961
        + Integer [-134744830]
      [5650] iastore
      [5651] dup
      [5652] bipush 39
      [5654] ldc_w #617
        + Integer [-859012273]
      [5657] iastore
      [5658] dup
      [5659] bipush 40
      [5661] ldc_w #1435
        + Integer [875849820]
      [5664] iastore
      [5665] dup
      [5666] bipush 41
      [5668] ldc_w #303
        + Integer [-1515892236]
      [5671] iastore
      [5672] dup
      [5673] bipush 42
      [5675] ldc_w #817
        + Integer [-437923532]
      [5678] iastore
      [5679] dup
      [5680] bipush 43
      [5682] ldc_w #912
        + Integer [-235800312]
      [5685] iastore
      [5686] dup
      [5687] bipush 44
      [5689] ldc_w #1925
        + Integer [1903288979]
      [5692] iastore
      [5693] dup
      [5694] bipush 45
      [5696] ldc_w #713
        + Integer [-656888973]
      [5699] iastore
      [5700] dup
      [5701] bipush 46
      [5703] ldc_w #1411
        + Integer [825320019]
      [5706] iastore
      [5707] dup
      [5708] bipush 47
      [5710] ldc_w #1185
        + Integer [353708607]
      [5713] iastore
      [5714] dup
      [5715] bipush 48
      [5717] ldc_w #1049
        + Integer [67373068]
      [5720] iastore
      [5721] dup
      [5722] bipush 49
      [5724] ldc_w #577
        + Integer [-943221422]
      [5727] iastore
      [5728] dup
      [5729] bipush 50
      [5731] ldc_w #1297
        + Integer [589514341]
      [5734] iastore
      [5735] dup
      [5736] bipush 51
      [5738] ldc_w #545
        + Integer [-1010590370]
      [5741] iastore
      [5742] dup
      [5743] bipush 52
      [5745] ldc_w #1212
        + Integer [404238376]
      [5748] iastore
      [5749] dup
      [5750] bipush 53
      [5752] ldc #182
        + Integer [-1768540255]
      [5754] iastore
      [5755] dup
      [5756] bipush 54
      [5758] ldc_w #1058
        + Integer [84216335]
      [5761] iastore
      [5762] dup
      [5763] bipush 55
      [5765] ldc #215
        + Integer [-1701171275]
      [5767] iastore
      [5768] dup
      [5769] bipush 56
      [5771] ldc_w #1073
        + Integer [117902857]
      [5774] iastore
      [5775] dup
      [5776] bipush 57
      [5778] ldc_w #1162
        + Integer [303178806]
      [5781] iastore
      [5782] dup
      [5783] bipush 58
      [5785] ldc #6
        + Integer [-2139087973]
      [5787] iastore
      [5788] dup
      [5789] bipush 59
      [5791] ldc_w #793
        + Integer [-488448195]
      [5794] iastore
      [5795] dup
      [5796] bipush 60
      [5798] ldc_w #864
        + Integer [-336868058]
      [5801] iastore
      [5802] dup
      [5803] bipush 61
      [5805] ldc_w #1330
        + Integer [656887401]
      [5808] iastore
      [5809] dup
      [5810] bipush 62
      [5812] ldc_w #407
        + Integer [-1296924723]
      [5815] iastore
      [5816] dup
      [5817] bipush 63
      [5819] ldc_w #1955
        + Integer [1970662047]
      [5822] iastore
      [5823] dup
      [5824] bipush 64
      [5826] ldc_w #1090
        + Integer [151589403]
      [5829] iastore
      [5830] dup
      [5831] bipush 65
      [5833] ldc #29
        + Integer [-2088559202]
      [5835] iastore
      [5836] dup
      [5837] bipush 66
      [5839] ldc_w #1369
        + Integer [741103732]
      [5842] iastore
      [5843] dup
      [5844] bipush 67
      [5846] ldc_w #1227
        + Integer [437924910]
      [5849] iastore
      [5850] dup
      [5851] bipush 68
      [5853] ldc_w #1235
        + Integer [454768173]
      [5856] iastore
      [5857] dup
      [5858] bipush 69
      [5860] ldc_w #1899
        + Integer [1852759218]
      [5863] iastore
      [5864] dup
      [5865] bipush 70
      [5867] ldc_w #1739
        + Integer [1515893998]
      [5870] iastore
      [5871] dup
      [5872] bipush 71
      [5874] ldc_w #263
        + Integer [-1600103429]
      [5877] iastore
      [5878] dup
      [5879] bipush 72
      [5881] ldc_w #1673
        + Integer [1381147894]
      [5884] iastore
      [5885] dup
      [5886] bipush 73
      [5888] ldc_w #1489
        + Integer [993752653]
      [5891] iastore
      [5892] dup
      [5893] bipush 74
      [5895] ldc_w #697
        + Integer [-690571423]
      [5898] iastore
      [5899] dup
      [5900] bipush 75
      [5902] ldc_w #417
        + Integer [-1280082482]
      [5905] iastore
      [5906] dup
      [5907] bipush 76
      [5909] ldc_w #1345
        + Integer [690573947]
      [5912] iastore
      [5913] dup
      [5914] bipush 77
      [5916] ldc_w #801
        + Integer [-471605954]
      [5919] iastore
      [5920] dup
      [5921] bipush 78
      [5923] ldc_w #1394
        + Integer [791633521]
      [5926] iastore
      [5927] dup
      [5928] bipush 79
      [5930] ldc #37
        + Integer [-2071719017]
      [5932] iastore
      [5933] dup
      [5934] bipush 80
      [5936] ldc_w #1683
        + Integer [1397991157]
      [5939] iastore
      [5940] dup
      [5941] bipush 81
      [5943] ldc_w #657
        + Integer [-774784664]
      [5946] iastore
      [5947] dup
      [5948] bipush 83
      [5950] ldc_w #881
        + Integer [-303185620]
      [5953] iastore
      [5954] dup
      [5955] bipush 84
      [5957] ldc_w #1274
        + Integer [538984544]
      [5960] iastore
      [5961] dup
      [5962] bipush 85
      [5964] ldc_w #1001
        + Integer [-50535649]
      [5967] iastore
      [5968] dup
      [5969] bipush 86
      [5971] ldc_w #399
        + Integer [-1313769016]
      [5974] iastore
      [5975] dup
      [5976] bipush 87
      [5978] ldc_w #1747
        + Integer [1532737261]
      [5981] iastore
      [5982] dup
      [5983] bipush 88
      [5985] ldc_w #1869
        + Integer [1785386174]
      [5988] iastore
      [5989] dup
      [5990] bipush 89
      [5992] ldc_w #608
        + Integer [-875852474]
      [5995] iastore
      [5996] dup
      [5997] bipush 90
      [5999] ldc_w #503
        + Integer [-1094817831]
      [6002] iastore
      [6003] dup
      [6004] bipush 91
      [6006] ldc_w #1476
        + Integer [960066123]
      [6009] iastore
      [6010] dup
      [6011] bipush 92
      [6013] ldc_w #1609
        + Integer [1246401758]
      [6016] iastore
      [6017] dup
      [6018] bipush 93
      [6020] ldc_w #1628
        + Integer [1280088276]
      [6023] iastore
      [6024] dup
      [6025] bipush 94
      [6027] ldc_w #1721
        + Integer [1482207464]
      [6030] iastore
      [6031] dup
      [6032] bipush 95
      [6034] ldc_w #641
        + Integer [-808483510]
      [6037] iastore
      [6038] dup
      [6039] bipush 96
      [6041] ldc_w #648
        + Integer [-791626901]
      [6044] iastore
      [6045] dup
      [6046] bipush 97
      [6048] ldc_w #897
        + Integer [-269499094]
      [6051] iastore
      [6052] dup
      [6053] bipush 98
      [6055] ldc_w #341
        + Integer [-1431679003]
      [6058] iastore
      [6059] dup
      [6060] bipush 99
      [6062] ldc_w #992
        + Integer [-67375850]
      [6065] iastore
      [6066] dup
      [6067] bipush 100
      [6069] ldc_w #1554
        + Integer [1128498885]
      [6072] iastore
      [6073] dup
      [6074] bipush 101
      [6076] ldc_w #1635
        + Integer [1296931543]
      [6079] iastore
      [6080] dup
      [6081] bipush 102
      [6083] ldc_w #1428
        + Integer [859006549]
      [6086] iastore
      [6087] dup
      [6088] bipush 103
      [6090] ldc #48
        + Integer [-2054876780]
      [6092] iastore
      [6093] dup
      [6094] bipush 104
      [6096] ldc_w #1569
        + Integer [1162185423]
      [6099] iastore
      [6100] dup
      [6101] bipush 105
      [6103] ldc_w #977
        + Integer [-101062384]
      [6106] iastore
      [6107] dup
      [6108] bipush 106
      [6110] ldc_w #1033
        + Integer [33686534]
      [6113] iastore
      [6114] dup
      [6115] bipush 107
      [6117] ldc_w #2037
        + Integer [2139094657]
      [6120] iastore
      [6121] dup
      [6122] bipush 108
      [6124] ldc_w #1659
        + Integer [1347461360]
      [6127] iastore
      [6128] dup
      [6129] bipush 109
      [6131] ldc_w #1501
        + Integer [1010595908]
      [6134] iastore
      [6135] dup
      [6136] bipush 110
      [6138] ldc #255
        + Integer [-1616960070]
      [6140] iastore
      [6141] dup
      [6142] bipush 111
      [6144] ldc_w #326
        + Integer [-1465365533]
      [6147] iastore
      [6148] dup
      [6149] bipush 112
      [6151] ldc_w #1667
        + Integer [1364304627]
      [6154] iastore
      [6155] dup
      [6156] bipush 113
      [6158] ldc_w #287
        + Integer [-1549574658]
      [6161] iastore
      [6162] dup
      [6163] bipush 114
      [6165] ldc_w #1530
        + Integer [1077969088]
      [6168] iastore
      [6169] dup
      [6170] bipush 115
      [6172] ldc #128
        + Integer [-1886452342]
      [6174] iastore
      [6175] dup
      [6176] bipush 116
      [6178] ldc #151
        + Integer [-1835909203]
      [6180] iastore
      [6181] dup
      [6182] bipush 117
      [6184] ldc #241
        + Integer [-1650646596]
      [6186] iastore
      [6187] dup
      [6188] bipush 118
      [6190] ldc_w #1467
        + Integer [943222856]
      [6193] iastore
      [6194] dup
      [6195] bipush 119
      [6197] ldc_w #945
        + Integer [-168431356]
      [6200] iastore
      [6201] dup
      [6202] bipush 120
      [6204] ldc_w #487
        + Integer [-1128504353]
      [6207] iastore
      [6208] dup
      [6209] bipush 121
      [6211] ldc_w #440
        + Integer [-1229555775]
      [6214] iastore
      [6215] dup
      [6216] bipush 122
      [6218] ldc_w #728
        + Integer [-623202443]
      [6221] iastore
      [6222] dup
      [6223] bipush 123
      [6225] ldc_w #1283
        + Integer [555827811]
      [6228] iastore
      [6229] dup
      [6230] bipush 124
      [6232] ldc_w #1145
        + Integer [269492272]
      [6235] iastore
      [6236] dup
      [6237] bipush 125
      [6239] sipush -6886
      [6242] iastore
      [6243] dup
      [6244] bipush 126
      [6246] ldc_w #928
        + Integer [-202113778]
      [6249] iastore
      [6250] dup
      [6251] bipush 127
      [6253] ldc_w #663
        + Integer [-757940371]
      [6256] iastore
      [6257] dup
      [6258] sipush 128
      [6261] ldc_w #623
        + Integer [-842170036]
      [6264] iastore
      [6265] dup
      [6266] sipush 129
      [6269] ldc_w #1116
        + Integer [202119188]
      [6272] iastore
      [6273] dup
      [6274] sipush 130
      [6277] ldc_w #1169
        + Integer [320022069]
      [6280] iastore
      [6281] dup
      [6282] sipush 131
      [6285] ldc_w #873
        + Integer [-320027857]
      [6288] iastore
      [6289] dup
      [6290] sipush 132
      [6293] ldc_w #1780
        + Integer [1600110305]
      [6296] iastore
      [6297] dup
      [6298] sipush 133
      [6301] ldc #192
        + Integer [-1751698014]
      [6303] iastore
      [6304] dup
      [6305] sipush 134
      [6308] ldc_w #1563
        + Integer [1145342156]
      [6311] iastore
      [6312] dup
      [6313] sipush 135
      [6316] ldc_w #1202
        + Integer [387395129]
      [6319] iastore
      [6320] dup
      [6321] sipush 136
      [6324] ldc_w #553
        + Integer [-993750185]
      [6327] iastore
      [6328] dup
      [6329] sipush 137
      [6332] ldc_w #320
        + Integer [-1482205710]
      [6335] iastore
      [6336] dup
      [6337] sipush 138
      [6340] ldc_w #2029
        + Integer [2122251394]
      [6343] iastore
      [6344] dup
      [6345] sipush 139
      [6348] ldc_w #1507
        + Integer [1027439175]
      [6351] iastore
      [6352] dup
      [6353] sipush 140
      [6356] ldc_w #1818
        + Integer [1684326572]
      [6359] iastore
      [6360] dup
      [6361] sipush 141
      [6364] ldc_w #1762
        + Integer [1566423783]
      [6367] iastore
      [6368] dup
      [6369] sipush 142
      [6372] ldc_w #1217
        + Integer [421081643]
      [6375] iastore
      [6376] dup
      [6377] sipush 143
      [6380] ldc_w #1937
        + Integer [1936975509]
      [6383] iastore
      [6384] dup
      [6385] sipush 144
      [6388] ldc_w #1789
        + Integer [1616953504]
      [6391] iastore
      [6392] dup
      [6393] sipush 145
      [6396] ldc #14
        + Integer [-2122245736]
      [6398] iastore
      [6399] dup
      [6400] sipush 146
      [6403] ldc_w #1649
        + Integer [1330618065]
      [6406] iastore
      [6407] dup
      [6408] sipush 147
      [6411] ldc_w #744
        + Integer [-589520001]
      [6414] iastore
      [6415] dup
      [6416] sipush 148
      [6419] ldc_w #1290
        + Integer [572671078]
      [6422] iastore
      [6423] dup
      [6424] sipush 149
      [6427] ldc_w #1353
        + Integer [707417214]
      [6430] iastore
      [6431] dup
      [6432] sipush 150
      [6435] ldc #133
        + Integer [-1869595733]
      [6437] iastore
      [6438] dup
      [6439] sipush 151
      [6442] ldc #69
        + Integer [-2004350077]
      [6444] iastore
      [6445] dup
      [6446] sipush 152
      [6449] ldc_w #1577
        + Integer [1179028682]
      [6452] iastore
      [6453] dup
      [6454] sipush 153
      [6457] ldc_w #889
        + Integer [-286341335]
      [6460] iastore
      [6461] dup
      [6462] sipush 154
      [6465] ldc_w #454
        + Integer [-1195873325]
      [6468] iastore
      [6469] dup
      [6470] sipush 155
      [6473] ldc_w #1178
        + Integer [336865340]
      [6476] iastore
      [6477] dup
      [6478] sipush 156
      [6481] ldc_w #761
        + Integer [-555833479]
      [6484] iastore
      [6485] dup
      [6486] sipush 157
      [6489] ldc_w #1771
        + Integer [1583267042]
      [6492] iastore
      [6493] dup
      [6494] sipush 158
      [6497] ldc_w #1105
        + Integer [185275933]
      [6500] iastore
      [6501] dup
      [6502] sipush 159
      [6505] ldc_w #736
        + Integer [-606360202]
      [6508] iastore
      [6509] dup
      [6510] sipush 160
      [6513] ldc_w #777
        + Integer [-522134725]
      [6516] iastore
      [6517] dup
      [6518] sipush 161
      [6521] ldc_w #1418
        + Integer [842163286]
      [6524] iastore
      [6525] dup
      [6526] sipush 162
      [6529] ldc_w #1485
        + Integer [976909390]
      [6532] iastore
      [6533] dup
      [6534] sipush 163
      [6537] ldc_w #1098
        + Integer [168432670]
      [6540] iastore
      [6541] dup
      [6542] sipush 164
      [6545] ldc_w #1603
        + Integer [1229558491]
      [6548] iastore
      [6549] dup
      [6550] sipush 165
      [6553] ldc_w #1068
        + Integer [101059594]
      [6556] iastore
      [6557] dup
      [6558] sipush 166
      [6561] ldc_w #1306
        + Integer [606357612]
      [6564] iastore
      [6565] dup
      [6566] sipush 167
      [6569] ldc_w #1754
        + Integer [1549580516]
      [6572] iastore
      [6573] dup
      [6574] sipush 168
      [6577] ldc_w #537
        + Integer [-1027432611]
      [6580] iastore
      [6581] dup
      [6582] sipush 169
      [6585] ldc_w #673
        + Integer [-741098130]
      [6588] iastore
      [6589] dup
      [6590] sipush 170
      [6593] ldc_w #359
        + Integer [-1397996561]
      [6596] iastore
      [6597] dup
      [6598] sipush 171
      [6601] ldc_w #1805
        + Integer [1650640038]
      [6604] iastore
      [6605] dup
      [6606] sipush 172
      [6609] ldc #143
        + Integer [-1852753496]
      [6611] iastore
      [6612] dup
      [6613] sipush 173
      [6616] ldc #174
        + Integer [-1785384540]
      [6618] iastore
      [6619] dup
      [6620] sipush 174
      [6623] ldc_w #809
        + Integer [-454765769]
      [6626] iastore
      [6627] dup
      [6628] sipush 175
      [6631] ldc_w #1985
        + Integer [2038035083]
      [6634] iastore
      [6635] dup
      [6636] sipush 176
      [6639] ldc_w #833
        + Integer [-404237006]
      [6642] iastore
      [6643] dup
      [6644] sipush 177
      [6647] ldc_w #584
        + Integer [-926381245]
      [6650] iastore
      [6651] dup
      [6652] sipush 178
      [6655] ldc_w #1457
        + Integer [926379609]
      [6658] iastore
      [6659] dup
      [6660] sipush 179
      [6663] ldc_w #1890
        + Integer [1835915959]
      [6666] iastore
      [6667] dup
      [6668] sipush 180
      [6671] ldc #110
        + Integer [-1920138868]
      [6673] iastore
      [6674] dup
      [6675] sipush 181
      [6678] ldc_w #689
        + Integer [-707415708]
      [6681] iastore
      [6682] dup
      [6683] sipush 182
      [6686] ldc_w #1643
        + Integer [1313774802]
      [6689] iastore
      [6690] dup
      [6691] sipush 183
      [6694] ldc_w #336
        + Integer [-1448523296]
      [6697] iastore
      [6698] dup
      [6699] sipush 184
      [6702] ldc_w #1886
        + Integer [1819072692]
      [6705] iastore
      [6706] dup
      [6707] sipush 185
      [6710] ldc_w #1708
        + Integer [1448520954]
      [6713] iastore
      [6714] dup
      [6715] sipush 186
      [6718] ldc_w #937
        + Integer [-185273593]
      [6721] iastore
      [6722] dup
      [6723] sipush 187
      [6726] ldc_w #857
        + Integer [-353710299]
      [6729] iastore
      [6730] dup
      [6731] sipush 188
      [6734] ldc_w #1828
        + Integer [1701169839]
      [6737] iastore
      [6738] dup
      [6739] sipush 189
      [6742] ldc_w #1997
        + Integer [2054878350]
      [6745] iastore
      [6746] dup
      [6747] sipush 190
      [6750] ldc_w #376
        + Integer [-1364310039]
      [6753] iastore
      [6754] dup
      [6755] sipush 191
      [6758] ldc_w #1081
        + Integer [134746136]
      [6761] iastore
      [6762] dup
      [6763] sipush 192
      [6766] ldc_w #471
        + Integer [-1162186795]
      [6769] iastore
      [6770] dup
      [6771] sipush 193
      [6774] ldc_w #1981
        + Integer [2021191816]
      [6777] iastore
      [6778] dup
      [6779] sipush 194
      [6782] ldc_w #1313
        + Integer [623200879]
      [6785] iastore
      [6786] dup
      [6787] sipush 195
      [6790] ldc_w #1386
        + Integer [774790258]
      [6793] iastore
      [6794] dup
      [6795] sipush 196
      [6798] ldc_w #1243
        + Integer [471611428]
      [6801] iastore
      [6802] dup
      [6803] sipush 197
      [6806] ldc_w #309
        + Integer [-1499047951]
      [6809] iastore
      [6810] dup
      [6811] sipush 198
      [6814] ldc_w #422
        + Integer [-1263242297]
      [6817] iastore
      [6818] dup
      [6819] sipush 199
      [6822] ldc_w #568
        + Integer [-960063663]
      [6825] iastore
      [6826] dup
      [6827] sipush 200
      [6830] ldc_w #841
        + Integer [-387396829]
      [6833] iastore
      [6834] dup
      [6835] sipush 201
      [6838] ldc_w #753
        + Integer [-572677764]
      [6841] iastore
      [6842] dup
      [6843] sipush 202
      [6846] ldc_w #1950
        + Integer [1953818780]
      [6849] iastore
      [6850] dup
      [6851] sipush 203
      [6854] ldc_w #1265
        + Integer [522141217]
      [6857] iastore
      [6858] dup
      [6859] sipush 204
      [6862] ldc_w #1619
        + Integer [1263245021]
      [6865] iastore
      [6866] dup
      [6867] sipush 205
      [6870] ldc_w #495
        + Integer [-1111662116]
      [6873] iastore
      [6874] dup
      [6875] sipush 206
      [6878] ldc #96
        + Integer [-1953821306]
      [6880] iastore
      [6881] dup
      [6882] sipush 207
      [6885] ldc #86
        + Integer [-1970663547]
      [6887] iastore
      [6888] dup
      [6889] sipush 208
      [6892] ldc_w #1916
        + Integer [1886445712]
      [6895] iastore
      [6896] dup
      [6897] sipush 209
      [6900] ldc_w #1514
        + Integer [1044282434]
      [6903] iastore
      [6904] dup
      [6905] sipush 210
      [6908] ldc_w #432
        + Integer [-1246400060]
      [6911] iastore
      [6912] dup
      [6913] sipush 211
      [6916] ldc_w #1837
        + Integer [1718013098]
      [6919] iastore
      [6920] dup
      [6921] sipush 212
      [6924] ldc_w #1594
        + Integer [1212715224]
      [6927] iastore
      [6928] dup
      [6929] sipush 213
      [6932] ldc_w #1043
        + Integer [50529797]
      [6935] iastore
      [6936] dup
      [6937] sipush 214
      [6940] ldc_w #952
        + Integer [-151587071]
      [6943] iastore
      [6944] dup
      [6945] sipush 215
      [6948] ldc_w #1131
        + Integer [235805714]
      [6951] iastore
      [6952] dup
      [6953] sipush 216
      [6956] ldc_w #1793
        + Integer [1633796771]
      [6959] iastore
      [6960] dup
      [6961] sipush 217
      [6964] ldc_w #1443
        + Integer [892693087]
      [6967] iastore
      [6968] dup
      [6969] sipush 218
      [6972] ldc_w #1713
        + Integer [1465364217]
      [6975] iastore
      [6976] dup
      [6977] sipush 219
      [6980] ldc_w #465
        + Integer [-1179031088]
      [6983] iastore
      [6984] dup
      [6985] sipush 220
      [6988] ldc #53
        + Integer [-2038032495]
      [6990] iastore
      [6991] dup
      [6992] sipush 221
      [6995] ldc_w #528
        + Integer [-1044276904]
      [6998] iastore
      [6999] dup
      [7000] sipush 222
      [7003] ldc_w #1252
        + Integer [488454695]
      [7006] iastore
      [7007] dup
      [7008] sipush 223
      [7011] ldc #246
        + Integer [-1633802311]
      [7013] iastore
      [7014] dup
      [7015] sipush 224
      [7018] ldc_w #784
        + Integer [-505292488]
      [7021] iastore
      [7022] dup
      [7023] sipush 225
      [7026] ldc_w #969
        + Integer [-117904621]
      [7029] iastore
      [7030] dup
      [7031] sipush 226
      [7034] ldc #200
        + Integer [-1734857805]
      [7036] iastore
      [7037] dup
      [7038] sipush 227
      [7041] ldc_w #1154
        + Integer [286335539]
      [7044] iastore
      [7045] dup
      [7046] sipush 228
      [7049] ldc_w #1860
        + Integer [1768542907]
      [7052] iastore
      [7053] dup
      [7054] sipush 229
      [7057] ldc_w #721
        + Integer [-640046736]
      [7060] iastore
      [7061] dup
      [7062] sipush 230
      [7065] ldc #118
        + Integer [-1903294583]
      [7067] iastore
      [7068] dup
      [7069] sipush 231
      [7072] ldc #167
        + Integer [-1802226777]
      [7074] iastore
      [7075] dup
      [7076] sipush 232
      [7079] ldc #222
        + Integer [-1684329034]
      [7081] iastore
      [7082] dup
      [7083] sipush 233
      [7086] ldc_w #1260
        + Integer [505297954]
      [7089] iastore
      [7090] dup
      [7091] sipush 234
      [7094] ldc #63
        + Integer [-2021190254]
      [7096] iastore
      [7097] dup
      [7098] sipush 235
      [7101] ldc_w #849
        + Integer [-370554592]
      [7104] iastore
      [7105] dup
      [7106] sipush 236
      [7109] ldc_w #632
        + Integer [-825325751]
      [7112] iastore
      [7113] dup
      [7114] sipush 237
      [7117] ldc_w #1699
        + Integer [1431677695]
      [7120] iastore
      [7121] dup
      [7122] sipush 238
      [7125] ldc_w #1338
        + Integer [673730680]
      [7128] iastore
      [7129] dup
      [7130] sipush 239
      [7133] ldc_w #769
        + Integer [-538991238]
      [7136] iastore
      [7137] dup
      [7138] sipush 240
      [7141] ldc #101
        + Integer [-1936981105]
      [7143] iastore
      [7144] dup
      [7145] sipush 241
      [7148] ldc_w #272
        + Integer [-1583261192]
      [7151] iastore
      [7152] dup
      [7153] sipush 242
      [7156] ldc #78
        + Integer [-1987507840]
      [7158] iastore
      [7159] dup
      [7160] sipush 243
      [7163] ldc_w #1122
        + Integer [218962455]
      [7166] iastore
      [7167] dup
      [7168] sipush 244
      [7171] ldc_w #512
        + Integer [-1077975590]
      [7174] iastore
      [7175] dup
      [7176] sipush 245
      [7179] ldc_w #823
        + Integer [-421079247]
      [7182] iastore
      [7183] dup
      [7184] sipush 246
      [7187] ldc_w #1547
        + Integer [1111655622]
      [7190] iastore
      [7191] dup
      [7192] sipush 247
      [7195] ldc_w #1852
        + Integer [1751699640]
      [7198] iastore
      [7199] dup
      [7200] sipush 248
      [7203] ldc_w #1539
        + Integer [1094812355]
      [7206] iastore
      [7207] dup
      [7208] sipush 249
      [7211] ldc #206
        + Integer [-1718015568]
      [7213] iastore
      [7214] dup
      [7215] sipush 250
      [7218] ldc_w #1378
        + Integer [757946999]
      [7221] iastore
      [7222] dup
      [7223] sipush 251
      [7226] ldc_w #1139
        + Integer [252648977]
      [7229] iastore
      [7230] dup
      [7231] sipush 252
      [7234] ldc_w #389
        + Integer [-1330611253]
      [7237] iastore
      [7238] dup
      [7239] sipush 253
      [7242] ldc_w #1690
        + Integer [1414834428]
      [7245] iastore
      [7246] dup
      [7247] sipush 254
      [7250] ldc_w #479
        + Integer [-1145344554]
      [7253] iastore
      [7254] dup
      [7255] sipush 255
      [7258] ldc_w #1193
        + Integer [370551866]
      [7261] iastore
      [7262] putstatic #2060
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T1 [I]
      [7265] sipush 256
      [7268] newarray 10
      [7270] dup
      [7271] iconst_0
      [7272] ldc_w #1814
        + Integer [1673962851]
      [7275] iastore
      [7276] dup
      [7277] iconst_1
      [7278] ldc_w #2016
        + Integer [2096661628]
      [7281] iastore
      [7282] dup
      [7283] iconst_2
      [7284] ldc_w #1976
        + Integer [2012125559]
      [7287] iastore
      [7288] dup
      [7289] iconst_3
      [7290] ldc_w #2008
        + Integer [2079755643]
      [7293] iastore
      [7294] dup
      [7295] iconst_4
      [7296] ldc_w #921
        + Integer [-218165774]
      [7299] iastore
      [7300] dup
      [7301] iconst_5
      [7302] ldc_w #1880
        + Integer [1809235307]
      [7305] iastore
      [7306] dup
      [7307] bipush 6
      [7309] ldc_w #1912
        + Integer [1876865391]
      [7312] iastore
      [7313] dup
      [7314] bipush 7
      [7316] ldc_w #558
        + Integer [-980331323]
      [7319] iastore
      [7320] dup
      [7321] bipush 8
      [7323] ldc_w #1405
        + Integer [811618352]
      [7326] iastore
      [7327] dup
      [7328] bipush 9
      [7330] ldc_w #1026
        + Integer [16909057]
      [7333] iastore
      [7334] dup
      [7335] bipush 10
      [7337] ldc_w #1846
        + Integer [1741597031]
      [7340] iastore
      [7341] dup
      [7342] bipush 11
      [7344] ldc_w #1366
        + Integer [727088427]
      [7347] iastore
      [7348] dup
      [7349] bipush 12
      [7351] ldc_w #1016
        + Integer [-18408962]
      [7354] iastore
      [7355] dup
      [7356] bipush 13
      [7358] ldc_w #701
        + Integer [-675978537]
      [7361] iastore
      [7362] dup
      [7363] bipush 14
      [7365] ldc_w #348
        + Integer [-1420958037]
      [7368] iastore
      [7369] dup
      [7370] bipush 15
      [7372] ldc_w #1968
        + Integer [1995217526]
      [7375] iastore
      [7376] dup
      [7377] bipush 16
      [7379] ldc_w #598
        + Integer [-896580150]
      [7382] iastore
      [7383] dup
      [7384] bipush 17
      [7386] ldc #19
        + Integer [-2111857278]
      [7388] iastore
      [7389] dup
      [7390] bipush 18
      [7392] ldc_w #591
        + Integer [-913751863]
      [7395] iastore
      [7396] dup
      [7397] bipush 19
      [7399] ldc_w #2024
        + Integer [2113570685]
      [7402] iastore
      [7403] dup
      [7404] bipush 20
      [7406] ldc_w #984
        + Integer [-84994566]
      [7409] iastore
      [7410] dup
      [7411] bipush 21
      [7413] ldc_w #1734
        + Integer [1504897881]
      [7416] iastore
      [7417] dup
      [7418] bipush 22
      [7420] ldc_w #1590
        + Integer [1200539975]
      [7423] iastore
      [7424] dup
      [7425] bipush 23
      [7427] ldc_w #905
        + Integer [-251982864]
      [7430] iastore
      [7431] dup
      [7432] bipush 24
      [7434] ldc_w #363
        + Integer [-1388188499]
      [7437] iastore
      [7438] dup
      [7439] bipush 25
      [7441] ldc_w #679
        + Integer [-726439980]
      [7444] iastore
      [7445] dup
      [7446] bipush 26
      [7448] ldc_w #276
        + Integer [-1570767454]
      [7451] iastore
      [7452] dup
      [7453] bipush 27
      [7455] ldc_w #378
        + Integer [-1354372433]
      [7458] iastore
      [7459] dup
      [7460] bipush 28
      [7462] ldc #226
        + Integer [-1675378788]
      [7464] iastore
      [7465] dup
      [7466] bipush 29
      [7468] ldc_w #292
        + Integer [-1538000988]
      [7471] iastore
      [7472] dup
      [7473] bipush 30
      [7475] ldc_w #1936
        + Integer [1927583346]
      [7478] iastore
      [7479] dup
      [7480] bipush 31
      [7482] ldc_w #517
        + Integer [-1063560256]
      [7485] iastore
      [7486] dup
      [7487] bipush 32
      [7489] ldc_w #445
        + Integer [-1217019209]
      [7492] iastore
      [7493] dup
      [7494] bipush 33
      [7496] ldc_w #1007
        + Integer [-35578627]
      [7499] iastore
      [7500] dup
      [7501] bipush 34
      [7503] ldc #156
        + Integer [-1824674157]
      [7505] iastore
      [7506] dup
      [7507] bipush 35
      [7509] ldc_w #1324
        + Integer [642542118]
      [7512] iastore
      [7513] dup
      [7514] bipush 36
      [7516] ldc_w #1455
        + Integer [913070646]
      [7519] iastore
      [7520] dup
      [7521] bipush 37
      [7523] ldc_w #1525
        + Integer [1065238847]
      [7526] iastore
      [7527] dup
      [7528] bipush 38
      [7530] ldc_w #960
        + Integer [-134937865]
      [7533] iastore
      [7534] dup
      [7535] bipush 39
      [7537] ldc_w #614
        + Integer [-863809588]
      [7540] iastore
      [7541] dup
      [7542] bipush 40
      [7544] ldc_w #1436
        + Integer [879254580]
      [7547] iastore
      [7548] dup
      [7549] bipush 41
      [7551] ldc_w #300
        + Integer [-1521355611]
      [7554] iastore
      [7555] dup
      [7556] bipush 42
      [7558] ldc_w #816
        + Integer [-439274267]
      [7561] iastore
      [7562] dup
      [7563] bipush 43
      [7565] ldc_w #913
        + Integer [-235337487]
      [7568] iastore
      [7569] dup
      [7570] bipush 44
      [7572] ldc_w #1928
        + Integer [1910674289]
      [7575] iastore
      [7576] dup
      [7577] bipush 45
      [7579] ldc_w #711
        + Integer [-659852328]
      [7582] iastore
      [7583] dup
      [7584] bipush 46
      [7586] ldc_w #1412
        + Integer [828527409]
      [7589] iastore
      [7590] dup
      [7591] bipush 47
      [7593] ldc_w #1186
        + Integer [355090197]
      [7596] iastore
      [7597] dup
      [7598] bipush 48
      [7600] ldc_w #1051
        + Integer [67636228]
      [7603] iastore
      [7604] dup
      [7605] bipush 49
      [7607] ldc_w #575
        + Integer [-946515257]
      [7610] iastore
      [7611] dup
      [7612] bipush 50
      [7614] ldc_w #1299
        + Integer [591815971]
      [7617] iastore
      [7618] dup
      [7619] bipush 51
      [7621] ldc_w #543
        + Integer [-1013096765]
      [7624] iastore
      [7625] dup
      [7626] bipush 52
      [7628] ldc_w #1213
        + Integer [405809176]
      [7631] iastore
      [7632] dup
      [7633] bipush 53
      [7635] ldc #178
        + Integer [-1774739050]
      [7637] iastore
      [7638] dup
      [7639] bipush 54
      [7641] ldc_w #1060
        + Integer [84545285]
      [7644] iastore
      [7645] dup
      [7646] bipush 55
      [7648] ldc #210
        + Integer [-1708149350]
      [7650] iastore
      [7651] dup
      [7652] bipush 56
      [7654] ldc_w #1074
        + Integer [118360327]
      [7657] iastore
      [7658] dup
      [7659] bipush 57
      [7661] ldc_w #1166
        + Integer [304363026]
      [7664] iastore
      [7665] dup
      [7666] bipush 58
      [7668] ldc #2
        + Integer [-2145674368]
      [7670] iastore
      [7671] dup
      [7672] bipush 59
      [7674] ldc_w #792
        + Integer [-488686110]
      [7677] iastore
      [7678] dup
      [7679] bipush 60
      [7681] ldc_w #863
        + Integer [-338876693]
      [7684] iastore
      [7685] dup
      [7686] bipush 61
      [7688] ldc_w #1333
        + Integer [659450151]
      [7691] iastore
      [7692] dup
      [7693] bipush 62
      [7695] ldc_w #404
        + Integer [-1300247118]
      [7698] iastore
      [7699] dup
      [7700] bipush 63
      [7702] ldc_w #1959
        + Integer [1978310517]
      [7705] iastore
      [7706] dup
      [7707] bipush 64
      [7709] ldc_w #1092
        + Integer [152181513]
      [7712] iastore
      [7713] dup
      [7714] bipush 65
      [7716] ldc #27
        + Integer [-2095210877]
      [7718] iastore
      [7719] dup
      [7720] bipush 66
      [7722] ldc_w #1372
        + Integer [743994412]
      [7725] iastore
      [7726] dup
      [7727] bipush 67
      [7729] ldc_w #1228
        + Integer [439627290]
      [7732] iastore
      [7733] dup
      [7734] bipush 68
      [7736] ldc_w #1236
        + Integer [456535323]
      [7739] iastore
      [7740] dup
      [7741] bipush 69
      [7743] ldc_w #1903
        + Integer [1859957358]
      [7746] iastore
      [7747] dup
      [7748] bipush 70
      [7750] ldc_w #1744
        + Integer [1521806938]
      [7753] iastore
      [7754] dup
      [7755] bipush 71
      [7757] ldc_w #260
        + Integer [-1604584544]
      [7760] iastore
      [7761] dup
      [7762] bipush 72
      [7764] ldc_w #1677
        + Integer [1386542674]
      [7767] iastore
      [7768] dup
      [7769] bipush 73
      [7771] ldc_w #1491
        + Integer [997608763]
      [7774] iastore
      [7775] dup
      [7776] bipush 74
      [7778] ldc_w #694
        + Integer [-692624938]
      [7781] iastore
      [7782] dup
      [7783] bipush 75
      [7785] ldc_w #415
        + Integer [-1283600717]
      [7788] iastore
      [7789] dup
      [7790] bipush 76
      [7792] ldc_w #1347
        + Integer [693271337]
      [7795] iastore
      [7796] dup
      [7797] bipush 77
      [7799] ldc_w #800
        + Integer [-472039709]
      [7802] iastore
      [7803] dup
      [7804] bipush 78
      [7806] ldc_w #1395
        + Integer [794718511]
      [7809] iastore
      [7810] dup
      [7811] bipush 79
      [7813] ldc #34
        + Integer [-2079090812]
      [7815] iastore
      [7816] dup
      [7817] bipush 80
      [7819] ldc_w #1686
        + Integer [1403450707]
      [7822] iastore
      [7823] dup
      [7824] bipush 81
      [7826] ldc_w #656
        + Integer [-776378159]
      [7829] iastore
      [7830] dup
      [7831] bipush 83
      [7833] ldc_w #879
        + Integer [-306107155]
      [7836] iastore
      [7837] dup
      [7838] bipush 84
      [7840] ldc_w #1276
        + Integer [541089824]
      [7843] iastore
      [7844] dup
      [7845] bipush 85
      [7847] ldc_w #999
        + Integer [-52224004]
      [7850] iastore
      [7851] dup
      [7852] bipush 86
      [7854] ldc_w #398
        + Integer [-1317418831]
      [7857] iastore
      [7858] dup
      [7859] bipush 87
      [7861] ldc_w #1750
        + Integer [1538714971]
      [7864] iastore
      [7865] dup
      [7866] bipush 88
      [7868] ldc_w #1872
        + Integer [1792327274]
      [7871] iastore
      [7872] dup
      [7873] bipush 89
      [7875] ldc_w #606
        + Integer [-879933749]
      [7878] iastore
      [7879] dup
      [7880] bipush 90
      [7882] ldc_w #499
        + Integer [-1100490306]
      [7885] iastore
      [7886] dup
      [7887] bipush 91
      [7889] ldc_w #1478
        + Integer [963791673]
      [7892] iastore
      [7893] dup
      [7894] bipush 92
      [7896] ldc_w #1612
        + Integer [1251270218]
      [7899] iastore
      [7900] dup
      [7901] bipush 93
      [7903] ldc_w #1631
        + Integer [1285084236]
      [7906] iastore
      [7907] dup
      [7908] bipush 94
      [7910] ldc_w #1725
        + Integer [1487988824]
      [7913] iastore
      [7914] dup
      [7915] bipush 95
      [7917] ldc_w #637
        + Integer [-813348145]
      [7920] iastore
      [7921] dup
      [7922] bipush 96
      [7924] ldc_w #647
        + Integer [-793023536]
      [7927] iastore
      [7928] dup
      [7929] bipush 97
      [7931] ldc_w #895
        + Integer [-272291089]
      [7934] iastore
      [7935] dup
      [7936] bipush 98
      [7938] ldc_w #338
        + Integer [-1437604438]
      [7941] iastore
      [7942] dup
      [7943] bipush 99
      [7945] ldc_w #991
        + Integer [-68348165]
      [7948] iastore
      [7949] dup
      [7950] bipush 100
      [7952] ldc_w #1556
        + Integer [1132905795]
      [7955] iastore
      [7956] dup
      [7957] bipush 101
      [7959] ldc_w #1637
        + Integer [1301993293]
      [7962] iastore
      [7963] dup
      [7964] bipush 102
      [7966] ldc_w #1431
        + Integer [862344499]
      [7969] iastore
      [7970] dup
      [7971] bipush 103
      [7973] ldc #43
        + Integer [-2062445435]
      [7975] iastore
      [7976] dup
      [7977] bipush 104
      [7979] ldc_w #1571
        + Integer [1166724933]
      [7982] iastore
      [7983] dup
      [7984] bipush 105
      [7986] ldc_w #976
        + Integer [-102166279]
      [7989] iastore
      [7990] dup
      [7991] bipush 106
      [7993] ldc_w #1035
        + Integer [33818114]
      [7996] iastore
      [7997] dup
      [7998] bipush 107
      [8000] ldc_w #2041
        + Integer [2147385727]
      [8003] iastore
      [8004] dup
      [8005] bipush 108
      [8007] ldc_w #1662
        + Integer [1352724560]
      [8010] iastore
      [8011] dup
      [8012] bipush 109
      [8014] ldc_w #1503
        + Integer [1014514748]
      [8017] iastore
      [8018] dup
      [8019] bipush 110
      [8021] ldc #250
        + Integer [-1624917345]
      [8023] iastore
      [8024] dup
      [8025] bipush 111
      [8027] ldc_w #323
        + Integer [-1471421528]
      [8030] iastore
      [8031] dup
      [8032] bipush 112
      [8034] ldc_w #1670
        + Integer [1369633617]
      [8037] iastore
      [8038] dup
      [8039] bipush 113
      [8041] ldc_w #282
        + Integer [-1554121053]
      [8044] iastore
      [8045] dup
      [8046] bipush 114
      [8048] ldc_w #1532
        + Integer [1082179648]
      [8051] iastore
      [8052] dup
      [8053] bipush 115
      [8055] ldc #123
        + Integer [-1895462257]
      [8057] iastore
      [8058] dup
      [8059] bipush 116
      [8061] ldc #147
        + Integer [-1841320558]
      [8063] iastore
      [8064] dup
      [8065] bipush 117
      [8067] ldc #236
        + Integer [-1658733411]
      [8069] iastore
      [8070] dup
      [8071] bipush 118
      [8073] ldc_w #1469
        + Integer [946882616]
      [8076] iastore
      [8077] dup
      [8078] bipush 119
      [8080] ldc_w #944
        + Integer [-168753931]
      [8083] iastore
      [8084] dup
      [8085] bipush 120
      [8087] ldc_w #485
        + Integer [-1134305348]
      [8090] iastore
      [8091] dup
      [8092] bipush 121
      [8094] ldc_w #438
        + Integer [-1233665610]
      [8097] iastore
      [8098] dup
      [8099] bipush 122
      [8101] ldc_w #725
        + Integer [-626035238]
      [8104] iastore
      [8105] dup
      [8106] bipush 123
      [8108] ldc_w #1285
        + Integer [557998881]
      [8111] iastore
      [8112] dup
      [8113] bipush 124
      [8115] ldc_w #1147
        + Integer [270544912]
      [8118] iastore
      [8119] dup
      [8120] bipush 125
      [8122] ldc_w #1024
        + Integer [-1762561]
      [8125] iastore
      [8126] dup
      [8127] bipush 126
      [8129] ldc_w #929
        + Integer [-201519373]
      [8132] iastore
      [8133] dup
      [8134] bipush 127
      [8136] ldc_w #662
        + Integer [-759206446]
      [8139] iastore
      [8140] dup
      [8141] sipush 128
      [8144] ldc_w #621
        + Integer [-847164211]
      [8147] iastore
      [8148] dup
      [8149] sipush 129
      [8152] ldc_w #1117
        + Integer [202904588]
      [8155] iastore
      [8156] dup
      [8157] sipush 130
      [8160] ldc_w #1170
        + Integer [321271059]
      [8163] iastore
      [8164] dup
      [8165] sipush 131
      [8168] ldc_w #872
        + Integer [-322752532]
      [8171] iastore
      [8172] dup
      [8173] sipush 132
      [8176] ldc_w #1783
        + Integer [1606345055]
      [8179] iastore
      [8180] dup
      [8181] sipush 133
      [8184] ldc #187
        + Integer [-1758092649]
      [8186] iastore
      [8187] dup
      [8188] sipush 134
      [8191] ldc_w #1566
        + Integer [1149815876]
      [8194] iastore
      [8195] dup
      [8196] sipush 135
      [8199] ldc_w #1205
        + Integer [388905239]
      [8202] iastore
      [8203] dup
      [8204] sipush 136
      [8207] ldc_w #550
        + Integer [-996976700]
      [8210] iastore
      [8211] dup
      [8212] sipush 137
      [8215] ldc_w #315
        + Integer [-1487539545]
      [8218] iastore
      [8219] dup
      [8220] sipush 138
      [8223] ldc_w #2032
        + Integer [2130477694]
      [8226] iastore
      [8227] dup
      [8228] sipush 139
      [8231] ldc_w #1508
        + Integer [1031423805]
      [8234] iastore
      [8235] dup
      [8236] sipush 140
      [8239] ldc_w #1821
        + Integer [1690872932]
      [8242] iastore
      [8243] dup
      [8244] sipush 141
      [8247] ldc_w #1764
        + Integer [1572530013]
      [8250] iastore
      [8251] dup
      [8252] sipush 142
      [8255] ldc_w #1219
        + Integer [422718233]
      [8258] iastore
      [8259] dup
      [8260] sipush 143
      [8263] ldc_w #1943
        + Integer [1944491379]
      [8266] iastore
      [8267] dup
      [8268] sipush 144
      [8271] ldc_w #1791
        + Integer [1623236704]
      [8274] iastore
      [8275] dup
      [8276] sipush 145
      [8279] ldc #11
        + Integer [-2129028991]
      [8281] iastore
      [8282] dup
      [8283] sipush 146
      [8286] ldc_w #1651
        + Integer [1335808335]
      [8289] iastore
      [8290] dup
      [8291] sipush 147
      [8294] ldc_w #740
        + Integer [-593264676]
      [8297] iastore
      [8298] dup
      [8299] sipush 148
      [8302] ldc_w #1293
        + Integer [574907938]
      [8305] iastore
      [8306] dup
      [8307] sipush 149
      [8310] ldc_w #1356
        + Integer [710180394]
      [8313] iastore
      [8314] dup
      [8315] sipush 150
      [8318] ldc #131
        + Integer [-1875137648]
      [8320] iastore
      [8321] dup
      [8322] sipush 151
      [8325] ldc #66
        + Integer [-2012511352]
      [8327] iastore
      [8328] dup
      [8329] sipush 152
      [8332] ldc_w #1581
        + Integer [1183631942]
      [8335] iastore
      [8336] dup
      [8337] sipush 153
      [8340] ldc_w #887
        + Integer [-288937490]
      [8343] iastore
      [8344] dup
      [8345] sipush 154
      [8348] ldc_w #453
        + Integer [-1200893000]
      [8351] iastore
      [8352] dup
      [8353] sipush 155
      [8356] ldc_w #1181
        + Integer [338181140]
      [8359] iastore
      [8360] dup
      [8361] sipush 156
      [8364] ldc_w #758
        + Integer [-559449634]
      [8367] iastore
      [8368] dup
      [8369] sipush 157
      [8372] ldc_w #1774
        + Integer [1589437022]
      [8375] iastore
      [8376] dup
      [8377] sipush 158
      [8380] ldc_w #1107
        + Integer [185998603]
      [8383] iastore
      [8384] dup
      [8385] sipush 159
      [8388] ldc_w #735
        + Integer [-609388837]
      [8391] iastore
      [8392] dup
      [8393] sipush 160
      [8396] ldc_w #776
        + Integer [-522503200]
      [8399] iastore
      [8400] dup
      [8401] sipush 161
      [8404] ldc_w #1420
        + Integer [845436466]
      [8407] iastore
      [8408] dup
      [8409] sipush 162
      [8412] ldc_w #1486
        + Integer [980700730]
      [8415] iastore
      [8416] dup
      [8417] sipush 163
      [8420] ldc_w #1101
        + Integer [169090570]
      [8423] iastore
      [8424] dup
      [8425] sipush 164
      [8428] ldc_w #1606
        + Integer [1234361161]
      [8431] iastore
      [8432] dup
      [8433] sipush 165
      [8436] ldc_w #1069
        + Integer [101452294]
      [8439] iastore
      [8440] dup
      [8441] sipush 166
      [8444] ldc_w #1310
        + Integer [608726052]
      [8447] iastore
      [8448] dup
      [8449] sipush 167
      [8452] ldc_w #1759
        + Integer [1555620956]
      [8455] iastore
      [8456] dup
      [8457] sipush 168
      [8460] ldc_w #533
        + Integer [-1029743166]
      [8463] iastore
      [8464] dup
      [8465] sipush 169
      [8468] ldc_w #672
        + Integer [-742560045]
      [8471] iastore
      [8472] dup
      [8473] sipush 170
      [8476] ldc_w #355
        + Integer [-1404833876]
      [8479] iastore
      [8480] dup
      [8481] sipush 171
      [8484] ldc_w #1807
        + Integer [1657054818]
      [8487] iastore
      [8488] dup
      [8489] sipush 172
      [8492] ldc #139
        + Integer [-1858492271]
      [8494] iastore
      [8495] dup
      [8496] sipush 173
      [8499] ldc #171
        + Integer [-1791908715]
      [8501] iastore
      [8502] dup
      [8503] sipush 174
      [8506] ldc_w #807
        + Integer [-455919644]
      [8509] iastore
      [8510] dup
      [8511] sipush 175
      [8514] ldc_w #1992
        + Integer [2045938553]
      [8517] iastore
      [8518] dup
      [8519] sipush 176
      [8522] ldc_w #832
        + Integer [-405458201]
      [8525] iastore
      [8526] dup
      [8527] sipush 177
      [8530] ldc_w #580
        + Integer [-930397240]
      [8533] iastore
      [8534] dup
      [8535] sipush 178
      [8538] ldc_w #1458
        + Integer [929978679]
      [8541] iastore
      [8542] dup
      [8543] sipush 179
      [8546] ldc_w #1896
        + Integer [1843050349]
      [8549] iastore
      [8550] dup
      [8551] sipush 180
      [8554] ldc #106
        + Integer [-1929278323]
      [8556] iastore
      [8557] dup
      [8558] sipush 181
      [8561] ldc_w #686
        + Integer [-709794603]
      [8564] iastore
      [8565] dup
      [8566] sipush 182
      [8569] ldc_w #1647
        + Integer [1318900302]
      [8572] iastore
      [8573] dup
      [8574] sipush 183
      [8577] ldc_w #332
        + Integer [-1454776151]
      [8580] iastore
      [8581] dup
      [8582] sipush 184
      [8585] ldc_w #1887
        + Integer [1826141292]
      [8588] iastore
      [8589] dup
      [8590] sipush 185
      [8593] ldc_w #1711
        + Integer [1454176854]
      [8596] iastore
      [8597] dup
      [8598] sipush 186
      [8601] ldc_w #936
        + Integer [-185399308]
      [8604] iastore
      [8605] dup
      [8606] sipush 187
      [8609] ldc_w #855
        + Integer [-355523094]
      [8612] iastore
      [8613] dup
      [8614] sipush 188
      [8617] ldc_w #1830
        + Integer [1707781989]
      [8620] iastore
      [8621] dup
      [8622] sipush 189
      [8625] ldc_w #2000
        + Integer [2062847610]
      [8628] iastore
      [8629] dup
      [8630] sipush 190
      [8633] ldc_w #373
        + Integer [-1371018834]
      [8636] iastore
      [8637] dup
      [8638] sipush 191
      [8641] ldc_w #1083
        + Integer [135272456]
      [8644] iastore
      [8645] dup
      [8646] sipush 192
      [8649] ldc_w #468
        + Integer [-1167075910]
      [8652] iastore
      [8653] dup
      [8654] sipush 193
      [8657] ldc_w #1984
        + Integer [2029029496]
      [8660] iastore
      [8661] dup
      [8662] sipush 194
      [8665] ldc_w #1314
        + Integer [625635109]
      [8668] iastore
      [8669] dup
      [8670] sipush 195
      [8673] ldc_w #1391
        + Integer [777810478]
      [8676] iastore
      [8677] dup
      [8678] sipush 196
      [8681] ldc_w #1244
        + Integer [473441308]
      [8684] iastore
      [8685] dup
      [8686] sipush 197
      [8689] ldc_w #306
        + Integer [-1504185946]
      [8692] iastore
      [8693] dup
      [8694] sipush 198
      [8697] ldc_w #420
        + Integer [-1267480652]
      [8700] iastore
      [8701] dup
      [8702] sipush 199
      [8705] ldc_w #566
        + Integer [-963161658]
      [8708] iastore
      [8709] dup
      [8710] sipush 200
      [8713] ldc_w #840
        + Integer [-389340184]
      [8716] iastore
      [8717] dup
      [8718] sipush 201
      [8721] ldc_w #751
        + Integer [-576619299]
      [8724] iastore
      [8725] dup
      [8726] sipush 202
      [8729] ldc_w #1952
        + Integer [1961401460]
      [8732] iastore
      [8733] dup
      [8734] sipush 203
      [8737] ldc_w #1267
        + Integer [524165407]
      [8740] iastore
      [8741] dup
      [8742] sipush 204
      [8745] ldc_w #1623
        + Integer [1268178251]
      [8748] iastore
      [8749] dup
      [8750] sipush 205
      [8753] ldc_w #492
        + Integer [-1117659971]
      [8756] iastore
      [8757] dup
      [8758] sipush 206
      [8761] ldc #90
        + Integer [-1962047861]
      [8763] iastore
      [8764] dup
      [8765] sipush 207
      [8768] ldc #83
        + Integer [-1978694262]
      [8770] iastore
      [8771] dup
      [8772] sipush 208
      [8775] ldc_w #1920
        + Integer [1893765232]
      [8778] iastore
      [8779] dup
      [8780] sipush 209
      [8783] ldc_w #1516
        + Integer [1048330814]
      [8786] iastore
      [8787] dup
      [8788] sipush 210
      [8791] ldc_w #428
        + Integer [-1250835275]
      [8794] iastore
      [8795] dup
      [8796] sipush 211
      [8799] ldc_w #1840
        + Integer [1724688998]
      [8802] iastore
      [8803] dup
      [8804] sipush 212
      [8807] ldc_w #1598
        + Integer [1217452104]
      [8810] iastore
      [8811] dup
      [8812] sipush 213
      [8815] ldc_w #1044
        + Integer [50726147]
      [8818] iastore
      [8819] dup
      [8820] sipush 214
      [8823] ldc_w #953
        + Integer [-151584266]
      [8826] iastore
      [8827] dup
      [8828] sipush 215
      [8831] ldc_w #1132
        + Integer [236720654]
      [8834] iastore
      [8835] dup
      [8836] sipush 216
      [8839] ldc_w #1797
        + Integer [1640145761]
      [8842] iastore
      [8843] dup
      [8844] sipush 217
      [8847] ldc_w #1444
        + Integer [896163637]
      [8850] iastore
      [8851] dup
      [8852] sipush 218
      [8855] ldc_w #1717
        + Integer [1471084887]
      [8858] iastore
      [8859] dup
      [8860] sipush 219
      [8863] ldc_w #461
        + Integer [-1184247623]
      [8866] iastore
      [8867] dup
      [8868] sipush 220
      [8871] ldc #51
        + Integer [-2045275770]
      [8873] iastore
      [8874] dup
      [8875] sipush 221
      [8878] ldc_w #525
        + Integer [-1046914879]
      [8881] iastore
      [8882] dup
      [8883] sipush 222
      [8886] ldc_w #1253
        + Integer [490350365]
      [8889] iastore
      [8890] dup
      [8891] sipush 223
      [8894] ldc #243
        + Integer [-1641563746]
      [8896] iastore
      [8897] dup
      [8898] sipush 224
      [8901] ldc_w #783
        + Integer [-505857823]
      [8904] iastore
      [8905] dup
      [8906] sipush 225
      [8909] ldc_w #968
        + Integer [-118811656]
      [8912] iastore
      [8913] dup
      [8914] sipush 226
      [8917] ldc #197
        + Integer [-1741966440]
      [8919] iastore
      [8920] dup
      [8921] sipush 227
      [8924] ldc_w #1156
        + Integer [287453969]
      [8927] iastore
      [8928] dup
      [8929] sipush 228
      [8932] ldc_w #1863
        + Integer [1775418217]
      [8935] iastore
      [8936] dup
      [8937] sipush 229
      [8940] ldc_w #718
        + Integer [-643206951]
      [8943] iastore
      [8944] dup
      [8945] sipush 230
      [8948] ldc #114
        + Integer [-1912108658]
      [8950] iastore
      [8951] dup
      [8952] sipush 231
      [8955] ldc #164
        + Integer [-1808554092]
      [8957] iastore
      [8958] dup
      [8959] sipush 232
      [8962] ldc #219
        + Integer [-1691502949]
      [8964] iastore
      [8965] dup
      [8966] sipush 233
      [8969] ldc_w #1261
        + Integer [507257374]
      [8972] iastore
      [8973] dup
      [8974] sipush 234
      [8977] ldc #58
        + Integer [-2028629369]
      [8979] iastore
      [8980] dup
      [8981] sipush 235
      [8984] ldc_w #848
        + Integer [-372694807]
      [8987] iastore
      [8988] dup
      [8989] sipush 236
      [8992] ldc_w #629
        + Integer [-829994546]
      [8995] iastore
      [8996] dup
      [8997] sipush 237
      [9000] ldc_w #1701
        + Integer [1437269845]
      [9003] iastore
      [9004] dup
      [9005] sipush 238
      [9008] ldc_w #1341
        + Integer [676362280]
      [9011] iastore
      [9012] dup
      [9013] sipush 239
      [9016] ldc_w #766
        + Integer [-542803233]
      [9019] iastore
      [9020] dup
      [9021] sipush 240
      [9024] ldc #99
        + Integer [-1945923700]
      [9026] iastore
      [9027] dup
      [9028] sipush 241
      [9031] ldc_w #269
        + Integer [-1587939167]
      [9034] iastore
      [9035] dup
      [9036] sipush 242
      [9039] ldc #75
        + Integer [-1995865975]
      [9041] iastore
      [9042] dup
      [9043] sipush 243
      [9046] ldc_w #1123
        + Integer [219813645]
      [9049] iastore
      [9050] dup
      [9051] sipush 244
      [9054] ldc_w #508
        + Integer [-1083843905]
      [9057] iastore
      [9058] dup
      [9059] sipush 245
      [9062] ldc_w #822
        + Integer [-422104602]
      [9065] iastore
      [9066] dup
      [9067] sipush 246
      [9070] ldc_w #1551
        + Integer [1115997762]
      [9073] iastore
      [9074] dup
      [9075] sipush 247
      [9078] ldc_w #1854
        + Integer [1758509160]
      [9081] iastore
      [9082] dup
      [9083] sipush 248
      [9086] ldc_w #1541
        + Integer [1099088705]
      [9089] iastore
      [9090] dup
      [9091] sipush 249
      [9094] ldc #202
        + Integer [-1725321063]
      [9096] iastore
      [9097] dup
      [9098] sipush 250
      [9101] ldc_w #1380
        + Integer [760903469]
      [9104] iastore
      [9105] dup
      [9106] sipush 251
      [9109] ldc_w #1140
        + Integer [253628687]
      [9112] iastore
      [9113] dup
      [9114] sipush 252
      [9117] ldc_w #387
        + Integer [-1334064208]
      [9120] iastore
      [9121] dup
      [9122] sipush 253
      [9125] ldc_w #1695
        + Integer [1420360788]
      [9128] iastore
      [9129] dup
      [9130] sipush 254
      [9133] ldc_w #477
        + Integer [-1150429509]
      [9136] iastore
      [9137] dup
      [9138] sipush 255
      [9141] ldc_w #1196
        + Integer [371997206]
      [9144] iastore
      [9145] putstatic #2061
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T2 [I]
      [9148] sipush 256
      [9151] newarray 10
      [9153] dup
      [9154] iconst_0
      [9155] ldc_w #567
        + Integer [-962239645]
      [9158] iastore
      [9159] dup
      [9160] iconst_1
      [9161] ldc_w #965
        + Integer [-125535108]
      [9164] iastore
      [9165] dup
      [9166] iconst_2
      [9167] ldc_w #884
        + Integer [-291932297]
      [9170] iastore
      [9171] dup
      [9172] iconst_3
      [9173] ldc_w #948
        + Integer [-158499973]
      [9176] iastore
      [9177] dup
      [9178] iconst_4
      [9179] ldc_w #1018
        + Integer [-15863054]
      [9182] iastore
      [9183] dup
      [9184] iconst_5
      [9185] ldc_w #696
        + Integer [-692229269]
      [9188] iastore
      [9189] dup
      [9190] bipush 6
      [9192] ldc_w #759
        + Integer [-558796945]
      [9195] iastore
      [9196] dup
      [9197] bipush 7
      [9199] ldc #140
        + Integer [-1856715323]
      [9201] iastore
      [9202] dup
      [9203] bipush 8
      [9205] ldc_w #1788
        + Integer [1615867952]
      [9208] iastore
      [9209] dup
      [9210] bipush 9
      [9212] ldc_w #1034
        + Integer [33751297]
      [9215] iastore
      [9216] dup
      [9217] bipush 10
      [9219] ldc_w #630
        + Integer [-827758745]
      [9222] iastore
      [9223] dup
      [9224] bipush 11
      [9226] ldc_w #1710
        + Integer [1451043627]
      [9229] iastore
      [9230] dup
      [9231] bipush 12
      [9233] ldc_w #826
        + Integer [-417726722]
      [9236] iastore
      [9237] dup
      [9238] bipush 13
      [9240] ldc_w #427
        + Integer [-1251813417]
      [9243] iastore
      [9244] dup
      [9245] bipush 14
      [9247] ldc_w #1640
        + Integer [1306962859]
      [9250] iastore
      [9251] dup
      [9252] bipush 15
      [9254] ldc_w #870
        + Integer [-325421450]
      [9257] iastore
      [9258] dup
      [9259] bipush 16
      [9261] ldc #126
        + Integer [-1891251510]
      [9263] iastore
      [9264] dup
      [9265] bipush 17
      [9267] ldc_w #1269
        + Integer [530416258]
      [9270] iastore
      [9271] dup
      [9272] bipush 18
      [9274] ldc #77
        + Integer [-1992242743]
      [9276] iastore
      [9277] dup
      [9278] bipush 19
      [9280] ldc_w #982
        + Integer [-91783811]
      [9283] iastore
      [9284] dup
      [9285] bipush 20
      [9287] ldc_w #890
        + Integer [-283772166]
      [9290] iastore
      [9291] dup
      [9292] bipush 21
      [9294] ldc_w #409
        + Integer [-1293199015]
      [9297] iastore
      [9298] dup
      [9299] bipush 22
      [9301] ldc #120
        + Integer [-1899411641]
      [9303] iastore
      [9304] dup
      [9305] bipush 23
      [9307] ldc_w #986
        + Integer [-83103504]
      [9310] iastore
      [9311] dup
      [9312] bipush 24
      [9314] ldc_w #1543
        + Integer [1106029997]
      [9317] iastore
      [9318] dup
      [9319] bipush 25
      [9321] ldc_w #414
        + Integer [-1285040940]
      [9324] iastore
      [9325] dup
      [9326] bipush 26
      [9328] ldc_w #1784
        + Integer [1610457762]
      [9331] iastore
      [9332] dup
      [9333] bipush 27
      [9335] ldc_w #1576
        + Integer [1173008303]
      [9338] iastore
      [9339] dup
      [9340] bipush 28
      [9342] ldc_w #1301
        + Integer [599760028]
      [9345] iastore
      [9346] dup
      [9347] bipush 29
      [9349] ldc_w #1688
        + Integer [1408738468]
      [9352] iastore
      [9353] dup
      [9354] bipush 30
      [9356] ldc_w #803
        + Integer [-459902350]
      [9359] iastore
      [9360] dup
      [9361] bipush 31
      [9363] ldc #220
        + Integer [-1688485696]
      [9365] iastore
      [9366] dup
      [9367] bipush 32
      [9369] ldc_w #1957
        + Integer [1975695287]
      [9372] iastore
      [9373] dup
      [9374] bipush 33
      [9376] ldc_w #778
        + Integer [-518193667]
      [9379] iastore
      [9380] dup
      [9381] bipush 34
      [9383] ldc_w #1509
        + Integer [1034851219]
      [9386] iastore
      [9387] dup
      [9388] bipush 35
      [9390] ldc_w #1629
        + Integer [1282024998]
      [9393] iastore
      [9394] dup
      [9395] bipush 36
      [9397] ldc_w #1885
        + Integer [1817851446]
      [9400] iastore
      [9401] dup
      [9402] bipush 37
      [9404] ldc_w #2026
        + Integer [2118205247]
      [9407] iastore
      [9408] dup
      [9409] bipush 38
      [9411] ldc_w #938
        + Integer [-184354825]
      [9414] iastore
      [9415] dup
      [9416] bipush 39
      [9418] ldc #28
        + Integer [-2091922228]
      [9420] iastore
      [9421] dup
      [9422] bipush 40
      [9424] ldc_w #1851
        + Integer [1750873140]
      [9427] iastore
      [9428] dup
      [9429] bipush 41
      [9431] ldc_w #1672
        + Integer [1374987685]
      [9434] iastore
      [9435] dup
      [9436] bipush 42
      [9438] ldc_w #651
        + Integer [-785062427]
      [9441] iastore
      [9442] dup
      [9443] bipush 43
      [9445] ldc_w #970
        + Integer [-116854287]
      [9448] iastore
      [9449] dup
      [9450] bipush 44
      [9452] ldc_w #790
        + Integer [-493653647]
      [9455] iastore
      [9456] dup
      [9457] bipush 45
      [9459] ldc_w #351
        + Integer [-1418471208]
      [9462] iastore
      [9463] dup
      [9464] bipush 46
      [9466] ldc_w #1804
        + Integer [1649619249]
      [9469] iastore
      [9470] dup
      [9471] bipush 47
      [9473] ldc_w #1355
        + Integer [708777237]
      [9476] iastore
      [9477] dup
      [9478] bipush 48
      [9480] ldc_w #1082
        + Integer [135005188]
      [9483] iastore
      [9484] dup
      [9485] bipush 49
      [9487] ldc #172
        + Integer [-1789737017]
      [9489] iastore
      [9490] dup
      [9491] bipush 50
      [9493] ldc_w #1578
        + Integer [1181033251]
      [9496] iastore
      [9497] dup
      [9498] bipush 51
      [9500] ldc #239
        + Integer [-1654733885]
      [9502] iastore
      [9503] dup
      [9504] bipush 52
      [9506] ldc_w #1403
        + Integer [807933976]
      [9509] iastore
      [9510] dup
      [9511] bipush 53
      [9513] ldc_w #1460
        + Integer [933336726]
      [9516] iastore
      [9517] dup
      [9518] bipush 54
      [9520] ldc_w #1100
        + Integer [168756485]
      [9523] iastore
      [9524] dup
      [9525] bipush 55
      [9527] ldc_w #1397
        + Integer [800430746]
      [9530] iastore
      [9531] dup
      [9532] bipush 56
      [9534] ldc_w #1129
        + Integer [235472647]
      [9537] iastore
      [9538] dup
      [9539] bipush 57
      [9541] ldc_w #1307
        + Integer [607523346]
      [9544] iastore
      [9545] dup
      [9546] bipush 58
      [9548] ldc_w #1238
        + Integer [463175808]
      [9551] iastore
      [9552] dup
      [9553] bipush 59
      [9555] ldc_w #764
        + Integer [-549592350]
      [9558] iastore
      [9559] dup
      [9560] bipush 60
      [9562] ldc_w #619
        + Integer [-853087253]
      [9565] iastore
      [9566] dup
      [9567] bipush 61
      [9569] ldc_w #1644
        + Integer [1315514151]
      [9572] iastore
      [9573] dup
      [9574] bipush 62
      [9576] ldc_w #2039
        + Integer [2144187058]
      [9579] iastore
      [9580] dup
      [9581] bipush 63
      [9583] ldc_w #852
        + Integer [-358648459]
      [9586] iastore
      [9587] dup
      [9588] bipush 64
      [9590] ldc_w #1163
        + Integer [303761673]
      [9593] iastore
      [9594] dup
      [9595] bipush 65
      [9597] ldc_w #1256
        + Integer [496927619]
      [9600] iastore
      [9601] dup
      [9602] bipush 66
      [9604] ldc_w #1723
        + Integer [1484008492]
      [9607] iastore
      [9608] dup
      [9609] bipush 67
      [9611] ldc_w #1434
        + Integer [875436570]
      [9614] iastore
      [9615] dup
      [9616] bipush 68
      [9618] ldc_w #1453
        + Integer [908925723]
      [9621] iastore
      [9622] dup
      [9623] bipush 69
      [9625] ldc_w #741
        + Integer [-592286098]
      [9628] iastore
      [9629] dup
      [9630] bipush 70
      [9632] ldc_w #425
        + Integer [-1259447718]
      [9635] iastore
      [9636] dup
      [9637] bipush 71
      [9639] ldc_w #1752
        + Integer [1543217312]
      [9642] iastore
      [9643] dup
      [9644] bipush 72
      [9646] ldc_w #297
        + Integer [-1527360942]
      [9649] iastore
      [9650] dup
      [9651] bipush 73
      [9653] ldc_w #1962
        + Integer [1984772923]
      [9656] iastore
      [9657] dup
      [9658] bipush 74
      [9660] ldc_w #443
        + Integer [-1218324778]
      [9663] iastore
      [9664] dup
      [9665] bipush 75
      [9667] ldc_w #2023
        + Integer [2110698419]
      [9670] iastore
      [9671] dup
      [9672] bipush 76
      [9674] ldc_w #1674
        + Integer [1383803177]
      [9677] iastore
      [9678] dup
      [9679] bipush 77
      [9681] ldc_w #746
        + Integer [-583080989]
      [9684] iastore
      [9685] dup
      [9686] bipush 78
      [9688] ldc_w #1772
        + Integer [1584475951]
      [9691] iastore
      [9692] dup
      [9693] bipush 79
      [9695] ldc_w #1174
        + Integer [328696964]
      [9698] iastore
      [9699] dup
      [9700] bipush 80
      [9702] ldc_w #313
        + Integer [-1493871789]
      [9705] iastore
      [9706] dup
      [9707] bipush 81
      [9709] ldc_w #460
        + Integer [-1184312879]
      [9712] iastore
      [9713] dup
      [9714] bipush 83
      [9716] ldc_w #522
        + Integer [-1054020115]
      [9719] iastore
      [9720] dup
      [9721] bipush 84
      [9723] ldc_w #1531
        + Integer [1080041504]
      [9726] iastore
      [9727] dup
      [9728] bipush 85
      [9730] ldc_w #794
        + Integer [-484442884]
      [9733] iastore
      [9734] dup
      [9735] bipush 86
      [9737] ldc_w #1988
        + Integer [2043195825]
      [9740] iastore
      [9741] dup
      [9742] bipush 87
      [9744] ldc_w #441
        + Integer [-1225958565]
      [9747] iastore
      [9748] dup
      [9749] bipush 88
      [9751] ldc_w #680
        + Integer [-725718422]
      [9754] iastore
      [9755] dup
      [9756] bipush 89
      [9758] ldc #107
        + Integer [-1924740149]
      [9760] iastore
      [9761] dup
      [9762] bipush 90
      [9764] ldc_w #1848
        + Integer [1742323390]
      [9767] iastore
      [9768] dup
      [9769] bipush 91
      [9771] ldc_w #1930
        + Integer [1917532473]
      [9774] iastore
      [9775] dup
      [9776] bipush 92
      [9778] ldc #169
        + Integer [-1797371318]
      [9780] iastore
      [9781] dup
      [9782] bipush 93
      [9784] ldc #201
        + Integer [-1730917300]
      [9786] iastore
      [9787] dup
      [9788] bipush 94
      [9790] ldc_w #392
        + Integer [-1326950312]
      [9793] iastore
      [9794] dup
      [9795] bipush 95
      [9797] ldc #45
        + Integer [-2058694705]
      [9799] iastore
      [9800] dup
      [9801] bipush 96
      [9803] ldc_w #476
        + Integer [-1150562096]
      [9806] iastore
      [9807] dup
      [9808] bipush 97
      [9810] ldc_w #554
        + Integer [-987041809]
      [9813] iastore
      [9814] dup
      [9815] bipush 98
      [9817] ldc_w #1655
        + Integer [1340451498]
      [9820] iastore
      [9821] dup
      [9822] bipush 99
      [9824] ldc_w #874
        + Integer [-317260805]
      [9827] iastore
      [9828] dup
      [9829] bipush 100
      [9831] ldc #56
        + Integer [-2033892541]
      [9833] iastore
      [9834] dup
      [9835] bipush 101
      [9837] ldc #216
        + Integer [-1697166003]
      [9839] iastore
      [9840] dup
      [9841] bipush 102
      [9843] ldc_w #1836
        + Integer [1716859699]
      [9846] iastore
      [9847] dup
      [9848] bipush 103
      [9850] ldc_w #1158
        + Integer [294946181]
      [9853] iastore
      [9854] dup
      [9855] bipush 104
      [9857] ldc #88
        + Integer [-1966127803]
      [9859] iastore
      [9860] dup
      [9861] bipush 105
      [9863] ldc_w #843
        + Integer [-384763399]
      [9866] iastore
      [9867] dup
      [9868] bipush 106
      [9870] ldc_w #1050
        + Integer [67502594]
      [9873] iastore
      [9874] dup
      [9875] bipush 107
      [9877] ldc_w #1012
        + Integer [-25067649]
      [9880] iastore
      [9881] dup
      [9882] bipush 108
      [9884] ldc_w #265
        + Integer [-1594863536]
      [9887] iastore
      [9888] dup
      [9889] bipush 109
      [9891] ldc_w #1979
        + Integer [2017737788]
      [9894] iastore
      [9895] dup
      [9896] bipush 110
      [9898] ldc_w #1317
        + Integer [632987551]
      [9901] iastore
      [9902] dup
      [9903] bipush 111
      [9905] ldc_w #1624
        + Integer [1273211048]
      [9908] iastore
      [9909] dup
      [9910] bipush 112
      [9912] ldc_w #281
        + Integer [-1561112239]
      [9915] iastore
      [9916] dup
      [9917] bipush 113
      [9919] ldc_w #1768
        + Integer [1576969123]
      [9922] iastore
      [9923] dup
      [9924] bipush 114
      [9926] ldc #9
        + Integer [-2134884288]
      [9928] iastore
      [9929] dup
      [9930] bipush 115
      [9932] ldc_w #1064
        + Integer [92966799]
      [9935] iastore
      [9936] dup
      [9937] bipush 116
      [9939] ldc_w #1527
        + Integer [1068339858]
      [9942] iastore
      [9943] dup
      [9944] bipush 117
      [9946] ldc_w #1288
        + Integer [566009245]
      [9949] iastore
      [9950] dup
      [9951] bipush 118
      [9953] ldc_w #1914
        + Integer [1883781176]
      [9956] iastore
      [9957] dup
      [9958] bipush 119
      [9960] ldc_w #906
        + Integer [-251333131]
      [9963] iastore
      [9964] dup
      [9965] bipush 120
      [9967] ldc_w #1815
        + Integer [1675607228]
      [9970] iastore
      [9971] dup
      [9972] bipush 121
      [9974] ldc_w #1974
        + Integer [2009183926]
      [9977] iastore
      [9978] dup
      [9979] bipush 122
      [9981] ldc_w #381
        + Integer [-1351230758]
      [9984] iastore
      [9985] dup
      [9986] bipush 123
      [9988] ldc_w #1549
        + Integer [1113792801]
      [9991] iastore
      [9992] dup
      [9993] bipush 124
      [9995] ldc_w #1275
        + Integer [540020752]
      [9998] iastore
      [9999] dup
      [10000] bipush 125
      [10002] ldc_w #810
        + Integer [-451215361]
      [10005] iastore
      [10006] dup
      [10007] bipush 126
      [10009] ldc_w #1002
        + Integer [-49351693]
      [10012] iastore
      [10013] dup
      [10014] bipush 127
      [10016] ldc_w #509
        + Integer [-1083321646]
      [10019] iastore
      [10020] dup
      [10021] sipush 128
      [10024] ldc #12
        + Integer [-2125673011]
      [10026] iastore
      [10027] dup
      [10028] sipush 129
      [10031] ldc_w #1211
        + Integer [403966988]
      [10034] iastore
      [10035] dup
      [10036] sipush 130
      [10039] ldc_w #1323
        + Integer [641012499]
      [10042] iastore
      [10043] dup
      [10044] sipush 131
      [10047] ldc_w #540
        + Integer [-1020269332]
      [10050] iastore
      [10051] dup
      [10052] sipush 132
      [10055] ldc_w #505
        + Integer [-1092526241]
      [10058] iastore
      [10059] dup
      [10060] sipush 133
      [10063] ldc_w #1446
        + Integer [899848087]
      [10066] iastore
      [10067] dup
      [10068] sipush 134
      [10071] ldc #72
        + Integer [-1999879100]
      [10073] iastore
      [10074] dup
      [10075] sipush 135
      [10078] ldc_w #1389
        + Integer [775493399]
      [10081] iastore
      [10082] dup
      [10083] sipush 136
      [10086] ldc #157
        + Integer [-1822964540]
      [10088] iastore
      [10089] dup
      [10090] sipush 137
      [10093] ldc_w #1702
        + Integer [1441965991]
      [10096] iastore
      [10097] dup
      [10098] sipush 138
      [10101] ldc_w #995
        + Integer [-58556802]
      [10104] iastore
      [10105] dup
      [10106] sipush 139
      [10109] ldc_w #1995
        + Integer [2051489085]
      [10112] iastore
      [10113] dup
      [10114] sipush 140
      [10117] ldc_w #582
        + Integer [-928226204]
      [10120] iastore
      [10121] dup
      [10122] sipush 141
      [10125] ldc_w #473
        + Integer [-1159242403]
      [10128] iastore
      [10129] dup
      [10130] sipush 142
      [10133] ldc_w #1417
        + Integer [841685273]
      [10136] iastore
      [10137] dup
      [10138] sipush 143
      [10141] ldc_w #820
        + Integer [-426413197]
      [10144] iastore
      [10145] dup
      [10146] sipush 144
      [10149] ldc_w #518
        + Integer [-1063231392]
      [10152] iastore
      [10153] dup
      [10154] sipush 145
      [10157] ldc_w #1220
        + Integer [429425025]
      [10160] iastore
      [10161] dup
      [10162] sipush 146
      [10165] ldc #247
        + Integer [-1630449841]
      [10167] iastore
      [10168] dup
      [10169] sipush 147
      [10172] ldc_w #285
        + Integer [-1551901476]
      [10175] iastore
      [10176] dup
      [10177] sipush 148
      [10180] ldc_w #1564
        + Integer [1147544098]
      [10183] iastore
      [10184] dup
      [10185] sipush 149
      [10188] ldc_w #1693
        + Integer [1417554474]
      [10191] iastore
      [10192] dup
      [10193] sipush 150
      [10196] ldc_w #1493
        + Integer [1001099408]
      [10199] iastore
      [10200] dup
      [10201] sipush 151
      [10204] ldc_w #1109
        + Integer [193169544]
      [10207] iastore
      [10208] dup
      [10209] sipush 152
      [10212] ldc #103
        + Integer [-1932900794]
      [10214] iastore
      [10215] dup
      [10216] sipush 153
      [10219] ldc_w #570
        + Integer [-953553170]
      [10222] iastore
      [10223] dup
      [10224] sipush 154
      [10227] ldc_w #1879
        + Integer [1809037496]
      [10230] iastore
      [10231] dup
      [10232] sipush 155
      [10235] ldc_w #1340
        + Integer [675025940]
      [10238] iastore
      [10239] dup
      [10240] sipush 156
      [10243] ldc_w #316
        + Integer [-1485185314]
      [10246] iastore
      [10247] dup
      [10248] sipush 157
      [10251] ldc_w #488
        + Integer [-1126015394]
      [10254] iastore
      [10255] dup
      [10256] sipush 158
      [10259] ldc_w #1195
        + Integer [371002123]
      [10262] iastore
      [10263] dup
      [10264] sipush 159
      [10267] ldc_w #364
        + Integer [-1384719397]
      [10270] iastore
      [10271] dup
      [10272] sipush 160
      [10275] ldc_w #730
        + Integer [-616832800]
      [10278] iastore
      [10279] dup
      [10280] sipush 161
      [10283] ldc_w #1817
        + Integer [1683370546]
      [10286] iastore
      [10287] dup
      [10288] sipush 162
      [10291] ldc_w #1947
        + Integer [1951283770]
      [10294] iastore
      [10295] dup
      [10296] sipush 163
      [10299] ldc_w #1180
        + Integer [337512970]
      [10302] iastore
      [10303] dup
      [10304] sipush 164
      [10307] ldc #153
        + Integer [-1831122615]
      [10309] iastore
      [10310] dup
      [10311] sipush 165
      [10314] ldc_w #1115
        + Integer [201983494]
      [10317] iastore
      [10318] dup
      [10319] sipush 166
      [10322] ldc_w #1595
        + Integer [1215046692]
      [10325] iastore
      [10326] dup
      [10327] sipush 167
      [10330] ldc_w #457
        + Integer [-1192993700]
      [10333] iastore
      [10334] dup
      [10335] sipush 168
      [10338] ldc #252
        + Integer [-1621245246]
      [10340] iastore
      [10341] dup
      [10342] sipush 169
      [10345] ldc_w #494
        + Integer [-1116810285]
      [10348] iastore
      [10349] dup
      [10350] sipush 170
      [10353] ldc_w #1560
        + Integer [1139780780]
      [10356] iastore
      [10357] dup
      [10358] sipush 171
      [10361] ldc_w #551
        + Integer [-995728798]
      [10364] iastore
      [10365] dup
      [10366] sipush 172
      [10369] ldc_w #1479
        + Integer [967348625]
      [10372] iastore
      [10373] dup
      [10374] sipush 173
      [10377] ldc_w #1413
        + Integer [832869781]
      [10380] iastore
      [10381] dup
      [10382] sipush 174
      [10385] ldc_w #667
        + Integer [-751311644]
      [10388] iastore
      [10389] dup
      [10390] sipush 175
      [10393] ldc_w #917
        + Integer [-225740423]
      [10396] iastore
      [10397] dup
      [10398] sipush 176
      [10401] ldc_w #682
        + Integer [-718084121]
      [10404] iastore
      [10405] dup
      [10406] sipush 177
      [10409] ldc #91
        + Integer [-1958491960]
      [10411] iastore
      [10412] dup
      [10413] sipush 178
      [10416] ldc_w #1897
        + Integer [1851340599]
      [10419] iastore
      [10420] dup
      [10421] sipush 179
      [10424] ldc_w #726
        + Integer [-625513107]
      [10427] iastore
      [10428] dup
      [10429] sipush 180
      [10432] ldc_w #1028
        + Integer [25988493]
      [10435] iastore
      [10436] dup
      [10437] sipush 181
      [10440] ldc_w #395
        + Integer [-1318791723]
      [10443] iastore
      [10444] dup
      [10445] sipush 182
      [10448] ldc #231
        + Integer [-1663938994]
      [10450] iastore
      [10451] dup
      [10452] sipush 183
      [10455] ldc_w #1608
        + Integer [1239460265]
      [10458] iastore
      [10459] dup
      [10460] sipush 184
      [10463] ldc_w #712
        + Integer [-659264404]
      [10466] iastore
      [10467] dup
      [10468] sipush 185
      [10471] ldc_w #361
        + Integer [-1392880042]
      [10474] iastore
      [10475] dup
      [10476] sipush 186
      [10479] ldc_w #922
        + Integer [-217582348]
      [10482] iastore
      [10483] dup
      [10484] sipush 187
      [10487] ldc_w #634
        + Integer [-819598614]
      [10490] iastore
      [10491] dup
      [10492] sipush 188
      [10495] ldc_w #599
        + Integer [-894474907]
      [10498] iastore
      [10499] dup
      [10500] sipush 189
      [10503] ldc_w #933
        + Integer [-191989126]
      [10506] iastore
      [10507] dup
      [10508] sipush 190
      [10511] ldc_w #1592
        + Integer [1206496942]
      [10514] iastore
      [10515] dup
      [10516] sipush 191
      [10519] ldc_w #1146
        + Integer [270010376]
      [10522] iastore
      [10523] dup
      [10524] sipush 192
      [10527] ldc_w #1911
        + Integer [1876277946]
      [10530] iastore
      [10531] dup
      [10532] sipush 193
      [10535] ldc_w #901
        + Integer [-259491720]
      [10538] iastore
      [10539] dup
      [10540] sipush 194
      [10543] ldc_w #1610
        + Integer [1248797989]
      [10546] iastore
      [10547] dup
      [10548] sipush 195
      [10551] ldc_w #1757
        + Integer [1550986798]
      [10554] iastore
      [10555] dup
      [10556] sipush 196
      [10559] ldc_w #1465
        + Integer [941890588]
      [10562] iastore
      [10563] dup
      [10564] sipush 197
      [10567] ldc_w #1720
        + Integer [1475454630]
      [10570] iastore
      [10571] dup
      [10572] sipush 198
      [10575] ldc_w #1941
        + Integer [1942467764]
      [10578] iastore
      [10579] dup
      [10580] sipush 199
      [10583] ldc #189
        + Integer [-1756248378]
      [10585] iastore
      [10586] dup
      [10587] sipush 200
      [10590] ldc_w #602
        + Integer [-886839064]
      [10593] iastore
      [10594] dup
      [10595] sipush 201
      [10598] ldc_w #270
        + Integer [-1585652259]
      [10601] iastore
      [10602] dup
      [10603] sipush 202
      [10606] ldc_w #837
        + Integer [-392399756]
      [10609] iastore
      [10610] dup
      [10611] sipush 203
      [10614] ldc_w #1513
        + Integer [1042358047]
      [10617] iastore
      [10618] dup
      [10619] sipush 204
      [10622] ldc #183
        + Integer [-1763882165]
      [10624] iastore
      [10625] dup
      [10626] sipush 205
      [10629] ldc_w #1800
        + Integer [1641856445]
      [10632] iastore
      [10633] dup
      [10634] sipush 206
      [10637] ldc_w #1124
        + Integer [226921355]
      [10640] iastore
      [10641] dup
      [10642] sipush 207
      [10645] ldc_w #1143
        + Integer [260409994]
      [10648] iastore
      [10649] dup
      [10650] sipush 208
      [10653] ldc_w #773
        + Integer [-527404944]
      [10656] iastore
      [10657] dup
      [10658] sipush 209
      [10661] ldc_w #2009
        + Integer [2084716094]
      [10664] iastore
      [10665] dup
      [10666] sipush 210
      [10669] ldc_w #1927
        + Integer [1908716981]
      [10672] iastore
      [10673] dup
      [10674] sipush 211
      [10677] ldc_w #616
        + Integer [-861247898]
      [10680] iastore
      [10681] dup
      [10682] sipush 212
      [10685] ldc #135
        + Integer [-1864873912]
      [10687] iastore
      [10688] dup
      [10689] sipush 213
      [10692] ldc_w #1067
        + Integer [100991747]
      [10695] iastore
      [10696] dup
      [10697] sipush 214
      [10700] ldc_w #954
        + Integer [-150866186]
      [10703] iastore
      [10704] dup
      [10705] sipush 215
      [10708] ldc_w #1241
        + Integer [470945294]
      [10711] iastore
      [10712] dup
      [10713] sipush 216
      [10716] ldc_w #534
        + Integer [-1029480095]
      [10719] iastore
      [10720] dup
      [10721] sipush 217
      [10724] ldc_w #1868
        + Integer [1784624437]
      [10727] iastore
      [10728] dup
      [10729] sipush 218
      [10732] ldc_w #377
        + Integer [-1359390889]
      [10735] iastore
      [10736] dup
      [10737] sipush 219
      [10740] ldc_w #1862
        + Integer [1775286713]
      [10743] iastore
      [10744] dup
      [10745] sipush 220
      [10748] ldc_w #1207
        + Integer [395413126]
      [10751] iastore
      [10752] dup
      [10753] sipush 221
      [10756] ldc #203
        + Integer [-1722236479]
      [10758] iastore
      [10759] dup
      [10760] sipush 222
      [10763] ldc_w #1482
        + Integer [975641885]
      [10766] iastore
      [10767] dup
      [10768] sipush 223
      [10771] ldc_w #1335
        + Integer [666476190]
      [10774] iastore
      [10775] dup
      [10776] sipush 224
      [10779] ldc_w #715
        + Integer [-650583583]
      [10782] iastore
      [10783] dup
      [10784] sipush 225
      [10787] ldc_w #858
        + Integer [-351012616]
      [10790] iastore
      [10791] dup
      [10792] sipush 226
      [10795] ldc_w #1368
        + Integer [733190296]
      [10798] iastore
      [10799] dup
      [10800] sipush 227
      [10803] ldc_w #1291
        + Integer [573772049]
      [10806] iastore
      [10807] dup
      [10808] sipush 228
      [10811] ldc_w #661
        + Integer [-759469719]
      [10814] iastore
      [10815] dup
      [10816] sipush 229
      [10819] ldc_w #334
        + Integer [-1452221991]
      [10822] iastore
      [10823] dup
      [10824] sipush 230
      [10827] ldc_w #1078
        + Integer [126455438]
      [10830] iastore
      [10831] dup
      [10832] sipush 231
      [10835] ldc_w #1432
        + Integer [866620564]
      [10838] iastore
      [10839] dup
      [10840] sipush 232
      [10843] ldc_w #1382
        + Integer [766942107]
      [10846] iastore
      [10847] dup
      [10848] sipush 233
      [10851] ldc_w #1499
        + Integer [1008868894]
      [10854] iastore
      [10855] dup
      [10856] sipush 234
      [10859] ldc_w #1188
        + Integer [361924487]
      [10862] iastore
      [10863] dup
      [10864] sipush 235
      [10867] ldc_w #587
        + Integer [-920589847]
      [10870] iastore
      [10871] dup
      [10872] sipush 236
      [10875] ldc #60
        + Integer [-2025206066]
      [10877] iastore
      [10878] dup
      [10879] sipush 237
      [10882] ldc_w #345
        + Integer [-1426107051]
      [10885] iastore
      [10886] dup
      [10887] sipush 238
      [10890] ldc_w #1661
        + Integer [1350051880]
      [10893] iastore
      [10894] dup
      [10895] sipush 239
      [10898] ldc_w #302
        + Integer [-1518673953]
      [10901] iastore
      [10902] dup
      [10903] sipush 240
      [10906] ldc_w #1045
        + Integer [59739276]
      [10909] iastore
      [10910] dup
      [10911] sipush 241
      [10914] ldc_w #1736
        + Integer [1509466529]
      [10917] iastore
      [10918] dup
      [10919] sipush 242
      [10922] ldc_w #1094
        + Integer [159418761]
      [10925] iastore
      [10926] dup
      [10927] sipush 243
      [10930] ldc_w #1226
        + Integer [437718285]
      [10933] iastore
      [10934] dup
      [10935] sipush 244
      [10938] ldc_w #1832
        + Integer [1708834751]
      [10941] iastore
      [10942] dup
      [10943] sipush 245
      [10946] ldc_w #698
        + Integer [-684595482]
      [10949] iastore
      [10950] dup
      [10951] sipush 246
      [10954] ldc #39
        + Integer [-2067381694]
      [10956] iastore
      [10957] dup
      [10958] sipush 247
      [10961] ldc_w #645
        + Integer [-793221016]
      [10964] iastore
      [10965] dup
      [10966] sipush 248
      [10969] ldc #23
        + Integer [-2101132991]
      [10971] iastore
      [10972] dup
      [10973] sipush 249
      [10976] ldc_w #1349
        + Integer [699439513]
      [10979] iastore
      [10980] dup
      [10981] sipush 250
      [10984] ldc_w #1742
        + Integer [1517759789]
      [10987] iastore
      [10988] dup
      [10989] sipush 251
      [10992] ldc_w #1258
        + Integer [504434447]
      [10995] iastore
      [10996] dup
      [10997] sipush 252
      [11000] ldc_w #2007
        + Integer [2076946608]
      [11003] iastore
      [11004] dup
      [11005] sipush 253
      [11008] ldc_w #329
        + Integer [-1459858348]
      [11011] iastore
      [11012] dup
      [11013] sipush 254
      [11016] ldc_w #1895
        + Integer [1842789307]
      [11019] iastore
      [11020] dup
      [11021] sipush 255
      [11024] ldc_w #1371
        + Integer [742004246]
      [11027] iastore
      [11028] putstatic #2062
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T3 [I]
      [11031] sipush 256
      [11034] newarray 10
      [11036] dup
      [11037] iconst_0
      [11038] ldc_w #1663
        + Integer [1353184337]
      [11041] iastore
      [11042] dup
      [11043] iconst_1
      [11044] ldc_w #1685
        + Integer [1399144830]
      [11047] iastore
      [11048] dup
      [11049] iconst_2
      [11050] ldc_w #544
        + Integer [-1012656358]
      [11053] iastore
      [11054] dup
      [11055] iconst_3
      [11056] ldc #180
        + Integer [-1772214470]
      [11058] iastore
      [11059] dup
      [11060] iconst_4
      [11061] ldc_w #604
        + Integer [-882136261]
      [11064] iastore
      [11065] dup
      [11066] iconst_5
      [11067] ldc_w #907
        + Integer [-247096033]
      [11070] iastore
      [11071] dup
      [11072] bipush 6
      [11074] ldc_w #350
        + Integer [-1420232020]
      [11077] iastore
      [11078] dup
      [11079] bipush 7
      [11081] ldc #154
        + Integer [-1828461749]
      [11083] iastore
      [11084] dup
      [11085] bipush 8
      [11087] ldc_w #1704
        + Integer [1442459680]
      [11090] iastore
      [11091] dup
      [11092] bipush 9
      [11094] ldc_w #947
        + Integer [-160598355]
      [11097] iastore
      [11098] dup
      [11099] bipush 10
      [11101] ldc #141
        + Integer [-1854485368]
      [11103] iastore
      [11104] dup
      [11105] bipush 11
      [11107] ldc_w #1315
        + Integer [625738485]
      [11110] iastore
      [11111] dup
      [11112] bipush 12
      [11114] ldc_w #998
        + Integer [-52959921]
      [11117] iastore
      [11118] dup
      [11119] bipush 13
      [11121] ldc_w #703
        + Integer [-674551099]
      [11124] iastore
      [11125] dup
      [11126] bipush 14
      [11128] ldc #3
        + Integer [-2143013594]
      [11130] iastore
      [11131] dup
      [11132] bipush 15
      [11134] ldc #129
        + Integer [-1885117771]
      [11136] iastore
      [11137] dup
      [11138] bipush 16
      [11140] ldc_w #1604
        + Integer [1230680542]
      [11143] iastore
      [11144] dup
      [11145] bipush 17
      [11147] ldc_w #1842
        + Integer [1729870373]
      [11150] iastore
      [11151] dup
      [11152] bipush 18
      [11154] ldc #195
        + Integer [-1743852987]
      [11156] iastore
      [11157] dup
      [11158] bipush 19
      [11160] ldc_w #782
        + Integer [-507445667]
      [11163] iastore
      [11164] dup
      [11165] bipush 20
      [11167] ldc_w #1037
        + Integer [41234371]
      [11170] iastore
      [11171] dup
      [11172] bipush 21
      [11174] ldc_w #1168
        + Integer [317738113]
      [11177] iastore
      [11178] dup
      [11179] bipush 22
      [11181] ldc_w #286
        + Integer [-1550367091]
      [11184] iastore
      [11185] dup
      [11186] bipush 23
      [11188] ldc_w #569
        + Integer [-956705941]
      [11191] iastore
      [11192] dup
      [11193] bipush 24
      [11195] ldc_w #830
        + Integer [-413167869]
      [11198] iastore
      [11199] dup
      [11200] bipush 25
      [11202] ldc #175
        + Integer [-1784901099]
      [11204] iastore
      [11205] dup
      [11206] bipush 26
      [11208] ldc_w #860
        + Integer [-344298049]
      [11211] iastore
      [11212] dup
      [11213] bipush 27
      [11215] ldc_w #723
        + Integer [-631680363]
      [11218] iastore
      [11219] dup
      [11220] bipush 28
      [11222] ldc_w #1381
        + Integer [763608788]
      [11225] iastore
      [11226] dup
      [11227] bipush 29
      [11229] ldc_w #666
        + Integer [-752782248]
      [11232] iastore
      [11233] dup
      [11234] bipush 30
      [11236] ldc_w #1348
        + Integer [694804553]
      [11239] iastore
      [11240] dup
      [11241] bipush 31
      [11243] ldc_w #1568
        + Integer [1154009486]
      [11246] iastore
      [11247] dup
      [11248] bipush 32
      [11250] ldc_w #1870
        + Integer [1787413109]
      [11253] iastore
      [11254] dup
      [11255] bipush 33
      [11257] ldc_w #1982
        + Integer [2021232372]
      [11260] iastore
      [11261] dup
      [11262] bipush 34
      [11264] ldc_w #1873
        + Integer [1799248025]
      [11267] iastore
      [11268] dup
      [11269] bipush 35
      [11271] ldc_w #748
        + Integer [-579749593]
      [11274] iastore
      [11275] dup
      [11276] bipush 36
      [11278] ldc_w #436
        + Integer [-1236278850]
      [11281] iastore
      [11282] dup
      [11283] bipush 37
      [11285] ldc_w #1208
        + Integer [397248752]
      [11288] iastore
      [11289] dup
      [11290] bipush 38
      [11292] ldc_w #1839
        + Integer [1722556617]
      [11295] iastore
      [11296] dup
      [11297] bipush 39
      [11299] ldc_w #418
        + Integer [-1271214467]
      [11302] iastore
      [11303] dup
      [11304] bipush 40
      [11306] ldc_w #1214
        + Integer [407560035]
      [11309] iastore
      [11310] dup
      [11311] bipush 41
      [11313] ldc #20
        + Integer [-2110711067]
      [11315] iastore
      [11316] dup
      [11317] bipush 42
      [11319] ldc_w #1786
        + Integer [1613975959]
      [11322] iastore
      [11323] dup
      [11324] bipush 43
      [11326] ldc_w #1570
        + Integer [1165972322]
      [11329] iastore
      [11330] dup
      [11331] bipush 44
      [11333] ldc_w #772
        + Integer [-529046351]
      [11336] iastore
      [11337] dup
      [11338] bipush 45
      [11340] ldc #38
        + Integer [-2068943941]
      [11342] iastore
      [11343] dup
      [11344] bipush 46
      [11346] ldc_w #1245
        + Integer [480281086]
      [11349] iastore
      [11350] dup
      [11351] bipush 47
      [11353] ldc #163
        + Integer [-1809118983]
      [11355] iastore
      [11356] dup
      [11357] bipush 48
      [11359] ldc_w #1722
        + Integer [1483229296]
      [11362] iastore
      [11363] dup
      [11364] bipush 49
      [11366] ldc_w #1223
        + Integer [436028815]
      [11369] iastore
      [11370] dup
      [11371] bipush 50
      [11373] ldc #61
        + Integer [-2022908268]
      [11375] iastore
      [11376] dup
      [11377] bipush 51
      [11379] ldc_w #449
        + Integer [-1208452270]
      [11382] iastore
      [11383] dup
      [11384] bipush 52
      [11386] ldc_w #1303
        + Integer [601060267]
      [11389] iastore
      [11390] dup
      [11391] bipush 53
      [11393] ldc_w #786
        + Integer [-503166094]
      [11396] iastore
      [11397] dup
      [11398] bipush 54
      [11400] ldc_w #1715
        + Integer [1468997603]
      [11403] iastore
      [11404] dup
      [11405] bipush 55
      [11407] ldc_w #1358
        + Integer [715871590]
      [11410] iastore
      [11411] dup
      [11412] bipush 56
      [11414] ldc_w #1075
        + Integer [120122290]
      [11417] iastore
      [11418] dup
      [11419] bipush 57
      [11421] ldc_w #1046
        + Integer [63092015]
      [11424] iastore
      [11425] dup
      [11426] bipush 58
      [11428] ldc #213
        + Integer [-1703164538]
      [11430] iastore
      [11431] dup
      [11432] bipush 59
      [11434] ldc_w #298
        + Integer [-1526188077]
      [11437] iastore
      [11438] dup
      [11439] bipush 60
      [11441] ldc_w #916
        + Integer [-226023376]
      [11444] iastore
      [11445] dup
      [11446] bipush 61
      [11448] ldc_w #406
        + Integer [-1297760477]
      [11451] iastore
      [11452] dup
      [11453] bipush 62
      [11455] ldc_w #467
        + Integer [-1167457534]
      [11458] iastore
      [11459] dup
      [11460] bipush 63
      [11462] ldc_w #1758
        + Integer [1552029421]
      [11465] iastore
      [11466] dup
      [11467] bipush 64
      [11469] ldc_w #1363
        + Integer [723308426]
      [11472] iastore
      [11473] dup
      [11474] bipush 65
      [11476] ldc #152
        + Integer [-1833666137]
      [11478] iastore
      [11479] dup
      [11480] bipush 66
      [11482] ldc_w #904
        + Integer [-252573709]
      [11485] iastore
      [11486] dup
      [11487] bipush 67
      [11489] ldc_w #273
        + Integer [-1578997426]
      [11492] iastore
      [11493] dup
      [11494] bipush 68
      [11496] ldc_w #624
        + Integer [-839591323]
      [11499] iastore
      [11500] dup
      [11501] bipush 69
      [11503] ldc_w #688
        + Integer [-708967162]
      [11506] iastore
      [11507] dup
      [11508] bipush 70
      [11510] ldc_w #1268
        + Integer [526529745]
      [11513] iastore
      [11514] dup
      [11515] bipush 71
      [11517] ldc #89
        + Integer [-1963022652]
      [11519] iastore
      [11520] dup
      [11521] bipush 72
      [11523] ldc #238
        + Integer [-1655493068]
      [11525] iastore
      [11526] dup
      [11527] bipush 73
      [11529] ldc_w #259
        + Integer [-1604979806]
      [11532] iastore
      [11533] dup
      [11534] bipush 74
      [11536] ldc_w #1422
        + Integer [853641733]
      [11539] iastore
      [11540] dup
      [11541] bipush 75
      [11543] ldc_w #1960
        + Integer [1978398372]
      [11546] iastore
      [11547] dup
      [11548] bipush 76
      [11550] ldc_w #1480
        + Integer [971801355]
      [11553] iastore
      [11554] dup
      [11555] bipush 77
      [11557] ldc_w #343
        + Integer [-1427152832]
      [11560] iastore
      [11561] dup
      [11562] bipush 78
      [11564] ldc_w #1070
        + Integer [111112542]
      [11567] iastore
      [11568] dup
      [11569] bipush 79
      [11571] ldc_w #1665
        + Integer [1360031421]
      [11574] iastore
      [11575] dup
      [11576] bipush 80
      [11578] ldc_w #972
        + Integer [-108388034]
      [11581] iastore
      [11582] dup
      [11583] bipush 81
      [11585] ldc_w #1505
        + Integer [1023860118]
      [11588] iastore
      [11589] dup
      [11590] bipush 82
      [11592] ldc_w #370
        + Integer [-1375387939]
      [11595] iastore
      [11596] dup
      [11597] bipush 83
      [11599] ldc_w #1583
        + Integer [1186850381]
      [11602] iastore
      [11603] dup
      [11604] bipush 84
      [11606] ldc_w #429
        + Integer [-1249028975]
      [11609] iastore
      [11610] dup
      [11611] bipush 85
      [11613] ldc_w #1063
        + Integer [90031217]
      [11616] iastore
      [11617] dup
      [11618] bipush 86
      [11620] ldc_w #1910
        + Integer [1876166148]
      [11623] iastore
      [11624] dup
      [11625] bipush 87
      [11627] ldc_w #1020
        + Integer [-15380384]
      [11630] iastore
      [11631] dup
      [11632] bipush 88
      [11634] ldc_w #1312
        + Integer [620468249]
      [11637] iastore
      [11638] dup
      [11639] bipush 89
      [11641] ldc #193
        + Integer [-1746289194]
      [11643] iastore
      [11644] dup
      [11645] bipush 90
      [11647] ldc_w #610
        + Integer [-868007799]
      [11650] iastore
      [11651] dup
      [11652] bipush 91
      [11654] ldc_w #1973
        + Integer [2006899047]
      [11657] iastore
      [11658] dup
      [11659] bipush 92
      [11661] ldc_w #490
        + Integer [-1119688528]
      [11664] iastore
      [11665] dup
      [11666] bipush 93
      [11668] ldc #70
        + Integer [-2004121337]
      [11670] iastore
      [11671] dup
      [11672] bipush 94
      [11674] ldc_w #1468
        + Integer [945494503]
      [11677] iastore
      [11678] dup
      [11679] bipush 95
      [11681] ldc_w #737
        + Integer [-605108103]
      [11684] iastore
      [11685] dup
      [11686] bipush 96
      [11688] ldc_w #1585
        + Integer [1191869601]
      [11691] iastore
      [11692] dup
      [11693] bipush 97
      [11695] ldc_w #842
        + Integer [-384875908]
      [11698] iastore
      [11699] dup
      [11700] bipush 98
      [11702] ldc_w #586
        + Integer [-920746760]
      [11705] iastore
      [11706] dup
      [11707] bipush 100
      [11709] ldc #30
        + Integer [-2088337399]
      [11711] iastore
      [11712] dup
      [11713] bipush 101
      [11715] ldc_w #1600
        + Integer [1223502642]
      [11718] iastore
      [11719] dup
      [11720] bipush 102
      [11722] ldc_w #357
        + Integer [-1401941730]
      [11725] iastore
      [11726] dup
      [11727] bipush 103
      [11729] ldc_w #1645
        + Integer [1316117100]
      [11732] iastore
      [11733] dup
      [11734] bipush 104
      [11736] ldc_w #993
        + Integer [-67170563]
      [11739] iastore
      [11740] dup
      [11741] bipush 105
      [11743] ldc_w #1707
        + Integer [1446544655]
      [11746] iastore
      [11747] dup
      [11748] bipush 106
      [11750] ldc_w #1264
        + Integer [517320253]
      [11753] iastore
      [11754] dup
      [11755] bipush 107
      [11757] ldc_w #1331
        + Integer [658058550]
      [11760] iastore
      [11761] dup
      [11762] bipush 108
      [11764] ldc_w #1823
        + Integer [1691946762]
      [11767] iastore
      [11768] dup
      [11769] bipush 109
      [11771] ldc_w #1287
        + Integer [564550760]
      [11774] iastore
      [11775] dup
      [11776] bipush 110
      [11778] ldc_w #654
        + Integer [-783000677]
      [11781] iastore
      [11782] dup
      [11783] bipush 111
      [11785] ldc_w #1484
        + Integer [976107044]
      [11788] iastore
      [11789] dup
      [11790] bipush 112
      [11792] ldc_w #396
        + Integer [-1318647284]
      [11795] iastore
      [11796] dup
      [11797] bipush 113
      [11799] ldc_w #1144
        + Integer [266819475]
      [11802] iastore
      [11803] dup
      [11804] bipush 114
      [11806] ldc_w #659
        + Integer [-761860428]
      [11809] iastore
      [11810] dup
      [11811] bipush 115
      [11813] ldc #245
        + Integer [-1634624741]
      [11815] iastore
      [11816] dup
      [11817] bipush 116
      [11819] ldc_w #1652
        + Integer [1338359936]
      [11822] iastore
      [11823] dup
      [11824] bipush 117
      [11826] ldc_w #274
        + Integer [-1574904735]
      [11829] iastore
      [11830] dup
      [11831] bipush 118
      [11833] ldc_w #1858
        + Integer [1766553434]
      [11836] iastore
      [11837] dup
      [11838] bipush 119
      [11840] ldc_w #1194
        + Integer [370807324]
      [11843] iastore
      [11844] dup
      [11845] bipush 120
      [11847] ldc_w #1104
        + Integer [179999714]
      [11850] iastore
      [11851] dup
      [11852] bipush 121
      [11854] ldc_w #812
        + Integer [-450191168]
      [11857] iastore
      [11858] dup
      [11859] bipush 122
      [11861] ldc_w #1559
        + Integer [1138762300]
      [11864] iastore
      [11865] dup
      [11866] bipush 123
      [11868] ldc_w #1251
        + Integer [488053522]
      [11871] iastore
      [11872] dup
      [11873] bipush 124
      [11875] ldc_w #1106
        + Integer [185403662]
      [11878] iastore
      [11879] dup
      [11880] bipush 125
      [11882] ldc_w #368
        + Integer [-1379431438]
      [11885] iastore
      [11886] dup
      [11887] bipush 126
      [11889] ldc_w #464
        + Integer [-1180125651]
      [11892] iastore
      [11893] dup
      [11894] bipush 127
      [11896] ldc_w #581
        + Integer [-928440812]
      [11899] iastore
      [11900] dup
      [11901] sipush 128
      [11904] ldc #44
        + Integer [-2061897385]
      [11906] iastore
      [11907] dup
      [11908] sipush 129
      [11911] ldc_w #1626
        + Integer [1275557295]
      [11914] iastore
      [11915] dup
      [11916] sipush 130
      [11919] ldc_w #481
        + Integer [-1143105042]
      [11922] iastore
      [11923] dup
      [11924] sipush 131
      [11927] ldc_w #1005
        + Integer [-44007517]
      [11930] iastore
      [11931] dup
      [11932] sipush 132
      [11935] ldc #251
        + Integer [-1624899081]
      [11937] iastore
      [11938] dup
      [11939] sipush 133
      [11942] ldc_w #489
        + Integer [-1124765092]
      [11945] iastore
      [11946] dup
      [11947] sipush 134
      [11950] ldc_w #555
        + Integer [-985962940]
      [11953] iastore
      [11954] dup
      [11955] sipush 135
      [11958] ldc_w #1437
        + Integer [880737115]
      [11961] iastore
      [11962] dup
      [11963] sipush 136
      [11966] ldc_w #1961
        + Integer [1982415755]
      [11969] iastore
      [11970] dup
      [11971] sipush 137
      [11974] ldc_w #743
        + Integer [-590994485]
      [11977] iastore
      [11978] dup
      [11979] sipush 138
      [11982] ldc_w #1856
        + Integer [1761406390]
      [11985] iastore
      [11986] dup
      [11987] sipush 139
      [11990] ldc_w #1816
        + Integer [1676797112]
      [11993] iastore
      [11994] dup
      [11995] sipush 140
      [11998] ldc_w #601
        + Integer [-891538985]
      [12001] iastore
      [12002] dup
      [12003] sipush 141
      [12006] ldc_w #1149
        + Integer [277177154]
      [12009] iastore
      [12010] dup
      [12011] sipush 142
      [12014] ldc_w #1529
        + Integer [1076008723]
      [12017] iastore
      [12018] dup
      [12019] sipush 143
      [12022] ldc_w #1273
        + Integer [538035844]
      [12025] iastore
      [12026] dup
      [12027] sipush 144
      [12030] ldc_w #2018
        + Integer [2099530373]
      [12033] iastore
      [12034] dup
      [12035] sipush 145
      [12038] ldc_w #962
        + Integer [-130171950]
      [12041] iastore
      [12042] dup
      [12043] sipush 146
      [12046] ldc_w #1157
        + Integer [288553390]
      [12049] iastore
      [12050] dup
      [12051] sipush 147
      [12054] ldc_w #1892
        + Integer [1839278535]
      [12057] iastore
      [12058] dup
      [12059] sipush 148
      [12062] ldc_w #1617
        + Integer [1261411869]
      [12065] iastore
      [12066] dup
      [12067] sipush 149
      [12070] ldc_w #923
        + Integer [-214912292]
      [12073] iastore
      [12074] dup
      [12075] sipush 150
      [12078] ldc_w #868
        + Integer [-330136051]
      [12081] iastore
      [12082] dup
      [12083] sipush 151
      [12086] ldc_w #649
        + Integer [-790380169]
      [12089] iastore
      [12090] dup
      [12091] sipush 152
      [12094] ldc_w #1881
        + Integer [1813426987]
      [12097] iastore
      [12098] dup
      [12099] sipush 153
      [12102] ldc #208
        + Integer [-1715900247]
      [12104] iastore
      [12105] dup
      [12106] sipush 154
      [12109] ldc_w #979
        + Integer [-95906799]
      [12112] iastore
      [12113] dup
      [12114] sipush 155
      [12117] ldc_w #1294
        + Integer [577038663]
      [12120] iastore
      [12121] dup
      [12122] sipush 156
      [12125] ldc_w #549
        + Integer [-997393240]
      [12128] iastore
      [12129] dup
      [12130] sipush 157
      [12133] ldc_w #1229
        + Integer [440397984]
      [12136] iastore
      [12137] dup
      [12138] sipush 158
      [12141] ldc_w #706
        + Integer [-668172970]
      [12144] iastore
      [12145] dup
      [12146] sipush 159
      [12149] ldc_w #893
        + Integer [-275762398]
      [12152] iastore
      [12153] dup
      [12154] sipush 160
      [12157] ldc_w #571
        + Integer [-951170681]
      [12160] iastore
      [12161] dup
      [12162] sipush 161
      [12165] ldc_w #529
        + Integer [-1043253031]
      [12168] iastore
      [12169] dup
      [12170] sipush 162
      [12173] ldc_w #1013
        + Integer [-22885748]
      [12176] iastore
      [12177] dup
      [12178] sipush 163
      [12181] ldc_w #1449
        + Integer [906744984]
      [12184] iastore
      [12185] dup
      [12186] sipush 164
      [12189] ldc_w #636
        + Integer [-813566554]
      [12192] iastore
      [12193] dup
      [12194] sipush 165
      [12197] ldc_w #1343
        + Integer [685669029]
      [12200] iastore
      [12201] dup
      [12202] sipush 166
      [12205] ldc_w #1326
        + Integer [646887386]
      [12208] iastore
      [12209] dup
      [12210] sipush 167
      [12213] ldc_w #296
        + Integer [-1530942145]
      [12216] iastore
      [12217] dup
      [12218] sipush 168
      [12221] ldc_w #804
        + Integer [-459458004]
      [12224] iastore
      [12225] dup
      [12226] sipush 169
      [12229] ldc_w #1125
        + Integer [227702864]
      [12232] iastore
      [12233] dup
      [12234] sipush 170
      [12237] ldc #223
        + Integer [-1681105046]
      [12239] iastore
      [12240] dup
      [12241] sipush 171
      [12244] ldc_w #1803
        + Integer [1648787028]
      [12247] iastore
      [12248] dup
      [12249] sipush 172
      [12252] ldc_w #530
        + Integer [-1038905866]
      [12255] iastore
      [12256] dup
      [12257] sipush 173
      [12260] ldc_w #839
        + Integer [-390539120]
      [12263] iastore
      [12264] dup
      [12265] sipush 174
      [12268] ldc_w #1776
        + Integer [1593260334]
      [12271] iastore
      [12272] dup
      [12273] sipush 175
      [12276] ldc_w #943
        + Integer [-173030526]
      [12279] iastore
      [12280] dup
      [12281] sipush 176
      [12284] ldc_w #501
        + Integer [-1098883681]
      [12287] iastore
      [12288] dup
      [12289] sipush 177
      [12292] ldc_w #2011
        + Integer [2090061929]
      [12295] iastore
      [12296] dup
      [12297] sipush 178
      [12300] ldc_w #331
        + Integer [-1456614033]
      [12303] iastore
      [12304] dup
      [12305] sipush 179
      [12308] ldc_w #411
        + Integer [-1290656305]
      [12311] iastore
      [12312] dup
      [12313] sipush 180
      [12316] ldc_w #1492
        + Integer [999926984]
      [12319] iastore
      [12320] dup
      [12321] sipush 181
      [12324] ldc_w #317
        + Integer [-1484974064]
      [12327] iastore
      [12328] dup
      [12329] sipush 182
      [12332] ldc_w #1898
        + Integer [1852021992]
      [12335] iastore
      [12336] dup
      [12337] sipush 183
      [12340] ldc_w #2005
        + Integer [2075868123]
      [12343] iastore
      [12344] dup
      [12345] sipush 184
      [12348] ldc_w #1093
        + Integer [158869197]
      [12351] iastore
      [12352] dup
      [12353] sipush 185
      [12356] ldc_w #930
        + Integer [-199730834]
      [12359] iastore
      [12360] dup
      [12361] sipush 186
      [12364] ldc_w #1030
        + Integer [28809964]
      [12367] iastore
      [12368] dup
      [12369] sipush 187
      [12372] ldc_w #325
        + Integer [-1466282109]
      [12375] iastore
      [12376] dup
      [12377] sipush 188
      [12380] ldc_w #1829
        + Integer [1701746150]
      [12383] iastore
      [12384] dup
      [12385] sipush 189
      [12388] ldc_w #2030
        + Integer [2129067946]
      [12391] iastore
      [12392] dup
      [12393] sipush 190
      [12396] ldc_w #1085
        + Integer [147831841]
      [12399] iastore
      [12400] dup
      [12401] sipush 191
      [12404] ldc_w #824
        + Integer [-420997649]
      [12407] iastore
      [12408] dup
      [12409] sipush 192
      [12412] ldc_w #717
        + Integer [-644094022]
      [12415] iastore
      [12416] dup
      [12417] sipush 193
      [12420] ldc_w #627
        + Integer [-835293366]
      [12423] iastore
      [12424] dup
      [12425] sipush 194
      [12428] ldc_w #675
        + Integer [-737566742]
      [12431] iastore
      [12432] dup
      [12433] sipush 195
      [12436] ldc_w #692
        + Integer [-696471511]
      [12439] iastore
      [12440] dup
      [12441] sipush 196
      [12444] ldc_w #383
        + Integer [-1347247055]
      [12447] iastore
      [12448] dup
      [12449] sipush 197
      [12452] ldc_w #1410
        + Integer [824393514]
      [12455] iastore
      [12456] dup
      [12457] sipush 198
      [12460] ldc_w #1406
        + Integer [815048134]
      [12463] iastore
      [12464] dup
      [12465] sipush 199
      [12468] ldc_w #515
        + Integer [-1067015627]
      [12471] iastore
      [12472] dup
      [12473] sipush 200
      [12476] ldc_w #1461
        + Integer [935087732]
      [12479] iastore
      [12480] dup
      [12481] sipush 201
      [12484] ldc_w #311
        + Integer [-1496677636]
      [12487] iastore
      [12488] dup
      [12489] sipush 202
      [12492] ldc_w #391
        + Integer [-1328508704]
      [12495] iastore
      [12496] dup
      [12497] sipush 203
      [12500] ldc_w #1190
        + Integer [366520115]
      [12503] iastore
      [12504] dup
      [12505] sipush 204
      [12508] ldc_w #1613
        + Integer [1251476721]
      [12511] iastore
      [12512] dup
      [12513] sipush 205
      [12516] ldc_w #959
        + Integer [-136647615]
      [12519] iastore
      [12520] dup
      [12521] sipush 206
      [12524] ldc_w #1133
        + Integer [240176511]
      [12527] iastore
      [12528] dup
      [12529] sipush 207
      [12532] ldc_w #1400
        + Integer [804688151]
      [12535] iastore
      [12536] dup
      [12537] sipush 208
      [12540] ldc #112
        + Integer [-1915335306]
      [12542] iastore
      [12543] dup
      [12544] sipush 209
      [12547] ldc_w #1639
        + Integer [1303441219]
      [12550] iastore
      [12551] dup
      [12552] sipush 210
      [12555] ldc_w #1689
        + Integer [1414376140]
      [12558] iastore
      [12559] dup
      [12560] sipush 211
      [12563] ldc_w #762
        + Integer [-553347356]
      [12566] iastore
      [12567] dup
      [12568] sipush 212
      [12571] ldc_w #798
        + Integer [-474623586]
      [12574] iastore
      [12575] dup
      [12576] sipush 213
      [12579] ldc_w #1237
        + Integer [461924940]
      [12582] iastore
      [12583] dup
      [12584] sipush 214
      [12587] ldc_w #450
        + Integer [-1205916479]
      [12590] iastore
      [12591] dup
      [12592] sipush 215
      [12595] ldc_w #2034
        + Integer [2136040774]
      [12598] iastore
      [12599] dup
      [12600] sipush 216
      [12603] ldc_w #1054
        + Integer [82468509]
      [12606] iastore
      [12607] dup
      [12608] sipush 217
      [12611] ldc_w #1761
        + Integer [1563790337]
      [12614] iastore
      [12615] dup
      [12616] sipush 218
      [12619] ldc_w #1938
        + Integer [1937016826]
      [12622] iastore
      [12623] dup
      [12624] sipush 219
      [12627] ldc_w #1390
        + Integer [776014843]
      [12630] iastore
      [12631] dup
      [12632] sipush 220
      [12635] ldc_w #1737
        + Integer [1511876531]
      [12638] iastore
      [12639] dup
      [12640] sipush 221
      [12643] ldc_w #1680
        + Integer [1389550482]
      [12646] iastore
      [12647] dup
      [12648] sipush 222
      [12651] ldc_w #1430
        + Integer [861278441]
      [12654] iastore
      [12655] dup
      [12656] sipush 223
      [12659] ldc_w #1172
        + Integer [323475053]
      [12662] iastore
      [12663] dup
      [12664] sipush 224
      [12667] ldc #100
        + Integer [-1939744870]
      [12669] iastore
      [12670] dup
      [12671] sipush 225
      [12674] ldc_w #1993
        + Integer [2047648055]
      [12677] iastore
      [12678] dup
      [12679] sipush 226
      [12682] ldc #115
        + Integer [-1911228327]
      [12684] iastore
      [12685] dup
      [12686] sipush 227
      [12689] ldc #76
        + Integer [-1992551445]
      [12691] iastore
      [12692] dup
      [12693] sipush 228
      [12696] ldc_w #882
        + Integer [-299390514]
      [12699] iastore
      [12700] dup
      [12701] sipush 229
      [12704] ldc_w #1448
        + Integer [902390199]
      [12707] iastore
      [12708] dup
      [12709] sipush 230
      [12712] ldc_w #880
        + Integer [-303751967]
      [12715] iastore
      [12716] dup
      [12717] sipush 231
      [12720] ldc_w #1504
        + Integer [1018251130]
      [12723] iastore
      [12724] dup
      [12725] sipush 232
      [12728] ldc_w #1735
        + Integer [1507840668]
      [12731] iastore
      [12732] dup
      [12733] sipush 233
      [12736] ldc_w #1524
        + Integer [1064563285]
      [12739] iastore
      [12740] dup
      [12741] sipush 234
      [12744] ldc_w #1989
        + Integer [2043548696]
      [12747] iastore
      [12748] dup
      [12749] sipush 235
      [12752] ldc_w #507
        + Integer [-1086863501]
      [12755] iastore
      [12756] dup
      [12757] sipush 236
      [12760] ldc_w #854
        + Integer [-355600557]
      [12763] iastore
      [12764] dup
      [12765] sipush 237
      [12768] ldc_w #1749
        + Integer [1537932639]
      [12771] iastore
      [12772] dup
      [12773] sipush 238
      [12776] ldc_w #1182
        + Integer [342834655]
      [12779] iastore
      [12780] dup
      [12781] sipush 239
      [12784] ldc #57
        + Integer [-2032450440]
      [12786] iastore
      [12787] dup
      [12788] sipush 240
      [12791] ldc #15
        + Integer [-2114736182]
      [12793] iastore
      [12794] dup
      [12795] sipush 241
      [12798] ldc_w #1517
        + Integer [1053059257]
      [12801] iastore
      [12802] dup
      [12803] sipush 242
      [12806] ldc_w #1370
        + Integer [741614648]
      [12809] iastore
      [12810] dup
      [12811] sipush 243
      [12814] ldc_w #1778
        + Integer [1598071746]
      [12817] iastore
      [12818] dup
      [12819] sipush 244
      [12822] ldc_w #1934
        + Integer [1925389590]
      [12825] iastore
      [12826] dup
      [12827] sipush 245
      [12830] ldc_w #1118
        + Integer [203809468]
      [12833] iastore
      [12834] dup
      [12835] sipush 246
      [12838] ldc #92
        + Integer [-1958134744]
      [12840] iastore
      [12841] dup
      [12842] sipush 247
      [12845] ldc_w #1542
        + Integer [1100287487]
      [12848] iastore
      [12849] dup
      [12850] sipush 248
      [12853] ldc_w #1921
        + Integer [1895934009]
      [12856] iastore
      [12857] dup
      [12858] sipush 249
      [12861] ldc_w #760
        + Integer [-558691320]
      [12864] iastore
      [12865] dup
      [12866] sipush 250
      [12869] ldc #232
        + Integer [-1662733096]
      [12871] iastore
      [12872] dup
      [12873] sipush 251
      [12876] ldc #134
        + Integer [-1866377628]
      [12878] iastore
      [12879] dup
      [12880] sipush 252
      [12883] ldc_w #1794
        + Integer [1636092795]
      [12886] iastore
      [12887] dup
      [12888] sipush 253
      [12891] ldc_w #1918
        + Integer [1890988757]
      [12894] iastore
      [12895] dup
      [12896] sipush 254
      [12899] ldc_w #1949
        + Integer [1952214088]
      [12902] iastore
      [12903] dup
      [12904] sipush 255
      [12907] ldc_w #1548
        + Integer [1113045200]
      [12910] iastore
      [12911] putstatic #2063
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv0 [I]
      [12914] sipush 256
      [12917] newarray 10
      [12919] dup
      [12920] iconst_0
      [12921] ldc_w #321
        + Integer [-1477160624]
      [12924] iastore
      [12925] dup
      [12926] iconst_1
      [12927] ldc_w #1826
        + Integer [1698790995]
      [12930] iastore
      [12931] dup
      [12932] iconst_2
      [12933] ldc_w #290
        + Integer [-1541989693]
      [12936] iastore
      [12937] dup
      [12938] iconst_3
      [12939] ldc_w #1770
        + Integer [1579629206]
      [12942] iastore
      [12943] dup
      [12944] iconst_4
      [12945] ldc_w #1875
        + Integer [1806384075]
      [12948] iastore
      [12949] dup
      [12950] iconst_5
      [12951] ldc_w #1574
        + Integer [1167925233]
      [12954] iastore
      [12955] dup
      [12956] bipush 6
      [12958] ldc_w #1728
        + Integer [1492823211]
      [12961] iastore
      [12962] dup
      [12963] bipush 7
      [12965] ldc_w #1047
        + Integer [65227667]
      [12968] iastore
      [12969] dup
      [12970] bipush 8
      [12972] ldc_w #978
        + Integer [-97509291]
      [12975] iastore
      [12976] dup
      [12977] bipush 9
      [12979] ldc_w #1891
        + Integer [1836494326]
      [12982] iastore
      [12983] dup
      [12984] bipush 10
      [12986] ldc_w #1966
        + Integer [1993115793]
      [12989] iastore
      [12990] dup
      [12991] bipush 11
      [12993] ldc_w #1625
        + Integer [1275262245]
      [12996] iastore
      [12997] dup
      [12998] bipush 12
      [13000] ldc_w #705
        + Integer [-672837636]
      [13003] iastore
      [13004] dup
      [13005] bipush 13
      [13007] ldc_w #603
        + Integer [-886389289]
      [13010] iastore
      [13011] dup
      [13012] bipush 14
      [13014] ldc_w #1561
        + Integer [1144333952]
      [13017] iastore
      [13018] dup
      [13019] bipush 15
      [13021] ldc_w #284
        + Integer [-1553812081]
      [13024] iastore
      [13025] dup
      [13026] bipush 16
      [13028] ldc_w #1743
        + Integer [1521606217]
      [13031] iastore
      [13032] dup
      [13033] bipush 17
      [13035] ldc_w #1240
        + Integer [465184103]
      [13038] iastore
      [13039] dup
      [13040] bipush 18
      [13042] ldc_w #1134
        + Integer [250234264]
      [13045] iastore
      [13046] dup
      [13047] bipush 19
      [13049] ldc_w #521
        + Integer [-1057071647]
      [13052] iastore
      [13053] dup
      [13054] bipush 20
      [13056] ldc_w #1953
        + Integer [1966064386]
      [13059] iastore
      [13060] dup
      [13061] bipush 21
      [13063] ldc_w #899
        + Integer [-263421678]
      [13066] iastore
      [13067] dup
      [13068] bipush 22
      [13070] ldc #188
        + Integer [-1756983901]
      [13072] iastore
      [13073] dup
      [13074] bipush 23
      [13076] ldc_w #975
        + Integer [-103584826]
      [13079] iastore
      [13080] dup
      [13081] bipush 24
      [13083] ldc_w #1782
        + Integer [1603208167]
      [13086] iastore
      [13087] dup
      [13088] bipush 25
      [13090] ldc #229
        + Integer [-1668147819]
      [13092] iastore
      [13093] dup
      [13094] bipush 26
      [13096] ldc_w #1996
        + Integer [2054012907]
      [13099] iastore
      [13100] dup
      [13101] bipush 27
      [13103] ldc_w #1730
        + Integer [1498584538]
      [13106] iastore
      [13107] dup
      [13108] bipush 28
      [13110] ldc #33
        + Integer [-2084645843]
      [13112] iastore
      [13113] dup
      [13114] bipush 29
      [13116] ldc_w #1286
        + Integer [561273043]
      [13119] iastore
      [13120] dup
      [13121] bipush 30
      [13123] ldc_w #1864
        + Integer [1776306473]
      [13126] iastore
      [13127] dup
      [13128] bipush 31
      [13130] ldc_w #585
        + Integer [-926314940]
      [13133] iastore
      [13134] dup
      [13135] bipush 32
      [13137] ldc #80
        + Integer [-1983744662]
      [13139] iastore
      [13140] dup
      [13141] bipush 33
      [13143] ldc_w #1986
        + Integer [2039411832]
      [13146] iastore
      [13147] dup
      [13148] bipush 34
      [13150] ldc_w #1515
        + Integer [1045993835]
      [13153] iastore
      [13154] dup
      [13155] bipush 35
      [13157] ldc_w #1926
        + Integer [1907959773]
      [13160] iastore
      [13161] dup
      [13162] bipush 36
      [13164] ldc_w #1654
        + Integer [1340194486]
      [13167] iastore
      [13168] dup
      [13169] bipush 37
      [13171] ldc_w #365
        + Integer [-1383534569]
      [13174] iastore
      [13175] dup
      [13176] bipush 38
      [13178] ldc_w #354
        + Integer [-1407137434]
      [13181] iastore
      [13182] dup
      [13183] bipush 39
      [13185] ldc_w #1488
        + Integer [986611124]
      [13188] iastore
      [13189] dup
      [13190] bipush 40
      [13192] ldc_w #1616
        + Integer [1256153880]
      [13195] iastore
      [13196] dup
      [13197] bipush 41
      [13199] ldc_w #1409
        + Integer [823846274]
      [13202] iastore
      [13203] dup
      [13204] bipush 42
      [13206] ldc_w #1429
        + Integer [860985184]
      [13209] iastore
      [13210] dup
      [13211] bipush 43
      [13213] ldc_w #2035
        + Integer [2136171077]
      [13216] iastore
      [13217] dup
      [13218] bipush 44
      [13220] ldc_w #1971
        + Integer [2003087840]
      [13223] iastore
      [13224] dup
      [13225] bipush 45
      [13227] ldc_w #374
        + Integer [-1368671356]
      [13230] iastore
      [13231] dup
      [13232] bipush 46
      [13234] ldc_w #262
        + Integer [-1602093540]
      [13237] iastore
      [13238] dup
      [13239] bipush 47
      [13241] ldc_w #1361
        + Integer [722008468]
      [13244] iastore
      [13245] dup
      [13246] bipush 48
      [13248] ldc_w #1850
        + Integer [1749577816]
      [13251] iastore
      [13252] dup
      [13253] bipush 49
      [13255] ldc_w #1003
        + Integer [-45773031]
      [13258] iastore
      [13259] dup
      [13260] bipush 50
      [13262] ldc_w #1888
        + Integer [1826526343]
      [13265] iastore
      [13266] dup
      [13267] bipush 51
      [13269] ldc_w #964
        + Integer [-126135625]
      [13272] iastore
      [13273] dup
      [13274] bipush 52
      [13276] ldc_w #669
        + Integer [-747394269]
      [13279] iastore
      [13280] dup
      [13281] bipush 53
      [13283] ldc_w #1036
        + Integer [38499042]
      [13286] iastore
      [13287] dup
      [13288] bipush 54
      [13290] ldc #125
        + Integer [-1893735593]
      [13292] iastore
      [13293] dup
      [13294] bipush 55
      [13296] ldc_w #349
        + Integer [-1420466646]
      [13299] iastore
      [13300] dup
      [13301] bipush 56
      [13303] ldc_w #1344
        + Integer [686535175]
      [13306] iastore
      [13307] dup
      [13308] bipush 57
      [13310] ldc_w #535
        + Integer [-1028313341]
      [13313] iastore
      [13314] dup
      [13315] bipush 58
      [13317] ldc_w #2006
        + Integer [2076542618]
      [13320] iastore
      [13321] dup
      [13322] bipush 59
      [13324] ldc_w #1084
        + Integer [137876389]
      [13327] iastore
      [13328] dup
      [13329] bipush 60
      [13331] ldc #59
        + Integer [-2027409166]
      [13333] iastore
      [13334] dup
      [13335] bipush 61
      [13337] ldc_w #304
        + Integer [-1514200142]
      [13340] iastore
      [13341] dup
      [13342] bipush 62
      [13344] ldc_w #1865
        + Integer [1778582202]
      [13347] iastore
      [13348] dup
      [13349] bipush 63
      [13351] ldc #18
        + Integer [-2112426660]
      [13353] iastore
      [13354] dup
      [13355] bipush 64
      [13357] ldc_w #1246
        + Integer [483363371]
      [13360] iastore
      [13361] dup
      [13362] bipush 65
      [13364] ldc_w #421
        + Integer [-1267095662]
      [13367] iastore
      [13368] dup
      [13369] bipush 66
      [13371] ldc_w #914
        + Integer [-234359824]
      [13374] iastore
      [13375] dup
      [13376] bipush 67
      [13378] ldc_w #789
        + Integer [-496415071]
      [13381] iastore
      [13382] dup
      [13383] bipush 68
      [13385] ldc_w #935
        + Integer [-187013683]
      [13388] iastore
      [13389] dup
      [13390] bipush 69
      [13392] ldc_w #498
        + Integer [-1106966827]
      [13395] iastore
      [13396] dup
      [13397] bipush 70
      [13399] ldc_w #1801
        + Integer [1647628575]
      [13402] iastore
      [13403] dup
      [13404] bipush 71
      [13406] ldc_w #1015
        + Integer [-22625142]
      [13409] iastore
      [13410] dup
      [13411] bipush 72
      [13413] ldc_w #1681
        + Integer [1395537053]
      [13416] iastore
      [13417] dup
      [13418] bipush 73
      [13420] ldc_w #1703
        + Integer [1442030240]
      [13423] iastore
      [13424] dup
      [13425] bipush 74
      [13427] ldc_w #780
        + Integer [-511048398]
      [13430] iastore
      [13431] dup
      [13432] bipush 75
      [13434] ldc_w #865
        + Integer [-336157579]
      [13437] iastore
      [13438] dup
      [13439] bipush 76
      [13441] ldc_w #869
        + Integer [-326956231]
      [13444] iastore
      [13445] dup
      [13446] bipush 77
      [13448] ldc_w #892
        + Integer [-278904662]
      [13451] iastore
      [13452] dup
      [13453] bipush 78
      [13455] ldc #253
        + Integer [-1619960314]
      [13457] iastore
      [13458] dup
      [13459] bipush 79
      [13461] ldc_w #1148
        + Integer [275692881]
      [13464] iastore
      [13465] dup
      [13466] bipush 80
      [13468] ldc #84
        + Integer [-1977532679]
      [13470] iastore
      [13471] dup
      [13472] bipush 81
      [13474] ldc_w #1072
        + Integer [115185213]
      [13477] iastore
      [13478] dup
      [13479] bipush 82
      [13481] ldc_w #1062
        + Integer [88006062]
      [13484] iastore
      [13485] dup
      [13486] bipush 83
      [13488] ldc_w #497
        + Integer [-1108980410]
      [13491] iastore
      [13492] dup
      [13493] bipush 84
      [13495] ldc #108
        + Integer [-1923837515]
      [13497] iastore
      [13498] dup
      [13499] bipush 85
      [13501] ldc_w #1766
        + Integer [1573155077]
      [13504] iastore
      [13505] dup
      [13506] bipush 86
      [13508] ldc_w #674
        + Integer [-737803153]
      [13511] iastore
      [13512] dup
      [13513] bipush 87
      [13515] ldc_w #1187
        + Integer [357589247]
      [13518] iastore
      [13519] dup
      [13520] bipush 88
      [13522] ldc_w #989
        + Integer [-73918172]
      [13525] iastore
      [13526] dup
      [13527] bipush 89
      [13529] ldc_w #847
        + Integer [-373434729]
      [13532] iastore
      [13533] dup
      [13534] bipush 90
      [13536] ldc_w #1553
        + Integer [1128303052]
      [13539] iastore
      [13540] dup
      [13541] bipush 91
      [13543] ldc #248
        + Integer [-1629919369]
      [13545] iastore
      [13546] dup
      [13547] bipush 92
      [13549] ldc_w #1552
        + Integer [1122545853]
      [13552] iastore
      [13553] dup
      [13554] bipush 93
      [13556] ldc #95
        + Integer [-1953953912]
      [13558] iastore
      [13559] dup
      [13560] bipush 94
      [13562] ldc_w #1745
        + Integer [1528424248]
      [13565] iastore
      [13566] dup
      [13567] bipush 95
      [13569] ldc_w #888
        + Integer [-288851493]
      [13572] iastore
      [13573] dup
      [13574] bipush 96
      [13576] ldc_w #1103
        + Integer [175939911]
      [13579] iastore
      [13580] dup
      [13581] bipush 97
      [13583] ldc_w #1141
        + Integer [256015593]
      [13586] iastore
      [13587] dup
      [13588] bipush 98
      [13590] ldc_w #1262
        + Integer [512030921]
      [13593] iastore
      [13594] dup
      [13595] bipush 100
      [13597] ldc #52
        + Integer [-2038429309]
      [13599] iastore
      [13600] dup
      [13601] bipush 101
      [13603] ldc_w #875
        + Integer [-315936184]
      [13606] iastore
      [13607] dup
      [13608] bipush 102
      [13610] ldc_w #1913
        + Integer [1880170156]
      [13613] iastore
      [13614] dup
      [13615] bipush 103
      [13617] ldc_w #1931
        + Integer [1918528590]
      [13620] iastore
      [13621] dup
      [13622] bipush 104
      [13624] ldc_w #1019
        + Integer [-15794693]
      [13627] iastore
      [13628] dup
      [13629] bipush 105
      [13631] ldc_w #1470
        + Integer [948244310]
      [13634] iastore
      [13635] dup
      [13636] bipush 106
      [13638] ldc_w #685
        + Integer [-710001378]
      [13641] iastore
      [13642] dup
      [13643] bipush 107
      [13645] ldc_w #1474
        + Integer [959264295]
      [13648] iastore
      [13649] dup
      [13650] bipush 108
      [13652] ldc_w #714
        + Integer [-653325724]
      [13655] iastore
      [13656] dup
      [13657] bipush 109
      [13659] ldc_w #307
        + Integer [-1503893471]
      [13662] iastore
      [13663] dup
      [13664] bipush 110
      [13666] ldc_w #1691
        + Integer [1415289809]
      [13669] iastore
      [13670] dup
      [13671] bipush 111
      [13673] ldc_w #1388
        + Integer [775300154]
      [13676] iastore
      [13677] dup
      [13678] bipush 112
      [13680] ldc_w #1841
        + Integer [1728711857]
      [13683] iastore
      [13684] dup
      [13685] bipush 113
      [13687] ldc_w #828
        + Integer [-413691121]
      [13690] iastore
      [13691] dup
      [13692] bipush 114
      [13694] ldc #185
        + Integer [-1762741038]
      [13696] iastore
      [13697] dup
      [13698] bipush 115
      [13700] ldc #144
        + Integer [-1852105826]
      [13702] iastore
      [13703] dup
      [13704] bipush 116
      [13706] ldc_w #559
        + Integer [-977239985]
      [13709] iastore
      [13710] dup
      [13711] bipush 117
      [13713] ldc_w #1279
        + Integer [551313826]
      [13716] iastore
      [13717] dup
      [13718] bipush 118
      [13720] ldc_w #1621
        + Integer [1266113129]
      [13723] iastore
      [13724] dup
      [13725] bipush 119
      [13727] ldc_w #1225
        + Integer [437394454]
      [13730] iastore
      [13731] dup
      [13732] bipush 120
      [13734] ldc_w #469
        + Integer [-1164713462]
      [13737] iastore
      [13738] dup
      [13739] bipush 121
      [13741] ldc_w #1357
        + Integer [715178213]
      [13744] iastore
      [13745] dup
      [13746] bipush 122
      [13748] ldc_w #770
        + Integer [-534627261]
      [13751] iastore
      [13752] dup
      [13753] bipush 123
      [13755] ldc_w #1204
        + Integer [387650077]
      [13758] iastore
      [13759] dup
      [13760] bipush 124
      [13762] ldc_w #1121
        + Integer [218697227]
      [13765] iastore
      [13766] dup
      [13767] bipush 125
      [13769] ldc_w #574
        + Integer [-947129683]
      [13772] iastore
      [13773] dup
      [13774] bipush 126
      [13776] ldc_w #327
        + Integer [-1464455751]
      [13779] iastore
      [13780] dup
      [13781] bipush 127
      [13783] ldc_w #330
        + Integer [-1457646392]
      [13786] iastore
      [13787] dup
      [13788] sipush 128
      [13791] ldc_w #1222
        + Integer [435246981]
      [13794] iastore
      [13795] dup
      [13796] sipush 129
      [13799] ldc_w #1076
        + Integer [125153100]
      [13802] iastore
      [13803] dup
      [13804] sipush 130
      [13807] ldc_w #750
        + Integer [-577114437]
      [13810] iastore
      [13811] dup
      [13812] sipush 131
      [13815] ldc_w #1790
        + Integer [1618977789]
      [13818] iastore
      [13819] dup
      [13820] sipush 132
      [13823] ldc_w #1321
        + Integer [637663135]
      [13826] iastore
      [13827] dup
      [13828] sipush 133
      [13831] ldc_w #941
        + Integer [-177054532]
      [13834] iastore
      [13835] dup
      [13836] sipush 134
      [13839] ldc_w #1490
        + Integer [996558021]
      [13842] iastore
      [13843] dup
      [13844] sipush 135
      [13847] ldc_w #2031
        + Integer [2130402100]
      [13850] iastore
      [13851] dup
      [13852] sipush 136
      [13855] ldc_w #1346
        + Integer [692292470]
      [13858] iastore
      [13859] dup
      [13860] sipush 137
      [13863] ldc_w #562
        + Integer [-970732580]
      [13866] iastore
      [13867] dup
      [13868] sipush 138
      [13871] ldc_w #1000
        + Integer [-51530136]
      [13874] iastore
      [13875] dup
      [13876] sipush 139
      [13879] ldc_w #911
        + Integer [-236668829]
      [13882] iastore
      [13883] dup
      [13884] sipush 140
      [13887] ldc_w #738
        + Integer [-600713270]
      [13890] iastore
      [13891] dup
      [13892] sipush 141
      [13895] ldc #46
        + Integer [-2057092592]
      [13897] iastore
      [13898] dup
      [13899] sipush 142
      [13902] ldc_w #1295
        + Integer [580326208]
      [13905] iastore
      [13906] dup
      [13907] sipush 143
      [13910] ldc_w #1159
        + Integer [298222624]
      [13913] iastore
      [13914] dup
      [13915] sipush 144
      [13918] ldc_w #1311
        + Integer [608863613]
      [13921] iastore
      [13922] dup
      [13923] sipush 145
      [13926] ldc_w #1510
        + Integer [1035719416]
      [13929] iastore
      [13930] dup
      [13931] sipush 146
      [13934] ldc_w #1424
        + Integer [855223825]
      [13937] iastore
      [13938] dup
      [13939] sipush 147
      [13942] ldc_w #266
        + Integer [-1591097491]
      [13945] iastore
      [13946] dup
      [13947] sipush 148
      [13950] ldc_w #1396
        + Integer [798891339]
      [13953] iastore
      [13954] dup
      [13955] sipush 149
      [13958] ldc_w #1407
        + Integer [817028339]
      [13961] iastore
      [13962] dup
      [13963] sipush 150
      [13966] ldc_w #1675
        + Integer [1384517100]
      [13969] iastore
      [13970] dup
      [13971] sipush 151
      [13974] ldc_w #799
        + Integer [-473860144]
      [13977] iastore
      [13978] dup
      [13979] sipush 152
      [13982] ldc_w #1198
        + Integer [380840812]
      [13985] iastore
      [13986] dup
      [13987] sipush 153
      [13990] ldc_w #462
        + Integer [-1183798887]
      [13993] iastore
      [13994] dup
      [13995] sipush 154
      [13998] ldc_w #1599
        + Integer [1217663482]
      [14001] iastore
      [14002] dup
      [14003] sipush 155
      [14006] ldc_w #1824
        + Integer [1693009698]
      [14009] iastore
      [14010] dup
      [14011] sipush 156
      [14014] ldc #104
        + Integer [-1929598780]
      [14016] iastore
      [14017] dup
      [14018] sipush 157
      [14021] ldc_w #1528
        + Integer [1072734234]
      [14024] iastore
      [14025] dup
      [14026] sipush 158
      [14029] ldc_w #1373
        + Integer [746411736]
      [14032] iastore
      [14033] dup
      [14034] sipush 159
      [14037] ldc #130
        + Integer [-1875696913]
      [14039] iastore
      [14040] dup
      [14041] sipush 160
      [14044] ldc_w #1642
        + Integer [1313441735]
      [14047] iastore
      [14048] dup
      [14049] sipush 161
      [14052] ldc_w #652
        + Integer [-784803391]
      [14055] iastore
      [14056] dup
      [14057] sipush 162
      [14060] ldc_w #280
        + Integer [-1563783938]
      [14063] iastore
      [14064] dup
      [14065] sipush 163
      [14068] ldc_w #1110
        + Integer [198481974]
      [14071] iastore
      [14072] dup
      [14073] sipush 164
      [14076] ldc #16
        + Integer [-2114607409]
      [14078] iastore
      [14079] dup
      [14080] sipush 165
      [14083] ldc_w #756
        + Integer [-562387672]
      [14086] iastore
      [14087] dup
      [14088] sipush 166
      [14091] ldc #119
        + Integer [-1900553690]
      [14093] iastore
      [14094] dup
      [14095] sipush 167
      [14098] ldc_w #511
        + Integer [-1079165020]
      [14101] iastore
      [14102] dup
      [14103] sipush 168
      [14106] ldc #237
        + Integer [-1657131804]
      [14108] iastore
      [14109] dup
      [14110] sipush 169
      [14113] ldc #149
        + Integer [-1837608947]
      [14115] iastore
      [14116] dup
      [14117] sipush 170
      [14120] ldc_w #613
        + Integer [-866162021]
      [14123] iastore
      [14124] dup
      [14125] sipush 171
      [14128] ldc_w #1579
        + Integer [1182684258]
      [14131] iastore
      [14132] dup
      [14133] sipush 172
      [14136] ldc_w #1173
        + Integer [328070850]
      [14139] iastore
      [14140] dup
      [14141] sipush 173
      [14144] ldc_w #456
        + Integer [-1193766680]
      [14147] iastore
      [14148] dup
      [14149] sipush 174
      [14152] ldc_w #955
        + Integer [-147247522]
      [14155] iastore
      [14156] dup
      [14157] sipush 175
      [14160] ldc_w #384
        + Integer [-1346141451]
      [14163] iastore
      [14164] dup
      [14165] sipush 176
      [14168] ldc #5
        + Integer [-2141347906]
      [14170] iastore
      [14171] dup
      [14172] sipush 177
      [14175] ldc #160
        + Integer [-1815058052]
      [14177] iastore
      [14178] dup
      [14179] sipush 178
      [14182] ldc_w #1384
        + Integer [768962473]
      [14185] iastore
      [14186] dup
      [14187] sipush 179
      [14190] ldc_w #1167
        + Integer [304467891]
      [14193] iastore
      [14194] dup
      [14195] sipush 180
      [14198] ldc #207
        + Integer [-1716729797]
      [14200] iastore
      [14201] dup
      [14202] sipush 181
      [14205] ldc_w #2017
        + Integer [2098729127]
      [14208] iastore
      [14209] dup
      [14210] sipush 182
      [14213] ldc_w #1813
        + Integer [1671227502]
      [14216] iastore
      [14217] dup
      [14218] sipush 183
      [14221] ldc_w #474
        + Integer [-1153705093]
      [14224] iastore
      [14225] dup
      [14226] sipush 184
      [14229] ldc_w #1977
        + Integer [2015808777]
      [14232] iastore
      [14233] dup
      [14234] sipush 185
      [14237] ldc_w #1215
        + Integer [408514292]
      [14240] iastore
      [14241] dup
      [14242] sipush 186
      [14245] ldc_w #446
        + Integer [-1214583807]
      [14248] iastore
      [14249] dup
      [14250] sipush 187
      [14253] ldc #211
        + Integer [-1706064984]
      [14255] iastore
      [14256] dup
      [14257] sipush 188
      [14260] ldc_w #1900
        + Integer [1855317605]
      [14263] iastore
      [14264] dup
      [14265] sipush 189
      [14268] ldc_w #825
        + Integer [-419452290]
      [14271] iastore
      [14272] dup
      [14273] sipush 190
      [14276] ldc_w #640
        + Integer [-809754360]
      [14279] iastore
      [14280] dup
      [14281] sipush 191
      [14284] ldc_w #834
        + Integer [-401215514]
      [14287] iastore
      [14288] dup
      [14289] sipush 192
      [14292] ldc #225
        + Integer [-1679312167]
      [14294] iastore
      [14295] dup
      [14296] sipush 193
      [14299] ldc_w #1456
        + Integer [913263310]
      [14302] iastore
      [14303] dup
      [14304] sipush 194
      [14307] ldc_w #1096
        + Integer [161475284]
      [14310] iastore
      [14311] dup
      [14312] sipush 195
      [14315] ldc_w #2013
        + Integer [2091919830]
      [14318] iastore
      [14319] dup
      [14320] sipush 196
      [14323] ldc_w #405
        + Integer [-1297862225]
      [14326] iastore
      [14327] dup
      [14328] sipush 197
      [14331] ldc_w #1298
        + Integer [591342129]
      [14334] iastore
      [14335] dup
      [14336] sipush 198
      [14339] ldc #168
        + Integer [-1801075152]
      [14341] iastore
      [14342] dup
      [14343] sipush 199
      [14346] ldc_w #1838
        + Integer [1721906624]
      [14349] iastore
      [14350] dup
      [14351] sipush 200
      [14354] ldc_w #484
        + Integer [-1135709129]
      [14357] iastore
      [14358] dup
      [14359] sipush 201
      [14362] ldc_w #596
        + Integer [-897385306]
      [14365] iastore
      [14366] dup
      [14367] sipush 202
      [14370] ldc_w #644
        + Integer [-795811664]
      [14373] iastore
      [14374] dup
      [14375] sipush 203
      [14378] ldc_w #710
        + Integer [-660131051]
      [14381] iastore
      [14382] dup
      [14383] sipush 204
      [14386] ldc #194
        + Integer [-1744506550]
      [14388] iastore
      [14389] dup
      [14390] sipush 205
      [14393] ldc_w #729
        + Integer [-622050825]
      [14396] iastore
      [14397] dup
      [14398] sipush 206
      [14401] ldc_w #1664
        + Integer [1355644686]
      [14404] iastore
      [14405] dup
      [14406] sipush 207
      [14409] ldc_w #949
        + Integer [-158263505]
      [14412] iastore
      [14413] dup
      [14414] sipush 208
      [14417] ldc_w #690
        + Integer [-699566451]
      [14420] iastore
      [14421] dup
      [14422] sipush 209
      [14425] ldc_w #393
        + Integer [-1326496947]
      [14428] iastore
      [14429] dup
      [14430] sipush 210
      [14433] ldc_w #1638
        + Integer [1303039060]
      [14436] iastore
      [14437] dup
      [14438] sipush 211
      [14441] ldc_w #1053
        + Integer [76997855]
      [14444] iastore
      [14445] dup
      [14446] sipush 212
      [14449] ldc_w #433
        + Integer [-1244553501]
      [14452] iastore
      [14453] dup
      [14454] sipush 213
      [14457] ldc #67
        + Integer [-2006299621]
      [14459] iastore
      [14460] dup
      [14461] sipush 214
      [14464] ldc_w #1266
        + Integer [523026872]
      [14467] iastore
      [14468] dup
      [14469] sipush 215
      [14472] ldc_w #1668
        + Integer [1365591679]
      [14475] iastore
      [14476] dup
      [14477] sipush 216
      [14480] ldc_w #851
        + Integer [-362898172]
      [14483] iastore
      [14484] dup
      [14485] sipush 217
      [14488] ldc_w #1445
        + Integer [898367837]
      [14491] iastore
      [14492] dup
      [14493] sipush 218
      [14496] ldc_w #1951
        + Integer [1955068531]
      [14499] iastore
      [14500] dup
      [14501] sipush 219
      [14504] ldc_w #1537
        + Integer [1091304238]
      [14507] iastore
      [14508] dup
      [14509] sipush 220
      [14512] ldc_w #1255
        + Integer [493335386]
      [14515] iastore
      [14516] dup
      [14517] sipush 221
      [14520] ldc_w #664
        + Integer [-757362094]
      [14523] iastore
      [14524] dup
      [14525] sipush 222
      [14528] ldc_w #1705
        + Integer [1443948851]
      [14531] iastore
      [14532] dup
      [14533] sipush 223
      [14536] ldc_w #1591
        + Integer [1205234963]
      [14539] iastore
      [14540] dup
      [14541] sipush 224
      [14544] ldc_w #1799
        + Integer [1641519756]
      [14547] iastore
      [14548] dup
      [14549] sipush 225
      [14552] ldc_w #1119
        + Integer [211892090]
      [14555] iastore
      [14556] dup
      [14557] sipush 226
      [14560] ldc_w #1184
        + Integer [351820174]
      [14563] iastore
      [14564] dup
      [14565] sipush 227
      [14568] ldc_w #1497
        + Integer [1007938441]
      [14571] iastore
      [14572] dup
      [14573] sipush 228
      [14576] ldc_w #1334
        + Integer [665439982]
      [14579] iastore
      [14580] dup
      [14581] sipush 229
      [14584] ldc_w #589
        + Integer [-916342987]
      [14587] iastore
      [14588] dup
      [14589] sipush 230
      [14592] ldc_w #811
        + Integer [-451091987]
      [14595] iastore
      [14596] dup
      [14597] sipush 231
      [14600] ldc_w #394
        + Integer [-1320715716]
      [14603] iastore
      [14604] dup
      [14605] sipush 232
      [14608] ldc_w #768
        + Integer [-539845543]
      [14611] iastore
      [14612] dup
      [14613] sipush 233
      [14616] ldc_w #1944
        + Integer [1945261375]
      [14619] iastore
      [14620] dup
      [14621] sipush 234
      [14624] ldc_w #626
        + Integer [-837543815]
      [14627] iastore
      [14628] dup
      [14629] sipush 235
      [14632] ldc_w #1462
        + Integer [935818175]
      [14635] iastore
      [14636] dup
      [14637] sipush 236
      [14640] ldc_w #625
        + Integer [-839429142]
      [14643] iastore
      [14644] dup
      [14645] sipush 237
      [14648] ldc_w #344
        + Integer [-1426235557]
      [14651] iastore
      [14652] dup
      [14653] sipush 238
      [14656] ldc_w #1906
        + Integer [1866325780]
      [14659] iastore
      [14660] dup
      [14661] sipush 239
      [14664] ldc_w #731
        + Integer [-616269690]
      [14667] iastore
      [14668] dup
      [14669] sipush 240
      [14672] ldc_w #926
        + Integer [-206583167]
      [14675] iastore
      [14676] dup
      [14677] sipush 241
      [14680] ldc_w #546
        + Integer [-999769794]
      [14683] iastore
      [14684] dup
      [14685] sipush 242
      [14688] ldc_w #1433
        + Integer [874788908]
      [14691] iastore
      [14692] dup
      [14693] sipush 243
      [14696] ldc_w #1534
        + Integer [1084473951]
      [14699] iastore
      [14700] dup
      [14701] sipush 244
      [14704] ldc_w #539
        + Integer [-1021503886]
      [14707] iastore
      [14708] dup
      [14709] sipush 245
      [14712] ldc_w #1319
        + Integer [635616268]
      [14715] iastore
      [14716] dup
      [14717] sipush 246
      [14720] ldc_w #1602
        + Integer [1228679307]
      [14723] iastore
      [14724] dup
      [14725] sipush 247
      [14728] ldc #170
        + Integer [-1794244799]
      [14730] iastore
      [14731] dup
      [14732] sipush 248
      [14735] ldc_w #1029
        + Integer [27801969]
      [14738] iastore
      [14739] dup
      [14740] sipush 249
      [14743] ldc_w #410
        + Integer [-1291056930]
      [14746] iastore
      [14747] dup
      [14748] sipush 250
      [14751] ldc_w #805
        + Integer [-457910116]
      [14754] iastore
      [14755] dup
      [14756] sipush 251
      [14759] ldc_w #523
        + Integer [-1051302768]
      [14762] iastore
      [14763] dup
      [14764] sipush 252
      [14767] ldc #40
        + Integer [-2067039391]
      [14769] iastore
      [14770] dup
      [14771] sipush 253
      [14774] ldc_w #435
        + Integer [-1238182544]
      [14777] iastore
      [14778] dup
      [14779] sipush 254
      [14782] ldc_w #1756
        + Integer [1550600308]
      [14785] iastore
      [14786] dup
      [14787] sipush 255
      [14790] ldc_w #1718
        + Integer [1471729730]
      [14793] iastore
      [14794] putstatic #2064
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv1 [I]
      [14797] sipush 256
      [14800] newarray 10
      [14802] dup
      [14803] iconst_0
      [14804] ldc_w #931
        + Integer [-195997529]
      [14807] iastore
      [14808] dup
      [14809] iconst_1
      [14810] ldc_w #1540
        + Integer [1098797925]
      [14813] iastore
      [14814] dup
      [14815] iconst_2
      [14816] ldc_w #1203
        + Integer [387629988]
      [14819] iastore
      [14820] dup
      [14821] iconst_3
      [14822] ldc_w #1332
        + Integer [658151006]
      [14825] iastore
      [14826] dup
      [14827] iconst_4
      [14828] ldc_w #347
        + Integer [-1422144661]
      [14831] iastore
      [14832] dup
      [14833] iconst_5
      [14834] ldc #235
        + Integer [-1658851003]
      [14836] iastore
      [14837] dup
      [14838] bipush 6
      [14840] ldc_w #983
        + Integer [-89347240]
      [14843] iastore
      [14844] dup
      [14845] bipush 7
      [14847] ldc_w #795
        + Integer [-481586429]
      [14850] iastore
      [14851] dup
      [14852] bipush 8
      [14854] ldc_w #1402
        + Integer [807425530]
      [14857] iastore
      [14858] dup
      [14859] bipush 9
      [14861] ldc_w #1965
        + Integer [1991112301]
      [14864] iastore
      [14865] dup
      [14866] bipush 10
      [14868] ldc_w #615
        + Integer [-863465098]
      [14871] iastore
      [14872] dup
      [14873] bipush 11
      [14875] ldc_w #1039
        + Integer [49620300]
      [14878] iastore
      [14879] dup
      [14880] bipush 12
      [14882] ldc_w #813
        + Integer [-447742761]
      [14885] iastore
      [14886] dup
      [14887] bipush 13
      [14889] ldc_w #1359
        + Integer [717608907]
      [14892] iastore
      [14893] dup
      [14894] bipush 14
      [14896] ldc_w #1442
        + Integer [891715652]
      [14899] iastore
      [14900] dup
      [14901] bipush 15
      [14903] ldc_w #1806
        + Integer [1656065955]
      [14906] iastore
      [14907] dup
      [14908] bipush 16
      [14910] ldc_w #400
        + Integer [-1310832294]
      [14913] iastore
      [14914] dup
      [14915] bipush 17
      [14917] ldc_w #466
        + Integer [-1171953893]
      [14920] iastore
      [14921] dup
      [14922] bipush 18
      [14924] ldc_w #850
        + Integer [-364537842]
      [14927] iastore
      [14928] dup
      [14929] bipush 19
      [14931] ldc_w #1011
        + Integer [-27401792]
      [14934] iastore
      [14935] dup
      [14936] bipush 20
      [14938] ldc_w #1398
        + Integer [801309301]
      [14941] iastore
      [14942] dup
      [14943] bipush 21
      [14945] ldc_w #1630
        + Integer [1283527408]
      [14948] iastore
      [14949] dup
      [14950] bipush 22
      [14952] ldc_w #1582
        + Integer [1183687575]
      [14955] iastore
      [14956] dup
      [14957] bipush 23
      [14959] ldc_w #668
        + Integer [-747911431]
      [14962] iastore
      [14963] dup
      [14964] bipush 24
      [14966] ldc #122
        + Integer [-1895569569]
      [14968] iastore
      [14969] dup
      [14970] bipush 25
      [14972] ldc #146
        + Integer [-1844079204]
      [14974] iastore
      [14975] dup
      [14976] bipush 26
      [14978] ldc_w #1893
        + Integer [1841294202]
      [14981] iastore
      [14982] dup
      [14983] bipush 27
      [14985] ldc_w #1676
        + Integer [1385552473]
      [14988] iastore
      [14989] dup
      [14990] bipush 28
      [14992] ldc_w #504
        + Integer [-1093390973]
      [14995] iastore
      [14996] dup
      [14997] bipush 29
      [14999] ldc_w #1948
        + Integer [1951978273]
      [15002] iastore
      [15003] dup
      [15004] bipush 30
      [15006] ldc_w #771
        + Integer [-532076183]
      [15009] iastore
      [15010] dup
      [15011] bipush 31
      [15013] ldc_w #592
        + Integer [-913423160]
      [15016] iastore
      [15017] dup
      [15018] bipush 32
      [15020] ldc_w #532
        + Integer [-1032492407]
      [15023] iastore
      [15024] dup
      [15025] bipush 33
      [15027] ldc #121
        + Integer [-1896580999]
      [15029] iastore
      [15030] dup
      [15031] bipush 34
      [15033] ldc_w #1724
        + Integer [1486449470]
      [15036] iastore
      [15037] dup
      [15038] bipush 35
      [15040] ldc_w #458
        + Integer [-1188569743]
      [15043] iastore
      [15044] dup
      [15045] bipush 36
      [15047] ldc_w #781
        + Integer [-507595185]
      [15050] iastore
      [15051] dup
      [15052] bipush 37
      [15054] ldc #73
        + Integer [-1997531219]
      [15056] iastore
      [15057] dup
      [15058] bipush 38
      [15060] ldc_w #1278
        + Integer [550069932]
      [15063] iastore
      [15064] dup
      [15065] bipush 39
      [15067] ldc_w #628
        + Integer [-830622662]
      [15070] iastore
      [15071] dup
      [15072] bipush 40
      [15074] ldc_w #765
        + Integer [-547153846]
      [15077] iastore
      [15078] dup
      [15079] bipush 41
      [15081] ldc_w #1231
        + Integer [451248689]
      [15084] iastore
      [15085] dup
      [15086] bipush 42
      [15088] ldc_w #1669
        + Integer [1368875059]
      [15091] iastore
      [15092] dup
      [15093] bipush 43
      [15095] ldc_w #1684
        + Integer [1398949247]
      [15098] iastore
      [15099] dup
      [15100] bipush 44
      [15102] ldc_w #1820
        + Integer [1689378935]
      [15105] iastore
      [15106] dup
      [15107] bipush 45
      [15109] ldc_w #1876
        + Integer [1807451310]
      [15112] iastore
      [15113] dup
      [15114] bipush 46
      [15116] ldc #17
        + Integer [-2114052960]
      [15118] iastore
      [15119] dup
      [15120] bipush 47
      [15122] ldc_w #1088
        + Integer [150574123]
      [15125] iastore
      [15126] dup
      [15127] bipush 48
      [15129] ldc_w #1596
        + Integer [1215322216]
      [15132] iastore
      [15133] dup
      [15134] bipush 49
      [15136] ldc_w #1572
        + Integer [1167006205]
      [15139] iastore
      [15140] dup
      [15141] bipush 50
      [15143] ldc_w #757
        + Integer [-560691348]
      [15146] iastore
      [15147] dup
      [15148] bipush 51
      [15150] ldc_w #2002
        + Integer [2069018616]
      [15153] iastore
      [15154] dup
      [15155] bipush 52
      [15157] ldc_w #1939
        + Integer [1940595667]
      [15160] iastore
      [15161] dup
      [15162] bipush 53
      [15164] ldc_w #1620
        + Integer [1265820162]
      [15167] iastore
      [15168] dup
      [15169] bipush 54
      [15171] ldc_w #1270
        + Integer [534992783]
      [15174] iastore
      [15175] dup
      [15176] bipush 55
      [15178] ldc_w #1700
        + Integer [1432758955]
      [15181] iastore
      [15182] dup
      [15183] bipush 56
      [15185] ldc_w #862
        + Integer [-340654296]
      [15188] iastore
      [15189] dup
      [15190] bipush 57
      [15192] ldc_w #426
        + Integer [-1255210046]
      [15195] iastore
      [15196] dup
      [15197] bipush 58
      [15199] ldc_w #557
        + Integer [-981034373]
      [15202] iastore
      [15203] dup
      [15204] bipush 59
      [15206] ldc_w #1463
        + Integer [936617224]
      [15209] iastore
      [15210] dup
      [15211] bipush 60
      [15213] ldc_w #1339
        + Integer [674296455]
      [15216] iastore
      [15217] dup
      [15218] bipush 61
      [15220] ldc_w #506
        + Integer [-1088179547]
      [15223] iastore
      [15224] dup
      [15225] bipush 62
      [15227] ldc_w #1042
        + Integer [50510442]
      [15230] iastore
      [15231] dup
      [15232] bipush 63
      [15234] ldc_w #1199
        + Integer [384654466]
      [15237] iastore
      [15238] dup
      [15239] bipush 64
      [15241] ldc_w #638
        + Integer [-813028580]
      [15244] iastore
      [15245] dup
      [15246] bipush 65
      [15248] ldc_w #1987
        + Integer [2041025204]
      [15251] iastore
      [15252] dup
      [15253] bipush 66
      [15255] ldc_w #1079
        + Integer [133427442]
      [15258] iastore
      [15259] dup
      [15260] bipush 67
      [15262] ldc_w #1859
        + Integer [1766760930]
      [15265] iastore
      [15266] dup
      [15267] bipush 68
      [15269] ldc_w #724
        + Integer [-630862348]
      [15272] iastore
      [15273] dup
      [15274] bipush 69
      [15276] ldc_w #1059
        + Integer [84334014]
      [15279] iastore
      [15280] dup
      [15281] bipush 70
      [15283] ldc_w #1439
        + Integer [886120290]
      [15286] iastore
      [15287] dup
      [15288] bipush 71
      [15290] ldc_w #310
        + Integer [-1497068802]
      [15293] iastore
      [15294] dup
      [15295] bipush 72
      [15297] ldc_w #1387
        + Integer [775200083]
      [15300] iastore
      [15301] dup
      [15302] bipush 73
      [15304] ldc_w #925
        + Integer [-207445931]
      [15307] iastore
      [15308] dup
      [15309] bipush 74
      [15311] ldc #82
        + Integer [-1979370783]
      [15313] iastore
      [15314] dup
      [15315] bipush 75
      [15317] ldc_w #950
        + Integer [-156994069]
      [15320] iastore
      [15321] dup
      [15322] bipush 76
      [15324] ldc #26
        + Integer [-2096416276]
      [15326] iastore
      [15327] dup
      [15328] bipush 77
      [15330] ldc_w #1787
        + Integer [1614850799]
      [15333] iastore
      [15334] dup
      [15335] bipush 78
      [15337] ldc_w #1924
        + Integer [1901987487]
      [15340] iastore
      [15341] dup
      [15342] bipush 79
      [15344] ldc_w #1901
        + Integer [1857900816]
      [15347] iastore
      [15348] dup
      [15349] bipush 80
      [15351] ldc_w #1284
        + Integer [557775242]
      [15354] iastore
      [15355] dup
      [15356] bipush 81
      [15358] ldc_w #749
        + Integer [-577356538]
      [15361] iastore
      [15362] dup
      [15363] bipush 82
      [15365] ldc_w #1518
        + Integer [1054715397]
      [15368] iastore
      [15369] dup
      [15370] bipush 83
      [15372] ldc_w #818
        + Integer [-431143235]
      [15375] iastore
      [15376] dup
      [15377] bipush 84
      [15379] ldc_w #1694
        + Integer [1418835341]
      [15382] iastore
      [15383] dup
      [15384] bipush 85
      [15386] ldc_w #547
        + Integer [-999226019]
      [15389] iastore
      [15390] dup
      [15391] bipush 86
      [15393] ldc_w #1066
        + Integer [100954068]
      [15396] iastore
      [15397] dup
      [15398] bipush 87
      [15400] ldc_w #1660
        + Integer [1348534037]
      [15403] iastore
      [15404] dup
      [15405] bipush 88
      [15407] ldc #196
        + Integer [-1743182597]
      [15409] iastore
      [15410] dup
      [15411] bipush 89
      [15413] ldc_w #496
        + Integer [-1110009879]
      [15416] iastore
      [15417] dup
      [15418] bipush 90
      [15420] ldc_w #1533
        + Integer [1082772547]
      [15423] iastore
      [15424] dup
      [15425] bipush 91
      [15427] ldc_w #716
        + Integer [-647530594]
      [15430] iastore
      [15431] dup
      [15432] bipush 92
      [15434] ldc_w #838
        + Integer [-391070398]
      [15437] iastore
      [15438] dup
      [15439] bipush 93
      [15441] ldc #74
        + Integer [-1995994997]
      [15443] iastore
      [15444] dup
      [15445] bipush 94
      [15447] ldc_w #1221
        + Integer [434583643]
      [15450] iastore
      [15451] dup
      [15452] bipush 95
      [15454] ldc_w #579
        + Integer [-931537938]
      [15457] iastore
      [15458] dup
      [15459] bipush 96
      [15461] ldc_w #2012
        + Integer [2090944266]
      [15464] iastore
      [15465] dup
      [15466] bipush 97
      [15468] ldc_w #1550
        + Integer [1115482383]
      [15471] iastore
      [15472] dup
      [15473] bipush 98
      [15475] ldc #41
        + Integer [-2064070370]
      [15477] iastore
      [15478] dup
      [15479] bipush 100
      [15481] ldc #1
        + Integer [-2146860154]
      [15483] iastore
      [15484] dup
      [15485] bipush 101
      [15487] ldc_w #1365
        + Integer [724715757]
      [15490] iastore
      [15491] dup
      [15492] bipush 102
      [15494] ldc_w #1155
        + Integer [287222896]
      [15497] iastore
      [15498] dup
      [15499] bipush 103
      [15501] ldc_w #1741
        + Integer [1517047410]
      [15504] iastore
      [15505] dup
      [15506] bipush 104
      [15508] ldc_w #1136
        + Integer [251526143]
      [15511] iastore
      [15512] dup
      [15513] bipush 105
      [15515] ldc #42
        + Integer [-2062592456]
      [15517] iastore
      [15518] dup
      [15519] bipush 106
      [15521] ldc_w #372
        + Integer [-1371726123]
      [15524] iastore
      [15525] dup
      [15526] bipush 107
      [15528] ldc_w #1379
        + Integer [758523705]
      [15531] iastore
      [15532] dup
      [15533] bipush 108
      [15535] ldc_w #1138
        + Integer [252339417]
      [15538] iastore
      [15539] dup
      [15540] bipush 109
      [15542] ldc_w #1755
        + Integer [1550328230]
      [15545] iastore
      [15546] dup
      [15547] bipush 110
      [15549] ldc_w #1748
        + Integer [1536938324]
      [15552] iastore
      [15553] dup
      [15554] bipush 111
      [15556] ldc_w #1451
        + Integer [908343854]
      [15559] iastore
      [15560] dup
      [15561] bipush 112
      [15563] ldc_w #1099
        + Integer [168604007]
      [15566] iastore
      [15567] dup
      [15568] bipush 113
      [15570] ldc_w #1716
        + Integer [1469255655]
      [15573] iastore
      [15574] dup
      [15575] bipush 114
      [15577] ldc_w #885
        + Integer [-290139498]
      [15580] iastore
      [15581] dup
      [15582] bipush 115
      [15584] ldc #218
        + Integer [-1692688751]
      [15586] iastore
      [15587] dup
      [15588] bipush 116
      [15590] ldc_w #516
        + Integer [-1065332795]
      [15593] iastore
      [15594] dup
      [15595] bipush 117
      [15597] ldc_w #739
        + Integer [-597581280]
      [15600] iastore
      [15601] dup
      [15602] bipush 118
      [15604] ldc_w #1970
        + Integer [2002413899]
      [15607] iastore
      [15608] dup
      [15609] bipush 119
      [15611] ldc_w #1164
        + Integer [303830554]
      [15614] iastore
      [15615] dup
      [15616] bipush 120
      [15618] ldc #161
        + Integer [-1813902662]
      [15620] iastore
      [15621] dup
      [15622] bipush 121
      [15624] ldc_w #264
        + Integer [-1597971158]
      [15627] iastore
      [15628] dup
      [15629] bipush 122
      [15631] ldc_w #1292
        + Integer [574374880]
      [15634] iastore
      [15635] dup
      [15636] bipush 123
      [15638] ldc_w #1234
        + Integer [454171927]
      [15641] iastore
      [15642] dup
      [15643] bipush 124
      [15645] ldc_w #1091
        + Integer [151915277]
      [15648] iastore
      [15649] dup
      [15650] bipush 125
      [15652] ldc #97
        + Integer [-1947030073]
      [15654] iastore
      [15655] dup
      [15656] bipush 126
      [15658] ldc_w #434
        + Integer [-1238517336]
      [15661] iastore
      [15662] dup
      [15663] bipush 127
      [15665] ldc_w #1259
        + Integer [504678569]
      [15668] iastore
      [15669] dup
      [15670] sipush 128
      [15673] ldc_w #909
        + Integer [-245922535]
      [15676] iastore
      [15677] dup
      [15678] sipush 129
      [15681] ldc_w #1956
        + Integer [1974422535]
      [15684] iastore
      [15685] dup
      [15686] sipush 130
      [15689] ldc #209
        + Integer [-1712407587]
      [15691] iastore
      [15692] dup
      [15693] sipush 131
      [15696] ldc_w #2038
        + Integer [2141453664]
      [15699] iastore
      [15700] dup
      [15701] sipush 132
      [15704] ldc_w #1032
        + Integer [33005350]
      [15707] iastore
      [15708] dup
      [15709] sipush 133
      [15712] ldc_w #1932
        + Integer [1918680309]
      [15715] iastore
      [15716] dup
      [15717] sipush 134
      [15720] ldc_w #1835
        + Integer [1715782971]
      [15723] iastore
      [15724] dup
      [15725] sipush 135
      [15728] ldc_w #988
        + Integer [-77908866]
      [15731] iastore
      [15732] dup
      [15733] sipush 136
      [15736] ldc_w #1557
        + Integer [1133213225]
      [15739] iastore
      [15740] dup
      [15741] sipush 137
      [15744] ldc_w #1302
        + Integer [600562886]
      [15747] iastore
      [15748] dup
      [15749] sipush 138
      [15752] ldc_w #878
        + Integer [-306812676]
      [15755] iastore
      [15756] dup
      [15757] sipush 139
      [15760] ldc_w #806
        + Integer [-457677839]
      [15763] iastore
      [15764] dup
      [15765] sipush 140
      [15768] ldc_w #1415
        + Integer [836225756]
      [15771] iastore
      [15772] dup
      [15773] sipush 141
      [15776] ldc_w #1811
        + Integer [1665273989]
      [15779] iastore
      [15780] dup
      [15781] sipush 142
      [15784] ldc #186
        + Integer [-1760346078]
      [15786] iastore
      [15787] dup
      [15788] sipush 143
      [15791] ldc_w #565
        + Integer [-964419567]
      [15794] iastore
      [15795] dup
      [15796] sipush 144
      [15799] ldc_w #1611
        + Integer [1250262308]
      [15802] iastore
      [15803] dup
      [15804] sipush 145
      [15807] ldc_w #480
        + Integer [-1143801795]
      [15810] iastore
      [15811] dup
      [15812] sipush 146
      [15815] ldc_w #974
        + Integer [-106032846]
      [15818] iastore
      [15819] dup
      [15820] sipush 147
      [15823] ldc_w #1350
        + Integer [700935585]
      [15826] iastore
      [15827] dup
      [15828] sipush 148
      [15831] ldc #242
        + Integer [-1642247377]
      [15833] iastore
      [15834] dup
      [15835] sipush 149
      [15838] ldc_w #408
        + Integer [-1294142672]
      [15841] iastore
      [15842] dup
      [15843] sipush 150
      [15846] ldc #50
        + Integer [-2045907886]
      [15848] iastore
      [15849] dup
      [15850] sipush 151
      [15853] ldc_w #524
        + Integer [-1049112349]
      [15856] iastore
      [15857] dup
      [15858] sipush 152
      [15861] ldc_w #412
        + Integer [-1288999914]
      [15864] iastore
      [15865] dup
      [15866] sipush 153
      [15869] ldc_w #1917
        + Integer [1890163129]
      [15872] iastore
      [15873] dup
      [15874] sipush 154
      [15877] ldc #162
        + Integer [-1810761144]
      [15879] iastore
      [15880] dup
      [15881] sipush 155
      [15884] ldc_w #845
        + Integer [-381214108]
      [15887] iastore
      [15888] dup
      [15889] sipush 156
      [15892] ldc_w #997
        + Integer [-56048500]
      [15895] iastore
      [15896] dup
      [15897] sipush 157
      [15900] ldc_w #902
        + Integer [-257942977]
      [15903] iastore
      [15904] dup
      [15905] sipush 158
      [15908] ldc_w #2020
        + Integer [2102843436]
      [15911] iastore
      [15912] dup
      [15913] sipush 159
      [15916] ldc_w #1427
        + Integer [857927568]
      [15919] iastore
      [15920] dup
      [15921] sipush 160
      [15924] ldc_w #1605
        + Integer [1233635150]
      [15927] iastore
      [15928] dup
      [15929] sipush 161
      [15932] ldc_w #1471
        + Integer [953795025]
      [15935] iastore
      [15936] dup
      [15937] sipush 162
      [15940] ldc_w #597
        + Integer [-896729438]
      [15943] iastore
      [15944] dup
      [15945] sipush 163
      [15948] ldc_w #678
        + Integer [-728222197]
      [15951] iastore
      [15952] dup
      [15953] sipush 164
      [15956] ldc_w #942
        + Integer [-173617279]
      [15959] iastore
      [15960] dup
      [15961] sipush 165
      [15964] ldc_w #1998
        + Integer [2057644254]
      [15967] iastore
      [15968] dup
      [15969] sipush 166
      [15972] ldc_w #448
        + Integer [-1210440050]
      [15975] iastore
      [15976] dup
      [15977] sipush 167
      [15980] ldc_w #362
        + Integer [-1388337985]
      [15983] iastore
      [15984] dup
      [15985] sipush 168
      [15988] ldc_w #1483
        + Integer [976020637]
      [15991] iastore
      [15992] dup
      [15993] sipush 169
      [15996] ldc_w #1980
        + Integer [2018512274]
      [15999] iastore
      [16000] dup
      [16001] sipush 170
      [16004] ldc_w #1781
        + Integer [1600822220]
      [16007] iastore
      [16008] dup
      [16009] sipush 171
      [16012] ldc_w #2028
        + Integer [2119459398]
      [16015] iastore
      [16016] dup
      [16017] sipush 172
      [16020] ldc #113
        + Integer [-1913208301]
      [16022] iastore
      [16023] dup
      [16024] sipush 173
      [16027] ldc_w #708
        + Integer [-661591880]
      [16030] iastore
      [16031] dup
      [16032] sipush 174
      [16035] ldc_w #1475
        + Integer [959340279]
      [16038] iastore
      [16039] dup
      [16040] sipush 175
      [16043] ldc_w #542
        + Integer [-1014827601]
      [16046] iastore
      [16047] dup
      [16048] sipush 176
      [16051] ldc_w #1763
        + Integer [1570750080]
      [16054] iastore
      [16055] dup
      [16056] sipush 177
      [16059] ldc_w #643
        + Integer [-798393197]
      [16062] iastore
      [16063] dup
      [16064] sipush 178
      [16067] ldc_w #683
        + Integer [-714102483]
      [16070] iastore
      [16071] dup
      [16072] sipush 179
      [16075] ldc_w #1318
        + Integer [634368786]
      [16078] iastore
      [16079] dup
      [16080] sipush 180
      [16083] ldc_w #360
        + Integer [-1396163687]
      [16086] iastore
      [16087] dup
      [16088] sipush 181
      [16091] ldc_w #1210
        + Integer [403744637]
      [16094] iastore
      [16095] dup
      [16096] sipush 182
      [16099] ldc #233
        + Integer [-1662488989]
      [16101] iastore
      [16102] dup
      [16103] sipush 183
      [16106] ldc_w #1495
        + Integer [1004239803]
      [16109] iastore
      [16110] dup
      [16111] sipush 184
      [16114] ldc_w #1327
        + Integer [650971512]
      [16117] iastore
      [16118] dup
      [16119] sipush 185
      [16122] ldc_w #1732
        + Integer [1500443672]
      [16125] iastore
      [16126] dup
      [16127] sipush 186
      [16130] ldc #217
        + Integer [-1695809097]
      [16132] iastore
      [16133] dup
      [16134] sipush 187
      [16137] ldc_w #1650
        + Integer [1334028442]
      [16140] iastore
      [16141] dup
      [16142] sipush 188
      [16145] ldc #177
        + Integer [-1780062866]
      [16147] iastore
      [16148] dup
      [16149] sipush 189
      [16152] ldc_w #1023
        + Integer [-5603610]
      [16155] iastore
      [16156] dup
      [16157] sipush 190
      [16160] ldc_w #483
        + Integer [-1138685745]
      [16163] iastore
      [16164] dup
      [16165] sipush 191
      [16168] ldc_w #1191
        + Integer [368043752]
      [16171] iastore
      [16172] dup
      [16173] sipush 192
      [16176] ldc_w #831
        + Integer [-407184997]
      [16179] iastore
      [16180] dup
      [16181] sipush 193
      [16184] ldc_w #1907
        + Integer [1867173430]
      [16187] iastore
      [16188] dup
      [16189] sipush 194
      [16192] ldc_w #257
        + Integer [-1612000247]
      [16195] iastore
      [16196] dup
      [16197] sipush 195
      [16200] ldc_w #386
        + Integer [-1339435396]
      [16203] iastore
      [16204] dup
      [16205] sipush 196
      [16208] ldc_w #291
        + Integer [-1540247630]
      [16211] iastore
      [16212] dup
      [16213] sipush 197
      [16216] ldc_w #1522
        + Integer [1059729699]
      [16219] iastore
      [16220] dup
      [16221] sipush 198
      [16224] ldc_w #305
        + Integer [-1513738092]
      [16227] iastore
      [16228] dup
      [16229] sipush 199
      [16232] ldc_w #275
        + Integer [-1573535642]
      [16235] iastore
      [16236] dup
      [16237] sipush 200
      [16240] ldc_w #1646
        + Integer [1316239292]
      [16243] iastore
      [16244] dup
      [16245] sipush 201
      [16248] ldc #25
        + Integer [-2097371446]
      [16250] iastore
      [16251] dup
      [16252] sipush 202
      [16255] ldc #136
        + Integer [-1864322864]
      [16257] iastore
      [16258] dup
      [16259] sipush 203
      [16262] ldc_w #314
        + Integer [-1489824296]
      [16265] iastore
      [16266] dup
      [16267] sipush 204
      [16270] ldc_w #1055
        + Integer [82922136]
      [16273] iastore
      [16274] dup
      [16275] sipush 205
      [16278] ldc_w #867
        + Integer [-331221030]
      [16281] iastore
      [16282] dup
      [16283] sipush 206
      [16286] ldc_w #620
        + Integer [-847311280]
      [16289] iastore
      [16290] dup
      [16291] sipush 207
      [16294] ldc #138
        + Integer [-1860751370]
      [16296] iastore
      [16297] dup
      [16298] sipush 208
      [16301] ldc_w #1636
        + Integer [1299615190]
      [16304] iastore
      [16305] dup
      [16306] sipush 209
      [16309] ldc_w #891
        + Integer [-280801872]
      [16312] iastore
      [16313] dup
      [16314] sipush 210
      [16317] ldc_w #342
        + Integer [-1429449651]
      [16320] iastore
      [16321] dup
      [16322] sipush 211
      [16325] ldc #184
        + Integer [-1763385596]
      [16327] iastore
      [16328] dup
      [16329] sipush 212
      [16332] ldc_w #655
        + Integer [-778116171]
      [16335] iastore
      [16336] dup
      [16337] sipush 213
      [16340] ldc_w #1867
        + Integer [1783372680]
      [16343] iastore
      [16344] dup
      [16345] sipush 214
      [16348] ldc_w #1374
        + Integer [750893087]
      [16351] iastore
      [16352] dup
      [16353] sipush 215
      [16356] ldc_w #1827
        + Integer [1699118929]
      [16359] iastore
      [16360] dup
      [16361] sipush 216
      [16364] ldc_w #1773
        + Integer [1587348714]
      [16367] iastore
      [16368] dup
      [16369] sipush 217
      [16372] ldc #98
        + Integer [-1946067659]
      [16374] iastore
      [16375] dup
      [16376] sipush 218
      [16379] ldc #65
        + Integer [-2013629580]
      [16381] iastore
      [16382] dup
      [16383] sipush 219
      [16386] ldc_w #1112
        + Integer [201010753]
      [16389] iastore
      [16390] dup
      [16391] sipush 220
      [16394] ldc_w #1845
        + Integer [1739807261]
      [16397] iastore
      [16398] dup
      [16399] sipush 221
      [16402] ldc_w #734
        + Integer [-611167534]
      [16405] iastore
      [16406] dup
      [16407] sipush 222
      [16410] ldc_w #1151
        + Integer [283718486]
      [16413] iastore
      [16414] dup
      [16415] sipush 223
      [16418] ldc_w #691
        + Integer [-697494713]
      [16421] iastore
      [16422] dup
      [16423] sipush 224
      [16426] ldc_w #700
        + Integer [-677737375]
      [16429] iastore
      [16430] dup
      [16431] sipush 225
      [16434] ldc_w #267
        + Integer [-1590199796]
      [16437] iastore
      [16438] dup
      [16439] sipush 226
      [16442] ldc_w #963
        + Integer [-128348652]
      [16445] iastore
      [16446] dup
      [16447] sipush 227
      [16450] ldc_w #1175
        + Integer [334203196]
      [16453] iastore
      [16454] dup
      [16455] sipush 228
      [16458] ldc_w #337
        + Integer [-1446056409]
      [16461] iastore
      [16462] dup
      [16463] sipush 229
      [16466] ldc_w #1796
        + Integer [1639396809]
      [16469] iastore
      [16470] dup
      [16471] sipush 230
      [16474] ldc_w #1247
        + Integer [484568549]
      [16477] iastore
      [16478] dup
      [16479] sipush 231
      [16482] ldc_w #1589
        + Integer [1199193265]
      [16485] iastore
      [16486] dup
      [16487] sipush 232
      [16490] ldc_w #660
        + Integer [-761505313]
      [16493] iastore
      [16494] dup
      [16495] sipush 233
      [16498] ldc_w #915
        + Integer [-229294221]
      [16501] iastore
      [16502] dup
      [16503] sipush 234
      [16506] ldc_w #1179
        + Integer [337148366]
      [16509] iastore
      [16510] dup
      [16511] sipush 235
      [16514] ldc_w #573
        + Integer [-948715721]
      [16517] iastore
      [16518] dup
      [16519] sipush 236
      [16522] ldc_w #956
        + Integer [-145495347]
      [16525] iastore
      [16526] dup
      [16527] sipush 237
      [16530] ldc_w #1004
        + Integer [-44082262]
      [16533] iastore
      [16534] dup
      [16535] sipush 238
      [16538] ldc_w #1511
        + Integer [1038029935]
      [16541] iastore
      [16542] dup
      [16543] sipush 239
      [16546] ldc_w #1565
        + Integer [1148749531]
      [16549] iastore
      [16550] dup
      [16551] sipush 240
      [16554] ldc_w #385
        + Integer [-1345682957]
      [16557] iastore
      [16558] dup
      [16559] sipush 241
      [16562] ldc_w #1853
        + Integer [1756970692]
      [16565] iastore
      [16566] dup
      [16567] sipush 242
      [16570] ldc_w #1308
        + Integer [607661108]
      [16573] iastore
      [16574] dup
      [16575] sipush 243
      [16578] ldc_w #288
        + Integer [-1547542720]
      [16581] iastore
      [16582] dup
      [16583] sipush 244
      [16586] ldc_w #1250
        + Integer [488010435]
      [16589] iastore
      [16590] dup
      [16591] sipush 245
      [16594] ldc_w #791
        + Integer [-490992603]
      [16597] iastore
      [16598] dup
      [16599] sipush 246
      [16602] ldc_w #1500
        + Integer [1009290057]
      [16605] iastore
      [16606] dup
      [16607] sipush 247
      [16610] ldc_w #1128
        + Integer [234832277]
      [16613] iastore
      [16614] dup
      [16615] sipush 248
      [16618] ldc_w #322
        + Integer [-1472630527]
      [16621] iastore
      [16622] dup
      [16623] sipush 249
      [16626] ldc_w #1114
        + Integer [201907891]
      [16629] iastore
      [16630] dup
      [16631] sipush 250
      [16634] ldc_w #424
        + Integer [-1260872476]
      [16637] iastore
      [16638] dup
      [16639] sipush 251
      [16642] ldc_w #1709
        + Integer [1449431233]
      [16645] iastore
      [16646] dup
      [16647] sipush 252
      [16650] ldc_w #605
        + Integer [-881106556]
      [16653] iastore
      [16654] dup
      [16655] sipush 253
      [16658] ldc_w #1421
        + Integer [852848822]
      [16661] iastore
      [16662] dup
      [16663] sipush 254
      [16666] ldc_w #1883
        + Integer [1816687708]
      [16669] iastore
      [16670] dup
      [16671] sipush 255
      [16674] ldc_w #455
        + Integer [-1194311081]
      [16677] iastore
      [16678] putstatic #2065
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv2 [I]
      [16681] sipush 256
      [16684] newarray 10
      [16686] dup
      [16687] iconst_0
      [16688] ldc_w #1666
        + Integer [1364240372]
      [16691] iastore
      [16692] dup
      [16693] iconst_1
      [16694] ldc_w #2027
        + Integer [2119394625]
      [16697] iastore
      [16698] dup
      [16699] iconst_2
      [16700] ldc_w #1230
        + Integer [449029143]
      [16703] iastore
      [16704] dup
      [16705] iconst_3
      [16706] ldc_w #1487
        + Integer [982933031]
      [16709] iastore
      [16710] dup
      [16711] iconst_4
      [16712] ldc_w #1494
        + Integer [1003187115]
      [16715] iastore
      [16716] dup
      [16717] iconst_5
      [16718] ldc_w #1271
        + Integer [535905693]
      [16721] iastore
      [16722] dup
      [16723] bipush 6
      [16725] ldc_w #358
        + Integer [-1398056710]
      [16728] iastore
      [16729] dup
      [16730] bipush 7
      [16732] ldc_w #1622
        + Integer [1267925987]
      [16735] iastore
      [16736] dup
      [16737] bipush 8
      [16739] ldc_w #1277
        + Integer [542505520]
      [16742] iastore
      [16743] dup
      [16744] bipush 9
      [16746] ldc_w #369
        + Integer [-1376359050]
      [16749] iastore
      [16750] dup
      [16751] bipush 10
      [16753] ldc #71
        + Integer [-2003732788]
      [16755] iastore
      [16756] dup
      [16757] bipush 11
      [16759] ldc_w #939
        + Integer [-182105086]
      [16762] iastore
      [16763] dup
      [16764] bipush 12
      [16766] ldc_w #1656
        + Integer [1341970405]
      [16769] iastore
      [16770] dup
      [16771] bipush 13
      [16773] ldc_w #561
        + Integer [-975713494]
      [16776] iastore
      [16777] dup
      [16778] bipush 14
      [16780] ldc_w #1325
        + Integer [645940277]
      [16783] iastore
      [16784] dup
      [16785] bipush 15
      [16787] ldc_w #430
        + Integer [-1248877726]
      [16790] iastore
      [16791] dup
      [16792] bipush 16
      [16794] ldc_w #754
        + Integer [-565617999]
      [16797] iastore
      [16798] dup
      [16799] bipush 17
      [16801] ldc_w #1316
        + Integer [627514298]
      [16804] iastore
      [16805] dup
      [16806] bipush 18
      [16808] ldc_w #1573
        + Integer [1167593194]
      [16811] iastore
      [16812] dup
      [16813] bipush 19
      [16815] ldc_w #1767
        + Integer [1575076094]
      [16818] iastore
      [16819] dup
      [16820] bipush 20
      [16822] ldc_w #538
        + Integer [-1023249105]
      [16825] iastore
      [16826] dup
      [16827] bipush 21
      [16829] ldc #10
        + Integer [-2129465268]
      [16831] iastore
      [16832] dup
      [16833] bipush 22
      [16835] ldc #111
        + Integer [-1918658746]
      [16837] iastore
      [16838] dup
      [16839] bipush 23
      [16841] ldc_w #1877
        + Integer [1808202195]
      [16844] iastore
      [16845] dup
      [16846] bipush 24
      [16848] ldc_w #1048
        + Integer [65494927]
      [16851] iastore
      [16852] dup
      [16853] bipush 25
      [16855] ldc_w #1189
        + Integer [362126482]
      [16858] iastore
      [16859] dup
      [16860] bipush 26
      [16862] ldc_w #513
        + Integer [-1075086739]
      [16865] iastore
      [16866] dup
      [16867] bipush 27
      [16869] ldc #176
        + Integer [-1780852398]
      [16871] iastore
      [16872] dup
      [16873] bipush 28
      [16875] ldc_w #676
        + Integer [-735214658]
      [16878] iastore
      [16879] dup
      [16880] bipush 29
      [16882] ldc_w #1727
        + Integer [1490231668]
      [16885] iastore
      [16886] dup
      [16887] bipush 30
      [16889] ldc_w #1601
        + Integer [1227450848]
      [16892] iastore
      [16893] dup
      [16894] bipush 31
      [16896] ldc #116
        + Integer [-1908094775]
      [16898] iastore
      [16899] dup
      [16900] bipush 32
      [16902] ldc_w #1954
        + Integer [1969916354]
      [16905] iastore
      [16906] dup
      [16907] bipush 33
      [16909] ldc_w #932
        + Integer [-193431154]
      [16912] iastore
      [16913] dup
      [16914] bipush 34
      [16916] ldc #204
        + Integer [-1721024936]
      [16918] iastore
      [16919] dup
      [16920] bipush 35
      [16922] ldc_w #1336
        + Integer [668823993]
      [16925] iastore
      [16926] dup
      [16927] bipush 36
      [16929] ldc_w #502
        + Integer [-1095348255]
      [16932] iastore
      [16933] dup
      [16934] bipush 37
      [16936] ldc_w #898
        + Integer [-266883704]
      [16939] iastore
      [16940] dup
      [16941] bipush 38
      [16943] ldc_w #590
        + Integer [-916018144]
      [16946] iastore
      [16947] dup
      [16948] bipush 39
      [16950] ldc_w #2022
        + Integer [2108963534]
      [16953] iastore
      [16954] dup
      [16955] bipush 40
      [16957] ldc_w #1809
        + Integer [1662536415]
      [16960] iastore
      [16961] dup
      [16962] bipush 41
      [16964] ldc_w #814
        + Integer [-444452582]
      [16967] iastore
      [16968] dup
      [16969] bipush 42
      [16971] ldc #190
        + Integer [-1755303087]
      [16973] iastore
      [16974] dup
      [16975] bipush 43
      [16977] ldc_w #1802
        + Integer [1648721747]
      [16980] iastore
      [16981] dup
      [16982] bipush 44
      [16984] ldc_w #401
        + Integer [-1310689436]
      [16987] iastore
      [16988] dup
      [16989] bipush 45
      [16991] ldc_w #478
        + Integer [-1148932501]
      [16994] iastore
      [16995] dup
      [16996] bipush 46
      [16998] ldc_w #1010
        + Integer [-31678335]
      [17001] iastore
      [17002] dup
      [17003] bipush 47
      [17005] ldc_w #973
        + Integer [-107730168]
      [17008] iastore
      [17009] dup
      [17010] bipush 48
      [17012] ldc_w #1915
        + Integer [1884842056]
      [17015] iastore
      [17016] dup
      [17017] bipush 49
      [17019] ldc #124
        + Integer [-1894122171]
      [17021] iastore
      [17022] dup
      [17023] bipush 50
      [17025] ldc #166
        + Integer [-1803064098]
      [17027] iastore
      [17028] dup
      [17029] bipush 51
      [17031] ldc_w #1678
        + Integer [1387788411]
      [17034] iastore
      [17035] dup
      [17036] bipush 52
      [17038] ldc_w #346
        + Integer [-1423715469]
      [17041] iastore
      [17042] dup
      [17043] bipush 53
      [17045] ldc_w #1935
        + Integer [1927414347]
      [17048] iastore
      [17049] dup
      [17050] bipush 54
      [17052] ldc_w #796
        + Integer [-480800993]
      [17055] iastore
      [17056] dup
      [17057] bipush 55
      [17059] ldc_w #1834
        + Integer [1714072405]
      [17062] iastore
      [17063] dup
      [17064] bipush 56
      [17066] ldc_w #402
        + Integer [-1308153621]
      [17069] iastore
      [17070] dup
      [17071] bipush 57
      [17073] ldc_w #1393
        + Integer [788775605]
      [17076] iastore
      [17077] dup
      [17078] bipush 58
      [17080] ldc #55
        + Integer [-2036696123]
      [17082] iastore
      [17083] dup
      [17084] bipush 59
      [17086] ldc_w #670
        + Integer [-744159177]
      [17089] iastore
      [17090] dup
      [17091] bipush 60
      [17093] ldc_w #1408
        + Integer [821200680]
      [17096] iastore
      [17097] dup
      [17098] bipush 61
      [17100] ldc_w #1300
        + Integer [598910399]
      [17103] iastore
      [17104] dup
      [17105] bipush 62
      [17107] ldc_w #1038
        + Integer [45771267]
      [17110] iastore
      [17111] dup
      [17112] bipush 63
      [17114] ldc_w #877
        + Integer [-312704490]
      [17117] iastore
      [17118] dup
      [17119] bipush 64
      [17121] ldc #85
        + Integer [-1976886065]
      [17123] iastore
      [17124] dup
      [17125] bipush 65
      [17127] ldc_w #318
        + Integer [-1483557767]
      [17130] iastore
      [17131] dup
      [17132] bipush 66
      [17134] ldc_w #927
        + Integer [-202313209]
      [17137] iastore
      [17138] dup
      [17139] bipush 67
      [17141] ldc_w #1648
        + Integer [1319232105]
      [17144] iastore
      [17145] dup
      [17146] bipush 68
      [17148] ldc_w #1831
        + Integer [1707996378]
      [17151] iastore
      [17152] dup
      [17153] bipush 69
      [17155] ldc_w #1071
        + Integer [114671109]
      [17158] iastore
      [17159] dup
      [17160] bipush 70
      [17162] ldc_w #650
        + Integer [-786472396]
      [17165] iastore
      [17166] dup
      [17167] bipush 71
      [17169] ldc_w #548
        + Integer [-997523802]
      [17172] iastore
      [17173] dup
      [17174] bipush 72
      [17176] ldc_w #1438
        + Integer [882725678]
      [17179] iastore
      [17180] dup
      [17181] bipush 73
      [17183] ldc_w #278
        + Integer [-1566550541]
      [17186] iastore
      [17187] dup
      [17188] bipush 74
      [17190] ldc_w #1061
        + Integer [87220618]
      [17193] iastore
      [17194] dup
      [17195] bipush 75
      [17197] ldc_w #293
        + Integer [-1535775754]
      [17200] iastore
      [17201] dup
      [17202] bipush 76
      [17204] ldc_w #1108
        + Integer [188345475]
      [17207] iastore
      [17208] dup
      [17209] bipush 77
      [17211] ldc_w #1535
        + Integer [1084944224]
      [17214] iastore
      [17215] dup
      [17216] bipush 78
      [17218] ldc_w #1769
        + Integer [1577492337]
      [17221] iastore
      [17222] dup
      [17223] bipush 79
      [17225] ldc_w #491
        + Integer [-1118760850]
      [17228] iastore
      [17229] dup
      [17230] bipush 80
      [17232] ldc_w #1520
        + Integer [1056541217]
      [17235] iastore
      [17236] dup
      [17237] bipush 81
      [17239] ldc #179
        + Integer [-1774385443]
      [17241] iastore
      [17242] dup
      [17243] bipush 82
      [17245] ldc_w #752
        + Integer [-575797954]
      [17248] iastore
      [17249] dup
      [17250] bipush 83
      [17252] ldc_w #1634
        + Integer [1296481766]
      [17255] iastore
      [17256] dup
      [17257] bipush 84
      [17259] ldc #145
        + Integer [-1850372780]
      [17261] iastore
      [17262] dup
      [17263] bipush 85
      [17265] ldc_w #1922
        + Integer [1896177092]
      [17268] iastore
      [17269] dup
      [17270] bipush 86
      [17272] ldc_w #1052
        + Integer [74437638]
      [17275] iastore
      [17276] dup
      [17277] bipush 87
      [17279] ldc_w #1792
        + Integer [1627329872]
      [17282] iastore
      [17283] dup
      [17284] bipush 88
      [17286] ldc_w #1218
        + Integer [421854104]
      [17289] iastore
      [17290] dup
      [17291] bipush 89
      [17293] ldc_w #693
        + Integer [-694687299]
      [17296] iastore
      [17297] dup
      [17298] bipush 90
      [17300] ldc #81
        + Integer [-1983102144]
      [17302] iastore
      [17303] dup
      [17304] bipush 91
      [17306] ldc_w #1844
        + Integer [1735892697]
      [17309] iastore
      [17310] dup
      [17311] bipush 92
      [17313] ldc_w #390
        + Integer [-1329773848]
      [17316] iastore
      [17317] dup
      [17318] bipush 93
      [17320] ldc_w #1077
        + Integer [126389129]
      [17323] iastore
      [17324] dup
      [17325] bipush 94
      [17327] ldc_w #827
        + Integer [-415737063]
      [17330] iastore
      [17331] dup
      [17332] bipush 95
      [17334] ldc_w #1990
        + Integer [2044456648]
      [17337] iastore
      [17338] dup
      [17339] bipush 96
      [17341] ldc_w #268
        + Integer [-1589179780]
      [17344] iastore
      [17345] dup
      [17346] bipush 97
      [17348] ldc_w #2015
        + Integer [2095648578]
      [17351] iastore
      [17352] dup
      [17353] bipush 98
      [17355] ldc_w #967
        + Integer [-121037180]
      [17358] iastore
      [17359] dup
      [17360] bipush 100
      [17362] ldc_w #1095
        + Integer [159614592]
      [17365] iastore
      [17366] dup
      [17367] bipush 101
      [17369] ldc_w #1419
        + Integer [843640107]
      [17372] iastore
      [17373] dup
      [17374] bipush 102
      [17376] ldc_w #1263
        + Integer [514617361]
      [17379] iastore
      [17380] dup
      [17381] bipush 103
      [17383] ldc_w #1884
        + Integer [1817080410]
      [17386] iastore
      [17387] dup
      [17388] bipush 104
      [17390] ldc_w #1008
        + Integer [-33816818]
      [17393] iastore
      [17394] dup
      [17395] bipush 105
      [17397] ldc_w #1142
        + Integer [257308805]
      [17400] iastore
      [17401] dup
      [17402] bipush 106
      [17404] ldc_w #1506
        + Integer [1025430958]
      [17407] iastore
      [17408] dup
      [17409] bipush 107
      [17411] ldc_w #1452
        + Integer [908540205]
      [17414] iastore
      [17415] dup
      [17416] bipush 108
      [17418] ldc_w #1102
        + Integer [174381327]
      [17421] iastore
      [17422] dup
      [17423] bipush 109
      [17425] ldc_w #1849
        + Integer [1747035740]
      [17428] iastore
      [17429] dup
      [17430] bipush 110
      [17432] ldc #224
        + Integer [-1680780197]
      [17434] iastore
      [17435] dup
      [17436] bipush 111
      [17438] ldc_w #1309
        + Integer [607792694]
      [17441] iastore
      [17442] dup
      [17443] bipush 112
      [17445] ldc_w #1120
        + Integer [212952842]
      [17448] iastore
      [17449] dup
      [17450] bipush 113
      [17452] ldc #155
        + Integer [-1827674281]
      [17454] iastore
      [17455] dup
      [17456] bipush 114
      [17458] ldc_w #423
        + Integer [-1261267218]
      [17461] iastore
      [17462] dup
      [17463] bipush 115
      [17465] ldc_w #1239
        + Integer [463376795]
      [17468] iastore
      [17469] dup
      [17470] bipush 116
      [17472] ldc #4
        + Integer [-2142255680]
      [17474] iastore
      [17475] dup
      [17476] bipush 117
      [17478] ldc_w #1795
        + Integer [1638015196]
      [17481] iastore
      [17482] dup
      [17483] bipush 118
      [17485] ldc_w #1740
        + Integer [1516850039]
      [17488] iastore
      [17489] dup
      [17490] bipush 119
      [17492] ldc_w #1242
        + Integer [471210514]
      [17495] iastore
      [17496] dup
      [17497] bipush 120
      [17499] ldc_w #787
        + Integer [-502613357]
      [17502] iastore
      [17503] dup
      [17504] bipush 121
      [17506] ldc_w #520
        + Integer [-1058723168]
      [17509] iastore
      [17510] dup
      [17511] bipush 122
      [17513] ldc_w #1502
        + Integer [1011081250]
      [17516] iastore
      [17517] dup
      [17518] bipush 123
      [17520] ldc_w #1165
        + Integer [303896347]
      [17523] iastore
      [17524] dup
      [17525] bipush 124
      [17527] ldc_w #1130
        + Integer [235605257]
      [17530] iastore
      [17531] dup
      [17532] bipush 125
      [17534] ldc_w #919
        + Integer [-223492213]
      [17537] iastore
      [17538] dup
      [17539] bipush 126
      [17541] ldc_w #1383
        + Integer [767142070]
      [17544] iastore
      [17545] dup
      [17546] bipush 127
      [17548] ldc_w #1183
        + Integer [348694814]
      [17551] iastore
      [17552] dup
      [17553] sipush 128
      [17556] ldc_w #1714
        + Integer [1468340721]
      [17559] iastore
      [17560] dup
      [17561] sipush 129
      [17564] ldc_w #379
        + Integer [-1353971851]
      [17567] iastore
      [17568] dup
      [17569] sipush 130
      [17572] ldc_w #886
        + Integer [-289677927]
      [17575] iastore
      [17576] dup
      [17577] sipush 131
      [17580] ldc_w #289
        + Integer [-1543675777]
      [17583] iastore
      [17584] dup
      [17585] sipush 132
      [17588] ldc_w #957
        + Integer [-140564991]
      [17591] iastore
      [17592] dup
      [17593] sipush 133
      [17596] ldc_w #1760
        + Integer [1555887474]
      [17599] iastore
      [17600] dup
      [17601] sipush 134
      [17604] ldc_w #1567
        + Integer [1153776486]
      [17607] iastore
      [17608] dup
      [17609] sipush 135
      [17612] ldc_w #1746
        + Integer [1530167035]
      [17615] iastore
      [17616] dup
      [17617] sipush 136
      [17620] ldc #93
        + Integer [-1955190461]
      [17622] iastore
      [17623] dup
      [17624] sipush 137
      [17627] ldc_w #609
        + Integer [-874723805]
      [17630] iastore
      [17631] dup
      [17632] sipush 138
      [17635] ldc_w #437
        + Integer [-1234633491]
      [17638] iastore
      [17639] dup
      [17640] sipush 139
      [17643] ldc_w #451
        + Integer [-1201409564]
      [17646] iastore
      [17647] dup
      [17648] sipush 140
      [17651] ldc_w #702
        + Integer [-674571215]
      [17654] iastore
      [17655] dup
      [17656] sipush 141
      [17659] ldc_w #1545
        + Integer [1108378979]
      [17662] iastore
      [17663] dup
      [17664] sipush 142
      [17667] ldc_w #1171
        + Integer [322970263]
      [17670] iastore
      [17671] dup
      [17672] sipush 143
      [17675] ldc #35
        + Integer [-2078273082]
      [17677] iastore
      [17678] dup
      [17679] sipush 144
      [17682] ldc #47
        + Integer [-2055396278]
      [17684] iastore
      [17685] dup
      [17686] sipush 145
      [17689] ldc_w #665
        + Integer [-755483205]
      [17692] iastore
      [17693] dup
      [17694] sipush 146
      [17697] ldc_w #371
        + Integer [-1374604551]
      [17700] iastore
      [17701] dup
      [17702] sipush 147
      [17705] ldc_w #572
        + Integer [-949116631]
      [17708] iastore
      [17709] dup
      [17710] sipush 148
      [17713] ldc_w #1254
        + Integer [491466654]
      [17716] iastore
      [17717] dup
      [17718] sipush 149
      [17721] ldc_w #745
        + Integer [-588042062]
      [17724] iastore
      [17725] dup
      [17726] sipush 150
      [17729] ldc_w #1126
        + Integer [233591430]
      [17732] iastore
      [17733] dup
      [17734] sipush 151
      [17737] ldc_w #1975
        + Integer [2010178497]
      [17740] iastore
      [17741] dup
      [17742] sipush 152
      [17745] ldc_w #1367
        + Integer [728503987]
      [17748] iastore
      [17749] dup
      [17750] sipush 153
      [17753] ldc_w #335
        + Integer [-1449543312]
      [17756] iastore
      [17757] dup
      [17758] sipush 154
      [17761] ldc_w #1160
        + Integer [301615252]
      [17764] iastore
      [17765] dup
      [17766] sipush 155
      [17769] ldc_w #1586
        + Integer [1193436393]
      [17772] iastore
      [17773] dup
      [17774] sipush 156
      [17777] ldc_w #328
        + Integer [-1463513860]
      [17780] iastore
      [17781] dup
      [17782] sipush 157
      [17785] ldc_w #258
        + Integer [-1608892432]
      [17788] iastore
      [17789] dup
      [17790] sipush 158
      [17793] ldc_w #1712
        + Integer [1457007741]
      [17796] iastore
      [17797] dup
      [17798] sipush 159
      [17801] ldc_w #1296
        + Integer [586125363]
      [17804] iastore
      [17805] dup
      [17806] sipush 160
      [17809] ldc #64
        + Integer [-2016981431]
      [17811] iastore
      [17812] dup
      [17813] sipush 161
      [17816] ldc_w #720
        + Integer [-641609416]
      [17819] iastore
      [17820] dup
      [17821] sipush 162
      [17824] ldc #105
        + Integer [-1929469238]
      [17826] iastore
      [17827] dup
      [17828] sipush 163
      [17831] ldc #198
        + Integer [-1741288492]
      [17833] iastore
      [17834] dup
      [17835] sipush 164
      [17838] ldc_w #312
        + Integer [-1496350219]
      [17841] iastore
      [17842] dup
      [17843] sipush 165
      [17846] ldc_w #299
        + Integer [-1524048262]
      [17849] iastore
      [17850] dup
      [17851] sipush 166
      [17854] ldc_w #722
        + Integer [-635007305]
      [17857] iastore
      [17858] dup
      [17859] sipush 167
      [17862] ldc_w #1526
        + Integer [1067761581]
      [17865] iastore
      [17866] dup
      [17867] sipush 168
      [17870] ldc_w #1375
        + Integer [753179962]
      [17873] iastore
      [17874] dup
      [17875] sipush 169
      [17878] ldc_w #1657
        + Integer [1343066744]
      [17881] iastore
      [17882] dup
      [17883] sipush 170
      [17886] ldc_w #1871
        + Integer [1788595295]
      [17889] iastore
      [17890] dup
      [17891] sipush 171
      [17894] ldc_w #1692
        + Integer [1415726718]
      [17897] iastore
      [17898] dup
      [17899] sipush 172
      [17902] ldc_w #951
        + Integer [-155053171]
      [17905] iastore
      [17906] dup
      [17907] sipush 173
      [17910] ldc #137
        + Integer [-1863796520]
      [17912] iastore
      [17913] dup
      [17914] sipush 174
      [17917] ldc_w #1392
        + Integer [777975609]
      [17920] iastore
      [17921] dup
      [17922] sipush 175
      [17925] ldc #24
        + Integer [-2097827901]
      [17927] iastore
      [17928] dup
      [17929] sipush 176
      [17932] ldc_w #256
        + Integer [-1614905251]
      [17935] iastore
      [17936] dup
      [17937] sipush 177
      [17940] ldc_w #1861
        + Integer [1769771984]
      [17943] iastore
      [17944] dup
      [17945] sipush 178
      [17948] ldc_w #1909
        + Integer [1873358293]
      [17951] iastore
      [17952] dup
      [17953] sipush 179
      [17956] ldc_w #639
        + Integer [-810347995]
      [17959] iastore
      [17960] dup
      [17961] sipush 180
      [17964] ldc_w #578
        + Integer [-935618132]
      [17967] iastore
      [17968] dup
      [17969] sipush 181
      [17972] ldc_w #1150
        + Integer [279411992]
      [17975] iastore
      [17976] dup
      [17977] sipush 182
      [17980] ldc_w #836
        + Integer [-395418724]
      [17983] iastore
      [17984] dup
      [17985] sipush 183
      [17988] ldc_w #733
        + Integer [-612648133]
      [17991] iastore
      [17992] dup
      [17993] sipush 184
      [17996] ldc_w #618
        + Integer [-855017434]
      [17999] iastore
      [18000] dup
      [18001] sipush 185
      [18004] ldc_w #1904
        + Integer [1861490777]
      [18007] iastore
      [18008] dup
      [18009] sipush 186
      [18012] ldc_w #866
        + Integer [-335431782]
      [18015] iastore
      [18016] dup
      [18017] sipush 187
      [18020] ldc #32
        + Integer [-2086102449]
      [18022] iastore
      [18023] dup
      [18024] sipush 188
      [18027] ldc_w #819
        + Integer [-429560171]
      [18030] iastore
      [18031] dup
      [18032] sipush 189
      [18035] ldc_w #340
        + Integer [-1434523905]
      [18038] iastore
      [18039] dup
      [18040] sipush 190
      [18043] ldc_w #1281
        + Integer [554225596]
      [18046] iastore
      [18047] dup
      [18048] sipush 191
      [18051] ldc_w #896
        + Integer [-270079979]
      [18054] iastore
      [18055] dup
      [18056] sipush 192
      [18059] ldc_w #472
        + Integer [-1160143897]
      [18062] iastore
      [18063] dup
      [18064] sipush 193
      [18067] ldc_w #1614
        + Integer [1255028335]
      [18070] iastore
      [18071] dup
      [18072] sipush 194
      [18075] ldc_w #856
        + Integer [-355202657]
      [18078] iastore
      [18079] dup
      [18080] sipush 195
      [18083] ldc_w #1351
        + Integer [701922480]
      [18086] iastore
      [18087] dup
      [18088] sipush 196
      [18091] ldc_w #1414
        + Integer [833598116]
      [18094] iastore
      [18095] dup
      [18096] sipush 197
      [18099] ldc_w #1354
        + Integer [707863359]
      [18102] iastore
      [18103] dup
      [18104] sipush 198
      [18107] ldc_w #563
        + Integer [-969894747]
      [18110] iastore
      [18111] dup
      [18112] sipush 199
      [18115] ldc_w #1447
        + Integer [901801634]
      [18118] iastore
      [18119] dup
      [18120] sipush 200
      [18123] ldc_w #1946
        + Integer [1949809742]
      [18126] iastore
      [18127] dup
      [18128] sipush 201
      [18131] ldc_w #996
        + Integer [-56178046]
      [18134] iastore
      [18135] dup
      [18136] sipush 202
      [18139] ldc_w #775
        + Integer [-525283184]
      [18142] iastore
      [18143] dup
      [18144] sipush 203
      [18147] ldc_w #1426
        + Integer [857069735]
      [18150] iastore
      [18151] dup
      [18152] sipush 204
      [18155] ldc_w #908
        + Integer [-246769660]
      [18158] iastore
      [18159] dup
      [18160] sipush 205
      [18163] ldc_w #1544
        + Integer [1106762476]
      [18166] iastore
      [18167] dup
      [18168] sipush 206
      [18171] ldc_w #2033
        + Integer [2131644621]
      [18174] iastore
      [18175] dup
      [18176] sipush 207
      [18179] ldc_w #1206
        + Integer [389019281]
      [18182] iastore
      [18183] dup
      [18184] sipush 208
      [18187] ldc_w #1964
        + Integer [1989006925]
      [18190] iastore
      [18191] dup
      [18192] sipush 209
      [18195] ldc_w #1555
        + Integer [1129165039]
      [18198] iastore
      [18199] dup
      [18200] sipush 210
      [18203] ldc_w #612
        + Integer [-866890326]
      [18206] iastore
      [18207] dup
      [18208] sipush 211
      [18211] ldc_w #808
        + Integer [-455146346]
      [18214] iastore
      [18215] dup
      [18216] sipush 212
      [18219] ldc #249
        + Integer [-1629243951]
      [18221] iastore
      [18222] dup
      [18223] sipush 213
      [18226] ldc_w #1627
        + Integer [1276872810]
      [18229] iastore
      [18230] dup
      [18231] sipush 214
      [18234] ldc_w #527
        + Integer [-1044898004]
      [18237] iastore
      [18238] dup
      [18239] sipush 215
      [18242] ldc_w #1580
        + Integer [1182749029]
      [18245] iastore
      [18246] dup
      [18247] sipush 216
      [18250] ldc #234
        + Integer [-1660622242]
      [18252] iastore
      [18253] dup
      [18254] sipush 217
      [18257] ldc_w #1027
        + Integer [22885772]
      [18260] iastore
      [18261] dup
      [18262] sipush 218
      [18265] ldc_w #981
        + Integer [-93096825]
      [18268] iastore
      [18269] dup
      [18270] sipush 219
      [18273] ldc_w #987
        + Integer [-80854773]
      [18276] iastore
      [18277] dup
      [18278] sipush 220
      [18281] ldc_w #413
        + Integer [-1285939865]
      [18284] iastore
      [18285] dup
      [18286] sipush 221
      [18289] ldc #148
        + Integer [-1840065829]
      [18291] iastore
      [18292] dup
      [18293] sipush 222
      [18296] ldc_w #844
        + Integer [-382511600]
      [18299] iastore
      [18300] dup
      [18301] sipush 223
      [18304] ldc_w #1889
        + Integer [1829980118]
      [18307] iastore
      [18308] dup
      [18309] sipush 224
      [18312] ldc #214
        + Integer [-1702075945]
      [18314] iastore
      [18315] dup
      [18316] sipush 225
      [18319] ldc_w #1459
        + Integer [930745505]
      [18322] iastore
      [18323] dup
      [18324] sipush 226
      [18327] ldc_w #1733
        + Integer [1502483704]
      [18330] iastore
      [18331] dup
      [18332] sipush 227
      [18335] ldc_w #861
        + Integer [-343327725]
      [18338] iastore
      [18339] dup
      [18340] sipush 228
      [18343] ldc_w #633
        + Integer [-823253079]
      [18346] iastore
      [18347] dup
      [18348] sipush 229
      [18351] ldc_w #442
        + Integer [-1221211807]
      [18354] iastore
      [18355] dup
      [18356] sipush 230
      [18359] ldc_w #785
        + Integer [-504503012]
      [18362] iastore
      [18363] dup
      [18364] sipush 231
      [18367] ldc_w #1994
        + Integer [2050797895]
      [18370] iastore
      [18371] dup
      [18372] sipush 232
      [18375] ldc #227
        + Integer [-1671831598]
      [18377] iastore
      [18378] dup
      [18379] sipush 233
      [18382] ldc_w #1698
        + Integer [1430221810]
      [18385] iastore
      [18386] dup
      [18387] sipush 234
      [18390] ldc_w #1216
        + Integer [410635796]
      [18393] iastore
      [18394] dup
      [18395] sipush 235
      [18398] ldc_w #1940
        + Integer [1941911495]
      [18401] iastore
      [18402] dup
      [18403] sipush 236
      [18406] ldc_w #1687
        + Integer [1407897079]
      [18409] iastore
      [18410] dup
      [18411] sipush 237
      [18414] ldc_w #1779
        + Integer [1599843069]
      [18417] iastore
      [18418] dup
      [18419] sipush 238
      [18422] ldc_w #763
        + Integer [-552308931]
      [18425] iastore
      [18426] dup
      [18427] sipush 239
      [18430] ldc_w #1983
        + Integer [2022103876]
      [18433] iastore
      [18434] dup
      [18435] sipush 240
      [18438] ldc_w #595
        + Integer [-897453137]
      [18441] iastore
      [18442] dup
      [18443] sipush 241
      [18446] ldc_w #459
        + Integer [-1187068824]
      [18449] iastore
      [18450] dup
      [18451] sipush 242
      [18454] ldc_w #1466
        + Integer [942421028]
      [18457] iastore
      [18458] dup
      [18459] sipush 243
      [18462] ldc_w #531
        + Integer [-1033944925]
      [18465] iastore
      [18466] dup
      [18467] sipush 244
      [18470] ldc_w #1197
        + Integer [376619805]
      [18473] iastore
      [18474] dup
      [18475] sipush 245
      [18478] ldc_w #482
        + Integer [-1140054558]
      [18481] iastore
      [18482] dup
      [18483] sipush 246
      [18486] ldc_w #1342
        + Integer [680216892]
      [18489] iastore
      [18490] dup
      [18491] sipush 247
      [18494] ldc_w #1021
        + Integer [-12479219]
      [18497] iastore
      [18498] dup
      [18499] sipush 248
      [18502] ldc_w #1477
        + Integer [963707304]
      [18505] iastore
      [18506] dup
      [18507] sipush 249
      [18510] ldc_w #1086
        + Integer [148812556]
      [18513] iastore
      [18514] dup
      [18515] sipush 250
      [18518] ldc_w #709
        + Integer [-660806476]
      [18521] iastore
      [18522] dup
      [18523] sipush 251
      [18526] ldc_w #1819
        + Integer [1687208278]
      [18529] iastore
      [18530] dup
      [18531] sipush 252
      [18534] ldc_w #2003
        + Integer [2069988555]
      [18537] iastore
      [18538] dup
      [18539] sipush 253
      [18542] ldc_w #684
        + Integer [-714033614]
      [18545] iastore
      [18546] dup
      [18547] sipush 254
      [18550] ldc_w #1597
        + Integer [1215585388]
      [18553] iastore
      [18554] dup
      [18555] sipush 255
      [18558] ldc_w #642
        + Integer [-800958536]
      [18561] iastore
      [18562] putstatic #2066
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv3 [I]
      [18565] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 314)
        [0] -> line 64
        [38] -> line 65
        [91] -> line 66
        [145] -> line 67
        [199] -> line 68
        [253] -> line 69
        [306] -> line 70
        [359] -> line 71
        [413] -> line 72
        [467] -> line 73
        [515] -> line 74
        [569] -> line 75
        [623] -> line 76
        [676] -> line 77
        [730] -> line 78
        [788] -> line 79
        [851] -> line 80
        [914] -> line 81
        [977] -> line 82
        [1040] -> line 83
        [1103] -> line 84
        [1166] -> line 85
        [1229] -> line 86
        [1292] -> line 87
        [1355] -> line 88
        [1417] -> line 89
        [1480] -> line 90
        [1543] -> line 91
        [1606] -> line 92
        [1651] -> line 64
        [1654] -> line 95
        [1661] -> line 95
        [1698] -> line 96
        [1752] -> line 97
        [1805] -> line 98
        [1859] -> line 99
        [1913] -> line 100
        [1967] -> line 101
        [2021] -> line 102
        [2075] -> line 103
        [2129] -> line 104
        [2183] -> line 105
        [2237] -> line 106
        [2285] -> line 107
        [2338] -> line 108
        [2390] -> line 109
        [2449] -> line 110
        [2512] -> line 111
        [2575] -> line 112
        [2638] -> line 113
        [2701] -> line 114
        [2764] -> line 115
        [2827] -> line 116
        [2890] -> line 117
        [2953] -> line 118
        [3016] -> line 119
        [3079] -> line 120
        [3142] -> line 121
        [3205] -> line 122
        [3267] -> line 123
        [3305] -> line 95
        [3308] -> line 126
        [3314] -> line 126
        [3387] -> line 127
        [3496] -> line 126
        [3499] -> line 130
        [3506] -> line 130
        [3540] -> line 131
        [3603] -> line 132
        [3663] -> line 133
        [3725] -> line 134
        [3788] -> line 135
        [3850] -> line 136
        [3912] -> line 137
        [3973] -> line 138
        [4036] -> line 139
        [4091] -> line 140
        [4154] -> line 141
        [4216] -> line 142
        [4278] -> line 143
        [4340] -> line 144
        [4408] -> line 145
        [4479] -> line 146
        [4549] -> line 147
        [4620] -> line 148
        [4692] -> line 149
        [4763] -> line 150
        [4834] -> line 151
        [4904] -> line 152
        [4975] -> line 153
        [5044] -> line 154
        [5115] -> line 155
        [5186] -> line 156
        [5257] -> line 157
        [5327] -> line 158
        [5379] -> line 130
        [5382] -> line 160
        [5389] -> line 160
        [5426] -> line 161
        [5489] -> line 162
        [5551] -> line 163
        [5613] -> line 164
        [5675] -> line 165
        [5738] -> line 166
        [5798] -> line 167
        [5860] -> line 168
        [5923] -> line 169
        [5978] -> line 170
        [6041] -> line 171
        [6103] -> line 172
        [6165] -> line 173
        [6225] -> line 174
        [6293] -> line 175
        [6364] -> line 176
        [6435] -> line 177
        [6505] -> line 178
        [6577] -> line 179
        [6647] -> line 180
        [6718] -> line 181
        [6790] -> line 182
        [6862] -> line 183
        [6932] -> line 184
        [7003] -> line 185
        [7072] -> line 186
        [7141] -> line 187
        [7211] -> line 188
        [7262] -> line 160
        [7265] -> line 190
        [7272] -> line 190
        [7309] -> line 191
        [7372] -> line 192
        [7434] -> line 193
        [7496] -> line 194
        [7558] -> line 195
        [7621] -> line 196
        [7681] -> line 197
        [7743] -> line 198
        [7806] -> line 199
        [7861] -> line 200
        [7924] -> line 201
        [7986] -> line 202
        [8048] -> line 203
        [8108] -> line 204
        [8176] -> line 205
        [8247] -> line 206
        [8318] -> line 207
        [8388] -> line 208
        [8460] -> line 209
        [8530] -> line 210
        [8601] -> line 211
        [8673] -> line 212
        [8745] -> line 213
        [8815] -> line 214
        [8886] -> line 215
        [8955] -> line 216
        [9024] -> line 217
        [9094] -> line 218
        [9145] -> line 190
        [9148] -> line 220
        [9155] -> line 220
        [9192] -> line 221
        [9254] -> line 222
        [9314] -> line 223
        [9376] -> line 224
        [9438] -> line 225
        [9500] -> line 226
        [9562] -> line 227
        [9625] -> line 228
        [9688] -> line 229
        [9744] -> line 230
        [9803] -> line 231
        [9863] -> line 232
        [9926] -> line 233
        [9988] -> line 234
        [10055] -> line 235
        [10125] -> line 236
        [10196] -> line 237
        [10267] -> line 238
        [10338] -> line 239
        [10409] -> line 240
        [10479] -> line 241
        [10551] -> line 242
        [10622] -> line 243
        [10692] -> line 244
        [10763] -> line 245
        [10835] -> line 246
        [10906] -> line 247
        [10976] -> line 248
        [11028] -> line 220
        [11031] -> line 250
        [11038] -> line 250
        [11074] -> line 251
        [11134] -> line 252
        [11195] -> line 253
        [11257] -> line 254
        [11319] -> line 255
        [11379] -> line 256
        [11441] -> line 257
        [11503] -> line 258
        [11564] -> line 259
        [11627] -> line 260
        [11688] -> line 261
        [11743] -> line 262
        [11806] -> line 263
        [11868] -> line 264
        [11935] -> line 265
        [12006] -> line 266
        [12078] -> line 267
        [12149] -> line 268
        [12221] -> line 269
        [12292] -> line 270
        [12364] -> line 271
        [12436] -> line 272
        [12508] -> line 273
        [12579] -> line 274
        [12651] -> line 275
        [12720] -> line 276
        [12791] -> line 277
        [12861] -> line 278
        [12911] -> line 250
        [12914] -> line 280
        [12921] -> line 280
        [12958] -> line 281
        [13021] -> line 282
        [13083] -> line 283
        [13143] -> line 284
        [13206] -> line 285
        [13269] -> line 286
        [13331] -> line 287
        [13392] -> line 288
        [13455] -> line 289
        [13515] -> line 290
        [13576] -> line 291
        [13631] -> line 292
        [13694] -> line 293
        [13755] -> line 294
        [13823] -> line 295
        [13895] -> line 296
        [13966] -> line 297
        [14037] -> line 298
        [14106] -> line 299
        [14175] -> line 300
        [14245] -> line 301
        [14315] -> line 302
        [14386] -> line 303
        [14457] -> line 304
        [14528] -> line 305
        [14600] -> line 306
        [14672] -> line 307
        [14743] -> line 308
        [14794] -> line 280
        [14797] -> line 310
        [14804] -> line 310
        [14840] -> line 311
        [14903] -> line 312
        [14966] -> line 313
        [15027] -> line 314
        [15088] -> line 315
        [15150] -> line 316
        [15213] -> line 317
        [15276] -> line 318
        [15337] -> line 319
        [15400] -> line 320
        [15461] -> line 321
        [15515] -> line 322
        [15577] -> line 323
        [15638] -> line 324
        [15704] -> line 325
        [15776] -> line 326
        [15846] -> line 327
        [15916] -> line 328
        [15988] -> line 329
        [16059] -> line 330
        [16130] -> line 331
        [16200] -> line 332
        [16270] -> line 333
        [16340] -> line 334
        [16410] -> line 335
        [16482] -> line 336
        [16554] -> line 337
        [16626] -> line 338
        [16678] -> line 310
        [16681] -> line 340
        [16688] -> line 340
        [16725] -> line 341
        [16787] -> line 342
        [16848] -> line 343
        [16909] -> line 344
        [16971] -> line 345
        [17031] -> line 346
        [17093] -> line 347
        [17155] -> line 348
        [17218] -> line 349
        [17279] -> line 350
        [17341] -> line 351
        [17397] -> line 352
        [17458] -> line 353
        [17520] -> line 354
        [17588] -> line 355
        [17659] -> line 356
        [17729] -> line 357
        [17801] -> line 358
        [17870] -> line 359
        [17940] -> line 360
        [18012] -> line 361
        [18083] -> line 362
        [18155] -> line 363
        [18226] -> line 364
        [18296] -> line 365
        [18367] -> line 366
        [18438] -> line 367
        [18510] -> line 368
        [18562] -> line 340
        [18565] -> line 61
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       shift(II)I
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final int shift(int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 11, locals = 3, stack = 4):
      [0] iload_1 v1
      [1] iload_2 v2
      [2] iushr
      [3] iload_1 v1
      [4] bipush 32
      [6] iload_2 v2
      [7] isub
      [8] ishl
      [9] ior
      [10] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 372
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 11 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES; this]
        v1: 0 -> 11 [I r]
        v2: 0 -> 11 [I shift]
  + Method:       FFmulX(I)I
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final int FFmulX(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 19, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] iload_1 v1
      [1] ldc_w #2036
        + Integer [2139062143]
      [4] iand
      [5] iconst_1
      [6] ishl
      [7] iload_1 v1
      [8] ldc #7
        + Integer [-2139062144]
      [10] iand
      [11] bipush 7
      [13] iushr
      [14] bipush 27
      [16] imul
      [17] ixor
      [18] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 383
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 19 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES; this]
        v1: 0 -> 19 [I x]
  + Method:       inv_mcol(I)I
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final int inv_mcol(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 63, locals = 6, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #2070
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.FFmulX (I)I]
      [5] istore_2 v2
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] iload_2 v2
      [8] invokespecial #2070
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.FFmulX (I)I]
      [11] istore_3 v3
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] iload_3 v3
      [14] invokespecial #2070
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.FFmulX (I)I]
      [17] istore v4
      [19] iload_1 v1
      [20] iload v4
      [22] ixor
      [23] istore v5
      [25] iload_2 v2
      [26] iload_3 v3
      [27] ixor
      [28] iload v4
      [30] ixor
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] iload_2 v2
      [33] iload v5
      [35] ixor
      [36] bipush 8
      [38] invokespecial #2077
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.shift (II)I]
      [41] ixor
      [42] aload_0 v0
      [43] iload_3 v3
      [44] iload v5
      [46] ixor
      [47] bipush 16
      [49] invokespecial #2077
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.shift (II)I]
      [52] ixor
      [53] aload_0 v0
      [54] iload v5
      [56] bipush 24
      [58] invokespecial #2077
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.shift (II)I]
      [61] ixor
      [62] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 400
        [6] -> line 401
        [12] -> line 402
        [19] -> line 403
        [25] -> line 405
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 63 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES; this]
        v1: 0 -> 63 [I x]
        v2: 6 -> 63 [I f2]
        v3: 12 -> 63 [I f4]
        v4: 19 -> 63 [I f8]
        v5: 25 -> 63 [I f9]
  + Method:       subWord(I)I
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final int subWord(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 70, locals = 2, stack = 4):
      [0] getstatic #2057
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.S [B]
      [3] iload_1 v1
      [4] sipush 255
      [7] iand
      [8] baload
      [9] sipush 255
      [12] iand
      [13] getstatic #2057
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.S [B]
      [16] iload_1 v1
      [17] bipush 8
      [19] ishr
      [20] sipush 255
      [23] iand
      [24] baload
      [25] sipush 255
      [28] iand
      [29] bipush 8
      [31] ishl
      [32] ior
      [33] getstatic #2057
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.S [B]
      [36] iload_1 v1
      [37] bipush 16
      [39] ishr
      [40] sipush 255
      [43] iand
      [44] baload
      [45] sipush 255
      [48] iand
      [49] bipush 16
      [51] ishl
      [52] ior
      [53] getstatic #2057
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.S [B]
      [56] iload_1 v1
      [57] bipush 24
      [59] ishr
      [60] sipush 255
      [63] iand
      [64] baload
      [65] bipush 24
      [67] ishl
      [68] ior
      [69] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 410
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 70 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES; this]
        v1: 0 -> 70 [I x]
  + Method:       generateWorkingKey([BZ)[[I
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final int[][] generateWorkingKey(byte[],boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 334, locals = 9, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] arraylength
      [2] iconst_4
      [3] idiv
      [4] istore_3 v3
      [5] iload_3 v3
      [6] iconst_4
      [7] ificmpeq +15 (target=22)
      [10] iload_3 v3
      [11] bipush 6
      [13] ificmpeq +9 (target=22)
      [16] iload_3 v3
      [17] bipush 8
      [19] ificmpne +11 (target=30)
      [22] iload_3 v3
      [23] iconst_4
      [24] imul
      [25] aload_1 v1
      [26] arraylength
      [27] ificmpeq +14 (target=41)
      [30] new #2049
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [33] dup
      [34] ldc_w #2043
        + String [Key length not 128/192/256 bits.]
      [37] invokespecial #2080
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [40] athrow
      [41] aload_0 v0
      [42] iload_3 v3
      [43] bipush 6
      [45] iadd
      [46] putfield #2056
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.ROUNDS I]
      [49] aload_0 v0
      [50] getfield #2056
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.ROUNDS I]
      [53] iconst_1
      [54] iadd
      [55] iconst_4
      [56] multianewarray #2046
        + Class [[[I]
      [60] astore v5
      [62] iconst_0
      [63] istore v4
      [65] iconst_0
      [66] istore v6
      [68] goto +67 (target=135)
      [71] aload v5
      [73] iload v4
      [75] iconst_2
      [76] ishr
      [77] aaload
      [78] iload v4
      [80] iconst_3
      [81] iand
      [82] aload_1 v1
      [83] iload v6
      [85] baload
      [86] sipush 255
      [89] iand
      [90] aload_1 v1
      [91] iload v6
      [93] iconst_1
      [94] iadd
      [95] baload
      [96] sipush 255
      [99] iand
      [100] bipush 8
      [102] ishl
      [103] ior
      [104] aload_1 v1
      [105] iload v6
      [107] iconst_2
      [108] iadd
      [109] baload
      [110] sipush 255
      [113] iand
      [114] bipush 16
      [116] ishl
      [117] ior
      [118] aload_1 v1
      [119] iload v6
      [121] iconst_3
      [122] iadd
      [123] baload
      [124] bipush 24
      [126] ishl
      [127] ior
      [128] iastore
      [129] iinc v6, 4
      [132] iinc v4, 1
      [135] iload v6
      [137] aload_1 v1
      [138] arraylength
      [139] ificmplt -68 (target=71)
      [142] aload_0 v0
      [143] getfield #2056
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.ROUNDS I]
      [146] iconst_1
      [147] iadd
      [148] iconst_2
      [149] ishl
      [150] istore v6
      [152] iload_3 v3
      [153] istore v7
      [155] goto +112 (target=267)
      [158] aload v5
      [160] iload v7
      [162] iconst_1
      [163] isub
      [164] iconst_2
      [165] ishr
      [166] aaload
      [167] iload v7
      [169] iconst_1
      [170] isub
      [171] iconst_3
      [172] iand
      [173] iaload
      [174] istore v8
      [176] iload v7
      [178] iload_3 v3
      [179] irem
      [180] ifne +31 (target=211)
      [183] aload_0 v0
      [184] aload_0 v0
      [185] iload v8
      [187] bipush 8
      [189] invokespecial #2077
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.shift (II)I]
      [192] invokespecial #2078
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.subWord (I)I]
      [195] getstatic #2069
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.rcon [I]
      [198] iload v7
      [200] iload_3 v3
      [201] idiv
      [202] iconst_1
      [203] isub
      [204] iaload
      [205] ixor
      [206] istore v8
      [208] goto +25 (target=233)
      [211] iload_3 v3
      [212] bipush 6
      [214] ificmple +19 (target=233)
      [217] iload v7
      [219] iload_3 v3
      [220] irem
      [221] iconst_4
      [222] ificmpne +11 (target=233)
      [225] aload_0 v0
      [226] iload v8
      [228] invokespecial #2078
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.subWord (I)I]
      [231] istore v8
      [233] aload v5
      [235] iload v7
      [237] iconst_2
      [238] ishr
      [239] aaload
      [240] iload v7
      [242] iconst_3
      [243] iand
      [244] aload v5
      [246] iload v7
      [248] iload_3 v3
      [249] isub
      [250] iconst_2
      [251] ishr
      [252] aaload
      [253] iload v7
      [255] iload_3 v3
      [256] isub
      [257] iconst_3
      [258] iand
      [259] iaload
      [260] iload v8
      [262] ixor
      [263] iastore
      [264] iinc v7, 1
      [267] iload v7
      [269] iload v6
      [271] ificmplt -113 (target=158)
      [274] iload_2 v2
      [275] ifne +56 (target=331)
      [278] iconst_1
      [279] istore v7
      [281] goto +41 (target=322)
      [284] iconst_0
      [285] istore v8
      [287] goto +26 (target=313)
      [290] aload v5
      [292] iload v7
      [294] aaload
      [295] iload v8
      [297] aload_0 v0
      [298] aload v5
      [300] iload v7
      [302] aaload
      [303] iload v8
      [305] iaload
      [306] invokespecial #2074
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.inv_mcol (I)I]
      [309] iastore
      [310] iinc v8, 1
      [313] iload v8
      [315] iconst_4
      [316] ificmplt -26 (target=290)
      [319] iinc v7, 1
      [322] iload v7
      [324] aload_0 v0
      [325] getfield #2056
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.ROUNDS I]
      [328] ificmplt -44 (target=284)
      [331] aload v5
      [333] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 28)
        [0] -> line 421
        [5] -> line 424
        [30] -> line 426
        [41] -> line 429
        [49] -> line 431
        [62] -> line 437
        [65] -> line 438
        [71] -> line 440
        [118] -> line 441
        [128] -> line 440
        [129] -> line 442
        [132] -> line 438
        [142] -> line 449
        [152] -> line 450
        [158] -> line 452
        [176] -> line 453
        [183] -> line 455
        [211] -> line 457
        [225] -> line 459
        [233] -> line 462
        [264] -> line 450
        [274] -> line 465
        [278] -> line 467
        [284] -> line 469
        [290] -> line 471
        [310] -> line 469
        [319] -> line 467
        [331] -> line 476
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 12)
        v0: 0 -> 334 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES; this]
        v1: 0 -> 334 [[B key]
        v2: 0 -> 334 [Z forEncryption]
        v3: 5 -> 334 [I KC]
        v4: 65 -> 334 [I t]
        v5: 62 -> 334 [[[I W]
        v6: 68 -> 142 [I i]
        v6: 152 -> 334 [I k]
        v7: 155 -> 274 [I i]
        v8: 176 -> 264 [I temp]
        v7: 281 -> 331 [I j]
        v8: 287 -> 319 [I i]
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public AES()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #2082
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aconst_null
      [6] putfield #2067
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.WorkingKey [[I]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 489
        [4] -> line 480
        [9] -> line 491
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES; this]
  + Method:       init(Z[B)V
    Access flags: 0x11
      = public final void init(boolean,byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 16, locals = 3, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_0 v0
      [2] aload_2 v2
      [3] iload_1 v1
      [4] invokespecial #2073
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.generateWorkingKey ([BZ)[[I]
      [7] putfield #2067
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.WorkingKey [[I]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] iload_1 v1
      [12] putfield #2068
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.doEncrypt Z]
      [15] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 506
        [10] -> line 507
        [15] -> line 508
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 16 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES; this]
        v1: 0 -> 16 [Z forEncryption]
        v2: 0 -> 16 [[B key]
  + Method:       getBlockSize()I
    Access flags: 0x11
      = public final int getBlockSize()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 3, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] bipush 16
      [2] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 517
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 3 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES; this]
  + Method:       processBlock([BI[BI)I
    Access flags: 0x11
      = public final int processBlock(byte[],int,byte[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 114, locals = 5, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #2067
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.WorkingKey [[I]
      [4] ifnonnull +14 (target=18)
      [7] new #2050
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
      [10] dup
      [11] ldc_w #2042
        + String [AES engine not initialised]
      [14] invokespecial #2081
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalStateException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [17] athrow
      [18] iload_2 v2
      [19] bipush 16
      [21] iadd
      [22] aload_1 v1
      [23] arraylength
      [24] ificmple +14 (target=38)
      [27] new #2049
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [30] dup
      [31] ldc_w #2044
        + String [input buffer too short]
      [34] invokespecial #2080
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [37] athrow
      [38] iload v4
      [40] bipush 16
      [42] iadd
      [43] aload_3 v3
      [44] arraylength
      [45] ificmple +14 (target=59)
      [48] new #2049
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [51] dup
      [52] ldc_w #2045
        + String [output buffer too short]
      [55] invokespecial #2080
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [58] athrow
      [59] aload_0 v0
      [60] getfield #2068
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.doEncrypt Z]
      [63] ifeq +27 (target=90)
      [66] aload_0 v0
      [67] aload_1 v1
      [68] iload_2 v2
      [69] invokespecial #2079
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.unpackBlock ([BI)V]
      [72] aload_0 v0
      [73] aload_0 v0
      [74] getfield #2067
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.WorkingKey [[I]
      [77] invokespecial #2072
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.encryptBlock ([[I)V]
      [80] aload_0 v0
      [81] aload_3 v3
      [82] iload v4
      [84] invokespecial #2075
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.packBlock ([BI)V]
      [87] goto +24 (target=111)
      [90] aload_0 v0
      [91] aload_1 v1
      [92] iload_2 v2
      [93] invokespecial #2079
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.unpackBlock ([BI)V]
      [96] aload_0 v0
      [97] aload_0 v0
      [98] getfield #2067
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.WorkingKey [[I]
      [101] invokespecial #2071
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.decryptBlock ([[I)V]
      [104] aload_0 v0
      [105] aload_3 v3
      [106] iload v4
      [108] invokespecial #2075
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.packBlock ([BI)V]
      [111] bipush 16
      [113] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 14)
        [0] -> line 522
        [7] -> line 524
        [18] -> line 527
        [27] -> line 529
        [38] -> line 532
        [48] -> line 534
        [59] -> line 537
        [66] -> line 539
        [72] -> line 540
        [80] -> line 541
        [90] -> line 545
        [96] -> line 546
        [104] -> line 547
        [111] -> line 550
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 114 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES; this]
        v1: 0 -> 114 [[B in]
        v2: 0 -> 114 [I inOff]
        v3: 0 -> 114 [[B out]
        v4: 0 -> 114 [I outOff]
  + Method:       unpackBlock([BI)V
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final void unpackBlock(byte[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 307, locals = 4, stack = 4):
      [0] iload_2 v2
      [1] istore_3 v3
      [2] aload_0 v0
      [3] aload_1 v1
      [4] iload_3 v3
      [5] iinc v3, 1
      [8] baload
      [9] sipush 255
      [12] iand
      [13] putfield #2052
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C0 I]
      [16] aload_0 v0
      [17] dup
      [18] getfield #2052
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C0 I]
      [21] aload_1 v1
      [22] iload_3 v3
      [23] iinc v3, 1
      [26] baload
      [27] sipush 255
      [30] iand
      [31] bipush 8
      [33] ishl
      [34] ior
      [35] putfield #2052
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C0 I]
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] dup
      [40] getfield #2052
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C0 I]
      [43] aload_1 v1
      [44] iload_3 v3
      [45] iinc v3, 1
      [48] baload
      [49] sipush 255
      [52] iand
      [53] bipush 16
      [55] ishl
      [56] ior
      [57] putfield #2052
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C0 I]
      [60] aload_0 v0
      [61] dup
      [62] getfield #2052
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C0 I]
      [65] aload_1 v1
      [66] iload_3 v3
      [67] iinc v3, 1
      [70] baload
      [71] bipush 24
      [73] ishl
      [74] ior
      [75] putfield #2052
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C0 I]
      [78] aload_0 v0
      [79] aload_1 v1
      [80] iload_3 v3
      [81] iinc v3, 1
      [84] baload
      [85] sipush 255
      [88] iand
      [89] putfield #2053
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C1 I]
      [92] aload_0 v0
      [93] dup
      [94] getfield #2053
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C1 I]
      [97] aload_1 v1
      [98] iload_3 v3
      [99] iinc v3, 1
      [102] baload
      [103] sipush 255
      [106] iand
      [107] bipush 8
      [109] ishl
      [110] ior
      [111] putfield #2053
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C1 I]
      [114] aload_0 v0
      [115] dup
      [116] getfield #2053
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C1 I]
      [119] aload_1 v1
      [120] iload_3 v3
      [121] iinc v3, 1
      [124] baload
      [125] sipush 255
      [128] iand
      [129] bipush 16
      [131] ishl
      [132] ior
      [133] putfield #2053
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C1 I]
      [136] aload_0 v0
      [137] dup
      [138] getfield #2053
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C1 I]
      [141] aload_1 v1
      [142] iload_3 v3
      [143] iinc v3, 1
      [146] baload
      [147] bipush 24
      [149] ishl
      [150] ior
      [151] putfield #2053
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C1 I]
      [154] aload_0 v0
      [155] aload_1 v1
      [156] iload_3 v3
      [157] iinc v3, 1
      [160] baload
      [161] sipush 255
      [164] iand
      [165] putfield #2054
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C2 I]
      [168] aload_0 v0
      [169] dup
      [170] getfield #2054
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C2 I]
      [173] aload_1 v1
      [174] iload_3 v3
      [175] iinc v3, 1
      [178] baload
      [179] sipush 255
      [182] iand
      [183] bipush 8
      [185] ishl
      [186] ior
      [187] putfield #2054
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C2 I]
      [190] aload_0 v0
      [191] dup
      [192] getfield #2054
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C2 I]
      [195] aload_1 v1
      [196] iload_3 v3
      [197] iinc v3, 1
      [200] baload
      [201] sipush 255
      [204] iand
      [205] bipush 16
      [207] ishl
      [208] ior
      [209] putfield #2054
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C2 I]
      [212] aload_0 v0
      [213] dup
      [214] getfield #2054
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C2 I]
      [217] aload_1 v1
      [218] iload_3 v3
      [219] iinc v3, 1
      [222] baload
      [223] bipush 24
      [225] ishl
      [226] ior
      [227] putfield #2054
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C2 I]
      [230] aload_0 v0
      [231] aload_1 v1
      [232] iload_3 v3
      [233] iinc v3, 1
      [236] baload
      [237] sipush 255
      [240] iand
      [241] putfield #2055
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C3 I]
      [244] aload_0 v0
      [245] dup
      [246] getfield #2055
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C3 I]
      [249] aload_1 v1
      [250] iload_3 v3
      [251] iinc v3, 1
      [254] baload
      [255] sipush 255
      [258] iand
      [259] bipush 8
      [261] ishl
      [262] ior
      [263] putfield #2055
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C3 I]
      [266] aload_0 v0
      [267] dup
      [268] getfield #2055
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C3 I]
      [271] aload_1 v1
      [272] iload_3 v3
      [273] iinc v3, 1
      [276] baload
      [277] sipush 255
      [280] iand
      [281] bipush 16
      [283] ishl
      [284] ior
      [285] putfield #2055
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C3 I]
      [288] aload_0 v0
      [289] dup
      [290] getfield #2055
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C3 I]
      [293] aload_1 v1
      [294] iload_3 v3
      [295] iinc v3, 1
      [298] baload
      [299] bipush 24
      [301] ishl
      [302] ior
      [303] putfield #2055
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C3 I]
      [306] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 18)
        [0] -> line 559
        [2] -> line 561
        [16] -> line 562
        [38] -> line 563
        [60] -> line 564
        [78] -> line 566
        [92] -> line 567
        [114] -> line 568
        [136] -> line 569
        [154] -> line 571
        [168] -> line 572
        [190] -> line 573
        [212] -> line 574
        [230] -> line 576
        [244] -> line 577
        [266] -> line 578
        [288] -> line 579
        [306] -> line 580
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 307 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES; this]
        v1: 0 -> 307 [[B bytes]
        v2: 0 -> 307 [I off]
        v3: 2 -> 307 [I index]
  + Method:       packBlock([BI)V
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final void packBlock(byte[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 215, locals = 4, stack = 4):
      [0] iload_2 v2
      [1] istore_3 v3
      [2] aload_1 v1
      [3] iload_3 v3
      [4] iinc v3, 1
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #2052
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C0 I]
      [11] i2b
      [12] bastore
      [13] aload_1 v1
      [14] iload_3 v3
      [15] iinc v3, 1
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] getfield #2052
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C0 I]
      [22] bipush 8
      [24] ishr
      [25] i2b
      [26] bastore
      [27] aload_1 v1
      [28] iload_3 v3
      [29] iinc v3, 1
      [32] aload_0 v0
      [33] getfield #2052
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C0 I]
      [36] bipush 16
      [38] ishr
      [39] i2b
      [40] bastore
      [41] aload_1 v1
      [42] iload_3 v3
      [43] iinc v3, 1
      [46] aload_0 v0
      [47] getfield #2052
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C0 I]
      [50] bipush 24
      [52] ishr
      [53] i2b
      [54] bastore
      [55] aload_1 v1
      [56] iload_3 v3
      [57] iinc v3, 1
      [60] aload_0 v0
      [61] getfield #2053
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C1 I]
      [64] i2b
      [65] bastore
      [66] aload_1 v1
      [67] iload_3 v3
      [68] iinc v3, 1
      [71] aload_0 v0
      [72] getfield #2053
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C1 I]
      [75] bipush 8
      [77] ishr
      [78] i2b
      [79] bastore
      [80] aload_1 v1
      [81] iload_3 v3
      [82] iinc v3, 1
      [85] aload_0 v0
      [86] getfield #2053
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C1 I]
      [89] bipush 16
      [91] ishr
      [92] i2b
      [93] bastore
      [94] aload_1 v1
      [95] iload_3 v3
      [96] iinc v3, 1
      [99] aload_0 v0
      [100] getfield #2053
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C1 I]
      [103] bipush 24
      [105] ishr
      [106] i2b
      [107] bastore
      [108] aload_1 v1
      [109] iload_3 v3
      [110] iinc v3, 1
      [113] aload_0 v0
      [114] getfield #2054
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C2 I]
      [117] i2b
      [118] bastore
      [119] aload_1 v1
      [120] iload_3 v3
      [121] iinc v3, 1
      [124] aload_0 v0
      [125] getfield #2054
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C2 I]
      [128] bipush 8
      [130] ishr
      [131] i2b
      [132] bastore
      [133] aload_1 v1
      [134] iload_3 v3
      [135] iinc v3, 1
      [138] aload_0 v0
      [139] getfield #2054
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C2 I]
      [142] bipush 16
      [144] ishr
      [145] i2b
      [146] bastore
      [147] aload_1 v1
      [148] iload_3 v3
      [149] iinc v3, 1
      [152] aload_0 v0
      [153] getfield #2054
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C2 I]
      [156] bipush 24
      [158] ishr
      [159] i2b
      [160] bastore
      [161] aload_1 v1
      [162] iload_3 v3
      [163] iinc v3, 1
      [166] aload_0 v0
      [167] getfield #2055
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C3 I]
      [170] i2b
      [171] bastore
      [172] aload_1 v1
      [173] iload_3 v3
      [174] iinc v3, 1
      [177] aload_0 v0
      [178] getfield #2055
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C3 I]
      [181] bipush 8
      [183] ishr
      [184] i2b
      [185] bastore
      [186] aload_1 v1
      [187] iload_3 v3
      [188] iinc v3, 1
      [191] aload_0 v0
      [192] getfield #2055
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C3 I]
      [195] bipush 16
      [197] ishr
      [198] i2b
      [199] bastore
      [200] aload_1 v1
      [201] iload_3 v3
      [202] iinc v3, 1
      [205] aload_0 v0
      [206] getfield #2055
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C3 I]
      [209] bipush 24
      [211] ishr
      [212] i2b
      [213] bastore
      [214] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 18)
        [0] -> line 584
        [2] -> line 586
        [13] -> line 587
        [27] -> line 588
        [41] -> line 589
        [55] -> line 591
        [66] -> line 592
        [80] -> line 593
        [94] -> line 594
        [108] -> line 596
        [119] -> line 597
        [133] -> line 598
        [147] -> line 599
        [161] -> line 601
        [172] -> line 602
        [186] -> line 603
        [200] -> line 604
        [214] -> line 605
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 215 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES; this]
        v1: 0 -> 215 [[B bytes]
        v2: 0 -> 215 [I off]
        v3: 2 -> 215 [I index]
  + Method:       encryptBlock([[I)V
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final void encryptBlock(int[][])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 1195, locals = 7, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] dup
      [2] getfield #2052
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C0 I]
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] iconst_0
      [7] aaload
      [8] iconst_0
      [9] iaload
      [10] ixor
      [11] putfield #2052
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C0 I]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] dup
      [16] getfield #2053
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C1 I]
      [19] aload_1 v1
      [20] iconst_0
      [21] aaload
      [22] iconst_1
      [23] iaload
      [24] ixor
      [25] putfield #2053
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C1 I]
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] dup
      [30] getfield #2054
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C2 I]
      [33] aload_1 v1
      [34] iconst_0
      [35] aaload
      [36] iconst_2
      [37] iaload
      [38] ixor
      [39] putfield #2054
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C2 I]
      [42] aload_0 v0
      [43] dup
      [44] getfield #2055
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C3 I]
      [47] aload_1 v1
      [48] iconst_0
      [49] aaload
      [50] iconst_3
      [51] iaload
      [52] ixor
      [53] putfield #2055
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C3 I]
      [56] iconst_1
      [57] istore_2 v2
      [58] goto +524 (target=582)
      [61] getstatic #2059
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T0 [I]
      [64] aload_0 v0
      [65] getfield #2052
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C0 I]
      [68] sipush 255
      [71] iand
      [72] iaload
      [73] getstatic #2060
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T1 [I]
      [76] aload_0 v0
      [77] getfield #2053
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C1 I]
      [80] bipush 8
      [82] ishr
      [83] sipush 255
      [86] iand
      [87] iaload
      [88] ixor
      [89] getstatic #2061
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T2 [I]
      [92] aload_0 v0
      [93] getfield #2054
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C2 I]
      [96] bipush 16
      [98] ishr
      [99] sipush 255
      [102] iand
      [103] iaload
      [104] ixor
      [105] getstatic #2062
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T3 [I]
      [108] aload_0 v0
      [109] getfield #2055
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C3 I]
      [112] bipush 24
      [114] ishr
      [115] sipush 255
      [118] iand
      [119] iaload
      [120] ixor
      [121] aload_1 v1
      [122] iload_2 v2
      [123] aaload
      [124] iconst_0
      [125] iaload
      [126] ixor
      [127] istore_3 v3
      [128] getstatic #2059
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T0 [I]
      [131] aload_0 v0
      [132] getfield #2053
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C1 I]
      [135] sipush 255
      [138] iand
      [139] iaload
      [140] getstatic #2060
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T1 [I]
      [143] aload_0 v0
      [144] getfield #2054
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C2 I]
      [147] bipush 8
      [149] ishr
      [150] sipush 255
      [153] iand
      [154] iaload
      [155] ixor
      [156] getstatic #2061
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T2 [I]
      [159] aload_0 v0
      [160] getfield #2055
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C3 I]
      [163] bipush 16
      [165] ishr
      [166] sipush 255
      [169] iand
      [170] iaload
      [171] ixor
      [172] getstatic #2062
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T3 [I]
      [175] aload_0 v0
      [176] getfield #2052
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C0 I]
      [179] bipush 24
      [181] ishr
      [182] sipush 255
      [185] iand
      [186] iaload
      [187] ixor
      [188] aload_1 v1
      [189] iload_2 v2
      [190] aaload
      [191] iconst_1
      [192] iaload
      [193] ixor
      [194] istore v4
      [196] getstatic #2059
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T0 [I]
      [199] aload_0 v0
      [200] getfield #2054
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C2 I]
      [203] sipush 255
      [206] iand
      [207] iaload
      [208] getstatic #2060
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T1 [I]
      [211] aload_0 v0
      [212] getfield #2055
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C3 I]
      [215] bipush 8
      [217] ishr
      [218] sipush 255
      [221] iand
      [222] iaload
      [223] ixor
      [224] getstatic #2061
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T2 [I]
      [227] aload_0 v0
      [228] getfield #2052
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C0 I]
      [231] bipush 16
      [233] ishr
      [234] sipush 255
      [237] iand
      [238] iaload
      [239] ixor
      [240] getstatic #2062
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T3 [I]
      [243] aload_0 v0
      [244] getfield #2053
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C1 I]
      [247] bipush 24
      [249] ishr
      [250] sipush 255
      [253] iand
      [254] iaload
      [255] ixor
      [256] aload_1 v1
      [257] iload_2 v2
      [258] aaload
      [259] iconst_2
      [260] iaload
      [261] ixor
      [262] istore v5
      [264] getstatic #2059
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T0 [I]
      [267] aload_0 v0
      [268] getfield #2055
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C3 I]
      [271] sipush 255
      [274] iand
      [275] iaload
      [276] getstatic #2060
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T1 [I]
      [279] aload_0 v0
      [280] getfield #2052
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C0 I]
      [283] bipush 8
      [285] ishr
      [286] sipush 255
      [289] iand
      [290] iaload
      [291] ixor
      [292] getstatic #2061
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T2 [I]
      [295] aload_0 v0
      [296] getfield #2053
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C1 I]
      [299] bipush 16
      [301] ishr
      [302] sipush 255
      [305] iand
      [306] iaload
      [307] ixor
      [308] getstatic #2062
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T3 [I]
      [311] aload_0 v0
      [312] getfield #2054
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C2 I]
      [315] bipush 24
      [317] ishr
      [318] sipush 255
      [321] iand
      [322] iaload
      [323] ixor
      [324] aload_1 v1
      [325] iload_2 v2
      [326] iinc v2, 1
      [329] aaload
      [330] iconst_3
      [331] iaload
      [332] ixor
      [333] istore v6
      [335] aload_0 v0
      [336] getstatic #2059
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T0 [I]
      [339] iload_3 v3
      [340] sipush 255
      [343] iand
      [344] iaload
      [345] getstatic #2060
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T1 [I]
      [348] iload v4
      [350] bipush 8
      [352] ishr
      [353] sipush 255
      [356] iand
      [357] iaload
      [358] ixor
      [359] getstatic #2061
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T2 [I]
      [362] iload v5
      [364] bipush 16
      [366] ishr
      [367] sipush 255
      [370] iand
      [371] iaload
      [372] ixor
      [373] getstatic #2062
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T3 [I]
      [376] iload v6
      [378] bipush 24
      [380] ishr
      [381] sipush 255
      [384] iand
      [385] iaload
      [386] ixor
      [387] aload_1 v1
      [388] iload_2 v2
      [389] aaload
      [390] iconst_0
      [391] iaload
      [392] ixor
      [393] putfield #2052
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C0 I]
      [396] aload_0 v0
      [397] getstatic #2059
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T0 [I]
      [400] iload v4
      [402] sipush 255
      [405] iand
      [406] iaload
      [407] getstatic #2060
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T1 [I]
      [410] iload v5
      [412] bipush 8
      [414] ishr
      [415] sipush 255
      [418] iand
      [419] iaload
      [420] ixor
      [421] getstatic #2061
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T2 [I]
      [424] iload v6
      [426] bipush 16
      [428] ishr
      [429] sipush 255
      [432] iand
      [433] iaload
      [434] ixor
      [435] getstatic #2062
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T3 [I]
      [438] iload_3 v3
      [439] bipush 24
      [441] ishr
      [442] sipush 255
      [445] iand
      [446] iaload
      [447] ixor
      [448] aload_1 v1
      [449] iload_2 v2
      [450] aaload
      [451] iconst_1
      [452] iaload
      [453] ixor
      [454] putfield #2053
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C1 I]
      [457] aload_0 v0
      [458] getstatic #2059
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T0 [I]
      [461] iload v5
      [463] sipush 255
      [466] iand
      [467] iaload
      [468] getstatic #2060
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T1 [I]
      [471] iload v6
      [473] bipush 8
      [475] ishr
      [476] sipush 255
      [479] iand
      [480] iaload
      [481] ixor
      [482] getstatic #2061
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T2 [I]
      [485] iload_3 v3
      [486] bipush 16
      [488] ishr
      [489] sipush 255
      [492] iand
      [493] iaload
      [494] ixor
      [495] getstatic #2062
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T3 [I]
      [498] iload v4
      [500] bipush 24
      [502] ishr
      [503] sipush 255
      [506] iand
      [507] iaload
      [508] ixor
      [509] aload_1 v1
      [510] iload_2 v2
      [511] aaload
      [512] iconst_2
      [513] iaload
      [514] ixor
      [515] putfield #2054
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C2 I]
      [518] aload_0 v0
      [519] getstatic #2059
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T0 [I]
      [522] iload v6
      [524] sipush 255
      [527] iand
      [528] iaload
      [529] getstatic #2060
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T1 [I]
      [532] iload_3 v3
      [533] bipush 8
      [535] ishr
      [536] sipush 255
      [539] iand
      [540] iaload
      [541] ixor
      [542] getstatic #2061
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T2 [I]
      [545] iload v4
      [547] bipush 16
      [549] ishr
      [550] sipush 255
      [553] iand
      [554] iaload
      [555] ixor
      [556] getstatic #2062
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T3 [I]
      [559] iload v5
      [561] bipush 24
      [563] ishr
      [564] sipush 255
      [567] iand
      [568] iaload
      [569] ixor
      [570] aload_1 v1
      [571] iload_2 v2
      [572] iinc v2, 1
      [575] aaload
      [576] iconst_3
      [577] iaload
      [578] ixor
      [579] putfield #2055
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C3 I]
      [582] iload_2 v2
      [583] aload_0 v0
      [584] getfield #2056
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.ROUNDS I]
      [587] iconst_1
      [588] isub
      [589] ificmplt -528 (target=61)
      [592] getstatic #2059
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T0 [I]
      [595] aload_0 v0
      [596] getfield #2052
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C0 I]
      [599] sipush 255
      [602] iand
      [603] iaload
      [604] getstatic #2060
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T1 [I]
      [607] aload_0 v0
      [608] getfield #2053
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C1 I]
      [611] bipush 8
      [613] ishr
      [614] sipush 255
      [617] iand
      [618] iaload
      [619] ixor
      [620] getstatic #2061
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T2 [I]
      [623] aload_0 v0
      [624] getfield #2054
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C2 I]
      [627] bipush 16
      [629] ishr
      [630] sipush 255
      [633] iand
      [634] iaload
      [635] ixor
      [636] getstatic #2062
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T3 [I]
      [639] aload_0 v0
      [640] getfield #2055
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C3 I]
      [643] bipush 24
      [645] ishr
      [646] sipush 255
      [649] iand
      [650] iaload
      [651] ixor
      [652] aload_1 v1
      [653] iload_2 v2
      [654] aaload
      [655] iconst_0
      [656] iaload
      [657] ixor
      [658] istore_3 v3
      [659] getstatic #2059
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T0 [I]
      [662] aload_0 v0
      [663] getfield #2053
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C1 I]
      [666] sipush 255
      [669] iand
      [670] iaload
      [671] getstatic #2060
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T1 [I]
      [674] aload_0 v0
      [675] getfield #2054
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C2 I]
      [678] bipush 8
      [680] ishr
      [681] sipush 255
      [684] iand
      [685] iaload
      [686] ixor
      [687] getstatic #2061
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T2 [I]
      [690] aload_0 v0
      [691] getfield #2055
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C3 I]
      [694] bipush 16
      [696] ishr
      [697] sipush 255
      [700] iand
      [701] iaload
      [702] ixor
      [703] getstatic #2062
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T3 [I]
      [706] aload_0 v0
      [707] getfield #2052
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C0 I]
      [710] bipush 24
      [712] ishr
      [713] sipush 255
      [716] iand
      [717] iaload
      [718] ixor
      [719] aload_1 v1
      [720] iload_2 v2
      [721] aaload
      [722] iconst_1
      [723] iaload
      [724] ixor
      [725] istore v4
      [727] getstatic #2059
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T0 [I]
      [730] aload_0 v0
      [731] getfield #2054
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C2 I]
      [734] sipush 255
      [737] iand
      [738] iaload
      [739] getstatic #2060
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T1 [I]
      [742] aload_0 v0
      [743] getfield #2055
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C3 I]
      [746] bipush 8
      [748] ishr
      [749] sipush 255
      [752] iand
      [753] iaload
      [754] ixor
      [755] getstatic #2061
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T2 [I]
      [758] aload_0 v0
      [759] getfield #2052
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C0 I]
      [762] bipush 16
      [764] ishr
      [765] sipush 255
      [768] iand
      [769] iaload
      [770] ixor
      [771] getstatic #2062
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T3 [I]
      [774] aload_0 v0
      [775] getfield #2053
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C1 I]
      [778] bipush 24
      [780] ishr
      [781] sipush 255
      [784] iand
      [785] iaload
      [786] ixor
      [787] aload_1 v1
      [788] iload_2 v2
      [789] aaload
      [790] iconst_2
      [791] iaload
      [792] ixor
      [793] istore v5
      [795] getstatic #2059
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T0 [I]
      [798] aload_0 v0
      [799] getfield #2055
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C3 I]
      [802] sipush 255
      [805] iand
      [806] iaload
      [807] getstatic #2060
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T1 [I]
      [810] aload_0 v0
      [811] getfield #2052
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C0 I]
      [814] bipush 8
      [816] ishr
      [817] sipush 255
      [820] iand
      [821] iaload
      [822] ixor
      [823] getstatic #2061
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T2 [I]
      [826] aload_0 v0
      [827] getfield #2053
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C1 I]
      [830] bipush 16
      [832] ishr
      [833] sipush 255
      [836] iand
      [837] iaload
      [838] ixor
      [839] getstatic #2062
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.T3 [I]
      [842] aload_0 v0
      [843] getfield #2054
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C2 I]
      [846] bipush 24
      [848] ishr
      [849] sipush 255
      [852] iand
      [853] iaload
      [854] ixor
      [855] aload_1 v1
      [856] iload_2 v2
      [857] iinc v2, 1
      [860] aaload
      [861] iconst_3
      [862] iaload
      [863] ixor
      [864] istore v6
      [866] aload_0 v0
      [867] getstatic #2057
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.S [B]
      [870] iload_3 v3
      [871] sipush 255
      [874] iand
      [875] baload
      [876] sipush 255
      [879] iand
      [880] getstatic #2057
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.S [B]
      [883] iload v4
      [885] bipush 8
      [887] ishr
      [888] sipush 255
      [891] iand
      [892] baload
      [893] sipush 255
      [896] iand
      [897] bipush 8
      [899] ishl
      [900] ixor
      [901] getstatic #2057
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.S [B]
      [904] iload v5
      [906] bipush 16
      [908] ishr
      [909] sipush 255
      [912] iand
      [913] baload
      [914] sipush 255
      [917] iand
      [918] bipush 16
      [920] ishl
      [921] ixor
      [922] getstatic #2057
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.S [B]
      [925] iload v6
      [927] bipush 24
      [929] ishr
      [930] sipush 255
      [933] iand
      [934] baload
      [935] bipush 24
      [937] ishl
      [938] ixor
      [939] aload_1 v1
      [940] iload_2 v2
      [941] aaload
      [942] iconst_0
      [943] iaload
      [944] ixor
      [945] putfield #2052
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C0 I]
      [948] aload_0 v0
      [949] getstatic #2057
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.S [B]
      [952] iload v4
      [954] sipush 255
      [957] iand
      [958] baload
      [959] sipush 255
      [962] iand
      [963] getstatic #2057
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.S [B]
      [966] iload v5
      [968] bipush 8
      [970] ishr
      [971] sipush 255
      [974] iand
      [975] baload
      [976] sipush 255
      [979] iand
      [980] bipush 8
      [982] ishl
      [983] ixor
      [984] getstatic #2057
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.S [B]
      [987] iload v6
      [989] bipush 16
      [991] ishr
      [992] sipush 255
      [995] iand
      [996] baload
      [997] sipush 255
      [1000] iand
      [1001] bipush 16
      [1003] ishl
      [1004] ixor
      [1005] getstatic #2057
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.S [B]
      [1008] iload_3 v3
      [1009] bipush 24
      [1011] ishr
      [1012] sipush 255
      [1015] iand
      [1016] baload
      [1017] bipush 24
      [1019] ishl
      [1020] ixor
      [1021] aload_1 v1
      [1022] iload_2 v2
      [1023] aaload
      [1024] iconst_1
      [1025] iaload
      [1026] ixor
      [1027] putfield #2053
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C1 I]
      [1030] aload_0 v0
      [1031] getstatic #2057
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.S [B]
      [1034] iload v5
      [1036] sipush 255
      [1039] iand
      [1040] baload
      [1041] sipush 255
      [1044] iand
      [1045] getstatic #2057
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.S [B]
      [1048] iload v6
      [1050] bipush 8
      [1052] ishr
      [1053] sipush 255
      [1056] iand
      [1057] baload
      [1058] sipush 255
      [1061] iand
      [1062] bipush 8
      [1064] ishl
      [1065] ixor
      [1066] getstatic #2057
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.S [B]
      [1069] iload_3 v3
      [1070] bipush 16
      [1072] ishr
      [1073] sipush 255
      [1076] iand
      [1077] baload
      [1078] sipush 255
      [1081] iand
      [1082] bipush 16
      [1084] ishl
      [1085] ixor
      [1086] getstatic #2057
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.S [B]
      [1089] iload v4
      [1091] bipush 24
      [1093] ishr
      [1094] sipush 255
      [1097] iand
      [1098] baload
      [1099] bipush 24
      [1101] ishl
      [1102] ixor
      [1103] aload_1 v1
      [1104] iload_2 v2
      [1105] aaload
      [1106] iconst_2
      [1107] iaload
      [1108] ixor
      [1109] putfield #2054
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C2 I]
      [1112] aload_0 v0
      [1113] getstatic #2057
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.S [B]
      [1116] iload v6
      [1118] sipush 255
      [1121] iand
      [1122] baload
      [1123] sipush 255
      [1126] iand
      [1127] getstatic #2057
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.S [B]
      [1130] iload_3 v3
      [1131] bipush 8
      [1133] ishr
      [1134] sipush 255
      [1137] iand
      [1138] baload
      [1139] sipush 255
      [1142] iand
      [1143] bipush 8
      [1145] ishl
      [1146] ixor
      [1147] getstatic #2057
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.S [B]
      [1150] iload v4
      [1152] bipush 16
      [1154] ishr
      [1155] sipush 255
      [1158] iand
      [1159] baload
      [1160] sipush 255
      [1163] iand
      [1164] bipush 16
      [1166] ishl
      [1167] ixor
      [1168] getstatic #2057
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.S [B]
      [1171] iload v5
      [1173] bipush 24
      [1175] ishr
      [1176] sipush 255
      [1179] iand
      [1180] baload
      [1181] bipush 24
      [1183] ishl
      [1184] ixor
      [1185] aload_1 v1
      [1186] iload_2 v2
      [1187] aaload
      [1188] iconst_3
      [1189] iaload
      [1190] ixor
      [1191] putfield #2055
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C3 I]
      [1194] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 31)
        [0] -> line 611
        [14] -> line 612
        [28] -> line 613
        [42] -> line 614
        [56] -> line 616
        [61] -> line 618
        [128] -> line 619
        [196] -> line 620
        [264] -> line 621
        [335] -> line 622
        [396] -> line 623
        [457] -> line 624
        [518] -> line 625
        [582] -> line 616
        [592] -> line 628
        [659] -> line 629
        [727] -> line 630
        [795] -> line 631
        [866] -> line 636
        [922] -> line 637
        [945] -> line 636
        [948] -> line 638
        [1005] -> line 639
        [1027] -> line 638
        [1030] -> line 640
        [1086] -> line 641
        [1109] -> line 640
        [1112] -> line 642
        [1168] -> line 643
        [1191] -> line 642
        [1194] -> line 645
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 11)
        v0: 0 -> 1195 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES; this]
        v1: 0 -> 1195 [[[I KW]
        v2: 58 -> 1195 [I r]
        v3: 128 -> 582 [I r0]
        v3: 659 -> 1195 [I r0]
        v4: 196 -> 582 [I r1]
        v4: 727 -> 1195 [I r1]
        v5: 264 -> 582 [I r2]
        v5: 795 -> 1195 [I r2]
        v6: 335 -> 582 [I r3]
        v6: 866 -> 1195 [I r3]
  + Method:       decryptBlock([[I)V
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final void decryptBlock(int[][])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 1207, locals = 7, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] dup
      [2] getfield #2052
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C0 I]
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] getfield #2056
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.ROUNDS I]
      [10] aaload
      [11] iconst_0
      [12] iaload
      [13] ixor
      [14] putfield #2052
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C0 I]
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] dup
      [19] getfield #2053
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C1 I]
      [22] aload_1 v1
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] getfield #2056
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.ROUNDS I]
      [27] aaload
      [28] iconst_1
      [29] iaload
      [30] ixor
      [31] putfield #2053
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C1 I]
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] dup
      [36] getfield #2054
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C2 I]
      [39] aload_1 v1
      [40] aload_0 v0
      [41] getfield #2056
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.ROUNDS I]
      [44] aaload
      [45] iconst_2
      [46] iaload
      [47] ixor
      [48] putfield #2054
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C2 I]
      [51] aload_0 v0
      [52] dup
      [53] getfield #2055
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C3 I]
      [56] aload_1 v1
      [57] aload_0 v0
      [58] getfield #2056
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.ROUNDS I]
      [61] aaload
      [62] iconst_3
      [63] iaload
      [64] ixor
      [65] putfield #2055
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C3 I]
      [68] aload_0 v0
      [69] getfield #2056
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.ROUNDS I]
      [72] iconst_1
      [73] isub
      [74] istore_2 v2
      [75] goto +524 (target=599)
      [78] getstatic #2063
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv0 [I]
      [81] aload_0 v0
      [82] getfield #2052
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C0 I]
      [85] sipush 255
      [88] iand
      [89] iaload
      [90] getstatic #2064
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv1 [I]
      [93] aload_0 v0
      [94] getfield #2055
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C3 I]
      [97] bipush 8
      [99] ishr
      [100] sipush 255
      [103] iand
      [104] iaload
      [105] ixor
      [106] getstatic #2065
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv2 [I]
      [109] aload_0 v0
      [110] getfield #2054
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C2 I]
      [113] bipush 16
      [115] ishr
      [116] sipush 255
      [119] iand
      [120] iaload
      [121] ixor
      [122] getstatic #2066
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv3 [I]
      [125] aload_0 v0
      [126] getfield #2053
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C1 I]
      [129] bipush 24
      [131] ishr
      [132] sipush 255
      [135] iand
      [136] iaload
      [137] ixor
      [138] aload_1 v1
      [139] iload_2 v2
      [140] aaload
      [141] iconst_0
      [142] iaload
      [143] ixor
      [144] istore_3 v3
      [145] getstatic #2063
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv0 [I]
      [148] aload_0 v0
      [149] getfield #2053
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C1 I]
      [152] sipush 255
      [155] iand
      [156] iaload
      [157] getstatic #2064
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv1 [I]
      [160] aload_0 v0
      [161] getfield #2052
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C0 I]
      [164] bipush 8
      [166] ishr
      [167] sipush 255
      [170] iand
      [171] iaload
      [172] ixor
      [173] getstatic #2065
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv2 [I]
      [176] aload_0 v0
      [177] getfield #2055
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C3 I]
      [180] bipush 16
      [182] ishr
      [183] sipush 255
      [186] iand
      [187] iaload
      [188] ixor
      [189] getstatic #2066
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv3 [I]
      [192] aload_0 v0
      [193] getfield #2054
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C2 I]
      [196] bipush 24
      [198] ishr
      [199] sipush 255
      [202] iand
      [203] iaload
      [204] ixor
      [205] aload_1 v1
      [206] iload_2 v2
      [207] aaload
      [208] iconst_1
      [209] iaload
      [210] ixor
      [211] istore v4
      [213] getstatic #2063
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv0 [I]
      [216] aload_0 v0
      [217] getfield #2054
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C2 I]
      [220] sipush 255
      [223] iand
      [224] iaload
      [225] getstatic #2064
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv1 [I]
      [228] aload_0 v0
      [229] getfield #2053
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C1 I]
      [232] bipush 8
      [234] ishr
      [235] sipush 255
      [238] iand
      [239] iaload
      [240] ixor
      [241] getstatic #2065
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv2 [I]
      [244] aload_0 v0
      [245] getfield #2052
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C0 I]
      [248] bipush 16
      [250] ishr
      [251] sipush 255
      [254] iand
      [255] iaload
      [256] ixor
      [257] getstatic #2066
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv3 [I]
      [260] aload_0 v0
      [261] getfield #2055
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C3 I]
      [264] bipush 24
      [266] ishr
      [267] sipush 255
      [270] iand
      [271] iaload
      [272] ixor
      [273] aload_1 v1
      [274] iload_2 v2
      [275] aaload
      [276] iconst_2
      [277] iaload
      [278] ixor
      [279] istore v5
      [281] getstatic #2063
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv0 [I]
      [284] aload_0 v0
      [285] getfield #2055
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C3 I]
      [288] sipush 255
      [291] iand
      [292] iaload
      [293] getstatic #2064
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv1 [I]
      [296] aload_0 v0
      [297] getfield #2054
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C2 I]
      [300] bipush 8
      [302] ishr
      [303] sipush 255
      [306] iand
      [307] iaload
      [308] ixor
      [309] getstatic #2065
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv2 [I]
      [312] aload_0 v0
      [313] getfield #2053
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C1 I]
      [316] bipush 16
      [318] ishr
      [319] sipush 255
      [322] iand
      [323] iaload
      [324] ixor
      [325] getstatic #2066
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv3 [I]
      [328] aload_0 v0
      [329] getfield #2052
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C0 I]
      [332] bipush 24
      [334] ishr
      [335] sipush 255
      [338] iand
      [339] iaload
      [340] ixor
      [341] aload_1 v1
      [342] iload_2 v2
      [343] iinc v2, -1
      [346] aaload
      [347] iconst_3
      [348] iaload
      [349] ixor
      [350] istore v6
      [352] aload_0 v0
      [353] getstatic #2063
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv0 [I]
      [356] iload_3 v3
      [357] sipush 255
      [360] iand
      [361] iaload
      [362] getstatic #2064
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv1 [I]
      [365] iload v6
      [367] bipush 8
      [369] ishr
      [370] sipush 255
      [373] iand
      [374] iaload
      [375] ixor
      [376] getstatic #2065
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv2 [I]
      [379] iload v5
      [381] bipush 16
      [383] ishr
      [384] sipush 255
      [387] iand
      [388] iaload
      [389] ixor
      [390] getstatic #2066
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv3 [I]
      [393] iload v4
      [395] bipush 24
      [397] ishr
      [398] sipush 255
      [401] iand
      [402] iaload
      [403] ixor
      [404] aload_1 v1
      [405] iload_2 v2
      [406] aaload
      [407] iconst_0
      [408] iaload
      [409] ixor
      [410] putfield #2052
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C0 I]
      [413] aload_0 v0
      [414] getstatic #2063
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv0 [I]
      [417] iload v4
      [419] sipush 255
      [422] iand
      [423] iaload
      [424] getstatic #2064
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv1 [I]
      [427] iload_3 v3
      [428] bipush 8
      [430] ishr
      [431] sipush 255
      [434] iand
      [435] iaload
      [436] ixor
      [437] getstatic #2065
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv2 [I]
      [440] iload v6
      [442] bipush 16
      [444] ishr
      [445] sipush 255
      [448] iand
      [449] iaload
      [450] ixor
      [451] getstatic #2066
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv3 [I]
      [454] iload v5
      [456] bipush 24
      [458] ishr
      [459] sipush 255
      [462] iand
      [463] iaload
      [464] ixor
      [465] aload_1 v1
      [466] iload_2 v2
      [467] aaload
      [468] iconst_1
      [469] iaload
      [470] ixor
      [471] putfield #2053
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C1 I]
      [474] aload_0 v0
      [475] getstatic #2063
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv0 [I]
      [478] iload v5
      [480] sipush 255
      [483] iand
      [484] iaload
      [485] getstatic #2064
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv1 [I]
      [488] iload v4
      [490] bipush 8
      [492] ishr
      [493] sipush 255
      [496] iand
      [497] iaload
      [498] ixor
      [499] getstatic #2065
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv2 [I]
      [502] iload_3 v3
      [503] bipush 16
      [505] ishr
      [506] sipush 255
      [509] iand
      [510] iaload
      [511] ixor
      [512] getstatic #2066
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv3 [I]
      [515] iload v6
      [517] bipush 24
      [519] ishr
      [520] sipush 255
      [523] iand
      [524] iaload
      [525] ixor
      [526] aload_1 v1
      [527] iload_2 v2
      [528] aaload
      [529] iconst_2
      [530] iaload
      [531] ixor
      [532] putfield #2054
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C2 I]
      [535] aload_0 v0
      [536] getstatic #2063
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv0 [I]
      [539] iload v6
      [541] sipush 255
      [544] iand
      [545] iaload
      [546] getstatic #2064
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv1 [I]
      [549] iload v5
      [551] bipush 8
      [553] ishr
      [554] sipush 255
      [557] iand
      [558] iaload
      [559] ixor
      [560] getstatic #2065
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv2 [I]
      [563] iload v4
      [565] bipush 16
      [567] ishr
      [568] sipush 255
      [571] iand
      [572] iaload
      [573] ixor
      [574] getstatic #2066
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv3 [I]
      [577] iload_3 v3
      [578] bipush 24
      [580] ishr
      [581] sipush 255
      [584] iand
      [585] iaload
      [586] ixor
      [587] aload_1 v1
      [588] iload_2 v2
      [589] iinc v2, -1
      [592] aaload
      [593] iconst_3
      [594] iaload
      [595] ixor
      [596] putfield #2055
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C3 I]
      [599] iload_2 v2
      [600] iconst_1
      [601] ificmpgt -523 (target=78)
      [604] getstatic #2063
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv0 [I]
      [607] aload_0 v0
      [608] getfield #2052
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C0 I]
      [611] sipush 255
      [614] iand
      [615] iaload
      [616] getstatic #2064
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv1 [I]
      [619] aload_0 v0
      [620] getfield #2055
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C3 I]
      [623] bipush 8
      [625] ishr
      [626] sipush 255
      [629] iand
      [630] iaload
      [631] ixor
      [632] getstatic #2065
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv2 [I]
      [635] aload_0 v0
      [636] getfield #2054
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C2 I]
      [639] bipush 16
      [641] ishr
      [642] sipush 255
      [645] iand
      [646] iaload
      [647] ixor
      [648] getstatic #2066
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv3 [I]
      [651] aload_0 v0
      [652] getfield #2053
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C1 I]
      [655] bipush 24
      [657] ishr
      [658] sipush 255
      [661] iand
      [662] iaload
      [663] ixor
      [664] aload_1 v1
      [665] iload_2 v2
      [666] aaload
      [667] iconst_0
      [668] iaload
      [669] ixor
      [670] istore_3 v3
      [671] getstatic #2063
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv0 [I]
      [674] aload_0 v0
      [675] getfield #2053
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C1 I]
      [678] sipush 255
      [681] iand
      [682] iaload
      [683] getstatic #2064
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv1 [I]
      [686] aload_0 v0
      [687] getfield #2052
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C0 I]
      [690] bipush 8
      [692] ishr
      [693] sipush 255
      [696] iand
      [697] iaload
      [698] ixor
      [699] getstatic #2065
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv2 [I]
      [702] aload_0 v0
      [703] getfield #2055
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C3 I]
      [706] bipush 16
      [708] ishr
      [709] sipush 255
      [712] iand
      [713] iaload
      [714] ixor
      [715] getstatic #2066
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv3 [I]
      [718] aload_0 v0
      [719] getfield #2054
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C2 I]
      [722] bipush 24
      [724] ishr
      [725] sipush 255
      [728] iand
      [729] iaload
      [730] ixor
      [731] aload_1 v1
      [732] iload_2 v2
      [733] aaload
      [734] iconst_1
      [735] iaload
      [736] ixor
      [737] istore v4
      [739] getstatic #2063
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv0 [I]
      [742] aload_0 v0
      [743] getfield #2054
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C2 I]
      [746] sipush 255
      [749] iand
      [750] iaload
      [751] getstatic #2064
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv1 [I]
      [754] aload_0 v0
      [755] getfield #2053
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C1 I]
      [758] bipush 8
      [760] ishr
      [761] sipush 255
      [764] iand
      [765] iaload
      [766] ixor
      [767] getstatic #2065
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv2 [I]
      [770] aload_0 v0
      [771] getfield #2052
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C0 I]
      [774] bipush 16
      [776] ishr
      [777] sipush 255
      [780] iand
      [781] iaload
      [782] ixor
      [783] getstatic #2066
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv3 [I]
      [786] aload_0 v0
      [787] getfield #2055
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C3 I]
      [790] bipush 24
      [792] ishr
      [793] sipush 255
      [796] iand
      [797] iaload
      [798] ixor
      [799] aload_1 v1
      [800] iload_2 v2
      [801] aaload
      [802] iconst_2
      [803] iaload
      [804] ixor
      [805] istore v5
      [807] getstatic #2063
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv0 [I]
      [810] aload_0 v0
      [811] getfield #2055
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C3 I]
      [814] sipush 255
      [817] iand
      [818] iaload
      [819] getstatic #2064
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv1 [I]
      [822] aload_0 v0
      [823] getfield #2054
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C2 I]
      [826] bipush 8
      [828] ishr
      [829] sipush 255
      [832] iand
      [833] iaload
      [834] ixor
      [835] getstatic #2065
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv2 [I]
      [838] aload_0 v0
      [839] getfield #2053
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C1 I]
      [842] bipush 16
      [844] ishr
      [845] sipush 255
      [848] iand
      [849] iaload
      [850] ixor
      [851] getstatic #2066
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Tinv3 [I]
      [854] aload_0 v0
      [855] getfield #2052
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C0 I]
      [858] bipush 24
      [860] ishr
      [861] sipush 255
      [864] iand
      [865] iaload
      [866] ixor
      [867] aload_1 v1
      [868] iload_2 v2
      [869] iinc v2, -1
      [872] aaload
      [873] iconst_3
      [874] iaload
      [875] ixor
      [876] istore v6
      [878] aload_0 v0
      [879] getstatic #2058
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Si [B]
      [882] iload_3 v3
      [883] sipush 255
      [886] iand
      [887] baload
      [888] sipush 255
      [891] iand
      [892] getstatic #2058
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Si [B]
      [895] iload v6
      [897] bipush 8
      [899] ishr
      [900] sipush 255
      [903] iand
      [904] baload
      [905] sipush 255
      [908] iand
      [909] bipush 8
      [911] ishl
      [912] ixor
      [913] getstatic #2058
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Si [B]
      [916] iload v5
      [918] bipush 16
      [920] ishr
      [921] sipush 255
      [924] iand
      [925] baload
      [926] sipush 255
      [929] iand
      [930] bipush 16
      [932] ishl
      [933] ixor
      [934] getstatic #2058
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Si [B]
      [937] iload v4
      [939] bipush 24
      [941] ishr
      [942] sipush 255
      [945] iand
      [946] baload
      [947] bipush 24
      [949] ishl
      [950] ixor
      [951] aload_1 v1
      [952] iconst_0
      [953] aaload
      [954] iconst_0
      [955] iaload
      [956] ixor
      [957] putfield #2052
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C0 I]
      [960] aload_0 v0
      [961] getstatic #2058
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Si [B]
      [964] iload v4
      [966] sipush 255
      [969] iand
      [970] baload
      [971] sipush 255
      [974] iand
      [975] getstatic #2058
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Si [B]
      [978] iload_3 v3
      [979] bipush 8
      [981] ishr
      [982] sipush 255
      [985] iand
      [986] baload
      [987] sipush 255
      [990] iand
      [991] bipush 8
      [993] ishl
      [994] ixor
      [995] getstatic #2058
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Si [B]
      [998] iload v6
      [1000] bipush 16
      [1002] ishr
      [1003] sipush 255
      [1006] iand
      [1007] baload
      [1008] sipush 255
      [1011] iand
      [1012] bipush 16
      [1014] ishl
      [1015] ixor
      [1016] getstatic #2058
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Si [B]
      [1019] iload v5
      [1021] bipush 24
      [1023] ishr
      [1024] sipush 255
      [1027] iand
      [1028] baload
      [1029] bipush 24
      [1031] ishl
      [1032] ixor
      [1033] aload_1 v1
      [1034] iconst_0
      [1035] aaload
      [1036] iconst_1
      [1037] iaload
      [1038] ixor
      [1039] putfield #2053
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C1 I]
      [1042] aload_0 v0
      [1043] getstatic #2058
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Si [B]
      [1046] iload v5
      [1048] sipush 255
      [1051] iand
      [1052] baload
      [1053] sipush 255
      [1056] iand
      [1057] getstatic #2058
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Si [B]
      [1060] iload v4
      [1062] bipush 8
      [1064] ishr
      [1065] sipush 255
      [1068] iand
      [1069] baload
      [1070] sipush 255
      [1073] iand
      [1074] bipush 8
      [1076] ishl
      [1077] ixor
      [1078] getstatic #2058
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Si [B]
      [1081] iload_3 v3
      [1082] bipush 16
      [1084] ishr
      [1085] sipush 255
      [1088] iand
      [1089] baload
      [1090] sipush 255
      [1093] iand
      [1094] bipush 16
      [1096] ishl
      [1097] ixor
      [1098] getstatic #2058
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Si [B]
      [1101] iload v6
      [1103] bipush 24
      [1105] ishr
      [1106] sipush 255
      [1109] iand
      [1110] baload
      [1111] bipush 24
      [1113] ishl
      [1114] ixor
      [1115] aload_1 v1
      [1116] iconst_0
      [1117] aaload
      [1118] iconst_2
      [1119] iaload
      [1120] ixor
      [1121] putfield #2054
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C2 I]
      [1124] aload_0 v0
      [1125] getstatic #2058
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Si [B]
      [1128] iload v6
      [1130] sipush 255
      [1133] iand
      [1134] baload
      [1135] sipush 255
      [1138] iand
      [1139] getstatic #2058
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Si [B]
      [1142] iload v5
      [1144] bipush 8
      [1146] ishr
      [1147] sipush 255
      [1150] iand
      [1151] baload
      [1152] sipush 255
      [1155] iand
      [1156] bipush 8
      [1158] ishl
      [1159] ixor
      [1160] getstatic #2058
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Si [B]
      [1163] iload v4
      [1165] bipush 16
      [1167] ishr
      [1168] sipush 255
      [1171] iand
      [1172] baload
      [1173] sipush 255
      [1176] iand
      [1177] bipush 16
      [1179] ishl
      [1180] ixor
      [1181] getstatic #2058
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.Si [B]
      [1184] iload_3 v3
      [1185] bipush 24
      [1187] ishr
      [1188] sipush 255
      [1191] iand
      [1192] baload
      [1193] bipush 24
      [1195] ishl
      [1196] ixor
      [1197] aload_1 v1
      [1198] iconst_0
      [1199] aaload
      [1200] iconst_3
      [1201] iaload
      [1202] ixor
      [1203] putfield #2055
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.C3 I]
      [1206] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 47)
        [0] -> line 651
        [17] -> line 652
        [34] -> line 653
        [51] -> line 654
        [68] -> line 656
        [78] -> line 658
        [138] -> line 659
        [143] -> line 658
        [145] -> line 660
        [205] -> line 661
        [210] -> line 660
        [213] -> line 662
        [273] -> line 663
        [278] -> line 662
        [281] -> line 664
        [341] -> line 665
        [349] -> line 664
        [352] -> line 666
        [404] -> line 667
        [410] -> line 666
        [413] -> line 668
        [465] -> line 669
        [471] -> line 668
        [474] -> line 670
        [526] -> line 671
        [532] -> line 670
        [535] -> line 672
        [587] -> line 673
        [596] -> line 672
        [599] -> line 656
        [604] -> line 676
        [671] -> line 677
        [739] -> line 678
        [807] -> line 679
        [878] -> line 684
        [934] -> line 685
        [957] -> line 684
        [960] -> line 686
        [1016] -> line 687
        [1039] -> line 686
        [1042] -> line 688
        [1098] -> line 689
        [1121] -> line 688
        [1124] -> line 690
        [1181] -> line 691
        [1203] -> line 690
        [1206] -> line 692
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 11)
        v0: 0 -> 1207 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES; this]
        v1: 0 -> 1207 [[[I KW]
        v2: 75 -> 1207 [I r]
        v3: 145 -> 599 [I r0]
        v3: 671 -> 1207 [I r0]
        v4: 213 -> 599 [I r1]
        v4: 739 -> 1207 [I r1]
        v5: 281 -> 599 [I r2]
        v5: 807 -> 1207 [I r2]
        v6: 352 -> 599 [I r3]
        v6: 878 -> 1207 [I r3]
  + Method:       transformBlock([BI[BI)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void transformBlock(byte[],int,byte[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 11, locals = 5, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] iload_2 v2
      [3] aload_3 v3
      [4] iload v4
      [6] invokevirtual #2076
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES.processBlock ([BI[BI)I]
      [9] pop
      [10] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 696
        [10] -> line 697
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 11 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/AES; this]
        v1: 0 -> 11 [[B src]
        v2: 0 -> 11 [I srcoff]
        v3: 0 -> 11 [[B dst]
        v4: 0 -> 11 [I dstoff]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x601
    = public interface com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.BlockCipher extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 13):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [(Z[B)V]
  + Utf8 [([BI[BI)V]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher]
  + Utf8 [getBlockSize]
  + Utf8 [init]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [transformBlock]

Fields (count = 0):

Methods (count = 3):
  + Method:       init(Z[B)V
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract void init(boolean,byte[])
  + Method:       getBlockSize()I
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract int getBlockSize()
  + Method:       transformBlock([BI[BI)V
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract void transformBlock(byte[],int,byte[],int)

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.BlockCipherFactory extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 173):
  + String [-cbc]
  + String [-ctr]
  + String [3des-cbc]
  + String [3des-ctr]
  + String [Cannot instantiate ]
  + String [Unkown algorithm ]
  + String [aes128-cbc]
  + String [aes128-ctr]
  + String [aes192-cbc]
  + String [aes192-ctr]
  + String [aes256-cbc]
  + String [aes256-ctr]
  + String [blowfish-cbc]
  + String [blowfish-ctr]
  + String [com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.AES]
  + String [com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.BlowFish]
  + String [com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.DESede]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CTRMode]
  + Class [java/lang/Class]
  + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/util/Vector]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory.ciphers Ljava/util/Vector;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry.blocksize I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry.cipherClass Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry.keysize I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry.type Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory.getEntry (Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;[BZ)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CTRMode.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;[BZ)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Class.forName (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Class.newInstance ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.endsWith (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/util/Vector.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/util/Vector.addElement (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + Methodref [java/util/Vector.elementAt (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [java/util/Vector.size ()I]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher.init (Z[B)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;[BZ)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [addElement (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [blocksize I]
  + NameAndType [cipherClass Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [ciphers Ljava/util/Vector;]
  + NameAndType [elementAt (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [endsWith (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + NameAndType [equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [forName (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;]
  + NameAndType [getEntry (Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry;]
  + NameAndType [init (Z[B)V]
  + NameAndType [keysize I]
  + NameAndType [newInstance ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [size ()I]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [type Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;[BZ)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Z[B[B)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;]
  + Utf8 [(Z[B)V]
  + Utf8 [-cbc]
  + Utf8 [-ctr]
  + Utf8 [3des-cbc]
  + Utf8 [3des-ctr]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Cannot instantiate ]
  + Utf8 [CipherEntry]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Class;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Exception;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Vector;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Vector<Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry;>;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Signature]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Unkown algorithm ]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [addElement]
  + Utf8 [aes128-cbc]
  + Utf8 [aes128-ctr]
  + Utf8 [aes192-cbc]
  + Utf8 [aes192-ctr]
  + Utf8 [aes256-cbc]
  + Utf8 [aes256-ctr]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [bc]
  + Utf8 [blocksize]
  + Utf8 [blowfish-cbc]
  + Utf8 [blowfish-ctr]
  + Utf8 [cc]
  + Utf8 [ce]
  + Utf8 [cipherClass]
  + Utf8 [ciphers]
  + Utf8 [com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.AES]
  + Utf8 [com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.BlowFish]
  + Utf8 [com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.DESede]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CTRMode]
  + Utf8 [createCipher]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [elementAt]
  + Utf8 [encrypt]
  + Utf8 [endsWith]
  + Utf8 [equals]
  + Utf8 [forName]
  + Utf8 [getBlockSize]
  + Utf8 [getDefaultCipherList]
  + Utf8 [getEntry]
  + Utf8 [getKeySize]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [init]
  + Utf8 [iv]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Class]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Exception]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Vector]
  + Utf8 [key]
  + Utf8 [keysize]
  + Utf8 [list]
  + Utf8 [newInstance]
  + Utf8 [size]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [type]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        ciphers Ljava/util/Vector;
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static java.util.Vector ciphers
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Vector<Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry;>;]

Methods (count = 7):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 221, locals = 0, stack = 7):
      [0] new #29
        + Class [java/util/Vector]
      [3] dup
      [4] invokespecial #49
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.<init> ()V]
      [7] putstatic #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory.ciphers Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [10] getstatic #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory.ciphers Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [13] new #20
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry]
      [16] dup
      [17] ldc #12
        + String [aes256-ctr]
      [19] bipush 16
      [21] bipush 32
      [23] ldc #15
        + String [com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.AES]
      [25] invokespecial #36
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [28] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.addElement (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
      [31] getstatic #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory.ciphers Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [34] new #20
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry]
      [37] dup
      [38] ldc #10
        + String [aes192-ctr]
      [40] bipush 16
      [42] bipush 24
      [44] ldc #15
        + String [com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.AES]
      [46] invokespecial #36
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [49] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.addElement (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
      [52] getstatic #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory.ciphers Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [55] new #20
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry]
      [58] dup
      [59] ldc #8
        + String [aes128-ctr]
      [61] bipush 16
      [63] bipush 16
      [65] ldc #15
        + String [com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.AES]
      [67] invokespecial #36
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [70] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.addElement (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
      [73] getstatic #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory.ciphers Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [76] new #20
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry]
      [79] dup
      [80] ldc #14
        + String [blowfish-ctr]
      [82] bipush 8
      [84] bipush 16
      [86] ldc #16
        + String [com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.BlowFish]
      [88] invokespecial #36
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [91] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.addElement (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
      [94] getstatic #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory.ciphers Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [97] new #20
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry]
      [100] dup
      [101] ldc #11
        + String [aes256-cbc]
      [103] bipush 16
      [105] bipush 32
      [107] ldc #15
        + String [com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.AES]
      [109] invokespecial #36
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [112] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.addElement (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
      [115] getstatic #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory.ciphers Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [118] new #20
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry]
      [121] dup
      [122] ldc #9
        + String [aes192-cbc]
      [124] bipush 16
      [126] bipush 24
      [128] ldc #15
        + String [com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.AES]
      [130] invokespecial #36
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [133] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.addElement (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
      [136] getstatic #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory.ciphers Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [139] new #20
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry]
      [142] dup
      [143] ldc #7
        + String [aes128-cbc]
      [145] bipush 16
      [147] bipush 16
      [149] ldc #15
        + String [com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.AES]
      [151] invokespecial #36
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [154] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.addElement (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
      [157] getstatic #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory.ciphers Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [160] new #20
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry]
      [163] dup
      [164] ldc #13
        + String [blowfish-cbc]
      [166] bipush 8
      [168] bipush 16
      [170] ldc #16
        + String [com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.BlowFish]
      [172] invokespecial #36
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [175] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.addElement (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
      [178] getstatic #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory.ciphers Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [181] new #20
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry]
      [184] dup
      [185] ldc #4
        + String [3des-ctr]
      [187] bipush 8
      [189] bipush 24
      [191] ldc #17
        + String [com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.DESede]
      [193] invokespecial #36
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [196] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.addElement (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
      [199] getstatic #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory.ciphers Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [202] new #20
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry]
      [205] dup
      [206] ldc #3
        + String [3des-cbc]
      [208] bipush 8
      [210] bipush 24
      [212] ldc #17
        + String [com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.DESede]
      [214] invokespecial #36
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [217] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.addElement (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
      [220] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 12)
        [0] -> line 30
        [10] -> line 36
        [31] -> line 37
        [52] -> line 38
        [73] -> line 39
        [94] -> line 41
        [115] -> line 42
        [136] -> line 43
        [157] -> line 44
        [178] -> line 46
        [199] -> line 47
        [220] -> line 12
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public BlockCipherFactory()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #42
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 12
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory; this]
  + Method:       getDefaultCipherList()[Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static java.lang.String[] getDefaultCipherList()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 55, locals = 3, stack = 5):
      [0] getstatic #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory.ciphers Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [3] invokevirtual #52
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.size ()I]
      [6] anewarray #27
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [9] astore_0 v0
      [10] iconst_0
      [11] istore_1 v1
      [12] goto +31 (target=43)
      [15] getstatic #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory.ciphers Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [18] iload_1 v1
      [19] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.elementAt (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [22] checkcast #20
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry]
      [25] astore_2 v2
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] iload_1 v1
      [28] new #27
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [31] dup
      [32] aload_2 v2
      [33] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry.type Ljava/lang/String;]
      [36] invokespecial #43
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [39] aastore
      [40] iinc v1, 1
      [43] iload_1 v1
      [44] getstatic #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory.ciphers Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [47] invokevirtual #52
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.size ()I]
      [50] ificmplt -35 (target=15)
      [53] aload_0 v0
      [54] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 52
        [10] -> line 53
        [15] -> line 55
        [26] -> line 56
        [40] -> line 53
        [53] -> line 58
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 10 -> 55 [[Ljava/lang/String; list]
        v1: 12 -> 53 [I i]
        v2: 26 -> 40 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry; ce]
  + Method:       createCipher(Ljava/lang/String;Z[B[B)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.BlockCipher createCipher(java.lang.String,boolean,byte[],byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 136, locals = 7, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokestatic #35
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory.getEntry (Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry;]
      [4] astore v4
      [6] aload v4
      [8] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry.cipherClass Ljava/lang/String;]
      [11] invokestatic #39
        + Methodref [java/lang/Class.forName (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;]
      [14] astore v5
      [16] aload v5
      [18] invokevirtual #40
        + Methodref [java/lang/Class.newInstance ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [21] checkcast #18
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher]
      [24] astore v6
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] ldc #1
        + String [-cbc]
      [29] invokevirtual #44
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.endsWith (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [32] ifeq +24 (target=56)
      [35] aload v6
      [37] iload_1 v1
      [38] aload_2 v2
      [39] invokeinterface #53
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher.init (Z[B)V]
      [44] new #21
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode]
      [47] dup
      [48] aload v6
      [50] aload_3 v3
      [51] iload_1 v1
      [52] invokespecial #37
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;[BZ)V]
      [55] areturn
      [56] aload_0 v0
      [57] ldc #2
        + String [-ctr]
      [59] invokevirtual #44
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.endsWith (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [62] ifeq +24 (target=86)
      [65] aload v6
      [67] iconst_1
      [68] aload_2 v2
      [69] invokeinterface #53
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher.init (Z[B)V]
      [74] new #22
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CTRMode]
      [77] dup
      [78] aload v6
      [80] aload_3 v3
      [81] iload_1 v1
      [82] invokespecial #38
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CTRMode.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;[BZ)V]
      [85] areturn
      [86] new #25
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [89] dup
      [90] new #28
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [93] dup
      [94] ldc #5
        + String [Cannot instantiate ]
      [96] invokespecial #46
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [99] aload_0 v0
      [100] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [103] invokevirtual #48
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [106] invokespecial #41
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [109] athrow
      [110] astore v4
      [112] new #25
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [115] dup
      [116] new #28
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [119] dup
      [120] ldc #5
        + String [Cannot instantiate ]
      [122] invokespecial #46
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [125] aload_0 v0
      [126] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [129] invokevirtual #48
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [132] invokespecial #41
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [135] athrow
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 3):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 55: 110):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      + ExceptionInfo (56 -> 85: 110):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      + ExceptionInfo (86 -> 110: 110):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 12)
        [0] -> line 71
        [6] -> line 72
        [16] -> line 73
        [26] -> line 75
        [35] -> line 77
        [44] -> line 78
        [56] -> line 80
        [65] -> line 82
        [74] -> line 83
        [86] -> line 85
        [110] -> line 87
        [112] -> line 89
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 8)
        v0: 0 -> 136 [Ljava/lang/String; type]
        v1: 0 -> 136 [Z encrypt]
        v2: 0 -> 136 [[B key]
        v3: 0 -> 136 [[B iv]
        v4: 6 -> 110 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry; ce]
        v5: 16 -> 110 [Ljava/lang/Class; cc]
        v6: 26 -> 110 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher; bc]
        v4: 112 -> 136 [Ljava/lang/Exception; e]
  + Method:       getEntry(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry;
    Access flags: 0xa
      = private static com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry getEntry(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 66, locals = 3, stack = 5):
      [0] iconst_0
      [1] istore_1 v1
      [2] goto +30 (target=32)
      [5] getstatic #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory.ciphers Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [8] iload_1 v1
      [9] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.elementAt (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [12] checkcast #20
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry]
      [15] astore_2 v2
      [16] aload_2 v2
      [17] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry.type Ljava/lang/String;]
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] invokevirtual #45
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [24] ifeq +5 (target=29)
      [27] aload_2 v2
      [28] areturn
      [29] iinc v1, 1
      [32] iload_1 v1
      [33] getstatic #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory.ciphers Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [36] invokevirtual #52
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.size ()I]
      [39] ificmplt -34 (target=5)
      [42] new #25
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [45] dup
      [46] new #28
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [49] dup
      [50] ldc #6
        + String [Unkown algorithm ]
      [52] invokespecial #46
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [55] aload_0 v0
      [56] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [59] invokevirtual #48
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [62] invokespecial #41
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [65] athrow
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 95
        [5] -> line 97
        [16] -> line 98
        [27] -> line 99
        [29] -> line 95
        [42] -> line 101
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 66 [Ljava/lang/String; type]
        v1: 2 -> 42 [I i]
        v2: 16 -> 29 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry; ce]
  + Method:       getBlockSize(Ljava/lang/String;)I
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static int getBlockSize(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokestatic #35
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory.getEntry (Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry;]
      [4] astore_1 v1
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry.blocksize I]
      [9] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 106
        [5] -> line 107
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Ljava/lang/String; type]
        v1: 5 -> 10 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry; ce]
  + Method:       getKeySize(Ljava/lang/String;)I
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static int getKeySize(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokestatic #35
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory.getEntry (Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry;]
      [4] astore_1 v1
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry.keysize I]
      [9] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 112
        [5] -> line 113
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Ljava/lang/String; type]
        v1: 5 -> 10 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry; ce]

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x8 = static 
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry]
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory]
      + Utf8 [CipherEntry]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 37):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry.blocksize I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry.cipherClass Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry.keysize I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry.type Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [blocksize I]
  + NameAndType [cipherClass Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [keysize I]
  + NameAndType [type Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [CipherEntry]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [blockSize]
  + Utf8 [blocksize]
  + Utf8 [cipherClass]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [keySize]
  + Utf8 [keysize]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [type]

Fields (count = 4):
  + Field:        type Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String type
  + Field:        blocksize I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int blocksize
  + Field:        keysize I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int keysize
  + Field:        cipherClass Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String cipherClass

Methods (count = 1):
  + Method:       <init>(Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry(java.lang.String,int,int,java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 26, locals = 5, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #8
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] putfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry.type Ljava/lang/String;]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] iload_2 v2
      [11] putfield #4
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry.blocksize I]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] iload_3 v3
      [16] putfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry.keysize I]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] aload v4
      [22] putfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry.cipherClass Ljava/lang/String;]
      [25] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 21
        [4] -> line 23
        [9] -> line 24
        [14] -> line 25
        [19] -> line 26
        [25] -> line 27
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 26 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry; this]
        v1: 0 -> 26 [Ljava/lang/String; type]
        v2: 0 -> 26 [I blockSize]
        v3: 0 -> 26 [I keySize]
        v4: 0 -> 26 [Ljava/lang/String; cipherClass]

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x8 = static 
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory$CipherEntry]
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory]
      + Utf8 [CipherEntry]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.CBCMode extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher]

Constant Pool (count = 95):
  + String [ bytes long! (currently ]
  + String [)]
  + String [IV must be ]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode]
  + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode.blockSize I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode.cbc_vector [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode.doEncrypt Z]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode.tmp_vector [B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode.decryptBlock ([BI[BI)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode.encryptBlock ([BI[BI)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher.getBlockSize ()I]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher.transformBlock ([BI[BI)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [blockSize I]
  + NameAndType [cbc_vector [B]
  + NameAndType [decryptBlock ([BI[BI)V]
  + NameAndType [doEncrypt Z]
  + NameAndType [encryptBlock ([BI[BI)V]
  + NameAndType [getBlockSize ()I]
  + NameAndType [tc Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;]
  + NameAndType [tmp_vector [B]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [transformBlock ([BI[BI)V]
  + Utf8 [ bytes long! (currently ]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;[BZ)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z[B)V]
  + Utf8 [([BI[BI)V]
  + Utf8 [)]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [IV must be ]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [arraycopy]
  + Utf8 [blockSize]
  + Utf8 [cbc_vector]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode]
  + Utf8 [decryptBlock]
  + Utf8 [doEncrypt]
  + Utf8 [dst]
  + Utf8 [dstoff]
  + Utf8 [encryptBlock]
  + Utf8 [forEncryption]
  + Utf8 [getBlockSize]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [init]
  + Utf8 [iv]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [key]
  + Utf8 [src]
  + Utf8 [srcoff]
  + Utf8 [swap]
  + Utf8 [tc]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [tmp_vector]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [transformBlock]

Fields (count = 5):
  + Field:        tc Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.BlockCipher tc
  + Field:        blockSize I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int blockSize
  + Field:        doEncrypt Z
    Access flags: 0x0
      = boolean doEncrypt
  + Field:        cbc_vector [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] cbc_vector
  + Field:        tmp_vector [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] tmp_vector

Methods (count = 6):
  + Method:       init(Z[B)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void init(boolean,byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 1, locals = 3, stack = 0):
      [0] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 20
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 1 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode; this]
        v1: 0 -> 1 [Z forEncryption]
        v2: 0 -> 1 [[B key]
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;[BZ)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public CBCMode(com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.BlockCipher,byte[],boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 110, locals = 4, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #18
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] putfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aload_1 v1
      [11] invokeinterface #24
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher.getBlockSize ()I]
      [16] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode.blockSize I]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] iload_3 v3
      [21] putfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode.doEncrypt Z]
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode.blockSize I]
      [28] aload_2 v2
      [29] arraylength
      [30] ificmpeq +45 (target=75)
      [33] new #6
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [36] dup
      [37] new #8
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [40] dup
      [41] ldc #3
        + String [IV must be ]
      [43] invokespecial #19
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [46] aload_0 v0
      [47] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode.blockSize I]
      [50] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [53] ldc #1
        + String [ bytes long! (currently ]
      [55] invokevirtual #21
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [58] aload_2 v2
      [59] arraylength
      [60] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [63] ldc #2
        + String [)]
      [65] invokevirtual #21
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [68] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [71] invokespecial #17
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [74] athrow
      [75] aload_0 v0
      [76] aload_0 v0
      [77] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode.blockSize I]
      [80] newarray 8
      [82] putfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode.cbc_vector [B]
      [85] aload_0 v0
      [86] aload_0 v0
      [87] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode.blockSize I]
      [90] newarray 8
      [92] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode.tmp_vector [B]
      [95] aload_2 v2
      [96] iconst_0
      [97] aload_0 v0
      [98] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode.cbc_vector [B]
      [101] iconst_0
      [102] aload_0 v0
      [103] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode.blockSize I]
      [106] invokestatic #23
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [109] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 12)
        [0] -> line 22
        [4] -> line 25
        [9] -> line 26
        [19] -> line 27
        [24] -> line 29
        [33] -> line 30
        [53] -> line 31
        [71] -> line 30
        [75] -> line 33
        [85] -> line 34
        [95] -> line 35
        [109] -> line 36
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 110 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode; this]
        v1: 0 -> 110 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher; tc]
        v2: 0 -> 110 [[B iv]
        v3: 0 -> 110 [Z doEncrypt]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Method:       getBlockSize()I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int getBlockSize()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode.blockSize I]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 40
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode; this]
  + Method:       encryptBlock([BI[BI)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void encryptBlock(byte[],int,byte[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 68, locals = 6, stack = 6):
      [0] iconst_0
      [1] istore v5
      [3] goto +23 (target=26)
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode.cbc_vector [B]
      [10] iload v5
      [12] dup2
      [13] baload
      [14] aload_1 v1
      [15] iload_2 v2
      [16] iload v5
      [18] iadd
      [19] baload
      [20] ixor
      [21] i2b
      [22] bastore
      [23] iinc v5, 1
      [26] iload v5
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode.blockSize I]
      [32] ificmplt -26 (target=6)
      [35] aload_0 v0
      [36] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;]
      [39] aload_0 v0
      [40] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode.cbc_vector [B]
      [43] iconst_0
      [44] aload_3 v3
      [45] iload v4
      [47] invokeinterface #25
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher.transformBlock ([BI[BI)V]
      [52] aload_3 v3
      [53] iload v4
      [55] aload_0 v0
      [56] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode.cbc_vector [B]
      [59] iconst_0
      [60] aload_0 v0
      [61] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode.blockSize I]
      [64] invokestatic #23
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [67] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 45
        [6] -> line 46
        [23] -> line 45
        [35] -> line 48
        [52] -> line 50
        [67] -> line 51
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 68 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode; this]
        v1: 0 -> 68 [[B src]
        v2: 0 -> 68 [I srcoff]
        v3: 0 -> 68 [[B dst]
        v4: 0 -> 68 [I dstoff]
        v5: 3 -> 35 [I i]
  + Method:       decryptBlock([BI[BI)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void decryptBlock(byte[],int,byte[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 85, locals = 6, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] iload_2 v2
      [2] aload_0 v0
      [3] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode.tmp_vector [B]
      [6] iconst_0
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode.blockSize I]
      [11] invokestatic #23
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;]
      [18] aload_1 v1
      [19] iload_2 v2
      [20] aload_3 v3
      [21] iload v4
      [23] invokeinterface #25
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher.transformBlock ([BI[BI)V]
      [28] iconst_0
      [29] istore v5
      [31] goto +24 (target=55)
      [34] aload_3 v3
      [35] iload v4
      [37] iload v5
      [39] iadd
      [40] dup2
      [41] baload
      [42] aload_0 v0
      [43] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode.cbc_vector [B]
      [46] iload v5
      [48] baload
      [49] ixor
      [50] i2b
      [51] bastore
      [52] iinc v5, 1
      [55] iload v5
      [57] aload_0 v0
      [58] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode.blockSize I]
      [61] ificmplt -27 (target=34)
      [64] aload_0 v0
      [65] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode.cbc_vector [B]
      [68] astore v5
      [70] aload_0 v0
      [71] aload_0 v0
      [72] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode.tmp_vector [B]
      [75] putfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode.cbc_vector [B]
      [78] aload_0 v0
      [79] aload v5
      [81] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode.tmp_vector [B]
      [84] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 57
        [14] -> line 59
        [28] -> line 61
        [34] -> line 62
        [52] -> line 61
        [64] -> line 66
        [70] -> line 67
        [78] -> line 68
        [84] -> line 69
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 85 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode; this]
        v1: 0 -> 85 [[B src]
        v2: 0 -> 85 [I srcoff]
        v3: 0 -> 85 [[B dst]
        v4: 0 -> 85 [I dstoff]
        v5: 31 -> 64 [I i]
        v5: 70 -> 85 [[B swap]
  + Method:       transformBlock([BI[BI)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void transformBlock(byte[],int,byte[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 29, locals = 5, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode.doEncrypt Z]
      [4] ifeq +15 (target=19)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] aload_1 v1
      [9] iload_2 v2
      [10] aload_3 v3
      [11] iload v4
      [13] invokespecial #16
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode.encryptBlock ([BI[BI)V]
      [16] goto +12 (target=28)
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] aload_1 v1
      [21] iload_2 v2
      [22] aload_3 v3
      [23] iload v4
      [25] invokespecial #15
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode.decryptBlock ([BI[BI)V]
      [28] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 73
        [7] -> line 74
        [19] -> line 76
        [28] -> line 77
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 29 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CBCMode; this]
        v1: 0 -> 29 [[B src]
        v2: 0 -> 29 [I srcoff]
        v3: 0 -> 29 [[B dst]
        v4: 0 -> 29 [I dstoff]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CTRMode
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.CTRMode extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher]

Constant Pool (count = 93):
  + String [ bytes long! (currently ]
  + String [)]
  + String [IV must be ]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CTRMode]
  + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CTRMode.X [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CTRMode.Xenc [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CTRMode.bc Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CTRMode.blockSize I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CTRMode.count I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CTRMode.doEncrypt Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher.getBlockSize ()I]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher.transformBlock ([BI[BI)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [X [B]
  + NameAndType [Xenc [B]
  + NameAndType [append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [bc Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;]
  + NameAndType [blockSize I]
  + NameAndType [count I]
  + NameAndType [doEncrypt Z]
  + NameAndType [getBlockSize ()I]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [transformBlock ([BI[BI)V]
  + Utf8 [ bytes long! (currently ]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;[BZ)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z[B)V]
  + Utf8 [([BI[BI)V]
  + Utf8 [)]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [IV must be ]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CTRMode;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [X]
  + Utf8 [Xenc]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [arraycopy]
  + Utf8 [bc]
  + Utf8 [blockSize]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CTRMode]
  + Utf8 [count]
  + Utf8 [doEnc]
  + Utf8 [doEncrypt]
  + Utf8 [dst]
  + Utf8 [dstoff]
  + Utf8 [forEncryption]
  + Utf8 [getBlockSize]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [init]
  + Utf8 [iv]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [key]
  + Utf8 [src]
  + Utf8 [srcoff]
  + Utf8 [tc]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [transformBlock]

Fields (count = 6):
  + Field:        X [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] X
  + Field:        Xenc [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] Xenc
  + Field:        bc Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.BlockCipher bc
  + Field:        blockSize I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int blockSize
  + Field:        doEncrypt Z
    Access flags: 0x0
      = boolean doEncrypt
  + Field:        count I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int count

Methods (count = 4):
  + Method:       init(Z[B)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void init(boolean,byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 1, locals = 3, stack = 0):
      [0] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 23
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 1 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CTRMode; this]
        v1: 0 -> 1 [Z forEncryption]
        v2: 0 -> 1 [[B key]
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;[BZ)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public CTRMode(com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.BlockCipher,byte[],boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 118, locals = 4, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #17
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] iconst_0
      [6] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CTRMode.count I]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aload_1 v1
      [11] putfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CTRMode.bc Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CTRMode.bc Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;]
      [19] invokeinterface #23
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher.getBlockSize ()I]
      [24] putfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CTRMode.blockSize I]
      [27] aload_0 v0
      [28] iload_3 v3
      [29] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CTRMode.doEncrypt Z]
      [32] aload_0 v0
      [33] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CTRMode.blockSize I]
      [36] aload_2 v2
      [37] arraylength
      [38] ificmpeq +45 (target=83)
      [41] new #6
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [44] dup
      [45] new #8
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [48] dup
      [49] ldc #3
        + String [IV must be ]
      [51] invokespecial #18
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [54] aload_0 v0
      [55] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CTRMode.blockSize I]
      [58] invokevirtual #19
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [61] ldc #1
        + String [ bytes long! (currently ]
      [63] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [66] aload_2 v2
      [67] arraylength
      [68] invokevirtual #19
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [71] ldc #2
        + String [)]
      [73] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [76] invokevirtual #21
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [79] invokespecial #16
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [82] athrow
      [83] aload_0 v0
      [84] aload_0 v0
      [85] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CTRMode.blockSize I]
      [88] newarray 8
      [90] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CTRMode.X [B]
      [93] aload_0 v0
      [94] aload_0 v0
      [95] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CTRMode.blockSize I]
      [98] newarray 8
      [100] putfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CTRMode.Xenc [B]
      [103] aload_2 v2
      [104] iconst_0
      [105] aload_0 v0
      [106] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CTRMode.X [B]
      [109] iconst_0
      [110] aload_0 v0
      [111] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CTRMode.blockSize I]
      [114] invokestatic #22
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [117] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 11)
        [0] -> line 25
        [4] -> line 19
        [9] -> line 27
        [14] -> line 28
        [27] -> line 29
        [32] -> line 31
        [41] -> line 32
        [83] -> line 34
        [93] -> line 35
        [103] -> line 37
        [117] -> line 38
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 118 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CTRMode; this]
        v1: 0 -> 118 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher; tc]
        v2: 0 -> 118 [[B iv]
        v3: 0 -> 118 [Z doEnc]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Method:       getBlockSize()I
    Access flags: 0x11
      = public final int getBlockSize()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CTRMode.blockSize I]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 42
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CTRMode; this]
  + Method:       transformBlock([BI[BI)V
    Access flags: 0x11
      = public final void transformBlock(byte[],int,byte[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 104, locals = 6, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CTRMode.bc Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CTRMode.X [B]
      [8] iconst_0
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CTRMode.Xenc [B]
      [13] iconst_0
      [14] invokeinterface #24
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher.transformBlock ([BI[BI)V]
      [19] iconst_0
      [20] istore v5
      [22] goto +28 (target=50)
      [25] aload_3 v3
      [26] iload v4
      [28] iload v5
      [30] iadd
      [31] aload_1 v1
      [32] iload_2 v2
      [33] iload v5
      [35] iadd
      [36] baload
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CTRMode.Xenc [B]
      [41] iload v5
      [43] baload
      [44] ixor
      [45] i2b
      [46] bastore
      [47] iinc v5, 1
      [50] iload v5
      [52] aload_0 v0
      [53] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CTRMode.blockSize I]
      [56] ificmplt -31 (target=25)
      [59] aload_0 v0
      [60] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CTRMode.blockSize I]
      [63] iconst_1
      [64] isub
      [65] istore v5
      [67] goto +31 (target=98)
      [70] aload_0 v0
      [71] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CTRMode.X [B]
      [74] iload v5
      [76] dup2
      [77] baload
      [78] iconst_1
      [79] iadd
      [80] i2b
      [81] bastore
      [82] aload_0 v0
      [83] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CTRMode.X [B]
      [86] iload v5
      [88] baload
      [89] ifeq +6 (target=95)
      [92] goto +11 (target=103)
      [95] iinc v5, -1
      [98] iload v5
      [100] ifge -30 (target=70)
      [103] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 10)
        [0] -> line 47
        [19] -> line 49
        [25] -> line 51
        [47] -> line 49
        [59] -> line 54
        [70] -> line 56
        [82] -> line 57
        [92] -> line 58
        [95] -> line 54
        [103] -> line 61
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 104 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CTRMode; this]
        v1: 0 -> 104 [[B src]
        v2: 0 -> 104 [I srcoff]
        v3: 0 -> 104 [[B dst]
        v4: 0 -> 104 [I dstoff]
        v5: 22 -> 59 [I i]
        v5: 67 -> 103 [I i]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.CipherInputStream extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 125):
  + Integer [2048]
  + String [Cannot fill buffer, EOF reached.]
  + String [Cannot read full block, EOF reached.]
  + String [Cannot read plain since crypto buffer is not aligned.]
  + String [Error while decrypting block.]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/io/InputStream]
  + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Class [java/lang/Math]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.BUFF_SIZE I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/ Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.blockSize I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.buffer [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.currentCipher Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.enc [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.input_buffer [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.input_buffer_pos I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.input_buffer_size I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.pos I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.changeCipher (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.fill_buffer ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.getBlock ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.internal_read ([BII)I]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/ ([BII)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Math.min (II)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher.getBlockSize ()I]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher.transformBlock ([BI[BI)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [BUFF_SIZE I]
  + NameAndType [arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [bi Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + NameAndType [blockSize I]
  + NameAndType [buffer [B]
  + NameAndType [changeCipher (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;)V]
  + NameAndType [currentCipher Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;]
  + NameAndType [enc [B]
  + NameAndType [fill_buffer ()I]
  + NameAndType [getBlock ()V]
  + NameAndType [getBlockSize ()I]
  + NameAndType [input_buffer [B]
  + NameAndType [input_buffer_pos I]
  + NameAndType [input_buffer_size I]
  + NameAndType [internal_read ([BII)I]
  + NameAndType [min (II)I]
  + NameAndType [pos I]
  + NameAndType [read ([BII)I]
  + NameAndType [transformBlock ([BI[BI)V]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(II)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;Ljava/io/InputStream;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [([BII)I]
  + Utf8 [([BI[BI)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [BUFF_SIZE]
  + Utf8 [Cannot fill buffer, EOF reached.]
  + Utf8 [Cannot read full block, EOF reached.]
  + Utf8 [Cannot read plain since crypto buffer is not aligned.]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ConstantValue]
  + Utf8 [Error while decrypting block.]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Exception;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [arraycopy]
  + Utf8 [avail]
  + Utf8 [b]
  + Utf8 [bc]
  + Utf8 [bi]
  + Utf8 [blockSize]
  + Utf8 [buffer]
  + Utf8 [changeCipher]
  + Utf8 [cnt]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream]
  + Utf8 [copy]
  + Utf8 [count]
  + Utf8 [currentCipher]
  + Utf8 [dst]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [enc]
  + Utf8 [fill_buffer]
  + Utf8 [getBlock]
  + Utf8 [getBlockSize]
  + Utf8 [input_buffer]
  + Utf8 [input_buffer_pos]
  + Utf8 [input_buffer_size]
  + Utf8 [internal_read]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/io/InputStream]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Exception]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Math]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [len]
  + Utf8 [min]
  + Utf8 [n]
  + Utf8 [off]
  + Utf8 [pos]
  + Utf8 [read]
  + Utf8 [readPlain]
  + Utf8 [tc]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [thiscopy]
  + Utf8 [transformBlock]

Fields (count = 10):
  + Field:        currentCipher Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.BlockCipher currentCipher
  + Field:        bi Ljava/io/InputStream;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = bi
  + Field:        buffer [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] buffer
  + Field:        enc [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] enc
  + Field:        blockSize I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int blockSize
  + Field:        pos I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int pos
  + Field:        BUFF_SIZE I
    Access flags: 0x10
      = final int BUFF_SIZE
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Constant value attribute:
    + Integer [2048]
  + Field:        input_buffer [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] input_buffer
  + Field:        input_buffer_pos I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int input_buffer_pos
  + Field:        input_buffer_size I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int input_buffer_size

Methods (count = 7):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;Ljava/io/InputStream;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public CipherInputStream(com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.BlockCipher,
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 41, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #31
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] sipush 2048
      [8] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.BUFF_SIZE I]
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] sipush 2048
      [15] newarray 8
      [17] putfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.input_buffer [B]
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] iconst_0
      [22] putfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.input_buffer_pos I]
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] iconst_0
      [27] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.input_buffer_size I]
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] aload_2 v2
      [32] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/ Ljava/io/InputStream;]
      [35] aload_0 v0
      [36] aload_1 v1
      [37] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.changeCipher (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;)V]
      [40] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 32
        [4] -> line 27
        [11] -> line 28
        [20] -> line 29
        [25] -> line 30
        [30] -> line 34
        [35] -> line 35
        [40] -> line 36
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 41 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream; this]
        v1: 0 -> 41 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher; tc]
        v2: 0 -> 41 [Ljava/io/InputStream; bi]
  + Method:       fill_buffer()I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int fill_buffer()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 29, locals = 1, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iconst_0
      [2] putfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.input_buffer_pos I]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/ Ljava/io/InputStream;]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.input_buffer [B]
      [14] iconst_0
      [15] sipush 2048
      [18] invokevirtual #29
        + Methodref [java/io/ ([BII)I]
      [21] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.input_buffer_size I]
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.input_buffer_size I]
      [28] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 40
        [5] -> line 41
        [24] -> line 42
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 29 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream; this]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       internal_read([BII)I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int internal_read(byte[],int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 83, locals = 6, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.input_buffer_size I]
      [4] ifge +5 (target=9)
      [7] iconst_m1
      [8] ireturn
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.input_buffer_pos I]
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.input_buffer_size I]
      [17] ificmplt +12 (target=29)
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] invokespecial #25
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.fill_buffer ()I]
      [24] ifgt +5 (target=29)
      [27] iconst_m1
      [28] ireturn
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.input_buffer_size I]
      [33] aload_0 v0
      [34] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.input_buffer_pos I]
      [37] isub
      [38] istore v4
      [40] iload_3 v3
      [41] iload v4
      [43] ificmple +8 (target=51)
      [46] iload v4
      [48] goto +4 (target=52)
      [51] iload_3 v3
      [52] istore v5
      [54] aload_0 v0
      [55] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.input_buffer [B]
      [58] aload_0 v0
      [59] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.input_buffer_pos I]
      [62] aload_1 v1
      [63] iload_2 v2
      [64] iload v5
      [66] invokestatic #32
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [69] aload_0 v0
      [70] dup
      [71] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.input_buffer_pos I]
      [74] iload v5
      [76] iadd
      [77] putfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.input_buffer_pos I]
      [80] iload v5
      [82] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 10)
        [0] -> line 47
        [7] -> line 48
        [9] -> line 50
        [20] -> line 52
        [27] -> line 53
        [29] -> line 56
        [40] -> line 57
        [54] -> line 59
        [69] -> line 60
        [80] -> line 62
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 83 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream; this]
        v1: 0 -> 83 [[B b]
        v2: 0 -> 83 [I off]
        v3: 0 -> 83 [I len]
        v4: 40 -> 83 [I avail]
        v5: 54 -> 83 [I thiscopy]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       changeCipher(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void changeCipher(com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.BlockCipher)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 44, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #18
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.currentCipher Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_1 v1
      [7] invokeinterface #33
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher.getBlockSize ()I]
      [12] putfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.blockSize I]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] aload_0 v0
      [17] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.blockSize I]
      [20] newarray 8
      [22] putfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.buffer [B]
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.blockSize I]
      [30] newarray 8
      [32] putfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.enc [B]
      [35] aload_0 v0
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.blockSize I]
      [40] putfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.pos I]
      [43] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 67
        [5] -> line 68
        [15] -> line 69
        [25] -> line 70
        [35] -> line 71
        [43] -> line 72
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 44 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream; this]
        v1: 0 -> 44 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher; bc]
  + Method:       getBlock()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void getBlock()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 86, locals = 3, stack = 5):
      [0] iconst_0
      [1] istore_1 v1
      [2] goto +37 (target=39)
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.enc [B]
      [10] iload_1 v1
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.blockSize I]
      [15] iload_1 v1
      [16] isub
      [17] invokespecial #27
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.internal_read ([BII)I]
      [20] istore_2 v2
      [21] iload_2 v2
      [22] ifge +13 (target=35)
      [25] new #8
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [28] dup
      [29] ldc #3
        + String [Cannot read full block, EOF reached.]
      [31] invokespecial #28
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [34] athrow
      [35] iload_1 v1
      [36] iload_2 v2
      [37] iadd
      [38] istore_1 v1
      [39] iload_1 v1
      [40] aload_0 v0
      [41] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.blockSize I]
      [44] ificmplt -39 (target=5)
      [47] aload_0 v0
      [48] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.currentCipher Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;]
      [51] aload_0 v0
      [52] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.enc [B]
      [55] iconst_0
      [56] aload_0 v0
      [57] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.buffer [B]
      [60] iconst_0
      [61] invokeinterface #34
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher.transformBlock ([BI[BI)V]
      [66] goto +14 (target=80)
      [69] astore_2 v2
      [70] new #8
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [73] dup
      [74] ldc #5
        + String [Error while decrypting block.]
      [76] invokespecial #28
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [79] athrow
      [80] aload_0 v0
      [81] iconst_0
      [82] putfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.pos I]
      [85] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (47 -> 66: 69):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 12)
        [0] -> line 76
        [2] -> line 77
        [5] -> line 79
        [21] -> line 80
        [25] -> line 81
        [35] -> line 82
        [39] -> line 77
        [47] -> line 87
        [69] -> line 89
        [70] -> line 91
        [80] -> line 93
        [85] -> line 94
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 86 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream; this]
        v1: 2 -> 86 [I n]
        v2: 21 -> 39 [I len]
        v2: 70 -> 80 [Ljava/lang/Exception; e]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       read([BII)I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int read(byte[],int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 90, locals = 7, stack = 5):
      [0] iconst_0
      [1] istore v4
      [3] goto +80 (target=83)
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.pos I]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.blockSize I]
      [14] ificmplt +7 (target=21)
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] invokespecial #26
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.getBlock ()V]
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.blockSize I]
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.pos I]
      [29] isub
      [30] istore v5
      [32] iload v5
      [34] iload_3 v3
      [35] invokestatic #30
        + Methodref [java/lang/Math.min (II)I]
      [38] istore v6
      [40] aload_0 v0
      [41] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.buffer [B]
      [44] aload_0 v0
      [45] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.pos I]
      [48] aload_1 v1
      [49] iload_2 v2
      [50] iload v6
      [52] invokestatic #32
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [55] aload_0 v0
      [56] dup
      [57] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.pos I]
      [60] iload v6
      [62] iadd
      [63] putfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.pos I]
      [66] iload_2 v2
      [67] iload v6
      [69] iadd
      [70] istore_2 v2
      [71] iload_3 v3
      [72] iload v6
      [74] isub
      [75] istore_3 v3
      [76] iload v4
      [78] iload v6
      [80] iadd
      [81] istore v4
      [83] iload_3 v3
      [84] ifgt -78 (target=6)
      [87] iload v4
      [89] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 13)
        [0] -> line 103
        [3] -> line 105
        [6] -> line 107
        [17] -> line 108
        [21] -> line 110
        [32] -> line 111
        [40] -> line 112
        [55] -> line 113
        [66] -> line 114
        [71] -> line 115
        [76] -> line 116
        [83] -> line 105
        [87] -> line 118
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 90 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream; this]
        v1: 0 -> 90 [[B dst]
        v2: 0 -> 90 [I off]
        v3: 0 -> 90 [I len]
        v4: 3 -> 90 [I count]
        v5: 32 -> 83 [I avail]
        v6: 40 -> 83 [I copy]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       readPlain([BII)I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int readPlain(byte[],int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 73, locals = 6, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.pos I]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.blockSize I]
      [8] ificmpeq +13 (target=21)
      [11] new #8
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [14] dup
      [15] ldc #4
        + String [Cannot read plain since crypto buffer is not aligned.]
      [17] invokespecial #28
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [20] athrow
      [21] iconst_0
      [22] istore v4
      [24] goto +40 (target=64)
      [27] aload_0 v0
      [28] aload_1 v1
      [29] iload_2 v2
      [30] iload v4
      [32] iadd
      [33] iload_3 v3
      [34] iload v4
      [36] isub
      [37] invokespecial #27
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.internal_read ([BII)I]
      [40] istore v5
      [42] iload v5
      [44] ifge +13 (target=57)
      [47] new #8
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [50] dup
      [51] ldc #2
        + String [Cannot fill buffer, EOF reached.]
      [53] invokespecial #28
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [56] athrow
      [57] iload v4
      [59] iload v5
      [61] iadd
      [62] istore v4
      [64] iload v4
      [66] iload_3 v3
      [67] ificmplt -40 (target=27)
      [70] iload v4
      [72] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 10)
        [0] -> line 132
        [11] -> line 133
        [21] -> line 134
        [24] -> line 135
        [27] -> line 137
        [42] -> line 138
        [47] -> line 139
        [57] -> line 140
        [64] -> line 135
        [70] -> line 142
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 73 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream; this]
        v1: 0 -> 73 [[B b]
        v2: 0 -> 73 [I off]
        v3: 0 -> 73 [I len]
        v4: 24 -> 73 [I n]
        v5: 42 -> 64 [I cnt]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.CipherOutputStream extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 121):
  + Integer [2048]
  + String [Cannot write plain since crypto buffer is not aligned.]
  + String [Error while decrypting block.]
  + String [FATAL: cannot flush since crypto buffer is not aligned.]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/io/OutputStream]
  + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Class [java/lang/Math]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.BUFF_SIZE I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.blockSize I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/ Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.buffer [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.currentCipher Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.enc [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.out_buffer [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.out_buffer_pos I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.pos I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.changeCipher (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.internal_write ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.writeBlock ()V]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.initCause (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
  + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.flush ()V]
  + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Math.min (II)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher.getBlockSize ()I]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher.transformBlock ([BI[BI)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [BUFF_SIZE I]
  + NameAndType [arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [blockSize I]
  + NameAndType [bo Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + NameAndType [buffer [B]
  + NameAndType [changeCipher (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;)V]
  + NameAndType [currentCipher Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;]
  + NameAndType [enc [B]
  + NameAndType [flush ()V]
  + NameAndType [getBlockSize ()I]
  + NameAndType [initCause (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
  + NameAndType [internal_write ([BII)V]
  + NameAndType [min (II)I]
  + NameAndType [out_buffer [B]
  + NameAndType [out_buffer_pos I]
  + NameAndType [pos I]
  + NameAndType [transformBlock ([BI[BI)V]
  + NameAndType [write ([BII)V]
  + NameAndType [writeBlock ()V]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(II)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;Ljava/io/OutputStream;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
  + Utf8 [([BII)V]
  + Utf8 [([BI[BI)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [BUFF_SIZE]
  + Utf8 [Cannot write plain since crypto buffer is not aligned.]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ConstantValue]
  + Utf8 [Error while decrypting block.]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [FATAL: cannot flush since crypto buffer is not aligned.]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Exception;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [arraycopy]
  + Utf8 [avail]
  + Utf8 [b]
  + Utf8 [bc]
  + Utf8 [blockSize]
  + Utf8 [bo]
  + Utf8 [buffer]
  + Utf8 [changeCipher]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream]
  + Utf8 [copy]
  + Utf8 [currentCipher]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [enc]
  + Utf8 [flush]
  + Utf8 [getBlockSize]
  + Utf8 [initCause]
  + Utf8 [internal_write]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/io/OutputStream]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Exception]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Math]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [len]
  + Utf8 [min]
  + Utf8 [off]
  + Utf8 [out_buffer]
  + Utf8 [out_buffer_pos]
  + Utf8 [pos]
  + Utf8 [space]
  + Utf8 [src]
  + Utf8 [tc]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [transformBlock]
  + Utf8 [write]
  + Utf8 [writeBlock]
  + Utf8 [writePlain]

Fields (count = 9):
  + Field:        currentCipher Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.BlockCipher currentCipher
  + Field:        bo Ljava/io/OutputStream;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = bo
  + Field:        buffer [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] buffer
  + Field:        enc [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] enc
  + Field:        blockSize I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int blockSize
  + Field:        pos I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int pos
  + Field:        BUFF_SIZE I
    Access flags: 0x10
      = final int BUFF_SIZE
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Constant value attribute:
    + Integer [2048]
  + Field:        out_buffer [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] out_buffer
  + Field:        out_buffer_pos I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int out_buffer_pos

Methods (count = 7):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;Ljava/io/OutputStream;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public CipherOutputStream(com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.BlockCipher,
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 36, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #30
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] sipush 2048
      [8] putfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.BUFF_SIZE I]
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] sipush 2048
      [15] newarray 8
      [17] putfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.out_buffer [B]
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] iconst_0
      [22] putfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.out_buffer_pos I]
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] aload_2 v2
      [27] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/ Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] aload_1 v1
      [32] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.changeCipher (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;)V]
      [35] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 31
        [4] -> line 27
        [11] -> line 28
        [20] -> line 29
        [25] -> line 33
        [30] -> line 34
        [35] -> line 35
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 36 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream; this]
        v1: 0 -> 36 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher; tc]
        v2: 0 -> 36 [Ljava/io/OutputStream; bo]
  + Method:       internal_write([BII)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void internal_write(byte[],int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 98, locals = 6, stack = 5):
      [0] goto +93 (target=93)
      [3] sipush 2048
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.out_buffer_pos I]
      [10] isub
      [11] istore v4
      [13] iload_3 v3
      [14] iload v4
      [16] ificmple +8 (target=24)
      [19] iload v4
      [21] goto +4 (target=25)
      [24] iload_3 v3
      [25] istore v5
      [27] aload_1 v1
      [28] iload_2 v2
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.out_buffer [B]
      [33] aload_0 v0
      [34] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.out_buffer_pos I]
      [37] iload v5
      [39] invokestatic #31
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [42] iload_2 v2
      [43] iload v5
      [45] iadd
      [46] istore_2 v2
      [47] aload_0 v0
      [48] dup
      [49] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.out_buffer_pos I]
      [52] iload v5
      [54] iadd
      [55] putfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.out_buffer_pos I]
      [58] iload_3 v3
      [59] iload v5
      [61] isub
      [62] istore_3 v3
      [63] aload_0 v0
      [64] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.out_buffer_pos I]
      [67] sipush 2048
      [70] ificmplt +23 (target=93)
      [73] aload_0 v0
      [74] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/ Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [77] aload_0 v0
      [78] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.out_buffer [B]
      [81] iconst_0
      [82] sipush 2048
      [85] invokevirtual #28
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([BII)V]
      [88] aload_0 v0
      [89] iconst_0
      [90] putfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.out_buffer_pos I]
      [93] iload_3 v3
      [94] ifgt -91 (target=3)
      [97] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 12)
        [0] -> line 39
        [3] -> line 41
        [13] -> line 42
        [27] -> line 44
        [42] -> line 46
        [47] -> line 47
        [58] -> line 48
        [63] -> line 50
        [73] -> line 52
        [88] -> line 53
        [93] -> line 39
        [97] -> line 56
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 98 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream; this]
        v1: 0 -> 98 [[B src]
        v2: 0 -> 98 [I off]
        v3: 0 -> 98 [I len]
        v4: 13 -> 93 [I space]
        v5: 27 -> 93 [I copy]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       flush()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void flush()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 53, locals = 1, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.pos I]
      [4] ifeq +13 (target=17)
      [7] new #7
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [10] dup
      [11] ldc #4
        + String [FATAL: cannot flush since crypto buffer is not aligned.]
      [13] invokespecial #25
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [16] athrow
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.out_buffer_pos I]
      [21] ifle +24 (target=45)
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/ Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.out_buffer [B]
      [32] iconst_0
      [33] aload_0 v0
      [34] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.out_buffer_pos I]
      [37] invokevirtual #28
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([BII)V]
      [40] aload_0 v0
      [41] iconst_0
      [42] putfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.out_buffer_pos I]
      [45] aload_0 v0
      [46] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/ Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [49] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.flush ()V]
      [52] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 70
        [7] -> line 71
        [17] -> line 73
        [24] -> line 75
        [40] -> line 76
        [45] -> line 78
        [52] -> line 79
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 53 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream; this]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       changeCipher(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void changeCipher(com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.BlockCipher)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 41, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.currentCipher Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_1 v1
      [7] invokeinterface #32
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher.getBlockSize ()I]
      [12] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.blockSize I]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] aload_0 v0
      [17] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.blockSize I]
      [20] newarray 8
      [22] putfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.buffer [B]
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.blockSize I]
      [30] newarray 8
      [32] putfield #18
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.enc [B]
      [35] aload_0 v0
      [36] iconst_0
      [37] putfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.pos I]
      [40] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 83
        [5] -> line 84
        [15] -> line 85
        [25] -> line 86
        [35] -> line 87
        [40] -> line 88
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 41 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream; this]
        v1: 0 -> 41 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher; bc]
  + Method:       writeBlock()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void writeBlock()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 59, locals = 2, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.currentCipher Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.buffer [B]
      [8] iconst_0
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.enc [B]
      [13] iconst_0
      [14] invokeinterface #33
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher.transformBlock ([BI[BI)V]
      [19] goto +21 (target=40)
      [22] astore_1 v1
      [23] new #7
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [26] dup
      [27] ldc #3
        + String [Error while decrypting block.]
      [29] invokespecial #25
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [32] aload_1 v1
      [33] invokevirtual #26
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.initCause (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
      [36] checkcast #7
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [39] athrow
      [40] aload_0 v0
      [41] aload_0 v0
      [42] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.enc [B]
      [45] iconst_0
      [46] aload_0 v0
      [47] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.blockSize I]
      [50] invokespecial #23
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.internal_write ([BII)V]
      [53] aload_0 v0
      [54] iconst_0
      [55] putfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.pos I]
      [58] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 19: 22):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 94
        [22] -> line 96
        [23] -> line 98
        [40] -> line 101
        [53] -> line 102
        [58] -> line 103
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 59 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream; this]
        v1: 23 -> 40 [Ljava/lang/Exception; e]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       write([BII)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void write(byte[],int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 78, locals = 6, stack = 5):
      [0] goto +73 (target=73)
      [3] aload_0 v0
      [4] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.blockSize I]
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.pos I]
      [11] isub
      [12] istore v4
      [14] iload v4
      [16] iload_3 v3
      [17] invokestatic #29
        + Methodref [java/lang/Math.min (II)I]
      [20] istore v5
      [22] aload_1 v1
      [23] iload_2 v2
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.buffer [B]
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.pos I]
      [32] iload v5
      [34] invokestatic #31
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] dup
      [39] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.pos I]
      [42] iload v5
      [44] iadd
      [45] putfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.pos I]
      [48] iload_2 v2
      [49] iload v5
      [51] iadd
      [52] istore_2 v2
      [53] iload_3 v3
      [54] iload v5
      [56] isub
      [57] istore_3 v3
      [58] aload_0 v0
      [59] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.pos I]
      [62] aload_0 v0
      [63] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.blockSize I]
      [66] ificmplt +7 (target=73)
      [69] aload_0 v0
      [70] invokespecial #24
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.writeBlock ()V]
      [73] iload_3 v3
      [74] ifgt -71 (target=3)
      [77] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 11)
        [0] -> line 107
        [3] -> line 109
        [14] -> line 110
        [22] -> line 112
        [37] -> line 113
        [48] -> line 114
        [53] -> line 115
        [58] -> line 117
        [69] -> line 118
        [73] -> line 107
        [77] -> line 120
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 78 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream; this]
        v1: 0 -> 78 [[B src]
        v2: 0 -> 78 [I off]
        v3: 0 -> 78 [I len]
        v4: 14 -> 73 [I avail]
        v5: 22 -> 73 [I copy]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       writePlain([BII)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void writePlain(byte[],int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 25, locals = 4, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.pos I]
      [4] ifeq +13 (target=17)
      [7] new #7
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [10] dup
      [11] ldc #2
        + String [Cannot write plain since crypto buffer is not aligned.]
      [13] invokespecial #25
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [16] athrow
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] aload_1 v1
      [19] iload_2 v2
      [20] iload_3 v3
      [21] invokespecial #23
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.internal_write ([BII)V]
      [24] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 138
        [7] -> line 139
        [17] -> line 140
        [24] -> line 141
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 25 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream; this]
        v1: 0 -> 25 [[B b]
        v2: 0 -> 25 [I off]
        v3: 0 -> 25 [I len]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.DES extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher]

Constant Pool (count = 217):
  + Integer [-2147483648]
  + Integer [-2147483616]
  + Integer [-2147450880]
  + Integer [-2147450848]
  + Integer [-2146435072]
  + Integer [-2146435040]
  + Integer [-2146402304]
  + Integer [-2146402272]
  + Integer [-1431655766]
  + Integer [32768]
  + Integer [32800]
  + Integer [65535]
  + Integer [65536]
  + Integer [65540]
  + Integer [66560]
  + Integer [66564]
  + Integer [131072]
  + Integer [131080]
  + Integer [131584]
  + Integer [131592]
  + Integer [258048]
  + Integer [262144]
  + Integer [262208]
  + Integer [266240]
  + Integer [266304]
  + Integer [524288]
  + Integer [524544]
  + Integer [1048576]
  + Integer [1048608]
  + Integer [1081344]
  + Integer [1081376]
  + Integer [2097152]
  + Integer [2097154]
  + Integer [2099200]
  + Integer [2099202]
  + Integer [4194304]
  + Integer [4194320]
  + Integer [4210688]
  + Integer [4210704]
  + Integer [8388608]
  + Integer [8388609]
  + Integer [8388736]
  + Integer [8388737]
  + Integer [8396800]
  + Integer [8396801]
  + Integer [8396928]
  + Integer [8396929]
  + Integer [16515072]
  + Integer [16711935]
  + Integer [16777216]
  + Integer [16777220]
  + Integer [16778240]
  + Integer [16778244]
  + Integer [16842752]
  + Integer [16842756]
  + Integer [16843776]
  + Integer [16843780]
  + Integer [33554432]
  + Integer [33554688]
  + Integer [34078720]
  + Integer [34078976]
  + Integer [67108864]
  + Integer [67108866]
  + Integer [67110912]
  + Integer [67110914]
  + Integer [69206016]
  + Integer [69206018]
  + Integer [69208064]
  + Integer [69208066]
  + Integer [134217728]
  + Integer [134217736]
  + Integer [134218240]
  + Integer [134218248]
  + Integer [134348800]
  + Integer [134348808]
  + Integer [134349312]
  + Integer [134349320]
  + Integer [252645135]
  + Integer [268435456]
  + Integer [268435520]
  + Integer [268439552]
  + Integer [268439616]
  + Integer [268697600]
  + Integer [268697664]
  + Integer [268701696]
  + Integer [268701760]
  + Integer [536870912]
  + Integer [536870928]
  + Integer [536887296]
  + Integer [536887312]
  + Integer [541065216]
  + Integer [541065232]
  + Integer [541081600]
  + Integer [541081616]
  + Integer [858993459]
  + Integer [1073741824]
  + Integer [1073742080]
  + Integer [1074266112]
  + Integer [1074266368]
  + Integer [1107296256]
  + Integer [1107296512]
  + Integer [1107820544]
  + Integer [1107820800]
  + String [DES engine not initialised!]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES]
  + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.Df_Key [S]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.SP1 [I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.SP2 [I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.SP3 [I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.SP4 [I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.SP5 [I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.SP6 [I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.SP7 [I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.SP8 [I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.bigbyte [I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.bytebit [S]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.pc1 [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.pc2 [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.totrot [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.workingKey [I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.desFunc ([I[BI[BI)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.generateWorkingKey (Z[BI)[I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalStateException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [Df_Key [S]
  + NameAndType [SP1 [I]
  + NameAndType [SP2 [I]
  + NameAndType [SP3 [I]
  + NameAndType [SP4 [I]
  + NameAndType [SP5 [I]
  + NameAndType [SP6 [I]
  + NameAndType [SP7 [I]
  + NameAndType [SP8 [I]
  + NameAndType [bigbyte [I]
  + NameAndType [bytebit [S]
  + NameAndType [desFunc ([I[BI[BI)V]
  + NameAndType [generateWorkingKey (Z[BI)[I]
  + NameAndType [pc1 [B]
  + NameAndType [pc2 [B]
  + NameAndType [totrot [B]
  + NameAndType [workingKey [I]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z[B)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z[BI)[I]
  + Utf8 [([BI[BI)V]
  + Utf8 [([I[BI[BI)V]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [DES engine not initialised!]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Df_Key]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SP1]
  + Utf8 [SP2]
  + Utf8 [SP3]
  + Utf8 [SP4]
  + Utf8 [SP5]
  + Utf8 [SP6]
  + Utf8 [SP7]
  + Utf8 [SP8]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [[I]
  + Utf8 [[S]
  + Utf8 [[Z]
  + Utf8 [bigbyte]
  + Utf8 [bytebit]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES]
  + Utf8 [desFunc]
  + Utf8 [encrypting]
  + Utf8 [fval]
  + Utf8 [generateWorkingKey]
  + Utf8 [getBlockSize]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [i1]
  + Utf8 [i2]
  + Utf8 [in]
  + Utf8 [inOff]
  + Utf8 [init]
  + Utf8 [j]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [key]
  + Utf8 [l]
  + Utf8 [left]
  + Utf8 [m]
  + Utf8 [n]
  + Utf8 [newKey]
  + Utf8 [off]
  + Utf8 [out]
  + Utf8 [outOff]
  + Utf8 [pc1]
  + Utf8 [pc1m]
  + Utf8 [pc2]
  + Utf8 [pcr]
  + Utf8 [right]
  + Utf8 [round]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [totrot]
  + Utf8 [transformBlock]
  + Utf8 [wKey]
  + Utf8 [work]
  + Utf8 [workingKey]

Fields (count = 15):
  + Field:        workingKey [I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int[] workingKey
  + Field:        Df_Key [S
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static short[] Df_Key
  + Field:        bytebit [S
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static short[] bytebit
  + Field:        bigbyte [I
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static int[] bigbyte
  + Field:        pc1 [B
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static byte[] pc1
  + Field:        totrot [B
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static byte[] totrot
  + Field:        pc2 [B
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static byte[] pc2
  + Field:        SP1 [I
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static int[] SP1
  + Field:        SP2 [I
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static int[] SP2
  + Field:        SP3 [I
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static int[] SP3
  + Field:        SP4 [I
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static int[] SP4
  + Field:        SP5 [I
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static int[] SP5
  + Field:        SP6 [I
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static int[] SP6
  + Field:        SP7 [I
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static int[] SP7
  + Field:        SP8 [I
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static int[] SP8

Methods (count = 7):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 4000, locals = 0, stack = 4):
      [0] bipush 24
      [2] newarray 9
      [4] dup
      [5] iconst_0
      [6] iconst_1
      [7] sastore
      [8] dup
      [9] iconst_1
      [10] bipush 35
      [12] sastore
      [13] dup
      [14] iconst_2
      [15] bipush 69
      [17] sastore
      [18] dup
      [19] iconst_3
      [20] bipush 103
      [22] sastore
      [23] dup
      [24] iconst_4
      [25] sipush 137
      [28] sastore
      [29] dup
      [30] iconst_5
      [31] sipush 171
      [34] sastore
      [35] dup
      [36] bipush 6
      [38] sipush 205
      [41] sastore
      [42] dup
      [43] bipush 7
      [45] sipush 239
      [48] sastore
      [49] dup
      [50] bipush 8
      [52] sipush 254
      [55] sastore
      [56] dup
      [57] bipush 9
      [59] sipush 220
      [62] sastore
      [63] dup
      [64] bipush 10
      [66] sipush 186
      [69] sastore
      [70] dup
      [71] bipush 11
      [73] sipush 152
      [76] sastore
      [77] dup
      [78] bipush 12
      [80] bipush 118
      [82] sastore
      [83] dup
      [84] bipush 13
      [86] bipush 84
      [88] sastore
      [89] dup
      [90] bipush 14
      [92] bipush 50
      [94] sastore
      [95] dup
      [96] bipush 15
      [98] bipush 16
      [100] sastore
      [101] dup
      [102] bipush 16
      [104] sipush 137
      [107] sastore
      [108] dup
      [109] bipush 17
      [111] sipush 171
      [114] sastore
      [115] dup
      [116] bipush 18
      [118] sipush 205
      [121] sastore
      [122] dup
      [123] bipush 19
      [125] sipush 239
      [128] sastore
      [129] dup
      [130] bipush 20
      [132] iconst_1
      [133] sastore
      [134] dup
      [135] bipush 21
      [137] bipush 35
      [139] sastore
      [140] dup
      [141] bipush 22
      [143] bipush 69
      [145] sastore
      [146] dup
      [147] bipush 23
      [149] bipush 103
      [151] sastore
      [152] putstatic #109
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.Df_Key [S]
      [155] bipush 8
      [157] newarray 9
      [159] dup
      [160] iconst_0
      [161] sipush 128
      [164] sastore
      [165] dup
      [166] iconst_1
      [167] bipush 64
      [169] sastore
      [170] dup
      [171] iconst_2
      [172] bipush 32
      [174] sastore
      [175] dup
      [176] iconst_3
      [177] bipush 16
      [179] sastore
      [180] dup
      [181] iconst_4
      [182] bipush 8
      [184] sastore
      [185] dup
      [186] iconst_5
      [187] iconst_4
      [188] sastore
      [189] dup
      [190] bipush 6
      [192] iconst_2
      [193] sastore
      [194] dup
      [195] bipush 7
      [197] iconst_1
      [198] sastore
      [199] putstatic #119
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.bytebit [S]
      [202] bipush 24
      [204] newarray 10
      [206] dup
      [207] iconst_0
      [208] ldc #40
        + Integer [8388608]
      [210] iastore
      [211] dup
      [212] iconst_1
      [213] ldc #36
        + Integer [4194304]
      [215] iastore
      [216] dup
      [217] iconst_2
      [218] ldc #32
        + Integer [2097152]
      [220] iastore
      [221] dup
      [222] iconst_3
      [223] ldc #28
        + Integer [1048576]
      [225] iastore
      [226] dup
      [227] iconst_4
      [228] ldc #26
        + Integer [524288]
      [230] iastore
      [231] dup
      [232] iconst_5
      [233] ldc #22
        + Integer [262144]
      [235] iastore
      [236] dup
      [237] bipush 6
      [239] ldc #17
        + Integer [131072]
      [241] iastore
      [242] dup
      [243] bipush 7
      [245] ldc #13
        + Integer [65536]
      [247] iastore
      [248] dup
      [249] bipush 8
      [251] ldc #10
        + Integer [32768]
      [253] iastore
      [254] dup
      [255] bipush 9
      [257] sipush 16384
      [260] iastore
      [261] dup
      [262] bipush 10
      [264] sipush 8192
      [267] iastore
      [268] dup
      [269] bipush 11
      [271] sipush 4096
      [274] iastore
      [275] dup
      [276] bipush 12
      [278] sipush 2048
      [281] iastore
      [282] dup
      [283] bipush 13
      [285] sipush 1024
      [288] iastore
      [289] dup
      [290] bipush 14
      [292] sipush 512
      [295] iastore
      [296] dup
      [297] bipush 15
      [299] sipush 256
      [302] iastore
      [303] dup
      [304] bipush 16
      [306] sipush 128
      [309] iastore
      [310] dup
      [311] bipush 17
      [313] bipush 64
      [315] iastore
      [316] dup
      [317] bipush 18
      [319] bipush 32
      [321] iastore
      [322] dup
      [323] bipush 19
      [325] bipush 16
      [327] iastore
      [328] dup
      [329] bipush 20
      [331] bipush 8
      [333] iastore
      [334] dup
      [335] bipush 21
      [337] iconst_4
      [338] iastore
      [339] dup
      [340] bipush 22
      [342] iconst_2
      [343] iastore
      [344] dup
      [345] bipush 23
      [347] iconst_1
      [348] iastore
      [349] putstatic #118
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.bigbyte [I]
      [352] bipush 56
      [354] newarray 8
      [356] dup
      [357] iconst_0
      [358] bipush 56
      [360] bastore
      [361] dup
      [362] iconst_1
      [363] bipush 48
      [365] bastore
      [366] dup
      [367] iconst_2
      [368] bipush 40
      [370] bastore
      [371] dup
      [372] iconst_3
      [373] bipush 32
      [375] bastore
      [376] dup
      [377] iconst_4
      [378] bipush 24
      [380] bastore
      [381] dup
      [382] iconst_5
      [383] bipush 16
      [385] bastore
      [386] dup
      [387] bipush 6
      [389] bipush 8
      [391] bastore
      [392] dup
      [393] bipush 8
      [395] bipush 57
      [397] bastore
      [398] dup
      [399] bipush 9
      [401] bipush 49
      [403] bastore
      [404] dup
      [405] bipush 10
      [407] bipush 41
      [409] bastore
      [410] dup
      [411] bipush 11
      [413] bipush 33
      [415] bastore
      [416] dup
      [417] bipush 12
      [419] bipush 25
      [421] bastore
      [422] dup
      [423] bipush 13
      [425] bipush 17
      [427] bastore
      [428] dup
      [429] bipush 14
      [431] bipush 9
      [433] bastore
      [434] dup
      [435] bipush 15
      [437] iconst_1
      [438] bastore
      [439] dup
      [440] bipush 16
      [442] bipush 58
      [444] bastore
      [445] dup
      [446] bipush 17
      [448] bipush 50
      [450] bastore
      [451] dup
      [452] bipush 18
      [454] bipush 42
      [456] bastore
      [457] dup
      [458] bipush 19
      [460] bipush 34
      [462] bastore
      [463] dup
      [464] bipush 20
      [466] bipush 26
      [468] bastore
      [469] dup
      [470] bipush 21
      [472] bipush 18
      [474] bastore
      [475] dup
      [476] bipush 22
      [478] bipush 10
      [480] bastore
      [481] dup
      [482] bipush 23
      [484] iconst_2
      [485] bastore
      [486] dup
      [487] bipush 24
      [489] bipush 59
      [491] bastore
      [492] dup
      [493] bipush 25
      [495] bipush 51
      [497] bastore
      [498] dup
      [499] bipush 26
      [501] bipush 43
      [503] bastore
      [504] dup
      [505] bipush 27
      [507] bipush 35
      [509] bastore
      [510] dup
      [511] bipush 28
      [513] bipush 62
      [515] bastore
      [516] dup
      [517] bipush 29
      [519] bipush 54
      [521] bastore
      [522] dup
      [523] bipush 30
      [525] bipush 46
      [527] bastore
      [528] dup
      [529] bipush 31
      [531] bipush 38
      [533] bastore
      [534] dup
      [535] bipush 32
      [537] bipush 30
      [539] bastore
      [540] dup
      [541] bipush 33
      [543] bipush 22
      [545] bastore
      [546] dup
      [547] bipush 34
      [549] bipush 14
      [551] bastore
      [552] dup
      [553] bipush 35
      [555] bipush 6
      [557] bastore
      [558] dup
      [559] bipush 36
      [561] bipush 61
      [563] bastore
      [564] dup
      [565] bipush 37
      [567] bipush 53
      [569] bastore
      [570] dup
      [571] bipush 38
      [573] bipush 45
      [575] bastore
      [576] dup
      [577] bipush 39
      [579] bipush 37
      [581] bastore
      [582] dup
      [583] bipush 40
      [585] bipush 29
      [587] bastore
      [588] dup
      [589] bipush 41
      [591] bipush 21
      [593] bastore
      [594] dup
      [595] bipush 42
      [597] bipush 13
      [599] bastore
      [600] dup
      [601] bipush 43
      [603] iconst_5
      [604] bastore
      [605] dup
      [606] bipush 44
      [608] bipush 60
      [610] bastore
      [611] dup
      [612] bipush 45
      [614] bipush 52
      [616] bastore
      [617] dup
      [618] bipush 46
      [620] bipush 44
      [622] bastore
      [623] dup
      [624] bipush 47
      [626] bipush 36
      [628] bastore
      [629] dup
      [630] bipush 48
      [632] bipush 28
      [634] bastore
      [635] dup
      [636] bipush 49
      [638] bipush 20
      [640] bastore
      [641] dup
      [642] bipush 50
      [644] bipush 12
      [646] bastore
      [647] dup
      [648] bipush 51
      [650] iconst_4
      [651] bastore
      [652] dup
      [653] bipush 52
      [655] bipush 27
      [657] bastore
      [658] dup
      [659] bipush 53
      [661] bipush 19
      [663] bastore
      [664] dup
      [665] bipush 54
      [667] bipush 11
      [669] bastore
      [670] dup
      [671] bipush 55
      [673] iconst_3
      [674] bastore
      [675] putstatic #120
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.pc1 [B]
      [678] bipush 16
      [680] newarray 8
      [682] dup
      [683] iconst_0
      [684] iconst_1
      [685] bastore
      [686] dup
      [687] iconst_1
      [688] iconst_2
      [689] bastore
      [690] dup
      [691] iconst_2
      [692] iconst_4
      [693] bastore
      [694] dup
      [695] iconst_3
      [696] bipush 6
      [698] bastore
      [699] dup
      [700] iconst_4
      [701] bipush 8
      [703] bastore
      [704] dup
      [705] iconst_5
      [706] bipush 10
      [708] bastore
      [709] dup
      [710] bipush 6
      [712] bipush 12
      [714] bastore
      [715] dup
      [716] bipush 7
      [718] bipush 14
      [720] bastore
      [721] dup
      [722] bipush 8
      [724] bipush 15
      [726] bastore
      [727] dup
      [728] bipush 9
      [730] bipush 17
      [732] bastore
      [733] dup
      [734] bipush 10
      [736] bipush 19
      [738] bastore
      [739] dup
      [740] bipush 11
      [742] bipush 21
      [744] bastore
      [745] dup
      [746] bipush 12
      [748] bipush 23
      [750] bastore
      [751] dup
      [752] bipush 13
      [754] bipush 25
      [756] bastore
      [757] dup
      [758] bipush 14
      [760] bipush 27
      [762] bastore
      [763] dup
      [764] bipush 15
      [766] bipush 28
      [768] bastore
      [769] putstatic #122
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.totrot [B]
      [772] bipush 48
      [774] newarray 8
      [776] dup
      [777] iconst_0
      [778] bipush 13
      [780] bastore
      [781] dup
      [782] iconst_1
      [783] bipush 16
      [785] bastore
      [786] dup
      [787] iconst_2
      [788] bipush 10
      [790] bastore
      [791] dup
      [792] iconst_3
      [793] bipush 23
      [795] bastore
      [796] dup
      [797] iconst_5
      [798] iconst_4
      [799] bastore
      [800] dup
      [801] bipush 6
      [803] iconst_2
      [804] bastore
      [805] dup
      [806] bipush 7
      [808] bipush 27
      [810] bastore
      [811] dup
      [812] bipush 8
      [814] bipush 14
      [816] bastore
      [817] dup
      [818] bipush 9
      [820] iconst_5
      [821] bastore
      [822] dup
      [823] bipush 10
      [825] bipush 20
      [827] bastore
      [828] dup
      [829] bipush 11
      [831] bipush 9
      [833] bastore
      [834] dup
      [835] bipush 12
      [837] bipush 22
      [839] bastore
      [840] dup
      [841] bipush 13
      [843] bipush 18
      [845] bastore
      [846] dup
      [847] bipush 14
      [849] bipush 11
      [851] bastore
      [852] dup
      [853] bipush 15
      [855] iconst_3
      [856] bastore
      [857] dup
      [858] bipush 16
      [860] bipush 25
      [862] bastore
      [863] dup
      [864] bipush 17
      [866] bipush 7
      [868] bastore
      [869] dup
      [870] bipush 18
      [872] bipush 15
      [874] bastore
      [875] dup
      [876] bipush 19
      [878] bipush 6
      [880] bastore
      [881] dup
      [882] bipush 20
      [884] bipush 26
      [886] bastore
      [887] dup
      [888] bipush 21
      [890] bipush 19
      [892] bastore
      [893] dup
      [894] bipush 22
      [896] bipush 12
      [898] bastore
      [899] dup
      [900] bipush 23
      [902] iconst_1
      [903] bastore
      [904] dup
      [905] bipush 24
      [907] bipush 40
      [909] bastore
      [910] dup
      [911] bipush 25
      [913] bipush 51
      [915] bastore
      [916] dup
      [917] bipush 26
      [919] bipush 30
      [921] bastore
      [922] dup
      [923] bipush 27
      [925] bipush 36
      [927] bastore
      [928] dup
      [929] bipush 28
      [931] bipush 46
      [933] bastore
      [934] dup
      [935] bipush 29
      [937] bipush 54
      [939] bastore
      [940] dup
      [941] bipush 30
      [943] bipush 29
      [945] bastore
      [946] dup
      [947] bipush 31
      [949] bipush 39
      [951] bastore
      [952] dup
      [953] bipush 32
      [955] bipush 50
      [957] bastore
      [958] dup
      [959] bipush 33
      [961] bipush 44
      [963] bastore
      [964] dup
      [965] bipush 34
      [967] bipush 32
      [969] bastore
      [970] dup
      [971] bipush 35
      [973] bipush 47
      [975] bastore
      [976] dup
      [977] bipush 36
      [979] bipush 43
      [981] bastore
      [982] dup
      [983] bipush 37
      [985] bipush 48
      [987] bastore
      [988] dup
      [989] bipush 38
      [991] bipush 38
      [993] bastore
      [994] dup
      [995] bipush 39
      [997] bipush 55
      [999] bastore
      [1000] dup
      [1001] bipush 40
      [1003] bipush 33
      [1005] bastore
      [1006] dup
      [1007] bipush 41
      [1009] bipush 52
      [1011] bastore
      [1012] dup
      [1013] bipush 42
      [1015] bipush 45
      [1017] bastore
      [1018] dup
      [1019] bipush 43
      [1021] bipush 41
      [1023] bastore
      [1024] dup
      [1025] bipush 44
      [1027] bipush 49
      [1029] bastore
      [1030] dup
      [1031] bipush 45
      [1033] bipush 35
      [1035] bastore
      [1036] dup
      [1037] bipush 46
      [1039] bipush 28
      [1041] bastore
      [1042] dup
      [1043] bipush 47
      [1045] bipush 31
      [1047] bastore
      [1048] putstatic #121
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.pc2 [B]
      [1051] bipush 64
      [1053] newarray 10
      [1055] dup
      [1056] iconst_0
      [1057] ldc #56
        + Integer [16843776]
      [1059] iastore
      [1060] dup
      [1061] iconst_2
      [1062] ldc #13
        + Integer [65536]
      [1064] iastore
      [1065] dup
      [1066] iconst_3
      [1067] ldc #57
        + Integer [16843780]
      [1069] iastore
      [1070] dup
      [1071] iconst_4
      [1072] ldc #55
        + Integer [16842756]
      [1074] iastore
      [1075] dup
      [1076] iconst_5
      [1077] ldc #16
        + Integer [66564]
      [1079] iastore
      [1080] dup
      [1081] bipush 6
      [1083] iconst_4
      [1084] iastore
      [1085] dup
      [1086] bipush 7
      [1088] ldc #13
        + Integer [65536]
      [1090] iastore
      [1091] dup
      [1092] bipush 8
      [1094] sipush 1024
      [1097] iastore
      [1098] dup
      [1099] bipush 9
      [1101] ldc #56
        + Integer [16843776]
      [1103] iastore
      [1104] dup
      [1105] bipush 10
      [1107] ldc #57
        + Integer [16843780]
      [1109] iastore
      [1110] dup
      [1111] bipush 11
      [1113] sipush 1024
      [1116] iastore
      [1117] dup
      [1118] bipush 12
      [1120] ldc #53
        + Integer [16778244]
      [1122] iastore
      [1123] dup
      [1124] bipush 13
      [1126] ldc #55
        + Integer [16842756]
      [1128] iastore
      [1129] dup
      [1130] bipush 14
      [1132] ldc #50
        + Integer [16777216]
      [1134] iastore
      [1135] dup
      [1136] bipush 15
      [1138] iconst_4
      [1139] iastore
      [1140] dup
      [1141] bipush 16
      [1143] sipush 1028
      [1146] iastore
      [1147] dup
      [1148] bipush 17
      [1150] ldc #52
        + Integer [16778240]
      [1152] iastore
      [1153] dup
      [1154] bipush 18
      [1156] ldc #52
        + Integer [16778240]
      [1158] iastore
      [1159] dup
      [1160] bipush 19
      [1162] ldc #15
        + Integer [66560]
      [1164] iastore
      [1165] dup
      [1166] bipush 20
      [1168] ldc #15
        + Integer [66560]
      [1170] iastore
      [1171] dup
      [1172] bipush 21
      [1174] ldc #54
        + Integer [16842752]
      [1176] iastore
      [1177] dup
      [1178] bipush 22
      [1180] ldc #54
        + Integer [16842752]
      [1182] iastore
      [1183] dup
      [1184] bipush 23
      [1186] ldc #53
        + Integer [16778244]
      [1188] iastore
      [1189] dup
      [1190] bipush 24
      [1192] ldc #14
        + Integer [65540]
      [1194] iastore
      [1195] dup
      [1196] bipush 25
      [1198] ldc #51
        + Integer [16777220]
      [1200] iastore
      [1201] dup
      [1202] bipush 26
      [1204] ldc #51
        + Integer [16777220]
      [1206] iastore
      [1207] dup
      [1208] bipush 27
      [1210] ldc #14
        + Integer [65540]
      [1212] iastore
      [1213] dup
      [1214] bipush 29
      [1216] sipush 1028
      [1219] iastore
      [1220] dup
      [1221] bipush 30
      [1223] ldc #16
        + Integer [66564]
      [1225] iastore
      [1226] dup
      [1227] bipush 31
      [1229] ldc #50
        + Integer [16777216]
      [1231] iastore
      [1232] dup
      [1233] bipush 32
      [1235] ldc #13
        + Integer [65536]
      [1237] iastore
      [1238] dup
      [1239] bipush 33
      [1241] ldc #57
        + Integer [16843780]
      [1243] iastore
      [1244] dup
      [1245] bipush 34
      [1247] iconst_4
      [1248] iastore
      [1249] dup
      [1250] bipush 35
      [1252] ldc #54
        + Integer [16842752]
      [1254] iastore
      [1255] dup
      [1256] bipush 36
      [1258] ldc #56
        + Integer [16843776]
      [1260] iastore
      [1261] dup
      [1262] bipush 37
      [1264] ldc #50
        + Integer [16777216]
      [1266] iastore
      [1267] dup
      [1268] bipush 38
      [1270] ldc #50
        + Integer [16777216]
      [1272] iastore
      [1273] dup
      [1274] bipush 39
      [1276] sipush 1024
      [1279] iastore
      [1280] dup
      [1281] bipush 40
      [1283] ldc #55
        + Integer [16842756]
      [1285] iastore
      [1286] dup
      [1287] bipush 41
      [1289] ldc #13
        + Integer [65536]
      [1291] iastore
      [1292] dup
      [1293] bipush 42
      [1295] ldc #15
        + Integer [66560]
      [1297] iastore
      [1298] dup
      [1299] bipush 43
      [1301] ldc #51
        + Integer [16777220]
      [1303] iastore
      [1304] dup
      [1305] bipush 44
      [1307] sipush 1024
      [1310] iastore
      [1311] dup
      [1312] bipush 45
      [1314] iconst_4
      [1315] iastore
      [1316] dup
      [1317] bipush 46
      [1319] ldc #53
        + Integer [16778244]
      [1321] iastore
      [1322] dup
      [1323] bipush 47
      [1325] ldc #16
        + Integer [66564]
      [1327] iastore
      [1328] dup
      [1329] bipush 48
      [1331] ldc #57
        + Integer [16843780]
      [1333] iastore
      [1334] dup
      [1335] bipush 49
      [1337] ldc #14
        + Integer [65540]
      [1339] iastore
      [1340] dup
      [1341] bipush 50
      [1343] ldc #54
        + Integer [16842752]
      [1345] iastore
      [1346] dup
      [1347] bipush 51
      [1349] ldc #53
        + Integer [16778244]
      [1351] iastore
      [1352] dup
      [1353] bipush 52
      [1355] ldc #51
        + Integer [16777220]
      [1357] iastore
      [1358] dup
      [1359] bipush 53
      [1361] sipush 1028
      [1364] iastore
      [1365] dup
      [1366] bipush 54
      [1368] ldc #16
        + Integer [66564]
      [1370] iastore
      [1371] dup
      [1372] bipush 55
      [1374] ldc #56
        + Integer [16843776]
      [1376] iastore
      [1377] dup
      [1378] bipush 56
      [1380] sipush 1028
      [1383] iastore
      [1384] dup
      [1385] bipush 57
      [1387] ldc #52
        + Integer [16778240]
      [1389] iastore
      [1390] dup
      [1391] bipush 58
      [1393] ldc #52
        + Integer [16778240]
      [1395] iastore
      [1396] dup
      [1397] bipush 60
      [1399] ldc #14
        + Integer [65540]
      [1401] iastore
      [1402] dup
      [1403] bipush 61
      [1405] ldc #15
        + Integer [66560]
      [1407] iastore
      [1408] dup
      [1409] bipush 63
      [1411] ldc #55
        + Integer [16842756]
      [1413] iastore
      [1414] putstatic #110
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.SP1 [I]
      [1417] bipush 64
      [1419] newarray 10
      [1421] dup
      [1422] iconst_0
      [1423] ldc #8
        + Integer [-2146402272]
      [1425] iastore
      [1426] dup
      [1427] iconst_1
      [1428] ldc #3
        + Integer [-2147450880]
      [1430] iastore
      [1431] dup
      [1432] iconst_2
      [1433] ldc #10
        + Integer [32768]
      [1435] iastore
      [1436] dup
      [1437] iconst_3
      [1438] ldc #31
        + Integer [1081376]
      [1440] iastore
      [1441] dup
      [1442] iconst_4
      [1443] ldc #28
        + Integer [1048576]
      [1445] iastore
      [1446] dup
      [1447] iconst_5
      [1448] bipush 32
      [1450] iastore
      [1451] dup
      [1452] bipush 6
      [1454] ldc #6
        + Integer [-2146435040]
      [1456] iastore
      [1457] dup
      [1458] bipush 7
      [1460] ldc #4
        + Integer [-2147450848]
      [1462] iastore
      [1463] dup
      [1464] bipush 8
      [1466] ldc #2
        + Integer [-2147483616]
      [1468] iastore
      [1469] dup
      [1470] bipush 9
      [1472] ldc #8
        + Integer [-2146402272]
      [1474] iastore
      [1475] dup
      [1476] bipush 10
      [1478] ldc #7
        + Integer [-2146402304]
      [1480] iastore
      [1481] dup
      [1482] bipush 11
      [1484] ldc #1
        + Integer [-2147483648]
      [1486] iastore
      [1487] dup
      [1488] bipush 12
      [1490] ldc #3
        + Integer [-2147450880]
      [1492] iastore
      [1493] dup
      [1494] bipush 13
      [1496] ldc #28
        + Integer [1048576]
      [1498] iastore
      [1499] dup
      [1500] bipush 14
      [1502] bipush 32
      [1504] iastore
      [1505] dup
      [1506] bipush 15
      [1508] ldc #6
        + Integer [-2146435040]
      [1510] iastore
      [1511] dup
      [1512] bipush 16
      [1514] ldc #30
        + Integer [1081344]
      [1516] iastore
      [1517] dup
      [1518] bipush 17
      [1520] ldc #29
        + Integer [1048608]
      [1522] iastore
      [1523] dup
      [1524] bipush 18
      [1526] ldc #4
        + Integer [-2147450848]
      [1528] iastore
      [1529] dup
      [1530] bipush 20
      [1532] ldc #1
        + Integer [-2147483648]
      [1534] iastore
      [1535] dup
      [1536] bipush 21
      [1538] ldc #10
        + Integer [32768]
      [1540] iastore
      [1541] dup
      [1542] bipush 22
      [1544] ldc #31
        + Integer [1081376]
      [1546] iastore
      [1547] dup
      [1548] bipush 23
      [1550] ldc #5
        + Integer [-2146435072]
      [1552] iastore
      [1553] dup
      [1554] bipush 24
      [1556] ldc #29
        + Integer [1048608]
      [1558] iastore
      [1559] dup
      [1560] bipush 25
      [1562] ldc #2
        + Integer [-2147483616]
      [1564] iastore
      [1565] dup
      [1566] bipush 27
      [1568] ldc #30
        + Integer [1081344]
      [1570] iastore
      [1571] dup
      [1572] bipush 28
      [1574] ldc #11
        + Integer [32800]
      [1576] iastore
      [1577] dup
      [1578] bipush 29
      [1580] ldc #7
        + Integer [-2146402304]
      [1582] iastore
      [1583] dup
      [1584] bipush 30
      [1586] ldc #5
        + Integer [-2146435072]
      [1588] iastore
      [1589] dup
      [1590] bipush 31
      [1592] ldc #11
        + Integer [32800]
      [1594] iastore
      [1595] dup
      [1596] bipush 33
      [1598] ldc #31
        + Integer [1081376]
      [1600] iastore
      [1601] dup
      [1602] bipush 34
      [1604] ldc #6
        + Integer [-2146435040]
      [1606] iastore
      [1607] dup
      [1608] bipush 35
      [1610] ldc #28
        + Integer [1048576]
      [1612] iastore
      [1613] dup
      [1614] bipush 36
      [1616] ldc #4
        + Integer [-2147450848]
      [1618] iastore
      [1619] dup
      [1620] bipush 37
      [1622] ldc #5
        + Integer [-2146435072]
      [1624] iastore
      [1625] dup
      [1626] bipush 38
      [1628] ldc #7
        + Integer [-2146402304]
      [1630] iastore
      [1631] dup
      [1632] bipush 39
      [1634] ldc #10
        + Integer [32768]
      [1636] iastore
      [1637] dup
      [1638] bipush 40
      [1640] ldc #5
        + Integer [-2146435072]
      [1642] iastore
      [1643] dup
      [1644] bipush 41
      [1646] ldc #3
        + Integer [-2147450880]
      [1648] iastore
      [1649] dup
      [1650] bipush 42
      [1652] bipush 32
      [1654] iastore
      [1655] dup
      [1656] bipush 43
      [1658] ldc #8
        + Integer [-2146402272]
      [1660] iastore
      [1661] dup
      [1662] bipush 44
      [1664] ldc #31
        + Integer [1081376]
      [1666] iastore
      [1667] dup
      [1668] bipush 45
      [1670] bipush 32
      [1672] iastore
      [1673] dup
      [1674] bipush 46
      [1676] ldc #10
        + Integer [32768]
      [1678] iastore
      [1679] dup
      [1680] bipush 47
      [1682] ldc #1
        + Integer [-2147483648]
      [1684] iastore
      [1685] dup
      [1686] bipush 48
      [1688] ldc #11
        + Integer [32800]
      [1690] iastore
      [1691] dup
      [1692] bipush 49
      [1694] ldc #7
        + Integer [-2146402304]
      [1696] iastore
      [1697] dup
      [1698] bipush 50
      [1700] ldc #28
        + Integer [1048576]
      [1702] iastore
      [1703] dup
      [1704] bipush 51
      [1706] ldc #2
        + Integer [-2147483616]
      [1708] iastore
      [1709] dup
      [1710] bipush 52
      [1712] ldc #29
        + Integer [1048608]
      [1714] iastore
      [1715] dup
      [1716] bipush 53
      [1718] ldc #4
        + Integer [-2147450848]
      [1720] iastore
      [1721] dup
      [1722] bipush 54
      [1724] ldc #2
        + Integer [-2147483616]
      [1726] iastore
      [1727] dup
      [1728] bipush 55
      [1730] ldc #29
        + Integer [1048608]
      [1732] iastore
      [1733] dup
      [1734] bipush 56
      [1736] ldc #30
        + Integer [1081344]
      [1738] iastore
      [1739] dup
      [1740] bipush 58
      [1742] ldc #3
        + Integer [-2147450880]
      [1744] iastore
      [1745] dup
      [1746] bipush 59
      [1748] ldc #11
        + Integer [32800]
      [1750] iastore
      [1751] dup
      [1752] bipush 60
      [1754] ldc #1
        + Integer [-2147483648]
      [1756] iastore
      [1757] dup
      [1758] bipush 61
      [1760] ldc #6
        + Integer [-2146435040]
      [1762] iastore
      [1763] dup
      [1764] bipush 62
      [1766] ldc #8
        + Integer [-2146402272]
      [1768] iastore
      [1769] dup
      [1770] bipush 63
      [1772] ldc #30
        + Integer [1081344]
      [1774] iastore
      [1775] putstatic #111
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.SP2 [I]
      [1778] bipush 64
      [1780] newarray 10
      [1782] dup
      [1783] iconst_0
      [1784] sipush 520
      [1787] iastore
      [1788] dup
      [1789] iconst_1
      [1790] ldc #76
        + Integer [134349312]
      [1792] iastore
      [1793] dup
      [1794] iconst_3
      [1795] ldc #75
        + Integer [134348808]
      [1797] iastore
      [1798] dup
      [1799] iconst_4
      [1800] ldc #72
        + Integer [134218240]
      [1802] iastore
      [1803] dup
      [1804] bipush 6
      [1806] ldc #20
        + Integer [131592]
      [1808] iastore
      [1809] dup
      [1810] bipush 7
      [1812] ldc #72
        + Integer [134218240]
      [1814] iastore
      [1815] dup
      [1816] bipush 8
      [1818] ldc #18
        + Integer [131080]
      [1820] iastore
      [1821] dup
      [1822] bipush 9
      [1824] ldc #71
        + Integer [134217736]
      [1826] iastore
      [1827] dup
      [1828] bipush 10
      [1830] ldc #71
        + Integer [134217736]
      [1832] iastore
      [1833] dup
      [1834] bipush 11
      [1836] ldc #17
        + Integer [131072]
      [1838] iastore
      [1839] dup
      [1840] bipush 12
      [1842] ldc #77
        + Integer [134349320]
      [1844] iastore
      [1845] dup
      [1846] bipush 13
      [1848] ldc #18
        + Integer [131080]
      [1850] iastore
      [1851] dup
      [1852] bipush 14
      [1854] ldc #74
        + Integer [134348800]
      [1856] iastore
      [1857] dup
      [1858] bipush 15
      [1860] sipush 520
      [1863] iastore
      [1864] dup
      [1865] bipush 16
      [1867] ldc #70
        + Integer [134217728]
      [1869] iastore
      [1870] dup
      [1871] bipush 17
      [1873] bipush 8
      [1875] iastore
      [1876] dup
      [1877] bipush 18
      [1879] ldc #76
        + Integer [134349312]
      [1881] iastore
      [1882] dup
      [1883] bipush 19
      [1885] sipush 512
      [1888] iastore
      [1889] dup
      [1890] bipush 20
      [1892] ldc #19
        + Integer [131584]
      [1894] iastore
      [1895] dup
      [1896] bipush 21
      [1898] ldc #74
        + Integer [134348800]
      [1900] iastore
      [1901] dup
      [1902] bipush 22
      [1904] ldc #75
        + Integer [134348808]
      [1906] iastore
      [1907] dup
      [1908] bipush 23
      [1910] ldc #20
        + Integer [131592]
      [1912] iastore
      [1913] dup
      [1914] bipush 24
      [1916] ldc #73
        + Integer [134218248]
      [1918] iastore
      [1919] dup
      [1920] bipush 25
      [1922] ldc #19
        + Integer [131584]
      [1924] iastore
      [1925] dup
      [1926] bipush 26
      [1928] ldc #17
        + Integer [131072]
      [1930] iastore
      [1931] dup
      [1932] bipush 27
      [1934] ldc #73
        + Integer [134218248]
      [1936] iastore
      [1937] dup
      [1938] bipush 28
      [1940] bipush 8
      [1942] iastore
      [1943] dup
      [1944] bipush 29
      [1946] ldc #77
        + Integer [134349320]
      [1948] iastore
      [1949] dup
      [1950] bipush 30
      [1952] sipush 512
      [1955] iastore
      [1956] dup
      [1957] bipush 31
      [1959] ldc #70
        + Integer [134217728]
      [1961] iastore
      [1962] dup
      [1963] bipush 32
      [1965] ldc #76
        + Integer [134349312]
      [1967] iastore
      [1968] dup
      [1969] bipush 33
      [1971] ldc #70
        + Integer [134217728]
      [1973] iastore
      [1974] dup
      [1975] bipush 34
      [1977] ldc #18
        + Integer [131080]
      [1979] iastore
      [1980] dup
      [1981] bipush 35
      [1983] sipush 520
      [1986] iastore
      [1987] dup
      [1988] bipush 36
      [1990] ldc #17
        + Integer [131072]
      [1992] iastore
      [1993] dup
      [1994] bipush 37
      [1996] ldc #76
        + Integer [134349312]
      [1998] iastore
      [1999] dup
      [2000] bipush 38
      [2002] ldc #72
        + Integer [134218240]
      [2004] iastore
      [2005] dup
      [2006] bipush 40
      [2008] sipush 512
      [2011] iastore
      [2012] dup
      [2013] bipush 41
      [2015] ldc #18
        + Integer [131080]
      [2017] iastore
      [2018] dup
      [2019] bipush 42
      [2021] ldc #77
        + Integer [134349320]
      [2023] iastore
      [2024] dup
      [2025] bipush 43
      [2027] ldc #72
        + Integer [134218240]
      [2029] iastore
      [2030] dup
      [2031] bipush 44
      [2033] ldc #71
        + Integer [134217736]
      [2035] iastore
      [2036] dup
      [2037] bipush 45
      [2039] sipush 512
      [2042] iastore
      [2043] dup
      [2044] bipush 47
      [2046] ldc #75
        + Integer [134348808]
      [2048] iastore
      [2049] dup
      [2050] bipush 48
      [2052] ldc #73
        + Integer [134218248]
      [2054] iastore
      [2055] dup
      [2056] bipush 49
      [2058] ldc #17
        + Integer [131072]
      [2060] iastore
      [2061] dup
      [2062] bipush 50
      [2064] ldc #70
        + Integer [134217728]
      [2066] iastore
      [2067] dup
      [2068] bipush 51
      [2070] ldc #77
        + Integer [134349320]
      [2072] iastore
      [2073] dup
      [2074] bipush 52
      [2076] bipush 8
      [2078] iastore
      [2079] dup
      [2080] bipush 53
      [2082] ldc #20
        + Integer [131592]
      [2084] iastore
      [2085] dup
      [2086] bipush 54
      [2088] ldc #19
        + Integer [131584]
      [2090] iastore
      [2091] dup
      [2092] bipush 55
      [2094] ldc #71
        + Integer [134217736]
      [2096] iastore
      [2097] dup
      [2098] bipush 56
      [2100] ldc #74
        + Integer [134348800]
      [2102] iastore
      [2103] dup
      [2104] bipush 57
      [2106] ldc #73
        + Integer [134218248]
      [2108] iastore
      [2109] dup
      [2110] bipush 58
      [2112] sipush 520
      [2115] iastore
      [2116] dup
      [2117] bipush 59
      [2119] ldc #74
        + Integer [134348800]
      [2121] iastore
      [2122] dup
      [2123] bipush 60
      [2125] ldc #20
        + Integer [131592]
      [2127] iastore
      [2128] dup
      [2129] bipush 61
      [2131] bipush 8
      [2133] iastore
      [2134] dup
      [2135] bipush 62
      [2137] ldc #75
        + Integer [134348808]
      [2139] iastore
      [2140] dup
      [2141] bipush 63
      [2143] ldc #19
        + Integer [131584]
      [2145] iastore
      [2146] putstatic #112
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.SP3 [I]
      [2149] bipush 64
      [2151] newarray 10
      [2153] dup
      [2154] iconst_0
      [2155] ldc #45
        + Integer [8396801]
      [2157] iastore
      [2158] dup
      [2159] iconst_1
      [2160] sipush 8321
      [2163] iastore
      [2164] dup
      [2165] iconst_2
      [2166] sipush 8321
      [2169] iastore
      [2170] dup
      [2171] iconst_3
      [2172] sipush 128
      [2175] iastore
      [2176] dup
      [2177] iconst_4
      [2178] ldc #46
        + Integer [8396928]
      [2180] iastore
      [2181] dup
      [2182] iconst_5
      [2183] ldc #43
        + Integer [8388737]
      [2185] iastore
      [2186] dup
      [2187] bipush 6
      [2189] ldc #41
        + Integer [8388609]
      [2191] iastore
      [2192] dup
      [2193] bipush 7
      [2195] sipush 8193
      [2198] iastore
      [2199] dup
      [2200] bipush 9
      [2202] ldc #44
        + Integer [8396800]
      [2204] iastore
      [2205] dup
      [2206] bipush 10
      [2208] ldc #44
        + Integer [8396800]
      [2210] iastore
      [2211] dup
      [2212] bipush 11
      [2214] ldc #47
        + Integer [8396929]
      [2216] iastore
      [2217] dup
      [2218] bipush 12
      [2220] sipush 129
      [2223] iastore
      [2224] dup
      [2225] bipush 14
      [2227] ldc #42
        + Integer [8388736]
      [2229] iastore
      [2230] dup
      [2231] bipush 15
      [2233] ldc #41
        + Integer [8388609]
      [2235] iastore
      [2236] dup
      [2237] bipush 16
      [2239] iconst_1
      [2240] iastore
      [2241] dup
      [2242] bipush 17
      [2244] sipush 8192
      [2247] iastore
      [2248] dup
      [2249] bipush 18
      [2251] ldc #40
        + Integer [8388608]
      [2253] iastore
      [2254] dup
      [2255] bipush 19
      [2257] ldc #45
        + Integer [8396801]
      [2259] iastore
      [2260] dup
      [2261] bipush 20
      [2263] sipush 128
      [2266] iastore
      [2267] dup
      [2268] bipush 21
      [2270] ldc #40
        + Integer [8388608]
      [2272] iastore
      [2273] dup
      [2274] bipush 22
      [2276] sipush 8193
      [2279] iastore
      [2280] dup
      [2281] bipush 23
      [2283] sipush 8320
      [2286] iastore
      [2287] dup
      [2288] bipush 24
      [2290] ldc #43
        + Integer [8388737]
      [2292] iastore
      [2293] dup
      [2294] bipush 25
      [2296] iconst_1
      [2297] iastore
      [2298] dup
      [2299] bipush 26
      [2301] sipush 8320
      [2304] iastore
      [2305] dup
      [2306] bipush 27
      [2308] ldc #42
        + Integer [8388736]
      [2310] iastore
      [2311] dup
      [2312] bipush 28
      [2314] sipush 8192
      [2317] iastore
      [2318] dup
      [2319] bipush 29
      [2321] ldc #46
        + Integer [8396928]
      [2323] iastore
      [2324] dup
      [2325] bipush 30
      [2327] ldc #47
        + Integer [8396929]
      [2329] iastore
      [2330] dup
      [2331] bipush 31
      [2333] sipush 129
      [2336] iastore
      [2337] dup
      [2338] bipush 32
      [2340] ldc #42
        + Integer [8388736]
      [2342] iastore
      [2343] dup
      [2344] bipush 33
      [2346] ldc #41
        + Integer [8388609]
      [2348] iastore
      [2349] dup
      [2350] bipush 34
      [2352] ldc #44
        + Integer [8396800]
      [2354] iastore
      [2355] dup
      [2356] bipush 35
      [2358] ldc #47
        + Integer [8396929]
      [2360] iastore
      [2361] dup
      [2362] bipush 36
      [2364] sipush 129
      [2367] iastore
      [2368] dup
      [2369] bipush 39
      [2371] ldc #44
        + Integer [8396800]
      [2373] iastore
      [2374] dup
      [2375] bipush 40
      [2377] sipush 8320
      [2380] iastore
      [2381] dup
      [2382] bipush 41
      [2384] ldc #42
        + Integer [8388736]
      [2386] iastore
      [2387] dup
      [2388] bipush 42
      [2390] ldc #43
        + Integer [8388737]
      [2392] iastore
      [2393] dup
      [2394] bipush 43
      [2396] iconst_1
      [2397] iastore
      [2398] dup
      [2399] bipush 44
      [2401] ldc #45
        + Integer [8396801]
      [2403] iastore
      [2404] dup
      [2405] bipush 45
      [2407] sipush 8321
      [2410] iastore
      [2411] dup
      [2412] bipush 46
      [2414] sipush 8321
      [2417] iastore
      [2418] dup
      [2419] bipush 47
      [2421] sipush 128
      [2424] iastore
      [2425] dup
      [2426] bipush 48
      [2428] ldc #47
        + Integer [8396929]
      [2430] iastore
      [2431] dup
      [2432] bipush 49
      [2434] sipush 129
      [2437] iastore
      [2438] dup
      [2439] bipush 50
      [2441] iconst_1
      [2442] iastore
      [2443] dup
      [2444] bipush 51
      [2446] sipush 8192
      [2449] iastore
      [2450] dup
      [2451] bipush 52
      [2453] ldc #41
        + Integer [8388609]
      [2455] iastore
      [2456] dup
      [2457] bipush 53
      [2459] sipush 8193
      [2462] iastore
      [2463] dup
      [2464] bipush 54
      [2466] ldc #46
        + Integer [8396928]
      [2468] iastore
      [2469] dup
      [2470] bipush 55
      [2472] ldc #43
        + Integer [8388737]
      [2474] iastore
      [2475] dup
      [2476] bipush 56
      [2478] sipush 8193
      [2481] iastore
      [2482] dup
      [2483] bipush 57
      [2485] sipush 8320
      [2488] iastore
      [2489] dup
      [2490] bipush 58
      [2492] ldc #40
        + Integer [8388608]
      [2494] iastore
      [2495] dup
      [2496] bipush 59
      [2498] ldc #45
        + Integer [8396801]
      [2500] iastore
      [2501] dup
      [2502] bipush 60
      [2504] sipush 128
      [2507] iastore
      [2508] dup
      [2509] bipush 61
      [2511] ldc #40
        + Integer [8388608]
      [2513] iastore
      [2514] dup
      [2515] bipush 62
      [2517] sipush 8192
      [2520] iastore
      [2521] dup
      [2522] bipush 63
      [2524] ldc #46
        + Integer [8396928]
      [2526] iastore
      [2527] putstatic #113
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.SP4 [I]
      [2530] bipush 64
      [2532] newarray 10
      [2534] dup
      [2535] iconst_0
      [2536] sipush 256
      [2539] iastore
      [2540] dup
      [2541] iconst_1
      [2542] ldc #61
        + Integer [34078976]
      [2544] iastore
      [2545] dup
      [2546] iconst_2
      [2547] ldc #60
        + Integer [34078720]
      [2549] iastore
      [2550] dup
      [2551] iconst_3
      [2552] ldc #101
        + Integer [1107296512]
      [2554] iastore
      [2555] dup
      [2556] iconst_4
      [2557] ldc #26
        + Integer [524288]
      [2559] iastore
      [2560] dup
      [2561] iconst_5
      [2562] sipush 256
      [2565] iastore
      [2566] dup
      [2567] bipush 6
      [2569] ldc #96
        + Integer [1073741824]
      [2571] iastore
      [2572] dup
      [2573] bipush 7
      [2575] ldc #60
        + Integer [34078720]
      [2577] iastore
      [2578] dup
      [2579] bipush 8
      [2581] ldc #99
        + Integer [1074266368]
      [2583] iastore
      [2584] dup
      [2585] bipush 9
      [2587] ldc #26
        + Integer [524288]
      [2589] iastore
      [2590] dup
      [2591] bipush 10
      [2593] ldc #59
        + Integer [33554688]
      [2595] iastore
      [2596] dup
      [2597] bipush 11
      [2599] ldc #99
        + Integer [1074266368]
      [2601] iastore
      [2602] dup
      [2603] bipush 12
      [2605] ldc #101
        + Integer [1107296512]
      [2607] iastore
      [2608] dup
      [2609] bipush 13
      [2611] ldc #102
        + Integer [1107820544]
      [2613] iastore
      [2614] dup
      [2615] bipush 14
      [2617] ldc #27
        + Integer [524544]
      [2619] iastore
      [2620] dup
      [2621] bipush 15
      [2623] ldc #96
        + Integer [1073741824]
      [2625] iastore
      [2626] dup
      [2627] bipush 16
      [2629] ldc #58
        + Integer [33554432]
      [2631] iastore
      [2632] dup
      [2633] bipush 17
      [2635] ldc #98
        + Integer [1074266112]
      [2637] iastore
      [2638] dup
      [2639] bipush 18
      [2641] ldc #98
        + Integer [1074266112]
      [2643] iastore
      [2644] dup
      [2645] bipush 20
      [2647] ldc #97
        + Integer [1073742080]
      [2649] iastore
      [2650] dup
      [2651] bipush 21
      [2653] ldc #103
        + Integer [1107820800]
      [2655] iastore
      [2656] dup
      [2657] bipush 22
      [2659] ldc #103
        + Integer [1107820800]
      [2661] iastore
      [2662] dup
      [2663] bipush 23
      [2665] ldc #59
        + Integer [33554688]
      [2667] iastore
      [2668] dup
      [2669] bipush 24
      [2671] ldc #102
        + Integer [1107820544]
      [2673] iastore
      [2674] dup
      [2675] bipush 25
      [2677] ldc #97
        + Integer [1073742080]
      [2679] iastore
      [2680] dup
      [2681] bipush 27
      [2683] ldc #100
        + Integer [1107296256]
      [2685] iastore
      [2686] dup
      [2687] bipush 28
      [2689] ldc #61
        + Integer [34078976]
      [2691] iastore
      [2692] dup
      [2693] bipush 29
      [2695] ldc #58
        + Integer [33554432]
      [2697] iastore
      [2698] dup
      [2699] bipush 30
      [2701] ldc #100
        + Integer [1107296256]
      [2703] iastore
      [2704] dup
      [2705] bipush 31
      [2707] ldc #27
        + Integer [524544]
      [2709] iastore
      [2710] dup
      [2711] bipush 32
      [2713] ldc #26
        + Integer [524288]
      [2715] iastore
      [2716] dup
      [2717] bipush 33
      [2719] ldc #101
        + Integer [1107296512]
      [2721] iastore
      [2722] dup
      [2723] bipush 34
      [2725] sipush 256
      [2728] iastore
      [2729] dup
      [2730] bipush 35
      [2732] ldc #58
        + Integer [33554432]
      [2734] iastore
      [2735] dup
      [2736] bipush 36
      [2738] ldc #96
        + Integer [1073741824]
      [2740] iastore
      [2741] dup
      [2742] bipush 37
      [2744] ldc #60
        + Integer [34078720]
      [2746] iastore
      [2747] dup
      [2748] bipush 38
      [2750] ldc #101
        + Integer [1107296512]
      [2752] iastore
      [2753] dup
      [2754] bipush 39
      [2756] ldc #99
        + Integer [1074266368]
      [2758] iastore
      [2759] dup
      [2760] bipush 40
      [2762] ldc #59
        + Integer [33554688]
      [2764] iastore
      [2765] dup
      [2766] bipush 41
      [2768] ldc #96
        + Integer [1073741824]
      [2770] iastore
      [2771] dup
      [2772] bipush 42
      [2774] ldc #102
        + Integer [1107820544]
      [2776] iastore
      [2777] dup
      [2778] bipush 43
      [2780] ldc #61
        + Integer [34078976]
      [2782] iastore
      [2783] dup
      [2784] bipush 44
      [2786] ldc #99
        + Integer [1074266368]
      [2788] iastore
      [2789] dup
      [2790] bipush 45
      [2792] sipush 256
      [2795] iastore
      [2796] dup
      [2797] bipush 46
      [2799] ldc #58
        + Integer [33554432]
      [2801] iastore
      [2802] dup
      [2803] bipush 47
      [2805] ldc #102
        + Integer [1107820544]
      [2807] iastore
      [2808] dup
      [2809] bipush 48
      [2811] ldc #103
        + Integer [1107820800]
      [2813] iastore
      [2814] dup
      [2815] bipush 49
      [2817] ldc #27
        + Integer [524544]
      [2819] iastore
      [2820] dup
      [2821] bipush 50
      [2823] ldc #100
        + Integer [1107296256]
      [2825] iastore
      [2826] dup
      [2827] bipush 51
      [2829] ldc #103
        + Integer [1107820800]
      [2831] iastore
      [2832] dup
      [2833] bipush 52
      [2835] ldc #60
        + Integer [34078720]
      [2837] iastore
      [2838] dup
      [2839] bipush 54
      [2841] ldc #98
        + Integer [1074266112]
      [2843] iastore
      [2844] dup
      [2845] bipush 55
      [2847] ldc #100
        + Integer [1107296256]
      [2849] iastore
      [2850] dup
      [2851] bipush 56
      [2853] ldc #27
        + Integer [524544]
      [2855] iastore
      [2856] dup
      [2857] bipush 57
      [2859] ldc #59
        + Integer [33554688]
      [2861] iastore
      [2862] dup
      [2863] bipush 58
      [2865] ldc #97
        + Integer [1073742080]
      [2867] iastore
      [2868] dup
      [2869] bipush 59
      [2871] ldc #26
        + Integer [524288]
      [2873] iastore
      [2874] dup
      [2875] bipush 61
      [2877] ldc #98
        + Integer [1074266112]
      [2879] iastore
      [2880] dup
      [2881] bipush 62
      [2883] ldc #61
        + Integer [34078976]
      [2885] iastore
      [2886] dup
      [2887] bipush 63
      [2889] ldc #97
        + Integer [1073742080]
      [2891] iastore
      [2892] putstatic #114
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.SP5 [I]
      [2895] bipush 64
      [2897] newarray 10
      [2899] dup
      [2900] iconst_0
      [2901] ldc #88
        + Integer [536870928]
      [2903] iastore
      [2904] dup
      [2905] iconst_1
      [2906] ldc #91
        + Integer [541065216]
      [2908] iastore
      [2909] dup
      [2910] iconst_2
      [2911] sipush 16384
      [2914] iastore
      [2915] dup
      [2916] iconst_3
      [2917] ldc #94
        + Integer [541081616]
      [2919] iastore
      [2920] dup
      [2921] iconst_4
      [2922] ldc #91
        + Integer [541065216]
      [2924] iastore
      [2925] dup
      [2926] iconst_5
      [2927] bipush 16
      [2929] iastore
      [2930] dup
      [2931] bipush 6
      [2933] ldc #94
        + Integer [541081616]
      [2935] iastore
      [2936] dup
      [2937] bipush 7
      [2939] ldc #36
        + Integer [4194304]
      [2941] iastore
      [2942] dup
      [2943] bipush 8
      [2945] ldc #89
        + Integer [536887296]
      [2947] iastore
      [2948] dup
      [2949] bipush 9
      [2951] ldc #39
        + Integer [4210704]
      [2953] iastore
      [2954] dup
      [2955] bipush 10
      [2957] ldc #36
        + Integer [4194304]
      [2959] iastore
      [2960] dup
      [2961] bipush 11
      [2963] ldc #88
        + Integer [536870928]
      [2965] iastore
      [2966] dup
      [2967] bipush 12
      [2969] ldc #37
        + Integer [4194320]
      [2971] iastore
      [2972] dup
      [2973] bipush 13
      [2975] ldc #89
        + Integer [536887296]
      [2977] iastore
      [2978] dup
      [2979] bipush 14
      [2981] ldc #87
        + Integer [536870912]
      [2983] iastore
      [2984] dup
      [2985] bipush 15
      [2987] sipush 16400
      [2990] iastore
      [2991] dup
      [2992] bipush 17
      [2994] ldc #37
        + Integer [4194320]
      [2996] iastore
      [2997] dup
      [2998] bipush 18
      [3000] ldc #90
        + Integer [536887312]
      [3002] iastore
      [3003] dup
      [3004] bipush 19
      [3006] sipush 16384
      [3009] iastore
      [3010] dup
      [3011] bipush 20
      [3013] ldc #38
        + Integer [4210688]
      [3015] iastore
      [3016] dup
      [3017] bipush 21
      [3019] ldc #90
        + Integer [536887312]
      [3021] iastore
      [3022] dup
      [3023] bipush 22
      [3025] bipush 16
      [3027] iastore
      [3028] dup
      [3029] bipush 23
      [3031] ldc #92
        + Integer [541065232]
      [3033] iastore
      [3034] dup
      [3035] bipush 24
      [3037] ldc #92
        + Integer [541065232]
      [3039] iastore
      [3040] dup
      [3041] bipush 26
      [3043] ldc #39
        + Integer [4210704]
      [3045] iastore
      [3046] dup
      [3047] bipush 27
      [3049] ldc #93
        + Integer [541081600]
      [3051] iastore
      [3052] dup
      [3053] bipush 28
      [3055] sipush 16400
      [3058] iastore
      [3059] dup
      [3060] bipush 29
      [3062] ldc #38
        + Integer [4210688]
      [3064] iastore
      [3065] dup
      [3066] bipush 30
      [3068] ldc #93
        + Integer [541081600]
      [3070] iastore
      [3071] dup
      [3072] bipush 31
      [3074] ldc #87
        + Integer [536870912]
      [3076] iastore
      [3077] dup
      [3078] bipush 32
      [3080] ldc #89
        + Integer [536887296]
      [3082] iastore
      [3083] dup
      [3084] bipush 33
      [3086] bipush 16
      [3088] iastore
      [3089] dup
      [3090] bipush 34
      [3092] ldc #92
        + Integer [541065232]
      [3094] iastore
      [3095] dup
      [3096] bipush 35
      [3098] ldc #38
        + Integer [4210688]
      [3100] iastore
      [3101] dup
      [3102] bipush 36
      [3104] ldc #94
        + Integer [541081616]
      [3106] iastore
      [3107] dup
      [3108] bipush 37
      [3110] ldc #36
        + Integer [4194304]
      [3112] iastore
      [3113] dup
      [3114] bipush 38
      [3116] sipush 16400
      [3119] iastore
      [3120] dup
      [3121] bipush 39
      [3123] ldc #88
        + Integer [536870928]
      [3125] iastore
      [3126] dup
      [3127] bipush 40
      [3129] ldc #36
        + Integer [4194304]
      [3131] iastore
      [3132] dup
      [3133] bipush 41
      [3135] ldc #89
        + Integer [536887296]
      [3137] iastore
      [3138] dup
      [3139] bipush 42
      [3141] ldc #87
        + Integer [536870912]
      [3143] iastore
      [3144] dup
      [3145] bipush 43
      [3147] sipush 16400
      [3150] iastore
      [3151] dup
      [3152] bipush 44
      [3154] ldc #88
        + Integer [536870928]
      [3156] iastore
      [3157] dup
      [3158] bipush 45
      [3160] ldc #94
        + Integer [541081616]
      [3162] iastore
      [3163] dup
      [3164] bipush 46
      [3166] ldc #38
        + Integer [4210688]
      [3168] iastore
      [3169] dup
      [3170] bipush 47
      [3172] ldc #91
        + Integer [541065216]
      [3174] iastore
      [3175] dup
      [3176] bipush 48
      [3178] ldc #39
        + Integer [4210704]
      [3180] iastore
      [3181] dup
      [3182] bipush 49
      [3184] ldc #93
        + Integer [541081600]
      [3186] iastore
      [3187] dup
      [3188] bipush 51
      [3190] ldc #92
        + Integer [541065232]
      [3192] iastore
      [3193] dup
      [3194] bipush 52
      [3196] bipush 16
      [3198] iastore
      [3199] dup
      [3200] bipush 53
      [3202] sipush 16384
      [3205] iastore
      [3206] dup
      [3207] bipush 54
      [3209] ldc #91
        + Integer [541065216]
      [3211] iastore
      [3212] dup
      [3213] bipush 55
      [3215] ldc #39
        + Integer [4210704]
      [3217] iastore
      [3218] dup
      [3219] bipush 56
      [3221] sipush 16384
      [3224] iastore
      [3225] dup
      [3226] bipush 57
      [3228] ldc #37
        + Integer [4194320]
      [3230] iastore
      [3231] dup
      [3232] bipush 58
      [3234] ldc #90
        + Integer [536887312]
      [3236] iastore
      [3237] dup
      [3238] bipush 60
      [3240] ldc #93
        + Integer [541081600]
      [3242] iastore
      [3243] dup
      [3244] bipush 61
      [3246] ldc #87
        + Integer [536870912]
      [3248] iastore
      [3249] dup
      [3250] bipush 62
      [3252] ldc #37
        + Integer [4194320]
      [3254] iastore
      [3255] dup
      [3256] bipush 63
      [3258] ldc #90
        + Integer [536887312]
      [3260] iastore
      [3261] putstatic #115
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.SP6 [I]
      [3264] bipush 64
      [3266] newarray 10
      [3268] dup
      [3269] iconst_0
      [3270] ldc #32
        + Integer [2097152]
      [3272] iastore
      [3273] dup
      [3274] iconst_1
      [3275] ldc #67
        + Integer [69206018]
      [3277] iastore
      [3278] dup
      [3279] iconst_2
      [3280] ldc #65
        + Integer [67110914]
      [3282] iastore
      [3283] dup
      [3284] iconst_4
      [3285] sipush 2048
      [3288] iastore
      [3289] dup
      [3290] iconst_5
      [3291] ldc #65
        + Integer [67110914]
      [3293] iastore
      [3294] dup
      [3295] bipush 6
      [3297] ldc #35
        + Integer [2099202]
      [3299] iastore
      [3300] dup
      [3301] bipush 7
      [3303] ldc #68
        + Integer [69208064]
      [3305] iastore
      [3306] dup
      [3307] bipush 8
      [3309] ldc #69
        + Integer [69208066]
      [3311] iastore
      [3312] dup
      [3313] bipush 9
      [3315] ldc #32
        + Integer [2097152]
      [3317] iastore
      [3318] dup
      [3319] bipush 11
      [3321] ldc #63
        + Integer [67108866]
      [3323] iastore
      [3324] dup
      [3325] bipush 12
      [3327] iconst_2
      [3328] iastore
      [3329] dup
      [3330] bipush 13
      [3332] ldc #62
        + Integer [67108864]
      [3334] iastore
      [3335] dup
      [3336] bipush 14
      [3338] ldc #67
        + Integer [69206018]
      [3340] iastore
      [3341] dup
      [3342] bipush 15
      [3344] sipush 2050
      [3347] iastore
      [3348] dup
      [3349] bipush 16
      [3351] ldc #64
        + Integer [67110912]
      [3353] iastore
      [3354] dup
      [3355] bipush 17
      [3357] ldc #35
        + Integer [2099202]
      [3359] iastore
      [3360] dup
      [3361] bipush 18
      [3363] ldc #33
        + Integer [2097154]
      [3365] iastore
      [3366] dup
      [3367] bipush 19
      [3369] ldc #64
        + Integer [67110912]
      [3371] iastore
      [3372] dup
      [3373] bipush 20
      [3375] ldc #63
        + Integer [67108866]
      [3377] iastore
      [3378] dup
      [3379] bipush 21
      [3381] ldc #66
        + Integer [69206016]
      [3383] iastore
      [3384] dup
      [3385] bipush 22
      [3387] ldc #68
        + Integer [69208064]
      [3389] iastore
      [3390] dup
      [3391] bipush 23
      [3393] ldc #33
        + Integer [2097154]
      [3395] iastore
      [3396] dup
      [3397] bipush 24
      [3399] ldc #66
        + Integer [69206016]
      [3401] iastore
      [3402] dup
      [3403] bipush 25
      [3405] sipush 2048
      [3408] iastore
      [3409] dup
      [3410] bipush 26
      [3412] sipush 2050
      [3415] iastore
      [3416] dup
      [3417] bipush 27
      [3419] ldc #69
        + Integer [69208066]
      [3421] iastore
      [3422] dup
      [3423] bipush 28
      [3425] ldc #34
        + Integer [2099200]
      [3427] iastore
      [3428] dup
      [3429] bipush 29
      [3431] iconst_2
      [3432] iastore
      [3433] dup
      [3434] bipush 30
      [3436] ldc #62
        + Integer [67108864]
      [3438] iastore
      [3439] dup
      [3440] bipush 31
      [3442] ldc #34
        + Integer [2099200]
      [3444] iastore
      [3445] dup
      [3446] bipush 32
      [3448] ldc #62
        + Integer [67108864]
      [3450] iastore
      [3451] dup
      [3452] bipush 33
      [3454] ldc #34
        + Integer [2099200]
      [3456] iastore
      [3457] dup
      [3458] bipush 34
      [3460] ldc #32
        + Integer [2097152]
      [3462] iastore
      [3463] dup
      [3464] bipush 35
      [3466] ldc #65
        + Integer [67110914]
      [3468] iastore
      [3469] dup
      [3470] bipush 36
      [3472] ldc #65
        + Integer [67110914]
      [3474] iastore
      [3475] dup
      [3476] bipush 37
      [3478] ldc #67
        + Integer [69206018]
      [3480] iastore
      [3481] dup
      [3482] bipush 38
      [3484] ldc #67
        + Integer [69206018]
      [3486] iastore
      [3487] dup
      [3488] bipush 39
      [3490] iconst_2
      [3491] iastore
      [3492] dup
      [3493] bipush 40
      [3495] ldc #33
        + Integer [2097154]
      [3497] iastore
      [3498] dup
      [3499] bipush 41
      [3501] ldc #62
        + Integer [67108864]
      [3503] iastore
      [3504] dup
      [3505] bipush 42
      [3507] ldc #64
        + Integer [67110912]
      [3509] iastore
      [3510] dup
      [3511] bipush 43
      [3513] ldc #32
        + Integer [2097152]
      [3515] iastore
      [3516] dup
      [3517] bipush 44
      [3519] ldc #68
        + Integer [69208064]
      [3521] iastore
      [3522] dup
      [3523] bipush 45
      [3525] sipush 2050
      [3528] iastore
      [3529] dup
      [3530] bipush 46
      [3532] ldc #35
        + Integer [2099202]
      [3534] iastore
      [3535] dup
      [3536] bipush 47
      [3538] ldc #68
        + Integer [69208064]
      [3540] iastore
      [3541] dup
      [3542] bipush 48
      [3544] sipush 2050
      [3547] iastore
      [3548] dup
      [3549] bipush 49
      [3551] ldc #63
        + Integer [67108866]
      [3553] iastore
      [3554] dup
      [3555] bipush 50
      [3557] ldc #69
        + Integer [69208066]
      [3559] iastore
      [3560] dup
      [3561] bipush 51
      [3563] ldc #66
        + Integer [69206016]
      [3565] iastore
      [3566] dup
      [3567] bipush 52
      [3569] ldc #34
        + Integer [2099200]
      [3571] iastore
      [3572] dup
      [3573] bipush 54
      [3575] iconst_2
      [3576] iastore
      [3577] dup
      [3578] bipush 55
      [3580] ldc #69
        + Integer [69208066]
      [3582] iastore
      [3583] dup
      [3584] bipush 57
      [3586] ldc #35
        + Integer [2099202]
      [3588] iastore
      [3589] dup
      [3590] bipush 58
      [3592] ldc #66
        + Integer [69206016]
      [3594] iastore
      [3595] dup
      [3596] bipush 59
      [3598] sipush 2048
      [3601] iastore
      [3602] dup
      [3603] bipush 60
      [3605] ldc #63
        + Integer [67108866]
      [3607] iastore
      [3608] dup
      [3609] bipush 61
      [3611] ldc #64
        + Integer [67110912]
      [3613] iastore
      [3614] dup
      [3615] bipush 62
      [3617] sipush 2048
      [3620] iastore
      [3621] dup
      [3622] bipush 63
      [3624] ldc #33
        + Integer [2097154]
      [3626] iastore
      [3627] putstatic #116
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.SP7 [I]
      [3630] bipush 64
      [3632] newarray 10
      [3634] dup
      [3635] iconst_0
      [3636] ldc #82
        + Integer [268439616]
      [3638] iastore
      [3639] dup
      [3640] iconst_1
      [3641] sipush 4096
      [3644] iastore
      [3645] dup
      [3646] iconst_2
      [3647] ldc #22
        + Integer [262144]
      [3649] iastore
      [3650] dup
      [3651] iconst_3
      [3652] ldc #86
        + Integer [268701760]
      [3654] iastore
      [3655] dup
      [3656] iconst_4
      [3657] ldc #79
        + Integer [268435456]
      [3659] iastore
      [3660] dup
      [3661] iconst_5
      [3662] ldc #82
        + Integer [268439616]
      [3664] iastore
      [3665] dup
      [3666] bipush 6
      [3668] bipush 64
      [3670] iastore
      [3671] dup
      [3672] bipush 7
      [3674] ldc #79
        + Integer [268435456]
      [3676] iastore
      [3677] dup
      [3678] bipush 8
      [3680] ldc #23
        + Integer [262208]
      [3682] iastore
      [3683] dup
      [3684] bipush 9
      [3686] ldc #83
        + Integer [268697600]
      [3688] iastore
      [3689] dup
      [3690] bipush 10
      [3692] ldc #86
        + Integer [268701760]
      [3694] iastore
      [3695] dup
      [3696] bipush 11
      [3698] ldc #24
        + Integer [266240]
      [3700] iastore
      [3701] dup
      [3702] bipush 12
      [3704] ldc #85
        + Integer [268701696]
      [3706] iastore
      [3707] dup
      [3708] bipush 13
      [3710] ldc #25
        + Integer [266304]
      [3712] iastore
      [3713] dup
      [3714] bipush 14
      [3716] sipush 4096
      [3719] iastore
      [3720] dup
      [3721] bipush 15
      [3723] bipush 64
      [3725] iastore
      [3726] dup
      [3727] bipush 16
      [3729] ldc #83
        + Integer [268697600]
      [3731] iastore
      [3732] dup
      [3733] bipush 17
      [3735] ldc #80
        + Integer [268435520]
      [3737] iastore
      [3738] dup
      [3739] bipush 18
      [3741] ldc #81
        + Integer [268439552]
      [3743] iastore
      [3744] dup
      [3745] bipush 19
      [3747] sipush 4160
      [3750] iastore
      [3751] dup
      [3752] bipush 20
      [3754] ldc #24
        + Integer [266240]
      [3756] iastore
      [3757] dup
      [3758] bipush 21
      [3760] ldc #23
        + Integer [262208]
      [3762] iastore
      [3763] dup
      [3764] bipush 22
      [3766] ldc #84
        + Integer [268697664]
      [3768] iastore
      [3769] dup
      [3770] bipush 23
      [3772] ldc #85
        + Integer [268701696]
      [3774] iastore
      [3775] dup
      [3776] bipush 24
      [3778] sipush 4160
      [3781] iastore
      [3782] dup
      [3783] bipush 27
      [3785] ldc #84
        + Integer [268697664]
      [3787] iastore
      [3788] dup
      [3789] bipush 28
      [3791] ldc #80
        + Integer [268435520]
      [3793] iastore
      [3794] dup
      [3795] bipush 29
      [3797] ldc #81
        + Integer [268439552]
      [3799] iastore
      [3800] dup
      [3801] bipush 30
      [3803] ldc #25
        + Integer [266304]
      [3805] iastore
      [3806] dup
      [3807] bipush 31
      [3809] ldc #22
        + Integer [262144]
      [3811] iastore
      [3812] dup
      [3813] bipush 32
      [3815] ldc #25
        + Integer [266304]
      [3817] iastore
      [3818] dup
      [3819] bipush 33
      [3821] ldc #22
        + Integer [262144]
      [3823] iastore
      [3824] dup
      [3825] bipush 34
      [3827] ldc #85
        + Integer [268701696]
      [3829] iastore
      [3830] dup
      [3831] bipush 35
      [3833] sipush 4096
      [3836] iastore
      [3837] dup
      [3838] bipush 36
      [3840] bipush 64
      [3842] iastore
      [3843] dup
      [3844] bipush 37
      [3846] ldc #84
        + Integer [268697664]
      [3848] iastore
      [3849] dup
      [3850] bipush 38
      [3852] sipush 4096
      [3855] iastore
      [3856] dup
      [3857] bipush 39
      [3859] ldc #25
        + Integer [266304]
      [3861] iastore
      [3862] dup
      [3863] bipush 40
      [3865] ldc #81
        + Integer [268439552]
      [3867] iastore
      [3868] dup
      [3869] bipush 41
      [3871] bipush 64
      [3873] iastore
      [3874] dup
      [3875] bipush 42
      [3877] ldc #80
        + Integer [268435520]
      [3879] iastore
      [3880] dup
      [3881] bipush 43
      [3883] ldc #83
        + Integer [268697600]
      [3885] iastore
      [3886] dup
      [3887] bipush 44
      [3889] ldc #84
        + Integer [268697664]
      [3891] iastore
      [3892] dup
      [3893] bipush 45
      [3895] ldc #79
        + Integer [268435456]
      [3897] iastore
      [3898] dup
      [3899] bipush 46
      [3901] ldc #22
        + Integer [262144]
      [3903] iastore
      [3904] dup
      [3905] bipush 47
      [3907] ldc #82
        + Integer [268439616]
      [3909] iastore
      [3910] dup
      [3911] bipush 49
      [3913] ldc #86
        + Integer [268701760]
      [3915] iastore
      [3916] dup
      [3917] bipush 50
      [3919] ldc #23
        + Integer [262208]
      [3921] iastore
      [3922] dup
      [3923] bipush 51
      [3925] ldc #80
        + Integer [268435520]
      [3927] iastore
      [3928] dup
      [3929] bipush 52
      [3931] ldc #83
        + Integer [268697600]
      [3933] iastore
      [3934] dup
      [3935] bipush 53
      [3937] ldc #81
        + Integer [268439552]
      [3939] iastore
      [3940] dup
      [3941] bipush 54
      [3943] ldc #82
        + Integer [268439616]
      [3945] iastore
      [3946] dup
      [3947] bipush 56
      [3949] ldc #86
        + Integer [268701760]
      [3951] iastore
      [3952] dup
      [3953] bipush 57
      [3955] ldc #24
        + Integer [266240]
      [3957] iastore
      [3958] dup
      [3959] bipush 58
      [3961] ldc #24
        + Integer [266240]
      [3963] iastore
      [3964] dup
      [3965] bipush 59
      [3967] sipush 4160
      [3970] iastore
      [3971] dup
      [3972] bipush 60
      [3974] sipush 4160
      [3977] iastore
      [3978] dup
      [3979] bipush 61
      [3981] ldc #23
        + Integer [262208]
      [3983] iastore
      [3984] dup
      [3985] bipush 62
      [3987] ldc #79
        + Integer [268435456]
      [3989] iastore
      [3990] dup
      [3991] bipush 63
      [3993] ldc #85
        + Integer [268701696]
      [3995] iastore
      [3996] putstatic #117
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.SP8 [I]
      [3999] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 99)
        [0] -> line 93
        [98] -> line 94
        [152] -> line 93
        [155] -> line 96
        [202] -> line 98
        [208] -> line 98
        [257] -> line 99
        [349] -> line 98
        [352] -> line 105
        [358] -> line 105
        [489] -> line 106
        [650] -> line 107
        [675] -> line 105
        [678] -> line 109
        [772] -> line 111
        [778] -> line 111
        [913] -> line 112
        [1048] -> line 111
        [1051] -> line 114
        [1057] -> line 114
        [1088] -> line 115
        [1143] -> line 116
        [1198] -> line 117
        [1247] -> line 118
        [1301] -> line 119
        [1355] -> line 120
        [1405] -> line 121
        [1414] -> line 114
        [1417] -> line 123
        [1423] -> line 123
        [1460] -> line 124
        [1514] -> line 125
        [1562] -> line 126
        [1604] -> line 127
        [1658] -> line 128
        [1712] -> line 129
        [1760] -> line 130
        [1775] -> line 123
        [1778] -> line 132
        [1784] -> line 132
        [1812] -> line 133
        [1867] -> line 134
        [1922] -> line 135
        [1977] -> line 136
        [2027] -> line 137
        [2076] -> line 138
        [2131] -> line 139
        [2146] -> line 132
        [2149] -> line 141
        [2155] -> line 141
        [2195] -> line 142
        [2239] -> line 143
        [2296] -> line 144
        [2352] -> line 145
        [2396] -> line 146
        [2453] -> line 147
        [2511] -> line 148
        [2527] -> line 141
        [2530] -> line 150
        [2536] -> line 150
        [2575] -> line 151
        [2629] -> line 152
        [2677] -> line 153
        [2725] -> line 154
        [2780] -> line 155
        [2835] -> line 156
        [2877] -> line 157
        [2892] -> line 150
        [2895] -> line 159
        [2901] -> line 159
        [2939] -> line 160
        [2994] -> line 161
        [3043] -> line 162
        [3092] -> line 163
        [3147] -> line 164
        [3196] -> line 165
        [3246] -> line 166
        [3261] -> line 159
        [3264] -> line 168
        [3270] -> line 168
        [3303] -> line 169
        [3351] -> line 170
        [3405] -> line 171
        [3460] -> line 172
        [3513] -> line 173
        [3569] -> line 174
        [3611] -> line 175
        [3627] -> line 168
        [3630] -> line 177
        [3636] -> line 177
        [3674] -> line 178
        [3729] -> line 179
        [3785] -> line 180
        [3827] -> line 181
        [3883] -> line 182
        [3931] -> line 183
        [3981] -> line 184
        [3996] -> line 177
        [3999] -> line 37
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public DES()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #127
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aconst_null
      [6] putfield #123
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.workingKey [I]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 44
        [4] -> line 39
        [9] -> line 46
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES; this]
  + Method:       init(Z[B)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void init(boolean,byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 12, locals = 3, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_0 v0
      [2] iload_1 v1
      [3] aload_2 v2
      [4] iconst_0
      [5] invokevirtual #125
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.generateWorkingKey (Z[BI)[I]
      [8] putfield #123
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.workingKey [I]
      [11] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 60
        [11] -> line 61
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 12 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES; this]
        v1: 0 -> 12 [Z encrypting]
        v2: 0 -> 12 [[B key]
  + Method:       getBlockSize()I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int getBlockSize()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 3, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] bipush 8
      [2] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 70
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 3 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES; this]
  + Method:       transformBlock([BI[BI)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void transformBlock(byte[],int,byte[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 31, locals = 5, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #123
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.workingKey [I]
      [4] ifnonnull +13 (target=17)
      [7] new #107
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
      [10] dup
      [11] ldc #104
        + String [DES engine not initialised!]
      [13] invokespecial #126
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalStateException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [16] athrow
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] getfield #123
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.workingKey [I]
      [22] aload_1 v1
      [23] iload_2 v2
      [24] aload_3 v3
      [25] iload v4
      [27] invokevirtual #124
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.desFunc ([I[BI[BI)V]
      [30] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 75
        [7] -> line 77
        [17] -> line 80
        [30] -> line 81
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 31 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES; this]
        v1: 0 -> 31 [[B in]
        v2: 0 -> 31 [I inOff]
        v3: 0 -> 31 [[B out]
        v4: 0 -> 31 [I outOff]
  + Method:       generateWorkingKey(Z[BI)[I
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected int[] generateWorkingKey(boolean,byte[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 436, locals = 12, stack = 6):
      [0] bipush 32
      [2] newarray 10
      [4] astore v4
      [6] bipush 56
      [8] newarray 4
      [10] astore v5
      [12] bipush 56
      [14] newarray 4
      [16] astore v6
      [18] iconst_0
      [19] istore v7
      [21] goto +45 (target=66)
      [24] getstatic #120
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.pc1 [B]
      [27] iload v7
      [29] baload
      [30] istore v8
      [32] aload v5
      [34] iload v7
      [36] aload_2 v2
      [37] iload_3 v3
      [38] iload v8
      [40] iconst_3
      [41] iushr
      [42] iadd
      [43] baload
      [44] getstatic #119
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.bytebit [S]
      [47] iload v8
      [49] bipush 7
      [51] iand
      [52] saload
      [53] iand
      [54] ifeq +7 (target=61)
      [57] iconst_1
      [58] goto +4 (target=62)
      [61] iconst_0
      [62] bastore
      [63] iinc v7, 1
      [66] iload v7
      [68] bipush 56
      [70] ificmplt -46 (target=24)
      [73] iconst_0
      [74] istore v7
      [76] goto +238 (target=314)
      [79] iload_1 v1
      [80] ifeq +12 (target=92)
      [83] iload v7
      [85] iconst_1
      [86] ishl
      [87] istore v9
      [89] goto +12 (target=101)
      [92] bipush 15
      [94] iload v7
      [96] isub
      [97] iconst_1
      [98] ishl
      [99] istore v9
      [101] iload v9
      [103] iconst_1
      [104] iadd
      [105] istore v10
      [107] aload v4
      [109] iload v9
      [111] aload v4
      [113] iload v10
      [115] iconst_0
      [116] dup_x2
      [117] iastore
      [118] iastore
      [119] iconst_0
      [120] istore v11
      [122] goto +50 (target=172)
      [125] iload v11
      [127] getstatic #122
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.totrot [B]
      [130] iload v7
      [132] baload
      [133] iadd
      [134] istore v8
      [136] iload v8
      [138] bipush 28
      [140] ificmpge +16 (target=156)
      [143] aload v6
      [145] iload v11
      [147] aload v5
      [149] iload v8
      [151] baload
      [152] bastore
      [153] goto +16 (target=169)
      [156] aload v6
      [158] iload v11
      [160] aload v5
      [162] iload v8
      [164] bipush 28
      [166] isub
      [167] baload
      [168] bastore
      [169] iinc v11, 1
      [172] iload v11
      [174] bipush 28
      [176] ificmplt -51 (target=125)
      [179] bipush 28
      [181] istore v11
      [183] goto +50 (target=233)
      [186] iload v11
      [188] getstatic #122
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.totrot [B]
      [191] iload v7
      [193] baload
      [194] iadd
      [195] istore v8
      [197] iload v8
      [199] bipush 56
      [201] ificmpge +16 (target=217)
      [204] aload v6
      [206] iload v11
      [208] aload v5
      [210] iload v8
      [212] baload
      [213] bastore
      [214] goto +16 (target=230)
      [217] aload v6
      [219] iload v11
      [221] aload v5
      [223] iload v8
      [225] bipush 28
      [227] isub
      [228] baload
      [229] bastore
      [230] iinc v11, 1
      [233] iload v11
      [235] bipush 56
      [237] ificmplt -51 (target=186)
      [240] iconst_0
      [241] istore v11
      [243] goto +61 (target=304)
      [246] aload v6
      [248] getstatic #121
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.pc2 [B]
      [251] iload v11
      [253] baload
      [254] baload
      [255] ifeq +17 (target=272)
      [258] aload v4
      [260] iload v9
      [262] dup2
      [263] iaload
      [264] getstatic #118
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.bigbyte [I]
      [267] iload v11
      [269] iaload
      [270] ior
      [271] iastore
      [272] aload v6
      [274] getstatic #121
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.pc2 [B]
      [277] iload v11
      [279] bipush 24
      [281] iadd
      [282] baload
      [283] baload
      [284] ifeq +17 (target=301)
      [287] aload v4
      [289] iload v10
      [291] dup2
      [292] iaload
      [293] getstatic #118
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.bigbyte [I]
      [296] iload v11
      [298] iaload
      [299] ior
      [300] iastore
      [301] iinc v11, 1
      [304] iload v11
      [306] bipush 24
      [308] ificmplt -62 (target=246)
      [311] iinc v7, 1
      [314] iload v7
      [316] bipush 16
      [318] ificmplt -239 (target=79)
      [321] iconst_0
      [322] istore v7
      [324] goto +102 (target=426)
      [327] aload v4
      [329] iload v7
      [331] iaload
      [332] istore v8
      [334] aload v4
      [336] iload v7
      [338] iconst_1
      [339] iadd
      [340] iaload
      [341] istore v9
      [343] aload v4
      [345] iload v7
      [347] iload v8
      [349] ldc #48
        + Integer [16515072]
      [351] iand
      [352] bipush 6
      [354] ishl
      [355] iload v8
      [357] sipush 4032
      [360] iand
      [361] bipush 10
      [363] ishl
      [364] ior
      [365] iload v9
      [367] ldc #48
        + Integer [16515072]
      [369] iand
      [370] bipush 10
      [372] iushr
      [373] ior
      [374] iload v9
      [376] sipush 4032
      [379] iand
      [380] bipush 6
      [382] iushr
      [383] ior
      [384] iastore
      [385] aload v4
      [387] iload v7
      [389] iconst_1
      [390] iadd
      [391] iload v8
      [393] ldc #21
        + Integer [258048]
      [395] iand
      [396] bipush 12
      [398] ishl
      [399] iload v8
      [401] bipush 63
      [403] iand
      [404] bipush 16
      [406] ishl
      [407] ior
      [408] iload v9
      [410] ldc #21
        + Integer [258048]
      [412] iand
      [413] iconst_4
      [414] iushr
      [415] ior
      [416] iload v9
      [418] bipush 63
      [420] iand
      [421] ior
      [422] iastore
      [423] iinc v7, 2
      [426] iload v7
      [428] bipush 32
      [430] ificmpne -103 (target=327)
      [433] aload v4
      [435] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 42)
        [0] -> line 195
        [6] -> line 196
        [18] -> line 198
        [24] -> line 200
        [32] -> line 202
        [63] -> line 198
        [73] -> line 205
        [79] -> line 209
        [83] -> line 211
        [92] -> line 215
        [101] -> line 218
        [107] -> line 219
        [119] -> line 221
        [125] -> line 223
        [136] -> line 224
        [143] -> line 226
        [156] -> line 230
        [169] -> line 221
        [179] -> line 234
        [186] -> line 236
        [197] -> line 237
        [204] -> line 239
        [217] -> line 243
        [230] -> line 234
        [240] -> line 247
        [246] -> line 249
        [258] -> line 251
        [272] -> line 254
        [287] -> line 256
        [301] -> line 247
        [311] -> line 205
        [321] -> line 264
        [327] -> line 268
        [334] -> line 269
        [343] -> line 271
        [374] -> line 272
        [384] -> line 271
        [385] -> line 274
        [416] -> line 275
        [422] -> line 274
        [423] -> line 264
        [433] -> line 278
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 21)
        v0: 0 -> 436 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES; this]
        v1: 0 -> 436 [Z encrypting]
        v2: 0 -> 436 [[B key]
        v3: 0 -> 436 [I off]
        v4: 6 -> 436 [[I newKey]
        v5: 12 -> 436 [[Z pc1m]
        v6: 18 -> 436 [[Z pcr]
        v7: 21 -> 73 [I j]
        v8: 32 -> 63 [I l]
        v7: 76 -> 321 [I i]
        v8: 136 -> 172 [I l]
        v8: 197 -> 233 [I l]
        v9: 89 -> 92 [I m]
        v9: 101 -> 311 [I m]
        v10: 107 -> 311 [I n]
        v11: 122 -> 179 [I j]
        v11: 183 -> 240 [I j]
        v11: 243 -> 311 [I j]
        v7: 324 -> 433 [I i]
        v8: 334 -> 423 [I i1]
        v9: 343 -> 423 [I i2]
  + Method:       desFunc([I[BI[BI)V
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected void desFunc(int[],byte[],int,byte[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 955, locals = 11, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_2 v2
      [1] iload_3 v3
      [2] iconst_0
      [3] iadd
      [4] baload
      [5] sipush 255
      [8] iand
      [9] bipush 24
      [11] ishl
      [12] istore v8
      [14] iload v8
      [16] aload_2 v2
      [17] iload_3 v3
      [18] iconst_1
      [19] iadd
      [20] baload
      [21] sipush 255
      [24] iand
      [25] bipush 16
      [27] ishl
      [28] ior
      [29] istore v8
      [31] iload v8
      [33] aload_2 v2
      [34] iload_3 v3
      [35] iconst_2
      [36] iadd
      [37] baload
      [38] sipush 255
      [41] iand
      [42] bipush 8
      [44] ishl
      [45] ior
      [46] istore v8
      [48] iload v8
      [50] aload_2 v2
      [51] iload_3 v3
      [52] iconst_3
      [53] iadd
      [54] baload
      [55] sipush 255
      [58] iand
      [59] ior
      [60] istore v8
      [62] aload_2 v2
      [63] iload_3 v3
      [64] iconst_4
      [65] iadd
      [66] baload
      [67] sipush 255
      [70] iand
      [71] bipush 24
      [73] ishl
      [74] istore v7
      [76] iload v7
      [78] aload_2 v2
      [79] iload_3 v3
      [80] iconst_5
      [81] iadd
      [82] baload
      [83] sipush 255
      [86] iand
      [87] bipush 16
      [89] ishl
      [90] ior
      [91] istore v7
      [93] iload v7
      [95] aload_2 v2
      [96] iload_3 v3
      [97] bipush 6
      [99] iadd
      [100] baload
      [101] sipush 255
      [104] iand
      [105] bipush 8
      [107] ishl
      [108] ior
      [109] istore v7
      [111] iload v7
      [113] aload_2 v2
      [114] iload_3 v3
      [115] bipush 7
      [117] iadd
      [118] baload
      [119] sipush 255
      [122] iand
      [123] ior
      [124] istore v7
      [126] iload v8
      [128] iconst_4
      [129] iushr
      [130] iload v7
      [132] ixor
      [133] ldc #78
        + Integer [252645135]
      [135] iand
      [136] istore v6
      [138] iload v7
      [140] iload v6
      [142] ixor
      [143] istore v7
      [145] iload v8
      [147] iload v6
      [149] iconst_4
      [150] ishl
      [151] ixor
      [152] istore v8
      [154] iload v8
      [156] bipush 16
      [158] iushr
      [159] iload v7
      [161] ixor
      [162] ldc #12
        + Integer [65535]
      [164] iand
      [165] istore v6
      [167] iload v7
      [169] iload v6
      [171] ixor
      [172] istore v7
      [174] iload v8
      [176] iload v6
      [178] bipush 16
      [180] ishl
      [181] ixor
      [182] istore v8
      [184] iload v7
      [186] iconst_2
      [187] iushr
      [188] iload v8
      [190] ixor
      [191] ldc #95
        + Integer [858993459]
      [193] iand
      [194] istore v6
      [196] iload v8
      [198] iload v6
      [200] ixor
      [201] istore v8
      [203] iload v7
      [205] iload v6
      [207] iconst_2
      [208] ishl
      [209] ixor
      [210] istore v7
      [212] iload v7
      [214] bipush 8
      [216] iushr
      [217] iload v8
      [219] ixor
      [220] ldc #49
        + Integer [16711935]
      [222] iand
      [223] istore v6
      [225] iload v8
      [227] iload v6
      [229] ixor
      [230] istore v8
      [232] iload v7
      [234] iload v6
      [236] bipush 8
      [238] ishl
      [239] ixor
      [240] istore v7
      [242] iload v7
      [244] iconst_1
      [245] ishl
      [246] iload v7
      [248] bipush 31
      [250] iushr
      [251] iconst_1
      [252] iand
      [253] ior
      [254] iconst_m1
      [255] iand
      [256] istore v7
      [258] iload v8
      [260] iload v7
      [262] ixor
      [263] ldc #9
        + Integer [-1431655766]
      [265] iand
      [266] istore v6
      [268] iload v8
      [270] iload v6
      [272] ixor
      [273] istore v8
      [275] iload v7
      [277] iload v6
      [279] ixor
      [280] istore v7
      [282] iload v8
      [284] iconst_1
      [285] ishl
      [286] iload v8
      [288] bipush 31
      [290] iushr
      [291] iconst_1
      [292] iand
      [293] ior
      [294] iconst_m1
      [295] iand
      [296] istore v8
      [298] iconst_0
      [299] istore v9
      [301] goto +350 (target=651)
      [304] iload v7
      [306] bipush 28
      [308] ishl
      [309] iload v7
      [311] iconst_4
      [312] iushr
      [313] ior
      [314] istore v6
      [316] iload v6
      [318] aload_1 v1
      [319] iload v9
      [321] iconst_4
      [322] imul
      [323] iconst_0
      [324] iadd
      [325] iaload
      [326] ixor
      [327] istore v6
      [329] getstatic #116
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.SP7 [I]
      [332] iload v6
      [334] bipush 63
      [336] iand
      [337] iaload
      [338] istore v10
      [340] iload v10
      [342] getstatic #114
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.SP5 [I]
      [345] iload v6
      [347] bipush 8
      [349] iushr
      [350] bipush 63
      [352] iand
      [353] iaload
      [354] ior
      [355] istore v10
      [357] iload v10
      [359] getstatic #112
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.SP3 [I]
      [362] iload v6
      [364] bipush 16
      [366] iushr
      [367] bipush 63
      [369] iand
      [370] iaload
      [371] ior
      [372] istore v10
      [374] iload v10
      [376] getstatic #110
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.SP1 [I]
      [379] iload v6
      [381] bipush 24
      [383] iushr
      [384] bipush 63
      [386] iand
      [387] iaload
      [388] ior
      [389] istore v10
      [391] iload v7
      [393] aload_1 v1
      [394] iload v9
      [396] iconst_4
      [397] imul
      [398] iconst_1
      [399] iadd
      [400] iaload
      [401] ixor
      [402] istore v6
      [404] iload v10
      [406] getstatic #117
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.SP8 [I]
      [409] iload v6
      [411] bipush 63
      [413] iand
      [414] iaload
      [415] ior
      [416] istore v10
      [418] iload v10
      [420] getstatic #115
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.SP6 [I]
      [423] iload v6
      [425] bipush 8
      [427] iushr
      [428] bipush 63
      [430] iand
      [431] iaload
      [432] ior
      [433] istore v10
      [435] iload v10
      [437] getstatic #113
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.SP4 [I]
      [440] iload v6
      [442] bipush 16
      [444] iushr
      [445] bipush 63
      [447] iand
      [448] iaload
      [449] ior
      [450] istore v10
      [452] iload v10
      [454] getstatic #111
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.SP2 [I]
      [457] iload v6
      [459] bipush 24
      [461] iushr
      [462] bipush 63
      [464] iand
      [465] iaload
      [466] ior
      [467] istore v10
      [469] iload v8
      [471] iload v10
      [473] ixor
      [474] istore v8
      [476] iload v8
      [478] bipush 28
      [480] ishl
      [481] iload v8
      [483] iconst_4
      [484] iushr
      [485] ior
      [486] istore v6
      [488] iload v6
      [490] aload_1 v1
      [491] iload v9
      [493] iconst_4
      [494] imul
      [495] iconst_2
      [496] iadd
      [497] iaload
      [498] ixor
      [499] istore v6
      [501] getstatic #116
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.SP7 [I]
      [504] iload v6
      [506] bipush 63
      [508] iand
      [509] iaload
      [510] istore v10
      [512] iload v10
      [514] getstatic #114
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.SP5 [I]
      [517] iload v6
      [519] bipush 8
      [521] iushr
      [522] bipush 63
      [524] iand
      [525] iaload
      [526] ior
      [527] istore v10
      [529] iload v10
      [531] getstatic #112
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.SP3 [I]
      [534] iload v6
      [536] bipush 16
      [538] iushr
      [539] bipush 63
      [541] iand
      [542] iaload
      [543] ior
      [544] istore v10
      [546] iload v10
      [548] getstatic #110
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.SP1 [I]
      [551] iload v6
      [553] bipush 24
      [555] iushr
      [556] bipush 63
      [558] iand
      [559] iaload
      [560] ior
      [561] istore v10
      [563] iload v8
      [565] aload_1 v1
      [566] iload v9
      [568] iconst_4
      [569] imul
      [570] iconst_3
      [571] iadd
      [572] iaload
      [573] ixor
      [574] istore v6
      [576] iload v10
      [578] getstatic #117
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.SP8 [I]
      [581] iload v6
      [583] bipush 63
      [585] iand
      [586] iaload
      [587] ior
      [588] istore v10
      [590] iload v10
      [592] getstatic #115
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.SP6 [I]
      [595] iload v6
      [597] bipush 8
      [599] iushr
      [600] bipush 63
      [602] iand
      [603] iaload
      [604] ior
      [605] istore v10
      [607] iload v10
      [609] getstatic #113
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.SP4 [I]
      [612] iload v6
      [614] bipush 16
      [616] iushr
      [617] bipush 63
      [619] iand
      [620] iaload
      [621] ior
      [622] istore v10
      [624] iload v10
      [626] getstatic #111
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.SP2 [I]
      [629] iload v6
      [631] bipush 24
      [633] iushr
      [634] bipush 63
      [636] iand
      [637] iaload
      [638] ior
      [639] istore v10
      [641] iload v7
      [643] iload v10
      [645] ixor
      [646] istore v7
      [648] iinc v9, 1
      [651] iload v9
      [653] bipush 8
      [655] ificmplt -351 (target=304)
      [658] iload v7
      [660] bipush 31
      [662] ishl
      [663] iload v7
      [665] iconst_1
      [666] iushr
      [667] ior
      [668] istore v7
      [670] iload v8
      [672] iload v7
      [674] ixor
      [675] ldc #9
        + Integer [-1431655766]
      [677] iand
      [678] istore v6
      [680] iload v8
      [682] iload v6
      [684] ixor
      [685] istore v8
      [687] iload v7
      [689] iload v6
      [691] ixor
      [692] istore v7
      [694] iload v8
      [696] bipush 31
      [698] ishl
      [699] iload v8
      [701] iconst_1
      [702] iushr
      [703] ior
      [704] istore v8
      [706] iload v8
      [708] bipush 8
      [710] iushr
      [711] iload v7
      [713] ixor
      [714] ldc #49
        + Integer [16711935]
      [716] iand
      [717] istore v6
      [719] iload v7
      [721] iload v6
      [723] ixor
      [724] istore v7
      [726] iload v8
      [728] iload v6
      [730] bipush 8
      [732] ishl
      [733] ixor
      [734] istore v8
      [736] iload v8
      [738] iconst_2
      [739] iushr
      [740] iload v7
      [742] ixor
      [743] ldc #95
        + Integer [858993459]
      [745] iand
      [746] istore v6
      [748] iload v7
      [750] iload v6
      [752] ixor
      [753] istore v7
      [755] iload v8
      [757] iload v6
      [759] iconst_2
      [760] ishl
      [761] ixor
      [762] istore v8
      [764] iload v7
      [766] bipush 16
      [768] iushr
      [769] iload v8
      [771] ixor
      [772] ldc #12
        + Integer [65535]
      [774] iand
      [775] istore v6
      [777] iload v8
      [779] iload v6
      [781] ixor
      [782] istore v8
      [784] iload v7
      [786] iload v6
      [788] bipush 16
      [790] ishl
      [791] ixor
      [792] istore v7
      [794] iload v7
      [796] iconst_4
      [797] iushr
      [798] iload v8
      [800] ixor
      [801] ldc #78
        + Integer [252645135]
      [803] iand
      [804] istore v6
      [806] iload v8
      [808] iload v6
      [810] ixor
      [811] istore v8
      [813] iload v7
      [815] iload v6
      [817] iconst_4
      [818] ishl
      [819] ixor
      [820] istore v7
      [822] aload v4
      [824] iload v5
      [826] iconst_0
      [827] iadd
      [828] iload v7
      [830] bipush 24
      [832] iushr
      [833] sipush 255
      [836] iand
      [837] i2b
      [838] bastore
      [839] aload v4
      [841] iload v5
      [843] iconst_1
      [844] iadd
      [845] iload v7
      [847] bipush 16
      [849] iushr
      [850] sipush 255
      [853] iand
      [854] i2b
      [855] bastore
      [856] aload v4
      [858] iload v5
      [860] iconst_2
      [861] iadd
      [862] iload v7
      [864] bipush 8
      [866] iushr
      [867] sipush 255
      [870] iand
      [871] i2b
      [872] bastore
      [873] aload v4
      [875] iload v5
      [877] iconst_3
      [878] iadd
      [879] iload v7
      [881] sipush 255
      [884] iand
      [885] i2b
      [886] bastore
      [887] aload v4
      [889] iload v5
      [891] iconst_4
      [892] iadd
      [893] iload v8
      [895] bipush 24
      [897] iushr
      [898] sipush 255
      [901] iand
      [902] i2b
      [903] bastore
      [904] aload v4
      [906] iload v5
      [908] iconst_5
      [909] iadd
      [910] iload v8
      [912] bipush 16
      [914] iushr
      [915] sipush 255
      [918] iand
      [919] i2b
      [920] bastore
      [921] aload v4
      [923] iload v5
      [925] bipush 6
      [927] iadd
      [928] iload v8
      [930] bipush 8
      [932] iushr
      [933] sipush 255
      [936] iand
      [937] i2b
      [938] bastore
      [939] aload v4
      [941] iload v5
      [943] bipush 7
      [945] iadd
      [946] iload v8
      [948] sipush 255
      [951] iand
      [952] i2b
      [953] bastore
      [954] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 77)
        [0] -> line 288
        [14] -> line 289
        [31] -> line 290
        [48] -> line 291
        [62] -> line 293
        [76] -> line 294
        [93] -> line 295
        [111] -> line 296
        [126] -> line 298
        [138] -> line 299
        [145] -> line 300
        [154] -> line 301
        [167] -> line 302
        [174] -> line 303
        [184] -> line 304
        [196] -> line 305
        [203] -> line 306
        [212] -> line 307
        [225] -> line 308
        [232] -> line 309
        [242] -> line 310
        [258] -> line 311
        [268] -> line 312
        [275] -> line 313
        [282] -> line 314
        [298] -> line 316
        [304] -> line 320
        [316] -> line 321
        [329] -> line 322
        [340] -> line 323
        [357] -> line 324
        [374] -> line 325
        [391] -> line 326
        [404] -> line 327
        [418] -> line 328
        [435] -> line 329
        [452] -> line 330
        [469] -> line 331
        [476] -> line 332
        [488] -> line 333
        [501] -> line 334
        [512] -> line 335
        [529] -> line 336
        [546] -> line 337
        [563] -> line 338
        [576] -> line 339
        [590] -> line 340
        [607] -> line 341
        [624] -> line 342
        [641] -> line 343
        [648] -> line 316
        [658] -> line 346
        [670] -> line 347
        [680] -> line 348
        [687] -> line 349
        [694] -> line 350
        [706] -> line 351
        [719] -> line 352
        [726] -> line 353
        [736] -> line 354
        [748] -> line 355
        [755] -> line 356
        [764] -> line 357
        [777] -> line 358
        [784] -> line 359
        [794] -> line 360
        [806] -> line 361
        [813] -> line 362
        [822] -> line 364
        [839] -> line 365
        [856] -> line 366
        [873] -> line 367
        [887] -> line 368
        [904] -> line 369
        [921] -> line 370
        [939] -> line 371
        [954] -> line 372
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 11)
        v0: 0 -> 955 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES; this]
        v1: 0 -> 955 [[I wKey]
        v2: 0 -> 955 [[B in]
        v3: 0 -> 955 [I inOff]
        v4: 0 -> 955 [[B out]
        v5: 0 -> 955 [I outOff]
        v6: 138 -> 955 [I work]
        v7: 76 -> 955 [I right]
        v8: 14 -> 955 [I left]
        v9: 301 -> 658 [I round]
        v10: 340 -> 648 [I fval]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede
  Superclass:    com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.DESede extends com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.DES

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 59):
  + String [DESede engine not initialised!]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede]
  + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede.encrypt Z]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede.key1 [I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede.key2 [I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede.key3 [I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede.desFunc ([I[BI[BI)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede.generateWorkingKey (Z[BI)[I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalStateException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [desFunc ([I[BI[BI)V]
  + NameAndType [encrypt Z]
  + NameAndType [generateWorkingKey (Z[BI)[I]
  + NameAndType [key1 [I]
  + NameAndType [key2 [I]
  + NameAndType [key3 [I]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z[B)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z[BI)[I]
  + Utf8 [([BI[BI)V]
  + Utf8 [([I[BI[BI)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [DESede engine not initialised!]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [[I]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede]
  + Utf8 [desFunc]
  + Utf8 [encrypt]
  + Utf8 [encrypting]
  + Utf8 [generateWorkingKey]
  + Utf8 [getBlockSize]
  + Utf8 [in]
  + Utf8 [inOff]
  + Utf8 [init]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
  + Utf8 [key]
  + Utf8 [key1]
  + Utf8 [key2]
  + Utf8 [key3]
  + Utf8 [out]
  + Utf8 [outOff]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [transformBlock]

Fields (count = 4):
  + Field:        key1 [I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int[] key1
  + Field:        key2 [I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int[] key2
  + Field:        key3 [I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int[] key3
  + Field:        encrypt Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean encrypt

Methods (count = 4):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public DESede()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 20, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #9
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DES.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aconst_null
      [6] putfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede.key1 [I]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aconst_null
      [11] putfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede.key2 [I]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] aconst_null
      [16] putfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede.key3 [I]
      [19] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 48
        [4] -> line 39
        [9] -> line 40
        [14] -> line 41
        [19] -> line 50
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 20 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede; this]
  + Method:       init(Z[B)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void init(boolean,byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 49, locals = 3, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_0 v0
      [2] iload_1 v1
      [3] aload_2 v2
      [4] iconst_0
      [5] invokevirtual #11
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede.generateWorkingKey (Z[BI)[I]
      [8] putfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede.key1 [I]
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] iload_1 v1
      [14] ifeq +7 (target=21)
      [17] iconst_0
      [18] goto +4 (target=22)
      [21] iconst_1
      [22] aload_2 v2
      [23] bipush 8
      [25] invokevirtual #11
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede.generateWorkingKey (Z[BI)[I]
      [28] putfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede.key2 [I]
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] aload_0 v0
      [33] iload_1 v1
      [34] aload_2 v2
      [35] bipush 16
      [37] invokevirtual #11
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede.generateWorkingKey (Z[BI)[I]
      [40] putfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede.key3 [I]
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] iload_1 v1
      [45] putfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede.encrypt Z]
      [48] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 64
        [11] -> line 65
        [31] -> line 66
        [43] -> line 68
        [48] -> line 69
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 49 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede; this]
        v1: 0 -> 49 [Z encrypting]
        v2: 0 -> 49 [[B key]
  + Method:       getBlockSize()I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int getBlockSize()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 3, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] bipush 8
      [2] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 78
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 3 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede; this]
  + Method:       transformBlock([BI[BI)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void transformBlock(byte[],int,byte[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 110, locals = 5, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede.key1 [I]
      [4] ifnonnull +13 (target=17)
      [7] new #4
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
      [10] dup
      [11] ldc #1
        + String [DESede engine not initialised!]
      [13] invokespecial #12
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalStateException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [16] athrow
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede.encrypt Z]
      [21] ifeq +47 (target=68)
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede.key1 [I]
      [29] aload_1 v1
      [30] iload_2 v2
      [31] aload_3 v3
      [32] iload v4
      [34] invokevirtual #10
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede.desFunc ([I[BI[BI)V]
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede.key2 [I]
      [42] aload_3 v3
      [43] iload v4
      [45] aload_3 v3
      [46] iload v4
      [48] invokevirtual #10
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede.desFunc ([I[BI[BI)V]
      [51] aload_0 v0
      [52] aload_0 v0
      [53] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede.key3 [I]
      [56] aload_3 v3
      [57] iload v4
      [59] aload_3 v3
      [60] iload v4
      [62] invokevirtual #10
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede.desFunc ([I[BI[BI)V]
      [65] goto +44 (target=109)
      [68] aload_0 v0
      [69] aload_0 v0
      [70] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede.key3 [I]
      [73] aload_1 v1
      [74] iload_2 v2
      [75] aload_3 v3
      [76] iload v4
      [78] invokevirtual #10
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede.desFunc ([I[BI[BI)V]
      [81] aload_0 v0
      [82] aload_0 v0
      [83] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede.key2 [I]
      [86] aload_3 v3
      [87] iload v4
      [89] aload_3 v3
      [90] iload v4
      [92] invokevirtual #10
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede.desFunc ([I[BI[BI)V]
      [95] aload_0 v0
      [96] aload_0 v0
      [97] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede.key1 [I]
      [100] aload_3 v3
      [101] iload v4
      [103] aload_3 v3
      [104] iload v4
      [106] invokevirtual #10
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede.desFunc ([I[BI[BI)V]
      [109] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 10)
        [0] -> line 83
        [7] -> line 85
        [17] -> line 88
        [24] -> line 90
        [37] -> line 91
        [51] -> line 92
        [68] -> line 96
        [81] -> line 97
        [95] -> line 98
        [109] -> line 100
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 110 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/DESede; this]
        v1: 0 -> 110 [[B in]
        v2: 0 -> 110 [I inOff]
        v3: 0 -> 110 [[B out]
        v4: 0 -> 110 [I outOff]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/NullCipher
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.NullCipher extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher]

Constant Pool (count = 42):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/NullCipher]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/NullCipher.blockSize I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [blockSize I]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z[B)V]
  + Utf8 [([BI[BI)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/NullCipher;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [arraycopy]
  + Utf8 [blockSize]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/NullCipher]
  + Utf8 [dst]
  + Utf8 [dstoff]
  + Utf8 [forEncryption]
  + Utf8 [getBlockSize]
  + Utf8 [init]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [key]
  + Utf8 [src]
  + Utf8 [srcoff]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [transformBlock]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        blockSize I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int blockSize

Methods (count = 4):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public NullCipher()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 11, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #6
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] bipush 8
      [7] putfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/NullCipher.blockSize I]
      [10] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 13
        [4] -> line 11
        [10] -> line 15
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 11 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/NullCipher; this]
  + Method:       init(Z[B)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void init(boolean,byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 1, locals = 3, stack = 0):
      [0] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 24
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 1 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/NullCipher; this]
        v1: 0 -> 1 [Z forEncryption]
        v2: 0 -> 1 [[B key]
  + Method:       getBlockSize()I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int getBlockSize()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/NullCipher.blockSize I]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 28
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/NullCipher; this]
  + Method:       transformBlock([BI[BI)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void transformBlock(byte[],int,byte[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 13, locals = 5, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] iload_2 v2
      [2] aload_3 v3
      [3] iload v4
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/NullCipher.blockSize I]
      [9] invokestatic #7
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [12] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 33
        [12] -> line 34
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 13 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/NullCipher; this]
        v1: 0 -> 13 [[B src]
        v2: 0 -> 13 [I srcoff]
        v3: 0 -> 13 [[B dst]
        v4: 0 -> 13 [I dstoff]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.dh.DhExchange extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 177):
  + String [']
  + String [179769313486231590770839156793787453197860296048756011706444423684197180216158519368947833795864925541502180565485980503646440548199239100050792877003355816639229553136239076508735759914822574862575007425302077447712589550957937778424442426617334727629299387668709205606050270810842907692932019128194467627007]
  + String [2]
  + String [Client: ']
  + String [DhDsaExchange not initialized!]
  + String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
  + String [ISO-8859-1]
  + String [Invalid f specified!]
  + String [SHA1]
  + String [Server: ']
  + String [Shared secret not yet known, need f first!]
  + String [Unknown DH group ]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger]
  + Class [java/io/UnsupportedEncodingException]
  + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/math/BigInteger]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.e Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.f Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.g Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.k Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.p Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.p1 Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.p14 Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.x Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.getDigest ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.updateBigInt (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.updateByteString ([B)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.getLogger (Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalStateException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.<init> ([BLjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.<init> (ILjava/util/Random;)V]
  + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;I)V]
  + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.bitLength ()I]
  + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.compareTo (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)I]
  + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.modPow (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.valueOf (J)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (ILjava/util/Random;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;I)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([BLjava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [bitLength ()I]
  + NameAndType [compareTo (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)I]
  + NameAndType [e Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [f Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [g Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [getDigest ()[B]
  + NameAndType [getLogger (Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + NameAndType [isEnabled ()Z]
  + NameAndType [k Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + NameAndType [modPow (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [p Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [p1 Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [p14 Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [updateBigInt (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + NameAndType [updateByteString ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (J)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [x Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [']
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(ILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(ILjava/security/SecureRandom;)V]
  + Utf8 [(ILjava/util/Random;)V]
  + Utf8 [(J)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/math/BigInteger;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [([BLjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [([B[B[B[B[B)[B]
  + Utf8 [179769313486231590770839156793787453197860296048756011706444423684197180216158519368947833795864925541502180565485980503646440548199239100050792877003355816639229553136239076508735759914822574862575007425302077447712589550957937778424442426617334727629299387668709205606050270810842907692932019128194467627007]
  + Utf8 [2]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Client: ']
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [DhDsaExchange not initialized!]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf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
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [ISO-8859-1]
  + Utf8 [Invalid f specified!]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SHA1]
  + Utf8 [Server: ']
  + Utf8 [Shared secret not yet known, need f first!]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Unknown DH group ]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [bitLength]
  + Utf8 [calculateH]
  + Utf8 [clientKexPayload]
  + Utf8 [clientversion]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger]
  + Utf8 [compareTo]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [f]
  + Utf8 [g]
  + Utf8 [getDigest]
  + Utf8 [getE]
  + Utf8 [getK]
  + Utf8 [getLogger]
  + Utf8 [group]
  + Utf8 [hash]
  + Utf8 [hostKey]
  + Utf8 [init]
  + Utf8 [isEnabled]
  + Utf8 [java/io/UnsupportedEncodingException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/math/BigInteger]
  + Utf8 [k]
  + Utf8 [log]
  + Utf8 [modPow]
  + Utf8 [p]
  + Utf8 [p1]
  + Utf8 [p14]
  + Utf8 [p14_string]
  + Utf8 [p1_string]
  + Utf8 [rnd]
  + Utf8 [serverKexPayload]
  + Utf8 [serverversion]
  + Utf8 [setF]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [updateBigInt]
  + Utf8 [updateByteString]
  + Utf8 [valueOf]
  + Utf8 [x]
  + Utf8 [zero]

Fields (count = 9):
  + Field:        log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final com.trilead.ssh2.log.Logger log
  + Field:        p1 Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x18
      = static final java.math.BigInteger p1
  + Field:        p14 Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x18
      = static final java.math.BigInteger p14
  + Field:        g Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x18
      = static final java.math.BigInteger g
  + Field:        p Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.math.BigInteger p
  + Field:        e Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.math.BigInteger e
  + Field:        x Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.math.BigInteger x
  + Field:        f Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.math.BigInteger f
  + Field:        k Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.math.BigInteger k

Methods (count = 7):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 53, locals = 2, stack = 4):
      [0] ldc #13
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange]
      [2] invokestatic #36
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.getLogger (Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [5] putstatic #27
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [8] ldc #2
        + String [179769313486231590770839156793787453197860296048756011706444423684197180216158519368947833795864925541502180565485980503646440548199239100050792877003355816639229553136239076508735759914822574862575007425302077447712589550957937778424442426617334727629299387668709205606050270810842907692932019128194467627007]
      [10] astore_0 v0
      [11] ldc #6
        + String [FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC90FDAA22168C234C4C6628B80DC1CD129024E088A67CC74020BBEA63B139B22514A08798E3404DDEF9519B3CD3A431B302B0A6DF25F14374FE1356D6D51C245E485B576625E7EC6F44C42E9A637ED6B0BFF5CB6F406B7EDEE386BFB5A899FA5AE9F24117C4B1FE649286651ECE45B3DC2007CB8A163BF0598DA48361C55D39A69163FA8FD24CF5F83655D23DCA3AD961C62F356208552BB9ED529077096966D670C354E4ABC9804F1746C08CA18217C32905E462E36CE3BE39E772C180E86039B2783A2EC07A28FB5C55DF06F4C52C9DE2BCBF6955817183995497CEA956AE515D2261898FA051015728E5A8AACAA68FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF]
      [13] astore_1 v1
      [14] new #22
        + Class [java/math/BigInteger]
      [17] dup
      [18] ldc #2
        + String [179769313486231590770839156793787453197860296048756011706444423684197180216158519368947833795864925541502180565485980503646440548199239100050792877003355816639229553136239076508735759914822574862575007425302077447712589550957937778424442426617334727629299387668709205606050270810842907692932019128194467627007]
      [20] invokespecial #48
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [23] putstatic #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.p1 Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [26] new #22
        + Class [java/math/BigInteger]
      [29] dup
      [30] ldc #6
        + String [FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC90FDAA22168C234C4C6628B80DC1CD129024E088A67CC74020BBEA63B139B22514A08798E3404DDEF9519B3CD3A431B302B0A6DF25F14374FE1356D6D51C245E485B576625E7EC6F44C42E9A637ED6B0BFF5CB6F406B7EDEE386BFB5A899FA5AE9F24117C4B1FE649286651ECE45B3DC2007CB8A163BF0598DA48361C55D39A69163FA8FD24CF5F83655D23DCA3AD961C62F356208552BB9ED529077096966D670C354E4ABC9804F1746C08CA18217C32905E462E36CE3BE39E772C180E86039B2783A2EC07A28FB5C55DF06F4C52C9DE2BCBF6955817183995497CEA956AE515D2261898FA051015728E5A8AACAA68FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF]
      [32] bipush 16
      [34] invokespecial #49
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;I)V]
      [37] putstatic #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.p14 Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [40] new #22
        + Class [java/math/BigInteger]
      [43] dup
      [44] ldc #3
        + String [2]
      [46] invokespecial #48
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [49] putstatic #25
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.g Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [52] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 20
        [8] -> line 44
        [11] -> line 50
        [14] -> line 59
        [26] -> line 60
        [40] -> line 61
        [52] -> line 18
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 11 -> 53 [Ljava/lang/String; p1_string]
        v1: 14 -> 53 [Ljava/lang/String; p14_string]
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public DhExchange()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #41
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 64
        [4] -> line 66
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange; this]
  + Method:       init(ILjava/security/SecureRandom;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void init(int,
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 100, locals = 3, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aconst_null
      [2] putfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.k Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [5] iload_1 v1
      [6] iconst_1
      [7] ificmpne +13 (target=20)
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] getstatic #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.p1 Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [14] putfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.p Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [17] goto +43 (target=60)
      [20] iload_1 v1
      [21] bipush 14
      [23] ificmpne +13 (target=36)
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] getstatic #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.p14 Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [30] putfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.p Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [33] goto +27 (target=60)
      [36] new #17
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [39] dup
      [40] new #21
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [43] dup
      [44] ldc #12
        + String [Unknown DH group ]
      [46] invokespecial #43
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [49] iload_1 v1
      [50] invokevirtual #44
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [53] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [56] invokespecial #39
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [59] athrow
      [60] aload_0 v0
      [61] new #22
        + Class [java/math/BigInteger]
      [64] dup
      [65] aload_0 v0
      [66] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.p Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [69] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.bitLength ()I]
      [72] iconst_1
      [73] isub
      [74] aload_2 v2
      [75] invokespecial #47
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.<init> (ILjava/util/Random;)V]
      [78] putfield #31
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.x Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [81] aload_0 v0
      [82] getstatic #25
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.g Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [85] aload_0 v0
      [86] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.x Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [89] aload_0 v0
      [90] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.p Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [93] invokevirtual #52
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.modPow (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [96] putfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.e Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [99] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 70
        [5] -> line 72
        [10] -> line 73
        [20] -> line 74
        [26] -> line 75
        [36] -> line 77
        [60] -> line 79
        [81] -> line 81
        [99] -> line 82
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 100 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange; this]
        v1: 0 -> 100 [I group]
        v2: 0 -> 100 [Ljava/security/SecureRandom; rnd]
  + Method:       getE()Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.math.BigInteger getE()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 22, locals = 1, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.e Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [4] ifnonnull +13 (target=17)
      [7] new #18
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
      [10] dup
      [11] ldc #5
        + String [DhDsaExchange not initialized!]
      [13] invokespecial #40
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalStateException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [16] athrow
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.e Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [21] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 90
        [7] -> line 91
        [17] -> line 93
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 22 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange; this]
  + Method:       getK()Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.math.BigInteger getK()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 22, locals = 1, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.k Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [4] ifnonnull +13 (target=17)
      [7] new #18
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
      [10] dup
      [11] ldc #11
        + String [Shared secret not yet known, need f first!]
      [13] invokespecial #40
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalStateException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [16] athrow
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.k Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [21] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 102
        [7] -> line 103
        [17] -> line 105
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 22 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange; this]
  + Method:       setF(Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setF(java.math.BigInteger)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 73, locals = 3, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.e Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [4] ifnonnull +13 (target=17)
      [7] new #18
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
      [10] dup
      [11] ldc #5
        + String [DhDsaExchange not initialized!]
      [13] invokespecial #40
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalStateException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [16] athrow
      [17] lconst_0
      [18] invokestatic #53
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.valueOf (J)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [21] astore_2 v2
      [22] aload_2 v2
      [23] aload_1 v1
      [24] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.compareTo (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)I]
      [27] ifge +14 (target=41)
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.p Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [34] aload_1 v1
      [35] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.compareTo (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)I]
      [38] ifgt +13 (target=51)
      [41] new #17
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [44] dup
      [45] ldc #8
        + String [Invalid f specified!]
      [47] invokespecial #39
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [50] athrow
      [51] aload_0 v0
      [52] aload_1 v1
      [53] putfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.f Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [56] aload_0 v0
      [57] aload_1 v1
      [58] aload_0 v0
      [59] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.x Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [62] aload_0 v0
      [63] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.p Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [66] invokevirtual #52
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.modPow (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [69] putfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.k Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [72] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 113
        [7] -> line 114
        [17] -> line 116
        [22] -> line 118
        [41] -> line 119
        [51] -> line 121
        [56] -> line 122
        [72] -> line 123
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 73 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange; this]
        v1: 0 -> 73 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; f]
        v2: 22 -> 73 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; zero]
  + Method:       calculateH([B[B[B[B[B)[B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] calculateH(byte[],byte[],byte[],byte[],byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 161, locals = 7, stack = 7):
      [0] new #14
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types]
      [3] dup
      [4] ldc #9
        + String [SHA1]
      [6] invokespecial #32
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [9] astore v6
      [11] getstatic #27
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [14] invokevirtual #37
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
      [17] ifeq +79 (target=96)
      [20] getstatic #27
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [23] bipush 90
      [25] new #21
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [28] dup
      [29] ldc #4
        + String [Client: ']
      [31] invokespecial #43
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [34] new #20
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [37] dup
      [38] aload_1 v1
      [39] ldc #7
        + String [ISO-8859-1]
      [41] invokespecial #42
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.<init> ([BLjava/lang/String;)V]
      [44] invokevirtual #45
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [47] ldc #1
        + String [']
      [49] invokevirtual #45
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [52] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [55] invokevirtual #38
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [58] getstatic #27
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [61] bipush 90
      [63] new #21
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [66] dup
      [67] ldc #10
        + String [Server: ']
      [69] invokespecial #43
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [72] new #20
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [75] dup
      [76] aload_2 v2
      [77] ldc #7
        + String [ISO-8859-1]
      [79] invokespecial #42
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.<init> ([BLjava/lang/String;)V]
      [82] invokevirtual #45
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [85] ldc #1
        + String [']
      [87] invokevirtual #45
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [90] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [93] invokevirtual #38
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [96] aload v6
      [98] aload_1 v1
      [99] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.updateByteString ([B)V]
      [102] aload v6
      [104] aload_2 v2
      [105] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.updateByteString ([B)V]
      [108] aload v6
      [110] aload_3 v3
      [111] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.updateByteString ([B)V]
      [114] aload v6
      [116] aload v4
      [118] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.updateByteString ([B)V]
      [121] aload v6
      [123] aload v5
      [125] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.updateByteString ([B)V]
      [128] aload v6
      [130] aload_0 v0
      [131] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.e Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [134] invokevirtual #34
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.updateBigInt (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
      [137] aload v6
      [139] aload_0 v0
      [140] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.f Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [143] invokevirtual #34
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.updateBigInt (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
      [146] aload v6
      [148] aload_0 v0
      [149] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.k Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [152] invokevirtual #34
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.updateBigInt (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
      [155] aload v6
      [157] invokevirtual #33
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.getDigest ()[B]
      [160] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 13)
        [0] -> line 128
        [11] -> line 130
        [20] -> line 132
        [58] -> line 133
        [96] -> line 136
        [102] -> line 137
        [108] -> line 138
        [114] -> line 139
        [121] -> line 140
        [128] -> line 141
        [137] -> line 142
        [146] -> line 143
        [155] -> line 145
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 161 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange; this]
        v1: 0 -> 161 [[B clientversion]
        v2: 0 -> 161 [[B serverversion]
        v3: 0 -> 161 [[B clientKexPayload]
        v4: 0 -> 161 [[B serverKexPayload]
        v5: 0 -> 161 [[B hostKey]
        v6: 11 -> 161 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types; hash]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/UnsupportedEncodingException]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.dh.DhGroupExchange extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 124):
  + String [Invalid f specified!]
  + String [Not initialized!]
  + String [SHA1]
  + String [Shared secret not yet known, need f first!]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types]
  + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/math/BigInteger]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange.e Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange.f Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange.g Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange.k Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange.p Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange.x Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters.getMax_group_len ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters.getMin_group_len ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters.getPref_group_len ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.getDigest ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.updateBigInt (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.updateByteString ([B)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.updateUINT32 (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalStateException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.<init> (ILjava/util/Random;)V]
  + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.bitLength ()I]
  + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.compareTo (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)I]
  + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.modPow (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.valueOf (J)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (ILjava/util/Random;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [bitLength ()I]
  + NameAndType [compareTo (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)I]
  + NameAndType [e Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [f Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [g Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [getDigest ()[B]
  + NameAndType [getMax_group_len ()I]
  + NameAndType [getMin_group_len ()I]
  + NameAndType [getPref_group_len ()I]
  + NameAndType [k Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [modPow (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [p Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [updateBigInt (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + NameAndType [updateByteString ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [updateUINT32 (I)V]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (J)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [x Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(ILjava/util/Random;)V]
  + Utf8 [(J)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/math/BigInteger;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [([B[B[B[B[BLcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;)[B]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Invalid f specified!]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Not initialized!]
  + Utf8 [SHA1]
  + Utf8 [Shared secret not yet known, need f first!]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [bitLength]
  + Utf8 [calculateH]
  + Utf8 [clientKexPayload]
  + Utf8 [clientversion]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types]
  + Utf8 [compareTo]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [f]
  + Utf8 [g]
  + Utf8 [getDigest]
  + Utf8 [getE]
  + Utf8 [getK]
  + Utf8 [getMax_group_len]
  + Utf8 [getMin_group_len]
  + Utf8 [getPref_group_len]
  + Utf8 [hash]
  + Utf8 [hostKey]
  + Utf8 [init]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/math/BigInteger]
  + Utf8 [k]
  + Utf8 [modPow]
  + Utf8 [p]
  + Utf8 [para]
  + Utf8 [rnd]
  + Utf8 [serverKexPayload]
  + Utf8 [serverversion]
  + Utf8 [setF]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [updateBigInt]
  + Utf8 [updateByteString]
  + Utf8 [updateUINT32]
  + Utf8 [valueOf]
  + Utf8 [x]
  + Utf8 [zero]

Fields (count = 6):
  + Field:        p Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.math.BigInteger p
  + Field:        g Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.math.BigInteger g
  + Field:        e Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.math.BigInteger e
  + Field:        x Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.math.BigInteger x
  + Field:        f Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.math.BigInteger f
  + Field:        k Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.math.BigInteger k

Methods (count = 6):
  + Method:       <init>(Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public DhGroupExchange(java.math.BigInteger,java.math.BigInteger)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #28
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] putfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange.p Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aload_2 v2
      [11] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange.g Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [14] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 37
        [4] -> line 39
        [9] -> line 40
        [14] -> line 41
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 15 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange; this]
        v1: 0 -> 15 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; p]
        v2: 0 -> 15 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; g]
  + Method:       init(Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void init(
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 46, locals = 2, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aconst_null
      [2] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange.k Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] new #11
        + Class [java/math/BigInteger]
      [9] dup
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange.p Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [14] invokevirtual #30
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.bitLength ()I]
      [17] iconst_1
      [18] isub
      [19] aload_1 v1
      [20] invokespecial #29
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.<init> (ILjava/util/Random;)V]
      [23] putfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange.x Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] aload_0 v0
      [28] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange.g Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange.x Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [35] aload_0 v0
      [36] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange.p Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [39] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.modPow (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [42] putfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange.e Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [45] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 45
        [5] -> line 47
        [26] -> line 48
        [45] -> line 49
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 46 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange; this]
        v1: 0 -> 46 [Ljava/security/SecureRandom; rnd]
  + Method:       getE()Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.math.BigInteger getE()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 22, locals = 1, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange.e Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [4] ifnonnull +13 (target=17)
      [7] new #9
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
      [10] dup
      [11] ldc #2
        + String [Not initialized!]
      [13] invokespecial #27
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalStateException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [16] athrow
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange.e Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [21] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 56
        [7] -> line 57
        [17] -> line 59
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 22 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange; this]
  + Method:       getK()Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.math.BigInteger getK()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 22, locals = 1, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange.k Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [4] ifnonnull +13 (target=17)
      [7] new #9
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
      [10] dup
      [11] ldc #4
        + String [Shared secret not yet known, need f first!]
      [13] invokespecial #27
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalStateException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [16] athrow
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange.k Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [21] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 67
        [7] -> line 68
        [17] -> line 70
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 22 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange; this]
  + Method:       setF(Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setF(java.math.BigInteger)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 73, locals = 3, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange.e Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [4] ifnonnull +13 (target=17)
      [7] new #9
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
      [10] dup
      [11] ldc #2
        + String [Not initialized!]
      [13] invokespecial #27
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalStateException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [16] athrow
      [17] lconst_0
      [18] invokestatic #33
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.valueOf (J)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [21] astore_2 v2
      [22] aload_2 v2
      [23] aload_1 v1
      [24] invokevirtual #31
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.compareTo (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)I]
      [27] ifge +14 (target=41)
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange.p Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [34] aload_1 v1
      [35] invokevirtual #31
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.compareTo (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)I]
      [38] ifgt +13 (target=51)
      [41] new #8
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [44] dup
      [45] ldc #1
        + String [Invalid f specified!]
      [47] invokespecial #26
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [50] athrow
      [51] aload_0 v0
      [52] aload_1 v1
      [53] putfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange.f Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [56] aload_0 v0
      [57] aload_1 v1
      [58] aload_0 v0
      [59] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange.x Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [62] aload_0 v0
      [63] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange.p Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [66] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.modPow (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [69] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange.k Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [72] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 78
        [7] -> line 79
        [17] -> line 81
        [22] -> line 83
        [41] -> line 84
        [51] -> line 86
        [56] -> line 87
        [72] -> line 88
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 73 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange; this]
        v1: 0 -> 73 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; f]
        v2: 22 -> 73 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; zero]
  + Method:       calculateH([B[B[B[B[BLcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;)[B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] calculateH(byte[],byte[],byte[],byte[],byte[],com.trilead.ssh2.DHGexParameters)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 140, locals = 8, stack = 3):
      [0] new #7
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types]
      [3] dup
      [4] ldc #3
        + String [SHA1]
      [6] invokespecial #21
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [9] astore v7
      [11] aload v7
      [13] aload_1 v1
      [14] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.updateByteString ([B)V]
      [17] aload v7
      [19] aload_2 v2
      [20] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.updateByteString ([B)V]
      [23] aload v7
      [25] aload_3 v3
      [26] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.updateByteString ([B)V]
      [29] aload v7
      [31] aload v4
      [33] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.updateByteString ([B)V]
      [36] aload v7
      [38] aload v5
      [40] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.updateByteString ([B)V]
      [43] aload v6
      [45] invokevirtual #19
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters.getMin_group_len ()I]
      [48] ifle +13 (target=61)
      [51] aload v7
      [53] aload v6
      [55] invokevirtual #19
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters.getMin_group_len ()I]
      [58] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.updateUINT32 (I)V]
      [61] aload v7
      [63] aload v6
      [65] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters.getPref_group_len ()I]
      [68] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.updateUINT32 (I)V]
      [71] aload v6
      [73] invokevirtual #18
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters.getMax_group_len ()I]
      [76] ifle +13 (target=89)
      [79] aload v7
      [81] aload v6
      [83] invokevirtual #18
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters.getMax_group_len ()I]
      [86] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.updateUINT32 (I)V]
      [89] aload v7
      [91] aload_0 v0
      [92] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange.p Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [95] invokevirtual #23
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.updateBigInt (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
      [98] aload v7
      [100] aload_0 v0
      [101] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange.g Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [104] invokevirtual #23
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.updateBigInt (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
      [107] aload v7
      [109] aload_0 v0
      [110] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange.e Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [113] invokevirtual #23
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.updateBigInt (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
      [116] aload v7
      [118] aload_0 v0
      [119] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange.f Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [122] invokevirtual #23
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.updateBigInt (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
      [125] aload v7
      [127] aload_0 v0
      [128] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange.k Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [131] invokevirtual #23
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.updateBigInt (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
      [134] aload v7
      [136] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.getDigest ()[B]
      [139] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 17)
        [0] -> line 93
        [11] -> line 95
        [17] -> line 96
        [23] -> line 97
        [29] -> line 98
        [36] -> line 99
        [43] -> line 100
        [51] -> line 101
        [61] -> line 102
        [71] -> line 103
        [79] -> line 104
        [89] -> line 105
        [98] -> line 106
        [107] -> line 107
        [116] -> line 108
        [125] -> line 109
        [134] -> line 111
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 8)
        v0: 0 -> 140 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange; this]
        v1: 0 -> 140 [[B clientversion]
        v2: 0 -> 140 [[B serverversion]
        v3: 0 -> 140 [[B clientKexPayload]
        v4: 0 -> 140 [[B serverKexPayload]
        v5: 0 -> 140 [[B hostKey]
        v6: 0 -> 140 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters; para]
        v7: 11 -> 140 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types; hash]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x601
    = public interface com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.digest.Digest extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 17):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(B)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [([BI)V]
  + Utf8 [([BII)V]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest]
  + Utf8 [digest]
  + Utf8 [getDigestLength]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [reset]
  + Utf8 [update]

Fields (count = 0):

Methods (count = 7):
  + Method:       getDigestLength()I
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract int getDigestLength()
  + Method:       update(B)V
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract void update(byte)
  + Method:       update([B)V
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract void update(byte[])
  + Method:       update([BII)V
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract void update(byte[],int,int)
  + Method:       reset()V
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract void reset()
  + Method:       digest([B)V
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract void digest(byte[])
  + Method:       digest([BI)V
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract void digest(byte[],int)

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x31
    = public final class com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.digest.HMAC extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest]

Constant Pool (count = 74):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC.k_xor_ipad [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC.k_xor_opad [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC.size I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC.tmp [B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC.digest ([BI)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.digest ([B)V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.getDigestLength ()I]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.reset ()V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.update (B)V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.update ([B)V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.update ([BII)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [digest ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [digest ([BI)V]
  + NameAndType [getDigestLength ()I]
  + NameAndType [k_xor_ipad [B]
  + NameAndType [k_xor_opad [B]
  + NameAndType [md Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;]
  + NameAndType [reset ()V]
  + NameAndType [size I]
  + NameAndType [tmp [B]
  + NameAndType [update (B)V]
  + NameAndType [update ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [update ([BII)V]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(B)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;[BI)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [([BI)V]
  + Utf8 [([BII)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [B]
  + Utf8 [BLOCKSIZE]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [arraycopy]
  + Utf8 [b]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC]
  + Utf8 [digest]
  + Utf8 [getDigestLength]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [k_xor_ipad]
  + Utf8 [k_xor_opad]
  + Utf8 [key]
  + Utf8 [len]
  + Utf8 [md]
  + Utf8 [off]
  + Utf8 [out]
  + Utf8 [reset]
  + Utf8 [size]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [tmp]
  + Utf8 [update]

Fields (count = 5):
  + Field:        md Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.digest.Digest md
  + Field:        k_xor_ipad [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] k_xor_ipad
  + Field:        k_xor_opad [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] k_xor_opad
  + Field:        tmp [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] tmp
  + Field:        size I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int size

Methods (count = 8):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;[BI)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public HMAC(com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.digest.Digest,byte[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 158, locals = 6, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #11
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] putfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] iload_3 v3
      [11] putfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC.size I]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] invokeinterface #14
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.getDigestLength ()I]
      [21] newarray 8
      [23] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC.tmp [B]
      [26] bipush 64
      [28] istore v4
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] bipush 64
      [33] newarray 8
      [35] putfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC.k_xor_ipad [B]
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] bipush 64
      [41] newarray 8
      [43] putfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC.k_xor_opad [B]
      [46] aload_2 v2
      [47] arraylength
      [48] bipush 64
      [50] ificmple +31 (target=81)
      [53] aload_1 v1
      [54] invokeinterface #15
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.reset ()V]
      [59] aload_1 v1
      [60] aload_2 v2
      [61] invokeinterface #17
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.update ([B)V]
      [66] aload_1 v1
      [67] aload_0 v0
      [68] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC.tmp [B]
      [71] invokeinterface #13
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.digest ([B)V]
      [76] aload_0 v0
      [77] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC.tmp [B]
      [80] astore_2 v2
      [81] aload_2 v2
      [82] iconst_0
      [83] aload_0 v0
      [84] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC.k_xor_ipad [B]
      [87] iconst_0
      [88] aload_2 v2
      [89] arraylength
      [90] invokestatic #12
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [93] aload_2 v2
      [94] iconst_0
      [95] aload_0 v0
      [96] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC.k_xor_opad [B]
      [99] iconst_0
      [100] aload_2 v2
      [101] arraylength
      [102] invokestatic #12
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [105] iconst_0
      [106] istore v5
      [108] goto +32 (target=140)
      [111] aload_0 v0
      [112] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC.k_xor_ipad [B]
      [115] iload v5
      [117] dup2
      [118] baload
      [119] bipush 54
      [121] ixor
      [122] i2b
      [123] bastore
      [124] aload_0 v0
      [125] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC.k_xor_opad [B]
      [128] iload v5
      [130] dup2
      [131] baload
      [132] bipush 92
      [134] ixor
      [135] i2b
      [136] bastore
      [137] iinc v5, 1
      [140] iload v5
      [142] bipush 64
      [144] ificmplt -33 (target=111)
      [147] aload_1 v1
      [148] aload_0 v0
      [149] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC.k_xor_ipad [B]
      [152] invokeinterface #17
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.update ([B)V]
      [157] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 20)
        [0] -> line 20
        [4] -> line 22
        [9] -> line 23
        [14] -> line 25
        [26] -> line 27
        [30] -> line 29
        [38] -> line 30
        [46] -> line 32
        [53] -> line 34
        [59] -> line 35
        [66] -> line 36
        [76] -> line 37
        [81] -> line 40
        [93] -> line 41
        [105] -> line 43
        [111] -> line 45
        [124] -> line 46
        [137] -> line 43
        [147] -> line 48
        [157] -> line 49
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 158 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC; this]
        v1: 0 -> 158 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest; md]
        v2: 0 -> 158 [[B key]
        v3: 0 -> 158 [I size]
        v4: 30 -> 158 [I BLOCKSIZE]
        v5: 108 -> 147 [I i]
  + Method:       getDigestLength()I
    Access flags: 0x11
      = public final int getDigestLength()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC.size I]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 53
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC; this]
  + Method:       update(B)V
    Access flags: 0x11
      = public final void update(byte)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 11, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;]
      [4] iload_1 v1
      [5] invokeinterface #16
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.update (B)V]
      [10] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 58
        [10] -> line 59
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 11 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC; this]
        v1: 0 -> 11 [B b]
  + Method:       update([B)V
    Access flags: 0x11
      = public final void update(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 11, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;]
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] invokeinterface #17
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.update ([B)V]
      [10] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 63
        [10] -> line 64
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 11 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC; this]
        v1: 0 -> 11 [[B b]
  + Method:       update([BII)V
    Access flags: 0x11
      = public final void update(byte[],int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 13, locals = 4, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;]
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] iload_2 v2
      [6] iload_3 v3
      [7] invokeinterface #18
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.update ([BII)V]
      [12] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 68
        [12] -> line 69
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 13 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC; this]
        v1: 0 -> 13 [[B b]
        v2: 0 -> 13 [I off]
        v3: 0 -> 13 [I len]
  + Method:       reset()V
    Access flags: 0x11
      = public final void reset()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 23, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;]
      [4] invokeinterface #15
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.reset ()V]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;]
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC.k_xor_ipad [B]
      [17] invokeinterface #17
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.update ([B)V]
      [22] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 73
        [9] -> line 74
        [22] -> line 75
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 23 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC; this]
  + Method:       digest([B)V
    Access flags: 0x11
      = public final void digest(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 7, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] iconst_0
      [3] invokevirtual #10
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC.digest ([BI)V]
      [6] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 79
        [6] -> line 80
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 7 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC; this]
        v1: 0 -> 7 [[B out]
  + Method:       digest([BI)V
    Access flags: 0x11
      = public final void digest(byte[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 80, locals = 3, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC.tmp [B]
      [8] invokeinterface #13
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.digest ([B)V]
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;]
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC.k_xor_opad [B]
      [21] invokeinterface #17
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.update ([B)V]
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;]
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC.tmp [B]
      [34] invokeinterface #17
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.update ([B)V]
      [39] aload_0 v0
      [40] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;]
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC.tmp [B]
      [47] invokeinterface #13
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.digest ([B)V]
      [52] aload_0 v0
      [53] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC.tmp [B]
      [56] iconst_0
      [57] aload_1 v1
      [58] iload_2 v2
      [59] aload_0 v0
      [60] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC.size I]
      [63] invokestatic #12
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [66] aload_0 v0
      [67] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;]
      [70] aload_0 v0
      [71] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC.k_xor_ipad [B]
      [74] invokeinterface #17
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.update ([B)V]
      [79] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 84
        [13] -> line 86
        [26] -> line 87
        [39] -> line 89
        [52] -> line 91
        [66] -> line 93
        [79] -> line 94
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 80 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC; this]
        v1: 0 -> 80 [[B out]
        v2: 0 -> 80 [I off]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.digest.HashForSSH2Types extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 109):
  + String [MD5]
  + String [SHA1]
  + String [Unknown algorithm ]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1]
  + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/math/BigInteger]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.getDigest ([B)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.getDigest ([BI)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.updateByteString ([B)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.updateBytes ([B)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.updateUINT32 (I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.toByteArray ()[B]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.digest ([BI)V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.getDigestLength ()I]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.reset ()V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.update (B)V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.update ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [digest ([BI)V]
  + NameAndType [equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [getDigest ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [getDigest ([BI)V]
  + NameAndType [getDigestLength ()I]
  + NameAndType [md Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;]
  + NameAndType [reset ()V]
  + NameAndType [toByteArray ()[B]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [update (B)V]
  + NameAndType [update ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [updateByteString ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [updateBytes ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [updateUINT32 (I)V]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [(B)V]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [([BI)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [B]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [MD5]
  + Utf8 [SHA1]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Unknown algorithm ]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [b]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1]
  + Utf8 [digest]
  + Utf8 [equals]
  + Utf8 [getDigest]
  + Utf8 [getDigestLength]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/math/BigInteger]
  + Utf8 [md]
  + Utf8 [off]
  + Utf8 [out]
  + Utf8 [reset]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [tmp]
  + Utf8 [toByteArray]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [type]
  + Utf8 [update]
  + Utf8 [updateBigInt]
  + Utf8 [updateByte]
  + Utf8 [updateByteString]
  + Utf8 [updateBytes]
  + Utf8 [updateUINT32]
  + Utf8 [v]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        md Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.digest.Digest md

Methods (count = 11):
  + Method:       <init>(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public HashForSSH2Types(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 75, locals = 2, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #22
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] ldc #2
        + String [SHA1]
      [7] invokevirtual #23
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [10] ifeq +17 (target=27)
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] new #7
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1]
      [17] dup
      [18] invokespecial #20
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.<init> ()V]
      [21] putfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;]
      [24] goto +50 (target=74)
      [27] aload_1 v1
      [28] ldc #1
        + String [MD5]
      [30] invokevirtual #23
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [33] ifeq +17 (target=50)
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] new #6
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5]
      [40] dup
      [41] invokespecial #19
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.<init> ()V]
      [44] putfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;]
      [47] goto +27 (target=74)
      [50] new #8
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [53] dup
      [54] new #11
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [57] dup
      [58] ldc #3
        + String [Unknown algorithm ]
      [60] invokespecial #24
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [63] aload_1 v1
      [64] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [67] invokevirtual #26
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [70] invokespecial #21
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [73] athrow
      [74] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 21
        [4] -> line 23
        [13] -> line 25
        [27] -> line 27
        [36] -> line 29
        [50] -> line 32
        [74] -> line 33
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 75 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types; this]
        v1: 0 -> 75 [Ljava/lang/String; type]
  + Method:       updateByte(B)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void updateByte(byte)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 19, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] iconst_1
      [1] newarray 8
      [3] astore_2 v2
      [4] aload_2 v2
      [5] iconst_0
      [6] iload_1 v1
      [7] bastore
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;]
      [12] aload_2 v2
      [13] invokeinterface #32
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.update ([B)V]
      [18] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 38
        [4] -> line 39
        [8] -> line 40
        [18] -> line 41
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 19 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types; this]
        v1: 0 -> 19 [B b]
        v2: 4 -> 19 [[B tmp]
  + Method:       updateBytes([B)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void updateBytes(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 11, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;]
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] invokeinterface #32
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.update ([B)V]
      [10] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 45
        [10] -> line 46
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 11 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types; this]
        v1: 0 -> 11 [[B b]
  + Method:       updateUINT32(I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void updateUINT32(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 54, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;]
      [4] iload_1 v1
      [5] bipush 24
      [7] ishr
      [8] i2b
      [9] invokeinterface #31
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.update (B)V]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;]
      [18] iload_1 v1
      [19] bipush 16
      [21] ishr
      [22] i2b
      [23] invokeinterface #31
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.update (B)V]
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;]
      [32] iload_1 v1
      [33] bipush 8
      [35] ishr
      [36] i2b
      [37] invokeinterface #31
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.update (B)V]
      [42] aload_0 v0
      [43] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;]
      [46] iload_1 v1
      [47] i2b
      [48] invokeinterface #31
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.update (B)V]
      [53] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 50
        [14] -> line 51
        [28] -> line 52
        [42] -> line 53
        [53] -> line 54
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 54 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types; this]
        v1: 0 -> 54 [I v]
  + Method:       updateByteString([B)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void updateByteString(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 12, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] arraylength
      [3] invokevirtual #18
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.updateUINT32 (I)V]
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] aload_1 v1
      [8] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.updateBytes ([B)V]
      [11] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 58
        [6] -> line 59
        [11] -> line 60
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 12 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types; this]
        v1: 0 -> 12 [[B b]
  + Method:       updateBigInt(Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void updateBigInt(java.math.BigInteger)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 9, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.toByteArray ()[B]
      [5] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.updateByteString ([B)V]
      [8] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 64
        [8] -> line 65
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 9 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types; this]
        v1: 0 -> 9 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; b]
  + Method:       reset()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void reset()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;]
      [4] invokeinterface #30
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.reset ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 69
        [9] -> line 70
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types; this]
  + Method:       getDigestLength()I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int getDigestLength()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;]
      [4] invokeinterface #29
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.getDigestLength ()I]
      [9] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 74
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types; this]
  + Method:       getDigest()[B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] getDigest()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 19, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;]
      [4] invokeinterface #29
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.getDigestLength ()I]
      [9] newarray 8
      [11] astore_1 v1
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] aload_1 v1
      [14] invokevirtual #14
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.getDigest ([B)V]
      [17] aload_1 v1
      [18] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 79
        [12] -> line 80
        [17] -> line 81
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 19 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types; this]
        v1: 12 -> 19 [[B tmp]
  + Method:       getDigest([B)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void getDigest(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 7, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] iconst_0
      [3] invokevirtual #15
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types.getDigest ([BI)V]
      [6] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 86
        [6] -> line 87
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 7 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types; this]
        v1: 0 -> 7 [[B out]
  + Method:       getDigest([BI)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void getDigest(byte[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 12, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;]
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] iload_2 v2
      [6] invokeinterface #28
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.digest ([BI)V]
      [11] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 91
        [11] -> line 92
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 12 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HashForSSH2Types; this]
        v1: 0 -> 12 [[B out]
        v2: 0 -> 12 [I off]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x31
    = public final class com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.digest.MAC extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 104):
  + String [Unkown algorithm ]
  + String [hmac-md5]
  + String [hmac-md5-96]
  + String [hmac-sha1]
  + String [hmac-sha1-96]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1]
  + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC.mac Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC.size I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;[BI)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.digest ([BI)V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.getDigestLength ()I]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.reset ()V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.update (B)V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.update ([BII)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;[BI)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [digest ([BI)V]
  + NameAndType [equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [getDigestLength ()I]
  + NameAndType [mac Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;]
  + NameAndType [reset ()V]
  + NameAndType [size I]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [update (B)V]
  + NameAndType [update ([BII)V]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(B)V]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;[BI)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;[B)V]
  + Utf8 [([BI)V]
  + Utf8 [([BII)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Unkown algorithm ]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1]
  + Utf8 [digest]
  + Utf8 [equals]
  + Utf8 [getDigestLength]
  + Utf8 [getKeyLen]
  + Utf8 [getMac]
  + Utf8 [getMacList]
  + Utf8 [hmac-md5]
  + Utf8 [hmac-md5-96]
  + Utf8 [hmac-sha1]
  + Utf8 [hmac-sha1-96]
  + Utf8 [initMac]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [key]
  + Utf8 [len]
  + Utf8 [mac]
  + Utf8 [off]
  + Utf8 [out]
  + Utf8 [packetdata]
  + Utf8 [reset]
  + Utf8 [seq]
  + Utf8 [size]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [type]
  + Utf8 [update]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        mac Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.digest.Digest mac
  + Field:        size I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int size

Methods (count = 7):
  + Method:       getMacList()[Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x19
      = public static final java.lang.String[] getMacList()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 25, locals = 0, stack = 4):
      [0] iconst_4
      [1] anewarray #13
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [4] dup
      [5] iconst_0
      [6] ldc #5
        + String [hmac-sha1-96]
      [8] aastore
      [9] dup
      [10] iconst_1
      [11] ldc #4
        + String [hmac-sha1]
      [13] aastore
      [14] dup
      [15] iconst_2
      [16] ldc #3
        + String [hmac-md5-96]
      [18] aastore
      [19] dup
      [20] iconst_3
      [21] ldc #2
        + String [hmac-md5]
      [23] aastore
      [24] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 19
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       getKeyLen(Ljava/lang/String;)I
    Access flags: 0x19
      = public static final int getKeyLen(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 72, locals = 1, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] ldc #4
        + String [hmac-sha1]
      [3] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [6] ifeq +6 (target=12)
      [9] bipush 20
      [11] ireturn
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] ldc #5
        + String [hmac-sha1-96]
      [15] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [18] ifeq +6 (target=24)
      [21] bipush 20
      [23] ireturn
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] ldc #2
        + String [hmac-md5]
      [27] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [30] ifeq +6 (target=36)
      [33] bipush 16
      [35] ireturn
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] ldc #3
        + String [hmac-md5-96]
      [39] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [42] ifeq +6 (target=48)
      [45] bipush 16
      [47] ireturn
      [48] new #11
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [51] dup
      [52] new #14
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [55] dup
      [56] ldc #1
        + String [Unkown algorithm ]
      [58] invokespecial #23
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [61] aload_0 v0
      [62] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [65] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [68] invokespecial #20
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [71] athrow
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 30
        [9] -> line 31
        [12] -> line 32
        [21] -> line 33
        [24] -> line 34
        [33] -> line 35
        [36] -> line 36
        [45] -> line 37
        [48] -> line 38
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 72 [Ljava/lang/String; type]
  + Method:       <init>(Ljava/lang/String;[B)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public MAC(java.lang.String,byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 174, locals = 3, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #21
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] ldc #4
        + String [hmac-sha1]
      [7] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [10] ifeq +27 (target=37)
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] new #7
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC]
      [17] dup
      [18] new #10
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1]
      [21] dup
      [22] invokespecial #19
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.<init> ()V]
      [25] aload_2 v2
      [26] bipush 20
      [28] invokespecial #17
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;[BI)V]
      [31] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC.mac Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;]
      [34] goto +126 (target=160)
      [37] aload_1 v1
      [38] ldc #5
        + String [hmac-sha1-96]
      [40] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [43] ifeq +27 (target=70)
      [46] aload_0 v0
      [47] new #7
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC]
      [50] dup
      [51] new #10
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1]
      [54] dup
      [55] invokespecial #19
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.<init> ()V]
      [58] aload_2 v2
      [59] bipush 12
      [61] invokespecial #17
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;[BI)V]
      [64] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC.mac Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;]
      [67] goto +93 (target=160)
      [70] aload_1 v1
      [71] ldc #2
        + String [hmac-md5]
      [73] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [76] ifeq +27 (target=103)
      [79] aload_0 v0
      [80] new #7
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC]
      [83] dup
      [84] new #9
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5]
      [87] dup
      [88] invokespecial #18
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.<init> ()V]
      [91] aload_2 v2
      [92] bipush 16
      [94] invokespecial #17
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;[BI)V]
      [97] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC.mac Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;]
      [100] goto +60 (target=160)
      [103] aload_1 v1
      [104] ldc #3
        + String [hmac-md5-96]
      [106] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [109] ifeq +27 (target=136)
      [112] aload_0 v0
      [113] new #7
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC]
      [116] dup
      [117] new #9
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5]
      [120] dup
      [121] invokespecial #18
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.<init> ()V]
      [124] aload_2 v2
      [125] bipush 12
      [127] invokespecial #17
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/HMAC.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;[BI)V]
      [130] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC.mac Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;]
      [133] goto +27 (target=160)
      [136] new #11
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [139] dup
      [140] new #14
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [143] dup
      [144] ldc #1
        + String [Unkown algorithm ]
      [146] invokespecial #23
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [149] aload_1 v1
      [150] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [153] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [156] invokespecial #20
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [159] athrow
      [160] aload_0 v0
      [161] aload_0 v0
      [162] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC.mac Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;]
      [165] invokeinterface #27
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.getDigestLength ()I]
      [170] putfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC.size I]
      [173] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 12)
        [0] -> line 41
        [4] -> line 43
        [13] -> line 45
        [37] -> line 47
        [46] -> line 49
        [70] -> line 51
        [79] -> line 53
        [103] -> line 55
        [112] -> line 57
        [136] -> line 60
        [160] -> line 62
        [173] -> line 63
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 174 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC; this]
        v1: 0 -> 174 [Ljava/lang/String; type]
        v2: 0 -> 174 [[B key]
  + Method:       initMac(I)V
    Access flags: 0x11
      = public final void initMac(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 63, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC.mac Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;]
      [4] invokeinterface #28
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.reset ()V]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC.mac Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;]
      [13] iload_1 v1
      [14] bipush 24
      [16] ishr
      [17] i2b
      [18] invokeinterface #29
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.update (B)V]
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC.mac Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;]
      [27] iload_1 v1
      [28] bipush 16
      [30] ishr
      [31] i2b
      [32] invokeinterface #29
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.update (B)V]
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC.mac Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;]
      [41] iload_1 v1
      [42] bipush 8
      [44] ishr
      [45] i2b
      [46] invokeinterface #29
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.update (B)V]
      [51] aload_0 v0
      [52] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC.mac Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;]
      [55] iload_1 v1
      [56] i2b
      [57] invokeinterface #29
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.update (B)V]
      [62] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 67
        [9] -> line 68
        [23] -> line 69
        [37] -> line 70
        [51] -> line 71
        [62] -> line 72
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 63 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC; this]
        v1: 0 -> 63 [I seq]
  + Method:       update([BII)V
    Access flags: 0x11
      = public final void update(byte[],int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 13, locals = 4, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC.mac Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;]
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] iload_2 v2
      [6] iload_3 v3
      [7] invokeinterface #30
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.update ([BII)V]
      [12] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 76
        [12] -> line 77
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 13 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC; this]
        v1: 0 -> 13 [[B packetdata]
        v2: 0 -> 13 [I off]
        v3: 0 -> 13 [I len]
  + Method:       getMac([BI)V
    Access flags: 0x11
      = public final void getMac(byte[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 12, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC.mac Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest;]
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] iload_2 v2
      [6] invokeinterface #26
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest.digest ([BI)V]
      [11] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 81
        [11] -> line 82
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 12 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC; this]
        v1: 0 -> 12 [[B out]
        v2: 0 -> 12 [I off]
  + Method:       size()I
    Access flags: 0x11
      = public final int size()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC.size I]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 86
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC; this]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x31
    = public final class com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.digest.MD5 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest]

Constant Pool (count = 176):
  + Integer [-2054922799]
  + Integer [-2022574463]
  + Integer [-1990404162]
  + Integer [-1958414417]
  + Integer [-1926607734]
  + Integer [-1894986606]
  + Integer [-1732584194]
  + Integer [-1560198380]
  + Integer [-1530992060]
  + Integer [-1502002290]
  + Integer [-1473231341]
  + Integer [-1444681467]
  + Integer [-1416354905]
  + Integer [-1120210379]
  + Integer [-1094730640]
  + Integer [-1069501632]
  + Integer [-1044525330]
  + Integer [-1019803690]
  + Integer [-995338651]
  + Integer [-722521979]
  + Integer [-701558691]
  + Integer [-680876936]
  + Integer [-660478335]
  + Integer [-640364487]
  + Integer [-421815835]
  + Integer [-405537848]
  + Integer [-389564586]
  + Integer [-373897302]
  + Integer [-358537222]
  + Integer [-343485551]
  + Integer [-271733879]
  + Integer [-198630844]
  + Integer [-187363961]
  + Integer [-176418897]
  + Integer [-165796510]
  + Integer [-155497632]
  + Integer [-145523070]
  + Integer [-57434055]
  + Integer [-51403784]
  + Integer [-45705983]
  + Integer [-40341101]
  + Integer [-35309556]
  + Integer [-30611744]
  + Integer [-1051523]
  + Integer [-378558]
  + Integer [-42063]
  + Integer [38016083]
  + Integer [76029189]
  + Integer [271733878]
  + Integer [530742520]
  + Integer [568446438]
  + Integer [606105819]
  + Integer [643717713]
  + Integer [681279174]
  + Integer [718787259]
  + Integer [1126891415]
  + Integer [1163531501]
  + Integer [1200080426]
  + Integer [1236535329]
  + Integer [1272893353]
  + Integer [1309151649]
  + Integer [1700485571]
  + Integer [1732584193]
  + Integer [1735328473]
  + Integer [1770035416]
  + Integer [1804603682]
  + Integer [1839030562]
  + Integer [1873313359]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Long [63]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.block [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.count J]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.padding [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.state0 I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.state1 I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.state2 I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.state3 I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.FF (IIIIIII)I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.GG (IIIIIII)I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.HH (IIIIIII)I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.II (IIIIIII)I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.digest ([BI)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.encode ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.reset ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.transform ([BI)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.update ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [FF (IIIIIII)I]
  + NameAndType [GG (IIIIIII)I]
  + NameAndType [HH (IIIIIII)I]
  + NameAndType [II (IIIIIII)I]
  + NameAndType [arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [block [B]
  + NameAndType [count J]
  + NameAndType [digest ([BI)V]
  + NameAndType [encode ([BII)V]
  + NameAndType [padding [B]
  + NameAndType [reset ()V]
  + NameAndType [state0 I]
  + NameAndType [state1 I]
  + NameAndType [state2 I]
  + NameAndType [state3 I]
  + NameAndType [transform ([BI)V]
  + NameAndType [update ([BII)V]
  + NameAndType [x [I]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(B)V]
  + Utf8 [(IIIIIII)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [([BI)V]
  + Utf8 [([BII)V]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [B]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [FF]
  + Utf8 [GG]
  + Utf8 [HH]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [II]
  + Utf8 [J]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [[I]
  + Utf8 [a]
  + Utf8 [ac]
  + Utf8 [arraycopy]
  + Utf8 [b]
  + Utf8 [bits]
  + Utf8 [block]
  + Utf8 [buff]
  + Utf8 [c]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5]
  + Utf8 [count]
  + Utf8 [d]
  + Utf8 [digest]
  + Utf8 [dst]
  + Utf8 [dstoff]
  + Utf8 [encode]
  + Utf8 [getDigestLength]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [idx]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [len]
  + Utf8 [padLen]
  + Utf8 [padding]
  + Utf8 [pos]
  + Utf8 [reset]
  + Utf8 [s]
  + Utf8 [space]
  + Utf8 [src]
  + Utf8 [state0]
  + Utf8 [state1]
  + Utf8 [state2]
  + Utf8 [state3]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [transform]
  + Utf8 [update]
  + Utf8 [word]
  + Utf8 [x]

Fields (count = 8):
  + Field:        state0 I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int state0
  + Field:        state1 I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int state1
  + Field:        state2 I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int state2
  + Field:        state3 I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int state3
  + Field:        count J
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private long count
  + Field:        block [B
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final byte[] block
  + Field:        x [I
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final int[] x
  + Field:        padding [B
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final byte[] padding

Methods (count = 15):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 13, locals = 0, stack = 4):
      [0] bipush 64
      [2] newarray 8
      [4] dup
      [5] iconst_0
      [6] bipush -128
      [8] bastore
      [9] putstatic #77
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.padding [B]
      [12] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 43
        [12] -> line 36
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public MD5()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 25, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #92
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] bipush 64
      [7] newarray 8
      [9] putfield #75
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.block [B]
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] bipush 16
      [15] newarray 10
      [17] putfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] invokevirtual #89
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.reset ()V]
      [24] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 47
        [4] -> line 40
        [12] -> line 41
        [20] -> line 49
        [24] -> line 50
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 25 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5; this]
  + Method:       FF(IIIIIII)I
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final int FF(int,int,int,int,int,int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 33, locals = 7, stack = 4):
      [0] iload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] iload_2 v2
      [3] iand
      [4] iload_1 v1
      [5] iconst_m1
      [6] ixor
      [7] iload_3 v3
      [8] iand
      [9] ior
      [10] iload v4
      [12] iadd
      [13] iload v6
      [15] iadd
      [16] iadd
      [17] istore_0 v0
      [18] iload_0 v0
      [19] iload v5
      [21] ishl
      [22] iload_0 v0
      [23] bipush 32
      [25] iload v5
      [27] isub
      [28] iushr
      [29] ior
      [30] iload_1 v1
      [31] iadd
      [32] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 54
        [18] -> line 55
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 33 [I a]
        v1: 0 -> 33 [I b]
        v2: 0 -> 33 [I c]
        v3: 0 -> 33 [I d]
        v4: 0 -> 33 [I x]
        v5: 0 -> 33 [I s]
        v6: 0 -> 33 [I ac]
  + Method:       GG(IIIIIII)I
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final int GG(int,int,int,int,int,int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 33, locals = 7, stack = 5):
      [0] iload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] iload_3 v3
      [3] iand
      [4] iload_2 v2
      [5] iload_3 v3
      [6] iconst_m1
      [7] ixor
      [8] iand
      [9] ior
      [10] iload v4
      [12] iadd
      [13] iload v6
      [15] iadd
      [16] iadd
      [17] istore_0 v0
      [18] iload_0 v0
      [19] iload v5
      [21] ishl
      [22] iload_0 v0
      [23] bipush 32
      [25] iload v5
      [27] isub
      [28] iushr
      [29] ior
      [30] iload_1 v1
      [31] iadd
      [32] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 60
        [18] -> line 61
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 33 [I a]
        v1: 0 -> 33 [I b]
        v2: 0 -> 33 [I c]
        v3: 0 -> 33 [I d]
        v4: 0 -> 33 [I x]
        v5: 0 -> 33 [I s]
        v6: 0 -> 33 [I ac]
  + Method:       HH(IIIIIII)I
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final int HH(int,int,int,int,int,int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 29, locals = 7, stack = 4):
      [0] iload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] iload_2 v2
      [3] ixor
      [4] iload_3 v3
      [5] ixor
      [6] iload v4
      [8] iadd
      [9] iload v6
      [11] iadd
      [12] iadd
      [13] istore_0 v0
      [14] iload_0 v0
      [15] iload v5
      [17] ishl
      [18] iload_0 v0
      [19] bipush 32
      [21] iload v5
      [23] isub
      [24] iushr
      [25] ior
      [26] iload_1 v1
      [27] iadd
      [28] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 66
        [14] -> line 67
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 29 [I a]
        v1: 0 -> 29 [I b]
        v2: 0 -> 29 [I c]
        v3: 0 -> 29 [I d]
        v4: 0 -> 29 [I x]
        v5: 0 -> 29 [I s]
        v6: 0 -> 29 [I ac]
  + Method:       II(IIIIIII)I
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final int II(int,int,int,int,int,int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 31, locals = 7, stack = 5):
      [0] iload_0 v0
      [1] iload_2 v2
      [2] iload_1 v1
      [3] iload_3 v3
      [4] iconst_m1
      [5] ixor
      [6] ior
      [7] ixor
      [8] iload v4
      [10] iadd
      [11] iload v6
      [13] iadd
      [14] iadd
      [15] istore_0 v0
      [16] iload_0 v0
      [17] iload v5
      [19] ishl
      [20] iload_0 v0
      [21] bipush 32
      [23] iload v5
      [25] isub
      [26] iushr
      [27] ior
      [28] iload_1 v1
      [29] iadd
      [30] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 72
        [16] -> line 73
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 31 [I a]
        v1: 0 -> 31 [I b]
        v2: 0 -> 31 [I c]
        v3: 0 -> 31 [I d]
        v4: 0 -> 31 [I x]
        v5: 0 -> 31 [I s]
        v6: 0 -> 31 [I ac]
  + Method:       encode([BII)V
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final void encode(byte[],int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 36, locals = 3, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] iload_2 v2
      [3] i2b
      [4] bastore
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] iload_1 v1
      [7] iconst_1
      [8] iadd
      [9] iload_2 v2
      [10] bipush 8
      [12] ishr
      [13] i2b
      [14] bastore
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] iload_1 v1
      [17] iconst_2
      [18] iadd
      [19] iload_2 v2
      [20] bipush 16
      [22] ishr
      [23] i2b
      [24] bastore
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] iload_1 v1
      [27] iconst_3
      [28] iadd
      [29] iload_2 v2
      [30] bipush 24
      [32] ishr
      [33] i2b
      [34] bastore
      [35] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 78
        [5] -> line 79
        [15] -> line 80
        [25] -> line 81
        [35] -> line 82
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 36 [[B dst]
        v1: 0 -> 36 [I dstoff]
        v2: 0 -> 36 [I word]
  + Method:       transform([BI)V
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final void transform(byte[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 1563, locals = 8, stack = 7):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #78
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.state0 I]
      [4] istore_3 v3
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] getfield #79
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.state1 I]
      [9] istore v4
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.state2 I]
      [15] istore v5
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] getfield #81
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.state3 I]
      [21] istore v6
      [23] iconst_0
      [24] istore v7
      [26] goto +62 (target=88)
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [33] iload v7
      [35] aload_1 v1
      [36] iload_2 v2
      [37] baload
      [38] sipush 255
      [41] iand
      [42] aload_1 v1
      [43] iload_2 v2
      [44] iconst_1
      [45] iadd
      [46] baload
      [47] sipush 255
      [50] iand
      [51] bipush 8
      [53] ishl
      [54] ior
      [55] aload_1 v1
      [56] iload_2 v2
      [57] iconst_2
      [58] iadd
      [59] baload
      [60] sipush 255
      [63] iand
      [64] bipush 16
      [66] ishl
      [67] ior
      [68] aload_1 v1
      [69] iload_2 v2
      [70] iconst_3
      [71] iadd
      [72] baload
      [73] sipush 255
      [76] iand
      [77] bipush 24
      [79] ishl
      [80] ior
      [81] iastore
      [82] iinc v7, 1
      [85] iinc v2, 4
      [88] iload v7
      [90] bipush 16
      [92] ificmplt -63 (target=29)
      [95] iload_3 v3
      [96] iload v4
      [98] iload v5
      [100] iload v6
      [102] aload_0 v0
      [103] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [106] iconst_0
      [107] iaload
      [108] bipush 7
      [110] ldc #22
        + Integer [-680876936]
      [112] invokestatic #83
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.FF (IIIIIII)I]
      [115] istore_3 v3
      [116] iload v6
      [118] iload_3 v3
      [119] iload v4
      [121] iload v5
      [123] aload_0 v0
      [124] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [127] iconst_1
      [128] iaload
      [129] bipush 12
      [131] ldc #27
        + Integer [-389564586]
      [133] invokestatic #83
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.FF (IIIIIII)I]
      [136] istore v6
      [138] iload v5
      [140] iload v6
      [142] iload_3 v3
      [143] iload v4
      [145] aload_0 v0
      [146] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [149] iconst_2
      [150] iaload
      [151] bipush 17
      [153] ldc #52
        + Integer [606105819]
      [155] invokestatic #83
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.FF (IIIIIII)I]
      [158] istore v5
      [160] iload v4
      [162] iload v5
      [164] iload v6
      [166] iload_3 v3
      [167] aload_0 v0
      [168] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [171] iconst_3
      [172] iaload
      [173] bipush 22
      [175] ldc #17
        + Integer [-1044525330]
      [177] invokestatic #83
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.FF (IIIIIII)I]
      [180] istore v4
      [182] iload_3 v3
      [183] iload v4
      [185] iload v5
      [187] iload v6
      [189] aload_0 v0
      [190] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [193] iconst_4
      [194] iaload
      [195] bipush 7
      [197] ldc #34
        + Integer [-176418897]
      [199] invokestatic #83
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.FF (IIIIIII)I]
      [202] istore_3 v3
      [203] iload v6
      [205] iload_3 v3
      [206] iload v4
      [208] iload v5
      [210] aload_0 v0
      [211] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [214] iconst_5
      [215] iaload
      [216] bipush 12
      [218] ldc #58
        + Integer [1200080426]
      [220] invokestatic #83
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.FF (IIIIIII)I]
      [223] istore v6
      [225] iload v5
      [227] iload v6
      [229] iload_3 v3
      [230] iload v4
      [232] aload_0 v0
      [233] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [236] bipush 6
      [238] iaload
      [239] bipush 17
      [241] ldc #11
        + Integer [-1473231341]
      [243] invokestatic #83
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.FF (IIIIIII)I]
      [246] istore v5
      [248] iload v4
      [250] iload v5
      [252] iload v6
      [254] iload_3 v3
      [255] aload_0 v0
      [256] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [259] bipush 7
      [261] iaload
      [262] bipush 22
      [264] ldc #40
        + Integer [-45705983]
      [266] invokestatic #83
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.FF (IIIIIII)I]
      [269] istore v4
      [271] iload_3 v3
      [272] iload v4
      [274] iload v5
      [276] iload v6
      [278] aload_0 v0
      [279] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [282] bipush 8
      [284] iaload
      [285] bipush 7
      [287] ldc #65
        + Integer [1770035416]
      [289] invokestatic #83
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.FF (IIIIIII)I]
      [292] istore_3 v3
      [293] iload v6
      [295] iload_3 v3
      [296] iload v4
      [298] iload v5
      [300] aload_0 v0
      [301] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [304] bipush 9
      [306] iaload
      [307] bipush 12
      [309] ldc #4
        + Integer [-1958414417]
      [311] invokestatic #83
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.FF (IIIIIII)I]
      [314] istore v6
      [316] iload v5
      [318] iload v6
      [320] iload_3 v3
      [321] iload v4
      [323] aload_0 v0
      [324] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [327] bipush 10
      [329] iaload
      [330] bipush 17
      [332] ldc #46
        + Integer [-42063]
      [334] invokestatic #83
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.FF (IIIIIII)I]
      [337] istore v5
      [339] iload v4
      [341] iload v5
      [343] iload v6
      [345] iload_3 v3
      [346] aload_0 v0
      [347] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [350] bipush 11
      [352] iaload
      [353] bipush 22
      [355] ldc #3
        + Integer [-1990404162]
      [357] invokestatic #83
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.FF (IIIIIII)I]
      [360] istore v4
      [362] iload_3 v3
      [363] iload v4
      [365] iload v5
      [367] iload v6
      [369] aload_0 v0
      [370] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [373] bipush 12
      [375] iaload
      [376] bipush 7
      [378] ldc #66
        + Integer [1804603682]
      [380] invokestatic #83
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.FF (IIIIIII)I]
      [383] istore_3 v3
      [384] iload v6
      [386] iload_3 v3
      [387] iload v4
      [389] iload v5
      [391] aload_0 v0
      [392] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [395] bipush 13
      [397] iaload
      [398] bipush 12
      [400] ldc #41
        + Integer [-40341101]
      [402] invokestatic #83
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.FF (IIIIIII)I]
      [405] istore v6
      [407] iload v5
      [409] iload v6
      [411] iload_3 v3
      [412] iload v4
      [414] aload_0 v0
      [415] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [418] bipush 14
      [420] iaload
      [421] bipush 17
      [423] ldc #10
        + Integer [-1502002290]
      [425] invokestatic #83
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.FF (IIIIIII)I]
      [428] istore v5
      [430] iload v4
      [432] iload v5
      [434] iload v6
      [436] iload_3 v3
      [437] aload_0 v0
      [438] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [441] bipush 15
      [443] iaload
      [444] bipush 22
      [446] ldc #59
        + Integer [1236535329]
      [448] invokestatic #83
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.FF (IIIIIII)I]
      [451] istore v4
      [453] iload_3 v3
      [454] iload v4
      [456] iload v5
      [458] iload v6
      [460] aload_0 v0
      [461] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [464] iconst_1
      [465] iaload
      [466] iconst_5
      [467] ldc #35
        + Integer [-165796510]
      [469] invokestatic #84
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.GG (IIIIIII)I]
      [472] istore_3 v3
      [473] iload v6
      [475] iload_3 v3
      [476] iload v4
      [478] iload v5
      [480] aload_0 v0
      [481] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [484] bipush 6
      [486] iaload
      [487] bipush 9
      [489] ldc #16
        + Integer [-1069501632]
      [491] invokestatic #84
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.GG (IIIIIII)I]
      [494] istore v6
      [496] iload v5
      [498] iload v6
      [500] iload_3 v3
      [501] iload v4
      [503] aload_0 v0
      [504] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [507] bipush 11
      [509] iaload
      [510] bipush 14
      [512] ldc #53
        + Integer [643717713]
      [514] invokestatic #84
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.GG (IIIIIII)I]
      [517] istore v5
      [519] iload v4
      [521] iload v5
      [523] iload v6
      [525] iload_3 v3
      [526] aload_0 v0
      [527] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [530] iconst_0
      [531] iaload
      [532] bipush 20
      [534] ldc #28
        + Integer [-373897302]
      [536] invokestatic #84
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.GG (IIIIIII)I]
      [539] istore v4
      [541] iload_3 v3
      [542] iload v4
      [544] iload v5
      [546] iload v6
      [548] aload_0 v0
      [549] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [552] iconst_5
      [553] iaload
      [554] iconst_5
      [555] ldc #21
        + Integer [-701558691]
      [557] invokestatic #84
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.GG (IIIIIII)I]
      [560] istore_3 v3
      [561] iload v6
      [563] iload_3 v3
      [564] iload v4
      [566] iload v5
      [568] aload_0 v0
      [569] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [572] bipush 10
      [574] iaload
      [575] bipush 9
      [577] ldc #47
        + Integer [38016083]
      [579] invokestatic #84
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.GG (IIIIIII)I]
      [582] istore v6
      [584] iload v5
      [586] iload v6
      [588] iload_3 v3
      [589] iload v4
      [591] aload_0 v0
      [592] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [595] bipush 15
      [597] iaload
      [598] bipush 14
      [600] ldc #23
        + Integer [-660478335]
      [602] invokestatic #84
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.GG (IIIIIII)I]
      [605] istore v5
      [607] iload v4
      [609] iload v5
      [611] iload v6
      [613] iload_3 v3
      [614] aload_0 v0
      [615] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [618] iconst_4
      [619] iaload
      [620] bipush 20
      [622] ldc #26
        + Integer [-405537848]
      [624] invokestatic #84
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.GG (IIIIIII)I]
      [627] istore v4
      [629] iload_3 v3
      [630] iload v4
      [632] iload v5
      [634] iload v6
      [636] aload_0 v0
      [637] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [640] bipush 9
      [642] iaload
      [643] iconst_5
      [644] ldc #51
        + Integer [568446438]
      [646] invokestatic #84
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.GG (IIIIIII)I]
      [649] istore_3 v3
      [650] iload v6
      [652] iload_3 v3
      [653] iload v4
      [655] iload v5
      [657] aload_0 v0
      [658] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [661] bipush 14
      [663] iaload
      [664] bipush 9
      [666] ldc #18
        + Integer [-1019803690]
      [668] invokestatic #84
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.GG (IIIIIII)I]
      [671] istore v6
      [673] iload v5
      [675] iload v6
      [677] iload_3 v3
      [678] iload v4
      [680] aload_0 v0
      [681] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [684] iconst_3
      [685] iaload
      [686] bipush 14
      [688] ldc #33
        + Integer [-187363961]
      [690] invokestatic #84
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.GG (IIIIIII)I]
      [693] istore v5
      [695] iload v4
      [697] iload v5
      [699] iload v6
      [701] iload_3 v3
      [702] aload_0 v0
      [703] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [706] bipush 8
      [708] iaload
      [709] bipush 20
      [711] ldc #57
        + Integer [1163531501]
      [713] invokestatic #84
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.GG (IIIIIII)I]
      [716] istore v4
      [718] iload_3 v3
      [719] iload v4
      [721] iload v5
      [723] iload v6
      [725] aload_0 v0
      [726] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [729] bipush 13
      [731] iaload
      [732] iconst_5
      [733] ldc #12
        + Integer [-1444681467]
      [735] invokestatic #84
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.GG (IIIIIII)I]
      [738] istore_3 v3
      [739] iload v6
      [741] iload_3 v3
      [742] iload v4
      [744] iload v5
      [746] aload_0 v0
      [747] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [750] iconst_2
      [751] iaload
      [752] bipush 9
      [754] ldc #39
        + Integer [-51403784]
      [756] invokestatic #84
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.GG (IIIIIII)I]
      [759] istore v6
      [761] iload v5
      [763] iload v6
      [765] iload_3 v3
      [766] iload v4
      [768] aload_0 v0
      [769] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [772] bipush 7
      [774] iaload
      [775] bipush 14
      [777] ldc #64
        + Integer [1735328473]
      [779] invokestatic #84
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.GG (IIIIIII)I]
      [782] istore v5
      [784] iload v4
      [786] iload v5
      [788] iload v6
      [790] iload_3 v3
      [791] aload_0 v0
      [792] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [795] bipush 12
      [797] iaload
      [798] bipush 20
      [800] ldc #5
        + Integer [-1926607734]
      [802] invokestatic #84
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.GG (IIIIIII)I]
      [805] istore v4
      [807] iload_3 v3
      [808] iload v4
      [810] iload v5
      [812] iload v6
      [814] aload_0 v0
      [815] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [818] iconst_5
      [819] iaload
      [820] iconst_4
      [821] ldc #45
        + Integer [-378558]
      [823] invokestatic #85
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.HH (IIIIIII)I]
      [826] istore_3 v3
      [827] iload v6
      [829] iload_3 v3
      [830] iload v4
      [832] iload v5
      [834] aload_0 v0
      [835] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [838] bipush 8
      [840] iaload
      [841] bipush 11
      [843] ldc #2
        + Integer [-2022574463]
      [845] invokestatic #85
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.HH (IIIIIII)I]
      [848] istore v6
      [850] iload v5
      [852] iload v6
      [854] iload_3 v3
      [855] iload v4
      [857] aload_0 v0
      [858] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [861] bipush 11
      [863] iaload
      [864] bipush 16
      [866] ldc #67
        + Integer [1839030562]
      [868] invokestatic #85
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.HH (IIIIIII)I]
      [871] istore v5
      [873] iload v4
      [875] iload v5
      [877] iload v6
      [879] iload_3 v3
      [880] aload_0 v0
      [881] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [884] bipush 14
      [886] iaload
      [887] bipush 23
      [889] ldc #42
        + Integer [-35309556]
      [891] invokestatic #85
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.HH (IIIIIII)I]
      [894] istore v4
      [896] iload_3 v3
      [897] iload v4
      [899] iload v5
      [901] iload v6
      [903] aload_0 v0
      [904] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [907] iconst_1
      [908] iaload
      [909] iconst_4
      [910] ldc #9
        + Integer [-1530992060]
      [912] invokestatic #85
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.HH (IIIIIII)I]
      [915] istore_3 v3
      [916] iload v6
      [918] iload_3 v3
      [919] iload v4
      [921] iload v5
      [923] aload_0 v0
      [924] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [927] iconst_4
      [928] iaload
      [929] bipush 11
      [931] ldc #60
        + Integer [1272893353]
      [933] invokestatic #85
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.HH (IIIIIII)I]
      [936] istore v6
      [938] iload v5
      [940] iload v6
      [942] iload_3 v3
      [943] iload v4
      [945] aload_0 v0
      [946] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [949] bipush 7
      [951] iaload
      [952] bipush 16
      [954] ldc #36
        + Integer [-155497632]
      [956] invokestatic #85
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.HH (IIIIIII)I]
      [959] istore v5
      [961] iload v4
      [963] iload v5
      [965] iload v6
      [967] iload_3 v3
      [968] aload_0 v0
      [969] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [972] bipush 10
      [974] iaload
      [975] bipush 23
      [977] ldc #15
        + Integer [-1094730640]
      [979] invokestatic #85
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.HH (IIIIIII)I]
      [982] istore v4
      [984] iload_3 v3
      [985] iload v4
      [987] iload v5
      [989] iload v6
      [991] aload_0 v0
      [992] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [995] bipush 13
      [997] iaload
      [998] iconst_4
      [999] ldc #54
        + Integer [681279174]
      [1001] invokestatic #85
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.HH (IIIIIII)I]
      [1004] istore_3 v3
      [1005] iload v6
      [1007] iload_3 v3
      [1008] iload v4
      [1010] iload v5
      [1012] aload_0 v0
      [1013] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [1016] iconst_0
      [1017] iaload
      [1018] bipush 11
      [1020] ldc #29
        + Integer [-358537222]
      [1022] invokestatic #85
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.HH (IIIIIII)I]
      [1025] istore v6
      [1027] iload v5
      [1029] iload v6
      [1031] iload_3 v3
      [1032] iload v4
      [1034] aload_0 v0
      [1035] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [1038] iconst_3
      [1039] iaload
      [1040] bipush 16
      [1042] ldc #20
        + Integer [-722521979]
      [1044] invokestatic #85
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.HH (IIIIIII)I]
      [1047] istore v5
      [1049] iload v4
      [1051] iload v5
      [1053] iload v6
      [1055] iload_3 v3
      [1056] aload_0 v0
      [1057] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [1060] bipush 6
      [1062] iaload
      [1063] bipush 23
      [1065] ldc #48
        + Integer [76029189]
      [1067] invokestatic #85
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.HH (IIIIIII)I]
      [1070] istore v4
      [1072] iload_3 v3
      [1073] iload v4
      [1075] iload v5
      [1077] iload v6
      [1079] aload_0 v0
      [1080] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [1083] bipush 9
      [1085] iaload
      [1086] iconst_4
      [1087] ldc #24
        + Integer [-640364487]
      [1089] invokestatic #85
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.HH (IIIIIII)I]
      [1092] istore_3 v3
      [1093] iload v6
      [1095] iload_3 v3
      [1096] iload v4
      [1098] iload v5
      [1100] aload_0 v0
      [1101] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [1104] bipush 12
      [1106] iaload
      [1107] bipush 11
      [1109] ldc #25
        + Integer [-421815835]
      [1111] invokestatic #85
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.HH (IIIIIII)I]
      [1114] istore v6
      [1116] iload v5
      [1118] iload v6
      [1120] iload_3 v3
      [1121] iload v4
      [1123] aload_0 v0
      [1124] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [1127] bipush 15
      [1129] iaload
      [1130] bipush 16
      [1132] ldc #50
        + Integer [530742520]
      [1134] invokestatic #85
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.HH (IIIIIII)I]
      [1137] istore v5
      [1139] iload v4
      [1141] iload v5
      [1143] iload v6
      [1145] iload_3 v3
      [1146] aload_0 v0
      [1147] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [1150] iconst_2
      [1151] iaload
      [1152] bipush 23
      [1154] ldc #19
        + Integer [-995338651]
      [1156] invokestatic #85
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.HH (IIIIIII)I]
      [1159] istore v4
      [1161] iload_3 v3
      [1162] iload v4
      [1164] iload v5
      [1166] iload v6
      [1168] aload_0 v0
      [1169] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [1172] iconst_0
      [1173] iaload
      [1174] bipush 6
      [1176] ldc #32
        + Integer [-198630844]
      [1178] invokestatic #86
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.II (IIIIIII)I]
      [1181] istore_3 v3
      [1182] iload v6
      [1184] iload_3 v3
      [1185] iload v4
      [1187] iload v5
      [1189] aload_0 v0
      [1190] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [1193] bipush 7
      [1195] iaload
      [1196] bipush 10
      [1198] ldc #56
        + Integer [1126891415]
      [1200] invokestatic #86
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.II (IIIIIII)I]
      [1203] istore v6
      [1205] iload v5
      [1207] iload v6
      [1209] iload_3 v3
      [1210] iload v4
      [1212] aload_0 v0
      [1213] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [1216] bipush 14
      [1218] iaload
      [1219] bipush 15
      [1221] ldc #13
        + Integer [-1416354905]
      [1223] invokestatic #86
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.II (IIIIIII)I]
      [1226] istore v5
      [1228] iload v4
      [1230] iload v5
      [1232] iload v6
      [1234] iload_3 v3
      [1235] aload_0 v0
      [1236] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [1239] iconst_5
      [1240] iaload
      [1241] bipush 21
      [1243] ldc #38
        + Integer [-57434055]
      [1245] invokestatic #86
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.II (IIIIIII)I]
      [1248] istore v4
      [1250] iload_3 v3
      [1251] iload v4
      [1253] iload v5
      [1255] iload v6
      [1257] aload_0 v0
      [1258] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [1261] bipush 12
      [1263] iaload
      [1264] bipush 6
      [1266] ldc #62
        + Integer [1700485571]
      [1268] invokestatic #86
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.II (IIIIIII)I]
      [1271] istore_3 v3
      [1272] iload v6
      [1274] iload_3 v3
      [1275] iload v4
      [1277] iload v5
      [1279] aload_0 v0
      [1280] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [1283] iconst_3
      [1284] iaload
      [1285] bipush 10
      [1287] ldc #6
        + Integer [-1894986606]
      [1289] invokestatic #86
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.II (IIIIIII)I]
      [1292] istore v6
      [1294] iload v5
      [1296] iload v6
      [1298] iload_3 v3
      [1299] iload v4
      [1301] aload_0 v0
      [1302] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [1305] bipush 10
      [1307] iaload
      [1308] bipush 15
      [1310] ldc #44
        + Integer [-1051523]
      [1312] invokestatic #86
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.II (IIIIIII)I]
      [1315] istore v5
      [1317] iload v4
      [1319] iload v5
      [1321] iload v6
      [1323] iload_3 v3
      [1324] aload_0 v0
      [1325] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [1328] iconst_1
      [1329] iaload
      [1330] bipush 21
      [1332] ldc #1
        + Integer [-2054922799]
      [1334] invokestatic #86
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.II (IIIIIII)I]
      [1337] istore v4
      [1339] iload_3 v3
      [1340] iload v4
      [1342] iload v5
      [1344] iload v6
      [1346] aload_0 v0
      [1347] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [1350] bipush 8
      [1352] iaload
      [1353] bipush 6
      [1355] ldc #68
        + Integer [1873313359]
      [1357] invokestatic #86
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.II (IIIIIII)I]
      [1360] istore_3 v3
      [1361] iload v6
      [1363] iload_3 v3
      [1364] iload v4
      [1366] iload v5
      [1368] aload_0 v0
      [1369] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [1372] bipush 15
      [1374] iaload
      [1375] bipush 10
      [1377] ldc #43
        + Integer [-30611744]
      [1379] invokestatic #86
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.II (IIIIIII)I]
      [1382] istore v6
      [1384] iload v5
      [1386] iload v6
      [1388] iload_3 v3
      [1389] iload v4
      [1391] aload_0 v0
      [1392] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [1395] bipush 6
      [1397] iaload
      [1398] bipush 15
      [1400] ldc #8
        + Integer [-1560198380]
      [1402] invokestatic #86
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.II (IIIIIII)I]
      [1405] istore v5
      [1407] iload v4
      [1409] iload v5
      [1411] iload v6
      [1413] iload_3 v3
      [1414] aload_0 v0
      [1415] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [1418] bipush 13
      [1420] iaload
      [1421] bipush 21
      [1423] ldc #61
        + Integer [1309151649]
      [1425] invokestatic #86
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.II (IIIIIII)I]
      [1428] istore v4
      [1430] iload_3 v3
      [1431] iload v4
      [1433] iload v5
      [1435] iload v6
      [1437] aload_0 v0
      [1438] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [1441] iconst_4
      [1442] iaload
      [1443] bipush 6
      [1445] ldc #37
        + Integer [-145523070]
      [1447] invokestatic #86
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.II (IIIIIII)I]
      [1450] istore_3 v3
      [1451] iload v6
      [1453] iload_3 v3
      [1454] iload v4
      [1456] iload v5
      [1458] aload_0 v0
      [1459] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [1462] bipush 11
      [1464] iaload
      [1465] bipush 10
      [1467] ldc #14
        + Integer [-1120210379]
      [1469] invokestatic #86
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.II (IIIIIII)I]
      [1472] istore v6
      [1474] iload v5
      [1476] iload v6
      [1478] iload_3 v3
      [1479] iload v4
      [1481] aload_0 v0
      [1482] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [1485] iconst_2
      [1486] iaload
      [1487] bipush 15
      [1489] ldc #55
        + Integer [718787259]
      [1491] invokestatic #86
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.II (IIIIIII)I]
      [1494] istore v5
      [1496] iload v4
      [1498] iload v5
      [1500] iload v6
      [1502] iload_3 v3
      [1503] aload_0 v0
      [1504] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [1507] bipush 9
      [1509] iaload
      [1510] bipush 21
      [1512] ldc #30
        + Integer [-343485551]
      [1514] invokestatic #86
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.II (IIIIIII)I]
      [1517] istore v4
      [1519] aload_0 v0
      [1520] dup
      [1521] getfield #78
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.state0 I]
      [1524] iload_3 v3
      [1525] iadd
      [1526] putfield #78
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.state0 I]
      [1529] aload_0 v0
      [1530] dup
      [1531] getfield #79
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.state1 I]
      [1534] iload v4
      [1536] iadd
      [1537] putfield #79
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.state1 I]
      [1540] aload_0 v0
      [1541] dup
      [1542] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.state2 I]
      [1545] iload v5
      [1547] iadd
      [1548] putfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.state2 I]
      [1551] aload_0 v0
      [1552] dup
      [1553] getfield #81
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.state3 I]
      [1556] iload v6
      [1558] iadd
      [1559] putfield #81
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.state3 I]
      [1562] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 78)
        [0] -> line 86
        [5] -> line 87
        [11] -> line 88
        [17] -> line 89
        [23] -> line 91
        [29] -> line 93
        [68] -> line 94
        [81] -> line 93
        [82] -> line 91
        [95] -> line 99
        [116] -> line 100
        [138] -> line 101
        [160] -> line 102
        [182] -> line 103
        [203] -> line 104
        [225] -> line 105
        [248] -> line 106
        [271] -> line 107
        [293] -> line 108
        [316] -> line 109
        [339] -> line 110
        [362] -> line 111
        [384] -> line 112
        [407] -> line 113
        [430] -> line 114
        [453] -> line 117
        [473] -> line 118
        [496] -> line 119
        [519] -> line 120
        [541] -> line 121
        [561] -> line 122
        [584] -> line 123
        [607] -> line 124
        [629] -> line 125
        [650] -> line 126
        [673] -> line 127
        [695] -> line 128
        [718] -> line 129
        [739] -> line 130
        [761] -> line 131
        [784] -> line 132
        [807] -> line 135
        [827] -> line 136
        [850] -> line 137
        [873] -> line 138
        [896] -> line 139
        [916] -> line 140
        [938] -> line 141
        [961] -> line 142
        [984] -> line 143
        [1005] -> line 144
        [1027] -> line 145
        [1049] -> line 146
        [1072] -> line 147
        [1093] -> line 148
        [1116] -> line 149
        [1139] -> line 150
        [1161] -> line 153
        [1182] -> line 154
        [1205] -> line 155
        [1228] -> line 156
        [1250] -> line 157
        [1272] -> line 158
        [1294] -> line 159
        [1317] -> line 160
        [1339] -> line 161
        [1361] -> line 162
        [1384] -> line 163
        [1407] -> line 164
        [1430] -> line 165
        [1451] -> line 166
        [1474] -> line 167
        [1496] -> line 168
        [1519] -> line 170
        [1529] -> line 171
        [1540] -> line 172
        [1551] -> line 173
        [1562] -> line 174
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 8)
        v0: 0 -> 1563 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5; this]
        v1: 0 -> 1563 [[B src]
        v2: 0 -> 1563 [I pos]
        v3: 5 -> 1563 [I a]
        v4: 11 -> 1563 [I b]
        v5: 17 -> 1563 [I c]
        v6: 23 -> 1563 [I d]
        v7: 26 -> 95 [I i]
  + Method:       reset()V
    Access flags: 0x11
      = public final void reset()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 51, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] lconst_0
      [2] putfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.count J]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] ldc #63
        + Integer [1732584193]
      [8] putfield #78
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.state0 I]
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] ldc #31
        + Integer [-271733879]
      [14] putfield #79
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.state1 I]
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] ldc #7
        + Integer [-1732584194]
      [20] putfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.state2 I]
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] ldc #49
        + Integer [271733878]
      [26] putfield #81
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.state3 I]
      [29] iconst_0
      [30] istore_1 v1
      [31] goto +13 (target=44)
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.x [I]
      [38] iload_1 v1
      [39] iconst_0
      [40] iastore
      [41] iinc v1, 1
      [44] iload_1 v1
      [45] bipush 16
      [47] ificmplt -13 (target=34)
      [50] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 178
        [5] -> line 180
        [11] -> line 181
        [17] -> line 182
        [23] -> line 183
        [29] -> line 187
        [34] -> line 188
        [41] -> line 187
        [50] -> line 189
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 51 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5; this]
        v1: 31 -> 50 [I i]
  + Method:       update(B)V
    Access flags: 0x11
      = public final void update(byte)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 48, locals = 3, stack = 5):
      [0] bipush 64
      [2] aload_0 v0
      [3] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.count J]
      [6] ldc2_w #73
        + Long [63]
      [9] land
      [10] l2i
      [11] isub
      [12] istore_2 v2
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] dup
      [15] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.count J]
      [18] lconst_1
      [19] ladd
      [20] putfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.count J]
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] getfield #75
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.block [B]
      [27] bipush 64
      [29] iload_2 v2
      [30] isub
      [31] iload_1 v1
      [32] bastore
      [33] iload_2 v2
      [34] iconst_1
      [35] ificmpne +12 (target=47)
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] aload_0 v0
      [40] getfield #75
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.block [B]
      [43] iconst_0
      [44] invokespecial #90
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.transform ([BI)V]
      [47] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 193
        [13] -> line 195
        [23] -> line 197
        [33] -> line 199
        [38] -> line 200
        [47] -> line 201
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 48 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5; this]
        v1: 0 -> 48 [B b]
        v2: 13 -> 48 [I space]
  + Method:       update([BII)V
    Access flags: 0x11
      = public final void update(byte[],int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 112, locals = 5, stack = 5):
      [0] bipush 64
      [2] aload_0 v0
      [3] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.count J]
      [6] ldc2_w #73
        + Long [63]
      [9] land
      [10] l2i
      [11] isub
      [12] istore v4
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] dup
      [16] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.count J]
      [19] iload_3 v3
      [20] i2l
      [21] ladd
      [22] putfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.count J]
      [25] goto +82 (target=107)
      [28] iload_3 v3
      [29] iload v4
      [31] ificmpge +21 (target=52)
      [34] aload_1 v1
      [35] iload_2 v2
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] getfield #75
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.block [B]
      [40] bipush 64
      [42] iload v4
      [44] isub
      [45] iload_3 v3
      [46] invokestatic #93
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [49] goto +62 (target=111)
      [52] iload v4
      [54] bipush 64
      [56] ificmpne +12 (target=68)
      [59] aload_0 v0
      [60] aload_1 v1
      [61] iload_2 v2
      [62] invokespecial #90
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.transform ([BI)V]
      [65] goto +28 (target=93)
      [68] aload_1 v1
      [69] iload_2 v2
      [70] aload_0 v0
      [71] getfield #75
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.block [B]
      [74] bipush 64
      [76] iload v4
      [78] isub
      [79] iload v4
      [81] invokestatic #93
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [84] aload_0 v0
      [85] aload_0 v0
      [86] getfield #75
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.block [B]
      [89] iconst_0
      [90] invokespecial #90
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.transform ([BI)V]
      [93] iload_2 v2
      [94] iload v4
      [96] iadd
      [97] istore_2 v2
      [98] iload_3 v3
      [99] iload v4
      [101] isub
      [102] istore_3 v3
      [103] bipush 64
      [105] istore v4
      [107] iload_3 v3
      [108] ifgt -80 (target=28)
      [111] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 15)
        [0] -> line 205
        [14] -> line 207
        [25] -> line 209
        [28] -> line 211
        [34] -> line 213
        [49] -> line 214
        [52] -> line 217
        [59] -> line 219
        [68] -> line 223
        [84] -> line 224
        [93] -> line 227
        [98] -> line 228
        [103] -> line 229
        [107] -> line 209
        [111] -> line 231
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 112 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5; this]
        v1: 0 -> 112 [[B buff]
        v2: 0 -> 112 [I pos]
        v3: 0 -> 112 [I len]
        v4: 14 -> 112 [I space]
  + Method:       update([B)V
    Access flags: 0x11
      = public final void update(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 9, locals = 2, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] iconst_0
      [3] aload_1 v1
      [4] arraylength
      [5] invokevirtual #91
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.update ([BII)V]
      [8] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 235
        [8] -> line 236
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 9 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5; this]
        v1: 0 -> 9 [[B b]
  + Method:       digest([BI)V
    Access flags: 0x11
      = public final void digest(byte[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 129, locals = 6, stack = 5):
      [0] bipush 8
      [2] newarray 8
      [4] astore_3 v3
      [5] aload_3 v3
      [6] iconst_0
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.count J]
      [11] iconst_3
      [12] lshl
      [13] l2i
      [14] invokestatic #88
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.encode ([BII)V]
      [17] aload_3 v3
      [18] iconst_4
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.count J]
      [23] bipush 29
      [25] lshr
      [26] l2i
      [27] invokestatic #88
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.encode ([BII)V]
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.count J]
      [34] l2i
      [35] bipush 63
      [37] iand
      [38] istore v4
      [40] iload v4
      [42] bipush 56
      [44] ificmpge +11 (target=55)
      [47] bipush 56
      [49] iload v4
      [51] isub
      [52] goto +8 (target=60)
      [55] bipush 120
      [57] iload v4
      [59] isub
      [60] istore v5
      [62] aload_0 v0
      [63] getstatic #77
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.padding [B]
      [66] iconst_0
      [67] iload v5
      [69] invokevirtual #91
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.update ([BII)V]
      [72] aload_0 v0
      [73] aload_3 v3
      [74] iconst_0
      [75] bipush 8
      [77] invokevirtual #91
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.update ([BII)V]
      [80] aload_1 v1
      [81] iload_2 v2
      [82] aload_0 v0
      [83] getfield #78
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.state0 I]
      [86] invokestatic #88
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.encode ([BII)V]
      [89] aload_1 v1
      [90] iload_2 v2
      [91] iconst_4
      [92] iadd
      [93] aload_0 v0
      [94] getfield #79
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.state1 I]
      [97] invokestatic #88
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.encode ([BII)V]
      [100] aload_1 v1
      [101] iload_2 v2
      [102] bipush 8
      [104] iadd
      [105] aload_0 v0
      [106] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.state2 I]
      [109] invokestatic #88
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.encode ([BII)V]
      [112] aload_1 v1
      [113] iload_2 v2
      [114] bipush 12
      [116] iadd
      [117] aload_0 v0
      [118] getfield #81
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.state3 I]
      [121] invokestatic #88
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.encode ([BII)V]
      [124] aload_0 v0
      [125] invokevirtual #89
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.reset ()V]
      [128] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 13)
        [0] -> line 240
        [5] -> line 242
        [17] -> line 243
        [30] -> line 245
        [40] -> line 246
        [62] -> line 248
        [72] -> line 249
        [80] -> line 251
        [89] -> line 252
        [100] -> line 253
        [112] -> line 254
        [124] -> line 256
        [128] -> line 257
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 129 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5; this]
        v1: 0 -> 129 [[B dst]
        v2: 0 -> 129 [I pos]
        v3: 5 -> 129 [[B bits]
        v4: 40 -> 129 [I idx]
        v5: 62 -> 129 [I padLen]
  + Method:       digest([B)V
    Access flags: 0x11
      = public final void digest(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 7, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] iconst_0
      [3] invokevirtual #87
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5.digest ([BI)V]
      [6] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 261
        [6] -> line 262
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 7 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5; this]
        v1: 0 -> 7 [[B dst]
  + Method:       getDigestLength()I
    Access flags: 0x11
      = public final int getDigestLength()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 3, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] bipush 16
      [2] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 266
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 3 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MD5; this]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x31
    = public final class com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.digest.SHA1 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest]

Constant Pool (count = 101):
  + Integer [-1894007588]
  + Integer [-1732584194]
  + Integer [-1009589776]
  + Integer [-899497514]
  + Integer [-271733879]
  + Integer [271733878]
  + Integer [1518500249]
  + Integer [1732584193]
  + Integer [1859775393]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Long [8]
  + Long [16]
  + Long [24]
  + Long [32]
  + Long [64]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.H0 I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.H1 I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.H2 I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.H3 I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.H4 I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentLen J]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.digest ([BI)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.perform ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.putInt ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.reset ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.update ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [H0 I]
  + NameAndType [H1 I]
  + NameAndType [H2 I]
  + NameAndType [H3 I]
  + NameAndType [H4 I]
  + NameAndType [currentLen J]
  + NameAndType [currentPos I]
  + NameAndType [digest ([BI)V]
  + NameAndType [perform ()V]
  + NameAndType [putInt ([BII)V]
  + NameAndType [reset ()V]
  + NameAndType [update ([BII)V]
  + NameAndType [w [I]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(B)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [([BI)V]
  + Utf8 [([BII)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [A]
  + Utf8 [B]
  + Utf8 [C]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [D]
  + Utf8 [E]
  + Utf8 [H0]
  + Utf8 [H1]
  + Utf8 [H2]
  + Utf8 [H3]
  + Utf8 [H4]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [J]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [[I]
  + Utf8 [b]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/Digest]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1]
  + Utf8 [currentLen]
  + Utf8 [currentPos]
  + Utf8 [digest]
  + Utf8 [getDigestLength]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [idx]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [len]
  + Utf8 [off]
  + Utf8 [out]
  + Utf8 [perform]
  + Utf8 [pos]
  + Utf8 [putInt]
  + Utf8 [reset]
  + Utf8 [t]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [update]
  + Utf8 [val]
  + Utf8 [w]
  + Utf8 [x]

Fields (count = 8):
  + Field:        H0 I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int H0
  + Field:        H1 I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int H1
  + Field:        H2 I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int H2
  + Field:        H3 I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int H3
  + Field:        H4 I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int H4
  + Field:        w [I
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final int[] w
  + Field:        currentPos I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int currentPos
  + Field:        currentLen J
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private long currentLen

Methods (count = 10):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public SHA1()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 17, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #36
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] bipush 80
      [7] newarray 10
      [9] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] invokevirtual #34
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.reset ()V]
      [16] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 21
        [4] -> line 17
        [12] -> line 23
        [16] -> line 24
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 17 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1; this]
  + Method:       getDigestLength()I
    Access flags: 0x11
      = public final int getDigestLength()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 3, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] bipush 20
      [2] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 28
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 3 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1; this]
  + Method:       reset()V
    Access flags: 0x11
      = public final void reset()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 41, locals = 1, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] ldc #8
        + Integer [1732584193]
      [3] putfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.H0 I]
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] ldc #5
        + Integer [-271733879]
      [9] putfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.H1 I]
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] ldc #2
        + Integer [-1732584194]
      [15] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.H2 I]
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] ldc #6
        + Integer [271733878]
      [21] putfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.H3 I]
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] ldc #3
        + Integer [-1009589776]
      [27] putfield #27
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.H4 I]
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] iconst_0
      [32] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [35] aload_0 v0
      [36] lconst_0
      [37] putfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentLen J]
      [40] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 33
        [6] -> line 34
        [12] -> line 35
        [18] -> line 36
        [24] -> line 37
        [30] -> line 39
        [35] -> line 40
        [40] -> line 44
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 41 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1; this]
  + Method:       update([B)V
    Access flags: 0x11
      = public final void update(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 9, locals = 2, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] iconst_0
      [3] aload_1 v1
      [4] arraylength
      [5] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.update ([BII)V]
      [8] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 48
        [8] -> line 49
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 9 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1; this]
        v1: 0 -> 9 [[B b]
  + Method:       update([BII)V
    Access flags: 0x11
      = public final void update(byte[],int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 820, locals = 5, stack = 6):
      [0] iload_3 v3
      [1] iconst_4
      [2] ificmplt +813 (target=815)
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [9] iconst_2
      [10] ishr
      [11] istore v4
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [17] iconst_3
      [18] iand
      [19] tableswitch (4 offsets, default=395) (target=414)
        0: offset = 29, target = 48
        1: offset = 134, target = 153
        2: offset = 236, target = 255
        3: offset = 324, target = 343
        default: offset = 395, target = 414
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [52] iload v4
      [54] aload_1 v1
      [55] iload_2 v2
      [56] iinc v2, 1
      [59] baload
      [60] sipush 255
      [63] iand
      [64] bipush 24
      [66] ishl
      [67] aload_1 v1
      [68] iload_2 v2
      [69] iinc v2, 1
      [72] baload
      [73] sipush 255
      [76] iand
      [77] bipush 16
      [79] ishl
      [80] ior
      [81] aload_1 v1
      [82] iload_2 v2
      [83] iinc v2, 1
      [86] baload
      [87] sipush 255
      [90] iand
      [91] bipush 8
      [93] ishl
      [94] ior
      [95] aload_1 v1
      [96] iload_2 v2
      [97] iinc v2, 1
      [100] baload
      [101] sipush 255
      [104] iand
      [105] ior
      [106] iastore
      [107] iinc v3, -4
      [110] aload_0 v0
      [111] dup
      [112] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [115] iconst_4
      [116] iadd
      [117] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [120] aload_0 v0
      [121] dup
      [122] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentLen J]
      [125] ldc2_w #19
        + Long [32]
      [128] ladd
      [129] putfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentLen J]
      [132] aload_0 v0
      [133] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [136] bipush 64
      [138] ificmpne +476 (target=614)
      [141] aload_0 v0
      [142] invokespecial #32
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.perform ()V]
      [145] aload_0 v0
      [146] iconst_0
      [147] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [150] goto +464 (target=614)
      [153] aload_0 v0
      [154] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [157] iload v4
      [159] aload_0 v0
      [160] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [163] iload v4
      [165] iaload
      [166] bipush 24
      [168] ishl
      [169] aload_1 v1
      [170] iload_2 v2
      [171] iinc v2, 1
      [174] baload
      [175] sipush 255
      [178] iand
      [179] bipush 16
      [181] ishl
      [182] aload_1 v1
      [183] iload_2 v2
      [184] iinc v2, 1
      [187] baload
      [188] sipush 255
      [191] iand
      [192] bipush 8
      [194] ishl
      [195] ior
      [196] aload_1 v1
      [197] iload_2 v2
      [198] iinc v2, 1
      [201] baload
      [202] sipush 255
      [205] iand
      [206] ior
      [207] ior
      [208] iastore
      [209] iinc v3, -3
      [212] aload_0 v0
      [213] dup
      [214] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [217] iconst_3
      [218] iadd
      [219] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [222] aload_0 v0
      [223] dup
      [224] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentLen J]
      [227] ldc2_w #17
        + Long [24]
      [230] ladd
      [231] putfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentLen J]
      [234] aload_0 v0
      [235] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [238] bipush 64
      [240] ificmpne +374 (target=614)
      [243] aload_0 v0
      [244] invokespecial #32
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.perform ()V]
      [247] aload_0 v0
      [248] iconst_0
      [249] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [252] goto +362 (target=614)
      [255] aload_0 v0
      [256] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [259] iload v4
      [261] aload_0 v0
      [262] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [265] iload v4
      [267] iaload
      [268] bipush 16
      [270] ishl
      [271] aload_1 v1
      [272] iload_2 v2
      [273] iinc v2, 1
      [276] baload
      [277] sipush 255
      [280] iand
      [281] bipush 8
      [283] ishl
      [284] aload_1 v1
      [285] iload_2 v2
      [286] iinc v2, 1
      [289] baload
      [290] sipush 255
      [293] iand
      [294] ior
      [295] ior
      [296] iastore
      [297] iinc v3, -2
      [300] aload_0 v0
      [301] dup
      [302] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [305] iconst_2
      [306] iadd
      [307] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [310] aload_0 v0
      [311] dup
      [312] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentLen J]
      [315] ldc2_w #15
        + Long [16]
      [318] ladd
      [319] putfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentLen J]
      [322] aload_0 v0
      [323] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [326] bipush 64
      [328] ificmpne +286 (target=614)
      [331] aload_0 v0
      [332] invokespecial #32
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.perform ()V]
      [335] aload_0 v0
      [336] iconst_0
      [337] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [340] goto +274 (target=614)
      [343] aload_0 v0
      [344] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [347] iload v4
      [349] aload_0 v0
      [350] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [353] iload v4
      [355] iaload
      [356] bipush 8
      [358] ishl
      [359] aload_1 v1
      [360] iload_2 v2
      [361] iinc v2, 1
      [364] baload
      [365] sipush 255
      [368] iand
      [369] ior
      [370] iastore
      [371] iinc v3, -1
      [374] aload_0 v0
      [375] dup
      [376] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [379] iconst_1
      [380] iadd
      [381] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [384] aload_0 v0
      [385] dup
      [386] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentLen J]
      [389] ldc2_w #13
        + Long [8]
      [392] ladd
      [393] putfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentLen J]
      [396] aload_0 v0
      [397] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [400] bipush 64
      [402] ificmpne +212 (target=614)
      [405] aload_0 v0
      [406] invokespecial #32
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.perform ()V]
      [409] aload_0 v0
      [410] iconst_0
      [411] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [414] goto +200 (target=614)
      [417] aload_0 v0
      [418] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [421] aload_0 v0
      [422] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [425] iconst_2
      [426] ishr
      [427] aload_1 v1
      [428] iload_2 v2
      [429] iinc v2, 1
      [432] baload
      [433] sipush 255
      [436] iand
      [437] bipush 24
      [439] ishl
      [440] aload_1 v1
      [441] iload_2 v2
      [442] iinc v2, 1
      [445] baload
      [446] sipush 255
      [449] iand
      [450] bipush 16
      [452] ishl
      [453] ior
      [454] aload_1 v1
      [455] iload_2 v2
      [456] iinc v2, 1
      [459] baload
      [460] sipush 255
      [463] iand
      [464] bipush 8
      [466] ishl
      [467] ior
      [468] aload_1 v1
      [469] iload_2 v2
      [470] iinc v2, 1
      [473] baload
      [474] sipush 255
      [477] iand
      [478] ior
      [479] iastore
      [480] aload_0 v0
      [481] dup
      [482] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [485] iconst_4
      [486] iadd
      [487] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [490] aload_0 v0
      [491] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [494] bipush 64
      [496] ificmpne +12 (target=508)
      [499] aload_0 v0
      [500] invokespecial #32
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.perform ()V]
      [503] aload_0 v0
      [504] iconst_0
      [505] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [508] aload_0 v0
      [509] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [512] aload_0 v0
      [513] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [516] iconst_2
      [517] ishr
      [518] aload_1 v1
      [519] iload_2 v2
      [520] iinc v2, 1
      [523] baload
      [524] sipush 255
      [527] iand
      [528] bipush 24
      [530] ishl
      [531] aload_1 v1
      [532] iload_2 v2
      [533] iinc v2, 1
      [536] baload
      [537] sipush 255
      [540] iand
      [541] bipush 16
      [543] ishl
      [544] ior
      [545] aload_1 v1
      [546] iload_2 v2
      [547] iinc v2, 1
      [550] baload
      [551] sipush 255
      [554] iand
      [555] bipush 8
      [557] ishl
      [558] ior
      [559] aload_1 v1
      [560] iload_2 v2
      [561] iinc v2, 1
      [564] baload
      [565] sipush 255
      [568] iand
      [569] ior
      [570] iastore
      [571] aload_0 v0
      [572] dup
      [573] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [576] iconst_4
      [577] iadd
      [578] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [581] aload_0 v0
      [582] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [585] bipush 64
      [587] ificmpne +12 (target=599)
      [590] aload_0 v0
      [591] invokespecial #32
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.perform ()V]
      [594] aload_0 v0
      [595] iconst_0
      [596] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [599] aload_0 v0
      [600] dup
      [601] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentLen J]
      [604] ldc2_w #21
        + Long [64]
      [607] ladd
      [608] putfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentLen J]
      [611] iinc v3, -8
      [614] iload_3 v3
      [615] bipush 8
      [617] ificmpge -200 (target=417)
      [620] goto +109 (target=729)
      [623] aload_0 v0
      [624] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [627] aload_0 v0
      [628] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [631] iconst_2
      [632] ishr
      [633] aload_1 v1
      [634] iload_2 v2
      [635] iinc v2, 1
      [638] baload
      [639] sipush 255
      [642] iand
      [643] bipush 24
      [645] ishl
      [646] aload_1 v1
      [647] iload_2 v2
      [648] iinc v2, 1
      [651] baload
      [652] sipush 255
      [655] iand
      [656] bipush 16
      [658] ishl
      [659] ior
      [660] aload_1 v1
      [661] iload_2 v2
      [662] iinc v2, 1
      [665] baload
      [666] sipush 255
      [669] iand
      [670] bipush 8
      [672] ishl
      [673] ior
      [674] aload_1 v1
      [675] iload_2 v2
      [676] iinc v2, 1
      [679] baload
      [680] sipush 255
      [683] iand
      [684] ior
      [685] iastore
      [686] iinc v3, -4
      [689] aload_0 v0
      [690] dup
      [691] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [694] iconst_4
      [695] iadd
      [696] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [699] aload_0 v0
      [700] dup
      [701] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentLen J]
      [704] ldc2_w #19
        + Long [32]
      [707] ladd
      [708] putfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentLen J]
      [711] aload_0 v0
      [712] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [715] bipush 64
      [717] ificmpne +12 (target=729)
      [720] aload_0 v0
      [721] invokespecial #32
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.perform ()V]
      [724] aload_0 v0
      [725] iconst_0
      [726] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [729] iload_3 v3
      [730] iflt -107 (target=623)
      [733] goto +82 (target=815)
      [736] aload_0 v0
      [737] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [740] iconst_2
      [741] ishr
      [742] istore v4
      [744] aload_0 v0
      [745] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [748] iload v4
      [750] aload_0 v0
      [751] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [754] iload v4
      [756] iaload
      [757] bipush 8
      [759] ishl
      [760] aload_1 v1
      [761] iload_2 v2
      [762] iinc v2, 1
      [765] baload
      [766] sipush 255
      [769] iand
      [770] ior
      [771] iastore
      [772] aload_0 v0
      [773] dup
      [774] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentLen J]
      [777] ldc2_w #13
        + Long [8]
      [780] ladd
      [781] putfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentLen J]
      [784] aload_0 v0
      [785] dup
      [786] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [789] iconst_1
      [790] iadd
      [791] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [794] aload_0 v0
      [795] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [798] bipush 64
      [800] ificmpne +12 (target=812)
      [803] aload_0 v0
      [804] invokespecial #32
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.perform ()V]
      [807] aload_0 v0
      [808] iconst_0
      [809] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [812] iinc v3, -1
      [815] iload_3 v3
      [816] ifgt -80 (target=736)
      [819] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 74)
        [0] -> line 53
        [5] -> line 55
        [13] -> line 57
        [48] -> line 60
        [107] -> line 61
        [110] -> line 62
        [120] -> line 63
        [132] -> line 64
        [141] -> line 66
        [145] -> line 67
        [150] -> line 69
        [153] -> line 71
        [209] -> line 72
        [212] -> line 73
        [222] -> line 74
        [234] -> line 75
        [243] -> line 77
        [247] -> line 78
        [252] -> line 80
        [255] -> line 82
        [297] -> line 83
        [300] -> line 84
        [310] -> line 85
        [322] -> line 86
        [331] -> line 88
        [335] -> line 89
        [340] -> line 91
        [343] -> line 93
        [371] -> line 94
        [374] -> line 95
        [384] -> line 96
        [396] -> line 97
        [405] -> line 99
        [409] -> line 100
        [414] -> line 107
        [417] -> line 109
        [468] -> line 110
        [479] -> line 109
        [480] -> line 111
        [490] -> line 113
        [499] -> line 115
        [503] -> line 116
        [508] -> line 119
        [559] -> line 120
        [570] -> line 119
        [571] -> line 122
        [581] -> line 124
        [590] -> line 126
        [594] -> line 127
        [599] -> line 130
        [611] -> line 131
        [614] -> line 107
        [620] -> line 134
        [623] -> line 136
        [674] -> line 137
        [685] -> line 136
        [686] -> line 138
        [689] -> line 139
        [699] -> line 140
        [711] -> line 141
        [720] -> line 143
        [724] -> line 144
        [729] -> line 134
        [733] -> line 151
        [736] -> line 154
        [744] -> line 155
        [772] -> line 157
        [784] -> line 158
        [794] -> line 160
        [803] -> line 162
        [807] -> line 163
        [812] -> line 165
        [815] -> line 151
        [819] -> line 167
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 820 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1; this]
        v1: 0 -> 820 [[B b]
        v2: 0 -> 820 [I off]
        v3: 0 -> 820 [I len]
        v4: 13 -> 733 [I idx]
        v4: 744 -> 815 [I idx]
  + Method:       update(B)V
    Access flags: 0x11
      = public final void update(byte)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 69, locals = 3, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [4] iconst_2
      [5] ishr
      [6] istore_2 v2
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [11] iload_2 v2
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [16] iload_2 v2
      [17] iaload
      [18] bipush 8
      [20] ishl
      [21] iload_1 v1
      [22] sipush 255
      [25] iand
      [26] ior
      [27] iastore
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] dup
      [30] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentLen J]
      [33] ldc2_w #13
        + Long [8]
      [36] ladd
      [37] putfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentLen J]
      [40] aload_0 v0
      [41] dup
      [42] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [45] iconst_1
      [46] iadd
      [47] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [50] aload_0 v0
      [51] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [54] bipush 64
      [56] ificmpne +12 (target=68)
      [59] aload_0 v0
      [60] invokespecial #32
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.perform ()V]
      [63] aload_0 v0
      [64] iconst_0
      [65] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [68] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 171
        [7] -> line 172
        [28] -> line 174
        [40] -> line 175
        [50] -> line 177
        [59] -> line 179
        [63] -> line 180
        [68] -> line 182
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 69 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1; this]
        v1: 0 -> 69 [B b]
        v2: 7 -> 69 [I idx]
  + Method:       putInt([BII)V
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final void putInt(byte[],int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 36, locals = 4, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] iload_2 v2
      [2] iload_3 v3
      [3] bipush 24
      [5] ishr
      [6] i2b
      [7] bastore
      [8] aload_1 v1
      [9] iload_2 v2
      [10] iconst_1
      [11] iadd
      [12] iload_3 v3
      [13] bipush 16
      [15] ishr
      [16] i2b
      [17] bastore
      [18] aload_1 v1
      [19] iload_2 v2
      [20] iconst_2
      [21] iadd
      [22] iload_3 v3
      [23] bipush 8
      [25] ishr
      [26] i2b
      [27] bastore
      [28] aload_1 v1
      [29] iload_2 v2
      [30] iconst_3
      [31] iadd
      [32] iload_3 v3
      [33] i2b
      [34] bastore
      [35] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 186
        [8] -> line 187
        [18] -> line 188
        [28] -> line 189
        [35] -> line 190
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 36 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1; this]
        v1: 0 -> 36 [[B b]
        v2: 0 -> 36 [I pos]
        v3: 0 -> 36 [I val]
  + Method:       digest([B)V
    Access flags: 0x11
      = public final void digest(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 7, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] iconst_0
      [3] invokevirtual #31
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.digest ([BI)V]
      [6] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 194
        [6] -> line 195
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 7 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1; this]
        v1: 0 -> 7 [[B out]
  + Method:       digest([BI)V
    Access flags: 0x11
      = public final void digest(byte[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 223, locals = 5, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [4] iconst_2
      [5] ishr
      [6] istore_3 v3
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [11] iload_3 v3
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [16] iload_3 v3
      [17] iaload
      [18] bipush 8
      [20] ishl
      [21] sipush 128
      [24] ior
      [25] iconst_3
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [30] iconst_3
      [31] iand
      [32] isub
      [33] iconst_3
      [34] ishl
      [35] ishl
      [36] iastore
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [42] bipush -4
      [44] iand
      [45] iconst_4
      [46] iadd
      [47] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [50] aload_0 v0
      [51] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [54] bipush 64
      [56] ificmpne +15 (target=71)
      [59] aload_0 v0
      [60] iconst_0
      [61] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [64] aload_0 v0
      [65] invokespecial #32
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.perform ()V]
      [68] goto +29 (target=97)
      [71] aload_0 v0
      [72] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [75] bipush 60
      [77] ificmpne +20 (target=97)
      [80] aload_0 v0
      [81] iconst_0
      [82] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [85] aload_0 v0
      [86] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [89] bipush 15
      [91] iconst_0
      [92] iastore
      [93] aload_0 v0
      [94] invokespecial #32
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.perform ()V]
      [97] aload_0 v0
      [98] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentPos I]
      [101] iconst_2
      [102] ishr
      [103] istore v4
      [105] goto +14 (target=119)
      [108] aload_0 v0
      [109] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [112] iload v4
      [114] iconst_0
      [115] iastore
      [116] iinc v4, 1
      [119] iload v4
      [121] bipush 14
      [123] ificmplt -15 (target=108)
      [126] aload_0 v0
      [127] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [130] bipush 14
      [132] aload_0 v0
      [133] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentLen J]
      [136] bipush 32
      [138] lshr
      [139] l2i
      [140] iastore
      [141] aload_0 v0
      [142] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [145] bipush 15
      [147] aload_0 v0
      [148] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.currentLen J]
      [151] l2i
      [152] iastore
      [153] aload_0 v0
      [154] invokespecial #32
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.perform ()V]
      [157] aload_0 v0
      [158] aload_1 v1
      [159] iload_2 v2
      [160] aload_0 v0
      [161] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.H0 I]
      [164] invokespecial #33
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.putInt ([BII)V]
      [167] aload_0 v0
      [168] aload_1 v1
      [169] iload_2 v2
      [170] iconst_4
      [171] iadd
      [172] aload_0 v0
      [173] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.H1 I]
      [176] invokespecial #33
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.putInt ([BII)V]
      [179] aload_0 v0
      [180] aload_1 v1
      [181] iload_2 v2
      [182] bipush 8
      [184] iadd
      [185] aload_0 v0
      [186] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.H2 I]
      [189] invokespecial #33
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.putInt ([BII)V]
      [192] aload_0 v0
      [193] aload_1 v1
      [194] iload_2 v2
      [195] bipush 12
      [197] iadd
      [198] aload_0 v0
      [199] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.H3 I]
      [202] invokespecial #33
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.putInt ([BII)V]
      [205] aload_0 v0
      [206] aload_1 v1
      [207] iload_2 v2
      [208] bipush 16
      [210] iadd
      [211] aload_0 v0
      [212] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.H4 I]
      [215] invokespecial #33
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.putInt ([BII)V]
      [218] aload_0 v0
      [219] invokevirtual #34
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.reset ()V]
      [222] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 23)
        [0] -> line 201
        [7] -> line 202
        [37] -> line 204
        [50] -> line 206
        [59] -> line 208
        [64] -> line 209
        [71] -> line 211
        [80] -> line 213
        [85] -> line 214
        [93] -> line 215
        [97] -> line 223
        [108] -> line 224
        [116] -> line 223
        [126] -> line 226
        [141] -> line 227
        [153] -> line 229
        [157] -> line 231
        [167] -> line 232
        [179] -> line 233
        [192] -> line 234
        [205] -> line 235
        [218] -> line 237
        [222] -> line 238
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 223 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1; this]
        v1: 0 -> 223 [[B out]
        v2: 0 -> 223 [I off]
        v3: 7 -> 223 [I idx]
        v4: 105 -> 126 [I i]
  + Method:       perform()V
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final void perform()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 3654, locals = 6, stack = 5):
      [0] bipush 16
      [2] istore_1 v1
      [3] goto +59 (target=62)
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [10] iload_1 v1
      [11] iconst_3
      [12] isub
      [13] iaload
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [18] iload_1 v1
      [19] bipush 8
      [21] isub
      [22] iaload
      [23] ixor
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [28] iload_1 v1
      [29] bipush 14
      [31] isub
      [32] iaload
      [33] ixor
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [38] iload_1 v1
      [39] bipush 16
      [41] isub
      [42] iaload
      [43] ixor
      [44] istore_2 v2
      [45] aload_0 v0
      [46] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [49] iload_1 v1
      [50] iload_2 v2
      [51] iconst_1
      [52] ishl
      [53] iload_2 v2
      [54] bipush 31
      [56] iushr
      [57] ior
      [58] iastore
      [59] iinc v1, 1
      [62] iload_1 v1
      [63] bipush 80
      [65] ificmplt -59 (target=6)
      [68] aload_0 v0
      [69] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.H0 I]
      [72] istore_1 v1
      [73] aload_0 v0
      [74] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.H1 I]
      [77] istore_2 v2
      [78] aload_0 v0
      [79] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.H2 I]
      [82] istore_3 v3
      [83] aload_0 v0
      [84] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.H3 I]
      [87] istore v4
      [89] aload_0 v0
      [90] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.H4 I]
      [93] istore v5
      [95] iload v5
      [97] iload_1 v1
      [98] iconst_5
      [99] ishl
      [100] iload_1 v1
      [101] bipush 27
      [103] iushr
      [104] ior
      [105] iload_2 v2
      [106] iload_3 v3
      [107] iand
      [108] iload_2 v2
      [109] iconst_m1
      [110] ixor
      [111] iload v4
      [113] iand
      [114] ior
      [115] iadd
      [116] aload_0 v0
      [117] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [120] iconst_0
      [121] iaload
      [122] iadd
      [123] ldc #7
        + Integer [1518500249]
      [125] iadd
      [126] iadd
      [127] istore v5
      [129] iload_2 v2
      [130] bipush 30
      [132] ishl
      [133] iload_2 v2
      [134] iconst_2
      [135] iushr
      [136] ior
      [137] istore_2 v2
      [138] iload v4
      [140] iload v5
      [142] iconst_5
      [143] ishl
      [144] iload v5
      [146] bipush 27
      [148] iushr
      [149] ior
      [150] iload_1 v1
      [151] iload_2 v2
      [152] iand
      [153] iload_1 v1
      [154] iconst_m1
      [155] ixor
      [156] iload_3 v3
      [157] iand
      [158] ior
      [159] iadd
      [160] aload_0 v0
      [161] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [164] iconst_1
      [165] iaload
      [166] iadd
      [167] ldc #7
        + Integer [1518500249]
      [169] iadd
      [170] iadd
      [171] istore v4
      [173] iload_1 v1
      [174] bipush 30
      [176] ishl
      [177] iload_1 v1
      [178] iconst_2
      [179] iushr
      [180] ior
      [181] istore_1 v1
      [182] iload_3 v3
      [183] iload v4
      [185] iconst_5
      [186] ishl
      [187] iload v4
      [189] bipush 27
      [191] iushr
      [192] ior
      [193] iload v5
      [195] iload_1 v1
      [196] iand
      [197] iload v5
      [199] iconst_m1
      [200] ixor
      [201] iload_2 v2
      [202] iand
      [203] ior
      [204] iadd
      [205] aload_0 v0
      [206] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [209] iconst_2
      [210] iaload
      [211] iadd
      [212] ldc #7
        + Integer [1518500249]
      [214] iadd
      [215] iadd
      [216] istore_3 v3
      [217] iload v5
      [219] bipush 30
      [221] ishl
      [222] iload v5
      [224] iconst_2
      [225] iushr
      [226] ior
      [227] istore v5
      [229] iload_2 v2
      [230] iload_3 v3
      [231] iconst_5
      [232] ishl
      [233] iload_3 v3
      [234] bipush 27
      [236] iushr
      [237] ior
      [238] iload v4
      [240] iload v5
      [242] iand
      [243] iload v4
      [245] iconst_m1
      [246] ixor
      [247] iload_1 v1
      [248] iand
      [249] ior
      [250] iadd
      [251] aload_0 v0
      [252] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [255] iconst_3
      [256] iaload
      [257] iadd
      [258] ldc #7
        + Integer [1518500249]
      [260] iadd
      [261] iadd
      [262] istore_2 v2
      [263] iload v4
      [265] bipush 30
      [267] ishl
      [268] iload v4
      [270] iconst_2
      [271] iushr
      [272] ior
      [273] istore v4
      [275] iload_1 v1
      [276] iload_2 v2
      [277] iconst_5
      [278] ishl
      [279] iload_2 v2
      [280] bipush 27
      [282] iushr
      [283] ior
      [284] iload_3 v3
      [285] iload v4
      [287] iand
      [288] iload_3 v3
      [289] iconst_m1
      [290] ixor
      [291] iload v5
      [293] iand
      [294] ior
      [295] iadd
      [296] aload_0 v0
      [297] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [300] iconst_4
      [301] iaload
      [302] iadd
      [303] ldc #7
        + Integer [1518500249]
      [305] iadd
      [306] iadd
      [307] istore_1 v1
      [308] iload_3 v3
      [309] bipush 30
      [311] ishl
      [312] iload_3 v3
      [313] iconst_2
      [314] iushr
      [315] ior
      [316] istore_3 v3
      [317] iload v5
      [319] iload_1 v1
      [320] iconst_5
      [321] ishl
      [322] iload_1 v1
      [323] bipush 27
      [325] iushr
      [326] ior
      [327] iload_2 v2
      [328] iload_3 v3
      [329] iand
      [330] iload_2 v2
      [331] iconst_m1
      [332] ixor
      [333] iload v4
      [335] iand
      [336] ior
      [337] iadd
      [338] aload_0 v0
      [339] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [342] iconst_5
      [343] iaload
      [344] iadd
      [345] ldc #7
        + Integer [1518500249]
      [347] iadd
      [348] iadd
      [349] istore v5
      [351] iload_2 v2
      [352] bipush 30
      [354] ishl
      [355] iload_2 v2
      [356] iconst_2
      [357] iushr
      [358] ior
      [359] istore_2 v2
      [360] iload v4
      [362] iload v5
      [364] iconst_5
      [365] ishl
      [366] iload v5
      [368] bipush 27
      [370] iushr
      [371] ior
      [372] iload_1 v1
      [373] iload_2 v2
      [374] iand
      [375] iload_1 v1
      [376] iconst_m1
      [377] ixor
      [378] iload_3 v3
      [379] iand
      [380] ior
      [381] iadd
      [382] aload_0 v0
      [383] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [386] bipush 6
      [388] iaload
      [389] iadd
      [390] ldc #7
        + Integer [1518500249]
      [392] iadd
      [393] iadd
      [394] istore v4
      [396] iload_1 v1
      [397] bipush 30
      [399] ishl
      [400] iload_1 v1
      [401] iconst_2
      [402] iushr
      [403] ior
      [404] istore_1 v1
      [405] iload_3 v3
      [406] iload v4
      [408] iconst_5
      [409] ishl
      [410] iload v4
      [412] bipush 27
      [414] iushr
      [415] ior
      [416] iload v5
      [418] iload_1 v1
      [419] iand
      [420] iload v5
      [422] iconst_m1
      [423] ixor
      [424] iload_2 v2
      [425] iand
      [426] ior
      [427] iadd
      [428] aload_0 v0
      [429] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [432] bipush 7
      [434] iaload
      [435] iadd
      [436] ldc #7
        + Integer [1518500249]
      [438] iadd
      [439] iadd
      [440] istore_3 v3
      [441] iload v5
      [443] bipush 30
      [445] ishl
      [446] iload v5
      [448] iconst_2
      [449] iushr
      [450] ior
      [451] istore v5
      [453] iload_2 v2
      [454] iload_3 v3
      [455] iconst_5
      [456] ishl
      [457] iload_3 v3
      [458] bipush 27
      [460] iushr
      [461] ior
      [462] iload v4
      [464] iload v5
      [466] iand
      [467] iload v4
      [469] iconst_m1
      [470] ixor
      [471] iload_1 v1
      [472] iand
      [473] ior
      [474] iadd
      [475] aload_0 v0
      [476] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [479] bipush 8
      [481] iaload
      [482] iadd
      [483] ldc #7
        + Integer [1518500249]
      [485] iadd
      [486] iadd
      [487] istore_2 v2
      [488] iload v4
      [490] bipush 30
      [492] ishl
      [493] iload v4
      [495] iconst_2
      [496] iushr
      [497] ior
      [498] istore v4
      [500] iload_1 v1
      [501] iload_2 v2
      [502] iconst_5
      [503] ishl
      [504] iload_2 v2
      [505] bipush 27
      [507] iushr
      [508] ior
      [509] iload_3 v3
      [510] iload v4
      [512] iand
      [513] iload_3 v3
      [514] iconst_m1
      [515] ixor
      [516] iload v5
      [518] iand
      [519] ior
      [520] iadd
      [521] aload_0 v0
      [522] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [525] bipush 9
      [527] iaload
      [528] iadd
      [529] ldc #7
        + Integer [1518500249]
      [531] iadd
      [532] iadd
      [533] istore_1 v1
      [534] iload_3 v3
      [535] bipush 30
      [537] ishl
      [538] iload_3 v3
      [539] iconst_2
      [540] iushr
      [541] ior
      [542] istore_3 v3
      [543] iload v5
      [545] iload_1 v1
      [546] iconst_5
      [547] ishl
      [548] iload_1 v1
      [549] bipush 27
      [551] iushr
      [552] ior
      [553] iload_2 v2
      [554] iload_3 v3
      [555] iand
      [556] iload_2 v2
      [557] iconst_m1
      [558] ixor
      [559] iload v4
      [561] iand
      [562] ior
      [563] iadd
      [564] aload_0 v0
      [565] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [568] bipush 10
      [570] iaload
      [571] iadd
      [572] ldc #7
        + Integer [1518500249]
      [574] iadd
      [575] iadd
      [576] istore v5
      [578] iload_2 v2
      [579] bipush 30
      [581] ishl
      [582] iload_2 v2
      [583] iconst_2
      [584] iushr
      [585] ior
      [586] istore_2 v2
      [587] iload v4
      [589] iload v5
      [591] iconst_5
      [592] ishl
      [593] iload v5
      [595] bipush 27
      [597] iushr
      [598] ior
      [599] iload_1 v1
      [600] iload_2 v2
      [601] iand
      [602] iload_1 v1
      [603] iconst_m1
      [604] ixor
      [605] iload_3 v3
      [606] iand
      [607] ior
      [608] iadd
      [609] aload_0 v0
      [610] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [613] bipush 11
      [615] iaload
      [616] iadd
      [617] ldc #7
        + Integer [1518500249]
      [619] iadd
      [620] iadd
      [621] istore v4
      [623] iload_1 v1
      [624] bipush 30
      [626] ishl
      [627] iload_1 v1
      [628] iconst_2
      [629] iushr
      [630] ior
      [631] istore_1 v1
      [632] iload_3 v3
      [633] iload v4
      [635] iconst_5
      [636] ishl
      [637] iload v4
      [639] bipush 27
      [641] iushr
      [642] ior
      [643] iload v5
      [645] iload_1 v1
      [646] iand
      [647] iload v5
      [649] iconst_m1
      [650] ixor
      [651] iload_2 v2
      [652] iand
      [653] ior
      [654] iadd
      [655] aload_0 v0
      [656] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [659] bipush 12
      [661] iaload
      [662] iadd
      [663] ldc #7
        + Integer [1518500249]
      [665] iadd
      [666] iadd
      [667] istore_3 v3
      [668] iload v5
      [670] bipush 30
      [672] ishl
      [673] iload v5
      [675] iconst_2
      [676] iushr
      [677] ior
      [678] istore v5
      [680] iload_2 v2
      [681] iload_3 v3
      [682] iconst_5
      [683] ishl
      [684] iload_3 v3
      [685] bipush 27
      [687] iushr
      [688] ior
      [689] iload v4
      [691] iload v5
      [693] iand
      [694] iload v4
      [696] iconst_m1
      [697] ixor
      [698] iload_1 v1
      [699] iand
      [700] ior
      [701] iadd
      [702] aload_0 v0
      [703] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [706] bipush 13
      [708] iaload
      [709] iadd
      [710] ldc #7
        + Integer [1518500249]
      [712] iadd
      [713] iadd
      [714] istore_2 v2
      [715] iload v4
      [717] bipush 30
      [719] ishl
      [720] iload v4
      [722] iconst_2
      [723] iushr
      [724] ior
      [725] istore v4
      [727] iload_1 v1
      [728] iload_2 v2
      [729] iconst_5
      [730] ishl
      [731] iload_2 v2
      [732] bipush 27
      [734] iushr
      [735] ior
      [736] iload_3 v3
      [737] iload v4
      [739] iand
      [740] iload_3 v3
      [741] iconst_m1
      [742] ixor
      [743] iload v5
      [745] iand
      [746] ior
      [747] iadd
      [748] aload_0 v0
      [749] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [752] bipush 14
      [754] iaload
      [755] iadd
      [756] ldc #7
        + Integer [1518500249]
      [758] iadd
      [759] iadd
      [760] istore_1 v1
      [761] iload_3 v3
      [762] bipush 30
      [764] ishl
      [765] iload_3 v3
      [766] iconst_2
      [767] iushr
      [768] ior
      [769] istore_3 v3
      [770] iload v5
      [772] iload_1 v1
      [773] iconst_5
      [774] ishl
      [775] iload_1 v1
      [776] bipush 27
      [778] iushr
      [779] ior
      [780] iload_2 v2
      [781] iload_3 v3
      [782] iand
      [783] iload_2 v2
      [784] iconst_m1
      [785] ixor
      [786] iload v4
      [788] iand
      [789] ior
      [790] iadd
      [791] aload_0 v0
      [792] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [795] bipush 15
      [797] iaload
      [798] iadd
      [799] ldc #7
        + Integer [1518500249]
      [801] iadd
      [802] iadd
      [803] istore v5
      [805] iload_2 v2
      [806] bipush 30
      [808] ishl
      [809] iload_2 v2
      [810] iconst_2
      [811] iushr
      [812] ior
      [813] istore_2 v2
      [814] iload v4
      [816] iload v5
      [818] iconst_5
      [819] ishl
      [820] iload v5
      [822] bipush 27
      [824] iushr
      [825] ior
      [826] iload_1 v1
      [827] iload_2 v2
      [828] iand
      [829] iload_1 v1
      [830] iconst_m1
      [831] ixor
      [832] iload_3 v3
      [833] iand
      [834] ior
      [835] iadd
      [836] aload_0 v0
      [837] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [840] bipush 16
      [842] iaload
      [843] iadd
      [844] ldc #7
        + Integer [1518500249]
      [846] iadd
      [847] iadd
      [848] istore v4
      [850] iload_1 v1
      [851] bipush 30
      [853] ishl
      [854] iload_1 v1
      [855] iconst_2
      [856] iushr
      [857] ior
      [858] istore_1 v1
      [859] iload_3 v3
      [860] iload v4
      [862] iconst_5
      [863] ishl
      [864] iload v4
      [866] bipush 27
      [868] iushr
      [869] ior
      [870] iload v5
      [872] iload_1 v1
      [873] iand
      [874] iload v5
      [876] iconst_m1
      [877] ixor
      [878] iload_2 v2
      [879] iand
      [880] ior
      [881] iadd
      [882] aload_0 v0
      [883] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [886] bipush 17
      [888] iaload
      [889] iadd
      [890] ldc #7
        + Integer [1518500249]
      [892] iadd
      [893] iadd
      [894] istore_3 v3
      [895] iload v5
      [897] bipush 30
      [899] ishl
      [900] iload v5
      [902] iconst_2
      [903] iushr
      [904] ior
      [905] istore v5
      [907] iload_2 v2
      [908] iload_3 v3
      [909] iconst_5
      [910] ishl
      [911] iload_3 v3
      [912] bipush 27
      [914] iushr
      [915] ior
      [916] iload v4
      [918] iload v5
      [920] iand
      [921] iload v4
      [923] iconst_m1
      [924] ixor
      [925] iload_1 v1
      [926] iand
      [927] ior
      [928] iadd
      [929] aload_0 v0
      [930] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [933] bipush 18
      [935] iaload
      [936] iadd
      [937] ldc #7
        + Integer [1518500249]
      [939] iadd
      [940] iadd
      [941] istore_2 v2
      [942] iload v4
      [944] bipush 30
      [946] ishl
      [947] iload v4
      [949] iconst_2
      [950] iushr
      [951] ior
      [952] istore v4
      [954] iload_1 v1
      [955] iload_2 v2
      [956] iconst_5
      [957] ishl
      [958] iload_2 v2
      [959] bipush 27
      [961] iushr
      [962] ior
      [963] iload_3 v3
      [964] iload v4
      [966] iand
      [967] iload_3 v3
      [968] iconst_m1
      [969] ixor
      [970] iload v5
      [972] iand
      [973] ior
      [974] iadd
      [975] aload_0 v0
      [976] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [979] bipush 19
      [981] iaload
      [982] iadd
      [983] ldc #7
        + Integer [1518500249]
      [985] iadd
      [986] iadd
      [987] istore_1 v1
      [988] iload_3 v3
      [989] bipush 30
      [991] ishl
      [992] iload_3 v3
      [993] iconst_2
      [994] iushr
      [995] ior
      [996] istore_3 v3
      [997] iload v5
      [999] iload_1 v1
      [1000] iconst_5
      [1001] ishl
      [1002] iload_1 v1
      [1003] bipush 27
      [1005] iushr
      [1006] ior
      [1007] iload_2 v2
      [1008] iload_3 v3
      [1009] ixor
      [1010] iload v4
      [1012] ixor
      [1013] iadd
      [1014] aload_0 v0
      [1015] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [1018] bipush 20
      [1020] iaload
      [1021] iadd
      [1022] ldc #9
        + Integer [1859775393]
      [1024] iadd
      [1025] iadd
      [1026] istore v5
      [1028] iload_2 v2
      [1029] bipush 30
      [1031] ishl
      [1032] iload_2 v2
      [1033] iconst_2
      [1034] iushr
      [1035] ior
      [1036] istore_2 v2
      [1037] iload v4
      [1039] iload v5
      [1041] iconst_5
      [1042] ishl
      [1043] iload v5
      [1045] bipush 27
      [1047] iushr
      [1048] ior
      [1049] iload_1 v1
      [1050] iload_2 v2
      [1051] ixor
      [1052] iload_3 v3
      [1053] ixor
      [1054] iadd
      [1055] aload_0 v0
      [1056] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [1059] bipush 21
      [1061] iaload
      [1062] iadd
      [1063] ldc #9
        + Integer [1859775393]
      [1065] iadd
      [1066] iadd
      [1067] istore v4
      [1069] iload_1 v1
      [1070] bipush 30
      [1072] ishl
      [1073] iload_1 v1
      [1074] iconst_2
      [1075] iushr
      [1076] ior
      [1077] istore_1 v1
      [1078] iload_3 v3
      [1079] iload v4
      [1081] iconst_5
      [1082] ishl
      [1083] iload v4
      [1085] bipush 27
      [1087] iushr
      [1088] ior
      [1089] iload v5
      [1091] iload_1 v1
      [1092] ixor
      [1093] iload_2 v2
      [1094] ixor
      [1095] iadd
      [1096] aload_0 v0
      [1097] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [1100] bipush 22
      [1102] iaload
      [1103] iadd
      [1104] ldc #9
        + Integer [1859775393]
      [1106] iadd
      [1107] iadd
      [1108] istore_3 v3
      [1109] iload v5
      [1111] bipush 30
      [1113] ishl
      [1114] iload v5
      [1116] iconst_2
      [1117] iushr
      [1118] ior
      [1119] istore v5
      [1121] iload_2 v2
      [1122] iload_3 v3
      [1123] iconst_5
      [1124] ishl
      [1125] iload_3 v3
      [1126] bipush 27
      [1128] iushr
      [1129] ior
      [1130] iload v4
      [1132] iload v5
      [1134] ixor
      [1135] iload_1 v1
      [1136] ixor
      [1137] iadd
      [1138] aload_0 v0
      [1139] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [1142] bipush 23
      [1144] iaload
      [1145] iadd
      [1146] ldc #9
        + Integer [1859775393]
      [1148] iadd
      [1149] iadd
      [1150] istore_2 v2
      [1151] iload v4
      [1153] bipush 30
      [1155] ishl
      [1156] iload v4
      [1158] iconst_2
      [1159] iushr
      [1160] ior
      [1161] istore v4
      [1163] iload_1 v1
      [1164] iload_2 v2
      [1165] iconst_5
      [1166] ishl
      [1167] iload_2 v2
      [1168] bipush 27
      [1170] iushr
      [1171] ior
      [1172] iload_3 v3
      [1173] iload v4
      [1175] ixor
      [1176] iload v5
      [1178] ixor
      [1179] iadd
      [1180] aload_0 v0
      [1181] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [1184] bipush 24
      [1186] iaload
      [1187] iadd
      [1188] ldc #9
        + Integer [1859775393]
      [1190] iadd
      [1191] iadd
      [1192] istore_1 v1
      [1193] iload_3 v3
      [1194] bipush 30
      [1196] ishl
      [1197] iload_3 v3
      [1198] iconst_2
      [1199] iushr
      [1200] ior
      [1201] istore_3 v3
      [1202] iload v5
      [1204] iload_1 v1
      [1205] iconst_5
      [1206] ishl
      [1207] iload_1 v1
      [1208] bipush 27
      [1210] iushr
      [1211] ior
      [1212] iload_2 v2
      [1213] iload_3 v3
      [1214] ixor
      [1215] iload v4
      [1217] ixor
      [1218] iadd
      [1219] aload_0 v0
      [1220] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [1223] bipush 25
      [1225] iaload
      [1226] iadd
      [1227] ldc #9
        + Integer [1859775393]
      [1229] iadd
      [1230] iadd
      [1231] istore v5
      [1233] iload_2 v2
      [1234] bipush 30
      [1236] ishl
      [1237] iload_2 v2
      [1238] iconst_2
      [1239] iushr
      [1240] ior
      [1241] istore_2 v2
      [1242] iload v4
      [1244] iload v5
      [1246] iconst_5
      [1247] ishl
      [1248] iload v5
      [1250] bipush 27
      [1252] iushr
      [1253] ior
      [1254] iload_1 v1
      [1255] iload_2 v2
      [1256] ixor
      [1257] iload_3 v3
      [1258] ixor
      [1259] iadd
      [1260] aload_0 v0
      [1261] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [1264] bipush 26
      [1266] iaload
      [1267] iadd
      [1268] ldc #9
        + Integer [1859775393]
      [1270] iadd
      [1271] iadd
      [1272] istore v4
      [1274] iload_1 v1
      [1275] bipush 30
      [1277] ishl
      [1278] iload_1 v1
      [1279] iconst_2
      [1280] iushr
      [1281] ior
      [1282] istore_1 v1
      [1283] iload_3 v3
      [1284] iload v4
      [1286] iconst_5
      [1287] ishl
      [1288] iload v4
      [1290] bipush 27
      [1292] iushr
      [1293] ior
      [1294] iload v5
      [1296] iload_1 v1
      [1297] ixor
      [1298] iload_2 v2
      [1299] ixor
      [1300] iadd
      [1301] aload_0 v0
      [1302] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [1305] bipush 27
      [1307] iaload
      [1308] iadd
      [1309] ldc #9
        + Integer [1859775393]
      [1311] iadd
      [1312] iadd
      [1313] istore_3 v3
      [1314] iload v5
      [1316] bipush 30
      [1318] ishl
      [1319] iload v5
      [1321] iconst_2
      [1322] iushr
      [1323] ior
      [1324] istore v5
      [1326] iload_2 v2
      [1327] iload_3 v3
      [1328] iconst_5
      [1329] ishl
      [1330] iload_3 v3
      [1331] bipush 27
      [1333] iushr
      [1334] ior
      [1335] iload v4
      [1337] iload v5
      [1339] ixor
      [1340] iload_1 v1
      [1341] ixor
      [1342] iadd
      [1343] aload_0 v0
      [1344] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [1347] bipush 28
      [1349] iaload
      [1350] iadd
      [1351] ldc #9
        + Integer [1859775393]
      [1353] iadd
      [1354] iadd
      [1355] istore_2 v2
      [1356] iload v4
      [1358] bipush 30
      [1360] ishl
      [1361] iload v4
      [1363] iconst_2
      [1364] iushr
      [1365] ior
      [1366] istore v4
      [1368] iload_1 v1
      [1369] iload_2 v2
      [1370] iconst_5
      [1371] ishl
      [1372] iload_2 v2
      [1373] bipush 27
      [1375] iushr
      [1376] ior
      [1377] iload_3 v3
      [1378] iload v4
      [1380] ixor
      [1381] iload v5
      [1383] ixor
      [1384] iadd
      [1385] aload_0 v0
      [1386] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [1389] bipush 29
      [1391] iaload
      [1392] iadd
      [1393] ldc #9
        + Integer [1859775393]
      [1395] iadd
      [1396] iadd
      [1397] istore_1 v1
      [1398] iload_3 v3
      [1399] bipush 30
      [1401] ishl
      [1402] iload_3 v3
      [1403] iconst_2
      [1404] iushr
      [1405] ior
      [1406] istore_3 v3
      [1407] iload v5
      [1409] iload_1 v1
      [1410] iconst_5
      [1411] ishl
      [1412] iload_1 v1
      [1413] bipush 27
      [1415] iushr
      [1416] ior
      [1417] iload_2 v2
      [1418] iload_3 v3
      [1419] ixor
      [1420] iload v4
      [1422] ixor
      [1423] iadd
      [1424] aload_0 v0
      [1425] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [1428] bipush 30
      [1430] iaload
      [1431] iadd
      [1432] ldc #9
        + Integer [1859775393]
      [1434] iadd
      [1435] iadd
      [1436] istore v5
      [1438] iload_2 v2
      [1439] bipush 30
      [1441] ishl
      [1442] iload_2 v2
      [1443] iconst_2
      [1444] iushr
      [1445] ior
      [1446] istore_2 v2
      [1447] iload v4
      [1449] iload v5
      [1451] iconst_5
      [1452] ishl
      [1453] iload v5
      [1455] bipush 27
      [1457] iushr
      [1458] ior
      [1459] iload_1 v1
      [1460] iload_2 v2
      [1461] ixor
      [1462] iload_3 v3
      [1463] ixor
      [1464] iadd
      [1465] aload_0 v0
      [1466] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [1469] bipush 31
      [1471] iaload
      [1472] iadd
      [1473] ldc #9
        + Integer [1859775393]
      [1475] iadd
      [1476] iadd
      [1477] istore v4
      [1479] iload_1 v1
      [1480] bipush 30
      [1482] ishl
      [1483] iload_1 v1
      [1484] iconst_2
      [1485] iushr
      [1486] ior
      [1487] istore_1 v1
      [1488] iload_3 v3
      [1489] iload v4
      [1491] iconst_5
      [1492] ishl
      [1493] iload v4
      [1495] bipush 27
      [1497] iushr
      [1498] ior
      [1499] iload v5
      [1501] iload_1 v1
      [1502] ixor
      [1503] iload_2 v2
      [1504] ixor
      [1505] iadd
      [1506] aload_0 v0
      [1507] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [1510] bipush 32
      [1512] iaload
      [1513] iadd
      [1514] ldc #9
        + Integer [1859775393]
      [1516] iadd
      [1517] iadd
      [1518] istore_3 v3
      [1519] iload v5
      [1521] bipush 30
      [1523] ishl
      [1524] iload v5
      [1526] iconst_2
      [1527] iushr
      [1528] ior
      [1529] istore v5
      [1531] iload_2 v2
      [1532] iload_3 v3
      [1533] iconst_5
      [1534] ishl
      [1535] iload_3 v3
      [1536] bipush 27
      [1538] iushr
      [1539] ior
      [1540] iload v4
      [1542] iload v5
      [1544] ixor
      [1545] iload_1 v1
      [1546] ixor
      [1547] iadd
      [1548] aload_0 v0
      [1549] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [1552] bipush 33
      [1554] iaload
      [1555] iadd
      [1556] ldc #9
        + Integer [1859775393]
      [1558] iadd
      [1559] iadd
      [1560] istore_2 v2
      [1561] iload v4
      [1563] bipush 30
      [1565] ishl
      [1566] iload v4
      [1568] iconst_2
      [1569] iushr
      [1570] ior
      [1571] istore v4
      [1573] iload_1 v1
      [1574] iload_2 v2
      [1575] iconst_5
      [1576] ishl
      [1577] iload_2 v2
      [1578] bipush 27
      [1580] iushr
      [1581] ior
      [1582] iload_3 v3
      [1583] iload v4
      [1585] ixor
      [1586] iload v5
      [1588] ixor
      [1589] iadd
      [1590] aload_0 v0
      [1591] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [1594] bipush 34
      [1596] iaload
      [1597] iadd
      [1598] ldc #9
        + Integer [1859775393]
      [1600] iadd
      [1601] iadd
      [1602] istore_1 v1
      [1603] iload_3 v3
      [1604] bipush 30
      [1606] ishl
      [1607] iload_3 v3
      [1608] iconst_2
      [1609] iushr
      [1610] ior
      [1611] istore_3 v3
      [1612] iload v5
      [1614] iload_1 v1
      [1615] iconst_5
      [1616] ishl
      [1617] iload_1 v1
      [1618] bipush 27
      [1620] iushr
      [1621] ior
      [1622] iload_2 v2
      [1623] iload_3 v3
      [1624] ixor
      [1625] iload v4
      [1627] ixor
      [1628] iadd
      [1629] aload_0 v0
      [1630] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [1633] bipush 35
      [1635] iaload
      [1636] iadd
      [1637] ldc #9
        + Integer [1859775393]
      [1639] iadd
      [1640] iadd
      [1641] istore v5
      [1643] iload_2 v2
      [1644] bipush 30
      [1646] ishl
      [1647] iload_2 v2
      [1648] iconst_2
      [1649] iushr
      [1650] ior
      [1651] istore_2 v2
      [1652] iload v4
      [1654] iload v5
      [1656] iconst_5
      [1657] ishl
      [1658] iload v5
      [1660] bipush 27
      [1662] iushr
      [1663] ior
      [1664] iload_1 v1
      [1665] iload_2 v2
      [1666] ixor
      [1667] iload_3 v3
      [1668] ixor
      [1669] iadd
      [1670] aload_0 v0
      [1671] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [1674] bipush 36
      [1676] iaload
      [1677] iadd
      [1678] ldc #9
        + Integer [1859775393]
      [1680] iadd
      [1681] iadd
      [1682] istore v4
      [1684] iload_1 v1
      [1685] bipush 30
      [1687] ishl
      [1688] iload_1 v1
      [1689] iconst_2
      [1690] iushr
      [1691] ior
      [1692] istore_1 v1
      [1693] iload_3 v3
      [1694] iload v4
      [1696] iconst_5
      [1697] ishl
      [1698] iload v4
      [1700] bipush 27
      [1702] iushr
      [1703] ior
      [1704] iload v5
      [1706] iload_1 v1
      [1707] ixor
      [1708] iload_2 v2
      [1709] ixor
      [1710] iadd
      [1711] aload_0 v0
      [1712] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [1715] bipush 37
      [1717] iaload
      [1718] iadd
      [1719] ldc #9
        + Integer [1859775393]
      [1721] iadd
      [1722] iadd
      [1723] istore_3 v3
      [1724] iload v5
      [1726] bipush 30
      [1728] ishl
      [1729] iload v5
      [1731] iconst_2
      [1732] iushr
      [1733] ior
      [1734] istore v5
      [1736] iload_2 v2
      [1737] iload_3 v3
      [1738] iconst_5
      [1739] ishl
      [1740] iload_3 v3
      [1741] bipush 27
      [1743] iushr
      [1744] ior
      [1745] iload v4
      [1747] iload v5
      [1749] ixor
      [1750] iload_1 v1
      [1751] ixor
      [1752] iadd
      [1753] aload_0 v0
      [1754] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [1757] bipush 38
      [1759] iaload
      [1760] iadd
      [1761] ldc #9
        + Integer [1859775393]
      [1763] iadd
      [1764] iadd
      [1765] istore_2 v2
      [1766] iload v4
      [1768] bipush 30
      [1770] ishl
      [1771] iload v4
      [1773] iconst_2
      [1774] iushr
      [1775] ior
      [1776] istore v4
      [1778] iload_1 v1
      [1779] iload_2 v2
      [1780] iconst_5
      [1781] ishl
      [1782] iload_2 v2
      [1783] bipush 27
      [1785] iushr
      [1786] ior
      [1787] iload_3 v3
      [1788] iload v4
      [1790] ixor
      [1791] iload v5
      [1793] ixor
      [1794] iadd
      [1795] aload_0 v0
      [1796] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [1799] bipush 39
      [1801] iaload
      [1802] iadd
      [1803] ldc #9
        + Integer [1859775393]
      [1805] iadd
      [1806] iadd
      [1807] istore_1 v1
      [1808] iload_3 v3
      [1809] bipush 30
      [1811] ishl
      [1812] iload_3 v3
      [1813] iconst_2
      [1814] iushr
      [1815] ior
      [1816] istore_3 v3
      [1817] iload v5
      [1819] iload_1 v1
      [1820] iconst_5
      [1821] ishl
      [1822] iload_1 v1
      [1823] bipush 27
      [1825] iushr
      [1826] ior
      [1827] iload_2 v2
      [1828] iload_3 v3
      [1829] iand
      [1830] iload_2 v2
      [1831] iload v4
      [1833] iand
      [1834] ior
      [1835] iload_3 v3
      [1836] iload v4
      [1838] iand
      [1839] ior
      [1840] iadd
      [1841] aload_0 v0
      [1842] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [1845] bipush 40
      [1847] iaload
      [1848] iadd
      [1849] ldc #1
        + Integer [-1894007588]
      [1851] iadd
      [1852] iadd
      [1853] istore v5
      [1855] iload_2 v2
      [1856] bipush 30
      [1858] ishl
      [1859] iload_2 v2
      [1860] iconst_2
      [1861] iushr
      [1862] ior
      [1863] istore_2 v2
      [1864] iload v4
      [1866] iload v5
      [1868] iconst_5
      [1869] ishl
      [1870] iload v5
      [1872] bipush 27
      [1874] iushr
      [1875] ior
      [1876] iload_1 v1
      [1877] iload_2 v2
      [1878] iand
      [1879] iload_1 v1
      [1880] iload_3 v3
      [1881] iand
      [1882] ior
      [1883] iload_2 v2
      [1884] iload_3 v3
      [1885] iand
      [1886] ior
      [1887] iadd
      [1888] aload_0 v0
      [1889] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [1892] bipush 41
      [1894] iaload
      [1895] iadd
      [1896] ldc #1
        + Integer [-1894007588]
      [1898] iadd
      [1899] iadd
      [1900] istore v4
      [1902] iload_1 v1
      [1903] bipush 30
      [1905] ishl
      [1906] iload_1 v1
      [1907] iconst_2
      [1908] iushr
      [1909] ior
      [1910] istore_1 v1
      [1911] iload_3 v3
      [1912] iload v4
      [1914] iconst_5
      [1915] ishl
      [1916] iload v4
      [1918] bipush 27
      [1920] iushr
      [1921] ior
      [1922] iload v5
      [1924] iload_1 v1
      [1925] iand
      [1926] iload v5
      [1928] iload_2 v2
      [1929] iand
      [1930] ior
      [1931] iload_1 v1
      [1932] iload_2 v2
      [1933] iand
      [1934] ior
      [1935] iadd
      [1936] aload_0 v0
      [1937] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [1940] bipush 42
      [1942] iaload
      [1943] iadd
      [1944] ldc #1
        + Integer [-1894007588]
      [1946] iadd
      [1947] iadd
      [1948] istore_3 v3
      [1949] iload v5
      [1951] bipush 30
      [1953] ishl
      [1954] iload v5
      [1956] iconst_2
      [1957] iushr
      [1958] ior
      [1959] istore v5
      [1961] iload_2 v2
      [1962] iload_3 v3
      [1963] iconst_5
      [1964] ishl
      [1965] iload_3 v3
      [1966] bipush 27
      [1968] iushr
      [1969] ior
      [1970] iload v4
      [1972] iload v5
      [1974] iand
      [1975] iload v4
      [1977] iload_1 v1
      [1978] iand
      [1979] ior
      [1980] iload v5
      [1982] iload_1 v1
      [1983] iand
      [1984] ior
      [1985] iadd
      [1986] aload_0 v0
      [1987] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [1990] bipush 43
      [1992] iaload
      [1993] iadd
      [1994] ldc #1
        + Integer [-1894007588]
      [1996] iadd
      [1997] iadd
      [1998] istore_2 v2
      [1999] iload v4
      [2001] bipush 30
      [2003] ishl
      [2004] iload v4
      [2006] iconst_2
      [2007] iushr
      [2008] ior
      [2009] istore v4
      [2011] iload_1 v1
      [2012] iload_2 v2
      [2013] iconst_5
      [2014] ishl
      [2015] iload_2 v2
      [2016] bipush 27
      [2018] iushr
      [2019] ior
      [2020] iload_3 v3
      [2021] iload v4
      [2023] iand
      [2024] iload_3 v3
      [2025] iload v5
      [2027] iand
      [2028] ior
      [2029] iload v4
      [2031] iload v5
      [2033] iand
      [2034] ior
      [2035] iadd
      [2036] aload_0 v0
      [2037] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [2040] bipush 44
      [2042] iaload
      [2043] iadd
      [2044] ldc #1
        + Integer [-1894007588]
      [2046] iadd
      [2047] iadd
      [2048] istore_1 v1
      [2049] iload_3 v3
      [2050] bipush 30
      [2052] ishl
      [2053] iload_3 v3
      [2054] iconst_2
      [2055] iushr
      [2056] ior
      [2057] istore_3 v3
      [2058] iload v5
      [2060] iload_1 v1
      [2061] iconst_5
      [2062] ishl
      [2063] iload_1 v1
      [2064] bipush 27
      [2066] iushr
      [2067] ior
      [2068] iload_2 v2
      [2069] iload_3 v3
      [2070] iand
      [2071] iload_2 v2
      [2072] iload v4
      [2074] iand
      [2075] ior
      [2076] iload_3 v3
      [2077] iload v4
      [2079] iand
      [2080] ior
      [2081] iadd
      [2082] aload_0 v0
      [2083] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [2086] bipush 45
      [2088] iaload
      [2089] iadd
      [2090] ldc #1
        + Integer [-1894007588]
      [2092] iadd
      [2093] iadd
      [2094] istore v5
      [2096] iload_2 v2
      [2097] bipush 30
      [2099] ishl
      [2100] iload_2 v2
      [2101] iconst_2
      [2102] iushr
      [2103] ior
      [2104] istore_2 v2
      [2105] iload v4
      [2107] iload v5
      [2109] iconst_5
      [2110] ishl
      [2111] iload v5
      [2113] bipush 27
      [2115] iushr
      [2116] ior
      [2117] iload_1 v1
      [2118] iload_2 v2
      [2119] iand
      [2120] iload_1 v1
      [2121] iload_3 v3
      [2122] iand
      [2123] ior
      [2124] iload_2 v2
      [2125] iload_3 v3
      [2126] iand
      [2127] ior
      [2128] iadd
      [2129] aload_0 v0
      [2130] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [2133] bipush 46
      [2135] iaload
      [2136] iadd
      [2137] ldc #1
        + Integer [-1894007588]
      [2139] iadd
      [2140] iadd
      [2141] istore v4
      [2143] iload_1 v1
      [2144] bipush 30
      [2146] ishl
      [2147] iload_1 v1
      [2148] iconst_2
      [2149] iushr
      [2150] ior
      [2151] istore_1 v1
      [2152] iload_3 v3
      [2153] iload v4
      [2155] iconst_5
      [2156] ishl
      [2157] iload v4
      [2159] bipush 27
      [2161] iushr
      [2162] ior
      [2163] iload v5
      [2165] iload_1 v1
      [2166] iand
      [2167] iload v5
      [2169] iload_2 v2
      [2170] iand
      [2171] ior
      [2172] iload_1 v1
      [2173] iload_2 v2
      [2174] iand
      [2175] ior
      [2176] iadd
      [2177] aload_0 v0
      [2178] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [2181] bipush 47
      [2183] iaload
      [2184] iadd
      [2185] ldc #1
        + Integer [-1894007588]
      [2187] iadd
      [2188] iadd
      [2189] istore_3 v3
      [2190] iload v5
      [2192] bipush 30
      [2194] ishl
      [2195] iload v5
      [2197] iconst_2
      [2198] iushr
      [2199] ior
      [2200] istore v5
      [2202] iload_2 v2
      [2203] iload_3 v3
      [2204] iconst_5
      [2205] ishl
      [2206] iload_3 v3
      [2207] bipush 27
      [2209] iushr
      [2210] ior
      [2211] iload v4
      [2213] iload v5
      [2215] iand
      [2216] iload v4
      [2218] iload_1 v1
      [2219] iand
      [2220] ior
      [2221] iload v5
      [2223] iload_1 v1
      [2224] iand
      [2225] ior
      [2226] iadd
      [2227] aload_0 v0
      [2228] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [2231] bipush 48
      [2233] iaload
      [2234] iadd
      [2235] ldc #1
        + Integer [-1894007588]
      [2237] iadd
      [2238] iadd
      [2239] istore_2 v2
      [2240] iload v4
      [2242] bipush 30
      [2244] ishl
      [2245] iload v4
      [2247] iconst_2
      [2248] iushr
      [2249] ior
      [2250] istore v4
      [2252] iload_1 v1
      [2253] iload_2 v2
      [2254] iconst_5
      [2255] ishl
      [2256] iload_2 v2
      [2257] bipush 27
      [2259] iushr
      [2260] ior
      [2261] iload_3 v3
      [2262] iload v4
      [2264] iand
      [2265] iload_3 v3
      [2266] iload v5
      [2268] iand
      [2269] ior
      [2270] iload v4
      [2272] iload v5
      [2274] iand
      [2275] ior
      [2276] iadd
      [2277] aload_0 v0
      [2278] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [2281] bipush 49
      [2283] iaload
      [2284] iadd
      [2285] ldc #1
        + Integer [-1894007588]
      [2287] iadd
      [2288] iadd
      [2289] istore_1 v1
      [2290] iload_3 v3
      [2291] bipush 30
      [2293] ishl
      [2294] iload_3 v3
      [2295] iconst_2
      [2296] iushr
      [2297] ior
      [2298] istore_3 v3
      [2299] iload v5
      [2301] iload_1 v1
      [2302] iconst_5
      [2303] ishl
      [2304] iload_1 v1
      [2305] bipush 27
      [2307] iushr
      [2308] ior
      [2309] iload_2 v2
      [2310] iload_3 v3
      [2311] iand
      [2312] iload_2 v2
      [2313] iload v4
      [2315] iand
      [2316] ior
      [2317] iload_3 v3
      [2318] iload v4
      [2320] iand
      [2321] ior
      [2322] iadd
      [2323] aload_0 v0
      [2324] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [2327] bipush 50
      [2329] iaload
      [2330] iadd
      [2331] ldc #1
        + Integer [-1894007588]
      [2333] iadd
      [2334] iadd
      [2335] istore v5
      [2337] iload_2 v2
      [2338] bipush 30
      [2340] ishl
      [2341] iload_2 v2
      [2342] iconst_2
      [2343] iushr
      [2344] ior
      [2345] istore_2 v2
      [2346] iload v4
      [2348] iload v5
      [2350] iconst_5
      [2351] ishl
      [2352] iload v5
      [2354] bipush 27
      [2356] iushr
      [2357] ior
      [2358] iload_1 v1
      [2359] iload_2 v2
      [2360] iand
      [2361] iload_1 v1
      [2362] iload_3 v3
      [2363] iand
      [2364] ior
      [2365] iload_2 v2
      [2366] iload_3 v3
      [2367] iand
      [2368] ior
      [2369] iadd
      [2370] aload_0 v0
      [2371] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [2374] bipush 51
      [2376] iaload
      [2377] iadd
      [2378] ldc #1
        + Integer [-1894007588]
      [2380] iadd
      [2381] iadd
      [2382] istore v4
      [2384] iload_1 v1
      [2385] bipush 30
      [2387] ishl
      [2388] iload_1 v1
      [2389] iconst_2
      [2390] iushr
      [2391] ior
      [2392] istore_1 v1
      [2393] iload_3 v3
      [2394] iload v4
      [2396] iconst_5
      [2397] ishl
      [2398] iload v4
      [2400] bipush 27
      [2402] iushr
      [2403] ior
      [2404] iload v5
      [2406] iload_1 v1
      [2407] iand
      [2408] iload v5
      [2410] iload_2 v2
      [2411] iand
      [2412] ior
      [2413] iload_1 v1
      [2414] iload_2 v2
      [2415] iand
      [2416] ior
      [2417] iadd
      [2418] aload_0 v0
      [2419] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [2422] bipush 52
      [2424] iaload
      [2425] iadd
      [2426] ldc #1
        + Integer [-1894007588]
      [2428] iadd
      [2429] iadd
      [2430] istore_3 v3
      [2431] iload v5
      [2433] bipush 30
      [2435] ishl
      [2436] iload v5
      [2438] iconst_2
      [2439] iushr
      [2440] ior
      [2441] istore v5
      [2443] iload_2 v2
      [2444] iload_3 v3
      [2445] iconst_5
      [2446] ishl
      [2447] iload_3 v3
      [2448] bipush 27
      [2450] iushr
      [2451] ior
      [2452] iload v4
      [2454] iload v5
      [2456] iand
      [2457] iload v4
      [2459] iload_1 v1
      [2460] iand
      [2461] ior
      [2462] iload v5
      [2464] iload_1 v1
      [2465] iand
      [2466] ior
      [2467] iadd
      [2468] aload_0 v0
      [2469] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [2472] bipush 53
      [2474] iaload
      [2475] iadd
      [2476] ldc #1
        + Integer [-1894007588]
      [2478] iadd
      [2479] iadd
      [2480] istore_2 v2
      [2481] iload v4
      [2483] bipush 30
      [2485] ishl
      [2486] iload v4
      [2488] iconst_2
      [2489] iushr
      [2490] ior
      [2491] istore v4
      [2493] iload_1 v1
      [2494] iload_2 v2
      [2495] iconst_5
      [2496] ishl
      [2497] iload_2 v2
      [2498] bipush 27
      [2500] iushr
      [2501] ior
      [2502] iload_3 v3
      [2503] iload v4
      [2505] iand
      [2506] iload_3 v3
      [2507] iload v5
      [2509] iand
      [2510] ior
      [2511] iload v4
      [2513] iload v5
      [2515] iand
      [2516] ior
      [2517] iadd
      [2518] aload_0 v0
      [2519] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [2522] bipush 54
      [2524] iaload
      [2525] iadd
      [2526] ldc #1
        + Integer [-1894007588]
      [2528] iadd
      [2529] iadd
      [2530] istore_1 v1
      [2531] iload_3 v3
      [2532] bipush 30
      [2534] ishl
      [2535] iload_3 v3
      [2536] iconst_2
      [2537] iushr
      [2538] ior
      [2539] istore_3 v3
      [2540] iload v5
      [2542] iload_1 v1
      [2543] iconst_5
      [2544] ishl
      [2545] iload_1 v1
      [2546] bipush 27
      [2548] iushr
      [2549] ior
      [2550] iadd
      [2551] iload_2 v2
      [2552] iload_3 v3
      [2553] iand
      [2554] iload_2 v2
      [2555] iload v4
      [2557] iand
      [2558] ior
      [2559] iload_3 v3
      [2560] iload v4
      [2562] iand
      [2563] ior
      [2564] iadd
      [2565] aload_0 v0
      [2566] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [2569] bipush 55
      [2571] iaload
      [2572] iadd
      [2573] ldc #1
        + Integer [-1894007588]
      [2575] iadd
      [2576] istore v5
      [2578] iload_2 v2
      [2579] bipush 30
      [2581] ishl
      [2582] iload_2 v2
      [2583] iconst_2
      [2584] iushr
      [2585] ior
      [2586] istore_2 v2
      [2587] iload v4
      [2589] iload v5
      [2591] iconst_5
      [2592] ishl
      [2593] iload v5
      [2595] bipush 27
      [2597] iushr
      [2598] ior
      [2599] iload_1 v1
      [2600] iload_2 v2
      [2601] iand
      [2602] iload_1 v1
      [2603] iload_3 v3
      [2604] iand
      [2605] ior
      [2606] iload_2 v2
      [2607] iload_3 v3
      [2608] iand
      [2609] ior
      [2610] iadd
      [2611] aload_0 v0
      [2612] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [2615] bipush 56
      [2617] iaload
      [2618] iadd
      [2619] ldc #1
        + Integer [-1894007588]
      [2621] iadd
      [2622] iadd
      [2623] istore v4
      [2625] iload_1 v1
      [2626] bipush 30
      [2628] ishl
      [2629] iload_1 v1
      [2630] iconst_2
      [2631] iushr
      [2632] ior
      [2633] istore_1 v1
      [2634] iload_3 v3
      [2635] iload v4
      [2637] iconst_5
      [2638] ishl
      [2639] iload v4
      [2641] bipush 27
      [2643] iushr
      [2644] ior
      [2645] iload v5
      [2647] iload_1 v1
      [2648] iand
      [2649] iload v5
      [2651] iload_2 v2
      [2652] iand
      [2653] ior
      [2654] iload_1 v1
      [2655] iload_2 v2
      [2656] iand
      [2657] ior
      [2658] iadd
      [2659] aload_0 v0
      [2660] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [2663] bipush 57
      [2665] iaload
      [2666] iadd
      [2667] ldc #1
        + Integer [-1894007588]
      [2669] iadd
      [2670] iadd
      [2671] istore_3 v3
      [2672] iload v5
      [2674] bipush 30
      [2676] ishl
      [2677] iload v5
      [2679] iconst_2
      [2680] iushr
      [2681] ior
      [2682] istore v5
      [2684] iload_2 v2
      [2685] iload_3 v3
      [2686] iconst_5
      [2687] ishl
      [2688] iload_3 v3
      [2689] bipush 27
      [2691] iushr
      [2692] ior
      [2693] iload v4
      [2695] iload v5
      [2697] iand
      [2698] iload v4
      [2700] iload_1 v1
      [2701] iand
      [2702] ior
      [2703] iload v5
      [2705] iload_1 v1
      [2706] iand
      [2707] ior
      [2708] iadd
      [2709] aload_0 v0
      [2710] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [2713] bipush 58
      [2715] iaload
      [2716] iadd
      [2717] ldc #1
        + Integer [-1894007588]
      [2719] iadd
      [2720] iadd
      [2721] istore_2 v2
      [2722] iload v4
      [2724] bipush 30
      [2726] ishl
      [2727] iload v4
      [2729] iconst_2
      [2730] iushr
      [2731] ior
      [2732] istore v4
      [2734] iload_1 v1
      [2735] iload_2 v2
      [2736] iconst_5
      [2737] ishl
      [2738] iload_2 v2
      [2739] bipush 27
      [2741] iushr
      [2742] ior
      [2743] iload_3 v3
      [2744] iload v4
      [2746] iand
      [2747] iload_3 v3
      [2748] iload v5
      [2750] iand
      [2751] ior
      [2752] iload v4
      [2754] iload v5
      [2756] iand
      [2757] ior
      [2758] iadd
      [2759] aload_0 v0
      [2760] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [2763] bipush 59
      [2765] iaload
      [2766] iadd
      [2767] ldc #1
        + Integer [-1894007588]
      [2769] iadd
      [2770] iadd
      [2771] istore_1 v1
      [2772] iload_3 v3
      [2773] bipush 30
      [2775] ishl
      [2776] iload_3 v3
      [2777] iconst_2
      [2778] iushr
      [2779] ior
      [2780] istore_3 v3
      [2781] iload v5
      [2783] iload_1 v1
      [2784] iconst_5
      [2785] ishl
      [2786] iload_1 v1
      [2787] bipush 27
      [2789] iushr
      [2790] ior
      [2791] iload_2 v2
      [2792] iload_3 v3
      [2793] ixor
      [2794] iload v4
      [2796] ixor
      [2797] iadd
      [2798] aload_0 v0
      [2799] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [2802] bipush 60
      [2804] iaload
      [2805] iadd
      [2806] ldc #4
        + Integer [-899497514]
      [2808] iadd
      [2809] iadd
      [2810] istore v5
      [2812] iload_2 v2
      [2813] bipush 30
      [2815] ishl
      [2816] iload_2 v2
      [2817] iconst_2
      [2818] iushr
      [2819] ior
      [2820] istore_2 v2
      [2821] iload v4
      [2823] iload v5
      [2825] iconst_5
      [2826] ishl
      [2827] iload v5
      [2829] bipush 27
      [2831] iushr
      [2832] ior
      [2833] iload_1 v1
      [2834] iload_2 v2
      [2835] ixor
      [2836] iload_3 v3
      [2837] ixor
      [2838] iadd
      [2839] aload_0 v0
      [2840] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [2843] bipush 61
      [2845] iaload
      [2846] iadd
      [2847] ldc #4
        + Integer [-899497514]
      [2849] iadd
      [2850] iadd
      [2851] istore v4
      [2853] iload_1 v1
      [2854] bipush 30
      [2856] ishl
      [2857] iload_1 v1
      [2858] iconst_2
      [2859] iushr
      [2860] ior
      [2861] istore_1 v1
      [2862] iload_3 v3
      [2863] iload v4
      [2865] iconst_5
      [2866] ishl
      [2867] iload v4
      [2869] bipush 27
      [2871] iushr
      [2872] ior
      [2873] iload v5
      [2875] iload_1 v1
      [2876] ixor
      [2877] iload_2 v2
      [2878] ixor
      [2879] iadd
      [2880] aload_0 v0
      [2881] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [2884] bipush 62
      [2886] iaload
      [2887] iadd
      [2888] ldc #4
        + Integer [-899497514]
      [2890] iadd
      [2891] iadd
      [2892] istore_3 v3
      [2893] iload v5
      [2895] bipush 30
      [2897] ishl
      [2898] iload v5
      [2900] iconst_2
      [2901] iushr
      [2902] ior
      [2903] istore v5
      [2905] iload_2 v2
      [2906] iload_3 v3
      [2907] iconst_5
      [2908] ishl
      [2909] iload_3 v3
      [2910] bipush 27
      [2912] iushr
      [2913] ior
      [2914] iload v4
      [2916] iload v5
      [2918] ixor
      [2919] iload_1 v1
      [2920] ixor
      [2921] iadd
      [2922] aload_0 v0
      [2923] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [2926] bipush 63
      [2928] iaload
      [2929] iadd
      [2930] ldc #4
        + Integer [-899497514]
      [2932] iadd
      [2933] iadd
      [2934] istore_2 v2
      [2935] iload v4
      [2937] bipush 30
      [2939] ishl
      [2940] iload v4
      [2942] iconst_2
      [2943] iushr
      [2944] ior
      [2945] istore v4
      [2947] iload_1 v1
      [2948] iload_2 v2
      [2949] iconst_5
      [2950] ishl
      [2951] iload_2 v2
      [2952] bipush 27
      [2954] iushr
      [2955] ior
      [2956] iload_3 v3
      [2957] iload v4
      [2959] ixor
      [2960] iload v5
      [2962] ixor
      [2963] iadd
      [2964] aload_0 v0
      [2965] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [2968] bipush 64
      [2970] iaload
      [2971] iadd
      [2972] ldc #4
        + Integer [-899497514]
      [2974] iadd
      [2975] iadd
      [2976] istore_1 v1
      [2977] iload_3 v3
      [2978] bipush 30
      [2980] ishl
      [2981] iload_3 v3
      [2982] iconst_2
      [2983] iushr
      [2984] ior
      [2985] istore_3 v3
      [2986] iload v5
      [2988] iload_1 v1
      [2989] iconst_5
      [2990] ishl
      [2991] iload_1 v1
      [2992] bipush 27
      [2994] iushr
      [2995] ior
      [2996] iload_2 v2
      [2997] iload_3 v3
      [2998] ixor
      [2999] iload v4
      [3001] ixor
      [3002] iadd
      [3003] aload_0 v0
      [3004] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [3007] bipush 65
      [3009] iaload
      [3010] iadd
      [3011] ldc #4
        + Integer [-899497514]
      [3013] iadd
      [3014] iadd
      [3015] istore v5
      [3017] iload_2 v2
      [3018] bipush 30
      [3020] ishl
      [3021] iload_2 v2
      [3022] iconst_2
      [3023] iushr
      [3024] ior
      [3025] istore_2 v2
      [3026] iload v4
      [3028] iload v5
      [3030] iconst_5
      [3031] ishl
      [3032] iload v5
      [3034] bipush 27
      [3036] iushr
      [3037] ior
      [3038] iload_1 v1
      [3039] iload_2 v2
      [3040] ixor
      [3041] iload_3 v3
      [3042] ixor
      [3043] iadd
      [3044] aload_0 v0
      [3045] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [3048] bipush 66
      [3050] iaload
      [3051] iadd
      [3052] ldc #4
        + Integer [-899497514]
      [3054] iadd
      [3055] iadd
      [3056] istore v4
      [3058] iload_1 v1
      [3059] bipush 30
      [3061] ishl
      [3062] iload_1 v1
      [3063] iconst_2
      [3064] iushr
      [3065] ior
      [3066] istore_1 v1
      [3067] iload_3 v3
      [3068] iload v4
      [3070] iconst_5
      [3071] ishl
      [3072] iload v4
      [3074] bipush 27
      [3076] iushr
      [3077] ior
      [3078] iload v5
      [3080] iload_1 v1
      [3081] ixor
      [3082] iload_2 v2
      [3083] ixor
      [3084] iadd
      [3085] aload_0 v0
      [3086] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [3089] bipush 67
      [3091] iaload
      [3092] iadd
      [3093] ldc #4
        + Integer [-899497514]
      [3095] iadd
      [3096] iadd
      [3097] istore_3 v3
      [3098] iload v5
      [3100] bipush 30
      [3102] ishl
      [3103] iload v5
      [3105] iconst_2
      [3106] iushr
      [3107] ior
      [3108] istore v5
      [3110] iload_2 v2
      [3111] iload_3 v3
      [3112] iconst_5
      [3113] ishl
      [3114] iload_3 v3
      [3115] bipush 27
      [3117] iushr
      [3118] ior
      [3119] iload v4
      [3121] iload v5
      [3123] ixor
      [3124] iload_1 v1
      [3125] ixor
      [3126] iadd
      [3127] aload_0 v0
      [3128] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [3131] bipush 68
      [3133] iaload
      [3134] iadd
      [3135] ldc #4
        + Integer [-899497514]
      [3137] iadd
      [3138] iadd
      [3139] istore_2 v2
      [3140] iload v4
      [3142] bipush 30
      [3144] ishl
      [3145] iload v4
      [3147] iconst_2
      [3148] iushr
      [3149] ior
      [3150] istore v4
      [3152] iload_1 v1
      [3153] iload_2 v2
      [3154] iconst_5
      [3155] ishl
      [3156] iload_2 v2
      [3157] bipush 27
      [3159] iushr
      [3160] ior
      [3161] iload_3 v3
      [3162] iload v4
      [3164] ixor
      [3165] iload v5
      [3167] ixor
      [3168] iadd
      [3169] aload_0 v0
      [3170] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [3173] bipush 69
      [3175] iaload
      [3176] iadd
      [3177] ldc #4
        + Integer [-899497514]
      [3179] iadd
      [3180] iadd
      [3181] istore_1 v1
      [3182] iload_3 v3
      [3183] bipush 30
      [3185] ishl
      [3186] iload_3 v3
      [3187] iconst_2
      [3188] iushr
      [3189] ior
      [3190] istore_3 v3
      [3191] iload v5
      [3193] iload_1 v1
      [3194] iconst_5
      [3195] ishl
      [3196] iload_1 v1
      [3197] bipush 27
      [3199] iushr
      [3200] ior
      [3201] iload_2 v2
      [3202] iload_3 v3
      [3203] ixor
      [3204] iload v4
      [3206] ixor
      [3207] iadd
      [3208] aload_0 v0
      [3209] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [3212] bipush 70
      [3214] iaload
      [3215] iadd
      [3216] ldc #4
        + Integer [-899497514]
      [3218] iadd
      [3219] iadd
      [3220] istore v5
      [3222] iload_2 v2
      [3223] bipush 30
      [3225] ishl
      [3226] iload_2 v2
      [3227] iconst_2
      [3228] iushr
      [3229] ior
      [3230] istore_2 v2
      [3231] iload v4
      [3233] iload v5
      [3235] iconst_5
      [3236] ishl
      [3237] iload v5
      [3239] bipush 27
      [3241] iushr
      [3242] ior
      [3243] iload_1 v1
      [3244] iload_2 v2
      [3245] ixor
      [3246] iload_3 v3
      [3247] ixor
      [3248] iadd
      [3249] aload_0 v0
      [3250] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [3253] bipush 71
      [3255] iaload
      [3256] iadd
      [3257] ldc #4
        + Integer [-899497514]
      [3259] iadd
      [3260] iadd
      [3261] istore v4
      [3263] iload_1 v1
      [3264] bipush 30
      [3266] ishl
      [3267] iload_1 v1
      [3268] iconst_2
      [3269] iushr
      [3270] ior
      [3271] istore_1 v1
      [3272] iload_3 v3
      [3273] iload v4
      [3275] iconst_5
      [3276] ishl
      [3277] iload v4
      [3279] bipush 27
      [3281] iushr
      [3282] ior
      [3283] iload v5
      [3285] iload_1 v1
      [3286] ixor
      [3287] iload_2 v2
      [3288] ixor
      [3289] iadd
      [3290] aload_0 v0
      [3291] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [3294] bipush 72
      [3296] iaload
      [3297] iadd
      [3298] ldc #4
        + Integer [-899497514]
      [3300] iadd
      [3301] iadd
      [3302] istore_3 v3
      [3303] iload v5
      [3305] bipush 30
      [3307] ishl
      [3308] iload v5
      [3310] iconst_2
      [3311] iushr
      [3312] ior
      [3313] istore v5
      [3315] iload_2 v2
      [3316] iload_3 v3
      [3317] iconst_5
      [3318] ishl
      [3319] iload_3 v3
      [3320] bipush 27
      [3322] iushr
      [3323] ior
      [3324] iload v4
      [3326] iload v5
      [3328] ixor
      [3329] iload_1 v1
      [3330] ixor
      [3331] iadd
      [3332] aload_0 v0
      [3333] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [3336] bipush 73
      [3338] iaload
      [3339] iadd
      [3340] ldc #4
        + Integer [-899497514]
      [3342] iadd
      [3343] iadd
      [3344] istore_2 v2
      [3345] iload v4
      [3347] bipush 30
      [3349] ishl
      [3350] iload v4
      [3352] iconst_2
      [3353] iushr
      [3354] ior
      [3355] istore v4
      [3357] iload_1 v1
      [3358] iload_2 v2
      [3359] iconst_5
      [3360] ishl
      [3361] iload_2 v2
      [3362] bipush 27
      [3364] iushr
      [3365] ior
      [3366] iload_3 v3
      [3367] iload v4
      [3369] ixor
      [3370] iload v5
      [3372] ixor
      [3373] iadd
      [3374] aload_0 v0
      [3375] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [3378] bipush 74
      [3380] iaload
      [3381] iadd
      [3382] ldc #4
        + Integer [-899497514]
      [3384] iadd
      [3385] iadd
      [3386] istore_1 v1
      [3387] iload_3 v3
      [3388] bipush 30
      [3390] ishl
      [3391] iload_3 v3
      [3392] iconst_2
      [3393] iushr
      [3394] ior
      [3395] istore_3 v3
      [3396] iload v5
      [3398] iload_1 v1
      [3399] iconst_5
      [3400] ishl
      [3401] iload_1 v1
      [3402] bipush 27
      [3404] iushr
      [3405] ior
      [3406] iload_2 v2
      [3407] iload_3 v3
      [3408] ixor
      [3409] iload v4
      [3411] ixor
      [3412] iadd
      [3413] aload_0 v0
      [3414] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [3417] bipush 75
      [3419] iaload
      [3420] iadd
      [3421] ldc #4
        + Integer [-899497514]
      [3423] iadd
      [3424] iadd
      [3425] istore v5
      [3427] iload_2 v2
      [3428] bipush 30
      [3430] ishl
      [3431] iload_2 v2
      [3432] iconst_2
      [3433] iushr
      [3434] ior
      [3435] istore_2 v2
      [3436] iload v4
      [3438] iload v5
      [3440] iconst_5
      [3441] ishl
      [3442] iload v5
      [3444] bipush 27
      [3446] iushr
      [3447] ior
      [3448] iload_1 v1
      [3449] iload_2 v2
      [3450] ixor
      [3451] iload_3 v3
      [3452] ixor
      [3453] iadd
      [3454] aload_0 v0
      [3455] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [3458] bipush 76
      [3460] iaload
      [3461] iadd
      [3462] ldc #4
        + Integer [-899497514]
      [3464] iadd
      [3465] iadd
      [3466] istore v4
      [3468] iload_1 v1
      [3469] bipush 30
      [3471] ishl
      [3472] iload_1 v1
      [3473] iconst_2
      [3474] iushr
      [3475] ior
      [3476] istore_1 v1
      [3477] iload_3 v3
      [3478] iload v4
      [3480] iconst_5
      [3481] ishl
      [3482] iload v4
      [3484] bipush 27
      [3486] iushr
      [3487] ior
      [3488] iload v5
      [3490] iload_1 v1
      [3491] ixor
      [3492] iload_2 v2
      [3493] ixor
      [3494] iadd
      [3495] aload_0 v0
      [3496] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [3499] bipush 77
      [3501] iaload
      [3502] iadd
      [3503] ldc #4
        + Integer [-899497514]
      [3505] iadd
      [3506] iadd
      [3507] istore_3 v3
      [3508] iload v5
      [3510] bipush 30
      [3512] ishl
      [3513] iload v5
      [3515] iconst_2
      [3516] iushr
      [3517] ior
      [3518] istore v5
      [3520] iload_2 v2
      [3521] iload_3 v3
      [3522] iconst_5
      [3523] ishl
      [3524] iload_3 v3
      [3525] bipush 27
      [3527] iushr
      [3528] ior
      [3529] iload v4
      [3531] iload v5
      [3533] ixor
      [3534] iload_1 v1
      [3535] ixor
      [3536] iadd
      [3537] aload_0 v0
      [3538] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [3541] bipush 78
      [3543] iaload
      [3544] iadd
      [3545] ldc #4
        + Integer [-899497514]
      [3547] iadd
      [3548] iadd
      [3549] istore_2 v2
      [3550] iload v4
      [3552] bipush 30
      [3554] ishl
      [3555] iload v4
      [3557] iconst_2
      [3558] iushr
      [3559] ior
      [3560] istore v4
      [3562] iload_1 v1
      [3563] iload_2 v2
      [3564] iconst_5
      [3565] ishl
      [3566] iload_2 v2
      [3567] bipush 27
      [3569] iushr
      [3570] ior
      [3571] iload_3 v3
      [3572] iload v4
      [3574] ixor
      [3575] iload v5
      [3577] ixor
      [3578] iadd
      [3579] aload_0 v0
      [3580] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.w [I]
      [3583] bipush 79
      [3585] iaload
      [3586] iadd
      [3587] ldc #4
        + Integer [-899497514]
      [3589] iadd
      [3590] iadd
      [3591] istore_1 v1
      [3592] iload_3 v3
      [3593] bipush 30
      [3595] ishl
      [3596] iload_3 v3
      [3597] iconst_2
      [3598] iushr
      [3599] ior
      [3600] istore_3 v3
      [3601] aload_0 v0
      [3602] dup
      [3603] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.H0 I]
      [3606] iload_1 v1
      [3607] iadd
      [3608] putfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.H0 I]
      [3611] aload_0 v0
      [3612] dup
      [3613] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.H1 I]
      [3616] iload_2 v2
      [3617] iadd
      [3618] putfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.H1 I]
      [3621] aload_0 v0
      [3622] dup
      [3623] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.H2 I]
      [3626] iload_3 v3
      [3627] iadd
      [3628] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.H2 I]
      [3631] aload_0 v0
      [3632] dup
      [3633] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.H3 I]
      [3636] iload v4
      [3638] iadd
      [3639] putfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.H3 I]
      [3642] aload_0 v0
      [3643] dup
      [3644] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.H4 I]
      [3647] iload v5
      [3649] iadd
      [3650] putfield #27
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.H4 I]
      [3653] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 175)
        [0] -> line 242
        [6] -> line 244
        [45] -> line 245
        [59] -> line 242
        [68] -> line 248
        [73] -> line 249
        [78] -> line 250
        [83] -> line 251
        [89] -> line 252
        [95] -> line 347
        [129] -> line 348
        [138] -> line 350
        [173] -> line 351
        [182] -> line 353
        [217] -> line 354
        [229] -> line 356
        [263] -> line 357
        [275] -> line 359
        [308] -> line 360
        [317] -> line 362
        [351] -> line 363
        [360] -> line 365
        [396] -> line 366
        [405] -> line 368
        [441] -> line 369
        [453] -> line 371
        [488] -> line 372
        [500] -> line 374
        [534] -> line 375
        [543] -> line 377
        [578] -> line 378
        [587] -> line 380
        [623] -> line 381
        [632] -> line 383
        [668] -> line 384
        [680] -> line 386
        [715] -> line 387
        [727] -> line 389
        [761] -> line 390
        [770] -> line 392
        [805] -> line 393
        [814] -> line 395
        [850] -> line 396
        [859] -> line 398
        [895] -> line 399
        [907] -> line 401
        [942] -> line 402
        [954] -> line 404
        [988] -> line 405
        [997] -> line 407
        [1028] -> line 408
        [1037] -> line 410
        [1069] -> line 411
        [1078] -> line 413
        [1109] -> line 414
        [1121] -> line 416
        [1151] -> line 417
        [1163] -> line 419
        [1193] -> line 420
        [1202] -> line 422
        [1233] -> line 423
        [1242] -> line 425
        [1274] -> line 426
        [1283] -> line 428
        [1314] -> line 429
        [1326] -> line 431
        [1356] -> line 432
        [1368] -> line 434
        [1398] -> line 435
        [1407] -> line 437
        [1438] -> line 438
        [1447] -> line 440
        [1479] -> line 441
        [1488] -> line 443
        [1519] -> line 444
        [1531] -> line 446
        [1561] -> line 447
        [1573] -> line 449
        [1603] -> line 450
        [1612] -> line 452
        [1643] -> line 453
        [1652] -> line 455
        [1684] -> line 456
        [1693] -> line 458
        [1724] -> line 459
        [1736] -> line 461
        [1766] -> line 462
        [1778] -> line 464
        [1808] -> line 465
        [1817] -> line 467
        [1855] -> line 468
        [1864] -> line 470
        [1902] -> line 471
        [1911] -> line 473
        [1949] -> line 474
        [1961] -> line 476
        [1999] -> line 477
        [2011] -> line 479
        [2049] -> line 480
        [2058] -> line 482
        [2096] -> line 483
        [2105] -> line 485
        [2143] -> line 486
        [2152] -> line 488
        [2190] -> line 489
        [2202] -> line 491
        [2240] -> line 492
        [2252] -> line 494
        [2290] -> line 495
        [2299] -> line 497
        [2337] -> line 498
        [2346] -> line 500
        [2384] -> line 501
        [2393] -> line 503
        [2431] -> line 504
        [2443] -> line 506
        [2481] -> line 507
        [2493] -> line 509
        [2531] -> line 510
        [2540] -> line 512
        [2578] -> line 513
        [2587] -> line 515
        [2625] -> line 516
        [2634] -> line 518
        [2672] -> line 519
        [2684] -> line 521
        [2722] -> line 522
        [2734] -> line 524
        [2772] -> line 525
        [2781] -> line 527
        [2812] -> line 528
        [2821] -> line 530
        [2853] -> line 531
        [2862] -> line 533
        [2893] -> line 534
        [2905] -> line 536
        [2935] -> line 537
        [2947] -> line 539
        [2977] -> line 540
        [2986] -> line 542
        [3017] -> line 543
        [3026] -> line 545
        [3058] -> line 546
        [3067] -> line 548
        [3098] -> line 549
        [3110] -> line 551
        [3140] -> line 552
        [3152] -> line 554
        [3182] -> line 555
        [3191] -> line 557
        [3222] -> line 558
        [3231] -> line 560
        [3263] -> line 561
        [3272] -> line 563
        [3303] -> line 564
        [3315] -> line 566
        [3345] -> line 567
        [3357] -> line 569
        [3387] -> line 570
        [3396] -> line 572
        [3427] -> line 573
        [3436] -> line 575
        [3468] -> line 576
        [3477] -> line 578
        [3508] -> line 579
        [3520] -> line 581
        [3550] -> line 582
        [3562] -> line 584
        [3592] -> line 585
        [3601] -> line 587
        [3611] -> line 588
        [3621] -> line 589
        [3631] -> line 590
        [3642] -> line 591
        [3653] -> line 594
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 8)
        v0: 0 -> 3654 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1; this]
        v1: 3 -> 68 [I t]
        v2: 45 -> 59 [I x]
        v1: 73 -> 3654 [I A]
        v2: 78 -> 3654 [I B]
        v3: 83 -> 3654 [I C]
        v4: 89 -> 3654 [I D]
        v5: 95 -> 3654 [I E]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.log.Logger extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 55):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/DebugLogger]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger]
  + Class [java/lang/Class]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.className Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.enabled Z]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.logger Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DebugLogger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.<init> (Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Class.getName ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/DebugLogger.log (ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
  + NameAndType [className Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [enabled Z]
  + NameAndType [getName ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [log (ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [logger Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DebugLogger;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(ILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DebugLogger;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Class;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [className]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/DebugLogger]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger]
  + Utf8 [enabled]
  + Utf8 [getLogger]
  + Utf8 [getName]
  + Utf8 [isEnabled]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Class]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [level]
  + Utf8 [log]
  + Utf8 [logger]
  + Utf8 [message]
  + Utf8 [target]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [x]

Fields (count = 3):
  + Field:        enabled Z
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static boolean enabled
  + Field:        logger Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DebugLogger;
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static com.trilead.ssh2.DebugLogger logger
  + Field:        className Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String className

Methods (count = 5):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 9, locals = 0, stack = 1):
      [0] iconst_0
      [1] putstatic #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.enabled Z]
      [4] aconst_null
      [5] putstatic #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.logger Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DebugLogger;]
      [8] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 22
        [4] -> line 23
        [8] -> line 20
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       getLogger(Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;
    Access flags: 0x19
      = public static final com.trilead.ssh2.log.Logger getLogger(java.lang.Class)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 9, locals = 1, stack = 3):
      [0] new #2
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger]
      [3] dup
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] invokespecial #8
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.<init> (Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
      [8] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 29
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 9 [Ljava/lang/Class; x]
  + Method:       <init>(Ljava/lang/Class;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public Logger(java.lang.Class)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 13, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #10
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] invokevirtual #9
        + Methodref [java/lang/Class.getName ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [9] putfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.className Ljava/lang/String;]
      [12] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 32
        [4] -> line 34
        [12] -> line 35
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 13 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger; this]
        v1: 0 -> 13 [Ljava/lang/Class; x]
  + Method:       isEnabled()Z
    Access flags: 0x11
      = public final boolean isEnabled()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 4, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] getstatic #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.enabled Z]
      [3] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 39
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 4 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger; this]
  + Method:       log(ILjava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x11
      = public final void log(int,java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 29, locals = 4, stack = 4):
      [0] getstatic #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.enabled Z]
      [3] ifne +4 (target=7)
      [6] return
      [7] getstatic #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.logger Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DebugLogger;]
      [10] astore_3 v3
      [11] aload_3 v3
      [12] ifnonnull +4 (target=16)
      [15] return
      [16] aload_3 v3
      [17] iload_1 v1
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.className Ljava/lang/String;]
      [22] aload_2 v2
      [23] invokeinterface #11
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/DebugLogger.log (ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [28] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 44
        [6] -> line 45
        [7] -> line 47
        [11] -> line 49
        [15] -> line 50
        [16] -> line 52
        [28] -> line 53
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 29 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger; this]
        v1: 0 -> 29 [I level]
        v2: 0 -> 29 [Ljava/lang/String; message]
        v3: 11 -> 29 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DebugLogger; target]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelAuthAgentReq
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.packets.PacketChannelAuthAgentReq extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 51):
  + String []
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelAuthAgentReq]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelAuthAgentReq.payload [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelAuthAgentReq.recipientChannelID I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeBoolean (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [getBytes ()[B]
  + NameAndType [payload [B]
  + NameAndType [recipientChannelID I]
  + NameAndType [writeBoolean (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [writeByte (I)V]
  + NameAndType [writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [writeUINT32 (I)V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelAuthAgentReq;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelAuthAgentReq]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Utf8 [getBytes]
  + Utf8 [getPayload]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [payload]
  + Utf8 [recipientChannelID]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [tw]
  + Utf8 [writeBoolean]
  + Utf8 [writeByte]
  + Utf8 [writeString]
  + Utf8 [writeUINT32]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        payload [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] payload
  + Field:        recipientChannelID I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int recipientChannelID

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public PacketChannelAuthAgentReq(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #13
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] iload_1 v1
      [6] putfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelAuthAgentReq.recipientChannelID I]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 15
        [4] -> line 17
        [9] -> line 18
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelAuthAgentReq; this]
        v1: 0 -> 10 [I recipientChannelID]
  + Method:       getPayload()[B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] getPayload()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 53, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelAuthAgentReq.payload [B]
      [4] ifnonnull +44 (target=48)
      [7] new #3
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
      [10] dup
      [11] invokespecial #7
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
      [14] astore_1 v1
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] bipush 98
      [18] invokevirtual #10
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
      [21] aload_1 v1
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelAuthAgentReq.recipientChannelID I]
      [26] invokevirtual #12
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
      [29] aload_1 v1
      [30] ldc #1
        + String []
      [32] invokevirtual #11
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [35] aload_1 v1
      [36] iconst_1
      [37] invokevirtual #9
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeBoolean (Z)V]
      [40] aload_0 v0
      [41] aload_1 v1
      [42] invokevirtual #8
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
      [45] putfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelAuthAgentReq.payload [B]
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelAuthAgentReq.payload [B]
      [52] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 22
        [7] -> line 24
        [15] -> line 25
        [21] -> line 26
        [29] -> line 27
        [35] -> line 28
        [40] -> line 29
        [48] -> line 31
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 53 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelAuthAgentReq; this]
        v1: 15 -> 48 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; tw]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.packets.PacketChannelOpenConfirmation extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 103):
  + String [)]
  + String [Padding in SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION packet!]
  + String [This is not a SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION! (]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation.initialWindowSize I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation.maxPacketSize I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation.payload [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation.recipientChannelID I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation.senderChannelID I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.<init> ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readByte ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readUINT32 ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.remain ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([BII)V]
  + NameAndType [append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [getBytes ()[B]
  + NameAndType [initialWindowSize I]
  + NameAndType [maxPacketSize I]
  + NameAndType [payload [B]
  + NameAndType [readByte ()I]
  + NameAndType [readUINT32 ()I]
  + NameAndType [recipientChannelID I]
  + NameAndType [remain ()I]
  + NameAndType [senderChannelID I]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [writeByte (I)V]
  + NameAndType [writeUINT32 (I)V]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(IIII)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [([BII)V]
  + Utf8 [)]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Padding in SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION packet!]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [arraycopy]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Utf8 [getBytes]
  + Utf8 [getPayload]
  + Utf8 [initialWindowSize]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [len]
  + Utf8 [maxPacketSize]
  + Utf8 [off]
  + Utf8 [packet_type]
  + Utf8 [payload]
  + Utf8 [readByte]
  + Utf8 [readUINT32]
  + Utf8 [recipientChannelID]
  + Utf8 [remain]
  + Utf8 [senderChannelID]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [tr]
  + Utf8 [tw]
  + Utf8 [writeByte]
  + Utf8 [writeUINT32]

Fields (count = 5):
  + Field:        payload [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] payload
  + Field:        recipientChannelID I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int recipientChannelID
  + Field:        senderChannelID I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int senderChannelID
  + Field:        initialWindowSize I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int initialWindowSize
  + Field:        maxPacketSize I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int maxPacketSize

Methods (count = 3):
  + Method:       <init>(IIII)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public PacketChannelOpenConfirmation(int,int,int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 26, locals = 5, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #25
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] iload_1 v1
      [6] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation.recipientChannelID I]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] iload_2 v2
      [11] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation.senderChannelID I]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] iload_3 v3
      [16] putfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation.initialWindowSize I]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] iload v4
      [22] putfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation.maxPacketSize I]
      [25] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 20
        [4] -> line 23
        [9] -> line 24
        [14] -> line 25
        [19] -> line 26
        [25] -> line 27
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 26 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation; this]
        v1: 0 -> 26 [I recipientChannelID]
        v2: 0 -> 26 [I senderChannelID]
        v3: 0 -> 26 [I initialWindowSize]
        v4: 0 -> 26 [I maxPacketSize]
  + Method:       <init>([BII)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public PacketChannelOpenConfirmation(byte[],int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 133, locals = 6, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #25
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] iload_3 v3
      [6] newarray 8
      [8] putfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation.payload [B]
      [11] aload_1 v1
      [12] iload_2 v2
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation.payload [B]
      [17] iconst_0
      [18] iload_3 v3
      [19] invokestatic #30
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [22] new #5
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
      [25] dup
      [26] aload_1 v1
      [27] iload_2 v2
      [28] iload_3 v3
      [29] invokespecial #16
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.<init> ([BII)V]
      [32] astore v4
      [34] aload v4
      [36] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readByte ()I]
      [39] istore v5
      [41] iload v5
      [43] bipush 91
      [45] ificmpeq +33 (target=78)
      [48] new #7
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [51] dup
      [52] new #9
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [55] dup
      [56] ldc #3
        + String [This is not a SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION! (]
      [58] invokespecial #26
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [61] iload v5
      [63] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [66] ldc #1
        + String [)]
      [68] invokevirtual #28
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [71] invokevirtual #29
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [74] invokespecial #24
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [77] athrow
      [78] aload_0 v0
      [79] aload v4
      [81] invokevirtual #18
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readUINT32 ()I]
      [84] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation.recipientChannelID I]
      [87] aload_0 v0
      [88] aload v4
      [90] invokevirtual #18
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readUINT32 ()I]
      [93] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation.senderChannelID I]
      [96] aload_0 v0
      [97] aload v4
      [99] invokevirtual #18
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readUINT32 ()I]
      [102] putfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation.initialWindowSize I]
      [105] aload_0 v0
      [106] aload v4
      [108] invokevirtual #18
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readUINT32 ()I]
      [111] putfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation.maxPacketSize I]
      [114] aload v4
      [116] invokevirtual #19
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.remain ()I]
      [119] ifeq +13 (target=132)
      [122] new #7
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [125] dup
      [126] ldc #2
        + String [Padding in SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION packet!]
      [128] invokespecial #24
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [131] athrow
      [132] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 18)
        [0] -> line 29
        [4] -> line 31
        [11] -> line 32
        [22] -> line 34
        [34] -> line 36
        [41] -> line 38
        [48] -> line 39
        [52] -> line 40
        [61] -> line 41
        [71] -> line 40
        [74] -> line 39
        [78] -> line 43
        [87] -> line 44
        [96] -> line 45
        [105] -> line 46
        [114] -> line 48
        [122] -> line 49
        [132] -> line 50
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 133 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation; this]
        v1: 0 -> 133 [[B payload]
        v2: 0 -> 133 [I off]
        v3: 0 -> 133 [I len]
        v4: 34 -> 133 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader; tr]
        v5: 41 -> 133 [I packet_type]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       getPayload()[B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] getPayload()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 66, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation.payload [B]
      [4] ifnonnull +57 (target=61)
      [7] new #6
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
      [10] dup
      [11] invokespecial #20
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
      [14] astore_1 v1
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] bipush 91
      [18] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
      [21] aload_1 v1
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation.recipientChannelID I]
      [26] invokevirtual #23
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
      [29] aload_1 v1
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation.senderChannelID I]
      [34] invokevirtual #23
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
      [37] aload_1 v1
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation.initialWindowSize I]
      [42] invokevirtual #23
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
      [45] aload_1 v1
      [46] aload_0 v0
      [47] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation.maxPacketSize I]
      [50] invokevirtual #23
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
      [53] aload_0 v0
      [54] aload_1 v1
      [55] invokevirtual #21
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
      [58] putfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation.payload [B]
      [61] aload_0 v0
      [62] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation.payload [B]
      [65] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 54
        [7] -> line 56
        [15] -> line 57
        [21] -> line 58
        [29] -> line 59
        [37] -> line 60
        [45] -> line 61
        [53] -> line 62
        [61] -> line 64
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 66 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenConfirmation; this]
        v1: 15 -> 61 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; tw]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenFailure
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.packets.PacketChannelOpenFailure extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 56):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenFailure]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenFailure.description Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenFailure.languageTag Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenFailure.payload [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenFailure.reasonCode I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenFailure.recipientChannelID I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [description Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getBytes ()[B]
  + NameAndType [languageTag Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [payload [B]
  + NameAndType [reasonCode I]
  + NameAndType [recipientChannelID I]
  + NameAndType [writeByte (I)V]
  + NameAndType [writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [writeUINT32 (I)V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(IILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenFailure;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenFailure]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Utf8 [description]
  + Utf8 [getBytes]
  + Utf8 [getPayload]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [languageTag]
  + Utf8 [payload]
  + Utf8 [reasonCode]
  + Utf8 [recipientChannelID]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [tw]
  + Utf8 [writeByte]
  + Utf8 [writeString]
  + Utf8 [writeUINT32]

Fields (count = 5):
  + Field:        payload [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] payload
  + Field:        recipientChannelID I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int recipientChannelID
  + Field:        reasonCode I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int reasonCode
  + Field:        description Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String description
  + Field:        languageTag Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String languageTag

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(IILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public PacketChannelOpenFailure(int,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 26, locals = 5, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #14
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] iload_1 v1
      [6] putfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenFailure.recipientChannelID I]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] iload_2 v2
      [11] putfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenFailure.reasonCode I]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] aload_3 v3
      [16] putfield #4
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenFailure.description Ljava/lang/String;]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] aload v4
      [22] putfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenFailure.languageTag Ljava/lang/String;]
      [25] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 20
        [4] -> line 23
        [9] -> line 24
        [14] -> line 25
        [19] -> line 26
        [25] -> line 27
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 26 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenFailure; this]
        v1: 0 -> 26 [I recipientChannelID]
        v2: 0 -> 26 [I reasonCode]
        v3: 0 -> 26 [Ljava/lang/String; description]
        v4: 0 -> 26 [Ljava/lang/String; languageTag]
  + Method:       getPayload()[B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] getPayload()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 66, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenFailure.payload [B]
      [4] ifnonnull +57 (target=61)
      [7] new #2
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
      [10] dup
      [11] invokespecial #9
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
      [14] astore_1 v1
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] bipush 92
      [18] invokevirtual #11
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
      [21] aload_1 v1
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenFailure.recipientChannelID I]
      [26] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
      [29] aload_1 v1
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenFailure.reasonCode I]
      [34] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
      [37] aload_1 v1
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] getfield #4
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenFailure.description Ljava/lang/String;]
      [42] invokevirtual #12
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [45] aload_1 v1
      [46] aload_0 v0
      [47] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenFailure.languageTag Ljava/lang/String;]
      [50] invokevirtual #12
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [53] aload_0 v0
      [54] aload_1 v1
      [55] invokevirtual #10
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
      [58] putfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenFailure.payload [B]
      [61] aload_0 v0
      [62] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenFailure.payload [B]
      [65] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 54
        [7] -> line 56
        [15] -> line 57
        [21] -> line 58
        [29] -> line 59
        [37] -> line 60
        [45] -> line 61
        [53] -> line 62
        [61] -> line 64
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 66 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketChannelOpenFailure; this]
        v1: 15 -> 61 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; tw]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketDisconnect
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.packets.PacketDisconnect extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 53):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketDisconnect]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketDisconnect.desc Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketDisconnect.lang Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketDisconnect.payload [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketDisconnect.reason I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [desc Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getBytes ()[B]
  + NameAndType [lang Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [payload [B]
  + NameAndType [reason I]
  + NameAndType [writeByte (I)V]
  + NameAndType [writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [writeUINT32 (I)V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketDisconnect;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketDisconnect]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Utf8 [desc]
  + Utf8 [getBytes]
  + Utf8 [getPayload]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [lang]
  + Utf8 [payload]
  + Utf8 [reason]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [tw]
  + Utf8 [writeByte]
  + Utf8 [writeString]
  + Utf8 [writeUINT32]

Fields (count = 4):
  + Field:        payload [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] payload
  + Field:        reason I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int reason
  + Field:        desc Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String desc
  + Field:        lang Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String lang

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public PacketDisconnect(int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 20, locals = 4, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #13
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] iload_1 v1
      [6] putfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketDisconnect.reason I]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aload_2 v2
      [11] putfield #4
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketDisconnect.desc Ljava/lang/String;]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] aload_3 v3
      [16] putfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketDisconnect.lang Ljava/lang/String;]
      [19] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 37
        [4] -> line 39
        [9] -> line 40
        [14] -> line 41
        [19] -> line 42
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 20 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketDisconnect; this]
        v1: 0 -> 20 [I reason]
        v2: 0 -> 20 [Ljava/lang/String; desc]
        v3: 0 -> 20 [Ljava/lang/String; lang]
  + Method:       getPayload()[B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] getPayload()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 57, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketDisconnect.payload [B]
      [4] ifnonnull +48 (target=52)
      [7] new #2
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
      [10] dup
      [11] invokespecial #8
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
      [14] astore_1 v1
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] iconst_1
      [17] invokevirtual #10
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
      [20] aload_1 v1
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketDisconnect.reason I]
      [25] invokevirtual #12
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
      [28] aload_1 v1
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] getfield #4
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketDisconnect.desc Ljava/lang/String;]
      [33] invokevirtual #11
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [36] aload_1 v1
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketDisconnect.lang Ljava/lang/String;]
      [41] invokevirtual #11
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [44] aload_0 v0
      [45] aload_1 v1
      [46] invokevirtual #9
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
      [49] putfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketDisconnect.payload [B]
      [52] aload_0 v0
      [53] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketDisconnect.payload [B]
      [56] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 46
        [7] -> line 48
        [15] -> line 49
        [20] -> line 50
        [28] -> line 51
        [36] -> line 52
        [44] -> line 53
        [52] -> line 55
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 57 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketDisconnect; this]
        v1: 15 -> 52 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; tw]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalCancelForwardRequest
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.packets.PacketGlobalCancelForwardRequest extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 60):
  + String [cancel-tcpip-forward]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalCancelForwardRequest]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalCancelForwardRequest.bindAddress Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalCancelForwardRequest.bindPort I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalCancelForwardRequest.payload [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalCancelForwardRequest.wantReply Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeBoolean (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [bindAddress Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [bindPort I]
  + NameAndType [getBytes ()[B]
  + NameAndType [payload [B]
  + NameAndType [wantReply Z]
  + NameAndType [writeBoolean (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [writeByte (I)V]
  + NameAndType [writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [writeUINT32 (I)V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [(ZLjava/lang/String;I)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalCancelForwardRequest;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [bindAddress]
  + Utf8 [bindPort]
  + Utf8 [cancel-tcpip-forward]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalCancelForwardRequest]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Utf8 [getBytes]
  + Utf8 [getPayload]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [payload]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [tw]
  + Utf8 [wantReply]
  + Utf8 [writeBoolean]
  + Utf8 [writeByte]
  + Utf8 [writeString]
  + Utf8 [writeUINT32]

Fields (count = 4):
  + Field:        payload [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] payload
  + Field:        wantReply Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean wantReply
  + Field:        bindAddress Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String bindAddress
  + Field:        bindPort I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int bindPort

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(ZLjava/lang/String;I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public PacketGlobalCancelForwardRequest(boolean,java.lang.String,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 20, locals = 4, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #15
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] iload_1 v1
      [6] putfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalCancelForwardRequest.wantReply Z]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aload_2 v2
      [11] putfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalCancelForwardRequest.bindAddress Ljava/lang/String;]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] iload_3 v3
      [16] putfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalCancelForwardRequest.bindPort I]
      [19] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 19
        [4] -> line 21
        [9] -> line 22
        [14] -> line 23
        [19] -> line 24
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 20 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalCancelForwardRequest; this]
        v1: 0 -> 20 [Z wantReply]
        v2: 0 -> 20 [Ljava/lang/String; bindAddress]
        v3: 0 -> 20 [I bindPort]
  + Method:       getPayload()[B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] getPayload()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 64, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalCancelForwardRequest.payload [B]
      [4] ifnonnull +55 (target=59)
      [7] new #3
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
      [10] dup
      [11] invokespecial #9
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
      [14] astore_1 v1
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] bipush 80
      [18] invokevirtual #12
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
      [21] aload_1 v1
      [22] ldc #1
        + String [cancel-tcpip-forward]
      [24] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [27] aload_1 v1
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalCancelForwardRequest.wantReply Z]
      [32] invokevirtual #11
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeBoolean (Z)V]
      [35] aload_1 v1
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalCancelForwardRequest.bindAddress Ljava/lang/String;]
      [40] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [43] aload_1 v1
      [44] aload_0 v0
      [45] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalCancelForwardRequest.bindPort I]
      [48] invokevirtual #14
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
      [51] aload_0 v0
      [52] aload_1 v1
      [53] invokevirtual #10
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
      [56] putfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalCancelForwardRequest.payload [B]
      [59] aload_0 v0
      [60] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalCancelForwardRequest.payload [B]
      [63] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 28
        [7] -> line 30
        [15] -> line 31
        [21] -> line 33
        [27] -> line 34
        [35] -> line 35
        [43] -> line 36
        [51] -> line 38
        [59] -> line 40
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 64 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalCancelForwardRequest; this]
        v1: 15 -> 59 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; tw]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalForwardRequest
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.packets.PacketGlobalForwardRequest extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 60):
  + String [tcpip-forward]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalForwardRequest]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalForwardRequest.bindAddress Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalForwardRequest.bindPort I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalForwardRequest.payload [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalForwardRequest.wantReply Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeBoolean (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [bindAddress Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [bindPort I]
  + NameAndType [getBytes ()[B]
  + NameAndType [payload [B]
  + NameAndType [wantReply Z]
  + NameAndType [writeBoolean (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [writeByte (I)V]
  + NameAndType [writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [writeUINT32 (I)V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [(ZLjava/lang/String;I)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalForwardRequest;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [bindAddress]
  + Utf8 [bindPort]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalForwardRequest]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Utf8 [getBytes]
  + Utf8 [getPayload]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [payload]
  + Utf8 [tcpip-forward]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [tw]
  + Utf8 [wantReply]
  + Utf8 [writeBoolean]
  + Utf8 [writeByte]
  + Utf8 [writeString]
  + Utf8 [writeUINT32]

Fields (count = 4):
  + Field:        payload [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] payload
  + Field:        wantReply Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean wantReply
  + Field:        bindAddress Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String bindAddress
  + Field:        bindPort I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int bindPort

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(ZLjava/lang/String;I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public PacketGlobalForwardRequest(boolean,java.lang.String,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 20, locals = 4, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #15
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] iload_1 v1
      [6] putfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalForwardRequest.wantReply Z]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aload_2 v2
      [11] putfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalForwardRequest.bindAddress Ljava/lang/String;]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] iload_3 v3
      [16] putfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalForwardRequest.bindPort I]
      [19] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 18
        [4] -> line 20
        [9] -> line 21
        [14] -> line 22
        [19] -> line 23
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 20 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalForwardRequest; this]
        v1: 0 -> 20 [Z wantReply]
        v2: 0 -> 20 [Ljava/lang/String; bindAddress]
        v3: 0 -> 20 [I bindPort]
  + Method:       getPayload()[B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] getPayload()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 64, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalForwardRequest.payload [B]
      [4] ifnonnull +55 (target=59)
      [7] new #3
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
      [10] dup
      [11] invokespecial #9
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
      [14] astore_1 v1
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] bipush 80
      [18] invokevirtual #12
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
      [21] aload_1 v1
      [22] ldc #1
        + String [tcpip-forward]
      [24] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [27] aload_1 v1
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalForwardRequest.wantReply Z]
      [32] invokevirtual #11
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeBoolean (Z)V]
      [35] aload_1 v1
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalForwardRequest.bindAddress Ljava/lang/String;]
      [40] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [43] aload_1 v1
      [44] aload_0 v0
      [45] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalForwardRequest.bindPort I]
      [48] invokevirtual #14
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
      [51] aload_0 v0
      [52] aload_1 v1
      [53] invokevirtual #10
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
      [56] putfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalForwardRequest.payload [B]
      [59] aload_0 v0
      [60] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalForwardRequest.payload [B]
      [63] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 27
        [7] -> line 29
        [15] -> line 30
        [21] -> line 32
        [27] -> line 33
        [35] -> line 34
        [43] -> line 35
        [51] -> line 37
        [59] -> line 39
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 64 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketGlobalForwardRequest; this]
        v1: 15 -> 59 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; tw]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHInit
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.packets.PacketKexDHInit extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 42):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHInit]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHInit.e Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHInit.payload [B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeMPInt (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [e Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [getBytes ()[B]
  + NameAndType [payload [B]
  + NameAndType [writeByte (I)V]
  + NameAndType [writeMPInt (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHInit;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHInit]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [getBytes]
  + Utf8 [getPayload]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [payload]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [tw]
  + Utf8 [writeByte]
  + Utf8 [writeMPInt]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        payload [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] payload
  + Field:        e Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.math.BigInteger e

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public PacketKexDHInit(java.math.BigInteger)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #10
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] putfield #4
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHInit.e Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 17
        [4] -> line 19
        [9] -> line 20
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHInit; this]
        v1: 0 -> 10 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; e]
  + Method:       getPayload()[B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] getPayload()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 42, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHInit.payload [B]
      [4] ifnonnull +33 (target=37)
      [7] new #2
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
      [10] dup
      [11] invokespecial #6
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
      [14] astore_1 v1
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] bipush 30
      [18] invokevirtual #8
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
      [21] aload_1 v1
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] getfield #4
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHInit.e Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [26] invokevirtual #9
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeMPInt (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] aload_1 v1
      [31] invokevirtual #7
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
      [34] putfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHInit.payload [B]
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHInit.payload [B]
      [41] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 24
        [7] -> line 26
        [15] -> line 27
        [21] -> line 28
        [29] -> line 29
        [37] -> line 31
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 42 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHInit; this]
        v1: 15 -> 37 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; tw]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHReply
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.packets.PacketKexDHReply extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 91):
  + String [)]
  + String [This is not a SSH_MSG_KEXDH_REPLY! (]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHReply]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHReply.f Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHReply.hostKey [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHReply.payload [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHReply.signature [B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.<init> ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readByte ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readByteString ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readMPINT ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.remain ()I]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([BII)V]
  + NameAndType [append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [f Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [hostKey [B]
  + NameAndType [payload [B]
  + NameAndType [readByte ()I]
  + NameAndType [readByteString ()[B]
  + NameAndType [readMPINT ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [remain ()I]
  + NameAndType [signature [B]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [([BII)V]
  + Utf8 [)]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHReply;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [This is not a SSH_MSG_KEXDH_REPLY! (]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [arraycopy]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHReply]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
  + Utf8 [f]
  + Utf8 [getF]
  + Utf8 [getHostKey]
  + Utf8 [getSignature]
  + Utf8 [hostKey]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [len]
  + Utf8 [off]
  + Utf8 [packet_type]
  + Utf8 [payload]
  + Utf8 [readByte]
  + Utf8 [readByteString]
  + Utf8 [readMPINT]
  + Utf8 [remain]
  + Utf8 [signature]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [tr]

Fields (count = 4):
  + Field:        payload [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] payload
  + Field:        hostKey [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] hostKey
  + Field:        f Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.math.BigInteger f
  + Field:        signature [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] signature

Methods (count = 4):
  + Method:       <init>([BII)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public PacketKexDHReply(byte[],int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 124, locals = 6, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #20
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] iload_3 v3
      [6] newarray 8
      [8] putfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHReply.payload [B]
      [11] aload_1 v1
      [12] iload_2 v2
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHReply.payload [B]
      [17] iconst_0
      [18] iload_3 v3
      [19] invokestatic #25
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [22] new #5
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
      [25] dup
      [26] aload_1 v1
      [27] iload_2 v2
      [28] iload_3 v3
      [29] invokespecial #14
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.<init> ([BII)V]
      [32] astore v4
      [34] aload v4
      [36] invokevirtual #15
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readByte ()I]
      [39] istore v5
      [41] iload v5
      [43] bipush 31
      [45] ificmpeq +33 (target=78)
      [48] new #6
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [51] dup
      [52] new #8
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [55] dup
      [56] ldc #3
        + String [This is not a SSH_MSG_KEXDH_REPLY! (]
      [58] invokespecial #21
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [61] iload v5
      [63] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [66] ldc #1
        + String [)]
      [68] invokevirtual #23
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [71] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [74] invokespecial #19
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [77] athrow
      [78] aload_0 v0
      [79] aload v4
      [81] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readByteString ()[B]
      [84] putfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHReply.hostKey [B]
      [87] aload_0 v0
      [88] aload v4
      [90] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readMPINT ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [93] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHReply.f Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [96] aload_0 v0
      [97] aload v4
      [99] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readByteString ()[B]
      [102] putfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHReply.signature [B]
      [105] aload v4
      [107] invokevirtual #18
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.remain ()I]
      [110] ifeq +13 (target=123)
      [113] new #6
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [116] dup
      [117] ldc #2
      [119] invokespecial #19
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [122] athrow
      [123] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 14)
        [0] -> line 21
        [4] -> line 23
        [11] -> line 24
        [22] -> line 26
        [34] -> line 28
        [41] -> line 30
        [48] -> line 31
        [61] -> line 32
        [74] -> line 31
        [78] -> line 34
        [87] -> line 35
        [96] -> line 36
        [105] -> line 38
        [123] -> line 39
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 124 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHReply; this]
        v1: 0 -> 124 [[B payload]
        v2: 0 -> 124 [I off]
        v3: 0 -> 124 [I len]
        v4: 34 -> 124 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader; tr]
        v5: 41 -> 124 [I packet_type]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       getF()Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.math.BigInteger getF()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHReply.f Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 43
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHReply; this]
  + Method:       getHostKey()[B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] getHostKey()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHReply.hostKey [B]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 48
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHReply; this]
  + Method:       getSignature()[B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] getSignature()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHReply.signature [B]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 53
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHReply; this]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexGroup
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.packets.PacketKexDhGexGroup extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 86):
  + String [)]
  + String [This is not a SSH_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_GROUP! (]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexGroup]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexGroup.g Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexGroup.p Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexGroup.payload [B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.<init> ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readByte ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readMPINT ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.remain ()I]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([BII)V]
  + NameAndType [append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [g Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [p Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [payload [B]
  + NameAndType [readByte ()I]
  + NameAndType [readMPINT ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [remain ()I]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [([BII)V]
  + Utf8 [)]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexGroup;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [This is not a SSH_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_GROUP! (]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [arraycopy]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexGroup]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
  + Utf8 [g]
  + Utf8 [getG]
  + Utf8 [getP]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [len]
  + Utf8 [off]
  + Utf8 [p]
  + Utf8 [packet_type]
  + Utf8 [payload]
  + Utf8 [readByte]
  + Utf8 [readMPINT]
  + Utf8 [remain]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [tr]

Fields (count = 3):
  + Field:        payload [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] payload
  + Field:        p Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.math.BigInteger p
  + Field:        g Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.math.BigInteger g

Methods (count = 3):
  + Method:       <init>([BII)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public PacketKexDhGexGroup(byte[],int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 115, locals = 6, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #20
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] iload_3 v3
      [6] newarray 8
      [8] putfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexGroup.payload [B]
      [11] aload_1 v1
      [12] iload_2 v2
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexGroup.payload [B]
      [17] iconst_0
      [18] iload_3 v3
      [19] invokestatic #25
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [22] new #5
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
      [25] dup
      [26] aload_1 v1
      [27] iload_2 v2
      [28] iload_3 v3
      [29] invokespecial #14
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.<init> ([BII)V]
      [32] astore v4
      [34] aload v4
      [36] invokevirtual #15
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readByte ()I]
      [39] istore v5
      [41] iload v5
      [43] bipush 31
      [45] ificmpeq +33 (target=78)
      [48] new #7
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [51] dup
      [52] new #9
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [55] dup
      [56] ldc #3
        + String [This is not a SSH_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_GROUP! (]
      [58] invokespecial #21
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [61] iload v5
      [63] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [66] ldc #1
        + String [)]
      [68] invokevirtual #23
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [71] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [74] invokespecial #19
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [77] athrow
      [78] aload_0 v0
      [79] aload v4
      [81] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readMPINT ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [84] putfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexGroup.p Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [87] aload_0 v0
      [88] aload v4
      [90] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readMPINT ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [93] putfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexGroup.g Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [96] aload v4
      [98] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.remain ()I]
      [101] ifeq +13 (target=114)
      [104] new #6
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [107] dup
      [108] ldc #2
      [110] invokespecial #18
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [113] athrow
      [114] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 16)
        [0] -> line 20
        [4] -> line 22
        [11] -> line 23
        [22] -> line 25
        [34] -> line 27
        [41] -> line 29
        [48] -> line 30
        [52] -> line 31
        [66] -> line 32
        [71] -> line 31
        [74] -> line 30
        [78] -> line 34
        [87] -> line 35
        [96] -> line 37
        [104] -> line 38
        [114] -> line 39
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 115 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexGroup; this]
        v1: 0 -> 115 [[B payload]
        v2: 0 -> 115 [I off]
        v3: 0 -> 115 [I len]
        v4: 34 -> 115 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader; tr]
        v5: 41 -> 115 [I packet_type]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       getG()Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.math.BigInteger getG()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexGroup.g Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 43
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexGroup; this]
  + Method:       getP()Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.math.BigInteger getP()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexGroup.p Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 48
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexGroup; this]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexInit
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.packets.PacketKexDhGexInit extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 42):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexInit]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexInit.e Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexInit.payload [B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeMPInt (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [e Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [getBytes ()[B]
  + NameAndType [payload [B]
  + NameAndType [writeByte (I)V]
  + NameAndType [writeMPInt (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexInit;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexInit]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [getBytes]
  + Utf8 [getPayload]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [payload]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [tw]
  + Utf8 [writeByte]
  + Utf8 [writeMPInt]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        payload [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] payload
  + Field:        e Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.math.BigInteger e

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public PacketKexDhGexInit(java.math.BigInteger)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #10
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] putfield #4
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexInit.e Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 17
        [4] -> line 19
        [9] -> line 20
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexInit; this]
        v1: 0 -> 10 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; e]
  + Method:       getPayload()[B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] getPayload()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 42, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexInit.payload [B]
      [4] ifnonnull +33 (target=37)
      [7] new #2
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
      [10] dup
      [11] invokespecial #6
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
      [14] astore_1 v1
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] bipush 32
      [18] invokevirtual #8
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
      [21] aload_1 v1
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] getfield #4
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexInit.e Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [26] invokevirtual #9
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeMPInt (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] aload_1 v1
      [31] invokevirtual #7
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
      [34] putfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexInit.payload [B]
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexInit.payload [B]
      [41] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 24
        [7] -> line 26
        [15] -> line 27
        [21] -> line 28
        [29] -> line 29
        [37] -> line 31
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 42 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexInit; this]
        v1: 15 -> 37 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; tw]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexReply
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.packets.PacketKexDhGexReply extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 91):
  + String [)]
  + String [This is not a SSH_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_REPLY! (]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexReply]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexReply.f Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexReply.hostKey [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexReply.payload [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexReply.signature [B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.<init> ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readByte ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readByteString ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readMPINT ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.remain ()I]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([BII)V]
  + NameAndType [append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [f Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [hostKey [B]
  + NameAndType [payload [B]
  + NameAndType [readByte ()I]
  + NameAndType [readByteString ()[B]
  + NameAndType [readMPINT ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [remain ()I]
  + NameAndType [signature [B]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [([BII)V]
  + Utf8 [)]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexReply;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [This is not a SSH_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_REPLY! (]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [arraycopy]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexReply]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
  + Utf8 [f]
  + Utf8 [getF]
  + Utf8 [getHostKey]
  + Utf8 [getSignature]
  + Utf8 [hostKey]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [len]
  + Utf8 [off]
  + Utf8 [packet_type]
  + Utf8 [payload]
  + Utf8 [readByte]
  + Utf8 [readByteString]
  + Utf8 [readMPINT]
  + Utf8 [remain]
  + Utf8 [signature]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [tr]

Fields (count = 4):
  + Field:        payload [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] payload
  + Field:        hostKey [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] hostKey
  + Field:        f Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.math.BigInteger f
  + Field:        signature [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] signature

Methods (count = 4):
  + Method:       <init>([BII)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public PacketKexDhGexReply(byte[],int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 124, locals = 6, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #20
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] iload_3 v3
      [6] newarray 8
      [8] putfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexReply.payload [B]
      [11] aload_1 v1
      [12] iload_2 v2
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexReply.payload [B]
      [17] iconst_0
      [18] iload_3 v3
      [19] invokestatic #25
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [22] new #5
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
      [25] dup
      [26] aload_1 v1
      [27] iload_2 v2
      [28] iload_3 v3
      [29] invokespecial #14
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.<init> ([BII)V]
      [32] astore v4
      [34] aload v4
      [36] invokevirtual #15
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readByte ()I]
      [39] istore v5
      [41] iload v5
      [43] bipush 33
      [45] ificmpeq +33 (target=78)
      [48] new #6
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [51] dup
      [52] new #8
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [55] dup
      [56] ldc #3
        + String [This is not a SSH_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_REPLY! (]
      [58] invokespecial #21
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [61] iload v5
      [63] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [66] ldc #1
        + String [)]
      [68] invokevirtual #23
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [71] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [74] invokespecial #19
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [77] athrow
      [78] aload_0 v0
      [79] aload v4
      [81] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readByteString ()[B]
      [84] putfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexReply.hostKey [B]
      [87] aload_0 v0
      [88] aload v4
      [90] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readMPINT ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [93] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexReply.f Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [96] aload_0 v0
      [97] aload v4
      [99] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readByteString ()[B]
      [102] putfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexReply.signature [B]
      [105] aload v4
      [107] invokevirtual #18
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.remain ()I]
      [110] ifeq +13 (target=123)
      [113] new #6
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [116] dup
      [117] ldc #2
      [119] invokespecial #19
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [122] athrow
      [123] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 13)
        [0] -> line 22
        [4] -> line 24
        [11] -> line 25
        [22] -> line 27
        [34] -> line 29
        [41] -> line 31
        [48] -> line 32
        [78] -> line 34
        [87] -> line 35
        [96] -> line 36
        [105] -> line 38
        [113] -> line 39
        [123] -> line 40
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 124 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexReply; this]
        v1: 0 -> 124 [[B payload]
        v2: 0 -> 124 [I off]
        v3: 0 -> 124 [I len]
        v4: 34 -> 124 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader; tr]
        v5: 41 -> 124 [I packet_type]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       getF()Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.math.BigInteger getF()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexReply.f Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 44
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexReply; this]
  + Method:       getHostKey()[B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] getHostKey()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexReply.hostKey [B]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 49
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexReply; this]
  + Method:       getSignature()[B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] getSignature()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexReply.signature [B]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 54
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexReply; this]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequest
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.packets.PacketKexDhGexRequest extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 62):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequest]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequest.max I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequest.min I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequest.n I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequest.payload [B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters.getMax_group_len ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters.getMin_group_len ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters.getPref_group_len ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [getBytes ()[B]
  + NameAndType [getMax_group_len ()I]
  + NameAndType [getMin_group_len ()I]
  + NameAndType [getPref_group_len ()I]
  + NameAndType [max I]
  + NameAndType [min I]
  + NameAndType [n I]
  + NameAndType [payload [B]
  + NameAndType [writeByte (I)V]
  + NameAndType [writeUINT32 (I)V]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequest;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequest]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Utf8 [getBytes]
  + Utf8 [getMax_group_len]
  + Utf8 [getMin_group_len]
  + Utf8 [getPayload]
  + Utf8 [getPref_group_len]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [max]
  + Utf8 [min]
  + Utf8 [n]
  + Utf8 [para]
  + Utf8 [payload]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [tw]
  + Utf8 [writeByte]
  + Utf8 [writeUINT32]

Fields (count = 4):
  + Field:        payload [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] payload
  + Field:        min I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int min
  + Field:        n I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int n
  + Field:        max I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int max

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public PacketKexDhGexRequest(com.trilead.ssh2.DHGexParameters)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 29, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #16
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] invokevirtual #10
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters.getMin_group_len ()I]
      [9] putfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequest.min I]
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] aload_1 v1
      [14] invokevirtual #11
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters.getPref_group_len ()I]
      [17] putfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequest.n I]
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] aload_1 v1
      [22] invokevirtual #9
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters.getMax_group_len ()I]
      [25] putfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequest.max I]
      [28] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 19
        [4] -> line 21
        [12] -> line 22
        [20] -> line 23
        [28] -> line 24
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 29 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequest; this]
        v1: 0 -> 29 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters; para]
  + Method:       getPayload()[B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] getPayload()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 58, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequest.payload [B]
      [4] ifnonnull +49 (target=53)
      [7] new #3
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
      [10] dup
      [11] invokespecial #12
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
      [14] astore_1 v1
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] bipush 34
      [18] invokevirtual #14
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
      [21] aload_1 v1
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequest.min I]
      [26] invokevirtual #15
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
      [29] aload_1 v1
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequest.n I]
      [34] invokevirtual #15
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
      [37] aload_1 v1
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequest.max I]
      [42] invokevirtual #15
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
      [45] aload_0 v0
      [46] aload_1 v1
      [47] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
      [50] putfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequest.payload [B]
      [53] aload_0 v0
      [54] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequest.payload [B]
      [57] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 28
        [7] -> line 30
        [15] -> line 31
        [21] -> line 32
        [29] -> line 33
        [37] -> line 34
        [45] -> line 35
        [53] -> line 37
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 58 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequest; this]
        v1: 15 -> 53 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; tw]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequestOld
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.packets.PacketKexDhGexRequestOld extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 50):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequestOld]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequestOld.n I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequestOld.payload [B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters.getPref_group_len ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [getBytes ()[B]
  + NameAndType [getPref_group_len ()I]
  + NameAndType [n I]
  + NameAndType [payload [B]
  + NameAndType [writeByte (I)V]
  + NameAndType [writeUINT32 (I)V]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequestOld;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequestOld]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Utf8 [getBytes]
  + Utf8 [getPayload]
  + Utf8 [getPref_group_len]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [n]
  + Utf8 [para]
  + Utf8 [payload]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [tw]
  + Utf8 [writeByte]
  + Utf8 [writeUINT32]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        payload [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] payload
  + Field:        n I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int n

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public PacketKexDhGexRequestOld(com.trilead.ssh2.DHGexParameters)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 13, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #12
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] invokevirtual #7
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters.getPref_group_len ()I]
      [9] putfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequestOld.n I]
      [12] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 18
        [4] -> line 20
        [12] -> line 21
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 13 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequestOld; this]
        v1: 0 -> 13 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters; para]
  + Method:       getPayload()[B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] getPayload()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 42, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequestOld.payload [B]
      [4] ifnonnull +33 (target=37)
      [7] new #3
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
      [10] dup
      [11] invokespecial #8
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
      [14] astore_1 v1
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] bipush 30
      [18] invokevirtual #10
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
      [21] aload_1 v1
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequestOld.n I]
      [26] invokevirtual #11
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] aload_1 v1
      [31] invokevirtual #9
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
      [34] putfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequestOld.payload [B]
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequestOld.payload [B]
      [41] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 25
        [7] -> line 27
        [15] -> line 28
        [21] -> line 29
        [29] -> line 30
        [37] -> line 32
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 42 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequestOld; this]
        v1: 15 -> 37 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; tw]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.packets.PacketKexInit extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 203):
  + String [)]
  + String [Padding in KexInitPacket!]
  + String [This is not a KexInitPacket! (]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Class [java/security/SecureRandom]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList.c2s_comp_algos [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList.c2s_enc_algos [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList.c2s_mac_algos [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList.kexAlgorithms [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList.s2c_comp_algos [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList.s2c_enc_algos [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList.s2c_mac_algos [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList.serverHostKeyAlgorithms [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit.payload [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.compression_algorithms_client_to_server [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.compression_algorithms_server_to_client [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.cookie [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.encryption_algorithms_client_to_server [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.encryption_algorithms_server_to_client [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.first_kex_packet_follows Z]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.kex_algorithms [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.languages_client_to_server [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.languages_server_to_client [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.mac_algorithms_client_to_server [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.mac_algorithms_server_to_client [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.reserved_field1 I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.server_host_key_algorithms [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.<init> ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readBoolean ()Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readByte ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readBytes (I)[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readNameList ()[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readUINT32 ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.remain ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeBoolean (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeBytes ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeNameList ([Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Methodref [java/security/SecureRandom.nextBytes ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([BII)V]
  + NameAndType [append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [c2s_comp_algos [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [c2s_enc_algos [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [c2s_mac_algos [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [compression_algorithms_client_to_server [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [compression_algorithms_server_to_client [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [cookie [B]
  + NameAndType [encryption_algorithms_client_to_server [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [encryption_algorithms_server_to_client [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [first_kex_packet_follows Z]
  + NameAndType [getBytes ()[B]
  + NameAndType [kexAlgorithms [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [kex_algorithms [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [kp Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
  + NameAndType [languages_client_to_server [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [languages_server_to_client [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [mac_algorithms_client_to_server [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [mac_algorithms_server_to_client [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [nextBytes ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [payload [B]
  + NameAndType [readBoolean ()Z]
  + NameAndType [readByte ()I]
  + NameAndType [readBytes (I)[B]
  + NameAndType [readNameList ()[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [readUINT32 ()I]
  + NameAndType [remain ()I]
  + NameAndType [reserved_field1 I]
  + NameAndType [s2c_comp_algos [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [s2c_enc_algos [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [s2c_mac_algos [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [serverHostKeyAlgorithms [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [server_host_key_algorithms [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [writeBoolean (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [writeByte (I)V]
  + NameAndType [writeBytes ([BII)V]
  + NameAndType [writeNameList ([Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [writeUINT32 (I)V]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [()[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(I)[B]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [([BII)V]
  + Utf8 [([Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [)]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Padding in KexInitPacket!]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [This is not a KexInitPacket! (]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [arraycopy]
  + Utf8 [c2s_comp_algos]
  + Utf8 [c2s_enc_algos]
  + Utf8 [c2s_mac_algos]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters]
  + Utf8 [compression_algorithms_client_to_server]
  + Utf8 [compression_algorithms_server_to_client]
  + Utf8 [cookie]
  + Utf8 [cwl]
  + Utf8 [encryption_algorithms_client_to_server]
  + Utf8 [encryption_algorithms_server_to_client]
  + Utf8 [first_kex_packet_follows]
  + Utf8 [getBytes]
  + Utf8 [getKexParameters]
  + Utf8 [getPayload]
  + Utf8 [isFirst_kex_packet_follows]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [java/security/SecureRandom]
  + Utf8 [kexAlgorithms]
  + Utf8 [kex_algorithms]
  + Utf8 [kp]
  + Utf8 [languages_client_to_server]
  + Utf8 [languages_server_to_client]
  + Utf8 [len]
  + Utf8 [mac_algorithms_client_to_server]
  + Utf8 [mac_algorithms_server_to_client]
  + Utf8 [nextBytes]
  + Utf8 [off]
  + Utf8 [packet_type]
  + Utf8 [payload]
  + Utf8 [readBoolean]
  + Utf8 [readByte]
  + Utf8 [readBytes]
  + Utf8 [readNameList]
  + Utf8 [readUINT32]
  + Utf8 [remain]
  + Utf8 [reserved_field1]
  + Utf8 [rnd]
  + Utf8 [s2c_comp_algos]
  + Utf8 [s2c_enc_algos]
  + Utf8 [s2c_mac_algos]
  + Utf8 [serverHostKeyAlgorithms]
  + Utf8 [server_host_key_algorithms]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [tr]
  + Utf8 [tw]
  + Utf8 [writeBoolean]
  + Utf8 [writeByte]
  + Utf8 [writeBytes]
  + Utf8 [writeNameList]
  + Utf8 [writeUINT32]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        payload [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] payload
  + Field:        kp Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = com.trilead.ssh2.transport.KexParameters kp

Methods (count = 5):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public PacketKexInit(com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.CryptoWishList,
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 164, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #54
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] new #8
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters]
      [8] dup
      [9] invokespecial #52
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.<init> ()V]
      [12] putfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [19] bipush 16
      [21] newarray 8
      [23] putfield #27
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.cookie [B]
      [26] aload_2 v2
      [27] aload_0 v0
      [28] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [31] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.cookie [B]
      [34] invokevirtual #60
        + Methodref [java/security/SecureRandom.nextBytes ([B)V]
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [41] aload_1 v1
      [42] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList.kexAlgorithms [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [45] putfield #31
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.kex_algorithms [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [52] aload_1 v1
      [53] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList.serverHostKeyAlgorithms [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [56] putfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.server_host_key_algorithms [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [59] aload_0 v0
      [60] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [63] aload_1 v1
      [64] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList.c2s_enc_algos [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [67] putfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.encryption_algorithms_client_to_server [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [70] aload_0 v0
      [71] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [74] aload_1 v1
      [75] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList.s2c_enc_algos [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [78] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.encryption_algorithms_server_to_client [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [81] aload_0 v0
      [82] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [85] aload_1 v1
      [86] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList.c2s_mac_algos [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [89] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.mac_algorithms_client_to_server [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [92] aload_0 v0
      [93] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [96] aload_1 v1
      [97] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList.s2c_mac_algos [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [100] putfield #35
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.mac_algorithms_server_to_client [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [103] aload_0 v0
      [104] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [107] aload_1 v1
      [108] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList.c2s_comp_algos [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [111] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.compression_algorithms_client_to_server [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [114] aload_0 v0
      [115] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [118] aload_1 v1
      [119] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList.s2c_comp_algos [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [122] putfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.compression_algorithms_server_to_client [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [125] aload_0 v0
      [126] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [129] iconst_0
      [130] anewarray #11
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [133] putfield #32
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.languages_client_to_server [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [136] aload_0 v0
      [137] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [140] iconst_0
      [141] anewarray #11
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [144] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.languages_server_to_client [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [147] aload_0 v0
      [148] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [151] iconst_0
      [152] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.first_kex_packet_follows Z]
      [155] aload_0 v0
      [156] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [159] iconst_0
      [160] putfield #36
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.reserved_field1 I]
      [163] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 17)
        [0] -> line 24
        [4] -> line 22
        [15] -> line 26
        [26] -> line 27
        [37] -> line 29
        [48] -> line 30
        [59] -> line 31
        [70] -> line 32
        [81] -> line 33
        [92] -> line 34
        [103] -> line 35
        [114] -> line 36
        [125] -> line 37
        [136] -> line 38
        [147] -> line 39
        [155] -> line 40
        [163] -> line 41
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 164 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit; this]
        v1: 0 -> 164 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList; cwl]
        v2: 0 -> 164 [Ljava/security/SecureRandom; rnd]
  + Method:       <init>([BII)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public PacketKexInit(byte[],int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 266, locals = 6, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #54
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] new #8
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters]
      [8] dup
      [9] invokespecial #52
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.<init> ()V]
      [12] putfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] iload_3 v3
      [17] newarray 8
      [19] putfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit.payload [B]
      [22] aload_1 v1
      [23] iload_2 v2
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit.payload [B]
      [28] iconst_0
      [29] iload_3 v3
      [30] invokestatic #59
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [33] new #6
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
      [36] dup
      [37] aload_1 v1
      [38] iload_2 v2
      [39] iload_3 v3
      [40] invokespecial #38
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.<init> ([BII)V]
      [43] astore v4
      [45] aload v4
      [47] invokevirtual #40
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readByte ()I]
      [50] istore v5
      [52] iload v5
      [54] bipush 20
      [56] ificmpeq +33 (target=89)
      [59] new #9
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [62] dup
      [63] new #12
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [66] dup
      [67] ldc #3
        + String [This is not a KexInitPacket! (]
      [69] invokespecial #55
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [72] iload v5
      [74] invokevirtual #56
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [77] ldc #1
        + String [)]
      [79] invokevirtual #57
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [82] invokevirtual #58
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [85] invokespecial #53
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [88] athrow
      [89] aload_0 v0
      [90] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [93] aload v4
      [95] bipush 16
      [97] invokevirtual #41
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readBytes (I)[B]
      [100] putfield #27
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.cookie [B]
      [103] aload_0 v0
      [104] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [107] aload v4
      [109] invokevirtual #42
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readNameList ()[Ljava/lang/String;]
      [112] putfield #31
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.kex_algorithms [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [115] aload_0 v0
      [116] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [119] aload v4
      [121] invokevirtual #42
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readNameList ()[Ljava/lang/String;]
      [124] putfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.server_host_key_algorithms [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [127] aload_0 v0
      [128] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [131] aload v4
      [133] invokevirtual #42
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readNameList ()[Ljava/lang/String;]
      [136] putfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.encryption_algorithms_client_to_server [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [139] aload_0 v0
      [140] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [143] aload v4
      [145] invokevirtual #42
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readNameList ()[Ljava/lang/String;]
      [148] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.encryption_algorithms_server_to_client [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [151] aload_0 v0
      [152] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [155] aload v4
      [157] invokevirtual #42
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readNameList ()[Ljava/lang/String;]
      [160] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.mac_algorithms_client_to_server [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [163] aload_0 v0
      [164] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [167] aload v4
      [169] invokevirtual #42
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readNameList ()[Ljava/lang/String;]
      [172] putfield #35
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.mac_algorithms_server_to_client [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [175] aload_0 v0
      [176] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [179] aload v4
      [181] invokevirtual #42
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readNameList ()[Ljava/lang/String;]
      [184] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.compression_algorithms_client_to_server [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [187] aload_0 v0
      [188] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [191] aload v4
      [193] invokevirtual #42
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readNameList ()[Ljava/lang/String;]
      [196] putfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.compression_algorithms_server_to_client [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [199] aload_0 v0
      [200] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [203] aload v4
      [205] invokevirtual #42
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readNameList ()[Ljava/lang/String;]
      [208] putfield #32
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.languages_client_to_server [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [211] aload_0 v0
      [212] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [215] aload v4
      [217] invokevirtual #42
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readNameList ()[Ljava/lang/String;]
      [220] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.languages_server_to_client [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [223] aload_0 v0
      [224] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [227] aload v4
      [229] invokevirtual #39
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readBoolean ()Z]
      [232] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.first_kex_packet_follows Z]
      [235] aload_0 v0
      [236] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [239] aload v4
      [241] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readUINT32 ()I]
      [244] putfield #36
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.reserved_field1 I]
      [247] aload v4
      [249] invokevirtual #44
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.remain ()I]
      [252] ifeq +13 (target=265)
      [255] new #9
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [258] dup
      [259] ldc #2
        + String [Padding in KexInitPacket!]
      [261] invokespecial #53
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [264] athrow
      [265] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 24)
        [0] -> line 43
        [4] -> line 22
        [15] -> line 45
        [22] -> line 46
        [33] -> line 48
        [45] -> line 50
        [52] -> line 52
        [59] -> line 53
        [89] -> line 55
        [103] -> line 56
        [115] -> line 57
        [127] -> line 58
        [139] -> line 59
        [151] -> line 60
        [163] -> line 61
        [175] -> line 62
        [187] -> line 63
        [199] -> line 64
        [211] -> line 65
        [223] -> line 66
        [235] -> line 67
        [247] -> line 69
        [255] -> line 70
        [265] -> line 71
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 266 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit; this]
        v1: 0 -> 266 [[B payload]
        v2: 0 -> 266 [I off]
        v3: 0 -> 266 [I len]
        v4: 45 -> 266 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader; tr]
        v5: 52 -> 266 [I packet_type]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       getPayload()[B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] getPayload()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 180, locals = 2, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit.payload [B]
      [4] ifnonnull +171 (target=175)
      [7] new #7
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
      [10] dup
      [11] invokespecial #45
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
      [14] astore_1 v1
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] bipush 20
      [18] invokevirtual #48
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
      [21] aload_1 v1
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [26] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.cookie [B]
      [29] iconst_0
      [30] bipush 16
      [32] invokevirtual #49
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeBytes ([BII)V]
      [35] aload_1 v1
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [40] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.kex_algorithms [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [43] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeNameList ([Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [46] aload_1 v1
      [47] aload_0 v0
      [48] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [51] getfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.server_host_key_algorithms [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [54] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeNameList ([Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [57] aload_1 v1
      [58] aload_0 v0
      [59] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [62] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.encryption_algorithms_client_to_server [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [65] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeNameList ([Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [68] aload_1 v1
      [69] aload_0 v0
      [70] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [73] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.encryption_algorithms_server_to_client [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [76] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeNameList ([Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [79] aload_1 v1
      [80] aload_0 v0
      [81] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [84] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.mac_algorithms_client_to_server [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [87] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeNameList ([Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [90] aload_1 v1
      [91] aload_0 v0
      [92] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [95] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.mac_algorithms_server_to_client [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [98] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeNameList ([Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [101] aload_1 v1
      [102] aload_0 v0
      [103] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [106] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.compression_algorithms_client_to_server [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [109] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeNameList ([Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [112] aload_1 v1
      [113] aload_0 v0
      [114] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [117] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.compression_algorithms_server_to_client [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [120] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeNameList ([Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [123] aload_1 v1
      [124] aload_0 v0
      [125] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [128] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.languages_client_to_server [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [131] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeNameList ([Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [134] aload_1 v1
      [135] aload_0 v0
      [136] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [139] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.languages_server_to_client [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [142] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeNameList ([Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [145] aload_1 v1
      [146] aload_0 v0
      [147] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [150] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.first_kex_packet_follows Z]
      [153] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeBoolean (Z)V]
      [156] aload_1 v1
      [157] aload_0 v0
      [158] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [161] getfield #36
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.reserved_field1 I]
      [164] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
      [167] aload_0 v0
      [168] aload_1 v1
      [169] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
      [172] putfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit.payload [B]
      [175] aload_0 v0
      [176] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit.payload [B]
      [179] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 18)
        [0] -> line 75
        [7] -> line 77
        [15] -> line 78
        [21] -> line 79
        [35] -> line 80
        [46] -> line 81
        [57] -> line 82
        [68] -> line 83
        [79] -> line 84
        [90] -> line 85
        [101] -> line 86
        [112] -> line 87
        [123] -> line 88
        [134] -> line 89
        [145] -> line 90
        [156] -> line 91
        [167] -> line 92
        [175] -> line 94
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 180 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit; this]
        v1: 15 -> 175 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; tw]
  + Method:       getKexParameters()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public com.trilead.ssh2.transport.KexParameters getKexParameters()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 99
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit; this]
  + Method:       isFirst_kex_packet_follows()Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean isFirst_kex_packet_follows()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 8, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [4] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.first_kex_packet_follows Z]
      [7] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 129
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit; this]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketNewKeys
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.packets.PacketNewKeys extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 34):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketNewKeys]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketNewKeys.payload [B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [getBytes ()[B]
  + NameAndType [payload [B]
  + NameAndType [writeByte (I)V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketNewKeys;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketNewKeys]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Utf8 [getBytes]
  + Utf8 [getPayload]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [payload]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [tw]
  + Utf8 [writeByte]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        payload [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] payload

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public PacketNewKeys()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #8
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 15
        [4] -> line 17
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketNewKeys; this]
  + Method:       getPayload()[B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] getPayload()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 34, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #4
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketNewKeys.payload [B]
      [4] ifnonnull +25 (target=29)
      [7] new #2
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
      [10] dup
      [11] invokespecial #5
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
      [14] astore_1 v1
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] bipush 21
      [18] invokevirtual #7
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] aload_1 v1
      [23] invokevirtual #6
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
      [26] putfield #4
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketNewKeys.payload [B]
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] getfield #4
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketNewKeys.payload [B]
      [33] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 38
        [7] -> line 40
        [15] -> line 41
        [21] -> line 42
        [29] -> line 44
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 34 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketNewKeys; this]
        v1: 15 -> 29 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; tw]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.packets.PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 67):
  + String [direct-tcpip]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel.channelID I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel.host_to_connect Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel.initialWindowSize I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel.maxPacketSize I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel.originator_IP_address Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel.originator_port I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel.payload [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel.port_to_connect I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [channelID I]
  + NameAndType [getBytes ()[B]
  + NameAndType [host_to_connect Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [initialWindowSize I]
  + NameAndType [maxPacketSize I]
  + NameAndType [originator_IP_address Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [originator_port I]
  + NameAndType [payload [B]
  + NameAndType [port_to_connect I]
  + NameAndType [writeByte (I)V]
  + NameAndType [writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [writeUINT32 (I)V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(IIILjava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [channelID]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Utf8 [direct-tcpip]
  + Utf8 [getBytes]
  + Utf8 [getPayload]
  + Utf8 [host_to_connect]
  + Utf8 [initialWindowSize]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [maxPacketSize]
  + Utf8 [originator_IP_address]
  + Utf8 [originator_port]
  + Utf8 [payload]
  + Utf8 [port_to_connect]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [tw]
  + Utf8 [writeByte]
  + Utf8 [writeString]
  + Utf8 [writeUINT32]

Fields (count = 8):
  + Field:        payload [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] payload
  + Field:        channelID I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int channelID
  + Field:        initialWindowSize I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int initialWindowSize
  + Field:        maxPacketSize I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int maxPacketSize
  + Field:        host_to_connect Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String host_to_connect
  + Field:        port_to_connect I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int port_to_connect
  + Field:        originator_IP_address Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String originator_IP_address
  + Field:        originator_port I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int originator_port

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(IIILjava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel(int,int,int,java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 44, locals = 8, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #18
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] iload_1 v1
      [6] putfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel.channelID I]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] iload_2 v2
      [11] putfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel.initialWindowSize I]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] iload_3 v3
      [16] putfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel.maxPacketSize I]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] aload v4
      [22] putfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel.host_to_connect Ljava/lang/String;]
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] iload v5
      [28] putfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel.port_to_connect I]
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] aload v6
      [34] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel.originator_IP_address Ljava/lang/String;]
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] iload v7
      [40] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel.originator_port I]
      [43] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 23
        [4] -> line 27
        [9] -> line 28
        [14] -> line 29
        [19] -> line 30
        [25] -> line 31
        [31] -> line 32
        [37] -> line 33
        [43] -> line 34
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 8)
        v0: 0 -> 44 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel; this]
        v1: 0 -> 44 [I channelID]
        v2: 0 -> 44 [I initialWindowSize]
        v3: 0 -> 44 [I maxPacketSize]
        v4: 0 -> 44 [Ljava/lang/String; host_to_connect]
        v5: 0 -> 44 [I port_to_connect]
        v6: 0 -> 44 [Ljava/lang/String; originator_IP_address]
        v7: 0 -> 44 [I originator_port]
  + Method:       getPayload()[B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] getPayload()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 96, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel.payload [B]
      [4] ifnonnull +87 (target=91)
      [7] new #3
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
      [10] dup
      [11] invokespecial #13
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
      [14] astore_1 v1
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] bipush 90
      [18] invokevirtual #15
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
      [21] aload_1 v1
      [22] ldc #1
        + String [direct-tcpip]
      [24] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [27] aload_1 v1
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel.channelID I]
      [32] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
      [35] aload_1 v1
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel.initialWindowSize I]
      [40] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
      [43] aload_1 v1
      [44] aload_0 v0
      [45] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel.maxPacketSize I]
      [48] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
      [51] aload_1 v1
      [52] aload_0 v0
      [53] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel.host_to_connect Ljava/lang/String;]
      [56] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [59] aload_1 v1
      [60] aload_0 v0
      [61] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel.port_to_connect I]
      [64] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
      [67] aload_1 v1
      [68] aload_0 v0
      [69] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel.originator_IP_address Ljava/lang/String;]
      [72] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [75] aload_1 v1
      [76] aload_0 v0
      [77] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel.originator_port I]
      [80] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
      [83] aload_0 v0
      [84] aload_1 v1
      [85] invokevirtual #14
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
      [88] putfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel.payload [B]
      [91] aload_0 v0
      [92] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel.payload [B]
      [95] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 13)
        [0] -> line 38
        [7] -> line 40
        [15] -> line 42
        [21] -> line 43
        [27] -> line 44
        [35] -> line 45
        [43] -> line 46
        [51] -> line 47
        [59] -> line 48
        [67] -> line 49
        [75] -> line 50
        [83] -> line 52
        [91] -> line 54
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 96 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel; this]
        v1: 15 -> 91 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; tw]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenSessionChannel
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.packets.PacketOpenSessionChannel extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 54):
  + String [session]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenSessionChannel]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenSessionChannel.channelID I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenSessionChannel.initialWindowSize I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenSessionChannel.maxPacketSize I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenSessionChannel.payload [B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [channelID I]
  + NameAndType [getBytes ()[B]
  + NameAndType [initialWindowSize I]
  + NameAndType [maxPacketSize I]
  + NameAndType [payload [B]
  + NameAndType [writeByte (I)V]
  + NameAndType [writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [writeUINT32 (I)V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(III)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenSessionChannel;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [channelID]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenSessionChannel]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Utf8 [getBytes]
  + Utf8 [getPayload]
  + Utf8 [initialWindowSize]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [maxPacketSize]
  + Utf8 [payload]
  + Utf8 [session]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [tw]
  + Utf8 [writeByte]
  + Utf8 [writeString]
  + Utf8 [writeUINT32]

Fields (count = 4):
  + Field:        payload [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] payload
  + Field:        channelID I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int channelID
  + Field:        initialWindowSize I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int initialWindowSize
  + Field:        maxPacketSize I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int maxPacketSize

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(III)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public PacketOpenSessionChannel(int,int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 20, locals = 4, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #14
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] iload_1 v1
      [6] putfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenSessionChannel.channelID I]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] iload_2 v2
      [11] putfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenSessionChannel.initialWindowSize I]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] iload_3 v3
      [16] putfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenSessionChannel.maxPacketSize I]
      [19] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 19
        [4] -> line 22
        [9] -> line 23
        [14] -> line 24
        [19] -> line 25
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 20 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenSessionChannel; this]
        v1: 0 -> 20 [I channelID]
        v2: 0 -> 20 [I initialWindowSize]
        v3: 0 -> 20 [I maxPacketSize]
  + Method:       getPayload()[B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] getPayload()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 64, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenSessionChannel.payload [B]
      [4] ifnonnull +55 (target=59)
      [7] new #3
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
      [10] dup
      [11] invokespecial #9
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
      [14] astore_1 v1
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] bipush 90
      [18] invokevirtual #11
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
      [21] aload_1 v1
      [22] ldc #1
        + String [session]
      [24] invokevirtual #12
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [27] aload_1 v1
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenSessionChannel.channelID I]
      [32] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
      [35] aload_1 v1
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenSessionChannel.initialWindowSize I]
      [40] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
      [43] aload_1 v1
      [44] aload_0 v0
      [45] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenSessionChannel.maxPacketSize I]
      [48] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
      [51] aload_0 v0
      [52] aload_1 v1
      [53] invokevirtual #10
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
      [56] putfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenSessionChannel.payload [B]
      [59] aload_0 v0
      [60] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenSessionChannel.payload [B]
      [63] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 50
        [7] -> line 52
        [15] -> line 53
        [21] -> line 54
        [27] -> line 55
        [35] -> line 56
        [43] -> line 57
        [51] -> line 58
        [59] -> line 60
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 64 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketOpenSessionChannel; this]
        v1: 15 -> 59 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; tw]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketServiceAccept
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.packets.PacketServiceAccept extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 79):
  + String []
  + String [)]
  + String [Padding in SSH_MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT packet!]
  + String [This is not a SSH_MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT! (]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketServiceAccept]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketServiceAccept.payload [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketServiceAccept.serviceName Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.<init> ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readByte ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.remain ()I]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([BII)V]
  + NameAndType [append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [payload [B]
  + NameAndType [readByte ()I]
  + NameAndType [readString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [remain ()I]
  + NameAndType [serviceName Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [([BII)V]
  + Utf8 [)]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketServiceAccept;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Padding in SSH_MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT packet!]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [This is not a SSH_MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT! (]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [arraycopy]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketServiceAccept]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [len]
  + Utf8 [off]
  + Utf8 [packet_type]
  + Utf8 [payload]
  + Utf8 [readByte]
  + Utf8 [readString]
  + Utf8 [remain]
  + Utf8 [serviceName]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [tr]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        payload [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] payload
  + Field:        serviceName Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String serviceName

Methods (count = 1):
  + Method:       <init>([BII)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public PacketServiceAccept(byte[],int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 123, locals = 6, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #18
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] iload_3 v3
      [6] newarray 8
      [8] putfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketServiceAccept.payload [B]
      [11] aload_1 v1
      [12] iload_2 v2
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketServiceAccept.payload [B]
      [17] iconst_0
      [18] iload_3 v3
      [19] invokestatic #23
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [22] new #6
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
      [25] dup
      [26] aload_1 v1
      [27] iload_2 v2
      [28] iload_3 v3
      [29] invokespecial #13
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.<init> ([BII)V]
      [32] astore v4
      [34] aload v4
      [36] invokevirtual #14
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readByte ()I]
      [39] istore v5
      [41] iload v5
      [43] bipush 6
      [45] ificmpeq +33 (target=78)
      [48] new #7
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [51] dup
      [52] new #9
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [55] dup
      [56] ldc #4
        + String [This is not a SSH_MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT! (]
      [58] invokespecial #19
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [61] iload v5
      [63] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [66] ldc #2
        + String [)]
      [68] invokevirtual #21
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [71] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [74] invokespecial #17
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [77] athrow
      [78] aload v4
      [80] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.remain ()I]
      [83] ifle +15 (target=98)
      [86] aload_0 v0
      [87] aload v4
      [89] invokevirtual #15
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [92] putfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketServiceAccept.serviceName Ljava/lang/String;]
      [95] goto +9 (target=104)
      [98] aload_0 v0
      [99] ldc #1
        + String []
      [101] putfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketServiceAccept.serviceName Ljava/lang/String;]
      [104] aload v4
      [106] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.remain ()I]
      [109] ifeq +13 (target=122)
      [112] new #7
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [115] dup
      [116] ldc #3
        + String [Padding in SSH_MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT packet!]
      [118] invokespecial #17
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [121] athrow
      [122] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 13)
        [0] -> line 23
        [4] -> line 25
        [11] -> line 26
        [22] -> line 28
        [34] -> line 30
        [41] -> line 32
        [48] -> line 33
        [78] -> line 37
        [86] -> line 39
        [98] -> line 43
        [104] -> line 46
        [112] -> line 47
        [122] -> line 48
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 123 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketServiceAccept; this]
        v1: 0 -> 123 [[B payload]
        v2: 0 -> 123 [I off]
        v3: 0 -> 123 [I len]
        v4: 34 -> 123 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader; tr]
        v5: 41 -> 123 [I packet_type]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketServiceRequest
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.packets.PacketServiceRequest extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 42):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketServiceRequest]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketServiceRequest.payload [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketServiceRequest.serviceName Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [getBytes ()[B]
  + NameAndType [payload [B]
  + NameAndType [serviceName Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [writeByte (I)V]
  + NameAndType [writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketServiceRequest;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketServiceRequest]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Utf8 [getBytes]
  + Utf8 [getPayload]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [payload]
  + Utf8 [serviceName]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [tw]
  + Utf8 [writeByte]
  + Utf8 [writeString]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        payload [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] payload
  + Field:        serviceName Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String serviceName

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public PacketServiceRequest(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #10
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] putfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketServiceRequest.serviceName Ljava/lang/String;]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 17
        [4] -> line 19
        [9] -> line 20
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketServiceRequest; this]
        v1: 0 -> 10 [Ljava/lang/String; serviceName]
  + Method:       getPayload()[B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] getPayload()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 41, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #4
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketServiceRequest.payload [B]
      [4] ifnonnull +32 (target=36)
      [7] new #2
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
      [10] dup
      [11] invokespecial #6
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
      [14] astore_1 v1
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] iconst_5
      [17] invokevirtual #8
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
      [20] aload_1 v1
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketServiceRequest.serviceName Ljava/lang/String;]
      [25] invokevirtual #9
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] aload_1 v1
      [30] invokevirtual #7
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
      [33] putfield #4
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketServiceRequest.payload [B]
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] getfield #4
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketServiceRequest.payload [B]
      [40] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 43
        [7] -> line 45
        [15] -> line 46
        [20] -> line 47
        [28] -> line 48
        [36] -> line 50
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 41 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketServiceRequest; this]
        v1: 15 -> 36 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; tw]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyRequest
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.packets.PacketSessionPtyRequest extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 78):
  + String [pty-req]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyRequest]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyRequest.character_height I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyRequest.character_width I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyRequest.payload [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyRequest.pixel_height I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyRequest.pixel_width I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyRequest.recipientChannelID I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyRequest.term Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyRequest.terminal_modes [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyRequest.wantReply Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeBoolean (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [character_height I]
  + NameAndType [character_width I]
  + NameAndType [getBytes ()[B]
  + NameAndType [payload [B]
  + NameAndType [pixel_height I]
  + NameAndType [pixel_width I]
  + NameAndType [recipientChannelID I]
  + NameAndType [term Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [terminal_modes [B]
  + NameAndType [wantReply Z]
  + NameAndType [writeBoolean (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [writeByte (I)V]
  + NameAndType [writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [writeString ([BII)V]
  + NameAndType [writeUINT32 (I)V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(IZLjava/lang/String;IIII[B)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [([BII)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyRequest;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [character_height]
  + Utf8 [character_width]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyRequest]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Utf8 [getBytes]
  + Utf8 [getPayload]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [payload]
  + Utf8 [pixel_height]
  + Utf8 [pixel_width]
  + Utf8 [pty-req]
  + Utf8 [recipientChannelID]
  + Utf8 [term]
  + Utf8 [terminal_modes]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [tw]
  + Utf8 [wantReply]
  + Utf8 [writeBoolean]
  + Utf8 [writeByte]
  + Utf8 [writeString]
  + Utf8 [writeUINT32]

Fields (count = 9):
  + Field:        payload [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] payload
  + Field:        recipientChannelID I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int recipientChannelID
  + Field:        wantReply Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean wantReply
  + Field:        term Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String term
  + Field:        character_width I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int character_width
  + Field:        character_height I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int character_height
  + Field:        pixel_width I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int pixel_width
  + Field:        pixel_height I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int pixel_height
  + Field:        terminal_modes [B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] terminal_modes

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(IZLjava/lang/String;IIII[B)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public PacketSessionPtyRequest(int,boolean,java.lang.String,int,int,int,int,byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 50, locals = 9, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #21
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] iload_1 v1
      [6] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyRequest.recipientChannelID I]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] iload_2 v2
      [11] putfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyRequest.wantReply Z]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] aload_3 v3
      [16] putfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyRequest.term Ljava/lang/String;]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] iload v4
      [22] putfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyRequest.character_width I]
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] iload v5
      [28] putfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyRequest.character_height I]
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] iload v6
      [34] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyRequest.pixel_width I]
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] iload v7
      [40] putfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyRequest.pixel_height I]
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] aload v8
      [46] putfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyRequest.terminal_modes [B]
      [49] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 10)
        [0] -> line 23
        [4] -> line 27
        [9] -> line 28
        [14] -> line 29
        [19] -> line 30
        [25] -> line 31
        [31] -> line 32
        [37] -> line 33
        [43] -> line 34
        [49] -> line 35
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 9)
        v0: 0 -> 50 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyRequest; this]
        v1: 0 -> 50 [I recipientChannelID]
        v2: 0 -> 50 [Z wantReply]
        v3: 0 -> 50 [Ljava/lang/String; term]
        v4: 0 -> 50 [I character_width]
        v5: 0 -> 50 [I character_height]
        v6: 0 -> 50 [I pixel_width]
        v7: 0 -> 50 [I pixel_height]
        v8: 0 -> 50 [[B terminal_modes]
  + Method:       getPayload()[B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] getPayload()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 110, locals = 2, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyRequest.payload [B]
      [4] ifnonnull +101 (target=105)
      [7] new #3
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
      [10] dup
      [11] invokespecial #14
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
      [14] astore_1 v1
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] bipush 98
      [18] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
      [21] aload_1 v1
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyRequest.recipientChannelID I]
      [26] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
      [29] aload_1 v1
      [30] ldc #1
        + String [pty-req]
      [32] invokevirtual #18
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [35] aload_1 v1
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyRequest.wantReply Z]
      [40] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeBoolean (Z)V]
      [43] aload_1 v1
      [44] aload_0 v0
      [45] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyRequest.term Ljava/lang/String;]
      [48] invokevirtual #18
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [51] aload_1 v1
      [52] aload_0 v0
      [53] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyRequest.character_width I]
      [56] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
      [59] aload_1 v1
      [60] aload_0 v0
      [61] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyRequest.character_height I]
      [64] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
      [67] aload_1 v1
      [68] aload_0 v0
      [69] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyRequest.pixel_width I]
      [72] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
      [75] aload_1 v1
      [76] aload_0 v0
      [77] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyRequest.pixel_height I]
      [80] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
      [83] aload_1 v1
      [84] aload_0 v0
      [85] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyRequest.terminal_modes [B]
      [88] iconst_0
      [89] aload_0 v0
      [90] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyRequest.terminal_modes [B]
      [93] arraylength
      [94] invokevirtual #19
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString ([BII)V]
      [97] aload_0 v0
      [98] aload_1 v1
      [99] invokevirtual #15
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
      [102] putfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyRequest.payload [B]
      [105] aload_0 v0
      [106] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyRequest.payload [B]
      [109] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 14)
        [0] -> line 39
        [7] -> line 41
        [15] -> line 42
        [21] -> line 43
        [29] -> line 44
        [35] -> line 45
        [43] -> line 46
        [51] -> line 47
        [59] -> line 48
        [67] -> line 49
        [75] -> line 50
        [83] -> line 51
        [97] -> line 53
        [105] -> line 55
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 110 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyRequest; this]
        v1: 15 -> 105 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; tw]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyResize
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.packets.PacketSessionPtyResize extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 64):
  + String [window-change]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyResize]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyResize.height I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyResize.payload [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyResize.pixelHeight I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyResize.pixelWidth I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyResize.recipientChannelID I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyResize.width I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeBoolean (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [getBytes ()[B]
  + NameAndType [height I]
  + NameAndType [payload [B]
  + NameAndType [pixelHeight I]
  + NameAndType [pixelWidth I]
  + NameAndType [recipientChannelID I]
  + NameAndType [width I]
  + NameAndType [writeBoolean (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [writeByte (I)V]
  + NameAndType [writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [writeUINT32 (I)V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(IIIII)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyResize;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyResize]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Utf8 [getBytes]
  + Utf8 [getPayload]
  + Utf8 [height]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [payload]
  + Utf8 [pixelHeight]
  + Utf8 [pixelWidth]
  + Utf8 [recipientChannelID]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [tw]
  + Utf8 [width]
  + Utf8 [window-change]
  + Utf8 [writeBoolean]
  + Utf8 [writeByte]
  + Utf8 [writeString]
  + Utf8 [writeUINT32]

Fields (count = 6):
  + Field:        payload [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] payload
  + Field:        recipientChannelID I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int recipientChannelID
  + Field:        width I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int width
  + Field:        height I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int height
  + Field:        pixelWidth I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int pixelWidth
  + Field:        pixelHeight I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int pixelHeight

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(IIIII)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public PacketSessionPtyResize(int,int,int,int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 32, locals = 6, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #17
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] iload_1 v1
      [6] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyResize.recipientChannelID I]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] iload_2 v2
      [11] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyResize.width I]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] iload_3 v3
      [16] putfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyResize.height I]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] iload v4
      [22] putfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyResize.pixelWidth I]
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] iload v5
      [28] putfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyResize.pixelHeight I]
      [31] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 12
        [4] -> line 13
        [9] -> line 14
        [14] -> line 15
        [19] -> line 16
        [25] -> line 17
        [31] -> line 18
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 32 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyResize; this]
        v1: 0 -> 32 [I recipientChannelID]
        v2: 0 -> 32 [I width]
        v3: 0 -> 32 [I height]
        v4: 0 -> 32 [I pixelWidth]
        v5: 0 -> 32 [I pixelHeight]
  + Method:       getPayload()[B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] getPayload()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 85, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyResize.payload [B]
      [4] ifnonnull +76 (target=80)
      [7] new #3
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
      [10] dup
      [11] invokespecial #11
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
      [14] astore_1 v1
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] bipush 98
      [18] invokevirtual #14
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
      [21] aload_1 v1
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyResize.recipientChannelID I]
      [26] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
      [29] aload_1 v1
      [30] ldc #1
        + String [window-change]
      [32] invokevirtual #15
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [35] aload_1 v1
      [36] iconst_0
      [37] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeBoolean (Z)V]
      [40] aload_1 v1
      [41] aload_0 v0
      [42] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyResize.width I]
      [45] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
      [48] aload_1 v1
      [49] aload_0 v0
      [50] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyResize.height I]
      [53] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
      [56] aload_1 v1
      [57] aload_0 v0
      [58] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyResize.pixelWidth I]
      [61] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
      [64] aload_1 v1
      [65] aload_0 v0
      [66] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyResize.pixelHeight I]
      [69] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
      [72] aload_0 v0
      [73] aload_1 v1
      [74] invokevirtual #12
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
      [77] putfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyResize.payload [B]
      [80] aload_0 v0
      [81] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyResize.payload [B]
      [84] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 12)
        [0] -> line 22
        [7] -> line 24
        [15] -> line 25
        [21] -> line 26
        [29] -> line 27
        [35] -> line 28
        [40] -> line 29
        [48] -> line 30
        [56] -> line 31
        [64] -> line 32
        [72] -> line 34
        [80] -> line 36
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 85 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionPtyResize; this]
        v1: 15 -> 80 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; tw]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionStartShell
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.packets.PacketSessionStartShell extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 56):
  + String [shell]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionStartShell]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionStartShell.payload [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionStartShell.recipientChannelID I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionStartShell.wantReply Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeBoolean (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [getBytes ()[B]
  + NameAndType [payload [B]
  + NameAndType [recipientChannelID I]
  + NameAndType [wantReply Z]
  + NameAndType [writeBoolean (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [writeByte (I)V]
  + NameAndType [writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [writeUINT32 (I)V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(IZ)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionStartShell;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionStartShell]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Utf8 [getBytes]
  + Utf8 [getPayload]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [payload]
  + Utf8 [recipientChannelID]
  + Utf8 [shell]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [tw]
  + Utf8 [wantReply]
  + Utf8 [writeBoolean]
  + Utf8 [writeByte]
  + Utf8 [writeString]
  + Utf8 [writeUINT32]

Fields (count = 3):
  + Field:        payload [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] payload
  + Field:        recipientChannelID I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int recipientChannelID
  + Field:        wantReply Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean wantReply

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(IZ)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public PacketSessionStartShell(int,boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #14
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] iload_1 v1
      [6] putfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionStartShell.recipientChannelID I]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] iload_2 v2
      [11] putfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionStartShell.wantReply Z]
      [14] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 17
        [4] -> line 19
        [9] -> line 20
        [14] -> line 21
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 15 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionStartShell; this]
        v1: 0 -> 15 [I recipientChannelID]
        v2: 0 -> 15 [Z wantReply]
  + Method:       getPayload()[B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] getPayload()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 56, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionStartShell.payload [B]
      [4] ifnonnull +47 (target=51)
      [7] new #3
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
      [10] dup
      [11] invokespecial #8
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
      [14] astore_1 v1
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] bipush 98
      [18] invokevirtual #11
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
      [21] aload_1 v1
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionStartShell.recipientChannelID I]
      [26] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
      [29] aload_1 v1
      [30] ldc #1
        + String [shell]
      [32] invokevirtual #12
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [35] aload_1 v1
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionStartShell.wantReply Z]
      [40] invokevirtual #10
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeBoolean (Z)V]
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] aload_1 v1
      [45] invokevirtual #9
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
      [48] putfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionStartShell.payload [B]
      [51] aload_0 v0
      [52] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionStartShell.payload [B]
      [55] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 25
        [7] -> line 27
        [15] -> line 28
        [21] -> line 29
        [29] -> line 30
        [35] -> line 31
        [43] -> line 32
        [51] -> line 34
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 56 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketSessionStartShell; this]
        v1: 15 -> 51 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; tw]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthBanner
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.packets.PacketUserauthBanner extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 86):
  + String [)]
  + String [Padding in SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST packet!]
  + String [This is not a SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_BANNER! (]
  + String [UTF-8]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthBanner]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthBanner.language Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthBanner.message Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthBanner.payload [B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.<init> ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readByte ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readString (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.remain ()I]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([BII)V]
  + NameAndType [append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [language Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [message Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [payload [B]
  + NameAndType [readByte ()I]
  + NameAndType [readString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [readString (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [remain ()I]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [([BII)V]
  + Utf8 [)]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthBanner;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Padding in SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST packet!]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [This is not a SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_BANNER! (]
  + Utf8 [UTF-8]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [arraycopy]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthBanner]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
  + Utf8 [getBanner]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [language]
  + Utf8 [len]
  + Utf8 [message]
  + Utf8 [off]
  + Utf8 [packet_type]
  + Utf8 [payload]
  + Utf8 [readByte]
  + Utf8 [readString]
  + Utf8 [remain]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [tr]

Fields (count = 3):
  + Field:        payload [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] payload
  + Field:        message Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String message
  + Field:        language Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String language

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       getBanner()Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String getBanner()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthBanner.message Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 26
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthBanner; this]
  + Method:       <init>([BII)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public PacketUserauthBanner(byte[],int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 117, locals = 6, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #20
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] iload_3 v3
      [6] newarray 8
      [8] putfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthBanner.payload [B]
      [11] aload_1 v1
      [12] iload_2 v2
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthBanner.payload [B]
      [17] iconst_0
      [18] iload_3 v3
      [19] invokestatic #25
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [22] new #6
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
      [25] dup
      [26] aload_1 v1
      [27] iload_2 v2
      [28] iload_3 v3
      [29] invokespecial #14
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.<init> ([BII)V]
      [32] astore v4
      [34] aload v4
      [36] invokevirtual #15
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readByte ()I]
      [39] istore v5
      [41] iload v5
      [43] bipush 53
      [45] ificmpeq +33 (target=78)
      [48] new #7
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [51] dup
      [52] new #9
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [55] dup
      [56] ldc #3
        + String [This is not a SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_BANNER! (]
      [58] invokespecial #21
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [61] iload v5
      [63] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [66] ldc #1
        + String [)]
      [68] invokevirtual #23
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [71] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [74] invokespecial #19
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [77] athrow
      [78] aload_0 v0
      [79] aload v4
      [81] ldc #4
        + String [UTF-8]
      [83] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readString (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [86] putfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthBanner.message Ljava/lang/String;]
      [89] aload_0 v0
      [90] aload v4
      [92] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [95] putfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthBanner.language Ljava/lang/String;]
      [98] aload v4
      [100] invokevirtual #18
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.remain ()I]
      [103] ifeq +13 (target=116)
      [106] new #7
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [109] dup
      [110] ldc #2
        + String [Padding in SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST packet!]
      [112] invokespecial #19
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [115] athrow
      [116] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 12)
        [0] -> line 29
        [4] -> line 31
        [11] -> line 32
        [22] -> line 34
        [34] -> line 36
        [41] -> line 38
        [48] -> line 39
        [78] -> line 41
        [89] -> line 42
        [98] -> line 44
        [106] -> line 45
        [116] -> line 46
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 117 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthBanner; this]
        v1: 0 -> 117 [[B payload]
        v2: 0 -> 117 [I off]
        v3: 0 -> 117 [I len]
        v4: 34 -> 117 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader; tr]
        v5: 41 -> 117 [I packet_type]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthFailure
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.packets.PacketUserauthFailure extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 88):
  + String [)]
  + String [Padding in SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE packet!]
  + String [This is not a SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE! (]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthFailure]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthFailure.authThatCanContinue [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthFailure.partialSuccess Z]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthFailure.payload [B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.<init> ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readBoolean ()Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readByte ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readNameList ()[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.remain ()I]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([BII)V]
  + NameAndType [append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [authThatCanContinue [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [partialSuccess Z]
  + NameAndType [payload [B]
  + NameAndType [readBoolean ()Z]
  + NameAndType [readByte ()I]
  + NameAndType [readNameList ()[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [remain ()I]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [()[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [([BII)V]
  + Utf8 [)]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthFailure;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Padding in SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE packet!]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [This is not a SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE! (]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [arraycopy]
  + Utf8 [authThatCanContinue]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthFailure]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
  + Utf8 [getAuthThatCanContinue]
  + Utf8 [isPartialSuccess]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [len]
  + Utf8 [off]
  + Utf8 [packet_type]
  + Utf8 [partialSuccess]
  + Utf8 [payload]
  + Utf8 [readBoolean]
  + Utf8 [readByte]
  + Utf8 [readNameList]
  + Utf8 [remain]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [tr]

Fields (count = 3):
  + Field:        payload [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] payload
  + Field:        authThatCanContinue [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String[] authThatCanContinue
  + Field:        partialSuccess Z
    Access flags: 0x0
      = boolean partialSuccess

Methods (count = 3):
  + Method:       <init>([BII)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public PacketUserauthFailure(byte[],int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 115, locals = 6, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #19
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] iload_3 v3
      [6] newarray 8
      [8] putfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthFailure.payload [B]
      [11] aload_1 v1
      [12] iload_2 v2
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthFailure.payload [B]
      [17] iconst_0
      [18] iload_3 v3
      [19] invokestatic #24
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [22] new #5
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
      [25] dup
      [26] aload_1 v1
      [27] iload_2 v2
      [28] iload_3 v3
      [29] invokespecial #13
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.<init> ([BII)V]
      [32] astore v4
      [34] aload v4
      [36] invokevirtual #15
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readByte ()I]
      [39] istore v5
      [41] iload v5
      [43] bipush 51
      [45] ificmpeq +33 (target=78)
      [48] new #6
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [51] dup
      [52] new #8
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [55] dup
      [56] ldc #3
        + String [This is not a SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE! (]
      [58] invokespecial #20
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [61] iload v5
      [63] invokevirtual #21
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [66] ldc #1
        + String [)]
      [68] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [71] invokevirtual #23
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [74] invokespecial #18
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [77] athrow
      [78] aload_0 v0
      [79] aload v4
      [81] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readNameList ()[Ljava/lang/String;]
      [84] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthFailure.authThatCanContinue [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [87] aload_0 v0
      [88] aload v4
      [90] invokevirtual #14
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readBoolean ()Z]
      [93] putfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthFailure.partialSuccess Z]
      [96] aload v4
      [98] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.remain ()I]
      [101] ifeq +13 (target=114)
      [104] new #6
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [107] dup
      [108] ldc #2
        + String [Padding in SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE packet!]
      [110] invokespecial #18
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [113] athrow
      [114] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 12)
        [0] -> line 25
        [4] -> line 27
        [11] -> line 28
        [22] -> line 30
        [34] -> line 32
        [41] -> line 34
        [48] -> line 35
        [78] -> line 37
        [87] -> line 38
        [96] -> line 40
        [104] -> line 41
        [114] -> line 42
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 115 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthFailure; this]
        v1: 0 -> 115 [[B payload]
        v2: 0 -> 115 [I off]
        v3: 0 -> 115 [I len]
        v4: 34 -> 115 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader; tr]
        v5: 41 -> 115 [I packet_type]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       getAuthThatCanContinue()[Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String[] getAuthThatCanContinue()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthFailure.authThatCanContinue [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 46
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthFailure; this]
  + Method:       isPartialSuccess()Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean isPartialSuccess()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthFailure.partialSuccess Z]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 51
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthFailure; this]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.packets.PacketUserauthInfoRequest extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 111):
  + String [)]
  + String [Padding in SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_INFO_REQUEST packet!]
  + String [This is not a SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_INFO_REQUEST! (]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest.echo [Z]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest.instruction Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest.languageTag Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest.numPrompts I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest.payload [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest.prompt [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.<init> ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readBoolean ()Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readByte ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readUINT32 ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.remain ()I]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([BII)V]
  + NameAndType [append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [echo [Z]
  + NameAndType [instruction Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [languageTag Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [name Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [numPrompts I]
  + NameAndType [payload [B]
  + NameAndType [prompt [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [readBoolean ()Z]
  + NameAndType [readByte ()I]
  + NameAndType [readString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [readUINT32 ()I]
  + NameAndType [remain ()I]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [()[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()[Z]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [([BII)V]
  + Utf8 [)]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Padding in SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_INFO_REQUEST packet!]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [This is not a SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_INFO_REQUEST! (]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [[Z]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [arraycopy]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
  + Utf8 [echo]
  + Utf8 [getEcho]
  + Utf8 [getInstruction]
  + Utf8 [getName]
  + Utf8 [getNumPrompts]
  + Utf8 [getPrompt]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [instruction]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [languageTag]
  + Utf8 [len]
  + Utf8 [name]
  + Utf8 [numPrompts]
  + Utf8 [off]
  + Utf8 [packet_type]
  + Utf8 [payload]
  + Utf8 [prompt]
  + Utf8 [readBoolean]
  + Utf8 [readByte]
  + Utf8 [readString]
  + Utf8 [readUINT32]
  + Utf8 [remain]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [tr]

Fields (count = 7):
  + Field:        payload [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] payload
  + Field:        name Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String name
  + Field:        instruction Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String instruction
  + Field:        languageTag Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String languageTag
  + Field:        numPrompts I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int numPrompts
  + Field:        prompt [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String[] prompt
  + Field:        echo [Z
    Access flags: 0x0
      = boolean[] echo

Methods (count = 6):
  + Method:       <init>([BII)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public PacketUserauthInfoRequest(byte[],int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 196, locals = 7, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #25
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] iload_3 v3
      [6] newarray 8
      [8] putfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest.payload [B]
      [11] aload_1 v1
      [12] iload_2 v2
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest.payload [B]
      [17] iconst_0
      [18] iload_3 v3
      [19] invokestatic #30
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [22] new #5
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
      [25] dup
      [26] aload_1 v1
      [27] iload_2 v2
      [28] iload_3 v3
      [29] invokespecial #18
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.<init> ([BII)V]
      [32] astore v4
      [34] aload v4
      [36] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readByte ()I]
      [39] istore v5
      [41] iload v5
      [43] bipush 60
      [45] ificmpeq +33 (target=78)
      [48] new #6
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [51] dup
      [52] new #9
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [55] dup
      [56] ldc #3
        + String [This is not a SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_INFO_REQUEST! (]
      [58] invokespecial #26
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [61] iload v5
      [63] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [66] ldc #1
        + String [)]
      [68] invokevirtual #28
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [71] invokevirtual #29
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [74] invokespecial #24
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [77] athrow
      [78] aload_0 v0
      [79] aload v4
      [81] invokevirtual #21
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [84] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Ljava/lang/String;]
      [87] aload_0 v0
      [88] aload v4
      [90] invokevirtual #21
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [93] putfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest.instruction Ljava/lang/String;]
      [96] aload_0 v0
      [97] aload v4
      [99] invokevirtual #21
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [102] putfield #13
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest.languageTag Ljava/lang/String;]
      [105] aload_0 v0
      [106] aload v4
      [108] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readUINT32 ()I]
      [111] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest.numPrompts I]
      [114] aload_0 v0
      [115] aload_0 v0
      [116] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest.numPrompts I]
      [119] anewarray #8
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [122] putfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest.prompt [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [125] aload_0 v0
      [126] aload_0 v0
      [127] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest.numPrompts I]
      [130] newarray 4
      [132] putfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest.echo [Z]
      [135] iconst_0
      [136] istore v6
      [138] goto +30 (target=168)
      [141] aload_0 v0
      [142] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest.prompt [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [145] iload v6
      [147] aload v4
      [149] invokevirtual #21
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [152] aastore
      [153] aload_0 v0
      [154] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest.echo [Z]
      [157] iload v6
      [159] aload v4
      [161] invokevirtual #19
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readBoolean ()Z]
      [164] bastore
      [165] iinc v6, 1
      [168] iload v6
      [170] aload_0 v0
      [171] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest.numPrompts I]
      [174] ificmplt -33 (target=141)
      [177] aload v4
      [179] invokevirtual #23
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.remain ()I]
      [182] ifeq +13 (target=195)
      [185] new #6
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [188] dup
      [189] ldc #2
        + String [Padding in SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_INFO_REQUEST packet!]
      [191] invokespecial #24
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [194] athrow
      [195] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 20)
        [0] -> line 24
        [4] -> line 26
        [11] -> line 27
        [22] -> line 29
        [34] -> line 31
        [41] -> line 33
        [48] -> line 34
        [78] -> line 36
        [87] -> line 37
        [96] -> line 38
        [105] -> line 40
        [114] -> line 42
        [125] -> line 43
        [135] -> line 45
        [141] -> line 47
        [153] -> line 48
        [165] -> line 45
        [177] -> line 51
        [185] -> line 52
        [195] -> line 53
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 196 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest; this]
        v1: 0 -> 196 [[B payload]
        v2: 0 -> 196 [I off]
        v3: 0 -> 196 [I len]
        v4: 34 -> 196 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader; tr]
        v5: 41 -> 196 [I packet_type]
        v6: 138 -> 177 [I i]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       getEcho()[Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean[] getEcho()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest.echo [Z]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 57
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest; this]
  + Method:       getInstruction()Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String getInstruction()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest.instruction Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 62
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest; this]
  + Method:       getName()Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String getName()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 72
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest; this]
  + Method:       getNumPrompts()I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int getNumPrompts()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest.numPrompts I]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 77
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest; this]
  + Method:       getPrompt()[Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String[] getPrompt()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest.prompt [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 82
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoRequest; this]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoResponse
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.packets.PacketUserauthInfoResponse extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 48):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoResponse]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoResponse.payload [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoResponse.responses [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [getBytes ()[B]
  + NameAndType [payload [B]
  + NameAndType [responses [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [writeByte (I)V]
  + NameAndType [writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [writeUINT32 (I)V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [([Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoResponse;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoResponse]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Utf8 [getBytes]
  + Utf8 [getPayload]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [payload]
  + Utf8 [responses]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [tw]
  + Utf8 [writeByte]
  + Utf8 [writeString]
  + Utf8 [writeUINT32]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        payload [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] payload
  + Field:        responses [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String[] responses

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>([Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public PacketUserauthInfoResponse(java.lang.String[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #11
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] putfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoResponse.responses [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 16
        [4] -> line 18
        [9] -> line 19
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoResponse; this]
        v1: 0 -> 10 [[Ljava/lang/String; responses]
  + Method:       getPayload()[B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] getPayload()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 70, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #4
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoResponse.payload [B]
      [4] ifnonnull +61 (target=65)
      [7] new #2
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
      [10] dup
      [11] invokespecial #6
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
      [14] astore_1 v1
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] bipush 61
      [18] invokevirtual #8
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
      [21] aload_1 v1
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoResponse.responses [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [26] arraylength
      [27] invokevirtual #10
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
      [30] iconst_0
      [31] istore_2 v2
      [32] goto +16 (target=48)
      [35] aload_1 v1
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoResponse.responses [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [40] iload_2 v2
      [41] aaload
      [42] invokevirtual #9
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [45] iinc v2, 1
      [48] iload_2 v2
      [49] aload_0 v0
      [50] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoResponse.responses [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [53] arraylength
      [54] ificmplt -19 (target=35)
      [57] aload_0 v0
      [58] aload_1 v1
      [59] invokevirtual #7
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
      [62] putfield #4
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoResponse.payload [B]
      [65] aload_0 v0
      [66] getfield #4
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoResponse.payload [B]
      [69] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 23
        [7] -> line 25
        [15] -> line 26
        [21] -> line 27
        [30] -> line 28
        [35] -> line 29
        [45] -> line 28
        [57] -> line 31
        [65] -> line 33
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 70 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthInfoResponse; this]
        v1: 15 -> 65 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; tw]
        v2: 32 -> 57 [I i]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestInteractive
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.packets.PacketUserauthRequestInteractive extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 59):
  + String []
  + String [keyboard-interactive]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestInteractive]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestInteractive.payload [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestInteractive.serviceName Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestInteractive.submethods [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestInteractive.userName Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeNameList ([Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [getBytes ()[B]
  + NameAndType [payload [B]
  + NameAndType [serviceName Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [submethods [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [userName Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [writeByte (I)V]
  + NameAndType [writeNameList ([Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [([Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestInteractive;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestInteractive]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Utf8 [getBytes]
  + Utf8 [getPayload]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [keyboard-interactive]
  + Utf8 [payload]
  + Utf8 [serviceName]
  + Utf8 [submethods]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [tw]
  + Utf8 [user]
  + Utf8 [userName]
  + Utf8 [writeByte]
  + Utf8 [writeNameList]
  + Utf8 [writeString]

Fields (count = 4):
  + Field:        payload [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] payload
  + Field:        userName Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String userName
  + Field:        serviceName Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String serviceName
  + Field:        submethods [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String[] submethods

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public PacketUserauthRequestInteractive(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 20, locals = 4, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #15
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] putfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestInteractive.serviceName Ljava/lang/String;]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aload_2 v2
      [11] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestInteractive.userName Ljava/lang/String;]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] aload_3 v3
      [16] putfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestInteractive.submethods [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [19] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 18
        [4] -> line 20
        [9] -> line 21
        [14] -> line 22
        [19] -> line 23
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 20 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestInteractive; this]
        v1: 0 -> 20 [Ljava/lang/String; serviceName]
        v2: 0 -> 20 [Ljava/lang/String; user]
        v3: 0 -> 20 [[Ljava/lang/String; submethods]
  + Method:       getPayload()[B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] getPayload()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 70, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestInteractive.payload [B]
      [4] ifnonnull +61 (target=65)
      [7] new #4
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
      [10] dup
      [11] invokespecial #10
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
      [14] astore_1 v1
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] bipush 50
      [18] invokevirtual #12
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
      [21] aload_1 v1
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestInteractive.userName Ljava/lang/String;]
      [26] invokevirtual #14
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [29] aload_1 v1
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestInteractive.serviceName Ljava/lang/String;]
      [34] invokevirtual #14
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [37] aload_1 v1
      [38] ldc #2
        + String [keyboard-interactive]
      [40] invokevirtual #14
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [43] aload_1 v1
      [44] ldc #1
        + String []
      [46] invokevirtual #14
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [49] aload_1 v1
      [50] aload_0 v0
      [51] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestInteractive.submethods [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [54] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeNameList ([Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [57] aload_0 v0
      [58] aload_1 v1
      [59] invokevirtual #11
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
      [62] putfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestInteractive.payload [B]
      [65] aload_0 v0
      [66] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestInteractive.payload [B]
      [69] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 10)
        [0] -> line 27
        [7] -> line 29
        [15] -> line 30
        [21] -> line 31
        [29] -> line 32
        [37] -> line 33
        [43] -> line 34
        [49] -> line 36
        [57] -> line 38
        [65] -> line 40
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 70 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestInteractive; this]
        v1: 15 -> 65 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; tw]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestNone
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.packets.PacketUserauthRequestNone extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 49):
  + String [none]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestNone]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestNone.payload [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestNone.serviceName Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestNone.userName Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [getBytes ()[B]
  + NameAndType [payload [B]
  + NameAndType [serviceName Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [userName Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [writeByte (I)V]
  + NameAndType [writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestNone;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestNone]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Utf8 [getBytes]
  + Utf8 [getPayload]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [none]
  + Utf8 [payload]
  + Utf8 [serviceName]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [tw]
  + Utf8 [user]
  + Utf8 [userName]
  + Utf8 [writeByte]
  + Utf8 [writeString]

Fields (count = 3):
  + Field:        payload [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] payload
  + Field:        userName Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String userName
  + Field:        serviceName Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String serviceName

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public PacketUserauthRequestNone(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #12
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] putfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestNone.serviceName Ljava/lang/String;]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aload_2 v2
      [11] putfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestNone.userName Ljava/lang/String;]
      [14] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 18
        [4] -> line 20
        [9] -> line 21
        [14] -> line 22
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 15 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestNone; this]
        v1: 0 -> 15 [Ljava/lang/String; serviceName]
        v2: 0 -> 15 [Ljava/lang/String; user]
  + Method:       getPayload()[B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] getPayload()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 56, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestNone.payload [B]
      [4] ifnonnull +47 (target=51)
      [7] new #3
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
      [10] dup
      [11] invokespecial #8
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
      [14] astore_1 v1
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] bipush 50
      [18] invokevirtual #10
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
      [21] aload_1 v1
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestNone.userName Ljava/lang/String;]
      [26] invokevirtual #11
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [29] aload_1 v1
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestNone.serviceName Ljava/lang/String;]
      [34] invokevirtual #11
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [37] aload_1 v1
      [38] ldc #1
        + String [none]
      [40] invokevirtual #11
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] aload_1 v1
      [45] invokevirtual #9
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
      [48] putfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestNone.payload [B]
      [51] aload_0 v0
      [52] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestNone.payload [B]
      [55] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 50
        [7] -> line 52
        [15] -> line 53
        [21] -> line 54
        [29] -> line 55
        [37] -> line 56
        [43] -> line 57
        [51] -> line 59
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 56 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestNone; this]
        v1: 15 -> 51 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; tw]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPassword
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.packets.PacketUserauthRequestPassword extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 56):
  + String [password]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPassword]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPassword.password Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPassword.payload [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPassword.serviceName Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPassword.userName Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeBoolean (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [getBytes ()[B]
  + NameAndType [password Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [payload [B]
  + NameAndType [serviceName Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [userName Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [writeBoolean (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [writeByte (I)V]
  + NameAndType [writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPassword;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPassword]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Utf8 [getBytes]
  + Utf8 [getPayload]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [pass]
  + Utf8 [password]
  + Utf8 [payload]
  + Utf8 [serviceName]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [tw]
  + Utf8 [user]
  + Utf8 [userName]
  + Utf8 [writeBoolean]
  + Utf8 [writeByte]
  + Utf8 [writeString]

Fields (count = 4):
  + Field:        payload [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] payload
  + Field:        userName Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String userName
  + Field:        serviceName Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String serviceName
  + Field:        password Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String password

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public PacketUserauthRequestPassword(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 20, locals = 4, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #14
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] putfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPassword.serviceName Ljava/lang/String;]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aload_2 v2
      [11] putfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPassword.userName Ljava/lang/String;]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] aload_3 v3
      [16] putfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPassword.password Ljava/lang/String;]
      [19] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 19
        [4] -> line 21
        [9] -> line 22
        [14] -> line 23
        [19] -> line 24
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 20 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPassword; this]
        v1: 0 -> 20 [Ljava/lang/String; serviceName]
        v2: 0 -> 20 [Ljava/lang/String; user]
        v3: 0 -> 20 [Ljava/lang/String; pass]
  + Method:       getPayload()[B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] getPayload()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 69, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPassword.payload [B]
      [4] ifnonnull +60 (target=64)
      [7] new #3
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
      [10] dup
      [11] invokespecial #9
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
      [14] astore_1 v1
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] bipush 50
      [18] invokevirtual #12
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
      [21] aload_1 v1
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPassword.userName Ljava/lang/String;]
      [26] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [29] aload_1 v1
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPassword.serviceName Ljava/lang/String;]
      [34] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [37] aload_1 v1
      [38] ldc #1
        + String [password]
      [40] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [43] aload_1 v1
      [44] iconst_0
      [45] invokevirtual #11
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeBoolean (Z)V]
      [48] aload_1 v1
      [49] aload_0 v0
      [50] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPassword.password Ljava/lang/String;]
      [53] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [56] aload_0 v0
      [57] aload_1 v1
      [58] invokevirtual #10
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
      [61] putfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPassword.payload [B]
      [64] aload_0 v0
      [65] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPassword.payload [B]
      [68] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 10)
        [0] -> line 54
        [7] -> line 56
        [15] -> line 57
        [21] -> line 58
        [29] -> line 59
        [37] -> line 60
        [43] -> line 61
        [48] -> line 62
        [56] -> line 63
        [64] -> line 65
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 69 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPassword; this]
        v1: 15 -> 64 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; tw]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPublicKey
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.packets.PacketUserauthRequestPublicKey extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 66):
  + String [publickey]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPublicKey]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPublicKey.payload [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPublicKey.pkAlgoName Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPublicKey.serviceName Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPublicKey.sig [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPublicKey.userName Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeBoolean (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [getBytes ()[B]
  + NameAndType [payload [B]
  + NameAndType [pk [B]
  + NameAndType [pkAlgoName Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [serviceName Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [sig [B]
  + NameAndType [userName Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [writeBoolean (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [writeByte (I)V]
  + NameAndType [writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [writeString ([BII)V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[B[B)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [([BII)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPublicKey;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Utf8 [getBytes]
  + Utf8 [getPayload]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [payload]
  + Utf8 [pk]
  + Utf8 [pkAlgoName]
  + Utf8 [pkAlgorithmName]
  + Utf8 [publickey]
  + Utf8 [serviceName]
  + Utf8 [sig]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [tw]
  + Utf8 [user]
  + Utf8 [userName]
  + Utf8 [writeBoolean]
  + Utf8 [writeByte]
  + Utf8 [writeString]

Fields (count = 6):
  + Field:        payload [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] payload
  + Field:        userName Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String userName
  + Field:        serviceName Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String serviceName
  + Field:        pkAlgoName Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String pkAlgoName
  + Field:        pk [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] pk
  + Field:        sig [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] sig

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[B[B)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public PacketUserauthRequestPublicKey(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,byte[],byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 32, locals = 6, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #17
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] putfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPublicKey.serviceName Ljava/lang/String;]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aload_2 v2
      [11] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPublicKey.userName Ljava/lang/String;]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] aload_3 v3
      [16] putfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPublicKey.pkAlgoName Ljava/lang/String;]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] aload v4
      [22] putfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ [B]
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] aload v5
      [28] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPublicKey.sig [B]
      [31] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 22
        [4] -> line 25
        [9] -> line 26
        [14] -> line 27
        [19] -> line 28
        [25] -> line 29
        [31] -> line 30
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 32 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPublicKey; this]
        v1: 0 -> 32 [Ljava/lang/String; serviceName]
        v2: 0 -> 32 [Ljava/lang/String; user]
        v3: 0 -> 32 [Ljava/lang/String; pkAlgorithmName]
        v4: 0 -> 32 [[B pk]
        v5: 0 -> 32 [[B sig]
  + Method:       getPayload()[B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] getPayload()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 97, locals = 2, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPublicKey.payload [B]
      [4] ifnonnull +88 (target=92)
      [7] new #3
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
      [10] dup
      [11] invokespecial #11
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
      [14] astore_1 v1
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] bipush 50
      [18] invokevirtual #14
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (I)V]
      [21] aload_1 v1
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPublicKey.userName Ljava/lang/String;]
      [26] invokevirtual #15
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [29] aload_1 v1
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPublicKey.serviceName Ljava/lang/String;]
      [34] invokevirtual #15
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [37] aload_1 v1
      [38] ldc #1
        + String [publickey]
      [40] invokevirtual #15
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [43] aload_1 v1
      [44] iconst_1
      [45] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeBoolean (Z)V]
      [48] aload_1 v1
      [49] aload_0 v0
      [50] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPublicKey.pkAlgoName Ljava/lang/String;]
      [53] invokevirtual #15
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [56] aload_1 v1
      [57] aload_0 v0
      [58] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ [B]
      [61] iconst_0
      [62] aload_0 v0
      [63] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/ [B]
      [66] arraylength
      [67] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString ([BII)V]
      [70] aload_1 v1
      [71] aload_0 v0
      [72] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPublicKey.sig [B]
      [75] iconst_0
      [76] aload_0 v0
      [77] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPublicKey.sig [B]
      [80] arraylength
      [81] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString ([BII)V]
      [84] aload_0 v0
      [85] aload_1 v1
      [86] invokevirtual #12
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
      [89] putfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPublicKey.payload [B]
      [92] aload_0 v0
      [93] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPublicKey.payload [B]
      [96] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 12)
        [0] -> line 50
        [7] -> line 52
        [15] -> line 53
        [21] -> line 54
        [29] -> line 55
        [37] -> line 56
        [43] -> line 57
        [48] -> line 58
        [56] -> line 59
        [70] -> line 60
        [84] -> line 61
        [92] -> line 63
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 97 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketUserauthRequestPublicKey; this]
        v1: 15 -> 92 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; tw]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.packets.Packets extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 110):
  + String [SSH_MSG_DEBUG]
  + String [SSH_MSG_IGNORE]
  + String [SSH_MSG_KEXINIT]
  + String [SSH_MSG_NEWKEYS]
  + String [UNKNOWN MSG ]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets.reverseNames [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [reverseNames [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SSH_MSG_DEBUG]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [UNKNOWN MSG ]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets]
  + Utf8 [getMessageName]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [res]
  + Utf8 [reverseNames]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [type]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        reverseNames [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final java.lang.String[] reverseNames

Methods (count = 3):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 268, locals = 0, stack = 3):
      [0] bipush 101
      [2] anewarray #37
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [5] putstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets.reverseNames [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [8] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets.reverseNames [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [11] iconst_1
      [12] ldc #13
        + String [SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT]
      [14] aastore
      [15] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets.reverseNames [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [18] iconst_2
      [19] ldc #15
        + String [SSH_MSG_IGNORE]
      [21] aastore
      [22] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets.reverseNames [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [25] iconst_3
      [26] ldc #27
        + String [SSH_MSG_UNIMPLEMENTED]
      [28] aastore
      [29] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets.reverseNames [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [32] iconst_4
      [33] ldc #12
        + String [SSH_MSG_DEBUG]
      [35] aastore
      [36] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets.reverseNames [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [39] iconst_5
      [40] ldc #26
        + String [SSH_MSG_SERVICE_REQUEST]
      [42] aastore
      [43] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets.reverseNames [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [46] bipush 6
      [48] ldc #25
        + String [SSH_MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT]
      [50] aastore
      [51] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets.reverseNames [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [54] bipush 20
      [56] ldc #18
        + String [SSH_MSG_KEXINIT]
      [58] aastore
      [59] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets.reverseNames [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [62] bipush 21
      [64] ldc #22
        + String [SSH_MSG_NEWKEYS]
      [66] aastore
      [67] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets.reverseNames [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [70] bipush 30
      [72] ldc #16
        + String [SSH_MSG_KEXDH_INIT]
      [74] aastore
      [75] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets.reverseNames [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [78] bipush 31
      [80] ldc #17
      [82] aastore
      [83] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets.reverseNames [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [86] bipush 32
      [88] ldc #19
        + String [SSH_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_INIT]
      [90] aastore
      [91] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets.reverseNames [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [94] bipush 33
      [96] ldc #20
        + String [SSH_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_REPLY]
      [98] aastore
      [99] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets.reverseNames [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [102] bipush 34
      [104] ldc #21
        + String [SSH_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST]
      [106] aastore
      [107] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets.reverseNames [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [110] bipush 50
      [112] ldc #32
      [114] aastore
      [115] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets.reverseNames [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [118] bipush 51
      [120] ldc #29
      [122] aastore
      [123] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets.reverseNames [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [126] bipush 52
      [128] ldc #33
      [130] aastore
      [131] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets.reverseNames [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [134] bipush 53
      [136] ldc #28
        + String [SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_BANNER]
      [138] aastore
      [139] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets.reverseNames [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [142] bipush 60
      [144] ldc #30
      [146] aastore
      [147] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets.reverseNames [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [150] bipush 61
      [152] ldc #31
      [154] aastore
      [155] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets.reverseNames [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [158] bipush 80
      [160] ldc #14
        + String [SSH_MSG_GLOBAL_REQUEST]
      [162] aastore
      [163] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets.reverseNames [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [166] bipush 81
      [168] ldc #24
        + String [SSH_MSG_REQUEST_SUCCESS]
      [170] aastore
      [171] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets.reverseNames [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [174] bipush 82
      [176] ldc #23
        + String [SSH_MSG_REQUEST_FAILURE]
      [178] aastore
      [179] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets.reverseNames [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [182] bipush 90
      [184] ldc #6
        + String [SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN]
      [186] aastore
      [187] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets.reverseNames [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [190] bipush 91
      [192] ldc #7
      [194] aastore
      [195] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets.reverseNames [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [198] bipush 92
      [200] ldc #8
      [202] aastore
      [203] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets.reverseNames [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [206] bipush 93
      [208] ldc #11
      [210] aastore
      [211] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets.reverseNames [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [214] bipush 94
      [216] ldc #2
        + String [SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA]
      [218] aastore
      [219] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets.reverseNames [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [222] bipush 95
      [224] ldc #4
      [226] aastore
      [227] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets.reverseNames [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [230] bipush 96
      [232] ldc #3
        + String [SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF]
      [234] aastore
      [235] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets.reverseNames [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [238] bipush 97
      [240] ldc #1
        + String [SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE]
      [242] aastore
      [243] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets.reverseNames [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [246] bipush 98
      [248] ldc #9
        + String [SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST]
      [250] aastore
      [251] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets.reverseNames [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [254] bipush 99
      [256] ldc #10
        + String [SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS]
      [258] aastore
      [259] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets.reverseNames [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [262] bipush 100
      [264] ldc #5
        + String [SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE]
      [266] aastore
      [267] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 35)
        [0] -> line 77
        [8] -> line 81
        [15] -> line 82
        [22] -> line 83
        [29] -> line 84
        [36] -> line 85
        [43] -> line 86
        [51] -> line 88
        [59] -> line 89
        [67] -> line 91
        [75] -> line 92
        [83] -> line 93
        [91] -> line 94
        [99] -> line 95
        [107] -> line 97
        [115] -> line 98
        [123] -> line 99
        [131] -> line 100
        [139] -> line 102
        [147] -> line 103
        [155] -> line 105
        [163] -> line 106
        [171] -> line 107
        [179] -> line 109
        [187] -> line 110
        [195] -> line 111
        [203] -> line 112
        [211] -> line 113
        [219] -> line 114
        [227] -> line 115
        [235] -> line 116
        [243] -> line 117
        [251] -> line 118
        [259] -> line 119
        [267] -> line 10
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public Packets()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #40
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 10
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets; this]
  + Method:       getMessageName(I)Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x19
      = public static final java.lang.String getMessageName(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 45, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] aconst_null
      [1] astore_1 v1
      [2] iload_0 v0
      [3] iflt +17 (target=20)
      [6] iload_0 v0
      [7] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets.reverseNames [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [10] arraylength
      [11] ificmpge +9 (target=20)
      [14] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets.reverseNames [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [17] iload_0 v0
      [18] aaload
      [19] astore_1 v1
      [20] aload_1 v1
      [21] ifnonnull +22 (target=43)
      [24] new #38
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [27] dup
      [28] ldc #34
        + String [UNKNOWN MSG ]
      [30] invokespecial #41
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [33] iload_0 v0
      [34] invokevirtual #42
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [37] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [40] goto +4 (target=44)
      [43] aload_1 v1
      [44] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 124
        [2] -> line 126
        [14] -> line 128
        [20] -> line 131
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 45 [I type]
        v1: 2 -> 45 [Ljava/lang/String; res]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.packets.TypesReader extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 107):
  + String [ISO-8859-1]
  + String [Illegal length.]
  + String [Illegal offset.]
  + String [Malformed SSH byte string.]
  + String [Malformed SSH string.]
  + String [Packet too short.]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/util/Tokenizer]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Class [java/math/BigInteger]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.arr [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.max I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.pos I]
  + Fieldref [java/math/BigInteger.ZERO Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readByteString ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readUINT32 ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/Tokenizer.parseTokens (Ljava/lang/String;C)[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.<init> ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.<init> ([BIILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.<init> ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([BII)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([BIILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [ZERO Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [arr [B]
  + NameAndType [arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [max I]
  + NameAndType [parseTokens (Ljava/lang/String;C)[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [pos I]
  + NameAndType [readByteString ()[B]
  + NameAndType [readString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [readUINT32 ()I]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [()[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(I)[B]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;C)[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [([BII)V]
  + Utf8 [([BIILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [ISO-8859-1]
  + Utf8 [Illegal length.]
  + Utf8 [Illegal offset.]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Malformed SSH byte string.]
  + Utf8 [Malformed SSH string.]
  + Utf8 [Packet too short.]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [ZERO]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [arr]
  + Utf8 [arraycopy]
  + Utf8 [b]
  + Utf8 [charsetName]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/util/Tokenizer]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [java/math/BigInteger]
  + Utf8 [len]
  + Utf8 [max]
  + Utf8 [off]
  + Utf8 [parseTokens]
  + Utf8 [pos]
  + Utf8 [raw]
  + Utf8 [readBoolean]
  + Utf8 [readByte]
  + Utf8 [readByteString]
  + Utf8 [readBytes]
  + Utf8 [readMPINT]
  + Utf8 [readNameList]
  + Utf8 [readString]
  + Utf8 [readUINT32]
  + Utf8 [remain]
  + Utf8 [res]
  + Utf8 [this]

Fields (count = 3):
  + Field:        arr [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] arr
  + Field:        pos I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int pos
  + Field:        max I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int max

Methods (count = 12):
  + Method:       <init>([B)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public TypesReader(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 31, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #25
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] iconst_0
      [6] putfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.pos I]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] iconst_0
      [11] putfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.max I]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.arr [B]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] iconst_0
      [21] putfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.pos I]
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] aload_1 v1
      [26] arraylength
      [27] putfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.max I]
      [30] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 22
        [4] -> line 19
        [9] -> line 20
        [14] -> line 24
        [19] -> line 25
        [24] -> line 26
        [30] -> line 27
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 31 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader; this]
        v1: 0 -> 31 [[B arr]
  + Method:       <init>([BII)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public TypesReader(byte[],int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 84, locals = 4, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #25
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] iconst_0
      [6] putfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.pos I]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] iconst_0
      [11] putfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.max I]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.arr [B]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] iload_2 v2
      [21] putfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.pos I]
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] iload_2 v2
      [26] iload_3 v3
      [27] iadd
      [28] putfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.max I]
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.pos I]
      [35] iflt +12 (target=47)
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.pos I]
      [42] aload_1 v1
      [43] arraylength
      [44] ificmple +13 (target=57)
      [47] new #10
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [50] dup
      [51] ldc #3
        + String [Illegal offset.]
      [53] invokespecial #24
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [56] athrow
      [57] aload_0 v0
      [58] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.max I]
      [61] iflt +12 (target=73)
      [64] aload_0 v0
      [65] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.max I]
      [68] aload_1 v1
      [69] arraylength
      [70] ificmple +13 (target=83)
      [73] new #10
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [76] dup
      [77] ldc #2
        + String [Illegal length.]
      [79] invokespecial #24
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [82] athrow
      [83] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 11)
        [0] -> line 39
        [4] -> line 19
        [9] -> line 20
        [14] -> line 41
        [19] -> line 42
        [24] -> line 43
        [31] -> line 45
        [47] -> line 46
        [57] -> line 48
        [73] -> line 49
        [83] -> line 50
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 84 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader; this]
        v1: 0 -> 84 [[B arr]
        v2: 0 -> 84 [I off]
        v3: 0 -> 84 [I len]
  + Method:       readByte()I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int readByte()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 42, locals = 1, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.pos I]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.max I]
      [8] ificmplt +13 (target=21)
      [11] new #9
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [14] dup
      [15] ldc #6
        + String [Packet too short.]
      [17] invokespecial #23
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [20] athrow
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.arr [B]
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] dup
      [27] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.pos I]
      [30] dup_x1
      [31] iconst_1
      [32] iadd
      [33] putfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.pos I]
      [36] baload
      [37] sipush 255
      [40] iand
      [41] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 54
        [11] -> line 55
        [21] -> line 57
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 42 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader; this]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       readBytes(I)[B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] readBytes(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 53, locals = 3, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.pos I]
      [4] iload_1 v1
      [5] iadd
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.max I]
      [10] ificmple +13 (target=23)
      [13] new #9
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [16] dup
      [17] ldc #6
        + String [Packet too short.]
      [19] invokespecial #23
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [22] athrow
      [23] iload_1 v1
      [24] newarray 8
      [26] astore_2 v2
      [27] aload_0 v0
      [28] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.arr [B]
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.pos I]
      [35] aload_2 v2
      [36] iconst_0
      [37] iload_1 v1
      [38] invokestatic #28
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [41] aload_0 v0
      [42] dup
      [43] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.pos I]
      [46] iload_1 v1
      [47] iadd
      [48] putfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.pos I]
      [51] aload_2 v2
      [52] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 62
        [13] -> line 63
        [23] -> line 65
        [27] -> line 67
        [41] -> line 68
        [51] -> line 70
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 53 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader; this]
        v1: 0 -> 53 [I len]
        v2: 27 -> 53 [[B res]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       readBoolean()Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean readBoolean()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 44, locals = 1, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.pos I]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.max I]
      [8] ificmplt +13 (target=21)
      [11] new #9
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [14] dup
      [15] ldc #6
        + String [Packet too short.]
      [17] invokespecial #23
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [20] athrow
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.arr [B]
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] dup
      [27] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.pos I]
      [30] dup_x1
      [31] iconst_1
      [32] iadd
      [33] putfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.pos I]
      [36] baload
      [37] ifeq +5 (target=42)
      [40] iconst_1
      [41] ireturn
      [42] iconst_0
      [43] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 84
        [11] -> line 85
        [21] -> line 87
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 44 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader; this]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       readUINT32()I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int readUINT32()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 116, locals = 1, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.pos I]
      [4] iconst_4
      [5] iadd
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.max I]
      [10] ificmple +13 (target=23)
      [13] new #9
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [16] dup
      [17] ldc #6
        + String [Packet too short.]
      [19] invokespecial #23
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [22] athrow
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.arr [B]
      [27] aload_0 v0
      [28] dup
      [29] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.pos I]
      [32] dup_x1
      [33] iconst_1
      [34] iadd
      [35] putfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.pos I]
      [38] baload
      [39] sipush 255
      [42] iand
      [43] bipush 24
      [45] ishl
      [46] aload_0 v0
      [47] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.arr [B]
      [50] aload_0 v0
      [51] dup
      [52] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.pos I]
      [55] dup_x1
      [56] iconst_1
      [57] iadd
      [58] putfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.pos I]
      [61] baload
      [62] sipush 255
      [65] iand
      [66] bipush 16
      [68] ishl
      [69] ior
      [70] aload_0 v0
      [71] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.arr [B]
      [74] aload_0 v0
      [75] dup
      [76] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.pos I]
      [79] dup_x1
      [80] iconst_1
      [81] iadd
      [82] putfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.pos I]
      [85] baload
      [86] sipush 255
      [89] iand
      [90] bipush 8
      [92] ishl
      [93] ior
      [94] aload_0 v0
      [95] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.arr [B]
      [98] aload_0 v0
      [99] dup
      [100] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.pos I]
      [103] dup_x1
      [104] iconst_1
      [105] iadd
      [106] putfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.pos I]
      [109] baload
      [110] sipush 255
      [113] iand
      [114] ior
      [115] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 92
        [13] -> line 93
        [23] -> line 95
        [94] -> line 96
        [114] -> line 95
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 116 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader; this]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       readMPINT()Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.math.BigInteger readMPINT()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 28, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokevirtual #19
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readByteString ()[B]
      [4] astore_2 v2
      [5] aload_2 v2
      [6] arraylength
      [7] ifne +10 (target=17)
      [10] getstatic #18
        + Fieldref [java/math/BigInteger.ZERO Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [13] astore_1 v1
      [14] goto +12 (target=26)
      [17] new #14
        + Class [java/math/BigInteger]
      [20] dup
      [21] aload_2 v2
      [22] invokespecial #29
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.<init> ([B)V]
      [25] astore_1 v1
      [26] aload_1 v1
      [27] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 117
        [5] -> line 119
        [10] -> line 120
        [17] -> line 122
        [26] -> line 124
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 28 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader; this]
        v1: 14 -> 17 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; b]
        v1: 26 -> 28 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; b]
        v2: 5 -> 28 [[B raw]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       readByteString()[B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] readByteString()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 58, locals = 3, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokevirtual #21
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readUINT32 ()I]
      [4] istore_1 v1
      [5] iload_1 v1
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.pos I]
      [10] iadd
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.max I]
      [15] ificmple +13 (target=28)
      [18] new #9
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [21] dup
      [22] ldc #4
        + String [Malformed SSH byte string.]
      [24] invokespecial #23
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [27] athrow
      [28] iload_1 v1
      [29] newarray 8
      [31] astore_2 v2
      [32] aload_0 v0
      [33] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.arr [B]
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.pos I]
      [40] aload_2 v2
      [41] iconst_0
      [42] iload_1 v1
      [43] invokestatic #28
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [46] aload_0 v0
      [47] dup
      [48] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.pos I]
      [51] iload_1 v1
      [52] iadd
      [53] putfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.pos I]
      [56] aload_2 v2
      [57] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 129
        [5] -> line 131
        [18] -> line 132
        [28] -> line 134
        [32] -> line 135
        [46] -> line 136
        [56] -> line 137
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 58 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader; this]
        v1: 5 -> 58 [I len]
        v2: 32 -> 58 [[B res]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       readString(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String readString(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 81, locals = 4, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokevirtual #21
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readUINT32 ()I]
      [4] istore_2 v2
      [5] iload_2 v2
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.pos I]
      [10] iadd
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.max I]
      [15] ificmple +13 (target=28)
      [18] new #9
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [21] dup
      [22] ldc #5
        + String [Malformed SSH string.]
      [24] invokespecial #23
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [27] athrow
      [28] aload_1 v1
      [29] ifnonnull +22 (target=51)
      [32] new #12
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [35] dup
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.arr [B]
      [40] aload_0 v0
      [41] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.pos I]
      [44] iload_2 v2
      [45] invokespecial #26
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.<init> ([BII)V]
      [48] goto +20 (target=68)
      [51] new #12
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [54] dup
      [55] aload_0 v0
      [56] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.arr [B]
      [59] aload_0 v0
      [60] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.pos I]
      [63] iload_2 v2
      [64] aload_1 v1
      [65] invokespecial #27
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.<init> ([BIILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [68] astore_3 v3
      [69] aload_0 v0
      [70] dup
      [71] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.pos I]
      [74] iload_2 v2
      [75] iadd
      [76] putfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.pos I]
      [79] aload_3 v3
      [80] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 142
        [5] -> line 144
        [18] -> line 145
        [28] -> line 147
        [69] -> line 148
        [79] -> line 150
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 81 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader; this]
        v1: 0 -> 81 [Ljava/lang/String; charsetName]
        v2: 5 -> 81 [I len]
        v3: 69 -> 81 [Ljava/lang/String; res]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       readString()Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String readString()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 59, locals = 3, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokevirtual #21
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readUINT32 ()I]
      [4] istore_1 v1
      [5] iload_1 v1
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.pos I]
      [10] iadd
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.max I]
      [15] ificmple +13 (target=28)
      [18] new #9
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [21] dup
      [22] ldc #5
        + String [Malformed SSH string.]
      [24] invokespecial #23
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [27] athrow
      [28] new #12
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [31] dup
      [32] aload_0 v0
      [33] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.arr [B]
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.pos I]
      [40] iload_1 v1
      [41] ldc #1
        + String [ISO-8859-1]
      [43] invokespecial #27
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.<init> ([BIILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [46] astore_2 v2
      [47] aload_0 v0
      [48] dup
      [49] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.pos I]
      [52] iload_1 v1
      [53] iadd
      [54] putfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.pos I]
      [57] aload_2 v2
      [58] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 155
        [5] -> line 157
        [18] -> line 158
        [28] -> line 160
        [47] -> line 162
        [57] -> line 164
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 59 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader; this]
        v1: 5 -> 59 [I len]
        v2: 47 -> 59 [Ljava/lang/String; res]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       readNameList()[Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String[] readNameList()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4] bipush 44
      [6] invokestatic #22
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/Tokenizer.parseTokens (Ljava/lang/String;C)[Ljava/lang/String;]
      [9] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 169
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader; this]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       remain()I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int remain()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.max I]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.pos I]
      [8] isub
      [9] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 174
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader; this]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.packets.TypesWriter extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 110):
  + String [ISO-8859-1]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Class [java/io/UnsupportedEncodingException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuffer]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Class [java/math/BigInteger]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.arr [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.pos I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.resize (I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (II)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeBytes ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (II)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.getBytes ()[B]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.getBytes (Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.toByteArray ()[B]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + NameAndType [arr [B]
  + NameAndType [arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [getBytes ()[B]
  + NameAndType [getBytes (Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
  + NameAndType [pos I]
  + NameAndType [resize (I)V]
  + NameAndType [toByteArray ()[B]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [writeByte (II)V]
  + NameAndType [writeBytes ([BII)V]
  + NameAndType [writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [writeString ([BII)V]
  + NameAndType [writeUINT32 (I)V]
  + NameAndType [writeUINT32 (II)V]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [(C)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [([BII)V]
  + Utf8 [([Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [ISO-8859-1]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/UnsupportedEncodingException;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [arr]
  + Utf8 [arraycopy]
  + Utf8 [b]
  + Utf8 [buff]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Utf8 [dst]
  + Utf8 [getBytes]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [ignore]
  + Utf8 [java/io/UnsupportedEncodingException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuffer]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [java/math/BigInteger]
  + Utf8 [len]
  + Utf8 [new_arr]
  + Utf8 [off]
  + Utf8 [pos]
  + Utf8 [raw]
  + Utf8 [resize]
  + Utf8 [sb]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toByteArray]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [v]
  + Utf8 [val]
  + Utf8 [writeBoolean]
  + Utf8 [writeByte]
  + Utf8 [writeBytes]
  + Utf8 [writeMPInt]
  + Utf8 [writeNameList]
  + Utf8 [writeString]
  + Utf8 [writeUINT32]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        arr [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] arr
  + Field:        pos I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int pos

Methods (count = 14):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public TypesWriter()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 19, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #18
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] sipush 256
      [8] newarray 8
      [10] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.arr [B]
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] iconst_0
      [15] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.pos I]
      [18] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 18
        [4] -> line 20
        [13] -> line 21
        [18] -> line 22
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 19 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; this]
  + Method:       resize(I)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void resize(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 25, locals = 3, stack = 5):
      [0] iload_1 v1
      [1] newarray 8
      [3] astore_2 v2
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.arr [B]
      [8] iconst_0
      [9] aload_2 v2
      [10] iconst_0
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.arr [B]
      [15] arraylength
      [16] invokestatic #25
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] aload_2 v2
      [21] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.arr [B]
      [24] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 26
        [4] -> line 27
        [19] -> line 28
        [24] -> line 29
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 25 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; this]
        v1: 0 -> 25 [I len]
        v2: 4 -> 25 [[B new_arr]
  + Method:       getBytes()[B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] getBytes()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 23, locals = 2, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.pos I]
      [4] newarray 8
      [6] astore_1 v1
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.arr [B]
      [11] iconst_0
      [12] aload_1 v1
      [13] iconst_0
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.pos I]
      [18] invokestatic #25
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [21] aload_1 v1
      [22] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 38
        [7] -> line 39
        [21] -> line 40
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 23 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; this]
        v1: 7 -> 23 [[B dst]
  + Method:       writeUINT32(II)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void writeUINT32(int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 73, locals = 3, stack = 4):
      [0] iload_2 v2
      [1] iconst_4
      [2] iadd
      [3] aload_0 v0
      [4] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.arr [B]
      [7] arraylength
      [8] ificmple +11 (target=19)
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] iload_2 v2
      [13] bipush 32
      [15] iadd
      [16] invokespecial #11
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.resize (I)V]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.arr [B]
      [23] iload_2 v2
      [24] iinc v2, 1
      [27] iload_1 v1
      [28] bipush 24
      [30] ishr
      [31] i2b
      [32] bastore
      [33] aload_0 v0
      [34] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.arr [B]
      [37] iload_2 v2
      [38] iinc v2, 1
      [41] iload_1 v1
      [42] bipush 16
      [44] ishr
      [45] i2b
      [46] bastore
      [47] aload_0 v0
      [48] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.arr [B]
      [51] iload_2 v2
      [52] iinc v2, 1
      [55] iload_1 v1
      [56] bipush 8
      [58] ishr
      [59] i2b
      [60] bastore
      [61] aload_0 v0
      [62] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.arr [B]
      [65] iload_2 v2
      [66] iinc v2, 1
      [69] iload_1 v1
      [70] i2b
      [71] bastore
      [72] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 50
        [11] -> line 51
        [19] -> line 53
        [33] -> line 54
        [47] -> line 55
        [61] -> line 56
        [72] -> line 57
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 73 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; this]
        v1: 0 -> 73 [I val]
        v2: 0 -> 73 [I off]
  + Method:       writeUINT32(I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void writeUINT32(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 20, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] aload_0 v0
      [3] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.pos I]
      [6] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (II)V]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] dup
      [11] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.pos I]
      [14] iconst_4
      [15] iadd
      [16] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.pos I]
      [19] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 61
        [9] -> line 62
        [19] -> line 63
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 20 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; this]
        v1: 0 -> 20 [I val]
  + Method:       writeBoolean(Z)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void writeBoolean(boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 52, locals = 2, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.pos I]
      [4] iconst_1
      [5] iadd
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.arr [B]
      [10] arraylength
      [11] ificmple +15 (target=26)
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.arr [B]
      [19] arraylength
      [20] bipush 32
      [22] iadd
      [23] invokespecial #11
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.resize (I)V]
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.arr [B]
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] dup
      [32] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.pos I]
      [35] dup_x1
      [36] iconst_1
      [37] iadd
      [38] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.pos I]
      [41] iload_1 v1
      [42] ifeq +7 (target=49)
      [45] iconst_1
      [46] goto +4 (target=50)
      [49] iconst_0
      [50] bastore
      [51] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 82
        [14] -> line 83
        [26] -> line 85
        [51] -> line 86
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 52 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; this]
        v1: 0 -> 52 [Z v]
  + Method:       writeByte(II)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void writeByte(int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 28, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] iload_2 v2
      [1] iconst_1
      [2] iadd
      [3] aload_0 v0
      [4] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.arr [B]
      [7] arraylength
      [8] ificmple +11 (target=19)
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] iload_2 v2
      [13] bipush 32
      [15] iadd
      [16] invokespecial #11
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.resize (I)V]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.arr [B]
      [23] iload_2 v2
      [24] iload_1 v1
      [25] i2b
      [26] bastore
      [27] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 90
        [11] -> line 91
        [19] -> line 93
        [27] -> line 94
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 28 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; this]
        v1: 0 -> 28 [I v]
        v2: 0 -> 28 [I off]
  + Method:       writeByte(I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void writeByte(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 20, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] aload_0 v0
      [3] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.pos I]
      [6] invokevirtual #12
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeByte (II)V]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] dup
      [11] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.pos I]
      [14] iconst_1
      [15] iadd
      [16] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.pos I]
      [19] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 98
        [9] -> line 99
        [19] -> line 100
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 20 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; this]
        v1: 0 -> 20 [I v]
  + Method:       writeMPInt(Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void writeMPInt(java.math.BigInteger)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 34, locals = 3, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] invokevirtual #26
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.toByteArray ()[B]
      [4] astore_2 v2
      [5] aload_2 v2
      [6] arraylength
      [7] iconst_1
      [8] ificmpne +17 (target=25)
      [11] aload_2 v2
      [12] iconst_0
      [13] baload
      [14] ifne +11 (target=25)
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] iconst_0
      [19] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
      [22] goto +11 (target=33)
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] aload_2 v2
      [27] iconst_0
      [28] aload_2 v2
      [29] arraylength
      [30] invokevirtual #15
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString ([BII)V]
      [33] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 104
        [5] -> line 106
        [17] -> line 107
        [25] -> line 109
        [33] -> line 110
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 34 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; this]
        v1: 0 -> 34 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; b]
        v2: 5 -> 34 [[B raw]
  + Method:       writeBytes([B)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void writeBytes(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 9, locals = 2, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] iconst_0
      [3] aload_1 v1
      [4] arraylength
      [5] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeBytes ([BII)V]
      [8] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 114
        [8] -> line 115
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 9 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; this]
        v1: 0 -> 9 [[B buff]
  + Method:       writeBytes([BII)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void writeBytes(byte[],int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 53, locals = 4, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.pos I]
      [4] iload_3 v3
      [5] iadd
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.arr [B]
      [10] arraylength
      [11] ificmple +17 (target=28)
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.arr [B]
      [19] arraylength
      [20] iload_3 v3
      [21] iadd
      [22] bipush 32
      [24] iadd
      [25] invokespecial #11
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.resize (I)V]
      [28] aload_1 v1
      [29] iload_2 v2
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.arr [B]
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.pos I]
      [38] iload_3 v3
      [39] invokestatic #25
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [42] aload_0 v0
      [43] dup
      [44] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.pos I]
      [47] iload_3 v3
      [48] iadd
      [49] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.pos I]
      [52] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 119
        [14] -> line 120
        [28] -> line 122
        [42] -> line 123
        [52] -> line 124
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 53 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; this]
        v1: 0 -> 53 [[B buff]
        v2: 0 -> 53 [I off]
        v3: 0 -> 53 [I len]
  + Method:       writeString([BII)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void writeString(byte[],int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 13, locals = 4, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_3 v3
      [2] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_1 v1
      [7] iload_2 v2
      [8] iload_3 v3
      [9] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeBytes ([BII)V]
      [12] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 128
        [5] -> line 129
        [12] -> line 130
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 13 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; this]
        v1: 0 -> 13 [[B buff]
        v2: 0 -> 13 [I off]
        v3: 0 -> 13 [I len]
  + Method:       writeString(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void writeString(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 31, locals = 4, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] ldc #1
        + String [ISO-8859-1]
      [3] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.getBytes (Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
      [6] astore_2 v2
      [7] goto +9 (target=16)
      [10] astore_3 v3
      [11] aload_1 v1
      [12] invokevirtual #19
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.getBytes ()[B]
      [15] astore_2 v2
      [16] aload_0 v0
      [17] aload_2 v2
      [18] arraylength
      [19] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeUINT32 (I)V]
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] aload_2 v2
      [24] iconst_0
      [25] aload_2 v2
      [26] arraylength
      [27] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeBytes ([BII)V]
      [30] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 7: 10):
      + Class [java/io/UnsupportedEncodingException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 139
        [10] -> line 141
        [11] -> line 143
        [16] -> line 146
        [22] -> line 147
        [30] -> line 148
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 31 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; this]
        v1: 0 -> 31 [Ljava/lang/String; v]
        v2: 7 -> 10 [[B b]
        v2: 16 -> 31 [[B b]
        v3: 11 -> 16 [Ljava/io/UnsupportedEncodingException; ignore]
  + Method:       writeNameList([Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void writeNameList(java.lang.String[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 50, locals = 4, stack = 3):
      [0] new #6
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuffer]
      [3] dup
      [4] invokespecial #21
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.<init> ()V]
      [7] astore_2 v2
      [8] iconst_0
      [9] istore_3 v3
      [10] goto +25 (target=35)
      [13] iload_3 v3
      [14] ifle +10 (target=24)
      [17] aload_2 v2
      [18] bipush 44
      [20] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
      [23] pop
      [24] aload_2 v2
      [25] aload_1 v1
      [26] iload_3 v3
      [27] aaload
      [28] invokevirtual #23
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
      [31] pop
      [32] iinc v3, 1
      [35] iload_3 v3
      [36] aload_1 v1
      [37] arraylength
      [38] ificmplt -25 (target=13)
      [41] aload_0 v0
      [42] aload_2 v2
      [43] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [46] invokevirtual #14
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [49] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 160
        [8] -> line 161
        [13] -> line 163
        [17] -> line 164
        [24] -> line 165
        [32] -> line 161
        [41] -> line 167
        [49] -> line 168
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 50 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; this]
        v1: 0 -> 50 [[Ljava/lang/String; v]
        v2: 8 -> 50 [Ljava/lang/StringBuffer; sb]
        v3: 10 -> 41 [I i]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.signature.DSAPrivateKey extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 45):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey.g Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey.p Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey.q Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey.x Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey.y Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey.<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + NameAndType [g Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [p Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [q Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [x Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [y Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [g]
  + Utf8 [getG]
  + Utf8 [getP]
  + Utf8 [getPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [getQ]
  + Utf8 [getX]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [p]
  + Utf8 [q]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [x]
  + Utf8 [y]

Fields (count = 5):
  + Field:        p Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.math.BigInteger p
  + Field:        q Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.math.BigInteger q
  + Field:        g Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.math.BigInteger g
  + Field:        x Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.math.BigInteger x
  + Field:        y Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.math.BigInteger y

Methods (count = 6):
  + Method:       <init>(Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public DSAPrivateKey(java.math.BigInteger,java.math.BigInteger,java.math.BigInteger,java.math.BigInteger,java.math.BigInteger)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 32, locals = 6, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #10
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] putfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey.p Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aload_2 v2
      [11] putfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey.q Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] aload_3 v3
      [16] putfield #4
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey.g Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] aload v4
      [22] putfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey.y Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] aload v5
      [28] putfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey.x Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [31] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 19
        [4] -> line 22
        [9] -> line 23
        [14] -> line 24
        [19] -> line 25
        [25] -> line 26
        [31] -> line 27
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 32 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey; this]
        v1: 0 -> 32 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; p]
        v2: 0 -> 32 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; q]
        v3: 0 -> 32 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; g]
        v4: 0 -> 32 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; y]
        v5: 0 -> 32 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; x]
  + Method:       getP()Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.math.BigInteger getP()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey.p Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 31
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey; this]
  + Method:       getQ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.math.BigInteger getQ()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey.q Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 36
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey; this]
  + Method:       getG()Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.math.BigInteger getG()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #4
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey.g Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 41
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey; this]
  + Method:       getX()Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.math.BigInteger getX()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey.x Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 51
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey; this]
  + Method:       getPublicKey()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public com.trilead.ssh2.signature.DSAPublicKey getPublicKey()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 24, locals = 1, stack = 6):
      [0] new #2
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey]
      [3] dup
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey.p Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey.q Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] getfield #4
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey.g Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [16] aload_0 v0
      [17] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey.y Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [20] invokespecial #9
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey.<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
      [23] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 56
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 24 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey; this]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.signature.DSAPublicKey extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 35):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey.g Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey.p Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey.q Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey.y Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [g Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [p Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [q Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [y Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [g]
  + Utf8 [getG]
  + Utf8 [getP]
  + Utf8 [getQ]
  + Utf8 [getY]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [p]
  + Utf8 [q]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [y]

Fields (count = 4):
  + Field:        p Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.math.BigInteger p
  + Field:        q Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.math.BigInteger q
  + Field:        g Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.math.BigInteger g
  + Field:        y Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.math.BigInteger y

Methods (count = 5):
  + Method:       <init>(Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public DSAPublicKey(java.math.BigInteger,java.math.BigInteger,java.math.BigInteger,java.math.BigInteger)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 26, locals = 5, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #7
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] putfield #4
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey.p Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aload_2 v2
      [11] putfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey.q Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] aload_3 v3
      [16] putfield #3
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey.g Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] aload v4
      [22] putfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey.y Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [25] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 18
        [4] -> line 20
        [9] -> line 21
        [14] -> line 22
        [19] -> line 23
        [25] -> line 24
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 26 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey; this]
        v1: 0 -> 26 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; p]
        v2: 0 -> 26 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; q]
        v3: 0 -> 26 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; g]
        v4: 0 -> 26 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; y]
  + Method:       getP()Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.math.BigInteger getP()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #4
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey.p Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 28
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey; this]
  + Method:       getQ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.math.BigInteger getQ()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey.q Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 33
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey; this]
  + Method:       getG()Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.math.BigInteger getG()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #3
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey.g Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 38
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey; this]
  + Method:       getY()Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.math.BigInteger getY()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey.y Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 43
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey; this]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.signature.DSASHA1Verify extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 287):
  + String [)]
  + String [), s(]
  + String [Padding in DSA public key!]
  + String [Padding in DSA signature!]
  + String [Peer sent corrupt signature]
  + String [Peer sent wrong signature format]
  + String [This is not a ssh-dss public key!]
  + String [decoded ssh-dss signature: first bytes r(]
  + String [ssh-dss]
  + String [ssh-dss signature: g: ]
  + String [ssh-dss signature: m: ]
  + String [ssh-dss signature: p: ]
  + String [ssh-dss signature: q: ]
  + String [ssh-dss signature: r: ]
  + String [ssh-dss signature: s: ]
  + String [ssh-dss signature: y: ]
  + String [ssh-dss signature: zero.compareTo(r) >= 0 || q.compareTo(r) <= 0]
  + String [ssh-dss signature: zero.compareTo(s) >= 0 || q.compareTo(s) <= 0]
  + Class [[B]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Class [java/math/BigInteger]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Fieldref [java/math/BigInteger.ZERO Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.digest ([B)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.getDigestLength ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.update ([B)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.getLogger (Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.<init> ([B)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readByteString ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readMPINT ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.remain ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeMPInt (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey.getG ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey.getP ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey.getQ ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey.getX ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey.<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey.getG ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey.getP ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey.getQ ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey.getY ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature.<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature.getR ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature.getS ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.<init> (ILjava/util/Random;)V]
  + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.<init> (I[B)V]
  + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.add (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.bitLength ()I]
  + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.compareTo (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)I]
  + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.mod (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.modInverse (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.modPow (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.multiply (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.toByteArray ()[B]
  + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.toString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (ILjava/util/Random;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (I[B)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [ZERO Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [add (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [bitLength ()I]
  + NameAndType [compareTo (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)I]
  + NameAndType [digest ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [getBytes ()[B]
  + NameAndType [getDigestLength ()I]
  + NameAndType [getG ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [getLogger (Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + NameAndType [getP ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [getQ ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [getR ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [getS ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [getX ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [getY ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [isEnabled ()Z]
  + NameAndType [log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + NameAndType [mod (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [modInverse (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [modPow (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [multiply (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [readByteString ()[B]
  + NameAndType [readMPINT ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [readString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [remain ()I]
  + NameAndType [toByteArray ()[B]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [toString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [update ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [writeMPInt (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + NameAndType [writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [writeString ([BII)V]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(ILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(ILjava/util/Random;)V]
  + Utf8 [(I[B)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;)[B]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature;)[B]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/math/BigInteger;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;]
  + Utf8 [([B)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature;]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [([BII)V]
  + Utf8 [([BLcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey;Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature;]
  + Utf8 [([BLcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;)Z]
  + Utf8 [)]
  + Utf8 [), s(]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Padding in DSA public key!]
  + Utf8 [Padding in DSA signature!]
  + Utf8 [Peer sent corrupt signature]
  + Utf8 [Peer sent wrong signature format]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [This is not a ssh-dss public key!]
  + Utf8 [ZERO]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [a40]
  + Utf8 [add]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [arraycopy]
  + Utf8 [bitLength]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature]
  + Utf8 [compareTo]
  + Utf8 [decodeSSHDSAPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [decodeSSHDSASignature]
  + Utf8 [decoded ssh-dss signature: first bytes r(]
  + Utf8 [digest]
  + Utf8 [dpk]
  + Utf8 [ds]
  + Utf8 [encodeSSHDSAPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [encodeSSHDSASignature]
  + Utf8 [equals]
  + Utf8 [g]
  + Utf8 [generateSignature]
  + Utf8 [getBytes]
  + Utf8 [getDigestLength]
  + Utf8 [getG]
  + Utf8 [getLogger]
  + Utf8 [getP]
  + Utf8 [getQ]
  + Utf8 [getR]
  + Utf8 [getS]
  + Utf8 [getX]
  + Utf8 [getY]
  + Utf8 [isEnabled]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [java/math/BigInteger]
  + Utf8 [k]
  + Utf8 [key]
  + Utf8 [key_format]
  + Utf8 [log]
  + Utf8 [m]
  + Utf8 [md]
  + Utf8 [message]
  + Utf8 [mod]
  + Utf8 [modInverse]
  + Utf8 [modPow]
  + Utf8 [multiply]
  + Utf8 [p]
  + Utf8 [pk]
  + Utf8 [q]
  + Utf8 [qBitLength]
  + Utf8 [r]
  + Utf8 [r_copylen]
  + Utf8 [readByteString]
  + Utf8 [readMPINT]
  + Utf8 [readString]
  + Utf8 [remain]
  + Utf8 [rnd]
  + Utf8 [rsArray]
  + Utf8 [s]
  + Utf8 [s_copylen]
  + Utf8 [sha_message]
  + Utf8 [sig]
  + Utf8 [sig_format]
  + Utf8 [ssh-dss]
  + Utf8 [ssh-dss signature: g: ]
  + Utf8 [ssh-dss signature: m: ]
  + Utf8 [ssh-dss signature: p: ]
  + Utf8 [ssh-dss signature: q: ]
  + Utf8 [ssh-dss signature: r: ]
  + Utf8 [ssh-dss signature: s: ]
  + Utf8 [ssh-dss signature: y: ]
  + Utf8 [ssh-dss signature: zero.compareTo(r) >= 0 || q.compareTo(r) <= 0]
  + Utf8 [ssh-dss signature: zero.compareTo(s) >= 0 || q.compareTo(s) <= 0]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [tmp]
  + Utf8 [toByteArray]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [tr]
  + Utf8 [tw]
  + Utf8 [u1]
  + Utf8 [u2]
  + Utf8 [update]
  + Utf8 [v]
  + Utf8 [verifySignature]
  + Utf8 [w]
  + Utf8 [writeMPInt]
  + Utf8 [writeString]
  + Utf8 [y]
  + Utf8 [zero]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final com.trilead.ssh2.log.Logger log

Methods (count = 8):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 9, locals = 0, stack = 1):
      [0] ldc #26
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify]
      [2] invokestatic #41
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.getLogger (Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [5] putstatic #35
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [8] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 22
        [8] -> line 20
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public DSASHA1Verify()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #68
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 20
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify; this]
  + Method:       decodeSSHDSAPublicKey([B)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static com.trilead.ssh2.signature.DSAPublicKey decodeSSHDSAPublicKey(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 88, locals = 7, stack = 6):
      [0] new #22
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
      [3] dup
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] invokespecial #44
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.<init> ([B)V]
      [8] astore_1 v1
      [9] aload_1 v1
      [10] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [13] astore_2 v2
      [14] aload_2 v2
      [15] ldc #9
        + String [ssh-dss]
      [17] invokevirtual #69
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [20] ifne +13 (target=33)
      [23] new #29
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [26] dup
      [27] ldc #7
        + String [This is not a ssh-dss public key!]
      [29] invokespecial #67
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [32] athrow
      [33] aload_1 v1
      [34] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readMPINT ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [37] astore_3 v3
      [38] aload_1 v1
      [39] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readMPINT ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [42] astore v4
      [44] aload_1 v1
      [45] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readMPINT ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [48] astore v5
      [50] aload_1 v1
      [51] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readMPINT ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [54] astore v6
      [56] aload_1 v1
      [57] invokevirtual #48
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.remain ()I]
      [60] ifeq +13 (target=73)
      [63] new #28
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [66] dup
      [67] ldc #3
        + String [Padding in DSA public key!]
      [69] invokespecial #66
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [72] athrow
      [73] new #25
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey]
      [76] dup
      [77] aload_3 v3
      [78] aload v4
      [80] aload v5
      [82] aload v6
      [84] invokespecial #58
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey.<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
      [87] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 11)
        [0] -> line 26
        [9] -> line 28
        [14] -> line 30
        [23] -> line 31
        [33] -> line 33
        [38] -> line 34
        [44] -> line 35
        [50] -> line 36
        [56] -> line 38
        [63] -> line 39
        [73] -> line 41
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 88 [[B key]
        v1: 9 -> 88 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader; tr]
        v2: 14 -> 88 [Ljava/lang/String; key_format]
        v3: 38 -> 88 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; p]
        v4: 44 -> 88 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; q]
        v5: 50 -> 88 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; g]
        v6: 56 -> 88 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; y]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       encodeSSHDSAPublicKey(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;)[B
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static byte[] encodeSSHDSAPublicKey(com.trilead.ssh2.signature.DSAPublicKey)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 51, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] new #23
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
      [3] dup
      [4] invokespecial #49
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
      [7] astore_1 v1
      [8] aload_1 v1
      [9] ldc #9
        + String [ssh-dss]
      [11] invokevirtual #52
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [14] aload_1 v1
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] invokevirtual #60
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey.getP ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [19] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeMPInt (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
      [22] aload_1 v1
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] invokevirtual #61
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey.getQ ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [27] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeMPInt (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
      [30] aload_1 v1
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey.getG ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [35] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeMPInt (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
      [38] aload_1 v1
      [39] aload_0 v0
      [40] invokevirtual #62
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey.getY ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [43] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeMPInt (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
      [46] aload_1 v1
      [47] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
      [50] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 46
        [8] -> line 48
        [14] -> line 49
        [22] -> line 50
        [30] -> line 51
        [38] -> line 52
        [46] -> line 54
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 51 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey; pk]
        v1: 8 -> 51 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; tw]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       encodeSSHDSASignature(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature;)[B
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static byte[] encodeSSHDSASignature(com.trilead.ssh2.signature.DSASignature)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 118, locals = 7, stack = 5):
      [0] new #23
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
      [3] dup
      [4] invokespecial #49
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
      [7] astore_1 v1
      [8] aload_1 v1
      [9] ldc #9
        + String [ssh-dss]
      [11] invokevirtual #52
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] invokevirtual #64
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature.getR ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [18] invokevirtual #85
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.toByteArray ()[B]
      [21] astore_2 v2
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] invokevirtual #65
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature.getS ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [26] invokevirtual #85
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.toByteArray ()[B]
      [29] astore_3 v3
      [30] bipush 40
      [32] newarray 8
      [34] astore v4
      [36] aload_2 v2
      [37] arraylength
      [38] bipush 20
      [40] ificmpge +8 (target=48)
      [43] aload_2 v2
      [44] arraylength
      [45] goto +5 (target=50)
      [48] bipush 20
      [50] istore v5
      [52] aload_3 v3
      [53] arraylength
      [54] bipush 20
      [56] ificmpge +8 (target=64)
      [59] aload_3 v3
      [60] arraylength
      [61] goto +5 (target=66)
      [64] bipush 20
      [66] istore v6
      [68] aload_2 v2
      [69] aload_2 v2
      [70] arraylength
      [71] iload v5
      [73] isub
      [74] aload v4
      [76] bipush 20
      [78] iload v5
      [80] isub
      [81] iload v5
      [83] invokestatic #74
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [86] aload_3 v3
      [87] aload_3 v3
      [88] arraylength
      [89] iload v6
      [91] isub
      [92] aload v4
      [94] bipush 40
      [96] iload v6
      [98] isub
      [99] iload v6
      [101] invokestatic #74
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [104] aload_1 v1
      [105] aload v4
      [107] iconst_0
      [108] bipush 40
      [110] invokevirtual #53
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString ([BII)V]
      [113] aload_1 v1
      [114] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
      [117] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 11)
        [0] -> line 59
        [8] -> line 61
        [14] -> line 63
        [22] -> line 64
        [30] -> line 66
        [36] -> line 70
        [52] -> line 71
        [68] -> line 73
        [86] -> line 74
        [104] -> line 76
        [113] -> line 78
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 118 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature; ds]
        v1: 8 -> 118 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; tw]
        v2: 22 -> 118 [[B r]
        v3: 30 -> 118 [[B s]
        v4: 36 -> 118 [[B a40]
        v5: 52 -> 118 [I r_copylen]
        v6: 68 -> 118 [I s_copylen]
  + Method:       decodeSSHDSASignature([B)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature;
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static com.trilead.ssh2.signature.DSASignature decodeSSHDSASignature(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 205, locals = 5, stack = 5):
      [0] aconst_null
      [1] checkcast #19
        + Class [[B]
      [4] astore_1 v1
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] arraylength
      [7] bipush 40
      [9] ificmpne +8 (target=17)
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] astore_1 v1
      [14] goto +75 (target=89)
      [17] new #22
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
      [20] dup
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] invokespecial #44
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.<init> ([B)V]
      [25] astore_2 v2
      [26] aload_2 v2
      [27] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [30] astore_3 v3
      [31] aload_3 v3
      [32] ldc #9
        + String [ssh-dss]
      [34] invokevirtual #69
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [37] ifne +13 (target=50)
      [40] new #28
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [43] dup
      [44] ldc #6
        + String [Peer sent wrong signature format]
      [46] invokespecial #66
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [49] athrow
      [50] aload_2 v2
      [51] invokevirtual #45
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readByteString ()[B]
      [54] astore_1 v1
      [55] aload_1 v1
      [56] arraylength
      [57] bipush 40
      [59] ificmpeq +13 (target=72)
      [62] new #28
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [65] dup
      [66] ldc #5
        + String [Peer sent corrupt signature]
      [68] invokespecial #66
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [71] athrow
      [72] aload_2 v2
      [73] invokevirtual #48
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.remain ()I]
      [76] ifeq +13 (target=89)
      [79] new #28
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [82] dup
      [83] ldc #4
        + String [Padding in DSA signature!]
      [85] invokespecial #66
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [88] athrow
      [89] bipush 20
      [91] newarray 8
      [93] astore_2 v2
      [94] aload_1 v1
      [95] iconst_0
      [96] aload_2 v2
      [97] iconst_0
      [98] bipush 20
      [100] invokestatic #74
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [103] new #34
        + Class [java/math/BigInteger]
      [106] dup
      [107] iconst_1
      [108] aload_2 v2
      [109] invokespecial #76
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.<init> (I[B)V]
      [112] astore_3 v3
      [113] aload_1 v1
      [114] bipush 20
      [116] aload_2 v2
      [117] iconst_0
      [118] bipush 20
      [120] invokestatic #74
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [123] new #34
        + Class [java/math/BigInteger]
      [126] dup
      [127] iconst_1
      [128] aload_2 v2
      [129] invokespecial #76
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.<init> (I[B)V]
      [132] astore v4
      [134] getstatic #35
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [137] invokevirtual #42
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
      [140] ifeq +54 (target=194)
      [143] getstatic #35
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [146] bipush 30
      [148] new #32
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [151] dup
      [152] ldc #8
        + String [decoded ssh-dss signature: first bytes r(]
      [154] invokespecial #70
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [157] aload_1 v1
      [158] iconst_0
      [159] baload
      [160] sipush 255
      [163] iand
      [164] invokevirtual #71
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [167] ldc #2
        + String [), s(]
      [169] invokevirtual #72
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [172] aload_1 v1
      [173] bipush 20
      [175] baload
      [176] sipush 255
      [179] iand
      [180] invokevirtual #71
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [183] ldc #1
        + String [)]
      [185] invokevirtual #72
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [188] invokevirtual #73
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [191] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [194] new #27
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature]
      [197] dup
      [198] aload_3 v3
      [199] aload v4
      [201] invokespecial #63
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature.<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
      [204] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 22)
        [0] -> line 83
        [5] -> line 85
        [12] -> line 88
        [17] -> line 93
        [26] -> line 95
        [31] -> line 97
        [40] -> line 98
        [50] -> line 100
        [55] -> line 102
        [62] -> line 103
        [72] -> line 105
        [79] -> line 106
        [89] -> line 111
        [94] -> line 113
        [103] -> line 114
        [113] -> line 116
        [123] -> line 117
        [134] -> line 119
        [143] -> line 121
        [172] -> line 122
        [191] -> line 121
        [194] -> line 125
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 205 [[B sig]
        v1: 5 -> 205 [[B rsArray]
        v2: 26 -> 89 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader; tr]
        v3: 31 -> 89 [Ljava/lang/String; sig_format]
        v2: 94 -> 205 [[B tmp]
        v3: 113 -> 205 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; r]
        v4: 134 -> 205 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; s]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       verifySignature([BLcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;)Z
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static boolean verifySignature(byte[],com.trilead.ssh2.signature.DSASignature,com.trilead.ssh2.signature.DSAPublicKey)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 449, locals = 17, stack = 5):
      [0] new #20
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1]
      [3] dup
      [4] invokespecial #37
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.<init> ()V]
      [7] astore_3 v3
      [8] aload_3 v3
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] invokevirtual #40
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.update ([B)V]
      [13] aload_3 v3
      [14] invokevirtual #39
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.getDigestLength ()I]
      [17] newarray 8
      [19] astore v4
      [21] aload_3 v3
      [22] aload v4
      [24] invokevirtual #38
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.digest ([B)V]
      [27] new #34
        + Class [java/math/BigInteger]
      [30] dup
      [31] iconst_1
      [32] aload v4
      [34] invokespecial #76
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.<init> (I[B)V]
      [37] astore v5
      [39] aload_1 v1
      [40] invokevirtual #64
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature.getR ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [43] astore v6
      [45] aload_1 v1
      [46] invokevirtual #65
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature.getS ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [49] astore v7
      [51] aload_2 v2
      [52] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey.getG ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [55] astore v8
      [57] aload_2 v2
      [58] invokevirtual #60
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey.getP ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [61] astore v9
      [63] aload_2 v2
      [64] invokevirtual #61
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey.getQ ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [67] astore v10
      [69] aload_2 v2
      [70] invokevirtual #62
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey.getY ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [73] astore v11
      [75] getstatic #36
        + Fieldref [java/math/BigInteger.ZERO Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [78] astore v12
      [80] getstatic #35
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [83] invokevirtual #42
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
      [86] ifeq +213 (target=299)
      [89] getstatic #35
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [92] bipush 60
      [94] new #32
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [97] dup
      [98] ldc #11
        + String [ssh-dss signature: m: ]
      [100] invokespecial #70
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [103] aload v5
      [105] bipush 16
      [107] invokevirtual #86
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.toString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [110] invokevirtual #72
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [113] invokevirtual #73
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [116] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [119] getstatic #35
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [122] bipush 60
      [124] new #32
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [127] dup
      [128] ldc #14
        + String [ssh-dss signature: r: ]
      [130] invokespecial #70
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [133] aload v6
      [135] bipush 16
      [137] invokevirtual #86
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.toString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [140] invokevirtual #72
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [143] invokevirtual #73
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [146] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [149] getstatic #35
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [152] bipush 60
      [154] new #32
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [157] dup
      [158] ldc #15
        + String [ssh-dss signature: s: ]
      [160] invokespecial #70
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [163] aload v7
      [165] bipush 16
      [167] invokevirtual #86
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.toString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [170] invokevirtual #72
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [173] invokevirtual #73
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [176] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [179] getstatic #35
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [182] bipush 60
      [184] new #32
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [187] dup
      [188] ldc #10
        + String [ssh-dss signature: g: ]
      [190] invokespecial #70
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [193] aload v8
      [195] bipush 16
      [197] invokevirtual #86
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.toString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [200] invokevirtual #72
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [203] invokevirtual #73
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [206] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [209] getstatic #35
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [212] bipush 60
      [214] new #32
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [217] dup
      [218] ldc #12
        + String [ssh-dss signature: p: ]
      [220] invokespecial #70
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [223] aload v9
      [225] bipush 16
      [227] invokevirtual #86
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.toString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [230] invokevirtual #72
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [233] invokevirtual #73
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [236] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [239] getstatic #35
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [242] bipush 60
      [244] new #32
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [247] dup
      [248] ldc #13
        + String [ssh-dss signature: q: ]
      [250] invokespecial #70
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [253] aload v10
      [255] bipush 16
      [257] invokevirtual #86
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.toString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [260] invokevirtual #72
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [263] invokevirtual #73
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [266] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [269] getstatic #35
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [272] bipush 60
      [274] new #32
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [277] dup
      [278] ldc #16
        + String [ssh-dss signature: y: ]
      [280] invokespecial #70
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [283] aload v11
      [285] bipush 16
      [287] invokevirtual #86
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.toString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [290] invokevirtual #72
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [293] invokevirtual #73
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [296] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [299] aload v12
      [301] aload v6
      [303] invokevirtual #79
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.compareTo (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)I]
      [306] ifge +13 (target=319)
      [309] aload v10
      [311] aload v6
      [313] invokevirtual #79
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.compareTo (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)I]
      [316] ifgt +15 (target=331)
      [319] getstatic #35
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [322] bipush 20
      [324] ldc #17
        + String [ssh-dss signature: zero.compareTo(r) >= 0 || q.compareTo(r) <= 0]
      [326] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [329] iconst_0
      [330] ireturn
      [331] aload v12
      [333] aload v7
      [335] invokevirtual #79
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.compareTo (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)I]
      [338] ifge +13 (target=351)
      [341] aload v10
      [343] aload v7
      [345] invokevirtual #79
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.compareTo (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)I]
      [348] ifgt +15 (target=363)
      [351] getstatic #35
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [354] bipush 20
      [356] ldc #18
        + String [ssh-dss signature: zero.compareTo(s) >= 0 || q.compareTo(s) <= 0]
      [358] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [361] iconst_0
      [362] ireturn
      [363] aload v7
      [365] aload v10
      [367] invokevirtual #82
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.modInverse (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [370] astore v13
      [372] aload v5
      [374] aload v13
      [376] invokevirtual #84
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.multiply (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [379] aload v10
      [381] invokevirtual #81
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.mod (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [384] astore v14
      [386] aload v6
      [388] aload v13
      [390] invokevirtual #84
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.multiply (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [393] aload v10
      [395] invokevirtual #81
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.mod (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [398] astore v15
      [400] aload v8
      [402] aload v14
      [404] aload v9
      [406] invokevirtual #83
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.modPow (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [409] astore v14
      [411] aload v11
      [413] aload v15
      [415] aload v9
      [417] invokevirtual #83
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.modPow (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [420] astore v15
      [422] aload v14
      [424] aload v15
      [426] invokevirtual #84
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.multiply (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [429] aload v9
      [431] invokevirtual #81
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.mod (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [434] aload v10
      [436] invokevirtual #81
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.mod (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [439] astore v16
      [441] aload v16
      [443] aload v6
      [445] invokevirtual #80
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [448] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 33)
        [0] -> line 132
        [8] -> line 133
        [13] -> line 134
        [21] -> line 135
        [27] -> line 137
        [39] -> line 139
        [45] -> line 140
        [51] -> line 142
        [57] -> line 143
        [63] -> line 144
        [69] -> line 145
        [75] -> line 147
        [80] -> line 149
        [89] -> line 151
        [119] -> line 152
        [149] -> line 153
        [179] -> line 154
        [209] -> line 155
        [239] -> line 156
        [269] -> line 157
        [299] -> line 160
        [319] -> line 162
        [329] -> line 163
        [331] -> line 166
        [351] -> line 168
        [361] -> line 169
        [363] -> line 172
        [372] -> line 174
        [386] -> line 175
        [400] -> line 177
        [411] -> line 178
        [422] -> line 180
        [441] -> line 182
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 17)
        v0: 0 -> 449 [[B message]
        v1: 0 -> 449 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature; ds]
        v2: 0 -> 449 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey; dpk]
        v3: 8 -> 449 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1; md]
        v4: 21 -> 449 [[B sha_message]
        v5: 39 -> 449 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; m]
        v6: 45 -> 449 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; r]
        v7: 51 -> 449 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; s]
        v8: 57 -> 449 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; g]
        v9: 63 -> 449 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; p]
        v10: 69 -> 449 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; q]
        v11: 75 -> 449 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; y]
        v12: 80 -> 449 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; zero]
        v13: 372 -> 449 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; w]
        v14: 386 -> 449 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; u1]
        v15: 400 -> 449 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; u2]
        v16: 441 -> 449 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; v]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       generateSignature([BLcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey;Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature;
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static com.trilead.ssh2.signature.DSASignature generateSignature(byte[],com.trilead.ssh2.signature.DSAPrivateKey,
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 145, locals = 10, stack = 4):
      [0] new #20
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1]
      [3] dup
      [4] invokespecial #37
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.<init> ()V]
      [7] astore_3 v3
      [8] aload_3 v3
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] invokevirtual #40
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.update ([B)V]
      [13] aload_3 v3
      [14] invokevirtual #39
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.getDigestLength ()I]
      [17] newarray 8
      [19] astore v4
      [21] aload_3 v3
      [22] aload v4
      [24] invokevirtual #38
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.digest ([B)V]
      [27] new #34
        + Class [java/math/BigInteger]
      [30] dup
      [31] iconst_1
      [32] aload v4
      [34] invokespecial #76
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.<init> (I[B)V]
      [37] astore v5
      [39] aload_1 v1
      [40] invokevirtual #56
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey.getQ ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [43] invokevirtual #78
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.bitLength ()I]
      [46] istore v7
      [48] new #34
        + Class [java/math/BigInteger]
      [51] dup
      [52] iload v7
      [54] aload_2 v2
      [55] invokespecial #75
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.<init> (ILjava/util/Random;)V]
      [58] astore v6
      [60] aload v6
      [62] aload_1 v1
      [63] invokevirtual #56
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey.getQ ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [66] invokevirtual #79
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.compareTo (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)I]
      [69] ifge -21 (target=48)
      [72] aload_1 v1
      [73] invokevirtual #54
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey.getG ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [76] aload v6
      [78] aload_1 v1
      [79] invokevirtual #55
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey.getP ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [82] invokevirtual #83
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.modPow (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [85] aload_1 v1
      [86] invokevirtual #56
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey.getQ ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [89] invokevirtual #81
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.mod (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [92] astore v8
      [94] aload v6
      [96] aload_1 v1
      [97] invokevirtual #56
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey.getQ ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [100] invokevirtual #82
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.modInverse (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [103] aload v5
      [105] aload_1 v1
      [106] invokevirtual #57
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey.getX ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [109] aload v8
      [111] invokevirtual #84
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.multiply (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [114] invokevirtual #77
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.add (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [117] invokevirtual #84
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.multiply (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [120] astore v6
      [122] aload v6
      [124] aload_1 v1
      [125] invokevirtual #56
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey.getQ ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [128] invokevirtual #81
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.mod (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [131] astore v9
      [133] new #27
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature]
      [136] dup
      [137] aload v8
      [139] aload v9
      [141] invokespecial #63
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature.<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
      [144] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 12)
        [0] -> line 187
        [8] -> line 188
        [13] -> line 189
        [21] -> line 190
        [27] -> line 192
        [39] -> line 194
        [48] -> line 198
        [60] -> line 200
        [72] -> line 202
        [94] -> line 204
        [122] -> line 206
        [133] -> line 208
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 10)
        v0: 0 -> 145 [[B message]
        v1: 0 -> 145 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey; pk]
        v2: 0 -> 145 [Ljava/security/SecureRandom; rnd]
        v3: 8 -> 145 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1; md]
        v4: 21 -> 145 [[B sha_message]
        v5: 39 -> 145 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; m]
        v6: 60 -> 145 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; k]
        v7: 48 -> 145 [I qBitLength]
        v8: 94 -> 145 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; r]
        v9: 133 -> 145 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; s]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.signature.DSASignature extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 27):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature.r Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature.s Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [r Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [s Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature]
  + Utf8 [getR]
  + Utf8 [getS]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [r]
  + Utf8 [s]
  + Utf8 [this]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        r Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.math.BigInteger r
  + Field:        s Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.math.BigInteger s

Methods (count = 3):
  + Method:       <init>(Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public DSASignature(java.math.BigInteger,java.math.BigInteger)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #5
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] putfield #3
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature.r Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aload_2 v2
      [11] putfield #4
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature.s Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [14] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 16
        [4] -> line 18
        [9] -> line 19
        [14] -> line 20
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 15 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature; this]
        v1: 0 -> 15 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; r]
        v2: 0 -> 15 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; s]
  + Method:       getR()Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.math.BigInteger getR()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #3
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature.r Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 24
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature; this]
  + Method:       getS()Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.math.BigInteger getS()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #4
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature.s Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 29
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature; this]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.signature.RSAPrivateKey extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 37):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey.d Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey.e Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey.n Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey.<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + NameAndType [d Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [e Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [n Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [d]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [getD]
  + Utf8 [getN]
  + Utf8 [getPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [n]
  + Utf8 [this]

Fields (count = 3):
  + Field:        d Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.math.BigInteger d
  + Field:        e Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.math.BigInteger e
  + Field:        n Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.math.BigInteger n

Methods (count = 4):
  + Method:       <init>(Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public RSAPrivateKey(java.math.BigInteger,java.math.BigInteger,java.math.BigInteger)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 20, locals = 4, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #8
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] putfield #4
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey.d Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aload_2 v2
      [11] putfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey.e Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] aload_3 v3
      [16] putfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey.n Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [19] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 17
        [4] -> line 19
        [9] -> line 20
        [14] -> line 21
        [19] -> line 22
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 20 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey; this]
        v1: 0 -> 20 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; d]
        v2: 0 -> 20 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; e]
        v3: 0 -> 20 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; n]
  + Method:       getD()Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.math.BigInteger getD()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #4
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey.d Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 26
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey; this]
  + Method:       getN()Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.math.BigInteger getN()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey.n Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 36
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey; this]
  + Method:       getPublicKey()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public com.trilead.ssh2.signature.RSAPublicKey getPublicKey()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 16, locals = 1, stack = 4):
      [0] new #2
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey]
      [3] dup
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey.e Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey.n Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [12] invokespecial #7
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey.<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
      [15] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 41
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 16 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey; this]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.signature.RSAPublicKey extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 27):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey.e Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey.n Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [e Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [n Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [getE]
  + Utf8 [getN]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [n]
  + Utf8 [this]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        e Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.math.BigInteger e
  + Field:        n Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.math.BigInteger n

Methods (count = 3):
  + Method:       <init>(Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public RSAPublicKey(java.math.BigInteger,java.math.BigInteger)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #5
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] putfield #3
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey.e Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aload_2 v2
      [11] putfield #4
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey.n Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [14] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 16
        [4] -> line 18
        [9] -> line 19
        [14] -> line 20
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 15 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey; this]
        v1: 0 -> 15 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; e]
        v2: 0 -> 15 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; n]
  + Method:       getE()Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.math.BigInteger getE()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #3
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey.e Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 24
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey; this]
  + Method:       getN()Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.math.BigInteger getN()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #4
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey.n Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 29
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey; this]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.signature.RSASHA1Verify extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 270):
  + String [)]
  + String [Cannot sign with RSA, message too long]
  + String [Decoding ssh-rsa signature string (length: ]
  + String [Error in RSA signature, S is empty.]
  + String [Padding in RSA public key!]
  + String [Padding in RSA signature!]
  + String [Peer sent wrong signature format]
  + String [This is not a ssh-rsa public key]
  + String [ssh-rsa]
  + String [ssh-rsa signature: (digestAlgorithm.length < 8) || (digestAlgorithm.length > 9)]
  + String [ssh-rsa signature: (v.length - startpos) != (rsa_block_len - 1)]
  + String [ssh-rsa signature: digest.length != sha_message.length]
  + String [ssh-rsa signature: digestAlgorithm[i] != digestAlgorithm_sha1[i]]
  + String [ssh-rsa signature: dr.available() != 0]
  + String [ssh-rsa signature: dr.available() != 0 (II)]
  + String [ssh-rsa signature: n.compareTo(s) <= 0]
  + String [ssh-rsa signature: num_pad < 8]
  + String [ssh-rsa signature: pos >= v.length]
  + String [ssh-rsa signature: rsa_block_len < 1]
  + String [ssh-rsa signature: sha_message[i] != digest[i]]
  + String [ssh-rsa signature: v[pos] != (byte) 0xff]
  + String [ssh-rsa signature: v[startpos] != 0x01]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Class [java/math/BigInteger]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.<init> ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.available ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.readOctetString ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.readSequenceAsByteArray ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.resetInput ([B)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.digest ([B)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.getDigestLength ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.update ([B)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.getLogger (Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.<init> ([B)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readByteString ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readMPINT ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.remain ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeMPInt (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey.getD ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey.getN ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey.<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey.getE ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey.getN ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature.<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature.getS ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.<init> (I[B)V]
  + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.bitLength ()I]
  + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.compareTo (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)I]
  + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.modPow (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.toByteArray ()[B]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (I[B)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([BII)V]
  + NameAndType [append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [available ()I]
  + NameAndType [bitLength ()I]
  + NameAndType [compareTo (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)I]
  + NameAndType [digest ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [getBytes ()[B]
  + NameAndType [getD ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [getDigestLength ()I]
  + NameAndType [getE ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [getLogger (Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + NameAndType [getN ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [getS ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [isEnabled ()Z]
  + NameAndType [log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + NameAndType [modPow (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [readByteString ()[B]
  + NameAndType [readMPINT ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [readOctetString ()[B]
  + NameAndType [readSequenceAsByteArray ()[B]
  + NameAndType [readString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [remain ()I]
  + NameAndType [resetInput ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [toByteArray ()[B]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [update ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [writeMPInt (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + NameAndType [writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [writeString ([BII)V]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(ILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(I[B)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;)[B]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature;)[B]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/math/BigInteger;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;]
  + Utf8 [([B)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature;]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [([BII)V]
  + Utf8 [([BLcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature;]
  + Utf8 [([BLcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;)Z]
  + Utf8 [)]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Cannot sign with RSA, message too long]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Decoding ssh-rsa signature string (length: ]
  + Utf8 [Error in RSA signature, S is empty.]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Padding in RSA public key!]
  + Utf8 [Padding in RSA signature!]
  + Utf8 [Peer sent wrong signature format]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [This is not a ssh-rsa public key]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [arraycopy]
  + Utf8 [available]
  + Utf8 [bitLength]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature]
  + Utf8 [compareTo]
  + Utf8 [decodeSSHRSAPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [decodeSSHRSASignature]
  + Utf8 [der_header]
  + Utf8 [digest]
  + Utf8 [digestAlgorithm]
  + Utf8 [digestAlgorithm_sha1]
  + Utf8 [dpk]
  + Utf8 [dr]
  + Utf8 [ds]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [encodeSSHRSAPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [encodeSSHRSASignature]
  + Utf8 [equals]
  + Utf8 [generateSignature]
  + Utf8 [getBytes]
  + Utf8 [getD]
  + Utf8 [getDigestLength]
  + Utf8 [getE]
  + Utf8 [getLogger]
  + Utf8 [getN]
  + Utf8 [getS]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [isEnabled]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [java/math/BigInteger]
  + Utf8 [key]
  + Utf8 [key_format]
  + Utf8 [log]
  + Utf8 [m]
  + Utf8 [md]
  + Utf8 [message]
  + Utf8 [modPow]
  + Utf8 [n]
  + Utf8 [num_pad]
  + Utf8 [pk]
  + Utf8 [pos]
  + Utf8 [readByteString]
  + Utf8 [readMPINT]
  + Utf8 [readOctetString]
  + Utf8 [readSequenceAsByteArray]
  + Utf8 [readString]
  + Utf8 [remain]
  + Utf8 [resetInput]
  + Utf8 [rsa_block_len]
  + Utf8 [s]
  + Utf8 [seq]
  + Utf8 [sha_message]
  + Utf8 [sig]
  + Utf8 [sig_format]
  + Utf8 [ssh-rsa]
  + Utf8 [ssh-rsa signature: (digestAlgorithm.length < 8) || (digestAlgorithm.length > 9)]
  + Utf8 [ssh-rsa signature: (v.length - startpos) != (rsa_block_len - 1)]
  + Utf8 [ssh-rsa signature: digest.length != sha_message.length]
  + Utf8 [ssh-rsa signature: digestAlgorithm[i] != digestAlgorithm_sha1[i]]
  + Utf8 [ssh-rsa signature: dr.available() != 0]
  + Utf8 [ssh-rsa signature: dr.available() != 0 (II)]
  + Utf8 [ssh-rsa signature: n.compareTo(s) <= 0]
  + Utf8 [ssh-rsa signature: num_pad < 8]
  + Utf8 [ssh-rsa signature: pos >= v.length]
  + Utf8 [ssh-rsa signature: rsa_block_len < 1]
  + Utf8 [ssh-rsa signature: sha_message[i] != digest[i]]
  + Utf8 [ssh-rsa signature: v[pos] != (byte) 0xff]
  + Utf8 [ssh-rsa signature: v[startpos] != 0x01]
  + Utf8 [startpos]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toByteArray]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [tr]
  + Utf8 [tw]
  + Utf8 [update]
  + Utf8 [v]
  + Utf8 [verifySignature]
  + Utf8 [writeMPInt]
  + Utf8 [writeString]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final com.trilead.ssh2.log.Logger log

Methods (count = 8):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 9, locals = 0, stack = 1):
      [0] ldc #30
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify]
      [2] invokestatic #49
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.getLogger (Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [5] putstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [8] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 22
        [8] -> line 20
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public RSASHA1Verify()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #71
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 20
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify; this]
  + Method:       decodeSSHRSAPublicKey([B)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static com.trilead.ssh2.signature.RSAPublicKey decodeSSHRSAPublicKey(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 72, locals = 5, stack = 4):
      [0] new #26
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
      [3] dup
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] invokespecial #52
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.<init> ([B)V]
      [8] astore_1 v1
      [9] aload_1 v1
      [10] invokevirtual #55
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [13] astore_2 v2
      [14] aload_2 v2
      [15] ldc #9
        + String [ssh-rsa]
      [17] invokevirtual #72
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [20] ifne +13 (target=33)
      [23] new #33
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [26] dup
      [27] ldc #8
        + String [This is not a ssh-rsa public key]
      [29] invokespecial #70
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [32] athrow
      [33] aload_1 v1
      [34] invokevirtual #54
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readMPINT ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [37] astore_3 v3
      [38] aload_1 v1
      [39] invokevirtual #54
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readMPINT ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [42] astore v4
      [44] aload_1 v1
      [45] invokevirtual #56
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.remain ()I]
      [48] ifeq +13 (target=61)
      [51] new #32
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [54] dup
      [55] ldc #5
        + String [Padding in RSA public key!]
      [57] invokespecial #69
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [60] athrow
      [61] new #29
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey]
      [64] dup
      [65] aload_3 v3
      [66] aload v4
      [68] invokespecial #64
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey.<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
      [71] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 26
        [9] -> line 28
        [14] -> line 30
        [23] -> line 31
        [33] -> line 33
        [38] -> line 34
        [44] -> line 36
        [51] -> line 37
        [61] -> line 39
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 72 [[B key]
        v1: 9 -> 72 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader; tr]
        v2: 14 -> 72 [Ljava/lang/String; key_format]
        v3: 38 -> 72 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; e]
        v4: 44 -> 72 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; n]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       encodeSSHRSAPublicKey(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;)[B
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static byte[] encodeSSHRSAPublicKey(com.trilead.ssh2.signature.RSAPublicKey)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 35, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] new #27
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
      [3] dup
      [4] invokespecial #57
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
      [7] astore_1 v1
      [8] aload_1 v1
      [9] ldc #9
        + String [ssh-rsa]
      [11] invokevirtual #60
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [14] aload_1 v1
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] invokevirtual #65
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey.getE ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [19] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeMPInt (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
      [22] aload_1 v1
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] invokevirtual #66
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey.getN ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [27] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeMPInt (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
      [30] aload_1 v1
      [31] invokevirtual #58
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
      [34] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 44
        [8] -> line 46
        [14] -> line 47
        [22] -> line 48
        [30] -> line 50
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 35 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey; pk]
        v1: 8 -> 35 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; tw]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       decodeSSHRSASignature([B)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature;
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static com.trilead.ssh2.signature.RSASignature decodeSSHRSASignature(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 126, locals = 4, stack = 6):
      [0] new #26
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
      [3] dup
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] invokespecial #52
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.<init> ([B)V]
      [8] astore_1 v1
      [9] aload_1 v1
      [10] invokevirtual #55
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [13] astore_2 v2
      [14] aload_2 v2
      [15] ldc #9
        + String [ssh-rsa]
      [17] invokevirtual #72
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [20] ifne +13 (target=33)
      [23] new #32
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [26] dup
      [27] ldc #7
        + String [Peer sent wrong signature format]
      [29] invokespecial #69
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [32] athrow
      [33] aload_1 v1
      [34] invokevirtual #53
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readByteString ()[B]
      [37] astore_3 v3
      [38] aload_3 v3
      [39] arraylength
      [40] ifne +13 (target=53)
      [43] new #32
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [46] dup
      [47] ldc #4
        + String [Error in RSA signature, S is empty.]
      [49] invokespecial #69
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [52] athrow
      [53] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [56] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
      [59] ifeq +33 (target=92)
      [62] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [65] bipush 80
      [67] new #36
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [70] dup
      [71] ldc #3
        + String [Decoding ssh-rsa signature string (length: ]
      [73] invokespecial #73
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [76] aload_3 v3
      [77] arraylength
      [78] invokevirtual #74
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [81] ldc #1
        + String [)]
      [83] invokevirtual #75
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [86] invokevirtual #76
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [89] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [92] aload_1 v1
      [93] invokevirtual #56
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.remain ()I]
      [96] ifeq +13 (target=109)
      [99] new #32
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [102] dup
      [103] ldc #6
        + String [Padding in RSA signature!]
      [105] invokespecial #69
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [108] athrow
      [109] new #31
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature]
      [112] dup
      [113] new #38
        + Class [java/math/BigInteger]
      [116] dup
      [117] iconst_1
      [118] aload_3 v3
      [119] invokespecial #78
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.<init> (I[B)V]
      [122] invokespecial #67
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature.<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
      [125] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 12)
        [0] -> line 55
        [9] -> line 57
        [14] -> line 59
        [23] -> line 60
        [33] -> line 67
        [38] -> line 69
        [43] -> line 70
        [53] -> line 72
        [62] -> line 74
        [92] -> line 77
        [99] -> line 78
        [109] -> line 80
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 126 [[B sig]
        v1: 9 -> 126 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader; tr]
        v2: 14 -> 126 [Ljava/lang/String; sig_format]
        v3: 38 -> 126 [[B s]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       encodeSSHRSASignature(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature;)[B
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static byte[] encodeSSHRSASignature(com.trilead.ssh2.signature.RSASignature)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 60, locals = 3, stack = 5):
      [0] new #27
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter]
      [3] dup
      [4] invokespecial #57
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.<init> ()V]
      [7] astore_1 v1
      [8] aload_1 v1
      [9] ldc #9
        + String [ssh-rsa]
      [11] invokevirtual #60
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] invokevirtual #68
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature.getS ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [18] invokevirtual #82
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.toByteArray ()[B]
      [21] astore_2 v2
      [22] aload_2 v2
      [23] arraylength
      [24] iconst_1
      [25] ificmple +22 (target=47)
      [28] aload_2 v2
      [29] iconst_0
      [30] baload
      [31] ifne +16 (target=47)
      [34] aload_1 v1
      [35] aload_2 v2
      [36] iconst_1
      [37] aload_2 v2
      [38] arraylength
      [39] iconst_1
      [40] isub
      [41] invokevirtual #61
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString ([BII)V]
      [44] goto +11 (target=55)
      [47] aload_1 v1
      [48] aload_2 v2
      [49] iconst_0
      [50] aload_2 v2
      [51] arraylength
      [52] invokevirtual #61
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.writeString ([BII)V]
      [55] aload_1 v1
      [56] invokevirtual #58
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter.getBytes ()[B]
      [59] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 85
        [8] -> line 87
        [14] -> line 94
        [22] -> line 98
        [34] -> line 99
        [47] -> line 101
        [55] -> line 103
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 60 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature; sig]
        v1: 8 -> 60 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesWriter; tw]
        v2: 22 -> 60 [[B s]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       generateSignature([BLcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature;
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static com.trilead.ssh2.signature.RSASignature generateSignature(byte[],com.trilead.ssh2.signature.RSAPrivateKey)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 272, locals = 10, stack = 5):
      [0] new #24
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1]
      [3] dup
      [4] invokespecial #45
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.<init> ()V]
      [7] astore_2 v2
      [8] aload_2 v2
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] invokevirtual #48
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.update ([B)V]
      [13] aload_2 v2
      [14] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.getDigestLength ()I]
      [17] newarray 8
      [19] astore_3 v3
      [20] aload_2 v2
      [21] aload_3 v3
      [22] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.digest ([B)V]
      [25] bipush 15
      [27] newarray 8
      [29] dup
      [30] iconst_0
      [31] bipush 48
      [33] bastore
      [34] dup
      [35] iconst_1
      [36] bipush 33
      [38] bastore
      [39] dup
      [40] iconst_2
      [41] bipush 48
      [43] bastore
      [44] dup
      [45] iconst_3
      [46] bipush 9
      [48] bastore
      [49] dup
      [50] iconst_4
      [51] bipush 6
      [53] bastore
      [54] dup
      [55] iconst_5
      [56] iconst_5
      [57] bastore
      [58] dup
      [59] bipush 6
      [61] bipush 43
      [63] bastore
      [64] dup
      [65] bipush 7
      [67] bipush 14
      [69] bastore
      [70] dup
      [71] bipush 8
      [73] iconst_3
      [74] bastore
      [75] dup
      [76] bipush 9
      [78] iconst_2
      [79] bastore
      [80] dup
      [81] bipush 10
      [83] bipush 26
      [85] bastore
      [86] dup
      [87] bipush 11
      [89] iconst_5
      [90] bastore
      [91] dup
      [92] bipush 13
      [94] iconst_4
      [95] bastore
      [96] dup
      [97] bipush 14
      [99] bipush 20
      [101] bastore
      [102] astore v4
      [104] aload_1 v1
      [105] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey.getN ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [108] invokevirtual #79
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.bitLength ()I]
      [111] bipush 7
      [113] iadd
      [114] bipush 8
      [116] idiv
      [117] istore v5
      [119] iload v5
      [121] iconst_2
      [122] aload v4
      [124] arraylength
      [125] iadd
      [126] aload_3 v3
      [127] arraylength
      [128] iadd
      [129] isub
      [130] iconst_1
      [131] isub
      [132] istore v6
      [134] iload v6
      [136] bipush 8
      [138] ificmpge +13 (target=151)
      [141] new #32
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [144] dup
      [145] ldc #2
        + String [Cannot sign with RSA, message too long]
      [147] invokespecial #69
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [150] athrow
      [151] aload v4
      [153] arraylength
      [154] aload_3 v3
      [155] arraylength
      [156] iadd
      [157] iconst_2
      [158] iadd
      [159] iload v6
      [161] iadd
      [162] newarray 8
      [164] astore v7
      [166] aload v7
      [168] iconst_0
      [169] iconst_1
      [170] bastore
      [171] iconst_0
      [172] istore v8
      [174] goto +14 (target=188)
      [177] aload v7
      [179] iload v8
      [181] iconst_1
      [182] iadd
      [183] iconst_m1
      [184] bastore
      [185] iinc v8, 1
      [188] iload v8
      [190] iload v6
      [192] ificmplt -15 (target=177)
      [195] aload v7
      [197] iload v6
      [199] iconst_1
      [200] iadd
      [201] iconst_0
      [202] bastore
      [203] aload v4
      [205] iconst_0
      [206] aload v7
      [208] iconst_2
      [209] iload v6
      [211] iadd
      [212] aload v4
      [214] arraylength
      [215] invokestatic #77
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [218] aload_3 v3
      [219] iconst_0
      [220] aload v7
      [222] iconst_2
      [223] iload v6
      [225] iadd
      [226] aload v4
      [228] arraylength
      [229] iadd
      [230] aload_3 v3
      [231] arraylength
      [232] invokestatic #77
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [235] new #38
        + Class [java/math/BigInteger]
      [238] dup
      [239] iconst_1
      [240] aload v7
      [242] invokespecial #78
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.<init> (I[B)V]
      [245] astore v8
      [247] aload v8
      [249] aload_1 v1
      [250] invokevirtual #62
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey.getD ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [253] aload_1 v1
      [254] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey.getN ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [257] invokevirtual #81
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.modPow (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [260] astore v9
      [262] new #31
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature]
      [265] dup
      [266] aload v9
      [268] invokespecial #67
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature.<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
      [271] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 23)
        [0] -> line 108
        [8] -> line 109
        [13] -> line 110
        [20] -> line 111
        [25] -> line 113
        [31] -> line 113
        [94] -> line 114
        [102] -> line 113
        [104] -> line 116
        [119] -> line 118
        [134] -> line 120
        [141] -> line 121
        [151] -> line 123
        [166] -> line 125
        [171] -> line 127
        [177] -> line 129
        [185] -> line 127
        [195] -> line 132
        [203] -> line 134
        [218] -> line 135
        [235] -> line 137
        [247] -> line 139
        [262] -> line 141
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 11)
        v0: 0 -> 272 [[B message]
        v1: 0 -> 272 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey; pk]
        v2: 8 -> 272 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1; md]
        v3: 20 -> 272 [[B sha_message]
        v4: 104 -> 272 [[B der_header]
        v5: 119 -> 272 [I rsa_block_len]
        v6: 134 -> 272 [I num_pad]
        v7: 166 -> 272 [[B sig]
        v8: 174 -> 195 [I i]
        v8: 247 -> 272 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; m]
        v9: 262 -> 272 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; s]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       verifySignature([BLcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;)Z
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static boolean verifySignature(byte[],com.trilead.ssh2.signature.RSASignature,com.trilead.ssh2.signature.RSAPublicKey)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 558, locals = 19, stack = 6):
      [0] new #24
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1]
      [3] dup
      [4] invokespecial #45
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.<init> ()V]
      [7] astore_3 v3
      [8] aload_3 v3
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] invokevirtual #48
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.update ([B)V]
      [13] aload_3 v3
      [14] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.getDigestLength ()I]
      [17] newarray 8
      [19] astore v4
      [21] aload_3 v3
      [22] aload v4
      [24] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1.digest ([B)V]
      [27] aload_2 v2
      [28] invokevirtual #66
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey.getN ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [31] astore v5
      [33] aload_2 v2
      [34] invokevirtual #65
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey.getE ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [37] astore v6
      [39] aload_1 v1
      [40] invokevirtual #68
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature.getS ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [43] astore v7
      [45] aload v5
      [47] aload v7
      [49] invokevirtual #80
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.compareTo (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)I]
      [52] ifgt +15 (target=67)
      [55] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [58] bipush 20
      [60] ldc #16
        + String [ssh-rsa signature: n.compareTo(s) <= 0]
      [62] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [65] iconst_0
      [66] ireturn
      [67] aload v5
      [69] invokevirtual #79
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.bitLength ()I]
      [72] bipush 7
      [74] iadd
      [75] bipush 8
      [77] idiv
      [78] istore v8
      [80] iload v8
      [82] iconst_1
      [83] ificmpge +15 (target=98)
      [86] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [89] bipush 20
      [91] ldc #19
        + String [ssh-rsa signature: rsa_block_len < 1]
      [93] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [96] iconst_0
      [97] ireturn
      [98] aload v7
      [100] aload v6
      [102] aload v5
      [104] invokevirtual #81
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.modPow (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [107] invokevirtual #82
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.toByteArray ()[B]
      [110] astore v9
      [112] iconst_0
      [113] istore v10
      [115] aload v9
      [117] arraylength
      [118] ifle +13 (target=131)
      [121] aload v9
      [123] iconst_0
      [124] baload
      [125] ifne +6 (target=131)
      [128] iinc v10, 1
      [131] aload v9
      [133] arraylength
      [134] iload v10
      [136] isub
      [137] iload v8
      [139] iconst_1
      [140] isub
      [141] ificmpeq +15 (target=156)
      [144] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [147] bipush 20
      [149] ldc #11
        + String [ssh-rsa signature: (v.length - startpos) != (rsa_block_len - 1)]
      [151] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [154] iconst_0
      [155] ireturn
      [156] aload v9
      [158] iload v10
      [160] baload
      [161] iconst_1
      [162] ificmpeq +15 (target=177)
      [165] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [168] bipush 20
      [170] ldc #22
        + String [ssh-rsa signature: v[startpos] != 0x01]
      [172] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [175] iconst_0
      [176] ireturn
      [177] iload v10
      [179] iconst_1
      [180] iadd
      [181] istore v11
      [183] iload v11
      [185] aload v9
      [187] arraylength
      [188] ificmplt +15 (target=203)
      [191] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [194] bipush 20
      [196] ldc #18
        + String [ssh-rsa signature: pos >= v.length]
      [198] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [201] iconst_0
      [202] ireturn
      [203] aload v9
      [205] iload v11
      [207] baload
      [208] ifne +6 (target=214)
      [211] goto +30 (target=241)
      [214] aload v9
      [216] iload v11
      [218] baload
      [219] iconst_m1
      [220] ificmpeq +15 (target=235)
      [223] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [226] bipush 20
      [228] ldc #21
        + String [ssh-rsa signature: v[pos] != (byte) 0xff]
      [230] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [233] iconst_0
      [234] ireturn
      [235] iinc v11, 1
      [238] goto -55 (target=183)
      [241] iload v11
      [243] iload v10
      [245] iconst_1
      [246] iadd
      [247] isub
      [248] istore v12
      [250] iload v12
      [252] bipush 8
      [254] ificmpge +15 (target=269)
      [257] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [260] bipush 20
      [262] ldc #17
        + String [ssh-rsa signature: num_pad < 8]
      [264] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [267] iconst_0
      [268] ireturn
      [269] iinc v11, 1
      [272] iload v11
      [274] aload v9
      [276] arraylength
      [277] ificmplt +15 (target=292)
      [280] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [283] bipush 20
      [285] ldc #18
        + String [ssh-rsa signature: pos >= v.length]
      [287] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [290] iconst_0
      [291] ireturn
      [292] new #23
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader]
      [295] dup
      [296] aload v9
      [298] iload v11
      [300] aload v9
      [302] arraylength
      [303] iload v11
      [305] isub
      [306] invokespecial #40
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.<init> ([BII)V]
      [309] astore v13
      [311] aload v13
      [313] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.readSequenceAsByteArray ()[B]
      [316] astore v14
      [318] aload v13
      [320] invokevirtual #41
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.available ()I]
      [323] ifeq +15 (target=338)
      [326] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [329] bipush 20
      [331] ldc #14
        + String [ssh-rsa signature: dr.available() != 0]
      [333] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [336] iconst_0
      [337] ireturn
      [338] aload v13
      [340] aload v14
      [342] invokevirtual #44
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.resetInput ([B)V]
      [345] aload v13
      [347] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.readSequenceAsByteArray ()[B]
      [350] astore v15
      [352] aload v15
      [354] arraylength
      [355] bipush 8
      [357] ificmplt +11 (target=368)
      [360] aload v15
      [362] arraylength
      [363] bipush 9
      [365] ificmple +15 (target=380)
      [368] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [371] bipush 20
      [373] ldc #10
        + String [ssh-rsa signature: (digestAlgorithm.length < 8) || (digestAlgorithm.length > 9)]
      [375] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [378] iconst_0
      [379] ireturn
      [380] bipush 9
      [382] newarray 8
      [384] dup
      [385] iconst_0
      [386] bipush 6
      [388] bastore
      [389] dup
      [390] iconst_1
      [391] iconst_5
      [392] bastore
      [393] dup
      [394] iconst_2
      [395] bipush 43
      [397] bastore
      [398] dup
      [399] iconst_3
      [400] bipush 14
      [402] bastore
      [403] dup
      [404] iconst_4
      [405] iconst_3
      [406] bastore
      [407] dup
      [408] iconst_5
      [409] iconst_2
      [410] bastore
      [411] dup
      [412] bipush 6
      [414] bipush 26
      [416] bastore
      [417] dup
      [418] bipush 7
      [420] iconst_5
      [421] bastore
      [422] astore v16
      [424] iconst_0
      [425] istore v17
      [427] goto +31 (target=458)
      [430] aload v15
      [432] iload v17
      [434] baload
      [435] aload v16
      [437] iload v17
      [439] baload
      [440] ificmpeq +15 (target=455)
      [443] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [446] bipush 20
      [448] ldc #13
        + String [ssh-rsa signature: digestAlgorithm[i] != digestAlgorithm_sha1[i]]
      [450] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [453] iconst_0
      [454] ireturn
      [455] iinc v17, 1
      [458] iload v17
      [460] aload v15
      [462] arraylength
      [463] ificmplt -33 (target=430)
      [466] aload v13
      [468] invokevirtual #42
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.readOctetString ()[B]
      [471] astore v17
      [473] aload v13
      [475] invokevirtual #41
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader.available ()I]
      [478] ifeq +15 (target=493)
      [481] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [484] bipush 20
      [486] ldc #15
        + String [ssh-rsa signature: dr.available() != 0 (II)]
      [488] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [491] iconst_0
      [492] ireturn
      [493] aload v17
      [495] arraylength
      [496] aload v4
      [498] arraylength
      [499] ificmpeq +15 (target=514)
      [502] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [505] bipush 20
      [507] ldc #12
        + String [ssh-rsa signature: digest.length != sha_message.length]
      [509] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [512] iconst_0
      [513] ireturn
      [514] iconst_0
      [515] istore v18
      [517] goto +31 (target=548)
      [520] aload v4
      [522] iload v18
      [524] baload
      [525] aload v17
      [527] iload v18
      [529] baload
      [530] ificmpeq +15 (target=545)
      [533] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [536] bipush 20
      [538] ldc #20
        + String [ssh-rsa signature: sha_message[i] != digest[i]]
      [540] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [543] iconst_0
      [544] ireturn
      [545] iinc v18, 1
      [548] iload v18
      [550] aload v4
      [552] arraylength
      [553] ificmplt -33 (target=520)
      [556] iconst_1
      [557] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 72)
        [0] -> line 146
        [8] -> line 147
        [13] -> line 148
        [21] -> line 149
        [27] -> line 151
        [33] -> line 152
        [39] -> line 153
        [45] -> line 155
        [55] -> line 157
        [65] -> line 158
        [67] -> line 161
        [80] -> line 165
        [86] -> line 167
        [96] -> line 168
        [98] -> line 171
        [112] -> line 173
        [115] -> line 175
        [128] -> line 176
        [131] -> line 178
        [144] -> line 180
        [154] -> line 181
        [156] -> line 184
        [165] -> line 186
        [175] -> line 187
        [177] -> line 190
        [183] -> line 194
        [191] -> line 196
        [201] -> line 197
        [203] -> line 199
        [211] -> line 200
        [214] -> line 201
        [223] -> line 203
        [233] -> line 204
        [235] -> line 206
        [238] -> line 192
        [241] -> line 209
        [250] -> line 211
        [257] -> line 213
        [267] -> line 214
        [269] -> line 217
        [272] -> line 219
        [280] -> line 221
        [290] -> line 222
        [292] -> line 225
        [311] -> line 227
        [318] -> line 229
        [326] -> line 231
        [336] -> line 232
        [338] -> line 235
        [345] -> line 239
        [352] -> line 243
        [368] -> line 245
        [378] -> line 246
        [380] -> line 249
        [424] -> line 251
        [430] -> line 253
        [443] -> line 255
        [453] -> line 256
        [455] -> line 251
        [466] -> line 260
        [473] -> line 262
        [481] -> line 264
        [491] -> line 265
        [493] -> line 268
        [502] -> line 270
        [512] -> line 271
        [514] -> line 274
        [520] -> line 276
        [533] -> line 278
        [543] -> line 279
        [545] -> line 274
        [556] -> line 283
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 20)
        v0: 0 -> 558 [[B message]
        v1: 0 -> 558 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature; ds]
        v2: 0 -> 558 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey; dpk]
        v3: 8 -> 558 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/SHA1; md]
        v4: 21 -> 558 [[B sha_message]
        v5: 33 -> 558 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; n]
        v6: 39 -> 558 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; e]
        v7: 45 -> 558 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; s]
        v8: 80 -> 558 [I rsa_block_len]
        v9: 112 -> 558 [[B v]
        v10: 115 -> 558 [I startpos]
        v11: 183 -> 558 [I pos]
        v12: 250 -> 558 [I num_pad]
        v13: 311 -> 558 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/SimpleDERReader; dr]
        v14: 318 -> 558 [[B seq]
        v15: 352 -> 558 [[B digestAlgorithm]
        v16: 424 -> 558 [[B digestAlgorithm_sha1]
        v17: 427 -> 466 [I i]
        v17: 473 -> 558 [[B digest]
        v18: 517 -> 556 [I i]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.signature.RSASignature extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 23):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature.s Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [s Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature]
  + Utf8 [getS]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [s]
  + Utf8 [this]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        s Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.math.BigInteger s

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       getS()Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.math.BigInteger getS()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #3
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature.s Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 20
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature; this]
  + Method:       <init>(Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public RSASignature(java.math.BigInteger)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #4
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] putfield #3
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature.s Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 23
        [4] -> line 25
        [9] -> line 26
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature; this]
        v1: 0 -> 10 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; s]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.transport.ClientServerHello extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 131):
  + String [
  + String [ISO-8859-1]
  + String [Malformed line sent by the server, the line does not end correctly.]
  + String [Malformed server identification string. There was no line starting with 'SSH-' amongst the first 50 lines.]
  + String [Premature connection close]
  + String [SSH-]
  + String [SSH-1.99-]
  + String [SSH-2.0-]
  + String [SSH-2.0-TrileadSSH2Java_213]
  + String [Server uses incompatible protocol, it is not SSH-2 compatible.]
  + String [The server sent a too long line.]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/io/InputStream]
  + Class [java/io/OutputStream]
  + Class [java/io/UnsupportedEncodingException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello.client_line Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello.server_line Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello.server_versioncomment Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello.readLineRN (Ljava/io/InputStream;[B)I]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/ ()I]
  + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.flush ()V]
  + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.<init> ([BIILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.getBytes ()[B]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.getBytes (Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.startsWith (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([BIILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [client_line Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [flush ()V]
  + NameAndType [getBytes ()[B]
  + NameAndType [getBytes (Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
  + NameAndType [read ()I]
  + NameAndType [readLineRN (Ljava/io/InputStream;[B)I]
  + NameAndType [server_line Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [server_versioncomment Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [startsWith (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + NameAndType [substring (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [write ([B)V]
  + Utf8 [
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/OutputStream;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/io/InputStream;[B)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [([BIILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [ISO-8859-1]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/UnsupportedEncodingException;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Malformed line sent by the server, the line does not end correctly.]
  + Utf8 [Malformed server identification string. There was no line starting with 'SSH-' amongst the first 50 lines.]
  + Utf8 [Premature connection close]
  + Utf8 [SSH-]
  + Utf8 [SSH-1.99-]
  + Utf8 [SSH-2.0-]
  + Utf8 [SSH-2.0-TrileadSSH2Java_213]
  + Utf8 [Server uses incompatible protocol, it is not SSH-2 compatible.]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [The server sent a too long line.]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [bi]
  + Utf8 [bo]
  + Utf8 [buffer]
  + Utf8 [c]
  + Utf8 [client_line]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello]
  + Utf8 [flush]
  + Utf8 [getBytes]
  + Utf8 [getClientString]
  + Utf8 [getServerString]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [ign]
  + Utf8 [is]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/io/InputStream]
  + Utf8 [java/io/OutputStream]
  + Utf8 [java/io/UnsupportedEncodingException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [len]
  + Utf8 [need10]
  + Utf8 [pos]
  + Utf8 [read]
  + Utf8 [readLineRN]
  + Utf8 [result]
  + Utf8 [serverVersion]
  + Utf8 [server_line]
  + Utf8 [server_versioncomment]
  + Utf8 [startsWith]
  + Utf8 [substring]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [valueOf]
  + Utf8 [write]

Fields (count = 3):
  + Field:        server_line Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String server_line
  + Field:        client_line Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String client_line
  + Field:        server_versioncomment Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String server_versioncomment

Methods (count = 4):
  + Method:       readLineRN(Ljava/io/InputStream;[B)I
    Access flags: 0x19
      = public static final int readLineRN(,byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 96, locals = 6, stack = 3):
      [0] iconst_0
      [1] istore_2 v2
      [2] iconst_0
      [3] istore_3 v3
      [4] iconst_0
      [5] istore v4
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [java/io/ ()I]
      [11] istore v5
      [13] iload v5
      [15] iconst_m1
      [16] ificmpne +13 (target=29)
      [19] new #13
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [22] dup
      [23] ldc #5
        + String [Premature connection close]
      [25] invokespecial #24
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [28] athrow
      [29] aload_1 v1
      [30] iload_2 v2
      [31] iinc v2, 1
      [34] iload v5
      [36] i2b
      [37] bastore
      [38] iload v5
      [40] bipush 13
      [42] ificmpne +8 (target=50)
      [45] iconst_1
      [46] istore_3 v3
      [47] goto -40 (target=7)
      [50] iload v5
      [52] bipush 10
      [54] ificmpne +6 (target=60)
      [57] goto +36 (target=93)
      [60] iload_3 v3
      [61] ifeq +13 (target=74)
      [64] new #13
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [67] dup
      [68] ldc #3
        + String [Malformed line sent by the server, the line does not end correctly.]
      [70] invokespecial #24
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [73] athrow
      [74] iinc v4, 1
      [77] iload_2 v2
      [78] aload_1 v1
      [79] arraylength
      [80] ificmplt -73 (target=7)
      [83] new #13
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [86] dup
      [87] ldc #11
        + String [The server sent a too long line.]
      [89] invokespecial #24
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [92] athrow
      [93] iload v4
      [95] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 18)
        [0] -> line 26
        [2] -> line 27
        [4] -> line 28
        [7] -> line 31
        [13] -> line 32
        [19] -> line 33
        [29] -> line 35
        [38] -> line 37
        [45] -> line 39
        [47] -> line 40
        [50] -> line 43
        [57] -> line 44
        [60] -> line 46
        [64] -> line 47
        [74] -> line 49
        [77] -> line 50
        [83] -> line 51
        [93] -> line 54
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 96 [Ljava/io/InputStream; is]
        v1: 0 -> 96 [[B buffer]
        v2: 2 -> 96 [I pos]
        v3: 4 -> 96 [Z need10]
        v4: 7 -> 96 [I len]
        v5: 13 -> 93 [I c]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       <init>(Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/OutputStream;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public ClientServerHello(,
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 195, locals = 6, stack = 7):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #28
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] ldc #9
        + String [SSH-2.0-TrileadSSH2Java_213]
      [7] putfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello.client_line Ljava/lang/String;]
      [10] aload_2 v2
      [11] new #19
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [14] dup
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello.client_line Ljava/lang/String;]
      [19] invokestatic #34
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [22] invokespecial #35
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [25] ldc #1
        + String [
      [27] invokevirtual #36
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [30] invokevirtual #37
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [33] ldc #2
        + String [ISO-8859-1]
      [35] invokevirtual #31
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.getBytes (Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
      [38] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
      [41] aload_2 v2
      [42] invokevirtual #26
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.flush ()V]
      [45] sipush 512
      [48] newarray 8
      [50] astore_3 v3
      [51] iconst_0
      [52] istore v4
      [54] goto +45 (target=99)
      [57] aload_1 v1
      [58] aload_3 v3
      [59] invokestatic #23
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello.readLineRN (Ljava/io/InputStream;[B)I]
      [62] istore v5
      [64] aload_0 v0
      [65] new #18
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [68] dup
      [69] aload_3 v3
      [70] iconst_0
      [71] iload v5
      [73] ldc #2
        + String [ISO-8859-1]
      [75] invokespecial #29
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.<init> ([BIILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [78] putfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello.server_line Ljava/lang/String;]
      [81] aload_0 v0
      [82] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello.server_line Ljava/lang/String;]
      [85] ldc #6
        + String [SSH-]
      [87] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.startsWith (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [90] ifeq +6 (target=96)
      [93] goto +13 (target=106)
      [96] iinc v4, 1
      [99] iload v4
      [101] bipush 50
      [103] ificmplt -46 (target=57)
      [106] aload_0 v0
      [107] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello.server_line Ljava/lang/String;]
      [110] ldc #6
        + String [SSH-]
      [112] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.startsWith (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [115] ifne +13 (target=128)
      [118] new #13
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [121] dup
      [122] ldc #4
        + String [Malformed server identification string. There was no line starting with 'SSH-' amongst the first 50 lines.]
      [124] invokespecial #24
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [127] athrow
      [128] aload_0 v0
      [129] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello.server_line Ljava/lang/String;]
      [132] ldc #7
        + String [SSH-1.99-]
      [134] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.startsWith (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [137] ifeq +19 (target=156)
      [140] aload_0 v0
      [141] aload_0 v0
      [142] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello.server_line Ljava/lang/String;]
      [145] bipush 9
      [147] invokevirtual #33
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [150] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello.server_versioncomment Ljava/lang/String;]
      [153] goto +41 (target=194)
      [156] aload_0 v0
      [157] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello.server_line Ljava/lang/String;]
      [160] ldc #8
        + String [SSH-2.0-]
      [162] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.startsWith (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [165] ifeq +19 (target=184)
      [168] aload_0 v0
      [169] aload_0 v0
      [170] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello.server_line Ljava/lang/String;]
      [173] bipush 8
      [175] invokevirtual #33
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [178] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello.server_versioncomment Ljava/lang/String;]
      [181] goto +13 (target=194)
      [184] new #13
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [187] dup
      [188] ldc #10
        + String [Server uses incompatible protocol, it is not SSH-2 compatible.]
      [190] invokespecial #24
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [193] athrow
      [194] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 21)
        [0] -> line 57
        [4] -> line 59
        [10] -> line 61
        [41] -> line 62
        [45] -> line 64
        [51] -> line 66
        [57] -> line 68
        [64] -> line 70
        [81] -> line 72
        [93] -> line 73
        [96] -> line 66
        [106] -> line 76
        [118] -> line 77
        [122] -> line 78
        [124] -> line 77
        [128] -> line 80
        [140] -> line 81
        [156] -> line 82
        [168] -> line 83
        [184] -> line 85
        [194] -> line 86
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 195 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello; this]
        v1: 0 -> 195 [Ljava/io/InputStream; bi]
        v2: 0 -> 195 [Ljava/io/OutputStream; bo]
        v3: 51 -> 195 [[B serverVersion]
        v4: 54 -> 106 [I i]
        v5: 64 -> 96 [I len]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       getClientString()[B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] getClientString()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 24, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello.client_line Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4] ldc #2
        + String [ISO-8859-1]
      [6] invokevirtual #31
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.getBytes (Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
      [9] astore_1 v1
      [10] goto +12 (target=22)
      [13] astore_2 v2
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello.client_line Ljava/lang/String;]
      [18] invokevirtual #30
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.getBytes ()[B]
      [21] astore_1 v1
      [22] aload_1 v1
      [23] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 10: 13):
      + Class [java/io/UnsupportedEncodingException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 97
        [13] -> line 99
        [14] -> line 101
        [22] -> line 104
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 24 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello; this]
        v1: 10 -> 13 [[B result]
        v1: 22 -> 24 [[B result]
        v2: 14 -> 22 [Ljava/io/UnsupportedEncodingException; ign]
  + Method:       getServerString()[B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] getServerString()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 24, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello.server_line Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4] ldc #2
        + String [ISO-8859-1]
      [6] invokevirtual #31
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.getBytes (Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
      [9] astore_1 v1
      [10] goto +12 (target=22)
      [13] astore_2 v2
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello.server_line Ljava/lang/String;]
      [18] invokevirtual #30
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.getBytes ()[B]
      [21] astore_1 v1
      [22] aload_1 v1
      [23] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 10: 13):
      + Class [java/io/UnsupportedEncodingException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 116
        [13] -> line 118
        [14] -> line 120
        [22] -> line 123
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 24 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello; this]
        v1: 10 -> 13 [[B result]
        v1: 22 -> 24 [[B result]
        v2: 14 -> 22 [Ljava/io/UnsupportedEncodingException; ign]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.transport.KexManager extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 679):
  + String [']
  + String [)]
  + String [Cannot negotiate, proposals do not match.]
  + String [Fatal error during MAC startup!]
  + String [Hostkey signature sent by remote is wrong!]
  + String [Illegal State in KEX Exchange!]
  + String [KEX error.]
  + String [Key exchange was not finished, connection is closed.]
  + String [OpenSSH_2\.([0-4]\.|5\.[0-2]).*]
  + String [Peer sent SSH_MSG_NEWKEYS, but I have no key material ready!]
  + String [SHA1]
  + String [The server hostkey was not accepted by the verifier callback]
  + String [The server hostkey was not accepted by the verifier callback.]
  + String [Unexpected KEX message (type ]
  + String [Unexpected Kex submessage!]
  + String [Unexpected SSH_MSG_KEXINIT message during on-going kex exchange!]
  + String [Unknown server host key algorithm ']
  + String [Unkown KEX method!]
  + String [Unkown KEX method! (]
  + String [Verifying ssh-dss signature]
  + String [Verifying ssh-rsa signature]
  + String [comp_algo_client_to_server=]
  + String [comp_algo_server_to_client=]
  + String [diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1]
  + String [diffie-hellman-group1-sha1]
  + String [diffie-hellman-group14-sha1]
  + String [enc_algo_client_to_server=]
  + String [enc_algo_server_to_client=]
  + String [kex_algo=]
  + String [mac_algo_client_to_server=]
  + String [mac_algo_server_to_client=]
  + String [server_host_key_algo=]
  + String [ssh-dss]
  + String [ssh-rsa]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHInit]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHReply]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexGroup]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexInit]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexReply]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequest]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequestOld]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketNewKeys]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiateException]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
  + Class [java/lang/InterruptedException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo.clientToServerCryptoAlgorithm Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo.clientToServerMACAlgorithm Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo.keyExchangeAlgorithm Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo.keyExchangeCounter I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo.serverHostKey [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo.serverHostKeyAlgorithm Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo.serverToClientCryptoAlgorithm Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo.serverToClientMACAlgorithm Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial.enc_key_client_to_server [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial.enc_key_server_to_client [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial.initial_iv_client_to_server [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial.initial_iv_server_to_client [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial.integrity_key_client_to_server [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial.integrity_key_server_to_client [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello.server_versioncomment Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.accessLock Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.connectionClosed Z]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.csh Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.hostname Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.ignore_next_kex_packet Z]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kexCount I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.lastConnInfo Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.nextKEXcryptoWishList Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.nextKEXdhgexParameters Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.port I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.rnd Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.sessionId [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.verifier Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.compression_algorithms_client_to_server [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.compression_algorithms_server_to_client [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.encryption_algorithms_client_to_server [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.encryption_algorithms_server_to_client [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.kex_algorithms [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.languages_client_to_server [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.languages_server_to_client [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.mac_algorithms_client_to_server [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.mac_algorithms_server_to_client [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.server_host_key_algorithms [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.H [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.K Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.dhgexParameters Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.dhgx Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.dhx Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.hostkey [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.localKEX Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.remoteKEX Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.state I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.comp_algo_client_to_server Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.comp_algo_server_to_client Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.enc_algo_client_to_server Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.enc_algo_server_to_client Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.guessOK Z]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.kex_algo Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.lang_client_to_server Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.lang_server_to_client Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.mac_algo_client_to_server Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.mac_algo_server_to_client Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.server_host_key_algo Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters.getMin_group_len ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory.createCompressor (Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial.create (Ljava/lang/String;[BLjava/math/BigInteger;[BIIIIII)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory.createCipher (Ljava/lang/String;Z[B[B)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory.getBlockSize (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory.getKeySize (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.calculateH ([B[B[B[B[B)[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.getE ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.getK ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.init (ILjava/security/SecureRandom;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.setF (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange.<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange.calculateH ([B[B[B[B[BLcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;)[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange.getE ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange.getK ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange.init (Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange.setF (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;[B)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC.getKeyLen (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.getLogger (Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHInit.<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHInit.getPayload ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHReply.<init> ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHReply.getF ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHReply.getHostKey ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHReply.getSignature ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexGroup.<init> ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexGroup.getG ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexGroup.getP ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexInit.<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexInit.getPayload ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexReply.<init> ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexReply.getF ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexReply.getHostKey ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexReply.getSignature ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequest.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequest.getPayload ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequestOld.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequestOld.getPayload ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit.<init> ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit.getKexParameters ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit.getPayload ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit.isFirst_kex_packet_follows ()Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketNewKeys.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketNewKeys.getPayload ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify.decodeSSHDSAPublicKey ([B)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify.decodeSSHDSASignature ([B)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify.verifySignature ([BLcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;)Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify.decodeSSHRSAPublicKey ([B)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify.decodeSSHRSASignature ([B)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify.verifySignature ([BLcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;)Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello.getClientString ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello.getServerString ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.compareFirstOfNameList ([Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.establishKeyMaterial ()Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.finishKex ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.getFirstMatch ([Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.isGuessOK (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;)Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.mergeKexParameters (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.verifySignature ([B[B)Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiateException.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.changeRecvCipher (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.changeRecvCompression (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.changeSendCipher (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.changeSendCompression (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.getReasonClosedCause ()Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.kexFinished ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sendKexMessage ([B)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.initCause (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalStateException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.notifyAll ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.wait ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.matches (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier.verifyServerHostKey (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;[B)Z]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;[B)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([BII)V]
  + NameAndType [H [B]
  + NameAndType [K Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [accessLock Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [calculateH ([B[B[B[B[B)[B]
  + NameAndType [calculateH ([B[B[B[B[BLcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;)[B]
  + NameAndType [changeRecvCipher (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC;)V]
  + NameAndType [changeRecvCompression (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;)V]
  + NameAndType [changeSendCipher (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC;)V]
  + NameAndType [changeSendCompression (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;)V]
  + NameAndType [clientToServerCryptoAlgorithm Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [clientToServerMACAlgorithm Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [comp_algo_client_to_server Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [comp_algo_server_to_client Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [compareFirstOfNameList ([Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + NameAndType [compression_algorithms_client_to_server [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [compression_algorithms_server_to_client [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [connectionClosed Z]
  + NameAndType [create (Ljava/lang/String;[BLjava/math/BigInteger;[BIIIIII)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial;]
  + NameAndType [createCipher (Ljava/lang/String;Z[B[B)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;]
  + NameAndType [createCompressor (Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;]
  + NameAndType [csh Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello;]
  + NameAndType [decodeSSHDSAPublicKey ([B)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;]
  + NameAndType [decodeSSHDSASignature ([B)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature;]
  + NameAndType [decodeSSHRSAPublicKey ([B)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;]
  + NameAndType [decodeSSHRSASignature ([B)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature;]
  + NameAndType [dhgexParameters Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;]
  + NameAndType [dhgx Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange;]
  + NameAndType [dhx Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange;]
  + NameAndType [enc_algo_client_to_server Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [enc_algo_server_to_client Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [enc_key_client_to_server [B]
  + NameAndType [enc_key_server_to_client [B]
  + NameAndType [encryption_algorithms_client_to_server [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [encryption_algorithms_server_to_client [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [establishKeyMaterial ()Z]
  + NameAndType [finishKex ()V]
  + NameAndType [getBlockSize (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [getClientString ()[B]
  + NameAndType [getE ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [getF ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [getFirstMatch ([Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getG ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [getHostKey ()[B]
  + NameAndType [getK ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [getKexParameters ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
  + NameAndType [getKeyLen (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [getKeySize (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [getLogger (Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + NameAndType [getMin_group_len ()I]
  + NameAndType [getP ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [getPayload ()[B]
  + NameAndType [getReasonClosedCause ()Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
  + NameAndType [getServerString ()[B]
  + NameAndType [getSignature ()[B]
  + NameAndType [guessOK Z]
  + NameAndType [hostkey [B]
  + NameAndType [hostname Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [ignore_next_kex_packet Z]
  + NameAndType [init (ILjava/security/SecureRandom;)V]
  + NameAndType [init (Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)V]
  + NameAndType [initCause (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
  + NameAndType [initial_iv_client_to_server [B]
  + NameAndType [initial_iv_server_to_client [B]
  + NameAndType [integrity_key_client_to_server [B]
  + NameAndType [integrity_key_server_to_client [B]
  + NameAndType [isFirst_kex_packet_follows ()Z]
  + NameAndType [isGuessOK (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;)Z]
  + NameAndType [kexCount I]
  + NameAndType [kexFinished ()V]
  + NameAndType [kex_algo Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [kex_algorithms [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [keyExchangeAlgorithm Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [keyExchangeCounter I]
  + NameAndType [km Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial;]
  + NameAndType [kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
  + NameAndType [lang_client_to_server Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [lang_server_to_client Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [languages_client_to_server [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [languages_server_to_client [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [lastConnInfo Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
  + NameAndType [localKEX Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit;]
  + NameAndType [log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + NameAndType [mac_algo_client_to_server Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [mac_algo_server_to_client Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [mac_algorithms_client_to_server [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [mac_algorithms_server_to_client [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [matches (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + NameAndType [mergeKexParameters (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters;]
  + NameAndType [nextKEXcryptoWishList Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;]
  + NameAndType [nextKEXdhgexParameters Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;]
  + NameAndType [notifyAll ()V]
  + NameAndType [np Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters;]
  + NameAndType [port I]
  + NameAndType [remoteKEX Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit;]
  + NameAndType [rnd Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
  + NameAndType [sendKexMessage ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [serverHostKey [B]
  + NameAndType [serverHostKeyAlgorithm Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [serverToClientCryptoAlgorithm Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [serverToClientMACAlgorithm Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [server_host_key_algo Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [server_host_key_algorithms [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [server_versioncomment Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [sessionId [B]
  + NameAndType [setF (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + NameAndType [state I]
  + NameAndType [tm Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [verifier Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier;]
  + NameAndType [verifyServerHostKey (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;[B)Z]
  + NameAndType [verifySignature ([BLcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;)Z]
  + NameAndType [verifySignature ([BLcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;)Z]
  + NameAndType [verifySignature ([B[B)Z]
  + NameAndType [wait ()V]
  + Utf8 [']
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [()[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(ILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(ILjava/security/SecureRandom;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;Ljava/lang/String;ILcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier;Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;[B)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Z[B[B)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;[B)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;[BLjava/math/BigInteger;[BIIIIII)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;]
  + Utf8 [([B)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature;]
  + Utf8 [([B)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;]
  + Utf8 [([B)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature;]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [([BI)V]
  + Utf8 [([BII)V]
  + Utf8 [([BLcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;)Z]
  + Utf8 [([BLcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;)Z]
  + Utf8 [([B[B)Z]
  + Utf8 [([B[B[B[B[B)[B]
  + Utf8 [([B[B[B[B[BLcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;)[B]
  + Utf8 [([Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [([Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Utf8 [)]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Cannot negotiate, proposals do not match.]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [Fatal error during MAC startup!]
  + Utf8 [H]
  + Utf8 [Hostkey signature sent by remote is wrong!]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Illegal State in KEX Exchange!]
  + Utf8 [K]
  + Utf8 [KEX error.]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Key exchange was not finished, connection is closed.]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHInit;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHReply;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexGroup;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexInit;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexReply;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequest;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequestOld;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketNewKeys;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiateException;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Exception;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/IllegalArgumentException;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [OpenSSH_2\.([0-4]\.|5\.[0-2]).*]
  + Utf8 [Peer sent SSH_MSG_NEWKEYS, but I have no key material ready!]
  + Utf8 [SHA1]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [The server hostkey was not accepted by the verifier callback]
  + Utf8 [The server hostkey was not accepted by the verifier callback.]
  + Utf8 [Unexpected KEX message (type ]
  + Utf8 [Unexpected Kex submessage!]
  + Utf8 [Unexpected SSH_MSG_KEXINIT message during on-going kex exchange!]
  + Utf8 [Unknown server host key algorithm ']
  + Utf8 [Unkown KEX method!]
  + Utf8 [Unkown KEX method! (]
  + Utf8 [Verifying ssh-dss signature]
  + Utf8 [Verifying ssh-rsa signature]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [a]
  + Utf8 [accessLock]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [b]
  + Utf8 [calculateH]
  + Utf8 [cbc]
  + Utf8 [changeRecvCipher]
  + Utf8 [changeRecvCompression]
  + Utf8 [changeSendCipher]
  + Utf8 [changeSendCompression]
  + Utf8 [client]
  + Utf8 [clientToServerCryptoAlgorithm]
  + Utf8 [clientToServerMACAlgorithm]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHInit]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHReply]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexGroup]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexInit]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexReply]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequest]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequestOld]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketNewKeys]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiateException]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager]
  + Utf8 [comp]
  + Utf8 [comp_algo_client_to_server]
  + Utf8 [comp_algo_client_to_server=]
  + Utf8 [comp_algo_server_to_client]
  + Utf8 [comp_algo_server_to_client=]
  + Utf8 [compareFirstOfNameList]
  + Utf8 [compression_algorithms_client_to_server]
  + Utf8 [compression_algorithms_server_to_client]
  + Utf8 [connectionClosed]
  + Utf8 [cpar]
  + Utf8 [create]
  + Utf8 [createCipher]
  + Utf8 [createCompressor]
  + Utf8 [csh]
  + Utf8 [cwl]
  + Utf8 [decodeSSHDSAPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [decodeSSHDSASignature]
  + Utf8 [decodeSSHRSAPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [decodeSSHRSASignature]
  + Utf8 [dhgex]
  + Utf8 [dhgexParameters]
  + Utf8 [dhgexgrp]
  + Utf8 [dhgexinit]
  + Utf8 [dhgexreq]
  + Utf8 [dhgexrpl]
  + Utf8 [dhgx]
  + Utf8 [dhr]
  + Utf8 [dhx]
  + Utf8 [diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1]
  + Utf8 [diffie-hellman-group1-sha1]
  + Utf8 [diffie-hellman-group14-sha1]
  + Utf8 [dpk]
  + Utf8 [ds]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [e1]
  + Utf8 [e2]
  + Utf8 [enc_algo_client_to_server]
  + Utf8 [enc_algo_client_to_server=]
  + Utf8 [enc_algo_server_to_client]
  + Utf8 [enc_algo_server_to_client=]
  + Utf8 [enc_cs_block_len]
  + Utf8 [enc_cs_key_len]
  + Utf8 [enc_key_client_to_server]
  + Utf8 [enc_key_server_to_client]
  + Utf8 [enc_sc_block_len]
  + Utf8 [enc_sc_key_len]
  + Utf8 [encryption_algorithms_client_to_server]
  + Utf8 [encryption_algorithms_server_to_client]
  + Utf8 [equals]
  + Utf8 [establishKeyMaterial]
  + Utf8 [finishKex]
  + Utf8 [getBlockSize]
  + Utf8 [getClientString]
  + Utf8 [getDefaultKexAlgorithmList]
  + Utf8 [getDefaultServerHostkeyAlgorithmList]
  + Utf8 [getE]
  + Utf8 [getF]
  + Utf8 [getFirstMatch]
  + Utf8 [getG]
  + Utf8 [getHostKey]
  + Utf8 [getK]
  + Utf8 [getKexParameters]
  + Utf8 [getKeyLen]
  + Utf8 [getKeySize]
  + Utf8 [getLogger]
  + Utf8 [getMin_group_len]
  + Utf8 [getOrWaitForConnectionInfo]
  + Utf8 [getP]
  + Utf8 [getPayload]
  + Utf8 [getReasonClosedCause]
  + Utf8 [getServerString]
  + Utf8 [getSignature]
  + Utf8 [guessOK]
  + Utf8 [handleMessage]
  + Utf8 [hostkey]
  + Utf8 [hostname]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [ign]
  + Utf8 [ignore_next_kex_packet]
  + Utf8 [init]
  + Utf8 [initCause]
  + Utf8 [initialCwl]
  + Utf8 [initial_iv_client_to_server]
  + Utf8 [initial_iv_server_to_client]
  + Utf8 [initiateKEX]
  + Utf8 [integrity_key_client_to_server]
  + Utf8 [integrity_key_server_to_client]
  + Utf8 [isFirst_kex_packet_follows]
  + Utf8 [isGuessOK]
  + Utf8 [j]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Exception]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/InterruptedException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [kexCount]
  + Utf8 [kexFinished]
  + Utf8 [kex_algo]
  + Utf8 [kex_algo=]
  + Utf8 [kex_algorithms]
  + Utf8 [keyExchangeAlgorithm]
  + Utf8 [keyExchangeCounter]
  + Utf8 [keyVerifier]
  + Utf8 [kip]
  + Utf8 [km]
  + Utf8 [kp]
  + Utf8 [kxs]
  + Utf8 [lang_client_to_server]
  + Utf8 [lang_server_to_client]
  + Utf8 [languages_client_to_server]
  + Utf8 [languages_server_to_client]
  + Utf8 [lastConnInfo]
  + Utf8 [localKEX]
  + Utf8 [log]
  + Utf8 [mac]
  + Utf8 [mac_algo_client_to_server]
  + Utf8 [mac_algo_client_to_server=]
  + Utf8 [mac_algo_server_to_client]
  + Utf8 [mac_algo_server_to_client=]
  + Utf8 [mac_algorithms_client_to_server]
  + Utf8 [mac_algorithms_server_to_client]
  + Utf8 [mac_cs_key_len]
  + Utf8 [mac_sc_key_len]
  + Utf8 [matches]
  + Utf8 [mergeKexParameters]
  + Utf8 [minKexCount]
  + Utf8 [msg]
  + Utf8 [msglen]
  + Utf8 [nextKEXcryptoWishList]
  + Utf8 [nextKEXdhgexParameters]
  + Utf8 [notifyAll]
  + Utf8 [np]
  + Utf8 [port]
  + Utf8 [remoteKEX]
  + Utf8 [res]
  + Utf8 [rnd]
  + Utf8 [rpk]
  + Utf8 [rs]
  + Utf8 [sci]
  + Utf8 [sendKexMessage]
  + Utf8 [server]
  + Utf8 [serverHostKey]
  + Utf8 [serverHostKeyAlgorithm]
  + Utf8 [serverToClientCryptoAlgorithm]
  + Utf8 [serverToClientMACAlgorithm]
  + Utf8 [server_host_key_algo]
  + Utf8 [server_host_key_algo=]
  + Utf8 [server_host_key_algorithms]
  + Utf8 [server_versioncomment]
  + Utf8 [sessionId]
  + Utf8 [setF]
  + Utf8 [sig]
  + Utf8 [spar]
  + Utf8 [ssh-dss]
  + Utf8 [ssh-rsa]
  + Utf8 [state]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [tm]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [verifier]
  + Utf8 [verifyServerHostKey]
  + Utf8 [verifySignature]
  + Utf8 [vres]
  + Utf8 [wait]

Fields (count = 17):
  + Field:        log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final com.trilead.ssh2.log.Logger log
  + Field:        kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = com.trilead.ssh2.transport.KexState kxs
  + Field:        kexCount I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int kexCount
  + Field:        km Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.KeyMaterial km
  + Field:        sessionId [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] sessionId
  + Field:        csh Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = com.trilead.ssh2.transport.ClientServerHello csh
  + Field:        accessLock Ljava/lang/Object;
    Access flags: 0x10
      = final java.lang.Object accessLock
  + Field:        lastConnInfo Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = com.trilead.ssh2.ConnectionInfo lastConnInfo
  + Field:        connectionClosed Z
    Access flags: 0x0
      = boolean connectionClosed
  + Field:        ignore_next_kex_packet Z
    Access flags: 0x0
      = boolean ignore_next_kex_packet
  + Field:        tm Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;
    Access flags: 0x10
      = final com.trilead.ssh2.transport.TransportManager tm
  + Field:        nextKEXcryptoWishList Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.CryptoWishList nextKEXcryptoWishList
  + Field:        nextKEXdhgexParameters Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = com.trilead.ssh2.DHGexParameters nextKEXdhgexParameters
  + Field:        verifier Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = com.trilead.ssh2.ServerHostKeyVerifier verifier
  + Field:        hostname Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x10
      = final java.lang.String hostname
  + Field:        port I
    Access flags: 0x10
      = final int port
  + Field:        rnd Ljava/security/SecureRandom;
    Access flags: 0x10
      = final rnd

Methods (count = 14):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 9, locals = 0, stack = 1):
      [0] ldc #57
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager]
      [2] invokestatic #156
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.getLogger (Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [5] putstatic #95
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [8] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 46
        [8] -> line 44
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;Ljava/lang/String;ILcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier;Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public KexManager(com.trilead.ssh2.transport.TransportManager,com.trilead.ssh2.transport.ClientServerHello,com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.CryptoWishList,java.lang.String,int,com.trilead.ssh2.ServerHostKeyVerifier,
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 86, locals = 8, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #213
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] iconst_0
      [6] putfield #91
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kexCount I]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] new #68
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [13] dup
      [14] invokespecial #213
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [17] putfield #86
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.accessLock Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] aconst_null
      [22] putfield #94
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.lastConnInfo Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] iconst_0
      [27] putfield #87
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.connectionClosed Z]
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] iconst_0
      [32] putfield #90
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.ignore_next_kex_packet Z]
      [35] aload_0 v0
      [36] aload_1 v1
      [37] putfield #101
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [40] aload_0 v0
      [41] aload_2 v2
      [42] putfield #88
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.csh Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello;]
      [45] aload_0 v0
      [46] aload_3 v3
      [47] putfield #96
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.nextKEXcryptoWishList Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;]
      [50] aload_0 v0
      [51] new #36
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters]
      [54] dup
      [55] invokespecial #135
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters.<init> ()V]
      [58] putfield #97
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.nextKEXdhgexParameters Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;]
      [61] aload_0 v0
      [62] aload v4
      [64] putfield #89
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.hostname Ljava/lang/String;]
      [67] aload_0 v0
      [68] iload v5
      [70] putfield #98
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.port I]
      [73] aload_0 v0
      [74] aload v6
      [76] putfield #102
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.verifier Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier;]
      [79] aload_0 v0
      [80] aload v7
      [82] putfield #99
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.rnd Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
      [85] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 15)
        [0] -> line 71
        [4] -> line 49
        [9] -> line 54
        [20] -> line 55
        [25] -> line 57
        [30] -> line 59
        [35] -> line 74
        [40] -> line 75
        [45] -> line 76
        [50] -> line 77
        [61] -> line 78
        [67] -> line 79
        [73] -> line 80
        [79] -> line 81
        [85] -> line 82
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 8)
        v0: 0 -> 86 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 86 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager; tm]
        v2: 0 -> 86 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello; csh]
        v3: 0 -> 86 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList; initialCwl]
        v4: 0 -> 86 [Ljava/lang/String; hostname]
        v5: 0 -> 86 [I port]
        v6: 0 -> 86 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier; keyVerifier]
        v7: 0 -> 86 [Ljava/security/SecureRandom; rnd]
  + Method:       getOrWaitForConnectionInfo(I)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public com.trilead.ssh2.ConnectionInfo getOrWaitForConnectionInfo(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 79, locals = 4, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #86
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.accessLock Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [4] dup
      [5] astore_2 v2
      [6] monitorenter
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #94
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.lastConnInfo Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
      [11] ifnull +21 (target=32)
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] getfield #94
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.lastConnInfo Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
      [18] getfield #74
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo.keyExchangeCounter I]
      [21] iload_1 v1
      [22] ificmplt +10 (target=32)
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] getfield #94
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.lastConnInfo Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
      [29] aload_2 v2
      [30] monitorexit
      [31] areturn
      [32] aload_0 v0
      [33] getfield #87
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.connectionClosed Z]
      [36] ifeq +26 (target=62)
      [39] new #63
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [42] dup
      [43] ldc #8
        + String [Key exchange was not finished, connection is closed.]
      [45] invokespecial #209
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] getfield #101
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [52] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.getReasonClosedCause ()Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
      [55] invokevirtual #210
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.initCause (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
      [58] checkcast #63
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [61] athrow
      [62] aload_0 v0
      [63] getfield #86
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.accessLock Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [66] invokevirtual #215
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.wait ()V]
      [69] goto -62 (target=7)
      [72] astore_3 v3
      [73] goto -66 (target=7)
      [76] aload_2 v2
      [77] monitorexit
      [78] athrow
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 3):
      + ExceptionInfo (62 -> 69: 72):
      + Class [java/lang/InterruptedException]
      + ExceptionInfo (7 -> 31: 76):
      + ExceptionInfo (32 -> 78: 76):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 11)
        [0] -> line 86
        [7] -> line 90
        [25] -> line 91
        [32] -> line 93
        [39] -> line 94
        [48] -> line 95
        [58] -> line 94
        [62] -> line 99
        [72] -> line 101
        [73] -> line 88
        [76] -> line 86
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 79 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 79 [I minKexCount]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       getFirstMatch([Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String getFirstMatch(java.lang.String[],java.lang.String[])
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 78, locals = 5, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] ifnull +7 (target=8)
      [4] aload_2 v2
      [5] ifnonnull +11 (target=16)
      [8] new #65
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [11] dup
      [12] invokespecial #211
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> ()V]
      [15] athrow
      [16] aload_1 v1
      [17] arraylength
      [18] ifne +5 (target=23)
      [21] aconst_null
      [22] areturn
      [23] iconst_0
      [24] istore_3 v3
      [25] goto +39 (target=64)
      [28] iconst_0
      [29] istore v4
      [31] goto +23 (target=54)
      [34] aload_1 v1
      [35] iload_3 v3
      [36] aaload
      [37] aload_2 v2
      [38] iload v4
      [40] aaload
      [41] invokevirtual #216
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [44] ifeq +7 (target=51)
      [47] aload_1 v1
      [48] iload_3 v3
      [49] aaload
      [50] areturn
      [51] iinc v4, 1
      [54] iload v4
      [56] aload_2 v2
      [57] arraylength
      [58] ificmplt -24 (target=34)
      [61] iinc v3, 1
      [64] iload_3 v3
      [65] aload_1 v1
      [66] arraylength
      [67] ificmplt -39 (target=28)
      [70] new #60
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiateException]
      [73] dup
      [74] invokespecial #200
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiateException.<init> ()V]
      [77] athrow
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 11)
        [0] -> line 110
        [8] -> line 111
        [16] -> line 113
        [21] -> line 114
        [23] -> line 116
        [28] -> line 118
        [34] -> line 120
        [47] -> line 121
        [51] -> line 118
        [61] -> line 116
        [70] -> line 124
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 78 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 78 [[Ljava/lang/String; client]
        v2: 0 -> 78 [[Ljava/lang/String; server]
        v3: 25 -> 70 [I i]
        v4: 31 -> 61 [I j]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiateException]
  + Method:       compareFirstOfNameList([Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean compareFirstOfNameList(java.lang.String[],java.lang.String[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 50, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] ifnull +7 (target=8)
      [4] aload_2 v2
      [5] ifnonnull +11 (target=16)
      [8] new #65
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [11] dup
      [12] invokespecial #211
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> ()V]
      [15] athrow
      [16] aload_1 v1
      [17] arraylength
      [18] ifne +10 (target=28)
      [21] aload_2 v2
      [22] arraylength
      [23] ifne +5 (target=28)
      [26] iconst_1
      [27] ireturn
      [28] aload_1 v1
      [29] arraylength
      [30] ifeq +8 (target=38)
      [33] aload_2 v2
      [34] arraylength
      [35] ifne +5 (target=40)
      [38] iconst_0
      [39] ireturn
      [40] aload_1 v1
      [41] iconst_0
      [42] aaload
      [43] aload_2 v2
      [44] iconst_0
      [45] aaload
      [46] invokevirtual #216
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [49] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 129
        [8] -> line 130
        [16] -> line 132
        [26] -> line 133
        [28] -> line 135
        [38] -> line 136
        [40] -> line 138
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 50 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 50 [[Ljava/lang/String; a]
        v2: 0 -> 50 [[Ljava/lang/String; b]
  + Method:       isGuessOK(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;)Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean isGuessOK(com.trilead.ssh2.transport.KexParameters,com.trilead.ssh2.transport.KexParameters)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 52, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] ifnull +7 (target=8)
      [4] aload_2 v2
      [5] ifnonnull +11 (target=16)
      [8] new #65
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [11] dup
      [12] invokespecial #211
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> ()V]
      [15] athrow
      [16] aload_0 v0
      [17] aload_1 v1
      [18] getfield #107
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.kex_algorithms [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [21] aload_2 v2
      [22] getfield #107
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.kex_algorithms [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [25] invokespecial #192
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.compareFirstOfNameList ([Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [28] ifne +5 (target=33)
      [31] iconst_0
      [32] ireturn
      [33] aload_0 v0
      [34] aload_1 v1
      [35] getfield #112
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.server_host_key_algorithms [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [38] aload_2 v2
      [39] getfield #112
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.server_host_key_algorithms [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [42] invokespecial #192
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.compareFirstOfNameList ([Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [45] ifne +5 (target=50)
      [48] iconst_0
      [49] ireturn
      [50] iconst_1
      [51] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 143
        [8] -> line 144
        [16] -> line 146
        [31] -> line 148
        [33] -> line 151
        [48] -> line 153
        [50] -> line 162
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 52 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 52 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters; cpar]
        v2: 0 -> 52 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters; spar]
  + Method:       mergeKexParameters(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private com.trilead.ssh2.transport.NegotiatedParameters mergeKexParameters(com.trilead.ssh2.transport.KexParameters,com.trilead.ssh2.transport.KexParameters)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 427, locals = 5, stack = 5):
      [0] new #61
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters]
      [3] dup
      [4] invokespecial #201
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.<init> ()V]
      [7] astore_3 v3
      [8] aload_3 v3
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aload_1 v1
      [11] getfield #107
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.kex_algorithms [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [14] aload_2 v2
      [15] getfield #107
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.kex_algorithms [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [18] invokespecial #195
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.getFirstMatch ([Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [21] putfield #128
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.kex_algo Ljava/lang/String;]
      [24] getstatic #95
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [27] bipush 20
      [29] new #70
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [32] dup
      [33] ldc #29
        + String [kex_algo=]
      [35] invokespecial #218
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [38] aload_3 v3
      [39] getfield #128
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.kex_algo Ljava/lang/String;]
      [42] invokevirtual #220
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [45] invokevirtual #221
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [48] invokevirtual #157
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [51] aload_3 v3
      [52] aload_0 v0
      [53] aload_1 v1
      [54] getfield #112
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.server_host_key_algorithms [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [57] aload_2 v2
      [58] getfield #112
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.server_host_key_algorithms [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [61] invokespecial #195
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.getFirstMatch ([Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [64] putfield #133
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.server_host_key_algo Ljava/lang/String;]
      [67] getstatic #95
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [70] bipush 20
      [72] new #70
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [75] dup
      [76] ldc #32
        + String [server_host_key_algo=]
      [78] invokespecial #218
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [81] aload_3 v3
      [82] getfield #133
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.server_host_key_algo Ljava/lang/String;]
      [85] invokevirtual #220
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [88] invokevirtual #221
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [91] invokevirtual #157
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [94] aload_3 v3
      [95] aload_0 v0
      [96] aload_1 v1
      [97] getfield #105
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.encryption_algorithms_client_to_server [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [100] aload_2 v2
      [101] getfield #105
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.encryption_algorithms_client_to_server [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [104] invokespecial #195
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.getFirstMatch ([Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [107] putfield #125
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.enc_algo_client_to_server Ljava/lang/String;]
      [110] aload_3 v3
      [111] aload_0 v0
      [112] aload_1 v1
      [113] getfield #106
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.encryption_algorithms_server_to_client [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [116] aload_2 v2
      [117] getfield #106
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.encryption_algorithms_server_to_client [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [120] invokespecial #195
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.getFirstMatch ([Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [123] putfield #126
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.enc_algo_server_to_client Ljava/lang/String;]
      [126] getstatic #95
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [129] bipush 20
      [131] new #70
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [134] dup
      [135] ldc #27
        + String [enc_algo_client_to_server=]
      [137] invokespecial #218
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [140] aload_3 v3
      [141] getfield #125
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.enc_algo_client_to_server Ljava/lang/String;]
      [144] invokevirtual #220
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [147] invokevirtual #221
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [150] invokevirtual #157
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [153] getstatic #95
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [156] bipush 20
      [158] new #70
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [161] dup
      [162] ldc #28
        + String [enc_algo_server_to_client=]
      [164] invokespecial #218
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [167] aload_3 v3
      [168] getfield #126
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.enc_algo_server_to_client Ljava/lang/String;]
      [171] invokevirtual #220
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [174] invokevirtual #221
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [177] invokevirtual #157
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [180] aload_3 v3
      [181] aload_0 v0
      [182] aload_1 v1
      [183] getfield #110
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.mac_algorithms_client_to_server [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [186] aload_2 v2
      [187] getfield #110
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.mac_algorithms_client_to_server [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [190] invokespecial #195
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.getFirstMatch ([Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [193] putfield #131
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.mac_algo_client_to_server Ljava/lang/String;]
      [196] aload_3 v3
      [197] aload_0 v0
      [198] aload_1 v1
      [199] getfield #111
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.mac_algorithms_server_to_client [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [202] aload_2 v2
      [203] getfield #111
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.mac_algorithms_server_to_client [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [206] invokespecial #195
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.getFirstMatch ([Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [209] putfield #132
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.mac_algo_server_to_client Ljava/lang/String;]
      [212] getstatic #95
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [215] bipush 20
      [217] new #70
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [220] dup
      [221] ldc #30
        + String [mac_algo_client_to_server=]
      [223] invokespecial #218
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [226] aload_3 v3
      [227] getfield #131
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.mac_algo_client_to_server Ljava/lang/String;]
      [230] invokevirtual #220
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [233] invokevirtual #221
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [236] invokevirtual #157
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [239] getstatic #95
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [242] bipush 20
      [244] new #70
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [247] dup
      [248] ldc #31
        + String [mac_algo_server_to_client=]
      [250] invokespecial #218
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [253] aload_3 v3
      [254] getfield #132
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.mac_algo_server_to_client Ljava/lang/String;]
      [257] invokevirtual #220
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [260] invokevirtual #221
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [263] invokevirtual #157
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [266] aload_3 v3
      [267] aload_0 v0
      [268] aload_1 v1
      [269] getfield #103
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.compression_algorithms_client_to_server [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [272] aload_2 v2
      [273] getfield #103
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.compression_algorithms_client_to_server [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [276] invokespecial #195
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.getFirstMatch ([Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [279] putfield #123
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.comp_algo_client_to_server Ljava/lang/String;]
      [282] aload_3 v3
      [283] aload_0 v0
      [284] aload_1 v1
      [285] getfield #104
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.compression_algorithms_server_to_client [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [288] aload_2 v2
      [289] getfield #104
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.compression_algorithms_server_to_client [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [292] invokespecial #195
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.getFirstMatch ([Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [295] putfield #124
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.comp_algo_server_to_client Ljava/lang/String;]
      [298] getstatic #95
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [301] bipush 20
      [303] new #70
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [306] dup
      [307] ldc #22
        + String [comp_algo_client_to_server=]
      [309] invokespecial #218
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [312] aload_3 v3
      [313] getfield #123
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.comp_algo_client_to_server Ljava/lang/String;]
      [316] invokevirtual #220
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [319] invokevirtual #221
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [322] invokevirtual #157
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [325] getstatic #95
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [328] bipush 20
      [330] new #70
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [333] dup
      [334] ldc #23
        + String [comp_algo_server_to_client=]
      [336] invokespecial #218
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [339] aload_3 v3
      [340] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.comp_algo_server_to_client Ljava/lang/String;]
      [343] invokevirtual #220
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [346] invokevirtual #221
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [349] invokevirtual #157
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [352] goto +7 (target=359)
      [355] astore v4
      [357] aconst_null
      [358] areturn
      [359] aload_3 v3
      [360] aload_0 v0
      [361] aload_1 v1
      [362] getfield #108
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.languages_client_to_server [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [365] aload_2 v2
      [366] getfield #108
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.languages_client_to_server [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [369] invokespecial #195
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.getFirstMatch ([Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [372] putfield #129
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.lang_client_to_server Ljava/lang/String;]
      [375] goto +10 (target=385)
      [378] astore v4
      [380] aload_3 v3
      [381] aconst_null
      [382] putfield #129
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.lang_client_to_server Ljava/lang/String;]
      [385] aload_3 v3
      [386] aload_0 v0
      [387] aload_1 v1
      [388] getfield #109
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.languages_server_to_client [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [391] aload_2 v2
      [392] getfield #109
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters.languages_server_to_client [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [395] invokespecial #195
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.getFirstMatch ([Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [398] putfield #130
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.lang_server_to_client Ljava/lang/String;]
      [401] goto +10 (target=411)
      [404] astore v4
      [406] aload_3 v3
      [407] aconst_null
      [408] putfield #130
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.lang_server_to_client Ljava/lang/String;]
      [411] aload_0 v0
      [412] aload_1 v1
      [413] aload_2 v2
      [414] invokespecial #196
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.isGuessOK (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;)Z]
      [417] ifeq +8 (target=425)
      [420] aload_3 v3
      [421] iconst_1
      [422] putfield #127
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.guessOK Z]
      [425] aload_3 v3
      [426] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 3):
      + ExceptionInfo (8 -> 352: 355):
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiateException]
      + ExceptionInfo (359 -> 375: 378):
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiateException]
      + ExceptionInfo (385 -> 401: 404):
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiateException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 46)
        [0] -> line 167
        [8] -> line 171
        [24] -> line 173
        [51] -> line 175
        [57] -> line 176
        [61] -> line 175
        [67] -> line 178
        [94] -> line 180
        [100] -> line 181
        [104] -> line 180
        [110] -> line 182
        [116] -> line 183
        [120] -> line 182
        [126] -> line 185
        [153] -> line 186
        [180] -> line 188
        [186] -> line 189
        [190] -> line 188
        [196] -> line 190
        [202] -> line 191
        [206] -> line 190
        [212] -> line 193
        [239] -> line 194
        [266] -> line 196
        [272] -> line 197
        [276] -> line 196
        [282] -> line 198
        [288] -> line 199
        [292] -> line 198
        [298] -> line 201
        [325] -> line 202
        [355] -> line 205
        [357] -> line 207
        [359] -> line 212
        [365] -> line 213
        [369] -> line 212
        [378] -> line 215
        [380] -> line 217
        [385] -> line 222
        [391] -> line 223
        [395] -> line 222
        [404] -> line 225
        [406] -> line 227
        [411] -> line 230
        [420] -> line 231
        [425] -> line 233
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 427 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 427 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters; client]
        v2: 0 -> 427 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters; server]
        v3: 8 -> 427 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters; np]
        v4: 357 -> 359 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiateException; e]
        v4: 380 -> 385 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiateException; e1]
        v4: 406 -> 411 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiateException; e2]
  + Method:       initiateKEX(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;)V
    Access flags: 0x21
      = public synchronized void initiateKEX(com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.CryptoWishList,com.trilead.ssh2.DHGexParameters)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 75, locals = 4, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #96
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.nextKEXcryptoWishList Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_2 v2
      [7] putfield #97
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.nextKEXdhgexParameters Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [14] ifnonnull +60 (target=74)
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] new #59
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState]
      [21] dup
      [22] invokespecial #199
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.<init> ()V]
      [25] putfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [32] aload_0 v0
      [33] getfield #97
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.nextKEXdhgexParameters Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;]
      [36] putfield #115
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.dhgexParameters Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;]
      [39] new #52
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit]
      [42] dup
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] getfield #96
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.nextKEXcryptoWishList Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;]
      [47] aload_0 v0
      [48] getfield #99
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.rnd Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
      [51] invokespecial #177
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)V]
      [54] astore_3 v3
      [55] aload_0 v0
      [56] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [59] aload_3 v3
      [60] putfield #119
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.localKEX Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit;]
      [63] aload_0 v0
      [64] getfield #101
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [67] aload_3 v3
      [68] invokevirtual #180
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit.getPayload ()[B]
      [71] invokevirtual #208
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sendKexMessage ([B)V]
      [74] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 238
        [5] -> line 239
        [10] -> line 241
        [17] -> line 243
        [28] -> line 245
        [39] -> line 246
        [55] -> line 247
        [63] -> line 248
        [74] -> line 250
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 75 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 75 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList; cwl]
        v2: 0 -> 75 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters; dhgex]
        v3: 55 -> 74 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit; kp]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       establishKeyMaterial()Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean establishKeyMaterial()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 131, locals = 7, stack = 11):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [4] getfield #120
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters;]
      [7] getfield #131
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.mac_algo_client_to_server Ljava/lang/String;]
      [10] invokestatic #155
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC.getKeyLen (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [13] istore_1 v1
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [18] getfield #120
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters;]
      [21] getfield #125
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.enc_algo_client_to_server Ljava/lang/String;]
      [24] invokestatic #141
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory.getKeySize (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [27] istore_2 v2
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [32] getfield #120
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters;]
      [35] getfield #125
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.enc_algo_client_to_server Ljava/lang/String;]
      [38] invokestatic #140
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory.getBlockSize (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [41] istore_3 v3
      [42] aload_0 v0
      [43] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [46] getfield #120
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters;]
      [49] getfield #132
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.mac_algo_server_to_client Ljava/lang/String;]
      [52] invokestatic #155
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC.getKeyLen (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [55] istore v4
      [57] aload_0 v0
      [58] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [61] getfield #120
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters;]
      [64] getfield #126
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.enc_algo_server_to_client Ljava/lang/String;]
      [67] invokestatic #141
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory.getKeySize (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [70] istore v5
      [72] aload_0 v0
      [73] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [76] getfield #120
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters;]
      [79] getfield #126
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.enc_algo_server_to_client Ljava/lang/String;]
      [82] invokestatic #140
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory.getBlockSize (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [85] istore v6
      [87] aload_0 v0
      [88] ldc #11
        + String [SHA1]
      [90] aload_0 v0
      [91] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [94] getfield #113
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.H [B]
      [97] aload_0 v0
      [98] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [101] getfield #114
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.K Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [104] aload_0 v0
      [105] getfield #100
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.sessionId [B]
      [108] iload_2 v2
      [109] iload_3 v3
      [110] iload_1 v1
      [111] iload v5
      [113] iload v6
      [115] iload v4
      [117] invokestatic #138
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial.create (Ljava/lang/String;[BLjava/math/BigInteger;[BIIIIII)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial;]
      [120] putfield #92
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial;]
      [123] goto +6 (target=129)
      [126] astore_1 v1
      [127] iconst_0
      [128] ireturn
      [129] iconst_1
      [130] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 123: 126):
      + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 12)
        [0] -> line 256
        [14] -> line 257
        [28] -> line 258
        [42] -> line 260
        [57] -> line 261
        [72] -> line 262
        [87] -> line 264
        [111] -> line 265
        [117] -> line 264
        [126] -> line 267
        [127] -> line 269
        [129] -> line 271
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 8)
        v0: 0 -> 131 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager; this]
        v1: 14 -> 126 [I mac_cs_key_len]
        v2: 28 -> 126 [I enc_cs_key_len]
        v3: 42 -> 126 [I enc_cs_block_len]
        v4: 57 -> 126 [I mac_sc_key_len]
        v5: 72 -> 126 [I enc_sc_key_len]
        v6: 87 -> 126 [I enc_sc_block_len]
        v1: 127 -> 129 [Ljava/lang/IllegalArgumentException; e]
  + Method:       finishKex()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void finishKex()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 152, locals = 6, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #100
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.sessionId [B]
      [4] ifnonnull +14 (target=18)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [12] getfield #113
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.H [B]
      [15] putfield #100
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.sessionId [B]
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] invokespecial #193
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.establishKeyMaterial ()Z]
      [22] pop
      [23] new #53
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketNewKeys]
      [26] dup
      [27] invokespecial #182
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketNewKeys.<init> ()V]
      [30] astore_1 v1
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] getfield #101
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [35] aload_1 v1
      [36] invokevirtual #183
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketNewKeys.getPayload ()[B]
      [39] invokevirtual #208
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sendKexMessage ([B)V]
      [42] aload_0 v0
      [43] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [46] getfield #120
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters;]
      [49] getfield #125
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.enc_algo_client_to_server Ljava/lang/String;]
      [52] iconst_1
      [53] aload_0 v0
      [54] getfield #92
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial;]
      [57] getfield #79
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial.enc_key_client_to_server [B]
      [60] aload_0 v0
      [61] getfield #92
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial;]
      [64] getfield #81
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial.initial_iv_client_to_server [B]
      [67] invokestatic #139
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory.createCipher (Ljava/lang/String;Z[B[B)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;]
      [70] astore_2 v2
      [71] new #43
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC]
      [74] dup
      [75] aload_0 v0
      [76] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [79] getfield #120
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters;]
      [82] getfield #131
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.mac_algo_client_to_server Ljava/lang/String;]
      [85] aload_0 v0
      [86] getfield #92
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial;]
      [89] getfield #83
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial.integrity_key_client_to_server [B]
      [92] invokespecial #154
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;[B)V]
      [95] astore_3 v3
      [96] aload_0 v0
      [97] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [100] getfield #120
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters;]
      [103] getfield #123
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.comp_algo_client_to_server Ljava/lang/String;]
      [106] invokestatic #137
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory.createCompressor (Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;]
      [109] astore v4
      [111] goto +15 (target=126)
      [114] astore v5
      [116] new #63
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [119] dup
      [120] ldc #4
        + String [Fatal error during MAC startup!]
      [122] invokespecial #209
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [125] athrow
      [126] aload_0 v0
      [127] getfield #101
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [130] aload_2 v2
      [131] aload_3 v3
      [132] invokevirtual #204
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.changeSendCipher (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC;)V]
      [135] aload_0 v0
      [136] getfield #101
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [139] aload v4
      [141] invokevirtual #205
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.changeSendCompression (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;)V]
      [144] aload_0 v0
      [145] getfield #101
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [148] invokevirtual #207
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.kexFinished ()V]
      [151] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (42 -> 111: 114):
      + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 16)
        [0] -> line 276
        [7] -> line 277
        [18] -> line 279
        [23] -> line 283
        [31] -> line 284
        [42] -> line 292
        [60] -> line 293
        [67] -> line 292
        [71] -> line 295
        [96] -> line 297
        [114] -> line 300
        [116] -> line 302
        [126] -> line 305
        [135] -> line 306
        [144] -> line 307
        [151] -> line 308
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 9)
        v0: 0 -> 152 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager; this]
        v1: 31 -> 152 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketNewKeys; ign]
        v2: 71 -> 114 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher; cbc]
        v2: 126 -> 152 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher; cbc]
        v3: 96 -> 114 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC; mac]
        v3: 126 -> 152 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC; mac]
        v4: 111 -> 114 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor; comp]
        v4: 126 -> 152 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor; comp]
        v5: 116 -> 126 [Ljava/lang/IllegalArgumentException; e1]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       getDefaultServerHostkeyAlgorithmList()[Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x19
      = public static final java.lang.String[] getDefaultServerHostkeyAlgorithmList()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 0, stack = 4):
      [0] iconst_2
      [1] anewarray #69
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [4] dup
      [5] iconst_0
      [6] ldc #34
        + String [ssh-rsa]
      [8] aastore
      [9] dup
      [10] iconst_1
      [11] ldc #33
        + String [ssh-dss]
      [13] aastore
      [14] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 312
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       getDefaultKexAlgorithmList()[Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x19
      = public static final java.lang.String[] getDefaultKexAlgorithmList()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 20, locals = 0, stack = 4):
      [0] iconst_3
      [1] anewarray #69
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [4] dup
      [5] iconst_0
      [6] ldc #24
        + String [diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1]
      [8] aastore
      [9] dup
      [10] iconst_1
      [11] ldc #26
        + String [diffie-hellman-group14-sha1]
      [13] aastore
      [14] dup
      [15] iconst_2
      [16] ldc #25
        + String [diffie-hellman-group1-sha1]
      [18] aastore
      [19] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 326
        [16] -> line 327
        [19] -> line 326
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       verifySignature([B[B)Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean verifySignature(byte[],byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 144, locals = 5, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [4] getfield #120
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters;]
      [7] getfield #133
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.server_host_key_algo Ljava/lang/String;]
      [10] ldc #34
        + String [ssh-rsa]
      [12] invokevirtual #216
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [15] ifeq +38 (target=53)
      [18] aload_1 v1
      [19] invokestatic #188
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify.decodeSSHRSASignature ([B)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature;]
      [22] astore_3 v3
      [23] aload_2 v2
      [24] invokestatic #187
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify.decodeSSHRSAPublicKey ([B)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;]
      [27] astore v4
      [29] getstatic #95
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [32] bipush 50
      [34] ldc #21
        + String [Verifying ssh-rsa signature]
      [36] invokevirtual #157
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [39] aload_0 v0
      [40] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [43] getfield #113
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.H [B]
      [46] aload_3 v3
      [47] aload v4
      [49] invokestatic #189
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify.verifySignature ([BLcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;)Z]
      [52] ireturn
      [53] aload_0 v0
      [54] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [57] getfield #120
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters;]
      [60] getfield #133
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.server_host_key_algo Ljava/lang/String;]
      [63] ldc #33
        + String [ssh-dss]
      [65] invokevirtual #216
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [68] ifeq +38 (target=106)
      [71] aload_1 v1
      [72] invokestatic #185
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify.decodeSSHDSASignature ([B)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature;]
      [75] astore_3 v3
      [76] aload_2 v2
      [77] invokestatic #184
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify.decodeSSHDSAPublicKey ([B)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;]
      [80] astore v4
      [82] getstatic #95
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [85] bipush 50
      [87] ldc #20
        + String [Verifying ssh-dss signature]
      [89] invokevirtual #157
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [92] aload_0 v0
      [93] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [96] getfield #113
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.H [B]
      [99] aload_3 v3
      [100] aload v4
      [102] invokestatic #186
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify.verifySignature ([BLcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;)Z]
      [105] ireturn
      [106] new #63
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [109] dup
      [110] new #70
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [113] dup
      [114] ldc #17
        + String [Unknown server host key algorithm ']
      [116] invokespecial #218
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [119] aload_0 v0
      [120] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [123] getfield #120
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters;]
      [126] getfield #133
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.server_host_key_algo Ljava/lang/String;]
      [129] invokevirtual #220
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [132] ldc #1
        + String [']
      [134] invokevirtual #220
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [137] invokevirtual #221
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [140] invokespecial #209
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [143] athrow
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 11)
        [0] -> line 349
        [18] -> line 351
        [23] -> line 352
        [29] -> line 354
        [39] -> line 356
        [53] -> line 359
        [71] -> line 361
        [76] -> line 362
        [82] -> line 364
        [92] -> line 366
        [106] -> line 369
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 144 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 144 [[B sig]
        v2: 0 -> 144 [[B hostkey]
        v3: 23 -> 53 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASignature; rs]
        v4: 29 -> 53 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey; rpk]
        v3: 76 -> 106 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASignature; ds]
        v4: 82 -> 106 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey; dpk]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       handleMessage([BI)V
    Access flags: 0x21
      = public synchronized void handleMessage(byte[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 1644, locals = 9, stack = 8):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] ifnonnull +31 (target=32)
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #86
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.accessLock Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [8] dup
      [9] astore v4
      [11] monitorenter
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] iconst_1
      [14] putfield #87
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.connectionClosed Z]
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] getfield #86
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.accessLock Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [21] invokevirtual #214
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.notifyAll ()V]
      [24] aload v4
      [26] monitorexit
      [27] return
      [28] aload v4
      [30] monitorexit
      [31] athrow
      [32] aload_0 v0
      [33] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [36] ifnonnull +42 (target=78)
      [39] aload_1 v1
      [40] iconst_0
      [41] baload
      [42] bipush 20
      [44] ificmpeq +34 (target=78)
      [47] new #63
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [50] dup
      [51] new #70
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [54] dup
      [55] ldc #14
        + String [Unexpected KEX message (type ]
      [57] invokespecial #218
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [60] aload_1 v1
      [61] iconst_0
      [62] baload
      [63] invokevirtual #219
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [66] ldc #2
        + String [)]
      [68] invokevirtual #220
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [71] invokevirtual #221
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [74] invokespecial #209
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [77] athrow
      [78] aload_0 v0
      [79] getfield #90
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.ignore_next_kex_packet Z]
      [82] ifeq +9 (target=91)
      [85] aload_0 v0
      [86] iconst_0
      [87] putfield #90
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.ignore_next_kex_packet Z]
      [90] return
      [91] aload_1 v1
      [92] iconst_0
      [93] baload
      [94] bipush 20
      [96] ificmpne +461 (target=557)
      [99] aload_0 v0
      [100] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [103] ifnull +23 (target=126)
      [106] aload_0 v0
      [107] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [110] getfield #122
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.state I]
      [113] ifeq +13 (target=126)
      [116] new #63
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [119] dup
      [120] ldc #16
        + String [Unexpected SSH_MSG_KEXINIT message during on-going kex exchange!]
      [122] invokespecial #209
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [125] athrow
      [126] aload_0 v0
      [127] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [130] ifnonnull +60 (target=190)
      [133] aload_0 v0
      [134] new #59
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState]
      [137] dup
      [138] invokespecial #199
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.<init> ()V]
      [141] putfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [144] aload_0 v0
      [145] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [148] aload_0 v0
      [149] getfield #97
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.nextKEXdhgexParameters Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;]
      [152] putfield #115
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.dhgexParameters Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;]
      [155] new #52
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit]
      [158] dup
      [159] aload_0 v0
      [160] getfield #96
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.nextKEXcryptoWishList Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;]
      [163] aload_0 v0
      [164] getfield #99
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.rnd Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
      [167] invokespecial #177
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)V]
      [170] astore_3 v3
      [171] aload_0 v0
      [172] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [175] aload_3 v3
      [176] putfield #119
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.localKEX Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit;]
      [179] aload_0 v0
      [180] getfield #101
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [183] aload_3 v3
      [184] invokevirtual #180
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit.getPayload ()[B]
      [187] invokevirtual #208
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sendKexMessage ([B)V]
      [190] new #52
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit]
      [193] dup
      [194] aload_1 v1
      [195] iconst_0
      [196] iload_2 v2
      [197] invokespecial #178
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit.<init> ([BII)V]
      [200] astore_3 v3
      [201] aload_0 v0
      [202] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [205] aload_3 v3
      [206] putfield #121
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.remoteKEX Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit;]
      [209] aload_0 v0
      [210] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [213] aload_0 v0
      [214] aload_0 v0
      [215] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [218] getfield #119
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.localKEX Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit;]
      [221] invokevirtual #179
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit.getKexParameters ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [224] aload_0 v0
      [225] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [228] getfield #121
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.remoteKEX Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit;]
      [231] invokevirtual #179
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit.getKexParameters ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
      [234] invokespecial #197
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.mergeKexParameters (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters;]
      [237] putfield #120
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters;]
      [240] aload_0 v0
      [241] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [244] getfield #120
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters;]
      [247] ifnonnull +13 (target=260)
      [250] new #63
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [253] dup
      [254] ldc #3
        + String [Cannot negotiate, proposals do not match.]
      [256] invokespecial #209
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [259] athrow
      [260] aload_0 v0
      [261] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [264] getfield #121
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.remoteKEX Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit;]
      [267] invokevirtual #181
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit.isFirst_kex_packet_follows ()Z]
      [270] ifeq +21 (target=291)
      [273] aload_0 v0
      [274] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [277] getfield #120
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters;]
      [280] getfield #127
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.guessOK Z]
      [283] ifne +8 (target=291)
      [286] aload_0 v0
      [287] iconst_1
      [288] putfield #90
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.ignore_next_kex_packet Z]
      [291] aload_0 v0
      [292] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [295] getfield #120
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters;]
      [298] getfield #128
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.kex_algo Ljava/lang/String;]
      [301] ldc #24
        + String [diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1]
      [303] invokevirtual #216
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [306] ifeq +99 (target=405)
      [309] aload_0 v0
      [310] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [313] getfield #115
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.dhgexParameters Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;]
      [316] invokevirtual #136
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters.getMin_group_len ()I]
      [319] ifeq +18 (target=337)
      [322] aload_0 v0
      [323] getfield #88
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.csh Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello;]
      [326] getfield #85
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello.server_versioncomment Ljava/lang/String;]
      [329] ldc #9
        + String [OpenSSH_2\.([0-4]\.|5\.[0-2]).*]
      [331] invokevirtual #217
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.matches (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [334] ifeq +34 (target=368)
      [337] new #51
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequestOld]
      [340] dup
      [341] aload_0 v0
      [342] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [345] getfield #115
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.dhgexParameters Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;]
      [348] invokespecial #175
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequestOld.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;)V]
      [351] astore v4
      [353] aload_0 v0
      [354] getfield #101
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [357] aload v4
      [359] invokevirtual #176
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequestOld.getPayload ()[B]
      [362] invokevirtual #208
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sendKexMessage ([B)V]
      [365] goto +31 (target=396)
      [368] new #50
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequest]
      [371] dup
      [372] aload_0 v0
      [373] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [376] getfield #115
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.dhgexParameters Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;]
      [379] invokespecial #173
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequest.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;)V]
      [382] astore v4
      [384] aload_0 v0
      [385] getfield #101
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [388] aload v4
      [390] invokevirtual #174
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequest.getPayload ()[B]
      [393] invokevirtual #208
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sendKexMessage ([B)V]
      [396] aload_0 v0
      [397] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [400] iconst_1
      [401] putfield #122
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.state I]
      [404] return
      [405] aload_0 v0
      [406] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [409] getfield #120
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters;]
      [412] getfield #128
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.kex_algo Ljava/lang/String;]
      [415] ldc #25
        + String [diffie-hellman-group1-sha1]
      [417] invokevirtual #216
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [420] ifne +21 (target=441)
      [423] aload_0 v0
      [424] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [427] getfield #120
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters;]
      [430] getfield #128
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.kex_algo Ljava/lang/String;]
      [433] ldc #26
        + String [diffie-hellman-group14-sha1]
      [435] invokevirtual #216
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [438] ifeq +109 (target=547)
      [441] aload_0 v0
      [442] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [445] new #41
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange]
      [448] dup
      [449] invokespecial #142
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.<init> ()V]
      [452] putfield #117
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.dhx Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange;]
      [455] aload_0 v0
      [456] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [459] getfield #120
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters;]
      [462] getfield #128
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.kex_algo Ljava/lang/String;]
      [465] ldc #25
        + String [diffie-hellman-group1-sha1]
      [467] invokevirtual #216
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [470] ifeq +21 (target=491)
      [473] aload_0 v0
      [474] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [477] getfield #117
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.dhx Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange;]
      [480] iconst_1
      [481] aload_0 v0
      [482] getfield #99
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.rnd Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
      [485] invokevirtual #146
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.init (ILjava/security/SecureRandom;)V]
      [488] goto +19 (target=507)
      [491] aload_0 v0
      [492] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [495] getfield #117
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.dhx Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange;]
      [498] bipush 14
      [500] aload_0 v0
      [501] getfield #99
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.rnd Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
      [504] invokevirtual #146
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.init (ILjava/security/SecureRandom;)V]
      [507] new #45
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHInit]
      [510] dup
      [511] aload_0 v0
      [512] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [515] getfield #117
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.dhx Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange;]
      [518] invokevirtual #144
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.getE ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [521] invokespecial #158
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHInit.<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
      [524] astore v4
      [526] aload_0 v0
      [527] getfield #101
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [530] aload v4
      [532] invokevirtual #159
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHInit.getPayload ()[B]
      [535] invokevirtual #208
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sendKexMessage ([B)V]
      [538] aload_0 v0
      [539] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [542] iconst_1
      [543] putfield #122
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.state I]
      [546] return
      [547] new #66
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
      [550] dup
      [551] ldc #18
        + String [Unkown KEX method!]
      [553] invokespecial #212
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalStateException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [556] athrow
      [557] aload_1 v1
      [558] iconst_0
      [559] baload
      [560] bipush 21
      [562] ificmpne +293 (target=855)
      [565] aload_0 v0
      [566] getfield #92
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial;]
      [569] ifnonnull +13 (target=582)
      [572] new #63
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [575] dup
      [576] ldc #10
        + String [Peer sent SSH_MSG_NEWKEYS, but I have no key material ready!]
      [578] invokespecial #209
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [581] athrow
      [582] aload_0 v0
      [583] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [586] getfield #120
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters;]
      [589] getfield #126
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.enc_algo_server_to_client Ljava/lang/String;]
      [592] iconst_0
      [593] aload_0 v0
      [594] getfield #92
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial;]
      [597] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial.enc_key_server_to_client [B]
      [600] aload_0 v0
      [601] getfield #92
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial;]
      [604] getfield #82
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial.initial_iv_server_to_client [B]
      [607] invokestatic #139
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipherFactory.createCipher (Ljava/lang/String;Z[B[B)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;]
      [610] astore v4
      [612] new #43
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC]
      [615] dup
      [616] aload_0 v0
      [617] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [620] getfield #120
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters;]
      [623] getfield #132
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.mac_algo_server_to_client Ljava/lang/String;]
      [626] aload_0 v0
      [627] getfield #92
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial;]
      [630] getfield #84
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/KeyMaterial.integrity_key_server_to_client [B]
      [633] invokespecial #154
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;[B)V]
      [636] astore v5
      [638] aload_0 v0
      [639] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [642] getfield #120
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters;]
      [645] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.comp_algo_server_to_client Ljava/lang/String;]
      [648] invokestatic #137
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/CompressionFactory.createCompressor (Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;]
      [651] astore v6
      [653] goto +15 (target=668)
      [656] astore v7
      [658] new #63
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [661] dup
      [662] ldc #4
        + String [Fatal error during MAC startup!]
      [664] invokespecial #209
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [667] athrow
      [668] aload_0 v0
      [669] getfield #101
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [672] aload v4
      [674] aload v5
      [676] invokevirtual #202
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.changeRecvCipher (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC;)V]
      [679] aload_0 v0
      [680] getfield #101
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [683] aload v6
      [685] invokevirtual #203
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.changeRecvCompression (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;)V]
      [688] new #35
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo]
      [691] dup
      [692] invokespecial #134
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo.<init> ()V]
      [695] astore v7
      [697] aload_0 v0
      [698] dup
      [699] getfield #91
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kexCount I]
      [702] iconst_1
      [703] iadd
      [704] putfield #91
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kexCount I]
      [707] aload v7
      [709] aload_0 v0
      [710] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [713] getfield #120
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters;]
      [716] getfield #128
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.kex_algo Ljava/lang/String;]
      [719] putfield #73
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo.keyExchangeAlgorithm Ljava/lang/String;]
      [722] aload v7
      [724] aload_0 v0
      [725] getfield #91
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kexCount I]
      [728] putfield #74
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo.keyExchangeCounter I]
      [731] aload v7
      [733] aload_0 v0
      [734] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [737] getfield #120
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters;]
      [740] getfield #125
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.enc_algo_client_to_server Ljava/lang/String;]
      [743] putfield #71
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo.clientToServerCryptoAlgorithm Ljava/lang/String;]
      [746] aload v7
      [748] aload_0 v0
      [749] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [752] getfield #120
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters;]
      [755] getfield #126
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.enc_algo_server_to_client Ljava/lang/String;]
      [758] putfield #77
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo.serverToClientCryptoAlgorithm Ljava/lang/String;]
      [761] aload v7
      [763] aload_0 v0
      [764] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [767] getfield #120
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters;]
      [770] getfield #131
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.mac_algo_client_to_server Ljava/lang/String;]
      [773] putfield #72
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo.clientToServerMACAlgorithm Ljava/lang/String;]
      [776] aload v7
      [778] aload_0 v0
      [779] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [782] getfield #120
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters;]
      [785] getfield #132
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.mac_algo_server_to_client Ljava/lang/String;]
      [788] putfield #78
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo.serverToClientMACAlgorithm Ljava/lang/String;]
      [791] aload v7
      [793] aload_0 v0
      [794] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [797] getfield #120
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters;]
      [800] getfield #133
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.server_host_key_algo Ljava/lang/String;]
      [803] putfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo.serverHostKeyAlgorithm Ljava/lang/String;]
      [806] aload v7
      [808] aload_0 v0
      [809] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [812] getfield #118
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.hostkey [B]
      [815] putfield #75
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo.serverHostKey [B]
      [818] aload_0 v0
      [819] getfield #86
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.accessLock Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [822] dup
      [823] astore v8
      [825] monitorenter
      [826] aload_0 v0
      [827] aload v7
      [829] putfield #94
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.lastConnInfo Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
      [832] aload_0 v0
      [833] getfield #86
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.accessLock Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [836] invokevirtual #214
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.notifyAll ()V]
      [839] aload v8
      [841] monitorexit
      [842] goto +7 (target=849)
      [845] aload v8
      [847] monitorexit
      [848] athrow
      [849] aload_0 v0
      [850] aconst_null
      [851] putfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [854] return
      [855] aload_0 v0
      [856] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [859] ifnull +13 (target=872)
      [862] aload_0 v0
      [863] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [866] getfield #122
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.state I]
      [869] ifne +13 (target=882)
      [872] new #63
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [875] dup
      [876] ldc #15
        + String [Unexpected Kex submessage!]
      [878] invokespecial #209
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [881] athrow
      [882] aload_0 v0
      [883] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [886] getfield #120
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters;]
      [889] getfield #128
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.kex_algo Ljava/lang/String;]
      [892] ldc #24
        + String [diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1]
      [894] invokevirtual #216
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [897] ifeq +397 (target=1294)
      [900] aload_0 v0
      [901] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [904] getfield #122
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.state I]
      [907] iconst_1
      [908] ificmpne +93 (target=1001)
      [911] new #47
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexGroup]
      [914] dup
      [915] aload_1 v1
      [916] iconst_0
      [917] iload_2 v2
      [918] invokespecial #164
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexGroup.<init> ([BII)V]
      [921] astore v4
      [923] aload_0 v0
      [924] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [927] new #42
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange]
      [930] dup
      [931] aload v4
      [933] invokevirtual #166
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexGroup.getP ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [936] aload v4
      [938] invokevirtual #165
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexGroup.getG ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [941] invokespecial #148
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange.<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
      [944] putfield #116
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.dhgx Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange;]
      [947] aload_0 v0
      [948] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [951] getfield #116
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.dhgx Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange;]
      [954] aload_0 v0
      [955] getfield #99
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.rnd Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
      [958] invokevirtual #152
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange.init (Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)V]
      [961] new #48
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexInit]
      [964] dup
      [965] aload_0 v0
      [966] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [969] getfield #116
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.dhgx Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange;]
      [972] invokevirtual #150
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange.getE ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [975] invokespecial #167
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexInit.<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
      [978] astore v5
      [980] aload_0 v0
      [981] getfield #101
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [984] aload v5
      [986] invokevirtual #168
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexInit.getPayload ()[B]
      [989] invokevirtual #208
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sendKexMessage ([B)V]
      [992] aload_0 v0
      [993] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [996] iconst_2
      [997] putfield #122
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.state I]
      [1000] return
      [1001] aload_0 v0
      [1002] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [1005] getfield #122
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.state I]
      [1008] iconst_2
      [1009] ificmpne +275 (target=1284)
      [1012] new #49
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexReply]
      [1015] dup
      [1016] aload_1 v1
      [1017] iconst_0
      [1018] iload_2 v2
      [1019] invokespecial #169
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexReply.<init> ([BII)V]
      [1022] astore v4
      [1024] aload_0 v0
      [1025] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [1028] aload v4
      [1030] invokevirtual #171
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexReply.getHostKey ()[B]
      [1033] putfield #118
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.hostkey [B]
      [1036] aload_0 v0
      [1037] getfield #102
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.verifier Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier;]
      [1040] ifnull +80 (target=1120)
      [1043] iconst_0
      [1044] istore v5
      [1046] aload_0 v0
      [1047] getfield #102
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.verifier Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier;]
      [1050] aload_0 v0
      [1051] getfield #89
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.hostname Ljava/lang/String;]
      [1054] aload_0 v0
      [1055] getfield #98
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.port I]
      [1058] aload_0 v0
      [1059] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [1062] getfield #120
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters;]
      [1065] getfield #133
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.server_host_key_algo Ljava/lang/String;]
      [1068] aload_0 v0
      [1069] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [1072] getfield #118
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.hostkey [B]
      [1075] invokeinterface #222
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier.verifyServerHostKey (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;[B)Z]
      [1080] istore v5
      [1082] goto +23 (target=1105)
      [1085] astore v6
      [1087] new #63
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [1090] dup
      [1091] ldc #13
        + String [The server hostkey was not accepted by the verifier callback.]
      [1093] invokespecial #209
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [1096] aload v6
      [1098] invokevirtual #210
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.initCause (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
      [1101] checkcast #63
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [1104] athrow
      [1105] iload v5
      [1107] ifne +13 (target=1120)
      [1110] new #63
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [1113] dup
      [1114] ldc #12
        + String [The server hostkey was not accepted by the verifier callback]
      [1116] invokespecial #209
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [1119] athrow
      [1120] aload_0 v0
      [1121] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [1124] getfield #116
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.dhgx Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange;]
      [1127] aload v4
      [1129] invokevirtual #170
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexReply.getF ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [1132] invokevirtual #153
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange.setF (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
      [1135] aload_0 v0
      [1136] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [1139] aload_0 v0
      [1140] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [1143] getfield #116
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.dhgx Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange;]
      [1146] aload_0 v0
      [1147] getfield #88
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.csh Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello;]
      [1150] invokevirtual #190
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello.getClientString ()[B]
      [1153] aload_0 v0
      [1154] getfield #88
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.csh Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello;]
      [1157] invokevirtual #191
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello.getServerString ()[B]
      [1160] aload_0 v0
      [1161] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [1164] getfield #119
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.localKEX Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit;]
      [1167] invokevirtual #180
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit.getPayload ()[B]
      [1170] aload_0 v0
      [1171] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [1174] getfield #121
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.remoteKEX Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit;]
      [1177] invokevirtual #180
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit.getPayload ()[B]
      [1180] aload v4
      [1182] invokevirtual #171
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexReply.getHostKey ()[B]
      [1185] aload_0 v0
      [1186] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [1189] getfield #115
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.dhgexParameters Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;]
      [1192] invokevirtual #149
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange.calculateH ([B[B[B[B[BLcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;)[B]
      [1195] putfield #113
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.H [B]
      [1198] goto +23 (target=1221)
      [1201] astore v5
      [1203] new #63
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [1206] dup
      [1207] ldc #7
        + String [KEX error.]
      [1209] invokespecial #209
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [1212] aload v5
      [1214] invokevirtual #210
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.initCause (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
      [1217] checkcast #63
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [1220] athrow
      [1221] aload_0 v0
      [1222] aload v4
      [1224] invokevirtual #172
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexReply.getSignature ()[B]
      [1227] aload_0 v0
      [1228] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [1231] getfield #118
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.hostkey [B]
      [1234] invokespecial #198
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.verifySignature ([B[B)Z]
      [1237] istore v5
      [1239] iload v5
      [1241] ifne +13 (target=1254)
      [1244] new #63
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [1247] dup
      [1248] ldc #5
        + String [Hostkey signature sent by remote is wrong!]
      [1250] invokespecial #209
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [1253] athrow
      [1254] aload_0 v0
      [1255] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [1258] aload_0 v0
      [1259] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [1262] getfield #116
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.dhgx Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange;]
      [1265] invokevirtual #151
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange.getK ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [1268] putfield #114
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.K Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [1271] aload_0 v0
      [1272] invokespecial #194
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.finishKex ()V]
      [1275] aload_0 v0
      [1276] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [1279] iconst_m1
      [1280] putfield #122
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.state I]
      [1283] return
      [1284] new #66
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
      [1287] dup
      [1288] ldc #6
        + String [Illegal State in KEX Exchange!]
      [1290] invokespecial #212
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalStateException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [1293] athrow
      [1294] aload_0 v0
      [1295] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [1298] getfield #120
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters;]
      [1301] getfield #128
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.kex_algo Ljava/lang/String;]
      [1304] ldc #25
        + String [diffie-hellman-group1-sha1]
      [1306] invokevirtual #216
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [1309] ifne +21 (target=1330)
      [1312] aload_0 v0
      [1313] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [1316] getfield #120
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters;]
      [1319] getfield #128
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.kex_algo Ljava/lang/String;]
      [1322] ldc #26
        + String [diffie-hellman-group14-sha1]
      [1324] invokevirtual #216
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [1327] ifeq +279 (target=1606)
      [1330] aload_0 v0
      [1331] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [1334] getfield #122
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.state I]
      [1337] iconst_1
      [1338] ificmpne +268 (target=1606)
      [1341] new #46
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHReply]
      [1344] dup
      [1345] aload_1 v1
      [1346] iconst_0
      [1347] iload_2 v2
      [1348] invokespecial #160
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHReply.<init> ([BII)V]
      [1351] astore v4
      [1353] aload_0 v0
      [1354] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [1357] aload v4
      [1359] invokevirtual #162
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHReply.getHostKey ()[B]
      [1362] putfield #118
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.hostkey [B]
      [1365] aload_0 v0
      [1366] getfield #102
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.verifier Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier;]
      [1369] ifnull +80 (target=1449)
      [1372] iconst_0
      [1373] istore v5
      [1375] aload_0 v0
      [1376] getfield #102
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.verifier Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier;]
      [1379] aload_0 v0
      [1380] getfield #89
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.hostname Ljava/lang/String;]
      [1383] aload_0 v0
      [1384] getfield #98
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.port I]
      [1387] aload_0 v0
      [1388] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [1391] getfield #120
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters;]
      [1394] getfield #133
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.server_host_key_algo Ljava/lang/String;]
      [1397] aload_0 v0
      [1398] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [1401] getfield #118
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.hostkey [B]
      [1404] invokeinterface #222
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier.verifyServerHostKey (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;[B)Z]
      [1409] istore v5
      [1411] goto +23 (target=1434)
      [1414] astore v6
      [1416] new #63
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [1419] dup
      [1420] ldc #13
        + String [The server hostkey was not accepted by the verifier callback.]
      [1422] invokespecial #209
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [1425] aload v6
      [1427] invokevirtual #210
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.initCause (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
      [1430] checkcast #63
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [1433] athrow
      [1434] iload v5
      [1436] ifne +13 (target=1449)
      [1439] new #63
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [1442] dup
      [1443] ldc #12
        + String [The server hostkey was not accepted by the verifier callback]
      [1445] invokespecial #209
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [1448] athrow
      [1449] aload_0 v0
      [1450] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [1453] getfield #117
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.dhx Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange;]
      [1456] aload v4
      [1458] invokevirtual #161
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHReply.getF ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [1461] invokevirtual #147
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.setF (Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
      [1464] aload_0 v0
      [1465] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [1468] aload_0 v0
      [1469] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [1472] getfield #117
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.dhx Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange;]
      [1475] aload_0 v0
      [1476] getfield #88
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.csh Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello;]
      [1479] invokevirtual #190
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello.getClientString ()[B]
      [1482] aload_0 v0
      [1483] getfield #88
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.csh Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello;]
      [1486] invokevirtual #191
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello.getServerString ()[B]
      [1489] aload_0 v0
      [1490] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [1493] getfield #119
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.localKEX Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit;]
      [1496] invokevirtual #180
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit.getPayload ()[B]
      [1499] aload_0 v0
      [1500] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [1503] getfield #121
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.remoteKEX Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit;]
      [1506] invokevirtual #180
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit.getPayload ()[B]
      [1509] aload v4
      [1511] invokevirtual #162
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHReply.getHostKey ()[B]
      [1514] invokevirtual #143
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.calculateH ([B[B[B[B[B)[B]
      [1517] putfield #113
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.H [B]
      [1520] goto +23 (target=1543)
      [1523] astore v5
      [1525] new #63
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [1528] dup
      [1529] ldc #7
        + String [KEX error.]
      [1531] invokespecial #209
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [1534] aload v5
      [1536] invokevirtual #210
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.initCause (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
      [1539] checkcast #63
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [1542] athrow
      [1543] aload_0 v0
      [1544] aload v4
      [1546] invokevirtual #163
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHReply.getSignature ()[B]
      [1549] aload_0 v0
      [1550] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [1553] getfield #118
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.hostkey [B]
      [1556] invokespecial #198
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.verifySignature ([B[B)Z]
      [1559] istore v5
      [1561] iload v5
      [1563] ifne +13 (target=1576)
      [1566] new #63
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [1569] dup
      [1570] ldc #5
        + String [Hostkey signature sent by remote is wrong!]
      [1572] invokespecial #209
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [1575] athrow
      [1576] aload_0 v0
      [1577] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [1580] aload_0 v0
      [1581] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [1584] getfield #117
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.dhx Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange;]
      [1587] invokevirtual #145
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange.getK ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [1590] putfield #114
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.K Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [1593] aload_0 v0
      [1594] invokespecial #194
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.finishKex ()V]
      [1597] aload_0 v0
      [1598] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [1601] iconst_m1
      [1602] putfield #122
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.state I]
      [1605] return
      [1606] new #66
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
      [1609] dup
      [1610] new #70
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [1613] dup
      [1614] ldc #19
        + String [Unkown KEX method! (]
      [1616] invokespecial #218
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [1619] aload_0 v0
      [1620] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.kxs Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
      [1623] getfield #120
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters;]
      [1626] getfield #128
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters.kex_algo Ljava/lang/String;]
      [1629] invokevirtual #220
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [1632] ldc #2
        + String [)]
      [1634] invokevirtual #220
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [1637] invokevirtual #221
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [1640] invokespecial #212
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalStateException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [1643] athrow
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 9):
      + ExceptionInfo (12 -> 27: 28):
      + ExceptionInfo (28 -> 31: 28):
      + ExceptionInfo (582 -> 653: 656):
      + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      + ExceptionInfo (826 -> 842: 845):
      + ExceptionInfo (845 -> 848: 845):
      + ExceptionInfo (1046 -> 1082: 1085):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      + ExceptionInfo (1135 -> 1198: 1201):
      + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      + ExceptionInfo (1375 -> 1411: 1414):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      + ExceptionInfo (1464 -> 1520: 1523):
      + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 144)
        [0] -> line 376
        [4] -> line 378
        [12] -> line 380
        [17] -> line 381
        [24] -> line 382
        [28] -> line 378
        [32] -> line 386
        [47] -> line 387
        [78] -> line 389
        [85] -> line 391
        [90] -> line 392
        [91] -> line 395
        [99] -> line 397
        [116] -> line 398
        [126] -> line 400
        [133] -> line 406
        [144] -> line 407
        [155] -> line 408
        [171] -> line 409
        [179] -> line 410
        [190] -> line 413
        [201] -> line 414
        [209] -> line 416
        [240] -> line 418
        [250] -> line 419
        [260] -> line 421
        [286] -> line 427
        [291] -> line 430
        [309] -> line 432
        [337] -> line 434
        [353] -> line 435
        [368] -> line 440
        [384] -> line 441
        [396] -> line 443
        [404] -> line 444
        [405] -> line 447
        [423] -> line 448
        [441] -> line 450
        [455] -> line 452
        [473] -> line 453
        [491] -> line 455
        [507] -> line 457
        [526] -> line 458
        [538] -> line 459
        [546] -> line 460
        [547] -> line 463
        [557] -> line 466
        [565] -> line 468
        [572] -> line 469
        [582] -> line 477
        [593] -> line 478
        [607] -> line 477
        [612] -> line 480
        [638] -> line 482
        [656] -> line 484
        [658] -> line 486
        [668] -> line 489
        [679] -> line 490
        [688] -> line 492
        [697] -> line 494
        [707] -> line 496
        [722] -> line 497
        [731] -> line 498
        [746] -> line 499
        [761] -> line 500
        [776] -> line 501
        [791] -> line 502
        [806] -> line 503
        [818] -> line 505
        [826] -> line 507
        [832] -> line 508
        [839] -> line 505
        [849] -> line 511
        [854] -> line 512
        [855] -> line 515
        [872] -> line 516
        [882] -> line 518
        [900] -> line 520
        [911] -> line 522
        [923] -> line 523
        [947] -> line 524
        [961] -> line 525
        [980] -> line 526
        [992] -> line 527
        [1000] -> line 528
        [1001] -> line 531
        [1012] -> line 533
        [1024] -> line 535
        [1036] -> line 537
        [1043] -> line 539
        [1046] -> line 543
        [1085] -> line 545
        [1087] -> line 547
        [1091] -> line 548
        [1093] -> line 547
        [1096] -> line 548
        [1101] -> line 547
        [1105] -> line 551
        [1110] -> line 552
        [1120] -> line 555
        [1135] -> line 559
        [1160] -> line 560
        [1185] -> line 561
        [1192] -> line 559
        [1201] -> line 563
        [1203] -> line 565
        [1221] -> line 568
        [1239] -> line 570
        [1244] -> line 571
        [1254] -> line 573
        [1271] -> line 575
        [1275] -> line 576
        [1283] -> line 577
        [1284] -> line 580
        [1294] -> line 583
        [1312] -> line 584
        [1330] -> line 586
        [1341] -> line 589
        [1353] -> line 591
        [1365] -> line 593
        [1372] -> line 595
        [1375] -> line 599
        [1414] -> line 601
        [1416] -> line 603
        [1420] -> line 604
        [1422] -> line 603
        [1425] -> line 604
        [1430] -> line 603
        [1434] -> line 607
        [1439] -> line 608
        [1449] -> line 611
        [1464] -> line 615
        [1499] -> line 616
        [1514] -> line 615
        [1523] -> line 618
        [1525] -> line 620
        [1543] -> line 623
        [1561] -> line 625
        [1566] -> line 626
        [1576] -> line 628
        [1593] -> line 630
        [1597] -> line 631
        [1605] -> line 632
        [1606] -> line 636
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 28)
        v0: 0 -> 1644 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 1644 [[B msg]
        v2: 0 -> 1644 [I msglen]
        v3: 171 -> 190 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit; kip]
        v3: 201 -> 557 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit; kip]
        v4: 353 -> 368 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequestOld; dhgexreq]
        v4: 384 -> 396 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexRequest; dhgexreq]
        v4: 526 -> 547 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHInit; kp]
        v4: 612 -> 656 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher; cbc]
        v4: 668 -> 855 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher; cbc]
        v5: 638 -> 656 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC; mac]
        v5: 668 -> 855 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC; mac]
        v6: 653 -> 656 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor; comp]
        v6: 668 -> 855 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor; comp]
        v7: 658 -> 668 [Ljava/lang/IllegalArgumentException; e1]
        v7: 697 -> 855 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo; sci]
        v4: 923 -> 1001 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexGroup; dhgexgrp]
        v5: 980 -> 1001 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexInit; dhgexinit]
        v4: 1024 -> 1284 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDhGexReply; dhgexrpl]
        v5: 1046 -> 1120 [Z vres]
        v6: 1087 -> 1105 [Ljava/lang/Exception; e]
        v5: 1203 -> 1221 [Ljava/lang/IllegalArgumentException; e]
        v5: 1239 -> 1284 [Z res]
        v4: 1353 -> 1606 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexDHReply; dhr]
        v5: 1375 -> 1449 [Z vres]
        v6: 1416 -> 1434 [Ljava/lang/Exception; e]
        v5: 1525 -> 1543 [Ljava/lang/IllegalArgumentException; e]
        v5: 1561 -> 1606 [Z res]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.transport.KexParameters extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 33):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters]
  + Utf8 [compression_algorithms_client_to_server]
  + Utf8 [compression_algorithms_server_to_client]
  + Utf8 [cookie]
  + Utf8 [encryption_algorithms_client_to_server]
  + Utf8 [encryption_algorithms_server_to_client]
  + Utf8 [first_kex_packet_follows]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [kex_algorithms]
  + Utf8 [languages_client_to_server]
  + Utf8 [languages_server_to_client]
  + Utf8 [mac_algorithms_client_to_server]
  + Utf8 [mac_algorithms_server_to_client]
  + Utf8 [reserved_field1]
  + Utf8 [server_host_key_algorithms]
  + Utf8 [this]

Fields (count = 13):
  + Field:        cookie [B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] cookie
  + Field:        kex_algorithms [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String[] kex_algorithms
  + Field:        server_host_key_algorithms [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String[] server_host_key_algorithms
  + Field:        encryption_algorithms_client_to_server [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String[] encryption_algorithms_client_to_server
  + Field:        encryption_algorithms_server_to_client [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String[] encryption_algorithms_server_to_client
  + Field:        mac_algorithms_client_to_server [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String[] mac_algorithms_client_to_server
  + Field:        mac_algorithms_server_to_client [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String[] mac_algorithms_server_to_client
  + Field:        compression_algorithms_client_to_server [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String[] compression_algorithms_client_to_server
  + Field:        compression_algorithms_server_to_client [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String[] compression_algorithms_server_to_client
  + Field:        languages_client_to_server [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String[] languages_client_to_server
  + Field:        languages_server_to_client [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String[] languages_server_to_client
  + Field:        first_kex_packet_follows Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean first_kex_packet_follows
  + Field:        reserved_field1 I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int reserved_field1

Methods (count = 1):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public KexParameters()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #3
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 9
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexParameters; this]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.transport.KexState extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 36):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.state I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [state I]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [H]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [K]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState]
  + Utf8 [dhgexParameters]
  + Utf8 [dhgx]
  + Utf8 [dhx]
  + Utf8 [hostkey]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [localKEX]
  + Utf8 [np]
  + Utf8 [remoteKEX]
  + Utf8 [state]
  + Utf8 [this]

Fields (count = 10):
  + Field:        localKEX Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public com.trilead.ssh2.packets.PacketKexInit localKEX
  + Field:        remoteKEX Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketKexInit;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public com.trilead.ssh2.packets.PacketKexInit remoteKEX
  + Field:        np Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public com.trilead.ssh2.transport.NegotiatedParameters np
  + Field:        state I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int state
  + Field:        K Ljava/math/BigInteger;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.math.BigInteger K
  + Field:        H [B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] H
  + Field:        hostkey [B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] hostkey
  + Field:        dhx Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhExchange;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.dh.DhExchange dhx
  + Field:        dhgx Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/dh/DhGroupExchange;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.dh.DhGroupExchange dhgx
  + Field:        dhgexParameters Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public com.trilead.ssh2.DHGexParameters dhgexParameters

Methods (count = 1):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public KexState()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #4
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] iconst_0
      [6] putfield #3
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState.state I]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 17
        [4] -> line 22
        [9] -> line 17
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexState; this]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x601
    = public interface com.trilead.ssh2.transport.MessageHandler extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 12):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [([BI)V]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler]
  + Utf8 [handleMessage]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]

Fields (count = 0):

Methods (count = 1):
  + Method:       handleMessage([BI)V
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract void handleMessage(byte[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiateException
  Superclass:    java/lang/Exception
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.transport.NegotiateException extends java.lang.Exception

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 16):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiateException]
  + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Exception.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiateException;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiateException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Exception]
  + Utf8 [this]

Fields (count = 0):

Methods (count = 1):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public NegotiateException()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #3
        + Methodref [java/lang/Exception.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 9
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiateException; this]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.transport.NegotiatedParameters extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 29):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters]
  + Utf8 [comp_algo_client_to_server]
  + Utf8 [comp_algo_server_to_client]
  + Utf8 [enc_algo_client_to_server]
  + Utf8 [enc_algo_server_to_client]
  + Utf8 [guessOK]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [kex_algo]
  + Utf8 [lang_client_to_server]
  + Utf8 [lang_server_to_client]
  + Utf8 [mac_algo_client_to_server]
  + Utf8 [mac_algo_server_to_client]
  + Utf8 [server_host_key_algo]
  + Utf8 [this]

Fields (count = 11):
  + Field:        guessOK Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean guessOK
  + Field:        kex_algo Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String kex_algo
  + Field:        server_host_key_algo Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String server_host_key_algo
  + Field:        enc_algo_client_to_server Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String enc_algo_client_to_server
  + Field:        enc_algo_server_to_client Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String enc_algo_server_to_client
  + Field:        mac_algo_client_to_server Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String mac_algo_client_to_server
  + Field:        mac_algo_server_to_client Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String mac_algo_server_to_client
  + Field:        comp_algo_client_to_server Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String comp_algo_client_to_server
  + Field:        comp_algo_server_to_client Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String comp_algo_server_to_client
  + Field:        lang_client_to_server Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String lang_client_to_server
  + Field:        lang_server_to_client Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String lang_server_to_client

Methods (count = 1):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public NegotiatedParameters()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #3
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 9
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/NegotiatedParameters; this]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.transport.TransportConnection extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 279):
  + Integer [35000]
  + String [ ]
  + String [ bytes payload]
  + String [)]
  + String [, need ]
  + String [Error while inflating remote data]
  + String [Illegal packet size! (]
  + String [Illegal padding_length in packet from remote (]
  + String [Receive buffer too small (]
  + String [Received ]
  + String [Remote sent corrupt MAC.]
  + String [Sent ]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/NullCipher]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/security/SecureRandom]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.can_recv_compress Z]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.can_send_compress Z]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.cis Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.cos Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_comp Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_comp_buffer [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_mac Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_mac_buffer [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_mac_buffer_cmp [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_packet_header_buffer [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_packet_header_present Z]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_padd_blocksize I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_padding_buffer [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_seq_number I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.rnd Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_comp Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_comp_buffer [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_mac Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_mac_buffer [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_packet_header_buffer [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_padd_blocksize I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_padding_buffer [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_seq_number I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.useRandomPadding Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;Ljava/io/InputStream;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.changeCipher (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/ ([BII)I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.readPlain ([BII)I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;Ljava/io/OutputStream;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.changeCipher (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.flush ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.write ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.writePlain ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/NullCipher.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC.getMac ([BI)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC.initMac (I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC.size ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC.update ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.getLogger (Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets.getMessageName (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.sendMessage ([BIII)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/security/SecureRandom.nextInt ()I]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor.canCompressPreauth ()Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor.compress ([BII[B)I]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor.getBufferSize ()I]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor.uncompress ([BI[I)[B]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher.getBlockSize ()I]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;Ljava/io/InputStream;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;Ljava/io/OutputStream;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [canCompressPreauth ()Z]
  + NameAndType [can_recv_compress Z]
  + NameAndType [can_send_compress Z]
  + NameAndType [changeCipher (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;)V]
  + NameAndType [cis Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream;]
  + NameAndType [compress ([BII[B)I]
  + NameAndType [cos Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream;]
  + NameAndType [flush ()V]
  + NameAndType [getBlockSize ()I]
  + NameAndType [getBufferSize ()I]
  + NameAndType [getLogger (Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + NameAndType [getMac ([BI)V]
  + NameAndType [getMessageName (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [initMac (I)V]
  + NameAndType [isEnabled ()Z]
  + NameAndType [log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + NameAndType [nextInt ()I]
  + NameAndType [read ([BII)I]
  + NameAndType [readPlain ([BII)I]
  + NameAndType [recv_comp Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;]
  + NameAndType [recv_comp_buffer [B]
  + NameAndType [recv_mac Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC;]
  + NameAndType [recv_mac_buffer [B]
  + NameAndType [recv_mac_buffer_cmp [B]
  + NameAndType [recv_packet_header_buffer [B]
  + NameAndType [recv_packet_header_present Z]
  + NameAndType [recv_padd_blocksize I]
  + NameAndType [recv_padding_buffer [B]
  + NameAndType [recv_seq_number I]
  + NameAndType [rnd Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
  + NameAndType [sendMessage ([BIII)V]
  + NameAndType [send_comp Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;]
  + NameAndType [send_comp_buffer [B]
  + NameAndType [send_mac Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC;]
  + NameAndType [send_mac_buffer [B]
  + NameAndType [send_packet_header_buffer [B]
  + NameAndType [send_padd_blocksize I]
  + NameAndType [send_padding_buffer [B]
  + NameAndType [send_seq_number I]
  + NameAndType [size ()I]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [uncompress ([BI[I)[B]
  + NameAndType [update ([BII)V]
  + NameAndType [useRandomPadding Z]
  + NameAndType [write ([BII)V]
  + NameAndType [writePlain ([BII)V]
  + Utf8 [ ]
  + Utf8 [ bytes payload]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(ILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;Ljava/io/InputStream;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;Ljava/io/OutputStream;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/OutputStream;Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [([BI)V]
  + Utf8 [([BII)I]
  + Utf8 [([BII)V]
  + Utf8 [([BIII)V]
  + Utf8 [([BII[B)I]
  + Utf8 [([BI[I)[B]
  + Utf8 [)]
  + Utf8 [, need ]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Error while inflating remote data]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Illegal packet size! (]
  + Utf8 [Illegal padding_length in packet from remote (]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Receive buffer too small (]
  + Utf8 [Received ]
  + Utf8 [Remote sent corrupt MAC.]
  + Utf8 [Sent ]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [[I]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [bc]
  + Utf8 [buffer]
  + Utf8 [canCompressPreauth]
  + Utf8 [can_recv_compress]
  + Utf8 [can_send_compress]
  + Utf8 [changeCipher]
  + Utf8 [changeRecvCipher]
  + Utf8 [changeRecvCompression]
  + Utf8 [changeSendCipher]
  + Utf8 [changeSendCompression]
  + Utf8 [cis]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/NullCipher]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection]
  + Utf8 [comp]
  + Utf8 [compress]
  + Utf8 [cos]
  + Utf8 [flush]
  + Utf8 [getBlockSize]
  + Utf8 [getBufferSize]
  + Utf8 [getLogger]
  + Utf8 [getMac]
  + Utf8 [getMessageName]
  + Utf8 [getPacketOverheadEstimate]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [initMac]
  + Utf8 [is]
  + Utf8 [isEnabled]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/security/SecureRandom]
  + Utf8 [len]
  + Utf8 [log]
  + Utf8 [mac]
  + Utf8 [message]
  + Utf8 [nextInt]
  + Utf8 [off]
  + Utf8 [os]
  + Utf8 [packet_len]
  + Utf8 [packet_length]
  + Utf8 [padd]
  + Utf8 [padd_len]
  + Utf8 [padding_length]
  + Utf8 [payload_length]
  + Utf8 [r]
  + Utf8 [read]
  + Utf8 [readPlain]
  + Utf8 [receiveMessage]
  + Utf8 [recv_comp]
  + Utf8 [recv_comp_buffer]
  + Utf8 [recv_mac]
  + Utf8 [recv_mac_buffer]
  + Utf8 [recv_mac_buffer_cmp]
  + Utf8 [recv_packet_header_buffer]
  + Utf8 [recv_packet_header_present]
  + Utf8 [recv_padd_blocksize]
  + Utf8 [recv_padding_buffer]
  + Utf8 [recv_seq_number]
  + Utf8 [rnd]
  + Utf8 [sendMessage]
  + Utf8 [send_comp]
  + Utf8 [send_comp_buffer]
  + Utf8 [send_mac]
  + Utf8 [send_mac_buffer]
  + Utf8 [send_packet_header_buffer]
  + Utf8 [send_padd_blocksize]
  + Utf8 [send_padding_buffer]
  + Utf8 [send_seq_number]
  + Utf8 [size]
  + Utf8 [slack]
  + Utf8 [startCompression]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [uncomp_len]
  + Utf8 [uncompress]
  + Utf8 [update]
  + Utf8 [useRandomPadding]
  + Utf8 [write]
  + Utf8 [writePlain]

Fields (count = 25):
  + Field:        log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final com.trilead.ssh2.log.Logger log
  + Field:        send_seq_number I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int send_seq_number
  + Field:        recv_seq_number I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int recv_seq_number
  + Field:        cis Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.CipherInputStream cis
  + Field:        cos Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.CipherOutputStream cos
  + Field:        useRandomPadding Z
    Access flags: 0x0
      = boolean useRandomPadding
  + Field:        send_mac Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.digest.MAC send_mac
  + Field:        send_mac_buffer [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] send_mac_buffer
  + Field:        send_padd_blocksize I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int send_padd_blocksize
  + Field:        recv_mac Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.digest.MAC recv_mac
  + Field:        recv_mac_buffer [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] recv_mac_buffer
  + Field:        recv_mac_buffer_cmp [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] recv_mac_buffer_cmp
  + Field:        recv_padd_blocksize I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int recv_padd_blocksize
  + Field:        recv_comp Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = com.trilead.ssh2.compression.ICompressor recv_comp
  + Field:        send_comp Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = com.trilead.ssh2.compression.ICompressor send_comp
  + Field:        can_recv_compress Z
    Access flags: 0x0
      = boolean can_recv_compress
  + Field:        can_send_compress Z
    Access flags: 0x0
      = boolean can_send_compress
  + Field:        recv_comp_buffer [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] recv_comp_buffer
  + Field:        send_comp_buffer [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] send_comp_buffer
  + Field:        send_padding_buffer [B
    Access flags: 0x10
      = final byte[] send_padding_buffer
  + Field:        send_packet_header_buffer [B
    Access flags: 0x10
      = final byte[] send_packet_header_buffer
  + Field:        recv_padding_buffer [B
    Access flags: 0x10
      = final byte[] recv_padding_buffer
  + Field:        recv_packet_header_buffer [B
    Access flags: 0x10
      = final byte[] recv_packet_header_buffer
  + Field:        recv_packet_header_present Z
    Access flags: 0x0
      = boolean recv_packet_header_present
  + Field:        rnd Ljava/security/SecureRandom;
    Access flags: 0x10
      = final rnd

Methods (count = 11):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 9, locals = 0, stack = 1):
      [0] ldc #21
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection]
      [2] invokestatic #65
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.getLogger (Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [5] putstatic #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [8] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 27
        [8] -> line 25
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>(Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/OutputStream;Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public TransportConnection(,,
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 132, locals = 4, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #71
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] iconst_0
      [6] putfield #49
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_seq_number I]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] iconst_0
      [11] putfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_seq_number I]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] iconst_0
      [16] putfield #50
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.useRandomPadding Z]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] bipush 8
      [22] putfield #47
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_padd_blocksize I]
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] bipush 8
      [28] putfield #38
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_padd_blocksize I]
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] aconst_null
      [33] putfield #31
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_comp Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;]
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] aconst_null
      [38] putfield #42
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_comp Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;]
      [41] aload_0 v0
      [42] iconst_0
      [43] putfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.can_recv_compress Z]
      [46] aload_0 v0
      [47] iconst_0
      [48] putfield #27
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.can_send_compress Z]
      [51] aload_0 v0
      [52] sipush 256
      [55] newarray 8
      [57] putfield #48
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_padding_buffer [B]
      [60] aload_0 v0
      [61] iconst_5
      [62] newarray 8
      [64] putfield #46
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_packet_header_buffer [B]
      [67] aload_0 v0
      [68] sipush 256
      [71] newarray 8
      [73] putfield #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_padding_buffer [B]
      [76] aload_0 v0
      [77] iconst_5
      [78] newarray 8
      [80] putfield #36
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_packet_header_buffer [B]
      [83] aload_0 v0
      [84] iconst_0
      [85] putfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_packet_header_present Z]
      [88] aload_0 v0
      [89] new #15
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream]
      [92] dup
      [93] new #17
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/NullCipher]
      [96] dup
      [97] invokespecial #60
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/NullCipher.<init> ()V]
      [100] aload_1 v1
      [101] invokespecial #51
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;Ljava/io/InputStream;)V]
      [104] putfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.cis Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream;]
      [107] aload_0 v0
      [108] new #16
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream]
      [111] dup
      [112] new #17
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/NullCipher]
      [115] dup
      [116] invokespecial #60
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/NullCipher.<init> ()V]
      [119] aload_2 v2
      [120] invokespecial #55
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;Ljava/io/OutputStream;)V]
      [123] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.cos Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream;]
      [126] aload_0 v0
      [127] aload_3 v3
      [128] putfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.rnd Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
      [131] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 19)
        [0] -> line 83
        [4] -> line 29
        [9] -> line 31
        [14] -> line 37
        [19] -> line 45
        [25] -> line 53
        [31] -> line 55
        [36] -> line 57
        [41] -> line 59
        [46] -> line 61
        [51] -> line 69
        [60] -> line 71
        [67] -> line 73
        [76] -> line 75
        [83] -> line 77
        [88] -> line 85
        [107] -> line 86
        [126] -> line 87
        [131] -> line 88
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 132 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection; this]
        v1: 0 -> 132 [Ljava/io/InputStream; is]
        v2: 0 -> 132 [Ljava/io/OutputStream; os]
        v3: 0 -> 132 [Ljava/security/SecureRandom; rnd]
  + Method:       changeRecvCipher(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void changeRecvCipher(com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.BlockCipher,com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.digest.MAC)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 75, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.cis Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream;]
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] invokevirtual #52
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.changeCipher (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;)V]
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] aload_2 v2
      [10] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_mac Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC;]
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] aload_2 v2
      [15] ifnull +12 (target=27)
      [18] aload_2 v2
      [19] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC.size ()I]
      [22] newarray 8
      [24] goto +4 (target=28)
      [27] aconst_null
      [28] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_mac_buffer [B]
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] aload_2 v2
      [33] ifnull +12 (target=45)
      [36] aload_2 v2
      [37] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC.size ()I]
      [40] newarray 8
      [42] goto +4 (target=46)
      [45] aconst_null
      [46] putfield #35
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_mac_buffer_cmp [B]
      [49] aload_0 v0
      [50] aload_1 v1
      [51] invokeinterface #81
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher.getBlockSize ()I]
      [56] putfield #38
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_padd_blocksize I]
      [59] aload_0 v0
      [60] getfield #38
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_padd_blocksize I]
      [63] bipush 8
      [65] ificmpge +9 (target=74)
      [68] aload_0 v0
      [69] bipush 8
      [71] putfield #38
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_padd_blocksize I]
      [74] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 92
        [8] -> line 93
        [13] -> line 94
        [31] -> line 95
        [49] -> line 96
        [59] -> line 97
        [68] -> line 98
        [74] -> line 99
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 75 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection; this]
        v1: 0 -> 75 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher; bc]
        v2: 0 -> 75 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC; mac]
  + Method:       changeSendCipher(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void changeSendCipher(com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.BlockCipher,com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.digest.MAC)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 69, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] instanceof #17
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/NullCipher]
      [4] ifne +8 (target=12)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] iconst_1
      [9] putfield #50
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.useRandomPadding Z]
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.cos Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream;]
      [16] aload_1 v1
      [17] invokevirtual #56
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.changeCipher (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;)V]
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] aload_2 v2
      [22] putfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_mac Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC;]
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] aload_2 v2
      [27] ifnull +12 (target=39)
      [30] aload_2 v2
      [31] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC.size ()I]
      [34] newarray 8
      [36] goto +4 (target=40)
      [39] aconst_null
      [40] putfield #45
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_mac_buffer [B]
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] aload_1 v1
      [45] invokeinterface #81
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher.getBlockSize ()I]
      [50] putfield #47
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_padd_blocksize I]
      [53] aload_0 v0
      [54] getfield #47
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_padd_blocksize I]
      [57] bipush 8
      [59] ificmpge +9 (target=68)
      [62] aload_0 v0
      [63] bipush 8
      [65] putfield #47
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_padd_blocksize I]
      [68] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 103
        [7] -> line 106
        [12] -> line 110
        [20] -> line 111
        [25] -> line 112
        [43] -> line 113
        [53] -> line 114
        [62] -> line 115
        [68] -> line 116
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 69 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection; this]
        v1: 0 -> 69 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher; bc]
        v2: 0 -> 69 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC; mac]
  + Method:       changeRecvCompression(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void changeRecvCompression(com.trilead.ssh2.compression.ICompressor)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 40, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #31
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_comp Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;]
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] ifnull +33 (target=39)
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aload_1 v1
      [11] invokeinterface #79
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor.getBufferSize ()I]
      [16] newarray 8
      [18] putfield #32
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_comp_buffer [B]
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] dup
      [23] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.can_recv_compress Z]
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_comp Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;]
      [30] invokeinterface #77
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor.canCompressPreauth ()Z]
      [35] ior
      [36] putfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.can_recv_compress Z]
      [39] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 120
        [5] -> line 122
        [9] -> line 123
        [21] -> line 124
        [39] -> line 126
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 40 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection; this]
        v1: 0 -> 40 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor; comp]
  + Method:       changeSendCompression(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void changeSendCompression(com.trilead.ssh2.compression.ICompressor)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 40, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #42
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_comp Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;]
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] ifnull +33 (target=39)
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aload_1 v1
      [11] invokeinterface #79
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor.getBufferSize ()I]
      [16] newarray 8
      [18] putfield #43
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_comp_buffer [B]
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] dup
      [23] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.can_send_compress Z]
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] getfield #42
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_comp Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;]
      [30] invokeinterface #77
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor.canCompressPreauth ()Z]
      [35] ior
      [36] putfield #27
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.can_send_compress Z]
      [39] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 130
        [5] -> line 132
        [9] -> line 133
        [21] -> line 134
        [39] -> line 136
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 40 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection; this]
        v1: 0 -> 40 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor; comp]
  + Method:       sendMessage([B)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void sendMessage(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] iconst_0
      [3] aload_1 v1
      [4] arraylength
      [5] iconst_0
      [6] invokevirtual #69
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.sendMessage ([BIII)V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 140
        [9] -> line 141
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection; this]
        v1: 0 -> 10 [[B message]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       getPacketOverheadEstimate()I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int getPacketOverheadEstimate()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 16, locals = 1, stack = 3):
      [0] bipush 9
      [2] aload_0 v0
      [3] getfield #47
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_padd_blocksize I]
      [6] iconst_1
      [7] isub
      [8] iadd
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_mac_buffer [B]
      [13] arraylength
      [14] iadd
      [15] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 151
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 16 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection; this]
  + Method:       sendMessage([BIII)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void sendMessage(byte[],int,int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 509, locals = 10, stack = 5):
      [0] iload v4
      [2] iconst_4
      [3] ificmpge +9 (target=12)
      [6] iconst_4
      [7] istore v4
      [9] goto +14 (target=23)
      [12] iload v4
      [14] bipush 64
      [16] ificmple +7 (target=23)
      [19] bipush 64
      [21] istore v4
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] getfield #42
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_comp Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;]
      [27] ifnull +58 (target=85)
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.can_send_compress Z]
      [34] ifeq +51 (target=85)
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] getfield #43
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_comp_buffer [B]
      [41] arraylength
      [42] aload_1 v1
      [43] arraylength
      [44] sipush 1024
      [47] iadd
      [48] ificmpge +15 (target=63)
      [51] aload_0 v0
      [52] aload_1 v1
      [53] arraylength
      [54] sipush 1024
      [57] iadd
      [58] newarray 8
      [60] putfield #43
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_comp_buffer [B]
      [63] aload_0 v0
      [64] getfield #42
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_comp Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;]
      [67] aload_1 v1
      [68] iload_2 v2
      [69] iload_3 v3
      [70] aload_0 v0
      [71] getfield #43
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_comp_buffer [B]
      [74] invokeinterface #78
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor.compress ([BII[B)I]
      [79] istore_3 v3
      [80] aload_0 v0
      [81] getfield #43
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_comp_buffer [B]
      [84] astore_1 v1
      [85] iconst_5
      [86] iload_3 v3
      [87] iadd
      [88] iload v4
      [90] iadd
      [91] istore v5
      [93] iload v5
      [95] aload_0 v0
      [96] getfield #47
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_padd_blocksize I]
      [99] irem
      [100] istore v6
      [102] iload v6
      [104] ifeq +15 (target=119)
      [107] iload v5
      [109] aload_0 v0
      [110] getfield #47
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_padd_blocksize I]
      [113] iload v6
      [115] isub
      [116] iadd
      [117] istore v5
      [119] iload v5
      [121] bipush 16
      [123] ificmpge +7 (target=130)
      [126] bipush 16
      [128] istore v5
      [130] iload v5
      [132] iconst_5
      [133] iload_3 v3
      [134] iadd
      [135] isub
      [136] istore v7
      [138] aload_0 v0
      [139] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.useRandomPadding Z]
      [142] ifeq +86 (target=228)
      [145] iconst_0
      [146] istore v8
      [148] goto +70 (target=218)
      [151] aload_0 v0
      [152] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.rnd Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
      [155] invokevirtual #76
        + Methodref [java/security/SecureRandom.nextInt ()I]
      [158] istore v9
      [160] aload_0 v0
      [161] getfield #48
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_padding_buffer [B]
      [164] iload v8
      [166] iload v9
      [168] i2b
      [169] bastore
      [170] aload_0 v0
      [171] getfield #48
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_padding_buffer [B]
      [174] iload v8
      [176] iconst_1
      [177] iadd
      [178] iload v9
      [180] bipush 8
      [182] ishr
      [183] i2b
      [184] bastore
      [185] aload_0 v0
      [186] getfield #48
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_padding_buffer [B]
      [189] iload v8
      [191] iconst_2
      [192] iadd
      [193] iload v9
      [195] bipush 16
      [197] ishr
      [198] i2b
      [199] bastore
      [200] aload_0 v0
      [201] getfield #48
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_padding_buffer [B]
      [204] iload v8
      [206] iconst_3
      [207] iadd
      [208] iload v9
      [210] bipush 24
      [212] ishr
      [213] i2b
      [214] bastore
      [215] iinc v8, 4
      [218] iload v8
      [220] iload v7
      [222] ificmplt -71 (target=151)
      [225] goto +27 (target=252)
      [228] iconst_0
      [229] istore v8
      [231] goto +14 (target=245)
      [234] aload_0 v0
      [235] getfield #48
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_padding_buffer [B]
      [238] iload v8
      [240] iconst_0
      [241] bastore
      [242] iinc v8, 1
      [245] iload v8
      [247] iload v7
      [249] ificmplt -15 (target=234)
      [252] aload_0 v0
      [253] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_packet_header_buffer [B]
      [256] iconst_0
      [257] iload v5
      [259] iconst_4
      [260] isub
      [261] bipush 24
      [263] ishr
      [264] i2b
      [265] bastore
      [266] aload_0 v0
      [267] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_packet_header_buffer [B]
      [270] iconst_1
      [271] iload v5
      [273] iconst_4
      [274] isub
      [275] bipush 16
      [277] ishr
      [278] i2b
      [279] bastore
      [280] aload_0 v0
      [281] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_packet_header_buffer [B]
      [284] iconst_2
      [285] iload v5
      [287] iconst_4
      [288] isub
      [289] bipush 8
      [291] ishr
      [292] i2b
      [293] bastore
      [294] aload_0 v0
      [295] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_packet_header_buffer [B]
      [298] iconst_3
      [299] iload v5
      [301] iconst_4
      [302] isub
      [303] i2b
      [304] bastore
      [305] aload_0 v0
      [306] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_packet_header_buffer [B]
      [309] iconst_4
      [310] iload v7
      [312] i2b
      [313] bastore
      [314] aload_0 v0
      [315] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.cos Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream;]
      [318] aload_0 v0
      [319] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_packet_header_buffer [B]
      [322] iconst_0
      [323] iconst_5
      [324] invokevirtual #58
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.write ([BII)V]
      [327] aload_0 v0
      [328] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.cos Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream;]
      [331] aload_1 v1
      [332] iload_2 v2
      [333] iload_3 v3
      [334] invokevirtual #58
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.write ([BII)V]
      [337] aload_0 v0
      [338] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.cos Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream;]
      [341] aload_0 v0
      [342] getfield #48
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_padding_buffer [B]
      [345] iconst_0
      [346] iload v7
      [348] invokevirtual #58
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.write ([BII)V]
      [351] aload_0 v0
      [352] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_mac Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC;]
      [355] ifnull +80 (target=435)
      [358] aload_0 v0
      [359] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_mac Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC;]
      [362] aload_0 v0
      [363] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_seq_number I]
      [366] invokevirtual #62
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC.initMac (I)V]
      [369] aload_0 v0
      [370] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_mac Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC;]
      [373] aload_0 v0
      [374] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_packet_header_buffer [B]
      [377] iconst_0
      [378] iconst_5
      [379] invokevirtual #64
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC.update ([BII)V]
      [382] aload_0 v0
      [383] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_mac Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC;]
      [386] aload_1 v1
      [387] iload_2 v2
      [388] iload_3 v3
      [389] invokevirtual #64
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC.update ([BII)V]
      [392] aload_0 v0
      [393] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_mac Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC;]
      [396] aload_0 v0
      [397] getfield #48
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_padding_buffer [B]
      [400] iconst_0
      [401] iload v7
      [403] invokevirtual #64
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC.update ([BII)V]
      [406] aload_0 v0
      [407] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_mac Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC;]
      [410] aload_0 v0
      [411] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_mac_buffer [B]
      [414] iconst_0
      [415] invokevirtual #61
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC.getMac ([BI)V]
      [418] aload_0 v0
      [419] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.cos Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream;]
      [422] aload_0 v0
      [423] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_mac_buffer [B]
      [426] iconst_0
      [427] aload_0 v0
      [428] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_mac_buffer [B]
      [431] arraylength
      [432] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.writePlain ([BII)V]
      [435] aload_0 v0
      [436] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.cos Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream;]
      [439] invokevirtual #57
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherOutputStream.flush ()V]
      [442] getstatic #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [445] invokevirtual #66
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
      [448] ifeq +50 (target=498)
      [451] getstatic #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [454] bipush 90
      [456] new #24
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [459] dup
      [460] ldc #12
        + String [Sent ]
      [462] invokespecial #72
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [465] aload_1 v1
      [466] iload_2 v2
      [467] baload
      [468] sipush 255
      [471] iand
      [472] invokestatic #68
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets.getMessageName (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [475] invokevirtual #74
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [478] ldc #2
        + String [ ]
      [480] invokevirtual #74
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [483] iload_3 v3
      [484] invokevirtual #73
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [487] ldc #3
        + String [ bytes payload]
      [489] invokevirtual #74
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [492] invokevirtual #75
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [495] invokevirtual #67
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [498] aload_0 v0
      [499] dup
      [500] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_seq_number I]
      [503] iconst_1
      [504] iadd
      [505] putfield #49
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.send_seq_number I]
      [508] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 47)
        [0] -> line 156
        [6] -> line 157
        [12] -> line 158
        [19] -> line 159
        [23] -> line 161
        [37] -> line 162
        [51] -> line 163
        [63] -> line 164
        [80] -> line 165
        [85] -> line 168
        [93] -> line 170
        [102] -> line 172
        [107] -> line 174
        [119] -> line 177
        [126] -> line 178
        [130] -> line 180
        [138] -> line 182
        [145] -> line 184
        [151] -> line 194
        [160] -> line 195
        [170] -> line 196
        [185] -> line 197
        [200] -> line 198
        [215] -> line 184
        [228] -> line 204
        [234] -> line 205
        [242] -> line 204
        [252] -> line 212
        [266] -> line 213
        [280] -> line 214
        [294] -> line 215
        [305] -> line 216
        [314] -> line 218
        [327] -> line 219
        [337] -> line 220
        [351] -> line 222
        [358] -> line 224
        [369] -> line 225
        [382] -> line 226
        [392] -> line 227
        [406] -> line 229
        [418] -> line 230
        [435] -> line 233
        [442] -> line 235
        [451] -> line 237
        [498] -> line 240
        [508] -> line 241
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 11)
        v0: 0 -> 509 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection; this]
        v1: 0 -> 509 [[B message]
        v2: 0 -> 509 [I off]
        v3: 0 -> 509 [I len]
        v4: 0 -> 509 [I padd]
        v5: 93 -> 509 [I packet_len]
        v6: 102 -> 509 [I slack]
        v7: 138 -> 509 [I padd_len]
        v8: 148 -> 225 [I i]
        v9: 160 -> 215 [I r]
        v8: 231 -> 252 [I i]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       receiveMessage([BII)I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int receiveMessage(byte[],int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 514, locals = 8, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_packet_header_present Z]
      [4] ifne +20 (target=24)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.cis Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream;]
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] getfield #36
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_packet_header_buffer [B]
      [15] iconst_0
      [16] iconst_5
      [17] invokevirtual #53
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/ ([BII)I]
      [20] pop
      [21] goto +8 (target=29)
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] iconst_0
      [26] putfield #37
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_packet_header_present Z]
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] getfield #36
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_packet_header_buffer [B]
      [33] iconst_0
      [34] baload
      [35] sipush 255
      [38] iand
      [39] bipush 24
      [41] ishl
      [42] aload_0 v0
      [43] getfield #36
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_packet_header_buffer [B]
      [46] iconst_1
      [47] baload
      [48] sipush 255
      [51] iand
      [52] bipush 16
      [54] ishl
      [55] ior
      [56] aload_0 v0
      [57] getfield #36
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_packet_header_buffer [B]
      [60] iconst_2
      [61] baload
      [62] sipush 255
      [65] iand
      [66] bipush 8
      [68] ishl
      [69] ior
      [70] aload_0 v0
      [71] getfield #36
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_packet_header_buffer [B]
      [74] iconst_3
      [75] baload
      [76] sipush 255
      [79] iand
      [80] ior
      [81] istore v4
      [83] aload_0 v0
      [84] getfield #36
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_packet_header_buffer [B]
      [87] iconst_4
      [88] baload
      [89] sipush 255
      [92] iand
      [93] istore v5
      [95] iload v4
      [97] ldc #1
        + Integer [35000]
      [99] ificmpgt +10 (target=109)
      [102] iload v4
      [104] bipush 12
      [106] ificmpge +33 (target=139)
      [109] new #22
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [112] dup
      [113] new #24
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [116] dup
      [117] ldc #7
        + String [Illegal packet size! (]
      [119] invokespecial #72
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [122] iload v4
      [124] invokevirtual #73
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [127] ldc #4
        + String [)]
      [129] invokevirtual #74
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [132] invokevirtual #75
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [135] invokespecial #70
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [138] athrow
      [139] iload v4
      [141] iload v5
      [143] isub
      [144] iconst_1
      [145] isub
      [146] istore v6
      [148] iload v6
      [150] ifge +33 (target=183)
      [153] new #22
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [156] dup
      [157] new #24
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [160] dup
      [161] ldc #8
        + String [Illegal padding_length in packet from remote (]
      [163] invokespecial #72
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [166] iload v5
      [168] invokevirtual #73
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [171] ldc #4
        + String [)]
      [173] invokevirtual #74
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [176] invokevirtual #75
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [179] invokespecial #70
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [182] athrow
      [183] iload v6
      [185] iload_3 v3
      [186] ificmplt +42 (target=228)
      [189] new #22
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [192] dup
      [193] new #24
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [196] dup
      [197] ldc #9
        + String [Receive buffer too small (]
      [199] invokespecial #72
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [202] iload_3 v3
      [203] invokevirtual #73
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [206] ldc #5
        + String [, need ]
      [208] invokevirtual #74
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [211] iload v6
      [213] invokevirtual #73
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [216] ldc #4
        + String [)]
      [218] invokevirtual #74
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [221] invokevirtual #75
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [224] invokespecial #70
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [227] athrow
      [228] aload_0 v0
      [229] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.cis Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream;]
      [232] aload_1 v1
      [233] iload_2 v2
      [234] iload v6
      [236] invokevirtual #53
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/ ([BII)I]
      [239] pop
      [240] aload_0 v0
      [241] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.cis Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream;]
      [244] aload_0 v0
      [245] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_padding_buffer [B]
      [248] iconst_0
      [249] iload v5
      [251] invokevirtual #53
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/ ([BII)I]
      [254] pop
      [255] aload_0 v0
      [256] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_mac Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC;]
      [259] ifnull +128 (target=387)
      [262] aload_0 v0
      [263] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.cis Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream;]
      [266] aload_0 v0
      [267] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_mac_buffer [B]
      [270] iconst_0
      [271] aload_0 v0
      [272] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_mac_buffer [B]
      [275] arraylength
      [276] invokevirtual #54
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/CipherInputStream.readPlain ([BII)I]
      [279] pop
      [280] aload_0 v0
      [281] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_mac Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC;]
      [284] aload_0 v0
      [285] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_seq_number I]
      [288] invokevirtual #62
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC.initMac (I)V]
      [291] aload_0 v0
      [292] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_mac Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC;]
      [295] aload_0 v0
      [296] getfield #36
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_packet_header_buffer [B]
      [299] iconst_0
      [300] iconst_5
      [301] invokevirtual #64
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC.update ([BII)V]
      [304] aload_0 v0
      [305] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_mac Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC;]
      [308] aload_1 v1
      [309] iload_2 v2
      [310] iload v6
      [312] invokevirtual #64
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC.update ([BII)V]
      [315] aload_0 v0
      [316] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_mac Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC;]
      [319] aload_0 v0
      [320] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_padding_buffer [B]
      [323] iconst_0
      [324] iload v5
      [326] invokevirtual #64
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC.update ([BII)V]
      [329] aload_0 v0
      [330] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_mac Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC;]
      [333] aload_0 v0
      [334] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_mac_buffer_cmp [B]
      [337] iconst_0
      [338] invokevirtual #61
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC.getMac ([BI)V]
      [341] iconst_0
      [342] istore v7
      [344] goto +33 (target=377)
      [347] aload_0 v0
      [348] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_mac_buffer [B]
      [351] iload v7
      [353] baload
      [354] aload_0 v0
      [355] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_mac_buffer_cmp [B]
      [358] iload v7
      [360] baload
      [361] ificmpeq +13 (target=374)
      [364] new #22
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [367] dup
      [368] ldc #11
        + String [Remote sent corrupt MAC.]
      [370] invokespecial #70
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [373] athrow
      [374] iinc v7, 1
      [377] iload v7
      [379] aload_0 v0
      [380] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_mac_buffer [B]
      [383] arraylength
      [384] ificmplt -37 (target=347)
      [387] aload_0 v0
      [388] dup
      [389] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_seq_number I]
      [392] iconst_1
      [393] iadd
      [394] putfield #40
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_seq_number I]
      [397] getstatic #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [400] invokevirtual #66
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
      [403] ifeq +51 (target=454)
      [406] getstatic #30
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [409] bipush 90
      [411] new #24
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [414] dup
      [415] ldc #10
        + String [Received ]
      [417] invokespecial #72
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [420] aload_1 v1
      [421] iload_2 v2
      [422] baload
      [423] sipush 255
      [426] iand
      [427] invokestatic #68
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/Packets.getMessageName (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [430] invokevirtual #74
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [433] ldc #2
        + String [ ]
      [435] invokevirtual #74
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [438] iload v6
      [440] invokevirtual #73
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [443] ldc #3
        + String [ bytes payload]
      [445] invokevirtual #74
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [448] invokevirtual #75
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [451] invokevirtual #67
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [454] aload_0 v0
      [455] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_comp Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;]
      [458] ifnull +53 (target=511)
      [461] aload_0 v0
      [462] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.can_recv_compress Z]
      [465] ifeq +46 (target=511)
      [468] iconst_1
      [469] newarray 10
      [471] dup
      [472] iconst_0
      [473] iload v6
      [475] iastore
      [476] astore v7
      [478] aload_0 v0
      [479] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.recv_comp Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;]
      [482] aload_1 v1
      [483] iload_2 v2
      [484] aload v7
      [486] invokeinterface #80
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor.uncompress ([BI[I)[B]
      [491] astore_1 v1
      [492] aload_1 v1
      [493] ifnonnull +13 (target=506)
      [496] new #22
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [499] dup
      [500] ldc #6
        + String [Error while inflating remote data]
      [502] invokespecial #70
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [505] athrow
      [506] aload v7
      [508] iconst_0
      [509] iaload
      [510] ireturn
      [511] iload v6
      [513] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 43)
        [0] -> line 270
        [7] -> line 272
        [24] -> line 275
        [29] -> line 277
        [42] -> line 278
        [55] -> line 277
        [56] -> line 278
        [69] -> line 277
        [70] -> line 279
        [80] -> line 277
        [83] -> line 281
        [95] -> line 283
        [109] -> line 284
        [139] -> line 286
        [148] -> line 288
        [153] -> line 289
        [183] -> line 291
        [189] -> line 292
        [228] -> line 294
        [240] -> line 295
        [255] -> line 297
        [262] -> line 299
        [280] -> line 301
        [291] -> line 302
        [304] -> line 303
        [315] -> line 304
        [329] -> line 305
        [341] -> line 307
        [347] -> line 309
        [364] -> line 310
        [374] -> line 307
        [387] -> line 314
        [397] -> line 316
        [406] -> line 318
        [443] -> line 319
        [451] -> line 318
        [454] -> line 322
        [468] -> line 323
        [478] -> line 324
        [492] -> line 326
        [496] -> line 327
        [506] -> line 329
        [511] -> line 332
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 9)
        v0: 0 -> 514 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection; this]
        v1: 0 -> 514 [[B buffer]
        v2: 0 -> 514 [I off]
        v3: 0 -> 514 [I len]
        v4: 83 -> 514 [I packet_length]
        v5: 95 -> 514 [I padding_length]
        v6: 148 -> 514 [I payload_length]
        v7: 344 -> 387 [I i]
        v7: 478 -> 511 [[I uncomp_len]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       startCompression()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void startCompression()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 11, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iconst_1
      [2] putfield #26
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.can_recv_compress Z]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] iconst_1
      [7] putfield #27
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.can_send_compress Z]
      [10] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 340
        [5] -> line 341
        [10] -> line 342
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 11 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection; this]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.transport.TransportManager extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 583):
  + Integer [35000]
  + Integer [65533]
  + String []
  + String [
  + String [ HTTP/1.0
  + String [']
  + String [)]
  + String [): ]
  + String [:]
  + String [Assertion error: sendMessage may never be invoked by the receiver thread!]
  + String [CONNECT ]
  + String [DEBUG Message from remote: ']
  + String [Error: the peer is not consuming our asynchronous replies.]
  + String [HTTP/]
  + String [ISO-8859-1]
  + String [Peer sent DISCONNECT message (reason code ]
  + String [Peer sent UNIMPLEMENTED message, that should not happen.]
  + String [Proxy-Authorization: Basic ]
  + String [Sorry, this connection is closed.]
  + String [The proxy did not send back a valid HTTP response.]
  + String [UTF-8]
  + String [Unexpected SSH message (type ]
  + String [Unsupported ProxyData]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionMonitor]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/HTTPProxyData]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/HTTPProxyException]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/Base64]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketDisconnect]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$1]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$AsynchronousWorker]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$HandlerEntry]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/util/Tokenizer]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/io/OutputStream]
  + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Class [java/lang/Integer]
  + Class [java/lang/InterruptedException]
  + Class [java/lang/NumberFormatException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuffer]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/lang/Thread]
  + Class [java/lang/Throwable]
  + Class [java/net/InetAddress]
  + Class [java/net/InetSocketAddress]
  + Class [java/net/Socket]
  + Class [java/net/UnknownHostException]
  + Class [java/util/Vector]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/HTTPProxyData.proxyHost Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/HTTPProxyData.proxyPass Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/HTTPProxyData.proxyPort I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/HTTPProxyData.proxyUser Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/HTTPProxyData.requestHeaderLines [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.sessionId [B]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.asynchronousQueue Ljava/util/Vector;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.asynchronousThread Ljava/lang/Thread;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.connectionClosed Z]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.connectionMonitors Ljava/util/Vector;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.connectionSemaphore Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.flagKexOngoing Z]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.hostname Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.messageHandlers Ljava/util/Vector;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.monitorsWereInformed Z]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.port I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.reasonClosedCause Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.receiveThread Ljava/lang/Thread;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sock Ljava/net/Socket;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$HandlerEntry.high I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$HandlerEntry.low I]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/HTTPProxyException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/Base64.encode ([B)[C]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.getLogger (Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketDisconnect.<init> (ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketDisconnect.getPayload ()[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.<init> ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readBoolean ()Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readByte ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readString (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readUINT32 ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello.<init> (Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/OutputStream;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello.readLineRN (Ljava/io/InputStream;[B)I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;Ljava/lang/String;ILcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier;Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.getOrWaitForConnectionInfo (I)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.handleMessage ([BI)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.initiateKEX (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.<init> (Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/OutputStream;Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.changeRecvCipher (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.changeRecvCompression (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.changeSendCipher (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.changeSendCompression (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.getPacketOverheadEstimate ()I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.receiveMessage ([BII)I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.sendMessage ([B)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.startCompression ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.close (Ljava/lang/Throwable;Z)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.createInetAddress (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.establishConnection (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ProxyData;I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.parseIPv4Address (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$1.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$AsynchronousWorker.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$HandlerEntry.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/Tokenizer.parseTokens (Ljava/lang/String;C)[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.initCause (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
  + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.flush ()V]
  + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.parseInt (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.notifyAll ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.wait ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.<init> ([BIILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.charAt (I)C]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.getBytes (Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.startsWith (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (II)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.append ([C)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.charAt (I)C]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.length ()I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.setCharAt (IC)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.setLength (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.<init> (Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.currentThread ()Ljava/lang/Thread;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.setDaemon (Z)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.start ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Throwable.getMessage ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/net/InetAddress.getByAddress (Ljava/lang/String;[B)Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
  + Methodref [java/net/InetAddress.getByName (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
  + Methodref [java/net/InetSocketAddress.<init> (Ljava/net/InetAddress;I)V]
  + Methodref [java/net/Socket.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/net/Socket.close ()V]
  + Methodref [java/net/Socket.connect (Ljava/net/SocketAddress;I)V]
  + Methodref [java/net/Socket.getInputStream ()Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + Methodref [java/net/Socket.getOutputStream ()Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + Methodref [java/net/Socket.setSoTimeout (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/net/Socket.setTcpNoDelay (Z)V]
  + Methodref [java/util/Vector.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/util/Vector.addElement (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + Methodref [java/util/Vector.clone ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [java/util/Vector.elementAt (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [java/util/Vector.removeElementAt (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/util/Vector.size ()I]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionMonitor.connectionLost (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler.handleMessage ([BI)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;Ljava/lang/String;ILcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier;Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/OutputStream;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/OutputStream;Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;I)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/net/InetAddress;I)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([BII)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([BIILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [addElement (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + NameAndType [append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + NameAndType [append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + NameAndType [append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append ([C)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + NameAndType [asynchronousQueue Ljava/util/Vector;]
  + NameAndType [asynchronousThread Ljava/lang/Thread;]
  + NameAndType [changeRecvCipher (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC;)V]
  + NameAndType [changeRecvCompression (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;)V]
  + NameAndType [changeSendCipher (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC;)V]
  + NameAndType [changeSendCompression (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;)V]
  + NameAndType [charAt (I)C]
  + NameAndType [clone ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [close ()V]
  + NameAndType [close (Ljava/lang/Throwable;Z)V]
  + NameAndType [connect (Ljava/net/SocketAddress;I)V]
  + NameAndType [connectionClosed Z]
  + NameAndType [connectionLost (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V]
  + NameAndType [connectionMonitors Ljava/util/Vector;]
  + NameAndType [connectionSemaphore Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [createInetAddress (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
  + NameAndType [currentThread ()Ljava/lang/Thread;]
  + NameAndType [elementAt (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [encode ([B)[C]
  + NameAndType [establishConnection (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ProxyData;I)V]
  + NameAndType [flagKexOngoing Z]
  + NameAndType [flush ()V]
  + NameAndType [getByAddress (Ljava/lang/String;[B)Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
  + NameAndType [getByName (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
  + NameAndType [getBytes (Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
  + NameAndType [getInputStream ()Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + NameAndType [getLogger (Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + NameAndType [getMessage ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getOrWaitForConnectionInfo (I)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
  + NameAndType [getOutputStream ()Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + NameAndType [getPacketOverheadEstimate ()I]
  + NameAndType [getPayload ()[B]
  + NameAndType [handleMessage ([BI)V]
  + NameAndType [high I]
  + NameAndType [hostname Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [initCause (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
  + NameAndType [initiateKEX (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;)V]
  + NameAndType [isEnabled ()Z]
  + NameAndType [km Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager;]
  + NameAndType [length ()I]
  + NameAndType [log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + NameAndType [low I]
  + NameAndType [messageHandlers Ljava/util/Vector;]
  + NameAndType [mh Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler;]
  + NameAndType [monitorsWereInformed Z]
  + NameAndType [notifyAll ()V]
  + NameAndType [parseIPv4Address (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
  + NameAndType [parseInt (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [parseTokens (Ljava/lang/String;C)[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [port I]
  + NameAndType [proxyHost Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [proxyPass Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [proxyPort I]
  + NameAndType [proxyUser Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [readBoolean ()Z]
  + NameAndType [readByte ()I]
  + NameAndType [readLineRN (Ljava/io/InputStream;[B)I]
  + NameAndType [readString (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [readUINT32 ()I]
  + NameAndType [reasonClosedCause Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
  + NameAndType [receiveMessage ([BII)I]
  + NameAndType [receiveThread Ljava/lang/Thread;]
  + NameAndType [removeElementAt (I)V]
  + NameAndType [requestHeaderLines [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [sendMessage ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [sessionId [B]
  + NameAndType [setCharAt (IC)V]
  + NameAndType [setDaemon (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [setLength (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setSoTimeout (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setTcpNoDelay (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [size ()I]
  + NameAndType [sock Ljava/net/Socket;]
  + NameAndType [start ()V]
  + NameAndType [startCompression ()V]
  + NameAndType [startsWith (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + NameAndType [substring (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [substring (II)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [tc Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection;]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [wait ()V]
  + NameAndType [write ([B)V]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [
  + Utf8 [ HTTP/1.0
  + Utf8 [']
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/Thread;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [(C)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + Utf8 [(I)C]
  + Utf8 [(I)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(IC)V]
  + Utf8 [(II)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(ILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ProxyData;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;ILjava/security/SecureRandom;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ProxyData;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler;II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;)Ljava/util/Vector;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;Ljava/lang/String;ILcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier;Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;Ljava/lang/Thread;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/OutputStream;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/OutputStream;Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/io/InputStream;[B)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;C)[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;[B)Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Throwable;Z)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/net/InetAddress;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/net/SocketAddress;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/util/Vector;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)[C]
  + Utf8 [([BI)V]
  + Utf8 [([BII)I]
  + Utf8 [([BII)V]
  + Utf8 [([BIILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [([C)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + Utf8 [)]
  + Utf8 [): ]
  + Utf8 [:]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Assertion error: sendMessage may never be invoked by the receiver thread!]
  + Utf8 [AsynchronousWorker]
  + Utf8 [C]
  + Utf8 [CONNECT ]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [DEBUG Message from remote: ']
  + Utf8 [Error: the peer is not consuming our asynchronous replies.]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [HTTP/]
  + Utf8 [HandlerEntry]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [ISO-8859-1]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionMonitor;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/HTTPProxyData;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ProxyData;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$HandlerEntry;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/IOException;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/NumberFormatException;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Thread;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/net/Socket;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Vector;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Vector<Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$HandlerEntry;>;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Vector<[B>;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Peer sent DISCONNECT message (reason code ]
  + Utf8 [Peer sent UNIMPLEMENTED message, that should not happen.]
  + Utf8 [Proxy-Authorization: Basic ]
  + Utf8 [Signature]
  + Utf8 [Sorry, this connection is closed.]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [The proxy did not send back a valid HTTP response.]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [UTF-8]
  + Utf8 [Unexpected SSH message (type ]
  + Utf8 [Unsupported ProxyData]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [[C]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [access$1]
  + Utf8 [access$2]
  + Utf8 [addElement]
  + Utf8 [addr]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [asynchronousQueue]
  + Utf8 [asynchronousThread]
  + Utf8 [bc]
  + Utf8 [buffer]
  + Utf8 [c]
  + Utf8 [cause]
  + Utf8 [changeRecvCipher]
  + Utf8 [changeRecvCompression]
  + Utf8 [changeSendCipher]
  + Utf8 [changeSendCompression]
  + Utf8 [charAt]
  + Utf8 [clone]
  + Utf8 [close]
  + Utf8 [cmon]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionMonitor]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/HTTPProxyData]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/HTTPProxyException]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/Base64]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketDisconnect]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$1]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$AsynchronousWorker]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$HandlerEntry]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/util/Tokenizer]
  + Utf8 [comp]
  + Utf8 [connect]
  + Utf8 [connectTimeout]
  + Utf8 [connectionClosed]
  + Utf8 [connectionLost]
  + Utf8 [connectionMonitors]
  + Utf8 [connectionSemaphore]
  + Utf8 [createInetAddress]
  + Utf8 [credentials]
  + Utf8 [csh]
  + Utf8 [currentThread]
  + Utf8 [cwl]
  + Utf8 [debugMessageBuffer]
  + Utf8 [dhgex]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [elementAt]
  + Utf8 [encode]
  + Utf8 [encoded]
  + Utf8 [errorCode]
  + Utf8 [establishConnection]
  + Utf8 [flagKexOngoing]
  + Utf8 [flush]
  + Utf8 [getByAddress]
  + Utf8 [getByName]
  + Utf8 [getBytes]
  + Utf8 [getConnectionInfo]
  + Utf8 [getInputStream]
  + Utf8 [getLogger]
  + Utf8 [getMessage]
  + Utf8 [getOrWaitForConnectionInfo]
  + Utf8 [getOutputStream]
  + Utf8 [getPacketOverheadEstimate]
  + Utf8 [getPayload]
  + Utf8 [getReasonClosedCause]
  + Utf8 [getSessionIdentifier]
  + Utf8 [handleMessage]
  + Utf8 [he]
  + Utf8 [high]
  + Utf8 [host]
  + Utf8 [hostname]
  + Utf8 [httpReponse]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [ignore]
  + Utf8 [in]
  + Utf8 [initCause]
  + Utf8 [initialize]
  + Utf8 [initiateKEX]
  + Utf8 [isEnabled]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/io/OutputStream]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Exception]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Integer]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/InterruptedException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/NumberFormatException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuffer]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Thread]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Throwable]
  + Utf8 [java/net/InetAddress]
  + Utf8 [java/net/InetSocketAddress]
  + Utf8 [java/net/Socket]
  + Utf8 [java/net/UnknownHostException]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Vector]
  + Utf8 [k]
  + Utf8 [kexFinished]
  + Utf8 [kexNumber]
  + Utf8 [km]
  + Utf8 [len]
  + Utf8 [length]
  + Utf8 [log]
  + Utf8 [low]
  + Utf8 [mac]
  + Utf8 [messageHandlers]
  + Utf8 [mh]
  + Utf8 [monitors]
  + Utf8 [monitorsWereInformed]
  + Utf8 [msg]
  + Utf8 [msglen]
  + Utf8 [notifyAll]
  + Utf8 [out]
  + Utf8 [parseIPv4Address]
  + Utf8 [parseInt]
  + Utf8 [parseTokens]
  + Utf8 [part]
  + Utf8 [pd]
  + Utf8 [port]
  + Utf8 [proxyData]
  + Utf8 [proxyHost]
  + Utf8 [proxyPass]
  + Utf8 [proxyPort]
  + Utf8 [proxyUser]
  + Utf8 [quad]
  + Utf8 [readBoolean]
  + Utf8 [readByte]
  + Utf8 [readLineRN]
  + Utf8 [readString]
  + Utf8 [readUINT32]
  + Utf8 [reasonBuffer]
  + Utf8 [reasonClosedCause]
  + Utf8 [reason_code]
  + Utf8 [receiveLoop]
  + Utf8 [receiveMessage]
  + Utf8 [receiveThread]
  + Utf8 [registerMessageHandler]
  + Utf8 [removeElementAt]
  + Utf8 [removeMessageHandler]
  + Utf8 [requestHeaderLines]
  + Utf8 [rnd]
  + Utf8 [sb]
  + Utf8 [sendAsynchronousMessage]
  + Utf8 [sendKexMessage]
  + Utf8 [sendMessage]
  + Utf8 [sessionId]
  + Utf8 [setCharAt]
  + Utf8 [setConnectionMonitors]
  + Utf8 [setDaemon]
  + Utf8 [setLength]
  + Utf8 [setSoTimeout]
  + Utf8 [setTcpNoDelay]
  + Utf8 [size]
  + Utf8 [sock]
  + Utf8 [start]
  + Utf8 [startCompression]
  + Utf8 [startsWith]
  + Utf8 [state]
  + Utf8 [substring]
  + Utf8 [tc]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [tr]
  + Utf8 [type]
  + Utf8 [useDisconnectPacket]
  + Utf8 [valueOf]
  + Utf8 [verifier]
  + Utf8 [wait]
  + Utf8 [write]

Fields (count = 16):
  + Field:        log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final com.trilead.ssh2.log.Logger log
  + Field:        asynchronousQueue Ljava/util/Vector;
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final java.util.Vector asynchronousQueue
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Vector<[B>;]
  + Field:        asynchronousThread Ljava/lang/Thread;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.Thread asynchronousThread
  + Field:        hostname Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String hostname
  + Field:        port I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int port
  + Field:        sock Ljava/net/Socket;
    Access flags: 0x10
      = final sock
  + Field:        connectionSemaphore Ljava/lang/Object;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.Object connectionSemaphore
  + Field:        flagKexOngoing Z
    Access flags: 0x0
      = boolean flagKexOngoing
  + Field:        connectionClosed Z
    Access flags: 0x0
      = boolean connectionClosed
  + Field:        reasonClosedCause Ljava/lang/Throwable;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.Throwable reasonClosedCause
  + Field:        tc Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = com.trilead.ssh2.transport.TransportConnection tc
  + Field:        km Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = com.trilead.ssh2.transport.KexManager km
  + Field:        messageHandlers Ljava/util/Vector;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.util.Vector messageHandlers
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Vector<Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$HandlerEntry;>;]
  + Field:        receiveThread Ljava/lang/Thread;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.Thread receiveThread
  + Field:        connectionMonitors Ljava/util/Vector;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.util.Vector connectionMonitors
  + Field:        monitorsWereInformed Z
    Access flags: 0x0
      = boolean monitorsWereInformed

Methods (count = 27):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 9, locals = 0, stack = 1):
      [0] ldc #35
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager]
      [2] invokestatic #84
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.getLogger (Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [5] putstatic #71
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [8] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 57
        [8] -> line 55
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       createInetAddress(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/InetAddress;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private createInetAddress(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 17, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #112
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.parseIPv4Address (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
      [5] astore_2 v2
      [6] aload_2 v2
      [7] ifnull +5 (target=12)
      [10] aload_2 v2
      [11] areturn
      [12] aload_1 v1
      [13] invokestatic #153
        + Methodref [java/net/InetAddress.getByName (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
      [16] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 161
        [6] -> line 163
        [10] -> line 164
        [12] -> line 166
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 17 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 17 [Ljava/lang/String; host]
        v2: 6 -> 17 [Ljava/net/InetAddress; addr]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/net/UnknownHostException]
  + Method:       parseIPv4Address(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/InetAddress;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private parseIPv4Address(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 154, locals = 8, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] ifnonnull +5 (target=6)
      [4] aconst_null
      [5] areturn
      [6] aload_1 v1
      [7] bipush 46
      [9] invokestatic #116
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/Tokenizer.parseTokens (Ljava/lang/String;C)[Ljava/lang/String;]
      [12] astore_2 v2
      [13] aload_2 v2
      [14] ifnull +9 (target=23)
      [17] aload_2 v2
      [18] arraylength
      [19] iconst_4
      [20] ificmpeq +5 (target=25)
      [23] aconst_null
      [24] areturn
      [25] iconst_4
      [26] newarray 8
      [28] astore_3 v3
      [29] iconst_0
      [30] istore v4
      [32] goto +110 (target=142)
      [35] iconst_0
      [36] istore v5
      [38] aload_2 v2
      [39] iload v4
      [41] aaload
      [42] invokevirtual #128
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
      [45] ifeq +14 (target=59)
      [48] aload_2 v2
      [49] iload v4
      [51] aaload
      [52] invokevirtual #128
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
      [55] iconst_3
      [56] ificmple +5 (target=61)
      [59] aconst_null
      [60] areturn
      [61] iconst_0
      [62] istore v6
      [64] goto +46 (target=110)
      [67] aload_2 v2
      [68] iload v4
      [70] aaload
      [71] iload v6
      [73] invokevirtual #126
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.charAt (I)C]
      [76] istore v7
      [78] iload v7
      [80] bipush 48
      [82] ificmplt +10 (target=92)
      [85] iload v7
      [87] bipush 57
      [89] ificmple +5 (target=94)
      [92] aconst_null
      [93] areturn
      [94] iload v5
      [96] bipush 10
      [98] imul
      [99] iload v7
      [101] bipush 48
      [103] isub
      [104] iadd
      [105] istore v5
      [107] iinc v6, 1
      [110] iload v6
      [112] aload_2 v2
      [113] iload v4
      [115] aaload
      [116] invokevirtual #128
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
      [119] ificmplt -52 (target=67)
      [122] iload v5
      [124] sipush 255
      [127] ificmple +5 (target=132)
      [130] aconst_null
      [131] areturn
      [132] aload_3 v3
      [133] iload v4
      [135] iload v5
      [137] i2b
      [138] bastore
      [139] iinc v4, 1
      [142] iload v4
      [144] iconst_4
      [145] ificmplt -110 (target=35)
      [148] aload_1 v1
      [149] aload_3 v3
      [150] invokestatic #152
        + Methodref [java/net/InetAddress.getByAddress (Ljava/lang/String;[B)Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
      [153] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 21)
        [0] -> line 171
        [4] -> line 172
        [6] -> line 174
        [13] -> line 176
        [23] -> line 177
        [25] -> line 179
        [29] -> line 181
        [35] -> line 183
        [38] -> line 185
        [59] -> line 186
        [61] -> line 188
        [67] -> line 190
        [78] -> line 193
        [92] -> line 194
        [94] -> line 196
        [107] -> line 188
        [122] -> line 199
        [130] -> line 200
        [132] -> line 202
        [139] -> line 181
        [148] -> line 205
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 8)
        v0: 0 -> 154 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 154 [Ljava/lang/String; host]
        v2: 13 -> 154 [[Ljava/lang/String; quad]
        v3: 29 -> 154 [[B addr]
        v4: 32 -> 148 [I i]
        v5: 38 -> 139 [I part]
        v6: 64 -> 122 [I k]
        v7: 78 -> 107 [C c]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/net/UnknownHostException]
  + Method:       <init>(Ljava/lang/String;I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public TransportManager(java.lang.String,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 95, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #122
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] new #56
        + Class [java/util/Vector]
      [8] dup
      [9] invokespecial #162
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.<init> ()V]
      [12] putfield #63
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.asynchronousQueue Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] aconst_null
      [17] putfield #64
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.asynchronousThread Ljava/lang/Thread;]
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] new #54
        + Class [java/net/Socket]
      [24] dup
      [25] invokespecial #155
        + Methodref [java/net/Socket.<init> ()V]
      [28] putfield #77
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sock Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] new #46
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [35] dup
      [36] invokespecial #122
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [39] putfield #67
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.connectionSemaphore Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [42] aload_0 v0
      [43] iconst_0
      [44] putfield #68
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.flagKexOngoing Z]
      [47] aload_0 v0
      [48] iconst_0
      [49] putfield #65
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.connectionClosed Z]
      [52] aload_0 v0
      [53] aconst_null
      [54] putfield #75
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.reasonClosedCause Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
      [57] aload_0 v0
      [58] new #56
        + Class [java/util/Vector]
      [61] dup
      [62] invokespecial #162
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.<init> ()V]
      [65] putfield #72
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.messageHandlers Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [68] aload_0 v0
      [69] new #56
        + Class [java/util/Vector]
      [72] dup
      [73] invokespecial #162
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.<init> ()V]
      [76] putfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.connectionMonitors Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [79] aload_0 v0
      [80] iconst_0
      [81] putfield #73
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.monitorsWereInformed Z]
      [84] aload_0 v0
      [85] aload_1 v1
      [86] putfield #69
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.hostname Ljava/lang/String;]
      [89] aload_0 v0
      [90] iload_2 v2
      [91] putfield #74
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.port I]
      [94] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 14)
        [0] -> line 208
        [4] -> line 66
        [15] -> line 67
        [20] -> line 128
        [31] -> line 130
        [42] -> line 132
        [47] -> line 133
        [52] -> line 135
        [57] -> line 140
        [68] -> line 144
        [79] -> line 145
        [84] -> line 210
        [89] -> line 211
        [94] -> line 212
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 95 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 95 [Ljava/lang/String; host]
        v2: 0 -> 95 [I port]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       getPacketOverheadEstimate()I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int getPacketOverheadEstimate()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 8, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #78
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection;]
      [4] invokevirtual #105
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.getPacketOverheadEstimate ()I]
      [7] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 216
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager; this]
  + Method:       setTcpNoDelay(Z)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setTcpNoDelay(boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 9, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #77
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sock Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [4] iload_1 v1
      [5] invokevirtual #161
        + Methodref [java/net/Socket.setTcpNoDelay (Z)V]
      [8] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 221
        [8] -> line 222
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 9 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 9 [Z state]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       getConnectionInfo(I)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public com.trilead.ssh2.ConnectionInfo getConnectionInfo(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 9, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #70
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager;]
      [4] iload_1 v1
      [5] invokevirtual #97
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.getOrWaitForConnectionInfo (I)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
      [8] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 231
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 9 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 9 [I kexNumber]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       getReasonClosedCause()Ljava/lang/Throwable;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.Throwable getReasonClosedCause()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 17, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #67
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.connectionSemaphore Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [4] dup
      [5] astore_1 v1
      [6] monitorenter
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #75
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.reasonClosedCause Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
      [11] aload_1 v1
      [12] monitorexit
      [13] areturn
      [14] aload_1 v1
      [15] monitorexit
      [16] athrow
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (7 -> 13: 14):
      + ExceptionInfo (14 -> 16: 14):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 236
        [7] -> line 238
        [14] -> line 236
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 17 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager; this]
  + Method:       getSessionIdentifier()[B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] getSessionIdentifier()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 8, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #70
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager;]
      [4] getfield #62
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.sessionId [B]
      [7] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 244
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager; this]
  + Method:       close(Ljava/lang/Throwable;Z)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void close(java.lang.Throwable,boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 201, locals = 6, stack = 5):
      [0] iload_2 v2
      [1] ifne +14 (target=15)
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #77
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sock Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [8] invokevirtual #156
        + Methodref [java/net/Socket.close ()V]
      [11] goto +4 (target=15)
      [14] astore_3 v3
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] getfield #67
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.connectionSemaphore Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [19] dup
      [20] astore_3 v3
      [21] monitorenter
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] getfield #65
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.connectionClosed Z]
      [26] ifne +70 (target=96)
      [29] iload_2 v2
      [30] ifeq +56 (target=86)
      [33] new #29
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketDisconnect]
      [36] dup
      [37] bipush 11
      [39] aload_1 v1
      [40] invokevirtual #151
        + Methodref [java/lang/Throwable.getMessage ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [43] ldc #3
        + String []
      [45] invokespecial #87
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketDisconnect.<init> (ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [48] invokevirtual #88
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/PacketDisconnect.getPayload ()[B]
      [51] astore v4
      [53] aload_0 v0
      [54] getfield #78
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection;]
      [57] ifnull +17 (target=74)
      [60] aload_0 v0
      [61] getfield #78
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection;]
      [64] aload v4
      [66] invokevirtual #107
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.sendMessage ([B)V]
      [69] goto +5 (target=74)
      [72] astore v4
      [74] aload_0 v0
      [75] getfield #77
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sock Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [78] invokevirtual #156
        + Methodref [java/net/Socket.close ()V]
      [81] goto +5 (target=86)
      [84] astore v4
      [86] aload_0 v0
      [87] iconst_1
      [88] putfield #65
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.connectionClosed Z]
      [91] aload_0 v0
      [92] aload_1 v1
      [93] putfield #75
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.reasonClosedCause Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
      [96] aload_0 v0
      [97] getfield #67
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.connectionSemaphore Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [100] invokevirtual #123
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.notifyAll ()V]
      [103] aload_3 v3
      [104] monitorexit
      [105] goto +6 (target=111)
      [108] aload_3 v3
      [109] monitorexit
      [110] athrow
      [111] aconst_null
      [112] astore_3 v3
      [113] aload_0 v0
      [114] dup
      [115] astore v4
      [117] monitorenter
      [118] aload_0 v0
      [119] getfield #73
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.monitorsWereInformed Z]
      [122] ifne +19 (target=141)
      [125] aload_0 v0
      [126] iconst_1
      [127] putfield #73
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.monitorsWereInformed Z]
      [130] aload_0 v0
      [131] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.connectionMonitors Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [134] invokevirtual #164
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.clone ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [137] checkcast #56
        + Class [java/util/Vector]
      [140] astore_3 v3
      [141] aload v4
      [143] monitorexit
      [144] goto +7 (target=151)
      [147] aload v4
      [149] monitorexit
      [150] athrow
      [151] aload_3 v3
      [152] ifnull +48 (target=200)
      [155] iconst_0
      [156] istore v4
      [158] goto +33 (target=191)
      [161] aload_3 v3
      [162] iload v4
      [164] invokevirtual #165
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.elementAt (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [167] checkcast #24
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionMonitor]
      [170] astore v5
      [172] aload v5
      [174] aload_0 v0
      [175] getfield #75
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.reasonClosedCause Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
      [178] invokeinterface #168
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionMonitor.connectionLost (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V]
      [183] goto +5 (target=188)
      [186] astore v5
      [188] iinc v4, 1
      [191] iload v4
      [193] aload_3 v3
      [194] invokevirtual #167
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.size ()I]
      [197] ificmplt -36 (target=161)
      [200] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 8):
      + ExceptionInfo (4 -> 11: 14):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (33 -> 69: 72):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (74 -> 81: 84):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (22 -> 105: 108):
      + ExceptionInfo (108 -> 110: 108):
      + ExceptionInfo (118 -> 144: 147):
      + ExceptionInfo (147 -> 150: 147):
      + ExceptionInfo (161 -> 183: 186):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 31)
        [0] -> line 249
        [4] -> line 257
        [14] -> line 259
        [15] -> line 269
        [22] -> line 271
        [29] -> line 273
        [33] -> line 277
        [48] -> line 278
        [51] -> line 277
        [53] -> line 279
        [60] -> line 280
        [72] -> line 282
        [74] -> line 288
        [84] -> line 290
        [86] -> line 295
        [91] -> line 296
        [96] -> line 298
        [103] -> line 269
        [111] -> line 303
        [113] -> line 305
        [118] -> line 312
        [125] -> line 314
        [130] -> line 315
        [141] -> line 305
        [151] -> line 319
        [155] -> line 321
        [161] -> line 325
        [172] -> line 326
        [186] -> line 328
        [188] -> line 321
        [200] -> line 333
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 201 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 201 [Ljava/lang/Throwable; cause]
        v2: 0 -> 201 [Z useDisconnectPacket]
        v4: 53 -> 72 [[B msg]
        v3: 113 -> 201 [Ljava/util/Vector; monitors]
        v4: 158 -> 200 [I i]
        v5: 172 -> 186 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionMonitor; cmon]
  + Method:       establishConnection(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ProxyData;I)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void establishConnection(com.trilead.ssh2.ProxyData,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 531, locals = 13, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] ifnonnull +41 (target=42)
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] getfield #69
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.hostname Ljava/lang/String;]
      [9] invokespecial #110
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.createInetAddress (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
      [12] astore_3 v3
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] getfield #77
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sock Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [17] new #53
        + Class [java/net/InetSocketAddress]
      [20] dup
      [21] aload_3 v3
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] getfield #74
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.port I]
      [26] invokespecial #154
        + Methodref [java/net/InetSocketAddress.<init> (Ljava/net/InetAddress;I)V]
      [29] iload_2 v2
      [30] invokevirtual #157
        + Methodref [java/net/Socket.connect (Ljava/net/SocketAddress;I)V]
      [33] aload_0 v0
      [34] getfield #77
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sock Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [37] iconst_0
      [38] invokevirtual #160
        + Methodref [java/net/Socket.setSoTimeout (I)V]
      [41] return
      [42] aload_1 v1
      [43] instanceof #25
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/HTTPProxyData]
      [46] ifeq +475 (target=521)
      [49] aload_1 v1
      [50] checkcast #25
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/HTTPProxyData]
      [53] astore_3 v3
      [54] aload_0 v0
      [55] aload_3 v3
      [56] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/HTTPProxyData.proxyHost Ljava/lang/String;]
      [59] invokespecial #110
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.createInetAddress (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
      [62] astore v4
      [64] aload_0 v0
      [65] getfield #77
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sock Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [68] new #53
        + Class [java/net/InetSocketAddress]
      [71] dup
      [72] aload v4
      [74] aload_3 v3
      [75] getfield #59
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/HTTPProxyData.proxyPort I]
      [78] invokespecial #154
        + Methodref [java/net/InetSocketAddress.<init> (Ljava/net/InetAddress;I)V]
      [81] iload_2 v2
      [82] invokevirtual #157
        + Methodref [java/net/Socket.connect (Ljava/net/SocketAddress;I)V]
      [85] aload_0 v0
      [86] getfield #77
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sock Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [89] iconst_0
      [90] invokevirtual #160
        + Methodref [java/net/Socket.setSoTimeout (I)V]
      [93] new #48
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuffer]
      [96] dup
      [97] invokespecial #133
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.<init> ()V]
      [100] astore v5
      [102] aload v5
      [104] ldc #11
        + String [CONNECT ]
      [106] invokevirtual #136
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
      [109] pop
      [110] aload v5
      [112] aload_0 v0
      [113] getfield #69
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.hostname Ljava/lang/String;]
      [116] invokevirtual #136
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
      [119] pop
      [120] aload v5
      [122] bipush 58
      [124] invokevirtual #134
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
      [127] pop
      [128] aload v5
      [130] aload_0 v0
      [131] getfield #74
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.port I]
      [134] invokevirtual #135
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
      [137] pop
      [138] aload v5
      [140] ldc #5
        + String [ HTTP/1.0
      [142] invokevirtual #136
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
      [145] pop
      [146] aload_3 v3
      [147] getfield #60
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/HTTPProxyData.proxyUser Ljava/lang/String;]
      [150] ifnull +77 (target=227)
      [153] aload_3 v3
      [154] getfield #58
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/HTTPProxyData.proxyPass Ljava/lang/String;]
      [157] ifnull +70 (target=227)
      [160] new #49
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [163] dup
      [164] aload_3 v3
      [165] getfield #60
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/HTTPProxyData.proxyUser Ljava/lang/String;]
      [168] invokestatic #132
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [171] invokespecial #143
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [174] ldc #9
        + String [:]
      [176] invokevirtual #145
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [179] aload_3 v3
      [180] getfield #58
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/HTTPProxyData.proxyPass Ljava/lang/String;]
      [183] invokevirtual #145
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [186] invokevirtual #146
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [189] astore v6
      [191] aload v6
      [193] ldc #15
        + String [ISO-8859-1]
      [195] invokevirtual #127
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.getBytes (Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
      [198] invokestatic #83
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/Base64.encode ([B)[C]
      [201] astore v7
      [203] aload v5
      [205] ldc #18
        + String [Proxy-Authorization: Basic ]
      [207] invokevirtual #136
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
      [210] pop
      [211] aload v5
      [213] aload v7
      [215] invokevirtual #137
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.append ([C)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
      [218] pop
      [219] aload v5
      [221] ldc #4
        + String [
      [223] invokevirtual #136
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
      [226] pop
      [227] aload_3 v3
      [228] getfield #61
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/HTTPProxyData.requestHeaderLines [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [231] ifnull +53 (target=284)
      [234] iconst_0
      [235] istore v6
      [237] goto +37 (target=274)
      [240] aload_3 v3
      [241] getfield #61
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/HTTPProxyData.requestHeaderLines [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [244] iload v6
      [246] aaload
      [247] ifnull +24 (target=271)
      [250] aload v5
      [252] aload_3 v3
      [253] getfield #61
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/HTTPProxyData.requestHeaderLines [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [256] iload v6
      [258] aaload
      [259] invokevirtual #136
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
      [262] pop
      [263] aload v5
      [265] ldc #4
        + String [
      [267] invokevirtual #136
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
      [270] pop
      [271] iinc v6, 1
      [274] iload v6
      [276] aload_3 v3
      [277] getfield #61
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/HTTPProxyData.requestHeaderLines [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [280] arraylength
      [281] ificmplt -41 (target=240)
      [284] aload v5
      [286] ldc #4
        + String [
      [288] invokevirtual #136
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
      [291] pop
      [292] aload_0 v0
      [293] getfield #77
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sock Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [296] invokevirtual #159
        + Methodref [java/net/Socket.getOutputStream ()Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [299] astore v6
      [301] aload v6
      [303] aload v5
      [305] invokevirtual #142
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [308] ldc #15
        + String [ISO-8859-1]
      [310] invokevirtual #127
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.getBytes (Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
      [313] invokevirtual #120
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
      [316] aload v6
      [318] invokevirtual #119
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.flush ()V]
      [321] sipush 1024
      [324] newarray 8
      [326] astore v7
      [328] aload_0 v0
      [329] getfield #77
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sock Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [332] invokevirtual #158
        + Methodref [java/net/Socket.getInputStream ()Ljava/io/InputStream;]
      [335] astore v8
      [337] aload v8
      [339] aload v7
      [341] invokestatic #95
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello.readLineRN (Ljava/io/InputStream;[B)I]
      [344] istore v9
      [346] new #47
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [349] dup
      [350] aload v7
      [352] iconst_0
      [353] iload v9
      [355] ldc #15
        + String [ISO-8859-1]
      [357] invokespecial #125
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.<init> ([BIILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [360] astore v10
      [362] aload v10
      [364] ldc #14
        + String [HTTP/]
      [366] invokevirtual #129
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.startsWith (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [369] ifne +13 (target=382)
      [372] new #40
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [375] dup
      [376] ldc #20
        + String [The proxy did not send back a valid HTTP response.]
      [378] invokespecial #117
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [381] athrow
      [382] aload v10
      [384] invokevirtual #128
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
      [387] bipush 14
      [389] ificmplt +27 (target=416)
      [392] aload v10
      [394] bipush 8
      [396] invokevirtual #126
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.charAt (I)C]
      [399] bipush 32
      [401] ificmpne +15 (target=416)
      [404] aload v10
      [406] bipush 12
      [408] invokevirtual #126
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.charAt (I)C]
      [411] bipush 32
      [413] ificmpeq +13 (target=426)
      [416] new #40
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [419] dup
      [420] ldc #20
        + String [The proxy did not send back a valid HTTP response.]
      [422] invokespecial #117
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [425] athrow
      [426] iconst_0
      [427] istore v11
      [429] aload v10
      [431] bipush 9
      [433] bipush 12
      [435] invokevirtual #131
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (II)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [438] invokestatic #121
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.parseInt (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [441] istore v11
      [443] goto +15 (target=458)
      [446] astore v12
      [448] new #40
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [451] dup
      [452] ldc #20
        + String [The proxy did not send back a valid HTTP response.]
      [454] invokespecial #117
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [457] athrow
      [458] iload v11
      [460] iflt +11 (target=471)
      [463] iload v11
      [465] sipush 999
      [468] ificmple +13 (target=481)
      [471] new #40
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [474] dup
      [475] ldc #20
        + String [The proxy did not send back a valid HTTP response.]
      [477] invokespecial #117
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [480] athrow
      [481] iload v11
      [483] sipush 200
      [486] ificmpeq +20 (target=506)
      [489] new #26
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/HTTPProxyException]
      [492] dup
      [493] aload v10
      [495] bipush 13
      [497] invokevirtual #130
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [500] iload v11
      [502] invokespecial #82
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/HTTPProxyException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;I)V]
      [505] athrow
      [506] aload v8
      [508] aload v7
      [510] invokestatic #95
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello.readLineRN (Ljava/io/InputStream;[B)I]
      [513] istore v9
      [515] iload v9
      [517] ifne -11 (target=506)
      [520] return
      [521] new #40
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [524] dup
      [525] ldc #23
        + String [Unsupported ProxyData]
      [527] invokespecial #117
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [530] athrow
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (429 -> 443: 446):
      + Class [java/lang/NumberFormatException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 52)
        [0] -> line 339
        [4] -> line 341
        [13] -> line 342
        [33] -> line 343
        [41] -> line 344
        [42] -> line 347
        [49] -> line 349
        [54] -> line 353
        [64] -> line 354
        [85] -> line 355
        [93] -> line 359
        [102] -> line 361
        [110] -> line 362
        [120] -> line 363
        [128] -> line 364
        [138] -> line 365
        [146] -> line 367
        [160] -> line 369
        [191] -> line 370
        [203] -> line 371
        [211] -> line 372
        [219] -> line 373
        [227] -> line 376
        [234] -> line 378
        [240] -> line 380
        [250] -> line 382
        [263] -> line 383
        [271] -> line 378
        [284] -> line 388
        [292] -> line 390
        [301] -> line 392
        [316] -> line 393
        [321] -> line 397
        [328] -> line 398
        [337] -> line 400
        [346] -> line 402
        [362] -> line 404
        [372] -> line 405
        [382] -> line 409
        [416] -> line 410
        [426] -> line 412
        [429] -> line 416
        [446] -> line 418
        [448] -> line 420
        [458] -> line 423
        [471] -> line 424
        [481] -> line 426
        [489] -> line 428
        [506] -> line 435
        [515] -> line 436
        [520] -> line 439
        [521] -> line 442
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 17)
        v0: 0 -> 531 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 531 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ProxyData; proxyData]
        v2: 0 -> 531 [I connectTimeout]
        v3: 13 -> 42 [Ljava/net/InetAddress; addr]
        v3: 54 -> 521 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/HTTPProxyData; pd]
        v4: 64 -> 521 [Ljava/net/InetAddress; addr]
        v5: 102 -> 521 [Ljava/lang/StringBuffer; sb]
        v6: 191 -> 227 [Ljava/lang/String; credentials]
        v7: 203 -> 227 [[C encoded]
        v6: 237 -> 284 [I i]
        v6: 301 -> 521 [Ljava/io/OutputStream; out]
        v7: 328 -> 521 [[B buffer]
        v8: 337 -> 521 [Ljava/io/InputStream; in]
        v9: 346 -> 521 [I len]
        v10: 362 -> 521 [Ljava/lang/String; httpReponse]
        v11: 429 -> 521 [I errorCode]
        v12: 448 -> 458 [Ljava/lang/NumberFormatException; ignore]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       initialize(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;ILjava/security/SecureRandom;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ProxyData;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void initialize(com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.CryptoWishList,com.trilead.ssh2.ServerHostKeyVerifier,com.trilead.ssh2.DHGexParameters,int,,com.trilead.ssh2.ProxyData)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 128, locals = 8, stack = 10):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload v6
      [3] iload v4
      [5] invokespecial #111
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.establishConnection (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ProxyData;I)V]
      [8] new #31
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello]
      [11] dup
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] getfield #77
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sock Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [16] invokevirtual #158
        + Methodref [java/net/Socket.getInputStream ()Ljava/io/InputStream;]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] getfield #77
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sock Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [23] invokevirtual #159
        + Methodref [java/net/Socket.getOutputStream ()Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [26] invokespecial #94
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello.<init> (Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/OutputStream;)V]
      [29] astore v7
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] new #34
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection]
      [35] dup
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] getfield #77
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sock Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [40] invokevirtual #158
        + Methodref [java/net/Socket.getInputStream ()Ljava/io/InputStream;]
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] getfield #77
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sock Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [47] invokevirtual #159
        + Methodref [java/net/Socket.getOutputStream ()Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [50] aload v5
      [52] invokespecial #100
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.<init> (Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/OutputStream;Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)V]
      [55] putfield #78
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection;]
      [58] aload_0 v0
      [59] new #32
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager]
      [62] dup
      [63] aload_0 v0
      [64] aload v7
      [66] aload_1 v1
      [67] aload_0 v0
      [68] getfield #69
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.hostname Ljava/lang/String;]
      [71] aload_0 v0
      [72] getfield #74
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.port I]
      [75] aload_2 v2
      [76] aload v5
      [78] invokespecial #96
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;Ljava/lang/String;ILcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier;Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)V]
      [81] putfield #70
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager;]
      [84] aload_0 v0
      [85] getfield #70
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager;]
      [88] aload_1 v1
      [89] aload_3 v3
      [90] invokevirtual #99
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.initiateKEX (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;)V]
      [93] aload_0 v0
      [94] new #50
        + Class [java/lang/Thread]
      [97] dup
      [98] new #36
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$1]
      [101] dup
      [102] aload_0 v0
      [103] invokespecial #113
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$1.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;)V]
      [106] invokespecial #147
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.<init> (Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V]
      [109] putfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.receiveThread Ljava/lang/Thread;]
      [112] aload_0 v0
      [113] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.receiveThread Ljava/lang/Thread;]
      [116] iconst_1
      [117] invokevirtual #149
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.setDaemon (Z)V]
      [120] aload_0 v0
      [121] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.receiveThread Ljava/lang/Thread;]
      [124] invokevirtual #150
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.start ()V]
      [127] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 450
        [8] -> line 457
        [31] -> line 459
        [58] -> line 461
        [84] -> line 462
        [93] -> line 464
        [112] -> line 510
        [120] -> line 511
        [127] -> line 512
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 8)
        v0: 0 -> 128 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 128 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList; cwl]
        v2: 0 -> 128 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier; verifier]
        v3: 0 -> 128 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters; dhgex]
        v4: 0 -> 128 [I connectTimeout]
        v5: 0 -> 128 [Ljava/security/SecureRandom; rnd]
        v6: 0 -> 128 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ProxyData; proxyData]
        v7: 31 -> 128 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/ClientServerHello; csh]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       registerMessageHandler(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler;II)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void registerMessageHandler(com.trilead.ssh2.transport.MessageHandler,int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 56, locals = 6, stack = 3):
      [0] new #38
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$HandlerEntry]
      [3] dup
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] invokespecial #115
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$HandlerEntry.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;)V]
      [8] astore v4
      [10] aload v4
      [12] aload_1 v1
      [13] putfield #81
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler;]
      [16] aload v4
      [18] iload_2 v2
      [19] putfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$HandlerEntry.low I]
      [22] aload v4
      [24] iload_3 v3
      [25] putfield #79
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$HandlerEntry.high I]
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] getfield #72
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.messageHandlers Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [32] dup
      [33] astore v5
      [35] monitorenter
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] getfield #72
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.messageHandlers Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [40] aload v4
      [42] invokevirtual #163
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.addElement (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
      [45] aload v5
      [47] monitorexit
      [48] goto +7 (target=55)
      [51] aload v5
      [53] monitorexit
      [54] athrow
      [55] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (36 -> 48: 51):
      + ExceptionInfo (51 -> 54: 51):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 516
        [10] -> line 517
        [16] -> line 518
        [22] -> line 519
        [28] -> line 521
        [36] -> line 523
        [45] -> line 521
        [55] -> line 525
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 56 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 56 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler; mh]
        v2: 0 -> 56 [I low]
        v3: 0 -> 56 [I high]
        v4: 10 -> 56 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$HandlerEntry; he]
  + Method:       removeMessageHandler(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler;II)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void removeMessageHandler(com.trilead.ssh2.transport.MessageHandler,int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 93, locals = 7, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #72
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.messageHandlers Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [4] dup
      [5] astore v4
      [7] monitorenter
      [8] iconst_0
      [9] istore v5
      [11] goto +59 (target=70)
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] getfield #72
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.messageHandlers Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [18] iload v5
      [20] invokevirtual #165
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.elementAt (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [23] checkcast #38
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$HandlerEntry]
      [26] astore v6
      [28] aload v6
      [30] getfield #81
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler;]
      [33] aload_1 v1
      [34] ifacmpne +33 (target=67)
      [37] aload v6
      [39] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$HandlerEntry.low I]
      [42] iload_2 v2
      [43] ificmpne +24 (target=67)
      [46] aload v6
      [48] getfield #79
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$HandlerEntry.high I]
      [51] iload_3 v3
      [52] ificmpne +15 (target=67)
      [55] aload_0 v0
      [56] getfield #72
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.messageHandlers Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [59] iload v5
      [61] invokevirtual #166
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.removeElementAt (I)V]
      [64] goto +18 (target=82)
      [67] iinc v5, 1
      [70] iload v5
      [72] aload_0 v0
      [73] getfield #72
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.messageHandlers Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [76] invokevirtual #167
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.size ()I]
      [79] ificmplt -65 (target=14)
      [82] aload v4
      [84] monitorexit
      [85] goto +7 (target=92)
      [88] aload v4
      [90] monitorexit
      [91] athrow
      [92] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (8 -> 85: 88):
      + ExceptionInfo (88 -> 91: 88):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 529
        [8] -> line 531
        [14] -> line 533
        [28] -> line 534
        [55] -> line 536
        [64] -> line 537
        [67] -> line 531
        [82] -> line 529
        [92] -> line 541
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 93 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 93 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler; mh]
        v2: 0 -> 93 [I low]
        v3: 0 -> 93 [I high]
        v5: 11 -> 82 [I i]
        v6: 28 -> 67 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$HandlerEntry; he]
  + Method:       sendKexMessage([B)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void sendKexMessage(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 68, locals = 4, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #67
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.connectionSemaphore Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [4] dup
      [5] astore_2 v2
      [6] monitorenter
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #65
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.connectionClosed Z]
      [11] ifeq +23 (target=34)
      [14] new #40
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [17] dup
      [18] ldc #19
        + String [Sorry, this connection is closed.]
      [20] invokespecial #117
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] getfield #75
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.reasonClosedCause Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
      [27] invokevirtual #118
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.initCause (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
      [30] checkcast #40
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [33] athrow
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] iconst_1
      [36] putfield #68
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.flagKexOngoing Z]
      [39] aload_0 v0
      [40] getfield #78
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection;]
      [43] aload_1 v1
      [44] invokevirtual #107
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.sendMessage ([B)V]
      [47] goto +12 (target=59)
      [50] astore_3 v3
      [51] aload_0 v0
      [52] aload_3 v3
      [53] iconst_0
      [54] invokevirtual #109
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.close (Ljava/lang/Throwable;Z)V]
      [57] aload_3 v3
      [58] athrow
      [59] aload_2 v2
      [60] monitorexit
      [61] goto +6 (target=67)
      [64] aload_2 v2
      [65] monitorexit
      [66] athrow
      [67] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 3):
      + ExceptionInfo (39 -> 47: 50):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (7 -> 61: 64):
      + ExceptionInfo (64 -> 66: 64):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 10)
        [0] -> line 545
        [7] -> line 547
        [14] -> line 549
        [34] -> line 552
        [39] -> line 556
        [50] -> line 558
        [51] -> line 560
        [57] -> line 561
        [59] -> line 545
        [67] -> line 564
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 68 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 68 [[B msg]
        v3: 51 -> 59 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       kexFinished()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void kexFinished()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 28, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #67
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.connectionSemaphore Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [4] dup
      [5] astore_1 v1
      [6] monitorenter
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] iconst_0
      [9] putfield #68
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.flagKexOngoing Z]
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] getfield #67
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.connectionSemaphore Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [16] invokevirtual #123
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.notifyAll ()V]
      [19] aload_1 v1
      [20] monitorexit
      [21] goto +6 (target=27)
      [24] aload_1 v1
      [25] monitorexit
      [26] athrow
      [27] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (7 -> 21: 24):
      + ExceptionInfo (24 -> 26: 24):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 568
        [7] -> line 570
        [12] -> line 571
        [19] -> line 568
        [27] -> line 573
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 28 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager; this]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       changeRecvCipher(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void changeRecvCipher(com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.BlockCipher,com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.digest.MAC)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #78
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection;]
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] aload_2 v2
      [6] invokevirtual #101
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.changeRecvCipher (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC;)V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 582
        [9] -> line 583
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 10 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher; bc]
        v2: 0 -> 10 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC; mac]
  + Method:       changeSendCipher(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void changeSendCipher(com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.cipher.BlockCipher,com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.digest.MAC)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #78
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection;]
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] aload_2 v2
      [6] invokevirtual #103
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.changeSendCipher (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC;)V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 587
        [9] -> line 588
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 10 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/cipher/BlockCipher; bc]
        v2: 0 -> 10 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/digest/MAC; mac]
  + Method:       changeRecvCompression(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void changeRecvCompression(com.trilead.ssh2.compression.ICompressor)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 9, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #78
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection;]
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] invokevirtual #102
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.changeRecvCompression (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;)V]
      [8] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 594
        [8] -> line 595
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 9 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 9 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor; comp]
  + Method:       changeSendCompression(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void changeSendCompression(com.trilead.ssh2.compression.ICompressor)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 9, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #78
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection;]
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] invokevirtual #104
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.changeSendCompression (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor;)V]
      [8] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 601
        [8] -> line 602
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 9 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 9 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/compression/ICompressor; comp]
  + Method:       sendAsynchronousMessage([B)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void sendAsynchronousMessage(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 80, locals = 3, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #63
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.asynchronousQueue Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [4] dup
      [5] astore_2 v2
      [6] monitorenter
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #63
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.asynchronousQueue Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [11] aload_1 v1
      [12] invokevirtual #163
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.addElement (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] getfield #63
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.asynchronousQueue Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [19] invokevirtual #167
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.size ()I]
      [22] bipush 100
      [24] ificmple +13 (target=37)
      [27] new #40
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [30] dup
      [31] ldc #13
        + String [Error: the peer is not consuming our asynchronous replies.]
      [33] invokespecial #117
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [36] athrow
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] getfield #64
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.asynchronousThread Ljava/lang/Thread;]
      [41] ifnonnull +30 (target=71)
      [44] aload_0 v0
      [45] new #37
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$AsynchronousWorker]
      [48] dup
      [49] aload_0 v0
      [50] invokespecial #114
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$AsynchronousWorker.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;)V]
      [53] putfield #64
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.asynchronousThread Ljava/lang/Thread;]
      [56] aload_0 v0
      [57] getfield #64
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.asynchronousThread Ljava/lang/Thread;]
      [60] iconst_1
      [61] invokevirtual #149
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.setDaemon (Z)V]
      [64] aload_0 v0
      [65] getfield #64
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.asynchronousThread Ljava/lang/Thread;]
      [68] invokevirtual #150
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.start ()V]
      [71] aload_2 v2
      [72] monitorexit
      [73] goto +6 (target=79)
      [76] aload_2 v2
      [77] monitorexit
      [78] athrow
      [79] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (7 -> 73: 76):
      + ExceptionInfo (76 -> 78: 76):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 10)
        [0] -> line 613
        [7] -> line 615
        [15] -> line 623
        [27] -> line 624
        [37] -> line 628
        [44] -> line 630
        [56] -> line 631
        [64] -> line 632
        [71] -> line 613
        [79] -> line 637
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 80 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 80 [[B msg]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       setConnectionMonitors(Ljava/util/Vector;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setConnectionMonitors(java.util.Vector)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 24, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] dup
      [2] astore_2 v2
      [3] monitorenter
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] invokevirtual #164
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.clone ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [9] checkcast #56
        + Class [java/util/Vector]
      [12] putfield #66
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.connectionMonitors Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [15] aload_2 v2
      [16] monitorexit
      [17] goto +6 (target=23)
      [20] aload_2 v2
      [21] monitorexit
      [22] athrow
      [23] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (4 -> 17: 20):
      + ExceptionInfo (20 -> 22: 20):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 641
        [4] -> line 643
        [15] -> line 641
        [23] -> line 645
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 24 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 24 [Ljava/util/Vector; monitors]
  + Method:       sendMessage([B)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void sendMessage(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 107, locals = 4, stack = 3):
      [0] invokestatic #148
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.currentThread ()Ljava/lang/Thread;]
      [3] aload_0 v0
      [4] getfield #76
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.receiveThread Ljava/lang/Thread;]
      [7] ifacmpne +13 (target=20)
      [10] new #40
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [13] dup
      [14] ldc #10
        + String [Assertion error: sendMessage may never be invoked by the receiver thread!]
      [16] invokespecial #117
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [19] athrow
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] getfield #67
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.connectionSemaphore Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [24] dup
      [25] astore_2 v2
      [26] monitorenter
      [27] aload_0 v0
      [28] getfield #65
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.connectionClosed Z]
      [31] ifeq +23 (target=54)
      [34] new #40
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [37] dup
      [38] ldc #19
        + String [Sorry, this connection is closed.]
      [40] invokespecial #117
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] getfield #75
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.reasonClosedCause Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
      [47] invokevirtual #118
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.initCause (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
      [50] checkcast #40
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [53] athrow
      [54] aload_0 v0
      [55] getfield #68
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.flagKexOngoing Z]
      [58] ifne +6 (target=64)
      [61] goto +17 (target=78)
      [64] aload_0 v0
      [65] getfield #67
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.connectionSemaphore Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [68] invokevirtual #124
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.wait ()V]
      [71] goto -44 (target=27)
      [74] astore_3 v3
      [75] goto -48 (target=27)
      [78] aload_0 v0
      [79] getfield #78
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection;]
      [82] aload_1 v1
      [83] invokevirtual #107
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.sendMessage ([B)V]
      [86] goto +12 (target=98)
      [89] astore_3 v3
      [90] aload_0 v0
      [91] aload_3 v3
      [92] iconst_0
      [93] invokevirtual #109
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.close (Ljava/lang/Throwable;Z)V]
      [96] aload_3 v3
      [97] athrow
      [98] aload_2 v2
      [99] monitorexit
      [100] goto +6 (target=106)
      [103] aload_2 v2
      [104] monitorexit
      [105] athrow
      [106] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 4):
      + ExceptionInfo (64 -> 71: 74):
      + Class [java/lang/InterruptedException]
      + ExceptionInfo (78 -> 86: 89):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (27 -> 100: 103):
      + ExceptionInfo (103 -> 105: 103):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 18)
        [0] -> line 649
        [10] -> line 650
        [20] -> line 652
        [27] -> line 656
        [34] -> line 658
        [43] -> line 659
        [50] -> line 658
        [54] -> line 662
        [61] -> line 663
        [64] -> line 667
        [74] -> line 669
        [75] -> line 654
        [78] -> line 676
        [89] -> line 678
        [90] -> line 680
        [96] -> line 681
        [98] -> line 652
        [106] -> line 684
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 107 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 107 [[B msg]
        v3: 90 -> 98 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       receiveLoop()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void receiveLoop()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 552, locals = 9, stack = 5):
      [0] ldc #1
        + Integer [35000]
      [2] newarray 8
      [4] astore_1 v1
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] getfield #78
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection;]
      [9] aload_1 v1
      [10] iconst_0
      [11] aload_1 v1
      [12] arraylength
      [13] invokevirtual #106
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.receiveMessage ([BII)I]
      [16] istore_2 v2
      [17] aload_1 v1
      [18] iconst_0
      [19] baload
      [20] sipush 255
      [23] iand
      [24] istore_3 v3
      [25] iload_3 v3
      [26] iconst_2
      [27] ificmpne +6 (target=33)
      [30] goto -25 (target=5)
      [33] iload_3 v3
      [34] iconst_4
      [35] ificmpne +148 (target=183)
      [38] getstatic #71
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [41] invokevirtual #85
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
      [44] ifeq -39 (target=5)
      [47] new #30
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
      [50] dup
      [51] aload_1 v1
      [52] iconst_0
      [53] iload_2 v2
      [54] invokespecial #89
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.<init> ([BII)V]
      [57] astore v4
      [59] aload v4
      [61] invokevirtual #91
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readByte ()I]
      [64] pop
      [65] aload v4
      [67] invokevirtual #90
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readBoolean ()Z]
      [70] pop
      [71] new #48
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuffer]
      [74] dup
      [75] invokespecial #133
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.<init> ()V]
      [78] astore v5
      [80] aload v5
      [82] aload v4
      [84] ldc #21
        + String [UTF-8]
      [86] invokevirtual #92
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readString (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [89] invokevirtual #136
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
      [92] pop
      [93] iconst_0
      [94] istore v6
      [96] goto +41 (target=137)
      [99] aload v5
      [101] iload v6
      [103] invokevirtual #138
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.charAt (I)C]
      [106] istore v7
      [108] iload v7
      [110] bipush 32
      [112] ificmplt +13 (target=125)
      [115] iload v7
      [117] bipush 126
      [119] ificmpgt +6 (target=125)
      [122] goto +12 (target=134)
      [125] aload v5
      [127] iload v6
      [129] ldc #2
        + Integer [65533]
      [131] invokevirtual #140
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.setCharAt (IC)V]
      [134] iinc v6, 1
      [137] iload v6
      [139] aload v5
      [141] invokevirtual #139
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.length ()I]
      [144] ificmplt -45 (target=99)
      [147] getstatic #71
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [150] bipush 50
      [152] new #49
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [155] dup
      [156] ldc #12
        + String [DEBUG Message from remote: ']
      [158] invokespecial #143
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [161] aload v5
      [163] invokevirtual #142
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [166] invokevirtual #145
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [169] ldc #6
        + String [']
      [171] invokevirtual #145
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [174] invokevirtual #146
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [177] invokevirtual #86
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [180] goto -175 (target=5)
      [183] iload_3 v3
      [184] iconst_3
      [185] ificmpne +13 (target=198)
      [188] new #40
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [191] dup
      [192] ldc #17
        + String [Peer sent UNIMPLEMENTED message, that should not happen.]
      [194] invokespecial #117
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [197] athrow
      [198] iload_3 v3
      [199] iconst_1
      [200] ificmpne +191 (target=391)
      [203] new #30
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader]
      [206] dup
      [207] aload_1 v1
      [208] iconst_0
      [209] iload_2 v2
      [210] invokespecial #89
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.<init> ([BII)V]
      [213] astore v4
      [215] aload v4
      [217] invokevirtual #91
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readByte ()I]
      [220] pop
      [221] aload v4
      [223] invokevirtual #93
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readUINT32 ()I]
      [226] istore v5
      [228] new #48
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuffer]
      [231] dup
      [232] invokespecial #133
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.<init> ()V]
      [235] astore v6
      [237] aload v6
      [239] aload v4
      [241] ldc #21
        + String [UTF-8]
      [243] invokevirtual #92
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader.readString (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [246] invokevirtual #136
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
      [249] pop
      [250] aload v6
      [252] invokevirtual #139
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.length ()I]
      [255] sipush 255
      [258] ificmple +41 (target=299)
      [261] aload v6
      [263] sipush 255
      [266] invokevirtual #141
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.setLength (I)V]
      [269] aload v6
      [271] sipush 254
      [274] bipush 46
      [276] invokevirtual #140
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.setCharAt (IC)V]
      [279] aload v6
      [281] sipush 253
      [284] bipush 46
      [286] invokevirtual #140
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.setCharAt (IC)V]
      [289] aload v6
      [291] sipush 252
      [294] bipush 46
      [296] invokevirtual #140
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.setCharAt (IC)V]
      [299] iconst_0
      [300] istore v7
      [302] goto +41 (target=343)
      [305] aload v6
      [307] iload v7
      [309] invokevirtual #138
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.charAt (I)C]
      [312] istore v8
      [314] iload v8
      [316] bipush 32
      [318] ificmplt +13 (target=331)
      [321] iload v8
      [323] bipush 126
      [325] ificmpgt +6 (target=331)
      [328] goto +12 (target=340)
      [331] aload v6
      [333] iload v7
      [335] ldc #2
        + Integer [65533]
      [337] invokevirtual #140
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.setCharAt (IC)V]
      [340] iinc v7, 1
      [343] iload v7
      [345] aload v6
      [347] invokevirtual #139
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.length ()I]
      [350] ificmplt -45 (target=305)
      [353] new #40
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [356] dup
      [357] new #49
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [360] dup
      [361] ldc #16
        + String [Peer sent DISCONNECT message (reason code ]
      [363] invokespecial #143
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [366] iload v5
      [368] invokevirtual #144
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [371] ldc #8
        + String [): ]
      [373] invokevirtual #145
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [376] aload v6
      [378] invokevirtual #142
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [381] invokevirtual #145
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [384] invokevirtual #146
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [387] invokespecial #117
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [390] athrow
      [391] iload_3 v3
      [392] bipush 20
      [394] ificmpeq +21 (target=415)
      [397] iload_3 v3
      [398] bipush 21
      [400] ificmpeq +15 (target=415)
      [403] iload_3 v3
      [404] bipush 30
      [406] ificmplt +21 (target=427)
      [409] iload_3 v3
      [410] bipush 49
      [412] ificmpgt +15 (target=427)
      [415] aload_0 v0
      [416] getfield #70
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager;]
      [419] aload_1 v1
      [420] iload_2 v2
      [421] invokevirtual #98
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.handleMessage ([BI)V]
      [424] goto -419 (target=5)
      [427] iload_3 v3
      [428] bipush 52
      [430] ificmpne +10 (target=440)
      [433] aload_0 v0
      [434] getfield #78
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection;]
      [437] invokevirtual #108
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportConnection.startCompression ()V]
      [440] aconst_null
      [441] astore v4
      [443] iconst_0
      [444] istore v5
      [446] goto +48 (target=494)
      [449] aload_0 v0
      [450] getfield #72
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.messageHandlers Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [453] iload v5
      [455] invokevirtual #165
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.elementAt (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [458] checkcast #38
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$HandlerEntry]
      [461] astore v6
      [463] aload v6
      [465] getfield #80
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$HandlerEntry.low I]
      [468] iload_3 v3
      [469] ificmpgt +22 (target=491)
      [472] iload_3 v3
      [473] aload v6
      [475] getfield #79
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$HandlerEntry.high I]
      [478] ificmpgt +13 (target=491)
      [481] aload v6
      [483] getfield #81
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler;]
      [486] astore v4
      [488] goto +18 (target=506)
      [491] iinc v5, 1
      [494] iload v5
      [496] aload_0 v0
      [497] getfield #72
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.messageHandlers Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [500] invokevirtual #167
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.size ()I]
      [503] ificmplt -54 (target=449)
      [506] aload v4
      [508] ifnonnull +32 (target=540)
      [511] new #40
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [514] dup
      [515] new #49
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [518] dup
      [519] ldc #22
        + String [Unexpected SSH message (type ]
      [521] invokespecial #143
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [524] iload_3 v3
      [525] invokevirtual #144
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [528] ldc #7
        + String [)]
      [530] invokevirtual #145
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [533] invokevirtual #146
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [536] invokespecial #117
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [539] athrow
      [540] aload v4
      [542] aload_1 v1
      [543] iload_2 v2
      [544] invokeinterface #169
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler.handleMessage ([BI)V]
      [549] goto -544 (target=5)
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 59)
        [0] -> line 688
        [5] -> line 692
        [17] -> line 694
        [25] -> line 696
        [30] -> line 697
        [33] -> line 699
        [38] -> line 701
        [47] -> line 703
        [59] -> line 704
        [65] -> line 705
        [71] -> line 706
        [80] -> line 707
        [93] -> line 709
        [99] -> line 711
        [108] -> line 713
        [122] -> line 714
        [125] -> line 715
        [134] -> line 709
        [147] -> line 718
        [180] -> line 720
        [183] -> line 723
        [188] -> line 725
        [198] -> line 728
        [203] -> line 730
        [215] -> line 731
        [221] -> line 732
        [228] -> line 733
        [237] -> line 734
        [250] -> line 741
        [261] -> line 743
        [269] -> line 744
        [279] -> line 745
        [289] -> line 746
        [299] -> line 756
        [305] -> line 758
        [314] -> line 760
        [328] -> line 761
        [331] -> line 762
        [340] -> line 756
        [353] -> line 765
        [376] -> line 766
        [387] -> line 765
        [391] -> line 773
        [403] -> line 774
        [415] -> line 776
        [424] -> line 777
        [427] -> line 780
        [433] -> line 781
        [440] -> line 784
        [443] -> line 786
        [449] -> line 788
        [463] -> line 789
        [481] -> line 791
        [488] -> line 792
        [491] -> line 786
        [506] -> line 796
        [511] -> line 797
        [540] -> line 799
        [549] -> line 690
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 16)
        v0: 0 -> 552 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager; this]
        v1: 5 -> 552 [[B msg]
        v2: 17 -> 549 [I msglen]
        v3: 25 -> 549 [I type]
        v4: 59 -> 180 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader; tr]
        v5: 80 -> 180 [Ljava/lang/StringBuffer; debugMessageBuffer]
        v6: 96 -> 147 [I i]
        v7: 108 -> 134 [C c]
        v4: 215 -> 391 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/packets/TypesReader; tr]
        v5: 228 -> 391 [I reason_code]
        v6: 237 -> 391 [Ljava/lang/StringBuffer; reasonBuffer]
        v7: 302 -> 353 [I i]
        v8: 314 -> 340 [C c]
        v4: 443 -> 549 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler; mh]
        v5: 446 -> 506 [I i]
        v6: 463 -> 491 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$HandlerEntry; he]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       access$0(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;)Ljava/util/Vector;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic java.util.Vector access$0(com.trilead.ssh2.transport.TransportManager)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #63
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.asynchronousQueue Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 66
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$1(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;Ljava/lang/Thread;)V
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic void access$1(com.trilead.ssh2.transport.TransportManager,java.lang.Thread)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #64
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.asynchronousThread Ljava/lang/Thread;]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 67
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$2()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic com.trilead.ssh2.log.Logger access$2()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 4, locals = 0, stack = 1):
      [0] getstatic #71
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [3] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 57
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 3)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$1]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$AsynchronousWorker]
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager]
      + Utf8 [AsynchronousWorker]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$HandlerEntry]
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager]
      + Utf8 [HandlerEntry]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$1
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.trilead.ssh2.transport.TransportManager$1 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [java/lang/Runnable]

Constant Pool (count = 116):
  + String [Receive thread: back from receiveLoop]
  + String [Receive thread: error in receiveLoop: ]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$1]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$HandlerEntry]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/Runnable]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/util/Vector]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.messageHandlers Ljava/util/Vector;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$1.this$0 Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.handleMessage ([BI)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.access$2 ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.close (Ljava/lang/Throwable;Z)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.receiveLoop ()V]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.getMessage ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/util/Vector.elementAt (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [java/util/Vector.size ()I]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler.handleMessage ([BI)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [access$2 ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [close (Ljava/lang/Throwable;Z)V]
  + NameAndType [elementAt (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [getMessage ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [handleMessage ([BI)V]
  + NameAndType [initialize (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;ILjava/security/SecureRandom;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ProxyData;)V]
  + NameAndType [isEnabled ()Z]
  + NameAndType [km Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager;]
  + NameAndType [log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [messageHandlers Ljava/util/Vector;]
  + NameAndType [mh Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler;]
  + NameAndType [receiveLoop ()V]
  + NameAndType [size ()I]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(ILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;ILjava/security/SecureRandom;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ProxyData;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Throwable;Z)V]
  + Utf8 [([BI)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [HandlerEntry]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$1;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$HandlerEntry;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/IOException;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Vector;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Receive thread: back from receiveLoop]
  + Utf8 [Receive thread: error in receiveLoop: ]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [access$2]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [close]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$1]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$HandlerEntry]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [elementAt]
  + Utf8 [getMessage]
  + Utf8 [handleMessage]
  + Utf8 [he]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [initialize]
  + Utf8 [isEnabled]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Exception]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Runnable]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Vector]
  + Utf8 [km]
  + Utf8 [log]
  + Utf8 [messageHandlers]
  + Utf8 [mh]
  + Utf8 [receiveLoop]
  + Utf8 [run]
  + Utf8 [size]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [toString]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.trilead.ssh2.transport.TransportManager this$0

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = TransportManager$1(com.trilead.ssh2.transport.TransportManager)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$1.this$0 Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #26
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 464
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$1; this]
  + Method:       run()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void run()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 154, locals = 4, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$1.this$0 Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [4] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.receiveLoop ()V]
      [7] goto +49 (target=56)
      [10] astore_1 v1
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$1.this$0 Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] iconst_0
      [17] invokevirtual #23
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.close (Ljava/lang/Throwable;Z)V]
      [20] invokestatic #22
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.access$2 ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [23] invokevirtual #19
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
      [26] ifeq +30 (target=56)
      [29] invokestatic #22
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.access$2 ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [32] bipush 10
      [34] new #13
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [37] dup
      [38] ldc #2
        + String [Receive thread: error in receiveLoop: ]
      [40] invokespecial #27
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [43] aload_1 v1
      [44] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.getMessage ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [47] invokevirtual #28
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [50] invokevirtual #29
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [53] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [56] invokestatic #22
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.access$2 ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [59] invokevirtual #19
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.isEnabled ()Z]
      [62] ifeq +13 (target=75)
      [65] invokestatic #22
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.access$2 ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [68] bipush 50
      [70] ldc #1
        + String [Receive thread: back from receiveLoop]
      [72] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [75] aload_0 v0
      [76] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$1.this$0 Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [79] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager;]
      [82] ifnull +19 (target=101)
      [85] aload_0 v0
      [86] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$1.this$0 Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [89] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager;]
      [92] aconst_null
      [93] iconst_0
      [94] invokevirtual #21
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/KexManager.handleMessage ([BI)V]
      [97] goto +4 (target=101)
      [100] astore_1 v1
      [101] iconst_0
      [102] istore_1 v1
      [103] goto +36 (target=139)
      [106] aload_0 v0
      [107] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$1.this$0 Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [110] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.messageHandlers Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [113] iload_1 v1
      [114] invokevirtual #30
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.elementAt (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [117] checkcast #8
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$HandlerEntry]
      [120] astore_2 v2
      [121] aload_2 v2
      [122] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$ Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler;]
      [125] aconst_null
      [126] iconst_0
      [127] invokeinterface #32
        + InterfaceMethodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler.handleMessage ([BI)V]
      [132] goto +4 (target=136)
      [135] astore_3 v3
      [136] iinc v1, 1
      [139] iload_1 v1
      [140] aload_0 v0
      [141] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$1.this$0 Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [144] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.messageHandlers Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [147] invokevirtual #31
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.size ()I]
      [150] ificmplt -44 (target=106)
      [153] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 3):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 7: 10):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (85 -> 97: 100):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (121 -> 132: 135):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 16)
        [0] -> line 470
        [10] -> line 472
        [11] -> line 474
        [20] -> line 476
        [29] -> line 477
        [56] -> line 480
        [65] -> line 481
        [75] -> line 485
        [85] -> line 489
        [100] -> line 491
        [101] -> line 496
        [106] -> line 498
        [121] -> line 501
        [135] -> line 503
        [136] -> line 496
        [153] -> line 507
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 154 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$1; this]
        v1: 11 -> 56 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]
        v1: 103 -> 153 [I i]
        v2: 121 -> 136 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$HandlerEntry; he]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager]
    + NameAndType [initialize (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/CryptoWishList;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DHGexParameters;ILjava/security/SecureRandom;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ProxyData;)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$1]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$HandlerEntry]
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager]
      + Utf8 [HandlerEntry]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$AsynchronousWorker
  Superclass:    java/lang/Thread
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.trilead.ssh2.transport.TransportManager$AsynchronousWorker extends java.lang.Thread

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 65):
  + Class [[B]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$AsynchronousWorker]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/lang/InterruptedException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/Thread]
  + Class [java/util/Vector]
  + Long [2000]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$AsynchronousWorker.this$0 Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.access$0 (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;)Ljava/util/Vector;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.access$1 (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;Ljava/lang/Thread;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sendMessage ([B)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.wait (J)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/util/Vector.remove (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [java/util/Vector.size ()I]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [access$0 (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;)Ljava/util/Vector;]
  + NameAndType [access$1 (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;Ljava/lang/Thread;)V]
  + NameAndType [remove (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [sendMessage ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [size ()I]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
  + NameAndType [wait (J)V]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(J)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;)Ljava/util/Vector;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;Ljava/lang/Thread;)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [AsynchronousWorker]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$AsynchronousWorker;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/IOException;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [access$1]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$AsynchronousWorker]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/InterruptedException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Thread]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Vector]
  + Utf8 [msg]
  + Utf8 [remove]
  + Utf8 [run]
  + Utf8 [sendMessage]
  + Utf8 [size]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [wait]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.trilead.ssh2.transport.TransportManager this$0

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = TransportManager$AsynchronousWorker(com.trilead.ssh2.transport.TransportManager)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$AsynchronousWorker.this$0 Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #16
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 69
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$AsynchronousWorker; this]
  + Method:       run()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void run()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 105, locals = 4, stack = 3):
      [0] aconst_null
      [1] checkcast #1
        + Class [[B]
      [4] astore_1 v1
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$AsynchronousWorker.this$0 Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [9] invokestatic #12
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.access$0 (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;)Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [12] dup
      [13] astore_2 v2
      [14] monitorenter
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$AsynchronousWorker.this$0 Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [19] invokestatic #12
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.access$0 (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;)Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [22] invokevirtual #18
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.size ()I]
      [25] ifne +44 (target=69)
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$AsynchronousWorker.this$0 Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [32] invokestatic #12
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.access$0 (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;)Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [35] ldc2_w #9
        + Long [2000]
      [38] invokevirtual #15
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.wait (J)V]
      [41] goto +4 (target=45)
      [44] astore_3 v3
      [45] aload_0 v0
      [46] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$AsynchronousWorker.this$0 Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [49] invokestatic #12
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.access$0 (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;)Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [52] invokevirtual #18
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.size ()I]
      [55] ifne +14 (target=69)
      [58] aload_0 v0
      [59] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$AsynchronousWorker.this$0 Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [62] aconst_null
      [63] invokestatic #13
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.access$1 (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;Ljava/lang/Thread;)V]
      [66] aload_2 v2
      [67] monitorexit
      [68] return
      [69] aload_0 v0
      [70] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$AsynchronousWorker.this$0 Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [73] invokestatic #12
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.access$0 (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;)Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [76] iconst_0
      [77] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.remove (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [80] checkcast #1
        + Class [[B]
      [83] astore_1 v1
      [84] aload_2 v2
      [85] monitorexit
      [86] goto +6 (target=92)
      [89] aload_2 v2
      [90] monitorexit
      [91] athrow
      [92] aload_0 v0
      [93] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$AsynchronousWorker.this$0 Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [96] aload_1 v1
      [97] invokevirtual #14
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager.sendMessage ([B)V]
      [100] goto -100 (target=0)
      [103] astore_2 v2
      [104] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 5):
      + ExceptionInfo (28 -> 41: 44):
      + Class [java/lang/InterruptedException]
      + ExceptionInfo (15 -> 68: 89):
      + ExceptionInfo (69 -> 86: 89):
      + ExceptionInfo (89 -> 91: 89):
      + ExceptionInfo (92 -> 100: 103):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 13)
        [0] -> line 75
        [5] -> line 77
        [15] -> line 79
        [28] -> line 85
        [44] -> line 87
        [45] -> line 92
        [58] -> line 94
        [66] -> line 95
        [69] -> line 99
        [84] -> line 77
        [92] -> line 116
        [103] -> line 118
        [104] -> line 120
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 105 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$AsynchronousWorker; this]
        v1: 5 -> 105 [[B msg]
        v2: 104 -> 105 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$AsynchronousWorker]
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager]
      + Utf8 [AsynchronousWorker]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$HandlerEntry
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.trilead.ssh2.transport.TransportManager$HandlerEntry extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 30):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$HandlerEntry]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$HandlerEntry.this$0 Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [HandlerEntry]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$HandlerEntry;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$HandlerEntry]
  + Utf8 [high]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [low]
  + Utf8 [mh]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]

Fields (count = 4):
  + Field:        mh Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/MessageHandler;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = com.trilead.ssh2.transport.MessageHandler mh
  + Field:        low I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int low
  + Field:        high I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int high
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.trilead.ssh2.transport.TransportManager this$0

Methods (count = 1):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = TransportManager$HandlerEntry(com.trilead.ssh2.transport.TransportManager)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #4
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$HandlerEntry.this$0 Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #5
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 59
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$HandlerEntry; this]

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager$HandlerEntry]
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/transport/TransportManager]
      + Utf8 [HandlerEntry]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.util.TimeoutService extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 92):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutThread]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/Thread]
  + Class [java/util/Collections]
  + Class [java/util/LinkedList]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService.timeoutThread Ljava/lang/Thread;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService.todolist Ljava/util/LinkedList;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.getLogger (Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutThread.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutThread;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken.<init> (JLjava/lang/Runnable;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.interrupt ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.setDaemon (Z)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.start ()V]
  + Methodref [java/util/Collections.sort (Ljava/util/List;)V]
  + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.remove (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (JLjava/lang/Runnable;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutThread;)V]
  + NameAndType [add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [getLogger (Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + NameAndType [interrupt ()V]
  + NameAndType [log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + NameAndType [remove (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [setDaemon (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [sort (Ljava/util/List;)V]
  + NameAndType [start ()V]
  + NameAndType [timeoutThread Ljava/lang/Thread;]
  + NameAndType [todolist Ljava/util/LinkedList;]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/LinkedList;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(JLjava/lang/Runnable;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken;]
  + Utf8 [(JLjava/lang/Runnable;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutThread;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Thread;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/util/List;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [J]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Runnable;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Thread;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/LinkedList;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [TimeoutThread]
  + Utf8 [TimeoutToken]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [access$1]
  + Utf8 [access$2]
  + Utf8 [add]
  + Utf8 [addTimeoutHandler]
  + Utf8 [cancelTimeoutHandler]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutThread]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken]
  + Utf8 [getLogger]
  + Utf8 [handler]
  + Utf8 [interrupt]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Thread]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Collections]
  + Utf8 [java/util/LinkedList]
  + Utf8 [log]
  + Utf8 [remove]
  + Utf8 [runTime]
  + Utf8 [setDaemon]
  + Utf8 [sort]
  + Utf8 [start]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [timeoutThread]
  + Utf8 [todolist]
  + Utf8 [token]

Fields (count = 3):
  + Field:        log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final com.trilead.ssh2.log.Logger log
  + Field:        todolist Ljava/util/LinkedList;
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final java.util.LinkedList todolist
  + Field:        timeoutThread Ljava/lang/Thread;
    Access flags: 0xa
      = private static java.lang.Thread timeoutThread

Methods (count = 7):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 23, locals = 0, stack = 2):
      [0] ldc #2
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService]
      [2] invokestatic #12
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.getLogger (Ljava/lang/Class;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [5] putstatic #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [8] new #8
        + Class [java/util/LinkedList]
      [11] dup
      [12] invokespecial #20
        + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.<init> ()V]
      [15] putstatic #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService.todolist Ljava/util/LinkedList;]
      [18] aconst_null
      [19] putstatic #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService.timeoutThread Ljava/lang/Thread;]
      [22] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 25
        [8] -> line 105
        [18] -> line 107
        [22] -> line 23
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public TimeoutService()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #15
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 23
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService; this]
  + Method:       addTimeoutHandler(JLjava/lang/Runnable;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken;
    Access flags: 0x19
      = public static final com.trilead.ssh2.util.TimeoutService$TimeoutToken addTimeoutHandler(long,java.lang.Runnable)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 83, locals = 5, stack = 6):
      [0] new #4
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken]
      [3] dup
      [4] lload_0 v0
      [5] aload_2 v2
      [6] aconst_null
      [7] invokespecial #14
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken.<init> (JLjava/lang/Runnable;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken;)V]
      [10] astore_3 v3
      [11] getstatic #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService.todolist Ljava/util/LinkedList;]
      [14] dup
      [15] astore v4
      [17] monitorenter
      [18] getstatic #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService.todolist Ljava/util/LinkedList;]
      [21] aload_3 v3
      [22] invokevirtual #21
        + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [25] pop
      [26] getstatic #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService.todolist Ljava/util/LinkedList;]
      [29] invokestatic #19
        + Methodref [java/util/Collections.sort (Ljava/util/List;)V]
      [32] getstatic #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService.timeoutThread Ljava/lang/Thread;]
      [35] ifnull +12 (target=47)
      [38] getstatic #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService.timeoutThread Ljava/lang/Thread;]
      [41] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.interrupt ()V]
      [44] goto +27 (target=71)
      [47] new #3
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutThread]
      [50] dup
      [51] aconst_null
      [52] invokespecial #13
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutThread.<init> (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutThread;)V]
      [55] putstatic #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService.timeoutThread Ljava/lang/Thread;]
      [58] getstatic #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService.timeoutThread Ljava/lang/Thread;]
      [61] iconst_1
      [62] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.setDaemon (Z)V]
      [65] getstatic #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService.timeoutThread Ljava/lang/Thread;]
      [68] invokevirtual #18
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.start ()V]
      [71] aload v4
      [73] monitorexit
      [74] goto +7 (target=81)
      [77] aload v4
      [79] monitorexit
      [80] athrow
      [81] aload_3 v3
      [82] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (18 -> 74: 77):
      + ExceptionInfo (77 -> 80: 77):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 11)
        [0] -> line 118
        [11] -> line 120
        [18] -> line 122
        [26] -> line 123
        [32] -> line 125
        [38] -> line 126
        [47] -> line 129
        [58] -> line 130
        [65] -> line 131
        [71] -> line 120
        [81] -> line 135
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 83 [J runTime]
        v2: 0 -> 83 [Ljava/lang/Runnable; handler]
        v3: 11 -> 83 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken; token]
  + Method:       cancelTimeoutHandler(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken;)V
    Access flags: 0x19
      = public static final void cancelTimeoutHandler(com.trilead.ssh2.util.TimeoutService$TimeoutToken)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 35, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] getstatic #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService.todolist Ljava/util/LinkedList;]
      [3] dup
      [4] astore_1 v1
      [5] monitorenter
      [6] getstatic #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService.todolist Ljava/util/LinkedList;]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.remove (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [13] pop
      [14] getstatic #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService.timeoutThread Ljava/lang/Thread;]
      [17] ifnull +9 (target=26)
      [20] getstatic #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService.timeoutThread Ljava/lang/Thread;]
      [23] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.interrupt ()V]
      [26] aload_1 v1
      [27] monitorexit
      [28] goto +6 (target=34)
      [31] aload_1 v1
      [32] monitorexit
      [33] athrow
      [34] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (6 -> 28: 31):
      + ExceptionInfo (31 -> 33: 31):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 140
        [6] -> line 142
        [14] -> line 144
        [20] -> line 145
        [26] -> line 140
        [34] -> line 147
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 35 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken; token]
  + Method:       access$0()Ljava/util/LinkedList;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic java.util.LinkedList access$0()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 4, locals = 0, stack = 1):
      [0] getstatic #11
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService.todolist Ljava/util/LinkedList;]
      [3] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 105
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$1(Ljava/lang/Thread;)V
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic void access$1(java.lang.Thread)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] putstatic #10
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService.timeoutThread Ljava/lang/Thread;]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 107
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$2()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic com.trilead.ssh2.log.Logger access$2()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 4, locals = 0, stack = 1):
      [0] getstatic #9
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService.log Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [3] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 25
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0xa = private static 
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutThread]
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService]
      + Utf8 [TimeoutThread]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x9 = public static 
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken]
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService]
      + Utf8 [TimeoutToken]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutThread
  Superclass:    java/lang/Thread
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.trilead.ssh2.util.TimeoutService$TimeoutThread extends java.lang.Thread

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 126):
  + String [(]
  + String [)]
  + String [Exeception in Timeout handler:]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutThread]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken]
  + Class [java/io/PrintWriter]
  + Class [java/io/StringWriter]
  + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Class [java/lang/InterruptedException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/Runnable]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Class [java/lang/Thread]
  + Class [java/util/LinkedList]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService.access$0 ()Ljava/util/LinkedList;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService.access$1 (Ljava/lang/Thread;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService.access$2 ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutThread.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken.access$0 (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken;)J]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken.access$1 (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken;)Ljava/lang/Runnable;]
  + Methodref [java/io/PrintWriter.<init> (Ljava/io/Writer;)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/StringWriter.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/io/StringWriter.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Exception.getMessage ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Exception.printStackTrace (Ljava/io/PrintWriter;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.wait (J)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.currentTimeMillis ()J]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.getFirst ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.removeFirst ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.size ()I]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/lang/ ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/io/Writer;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [access$0 ()Ljava/util/LinkedList;]
  + NameAndType [access$0 (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken;)J]
  + NameAndType [access$1 (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken;)Ljava/lang/Runnable;]
  + NameAndType [access$1 (Ljava/lang/Thread;)V]
  + NameAndType [access$2 ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [currentTimeMillis ()J]
  + NameAndType [getFirst ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [getMessage ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [printStackTrace (Ljava/io/PrintWriter;)V]
  + NameAndType [removeFirst ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [run ()V]
  + NameAndType [size ()I]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [wait (J)V]
  + Utf8 [(]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()J]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/LinkedList;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(ILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(J)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutThread;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken;)J]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken;)Ljava/lang/Runnable;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/io/PrintWriter;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/io/Writer;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Thread;)V]
  + Utf8 [)]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Exeception in Timeout handler:]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [J]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutThread;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/StringWriter;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Exception;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [TimeoutThread]
  + Utf8 [TimeoutToken]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [access$1]
  + Utf8 [access$2]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutThread]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken]
  + Utf8 [currentTimeMillis]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [getFirst]
  + Utf8 [getMessage]
  + Utf8 [java/io/PrintWriter]
  + Utf8 [java/io/StringWriter]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Exception]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/InterruptedException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Runnable]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Thread]
  + Utf8 [java/util/LinkedList]
  + Utf8 [log]
  + Utf8 [now]
  + Utf8 [printStackTrace]
  + Utf8 [removeFirst]
  + Utf8 [run]
  + Utf8 [size]
  + Utf8 [sw]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [tt]
  + Utf8 [wait]

Fields (count = 0):

Methods (count = 3):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private TimeoutService$TimeoutThread()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #35
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 49
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutThread; this]
  + Method:       run()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void run()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 165, locals = 7, stack = 5):
      [0] invokestatic #19
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService.access$0 ()Ljava/util/LinkedList;]
      [3] dup
      [4] astore_1 v1
      [5] monitorenter
      [6] invokestatic #19
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService.access$0 ()Ljava/util/LinkedList;]
      [9] invokevirtual #38
        + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.size ()I]
      [12] ifne +10 (target=22)
      [15] aconst_null
      [16] invokestatic #20
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService.access$1 (Ljava/lang/Thread;)V]
      [19] aload_1 v1
      [20] monitorexit
      [21] return
      [22] invokestatic #34
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.currentTimeMillis ()J]
      [25] lstore_2 v2
      [26] invokestatic #19
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService.access$0 ()Ljava/util/LinkedList;]
      [29] invokevirtual #36
        + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.getFirst ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [32] checkcast #7
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken]
      [35] astore v4
      [37] aload v4
      [39] invokestatic #23
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken.access$0 (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken;)J]
      [42] lload_2 v2
      [43] lcmp
      [44] ifle +24 (target=68)
      [47] invokestatic #19
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService.access$0 ()Ljava/util/LinkedList;]
      [50] aload v4
      [52] invokestatic #23
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken.access$0 (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken;)J]
      [55] lload_2 v2
      [56] lsub
      [57] invokevirtual #30
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.wait (J)V]
      [60] goto -54 (target=6)
      [63] astore v5
      [65] goto -59 (target=6)
      [68] invokestatic #19
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService.access$0 ()Ljava/util/LinkedList;]
      [71] invokevirtual #37
        + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.removeFirst ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [74] pop
      [75] aload v4
      [77] invokestatic #24
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken.access$1 (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken;)Ljava/lang/Runnable;]
      [80] invokeinterface #39
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/lang/ ()V]
      [85] goto -79 (target=6)
      [88] astore v5
      [90] new #9
        + Class [java/io/StringWriter]
      [93] dup
      [94] invokespecial #26
        + Methodref [java/io/StringWriter.<init> ()V]
      [97] astore v6
      [99] aload v5
      [101] new #8
        + Class [java/io/PrintWriter]
      [104] dup
      [105] aload v6
      [107] invokespecial #25
        + Methodref [java/io/PrintWriter.<init> (Ljava/io/Writer;)V]
      [110] invokevirtual #29
        + Methodref [java/lang/Exception.printStackTrace (Ljava/io/PrintWriter;)V]
      [113] invokestatic #21
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService.access$2 ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger;]
      [116] bipush 20
      [118] new #14
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [121] dup
      [122] ldc #3
        + String [Exeception in Timeout handler:]
      [124] invokespecial #31
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [127] aload v5
      [129] invokevirtual #28
        + Methodref [java/lang/Exception.getMessage ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [132] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [135] ldc #1
        + String [(]
      [137] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [140] aload v6
      [142] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [java/io/StringWriter.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [145] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [148] ldc #2
        + String [)]
      [150] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [153] invokevirtual #33
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [156] invokevirtual #18
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/log/Logger.log (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [159] goto -153 (target=6)
      [162] aload_1 v1
      [163] monitorexit
      [164] athrow
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 4):
      + ExceptionInfo (47 -> 60: 63):
      + Class [java/lang/InterruptedException]
      + ExceptionInfo (75 -> 85: 88):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      + ExceptionInfo (6 -> 21: 162):
      + ExceptionInfo (22 -> 164: 162):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 18)
        [0] -> line 53
        [6] -> line 57
        [15] -> line 59
        [19] -> line 60
        [22] -> line 63
        [26] -> line 65
        [37] -> line 67
        [47] -> line 73
        [63] -> line 75
        [65] -> line 84
        [68] -> line 87
        [75] -> line 91
        [88] -> line 93
        [90] -> line 95
        [99] -> line 96
        [113] -> line 97
        [159] -> line 55
        [162] -> line 53
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 165 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutThread; this]
        v2: 26 -> 159 [J now]
        v4: 37 -> 159 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken; tt]
        v5: 90 -> 159 [Ljava/lang/Exception; e]
        v6: 99 -> 159 [Ljava/io/StringWriter; sw]
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutThread;)V
    Access flags: 0x1000
      = synthetic TimeoutService$TimeoutThread(com.trilead.ssh2.util.TimeoutService$TimeoutThread)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 2, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #22
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutThread.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 49
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0xa = private static 
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutThread]
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService]
      + Utf8 [TimeoutThread]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x9 = public static 
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken]
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService]
      + Utf8 [TimeoutToken]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.util.TimeoutService$TimeoutToken extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [java/lang/Comparable]

Constant Pool (count = 43):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken]
  + Class [java/lang/Comparable]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken.handler Ljava/lang/Runnable;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken.runTime J]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken.<init> (JLjava/lang/Runnable;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (JLjava/lang/Runnable;)V]
  + NameAndType [handler Ljava/lang/Runnable;]
  + NameAndType [runTime J]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(JLjava/lang/Runnable;)V]
  + Utf8 [(JLjava/lang/Runnable;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken;)J]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken;)Ljava/lang/Runnable;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)I]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [J]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Runnable;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [TimeoutToken]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [access$1]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken]
  + Utf8 [compareTo]
  + Utf8 [handler]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Comparable]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [o]
  + Utf8 [runTime]
  + Utf8 [t]
  + Utf8 [this]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        runTime J
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private long runTime
  + Field:        handler Ljava/lang/Runnable;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.Runnable handler

Methods (count = 5):
  + Method:       <init>(JLjava/lang/Runnable;)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private TimeoutService$TimeoutToken(long,java.lang.Runnable)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 4, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #8
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] lload_1 v1
      [6] putfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken.runTime J]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aload_3 v3
      [11] putfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken.handler Ljava/lang/Runnable;]
      [14] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 32
        [4] -> line 34
        [9] -> line 35
        [14] -> line 36
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 15 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken; this]
        v1: 0 -> 15 [J runTime]
        v3: 0 -> 15 [Ljava/lang/Runnable; handler]
  + Method:       compareTo(Ljava/lang/Object;)I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int compareTo(java.lang.Object)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 35, locals = 3, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] checkcast #2
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken]
      [4] astore_2 v2
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken.runTime J]
      [9] aload_2 v2
      [10] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken.runTime J]
      [13] lcmp
      [14] ifle +5 (target=19)
      [17] iconst_1
      [18] ireturn
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken.runTime J]
      [23] aload_2 v2
      [24] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken.runTime J]
      [27] lcmp
      [28] ifne +5 (target=33)
      [31] iconst_0
      [32] ireturn
      [33] iconst_m1
      [34] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 40
        [5] -> line 41
        [17] -> line 42
        [19] -> line 43
        [31] -> line 44
        [33] -> line 45
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 35 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken; this]
        v1: 0 -> 35 [Ljava/lang/Object; o]
        v2: 5 -> 35 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken; t]
  + Method:       access$0(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken;)J
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic long access$0(com.trilead.ssh2.util.TimeoutService$TimeoutToken)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken.runTime J]
      [4] lreturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 29
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$1(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken;)Ljava/lang/Runnable;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic java.lang.Runnable access$1(com.trilead.ssh2.util.TimeoutService$TimeoutToken)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken.handler Ljava/lang/Runnable;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 30
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>(JLjava/lang/Runnable;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken;)V
    Access flags: 0x1000
      = synthetic TimeoutService$TimeoutToken(long,java.lang.Runnable,com.trilead.ssh2.util.TimeoutService$TimeoutToken)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 7, locals = 5, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] lload_1 v1
      [2] aload_3 v3
      [3] invokespecial #7
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken.<init> (JLjava/lang/Runnable;)V]
      [6] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 32
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x9 = public static 
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService$TimeoutToken]
      + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/util/TimeoutService]
      + Utf8 [TimeoutToken]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com/trilead/ssh2/util/Tokenizer
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.trilead.ssh2.util.Tokenizer extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 49):
  + String []
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/util/Tokenizer]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.charAt (I)C]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.indexOf (II)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (II)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [charAt (I)C]
  + NameAndType [indexOf (II)I]
  + NameAndType [length ()I]
  + NameAndType [substring (II)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)C]
  + Utf8 [(II)I]
  + Utf8 [(II)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;C)[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [C]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/Tokenizer;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [charAt]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/util/Tokenizer]
  + Utf8 [delimiter]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [idx]
  + Utf8 [indexOf]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [length]
  + Utf8 [list]
  + Utf8 [nextfield]
  + Utf8 [numtoken]
  + Utf8 [parseTokens]
  + Utf8 [source]
  + Utf8 [substring]
  + Utf8 [this]

Fields (count = 0):

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public Tokenizer()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #5
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 10
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/util/Tokenizer; this]
  + Method:       parseTokens(Ljava/lang/String;C)[Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static java.lang.String[] parseTokens(java.lang.String,char)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 112, locals = 7, stack = 5):
      [0] iconst_1
      [1] istore_2 v2
      [2] iconst_0
      [3] istore_3 v3
      [4] goto +18 (target=22)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] iload_3 v3
      [9] invokevirtual #6
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.charAt (I)C]
      [12] iload_1 v1
      [13] ificmpne +6 (target=19)
      [16] iinc v2, 1
      [19] iinc v3, 1
      [22] iload_3 v3
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] invokevirtual #8
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
      [27] ificmplt -20 (target=7)
      [30] iload_2 v2
      [31] anewarray #4
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [34] astore_3 v3
      [35] iconst_0
      [36] istore v4
      [38] iconst_0
      [39] istore v5
      [41] goto +63 (target=104)
      [44] iload v4
      [46] aload_0 v0
      [47] invokevirtual #8
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
      [50] ificmplt +12 (target=62)
      [53] aload_3 v3
      [54] iload v5
      [56] ldc #1
        + String []
      [58] aastore
      [59] goto +42 (target=101)
      [62] aload_0 v0
      [63] iload_1 v1
      [64] iload v4
      [66] invokevirtual #7
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.indexOf (II)I]
      [69] istore v6
      [71] iload v6
      [73] iconst_m1
      [74] ificmpne +9 (target=83)
      [77] aload_0 v0
      [78] invokevirtual #8
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
      [81] istore v6
      [83] aload_3 v3
      [84] iload v5
      [86] aload_0 v0
      [87] iload v4
      [89] iload v6
      [91] invokevirtual #9
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (II)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [94] aastore
      [95] iload v6
      [97] iconst_1
      [98] iadd
      [99] istore v4
      [101] iinc v5, 1
      [104] iload v5
      [106] iload_2 v2
      [107] ificmplt -63 (target=44)
      [110] aload_3 v3
      [111] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 17)
        [0] -> line 22
        [2] -> line 24
        [7] -> line 26
        [16] -> line 27
        [19] -> line 24
        [30] -> line 30
        [35] -> line 31
        [38] -> line 33
        [44] -> line 35
        [53] -> line 37
        [62] -> line 41
        [71] -> line 42
        [77] -> line 43
        [83] -> line 44
        [95] -> line 45
        [101] -> line 33
        [110] -> line 49
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 8)
        v0: 0 -> 112 [Ljava/lang/String; source]
        v1: 0 -> 112 [C delimiter]
        v2: 2 -> 112 [I numtoken]
        v3: 4 -> 30 [I i]
        v3: 35 -> 112 [[Ljava/lang/String; list]
        v4: 38 -> 112 [I nextfield]
        v5: 41 -> 110 [I i]
        v6: 71 -> 101 [I idx]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x421
    = public abstract class de.mud.telnet.TelnetProtocolHandler extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 216):
  + String [ ]
  + String [(bad) ]
  + String [Got SB CHARSET]
  + String [Sent our charset!]
  + String [TTABLE ]
  + String [US-ASCII]
  + String [dumb]
  + String [not allowed to send NAWS? (DONT NAWS)]
  + Class [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/io/PrintStream]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.IACDO [B]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.IACDONT [B]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.IACSB [B]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.IACSE [B]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.IACWILL [B]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.IACWONT [B]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/ [B]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.crlf [B]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.current_sb B]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.neg_state B]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/ [B]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.receivedDX [B]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.receivedWX [B]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.sbbuf [B]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.sentDX [B]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.sentWX [B]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.tempbuf [B]
  + Fieldref [java/lang/System.err Ljava/io/PrintStream;]
  + Fieldref [java/lang/System.out Ljava/io/PrintStream;]
  + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.getCharsetName ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.getTerminalType ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.getWindowSize ()[I]
  + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.handle_sb (B[B)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.notifyEndOfRecord ()V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.reset ()V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.setLocalEcho (Z)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.write (B)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.write ([B)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/PrintStream.println (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.<init> ([BLjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.getBytes ()[B]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.split (Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.startsWith (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (II)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([BLjava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [IACDO [B]
  + NameAndType [IACDONT [B]
  + NameAndType [IACSB [B]
  + NameAndType [IACSE [B]
  + NameAndType [IACWILL [B]
  + NameAndType [IACWONT [B]
  + NameAndType [append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [cr [B]
  + NameAndType [crlf [B]
  + NameAndType [current_sb B]
  + NameAndType [equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [err Ljava/io/PrintStream;]
  + NameAndType [getBytes ()[B]
  + NameAndType [getCharsetName ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getTerminalType ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getWindowSize ()[I]
  + NameAndType [handle_sb (B[B)V]
  + NameAndType [neg_state B]
  + NameAndType [notifyEndOfRecord ()V]
  + NameAndType [one [B]
  + NameAndType [out Ljava/io/PrintStream;]
  + NameAndType [println (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [receivedDX [B]
  + NameAndType [receivedWX [B]
  + NameAndType [reset ()V]
  + NameAndType [sbbuf [B]
  + NameAndType [sentDX [B]
  + NameAndType [sentWX [B]
  + NameAndType [setLocalEcho (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [split (Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [startsWith (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + NameAndType [substring (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [substring (II)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [tempbuf [B]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [write (B)V]
  + NameAndType [write ([B)V]
  + Utf8 [ ]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [()[I]
  + Utf8 [(B)V]
  + Utf8 [(B[B)V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(II)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [([BI)I]
  + Utf8 [([BII)V]
  + Utf8 [([BLjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(bad) ]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [B]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [Got SB CHARSET]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [IACDO]
  + Utf8 [IACDONT]
  + Utf8 [IACSB]
  + Utf8 [IACSE]
  + Utf8 [IACWILL]
  + Utf8 [IACWONT]
  + Utf8 [Lde/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/PrintStream;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Sent our charset!]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [TTABLE ]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [US-ASCII]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [[I]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [arraycopy]
  + Utf8 [b]
  + Utf8 [boffset]
  + Utf8 [buf]
  + Utf8 [charset]
  + Utf8 [charsetStr]
  + Utf8 [charsets]
  + Utf8 [columns]
  + Utf8 [count]
  + Utf8 [cr]
  + Utf8 [crlf]
  + Utf8 [current_sb]
  + Utf8 [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler]
  + Utf8 [dobreak]
  + Utf8 [dumb]
  + Utf8 [equals]
  + Utf8 [err]
  + Utf8 [getBytes]
  + Utf8 [getCharsetName]
  + Utf8 [getTerminalType]
  + Utf8 [getWindowSize]
  + Utf8 [handle_sb]
  + Utf8 [inputfeed]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/io/PrintStream]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [len]
  + Utf8 [myCharset]
  + Utf8 [nbuf]
  + Utf8 [neg_state]
  + Utf8 [negotiate]
  + Utf8 [noffset]
  + Utf8 [not allowed to send NAWS? (DONT NAWS)]
  + Utf8 [notifyEndOfRecord]
  + Utf8 [offset]
  + Utf8 [one]
  + Utf8 [out]
  + Utf8 [println]
  + Utf8 [receivedDX]
  + Utf8 [receivedWX]
  + Utf8 [reply]
  + Utf8 [reset]
  + Utf8 [rows]
  + Utf8 [sbbuf]
  + Utf8 [sbdata]
  + Utf8 [sendbuf]
  + Utf8 [sentDX]
  + Utf8 [sentWX]
  + Utf8 [setLocalEcho]
  + Utf8 [setWindowSize]
  + Utf8 [size]
  + Utf8 [split]
  + Utf8 [startsWith]
  + Utf8 [substring]
  + Utf8 [tempbuf]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [ttype]
  + Utf8 [type]
  + Utf8 [write]
  + Utf8 [xb]
  + Utf8 [xsb]

Fields (count = 17):
  + Field:        tempbuf [B
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private byte[] tempbuf
  + Field:        crlf [B
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private byte[] crlf
  + Field:        cr [B
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private byte[] cr
  + Field:        one [B
    Access flags: 0xa
      = private static byte[] one
  + Field:        neg_state B
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private byte neg_state
  + Field:        current_sb B
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private byte current_sb
  + Field:        sbbuf [B
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private byte[] sbbuf
  + Field:        IACWILL [B
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final byte[] IACWILL
  + Field:        IACWONT [B
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final byte[] IACWONT
  + Field:        IACDO [B
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final byte[] IACDO
  + Field:        IACDONT [B
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final byte[] IACDONT
  + Field:        IACSB [B
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final byte[] IACSB
  + Field:        IACSE [B
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final byte[] IACSE
  + Field:        receivedDX [B
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private byte[] receivedDX
  + Field:        receivedWX [B
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private byte[] receivedWX
  + Field:        sentDX [B
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private byte[] sentDX
  + Field:        sentWX [B
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private byte[] sentWX

Methods (count = 14):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 97, locals = 0, stack = 4):
      [0] iconst_1
      [1] newarray 8
      [3] putstatic #26
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/ [B]
      [6] iconst_2
      [7] newarray 8
      [9] dup
      [10] iconst_0
      [11] iconst_m1
      [12] bastore
      [13] dup
      [14] iconst_1
      [15] bipush -5
      [17] bastore
      [18] putstatic #20
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.IACWILL [B]
      [21] iconst_2
      [22] newarray 8
      [24] dup
      [25] iconst_0
      [26] iconst_m1
      [27] bastore
      [28] dup
      [29] iconst_1
      [30] bipush -4
      [32] bastore
      [33] putstatic #21
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.IACWONT [B]
      [36] iconst_2
      [37] newarray 8
      [39] dup
      [40] iconst_0
      [41] iconst_m1
      [42] bastore
      [43] dup
      [44] iconst_1
      [45] bipush -3
      [47] bastore
      [48] putstatic #16
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.IACDO [B]
      [51] iconst_2
      [52] newarray 8
      [54] dup
      [55] iconst_0
      [56] iconst_m1
      [57] bastore
      [58] dup
      [59] iconst_1
      [60] bipush -2
      [62] bastore
      [63] putstatic #17
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.IACDONT [B]
      [66] iconst_2
      [67] newarray 8
      [69] dup
      [70] iconst_0
      [71] iconst_m1
      [72] bastore
      [73] dup
      [74] iconst_1
      [75] bipush -6
      [77] bastore
      [78] putstatic #18
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.IACSB [B]
      [81] iconst_2
      [82] newarray 8
      [84] dup
      [85] iconst_0
      [86] iconst_m1
      [87] bastore
      [88] dup
      [89] iconst_1
      [90] bipush -16
      [92] bastore
      [93] putstatic #19
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.IACSE [B]
      [96] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 104
        [6] -> line 178
        [21] -> line 179
        [36] -> line 180
        [51] -> line 181
        [66] -> line 182
        [81] -> line 183
        [96] -> line 39
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public TelnetProtocolHandler()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 66, locals = 1, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #45
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] iconst_0
      [6] newarray 8
      [8] putfield #32
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.tempbuf [B]
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] iconst_2
      [13] newarray 8
      [15] putfield #23
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.crlf [B]
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] iconst_2
      [20] newarray 8
      [22] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/ [B]
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] iconst_0
      [27] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.neg_state B]
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] invokevirtual #40
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.reset ()V]
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.crlf [B]
      [38] iconst_0
      [39] bipush 13
      [41] bastore
      [42] aload_0 v0
      [43] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.crlf [B]
      [46] iconst_1
      [47] bipush 10
      [49] bastore
      [50] aload_0 v0
      [51] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/ [B]
      [54] iconst_0
      [55] bipush 13
      [57] bastore
      [58] aload_0 v0
      [59] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/ [B]
      [62] iconst_1
      [63] iconst_0
      [64] bastore
      [65] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 57
        [4] -> line 47
        [11] -> line 50
        [18] -> line 52
        [25] -> line 127
        [30] -> line 58
        [34] -> line 60
        [50] -> line 61
        [65] -> line 62
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 66 [Lde/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler; this]
  + Method:       getTerminalType()Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x404
      = protected abstract java.lang.String getTerminalType()
  + Method:       getWindowSize()[I
    Access flags: 0x404
      = protected abstract int[] getWindowSize()
  + Method:       setLocalEcho(Z)V
    Access flags: 0x404
      = protected abstract void setLocalEcho(boolean)
  + Method:       notifyEndOfRecord()V
    Access flags: 0x404
      = protected abstract void notifyEndOfRecord()
  + Method:       write([B)V
    Access flags: 0x404
      = protected abstract void write(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       getCharsetName()Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x404
      = protected abstract java.lang.String getCharsetName()
  + Method:       write(B)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void write(byte)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 14, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] getstatic #26
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/ [B]
      [3] iconst_0
      [4] iload_1 v1
      [5] bastore
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] getstatic #26
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/ [B]
      [10] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.write ([B)V]
      [13] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 106
        [6] -> line 107
        [13] -> line 108
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 14 [Lde/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler; this]
        v1: 0 -> 14 [B b]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       reset()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void reset()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 42, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iconst_0
      [2] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.neg_state B]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] sipush 256
      [9] newarray 8
      [11] putfield #27
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.receivedDX [B]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] sipush 256
      [18] newarray 8
      [20] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.sentDX [B]
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] sipush 256
      [27] newarray 8
      [29] putfield #28
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.receivedWX [B]
      [32] aload_0 v0
      [33] sipush 256
      [36] newarray 8
      [38] putfield #31
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.sentWX [B]
      [41] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 115
        [5] -> line 116
        [14] -> line 117
        [23] -> line 118
        [32] -> line 119
        [41] -> line 120
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 42 [Lde/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler; this]
  + Method:       setWindowSize(II)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setWindowSize(int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 88, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.receivedDX [B]
      [4] bipush 31
      [6] baload
      [7] bipush -3
      [9] ificmpeq +12 (target=21)
      [12] getstatic #33
        + Fieldref [java/lang/System.err Ljava/io/PrintStream;]
      [15] ldc #8
        + String [not allowed to send NAWS? (DONT NAWS)]
      [17] invokevirtual #44
        + Methodref [java/io/PrintStream.println (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [20] return
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] iconst_m1
      [23] invokespecial #42
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.write (B)V]
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] bipush -6
      [29] invokespecial #42
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.write (B)V]
      [32] aload_0 v0
      [33] bipush 31
      [35] invokespecial #42
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.write (B)V]
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] iload_1 v1
      [40] bipush 8
      [42] ishr
      [43] i2b
      [44] invokespecial #42
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.write (B)V]
      [47] aload_0 v0
      [48] iload_1 v1
      [49] sipush 255
      [52] iand
      [53] i2b
      [54] invokespecial #42
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.write (B)V]
      [57] aload_0 v0
      [58] iload_2 v2
      [59] bipush 8
      [61] ishr
      [62] i2b
      [63] invokespecial #42
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.write (B)V]
      [66] aload_0 v0
      [67] iload_2 v2
      [68] sipush 255
      [71] iand
      [72] i2b
      [73] invokespecial #42
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.write (B)V]
      [76] aload_0 v0
      [77] iconst_m1
      [78] invokespecial #42
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.write (B)V]
      [81] aload_0 v0
      [82] bipush -16
      [84] invokespecial #42
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.write (B)V]
      [87] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 10)
        [0] -> line 221
        [12] -> line 222
        [20] -> line 223
        [21] -> line 225
        [38] -> line 226
        [47] -> line 227
        [57] -> line 228
        [66] -> line 229
        [76] -> line 230
        [87] -> line 231
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 88 [Lde/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler; this]
        v1: 0 -> 88 [I columns]
        v2: 0 -> 88 [I rows]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       handle_sb(B[B)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void handle_sb(byte,byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 251, locals = 10, stack = 4):
      [0] iload_1 v1
      [1] lookupswitch (2 offsets, default=249) (target=250)
        24: offset = 27, target = 28
        42: offset = 87, target = 88
        default: offset = 249, target = 250
      [28] aload_2 v2
      [29] arraylength
      [30] ifle +220 (target=250)
      [33] aload_2 v2
      [34] iconst_0
      [35] baload
      [36] iconst_1
      [37] ificmpne +213 (target=250)
      [40] aload_0 v0
      [41] getstatic #18
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.IACSB [B]
      [44] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.write ([B)V]
      [47] aload_0 v0
      [48] bipush 24
      [50] invokespecial #42
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.write (B)V]
      [53] aload_0 v0
      [54] iconst_0
      [55] invokespecial #42
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.write (B)V]
      [58] aload_0 v0
      [59] invokevirtual #36
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.getTerminalType ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [62] astore_3 v3
      [63] aload_3 v3
      [64] ifnonnull +6 (target=70)
      [67] ldc #7
        + String [dumb]
      [69] astore_3 v3
      [70] aload_0 v0
      [71] aload_3 v3
      [72] invokevirtual #48
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.getBytes ()[B]
      [75] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.write ([B)V]
      [78] aload_0 v0
      [79] getstatic #19
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.IACSE [B]
      [82] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.write ([B)V]
      [85] goto +165 (target=250)
      [88] getstatic #34
        + Fieldref [java/lang/System.out Ljava/io/PrintStream;]
      [91] ldc #3
        + String [Got SB CHARSET]
      [93] invokevirtual #44
        + Methodref [java/io/PrintStream.println (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [96] new #13
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [99] dup
      [100] aload_2 v2
      [101] ldc #6
        + String [US-ASCII]
      [103] invokespecial #46
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.<init> ([BLjava/lang/String;)V]
      [106] astore_3 v3
      [107] aload_3 v3
      [108] ldc #5
        + String [TTABLE ]
      [110] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.startsWith (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [113] ifeq +10 (target=123)
      [116] aload_3 v3
      [117] bipush 7
      [119] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [122] astore_3 v3
      [123] aload_3 v3
      [124] aload_3 v3
      [125] iconst_0
      [126] iconst_0
      [127] invokevirtual #52
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (II)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [130] invokevirtual #49
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.split (Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String;]
      [133] astore v4
      [135] aload_0 v0
      [136] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.getCharsetName ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [139] astore v5
      [141] aload v4
      [143] dup
      [144] astore v9
      [146] arraylength
      [147] istore v8
      [149] iconst_0
      [150] istore v7
      [152] goto +66 (target=218)
      [155] aload v9
      [157] iload v7
      [159] aaload
      [160] astore v6
      [162] aload v6
      [164] aload v5
      [166] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [169] ifeq +46 (target=215)
      [172] aload_0 v0
      [173] getstatic #18
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.IACSB [B]
      [176] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.write ([B)V]
      [179] aload_0 v0
      [180] bipush 42
      [182] invokespecial #42
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.write (B)V]
      [185] aload_0 v0
      [186] iconst_2
      [187] invokespecial #42
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.write (B)V]
      [190] aload_0 v0
      [191] aload v6
      [193] invokevirtual #48
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.getBytes ()[B]
      [196] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.write ([B)V]
      [199] aload_0 v0
      [200] getstatic #19
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.IACSE [B]
      [203] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.write ([B)V]
      [206] getstatic #34
        + Fieldref [java/lang/System.out Ljava/io/PrintStream;]
      [209] ldc #4
        + String [Sent our charset!]
      [211] invokevirtual #44
        + Methodref [java/io/PrintStream.println (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [214] return
      [215] iinc v7, 1
      [218] iload v7
      [220] iload v8
      [222] ificmplt -67 (target=155)
      [225] aload_0 v0
      [226] getstatic #18
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.IACSB [B]
      [229] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.write ([B)V]
      [232] aload_0 v0
      [233] bipush 42
      [235] invokespecial #42
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.write (B)V]
      [238] aload_0 v0
      [239] iconst_3
      [240] invokespecial #42
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.write (B)V]
      [243] aload_0 v0
      [244] getstatic #19
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.IACSE [B]
      [247] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.write ([B)V]
      [250] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 25)
        [0] -> line 243
        [28] -> line 245
        [40] -> line 246
        [58] -> line 250
        [63] -> line 251
        [70] -> line 252
        [78] -> line 253
        [85] -> line 255
        [88] -> line 257
        [96] -> line 259
        [107] -> line 260
        [116] -> line 261
        [123] -> line 263
        [135] -> line 264
        [141] -> line 265
        [162] -> line 266
        [172] -> line 267
        [190] -> line 268
        [199] -> line 269
        [206] -> line 270
        [214] -> line 271
        [215] -> line 265
        [225] -> line 274
        [243] -> line 275
        [250] -> line 278
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 8)
        v0: 0 -> 251 [Lde/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler; this]
        v1: 0 -> 251 [B type]
        v2: 0 -> 251 [[B sbdata]
        v3: 63 -> 85 [Ljava/lang/String; ttype]
        v3: 107 -> 250 [Ljava/lang/String; charsetStr]
        v4: 135 -> 250 [[Ljava/lang/String; charsets]
        v5: 141 -> 250 [Ljava/lang/String; myCharset]
        v6: 162 -> 215 [Ljava/lang/String; charset]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       negotiate([BI)I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int negotiate(byte[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 1562, locals = 12, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.tempbuf [B]
      [4] arraylength
      [5] istore_3 v3
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.tempbuf [B]
      [10] astore v4
      [12] iconst_3
      [13] newarray 8
      [15] astore v5
      [17] iconst_0
      [18] istore v8
      [20] iload_2 v2
      [21] istore v9
      [23] iconst_0
      [24] istore v10
      [26] iload_3 v3
      [27] ifne +1482 (target=1509)
      [30] iconst_m1
      [31] ireturn
      [32] aload v4
      [34] iload v8
      [36] iinc v8, 1
      [39] baload
      [40] istore v6
      [42] iload v6
      [44] sipush 128
      [47] ificmplt +12 (target=59)
      [50] iload v6
      [52] sipush 256
      [55] isub
      [56] i2b
      [57] istore v6
      [59] aload_0 v0
      [60] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.neg_state B]
      [63] tableswitch (10 offsets, default=1441) (target=1504)
        0: offset = 53, target = 116
        1: offset = 82, target = 145
        2: offset = 1165, target = 1228
        3: offset = 245, target = 308
        4: offset = 587, target = 650
        5: offset = 415, target = 478
        6: offset = 937, target = 1000
        7: offset = 1101, target = 1164
        8: offset = 1216, target = 1279
        9: offset = 1296, target = 1359
        default: offset = 1441, target = 1504
      [116] iload v6
      [118] iconst_m1
      [119] ificmpne +14 (target=133)
      [122] aload_0 v0
      [123] iconst_1
      [124] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.neg_state B]
      [127] iconst_1
      [128] istore v10
      [130] goto +1379 (target=1509)
      [133] aload_1 v1
      [134] iload v9
      [136] iinc v9, 1
      [139] iload v6
      [141] bastore
      [142] goto +1367 (target=1509)
      [145] iload v6
      [147] tableswitch (17 offsets, default=153) (target=300)
        -17: offset = 130, target = 277
        -16: offset = 153, target = 300
        -15: offset = 153, target = 300
        -14: offset = 153, target = 300
        -13: offset = 153, target = 300
        -12: offset = 153, target = 300
        -11: offset = 153, target = 300
        -10: offset = 153, target = 300
        -9: offset = 153, target = 300
        -8: offset = 153, target = 300
        -7: offset = 153, target = 300
        -6: offset = 145, target = 292
        -5: offset = 97, target = 244
        -4: offset = 105, target = 252
        -3: offset = 122, target = 269
        -2: offset = 113, target = 260
        -1: offset = 81, target = 228
        default: offset = 153, target = 300
      [228] aload_0 v0
      [229] iconst_0
      [230] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.neg_state B]
      [233] aload_1 v1
      [234] iload v9
      [236] iinc v9, 1
      [239] iconst_m1
      [240] bastore
      [241] goto +1268 (target=1509)
      [244] aload_0 v0
      [245] iconst_3
      [246] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.neg_state B]
      [249] goto +1260 (target=1509)
      [252] aload_0 v0
      [253] iconst_5
      [254] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.neg_state B]
      [257] goto +1252 (target=1509)
      [260] aload_0 v0
      [261] bipush 6
      [263] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.neg_state B]
      [266] goto +1243 (target=1509)
      [269] aload_0 v0
      [270] iconst_4
      [271] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.neg_state B]
      [274] goto +1235 (target=1509)
      [277] aload_0 v0
      [278] invokevirtual #39
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.notifyEndOfRecord ()V]
      [281] iconst_1
      [282] istore v10
      [284] aload_0 v0
      [285] iconst_0
      [286] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.neg_state B]
      [289] goto +1220 (target=1509)
      [292] aload_0 v0
      [293] iconst_2
      [294] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.neg_state B]
      [297] goto +1212 (target=1509)
      [300] aload_0 v0
      [301] iconst_0
      [302] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.neg_state B]
      [305] goto +1204 (target=1509)
      [308] iload v6
      [310] lookupswitch (4 offsets, default=75) (target=385)
        0: offset = 68, target = 378
        1: offset = 42, target = 352
        3: offset = 54, target = 364
        25: offset = 61, target = 371
        default: offset = 75, target = 385
      [352] bipush -3
      [354] istore v7
      [356] aload_0 v0
      [357] iconst_0
      [358] invokevirtual #41
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.setLocalEcho (Z)V]
      [361] goto +28 (target=389)
      [364] bipush -3
      [366] istore v7
      [368] goto +21 (target=389)
      [371] bipush -3
      [373] istore v7
      [375] goto +14 (target=389)
      [378] bipush -3
      [380] istore v7
      [382] goto +7 (target=389)
      [385] bipush -2
      [387] istore v7
      [389] iload v7
      [391] aload_0 v0
      [392] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.sentDX [B]
      [395] iload v6
      [397] sipush 128
      [400] iadd
      [401] baload
      [402] ificmpne +19 (target=421)
      [405] bipush -5
      [407] aload_0 v0
      [408] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.receivedWX [B]
      [411] iload v6
      [413] sipush 128
      [416] iadd
      [417] baload
      [418] ificmpeq +52 (target=470)
      [421] aload v5
      [423] iconst_0
      [424] iconst_m1
      [425] bastore
      [426] aload v5
      [428] iconst_1
      [429] iload v7
      [431] bastore
      [432] aload v5
      [434] iconst_2
      [435] iload v6
      [437] bastore
      [438] aload_0 v0
      [439] aload v5
      [441] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.write ([B)V]
      [444] aload_0 v0
      [445] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.sentDX [B]
      [448] iload v6
      [450] sipush 128
      [453] iadd
      [454] iload v7
      [456] bastore
      [457] aload_0 v0
      [458] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.receivedWX [B]
      [461] iload v6
      [463] sipush 128
      [466] iadd
      [467] bipush -5
      [469] bastore
      [470] aload_0 v0
      [471] iconst_0
      [472] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.neg_state B]
      [475] goto +1034 (target=1509)
      [478] iload v6
      [480] lookupswitch (4 offsets, default=77) (target=557)
        0: offset = 70, target = 550
        1: offset = 44, target = 524
        3: offset = 56, target = 536
        25: offset = 63, target = 543
        default: offset = 77, target = 557
      [524] aload_0 v0
      [525] iconst_1
      [526] invokevirtual #41
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.setLocalEcho (Z)V]
      [529] bipush -2
      [531] istore v7
      [533] goto +28 (target=561)
      [536] bipush -2
      [538] istore v7
      [540] goto +21 (target=561)
      [543] bipush -2
      [545] istore v7
      [547] goto +14 (target=561)
      [550] bipush -2
      [552] istore v7
      [554] goto +7 (target=561)
      [557] bipush -2
      [559] istore v7
      [561] iload v7
      [563] aload_0 v0
      [564] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.sentDX [B]
      [567] iload v6
      [569] sipush 128
      [572] iadd
      [573] baload
      [574] ificmpne +19 (target=593)
      [577] bipush -4
      [579] aload_0 v0
      [580] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.receivedWX [B]
      [583] iload v6
      [585] sipush 128
      [588] iadd
      [589] baload
      [590] ificmpeq +52 (target=642)
      [593] aload v5
      [595] iconst_0
      [596] iconst_m1
      [597] bastore
      [598] aload v5
      [600] iconst_1
      [601] iload v7
      [603] bastore
      [604] aload v5
      [606] iconst_2
      [607] iload v6
      [609] bastore
      [610] aload_0 v0
      [611] aload v5
      [613] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.write ([B)V]
      [616] aload_0 v0
      [617] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.sentDX [B]
      [620] iload v6
      [622] sipush 128
      [625] iadd
      [626] iload v7
      [628] bastore
      [629] aload_0 v0
      [630] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.receivedWX [B]
      [633] iload v6
      [635] sipush 128
      [638] iadd
      [639] bipush -5
      [641] bastore
      [642] aload_0 v0
      [643] iconst_0
      [644] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.neg_state B]
      [647] goto +862 (target=1509)
      [650] iload v6
      [652] lookupswitch (5 offsets, default=255) (target=907)
        0: offset = 78, target = 730
        1: offset = 52, target = 704
        3: offset = 64, target = 716
        24: offset = 71, target = 723
        31: offset = 85, target = 737
        default: offset = 255, target = 907
      [704] bipush -5
      [706] istore v7
      [708] aload_0 v0
      [709] iconst_1
      [710] invokevirtual #41
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.setLocalEcho (Z)V]
      [713] goto +198 (target=911)
      [716] bipush -5
      [718] istore v7
      [720] goto +191 (target=911)
      [723] bipush -5
      [725] istore v7
      [727] goto +184 (target=911)
      [730] bipush -5
      [732] istore v7
      [734] goto +177 (target=911)
      [737] aload_0 v0
      [738] invokevirtual #37
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.getWindowSize ()[I]
      [741] astore v11
      [743] aload_0 v0
      [744] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.receivedDX [B]
      [747] iload v6
      [749] bipush -3
      [751] bastore
      [752] aload v11
      [754] ifnonnull +36 (target=790)
      [757] aload_0 v0
      [758] iconst_m1
      [759] invokespecial #42
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.write (B)V]
      [762] aload_0 v0
      [763] bipush -4
      [765] invokespecial #42
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.write (B)V]
      [768] aload_0 v0
      [769] bipush 31
      [771] invokespecial #42
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.write (B)V]
      [774] bipush -4
      [776] istore v7
      [778] aload_0 v0
      [779] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.sentWX [B]
      [782] iload v6
      [784] bipush -4
      [786] bastore
      [787] goto +124 (target=911)
      [790] bipush -5
      [792] istore v7
      [794] aload_0 v0
      [795] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.sentWX [B]
      [798] iload v6
      [800] bipush -5
      [802] bastore
      [803] aload v5
      [805] iconst_0
      [806] iconst_m1
      [807] bastore
      [808] aload v5
      [810] iconst_1
      [811] bipush -5
      [813] bastore
      [814] aload v5
      [816] iconst_2
      [817] bipush 31
      [819] bastore
      [820] aload_0 v0
      [821] aload v5
      [823] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.write ([B)V]
      [826] aload_0 v0
      [827] iconst_m1
      [828] invokespecial #42
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.write (B)V]
      [831] aload_0 v0
      [832] bipush -6
      [834] invokespecial #42
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.write (B)V]
      [837] aload_0 v0
      [838] bipush 31
      [840] invokespecial #42
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.write (B)V]
      [843] aload_0 v0
      [844] aload v11
      [846] iconst_0
      [847] iaload
      [848] bipush 8
      [850] ishr
      [851] i2b
      [852] invokespecial #42
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.write (B)V]
      [855] aload_0 v0
      [856] aload v11
      [858] iconst_0
      [859] iaload
      [860] sipush 255
      [863] iand
      [864] i2b
      [865] invokespecial #42
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.write (B)V]
      [868] aload_0 v0
      [869] aload v11
      [871] iconst_1
      [872] iaload
      [873] bipush 8
      [875] ishr
      [876] i2b
      [877] invokespecial #42
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.write (B)V]
      [880] aload_0 v0
      [881] aload v11
      [883] iconst_1
      [884] iaload
      [885] sipush 255
      [888] iand
      [889] i2b
      [890] invokespecial #42
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.write (B)V]
      [893] aload_0 v0
      [894] iconst_m1
      [895] invokespecial #42
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.write (B)V]
      [898] aload_0 v0
      [899] bipush -16
      [901] invokespecial #42
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.write (B)V]
      [904] goto +7 (target=911)
      [907] bipush -4
      [909] istore v7
      [911] iload v7
      [913] aload_0 v0
      [914] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.sentWX [B]
      [917] sipush 128
      [920] iload v6
      [922] iadd
      [923] baload
      [924] ificmpne +19 (target=943)
      [927] bipush -3
      [929] aload_0 v0
      [930] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.receivedDX [B]
      [933] sipush 128
      [936] iload v6
      [938] iadd
      [939] baload
      [940] ificmpeq +52 (target=992)
      [943] aload v5
      [945] iconst_0
      [946] iconst_m1
      [947] bastore
      [948] aload v5
      [950] iconst_1
      [951] iload v7
      [953] bastore
      [954] aload v5
      [956] iconst_2
      [957] iload v6
      [959] bastore
      [960] aload_0 v0
      [961] aload v5
      [963] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.write ([B)V]
      [966] aload_0 v0
      [967] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.sentWX [B]
      [970] iload v6
      [972] sipush 128
      [975] iadd
      [976] iload v7
      [978] bastore
      [979] aload_0 v0
      [980] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.receivedDX [B]
      [983] iload v6
      [985] sipush 128
      [988] iadd
      [989] bipush -3
      [991] bastore
      [992] aload_0 v0
      [993] iconst_0
      [994] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.neg_state B]
      [997] goto +512 (target=1509)
      [1000] iload v6
      [1002] lookupswitch (4 offsets, default=75) (target=1077)
        0: offset = 68, target = 1070
        1: offset = 42, target = 1044
        3: offset = 54, target = 1056
        31: offset = 61, target = 1063
        default: offset = 75, target = 1077
      [1044] bipush -4
      [1046] istore v7
      [1048] aload_0 v0
      [1049] iconst_0
      [1050] invokevirtual #41
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.setLocalEcho (Z)V]
      [1053] goto +28 (target=1081)
      [1056] bipush -4
      [1058] istore v7
      [1060] goto +21 (target=1081)
      [1063] bipush -4
      [1065] istore v7
      [1067] goto +14 (target=1081)
      [1070] bipush -4
      [1072] istore v7
      [1074] goto +7 (target=1081)
      [1077] bipush -4
      [1079] istore v7
      [1081] iload v7
      [1083] aload_0 v0
      [1084] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.sentWX [B]
      [1087] iload v6
      [1089] sipush 128
      [1092] iadd
      [1093] baload
      [1094] ificmpne +19 (target=1113)
      [1097] bipush -2
      [1099] aload_0 v0
      [1100] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.receivedDX [B]
      [1103] iload v6
      [1105] sipush 128
      [1108] iadd
      [1109] baload
      [1110] ificmpeq +46 (target=1156)
      [1113] aload_0 v0
      [1114] iconst_m1
      [1115] invokespecial #42
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.write (B)V]
      [1118] aload_0 v0
      [1119] iload v7
      [1121] invokespecial #42
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.write (B)V]
      [1124] aload_0 v0
      [1125] iload v6
      [1127] invokespecial #42
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.write (B)V]
      [1130] aload_0 v0
      [1131] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.sentWX [B]
      [1134] iload v6
      [1136] sipush 128
      [1139] iadd
      [1140] iload v7
      [1142] bastore
      [1143] aload_0 v0
      [1144] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.receivedDX [B]
      [1147] iload v6
      [1149] sipush 128
      [1152] iadd
      [1153] bipush -2
      [1155] bastore
      [1156] aload_0 v0
      [1157] iconst_0
      [1158] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.neg_state B]
      [1161] goto +348 (target=1509)
      [1164] iload v6
      [1166] iconst_m1
      [1167] ificmpne +25 (target=1192)
      [1170] aload_0 v0
      [1171] iconst_0
      [1172] newarray 8
      [1174] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.sbbuf [B]
      [1177] aload_0 v0
      [1178] iload v6
      [1180] putfield #24
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.current_sb B]
      [1183] aload_0 v0
      [1184] bipush 8
      [1186] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.neg_state B]
      [1189] goto +320 (target=1509)
      [1192] getstatic #33
        + Fieldref [java/lang/System.err Ljava/io/PrintStream;]
      [1195] new #14
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [1198] dup
      [1199] ldc #2
        + String [(bad) ]
      [1201] invokespecial #53
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [1204] iload v6
      [1206] invokevirtual #54
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [1209] ldc #1
        + String [ ]
      [1211] invokevirtual #55
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [1214] invokevirtual #56
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [1217] invokevirtual #44
        + Methodref [java/io/PrintStream.println (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [1220] aload_0 v0
      [1221] iconst_0
      [1222] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.neg_state B]
      [1225] goto +284 (target=1509)
      [1228] iload v6
      [1230] tableswitch (1 offsets, default=27) (target=1257)
        -1: offset = 18, target = 1248
        default: offset = 27, target = 1257
      [1248] aload_0 v0
      [1249] bipush 7
      [1251] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.neg_state B]
      [1254] goto +255 (target=1509)
      [1257] aload_0 v0
      [1258] iload v6
      [1260] putfield #24
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.current_sb B]
      [1263] aload_0 v0
      [1264] iconst_0
      [1265] newarray 8
      [1267] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.sbbuf [B]
      [1270] aload_0 v0
      [1271] bipush 8
      [1273] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.neg_state B]
      [1276] goto +233 (target=1509)
      [1279] iload v6
      [1281] tableswitch (1 offsets, default=28) (target=1309)
        -1: offset = 19, target = 1300
        default: offset = 28, target = 1309
      [1300] aload_0 v0
      [1301] bipush 9
      [1303] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.neg_state B]
      [1306] goto +203 (target=1509)
      [1309] aload_0 v0
      [1310] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.sbbuf [B]
      [1313] arraylength
      [1314] iconst_1
      [1315] iadd
      [1316] newarray 8
      [1318] astore v11
      [1320] aload_0 v0
      [1321] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.sbbuf [B]
      [1324] iconst_0
      [1325] aload v11
      [1327] iconst_0
      [1328] aload_0 v0
      [1329] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.sbbuf [B]
      [1332] arraylength
      [1333] invokestatic #57
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [1336] aload_0 v0
      [1337] aload v11
      [1339] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.sbbuf [B]
      [1342] aload_0 v0
      [1343] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.sbbuf [B]
      [1346] aload_0 v0
      [1347] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.sbbuf [B]
      [1350] arraylength
      [1351] iconst_1
      [1352] isub
      [1353] iload v6
      [1355] bastore
      [1356] goto +153 (target=1509)
      [1359] iload v6
      [1361] lookupswitch (3 offsets, default=135) (target=1496)
        -16: offset = 90, target = 1451
        -6: offset = 115, target = 1476
        -1: offset = 35, target = 1396
        default: offset = 135, target = 1496
      [1396] aload_0 v0
      [1397] bipush 8
      [1399] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.neg_state B]
      [1402] aload_0 v0
      [1403] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.sbbuf [B]
      [1406] arraylength
      [1407] iconst_1
      [1408] iadd
      [1409] newarray 8
      [1411] astore v11
      [1413] aload_0 v0
      [1414] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.sbbuf [B]
      [1417] iconst_0
      [1418] aload v11
      [1420] iconst_0
      [1421] aload_0 v0
      [1422] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.sbbuf [B]
      [1425] arraylength
      [1426] invokestatic #57
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [1429] aload_0 v0
      [1430] aload v11
      [1432] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.sbbuf [B]
      [1435] aload_0 v0
      [1436] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.sbbuf [B]
      [1439] aload_0 v0
      [1440] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.sbbuf [B]
      [1443] arraylength
      [1444] iconst_1
      [1445] isub
      [1446] iconst_m1
      [1447] bastore
      [1448] goto +61 (target=1509)
      [1451] aload_0 v0
      [1452] aload_0 v0
      [1453] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.current_sb B]
      [1456] aload_0 v0
      [1457] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.sbbuf [B]
      [1460] invokespecial #38
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.handle_sb (B[B)V]
      [1463] aload_0 v0
      [1464] iconst_0
      [1465] putfield #24
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.current_sb B]
      [1468] aload_0 v0
      [1469] iconst_0
      [1470] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.neg_state B]
      [1473] goto +36 (target=1509)
      [1476] aload_0 v0
      [1477] aload_0 v0
      [1478] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.current_sb B]
      [1481] aload_0 v0
      [1482] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.sbbuf [B]
      [1485] invokespecial #38
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.handle_sb (B[B)V]
      [1488] aload_0 v0
      [1489] iconst_2
      [1490] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.neg_state B]
      [1493] goto +16 (target=1509)
      [1496] aload_0 v0
      [1497] iconst_0
      [1498] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.neg_state B]
      [1501] goto +8 (target=1509)
      [1504] aload_0 v0
      [1505] iconst_0
      [1506] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.neg_state B]
      [1509] iload v10
      [1511] ifne +16 (target=1527)
      [1514] iload v8
      [1516] iload_3 v3
      [1517] ificmpge +10 (target=1527)
      [1520] iload v9
      [1522] aload_1 v1
      [1523] arraylength
      [1524] ificmplt -1492 (target=32)
      [1527] iload_3 v3
      [1528] iload v8
      [1530] isub
      [1531] newarray 8
      [1533] astore v11
      [1535] aload_0 v0
      [1536] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.tempbuf [B]
      [1539] iload v8
      [1541] aload v11
      [1543] iconst_0
      [1544] iload_3 v3
      [1545] iload v8
      [1547] isub
      [1548] invokestatic #57
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [1551] aload_0 v0
      [1552] aload v11
      [1554] putfield #32
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.tempbuf [B]
      [1557] iload v9
      [1559] iload_2 v2
      [1560] isub
      [1561] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 179)
        [0] -> line 367
        [6] -> line 368
        [12] -> line 369
        [17] -> line 371
        [23] -> line 372
        [26] -> line 374
        [30] -> line 375
        [32] -> line 378
        [42] -> line 382
        [50] -> line 383
        [59] -> line 388
        [116] -> line 390
        [122] -> line 391
        [127] -> line 392
        [133] -> line 394
        [142] -> line 395
        [145] -> line 397
        [228] -> line 400
        [233] -> line 401
        [241] -> line 402
        [244] -> line 405
        [249] -> line 406
        [252] -> line 409
        [257] -> line 410
        [260] -> line 413
        [266] -> line 414
        [269] -> line 417
        [274] -> line 418
        [277] -> line 421
        [281] -> line 422
        [284] -> line 423
        [289] -> line 424
        [292] -> line 427
        [297] -> line 428
        [300] -> line 431
        [305] -> line 434
        [308] -> line 436
        [352] -> line 439
        [356] -> line 440
        [361] -> line 441
        [364] -> line 444
        [368] -> line 445
        [371] -> line 448
        [375] -> line 449
        [378] -> line 452
        [382] -> line 453
        [385] -> line 456
        [389] -> line 460
        [421] -> line 461
        [426] -> line 462
        [432] -> line 463
        [438] -> line 464
        [444] -> line 465
        [457] -> line 466
        [470] -> line 468
        [475] -> line 469
        [478] -> line 471
        [524] -> line 474
        [529] -> line 475
        [533] -> line 476
        [536] -> line 479
        [540] -> line 480
        [543] -> line 483
        [547] -> line 484
        [550] -> line 487
        [554] -> line 488
        [557] -> line 491
        [561] -> line 494
        [593] -> line 495
        [598] -> line 496
        [604] -> line 497
        [610] -> line 498
        [616] -> line 499
        [629] -> line 500
        [642] -> line 502
        [647] -> line 503
        [650] -> line 505
        [704] -> line 508
        [708] -> line 509
        [713] -> line 510
        [716] -> line 513
        [720] -> line 514
        [723] -> line 517
        [727] -> line 518
        [730] -> line 521
        [734] -> line 522
        [737] -> line 525
        [743] -> line 526
        [752] -> line 527
        [757] -> line 529
        [762] -> line 530
        [768] -> line 531
        [774] -> line 532
        [778] -> line 533
        [787] -> line 534
        [790] -> line 536
        [794] -> line 537
        [803] -> line 538
        [808] -> line 539
        [814] -> line 540
        [820] -> line 541
        [826] -> line 542
        [843] -> line 543
        [855] -> line 544
        [868] -> line 545
        [880] -> line 546
        [893] -> line 547
        [904] -> line 548
        [907] -> line 551
        [911] -> line 554
        [943] -> line 555
        [948] -> line 556
        [954] -> line 557
        [960] -> line 558
        [966] -> line 559
        [979] -> line 560
        [992] -> line 562
        [997] -> line 563
        [1000] -> line 565
        [1044] -> line 568
        [1048] -> line 569
        [1053] -> line 570
        [1056] -> line 573
        [1060] -> line 574
        [1063] -> line 577
        [1067] -> line 578
        [1070] -> line 581
        [1074] -> line 582
        [1077] -> line 585
        [1081] -> line 588
        [1113] -> line 589
        [1130] -> line 590
        [1143] -> line 591
        [1156] -> line 593
        [1161] -> line 594
        [1164] -> line 597
        [1170] -> line 598
        [1177] -> line 599
        [1183] -> line 600
        [1192] -> line 602
        [1220] -> line 603
        [1225] -> line 605
        [1228] -> line 608
        [1248] -> line 610
        [1254] -> line 611
        [1257] -> line 613
        [1263] -> line 614
        [1270] -> line 615
        [1276] -> line 618
        [1279] -> line 621
        [1300] -> line 623
        [1306] -> line 624
        [1309] -> line 626
        [1320] -> line 627
        [1336] -> line 628
        [1342] -> line 629
        [1356] -> line 632
        [1359] -> line 635
        [1396] -> line 637
        [1402] -> line 638
        [1413] -> line 639
        [1429] -> line 640
        [1435] -> line 641
        [1448] -> line 642
        [1451] -> line 644
        [1463] -> line 645
        [1468] -> line 646
        [1473] -> line 647
        [1476] -> line 649
        [1488] -> line 650
        [1493] -> line 651
        [1496] -> line 653
        [1501] -> line 656
        [1504] -> line 660
        [1509] -> line 377
        [1527] -> line 665
        [1535] -> line 666
        [1551] -> line 667
        [1557] -> line 668
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 36)
        v0: 0 -> 1562 [Lde/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler; this]
        v1: 0 -> 1562 [[B nbuf]
        v2: 0 -> 1562 [I offset]
        v3: 6 -> 1562 [I count]
        v4: 12 -> 1562 [[B buf]
        v5: 17 -> 1562 [[B sendbuf]
        v6: 42 -> 1509 [B b]
        v7: 356 -> 364 [B reply]
        v7: 368 -> 371 [B reply]
        v7: 375 -> 378 [B reply]
        v7: 382 -> 385 [B reply]
        v7: 389 -> 478 [B reply]
        v7: 533 -> 536 [B reply]
        v7: 540 -> 543 [B reply]
        v7: 547 -> 550 [B reply]
        v7: 554 -> 557 [B reply]
        v7: 561 -> 650 [B reply]
        v7: 708 -> 716 [B reply]
        v7: 720 -> 723 [B reply]
        v7: 727 -> 730 [B reply]
        v7: 734 -> 737 [B reply]
        v7: 778 -> 790 [B reply]
        v7: 794 -> 907 [B reply]
        v7: 911 -> 1000 [B reply]
        v7: 1048 -> 1056 [B reply]
        v7: 1060 -> 1063 [B reply]
        v7: 1067 -> 1070 [B reply]
        v7: 1074 -> 1077 [B reply]
        v7: 1081 -> 1164 [B reply]
        v8: 20 -> 1562 [I boffset]
        v9: 23 -> 1562 [I noffset]
        v10: 26 -> 1562 [Z dobreak]
        v11: 743 -> 907 [[I size]
        v11: 1320 -> 1356 [[B xsb]
        v11: 1413 -> 1451 [[B xsb]
        v11: 1535 -> 1562 [[B xb]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       inputfeed([BII)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void inputfeed(byte[],int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 47, locals = 5, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.tempbuf [B]
      [4] arraylength
      [5] iload_3 v3
      [6] iadd
      [7] newarray 8
      [9] astore v4
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.tempbuf [B]
      [15] iconst_0
      [16] aload v4
      [18] iconst_0
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.tempbuf [B]
      [23] arraylength
      [24] invokestatic #57
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [27] aload_1 v1
      [28] iload_2 v2
      [29] aload v4
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.tempbuf [B]
      [35] arraylength
      [36] iload_3 v3
      [37] invokestatic #57
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [40] aload_0 v0
      [41] aload v4
      [43] putfield #32
        + Fieldref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.tempbuf [B]
      [46] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 672
        [11] -> line 674
        [27] -> line 675
        [40] -> line 676
        [46] -> line 677
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 47 [Lde/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler; this]
        v1: 0 -> 47 [[B b]
        v2: 0 -> 47 [I offset]
        v3: 0 -> 47 [I len]
        v4: 11 -> 47 [[B xb]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: de/mud/terminal/Precomposer
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class de.mud.terminal.Precomposer extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 69):
  + Integer [64285]
  + Integer [64287]
  + Integer [64298]
  + Integer [64299]
  + Integer [64300]
  + Integer [64301]
  + Integer [64302]
  + Integer [64303]
  + Integer [64304]
  + Integer [64305]
  + Integer [64306]
  + Integer [64307]
  + Integer [64308]
  + Integer [64309]
  + Integer [64310]
  + Integer [64312]
  + Integer [64313]
  + Integer [64314]
  + Integer [64315]
  + Integer [64316]
  + Integer [64318]
  + Integer [64320]
  + Integer [64321]
  + Integer [64323]
  + Integer [64324]
  + Integer [64326]
  + Integer [64327]
  + Integer [64328]
  + Integer [64329]
  + Integer [64330]
  + Integer [64331]
  + Integer [64332]
  + Integer [64333]
  + Integer [64334]
  + Class [[C]
  + Class [de/mud/terminal/Precomposer]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/Precomposer.precompositions [[C]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [precompositions [[C]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(CC)C]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [C]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [J]
  + Utf8 [Lde/mud/terminal/Precomposer;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[C]
  + Utf8 [[[C]
  + Utf8 [base]
  + Utf8 [comb]
  + Utf8 [de/mud/terminal/Precomposer]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [max]
  + Utf8 [mid]
  + Utf8 [min]
  + Utf8 [precompose]
  + Utf8 [precompositions]
  + Utf8 [sought]
  + Utf8 [that]
  + Utf8 [this]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        precompositions [[C
    Access flags: 0x19
      = public static final char[][] precompositions

Methods (count = 3):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 25463, locals = 0, stack = 7):
      [0] sipush 1000
      [3] anewarray #35
        + Class [[C]
      [6] dup
      [7] iconst_0
      [8] iconst_3
      [9] newarray 5
      [11] dup
      [12] iconst_0
      [13] sipush 8814
      [16] castore
      [17] dup
      [18] iconst_1
      [19] bipush 60
      [21] castore
      [22] dup
      [23] iconst_2
      [24] sipush 824
      [27] castore
      [28] aastore
      [29] dup
      [30] iconst_1
      [31] iconst_3
      [32] newarray 5
      [34] dup
      [35] iconst_0
      [36] sipush 8800
      [39] castore
      [40] dup
      [41] iconst_1
      [42] bipush 61
      [44] castore
      [45] dup
      [46] iconst_2
      [47] sipush 824
      [50] castore
      [51] aastore
      [52] dup
      [53] iconst_2
      [54] iconst_3
      [55] newarray 5
      [57] dup
      [58] iconst_0
      [59] sipush 8815
      [62] castore
      [63] dup
      [64] iconst_1
      [65] bipush 62
      [67] castore
      [68] dup
      [69] iconst_2
      [70] sipush 824
      [73] castore
      [74] aastore
      [75] dup
      [76] iconst_3
      [77] iconst_3
      [78] newarray 5
      [80] dup
      [81] iconst_0
      [82] sipush 192
      [85] castore
      [86] dup
      [87] iconst_1
      [88] bipush 65
      [90] castore
      [91] dup
      [92] iconst_2
      [93] sipush 768
      [96] castore
      [97] aastore
      [98] dup
      [99] iconst_4
      [100] iconst_3
      [101] newarray 5
      [103] dup
      [104] iconst_0
      [105] sipush 193
      [108] castore
      [109] dup
      [110] iconst_1
      [111] bipush 65
      [113] castore
      [114] dup
      [115] iconst_2
      [116] sipush 769
      [119] castore
      [120] aastore
      [121] dup
      [122] iconst_5
      [123] iconst_3
      [124] newarray 5
      [126] dup
      [127] iconst_0
      [128] sipush 194
      [131] castore
      [132] dup
      [133] iconst_1
      [134] bipush 65
      [136] castore
      [137] dup
      [138] iconst_2
      [139] sipush 770
      [142] castore
      [143] aastore
      [144] dup
      [145] bipush 6
      [147] iconst_3
      [148] newarray 5
      [150] dup
      [151] iconst_0
      [152] sipush 195
      [155] castore
      [156] dup
      [157] iconst_1
      [158] bipush 65
      [160] castore
      [161] dup
      [162] iconst_2
      [163] sipush 771
      [166] castore
      [167] aastore
      [168] dup
      [169] bipush 7
      [171] iconst_3
      [172] newarray 5
      [174] dup
      [175] iconst_0
      [176] sipush 256
      [179] castore
      [180] dup
      [181] iconst_1
      [182] bipush 65
      [184] castore
      [185] dup
      [186] iconst_2
      [187] sipush 772
      [190] castore
      [191] aastore
      [192] dup
      [193] bipush 8
      [195] iconst_3
      [196] newarray 5
      [198] dup
      [199] iconst_0
      [200] sipush 258
      [203] castore
      [204] dup
      [205] iconst_1
      [206] bipush 65
      [208] castore
      [209] dup
      [210] iconst_2
      [211] sipush 774
      [214] castore
      [215] aastore
      [216] dup
      [217] bipush 9
      [219] iconst_3
      [220] newarray 5
      [222] dup
      [223] iconst_0
      [224] sipush 550
      [227] castore
      [228] dup
      [229] iconst_1
      [230] bipush 65
      [232] castore
      [233] dup
      [234] iconst_2
      [235] sipush 775
      [238] castore
      [239] aastore
      [240] dup
      [241] bipush 10
      [243] iconst_3
      [244] newarray 5
      [246] dup
      [247] iconst_0
      [248] sipush 196
      [251] castore
      [252] dup
      [253] iconst_1
      [254] bipush 65
      [256] castore
      [257] dup
      [258] iconst_2
      [259] sipush 776
      [262] castore
      [263] aastore
      [264] dup
      [265] bipush 11
      [267] iconst_3
      [268] newarray 5
      [270] dup
      [271] iconst_0
      [272] sipush 7842
      [275] castore
      [276] dup
      [277] iconst_1
      [278] bipush 65
      [280] castore
      [281] dup
      [282] iconst_2
      [283] sipush 777
      [286] castore
      [287] aastore
      [288] dup
      [289] bipush 12
      [291] iconst_3
      [292] newarray 5
      [294] dup
      [295] iconst_0
      [296] sipush 197
      [299] castore
      [300] dup
      [301] iconst_1
      [302] bipush 65
      [304] castore
      [305] dup
      [306] iconst_2
      [307] sipush 778
      [310] castore
      [311] aastore
      [312] dup
      [313] bipush 13
      [315] iconst_3
      [316] newarray 5
      [318] dup
      [319] iconst_0
      [320] sipush 461
      [323] castore
      [324] dup
      [325] iconst_1
      [326] bipush 65
      [328] castore
      [329] dup
      [330] iconst_2
      [331] sipush 780
      [334] castore
      [335] aastore
      [336] dup
      [337] bipush 14
      [339] iconst_3
      [340] newarray 5
      [342] dup
      [343] iconst_0
      [344] sipush 512
      [347] castore
      [348] dup
      [349] iconst_1
      [350] bipush 65
      [352] castore
      [353] dup
      [354] iconst_2
      [355] sipush 783
      [358] castore
      [359] aastore
      [360] dup
      [361] bipush 15
      [363] iconst_3
      [364] newarray 5
      [366] dup
      [367] iconst_0
      [368] sipush 514
      [371] castore
      [372] dup
      [373] iconst_1
      [374] bipush 65
      [376] castore
      [377] dup
      [378] iconst_2
      [379] sipush 785
      [382] castore
      [383] aastore
      [384] dup
      [385] bipush 16
      [387] iconst_3
      [388] newarray 5
      [390] dup
      [391] iconst_0
      [392] sipush 7840
      [395] castore
      [396] dup
      [397] iconst_1
      [398] bipush 65
      [400] castore
      [401] dup
      [402] iconst_2
      [403] sipush 803
      [406] castore
      [407] aastore
      [408] dup
      [409] bipush 17
      [411] iconst_3
      [412] newarray 5
      [414] dup
      [415] iconst_0
      [416] sipush 7680
      [419] castore
      [420] dup
      [421] iconst_1
      [422] bipush 65
      [424] castore
      [425] dup
      [426] iconst_2
      [427] sipush 805
      [430] castore
      [431] aastore
      [432] dup
      [433] bipush 18
      [435] iconst_3
      [436] newarray 5
      [438] dup
      [439] iconst_0
      [440] sipush 260
      [443] castore
      [444] dup
      [445] iconst_1
      [446] bipush 65
      [448] castore
      [449] dup
      [450] iconst_2
      [451] sipush 808
      [454] castore
      [455] aastore
      [456] dup
      [457] bipush 19
      [459] iconst_3
      [460] newarray 5
      [462] dup
      [463] iconst_0
      [464] sipush 7682
      [467] castore
      [468] dup
      [469] iconst_1
      [470] bipush 66
      [472] castore
      [473] dup
      [474] iconst_2
      [475] sipush 775
      [478] castore
      [479] aastore
      [480] dup
      [481] bipush 20
      [483] iconst_3
      [484] newarray 5
      [486] dup
      [487] iconst_0
      [488] sipush 7684
      [491] castore
      [492] dup
      [493] iconst_1
      [494] bipush 66
      [496] castore
      [497] dup
      [498] iconst_2
      [499] sipush 803
      [502] castore
      [503] aastore
      [504] dup
      [505] bipush 21
      [507] iconst_3
      [508] newarray 5
      [510] dup
      [511] iconst_0
      [512] sipush 7686
      [515] castore
      [516] dup
      [517] iconst_1
      [518] bipush 66
      [520] castore
      [521] dup
      [522] iconst_2
      [523] sipush 817
      [526] castore
      [527] aastore
      [528] dup
      [529] bipush 22
      [531] iconst_3
      [532] newarray 5
      [534] dup
      [535] iconst_0
      [536] sipush 262
      [539] castore
      [540] dup
      [541] iconst_1
      [542] bipush 67
      [544] castore
      [545] dup
      [546] iconst_2
      [547] sipush 769
      [550] castore
      [551] aastore
      [552] dup
      [553] bipush 23
      [555] iconst_3
      [556] newarray 5
      [558] dup
      [559] iconst_0
      [560] sipush 264
      [563] castore
      [564] dup
      [565] iconst_1
      [566] bipush 67
      [568] castore
      [569] dup
      [570] iconst_2
      [571] sipush 770
      [574] castore
      [575] aastore
      [576] dup
      [577] bipush 24
      [579] iconst_3
      [580] newarray 5
      [582] dup
      [583] iconst_0
      [584] sipush 266
      [587] castore
      [588] dup
      [589] iconst_1
      [590] bipush 67
      [592] castore
      [593] dup
      [594] iconst_2
      [595] sipush 775
      [598] castore
      [599] aastore
      [600] dup
      [601] bipush 25
      [603] iconst_3
      [604] newarray 5
      [606] dup
      [607] iconst_0
      [608] sipush 268
      [611] castore
      [612] dup
      [613] iconst_1
      [614] bipush 67
      [616] castore
      [617] dup
      [618] iconst_2
      [619] sipush 780
      [622] castore
      [623] aastore
      [624] dup
      [625] bipush 26
      [627] iconst_3
      [628] newarray 5
      [630] dup
      [631] iconst_0
      [632] sipush 199
      [635] castore
      [636] dup
      [637] iconst_1
      [638] bipush 67
      [640] castore
      [641] dup
      [642] iconst_2
      [643] sipush 807
      [646] castore
      [647] aastore
      [648] dup
      [649] bipush 27
      [651] iconst_3
      [652] newarray 5
      [654] dup
      [655] iconst_0
      [656] sipush 7690
      [659] castore
      [660] dup
      [661] iconst_1
      [662] bipush 68
      [664] castore
      [665] dup
      [666] iconst_2
      [667] sipush 775
      [670] castore
      [671] aastore
      [672] dup
      [673] bipush 28
      [675] iconst_3
      [676] newarray 5
      [678] dup
      [679] iconst_0
      [680] sipush 270
      [683] castore
      [684] dup
      [685] iconst_1
      [686] bipush 68
      [688] castore
      [689] dup
      [690] iconst_2
      [691] sipush 780
      [694] castore
      [695] aastore
      [696] dup
      [697] bipush 29
      [699] iconst_3
      [700] newarray 5
      [702] dup
      [703] iconst_0
      [704] sipush 7692
      [707] castore
      [708] dup
      [709] iconst_1
      [710] bipush 68
      [712] castore
      [713] dup
      [714] iconst_2
      [715] sipush 803
      [718] castore
      [719] aastore
      [720] dup
      [721] bipush 30
      [723] iconst_3
      [724] newarray 5
      [726] dup
      [727] iconst_0
      [728] sipush 7696
      [731] castore
      [732] dup
      [733] iconst_1
      [734] bipush 68
      [736] castore
      [737] dup
      [738] iconst_2
      [739] sipush 807
      [742] castore
      [743] aastore
      [744] dup
      [745] bipush 31
      [747] iconst_3
      [748] newarray 5
      [750] dup
      [751] iconst_0
      [752] sipush 7698
      [755] castore
      [756] dup
      [757] iconst_1
      [758] bipush 68
      [760] castore
      [761] dup
      [762] iconst_2
      [763] sipush 813
      [766] castore
      [767] aastore
      [768] dup
      [769] bipush 32
      [771] iconst_3
      [772] newarray 5
      [774] dup
      [775] iconst_0
      [776] sipush 7694
      [779] castore
      [780] dup
      [781] iconst_1
      [782] bipush 68
      [784] castore
      [785] dup
      [786] iconst_2
      [787] sipush 817
      [790] castore
      [791] aastore
      [792] dup
      [793] bipush 33
      [795] iconst_3
      [796] newarray 5
      [798] dup
      [799] iconst_0
      [800] sipush 200
      [803] castore
      [804] dup
      [805] iconst_1
      [806] bipush 69
      [808] castore
      [809] dup
      [810] iconst_2
      [811] sipush 768
      [814] castore
      [815] aastore
      [816] dup
      [817] bipush 34
      [819] iconst_3
      [820] newarray 5
      [822] dup
      [823] iconst_0
      [824] sipush 201
      [827] castore
      [828] dup
      [829] iconst_1
      [830] bipush 69
      [832] castore
      [833] dup
      [834] iconst_2
      [835] sipush 769
      [838] castore
      [839] aastore
      [840] dup
      [841] bipush 35
      [843] iconst_3
      [844] newarray 5
      [846] dup
      [847] iconst_0
      [848] sipush 202
      [851] castore
      [852] dup
      [853] iconst_1
      [854] bipush 69
      [856] castore
      [857] dup
      [858] iconst_2
      [859] sipush 770
      [862] castore
      [863] aastore
      [864] dup
      [865] bipush 36
      [867] iconst_3
      [868] newarray 5
      [870] dup
      [871] iconst_0
      [872] sipush 7868
      [875] castore
      [876] dup
      [877] iconst_1
      [878] bipush 69
      [880] castore
      [881] dup
      [882] iconst_2
      [883] sipush 771
      [886] castore
      [887] aastore
      [888] dup
      [889] bipush 37
      [891] iconst_3
      [892] newarray 5
      [894] dup
      [895] iconst_0
      [896] sipush 274
      [899] castore
      [900] dup
      [901] iconst_1
      [902] bipush 69
      [904] castore
      [905] dup
      [906] iconst_2
      [907] sipush 772
      [910] castore
      [911] aastore
      [912] dup
      [913] bipush 38
      [915] iconst_3
      [916] newarray 5
      [918] dup
      [919] iconst_0
      [920] sipush 276
      [923] castore
      [924] dup
      [925] iconst_1
      [926] bipush 69
      [928] castore
      [929] dup
      [930] iconst_2
      [931] sipush 774
      [934] castore
      [935] aastore
      [936] dup
      [937] bipush 39
      [939] iconst_3
      [940] newarray 5
      [942] dup
      [943] iconst_0
      [944] sipush 278
      [947] castore
      [948] dup
      [949] iconst_1
      [950] bipush 69
      [952] castore
      [953] dup
      [954] iconst_2
      [955] sipush 775
      [958] castore
      [959] aastore
      [960] dup
      [961] bipush 40
      [963] iconst_3
      [964] newarray 5
      [966] dup
      [967] iconst_0
      [968] sipush 203
      [971] castore
      [972] dup
      [973] iconst_1
      [974] bipush 69
      [976] castore
      [977] dup
      [978] iconst_2
      [979] sipush 776
      [982] castore
      [983] aastore
      [984] dup
      [985] bipush 41
      [987] iconst_3
      [988] newarray 5
      [990] dup
      [991] iconst_0
      [992] sipush 7866
      [995] castore
      [996] dup
      [997] iconst_1
      [998] bipush 69
      [1000] castore
      [1001] dup
      [1002] iconst_2
      [1003] sipush 777
      [1006] castore
      [1007] aastore
      [1008] dup
      [1009] bipush 42
      [1011] iconst_3
      [1012] newarray 5
      [1014] dup
      [1015] iconst_0
      [1016] sipush 282
      [1019] castore
      [1020] dup
      [1021] iconst_1
      [1022] bipush 69
      [1024] castore
      [1025] dup
      [1026] iconst_2
      [1027] sipush 780
      [1030] castore
      [1031] aastore
      [1032] dup
      [1033] bipush 43
      [1035] iconst_3
      [1036] newarray 5
      [1038] dup
      [1039] iconst_0
      [1040] sipush 516
      [1043] castore
      [1044] dup
      [1045] iconst_1
      [1046] bipush 69
      [1048] castore
      [1049] dup
      [1050] iconst_2
      [1051] sipush 783
      [1054] castore
      [1055] aastore
      [1056] dup
      [1057] bipush 44
      [1059] iconst_3
      [1060] newarray 5
      [1062] dup
      [1063] iconst_0
      [1064] sipush 518
      [1067] castore
      [1068] dup
      [1069] iconst_1
      [1070] bipush 69
      [1072] castore
      [1073] dup
      [1074] iconst_2
      [1075] sipush 785
      [1078] castore
      [1079] aastore
      [1080] dup
      [1081] bipush 45
      [1083] iconst_3
      [1084] newarray 5
      [1086] dup
      [1087] iconst_0
      [1088] sipush 7864
      [1091] castore
      [1092] dup
      [1093] iconst_1
      [1094] bipush 69
      [1096] castore
      [1097] dup
      [1098] iconst_2
      [1099] sipush 803
      [1102] castore
      [1103] aastore
      [1104] dup
      [1105] bipush 46
      [1107] iconst_3
      [1108] newarray 5
      [1110] dup
      [1111] iconst_0
      [1112] sipush 552
      [1115] castore
      [1116] dup
      [1117] iconst_1
      [1118] bipush 69
      [1120] castore
      [1121] dup
      [1122] iconst_2
      [1123] sipush 807
      [1126] castore
      [1127] aastore
      [1128] dup
      [1129] bipush 47
      [1131] iconst_3
      [1132] newarray 5
      [1134] dup
      [1135] iconst_0
      [1136] sipush 280
      [1139] castore
      [1140] dup
      [1141] iconst_1
      [1142] bipush 69
      [1144] castore
      [1145] dup
      [1146] iconst_2
      [1147] sipush 808
      [1150] castore
      [1151] aastore
      [1152] dup
      [1153] bipush 48
      [1155] iconst_3
      [1156] newarray 5
      [1158] dup
      [1159] iconst_0
      [1160] sipush 7704
      [1163] castore
      [1164] dup
      [1165] iconst_1
      [1166] bipush 69
      [1168] castore
      [1169] dup
      [1170] iconst_2
      [1171] sipush 813
      [1174] castore
      [1175] aastore
      [1176] dup
      [1177] bipush 49
      [1179] iconst_3
      [1180] newarray 5
      [1182] dup
      [1183] iconst_0
      [1184] sipush 7706
      [1187] castore
      [1188] dup
      [1189] iconst_1
      [1190] bipush 69
      [1192] castore
      [1193] dup
      [1194] iconst_2
      [1195] sipush 816
      [1198] castore
      [1199] aastore
      [1200] dup
      [1201] bipush 50
      [1203] iconst_3
      [1204] newarray 5
      [1206] dup
      [1207] iconst_0
      [1208] sipush 7710
      [1211] castore
      [1212] dup
      [1213] iconst_1
      [1214] bipush 70
      [1216] castore
      [1217] dup
      [1218] iconst_2
      [1219] sipush 775
      [1222] castore
      [1223] aastore
      [1224] dup
      [1225] bipush 51
      [1227] iconst_3
      [1228] newarray 5
      [1230] dup
      [1231] iconst_0
      [1232] sipush 500
      [1235] castore
      [1236] dup
      [1237] iconst_1
      [1238] bipush 71
      [1240] castore
      [1241] dup
      [1242] iconst_2
      [1243] sipush 769
      [1246] castore
      [1247] aastore
      [1248] dup
      [1249] bipush 52
      [1251] iconst_3
      [1252] newarray 5
      [1254] dup
      [1255] iconst_0
      [1256] sipush 284
      [1259] castore
      [1260] dup
      [1261] iconst_1
      [1262] bipush 71
      [1264] castore
      [1265] dup
      [1266] iconst_2
      [1267] sipush 770
      [1270] castore
      [1271] aastore
      [1272] dup
      [1273] bipush 53
      [1275] iconst_3
      [1276] newarray 5
      [1278] dup
      [1279] iconst_0
      [1280] sipush 7712
      [1283] castore
      [1284] dup
      [1285] iconst_1
      [1286] bipush 71
      [1288] castore
      [1289] dup
      [1290] iconst_2
      [1291] sipush 772
      [1294] castore
      [1295] aastore
      [1296] dup
      [1297] bipush 54
      [1299] iconst_3
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      [1302] dup
      [1303] iconst_0
      [1304] sipush 286
      [1307] castore
      [1308] dup
      [1309] iconst_1
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      [1312] castore
      [1313] dup
      [1314] iconst_2
      [1315] sipush 774
      [1318] castore
      [1319] aastore
      [1320] dup
      [1321] bipush 55
      [1323] iconst_3
      [1324] newarray 5
      [1326] dup
      [1327] iconst_0
      [1328] sipush 288
      [1331] castore
      [1332] dup
      [1333] iconst_1
      [1334] bipush 71
      [1336] castore
      [1337] dup
      [1338] iconst_2
      [1339] sipush 775
      [1342] castore
      [1343] aastore
      [1344] dup
      [1345] bipush 56
      [1347] iconst_3
      [1348] newarray 5
      [1350] dup
      [1351] iconst_0
      [1352] sipush 486
      [1355] castore
      [1356] dup
      [1357] iconst_1
      [1358] bipush 71
      [1360] castore
      [1361] dup
      [1362] iconst_2
      [1363] sipush 780
      [1366] castore
      [1367] aastore
      [1368] dup
      [1369] bipush 57
      [1371] iconst_3
      [1372] newarray 5
      [1374] dup
      [1375] iconst_0
      [1376] sipush 290
      [1379] castore
      [1380] dup
      [1381] iconst_1
      [1382] bipush 71
      [1384] castore
      [1385] dup
      [1386] iconst_2
      [1387] sipush 807
      [1390] castore
      [1391] aastore
      [1392] dup
      [1393] bipush 58
      [1395] iconst_3
      [1396] newarray 5
      [1398] dup
      [1399] iconst_0
      [1400] sipush 292
      [1403] castore
      [1404] dup
      [1405] iconst_1
      [1406] bipush 72
      [1408] castore
      [1409] dup
      [1410] iconst_2
      [1411] sipush 770
      [1414] castore
      [1415] aastore
      [1416] dup
      [1417] bipush 59
      [1419] iconst_3
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      [1422] dup
      [1423] iconst_0
      [1424] sipush 7714
      [1427] castore
      [1428] dup
      [1429] iconst_1
      [1430] bipush 72
      [1432] castore
      [1433] dup
      [1434] iconst_2
      [1435] sipush 775
      [1438] castore
      [1439] aastore
      [1440] dup
      [1441] bipush 60
      [1443] iconst_3
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      [1446] dup
      [1447] iconst_0
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      [1451] castore
      [1452] dup
      [1453] iconst_1
      [1454] bipush 72
      [1456] castore
      [1457] dup
      [1458] iconst_2
      [1459] sipush 776
      [1462] castore
      [1463] aastore
      [1464] dup
      [1465] bipush 61
      [1467] iconst_3
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      [1470] dup
      [1471] iconst_0
      [1472] sipush 542
      [1475] castore
      [1476] dup
      [1477] iconst_1
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      [1481] dup
      [1482] iconst_2
      [1483] sipush 780
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      [1487] aastore
      [1488] dup
      [1489] bipush 62
      [1491] iconst_3
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      [1494] dup
      [1495] iconst_0
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      [1499] castore
      [1500] dup
      [1501] iconst_1
      [1502] bipush 72
      [1504] castore
      [1505] dup
      [1506] iconst_2
      [1507] sipush 803
      [1510] castore
      [1511] aastore
      [1512] dup
      [1513] bipush 63
      [1515] iconst_3
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      [1518] dup
      [1519] iconst_0
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      [1523] castore
      [1524] dup
      [1525] iconst_1
      [1526] bipush 72
      [1528] castore
      [1529] dup
      [1530] iconst_2
      [1531] sipush 807
      [1534] castore
      [1535] aastore
      [1536] dup
      [1537] bipush 64
      [1539] iconst_3
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      [1542] dup
      [1543] iconst_0
      [1544] sipush 7722
      [1547] castore
      [1548] dup
      [1549] iconst_1
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      [1552] castore
      [1553] dup
      [1554] iconst_2
      [1555] sipush 814
      [1558] castore
      [1559] aastore
      [1560] dup
      [1561] bipush 65
      [1563] iconst_3
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      [1566] dup
      [1567] iconst_0
      [1568] sipush 204
      [1571] castore
      [1572] dup
      [1573] iconst_1
      [1574] bipush 73
      [1576] castore
      [1577] dup
      [1578] iconst_2
      [1579] sipush 768
      [1582] castore
      [1583] aastore
      [1584] dup
      [1585] bipush 66
      [1587] iconst_3
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      [1590] dup
      [1591] iconst_0
      [1592] sipush 205
      [1595] castore
      [1596] dup
      [1597] iconst_1
      [1598] bipush 73
      [1600] castore
      [1601] dup
      [1602] iconst_2
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      [1606] castore
      [1607] aastore
      [1608] dup
      [1609] bipush 67
      [1611] iconst_3
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      [1614] dup
      [1615] iconst_0
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      [1620] dup
      [1621] iconst_1
      [1622] bipush 73
      [1624] castore
      [1625] dup
      [1626] iconst_2
      [1627] sipush 770
      [1630] castore
      [1631] aastore
      [1632] dup
      [1633] bipush 68
      [1635] iconst_3
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      [1638] dup
      [1639] iconst_0
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      [1643] castore
      [1644] dup
      [1645] iconst_1
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      [1648] castore
      [1649] dup
      [1650] iconst_2
      [1651] sipush 771
      [1654] castore
      [1655] aastore
      [1656] dup
      [1657] bipush 69
      [1659] iconst_3
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      [1662] dup
      [1663] iconst_0
      [1664] sipush 298
      [1667] castore
      [1668] dup
      [1669] iconst_1
      [1670] bipush 73
      [1672] castore
      [1673] dup
      [1674] iconst_2
      [1675] sipush 772
      [1678] castore
      [1679] aastore
      [1680] dup
      [1681] bipush 70
      [1683] iconst_3
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      [1686] dup
      [1687] iconst_0
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      [1692] dup
      [1693] iconst_1
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      [1696] castore
      [1697] dup
      [1698] iconst_2
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      [1702] castore
      [1703] aastore
      [1704] dup
      [1705] bipush 71
      [1707] iconst_3
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      [1710] dup
      [1711] iconst_0
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      [1715] castore
      [1716] dup
      [1717] iconst_1
      [1718] bipush 73
      [1720] castore
      [1721] dup
      [1722] iconst_2
      [1723] sipush 775
      [1726] castore
      [1727] aastore
      [1728] dup
      [1729] bipush 72
      [1731] iconst_3
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      [1734] dup
      [1735] iconst_0
      [1736] sipush 207
      [1739] castore
      [1740] dup
      [1741] iconst_1
      [1742] bipush 73
      [1744] castore
      [1745] dup
      [1746] iconst_2
      [1747] sipush 776
      [1750] castore
      [1751] aastore
      [1752] dup
      [1753] bipush 73
      [1755] iconst_3
      [1756] newarray 5
      [1758] dup
      [1759] iconst_0
      [1760] sipush 7880
      [1763] castore
      [1764] dup
      [1765] iconst_1
      [1766] bipush 73
      [1768] castore
      [1769] dup
      [1770] iconst_2
      [1771] sipush 777
      [1774] castore
      [1775] aastore
      [1776] dup
      [1777] bipush 74
      [1779] iconst_3
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      [1782] dup
      [1783] iconst_0
      [1784] sipush 463
      [1787] castore
      [1788] dup
      [1789] iconst_1
      [1790] bipush 73
      [1792] castore
      [1793] dup
      [1794] iconst_2
      [1795] sipush 780
      [1798] castore
      [1799] aastore
      [1800] dup
      [1801] bipush 75
      [1803] iconst_3
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      [1806] dup
      [1807] iconst_0
      [1808] sipush 520
      [1811] castore
      [1812] dup
      [1813] iconst_1
      [1814] bipush 73
      [1816] castore
      [1817] dup
      [1818] iconst_2
      [1819] sipush 783
      [1822] castore
      [1823] aastore
      [1824] dup
      [1825] bipush 76
      [1827] iconst_3
      [1828] newarray 5
      [1830] dup
      [1831] iconst_0
      [1832] sipush 522
      [1835] castore
      [1836] dup
      [1837] iconst_1
      [1838] bipush 73
      [1840] castore
      [1841] dup
      [1842] iconst_2
      [1843] sipush 785
      [1846] castore
      [1847] aastore
      [1848] dup
      [1849] bipush 77
      [1851] iconst_3
      [1852] newarray 5
      [1854] dup
      [1855] iconst_0
      [1856] sipush 7882
      [1859] castore
      [1860] dup
      [1861] iconst_1
      [1862] bipush 73
      [1864] castore
      [1865] dup
      [1866] iconst_2
      [1867] sipush 803
      [1870] castore
      [1871] aastore
      [1872] dup
      [1873] bipush 78
      [1875] iconst_3
      [1876] newarray 5
      [1878] dup
      [1879] iconst_0
      [1880] sipush 302
      [1883] castore
      [1884] dup
      [1885] iconst_1
      [1886] bipush 73
      [1888] castore
      [1889] dup
      [1890] iconst_2
      [1891] sipush 808
      [1894] castore
      [1895] aastore
      [1896] dup
      [1897] bipush 79
      [1899] iconst_3
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      [1902] dup
      [1903] iconst_0
      [1904] sipush 7724
      [1907] castore
      [1908] dup
      [1909] iconst_1
      [1910] bipush 73
      [1912] castore
      [1913] dup
      [1914] iconst_2
      [1915] sipush 816
      [1918] castore
      [1919] aastore
      [1920] dup
      [1921] bipush 80
      [1923] iconst_3
      [1924] newarray 5
      [1926] dup
      [1927] iconst_0
      [1928] sipush 308
      [1931] castore
      [1932] dup
      [1933] iconst_1
      [1934] bipush 74
      [1936] castore
      [1937] dup
      [1938] iconst_2
      [1939] sipush 770
      [1942] castore
      [1943] aastore
      [1944] dup
      [1945] bipush 81
      [1947] iconst_3
      [1948] newarray 5
      [1950] dup
      [1951] iconst_0
      [1952] sipush 7728
      [1955] castore
      [1956] dup
      [1957] iconst_1
      [1958] bipush 75
      [1960] castore
      [1961] dup
      [1962] iconst_2
      [1963] sipush 769
      [1966] castore
      [1967] aastore
      [1968] dup
      [1969] bipush 82
      [1971] iconst_3
      [1972] newarray 5
      [1974] dup
      [1975] iconst_0
      [1976] sipush 488
      [1979] castore
      [1980] dup
      [1981] iconst_1
      [1982] bipush 75
      [1984] castore
      [1985] dup
      [1986] iconst_2
      [1987] sipush 780
      [1990] castore
      [1991] aastore
      [1992] dup
      [1993] bipush 83
      [1995] iconst_3
      [1996] newarray 5
      [1998] dup
      [1999] iconst_0
      [2000] sipush 7730
      [2003] castore
      [2004] dup
      [2005] iconst_1
      [2006] bipush 75
      [2008] castore
      [2009] dup
      [2010] iconst_2
      [2011] sipush 803
      [2014] castore
      [2015] aastore
      [2016] dup
      [2017] bipush 84
      [2019] iconst_3
      [2020] newarray 5
      [2022] dup
      [2023] iconst_0
      [2024] sipush 310
      [2027] castore
      [2028] dup
      [2029] iconst_1
      [2030] bipush 75
      [2032] castore
      [2033] dup
      [2034] iconst_2
      [2035] sipush 807
      [2038] castore
      [2039] aastore
      [2040] dup
      [2041] bipush 85
      [2043] iconst_3
      [2044] newarray 5
      [2046] dup
      [2047] iconst_0
      [2048] sipush 7732
      [2051] castore
      [2052] dup
      [2053] iconst_1
      [2054] bipush 75
      [2056] castore
      [2057] dup
      [2058] iconst_2
      [2059] sipush 817
      [2062] castore
      [2063] aastore
      [2064] dup
      [2065] bipush 86
      [2067] iconst_3
      [2068] newarray 5
      [2070] dup
      [2071] iconst_0
      [2072] sipush 313
      [2075] castore
      [2076] dup
      [2077] iconst_1
      [2078] bipush 76
      [2080] castore
      [2081] dup
      [2082] iconst_2
      [2083] sipush 769
      [2086] castore
      [2087] aastore
      [2088] dup
      [2089] bipush 87
      [2091] iconst_3
      [2092] newarray 5
      [2094] dup
      [2095] iconst_0
      [2096] sipush 317
      [2099] castore
      [2100] dup
      [2101] iconst_1
      [2102] bipush 76
      [2104] castore
      [2105] dup
      [2106] iconst_2
      [2107] sipush 780
      [2110] castore
      [2111] aastore
      [2112] dup
      [2113] bipush 88
      [2115] iconst_3
      [2116] newarray 5
      [2118] dup
      [2119] iconst_0
      [2120] sipush 7734
      [2123] castore
      [2124] dup
      [2125] iconst_1
      [2126] bipush 76
      [2128] castore
      [2129] dup
      [2130] iconst_2
      [2131] sipush 803
      [2134] castore
      [2135] aastore
      [2136] dup
      [2137] bipush 89
      [2139] iconst_3
      [2140] newarray 5
      [2142] dup
      [2143] iconst_0
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      [2147] castore
      [2148] dup
      [2149] iconst_1
      [2150] bipush 76
      [2152] castore
      [2153] dup
      [2154] iconst_2
      [2155] sipush 807
      [2158] castore
      [2159] aastore
      [2160] dup
      [2161] bipush 90
      [2163] iconst_3
      [2164] newarray 5
      [2166] dup
      [2167] iconst_0
      [2168] sipush 7740
      [2171] castore
      [2172] dup
      [2173] iconst_1
      [2174] bipush 76
      [2176] castore
      [2177] dup
      [2178] iconst_2
      [2179] sipush 813
      [2182] castore
      [2183] aastore
      [2184] dup
      [2185] bipush 91
      [2187] iconst_3
      [2188] newarray 5
      [2190] dup
      [2191] iconst_0
      [2192] sipush 7738
      [2195] castore
      [2196] dup
      [2197] iconst_1
      [2198] bipush 76
      [2200] castore
      [2201] dup
      [2202] iconst_2
      [2203] sipush 817
      [2206] castore
      [2207] aastore
      [2208] dup
      [2209] bipush 92
      [2211] iconst_3
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      [2214] dup
      [2215] iconst_0
      [2216] sipush 7742
      [2219] castore
      [2220] dup
      [2221] iconst_1
      [2222] bipush 77
      [2224] castore
      [2225] dup
      [2226] iconst_2
      [2227] sipush 769
      [2230] castore
      [2231] aastore
      [2232] dup
      [2233] bipush 93
      [2235] iconst_3
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      [2238] dup
      [2239] iconst_0
      [2240] sipush 7744
      [2243] castore
      [2244] dup
      [2245] iconst_1
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      [2248] castore
      [2249] dup
      [2250] iconst_2
      [2251] sipush 775
      [2254] castore
      [2255] aastore
      [2256] dup
      [2257] bipush 94
      [2259] iconst_3
      [2260] newarray 5
      [2262] dup
      [2263] iconst_0
      [2264] sipush 7746
      [2267] castore
      [2268] dup
      [2269] iconst_1
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      [2272] castore
      [2273] dup
      [2274] iconst_2
      [2275] sipush 803
      [2278] castore
      [2279] aastore
      [2280] dup
      [2281] bipush 95
      [2283] iconst_3
      [2284] newarray 5
      [2286] dup
      [2287] iconst_0
      [2288] sipush 504
      [2291] castore
      [2292] dup
      [2293] iconst_1
      [2294] bipush 78
      [2296] castore
      [2297] dup
      [2298] iconst_2
      [2299] sipush 768
      [2302] castore
      [2303] aastore
      [2304] dup
      [2305] bipush 96
      [2307] iconst_3
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      [2310] dup
      [2311] iconst_0
      [2312] sipush 323
      [2315] castore
      [2316] dup
      [2317] iconst_1
      [2318] bipush 78
      [2320] castore
      [2321] dup
      [2322] iconst_2
      [2323] sipush 769
      [2326] castore
      [2327] aastore
      [2328] dup
      [2329] bipush 97
      [2331] iconst_3
      [2332] newarray 5
      [2334] dup
      [2335] iconst_0
      [2336] sipush 209
      [2339] castore
      [2340] dup
      [2341] iconst_1
      [2342] bipush 78
      [2344] castore
      [2345] dup
      [2346] iconst_2
      [2347] sipush 771
      [2350] castore
      [2351] aastore
      [2352] dup
      [2353] bipush 98
      [2355] iconst_3
      [2356] newarray 5
      [2358] dup
      [2359] iconst_0
      [2360] sipush 7748
      [2363] castore
      [2364] dup
      [2365] iconst_1
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      [2368] castore
      [2369] dup
      [2370] iconst_2
      [2371] sipush 775
      [2374] castore
      [2375] aastore
      [2376] dup
      [2377] bipush 99
      [2379] iconst_3
      [2380] newarray 5
      [2382] dup
      [2383] iconst_0
      [2384] sipush 327
      [2387] castore
      [2388] dup
      [2389] iconst_1
      [2390] bipush 78
      [2392] castore
      [2393] dup
      [2394] iconst_2
      [2395] sipush 780
      [2398] castore
      [2399] aastore
      [2400] dup
      [2401] bipush 100
      [2403] iconst_3
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      [2406] dup
      [2407] iconst_0
      [2408] sipush 7750
      [2411] castore
      [2412] dup
      [2413] iconst_1
      [2414] bipush 78
      [2416] castore
      [2417] dup
      [2418] iconst_2
      [2419] sipush 803
      [2422] castore
      [2423] aastore
      [2424] dup
      [2425] bipush 101
      [2427] iconst_3
      [2428] newarray 5
      [2430] dup
      [2431] iconst_0
      [2432] sipush 325
      [2435] castore
      [2436] dup
      [2437] iconst_1
      [2438] bipush 78
      [2440] castore
      [2441] dup
      [2442] iconst_2
      [2443] sipush 807
      [2446] castore
      [2447] aastore
      [2448] dup
      [2449] bipush 102
      [2451] iconst_3
      [2452] newarray 5
      [2454] dup
      [2455] iconst_0
      [2456] sipush 7754
      [2459] castore
      [2460] dup
      [2461] iconst_1
      [2462] bipush 78
      [2464] castore
      [2465] dup
      [2466] iconst_2
      [2467] sipush 813
      [2470] castore
      [2471] aastore
      [2472] dup
      [2473] bipush 103
      [2475] iconst_3
      [2476] newarray 5
      [2478] dup
      [2479] iconst_0
      [2480] sipush 7752
      [2483] castore
      [2484] dup
      [2485] iconst_1
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      [2488] castore
      [2489] dup
      [2490] iconst_2
      [2491] sipush 817
      [2494] castore
      [2495] aastore
      [2496] dup
      [2497] bipush 104
      [2499] iconst_3
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      [2503] iconst_0
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      [2513] dup
      [2514] iconst_2
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      [2519] aastore
      [2520] dup
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      [2527] iconst_0
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      [2536] castore
      [2537] dup
      [2538] iconst_2
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      [2543] aastore
      [2544] dup
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      [2551] iconst_0
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      [2557] iconst_1
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      [2561] dup
      [2562] iconst_2
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      [2567] aastore
      [2568] dup
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      [2575] iconst_0
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      [2585] dup
      [2586] iconst_2
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      [2591] aastore
      [2592] dup
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      [2609] dup
      [2610] iconst_2
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      [2615] aastore
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      [2632] castore
      [2633] dup
      [2634] iconst_2
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      [2639] aastore
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      [2647] iconst_0
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      [2657] dup
      [2658] iconst_2
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      [2663] aastore
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      [2671] iconst_0
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      [2676] dup
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      [2680] castore
      [2681] dup
      [2682] iconst_2
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      [2687] aastore
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      [2704] castore
      [2705] dup
      [2706] iconst_2
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      [2711] aastore
      [2712] dup
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      [2724] dup
      [2725] iconst_1
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      [2728] castore
      [2729] dup
      [2730] iconst_2
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      [2735] aastore
      [2736] dup
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      [2743] iconst_0
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      [2748] dup
      [2749] iconst_1
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      [2753] dup
      [2754] iconst_2
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      [2758] castore
      [2759] aastore
      [2760] dup
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      [2767] iconst_0
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      [2772] dup
      [2773] iconst_1
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      [2776] castore
      [2777] dup
      [2778] iconst_2
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      [2782] castore
      [2783] aastore
      [2784] dup
      [2785] bipush 116
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      [2791] iconst_0
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      [2797] iconst_1
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      [2800] castore
      [2801] dup
      [2802] iconst_2
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      [2806] castore
      [2807] aastore
      [2808] dup
      [2809] bipush 117
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      [2815] iconst_0
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      [2820] dup
      [2821] iconst_1
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      [2824] castore
      [2825] dup
      [2826] iconst_2
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      [2830] castore
      [2831] aastore
      [2832] dup
      [2833] bipush 118
      [2835] iconst_3
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      [2839] iconst_0
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      [2843] castore
      [2844] dup
      [2845] iconst_1
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      [2848] castore
      [2849] dup
      [2850] iconst_2
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      [2855] aastore
      [2856] dup
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      [2863] iconst_0
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      [2868] dup
      [2869] iconst_1
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      [2872] castore
      [2873] dup
      [2874] iconst_2
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      [2879] aastore
      [2880] dup
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      [2883] iconst_3
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      [2887] iconst_0
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      [2892] dup
      [2893] iconst_1
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      [2897] dup
      [2898] iconst_2
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      [2902] castore
      [2903] aastore
      [2904] dup
      [2905] bipush 121
      [2907] iconst_3
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      [2911] iconst_0
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      [2916] dup
      [2917] iconst_1
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      [2921] dup
      [2922] iconst_2
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      [2926] castore
      [2927] aastore
      [2928] dup
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      [2931] iconst_3
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      [2934] dup
      [2935] iconst_0
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      [2940] dup
      [2941] iconst_1
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      [2944] castore
      [2945] dup
      [2946] iconst_2
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      [2951] aastore
      [2952] dup
      [2953] bipush 123
      [2955] iconst_3
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      [2958] dup
      [2959] iconst_0
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      [2964] dup
      [2965] iconst_1
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      [2969] dup
      [2970] iconst_2
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      [2974] castore
      [2975] aastore
      [2976] dup
      [2977] bipush 124
      [2979] iconst_3
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      [2983] iconst_0
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      [2988] dup
      [2989] iconst_1
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      [2993] dup
      [2994] iconst_2
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      [2999] aastore
      [3000] dup
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      [3003] iconst_3
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      [3006] dup
      [3007] iconst_0
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      [3012] dup
      [3013] iconst_1
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      [3016] castore
      [3017] dup
      [3018] iconst_2
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      [3022] castore
      [3023] aastore
      [3024] dup
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      [3027] iconst_3
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      [3031] iconst_0
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      [3036] dup
      [3037] iconst_1
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      [3041] dup
      [3042] iconst_2
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      [3046] castore
      [3047] aastore
      [3048] dup
      [3049] bipush 127
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      [3055] iconst_0
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      [3059] castore
      [3060] dup
      [3061] iconst_1
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      [3065] dup
      [3066] iconst_2
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      [3071] aastore
      [3072] dup
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      [3076] iconst_3
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      [3080] iconst_0
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      [3085] dup
      [3086] iconst_1
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      [3089] castore
      [3090] dup
      [3091] iconst_2
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      [3096] aastore
      [3097] dup
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      [3101] iconst_3
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      [3104] dup
      [3105] iconst_0
      [3106] sipush 7774
      [3109] castore
      [3110] dup
      [3111] iconst_1
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      [3114] castore
      [3115] dup
      [3116] iconst_2
      [3117] sipush 817
      [3120] castore
      [3121] aastore
      [3122] dup
      [3123] sipush 130
      [3126] iconst_3
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      [3129] dup
      [3130] iconst_0
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      [3135] dup
      [3136] iconst_1
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      [3139] castore
      [3140] dup
      [3141] iconst_2
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      [3145] castore
      [3146] aastore
      [3147] dup
      [3148] sipush 131
      [3151] iconst_3
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      [3154] dup
      [3155] iconst_0
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      [3160] dup
      [3161] iconst_1
      [3162] bipush 83
      [3164] castore
      [3165] dup
      [3166] iconst_2
      [3167] sipush 770
      [3170] castore
      [3171] aastore
      [3172] dup
      [3173] sipush 132
      [3176] iconst_3
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      [3179] dup
      [3180] iconst_0
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      [3185] dup
      [3186] iconst_1
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      [3189] castore
      [3190] dup
      [3191] iconst_2
      [3192] sipush 775
      [3195] castore
      [3196] aastore
      [3197] dup
      [3198] sipush 133
      [3201] iconst_3
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      [3204] dup
      [3205] iconst_0
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      [3210] dup
      [3211] iconst_1
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      [3215] dup
      [3216] iconst_2
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      [3221] aastore
      [3222] dup
      [3223] sipush 134
      [3226] iconst_3
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      [3230] iconst_0
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      [3235] dup
      [3236] iconst_1
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      [3240] dup
      [3241] iconst_2
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      [3245] castore
      [3246] aastore
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      [3251] iconst_3
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      [3254] dup
      [3255] iconst_0
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      [3260] dup
      [3261] iconst_1
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      [3265] dup
      [3266] iconst_2
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      [3271] aastore
      [3272] dup
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      [3280] iconst_0
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      [3285] dup
      [3286] iconst_1
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      [3290] dup
      [3291] iconst_2
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      [3296] aastore
      [3297] dup
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      [3305] iconst_0
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      [3310] dup
      [3311] iconst_1
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      [3315] dup
      [3316] iconst_2
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      [3320] castore
      [3321] aastore
      [3322] dup
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      [3326] iconst_3
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      [3330] iconst_0
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      [3335] dup
      [3336] iconst_1
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      [3340] dup
      [3341] iconst_2
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      [3346] aastore
      [3347] dup
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      [3355] iconst_0
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      [3360] dup
      [3361] iconst_1
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      [3365] dup
      [3366] iconst_2
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      [3371] aastore
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      [3376] iconst_3
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      [3380] iconst_0
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      [3385] dup
      [3386] iconst_1
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      [3390] dup
      [3391] iconst_2
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      [3396] aastore
      [3397] dup
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      [3405] iconst_0
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      [3411] iconst_1
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      [3415] dup
      [3416] iconst_2
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      [3421] aastore
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      [3426] iconst_3
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      [3430] iconst_0
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      [3434] castore
      [3435] dup
      [3436] iconst_1
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      [3439] castore
      [3440] dup
      [3441] iconst_2
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      [3446] aastore
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      [3451] iconst_3
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      [3455] iconst_0
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      [3459] castore
      [3460] dup
      [3461] iconst_1
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      [3465] dup
      [3466] iconst_2
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      [3471] aastore
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      [3476] iconst_3
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      [3485] dup
      [3486] iconst_1
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      [3490] dup
      [3491] iconst_2
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      [3510] dup
      [3511] iconst_1
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      [3514] castore
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      [3516] iconst_2
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      [3521] aastore
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      [3530] iconst_0
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      [3535] dup
      [3536] iconst_1
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      [3540] dup
      [3541] iconst_2
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      [3546] aastore
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      [3555] iconst_0
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      [3561] iconst_1
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      [3565] dup
      [3566] iconst_2
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      [3586] iconst_1
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      [3591] iconst_2
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      [3616] iconst_2
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      [3636] iconst_1
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      [3641] iconst_2
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      [3661] iconst_1
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      [3665] dup
      [3666] iconst_2
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      [3686] iconst_1
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      [3690] dup
      [3691] iconst_2
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      [3695] castore
      [3696] aastore
      [3697] dup
      [3698] sipush 153
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      [3704] dup
      [3705] iconst_0
      [3706] sipush 368
      [3709] castore
      [3710] dup
      [3711] iconst_1
      [3712] bipush 85
      [3714] castore
      [3715] dup
      [3716] iconst_2
      [3717] sipush 779
      [3720] castore
      [3721] aastore
      [3722] dup
      [3723] sipush 154
      [3726] iconst_3
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      [3729] dup
      [3730] iconst_0
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      [3735] dup
      [3736] iconst_1
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      [3739] castore
      [3740] dup
      [3741] iconst_2
      [3742] sipush 780
      [3745] castore
      [3746] aastore
      [3747] dup
      [3748] sipush 155
      [3751] iconst_3
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      [3754] dup
      [3755] iconst_0
      [3756] sipush 532
      [3759] castore
      [3760] dup
      [3761] iconst_1
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      [3764] castore
      [3765] dup
      [3766] iconst_2
      [3767] sipush 783
      [3770] castore
      [3771] aastore
      [3772] dup
      [3773] sipush 156
      [3776] iconst_3
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      [3779] dup
      [3780] iconst_0
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      [3785] dup
      [3786] iconst_1
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      [3789] castore
      [3790] dup
      [3791] iconst_2
      [3792] sipush 785
      [3795] castore
      [3796] aastore
      [3797] dup
      [3798] sipush 157
      [3801] iconst_3
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      [3804] dup
      [3805] iconst_0
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      [3810] dup
      [3811] iconst_1
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      [3814] castore
      [3815] dup
      [3816] iconst_2
      [3817] sipush 795
      [3820] castore
      [3821] aastore
      [3822] dup
      [3823] sipush 158
      [3826] iconst_3
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      [3830] iconst_0
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      [3834] castore
      [3835] dup
      [3836] iconst_1
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      [3839] castore
      [3840] dup
      [3841] iconst_2
      [3842] sipush 803
      [3845] castore
      [3846] aastore
      [3847] dup
      [3848] sipush 159
      [3851] iconst_3
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      [3855] iconst_0
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      [3859] castore
      [3860] dup
      [3861] iconst_1
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      [3864] castore
      [3865] dup
      [3866] iconst_2
      [3867] sipush 804
      [3870] castore
      [3871] aastore
      [3872] dup
      [3873] sipush 160
      [3876] iconst_3
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      [3880] iconst_0
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      [3885] dup
      [3886] iconst_1
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      [3889] castore
      [3890] dup
      [3891] iconst_2
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      [3895] castore
      [3896] aastore
      [3897] dup
      [3898] sipush 161
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      [3905] iconst_0
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      [3909] castore
      [3910] dup
      [3911] iconst_1
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      [3914] castore
      [3915] dup
      [3916] iconst_2
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      [3920] castore
      [3921] aastore
      [3922] dup
      [3923] sipush 162
      [3926] iconst_3
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      [3930] iconst_0
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      [3935] dup
      [3936] iconst_1
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      [3940] dup
      [3941] iconst_2
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      [3945] castore
      [3946] aastore
      [3947] dup
      [3948] sipush 163
      [3951] iconst_3
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      [3954] dup
      [3955] iconst_0
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      [3959] castore
      [3960] dup
      [3961] iconst_1
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      [3965] dup
      [3966] iconst_2
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      [3970] castore
      [3971] aastore
      [3972] dup
      [3973] sipush 164
      [3976] iconst_3
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      [3979] dup
      [3980] iconst_0
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      [3985] dup
      [3986] iconst_1
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      [3989] castore
      [3990] dup
      [3991] iconst_2
      [3992] sipush 803
      [3995] castore
      [3996] aastore
      [3997] dup
      [3998] sipush 165
      [4001] iconst_3
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      [4004] dup
      [4005] iconst_0
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      [4009] castore
      [4010] dup
      [4011] iconst_1
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      [4014] castore
      [4015] dup
      [4016] iconst_2
      [4017] sipush 768
      [4020] castore
      [4021] aastore
      [4022] dup
      [4023] sipush 166
      [4026] iconst_3
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      [4029] dup
      [4030] iconst_0
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      [4034] castore
      [4035] dup
      [4036] iconst_1
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      [4040] dup
      [4041] iconst_2
      [4042] sipush 769
      [4045] castore
      [4046] aastore
      [4047] dup
      [4048] sipush 167
      [4051] iconst_3
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      [4054] dup
      [4055] iconst_0
      [4056] sipush 372
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      [4060] dup
      [4061] iconst_1
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      [4065] dup
      [4066] iconst_2
      [4067] sipush 770
      [4070] castore
      [4071] aastore
      [4072] dup
      [4073] sipush 168
      [4076] iconst_3
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      [4079] dup
      [4080] iconst_0
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      [4085] dup
      [4086] iconst_1
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      [4089] castore
      [4090] dup
      [4091] iconst_2
      [4092] sipush 775
      [4095] castore
      [4096] aastore
      [4097] dup
      [4098] sipush 169
      [4101] iconst_3
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      [4104] dup
      [4105] iconst_0
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      [4109] castore
      [4110] dup
      [4111] iconst_1
      [4112] bipush 87
      [4114] castore
      [4115] dup
      [4116] iconst_2
      [4117] sipush 776
      [4120] castore
      [4121] aastore
      [4122] dup
      [4123] sipush 170
      [4126] iconst_3
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      [4129] dup
      [4130] iconst_0
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      [4134] castore
      [4135] dup
      [4136] iconst_1
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      [4139] castore
      [4140] dup
      [4141] iconst_2
      [4142] sipush 803
      [4145] castore
      [4146] aastore
      [4147] dup
      [4148] sipush 171
      [4151] iconst_3
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      [4154] dup
      [4155] iconst_0
      [4156] sipush 7818
      [4159] castore
      [4160] dup
      [4161] iconst_1
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      [4164] castore
      [4165] dup
      [4166] iconst_2
      [4167] sipush 775
      [4170] castore
      [4171] aastore
      [4172] dup
      [4173] sipush 172
      [4176] iconst_3
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      [4179] dup
      [4180] iconst_0
      [4181] sipush 7820
      [4184] castore
      [4185] dup
      [4186] iconst_1
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      [4189] castore
      [4190] dup
      [4191] iconst_2
      [4192] sipush 776
      [4195] castore
      [4196] aastore
      [4197] dup
      [4198] sipush 173
      [4201] iconst_3
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      [4204] dup
      [4205] iconst_0
      [4206] sipush 7922
      [4209] castore
      [4210] dup
      [4211] iconst_1
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      [4214] castore
      [4215] dup
      [4216] iconst_2
      [4217] sipush 768
      [4220] castore
      [4221] aastore
      [4222] dup
      [4223] sipush 174
      [4226] iconst_3
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      [4229] dup
      [4230] iconst_0
      [4231] sipush 221
      [4234] castore
      [4235] dup
      [4236] iconst_1
      [4237] bipush 89
      [4239] castore
      [4240] dup
      [4241] iconst_2
      [4242] sipush 769
      [4245] castore
      [4246] aastore
      [4247] dup
      [4248] sipush 175
      [4251] iconst_3
      [4252] newarray 5
      [4254] dup
      [4255] iconst_0
      [4256] sipush 374
      [4259] castore
      [4260] dup
      [4261] iconst_1
      [4262] bipush 89
      [4264] castore
      [4265] dup
      [4266] iconst_2
      [4267] sipush 770
      [4270] castore
      [4271] aastore
      [4272] dup
      [4273] sipush 176
      [4276] iconst_3
      [4277] newarray 5
      [4279] dup
      [4280] iconst_0
      [4281] sipush 7928
      [4284] castore
      [4285] dup
      [4286] iconst_1
      [4287] bipush 89
      [4289] castore
      [4290] dup
      [4291] iconst_2
      [4292] sipush 771
      [4295] castore
      [4296] aastore
      [4297] dup
      [4298] sipush 177
      [4301] iconst_3
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      [4304] dup
      [4305] iconst_0
      [4306] sipush 562
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      [4310] dup
      [4311] iconst_1
      [4312] bipush 89
      [4314] castore
      [4315] dup
      [4316] iconst_2
      [4317] sipush 772
      [4320] castore
      [4321] aastore
      [4322] dup
      [4323] sipush 178
      [4326] iconst_3
      [4327] newarray 5
      [4329] dup
      [4330] iconst_0
      [4331] sipush 7822
      [4334] castore
      [4335] dup
      [4336] iconst_1
      [4337] bipush 89
      [4339] castore
      [4340] dup
      [4341] iconst_2
      [4342] sipush 775
      [4345] castore
      [4346] aastore
      [4347] dup
      [4348] sipush 179
      [4351] iconst_3
      [4352] newarray 5
      [4354] dup
      [4355] iconst_0
      [4356] sipush 376
      [4359] castore
      [4360] dup
      [4361] iconst_1
      [4362] bipush 89
      [4364] castore
      [4365] dup
      [4366] iconst_2
      [4367] sipush 776
      [4370] castore
      [4371] aastore
      [4372] dup
      [4373] sipush 180
      [4376] iconst_3
      [4377] newarray 5
      [4379] dup
      [4380] iconst_0
      [4381] sipush 7926
      [4384] castore
      [4385] dup
      [4386] iconst_1
      [4387] bipush 89
      [4389] castore
      [4390] dup
      [4391] iconst_2
      [4392] sipush 777
      [4395] castore
      [4396] aastore
      [4397] dup
      [4398] sipush 181
      [4401] iconst_3
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      [4404] dup
      [4405] iconst_0
      [4406] sipush 7924
      [4409] castore
      [4410] dup
      [4411] iconst_1
      [4412] bipush 89
      [4414] castore
      [4415] dup
      [4416] iconst_2
      [4417] sipush 803
      [4420] castore
      [4421] aastore
      [4422] dup
      [4423] sipush 182
      [4426] iconst_3
      [4427] newarray 5
      [4429] dup
      [4430] iconst_0
      [4431] sipush 377
      [4434] castore
      [4435] dup
      [4436] iconst_1
      [4437] bipush 90
      [4439] castore
      [4440] dup
      [4441] iconst_2
      [4442] sipush 769
      [4445] castore
      [4446] aastore
      [4447] dup
      [4448] sipush 183
      [4451] iconst_3
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      [4454] dup
      [4455] iconst_0
      [4456] sipush 7824
      [4459] castore
      [4460] dup
      [4461] iconst_1
      [4462] bipush 90
      [4464] castore
      [4465] dup
      [4466] iconst_2
      [4467] sipush 770
      [4470] castore
      [4471] aastore
      [4472] dup
      [4473] sipush 184
      [4476] iconst_3
      [4477] newarray 5
      [4479] dup
      [4480] iconst_0
      [4481] sipush 379
      [4484] castore
      [4485] dup
      [4486] iconst_1
      [4487] bipush 90
      [4489] castore
      [4490] dup
      [4491] iconst_2
      [4492] sipush 775
      [4495] castore
      [4496] aastore
      [4497] dup
      [4498] sipush 185
      [4501] iconst_3
      [4502] newarray 5
      [4504] dup
      [4505] iconst_0
      [4506] sipush 381
      [4509] castore
      [4510] dup
      [4511] iconst_1
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      [4514] castore
      [4515] dup
      [4516] iconst_2
      [4517] sipush 780
      [4520] castore
      [4521] aastore
      [4522] dup
      [4523] sipush 186
      [4526] iconst_3
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      [4529] dup
      [4530] iconst_0
      [4531] sipush 7826
      [4534] castore
      [4535] dup
      [4536] iconst_1
      [4537] bipush 90
      [4539] castore
      [4540] dup
      [4541] iconst_2
      [4542] sipush 803
      [4545] castore
      [4546] aastore
      [4547] dup
      [4548] sipush 187
      [4551] iconst_3
      [4552] newarray 5
      [4554] dup
      [4555] iconst_0
      [4556] sipush 7828
      [4559] castore
      [4560] dup
      [4561] iconst_1
      [4562] bipush 90
      [4564] castore
      [4565] dup
      [4566] iconst_2
      [4567] sipush 817
      [4570] castore
      [4571] aastore
      [4572] dup
      [4573] sipush 188
      [4576] iconst_3
      [4577] newarray 5
      [4579] dup
      [4580] iconst_0
      [4581] sipush 224
      [4584] castore
      [4585] dup
      [4586] iconst_1
      [4587] bipush 97
      [4589] castore
      [4590] dup
      [4591] iconst_2
      [4592] sipush 768
      [4595] castore
      [4596] aastore
      [4597] dup
      [4598] sipush 189
      [4601] iconst_3
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      [4604] dup
      [4605] iconst_0
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      [4610] dup
      [4611] iconst_1
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      [4614] castore
      [4615] dup
      [4616] iconst_2
      [4617] sipush 769
      [4620] castore
      [4621] aastore
      [4622] dup
      [4623] sipush 190
      [4626] iconst_3
      [4627] newarray 5
      [4629] dup
      [4630] iconst_0
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      [4635] dup
      [4636] iconst_1
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      [4639] castore
      [4640] dup
      [4641] iconst_2
      [4642] sipush 770
      [4645] castore
      [4646] aastore
      [4647] dup
      [4648] sipush 191
      [4651] iconst_3
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      [4654] dup
      [4655] iconst_0
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      [4660] dup
      [4661] iconst_1
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      [4664] castore
      [4665] dup
      [4666] iconst_2
      [4667] sipush 771
      [4670] castore
      [4671] aastore
      [4672] dup
      [4673] sipush 192
      [4676] iconst_3
      [4677] newarray 5
      [4679] dup
      [4680] iconst_0
      [4681] sipush 257
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      [4685] dup
      [4686] iconst_1
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      [4689] castore
      [4690] dup
      [4691] iconst_2
      [4692] sipush 772
      [4695] castore
      [4696] aastore
      [4697] dup
      [4698] sipush 193
      [4701] iconst_3
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      [4704] dup
      [4705] iconst_0
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      [4710] dup
      [4711] iconst_1
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      [4714] castore
      [4715] dup
      [4716] iconst_2
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      [4720] castore
      [4721] aastore
      [4722] dup
      [4723] sipush 194
      [4726] iconst_3
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      [4729] dup
      [4730] iconst_0
      [4731] sipush 551
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      [4735] dup
      [4736] iconst_1
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      [4739] castore
      [4740] dup
      [4741] iconst_2
      [4742] sipush 775
      [4745] castore
      [4746] aastore
      [4747] dup
      [4748] sipush 195
      [4751] iconst_3
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      [4754] dup
      [4755] iconst_0
      [4756] sipush 228
      [4759] castore
      [4760] dup
      [4761] iconst_1
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      [4764] castore
      [4765] dup
      [4766] iconst_2
      [4767] sipush 776
      [4770] castore
      [4771] aastore
      [4772] dup
      [4773] sipush 196
      [4776] iconst_3
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      [4779] dup
      [4780] iconst_0
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      [4784] castore
      [4785] dup
      [4786] iconst_1
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      [4789] castore
      [4790] dup
      [4791] iconst_2
      [4792] sipush 777
      [4795] castore
      [4796] aastore
      [4797] dup
      [4798] sipush 197
      [4801] iconst_3
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      [4804] dup
      [4805] iconst_0
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      [4810] dup
      [4811] iconst_1
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      [4814] castore
      [4815] dup
      [4816] iconst_2
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      [4820] castore
      [4821] aastore
      [4822] dup
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      [4826] iconst_3
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      [4829] dup
      [4830] iconst_0
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      [4835] dup
      [4836] iconst_1
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      [4839] castore
      [4840] dup
      [4841] iconst_2
      [4842] sipush 780
      [4845] castore
      [4846] aastore
      [4847] dup
      [4848] sipush 199
      [4851] iconst_3
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      [4854] dup
      [4855] iconst_0
      [4856] sipush 513
      [4859] castore
      [4860] dup
      [4861] iconst_1
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      [4864] castore
      [4865] dup
      [4866] iconst_2
      [4867] sipush 783
      [4870] castore
      [4871] aastore
      [4872] dup
      [4873] sipush 200
      [4876] iconst_3
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      [4879] dup
      [4880] iconst_0
      [4881] sipush 515
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      [4885] dup
      [4886] iconst_1
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      [4889] castore
      [4890] dup
      [4891] iconst_2
      [4892] sipush 785
      [4895] castore
      [4896] aastore
      [4897] dup
      [4898] sipush 201
      [4901] iconst_3
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      [4904] dup
      [4905] iconst_0
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      [4909] castore
      [4910] dup
      [4911] iconst_1
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      [4914] castore
      [4915] dup
      [4916] iconst_2
      [4917] sipush 803
      [4920] castore
      [4921] aastore
      [4922] dup
      [4923] sipush 202
      [4926] iconst_3
      [4927] newarray 5
      [4929] dup
      [4930] iconst_0
      [4931] sipush 7681
      [4934] castore
      [4935] dup
      [4936] iconst_1
      [4937] bipush 97
      [4939] castore
      [4940] dup
      [4941] iconst_2
      [4942] sipush 805
      [4945] castore
      [4946] aastore
      [4947] dup
      [4948] sipush 203
      [4951] iconst_3
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      [4954] dup
      [4955] iconst_0
      [4956] sipush 261
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      [4960] dup
      [4961] iconst_1
      [4962] bipush 97
      [4964] castore
      [4965] dup
      [4966] iconst_2
      [4967] sipush 808
      [4970] castore
      [4971] aastore
      [4972] dup
      [4973] sipush 204
      [4976] iconst_3
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      [4980] iconst_0
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      [4984] castore
      [4985] dup
      [4986] iconst_1
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      [4989] castore
      [4990] dup
      [4991] iconst_2
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      [4995] castore
      [4996] aastore
      [4997] dup
      [4998] sipush 205
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      [5005] iconst_0
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      [5015] dup
      [5016] iconst_2
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      [5021] aastore
      [5022] dup
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      [5026] iconst_3
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      [5030] iconst_0
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      [5035] dup
      [5036] iconst_1
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      [5040] dup
      [5041] iconst_2
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      [5045] castore
      [5046] aastore
      [5047] dup
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      [5051] iconst_3
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      [5055] iconst_0
      [5056] sipush 263
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      [5061] iconst_1
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      [5065] dup
      [5066] iconst_2
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      [5070] castore
      [5071] aastore
      [5072] dup
      [5073] sipush 208
      [5076] iconst_3
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      [5080] iconst_0
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      [5085] dup
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      [5089] castore
      [5090] dup
      [5091] iconst_2
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      [5095] castore
      [5096] aastore
      [5097] dup
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      [5101] iconst_3
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      [5105] iconst_0
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      [5110] dup
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      [5115] dup
      [5116] iconst_2
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      [5120] castore
      [5121] aastore
      [5122] dup
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      [5126] iconst_3
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      [5130] iconst_0
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      [5140] dup
      [5141] iconst_2
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      [5146] aastore
      [5147] dup
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      [5155] iconst_0
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      [5164] castore
      [5165] dup
      [5166] iconst_2
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      [5171] aastore
      [5172] dup
      [5173] sipush 212
      [5176] iconst_3
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      [5180] iconst_0
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      [5190] dup
      [5191] iconst_2
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      [5195] castore
      [5196] aastore
      [5197] dup
      [5198] sipush 213
      [5201] iconst_3
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      [5205] iconst_0
      [5206] sipush 271
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      [5210] dup
      [5211] iconst_1
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      [5215] dup
      [5216] iconst_2
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      [5220] castore
      [5221] aastore
      [5222] dup
      [5223] sipush 214
      [5226] iconst_3
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      [5230] iconst_0
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      [5235] dup
      [5236] iconst_1
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      [5239] castore
      [5240] dup
      [5241] iconst_2
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      [5245] castore
      [5246] aastore
      [5247] dup
      [5248] sipush 215
      [5251] iconst_3
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      [5254] dup
      [5255] iconst_0
      [5256] sipush 7697
      [5259] castore
      [5260] dup
      [5261] iconst_1
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      [5264] castore
      [5265] dup
      [5266] iconst_2
      [5267] sipush 807
      [5270] castore
      [5271] aastore
      [5272] dup
      [5273] sipush 216
      [5276] iconst_3
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      [5279] dup
      [5280] iconst_0
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      [5284] castore
      [5285] dup
      [5286] iconst_1
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      [5289] castore
      [5290] dup
      [5291] iconst_2
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      [5295] castore
      [5296] aastore
      [5297] dup
      [5298] sipush 217
      [5301] iconst_3
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      [5305] iconst_0
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      [5310] dup
      [5311] iconst_1
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      [5314] castore
      [5315] dup
      [5316] iconst_2
      [5317] sipush 817
      [5320] castore
      [5321] aastore
      [5322] dup
      [5323] sipush 218
      [5326] iconst_3
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      [5329] dup
      [5330] iconst_0
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      [5335] dup
      [5336] iconst_1
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      [5340] dup
      [5341] iconst_2
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      [5345] castore
      [5346] aastore
      [5347] dup
      [5348] sipush 219
      [5351] iconst_3
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      [5354] dup
      [5355] iconst_0
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      [5360] dup
      [5361] iconst_1
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      [5364] castore
      [5365] dup
      [5366] iconst_2
      [5367] sipush 769
      [5370] castore
      [5371] aastore
      [5372] dup
      [5373] sipush 220
      [5376] iconst_3
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      [5379] dup
      [5380] iconst_0
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      [5385] dup
      [5386] iconst_1
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      [5389] castore
      [5390] dup
      [5391] iconst_2
      [5392] sipush 770
      [5395] castore
      [5396] aastore
      [5397] dup
      [5398] sipush 221
      [5401] iconst_3
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      [5404] dup
      [5405] iconst_0
      [5406] sipush 7869
      [5409] castore
      [5410] dup
      [5411] iconst_1
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      [5414] castore
      [5415] dup
      [5416] iconst_2
      [5417] sipush 771
      [5420] castore
      [5421] aastore
      [5422] dup
      [5423] sipush 222
      [5426] iconst_3
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      [5429] dup
      [5430] iconst_0
      [5431] sipush 275
      [5434] castore
      [5435] dup
      [5436] iconst_1
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      [5439] castore
      [5440] dup
      [5441] iconst_2
      [5442] sipush 772
      [5445] castore
      [5446] aastore
      [5447] dup
      [5448] sipush 223
      [5451] iconst_3
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      [5454] dup
      [5455] iconst_0
      [5456] sipush 277
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      [5460] dup
      [5461] iconst_1
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      [5464] castore
      [5465] dup
      [5466] iconst_2
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      [5470] castore
      [5471] aastore
      [5472] dup
      [5473] sipush 224
      [5476] iconst_3
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      [5479] dup
      [5480] iconst_0
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      [5485] dup
      [5486] iconst_1
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      [5489] castore
      [5490] dup
      [5491] iconst_2
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      [5495] castore
      [5496] aastore
      [5497] dup
      [5498] sipush 225
      [5501] iconst_3
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      [5504] dup
      [5505] iconst_0
      [5506] sipush 235
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      [5510] dup
      [5511] iconst_1
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      [5514] castore
      [5515] dup
      [5516] iconst_2
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      [5520] castore
      [5521] aastore
      [5522] dup
      [5523] sipush 226
      [5526] iconst_3
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      [5529] dup
      [5530] iconst_0
      [5531] sipush 7867
      [5534] castore
      [5535] dup
      [5536] iconst_1
      [5537] bipush 101
      [5539] castore
      [5540] dup
      [5541] iconst_2
      [5542] sipush 777
      [5545] castore
      [5546] aastore
      [5547] dup
      [5548] sipush 227
      [5551] iconst_3
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      [5554] dup
      [5555] iconst_0
      [5556] sipush 283
      [5559] castore
      [5560] dup
      [5561] iconst_1
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      [5564] castore
      [5565] dup
      [5566] iconst_2
      [5567] sipush 780
      [5570] castore
      [5571] aastore
      [5572] dup
      [5573] sipush 228
      [5576] iconst_3
      [5577] newarray 5
      [5579] dup
      [5580] iconst_0
      [5581] sipush 517
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      [5585] dup
      [5586] iconst_1
      [5587] bipush 101
      [5589] castore
      [5590] dup
      [5591] iconst_2
      [5592] sipush 783
      [5595] castore
      [5596] aastore
      [5597] dup
      [5598] sipush 229
      [5601] iconst_3
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      [5604] dup
      [5605] iconst_0
      [5606] sipush 519
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      [5610] dup
      [5611] iconst_1
      [5612] bipush 101
      [5614] castore
      [5615] dup
      [5616] iconst_2
      [5617] sipush 785
      [5620] castore
      [5621] aastore
      [5622] dup
      [5623] sipush 230
      [5626] iconst_3
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      [5629] dup
      [5630] iconst_0
      [5631] sipush 7865
      [5634] castore
      [5635] dup
      [5636] iconst_1
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      [5639] castore
      [5640] dup
      [5641] iconst_2
      [5642] sipush 803
      [5645] castore
      [5646] aastore
      [5647] dup
      [5648] sipush 231
      [5651] iconst_3
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      [5654] dup
      [5655] iconst_0
      [5656] sipush 553
      [5659] castore
      [5660] dup
      [5661] iconst_1
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      [5664] castore
      [5665] dup
      [5666] iconst_2
      [5667] sipush 807
      [5670] castore
      [5671] aastore
      [5672] dup
      [5673] sipush 232
      [5676] iconst_3
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      [5679] dup
      [5680] iconst_0
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      [5684] castore
      [5685] dup
      [5686] iconst_1
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      [5689] castore
      [5690] dup
      [5691] iconst_2
      [5692] sipush 808
      [5695] castore
      [5696] aastore
      [5697] dup
      [5698] sipush 233
      [5701] iconst_3
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      [5704] dup
      [5705] iconst_0
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      [5709] castore
      [5710] dup
      [5711] iconst_1
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      [5714] castore
      [5715] dup
      [5716] iconst_2
      [5717] sipush 813
      [5720] castore
      [5721] aastore
      [5722] dup
      [5723] sipush 234
      [5726] iconst_3
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      [5729] dup
      [5730] iconst_0
      [5731] sipush 7707
      [5734] castore
      [5735] dup
      [5736] iconst_1
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      [5739] castore
      [5740] dup
      [5741] iconst_2
      [5742] sipush 816
      [5745] castore
      [5746] aastore
      [5747] dup
      [5748] sipush 235
      [5751] iconst_3
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      [5754] dup
      [5755] iconst_0
      [5756] sipush 7711
      [5759] castore
      [5760] dup
      [5761] iconst_1
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      [5764] castore
      [5765] dup
      [5766] iconst_2
      [5767] sipush 775
      [5770] castore
      [5771] aastore
      [5772] dup
      [5773] sipush 236
      [5776] iconst_3
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      [5779] dup
      [5780] iconst_0
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      [5784] castore
      [5785] dup
      [5786] iconst_1
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      [5789] castore
      [5790] dup
      [5791] iconst_2
      [5792] sipush 769
      [5795] castore
      [5796] aastore
      [5797] dup
      [5798] sipush 237
      [5801] iconst_3
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      [5804] dup
      [5805] iconst_0
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      [5810] dup
      [5811] iconst_1
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      [5814] castore
      [5815] dup
      [5816] iconst_2
      [5817] sipush 770
      [5820] castore
      [5821] aastore
      [5822] dup
      [5823] sipush 238
      [5826] iconst_3
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      [5829] dup
      [5830] iconst_0
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      [5834] castore
      [5835] dup
      [5836] iconst_1
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      [5839] castore
      [5840] dup
      [5841] iconst_2
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      [5845] castore
      [5846] aastore
      [5847] dup
      [5848] sipush 239
      [5851] iconst_3
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      [5854] dup
      [5855] iconst_0
      [5856] sipush 287
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      [5860] dup
      [5861] iconst_1
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      [5864] castore
      [5865] dup
      [5866] iconst_2
      [5867] sipush 774
      [5870] castore
      [5871] aastore
      [5872] dup
      [5873] sipush 240
      [5876] iconst_3
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      [5879] dup
      [5880] iconst_0
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      [5885] dup
      [5886] iconst_1
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      [5889] castore
      [5890] dup
      [5891] iconst_2
      [5892] sipush 775
      [5895] castore
      [5896] aastore
      [5897] dup
      [5898] sipush 241
      [5901] iconst_3
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      [5904] dup
      [5905] iconst_0
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      [5910] dup
      [5911] iconst_1
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      [5914] castore
      [5915] dup
      [5916] iconst_2
      [5917] sipush 780
      [5920] castore
      [5921] aastore
      [5922] dup
      [5923] sipush 242
      [5926] iconst_3
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      [5929] dup
      [5930] iconst_0
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      [5934] castore
      [5935] dup
      [5936] iconst_1
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      [5939] castore
      [5940] dup
      [5941] iconst_2
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      [5945] castore
      [5946] aastore
      [5947] dup
      [5948] sipush 243
      [5951] iconst_3
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      [5955] iconst_0
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      [5960] dup
      [5961] iconst_1
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      [5965] dup
      [5966] iconst_2
      [5967] sipush 770
      [5970] castore
      [5971] aastore
      [5972] dup
      [5973] sipush 244
      [5976] iconst_3
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      [5979] dup
      [5980] iconst_0
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      [5984] castore
      [5985] dup
      [5986] iconst_1
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      [5989] castore
      [5990] dup
      [5991] iconst_2
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      [5995] castore
      [5996] aastore
      [5997] dup
      [5998] sipush 245
      [6001] iconst_3
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      [6005] iconst_0
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      [6009] castore
      [6010] dup
      [6011] iconst_1
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      [6014] castore
      [6015] dup
      [6016] iconst_2
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      [6020] castore
      [6021] aastore
      [6022] dup
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      [6026] iconst_3
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      [6030] iconst_0
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      [6035] dup
      [6036] iconst_1
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      [6040] dup
      [6041] iconst_2
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      [6046] aastore
      [6047] dup
      [6048] sipush 247
      [6051] iconst_3
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      [6055] iconst_0
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      [6059] castore
      [6060] dup
      [6061] iconst_1
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      [6064] castore
      [6065] dup
      [6066] iconst_2
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      [6070] castore
      [6071] aastore
      [6072] dup
      [6073] sipush 248
      [6076] iconst_3
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      [6080] iconst_0
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      [6085] dup
      [6086] iconst_1
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      [6089] castore
      [6090] dup
      [6091] iconst_2
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      [6096] aastore
      [6097] dup
      [6098] sipush 249
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      [6104] dup
      [6105] iconst_0
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      [6110] dup
      [6111] iconst_1
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      [6114] castore
      [6115] dup
      [6116] iconst_2
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      [6120] castore
      [6121] aastore
      [6122] dup
      [6123] sipush 250
      [6126] iconst_3
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      [6130] iconst_0
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      [6135] dup
      [6136] iconst_1
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      [6139] castore
      [6140] dup
      [6141] iconst_2
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      [6145] castore
      [6146] aastore
      [6147] dup
      [6148] sipush 251
      [6151] iconst_3
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      [6155] iconst_0
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      [6160] dup
      [6161] iconst_1
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      [6164] castore
      [6165] dup
      [6166] iconst_2
      [6167] sipush 768
      [6170] castore
      [6171] aastore
      [6172] dup
      [6173] sipush 252
      [6176] iconst_3
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      [6179] dup
      [6180] iconst_0
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      [6185] dup
      [6186] iconst_1
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      [6189] castore
      [6190] dup
      [6191] iconst_2
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      [6195] castore
      [6196] aastore
      [6197] dup
      [6198] sipush 253
      [6201] iconst_3
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      [6204] dup
      [6205] iconst_0
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      [6210] dup
      [6211] iconst_1
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      [6215] dup
      [6216] iconst_2
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      [6221] aastore
      [6222] dup
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      [6230] iconst_0
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      [6240] dup
      [6241] iconst_2
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      [6245] castore
      [6246] aastore
      [6247] dup
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      [6265] dup
      [6266] iconst_2
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      [6270] castore
      [6271] aastore
      [6272] dup
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      [6276] iconst_3
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      [6290] dup
      [6291] iconst_2
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      [6296] aastore
      [6297] dup
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      [6305] iconst_0
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      [6314] castore
      [6315] dup
      [6316] iconst_2
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      [6320] castore
      [6321] aastore
      [6322] dup
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      [6335] dup
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      [6340] dup
      [6341] iconst_2
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      [6346] aastore
      [6347] dup
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      [6355] iconst_0
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      [6360] dup
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      [6364] castore
      [6365] dup
      [6366] iconst_2
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      [6370] castore
      [6371] aastore
      [6372] dup
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      [6389] castore
      [6390] dup
      [6391] iconst_2
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      [6396] aastore
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      [6405] iconst_0
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      [6415] dup
      [6416] iconst_2
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      [6421] aastore
      [6422] dup
      [6423] sipush 262
      [6426] iconst_3
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      [6435] dup
      [6436] iconst_1
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      [6440] dup
      [6441] iconst_2
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      [6446] aastore
      [6447] dup
      [6448] sipush 263
      [6451] iconst_3
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      [6455] iconst_0
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      [6465] dup
      [6466] iconst_2
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      [6471] aastore
      [6472] dup
      [6473] sipush 264
      [6476] iconst_3
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      [6480] iconst_0
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      [6485] dup
      [6486] iconst_1
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      [6490] dup
      [6491] iconst_2
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      [6496] aastore
      [6497] dup
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      [6501] iconst_3
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      [6504] dup
      [6505] iconst_0
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      [6510] dup
      [6511] iconst_1
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      [6515] dup
      [6516] iconst_2
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      [6520] castore
      [6521] aastore
      [6522] dup
      [6523] sipush 266
      [6526] iconst_3
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      [6530] iconst_0
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      [6535] dup
      [6536] iconst_1
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      [6540] dup
      [6541] iconst_2
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      [6546] aastore
      [6547] dup
      [6548] sipush 267
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      [6555] iconst_0
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      [6560] dup
      [6561] iconst_1
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      [6565] dup
      [6566] iconst_2
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      [6570] castore
      [6571] aastore
      [6572] dup
      [6573] sipush 268
      [6576] iconst_3
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      [6580] iconst_0
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      [6585] dup
      [6586] iconst_1
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      [6589] castore
      [6590] dup
      [6591] iconst_2
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      [6596] aastore
      [6597] dup
      [6598] sipush 269
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      [6605] iconst_0
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      [6611] iconst_1
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      [6615] dup
      [6616] iconst_2
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      [6620] castore
      [6621] aastore
      [6622] dup
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      [6626] iconst_3
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      [6630] iconst_0
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      [6635] dup
      [6636] iconst_1
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      [6640] dup
      [6641] iconst_2
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      [6645] castore
      [6646] aastore
      [6647] dup
      [6648] sipush 271
      [6651] iconst_3
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      [6654] dup
      [6655] iconst_0
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      [6660] dup
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      [6664] castore
      [6665] dup
      [6666] iconst_2
      [6667] sipush 817
      [6670] castore
      [6671] aastore
      [6672] dup
      [6673] sipush 272
      [6676] iconst_3
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      [6679] dup
      [6680] iconst_0
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      [6685] dup
      [6686] iconst_1
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      [6689] castore
      [6690] dup
      [6691] iconst_2
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      [6695] castore
      [6696] aastore
      [6697] dup
      [6698] sipush 273
      [6701] iconst_3
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      [6704] dup
      [6705] iconst_0
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      [6710] dup
      [6711] iconst_1
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      [6715] dup
      [6716] iconst_2
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      [6721] aastore
      [6722] dup
      [6723] sipush 274
      [6726] iconst_3
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      [6730] iconst_0
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      [6735] dup
      [6736] iconst_1
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      [6740] dup
      [6741] iconst_2
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      [6745] castore
      [6746] aastore
      [6747] dup
      [6748] sipush 275
      [6751] iconst_3
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      [6754] dup
      [6755] iconst_0
      [6756] sipush 316
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      [6760] dup
      [6761] iconst_1
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      [6764] castore
      [6765] dup
      [6766] iconst_2
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      [6770] castore
      [6771] aastore
      [6772] dup
      [6773] sipush 276
      [6776] iconst_3
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      [6779] dup
      [6780] iconst_0
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      [6784] castore
      [6785] dup
      [6786] iconst_1
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      [6789] castore
      [6790] dup
      [6791] iconst_2
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      [6795] castore
      [6796] aastore
      [6797] dup
      [6798] sipush 277
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      [6804] dup
      [6805] iconst_0
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      [6809] castore
      [6810] dup
      [6811] iconst_1
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      [6815] dup
      [6816] iconst_2
      [6817] sipush 817
      [6820] castore
      [6821] aastore
      [6822] dup
      [6823] sipush 278
      [6826] iconst_3
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      [6829] dup
      [6830] iconst_0
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      [6834] castore
      [6835] dup
      [6836] iconst_1
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      [6840] dup
      [6841] iconst_2
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      [6845] castore
      [6846] aastore
      [6847] dup
      [6848] sipush 279
      [6851] iconst_3
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      [6854] dup
      [6855] iconst_0
      [6856] sipush 7745
      [6859] castore
      [6860] dup
      [6861] iconst_1
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      [6864] castore
      [6865] dup
      [6866] iconst_2
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      [6870] castore
      [6871] aastore
      [6872] dup
      [6873] sipush 280
      [6876] iconst_3
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      [6879] dup
      [6880] iconst_0
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      [6884] castore
      [6885] dup
      [6886] iconst_1
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      [6889] castore
      [6890] dup
      [6891] iconst_2
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      [6895] castore
      [6896] aastore
      [6897] dup
      [6898] sipush 281
      [6901] iconst_3
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      [6904] dup
      [6905] iconst_0
      [6906] sipush 505
      [6909] castore
      [6910] dup
      [6911] iconst_1
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      [6915] dup
      [6916] iconst_2
      [6917] sipush 768
      [6920] castore
      [6921] aastore
      [6922] dup
      [6923] sipush 282
      [6926] iconst_3
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      [6930] iconst_0
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      [6935] dup
      [6936] iconst_1
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      [6939] castore
      [6940] dup
      [6941] iconst_2
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      [6945] castore
      [6946] aastore
      [6947] dup
      [6948] sipush 283
      [6951] iconst_3
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      [6954] dup
      [6955] iconst_0
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      [6959] castore
      [6960] dup
      [6961] iconst_1
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      [6965] dup
      [6966] iconst_2
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      [6970] castore
      [6971] aastore
      [6972] dup
      [6973] sipush 284
      [6976] iconst_3
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      [6980] iconst_0
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      [6985] dup
      [6986] iconst_1
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      [6989] castore
      [6990] dup
      [6991] iconst_2
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      [6995] castore
      [6996] aastore
      [6997] dup
      [6998] sipush 285
      [7001] iconst_3
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      [7004] dup
      [7005] iconst_0
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      [7010] dup
      [7011] iconst_1
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      [7014] castore
      [7015] dup
      [7016] iconst_2
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      [7021] aastore
      [7022] dup
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      [7026] iconst_3
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      [7030] iconst_0
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      [7035] dup
      [7036] iconst_1
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      [7039] castore
      [7040] dup
      [7041] iconst_2
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      [7045] castore
      [7046] aastore
      [7047] dup
      [7048] sipush 287
      [7051] iconst_3
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      [7055] iconst_0
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      [7061] iconst_1
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      [7065] dup
      [7066] iconst_2
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      [7071] aastore
      [7072] dup
      [7073] sipush 288
      [7076] iconst_3
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      [7080] iconst_0
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      [7085] dup
      [7086] iconst_1
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      [7090] dup
      [7091] iconst_2
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      [7096] aastore
      [7097] dup
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      [7104] dup
      [7105] iconst_0
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      [7110] dup
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      [7115] dup
      [7116] iconst_2
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      [7120] castore
      [7121] aastore
      [7122] dup
      [7123] sipush 290
      [7126] iconst_3
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      [7130] iconst_0
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      [7135] dup
      [7136] iconst_1
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      [7139] castore
      [7140] dup
      [7141] iconst_2
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      [7146] aastore
      [7147] dup
      [7148] sipush 291
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      [7155] iconst_0
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      [7160] dup
      [7161] iconst_1
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      [7165] dup
      [7166] iconst_2
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      [7170] castore
      [7171] aastore
      [7172] dup
      [7173] sipush 292
      [7176] iconst_3
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      [7180] iconst_0
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      [7185] dup
      [7186] iconst_1
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      [7190] dup
      [7191] iconst_2
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      [7195] castore
      [7196] aastore
      [7197] dup
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      [7205] iconst_0
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      [7210] dup
      [7211] iconst_1
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      [7215] dup
      [7216] iconst_2
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      [7220] castore
      [7221] aastore
      [7222] dup
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      [7235] dup
      [7236] iconst_1
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      [7240] dup
      [7241] iconst_2
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      [7245] castore
      [7246] aastore
      [7247] dup
      [7248] sipush 295
      [7251] iconst_3
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      [7255] iconst_0
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      [7260] dup
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      [7265] dup
      [7266] iconst_2
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      [7270] castore
      [7271] aastore
      [7272] dup
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      [7279] dup
      [7280] iconst_0
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      [7285] dup
      [7286] iconst_1
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      [7290] dup
      [7291] iconst_2
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      [7296] aastore
      [7297] dup
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      [7310] dup
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      [7315] dup
      [7316] iconst_2
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      [7321] aastore
      [7322] dup
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      [7330] iconst_0
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      [7335] dup
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      [7340] dup
      [7341] iconst_2
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      [7346] aastore
      [7347] dup
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      [7354] dup
      [7355] iconst_0
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      [7360] dup
      [7361] iconst_1
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      [7364] castore
      [7365] dup
      [7366] iconst_2
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      [7370] castore
      [7371] aastore
      [7372] dup
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      [7379] dup
      [7380] iconst_0
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      [7385] dup
      [7386] iconst_1
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      [7389] castore
      [7390] dup
      [7391] iconst_2
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      [7396] aastore
      [7397] dup
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      [7404] dup
      [7405] iconst_0
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      [7411] iconst_1
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      [7415] dup
      [7416] iconst_2
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      [7421] aastore
      [7422] dup
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      [7429] dup
      [7430] iconst_0
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      [7434] castore
      [7435] dup
      [7436] iconst_1
      [7437] bipush 111
      [7439] castore
      [7440] dup
      [7441] iconst_2
      [7442] sipush 785
      [7445] castore
      [7446] aastore
      [7447] dup
      [7448] sipush 303
      [7451] iconst_3
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      [7454] dup
      [7455] iconst_0
      [7456] sipush 417
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      [7460] dup
      [7461] iconst_1
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      [7464] castore
      [7465] dup
      [7466] iconst_2
      [7467] sipush 795
      [7470] castore
      [7471] aastore
      [7472] dup
      [7473] sipush 304
      [7476] iconst_3
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      [7479] dup
      [7480] iconst_0
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      [7484] castore
      [7485] dup
      [7486] iconst_1
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      [7489] castore
      [7490] dup
      [7491] iconst_2
      [7492] sipush 803
      [7495] castore
      [7496] aastore
      [7497] dup
      [7498] sipush 305
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      [7504] dup
      [7505] iconst_0
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      [7510] dup
      [7511] iconst_1
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      [7515] dup
      [7516] iconst_2
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      [7521] aastore
      [7522] dup
      [7523] sipush 306
      [7526] iconst_3
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      [7530] iconst_0
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      [7535] dup
      [7536] iconst_1
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      [7540] dup
      [7541] iconst_2
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      [7545] castore
      [7546] aastore
      [7547] dup
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      [7551] iconst_3
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      [7554] dup
      [7555] iconst_0
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      [7560] dup
      [7561] iconst_1
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      [7565] dup
      [7566] iconst_2
      [7567] sipush 775
      [7570] castore
      [7571] aastore
      [7572] dup
      [7573] sipush 308
      [7576] iconst_3
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      [7580] iconst_0
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      [7585] dup
      [7586] iconst_1
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      [7590] dup
      [7591] iconst_2
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      [7595] castore
      [7596] aastore
      [7597] dup
      [7598] sipush 309
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      [7605] iconst_0
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      [7610] dup
      [7611] iconst_1
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      [7614] castore
      [7615] dup
      [7616] iconst_2
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      [7620] castore
      [7621] aastore
      [7622] dup
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      [7626] iconst_3
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      [7630] iconst_0
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      [7635] dup
      [7636] iconst_1
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      [7640] dup
      [7641] iconst_2
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      [7646] aastore
      [7647] dup
      [7648] sipush 311
      [7651] iconst_3
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      [7655] iconst_0
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      [7660] dup
      [7661] iconst_1
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      [7664] castore
      [7665] dup
      [7666] iconst_2
      [7667] sipush 783
      [7670] castore
      [7671] aastore
      [7672] dup
      [7673] sipush 312
      [7676] iconst_3
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      [7679] dup
      [7680] iconst_0
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      [7685] dup
      [7686] iconst_1
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      [7689] castore
      [7690] dup
      [7691] iconst_2
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      [7695] castore
      [7696] aastore
      [7697] dup
      [7698] sipush 313
      [7701] iconst_3
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      [7704] dup
      [7705] iconst_0
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      [7709] castore
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      [7711] iconst_1
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      [7714] castore
      [7715] dup
      [7716] iconst_2
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      [7721] aastore
      [7722] dup
      [7723] sipush 314
      [7726] iconst_3
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      [7730] iconst_0
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      [7735] dup
      [7736] iconst_1
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      [7739] castore
      [7740] dup
      [7741] iconst_2
      [7742] sipush 807
      [7745] castore
      [7746] aastore
      [7747] dup
      [7748] sipush 315
      [7751] iconst_3
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      [7754] dup
      [7755] iconst_0
      [7756] sipush 7775
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      [7760] dup
      [7761] iconst_1
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      [7765] dup
      [7766] iconst_2
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      [7770] castore
      [7771] aastore
      [7772] dup
      [7773] sipush 316
      [7776] iconst_3
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      [7779] dup
      [7780] iconst_0
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      [7785] dup
      [7786] iconst_1
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      [7790] dup
      [7791] iconst_2
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      [7795] castore
      [7796] aastore
      [7797] dup
      [7798] sipush 317
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      [7804] dup
      [7805] iconst_0
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      [7810] dup
      [7811] iconst_1
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      [7815] dup
      [7816] iconst_2
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      [7820] castore
      [7821] aastore
      [7822] dup
      [7823] sipush 318
      [7826] iconst_3
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      [7830] iconst_0
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      [7835] dup
      [7836] iconst_1
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      [7840] dup
      [7841] iconst_2
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      [7845] castore
      [7846] aastore
      [7847] dup
      [7848] sipush 319
      [7851] iconst_3
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      [7854] dup
      [7855] iconst_0
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      [7860] dup
      [7861] iconst_1
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      [7865] dup
      [7866] iconst_2
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      [7870] castore
      [7871] aastore
      [7872] dup
      [7873] sipush 320
      [7876] iconst_3
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      [7879] dup
      [7880] iconst_0
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      [7885] dup
      [7886] iconst_1
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      [7889] castore
      [7890] dup
      [7891] iconst_2
      [7892] sipush 803
      [7895] castore
      [7896] aastore
      [7897] dup
      [7898] sipush 321
      [7901] iconst_3
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      [7904] dup
      [7905] iconst_0
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      [7910] dup
      [7911] iconst_1
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      [7914] castore
      [7915] dup
      [7916] iconst_2
      [7917] sipush 806
      [7920] castore
      [7921] aastore
      [7922] dup
      [7923] sipush 322
      [7926] iconst_3
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      [7929] dup
      [7930] iconst_0
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      [7935] dup
      [7936] iconst_1
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      [7939] castore
      [7940] dup
      [7941] iconst_2
      [7942] sipush 807
      [7945] castore
      [7946] aastore
      [7947] dup
      [7948] sipush 323
      [7951] iconst_3
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      [7954] dup
      [7955] iconst_0
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      [7960] dup
      [7961] iconst_1
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      [7965] dup
      [7966] iconst_2
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      [7970] castore
      [7971] aastore
      [7972] dup
      [7973] sipush 324
      [7976] iconst_3
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      [7979] dup
      [7980] iconst_0
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      [7984] castore
      [7985] dup
      [7986] iconst_1
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      [7990] dup
      [7991] iconst_2
      [7992] sipush 776
      [7995] castore
      [7996] aastore
      [7997] dup
      [7998] sipush 325
      [8001] iconst_3
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      [8004] dup
      [8005] iconst_0
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      [8010] dup
      [8011] iconst_1
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      [8014] castore
      [8015] dup
      [8016] iconst_2
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      [8020] castore
      [8021] aastore
      [8022] dup
      [8023] sipush 326
      [8026] iconst_3
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      [8030] iconst_0
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      [8034] castore
      [8035] dup
      [8036] iconst_1
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      [8040] dup
      [8041] iconst_2
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      [8045] castore
      [8046] aastore
      [8047] dup
      [8048] sipush 327
      [8051] iconst_3
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      [8054] dup
      [8055] iconst_0
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      [8060] dup
      [8061] iconst_1
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      [8065] dup
      [8066] iconst_2
      [8067] sipush 806
      [8070] castore
      [8071] aastore
      [8072] dup
      [8073] sipush 328
      [8076] iconst_3
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      [8079] dup
      [8080] iconst_0
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      [8085] dup
      [8086] iconst_1
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      [8090] dup
      [8091] iconst_2
      [8092] sipush 807
      [8095] castore
      [8096] aastore
      [8097] dup
      [8098] sipush 329
      [8101] iconst_3
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      [8104] dup
      [8105] iconst_0
      [8106] sipush 7793
      [8109] castore
      [8110] dup
      [8111] iconst_1
      [8112] bipush 116
      [8114] castore
      [8115] dup
      [8116] iconst_2
      [8117] sipush 813
      [8120] castore
      [8121] aastore
      [8122] dup
      [8123] sipush 330
      [8126] iconst_3
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      [8129] dup
      [8130] iconst_0
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      [8134] castore
      [8135] dup
      [8136] iconst_1
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      [8139] castore
      [8140] dup
      [8141] iconst_2
      [8142] sipush 817
      [8145] castore
      [8146] aastore
      [8147] dup
      [8148] sipush 331
      [8151] iconst_3
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      [8154] dup
      [8155] iconst_0
      [8156] sipush 249
      [8159] castore
      [8160] dup
      [8161] iconst_1
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      [8164] castore
      [8165] dup
      [8166] iconst_2
      [8167] sipush 768
      [8170] castore
      [8171] aastore
      [8172] dup
      [8173] sipush 332
      [8176] iconst_3
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      [8180] iconst_0
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      [8185] dup
      [8186] iconst_1
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      [8189] castore
      [8190] dup
      [8191] iconst_2
      [8192] sipush 769
      [8195] castore
      [8196] aastore
      [8197] dup
      [8198] sipush 333
      [8201] iconst_3
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      [8204] dup
      [8205] iconst_0
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      [8210] dup
      [8211] iconst_1
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      [8214] castore
      [8215] dup
      [8216] iconst_2
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      [8220] castore
      [8221] aastore
      [8222] dup
      [8223] sipush 334
      [8226] iconst_3
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      [8229] dup
      [8230] iconst_0
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      [8234] castore
      [8235] dup
      [8236] iconst_1
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      [8239] castore
      [8240] dup
      [8241] iconst_2
      [8242] sipush 771
      [8245] castore
      [8246] aastore
      [8247] dup
      [8248] sipush 335
      [8251] iconst_3
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      [8254] dup
      [8255] iconst_0
      [8256] sipush 363
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      [8260] dup
      [8261] iconst_1
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      [8264] castore
      [8265] dup
      [8266] iconst_2
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      [8270] castore
      [8271] aastore
      [8272] dup
      [8273] sipush 336
      [8276] iconst_3
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      [8279] dup
      [8280] iconst_0
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      [8284] castore
      [8285] dup
      [8286] iconst_1
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      [8289] castore
      [8290] dup
      [8291] iconst_2
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      [8295] castore
      [8296] aastore
      [8297] dup
      [8298] sipush 337
      [8301] iconst_3
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      [8305] iconst_0
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      [8310] dup
      [8311] iconst_1
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      [8314] castore
      [8315] dup
      [8316] iconst_2
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      [8320] castore
      [8321] aastore
      [8322] dup
      [8323] sipush 338
      [8326] iconst_3
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      [8330] iconst_0
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      [8334] castore
      [8335] dup
      [8336] iconst_1
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      [8339] castore
      [8340] dup
      [8341] iconst_2
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      [8345] castore
      [8346] aastore
      [8347] dup
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      [8351] iconst_3
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      [8354] dup
      [8355] iconst_0
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      [8360] dup
      [8361] iconst_1
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      [8364] castore
      [8365] dup
      [8366] iconst_2
      [8367] sipush 778
      [8370] castore
      [8371] aastore
      [8372] dup
      [8373] sipush 340
      [8376] iconst_3
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      [8380] iconst_0
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      [8385] dup
      [8386] iconst_1
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      [8389] castore
      [8390] dup
      [8391] iconst_2
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      [8396] aastore
      [8397] dup
      [8398] sipush 341
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      [8405] iconst_0
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      [8410] dup
      [8411] iconst_1
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      [8414] castore
      [8415] dup
      [8416] iconst_2
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      [8421] aastore
      [8422] dup
      [8423] sipush 342
      [8426] iconst_3
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      [8430] iconst_0
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      [8435] dup
      [8436] iconst_1
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      [8440] dup
      [8441] iconst_2
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      [8445] castore
      [8446] aastore
      [8447] dup
      [8448] sipush 343
      [8451] iconst_3
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      [8455] iconst_0
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      [8460] dup
      [8461] iconst_1
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      [8465] dup
      [8466] iconst_2
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      [8470] castore
      [8471] aastore
      [8472] dup
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      [8476] iconst_3
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      [8480] iconst_0
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      [8485] dup
      [8486] iconst_1
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      [8489] castore
      [8490] dup
      [8491] iconst_2
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      [8495] castore
      [8496] aastore
      [8497] dup
      [8498] sipush 345
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      [8505] iconst_0
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      [8510] dup
      [8511] iconst_1
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      [8515] dup
      [8516] iconst_2
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      [8521] aastore
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      [8526] iconst_3
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      [8530] iconst_0
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      [8535] dup
      [8536] iconst_1
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      [8540] dup
      [8541] iconst_2
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      [8546] aastore
      [8547] dup
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      [8555] iconst_0
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      [8560] dup
      [8561] iconst_1
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      [8564] castore
      [8565] dup
      [8566] iconst_2
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      [8571] aastore
      [8572] dup
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      [8576] iconst_3
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      [8580] iconst_0
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      [8584] castore
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      [8586] iconst_1
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      [8590] dup
      [8591] iconst_2
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      [8596] aastore
      [8597] dup
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      [8605] iconst_0
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      [8610] dup
      [8611] iconst_1
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      [8615] dup
      [8616] iconst_2
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      [8621] aastore
      [8622] dup
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      [8630] iconst_0
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      [8635] dup
      [8636] iconst_1
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      [8640] dup
      [8641] iconst_2
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      [8646] aastore
      [8647] dup
      [8648] sipush 351
      [8651] iconst_3
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      [8654] dup
      [8655] iconst_0
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      [8660] dup
      [8661] iconst_1
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      [8664] castore
      [8665] dup
      [8666] iconst_2
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      [8670] castore
      [8671] aastore
      [8672] dup
      [8673] sipush 352
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      [8680] iconst_0
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      [8686] iconst_1
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      [8690] dup
      [8691] iconst_2
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      [8695] castore
      [8696] aastore
      [8697] dup
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      [8701] iconst_3
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      [8705] iconst_0
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      [8716] iconst_2
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      [8726] iconst_3
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      [8741] iconst_2
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      [8745] castore
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      [8755] iconst_0
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      [8765] dup
      [8766] iconst_2
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      [8790] dup
      [8791] iconst_2
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      [8815] dup
      [8816] iconst_2
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      [8840] dup
      [8841] iconst_2
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      [8866] iconst_2
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      [8891] iconst_2
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      [8905] iconst_0
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      [8915] dup
      [8916] iconst_2
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      [8922] dup
      [8923] sipush 362
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      [8930] iconst_0
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      [8936] iconst_1
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      [8941] iconst_2
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      [8946] aastore
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      [8955] iconst_0
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      [8965] dup
      [8966] iconst_2
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      [8971] aastore
      [8972] dup
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      [8976] iconst_3
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      [8985] dup
      [8986] iconst_1
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      [8990] dup
      [8991] iconst_2
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      [8995] castore
      [8996] aastore
      [8997] dup
      [8998] sipush 365
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      [9005] iconst_0
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      [9011] iconst_1
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      [9016] iconst_2
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      [9021] aastore
      [9022] dup
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      [9035] dup
      [9036] iconst_1
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      [9040] dup
      [9041] iconst_2
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      [9045] castore
      [9046] aastore
      [9047] dup
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      [9055] iconst_0
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      [9061] iconst_1
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      [9065] dup
      [9066] iconst_2
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      [9070] castore
      [9071] aastore
      [9072] dup
      [9073] sipush 368
      [9076] iconst_3
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      [9080] iconst_0
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      [9086] iconst_1
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      [9090] dup
      [9091] iconst_2
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      [9096] aastore
      [9097] dup
      [9098] sipush 369
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      [9105] iconst_0
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      [9110] dup
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      [9115] dup
      [9116] iconst_2
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      [9121] aastore
      [9122] dup
      [9123] sipush 370
      [9126] iconst_3
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      [9130] iconst_0
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      [9135] dup
      [9136] iconst_1
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      [9140] dup
      [9141] iconst_2
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      [9146] aastore
      [9147] dup
      [9148] sipush 371
      [9151] iconst_3
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      [9154] dup
      [9155] iconst_0
      [9156] sipush 378
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      [9160] dup
      [9161] iconst_1
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      [9164] castore
      [9165] dup
      [9166] iconst_2
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      [9170] castore
      [9171] aastore
      [9172] dup
      [9173] sipush 372
      [9176] iconst_3
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      [9180] iconst_0
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      [9185] dup
      [9186] iconst_1
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      [9190] dup
      [9191] iconst_2
      [9192] sipush 770
      [9195] castore
      [9196] aastore
      [9197] dup
      [9198] sipush 373
      [9201] iconst_3
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      [9205] iconst_0
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      [9210] dup
      [9211] iconst_1
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      [9215] dup
      [9216] iconst_2
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      [9221] aastore
      [9222] dup
      [9223] sipush 374
      [9226] iconst_3
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      [9230] iconst_0
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      [9235] dup
      [9236] iconst_1
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      [9240] dup
      [9241] iconst_2
      [9242] sipush 780
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      [9246] aastore
      [9247] dup
      [9248] sipush 375
      [9251] iconst_3
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      [9255] iconst_0
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      [9260] dup
      [9261] iconst_1
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      [9264] castore
      [9265] dup
      [9266] iconst_2
      [9267] sipush 803
      [9270] castore
      [9271] aastore
      [9272] dup
      [9273] sipush 376
      [9276] iconst_3
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      [9280] iconst_0
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      [9285] dup
      [9286] iconst_1
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      [9289] castore
      [9290] dup
      [9291] iconst_2
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      [9295] castore
      [9296] aastore
      [9297] dup
      [9298] sipush 377
      [9301] iconst_3
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      [9305] iconst_0
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      [9310] dup
      [9311] iconst_1
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      [9315] castore
      [9316] dup
      [9317] iconst_2
      [9318] sipush 768
      [9321] castore
      [9322] aastore
      [9323] dup
      [9324] sipush 378
      [9327] iconst_3
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      [9331] iconst_0
      [9332] sipush 901
      [9335] castore
      [9336] dup
      [9337] iconst_1
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      [9341] castore
      [9342] dup
      [9343] iconst_2
      [9344] sipush 769
      [9347] castore
      [9348] aastore
      [9349] dup
      [9350] sipush 379
      [9353] iconst_3
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      [9356] dup
      [9357] iconst_0
      [9358] sipush 8129
      [9361] castore
      [9362] dup
      [9363] iconst_1
      [9364] sipush 168
      [9367] castore
      [9368] dup
      [9369] iconst_2
      [9370] sipush 834
      [9373] castore
      [9374] aastore
      [9375] dup
      [9376] sipush 380
      [9379] iconst_3
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      [9382] dup
      [9383] iconst_0
      [9384] sipush 7846
      [9387] castore
      [9388] dup
      [9389] iconst_1
      [9390] sipush 194
      [9393] castore
      [9394] dup
      [9395] iconst_2
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      [9401] dup
      [9402] sipush 381
      [9405] iconst_3
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      [9408] dup
      [9409] iconst_0
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      [9414] dup
      [9415] iconst_1
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      [9420] dup
      [9421] iconst_2
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      [9426] aastore
      [9427] dup
      [9428] sipush 382
      [9431] iconst_3
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      [9435] iconst_0
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      [9440] dup
      [9441] iconst_1
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      [9445] castore
      [9446] dup
      [9447] iconst_2
      [9448] sipush 771
      [9451] castore
      [9452] aastore
      [9453] dup
      [9454] sipush 383
      [9457] iconst_3
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      [9461] iconst_0
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      [9466] dup
      [9467] iconst_1
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      [9471] castore
      [9472] dup
      [9473] iconst_2
      [9474] sipush 777
      [9477] castore
      [9478] aastore
      [9479] dup
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      [9486] dup
      [9487] iconst_0
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      [9492] dup
      [9493] iconst_1
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      [9497] castore
      [9498] dup
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      [9504] aastore
      [9505] dup
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      [9513] iconst_0
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      [9518] dup
      [9519] iconst_1
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      [9524] dup
      [9525] iconst_2
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      [9530] aastore
      [9531] dup
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      [9539] iconst_0
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      [9544] dup
      [9545] iconst_1
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      [9549] castore
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      [9551] iconst_2
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      [9556] aastore
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      [9565] iconst_0
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      [9571] iconst_1
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      [9575] castore
      [9576] dup
      [9577] iconst_2
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      [9582] aastore
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      [9591] iconst_0
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      [9602] dup
      [9603] iconst_2
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      [9608] aastore
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      [9617] iconst_0
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      [9622] dup
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      [9627] castore
      [9628] dup
      [9629] iconst_2
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      [9643] iconst_0
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      [9648] dup
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      [9654] dup
      [9655] iconst_2
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      [9669] iconst_0
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      [9674] dup
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      [9679] castore
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      [9681] iconst_2
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      [9686] aastore
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      [9695] iconst_0
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      [9706] dup
      [9707] iconst_2
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      [9713] dup
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      [9721] iconst_0
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      [9731] castore
      [9732] dup
      [9733] iconst_2
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      [9758] dup
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      [9765] dup
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      [9773] iconst_0
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      [9778] dup
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      [9784] dup
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      [9790] aastore
      [9791] dup
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      [9805] iconst_1
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      [9811] iconst_2
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      [9836] dup
      [9837] iconst_2
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      [9842] aastore
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      [9851] iconst_0
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      [9856] dup
      [9857] iconst_1
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      [9861] castore
      [9862] dup
      [9863] iconst_2
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      [9867] castore
      [9868] aastore
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      [9877] iconst_0
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      [9882] dup
      [9883] iconst_1
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      [9889] iconst_2
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      [9894] aastore
      [9895] dup
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      [9909] iconst_1
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      [9914] dup
      [9915] iconst_2
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      [9920] aastore
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      [9929] iconst_0
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      [9934] dup
      [9935] iconst_1
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      [9939] castore
      [9940] dup
      [9941] iconst_2
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      [9945] castore
      [9946] aastore
      [9947] dup
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      [9951] iconst_3
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      [9955] iconst_0
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      [9961] iconst_1
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      [9967] iconst_2
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      [9973] dup
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      [9981] iconst_0
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      [9993] iconst_2
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      [9998] aastore
      [9999] dup
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      [10019] iconst_2
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      [10023] castore
      [10024] aastore
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      [10029] iconst_3
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      [10043] castore
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      [10045] iconst_2
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      [10071] iconst_2
      [10072] sipush 780
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      [10076] aastore
      [10077] dup
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      [10096] dup
      [10097] iconst_2
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      [10103] dup
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      [10107] iconst_3
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      [10127] castore
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      [10137] iconst_0
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      [10148] dup
      [10149] iconst_2
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      [10153] castore
      [10154] aastore
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      [10159] iconst_3
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      [10174] dup
      [10175] iconst_2
      [10176] sipush 777
      [10179] castore
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      [10181] dup
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      [10185] iconst_3
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      [10201] iconst_2
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      [10205] castore
      [10206] aastore
      [10207] dup
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      [10211] iconst_3
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      [10215] iconst_0
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      [10220] dup
      [10221] iconst_1
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      [10225] castore
      [10226] dup
      [10227] iconst_2
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      [10231] castore
      [10232] aastore
      [10233] dup
      [10234] sipush 413
      [10237] iconst_3
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      [10241] iconst_0
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      [10246] dup
      [10247] iconst_1
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      [10251] castore
      [10252] dup
      [10253] iconst_2
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      [10257] castore
      [10258] aastore
      [10259] dup
      [10260] sipush 414
      [10263] iconst_3
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      [10267] iconst_0
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      [10272] dup
      [10273] iconst_1
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      [10277] castore
      [10278] dup
      [10279] iconst_2
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      [10283] castore
      [10284] aastore
      [10285] dup
      [10286] sipush 415
      [10289] iconst_3
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      [10293] iconst_0
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      [10297] castore
      [10298] dup
      [10299] iconst_1
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      [10304] dup
      [10305] iconst_2
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      [10309] castore
      [10310] aastore
      [10311] dup
      [10312] sipush 416
      [10315] iconst_3
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      [10319] iconst_0
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      [10324] dup
      [10325] iconst_1
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      [10330] dup
      [10331] iconst_2
      [10332] sipush 768
      [10335] castore
      [10336] aastore
      [10337] dup
      [10338] sipush 417
      [10341] iconst_3
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      [10345] iconst_0
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      [10350] dup
      [10351] iconst_1
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      [10355] castore
      [10356] dup
      [10357] iconst_2
      [10358] sipush 769
      [10361] castore
      [10362] aastore
      [10363] dup
      [10364] sipush 418
      [10367] iconst_3
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      [10371] iconst_0
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      [10376] dup
      [10377] iconst_1
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      [10381] castore
      [10382] dup
      [10383] iconst_2
      [10384] sipush 771
      [10387] castore
      [10388] aastore
      [10389] dup
      [10390] sipush 419
      [10393] iconst_3
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      [10397] iconst_0
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      [10402] dup
      [10403] iconst_1
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      [10407] castore
      [10408] dup
      [10409] iconst_2
      [10410] sipush 777
      [10413] castore
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      [10415] dup
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      [10419] iconst_3
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      [10423] iconst_0
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      [10428] dup
      [10429] iconst_1
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      [10434] dup
      [10435] iconst_2
      [10436] sipush 769
      [10439] castore
      [10440] aastore
      [10441] dup
      [10442] sipush 421
      [10445] iconst_3
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      [10449] iconst_0
      [10450] sipush 7891
      [10453] castore
      [10454] dup
      [10455] iconst_1
      [10456] sipush 244
      [10459] castore
      [10460] dup
      [10461] iconst_2
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      [10465] castore
      [10466] aastore
      [10467] dup
      [10468] sipush 422
      [10471] iconst_3
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      [10474] dup
      [10475] iconst_0
      [10476] sipush 7889
      [10479] castore
      [10480] dup
      [10481] iconst_1
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      [10485] castore
      [10486] dup
      [10487] iconst_2
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      [10491] castore
      [10492] aastore
      [10493] dup
      [10494] sipush 423
      [10497] iconst_3
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      [10501] iconst_0
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      [10505] castore
      [10506] dup
      [10507] iconst_1
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      [10511] castore
      [10512] dup
      [10513] iconst_2
      [10514] sipush 771
      [10517] castore
      [10518] aastore
      [10519] dup
      [10520] sipush 424
      [10523] iconst_3
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      [10526] dup
      [10527] iconst_0
      [10528] sipush 7893
      [10531] castore
      [10532] dup
      [10533] iconst_1
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      [10537] castore
      [10538] dup
      [10539] iconst_2
      [10540] sipush 777
      [10543] castore
      [10544] aastore
      [10545] dup
      [10546] sipush 425
      [10549] iconst_3
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      [10552] dup
      [10553] iconst_0
      [10554] sipush 7757
      [10557] castore
      [10558] dup
      [10559] iconst_1
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      [10564] dup
      [10565] iconst_2
      [10566] sipush 769
      [10569] castore
      [10570] aastore
      [10571] dup
      [10572] sipush 426
      [10575] iconst_3
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      [10578] dup
      [10579] iconst_0
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      [10584] dup
      [10585] iconst_1
      [10586] sipush 245
      [10589] castore
      [10590] dup
      [10591] iconst_2
      [10592] sipush 772
      [10595] castore
      [10596] aastore
      [10597] dup
      [10598] sipush 427
      [10601] iconst_3
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      [10604] dup
      [10605] iconst_0
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      [10610] dup
      [10611] iconst_1
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      [10616] dup
      [10617] iconst_2
      [10618] sipush 776
      [10621] castore
      [10622] aastore
      [10623] dup
      [10624] sipush 428
      [10627] iconst_3
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      [10631] iconst_0
      [10632] sipush 555
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      [10636] dup
      [10637] iconst_1
      [10638] sipush 246
      [10641] castore
      [10642] dup
      [10643] iconst_2
      [10644] sipush 772
      [10647] castore
      [10648] aastore
      [10649] dup
      [10650] sipush 429
      [10653] iconst_3
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      [10657] iconst_0
      [10658] sipush 511
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      [10662] dup
      [10663] iconst_1
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      [10668] dup
      [10669] iconst_2
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      [10673] castore
      [10674] aastore
      [10675] dup
      [10676] sipush 430
      [10679] iconst_3
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      [10682] dup
      [10683] iconst_0
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      [10688] dup
      [10689] iconst_1
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      [10693] castore
      [10694] dup
      [10695] iconst_2
      [10696] sipush 768
      [10699] castore
      [10700] aastore
      [10701] dup
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      [10705] iconst_3
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      [10708] dup
      [10709] iconst_0
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      [10714] dup
      [10715] iconst_1
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      [10720] dup
      [10721] iconst_2
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      [10725] castore
      [10726] aastore
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      [10728] sipush 432
      [10731] iconst_3
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      [10735] iconst_0
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      [10741] iconst_1
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      [10745] castore
      [10746] dup
      [10747] iconst_2
      [10748] sipush 772
      [10751] castore
      [10752] aastore
      [10753] dup
      [10754] sipush 433
      [10757] iconst_3
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      [10761] iconst_0
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      [10766] dup
      [10767] iconst_1
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      [10771] castore
      [10772] dup
      [10773] iconst_2
      [10774] sipush 780
      [10777] castore
      [10778] aastore
      [10779] dup
      [10780] sipush 434
      [10783] iconst_3
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      [10787] iconst_0
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      [10792] dup
      [10793] iconst_1
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      [10797] castore
      [10798] dup
      [10799] iconst_2
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      [10803] castore
      [10804] aastore
      [10805] dup
      [10806] sipush 435
      [10809] iconst_3
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      [10813] iconst_0
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      [10818] dup
      [10819] iconst_1
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      [10824] dup
      [10825] iconst_2
      [10826] sipush 769
      [10829] castore
      [10830] aastore
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      [10832] sipush 436
      [10835] iconst_3
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      [10839] iconst_0
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      [10844] dup
      [10845] iconst_1
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      [10850] dup
      [10851] iconst_2
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      [10855] castore
      [10856] aastore
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      [10858] sipush 437
      [10861] iconst_3
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      [10865] iconst_0
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      [10870] dup
      [10871] iconst_1
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      [10876] dup
      [10877] iconst_2
      [10878] sipush 777
      [10881] castore
      [10882] aastore
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      [10887] iconst_3
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      [10891] iconst_0
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      [10896] dup
      [10897] iconst_1
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      [10902] dup
      [10903] iconst_2
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      [10907] castore
      [10908] aastore
      [10909] dup
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      [10913] iconst_3
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      [10917] iconst_0
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      [10921] castore
      [10922] dup
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      [10928] dup
      [10929] iconst_2
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      [10933] castore
      [10934] aastore
      [10935] dup
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      [10939] iconst_3
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      [10943] iconst_0
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      [10948] dup
      [10949] iconst_1
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      [10954] dup
      [10955] iconst_2
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      [10959] castore
      [10960] aastore
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      [10962] sipush 441
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      [10969] iconst_0
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      [10981] iconst_2
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      [10985] castore
      [10986] aastore
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      [10991] iconst_3
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      [10995] iconst_0
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      [11006] dup
      [11007] iconst_2
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      [11012] aastore
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      [11014] sipush 443
      [11017] iconst_3
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      [11021] iconst_0
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      [11027] iconst_1
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      [11032] dup
      [11033] iconst_2
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      [11037] castore
      [11038] aastore
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      [11043] iconst_3
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      [11047] iconst_0
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      [11052] dup
      [11053] iconst_1
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      [11057] castore
      [11058] dup
      [11059] iconst_2
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      [11063] castore
      [11064] aastore
      [11065] dup
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      [11073] iconst_0
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      [11078] dup
      [11079] iconst_1
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      [11084] dup
      [11085] iconst_2
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      [11089] castore
      [11090] aastore
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      [11104] dup
      [11105] iconst_1
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      [11110] dup
      [11111] iconst_2
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      [11115] castore
      [11116] aastore
      [11117] dup
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      [11121] iconst_3
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      [11125] iconst_0
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      [11130] dup
      [11131] iconst_1
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      [11136] dup
      [11137] iconst_2
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      [11141] castore
      [11142] aastore
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      [11144] sipush 448
      [11147] iconst_3
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      [11151] iconst_0
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      [11156] dup
      [11157] iconst_1
      [11158] sipush 333
      [11161] castore
      [11162] dup
      [11163] iconst_2
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      [11168] aastore
      [11169] dup
      [11170] sipush 449
      [11173] iconst_3
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      [11177] iconst_0
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      [11182] dup
      [11183] iconst_1
      [11184] sipush 333
      [11187] castore
      [11188] dup
      [11189] iconst_2
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      [11193] castore
      [11194] aastore
      [11195] dup
      [11196] sipush 450
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      [11203] iconst_0
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      [11209] iconst_1
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      [11214] dup
      [11215] iconst_2
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      [11219] castore
      [11220] aastore
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      [11225] iconst_3
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      [11229] iconst_0
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      [11233] castore
      [11234] dup
      [11235] iconst_1
      [11236] sipush 347
      [11239] castore
      [11240] dup
      [11241] iconst_2
      [11242] sipush 775
      [11245] castore
      [11246] aastore
      [11247] dup
      [11248] sipush 452
      [11251] iconst_3
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      [11254] dup
      [11255] iconst_0
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      [11259] castore
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      [11261] iconst_1
      [11262] sipush 352
      [11265] castore
      [11266] dup
      [11267] iconst_2
      [11268] sipush 775
      [11271] castore
      [11272] aastore
      [11273] dup
      [11274] sipush 453
      [11277] iconst_3
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      [11281] iconst_0
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      [11286] dup
      [11287] iconst_1
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      [11292] dup
      [11293] iconst_2
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      [11297] castore
      [11298] aastore
      [11299] dup
      [11300] sipush 454
      [11303] iconst_3
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      [11307] iconst_0
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      [11313] iconst_1
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      [11318] dup
      [11319] iconst_2
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      [11323] castore
      [11324] aastore
      [11325] dup
      [11326] sipush 455
      [11329] iconst_3
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      [11333] iconst_0
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      [11337] castore
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      [11339] iconst_1
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      [11344] dup
      [11345] iconst_2
      [11346] sipush 769
      [11349] castore
      [11350] aastore
      [11351] dup
      [11352] sipush 456
      [11355] iconst_3
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      [11359] iconst_0
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      [11363] castore
      [11364] dup
      [11365] iconst_1
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      [11370] dup
      [11371] iconst_2
      [11372] sipush 776
      [11375] castore
      [11376] aastore
      [11377] dup
      [11378] sipush 457
      [11381] iconst_3
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      [11385] iconst_0
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      [11391] iconst_1
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      [11396] dup
      [11397] iconst_2
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      [11402] aastore
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      [11404] sipush 458
      [11407] iconst_3
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      [11411] iconst_0
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      [11417] iconst_1
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      [11422] dup
      [11423] iconst_2
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      [11427] castore
      [11428] aastore
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      [11430] sipush 459
      [11433] iconst_3
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      [11437] iconst_0
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      [11443] iconst_1
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      [11447] castore
      [11448] dup
      [11449] iconst_2
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      [11454] aastore
      [11455] dup
      [11456] sipush 460
      [11459] iconst_3
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      [11463] iconst_0
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      [11469] iconst_1
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      [11474] dup
      [11475] iconst_2
      [11476] sipush 769
      [11479] castore
      [11480] aastore
      [11481] dup
      [11482] sipush 461
      [11485] iconst_3
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      [11489] iconst_0
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      [11494] dup
      [11495] iconst_1
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      [11500] dup
      [11501] iconst_2
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      [11505] castore
      [11506] aastore
      [11507] dup
      [11508] sipush 462
      [11511] iconst_3
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      [11515] iconst_0
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      [11520] dup
      [11521] iconst_1
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      [11526] dup
      [11527] iconst_2
      [11528] sipush 777
      [11531] castore
      [11532] aastore
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      [11534] sipush 463
      [11537] iconst_3
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      [11541] iconst_0
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      [11545] castore
      [11546] dup
      [11547] iconst_1
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      [11551] castore
      [11552] dup
      [11553] iconst_2
      [11554] sipush 803
      [11557] castore
      [11558] aastore
      [11559] dup
      [11560] sipush 464
      [11563] iconst_3
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      [11567] iconst_0
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      [11571] castore
      [11572] dup
      [11573] iconst_1
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      [11577] castore
      [11578] dup
      [11579] iconst_2
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      [11584] aastore
      [11585] dup
      [11586] sipush 465
      [11589] iconst_3
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      [11593] iconst_0
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      [11597] castore
      [11598] dup
      [11599] iconst_1
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      [11603] castore
      [11604] dup
      [11605] iconst_2
      [11606] sipush 769
      [11609] castore
      [11610] aastore
      [11611] dup
      [11612] sipush 466
      [11615] iconst_3
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      [11619] iconst_0
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      [11625] iconst_1
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      [11630] dup
      [11631] iconst_2
      [11632] sipush 771
      [11635] castore
      [11636] aastore
      [11637] dup
      [11638] sipush 467
      [11641] iconst_3
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      [11645] iconst_0
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      [11650] dup
      [11651] iconst_1
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      [11656] dup
      [11657] iconst_2
      [11658] sipush 777
      [11661] castore
      [11662] aastore
      [11663] dup
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      [11667] iconst_3
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      [11671] iconst_0
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      [11675] castore
      [11676] dup
      [11677] iconst_1
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      [11681] castore
      [11682] dup
      [11683] iconst_2
      [11684] sipush 803
      [11687] castore
      [11688] aastore
      [11689] dup
      [11690] sipush 469
      [11693] iconst_3
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      [11697] iconst_0
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      [11702] dup
      [11703] iconst_1
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      [11707] castore
      [11708] dup
      [11709] iconst_2
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      [11715] dup
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      [11719] iconst_3
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      [11723] iconst_0
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      [11727] castore
      [11728] dup
      [11729] iconst_1
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      [11733] castore
      [11734] dup
      [11735] iconst_2
      [11736] sipush 769
      [11739] castore
      [11740] aastore
      [11741] dup
      [11742] sipush 471
      [11745] iconst_3
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      [11749] iconst_0
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      [11753] castore
      [11754] dup
      [11755] iconst_1
      [11756] sipush 431
      [11759] castore
      [11760] dup
      [11761] iconst_2
      [11762] sipush 771
      [11765] castore
      [11766] aastore
      [11767] dup
      [11768] sipush 472
      [11771] iconst_3
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      [11774] dup
      [11775] iconst_0
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      [11779] castore
      [11780] dup
      [11781] iconst_1
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      [11785] castore
      [11786] dup
      [11787] iconst_2
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      [11791] castore
      [11792] aastore
      [11793] dup
      [11794] sipush 473
      [11797] iconst_3
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      [11801] iconst_0
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      [11805] castore
      [11806] dup
      [11807] iconst_1
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      [11811] castore
      [11812] dup
      [11813] iconst_2
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      [11817] castore
      [11818] aastore
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      [11820] sipush 474
      [11823] iconst_3
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      [11827] iconst_0
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      [11831] castore
      [11832] dup
      [11833] iconst_1
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      [11838] dup
      [11839] iconst_2
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      [11843] castore
      [11844] aastore
      [11845] dup
      [11846] sipush 475
      [11849] iconst_3
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      [11852] dup
      [11853] iconst_0
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      [11857] castore
      [11858] dup
      [11859] iconst_1
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      [11864] dup
      [11865] iconst_2
      [11866] sipush 769
      [11869] castore
      [11870] aastore
      [11871] dup
      [11872] sipush 476
      [11875] iconst_3
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      [11878] dup
      [11879] iconst_0
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      [11883] castore
      [11884] dup
      [11885] iconst_1
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      [11889] castore
      [11890] dup
      [11891] iconst_2
      [11892] sipush 771
      [11895] castore
      [11896] aastore
      [11897] dup
      [11898] sipush 477
      [11901] iconst_3
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      [11904] dup
      [11905] iconst_0
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      [11909] castore
      [11910] dup
      [11911] iconst_1
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      [11916] dup
      [11917] iconst_2
      [11918] sipush 777
      [11921] castore
      [11922] aastore
      [11923] dup
      [11924] sipush 478
      [11927] iconst_3
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      [11931] iconst_0
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      [11936] dup
      [11937] iconst_1
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      [11941] castore
      [11942] dup
      [11943] iconst_2
      [11944] sipush 803
      [11947] castore
      [11948] aastore
      [11949] dup
      [11950] sipush 479
      [11953] iconst_3
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      [11957] iconst_0
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      [11961] castore
      [11962] dup
      [11963] iconst_1
      [11964] sipush 439
      [11967] castore
      [11968] dup
      [11969] iconst_2
      [11970] sipush 780
      [11973] castore
      [11974] aastore
      [11975] dup
      [11976] sipush 480
      [11979] iconst_3
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      [11983] iconst_0
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      [11988] dup
      [11989] iconst_1
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      [11993] castore
      [11994] dup
      [11995] iconst_2
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      [11999] castore
      [12000] aastore
      [12001] dup
      [12002] sipush 481
      [12005] iconst_3
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      [12008] dup
      [12009] iconst_0
      [12010] sipush 493
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      [12014] dup
      [12015] iconst_1
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      [12019] castore
      [12020] dup
      [12021] iconst_2
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      [12025] castore
      [12026] aastore
      [12027] dup
      [12028] sipush 482
      [12031] iconst_3
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      [12035] iconst_0
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      [12040] dup
      [12041] iconst_1
      [12042] sipush 550
      [12045] castore
      [12046] dup
      [12047] iconst_2
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      [12051] castore
      [12052] aastore
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      [12054] sipush 483
      [12057] iconst_3
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      [12061] iconst_0
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      [12066] dup
      [12067] iconst_1
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      [12072] dup
      [12073] iconst_2
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      [12077] castore
      [12078] aastore
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      [12083] iconst_3
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      [12087] iconst_0
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      [12092] dup
      [12093] iconst_1
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      [12098] dup
      [12099] iconst_2
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      [12103] castore
      [12104] aastore
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      [12106] sipush 485
      [12109] iconst_3
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      [12113] iconst_0
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      [12117] castore
      [12118] dup
      [12119] iconst_1
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      [12123] castore
      [12124] dup
      [12125] iconst_2
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      [12129] castore
      [12130] aastore
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      [12132] sipush 486
      [12135] iconst_3
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      [12139] iconst_0
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      [12144] dup
      [12145] iconst_1
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      [12149] castore
      [12150] dup
      [12151] iconst_2
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      [12156] aastore
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      [12158] sipush 487
      [12161] iconst_3
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      [12165] iconst_0
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      [12170] dup
      [12171] iconst_1
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      [12175] castore
      [12176] dup
      [12177] iconst_2
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      [12182] aastore
      [12183] dup
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      [12187] iconst_3
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      [12191] iconst_0
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      [12196] dup
      [12197] iconst_1
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      [12201] castore
      [12202] dup
      [12203] iconst_2
      [12204] sipush 780
      [12207] castore
      [12208] aastore
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      [12213] iconst_3
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      [12217] iconst_0
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      [12222] dup
      [12223] iconst_1
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      [12227] castore
      [12228] dup
      [12229] iconst_2
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      [12233] castore
      [12234] aastore
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      [12239] iconst_3
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      [12243] iconst_0
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      [12248] dup
      [12249] iconst_1
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      [12253] castore
      [12254] dup
      [12255] iconst_2
      [12256] sipush 768
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      [12260] aastore
      [12261] dup
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      [12265] iconst_3
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      [12269] iconst_0
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      [12274] dup
      [12275] iconst_1
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      [12279] castore
      [12280] dup
      [12281] iconst_2
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      [12286] aastore
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      [12291] iconst_3
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      [12295] iconst_0
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      [12301] iconst_1
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      [12305] castore
      [12306] dup
      [12307] iconst_2
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      [12313] dup
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      [12317] iconst_3
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      [12321] iconst_0
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      [12326] dup
      [12327] iconst_1
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      [12332] dup
      [12333] iconst_2
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      [12337] castore
      [12338] aastore
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      [12343] iconst_3
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      [12347] iconst_0
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      [12353] iconst_1
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      [12357] castore
      [12358] dup
      [12359] iconst_2
      [12360] sipush 787
      [12363] castore
      [12364] aastore
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      [12369] iconst_3
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      [12373] iconst_0
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      [12378] dup
      [12379] iconst_1
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      [12383] castore
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      [12385] iconst_2
      [12386] sipush 788
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      [12390] aastore
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      [12395] iconst_3
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      [12399] iconst_0
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      [12405] iconst_1
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      [12411] iconst_2
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      [12416] aastore
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      [12421] iconst_3
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      [12425] iconst_0
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      [12431] iconst_1
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      [12436] dup
      [12437] iconst_2
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      [12441] castore
      [12442] aastore
      [12443] dup
      [12444] sipush 498
      [12447] iconst_3
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      [12451] iconst_0
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      [12457] iconst_1
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      [12461] castore
      [12462] dup
      [12463] iconst_2
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      [12467] castore
      [12468] aastore
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      [12476] dup
      [12477] iconst_0
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      [12482] dup
      [12483] iconst_1
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      [12487] castore
      [12488] dup
      [12489] iconst_2
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      [12493] castore
      [12494] aastore
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      [12496] sipush 500
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      [12503] iconst_0
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      [12508] dup
      [12509] iconst_1
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      [12513] castore
      [12514] dup
      [12515] iconst_2
      [12516] sipush 788
      [12519] castore
      [12520] aastore
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      [12522] sipush 501
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      [12529] iconst_0
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      [12533] castore
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      [12535] iconst_1
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      [12540] dup
      [12541] iconst_2
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      [12545] castore
      [12546] aastore
      [12547] dup
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      [12555] iconst_0
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      [12566] dup
      [12567] iconst_2
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      [12572] aastore
      [12573] dup
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      [12592] dup
      [12593] iconst_2
      [12594] sipush 787
      [12597] castore
      [12598] aastore
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      [12607] iconst_0
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      [12619] iconst_2
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      [12633] iconst_0
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      [12645] iconst_2
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      [12651] dup
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      [12655] iconst_3
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      [12659] iconst_0
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      [12671] iconst_2
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      [12676] aastore
      [12677] dup
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      [12681] iconst_3
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      [12697] iconst_2
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      [12723] iconst_2
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      [12737] iconst_0
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      [12743] iconst_1
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      [12749] iconst_2
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      [12755] dup
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      [12759] iconst_3
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      [12763] iconst_0
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      [12775] iconst_2
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      [12781] dup
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      [12785] iconst_3
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      [12801] iconst_2
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      [12805] castore
      [12806] aastore
      [12807] dup
      [12808] sipush 512
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      [12827] iconst_2
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      [12841] iconst_0
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      [12846] dup
      [12847] iconst_1
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      [12852] dup
      [12853] iconst_2
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      [12857] castore
      [12858] aastore
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      [12873] iconst_1
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      [12878] dup
      [12879] iconst_2
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      [12884] aastore
      [12885] dup
      [12886] sipush 515
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      [12893] iconst_0
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      [12898] dup
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      [12904] dup
      [12905] iconst_2
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      [12909] castore
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      [12911] dup
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      [12919] iconst_0
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      [12931] iconst_2
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      [12936] aastore
      [12937] dup
      [12938] sipush 517
      [12941] iconst_3
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      [12945] iconst_0
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      [12951] iconst_1
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      [12957] iconst_2
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      [12963] dup
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      [12967] iconst_3
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      [12971] iconst_0
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      [12976] dup
      [12977] iconst_1
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      [12983] iconst_2
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      [12989] dup
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      [12997] iconst_0
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      [13008] dup
      [13009] iconst_2
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      [13014] aastore
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      [13023] iconst_0
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      [13029] iconst_1
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      [13033] castore
      [13034] dup
      [13035] iconst_2
      [13036] sipush 772
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      [13040] aastore
      [13041] dup
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      [13045] iconst_3
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      [13049] iconst_0
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      [13055] iconst_1
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      [13060] dup
      [13061] iconst_2
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      [13066] aastore
      [13067] dup
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      [13075] iconst_0
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      [13080] dup
      [13081] iconst_1
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      [13086] dup
      [13087] iconst_2
      [13088] sipush 776
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      [13094] sipush 523
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      [13101] iconst_0
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      [13106] dup
      [13107] iconst_1
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      [13111] castore
      [13112] dup
      [13113] iconst_2
      [13114] sipush 788
      [13117] castore
      [13118] aastore
      [13119] dup
      [13120] sipush 524
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      [13126] dup
      [13127] iconst_0
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      [13132] dup
      [13133] iconst_1
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      [13137] castore
      [13138] dup
      [13139] iconst_2
      [13140] sipush 768
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      [13145] dup
      [13146] sipush 525
      [13149] iconst_3
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      [13153] iconst_0
      [13154] sipush 911
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      [13158] dup
      [13159] iconst_1
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      [13163] castore
      [13164] dup
      [13165] iconst_2
      [13166] sipush 769
      [13169] castore
      [13170] aastore
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      [13172] sipush 526
      [13175] iconst_3
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      [13179] iconst_0
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      [13184] dup
      [13185] iconst_1
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      [13189] castore
      [13190] dup
      [13191] iconst_2
      [13192] sipush 787
      [13195] castore
      [13196] aastore
      [13197] dup
      [13198] sipush 527
      [13201] iconst_3
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      [13205] iconst_0
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      [13210] dup
      [13211] iconst_1
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      [13216] dup
      [13217] iconst_2
      [13218] sipush 788
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      [13222] aastore
      [13223] dup
      [13224] sipush 528
      [13227] iconst_3
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      [13231] iconst_0
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      [13236] dup
      [13237] iconst_1
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      [13241] castore
      [13242] dup
      [13243] iconst_2
      [13244] sipush 837
      [13247] castore
      [13248] aastore
      [13249] dup
      [13250] sipush 529
      [13253] iconst_3
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      [13257] iconst_0
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      [13262] dup
      [13263] iconst_1
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      [13267] castore
      [13268] dup
      [13269] iconst_2
      [13270] sipush 837
      [13273] castore
      [13274] aastore
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      [13276] sipush 530
      [13279] iconst_3
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      [13283] iconst_0
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      [13288] dup
      [13289] iconst_1
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      [13293] castore
      [13294] dup
      [13295] iconst_2
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      [13305] iconst_3
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      [13309] iconst_0
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      [13315] iconst_1
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      [13320] dup
      [13321] iconst_2
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      [13326] aastore
      [13327] dup
      [13328] sipush 532
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      [13335] iconst_0
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      [13341] iconst_1
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      [13346] dup
      [13347] iconst_2
      [13348] sipush 769
      [13351] castore
      [13352] aastore
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      [13354] sipush 533
      [13357] iconst_3
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      [13361] iconst_0
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      [13366] dup
      [13367] iconst_1
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      [13371] castore
      [13372] dup
      [13373] iconst_2
      [13374] sipush 772
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      [13378] aastore
      [13379] dup
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      [13383] iconst_3
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      [13387] iconst_0
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      [13393] iconst_1
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      [13398] dup
      [13399] iconst_2
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      [13404] aastore
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      [13406] sipush 535
      [13409] iconst_3
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      [13413] iconst_0
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      [13425] iconst_2
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      [13432] sipush 536
      [13435] iconst_3
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      [13439] iconst_0
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      [13450] dup
      [13451] iconst_2
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      [13456] aastore
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      [13458] sipush 537
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      [13465] iconst_0
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      [13471] iconst_1
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      [13476] dup
      [13477] iconst_2
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      [13491] iconst_0
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      [13496] dup
      [13497] iconst_1
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      [13502] dup
      [13503] iconst_2
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      [13517] iconst_0
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      [13523] iconst_1
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      [13529] iconst_2
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      [13543] iconst_0
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      [13549] iconst_1
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      [13554] dup
      [13555] iconst_2
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      [13569] iconst_0
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      [13575] iconst_1
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      [13581] iconst_2
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      [13586] aastore
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      [13591] iconst_3
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      [13595] iconst_0
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      [13621] iconst_0
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      [13627] iconst_1
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      [13633] iconst_2
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      [13637] castore
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      [13647] iconst_0
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      [13653] iconst_1
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      [13659] iconst_2
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      [13673] iconst_0
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      [13685] iconst_2
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      [13695] iconst_3
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      [13711] iconst_2
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      [13737] iconst_2
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      [13747] iconst_3
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      [13751] iconst_0
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      [13756] dup
      [13757] iconst_1
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      [13762] dup
      [13763] iconst_2
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      [13773] iconst_3
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      [13777] iconst_0
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      [13783] iconst_1
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      [13789] iconst_2
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      [13793] castore
      [13794] aastore
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      [13803] iconst_0
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      [13807] castore
      [13808] dup
      [13809] iconst_1
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      [13814] dup
      [13815] iconst_2
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      [13835] iconst_1
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      [13841] iconst_2
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      [13847] dup
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      [13892] dup
      [13893] iconst_2
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      [13933] iconst_0
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      [13945] iconst_2
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      [13971] iconst_2
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      [14037] iconst_0
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      [14049] iconst_2
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      [14075] iconst_2
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      [14081] dup
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      [14095] iconst_1
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      [14101] iconst_2
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      [14107] dup
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      [14115] iconst_0
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      [14121] iconst_1
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      [14126] dup
      [14127] iconst_2
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      [14132] aastore
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      [14137] iconst_3
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      [14141] iconst_0
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      [14147] iconst_1
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      [14153] iconst_2
      [14154] sipush 768
      [14157] castore
      [14158] aastore
      [14159] dup
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      [14167] iconst_0
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      [14173] iconst_1
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      [14178] dup
      [14179] iconst_2
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      [14204] dup
      [14205] iconst_2
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      [14225] iconst_1
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      [14231] iconst_2
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      [14236] aastore
      [14237] dup
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      [14251] iconst_1
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      [14257] iconst_2
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      [14262] aastore
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      [14271] iconst_0
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      [14277] iconst_1
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      [14282] dup
      [14283] iconst_2
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      [14288] aastore
      [14289] dup
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      [14293] iconst_3
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      [14297] iconst_0
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      [14303] iconst_1
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      [14307] castore
      [14308] dup
      [14309] iconst_2
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      [14314] aastore
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      [14323] iconst_0
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      [14329] iconst_1
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      [14334] dup
      [14335] iconst_2
      [14336] sipush 834
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      [14340] aastore
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      [14342] sipush 571
      [14345] iconst_3
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      [14349] iconst_0
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      [14355] iconst_1
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      [14360] dup
      [14361] iconst_2
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      [14365] castore
      [14366] aastore
      [14367] dup
      [14368] sipush 572
      [14371] iconst_3
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      [14375] iconst_0
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      [14381] iconst_1
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      [14385] castore
      [14386] dup
      [14387] iconst_2
      [14388] sipush 769
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      [14392] aastore
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      [14394] sipush 573
      [14397] iconst_3
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      [14401] iconst_0
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      [14407] iconst_1
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      [14412] dup
      [14413] iconst_2
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      [14427] iconst_0
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      [14433] iconst_1
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      [14438] dup
      [14439] iconst_2
      [14440] sipush 788
      [14443] castore
      [14444] aastore
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      [14446] sipush 575
      [14449] iconst_3
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      [14453] iconst_0
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      [14458] dup
      [14459] iconst_1
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      [14463] castore
      [14464] dup
      [14465] iconst_2
      [14466] sipush 834
      [14469] castore
      [14470] aastore
      [14471] dup
      [14472] sipush 576
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      [14479] iconst_0
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      [14485] iconst_1
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      [14489] castore
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      [14491] iconst_2
      [14492] sipush 837
      [14495] castore
      [14496] aastore
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      [14505] iconst_0
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      [14511] iconst_1
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      [14516] dup
      [14517] iconst_2
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      [14522] aastore
      [14523] dup
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      [14531] iconst_0
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      [14537] iconst_1
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      [14541] castore
      [14542] dup
      [14543] iconst_2
      [14544] sipush 769
      [14547] castore
      [14548] aastore
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      [14553] iconst_3
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      [14557] iconst_0
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      [14562] dup
      [14563] iconst_1
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      [14569] iconst_2
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      [14573] castore
      [14574] aastore
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      [14576] sipush 580
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      [14583] iconst_0
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      [14589] iconst_1
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      [14593] castore
      [14594] dup
      [14595] iconst_2
      [14596] sipush 768
      [14599] castore
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      [14602] sipush 581
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      [14609] iconst_0
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      [14621] iconst_2
      [14622] sipush 769
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      [14626] aastore
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      [14635] iconst_0
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      [14647] iconst_2
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      [14652] aastore
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      [14657] iconst_3
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      [14661] iconst_0
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      [14673] iconst_2
      [14674] sipush 837
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      [14683] iconst_3
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      [14694] sipush 978
      [14697] castore
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      [14751] iconst_2
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      [14756] aastore
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      [14761] iconst_3
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      [14765] iconst_0
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      [14771] iconst_1
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      [14777] iconst_2
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      [14782] aastore
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      [14791] iconst_0
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      [14797] iconst_1
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      [14803] iconst_2
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      [14817] iconst_0
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      [14843] iconst_0
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      [14886] aastore
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      [14912] aastore
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      [14933] iconst_2
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      [14990] aastore
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      [14999] iconst_0
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      [15011] iconst_2
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      [15037] iconst_2
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      [15051] iconst_0
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      [15057] iconst_1
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      [15076] dup
      [15077] iconst_0
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      [15081] castore
      [15082] dup
      [15083] iconst_1
      [15084] sipush 1048
      [15087] castore
      [15088] dup
      [15089] iconst_2
      [15090] sipush 776
      [15093] castore
      [15094] aastore
      [15095] dup
      [15096] sipush 600
      [15099] iconst_3
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      [15102] dup
      [15103] iconst_0
      [15104] sipush 1036
      [15107] castore
      [15108] dup
      [15109] iconst_1
      [15110] sipush 1050
      [15113] castore
      [15114] dup
      [15115] iconst_2
      [15116] sipush 769
      [15119] castore
      [15120] aastore
      [15121] dup
      [15122] sipush 601
      [15125] iconst_3
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      [15129] iconst_0
      [15130] sipush 1254
      [15133] castore
      [15134] dup
      [15135] iconst_1
      [15136] sipush 1054
      [15139] castore
      [15140] dup
      [15141] iconst_2
      [15142] sipush 776
      [15145] castore
      [15146] aastore
      [15147] dup
      [15148] sipush 602
      [15151] iconst_3
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      [15154] dup
      [15155] iconst_0
      [15156] sipush 1262
      [15159] castore
      [15160] dup
      [15161] iconst_1
      [15162] sipush 1059
      [15165] castore
      [15166] dup
      [15167] iconst_2
      [15168] sipush 772
      [15171] castore
      [15172] aastore
      [15173] dup
      [15174] sipush 603
      [15177] iconst_3
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      [15180] dup
      [15181] iconst_0
      [15182] sipush 1038
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      [15186] dup
      [15187] iconst_1
      [15188] sipush 1059
      [15191] castore
      [15192] dup
      [15193] iconst_2
      [15194] sipush 774
      [15197] castore
      [15198] aastore
      [15199] dup
      [15200] sipush 604
      [15203] iconst_3
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      [15206] dup
      [15207] iconst_0
      [15208] sipush 1264
      [15211] castore
      [15212] dup
      [15213] iconst_1
      [15214] sipush 1059
      [15217] castore
      [15218] dup
      [15219] iconst_2
      [15220] sipush 776
      [15223] castore
      [15224] aastore
      [15225] dup
      [15226] sipush 605
      [15229] iconst_3
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      [15232] dup
      [15233] iconst_0
      [15234] sipush 1266
      [15237] castore
      [15238] dup
      [15239] iconst_1
      [15240] sipush 1059
      [15243] castore
      [15244] dup
      [15245] iconst_2
      [15246] sipush 779
      [15249] castore
      [15250] aastore
      [15251] dup
      [15252] sipush 606
      [15255] iconst_3
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      [15258] dup
      [15259] iconst_0
      [15260] sipush 1268
      [15263] castore
      [15264] dup
      [15265] iconst_1
      [15266] sipush 1063
      [15269] castore
      [15270] dup
      [15271] iconst_2
      [15272] sipush 776
      [15275] castore
      [15276] aastore
      [15277] dup
      [15278] sipush 607
      [15281] iconst_3
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      [15284] dup
      [15285] iconst_0
      [15286] sipush 1272
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      [15290] dup
      [15291] iconst_1
      [15292] sipush 1067
      [15295] castore
      [15296] dup
      [15297] iconst_2
      [15298] sipush 776
      [15301] castore
      [15302] aastore
      [15303] dup
      [15304] sipush 608
      [15307] iconst_3
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      [15310] dup
      [15311] iconst_0
      [15312] sipush 1260
      [15315] castore
      [15316] dup
      [15317] iconst_1
      [15318] sipush 1069
      [15321] castore
      [15322] dup
      [15323] iconst_2
      [15324] sipush 776
      [15327] castore
      [15328] aastore
      [15329] dup
      [15330] sipush 609
      [15333] iconst_3
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      [15336] dup
      [15337] iconst_0
      [15338] sipush 1233
      [15341] castore
      [15342] dup
      [15343] iconst_1
      [15344] sipush 1072
      [15347] castore
      [15348] dup
      [15349] iconst_2
      [15350] sipush 774
      [15353] castore
      [15354] aastore
      [15355] dup
      [15356] sipush 610
      [15359] iconst_3
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      [15362] dup
      [15363] iconst_0
      [15364] sipush 1235
      [15367] castore
      [15368] dup
      [15369] iconst_1
      [15370] sipush 1072
      [15373] castore
      [15374] dup
      [15375] iconst_2
      [15376] sipush 776
      [15379] castore
      [15380] aastore
      [15381] dup
      [15382] sipush 611
      [15385] iconst_3
      [15386] newarray 5
      [15388] dup
      [15389] iconst_0
      [15390] sipush 1107
      [15393] castore
      [15394] dup
      [15395] iconst_1
      [15396] sipush 1075
      [15399] castore
      [15400] dup
      [15401] iconst_2
      [15402] sipush 769
      [15405] castore
      [15406] aastore
      [15407] dup
      [15408] sipush 612
      [15411] iconst_3
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      [15414] dup
      [15415] iconst_0
      [15416] sipush 1104
      [15419] castore
      [15420] dup
      [15421] iconst_1
      [15422] sipush 1077
      [15425] castore
      [15426] dup
      [15427] iconst_2
      [15428] sipush 768
      [15431] castore
      [15432] aastore
      [15433] dup
      [15434] sipush 613
      [15437] iconst_3
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      [15440] dup
      [15441] iconst_0
      [15442] sipush 1239
      [15445] castore
      [15446] dup
      [15447] iconst_1
      [15448] sipush 1077
      [15451] castore
      [15452] dup
      [15453] iconst_2
      [15454] sipush 774
      [15457] castore
      [15458] aastore
      [15459] dup
      [15460] sipush 614
      [15463] iconst_3
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      [15466] dup
      [15467] iconst_0
      [15468] sipush 1105
      [15471] castore
      [15472] dup
      [15473] iconst_1
      [15474] sipush 1077
      [15477] castore
      [15478] dup
      [15479] iconst_2
      [15480] sipush 776
      [15483] castore
      [15484] aastore
      [15485] dup
      [15486] sipush 615
      [15489] iconst_3
      [15490] newarray 5
      [15492] dup
      [15493] iconst_0
      [15494] sipush 1218
      [15497] castore
      [15498] dup
      [15499] iconst_1
      [15500] sipush 1078
      [15503] castore
      [15504] dup
      [15505] iconst_2
      [15506] sipush 774
      [15509] castore
      [15510] aastore
      [15511] dup
      [15512] sipush 616
      [15515] iconst_3
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      [15518] dup
      [15519] iconst_0
      [15520] sipush 1245
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      [15524] dup
      [15525] iconst_1
      [15526] sipush 1078
      [15529] castore
      [15530] dup
      [15531] iconst_2
      [15532] sipush 776
      [15535] castore
      [15536] aastore
      [15537] dup
      [15538] sipush 617
      [15541] iconst_3
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      [15544] dup
      [15545] iconst_0
      [15546] sipush 1247
      [15549] castore
      [15550] dup
      [15551] iconst_1
      [15552] sipush 1079
      [15555] castore
      [15556] dup
      [15557] iconst_2
      [15558] sipush 776
      [15561] castore
      [15562] aastore
      [15563] dup
      [15564] sipush 618
      [15567] iconst_3
      [15568] newarray 5
      [15570] dup
      [15571] iconst_0
      [15572] sipush 1117
      [15575] castore
      [15576] dup
      [15577] iconst_1
      [15578] sipush 1080
      [15581] castore
      [15582] dup
      [15583] iconst_2
      [15584] sipush 768
      [15587] castore
      [15588] aastore
      [15589] dup
      [15590] sipush 619
      [15593] iconst_3
      [15594] newarray 5
      [15596] dup
      [15597] iconst_0
      [15598] sipush 1251
      [15601] castore
      [15602] dup
      [15603] iconst_1
      [15604] sipush 1080
      [15607] castore
      [15608] dup
      [15609] iconst_2
      [15610] sipush 772
      [15613] castore
      [15614] aastore
      [15615] dup
      [15616] sipush 620
      [15619] iconst_3
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      [15622] dup
      [15623] iconst_0
      [15624] sipush 1081
      [15627] castore
      [15628] dup
      [15629] iconst_1
      [15630] sipush 1080
      [15633] castore
      [15634] dup
      [15635] iconst_2
      [15636] sipush 774
      [15639] castore
      [15640] aastore
      [15641] dup
      [15642] sipush 621
      [15645] iconst_3
      [15646] newarray 5
      [15648] dup
      [15649] iconst_0
      [15650] sipush 1253
      [15653] castore
      [15654] dup
      [15655] iconst_1
      [15656] sipush 1080
      [15659] castore
      [15660] dup
      [15661] iconst_2
      [15662] sipush 776
      [15665] castore
      [15666] aastore
      [15667] dup
      [15668] sipush 622
      [15671] iconst_3
      [15672] newarray 5
      [15674] dup
      [15675] iconst_0
      [15676] sipush 1116
      [15679] castore
      [15680] dup
      [15681] iconst_1
      [15682] sipush 1082
      [15685] castore
      [15686] dup
      [15687] iconst_2
      [15688] sipush 769
      [15691] castore
      [15692] aastore
      [15693] dup
      [15694] sipush 623
      [15697] iconst_3
      [15698] newarray 5
      [15700] dup
      [15701] iconst_0
      [15702] sipush 1255
      [15705] castore
      [15706] dup
      [15707] iconst_1
      [15708] sipush 1086
      [15711] castore
      [15712] dup
      [15713] iconst_2
      [15714] sipush 776
      [15717] castore
      [15718] aastore
      [15719] dup
      [15720] sipush 624
      [15723] iconst_3
      [15724] newarray 5
      [15726] dup
      [15727] iconst_0
      [15728] sipush 1263
      [15731] castore
      [15732] dup
      [15733] iconst_1
      [15734] sipush 1091
      [15737] castore
      [15738] dup
      [15739] iconst_2
      [15740] sipush 772
      [15743] castore
      [15744] aastore
      [15745] dup
      [15746] sipush 625
      [15749] iconst_3
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      [15752] dup
      [15753] iconst_0
      [15754] sipush 1118
      [15757] castore
      [15758] dup
      [15759] iconst_1
      [15760] sipush 1091
      [15763] castore
      [15764] dup
      [15765] iconst_2
      [15766] sipush 774
      [15769] castore
      [15770] aastore
      [15771] dup
      [15772] sipush 626
      [15775] iconst_3
      [15776] newarray 5
      [15778] dup
      [15779] iconst_0
      [15780] sipush 1265
      [15783] castore
      [15784] dup
      [15785] iconst_1
      [15786] sipush 1091
      [15789] castore
      [15790] dup
      [15791] iconst_2
      [15792] sipush 776
      [15795] castore
      [15796] aastore
      [15797] dup
      [15798] sipush 627
      [15801] iconst_3
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      [15804] dup
      [15805] iconst_0
      [15806] sipush 1267
      [15809] castore
      [15810] dup
      [15811] iconst_1
      [15812] sipush 1091
      [15815] castore
      [15816] dup
      [15817] iconst_2
      [15818] sipush 779
      [15821] castore
      [15822] aastore
      [15823] dup
      [15824] sipush 628
      [15827] iconst_3
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      [15830] dup
      [15831] iconst_0
      [15832] sipush 1269
      [15835] castore
      [15836] dup
      [15837] iconst_1
      [15838] sipush 1095
      [15841] castore
      [15842] dup
      [15843] iconst_2
      [15844] sipush 776
      [15847] castore
      [15848] aastore
      [15849] dup
      [15850] sipush 629
      [15853] iconst_3
      [15854] newarray 5
      [15856] dup
      [15857] iconst_0
      [15858] sipush 1273
      [15861] castore
      [15862] dup
      [15863] iconst_1
      [15864] sipush 1099
      [15867] castore
      [15868] dup
      [15869] iconst_2
      [15870] sipush 776
      [15873] castore
      [15874] aastore
      [15875] dup
      [15876] sipush 630
      [15879] iconst_3
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      [15882] dup
      [15883] iconst_0
      [15884] sipush 1261
      [15887] castore
      [15888] dup
      [15889] iconst_1
      [15890] sipush 1101
      [15893] castore
      [15894] dup
      [15895] iconst_2
      [15896] sipush 776
      [15899] castore
      [15900] aastore
      [15901] dup
      [15902] sipush 631
      [15905] iconst_3
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      [15908] dup
      [15909] iconst_0
      [15910] sipush 1111
      [15913] castore
      [15914] dup
      [15915] iconst_1
      [15916] sipush 1110
      [15919] castore
      [15920] dup
      [15921] iconst_2
      [15922] sipush 776
      [15925] castore
      [15926] aastore
      [15927] dup
      [15928] sipush 632
      [15931] iconst_3
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      [15934] dup
      [15935] iconst_0
      [15936] sipush 1142
      [15939] castore
      [15940] dup
      [15941] iconst_1
      [15942] sipush 1140
      [15945] castore
      [15946] dup
      [15947] iconst_2
      [15948] sipush 783
      [15951] castore
      [15952] aastore
      [15953] dup
      [15954] sipush 633
      [15957] iconst_3
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      [15960] dup
      [15961] iconst_0
      [15962] sipush 1143
      [15965] castore
      [15966] dup
      [15967] iconst_1
      [15968] sipush 1141
      [15971] castore
      [15972] dup
      [15973] iconst_2
      [15974] sipush 783
      [15977] castore
      [15978] aastore
      [15979] dup
      [15980] sipush 634
      [15983] iconst_3
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      [15986] dup
      [15987] iconst_0
      [15988] sipush 1242
      [15991] castore
      [15992] dup
      [15993] iconst_1
      [15994] sipush 1240
      [15997] castore
      [15998] dup
      [15999] iconst_2
      [16000] sipush 776
      [16003] castore
      [16004] aastore
      [16005] dup
      [16006] sipush 635
      [16009] iconst_3
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      [16012] dup
      [16013] iconst_0
      [16014] sipush 1243
      [16017] castore
      [16018] dup
      [16019] iconst_1
      [16020] sipush 1241
      [16023] castore
      [16024] dup
      [16025] iconst_2
      [16026] sipush 776
      [16029] castore
      [16030] aastore
      [16031] dup
      [16032] sipush 636
      [16035] iconst_3
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      [16038] dup
      [16039] iconst_0
      [16040] sipush 1258
      [16043] castore
      [16044] dup
      [16045] iconst_1
      [16046] sipush 1256
      [16049] castore
      [16050] dup
      [16051] iconst_2
      [16052] sipush 776
      [16055] castore
      [16056] aastore
      [16057] dup
      [16058] sipush 637
      [16061] iconst_3
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      [16064] dup
      [16065] iconst_0
      [16066] sipush 1259
      [16069] castore
      [16070] dup
      [16071] iconst_1
      [16072] sipush 1257
      [16075] castore
      [16076] dup
      [16077] iconst_2
      [16078] sipush 776
      [16081] castore
      [16082] aastore
      [16083] dup
      [16084] sipush 638
      [16087] iconst_3
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      [16091] iconst_0
      [16092] ldc #7
        + Integer [64302]
      [16094] castore
      [16095] dup
      [16096] iconst_1
      [16097] sipush 1488
      [16100] castore
      [16101] dup
      [16102] iconst_2
      [16103] sipush 1463
      [16106] castore
      [16107] aastore
      [16108] dup
      [16109] sipush 639
      [16112] iconst_3
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      [16115] dup
      [16116] iconst_0
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        + Integer [64303]
      [16119] castore
      [16120] dup
      [16121] iconst_1
      [16122] sipush 1488
      [16125] castore
      [16126] dup
      [16127] iconst_2
      [16128] sipush 1464
      [16131] castore
      [16132] aastore
      [16133] dup
      [16134] sipush 640
      [16137] iconst_3
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      [16140] dup
      [16141] iconst_0
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        + Integer [64304]
      [16144] castore
      [16145] dup
      [16146] iconst_1
      [16147] sipush 1488
      [16150] castore
      [16151] dup
      [16152] iconst_2
      [16153] sipush 1468
      [16156] castore
      [16157] aastore
      [16158] dup
      [16159] sipush 641
      [16162] iconst_3
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      [16165] dup
      [16166] iconst_0
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        + Integer [64305]
      [16169] castore
      [16170] dup
      [16171] iconst_1
      [16172] sipush 1489
      [16175] castore
      [16176] dup
      [16177] iconst_2
      [16178] sipush 1468
      [16181] castore
      [16182] aastore
      [16183] dup
      [16184] sipush 642
      [16187] iconst_3
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      [16191] iconst_0
      [16192] ldc #32
        + Integer [64332]
      [16194] castore
      [16195] dup
      [16196] iconst_1
      [16197] sipush 1489
      [16200] castore
      [16201] dup
      [16202] iconst_2
      [16203] sipush 1471
      [16206] castore
      [16207] aastore
      [16208] dup
      [16209] sipush 643
      [16212] iconst_3
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      [16215] dup
      [16216] iconst_0
      [16217] ldc #11
        + Integer [64306]
      [16219] castore
      [16220] dup
      [16221] iconst_1
      [16222] sipush 1490
      [16225] castore
      [16226] dup
      [16227] iconst_2
      [16228] sipush 1468
      [16231] castore
      [16232] aastore
      [16233] dup
      [16234] sipush 644
      [16237] iconst_3
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      [16240] dup
      [16241] iconst_0
      [16242] ldc #12
        + Integer [64307]
      [16244] castore
      [16245] dup
      [16246] iconst_1
      [16247] sipush 1491
      [16250] castore
      [16251] dup
      [16252] iconst_2
      [16253] sipush 1468
      [16256] castore
      [16257] aastore
      [16258] dup
      [16259] sipush 645
      [16262] iconst_3
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      [16265] dup
      [16266] iconst_0
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        + Integer [64308]
      [16269] castore
      [16270] dup
      [16271] iconst_1
      [16272] sipush 1492
      [16275] castore
      [16276] dup
      [16277] iconst_2
      [16278] sipush 1468
      [16281] castore
      [16282] aastore
      [16283] dup
      [16284] sipush 646
      [16287] iconst_3
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      [16290] dup
      [16291] iconst_0
      [16292] ldc #31
        + Integer [64331]
      [16294] castore
      [16295] dup
      [16296] iconst_1
      [16297] sipush 1493
      [16300] castore
      [16301] dup
      [16302] iconst_2
      [16303] sipush 1465
      [16306] castore
      [16307] aastore
      [16308] dup
      [16309] sipush 647
      [16312] iconst_3
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      [16315] dup
      [16316] iconst_0
      [16317] ldc #14
        + Integer [64309]
      [16319] castore
      [16320] dup
      [16321] iconst_1
      [16322] sipush 1493
      [16325] castore
      [16326] dup
      [16327] iconst_2
      [16328] sipush 1468
      [16331] castore
      [16332] aastore
      [16333] dup
      [16334] sipush 648
      [16337] iconst_3
      [16338] newarray 5
      [16340] dup
      [16341] iconst_0
      [16342] ldc #15
        + Integer [64310]
      [16344] castore
      [16345] dup
      [16346] iconst_1
      [16347] sipush 1494
      [16350] castore
      [16351] dup
      [16352] iconst_2
      [16353] sipush 1468
      [16356] castore
      [16357] aastore
      [16358] dup
      [16359] sipush 649
      [16362] iconst_3
      [16363] newarray 5
      [16365] dup
      [16366] iconst_0
      [16367] ldc #16
        + Integer [64312]
      [16369] castore
      [16370] dup
      [16371] iconst_1
      [16372] sipush 1496
      [16375] castore
      [16376] dup
      [16377] iconst_2
      [16378] sipush 1468
      [16381] castore
      [16382] aastore
      [16383] dup
      [16384] sipush 650
      [16387] iconst_3
      [16388] newarray 5
      [16390] dup
      [16391] iconst_0
      [16392] ldc #1
        + Integer [64285]
      [16394] castore
      [16395] dup
      [16396] iconst_1
      [16397] sipush 1497
      [16400] castore
      [16401] dup
      [16402] iconst_2
      [16403] sipush 1460
      [16406] castore
      [16407] aastore
      [16408] dup
      [16409] sipush 651
      [16412] iconst_3
      [16413] newarray 5
      [16415] dup
      [16416] iconst_0
      [16417] ldc #17
        + Integer [64313]
      [16419] castore
      [16420] dup
      [16421] iconst_1
      [16422] sipush 1497
      [16425] castore
      [16426] dup
      [16427] iconst_2
      [16428] sipush 1468
      [16431] castore
      [16432] aastore
      [16433] dup
      [16434] sipush 652
      [16437] iconst_3
      [16438] newarray 5
      [16440] dup
      [16441] iconst_0
      [16442] ldc #18
        + Integer [64314]
      [16444] castore
      [16445] dup
      [16446] iconst_1
      [16447] sipush 1498
      [16450] castore
      [16451] dup
      [16452] iconst_2
      [16453] sipush 1468
      [16456] castore
      [16457] aastore
      [16458] dup
      [16459] sipush 653
      [16462] iconst_3
      [16463] newarray 5
      [16465] dup
      [16466] iconst_0
      [16467] ldc #19
        + Integer [64315]
      [16469] castore
      [16470] dup
      [16471] iconst_1
      [16472] sipush 1499
      [16475] castore
      [16476] dup
      [16477] iconst_2
      [16478] sipush 1468
      [16481] castore
      [16482] aastore
      [16483] dup
      [16484] sipush 654
      [16487] iconst_3
      [16488] newarray 5
      [16490] dup
      [16491] iconst_0
      [16492] ldc #33
        + Integer [64333]
      [16494] castore
      [16495] dup
      [16496] iconst_1
      [16497] sipush 1499
      [16500] castore
      [16501] dup
      [16502] iconst_2
      [16503] sipush 1471
      [16506] castore
      [16507] aastore
      [16508] dup
      [16509] sipush 655
      [16512] iconst_3
      [16513] newarray 5
      [16515] dup
      [16516] iconst_0
      [16517] ldc #20
        + Integer [64316]
      [16519] castore
      [16520] dup
      [16521] iconst_1
      [16522] sipush 1500
      [16525] castore
      [16526] dup
      [16527] iconst_2
      [16528] sipush 1468
      [16531] castore
      [16532] aastore
      [16533] dup
      [16534] sipush 656
      [16537] iconst_3
      [16538] newarray 5
      [16540] dup
      [16541] iconst_0
      [16542] ldc #21
        + Integer [64318]
      [16544] castore
      [16545] dup
      [16546] iconst_1
      [16547] sipush 1502
      [16550] castore
      [16551] dup
      [16552] iconst_2
      [16553] sipush 1468
      [16556] castore
      [16557] aastore
      [16558] dup
      [16559] sipush 657
      [16562] iconst_3
      [16563] newarray 5
      [16565] dup
      [16566] iconst_0
      [16567] ldc #22
        + Integer [64320]
      [16569] castore
      [16570] dup
      [16571] iconst_1
      [16572] sipush 1504
      [16575] castore
      [16576] dup
      [16577] iconst_2
      [16578] sipush 1468
      [16581] castore
      [16582] aastore
      [16583] dup
      [16584] sipush 658
      [16587] iconst_3
      [16588] newarray 5
      [16590] dup
      [16591] iconst_0
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        + Integer [64321]
      [16594] castore
      [16595] dup
      [16596] iconst_1
      [16597] sipush 1505
      [16600] castore
      [16601] dup
      [16602] iconst_2
      [16603] sipush 1468
      [16606] castore
      [16607] aastore
      [16608] dup
      [16609] sipush 659
      [16612] iconst_3
      [16613] newarray 5
      [16615] dup
      [16616] iconst_0
      [16617] ldc #24
        + Integer [64323]
      [16619] castore
      [16620] dup
      [16621] iconst_1
      [16622] sipush 1507
      [16625] castore
      [16626] dup
      [16627] iconst_2
      [16628] sipush 1468
      [16631] castore
      [16632] aastore
      [16633] dup
      [16634] sipush 660
      [16637] iconst_3
      [16638] newarray 5
      [16640] dup
      [16641] iconst_0
      [16642] ldc #25
        + Integer [64324]
      [16644] castore
      [16645] dup
      [16646] iconst_1
      [16647] sipush 1508
      [16650] castore
      [16651] dup
      [16652] iconst_2
      [16653] sipush 1468
      [16656] castore
      [16657] aastore
      [16658] dup
      [16659] sipush 661
      [16662] iconst_3
      [16663] newarray 5
      [16665] dup
      [16666] iconst_0
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        + Integer [64334]
      [16669] castore
      [16670] dup
      [16671] iconst_1
      [16672] sipush 1508
      [16675] castore
      [16676] dup
      [16677] iconst_2
      [16678] sipush 1471
      [16681] castore
      [16682] aastore
      [16683] dup
      [16684] sipush 662
      [16687] iconst_3
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      [16690] dup
      [16691] iconst_0
      [16692] ldc #26
        + Integer [64326]
      [16694] castore
      [16695] dup
      [16696] iconst_1
      [16697] sipush 1510
      [16700] castore
      [16701] dup
      [16702] iconst_2
      [16703] sipush 1468
      [16706] castore
      [16707] aastore
      [16708] dup
      [16709] sipush 663
      [16712] iconst_3
      [16713] newarray 5
      [16715] dup
      [16716] iconst_0
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        + Integer [64327]
      [16719] castore
      [16720] dup
      [16721] iconst_1
      [16722] sipush 1511
      [16725] castore
      [16726] dup
      [16727] iconst_2
      [16728] sipush 1468
      [16731] castore
      [16732] aastore
      [16733] dup
      [16734] sipush 664
      [16737] iconst_3
      [16738] newarray 5
      [16740] dup
      [16741] iconst_0
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        + Integer [64328]
      [16744] castore
      [16745] dup
      [16746] iconst_1
      [16747] sipush 1512
      [16750] castore
      [16751] dup
      [16752] iconst_2
      [16753] sipush 1468
      [16756] castore
      [16757] aastore
      [16758] dup
      [16759] sipush 665
      [16762] iconst_3
      [16763] newarray 5
      [16765] dup
      [16766] iconst_0
      [16767] ldc #29
        + Integer [64329]
      [16769] castore
      [16770] dup
      [16771] iconst_1
      [16772] sipush 1513
      [16775] castore
      [16776] dup
      [16777] iconst_2
      [16778] sipush 1468
      [16781] castore
      [16782] aastore
      [16783] dup
      [16784] sipush 666
      [16787] iconst_3
      [16788] newarray 5
      [16790] dup
      [16791] iconst_0
      [16792] ldc #3
        + Integer [64298]
      [16794] castore
      [16795] dup
      [16796] iconst_1
      [16797] sipush 1513
      [16800] castore
      [16801] dup
      [16802] iconst_2
      [16803] sipush 1473
      [16806] castore
      [16807] aastore
      [16808] dup
      [16809] sipush 667
      [16812] iconst_3
      [16813] newarray 5
      [16815] dup
      [16816] iconst_0
      [16817] ldc #4
        + Integer [64299]
      [16819] castore
      [16820] dup
      [16821] iconst_1
      [16822] sipush 1513
      [16825] castore
      [16826] dup
      [16827] iconst_2
      [16828] sipush 1474
      [16831] castore
      [16832] aastore
      [16833] dup
      [16834] sipush 668
      [16837] iconst_3
      [16838] newarray 5
      [16840] dup
      [16841] iconst_0
      [16842] ldc #30
        + Integer [64330]
      [16844] castore
      [16845] dup
      [16846] iconst_1
      [16847] sipush 1514
      [16850] castore
      [16851] dup
      [16852] iconst_2
      [16853] sipush 1468
      [16856] castore
      [16857] aastore
      [16858] dup
      [16859] sipush 669
      [16862] iconst_3
      [16863] newarray 5
      [16865] dup
      [16866] iconst_0
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        + Integer [64287]
      [16869] castore
      [16870] dup
      [16871] iconst_1
      [16872] sipush 1522
      [16875] castore
      [16876] dup
      [16877] iconst_2
      [16878] sipush 1463
      [16881] castore
      [16882] aastore
      [16883] dup
      [16884] sipush 670
      [16887] iconst_3
      [16888] newarray 5
      [16890] dup
      [16891] iconst_0
      [16892] sipush 1570
      [16895] castore
      [16896] dup
      [16897] iconst_1
      [16898] sipush 1575
      [16901] castore
      [16902] dup
      [16903] iconst_2
      [16904] sipush 1619
      [16907] castore
      [16908] aastore
      [16909] dup
      [16910] sipush 671
      [16913] iconst_3
      [16914] newarray 5
      [16916] dup
      [16917] iconst_0
      [16918] sipush 1571
      [16921] castore
      [16922] dup
      [16923] iconst_1
      [16924] sipush 1575
      [16927] castore
      [16928] dup
      [16929] iconst_2
      [16930] sipush 1620
      [16933] castore
      [16934] aastore
      [16935] dup
      [16936] sipush 672
      [16939] iconst_3
      [16940] newarray 5
      [16942] dup
      [16943] iconst_0
      [16944] sipush 1573
      [16947] castore
      [16948] dup
      [16949] iconst_1
      [16950] sipush 1575
      [16953] castore
      [16954] dup
      [16955] iconst_2
      [16956] sipush 1621
      [16959] castore
      [16960] aastore
      [16961] dup
      [16962] sipush 673
      [16965] iconst_3
      [16966] newarray 5
      [16968] dup
      [16969] iconst_0
      [16970] sipush 1572
      [16973] castore
      [16974] dup
      [16975] iconst_1
      [16976] sipush 1608
      [16979] castore
      [16980] dup
      [16981] iconst_2
      [16982] sipush 1620
      [16985] castore
      [16986] aastore
      [16987] dup
      [16988] sipush 674
      [16991] iconst_3
      [16992] newarray 5
      [16994] dup
      [16995] iconst_0
      [16996] sipush 1574
      [16999] castore
      [17000] dup
      [17001] iconst_1
      [17002] sipush 1610
      [17005] castore
      [17006] dup
      [17007] iconst_2
      [17008] sipush 1620
      [17011] castore
      [17012] aastore
      [17013] dup
      [17014] sipush 675
      [17017] iconst_3
      [17018] newarray 5
      [17020] dup
      [17021] iconst_0
      [17022] sipush 1730
      [17025] castore
      [17026] dup
      [17027] iconst_1
      [17028] sipush 1729
      [17031] castore
      [17032] dup
      [17033] iconst_2
      [17034] sipush 1620
      [17037] castore
      [17038] aastore
      [17039] dup
      [17040] sipush 676
      [17043] iconst_3
      [17044] newarray 5
      [17046] dup
      [17047] iconst_0
      [17048] sipush 1747
      [17051] castore
      [17052] dup
      [17053] iconst_1
      [17054] sipush 1746
      [17057] castore
      [17058] dup
      [17059] iconst_2
      [17060] sipush 1620
      [17063] castore
      [17064] aastore
      [17065] dup
      [17066] sipush 677
      [17069] iconst_3
      [17070] newarray 5
      [17072] dup
      [17073] iconst_0
      [17074] sipush 1728
      [17077] castore
      [17078] dup
      [17079] iconst_1
      [17080] sipush 1749
      [17083] castore
      [17084] dup
      [17085] iconst_2
      [17086] sipush 1620
      [17089] castore
      [17090] aastore
      [17091] dup
      [17092] sipush 678
      [17095] iconst_3
      [17096] newarray 5
      [17098] dup
      [17099] iconst_0
      [17100] sipush 2392
      [17103] castore
      [17104] dup
      [17105] iconst_1
      [17106] sipush 2325
      [17109] castore
      [17110] dup
      [17111] iconst_2
      [17112] sipush 2364
      [17115] castore
      [17116] aastore
      [17117] dup
      [17118] sipush 679
      [17121] iconst_3
      [17122] newarray 5
      [17124] dup
      [17125] iconst_0
      [17126] sipush 2393
      [17129] castore
      [17130] dup
      [17131] iconst_1
      [17132] sipush 2326
      [17135] castore
      [17136] dup
      [17137] iconst_2
      [17138] sipush 2364
      [17141] castore
      [17142] aastore
      [17143] dup
      [17144] sipush 680
      [17147] iconst_3
      [17148] newarray 5
      [17150] dup
      [17151] iconst_0
      [17152] sipush 2394
      [17155] castore
      [17156] dup
      [17157] iconst_1
      [17158] sipush 2327
      [17161] castore
      [17162] dup
      [17163] iconst_2
      [17164] sipush 2364
      [17167] castore
      [17168] aastore
      [17169] dup
      [17170] sipush 681
      [17173] iconst_3
      [17174] newarray 5
      [17176] dup
      [17177] iconst_0
      [17178] sipush 2395
      [17181] castore
      [17182] dup
      [17183] iconst_1
      [17184] sipush 2332
      [17187] castore
      [17188] dup
      [17189] iconst_2
      [17190] sipush 2364
      [17193] castore
      [17194] aastore
      [17195] dup
      [17196] sipush 682
      [17199] iconst_3
      [17200] newarray 5
      [17202] dup
      [17203] iconst_0
      [17204] sipush 2396
      [17207] castore
      [17208] dup
      [17209] iconst_1
      [17210] sipush 2337
      [17213] castore
      [17214] dup
      [17215] iconst_2
      [17216] sipush 2364
      [17219] castore
      [17220] aastore
      [17221] dup
      [17222] sipush 683
      [17225] iconst_3
      [17226] newarray 5
      [17228] dup
      [17229] iconst_0
      [17230] sipush 2397
      [17233] castore
      [17234] dup
      [17235] iconst_1
      [17236] sipush 2338
      [17239] castore
      [17240] dup
      [17241] iconst_2
      [17242] sipush 2364
      [17245] castore
      [17246] aastore
      [17247] dup
      [17248] sipush 684
      [17251] iconst_3
      [17252] newarray 5
      [17254] dup
      [17255] iconst_0
      [17256] sipush 2345
      [17259] castore
      [17260] dup
      [17261] iconst_1
      [17262] sipush 2344
      [17265] castore
      [17266] dup
      [17267] iconst_2
      [17268] sipush 2364
      [17271] castore
      [17272] aastore
      [17273] dup
      [17274] sipush 685
      [17277] iconst_3
      [17278] newarray 5
      [17280] dup
      [17281] iconst_0
      [17282] sipush 2398
      [17285] castore
      [17286] dup
      [17287] iconst_1
      [17288] sipush 2347
      [17291] castore
      [17292] dup
      [17293] iconst_2
      [17294] sipush 2364
      [17297] castore
      [17298] aastore
      [17299] dup
      [17300] sipush 686
      [17303] iconst_3
      [17304] newarray 5
      [17306] dup
      [17307] iconst_0
      [17308] sipush 2399
      [17311] castore
      [17312] dup
      [17313] iconst_1
      [17314] sipush 2351
      [17317] castore
      [17318] dup
      [17319] iconst_2
      [17320] sipush 2364
      [17323] castore
      [17324] aastore
      [17325] dup
      [17326] sipush 687
      [17329] iconst_3
      [17330] newarray 5
      [17332] dup
      [17333] iconst_0
      [17334] sipush 2353
      [17337] castore
      [17338] dup
      [17339] iconst_1
      [17340] sipush 2352
      [17343] castore
      [17344] dup
      [17345] iconst_2
      [17346] sipush 2364
      [17349] castore
      [17350] aastore
      [17351] dup
      [17352] sipush 688
      [17355] iconst_3
      [17356] newarray 5
      [17358] dup
      [17359] iconst_0
      [17360] sipush 2356
      [17363] castore
      [17364] dup
      [17365] iconst_1
      [17366] sipush 2355
      [17369] castore
      [17370] dup
      [17371] iconst_2
      [17372] sipush 2364
      [17375] castore
      [17376] aastore
      [17377] dup
      [17378] sipush 689
      [17381] iconst_3
      [17382] newarray 5
      [17384] dup
      [17385] iconst_0
      [17386] sipush 2524
      [17389] castore
      [17390] dup
      [17391] iconst_1
      [17392] sipush 2465
      [17395] castore
      [17396] dup
      [17397] iconst_2
      [17398] sipush 2492
      [17401] castore
      [17402] aastore
      [17403] dup
      [17404] sipush 690
      [17407] iconst_3
      [17408] newarray 5
      [17410] dup
      [17411] iconst_0
      [17412] sipush 2525
      [17415] castore
      [17416] dup
      [17417] iconst_1
      [17418] sipush 2466
      [17421] castore
      [17422] dup
      [17423] iconst_2
      [17424] sipush 2492
      [17427] castore
      [17428] aastore
      [17429] dup
      [17430] sipush 691
      [17433] iconst_3
      [17434] newarray 5
      [17436] dup
      [17437] iconst_0
      [17438] sipush 2527
      [17441] castore
      [17442] dup
      [17443] iconst_1
      [17444] sipush 2479
      [17447] castore
      [17448] dup
      [17449] iconst_2
      [17450] sipush 2492
      [17453] castore
      [17454] aastore
      [17455] dup
      [17456] sipush 692
      [17459] iconst_3
      [17460] newarray 5
      [17462] dup
      [17463] iconst_0
      [17464] sipush 2507
      [17467] castore
      [17468] dup
      [17469] iconst_1
      [17470] sipush 2503
      [17473] castore
      [17474] dup
      [17475] iconst_2
      [17476] sipush 2494
      [17479] castore
      [17480] aastore
      [17481] dup
      [17482] sipush 693
      [17485] iconst_3
      [17486] newarray 5
      [17488] dup
      [17489] iconst_0
      [17490] sipush 2508
      [17493] castore
      [17494] dup
      [17495] iconst_1
      [17496] sipush 2503
      [17499] castore
      [17500] dup
      [17501] iconst_2
      [17502] sipush 2519
      [17505] castore
      [17506] aastore
      [17507] dup
      [17508] sipush 694
      [17511] iconst_3
      [17512] newarray 5
      [17514] dup
      [17515] iconst_0
      [17516] sipush 2649
      [17519] castore
      [17520] dup
      [17521] iconst_1
      [17522] sipush 2582
      [17525] castore
      [17526] dup
      [17527] iconst_2
      [17528] sipush 2620
      [17531] castore
      [17532] aastore
      [17533] dup
      [17534] sipush 695
      [17537] iconst_3
      [17538] newarray 5
      [17540] dup
      [17541] iconst_0
      [17542] sipush 2650
      [17545] castore
      [17546] dup
      [17547] iconst_1
      [17548] sipush 2583
      [17551] castore
      [17552] dup
      [17553] iconst_2
      [17554] sipush 2620
      [17557] castore
      [17558] aastore
      [17559] dup
      [17560] sipush 696
      [17563] iconst_3
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      [17567] iconst_0
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      [17573] iconst_1
      [17574] sipush 2588
      [17577] castore
      [17578] dup
      [17579] iconst_2
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      [17583] castore
      [17584] aastore
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      [17586] sipush 697
      [17589] iconst_3
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      [17593] iconst_0
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      [17598] dup
      [17599] iconst_1
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      [17603] castore
      [17604] dup
      [17605] iconst_2
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      [17612] sipush 698
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      [17619] iconst_0
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      [17625] iconst_1
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      [17631] iconst_2
      [17632] sipush 2620
      [17635] castore
      [17636] aastore
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      [17638] sipush 699
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      [17645] iconst_0
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      [17651] iconst_1
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      [17655] castore
      [17656] dup
      [17657] iconst_2
      [17658] sipush 2620
      [17661] castore
      [17662] aastore
      [17663] dup
      [17664] sipush 700
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      [17671] iconst_0
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      [17676] dup
      [17677] iconst_1
      [17678] sipush 2849
      [17681] castore
      [17682] dup
      [17683] iconst_2
      [17684] sipush 2876
      [17687] castore
      [17688] aastore
      [17689] dup
      [17690] sipush 701
      [17693] iconst_3
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      [17697] iconst_0
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      [17704] sipush 2850
      [17707] castore
      [17708] dup
      [17709] iconst_2
      [17710] sipush 2876
      [17713] castore
      [17714] aastore
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      [17716] sipush 702
      [17719] iconst_3
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      [17723] iconst_0
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      [17729] iconst_1
      [17730] sipush 2887
      [17733] castore
      [17734] dup
      [17735] iconst_2
      [17736] sipush 2878
      [17739] castore
      [17740] aastore
      [17741] dup
      [17742] sipush 703
      [17745] iconst_3
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      [17749] iconst_0
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      [17754] dup
      [17755] iconst_1
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      [17759] castore
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      [17761] iconst_2
      [17762] sipush 2902
      [17765] castore
      [17766] aastore
      [17767] dup
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      [17771] iconst_3
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      [17775] iconst_0
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      [17781] iconst_1
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      [17787] iconst_2
      [17788] sipush 2903
      [17791] castore
      [17792] aastore
      [17793] dup
      [17794] sipush 705
      [17797] iconst_3
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      [17801] iconst_0
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      [17806] dup
      [17807] iconst_1
      [17808] sipush 2962
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      [17813] iconst_2
      [17814] sipush 3031
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      [17818] aastore
      [17819] dup
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      [17827] iconst_0
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      [17833] iconst_1
      [17834] sipush 3014
      [17837] castore
      [17838] dup
      [17839] iconst_2
      [17840] sipush 3006
      [17843] castore
      [17844] aastore
      [17845] dup
      [17846] sipush 707
      [17849] iconst_3
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      [17853] iconst_0
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      [17857] castore
      [17858] dup
      [17859] iconst_1
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      [17863] castore
      [17864] dup
      [17865] iconst_2
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      [17870] aastore
      [17871] dup
      [17872] sipush 708
      [17875] iconst_3
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      [17879] iconst_0
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      [17884] dup
      [17885] iconst_1
      [17886] sipush 3015
      [17889] castore
      [17890] dup
      [17891] iconst_2
      [17892] sipush 3006
      [17895] castore
      [17896] aastore
      [17897] dup
      [17898] sipush 709
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      [17905] iconst_0
      [17906] sipush 3144
      [17909] castore
      [17910] dup
      [17911] iconst_1
      [17912] sipush 3142
      [17915] castore
      [17916] dup
      [17917] iconst_2
      [17918] sipush 3158
      [17921] castore
      [17922] aastore
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      [17924] sipush 710
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      [17931] iconst_0
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      [17936] dup
      [17937] iconst_1
      [17938] sipush 3263
      [17941] castore
      [17942] dup
      [17943] iconst_2
      [17944] sipush 3285
      [17947] castore
      [17948] aastore
      [17949] dup
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      [17953] iconst_3
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      [17957] iconst_0
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      [17963] iconst_1
      [17964] sipush 3270
      [17967] castore
      [17968] dup
      [17969] iconst_2
      [17970] sipush 3266
      [17973] castore
      [17974] aastore
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      [17976] sipush 712
      [17979] iconst_3
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      [17983] iconst_0
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      [17988] dup
      [17989] iconst_1
      [17990] sipush 3270
      [17993] castore
      [17994] dup
      [17995] iconst_2
      [17996] sipush 3285
      [17999] castore
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      [18002] sipush 713
      [18005] iconst_3
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      [18009] iconst_0
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      [18019] castore
      [18020] dup
      [18021] iconst_2
      [18022] sipush 3286
      [18025] castore
      [18026] aastore
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      [18028] sipush 714
      [18031] iconst_3
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      [18035] iconst_0
      [18036] sipush 3275
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      [18040] dup
      [18041] iconst_1
      [18042] sipush 3274
      [18045] castore
      [18046] dup
      [18047] iconst_2
      [18048] sipush 3285
      [18051] castore
      [18052] aastore
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      [18057] iconst_3
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      [18061] iconst_0
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      [18067] iconst_1
      [18068] sipush 3398
      [18071] castore
      [18072] dup
      [18073] iconst_2
      [18074] sipush 3390
      [18077] castore
      [18078] aastore
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      [18083] iconst_3
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      [18087] iconst_0
      [18088] sipush 3404
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      [18092] dup
      [18093] iconst_1
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      [18097] castore
      [18098] dup
      [18099] iconst_2
      [18100] sipush 3415
      [18103] castore
      [18104] aastore
      [18105] dup
      [18106] sipush 717
      [18109] iconst_3
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      [18113] iconst_0
      [18114] sipush 3403
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      [18118] dup
      [18119] iconst_1
      [18120] sipush 3399
      [18123] castore
      [18124] dup
      [18125] iconst_2
      [18126] sipush 3390
      [18129] castore
      [18130] aastore
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      [18132] sipush 718
      [18135] iconst_3
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      [18139] iconst_0
      [18140] sipush 3546
      [18143] castore
      [18144] dup
      [18145] iconst_1
      [18146] sipush 3545
      [18149] castore
      [18150] dup
      [18151] iconst_2
      [18152] sipush 3530
      [18155] castore
      [18156] aastore
      [18157] dup
      [18158] sipush 719
      [18161] iconst_3
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      [18165] iconst_0
      [18166] sipush 3548
      [18169] castore
      [18170] dup
      [18171] iconst_1
      [18172] sipush 3545
      [18175] castore
      [18176] dup
      [18177] iconst_2
      [18178] sipush 3535
      [18181] castore
      [18182] aastore
      [18183] dup
      [18184] sipush 720
      [18187] iconst_3
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      [18190] dup
      [18191] iconst_0
      [18192] sipush 3550
      [18195] castore
      [18196] dup
      [18197] iconst_1
      [18198] sipush 3545
      [18201] castore
      [18202] dup
      [18203] iconst_2
      [18204] sipush 3551
      [18207] castore
      [18208] aastore
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      [18210] sipush 721
      [18213] iconst_3
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      [18217] iconst_0
      [18218] sipush 3549
      [18221] castore
      [18222] dup
      [18223] iconst_1
      [18224] sipush 3548
      [18227] castore
      [18228] dup
      [18229] iconst_2
      [18230] sipush 3530
      [18233] castore
      [18234] aastore
      [18235] dup
      [18236] sipush 722
      [18239] iconst_3
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      [18243] iconst_0
      [18244] sipush 3945
      [18247] castore
      [18248] dup
      [18249] iconst_1
      [18250] sipush 3904
      [18253] castore
      [18254] dup
      [18255] iconst_2
      [18256] sipush 4021
      [18259] castore
      [18260] aastore
      [18261] dup
      [18262] sipush 723
      [18265] iconst_3
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      [18268] dup
      [18269] iconst_0
      [18270] sipush 3907
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      [18274] dup
      [18275] iconst_1
      [18276] sipush 3906
      [18279] castore
      [18280] dup
      [18281] iconst_2
      [18282] sipush 4023
      [18285] castore
      [18286] aastore
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      [18288] sipush 724
      [18291] iconst_3
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      [18295] iconst_0
      [18296] sipush 3917
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      [18300] dup
      [18301] iconst_1
      [18302] sipush 3916
      [18305] castore
      [18306] dup
      [18307] iconst_2
      [18308] sipush 4023
      [18311] castore
      [18312] aastore
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      [18314] sipush 725
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      [18320] dup
      [18321] iconst_0
      [18322] sipush 3922
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      [18326] dup
      [18327] iconst_1
      [18328] sipush 3921
      [18331] castore
      [18332] dup
      [18333] iconst_2
      [18334] sipush 4023
      [18337] castore
      [18338] aastore
      [18339] dup
      [18340] sipush 726
      [18343] iconst_3
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      [18347] iconst_0
      [18348] sipush 3927
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      [18352] dup
      [18353] iconst_1
      [18354] sipush 3926
      [18357] castore
      [18358] dup
      [18359] iconst_2
      [18360] sipush 4023
      [18363] castore
      [18364] aastore
      [18365] dup
      [18366] sipush 727
      [18369] iconst_3
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      [18373] iconst_0
      [18374] sipush 3932
      [18377] castore
      [18378] dup
      [18379] iconst_1
      [18380] sipush 3931
      [18383] castore
      [18384] dup
      [18385] iconst_2
      [18386] sipush 4023
      [18389] castore
      [18390] aastore
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      [18392] sipush 728
      [18395] iconst_3
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      [18399] iconst_0
      [18400] sipush 3955
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      [18404] dup
      [18405] iconst_1
      [18406] sipush 3953
      [18409] castore
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      [18411] iconst_2
      [18412] sipush 3954
      [18415] castore
      [18416] aastore
      [18417] dup
      [18418] sipush 729
      [18421] iconst_3
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      [18425] iconst_0
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      [18431] iconst_1
      [18432] sipush 3953
      [18435] castore
      [18436] dup
      [18437] iconst_2
      [18438] sipush 3956
      [18441] castore
      [18442] aastore
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      [18444] sipush 730
      [18447] iconst_3
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      [18451] iconst_0
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      [18456] dup
      [18457] iconst_1
      [18458] sipush 3953
      [18461] castore
      [18462] dup
      [18463] iconst_2
      [18464] sipush 3968
      [18467] castore
      [18468] aastore
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      [18476] dup
      [18477] iconst_0
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      [18483] iconst_1
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      [18487] castore
      [18488] dup
      [18489] iconst_2
      [18490] sipush 4021
      [18493] castore
      [18494] aastore
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      [18496] sipush 732
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      [18503] iconst_0
      [18504] sipush 3987
      [18507] castore
      [18508] dup
      [18509] iconst_1
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      [18515] iconst_2
      [18516] sipush 4023
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      [18520] aastore
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      [18522] sipush 733
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      [18529] iconst_0
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      [18534] dup
      [18535] iconst_1
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      [18541] iconst_2
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      [18545] castore
      [18546] aastore
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      [18548] sipush 734
      [18551] iconst_3
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      [18555] iconst_0
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      [18561] iconst_1
      [18562] sipush 4001
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      [18567] iconst_2
      [18568] sipush 4023
      [18571] castore
      [18572] aastore
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      [18581] iconst_0
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      [18587] iconst_1
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      [18591] castore
      [18592] dup
      [18593] iconst_2
      [18594] sipush 4023
      [18597] castore
      [18598] aastore
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      [18607] iconst_0
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      [18613] iconst_1
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      [18619] iconst_2
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      [18623] castore
      [18624] aastore
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      [18626] sipush 737
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      [18633] iconst_0
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      [18639] iconst_1
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      [18644] dup
      [18645] iconst_2
      [18646] sipush 3968
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      [18650] aastore
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      [18659] iconst_0
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      [18671] iconst_2
      [18672] sipush 3968
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      [18676] aastore
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      [18685] iconst_0
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      [18691] iconst_1
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      [18695] castore
      [18696] dup
      [18697] iconst_2
      [18698] sipush 4142
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      [18702] aastore
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      [18711] iconst_0
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      [18717] iconst_1
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      [18721] castore
      [18722] dup
      [18723] iconst_2
      [18724] sipush 6965
      [18727] castore
      [18728] aastore
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      [18737] iconst_0
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      [18741] castore
      [18742] dup
      [18743] iconst_1
      [18744] sipush 6919
      [18747] castore
      [18748] dup
      [18749] iconst_2
      [18750] sipush 6965
      [18753] castore
      [18754] aastore
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      [18763] iconst_0
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      [18769] iconst_1
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      [18773] castore
      [18774] dup
      [18775] iconst_2
      [18776] sipush 6965
      [18779] castore
      [18780] aastore
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      [18782] sipush 743
      [18785] iconst_3
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      [18789] iconst_0
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      [18795] iconst_1
      [18796] sipush 6923
      [18799] castore
      [18800] dup
      [18801] iconst_2
      [18802] sipush 6965
      [18805] castore
      [18806] aastore
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      [18815] iconst_0
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      [18819] castore
      [18820] dup
      [18821] iconst_1
      [18822] sipush 6925
      [18825] castore
      [18826] dup
      [18827] iconst_2
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      [18831] castore
      [18832] aastore
      [18833] dup
      [18834] sipush 745
      [18837] iconst_3
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      [18840] dup
      [18841] iconst_0
      [18842] sipush 6930
      [18845] castore
      [18846] dup
      [18847] iconst_1
      [18848] sipush 6929
      [18851] castore
      [18852] dup
      [18853] iconst_2
      [18854] sipush 6965
      [18857] castore
      [18858] aastore
      [18859] dup
      [18860] sipush 746
      [18863] iconst_3
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      [18867] iconst_0
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      [18871] castore
      [18872] dup
      [18873] iconst_1
      [18874] sipush 6970
      [18877] castore
      [18878] dup
      [18879] iconst_2
      [18880] sipush 6965
      [18883] castore
      [18884] aastore
      [18885] dup
      [18886] sipush 747
      [18889] iconst_3
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      [18892] dup
      [18893] iconst_0
      [18894] sipush 6973
      [18897] castore
      [18898] dup
      [18899] iconst_1
      [18900] sipush 6972
      [18903] castore
      [18904] dup
      [18905] iconst_2
      [18906] sipush 6965
      [18909] castore
      [18910] aastore
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      [18912] sipush 748
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      [18919] iconst_0
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      [18924] dup
      [18925] iconst_1
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      [18929] castore
      [18930] dup
      [18931] iconst_2
      [18932] sipush 6965
      [18935] castore
      [18936] aastore
      [18937] dup
      [18938] sipush 749
      [18941] iconst_3
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      [18944] dup
      [18945] iconst_0
      [18946] sipush 6977
      [18949] castore
      [18950] dup
      [18951] iconst_1
      [18952] sipush 6975
      [18955] castore
      [18956] dup
      [18957] iconst_2
      [18958] sipush 6965
      [18961] castore
      [18962] aastore
      [18963] dup
      [18964] sipush 750
      [18967] iconst_3
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      [18971] iconst_0
      [18972] sipush 6979
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      [18976] dup
      [18977] iconst_1
      [18978] sipush 6978
      [18981] castore
      [18982] dup
      [18983] iconst_2
      [18984] sipush 6965
      [18987] castore
      [18988] aastore
      [18989] dup
      [18990] sipush 751
      [18993] iconst_3
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      [18996] dup
      [18997] iconst_0
      [18998] sipush 7736
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      [19002] dup
      [19003] iconst_1
      [19004] sipush 7734
      [19007] castore
      [19008] dup
      [19009] iconst_2
      [19010] sipush 772
      [19013] castore
      [19014] aastore
      [19015] dup
      [19016] sipush 752
      [19019] iconst_3
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      [19023] iconst_0
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      [19028] dup
      [19029] iconst_1
      [19030] sipush 7735
      [19033] castore
      [19034] dup
      [19035] iconst_2
      [19036] sipush 772
      [19039] castore
      [19040] aastore
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      [19042] sipush 753
      [19045] iconst_3
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      [19049] iconst_0
      [19050] sipush 7772
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      [19054] dup
      [19055] iconst_1
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      [19059] castore
      [19060] dup
      [19061] iconst_2
      [19062] sipush 772
      [19065] castore
      [19066] aastore
      [19067] dup
      [19068] sipush 754
      [19071] iconst_3
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      [19075] iconst_0
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      [19079] castore
      [19080] dup
      [19081] iconst_1
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      [19085] castore
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      [19087] iconst_2
      [19088] sipush 772
      [19091] castore
      [19092] aastore
      [19093] dup
      [19094] sipush 755
      [19097] iconst_3
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      [19101] iconst_0
      [19102] sipush 7784
      [19105] castore
      [19106] dup
      [19107] iconst_1
      [19108] sipush 7778
      [19111] castore
      [19112] dup
      [19113] iconst_2
      [19114] sipush 775
      [19117] castore
      [19118] aastore
      [19119] dup
      [19120] sipush 756
      [19123] iconst_3
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      [19126] dup
      [19127] iconst_0
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      [19131] castore
      [19132] dup
      [19133] iconst_1
      [19134] sipush 7779
      [19137] castore
      [19138] dup
      [19139] iconst_2
      [19140] sipush 775
      [19143] castore
      [19144] aastore
      [19145] dup
      [19146] sipush 757
      [19149] iconst_3
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      [19152] dup
      [19153] iconst_0
      [19154] sipush 7852
      [19157] castore
      [19158] dup
      [19159] iconst_1
      [19160] sipush 7840
      [19163] castore
      [19164] dup
      [19165] iconst_2
      [19166] sipush 770
      [19169] castore
      [19170] aastore
      [19171] dup
      [19172] sipush 758
      [19175] iconst_3
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      [19178] dup
      [19179] iconst_0
      [19180] sipush 7862
      [19183] castore
      [19184] dup
      [19185] iconst_1
      [19186] sipush 7840
      [19189] castore
      [19190] dup
      [19191] iconst_2
      [19192] sipush 774
      [19195] castore
      [19196] aastore
      [19197] dup
      [19198] sipush 759
      [19201] iconst_3
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      [19204] dup
      [19205] iconst_0
      [19206] sipush 7853
      [19209] castore
      [19210] dup
      [19211] iconst_1
      [19212] sipush 7841
      [19215] castore
      [19216] dup
      [19217] iconst_2
      [19218] sipush 770
      [19221] castore
      [19222] aastore
      [19223] dup
      [19224] sipush 760
      [19227] iconst_3
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      [19230] dup
      [19231] iconst_0
      [19232] sipush 7863
      [19235] castore
      [19236] dup
      [19237] iconst_1
      [19238] sipush 7841
      [19241] castore
      [19242] dup
      [19243] iconst_2
      [19244] sipush 774
      [19247] castore
      [19248] aastore
      [19249] dup
      [19250] sipush 761
      [19253] iconst_3
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      [19256] dup
      [19257] iconst_0
      [19258] sipush 7878
      [19261] castore
      [19262] dup
      [19263] iconst_1
      [19264] sipush 7864
      [19267] castore
      [19268] dup
      [19269] iconst_2
      [19270] sipush 770
      [19273] castore
      [19274] aastore
      [19275] dup
      [19276] sipush 762
      [19279] iconst_3
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      [19283] iconst_0
      [19284] sipush 7879
      [19287] castore
      [19288] dup
      [19289] iconst_1
      [19290] sipush 7865
      [19293] castore
      [19294] dup
      [19295] iconst_2
      [19296] sipush 770
      [19299] castore
      [19300] aastore
      [19301] dup
      [19302] sipush 763
      [19305] iconst_3
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      [19308] dup
      [19309] iconst_0
      [19310] sipush 7896
      [19313] castore
      [19314] dup
      [19315] iconst_1
      [19316] sipush 7884
      [19319] castore
      [19320] dup
      [19321] iconst_2
      [19322] sipush 770
      [19325] castore
      [19326] aastore
      [19327] dup
      [19328] sipush 764
      [19331] iconst_3
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      [19334] dup
      [19335] iconst_0
      [19336] sipush 7897
      [19339] castore
      [19340] dup
      [19341] iconst_1
      [19342] sipush 7885
      [19345] castore
      [19346] dup
      [19347] iconst_2
      [19348] sipush 770
      [19351] castore
      [19352] aastore
      [19353] dup
      [19354] sipush 765
      [19357] iconst_3
      [19358] newarray 5
      [19360] dup
      [19361] iconst_0
      [19362] sipush 7938
      [19365] castore
      [19366] dup
      [19367] iconst_1
      [19368] sipush 7936
      [19371] castore
      [19372] dup
      [19373] iconst_2
      [19374] sipush 768
      [19377] castore
      [19378] aastore
      [19379] dup
      [19380] sipush 766
      [19383] iconst_3
      [19384] newarray 5
      [19386] dup
      [19387] iconst_0
      [19388] sipush 7940
      [19391] castore
      [19392] dup
      [19393] iconst_1
      [19394] sipush 7936
      [19397] castore
      [19398] dup
      [19399] iconst_2
      [19400] sipush 769
      [19403] castore
      [19404] aastore
      [19405] dup
      [19406] sipush 767
      [19409] iconst_3
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      [19412] dup
      [19413] iconst_0
      [19414] sipush 7942
      [19417] castore
      [19418] dup
      [19419] iconst_1
      [19420] sipush 7936
      [19423] castore
      [19424] dup
      [19425] iconst_2
      [19426] sipush 834
      [19429] castore
      [19430] aastore
      [19431] dup
      [19432] sipush 768
      [19435] iconst_3
      [19436] newarray 5
      [19438] dup
      [19439] iconst_0
      [19440] sipush 8064
      [19443] castore
      [19444] dup
      [19445] iconst_1
      [19446] sipush 7936
      [19449] castore
      [19450] dup
      [19451] iconst_2
      [19452] sipush 837
      [19455] castore
      [19456] aastore
      [19457] dup
      [19458] sipush 769
      [19461] iconst_3
      [19462] newarray 5
      [19464] dup
      [19465] iconst_0
      [19466] sipush 7939
      [19469] castore
      [19470] dup
      [19471] iconst_1
      [19472] sipush 7937
      [19475] castore
      [19476] dup
      [19477] iconst_2
      [19478] sipush 768
      [19481] castore
      [19482] aastore
      [19483] dup
      [19484] sipush 770
      [19487] iconst_3
      [19488] newarray 5
      [19490] dup
      [19491] iconst_0
      [19492] sipush 7941
      [19495] castore
      [19496] dup
      [19497] iconst_1
      [19498] sipush 7937
      [19501] castore
      [19502] dup
      [19503] iconst_2
      [19504] sipush 769
      [19507] castore
      [19508] aastore
      [19509] dup
      [19510] sipush 771
      [19513] iconst_3
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      [19516] dup
      [19517] iconst_0
      [19518] sipush 7943
      [19521] castore
      [19522] dup
      [19523] iconst_1
      [19524] sipush 7937
      [19527] castore
      [19528] dup
      [19529] iconst_2
      [19530] sipush 834
      [19533] castore
      [19534] aastore
      [19535] dup
      [19536] sipush 772
      [19539] iconst_3
      [19540] newarray 5
      [19542] dup
      [19543] iconst_0
      [19544] sipush 8065
      [19547] castore
      [19548] dup
      [19549] iconst_1
      [19550] sipush 7937
      [19553] castore
      [19554] dup
      [19555] iconst_2
      [19556] sipush 837
      [19559] castore
      [19560] aastore
      [19561] dup
      [19562] sipush 773
      [19565] iconst_3
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      [19568] dup
      [19569] iconst_0
      [19570] sipush 8066
      [19573] castore
      [19574] dup
      [19575] iconst_1
      [19576] sipush 7938
      [19579] castore
      [19580] dup
      [19581] iconst_2
      [19582] sipush 837
      [19585] castore
      [19586] aastore
      [19587] dup
      [19588] sipush 774
      [19591] iconst_3
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      [19594] dup
      [19595] iconst_0
      [19596] sipush 8067
      [19599] castore
      [19600] dup
      [19601] iconst_1
      [19602] sipush 7939
      [19605] castore
      [19606] dup
      [19607] iconst_2
      [19608] sipush 837
      [19611] castore
      [19612] aastore
      [19613] dup
      [19614] sipush 775
      [19617] iconst_3
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      [19620] dup
      [19621] iconst_0
      [19622] sipush 8068
      [19625] castore
      [19626] dup
      [19627] iconst_1
      [19628] sipush 7940
      [19631] castore
      [19632] dup
      [19633] iconst_2
      [19634] sipush 837
      [19637] castore
      [19638] aastore
      [19639] dup
      [19640] sipush 776
      [19643] iconst_3
      [19644] newarray 5
      [19646] dup
      [19647] iconst_0
      [19648] sipush 8069
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      [19652] dup
      [19653] iconst_1
      [19654] sipush 7941
      [19657] castore
      [19658] dup
      [19659] iconst_2
      [19660] sipush 837
      [19663] castore
      [19664] aastore
      [19665] dup
      [19666] sipush 777
      [19669] iconst_3
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      [19672] dup
      [19673] iconst_0
      [19674] sipush 8070
      [19677] castore
      [19678] dup
      [19679] iconst_1
      [19680] sipush 7942
      [19683] castore
      [19684] dup
      [19685] iconst_2
      [19686] sipush 837
      [19689] castore
      [19690] aastore
      [19691] dup
      [19692] sipush 778
      [19695] iconst_3
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      [19698] dup
      [19699] iconst_0
      [19700] sipush 8071
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      [19704] dup
      [19705] iconst_1
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      [19709] castore
      [19710] dup
      [19711] iconst_2
      [19712] sipush 837
      [19715] castore
      [19716] aastore
      [19717] dup
      [19718] sipush 779
      [19721] iconst_3
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      [19724] dup
      [19725] iconst_0
      [19726] sipush 7946
      [19729] castore
      [19730] dup
      [19731] iconst_1
      [19732] sipush 7944
      [19735] castore
      [19736] dup
      [19737] iconst_2
      [19738] sipush 768
      [19741] castore
      [19742] aastore
      [19743] dup
      [19744] sipush 780
      [19747] iconst_3
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      [19750] dup
      [19751] iconst_0
      [19752] sipush 7948
      [19755] castore
      [19756] dup
      [19757] iconst_1
      [19758] sipush 7944
      [19761] castore
      [19762] dup
      [19763] iconst_2
      [19764] sipush 769
      [19767] castore
      [19768] aastore
      [19769] dup
      [19770] sipush 781
      [19773] iconst_3
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      [19776] dup
      [19777] iconst_0
      [19778] sipush 7950
      [19781] castore
      [19782] dup
      [19783] iconst_1
      [19784] sipush 7944
      [19787] castore
      [19788] dup
      [19789] iconst_2
      [19790] sipush 834
      [19793] castore
      [19794] aastore
      [19795] dup
      [19796] sipush 782
      [19799] iconst_3
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      [19802] dup
      [19803] iconst_0
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      [19807] castore
      [19808] dup
      [19809] iconst_1
      [19810] sipush 7944
      [19813] castore
      [19814] dup
      [19815] iconst_2
      [19816] sipush 837
      [19819] castore
      [19820] aastore
      [19821] dup
      [19822] sipush 783
      [19825] iconst_3
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      [19828] dup
      [19829] iconst_0
      [19830] sipush 7947
      [19833] castore
      [19834] dup
      [19835] iconst_1
      [19836] sipush 7945
      [19839] castore
      [19840] dup
      [19841] iconst_2
      [19842] sipush 768
      [19845] castore
      [19846] aastore
      [19847] dup
      [19848] sipush 784
      [19851] iconst_3
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      [19855] iconst_0
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      [19859] castore
      [19860] dup
      [19861] iconst_1
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      [19865] castore
      [19866] dup
      [19867] iconst_2
      [19868] sipush 769
      [19871] castore
      [19872] aastore
      [19873] dup
      [19874] sipush 785
      [19877] iconst_3
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      [19880] dup
      [19881] iconst_0
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      [19885] castore
      [19886] dup
      [19887] iconst_1
      [19888] sipush 7945
      [19891] castore
      [19892] dup
      [19893] iconst_2
      [19894] sipush 834
      [19897] castore
      [19898] aastore
      [19899] dup
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      [19903] iconst_3
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      [19907] iconst_0
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      [19912] dup
      [19913] iconst_1
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      [19917] castore
      [19918] dup
      [19919] iconst_2
      [19920] sipush 837
      [19923] castore
      [19924] aastore
      [19925] dup
      [19926] sipush 787
      [19929] iconst_3
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      [19932] dup
      [19933] iconst_0
      [19934] sipush 8074
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      [19938] dup
      [19939] iconst_1
      [19940] sipush 7946
      [19943] castore
      [19944] dup
      [19945] iconst_2
      [19946] sipush 837
      [19949] castore
      [19950] aastore
      [19951] dup
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      [19955] iconst_3
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      [19958] dup
      [19959] iconst_0
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      [19964] dup
      [19965] iconst_1
      [19966] sipush 7947
      [19969] castore
      [19970] dup
      [19971] iconst_2
      [19972] sipush 837
      [19975] castore
      [19976] aastore
      [19977] dup
      [19978] sipush 789
      [19981] iconst_3
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      [19984] dup
      [19985] iconst_0
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      [19990] dup
      [19991] iconst_1
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      [19995] castore
      [19996] dup
      [19997] iconst_2
      [19998] sipush 837
      [20001] castore
      [20002] aastore
      [20003] dup
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      [20007] iconst_3
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      [20010] dup
      [20011] iconst_0
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      [20015] castore
      [20016] dup
      [20017] iconst_1
      [20018] sipush 7949
      [20021] castore
      [20022] dup
      [20023] iconst_2
      [20024] sipush 837
      [20027] castore
      [20028] aastore
      [20029] dup
      [20030] sipush 791
      [20033] iconst_3
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      [20036] dup
      [20037] iconst_0
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      [20042] dup
      [20043] iconst_1
      [20044] sipush 7950
      [20047] castore
      [20048] dup
      [20049] iconst_2
      [20050] sipush 837
      [20053] castore
      [20054] aastore
      [20055] dup
      [20056] sipush 792
      [20059] iconst_3
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      [20062] dup
      [20063] iconst_0
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      [20068] dup
      [20069] iconst_1
      [20070] sipush 7951
      [20073] castore
      [20074] dup
      [20075] iconst_2
      [20076] sipush 837
      [20079] castore
      [20080] aastore
      [20081] dup
      [20082] sipush 793
      [20085] iconst_3
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      [20088] dup
      [20089] iconst_0
      [20090] sipush 7954
      [20093] castore
      [20094] dup
      [20095] iconst_1
      [20096] sipush 7952
      [20099] castore
      [20100] dup
      [20101] iconst_2
      [20102] sipush 768
      [20105] castore
      [20106] aastore
      [20107] dup
      [20108] sipush 794
      [20111] iconst_3
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      [20114] dup
      [20115] iconst_0
      [20116] sipush 7956
      [20119] castore
      [20120] dup
      [20121] iconst_1
      [20122] sipush 7952
      [20125] castore
      [20126] dup
      [20127] iconst_2
      [20128] sipush 769
      [20131] castore
      [20132] aastore
      [20133] dup
      [20134] sipush 795
      [20137] iconst_3
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      [20141] iconst_0
      [20142] sipush 7955
      [20145] castore
      [20146] dup
      [20147] iconst_1
      [20148] sipush 7953
      [20151] castore
      [20152] dup
      [20153] iconst_2
      [20154] sipush 768
      [20157] castore
      [20158] aastore
      [20159] dup
      [20160] sipush 796
      [20163] iconst_3
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      [20166] dup
      [20167] iconst_0
      [20168] sipush 7957
      [20171] castore
      [20172] dup
      [20173] iconst_1
      [20174] sipush 7953
      [20177] castore
      [20178] dup
      [20179] iconst_2
      [20180] sipush 769
      [20183] castore
      [20184] aastore
      [20185] dup
      [20186] sipush 797
      [20189] iconst_3
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      [20193] iconst_0
      [20194] sipush 7962
      [20197] castore
      [20198] dup
      [20199] iconst_1
      [20200] sipush 7960
      [20203] castore
      [20204] dup
      [20205] iconst_2
      [20206] sipush 768
      [20209] castore
      [20210] aastore
      [20211] dup
      [20212] sipush 798
      [20215] iconst_3
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      [20218] dup
      [20219] iconst_0
      [20220] sipush 7964
      [20223] castore
      [20224] dup
      [20225] iconst_1
      [20226] sipush 7960
      [20229] castore
      [20230] dup
      [20231] iconst_2
      [20232] sipush 769
      [20235] castore
      [20236] aastore
      [20237] dup
      [20238] sipush 799
      [20241] iconst_3
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      [20244] dup
      [20245] iconst_0
      [20246] sipush 7963
      [20249] castore
      [20250] dup
      [20251] iconst_1
      [20252] sipush 7961
      [20255] castore
      [20256] dup
      [20257] iconst_2
      [20258] sipush 768
      [20261] castore
      [20262] aastore
      [20263] dup
      [20264] sipush 800
      [20267] iconst_3
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      [20270] dup
      [20271] iconst_0
      [20272] sipush 7965
      [20275] castore
      [20276] dup
      [20277] iconst_1
      [20278] sipush 7961
      [20281] castore
      [20282] dup
      [20283] iconst_2
      [20284] sipush 769
      [20287] castore
      [20288] aastore
      [20289] dup
      [20290] sipush 801
      [20293] iconst_3
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      [20296] dup
      [20297] iconst_0
      [20298] sipush 7970
      [20301] castore
      [20302] dup
      [20303] iconst_1
      [20304] sipush 7968
      [20307] castore
      [20308] dup
      [20309] iconst_2
      [20310] sipush 768
      [20313] castore
      [20314] aastore
      [20315] dup
      [20316] sipush 802
      [20319] iconst_3
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      [20322] dup
      [20323] iconst_0
      [20324] sipush 7972
      [20327] castore
      [20328] dup
      [20329] iconst_1
      [20330] sipush 7968
      [20333] castore
      [20334] dup
      [20335] iconst_2
      [20336] sipush 769
      [20339] castore
      [20340] aastore
      [20341] dup
      [20342] sipush 803
      [20345] iconst_3
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      [20348] dup
      [20349] iconst_0
      [20350] sipush 7974
      [20353] castore
      [20354] dup
      [20355] iconst_1
      [20356] sipush 7968
      [20359] castore
      [20360] dup
      [20361] iconst_2
      [20362] sipush 834
      [20365] castore
      [20366] aastore
      [20367] dup
      [20368] sipush 804
      [20371] iconst_3
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      [20374] dup
      [20375] iconst_0
      [20376] sipush 8080
      [20379] castore
      [20380] dup
      [20381] iconst_1
      [20382] sipush 7968
      [20385] castore
      [20386] dup
      [20387] iconst_2
      [20388] sipush 837
      [20391] castore
      [20392] aastore
      [20393] dup
      [20394] sipush 805
      [20397] iconst_3
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      [20400] dup
      [20401] iconst_0
      [20402] sipush 7971
      [20405] castore
      [20406] dup
      [20407] iconst_1
      [20408] sipush 7969
      [20411] castore
      [20412] dup
      [20413] iconst_2
      [20414] sipush 768
      [20417] castore
      [20418] aastore
      [20419] dup
      [20420] sipush 806
      [20423] iconst_3
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      [20426] dup
      [20427] iconst_0
      [20428] sipush 7973
      [20431] castore
      [20432] dup
      [20433] iconst_1
      [20434] sipush 7969
      [20437] castore
      [20438] dup
      [20439] iconst_2
      [20440] sipush 769
      [20443] castore
      [20444] aastore
      [20445] dup
      [20446] sipush 807
      [20449] iconst_3
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      [20452] dup
      [20453] iconst_0
      [20454] sipush 7975
      [20457] castore
      [20458] dup
      [20459] iconst_1
      [20460] sipush 7969
      [20463] castore
      [20464] dup
      [20465] iconst_2
      [20466] sipush 834
      [20469] castore
      [20470] aastore
      [20471] dup
      [20472] sipush 808
      [20475] iconst_3
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      [20478] dup
      [20479] iconst_0
      [20480] sipush 8081
      [20483] castore
      [20484] dup
      [20485] iconst_1
      [20486] sipush 7969
      [20489] castore
      [20490] dup
      [20491] iconst_2
      [20492] sipush 837
      [20495] castore
      [20496] aastore
      [20497] dup
      [20498] sipush 809
      [20501] iconst_3
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      [20504] dup
      [20505] iconst_0
      [20506] sipush 8082
      [20509] castore
      [20510] dup
      [20511] iconst_1
      [20512] sipush 7970
      [20515] castore
      [20516] dup
      [20517] iconst_2
      [20518] sipush 837
      [20521] castore
      [20522] aastore
      [20523] dup
      [20524] sipush 810
      [20527] iconst_3
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      [20530] dup
      [20531] iconst_0
      [20532] sipush 8083
      [20535] castore
      [20536] dup
      [20537] iconst_1
      [20538] sipush 7971
      [20541] castore
      [20542] dup
      [20543] iconst_2
      [20544] sipush 837
      [20547] castore
      [20548] aastore
      [20549] dup
      [20550] sipush 811
      [20553] iconst_3
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      [20556] dup
      [20557] iconst_0
      [20558] sipush 8084
      [20561] castore
      [20562] dup
      [20563] iconst_1
      [20564] sipush 7972
      [20567] castore
      [20568] dup
      [20569] iconst_2
      [20570] sipush 837
      [20573] castore
      [20574] aastore
      [20575] dup
      [20576] sipush 812
      [20579] iconst_3
      [20580] newarray 5
      [20582] dup
      [20583] iconst_0
      [20584] sipush 8085
      [20587] castore
      [20588] dup
      [20589] iconst_1
      [20590] sipush 7973
      [20593] castore
      [20594] dup
      [20595] iconst_2
      [20596] sipush 837
      [20599] castore
      [20600] aastore
      [20601] dup
      [20602] sipush 813
      [20605] iconst_3
      [20606] newarray 5
      [20608] dup
      [20609] iconst_0
      [20610] sipush 8086
      [20613] castore
      [20614] dup
      [20615] iconst_1
      [20616] sipush 7974
      [20619] castore
      [20620] dup
      [20621] iconst_2
      [20622] sipush 837
      [20625] castore
      [20626] aastore
      [20627] dup
      [20628] sipush 814
      [20631] iconst_3
      [20632] newarray 5
      [20634] dup
      [20635] iconst_0
      [20636] sipush 8087
      [20639] castore
      [20640] dup
      [20641] iconst_1
      [20642] sipush 7975
      [20645] castore
      [20646] dup
      [20647] iconst_2
      [20648] sipush 837
      [20651] castore
      [20652] aastore
      [20653] dup
      [20654] sipush 815
      [20657] iconst_3
      [20658] newarray 5
      [20660] dup
      [20661] iconst_0
      [20662] sipush 7978
      [20665] castore
      [20666] dup
      [20667] iconst_1
      [20668] sipush 7976
      [20671] castore
      [20672] dup
      [20673] iconst_2
      [20674] sipush 768
      [20677] castore
      [20678] aastore
      [20679] dup
      [20680] sipush 816
      [20683] iconst_3
      [20684] newarray 5
      [20686] dup
      [20687] iconst_0
      [20688] sipush 7980
      [20691] castore
      [20692] dup
      [20693] iconst_1
      [20694] sipush 7976
      [20697] castore
      [20698] dup
      [20699] iconst_2
      [20700] sipush 769
      [20703] castore
      [20704] aastore
      [20705] dup
      [20706] sipush 817
      [20709] iconst_3
      [20710] newarray 5
      [20712] dup
      [20713] iconst_0
      [20714] sipush 7982
      [20717] castore
      [20718] dup
      [20719] iconst_1
      [20720] sipush 7976
      [20723] castore
      [20724] dup
      [20725] iconst_2
      [20726] sipush 834
      [20729] castore
      [20730] aastore
      [20731] dup
      [20732] sipush 818
      [20735] iconst_3
      [20736] newarray 5
      [20738] dup
      [20739] iconst_0
      [20740] sipush 8088
      [20743] castore
      [20744] dup
      [20745] iconst_1
      [20746] sipush 7976
      [20749] castore
      [20750] dup
      [20751] iconst_2
      [20752] sipush 837
      [20755] castore
      [20756] aastore
      [20757] dup
      [20758] sipush 819
      [20761] iconst_3
      [20762] newarray 5
      [20764] dup
      [20765] iconst_0
      [20766] sipush 7979
      [20769] castore
      [20770] dup
      [20771] iconst_1
      [20772] sipush 7977
      [20775] castore
      [20776] dup
      [20777] iconst_2
      [20778] sipush 768
      [20781] castore
      [20782] aastore
      [20783] dup
      [20784] sipush 820
      [20787] iconst_3
      [20788] newarray 5
      [20790] dup
      [20791] iconst_0
      [20792] sipush 7981
      [20795] castore
      [20796] dup
      [20797] iconst_1
      [20798] sipush 7977
      [20801] castore
      [20802] dup
      [20803] iconst_2
      [20804] sipush 769
      [20807] castore
      [20808] aastore
      [20809] dup
      [20810] sipush 821
      [20813] iconst_3
      [20814] newarray 5
      [20816] dup
      [20817] iconst_0
      [20818] sipush 7983
      [20821] castore
      [20822] dup
      [20823] iconst_1
      [20824] sipush 7977
      [20827] castore
      [20828] dup
      [20829] iconst_2
      [20830] sipush 834
      [20833] castore
      [20834] aastore
      [20835] dup
      [20836] sipush 822
      [20839] iconst_3
      [20840] newarray 5
      [20842] dup
      [20843] iconst_0
      [20844] sipush 8089
      [20847] castore
      [20848] dup
      [20849] iconst_1
      [20850] sipush 7977
      [20853] castore
      [20854] dup
      [20855] iconst_2
      [20856] sipush 837
      [20859] castore
      [20860] aastore
      [20861] dup
      [20862] sipush 823
      [20865] iconst_3
      [20866] newarray 5
      [20868] dup
      [20869] iconst_0
      [20870] sipush 8090
      [20873] castore
      [20874] dup
      [20875] iconst_1
      [20876] sipush 7978
      [20879] castore
      [20880] dup
      [20881] iconst_2
      [20882] sipush 837
      [20885] castore
      [20886] aastore
      [20887] dup
      [20888] sipush 824
      [20891] iconst_3
      [20892] newarray 5
      [20894] dup
      [20895] iconst_0
      [20896] sipush 8091
      [20899] castore
      [20900] dup
      [20901] iconst_1
      [20902] sipush 7979
      [20905] castore
      [20906] dup
      [20907] iconst_2
      [20908] sipush 837
      [20911] castore
      [20912] aastore
      [20913] dup
      [20914] sipush 825
      [20917] iconst_3
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      [20920] dup
      [20921] iconst_0
      [20922] sipush 8092
      [20925] castore
      [20926] dup
      [20927] iconst_1
      [20928] sipush 7980
      [20931] castore
      [20932] dup
      [20933] iconst_2
      [20934] sipush 837
      [20937] castore
      [20938] aastore
      [20939] dup
      [20940] sipush 826
      [20943] iconst_3
      [20944] newarray 5
      [20946] dup
      [20947] iconst_0
      [20948] sipush 8093
      [20951] castore
      [20952] dup
      [20953] iconst_1
      [20954] sipush 7981
      [20957] castore
      [20958] dup
      [20959] iconst_2
      [20960] sipush 837
      [20963] castore
      [20964] aastore
      [20965] dup
      [20966] sipush 827
      [20969] iconst_3
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      [20972] dup
      [20973] iconst_0
      [20974] sipush 8094
      [20977] castore
      [20978] dup
      [20979] iconst_1
      [20980] sipush 7982
      [20983] castore
      [20984] dup
      [20985] iconst_2
      [20986] sipush 837
      [20989] castore
      [20990] aastore
      [20991] dup
      [20992] sipush 828
      [20995] iconst_3
      [20996] newarray 5
      [20998] dup
      [20999] iconst_0
      [21000] sipush 8095
      [21003] castore
      [21004] dup
      [21005] iconst_1
      [21006] sipush 7983
      [21009] castore
      [21010] dup
      [21011] iconst_2
      [21012] sipush 837
      [21015] castore
      [21016] aastore
      [21017] dup
      [21018] sipush 829
      [21021] iconst_3
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      [21024] dup
      [21025] iconst_0
      [21026] sipush 7986
      [21029] castore
      [21030] dup
      [21031] iconst_1
      [21032] sipush 7984
      [21035] castore
      [21036] dup
      [21037] iconst_2
      [21038] sipush 768
      [21041] castore
      [21042] aastore
      [21043] dup
      [21044] sipush 830
      [21047] iconst_3
      [21048] newarray 5
      [21050] dup
      [21051] iconst_0
      [21052] sipush 7988
      [21055] castore
      [21056] dup
      [21057] iconst_1
      [21058] sipush 7984
      [21061] castore
      [21062] dup
      [21063] iconst_2
      [21064] sipush 769
      [21067] castore
      [21068] aastore
      [21069] dup
      [21070] sipush 831
      [21073] iconst_3
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      [21076] dup
      [21077] iconst_0
      [21078] sipush 7990
      [21081] castore
      [21082] dup
      [21083] iconst_1
      [21084] sipush 7984
      [21087] castore
      [21088] dup
      [21089] iconst_2
      [21090] sipush 834
      [21093] castore
      [21094] aastore
      [21095] dup
      [21096] sipush 832
      [21099] iconst_3
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      [21102] dup
      [21103] iconst_0
      [21104] sipush 7987
      [21107] castore
      [21108] dup
      [21109] iconst_1
      [21110] sipush 7985
      [21113] castore
      [21114] dup
      [21115] iconst_2
      [21116] sipush 768
      [21119] castore
      [21120] aastore
      [21121] dup
      [21122] sipush 833
      [21125] iconst_3
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      [21128] dup
      [21129] iconst_0
      [21130] sipush 7989
      [21133] castore
      [21134] dup
      [21135] iconst_1
      [21136] sipush 7985
      [21139] castore
      [21140] dup
      [21141] iconst_2
      [21142] sipush 769
      [21145] castore
      [21146] aastore
      [21147] dup
      [21148] sipush 834
      [21151] iconst_3
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      [21154] dup
      [21155] iconst_0
      [21156] sipush 7991
      [21159] castore
      [21160] dup
      [21161] iconst_1
      [21162] sipush 7985
      [21165] castore
      [21166] dup
      [21167] iconst_2
      [21168] sipush 834
      [21171] castore
      [21172] aastore
      [21173] dup
      [21174] sipush 835
      [21177] iconst_3
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      [21180] dup
      [21181] iconst_0
      [21182] sipush 7994
      [21185] castore
      [21186] dup
      [21187] iconst_1
      [21188] sipush 7992
      [21191] castore
      [21192] dup
      [21193] iconst_2
      [21194] sipush 768
      [21197] castore
      [21198] aastore
      [21199] dup
      [21200] sipush 836
      [21203] iconst_3
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      [21206] dup
      [21207] iconst_0
      [21208] sipush 7996
      [21211] castore
      [21212] dup
      [21213] iconst_1
      [21214] sipush 7992
      [21217] castore
      [21218] dup
      [21219] iconst_2
      [21220] sipush 769
      [21223] castore
      [21224] aastore
      [21225] dup
      [21226] sipush 837
      [21229] iconst_3
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      [21232] dup
      [21233] iconst_0
      [21234] sipush 7998
      [21237] castore
      [21238] dup
      [21239] iconst_1
      [21240] sipush 7992
      [21243] castore
      [21244] dup
      [21245] iconst_2
      [21246] sipush 834
      [21249] castore
      [21250] aastore
      [21251] dup
      [21252] sipush 838
      [21255] iconst_3
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      [21258] dup
      [21259] iconst_0
      [21260] sipush 7995
      [21263] castore
      [21264] dup
      [21265] iconst_1
      [21266] sipush 7993
      [21269] castore
      [21270] dup
      [21271] iconst_2
      [21272] sipush 768
      [21275] castore
      [21276] aastore
      [21277] dup
      [21278] sipush 839
      [21281] iconst_3
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      [21284] dup
      [21285] iconst_0
      [21286] sipush 7997
      [21289] castore
      [21290] dup
      [21291] iconst_1
      [21292] sipush 7993
      [21295] castore
      [21296] dup
      [21297] iconst_2
      [21298] sipush 769
      [21301] castore
      [21302] aastore
      [21303] dup
      [21304] sipush 840
      [21307] iconst_3
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      [21310] dup
      [21311] iconst_0
      [21312] sipush 7999
      [21315] castore
      [21316] dup
      [21317] iconst_1
      [21318] sipush 7993
      [21321] castore
      [21322] dup
      [21323] iconst_2
      [21324] sipush 834
      [21327] castore
      [21328] aastore
      [21329] dup
      [21330] sipush 841
      [21333] iconst_3
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      [21336] dup
      [21337] iconst_0
      [21338] sipush 8002
      [21341] castore
      [21342] dup
      [21343] iconst_1
      [21344] sipush 8000
      [21347] castore
      [21348] dup
      [21349] iconst_2
      [21350] sipush 768
      [21353] castore
      [21354] aastore
      [21355] dup
      [21356] sipush 842
      [21359] iconst_3
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      [21362] dup
      [21363] iconst_0
      [21364] sipush 8004
      [21367] castore
      [21368] dup
      [21369] iconst_1
      [21370] sipush 8000
      [21373] castore
      [21374] dup
      [21375] iconst_2
      [21376] sipush 769
      [21379] castore
      [21380] aastore
      [21381] dup
      [21382] sipush 843
      [21385] iconst_3
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      [21388] dup
      [21389] iconst_0
      [21390] sipush 8003
      [21393] castore
      [21394] dup
      [21395] iconst_1
      [21396] sipush 8001
      [21399] castore
      [21400] dup
      [21401] iconst_2
      [21402] sipush 768
      [21405] castore
      [21406] aastore
      [21407] dup
      [21408] sipush 844
      [21411] iconst_3
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      [21415] iconst_0
      [21416] sipush 8005
      [21419] castore
      [21420] dup
      [21421] iconst_1
      [21422] sipush 8001
      [21425] castore
      [21426] dup
      [21427] iconst_2
      [21428] sipush 769
      [21431] castore
      [21432] aastore
      [21433] dup
      [21434] sipush 845
      [21437] iconst_3
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      [21441] iconst_0
      [21442] sipush 8010
      [21445] castore
      [21446] dup
      [21447] iconst_1
      [21448] sipush 8008
      [21451] castore
      [21452] dup
      [21453] iconst_2
      [21454] sipush 768
      [21457] castore
      [21458] aastore
      [21459] dup
      [21460] sipush 846
      [21463] iconst_3
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      [21467] iconst_0
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      [21471] castore
      [21472] dup
      [21473] iconst_1
      [21474] sipush 8008
      [21477] castore
      [21478] dup
      [21479] iconst_2
      [21480] sipush 769
      [21483] castore
      [21484] aastore
      [21485] dup
      [21486] sipush 847
      [21489] iconst_3
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      [21493] iconst_0
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      [21497] castore
      [21498] dup
      [21499] iconst_1
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      [21503] castore
      [21504] dup
      [21505] iconst_2
      [21506] sipush 768
      [21509] castore
      [21510] aastore
      [21511] dup
      [21512] sipush 848
      [21515] iconst_3
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      [21519] iconst_0
      [21520] sipush 8013
      [21523] castore
      [21524] dup
      [21525] iconst_1
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      [21529] castore
      [21530] dup
      [21531] iconst_2
      [21532] sipush 769
      [21535] castore
      [21536] aastore
      [21537] dup
      [21538] sipush 849
      [21541] iconst_3
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      [21545] iconst_0
      [21546] sipush 8018
      [21549] castore
      [21550] dup
      [21551] iconst_1
      [21552] sipush 8016
      [21555] castore
      [21556] dup
      [21557] iconst_2
      [21558] sipush 768
      [21561] castore
      [21562] aastore
      [21563] dup
      [21564] sipush 850
      [21567] iconst_3
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      [21571] iconst_0
      [21572] sipush 8020
      [21575] castore
      [21576] dup
      [21577] iconst_1
      [21578] sipush 8016
      [21581] castore
      [21582] dup
      [21583] iconst_2
      [21584] sipush 769
      [21587] castore
      [21588] aastore
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      [21590] sipush 851
      [21593] iconst_3
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      [21597] iconst_0
      [21598] sipush 8022
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      [21602] dup
      [21603] iconst_1
      [21604] sipush 8016
      [21607] castore
      [21608] dup
      [21609] iconst_2
      [21610] sipush 834
      [21613] castore
      [21614] aastore
      [21615] dup
      [21616] sipush 852
      [21619] iconst_3
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      [21622] dup
      [21623] iconst_0
      [21624] sipush 8019
      [21627] castore
      [21628] dup
      [21629] iconst_1
      [21630] sipush 8017
      [21633] castore
      [21634] dup
      [21635] iconst_2
      [21636] sipush 768
      [21639] castore
      [21640] aastore
      [21641] dup
      [21642] sipush 853
      [21645] iconst_3
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      [21648] dup
      [21649] iconst_0
      [21650] sipush 8021
      [21653] castore
      [21654] dup
      [21655] iconst_1
      [21656] sipush 8017
      [21659] castore
      [21660] dup
      [21661] iconst_2
      [21662] sipush 769
      [21665] castore
      [21666] aastore
      [21667] dup
      [21668] sipush 854
      [21671] iconst_3
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      [21674] dup
      [21675] iconst_0
      [21676] sipush 8023
      [21679] castore
      [21680] dup
      [21681] iconst_1
      [21682] sipush 8017
      [21685] castore
      [21686] dup
      [21687] iconst_2
      [21688] sipush 834
      [21691] castore
      [21692] aastore
      [21693] dup
      [21694] sipush 855
      [21697] iconst_3
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      [21700] dup
      [21701] iconst_0
      [21702] sipush 8027
      [21705] castore
      [21706] dup
      [21707] iconst_1
      [21708] sipush 8025
      [21711] castore
      [21712] dup
      [21713] iconst_2
      [21714] sipush 768
      [21717] castore
      [21718] aastore
      [21719] dup
      [21720] sipush 856
      [21723] iconst_3
      [21724] newarray 5
      [21726] dup
      [21727] iconst_0
      [21728] sipush 8029
      [21731] castore
      [21732] dup
      [21733] iconst_1
      [21734] sipush 8025
      [21737] castore
      [21738] dup
      [21739] iconst_2
      [21740] sipush 769
      [21743] castore
      [21744] aastore
      [21745] dup
      [21746] sipush 857
      [21749] iconst_3
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      [21752] dup
      [21753] iconst_0
      [21754] sipush 8031
      [21757] castore
      [21758] dup
      [21759] iconst_1
      [21760] sipush 8025
      [21763] castore
      [21764] dup
      [21765] iconst_2
      [21766] sipush 834
      [21769] castore
      [21770] aastore
      [21771] dup
      [21772] sipush 858
      [21775] iconst_3
      [21776] newarray 5
      [21778] dup
      [21779] iconst_0
      [21780] sipush 8034
      [21783] castore
      [21784] dup
      [21785] iconst_1
      [21786] sipush 8032
      [21789] castore
      [21790] dup
      [21791] iconst_2
      [21792] sipush 768
      [21795] castore
      [21796] aastore
      [21797] dup
      [21798] sipush 859
      [21801] iconst_3
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      [21804] dup
      [21805] iconst_0
      [21806] sipush 8036
      [21809] castore
      [21810] dup
      [21811] iconst_1
      [21812] sipush 8032
      [21815] castore
      [21816] dup
      [21817] iconst_2
      [21818] sipush 769
      [21821] castore
      [21822] aastore
      [21823] dup
      [21824] sipush 860
      [21827] iconst_3
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      [21830] dup
      [21831] iconst_0
      [21832] sipush 8038
      [21835] castore
      [21836] dup
      [21837] iconst_1
      [21838] sipush 8032
      [21841] castore
      [21842] dup
      [21843] iconst_2
      [21844] sipush 834
      [21847] castore
      [21848] aastore
      [21849] dup
      [21850] sipush 861
      [21853] iconst_3
      [21854] newarray 5
      [21856] dup
      [21857] iconst_0
      [21858] sipush 8096
      [21861] castore
      [21862] dup
      [21863] iconst_1
      [21864] sipush 8032
      [21867] castore
      [21868] dup
      [21869] iconst_2
      [21870] sipush 837
      [21873] castore
      [21874] aastore
      [21875] dup
      [21876] sipush 862
      [21879] iconst_3
      [21880] newarray 5
      [21882] dup
      [21883] iconst_0
      [21884] sipush 8035
      [21887] castore
      [21888] dup
      [21889] iconst_1
      [21890] sipush 8033
      [21893] castore
      [21894] dup
      [21895] iconst_2
      [21896] sipush 768
      [21899] castore
      [21900] aastore
      [21901] dup
      [21902] sipush 863
      [21905] iconst_3
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      [21908] dup
      [21909] iconst_0
      [21910] sipush 8037
      [21913] castore
      [21914] dup
      [21915] iconst_1
      [21916] sipush 8033
      [21919] castore
      [21920] dup
      [21921] iconst_2
      [21922] sipush 769
      [21925] castore
      [21926] aastore
      [21927] dup
      [21928] sipush 864
      [21931] iconst_3
      [21932] newarray 5
      [21934] dup
      [21935] iconst_0
      [21936] sipush 8039
      [21939] castore
      [21940] dup
      [21941] iconst_1
      [21942] sipush 8033
      [21945] castore
      [21946] dup
      [21947] iconst_2
      [21948] sipush 834
      [21951] castore
      [21952] aastore
      [21953] dup
      [21954] sipush 865
      [21957] iconst_3
      [21958] newarray 5
      [21960] dup
      [21961] iconst_0
      [21962] sipush 8097
      [21965] castore
      [21966] dup
      [21967] iconst_1
      [21968] sipush 8033
      [21971] castore
      [21972] dup
      [21973] iconst_2
      [21974] sipush 837
      [21977] castore
      [21978] aastore
      [21979] dup
      [21980] sipush 866
      [21983] iconst_3
      [21984] newarray 5
      [21986] dup
      [21987] iconst_0
      [21988] sipush 8098
      [21991] castore
      [21992] dup
      [21993] iconst_1
      [21994] sipush 8034
      [21997] castore
      [21998] dup
      [21999] iconst_2
      [22000] sipush 837
      [22003] castore
      [22004] aastore
      [22005] dup
      [22006] sipush 867
      [22009] iconst_3
      [22010] newarray 5
      [22012] dup
      [22013] iconst_0
      [22014] sipush 8099
      [22017] castore
      [22018] dup
      [22019] iconst_1
      [22020] sipush 8035
      [22023] castore
      [22024] dup
      [22025] iconst_2
      [22026] sipush 837
      [22029] castore
      [22030] aastore
      [22031] dup
      [22032] sipush 868
      [22035] iconst_3
      [22036] newarray 5
      [22038] dup
      [22039] iconst_0
      [22040] sipush 8100
      [22043] castore
      [22044] dup
      [22045] iconst_1
      [22046] sipush 8036
      [22049] castore
      [22050] dup
      [22051] iconst_2
      [22052] sipush 837
      [22055] castore
      [22056] aastore
      [22057] dup
      [22058] sipush 869
      [22061] iconst_3
      [22062] newarray 5
      [22064] dup
      [22065] iconst_0
      [22066] sipush 8101
      [22069] castore
      [22070] dup
      [22071] iconst_1
      [22072] sipush 8037
      [22075] castore
      [22076] dup
      [22077] iconst_2
      [22078] sipush 837
      [22081] castore
      [22082] aastore
      [22083] dup
      [22084] sipush 870
      [22087] iconst_3
      [22088] newarray 5
      [22090] dup
      [22091] iconst_0
      [22092] sipush 8102
      [22095] castore
      [22096] dup
      [22097] iconst_1
      [22098] sipush 8038
      [22101] castore
      [22102] dup
      [22103] iconst_2
      [22104] sipush 837
      [22107] castore
      [22108] aastore
      [22109] dup
      [22110] sipush 871
      [22113] iconst_3
      [22114] newarray 5
      [22116] dup
      [22117] iconst_0
      [22118] sipush 8103
      [22121] castore
      [22122] dup
      [22123] iconst_1
      [22124] sipush 8039
      [22127] castore
      [22128] dup
      [22129] iconst_2
      [22130] sipush 837
      [22133] castore
      [22134] aastore
      [22135] dup
      [22136] sipush 872
      [22139] iconst_3
      [22140] newarray 5
      [22142] dup
      [22143] iconst_0
      [22144] sipush 8042
      [22147] castore
      [22148] dup
      [22149] iconst_1
      [22150] sipush 8040
      [22153] castore
      [22154] dup
      [22155] iconst_2
      [22156] sipush 768
      [22159] castore
      [22160] aastore
      [22161] dup
      [22162] sipush 873
      [22165] iconst_3
      [22166] newarray 5
      [22168] dup
      [22169] iconst_0
      [22170] sipush 8044
      [22173] castore
      [22174] dup
      [22175] iconst_1
      [22176] sipush 8040
      [22179] castore
      [22180] dup
      [22181] iconst_2
      [22182] sipush 769
      [22185] castore
      [22186] aastore
      [22187] dup
      [22188] sipush 874
      [22191] iconst_3
      [22192] newarray 5
      [22194] dup
      [22195] iconst_0
      [22196] sipush 8046
      [22199] castore
      [22200] dup
      [22201] iconst_1
      [22202] sipush 8040
      [22205] castore
      [22206] dup
      [22207] iconst_2
      [22208] sipush 834
      [22211] castore
      [22212] aastore
      [22213] dup
      [22214] sipush 875
      [22217] iconst_3
      [22218] newarray 5
      [22220] dup
      [22221] iconst_0
      [22222] sipush 8104
      [22225] castore
      [22226] dup
      [22227] iconst_1
      [22228] sipush 8040
      [22231] castore
      [22232] dup
      [22233] iconst_2
      [22234] sipush 837
      [22237] castore
      [22238] aastore
      [22239] dup
      [22240] sipush 876
      [22243] iconst_3
      [22244] newarray 5
      [22246] dup
      [22247] iconst_0
      [22248] sipush 8043
      [22251] castore
      [22252] dup
      [22253] iconst_1
      [22254] sipush 8041
      [22257] castore
      [22258] dup
      [22259] iconst_2
      [22260] sipush 768
      [22263] castore
      [22264] aastore
      [22265] dup
      [22266] sipush 877
      [22269] iconst_3
      [22270] newarray 5
      [22272] dup
      [22273] iconst_0
      [22274] sipush 8045
      [22277] castore
      [22278] dup
      [22279] iconst_1
      [22280] sipush 8041
      [22283] castore
      [22284] dup
      [22285] iconst_2
      [22286] sipush 769
      [22289] castore
      [22290] aastore
      [22291] dup
      [22292] sipush 878
      [22295] iconst_3
      [22296] newarray 5
      [22298] dup
      [22299] iconst_0
      [22300] sipush 8047
      [22303] castore
      [22304] dup
      [22305] iconst_1
      [22306] sipush 8041
      [22309] castore
      [22310] dup
      [22311] iconst_2
      [22312] sipush 834
      [22315] castore
      [22316] aastore
      [22317] dup
      [22318] sipush 879
      [22321] iconst_3
      [22322] newarray 5
      [22324] dup
      [22325] iconst_0
      [22326] sipush 8105
      [22329] castore
      [22330] dup
      [22331] iconst_1
      [22332] sipush 8041
      [22335] castore
      [22336] dup
      [22337] iconst_2
      [22338] sipush 837
      [22341] castore
      [22342] aastore
      [22343] dup
      [22344] sipush 880
      [22347] iconst_3
      [22348] newarray 5
      [22350] dup
      [22351] iconst_0
      [22352] sipush 8106
      [22355] castore
      [22356] dup
      [22357] iconst_1
      [22358] sipush 8042
      [22361] castore
      [22362] dup
      [22363] iconst_2
      [22364] sipush 837
      [22367] castore
      [22368] aastore
      [22369] dup
      [22370] sipush 881
      [22373] iconst_3
      [22374] newarray 5
      [22376] dup
      [22377] iconst_0
      [22378] sipush 8107
      [22381] castore
      [22382] dup
      [22383] iconst_1
      [22384] sipush 8043
      [22387] castore
      [22388] dup
      [22389] iconst_2
      [22390] sipush 837
      [22393] castore
      [22394] aastore
      [22395] dup
      [22396] sipush 882
      [22399] iconst_3
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      [22403] iconst_0
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      [22408] dup
      [22409] iconst_1
      [22410] sipush 8044
      [22413] castore
      [22414] dup
      [22415] iconst_2
      [22416] sipush 837
      [22419] castore
      [22420] aastore
      [22421] dup
      [22422] sipush 883
      [22425] iconst_3
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      [22428] dup
      [22429] iconst_0
      [22430] sipush 8109
      [22433] castore
      [22434] dup
      [22435] iconst_1
      [22436] sipush 8045
      [22439] castore
      [22440] dup
      [22441] iconst_2
      [22442] sipush 837
      [22445] castore
      [22446] aastore
      [22447] dup
      [22448] sipush 884
      [22451] iconst_3
      [22452] newarray 5
      [22454] dup
      [22455] iconst_0
      [22456] sipush 8110
      [22459] castore
      [22460] dup
      [22461] iconst_1
      [22462] sipush 8046
      [22465] castore
      [22466] dup
      [22467] iconst_2
      [22468] sipush 837
      [22471] castore
      [22472] aastore
      [22473] dup
      [22474] sipush 885
      [22477] iconst_3
      [22478] newarray 5
      [22480] dup
      [22481] iconst_0
      [22482] sipush 8111
      [22485] castore
      [22486] dup
      [22487] iconst_1
      [22488] sipush 8047
      [22491] castore
      [22492] dup
      [22493] iconst_2
      [22494] sipush 837
      [22497] castore
      [22498] aastore
      [22499] dup
      [22500] sipush 886
      [22503] iconst_3
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      [22506] dup
      [22507] iconst_0
      [22508] sipush 8114
      [22511] castore
      [22512] dup
      [22513] iconst_1
      [22514] sipush 8048
      [22517] castore
      [22518] dup
      [22519] iconst_2
      [22520] sipush 837
      [22523] castore
      [22524] aastore
      [22525] dup
      [22526] sipush 887
      [22529] iconst_3
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      [22532] dup
      [22533] iconst_0
      [22534] sipush 8130
      [22537] castore
      [22538] dup
      [22539] iconst_1
      [22540] sipush 8052
      [22543] castore
      [22544] dup
      [22545] iconst_2
      [22546] sipush 837
      [22549] castore
      [22550] aastore
      [22551] dup
      [22552] sipush 888
      [22555] iconst_3
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      [22558] dup
      [22559] iconst_0
      [22560] sipush 8178
      [22563] castore
      [22564] dup
      [22565] iconst_1
      [22566] sipush 8060
      [22569] castore
      [22570] dup
      [22571] iconst_2
      [22572] sipush 837
      [22575] castore
      [22576] aastore
      [22577] dup
      [22578] sipush 889
      [22581] iconst_3
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      [22584] dup
      [22585] iconst_0
      [22586] sipush 8119
      [22589] castore
      [22590] dup
      [22591] iconst_1
      [22592] sipush 8118
      [22595] castore
      [22596] dup
      [22597] iconst_2
      [22598] sipush 837
      [22601] castore
      [22602] aastore
      [22603] dup
      [22604] sipush 890
      [22607] iconst_3
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      [22610] dup
      [22611] iconst_0
      [22612] sipush 8141
      [22615] castore
      [22616] dup
      [22617] iconst_1
      [22618] sipush 8127
      [22621] castore
      [22622] dup
      [22623] iconst_2
      [22624] sipush 768
      [22627] castore
      [22628] aastore
      [22629] dup
      [22630] sipush 891
      [22633] iconst_3
      [22634] newarray 5
      [22636] dup
      [22637] iconst_0
      [22638] sipush 8142
      [22641] castore
      [22642] dup
      [22643] iconst_1
      [22644] sipush 8127
      [22647] castore
      [22648] dup
      [22649] iconst_2
      [22650] sipush 769
      [22653] castore
      [22654] aastore
      [22655] dup
      [22656] sipush 892
      [22659] iconst_3
      [22660] newarray 5
      [22662] dup
      [22663] iconst_0
      [22664] sipush 8143
      [22667] castore
      [22668] dup
      [22669] iconst_1
      [22670] sipush 8127
      [22673] castore
      [22674] dup
      [22675] iconst_2
      [22676] sipush 834
      [22679] castore
      [22680] aastore
      [22681] dup
      [22682] sipush 893
      [22685] iconst_3
      [22686] newarray 5
      [22688] dup
      [22689] iconst_0
      [22690] sipush 8135
      [22693] castore
      [22694] dup
      [22695] iconst_1
      [22696] sipush 8134
      [22699] castore
      [22700] dup
      [22701] iconst_2
      [22702] sipush 837
      [22705] castore
      [22706] aastore
      [22707] dup
      [22708] sipush 894
      [22711] iconst_3
      [22712] newarray 5
      [22714] dup
      [22715] iconst_0
      [22716] sipush 8183
      [22719] castore
      [22720] dup
      [22721] iconst_1
      [22722] sipush 8182
      [22725] castore
      [22726] dup
      [22727] iconst_2
      [22728] sipush 837
      [22731] castore
      [22732] aastore
      [22733] dup
      [22734] sipush 895
      [22737] iconst_3
      [22738] newarray 5
      [22740] dup
      [22741] iconst_0
      [22742] sipush 8157
      [22745] castore
      [22746] dup
      [22747] iconst_1
      [22748] sipush 8190
      [22751] castore
      [22752] dup
      [22753] iconst_2
      [22754] sipush 768
      [22757] castore
      [22758] aastore
      [22759] dup
      [22760] sipush 896
      [22763] iconst_3
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      [22766] dup
      [22767] iconst_0
      [22768] sipush 8158
      [22771] castore
      [22772] dup
      [22773] iconst_1
      [22774] sipush 8190
      [22777] castore
      [22778] dup
      [22779] iconst_2
      [22780] sipush 769
      [22783] castore
      [22784] aastore
      [22785] dup
      [22786] sipush 897
      [22789] iconst_3
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      [22792] dup
      [22793] iconst_0
      [22794] sipush 8159
      [22797] castore
      [22798] dup
      [22799] iconst_1
      [22800] sipush 8190
      [22803] castore
      [22804] dup
      [22805] iconst_2
      [22806] sipush 834
      [22809] castore
      [22810] aastore
      [22811] dup
      [22812] sipush 898
      [22815] iconst_3
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      [22818] dup
      [22819] iconst_0
      [22820] sipush 8602
      [22823] castore
      [22824] dup
      [22825] iconst_1
      [22826] sipush 8592
      [22829] castore
      [22830] dup
      [22831] iconst_2
      [22832] sipush 824
      [22835] castore
      [22836] aastore
      [22837] dup
      [22838] sipush 899
      [22841] iconst_3
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      [22844] dup
      [22845] iconst_0
      [22846] sipush 8603
      [22849] castore
      [22850] dup
      [22851] iconst_1
      [22852] sipush 8594
      [22855] castore
      [22856] dup
      [22857] iconst_2
      [22858] sipush 824
      [22861] castore
      [22862] aastore
      [22863] dup
      [22864] sipush 900
      [22867] iconst_3
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      [22870] dup
      [22871] iconst_0
      [22872] sipush 8622
      [22875] castore
      [22876] dup
      [22877] iconst_1
      [22878] sipush 8596
      [22881] castore
      [22882] dup
      [22883] iconst_2
      [22884] sipush 824
      [22887] castore
      [22888] aastore
      [22889] dup
      [22890] sipush 901
      [22893] iconst_3
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      [22896] dup
      [22897] iconst_0
      [22898] sipush 8653
      [22901] castore
      [22902] dup
      [22903] iconst_1
      [22904] sipush 8656
      [22907] castore
      [22908] dup
      [22909] iconst_2
      [22910] sipush 824
      [22913] castore
      [22914] aastore
      [22915] dup
      [22916] sipush 902
      [22919] iconst_3
      [22920] newarray 5
      [22922] dup
      [22923] iconst_0
      [22924] sipush 8655
      [22927] castore
      [22928] dup
      [22929] iconst_1
      [22930] sipush 8658
      [22933] castore
      [22934] dup
      [22935] iconst_2
      [22936] sipush 824
      [22939] castore
      [22940] aastore
      [22941] dup
      [22942] sipush 903
      [22945] iconst_3
      [22946] newarray 5
      [22948] dup
      [22949] iconst_0
      [22950] sipush 8654
      [22953] castore
      [22954] dup
      [22955] iconst_1
      [22956] sipush 8660
      [22959] castore
      [22960] dup
      [22961] iconst_2
      [22962] sipush 824
      [22965] castore
      [22966] aastore
      [22967] dup
      [22968] sipush 904
      [22971] iconst_3
      [22972] newarray 5
      [22974] dup
      [22975] iconst_0
      [22976] sipush 8708
      [22979] castore
      [22980] dup
      [22981] iconst_1
      [22982] sipush 8707
      [22985] castore
      [22986] dup
      [22987] iconst_2
      [22988] sipush 824
      [22991] castore
      [22992] aastore
      [22993] dup
      [22994] sipush 905
      [22997] iconst_3
      [22998] newarray 5
      [23000] dup
      [23001] iconst_0
      [23002] sipush 8713
      [23005] castore
      [23006] dup
      [23007] iconst_1
      [23008] sipush 8712
      [23011] castore
      [23012] dup
      [23013] iconst_2
      [23014] sipush 824
      [23017] castore
      [23018] aastore
      [23019] dup
      [23020] sipush 906
      [23023] iconst_3
      [23024] newarray 5
      [23026] dup
      [23027] iconst_0
      [23028] sipush 8716
      [23031] castore
      [23032] dup
      [23033] iconst_1
      [23034] sipush 8715
      [23037] castore
      [23038] dup
      [23039] iconst_2
      [23040] sipush 824
      [23043] castore
      [23044] aastore
      [23045] dup
      [23046] sipush 907
      [23049] iconst_3
      [23050] newarray 5
      [23052] dup
      [23053] iconst_0
      [23054] sipush 8740
      [23057] castore
      [23058] dup
      [23059] iconst_1
      [23060] sipush 8739
      [23063] castore
      [23064] dup
      [23065] iconst_2
      [23066] sipush 824
      [23069] castore
      [23070] aastore
      [23071] dup
      [23072] sipush 908
      [23075] iconst_3
      [23076] newarray 5
      [23078] dup
      [23079] iconst_0
      [23080] sipush 8742
      [23083] castore
      [23084] dup
      [23085] iconst_1
      [23086] sipush 8741
      [23089] castore
      [23090] dup
      [23091] iconst_2
      [23092] sipush 824
      [23095] castore
      [23096] aastore
      [23097] dup
      [23098] sipush 909
      [23101] iconst_3
      [23102] newarray 5
      [23104] dup
      [23105] iconst_0
      [23106] sipush 8769
      [23109] castore
      [23110] dup
      [23111] iconst_1
      [23112] sipush 8764
      [23115] castore
      [23116] dup
      [23117] iconst_2
      [23118] sipush 824
      [23121] castore
      [23122] aastore
      [23123] dup
      [23124] sipush 910
      [23127] iconst_3
      [23128] newarray 5
      [23130] dup
      [23131] iconst_0
      [23132] sipush 8772
      [23135] castore
      [23136] dup
      [23137] iconst_1
      [23138] sipush 8771
      [23141] castore
      [23142] dup
      [23143] iconst_2
      [23144] sipush 824
      [23147] castore
      [23148] aastore
      [23149] dup
      [23150] sipush 911
      [23153] iconst_3
      [23154] newarray 5
      [23156] dup
      [23157] iconst_0
      [23158] sipush 8775
      [23161] castore
      [23162] dup
      [23163] iconst_1
      [23164] sipush 8773
      [23167] castore
      [23168] dup
      [23169] iconst_2
      [23170] sipush 824
      [23173] castore
      [23174] aastore
      [23175] dup
      [23176] sipush 912
      [23179] iconst_3
      [23180] newarray 5
      [23182] dup
      [23183] iconst_0
      [23184] sipush 8777
      [23187] castore
      [23188] dup
      [23189] iconst_1
      [23190] sipush 8776
      [23193] castore
      [23194] dup
      [23195] iconst_2
      [23196] sipush 824
      [23199] castore
      [23200] aastore
      [23201] dup
      [23202] sipush 913
      [23205] iconst_3
      [23206] newarray 5
      [23208] dup
      [23209] iconst_0
      [23210] sipush 8813
      [23213] castore
      [23214] dup
      [23215] iconst_1
      [23216] sipush 8781
      [23219] castore
      [23220] dup
      [23221] iconst_2
      [23222] sipush 824
      [23225] castore
      [23226] aastore
      [23227] dup
      [23228] sipush 914
      [23231] iconst_3
      [23232] newarray 5
      [23234] dup
      [23235] iconst_0
      [23236] sipush 8802
      [23239] castore
      [23240] dup
      [23241] iconst_1
      [23242] sipush 8801
      [23245] castore
      [23246] dup
      [23247] iconst_2
      [23248] sipush 824
      [23251] castore
      [23252] aastore
      [23253] dup
      [23254] sipush 915
      [23257] iconst_3
      [23258] newarray 5
      [23260] dup
      [23261] iconst_0
      [23262] sipush 8816
      [23265] castore
      [23266] dup
      [23267] iconst_1
      [23268] sipush 8804
      [23271] castore
      [23272] dup
      [23273] iconst_2
      [23274] sipush 824
      [23277] castore
      [23278] aastore
      [23279] dup
      [23280] sipush 916
      [23283] iconst_3
      [23284] newarray 5
      [23286] dup
      [23287] iconst_0
      [23288] sipush 8817
      [23291] castore
      [23292] dup
      [23293] iconst_1
      [23294] sipush 8805
      [23297] castore
      [23298] dup
      [23299] iconst_2
      [23300] sipush 824
      [23303] castore
      [23304] aastore
      [23305] dup
      [23306] sipush 917
      [23309] iconst_3
      [23310] newarray 5
      [23312] dup
      [23313] iconst_0
      [23314] sipush 8820
      [23317] castore
      [23318] dup
      [23319] iconst_1
      [23320] sipush 8818
      [23323] castore
      [23324] dup
      [23325] iconst_2
      [23326] sipush 824
      [23329] castore
      [23330] aastore
      [23331] dup
      [23332] sipush 918
      [23335] iconst_3
      [23336] newarray 5
      [23338] dup
      [23339] iconst_0
      [23340] sipush 8821
      [23343] castore
      [23344] dup
      [23345] iconst_1
      [23346] sipush 8819
      [23349] castore
      [23350] dup
      [23351] iconst_2
      [23352] sipush 824
      [23355] castore
      [23356] aastore
      [23357] dup
      [23358] sipush 919
      [23361] iconst_3
      [23362] newarray 5
      [23364] dup
      [23365] iconst_0
      [23366] sipush 8824
      [23369] castore
      [23370] dup
      [23371] iconst_1
      [23372] sipush 8822
      [23375] castore
      [23376] dup
      [23377] iconst_2
      [23378] sipush 824
      [23381] castore
      [23382] aastore
      [23383] dup
      [23384] sipush 920
      [23387] iconst_3
      [23388] newarray 5
      [23390] dup
      [23391] iconst_0
      [23392] sipush 8825
      [23395] castore
      [23396] dup
      [23397] iconst_1
      [23398] sipush 8823
      [23401] castore
      [23402] dup
      [23403] iconst_2
      [23404] sipush 824
      [23407] castore
      [23408] aastore
      [23409] dup
      [23410] sipush 921
      [23413] iconst_3
      [23414] newarray 5
      [23416] dup
      [23417] iconst_0
      [23418] sipush 8832
      [23421] castore
      [23422] dup
      [23423] iconst_1
      [23424] sipush 8826
      [23427] castore
      [23428] dup
      [23429] iconst_2
      [23430] sipush 824
      [23433] castore
      [23434] aastore
      [23435] dup
      [23436] sipush 922
      [23439] iconst_3
      [23440] newarray 5
      [23442] dup
      [23443] iconst_0
      [23444] sipush 8833
      [23447] castore
      [23448] dup
      [23449] iconst_1
      [23450] sipush 8827
      [23453] castore
      [23454] dup
      [23455] iconst_2
      [23456] sipush 824
      [23459] castore
      [23460] aastore
      [23461] dup
      [23462] sipush 923
      [23465] iconst_3
      [23466] newarray 5
      [23468] dup
      [23469] iconst_0
      [23470] sipush 8928
      [23473] castore
      [23474] dup
      [23475] iconst_1
      [23476] sipush 8828
      [23479] castore
      [23480] dup
      [23481] iconst_2
      [23482] sipush 824
      [23485] castore
      [23486] aastore
      [23487] dup
      [23488] sipush 924
      [23491] iconst_3
      [23492] newarray 5
      [23494] dup
      [23495] iconst_0
      [23496] sipush 8929
      [23499] castore
      [23500] dup
      [23501] iconst_1
      [23502] sipush 8829
      [23505] castore
      [23506] dup
      [23507] iconst_2
      [23508] sipush 824
      [23511] castore
      [23512] aastore
      [23513] dup
      [23514] sipush 925
      [23517] iconst_3
      [23518] newarray 5
      [23520] dup
      [23521] iconst_0
      [23522] sipush 8836
      [23525] castore
      [23526] dup
      [23527] iconst_1
      [23528] sipush 8834
      [23531] castore
      [23532] dup
      [23533] iconst_2
      [23534] sipush 824
      [23537] castore
      [23538] aastore
      [23539] dup
      [23540] sipush 926
      [23543] iconst_3
      [23544] newarray 5
      [23546] dup
      [23547] iconst_0
      [23548] sipush 8837
      [23551] castore
      [23552] dup
      [23553] iconst_1
      [23554] sipush 8835
      [23557] castore
      [23558] dup
      [23559] iconst_2
      [23560] sipush 824
      [23563] castore
      [23564] aastore
      [23565] dup
      [23566] sipush 927
      [23569] iconst_3
      [23570] newarray 5
      [23572] dup
      [23573] iconst_0
      [23574] sipush 8840
      [23577] castore
      [23578] dup
      [23579] iconst_1
      [23580] sipush 8838
      [23583] castore
      [23584] dup
      [23585] iconst_2
      [23586] sipush 824
      [23589] castore
      [23590] aastore
      [23591] dup
      [23592] sipush 928
      [23595] iconst_3
      [23596] newarray 5
      [23598] dup
      [23599] iconst_0
      [23600] sipush 8841
      [23603] castore
      [23604] dup
      [23605] iconst_1
      [23606] sipush 8839
      [23609] castore
      [23610] dup
      [23611] iconst_2
      [23612] sipush 824
      [23615] castore
      [23616] aastore
      [23617] dup
      [23618] sipush 929
      [23621] iconst_3
      [23622] newarray 5
      [23624] dup
      [23625] iconst_0
      [23626] sipush 8930
      [23629] castore
      [23630] dup
      [23631] iconst_1
      [23632] sipush 8849
      [23635] castore
      [23636] dup
      [23637] iconst_2
      [23638] sipush 824
      [23641] castore
      [23642] aastore
      [23643] dup
      [23644] sipush 930
      [23647] iconst_3
      [23648] newarray 5
      [23650] dup
      [23651] iconst_0
      [23652] sipush 8931
      [23655] castore
      [23656] dup
      [23657] iconst_1
      [23658] sipush 8850
      [23661] castore
      [23662] dup
      [23663] iconst_2
      [23664] sipush 824
      [23667] castore
      [23668] aastore
      [23669] dup
      [23670] sipush 931
      [23673] iconst_3
      [23674] newarray 5
      [23676] dup
      [23677] iconst_0
      [23678] sipush 8876
      [23681] castore
      [23682] dup
      [23683] iconst_1
      [23684] sipush 8866
      [23687] castore
      [23688] dup
      [23689] iconst_2
      [23690] sipush 824
      [23693] castore
      [23694] aastore
      [23695] dup
      [23696] sipush 932
      [23699] iconst_3
      [23700] newarray 5
      [23702] dup
      [23703] iconst_0
      [23704] sipush 8877
      [23707] castore
      [23708] dup
      [23709] iconst_1
      [23710] sipush 8872
      [23713] castore
      [23714] dup
      [23715] iconst_2
      [23716] sipush 824
      [23719] castore
      [23720] aastore
      [23721] dup
      [23722] sipush 933
      [23725] iconst_3
      [23726] newarray 5
      [23728] dup
      [23729] iconst_0
      [23730] sipush 8878
      [23733] castore
      [23734] dup
      [23735] iconst_1
      [23736] sipush 8873
      [23739] castore
      [23740] dup
      [23741] iconst_2
      [23742] sipush 824
      [23745] castore
      [23746] aastore
      [23747] dup
      [23748] sipush 934
      [23751] iconst_3
      [23752] newarray 5
      [23754] dup
      [23755] iconst_0
      [23756] sipush 8879
      [23759] castore
      [23760] dup
      [23761] iconst_1
      [23762] sipush 8875
      [23765] castore
      [23766] dup
      [23767] iconst_2
      [23768] sipush 824
      [23771] castore
      [23772] aastore
      [23773] dup
      [23774] sipush 935
      [23777] iconst_3
      [23778] newarray 5
      [23780] dup
      [23781] iconst_0
      [23782] sipush 8938
      [23785] castore
      [23786] dup
      [23787] iconst_1
      [23788] sipush 8882
      [23791] castore
      [23792] dup
      [23793] iconst_2
      [23794] sipush 824
      [23797] castore
      [23798] aastore
      [23799] dup
      [23800] sipush 936
      [23803] iconst_3
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      [23806] dup
      [23807] iconst_0
      [23808] sipush 8939
      [23811] castore
      [23812] dup
      [23813] iconst_1
      [23814] sipush 8883
      [23817] castore
      [23818] dup
      [23819] iconst_2
      [23820] sipush 824
      [23823] castore
      [23824] aastore
      [23825] dup
      [23826] sipush 937
      [23829] iconst_3
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      [23832] dup
      [23833] iconst_0
      [23834] sipush 8940
      [23837] castore
      [23838] dup
      [23839] iconst_1
      [23840] sipush 8884
      [23843] castore
      [23844] dup
      [23845] iconst_2
      [23846] sipush 824
      [23849] castore
      [23850] aastore
      [23851] dup
      [23852] sipush 938
      [23855] iconst_3
      [23856] newarray 5
      [23858] dup
      [23859] iconst_0
      [23860] sipush 8941
      [23863] castore
      [23864] dup
      [23865] iconst_1
      [23866] sipush 8885
      [23869] castore
      [23870] dup
      [23871] iconst_2
      [23872] sipush 824
      [23875] castore
      [23876] aastore
      [23877] dup
      [23878] sipush 939
      [23881] iconst_3
      [23882] newarray 5
      [23884] dup
      [23885] iconst_0
      [23886] sipush 10972
      [23889] castore
      [23890] dup
      [23891] iconst_1
      [23892] sipush 10973
      [23895] castore
      [23896] dup
      [23897] iconst_2
      [23898] sipush 824
      [23901] castore
      [23902] aastore
      [23903] dup
      [23904] sipush 940
      [23907] iconst_3
      [23908] newarray 5
      [23910] dup
      [23911] iconst_0
      [23912] sipush 12436
      [23915] castore
      [23916] dup
      [23917] iconst_1
      [23918] sipush 12358
      [23921] castore
      [23922] dup
      [23923] iconst_2
      [23924] sipush 12441
      [23927] castore
      [23928] aastore
      [23929] dup
      [23930] sipush 941
      [23933] iconst_3
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      [23936] dup
      [23937] iconst_0
      [23938] sipush 12364
      [23941] castore
      [23942] dup
      [23943] iconst_1
      [23944] sipush 12363
      [23947] castore
      [23948] dup
      [23949] iconst_2
      [23950] sipush 12441
      [23953] castore
      [23954] aastore
      [23955] dup
      [23956] sipush 942
      [23959] iconst_3
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      [23962] dup
      [23963] iconst_0
      [23964] sipush 12366
      [23967] castore
      [23968] dup
      [23969] iconst_1
      [23970] sipush 12365
      [23973] castore
      [23974] dup
      [23975] iconst_2
      [23976] sipush 12441
      [23979] castore
      [23980] aastore
      [23981] dup
      [23982] sipush 943
      [23985] iconst_3
      [23986] newarray 5
      [23988] dup
      [23989] iconst_0
      [23990] sipush 12368
      [23993] castore
      [23994] dup
      [23995] iconst_1
      [23996] sipush 12367
      [23999] castore
      [24000] dup
      [24001] iconst_2
      [24002] sipush 12441
      [24005] castore
      [24006] aastore
      [24007] dup
      [24008] sipush 944
      [24011] iconst_3
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      [24014] dup
      [24015] iconst_0
      [24016] sipush 12370
      [24019] castore
      [24020] dup
      [24021] iconst_1
      [24022] sipush 12369
      [24025] castore
      [24026] dup
      [24027] iconst_2
      [24028] sipush 12441
      [24031] castore
      [24032] aastore
      [24033] dup
      [24034] sipush 945
      [24037] iconst_3
      [24038] newarray 5
      [24040] dup
      [24041] iconst_0
      [24042] sipush 12372
      [24045] castore
      [24046] dup
      [24047] iconst_1
      [24048] sipush 12371
      [24051] castore
      [24052] dup
      [24053] iconst_2
      [24054] sipush 12441
      [24057] castore
      [24058] aastore
      [24059] dup
      [24060] sipush 946
      [24063] iconst_3
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      [24066] dup
      [24067] iconst_0
      [24068] sipush 12374
      [24071] castore
      [24072] dup
      [24073] iconst_1
      [24074] sipush 12373
      [24077] castore
      [24078] dup
      [24079] iconst_2
      [24080] sipush 12441
      [24083] castore
      [24084] aastore
      [24085] dup
      [24086] sipush 947
      [24089] iconst_3
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      [24092] dup
      [24093] iconst_0
      [24094] sipush 12376
      [24097] castore
      [24098] dup
      [24099] iconst_1
      [24100] sipush 12375
      [24103] castore
      [24104] dup
      [24105] iconst_2
      [24106] sipush 12441
      [24109] castore
      [24110] aastore
      [24111] dup
      [24112] sipush 948
      [24115] iconst_3
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      [24118] dup
      [24119] iconst_0
      [24120] sipush 12378
      [24123] castore
      [24124] dup
      [24125] iconst_1
      [24126] sipush 12377
      [24129] castore
      [24130] dup
      [24131] iconst_2
      [24132] sipush 12441
      [24135] castore
      [24136] aastore
      [24137] dup
      [24138] sipush 949
      [24141] iconst_3
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      [24144] dup
      [24145] iconst_0
      [24146] sipush 12380
      [24149] castore
      [24150] dup
      [24151] iconst_1
      [24152] sipush 12379
      [24155] castore
      [24156] dup
      [24157] iconst_2
      [24158] sipush 12441
      [24161] castore
      [24162] aastore
      [24163] dup
      [24164] sipush 950
      [24167] iconst_3
      [24168] newarray 5
      [24170] dup
      [24171] iconst_0
      [24172] sipush 12382
      [24175] castore
      [24176] dup
      [24177] iconst_1
      [24178] sipush 12381
      [24181] castore
      [24182] dup
      [24183] iconst_2
      [24184] sipush 12441
      [24187] castore
      [24188] aastore
      [24189] dup
      [24190] sipush 951
      [24193] iconst_3
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      [24196] dup
      [24197] iconst_0
      [24198] sipush 12384
      [24201] castore
      [24202] dup
      [24203] iconst_1
      [24204] sipush 12383
      [24207] castore
      [24208] dup
      [24209] iconst_2
      [24210] sipush 12441
      [24213] castore
      [24214] aastore
      [24215] dup
      [24216] sipush 952
      [24219] iconst_3
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      [24222] dup
      [24223] iconst_0
      [24224] sipush 12386
      [24227] castore
      [24228] dup
      [24229] iconst_1
      [24230] sipush 12385
      [24233] castore
      [24234] dup
      [24235] iconst_2
      [24236] sipush 12441
      [24239] castore
      [24240] aastore
      [24241] dup
      [24242] sipush 953
      [24245] iconst_3
      [24246] newarray 5
      [24248] dup
      [24249] iconst_0
      [24250] sipush 12389
      [24253] castore
      [24254] dup
      [24255] iconst_1
      [24256] sipush 12388
      [24259] castore
      [24260] dup
      [24261] iconst_2
      [24262] sipush 12441
      [24265] castore
      [24266] aastore
      [24267] dup
      [24268] sipush 954
      [24271] iconst_3
      [24272] newarray 5
      [24274] dup
      [24275] iconst_0
      [24276] sipush 12391
      [24279] castore
      [24280] dup
      [24281] iconst_1
      [24282] sipush 12390
      [24285] castore
      [24286] dup
      [24287] iconst_2
      [24288] sipush 12441
      [24291] castore
      [24292] aastore
      [24293] dup
      [24294] sipush 955
      [24297] iconst_3
      [24298] newarray 5
      [24300] dup
      [24301] iconst_0
      [24302] sipush 12393
      [24305] castore
      [24306] dup
      [24307] iconst_1
      [24308] sipush 12392
      [24311] castore
      [24312] dup
      [24313] iconst_2
      [24314] sipush 12441
      [24317] castore
      [24318] aastore
      [24319] dup
      [24320] sipush 956
      [24323] iconst_3
      [24324] newarray 5
      [24326] dup
      [24327] iconst_0
      [24328] sipush 12400
      [24331] castore
      [24332] dup
      [24333] iconst_1
      [24334] sipush 12399
      [24337] castore
      [24338] dup
      [24339] iconst_2
      [24340] sipush 12441
      [24343] castore
      [24344] aastore
      [24345] dup
      [24346] sipush 957
      [24349] iconst_3
      [24350] newarray 5
      [24352] dup
      [24353] iconst_0
      [24354] sipush 12401
      [24357] castore
      [24358] dup
      [24359] iconst_1
      [24360] sipush 12399
      [24363] castore
      [24364] dup
      [24365] iconst_2
      [24366] sipush 12442
      [24369] castore
      [24370] aastore
      [24371] dup
      [24372] sipush 958
      [24375] iconst_3
      [24376] newarray 5
      [24378] dup
      [24379] iconst_0
      [24380] sipush 12403
      [24383] castore
      [24384] dup
      [24385] iconst_1
      [24386] sipush 12402
      [24389] castore
      [24390] dup
      [24391] iconst_2
      [24392] sipush 12441
      [24395] castore
      [24396] aastore
      [24397] dup
      [24398] sipush 959
      [24401] iconst_3
      [24402] newarray 5
      [24404] dup
      [24405] iconst_0
      [24406] sipush 12404
      [24409] castore
      [24410] dup
      [24411] iconst_1
      [24412] sipush 12402
      [24415] castore
      [24416] dup
      [24417] iconst_2
      [24418] sipush 12442
      [24421] castore
      [24422] aastore
      [24423] dup
      [24424] sipush 960
      [24427] iconst_3
      [24428] newarray 5
      [24430] dup
      [24431] iconst_0
      [24432] sipush 12406
      [24435] castore
      [24436] dup
      [24437] iconst_1
      [24438] sipush 12405
      [24441] castore
      [24442] dup
      [24443] iconst_2
      [24444] sipush 12441
      [24447] castore
      [24448] aastore
      [24449] dup
      [24450] sipush 961
      [24453] iconst_3
      [24454] newarray 5
      [24456] dup
      [24457] iconst_0
      [24458] sipush 12407
      [24461] castore
      [24462] dup
      [24463] iconst_1
      [24464] sipush 12405
      [24467] castore
      [24468] dup
      [24469] iconst_2
      [24470] sipush 12442
      [24473] castore
      [24474] aastore
      [24475] dup
      [24476] sipush 962
      [24479] iconst_3
      [24480] newarray 5
      [24482] dup
      [24483] iconst_0
      [24484] sipush 12409
      [24487] castore
      [24488] dup
      [24489] iconst_1
      [24490] sipush 12408
      [24493] castore
      [24494] dup
      [24495] iconst_2
      [24496] sipush 12441
      [24499] castore
      [24500] aastore
      [24501] dup
      [24502] sipush 963
      [24505] iconst_3
      [24506] newarray 5
      [24508] dup
      [24509] iconst_0
      [24510] sipush 12410
      [24513] castore
      [24514] dup
      [24515] iconst_1
      [24516] sipush 12408
      [24519] castore
      [24520] dup
      [24521] iconst_2
      [24522] sipush 12442
      [24525] castore
      [24526] aastore
      [24527] dup
      [24528] sipush 964
      [24531] iconst_3
      [24532] newarray 5
      [24534] dup
      [24535] iconst_0
      [24536] sipush 12412
      [24539] castore
      [24540] dup
      [24541] iconst_1
      [24542] sipush 12411
      [24545] castore
      [24546] dup
      [24547] iconst_2
      [24548] sipush 12441
      [24551] castore
      [24552] aastore
      [24553] dup
      [24554] sipush 965
      [24557] iconst_3
      [24558] newarray 5
      [24560] dup
      [24561] iconst_0
      [24562] sipush 12413
      [24565] castore
      [24566] dup
      [24567] iconst_1
      [24568] sipush 12411
      [24571] castore
      [24572] dup
      [24573] iconst_2
      [24574] sipush 12442
      [24577] castore
      [24578] aastore
      [24579] dup
      [24580] sipush 966
      [24583] iconst_3
      [24584] newarray 5
      [24586] dup
      [24587] iconst_0
      [24588] sipush 12446
      [24591] castore
      [24592] dup
      [24593] iconst_1
      [24594] sipush 12445
      [24597] castore
      [24598] dup
      [24599] iconst_2
      [24600] sipush 12441
      [24603] castore
      [24604] aastore
      [24605] dup
      [24606] sipush 967
      [24609] iconst_3
      [24610] newarray 5
      [24612] dup
      [24613] iconst_0
      [24614] sipush 12532
      [24617] castore
      [24618] dup
      [24619] iconst_1
      [24620] sipush 12454
      [24623] castore
      [24624] dup
      [24625] iconst_2
      [24626] sipush 12441
      [24629] castore
      [24630] aastore
      [24631] dup
      [24632] sipush 968
      [24635] iconst_3
      [24636] newarray 5
      [24638] dup
      [24639] iconst_0
      [24640] sipush 12460
      [24643] castore
      [24644] dup
      [24645] iconst_1
      [24646] sipush 12459
      [24649] castore
      [24650] dup
      [24651] iconst_2
      [24652] sipush 12441
      [24655] castore
      [24656] aastore
      [24657] dup
      [24658] sipush 969
      [24661] iconst_3
      [24662] newarray 5
      [24664] dup
      [24665] iconst_0
      [24666] sipush 12462
      [24669] castore
      [24670] dup
      [24671] iconst_1
      [24672] sipush 12461
      [24675] castore
      [24676] dup
      [24677] iconst_2
      [24678] sipush 12441
      [24681] castore
      [24682] aastore
      [24683] dup
      [24684] sipush 970
      [24687] iconst_3
      [24688] newarray 5
      [24690] dup
      [24691] iconst_0
      [24692] sipush 12464
      [24695] castore
      [24696] dup
      [24697] iconst_1
      [24698] sipush 12463
      [24701] castore
      [24702] dup
      [24703] iconst_2
      [24704] sipush 12441
      [24707] castore
      [24708] aastore
      [24709] dup
      [24710] sipush 971
      [24713] iconst_3
      [24714] newarray 5
      [24716] dup
      [24717] iconst_0
      [24718] sipush 12466
      [24721] castore
      [24722] dup
      [24723] iconst_1
      [24724] sipush 12465
      [24727] castore
      [24728] dup
      [24729] iconst_2
      [24730] sipush 12441
      [24733] castore
      [24734] aastore
      [24735] dup
      [24736] sipush 972
      [24739] iconst_3
      [24740] newarray 5
      [24742] dup
      [24743] iconst_0
      [24744] sipush 12468
      [24747] castore
      [24748] dup
      [24749] iconst_1
      [24750] sipush 12467
      [24753] castore
      [24754] dup
      [24755] iconst_2
      [24756] sipush 12441
      [24759] castore
      [24760] aastore
      [24761] dup
      [24762] sipush 973
      [24765] iconst_3
      [24766] newarray 5
      [24768] dup
      [24769] iconst_0
      [24770] sipush 12470
      [24773] castore
      [24774] dup
      [24775] iconst_1
      [24776] sipush 12469
      [24779] castore
      [24780] dup
      [24781] iconst_2
      [24782] sipush 12441
      [24785] castore
      [24786] aastore
      [24787] dup
      [24788] sipush 974
      [24791] iconst_3
      [24792] newarray 5
      [24794] dup
      [24795] iconst_0
      [24796] sipush 12472
      [24799] castore
      [24800] dup
      [24801] iconst_1
      [24802] sipush 12471
      [24805] castore
      [24806] dup
      [24807] iconst_2
      [24808] sipush 12441
      [24811] castore
      [24812] aastore
      [24813] dup
      [24814] sipush 975
      [24817] iconst_3
      [24818] newarray 5
      [24820] dup
      [24821] iconst_0
      [24822] sipush 12474
      [24825] castore
      [24826] dup
      [24827] iconst_1
      [24828] sipush 12473
      [24831] castore
      [24832] dup
      [24833] iconst_2
      [24834] sipush 12441
      [24837] castore
      [24838] aastore
      [24839] dup
      [24840] sipush 976
      [24843] iconst_3
      [24844] newarray 5
      [24846] dup
      [24847] iconst_0
      [24848] sipush 12476
      [24851] castore
      [24852] dup
      [24853] iconst_1
      [24854] sipush 12475
      [24857] castore
      [24858] dup
      [24859] iconst_2
      [24860] sipush 12441
      [24863] castore
      [24864] aastore
      [24865] dup
      [24866] sipush 977
      [24869] iconst_3
      [24870] newarray 5
      [24872] dup
      [24873] iconst_0
      [24874] sipush 12478
      [24877] castore
      [24878] dup
      [24879] iconst_1
      [24880] sipush 12477
      [24883] castore
      [24884] dup
      [24885] iconst_2
      [24886] sipush 12441
      [24889] castore
      [24890] aastore
      [24891] dup
      [24892] sipush 978
      [24895] iconst_3
      [24896] newarray 5
      [24898] dup
      [24899] iconst_0
      [24900] sipush 12480
      [24903] castore
      [24904] dup
      [24905] iconst_1
      [24906] sipush 12479
      [24909] castore
      [24910] dup
      [24911] iconst_2
      [24912] sipush 12441
      [24915] castore
      [24916] aastore
      [24917] dup
      [24918] sipush 979
      [24921] iconst_3
      [24922] newarray 5
      [24924] dup
      [24925] iconst_0
      [24926] sipush 12482
      [24929] castore
      [24930] dup
      [24931] iconst_1
      [24932] sipush 12481
      [24935] castore
      [24936] dup
      [24937] iconst_2
      [24938] sipush 12441
      [24941] castore
      [24942] aastore
      [24943] dup
      [24944] sipush 980
      [24947] iconst_3
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      [24950] dup
      [24951] iconst_0
      [24952] sipush 12485
      [24955] castore
      [24956] dup
      [24957] iconst_1
      [24958] sipush 12484
      [24961] castore
      [24962] dup
      [24963] iconst_2
      [24964] sipush 12441
      [24967] castore
      [24968] aastore
      [24969] dup
      [24970] sipush 981
      [24973] iconst_3
      [24974] newarray 5
      [24976] dup
      [24977] iconst_0
      [24978] sipush 12487
      [24981] castore
      [24982] dup
      [24983] iconst_1
      [24984] sipush 12486
      [24987] castore
      [24988] dup
      [24989] iconst_2
      [24990] sipush 12441
      [24993] castore
      [24994] aastore
      [24995] dup
      [24996] sipush 982
      [24999] iconst_3
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      [25002] dup
      [25003] iconst_0
      [25004] sipush 12489
      [25007] castore
      [25008] dup
      [25009] iconst_1
      [25010] sipush 12488
      [25013] castore
      [25014] dup
      [25015] iconst_2
      [25016] sipush 12441
      [25019] castore
      [25020] aastore
      [25021] dup
      [25022] sipush 983
      [25025] iconst_3
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      [25028] dup
      [25029] iconst_0
      [25030] sipush 12496
      [25033] castore
      [25034] dup
      [25035] iconst_1
      [25036] sipush 12495
      [25039] castore
      [25040] dup
      [25041] iconst_2
      [25042] sipush 12441
      [25045] castore
      [25046] aastore
      [25047] dup
      [25048] sipush 984
      [25051] iconst_3
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      [25054] dup
      [25055] iconst_0
      [25056] sipush 12497
      [25059] castore
      [25060] dup
      [25061] iconst_1
      [25062] sipush 12495
      [25065] castore
      [25066] dup
      [25067] iconst_2
      [25068] sipush 12442
      [25071] castore
      [25072] aastore
      [25073] dup
      [25074] sipush 985
      [25077] iconst_3
      [25078] newarray 5
      [25080] dup
      [25081] iconst_0
      [25082] sipush 12499
      [25085] castore
      [25086] dup
      [25087] iconst_1
      [25088] sipush 12498
      [25091] castore
      [25092] dup
      [25093] iconst_2
      [25094] sipush 12441
      [25097] castore
      [25098] aastore
      [25099] dup
      [25100] sipush 986
      [25103] iconst_3
      [25104] newarray 5
      [25106] dup
      [25107] iconst_0
      [25108] sipush 12500
      [25111] castore
      [25112] dup
      [25113] iconst_1
      [25114] sipush 12498
      [25117] castore
      [25118] dup
      [25119] iconst_2
      [25120] sipush 12442
      [25123] castore
      [25124] aastore
      [25125] dup
      [25126] sipush 987
      [25129] iconst_3
      [25130] newarray 5
      [25132] dup
      [25133] iconst_0
      [25134] sipush 12502
      [25137] castore
      [25138] dup
      [25139] iconst_1
      [25140] sipush 12501
      [25143] castore
      [25144] dup
      [25145] iconst_2
      [25146] sipush 12441
      [25149] castore
      [25150] aastore
      [25151] dup
      [25152] sipush 988
      [25155] iconst_3
      [25156] newarray 5
      [25158] dup
      [25159] iconst_0
      [25160] sipush 12503
      [25163] castore
      [25164] dup
      [25165] iconst_1
      [25166] sipush 12501
      [25169] castore
      [25170] dup
      [25171] iconst_2
      [25172] sipush 12442
      [25175] castore
      [25176] aastore
      [25177] dup
      [25178] sipush 989
      [25181] iconst_3
      [25182] newarray 5
      [25184] dup
      [25185] iconst_0
      [25186] sipush 12505
      [25189] castore
      [25190] dup
      [25191] iconst_1
      [25192] sipush 12504
      [25195] castore
      [25196] dup
      [25197] iconst_2
      [25198] sipush 12441
      [25201] castore
      [25202] aastore
      [25203] dup
      [25204] sipush 990
      [25207] iconst_3
      [25208] newarray 5
      [25210] dup
      [25211] iconst_0
      [25212] sipush 12506
      [25215] castore
      [25216] dup
      [25217] iconst_1
      [25218] sipush 12504
      [25221] castore
      [25222] dup
      [25223] iconst_2
      [25224] sipush 12442
      [25227] castore
      [25228] aastore
      [25229] dup
      [25230] sipush 991
      [25233] iconst_3
      [25234] newarray 5
      [25236] dup
      [25237] iconst_0
      [25238] sipush 12508
      [25241] castore
      [25242] dup
      [25243] iconst_1
      [25244] sipush 12507
      [25247] castore
      [25248] dup
      [25249] iconst_2
      [25250] sipush 12441
      [25253] castore
      [25254] aastore
      [25255] dup
      [25256] sipush 992
      [25259] iconst_3
      [25260] newarray 5
      [25262] dup
      [25263] iconst_0
      [25264] sipush 12509
      [25267] castore
      [25268] dup
      [25269] iconst_1
      [25270] sipush 12507
      [25273] castore
      [25274] dup
      [25275] iconst_2
      [25276] sipush 12442
      [25279] castore
      [25280] aastore
      [25281] dup
      [25282] sipush 993
      [25285] iconst_3
      [25286] newarray 5
      [25288] dup
      [25289] iconst_0
      [25290] sipush 12535
      [25293] castore
      [25294] dup
      [25295] iconst_1
      [25296] sipush 12527
      [25299] castore
      [25300] dup
      [25301] iconst_2
      [25302] sipush 12441
      [25305] castore
      [25306] aastore
      [25307] dup
      [25308] sipush 994
      [25311] iconst_3
      [25312] newarray 5
      [25314] dup
      [25315] iconst_0
      [25316] sipush 12536
      [25319] castore
      [25320] dup
      [25321] iconst_1
      [25322] sipush 12528
      [25325] castore
      [25326] dup
      [25327] iconst_2
      [25328] sipush 12441
      [25331] castore
      [25332] aastore
      [25333] dup
      [25334] sipush 995
      [25337] iconst_3
      [25338] newarray 5
      [25340] dup
      [25341] iconst_0
      [25342] sipush 12537
      [25345] castore
      [25346] dup
      [25347] iconst_1
      [25348] sipush 12529
      [25351] castore
      [25352] dup
      [25353] iconst_2
      [25354] sipush 12441
      [25357] castore
      [25358] aastore
      [25359] dup
      [25360] sipush 996
      [25363] iconst_3
      [25364] newarray 5
      [25366] dup
      [25367] iconst_0
      [25368] sipush 12538
      [25371] castore
      [25372] dup
      [25373] iconst_1
      [25374] sipush 12530
      [25377] castore
      [25378] dup
      [25379] iconst_2
      [25380] sipush 12441
      [25383] castore
      [25384] aastore
      [25385] dup
      [25386] sipush 997
      [25389] iconst_3
      [25390] newarray 5
      [25392] dup
      [25393] iconst_0
      [25394] sipush 12542
      [25397] castore
      [25398] dup
      [25399] iconst_1
      [25400] sipush 12541
      [25403] castore
      [25404] dup
      [25405] iconst_2
      [25406] sipush 12441
      [25409] castore
      [25410] aastore
      [25411] dup
      [25412] sipush 998
      [25415] iconst_3
      [25416] newarray 5
      [25418] dup
      [25419] iconst_0
      [25420] ldc #5
        + Integer [64300]
      [25422] castore
      [25423] dup
      [25424] iconst_1
      [25425] ldc #29
        + Integer [64329]
      [25427] castore
      [25428] dup
      [25429] iconst_2
      [25430] sipush 1473
      [25433] castore
      [25434] aastore
      [25435] dup
      [25436] sipush 999
      [25439] iconst_3
      [25440] newarray 5
      [25442] dup
      [25443] iconst_0
      [25444] ldc #6
        + Integer [64301]
      [25446] castore
      [25447] dup
      [25448] iconst_1
      [25449] ldc #29
        + Integer [64329]
      [25451] castore
      [25452] dup
      [25453] iconst_2
      [25454] sipush 1474
      [25457] castore
      [25458] aastore
      [25459] putstatic #38
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/Precomposer.precompositions [[C]
      [25462] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1003)
        [0] -> line 25
        [8] -> line 26
        [31] -> line 27
        [54] -> line 28
        [77] -> line 29
        [100] -> line 30
        [123] -> line 31
        [147] -> line 32
        [171] -> line 33
        [195] -> line 34
        [219] -> line 35
        [243] -> line 36
        [267] -> line 37
        [291] -> line 38
        [315] -> line 39
        [339] -> line 40
        [363] -> line 41
        [387] -> line 42
        [411] -> line 43
        [435] -> line 44
        [459] -> line 45
        [483] -> line 46
        [507] -> line 47
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        [603] -> line 51
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        [699] -> line 55
        [723] -> line 56
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        [843] -> line 61
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        [963] -> line 66
        [987] -> line 67
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        [1371] -> line 83
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        [1947] -> line 107
        [1971] -> line 108
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        [3003] -> line 151
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        [14917] -> line 619
        [14943] -> line 620
        [14969] -> line 621
        [14995] -> line 622
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        [15827] -> line 654
        [15853] -> line 655
        [15879] -> line 656
        [15905] -> line 657
        [15931] -> line 658
        [15957] -> line 659
        [15983] -> line 660
        [16009] -> line 661
        [16035] -> line 662
        [16061] -> line 663
        [16087] -> line 664
        [16112] -> line 665
        [16137] -> line 666
        [16162] -> line 667
        [16187] -> line 668
        [16212] -> line 669
        [16237] -> line 670
        [16262] -> line 671
        [16287] -> line 672
        [16312] -> line 673
        [16337] -> line 674
        [16362] -> line 675
        [16387] -> line 676
        [16412] -> line 677
        [16437] -> line 678
        [16462] -> line 679
        [16487] -> line 680
        [16512] -> line 681
        [16537] -> line 682
        [16562] -> line 683
        [16587] -> line 684
        [16612] -> line 685
        [16637] -> line 686
        [16662] -> line 687
        [16687] -> line 688
        [16712] -> line 689
        [16737] -> line 690
        [16762] -> line 691
        [16787] -> line 692
        [16812] -> line 693
        [16837] -> line 694
        [16862] -> line 695
        [16887] -> line 696
        [16913] -> line 697
        [16939] -> line 698
        [16965] -> line 699
        [16991] -> line 700
        [17017] -> line 701
        [17043] -> line 702
        [17069] -> line 703
        [17095] -> line 704
        [17121] -> line 705
        [17147] -> line 706
        [17173] -> line 707
        [17199] -> line 708
        [17225] -> line 709
        [17251] -> line 710
        [17277] -> line 711
        [17303] -> line 712
        [17329] -> line 713
        [17355] -> line 714
        [17381] -> line 715
        [17407] -> line 716
        [17433] -> line 717
        [17459] -> line 718
        [17485] -> line 719
        [17511] -> line 720
        [17537] -> line 721
        [17563] -> line 722
        [17589] -> line 723
        [17615] -> line 724
        [17641] -> line 725
        [17667] -> line 726
        [17693] -> line 727
        [17719] -> line 728
        [17745] -> line 729
        [17771] -> line 730
        [17797] -> line 731
        [17823] -> line 732
        [17849] -> line 733
        [17875] -> line 734
        [17901] -> line 735
        [17927] -> line 736
        [17953] -> line 737
        [17979] -> line 738
        [18005] -> line 739
        [18031] -> line 740
        [18057] -> line 741
        [18083] -> line 742
        [18109] -> line 743
        [18135] -> line 744
        [18161] -> line 745
        [18187] -> line 746
        [18213] -> line 747
        [18239] -> line 748
        [18265] -> line 749
        [18291] -> line 750
        [18317] -> line 751
        [18343] -> line 752
        [18369] -> line 753
        [18395] -> line 754
        [18421] -> line 755
        [18447] -> line 756
        [18473] -> line 757
        [18499] -> line 758
        [18525] -> line 759
        [18551] -> line 760
        [18577] -> line 761
        [18603] -> line 762
        [18629] -> line 763
        [18655] -> line 764
        [18681] -> line 765
        [18707] -> line 766
        [18733] -> line 767
        [18759] -> line 768
        [18785] -> line 769
        [18811] -> line 770
        [18837] -> line 771
        [18863] -> line 772
        [18889] -> line 773
        [18915] -> line 774
        [18941] -> line 775
        [18967] -> line 776
        [18993] -> line 777
        [19019] -> line 778
        [19045] -> line 779
        [19071] -> line 780
        [19097] -> line 781
        [19123] -> line 782
        [19149] -> line 783
        [19175] -> line 784
        [19201] -> line 785
        [19227] -> line 786
        [19253] -> line 787
        [19279] -> line 788
        [19305] -> line 789
        [19331] -> line 790
        [19357] -> line 791
        [19383] -> line 792
        [19409] -> line 793
        [19435] -> line 794
        [19461] -> line 795
        [19487] -> line 796
        [19513] -> line 797
        [19539] -> line 798
        [19565] -> line 799
        [19591] -> line 800
        [19617] -> line 801
        [19643] -> line 802
        [19669] -> line 803
        [19695] -> line 804
        [19721] -> line 805
        [19747] -> line 806
        [19773] -> line 807
        [19799] -> line 808
        [19825] -> line 809
        [19851] -> line 810
        [19877] -> line 811
        [19903] -> line 812
        [19929] -> line 813
        [19955] -> line 814
        [19981] -> line 815
        [20007] -> line 816
        [20033] -> line 817
        [20059] -> line 818
        [20085] -> line 819
        [20111] -> line 820
        [20137] -> line 821
        [20163] -> line 822
        [20189] -> line 823
        [20215] -> line 824
        [20241] -> line 825
        [20267] -> line 826
        [20293] -> line 827
        [20319] -> line 828
        [20345] -> line 829
        [20371] -> line 830
        [20397] -> line 831
        [20423] -> line 832
        [20449] -> line 833
        [20475] -> line 834
        [20501] -> line 835
        [20527] -> line 836
        [20553] -> line 837
        [20579] -> line 838
        [20605] -> line 839
        [20631] -> line 840
        [20657] -> line 841
        [20683] -> line 842
        [20709] -> line 843
        [20735] -> line 844
        [20761] -> line 845
        [20787] -> line 846
        [20813] -> line 847
        [20839] -> line 848
        [20865] -> line 849
        [20891] -> line 850
        [20917] -> line 851
        [20943] -> line 852
        [20969] -> line 853
        [20995] -> line 854
        [21021] -> line 855
        [21047] -> line 856
        [21073] -> line 857
        [21099] -> line 858
        [21125] -> line 859
        [21151] -> line 860
        [21177] -> line 861
        [21203] -> line 862
        [21229] -> line 863
        [21255] -> line 864
        [21281] -> line 865
        [21307] -> line 866
        [21333] -> line 867
        [21359] -> line 868
        [21385] -> line 869
        [21411] -> line 870
        [21437] -> line 871
        [21463] -> line 872
        [21489] -> line 873
        [21515] -> line 874
        [21541] -> line 875
        [21567] -> line 876
        [21593] -> line 877
        [21619] -> line 878
        [21645] -> line 879
        [21671] -> line 880
        [21697] -> line 881
        [21723] -> line 882
        [21749] -> line 883
        [21775] -> line 884
        [21801] -> line 885
        [21827] -> line 886
        [21853] -> line 887
        [21879] -> line 888
        [21905] -> line 889
        [21931] -> line 890
        [21957] -> line 891
        [21983] -> line 892
        [22009] -> line 893
        [22035] -> line 894
        [22061] -> line 895
        [22087] -> line 896
        [22113] -> line 897
        [22139] -> line 898
        [22165] -> line 899
        [22191] -> line 900
        [22217] -> line 901
        [22243] -> line 902
        [22269] -> line 903
        [22295] -> line 904
        [22321] -> line 905
        [22347] -> line 906
        [22373] -> line 907
        [22399] -> line 908
        [22425] -> line 909
        [22451] -> line 910
        [22477] -> line 911
        [22503] -> line 912
        [22529] -> line 913
        [22555] -> line 914
        [22581] -> line 915
        [22607] -> line 916
        [22633] -> line 917
        [22659] -> line 918
        [22685] -> line 919
        [22711] -> line 920
        [22737] -> line 921
        [22763] -> line 922
        [22789] -> line 923
        [22815] -> line 924
        [22841] -> line 925
        [22867] -> line 926
        [22893] -> line 927
        [22919] -> line 928
        [22945] -> line 929
        [22971] -> line 930
        [22997] -> line 931
        [23023] -> line 932
        [23049] -> line 933
        [23075] -> line 934
        [23101] -> line 935
        [23127] -> line 936
        [23153] -> line 937
        [23179] -> line 938
        [23205] -> line 939
        [23231] -> line 940
        [23257] -> line 941
        [23283] -> line 942
        [23309] -> line 943
        [23335] -> line 944
        [23361] -> line 945
        [23387] -> line 946
        [23413] -> line 947
        [23439] -> line 948
        [23465] -> line 949
        [23491] -> line 950
        [23517] -> line 951
        [23543] -> line 952
        [23569] -> line 953
        [23595] -> line 954
        [23621] -> line 955
        [23647] -> line 956
        [23673] -> line 957
        [23699] -> line 958
        [23725] -> line 959
        [23751] -> line 960
        [23777] -> line 961
        [23803] -> line 962
        [23829] -> line 963
        [23855] -> line 964
        [23881] -> line 965
        [23907] -> line 966
        [23933] -> line 967
        [23959] -> line 968
        [23985] -> line 969
        [24011] -> line 970
        [24037] -> line 971
        [24063] -> line 972
        [24089] -> line 973
        [24115] -> line 974
        [24141] -> line 975
        [24167] -> line 976
        [24193] -> line 977
        [24219] -> line 978
        [24245] -> line 979
        [24271] -> line 980
        [24297] -> line 981
        [24323] -> line 982
        [24349] -> line 983
        [24375] -> line 984
        [24401] -> line 985
        [24427] -> line 986
        [24453] -> line 987
        [24479] -> line 988
        [24505] -> line 989
        [24531] -> line 990
        [24557] -> line 991
        [24583] -> line 992
        [24609] -> line 993
        [24635] -> line 994
        [24661] -> line 995
        [24687] -> line 996
        [24713] -> line 997
        [24739] -> line 998
        [24765] -> line 999
        [24791] -> line 1000
        [24817] -> line 1001
        [24843] -> line 1002
        [24869] -> line 1003
        [24895] -> line 1004
        [24921] -> line 1005
        [24947] -> line 1006
        [24973] -> line 1007
        [24999] -> line 1008
        [25025] -> line 1009
        [25051] -> line 1010
        [25077] -> line 1011
        [25103] -> line 1012
        [25129] -> line 1013
        [25155] -> line 1014
        [25181] -> line 1015
        [25207] -> line 1016
        [25233] -> line 1017
        [25259] -> line 1018
        [25285] -> line 1019
        [25311] -> line 1020
        [25337] -> line 1021
        [25363] -> line 1022
        [25389] -> line 1023
        [25415] -> line 1024
        [25439] -> line 1025
        [25459] -> line 25
        [25462] -> line 24
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public Precomposer()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #39
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 24
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lde/mud/terminal/Precomposer; this]
  + Method:       precompose(CC)C
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static char precompose(char,char)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 99, locals = 9, stack = 4):
      [0] iconst_0
      [1] istore_2 v2
      [2] getstatic #38
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/Precomposer.precompositions [[C]
      [5] arraylength
      [6] iconst_1
      [7] isub
      [8] istore_3 v3
      [9] iload_0 v0
      [10] bipush 21
      [12] ishl
      [13] iload_1 v1
      [14] ior
      [15] i2l
      [16] lstore v5
      [18] goto +74 (target=92)
      [21] iload_2 v2
      [22] iload_3 v3
      [23] iadd
      [24] iconst_2
      [25] idiv
      [26] istore v4
      [28] getstatic #38
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/Precomposer.precompositions [[C]
      [31] iload v4
      [33] aaload
      [34] iconst_1
      [35] caload
      [36] bipush 21
      [38] ishl
      [39] getstatic #38
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/Precomposer.precompositions [[C]
      [42] iload v4
      [44] aaload
      [45] iconst_2
      [46] caload
      [47] ior
      [48] i2l
      [49] lstore v7
      [51] lload v7
      [53] lload v5
      [55] lcmp
      [56] ifge +11 (target=67)
      [59] iload v4
      [61] iconst_1
      [62] iadd
      [63] istore_2 v2
      [64] goto +28 (target=92)
      [67] lload v7
      [69] lload v5
      [71] lcmp
      [72] ifle +11 (target=83)
      [75] iload v4
      [77] iconst_1
      [78] isub
      [79] istore_3 v3
      [80] goto +12 (target=92)
      [83] getstatic #38
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/Precomposer.precompositions [[C]
      [86] iload v4
      [88] aaload
      [89] iconst_0
      [90] caload
      [91] ireturn
      [92] iload_3 v3
      [93] iload_2 v2
      [94] ificmpge -73 (target=21)
      [97] iload_0 v0
      [98] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 13)
        [0] -> line 1031
        [2] -> line 1032
        [9] -> line 1035
        [18] -> line 1038
        [21] -> line 1039
        [28] -> line 1040
        [51] -> line 1041
        [59] -> line 1042
        [67] -> line 1043
        [75] -> line 1044
        [83] -> line 1046
        [92] -> line 1038
        [97] -> line 1050
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 99 [C base]
        v1: 0 -> 99 [C comb]
        v2: 2 -> 99 [I min]
        v3: 9 -> 99 [I max]
        v4: 28 -> 92 [I mid]
        v5: 18 -> 99 [J sought]
        v7: 51 -> 92 [J that]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class de.mud.terminal.VDUBuffer extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 269):
  + String [*** Error while scrolling up:]
  + String [*** done dumping debug information]
  + String [, bottom=]
  + String [, cbuf.length=]
  + String [, l=]
  + String [, maxBufSize=]
  + String [, newWindowBase=]
  + String [, size.height=]
  + String [, windowBase=]
  + String [--- BEGIN STACK TRACE ---]
  + String [--- END STACK TRACE ---]
  + String [abuf.length=]
  + String [bufSize=]
  + String [n=]
  + String [newScreenBase=]
  + String [oldBase=]
  + String [screenBase=]
  + String [size.width=]
  + String [top=]
  + Class [[C]
  + Class [[I]
  + Class [[[C]
  + Class [[[I]
  + Class [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer]
  + Class [de/mud/terminal/VDUDisplay]
  + Class [java/io/PrintStream]
  + Class [java/lang/ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Class [java/util/Arrays]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.bottomMargin I]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.bufSize I]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charArray [[C]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charAttributes [[I]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.cursorX I]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.cursorY I]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.display Lde/mud/terminal/VDUDisplay;]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.height I]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.maxBufSize I]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.screenBase I]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.scrollMarker I]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.showcursor Z]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.topMargin I]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.update [Z]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.width I]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.windowBase I]
  + Fieldref [java/lang/System.err Ljava/io/PrintStream;]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.<init> (II)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.getCursorColumn ()I]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.getCursorRow ()I]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.insertLine (IIZ)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.markLine (II)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.putChar (IIC)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.putChar (IICI)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.redraw ()V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.setCursorPosition (II)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.setScreenSize (IIZ)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/PrintStream.println (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.printStackTrace ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Methodref [java/util/Arrays.fill ([CC)V]
  + Methodref [java/util/Arrays.fill ([CIIC)V]
  + Methodref [java/util/Arrays.fill ([II)V]
  + Methodref [java/util/Arrays.fill ([IIII)V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUDisplay.redraw ()V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUDisplay.updateScrollBar ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (II)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [bottomMargin I]
  + NameAndType [bufSize I]
  + NameAndType [charArray [[C]
  + NameAndType [charAttributes [[I]
  + NameAndType [cursorX I]
  + NameAndType [cursorY I]
  + NameAndType [display Lde/mud/terminal/VDUDisplay;]
  + NameAndType [err Ljava/io/PrintStream;]
  + NameAndType [fill ([CC)V]
  + NameAndType [fill ([CIIC)V]
  + NameAndType [fill ([II)V]
  + NameAndType [fill ([IIII)V]
  + NameAndType [getCursorColumn ()I]
  + NameAndType [getCursorRow ()I]
  + NameAndType [height I]
  + NameAndType [insertLine (IIZ)V]
  + NameAndType [markLine (II)V]
  + NameAndType [maxBufSize I]
  + NameAndType [printStackTrace ()V]
  + NameAndType [println (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [putChar (IIC)V]
  + NameAndType [putChar (IICI)V]
  + NameAndType [redraw ()V]
  + NameAndType [screenBase I]
  + NameAndType [scrollMarker I]
  + NameAndType [setCursorPosition (II)V]
  + NameAndType [setScreenSize (IIZ)V]
  + NameAndType [showcursor Z]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [topMargin I]
  + NameAndType [update [Z]
  + NameAndType [updateScrollBar ()V]
  + NameAndType [width I]
  + NameAndType [windowBase I]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(II)C]
  + Utf8 [(II)I]
  + Utf8 [(II)V]
  + Utf8 [(IIC)V]
  + Utf8 [(IICI)V]
  + Utf8 [(IIIII)V]
  + Utf8 [(IIZ)V]
  + Utf8 [(IZ)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lde/mud/terminal/VDUDisplay;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [([CC)V]
  + Utf8 [([CIIC)V]
  + Utf8 [([II)V]
  + Utf8 [([IIII)V]
  + Utf8 [*** Error while scrolling up:]
  + Utf8 [*** done dumping debug information]
  + Utf8 [, bottom=]
  + Utf8 [, cbuf.length=]
  + Utf8 [, l=]
  + Utf8 [, maxBufSize=]
  + Utf8 [, newWindowBase=]
  + Utf8 [, size.height=]
  + Utf8 [, windowBase=]
  + Utf8 [--- BEGIN STACK TRACE ---]
  + Utf8 [--- END STACK TRACE ---]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [C]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
  + Utf8 [Lde/mud/terminal/VDUDisplay;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/PrintStream;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [R]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[C]
  + Utf8 [[I]
  + Utf8 [[Z]
  + Utf8 [[[C]
  + Utf8 [[[I]
  + Utf8 [abuf]
  + Utf8 [abuf.length=]
  + Utf8 [amount]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [arraycopy]
  + Utf8 [attributes]
  + Utf8 [bottom]
  + Utf8 [bottomMargin]
  + Utf8 [broadcast]
  + Utf8 [bufSize]
  + Utf8 [bufSize=]
  + Utf8 [c]
  + Utf8 [cbuf]
  + Utf8 [ch]
  + Utf8 [charArray]
  + Utf8 [charAttributes]
  + Utf8 [copyCount]
  + Utf8 [copyStart]
  + Utf8 [curAttr]
  + Utf8 [cursorX]
  + Utf8 [cursorY]
  + Utf8 [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer]
  + Utf8 [de/mud/terminal/VDUDisplay]
  + Utf8 [deleteArea]
  + Utf8 [deleteChar]
  + Utf8 [deleteLine]
  + Utf8 [discardedAttributes]
  + Utf8 [discardedChars]
  + Utf8 [display]
  + Utf8 [doshow]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [endColumn]
  + Utf8 [err]
  + Utf8 [fill]
  + Utf8 [getAttributes]
  + Utf8 [getBottomMargin]
  + Utf8 [getChar]
  + Utf8 [getColumns]
  + Utf8 [getCursorColumn]
  + Utf8 [getCursorRow]
  + Utf8 [getRows]
  + Utf8 [getTopMargin]
  + Utf8 [getWindowBase]
  + Utf8 [h]
  + Utf8 [height]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [insertChar]
  + Utf8 [insertLine]
  + Utf8 [isCursorVisible]
  + Utf8 [java/io/PrintStream]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Arrays]
  + Utf8 [l]
  + Utf8 [l1]
  + Utf8 [l2]
  + Utf8 [line]
  + Utf8 [markLine]
  + Utf8 [maxBufSize]
  + Utf8 [maxSize]
  + Utf8 [n]
  + Utf8 [n=]
  + Utf8 [newBottomRow]
  + Utf8 [newBufSize]
  + Utf8 [newScreenBase]
  + Utf8 [newScreenBase=]
  + Utf8 [newWindowBase]
  + Utf8 [numRows]
  + Utf8 [offset]
  + Utf8 [oldBase]
  + Utf8 [oldBase=]
  + Utf8 [printStackTrace]
  + Utf8 [println]
  + Utf8 [putChar]
  + Utf8 [redraw]
  + Utf8 [rowLength]
  + Utf8 [screenBase]
  + Utf8 [screenBase=]
  + Utf8 [scrollDown]
  + Utf8 [scrollMarker]
  + Utf8 [setBufferSize]
  + Utf8 [setCursorPosition]
  + Utf8 [setDisplay]
  + Utf8 [setMargins]
  + Utf8 [setScreenSize]
  + Utf8 [setWindowBase]
  + Utf8 [showCursor]
  + Utf8 [showcursor]
  + Utf8 [size]
  + Utf8 [size.width=]
  + Utf8 [targetRow]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [top]
  + Utf8 [top=]
  + Utf8 [topMargin]
  + Utf8 [update]
  + Utf8 [updateScrollBar]
  + Utf8 [w]
  + Utf8 [width]
  + Utf8 [windowBase]

Fields (count = 16):
  + Field:        height I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int height
  + Field:        width I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int width
  + Field:        update [Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean[] update
  + Field:        charArray [[C
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public char[][] charArray
  + Field:        charAttributes [[I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int[][] charAttributes
  + Field:        bufSize I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int bufSize
  + Field:        maxBufSize I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int maxBufSize
  + Field:        screenBase I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int screenBase
  + Field:        windowBase I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int windowBase
  + Field:        scrollMarker I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int scrollMarker
  + Field:        topMargin I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int topMargin
  + Field:        bottomMargin I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int bottomMargin
  + Field:        showcursor Z
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected boolean showcursor
  + Field:        cursorX I
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected int cursorX
  + Field:        cursorY I
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected int cursorY
  + Field:        display Lde/mud/terminal/VDUDisplay;
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected de.mud.terminal.VDUDisplay display

Methods (count = 29):
  + Method:       <init>(II)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public VDUBuffer(int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 17, locals = 3, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #61
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] iconst_1
      [6] putfield #43
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.showcursor Z]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] iload_1 v1
      [11] iload_2 v2
      [12] iconst_0
      [13] invokevirtual #58
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.setScreenSize (IIZ)V]
      [16] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 114
        [4] -> line 60
        [9] -> line 116
        [16] -> line 117
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 17 [Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer; this]
        v1: 0 -> 17 [I width]
        v2: 0 -> 17 [I height]
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public VDUBuffer()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 9, locals = 1, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] bipush 80
      [3] bipush 24
      [5] invokespecial #49
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.<init> (II)V]
      [8] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 123
        [8] -> line 124
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 9 [Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer; this]
  + Method:       putChar(IIC)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void putChar(int,int,char)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 9, locals = 4, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] iload_2 v2
      [3] iload_3 v3
      [4] iconst_0
      [5] invokevirtual #55
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.putChar (IICI)V]
      [8] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 138
        [8] -> line 139
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 9 [Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer; this]
        v1: 0 -> 9 [I c]
        v2: 0 -> 9 [I l]
        v3: 0 -> 9 [C ch]
  + Method:       putChar(IICI)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void putChar(int,int,char,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 47, locals = 5, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charArray [[C]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.screenBase I]
      [8] iload_2 v2
      [9] iadd
      [10] aaload
      [11] iload_1 v1
      [12] iload_3 v3
      [13] castore
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charAttributes [[I]
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.screenBase I]
      [22] iload_2 v2
      [23] iadd
      [24] aaload
      [25] iload_1 v1
      [26] iload v4
      [28] iastore
      [29] iload_2 v2
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.height I]
      [34] ificmpge +12 (target=46)
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.update [Z]
      [41] iload_2 v2
      [42] iconst_1
      [43] iadd
      [44] iconst_1
      [45] bastore
      [46] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 161
        [14] -> line 162
        [29] -> line 163
        [37] -> line 164
        [46] -> line 165
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 47 [Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer; this]
        v1: 0 -> 47 [I c]
        v2: 0 -> 47 [I l]
        v3: 0 -> 47 [C ch]
        v4: 0 -> 47 [I attributes]
  + Method:       getChar(II)C
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public char getChar(int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 14, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charArray [[C]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.screenBase I]
      [8] iload_2 v2
      [9] iadd
      [10] aaload
      [11] iload_1 v1
      [12] caload
      [13] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 174
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 14 [Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer; this]
        v1: 0 -> 14 [I c]
        v2: 0 -> 14 [I l]
  + Method:       getAttributes(II)I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int getAttributes(int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 14, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charAttributes [[I]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.screenBase I]
      [8] iload_2 v2
      [9] iadd
      [10] aaload
      [11] iload_1 v1
      [12] iaload
      [13] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 184
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 14 [Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer; this]
        v1: 0 -> 14 [I c]
        v2: 0 -> 14 [I l]
  + Method:       insertChar(IICI)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void insertChar(int,int,char,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 84, locals = 5, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charArray [[C]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.screenBase I]
      [8] iload_2 v2
      [9] iadd
      [10] aaload
      [11] iload_1 v1
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charArray [[C]
      [16] aload_0 v0
      [17] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.screenBase I]
      [20] iload_2 v2
      [21] iadd
      [22] aaload
      [23] iload_1 v1
      [24] iconst_1
      [25] iadd
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.width I]
      [30] iload_1 v1
      [31] isub
      [32] iconst_1
      [33] isub
      [34] invokestatic #66
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charAttributes [[I]
      [41] aload_0 v0
      [42] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.screenBase I]
      [45] iload_2 v2
      [46] iadd
      [47] aaload
      [48] iload_1 v1
      [49] aload_0 v0
      [50] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charAttributes [[I]
      [53] aload_0 v0
      [54] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.screenBase I]
      [57] iload_2 v2
      [58] iadd
      [59] aaload
      [60] iload_1 v1
      [61] iconst_1
      [62] iadd
      [63] aload_0 v0
      [64] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.width I]
      [67] iload_1 v1
      [68] isub
      [69] iconst_1
      [70] isub
      [71] invokestatic #66
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [74] aload_0 v0
      [75] iload_1 v1
      [76] iload_2 v2
      [77] iload_3 v3
      [78] iload v4
      [80] invokevirtual #55
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.putChar (IICI)V]
      [83] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 206
        [12] -> line 207
        [34] -> line 206
        [37] -> line 208
        [49] -> line 209
        [71] -> line 208
        [74] -> line 210
        [83] -> line 211
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 84 [Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer; this]
        v1: 0 -> 84 [I c]
        v2: 0 -> 84 [I l]
        v3: 0 -> 84 [C ch]
        v4: 0 -> 84 [I attributes]
  + Method:       deleteChar(II)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void deleteChar(int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 97, locals = 3, stack = 6):
      [0] iload_1 v1
      [1] aload_0 v0
      [2] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.width I]
      [5] iconst_1
      [6] isub
      [7] ificmpge +77 (target=84)
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charArray [[C]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.screenBase I]
      [18] iload_2 v2
      [19] iadd
      [20] aaload
      [21] iload_1 v1
      [22] iconst_1
      [23] iadd
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charArray [[C]
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.screenBase I]
      [32] iload_2 v2
      [33] iadd
      [34] aaload
      [35] iload_1 v1
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.width I]
      [40] iload_1 v1
      [41] isub
      [42] iconst_1
      [43] isub
      [44] invokestatic #66
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [47] aload_0 v0
      [48] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charAttributes [[I]
      [51] aload_0 v0
      [52] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.screenBase I]
      [55] iload_2 v2
      [56] iadd
      [57] aaload
      [58] iload_1 v1
      [59] iconst_1
      [60] iadd
      [61] aload_0 v0
      [62] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charAttributes [[I]
      [65] aload_0 v0
      [66] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.screenBase I]
      [69] iload_2 v2
      [70] iadd
      [71] aaload
      [72] iload_1 v1
      [73] aload_0 v0
      [74] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.width I]
      [77] iload_1 v1
      [78] isub
      [79] iconst_1
      [80] isub
      [81] invokestatic #66
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [84] aload_0 v0
      [85] aload_0 v0
      [86] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.width I]
      [89] iconst_1
      [90] isub
      [91] iload_2 v2
      [92] iconst_0
      [93] invokevirtual #54
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.putChar (IIC)V]
      [96] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 224
        [10] -> line 225
        [24] -> line 226
        [44] -> line 225
        [47] -> line 227
        [61] -> line 228
        [81] -> line 227
        [84] -> line 230
        [96] -> line 231
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 97 [Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer; this]
        v1: 0 -> 97 [I c]
        v2: 0 -> 97 [I l]
  + Method:       insertLine(IZ)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void insertLine(int,boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 8, locals = 3, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] iconst_1
      [3] iload_2 v2
      [4] invokevirtual #52
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.insertLine (IIZ)V]
      [7] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 314
        [7] -> line 315
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 8 [Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer; this]
        v1: 0 -> 8 [I l]
        v2: 0 -> 8 [Z scrollDown]
  + Method:       insertLine(IIZ)V
    Access flags: 0x21
      = public synchronized void insertLine(int,int,boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 1194, locals = 14, stack = 7):
      [0] aconst_null
      [1] checkcast #22
        + Class [[[C]
      [4] astore v4
      [6] aconst_null
      [7] checkcast #23
        + Class [[[I]
      [10] astore v5
      [12] iconst_0
      [13] istore v6
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.screenBase I]
      [19] istore v7
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.screenBase I]
      [25] istore v8
      [27] aload_0 v0
      [28] getfield #47
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.windowBase I]
      [31] istore v9
      [33] aload_0 v0
      [34] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.bufSize I]
      [37] istore v10
      [39] iload_1 v1
      [40] aload_0 v0
      [41] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.bottomMargin I]
      [44] ificmple +4 (target=48)
      [47] return
      [48] iload_1 v1
      [49] aload_0 v0
      [50] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.topMargin I]
      [53] ificmpge +7 (target=60)
      [56] iconst_0
      [57] goto +46 (target=103)
      [60] iload_1 v1
      [61] aload_0 v0
      [62] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.bottomMargin I]
      [65] ificmple +34 (target=99)
      [68] aload_0 v0
      [69] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.bottomMargin I]
      [72] iconst_1
      [73] iadd
      [74] aload_0 v0
      [75] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.height I]
      [78] ificmpge +12 (target=90)
      [81] aload_0 v0
      [82] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.bottomMargin I]
      [85] iconst_1
      [86] iadd
      [87] goto +16 (target=103)
      [90] aload_0 v0
      [91] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.height I]
      [94] iconst_1
      [95] isub
      [96] goto +7 (target=103)
      [99] aload_0 v0
      [100] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.topMargin I]
      [103] istore v11
      [105] iload_1 v1
      [106] aload_0 v0
      [107] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.bottomMargin I]
      [110] ificmple +12 (target=122)
      [113] aload_0 v0
      [114] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.height I]
      [117] iconst_1
      [118] isub
      [119] goto +35 (target=154)
      [122] iload_1 v1
      [123] aload_0 v0
      [124] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.topMargin I]
      [127] ificmpge +23 (target=150)
      [130] aload_0 v0
      [131] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.topMargin I]
      [134] ifle +12 (target=146)
      [137] aload_0 v0
      [138] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.topMargin I]
      [141] iconst_1
      [142] isub
      [143] goto +11 (target=154)
      [146] iconst_0
      [147] goto +7 (target=154)
      [150] aload_0 v0
      [151] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.bottomMargin I]
      [154] istore v12
      [156] iload_3 v3
      [157] ifeq +157 (target=314)
      [160] iload_2 v2
      [161] iload v12
      [163] iload v11
      [165] isub
      [166] ificmple +9 (target=175)
      [169] iload v12
      [171] iload v11
      [173] isub
      [174] istore_2 v2
      [175] iload v12
      [177] iload_1 v1
      [178] isub
      [179] iload_2 v2
      [180] iconst_1
      [181] isub
      [182] isub
      [183] istore v13
      [185] iload v13
      [187] ifge +6 (target=193)
      [190] iconst_0
      [191] istore v13
      [193] iload v13
      [195] anewarray #20
        + Class [[C]
      [198] astore v4
      [200] iload v13
      [202] anewarray #21
        + Class [[I]
      [205] astore v5
      [207] aload_0 v0
      [208] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charArray [[C]
      [211] iload v7
      [213] iload_1 v1
      [214] iadd
      [215] aload v4
      [217] iconst_0
      [218] iload v12
      [220] iload_1 v1
      [221] isub
      [222] iload_2 v2
      [223] iconst_1
      [224] isub
      [225] isub
      [226] invokestatic #66
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [229] aload_0 v0
      [230] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charAttributes [[I]
      [233] iload v7
      [235] iload_1 v1
      [236] iadd
      [237] aload v5
      [239] iconst_0
      [240] iload v12
      [242] iload_1 v1
      [243] isub
      [244] iload_2 v2
      [245] iconst_1
      [246] isub
      [247] isub
      [248] invokestatic #66
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [251] aload v4
      [253] iconst_0
      [254] aload_0 v0
      [255] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charArray [[C]
      [258] iload v7
      [260] iload_1 v1
      [261] iadd
      [262] iload_2 v2
      [263] iadd
      [264] iload v12
      [266] iload_1 v1
      [267] isub
      [268] iload_2 v2
      [269] iconst_1
      [270] isub
      [271] isub
      [272] invokestatic #66
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [275] aload v5
      [277] iconst_0
      [278] aload_0 v0
      [279] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charAttributes [[I]
      [282] iload v7
      [284] iload_1 v1
      [285] iadd
      [286] iload_2 v2
      [287] iadd
      [288] iload v12
      [290] iload_1 v1
      [291] isub
      [292] iload_2 v2
      [293] iconst_1
      [294] isub
      [295] isub
      [296] invokestatic #66
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [299] aload_0 v0
      [300] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charArray [[C]
      [303] astore v4
      [305] aload_0 v0
      [306] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charAttributes [[I]
      [309] astore v5
      [311] goto +711 (target=1022)
      [314] iload_2 v2
      [315] iload v12
      [317] iload v11
      [319] isub
      [320] iconst_1
      [321] iadd
      [322] ificmple +11 (target=333)
      [325] iload v12
      [327] iload v11
      [329] isub
      [330] iconst_1
      [331] iadd
      [332] istore_2 v2
      [333] aload_0 v0
      [334] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.bufSize I]
      [337] aload_0 v0
      [338] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.maxBufSize I]
      [341] ificmpge +113 (target=454)
      [344] aload_0 v0
      [345] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.bufSize I]
      [348] iload_2 v2
      [349] iadd
      [350] aload_0 v0
      [351] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.maxBufSize I]
      [354] ificmple +55 (target=409)
      [357] iload_2 v2
      [358] aload_0 v0
      [359] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.maxBufSize I]
      [362] aload_0 v0
      [363] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.bufSize I]
      [366] isub
      [367] isub
      [368] istore v6
      [370] aload_0 v0
      [371] dup
      [372] getfield #42
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.scrollMarker I]
      [375] iload v6
      [377] iadd
      [378] putfield #42
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.scrollMarker I]
      [381] aload_0 v0
      [382] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.maxBufSize I]
      [385] istore v10
      [387] aload_0 v0
      [388] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.maxBufSize I]
      [391] aload_0 v0
      [392] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.height I]
      [395] isub
      [396] iconst_1
      [397] isub
      [398] istore v8
      [400] aload_0 v0
      [401] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.screenBase I]
      [404] istore v9
      [406] goto +31 (target=437)
      [409] aload_0 v0
      [410] dup
      [411] getfield #42
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.scrollMarker I]
      [414] iload_2 v2
      [415] iadd
      [416] putfield #42
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.scrollMarker I]
      [419] iload v8
      [421] iload_2 v2
      [422] iadd
      [423] istore v8
      [425] iload v9
      [427] iload_2 v2
      [428] iadd
      [429] istore v9
      [431] iload v10
      [433] iload_2 v2
      [434] iadd
      [435] istore v10
      [437] iload v10
      [439] anewarray #20
        + Class [[C]
      [442] astore v4
      [444] iload v10
      [446] anewarray #21
        + Class [[I]
      [449] astore v5
      [451] goto +18 (target=469)
      [454] iload_2 v2
      [455] istore v6
      [457] aload_0 v0
      [458] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charArray [[C]
      [461] astore v4
      [463] aload_0 v0
      [464] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charAttributes [[I]
      [467] astore v5
      [469] iload v7
      [471] ifle +37 (target=508)
      [474] aload_0 v0
      [475] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charArray [[C]
      [478] iload v6
      [480] aload v4
      [482] iconst_0
      [483] iload v7
      [485] iload v6
      [487] isub
      [488] invokestatic #66
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [491] aload_0 v0
      [492] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charAttributes [[I]
      [495] iload v6
      [497] aload v5
      [499] iconst_0
      [500] iload v7
      [502] iload v6
      [504] isub
      [505] invokestatic #66
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [508] iload v11
      [510] ifle +33 (target=543)
      [513] aload_0 v0
      [514] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charArray [[C]
      [517] iload v7
      [519] aload v4
      [521] iload v8
      [523] iload v11
      [525] invokestatic #66
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [528] aload_0 v0
      [529] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charAttributes [[I]
      [532] iload v7
      [534] aload v5
      [536] iload v8
      [538] iload v11
      [540] invokestatic #66
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [543] iload v7
      [545] iflt +43 (target=588)
      [548] aload_0 v0
      [549] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charArray [[C]
      [552] iload v7
      [554] iload v11
      [556] iadd
      [557] aload v4
      [559] iload v7
      [561] iload v6
      [563] isub
      [564] iload_2 v2
      [565] invokestatic #66
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [568] aload_0 v0
      [569] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charAttributes [[I]
      [572] iload v7
      [574] iload v11
      [576] iadd
      [577] aload v5
      [579] iload v7
      [581] iload v6
      [583] isub
      [584] iload_2 v2
      [585] invokestatic #66
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [588] aload_0 v0
      [589] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charArray [[C]
      [592] iload v7
      [594] iload v11
      [596] iadd
      [597] iload_2 v2
      [598] iadd
      [599] aload v4
      [601] iload v8
      [603] iload v11
      [605] iadd
      [606] iload_1 v1
      [607] iload v11
      [609] isub
      [610] iload_2 v2
      [611] iconst_1
      [612] isub
      [613] isub
      [614] invokestatic #66
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [617] aload_0 v0
      [618] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charAttributes [[I]
      [621] iload v7
      [623] iload v11
      [625] iadd
      [626] iload_2 v2
      [627] iadd
      [628] aload v5
      [630] iload v8
      [632] iload v11
      [634] iadd
      [635] iload_1 v1
      [636] iload v11
      [638] isub
      [639] iload_2 v2
      [640] iconst_1
      [641] isub
      [642] isub
      [643] invokestatic #66
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [646] iload_1 v1
      [647] aload_0 v0
      [648] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.height I]
      [651] iconst_1
      [652] isub
      [653] ificmpge +369 (target=1022)
      [656] aload_0 v0
      [657] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charArray [[C]
      [660] iload v7
      [662] iload_1 v1
      [663] iadd
      [664] iconst_1
      [665] iadd
      [666] aload v4
      [668] iload v8
      [670] iload_1 v1
      [671] iadd
      [672] iconst_1
      [673] iadd
      [674] aload_0 v0
      [675] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.height I]
      [678] iconst_1
      [679] isub
      [680] iload_1 v1
      [681] isub
      [682] invokestatic #66
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [685] aload_0 v0
      [686] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charAttributes [[I]
      [689] iload v7
      [691] iload_1 v1
      [692] iadd
      [693] iconst_1
      [694] iadd
      [695] aload v5
      [697] iload v8
      [699] iload_1 v1
      [700] iadd
      [701] iconst_1
      [702] iadd
      [703] aload_0 v0
      [704] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.height I]
      [707] iconst_1
      [708] isub
      [709] iload_1 v1
      [710] isub
      [711] invokestatic #66
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [714] goto +308 (target=1022)
      [717] astore v13
      [719] getstatic #48
        + Fieldref [java/lang/System.err Ljava/io/PrintStream;]
      [722] ldc #1
        + String [*** Error while scrolling up:]
      [724] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [java/io/PrintStream.println (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [727] getstatic #48
        + Fieldref [java/lang/System.err Ljava/io/PrintStream;]
      [730] ldc #10
        + String [--- BEGIN STACK TRACE ---]
      [732] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [java/io/PrintStream.println (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [735] aload v13
      [737] invokevirtual #60
        + Methodref [java/lang/ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.printStackTrace ()V]
      [740] getstatic #48
        + Fieldref [java/lang/System.err Ljava/io/PrintStream;]
      [743] ldc #11
        + String [--- END STACK TRACE ---]
      [745] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [java/io/PrintStream.println (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [748] getstatic #48
        + Fieldref [java/lang/System.err Ljava/io/PrintStream;]
      [751] new #29
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [754] dup
      [755] ldc #13
        + String [bufSize=]
      [757] invokespecial #62
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [760] aload_0 v0
      [761] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.bufSize I]
      [764] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [767] ldc #6
        + String [, maxBufSize=]
      [769] invokevirtual #64
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [772] aload_0 v0
      [773] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.maxBufSize I]
      [776] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [779] invokevirtual #65
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [782] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [java/io/PrintStream.println (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [785] getstatic #48
        + Fieldref [java/lang/System.err Ljava/io/PrintStream;]
      [788] new #29
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [791] dup
      [792] ldc #19
        + String [top=]
      [794] invokespecial #62
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [797] iload v11
      [799] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [802] ldc #3
        + String [, bottom=]
      [804] invokevirtual #64
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [807] iload v12
      [809] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [812] invokevirtual #65
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [815] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [java/io/PrintStream.println (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [818] getstatic #48
        + Fieldref [java/lang/System.err Ljava/io/PrintStream;]
      [821] new #29
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [824] dup
      [825] ldc #14
        + String [n=]
      [827] invokespecial #62
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [830] iload_2 v2
      [831] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [834] ldc #5
        + String [, l=]
      [836] invokevirtual #64
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [839] iload_1 v1
      [840] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [843] invokevirtual #65
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [846] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [java/io/PrintStream.println (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [849] getstatic #48
        + Fieldref [java/lang/System.err Ljava/io/PrintStream;]
      [852] new #29
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [855] dup
      [856] ldc #17
        + String [screenBase=]
      [858] invokespecial #62
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [861] aload_0 v0
      [862] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.screenBase I]
      [865] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [868] ldc #9
        + String [, windowBase=]
      [870] invokevirtual #64
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [873] aload_0 v0
      [874] getfield #47
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.windowBase I]
      [877] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [880] invokevirtual #65
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [883] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [java/io/PrintStream.println (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [886] getstatic #48
        + Fieldref [java/lang/System.err Ljava/io/PrintStream;]
      [889] new #29
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [892] dup
      [893] ldc #15
        + String [newScreenBase=]
      [895] invokespecial #62
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [898] iload v8
      [900] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [903] ldc #7
        + String [, newWindowBase=]
      [905] invokevirtual #64
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [908] iload v9
      [910] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [913] invokevirtual #65
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [916] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [java/io/PrintStream.println (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [919] getstatic #48
        + Fieldref [java/lang/System.err Ljava/io/PrintStream;]
      [922] new #29
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [925] dup
      [926] ldc #16
        + String [oldBase=]
      [928] invokespecial #62
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [931] iload v7
      [933] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [936] invokevirtual #65
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [939] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [java/io/PrintStream.println (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [942] getstatic #48
        + Fieldref [java/lang/System.err Ljava/io/PrintStream;]
      [945] new #29
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [948] dup
      [949] ldc #18
        + String [size.width=]
      [951] invokespecial #62
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [954] aload_0 v0
      [955] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.width I]
      [958] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [961] ldc #8
        + String [, size.height=]
      [963] invokevirtual #64
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [966] aload_0 v0
      [967] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.height I]
      [970] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [973] invokevirtual #65
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [976] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [java/io/PrintStream.println (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [979] getstatic #48
        + Fieldref [java/lang/System.err Ljava/io/PrintStream;]
      [982] new #29
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [985] dup
      [986] ldc #12
        + String [abuf.length=]
      [988] invokespecial #62
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [991] aload v5
      [993] arraylength
      [994] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [997] ldc #4
        + String [, cbuf.length=]
      [999] invokevirtual #64
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [1002] aload v4
      [1004] arraylength
      [1005] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [1008] invokevirtual #65
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [1011] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [java/io/PrintStream.println (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [1014] getstatic #48
        + Fieldref [java/lang/System.err Ljava/io/PrintStream;]
      [1017] ldc #2
        + String [*** done dumping debug information]
      [1019] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [java/io/PrintStream.println (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [1022] aload_0 v0
      [1023] dup
      [1024] getfield #42
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.scrollMarker I]
      [1027] iload_2 v2
      [1028] isub
      [1029] putfield #42
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.scrollMarker I]
      [1032] iconst_0
      [1033] istore v13
      [1035] goto +83 (target=1118)
      [1038] aload v4
      [1040] iload v8
      [1042] iload_1 v1
      [1043] iadd
      [1044] iload_3 v3
      [1045] ifeq +8 (target=1053)
      [1048] iload v13
      [1050] goto +6 (target=1056)
      [1053] iload v13
      [1055] ineg
      [1056] iadd
      [1057] aload_0 v0
      [1058] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.width I]
      [1061] newarray 5
      [1063] aastore
      [1064] aload v4
      [1066] iload v8
      [1068] iload_1 v1
      [1069] iadd
      [1070] iload_3 v3
      [1071] ifeq +8 (target=1079)
      [1074] iload v13
      [1076] goto +6 (target=1082)
      [1079] iload v13
      [1081] ineg
      [1082] iadd
      [1083] aaload
      [1084] bipush 32
      [1086] invokestatic #67
        + Methodref [java/util/Arrays.fill ([CC)V]
      [1089] aload v5
      [1091] iload v8
      [1093] iload_1 v1
      [1094] iadd
      [1095] iload_3 v3
      [1096] ifeq +8 (target=1104)
      [1099] iload v13
      [1101] goto +6 (target=1107)
      [1104] iload v13
      [1106] ineg
      [1107] iadd
      [1108] aload_0 v0
      [1109] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.width I]
      [1112] newarray 10
      [1114] aastore
      [1115] iinc v13, 1
      [1118] iload v13
      [1120] iload_2 v2
      [1121] ificmplt -83 (target=1038)
      [1124] aload_0 v0
      [1125] aload v4
      [1127] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charArray [[C]
      [1130] aload_0 v0
      [1131] aload v5
      [1133] putfield #35
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charAttributes [[I]
      [1136] aload_0 v0
      [1137] iload v8
      [1139] putfield #41
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.screenBase I]
      [1142] aload_0 v0
      [1143] iload v9
      [1145] putfield #47
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.windowBase I]
      [1148] aload_0 v0
      [1149] iload v10
      [1151] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.bufSize I]
      [1154] iload_3 v3
      [1155] ifeq +17 (target=1172)
      [1158] aload_0 v0
      [1159] iload_1 v1
      [1160] iload v12
      [1162] iload_1 v1
      [1163] isub
      [1164] iconst_1
      [1165] iadd
      [1166] invokevirtual #53
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.markLine (II)V]
      [1169] goto +15 (target=1184)
      [1172] aload_0 v0
      [1173] iload v11
      [1175] iload_1 v1
      [1176] iload v11
      [1178] isub
      [1179] iconst_1
      [1180] iadd
      [1181] invokevirtual #53
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.markLine (II)V]
      [1184] aload_0 v0
      [1185] getfield #38
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.display Lde/mud/terminal/VDUDisplay;]
      [1188] invokeinterface #72
        + InterfaceMethodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUDisplay.updateScrollBar ()V]
      [1193] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (314 -> 714: 717):
      + Class [java/lang/ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 128)
        [0] -> line 330
        [6] -> line 331
        [12] -> line 332
        [15] -> line 333
        [21] -> line 335
        [27] -> line 336
        [33] -> line 337
        [39] -> line 339
        [47] -> line 340
        [48] -> line 341
        [56] -> line 342
        [68] -> line 343
        [81] -> line 344
        [103] -> line 341
        [105] -> line 345
        [113] -> line 346
        [130] -> line 347
        [137] -> line 348
        [154] -> line 345
        [156] -> line 352
        [160] -> line 353
        [175] -> line 354
        [185] -> line 355
        [193] -> line 356
        [200] -> line 357
        [207] -> line 359
        [229] -> line 360
        [237] -> line 361
        [248] -> line 360
        [251] -> line 362
        [264] -> line 363
        [272] -> line 362
        [275] -> line 364
        [288] -> line 365
        [296] -> line 364
        [299] -> line 366
        [305] -> line 367
        [314] -> line 370
        [333] -> line 371
        [344] -> line 372
        [357] -> line 373
        [370] -> line 374
        [381] -> line 375
        [387] -> line 376
        [400] -> line 377
        [409] -> line 379
        [419] -> line 380
        [425] -> line 381
        [431] -> line 382
        [437] -> line 385
        [444] -> line 386
        [454] -> line 388
        [457] -> line 389
        [463] -> line 390
        [469] -> line 394
        [474] -> line 395
        [480] -> line 396
        [483] -> line 397
        [488] -> line 395
        [491] -> line 398
        [497] -> line 399
        [500] -> line 400
        [505] -> line 398
        [508] -> line 404
        [513] -> line 405
        [519] -> line 406
        [523] -> line 407
        [525] -> line 405
        [528] -> line 408
        [534] -> line 409
        [538] -> line 410
        [540] -> line 408
        [543] -> line 414
        [548] -> line 415
        [557] -> line 416
        [564] -> line 417
        [565] -> line 415
        [568] -> line 418
        [577] -> line 419
        [584] -> line 420
        [585] -> line 418
        [588] -> line 424
        [599] -> line 425
        [606] -> line 426
        [614] -> line 424
        [617] -> line 427
        [628] -> line 428
        [635] -> line 429
        [643] -> line 427
        [646] -> line 432
        [656] -> line 433
        [666] -> line 434
        [674] -> line 435
        [682] -> line 433
        [685] -> line 436
        [695] -> line 437
        [703] -> line 438
        [711] -> line 436
        [717] -> line 440
        [719] -> line 445
        [727] -> line 446
        [735] -> line 447
        [740] -> line 448
        [748] -> line 449
        [785] -> line 450
        [818] -> line 451
        [849] -> line 452
        [886] -> line 453
        [919] -> line 454
        [942] -> line 455
        [979] -> line 456
        [1014] -> line 457
        [1022] -> line 462
        [1032] -> line 465
        [1038] -> line 466
        [1064] -> line 467
        [1089] -> line 468
        [1115] -> line 465
        [1124] -> line 471
        [1130] -> line 472
        [1136] -> line 473
        [1142] -> line 474
        [1148] -> line 475
        [1154] -> line 477
        [1158] -> line 478
        [1172] -> line 480
        [1184] -> line 482
        [1193] -> line 483
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 16)
        v0: 0 -> 1194 [Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer; this]
        v1: 0 -> 1194 [I l]
        v2: 0 -> 1194 [I n]
        v3: 0 -> 1194 [Z scrollDown]
        v4: 6 -> 1194 [[[C cbuf]
        v5: 12 -> 1194 [[[I abuf]
        v6: 15 -> 1194 [I offset]
        v7: 21 -> 1194 [I oldBase]
        v8: 27 -> 1194 [I newScreenBase]
        v9: 33 -> 1194 [I newWindowBase]
        v10: 39 -> 1194 [I newBufSize]
        v11: 105 -> 1194 [I top]
        v12: 156 -> 1194 [I bottom]
        v13: 185 -> 314 [I size]
        v13: 719 -> 1022 [Ljava/lang/ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException; e]
        v13: 1035 -> 1124 [I i]
  + Method:       deleteLine(I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void deleteLine(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 187, locals = 7, stack = 5):
      [0] iload_1 v1
      [1] aload_0 v0
      [2] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.bottomMargin I]
      [5] ificmple +12 (target=17)
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.height I]
      [12] iconst_1
      [13] isub
      [14] goto +24 (target=38)
      [17] iload_1 v1
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.topMargin I]
      [22] ificmpge +10 (target=32)
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.topMargin I]
      [29] goto +9 (target=38)
      [32] aload_0 v0
      [33] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.bottomMargin I]
      [36] iconst_1
      [37] iadd
      [38] istore_2 v2
      [39] iload_2 v2
      [40] iload_1 v1
      [41] isub
      [42] iconst_1
      [43] isub
      [44] istore_3 v3
      [45] aload_0 v0
      [46] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charArray [[C]
      [49] aload_0 v0
      [50] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.screenBase I]
      [53] iload_1 v1
      [54] iadd
      [55] aaload
      [56] astore v4
      [58] aload_0 v0
      [59] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charAttributes [[I]
      [62] aload_0 v0
      [63] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.screenBase I]
      [66] iload_1 v1
      [67] iadd
      [68] aaload
      [69] astore v5
      [71] iload_3 v3
      [72] ifle +55 (target=127)
      [75] aload_0 v0
      [76] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charArray [[C]
      [79] aload_0 v0
      [80] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.screenBase I]
      [83] iload_1 v1
      [84] iadd
      [85] iconst_1
      [86] iadd
      [87] aload_0 v0
      [88] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charArray [[C]
      [91] aload_0 v0
      [92] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.screenBase I]
      [95] iload_1 v1
      [96] iadd
      [97] iload_3 v3
      [98] invokestatic #66
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [101] aload_0 v0
      [102] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charAttributes [[I]
      [105] aload_0 v0
      [106] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.screenBase I]
      [109] iload_1 v1
      [110] iadd
      [111] iconst_1
      [112] iadd
      [113] aload_0 v0
      [114] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charAttributes [[I]
      [117] aload_0 v0
      [118] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.screenBase I]
      [121] iload_1 v1
      [122] iadd
      [123] iload_3 v3
      [124] invokestatic #66
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [127] aload_0 v0
      [128] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.screenBase I]
      [131] iload_2 v2
      [132] iadd
      [133] iconst_1
      [134] isub
      [135] istore v6
      [137] aload_0 v0
      [138] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charArray [[C]
      [141] iload v6
      [143] aload v4
      [145] aastore
      [146] aload_0 v0
      [147] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charAttributes [[I]
      [150] iload v6
      [152] aload v5
      [154] aastore
      [155] aload_0 v0
      [156] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charArray [[C]
      [159] iload v6
      [161] aaload
      [162] bipush 32
      [164] invokestatic #67
        + Methodref [java/util/Arrays.fill ([CC)V]
      [167] aload_0 v0
      [168] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charAttributes [[I]
      [171] iload v6
      [173] aaload
      [174] iconst_0
      [175] invokestatic #69
        + Methodref [java/util/Arrays.fill ([II)V]
      [178] aload_0 v0
      [179] iload_1 v1
      [180] iload_2 v2
      [181] iload_1 v1
      [182] isub
      [183] invokevirtual #53
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.markLine (II)V]
      [186] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 20)
        [0] -> line 493
        [17] -> line 494
        [38] -> line 493
        [39] -> line 495
        [45] -> line 497
        [58] -> line 498
        [71] -> line 500
        [75] -> line 501
        [87] -> line 502
        [98] -> line 501
        [101] -> line 503
        [113] -> line 504
        [124] -> line 503
        [127] -> line 507
        [137] -> line 508
        [146] -> line 509
        [155] -> line 510
        [167] -> line 511
        [178] -> line 513
        [186] -> line 514
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 187 [Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer; this]
        v1: 0 -> 187 [I l]
        v2: 39 -> 187 [I bottom]
        v3: 45 -> 187 [I numRows]
        v4: 58 -> 187 [[C discardedChars]
        v5: 71 -> 187 [[I discardedAttributes]
        v6: 137 -> 187 [I newBottomRow]
  + Method:       deleteArea(IIIII)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void deleteArea(int,int,int,int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 81, locals = 9, stack = 4):
      [0] iload_1 v1
      [1] iload_3 v3
      [2] iadd
      [3] istore v6
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.screenBase I]
      [9] iload_2 v2
      [10] iadd
      [11] istore v7
      [13] iconst_0
      [14] istore v8
      [16] goto +39 (target=55)
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charAttributes [[I]
      [23] iload v7
      [25] aaload
      [26] iload_1 v1
      [27] iload v6
      [29] iload v5
      [31] invokestatic #70
        + Methodref [java/util/Arrays.fill ([IIII)V]
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charArray [[C]
      [38] iload v7
      [40] aaload
      [41] iload_1 v1
      [42] iload v6
      [44] bipush 32
      [46] invokestatic #68
        + Methodref [java/util/Arrays.fill ([CIIC)V]
      [49] iinc v7, 1
      [52] iinc v8, 1
      [55] iload v8
      [57] iload v4
      [59] ificmpge +14 (target=73)
      [62] iload_2 v2
      [63] iload v8
      [65] iadd
      [66] aload_0 v0
      [67] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.height I]
      [70] ificmplt -51 (target=19)
      [73] aload_0 v0
      [74] iload_2 v2
      [75] iload v4
      [77] invokevirtual #53
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.markLine (II)V]
      [80] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 529
        [5] -> line 530
        [13] -> line 531
        [19] -> line 532
        [34] -> line 533
        [49] -> line 534
        [52] -> line 531
        [73] -> line 536
        [80] -> line 537
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 9)
        v0: 0 -> 81 [Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer; this]
        v1: 0 -> 81 [I c]
        v2: 0 -> 81 [I l]
        v3: 0 -> 81 [I w]
        v4: 0 -> 81 [I h]
        v5: 0 -> 81 [I curAttr]
        v6: 5 -> 81 [I endColumn]
        v7: 13 -> 81 [I targetRow]
        v8: 16 -> 73 [I i]
  + Method:       showCursor(Z)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void showCursor(boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #43
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.showcursor Z]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 559
        [5] -> line 560
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [Z doshow]
  + Method:       isCursorVisible()Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean isCursorVisible()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #43
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.showcursor Z]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 567
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer; this]
  + Method:       setCursorPosition(II)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setCursorPosition(int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 11, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #36
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.cursorX I]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] iload_2 v2
      [7] putfield #37
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.cursorY I]
      [10] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 576
        [5] -> line 577
        [10] -> line 578
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 11 [Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer; this]
        v1: 0 -> 11 [I c]
        v2: 0 -> 11 [I l]
  + Method:       getCursorColumn()I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int getCursorColumn()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #36
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.cursorX I]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 584
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer; this]
  + Method:       getCursorRow()I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int getCursorRow()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #37
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.cursorY I]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 591
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer; this]
  + Method:       setWindowBase(I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setWindowBase(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 39, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] iload_1 v1
      [1] aload_0 v0
      [2] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.screenBase I]
      [5] ificmple +11 (target=16)
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.screenBase I]
      [12] istore_1 v1
      [13] goto +9 (target=22)
      [16] iload_1 v1
      [17] ifge +5 (target=22)
      [20] iconst_0
      [21] istore_1 v1
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] iload_1 v1
      [24] putfield #47
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.windowBase I]
      [27] aload_0 v0
      [28] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.update [Z]
      [31] iconst_0
      [32] iconst_1
      [33] bastore
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] invokevirtual #56
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.redraw ()V]
      [38] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 601
        [8] -> line 602
        [16] -> line 603
        [22] -> line 604
        [27] -> line 605
        [34] -> line 606
        [38] -> line 607
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 39 [Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer; this]
        v1: 0 -> 39 [I line]
  + Method:       getWindowBase()I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int getWindowBase()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #47
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.windowBase I]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 614
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer; this]
  + Method:       setMargins(II)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setMargins(int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 38, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] iload_1 v1
      [1] iload_2 v2
      [2] ificmple +4 (target=6)
      [5] return
      [6] iload_1 v1
      [7] ifge +5 (target=12)
      [10] iconst_0
      [11] istore_1 v1
      [12] iload_2 v2
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.height I]
      [17] ificmplt +10 (target=27)
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.height I]
      [24] iconst_1
      [25] isub
      [26] istore_2 v2
      [27] aload_0 v0
      [28] iload_1 v1
      [29] putfield #44
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.topMargin I]
      [32] aload_0 v0
      [33] iload_2 v2
      [34] putfield #32
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.bottomMargin I]
      [37] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 623
        [5] -> line 624
        [6] -> line 626
        [10] -> line 627
        [12] -> line 628
        [20] -> line 629
        [27] -> line 631
        [32] -> line 632
        [37] -> line 633
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 38 [Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer; this]
        v1: 0 -> 38 [I l1]
        v2: 0 -> 38 [I l2]
  + Method:       getTopMargin()I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int getTopMargin()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.topMargin I]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 655
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer; this]
  + Method:       getBottomMargin()I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int getBottomMargin()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.bottomMargin I]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 678
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer; this]
  + Method:       setBufferSize(I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setBufferSize(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 175, locals = 6, stack = 5):
      [0] iload_1 v1
      [1] aload_0 v0
      [2] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.height I]
      [5] ificmpge +8 (target=13)
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.height I]
      [12] istore_1 v1
      [13] iload_1 v1
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.maxBufSize I]
      [18] ificmpge +140 (target=158)
      [21] iload_1 v1
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.width I]
      [26] multianewarray #22
        + Class [[[C]
      [30] astore_2 v2
      [31] iload_1 v1
      [32] aload_0 v0
      [33] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.width I]
      [36] multianewarray #23
        + Class [[[I]
      [40] astore_3 v3
      [41] aload_0 v0
      [42] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.bufSize I]
      [45] iload_1 v1
      [46] isub
      [47] ifge +7 (target=54)
      [50] iconst_0
      [51] goto +9 (target=60)
      [54] aload_0 v0
      [55] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.bufSize I]
      [58] iload_1 v1
      [59] isub
      [60] istore v4
      [62] aload_0 v0
      [63] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.bufSize I]
      [66] iload_1 v1
      [67] isub
      [68] ifge +10 (target=78)
      [71] aload_0 v0
      [72] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.bufSize I]
      [75] goto +4 (target=79)
      [78] iload_1 v1
      [79] istore v5
      [81] aload_0 v0
      [82] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charArray [[C]
      [85] ifnull +16 (target=101)
      [88] aload_0 v0
      [89] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charArray [[C]
      [92] iload v4
      [94] aload_2 v2
      [95] iconst_0
      [96] iload v5
      [98] invokestatic #66
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [101] aload_0 v0
      [102] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charAttributes [[I]
      [105] ifnull +16 (target=121)
      [108] aload_0 v0
      [109] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charAttributes [[I]
      [112] iload v4
      [114] aload_3 v3
      [115] iconst_0
      [116] iload v5
      [118] invokestatic #66
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [121] aload_0 v0
      [122] aload_2 v2
      [123] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charArray [[C]
      [126] aload_0 v0
      [127] aload_3 v3
      [128] putfield #35
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charAttributes [[I]
      [131] aload_0 v0
      [132] iload v5
      [134] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.bufSize I]
      [137] aload_0 v0
      [138] aload_0 v0
      [139] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.bufSize I]
      [142] aload_0 v0
      [143] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.height I]
      [146] isub
      [147] putfield #41
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.screenBase I]
      [150] aload_0 v0
      [151] aload_0 v0
      [152] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.screenBase I]
      [155] putfield #47
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.windowBase I]
      [158] aload_0 v0
      [159] iload_1 v1
      [160] putfield #40
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.maxBufSize I]
      [163] aload_0 v0
      [164] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.update [Z]
      [167] iconst_0
      [168] iconst_1
      [169] bastore
      [170] aload_0 v0
      [171] invokevirtual #56
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.redraw ()V]
      [174] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 19)
        [0] -> line 686
        [13] -> line 687
        [21] -> line 688
        [31] -> line 689
        [41] -> line 690
        [62] -> line 691
        [81] -> line 692
        [88] -> line 693
        [101] -> line 694
        [108] -> line 695
        [121] -> line 696
        [126] -> line 697
        [131] -> line 698
        [137] -> line 699
        [150] -> line 700
        [158] -> line 702
        [163] -> line 704
        [170] -> line 705
        [174] -> line 706
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 175 [Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer; this]
        v1: 0 -> 175 [I amount]
        v2: 31 -> 158 [[[C cbuf]
        v3: 41 -> 158 [[[I abuf]
        v4: 62 -> 158 [I copyStart]
        v5: 81 -> 158 [I copyCount]
  + Method:       setScreenSize(IIZ)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setScreenSize(int,int,boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 399, locals = 10, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.bufSize I]
      [4] istore v6
      [6] iload_1 v1
      [7] iconst_1
      [8] ificmplt +8 (target=16)
      [11] iload_2 v2
      [12] iconst_1
      [13] ificmpge +4 (target=17)
      [16] return
      [17] iload_2 v2
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.maxBufSize I]
      [22] ificmple +8 (target=30)
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] iload_2 v2
      [27] putfield #40
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.maxBufSize I]
      [30] iload_2 v2
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.bufSize I]
      [35] ificmple +18 (target=53)
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] iload_2 v2
      [40] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.bufSize I]
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] iconst_0
      [45] putfield #41
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.screenBase I]
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] iconst_0
      [50] putfield #47
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.windowBase I]
      [53] aload_0 v0
      [54] getfield #47
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.windowBase I]
      [57] iload_2 v2
      [58] iadd
      [59] aload_0 v0
      [60] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.bufSize I]
      [63] ificmplt +13 (target=76)
      [66] aload_0 v0
      [67] aload_0 v0
      [68] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.bufSize I]
      [71] iload_2 v2
      [72] isub
      [73] putfield #47
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.windowBase I]
      [76] aload_0 v0
      [77] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.screenBase I]
      [80] iload_2 v2
      [81] iadd
      [82] aload_0 v0
      [83] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.bufSize I]
      [86] ificmplt +13 (target=99)
      [89] aload_0 v0
      [90] aload_0 v0
      [91] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.bufSize I]
      [94] iload_2 v2
      [95] isub
      [96] putfield #41
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.screenBase I]
      [99] aload_0 v0
      [100] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.bufSize I]
      [103] iload_1 v1
      [104] multianewarray #22
        + Class [[[C]
      [108] astore v4
      [110] aload_0 v0
      [111] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.bufSize I]
      [114] iload_1 v1
      [115] multianewarray #23
        + Class [[[I]
      [119] astore v5
      [121] iconst_0
      [122] istore v7
      [124] goto +16 (target=140)
      [127] aload v4
      [129] iload v7
      [131] aaload
      [132] bipush 32
      [134] invokestatic #67
        + Methodref [java/util/Arrays.fill ([CC)V]
      [137] iinc v7, 1
      [140] iload v7
      [142] aload_0 v0
      [143] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.bufSize I]
      [146] ificmplt -19 (target=127)
      [149] aload_0 v0
      [150] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.bufSize I]
      [153] iload v6
      [155] ificmpge +9 (target=164)
      [158] aload_0 v0
      [159] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.bufSize I]
      [162] istore v6
      [164] aload_0 v0
      [165] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charArray [[C]
      [168] ifnull +104 (target=272)
      [171] aload_0 v0
      [172] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charAttributes [[I]
      [175] ifnull +97 (target=272)
      [178] iconst_0
      [179] istore v8
      [181] goto +74 (target=255)
      [184] aload_0 v0
      [185] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charArray [[C]
      [188] iload v8
      [190] aaload
      [191] arraylength
      [192] istore v7
      [194] aload_0 v0
      [195] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charArray [[C]
      [198] iload v8
      [200] aaload
      [201] iconst_0
      [202] aload v4
      [204] iload v8
      [206] aaload
      [207] iconst_0
      [208] iload_1 v1
      [209] iload v7
      [211] ificmpge +7 (target=218)
      [214] iload_1 v1
      [215] goto +5 (target=220)
      [218] iload v7
      [220] invokestatic #66
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [223] aload_0 v0
      [224] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charAttributes [[I]
      [227] iload v8
      [229] aaload
      [230] iconst_0
      [231] aload v5
      [233] iload v8
      [235] aaload
      [236] iconst_0
      [237] iload_1 v1
      [238] iload v7
      [240] ificmpge +7 (target=247)
      [243] iload_1 v1
      [244] goto +5 (target=249)
      [247] iload v7
      [249] invokestatic #66
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [252] iinc v8, 1
      [255] iload v8
      [257] iload v6
      [259] ificmpge +13 (target=272)
      [262] aload_0 v0
      [263] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charArray [[C]
      [266] iload v8
      [268] aaload
      [269] ifnonnull -85 (target=184)
      [272] aload_0 v0
      [273] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.getCursorColumn ()I]
      [276] istore v8
      [278] iload v8
      [280] ifge +9 (target=289)
      [283] iconst_0
      [284] istore v8
      [286] goto +20 (target=306)
      [289] iload v8
      [291] aload_0 v0
      [292] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.width I]
      [295] ificmplt +11 (target=306)
      [298] aload_0 v0
      [299] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.width I]
      [302] iconst_1
      [303] isub
      [304] istore v8
      [306] aload_0 v0
      [307] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.getCursorRow ()I]
      [310] istore v9
      [312] iload v9
      [314] ifge +9 (target=323)
      [317] iconst_0
      [318] istore v9
      [320] goto +20 (target=340)
      [323] iload v9
      [325] aload_0 v0
      [326] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.height I]
      [329] ificmplt +11 (target=340)
      [332] aload_0 v0
      [333] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.height I]
      [336] iconst_1
      [337] isub
      [338] istore v9
      [340] aload_0 v0
      [341] iload v8
      [343] iload v9
      [345] invokevirtual #57
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.setCursorPosition (II)V]
      [348] aload_0 v0
      [349] aload v4
      [351] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charArray [[C]
      [354] aload_0 v0
      [355] aload v5
      [357] putfield #35
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charAttributes [[I]
      [360] aload_0 v0
      [361] iload_1 v1
      [362] putfield #46
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.width I]
      [365] aload_0 v0
      [366] iload_2 v2
      [367] putfield #39
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.height I]
      [370] aload_0 v0
      [371] iconst_0
      [372] putfield #44
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.topMargin I]
      [375] aload_0 v0
      [376] iload_2 v2
      [377] iconst_1
      [378] isub
      [379] putfield #32
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.bottomMargin I]
      [382] aload_0 v0
      [383] iload_2 v2
      [384] iconst_1
      [385] iadd
      [386] newarray 4
      [388] putfield #45
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.update [Z]
      [391] aload_0 v0
      [392] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.update [Z]
      [395] iconst_0
      [396] iconst_1
      [397] bastore
      [398] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 49)
        [0] -> line 733
        [6] -> line 735
        [17] -> line 740
        [25] -> line 741
        [30] -> line 743
        [38] -> line 744
        [43] -> line 745
        [48] -> line 746
        [53] -> line 749
        [66] -> line 750
        [76] -> line 752
        [89] -> line 753
        [99] -> line 756
        [110] -> line 757
        [121] -> line 760
        [127] -> line 761
        [137] -> line 760
        [149] -> line 764
        [158] -> line 765
        [164] -> line 768
        [178] -> line 769
        [184] -> line 770
        [194] -> line 771
        [208] -> line 772
        [220] -> line 771
        [223] -> line 773
        [237] -> line 774
        [249] -> line 773
        [252] -> line 769
        [272] -> line 778
        [278] -> line 779
        [283] -> line 780
        [289] -> line 781
        [298] -> line 782
        [306] -> line 784
        [312] -> line 785
        [317] -> line 786
        [323] -> line 787
        [332] -> line 788
        [340] -> line 790
        [348] -> line 792
        [354] -> line 793
        [360] -> line 794
        [365] -> line 795
        [370] -> line 796
        [375] -> line 797
        [382] -> line 798
        [391] -> line 799
        [398] -> line 804
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 12)
        v0: 0 -> 399 [Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer; this]
        v1: 0 -> 399 [I w]
        v2: 0 -> 399 [I h]
        v3: 0 -> 399 [Z broadcast]
        v4: 110 -> 399 [[[C cbuf]
        v5: 121 -> 399 [[[I abuf]
        v6: 6 -> 399 [I maxSize]
        v7: 124 -> 149 [I i]
        v7: 194 -> 255 [I rowLength]
        v8: 181 -> 272 [I i]
        v8: 278 -> 399 [I C]
        v9: 312 -> 399 [I R]
  + Method:       getRows()I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int getRows()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.height I]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 810
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer; this]
  + Method:       getColumns()I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int getColumns()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.width I]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 817
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer; this]
  + Method:       markLine(II)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void markLine(int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 35, locals = 4, stack = 3):
      [0] iconst_0
      [1] istore_3 v3
      [2] goto +17 (target=19)
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.update [Z]
      [9] iload_1 v1
      [10] iload_3 v3
      [11] iadd
      [12] iconst_1
      [13] iadd
      [14] iconst_1
      [15] bastore
      [16] iinc v3, 1
      [19] iload_3 v3
      [20] iload_2 v2
      [21] ificmpge +13 (target=34)
      [24] iload_1 v1
      [25] iload_3 v3
      [26] iadd
      [27] aload_0 v0
      [28] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.height I]
      [31] ificmplt -26 (target=5)
      [34] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 827
        [5] -> line 828
        [16] -> line 827
        [34] -> line 829
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 35 [Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer; this]
        v1: 0 -> 35 [I l]
        v2: 0 -> 35 [I n]
        v3: 2 -> 34 [I i]
  + Method:       setDisplay(Lde/mud/terminal/VDUDisplay;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setDisplay(de.mud.terminal.VDUDisplay)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #38
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.display Lde/mud/terminal/VDUDisplay;]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 844
        [5] -> line 845
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [Lde/mud/terminal/VDUDisplay; display]
  + Method:       redraw()V
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected void redraw()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 17, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #38
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.display Lde/mud/terminal/VDUDisplay;]
      [4] ifnull +12 (target=16)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #38
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.display Lde/mud/terminal/VDUDisplay;]
      [11] invokeinterface #71
        + InterfaceMethodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUDisplay.redraw ()V]
      [16] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 851
        [7] -> line 852
        [16] -> line 853
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 17 [Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer; this]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: de/mud/terminal/VDUDisplay
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x601
    = public interface de.mud.terminal.VDUDisplay extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 13):
  + Class [de/mud/terminal/VDUDisplay]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(IIII)V]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [de/mud/terminal/VDUDisplay]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [redraw]
  + Utf8 [resetColors]
  + Utf8 [setColor]
  + Utf8 [updateScrollBar]

Fields (count = 0):

Methods (count = 4):
  + Method:       redraw()V
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract void redraw()
  + Method:       updateScrollBar()V
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract void updateScrollBar()
  + Method:       setColor(IIII)V
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract void setColor(int,int,int,int)
  + Method:       resetColors()V
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract void resetColors()

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: de/mud/terminal/vt320
  Superclass:    de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x421
    = public abstract class de.mud.terminal.vt320 extends de.mud.terminal.VDUBuffer

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 864):
  + Integer [-8388578]
  + Integer [-8372225]
  + Integer [8388576]
  + Integer [134217728]
  + String []
  + String []
  + String [ ]
  + String [	]
  + String [
  + String []
  + String [
  + String [
  + String []
  + String []
  + String []
  + String [?]
  + String [OA]
  + String [OB]
  + String [OC]
  + String [OD]
  + String [OM]
  + String [OP]
  + String [OP	]
  + String [OQ]
  + String [OR]
  + String [OS]
  + String [Ol]
  + String [On]
  + String [Op]
  + String [Oq]
  + String [Or]
  + String [Os]
  + String [Ot]
  + String [Ou]
  + String [Ov]
  + String [Ow]
  + String [Ox]
  + String [Oy]
  + String [[]
  + String []
  + String [[15~]
  + String [[17~]
  + String [[18~]
  + String [[19~]
  + String [[1~]
  + String [[20~]
  + String [[21~]
  + String [[23~]
  + String [[24~]
  + String [[25~]
  + String [[26~]
  + String [[28~]
  + String [[29~]
  + String [[2~]
  + String [[31~]
  + String [[32~]
  + String [[33~]
  + String [[34~]
  + String [[3~]
  + String [[4~]
  + String [[5~]
  + String [[6~]
  + String [[?]
  + String [[?13n]
  + String []
  + String []
  + String []
  + String []
  + String []
  + String []
  + String []
  + String []
  + String []
  + String []
  + String []
  + String []
  + String []
  + String []
  + String []
  + String []
  + String []
  + String []
  + String []
  + String []
  + String []
  + String []
  + String []
  + String []
  + String []
  + String []
  + String []
  + String [ ]
  + String [ (]
  + String [ (unsupported),]
  + String [ F]
  + String [ G]
  + String [ h]
  + String [ h, unsupported.]
  + String [ i, unimplemented!]
  + String [ l, unimplemented!]
  + String [ l, unsupported.]
  + String [ m unknown...]
  + String [ n, unsupported.]
  + String [ not supported.]
  + String [ r]
  + String [ r, unimplemented!]
  + String [ s unimplemented!]
  + String [ unhandled.]
  + String [)]
  + String [) :G1 char set?]
  + String [+]
  + String [, bm is ]
  + String [, tm is ]
  + String [, unsupported.]
  + String [, with Pn=]
  + String [.]
  + String [/]
  + String [1;2c]
  + String [4;]
  + String [61;]
  + String [62;]
  + String [63;]
  + String [: G0 char set?  (]
  + String [;]
  + String [?]
  + String [Active Status Display now ]
  + String [Conformance level: ]
  + String [DCS: ]
  + String [ESC # ]
  + String [ESC ( ]
  + String [ESC ) ]
  + String [ESC <space> ]
  + String [ESC M : R is ]
  + String [ESC [ ]
  + String [ESC [ = ]
  + String [ESC [ ? ]
  + String [ESC [ unknown letter: ]
  + String [ESC unknown letter: ]
  + String [ESC*:G2 char set?  (]
  + String [ESC+:G3 char set?  (]
  + String [ESC[5n]
  + String [OSC: ]
  + String [OSC: invalid color sequence encountered: ]
  + String [R]
  + String [Sending \r]
  + String [Setting CRLF to FALSE]
  + String [Setting CRLF to TRUE]
  + String [Status Line mode now ]
  + String [Tm7k3x4u?kZl@mYjEnB?DqCtAvM?:?N?I?;?H?0a<?]
  + String [UNKNOWN Status Display code ]
  + String [Unknown ESC [ = ]
  + String [Unknown ESC [...  "]
  + String [Unknown character ESC[! character is ]
  + String [Unsupported GL mapping: ]
  + String [Unsupported GR mapping: ]
  + String [Use Terminal.answerback to set ...
  + String [ansi]
  + String [rgb:]
  + String [scoansi]
  + String [unsupported: ESC [ ]
  + String [vt100]
  + String [vt220]
  + String [vt320]
  + String []
  + String [?]
  + String [?]
  + Class [de/mud/terminal/Precomposer]
  + Class [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer]
  + Class [de/mud/terminal/VDUDisplay]
  + Class [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
  + Class [java/lang/Character]
  + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Class [java/lang/Integer]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.BackSpace [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvar I]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DECSPECIAL [C]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Do Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Escape [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Find Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKeyAlt [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKeyCtrl [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKeyShift [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Help Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Insert [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KPComma Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KPEnter Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KPMinus Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KPPeriod Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KeyDown [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KeyEnd [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KeyHome [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KeyLeft [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KeyRight [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KeyUp [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.NUMDot [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.NUMPlus [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.NextScn [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Numpad [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.PF1 Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.PF2 Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.PF3 Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.PF4 Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.PrevScn [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Remove [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Sa I]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Sc I]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Select Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Sgl C]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Sgr C]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Sgx [C]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Sr I]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.TabKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Tabs [B]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.answerBack Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.capslock Z]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.dcs Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debugStr Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.display Lde/mud/terminal/VDUDisplay;]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/ C]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/ C]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.gx [C]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.height I]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.insertmode I]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.keypadmode Z]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.lastwaslf I]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.localecho Z]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.mousebut B]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.mouserpt I]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.moveoutsidemargins Z]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.normalcursor I]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.numlock Z]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.onegl I]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.osc Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.output8bit Z]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.sendcrlf Z]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.statusmode I]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.terminalID Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.unimap [C]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.usedcharsets Z]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.useibmcharset Z]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.vms Z]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.vt52mode Z]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.width I]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.wraparound Z]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/Precomposer.precompose (CC)C]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.<init> (II)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.setScreenSize (IIZ)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.<init> (II)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320._SetCursor (II)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.beep ()V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debug (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.deleteArea (IIIII)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.deleteChar (II)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.deleteLine (I)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.getBottomMargin ()I]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.getTopMargin ()I]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.handle_dcs (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.handle_osc (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.insertChar (IICI)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.insertLine (IIZ)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.insertLine (IZ)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.map_cp850_unicode (C)C]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.putChar (CZZ)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.putChar (IICI)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.putString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.putString ([C[BII)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.redraw ()V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.reset ()V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.sendTelnetCommand (B)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.setBufferSize (I)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.setCursorPosition (II)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.setIBMCharset (Z)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.setMargins (II)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.setScreenSize (IIZ)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.setTerminalID (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.setVMS (Z)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.setWindowSize (II)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.showCursor (Z)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.unEscape (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.write (I)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.write (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.write ([B)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Character.getType (C)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Character.isHighSurrogate (C)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Character.isLowSurrogate (C)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.parseInt (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.parseInt (Ljava/lang/String;I)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.charAt (I)C]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.getChars (II[CI)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.indexOf (II)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.split (Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (II)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.setLength (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUDisplay.resetColors ()V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUDisplay.setColor (IIII)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (II)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [BackSpace [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [C I]
  + NameAndType [DCEvar I]
  + NameAndType [DCEvars [I]
  + NameAndType [DECSPECIAL [C]
  + NameAndType [Do Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [Escape [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [Find Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [FunctionKeyAlt [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [FunctionKeyCtrl [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [FunctionKeyShift [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [Help Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [Insert [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [KPComma Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [KPEnter Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [KPMinus Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [KPPeriod Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [KeyDown [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [KeyEnd [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [KeyHome [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [KeyLeft [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [KeyRight [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [KeyUp [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [NUMDot [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [NUMPlus [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [NextScn [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [Numpad [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [PF1 Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [PF2 Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [PF3 Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [PF4 Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [PrevScn [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [R I]
  + NameAndType [Remove [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [Sa I]
  + NameAndType [Sc I]
  + NameAndType [Select Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [Sgl C]
  + NameAndType [Sgr C]
  + NameAndType [Sgx [C]
  + NameAndType [Sr I]
  + NameAndType [TabKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [Tabs [B]
  + NameAndType [_SetCursor (II)V]
  + NameAndType [answerBack Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [attributes I]
  + NameAndType [beep ()V]
  + NameAndType [capslock Z]
  + NameAndType [charAt (I)C]
  + NameAndType [dcs Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [debug (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [debugStr Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [deleteArea (IIIII)V]
  + NameAndType [deleteChar (II)V]
  + NameAndType [deleteLine (I)V]
  + NameAndType [display Lde/mud/terminal/VDUDisplay;]
  + NameAndType [equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [getBottomMargin ()I]
  + NameAndType [getChars (II[CI)V]
  + NameAndType [getTopMargin ()I]
  + NameAndType [getType (C)I]
  + NameAndType [gl C]
  + NameAndType [gr C]
  + NameAndType [gx [C]
  + NameAndType [handle_dcs (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [handle_osc (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [height I]
  + NameAndType [indexOf (II)I]
  + NameAndType [insertChar (IICI)V]
  + NameAndType [insertLine (IIZ)V]
  + NameAndType [insertLine (IZ)V]
  + NameAndType [insertmode I]
  + NameAndType [isHighSurrogate (C)Z]
  + NameAndType [isLowSurrogate (C)Z]
  + NameAndType [keypadmode Z]
  + NameAndType [lastwaslf I]
  + NameAndType [length ()I]
  + NameAndType [localecho Z]
  + NameAndType [map_cp850_unicode (C)C]
  + NameAndType [mousebut B]
  + NameAndType [mouserpt I]
  + NameAndType [moveoutsidemargins Z]
  + NameAndType [normalcursor I]
  + NameAndType [numlock Z]
  + NameAndType [onegl I]
  + NameAndType [osc Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [output8bit Z]
  + NameAndType [parseInt (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [parseInt (Ljava/lang/String;I)I]
  + NameAndType [precompose (CC)C]
  + NameAndType [putChar (CZZ)V]
  + NameAndType [putChar (IICI)V]
  + NameAndType [putString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [putString ([C[BII)V]
  + NameAndType [redraw ()V]
  + NameAndType [reset ()V]
  + NameAndType [resetColors ()V]
  + NameAndType [sendTelnetCommand (B)V]
  + NameAndType [sendcrlf Z]
  + NameAndType [setBufferSize (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setColor (IIII)V]
  + NameAndType [setCursorPosition (II)V]
  + NameAndType [setIBMCharset (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [setLength (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setMargins (II)V]
  + NameAndType [setScreenSize (IIZ)V]
  + NameAndType [setTerminalID (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [setVMS (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [setWindowSize (II)V]
  + NameAndType [showCursor (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [split (Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [statusmode I]
  + NameAndType [substring (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [substring (II)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [term_state I]
  + NameAndType [terminalID Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [unEscape (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [unimap [C]
  + NameAndType [usedcharsets Z]
  + NameAndType [useibmcharset Z]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [vms Z]
  + NameAndType [vt52mode Z]
  + NameAndType [width I]
  + NameAndType [wraparound Z]
  + NameAndType [write (I)V]
  + NameAndType [write (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
  + NameAndType [write ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [ ]
  + Utf8 [	]
  + Utf8 [
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [
  + Utf8 [
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [?]
  + Utf8 [OA]
  + Utf8 [OB]
  + Utf8 [OC]
  + Utf8 [OD]
  + Utf8 [OM]
  + Utf8 [OP]
  + Utf8 [OP	]
  + Utf8 [OQ]
  + Utf8 [OR]
  + Utf8 [OS]
  + Utf8 [Ol]
  + Utf8 [On]
  + Utf8 [Op]
  + Utf8 [Oq]
  + Utf8 [Or]
  + Utf8 [Os]
  + Utf8 [Ot]
  + Utf8 [Ou]
  + Utf8 [Ov]
  + Utf8 [Ow]
  + Utf8 [Ox]
  + Utf8 [Oy]
  + Utf8 [[]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [[15~]
  + Utf8 [[17~]
  + Utf8 [[18~]
  + Utf8 [[19~]
  + Utf8 [[1~]
  + Utf8 [[20~]
  + Utf8 [[21~]
  + Utf8 [[23~]
  + Utf8 [[24~]
  + Utf8 [[25~]
  + Utf8 [[26~]
  + Utf8 [[28~]
  + Utf8 [[29~]
  + Utf8 [[2~]
  + Utf8 [[31~]
  + Utf8 [[32~]
  + Utf8 [[33~]
  + Utf8 [[34~]
  + Utf8 [[3~]
  + Utf8 [[4~]
  + Utf8 [[5~]
  + Utf8 [[6~]
  + Utf8 [[?]
  + Utf8 [[?13n]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [ ]
  + Utf8 [ (]
  + Utf8 [ (unsupported),]
  + Utf8 [ F]
  + Utf8 [ G]
  + Utf8 [ h]
  + Utf8 [ h, unsupported.]
  + Utf8 [ i, unimplemented!]
  + Utf8 [ l, unimplemented!]
  + Utf8 [ l, unsupported.]
  + Utf8 [ m unknown...]
  + Utf8 [ n, unsupported.]
  + Utf8 [ not supported.]
  + Utf8 [ r]
  + Utf8 [ r, unimplemented!]
  + Utf8 [ s unimplemented!]
  + Utf8 [ unhandled.]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(B)V]
  + Utf8 [(C)C]
  + Utf8 [(C)I]
  + Utf8 [(C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(C)Z]
  + Utf8 [(CC)C]
  + Utf8 [(CZZ)V]
  + Utf8 [(I)C]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(ICI)V]
  + Utf8 [(II)I]
  + Utf8 [(II)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(II)V]
  + Utf8 [(IICI)V]
  + Utf8 [(IIII)V]
  + Utf8 [(IIIII)V]
  + Utf8 [(IIZ)V]
  + Utf8 [(II[CI)V]
  + Utf8 [(IZ)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;I)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [([C[BII)V]
  + Utf8 [)]
  + Utf8 [) :G1 char set?]
  + Utf8 [+]
  + Utf8 [, bm is ]
  + Utf8 [, tm is ]
  + Utf8 [, unsupported.]
  + Utf8 [, with Pn=]
  + Utf8 [.]
  + Utf8 [/]
  + Utf8 [1;2c]
  + Utf8 [4;]
  + Utf8 [61;]
  + Utf8 [62;]
  + Utf8 [63;]
  + Utf8 [: G0 char set?  (]
  + Utf8 [;]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [?]
  + Utf8 [Active Status Display now ]
  + Utf8 [B]
  + Utf8 [BackSpace]
  + Utf8 [C]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Conformance level: ]
  + Utf8 [DCEvar]
  + Utf8 [DCEvars]
  + Utf8 [DCS: ]
  + Utf8 [Do]
  + Utf8 [ESC # ]
  + Utf8 [ESC ( ]
  + Utf8 [ESC ) ]
  + Utf8 [ESC <space> ]
  + Utf8 [ESC M : R is ]
  + Utf8 [ESC [ ]
  + Utf8 [ESC [ = ]
  + Utf8 [ESC [ ? ]
  + Utf8 [ESC [ unknown letter: ]
  + Utf8 [ESC unknown letter: ]
  + Utf8 [ESC*:G2 char set?  (]
  + Utf8 [ESC+:G3 char set?  (]
  + Utf8 [ESC[5n]
  + Utf8 [Escape]
  + Utf8 [Find]
  + Utf8 [FunctionKey]
  + Utf8 [FunctionKeyAlt]
  + Utf8 [FunctionKeyCtrl]
  + Utf8 [FunctionKeyShift]
  + Utf8 [Help]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Insert]
  + Utf8 [KPComma]
  + Utf8 [KPEnter]
  + Utf8 [KPMinus]
  + Utf8 [KPPeriod]
  + Utf8 [KeyDown]
  + Utf8 [KeyEnd]
  + Utf8 [KeyHome]
  + Utf8 [KeyLeft]
  + Utf8 [KeyRight]
  + Utf8 [KeyUp]
  + Utf8 [Lde/mud/terminal/VDUDisplay;]
  + Utf8 [Lde/mud/terminal/vt320;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Exception;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [NUMDot]
  + Utf8 [NUMPlus]
  + Utf8 [NextScn]
  + Utf8 [Numpad]
  + Utf8 [OSC: ]
  + Utf8 [OSC: invalid color sequence encountered: ]
  + Utf8 [PF1]
  + Utf8 [PF2]
  + Utf8 [PF3]
  + Utf8 [PF4]
  + Utf8 [PrevScn]
  + Utf8 [R]
  + Utf8 [Remove]
  + Utf8 [Sa]
  + Utf8 [Sc]
  + Utf8 [Select]
  + Utf8 [Sending \r]
  + Utf8 [Setting CRLF to FALSE]
  + Utf8 [Setting CRLF to TRUE]
  + Utf8 [Sgl]
  + Utf8 [Sgr]
  + Utf8 [Sgx]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Sr]
  + Utf8 [Status Line mode now ]
  + Utf8 [TabKey]
  + Utf8 [Tabs]
  + Utf8 [Tm7k3x4u?kZl@mYjEnB?DqCtAvM?:?N?I?;?H?0a<?]
  + Utf8 [UNKNOWN Status Display code ]
  + Utf8 [Unknown ESC [ = ]
  + Utf8 [Unknown ESC [...  "]
  + Utf8 [Unknown character ESC[! character is ]
  + Utf8 [Unsupported GL mapping: ]
  + Utf8 [Unsupported GR mapping: ]
  + Utf8 [Use Terminal.answerback to set ...
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [[C]
  + Utf8 [[I]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [_SetCursor]
  + Utf8 [ab]
  + Utf8 [alt]
  + Utf8 [ansi]
  + Utf8 [answerBack]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [arr]
  + Utf8 [attributes]
  + Utf8 [beep]
  + Utf8 [blue]
  + Utf8 [bot]
  + Utf8 [broadcast]
  + Utf8 [c]
  + Utf8 [capslock]
  + Utf8 [charAt]
  + Utf8 [cmd]
  + Utf8 [col]
  + Utf8 [colorData]
  + Utf8 [colorIndex]
  + Utf8 [columns]
  + Utf8 [control]
  + Utf8 [cursorChanged]
  + Utf8 [dcs]
  + Utf8 [de/mud/terminal/Precomposer]
  + Utf8 [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer]
  + Utf8 [de/mud/terminal/VDUDisplay]
  + Utf8 [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
  + Utf8 [debug]
  + Utf8 [debugStr]
  + Utf8 [deleteArea]
  + Utf8 [deleteChar]
  + Utf8 [deleteLine]
  + Utf8 [display]
  + Utf8 [doecho]
  + Utf8 [doneflag]
  + Utf8 [doshowcursor]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [equals]
  + Utf8 [fmap]
  + Utf8 [fullwidths]
  + Utf8 [getBottomMargin]
  + Utf8 [getChars]
  + Utf8 [getTopMargin]
  + Utf8 [getType]
  + Utf8 [gl]
  + Utf8 [gr]
  + Utf8 [green]
  + Utf8 [gx]
  + Utf8 [handle_dcs]
  + Utf8 [handle_osc]
  + Utf8 [height]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [ibm]
  + Utf8 [idx]
  + Utf8 [indexOf]
  + Utf8 [insertChar]
  + Utf8 [insertLine]
  + Utf8 [insertmode]
  + Utf8 [isHighSurrogate]
  + Utf8 [isLowSurrogate]
  + Utf8 [isWide]
  + Utf8 [j]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Character]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Exception]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Integer]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [keyChar]
  + Utf8 [keyCode]
  + Utf8 [keyPressed]
  + Utf8 [keyTyped]
  + Utf8 [keypadmode]
  + Utf8 [lastChar]
  + Utf8 [lastwaslf]
  + Utf8 [len]
  + Utf8 [length]
  + Utf8 [limit]
  + Utf8 [localecho]
  + Utf8 [map_cp850_unicode]
  + Utf8 [mapped]
  + Utf8 [maxr]
  + Utf8 [modifiers]
  + Utf8 [mousebut]
  + Utf8 [mouserpt]
  + Utf8 [moveoutsidemargins]
  + Utf8 [nc]
  + Utf8 [ncolor]
  + Utf8 [newcolor]
  + Utf8 [normalcursor]
  + Utf8 [numlock]
  + Utf8 [nw]
  + Utf8 [oldidx]
  + Utf8 [oldrows]
  + Utf8 [onegl]
  + Utf8 [osc]
  + Utf8 [output8bit]
  + Utf8 [parseInt]
  + Utf8 [precompose]
  + Utf8 [putChar]
  + Utf8 [putString]
  + Utf8 [r]
  + Utf8 [red]
  + Utf8 [redraw]
  + Utf8 [reset]
  + Utf8 [resetColors]
  + Utf8 [rgb]
  + Utf8 [rgb:]
  + Utf8 [row]
  + Utf8 [rows]
  + Utf8 [s]
  + Utf8 [scoansi]
  + Utf8 [sendTelnetCommand]
  + Utf8 [sendcrlf]
  + Utf8 [setAnswerBack]
  + Utf8 [setBackspace]
  + Utf8 [setBufferSize]
  + Utf8 [setColor]
  + Utf8 [setCursorPosition]
  + Utf8 [setIBMCharset]
  + Utf8 [setLength]
  + Utf8 [setMargins]
  + Utf8 [setScreenSize]
  + Utf8 [setTerminalID]
  + Utf8 [setVMS]
  + Utf8 [setWindowSize]
  + Utf8 [shift]
  + Utf8 [showCursor]
  + Utf8 [split]
  + Utf8 [start]
  + Utf8 [statusmode]
  + Utf8 [subcode]
  + Utf8 [substring]
  + Utf8 [term_state]
  + Utf8 [terminalID]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [thisgl]
  + Utf8 [tm]
  + Utf8 [tmp]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [toerase]
  + Utf8 [type]
  + Utf8 [unEscape]
  + Utf8 [unimap]
  + Utf8 [unsupported: ESC [ ]
  + Utf8 [usedcharsets]
  + Utf8 [useibmcharset]
  + Utf8 [valueOf]
  + Utf8 [vms]
  + Utf8 [vt100]
  + Utf8 [vt220]
  + Utf8 [vt320]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [vt52mode]
  + Utf8 [width]
  + Utf8 [wraparound]
  + Utf8 [write]
  + Utf8 [writeSpecial]
  + Utf8 [x]
  + Utf8 [xind]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [?]
  + Utf8 [?]

Fields (count = 74):
  + Field:        debugStr Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.StringBuilder debugStr
  + Field:        localecho Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean localecho
  + Field:        terminalID Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String terminalID
  + Field:        answerBack Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String answerBack
  + Field:        R I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int R
  + Field:        C I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int C
  + Field:        attributes I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int attributes
  + Field:        Sc I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int Sc
  + Field:        Sr I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int Sr
  + Field:        Sa I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int Sa
  + Field:        Sgr C
    Access flags: 0x0
      = char Sgr
  + Field:        Sgl C
    Access flags: 0x0
      = char Sgl
  + Field:        Sgx [C
    Access flags: 0x0
      = char[] Sgx
  + Field:        insertmode I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int insertmode
  + Field:        statusmode I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int statusmode
  + Field:        vt52mode Z
    Access flags: 0x0
      = boolean vt52mode
  + Field:        keypadmode Z
    Access flags: 0x0
      = boolean keypadmode
  + Field:        output8bit Z
    Access flags: 0x0
      = boolean output8bit
  + Field:        normalcursor I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int normalcursor
  + Field:        moveoutsidemargins Z
    Access flags: 0x0
      = boolean moveoutsidemargins
  + Field:        wraparound Z
    Access flags: 0x0
      = boolean wraparound
  + Field:        sendcrlf Z
    Access flags: 0x0
      = boolean sendcrlf
  + Field:        capslock Z
    Access flags: 0x0
      = boolean capslock
  + Field:        numlock Z
    Access flags: 0x0
      = boolean numlock
  + Field:        mouserpt I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int mouserpt
  + Field:        mousebut B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte mousebut
  + Field:        useibmcharset Z
    Access flags: 0x0
      = boolean useibmcharset
  + Field:        lastwaslf I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int lastwaslf
  + Field:        usedcharsets Z
    Access flags: 0x0
      = boolean usedcharsets
  + Field:        gx [C
    Access flags: 0x0
      = char[] gx
  + Field:        gl C
    Access flags: 0x0
      = char gl
  + Field:        gr C
    Access flags: 0x0
      = char gr
  + Field:        onegl I
    Access flags: 0x0
      = int onegl
  + Field:        DECSPECIAL [C
    Access flags: 0xa
      = private static char[] DECSPECIAL
  + Field:        Numpad [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String[] Numpad
  + Field:        FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String[] FunctionKey
  + Field:        FunctionKeyShift [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String[] FunctionKeyShift
  + Field:        FunctionKeyCtrl [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String[] FunctionKeyCtrl
  + Field:        FunctionKeyAlt [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String[] FunctionKeyAlt
  + Field:        TabKey [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String[] TabKey
  + Field:        KeyUp [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String[] KeyUp
  + Field:        KeyDown [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String[] KeyDown
  + Field:        KeyLeft [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String[] KeyLeft
  + Field:        KeyRight [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String[] KeyRight
  + Field:        KPMinus Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String KPMinus
  + Field:        KPComma Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String KPComma
  + Field:        KPPeriod Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String KPPeriod
  + Field:        KPEnter Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String KPEnter
  + Field:        PF1 Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String PF1
  + Field:        PF2 Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String PF2
  + Field:        PF3 Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String PF3
  + Field:        PF4 Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String PF4
  + Field:        Help Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String Help
  + Field:        Do Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String Do
  + Field:        Find Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String Find
  + Field:        Select Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String Select
  + Field:        KeyHome [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String[] KeyHome
  + Field:        KeyEnd [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String[] KeyEnd
  + Field:        Insert [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String[] Insert
  + Field:        Remove [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String[] Remove
  + Field:        PrevScn [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String[] PrevScn
  + Field:        NextScn [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String[] NextScn
  + Field:        Escape [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String[] Escape
  + Field:        BackSpace [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String[] BackSpace
  + Field:        NUMDot [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String[] NUMDot
  + Field:        NUMPlus [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String[] NUMPlus
  + Field:        osc Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String osc
  + Field:        dcs Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String dcs
  + Field:        term_state I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int term_state
  + Field:        vms Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean vms
  + Field:        Tabs [B
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private byte[] Tabs
  + Field:        DCEvars [I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int[] DCEvars
  + Field:        DCEvar I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int DCEvar
  + Field:        unimap [C
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final char[] unimap

Methods (count = 28):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 2008, locals = 0, stack = 4):
      [0] bipush 32
      [2] newarray 5
      [4] dup
      [5] iconst_0
      [6] bipush 64
      [8] castore
      [9] dup
      [10] iconst_1
      [11] sipush 9830
      [14] castore
      [15] dup
      [16] iconst_2
      [17] sipush 9618
      [20] castore
      [21] dup
      [22] iconst_3
      [23] sipush 9225
      [26] castore
      [27] dup
      [28] iconst_4
      [29] sipush 9228
      [32] castore
      [33] dup
      [34] iconst_5
      [35] sipush 9229
      [38] castore
      [39] dup
      [40] bipush 6
      [42] sipush 9226
      [45] castore
      [46] dup
      [47] bipush 7
      [49] sipush 186
      [52] castore
      [53] dup
      [54] bipush 8
      [56] sipush 177
      [59] castore
      [60] dup
      [61] bipush 9
      [63] sipush 9252
      [66] castore
      [67] dup
      [68] bipush 10
      [70] sipush 9227
      [73] castore
      [74] dup
      [75] bipush 11
      [77] sipush 9496
      [80] castore
      [81] dup
      [82] bipush 12
      [84] sipush 9488
      [87] castore
      [88] dup
      [89] bipush 13
      [91] sipush 9484
      [94] castore
      [95] dup
      [96] bipush 14
      [98] sipush 9492
      [101] castore
      [102] dup
      [103] bipush 15
      [105] sipush 9532
      [108] castore
      [109] dup
      [110] bipush 16
      [112] sipush 9620
      [115] castore
      [116] dup
      [117] bipush 17
      [119] sipush 9600
      [122] castore
      [123] dup
      [124] bipush 18
      [126] sipush 9472
      [129] castore
      [130] dup
      [131] bipush 19
      [133] sipush 9644
      [136] castore
      [137] dup
      [138] bipush 20
      [140] bipush 95
      [142] castore
      [143] dup
      [144] bipush 21
      [146] sipush 9500
      [149] castore
      [150] dup
      [151] bipush 22
      [153] sipush 9508
      [156] castore
      [157] dup
      [158] bipush 23
      [160] sipush 9524
      [163] castore
      [164] dup
      [165] bipush 24
      [167] sipush 9516
      [170] castore
      [171] dup
      [172] bipush 25
      [174] sipush 9474
      [177] castore
      [178] dup
      [179] bipush 26
      [181] sipush 8804
      [184] castore
      [185] dup
      [186] bipush 27
      [188] sipush 8805
      [191] castore
      [192] dup
      [193] bipush 28
      [195] sipush 182
      [198] castore
      [199] dup
      [200] bipush 29
      [202] sipush 8800
      [205] castore
      [206] dup
      [207] bipush 30
      [209] sipush 163
      [212] castore
      [213] dup
      [214] bipush 31
      [216] sipush 183
      [219] castore
      [220] putstatic #180
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DECSPECIAL [C]
      [223] sipush 256
      [226] newarray 5
      [228] dup
      [229] iconst_1
      [230] iconst_1
      [231] castore
      [232] dup
      [233] iconst_2
      [234] iconst_2
      [235] castore
      [236] dup
      [237] iconst_3
      [238] iconst_3
      [239] castore
      [240] dup
      [241] iconst_4
      [242] iconst_4
      [243] castore
      [244] dup
      [245] iconst_5
      [246] iconst_5
      [247] castore
      [248] dup
      [249] bipush 6
      [251] bipush 6
      [253] castore
      [254] dup
      [255] bipush 7
      [257] bipush 7
      [259] castore
      [260] dup
      [261] bipush 8
      [263] bipush 8
      [265] castore
      [266] dup
      [267] bipush 9
      [269] bipush 9
      [271] castore
      [272] dup
      [273] bipush 10
      [275] bipush 10
      [277] castore
      [278] dup
      [279] bipush 11
      [281] bipush 11
      [283] castore
      [284] dup
      [285] bipush 12
      [287] bipush 12
      [289] castore
      [290] dup
      [291] bipush 13
      [293] bipush 13
      [295] castore
      [296] dup
      [297] bipush 14
      [299] bipush 14
      [301] castore
      [302] dup
      [303] bipush 15
      [305] bipush 15
      [307] castore
      [308] dup
      [309] bipush 16
      [311] bipush 16
      [313] castore
      [314] dup
      [315] bipush 17
      [317] bipush 17
      [319] castore
      [320] dup
      [321] bipush 18
      [323] bipush 18
      [325] castore
      [326] dup
      [327] bipush 19
      [329] bipush 19
      [331] castore
      [332] dup
      [333] bipush 20
      [335] bipush 20
      [337] castore
      [338] dup
      [339] bipush 21
      [341] bipush 21
      [343] castore
      [344] dup
      [345] bipush 22
      [347] bipush 22
      [349] castore
      [350] dup
      [351] bipush 23
      [353] bipush 23
      [355] castore
      [356] dup
      [357] bipush 24
      [359] bipush 24
      [361] castore
      [362] dup
      [363] bipush 25
      [365] bipush 25
      [367] castore
      [368] dup
      [369] bipush 26
      [371] bipush 26
      [373] castore
      [374] dup
      [375] bipush 27
      [377] bipush 27
      [379] castore
      [380] dup
      [381] bipush 28
      [383] bipush 28
      [385] castore
      [386] dup
      [387] bipush 29
      [389] bipush 29
      [391] castore
      [392] dup
      [393] bipush 30
      [395] bipush 30
      [397] castore
      [398] dup
      [399] bipush 31
      [401] bipush 31
      [403] castore
      [404] dup
      [405] bipush 32
      [407] bipush 32
      [409] castore
      [410] dup
      [411] bipush 33
      [413] bipush 33
      [415] castore
      [416] dup
      [417] bipush 34
      [419] bipush 34
      [421] castore
      [422] dup
      [423] bipush 35
      [425] bipush 35
      [427] castore
      [428] dup
      [429] bipush 36
      [431] bipush 36
      [433] castore
      [434] dup
      [435] bipush 37
      [437] bipush 37
      [439] castore
      [440] dup
      [441] bipush 38
      [443] bipush 38
      [445] castore
      [446] dup
      [447] bipush 39
      [449] bipush 39
      [451] castore
      [452] dup
      [453] bipush 40
      [455] bipush 40
      [457] castore
      [458] dup
      [459] bipush 41
      [461] bipush 41
      [463] castore
      [464] dup
      [465] bipush 42
      [467] bipush 42
      [469] castore
      [470] dup
      [471] bipush 43
      [473] bipush 43
      [475] castore
      [476] dup
      [477] bipush 44
      [479] bipush 44
      [481] castore
      [482] dup
      [483] bipush 45
      [485] bipush 45
      [487] castore
      [488] dup
      [489] bipush 46
      [491] bipush 46
      [493] castore
      [494] dup
      [495] bipush 47
      [497] bipush 47
      [499] castore
      [500] dup
      [501] bipush 48
      [503] bipush 48
      [505] castore
      [506] dup
      [507] bipush 49
      [509] bipush 49
      [511] castore
      [512] dup
      [513] bipush 50
      [515] bipush 50
      [517] castore
      [518] dup
      [519] bipush 51
      [521] bipush 51
      [523] castore
      [524] dup
      [525] bipush 52
      [527] bipush 52
      [529] castore
      [530] dup
      [531] bipush 53
      [533] bipush 53
      [535] castore
      [536] dup
      [537] bipush 54
      [539] bipush 54
      [541] castore
      [542] dup
      [543] bipush 55
      [545] bipush 55
      [547] castore
      [548] dup
      [549] bipush 56
      [551] bipush 56
      [553] castore
      [554] dup
      [555] bipush 57
      [557] bipush 57
      [559] castore
      [560] dup
      [561] bipush 58
      [563] bipush 58
      [565] castore
      [566] dup
      [567] bipush 59
      [569] bipush 59
      [571] castore
      [572] dup
      [573] bipush 60
      [575] bipush 60
      [577] castore
      [578] dup
      [579] bipush 61
      [581] bipush 61
      [583] castore
      [584] dup
      [585] bipush 62
      [587] bipush 62
      [589] castore
      [590] dup
      [591] bipush 63
      [593] bipush 63
      [595] castore
      [596] dup
      [597] bipush 64
      [599] bipush 64
      [601] castore
      [602] dup
      [603] bipush 65
      [605] bipush 65
      [607] castore
      [608] dup
      [609] bipush 66
      [611] bipush 66
      [613] castore
      [614] dup
      [615] bipush 67
      [617] bipush 67
      [619] castore
      [620] dup
      [621] bipush 68
      [623] bipush 68
      [625] castore
      [626] dup
      [627] bipush 69
      [629] bipush 69
      [631] castore
      [632] dup
      [633] bipush 70
      [635] bipush 70
      [637] castore
      [638] dup
      [639] bipush 71
      [641] bipush 71
      [643] castore
      [644] dup
      [645] bipush 72
      [647] bipush 72
      [649] castore
      [650] dup
      [651] bipush 73
      [653] bipush 73
      [655] castore
      [656] dup
      [657] bipush 74
      [659] bipush 74
      [661] castore
      [662] dup
      [663] bipush 75
      [665] bipush 75
      [667] castore
      [668] dup
      [669] bipush 76
      [671] bipush 76
      [673] castore
      [674] dup
      [675] bipush 77
      [677] bipush 77
      [679] castore
      [680] dup
      [681] bipush 78
      [683] bipush 78
      [685] castore
      [686] dup
      [687] bipush 79
      [689] bipush 79
      [691] castore
      [692] dup
      [693] bipush 80
      [695] bipush 80
      [697] castore
      [698] dup
      [699] bipush 81
      [701] bipush 81
      [703] castore
      [704] dup
      [705] bipush 82
      [707] bipush 82
      [709] castore
      [710] dup
      [711] bipush 83
      [713] bipush 83
      [715] castore
      [716] dup
      [717] bipush 84
      [719] bipush 84
      [721] castore
      [722] dup
      [723] bipush 85
      [725] bipush 85
      [727] castore
      [728] dup
      [729] bipush 86
      [731] bipush 86
      [733] castore
      [734] dup
      [735] bipush 87
      [737] bipush 87
      [739] castore
      [740] dup
      [741] bipush 88
      [743] bipush 88
      [745] castore
      [746] dup
      [747] bipush 89
      [749] bipush 89
      [751] castore
      [752] dup
      [753] bipush 90
      [755] bipush 90
      [757] castore
      [758] dup
      [759] bipush 91
      [761] bipush 91
      [763] castore
      [764] dup
      [765] bipush 92
      [767] bipush 92
      [769] castore
      [770] dup
      [771] bipush 93
      [773] bipush 93
      [775] castore
      [776] dup
      [777] bipush 94
      [779] bipush 94
      [781] castore
      [782] dup
      [783] bipush 95
      [785] bipush 95
      [787] castore
      [788] dup
      [789] bipush 96
      [791] bipush 96
      [793] castore
      [794] dup
      [795] bipush 97
      [797] bipush 97
      [799] castore
      [800] dup
      [801] bipush 98
      [803] bipush 98
      [805] castore
      [806] dup
      [807] bipush 99
      [809] bipush 99
      [811] castore
      [812] dup
      [813] bipush 100
      [815] bipush 100
      [817] castore
      [818] dup
      [819] bipush 101
      [821] bipush 101
      [823] castore
      [824] dup
      [825] bipush 102
      [827] bipush 102
      [829] castore
      [830] dup
      [831] bipush 103
      [833] bipush 103
      [835] castore
      [836] dup
      [837] bipush 104
      [839] bipush 104
      [841] castore
      [842] dup
      [843] bipush 105
      [845] bipush 105
      [847] castore
      [848] dup
      [849] bipush 106
      [851] bipush 106
      [853] castore
      [854] dup
      [855] bipush 107
      [857] bipush 107
      [859] castore
      [860] dup
      [861] bipush 108
      [863] bipush 108
      [865] castore
      [866] dup
      [867] bipush 109
      [869] bipush 109
      [871] castore
      [872] dup
      [873] bipush 110
      [875] bipush 110
      [877] castore
      [878] dup
      [879] bipush 111
      [881] bipush 111
      [883] castore
      [884] dup
      [885] bipush 112
      [887] bipush 112
      [889] castore
      [890] dup
      [891] bipush 113
      [893] bipush 113
      [895] castore
      [896] dup
      [897] bipush 114
      [899] bipush 114
      [901] castore
      [902] dup
      [903] bipush 115
      [905] bipush 115
      [907] castore
      [908] dup
      [909] bipush 116
      [911] bipush 116
      [913] castore
      [914] dup
      [915] bipush 117
      [917] bipush 117
      [919] castore
      [920] dup
      [921] bipush 118
      [923] bipush 118
      [925] castore
      [926] dup
      [927] bipush 119
      [929] bipush 119
      [931] castore
      [932] dup
      [933] bipush 120
      [935] bipush 120
      [937] castore
      [938] dup
      [939] bipush 121
      [941] bipush 121
      [943] castore
      [944] dup
      [945] bipush 122
      [947] bipush 122
      [949] castore
      [950] dup
      [951] bipush 123
      [953] bipush 123
      [955] castore
      [956] dup
      [957] bipush 124
      [959] bipush 124
      [961] castore
      [962] dup
      [963] bipush 125
      [965] bipush 125
      [967] castore
      [968] dup
      [969] bipush 126
      [971] bipush 126
      [973] castore
      [974] dup
      [975] bipush 127
      [977] bipush 127
      [979] castore
      [980] dup
      [981] sipush 128
      [984] sipush 199
      [987] castore
      [988] dup
      [989] sipush 129
      [992] sipush 252
      [995] castore
      [996] dup
      [997] sipush 130
      [1000] sipush 233
      [1003] castore
      [1004] dup
      [1005] sipush 131
      [1008] sipush 226
      [1011] castore
      [1012] dup
      [1013] sipush 132
      [1016] sipush 228
      [1019] castore
      [1020] dup
      [1021] sipush 133
      [1024] sipush 224
      [1027] castore
      [1028] dup
      [1029] sipush 134
      [1032] sipush 229
      [1035] castore
      [1036] dup
      [1037] sipush 135
      [1040] sipush 231
      [1043] castore
      [1044] dup
      [1045] sipush 136
      [1048] sipush 234
      [1051] castore
      [1052] dup
      [1053] sipush 137
      [1056] sipush 235
      [1059] castore
      [1060] dup
      [1061] sipush 138
      [1064] sipush 232
      [1067] castore
      [1068] dup
      [1069] sipush 139
      [1072] sipush 239
      [1075] castore
      [1076] dup
      [1077] sipush 140
      [1080] sipush 238
      [1083] castore
      [1084] dup
      [1085] sipush 141
      [1088] sipush 236
      [1091] castore
      [1092] dup
      [1093] sipush 142
      [1096] sipush 196
      [1099] castore
      [1100] dup
      [1101] sipush 143
      [1104] sipush 197
      [1107] castore
      [1108] dup
      [1109] sipush 144
      [1112] sipush 201
      [1115] castore
      [1116] dup
      [1117] sipush 145
      [1120] sipush 230
      [1123] castore
      [1124] dup
      [1125] sipush 146
      [1128] sipush 198
      [1131] castore
      [1132] dup
      [1133] sipush 147
      [1136] sipush 244
      [1139] castore
      [1140] dup
      [1141] sipush 148
      [1144] sipush 246
      [1147] castore
      [1148] dup
      [1149] sipush 149
      [1152] sipush 242
      [1155] castore
      [1156] dup
      [1157] sipush 150
      [1160] sipush 251
      [1163] castore
      [1164] dup
      [1165] sipush 151
      [1168] sipush 249
      [1171] castore
      [1172] dup
      [1173] sipush 152
      [1176] sipush 255
      [1179] castore
      [1180] dup
      [1181] sipush 153
      [1184] sipush 214
      [1187] castore
      [1188] dup
      [1189] sipush 154
      [1192] sipush 220
      [1195] castore
      [1196] dup
      [1197] sipush 155
      [1200] sipush 162
      [1203] castore
      [1204] dup
      [1205] sipush 156
      [1208] sipush 163
      [1211] castore
      [1212] dup
      [1213] sipush 157
      [1216] sipush 165
      [1219] castore
      [1220] dup
      [1221] sipush 158
      [1224] sipush 8359
      [1227] castore
      [1228] dup
      [1229] sipush 159
      [1232] sipush 402
      [1235] castore
      [1236] dup
      [1237] sipush 160
      [1240] sipush 225
      [1243] castore
      [1244] dup
      [1245] sipush 161
      [1248] sipush 237
      [1251] castore
      [1252] dup
      [1253] sipush 162
      [1256] sipush 243
      [1259] castore
      [1260] dup
      [1261] sipush 163
      [1264] sipush 250
      [1267] castore
      [1268] dup
      [1269] sipush 164
      [1272] sipush 241
      [1275] castore
      [1276] dup
      [1277] sipush 165
      [1280] sipush 209
      [1283] castore
      [1284] dup
      [1285] sipush 166
      [1288] sipush 170
      [1291] castore
      [1292] dup
      [1293] sipush 167
      [1296] sipush 186
      [1299] castore
      [1300] dup
      [1301] sipush 168
      [1304] sipush 191
      [1307] castore
      [1308] dup
      [1309] sipush 169
      [1312] sipush 8976
      [1315] castore
      [1316] dup
      [1317] sipush 170
      [1320] sipush 172
      [1323] castore
      [1324] dup
      [1325] sipush 171
      [1328] sipush 189
      [1331] castore
      [1332] dup
      [1333] sipush 172
      [1336] sipush 188
      [1339] castore
      [1340] dup
      [1341] sipush 173
      [1344] sipush 161
      [1347] castore
      [1348] dup
      [1349] sipush 174
      [1352] sipush 171
      [1355] castore
      [1356] dup
      [1357] sipush 175
      [1360] sipush 187
      [1363] castore
      [1364] dup
      [1365] sipush 176
      [1368] sipush 9617
      [1371] castore
      [1372] dup
      [1373] sipush 177
      [1376] sipush 9618
      [1379] castore
      [1380] dup
      [1381] sipush 178
      [1384] sipush 9619
      [1387] castore
      [1388] dup
      [1389] sipush 179
      [1392] sipush 9474
      [1395] castore
      [1396] dup
      [1397] sipush 180
      [1400] sipush 9508
      [1403] castore
      [1404] dup
      [1405] sipush 181
      [1408] sipush 9569
      [1411] castore
      [1412] dup
      [1413] sipush 182
      [1416] sipush 9570
      [1419] castore
      [1420] dup
      [1421] sipush 183
      [1424] sipush 9558
      [1427] castore
      [1428] dup
      [1429] sipush 184
      [1432] sipush 9557
      [1435] castore
      [1436] dup
      [1437] sipush 185
      [1440] sipush 9571
      [1443] castore
      [1444] dup
      [1445] sipush 186
      [1448] sipush 9553
      [1451] castore
      [1452] dup
      [1453] sipush 187
      [1456] sipush 9559
      [1459] castore
      [1460] dup
      [1461] sipush 188
      [1464] sipush 9565
      [1467] castore
      [1468] dup
      [1469] sipush 189
      [1472] sipush 9564
      [1475] castore
      [1476] dup
      [1477] sipush 190
      [1480] sipush 9563
      [1483] castore
      [1484] dup
      [1485] sipush 191
      [1488] sipush 9488
      [1491] castore
      [1492] dup
      [1493] sipush 192
      [1496] sipush 9492
      [1499] castore
      [1500] dup
      [1501] sipush 193
      [1504] sipush 9524
      [1507] castore
      [1508] dup
      [1509] sipush 194
      [1512] sipush 9516
      [1515] castore
      [1516] dup
      [1517] sipush 195
      [1520] sipush 9500
      [1523] castore
      [1524] dup
      [1525] sipush 196
      [1528] sipush 9472
      [1531] castore
      [1532] dup
      [1533] sipush 197
      [1536] sipush 9532
      [1539] castore
      [1540] dup
      [1541] sipush 198
      [1544] sipush 9566
      [1547] castore
      [1548] dup
      [1549] sipush 199
      [1552] sipush 9567
      [1555] castore
      [1556] dup
      [1557] sipush 200
      [1560] sipush 9562
      [1563] castore
      [1564] dup
      [1565] sipush 201
      [1568] sipush 9556
      [1571] castore
      [1572] dup
      [1573] sipush 202
      [1576] sipush 9577
      [1579] castore
      [1580] dup
      [1581] sipush 203
      [1584] sipush 9574
      [1587] castore
      [1588] dup
      [1589] sipush 204
      [1592] sipush 9568
      [1595] castore
      [1596] dup
      [1597] sipush 205
      [1600] sipush 9552
      [1603] castore
      [1604] dup
      [1605] sipush 206
      [1608] sipush 9580
      [1611] castore
      [1612] dup
      [1613] sipush 207
      [1616] sipush 9575
      [1619] castore
      [1620] dup
      [1621] sipush 208
      [1624] sipush 9576
      [1627] castore
      [1628] dup
      [1629] sipush 209
      [1632] sipush 9572
      [1635] castore
      [1636] dup
      [1637] sipush 210
      [1640] sipush 9573
      [1643] castore
      [1644] dup
      [1645] sipush 211
      [1648] sipush 9561
      [1651] castore
      [1652] dup
      [1653] sipush 212
      [1656] sipush 9560
      [1659] castore
      [1660] dup
      [1661] sipush 213
      [1664] sipush 9554
      [1667] castore
      [1668] dup
      [1669] sipush 214
      [1672] sipush 9555
      [1675] castore
      [1676] dup
      [1677] sipush 215
      [1680] sipush 9579
      [1683] castore
      [1684] dup
      [1685] sipush 216
      [1688] sipush 9578
      [1691] castore
      [1692] dup
      [1693] sipush 217
      [1696] sipush 9496
      [1699] castore
      [1700] dup
      [1701] sipush 218
      [1704] sipush 9484
      [1707] castore
      [1708] dup
      [1709] sipush 219
      [1712] sipush 9608
      [1715] castore
      [1716] dup
      [1717] sipush 220
      [1720] sipush 9604
      [1723] castore
      [1724] dup
      [1725] sipush 221
      [1728] sipush 9612
      [1731] castore
      [1732] dup
      [1733] sipush 222
      [1736] sipush 9616
      [1739] castore
      [1740] dup
      [1741] sipush 223
      [1744] sipush 9600
      [1747] castore
      [1748] dup
      [1749] sipush 224
      [1752] sipush 945
      [1755] castore
      [1756] dup
      [1757] sipush 225
      [1760] sipush 223
      [1763] castore
      [1764] dup
      [1765] sipush 226
      [1768] sipush 915
      [1771] castore
      [1772] dup
      [1773] sipush 227
      [1776] sipush 960
      [1779] castore
      [1780] dup
      [1781] sipush 228
      [1784] sipush 931
      [1787] castore
      [1788] dup
      [1789] sipush 229
      [1792] sipush 963
      [1795] castore
      [1796] dup
      [1797] sipush 230
      [1800] sipush 181
      [1803] castore
      [1804] dup
      [1805] sipush 231
      [1808] sipush 964
      [1811] castore
      [1812] dup
      [1813] sipush 232
      [1816] sipush 934
      [1819] castore
      [1820] dup
      [1821] sipush 233
      [1824] sipush 920
      [1827] castore
      [1828] dup
      [1829] sipush 234
      [1832] sipush 937
      [1835] castore
      [1836] dup
      [1837] sipush 235
      [1840] sipush 948
      [1843] castore
      [1844] dup
      [1845] sipush 236
      [1848] sipush 8734
      [1851] castore
      [1852] dup
      [1853] sipush 237
      [1856] sipush 966
      [1859] castore
      [1860] dup
      [1861] sipush 238
      [1864] sipush 949
      [1867] castore
      [1868] dup
      [1869] sipush 239
      [1872] sipush 8745
      [1875] castore
      [1876] dup
      [1877] sipush 240
      [1880] sipush 8801
      [1883] castore
      [1884] dup
      [1885] sipush 241
      [1888] sipush 177
      [1891] castore
      [1892] dup
      [1893] sipush 242
      [1896] sipush 8805
      [1899] castore
      [1900] dup
      [1901] sipush 243
      [1904] sipush 8804
      [1907] castore
      [1908] dup
      [1909] sipush 244
      [1912] sipush 8992
      [1915] castore
      [1916] dup
      [1917] sipush 245
      [1920] sipush 8993
      [1923] castore
      [1924] dup
      [1925] sipush 246
      [1928] sipush 247
      [1931] castore
      [1932] dup
      [1933] sipush 247
      [1936] sipush 8776
      [1939] castore
      [1940] dup
      [1941] sipush 248
      [1944] sipush 176
      [1947] castore
      [1948] dup
      [1949] sipush 249
      [1952] sipush 8729
      [1955] castore
      [1956] dup
      [1957] sipush 250
      [1960] sipush 183
      [1963] castore
      [1964] dup
      [1965] sipush 251
      [1968] sipush 8730
      [1971] castore
      [1972] dup
      [1973] sipush 252
      [1976] sipush 8319
      [1979] castore
      [1980] dup
      [1981] sipush 253
      [1984] sipush 178
      [1987] castore
      [1988] dup
      [1989] sipush 254
      [1992] sipush 9632
      [1995] castore
      [1996] dup
      [1997] sipush 255
      [2000] sipush 160
      [2003] castore
      [2004] putstatic #246
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.unimap [C]
      [2007] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 292)
        [0] -> line 715
        [6] -> line 716
        [11] -> line 717
        [17] -> line 718
        [23] -> line 719
        [29] -> line 720
        [35] -> line 721
        [42] -> line 722
        [49] -> line 723
        [56] -> line 724
        [63] -> line 725
        [70] -> line 726
        [77] -> line 727
        [84] -> line 728
        [91] -> line 729
        [98] -> line 730
        [105] -> line 731
        [112] -> line 732
        [119] -> line 733
        [126] -> line 734
        [133] -> line 735
        [140] -> line 736
        [146] -> line 737
        [153] -> line 738
        [160] -> line 739
        [167] -> line 740
        [174] -> line 741
        [181] -> line 742
        [188] -> line 743
        [195] -> line 744
        [202] -> line 745
        [209] -> line 746
        [216] -> line 747
        [220] -> line 715
        [223] -> line 1229
        [230] -> line 1249
        [234] -> line 1250
        [238] -> line 1251
        [242] -> line 1252
        [246] -> line 1253
        [251] -> line 1254
        [257] -> line 1255
        [263] -> line 1256
        [269] -> line 1257
        [275] -> line 1258
        [281] -> line 1259
        [287] -> line 1260
        [293] -> line 1261
        [299] -> line 1262
        [305] -> line 1263
        [311] -> line 1264
        [317] -> line 1265
        [323] -> line 1266
        [329] -> line 1267
        [335] -> line 1268
        [341] -> line 1269
        [347] -> line 1270
        [353] -> line 1271
        [359] -> line 1272
        [365] -> line 1273
        [371] -> line 1274
        [377] -> line 1275
        [383] -> line 1276
        [389] -> line 1277
        [395] -> line 1278
        [401] -> line 1279
        [407] -> line 1280
        [413] -> line 1281
        [419] -> line 1282
        [425] -> line 1283
        [431] -> line 1284
        [437] -> line 1285
        [443] -> line 1286
        [449] -> line 1287
        [455] -> line 1288
        [461] -> line 1289
        [467] -> line 1290
        [473] -> line 1291
        [479] -> line 1292
        [485] -> line 1293
        [491] -> line 1294
        [497] -> line 1295
        [503] -> line 1296
        [509] -> line 1297
        [515] -> line 1298
        [521] -> line 1299
        [527] -> line 1300
        [533] -> line 1301
        [539] -> line 1302
        [545] -> line 1303
        [551] -> line 1304
        [557] -> line 1305
        [563] -> line 1306
        [569] -> line 1307
        [575] -> line 1308
        [581] -> line 1309
        [587] -> line 1310
        [593] -> line 1311
        [599] -> line 1312
        [605] -> line 1313
        [611] -> line 1314
        [617] -> line 1315
        [623] -> line 1316
        [629] -> line 1317
        [635] -> line 1318
        [641] -> line 1319
        [647] -> line 1320
        [653] -> line 1321
        [659] -> line 1322
        [665] -> line 1323
        [671] -> line 1324
        [677] -> line 1325
        [683] -> line 1326
        [689] -> line 1327
        [695] -> line 1328
        [701] -> line 1329
        [707] -> line 1330
        [713] -> line 1331
        [719] -> line 1332
        [725] -> line 1333
        [731] -> line 1334
        [737] -> line 1335
        [743] -> line 1336
        [749] -> line 1337
        [755] -> line 1338
        [761] -> line 1339
        [767] -> line 1340
        [773] -> line 1341
        [779] -> line 1342
        [785] -> line 1343
        [791] -> line 1344
        [797] -> line 1345
        [803] -> line 1346
        [809] -> line 1347
        [815] -> line 1348
        [821] -> line 1349
        [827] -> line 1350
        [833] -> line 1351
        [839] -> line 1352
        [845] -> line 1353
        [851] -> line 1354
        [857] -> line 1355
        [863] -> line 1356
        [869] -> line 1357
        [875] -> line 1358
        [881] -> line 1359
        [887] -> line 1360
        [893] -> line 1361
        [899] -> line 1362
        [905] -> line 1363
        [911] -> line 1364
        [917] -> line 1365
        [923] -> line 1366
        [929] -> line 1367
        [935] -> line 1368
        [941] -> line 1369
        [947] -> line 1370
        [953] -> line 1371
        [959] -> line 1372
        [965] -> line 1373
        [971] -> line 1374
        [977] -> line 1375
        [984] -> line 1376
        [992] -> line 1377
        [1000] -> line 1378
        [1008] -> line 1379
        [1016] -> line 1380
        [1024] -> line 1381
        [1032] -> line 1382
        [1040] -> line 1383
        [1048] -> line 1384
        [1056] -> line 1385
        [1064] -> line 1386
        [1072] -> line 1387
        [1080] -> line 1388
        [1088] -> line 1389
        [1096] -> line 1390
        [1104] -> line 1391
        [1112] -> line 1392
        [1120] -> line 1393
        [1128] -> line 1394
        [1136] -> line 1395
        [1144] -> line 1396
        [1152] -> line 1397
        [1160] -> line 1398
        [1168] -> line 1399
        [1176] -> line 1400
        [1184] -> line 1401
        [1192] -> line 1402
        [1200] -> line 1403
        [1208] -> line 1404
        [1216] -> line 1405
        [1224] -> line 1406
        [1232] -> line 1407
        [1240] -> line 1408
        [1248] -> line 1409
        [1256] -> line 1410
        [1264] -> line 1411
        [1272] -> line 1412
        [1280] -> line 1413
        [1288] -> line 1414
        [1296] -> line 1415
        [1304] -> line 1416
        [1312] -> line 1417
        [1320] -> line 1418
        [1328] -> line 1419
        [1336] -> line 1420
        [1344] -> line 1421
        [1352] -> line 1422
        [1360] -> line 1423
        [1368] -> line 1424
        [1376] -> line 1425
        [1384] -> line 1426
        [1392] -> line 1427
        [1400] -> line 1428
        [1408] -> line 1429
        [1416] -> line 1430
        [1424] -> line 1431
        [1432] -> line 1432
        [1440] -> line 1433
        [1448] -> line 1434
        [1456] -> line 1435
        [1464] -> line 1436
        [1472] -> line 1437
        [1480] -> line 1438
        [1488] -> line 1439
        [1496] -> line 1440
        [1504] -> line 1441
        [1512] -> line 1442
        [1520] -> line 1443
        [1528] -> line 1444
        [1536] -> line 1445
        [1544] -> line 1446
        [1552] -> line 1447
        [1560] -> line 1448
        [1568] -> line 1449
        [1576] -> line 1450
        [1584] -> line 1451
        [1592] -> line 1452
        [1600] -> line 1453
        [1608] -> line 1454
        [1616] -> line 1455
        [1624] -> line 1456
        [1632] -> line 1457
        [1640] -> line 1458
        [1648] -> line 1459
        [1656] -> line 1460
        [1664] -> line 1461
        [1672] -> line 1462
        [1680] -> line 1463
        [1688] -> line 1464
        [1696] -> line 1465
        [1704] -> line 1466
        [1712] -> line 1467
        [1720] -> line 1468
        [1728] -> line 1469
        [1736] -> line 1470
        [1744] -> line 1471
        [1752] -> line 1472
        [1760] -> line 1473
        [1768] -> line 1474
        [1776] -> line 1475
        [1784] -> line 1476
        [1792] -> line 1477
        [1800] -> line 1478
        [1808] -> line 1479
        [1816] -> line 1480
        [1824] -> line 1481
        [1832] -> line 1482
        [1840] -> line 1483
        [1848] -> line 1484
        [1856] -> line 1485
        [1864] -> line 1486
        [1872] -> line 1487
        [1880] -> line 1488
        [1888] -> line 1489
        [1896] -> line 1490
        [1904] -> line 1491
        [1912] -> line 1492
        [1920] -> line 1493
        [1928] -> line 1494
        [1936] -> line 1495
        [1944] -> line 1496
        [1952] -> line 1497
        [1960] -> line 1498
        [1968] -> line 1499
        [1976] -> line 1500
        [1984] -> line 1501
        [1992] -> line 1502
        [2000] -> line 1503
        [2004] -> line 1229
        [2007] -> line 40
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       debug(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract void debug(java.lang.String)
  + Method:       write([B)V
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract void write(byte[])
  + Method:       write(I)V
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract void write(int)
  + Method:       beep()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void beep()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 1, locals = 1, stack = 0):
      [0] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 71
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 1 [Lde/mud/terminal/vt320; this]
  + Method:       putString(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void putString(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 26, locals = 4, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] invokevirtual #301
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
      [4] istore_2 v2
      [5] iload_2 v2
      [6] newarray 5
      [8] astore_3 v3
      [9] aload_1 v1
      [10] iconst_0
      [11] iload_2 v2
      [12] aload_3 v3
      [13] iconst_0
      [14] invokevirtual #299
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.getChars (II[CI)V]
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] aload_3 v3
      [19] aconst_null
      [20] iconst_0
      [21] iload_2 v2
      [22] invokevirtual #274
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.putString ([C[BII)V]
      [25] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 77
        [5] -> line 78
        [9] -> line 79
        [17] -> line 80
        [25] -> line 81
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 26 [Lde/mud/terminal/vt320; this]
        v1: 0 -> 26 [Ljava/lang/String; s]
        v2: 5 -> 26 [I len]
        v3: 9 -> 26 [[C tmp]
  + Method:       putString([C[BII)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void putString(char[],byte[],int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 207, locals = 10, stack = 4):
      [0] iload v4
      [2] ifle +204 (target=206)
      [5] iconst_m1
      [6] istore v5
      [8] iconst_0
      [9] istore v7
      [11] iconst_0
      [12] istore v8
      [14] goto +153 (target=167)
      [17] aload_1 v1
      [18] iload_3 v3
      [19] iload v8
      [21] iadd
      [22] caload
      [23] istore v6
      [25] iload v6
      [27] bipush 127
      [29] ificmpgt +29 (target=58)
      [32] iload v5
      [34] iconst_m1
      [35] ificmpeq +13 (target=48)
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] iload v5
      [41] i2c
      [42] iload v7
      [44] iconst_0
      [45] invokespecial #271
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.putChar (CZZ)V]
      [48] iload v6
      [50] istore v5
      [52] iconst_0
      [53] istore v7
      [55] goto +109 (target=164)
      [58] iload v6
      [60] invokestatic #294
        + Methodref [java/lang/Character.isLowSurrogate (C)Z]
      [63] ifne +101 (target=164)
      [66] iload v6
      [68] invokestatic #293
        + Methodref [java/lang/Character.isHighSurrogate (C)Z]
      [71] ifne +93 (target=164)
      [74] iload v6
      [76] invokestatic #292
        + Methodref [java/lang/Character.getType (C)I]
      [79] bipush 6
      [81] ificmpne +34 (target=115)
      [84] iload v5
      [86] iconst_m1
      [87] ificmpeq +77 (target=164)
      [90] iload v5
      [92] i2c
      [93] iload v6
      [95] invokestatic #253
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/Precomposer.precompose (CC)C]
      [98] istore v9
      [100] aload_0 v0
      [101] iload v9
      [103] iload v7
      [105] iconst_0
      [106] invokespecial #271
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.putChar (CZZ)V]
      [109] iconst_m1
      [110] istore v5
      [112] goto +52 (target=164)
      [115] iload v5
      [117] iconst_m1
      [118] ificmpeq +13 (target=131)
      [121] aload_0 v0
      [122] iload v5
      [124] i2c
      [125] iload v7
      [127] iconst_0
      [128] invokespecial #271
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.putChar (CZZ)V]
      [131] iload v6
      [133] istore v5
      [135] aload_2 v2
      [136] ifnull +28 (target=164)
      [139] aload_2 v2
      [140] iload v8
      [142] baload
      [143] istore v9
      [145] iload v9
      [147] iconst_5
      [148] ificmpeq +13 (target=161)
      [151] iload v9
      [153] iconst_3
      [154] ificmpeq +7 (target=161)
      [157] iconst_0
      [158] goto +4 (target=162)
      [161] iconst_1
      [162] istore v7
      [164] iinc v8, 1
      [167] iload v8
      [169] iload v4
      [171] ificmplt -154 (target=17)
      [174] iload v5
      [176] iconst_m1
      [177] ificmpeq +13 (target=190)
      [180] aload_0 v0
      [181] iload v5
      [183] i2c
      [184] iload v7
      [186] iconst_0
      [187] invokespecial #271
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.putChar (CZZ)V]
      [190] aload_0 v0
      [191] aload_0 v0
      [192] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [195] aload_0 v0
      [196] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [199] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.setCursorPosition (II)V]
      [202] aload_0 v0
      [203] invokevirtual #275
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.redraw ()V]
      [206] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 30)
        [0] -> line 91
        [5] -> line 93
        [8] -> line 95
        [11] -> line 97
        [17] -> line 98
        [25] -> line 100
        [32] -> line 101
        [38] -> line 102
        [48] -> line 103
        [52] -> line 104
        [58] -> line 105
        [74] -> line 106
        [84] -> line 107
        [90] -> line 108
        [100] -> line 109
        [109] -> line 110
        [115] -> line 113
        [121] -> line 114
        [131] -> line 115
        [135] -> line 116
        [139] -> line 117
        [145] -> line 118
        [151] -> line 119
        [162] -> line 118
        [164] -> line 97
        [174] -> line 125
        [180] -> line 126
        [190] -> line 128
        [202] -> line 129
        [206] -> line 131
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 11)
        v0: 0 -> 207 [Lde/mud/terminal/vt320; this]
        v1: 0 -> 207 [[C s]
        v2: 0 -> 207 [[B fullwidths]
        v3: 0 -> 207 [I start]
        v4: 0 -> 207 [I len]
        v5: 8 -> 206 [I lastChar]
        v6: 25 -> 167 [C c]
        v7: 11 -> 206 [Z isWide]
        v8: 14 -> 174 [I i]
        v9: 100 -> 112 [C nc]
        v9: 145 -> 164 [B width]
  + Method:       sendTelnetCommand(B)V
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected void sendTelnetCommand(byte)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 1, locals = 2, stack = 0):
      [0] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 135
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 1 [Lde/mud/terminal/vt320; this]
        v1: 0 -> 1 [B cmd]
  + Method:       setWindowSize(II)V
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected void setWindowSize(int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 1, locals = 3, stack = 0):
      [0] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 142
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 1 [Lde/mud/terminal/vt320; this]
        v1: 0 -> 1 [I c]
        v2: 0 -> 1 [I r]
  + Method:       setScreenSize(IIZ)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setScreenSize(int,int,boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 84, locals = 6, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #229
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.height I]
      [4] istore v4
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] iload_1 v1
      [8] iload_2 v2
      [9] iconst_0
      [10] invokespecial #255
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.setScreenSize (IIZ)V]
      [13] iconst_0
      [14] istore v5
      [16] aload_0 v0
      [17] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [20] iload_1 v1
      [21] ificmplt +13 (target=34)
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] iload_1 v1
      [26] iconst_1
      [27] isub
      [28] putfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [31] iconst_1
      [32] istore v5
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [38] iload_2 v2
      [39] ificmplt +13 (target=52)
      [42] aload_0 v0
      [43] iload_2 v2
      [44] iconst_1
      [45] isub
      [46] putfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [49] iconst_1
      [50] istore v5
      [52] iload v5
      [54] ifeq +19 (target=73)
      [57] aload_0 v0
      [58] aload_0 v0
      [59] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [62] aload_0 v0
      [63] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [66] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.setCursorPosition (II)V]
      [69] aload_0 v0
      [70] invokevirtual #275
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.redraw ()V]
      [73] iload_3 v3
      [74] ifeq +9 (target=83)
      [77] aload_0 v0
      [78] iload_1 v1
      [79] iload_2 v2
      [80] invokevirtual #285
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.setWindowSize (II)V]
      [83] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 15)
        [0] -> line 146
        [6] -> line 163
        [13] -> line 165
        [16] -> line 168
        [24] -> line 169
        [31] -> line 170
        [34] -> line 173
        [42] -> line 174
        [49] -> line 175
        [52] -> line 178
        [57] -> line 179
        [69] -> line 180
        [73] -> line 183
        [77] -> line 184
        [83] -> line 186
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 84 [Lde/mud/terminal/vt320; this]
        v1: 0 -> 84 [I c]
        v2: 0 -> 84 [I r]
        v3: 0 -> 84 [Z broadcast]
        v4: 6 -> 84 [I oldrows]
        v5: 16 -> 84 [Z cursorChanged]
  + Method:       <init>(II)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public vt320(int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 1104, locals = 4, stack = 10):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] iload_2 v2
      [3] invokespecial #254
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.<init> (II)V]
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] iconst_0
      [8] putfield #233
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.localecho Z]
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] ldc #163
        + String [vt320]
      [14] putfield #245
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.terminalID Ljava/lang/String;]
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] ldc #156
        + String [Use Terminal.answerback to set ...
      [20] putfield #220
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.answerBack Ljava/lang/String;]
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] iconst_0
      [25] putfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] iconst_0
      [30] putfield #230
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.insertmode I]
      [33] aload_0 v0
      [34] iconst_0
      [35] putfield #243
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.statusmode I]
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] iconst_0
      [40] putfield #250
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.vt52mode Z]
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] iconst_0
      [45] putfield #231
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.keypadmode Z]
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] iconst_0
      [50] putfield #241
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.output8bit Z]
      [53] aload_0 v0
      [54] iconst_0
      [55] putfield #237
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.normalcursor I]
      [58] aload_0 v0
      [59] iconst_1
      [60] putfield #236
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.moveoutsidemargins Z]
      [63] aload_0 v0
      [64] iconst_1
      [65] putfield #252
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.wraparound Z]
      [68] aload_0 v0
      [69] iconst_1
      [70] putfield #242
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.sendcrlf Z]
      [73] aload_0 v0
      [74] iconst_0
      [75] putfield #222
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.capslock Z]
      [78] aload_0 v0
      [79] iconst_0
      [80] putfield #238
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.numlock Z]
      [83] aload_0 v0
      [84] iconst_0
      [85] putfield #235
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.mouserpt I]
      [88] aload_0 v0
      [89] iconst_0
      [90] putfield #234
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.mousebut B]
      [93] aload_0 v0
      [94] iconst_0
      [95] putfield #248
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.useibmcharset Z]
      [98] aload_0 v0
      [99] iconst_0
      [100] putfield #232
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.lastwaslf I]
      [103] aload_0 v0
      [104] iconst_0
      [105] putfield #247
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.usedcharsets Z]
      [108] aload_0 v0
      [109] iconst_0
      [110] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [113] aload_0 v0
      [114] iconst_0
      [115] putfield #249
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.vms Z]
      [118] aload_0 v0
      [119] bipush 30
      [121] newarray 10
      [123] putfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [126] aload_0 v0
      [127] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [130] dup
      [131] invokespecial #306
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> ()V]
      [134] putfield #224
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debugStr Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [137] aload_0 v0
      [138] iconst_0
      [139] invokevirtual #284
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.setVMS (Z)V]
      [142] aload_0 v0
      [143] iconst_0
      [144] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.setIBMCharset (Z)V]
      [147] aload_0 v0
      [148] ldc #163
        + String [vt320]
      [150] invokevirtual #283
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.setTerminalID (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [153] aload_0 v0
      [154] bipush 100
      [156] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.setBufferSize (I)V]
      [159] aload_0 v0
      [160] iconst_4
      [161] newarray 5
      [163] putfield #228
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.gx [C]
      [166] aload_0 v0
      [167] invokevirtual #276
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.reset ()V]
      [170] aload_0 v0
      [171] ldc #22
        + String [OP]
      [173] putfield #204
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.PF1 Ljava/lang/String;]
      [176] aload_0 v0
      [177] ldc #24
        + String [OQ]
      [179] putfield #205
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.PF2 Ljava/lang/String;]
      [182] aload_0 v0
      [183] ldc #25
        + String [OR]
      [185] putfield #206
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.PF3 Ljava/lang/String;]
      [188] aload_0 v0
      [189] ldc #26
        + String [OS]
      [191] putfield #207
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.PF4 Ljava/lang/String;]
      [194] aload_0 v0
      [195] iconst_4
      [196] anewarray #174
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [199] putfield #189
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Insert [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [202] aload_0 v0
      [203] iconst_4
      [204] anewarray #174
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [207] putfield #210
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Remove [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [210] aload_0 v0
      [211] iconst_4
      [212] anewarray #174
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [215] putfield #196
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KeyHome [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [218] aload_0 v0
      [219] iconst_4
      [220] anewarray #174
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [223] putfield #195
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KeyEnd [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [226] aload_0 v0
      [227] iconst_4
      [228] anewarray #174
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [231] putfield #202
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.NextScn [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [234] aload_0 v0
      [235] iconst_4
      [236] anewarray #174
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [239] putfield #208
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.PrevScn [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [242] aload_0 v0
      [243] iconst_4
      [244] anewarray #174
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [247] putfield #182
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Escape [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [250] aload_0 v0
      [251] iconst_4
      [252] anewarray #174
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [255] putfield #176
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.BackSpace [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [258] aload_0 v0
      [259] iconst_4
      [260] anewarray #174
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [263] putfield #218
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.TabKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [266] aload_0 v0
      [267] getfield #189
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Insert [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [270] iconst_0
      [271] aload_0 v0
      [272] getfield #189
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Insert [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [275] iconst_1
      [276] aload_0 v0
      [277] getfield #189
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Insert [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [280] iconst_2
      [281] aload_0 v0
      [282] getfield #189
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Insert [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [285] iconst_3
      [286] ldc #54
        + String [[2~]
      [288] dup_x2
      [289] aastore
      [290] dup_x2
      [291] aastore
      [292] dup_x2
      [293] aastore
      [294] aastore
      [295] aload_0 v0
      [296] getfield #210
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Remove [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [299] iconst_0
      [300] aload_0 v0
      [301] getfield #210
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Remove [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [304] iconst_1
      [305] aload_0 v0
      [306] getfield #210
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Remove [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [309] iconst_2
      [310] aload_0 v0
      [311] getfield #210
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Remove [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [314] iconst_3
      [315] ldc #59
        + String [[3~]
      [317] dup_x2
      [318] aastore
      [319] dup_x2
      [320] aastore
      [321] dup_x2
      [322] aastore
      [323] aastore
      [324] aload_0 v0
      [325] getfield #208
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.PrevScn [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [328] iconst_0
      [329] aload_0 v0
      [330] getfield #208
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.PrevScn [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [333] iconst_1
      [334] aload_0 v0
      [335] getfield #208
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.PrevScn [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [338] iconst_2
      [339] aload_0 v0
      [340] getfield #208
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.PrevScn [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [343] iconst_3
      [344] ldc #61
        + String [[5~]
      [346] dup_x2
      [347] aastore
      [348] dup_x2
      [349] aastore
      [350] dup_x2
      [351] aastore
      [352] aastore
      [353] aload_0 v0
      [354] getfield #202
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.NextScn [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [357] iconst_0
      [358] aload_0 v0
      [359] getfield #202
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.NextScn [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [362] iconst_1
      [363] aload_0 v0
      [364] getfield #202
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.NextScn [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [367] iconst_2
      [368] aload_0 v0
      [369] getfield #202
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.NextScn [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [372] iconst_3
      [373] ldc #62
        + String [[6~]
      [375] dup_x2
      [376] aastore
      [377] dup_x2
      [378] aastore
      [379] dup_x2
      [380] aastore
      [381] aastore
      [382] aload_0 v0
      [383] getfield #196
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KeyHome [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [386] iconst_0
      [387] aload_0 v0
      [388] getfield #196
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KeyHome [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [391] iconst_1
      [392] aload_0 v0
      [393] getfield #196
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KeyHome [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [396] iconst_2
      [397] aload_0 v0
      [398] getfield #196
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KeyHome [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [401] iconst_3
      [402] ldc #71
        + String []
      [404] dup_x2
      [405] aastore
      [406] dup_x2
      [407] aastore
      [408] dup_x2
      [409] aastore
      [410] aastore
      [411] aload_0 v0
      [412] getfield #195
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KeyEnd [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [415] iconst_0
      [416] aload_0 v0
      [417] getfield #195
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KeyEnd [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [420] iconst_1
      [421] aload_0 v0
      [422] getfield #195
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KeyEnd [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [425] iconst_2
      [426] aload_0 v0
      [427] getfield #195
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KeyEnd [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [430] iconst_3
      [431] ldc #69
        + String []
      [433] dup_x2
      [434] aastore
      [435] dup_x2
      [436] aastore
      [437] dup_x2
      [438] aastore
      [439] aastore
      [440] aload_0 v0
      [441] getfield #182
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Escape [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [444] iconst_0
      [445] aload_0 v0
      [446] getfield #182
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Escape [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [449] iconst_1
      [450] aload_0 v0
      [451] getfield #182
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Escape [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [454] iconst_2
      [455] aload_0 v0
      [456] getfield #182
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Escape [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [459] iconst_3
      [460] ldc #15
        + String []
      [462] dup_x2
      [463] aastore
      [464] dup_x2
      [465] aastore
      [466] dup_x2
      [467] aastore
      [468] aastore
      [469] aload_0 v0
      [470] getfield #249
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.vms Z]
      [473] ifeq +37 (target=510)
      [476] aload_0 v0
      [477] getfield #176
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.BackSpace [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [480] iconst_1
      [481] ldc #9
        + String [
      [483] aastore
      [484] aload_0 v0
      [485] getfield #176
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.BackSpace [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [488] iconst_2
      [489] ldc #14
        + String []
      [491] aastore
      [492] aload_0 v0
      [493] getfield #176
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.BackSpace [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [496] iconst_0
      [497] aload_0 v0
      [498] getfield #176
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.BackSpace [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [501] iconst_3
      [502] ldc #164
        + String []
      [504] dup_x2
      [505] aastore
      [506] aastore
      [507] goto +35 (target=542)
      [510] aload_0 v0
      [511] getfield #176
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.BackSpace [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [514] iconst_0
      [515] ldc #6
        + String []
      [517] aastore
      [518] aload_0 v0
      [519] getfield #176
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.BackSpace [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [522] iconst_1
      [523] ldc #164
        + String []
      [525] aastore
      [526] aload_0 v0
      [527] getfield #176
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.BackSpace [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [530] iconst_2
      [531] ldc #59
        + String [[3~]
      [533] aastore
      [534] aload_0 v0
      [535] getfield #176
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.BackSpace [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [538] iconst_3
      [539] ldc #54
        + String [[2~]
      [541] aastore
      [542] aload_0 v0
      [543] ldc #45
        + String [[1~]
      [545] putfield #183
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Find Ljava/lang/String;]
      [548] aload_0 v0
      [549] ldc #60
        + String [[4~]
      [551] putfield #213
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Select Ljava/lang/String;]
      [554] aload_0 v0
      [555] ldc #52
        + String [[28~]
      [557] putfield #188
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Help Ljava/lang/String;]
      [560] aload_0 v0
      [561] ldc #53
        + String [[29~]
      [563] putfield #181
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Do Ljava/lang/String;]
      [566] aload_0 v0
      [567] bipush 21
      [569] anewarray #174
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [572] putfield #184
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [575] aload_0 v0
      [576] getfield #184
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [579] iconst_0
      [580] ldc #5
        + String []
      [582] aastore
      [583] aload_0 v0
      [584] getfield #184
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [587] iconst_1
      [588] aload_0 v0
      [589] getfield #204
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.PF1 Ljava/lang/String;]
      [592] aastore
      [593] aload_0 v0
      [594] getfield #184
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [597] iconst_2
      [598] aload_0 v0
      [599] getfield #205
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.PF2 Ljava/lang/String;]
      [602] aastore
      [603] aload_0 v0
      [604] getfield #184
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [607] iconst_3
      [608] aload_0 v0
      [609] getfield #206
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.PF3 Ljava/lang/String;]
      [612] aastore
      [613] aload_0 v0
      [614] getfield #184
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [617] iconst_4
      [618] aload_0 v0
      [619] getfield #207
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.PF4 Ljava/lang/String;]
      [622] aastore
      [623] aload_0 v0
      [624] getfield #184
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [627] iconst_5
      [628] ldc #41
        + String [[15~]
      [630] aastore
      [631] aload_0 v0
      [632] getfield #184
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [635] bipush 6
      [637] ldc #42
        + String [[17~]
      [639] aastore
      [640] aload_0 v0
      [641] getfield #184
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [644] bipush 7
      [646] ldc #43
        + String [[18~]
      [648] aastore
      [649] aload_0 v0
      [650] getfield #184
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [653] bipush 8
      [655] ldc #44
        + String [[19~]
      [657] aastore
      [658] aload_0 v0
      [659] getfield #184
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [662] bipush 9
      [664] ldc #46
        + String [[20~]
      [666] aastore
      [667] aload_0 v0
      [668] getfield #184
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [671] bipush 10
      [673] ldc #47
        + String [[21~]
      [675] aastore
      [676] aload_0 v0
      [677] getfield #184
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [680] bipush 11
      [682] ldc #48
        + String [[23~]
      [684] aastore
      [685] aload_0 v0
      [686] getfield #184
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [689] bipush 12
      [691] ldc #49
        + String [[24~]
      [693] aastore
      [694] aload_0 v0
      [695] getfield #184
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [698] bipush 13
      [700] ldc #50
        + String [[25~]
      [702] aastore
      [703] aload_0 v0
      [704] getfield #184
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [707] bipush 14
      [709] ldc #51
        + String [[26~]
      [711] aastore
      [712] aload_0 v0
      [713] getfield #184
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [716] bipush 15
      [718] aload_0 v0
      [719] getfield #188
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Help Ljava/lang/String;]
      [722] aastore
      [723] aload_0 v0
      [724] getfield #184
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [727] bipush 16
      [729] aload_0 v0
      [730] getfield #181
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Do Ljava/lang/String;]
      [733] aastore
      [734] aload_0 v0
      [735] getfield #184
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [738] bipush 17
      [740] ldc #55
        + String [[31~]
      [742] aastore
      [743] aload_0 v0
      [744] getfield #184
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [747] bipush 18
      [749] ldc #56
        + String [[32~]
      [751] aastore
      [752] aload_0 v0
      [753] getfield #184
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [756] bipush 19
      [758] ldc #57
        + String [[33~]
      [760] aastore
      [761] aload_0 v0
      [762] getfield #184
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [765] bipush 20
      [767] ldc #58
        + String [[34~]
      [769] aastore
      [770] aload_0 v0
      [771] bipush 21
      [773] anewarray #174
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [776] putfield #187
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKeyShift [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [779] aload_0 v0
      [780] bipush 21
      [782] anewarray #174
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [785] putfield #185
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKeyAlt [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [788] aload_0 v0
      [789] bipush 21
      [791] anewarray #174
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [794] putfield #186
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKeyCtrl [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [797] iconst_0
      [798] istore_3 v3
      [799] goto +30 (target=829)
      [802] aload_0 v0
      [803] getfield #187
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKeyShift [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [806] iload_3 v3
      [807] ldc #5
        + String []
      [809] aastore
      [810] aload_0 v0
      [811] getfield #185
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKeyAlt [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [814] iload_3 v3
      [815] ldc #5
        + String []
      [817] aastore
      [818] aload_0 v0
      [819] getfield #186
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKeyCtrl [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [822] iload_3 v3
      [823] ldc #5
        + String []
      [825] aastore
      [826] iinc v3, 1
      [829] iload_3 v3
      [830] bipush 20
      [832] ificmplt -30 (target=802)
      [835] aload_0 v0
      [836] getfield #187
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKeyShift [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [839] bipush 15
      [841] aload_0 v0
      [842] getfield #183
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Find Ljava/lang/String;]
      [845] aastore
      [846] aload_0 v0
      [847] getfield #187
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKeyShift [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [850] bipush 16
      [852] aload_0 v0
      [853] getfield #213
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Select Ljava/lang/String;]
      [856] aastore
      [857] aload_0 v0
      [858] getfield #218
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.TabKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [861] iconst_0
      [862] ldc #8
        + String [	]
      [864] aastore
      [865] aload_0 v0
      [866] getfield #218
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.TabKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [869] iconst_1
      [870] ldc #23
        + String [OP	]
      [872] aastore
      [873] aload_0 v0
      [874] getfield #218
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.TabKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [877] iconst_2
      [878] aload_0 v0
      [879] getfield #218
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.TabKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [882] iconst_3
      [883] ldc #5
        + String []
      [885] dup_x2
      [886] aastore
      [887] aastore
      [888] aload_0 v0
      [889] iconst_4
      [890] anewarray #174
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [893] putfield #199
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KeyUp [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [896] aload_0 v0
      [897] getfield #199
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KeyUp [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [900] iconst_0
      [901] ldc #65
        + String []
      [903] aastore
      [904] aload_0 v0
      [905] iconst_4
      [906] anewarray #174
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [909] putfield #194
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KeyDown [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [912] aload_0 v0
      [913] getfield #194
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KeyDown [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [916] iconst_0
      [917] ldc #66
        + String []
      [919] aastore
      [920] aload_0 v0
      [921] iconst_4
      [922] anewarray #174
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [925] putfield #198
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KeyRight [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [928] aload_0 v0
      [929] getfield #198
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KeyRight [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [932] iconst_0
      [933] ldc #67
        + String []
      [935] aastore
      [936] aload_0 v0
      [937] iconst_4
      [938] anewarray #174
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [941] putfield #197
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KeyLeft [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [944] aload_0 v0
      [945] getfield #197
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KeyLeft [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [948] iconst_0
      [949] ldc #68
        + String []
      [951] aastore
      [952] aload_0 v0
      [953] bipush 10
      [955] anewarray #174
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [958] putfield #203
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Numpad [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [961] aload_0 v0
      [962] getfield #203
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Numpad [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [965] iconst_0
      [966] ldc #29
        + String [Op]
      [968] aastore
      [969] aload_0 v0
      [970] getfield #203
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Numpad [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [973] iconst_1
      [974] ldc #30
        + String [Oq]
      [976] aastore
      [977] aload_0 v0
      [978] getfield #203
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Numpad [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [981] iconst_2
      [982] ldc #31
        + String [Or]
      [984] aastore
      [985] aload_0 v0
      [986] getfield #203
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Numpad [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [989] iconst_3
      [990] ldc #32
        + String [Os]
      [992] aastore
      [993] aload_0 v0
      [994] getfield #203
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Numpad [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [997] iconst_4
      [998] ldc #33
        + String [Ot]
      [1000] aastore
      [1001] aload_0 v0
      [1002] getfield #203
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Numpad [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [1005] iconst_5
      [1006] ldc #34
        + String [Ou]
      [1008] aastore
      [1009] aload_0 v0
      [1010] getfield #203
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Numpad [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [1013] bipush 6
      [1015] ldc #35
        + String [Ov]
      [1017] aastore
      [1018] aload_0 v0
      [1019] getfield #203
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Numpad [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [1022] bipush 7
      [1024] ldc #36
        + String [Ow]
      [1026] aastore
      [1027] aload_0 v0
      [1028] getfield #203
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Numpad [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [1031] bipush 8
      [1033] ldc #37
        + String [Ox]
      [1035] aastore
      [1036] aload_0 v0
      [1037] getfield #203
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Numpad [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [1040] bipush 9
      [1042] ldc #38
        + String [Oy]
      [1044] aastore
      [1045] aload_0 v0
      [1046] aload_0 v0
      [1047] getfield #207
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.PF4 Ljava/lang/String;]
      [1050] putfield #192
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KPMinus Ljava/lang/String;]
      [1053] aload_0 v0
      [1054] ldc #27
        + String [Ol]
      [1056] putfield #190
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KPComma Ljava/lang/String;]
      [1059] aload_0 v0
      [1060] ldc #28
        + String [On]
      [1062] putfield #193
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KPPeriod Ljava/lang/String;]
      [1065] aload_0 v0
      [1066] ldc #21
        + String [OM]
      [1068] putfield #191
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KPEnter Ljava/lang/String;]
      [1071] aload_0 v0
      [1072] iconst_4
      [1073] anewarray #174
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [1076] putfield #201
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.NUMPlus [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [1079] aload_0 v0
      [1080] getfield #201
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.NUMPlus [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [1083] iconst_0
      [1084] ldc #111
        + String [+]
      [1086] aastore
      [1087] aload_0 v0
      [1088] iconst_4
      [1089] anewarray #174
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [1092] putfield #200
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.NUMDot [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [1095] aload_0 v0
      [1096] getfield #200
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.NUMDot [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [1099] iconst_0
      [1100] ldc #116
        + String [.]
      [1102] aastore
      [1103] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 126)
        [0] -> line 193
        [6] -> line 412
        [11] -> line 590
        [17] -> line 591
        [23] -> line 595
        [28] -> line 601
        [33] -> line 602
        [38] -> line 603
        [43] -> line 604
        [48] -> line 605
        [53] -> line 606
        [58] -> line 607
        [63] -> line 608
        [68] -> line 609
        [73] -> line 610
        [78] -> line 611
        [83] -> line 612
        [88] -> line 613
        [93] -> line 615
        [98] -> line 617
        [103] -> line 618
        [108] -> line 768
        [113] -> line 770
        [118] -> line 774
        [126] -> line 195
        [137] -> line 197
        [142] -> line 198
        [147] -> line 199
        [153] -> line 200
        [159] -> line 203
        [166] -> line 204
        [170] -> line 207
        [176] -> line 208
        [182] -> line 209
        [188] -> line 210
        [194] -> line 213
        [202] -> line 214
        [210] -> line 215
        [218] -> line 216
        [226] -> line 217
        [234] -> line 218
        [242] -> line 219
        [250] -> line 220
        [258] -> line 221
        [266] -> line 222
        [295] -> line 223
        [324] -> line 224
        [353] -> line 225
        [382] -> line 226
        [411] -> line 227
        [440] -> line 228
        [469] -> line 229
        [476] -> line 230
        [484] -> line 231
        [492] -> line 232
        [510] -> line 236
        [518] -> line 237
        [526] -> line 238
        [534] -> line 239
        [542] -> line 243
        [548] -> line 244
        [554] -> line 245
        [560] -> line 246
        [566] -> line 248
        [575] -> line 249
        [583] -> line 250
        [593] -> line 251
        [603] -> line 252
        [613] -> line 253
        [623] -> line 255
        [631] -> line 256
        [640] -> line 257
        [649] -> line 258
        [658] -> line 259
        [667] -> line 260
        [676] -> line 261
        [685] -> line 262
        [694] -> line 263
        [703] -> line 264
        [712] -> line 265
        [723] -> line 266
        [734] -> line 267
        [743] -> line 268
        [752] -> line 269
        [761] -> line 270
        [770] -> line 272
        [779] -> line 273
        [788] -> line 274
        [797] -> line 276
        [802] -> line 277
        [810] -> line 278
        [818] -> line 279
        [826] -> line 276
        [835] -> line 281
        [846] -> line 282
        [857] -> line 285
        [865] -> line 286
        [873] -> line 287
        [888] -> line 289
        [896] -> line 290
        [904] -> line 291
        [912] -> line 292
        [920] -> line 293
        [928] -> line 294
        [936] -> line 295
        [944] -> line 296
        [952] -> line 297
        [961] -> line 298
        [969] -> line 299
        [977] -> line 300
        [985] -> line 301
        [993] -> line 302
        [1001] -> line 303
        [1009] -> line 304
        [1018] -> line 305
        [1027] -> line 306
        [1036] -> line 307
        [1045] -> line 308
        [1053] -> line 309
        [1059] -> line 310
        [1065] -> line 311
        [1071] -> line 313
        [1079] -> line 314
        [1087] -> line 315
        [1095] -> line 316
        [1103] -> line 317
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 1104 [Lde/mud/terminal/vt320; this]
        v1: 0 -> 1104 [I width]
        v2: 0 -> 1104 [I height]
        v3: 799 -> 835 [I i]
  + Method:       setBackspace(I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setBackspace(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 60, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] iload_1 v1
      [1] tableswitch (2 offsets, default=58) (target=59)
        0: offset = 23, target = 24
        1: offset = 42, target = 43
        default: offset = 58, target = 59
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] getfield #176
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.BackSpace [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [28] iconst_0
      [29] ldc #164
        + String []
      [31] aastore
      [32] aload_0 v0
      [33] getfield #176
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.BackSpace [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [36] iconst_1
      [37] ldc #6
        + String []
      [39] aastore
      [40] goto +19 (target=59)
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] getfield #176
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.BackSpace [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [47] iconst_0
      [48] ldc #6
        + String []
      [50] aastore
      [51] aload_0 v0
      [52] getfield #176
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.BackSpace [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [55] iconst_1
      [56] ldc #164
        + String []
      [58] aastore
      [59] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 320
        [24] -> line 322
        [32] -> line 323
        [40] -> line 324
        [43] -> line 326
        [51] -> line 327
        [59] -> line 330
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 60 [Lde/mud/terminal/vt320; this]
        v1: 0 -> 60 [I type]
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public vt320()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 9, locals = 1, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] bipush 80
      [3] bipush 24
      [5] invokespecial #256
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.<init> (II)V]
      [8] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 336
        [8] -> line 337
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 9 [Lde/mud/terminal/vt320; this]
  + Method:       setVMS(Z)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setVMS(boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #249
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.vms Z]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 428
        [5] -> line 429
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lde/mud/terminal/vt320; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [Z vms]
  + Method:       setIBMCharset(Z)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setIBMCharset(boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #248
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.useibmcharset Z]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 437
        [5] -> line 438
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lde/mud/terminal/vt320; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [Z ibm]
  + Method:       setTerminalID(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setTerminalID(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 248, locals = 2, stack = 10):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #245
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.terminalID Ljava/lang/String;]
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] ldc #159
        + String [scoansi]
      [8] invokevirtual #298
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [11] ifeq +236 (target=247)
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] getfield #184
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [18] iconst_1
      [19] ldc #73
        + String []
      [21] aastore
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] getfield #184
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [26] iconst_2
      [27] ldc #74
        + String []
      [29] aastore
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] getfield #184
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [34] iconst_3
      [35] ldc #75
        + String []
      [37] aastore
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] getfield #184
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [42] iconst_4
      [43] ldc #76
        + String []
      [45] aastore
      [46] aload_0 v0
      [47] getfield #184
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [50] iconst_5
      [51] ldc #77
        + String []
      [53] aastore
      [54] aload_0 v0
      [55] getfield #184
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [58] bipush 6
      [60] ldc #78
        + String []
      [62] aastore
      [63] aload_0 v0
      [64] getfield #184
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [67] bipush 7
      [69] ldc #79
        + String []
      [71] aastore
      [72] aload_0 v0
      [73] getfield #184
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [76] bipush 8
      [78] ldc #80
        + String []
      [80] aastore
      [81] aload_0 v0
      [82] getfield #184
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [85] bipush 9
      [87] ldc #81
        + String []
      [89] aastore
      [90] aload_0 v0
      [91] getfield #184
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [94] bipush 10
      [96] ldc #82
        + String []
      [98] aastore
      [99] aload_0 v0
      [100] getfield #184
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [103] bipush 11
      [105] ldc #83
        + String []
      [107] aastore
      [108] aload_0 v0
      [109] getfield #184
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [112] bipush 12
      [114] ldc #84
        + String []
      [116] aastore
      [117] aload_0 v0
      [118] getfield #184
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [121] bipush 13
      [123] ldc #85
        + String []
      [125] aastore
      [126] aload_0 v0
      [127] getfield #184
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [130] bipush 14
      [132] ldc #125
        + String [?]
      [134] aastore
      [135] aload_0 v0
      [136] getfield #184
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [139] bipush 15
      [141] ldc #86
        + String []
      [143] aastore
      [144] aload_0 v0
      [145] getfield #184
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [148] bipush 16
      [150] ldc #87
        + String []
      [152] aastore
      [153] aload_0 v0
      [154] getfield #184
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [157] bipush 17
      [159] ldc #88
        + String []
      [161] aastore
      [162] aload_0 v0
      [163] getfield #184
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [166] bipush 18
      [168] ldc #89
        + String []
      [170] aastore
      [171] aload_0 v0
      [172] getfield #184
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [175] bipush 19
      [177] ldc #90
        + String []
      [179] aastore
      [180] aload_0 v0
      [181] getfield #184
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [184] bipush 20
      [186] ldc #91
        + String []
      [188] aastore
      [189] aload_0 v0
      [190] getfield #208
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.PrevScn [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [193] iconst_0
      [194] aload_0 v0
      [195] getfield #208
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.PrevScn [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [198] iconst_1
      [199] aload_0 v0
      [200] getfield #208
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.PrevScn [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [203] iconst_2
      [204] aload_0 v0
      [205] getfield #208
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.PrevScn [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [208] iconst_3
      [209] ldc #72
        + String []
      [211] dup_x2
      [212] aastore
      [213] dup_x2
      [214] aastore
      [215] dup_x2
      [216] aastore
      [217] aastore
      [218] aload_0 v0
      [219] getfield #202
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.NextScn [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [222] iconst_0
      [223] aload_0 v0
      [224] getfield #202
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.NextScn [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [227] iconst_1
      [228] aload_0 v0
      [229] getfield #202
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.NextScn [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [232] iconst_2
      [233] aload_0 v0
      [234] getfield #202
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.NextScn [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [237] iconst_3
      [238] ldc #70
        + String []
      [240] dup_x2
      [241] aastore
      [242] dup_x2
      [243] aastore
      [244] dup_x2
      [245] aastore
      [246] aastore
      [247] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 15)
        [0] -> line 501
        [5] -> line 503
        [14] -> line 504
        [30] -> line 505
        [46] -> line 506
        [63] -> line 507
        [81] -> line 508
        [99] -> line 509
        [117] -> line 510
        [135] -> line 511
        [153] -> line 512
        [171] -> line 513
        [189] -> line 514
        [218] -> line 515
        [247] -> line 518
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 248 [Lde/mud/terminal/vt320; this]
        v1: 0 -> 248 [Ljava/lang/String; terminalID]
  + Method:       setAnswerBack(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setAnswerBack(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 9, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokestatic #287
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.unEscape (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [5] putfield #220
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.answerBack Ljava/lang/String;]
      [8] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 521
        [8] -> line 522
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 9 [Lde/mud/terminal/vt320; this]
        v1: 0 -> 9 [Ljava/lang/String; ab]
  + Method:       write(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean write(java.lang.String,boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 58, locals = 5, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] ifnonnull +5 (target=6)
      [4] iconst_1
      [5] ireturn
      [6] aload_1 v1
      [7] invokevirtual #301
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
      [10] newarray 8
      [12] astore_3 v3
      [13] iconst_0
      [14] istore v4
      [16] goto +17 (target=33)
      [19] aload_3 v3
      [20] iload v4
      [22] aload_1 v1
      [23] iload v4
      [25] invokevirtual #297
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.charAt (I)C]
      [28] i2b
      [29] bastore
      [30] iinc v4, 1
      [33] iload v4
      [35] aload_1 v1
      [36] invokevirtual #301
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
      [39] ificmplt -20 (target=19)
      [42] aload_0 v0
      [43] aload_3 v3
      [44] invokevirtual #290
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.write ([B)V]
      [47] iload_2 v2
      [48] ifeq +8 (target=56)
      [51] aload_0 v0
      [52] aload_1 v1
      [53] invokevirtual #273
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.putString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [56] iconst_1
      [57] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 10)
        [0] -> line 545
        [4] -> line 546
        [6] -> line 553
        [13] -> line 554
        [19] -> line 555
        [30] -> line 554
        [42] -> line 557
        [47] -> line 559
        [51] -> line 560
        [56] -> line 561
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 58 [Lde/mud/terminal/vt320; this]
        v1: 0 -> 58 [Ljava/lang/String; s]
        v2: 0 -> 58 [Z doecho]
        v3: 13 -> 58 [[B arr]
        v4: 16 -> 42 [I i]
  + Method:       unEscape(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static java.lang.String unEscape(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 465, locals = 5, stack = 5):
      [0] iconst_0
      [1] istore_1 v1
      [2] iconst_0
      [3] istore_2 v2
      [4] ldc #5
        + String []
      [6] astore_3 v3
      [7] goto +402 (target=409)
      [10] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [13] dup
      [14] aload_3 v3
      [15] invokestatic #305
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [18] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] iload_2 v2
      [23] iload_1 v1
      [24] iconst_1
      [25] isub
      [26] invokevirtual #304
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (II)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [29] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [32] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [35] astore_3 v3
      [36] iload_1 v1
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] invokevirtual #301
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
      [41] ificmpne +5 (target=46)
      [44] aload_3 v3
      [45] areturn
      [46] aload_0 v0
      [47] iload_1 v1
      [48] invokevirtual #297
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.charAt (I)C]
      [51] lookupswitch (7 offsets, default=226) (target=277)
        97: offset = 203, target = 254
        98: offset = 65, target = 116
        101: offset = 88, target = 139
        110: offset = 111, target = 162
        114: offset = 134, target = 185
        116: offset = 157, target = 208
        118: offset = 180, target = 231
        default: offset = 226, target = 277
      [116] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [119] dup
      [120] aload_3 v3
      [121] invokestatic #305
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [124] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [127] ldc #6
        + String []
      [129] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [132] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [135] astore_3 v3
      [136] goto +268 (target=404)
      [139] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [142] dup
      [143] aload_3 v3
      [144] invokestatic #305
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [147] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [150] ldc #15
        + String []
      [152] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [155] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [158] astore_3 v3
      [159] goto +245 (target=404)
      [162] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [165] dup
      [166] aload_3 v3
      [167] invokestatic #305
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [170] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [173] ldc #9
        + String [
      [175] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [178] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [181] astore_3 v3
      [182] goto +222 (target=404)
      [185] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [188] dup
      [189] aload_3 v3
      [190] invokestatic #305
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [193] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [196] ldc #11
        + String [
      [198] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [201] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [204] astore_3 v3
      [205] goto +199 (target=404)
      [208] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [211] dup
      [212] aload_3 v3
      [213] invokestatic #305
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [216] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [219] ldc #8
        + String [	]
      [221] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [224] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [227] astore_3 v3
      [228] goto +176 (target=404)
      [231] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [234] dup
      [235] aload_3 v3
      [236] invokestatic #305
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [239] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [242] ldc #10
        + String []
      [244] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [247] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [250] astore_3 v3
      [251] goto +153 (target=404)
      [254] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [257] dup
      [258] aload_3 v3
      [259] invokestatic #305
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [262] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [265] ldc #13
        + String []
      [267] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [270] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [273] astore_3 v3
      [274] goto +130 (target=404)
      [277] aload_0 v0
      [278] iload_1 v1
      [279] invokevirtual #297
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.charAt (I)C]
      [282] bipush 48
      [284] ificmplt +93 (target=377)
      [287] aload_0 v0
      [288] iload_1 v1
      [289] invokevirtual #297
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.charAt (I)C]
      [292] bipush 57
      [294] ificmpgt +83 (target=377)
      [297] iload_1 v1
      [298] istore v4
      [300] goto +31 (target=331)
      [303] aload_0 v0
      [304] iload v4
      [306] invokevirtual #297
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.charAt (I)C]
      [309] bipush 48
      [311] ificmplt +29 (target=340)
      [314] aload_0 v0
      [315] iload v4
      [317] invokevirtual #297
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.charAt (I)C]
      [320] bipush 57
      [322] ificmple +6 (target=328)
      [325] goto +15 (target=340)
      [328] iinc v4, 1
      [331] iload v4
      [333] aload_0 v0
      [334] invokevirtual #301
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
      [337] ificmplt -34 (target=303)
      [340] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [343] dup
      [344] aload_3 v3
      [345] invokestatic #305
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [348] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [351] aload_0 v0
      [352] iload_1 v1
      [353] iload v4
      [355] invokevirtual #304
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (II)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [358] invokestatic #295
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.parseInt (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [361] i2c
      [362] invokevirtual #308
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [365] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [368] astore_3 v3
      [369] iload v4
      [371] iconst_1
      [372] isub
      [373] istore_1 v1
      [374] goto +30 (target=404)
      [377] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [380] dup
      [381] aload_3 v3
      [382] invokestatic #305
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [385] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [388] aload_0 v0
      [389] iload_1 v1
      [390] iinc v1, 1
      [393] iload_1 v1
      [394] invokevirtual #304
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (II)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [397] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [400] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [403] astore_3 v3
      [404] iinc v1, 1
      [407] iload_1 v1
      [408] istore_2 v2
      [409] aload_0 v0
      [410] bipush 92
      [412] iload_2 v2
      [413] invokevirtual #300
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.indexOf (II)I]
      [416] dup
      [417] istore_1 v1
      [418] iflt +14 (target=432)
      [421] iinc v1, 1
      [424] iload_1 v1
      [425] aload_0 v0
      [426] invokevirtual #301
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
      [429] ificmple -419 (target=10)
      [432] iload_2 v2
      [433] aload_0 v0
      [434] invokevirtual #301
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
      [437] ificmpgt +26 (target=463)
      [440] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [443] dup
      [444] aload_3 v3
      [445] invokestatic #305
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [448] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [451] aload_0 v0
      [452] iload_2 v2
      [453] invokevirtual #303
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [456] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [459] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [462] astore_3 v3
      [463] aload_3 v3
      [464] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 33)
        [0] -> line 784
        [4] -> line 787
        [7] -> line 788
        [10] -> line 790
        [36] -> line 791
        [46] -> line 792
        [116] -> line 794
        [136] -> line 795
        [139] -> line 797
        [159] -> line 798
        [162] -> line 800
        [182] -> line 801
        [185] -> line 803
        [205] -> line 804
        [208] -> line 806
        [228] -> line 807
        [231] -> line 809
        [251] -> line 810
        [254] -> line 812
        [274] -> line 813
        [277] -> line 815
        [297] -> line 817
        [303] -> line 818
        [325] -> line 819
        [328] -> line 817
        [340] -> line 820
        [369] -> line 821
        [377] -> line 823
        [404] -> line 826
        [409] -> line 788
        [421] -> line 789
        [432] -> line 828
        [463] -> line 829
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 465 [Ljava/lang/String; tmp]
        v1: 2 -> 465 [I idx]
        v2: 4 -> 465 [I oldidx]
        v3: 7 -> 465 [Ljava/lang/String; cmd]
        v4: 300 -> 377 [I i]
  + Method:       writeSpecial(Ljava/lang/String;)Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean writeSpecial(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 200, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] ifnonnull +5 (target=6)
      [4] iconst_1
      [5] ireturn
      [6] aload_1 v1
      [7] invokevirtual #301
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
      [10] iconst_3
      [11] ificmplt +126 (target=137)
      [14] aload_1 v1
      [15] iconst_0
      [16] invokevirtual #297
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.charAt (I)C]
      [19] bipush 27
      [21] ificmpne +116 (target=137)
      [24] aload_1 v1
      [25] iconst_1
      [26] invokevirtual #297
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.charAt (I)C]
      [29] bipush 79
      [31] ificmpne +106 (target=137)
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] getfield #250
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.vt52mode Z]
      [38] ifeq +71 (target=109)
      [41] aload_1 v1
      [42] iconst_2
      [43] invokevirtual #297
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.charAt (I)C]
      [46] bipush 80
      [48] ificmplt +37 (target=85)
      [51] aload_1 v1
      [52] iconst_2
      [53] invokevirtual #297
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.charAt (I)C]
      [56] bipush 83
      [58] ificmpgt +27 (target=85)
      [61] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [64] dup
      [65] ldc #15
        + String []
      [67] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [70] aload_1 v1
      [71] iconst_2
      [72] invokevirtual #303
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [75] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [78] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [81] astore_1 v1
      [82] goto +55 (target=137)
      [85] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [88] dup
      [89] ldc #16
        + String [?]
      [91] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [94] aload_1 v1
      [95] iconst_2
      [96] invokevirtual #303
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [99] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [102] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [105] astore_1 v1
      [106] goto +31 (target=137)
      [109] aload_0 v0
      [110] getfield #241
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.output8bit Z]
      [113] ifeq +24 (target=137)
      [116] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [119] dup
      [120] ldc #165
        + String [?]
      [122] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [125] aload_1 v1
      [126] iconst_2
      [127] invokevirtual #303
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [130] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [133] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [136] astore_1 v1
      [137] aload_1 v1
      [138] invokevirtual #301
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
      [141] iconst_3
      [142] ificmplt +51 (target=193)
      [145] aload_1 v1
      [146] iconst_0
      [147] invokevirtual #297
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.charAt (I)C]
      [150] bipush 27
      [152] ificmpne +41 (target=193)
      [155] aload_1 v1
      [156] iconst_1
      [157] invokevirtual #297
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.charAt (I)C]
      [160] bipush 91
      [162] ificmpne +31 (target=193)
      [165] aload_0 v0
      [166] getfield #241
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.output8bit Z]
      [169] ifeq +24 (target=193)
      [172] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [175] dup
      [176] ldc #166
        + String [?]
      [178] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [181] aload_1 v1
      [182] iconst_2
      [183] invokevirtual #303
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [186] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [189] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [192] astore_1 v1
      [193] aload_0 v0
      [194] aload_1 v1
      [195] iconst_0
      [196] invokespecial #289
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.write (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
      [199] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 13)
        [0] -> line 839
        [4] -> line 840
        [6] -> line 841
        [34] -> line 842
        [41] -> line 843
        [61] -> line 844
        [85] -> line 846
        [109] -> line 849
        [116] -> line 850
        [137] -> line 854
        [165] -> line 855
        [172] -> line 856
        [193] -> line 859
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 200 [Lde/mud/terminal/vt320; this]
        v1: 0 -> 200 [Ljava/lang/String; s]
  + Method:       keyPressed(ICI)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void keyPressed(int,char,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 658, locals = 9, stack = 3):
      [0] iload_3 v3
      [1] iconst_1
      [2] iand
      [3] ifeq +7 (target=10)
      [6] iconst_1
      [7] goto +4 (target=11)
      [10] iconst_0
      [11] istore v4
      [13] iload_3 v3
      [14] iconst_2
      [15] iand
      [16] ifeq +7 (target=23)
      [19] iconst_1
      [20] goto +4 (target=24)
      [23] iconst_0
      [24] istore v5
      [26] iload_3 v3
      [27] iconst_4
      [28] iand
      [29] ifeq +7 (target=36)
      [32] iconst_1
      [33] goto +4 (target=37)
      [36] iconst_0
      [37] istore v6
      [39] iconst_0
      [40] istore v7
      [42] aload_0 v0
      [43] getfield #184
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [46] astore v8
      [48] iload v5
      [50] ifeq +12 (target=62)
      [53] aload_0 v0
      [54] getfield #187
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKeyShift [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [57] astore v8
      [59] iconst_1
      [60] istore v7
      [62] iload v4
      [64] ifeq +12 (target=76)
      [67] aload_0 v0
      [68] getfield #186
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKeyCtrl [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [71] astore v8
      [73] iconst_2
      [74] istore v7
      [76] iload v6
      [78] ifeq +12 (target=90)
      [81] aload_0 v0
      [82] getfield #185
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.FunctionKeyAlt [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [85] astore v8
      [87] iconst_3
      [88] istore v7
      [90] iload_1 v1
      [91] tableswitch (29 offsets, default=566) (target=657)
        1: offset = 129, target = 220
        2: offset = 148, target = 239
        3: offset = 160, target = 251
        4: offset = 172, target = 263
        5: offset = 184, target = 275
        6: offset = 196, target = 287
        7: offset = 208, target = 299
        8: offset = 221, target = 312
        9: offset = 234, target = 325
        10: offset = 247, target = 338
        11: offset = 260, target = 351
        12: offset = 273, target = 364
        13: offset = 286, target = 377
        14: offset = 299, target = 390
        15: offset = 314, target = 405
        16: offset = 329, target = 420
        17: offset = 344, target = 435
        18: offset = 359, target = 450
        19: offset = 374, target = 465
        20: offset = 389, target = 480
        21: offset = 404, target = 495
        22: offset = 419, target = 510
        23: offset = 473, target = 564
        24: offset = 488, target = 579
        25: offset = 503, target = 594
        26: offset = 548, target = 639
        27: offset = 565, target = 656
        28: offset = 565, target = 656
        29: offset = 565, target = 656
        default: offset = 566, target = 657
      [220] iload v5
      [222] ifne +8 (target=230)
      [225] iload v4
      [227] ifeq +430 (target=657)
      [230] aload_0 v0
      [231] bipush -13
      [233] invokevirtual #277
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.sendTelnetCommand (B)V]
      [236] goto +421 (target=657)
      [239] aload_0 v0
      [240] aload v8
      [242] iconst_1
      [243] aaload
      [244] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [247] pop
      [248] goto +409 (target=657)
      [251] aload_0 v0
      [252] aload v8
      [254] iconst_2
      [255] aaload
      [256] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [259] pop
      [260] goto +397 (target=657)
      [263] aload_0 v0
      [264] aload v8
      [266] iconst_3
      [267] aaload
      [268] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [271] pop
      [272] goto +385 (target=657)
      [275] aload_0 v0
      [276] aload v8
      [278] iconst_4
      [279] aaload
      [280] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [283] pop
      [284] goto +373 (target=657)
      [287] aload_0 v0
      [288] aload v8
      [290] iconst_5
      [291] aaload
      [292] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [295] pop
      [296] goto +361 (target=657)
      [299] aload_0 v0
      [300] aload v8
      [302] bipush 6
      [304] aaload
      [305] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [308] pop
      [309] goto +348 (target=657)
      [312] aload_0 v0
      [313] aload v8
      [315] bipush 7
      [317] aaload
      [318] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [321] pop
      [322] goto +335 (target=657)
      [325] aload_0 v0
      [326] aload v8
      [328] bipush 8
      [330] aaload
      [331] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [334] pop
      [335] goto +322 (target=657)
      [338] aload_0 v0
      [339] aload v8
      [341] bipush 9
      [343] aaload
      [344] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [347] pop
      [348] goto +309 (target=657)
      [351] aload_0 v0
      [352] aload v8
      [354] bipush 10
      [356] aaload
      [357] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [360] pop
      [361] goto +296 (target=657)
      [364] aload_0 v0
      [365] aload v8
      [367] bipush 11
      [369] aaload
      [370] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [373] pop
      [374] goto +283 (target=657)
      [377] aload_0 v0
      [378] aload v8
      [380] bipush 12
      [382] aaload
      [383] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [386] pop
      [387] goto +270 (target=657)
      [390] aload_0 v0
      [391] aload_0 v0
      [392] getfield #199
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KeyUp [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [395] iload v7
      [397] aaload
      [398] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [401] pop
      [402] goto +255 (target=657)
      [405] aload_0 v0
      [406] aload_0 v0
      [407] getfield #194
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KeyDown [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [410] iload v7
      [412] aaload
      [413] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [416] pop
      [417] goto +240 (target=657)
      [420] aload_0 v0
      [421] aload_0 v0
      [422] getfield #197
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KeyLeft [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [425] iload v7
      [427] aaload
      [428] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [431] pop
      [432] goto +225 (target=657)
      [435] aload_0 v0
      [436] aload_0 v0
      [437] getfield #198
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KeyRight [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [440] iload v7
      [442] aaload
      [443] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [446] pop
      [447] goto +210 (target=657)
      [450] aload_0 v0
      [451] aload_0 v0
      [452] getfield #202
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.NextScn [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [455] iload v7
      [457] aaload
      [458] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [461] pop
      [462] goto +195 (target=657)
      [465] aload_0 v0
      [466] aload_0 v0
      [467] getfield #208
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.PrevScn [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [470] iload v7
      [472] aaload
      [473] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [476] pop
      [477] goto +180 (target=657)
      [480] aload_0 v0
      [481] aload_0 v0
      [482] getfield #189
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Insert [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [485] iload v7
      [487] aaload
      [488] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [491] pop
      [492] goto +165 (target=657)
      [495] aload_0 v0
      [496] aload_0 v0
      [497] getfield #210
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Remove [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [500] iload v7
      [502] aaload
      [503] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [506] pop
      [507] goto +150 (target=657)
      [510] aload_0 v0
      [511] aload_0 v0
      [512] getfield #176
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.BackSpace [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [515] iload v7
      [517] aaload
      [518] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [521] pop
      [522] aload_0 v0
      [523] getfield #233
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.localecho Z]
      [526] ifeq +131 (target=657)
      [529] aload_0 v0
      [530] getfield #176
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.BackSpace [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [533] iload v7
      [535] aaload
      [536] ldc #6
        + String []
      [538] ifacmpne +12 (target=550)
      [541] aload_0 v0
      [542] ldc #7
        + String [ ]
      [544] invokevirtual #273
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.putString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [547] goto +110 (target=657)
      [550] aload_0 v0
      [551] aload_0 v0
      [552] getfield #176
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.BackSpace [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [555] iload v7
      [557] aaload
      [558] invokevirtual #273
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.putString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [561] goto +96 (target=657)
      [564] aload_0 v0
      [565] aload_0 v0
      [566] getfield #196
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KeyHome [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [569] iload v7
      [571] aaload
      [572] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [575] pop
      [576] goto +81 (target=657)
      [579] aload_0 v0
      [580] aload_0 v0
      [581] getfield #195
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KeyEnd [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [584] iload v7
      [586] aaload
      [587] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [590] pop
      [591] goto +66 (target=657)
      [594] aload_0 v0
      [595] getfield #249
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.vms Z]
      [598] ifeq +17 (target=615)
      [601] iload v4
      [603] ifeq +12 (target=615)
      [606] aload_0 v0
      [607] aload_0 v0
      [608] getfield #204
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.PF1 Ljava/lang/String;]
      [611] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [614] pop
      [615] iload v4
      [617] ifne +40 (target=657)
      [620] aload_0 v0
      [621] aload_0 v0
      [622] getfield #238
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.numlock Z]
      [625] ifeq +7 (target=632)
      [628] iconst_0
      [629] goto +4 (target=633)
      [632] iconst_1
      [633] putfield #238
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.numlock Z]
      [636] goto +21 (target=657)
      [639] aload_0 v0
      [640] aload_0 v0
      [641] getfield #222
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.capslock Z]
      [644] ifeq +7 (target=651)
      [647] iconst_0
      [648] goto +4 (target=652)
      [651] iconst_1
      [652] putfield #222
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.capslock Z]
      [655] return
      [656] return
      [657] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 77)
        [0] -> line 866
        [13] -> line 867
        [26] -> line 868
        [39] -> line 884
        [42] -> line 885
        [48] -> line 886
        [53] -> line 887
        [59] -> line 888
        [62] -> line 890
        [67] -> line 891
        [73] -> line 892
        [76] -> line 894
        [81] -> line 895
        [87] -> line 896
        [90] -> line 899
        [220] -> line 901
        [230] -> line 902
        [236] -> line 903
        [239] -> line 905
        [248] -> line 906
        [251] -> line 908
        [260] -> line 909
        [263] -> line 911
        [272] -> line 912
        [275] -> line 914
        [284] -> line 915
        [287] -> line 917
        [296] -> line 918
        [299] -> line 920
        [309] -> line 921
        [312] -> line 923
        [322] -> line 924
        [325] -> line 926
        [335] -> line 927
        [338] -> line 929
        [348] -> line 930
        [351] -> line 932
        [361] -> line 933
        [364] -> line 935
        [374] -> line 936
        [377] -> line 938
        [387] -> line 939
        [390] -> line 941
        [402] -> line 942
        [405] -> line 944
        [417] -> line 945
        [420] -> line 947
        [432] -> line 948
        [435] -> line 950
        [447] -> line 951
        [450] -> line 953
        [462] -> line 954
        [465] -> line 956
        [477] -> line 957
        [480] -> line 959
        [492] -> line 960
        [495] -> line 962
        [507] -> line 963
        [510] -> line 965
        [522] -> line 966
        [529] -> line 967
        [541] -> line 968
        [550] -> line 970
        [561] -> line 973
        [564] -> line 975
        [576] -> line 976
        [579] -> line 978
        [591] -> line 979
        [594] -> line 981
        [606] -> line 982
        [615] -> line 984
        [620] -> line 985
        [636] -> line 986
        [639] -> line 988
        [655] -> line 989
        [656] -> line 993
        [657] -> line 997
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 9)
        v0: 0 -> 658 [Lde/mud/terminal/vt320; this]
        v1: 0 -> 658 [I keyCode]
        v2: 0 -> 658 [C keyChar]
        v3: 0 -> 658 [I modifiers]
        v4: 13 -> 658 [Z control]
        v5: 26 -> 658 [Z shift]
        v6: 39 -> 658 [Z alt]
        v7: 42 -> 658 [I xind]
        v8: 48 -> 658 [[Ljava/lang/String; fmap]
  + Method:       keyTyped(ICI)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void keyTyped(int,char,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 905, locals = 8, stack = 3):
      [0] iload_3 v3
      [1] iconst_1
      [2] iand
      [3] ifeq +7 (target=10)
      [6] iconst_1
      [7] goto +4 (target=11)
      [10] iconst_0
      [11] istore v4
      [13] iload_3 v3
      [14] iconst_2
      [15] iand
      [16] ifeq +7 (target=23)
      [19] iconst_1
      [20] goto +4 (target=24)
      [23] iconst_0
      [24] istore v5
      [26] iload_3 v3
      [27] iconst_4
      [28] iand
      [29] ifeq +7 (target=36)
      [32] iconst_1
      [33] goto +4 (target=37)
      [36] iconst_0
      [37] istore v6
      [39] iload_2 v2
      [40] bipush 9
      [42] ificmpne +76 (target=118)
      [45] iload v5
      [47] ifeq +18 (target=65)
      [50] aload_0 v0
      [51] aload_0 v0
      [52] getfield #218
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.TabKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [55] iconst_1
      [56] aaload
      [57] iconst_0
      [58] invokespecial #289
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.write (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
      [61] pop
      [62] goto +55 (target=117)
      [65] iload v4
      [67] ifeq +18 (target=85)
      [70] aload_0 v0
      [71] aload_0 v0
      [72] getfield #218
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.TabKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [75] iconst_2
      [76] aaload
      [77] iconst_0
      [78] invokespecial #289
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.write (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
      [81] pop
      [82] goto +35 (target=117)
      [85] iload v6
      [87] ifeq +18 (target=105)
      [90] aload_0 v0
      [91] aload_0 v0
      [92] getfield #218
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.TabKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [95] iconst_3
      [96] aaload
      [97] iconst_0
      [98] invokespecial #289
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.write (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
      [101] pop
      [102] goto +15 (target=117)
      [105] aload_0 v0
      [106] aload_0 v0
      [107] getfield #218
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.TabKey [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [110] iconst_0
      [111] aaload
      [112] iconst_0
      [113] invokespecial #289
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.write (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
      [116] pop
      [117] return
      [118] iload v6
      [120] ifeq +14 (target=134)
      [123] aload_0 v0
      [124] iload_2 v2
      [125] sipush 128
      [128] ior
      [129] i2c
      [130] invokevirtual #288
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.write (I)V]
      [133] return
      [134] iload_1 v1
      [135] bipush 30
      [137] ificmpeq +9 (target=146)
      [140] iload_2 v2
      [141] bipush 10
      [143] ificmpne +28 (target=171)
      [146] iload v4
      [148] ifne +23 (target=171)
      [151] aload_0 v0
      [152] bipush 13
      [154] invokevirtual #288
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.write (I)V]
      [157] aload_0 v0
      [158] getfield #233
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.localecho Z]
      [161] ifeq +9 (target=170)
      [164] aload_0 v0
      [165] ldc #12
        + String [
      [167] invokevirtual #273
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.putString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [170] return
      [171] iload_1 v1
      [172] bipush 10
      [174] ificmpne +21 (target=195)
      [177] iload v4
      [179] ifne +16 (target=195)
      [182] aload_0 v0
      [183] ldc #145
        + String [Sending \r]
      [185] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debug (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [188] aload_0 v0
      [189] bipush 13
      [191] invokevirtual #288
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.write (I)V]
      [194] return
      [195] aload_0 v0
      [196] getfield #249
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.vms Z]
      [199] ifne +9 (target=208)
      [202] iload_2 v2
      [203] bipush 50
      [205] ificmpeq +9 (target=214)
      [208] iload_2 v2
      [209] bipush 32
      [211] ificmpne +13 (target=224)
      [214] iload v4
      [216] ifeq +8 (target=224)
      [219] aload_0 v0
      [220] iconst_0
      [221] invokevirtual #288
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.write (I)V]
      [224] aload_0 v0
      [225] getfield #249
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.vms Z]
      [228] ifeq +380 (target=608)
      [231] iload_2 v2
      [232] bipush 127
      [234] ificmpne +39 (target=273)
      [237] iload v4
      [239] ifne +34 (target=273)
      [242] iload v5
      [244] ifeq +17 (target=261)
      [247] aload_0 v0
      [248] aload_0 v0
      [249] getfield #189
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Insert [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [252] iconst_0
      [253] aaload
      [254] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [257] pop
      [258] goto +14 (target=272)
      [261] aload_0 v0
      [262] aload_0 v0
      [263] getfield #210
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Remove [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [266] iconst_0
      [267] aaload
      [268] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [271] pop
      [272] return
      [273] iload v4
      [275] ifeq +333 (target=608)
      [278] iload_2 v2
      [279] lookupswitch (17 offsets, default=329) (target=608)
        10: offset = 299, target = 578
        31: offset = 279, target = 558
        42: offset = 319, target = 598
        43: offset = 289, target = 568
        45: offset = 279, target = 558
        46: offset = 269, target = 548
        47: offset = 309, target = 588
        48: offset = 145, target = 424
        49: offset = 157, target = 436
        50: offset = 169, target = 448
        51: offset = 181, target = 460
        52: offset = 193, target = 472
        53: offset = 205, target = 484
        54: offset = 217, target = 496
        55: offset = 230, target = 509
        56: offset = 243, target = 522
        57: offset = 256, target = 535
        default: offset = 329, target = 608
      [424] aload_0 v0
      [425] aload_0 v0
      [426] getfield #203
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Numpad [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [429] iconst_0
      [430] aaload
      [431] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [434] pop
      [435] return
      [436] aload_0 v0
      [437] aload_0 v0
      [438] getfield #203
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Numpad [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [441] iconst_1
      [442] aaload
      [443] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [446] pop
      [447] return
      [448] aload_0 v0
      [449] aload_0 v0
      [450] getfield #203
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Numpad [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [453] iconst_2
      [454] aaload
      [455] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [458] pop
      [459] return
      [460] aload_0 v0
      [461] aload_0 v0
      [462] getfield #203
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Numpad [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [465] iconst_3
      [466] aaload
      [467] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [470] pop
      [471] return
      [472] aload_0 v0
      [473] aload_0 v0
      [474] getfield #203
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Numpad [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [477] iconst_4
      [478] aaload
      [479] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [482] pop
      [483] return
      [484] aload_0 v0
      [485] aload_0 v0
      [486] getfield #203
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Numpad [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [489] iconst_5
      [490] aaload
      [491] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [494] pop
      [495] return
      [496] aload_0 v0
      [497] aload_0 v0
      [498] getfield #203
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Numpad [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [501] bipush 6
      [503] aaload
      [504] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [507] pop
      [508] return
      [509] aload_0 v0
      [510] aload_0 v0
      [511] getfield #203
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Numpad [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [514] bipush 7
      [516] aaload
      [517] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [520] pop
      [521] return
      [522] aload_0 v0
      [523] aload_0 v0
      [524] getfield #203
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Numpad [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [527] bipush 8
      [529] aaload
      [530] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [533] pop
      [534] return
      [535] aload_0 v0
      [536] aload_0 v0
      [537] getfield #203
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Numpad [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [540] bipush 9
      [542] aaload
      [543] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [546] pop
      [547] return
      [548] aload_0 v0
      [549] aload_0 v0
      [550] getfield #193
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KPPeriod Ljava/lang/String;]
      [553] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [556] pop
      [557] return
      [558] aload_0 v0
      [559] aload_0 v0
      [560] getfield #192
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KPMinus Ljava/lang/String;]
      [563] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [566] pop
      [567] return
      [568] aload_0 v0
      [569] aload_0 v0
      [570] getfield #190
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KPComma Ljava/lang/String;]
      [573] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [576] pop
      [577] return
      [578] aload_0 v0
      [579] aload_0 v0
      [580] getfield #191
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KPEnter Ljava/lang/String;]
      [583] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [586] pop
      [587] return
      [588] aload_0 v0
      [589] aload_0 v0
      [590] getfield #205
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.PF2 Ljava/lang/String;]
      [593] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [596] pop
      [597] return
      [598] aload_0 v0
      [599] aload_0 v0
      [600] getfield #206
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.PF3 Ljava/lang/String;]
      [603] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [606] pop
      [607] return
      [608] iconst_0
      [609] istore v7
      [611] iload v5
      [613] ifeq +6 (target=619)
      [616] iconst_1
      [617] istore v7
      [619] iload v4
      [621] ifeq +6 (target=627)
      [624] iconst_2
      [625] istore v7
      [627] iload v6
      [629] ifeq +6 (target=635)
      [632] iconst_3
      [633] istore v7
      [635] iload_1 v1
      [636] bipush 43
      [638] ificmpne +16 (target=654)
      [641] aload_0 v0
      [642] aload_0 v0
      [643] getfield #182
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Escape [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [646] iload v7
      [648] aaload
      [649] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [652] pop
      [653] return
      [654] iload_3 v3
      [655] bipush 8
      [657] iand
      [658] ifeq +216 (target=874)
      [661] iload_1 v1
      [662] tableswitch (12 offsets, default=212) (target=874)
        31: offset = 62, target = 724
        32: offset = 74, target = 736
        33: offset = 86, target = 748
        34: offset = 98, target = 760
        35: offset = 110, target = 772
        36: offset = 122, target = 784
        37: offset = 134, target = 796
        38: offset = 147, target = 809
        39: offset = 160, target = 822
        40: offset = 173, target = 835
        41: offset = 186, target = 848
        42: offset = 199, target = 861
        default: offset = 212, target = 874
      [724] aload_0 v0
      [725] aload_0 v0
      [726] getfield #203
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Numpad [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [729] iconst_0
      [730] aaload
      [731] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [734] pop
      [735] return
      [736] aload_0 v0
      [737] aload_0 v0
      [738] getfield #203
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Numpad [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [741] iconst_1
      [742] aaload
      [743] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [746] pop
      [747] return
      [748] aload_0 v0
      [749] aload_0 v0
      [750] getfield #203
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Numpad [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [753] iconst_2
      [754] aaload
      [755] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [758] pop
      [759] return
      [760] aload_0 v0
      [761] aload_0 v0
      [762] getfield #203
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Numpad [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [765] iconst_3
      [766] aaload
      [767] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [770] pop
      [771] return
      [772] aload_0 v0
      [773] aload_0 v0
      [774] getfield #203
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Numpad [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [777] iconst_4
      [778] aaload
      [779] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [782] pop
      [783] return
      [784] aload_0 v0
      [785] aload_0 v0
      [786] getfield #203
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Numpad [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [789] iconst_5
      [790] aaload
      [791] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [794] pop
      [795] return
      [796] aload_0 v0
      [797] aload_0 v0
      [798] getfield #203
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Numpad [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [801] bipush 6
      [803] aaload
      [804] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [807] pop
      [808] return
      [809] aload_0 v0
      [810] aload_0 v0
      [811] getfield #203
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Numpad [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [814] bipush 7
      [816] aaload
      [817] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [820] pop
      [821] return
      [822] aload_0 v0
      [823] aload_0 v0
      [824] getfield #203
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Numpad [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [827] bipush 8
      [829] aaload
      [830] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [833] pop
      [834] return
      [835] aload_0 v0
      [836] aload_0 v0
      [837] getfield #203
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Numpad [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [840] bipush 9
      [842] aaload
      [843] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [846] pop
      [847] return
      [848] aload_0 v0
      [849] aload_0 v0
      [850] getfield #200
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.NUMDot [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [853] iload v7
      [855] aaload
      [856] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [859] pop
      [860] return
      [861] aload_0 v0
      [862] aload_0 v0
      [863] getfield #201
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.NUMPlus [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [866] iload v7
      [868] aaload
      [869] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [872] pop
      [873] return
      [874] iload_2 v2
      [875] bipush 8
      [877] ificmpeq +27 (target=904)
      [880] iload_2 v2
      [881] bipush 127
      [883] ificmpeq +21 (target=904)
      [886] iload_2 v2
      [887] bipush 13
      [889] ificmpeq +15 (target=904)
      [892] iload_2 v2
      [893] bipush 10
      [895] ificmpeq +9 (target=904)
      [898] aload_0 v0
      [899] iload_2 v2
      [900] invokevirtual #288
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.write (I)V]
      [903] return
      [904] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 106)
        [0] -> line 1009
        [13] -> line 1010
        [26] -> line 1011
        [39] -> line 1015
        [45] -> line 1016
        [50] -> line 1017
        [65] -> line 1019
        [70] -> line 1020
        [85] -> line 1022
        [90] -> line 1023
        [105] -> line 1025
        [117] -> line 1029
        [118] -> line 1031
        [123] -> line 1032
        [133] -> line 1033
        [134] -> line 1036
        [146] -> line 1037
        [151] -> line 1038
        [157] -> line 1039
        [170] -> line 1040
        [171] -> line 1043
        [182] -> line 1044
        [188] -> line 1045
        [194] -> line 1046
        [195] -> line 1054
        [219] -> line 1055
        [224] -> line 1057
        [231] -> line 1058
        [242] -> line 1059
        [247] -> line 1060
        [261] -> line 1062
        [272] -> line 1063
        [273] -> line 1064
        [278] -> line 1065
        [424] -> line 1067
        [435] -> line 1068
        [436] -> line 1070
        [447] -> line 1071
        [448] -> line 1073
        [459] -> line 1074
        [460] -> line 1076
        [471] -> line 1077
        [472] -> line 1079
        [483] -> line 1080
        [484] -> line 1082
        [495] -> line 1083
        [496] -> line 1085
        [508] -> line 1086
        [509] -> line 1088
        [521] -> line 1089
        [522] -> line 1091
        [534] -> line 1092
        [535] -> line 1094
        [547] -> line 1095
        [548] -> line 1097
        [557] -> line 1098
        [558] -> line 1101
        [567] -> line 1102
        [568] -> line 1104
        [577] -> line 1105
        [578] -> line 1107
        [587] -> line 1108
        [588] -> line 1110
        [597] -> line 1111
        [598] -> line 1113
        [607] -> line 1114
        [608] -> line 1130
        [611] -> line 1132
        [616] -> line 1134
        [619] -> line 1136
        [624] -> line 1138
        [627] -> line 1140
        [632] -> line 1142
        [635] -> line 1145
        [641] -> line 1146
        [653] -> line 1147
        [654] -> line 1150
        [661] -> line 1151
        [724] -> line 1153
        [735] -> line 1154
        [736] -> line 1156
        [747] -> line 1157
        [748] -> line 1159
        [759] -> line 1160
        [760] -> line 1162
        [771] -> line 1163
        [772] -> line 1165
        [783] -> line 1166
        [784] -> line 1168
        [795] -> line 1169
        [796] -> line 1171
        [808] -> line 1172
        [809] -> line 1174
        [821] -> line 1175
        [822] -> line 1177
        [834] -> line 1178
        [835] -> line 1180
        [847] -> line 1181
        [848] -> line 1183
        [860] -> line 1184
        [861] -> line 1186
        [873] -> line 1187
        [874] -> line 1190
        [898] -> line 1191
        [903] -> line 1192
        [904] -> line 1194
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 8)
        v0: 0 -> 905 [Lde/mud/terminal/vt320; this]
        v1: 0 -> 905 [I keyCode]
        v2: 0 -> 905 [C keyChar]
        v3: 0 -> 905 [I modifiers]
        v4: 13 -> 905 [Z control]
        v5: 26 -> 905 [Z shift]
        v6: 39 -> 905 [Z alt]
        v7: 611 -> 905 [I xind]
  + Method:       handle_dcs(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void handle_dcs(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 34, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #224
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debugStr Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [4] ldc #128
        + String [DCS: ]
      [6] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [9] aload_1 v1
      [10] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [13] pop
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] getfield #224
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debugStr Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [19] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [22] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debug (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] getfield #224
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debugStr Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [29] iconst_0
      [30] invokevirtual #311
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.setLength (I)V]
      [33] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 1197
        [9] -> line 1198
        [14] -> line 1199
        [25] -> line 1200
        [33] -> line 1201
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 34 [Lde/mud/terminal/vt320; this]
        v1: 0 -> 34 [Ljava/lang/String; dcs]
  + Method:       handle_osc(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void handle_osc(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 203, locals = 8, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] invokevirtual #301
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
      [4] iconst_2
      [5] ificmple +177 (target=182)
      [8] aload_1 v1
      [9] iconst_0
      [10] iconst_2
      [11] invokevirtual #304
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (II)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [14] ldc #119
        + String [4;]
      [16] invokevirtual #298
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [19] ifeq +163 (target=182)
      [22] aload_1 v1
      [23] ldc #124
        + String [;]
      [25] invokevirtual #302
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.split (Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String;]
      [28] astore_2 v2
      [29] aload_2 v2
      [30] iconst_1
      [31] aaload
      [32] invokestatic #295
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.parseInt (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [35] istore_3 v3
      [36] ldc #158
        + String [rgb:]
      [38] aload_2 v2
      [39] iconst_2
      [40] aaload
      [41] iconst_0
      [42] iconst_4
      [43] invokevirtual #304
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (II)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [46] invokevirtual #298
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [49] ifeq +153 (target=202)
      [52] aload_2 v2
      [53] iconst_2
      [54] aaload
      [55] iconst_4
      [56] invokevirtual #303
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [59] ldc #117
        + String [/]
      [61] invokevirtual #302
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.split (Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String;]
      [64] astore v4
      [66] aload v4
      [68] iconst_0
      [69] aaload
      [70] iconst_0
      [71] iconst_2
      [72] invokevirtual #304
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (II)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [75] bipush 16
      [77] invokestatic #296
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.parseInt (Ljava/lang/String;I)I]
      [80] sipush 255
      [83] iand
      [84] istore v5
      [86] aload v4
      [88] iconst_1
      [89] aaload
      [90] iconst_0
      [91] iconst_2
      [92] invokevirtual #304
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (II)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [95] bipush 16
      [97] invokestatic #296
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.parseInt (Ljava/lang/String;I)I]
      [100] sipush 255
      [103] iand
      [104] istore v6
      [106] aload v4
      [108] iconst_2
      [109] aaload
      [110] iconst_0
      [111] iconst_2
      [112] invokevirtual #304
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (II)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [115] bipush 16
      [117] invokestatic #296
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.parseInt (Ljava/lang/String;I)I]
      [120] sipush 255
      [123] iand
      [124] istore v7
      [126] aload_0 v0
      [127] getfield #225
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.display Lde/mud/terminal/VDUDisplay;]
      [130] iload_3 v3
      [131] iload v5
      [133] iload v6
      [135] iload v7
      [137] invokeinterface #314
        + InterfaceMethodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUDisplay.setColor (IIII)V]
      [142] goto +60 (target=202)
      [145] astore_3 v3
      [146] aload_0 v0
      [147] getfield #224
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debugStr Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [150] ldc #143
        + String [OSC: invalid color sequence encountered: ]
      [152] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [155] aload_1 v1
      [156] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [159] pop
      [160] aload_0 v0
      [161] aload_0 v0
      [162] getfield #224
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debugStr Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [165] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [168] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debug (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [171] aload_0 v0
      [172] getfield #224
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debugStr Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [175] iconst_0
      [176] invokevirtual #311
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.setLength (I)V]
      [179] goto +23 (target=202)
      [182] aload_0 v0
      [183] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [186] dup
      [187] ldc #142
        + String [OSC: ]
      [189] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [192] aload_1 v1
      [193] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [196] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [199] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debug (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [202] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (29 -> 142: 145):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 16)
        [0] -> line 1204
        [22] -> line 1206
        [29] -> line 1209
        [36] -> line 1211
        [52] -> line 1212
        [66] -> line 1214
        [86] -> line 1215
        [106] -> line 1216
        [126] -> line 1217
        [145] -> line 1219
        [146] -> line 1220
        [155] -> line 1221
        [160] -> line 1222
        [171] -> line 1223
        [182] -> line 1226
        [202] -> line 1227
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 9)
        v0: 0 -> 203 [Lde/mud/terminal/vt320; this]
        v1: 0 -> 203 [Ljava/lang/String; osc]
        v2: 29 -> 182 [[Ljava/lang/String; colorData]
        v3: 36 -> 145 [I colorIndex]
        v4: 66 -> 142 [[Ljava/lang/String; rgb]
        v5: 86 -> 142 [I red]
        v6: 106 -> 142 [I green]
        v7: 126 -> 142 [I blue]
        v3: 146 -> 179 [Ljava/lang/Exception; e]
  + Method:       map_cp850_unicode(C)C
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public char map_cp850_unicode(char)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] iload_1 v1
      [1] sipush 256
      [4] ificmplt +5 (target=9)
      [7] iload_1 v1
      [8] ireturn
      [9] getstatic #246
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.unimap [C]
      [12] iload_1 v1
      [13] caload
      [14] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 1507
        [7] -> line 1508
        [9] -> line 1509
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 15 [Lde/mud/terminal/vt320; this]
        v1: 0 -> 15 [C x]
  + Method:       _SetCursor(II)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void _SetCursor(int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 93, locals = 5, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #229
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.height I]
      [4] iconst_1
      [5] isub
      [6] istore_3 v3
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] invokevirtual #264
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.getTopMargin ()I]
      [11] istore v4
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] iload_1 v1
      [15] ifge +7 (target=22)
      [18] iconst_0
      [19] goto +4 (target=23)
      [22] iload_1 v1
      [23] putfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] iload_2 v2
      [28] ifge +7 (target=35)
      [31] iconst_0
      [32] goto +21 (target=53)
      [35] iload_2 v2
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] getfield #251
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.width I]
      [40] ificmplt +12 (target=52)
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] getfield #251
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.width I]
      [47] iconst_1
      [48] isub
      [49] goto +4 (target=53)
      [52] iload_2 v2
      [53] putfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [56] aload_0 v0
      [57] getfield #236
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.moveoutsidemargins Z]
      [60] ifne +19 (target=79)
      [63] aload_0 v0
      [64] dup
      [65] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [68] iload v4
      [70] iadd
      [71] putfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [74] aload_0 v0
      [75] invokevirtual #263
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.getBottomMargin ()I]
      [78] istore_3 v3
      [79] aload_0 v0
      [80] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [83] iload_3 v3
      [84] ificmple +8 (target=92)
      [87] aload_0 v0
      [88] iload_3 v3
      [89] putfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [92] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 1513
        [7] -> line 1514
        [13] -> line 1516
        [26] -> line 1517
        [56] -> line 1519
        [63] -> line 1520
        [74] -> line 1521
        [79] -> line 1523
        [92] -> line 1524
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 93 [Lde/mud/terminal/vt320; this]
        v1: 0 -> 93 [I row]
        v2: 0 -> 93 [I col]
        v3: 7 -> 93 [I maxr]
        v4: 13 -> 93 [I tm]
  + Method:       putChar(CZZ)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void putChar(char,boolean,boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 9021, locals = 10, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #229
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.height I]
      [4] istore v4
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] getfield #251
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.width I]
      [10] istore v5
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] getfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [16] tableswitch (19 offsets, default=8987) (target=9003)
        0: offset = 92, target = 108
        1: offset = 1724, target = 1740
        2: offset = 5395, target = 5411
        3: offset = 3411, target = 3427
        4: offset = 3483, target = 3499
        5: offset = 3313, target = 3329
        6: offset = 1552, target = 1568
        7: offset = 3027, target = 3043
        8: offset = 3103, target = 3119
        9: offset = 3179, target = 3195
        10: offset = 3246, target = 3262
        11: offset = 5263, target = 5279
        12: offset = 4632, target = 4648
        13: offset = 1652, target = 1668
        14: offset = 2922, target = 2938
        15: offset = 2975, target = 2991
        16: offset = 4687, target = 4703
        17: offset = 4819, target = 4835
        18: offset = 8957, target = 8973
        default: offset = 8987, target = 9003
      [108] aload_0 v0
      [109] getfield #248
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.useibmcharset Z]
      [112] ifne +255 (target=367)
      [115] iconst_1
      [116] istore v6
      [118] iload_1 v1
      [119] lookupswitch (6 offsets, default=237) (target=356)
        132: offset = 109, target = 228
        133: offset = 157, target = 276
        136: offset = 210, target = 329
        141: offset = 72, target = 191
        144: offset = 223, target = 342
        157: offset = 57, target = 176
        default: offset = 237, target = 356
      [176] aload_0 v0
      [177] ldc #5
        + String []
      [179] putfield #240
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.osc Ljava/lang/String;]
      [182] aload_0 v0
      [183] bipush 6
      [185] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [188] goto +171 (target=359)
      [191] aload_0 v0
      [192] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [195] aload_0 v0
      [196] invokevirtual #264
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.getTopMargin ()I]
      [199] ificmple +16 (target=215)
      [202] aload_0 v0
      [203] dup
      [204] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [207] iconst_1
      [208] isub
      [209] putfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [212] goto +147 (target=359)
      [215] aload_0 v0
      [216] aload_0 v0
      [217] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [220] iconst_1
      [221] iconst_1
      [222] invokevirtual #268
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.insertLine (IIZ)V]
      [225] goto +134 (target=359)
      [228] aload_0 v0
      [229] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [232] aload_0 v0
      [233] invokevirtual #263
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.getBottomMargin ()I]
      [236] ificmpeq +14 (target=250)
      [239] aload_0 v0
      [240] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [243] iload v4
      [245] iconst_1
      [246] isub
      [247] ificmpne +16 (target=263)
      [250] aload_0 v0
      [251] aload_0 v0
      [252] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [255] iconst_1
      [256] iconst_0
      [257] invokevirtual #268
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.insertLine (IIZ)V]
      [260] goto +99 (target=359)
      [263] aload_0 v0
      [264] dup
      [265] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [268] iconst_1
      [269] iadd
      [270] putfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [273] goto +86 (target=359)
      [276] aload_0 v0
      [277] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [280] aload_0 v0
      [281] invokevirtual #263
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.getBottomMargin ()I]
      [284] ificmpeq +14 (target=298)
      [287] aload_0 v0
      [288] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [291] iload v4
      [293] iconst_1
      [294] isub
      [295] ificmpne +16 (target=311)
      [298] aload_0 v0
      [299] aload_0 v0
      [300] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [303] iconst_1
      [304] iconst_0
      [305] invokevirtual #268
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.insertLine (IIZ)V]
      [308] goto +13 (target=321)
      [311] aload_0 v0
      [312] dup
      [313] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [316] iconst_1
      [317] iadd
      [318] putfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [321] aload_0 v0
      [322] iconst_0
      [323] putfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [326] goto +33 (target=359)
      [329] aload_0 v0
      [330] getfield #219
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Tabs [B]
      [333] aload_0 v0
      [334] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [337] iconst_1
      [338] bastore
      [339] goto +20 (target=359)
      [342] aload_0 v0
      [343] ldc #5
        + String []
      [345] putfield #223
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.dcs Ljava/lang/String;]
      [348] aload_0 v0
      [349] iconst_3
      [350] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [353] goto +6 (target=359)
      [356] iconst_0
      [357] istore v6
      [359] iload v6
      [361] ifeq +6 (target=367)
      [364] goto +8644 (target=9008)
      [367] iload_1 v1
      [368] lookupswitch (13 offsets, default=414) (target=782)
        5: offset = 186, target = 554
        7: offset = 381, target = 749
        8: offset = 226, target = 594
        9: offset = 256, target = 624
        10: offset = 303, target = 671
        12: offset = 199, target = 567
        13: offset = 295, target = 663
        14: offset = 388, target = 756
        15: offset = 401, target = 769
        27: offset = 173, target = 541
        142: offset = 124, target = 492
        143: offset = 116, target = 484
        155: offset = 132, target = 500
        default: offset = 414, target = 782
      [484] aload_0 v0
      [485] iconst_3
      [486] putfield #239
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.onegl I]
      [489] goto +8519 (target=9008)
      [492] aload_0 v0
      [493] iconst_2
      [494] putfield #239
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.onegl I]
      [497] goto +8511 (target=9008)
      [500] aload_0 v0
      [501] iconst_0
      [502] putfield #178
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvar I]
      [505] aload_0 v0
      [506] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [509] iconst_0
      [510] iconst_0
      [511] iastore
      [512] aload_0 v0
      [513] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [516] iconst_1
      [517] iconst_0
      [518] iastore
      [519] aload_0 v0
      [520] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [523] iconst_2
      [524] iconst_0
      [525] iastore
      [526] aload_0 v0
      [527] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [530] iconst_3
      [531] iconst_0
      [532] iastore
      [533] aload_0 v0
      [534] iconst_2
      [535] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [538] goto +8470 (target=9008)
      [541] aload_0 v0
      [542] iconst_1
      [543] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [546] aload_0 v0
      [547] iconst_0
      [548] putfield #232
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.lastwaslf I]
      [551] goto +8457 (target=9008)
      [554] aload_0 v0
      [555] aload_0 v0
      [556] getfield #220
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.answerBack Ljava/lang/String;]
      [559] iconst_0
      [560] invokespecial #289
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.write (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
      [563] pop
      [564] goto +8444 (target=9008)
      [567] aload_0 v0
      [568] iconst_0
      [569] iconst_0
      [570] iload v5
      [572] iload v4
      [574] aload_0 v0
      [575] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [578] invokevirtual #260
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.deleteArea (IIIII)V]
      [581] aload_0 v0
      [582] aload_0 v0
      [583] iconst_0
      [584] dup_x1
      [585] putfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [588] putfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [591] goto +8417 (target=9008)
      [594] aload_0 v0
      [595] dup
      [596] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [599] iconst_1
      [600] isub
      [601] putfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [604] aload_0 v0
      [605] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [608] ifge +8 (target=616)
      [611] aload_0 v0
      [612] iconst_0
      [613] putfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [616] aload_0 v0
      [617] iconst_0
      [618] putfield #232
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.lastwaslf I]
      [621] goto +8387 (target=9008)
      [624] aload_0 v0
      [625] dup
      [626] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [629] iconst_1
      [630] iadd
      [631] putfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [634] aload_0 v0
      [635] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [638] iload v5
      [640] ificmpge +15 (target=655)
      [643] aload_0 v0
      [644] getfield #219
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Tabs [B]
      [647] aload_0 v0
      [648] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [651] baload
      [652] ifeq -28 (target=624)
      [655] aload_0 v0
      [656] iconst_0
      [657] putfield #232
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.lastwaslf I]
      [660] goto +8348 (target=9008)
      [663] aload_0 v0
      [664] iconst_0
      [665] putfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [668] goto +8340 (target=9008)
      [671] aload_0 v0
      [672] getfield #249
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.vms Z]
      [675] ifne +26 (target=701)
      [678] aload_0 v0
      [679] getfield #232
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.lastwaslf I]
      [682] ifeq +14 (target=696)
      [685] aload_0 v0
      [686] getfield #232
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.lastwaslf I]
      [689] iload_1 v1
      [690] ificmpeq +6 (target=696)
      [693] goto +8315 (target=9008)
      [696] aload_0 v0
      [697] iload_1 v1
      [698] putfield #232
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.lastwaslf I]
      [701] aload_0 v0
      [702] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [705] aload_0 v0
      [706] invokevirtual #263
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.getBottomMargin ()I]
      [709] ificmpeq +14 (target=723)
      [712] aload_0 v0
      [713] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [716] iload v4
      [718] iconst_1
      [719] isub
      [720] ificmplt +16 (target=736)
      [723] aload_0 v0
      [724] aload_0 v0
      [725] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [728] iconst_1
      [729] iconst_0
      [730] invokevirtual #268
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.insertLine (IIZ)V]
      [733] goto +8275 (target=9008)
      [736] aload_0 v0
      [737] dup
      [738] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [741] iconst_1
      [742] iadd
      [743] putfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [746] goto +8262 (target=9008)
      [749] aload_0 v0
      [750] invokevirtual #258
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.beep ()V]
      [753] goto +8255 (target=9008)
      [756] aload_0 v0
      [757] iconst_1
      [758] putfield #226
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/ C]
      [761] aload_0 v0
      [762] iconst_1
      [763] putfield #247
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.usedcharsets Z]
      [766] goto +8242 (target=9008)
      [769] aload_0 v0
      [770] iconst_0
      [771] putfield #226
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/ C]
      [774] aload_0 v0
      [775] iconst_1
      [776] putfield #247
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.usedcharsets Z]
      [779] goto +8229 (target=9008)
      [782] aload_0 v0
      [783] getfield #226
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/ C]
      [786] istore v6
      [788] aload_0 v0
      [789] getfield #239
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.onegl I]
      [792] iflt +14 (target=806)
      [795] aload_0 v0
      [796] getfield #239
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.onegl I]
      [799] istore v6
      [801] aload_0 v0
      [802] iconst_m1
      [803] putfield #239
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.onegl I]
      [806] aload_0 v0
      [807] iconst_0
      [808] putfield #232
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.lastwaslf I]
      [811] iload_1 v1
      [812] bipush 32
      [814] ificmpge +14 (target=828)
      [817] iload_1 v1
      [818] ifeq +3 (target=821)
      [821] iload_1 v1
      [822] ifne +6 (target=828)
      [825] goto +8183 (target=9008)
      [828] aload_0 v0
      [829] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [832] iload v5
      [834] ificmplt +94 (target=928)
      [837] aload_0 v0
      [838] getfield #252
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.wraparound Z]
      [841] ifeq +79 (target=920)
      [844] iload v4
      [846] istore v7
      [848] aload_0 v0
      [849] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [852] aload_0 v0
      [853] invokevirtual #263
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.getBottomMargin ()I]
      [856] ificmpgt +22 (target=878)
      [859] aload_0 v0
      [860] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [863] aload_0 v0
      [864] invokevirtual #264
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.getTopMargin ()I]
      [867] ificmplt +11 (target=878)
      [870] aload_0 v0
      [871] invokevirtual #263
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.getBottomMargin ()I]
      [874] iconst_1
      [875] iadd
      [876] istore v7
      [878] aload_0 v0
      [879] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [882] iload v7
      [884] iconst_1
      [885] isub
      [886] ificmpge +16 (target=902)
      [889] aload_0 v0
      [890] dup
      [891] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [894] iconst_1
      [895] iadd
      [896] putfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [899] goto +13 (target=912)
      [902] aload_0 v0
      [903] aload_0 v0
      [904] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [907] iconst_1
      [908] iconst_0
      [909] invokevirtual #268
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.insertLine (IIZ)V]
      [912] aload_0 v0
      [913] iconst_0
      [914] putfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [917] goto +11 (target=928)
      [920] aload_0 v0
      [921] iload v5
      [923] iconst_1
      [924] isub
      [925] putfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [928] iconst_0
      [929] istore v7
      [931] aload_0 v0
      [932] getfield #247
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.usedcharsets Z]
      [935] ifeq +341 (target=1276)
      [938] iload_1 v1
      [939] bipush 32
      [941] ificmplt +202 (target=1143)
      [944] iload_1 v1
      [945] bipush 127
      [947] ificmpgt +196 (target=1143)
      [950] aload_0 v0
      [951] getfield #228
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.gx [C]
      [954] iload v6
      [956] caload
      [957] lookupswitch (4 offsets, default=160) (target=1117)
        48: offset = 43, target = 1000
        60: offset = 138, target = 1095
        65: offset = 154, target = 1111
        66: offset = 154, target = 1111
        default: offset = 160, target = 1117
      [1000] aload_0 v0
      [1001] getfield #245
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.terminalID Ljava/lang/String;]
      [1004] ldc #159
        + String [scoansi]
      [1006] invokevirtual #298
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [1009] ifne +15 (target=1024)
      [1012] aload_0 v0
      [1013] getfield #245
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.terminalID Ljava/lang/String;]
      [1016] ldc #157
        + String [ansi]
      [1018] invokevirtual #298
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [1021] ifeq +46 (target=1067)
      [1024] iconst_0
      [1025] istore v8
      [1027] goto +30 (target=1057)
      [1030] iload_1 v1
      [1031] ldc #149
        + String [Tm7k3x4u?kZl@mYjEnB?DqCtAvM?:?N?I?;?H?0a<?]
      [1033] iload v8
      [1035] invokevirtual #297
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.charAt (I)C]
      [1038] ificmpne +16 (target=1054)
      [1041] ldc #149
        + String [Tm7k3x4u?kZl@mYjEnB?DqCtAvM?:?N?I?;?H?0a<?]
      [1043] iload v8
      [1045] iconst_1
      [1046] iadd
      [1047] invokevirtual #297
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.charAt (I)C]
      [1050] istore_1 v1
      [1051] goto +16 (target=1067)
      [1054] iinc v8, 2
      [1057] iload v8
      [1059] ldc #149
        + String [Tm7k3x4u?kZl@mYjEnB?DqCtAvM?:?N?I?;?H?0a<?]
      [1061] invokevirtual #301
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
      [1064] ificmplt -34 (target=1030)
      [1067] iload_1 v1
      [1068] bipush 95
      [1070] ificmplt +73 (target=1143)
      [1073] iload_1 v1
      [1074] bipush 126
      [1076] ificmpgt +67 (target=1143)
      [1079] getstatic #180
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DECSPECIAL [C]
      [1082] iload_1 v1
      [1083] i2s
      [1084] bipush 95
      [1086] isub
      [1087] caload
      [1088] istore_1 v1
      [1089] iconst_1
      [1090] istore v7
      [1092] goto +51 (target=1143)
      [1095] iload_1 v1
      [1096] bipush 127
      [1098] iand
      [1099] sipush 128
      [1102] ior
      [1103] i2c
      [1104] istore_1 v1
      [1105] iconst_1
      [1106] istore v7
      [1108] goto +35 (target=1143)
      [1111] iconst_1
      [1112] istore v7
      [1114] goto +29 (target=1143)
      [1117] aload_0 v0
      [1118] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [1121] dup
      [1122] ldc #154
        + String [Unsupported GL mapping: ]
      [1124] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [1127] aload_0 v0
      [1128] getfield #228
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.gx [C]
      [1131] iload v6
      [1133] caload
      [1134] invokevirtual #308
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [1137] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [1140] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debug (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [1143] iload v7
      [1145] ifne +131 (target=1276)
      [1148] iload_1 v1
      [1149] sipush 128
      [1152] ificmplt +124 (target=1276)
      [1155] iload_1 v1
      [1156] sipush 255
      [1159] ificmpgt +117 (target=1276)
      [1162] aload_0 v0
      [1163] getfield #228
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.gx [C]
      [1166] aload_0 v0
      [1167] getfield #227
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/ C]
      [1170] caload
      [1171] lookupswitch (4 offsets, default=77) (target=1248)
        48: offset = 41, target = 1212
        60: offset = 71, target = 1242
        65: offset = 71, target = 1242
        66: offset = 71, target = 1242
        default: offset = 77, target = 1248
      [1212] iload_1 v1
      [1213] sipush 223
      [1216] ificmplt +60 (target=1276)
      [1219] iload_1 v1
      [1220] sipush 254
      [1223] ificmpgt +53 (target=1276)
      [1226] getstatic #180
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DECSPECIAL [C]
      [1229] iload_1 v1
      [1230] sipush 223
      [1233] isub
      [1234] caload
      [1235] istore_1 v1
      [1236] iconst_1
      [1237] istore v7
      [1239] goto +37 (target=1276)
      [1242] iconst_1
      [1243] istore v7
      [1245] goto +31 (target=1276)
      [1248] aload_0 v0
      [1249] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [1252] dup
      [1253] ldc #155
        + String [Unsupported GR mapping: ]
      [1255] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [1258] aload_0 v0
      [1259] getfield #228
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.gx [C]
      [1262] aload_0 v0
      [1263] getfield #227
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/ C]
      [1266] caload
      [1267] invokevirtual #308
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [1270] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [1273] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debug (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [1276] iload v7
      [1278] ifne +16 (target=1294)
      [1281] aload_0 v0
      [1282] getfield #248
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.useibmcharset Z]
      [1285] ifeq +9 (target=1294)
      [1288] aload_0 v0
      [1289] iload_1 v1
      [1290] invokevirtual #270
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.map_cp850_unicode (C)C]
      [1293] istore_1 v1
      [1294] iload_2 v2
      [1295] ifeq +105 (target=1400)
      [1298] aload_0 v0
      [1299] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [1302] iload v5
      [1304] iconst_1
      [1305] isub
      [1306] ificmplt +94 (target=1400)
      [1309] aload_0 v0
      [1310] getfield #252
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.wraparound Z]
      [1313] ifeq +79 (target=1392)
      [1316] iload v4
      [1318] istore v8
      [1320] aload_0 v0
      [1321] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [1324] aload_0 v0
      [1325] invokevirtual #263
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.getBottomMargin ()I]
      [1328] ificmpgt +22 (target=1350)
      [1331] aload_0 v0
      [1332] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [1335] aload_0 v0
      [1336] invokevirtual #264
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.getTopMargin ()I]
      [1339] ificmplt +11 (target=1350)
      [1342] aload_0 v0
      [1343] invokevirtual #263
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.getBottomMargin ()I]
      [1346] iconst_1
      [1347] iadd
      [1348] istore v8
      [1350] aload_0 v0
      [1351] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [1354] iload v8
      [1356] iconst_1
      [1357] isub
      [1358] ificmpge +16 (target=1374)
      [1361] aload_0 v0
      [1362] dup
      [1363] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [1366] iconst_1
      [1367] iadd
      [1368] putfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [1371] goto +13 (target=1384)
      [1374] aload_0 v0
      [1375] aload_0 v0
      [1376] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [1379] iconst_1
      [1380] iconst_0
      [1381] invokevirtual #268
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.insertLine (IIZ)V]
      [1384] aload_0 v0
      [1385] iconst_0
      [1386] putfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [1389] goto +11 (target=1400)
      [1392] aload_0 v0
      [1393] iload v5
      [1395] iconst_2
      [1396] isub
      [1397] putfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [1400] aload_0 v0
      [1401] getfield #230
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.insertmode I]
      [1404] iconst_1
      [1405] ificmpne +78 (target=1483)
      [1408] iload_2 v2
      [1409] ifeq +54 (target=1463)
      [1412] aload_0 v0
      [1413] aload_0 v0
      [1414] dup
      [1415] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [1418] dup_x1
      [1419] iconst_1
      [1420] iadd
      [1421] putfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [1424] aload_0 v0
      [1425] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [1428] iload_1 v1
      [1429] aload_0 v0
      [1430] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [1433] ldc #4
        + Integer [134217728]
      [1435] ior
      [1436] invokevirtual #267
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.insertChar (IICI)V]
      [1439] aload_0 v0
      [1440] aload_0 v0
      [1441] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [1444] aload_0 v0
      [1445] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [1448] bipush 32
      [1450] aload_0 v0
      [1451] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [1454] ldc #4
        + Integer [134217728]
      [1456] ior
      [1457] invokevirtual #267
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.insertChar (IICI)V]
      [1460] goto +95 (target=1555)
      [1463] aload_0 v0
      [1464] aload_0 v0
      [1465] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [1468] aload_0 v0
      [1469] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [1472] iload_1 v1
      [1473] aload_0 v0
      [1474] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [1477] invokevirtual #267
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.insertChar (IICI)V]
      [1480] goto +75 (target=1555)
      [1483] iload_2 v2
      [1484] ifeq +54 (target=1538)
      [1487] aload_0 v0
      [1488] aload_0 v0
      [1489] dup
      [1490] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [1493] dup_x1
      [1494] iconst_1
      [1495] iadd
      [1496] putfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [1499] aload_0 v0
      [1500] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [1503] iload_1 v1
      [1504] aload_0 v0
      [1505] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [1508] ldc #4
        + Integer [134217728]
      [1510] ior
      [1511] invokevirtual #272
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.putChar (IICI)V]
      [1514] aload_0 v0
      [1515] aload_0 v0
      [1516] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [1519] aload_0 v0
      [1520] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [1523] bipush 32
      [1525] aload_0 v0
      [1526] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [1529] ldc #4
        + Integer [134217728]
      [1531] ior
      [1532] invokevirtual #272
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.putChar (IICI)V]
      [1535] goto +20 (target=1555)
      [1538] aload_0 v0
      [1539] aload_0 v0
      [1540] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [1543] aload_0 v0
      [1544] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [1547] iload_1 v1
      [1548] aload_0 v0
      [1549] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [1552] invokevirtual #272
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.putChar (IICI)V]
      [1555] aload_0 v0
      [1556] dup
      [1557] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [1560] iconst_1
      [1561] iadd
      [1562] putfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [1565] goto +7443 (target=9008)
      [1568] iload_1 v1
      [1569] bipush 32
      [1571] ificmpge +25 (target=1596)
      [1574] iload_1 v1
      [1575] bipush 27
      [1577] ificmpeq +19 (target=1596)
      [1580] aload_0 v0
      [1581] aload_0 v0
      [1582] getfield #240
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.osc Ljava/lang/String;]
      [1585] invokespecial #266
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.handle_osc (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [1588] aload_0 v0
      [1589] iconst_0
      [1590] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [1593] goto +7415 (target=9008)
      [1596] iload_1 v1
      [1597] bipush 92
      [1599] ificmpne +40 (target=1639)
      [1602] aload_0 v0
      [1603] getfield #240
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.osc Ljava/lang/String;]
      [1606] aload_0 v0
      [1607] getfield #240
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.osc Ljava/lang/String;]
      [1610] invokevirtual #301
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
      [1613] iconst_1
      [1614] isub
      [1615] invokevirtual #297
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.charAt (I)C]
      [1618] bipush 27
      [1620] ificmpne +19 (target=1639)
      [1623] aload_0 v0
      [1624] aload_0 v0
      [1625] getfield #240
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.osc Ljava/lang/String;]
      [1628] invokespecial #266
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.handle_osc (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [1631] aload_0 v0
      [1632] iconst_0
      [1633] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [1636] goto +7372 (target=9008)
      [1639] aload_0 v0
      [1640] dup
      [1641] getfield #240
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.osc Ljava/lang/String;]
      [1644] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [1647] dup_x1
      [1648] swap
      [1649] invokestatic #305
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [1652] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [1655] iload_1 v1
      [1656] invokevirtual #308
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [1659] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [1662] putfield #240
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.osc Ljava/lang/String;]
      [1665] goto +7343 (target=9008)
      [1668] aload_0 v0
      [1669] iconst_0
      [1670] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [1673] iload_1 v1
      [1674] tableswitch (2 offsets, default=38) (target=1712)
        70: offset = 22, target = 1696
        71: offset = 30, target = 1704
        default: offset = 38, target = 1712
      [1696] aload_0 v0
      [1697] iconst_0
      [1698] putfield #241
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.output8bit Z]
      [1701] goto +7307 (target=9008)
      [1704] aload_0 v0
      [1705] iconst_1
      [1706] putfield #241
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.output8bit Z]
      [1709] goto +7299 (target=9008)
      [1712] aload_0 v0
      [1713] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [1716] dup
      [1717] ldc #132
        + String [ESC <space> ]
      [1719] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [1722] iload_1 v1
      [1723] invokevirtual #308
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [1726] ldc #108
        + String [ unhandled.]
      [1728] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [1731] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [1734] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debug (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [1737] goto +7271 (target=9008)
      [1740] aload_0 v0
      [1741] iconst_0
      [1742] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [1745] iload_1 v1
      [1746] lookupswitch (35 offsets, default=1155) (target=2901)
        32: offset = 290, target = 2036
        35: offset = 299, target = 2045
        40: offset = 1008, target = 2754
        41: offset = 1022, target = 2768
        42: offset = 1036, target = 2782
        43: offset = 1050, target = 2796
        55: offset = 850, target = 2596
        56: offset = 929, target = 2675
        60: offset = 834, target = 2580
        61: offset = 826, target = 2572
        62: offset = 842, target = 2588
        65: offset = 384, target = 2130
        66: offset = 409, target = 2155
        67: offset = 439, target = 2185
        68: offset = 535, target = 2281
        69: offset = 482, target = 2228
        72: offset = 780, target = 2526
        73: offset = 469, target = 2215
        74: offset = 583, target = 2329
        75: offset = 658, target = 2404
        77: offset = 696, target = 2442
        78: offset = 810, target = 2556
        79: offset = 818, target = 2564
        80: offset = 370, target = 2116
        89: offset = 1129, target = 2875
        91: offset = 314, target = 2060
        92: offset = 1147, target = 2893
        93: offset = 355, target = 2101
        95: offset = 1138, target = 2884
        99: offset = 307, target = 2053
        110: offset = 1077, target = 2823
        111: offset = 1103, target = 2849
        124: offset = 1116, target = 2862
        125: offset = 1090, target = 2836
        126: offset = 1064, target = 2810
        default: offset = 1155, target = 2901
      [2036] aload_0 v0
      [2037] bipush 13
      [2039] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [2042] goto +6966 (target=9008)
      [2045] aload_0 v0
      [2046] iconst_5
      [2047] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [2050] goto +6958 (target=9008)
      [2053] aload_0 v0
      [2054] invokevirtual #276
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.reset ()V]
      [2057] goto +6951 (target=9008)
      [2060] aload_0 v0
      [2061] iconst_0
      [2062] putfield #178
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvar I]
      [2065] aload_0 v0
      [2066] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [2069] iconst_0
      [2070] iconst_0
      [2071] iastore
      [2072] aload_0 v0
      [2073] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [2076] iconst_1
      [2077] iconst_0
      [2078] iastore
      [2079] aload_0 v0
      [2080] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [2083] iconst_2
      [2084] iconst_0
      [2085] iastore
      [2086] aload_0 v0
      [2087] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [2090] iconst_3
      [2091] iconst_0
      [2092] iastore
      [2093] aload_0 v0
      [2094] iconst_2
      [2095] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [2098] goto +6910 (target=9008)
      [2101] aload_0 v0
      [2102] ldc #5
        + String []
      [2104] putfield #240
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.osc Ljava/lang/String;]
      [2107] aload_0 v0
      [2108] bipush 6
      [2110] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [2113] goto +6895 (target=9008)
      [2116] aload_0 v0
      [2117] ldc #5
        + String []
      [2119] putfield #223
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.dcs Ljava/lang/String;]
      [2122] aload_0 v0
      [2123] iconst_3
      [2124] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [2127] goto +6881 (target=9008)
      [2130] aload_0 v0
      [2131] dup
      [2132] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [2135] iconst_1
      [2136] isub
      [2137] putfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [2140] aload_0 v0
      [2141] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [2144] ifge +6864 (target=9008)
      [2147] aload_0 v0
      [2148] iconst_0
      [2149] putfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [2152] goto +6856 (target=9008)
      [2155] aload_0 v0
      [2156] dup
      [2157] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [2160] iconst_1
      [2161] iadd
      [2162] putfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [2165] aload_0 v0
      [2166] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [2169] iload v4
      [2171] ificmplt +6837 (target=9008)
      [2174] aload_0 v0
      [2175] iload v4
      [2177] iconst_1
      [2178] isub
      [2179] putfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [2182] goto +6826 (target=9008)
      [2185] aload_0 v0
      [2186] dup
      [2187] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [2190] iconst_1
      [2191] iadd
      [2192] putfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [2195] aload_0 v0
      [2196] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [2199] iload v5
      [2201] ificmplt +6807 (target=9008)
      [2204] aload_0 v0
      [2205] iload v5
      [2207] iconst_1
      [2208] isub
      [2209] putfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [2212] goto +6796 (target=9008)
      [2215] aload_0 v0
      [2216] aload_0 v0
      [2217] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [2220] iconst_1
      [2221] iconst_1
      [2222] invokevirtual #268
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.insertLine (IIZ)V]
      [2225] goto +6783 (target=9008)
      [2228] aload_0 v0
      [2229] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [2232] aload_0 v0
      [2233] invokevirtual #263
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.getBottomMargin ()I]
      [2236] ificmpeq +14 (target=2250)
      [2239] aload_0 v0
      [2240] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [2243] iload v4
      [2245] iconst_1
      [2246] isub
      [2247] ificmpne +16 (target=2263)
      [2250] aload_0 v0
      [2251] aload_0 v0
      [2252] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [2255] iconst_1
      [2256] iconst_0
      [2257] invokevirtual #268
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.insertLine (IIZ)V]
      [2260] goto +13 (target=2273)
      [2263] aload_0 v0
      [2264] dup
      [2265] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [2268] iconst_1
      [2269] iadd
      [2270] putfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [2273] aload_0 v0
      [2274] iconst_0
      [2275] putfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [2278] goto +6730 (target=9008)
      [2281] aload_0 v0
      [2282] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [2285] aload_0 v0
      [2286] invokevirtual #263
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.getBottomMargin ()I]
      [2289] ificmpeq +14 (target=2303)
      [2292] aload_0 v0
      [2293] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [2296] iload v4
      [2298] iconst_1
      [2299] isub
      [2300] ificmpne +16 (target=2316)
      [2303] aload_0 v0
      [2304] aload_0 v0
      [2305] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [2308] iconst_1
      [2309] iconst_0
      [2310] invokevirtual #268
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.insertLine (IIZ)V]
      [2313] goto +6695 (target=9008)
      [2316] aload_0 v0
      [2317] dup
      [2318] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [2321] iconst_1
      [2322] iadd
      [2323] putfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [2326] goto +6682 (target=9008)
      [2329] aload_0 v0
      [2330] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [2333] iload v4
      [2335] iconst_1
      [2336] isub
      [2337] ificmpge +29 (target=2366)
      [2340] aload_0 v0
      [2341] iconst_0
      [2342] aload_0 v0
      [2343] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [2346] iconst_1
      [2347] iadd
      [2348] iload v5
      [2350] iload v4
      [2352] aload_0 v0
      [2353] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [2356] isub
      [2357] iconst_1
      [2358] isub
      [2359] aload_0 v0
      [2360] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [2363] invokevirtual #260
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.deleteArea (IIIII)V]
      [2366] aload_0 v0
      [2367] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [2370] iload v5
      [2372] iconst_1
      [2373] isub
      [2374] ificmpge +6634 (target=9008)
      [2377] aload_0 v0
      [2378] aload_0 v0
      [2379] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [2382] aload_0 v0
      [2383] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [2386] iload v5
      [2388] aload_0 v0
      [2389] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [2392] isub
      [2393] iconst_1
      [2394] aload_0 v0
      [2395] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [2398] invokevirtual #260
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.deleteArea (IIIII)V]
      [2401] goto +6607 (target=9008)
      [2404] aload_0 v0
      [2405] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [2408] iload v5
      [2410] iconst_1
      [2411] isub
      [2412] ificmpge +6596 (target=9008)
      [2415] aload_0 v0
      [2416] aload_0 v0
      [2417] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [2420] aload_0 v0
      [2421] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [2424] iload v5
      [2426] aload_0 v0
      [2427] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [2430] isub
      [2431] iconst_1
      [2432] aload_0 v0
      [2433] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [2436] invokevirtual #260
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.deleteArea (IIIII)V]
      [2439] goto +6569 (target=9008)
      [2442] aload_0 v0
      [2443] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [2446] dup
      [2447] ldc #133
        + String [ESC M : R is ]
      [2449] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [2452] aload_0 v0
      [2453] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [2456] invokevirtual #309
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [2459] ldc #113
        + String [, tm is ]
      [2461] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [2464] aload_0 v0
      [2465] invokevirtual #264
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.getTopMargin ()I]
      [2468] invokevirtual #309
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [2471] ldc #112
        + String [, bm is ]
      [2473] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [2476] aload_0 v0
      [2477] invokevirtual #263
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.getBottomMargin ()I]
      [2480] invokevirtual #309
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [2483] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [2486] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debug (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [2489] aload_0 v0
      [2490] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [2493] aload_0 v0
      [2494] invokevirtual #264
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.getTopMargin ()I]
      [2497] ificmple +16 (target=2513)
      [2500] aload_0 v0
      [2501] dup
      [2502] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [2505] iconst_1
      [2506] isub
      [2507] putfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [2510] goto +6498 (target=9008)
      [2513] aload_0 v0
      [2514] aload_0 v0
      [2515] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [2518] iconst_1
      [2519] iconst_1
      [2520] invokevirtual #268
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.insertLine (IIZ)V]
      [2523] goto +6485 (target=9008)
      [2526] aload_0 v0
      [2527] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [2530] iload v5
      [2532] ificmplt +11 (target=2543)
      [2535] aload_0 v0
      [2536] iload v5
      [2538] iconst_1
      [2539] isub
      [2540] putfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [2543] aload_0 v0
      [2544] getfield #219
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Tabs [B]
      [2547] aload_0 v0
      [2548] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [2551] iconst_1
      [2552] bastore
      [2553] goto +6455 (target=9008)
      [2556] aload_0 v0
      [2557] iconst_2
      [2558] putfield #239
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.onegl I]
      [2561] goto +6447 (target=9008)
      [2564] aload_0 v0
      [2565] iconst_3
      [2566] putfield #239
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.onegl I]
      [2569] goto +6439 (target=9008)
      [2572] aload_0 v0
      [2573] iconst_1
      [2574] putfield #231
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.keypadmode Z]
      [2577] goto +6431 (target=9008)
      [2580] aload_0 v0
      [2581] iconst_0
      [2582] putfield #250
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.vt52mode Z]
      [2585] goto +6423 (target=9008)
      [2588] aload_0 v0
      [2589] iconst_0
      [2590] putfield #231
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.keypadmode Z]
      [2593] goto +6415 (target=9008)
      [2596] aload_0 v0
      [2597] aload_0 v0
      [2598] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [2601] putfield #212
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Sc I]
      [2604] aload_0 v0
      [2605] aload_0 v0
      [2606] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [2609] putfield #217
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Sr I]
      [2612] aload_0 v0
      [2613] aload_0 v0
      [2614] getfield #226
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/ C]
      [2617] putfield #214
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Sgl C]
      [2620] aload_0 v0
      [2621] aload_0 v0
      [2622] getfield #227
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/ C]
      [2625] putfield #215
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Sgr C]
      [2628] aload_0 v0
      [2629] aload_0 v0
      [2630] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [2633] putfield #211
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Sa I]
      [2636] aload_0 v0
      [2637] iconst_4
      [2638] newarray 5
      [2640] putfield #216
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Sgx [C]
      [2643] iconst_0
      [2644] istore v6
      [2646] goto +20 (target=2666)
      [2649] aload_0 v0
      [2650] getfield #216
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Sgx [C]
      [2653] iload v6
      [2655] aload_0 v0
      [2656] getfield #228
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.gx [C]
      [2659] iload v6
      [2661] caload
      [2662] castore
      [2663] iinc v6, 1
      [2666] iload v6
      [2668] iconst_4
      [2669] ificmplt -20 (target=2649)
      [2672] goto +6336 (target=9008)
      [2675] aload_0 v0
      [2676] aload_0 v0
      [2677] getfield #212
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Sc I]
      [2680] putfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [2683] aload_0 v0
      [2684] aload_0 v0
      [2685] getfield #217
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Sr I]
      [2688] putfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [2691] aload_0 v0
      [2692] aload_0 v0
      [2693] getfield #214
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Sgl C]
      [2696] putfield #226
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/ C]
      [2699] aload_0 v0
      [2700] aload_0 v0
      [2701] getfield #215
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Sgr C]
      [2704] putfield #227
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/ C]
      [2707] aload_0 v0
      [2708] getfield #216
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Sgx [C]
      [2711] ifnull +32 (target=2743)
      [2714] iconst_0
      [2715] istore v6
      [2717] goto +20 (target=2737)
      [2720] aload_0 v0
      [2721] getfield #228
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.gx [C]
      [2724] iload v6
      [2726] aload_0 v0
      [2727] getfield #216
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Sgx [C]
      [2730] iload v6
      [2732] caload
      [2733] castore
      [2734] iinc v6, 1
      [2737] iload v6
      [2739] iconst_4
      [2740] ificmplt -20 (target=2720)
      [2743] aload_0 v0
      [2744] aload_0 v0
      [2745] getfield #211
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Sa I]
      [2748] putfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [2751] goto +6257 (target=9008)
      [2754] aload_0 v0
      [2755] bipush 7
      [2757] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [2760] aload_0 v0
      [2761] iconst_1
      [2762] putfield #247
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.usedcharsets Z]
      [2765] goto +6243 (target=9008)
      [2768] aload_0 v0
      [2769] bipush 8
      [2771] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [2774] aload_0 v0
      [2775] iconst_1
      [2776] putfield #247
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.usedcharsets Z]
      [2779] goto +6229 (target=9008)
      [2782] aload_0 v0
      [2783] bipush 9
      [2785] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [2788] aload_0 v0
      [2789] iconst_1
      [2790] putfield #247
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.usedcharsets Z]
      [2793] goto +6215 (target=9008)
      [2796] aload_0 v0
      [2797] bipush 10
      [2799] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [2802] aload_0 v0
      [2803] iconst_1
      [2804] putfield #247
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.usedcharsets Z]
      [2807] goto +6201 (target=9008)
      [2810] aload_0 v0
      [2811] iconst_1
      [2812] putfield #227
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/ C]
      [2815] aload_0 v0
      [2816] iconst_1
      [2817] putfield #247
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.usedcharsets Z]
      [2820] goto +6188 (target=9008)
      [2823] aload_0 v0
      [2824] iconst_2
      [2825] putfield #226
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/ C]
      [2828] aload_0 v0
      [2829] iconst_1
      [2830] putfield #247
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.usedcharsets Z]
      [2833] goto +6175 (target=9008)
      [2836] aload_0 v0
      [2837] iconst_2
      [2838] putfield #227
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/ C]
      [2841] aload_0 v0
      [2842] iconst_1
      [2843] putfield #247
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.usedcharsets Z]
      [2846] goto +6162 (target=9008)
      [2849] aload_0 v0
      [2850] iconst_3
      [2851] putfield #226
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/ C]
      [2854] aload_0 v0
      [2855] iconst_1
      [2856] putfield #247
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.usedcharsets Z]
      [2859] goto +6149 (target=9008)
      [2862] aload_0 v0
      [2863] iconst_3
      [2864] putfield #227
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/ C]
      [2867] aload_0 v0
      [2868] iconst_1
      [2869] putfield #247
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.usedcharsets Z]
      [2872] goto +6136 (target=9008)
      [2875] aload_0 v0
      [2876] bipush 15
      [2878] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [2881] goto +6127 (target=9008)
      [2884] aload_0 v0
      [2885] bipush 18
      [2887] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [2890] goto +6118 (target=9008)
      [2893] aload_0 v0
      [2894] iconst_0
      [2895] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [2898] goto +6110 (target=9008)
      [2901] aload_0 v0
      [2902] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [2905] dup
      [2906] ldc #138
        + String [ESC unknown letter: ]
      [2908] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [2911] iload_1 v1
      [2912] invokevirtual #308
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [2915] ldc #93
        + String [ (]
      [2917] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [2920] iload_1 v1
      [2921] invokevirtual #309
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [2924] ldc #109
        + String [)]
      [2926] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [2929] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [2932] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debug (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [2935] goto +6073 (target=9008)
      [2938] aload_0 v0
      [2939] iload_1 v1
      [2940] bipush 37
      [2942] isub
      [2943] putfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [2946] aload_0 v0
      [2947] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [2950] ifge +11 (target=2961)
      [2953] aload_0 v0
      [2954] iconst_0
      [2955] putfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [2958] goto +24 (target=2982)
      [2961] aload_0 v0
      [2962] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [2965] aload_0 v0
      [2966] getfield #251
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.width I]
      [2969] ificmplt +13 (target=2982)
      [2972] aload_0 v0
      [2973] aload_0 v0
      [2974] getfield #251
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.width I]
      [2977] iconst_1
      [2978] isub
      [2979] putfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [2982] aload_0 v0
      [2983] bipush 15
      [2985] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [2988] goto +6020 (target=9008)
      [2991] aload_0 v0
      [2992] iload_1 v1
      [2993] bipush 37
      [2995] isub
      [2996] putfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [2999] aload_0 v0
      [3000] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [3003] ifge +11 (target=3014)
      [3006] aload_0 v0
      [3007] iconst_0
      [3008] putfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [3011] goto +24 (target=3035)
      [3014] aload_0 v0
      [3015] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [3018] aload_0 v0
      [3019] getfield #229
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.height I]
      [3022] ificmplt +13 (target=3035)
      [3025] aload_0 v0
      [3026] aload_0 v0
      [3027] getfield #229
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.height I]
      [3030] iconst_1
      [3031] isub
      [3032] putfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [3035] aload_0 v0
      [3036] iconst_0
      [3037] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [3040] goto +5968 (target=9008)
      [3043] iload_1 v1
      [3044] bipush 48
      [3046] ificmpeq +58 (target=3104)
      [3049] iload_1 v1
      [3050] bipush 65
      [3052] ificmpeq +52 (target=3104)
      [3055] iload_1 v1
      [3056] bipush 66
      [3058] ificmpeq +46 (target=3104)
      [3061] iload_1 v1
      [3062] bipush 60
      [3064] ificmpeq +40 (target=3104)
      [3067] aload_0 v0
      [3068] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [3071] dup
      [3072] ldc #130
        + String [ESC ( ]
      [3074] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [3077] iload_1 v1
      [3078] invokevirtual #308
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [3081] ldc #123
        + String [: G0 char set?  (]
      [3083] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [3086] iload_1 v1
      [3087] invokevirtual #309
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [3090] ldc #109
        + String [)]
      [3092] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [3095] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [3098] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debug (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [3101] goto +10 (target=3111)
      [3104] aload_0 v0
      [3105] getfield #228
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.gx [C]
      [3108] iconst_0
      [3109] iload_1 v1
      [3110] castore
      [3111] aload_0 v0
      [3112] iconst_0
      [3113] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [3116] goto +5892 (target=9008)
      [3119] iload_1 v1
      [3120] bipush 48
      [3122] ificmpeq +58 (target=3180)
      [3125] iload_1 v1
      [3126] bipush 65
      [3128] ificmpeq +52 (target=3180)
      [3131] iload_1 v1
      [3132] bipush 66
      [3134] ificmpeq +46 (target=3180)
      [3137] iload_1 v1
      [3138] bipush 60
      [3140] ificmpeq +40 (target=3180)
      [3143] aload_0 v0
      [3144] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [3147] dup
      [3148] ldc #131
        + String [ESC ) ]
      [3150] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [3153] iload_1 v1
      [3154] invokevirtual #308
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [3157] ldc #93
        + String [ (]
      [3159] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [3162] iload_1 v1
      [3163] invokevirtual #309
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [3166] ldc #110
        + String [) :G1 char set?]
      [3168] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [3171] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [3174] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debug (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [3177] goto +10 (target=3187)
      [3180] aload_0 v0
      [3181] getfield #228
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.gx [C]
      [3184] iconst_1
      [3185] iload_1 v1
      [3186] castore
      [3187] aload_0 v0
      [3188] iconst_0
      [3189] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [3192] goto +5816 (target=9008)
      [3195] iload_1 v1
      [3196] bipush 48
      [3198] ificmpeq +49 (target=3247)
      [3201] iload_1 v1
      [3202] bipush 65
      [3204] ificmpeq +43 (target=3247)
      [3207] iload_1 v1
      [3208] bipush 66
      [3210] ificmpeq +37 (target=3247)
      [3213] iload_1 v1
      [3214] bipush 60
      [3216] ificmpeq +31 (target=3247)
      [3219] aload_0 v0
      [3220] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [3223] dup
      [3224] ldc #139
        + String [ESC*:G2 char set?  (]
      [3226] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [3229] iload_1 v1
      [3230] invokevirtual #309
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [3233] ldc #109
        + String [)]
      [3235] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [3238] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [3241] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debug (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [3244] goto +10 (target=3254)
      [3247] aload_0 v0
      [3248] getfield #228
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.gx [C]
      [3251] iconst_2
      [3252] iload_1 v1
      [3253] castore
      [3254] aload_0 v0
      [3255] iconst_0
      [3256] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [3259] goto +5749 (target=9008)
      [3262] iload_1 v1
      [3263] bipush 48
      [3265] ificmpeq +49 (target=3314)
      [3268] iload_1 v1
      [3269] bipush 65
      [3271] ificmpeq +43 (target=3314)
      [3274] iload_1 v1
      [3275] bipush 66
      [3277] ificmpeq +37 (target=3314)
      [3280] iload_1 v1
      [3281] bipush 60
      [3283] ificmpeq +31 (target=3314)
      [3286] aload_0 v0
      [3287] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [3290] dup
      [3291] ldc #140
        + String [ESC+:G3 char set?  (]
      [3293] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [3296] iload_1 v1
      [3297] invokevirtual #309
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [3300] ldc #109
        + String [)]
      [3302] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [3305] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [3308] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debug (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [3311] goto +10 (target=3321)
      [3314] aload_0 v0
      [3315] getfield #228
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.gx [C]
      [3318] iconst_3
      [3319] iload_1 v1
      [3320] castore
      [3321] aload_0 v0
      [3322] iconst_0
      [3323] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [3326] goto +5682 (target=9008)
      [3329] iload_1 v1
      [3330] tableswitch (1 offsets, default=64) (target=3394)
        56: offset = 18, target = 3348
        default: offset = 64, target = 3394
      [3348] iconst_0
      [3349] istore v6
      [3351] goto +33 (target=3384)
      [3354] iconst_0
      [3355] istore v7
      [3357] goto +17 (target=3374)
      [3360] aload_0 v0
      [3361] iload v6
      [3363] iload v7
      [3365] bipush 69
      [3367] iconst_0
      [3368] invokevirtual #272
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.putChar (IICI)V]
      [3371] iinc v7, 1
      [3374] iload v7
      [3376] iload v4
      [3378] ificmplt -18 (target=3360)
      [3381] iinc v6, 1
      [3384] iload v6
      [3386] iload v5
      [3388] ificmplt -34 (target=3354)
      [3391] goto +28 (target=3419)
      [3394] aload_0 v0
      [3395] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [3398] dup
      [3399] ldc #129
        + String [ESC # ]
      [3401] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [3404] iload_1 v1
      [3405] invokevirtual #308
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [3408] ldc #104
        + String [ not supported.]
      [3410] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [3413] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [3416] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debug (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [3419] aload_0 v0
      [3420] iconst_0
      [3421] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [3424] goto +5584 (target=9008)
      [3427] iload_1 v1
      [3428] bipush 92
      [3430] ificmpne +40 (target=3470)
      [3433] aload_0 v0
      [3434] getfield #223
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.dcs Ljava/lang/String;]
      [3437] aload_0 v0
      [3438] getfield #223
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.dcs Ljava/lang/String;]
      [3441] invokevirtual #301
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
      [3444] iconst_1
      [3445] isub
      [3446] invokevirtual #297
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.charAt (I)C]
      [3449] bipush 27
      [3451] ificmpne +19 (target=3470)
      [3454] aload_0 v0
      [3455] aload_0 v0
      [3456] getfield #223
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.dcs Ljava/lang/String;]
      [3459] invokespecial #265
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.handle_dcs (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [3462] aload_0 v0
      [3463] iconst_0
      [3464] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [3467] goto +5541 (target=9008)
      [3470] aload_0 v0
      [3471] dup
      [3472] getfield #223
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.dcs Ljava/lang/String;]
      [3475] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [3478] dup_x1
      [3479] swap
      [3480] invokestatic #305
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [3483] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [3486] iload_1 v1
      [3487] invokevirtual #308
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [3490] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [3493] putfield #223
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.dcs Ljava/lang/String;]
      [3496] goto +5512 (target=9008)
      [3499] aload_0 v0
      [3500] iconst_0
      [3501] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [3504] iload_1 v1
      [3505] lookupswitch (17 offsets, default=1101) (target=4606)
        48: offset = 147, target = 3652
        49: offset = 147, target = 3652
        50: offset = 147, target = 3652
        51: offset = 147, target = 3652
        52: offset = 147, target = 3652
        53: offset = 147, target = 3652
        54: offset = 147, target = 3652
        55: offset = 147, target = 3652
        56: offset = 147, target = 3652
        57: offset = 147, target = 3652
        59: offset = 181, target = 3686
        104: offset = 481, target = 3986
        105: offset = 732, target = 4237
        108: offset = 780, target = 4285
        110: offset = 1025, target = 4530
        114: offset = 242, target = 3747
        115: offset = 209, target = 3714
        default: offset = 1101, target = 4606
      [3652] aload_0 v0
      [3653] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [3656] aload_0 v0
      [3657] getfield #178
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvar I]
      [3660] aload_0 v0
      [3661] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [3664] aload_0 v0
      [3665] getfield #178
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvar I]
      [3668] iaload
      [3669] bipush 10
      [3671] imul
      [3672] iload_1 v1
      [3673] iadd
      [3674] bipush 48
      [3676] isub
      [3677] iastore
      [3678] aload_0 v0
      [3679] iconst_4
      [3680] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [3683] goto +5325 (target=9008)
      [3686] aload_0 v0
      [3687] dup
      [3688] getfield #178
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvar I]
      [3691] iconst_1
      [3692] iadd
      [3693] putfield #178
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvar I]
      [3696] aload_0 v0
      [3697] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [3700] aload_0 v0
      [3701] getfield #178
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvar I]
      [3704] iconst_0
      [3705] iastore
      [3706] aload_0 v0
      [3707] iconst_4
      [3708] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [3711] goto +5297 (target=9008)
      [3714] aload_0 v0
      [3715] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [3718] dup
      [3719] ldc #136
        + String [ESC [ ? ]
      [3721] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [3724] aload_0 v0
      [3725] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [3728] iconst_0
      [3729] iaload
      [3730] invokevirtual #309
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [3733] ldc #107
        + String [ s unimplemented!]
      [3735] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [3738] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [3741] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debug (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [3744] goto +5264 (target=9008)
      [3747] aload_0 v0
      [3748] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [3751] dup
      [3752] ldc #136
        + String [ESC [ ? ]
      [3754] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [3757] aload_0 v0
      [3758] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [3761] iconst_0
      [3762] iaload
      [3763] invokevirtual #309
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [3766] ldc #105
        + String [ r]
      [3768] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [3771] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [3774] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debug (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [3777] iconst_0
      [3778] istore v6
      [3780] goto +194 (target=3974)
      [3783] aload_0 v0
      [3784] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [3787] iload v6
      [3789] iaload
      [3790] lookupswitch (11 offsets, default=151) (target=3941)
        3: offset = 98, target = 3888
        4: offset = 112, target = 3902
        5: offset = 115, target = 3905
        6: offset = 118, target = 3908
        7: offset = 126, target = 3916
        9: offset = 137, target = 3927
        12: offset = 134, target = 3924
        1000: offset = 137, target = 3927
        1001: offset = 137, target = 3927
        1002: offset = 137, target = 3927
        1003: offset = 137, target = 3927
        default: offset = 151, target = 3941
      [3888] aload_0 v0
      [3889] bipush 80
      [3891] aload_0 v0
      [3892] getfield #229
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.height I]
      [3895] iconst_1
      [3896] invokevirtual #282
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.setScreenSize (IIZ)V]
      [3899] goto +72 (target=3971)
      [3902] goto +69 (target=3971)
      [3905] goto +66 (target=3971)
      [3908] aload_0 v0
      [3909] iconst_1
      [3910] putfield #236
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.moveoutsidemargins Z]
      [3913] goto +58 (target=3971)
      [3916] aload_0 v0
      [3917] iconst_0
      [3918] putfield #252
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.wraparound Z]
      [3921] goto +50 (target=3971)
      [3924] goto +47 (target=3971)
      [3927] aload_0 v0
      [3928] aload_0 v0
      [3929] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [3932] iload v6
      [3934] iaload
      [3935] putfield #235
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.mouserpt I]
      [3938] goto +33 (target=3971)
      [3941] aload_0 v0
      [3942] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [3945] dup
      [3946] ldc #136
        + String [ESC [ ? ]
      [3948] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [3951] aload_0 v0
      [3952] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [3955] iconst_0
      [3956] iaload
      [3957] invokevirtual #309
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [3960] ldc #106
        + String [ r, unimplemented!]
      [3962] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [3965] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [3968] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debug (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [3971] iinc v6, 1
      [3974] iload v6
      [3976] aload_0 v0
      [3977] getfield #178
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvar I]
      [3980] ificmple -197 (target=3783)
      [3983] goto +5025 (target=9008)
      [3986] iconst_0
      [3987] istore v6
      [3989] goto +236 (target=4225)
      [3992] aload_0 v0
      [3993] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [3996] iload v6
      [3998] iaload
      [3999] lookupswitch (11 offsets, default=193) (target=4192)
        1: offset = 97, target = 4096
        2: offset = 132, target = 4131
        3: offset = 140, target = 4139
        6: offset = 155, target = 4154
        7: offset = 163, target = 4162
        9: offset = 179, target = 4178
        25: offset = 171, target = 4170
        1000: offset = 179, target = 4178
        1001: offset = 179, target = 4178
        1002: offset = 179, target = 4178
        1003: offset = 179, target = 4178
        default: offset = 193, target = 4192
      [4096] aload_0 v0
      [4097] getfield #199
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KeyUp [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4100] iconst_0
      [4101] ldc #17
        + String [OA]
      [4103] aastore
      [4104] aload_0 v0
      [4105] getfield #194
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KeyDown [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4108] iconst_0
      [4109] ldc #18
        + String [OB]
      [4111] aastore
      [4112] aload_0 v0
      [4113] getfield #198
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KeyRight [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4116] iconst_0
      [4117] ldc #19
        + String [OC]
      [4119] aastore
      [4120] aload_0 v0
      [4121] getfield #197
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KeyLeft [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4124] iconst_0
      [4125] ldc #20
        + String [OD]
      [4127] aastore
      [4128] goto +94 (target=4222)
      [4131] aload_0 v0
      [4132] iconst_0
      [4133] putfield #250
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.vt52mode Z]
      [4136] goto +86 (target=4222)
      [4139] aload_0 v0
      [4140] sipush 132
      [4143] aload_0 v0
      [4144] getfield #229
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.height I]
      [4147] iconst_1
      [4148] invokevirtual #282
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.setScreenSize (IIZ)V]
      [4151] goto +71 (target=4222)
      [4154] aload_0 v0
      [4155] iconst_0
      [4156] putfield #236
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.moveoutsidemargins Z]
      [4159] goto +63 (target=4222)
      [4162] aload_0 v0
      [4163] iconst_1
      [4164] putfield #252
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.wraparound Z]
      [4167] goto +55 (target=4222)
      [4170] aload_0 v0
      [4171] iconst_1
      [4172] invokevirtual #286
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.showCursor (Z)V]
      [4175] goto +47 (target=4222)
      [4178] aload_0 v0
      [4179] aload_0 v0
      [4180] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [4183] iload v6
      [4185] iaload
      [4186] putfield #235
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.mouserpt I]
      [4189] goto +33 (target=4222)
      [4192] aload_0 v0
      [4193] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [4196] dup
      [4197] ldc #136
        + String [ESC [ ? ]
      [4199] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [4202] aload_0 v0
      [4203] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [4206] iconst_0
      [4207] iaload
      [4208] invokevirtual #309
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [4211] ldc #98
        + String [ h, unsupported.]
      [4213] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [4216] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4219] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debug (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [4222] iinc v6, 1
      [4225] iload v6
      [4227] aload_0 v0
      [4228] getfield #178
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvar I]
      [4231] ificmple -239 (target=3992)
      [4234] goto +4774 (target=9008)
      [4237] aload_0 v0
      [4238] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [4241] iconst_0
      [4242] iaload
      [4243] tableswitch (5 offsets, default=39) (target=4282)
        1: offset = 33, target = 4276
        2: offset = 39, target = 4282
        3: offset = 39, target = 4282
        4: offset = 36, target = 4279
        5: offset = 39, target = 4282
        default: offset = 39, target = 4282
      [4276] goto +4732 (target=9008)
      [4279] goto +4729 (target=9008)
      [4282] goto +4726 (target=9008)
      [4285] iconst_0
      [4286] istore v6
      [4288] goto +230 (target=4518)
      [4291] aload_0 v0
      [4292] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [4295] iload v6
      [4297] iaload
      [4298] lookupswitch (11 offsets, default=187) (target=4485)
        1: offset = 98, target = 4396
        2: offset = 133, target = 4431
        3: offset = 141, target = 4439
        6: offset = 155, target = 4453
        7: offset = 163, target = 4461
        9: offset = 179, target = 4477
        25: offset = 171, target = 4469
        1000: offset = 179, target = 4477
        1001: offset = 179, target = 4477
        1002: offset = 179, target = 4477
        1003: offset = 179, target = 4477
        default: offset = 187, target = 4485
      [4396] aload_0 v0
      [4397] getfield #199
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KeyUp [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4400] iconst_0
      [4401] ldc #65
        + String []
      [4403] aastore
      [4404] aload_0 v0
      [4405] getfield #194
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KeyDown [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4408] iconst_0
      [4409] ldc #66
        + String []
      [4411] aastore
      [4412] aload_0 v0
      [4413] getfield #198
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KeyRight [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4416] iconst_0
      [4417] ldc #67
        + String []
      [4419] aastore
      [4420] aload_0 v0
      [4421] getfield #197
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.KeyLeft [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4424] iconst_0
      [4425] ldc #68
        + String []
      [4427] aastore
      [4428] goto +87 (target=4515)
      [4431] aload_0 v0
      [4432] iconst_1
      [4433] putfield #250
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.vt52mode Z]
      [4436] goto +79 (target=4515)
      [4439] aload_0 v0
      [4440] bipush 80
      [4442] aload_0 v0
      [4443] getfield #229
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.height I]
      [4446] iconst_1
      [4447] invokevirtual #282
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.setScreenSize (IIZ)V]
      [4450] goto +65 (target=4515)
      [4453] aload_0 v0
      [4454] iconst_1
      [4455] putfield #236
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.moveoutsidemargins Z]
      [4458] goto +57 (target=4515)
      [4461] aload_0 v0
      [4462] iconst_0
      [4463] putfield #252
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.wraparound Z]
      [4466] goto +49 (target=4515)
      [4469] aload_0 v0
      [4470] iconst_0
      [4471] invokevirtual #286
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.showCursor (Z)V]
      [4474] goto +41 (target=4515)
      [4477] aload_0 v0
      [4478] iconst_0
      [4479] putfield #235
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.mouserpt I]
      [4482] goto +33 (target=4515)
      [4485] aload_0 v0
      [4486] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [4489] dup
      [4490] ldc #136
        + String [ESC [ ? ]
      [4492] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [4495] aload_0 v0
      [4496] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [4499] iconst_0
      [4500] iaload
      [4501] invokevirtual #309
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [4504] ldc #101
        + String [ l, unsupported.]
      [4506] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [4509] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4512] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debug (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [4515] iinc v6, 1
      [4518] iload v6
      [4520] aload_0 v0
      [4521] getfield #178
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvar I]
      [4524] ificmple -233 (target=4291)
      [4527] goto +4481 (target=9008)
      [4530] aload_0 v0
      [4531] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [4534] iconst_0
      [4535] iaload
      [4536] tableswitch (1 offsets, default=37) (target=4573)
        15: offset = 20, target = 4556
        default: offset = 37, target = 4573
      [4556] aload_0 v0
      [4557] ldc #64
        + String [[?13n]
      [4559] iconst_0
      [4560] invokespecial #289
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.write (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
      [4563] pop
      [4564] aload_0 v0
      [4565] ldc #141
        + String [ESC[5n]
      [4567] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debug (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [4570] goto +4438 (target=9008)
      [4573] aload_0 v0
      [4574] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [4577] dup
      [4578] ldc #136
        + String [ESC [ ? ]
      [4580] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [4583] aload_0 v0
      [4584] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [4587] iconst_0
      [4588] iaload
      [4589] invokevirtual #309
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [4592] ldc #103
        + String [ n, unsupported.]
      [4594] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [4597] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4600] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debug (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [4603] goto +4405 (target=9008)
      [4606] aload_0 v0
      [4607] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [4610] dup
      [4611] ldc #136
        + String [ESC [ ? ]
      [4613] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [4616] aload_0 v0
      [4617] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [4620] iconst_0
      [4621] iaload
      [4622] invokevirtual #309
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [4625] ldc #92
        + String [ ]
      [4627] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [4630] iload_1 v1
      [4631] invokevirtual #308
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [4634] ldc #114
        + String [, unsupported.]
      [4636] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [4639] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4642] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debug (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [4645] goto +4363 (target=9008)
      [4648] aload_0 v0
      [4649] iconst_0
      [4650] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [4653] iload_1 v1
      [4654] tableswitch (1 offsets, default=26) (target=4680)
        27: offset = 18, target = 4672
        default: offset = 26, target = 4680
      [4672] aload_0 v0
      [4673] iconst_1
      [4674] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [4677] goto +4331 (target=9008)
      [4680] aload_0 v0
      [4681] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [4684] dup
      [4685] ldc #153
        + String [Unknown character ESC[! character is ]
      [4687] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [4690] iload_1 v1
      [4691] invokevirtual #309
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [4694] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4697] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debug (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [4700] goto +4308 (target=9008)
      [4703] aload_0 v0
      [4704] iconst_0
      [4705] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [4708] iload_1 v1
      [4709] tableswitch (1 offsets, default=103) (target=4812)
        112: offset = 19, target = 4728
        default: offset = 103, target = 4812
      [4728] aload_0 v0
      [4729] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [4732] dup
      [4733] ldc #127
        + String [Conformance level: ]
      [4735] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [4738] aload_0 v0
      [4739] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [4742] iconst_0
      [4743] iaload
      [4744] invokevirtual #309
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [4747] ldc #94
        + String [ (unsupported),]
      [4749] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [4752] aload_0 v0
      [4753] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [4756] iconst_1
      [4757] iaload
      [4758] invokevirtual #309
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [4761] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4764] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debug (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [4767] aload_0 v0
      [4768] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [4771] iconst_0
      [4772] iaload
      [4773] bipush 61
      [4775] ificmpne +11 (target=4786)
      [4778] aload_0 v0
      [4779] iconst_0
      [4780] putfield #241
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.output8bit Z]
      [4783] goto +4225 (target=9008)
      [4786] aload_0 v0
      [4787] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [4790] iconst_1
      [4791] iaload
      [4792] iconst_1
      [4793] ificmpne +11 (target=4804)
      [4796] aload_0 v0
      [4797] iconst_0
      [4798] putfield #241
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.output8bit Z]
      [4801] goto +4207 (target=9008)
      [4804] aload_0 v0
      [4805] iconst_1
      [4806] putfield #241
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.output8bit Z]
      [4809] goto +4199 (target=9008)
      [4812] aload_0 v0
      [4813] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [4816] dup
      [4817] ldc #152
        + String [Unknown ESC [...  "]
      [4819] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [4822] iload_1 v1
      [4823] invokevirtual #308
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [4826] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4829] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debug (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [4832] goto +4176 (target=9008)
      [4835] aload_0 v0
      [4836] iconst_0
      [4837] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [4840] iload_1 v1
      [4841] tableswitch (24 offsets, default=359) (target=5200)
        48: offset = 111, target = 4952
        49: offset = 111, target = 4952
        50: offset = 111, target = 4952
        51: offset = 111, target = 4952
        52: offset = 111, target = 4952
        53: offset = 111, target = 4952
        54: offset = 111, target = 4952
        55: offset = 111, target = 4952
        56: offset = 111, target = 4952
        57: offset = 111, target = 4952
        58: offset = 359, target = 5200
        59: offset = 146, target = 4987
        60: offset = 359, target = 5200
        61: offset = 359, target = 5200
        62: offset = 359, target = 5200
        63: offset = 359, target = 5200
        64: offset = 359, target = 5200
        65: offset = 359, target = 5200
        66: offset = 359, target = 5200
        67: offset = 359, target = 5200
        68: offset = 359, target = 5200
        69: offset = 359, target = 5200
        70: offset = 175, target = 5016
        71: offset = 267, target = 5108
        default: offset = 359, target = 5200
      [4952] aload_0 v0
      [4953] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [4956] aload_0 v0
      [4957] getfield #178
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvar I]
      [4960] aload_0 v0
      [4961] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [4964] aload_0 v0
      [4965] getfield #178
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvar I]
      [4968] iaload
      [4969] bipush 10
      [4971] imul
      [4972] iload_1 v1
      [4973] iadd
      [4974] bipush 48
      [4976] isub
      [4977] iastore
      [4978] aload_0 v0
      [4979] bipush 17
      [4981] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [4984] goto +4024 (target=9008)
      [4987] aload_0 v0
      [4988] dup
      [4989] getfield #178
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvar I]
      [4992] iconst_1
      [4993] iadd
      [4994] putfield #178
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvar I]
      [4997] aload_0 v0
      [4998] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [5001] aload_0 v0
      [5002] getfield #178
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvar I]
      [5005] iconst_0
      [5006] iastore
      [5007] aload_0 v0
      [5008] bipush 17
      [5010] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [5013] goto +3995 (target=9008)
      [5016] aload_0 v0
      [5017] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [5020] dup
      [5021] ldc #135
        + String [ESC [ = ]
      [5023] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [5026] aload_0 v0
      [5027] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [5030] iconst_0
      [5031] iaload
      [5032] invokevirtual #309
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [5035] ldc #95
        + String [ F]
      [5037] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [5040] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [5043] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debug (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [5046] aload_0 v0
      [5047] dup
      [5048] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [5051] sipush -16353
      [5054] iand
      [5055] putfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [5058] aload_0 v0
      [5059] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [5062] iconst_0
      [5063] iaload
      [5064] iconst_1
      [5065] iand
      [5066] iconst_2
      [5067] ishl
      [5068] aload_0 v0
      [5069] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [5072] iconst_0
      [5073] iaload
      [5074] iconst_2
      [5075] iand
      [5076] ior
      [5077] aload_0 v0
      [5078] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [5081] iconst_0
      [5082] iaload
      [5083] iconst_4
      [5084] iand
      [5085] iconst_2
      [5086] ishr
      [5087] ior
      [5088] istore v6
      [5090] aload_0 v0
      [5091] dup
      [5092] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [5095] iload v6
      [5097] iconst_1
      [5098] iadd
      [5099] iconst_5
      [5100] ishl
      [5101] ior
      [5102] putfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [5105] goto +3903 (target=9008)
      [5108] aload_0 v0
      [5109] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [5112] dup
      [5113] ldc #135
        + String [ESC [ = ]
      [5115] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [5118] aload_0 v0
      [5119] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [5122] iconst_0
      [5123] iaload
      [5124] invokevirtual #309
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [5127] ldc #96
        + String [ G]
      [5129] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [5132] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [5135] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debug (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [5138] aload_0 v0
      [5139] dup
      [5140] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [5143] ldc #2
        + Integer [-8372225]
      [5145] iand
      [5146] putfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [5149] aload_0 v0
      [5150] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [5153] iconst_0
      [5154] iaload
      [5155] iconst_1
      [5156] iand
      [5157] iconst_2
      [5158] ishl
      [5159] aload_0 v0
      [5160] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [5163] iconst_0
      [5164] iaload
      [5165] iconst_2
      [5166] iand
      [5167] ior
      [5168] aload_0 v0
      [5169] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [5172] iconst_0
      [5173] iaload
      [5174] iconst_4
      [5175] iand
      [5176] iconst_2
      [5177] ishr
      [5178] ior
      [5179] istore v6
      [5181] aload_0 v0
      [5182] dup
      [5183] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [5186] iload v6
      [5188] iconst_1
      [5189] iadd
      [5190] bipush 14
      [5192] ishl
      [5193] ior
      [5194] putfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [5197] goto +3811 (target=9008)
      [5200] aload_0 v0
      [5201] getfield #224
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debugStr Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [5204] ldc #151
        + String [Unknown ESC [ = ]
      [5206] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [5209] pop
      [5210] iconst_0
      [5211] istore v6
      [5213] goto +26 (target=5239)
      [5216] aload_0 v0
      [5217] getfield #224
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debugStr Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [5220] aload_0 v0
      [5221] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [5224] iload v6
      [5226] iaload
      [5227] invokevirtual #309
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [5230] bipush 44
      [5232] invokevirtual #308
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [5235] pop
      [5236] iinc v6, 1
      [5239] iload v6
      [5241] aload_0 v0
      [5242] getfield #178
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvar I]
      [5245] ificmple -29 (target=5216)
      [5248] aload_0 v0
      [5249] getfield #224
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debugStr Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [5252] iload_1 v1
      [5253] invokevirtual #308
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [5256] pop
      [5257] aload_0 v0
      [5258] aload_0 v0
      [5259] getfield #224
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debugStr Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [5262] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [5265] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debug (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [5268] aload_0 v0
      [5269] getfield #224
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debugStr Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [5272] iconst_0
      [5273] invokevirtual #311
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.setLength (I)V]
      [5276] goto +3732 (target=9008)
      [5279] aload_0 v0
      [5280] iconst_0
      [5281] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [5284] iload_1 v1
      [5285] tableswitch (2 offsets, default=89) (target=5374)
        125: offset = 23, target = 5308
        126: offset = 61, target = 5346
        default: offset = 89, target = 5374
      [5308] aload_0 v0
      [5309] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [5312] dup
      [5313] ldc #126
        + String [Active Status Display now ]
      [5315] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [5318] aload_0 v0
      [5319] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [5322] iconst_0
      [5323] iaload
      [5324] invokevirtual #309
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [5327] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [5330] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debug (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [5333] aload_0 v0
      [5334] aload_0 v0
      [5335] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [5338] iconst_0
      [5339] iaload
      [5340] putfield #243
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.statusmode I]
      [5343] goto +3665 (target=9008)
      [5346] aload_0 v0
      [5347] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [5350] dup
      [5351] ldc #148
        + String [Status Line mode now ]
      [5353] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [5356] aload_0 v0
      [5357] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [5360] iconst_0
      [5361] iaload
      [5362] invokevirtual #309
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [5365] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [5368] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debug (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [5371] goto +3637 (target=9008)
      [5374] aload_0 v0
      [5375] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [5378] dup
      [5379] ldc #150
        + String [UNKNOWN Status Display code ]
      [5381] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [5384] iload_1 v1
      [5385] invokevirtual #308
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [5388] ldc #115
        + String [, with Pn=]
      [5390] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [5393] aload_0 v0
      [5394] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [5397] iconst_0
      [5398] iaload
      [5399] invokevirtual #309
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [5402] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [5405] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debug (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [5408] goto +3600 (target=9008)
      [5411] aload_0 v0
      [5412] iconst_0
      [5413] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [5416] iload_1 v1
      [5417] tableswitch (85 offsets, default=3506) (target=8923)
        33: offset = 382, target = 5799
        34: offset = 355, target = 5772
        35: offset = 3506, target = 8923
        36: offset = 364, target = 5781
        37: offset = 3506, target = 8923
        38: offset = 3506, target = 8923
        39: offset = 3506, target = 8923
        40: offset = 3506, target = 8923
        41: offset = 3506, target = 8923
        42: offset = 3506, target = 8923
        43: offset = 3506, target = 8923
        44: offset = 3506, target = 8923
        45: offset = 3506, target = 8923
        46: offset = 3506, target = 8923
        47: offset = 3506, target = 8923
        48: offset = 411, target = 5828
        49: offset = 411, target = 5828
        50: offset = 411, target = 5828
        51: offset = 411, target = 5828
        52: offset = 411, target = 5828
        53: offset = 411, target = 5828
        54: offset = 411, target = 5828
        55: offset = 411, target = 5828
        56: offset = 411, target = 5828
        57: offset = 411, target = 5828
        58: offset = 3506, target = 8923
        59: offset = 445, target = 5862
        60: offset = 3506, target = 8923
        61: offset = 373, target = 5790
        62: offset = 3506, target = 8923
        63: offset = 391, target = 5808
        64: offset = 1988, target = 7405
        65: offset = 886, target = 6303
        66: offset = 964, target = 6381
        67: offset = 1045, target = 6462
        68: offset = 1157, target = 6574
        69: offset = 3506, target = 8923
        70: offset = 3506, target = 8923
        71: offset = 1342, target = 6759
        72: offset = 1391, target = 6808
        73: offset = 3506, target = 8923
        74: offset = 1810, target = 7227
        75: offset = 1675, target = 7092
        76: offset = 1552, target = 6969
        77: offset = 1624, target = 7041
        78: offset = 3506, target = 8923
        79: offset = 3506, target = 8923
        80: offset = 2088, target = 7505
        81: offset = 3506, target = 8923
        82: offset = 3506, target = 8923
        83: offset = 1513, target = 6930
        84: offset = 1591, target = 7008
        85: offset = 3506, target = 8923
        86: offset = 3506, target = 8923
        87: offset = 3506, target = 8923
        88: offset = 2029, target = 7446
        89: offset = 3506, target = 8923
        90: offset = 3506, target = 8923
        91: offset = 3506, target = 8923
        92: offset = 3506, target = 8923
        93: offset = 3506, target = 8923
        94: offset = 3506, target = 8923
        95: offset = 3506, target = 8923
        96: offset = 3506, target = 8923
        97: offset = 3506, target = 8923
        98: offset = 3506, target = 8923
        99: offset = 473, target = 5890
        100: offset = 1108, target = 6525
        101: offset = 3506, target = 8923
        102: offset = 1414, target = 6831
        103: offset = 559, target = 5976
        104: offset = 621, target = 6038
        105: offset = 710, target = 6127
        106: offset = 3506, target = 8923
        107: offset = 3506, target = 8923
        108: offset = 797, target = 6214
        109: offset = 2278, target = 7695
        110: offset = 2139, target = 7556
        111: offset = 3506, target = 8923
        112: offset = 3506, target = 8923
        113: offset = 556, target = 5973
        114: offset = 1215, target = 6632
        115: offset = 2224, target = 7641
        116: offset = 3506, target = 8923
        117: offset = 2251, target = 7668
        default: offset = 3506, target = 8923
      [5772] aload_0 v0
      [5773] bipush 16
      [5775] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [5778] goto +3230 (target=9008)
      [5781] aload_0 v0
      [5782] bipush 11
      [5784] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [5787] goto +3221 (target=9008)
      [5790] aload_0 v0
      [5791] bipush 17
      [5793] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [5796] goto +3212 (target=9008)
      [5799] aload_0 v0
      [5800] bipush 12
      [5802] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [5805] goto +3203 (target=9008)
      [5808] aload_0 v0
      [5809] iconst_0
      [5810] putfield #178
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvar I]
      [5813] aload_0 v0
      [5814] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [5817] iconst_0
      [5818] iconst_0
      [5819] iastore
      [5820] aload_0 v0
      [5821] iconst_4
      [5822] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [5825] goto +3183 (target=9008)
      [5828] aload_0 v0
      [5829] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [5832] aload_0 v0
      [5833] getfield #178
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvar I]
      [5836] aload_0 v0
      [5837] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [5840] aload_0 v0
      [5841] getfield #178
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvar I]
      [5844] iaload
      [5845] bipush 10
      [5847] imul
      [5848] iload_1 v1
      [5849] iadd
      [5850] bipush 48
      [5852] isub
      [5853] iastore
      [5854] aload_0 v0
      [5855] iconst_2
      [5856] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [5859] goto +3149 (target=9008)
      [5862] aload_0 v0
      [5863] dup
      [5864] getfield #178
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvar I]
      [5867] iconst_1
      [5868] iadd
      [5869] putfield #178
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvar I]
      [5872] aload_0 v0
      [5873] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [5876] aload_0 v0
      [5877] getfield #178
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvar I]
      [5880] iconst_0
      [5881] iastore
      [5882] aload_0 v0
      [5883] iconst_2
      [5884] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [5887] goto +3121 (target=9008)
      [5890] ldc #5
        + String []
      [5892] astore v6
      [5894] aload_0 v0
      [5895] getfield #245
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.terminalID Ljava/lang/String;]
      [5898] ldc #163
        + String [vt320]
      [5900] invokevirtual #298
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [5903] ifeq +7 (target=5910)
      [5906] ldc #122
        + String [63;]
      [5908] astore v6
      [5910] aload_0 v0
      [5911] getfield #245
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.terminalID Ljava/lang/String;]
      [5914] ldc #162
        + String [vt220]
      [5916] invokevirtual #298
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [5919] ifeq +7 (target=5926)
      [5922] ldc #121
        + String [62;]
      [5924] astore v6
      [5926] aload_0 v0
      [5927] getfield #245
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.terminalID Ljava/lang/String;]
      [5930] ldc #161
        + String [vt100]
      [5932] invokevirtual #298
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [5935] ifeq +7 (target=5942)
      [5938] ldc #120
        + String [61;]
      [5940] astore v6
      [5942] aload_0 v0
      [5943] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [5946] dup
      [5947] ldc #63
        + String [[?]
      [5949] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [5952] aload v6
      [5954] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [5957] ldc #118
        + String [1;2c]
      [5959] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [5962] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [5965] iconst_0
      [5966] invokespecial #289
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.write (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
      [5969] pop
      [5970] goto +3038 (target=9008)
      [5973] goto +3035 (target=9008)
      [5976] aload_0 v0
      [5977] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [5980] iconst_0
      [5981] iaload
      [5982] tableswitch (4 offsets, default=53) (target=6035)
        0: offset = 43, target = 6025
        1: offset = 53, target = 6035
        2: offset = 53, target = 6035
        3: offset = 30, target = 6012
        default: offset = 53, target = 6035
      [6012] aload_0 v0
      [6013] aload_0 v0
      [6014] getfield #251
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.width I]
      [6017] newarray 8
      [6019] putfield #219
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Tabs [B]
      [6022] goto +2986 (target=9008)
      [6025] aload_0 v0
      [6026] getfield #219
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Tabs [B]
      [6029] aload_0 v0
      [6030] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [6033] iconst_0
      [6034] bastore
      [6035] goto +2973 (target=9008)
      [6038] aload_0 v0
      [6039] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [6042] iconst_0
      [6043] iaload
      [6044] lookupswitch (2 offsets, default=50) (target=6094)
        4: offset = 28, target = 6072
        20: offset = 36, target = 6080
        default: offset = 50, target = 6094
      [6072] aload_0 v0
      [6073] iconst_1
      [6074] putfield #230
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.insertmode I]
      [6077] goto +2931 (target=9008)
      [6080] aload_0 v0
      [6081] ldc #147
        + String [Setting CRLF to TRUE]
      [6083] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debug (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [6086] aload_0 v0
      [6087] iconst_1
      [6088] putfield #242
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.sendcrlf Z]
      [6091] goto +2917 (target=9008)
      [6094] aload_0 v0
      [6095] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [6098] dup
      [6099] ldc #160
        + String [unsupported: ESC [ ]
      [6101] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [6104] aload_0 v0
      [6105] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [6108] iconst_0
      [6109] iaload
      [6110] invokevirtual #309
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [6113] ldc #97
        + String [ h]
      [6115] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [6118] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [6121] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debug (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [6124] goto +2884 (target=9008)
      [6127] aload_0 v0
      [6128] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [6131] iconst_0
      [6132] iaload
      [6133] tableswitch (6 offsets, default=48) (target=6181)
        0: offset = 39, target = 6172
        1: offset = 48, target = 6181
        2: offset = 48, target = 6181
        3: offset = 48, target = 6181
        4: offset = 42, target = 6175
        5: offset = 45, target = 6178
        default: offset = 48, target = 6181
      [6172] goto +2836 (target=9008)
      [6175] goto +2833 (target=9008)
      [6178] goto +2830 (target=9008)
      [6181] aload_0 v0
      [6182] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [6185] dup
      [6186] ldc #134
        + String [ESC [ ]
      [6188] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [6191] aload_0 v0
      [6192] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [6195] iconst_0
      [6196] iaload
      [6197] invokevirtual #309
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [6200] ldc #99
        + String [ i, unimplemented!]
      [6202] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [6205] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [6208] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debug (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [6211] goto +2797 (target=9008)
      [6214] aload_0 v0
      [6215] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [6218] iconst_0
      [6219] iaload
      [6220] lookupswitch (2 offsets, default=50) (target=6270)
        4: offset = 28, target = 6248
        20: offset = 36, target = 6256
        default: offset = 50, target = 6270
      [6248] aload_0 v0
      [6249] iconst_0
      [6250] putfield #230
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.insertmode I]
      [6253] goto +2755 (target=9008)
      [6256] aload_0 v0
      [6257] ldc #146
        + String [Setting CRLF to FALSE]
      [6259] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debug (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [6262] aload_0 v0
      [6263] iconst_0
      [6264] putfield #242
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.sendcrlf Z]
      [6267] goto +2741 (target=9008)
      [6270] aload_0 v0
      [6271] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [6274] dup
      [6275] ldc #134
        + String [ESC [ ]
      [6277] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [6280] aload_0 v0
      [6281] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [6284] iconst_0
      [6285] iaload
      [6286] invokevirtual #309
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [6289] ldc #100
        + String [ l, unimplemented!]
      [6291] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [6294] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [6297] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debug (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [6300] goto +2708 (target=9008)
      [6303] aload_0 v0
      [6304] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [6307] aload_0 v0
      [6308] invokevirtual #264
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.getTopMargin ()I]
      [6311] ificmplt +12 (target=6323)
      [6314] aload_0 v0
      [6315] invokevirtual #264
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.getTopMargin ()I]
      [6318] istore v7
      [6320] goto +6 (target=6326)
      [6323] iconst_0
      [6324] istore v7
      [6326] aload_0 v0
      [6327] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [6330] iconst_0
      [6331] iaload
      [6332] ifne +16 (target=6348)
      [6335] aload_0 v0
      [6336] dup
      [6337] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [6340] iconst_1
      [6341] isub
      [6342] putfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [6345] goto +18 (target=6363)
      [6348] aload_0 v0
      [6349] dup
      [6350] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [6353] aload_0 v0
      [6354] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [6357] iconst_0
      [6358] iaload
      [6359] isub
      [6360] putfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [6363] aload_0 v0
      [6364] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [6367] iload v7
      [6369] ificmpge +2639 (target=9008)
      [6372] aload_0 v0
      [6373] iload v7
      [6375] putfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [6378] goto +2630 (target=9008)
      [6381] aload_0 v0
      [6382] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [6385] aload_0 v0
      [6386] invokevirtual #263
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.getBottomMargin ()I]
      [6389] ificmpgt +12 (target=6401)
      [6392] aload_0 v0
      [6393] invokevirtual #263
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.getBottomMargin ()I]
      [6396] istore v7
      [6398] goto +9 (target=6407)
      [6401] iload v4
      [6403] iconst_1
      [6404] isub
      [6405] istore v7
      [6407] aload_0 v0
      [6408] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [6411] iconst_0
      [6412] iaload
      [6413] ifne +16 (target=6429)
      [6416] aload_0 v0
      [6417] dup
      [6418] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [6421] iconst_1
      [6422] iadd
      [6423] putfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [6426] goto +18 (target=6444)
      [6429] aload_0 v0
      [6430] dup
      [6431] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [6434] aload_0 v0
      [6435] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [6438] iconst_0
      [6439] iaload
      [6440] iadd
      [6441] putfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [6444] aload_0 v0
      [6445] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [6448] iload v7
      [6450] ificmple +2558 (target=9008)
      [6453] aload_0 v0
      [6454] iload v7
      [6456] putfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [6459] goto +2549 (target=9008)
      [6462] aload_0 v0
      [6463] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [6466] iconst_0
      [6467] iaload
      [6468] ifne +23 (target=6491)
      [6471] aload_0 v0
      [6472] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [6475] iconst_0
      [6476] iconst_1
      [6477] iastore
      [6478] goto +13 (target=6491)
      [6481] aload_0 v0
      [6482] dup
      [6483] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [6486] iconst_1
      [6487] iadd
      [6488] putfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [6491] aload_0 v0
      [6492] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [6495] iconst_0
      [6496] dup2
      [6497] iaload
      [6498] dup_x2
      [6499] iconst_1
      [6500] isub
      [6501] iastore
      [6502] ifgt -21 (target=6481)
      [6505] aload_0 v0
      [6506] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [6509] iload v5
      [6511] ificmplt +2497 (target=9008)
      [6514] aload_0 v0
      [6515] iload v5
      [6517] iconst_1
      [6518] isub
      [6519] putfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [6522] goto +2486 (target=9008)
      [6525] aload_0 v0
      [6526] aload_0 v0
      [6527] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [6530] iconst_0
      [6531] iaload
      [6532] putfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [6535] aload_0 v0
      [6536] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [6539] ifge +11 (target=6550)
      [6542] aload_0 v0
      [6543] iconst_0
      [6544] putfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [6547] goto +2461 (target=9008)
      [6550] aload_0 v0
      [6551] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [6554] aload_0 v0
      [6555] getfield #229
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.height I]
      [6558] ificmplt +2450 (target=9008)
      [6561] aload_0 v0
      [6562] aload_0 v0
      [6563] getfield #229
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.height I]
      [6566] iconst_1
      [6567] isub
      [6568] putfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [6571] goto +2437 (target=9008)
      [6574] aload_0 v0
      [6575] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [6578] iconst_0
      [6579] iaload
      [6580] ifne +23 (target=6603)
      [6583] aload_0 v0
      [6584] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [6587] iconst_0
      [6588] iconst_1
      [6589] iastore
      [6590] goto +13 (target=6603)
      [6593] aload_0 v0
      [6594] dup
      [6595] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [6598] iconst_1
      [6599] isub
      [6600] putfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [6603] aload_0 v0
      [6604] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [6607] iconst_0
      [6608] dup2
      [6609] iaload
      [6610] dup_x2
      [6611] iconst_1
      [6612] isub
      [6613] iastore
      [6614] ifgt -21 (target=6593)
      [6617] aload_0 v0
      [6618] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [6621] ifge +2387 (target=9008)
      [6624] aload_0 v0
      [6625] iconst_0
      [6626] putfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [6629] goto +2379 (target=9008)
      [6632] aload_0 v0
      [6633] getfield #178
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvar I]
      [6636] ifle +53 (target=6689)
      [6639] aload_0 v0
      [6640] aload_0 v0
      [6641] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [6644] iconst_1
      [6645] iaload
      [6646] iconst_1
      [6647] isub
      [6648] putfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [6651] aload_0 v0
      [6652] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [6655] ifge +14 (target=6669)
      [6658] aload_0 v0
      [6659] iload v4
      [6661] iconst_1
      [6662] isub
      [6663] putfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [6666] goto +31 (target=6697)
      [6669] aload_0 v0
      [6670] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [6673] iload v4
      [6675] ificmplt +22 (target=6697)
      [6678] aload_0 v0
      [6679] iload v4
      [6681] iconst_1
      [6682] isub
      [6683] putfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [6686] goto +11 (target=6697)
      [6689] aload_0 v0
      [6690] iload v4
      [6692] iconst_1
      [6693] isub
      [6694] putfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [6697] aload_0 v0
      [6698] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [6701] istore v7
      [6703] aload_0 v0
      [6704] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [6707] aload_0 v0
      [6708] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [6711] iconst_0
      [6712] iaload
      [6713] ificmplt +27 (target=6740)
      [6716] aload_0 v0
      [6717] aload_0 v0
      [6718] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [6721] iconst_0
      [6722] iaload
      [6723] iconst_1
      [6724] isub
      [6725] putfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [6728] aload_0 v0
      [6729] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [6732] ifge +8 (target=6740)
      [6735] aload_0 v0
      [6736] iconst_0
      [6737] putfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [6740] aload_0 v0
      [6741] aload_0 v0
      [6742] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [6745] iload v7
      [6747] invokevirtual #281
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.setMargins (II)V]
      [6750] aload_0 v0
      [6751] iconst_0
      [6752] iconst_0
      [6753] invokespecial #257
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320._SetCursor (II)V]
      [6756] goto +2252 (target=9008)
      [6759] aload_0 v0
      [6760] aload_0 v0
      [6761] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [6764] iconst_0
      [6765] iaload
      [6766] putfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [6769] aload_0 v0
      [6770] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [6773] ifge +11 (target=6784)
      [6776] aload_0 v0
      [6777] iconst_0
      [6778] putfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [6781] goto +2227 (target=9008)
      [6784] aload_0 v0
      [6785] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [6788] aload_0 v0
      [6789] getfield #251
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.width I]
      [6792] ificmplt +2216 (target=9008)
      [6795] aload_0 v0
      [6796] aload_0 v0
      [6797] getfield #251
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.width I]
      [6800] iconst_1
      [6801] isub
      [6802] putfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [6805] goto +2203 (target=9008)
      [6808] aload_0 v0
      [6809] aload_0 v0
      [6810] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [6813] iconst_0
      [6814] iaload
      [6815] iconst_1
      [6816] isub
      [6817] aload_0 v0
      [6818] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [6821] iconst_1
      [6822] iaload
      [6823] iconst_1
      [6824] isub
      [6825] invokespecial #257
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320._SetCursor (II)V]
      [6828] goto +2180 (target=9008)
      [6831] aload_0 v0
      [6832] aload_0 v0
      [6833] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [6836] iconst_0
      [6837] iaload
      [6838] iconst_1
      [6839] isub
      [6840] putfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [6843] aload_0 v0
      [6844] aload_0 v0
      [6845] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [6848] iconst_1
      [6849] iaload
      [6850] iconst_1
      [6851] isub
      [6852] putfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [6855] aload_0 v0
      [6856] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [6859] ifge +11 (target=6870)
      [6862] aload_0 v0
      [6863] iconst_0
      [6864] putfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [6867] goto +24 (target=6891)
      [6870] aload_0 v0
      [6871] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [6874] aload_0 v0
      [6875] getfield #251
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.width I]
      [6878] ificmplt +13 (target=6891)
      [6881] aload_0 v0
      [6882] aload_0 v0
      [6883] getfield #251
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.width I]
      [6886] iconst_1
      [6887] isub
      [6888] putfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [6891] aload_0 v0
      [6892] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [6895] ifge +11 (target=6906)
      [6898] aload_0 v0
      [6899] iconst_0
      [6900] putfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [6903] goto +2105 (target=9008)
      [6906] aload_0 v0
      [6907] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [6910] aload_0 v0
      [6911] getfield #229
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.height I]
      [6914] ificmplt +2094 (target=9008)
      [6917] aload_0 v0
      [6918] aload_0 v0
      [6919] getfield #229
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.height I]
      [6922] iconst_1
      [6923] isub
      [6924] putfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [6927] goto +2081 (target=9008)
      [6930] aload_0 v0
      [6931] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [6934] iconst_0
      [6935] iaload
      [6936] ifne +15 (target=6951)
      [6939] aload_0 v0
      [6940] iload v4
      [6942] iconst_1
      [6943] isub
      [6944] iconst_0
      [6945] invokevirtual #269
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.insertLine (IZ)V]
      [6948] goto +2060 (target=9008)
      [6951] aload_0 v0
      [6952] iload v4
      [6954] iconst_1
      [6955] isub
      [6956] aload_0 v0
      [6957] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [6960] iconst_0
      [6961] iaload
      [6962] iconst_0
      [6963] invokevirtual #268
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.insertLine (IIZ)V]
      [6966] goto +2042 (target=9008)
      [6969] aload_0 v0
      [6970] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [6973] iconst_0
      [6974] iaload
      [6975] ifne +15 (target=6990)
      [6978] aload_0 v0
      [6979] aload_0 v0
      [6980] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [6983] iconst_1
      [6984] invokevirtual #269
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.insertLine (IZ)V]
      [6987] goto +2021 (target=9008)
      [6990] aload_0 v0
      [6991] aload_0 v0
      [6992] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [6995] aload_0 v0
      [6996] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [6999] iconst_0
      [7000] iaload
      [7001] iconst_1
      [7002] invokevirtual #268
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.insertLine (IIZ)V]
      [7005] goto +2003 (target=9008)
      [7008] aload_0 v0
      [7009] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [7012] iconst_0
      [7013] iaload
      [7014] ifne +12 (target=7026)
      [7017] aload_0 v0
      [7018] iconst_0
      [7019] iconst_1
      [7020] invokevirtual #269
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.insertLine (IZ)V]
      [7023] goto +1985 (target=9008)
      [7026] aload_0 v0
      [7027] iconst_0
      [7028] aload_0 v0
      [7029] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [7032] iconst_0
      [7033] iaload
      [7034] iconst_1
      [7035] invokevirtual #268
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.insertLine (IIZ)V]
      [7038] goto +1970 (target=9008)
      [7041] aload_0 v0
      [7042] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [7045] iconst_0
      [7046] iaload
      [7047] ifne +14 (target=7061)
      [7050] aload_0 v0
      [7051] aload_0 v0
      [7052] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [7055] invokevirtual #262
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.deleteLine (I)V]
      [7058] goto +1950 (target=9008)
      [7061] iconst_0
      [7062] istore v8
      [7064] goto +14 (target=7078)
      [7067] aload_0 v0
      [7068] aload_0 v0
      [7069] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [7072] invokevirtual #262
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.deleteLine (I)V]
      [7075] iinc v8, 1
      [7078] iload v8
      [7080] aload_0 v0
      [7081] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [7084] iconst_0
      [7085] iaload
      [7086] ificmplt -19 (target=7067)
      [7089] goto +1919 (target=9008)
      [7092] aload_0 v0
      [7093] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [7096] iconst_0
      [7097] iaload
      [7098] tableswitch (7 offsets, default=126) (target=7224)
        0: offset = 42, target = 7140
        1: offset = 80, target = 7178
        2: offset = 110, target = 7208
        3: offset = 126, target = 7224
        4: offset = 126, target = 7224
        5: offset = 126, target = 7224
        6: offset = 42, target = 7140
        default: offset = 126, target = 7224
      [7140] aload_0 v0
      [7141] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [7144] iload v5
      [7146] iconst_1
      [7147] isub
      [7148] ificmpge +1860 (target=9008)
      [7151] aload_0 v0
      [7152] aload_0 v0
      [7153] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [7156] aload_0 v0
      [7157] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [7160] iload v5
      [7162] aload_0 v0
      [7163] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [7166] isub
      [7167] iconst_1
      [7168] aload_0 v0
      [7169] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [7172] invokevirtual #260
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.deleteArea (IIIII)V]
      [7175] goto +1833 (target=9008)
      [7178] aload_0 v0
      [7179] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [7182] ifle +1826 (target=9008)
      [7185] aload_0 v0
      [7186] iconst_0
      [7187] aload_0 v0
      [7188] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [7191] aload_0 v0
      [7192] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [7195] iconst_1
      [7196] iadd
      [7197] iconst_1
      [7198] aload_0 v0
      [7199] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [7202] invokevirtual #260
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.deleteArea (IIIII)V]
      [7205] goto +1803 (target=9008)
      [7208] aload_0 v0
      [7209] iconst_0
      [7210] aload_0 v0
      [7211] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [7214] iload v5
      [7216] iconst_1
      [7217] aload_0 v0
      [7218] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [7221] invokevirtual #260
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.deleteArea (IIIII)V]
      [7224] goto +1784 (target=9008)
      [7227] aload_0 v0
      [7228] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [7231] iconst_0
      [7232] iaload
      [7233] tableswitch (3 offsets, default=169) (target=7402)
        0: offset = 27, target = 7260
        1: offset = 102, target = 7335
        2: offset = 155, target = 7388
        default: offset = 169, target = 7402
      [7260] aload_0 v0
      [7261] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [7264] iload v4
      [7266] iconst_1
      [7267] isub
      [7268] ificmpge +29 (target=7297)
      [7271] aload_0 v0
      [7272] iconst_0
      [7273] aload_0 v0
      [7274] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [7277] iconst_1
      [7278] iadd
      [7279] iload v5
      [7281] iload v4
      [7283] aload_0 v0
      [7284] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [7287] isub
      [7288] iconst_1
      [7289] isub
      [7290] aload_0 v0
      [7291] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [7294] invokevirtual #260
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.deleteArea (IIIII)V]
      [7297] aload_0 v0
      [7298] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [7301] iload v5
      [7303] iconst_1
      [7304] isub
      [7305] ificmpge +1703 (target=9008)
      [7308] aload_0 v0
      [7309] aload_0 v0
      [7310] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [7313] aload_0 v0
      [7314] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [7317] iload v5
      [7319] aload_0 v0
      [7320] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [7323] isub
      [7324] iconst_1
      [7325] aload_0 v0
      [7326] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [7329] invokevirtual #260
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.deleteArea (IIIII)V]
      [7332] goto +1676 (target=9008)
      [7335] aload_0 v0
      [7336] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [7339] ifle +19 (target=7358)
      [7342] aload_0 v0
      [7343] iconst_0
      [7344] iconst_0
      [7345] iload v5
      [7347] aload_0 v0
      [7348] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [7351] aload_0 v0
      [7352] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [7355] invokevirtual #260
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.deleteArea (IIIII)V]
      [7358] aload_0 v0
      [7359] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [7362] ifle +1646 (target=9008)
      [7365] aload_0 v0
      [7366] iconst_0
      [7367] aload_0 v0
      [7368] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [7371] aload_0 v0
      [7372] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [7375] iconst_1
      [7376] iadd
      [7377] iconst_1
      [7378] aload_0 v0
      [7379] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [7382] invokevirtual #260
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.deleteArea (IIIII)V]
      [7385] goto +1623 (target=9008)
      [7388] aload_0 v0
      [7389] iconst_0
      [7390] iconst_0
      [7391] iload v5
      [7393] iload v4
      [7395] aload_0 v0
      [7396] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [7399] invokevirtual #260
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.deleteArea (IIIII)V]
      [7402] goto +1606 (target=9008)
      [7405] iconst_0
      [7406] istore v8
      [7408] goto +24 (target=7432)
      [7411] aload_0 v0
      [7412] aload_0 v0
      [7413] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [7416] aload_0 v0
      [7417] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [7420] bipush 32
      [7422] aload_0 v0
      [7423] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [7426] invokevirtual #267
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.insertChar (IICI)V]
      [7429] iinc v8, 1
      [7432] iload v8
      [7434] aload_0 v0
      [7435] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [7438] iconst_0
      [7439] iaload
      [7440] ificmplt -29 (target=7411)
      [7443] goto +1565 (target=9008)
      [7446] aload_0 v0
      [7447] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [7450] iconst_0
      [7451] iaload
      [7452] istore v8
      [7454] iload v8
      [7456] ifne +6 (target=7462)
      [7459] iconst_1
      [7460] istore v8
      [7462] iload v8
      [7464] aload_0 v0
      [7465] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [7468] iadd
      [7469] iload v5
      [7471] ificmple +12 (target=7483)
      [7474] iload v5
      [7476] aload_0 v0
      [7477] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [7480] isub
      [7481] istore v8
      [7483] aload_0 v0
      [7484] aload_0 v0
      [7485] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [7488] aload_0 v0
      [7489] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [7492] iload v8
      [7494] iconst_1
      [7495] aload_0 v0
      [7496] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [7499] invokevirtual #260
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.deleteArea (IIIII)V]
      [7502] goto +1506 (target=9008)
      [7505] aload_0 v0
      [7506] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [7509] iconst_0
      [7510] iaload
      [7511] ifne +10 (target=7521)
      [7514] aload_0 v0
      [7515] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [7518] iconst_0
      [7519] iconst_1
      [7520] iastore
      [7521] iconst_0
      [7522] istore v8
      [7524] goto +18 (target=7542)
      [7527] aload_0 v0
      [7528] aload_0 v0
      [7529] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [7532] aload_0 v0
      [7533] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [7536] invokevirtual #261
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.deleteChar (II)V]
      [7539] iinc v8, 1
      [7542] iload v8
      [7544] aload_0 v0
      [7545] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [7548] iconst_0
      [7549] iaload
      [7550] ificmplt -23 (target=7527)
      [7553] goto +1455 (target=9008)
      [7556] aload_0 v0
      [7557] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [7560] iconst_0
      [7561] iaload
      [7562] tableswitch (2 offsets, default=76) (target=7638)
        5: offset = 22, target = 7584
        6: offset = 32, target = 7594
        default: offset = 76, target = 7638
      [7584] aload_0 v0
      [7585] ldc #40
        + String []
      [7587] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [7590] pop
      [7591] goto +1417 (target=9008)
      [7594] aload_0 v0
      [7595] new #175
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [7598] dup
      [7599] ldc #39
        + String [[]
      [7601] invokespecial #307
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [7604] aload_0 v0
      [7605] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [7608] invokevirtual #309
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [7611] ldc #124
        + String [;]
      [7613] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [7616] aload_0 v0
      [7617] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [7620] invokevirtual #309
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [7623] ldc #144
        + String [R]
      [7625] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [7628] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [7631] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.writeSpecial (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [7634] pop
      [7635] goto +1373 (target=9008)
      [7638] goto +1370 (target=9008)
      [7641] aload_0 v0
      [7642] aload_0 v0
      [7643] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [7646] putfield #212
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Sc I]
      [7649] aload_0 v0
      [7650] aload_0 v0
      [7651] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [7654] putfield #217
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Sr I]
      [7657] aload_0 v0
      [7658] aload_0 v0
      [7659] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [7662] putfield #211
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Sa I]
      [7665] goto +1343 (target=9008)
      [7668] aload_0 v0
      [7669] aload_0 v0
      [7670] getfield #212
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Sc I]
      [7673] putfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [7676] aload_0 v0
      [7677] aload_0 v0
      [7678] getfield #217
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Sr I]
      [7681] putfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [7684] aload_0 v0
      [7685] aload_0 v0
      [7686] getfield #211
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Sa I]
      [7689] putfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [7692] goto +1316 (target=9008)
      [7695] aload_0 v0
      [7696] getfield #178
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvar I]
      [7699] ifne +17 (target=7716)
      [7702] aload_0 v0
      [7703] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [7706] iconst_0
      [7707] iaload
      [7708] ifne +8 (target=7716)
      [7711] aload_0 v0
      [7712] iconst_0
      [7713] putfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [7716] iconst_0
      [7717] istore v8
      [7719] goto +1192 (target=8911)
      [7722] aload_0 v0
      [7723] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [7726] iload v8
      [7728] iaload
      [7729] tableswitch (108 offsets, default=1135) (target=8864)
        0: offset = 447, target = 8176
        1: offset = 488, target = 8217
        2: offset = 512, target = 8241
        3: offset = 679, target = 8408
        4: offset = 692, target = 8421
        5: offset = 732, target = 8461
        6: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        7: offset = 705, target = 8434
        8: offset = 718, target = 8447
        9: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        10: offset = 735, target = 8464
        11: offset = 748, target = 8477
        12: offset = 748, target = 8477
        13: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        14: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        15: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        16: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        17: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        18: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        19: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        20: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        21: offset = 761, target = 8490
        22: offset = 834, target = 8563
        23: offset = 775, target = 8504
        24: offset = 820, target = 8549
        25: offset = 789, target = 8518
        26: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        27: offset = 792, target = 8521
        28: offset = 806, target = 8535
        29: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        30: offset = 848, target = 8577
        31: offset = 848, target = 8577
        32: offset = 848, target = 8577
        33: offset = 848, target = 8577
        34: offset = 848, target = 8577
        35: offset = 848, target = 8577
        36: offset = 848, target = 8577
        37: offset = 848, target = 8577
        38: offset = 886, target = 8615
        39: offset = 939, target = 8668
        40: offset = 954, target = 8683
        41: offset = 954, target = 8683
        42: offset = 954, target = 8683
        43: offset = 954, target = 8683
        44: offset = 954, target = 8683
        45: offset = 954, target = 8683
        46: offset = 954, target = 8683
        47: offset = 954, target = 8683
        48: offset = 992, target = 8721
        49: offset = 1045, target = 8774
        50: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        51: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        52: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        53: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        54: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        55: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        56: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        57: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        58: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        59: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        60: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        61: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        62: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        63: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        64: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        65: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        66: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        67: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        68: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        69: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        70: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        71: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        72: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        73: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        74: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        75: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        76: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        77: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        78: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        79: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        80: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        81: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        82: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        83: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        84: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        85: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        86: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        87: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        88: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        89: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        90: offset = 1059, target = 8788
        91: offset = 1059, target = 8788
        92: offset = 1059, target = 8788
        93: offset = 1059, target = 8788
        94: offset = 1059, target = 8788
        95: offset = 1059, target = 8788
        96: offset = 1059, target = 8788
        97: offset = 1059, target = 8788
        98: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        99: offset = 1135, target = 8864
        100: offset = 1097, target = 8826
        101: offset = 1097, target = 8826
        102: offset = 1097, target = 8826
        103: offset = 1097, target = 8826
        104: offset = 1097, target = 8826
        105: offset = 1097, target = 8826
        106: offset = 1097, target = 8826
        107: offset = 1097, target = 8826
        default: offset = 1135, target = 8864
      [8176] aload_0 v0
      [8177] getfield #178
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvar I]
      [8180] ifle +728 (target=8908)
      [8183] aload_0 v0
      [8184] getfield #245
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.terminalID Ljava/lang/String;]
      [8187] ldc #159
        + String [scoansi]
      [8189] invokevirtual #298
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [8192] ifeq +17 (target=8209)
      [8195] aload_0 v0
      [8196] dup
      [8197] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8200] ldc #3
        + Integer [8388576]
      [8202] iand
      [8203] putfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8206] goto +702 (target=8908)
      [8209] aload_0 v0
      [8210] iconst_0
      [8211] putfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8214] goto +694 (target=8908)
      [8217] aload_0 v0
      [8218] dup
      [8219] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8222] iconst_1
      [8223] ior
      [8224] putfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8227] aload_0 v0
      [8228] dup
      [8229] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8232] bipush -9
      [8234] iand
      [8235] putfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8238] goto +670 (target=8908)
      [8241] aload_0 v0
      [8242] getfield #245
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.terminalID Ljava/lang/String;]
      [8245] ldc #159
        + String [scoansi]
      [8247] invokevirtual #298
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [8250] ifeq +144 (target=8394)
      [8253] aload_0 v0
      [8254] getfield #178
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvar I]
      [8257] iload v8
      [8259] isub
      [8260] iconst_2
      [8261] ificmplt +133 (target=8394)
      [8264] aload_0 v0
      [8265] dup
      [8266] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8269] ldc #1
        + Integer [-8388578]
      [8271] iand
      [8272] putfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8275] aload_0 v0
      [8276] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [8279] iload v8
      [8281] iconst_1
      [8282] iadd
      [8283] iaload
      [8284] istore v9
      [8286] iload v9
      [8288] bipush 8
      [8290] iand
      [8291] bipush 8
      [8293] ificmpne +13 (target=8306)
      [8296] aload_0 v0
      [8297] dup
      [8298] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8301] iconst_1
      [8302] ior
      [8303] putfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8306] iload v9
      [8308] iconst_1
      [8309] iand
      [8310] iconst_2
      [8311] ishl
      [8312] iload v9
      [8314] iconst_2
      [8315] iand
      [8316] ior
      [8317] iload v9
      [8319] iconst_4
      [8320] iand
      [8321] iconst_2
      [8322] ishr
      [8323] ior
      [8324] istore v9
      [8326] aload_0 v0
      [8327] dup
      [8328] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8331] iload v9
      [8333] iconst_1
      [8334] iadd
      [8335] iconst_5
      [8336] ishl
      [8337] ior
      [8338] putfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8341] aload_0 v0
      [8342] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [8345] iload v8
      [8347] iconst_2
      [8348] iadd
      [8349] iaload
      [8350] istore v9
      [8352] iload v9
      [8354] iconst_1
      [8355] iand
      [8356] iconst_2
      [8357] ishl
      [8358] iload v9
      [8360] iconst_2
      [8361] iand
      [8362] ior
      [8363] iload v9
      [8365] iconst_4
      [8366] iand
      [8367] iconst_2
      [8368] ishr
      [8369] ior
      [8370] istore v9
      [8372] aload_0 v0
      [8373] dup
      [8374] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8377] iload v9
      [8379] iconst_1
      [8380] iadd
      [8381] bipush 14
      [8383] ishl
      [8384] ior
      [8385] putfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8388] iinc v8, 2
      [8391] goto +517 (target=8908)
      [8394] aload_0 v0
      [8395] dup
      [8396] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8399] bipush 8
      [8401] ior
      [8402] putfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8405] goto +503 (target=8908)
      [8408] aload_0 v0
      [8409] dup
      [8410] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8413] iconst_4
      [8414] ior
      [8415] putfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8418] goto +490 (target=8908)
      [8421] aload_0 v0
      [8422] dup
      [8423] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8426] iconst_2
      [8427] ior
      [8428] putfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8431] goto +477 (target=8908)
      [8434] aload_0 v0
      [8435] dup
      [8436] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8439] iconst_4
      [8440] ior
      [8441] putfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8444] goto +464 (target=8908)
      [8447] aload_0 v0
      [8448] dup
      [8449] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8452] bipush 16
      [8454] ior
      [8455] putfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8458] goto +450 (target=8908)
      [8461] goto +447 (target=8908)
      [8464] aload_0 v0
      [8465] iconst_0
      [8466] putfield #226
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/ C]
      [8469] aload_0 v0
      [8470] iconst_1
      [8471] putfield #247
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.usedcharsets Z]
      [8474] goto +434 (target=8908)
      [8477] aload_0 v0
      [8478] iconst_1
      [8479] putfield #226
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/ C]
      [8482] aload_0 v0
      [8483] iconst_1
      [8484] putfield #247
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.usedcharsets Z]
      [8487] goto +421 (target=8908)
      [8490] aload_0 v0
      [8491] dup
      [8492] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8495] bipush -10
      [8497] iand
      [8498] putfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8501] goto +407 (target=8908)
      [8504] aload_0 v0
      [8505] dup
      [8506] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8509] bipush -5
      [8511] iand
      [8512] putfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8515] goto +393 (target=8908)
      [8518] goto +390 (target=8908)
      [8521] aload_0 v0
      [8522] dup
      [8523] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8526] bipush -5
      [8528] iand
      [8529] putfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8532] goto +376 (target=8908)
      [8535] aload_0 v0
      [8536] dup
      [8537] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8540] bipush -17
      [8542] iand
      [8543] putfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8546] goto +362 (target=8908)
      [8549] aload_0 v0
      [8550] dup
      [8551] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8554] bipush -3
      [8556] iand
      [8557] putfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8560] goto +348 (target=8908)
      [8563] aload_0 v0
      [8564] dup
      [8565] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8568] bipush -2
      [8570] iand
      [8571] putfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8574] goto +334 (target=8908)
      [8577] aload_0 v0
      [8578] dup
      [8579] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8582] sipush -16353
      [8585] iand
      [8586] putfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8589] aload_0 v0
      [8590] dup
      [8591] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8594] aload_0 v0
      [8595] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [8598] iload v8
      [8600] iaload
      [8601] bipush 30
      [8603] isub
      [8604] iconst_1
      [8605] iadd
      [8606] iconst_5
      [8607] ishl
      [8608] ior
      [8609] putfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8612] goto +296 (target=8908)
      [8615] aload_0 v0
      [8616] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [8619] iload v8
      [8621] iconst_1
      [8622] iadd
      [8623] iaload
      [8624] iconst_5
      [8625] ificmpne +283 (target=8908)
      [8628] aload_0 v0
      [8629] dup
      [8630] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8633] sipush -16353
      [8636] iand
      [8637] putfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8640] aload_0 v0
      [8641] dup
      [8642] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8645] aload_0 v0
      [8646] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [8649] iload v8
      [8651] iconst_2
      [8652] iadd
      [8653] iaload
      [8654] iconst_1
      [8655] iadd
      [8656] iconst_5
      [8657] ishl
      [8658] ior
      [8659] putfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8662] iinc v8, 2
      [8665] goto +243 (target=8908)
      [8668] aload_0 v0
      [8669] dup
      [8670] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8673] sipush -16353
      [8676] iand
      [8677] putfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8680] goto +228 (target=8908)
      [8683] aload_0 v0
      [8684] dup
      [8685] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8688] ldc #2
        + Integer [-8372225]
      [8690] iand
      [8691] putfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8694] aload_0 v0
      [8695] dup
      [8696] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8699] aload_0 v0
      [8700] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [8703] iload v8
      [8705] iaload
      [8706] bipush 40
      [8708] isub
      [8709] iconst_1
      [8710] iadd
      [8711] bipush 14
      [8713] ishl
      [8714] ior
      [8715] putfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8718] goto +190 (target=8908)
      [8721] aload_0 v0
      [8722] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [8725] iload v8
      [8727] iconst_1
      [8728] iadd
      [8729] iaload
      [8730] iconst_5
      [8731] ificmpne +177 (target=8908)
      [8734] aload_0 v0
      [8735] dup
      [8736] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8739] ldc #2
        + Integer [-8372225]
      [8741] iand
      [8742] putfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8745] aload_0 v0
      [8746] dup
      [8747] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8750] aload_0 v0
      [8751] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [8754] iload v8
      [8756] iconst_2
      [8757] iadd
      [8758] iaload
      [8759] iconst_1
      [8760] iadd
      [8761] bipush 14
      [8763] ishl
      [8764] ior
      [8765] putfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8768] iinc v8, 2
      [8771] goto +137 (target=8908)
      [8774] aload_0 v0
      [8775] dup
      [8776] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8779] ldc #2
        + Integer [-8372225]
      [8781] iand
      [8782] putfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8785] goto +123 (target=8908)
      [8788] aload_0 v0
      [8789] dup
      [8790] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8793] sipush -16353
      [8796] iand
      [8797] putfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8800] aload_0 v0
      [8801] dup
      [8802] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8805] aload_0 v0
      [8806] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [8809] iload v8
      [8811] iaload
      [8812] bipush 82
      [8814] isub
      [8815] iconst_1
      [8816] iadd
      [8817] iconst_5
      [8818] ishl
      [8819] ior
      [8820] putfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8823] goto +85 (target=8908)
      [8826] aload_0 v0
      [8827] dup
      [8828] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8831] ldc #2
        + Integer [-8372225]
      [8833] iand
      [8834] putfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8837] aload_0 v0
      [8838] dup
      [8839] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8842] aload_0 v0
      [8843] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [8846] iload v8
      [8848] iaload
      [8849] bipush 92
      [8851] isub
      [8852] iconst_1
      [8853] iadd
      [8854] bipush 14
      [8856] ishl
      [8857] ior
      [8858] putfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [8861] goto +47 (target=8908)
      [8864] aload_0 v0
      [8865] getfield #224
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debugStr Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [8868] ldc #134
        + String [ESC [ ]
      [8870] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [8873] aload_0 v0
      [8874] getfield #179
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvars [I]
      [8877] iload v8
      [8879] iaload
      [8880] invokevirtual #309
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [8883] ldc #102
        + String [ m unknown...]
      [8885] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [8888] pop
      [8889] aload_0 v0
      [8890] aload_0 v0
      [8891] getfield #224
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debugStr Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [8894] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [8897] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debug (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [8900] aload_0 v0
      [8901] getfield #224
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debugStr Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [8904] iconst_0
      [8905] invokevirtual #311
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.setLength (I)V]
      [8908] iinc v8, 1
      [8911] iload v8
      [8913] aload_0 v0
      [8914] getfield #178
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.DCEvar I]
      [8917] ificmple -1195 (target=7722)
      [8920] goto +88 (target=9008)
      [8923] aload_0 v0
      [8924] getfield #224
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debugStr Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [8927] ldc #137
        + String [ESC [ unknown letter: ]
      [8929] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [8932] iload_1 v1
      [8933] invokevirtual #308
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [8936] ldc #93
        + String [ (]
      [8938] invokevirtual #310
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [8941] iload_1 v1
      [8942] invokevirtual #309
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [8945] bipush 41
      [8947] invokevirtual #308
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [8950] pop
      [8951] aload_0 v0
      [8952] aload_0 v0
      [8953] getfield #224
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debugStr Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [8956] invokevirtual #312
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [8959] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debug (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [8962] aload_0 v0
      [8963] getfield #224
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.debugStr Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [8966] iconst_0
      [8967] invokevirtual #311
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.setLength (I)V]
      [8970] goto +38 (target=9008)
      [8973] iload_1 v1
      [8974] tableswitch (1 offsets, default=26) (target=9000)
        27: offset = 18, target = 8992
        default: offset = 26, target = 9000
      [8992] aload_0 v0
      [8993] iconst_1
      [8994] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [8997] goto +11 (target=9008)
      [9000] goto +8 (target=9008)
      [9003] aload_0 v0
      [9004] iconst_0
      [9005] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [9008] aload_0 v0
      [9009] aload_0 v0
      [9010] getfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [9013] aload_0 v0
      [9014] getfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [9017] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.setCursorPosition (II)V]
      [9020] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 781)
        [0] -> line 1527
        [6] -> line 1528
        [12] -> line 1554
        [108] -> line 1559
        [115] -> line 1560
        [118] -> line 1561
        [176] -> line 1563
        [182] -> line 1564
        [188] -> line 1565
        [191] -> line 1567
        [202] -> line 1568
        [215] -> line 1570
        [225] -> line 1573
        [228] -> line 1585
        [250] -> line 1586
        [263] -> line 1588
        [273] -> line 1591
        [276] -> line 1593
        [298] -> line 1594
        [311] -> line 1596
        [321] -> line 1597
        [326] -> line 1600
        [329] -> line 1602
        [339] -> line 1605
        [342] -> line 1607
        [348] -> line 1608
        [353] -> line 1609
        [356] -> line 1611
        [359] -> line 1614
        [367] -> line 1616
        [484] -> line 1618
        [489] -> line 1619
        [492] -> line 1621
        [497] -> line 1622
        [500] -> line 1624
        [505] -> line 1625
        [512] -> line 1626
        [519] -> line 1627
        [526] -> line 1628
        [533] -> line 1629
        [538] -> line 1630
        [541] -> line 1632
        [546] -> line 1633
        [551] -> line 1634
        [554] -> line 1636
        [564] -> line 1637
        [567] -> line 1640
        [581] -> line 1641
        [591] -> line 1642
        [594] -> line 1644
        [604] -> line 1645
        [611] -> line 1646
        [616] -> line 1647
        [621] -> line 1648
        [624] -> line 1652
        [634] -> line 1653
        [655] -> line 1654
        [660] -> line 1655
        [663] -> line 1657
        [668] -> line 1658
        [671] -> line 1662
        [678] -> line 1663
        [693] -> line 1664
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        [821] -> line 1700
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        [1623] -> line 1841
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        [2093] -> line 1879
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        [2101] -> line 1882
        [2107] -> line 1883
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        [2127] -> line 1888
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        [2303] -> line 1915
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        [2802] -> line 2006
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        [6012] -> line 2478
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        [6593] -> line 2605
        [6603] -> line 2604
        [6617] -> line 2607
        [6629] -> line 2610
        [6632] -> line 2612
        [6639] -> line 2614
        [6651] -> line 2615
        [6658] -> line 2616
        [6669] -> line 2617
        [6678] -> line 2618
        [6689] -> line 2621
        [6697] -> line 2622
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        [6716] -> line 2624
        [6728] -> line 2625
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        [6756] -> line 2632
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        [6784] -> line 2637
        [6795] -> line 2638
        [6805] -> line 2640
        [6808] -> line 2643
        [6828] -> line 2648
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        [6855] -> line 2653
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        [6870] -> line 2655
        [6881] -> line 2656
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        [6898] -> line 2658
        [6906] -> line 2659
        [6917] -> line 2660
        [6927] -> line 2663
        [6930] -> line 2665
        [6939] -> line 2666
        [6951] -> line 2668
        [6966] -> line 2669
        [6969] -> line 2672
        [6978] -> line 2673
        [6990] -> line 2675
        [7005] -> line 2678
        [7008] -> line 2680
        [7017] -> line 2681
        [7026] -> line 2683
        [7038] -> line 2684
        [7041] -> line 2688
        [7050] -> line 2689
        [7061] -> line 2691
        [7067] -> line 2692
        [7075] -> line 2691
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        [7092] -> line 2698
        [7140] -> line 2701
        [7151] -> line 2702
        [7175] -> line 2703
        [7178] -> line 2705
        [7185] -> line 2706
        [7205] -> line 2707
        [7208] -> line 2709
        [7224] -> line 2712
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        [7260] -> line 2717
        [7271] -> line 2718
        [7297] -> line 2719
        [7308] -> line 2720
        [7332] -> line 2721
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        [7342] -> line 2724
        [7358] -> line 2725
        [7365] -> line 2726
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        [7402] -> line 2734
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        [7411] -> line 2739
        [7429] -> line 2738
        [7443] -> line 2740
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        [7459] -> line 2747
        [7462] -> line 2748
        [7474] -> line 2749
        [7483] -> line 2750
        [7502] -> line 2752
        [7505] -> line 2757
        [7521] -> line 2758
        [7527] -> line 2759
        [7539] -> line 2758
        [7553] -> line 2760
        [7556] -> line 2762
        [7584] -> line 2764
        [7591] -> line 2767
        [7594] -> line 2772
        [7635] -> line 2775
        [7638] -> line 2781
        [7641] -> line 2783
        [7649] -> line 2784
        [7657] -> line 2785
        [7665] -> line 2788
        [7668] -> line 2790
        [7676] -> line 2791
        [7684] -> line 2792
        [7692] -> line 2795
        [7695] -> line 2799
        [7711] -> line 2800
        [7716] -> line 2801
        [7722] -> line 2802
        [8176] -> line 2804
        [8183] -> line 2805
        [8195] -> line 2806
        [8209] -> line 2808
        [8214] -> line 2811
        [8217] -> line 2813
        [8227] -> line 2814
        [8238] -> line 2815
        [8241] -> line 2818
        [8264] -> line 2820
        [8275] -> line 2822
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        [8306] -> line 2825
        [8326] -> line 2826
        [8341] -> line 2827
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        [8388] -> line 2830
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        [8418] -> line 2837
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        [8431] -> line 2840
        [8434] -> line 2842
        [8444] -> line 2843
        [8447] -> line 2845
        [8458] -> line 2846
        [8461] -> line 2848
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        [8474] -> line 2854
        [8477] -> line 2859
        [8482] -> line 2860
        [8487] -> line 2861
        [8490] -> line 2863
        [8501] -> line 2864
        [8504] -> line 2866
        [8515] -> line 2867
        [8518] -> line 2869
        [8521] -> line 2871
        [8532] -> line 2872
        [8535] -> line 2874
        [8546] -> line 2875
        [8549] -> line 2877
        [8560] -> line 2878
        [8563] -> line 2880
        [8574] -> line 2881
        [8577] -> line 2890
        [8589] -> line 2891
        [8612] -> line 2892
        [8615] -> line 2894
        [8628] -> line 2895
        [8640] -> line 2896
        [8662] -> line 2897
        [8665] -> line 2899
        [8668] -> line 2901
        [8680] -> line 2902
        [8683] -> line 2911
        [8694] -> line 2912
        [8718] -> line 2913
        [8721] -> line 2915
        [8734] -> line 2916
        [8745] -> line 2917
        [8768] -> line 2918
        [8771] -> line 2920
        [8774] -> line 2922
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        [8800] -> line 2933
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        [8883] -> line 2950
        [8889] -> line 2951
        [8900] -> line 2952
        [8908] -> line 2801
        [8920] -> line 2969
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        [8945] -> line 2975
        [8951] -> line 2976
        [8962] -> line 2977
        [8970] -> line 2980
        [8973] -> line 2982
        [8992] -> line 2984
        [8997] -> line 2985
        [9000] -> line 2990
        [9003] -> line 2992
        [9008] -> line 2996
        [9020] -> line 2997
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 34)
        v0: 0 -> 9021 [Lde/mud/terminal/vt320; this]
        v1: 0 -> 9021 [C c]
        v2: 0 -> 9021 [Z isWide]
        v3: 0 -> 9021 [Z doshowcursor]
        v4: 6 -> 9021 [I rows]
        v5: 12 -> 9021 [I columns]
        v6: 118 -> 367 [Z doneflag]
        v6: 788 -> 1565 [I thisgl]
        v7: 848 -> 920 [I bot]
        v7: 931 -> 1565 [Z mapped]
        v8: 1027 -> 1067 [I i]
        v8: 1320 -> 1392 [I bot]
        v6: 2646 -> 2672 [I i]
        v6: 2717 -> 2743 [I i]
        v6: 3351 -> 3391 [I i]
        v7: 3357 -> 3381 [I j]
        v6: 3780 -> 3983 [I i]
        v6: 3989 -> 4234 [I i]
        v6: 4288 -> 4527 [I i]
        v6: 5090 -> 5108 [I newcolor]
        v6: 5181 -> 5200 [I newcolor]
        v6: 5213 -> 5248 [I i]
        v6: 5894 -> 5973 [Ljava/lang/String; subcode]
        v7: 6320 -> 6323 [I limit]
        v7: 6326 -> 6381 [I limit]
        v7: 6398 -> 6401 [I limit]
        v7: 6407 -> 6462 [I limit]
        v7: 6703 -> 6759 [I bot]
        v8: 7064 -> 7089 [I i]
        v8: 7408 -> 7443 [I i]
        v8: 7454 -> 7505 [I toerase]
        v8: 7524 -> 7553 [I i]
        v8: 7719 -> 8920 [I i]
        v9: 8286 -> 8394 [I ncolor]
  + Method:       reset()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void reset()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 160, locals = 3, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #228
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.gx [C]
      [4] iconst_0
      [5] bipush 66
      [7] castore
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] getfield #228
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.gx [C]
      [12] iconst_1
      [13] bipush 66
      [15] castore
      [16] aload_0 v0
      [17] getfield #228
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.gx [C]
      [20] iconst_2
      [21] bipush 66
      [23] castore
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] getfield #228
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.gx [C]
      [28] iconst_3
      [29] bipush 66
      [31] castore
      [32] aload_0 v0
      [33] iconst_0
      [34] putfield #226
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/ C]
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] iconst_2
      [39] putfield #227
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/ C]
      [42] aload_0 v0
      [43] iconst_m1
      [44] putfield #239
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.onegl I]
      [47] aload_0 v0
      [48] getfield #251
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.width I]
      [51] istore_1 v1
      [52] iload_1 v1
      [53] sipush 132
      [56] ificmpge +7 (target=63)
      [59] sipush 132
      [62] istore_1 v1
      [63] aload_0 v0
      [64] iload_1 v1
      [65] newarray 8
      [67] putfield #219
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Tabs [B]
      [70] iconst_0
      [71] istore_2 v2
      [72] goto +13 (target=85)
      [75] aload_0 v0
      [76] getfield #219
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.Tabs [B]
      [79] iload_2 v2
      [80] iconst_1
      [81] bastore
      [82] iinc v2, 8
      [85] iload_2 v2
      [86] iload_1 v1
      [87] ificmplt -12 (target=75)
      [90] aload_0 v0
      [91] iconst_0
      [92] iconst_0
      [93] aload_0 v0
      [94] getfield #251
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.width I]
      [97] aload_0 v0
      [98] getfield #229
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.height I]
      [101] aload_0 v0
      [102] getfield #221
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.attributes I]
      [105] invokevirtual #260
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.deleteArea (IIIII)V]
      [108] aload_0 v0
      [109] iconst_0
      [110] aload_0 v0
      [111] getfield #229
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.height I]
      [114] invokevirtual #281
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.setMargins (II)V]
      [117] aload_0 v0
      [118] aload_0 v0
      [119] iconst_0
      [120] dup_x1
      [121] putfield #209
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.R I]
      [124] putfield #177
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.C I]
      [127] aload_0 v0
      [128] iconst_0
      [129] iconst_0
      [130] invokespecial #257
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320._SetCursor (II)V]
      [133] aload_0 v0
      [134] getfield #225
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.display Lde/mud/terminal/VDUDisplay;]
      [137] ifnull +12 (target=149)
      [140] aload_0 v0
      [141] getfield #225
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.display Lde/mud/terminal/VDUDisplay;]
      [144] invokeinterface #313
        + InterfaceMethodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUDisplay.resetColors ()V]
      [149] aload_0 v0
      [150] iconst_1
      [151] invokevirtual #286
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.showCursor (Z)V]
      [154] aload_0 v0
      [155] iconst_0
      [156] putfield #244
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.term_state I]
      [159] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 22)
        [0] -> line 3001
        [8] -> line 3002
        [16] -> line 3003
        [24] -> line 3004
        [32] -> line 3006
        [37] -> line 3007
        [42] -> line 3009
        [47] -> line 3012
        [52] -> line 3013
        [63] -> line 3014
        [70] -> line 3015
        [75] -> line 3016
        [82] -> line 3015
        [90] -> line 3019
        [108] -> line 3020
        [117] -> line 3021
        [127] -> line 3022
        [133] -> line 3024
        [140] -> line 3025
        [149] -> line 3027
        [154] -> line 3029
        [159] -> line 3030
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 160 [Lde/mud/terminal/vt320; this]
        v1: 52 -> 160 [I nw]
        v2: 72 -> 90 [I i]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x421
    = public abstract class net.sourceforge.jsocks.ProxyMessage extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 93):
  + String [
  + String [.]
  + String [Command:]
  + String [IP:     ]
  + String [Port:   ]
  + String [Proxy Message:
  + String [User:   ]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage]
  + Class [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException]
  + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage.command I]
  + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage.ip Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
  + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage.port I]
  + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage.user Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage.version I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [command I]
  + NameAndType [host Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [ip Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
  + NameAndType [port I]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [user Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [version I]
  + Utf8 [
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(ILjava/net/InetAddress;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/io/OutputStream;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [([BI)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [.]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Command:]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [IP:     ]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
  + Utf8 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Port:   ]
  + Utf8 [Proxy Message:
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [User:   ]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [addr]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [bytes2IPV4]
  + Utf8 [bytes2IPV6]
  + Utf8 [command]
  + Utf8 [host]
  + Utf8 [hostName]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [ip]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage]
  + Utf8 [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException]
  + Utf8 [offset]
  + Utf8 [port]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [user]
  + Utf8 [valueOf]
  + Utf8 [version]
  + Utf8 [write]

Fields (count = 6):
  + Field:        ip Ljava/net/InetAddress;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public ip
  + Field:        version I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int version
  + Field:        port I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int port
  + Field:        command I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int command
  + Field:        host Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String host
  + Field:        user Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String user

Methods (count = 6):
  + Method:       <init>(ILjava/net/InetAddress;I)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = ProxyMessage(int,,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 35, locals = 4, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #20
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aconst_null
      [6] putfield #16
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage.ip Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aconst_null
      [11] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ Ljava/lang/String;]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] aconst_null
      [16] putfield #18
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage.user Ljava/lang/String;]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] iload_1 v1
      [21] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage.command I]
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] aload_2 v2
      [26] putfield #16
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage.ip Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] iload_3 v3
      [31] putfield #17
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage.port I]
      [34] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 26
        [4] -> line 14
        [9] -> line 22
        [14] -> line 24
        [19] -> line 27
        [24] -> line 28
        [29] -> line 29
        [34] -> line 30
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 35 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage; this]
        v1: 0 -> 35 [I command]
        v2: 0 -> 35 [Ljava/net/InetAddress; ip]
        v3: 0 -> 35 [I port]
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = ProxyMessage()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 20, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #20
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aconst_null
      [6] putfield #16
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage.ip Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aconst_null
      [11] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ Ljava/lang/String;]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] aconst_null
      [16] putfield #18
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage.user Ljava/lang/String;]
      [19] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 32
        [4] -> line 14
        [9] -> line 22
        [14] -> line 24
        [19] -> line 33
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 20 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage; this]
  + Method:       write(Ljava/io/OutputStream;)V
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract void write(
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 2)
      + Class [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException]
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       toString()Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String toString()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 93, locals = 1, stack = 3):
      [0] new #11
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [3] dup
      [4] ldc #6
        + String [Proxy Message:
      [6] invokespecial #23
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage.version I]
      [13] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [16] ldc #1
        + String [
      [18] invokevirtual #26
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [21] ldc #3
        + String [Command:]
      [23] invokevirtual #26
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage.command I]
      [30] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [33] ldc #1
        + String [
      [35] invokevirtual #26
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [38] ldc #4
        + String [IP:     ]
      [40] invokevirtual #26
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage.ip Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
      [47] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [50] ldc #1
        + String [
      [52] invokevirtual #26
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [55] ldc #5
        + String [Port:   ]
      [57] invokevirtual #26
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [60] aload_0 v0
      [61] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage.port I]
      [64] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [67] ldc #1
        + String [
      [69] invokevirtual #26
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [72] ldc #7
        + String [User:   ]
      [74] invokevirtual #26
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [77] aload_0 v0
      [78] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage.user Ljava/lang/String;]
      [81] invokevirtual #26
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [84] ldc #1
        + String [
      [86] invokevirtual #26
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [89] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [92] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 86
        [9] -> line 87
        [21] -> line 88
        [38] -> line 89
        [55] -> line 90
        [72] -> line 91
        [89] -> line 86
        [92] -> line 85
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 93 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage; this]
  + Method:       bytes2IPV4([BI)Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x18
      = static final java.lang.String bytes2IPV4(byte[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 70, locals = 4, stack = 3):
      [0] new #11
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [3] dup
      [4] invokespecial #22
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> ()V]
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] iload_1 v1
      [9] baload
      [10] sipush 255
      [13] iand
      [14] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [17] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [20] astore_2 v2
      [21] iload_1 v1
      [22] iconst_1
      [23] iadd
      [24] istore_3 v3
      [25] goto +36 (target=61)
      [28] new #11
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [31] dup
      [32] aload_2 v2
      [33] invokestatic #21
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [36] invokespecial #23
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [39] ldc #2
        + String [.]
      [41] invokevirtual #26
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [44] aload_0 v0
      [45] iload_3 v3
      [46] baload
      [47] sipush 255
      [50] iand
      [51] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [54] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [57] astore_2 v2
      [58] iinc v3, 1
      [61] iload_3 v3
      [62] iload_1 v1
      [63] iconst_4
      [64] iadd
      [65] ificmplt -37 (target=28)
      [68] aload_2 v2
      [69] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 98
        [21] -> line 99
        [28] -> line 100
        [58] -> line 99
        [68] -> line 101
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 70 [[B addr]
        v1: 0 -> 70 [I offset]
        v2: 21 -> 70 [Ljava/lang/String; hostName]
        v3: 25 -> 68 [I i]
  + Method:       bytes2IPV6([BI)Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x18
      = static final java.lang.String bytes2IPV6(byte[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 2, locals = 2, stack = 1):
      [0] aconst_null
      [1] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 106
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 2 [[B addr]
        v1: 0 -> 2 [I offset]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message
  Superclass:    net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class net.sourceforge.jsocks.Socks4Message extends net.sourceforge.jsocks.ProxyMessage

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 175):
  + String [Failed request, bad user name]
  + String [Failed request, can't connect to Identd]
  + String [Request Granted]
  + String [Request Rejected or Failed]
  + String [Unknown Reply Code]
  + Class [java/io/DataInputStream]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/io/InputStream]
  + Class [java/io/OutputStream]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Class [java/net/InetAddress]
  + Class [java/net/UnknownHostException]
  + Class [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage]
  + Class [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message]
  + Class [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException]
  + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.command I]
  + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.ip Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
  + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.msgBytes [B]
  + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.msgLength I]
  + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.port I]
  + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.replyMessage [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.user Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.version I]
  + Methodref [java/io/DataInputStream.<init> (Ljava/io/InputStream;)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/DataInputStream.readFully ([B)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/DataInputStream.readUnsignedByte ()I]
  + Methodref [java/io/DataInputStream.readUnsignedShort ()I]
  + Methodref [java/io/ ()I]
  + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.getBytes ()[B]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.setLength (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Methodref [java/net/InetAddress.getAddress ()[B]
  + Methodref [java/net/InetAddress.getByName (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
  + Methodref [java/net/InetAddress.getHostName ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage.<init> (ILjava/net/InetAddress;I)V]
  + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.<init> (IILjava/net/InetAddress;ILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.bytes2IP ([B)Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
  + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.bytes2IPV4 ([BI)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ (Ljava/io/InputStream;Z)V]
  + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException.<init> (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (IILjava/net/InetAddress;ILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (ILjava/net/InetAddress;I)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/io/InputStream;)V]
  + NameAndType [append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [bytes2IP ([B)Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
  + NameAndType [bytes2IPV4 ([BI)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [command I]
  + NameAndType [getAddress ()[B]
  + NameAndType [getByName (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
  + NameAndType [getBytes ()[B]
  + NameAndType [getHostName ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [host Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [ip Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
  + NameAndType [length ()I]
  + NameAndType [msgBytes [B]
  + NameAndType [msgLength I]
  + NameAndType [port I]
  + NameAndType [read ()I]
  + NameAndType [read (Ljava/io/InputStream;Z)V]
  + NameAndType [readFully ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [readUnsignedByte ()I]
  + NameAndType [readUnsignedShort ()I]
  + NameAndType [replyMessage [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [setLength (I)V]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [user Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [version I]
  + NameAndType [write ([B)V]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [(C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(IILjava/net/InetAddress;ILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(ILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(ILjava/net/InetAddress;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/io/InputStream;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/io/InputStream;Z)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/io/OutputStream;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
  + Utf8 [([B)Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [([BI)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [Failed request, bad user name]
  + Utf8 [Failed request, can't connect to Identd]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/DataInputStream;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/net/UnknownHostException;]
  + Utf8 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Request Granted]
  + Utf8 [Request Rejected or Failed]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Unknown Reply Code]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [addr]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [arraycopy]
  + Utf8 [b]
  + Utf8 [buf]
  + Utf8 [bytes2IP]
  + Utf8 [bytes2IPV4]
  + Utf8 [clientMode]
  + Utf8 [cmd]
  + Utf8 [command]
  + Utf8 [d_in]
  + Utf8 [errMsg]
  + Utf8 [getAddress]
  + Utf8 [getByName]
  + Utf8 [getBytes]
  + Utf8 [getHostName]
  + Utf8 [host]
  + Utf8 [in]
  + Utf8 [ip]
  + Utf8 [java/io/DataInputStream]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/io/InputStream]
  + Utf8 [java/io/OutputStream]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [java/net/InetAddress]
  + Utf8 [java/net/UnknownHostException]
  + Utf8 [length]
  + Utf8 [mode4a]
  + Utf8 [msg]
  + Utf8 [msgBytes]
  + Utf8 [msgLength]
  + Utf8 [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage]
  + Utf8 [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message]
  + Utf8 [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException]
  + Utf8 [out]
  + Utf8 [port]
  + Utf8 [read]
  + Utf8 [readFully]
  + Utf8 [readUnsignedByte]
  + Utf8 [readUnsignedShort]
  + Utf8 [replyMessage]
  + Utf8 [s]
  + Utf8 [sb]
  + Utf8 [setLength]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [uh_ex]
  + Utf8 [user]
  + Utf8 [version]
  + Utf8 [write]

Fields (count = 3):
  + Field:        msgBytes [B
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private byte[] msgBytes
  + Field:        msgLength I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int msgLength
  + Field:        replyMessage [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x18
      = static final java.lang.String[] replyMessage

Methods (count = 8):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 28, locals = 0, stack = 4):
      [0] iconst_4
      [1] anewarray #10
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [4] dup
      [5] iconst_0
      [6] ldc #3
        + String [Request Granted]
      [8] aastore
      [9] dup
      [10] iconst_1
      [11] ldc #4
        + String [Request Rejected or Failed]
      [13] aastore
      [14] dup
      [15] iconst_2
      [16] ldc #2
        + String [Failed request, can't connect to Identd]
      [18] aastore
      [19] dup
      [20] iconst_3
      [21] ldc #1
        + String [Failed request, bad user name]
      [23] aastore
      [24] putstatic #24
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.replyMessage [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [27] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 155
        [6] -> line 156
        [11] -> line 157
        [16] -> line 158
        [21] -> line 159
        [24] -> line 155
        [27] -> line 13
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>(I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public Socks4Message(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 43, locals = 2, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] aconst_null
      [3] iconst_0
      [4] invokespecial #44
        + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage.<init> (ILjava/net/InetAddress;I)V]
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] aconst_null
      [9] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.user Ljava/lang/String;]
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] iconst_2
      [14] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.msgLength I]
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] iconst_2
      [19] newarray 8
      [21] putfield #21
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.msgBytes [B]
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.msgBytes [B]
      [28] iconst_0
      [29] iconst_0
      [30] bastore
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.msgBytes [B]
      [35] iconst_1
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.command I]
      [40] i2b
      [41] bastore
      [42] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 22
        [7] -> line 23
        [12] -> line 25
        [17] -> line 26
        [24] -> line 28
        [31] -> line 29
        [42] -> line 30
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 43 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message; this]
        v1: 0 -> 43 [I cmd]
  + Method:       <init>(ILjava/net/InetAddress;I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public Socks4Message(int,,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 4, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iconst_0
      [2] iload_1 v1
      [3] aload_2 v2
      [4] iload_3 v3
      [5] aconst_null
      [6] invokespecial #45
        + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.<init> (IILjava/net/InetAddress;ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 36
        [9] -> line 37
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message; this]
        v1: 0 -> 10 [I cmd]
        v2: 0 -> 10 [Ljava/net/InetAddress; ip]
        v3: 0 -> 10 [I port]
  + Method:       <init>(IILjava/net/InetAddress;ILjava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public Socks4Message(int,int,,int,java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 182, locals = 8, stack = 10):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_2 v2
      [2] aload_3 v3
      [3] iload v4
      [5] invokespecial #44
        + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage.<init> (ILjava/net/InetAddress;I)V]
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] aload v5
      [11] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.user Ljava/lang/String;]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] iload_1 v1
      [16] putfield #26
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.version I]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] aload v5
      [22] ifnonnull +8 (target=30)
      [25] bipush 8
      [27] goto +11 (target=38)
      [30] bipush 9
      [32] aload v5
      [34] invokevirtual #34
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
      [37] iadd
      [38] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.msgLength I]
      [41] aload_0 v0
      [42] aload_0 v0
      [43] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.msgLength I]
      [46] newarray 8
      [48] putfield #21
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.msgBytes [B]
      [51] aload_0 v0
      [52] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.msgBytes [B]
      [55] iconst_0
      [56] iload_1 v1
      [57] i2b
      [58] bastore
      [59] aload_0 v0
      [60] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.msgBytes [B]
      [63] iconst_1
      [64] aload_0 v0
      [65] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.command I]
      [68] i2b
      [69] bastore
      [70] aload_0 v0
      [71] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.msgBytes [B]
      [74] iconst_2
      [75] iload v4
      [77] bipush 8
      [79] ishr
      [80] i2b
      [81] bastore
      [82] aload_0 v0
      [83] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.msgBytes [B]
      [86] iconst_3
      [87] iload v4
      [89] i2b
      [90] bastore
      [91] aload_3 v3
      [92] ifnull +12 (target=104)
      [95] aload_3 v3
      [96] invokevirtual #40
        + Methodref [java/net/InetAddress.getAddress ()[B]
      [99] astore v6
      [101] goto +28 (target=129)
      [104] iconst_4
      [105] newarray 8
      [107] astore v6
      [109] aload v6
      [111] iconst_0
      [112] aload v6
      [114] iconst_1
      [115] aload v6
      [117] iconst_2
      [118] aload v6
      [120] iconst_3
      [121] iconst_0
      [122] dup_x2
      [123] bastore
      [124] dup_x2
      [125] bastore
      [126] dup_x2
      [127] bastore
      [128] bastore
      [129] aload v6
      [131] iconst_0
      [132] aload_0 v0
      [133] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.msgBytes [B]
      [136] iconst_4
      [137] iconst_4
      [138] invokestatic #39
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [141] aload v5
      [143] ifnull +38 (target=181)
      [146] aload v5
      [148] invokevirtual #33
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.getBytes ()[B]
      [151] astore v7
      [153] aload v7
      [155] iconst_0
      [156] aload_0 v0
      [157] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.msgBytes [B]
      [160] bipush 8
      [162] aload v7
      [164] arraylength
      [165] invokestatic #39
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [168] aload_0 v0
      [169] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.msgBytes [B]
      [172] aload_0 v0
      [173] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.msgBytes [B]
      [176] arraylength
      [177] iconst_1
      [178] isub
      [179] iconst_0
      [180] bastore
      [181] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 19)
        [0] -> line 51
        [8] -> line 52
        [14] -> line 53
        [19] -> line 55
        [41] -> line 56
        [51] -> line 58
        [59] -> line 59
        [70] -> line 60
        [82] -> line 61
        [91] -> line 65
        [95] -> line 66
        [104] -> line 68
        [109] -> line 69
        [129] -> line 71
        [141] -> line 73
        [146] -> line 74
        [153] -> line 75
        [168] -> line 76
        [181] -> line 78
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 9)
        v0: 0 -> 182 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message; this]
        v1: 0 -> 182 [I version]
        v2: 0 -> 182 [I cmd]
        v3: 0 -> 182 [Ljava/net/InetAddress; ip]
        v4: 0 -> 182 [I port]
        v5: 0 -> 182 [Ljava/lang/String; user]
        v6: 101 -> 104 [[B addr]
        v6: 109 -> 182 [[B addr]
        v7: 153 -> 181 [[B buf]
  + Method:       <init>(Ljava/io/InputStream;Z)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public Socks4Message(,boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 16, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #43
        + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aconst_null
      [6] putfield #21
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.msgBytes [B]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aload_1 v1
      [11] iload_2 v2
      [12] invokevirtual #48
        + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ (Ljava/io/InputStream;Z)V]
      [15] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 86
        [4] -> line 87
        [9] -> line 88
        [15] -> line 89
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 16 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message; this]
        v1: 0 -> 16 [Ljava/io/InputStream; in]
        v2: 0 -> 16 [Z clientMode]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       read(Ljava/io/InputStream;Z)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void read(,boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 255, locals = 8, stack = 4):
      [0] iconst_0
      [1] istore_3 v3
      [2] new #6
        + Class [java/io/DataInputStream]
      [5] dup
      [6] aload_1 v1
      [7] invokespecial #27
        + Methodref [java/io/DataInputStream.<init> (Ljava/io/InputStream;)V]
      [10] astore v4
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] aload v4
      [15] invokevirtual #29
        + Methodref [java/io/DataInputStream.readUnsignedByte ()I]
      [18] putfield #26
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.version I]
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] aload v4
      [24] invokevirtual #29
        + Methodref [java/io/DataInputStream.readUnsignedByte ()I]
      [27] putfield #18
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.command I]
      [30] iload_2 v2
      [31] ifeq +64 (target=95)
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.command I]
      [38] bipush 90
      [40] ificmpeq +55 (target=95)
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.command I]
      [47] bipush 90
      [49] ificmple +28 (target=77)
      [52] aload_0 v0
      [53] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.command I]
      [56] bipush 93
      [58] ificmpge +19 (target=77)
      [61] getstatic #24
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.replyMessage [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [64] aload_0 v0
      [65] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.command I]
      [68] bipush 90
      [70] isub
      [71] aaload
      [72] astore v5
      [74] goto +7 (target=81)
      [77] ldc #5
        + String [Unknown Reply Code]
      [79] astore v5
      [81] new #17
        + Class [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException]
      [84] dup
      [85] aload_0 v0
      [86] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.command I]
      [89] aload v5
      [91] invokespecial #49
        + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException.<init> (ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [94] athrow
      [95] aload_0 v0
      [96] aload v4
      [98] invokevirtual #30
        + Methodref [java/io/DataInputStream.readUnsignedShort ()I]
      [101] putfield #23
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.port I]
      [104] iconst_4
      [105] newarray 8
      [107] astore v5
      [109] aload v4
      [111] aload v5
      [113] invokevirtual #28
        + Methodref [java/io/DataInputStream.readFully ([B)V]
      [116] aload v5
      [118] iconst_0
      [119] baload
      [120] ifne +29 (target=149)
      [123] aload v5
      [125] iconst_1
      [126] baload
      [127] ifne +22 (target=149)
      [130] aload v5
      [132] iconst_2
      [133] baload
      [134] ifne +15 (target=149)
      [137] aload v5
      [139] iconst_3
      [140] baload
      [141] ifeq +8 (target=149)
      [144] iconst_1
      [145] istore_3 v3
      [146] goto +23 (target=169)
      [149] aload_0 v0
      [150] aload v5
      [152] invokestatic #46
        + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.bytes2IP ([B)Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
      [155] putfield #20
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.ip Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
      [158] aload_0 v0
      [159] aload_0 v0
      [160] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.ip Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
      [163] invokevirtual #42
        + Methodref [java/net/InetAddress.getHostName ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [166] putfield #19
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ Ljava/lang/String;]
      [169] iload_2 v2
      [170] ifne +84 (target=254)
      [173] new #11
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [176] dup
      [177] invokespecial #35
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> ()V]
      [180] astore v6
      [182] goto +12 (target=194)
      [185] aload v6
      [187] iload v7
      [189] i2c
      [190] invokevirtual #36
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [193] pop
      [194] aload_1 v1
      [195] invokevirtual #31
        + Methodref [java/io/ ()I]
      [198] dup
      [199] istore v7
      [201] ifne -16 (target=185)
      [204] aload_0 v0
      [205] aload v6
      [207] invokevirtual #38
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [210] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.user Ljava/lang/String;]
      [213] iload_3 v3
      [214] ifeq +40 (target=254)
      [217] aload v6
      [219] iconst_0
      [220] invokevirtual #37
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.setLength (I)V]
      [223] goto +12 (target=235)
      [226] aload v6
      [228] iload v7
      [230] i2c
      [231] invokevirtual #36
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [234] pop
      [235] aload_1 v1
      [236] invokevirtual #31
        + Methodref [java/io/ ()I]
      [239] dup
      [240] istore v7
      [242] ifne -16 (target=226)
      [245] aload_0 v0
      [246] aload v6
      [248] invokevirtual #38
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [251] putfield #19
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ Ljava/lang/String;]
      [254] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 29)
        [0] -> line 98
        [2] -> line 99
        [12] -> line 100
        [21] -> line 101
        [30] -> line 102
        [43] -> line 104
        [61] -> line 105
        [77] -> line 107
        [81] -> line 108
        [95] -> line 110
        [104] -> line 111
        [109] -> line 112
        [116] -> line 113
        [144] -> line 114
        [149] -> line 116
        [158] -> line 117
        [169] -> line 119
        [173] -> line 120
        [182] -> line 122
        [185] -> line 123
        [194] -> line 122
        [204] -> line 124
        [213] -> line 125
        [217] -> line 126
        [223] -> line 127
        [226] -> line 128
        [235] -> line 127
        [245] -> line 129
        [254] -> line 132
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 11)
        v0: 0 -> 255 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message; this]
        v1: 0 -> 255 [Ljava/io/InputStream; in]
        v2: 0 -> 255 [Z clientMode]
        v3: 2 -> 255 [Z mode4a]
        v4: 12 -> 255 [Ljava/io/DataInputStream; d_in]
        v5: 74 -> 77 [Ljava/lang/String; errMsg]
        v5: 81 -> 95 [Ljava/lang/String; errMsg]
        v5: 109 -> 255 [[B addr]
        v6: 182 -> 254 [Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; sb]
        v7: 185 -> 194 [I b]
        v7: 201 -> 254 [I b]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       write(Ljava/io/OutputStream;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void write(
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 60, locals = 3, stack = 7):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.msgBytes [B]
      [4] ifnonnull +47 (target=51)
      [7] new #16
        + Class [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message]
      [10] dup
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.version I]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.command I]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.ip Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.port I]
      [27] aload_0 v0
      [28] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.user Ljava/lang/String;]
      [31] invokespecial #45
        + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.<init> (IILjava/net/InetAddress;ILjava/lang/String;)V]
      [34] astore_2 v2
      [35] aload_0 v0
      [36] aload_2 v2
      [37] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.msgBytes [B]
      [40] putfield #21
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.msgBytes [B]
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] aload_2 v2
      [45] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.msgLength I]
      [48] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.msgLength I]
      [51] aload_1 v1
      [52] aload_0 v0
      [53] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.msgBytes [B]
      [56] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
      [59] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 135
        [7] -> line 136
        [35] -> line 137
        [43] -> line 138
        [51] -> line 140
        [59] -> line 141
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 60 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message; this]
        v1: 0 -> 60 [Ljava/io/OutputStream; out]
        v2: 35 -> 51 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message; msg]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       bytes2IP([B)Ljava/net/InetAddress;
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static bytes2IP(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 14, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iconst_0
      [2] invokestatic #47
        + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks4Message.bytes2IPV4 ([BI)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [5] astore_1 v1
      [6] aload_1 v1
      [7] invokestatic #41
        + Methodref [java/net/InetAddress.getByName (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
      [10] areturn
      [11] astore_2 v2
      [12] aconst_null
      [13] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (6 -> 10: 11):
      + Class [java/net/UnknownHostException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 145
        [6] -> line 147
        [11] -> line 148
        [12] -> line 149
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 14 [[B addr]
        v1: 6 -> 14 [Ljava/lang/String; s]
        v2: 12 -> 14 [Ljava/net/UnknownHostException; uh_ex]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message
  Superclass:    net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class net.sourceforge.jsocks.Socks5Message extends net.sourceforge.jsocks.ProxyMessage

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 168):
  + Integer [393216]
  + String [
  + String []
  + String [ADDR ]
  + String [ATYP ]
  + String [CMD  ]
  + String [PORT ]
  + String [Socks5Message:
VN   ]
  + Class [java/io/DataInputStream]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/io/OutputStream]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Class [java/net/InetAddress]
  + Class [java/net/UnknownHostException]
  + Class [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage]
  + Class [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message]
  + Class [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException]
  + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.addrType I]
  + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.command I]
  + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ [B]
  + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.doResolveIP Z]
  + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.ip Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
  + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.port I]
  + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.version I]
  + Methodref [java/io/DataInputStream.<init> (Ljava/io/InputStream;)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/DataInputStream.readFully ([B)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/DataInputStream.readUnsignedByte ()I]
  + Methodref [java/io/DataInputStream.readUnsignedShort ()I]
  + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.<init> ([B)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.getBytes ()[B]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Methodref [java/net/InetAddress.getAddress ()[B]
  + Methodref [java/net/InetAddress.getByName (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
  + Methodref [java/net/InetAddress.getHostName ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage.<init> (ILjava/net/InetAddress;I)V]
  + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.<init> (ILjava/lang/String;I)V]
  + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.<init> (ILjava/net/InetAddress;I)V]
  + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.bytes2IPV4 ([BI)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.bytes2IPV6 ([BI)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ (Ljava/io/InputStream;Z)V]
  + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException.<init> (I)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (I)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (ILjava/lang/String;I)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (ILjava/net/InetAddress;I)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/io/InputStream;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [addrType I]
  + NameAndType [append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [bytes2IPV4 ([BI)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [bytes2IPV6 ([BI)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [command I]
  + NameAndType [data [B]
  + NameAndType [doResolveIP Z]
  + NameAndType [getAddress ()[B]
  + NameAndType [getByName (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
  + NameAndType [getBytes ()[B]
  + NameAndType [getHostName ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [host Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [ip Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
  + NameAndType [port I]
  + NameAndType [read (Ljava/io/InputStream;Z)V]
  + NameAndType [readFully ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [readUnsignedByte ()I]
  + NameAndType [readUnsignedShort ()I]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [version I]
  + NameAndType [write ([B)V]
  + Utf8 [
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(ILjava/lang/String;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(ILjava/net/InetAddress;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/io/InputStream;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/io/InputStream;Z)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/io/OutputStream;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [([BI)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [ADDR ]
  + Utf8 [ATYP ]
  + Utf8 [CMD  ]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/DataInputStream;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/net/UnknownHostException;]
  + Utf8 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [PORT ]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Socks5Message:
VN   ]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [addr]
  + Utf8 [addrType]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [arraycopy]
  + Utf8 [bytes2IPV4]
  + Utf8 [bytes2IPV6]
  + Utf8 [clientMode]
  + Utf8 [cmd]
  + Utf8 [command]
  + Utf8 [data]
  + Utf8 [di]
  + Utf8 [doResolveIP]
  + Utf8 [getAddress]
  + Utf8 [getByName]
  + Utf8 [getBytes]
  + Utf8 [getHostName]
  + Utf8 [host]
  + Utf8 [hostName]
  + Utf8 [in]
  + Utf8 [ip]
  + Utf8 [java/io/DataInputStream]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/io/OutputStream]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [java/net/InetAddress]
  + Utf8 [java/net/UnknownHostException]
  + Utf8 [msg]
  + Utf8 [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage]
  + Utf8 [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message]
  + Utf8 [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException]
  + Utf8 [out]
  + Utf8 [port]
  + Utf8 [read]
  + Utf8 [readFully]
  + Utf8 [readUnsignedByte]
  + Utf8 [readUnsignedShort]
  + Utf8 [reserved]
  + Utf8 [s]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [uh_ex]
  + Utf8 [version]
  + Utf8 [write]

Fields (count = 3):
  + Field:        addrType I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int addrType
  + Field:        data [B
    Access flags: 0x0
      = byte[] data
  + Field:        doResolveIP Z
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static boolean doResolveIP

Methods (count = 8):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 0, stack = 1):
      [0] iconst_1
      [1] putstatic #23
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.doResolveIP Z]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 290
        [4] -> line 14
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>(I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public Socks5Message(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 37, locals = 2, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] aconst_null
      [3] iconst_0
      [4] invokespecial #44
        + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage.<init> (ILjava/net/InetAddress;I)V]
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] iconst_3
      [9] newarray 8
      [11] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ [B]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ [B]
      [18] iconst_0
      [19] iconst_5
      [20] bastore
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ [B]
      [25] iconst_1
      [26] iload_1 v1
      [27] i2b
      [28] bastore
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ [B]
      [33] iconst_2
      [34] iconst_0
      [35] bastore
      [36] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 25
        [7] -> line 26
        [14] -> line 27
        [21] -> line 28
        [29] -> line 29
        [36] -> line 30
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 37 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message; this]
        v1: 0 -> 37 [I cmd]
  + Method:       <init>(ILjava/net/InetAddress;I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public Socks5Message(int,,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 177, locals = 5, stack = 10):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] aload_2 v2
      [3] iload_3 v3
      [4] invokespecial #44
        + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage.<init> (ILjava/net/InetAddress;I)V]
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] aload_2 v2
      [9] ifnonnull +8 (target=17)
      [12] ldc #3
        + String []
      [14] goto +7 (target=21)
      [17] aload_2 v2
      [18] invokevirtual #42
        + Methodref [java/net/InetAddress.getHostName ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [21] putfield #24
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ Ljava/lang/String;]
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] iconst_5
      [26] putfield #27
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.version I]
      [29] aload_2 v2
      [30] ifnonnull +31 (target=61)
      [33] iconst_4
      [34] newarray 8
      [36] astore v4
      [38] aload v4
      [40] iconst_0
      [41] aload v4
      [43] iconst_1
      [44] aload v4
      [46] iconst_2
      [47] aload v4
      [49] iconst_3
      [50] iconst_0
      [51] dup_x2
      [52] bastore
      [53] dup_x2
      [54] bastore
      [55] dup_x2
      [56] bastore
      [57] bastore
      [58] goto +9 (target=67)
      [61] aload_2 v2
      [62] invokevirtual #40
        + Methodref [java/net/InetAddress.getAddress ()[B]
      [65] astore v4
      [67] aload_0 v0
      [68] aload v4
      [70] arraylength
      [71] iconst_4
      [72] ificmpne +7 (target=79)
      [75] iconst_1
      [76] goto +4 (target=80)
      [79] iconst_4
      [80] putfield #20
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.addrType I]
      [83] aload_0 v0
      [84] bipush 6
      [86] aload v4
      [88] arraylength
      [89] iadd
      [90] newarray 8
      [92] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ [B]
      [95] aload_0 v0
      [96] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ [B]
      [99] iconst_0
      [100] iconst_5
      [101] bastore
      [102] aload_0 v0
      [103] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ [B]
      [106] iconst_1
      [107] aload_0 v0
      [108] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.command I]
      [111] i2b
      [112] bastore
      [113] aload_0 v0
      [114] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ [B]
      [117] iconst_2
      [118] iconst_0
      [119] bastore
      [120] aload_0 v0
      [121] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ [B]
      [124] iconst_3
      [125] aload_0 v0
      [126] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.addrType I]
      [129] i2b
      [130] bastore
      [131] aload v4
      [133] iconst_0
      [134] aload_0 v0
      [135] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ [B]
      [138] iconst_4
      [139] aload v4
      [141] arraylength
      [142] invokestatic #39
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [145] aload_0 v0
      [146] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ [B]
      [149] aload_0 v0
      [150] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ [B]
      [153] arraylength
      [154] iconst_2
      [155] isub
      [156] iload_3 v3
      [157] bipush 8
      [159] ishr
      [160] i2b
      [161] bastore
      [162] aload_0 v0
      [163] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ [B]
      [166] aload_0 v0
      [167] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ [B]
      [170] arraylength
      [171] iconst_1
      [172] isub
      [173] iload_3 v3
      [174] i2b
      [175] bastore
      [176] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 19)
        [0] -> line 39
        [7] -> line 40
        [24] -> line 41
        [29] -> line 45
        [33] -> line 46
        [38] -> line 47
        [61] -> line 49
        [67] -> line 51
        [79] -> line 52
        [80] -> line 51
        [83] -> line 54
        [95] -> line 55
        [102] -> line 56
        [113] -> line 57
        [120] -> line 58
        [131] -> line 61
        [145] -> line 63
        [162] -> line 64
        [176] -> line 65
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 177 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message; this]
        v1: 0 -> 177 [I cmd]
        v2: 0 -> 177 [Ljava/net/InetAddress; ip]
        v3: 0 -> 177 [I port]
        v4: 38 -> 61 [[B addr]
        v4: 67 -> 177 [[B addr]
  + Method:       <init>(ILjava/lang/String;I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public Socks5Message(int,java.lang.String,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 128, locals = 5, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] aconst_null
      [3] iload_3 v3
      [4] invokespecial #44
        + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage.<init> (ILjava/net/InetAddress;I)V]
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] aload_2 v2
      [9] putfield #24
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ Ljava/lang/String;]
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] iconst_5
      [14] putfield #27
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.version I]
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] iconst_3
      [19] putfield #20
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.addrType I]
      [22] aload_2 v2
      [23] invokevirtual #34
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.getBytes ()[B]
      [26] astore v4
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] bipush 7
      [31] aload v4
      [33] arraylength
      [34] iadd
      [35] newarray 8
      [37] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ [B]
      [40] aload_0 v0
      [41] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ [B]
      [44] iconst_0
      [45] iconst_5
      [46] bastore
      [47] aload_0 v0
      [48] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ [B]
      [51] iconst_1
      [52] aload_0 v0
      [53] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.command I]
      [56] i2b
      [57] bastore
      [58] aload_0 v0
      [59] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ [B]
      [62] iconst_2
      [63] iconst_0
      [64] bastore
      [65] aload_0 v0
      [66] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ [B]
      [69] iconst_3
      [70] iconst_3
      [71] bastore
      [72] aload_0 v0
      [73] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ [B]
      [76] iconst_4
      [77] aload v4
      [79] arraylength
      [80] i2b
      [81] bastore
      [82] aload v4
      [84] iconst_0
      [85] aload_0 v0
      [86] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ [B]
      [89] iconst_5
      [90] aload v4
      [92] arraylength
      [93] invokestatic #39
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [96] aload_0 v0
      [97] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ [B]
      [100] aload_0 v0
      [101] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ [B]
      [104] arraylength
      [105] iconst_2
      [106] isub
      [107] iload_3 v3
      [108] bipush 8
      [110] ishr
      [111] i2b
      [112] bastore
      [113] aload_0 v0
      [114] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ [B]
      [117] aload_0 v0
      [118] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ [B]
      [121] arraylength
      [122] iconst_1
      [123] isub
      [124] iload_3 v3
      [125] i2b
      [126] bastore
      [127] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 15)
        [0] -> line 75
        [7] -> line 76
        [12] -> line 77
        [17] -> line 81
        [22] -> line 82
        [28] -> line 84
        [40] -> line 85
        [47] -> line 86
        [58] -> line 87
        [65] -> line 88
        [72] -> line 89
        [82] -> line 92
        [96] -> line 94
        [113] -> line 95
        [127] -> line 96
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 128 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message; this]
        v1: 0 -> 128 [I cmd]
        v2: 0 -> 128 [Ljava/lang/String; hostName]
        v3: 0 -> 128 [I port]
        v4: 28 -> 128 [[B addr]
  + Method:       <init>(Ljava/io/InputStream;Z)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public Socks5Message(,boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 11, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #43
        + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] iload_2 v2
      [7] invokevirtual #49
        + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ (Ljava/io/InputStream;Z)V]
      [10] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 121
        [4] -> line 123
        [10] -> line 124
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 11 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message; this]
        v1: 0 -> 11 [Ljava/io/InputStream; in]
        v2: 0 -> 11 [Z clientMode]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 2)
      + Class [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException]
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       read(Ljava/io/InputStream;Z)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void read(,boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 236, locals = 7, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aconst_null
      [2] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ [B]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aconst_null
      [7] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.ip Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
      [10] new #9
        + Class [java/io/DataInputStream]
      [13] dup
      [14] aload_1 v1
      [15] invokespecial #28
        + Methodref [java/io/DataInputStream.<init> (Ljava/io/InputStream;)V]
      [18] astore_3 v3
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] aload_3 v3
      [21] invokevirtual #30
        + Methodref [java/io/DataInputStream.readUnsignedByte ()I]
      [24] putfield #27
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.version I]
      [27] aload_0 v0
      [28] aload_3 v3
      [29] invokevirtual #30
        + Methodref [java/io/DataInputStream.readUnsignedByte ()I]
      [32] putfield #21
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.command I]
      [35] iload_2 v2
      [36] ifeq +22 (target=58)
      [39] aload_0 v0
      [40] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.command I]
      [43] ifeq +15 (target=58)
      [46] new #19
        + Class [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException]
      [49] dup
      [50] aload_0 v0
      [51] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.command I]
      [54] invokespecial #50
        + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException.<init> (I)V]
      [57] athrow
      [58] aload_3 v3
      [59] invokevirtual #30
        + Methodref [java/io/DataInputStream.readUnsignedByte ()I]
      [62] istore v4
      [64] aload_0 v0
      [65] aload_3 v3
      [66] invokevirtual #30
        + Methodref [java/io/DataInputStream.readUnsignedByte ()I]
      [69] putfield #20
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.addrType I]
      [72] aload_0 v0
      [73] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.addrType I]
      [76] tableswitch (4 offsets, default=111) (target=187)
        1: offset = 32, target = 108
        2: offset = 111, target = 187
        3: offset = 81, target = 157
        4: offset = 56, target = 132
        default: offset = 111, target = 187
      [108] iconst_4
      [109] newarray 8
      [111] astore v5
      [113] aload_3 v3
      [114] aload v5
      [116] invokevirtual #29
        + Methodref [java/io/DataInputStream.readFully ([B)V]
      [119] aload_0 v0
      [120] aload v5
      [122] iconst_0
      [123] invokestatic #47
        + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.bytes2IPV4 ([BI)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [126] putfield #24
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ Ljava/lang/String;]
      [129] goto +68 (target=197)
      [132] bipush 16
      [134] newarray 8
      [136] astore v5
      [138] aload_3 v3
      [139] aload v5
      [141] invokevirtual #29
        + Methodref [java/io/DataInputStream.readFully ([B)V]
      [144] aload_0 v0
      [145] aload v5
      [147] iconst_0
      [148] invokestatic #48
        + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.bytes2IPV6 ([BI)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [151] putfield #24
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ Ljava/lang/String;]
      [154] goto +43 (target=197)
      [157] aload_3 v3
      [158] invokevirtual #30
        + Methodref [java/io/DataInputStream.readUnsignedByte ()I]
      [161] newarray 8
      [163] astore v5
      [165] aload_3 v3
      [166] aload v5
      [168] invokevirtual #29
        + Methodref [java/io/DataInputStream.readFully ([B)V]
      [171] aload_0 v0
      [172] new #12
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [175] dup
      [176] aload v5
      [178] invokespecial #33
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.<init> ([B)V]
      [181] putfield #24
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ Ljava/lang/String;]
      [184] goto +13 (target=197)
      [187] new #19
        + Class [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException]
      [190] dup
      [191] ldc #1
        + Integer [393216]
      [193] invokespecial #50
        + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException.<init> (I)V]
      [196] athrow
      [197] aload_0 v0
      [198] aload_3 v3
      [199] invokevirtual #31
        + Methodref [java/io/DataInputStream.readUnsignedShort ()I]
      [202] putfield #26
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.port I]
      [205] aload_0 v0
      [206] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.addrType I]
      [209] iconst_3
      [210] ificmpeq +25 (target=235)
      [213] getstatic #23
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.doResolveIP Z]
      [216] ifeq +19 (target=235)
      [219] aload_0 v0
      [220] aload_0 v0
      [221] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ Ljava/lang/String;]
      [224] invokestatic #41
        + Methodref [java/net/InetAddress.getByName (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
      [227] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.ip Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
      [230] goto +5 (target=235)
      [233] astore v6
      [235] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (219 -> 230: 233):
      + Class [java/net/UnknownHostException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 28)
        [0] -> line 153
        [5] -> line 154
        [10] -> line 156
        [19] -> line 158
        [27] -> line 159
        [35] -> line 160
        [46] -> line 161
        [58] -> line 164
        [64] -> line 165
        [72] -> line 169
        [108] -> line 171
        [113] -> line 172
        [119] -> line 173
        [129] -> line 174
        [132] -> line 176
        [138] -> line 177
        [144] -> line 178
        [154] -> line 179
        [157] -> line 182
        [165] -> line 183
        [171] -> line 184
        [184] -> line 185
        [187] -> line 187
        [197] -> line 190
        [205] -> line 192
        [219] -> line 194
        [233] -> line 195
        [235] -> line 198
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 9)
        v0: 0 -> 236 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message; this]
        v1: 0 -> 236 [Ljava/io/InputStream; in]
        v2: 0 -> 236 [Z clientMode]
        v3: 19 -> 236 [Ljava/io/DataInputStream; di]
        v4: 64 -> 236 [I reserved]
        v5: 113 -> 132 [[B addr]
        v5: 138 -> 157 [[B addr]
        v5: 165 -> 187 [[B addr]
        v5: 197 -> 236 [[B addr]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 2)
      + Class [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException]
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       write(Ljava/io/OutputStream;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void write(
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 107, locals = 4, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ [B]
      [4] ifnonnull +94 (target=98)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.addrType I]
      [11] iconst_3
      [12] ificmpne +26 (target=38)
      [15] new #18
        + Class [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message]
      [18] dup
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.command I]
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ Ljava/lang/String;]
      [27] aload_0 v0
      [28] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.port I]
      [31] invokespecial #45
        + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.<init> (ILjava/lang/String;I)V]
      [34] astore_2 v2
      [35] goto +55 (target=90)
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.ip Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
      [42] ifnonnull +28 (target=70)
      [45] aload_0 v0
      [46] aload_0 v0
      [47] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ Ljava/lang/String;]
      [50] invokestatic #41
        + Methodref [java/net/InetAddress.getByName (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
      [53] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.ip Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
      [56] goto +14 (target=70)
      [59] astore_3 v3
      [60] new #19
        + Class [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException]
      [63] dup
      [64] ldc #1
        + Integer [393216]
      [66] invokespecial #50
        + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException.<init> (I)V]
      [69] athrow
      [70] new #18
        + Class [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message]
      [73] dup
      [74] aload_0 v0
      [75] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.command I]
      [78] aload_0 v0
      [79] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.ip Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
      [82] aload_0 v0
      [83] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.port I]
      [86] invokespecial #46
        + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.<init> (ILjava/net/InetAddress;I)V]
      [89] astore_2 v2
      [90] aload_0 v0
      [91] aload_2 v2
      [92] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ [B]
      [95] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ [B]
      [98] aload_1 v1
      [99] aload_0 v0
      [100] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ [B]
      [103] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
      [106] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (45 -> 56: 59):
      + Class [java/net/UnknownHostException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 11)
        [0] -> line 206
        [7] -> line 209
        [15] -> line 210
        [38] -> line 212
        [45] -> line 214
        [59] -> line 215
        [60] -> line 216
        [70] -> line 219
        [90] -> line 221
        [98] -> line 223
        [106] -> line 224
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 107 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message; this]
        v1: 0 -> 107 [Ljava/io/OutputStream; out]
        v2: 35 -> 38 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message; msg]
        v2: 90 -> 98 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message; msg]
        v3: 60 -> 70 [Ljava/net/UnknownHostException; uh_ex]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 2)
      + Class [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException]
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       toString()Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String toString()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 95, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] new #13
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [3] dup
      [4] ldc #8
        + String [Socks5Message:
VN   ]
      [6] invokespecial #35
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.version I]
      [13] invokevirtual #36
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [16] ldc #2
        + String [
      [18] invokevirtual #37
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [21] ldc #6
        + String [CMD  ]
      [23] invokevirtual #37
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.command I]
      [30] invokevirtual #36
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [33] ldc #2
        + String [
      [35] invokevirtual #37
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [38] ldc #5
        + String [ATYP ]
      [40] invokevirtual #37
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.addrType I]
      [47] invokevirtual #36
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [50] ldc #2
        + String [
      [52] invokevirtual #37
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [55] ldc #4
        + String [ADDR ]
      [57] invokevirtual #37
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [60] aload_0 v0
      [61] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/ Ljava/lang/String;]
      [64] invokevirtual #37
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [67] ldc #2
        + String [
      [69] invokevirtual #37
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [72] ldc #7
        + String [PORT ]
      [74] invokevirtual #37
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [77] aload_0 v0
      [78] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message.port I]
      [81] invokevirtual #36
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [84] ldc #2
        + String [
      [86] invokevirtual #37
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [89] invokevirtual #38
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [92] astore_1 v1
      [93] aload_1 v1
      [94] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 243
        [9] -> line 244
        [21] -> line 245
        [38] -> line 246
        [55] -> line 247
        [72] -> line 248
        [89] -> line 243
        [92] -> line 242
        [93] -> line 249
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 95 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/Socks5Message; this]
        v1: 93 -> 95 [Ljava/lang/String; s]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException
  Superclass:    java/io/IOException
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class net.sourceforge.jsocks.SocksException extends

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 70):
  + String [Address type not supported]
  + String [Authentication failed]
  + String [Command not supported]
  + String [Connection not allowed by ruleset]
  + String [Connection refused]
  + String [General SOCKS fault]
  + String [General SOCKS server failure]
  + String [Host unreachable]
  + String [IO error]
  + String [Network unreachable]
  + String [None of Authentication methods are supported]
  + String [SOCKS server not specified]
  + String [Succeeded]
  + String [TTL expired]
  + String [Unable to contact SOCKS server]
  + String [Unknown error message]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException]
  + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException.errCode I]
  + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException.errString Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException.localErrorMessage [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException.serverReplyMessage [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [errCode I]
  + NameAndType [errString Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [localErrorMessage [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [serverReplyMessage [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(ILjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Address type not supported]
  + Utf8 [Authentication failed]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Command not supported]
  + Utf8 [Connection not allowed by ruleset]
  + Utf8 [Connection refused]
  + Utf8 [General SOCKS fault]
  + Utf8 [General SOCKS server failure]
  + Utf8 [Host unreachable]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [IO error]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Network unreachable]
  + Utf8 [None of Authentication methods are supported]
  + Utf8 [SOCKS server not specified]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Succeeded]
  + Utf8 [TTL expired]
  + Utf8 [Unable to contact SOCKS server]
  + Utf8 [Unknown error message]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [errCode]
  + Utf8 [errString]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [localErrorMessage]
  + Utf8 [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException]
  + Utf8 [serverReplyMessage]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]

Fields (count = 4):
  + Field:        serverReplyMessage [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x18
      = static final java.lang.String[] serverReplyMessage
  + Field:        localErrorMessage [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x18
      = static final java.lang.String[] localErrorMessage
  + Field:        errString Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String errString
  + Field:        errCode I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int errCode

Methods (count = 4):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 95, locals = 0, stack = 4):
      [0] bipush 9
      [2] anewarray #18
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [5] dup
      [6] iconst_0
      [7] ldc #13
        + String [Succeeded]
      [9] aastore
      [10] dup
      [11] iconst_1
      [12] ldc #7
        + String [General SOCKS server failure]
      [14] aastore
      [15] dup
      [16] iconst_2
      [17] ldc #4
        + String [Connection not allowed by ruleset]
      [19] aastore
      [20] dup
      [21] iconst_3
      [22] ldc #10
        + String [Network unreachable]
      [24] aastore
      [25] dup
      [26] iconst_4
      [27] ldc #8
        + String [Host unreachable]
      [29] aastore
      [30] dup
      [31] iconst_5
      [32] ldc #5
        + String [Connection refused]
      [34] aastore
      [35] dup
      [36] bipush 6
      [38] ldc #14
        + String [TTL expired]
      [40] aastore
      [41] dup
      [42] bipush 7
      [44] ldc #3
        + String [Command not supported]
      [46] aastore
      [47] dup
      [48] bipush 8
      [50] ldc #1
        + String [Address type not supported]
      [52] aastore
      [53] putstatic #23
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException.serverReplyMessage [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [56] bipush 6
      [58] anewarray #18
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [61] dup
      [62] iconst_0
      [63] ldc #12
        + String [SOCKS server not specified]
      [65] aastore
      [66] dup
      [67] iconst_1
      [68] ldc #15
        + String [Unable to contact SOCKS server]
      [70] aastore
      [71] dup
      [72] iconst_2
      [73] ldc #9
        + String [IO error]
      [75] aastore
      [76] dup
      [77] iconst_3
      [78] ldc #11
        + String [None of Authentication methods are supported]
      [80] aastore
      [81] dup
      [82] iconst_4
      [83] ldc #2
        + String [Authentication failed]
      [85] aastore
      [86] dup
      [87] iconst_5
      [88] ldc #6
        + String [General SOCKS fault]
      [90] aastore
      [91] putstatic #22
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException.localErrorMessage [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [94] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 20)
        [0] -> line 57
        [7] -> line 58
        [12] -> line 59
        [17] -> line 60
        [22] -> line 61
        [27] -> line 62
        [32] -> line 63
        [38] -> line 64
        [44] -> line 65
        [50] -> line 66
        [53] -> line 57
        [56] -> line 68
        [63] -> line 69
        [68] -> line 70
        [73] -> line 71
        [78] -> line 72
        [83] -> line 73
        [88] -> line 74
        [91] -> line 68
        [94] -> line 7
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>(I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public SocksException(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 71, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #24
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] iload_1 v1
      [6] putfield #20
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException.errCode I]
      [9] iload_1 v1
      [10] bipush 16
      [12] ishr
      [13] ifne +28 (target=41)
      [16] aload_0 v0
      [17] iload_1 v1
      [18] getstatic #23
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException.serverReplyMessage [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [21] arraylength
      [22] ificmpgt +11 (target=33)
      [25] getstatic #23
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException.serverReplyMessage [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [28] iload_1 v1
      [29] aaload
      [30] goto +5 (target=35)
      [33] ldc #16
        + String [Unknown error message]
      [35] putfield #21
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException.errString Ljava/lang/String;]
      [38] goto +32 (target=70)
      [41] iload_1 v1
      [42] bipush 16
      [44] ishr
      [45] iconst_1
      [46] isub
      [47] istore_1 v1
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] iload_1 v1
      [50] getstatic #22
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException.localErrorMessage [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [53] arraylength
      [54] ificmpgt +11 (target=65)
      [57] getstatic #22
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException.localErrorMessage [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [60] iload_1 v1
      [61] aaload
      [62] goto +5 (target=67)
      [65] ldc #16
        + String [Unknown error message]
      [67] putfield #21
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException.errString Ljava/lang/String;]
      [70] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 13)
        [0] -> line 16
        [4] -> line 17
        [9] -> line 18
        [16] -> line 20
        [25] -> line 21
        [33] -> line 22
        [35] -> line 20
        [41] -> line 25
        [48] -> line 26
        [57] -> line 27
        [65] -> line 28
        [67] -> line 26
        [70] -> line 30
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 71 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException; this]
        v1: 0 -> 71 [I errCode]
  + Method:       <init>(ILjava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public SocksException(int,java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #24
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] iload_1 v1
      [6] putfield #20
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException.errCode I]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aload_2 v2
      [11] putfield #21
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException.errString Ljava/lang/String;]
      [14] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 36
        [4] -> line 37
        [9] -> line 38
        [14] -> line 39
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 15 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException; this]
        v1: 0 -> 15 [I errCode]
        v2: 0 -> 15 [Ljava/lang/String; errString]
  + Method:       toString()Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String toString()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException.errString Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 52
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/SocksException; this]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: net/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x601
    = public interface net.sourceforge.jsocks.server.ServerAuthenticator extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 20):
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [net/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/net/Socket;)Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator;]
  + Utf8 [(Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage;)Z]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [checkRequest]
  + Utf8 [endSession]
  + Utf8 [getInputStream]
  + Utf8 [getOutputStream]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [net/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator]
  + Utf8 [startSession]

Fields (count = 0):

Methods (count = 5):
  + Method:       startSession(Ljava/net/Socket;)Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator;
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract net.sourceforge.jsocks.server.ServerAuthenticator startSession(
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       getInputStream()Ljava/io/InputStream;
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract getInputStream()
  + Method:       getOutputStream()Ljava/io/OutputStream;
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract getOutputStream()
  + Method:       checkRequest(Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage;)Z
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract boolean checkRequest(net.sourceforge.jsocks.ProxyMessage)
  + Method:       endSession()V
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract void endSession()

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: net/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticatorNone
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class net.sourceforge.jsocks.server.ServerAuthenticatorNone extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [net/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator]

Constant Pool (count = 96):
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/io/InputStream]
  + Class [java/io/OutputStream]
  + Class [java/io/PushbackInputStream]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/net/Socket]
  + Class [net/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator]
  + Class [net/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticatorNone]
  + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticatorNone.out Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticatorNone.socks5response [B]
  + Methodref [java/io/ ()I]
  + Methodref [java/io/ ([BII)I]
  + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/PushbackInputStream.<init> (Ljava/io/InputStream;)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/ ()I]
  + Methodref [java/io/PushbackInputStream.unread (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/net/Socket.getInputStream ()Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + Methodref [java/net/Socket.getOutputStream ()Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticatorNone.<init> (Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/OutputStream;)V]
  + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticatorNone.selectSocks5Authentication (Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/OutputStream;I)Z]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/io/InputStream;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/OutputStream;)V]
  + NameAndType [getInputStream ()Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + NameAndType [getOutputStream ()Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + NameAndType [in Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + NameAndType [out Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + NameAndType [read ()I]
  + NameAndType [read ([BII)I]
  + NameAndType [selectSocks5Authentication (Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/OutputStream;I)Z]
  + NameAndType [socks5response [B]
  + NameAndType [unread (I)V]
  + NameAndType [write ([B)V]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/io/InputStream;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/OutputStream;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/OutputStream;I)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/net/Socket;)Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator;]
  + Utf8 [(Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage;)Z]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [([BII)I]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/PushbackInputStream;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/net/Socket;]
  + Utf8 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage;]
  + Utf8 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticatorNone;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [bread]
  + Utf8 [checkRequest]
  + Utf8 [endSession]
  + Utf8 [found]
  + Utf8 [getInputStream]
  + Utf8 [getOutputStream]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [in]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/io/InputStream]
  + Utf8 [java/io/OutputStream]
  + Utf8 [java/io/PushbackInputStream]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/net/Socket]
  + Utf8 [methodId]
  + Utf8 [method_ids]
  + Utf8 [msg]
  + Utf8 [net/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator]
  + Utf8 [net/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticatorNone]
  + Utf8 [num_methods]
  + Utf8 [out]
  + Utf8 [read]
  + Utf8 [response]
  + Utf8 [s]
  + Utf8 [selectSocks5Authentication]
  + Utf8 [socks5response]
  + Utf8 [startSession]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [unread]
  + Utf8 [version]
  + Utf8 [write]

Fields (count = 3):
  + Field:        socks5response [B
    Access flags: 0x18
      = static final byte[] socks5response
  + Field:        in Ljava/io/InputStream;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = in
  + Field:        out Ljava/io/OutputStream;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = out

Methods (count = 9):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 11, locals = 0, stack = 4):
      [0] iconst_2
      [1] newarray 8
      [3] dup
      [4] iconst_0
      [5] iconst_5
      [6] bastore
      [7] putstatic #11
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticatorNone.socks5response [B]
      [10] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 38
        [10] -> line 36
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public ServerAuthenticatorNone()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #18
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aconst_null
      [6] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ Ljava/io/InputStream;]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aconst_null
      [11] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticatorNone.out Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [14] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 46
        [4] -> line 47
        [9] -> line 48
        [14] -> line 49
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 15 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticatorNone; this]
  + Method:       <init>(Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/OutputStream;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public ServerAuthenticatorNone(,
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #18
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ Ljava/io/InputStream;]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aload_2 v2
      [11] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticatorNone.out Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [14] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 56
        [4] -> line 57
        [9] -> line 58
        [14] -> line 59
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 15 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticatorNone; this]
        v1: 0 -> 15 [Ljava/io/InputStream; in]
        v2: 0 -> 15 [Ljava/io/OutputStream; out]
  + Method:       startSession(Ljava/net/Socket;)Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticator;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public net.sourceforge.jsocks.server.ServerAuthenticator startSession(
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 67, locals = 5, stack = 4):
      [0] new #4
        + Class [java/io/PushbackInputStream]
      [3] dup
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] invokevirtual #19
        + Methodref [java/net/Socket.getInputStream ()Ljava/io/InputStream;]
      [8] invokespecial #15
        + Methodref [java/io/PushbackInputStream.<init> (Ljava/io/InputStream;)V]
      [11] astore_2 v2
      [12] aload_1 v1
      [13] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [java/net/Socket.getOutputStream ()Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [16] astore_3 v3
      [17] aload_2 v2
      [18] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [java/io/ ()I]
      [21] istore v4
      [23] iload v4
      [25] iconst_5
      [26] ificmpne +14 (target=40)
      [29] aload_2 v2
      [30] aload_3 v3
      [31] iconst_0
      [32] invokestatic #22
        + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticatorNone.selectSocks5Authentication (Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/OutputStream;I)Z]
      [35] ifne +22 (target=57)
      [38] aconst_null
      [39] areturn
      [40] iload v4
      [42] iconst_4
      [43] ificmpne +12 (target=55)
      [46] aload_2 v2
      [47] iload v4
      [49] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [java/io/PushbackInputStream.unread (I)V]
      [52] goto +5 (target=57)
      [55] aconst_null
      [56] areturn
      [57] new #8
        + Class [net/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticatorNone]
      [60] dup
      [61] aload_2 v2
      [62] aload_3 v3
      [63] invokespecial #21
        + Methodref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticatorNone.<init> (Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/OutputStream;)V]
      [66] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 10)
        [0] -> line 68
        [12] -> line 69
        [17] -> line 71
        [23] -> line 72
        [29] -> line 73
        [38] -> line 74
        [40] -> line 75
        [46] -> line 77
        [55] -> line 79
        [57] -> line 82
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 67 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticatorNone; this]
        v1: 0 -> 67 [Ljava/net/Socket; s]
        v2: 12 -> 67 [Ljava/io/PushbackInputStream; in]
        v3: 17 -> 67 [Ljava/io/OutputStream; out]
        v4: 23 -> 67 [I version]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       getInputStream()Ljava/io/InputStream;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public getInputStream()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ Ljava/io/InputStream;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 90
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticatorNone; this]
  + Method:       getOutputStream()Ljava/io/OutputStream;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public getOutputStream()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [net/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticatorNone.out Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 97
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticatorNone; this]
  + Method:       checkRequest(Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean checkRequest(net.sourceforge.jsocks.ProxyMessage)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 2, locals = 2, stack = 1):
      [0] iconst_1
      [1] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 111
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 2 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticatorNone; this]
        v1: 0 -> 2 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/ProxyMessage; msg]
  + Method:       endSession()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void endSession()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 1, locals = 1, stack = 0):
      [0] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 125
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 1 [Lnet/sourceforge/jsocks/server/ServerAuthenticatorNone; this]
  + Method:       selectSocks5Authentication(Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/OutputStream;I)Z
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static boolean selectSocks5Authentication(,,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 108, locals = 9, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokevirtual #12
        + Methodref [java/io/ ()I]
      [4] istore_3 v3
      [5] iload_3 v3
      [6] ifgt +5 (target=11)
      [9] iconst_0
      [10] ireturn
      [11] iload_3 v3
      [12] newarray 8
      [14] astore v4
      [16] iconst_2
      [17] newarray 8
      [19] astore v5
      [21] iconst_0
      [22] istore v6
      [24] aload v5
      [26] iconst_0
      [27] iconst_5
      [28] bastore
      [29] aload v5
      [31] iconst_1
      [32] iconst_m1
      [33] bastore
      [34] iconst_0
      [35] istore v7
      [37] goto +20 (target=57)
      [40] iload v7
      [42] aload_0 v0
      [43] aload v4
      [45] iload v7
      [47] iload_3 v3
      [48] iload v7
      [50] isub
      [51] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [java/io/ ([BII)I]
      [54] iadd
      [55] istore v7
      [57] iload v7
      [59] iload_3 v3
      [60] ificmplt -20 (target=40)
      [63] iconst_0
      [64] istore v8
      [66] goto +27 (target=93)
      [69] aload v4
      [71] iload v8
      [73] baload
      [74] iload_2 v2
      [75] ificmpne +15 (target=90)
      [78] iconst_1
      [79] istore v6
      [81] aload v5
      [83] iconst_1
      [84] iload_2 v2
      [85] i2b
      [86] bastore
      [87] goto +12 (target=99)
      [90] iinc v8, 1
      [93] iload v8
      [95] iload_3 v3
      [96] ificmplt -27 (target=69)
      [99] aload_1 v1
      [100] aload v5
      [102] invokevirtual #14
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
      [105] iload v6
      [107] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 19)
        [0] -> line 146
        [5] -> line 147
        [11] -> line 148
        [16] -> line 149
        [21] -> line 150
        [24] -> line 152
        [29] -> line 153
        [34] -> line 155
        [37] -> line 156
        [40] -> line 157
        [57] -> line 156
        [63] -> line 159
        [69] -> line 160
        [78] -> line 161
        [81] -> line 162
        [87] -> line 163
        [90] -> line 159
        [99] -> line 166
        [105] -> line 167
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 9)
        v0: 0 -> 108 [Ljava/io/InputStream; in]
        v1: 0 -> 108 [Ljava/io/OutputStream; out]
        v2: 0 -> 108 [I methodId]
        v3: 5 -> 108 [I num_methods]
        v4: 16 -> 108 [[B method_ids]
        v5: 21 -> 108 [[B response]
        v6: 24 -> 108 [Z found]
        v7: 37 -> 108 [I bread]
        v8: 66 -> 99 [I i]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437
  Superclass:    java/nio/charset/Charset
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class org.apache.harmony.niochar.charset.additional.IBM437 extends java.nio.charset.Charset

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 57):
  + String [IBM367]
  + String [IBM437]
  + String [US-ASCII]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/nio/charset/Charset]
  + Class [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437]
  + Class [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Decoder]
  + Class [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Encoder]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.equalsIgnoreCase (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/nio/charset/Charset.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/nio/charset/ ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Decoder.<init> (Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;Lorg/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Decoder;)V]
  + Methodref [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Encoder.<init> (Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;Lorg/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Encoder;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;Lorg/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Decoder;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;Lorg/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Encoder;)V]
  + NameAndType [equalsIgnoreCase (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + NameAndType [name ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/nio/charset/CharsetDecoder;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/nio/charset/CharsetEncoder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;Lorg/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Decoder;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;Lorg/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Encoder;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Decoder]
  + Utf8 [Encoder]
  + Utf8 [IBM367]
  + Utf8 [IBM437]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lorg/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437;]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [US-ASCII]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [aliases]
  + Utf8 [contains]
  + Utf8 [cs]
  + Utf8 [csName]
  + Utf8 [equalsIgnoreCase]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/nio/charset/Charset]
  + Utf8 [name]
  + Utf8 [newDecoder]
  + Utf8 [newEncoder]
  + Utf8 [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437]
  + Utf8 [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Decoder]
  + Utf8 [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Encoder]
  + Utf8 [this]

Fields (count = 0):

Methods (count = 4):
  + Method:       <init>(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public IBM437(java.lang.String,java.lang.String[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 7, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] aload_2 v2
      [3] invokespecial #10
        + Methodref [java/nio/charset/Charset.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [6] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 35
        [6] -> line 36
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 7 [Lorg/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437; this]
        v1: 0 -> 7 [Ljava/lang/String; csName]
        v2: 0 -> 7 [[Ljava/lang/String; aliases]
  + Method:       contains(Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean contains(java.nio.charset.Charset)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 40, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] invokevirtual #11
        + Methodref [java/nio/charset/ ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4] ldc #1
        + String [IBM367]
      [6] invokevirtual #9
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equalsIgnoreCase (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [9] ifne +29 (target=38)
      [12] aload_1 v1
      [13] invokevirtual #11
        + Methodref [java/nio/charset/ ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [16] ldc #2
        + String [IBM437]
      [18] invokevirtual #9
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equalsIgnoreCase (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [21] ifne +17 (target=38)
      [24] aload_1 v1
      [25] invokevirtual #11
        + Methodref [java/nio/charset/ ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [28] ldc #3
        + String [US-ASCII]
      [30] invokevirtual #9
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equalsIgnoreCase (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [33] ifne +5 (target=38)
      [36] iconst_0
      [37] ireturn
      [38] iconst_1
      [39] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 39
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 40 [Lorg/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437; this]
        v1: 0 -> 40 [Ljava/nio/charset/Charset; cs]
  + Method:       newDecoder()Ljava/nio/charset/CharsetDecoder;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder newDecoder()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 1, stack = 4):
      [0] new #7
        + Class [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Decoder]
      [3] dup
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aconst_null
      [6] invokespecial #12
        + Methodref [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Decoder.<init> (Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;Lorg/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Decoder;)V]
      [9] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 43
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lorg/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437; this]
  + Method:       newEncoder()Ljava/nio/charset/CharsetEncoder;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder newEncoder()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 1, stack = 4):
      [0] new #8
        + Class [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Encoder]
      [3] dup
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aconst_null
      [6] invokespecial #13
        + Methodref [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Encoder.<init> (Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;Lorg/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Encoder;)V]
      [9] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 47
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lorg/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437; this]

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x1a = private static final 
      + Class [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Decoder]
      + Class [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437]
      + Utf8 [Decoder]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x1a = private static final 
      + Class [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Encoder]
      + Class [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437]
      + Utf8 [Encoder]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Decoder
  Superclass:    java/nio/charset/CharsetDecoder
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x30
    = final class org.apache.harmony.niochar.charset.additional.IBM437$Decoder extends java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 99):
  + Class [java/nio/ByteBuffer]
  + Class [java/nio/CharBuffer]
  + Class [java/nio/charset/CharsetDecoder]
  + Class [java/nio/charset/CoderResult]
  + Class [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437]
  + Class [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Decoder]
  + Fieldref [java/nio/charset/CoderResult.OVERFLOW Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult;]
  + Fieldref [java/nio/charset/CoderResult.UNDERFLOW Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult;]
  + Fieldref [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Decoder.arr [C]
  + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.array ()[B]
  + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.get ()B]
  + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.hasArray ()Z]
  + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.hasRemaining ()Z]
  + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.position ()I]
  + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.position (I)Ljava/nio/Buffer;]
  + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.remaining ()I]
  + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.array ()[C]
  + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.hasArray ()Z]
  + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.position ()I]
  + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.position (I)Ljava/nio/Buffer;]
  + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.put (C)Ljava/nio/CharBuffer;]
  + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.remaining ()I]
  + Methodref [java/nio/charset/CharsetDecoder.<init> (Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;FF)V]
  + Methodref [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Decoder.<init> (Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;FF)V]
  + NameAndType [OVERFLOW Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult;]
  + NameAndType [UNDERFLOW Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult;]
  + NameAndType [arr [C]
  + NameAndType [array ()[B]
  + NameAndType [array ()[C]
  + NameAndType [get ()B]
  + NameAndType [hasArray ()Z]
  + NameAndType [hasRemaining ()Z]
  + NameAndType [position ()I]
  + NameAndType [position (I)Ljava/nio/Buffer;]
  + NameAndType [put (C)Ljava/nio/CharBuffer;]
  + NameAndType [remaining ()I]
  + Utf8 [()B]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [()[C]
  + Utf8 [(C)Ljava/nio/CharBuffer;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/nio/Buffer;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;Ljava/nio/CharBuffer;)Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;FF)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;Lorg/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Decoder;)V]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [C]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Decoder]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/nio/CharBuffer;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lorg/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Decoder;]
  + Utf8 [OVERFLOW]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [UNDERFLOW]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [[C]
  + Utf8 [arr]
  + Utf8 [array]
  + Utf8 [bArr]
  + Utf8 [bStart]
  + Utf8 [bb]
  + Utf8 [cArr]
  + Utf8 [cStart]
  + Utf8 [cb]
  + Utf8 [cbRemaining]
  + Utf8 [cs]
  + Utf8 [decodeLoop]
  + Utf8 [get]
  + Utf8 [hasArray]
  + Utf8 [hasRemaining]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [in]
  + Utf8 [index]
  + Utf8 [java/nio/ByteBuffer]
  + Utf8 [java/nio/CharBuffer]
  + Utf8 [java/nio/charset/CharsetDecoder]
  + Utf8 [java/nio/charset/CoderResult]
  + Utf8 [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437]
  + Utf8 [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Decoder]
  + Utf8 [position]
  + Utf8 [put]
  + Utf8 [rem]
  + Utf8 [remaining]
  + Utf8 [this]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        arr [C
    Access flags: 0x18
      = static final char[] arr

Methods (count = 4):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 1613, locals = 0, stack = 4):
      [0] sipush 230
      [3] newarray 5
      [5] dup
      [6] iconst_0
      [7] bipush 28
      [9] castore
      [10] dup
      [11] iconst_1
      [12] bipush 27
      [14] castore
      [15] dup
      [16] iconst_2
      [17] bipush 127
      [19] castore
      [20] dup
      [21] iconst_3
      [22] bipush 29
      [24] castore
      [25] dup
      [26] iconst_4
      [27] bipush 30
      [29] castore
      [30] dup
      [31] iconst_5
      [32] bipush 31
      [34] castore
      [35] dup
      [36] bipush 6
      [38] bipush 32
      [40] castore
      [41] dup
      [42] bipush 7
      [44] bipush 33
      [46] castore
      [47] dup
      [48] bipush 8
      [50] bipush 34
      [52] castore
      [53] dup
      [54] bipush 9
      [56] bipush 35
      [58] castore
      [59] dup
      [60] bipush 10
      [62] bipush 36
      [64] castore
      [65] dup
      [66] bipush 11
      [68] bipush 37
      [70] castore
      [71] dup
      [72] bipush 12
      [74] bipush 38
      [76] castore
      [77] dup
      [78] bipush 13
      [80] bipush 39
      [82] castore
      [83] dup
      [84] bipush 14
      [86] bipush 40
      [88] castore
      [89] dup
      [90] bipush 15
      [92] bipush 41
      [94] castore
      [95] dup
      [96] bipush 16
      [98] bipush 42
      [100] castore
      [101] dup
      [102] bipush 17
      [104] bipush 43
      [106] castore
      [107] dup
      [108] bipush 18
      [110] bipush 44
      [112] castore
      [113] dup
      [114] bipush 19
      [116] bipush 45
      [118] castore
      [119] dup
      [120] bipush 20
      [122] bipush 46
      [124] castore
      [125] dup
      [126] bipush 21
      [128] bipush 47
      [130] castore
      [131] dup
      [132] bipush 22
      [134] bipush 48
      [136] castore
      [137] dup
      [138] bipush 23
      [140] bipush 49
      [142] castore
      [143] dup
      [144] bipush 24
      [146] bipush 50
      [148] castore
      [149] dup
      [150] bipush 25
      [152] bipush 51
      [154] castore
      [155] dup
      [156] bipush 26
      [158] bipush 52
      [160] castore
      [161] dup
      [162] bipush 27
      [164] bipush 53
      [166] castore
      [167] dup
      [168] bipush 28
      [170] bipush 54
      [172] castore
      [173] dup
      [174] bipush 29
      [176] bipush 55
      [178] castore
      [179] dup
      [180] bipush 30
      [182] bipush 56
      [184] castore
      [185] dup
      [186] bipush 31
      [188] bipush 57
      [190] castore
      [191] dup
      [192] bipush 32
      [194] bipush 58
      [196] castore
      [197] dup
      [198] bipush 33
      [200] bipush 59
      [202] castore
      [203] dup
      [204] bipush 34
      [206] bipush 60
      [208] castore
      [209] dup
      [210] bipush 35
      [212] bipush 61
      [214] castore
      [215] dup
      [216] bipush 36
      [218] bipush 62
      [220] castore
      [221] dup
      [222] bipush 37
      [224] bipush 63
      [226] castore
      [227] dup
      [228] bipush 38
      [230] bipush 64
      [232] castore
      [233] dup
      [234] bipush 39
      [236] bipush 65
      [238] castore
      [239] dup
      [240] bipush 40
      [242] bipush 66
      [244] castore
      [245] dup
      [246] bipush 41
      [248] bipush 67
      [250] castore
      [251] dup
      [252] bipush 42
      [254] bipush 68
      [256] castore
      [257] dup
      [258] bipush 43
      [260] bipush 69
      [262] castore
      [263] dup
      [264] bipush 44
      [266] bipush 70
      [268] castore
      [269] dup
      [270] bipush 45
      [272] bipush 71
      [274] castore
      [275] dup
      [276] bipush 46
      [278] bipush 72
      [280] castore
      [281] dup
      [282] bipush 47
      [284] bipush 73
      [286] castore
      [287] dup
      [288] bipush 48
      [290] bipush 74
      [292] castore
      [293] dup
      [294] bipush 49
      [296] bipush 75
      [298] castore
      [299] dup
      [300] bipush 50
      [302] bipush 76
      [304] castore
      [305] dup
      [306] bipush 51
      [308] bipush 77
      [310] castore
      [311] dup
      [312] bipush 52
      [314] bipush 78
      [316] castore
      [317] dup
      [318] bipush 53
      [320] bipush 79
      [322] castore
      [323] dup
      [324] bipush 54
      [326] bipush 80
      [328] castore
      [329] dup
      [330] bipush 55
      [332] bipush 81
      [334] castore
      [335] dup
      [336] bipush 56
      [338] bipush 82
      [340] castore
      [341] dup
      [342] bipush 57
      [344] bipush 83
      [346] castore
      [347] dup
      [348] bipush 58
      [350] bipush 84
      [352] castore
      [353] dup
      [354] bipush 59
      [356] bipush 85
      [358] castore
      [359] dup
      [360] bipush 60
      [362] bipush 86
      [364] castore
      [365] dup
      [366] bipush 61
      [368] bipush 87
      [370] castore
      [371] dup
      [372] bipush 62
      [374] bipush 88
      [376] castore
      [377] dup
      [378] bipush 63
      [380] bipush 89
      [382] castore
      [383] dup
      [384] bipush 64
      [386] bipush 90
      [388] castore
      [389] dup
      [390] bipush 65
      [392] bipush 91
      [394] castore
      [395] dup
      [396] bipush 66
      [398] bipush 92
      [400] castore
      [401] dup
      [402] bipush 67
      [404] bipush 93
      [406] castore
      [407] dup
      [408] bipush 68
      [410] bipush 94
      [412] castore
      [413] dup
      [414] bipush 69
      [416] bipush 95
      [418] castore
      [419] dup
      [420] bipush 70
      [422] bipush 96
      [424] castore
      [425] dup
      [426] bipush 71
      [428] bipush 97
      [430] castore
      [431] dup
      [432] bipush 72
      [434] bipush 98
      [436] castore
      [437] dup
      [438] bipush 73
      [440] bipush 99
      [442] castore
      [443] dup
      [444] bipush 74
      [446] bipush 100
      [448] castore
      [449] dup
      [450] bipush 75
      [452] bipush 101
      [454] castore
      [455] dup
      [456] bipush 76
      [458] bipush 102
      [460] castore
      [461] dup
      [462] bipush 77
      [464] bipush 103
      [466] castore
      [467] dup
      [468] bipush 78
      [470] bipush 104
      [472] castore
      [473] dup
      [474] bipush 79
      [476] bipush 105
      [478] castore
      [479] dup
      [480] bipush 80
      [482] bipush 106
      [484] castore
      [485] dup
      [486] bipush 81
      [488] bipush 107
      [490] castore
      [491] dup
      [492] bipush 82
      [494] bipush 108
      [496] castore
      [497] dup
      [498] bipush 83
      [500] bipush 109
      [502] castore
      [503] dup
      [504] bipush 84
      [506] bipush 110
      [508] castore
      [509] dup
      [510] bipush 85
      [512] bipush 111
      [514] castore
      [515] dup
      [516] bipush 86
      [518] bipush 112
      [520] castore
      [521] dup
      [522] bipush 87
      [524] bipush 113
      [526] castore
      [527] dup
      [528] bipush 88
      [530] bipush 114
      [532] castore
      [533] dup
      [534] bipush 89
      [536] bipush 115
      [538] castore
      [539] dup
      [540] bipush 90
      [542] bipush 116
      [544] castore
      [545] dup
      [546] bipush 91
      [548] bipush 117
      [550] castore
      [551] dup
      [552] bipush 92
      [554] bipush 118
      [556] castore
      [557] dup
      [558] bipush 93
      [560] bipush 119
      [562] castore
      [563] dup
      [564] bipush 94
      [566] bipush 120
      [568] castore
      [569] dup
      [570] bipush 95
      [572] bipush 121
      [574] castore
      [575] dup
      [576] bipush 96
      [578] bipush 122
      [580] castore
      [581] dup
      [582] bipush 97
      [584] bipush 123
      [586] castore
      [587] dup
      [588] bipush 98
      [590] bipush 124
      [592] castore
      [593] dup
      [594] bipush 99
      [596] bipush 125
      [598] castore
      [599] dup
      [600] bipush 100
      [602] bipush 126
      [604] castore
      [605] dup
      [606] bipush 101
      [608] bipush 26
      [610] castore
      [611] dup
      [612] bipush 102
      [614] sipush 199
      [617] castore
      [618] dup
      [619] bipush 103
      [621] sipush 252
      [624] castore
      [625] dup
      [626] bipush 104
      [628] sipush 233
      [631] castore
      [632] dup
      [633] bipush 105
      [635] sipush 226
      [638] castore
      [639] dup
      [640] bipush 106
      [642] sipush 228
      [645] castore
      [646] dup
      [647] bipush 107
      [649] sipush 224
      [652] castore
      [653] dup
      [654] bipush 108
      [656] sipush 229
      [659] castore
      [660] dup
      [661] bipush 109
      [663] sipush 231
      [666] castore
      [667] dup
      [668] bipush 110
      [670] sipush 234
      [673] castore
      [674] dup
      [675] bipush 111
      [677] sipush 235
      [680] castore
      [681] dup
      [682] bipush 112
      [684] sipush 232
      [687] castore
      [688] dup
      [689] bipush 113
      [691] sipush 239
      [694] castore
      [695] dup
      [696] bipush 114
      [698] sipush 238
      [701] castore
      [702] dup
      [703] bipush 115
      [705] sipush 236
      [708] castore
      [709] dup
      [710] bipush 116
      [712] sipush 196
      [715] castore
      [716] dup
      [717] bipush 117
      [719] sipush 197
      [722] castore
      [723] dup
      [724] bipush 118
      [726] sipush 201
      [729] castore
      [730] dup
      [731] bipush 119
      [733] sipush 230
      [736] castore
      [737] dup
      [738] bipush 120
      [740] sipush 198
      [743] castore
      [744] dup
      [745] bipush 121
      [747] sipush 244
      [750] castore
      [751] dup
      [752] bipush 122
      [754] sipush 246
      [757] castore
      [758] dup
      [759] bipush 123
      [761] sipush 242
      [764] castore
      [765] dup
      [766] bipush 124
      [768] sipush 251
      [771] castore
      [772] dup
      [773] bipush 125
      [775] sipush 249
      [778] castore
      [779] dup
      [780] bipush 126
      [782] sipush 255
      [785] castore
      [786] dup
      [787] bipush 127
      [789] sipush 214
      [792] castore
      [793] dup
      [794] sipush 128
      [797] sipush 220
      [800] castore
      [801] dup
      [802] sipush 129
      [805] sipush 162
      [808] castore
      [809] dup
      [810] sipush 130
      [813] sipush 163
      [816] castore
      [817] dup
      [818] sipush 131
      [821] sipush 165
      [824] castore
      [825] dup
      [826] sipush 132
      [829] sipush 8359
      [832] castore
      [833] dup
      [834] sipush 133
      [837] sipush 402
      [840] castore
      [841] dup
      [842] sipush 134
      [845] sipush 225
      [848] castore
      [849] dup
      [850] sipush 135
      [853] sipush 237
      [856] castore
      [857] dup
      [858] sipush 136
      [861] sipush 243
      [864] castore
      [865] dup
      [866] sipush 137
      [869] sipush 250
      [872] castore
      [873] dup
      [874] sipush 138
      [877] sipush 241
      [880] castore
      [881] dup
      [882] sipush 139
      [885] sipush 209
      [888] castore
      [889] dup
      [890] sipush 140
      [893] sipush 170
      [896] castore
      [897] dup
      [898] sipush 141
      [901] sipush 186
      [904] castore
      [905] dup
      [906] sipush 142
      [909] sipush 191
      [912] castore
      [913] dup
      [914] sipush 143
      [917] sipush 8976
      [920] castore
      [921] dup
      [922] sipush 144
      [925] sipush 172
      [928] castore
      [929] dup
      [930] sipush 145
      [933] sipush 189
      [936] castore
      [937] dup
      [938] sipush 146
      [941] sipush 188
      [944] castore
      [945] dup
      [946] sipush 147
      [949] sipush 161
      [952] castore
      [953] dup
      [954] sipush 148
      [957] sipush 171
      [960] castore
      [961] dup
      [962] sipush 149
      [965] sipush 187
      [968] castore
      [969] dup
      [970] sipush 150
      [973] sipush 9617
      [976] castore
      [977] dup
      [978] sipush 151
      [981] sipush 9618
      [984] castore
      [985] dup
      [986] sipush 152
      [989] sipush 9619
      [992] castore
      [993] dup
      [994] sipush 153
      [997] sipush 9474
      [1000] castore
      [1001] dup
      [1002] sipush 154
      [1005] sipush 9508
      [1008] castore
      [1009] dup
      [1010] sipush 155
      [1013] sipush 9569
      [1016] castore
      [1017] dup
      [1018] sipush 156
      [1021] sipush 9570
      [1024] castore
      [1025] dup
      [1026] sipush 157
      [1029] sipush 9558
      [1032] castore
      [1033] dup
      [1034] sipush 158
      [1037] sipush 9557
      [1040] castore
      [1041] dup
      [1042] sipush 159
      [1045] sipush 9571
      [1048] castore
      [1049] dup
      [1050] sipush 160
      [1053] sipush 9553
      [1056] castore
      [1057] dup
      [1058] sipush 161
      [1061] sipush 9559
      [1064] castore
      [1065] dup
      [1066] sipush 162
      [1069] sipush 9565
      [1072] castore
      [1073] dup
      [1074] sipush 163
      [1077] sipush 9564
      [1080] castore
      [1081] dup
      [1082] sipush 164
      [1085] sipush 9563
      [1088] castore
      [1089] dup
      [1090] sipush 165
      [1093] sipush 9488
      [1096] castore
      [1097] dup
      [1098] sipush 166
      [1101] sipush 9492
      [1104] castore
      [1105] dup
      [1106] sipush 167
      [1109] sipush 9524
      [1112] castore
      [1113] dup
      [1114] sipush 168
      [1117] sipush 9516
      [1120] castore
      [1121] dup
      [1122] sipush 169
      [1125] sipush 9500
      [1128] castore
      [1129] dup
      [1130] sipush 170
      [1133] sipush 9472
      [1136] castore
      [1137] dup
      [1138] sipush 171
      [1141] sipush 9532
      [1144] castore
      [1145] dup
      [1146] sipush 172
      [1149] sipush 9566
      [1152] castore
      [1153] dup
      [1154] sipush 173
      [1157] sipush 9567
      [1160] castore
      [1161] dup
      [1162] sipush 174
      [1165] sipush 9562
      [1168] castore
      [1169] dup
      [1170] sipush 175
      [1173] sipush 9556
      [1176] castore
      [1177] dup
      [1178] sipush 176
      [1181] sipush 9577
      [1184] castore
      [1185] dup
      [1186] sipush 177
      [1189] sipush 9574
      [1192] castore
      [1193] dup
      [1194] sipush 178
      [1197] sipush 9568
      [1200] castore
      [1201] dup
      [1202] sipush 179
      [1205] sipush 9552
      [1208] castore
      [1209] dup
      [1210] sipush 180
      [1213] sipush 9580
      [1216] castore
      [1217] dup
      [1218] sipush 181
      [1221] sipush 9575
      [1224] castore
      [1225] dup
      [1226] sipush 182
      [1229] sipush 9576
      [1232] castore
      [1233] dup
      [1234] sipush 183
      [1237] sipush 9572
      [1240] castore
      [1241] dup
      [1242] sipush 184
      [1245] sipush 9573
      [1248] castore
      [1249] dup
      [1250] sipush 185
      [1253] sipush 9561
      [1256] castore
      [1257] dup
      [1258] sipush 186
      [1261] sipush 9560
      [1264] castore
      [1265] dup
      [1266] sipush 187
      [1269] sipush 9554
      [1272] castore
      [1273] dup
      [1274] sipush 188
      [1277] sipush 9555
      [1280] castore
      [1281] dup
      [1282] sipush 189
      [1285] sipush 9579
      [1288] castore
      [1289] dup
      [1290] sipush 190
      [1293] sipush 9578
      [1296] castore
      [1297] dup
      [1298] sipush 191
      [1301] sipush 9496
      [1304] castore
      [1305] dup
      [1306] sipush 192
      [1309] sipush 9484
      [1312] castore
      [1313] dup
      [1314] sipush 193
      [1317] sipush 9608
      [1320] castore
      [1321] dup
      [1322] sipush 194
      [1325] sipush 9604
      [1328] castore
      [1329] dup
      [1330] sipush 195
      [1333] sipush 9612
      [1336] castore
      [1337] dup
      [1338] sipush 196
      [1341] sipush 9616
      [1344] castore
      [1345] dup
      [1346] sipush 197
      [1349] sipush 9600
      [1352] castore
      [1353] dup
      [1354] sipush 198
      [1357] sipush 945
      [1360] castore
      [1361] dup
      [1362] sipush 199
      [1365] sipush 223
      [1368] castore
      [1369] dup
      [1370] sipush 200
      [1373] sipush 915
      [1376] castore
      [1377] dup
      [1378] sipush 201
      [1381] sipush 960
      [1384] castore
      [1385] dup
      [1386] sipush 202
      [1389] sipush 931
      [1392] castore
      [1393] dup
      [1394] sipush 203
      [1397] sipush 963
      [1400] castore
      [1401] dup
      [1402] sipush 204
      [1405] sipush 956
      [1408] castore
      [1409] dup
      [1410] sipush 205
      [1413] sipush 964
      [1416] castore
      [1417] dup
      [1418] sipush 206
      [1421] sipush 934
      [1424] castore
      [1425] dup
      [1426] sipush 207
      [1429] sipush 920
      [1432] castore
      [1433] dup
      [1434] sipush 208
      [1437] sipush 937
      [1440] castore
      [1441] dup
      [1442] sipush 209
      [1445] sipush 948
      [1448] castore
      [1449] dup
      [1450] sipush 210
      [1453] sipush 8734
      [1456] castore
      [1457] dup
      [1458] sipush 211
      [1461] sipush 966
      [1464] castore
      [1465] dup
      [1466] sipush 212
      [1469] sipush 949
      [1472] castore
      [1473] dup
      [1474] sipush 213
      [1477] sipush 8745
      [1480] castore
      [1481] dup
      [1482] sipush 214
      [1485] sipush 8801
      [1488] castore
      [1489] dup
      [1490] sipush 215
      [1493] sipush 177
      [1496] castore
      [1497] dup
      [1498] sipush 216
      [1501] sipush 8805
      [1504] castore
      [1505] dup
      [1506] sipush 217
      [1509] sipush 8804
      [1512] castore
      [1513] dup
      [1514] sipush 218
      [1517] sipush 8992
      [1520] castore
      [1521] dup
      [1522] sipush 219
      [1525] sipush 8993
      [1528] castore
      [1529] dup
      [1530] sipush 220
      [1533] sipush 247
      [1536] castore
      [1537] dup
      [1538] sipush 221
      [1541] sipush 8776
      [1544] castore
      [1545] dup
      [1546] sipush 222
      [1549] sipush 176
      [1552] castore
      [1553] dup
      [1554] sipush 223
      [1557] sipush 8729
      [1560] castore
      [1561] dup
      [1562] sipush 224
      [1565] sipush 183
      [1568] castore
      [1569] dup
      [1570] sipush 225
      [1573] sipush 8730
      [1576] castore
      [1577] dup
      [1578] sipush 226
      [1581] sipush 8319
      [1584] castore
      [1585] dup
      [1586] sipush 227
      [1589] sipush 178
      [1592] castore
      [1593] dup
      [1594] sipush 228
      [1597] sipush 9632
      [1600] castore
      [1601] dup
      [1602] sipush 229
      [1605] sipush 160
      [1608] castore
      [1609] putstatic #9
        + Fieldref [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Decoder.arr [C]
      [1612] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 32)
        [0] -> line 116
        [7] -> line 117
        [38] -> line 118
        [86] -> line 119
        [134] -> line 120
        [182] -> line 121
        [230] -> line 122
        [278] -> line 123
        [326] -> line 124
        [374] -> line 125
        [422] -> line 126
        [470] -> line 127
        [518] -> line 128
        [566] -> line 129
        [614] -> line 130
        [670] -> line 131
        [726] -> line 132
        [782] -> line 133
        [845] -> line 134
        [909] -> line 135
        [973] -> line 136
        [1037] -> line 137
        [1101] -> line 138
        [1165] -> line 139
        [1229] -> line 140
        [1293] -> line 141
        [1357] -> line 142
        [1421] -> line 143
        [1485] -> line 144
        [1549] -> line 145
        [1609] -> line 116
        [1612] -> line 50
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>(Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private IBM437$Decoder(java.nio.charset.Charset)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 8, locals = 2, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] fconst_1
      [3] fconst_1
      [4] invokespecial #23
        + Methodref [java/nio/charset/CharsetDecoder.<init> (Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;FF)V]
      [7] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 52
        [7] -> line 54
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 8 [Lorg/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Decoder; this]
        v1: 0 -> 8 [Ljava/nio/charset/Charset; cs]
  + Method:       decodeLoop(Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;Ljava/nio/CharBuffer;)Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult;
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected java.nio.charset.CoderResult decodeLoop(java.nio.ByteBuffer,java.nio.CharBuffer)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 245, locals = 12, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_2 v2
      [1] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.remaining ()I]
      [4] istore_3 v3
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] invokevirtual #12
        + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.hasArray ()Z]
      [9] ifeq +225 (target=234)
      [12] aload_2 v2
      [13] invokevirtual #18
        + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.hasArray ()Z]
      [16] ifeq +218 (target=234)
      [19] aload_1 v1
      [20] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.remaining ()I]
      [23] istore v4
      [25] iload_3 v3
      [26] iload v4
      [28] ificmplt +8 (target=36)
      [31] iload v4
      [33] goto +4 (target=37)
      [36] iload_3 v3
      [37] istore v4
      [39] aload_1 v1
      [40] invokevirtual #10
        + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.array ()[B]
      [43] astore v5
      [45] aload_2 v2
      [46] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.array ()[C]
      [49] astore v6
      [51] aload_1 v1
      [52] invokevirtual #14
        + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.position ()I]
      [55] istore v7
      [57] aload_2 v2
      [58] invokevirtual #19
        + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.position ()I]
      [61] istore v8
      [63] iload v7
      [65] istore v9
      [67] goto +64 (target=131)
      [70] aload v5
      [72] iload v9
      [74] baload
      [75] sipush 255
      [78] iand
      [79] i2c
      [80] istore v10
      [82] iload v10
      [84] bipush 26
      [86] ificmplt +27 (target=113)
      [89] iload v10
      [91] bipush 26
      [93] isub
      [94] istore v11
      [96] aload v6
      [98] iload v8
      [100] iinc v8, 1
      [103] getstatic #9
        + Fieldref [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Decoder.arr [C]
      [106] iload v11
      [108] caload
      [109] castore
      [110] goto +18 (target=128)
      [113] aload v6
      [115] iload v8
      [117] iinc v8, 1
      [120] iload v10
      [122] sipush 255
      [125] iand
      [126] i2c
      [127] castore
      [128] iinc v9, 1
      [131] iload v9
      [133] iload v7
      [135] iload v4
      [137] iadd
      [138] ificmplt -68 (target=70)
      [141] aload_1 v1
      [142] iload v9
      [144] invokevirtual #15
        + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.position (I)Ljava/nio/Buffer;]
      [147] pop
      [148] aload_2 v2
      [149] iload v8
      [151] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.position (I)Ljava/nio/Buffer;]
      [154] pop
      [155] iload v4
      [157] iload_3 v3
      [158] ificmpne +83 (target=241)
      [161] aload_1 v1
      [162] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.hasRemaining ()Z]
      [165] ifeq +76 (target=241)
      [168] getstatic #7
        + Fieldref [java/nio/charset/CoderResult.OVERFLOW Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult;]
      [171] areturn
      [172] iload_3 v3
      [173] ifne +7 (target=180)
      [176] getstatic #7
        + Fieldref [java/nio/charset/CoderResult.OVERFLOW Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult;]
      [179] areturn
      [180] aload_1 v1
      [181] invokevirtual #11
        + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.get ()B]
      [184] sipush 255
      [187] iand
      [188] i2c
      [189] istore v4
      [191] iload v4
      [193] bipush 26
      [195] ificmplt +24 (target=219)
      [198] iload v4
      [200] bipush 26
      [202] isub
      [203] istore v5
      [205] aload_2 v2
      [206] getstatic #9
        + Fieldref [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Decoder.arr [C]
      [209] iload v5
      [211] caload
      [212] invokevirtual #21
        + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.put (C)Ljava/nio/CharBuffer;]
      [215] pop
      [216] goto +15 (target=231)
      [219] aload_2 v2
      [220] iload v4
      [222] sipush 255
      [225] iand
      [226] i2c
      [227] invokevirtual #21
        + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.put (C)Ljava/nio/CharBuffer;]
      [230] pop
      [231] iinc v3, -1
      [234] aload_1 v1
      [235] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.hasRemaining ()Z]
      [238] ifne -66 (target=172)
      [241] getstatic #8
        + Fieldref [java/nio/charset/CoderResult.UNDERFLOW Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult;]
      [244] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 27)
        [0] -> line 60
        [5] -> line 77
        [19] -> line 78
        [25] -> line 79
        [39] -> line 80
        [45] -> line 81
        [51] -> line 82
        [57] -> line 83
        [63] -> line 85
        [70] -> line 86
        [82] -> line 87
        [89] -> line 88
        [96] -> line 89
        [113] -> line 91
        [128] -> line 85
        [141] -> line 94
        [148] -> line 95
        [155] -> line 96
        [172] -> line 99
        [180] -> line 100
        [191] -> line 101
        [198] -> line 102
        [205] -> line 103
        [219] -> line 105
        [231] -> line 107
        [234] -> line 98
        [241] -> line 113
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 14)
        v0: 0 -> 245 [Lorg/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Decoder; this]
        v1: 0 -> 245 [Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer; bb]
        v2: 0 -> 245 [Ljava/nio/CharBuffer; cb]
        v3: 5 -> 245 [I cbRemaining]
        v4: 25 -> 172 [I rem]
        v5: 45 -> 172 [[B bArr]
        v6: 51 -> 172 [[C cArr]
        v7: 57 -> 172 [I bStart]
        v8: 63 -> 172 [I cStart]
        v9: 67 -> 172 [I i]
        v10: 82 -> 128 [C in]
        v11: 96 -> 113 [I index]
        v4: 191 -> 234 [C in]
        v5: 205 -> 219 [I index]
  + Method:       <init>(Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;Lorg/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Decoder;)V
    Access flags: 0x1000
      = synthetic IBM437$Decoder(java.nio.charset.Charset,org.apache.harmony.niochar.charset.additional.IBM437$Decoder)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #24
        + Methodref [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Decoder.<init> (Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;)V]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 51
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x1a = private static final 
      + Class [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Decoder]
      + Class [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437]
      + Utf8 [Decoder]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Encoder
  Superclass:    java/nio/charset/CharsetEncoder
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x30
    = final class org.apache.harmony.niochar.charset.additional.IBM437$Encoder extends java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 115):
  + Integer [55296]
  + Integer [57343]
  + Class [java/nio/ByteBuffer]
  + Class [java/nio/CharBuffer]
  + Class [java/nio/charset/CharsetEncoder]
  + Class [java/nio/charset/CoderResult]
  + Class [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437]
  + Class [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Encoder]
  + Fieldref [java/nio/charset/CoderResult.OVERFLOW Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult;]
  + Fieldref [java/nio/charset/CoderResult.UNDERFLOW Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult;]
  + Fieldref [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Encoder.arr [C]
  + Fieldref [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Encoder.encodeIndex [I]
  + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.array ()[B]
  + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.hasArray ()Z]
  + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.position ()I]
  + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.position (I)Ljava/nio/Buffer;]
  + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.put (B)Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;]
  + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.remaining ()I]
  + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.array ()[C]
  + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.get ()C]
  + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.hasArray ()Z]
  + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.hasRemaining ()Z]
  + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.limit ()I]
  + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.position ()I]
  + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.position (I)Ljava/nio/Buffer;]
  + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.remaining ()I]
  + Methodref [java/nio/charset/CharsetEncoder.<init> (Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;FF)V]
  + Methodref [java/nio/charset/CoderResult.malformedForLength (I)Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult;]
  + Methodref [java/nio/charset/CoderResult.unmappableForLength (I)Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult;]
  + Methodref [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Encoder.<init> (Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;FF)V]
  + NameAndType [OVERFLOW Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult;]
  + NameAndType [UNDERFLOW Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult;]
  + NameAndType [arr [C]
  + NameAndType [array ()[B]
  + NameAndType [array ()[C]
  + NameAndType [encodeIndex [I]
  + NameAndType [get ()C]
  + NameAndType [hasArray ()Z]
  + NameAndType [hasRemaining ()Z]
  + NameAndType [limit ()I]
  + NameAndType [malformedForLength (I)Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult;]
  + NameAndType [position ()I]
  + NameAndType [position (I)Ljava/nio/Buffer;]
  + NameAndType [put (B)Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;]
  + NameAndType [remaining ()I]
  + NameAndType [unmappableForLength (I)Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult;]
  + Utf8 [()C]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [()[C]
  + Utf8 [(B)Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/nio/Buffer;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/nio/CharBuffer;Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;)Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;FF)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;Lorg/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Encoder;)V]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [C]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Encoder]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/nio/CharBuffer;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lorg/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Encoder;]
  + Utf8 [OVERFLOW]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [UNDERFLOW]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [[C]
  + Utf8 [[I]
  + Utf8 [arr]
  + Utf8 [array]
  + Utf8 [bb]
  + Utf8 [bbRemaining]
  + Utf8 [byteArr]
  + Utf8 [byteArrStart]
  + Utf8 [c]
  + Utf8 [c1]
  + Utf8 [cb]
  + Utf8 [charArr]
  + Utf8 [cs]
  + Utf8 [encodeIndex]
  + Utf8 [encodeLoop]
  + Utf8 [get]
  + Utf8 [hasArray]
  + Utf8 [hasRemaining]
  + Utf8 [index]
  + Utf8 [java/nio/ByteBuffer]
  + Utf8 [java/nio/CharBuffer]
  + Utf8 [java/nio/charset/CharsetEncoder]
  + Utf8 [java/nio/charset/CoderResult]
  + Utf8 [limit]
  + Utf8 [malformedForLength]
  + Utf8 [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437]
  + Utf8 [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Encoder]
  + Utf8 [position]
  + Utf8 [put]
  + Utf8 [rem]
  + Utf8 [remaining]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [unmappableForLength]
  + Utf8 [x]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        arr [C
    Access flags: 0x18
      = static final char[] arr
  + Field:        encodeIndex [I
    Access flags: 0x18
      = static final int[] encodeIndex

Methods (count = 4):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 3192, locals = 0, stack = 4):
      [0] sipush 1792
      [3] newarray 5
      [5] dup
      [6] iconst_1
      [7] iconst_1
      [8] castore
      [9] dup
      [10] iconst_2
      [11] iconst_2
      [12] castore
      [13] dup
      [14] iconst_3
      [15] iconst_3
      [16] castore
      [17] dup
      [18] iconst_4
      [19] iconst_4
      [20] castore
      [21] dup
      [22] iconst_5
      [23] iconst_5
      [24] castore
      [25] dup
      [26] bipush 6
      [28] bipush 6
      [30] castore
      [31] dup
      [32] bipush 7
      [34] bipush 7
      [36] castore
      [37] dup
      [38] bipush 8
      [40] bipush 8
      [42] castore
      [43] dup
      [44] bipush 9
      [46] bipush 9
      [48] castore
      [49] dup
      [50] bipush 10
      [52] bipush 10
      [54] castore
      [55] dup
      [56] bipush 11
      [58] bipush 11
      [60] castore
      [61] dup
      [62] bipush 12
      [64] bipush 12
      [66] castore
      [67] dup
      [68] bipush 13
      [70] bipush 13
      [72] castore
      [73] dup
      [74] bipush 14
      [76] bipush 14
      [78] castore
      [79] dup
      [80] bipush 15
      [82] bipush 15
      [84] castore
      [85] dup
      [86] bipush 16
      [88] bipush 16
      [90] castore
      [91] dup
      [92] bipush 17
      [94] bipush 17
      [96] castore
      [97] dup
      [98] bipush 18
      [100] bipush 18
      [102] castore
      [103] dup
      [104] bipush 19
      [106] bipush 19
      [108] castore
      [109] dup
      [110] bipush 20
      [112] bipush 20
      [114] castore
      [115] dup
      [116] bipush 21
      [118] bipush 21
      [120] castore
      [121] dup
      [122] bipush 22
      [124] bipush 22
      [126] castore
      [127] dup
      [128] bipush 23
      [130] bipush 23
      [132] castore
      [133] dup
      [134] bipush 24
      [136] bipush 24
      [138] castore
      [139] dup
      [140] bipush 25
      [142] bipush 25
      [144] castore
      [145] dup
      [146] bipush 26
      [148] bipush 127
      [150] castore
      [151] dup
      [152] bipush 27
      [154] bipush 27
      [156] castore
      [157] dup
      [158] bipush 28
      [160] bipush 26
      [162] castore
      [163] dup
      [164] bipush 29
      [166] bipush 29
      [168] castore
      [169] dup
      [170] bipush 30
      [172] bipush 30
      [174] castore
      [175] dup
      [176] bipush 31
      [178] bipush 31
      [180] castore
      [181] dup
      [182] bipush 32
      [184] bipush 32
      [186] castore
      [187] dup
      [188] bipush 33
      [190] bipush 33
      [192] castore
      [193] dup
      [194] bipush 34
      [196] bipush 34
      [198] castore
      [199] dup
      [200] bipush 35
      [202] bipush 35
      [204] castore
      [205] dup
      [206] bipush 36
      [208] bipush 36
      [210] castore
      [211] dup
      [212] bipush 37
      [214] bipush 37
      [216] castore
      [217] dup
      [218] bipush 38
      [220] bipush 38
      [222] castore
      [223] dup
      [224] bipush 39
      [226] bipush 39
      [228] castore
      [229] dup
      [230] bipush 40
      [232] bipush 40
      [234] castore
      [235] dup
      [236] bipush 41
      [238] bipush 41
      [240] castore
      [241] dup
      [242] bipush 42
      [244] bipush 42
      [246] castore
      [247] dup
      [248] bipush 43
      [250] bipush 43
      [252] castore
      [253] dup
      [254] bipush 44
      [256] bipush 44
      [258] castore
      [259] dup
      [260] bipush 45
      [262] bipush 45
      [264] castore
      [265] dup
      [266] bipush 46
      [268] bipush 46
      [270] castore
      [271] dup
      [272] bipush 47
      [274] bipush 47
      [276] castore
      [277] dup
      [278] bipush 48
      [280] bipush 48
      [282] castore
      [283] dup
      [284] bipush 49
      [286] bipush 49
      [288] castore
      [289] dup
      [290] bipush 50
      [292] bipush 50
      [294] castore
      [295] dup
      [296] bipush 51
      [298] bipush 51
      [300] castore
      [301] dup
      [302] bipush 52
      [304] bipush 52
      [306] castore
      [307] dup
      [308] bipush 53
      [310] bipush 53
      [312] castore
      [313] dup
      [314] bipush 54
      [316] bipush 54
      [318] castore
      [319] dup
      [320] bipush 55
      [322] bipush 55
      [324] castore
      [325] dup
      [326] bipush 56
      [328] bipush 56
      [330] castore
      [331] dup
      [332] bipush 57
      [334] bipush 57
      [336] castore
      [337] dup
      [338] bipush 58
      [340] bipush 58
      [342] castore
      [343] dup
      [344] bipush 59
      [346] bipush 59
      [348] castore
      [349] dup
      [350] bipush 60
      [352] bipush 60
      [354] castore
      [355] dup
      [356] bipush 61
      [358] bipush 61
      [360] castore
      [361] dup
      [362] bipush 62
      [364] bipush 62
      [366] castore
      [367] dup
      [368] bipush 63
      [370] bipush 63
      [372] castore
      [373] dup
      [374] bipush 64
      [376] bipush 64
      [378] castore
      [379] dup
      [380] bipush 65
      [382] bipush 65
      [384] castore
      [385] dup
      [386] bipush 66
      [388] bipush 66
      [390] castore
      [391] dup
      [392] bipush 67
      [394] bipush 67
      [396] castore
      [397] dup
      [398] bipush 68
      [400] bipush 68
      [402] castore
      [403] dup
      [404] bipush 69
      [406] bipush 69
      [408] castore
      [409] dup
      [410] bipush 70
      [412] bipush 70
      [414] castore
      [415] dup
      [416] bipush 71
      [418] bipush 71
      [420] castore
      [421] dup
      [422] bipush 72
      [424] bipush 72
      [426] castore
      [427] dup
      [428] bipush 73
      [430] bipush 73
      [432] castore
      [433] dup
      [434] bipush 74
      [436] bipush 74
      [438] castore
      [439] dup
      [440] bipush 75
      [442] bipush 75
      [444] castore
      [445] dup
      [446] bipush 76
      [448] bipush 76
      [450] castore
      [451] dup
      [452] bipush 77
      [454] bipush 77
      [456] castore
      [457] dup
      [458] bipush 78
      [460] bipush 78
      [462] castore
      [463] dup
      [464] bipush 79
      [466] bipush 79
      [468] castore
      [469] dup
      [470] bipush 80
      [472] bipush 80
      [474] castore
      [475] dup
      [476] bipush 81
      [478] bipush 81
      [480] castore
      [481] dup
      [482] bipush 82
      [484] bipush 82
      [486] castore
      [487] dup
      [488] bipush 83
      [490] bipush 83
      [492] castore
      [493] dup
      [494] bipush 84
      [496] bipush 84
      [498] castore
      [499] dup
      [500] bipush 85
      [502] bipush 85
      [504] castore
      [505] dup
      [506] bipush 86
      [508] bipush 86
      [510] castore
      [511] dup
      [512] bipush 87
      [514] bipush 87
      [516] castore
      [517] dup
      [518] bipush 88
      [520] bipush 88
      [522] castore
      [523] dup
      [524] bipush 89
      [526] bipush 89
      [528] castore
      [529] dup
      [530] bipush 90
      [532] bipush 90
      [534] castore
      [535] dup
      [536] bipush 91
      [538] bipush 91
      [540] castore
      [541] dup
      [542] bipush 92
      [544] bipush 92
      [546] castore
      [547] dup
      [548] bipush 93
      [550] bipush 93
      [552] castore
      [553] dup
      [554] bipush 94
      [556] bipush 94
      [558] castore
      [559] dup
      [560] bipush 95
      [562] bipush 95
      [564] castore
      [565] dup
      [566] bipush 96
      [568] bipush 96
      [570] castore
      [571] dup
      [572] bipush 97
      [574] bipush 97
      [576] castore
      [577] dup
      [578] bipush 98
      [580] bipush 98
      [582] castore
      [583] dup
      [584] bipush 99
      [586] bipush 99
      [588] castore
      [589] dup
      [590] bipush 100
      [592] bipush 100
      [594] castore
      [595] dup
      [596] bipush 101
      [598] bipush 101
      [600] castore
      [601] dup
      [602] bipush 102
      [604] bipush 102
      [606] castore
      [607] dup
      [608] bipush 103
      [610] bipush 103
      [612] castore
      [613] dup
      [614] bipush 104
      [616] bipush 104
      [618] castore
      [619] dup
      [620] bipush 105
      [622] bipush 105
      [624] castore
      [625] dup
      [626] bipush 106
      [628] bipush 106
      [630] castore
      [631] dup
      [632] bipush 107
      [634] bipush 107
      [636] castore
      [637] dup
      [638] bipush 108
      [640] bipush 108
      [642] castore
      [643] dup
      [644] bipush 109
      [646] bipush 109
      [648] castore
      [649] dup
      [650] bipush 110
      [652] bipush 110
      [654] castore
      [655] dup
      [656] bipush 111
      [658] bipush 111
      [660] castore
      [661] dup
      [662] bipush 112
      [664] bipush 112
      [666] castore
      [667] dup
      [668] bipush 113
      [670] bipush 113
      [672] castore
      [673] dup
      [674] bipush 114
      [676] bipush 114
      [678] castore
      [679] dup
      [680] bipush 115
      [682] bipush 115
      [684] castore
      [685] dup
      [686] bipush 116
      [688] bipush 116
      [690] castore
      [691] dup
      [692] bipush 117
      [694] bipush 117
      [696] castore
      [697] dup
      [698] bipush 118
      [700] bipush 118
      [702] castore
      [703] dup
      [704] bipush 119
      [706] bipush 119
      [708] castore
      [709] dup
      [710] bipush 120
      [712] bipush 120
      [714] castore
      [715] dup
      [716] bipush 121
      [718] bipush 121
      [720] castore
      [721] dup
      [722] bipush 122
      [724] bipush 122
      [726] castore
      [727] dup
      [728] bipush 123
      [730] bipush 123
      [732] castore
      [733] dup
      [734] bipush 124
      [736] bipush 124
      [738] castore
      [739] dup
      [740] bipush 125
      [742] bipush 125
      [744] castore
      [745] dup
      [746] bipush 126
      [748] bipush 126
      [750] castore
      [751] dup
      [752] bipush 127
      [754] bipush 28
      [756] castore
      [757] dup
      [758] sipush 160
      [761] sipush 255
      [764] castore
      [765] dup
      [766] sipush 161
      [769] sipush 173
      [772] castore
      [773] dup
      [774] sipush 162
      [777] sipush 155
      [780] castore
      [781] dup
      [782] sipush 163
      [785] sipush 156
      [788] castore
      [789] dup
      [790] sipush 165
      [793] sipush 157
      [796] castore
      [797] dup
      [798] sipush 170
      [801] sipush 166
      [804] castore
      [805] dup
      [806] sipush 171
      [809] sipush 174
      [812] castore
      [813] dup
      [814] sipush 172
      [817] sipush 170
      [820] castore
      [821] dup
      [822] sipush 176
      [825] sipush 248
      [828] castore
      [829] dup
      [830] sipush 177
      [833] sipush 241
      [836] castore
      [837] dup
      [838] sipush 178
      [841] sipush 253
      [844] castore
      [845] dup
      [846] sipush 183
      [849] sipush 250
      [852] castore
      [853] dup
      [854] sipush 186
      [857] sipush 167
      [860] castore
      [861] dup
      [862] sipush 187
      [865] sipush 175
      [868] castore
      [869] dup
      [870] sipush 188
      [873] sipush 172
      [876] castore
      [877] dup
      [878] sipush 189
      [881] sipush 171
      [884] castore
      [885] dup
      [886] sipush 191
      [889] sipush 168
      [892] castore
      [893] dup
      [894] sipush 196
      [897] sipush 142
      [900] castore
      [901] dup
      [902] sipush 197
      [905] sipush 143
      [908] castore
      [909] dup
      [910] sipush 198
      [913] sipush 146
      [916] castore
      [917] dup
      [918] sipush 199
      [921] sipush 128
      [924] castore
      [925] dup
      [926] sipush 201
      [929] sipush 144
      [932] castore
      [933] dup
      [934] sipush 209
      [937] sipush 165
      [940] castore
      [941] dup
      [942] sipush 214
      [945] sipush 153
      [948] castore
      [949] dup
      [950] sipush 220
      [953] sipush 154
      [956] castore
      [957] dup
      [958] sipush 223
      [961] sipush 225
      [964] castore
      [965] dup
      [966] sipush 224
      [969] sipush 133
      [972] castore
      [973] dup
      [974] sipush 225
      [977] sipush 160
      [980] castore
      [981] dup
      [982] sipush 226
      [985] sipush 131
      [988] castore
      [989] dup
      [990] sipush 228
      [993] sipush 132
      [996] castore
      [997] dup
      [998] sipush 229
      [1001] sipush 134
      [1004] castore
      [1005] dup
      [1006] sipush 230
      [1009] sipush 145
      [1012] castore
      [1013] dup
      [1014] sipush 231
      [1017] sipush 135
      [1020] castore
      [1021] dup
      [1022] sipush 232
      [1025] sipush 138
      [1028] castore
      [1029] dup
      [1030] sipush 233
      [1033] sipush 130
      [1036] castore
      [1037] dup
      [1038] sipush 234
      [1041] sipush 136
      [1044] castore
      [1045] dup
      [1046] sipush 235
      [1049] sipush 137
      [1052] castore
      [1053] dup
      [1054] sipush 236
      [1057] sipush 141
      [1060] castore
      [1061] dup
      [1062] sipush 237
      [1065] sipush 161
      [1068] castore
      [1069] dup
      [1070] sipush 238
      [1073] sipush 140
      [1076] castore
      [1077] dup
      [1078] sipush 239
      [1081] sipush 139
      [1084] castore
      [1085] dup
      [1086] sipush 241
      [1089] sipush 164
      [1092] castore
      [1093] dup
      [1094] sipush 242
      [1097] sipush 149
      [1100] castore
      [1101] dup
      [1102] sipush 243
      [1105] sipush 162
      [1108] castore
      [1109] dup
      [1110] sipush 244
      [1113] sipush 147
      [1116] castore
      [1117] dup
      [1118] sipush 246
      [1121] sipush 148
      [1124] castore
      [1125] dup
      [1126] sipush 247
      [1129] sipush 246
      [1132] castore
      [1133] dup
      [1134] sipush 249
      [1137] sipush 151
      [1140] castore
      [1141] dup
      [1142] sipush 250
      [1145] sipush 163
      [1148] castore
      [1149] dup
      [1150] sipush 251
      [1153] sipush 150
      [1156] castore
      [1157] dup
      [1158] sipush 252
      [1161] sipush 129
      [1164] castore
      [1165] dup
      [1166] sipush 255
      [1169] sipush 152
      [1172] castore
      [1173] dup
      [1174] sipush 402
      [1177] sipush 159
      [1180] castore
      [1181] dup
      [1182] sipush 659
      [1185] sipush 226
      [1188] castore
      [1189] dup
      [1190] sipush 664
      [1193] sipush 233
      [1196] castore
      [1197] dup
      [1198] sipush 675
      [1201] sipush 228
      [1204] castore
      [1205] dup
      [1206] sipush 678
      [1209] sipush 232
      [1212] castore
      [1213] dup
      [1214] sipush 681
      [1217] sipush 234
      [1220] castore
      [1221] dup
      [1222] sipush 689
      [1225] sipush 224
      [1228] castore
      [1229] dup
      [1230] sipush 692
      [1233] sipush 235
      [1236] castore
      [1237] dup
      [1238] sipush 693
      [1241] sipush 238
      [1244] castore
      [1245] dup
      [1246] sipush 700
      [1249] sipush 230
      [1252] castore
      [1253] dup
      [1254] sipush 704
      [1257] sipush 227
      [1260] castore
      [1261] dup
      [1262] sipush 707
      [1265] sipush 229
      [1268] castore
      [1269] dup
      [1270] sipush 708
      [1273] sipush 231
      [1276] castore
      [1277] dup
      [1278] sipush 710
      [1281] sipush 237
      [1284] castore
      [1285] dup
      [1286] sipush 895
      [1289] sipush 252
      [1292] castore
      [1293] dup
      [1294] sipush 935
      [1297] sipush 158
      [1300] castore
      [1301] dup
      [1302] sipush 1049
      [1305] sipush 249
      [1308] castore
      [1309] dup
      [1310] sipush 1050
      [1313] sipush 251
      [1316] castore
      [1317] dup
      [1318] sipush 1054
      [1321] sipush 236
      [1324] castore
      [1325] dup
      [1326] sipush 1065
      [1329] sipush 239
      [1332] castore
      [1333] dup
      [1334] sipush 1096
      [1337] sipush 247
      [1340] castore
      [1341] dup
      [1342] sipush 1121
      [1345] sipush 240
      [1348] castore
      [1349] dup
      [1350] sipush 1124
      [1353] sipush 243
      [1356] castore
      [1357] dup
      [1358] sipush 1125
      [1361] sipush 242
      [1364] castore
      [1365] dup
      [1366] sipush 1296
      [1369] sipush 169
      [1372] castore
      [1373] dup
      [1374] sipush 1312
      [1377] sipush 244
      [1380] castore
      [1381] dup
      [1382] sipush 1313
      [1385] sipush 245
      [1388] castore
      [1389] dup
      [1390] sipush 1536
      [1393] sipush 196
      [1396] castore
      [1397] dup
      [1398] sipush 1538
      [1401] sipush 179
      [1404] castore
      [1405] dup
      [1406] sipush 1548
      [1409] sipush 218
      [1412] castore
      [1413] dup
      [1414] sipush 1552
      [1417] sipush 191
      [1420] castore
      [1421] dup
      [1422] sipush 1556
      [1425] sipush 192
      [1428] castore
      [1429] dup
      [1430] sipush 1560
      [1433] sipush 217
      [1436] castore
      [1437] dup
      [1438] sipush 1564
      [1441] sipush 195
      [1444] castore
      [1445] dup
      [1446] sipush 1572
      [1449] sipush 180
      [1452] castore
      [1453] dup
      [1454] sipush 1580
      [1457] sipush 194
      [1460] castore
      [1461] dup
      [1462] sipush 1588
      [1465] sipush 193
      [1468] castore
      [1469] dup
      [1470] sipush 1596
      [1473] sipush 197
      [1476] castore
      [1477] dup
      [1478] sipush 1616
      [1481] sipush 205
      [1484] castore
      [1485] dup
      [1486] sipush 1617
      [1489] sipush 186
      [1492] castore
      [1493] dup
      [1494] sipush 1618
      [1497] sipush 213
      [1500] castore
      [1501] dup
      [1502] sipush 1619
      [1505] sipush 214
      [1508] castore
      [1509] dup
      [1510] sipush 1620
      [1513] sipush 201
      [1516] castore
      [1517] dup
      [1518] sipush 1621
      [1521] sipush 184
      [1524] castore
      [1525] dup
      [1526] sipush 1622
      [1529] sipush 183
      [1532] castore
      [1533] dup
      [1534] sipush 1623
      [1537] sipush 187
      [1540] castore
      [1541] dup
      [1542] sipush 1624
      [1545] sipush 212
      [1548] castore
      [1549] dup
      [1550] sipush 1625
      [1553] sipush 211
      [1556] castore
      [1557] dup
      [1558] sipush 1626
      [1561] sipush 200
      [1564] castore
      [1565] dup
      [1566] sipush 1627
      [1569] sipush 190
      [1572] castore
      [1573] dup
      [1574] sipush 1628
      [1577] sipush 189
      [1580] castore
      [1581] dup
      [1582] sipush 1629
      [1585] sipush 188
      [1588] castore
      [1589] dup
      [1590] sipush 1630
      [1593] sipush 198
      [1596] castore
      [1597] dup
      [1598] sipush 1631
      [1601] sipush 199
      [1604] castore
      [1605] dup
      [1606] sipush 1632
      [1609] sipush 204
      [1612] castore
      [1613] dup
      [1614] sipush 1633
      [1617] sipush 181
      [1620] castore
      [1621] dup
      [1622] sipush 1634
      [1625] sipush 182
      [1628] castore
      [1629] dup
      [1630] sipush 1635
      [1633] sipush 185
      [1636] castore
      [1637] dup
      [1638] sipush 1636
      [1641] sipush 209
      [1644] castore
      [1645] dup
      [1646] sipush 1637
      [1649] sipush 210
      [1652] castore
      [1653] dup
      [1654] sipush 1638
      [1657] sipush 203
      [1660] castore
      [1661] dup
      [1662] sipush 1639
      [1665] sipush 207
      [1668] castore
      [1669] dup
      [1670] sipush 1640
      [1673] sipush 208
      [1676] castore
      [1677] dup
      [1678] sipush 1641
      [1681] sipush 202
      [1684] castore
      [1685] dup
      [1686] sipush 1642
      [1689] sipush 216
      [1692] castore
      [1693] dup
      [1694] sipush 1643
      [1697] sipush 215
      [1700] castore
      [1701] dup
      [1702] sipush 1644
      [1705] sipush 206
      [1708] castore
      [1709] dup
      [1710] sipush 1664
      [1713] sipush 223
      [1716] castore
      [1717] dup
      [1718] sipush 1668
      [1721] sipush 220
      [1724] castore
      [1725] dup
      [1726] sipush 1672
      [1729] sipush 219
      [1732] castore
      [1733] dup
      [1734] sipush 1676
      [1737] sipush 221
      [1740] castore
      [1741] dup
      [1742] sipush 1680
      [1745] sipush 222
      [1748] castore
      [1749] dup
      [1750] sipush 1681
      [1753] sipush 176
      [1756] castore
      [1757] dup
      [1758] sipush 1682
      [1761] sipush 177
      [1764] castore
      [1765] dup
      [1766] sipush 1683
      [1769] sipush 178
      [1772] castore
      [1773] dup
      [1774] sipush 1696
      [1777] sipush 254
      [1780] castore
      [1781] putstatic #11
        + Fieldref [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Encoder.arr [C]
      [1784] sipush 256
      [1787] newarray 10
      [1789] dup
      [1790] iconst_1
      [1791] iconst_1
      [1792] iastore
      [1793] dup
      [1794] iconst_2
      [1795] iconst_m1
      [1796] iastore
      [1797] dup
      [1798] iconst_3
      [1799] iconst_2
      [1800] iastore
      [1801] dup
      [1802] iconst_4
      [1803] iconst_m1
      [1804] iastore
      [1805] dup
      [1806] iconst_5
      [1807] iconst_m1
      [1808] iastore
      [1809] dup
      [1810] bipush 6
      [1812] iconst_m1
      [1813] iastore
      [1814] dup
      [1815] bipush 7
      [1817] iconst_m1
      [1818] iastore
      [1819] dup
      [1820] bipush 8
      [1822] iconst_m1
      [1823] iastore
      [1824] dup
      [1825] bipush 9
      [1827] iconst_m1
      [1828] iastore
      [1829] dup
      [1830] bipush 10
      [1832] iconst_m1
      [1833] iastore
      [1834] dup
      [1835] bipush 11
      [1837] iconst_m1
      [1838] iastore
      [1839] dup
      [1840] bipush 12
      [1842] iconst_m1
      [1843] iastore
      [1844] dup
      [1845] bipush 13
      [1847] iconst_m1
      [1848] iastore
      [1849] dup
      [1850] bipush 14
      [1852] iconst_m1
      [1853] iastore
      [1854] dup
      [1855] bipush 15
      [1857] iconst_m1
      [1858] iastore
      [1859] dup
      [1860] bipush 16
      [1862] iconst_m1
      [1863] iastore
      [1864] dup
      [1865] bipush 17
      [1867] iconst_m1
      [1868] iastore
      [1869] dup
      [1870] bipush 18
      [1872] iconst_m1
      [1873] iastore
      [1874] dup
      [1875] bipush 19
      [1877] iconst_m1
      [1878] iastore
      [1879] dup
      [1880] bipush 20
      [1882] iconst_m1
      [1883] iastore
      [1884] dup
      [1885] bipush 21
      [1887] iconst_m1
      [1888] iastore
      [1889] dup
      [1890] bipush 22
      [1892] iconst_m1
      [1893] iastore
      [1894] dup
      [1895] bipush 23
      [1897] iconst_m1
      [1898] iastore
      [1899] dup
      [1900] bipush 24
      [1902] iconst_m1
      [1903] iastore
      [1904] dup
      [1905] bipush 25
      [1907] iconst_m1
      [1908] iastore
      [1909] dup
      [1910] bipush 26
      [1912] iconst_m1
      [1913] iastore
      [1914] dup
      [1915] bipush 27
      [1917] iconst_m1
      [1918] iastore
      [1919] dup
      [1920] bipush 28
      [1922] iconst_m1
      [1923] iastore
      [1924] dup
      [1925] bipush 29
      [1927] iconst_m1
      [1928] iastore
      [1929] dup
      [1930] bipush 30
      [1932] iconst_m1
      [1933] iastore
      [1934] dup
      [1935] bipush 31
      [1937] iconst_m1
      [1938] iastore
      [1939] dup
      [1940] bipush 32
      [1942] iconst_3
      [1943] iastore
      [1944] dup
      [1945] bipush 33
      [1947] iconst_m1
      [1948] iastore
      [1949] dup
      [1950] bipush 34
      [1952] iconst_4
      [1953] iastore
      [1954] dup
      [1955] bipush 35
      [1957] iconst_5
      [1958] iastore
      [1959] dup
      [1960] bipush 36
      [1962] iconst_m1
      [1963] iastore
      [1964] dup
      [1965] bipush 37
      [1967] bipush 6
      [1969] iastore
      [1970] dup
      [1971] bipush 38
      [1973] iconst_m1
      [1974] iastore
      [1975] dup
      [1976] bipush 39
      [1978] iconst_m1
      [1979] iastore
      [1980] dup
      [1981] bipush 40
      [1983] iconst_m1
      [1984] iastore
      [1985] dup
      [1986] bipush 41
      [1988] iconst_m1
      [1989] iastore
      [1990] dup
      [1991] bipush 42
      [1993] iconst_m1
      [1994] iastore
      [1995] dup
      [1996] bipush 43
      [1998] iconst_m1
      [1999] iastore
      [2000] dup
      [2001] bipush 44
      [2003] iconst_m1
      [2004] iastore
      [2005] dup
      [2006] bipush 45
      [2008] iconst_m1
      [2009] iastore
      [2010] dup
      [2011] bipush 46
      [2013] iconst_m1
      [2014] iastore
      [2015] dup
      [2016] bipush 47
      [2018] iconst_m1
      [2019] iastore
      [2020] dup
      [2021] bipush 48
      [2023] iconst_m1
      [2024] iastore
      [2025] dup
      [2026] bipush 49
      [2028] iconst_m1
      [2029] iastore
      [2030] dup
      [2031] bipush 50
      [2033] iconst_m1
      [2034] iastore
      [2035] dup
      [2036] bipush 51
      [2038] iconst_m1
      [2039] iastore
      [2040] dup
      [2041] bipush 52
      [2043] iconst_m1
      [2044] iastore
      [2045] dup
      [2046] bipush 53
      [2048] iconst_m1
      [2049] iastore
      [2050] dup
      [2051] bipush 54
      [2053] iconst_m1
      [2054] iastore
      [2055] dup
      [2056] bipush 55
      [2058] iconst_m1
      [2059] iastore
      [2060] dup
      [2061] bipush 56
      [2063] iconst_m1
      [2064] iastore
      [2065] dup
      [2066] bipush 57
      [2068] iconst_m1
      [2069] iastore
      [2070] dup
      [2071] bipush 58
      [2073] iconst_m1
      [2074] iastore
      [2075] dup
      [2076] bipush 59
      [2078] iconst_m1
      [2079] iastore
      [2080] dup
      [2081] bipush 60
      [2083] iconst_m1
      [2084] iastore
      [2085] dup
      [2086] bipush 61
      [2088] iconst_m1
      [2089] iastore
      [2090] dup
      [2091] bipush 62
      [2093] iconst_m1
      [2094] iastore
      [2095] dup
      [2096] bipush 63
      [2098] iconst_m1
      [2099] iastore
      [2100] dup
      [2101] bipush 64
      [2103] iconst_m1
      [2104] iastore
      [2105] dup
      [2106] bipush 65
      [2108] iconst_m1
      [2109] iastore
      [2110] dup
      [2111] bipush 66
      [2113] iconst_m1
      [2114] iastore
      [2115] dup
      [2116] bipush 67
      [2118] iconst_m1
      [2119] iastore
      [2120] dup
      [2121] bipush 68
      [2123] iconst_m1
      [2124] iastore
      [2125] dup
      [2126] bipush 69
      [2128] iconst_m1
      [2129] iastore
      [2130] dup
      [2131] bipush 70
      [2133] iconst_m1
      [2134] iastore
      [2135] dup
      [2136] bipush 71
      [2138] iconst_m1
      [2139] iastore
      [2140] dup
      [2141] bipush 72
      [2143] iconst_m1
      [2144] iastore
      [2145] dup
      [2146] bipush 73
      [2148] iconst_m1
      [2149] iastore
      [2150] dup
      [2151] bipush 74
      [2153] iconst_m1
      [2154] iastore
      [2155] dup
      [2156] bipush 75
      [2158] iconst_m1
      [2159] iastore
      [2160] dup
      [2161] bipush 76
      [2163] iconst_m1
      [2164] iastore
      [2165] dup
      [2166] bipush 77
      [2168] iconst_m1
      [2169] iastore
      [2170] dup
      [2171] bipush 78
      [2173] iconst_m1
      [2174] iastore
      [2175] dup
      [2176] bipush 79
      [2178] iconst_m1
      [2179] iastore
      [2180] dup
      [2181] bipush 80
      [2183] iconst_m1
      [2184] iastore
      [2185] dup
      [2186] bipush 81
      [2188] iconst_m1
      [2189] iastore
      [2190] dup
      [2191] bipush 82
      [2193] iconst_m1
      [2194] iastore
      [2195] dup
      [2196] bipush 83
      [2198] iconst_m1
      [2199] iastore
      [2200] dup
      [2201] bipush 84
      [2203] iconst_m1
      [2204] iastore
      [2205] dup
      [2206] bipush 85
      [2208] iconst_m1
      [2209] iastore
      [2210] dup
      [2211] bipush 86
      [2213] iconst_m1
      [2214] iastore
      [2215] dup
      [2216] bipush 87
      [2218] iconst_m1
      [2219] iastore
      [2220] dup
      [2221] bipush 88
      [2223] iconst_m1
      [2224] iastore
      [2225] dup
      [2226] bipush 89
      [2228] iconst_m1
      [2229] iastore
      [2230] dup
      [2231] bipush 90
      [2233] iconst_m1
      [2234] iastore
      [2235] dup
      [2236] bipush 91
      [2238] iconst_m1
      [2239] iastore
      [2240] dup
      [2241] bipush 92
      [2243] iconst_m1
      [2244] iastore
      [2245] dup
      [2246] bipush 93
      [2248] iconst_m1
      [2249] iastore
      [2250] dup
      [2251] bipush 94
      [2253] iconst_m1
      [2254] iastore
      [2255] dup
      [2256] bipush 95
      [2258] iconst_m1
      [2259] iastore
      [2260] dup
      [2261] bipush 96
      [2263] iconst_m1
      [2264] iastore
      [2265] dup
      [2266] bipush 97
      [2268] iconst_m1
      [2269] iastore
      [2270] dup
      [2271] bipush 98
      [2273] iconst_m1
      [2274] iastore
      [2275] dup
      [2276] bipush 99
      [2278] iconst_m1
      [2279] iastore
      [2280] dup
      [2281] bipush 100
      [2283] iconst_m1
      [2284] iastore
      [2285] dup
      [2286] bipush 101
      [2288] iconst_m1
      [2289] iastore
      [2290] dup
      [2291] bipush 102
      [2293] iconst_m1
      [2294] iastore
      [2295] dup
      [2296] bipush 103
      [2298] iconst_m1
      [2299] iastore
      [2300] dup
      [2301] bipush 104
      [2303] iconst_m1
      [2304] iastore
      [2305] dup
      [2306] bipush 105
      [2308] iconst_m1
      [2309] iastore
      [2310] dup
      [2311] bipush 106
      [2313] iconst_m1
      [2314] iastore
      [2315] dup
      [2316] bipush 107
      [2318] iconst_m1
      [2319] iastore
      [2320] dup
      [2321] bipush 108
      [2323] iconst_m1
      [2324] iastore
      [2325] dup
      [2326] bipush 109
      [2328] iconst_m1
      [2329] iastore
      [2330] dup
      [2331] bipush 110
      [2333] iconst_m1
      [2334] iastore
      [2335] dup
      [2336] bipush 111
      [2338] iconst_m1
      [2339] iastore
      [2340] dup
      [2341] bipush 112
      [2343] iconst_m1
      [2344] iastore
      [2345] dup
      [2346] bipush 113
      [2348] iconst_m1
      [2349] iastore
      [2350] dup
      [2351] bipush 114
      [2353] iconst_m1
      [2354] iastore
      [2355] dup
      [2356] bipush 115
      [2358] iconst_m1
      [2359] iastore
      [2360] dup
      [2361] bipush 116
      [2363] iconst_m1
      [2364] iastore
      [2365] dup
      [2366] bipush 117
      [2368] iconst_m1
      [2369] iastore
      [2370] dup
      [2371] bipush 118
      [2373] iconst_m1
      [2374] iastore
      [2375] dup
      [2376] bipush 119
      [2378] iconst_m1
      [2379] iastore
      [2380] dup
      [2381] bipush 120
      [2383] iconst_m1
      [2384] iastore
      [2385] dup
      [2386] bipush 121
      [2388] iconst_m1
      [2389] iastore
      [2390] dup
      [2391] bipush 122
      [2393] iconst_m1
      [2394] iastore
      [2395] dup
      [2396] bipush 123
      [2398] iconst_m1
      [2399] iastore
      [2400] dup
      [2401] bipush 124
      [2403] iconst_m1
      [2404] iastore
      [2405] dup
      [2406] bipush 125
      [2408] iconst_m1
      [2409] iastore
      [2410] dup
      [2411] bipush 126
      [2413] iconst_m1
      [2414] iastore
      [2415] dup
      [2416] bipush 127
      [2418] iconst_m1
      [2419] iastore
      [2420] dup
      [2421] sipush 128
      [2424] iconst_m1
      [2425] iastore
      [2426] dup
      [2427] sipush 129
      [2430] iconst_m1
      [2431] iastore
      [2432] dup
      [2433] sipush 130
      [2436] iconst_m1
      [2437] iastore
      [2438] dup
      [2439] sipush 131
      [2442] iconst_m1
      [2443] iastore
      [2444] dup
      [2445] sipush 132
      [2448] iconst_m1
      [2449] iastore
      [2450] dup
      [2451] sipush 133
      [2454] iconst_m1
      [2455] iastore
      [2456] dup
      [2457] sipush 134
      [2460] iconst_m1
      [2461] iastore
      [2462] dup
      [2463] sipush 135
      [2466] iconst_m1
      [2467] iastore
      [2468] dup
      [2469] sipush 136
      [2472] iconst_m1
      [2473] iastore
      [2474] dup
      [2475] sipush 137
      [2478] iconst_m1
      [2479] iastore
      [2480] dup
      [2481] sipush 138
      [2484] iconst_m1
      [2485] iastore
      [2486] dup
      [2487] sipush 139
      [2490] iconst_m1
      [2491] iastore
      [2492] dup
      [2493] sipush 140
      [2496] iconst_m1
      [2497] iastore
      [2498] dup
      [2499] sipush 141
      [2502] iconst_m1
      [2503] iastore
      [2504] dup
      [2505] sipush 142
      [2508] iconst_m1
      [2509] iastore
      [2510] dup
      [2511] sipush 143
      [2514] iconst_m1
      [2515] iastore
      [2516] dup
      [2517] sipush 144
      [2520] iconst_m1
      [2521] iastore
      [2522] dup
      [2523] sipush 145
      [2526] iconst_m1
      [2527] iastore
      [2528] dup
      [2529] sipush 146
      [2532] iconst_m1
      [2533] iastore
      [2534] dup
      [2535] sipush 147
      [2538] iconst_m1
      [2539] iastore
      [2540] dup
      [2541] sipush 148
      [2544] iconst_m1
      [2545] iastore
      [2546] dup
      [2547] sipush 149
      [2550] iconst_m1
      [2551] iastore
      [2552] dup
      [2553] sipush 150
      [2556] iconst_m1
      [2557] iastore
      [2558] dup
      [2559] sipush 151
      [2562] iconst_m1
      [2563] iastore
      [2564] dup
      [2565] sipush 152
      [2568] iconst_m1
      [2569] iastore
      [2570] dup
      [2571] sipush 153
      [2574] iconst_m1
      [2575] iastore
      [2576] dup
      [2577] sipush 154
      [2580] iconst_m1
      [2581] iastore
      [2582] dup
      [2583] sipush 155
      [2586] iconst_m1
      [2587] iastore
      [2588] dup
      [2589] sipush 156
      [2592] iconst_m1
      [2593] iastore
      [2594] dup
      [2595] sipush 157
      [2598] iconst_m1
      [2599] iastore
      [2600] dup
      [2601] sipush 158
      [2604] iconst_m1
      [2605] iastore
      [2606] dup
      [2607] sipush 159
      [2610] iconst_m1
      [2611] iastore
      [2612] dup
      [2613] sipush 160
      [2616] iconst_m1
      [2617] iastore
      [2618] dup
      [2619] sipush 161
      [2622] iconst_m1
      [2623] iastore
      [2624] dup
      [2625] sipush 162
      [2628] iconst_m1
      [2629] iastore
      [2630] dup
      [2631] sipush 163
      [2634] iconst_m1
      [2635] iastore
      [2636] dup
      [2637] sipush 164
      [2640] iconst_m1
      [2641] iastore
      [2642] dup
      [2643] sipush 165
      [2646] iconst_m1
      [2647] iastore
      [2648] dup
      [2649] sipush 166
      [2652] iconst_m1
      [2653] iastore
      [2654] dup
      [2655] sipush 167
      [2658] iconst_m1
      [2659] iastore
      [2660] dup
      [2661] sipush 168
      [2664] iconst_m1
      [2665] iastore
      [2666] dup
      [2667] sipush 169
      [2670] iconst_m1
      [2671] iastore
      [2672] dup
      [2673] sipush 170
      [2676] iconst_m1
      [2677] iastore
      [2678] dup
      [2679] sipush 171
      [2682] iconst_m1
      [2683] iastore
      [2684] dup
      [2685] sipush 172
      [2688] iconst_m1
      [2689] iastore
      [2690] dup
      [2691] sipush 173
      [2694] iconst_m1
      [2695] iastore
      [2696] dup
      [2697] sipush 174
      [2700] iconst_m1
      [2701] iastore
      [2702] dup
      [2703] sipush 175
      [2706] iconst_m1
      [2707] iastore
      [2708] dup
      [2709] sipush 176
      [2712] iconst_m1
      [2713] iastore
      [2714] dup
      [2715] sipush 177
      [2718] iconst_m1
      [2719] iastore
      [2720] dup
      [2721] sipush 178
      [2724] iconst_m1
      [2725] iastore
      [2726] dup
      [2727] sipush 179
      [2730] iconst_m1
      [2731] iastore
      [2732] dup
      [2733] sipush 180
      [2736] iconst_m1
      [2737] iastore
      [2738] dup
      [2739] sipush 181
      [2742] iconst_m1
      [2743] iastore
      [2744] dup
      [2745] sipush 182
      [2748] iconst_m1
      [2749] iastore
      [2750] dup
      [2751] sipush 183
      [2754] iconst_m1
      [2755] iastore
      [2756] dup
      [2757] sipush 184
      [2760] iconst_m1
      [2761] iastore
      [2762] dup
      [2763] sipush 185
      [2766] iconst_m1
      [2767] iastore
      [2768] dup
      [2769] sipush 186
      [2772] iconst_m1
      [2773] iastore
      [2774] dup
      [2775] sipush 187
      [2778] iconst_m1
      [2779] iastore
      [2780] dup
      [2781] sipush 188
      [2784] iconst_m1
      [2785] iastore
      [2786] dup
      [2787] sipush 189
      [2790] iconst_m1
      [2791] iastore
      [2792] dup
      [2793] sipush 190
      [2796] iconst_m1
      [2797] iastore
      [2798] dup
      [2799] sipush 191
      [2802] iconst_m1
      [2803] iastore
      [2804] dup
      [2805] sipush 192
      [2808] iconst_m1
      [2809] iastore
      [2810] dup
      [2811] sipush 193
      [2814] iconst_m1
      [2815] iastore
      [2816] dup
      [2817] sipush 194
      [2820] iconst_m1
      [2821] iastore
      [2822] dup
      [2823] sipush 195
      [2826] iconst_m1
      [2827] iastore
      [2828] dup
      [2829] sipush 196
      [2832] iconst_m1
      [2833] iastore
      [2834] dup
      [2835] sipush 197
      [2838] iconst_m1
      [2839] iastore
      [2840] dup
      [2841] sipush 198
      [2844] iconst_m1
      [2845] iastore
      [2846] dup
      [2847] sipush 199
      [2850] iconst_m1
      [2851] iastore
      [2852] dup
      [2853] sipush 200
      [2856] iconst_m1
      [2857] iastore
      [2858] dup
      [2859] sipush 201
      [2862] iconst_m1
      [2863] iastore
      [2864] dup
      [2865] sipush 202
      [2868] iconst_m1
      [2869] iastore
      [2870] dup
      [2871] sipush 203
      [2874] iconst_m1
      [2875] iastore
      [2876] dup
      [2877] sipush 204
      [2880] iconst_m1
      [2881] iastore
      [2882] dup
      [2883] sipush 205
      [2886] iconst_m1
      [2887] iastore
      [2888] dup
      [2889] sipush 206
      [2892] iconst_m1
      [2893] iastore
      [2894] dup
      [2895] sipush 207
      [2898] iconst_m1
      [2899] iastore
      [2900] dup
      [2901] sipush 208
      [2904] iconst_m1
      [2905] iastore
      [2906] dup
      [2907] sipush 209
      [2910] iconst_m1
      [2911] iastore
      [2912] dup
      [2913] sipush 210
      [2916] iconst_m1
      [2917] iastore
      [2918] dup
      [2919] sipush 211
      [2922] iconst_m1
      [2923] iastore
      [2924] dup
      [2925] sipush 212
      [2928] iconst_m1
      [2929] iastore
      [2930] dup
      [2931] sipush 213
      [2934] iconst_m1
      [2935] iastore
      [2936] dup
      [2937] sipush 214
      [2940] iconst_m1
      [2941] iastore
      [2942] dup
      [2943] sipush 215
      [2946] iconst_m1
      [2947] iastore
      [2948] dup
      [2949] sipush 216
      [2952] iconst_m1
      [2953] iastore
      [2954] dup
      [2955] sipush 217
      [2958] iconst_m1
      [2959] iastore
      [2960] dup
      [2961] sipush 218
      [2964] iconst_m1
      [2965] iastore
      [2966] dup
      [2967] sipush 219
      [2970] iconst_m1
      [2971] iastore
      [2972] dup
      [2973] sipush 220
      [2976] iconst_m1
      [2977] iastore
      [2978] dup
      [2979] sipush 221
      [2982] iconst_m1
      [2983] iastore
      [2984] dup
      [2985] sipush 222
      [2988] iconst_m1
      [2989] iastore
      [2990] dup
      [2991] sipush 223
      [2994] iconst_m1
      [2995] iastore
      [2996] dup
      [2997] sipush 224
      [3000] iconst_m1
      [3001] iastore
      [3002] dup
      [3003] sipush 225
      [3006] iconst_m1
      [3007] iastore
      [3008] dup
      [3009] sipush 226
      [3012] iconst_m1
      [3013] iastore
      [3014] dup
      [3015] sipush 227
      [3018] iconst_m1
      [3019] iastore
      [3020] dup
      [3021] sipush 228
      [3024] iconst_m1
      [3025] iastore
      [3026] dup
      [3027] sipush 229
      [3030] iconst_m1
      [3031] iastore
      [3032] dup
      [3033] sipush 230
      [3036] iconst_m1
      [3037] iastore
      [3038] dup
      [3039] sipush 231
      [3042] iconst_m1
      [3043] iastore
      [3044] dup
      [3045] sipush 232
      [3048] iconst_m1
      [3049] iastore
      [3050] dup
      [3051] sipush 233
      [3054] iconst_m1
      [3055] iastore
      [3056] dup
      [3057] sipush 234
      [3060] iconst_m1
      [3061] iastore
      [3062] dup
      [3063] sipush 235
      [3066] iconst_m1
      [3067] iastore
      [3068] dup
      [3069] sipush 236
      [3072] iconst_m1
      [3073] iastore
      [3074] dup
      [3075] sipush 237
      [3078] iconst_m1
      [3079] iastore
      [3080] dup
      [3081] sipush 238
      [3084] iconst_m1
      [3085] iastore
      [3086] dup
      [3087] sipush 239
      [3090] iconst_m1
      [3091] iastore
      [3092] dup
      [3093] sipush 240
      [3096] iconst_m1
      [3097] iastore
      [3098] dup
      [3099] sipush 241
      [3102] iconst_m1
      [3103] iastore
      [3104] dup
      [3105] sipush 242
      [3108] iconst_m1
      [3109] iastore
      [3110] dup
      [3111] sipush 243
      [3114] iconst_m1
      [3115] iastore
      [3116] dup
      [3117] sipush 244
      [3120] iconst_m1
      [3121] iastore
      [3122] dup
      [3123] sipush 245
      [3126] iconst_m1
      [3127] iastore
      [3128] dup
      [3129] sipush 246
      [3132] iconst_m1
      [3133] iastore
      [3134] dup
      [3135] sipush 247
      [3138] iconst_m1
      [3139] iastore
      [3140] dup
      [3141] sipush 248
      [3144] iconst_m1
      [3145] iastore
      [3146] dup
      [3147] sipush 249
      [3150] iconst_m1
      [3151] iastore
      [3152] dup
      [3153] sipush 250
      [3156] iconst_m1
      [3157] iastore
      [3158] dup
      [3159] sipush 251
      [3162] iconst_m1
      [3163] iastore
      [3164] dup
      [3165] sipush 252
      [3168] iconst_m1
      [3169] iastore
      [3170] dup
      [3171] sipush 253
      [3174] iconst_m1
      [3175] iastore
      [3176] dup
      [3177] sipush 254
      [3180] iconst_m1
      [3181] iastore
      [3182] dup
      [3183] sipush 255
      [3186] iconst_m1
      [3187] iastore
      [3188] putstatic #12
        + Fieldref [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Encoder.encodeIndex [I]
      [3191] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 49)
        [0] -> line 290
        [7] -> line 292
        [88] -> line 293
        [184] -> line 294
        [280] -> line 295
        [376] -> line 296
        [472] -> line 297
        [568] -> line 298
        [664] -> line 299
        [761] -> line 302
        [825] -> line 303
        [897] -> line 304
        [937] -> line 305
        [969] -> line 306
        [1089] -> line 307
        [1177] -> line 318
        [1185] -> line 335
        [1201] -> line 336
        [1225] -> line 337
        [1257] -> line 338
        [1289] -> line 350
        [1297] -> line 353
        [1305] -> line 361
        [1329] -> line 362
        [1337] -> line 364
        [1345] -> line 366
        [1369] -> line 378
        [1377] -> line 379
        [1393] -> line 394
        [1417] -> line 395
        [1449] -> line 396
        [1465] -> line 397
        [1481] -> line 399
        [1609] -> line 400
        [1713] -> line 402
        [1745] -> line 403
        [1777] -> line 404
        [1781] -> line 290
        [1784] -> line 412
        [1791] -> line 413
        [1942] -> line 414
        [2103] -> line 415
        [2263] -> line 416
        [2424] -> line 417
        [2616] -> line 418
        [2808] -> line 419
        [3000] -> line 420
        [3188] -> line 412
        [3191] -> line 149
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>(Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private IBM437$Encoder(java.nio.charset.Charset)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 8, locals = 2, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] fconst_1
      [3] fconst_1
      [4] invokespecial #27
        + Methodref [java/nio/charset/CharsetEncoder.<init> (Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;FF)V]
      [7] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 151
        [7] -> line 152
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 8 [Lorg/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Encoder; this]
        v1: 0 -> 8 [Ljava/nio/charset/Charset; cs]
  + Method:       encodeLoop(Ljava/nio/CharBuffer;Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;)Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult;
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected java.nio.charset.CoderResult encodeLoop(java.nio.CharBuffer,java.nio.ByteBuffer)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 642, locals = 11, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_2 v2
      [1] invokevirtual #18
        + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.remaining ()I]
      [4] istore_3 v3
      [5] aload_2 v2
      [6] invokevirtual #14
        + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.hasArray ()Z]
      [9] ifeq +622 (target=631)
      [12] aload_1 v1
      [13] invokevirtual #21
        + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.hasArray ()Z]
      [16] ifeq +615 (target=631)
      [19] aload_2 v2
      [20] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.array ()[B]
      [23] astore v4
      [25] aload_1 v1
      [26] invokevirtual #19
        + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.array ()[C]
      [29] astore v5
      [31] aload_1 v1
      [32] invokevirtual #26
        + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.remaining ()I]
      [35] istore v6
      [37] aload_2 v2
      [38] invokevirtual #15
        + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.position ()I]
      [41] istore v7
      [43] iload_3 v3
      [44] iload v6
      [46] ificmpgt +7 (target=53)
      [49] iload_3 v3
      [50] goto +5 (target=55)
      [53] iload v6
      [55] istore v6
      [57] aload_1 v1
      [58] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.position ()I]
      [61] istore v8
      [63] goto +269 (target=332)
      [66] aload v5
      [68] iload v8
      [70] caload
      [71] istore v9
      [73] iload v9
      [75] sipush 9632
      [78] ificmple +126 (target=204)
      [81] iload v9
      [83] ldc #1
        + Integer [55296]
      [85] ificmplt +100 (target=185)
      [88] iload v9
      [90] ldc #2
        + Integer [57343]
      [92] ificmpgt +93 (target=185)
      [95] iload v8
      [97] iconst_1
      [98] iadd
      [99] aload_1 v1
      [100] invokevirtual #23
        + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.limit ()I]
      [103] ificmpge +45 (target=148)
      [106] aload v5
      [108] iload v8
      [110] iconst_1
      [111] iadd
      [112] caload
      [113] istore v10
      [115] iload v10
      [117] ldc #1
        + Integer [55296]
      [119] ificmplt +47 (target=166)
      [122] iload v10
      [124] ldc #2
        + Integer [57343]
      [126] ificmpgt +40 (target=166)
      [129] aload_1 v1
      [130] iload v8
      [132] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.position (I)Ljava/nio/Buffer;]
      [135] pop
      [136] aload_2 v2
      [137] iload v7
      [139] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.position (I)Ljava/nio/Buffer;]
      [142] pop
      [143] iconst_2
      [144] invokestatic #29
        + Methodref [java/nio/charset/CoderResult.unmappableForLength (I)Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult;]
      [147] areturn
      [148] aload_1 v1
      [149] iload v8
      [151] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.position (I)Ljava/nio/Buffer;]
      [154] pop
      [155] aload_2 v2
      [156] iload v7
      [158] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.position (I)Ljava/nio/Buffer;]
      [161] pop
      [162] getstatic #10
        + Fieldref [java/nio/charset/CoderResult.UNDERFLOW Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult;]
      [165] areturn
      [166] aload_1 v1
      [167] iload v8
      [169] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.position (I)Ljava/nio/Buffer;]
      [172] pop
      [173] aload_2 v2
      [174] iload v7
      [176] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.position (I)Ljava/nio/Buffer;]
      [179] pop
      [180] iconst_1
      [181] invokestatic #28
        + Methodref [java/nio/charset/CoderResult.malformedForLength (I)Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult;]
      [184] areturn
      [185] aload_1 v1
      [186] iload v8
      [188] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.position (I)Ljava/nio/Buffer;]
      [191] pop
      [192] aload_2 v2
      [193] iload v7
      [195] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.position (I)Ljava/nio/Buffer;]
      [198] pop
      [199] iconst_1
      [200] invokestatic #29
        + Methodref [java/nio/charset/CoderResult.unmappableForLength (I)Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult;]
      [203] areturn
      [204] iload v9
      [206] bipush 26
      [208] ificmpge +17 (target=225)
      [211] aload v4
      [213] iload v7
      [215] iinc v7, 1
      [218] iload v9
      [220] i2b
      [221] bastore
      [222] goto +107 (target=329)
      [225] iload v9
      [227] bipush 8
      [229] ishr
      [230] istore v10
      [232] getstatic #12
        + Fieldref [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Encoder.encodeIndex [I]
      [235] iload v10
      [237] iaload
      [238] istore v10
      [240] iload v10
      [242] ifge +22 (target=264)
      [245] aload_1 v1
      [246] iload v8
      [248] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.position (I)Ljava/nio/Buffer;]
      [251] pop
      [252] aload_2 v2
      [253] iload v7
      [255] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.position (I)Ljava/nio/Buffer;]
      [258] pop
      [259] iconst_1
      [260] invokestatic #29
        + Methodref [java/nio/charset/CoderResult.unmappableForLength (I)Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult;]
      [263] areturn
      [264] iload v10
      [266] bipush 8
      [268] ishl
      [269] istore v10
      [271] iload v10
      [273] iload v9
      [275] sipush 255
      [278] iand
      [279] iadd
      [280] istore v10
      [282] getstatic #11
        + Fieldref [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Encoder.arr [C]
      [285] iload v10
      [287] caload
      [288] i2b
      [289] ifeq +21 (target=310)
      [292] aload v4
      [294] iload v7
      [296] iinc v7, 1
      [299] getstatic #11
        + Fieldref [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Encoder.arr [C]
      [302] iload v10
      [304] caload
      [305] i2b
      [306] bastore
      [307] goto +22 (target=329)
      [310] aload_1 v1
      [311] iload v8
      [313] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.position (I)Ljava/nio/Buffer;]
      [316] pop
      [317] aload_2 v2
      [318] iload v7
      [320] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.position (I)Ljava/nio/Buffer;]
      [323] pop
      [324] iconst_1
      [325] invokestatic #29
        + Methodref [java/nio/charset/CoderResult.unmappableForLength (I)Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult;]
      [328] areturn
      [329] iinc v8, 1
      [332] iload v8
      [334] aload_1 v1
      [335] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.position ()I]
      [338] iload v6
      [340] iadd
      [341] ificmplt -275 (target=66)
      [344] aload_1 v1
      [345] iload v8
      [347] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.position (I)Ljava/nio/Buffer;]
      [350] pop
      [351] aload_2 v2
      [352] iload v7
      [354] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.position (I)Ljava/nio/Buffer;]
      [357] pop
      [358] iload v6
      [360] iload_3 v3
      [361] ificmpne +277 (target=638)
      [364] aload_1 v1
      [365] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.hasRemaining ()Z]
      [368] ifeq +270 (target=638)
      [371] getstatic #9
        + Fieldref [java/nio/charset/CoderResult.OVERFLOW Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult;]
      [374] areturn
      [375] iload_3 v3
      [376] ifne +7 (target=383)
      [379] getstatic #9
        + Fieldref [java/nio/charset/CoderResult.OVERFLOW Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult;]
      [382] areturn
      [383] aload_1 v1
      [384] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.get ()C]
      [387] istore v4
      [389] iload v4
      [391] sipush 9632
      [394] ificmple +121 (target=515)
      [397] iload v4
      [399] ldc #1
        + Integer [55296]
      [401] ificmplt +98 (target=499)
      [404] iload v4
      [406] ldc #2
        + Integer [57343]
      [408] ificmpgt +91 (target=499)
      [411] aload_1 v1
      [412] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.hasRemaining ()Z]
      [415] ifeq +53 (target=468)
      [418] aload_1 v1
      [419] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.get ()C]
      [422] istore v5
      [424] iload v5
      [426] ldc #1
        + Integer [55296]
      [428] ificmplt +26 (target=454)
      [431] iload v5
      [433] ldc #2
        + Integer [57343]
      [435] ificmpgt +19 (target=454)
      [438] aload_1 v1
      [439] aload_1 v1
      [440] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.position ()I]
      [443] iconst_2
      [444] isub
      [445] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.position (I)Ljava/nio/Buffer;]
      [448] pop
      [449] iconst_2
      [450] invokestatic #29
        + Methodref [java/nio/charset/CoderResult.unmappableForLength (I)Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult;]
      [453] areturn
      [454] aload_1 v1
      [455] aload_1 v1
      [456] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.position ()I]
      [459] iconst_1
      [460] isub
      [461] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.position (I)Ljava/nio/Buffer;]
      [464] pop
      [465] goto +18 (target=483)
      [468] aload_1 v1
      [469] aload_1 v1
      [470] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.position ()I]
      [473] iconst_1
      [474] isub
      [475] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.position (I)Ljava/nio/Buffer;]
      [478] pop
      [479] getstatic #10
        + Fieldref [java/nio/charset/CoderResult.UNDERFLOW Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult;]
      [482] areturn
      [483] aload_1 v1
      [484] aload_1 v1
      [485] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.position ()I]
      [488] iconst_1
      [489] isub
      [490] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.position (I)Ljava/nio/Buffer;]
      [493] pop
      [494] iconst_1
      [495] invokestatic #28
        + Methodref [java/nio/charset/CoderResult.malformedForLength (I)Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult;]
      [498] areturn
      [499] aload_1 v1
      [500] aload_1 v1
      [501] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.position ()I]
      [504] iconst_1
      [505] isub
      [506] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.position (I)Ljava/nio/Buffer;]
      [509] pop
      [510] iconst_1
      [511] invokestatic #29
        + Methodref [java/nio/charset/CoderResult.unmappableForLength (I)Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult;]
      [514] areturn
      [515] iload v4
      [517] bipush 26
      [519] ificmpge +14 (target=533)
      [522] aload_2 v2
      [523] iload v4
      [525] i2b
      [526] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.put (B)Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;]
      [529] pop
      [530] goto +98 (target=628)
      [533] iload v4
      [535] bipush 8
      [537] ishr
      [538] istore v5
      [540] getstatic #12
        + Fieldref [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Encoder.encodeIndex [I]
      [543] iload v5
      [545] iaload
      [546] istore v5
      [548] iload v5
      [550] ifge +19 (target=569)
      [553] aload_1 v1
      [554] aload_1 v1
      [555] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.position ()I]
      [558] iconst_1
      [559] isub
      [560] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.position (I)Ljava/nio/Buffer;]
      [563] pop
      [564] iconst_1
      [565] invokestatic #29
        + Methodref [java/nio/charset/CoderResult.unmappableForLength (I)Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult;]
      [568] areturn
      [569] iload v5
      [571] bipush 8
      [573] ishl
      [574] istore v5
      [576] iload v5
      [578] iload v4
      [580] sipush 255
      [583] iand
      [584] iadd
      [585] istore v5
      [587] getstatic #11
        + Fieldref [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Encoder.arr [C]
      [590] iload v5
      [592] caload
      [593] i2b
      [594] ifeq +18 (target=612)
      [597] aload_2 v2
      [598] getstatic #11
        + Fieldref [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Encoder.arr [C]
      [601] iload v5
      [603] caload
      [604] i2b
      [605] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.put (B)Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;]
      [608] pop
      [609] goto +19 (target=628)
      [612] aload_1 v1
      [613] aload_1 v1
      [614] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.position ()I]
      [617] iconst_1
      [618] isub
      [619] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.position (I)Ljava/nio/Buffer;]
      [622] pop
      [623] iconst_1
      [624] invokestatic #29
        + Methodref [java/nio/charset/CoderResult.unmappableForLength (I)Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult;]
      [627] areturn
      [628] iinc v3, -1
      [631] aload_1 v1
      [632] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.hasRemaining ()Z]
      [635] ifne -260 (target=375)
      [638] getstatic #10
        + Fieldref [java/nio/charset/CoderResult.UNDERFLOW Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult;]
      [641] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 72)
        [0] -> line 157
        [5] -> line 186
        [19] -> line 187
        [25] -> line 188
        [31] -> line 189
        [37] -> line 190
        [43] -> line 191
        [57] -> line 193
        [66] -> line 194
        [73] -> line 195
        [81] -> line 196
        [95] -> line 197
        [106] -> line 198
        [115] -> line 199
        [129] -> line 200
        [143] -> line 201
        [148] -> line 204
        [162] -> line 205
        [166] -> line 207
        [180] -> line 208
        [185] -> line 210
        [199] -> line 211
        [204] -> line 213
        [211] -> line 214
        [225] -> line 216
        [232] -> line 217
        [240] -> line 218
        [245] -> line 219
        [259] -> line 220
        [264] -> line 222
        [271] -> line 223
        [282] -> line 224
        [292] -> line 225
        [310] -> line 227
        [324] -> line 228
        [329] -> line 193
        [344] -> line 233
        [351] -> line 234
        [358] -> line 235
        [371] -> line 236
        [375] -> line 240
        [383] -> line 241
        [389] -> line 242
        [397] -> line 243
        [411] -> line 244
        [418] -> line 245
        [424] -> line 246
        [438] -> line 247
        [449] -> line 248
        [454] -> line 250
        [468] -> line 253
        [479] -> line 254
        [483] -> line 256
        [494] -> line 257
        [499] -> line 259
        [510] -> line 260
        [515] -> line 262
        [522] -> line 263
        [533] -> line 265
        [540] -> line 266
        [548] -> line 267
        [553] -> line 268
        [564] -> line 269
        [569] -> line 271
        [576] -> line 272
        [587] -> line 273
        [597] -> line 274
        [612] -> line 276
        [623] -> line 277
        [628] -> line 280
        [631] -> line 239
        [638] -> line 287
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 15)
        v0: 0 -> 642 [Lorg/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Encoder; this]
        v1: 0 -> 642 [Ljava/nio/CharBuffer; cb]
        v2: 0 -> 642 [Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer; bb]
        v3: 5 -> 642 [I bbRemaining]
        v4: 25 -> 375 [[B byteArr]
        v5: 31 -> 375 [[C charArr]
        v6: 37 -> 375 [I rem]
        v7: 43 -> 375 [I byteArrStart]
        v8: 63 -> 375 [I x]
        v9: 73 -> 329 [C c]
        v10: 115 -> 148 [C c1]
        v10: 232 -> 329 [I index]
        v4: 389 -> 631 [C c]
        v5: 424 -> 468 [C c1]
        v5: 540 -> 628 [I index]
  + Method:       <init>(Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;Lorg/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Encoder;)V
    Access flags: 0x1000
      = synthetic IBM437$Encoder(java.nio.charset.Charset,org.apache.harmony.niochar.charset.additional.IBM437$Encoder)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #30
        + Methodref [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Encoder.<init> (Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;)V]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 150
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x1a = private static final 
      + Class [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437$Encoder]
      + Class [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437]
      + Utf8 [Encoder]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity
  Superclass:    android/app/Activity
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ColorsActivity extends

Interfaces (count = 3):
  + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener]
  + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener]

Constant Pool (count = 278):
  + Integer [17301580]
  + Integer [2130903040]
  + Integer [2131230720]
  + Integer [2131230730]
  + Integer [2131230931]
  + Integer [2131427329]
  + Integer [2131427330]
  + Integer [2131427331]
  + String [%s: %s]
  + Class [android/app/Activity]
  + Class [android/content/res/Resources]
  + Class [android/view/Menu]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Class [android/widget/AdapterView]
  + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener]
  + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener]
  + Class [android/widget/GridView]
  + Class [android/widget/Spinner]
  + Class [java/lang/Integer]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/util/Arrays]
  + Class [java/util/List]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$1]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorsAdapter]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mBgSpinner Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mColorGrid Landroid/widget/GridView;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mColorList Ljava/util/List;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mColorScheme I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mCurrentColor I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mDefaultColors [I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mFgSpinner Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
  + Methodref [android/app/Activity.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [android/app/Activity.onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Methodref [android/app/Activity.onCreateOptionsMenu (Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + Methodref [android/app/Activity.onDestroy ()V]
  + Methodref [android/app/Activity.onResume ()V]
  + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getText (I)Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/GridView.invalidateViews ()V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/GridView.setAdapter (Landroid/widget/ListAdapter;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/GridView.setOnItemClickListener (Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/GridView.setSelection (I)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/Spinner.setAdapter (Landroid/widget/SpinnerAdapter;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/Spinner.setOnItemSelectedListener (Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/Spinner.setSelection (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.intValue ()I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/util/Arrays.asList ([Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/util/List;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.editColor (I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.setContentView (I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.setTitle (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorsAdapter.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;Z)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.close ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.getColorsForScheme (I)[Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.getDefaultColorsForScheme (I)[I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.setDefaultColorsForScheme (III)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.setGlobalColor (II)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener;I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/ ()V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/Menu.add (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setAlphabeticShortcut (C)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setIcon (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setNumericShortcut (C)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setOnMenuItemClickListener (Landroid/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.get (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.set (ILjava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener;I)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;Z)V]
  + NameAndType [add (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + NameAndType [asList ([Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/util/List;]
  + NameAndType [close ()V]
  + NameAndType [editColor (I)V]
  + NameAndType [findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [get (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [getColorsForScheme (I)[Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + NameAndType [getDefaultColorsForScheme (I)[I]
  + NameAndType [getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + NameAndType [getText (I)Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + NameAndType [hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + NameAndType [intValue ()I]
  + NameAndType [invalidateViews ()V]
  + NameAndType [mBgSpinner Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
  + NameAndType [mColorGrid Landroid/widget/GridView;]
  + NameAndType [mColorList Ljava/util/List;]
  + NameAndType [mColorScheme I]
  + NameAndType [mCurrentColor I]
  + NameAndType [mDefaultColors [I]
  + NameAndType [mFgSpinner Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
  + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + NameAndType [onCreateOptionsMenu (Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + NameAndType [onDestroy ()V]
  + NameAndType [onResume ()V]
  + NameAndType [set (ILjava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [setAdapter (Landroid/widget/ListAdapter;)V]
  + NameAndType [setAdapter (Landroid/widget/SpinnerAdapter;)V]
  + NameAndType [setAlphabeticShortcut (C)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + NameAndType [setContentView (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setDefaultColorsForScheme (III)V]
  + NameAndType [setGlobalColor (II)V]
  + NameAndType [setIcon (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + NameAndType [setNumericShortcut (C)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + NameAndType [setOnItemClickListener (Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener;)V]
  + NameAndType [setOnItemSelectedListener (Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener;)V]
  + NameAndType [setOnMenuItemClickListener (Landroid/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + NameAndType [setSelection (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setTitle (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + NameAndType [show ()V]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Utf8 [%s: %s]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(C)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(I)[I]
  + Utf8 [(I)[Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Utf8 [(II)V]
  + Utf8 [(III)V]
  + Utf8 [(ILjava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView;Landroid/view/View;IJ)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>;Landroid/view/View;IJ)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/ListAdapter;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/SpinnerAdapter;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;)Landroid/widget/GridView;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;)Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;)Ljava/util/List;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;Z)V]
  + Utf8 [([Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/util/List;]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ColorView]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [ColorsAdapter]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [J]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/app/Activity;Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener;Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/Bundle;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/Menu;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/GridView;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List<Ljava/lang/Integer;>;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTypeTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + Utf8 [OnColorChangedListener]
  + Utf8 [OnItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [OnItemSelectedListener]
  + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [Signature]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[I]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [access$1]
  + Utf8 [access$2]
  + Utf8 [access$3]
  + Utf8 [access$4]
  + Utf8 [add]
  + Utf8 [android/app/Activity]
  + Utf8 [android/content/res/Resources]
  + Utf8 [android/view/Menu]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/AdapterView]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/GridView]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/Spinner]
  + Utf8 [arg0]
  + Utf8 [asList]
  + Utf8 [close]
  + Utf8 [colorChanged]
  + Utf8 [colorNumber]
  + Utf8 [editColor]
  + Utf8 [findViewById]
  + Utf8 [format]
  + Utf8 [get]
  + Utf8 [getColorsForScheme]
  + Utf8 [getDefaultColorsForScheme]
  + Utf8 [getResources]
  + Utf8 [getText]
  + Utf8 [hostdb]
  + Utf8 [id]
  + Utf8 [intValue]
  + Utf8 [invalidateViews]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Integer]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Arrays]
  + Utf8 [java/util/List]
  + Utf8 [mBgSpinner]
  + Utf8 [mColorGrid]
  + Utf8 [mColorList]
  + Utf8 [mColorScheme]
  + Utf8 [mCurrentColor]
  + Utf8 [mDefaultColors]
  + Utf8 [mFgSpinner]
  + Utf8 [menu]
  + Utf8 [needUpdate]
  + Utf8 [onCreate]
  + Utf8 [onCreateOptionsMenu]
  + Utf8 [onDestroy]
  + Utf8 [onItemClick]
  + Utf8 [onItemSelected]
  + Utf8 [onNothingSelected]
  + Utf8 [onResume]
  + Utf8 [parent]
  + Utf8 [position]
  + Utf8 [reset]
  + Utf8 [savedInstanceState]
  + Utf8 [set]
  + Utf8 [setAdapter]
  + Utf8 [setAlphabeticShortcut]
  + Utf8 [setContentView]
  + Utf8 [setDefaultColorsForScheme]
  + Utf8 [setGlobalColor]
  + Utf8 [setIcon]
  + Utf8 [setNumericShortcut]
  + Utf8 [setOnItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [setOnItemSelectedListener]
  + Utf8 [setOnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [setSelection]
  + Utf8 [setTitle]
  + Utf8 [show]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$1]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorsAdapter]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [value]
  + Utf8 [valueOf]
  + Utf8 [view]

Fields (count = 8):
  + Field:        mColorGrid Landroid/widget/GridView;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.widget.GridView mColorGrid
  + Field:        mFgSpinner Landroid/widget/Spinner;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.widget.Spinner mFgSpinner
  + Field:        mBgSpinner Landroid/widget/Spinner;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.widget.Spinner mBgSpinner
  + Field:        mColorScheme I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int mColorScheme
  + Field:        mColorList Ljava/util/List;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.util.List mColorList
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List<Ljava/lang/Integer;>;]
  + Field:        hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.HostDatabase hostdb
  + Field:        mCurrentColor I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int mCurrentColor
  + Field:        mDefaultColors [I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int[] mDefaultColors

Methods (count = 15):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public ColorsActivity()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #40
        + Methodref [android/app/Activity.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] iconst_0
      [6] putfield #37
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mCurrentColor I]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 48
        [4] -> line 58
        [9] -> line 48
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity; this]
  + Method:       onCreate(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected void onCreate(android.os.Bundle)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 244, locals = 2, stack = 7):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #41
        + Methodref [android/app/Activity.onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] ldc #2
        + Integer [2130903040]
      [8] invokevirtual #60
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.setContentView (I)V]
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] ldc #9
        + String [%s: %s]
      [14] iconst_2
      [15] anewarray #21
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [18] dup
      [19] iconst_0
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [24] ldc #3
        + Integer [2131230720]
      [26] invokevirtual #45
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getText (I)Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
      [29] aastore
      [30] dup
      [31] iconst_1
      [32] aload_0 v0
      [33] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [36] ldc #4
        + Integer [2131230730]
      [38] invokevirtual #45
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getText (I)Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
      [41] aastore
      [42] invokestatic #55
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [45] invokevirtual #61
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.setTitle (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] iconst_0
      [50] putfield #36
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mColorScheme I]
      [53] aload_0 v0
      [54] new #29
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
      [57] dup
      [58] aload_0 v0
      [59] invokespecial #64
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [62] putfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [65] aload_0 v0
      [66] aload_0 v0
      [67] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [70] aload_0 v0
      [71] getfield #36
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mColorScheme I]
      [74] invokevirtual #66
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.getColorsForScheme (I)[Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [77] invokestatic #56
        + Methodref [java/util/Arrays.asList ([Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/util/List;]
      [80] putfield #35
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mColorList Ljava/util/List;]
      [83] aload_0 v0
      [84] aload_0 v0
      [85] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [88] aload_0 v0
      [89] getfield #36
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mColorScheme I]
      [92] invokevirtual #67
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.getDefaultColorsForScheme (I)[I]
      [95] putfield #38
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mDefaultColors [I]
      [98] aload_0 v0
      [99] aload_0 v0
      [100] ldc #8
        + Integer [2131427331]
      [102] invokevirtual #58
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [105] checkcast #18
        + Class [android/widget/GridView]
      [108] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mColorGrid Landroid/widget/GridView;]
      [111] aload_0 v0
      [112] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mColorGrid Landroid/widget/GridView;]
      [115] new #28
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorsAdapter]
      [118] dup
      [119] aload_0 v0
      [120] iconst_1
      [121] invokespecial #63
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorsAdapter.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;Z)V]
      [124] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [android/widget/GridView.setAdapter (Landroid/widget/ListAdapter;)V]
      [127] aload_0 v0
      [128] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mColorGrid Landroid/widget/GridView;]
      [131] aload_0 v0
      [132] invokevirtual #48
        + Methodref [android/widget/GridView.setOnItemClickListener (Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener;)V]
      [135] aload_0 v0
      [136] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mColorGrid Landroid/widget/GridView;]
      [139] iconst_0
      [140] invokevirtual #49
        + Methodref [android/widget/GridView.setSelection (I)V]
      [143] aload_0 v0
      [144] aload_0 v0
      [145] ldc #6
        + Integer [2131427329]
      [147] invokevirtual #58
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [150] checkcast #19
        + Class [android/widget/Spinner]
      [153] putfield #39
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mFgSpinner Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
      [156] aload_0 v0
      [157] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mFgSpinner Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
      [160] new #28
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorsAdapter]
      [163] dup
      [164] aload_0 v0
      [165] iconst_0
      [166] invokespecial #63
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorsAdapter.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;Z)V]
      [169] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [android/widget/Spinner.setAdapter (Landroid/widget/SpinnerAdapter;)V]
      [172] aload_0 v0
      [173] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mFgSpinner Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
      [176] aload_0 v0
      [177] getfield #38
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mDefaultColors [I]
      [180] iconst_0
      [181] iaload
      [182] invokevirtual #52
        + Methodref [android/widget/Spinner.setSelection (I)V]
      [185] aload_0 v0
      [186] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mFgSpinner Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
      [189] aload_0 v0
      [190] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [android/widget/Spinner.setOnItemSelectedListener (Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener;)V]
      [193] aload_0 v0
      [194] aload_0 v0
      [195] ldc #7
        + Integer [2131427330]
      [197] invokevirtual #58
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [200] checkcast #19
        + Class [android/widget/Spinner]
      [203] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mBgSpinner Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
      [206] aload_0 v0
      [207] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mBgSpinner Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
      [210] new #28
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorsAdapter]
      [213] dup
      [214] aload_0 v0
      [215] iconst_0
      [216] invokespecial #63
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorsAdapter.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;Z)V]
      [219] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [android/widget/Spinner.setAdapter (Landroid/widget/SpinnerAdapter;)V]
      [222] aload_0 v0
      [223] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mBgSpinner Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
      [226] aload_0 v0
      [227] getfield #38
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mDefaultColors [I]
      [230] iconst_1
      [231] iaload
      [232] invokevirtual #52
        + Methodref [android/widget/Spinner.setSelection (I)V]
      [235] aload_0 v0
      [236] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mBgSpinner Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
      [239] aload_0 v0
      [240] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [android/widget/Spinner.setOnItemSelectedListener (Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener;)V]
      [243] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 23)
        [0] -> line 63
        [5] -> line 65
        [11] -> line 67
        [20] -> line 68
        [32] -> line 69
        [42] -> line 67
        [48] -> line 71
        [53] -> line 73
        [65] -> line 75
        [83] -> line 76
        [98] -> line 78
        [111] -> line 79
        [127] -> line 80
        [135] -> line 81
        [143] -> line 83
        [156] -> line 84
        [172] -> line 85
        [185] -> line 86
        [193] -> line 88
        [206] -> line 89
        [222] -> line 90
        [235] -> line 91
        [243] -> line 92
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 244 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity; this]
        v1: 0 -> 244 [Landroid/os/Bundle; savedInstanceState]
  + Method:       onDestroy()V
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected void onDestroy()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 24, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #43
        + Methodref [android/app/Activity.onDestroy ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [8] ifnull +15 (target=23)
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [15] invokevirtual #65
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.close ()V]
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] aconst_null
      [20] putfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [23] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 96
        [4] -> line 98
        [11] -> line 99
        [18] -> line 100
        [23] -> line 102
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 24 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity; this]
  + Method:       onResume()V
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected void onResume()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 24, locals = 1, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #44
        + Methodref [android/app/Activity.onResume ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [8] ifnonnull +15 (target=23)
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] new #29
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
      [15] dup
      [16] aload_0 v0
      [17] invokespecial #64
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [20] putfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [23] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 106
        [4] -> line 108
        [11] -> line 109
        [23] -> line 110
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 24 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity; this]
  + Method:       editColor(I)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void editColor(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 34, locals = 2, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #37
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mCurrentColor I]
      [5] new #30
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog]
      [8] dup
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mColorList Ljava/util/List;]
      [15] iload_1 v1
      [16] invokeinterface #77
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.get (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [21] checkcast #20
        + Class [java/lang/Integer]
      [24] invokevirtual #53
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.intValue ()I]
      [27] invokespecial #70
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener;I)V]
      [30] invokevirtual #71
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/ ()V]
      [33] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 264
        [5] -> line 265
        [33] -> line 266
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 34 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity; this]
        v1: 0 -> 34 [I colorNumber]
  + Method:       onItemClick(Landroid/widget/AdapterView;Landroid/view/View;IJ)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onItemClick(android.widget.AdapterView,android.view.View,int,long)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 6, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_3 v3
      [2] invokespecial #57
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.editColor (I)V]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 269
        [5] -> line 270
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView; parent]
        v2: 0 -> 6 [Landroid/view/View; view]
        v3: 0 -> 6 [I position]
        v4: 0 -> 6 [J id]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 1)
        v1: 0 -> 6 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>; parent]
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>;Landroid/view/View;IJ)V]
  + Method:       onNothingSelected(Landroid/widget/AdapterView;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onNothingSelected(android.widget.AdapterView)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 1, locals = 2, stack = 0):
      [0] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 272
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 1 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity; this]
        v1: 0 -> 1 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView; arg0]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 1)
        v1: 0 -> 1 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>; arg0]
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>;)V]
  + Method:       colorChanged(I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void colorChanged(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 38, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #37
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mCurrentColor I]
      [8] iload_1 v1
      [9] invokevirtual #69
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.setGlobalColor (II)V]
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mColorList Ljava/util/List;]
      [16] aload_0 v0
      [17] getfield #37
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mCurrentColor I]
      [20] iload_1 v1
      [21] invokestatic #54
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [24] invokeinterface #78
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.set (ILjava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [29] pop
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mColorGrid Landroid/widget/GridView;]
      [34] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [android/widget/GridView.invalidateViews ()V]
      [37] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 275
        [12] -> line 276
        [30] -> line 277
        [37] -> line 278
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 38 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity; this]
        v1: 0 -> 38 [I value]
  + Method:       onItemSelected(Landroid/widget/AdapterView;Landroid/view/View;IJ)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onItemSelected(android.widget.AdapterView,android.view.View,int,long)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 91, locals = 7, stack = 5):
      [0] iconst_0
      [1] istore v6
      [3] aload_1 v1
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mFgSpinner Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
      [8] ifacmpne +26 (target=34)
      [11] iload_3 v3
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] getfield #38
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mDefaultColors [I]
      [16] iconst_0
      [17] iaload
      [18] ificmpeq +44 (target=62)
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] getfield #38
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mDefaultColors [I]
      [25] iconst_0
      [26] iload_3 v3
      [27] iastore
      [28] iconst_1
      [29] istore v6
      [31] goto +31 (target=62)
      [34] aload_1 v1
      [35] aload_0 v0
      [36] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mBgSpinner Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
      [39] ifacmpne +23 (target=62)
      [42] iload_3 v3
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] getfield #38
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mDefaultColors [I]
      [47] iconst_1
      [48] iaload
      [49] ificmpeq +13 (target=62)
      [52] aload_0 v0
      [53] getfield #38
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mDefaultColors [I]
      [56] iconst_1
      [57] iload_3 v3
      [58] iastore
      [59] iconst_1
      [60] istore v6
      [62] iload v6
      [64] ifeq +26 (target=90)
      [67] aload_0 v0
      [68] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [71] aload_0 v0
      [72] getfield #36
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mColorScheme I]
      [75] aload_0 v0
      [76] getfield #38
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mDefaultColors [I]
      [79] iconst_0
      [80] iaload
      [81] aload_0 v0
      [82] getfield #38
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mDefaultColors [I]
      [85] iconst_1
      [86] iaload
      [87] invokevirtual #68
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.setDefaultColorsForScheme (III)V]
      [90] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 12)
        [0] -> line 282
        [3] -> line 283
        [11] -> line 284
        [21] -> line 285
        [28] -> line 286
        [34] -> line 288
        [42] -> line 289
        [52] -> line 290
        [59] -> line 291
        [62] -> line 295
        [67] -> line 296
        [90] -> line 297
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 91 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity; this]
        v1: 0 -> 91 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView; parent]
        v2: 0 -> 91 [Landroid/view/View; view]
        v3: 0 -> 91 [I position]
        v4: 0 -> 91 [J id]
        v6: 3 -> 91 [Z needUpdate]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 1)
        v1: 0 -> 91 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>; parent]
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>;Landroid/view/View;IJ)V]
  + Method:       onCreateOptionsMenu(Landroid/view/Menu;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(android.view.Menu)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 59, locals = 3, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #42
        + Methodref [android/app/Activity.onCreateOptionsMenu (Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
      [5] pop
      [6] aload_1 v1
      [7] ldc #5
        + Integer [2131230931]
      [9] invokeinterface #72
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/Menu.add (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [14] astore_2 v2
      [15] aload_2 v2
      [16] bipush 114
      [18] invokeinterface #73
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setAlphabeticShortcut (C)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [23] pop
      [24] aload_2 v2
      [25] bipush 49
      [27] invokeinterface #75
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setNumericShortcut (C)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [32] pop
      [33] aload_2 v2
      [34] ldc #1
        + Integer [17301580]
      [36] invokeinterface #74
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setIcon (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [41] pop
      [42] aload_2 v2
      [43] new #26
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$1]
      [46] dup
      [47] aload_0 v0
      [48] invokespecial #62
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;)V]
      [51] invokeinterface #76
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setOnMenuItemClickListener (Landroid/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [56] pop
      [57] iconst_1
      [58] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 301
        [6] -> line 303
        [15] -> line 304
        [24] -> line 305
        [33] -> line 306
        [42] -> line 307
        [57] -> line 328
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 59 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity; this]
        v1: 0 -> 59 [Landroid/view/Menu; menu]
        v2: 15 -> 59 [Landroid/view/MenuItem; reset]
  + Method:       access$0(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;)Ljava/util/List;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic java.util.List access$0(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ColorsActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mColorList Ljava/util/List;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 55
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$1(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.HostDatabase access$1(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ColorsActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 56
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$2(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;)Landroid/widget/GridView;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic android.widget.GridView access$2(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ColorsActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mColorGrid Landroid/widget/GridView;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 49
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$3(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;)Landroid/widget/Spinner;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic android.widget.Spinner access$3(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ColorsActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mFgSpinner Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 50
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$4(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;)Landroid/widget/Spinner;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic android.widget.Spinner access$4(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ColorsActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.mBgSpinner Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 51
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 7)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
      + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener]
      + Class [android/widget/AdapterView]
      + Utf8 [OnItemClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener]
      + Class [android/widget/AdapterView]
      + Utf8 [OnItemSelectedListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$1]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x2 = private 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity]
      + Utf8 [ColorView]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x2 = private 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorsAdapter]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity]
      + Utf8 [ColorsAdapter]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog]
      + Utf8 [OnColorChangedListener]
  + Signature attribute:
    + Utf8 [Landroid/app/Activity;Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener;Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener;]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$1
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ColorsActivity$1 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 101):
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Class [android/widget/GridView]
  + Class [android/widget/Spinner]
  + Class [java/lang/Integer]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/util/List]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$1]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/Colors]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/Colors.defaults [Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/GridView.invalidateViews ()V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/Spinner.setSelection (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.intValue ()I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;)Ljava/util/List;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.access$1 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.access$2 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;)Landroid/widget/GridView;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.access$3 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;)Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.access$4 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;)Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.setDefaultColorsForScheme (III)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.setGlobalColor (II)V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.get (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.set (ILjava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;)Ljava/util/List;]
  + NameAndType [access$1 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + NameAndType [access$2 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;)Landroid/widget/GridView;]
  + NameAndType [access$3 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;)Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
  + NameAndType [access$4 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;)Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
  + NameAndType [defaults [Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + NameAndType [get (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [intValue ()I]
  + NameAndType [invalidateViews ()V]
  + NameAndType [onCreateOptionsMenu (Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + NameAndType [set (ILjava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [setDefaultColorsForScheme (III)V]
  + NameAndType [setGlobalColor (II)V]
  + NameAndType [setSelection (I)V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(II)V]
  + Utf8 [(III)V]
  + Utf8 [(ILjava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;)Landroid/widget/GridView;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;)Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;)Ljava/util/List;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$1;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;]
  + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [access$1]
  + Utf8 [access$2]
  + Utf8 [access$3]
  + Utf8 [access$4]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/GridView]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/Spinner]
  + Utf8 [arg0]
  + Utf8 [defaults]
  + Utf8 [get]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [intValue]
  + Utf8 [invalidateViews]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Integer]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/util/List]
  + Utf8 [onCreateOptionsMenu]
  + Utf8 [onMenuItemClick]
  + Utf8 [set]
  + Utf8 [setDefaultColorsForScheme]
  + Utf8 [setGlobalColor]
  + Utf8 [setSelection]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$1]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/Colors]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ColorsActivity this$0

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = ColorsActivity$1(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ColorsActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #17
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 307
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$1; this]
  + Method:       onMenuItemClick(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean onMenuItemClick(android.view.MenuItem)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 124, locals = 3, stack = 4):
      [0] iconst_0
      [1] istore_2 v2
      [2] goto +65 (target=67)
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;]
      [9] invokestatic #18
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;)Ljava/util/List;]
      [12] iload_2 v2
      [13] invokeinterface #25
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.get (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [18] getstatic #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/Colors.defaults [Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [21] iload_2 v2
      [22] aaload
      [23] ifacmpeq +41 (target=64)
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;]
      [30] invokestatic #19
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.access$1 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [33] iload_2 v2
      [34] getstatic #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/Colors.defaults [Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [37] iload_2 v2
      [38] aaload
      [39] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.intValue ()I]
      [42] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.setGlobalColor (II)V]
      [45] aload_0 v0
      [46] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;]
      [49] invokestatic #18
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;)Ljava/util/List;]
      [52] iload_2 v2
      [53] getstatic #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/Colors.defaults [Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [56] iload_2 v2
      [57] aaload
      [58] invokeinterface #26
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.set (ILjava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [63] pop
      [64] iinc v2, 1
      [67] iload_2 v2
      [68] getstatic #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/Colors.defaults [Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [71] arraylength
      [72] ificmplt -67 (target=5)
      [75] aload_0 v0
      [76] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;]
      [79] invokestatic #20
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.access$2 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;)Landroid/widget/GridView;]
      [82] invokevirtual #14
        + Methodref [android/widget/GridView.invalidateViews ()V]
      [85] aload_0 v0
      [86] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;]
      [89] invokestatic #21
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.access$3 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;)Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
      [92] bipush 7
      [94] invokevirtual #15
        + Methodref [android/widget/Spinner.setSelection (I)V]
      [97] aload_0 v0
      [98] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;]
      [101] invokestatic #22
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.access$4 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;)Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
      [104] iconst_0
      [105] invokevirtual #15
        + Methodref [android/widget/Spinner.setSelection (I)V]
      [108] aload_0 v0
      [109] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;]
      [112] invokestatic #19
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.access$1 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [115] iconst_0
      [116] bipush 7
      [118] iconst_0
      [119] invokevirtual #23
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.setDefaultColorsForScheme (III)V]
      [122] iconst_1
      [123] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 12)
        [0] -> line 310
        [5] -> line 311
        [26] -> line 312
        [45] -> line 313
        [64] -> line 310
        [75] -> line 316
        [85] -> line 319
        [97] -> line 320
        [108] -> line 321
        [116] -> line 322
        [119] -> line 321
        [122] -> line 324
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 124 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$1; this]
        v1: 0 -> 124 [Landroid/view/MenuItem; arg0]
        v2: 2 -> 75 [I i]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreateOptionsMenu (Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
      + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$1]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView
  Superclass:    android/view/View
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ColorsActivity$ColorView extends android.view.View

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 214):
  + Integer [-2147483648]
  + Integer [-16777216]
  + Integer [1073741824]
  + Float [4.0]
  + Float [16.0]
  + Class [android/graphics/Canvas]
  + Class [android/graphics/Paint]
  + Class [android/graphics/Paint$Align]
  + Class [android/graphics/Paint$Cap]
  + Class [android/graphics/Paint$Join]
  + Class [android/graphics/Paint$Style]
  + Class [android/view/View]
  + Class [android/view/View$MeasureSpec]
  + Class [java/lang/Integer]
  + Class [java/lang/Math]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView]
  + Fieldref [android/graphics/Paint$Align.CENTER Landroid/graphics/Paint$Align;]
  + Fieldref [android/graphics/Paint$Cap.ROUND Landroid/graphics/Paint$Cap;]
  + Fieldref [android/graphics/Paint$Join.ROUND Landroid/graphics/Paint$Join;]
  + Fieldref [android/graphics/Paint$Style.STROKE Landroid/graphics/Paint$Style;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.mAscent I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.mBackgroundColor I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.mHeightCenter I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.mShadowPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.mSquare Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.mText Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.mTextPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.mWidthCenter I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawColor (I)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawText (Ljava/lang/String;FFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.<init> (Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.ascent ()F]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.descent ()F]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.measureText (Ljava/lang/String;)F]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setAntiAlias (Z)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setColor (I)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setStrokeCap (Landroid/graphics/Paint$Cap;)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setStrokeJoin (Landroid/graphics/Paint$Join;)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setStrokeWidth (F)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setStyle (Landroid/graphics/Paint$Style;)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setTextAlign (Landroid/graphics/Paint$Align;)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setTextSize (F)V]
  + Methodref [android/view/View.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Methodref [android/view/View.onDraw (Landroid/graphics/Canvas;)V]
  + Methodref [android/view/View$MeasureSpec.getMode (I)I]
  + Methodref [android/view/View$MeasureSpec.getSize (I)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.toString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Math.min (II)I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.getPaddingBottom ()I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.getPaddingLeft ()I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.getPaddingRight ()I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.getPaddingTop ()I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.measureHeight (I)I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.measureWidth (I)I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.setMeasuredDimension (II)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.setPadding (IIII)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
  + NameAndType [CENTER Landroid/graphics/Paint$Align;]
  + NameAndType [ROUND Landroid/graphics/Paint$Cap;]
  + NameAndType [ROUND Landroid/graphics/Paint$Join;]
  + NameAndType [STROKE Landroid/graphics/Paint$Style;]
  + NameAndType [ascent ()F]
  + NameAndType [descent ()F]
  + NameAndType [drawColor (I)V]
  + NameAndType [drawText (Ljava/lang/String;FFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
  + NameAndType [getMode (I)I]
  + NameAndType [getPaddingBottom ()I]
  + NameAndType [getPaddingLeft ()I]
  + NameAndType [getPaddingRight ()I]
  + NameAndType [getPaddingTop ()I]
  + NameAndType [getSize (I)I]
  + NameAndType [mAscent I]
  + NameAndType [mBackgroundColor I]
  + NameAndType [mHeightCenter I]
  + NameAndType [mShadowPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
  + NameAndType [mSquare Z]
  + NameAndType [mText Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [mTextPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
  + NameAndType [mWidthCenter I]
  + NameAndType [measureHeight (I)I]
  + NameAndType [measureText (Ljava/lang/String;)F]
  + NameAndType [measureWidth (I)I]
  + NameAndType [min (II)I]
  + NameAndType [onDraw (Landroid/graphics/Canvas;)V]
  + NameAndType [setAntiAlias (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [setColor (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setMeasuredDimension (II)V]
  + NameAndType [setPadding (IIII)V]
  + NameAndType [setStrokeCap (Landroid/graphics/Paint$Cap;)V]
  + NameAndType [setStrokeJoin (Landroid/graphics/Paint$Join;)V]
  + NameAndType [setStrokeWidth (F)V]
  + NameAndType [setStyle (Landroid/graphics/Paint$Style;)V]
  + NameAndType [setTextAlign (Landroid/graphics/Paint$Align;)V]
  + NameAndType [setTextSize (F)V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;]
  + NameAndType [toString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()F]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(F)V]
  + Utf8 [(I)I]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(II)I]
  + Utf8 [(II)V]
  + Utf8 [(IIII)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/graphics/Canvas;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/graphics/Paint$Align;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/graphics/Paint$Cap;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/graphics/Paint$Join;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/graphics/Paint$Style;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)F]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;FFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;Landroid/content/Context;Z)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Align]
  + Utf8 [CENTER]
  + Utf8 [Cap]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ColorView]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Join]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/Context;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/graphics/Canvas;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/graphics/Paint$Align;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/graphics/Paint$Cap;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/graphics/Paint$Join;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/graphics/Paint$Style;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;]
  + Utf8 [MeasureSpec]
  + Utf8 [ROUND]
  + Utf8 [STROKE]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Style]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [android/graphics/Canvas]
  + Utf8 [android/graphics/Paint]
  + Utf8 [android/graphics/Paint$Align]
  + Utf8 [android/graphics/Paint$Cap]
  + Utf8 [android/graphics/Paint$Join]
  + Utf8 [android/graphics/Paint$Style]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View$MeasureSpec]
  + Utf8 [ascent]
  + Utf8 [canvas]
  + Utf8 [color]
  + Utf8 [context]
  + Utf8 [descent]
  + Utf8 [drawColor]
  + Utf8 [drawText]
  + Utf8 [getMode]
  + Utf8 [getPaddingBottom]
  + Utf8 [getPaddingLeft]
  + Utf8 [getPaddingRight]
  + Utf8 [getPaddingTop]
  + Utf8 [getSize]
  + Utf8 [height]
  + Utf8 [heightMeasureSpec]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Integer]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Math]
  + Utf8 [mAscent]
  + Utf8 [mBackgroundColor]
  + Utf8 [mHeightCenter]
  + Utf8 [mShadowPaint]
  + Utf8 [mSquare]
  + Utf8 [mText]
  + Utf8 [mTextPaint]
  + Utf8 [mWidthCenter]
  + Utf8 [measureHeight]
  + Utf8 [measureSpec]
  + Utf8 [measureText]
  + Utf8 [measureWidth]
  + Utf8 [min]
  + Utf8 [number]
  + Utf8 [onDraw]
  + Utf8 [onMeasure]
  + Utf8 [result]
  + Utf8 [setAntiAlias]
  + Utf8 [setColor]
  + Utf8 [setMeasuredDimension]
  + Utf8 [setNumber]
  + Utf8 [setPadding]
  + Utf8 [setStrokeCap]
  + Utf8 [setStrokeJoin]
  + Utf8 [setStrokeWidth]
  + Utf8 [setStyle]
  + Utf8 [setTextAlign]
  + Utf8 [setTextSize]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView]
  + Utf8 [specMode]
  + Utf8 [specSize]
  + Utf8 [square]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [width]
  + Utf8 [widthMeasureSpec]

Fields (count = 9):
  + Field:        mSquare Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean mSquare
  + Field:        mTextPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private mTextPaint
  + Field:        mShadowPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private mShadowPaint
  + Field:        mBackgroundColor I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int mBackgroundColor
  + Field:        mText Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String mText
  + Field:        mAscent I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int mAscent
  + Field:        mWidthCenter I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int mWidthCenter
  + Field:        mHeightCenter I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int mHeightCenter
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ColorsActivity this$0

Methods (count = 7):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;Landroid/content/Context;Z)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public ColorsActivity$ColorView(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ColorsActivity,android.content.Context,boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 137, locals = 4, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_2 v2
      [7] invokespecial #46
        + Methodref [android/view/View.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] iload_3 v3
      [12] putfield #26
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.mSquare Z]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] new #7
        + Class [android/graphics/Paint]
      [19] dup
      [20] invokespecial #33
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.<init> ()V]
      [23] putfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.mTextPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.mTextPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [30] iconst_1
      [31] invokevirtual #38
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setAntiAlias (Z)V]
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.mTextPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [38] ldc #5
        + Float [16.0]
      [40] invokevirtual #45
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setTextSize (F)V]
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.mTextPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [47] iconst_m1
      [48] invokevirtual #39
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setColor (I)V]
      [51] aload_0 v0
      [52] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.mTextPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [55] getstatic #18
        + Fieldref [android/graphics/Paint$Align.CENTER Landroid/graphics/Paint$Align;]
      [58] invokevirtual #44
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setTextAlign (Landroid/graphics/Paint$Align;)V]
      [61] aload_0 v0
      [62] new #7
        + Class [android/graphics/Paint]
      [65] dup
      [66] aload_0 v0
      [67] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.mTextPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [70] invokespecial #34
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.<init> (Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [73] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.mShadowPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [76] aload_0 v0
      [77] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.mShadowPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [80] getstatic #21
        + Fieldref [android/graphics/Paint$Style.STROKE Landroid/graphics/Paint$Style;]
      [83] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setStyle (Landroid/graphics/Paint$Style;)V]
      [86] aload_0 v0
      [87] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.mShadowPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [90] getstatic #19
        + Fieldref [android/graphics/Paint$Cap.ROUND Landroid/graphics/Paint$Cap;]
      [93] invokevirtual #40
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setStrokeCap (Landroid/graphics/Paint$Cap;)V]
      [96] aload_0 v0
      [97] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.mShadowPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [100] getstatic #20
        + Fieldref [android/graphics/Paint$Join.ROUND Landroid/graphics/Paint$Join;]
      [103] invokevirtual #41
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setStrokeJoin (Landroid/graphics/Paint$Join;)V]
      [106] aload_0 v0
      [107] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.mShadowPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [110] ldc #4
        + Float [4.0]
      [112] invokevirtual #42
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setStrokeWidth (F)V]
      [115] aload_0 v0
      [116] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.mShadowPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [119] ldc #2
        + Integer [-16777216]
      [121] invokevirtual #39
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setColor (I)V]
      [124] aload_0 v0
      [125] bipush 10
      [127] bipush 10
      [129] bipush 10
      [131] bipush 10
      [133] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.setPadding (IIII)V]
      [136] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 16)
        [0] -> line 161
        [5] -> line 162
        [10] -> line 164
        [15] -> line 166
        [26] -> line 167
        [34] -> line 168
        [43] -> line 169
        [51] -> line 170
        [61] -> line 172
        [76] -> line 173
        [86] -> line 174
        [96] -> line 175
        [106] -> line 176
        [115] -> line 177
        [124] -> line 179
        [136] -> line 180
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 137 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView; this]
        v2: 0 -> 137 [Landroid/content/Context; context]
        v3: 0 -> 137 [Z square]
  + Method:       setColor(I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setColor(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #23
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.mBackgroundColor I]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 183
        [5] -> line 184
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [I color]
  + Method:       setNumber(I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setNumber(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 9, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] invokestatic #50
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.toString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [5] putfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.mText Ljava/lang/String;]
      [8] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 187
        [8] -> line 188
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 9 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView; this]
        v1: 0 -> 9 [I number]
  + Method:       onMeasure(II)V
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected void onMeasure(int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 68, locals = 5, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #57
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.measureWidth (I)I]
      [5] istore_3 v3
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.mSquare Z]
      [10] ifeq +9 (target=19)
      [13] iload_3 v3
      [14] istore v4
      [16] goto +10 (target=26)
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] iload_2 v2
      [21] invokespecial #56
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.measureHeight (I)I]
      [24] istore v4
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] aload_0 v0
      [28] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.mTextPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [31] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.ascent ()F]
      [34] f2i
      [35] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.mAscent I]
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] iload_3 v3
      [40] iconst_2
      [41] idiv
      [42] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.mWidthCenter I]
      [45] aload_0 v0
      [46] iload v4
      [48] iconst_2
      [49] idiv
      [50] aload_0 v0
      [51] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.mAscent I]
      [54] iconst_2
      [55] idiv
      [56] isub
      [57] putfield #24
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.mHeightCenter I]
      [60] aload_0 v0
      [61] iload_3 v3
      [62] iload v4
      [64] invokevirtual #58
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.setMeasuredDimension (II)V]
      [67] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 192
        [6] -> line 195
        [13] -> line 196
        [19] -> line 198
        [26] -> line 200
        [38] -> line 201
        [45] -> line 202
        [60] -> line 204
        [67] -> line 205
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 68 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView; this]
        v1: 0 -> 68 [I widthMeasureSpec]
        v2: 0 -> 68 [I heightMeasureSpec]
        v3: 6 -> 68 [I width]
        v4: 16 -> 19 [I height]
        v4: 26 -> 68 [I height]
  + Method:       measureWidth(I)I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int measureWidth(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 63, locals = 5, stack = 2):
      [0] iconst_0
      [1] istore_2 v2
      [2] iload_1 v1
      [3] invokestatic #48
        + Methodref [android/view/View$MeasureSpec.getMode (I)I]
      [6] istore_3 v3
      [7] iload_1 v1
      [8] invokestatic #49
        + Methodref [android/view/View$MeasureSpec.getSize (I)I]
      [11] istore v4
      [13] iload_3 v3
      [14] ldc #3
        + Integer [1073741824]
      [16] ificmpne +9 (target=25)
      [19] iload v4
      [21] istore_2 v2
      [22] goto +39 (target=61)
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.mTextPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.mText Ljava/lang/String;]
      [33] invokevirtual #37
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.measureText (Ljava/lang/String;)F]
      [36] f2i
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] invokevirtual #53
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.getPaddingLeft ()I]
      [41] iadd
      [42] aload_0 v0
      [43] invokevirtual #54
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.getPaddingRight ()I]
      [46] iadd
      [47] istore_2 v2
      [48] iload_3 v3
      [49] ldc #1
        + Integer [-2147483648]
      [51] ificmpne +10 (target=61)
      [54] iload_2 v2
      [55] iload v4
      [57] invokestatic #51
        + Methodref [java/lang/Math.min (II)I]
      [60] istore_2 v2
      [61] iload_2 v2
      [62] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 11)
        [0] -> line 208
        [2] -> line 209
        [7] -> line 210
        [13] -> line 212
        [19] -> line 214
        [25] -> line 217
        [42] -> line 218
        [46] -> line 217
        [48] -> line 219
        [54] -> line 222
        [61] -> line 226
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 63 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView; this]
        v1: 0 -> 63 [I measureSpec]
        v2: 2 -> 63 [I result]
        v3: 7 -> 63 [I specMode]
        v4: 13 -> 63 [I specSize]
  + Method:       measureHeight(I)I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int measureHeight(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 78, locals = 5, stack = 2):
      [0] iconst_0
      [1] istore_2 v2
      [2] iload_1 v1
      [3] invokestatic #48
        + Methodref [android/view/View$MeasureSpec.getMode (I)I]
      [6] istore_3 v3
      [7] iload_1 v1
      [8] invokestatic #49
        + Methodref [android/view/View$MeasureSpec.getSize (I)I]
      [11] istore v4
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.mTextPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [18] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.ascent ()F]
      [21] f2i
      [22] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.mAscent I]
      [25] iload_3 v3
      [26] ldc #3
        + Integer [1073741824]
      [28] ificmpne +9 (target=37)
      [31] iload v4
      [33] istore_2 v2
      [34] goto +42 (target=76)
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.mAscent I]
      [41] ineg
      [42] i2f
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.mTextPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [47] invokevirtual #36
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.descent ()F]
      [50] fadd
      [51] f2i
      [52] aload_0 v0
      [53] invokevirtual #55
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.getPaddingTop ()I]
      [56] iadd
      [57] aload_0 v0
      [58] invokevirtual #52
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.getPaddingBottom ()I]
      [61] iadd
      [62] istore_2 v2
      [63] iload_3 v3
      [64] ldc #1
        + Integer [-2147483648]
      [66] ificmpne +10 (target=76)
      [69] iload_2 v2
      [70] iload v4
      [72] invokestatic #51
        + Methodref [java/lang/Math.min (II)I]
      [75] istore_2 v2
      [76] iload_2 v2
      [77] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 14)
        [0] -> line 230
        [2] -> line 231
        [7] -> line 232
        [13] -> line 234
        [25] -> line 235
        [31] -> line 237
        [37] -> line 240
        [52] -> line 241
        [56] -> line 240
        [57] -> line 241
        [61] -> line 240
        [63] -> line 242
        [69] -> line 245
        [76] -> line 248
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 78 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView; this]
        v1: 0 -> 78 [I measureSpec]
        v2: 2 -> 78 [I result]
        v3: 7 -> 78 [I specMode]
        v4: 13 -> 78 [I specSize]
  + Method:       onDraw(Landroid/graphics/Canvas;)V
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected void onDraw(
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 58, locals = 2, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #47
        + Methodref [android/view/View.onDraw (Landroid/graphics/Canvas;)V]
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.mBackgroundColor I]
      [10] invokevirtual #31
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawColor (I)V]
      [13] aload_1 v1
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.mText Ljava/lang/String;]
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.mWidthCenter I]
      [22] i2f
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.mHeightCenter I]
      [27] i2f
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.mShadowPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [32] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawText (Ljava/lang/String;FFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [35] aload_1 v1
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.mText Ljava/lang/String;]
      [40] aload_0 v0
      [41] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.mWidthCenter I]
      [44] i2f
      [45] aload_0 v0
      [46] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.mHeightCenter I]
      [49] i2f
      [50] aload_0 v0
      [51] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.mTextPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [54] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawText (Ljava/lang/String;FFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [57] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 254
        [5] -> line 256
        [13] -> line 258
        [35] -> line 259
        [57] -> line 260
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 58 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView; this]
        v1: 0 -> 58 [Landroid/graphics/Canvas; canvas]

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 6)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x4019 = public static final enum 
      + Class [android/graphics/Paint$Align]
      + Class [android/graphics/Paint]
      + Utf8 [Align]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x4019 = public static final enum 
      + Class [android/graphics/Paint$Cap]
      + Class [android/graphics/Paint]
      + Utf8 [Cap]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x4019 = public static final enum 
      + Class [android/graphics/Paint$Join]
      + Class [android/graphics/Paint]
      + Utf8 [Join]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x4019 = public static final enum 
      + Class [android/graphics/Paint$Style]
      + Class [android/graphics/Paint]
      + Utf8 [Style]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x9 = public static 
      + Class [android/view/View$MeasureSpec]
      + Class [android/view/View]
      + Utf8 [MeasureSpec]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x2 = private 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity]
      + Utf8 [ColorView]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorsAdapter
  Superclass:    android/widget/BaseAdapter
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ColorsActivity$ColorsAdapter extends android.widget.BaseAdapter

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 76):
  + Class [android/widget/BaseAdapter]
  + Class [java/lang/Integer]
  + Class [java/util/List]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorsAdapter]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorsAdapter.mSquareViews Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorsAdapter.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/BaseAdapter.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.intValue ()I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;)Ljava/util/List;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;Landroid/content/Context;Z)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.setColor (I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.setNumber (I)V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.get (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.size ()I]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;Landroid/content/Context;Z)V]
  + NameAndType [access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;)Ljava/util/List;]
  + NameAndType [get (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [intValue ()I]
  + NameAndType [mSquareViews Z]
  + NameAndType [setColor (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setNumber (I)V]
  + NameAndType [size ()I]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)J]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(ILandroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ViewGroup;)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;)Ljava/util/List;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;Landroid/content/Context;Z)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;Z)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ColorView]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [ColorsAdapter]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/ViewGroup;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorsAdapter;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/BaseAdapter]
  + Utf8 [c]
  + Utf8 [convertView]
  + Utf8 [get]
  + Utf8 [getCount]
  + Utf8 [getItem]
  + Utf8 [getItemId]
  + Utf8 [getView]
  + Utf8 [intValue]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Integer]
  + Utf8 [java/util/List]
  + Utf8 [mSquareViews]
  + Utf8 [parent]
  + Utf8 [position]
  + Utf8 [setColor]
  + Utf8 [setNumber]
  + Utf8 [size]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorsAdapter]
  + Utf8 [squareViews]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        mSquareViews Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean mSquareViews
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ColorsActivity this$0

Methods (count = 5):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;Z)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public ColorsActivity$ColorsAdapter(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ColorsActivity,boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorsAdapter.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #9
        + Methodref [android/widget/BaseAdapter.<init> ()V]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] iload_2 v2
      [11] putfield #7
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorsAdapter.mSquareViews Z]
      [14] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 115
        [9] -> line 116
        [14] -> line 117
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 15 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorsAdapter; this]
        v2: 0 -> 15 [Z squareViews]
  + Method:       getView(ILandroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ViewGroup;)Landroid/view/View;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public android.view.View getView(int,android.view.View,android.view.ViewGroup)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 69, locals = 5, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_2 v2
      [1] ifnonnull +27 (target=28)
      [4] new #5
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView]
      [7] dup
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorsAdapter.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;]
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorsAdapter.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;]
      [16] aload_0 v0
      [17] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorsAdapter.mSquareViews Z]
      [20] invokespecial #12
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;Landroid/content/Context;Z)V]
      [23] astore v4
      [25] goto +9 (target=34)
      [28] aload_2 v2
      [29] checkcast #5
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView]
      [32] astore v4
      [34] aload v4
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorsAdapter.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;]
      [40] invokestatic #11
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;)Ljava/util/List;]
      [43] iload_1 v1
      [44] invokeinterface #15
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.get (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [49] checkcast #2
        + Class [java/lang/Integer]
      [52] invokevirtual #10
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.intValue ()I]
      [55] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.setColor (I)V]
      [58] aload v4
      [60] iload_1 v1
      [61] iconst_1
      [62] iadd
      [63] invokevirtual #14
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView.setNumber (I)V]
      [66] aload v4
      [68] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 122
        [4] -> line 123
        [28] -> line 125
        [34] -> line 128
        [58] -> line 129
        [66] -> line 131
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 69 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorsAdapter; this]
        v1: 0 -> 69 [I position]
        v2: 0 -> 69 [Landroid/view/View; convertView]
        v3: 0 -> 69 [Landroid/view/ViewGroup; parent]
        v4: 25 -> 28 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView; c]
        v4: 34 -> 69 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView; c]
  + Method:       getCount()I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int getCount()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 13, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorsAdapter.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;]
      [4] invokestatic #11
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;)Ljava/util/List;]
      [7] invokeinterface #16
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.size ()I]
      [12] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 135
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 13 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorsAdapter; this]
  + Method:       getItem(I)Ljava/lang/Object;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.Object getItem(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 14, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorsAdapter.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;]
      [4] invokestatic #11
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity;)Ljava/util/List;]
      [7] iload_1 v1
      [8] invokeinterface #15
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.get (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [13] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 139
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 14 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorsAdapter; this]
        v1: 0 -> 14 [I position]
  + Method:       getItemId(I)J
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public long getItemId(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 3, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] iload_1 v1
      [1] i2l
      [2] lreturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 143
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 3 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorsAdapter; this]
        v1: 0 -> 3 [I position]

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x2 = private 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorView]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity]
      + Utf8 [ColorView]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x2 = private 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity$ColorsAdapter]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity]
      + Utf8 [ColorsAdapter]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity
  Superclass:    android/app/Activity
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity extends

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 843):
  + Integer [16908292]
  + Integer [17301560]
  + Integer [17301562]
  + Integer [17301566]
  + Integer [17301570]
  + Integer [17301583]
  + Integer [17301585]
  + Integer [2130903041]
  + Integer [2130903057]
  + Integer [2130968576]
  + Integer [2130968577]
  + Integer [2130968578]
  + Integer [2130968579]
  + Integer [2130968580]
  + Integer [2130968581]
  + Integer [2130968582]
  + Integer [2130968583]
  + Integer [2131230857]
  + Integer [2131230858]
  + Integer [2131230859]
  + Integer [2131230860]
  + Integer [2131230861]
  + Integer [2131230862]
  + Integer [2131230881]
  + Integer [2131427332]
  + Integer [2131427333]
  + Integer [2131427334]
  + Integer [2131427335]
  + Integer [2131427336]
  + Integer [2131427337]
  + Integer [2131427338]
  + Integer [2131427339]
  + Integer [2131427340]
  + Integer [2131427341]
  + Integer [2131427342]
  + Integer [2131427343]
  + Integer [2131427344]
  + Integer [2131427371]
  + String []
  + String [ConnectBot.ConsoleActivity]
  + String [Default]
  + String [Force landscape]
  + String [Force portrait]
  + String [Got null intent data in onNewIntent()]
  + String [Problem while trying to create new requested bridge from URI]
  + String [View went away when we were about to display it]
  + String [We couldnt find an existing bridge with URI=%s (nickname=%s),so creating one now]
  + String [We're not bound in onNewIntent()]
  + String [android.os.StrictMode]
  + String [clipboard]
  + String [fullscreen]
  + String [input_method]
  + String [keepalive]
  + String [onConfigurationChanged; requestedOrientation=%d, newConfig.orientation=%d]
  + String [onNewIntent called]
  + String [onPause called]
  + String [onResume called]
  + String [rotation]
  + Class [android/app/Activity]
  + Class [android/content/Intent]
  + Class [android/content/SharedPreferences]
  + Class [android/content/res/Configuration]
  + Class [android/content/res/Resources]
  + Class [android/net/Uri]
  + Class [android/os/Handler]
  + Class [android/preference/PreferenceManager]
  + Class [android/text/ClipboardManager]
  + Class [android/util/Log]
  + Class [android/view/GestureDetector]
  + Class [android/view/GestureDetector$OnGestureListener]
  + Class [android/view/LayoutInflater]
  + Class [android/view/Menu]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Class [android/view/View]
  + Class [android/view/View$OnClickListener]
  + Class [android/view/View$OnKeyListener]
  + Class [android/view/View$OnTouchListener]
  + Class [android/view/Window]
  + Class [android/view/animation/AnimationUtils]
  + Class [android/view/inputmethod/InputMethodManager]
  + Class [android/widget/Button]
  + Class [android/widget/EditText]
  + Class [android/widget/ImageView]
  + Class [android/widget/RelativeLayout]
  + Class [android/widget/TextView]
  + Class [android/widget/ViewFlipper]
  + Class [java/lang/Boolean]
  + Class [java/lang/Class]
  + Class [java/lang/ClassNotFoundException]
  + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Class [java/lang/Integer]
  + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$1]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$10]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$11]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$13]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$14]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$15]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$16]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$17]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$2]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$3]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$4]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$5]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$6]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$7]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$8]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$9]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$URLItemListener]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/StrictModeSetup]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Fieldref [android/content/res/Configuration.hardKeyboardHidden I]
  + Fieldref [android/content/res/Configuration.keyboard I]
  + Fieldref [android/content/res/Configuration.orientation I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.booleanNo Landroid/widget/Button;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.booleanPrompt Landroid/widget/TextView;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.booleanPromptGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.booleanYes Landroid/widget/Button;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.clipboard Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.connection Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.copy Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.copySource Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.disconnect Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.disconnectHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.empty Landroid/widget/TextView;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.fade_out_delayed Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.fade_stay_hidden Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.flip Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.forcedOrientation Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.handler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.hardKeyboard Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.inputManager Landroid/view/inputmethod/InputMethodManager;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.keyboard_fade_in Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.keyboard_fade_out Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.lastTouchCol I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.lastTouchRow I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.lastX F]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.lastY F]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.mKeyboardButton Landroid/widget/ImageView;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.paste Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.portForward Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.prefs Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.promptHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.requested Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.resize Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.slide_left_in Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.slide_left_out Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.slide_right_in Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.slide_right_out Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.stringPrompt Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.stringPromptGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.stringPromptInstructions Landroid/widget/TextView;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.urlscan Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.promptHint Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.promptInstructions Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.promptRequested Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.promptHelper Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.defaultBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.hardKeyboardHidden Z]
  + Methodref [android/app/Activity.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [android/app/Activity.onConfigurationChanged (Landroid/content/res/Configuration;)V]
  + Methodref [android/app/Activity.onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Methodref [android/app/Activity.onCreateOptionsMenu (Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + Methodref [android/app/Activity.onNewIntent (Landroid/content/Intent;)V]
  + Methodref [android/app/Activity.onOptionsMenuClosed (Landroid/view/Menu;)V]
  + Methodref [android/app/Activity.onPause ()V]
  + Methodref [android/app/Activity.onPrepareOptionsMenu (Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + Methodref [android/app/Activity.onResume ()V]
  + Methodref [android/app/Activity.onStart ()V]
  + Methodref [android/app/Activity.onStop ()V]
  + Methodref [android/content/Intent.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
  + Methodref [android/content/Intent.getData ()Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getConfiguration ()Landroid/content/res/Configuration;]
  + Methodref [android/net/Uri.getFragment ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/net/Uri.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/os/Handler.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [android/preference/PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
  + Methodref [android/text/ClipboardManager.hasText ()Z]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Methodref [android/view/GestureDetector.<init> (Landroid/view/GestureDetector$OnGestureListener;)V]
  + Methodref [android/view/LayoutInflater.from (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + Methodref [android/view/LayoutInflater.inflate (ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;Z)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [android/view/View.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [android/view/View.requestFocus ()Z]
  + Methodref [android/view/View.startAnimation (Landroid/view/animation/Animation;)V]
  + Methodref [android/view/Window.addFlags (I)V]
  + Methodref [android/view/Window.clearFlags (I)V]
  + Methodref [android/view/Window.setFlags (II)V]
  + Methodref [android/view/animation/AnimationUtils.loadAnimation (Landroid/content/Context;I)Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/Button.requestFocus ()Z]
  + Methodref [android/widget/Button.setOnClickListener (Landroid/view/View$OnClickListener;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.requestFocus ()Z]
  + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.setHint (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.setOnKeyListener (Landroid/view/View$OnKeyListener;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ImageView.setOnClickListener (Landroid/view/View$OnClickListener;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ImageView.setVisibility (I)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/RelativeLayout.addView (Landroid/view/View;I)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/RelativeLayout.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/RelativeLayout.setVisibility (I)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.setVisibility (I)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.addView (Landroid/view/View;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.getChildAt (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.getChildCount ()I]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.getCurrentView ()Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.getDisplayedChild ()I]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.removeViewAt (I)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.setDisplayedChild (I)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.setInAnimation (Landroid/view/animation/Animation;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.setLongClickable (Z)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.setOnTouchListener (Landroid/view/View$OnTouchListener;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.setOutAnimation (Landroid/view/animation/Animation;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.showNext ()V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.showPrevious ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Class.forName (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.addNewTerminalView (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.bindService (Landroid/content/Intent;Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;I)Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.closeBridge (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.configureOrientation ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.configureStrictMode ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.findCurrentView (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.finish ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.getFlipIndex (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.getIntent ()Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.getRequestedOrientation ()I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.getSystemService (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.getWindow ()Landroid/view/Window;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.hideAllPrompts ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.setContentView (I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.setDisplayedTerminal (I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.setRequestedOrientation (I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.setVolumeControlStream (I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.shiftCurrentTerminal (I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.unbindService (Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.updateDefault ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.updateEmptyVisible ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.updatePromptVisible ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$10.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$11.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;Landroid/view/GestureDetector;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$13.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$14.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$15.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$16.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$17.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$2.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$3.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$4.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$5.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$6.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$7.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$8.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$9.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.setId (I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.setHandler (Landroid/os/Handler;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.canFowardPorts ()Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.isDisconnected ()Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.isSessionOpen ()Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.getConnectedBridge (Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.openConnection (Landroid/net/Uri;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.setResizeAllowed (Z)V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.getBoolean (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.getString (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/Menu.add (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/Menu.setQwertyMode (Z)V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setAlphabeticShortcut (C)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setEnabled (Z)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setIcon (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setOnMenuItemClickListener (Landroid/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setTitle (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/view/GestureDetector$OnGestureListener;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;Landroid/view/GestureDetector;)V]
  + NameAndType [add (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + NameAndType [addFlags (I)V]
  + NameAndType [addNewTerminalView (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)I]
  + NameAndType [addView (Landroid/view/View;)V]
  + NameAndType [addView (Landroid/view/View;I)V]
  + NameAndType [bindService (Landroid/content/Intent;Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;I)Z]
  + NameAndType [booleanNo Landroid/widget/Button;]
  + NameAndType [booleanPrompt Landroid/widget/TextView;]
  + NameAndType [booleanPromptGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
  + NameAndType [booleanYes Landroid/widget/Button;]
  + NameAndType [bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + NameAndType [bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [canFowardPorts ()Z]
  + NameAndType [clearFlags (I)V]
  + NameAndType [clipboard Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;]
  + NameAndType [closeBridge (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
  + NameAndType [configureOrientation ()V]
  + NameAndType [configureStrictMode ()V]
  + NameAndType [connection Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;]
  + NameAndType [copy Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + NameAndType [copySource Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + NameAndType [defaultBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [disconnect Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + NameAndType [disconnectHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + NameAndType [e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + NameAndType [empty Landroid/widget/TextView;]
  + NameAndType [equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [fade_out_delayed Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
  + NameAndType [fade_stay_hidden Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
  + NameAndType [findCurrentView (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [finish ()V]
  + NameAndType [flip Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
  + NameAndType [forName (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;]
  + NameAndType [forcedOrientation Z]
  + NameAndType [format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [from (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + NameAndType [getBoolean (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
  + NameAndType [getChildAt (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [getChildCount ()I]
  + NameAndType [getConfiguration ()Landroid/content/res/Configuration;]
  + NameAndType [getConnectedBridge (Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [getCurrentView ()Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [getData ()Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + NameAndType [getDefaultSharedPreferences (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
  + NameAndType [getDisplayedChild ()I]
  + NameAndType [getFlipIndex (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)I]
  + NameAndType [getFragment ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getIntent ()Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + NameAndType [getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getRequestedOrientation ()I]
  + NameAndType [getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + NameAndType [getString (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getSystemService (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [getWindow ()Landroid/view/Window;]
  + NameAndType [handler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + NameAndType [hardKeyboard Z]
  + NameAndType [hardKeyboardHidden I]
  + NameAndType [hardKeyboardHidden Z]
  + NameAndType [hasText ()Z]
  + NameAndType [hideAllPrompts ()V]
  + NameAndType [host Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + NameAndType [inflate (ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;Z)Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + NameAndType [inputManager Landroid/view/inputmethod/InputMethodManager;]
  + NameAndType [isDisconnected ()Z]
  + NameAndType [isSessionOpen ()Z]
  + NameAndType [keyboard I]
  + NameAndType [keyboard_fade_in Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
  + NameAndType [keyboard_fade_out Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
  + NameAndType [lastTouchCol I]
  + NameAndType [lastTouchRow I]
  + NameAndType [lastX F]
  + NameAndType [lastY F]
  + NameAndType [length ()I]
  + NameAndType [loadAnimation (Landroid/content/Context;I)Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
  + NameAndType [mKeyboardButton Landroid/widget/ImageView;]
  + NameAndType [onConfigurationChanged (Landroid/content/res/Configuration;)V]
  + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + NameAndType [onCreateOptionsMenu (Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + NameAndType [onNewIntent (Landroid/content/Intent;)V]
  + NameAndType [onOptionsMenuClosed (Landroid/view/Menu;)V]
  + NameAndType [onPause ()V]
  + NameAndType [onPrepareOptionsMenu (Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + NameAndType [onResume ()V]
  + NameAndType [onStart ()V]
  + NameAndType [onStop ()V]
  + NameAndType [openConnection (Landroid/net/Uri;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [orientation I]
  + NameAndType [paste Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + NameAndType [portForward Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + NameAndType [prefs Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
  + NameAndType [promptHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + NameAndType [promptHelper Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
  + NameAndType [promptHint Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [promptInstructions Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [promptRequested Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [removeViewAt (I)V]
  + NameAndType [requestFocus ()Z]
  + NameAndType [requested Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + NameAndType [resize Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + NameAndType [run ()V]
  + NameAndType [setAlphabeticShortcut (C)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + NameAndType [setContentView (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setDisplayedChild (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setDisplayedTerminal (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setEnabled (Z)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + NameAndType [setFlags (II)V]
  + NameAndType [setHandler (Landroid/os/Handler;)V]
  + NameAndType [setHint (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + NameAndType [setIcon (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + NameAndType [setId (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setInAnimation (Landroid/view/animation/Animation;)V]
  + NameAndType [setLongClickable (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [setOnClickListener (Landroid/view/View$OnClickListener;)V]
  + NameAndType [setOnKeyListener (Landroid/view/View$OnKeyListener;)V]
  + NameAndType [setOnMenuItemClickListener (Landroid/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + NameAndType [setOnTouchListener (Landroid/view/View$OnTouchListener;)V]
  + NameAndType [setOutAnimation (Landroid/view/animation/Animation;)V]
  + NameAndType [setQwertyMode (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [setRequestedOrientation (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setResizeAllowed (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + NameAndType [setTitle (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + NameAndType [setVisibility (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setVolumeControlStream (I)V]
  + NameAndType [shiftCurrentTerminal (I)V]
  + NameAndType [showNext ()V]
  + NameAndType [showPrevious ()V]
  + NameAndType [slide_left_in Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
  + NameAndType [slide_left_out Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
  + NameAndType [slide_right_in Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
  + NameAndType [slide_right_out Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
  + NameAndType [startAnimation (Landroid/view/animation/Animation;)V]
  + NameAndType [stringPrompt Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + NameAndType [stringPromptGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
  + NameAndType [stringPromptInstructions Landroid/widget/TextView;]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [unbindService (Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;)V]
  + NameAndType [updateDefault ()V]
  + NameAndType [updateEmptyVisible ()V]
  + NameAndType [updatePromptVisible ()V]
  + NameAndType [urlscan Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/content/res/Configuration;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/view/Window;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(C)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(II)V]
  + Utf8 [(ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;Z)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;I)Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Intent;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Intent;Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;I)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/res/Configuration;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/net/Uri;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Handler;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/GestureDetector$OnGestureListener;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/Menu;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View$OnClickListener;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View$OnKeyListener;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View$OnTouchListener;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/animation/Animation;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)F]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)Landroid/view/inputmethod/InputMethodManager;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;F)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;Landroid/view/GestureDetector;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ConnectBot.ConsoleActivity]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Default]
  + Utf8 [F]
  + Utf8 [Force landscape]
  + Utf8 [Force portrait]
  + Utf8 [Got null intent data in onNewIntent()]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/res/Configuration;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/Bundle;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/GestureDetector;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/Menu;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/inputmethod/InputMethodManager;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/Button;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/ImageView;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/TextView;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Exception;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/NullPointerException;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [OnGestureListener]
  + Utf8 [OnKeyListener]
  + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [OnTouchListener]
  + Utf8 [Problem while trying to create new requested bridge from URI]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [URLItemListener]
  + Utf8 [View went away when we were about to display it]
  + Utf8 [We couldnt find an existing bridge with URI=%s (nickname=%s),so creating one now]
  + Utf8 [We're not bound in onNewIntent()]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [access$1]
  + Utf8 [access$10]
  + Utf8 [access$11]
  + Utf8 [access$12]
  + Utf8 [access$13]
  + Utf8 [access$14]
  + Utf8 [access$15]
  + Utf8 [access$2]
  + Utf8 [access$3]
  + Utf8 [access$4]
  + Utf8 [access$5]
  + Utf8 [access$6]
  + Utf8 [access$7]
  + Utf8 [access$8]
  + Utf8 [access$9]
  + Utf8 [activeTerminal]
  + Utf8 [add]
  + Utf8 [addFlags]
  + Utf8 [addNewTerminalView]
  + Utf8 [addView]
  + Utf8 [android.os.StrictMode]
  + Utf8 [android/app/Activity]
  + Utf8 [android/content/Intent]
  + Utf8 [android/content/SharedPreferences]
  + Utf8 [android/content/res/Configuration]
  + Utf8 [android/content/res/Resources]
  + Utf8 [android/net/Uri]
  + Utf8 [android/os/Handler]
  + Utf8 [android/preference/PreferenceManager]
  + Utf8 [android/text/ClipboardManager]
  + Utf8 [android/util/Log]
  + Utf8 [android/view/GestureDetector]
  + Utf8 [android/view/GestureDetector$OnGestureListener]
  + Utf8 [android/view/LayoutInflater]
  + Utf8 [android/view/Menu]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View$OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View$OnKeyListener]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View$OnTouchListener]
  + Utf8 [android/view/Window]
  + Utf8 [android/view/animation/AnimationUtils]
  + Utf8 [android/view/inputmethod/InputMethodManager]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/Button]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/EditText]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/ImageView]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/RelativeLayout]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/TextView]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/ViewFlipper]
  + Utf8 [bindService]
  + Utf8 [booleanNo]
  + Utf8 [booleanPrompt]
  + Utf8 [booleanPromptGroup]
  + Utf8 [booleanYes]
  + Utf8 [bound]
  + Utf8 [bridge]
  + Utf8 [canForwardPorts]
  + Utf8 [canFowardPorts]
  + Utf8 [children]
  + Utf8 [clearFlags]
  + Utf8 [clipboard]
  + Utf8 [closeBridge]
  + Utf8 [configureOrientation]
  + Utf8 [configureStrictMode]
  + Utf8 [connection]
  + Utf8 [copy]
  + Utf8 [copySource]
  + Utf8 [ctrlButton]
  + Utf8 [d]
  + Utf8 [defaultBridge]
  + Utf8 [detect]
  + Utf8 [direction]
  + Utf8 [disconnect]
  + Utf8 [disconnectHandler]
  + Utf8 [disconnected]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [empty]
  + Utf8 [equals]
  + Utf8 [escButton]
  + Utf8 [fade_out_delayed]
  + Utf8 [fade_stay_hidden]
  + Utf8 [findCurrentView]
  + Utf8 [findViewById]
  + Utf8 [finish]
  + Utf8 [flip]
  + Utf8 [flipIndex]
  + Utf8 [forName]
  + Utf8 [forcedOrientation]
  + Utf8 [format]
  + Utf8 [from]
  + Utf8 [fullscreen]
  + Utf8 [getBoolean]
  + Utf8 [getChildAt]
  + Utf8 [getChildCount]
  + Utf8 [getConfiguration]
  + Utf8 [getConnectedBridge]
  + Utf8 [getCurrentPromptHelper]
  + Utf8 [getCurrentView]
  + Utf8 [getData]
  + Utf8 [getDefaultSharedPreferences]
  + Utf8 [getDisplayedChild]
  + Utf8 [getFlipIndex]
  + Utf8 [getFragment]
  + Utf8 [getIntent]
  + Utf8 [getNickname]
  + Utf8 [getRequestedOrientation]
  + Utf8 [getResources]
  + Utf8 [getString]
  + Utf8 [getSystemService]
  + Utf8 [getWindow]
  + Utf8 [handler]
  + Utf8 [hardKeyboard]
  + Utf8 [hardKeyboardHidden]
  + Utf8 [hasText]
  + Utf8 [hideAllPrompts]
  + Utf8 [host]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [icicle]
  + Utf8 [id]
  + Utf8 [inflate]
  + Utf8 [inflater]
  + Utf8 [inputManager]
  + Utf8 [input_method]
  + Utf8 [instructions]
  + Utf8 [intent]
  + Utf8 [isDisconnected]
  + Utf8 [isSessionOpen]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Boolean]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Class]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/ClassNotFoundException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Exception]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Integer]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/NullPointerException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [keepalive]
  + Utf8 [keyboard]
  + Utf8 [keyboardGroup]
  + Utf8 [keyboard_fade_in]
  + Utf8 [keyboard_fade_out]
  + Utf8 [lastTouchCol]
  + Utf8 [lastTouchRow]
  + Utf8 [lastX]
  + Utf8 [lastY]
  + Utf8 [length]
  + Utf8 [loadAnimation]
  + Utf8 [mKeyboardButton]
  + Utf8 [menu]
  + Utf8 [newConfig]
  + Utf8 [npe]
  + Utf8 [numChildren]
  + Utf8 [onConfigurationChanged]
  + Utf8 [onConfigurationChanged; requestedOrientation=%d, newConfig.orientation=%d]
  + Utf8 [onCreate]
  + Utf8 [onCreateOptionsMenu]
  + Utf8 [onNewIntent]
  + Utf8 [onNewIntent called]
  + Utf8 [onOptionsMenuClosed]
  + Utf8 [onPause]
  + Utf8 [onPause called]
  + Utf8 [onPrepareOptionsMenu]
  + Utf8 [onResume]
  + Utf8 [onResume called]
  + Utf8 [onStart]
  + Utf8 [onStop]
  + Utf8 [openConnection]
  + Utf8 [orientation]
  + Utf8 [overlay]
  + Utf8 [paste]
  + Utf8 [portForward]
  + Utf8 [prefs]
  + Utf8 [prompt]
  + Utf8 [promptHandler]
  + Utf8 [promptHelper]
  + Utf8 [promptHint]
  + Utf8 [promptInstructions]
  + Utf8 [promptRequested]
  + Utf8 [removeViewAt]
  + Utf8 [requestFocus]
  + Utf8 [requested]
  + Utf8 [requestedBridge]
  + Utf8 [requestedIndex]
  + Utf8 [resize]
  + Utf8 [rotate]
  + Utf8 [rotateDefault]
  + Utf8 [rotation]
  + Utf8 [run]
  + Utf8 [sessionOpen]
  + Utf8 [setAlphabeticShortcut]
  + Utf8 [setContentView]
  + Utf8 [setDisplayedChild]
  + Utf8 [setDisplayedTerminal]
  + Utf8 [setEnabled]
  + Utf8 [setFlags]
  + Utf8 [setHandler]
  + Utf8 [setHint]
  + Utf8 [setIcon]
  + Utf8 [setId]
  + Utf8 [setInAnimation]
  + Utf8 [setLongClickable]
  + Utf8 [setOnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [setOnKeyListener]
  + Utf8 [setOnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [setOnTouchListener]
  + Utf8 [setOutAnimation]
  + Utf8 [setQwertyMode]
  + Utf8 [setRequestedOrientation]
  + Utf8 [setResizeAllowed]
  + Utf8 [setText]
  + Utf8 [setTitle]
  + Utf8 [setVisibility]
  + Utf8 [setVolumeControlStream]
  + Utf8 [shiftCurrentTerminal]
  + Utf8 [shouldAnimate]
  + Utf8 [showNext]
  + Utf8 [showPrevious]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$1]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$10]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$11]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$13]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$14]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$15]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$16]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$17]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$2]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$3]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$4]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$5]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$6]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$7]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$8]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$9]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$URLItemListener]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/StrictModeSetup]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Utf8 [slide_left_in]
  + Utf8 [slide_left_out]
  + Utf8 [slide_right_in]
  + Utf8 [slide_right_out]
  + Utf8 [startAnimation]
  + Utf8 [stringPrompt]
  + Utf8 [stringPromptGroup]
  + Utf8 [stringPromptInstructions]
  + Utf8 [symButton]
  + Utf8 [terminal]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [tv]
  + Utf8 [unbindService]
  + Utf8 [updateDefault]
  + Utf8 [updateEmptyVisible]
  + Utf8 [updatePromptVisible]
  + Utf8 [urlscan]
  + Utf8 [valueOf]
  + Utf8 [view]

Fields (count = 41):
  + Field:        flip Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected android.widget.ViewFlipper flip
  + Field:        bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalManager bound
  + Field:        inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected android.view.LayoutInflater inflater
  + Field:        prefs Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.content.SharedPreferences prefs
  + Field:        hardKeyboard Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean hardKeyboard
  + Field:        requested Landroid/net/Uri;
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected requested
  + Field:        clipboard Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected android.text.ClipboardManager clipboard
  + Field:        stringPromptGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.widget.RelativeLayout stringPromptGroup
  + Field:        stringPrompt Landroid/widget/EditText;
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected android.widget.EditText stringPrompt
  + Field:        stringPromptInstructions Landroid/widget/TextView;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.widget.TextView stringPromptInstructions
  + Field:        booleanPromptGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.widget.RelativeLayout booleanPromptGroup
  + Field:        booleanPrompt Landroid/widget/TextView;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.widget.TextView booleanPrompt
  + Field:        booleanYes Landroid/widget/Button;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.widget.Button booleanYes
  + Field:        booleanNo Landroid/widget/Button;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.widget.Button booleanNo
  + Field:        empty Landroid/widget/TextView;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.widget.TextView empty
  + Field:        slide_left_in Landroid/view/animation/Animation;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.view.animation.Animation slide_left_in
  + Field:        slide_left_out Landroid/view/animation/Animation;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.view.animation.Animation slide_left_out
  + Field:        slide_right_in Landroid/view/animation/Animation;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.view.animation.Animation slide_right_in
  + Field:        slide_right_out Landroid/view/animation/Animation;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.view.animation.Animation slide_right_out
  + Field:        fade_stay_hidden Landroid/view/animation/Animation;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.view.animation.Animation fade_stay_hidden
  + Field:        fade_out_delayed Landroid/view/animation/Animation;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.view.animation.Animation fade_out_delayed
  + Field:        keyboard_fade_in Landroid/view/animation/Animation;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.view.animation.Animation keyboard_fade_in
  + Field:        keyboard_fade_out Landroid/view/animation/Animation;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.view.animation.Animation keyboard_fade_out
  + Field:        lastX F
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private float lastX
  + Field:        lastY F
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private float lastY
  + Field:        inputManager Landroid/view/inputmethod/InputMethodManager;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager inputManager
  + Field:        disconnect Landroid/view/MenuItem;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.view.MenuItem disconnect
  + Field:        copy Landroid/view/MenuItem;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.view.MenuItem copy
  + Field:        paste Landroid/view/MenuItem;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.view.MenuItem paste
  + Field:        portForward Landroid/view/MenuItem;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.view.MenuItem portForward
  + Field:        resize Landroid/view/MenuItem;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.view.MenuItem resize
  + Field:        urlscan Landroid/view/MenuItem;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.view.MenuItem urlscan
  + Field:        copySource Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge copySource
  + Field:        lastTouchRow I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int lastTouchRow
  + Field:        lastTouchCol I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int lastTouchCol
  + Field:        forcedOrientation Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean forcedOrientation
  + Field:        handler Landroid/os/Handler;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.os.Handler handler
  + Field:        mKeyboardButton Landroid/widget/ImageView;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.widget.ImageView mKeyboardButton
  + Field:        connection Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.content.ServiceConnection connection
  + Field:        promptHandler Landroid/os/Handler;
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected android.os.Handler promptHandler
  + Field:        disconnectHandler Landroid/os/Handler;
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected android.os.Handler disconnectHandler

Methods (count = 40):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public ConsoleActivity()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 82, locals = 1, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #174
        + Methodref [android/app/Activity.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aconst_null
      [6] putfield #139
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.flip Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aconst_null
      [11] putfield #129
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] aconst_null
      [16] putfield #143
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] aconst_null
      [21] putfield #154
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.prefs Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] iconst_0
      [26] putfield #142
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.hardKeyboard Z]
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] aconst_null
      [31] putfield #133
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.copySource Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] new #65
        + Class [android/os/Handler]
      [38] dup
      [39] invokespecial #190
        + Methodref [android/os/Handler.<init> ()V]
      [42] putfield #141
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.handler Landroid/os/Handler;]
      [45] aload_0 v0
      [46] new #97
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$1]
      [49] dup
      [50] aload_0 v0
      [51] invokespecial #263
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V]
      [54] putfield #131
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.connection Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;]
      [57] aload_0 v0
      [58] new #107
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$2]
      [61] dup
      [62] aload_0 v0
      [63] invokespecial #273
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$2.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V]
      [66] putfield #155
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.promptHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
      [69] aload_0 v0
      [70] new #108
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$3]
      [73] dup
      [74] aload_0 v0
      [75] invokespecial #274
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$3.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V]
      [78] putfield #135
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.disconnectHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
      [81] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 12)
        [0] -> line 78
        [4] -> line 91
        [9] -> line 92
        [14] -> line 93
        [19] -> line 95
        [24] -> line 99
        [29] -> line 123
        [34] -> line 128
        [45] -> line 132
        [57] -> line 187
        [69] -> line 195
        [81] -> line 78
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 82 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity; this]
  + Method:       closeBridge(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void closeBridge(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 105, locals = 5, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #139
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.flip Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [4] dup
      [5] astore_2 v2
      [6] monitorenter
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] aload_1 v1
      [9] invokespecial #247
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.getFlipIndex (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)I]
      [12] istore_3 v3
      [13] iload_3 v3
      [14] iflt +68 (target=82)
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] getfield #139
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.flip Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [21] invokevirtual #224
        + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.getDisplayedChild ()I]
      [24] iload_3 v3
      [25] ificmpne +8 (target=33)
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] iconst_0
      [30] invokevirtual #258
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.shiftCurrentTerminal (I)V]
      [33] aload_0 v0
      [34] getfield #139
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.flip Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [37] iload_3 v3
      [38] invokevirtual #225
        + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.removeViewAt (I)V]
      [41] aload_0 v0
      [42] getfield #139
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.flip Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [45] invokevirtual #222
        + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.getChildCount ()I]
      [48] istore v4
      [50] aload_0 v0
      [51] getfield #139
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.flip Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [54] invokevirtual #224
        + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.getDisplayedChild ()I]
      [57] iload v4
      [59] ificmplt +19 (target=78)
      [62] iload v4
      [64] ifle +14 (target=78)
      [67] aload_0 v0
      [68] getfield #139
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.flip Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [71] iload v4
      [73] iconst_1
      [74] isub
      [75] invokevirtual #226
        + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.setDisplayedChild (I)V]
      [78] aload_0 v0
      [79] invokevirtual #261
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.updateEmptyVisible ()V]
      [82] aload_0 v0
      [83] getfield #139
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.flip Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [86] invokevirtual #222
        + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.getChildCount ()I]
      [89] ifne +7 (target=96)
      [92] aload_0 v0
      [93] invokevirtual #246
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.finish ()V]
      [96] aload_2 v2
      [97] monitorexit
      [98] goto +6 (target=104)
      [101] aload_2 v2
      [102] monitorexit
      [103] athrow
      [104] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (7 -> 98: 101):
      + ExceptionInfo (101 -> 103: 101):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 15)
        [0] -> line 213
        [7] -> line 214
        [13] -> line 216
        [17] -> line 217
        [28] -> line 218
        [33] -> line 220
        [41] -> line 225
        [50] -> line 226
        [62] -> line 227
        [67] -> line 228
        [78] -> line 231
        [82] -> line 235
        [92] -> line 236
        [96] -> line 213
        [104] -> line 239
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 105 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity; this]
        v1: 0 -> 105 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; bridge]
        v3: 13 -> 96 [I flipIndex]
        v4: 50 -> 82 [I numChildren]
  + Method:       findCurrentView(I)Landroid/view/View;
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected android.view.View findCurrentView(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 20, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #139
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.flip Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [4] invokevirtual #223
        + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.getCurrentView ()Landroid/view/View;]
      [7] astore_2 v2
      [8] aload_2 v2
      [9] ifnonnull +5 (target=14)
      [12] aconst_null
      [13] areturn
      [14] aload_2 v2
      [15] iload_1 v1
      [16] invokevirtual #200
        + Methodref [android/view/View.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [19] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 242
        [8] -> line 243
        [14] -> line 244
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 20 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity; this]
        v1: 0 -> 20 [I id]
        v2: 8 -> 20 [Landroid/view/View; view]
  + Method:       getCurrentPromptHelper()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.PromptHelper getCurrentPromptHelper()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 27, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] ldc #25
        + Integer [2131427332]
      [3] invokevirtual #244
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.findCurrentView (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [6] astore_1 v1
      [7] aload_1 v1
      [8] instanceof #117
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
      [11] ifne +5 (target=16)
      [14] aconst_null
      [15] areturn
      [16] aload_1 v1
      [17] checkcast #117
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
      [20] getfield #166
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [23] getfield #171
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.promptHelper Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
      [26] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 248
        [7] -> line 249
        [16] -> line 250
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 27 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity; this]
        v1: 7 -> 27 [Landroid/view/View; view]
  + Method:       hideAllPrompts()V
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected void hideAllPrompts()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 19, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #163
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.stringPromptGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
      [4] bipush 8
      [6] invokevirtual #217
        + Methodref [android/widget/RelativeLayout.setVisibility (I)V]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] getfield #127
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.booleanPromptGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
      [13] bipush 8
      [15] invokevirtual #217
        + Methodref [android/widget/RelativeLayout.setVisibility (I)V]
      [18] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 254
        [9] -> line 255
        [18] -> line 256
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 19 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity; this]
  + Method:       configureStrictMode()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void configureStrictMode()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 14, locals = 2, stack = 1):
      [0] ldc #49
        + String [android.os.StrictMode]
      [2] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Class.forName (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;]
      [5] pop
      [6] invokestatic #281
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ ()V]
      [9] goto +4 (target=13)
      [12] astore_1 v1
      [13] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 9: 12):
      + Class [java/lang/ClassNotFoundException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 261
        [6] -> line 262
        [12] -> line 263
        [13] -> line 265
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 14 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity; this]
  + Method:       onCreate(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onCreate(android.os.Bundle)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 522, locals = 7, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #176
        + Methodref [android/app/Activity.onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #243
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.configureStrictMode ()V]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] invokevirtual #250
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [14] invokevirtual #187
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getConfiguration ()Landroid/content/res/Configuration;]
      [17] getfield #123
        + Fieldref [android/content/res/Configuration.keyboard I]
      [20] iconst_2
      [21] ificmpne +7 (target=28)
      [24] iconst_1
      [25] goto +4 (target=29)
      [28] iconst_0
      [29] putfield #142
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.hardKeyboard Z]
      [32] aload_0 v0
      [33] ldc #8
        + Integer [2130903041]
      [35] invokevirtual #254
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.setContentView (I)V]
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] aload_0 v0
      [40] ldc #50
        + String [clipboard]
      [42] invokevirtual #251
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.getSystemService (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [45] checkcast #67
        + Class [android/text/ClipboardManager]
      [48] putfield #130
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.clipboard Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;]
      [51] aload_0 v0
      [52] aload_0 v0
      [53] invokestatic #191
        + Methodref [android/preference/PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
      [56] putfield #154
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.prefs Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
      [59] aload_0 v0
      [60] getfield #154
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.prefs Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
      [63] ldc #51
        + String [fullscreen]
      [65] iconst_0
      [66] invokeinterface #292
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.getBoolean (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
      [71] ifeq +16 (target=87)
      [74] aload_0 v0
      [75] invokevirtual #252
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.getWindow ()Landroid/view/Window;]
      [78] sipush 1024
      [81] sipush 1024
      [84] invokevirtual #205
        + Methodref [android/view/Window.setFlags (II)V]
      [87] aload_0 v0
      [88] iconst_3
      [89] invokevirtual #257
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.setVolumeControlStream (I)V]
      [92] aload_0 v0
      [93] aload_0 v0
      [94] invokevirtual #248
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.getIntent ()Landroid/content/Intent;]
      [97] invokevirtual #186
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.getData ()Landroid/net/Uri;]
      [100] putfield #156
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.requested Landroid/net/Uri;]
      [103] aload_0 v0
      [104] aload_0 v0
      [105] invokestatic #198
        + Methodref [android/view/LayoutInflater.from (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
      [108] putfield #143
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
      [111] aload_0 v0
      [112] aload_0 v0
      [113] ldc #25
        + Integer [2131427332]
      [115] invokevirtual #245
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [118] checkcast #87
        + Class [android/widget/ViewFlipper]
      [121] putfield #139
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.flip Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [124] aload_0 v0
      [125] aload_0 v0
      [126] ldc #1
        + Integer [16908292]
      [128] invokevirtual #245
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [131] checkcast #86
        + Class [android/widget/TextView]
      [134] putfield #136
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.empty Landroid/widget/TextView;]
      [137] aload_0 v0
      [138] aload_0 v0
      [139] ldc #26
        + Integer [2131427333]
      [141] invokevirtual #245
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [144] checkcast #85
        + Class [android/widget/RelativeLayout]
      [147] putfield #163
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.stringPromptGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
      [150] aload_0 v0
      [151] aload_0 v0
      [152] ldc #27
        + Integer [2131427334]
      [154] invokevirtual #245
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [157] checkcast #86
        + Class [android/widget/TextView]
      [160] putfield #164
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.stringPromptInstructions Landroid/widget/TextView;]
      [163] aload_0 v0
      [164] aload_0 v0
      [165] ldc #28
        + Integer [2131427335]
      [167] invokevirtual #245
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [170] checkcast #83
        + Class [android/widget/EditText]
      [173] putfield #162
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.stringPrompt Landroid/widget/EditText;]
      [176] aload_0 v0
      [177] getfield #162
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.stringPrompt Landroid/widget/EditText;]
      [180] new #109
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$4]
      [183] dup
      [184] aload_0 v0
      [185] invokespecial #275
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$4.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V]
      [188] invokevirtual #211
        + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.setOnKeyListener (Landroid/view/View$OnKeyListener;)V]
      [191] aload_0 v0
      [192] aload_0 v0
      [193] ldc #29
        + Integer [2131427336]
      [195] invokevirtual #245
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [198] checkcast #85
        + Class [android/widget/RelativeLayout]
      [201] putfield #127
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.booleanPromptGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
      [204] aload_0 v0
      [205] aload_0 v0
      [206] ldc #30
        + Integer [2131427337]
      [208] invokevirtual #245
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [211] checkcast #86
        + Class [android/widget/TextView]
      [214] putfield #126
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.booleanPrompt Landroid/widget/TextView;]
      [217] aload_0 v0
      [218] aload_0 v0
      [219] ldc #32
        + Integer [2131427339]
      [221] invokevirtual #245
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [224] checkcast #82
        + Class [android/widget/Button]
      [227] putfield #128
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.booleanYes Landroid/widget/Button;]
      [230] aload_0 v0
      [231] getfield #128
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.booleanYes Landroid/widget/Button;]
      [234] new #110
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$5]
      [237] dup
      [238] aload_0 v0
      [239] invokespecial #276
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$5.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V]
      [242] invokevirtual #208
        + Methodref [android/widget/Button.setOnClickListener (Landroid/view/View$OnClickListener;)V]
      [245] aload_0 v0
      [246] aload_0 v0
      [247] ldc #31
        + Integer [2131427338]
      [249] invokevirtual #245
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [252] checkcast #82
        + Class [android/widget/Button]
      [255] putfield #125
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.booleanNo Landroid/widget/Button;]
      [258] aload_0 v0
      [259] getfield #125
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.booleanNo Landroid/widget/Button;]
      [262] new #111
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$6]
      [265] dup
      [266] aload_0 v0
      [267] invokespecial #277
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$6.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V]
      [270] invokevirtual #208
        + Methodref [android/widget/Button.setOnClickListener (Landroid/view/View$OnClickListener;)V]
      [273] aload_0 v0
      [274] aload_0 v0
      [275] ldc #14
        + Integer [2130968580]
      [277] invokestatic #206
        + Methodref [android/view/animation/AnimationUtils.loadAnimation (Landroid/content/Context;I)Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
      [280] putfield #158
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.slide_left_in Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
      [283] aload_0 v0
      [284] aload_0 v0
      [285] ldc #15
        + Integer [2130968581]
      [287] invokestatic #206
        + Methodref [android/view/animation/AnimationUtils.loadAnimation (Landroid/content/Context;I)Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
      [290] putfield #159
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.slide_left_out Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
      [293] aload_0 v0
      [294] aload_0 v0
      [295] ldc #16
        + Integer [2130968582]
      [297] invokestatic #206
        + Methodref [android/view/animation/AnimationUtils.loadAnimation (Landroid/content/Context;I)Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
      [300] putfield #160
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.slide_right_in Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
      [303] aload_0 v0
      [304] aload_0 v0
      [305] ldc #17
        + Integer [2130968583]
      [307] invokestatic #206
        + Methodref [android/view/animation/AnimationUtils.loadAnimation (Landroid/content/Context;I)Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
      [310] putfield #161
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.slide_right_out Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
      [313] aload_0 v0
      [314] aload_0 v0
      [315] ldc #10
        + Integer [2130968576]
      [317] invokestatic #206
        + Methodref [android/view/animation/AnimationUtils.loadAnimation (Landroid/content/Context;I)Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
      [320] putfield #137
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.fade_out_delayed Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
      [323] aload_0 v0
      [324] aload_0 v0
      [325] ldc #11
        + Integer [2130968577]
      [327] invokestatic #206
        + Methodref [android/view/animation/AnimationUtils.loadAnimation (Landroid/content/Context;I)Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
      [330] putfield #138
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.fade_stay_hidden Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
      [333] aload_0 v0
      [334] aload_0 v0
      [335] ldc #12
        + Integer [2130968578]
      [337] invokestatic #206
        + Methodref [android/view/animation/AnimationUtils.loadAnimation (Landroid/content/Context;I)Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
      [340] putfield #145
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.keyboard_fade_in Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
      [343] aload_0 v0
      [344] aload_0 v0
      [345] ldc #13
        + Integer [2130968579]
      [347] invokestatic #206
        + Methodref [android/view/animation/AnimationUtils.loadAnimation (Landroid/content/Context;I)Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
      [350] putfield #146
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.keyboard_fade_out Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
      [353] aload_0 v0
      [354] aload_0 v0
      [355] ldc #52
        + String [input_method]
      [357] invokevirtual #251
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.getSystemService (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [360] checkcast #81
        + Class [android/view/inputmethod/InputMethodManager]
      [363] putfield #144
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.inputManager Landroid/view/inputmethod/InputMethodManager;]
      [366] aload_0 v0
      [367] ldc #33
        + Integer [2131427340]
      [369] invokevirtual #245
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [372] checkcast #85
        + Class [android/widget/RelativeLayout]
      [375] astore_2 v2
      [376] aload_0 v0
      [377] aload_0 v0
      [378] ldc #34
        + Integer [2131427341]
      [380] invokevirtual #245
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [383] checkcast #84
        + Class [android/widget/ImageView]
      [386] putfield #151
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.mKeyboardButton Landroid/widget/ImageView;]
      [389] aload_0 v0
      [390] getfield #151
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.mKeyboardButton Landroid/widget/ImageView;]
      [393] new #112
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$7]
      [396] dup
      [397] aload_0 v0
      [398] aload_2 v2
      [399] invokespecial #278
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$7.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;)V]
      [402] invokevirtual #213
        + Methodref [android/widget/ImageView.setOnClickListener (Landroid/view/View$OnClickListener;)V]
      [405] aload_0 v0
      [406] ldc #37
        + Integer [2131427344]
      [408] invokevirtual #245
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [411] checkcast #84
        + Class [android/widget/ImageView]
      [414] astore_3 v3
      [415] aload_3 v3
      [416] new #113
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$8]
      [419] dup
      [420] aload_0 v0
      [421] aload_2 v2
      [422] invokespecial #279
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$8.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;)V]
      [425] invokevirtual #213
        + Methodref [android/widget/ImageView.setOnClickListener (Landroid/view/View$OnClickListener;)V]
      [428] aload_0 v0
      [429] ldc #35
        + Integer [2131427342]
      [431] invokevirtual #245
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [434] checkcast #84
        + Class [android/widget/ImageView]
      [437] astore v4
      [439] aload v4
      [441] new #114
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$9]
      [444] dup
      [445] aload_0 v0
      [446] aload_2 v2
      [447] invokespecial #280
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$9.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;)V]
      [450] invokevirtual #213
        + Methodref [android/widget/ImageView.setOnClickListener (Landroid/view/View$OnClickListener;)V]
      [453] aload_0 v0
      [454] ldc #36
        + Integer [2131427343]
      [456] invokevirtual #245
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [459] checkcast #84
        + Class [android/widget/ImageView]
      [462] astore v5
      [464] aload v5
      [466] new #98
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$10]
      [469] dup
      [470] aload_0 v0
      [471] aload_2 v2
      [472] invokespecial #264
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$10.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;)V]
      [475] invokevirtual #213
        + Methodref [android/widget/ImageView.setOnClickListener (Landroid/view/View$OnClickListener;)V]
      [478] new #69
        + Class [android/view/GestureDetector]
      [481] dup
      [482] new #99
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$11]
      [485] dup
      [486] aload_0 v0
      [487] invokespecial #265
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$11.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V]
      [490] invokespecial #197
        + Methodref [android/view/GestureDetector.<init> (Landroid/view/GestureDetector$OnGestureListener;)V]
      [493] astore v6
      [495] aload_0 v0
      [496] getfield #139
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.flip Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [499] iconst_1
      [500] invokevirtual #228
        + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.setLongClickable (Z)V]
      [503] aload_0 v0
      [504] getfield #139
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.flip Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [507] new #100
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12]
      [510] dup
      [511] aload_0 v0
      [512] aload_2 v2
      [513] aload v6
      [515] invokespecial #266
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;Landroid/view/GestureDetector;)V]
      [518] invokevirtual #229
        + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.setOnTouchListener (Landroid/view/View$OnTouchListener;)V]
      [521] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 49)
        [0] -> line 268
        [5] -> line 269
        [9] -> line 270
        [20] -> line 271
        [29] -> line 270
        [32] -> line 273
        [38] -> line 275
        [51] -> line 276
        [59] -> line 279
        [74] -> line 280
        [81] -> line 281
        [84] -> line 280
        [87] -> line 285
        [92] -> line 288
        [103] -> line 290
        [111] -> line 292
        [124] -> line 293
        [137] -> line 295
        [150] -> line 296
        [163] -> line 297
        [176] -> line 298
        [191] -> line 318
        [204] -> line 319
        [217] -> line 321
        [230] -> line 322
        [245] -> line 331
        [258] -> line 332
        [273] -> line 342
        [283] -> line 343
        [293] -> line 344
        [303] -> line 345
        [313] -> line 347
        [323] -> line 348
        [333] -> line 351
        [343] -> line 352
        [353] -> line 354
        [366] -> line 356
        [376] -> line 358
        [389] -> line 359
        [405] -> line 370
        [415] -> line 371
        [428] -> line 384
        [439] -> line 385
        [453] -> line 398
        [464] -> line 399
        [478] -> line 413
        [495] -> line 501
        [503] -> line 502
        [521] -> line 596
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 522 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity; this]
        v1: 0 -> 522 [Landroid/os/Bundle; icicle]
        v2: 376 -> 522 [Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout; keyboardGroup]
        v3: 415 -> 522 [Landroid/widget/ImageView; symButton]
        v4: 439 -> 522 [Landroid/widget/ImageView; ctrlButton]
        v5: 464 -> 522 [Landroid/widget/ImageView; escButton]
        v6: 495 -> 522 [Landroid/view/GestureDetector; detect]
  + Method:       configureOrientation()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void configureOrientation()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 102, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokevirtual #250
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [4] invokevirtual #187
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getConfiguration ()Landroid/content/res/Configuration;]
      [7] getfield #123
        + Fieldref [android/content/res/Configuration.keyboard I]
      [10] iconst_1
      [11] ificmpne +9 (target=20)
      [14] ldc #43
        + String [Force portrait]
      [16] astore_1 v1
      [17] goto +6 (target=23)
      [20] ldc #42
        + String [Force landscape]
      [22] astore_1 v1
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] getfield #154
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.prefs Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
      [27] ldc #58
        + String [rotation]
      [29] aload_1 v1
      [30] invokeinterface #293
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.getString (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [35] astore_2 v2
      [36] ldc #41
        + String [Default]
      [38] aload_2 v2
      [39] invokevirtual #236
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [42] ifeq +5 (target=47)
      [45] aload_1 v1
      [46] astore_2 v2
      [47] ldc #42
        + String [Force landscape]
      [49] aload_2 v2
      [50] invokevirtual #236
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [53] ifeq +16 (target=69)
      [56] aload_0 v0
      [57] iconst_0
      [58] invokevirtual #256
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.setRequestedOrientation (I)V]
      [61] aload_0 v0
      [62] iconst_1
      [63] putfield #140
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.forcedOrientation Z]
      [66] goto +35 (target=101)
      [69] ldc #43
        + String [Force portrait]
      [71] aload_2 v2
      [72] invokevirtual #236
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [75] ifeq +16 (target=91)
      [78] aload_0 v0
      [79] iconst_1
      [80] invokevirtual #256
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.setRequestedOrientation (I)V]
      [83] aload_0 v0
      [84] iconst_1
      [85] putfield #140
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.forcedOrientation Z]
      [88] goto +13 (target=101)
      [91] aload_0 v0
      [92] iconst_m1
      [93] invokevirtual #256
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.setRequestedOrientation (I)V]
      [96] aload_0 v0
      [97] iconst_0
      [98] putfield #140
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.forcedOrientation Z]
      [101] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 15)
        [0] -> line 603
        [14] -> line 604
        [20] -> line 606
        [23] -> line 608
        [36] -> line 609
        [45] -> line 610
        [47] -> line 613
        [56] -> line 614
        [61] -> line 615
        [69] -> line 616
        [78] -> line 617
        [83] -> line 618
        [91] -> line 620
        [96] -> line 621
        [101] -> line 623
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 102 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity; this]
        v1: 17 -> 20 [Ljava/lang/String; rotateDefault]
        v1: 23 -> 102 [Ljava/lang/String; rotateDefault]
        v2: 36 -> 102 [Ljava/lang/String; rotate]
  + Method:       onCreateOptionsMenu(Landroid/view/Menu;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(android.view.Menu)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 558, locals = 8, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #177
        + Methodref [android/app/Activity.onCreateOptionsMenu (Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
      [5] pop
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] ldc #25
        + Integer [2131427332]
      [9] invokevirtual #244
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.findCurrentView (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [12] astore_2 v2
      [13] aload_2 v2
      [14] instanceof #117
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
      [17] istore_3 v3
      [18] iconst_0
      [19] istore v4
      [21] iconst_0
      [22] istore v5
      [24] iconst_0
      [25] istore v6
      [27] iload_3 v3
      [28] ifeq +33 (target=61)
      [31] aload_2 v2
      [32] checkcast #117
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
      [35] getfield #166
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [38] astore v7
      [40] aload v7
      [42] invokevirtual #288
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.isSessionOpen ()Z]
      [45] istore v4
      [47] aload v7
      [49] invokevirtual #287
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.isDisconnected ()Z]
      [52] istore v5
      [54] aload v7
      [56] invokevirtual #286
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.canFowardPorts ()Z]
      [59] istore v6
      [61] aload_1 v1
      [62] iconst_1
      [63] invokeinterface #295
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/Menu.setQwertyMode (Z)V]
      [68] aload_0 v0
      [69] aload_1 v1
      [70] ldc #24
        + Integer [2131230881]
      [72] invokeinterface #294
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/Menu.add (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [77] putfield #134
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.disconnect Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [80] aload_0 v0
      [81] getfield #142
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.hardKeyboard Z]
      [84] ifeq +15 (target=99)
      [87] aload_0 v0
      [88] getfield #134
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.disconnect Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [91] bipush 119
      [93] invokeinterface #296
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setAlphabeticShortcut (C)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [98] pop
      [99] iload v4
      [101] ifne +20 (target=121)
      [104] iload v5
      [106] ifeq +15 (target=121)
      [109] aload_0 v0
      [110] getfield #134
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.disconnect Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [113] ldc #18
        + Integer [2131230857]
      [115] invokeinterface #300
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setTitle (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [120] pop
      [121] aload_0 v0
      [122] getfield #134
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.disconnect Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [125] iload_3 v3
      [126] invokeinterface #297
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setEnabled (Z)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [131] pop
      [132] aload_0 v0
      [133] getfield #134
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.disconnect Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [136] ldc #2
        + Integer [17301560]
      [138] invokeinterface #298
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setIcon (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [143] pop
      [144] aload_0 v0
      [145] getfield #134
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.disconnect Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [148] new #101
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$13]
      [151] dup
      [152] aload_0 v0
      [153] invokespecial #267
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$13.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V]
      [156] invokeinterface #299
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setOnMenuItemClickListener (Landroid/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [161] pop
      [162] aload_0 v0
      [163] aload_1 v1
      [164] ldc #19
        + Integer [2131230858]
      [166] invokeinterface #294
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/Menu.add (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [171] putfield #132
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.copy Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [174] aload_0 v0
      [175] getfield #142
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.hardKeyboard Z]
      [178] ifeq +15 (target=193)
      [181] aload_0 v0
      [182] getfield #132
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.copy Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [185] bipush 99
      [187] invokeinterface #296
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setAlphabeticShortcut (C)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [192] pop
      [193] aload_0 v0
      [194] getfield #132
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.copy Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [197] ldc #7
        + Integer [17301585]
      [199] invokeinterface #298
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setIcon (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [204] pop
      [205] aload_0 v0
      [206] getfield #132
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.copy Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [209] iload_3 v3
      [210] invokeinterface #297
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setEnabled (Z)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [215] pop
      [216] aload_0 v0
      [217] getfield #132
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.copy Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [220] new #102
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$14]
      [223] dup
      [224] aload_0 v0
      [225] invokespecial #268
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$14.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V]
      [228] invokeinterface #299
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setOnMenuItemClickListener (Landroid/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [233] pop
      [234] aload_0 v0
      [235] aload_1 v1
      [236] ldc #20
        + Integer [2131230859]
      [238] invokeinterface #294
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/Menu.add (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [243] putfield #152
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.paste Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [246] aload_0 v0
      [247] getfield #142
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.hardKeyboard Z]
      [250] ifeq +15 (target=265)
      [253] aload_0 v0
      [254] getfield #152
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.paste Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [257] bipush 118
      [259] invokeinterface #296
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setAlphabeticShortcut (C)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [264] pop
      [265] aload_0 v0
      [266] getfield #152
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.paste Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [269] ldc #4
        + Integer [17301566]
      [271] invokeinterface #298
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setIcon (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [276] pop
      [277] aload_0 v0
      [278] getfield #152
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.paste Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [281] aload_0 v0
      [282] getfield #130
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.clipboard Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;]
      [285] invokevirtual #192
        + Methodref [android/text/ClipboardManager.hasText ()Z]
      [288] ifeq +12 (target=300)
      [291] iload v4
      [293] ifeq +7 (target=300)
      [296] iconst_1
      [297] goto +4 (target=301)
      [300] iconst_0
      [301] invokeinterface #297
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setEnabled (Z)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [306] pop
      [307] aload_0 v0
      [308] getfield #152
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.paste Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [311] new #103
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$15]
      [314] dup
      [315] aload_0 v0
      [316] invokespecial #269
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$15.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V]
      [319] invokeinterface #299
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setOnMenuItemClickListener (Landroid/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [324] pop
      [325] aload_0 v0
      [326] aload_1 v1
      [327] ldc #21
        + Integer [2131230860]
      [329] invokeinterface #294
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/Menu.add (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [334] putfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.portForward Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [337] aload_0 v0
      [338] getfield #142
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.hardKeyboard Z]
      [341] ifeq +15 (target=356)
      [344] aload_0 v0
      [345] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.portForward Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [348] bipush 102
      [350] invokeinterface #296
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setAlphabeticShortcut (C)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [355] pop
      [356] aload_0 v0
      [357] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.portForward Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [360] ldc #5
        + Integer [17301570]
      [362] invokeinterface #298
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setIcon (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [367] pop
      [368] aload_0 v0
      [369] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.portForward Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [372] iload v4
      [374] ifeq +12 (target=386)
      [377] iload v6
      [379] ifeq +7 (target=386)
      [382] iconst_1
      [383] goto +4 (target=387)
      [386] iconst_0
      [387] invokeinterface #297
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setEnabled (Z)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [392] pop
      [393] aload_0 v0
      [394] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.portForward Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [397] new #104
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$16]
      [400] dup
      [401] aload_0 v0
      [402] invokespecial #270
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$16.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V]
      [405] invokeinterface #299
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setOnMenuItemClickListener (Landroid/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [410] pop
      [411] aload_0 v0
      [412] aload_1 v1
      [413] ldc #23
        + Integer [2131230862]
      [415] invokeinterface #294
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/Menu.add (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [420] putfield #165
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.urlscan Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [423] aload_0 v0
      [424] getfield #142
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.hardKeyboard Z]
      [427] ifeq +15 (target=442)
      [430] aload_0 v0
      [431] getfield #165
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.urlscan Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [434] bipush 117
      [436] invokeinterface #296
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setAlphabeticShortcut (C)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [441] pop
      [442] aload_0 v0
      [443] getfield #165
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.urlscan Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [446] ldc #6
        + Integer [17301583]
      [448] invokeinterface #298
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setIcon (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [453] pop
      [454] aload_0 v0
      [455] getfield #165
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.urlscan Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [458] iload_3 v3
      [459] invokeinterface #297
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setEnabled (Z)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [464] pop
      [465] aload_0 v0
      [466] getfield #165
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.urlscan Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [469] new #105
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$17]
      [472] dup
      [473] aload_0 v0
      [474] invokespecial #271
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$17.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V]
      [477] invokeinterface #299
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setOnMenuItemClickListener (Landroid/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [482] pop
      [483] aload_0 v0
      [484] aload_1 v1
      [485] ldc #22
        + Integer [2131230861]
      [487] invokeinterface #294
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/Menu.add (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [492] putfield #157
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.resize Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [495] aload_0 v0
      [496] getfield #142
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.hardKeyboard Z]
      [499] ifeq +15 (target=514)
      [502] aload_0 v0
      [503] getfield #157
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.resize Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [506] bipush 115
      [508] invokeinterface #296
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setAlphabeticShortcut (C)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [513] pop
      [514] aload_0 v0
      [515] getfield #157
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.resize Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [518] ldc #3
        + Integer [17301562]
      [520] invokeinterface #298
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setIcon (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [525] pop
      [526] aload_0 v0
      [527] getfield #157
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.resize Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [530] iload v4
      [532] invokeinterface #297
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setEnabled (Z)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [537] pop
      [538] aload_0 v0
      [539] getfield #157
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.resize Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [542] new #106
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18]
      [545] dup
      [546] aload_0 v0
      [547] invokespecial #272
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V]
      [550] invokeinterface #299
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setOnMenuItemClickListener (Landroid/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [555] pop
      [556] iconst_1
      [557] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 51)
        [0] -> line 628
        [6] -> line 630
        [13] -> line 631
        [18] -> line 632
        [21] -> line 633
        [24] -> line 634
        [27] -> line 636
        [31] -> line 637
        [40] -> line 638
        [47] -> line 639
        [54] -> line 640
        [61] -> line 643
        [68] -> line 645
        [80] -> line 646
        [87] -> line 647
        [99] -> line 648
        [109] -> line 649
        [121] -> line 650
        [132] -> line 651
        [144] -> line 652
        [162] -> line 663
        [174] -> line 664
        [181] -> line 665
        [193] -> line 666
        [205] -> line 667
        [216] -> line 668
        [234] -> line 688
        [246] -> line 689
        [253] -> line 690
        [265] -> line 691
        [277] -> line 692
        [307] -> line 693
        [325] -> line 707
        [337] -> line 708
        [344] -> line 709
        [356] -> line 710
        [368] -> line 711
        [393] -> line 712
        [411] -> line 724
        [423] -> line 725
        [430] -> line 726
        [442] -> line 727
        [454] -> line 728
        [465] -> line 729
        [483] -> line 750
        [495] -> line 751
        [502] -> line 752
        [514] -> line 753
        [526] -> line 754
        [538] -> line 755
        [556] -> line 799
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 8)
        v0: 0 -> 558 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity; this]
        v1: 0 -> 558 [Landroid/view/Menu; menu]
        v2: 13 -> 558 [Landroid/view/View; view]
        v3: 18 -> 558 [Z activeTerminal]
        v4: 21 -> 558 [Z sessionOpen]
        v5: 24 -> 558 [Z disconnected]
        v6: 27 -> 558 [Z canForwardPorts]
        v7: 40 -> 61 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; bridge]
  + Method:       onPrepareOptionsMenu(Landroid/view/Menu;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu(android.view.Menu)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 205, locals = 8, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #181
        + Methodref [android/app/Activity.onPrepareOptionsMenu (Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
      [5] pop
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] iconst_5
      [8] invokevirtual #257
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.setVolumeControlStream (I)V]
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] ldc #25
        + Integer [2131427332]
      [14] invokevirtual #244
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.findCurrentView (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [17] astore_2 v2
      [18] aload_2 v2
      [19] instanceof #117
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
      [22] istore_3 v3
      [23] iconst_0
      [24] istore v4
      [26] iconst_0
      [27] istore v5
      [29] iconst_0
      [30] istore v6
      [32] iload_3 v3
      [33] ifeq +33 (target=66)
      [36] aload_2 v2
      [37] checkcast #117
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
      [40] getfield #166
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [43] astore v7
      [45] aload v7
      [47] invokevirtual #288
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.isSessionOpen ()Z]
      [50] istore v4
      [52] aload v7
      [54] invokevirtual #287
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.isDisconnected ()Z]
      [57] istore v5
      [59] aload v7
      [61] invokevirtual #286
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.canFowardPorts ()Z]
      [64] istore v6
      [66] aload_0 v0
      [67] getfield #134
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.disconnect Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [70] iload_3 v3
      [71] invokeinterface #297
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setEnabled (Z)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [76] pop
      [77] iload v4
      [79] ifne +8 (target=87)
      [82] iload v5
      [84] ifne +18 (target=102)
      [87] aload_0 v0
      [88] getfield #134
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.disconnect Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [91] ldc #24
        + Integer [2131230881]
      [93] invokeinterface #300
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setTitle (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [98] pop
      [99] goto +15 (target=114)
      [102] aload_0 v0
      [103] getfield #134
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.disconnect Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [106] ldc #18
        + Integer [2131230857]
      [108] invokeinterface #300
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setTitle (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [113] pop
      [114] aload_0 v0
      [115] getfield #132
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.copy Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [118] iload_3 v3
      [119] invokeinterface #297
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setEnabled (Z)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [124] pop
      [125] aload_0 v0
      [126] getfield #152
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.paste Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [129] aload_0 v0
      [130] getfield #130
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.clipboard Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;]
      [133] invokevirtual #192
        + Methodref [android/text/ClipboardManager.hasText ()Z]
      [136] ifeq +12 (target=148)
      [139] iload v4
      [141] ifeq +7 (target=148)
      [144] iconst_1
      [145] goto +4 (target=149)
      [148] iconst_0
      [149] invokeinterface #297
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setEnabled (Z)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [154] pop
      [155] aload_0 v0
      [156] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.portForward Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [159] iload v4
      [161] ifeq +12 (target=173)
      [164] iload v6
      [166] ifeq +7 (target=173)
      [169] iconst_1
      [170] goto +4 (target=174)
      [173] iconst_0
      [174] invokeinterface #297
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setEnabled (Z)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [179] pop
      [180] aload_0 v0
      [181] getfield #165
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.urlscan Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [184] iload_3 v3
      [185] invokeinterface #297
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setEnabled (Z)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [190] pop
      [191] aload_0 v0
      [192] getfield #157
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.resize Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [195] iload v4
      [197] invokeinterface #297
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setEnabled (Z)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [202] pop
      [203] iconst_1
      [204] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 22)
        [0] -> line 804
        [6] -> line 806
        [11] -> line 808
        [18] -> line 809
        [23] -> line 810
        [26] -> line 811
        [29] -> line 812
        [32] -> line 814
        [36] -> line 815
        [45] -> line 816
        [52] -> line 817
        [59] -> line 818
        [66] -> line 821
        [77] -> line 822
        [87] -> line 823
        [102] -> line 825
        [114] -> line 826
        [125] -> line 827
        [155] -> line 828
        [180] -> line 829
        [191] -> line 830
        [203] -> line 832
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 8)
        v0: 0 -> 205 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity; this]
        v1: 0 -> 205 [Landroid/view/Menu; menu]
        v2: 18 -> 205 [Landroid/view/View; view]
        v3: 23 -> 205 [Z activeTerminal]
        v4: 26 -> 205 [Z sessionOpen]
        v5: 29 -> 205 [Z disconnected]
        v6: 32 -> 205 [Z canForwardPorts]
        v7: 45 -> 66 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; bridge]
  + Method:       onOptionsMenuClosed(Landroid/view/Menu;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onOptionsMenuClosed(android.view.Menu)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 11, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #179
        + Methodref [android/app/Activity.onOptionsMenuClosed (Landroid/view/Menu;)V]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] iconst_3
      [7] invokevirtual #257
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.setVolumeControlStream (I)V]
      [10] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 837
        [5] -> line 839
        [10] -> line 840
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 11 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity; this]
        v1: 0 -> 11 [Landroid/view/Menu; menu]
  + Method:       onStart()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onStart()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 25, locals = 1, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #183
        + Methodref [android/app/Activity.onStart ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] new #60
        + Class [android/content/Intent]
      [8] dup
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] ldc #121
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
      [12] invokespecial #185
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] getfield #131
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.connection Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;]
      [19] iconst_1
      [20] invokevirtual #240
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.bindService (Landroid/content/Intent;Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;I)Z]
      [23] pop
      [24] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 844
        [4] -> line 848
        [24] -> line 849
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 25 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity; this]
  + Method:       onPause()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onPause()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 35, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #180
        + Methodref [android/app/Activity.onPause ()V]
      [4] ldc #40
        + String [ConnectBot.ConsoleActivity]
      [6] ldc #56
        + String [onPause called]
      [8] invokestatic #193
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [11] pop
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] getfield #140
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.forcedOrientation Z]
      [16] ifeq +18 (target=34)
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] getfield #129
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [23] ifnull +11 (target=34)
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] getfield #129
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [30] iconst_0
      [31] invokevirtual #291
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.setResizeAllowed (Z)V]
      [34] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 853
        [4] -> line 854
        [12] -> line 856
        [26] -> line 857
        [34] -> line 858
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 35 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity; this]
  + Method:       onResume()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onResume()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 77, locals = 1, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #182
        + Methodref [android/app/Activity.onResume ()V]
      [4] ldc #40
        + String [ConnectBot.ConsoleActivity]
      [6] ldc #57
        + String [onResume called]
      [8] invokestatic #193
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [11] pop
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] getfield #154
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.prefs Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
      [16] ldc #53
        + String [keepalive]
      [18] iconst_1
      [19] invokeinterface #292
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.getBoolean (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
      [24] ifeq +16 (target=40)
      [27] aload_0 v0
      [28] invokevirtual #252
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.getWindow ()Landroid/view/Window;]
      [31] sipush 128
      [34] invokevirtual #203
        + Methodref [android/view/Window.addFlags (I)V]
      [37] goto +13 (target=50)
      [40] aload_0 v0
      [41] invokevirtual #252
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.getWindow ()Landroid/view/Window;]
      [44] sipush 128
      [47] invokevirtual #204
        + Methodref [android/view/Window.clearFlags (I)V]
      [50] aload_0 v0
      [51] invokespecial #242
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.configureOrientation ()V]
      [54] aload_0 v0
      [55] getfield #140
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.forcedOrientation Z]
      [58] ifeq +18 (target=76)
      [61] aload_0 v0
      [62] getfield #129
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [65] ifnull +11 (target=76)
      [68] aload_0 v0
      [69] getfield #129
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [72] iconst_1
      [73] invokevirtual #291
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.setResizeAllowed (Z)V]
      [76] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 862
        [4] -> line 863
        [12] -> line 867
        [27] -> line 868
        [40] -> line 870
        [50] -> line 873
        [54] -> line 875
        [68] -> line 876
        [76] -> line 877
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 77 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity; this]
  + Method:       onNewIntent(Landroid/content/Intent;)V
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected void onNewIntent(android.content.Intent)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 189, locals = 6, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #178
        + Methodref [android/app/Activity.onNewIntent (Landroid/content/Intent;)V]
      [5] ldc #40
        + String [ConnectBot.ConsoleActivity]
      [7] ldc #55
        + String [onNewIntent called]
      [9] invokestatic #193
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [12] pop
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] aload_1 v1
      [15] invokevirtual #186
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.getData ()Landroid/net/Uri;]
      [18] putfield #156
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.requested Landroid/net/Uri;]
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] getfield #156
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.requested Landroid/net/Uri;]
      [25] ifnonnull +12 (target=37)
      [28] ldc #40
        + String [ConnectBot.ConsoleActivity]
      [30] ldc #44
        + String [Got null intent data in onNewIntent()]
      [32] invokestatic #195
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [35] pop
      [36] return
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] getfield #129
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [41] ifnonnull +12 (target=53)
      [44] ldc #40
        + String [ConnectBot.ConsoleActivity]
      [46] ldc #48
        + String [We're not bound in onNewIntent()]
      [48] invokestatic #195
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [51] pop
      [52] return
      [53] aload_0 v0
      [54] getfield #129
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [57] aload_0 v0
      [58] getfield #156
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.requested Landroid/net/Uri;]
      [61] invokevirtual #188
        + Methodref [android/net/Uri.getFragment ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [64] invokevirtual #289
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.getConnectedBridge (Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [67] astore_2 v2
      [68] iconst_0
      [69] istore_3 v3
      [70] aload_0 v0
      [71] getfield #139
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.flip Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [74] dup
      [75] astore v4
      [77] monitorenter
      [78] aload_2 v2
      [79] ifnonnull +78 (target=157)
      [82] ldc #40
        + String [ConnectBot.ConsoleActivity]
      [84] ldc #47
        + String [We couldnt find an existing bridge with URI=%s (nickname=%s),so creating one now]
      [86] iconst_2
      [87] anewarray #94
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [90] dup
      [91] iconst_0
      [92] aload_0 v0
      [93] getfield #156
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.requested Landroid/net/Uri;]
      [96] invokevirtual #189
        + Methodref [android/net/Uri.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [99] aastore
      [100] dup
      [101] iconst_1
      [102] aload_0 v0
      [103] getfield #156
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.requested Landroid/net/Uri;]
      [106] invokevirtual #188
        + Methodref [android/net/Uri.getFragment ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [109] aastore
      [110] invokestatic #237
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [113] invokestatic #193
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [116] pop
      [117] aload_0 v0
      [118] getfield #129
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [121] aload_0 v0
      [122] getfield #156
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.requested Landroid/net/Uri;]
      [125] invokevirtual #290
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.openConnection (Landroid/net/Uri;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [128] astore_2 v2
      [129] goto +19 (target=148)
      [132] astore v5
      [134] ldc #40
        + String [ConnectBot.ConsoleActivity]
      [136] ldc #45
        + String [Problem while trying to create new requested bridge from URI]
      [138] aload v5
      [140] invokestatic #196
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [143] pop
      [144] aload v4
      [146] monitorexit
      [147] return
      [148] aload_0 v0
      [149] aload_2 v2
      [150] invokespecial #239
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.addNewTerminalView (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)I]
      [153] istore_3 v3
      [154] goto +19 (target=173)
      [157] aload_0 v0
      [158] aload_2 v2
      [159] invokespecial #247
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.getFlipIndex (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)I]
      [162] istore v5
      [164] iload v5
      [166] iload_3 v3
      [167] ificmple +6 (target=173)
      [170] iload v5
      [172] istore_3 v3
      [173] aload_0 v0
      [174] iload_3 v3
      [175] invokespecial #255
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.setDisplayedTerminal (I)V]
      [178] aload v4
      [180] monitorexit
      [181] goto +7 (target=188)
      [184] aload v4
      [186] monitorexit
      [187] athrow
      [188] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 4):
      + ExceptionInfo (82 -> 129: 132):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      + ExceptionInfo (78 -> 147: 184):
      + ExceptionInfo (148 -> 181: 184):
      + ExceptionInfo (184 -> 187: 184):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 27)
        [0] -> line 884
        [5] -> line 886
        [13] -> line 888
        [21] -> line 890
        [28] -> line 891
        [36] -> line 892
        [37] -> line 895
        [44] -> line 896
        [52] -> line 897
        [53] -> line 900
        [68] -> line 901
        [70] -> line 903
        [78] -> line 904
        [82] -> line 908
        [92] -> line 909
        [110] -> line 908
        [117] -> line 910
        [132] -> line 911
        [134] -> line 912
        [144] -> line 914
        [148] -> line 917
        [157] -> line 919
        [164] -> line 920
        [170] -> line 921
        [173] -> line 925
        [178] -> line 903
        [188] -> line 927
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 189 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity; this]
        v1: 0 -> 189 [Landroid/content/Intent; intent]
        v2: 68 -> 189 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; requestedBridge]
        v3: 70 -> 189 [I requestedIndex]
        v5: 134 -> 148 [Ljava/lang/Exception; e]
        v5: 164 -> 173 [I flipIndex]
  + Method:       onStop()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onStop()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 13, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #184
        + Methodref [android/app/Activity.onStop ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] getfield #131
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.connection Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;]
      [9] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.unbindService (Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;)V]
      [12] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 931
        [4] -> line 933
        [12] -> line 934
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 13 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity; this]
  + Method:       shiftCurrentTerminal(I)V
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected void shiftCurrentTerminal(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 160, locals = 5, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #139
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.flip Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [4] dup
      [5] astore_3 v3
      [6] monitorenter
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #139
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.flip Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [11] invokevirtual #222
        + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.getChildCount ()I]
      [14] iconst_1
      [15] ificmple +7 (target=22)
      [18] iconst_1
      [19] goto +4 (target=23)
      [22] iconst_0
      [23] istore v4
      [25] iload v4
      [27] ifeq +92 (target=119)
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] ldc #38
        + Integer [2131427371]
      [33] invokevirtual #244
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.findCurrentView (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [36] astore_2 v2
      [37] aload_2 v2
      [38] ifnull +11 (target=49)
      [41] aload_2 v2
      [42] aload_0 v0
      [43] getfield #138
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.fade_stay_hidden Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
      [46] invokevirtual #202
        + Methodref [android/view/View.startAnimation (Landroid/view/animation/Animation;)V]
      [49] iload_1 v1
      [50] ifne +35 (target=85)
      [53] aload_0 v0
      [54] getfield #139
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.flip Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [57] aload_0 v0
      [58] getfield #158
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.slide_left_in Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
      [61] invokevirtual #227
        + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.setInAnimation (Landroid/view/animation/Animation;)V]
      [64] aload_0 v0
      [65] getfield #139
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.flip Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [68] aload_0 v0
      [69] getfield #159
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.slide_left_out Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
      [72] invokevirtual #230
        + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.setOutAnimation (Landroid/view/animation/Animation;)V]
      [75] aload_0 v0
      [76] getfield #139
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.flip Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [79] invokevirtual #231
        + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.showNext ()V]
      [82] goto +37 (target=119)
      [85] iload_1 v1
      [86] iconst_1
      [87] ificmpne +32 (target=119)
      [90] aload_0 v0
      [91] getfield #139
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.flip Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [94] aload_0 v0
      [95] getfield #160
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.slide_right_in Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
      [98] invokevirtual #227
        + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.setInAnimation (Landroid/view/animation/Animation;)V]
      [101] aload_0 v0
      [102] getfield #139
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.flip Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [105] aload_0 v0
      [106] getfield #161
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.slide_right_out Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
      [109] invokevirtual #230
        + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.setOutAnimation (Landroid/view/animation/Animation;)V]
      [112] aload_0 v0
      [113] getfield #139
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.flip Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [116] invokevirtual #232
        + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.showPrevious ()V]
      [119] aload_0 v0
      [120] invokespecial #260
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.updateDefault ()V]
      [123] iload v4
      [125] ifeq +22 (target=147)
      [128] aload_0 v0
      [129] ldc #38
        + Integer [2131427371]
      [131] invokevirtual #244
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.findCurrentView (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [134] astore_2 v2
      [135] aload_2 v2
      [136] ifnull +11 (target=147)
      [139] aload_2 v2
      [140] aload_0 v0
      [141] getfield #137
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.fade_out_delayed Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
      [144] invokevirtual #202
        + Methodref [android/view/View.startAnimation (Landroid/view/animation/Animation;)V]
      [147] aload_0 v0
      [148] invokevirtual #262
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.updatePromptVisible ()V]
      [151] aload_3 v3
      [152] monitorexit
      [153] goto +6 (target=159)
      [156] aload_3 v3
      [157] monitorexit
      [158] athrow
      [159] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (7 -> 153: 156):
      + ExceptionInfo (156 -> 158: 156):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 22)
        [0] -> line 938
        [7] -> line 939
        [25] -> line 942
        [30] -> line 944
        [37] -> line 945
        [41] -> line 946
        [49] -> line 948
        [53] -> line 949
        [64] -> line 950
        [75] -> line 951
        [85] -> line 952
        [90] -> line 953
        [101] -> line 954
        [112] -> line 955
        [119] -> line 959
        [123] -> line 961
        [128] -> line 963
        [135] -> line 964
        [139] -> line 965
        [147] -> line 968
        [151] -> line 938
        [159] -> line 970
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 160 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity; this]
        v1: 0 -> 160 [I direction]
        v2: 37 -> 119 [Landroid/view/View; overlay]
        v2: 135 -> 147 [Landroid/view/View; overlay]
        v4: 25 -> 151 [Z shouldAnimate]
  + Method:       updateDefault()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void updateDefault()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 40, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] ldc #25
        + Integer [2131427332]
      [3] invokevirtual #244
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.findCurrentView (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [6] astore_1 v1
      [7] aload_1 v1
      [8] instanceof #117
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
      [11] ifne +4 (target=15)
      [14] return
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] checkcast #117
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
      [19] astore_2 v2
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] getfield #129
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [24] ifnonnull +4 (target=28)
      [27] return
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] getfield #129
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [32] aload_2 v2
      [33] getfield #166
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [36] putfield #172
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.defaultBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [39] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 979
        [7] -> line 980
        [15] -> line 982
        [20] -> line 983
        [28] -> line 984
        [39] -> line 985
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 40 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity; this]
        v1: 7 -> 40 [Landroid/view/View; view]
        v2: 20 -> 40 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView; terminal]
  + Method:       updateEmptyVisible()V
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected void updateEmptyVisible()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 24, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #136
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.empty Landroid/widget/TextView;]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #139
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.flip Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [8] invokevirtual #222
        + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.getChildCount ()I]
      [11] ifne +7 (target=18)
      [14] iconst_0
      [15] goto +5 (target=20)
      [18] bipush 8
      [20] invokevirtual #219
        + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.setVisibility (I)V]
      [23] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 989
        [23] -> line 990
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 24 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity; this]
  + Method:       updatePromptVisible()V
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected void updatePromptVisible()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 177, locals = 4, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] ldc #25
        + Integer [2131427332]
      [3] invokevirtual #244
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.findCurrentView (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [6] astore_1 v1
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] invokevirtual #253
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.hideAllPrompts ()V]
      [11] aload_1 v1
      [12] instanceof #117
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
      [15] ifne +4 (target=19)
      [18] return
      [19] aload_1 v1
      [20] checkcast #117
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
      [23] getfield #166
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [26] getfield #171
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.promptHelper Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
      [29] astore_2 v2
      [30] ldc #95
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [32] aload_2 v2
      [33] getfield #169
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.promptRequested Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [36] invokevirtual #235
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [39] ifeq +86 (target=125)
      [42] aload_0 v0
      [43] getfield #163
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.stringPromptGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
      [46] iconst_0
      [47] invokevirtual #217
        + Methodref [android/widget/RelativeLayout.setVisibility (I)V]
      [50] aload_2 v2
      [51] getfield #168
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.promptInstructions Ljava/lang/String;]
      [54] astore_3 v3
      [55] aload_3 v3
      [56] ifnull +29 (target=85)
      [59] aload_3 v3
      [60] invokevirtual #238
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
      [63] ifle +22 (target=85)
      [66] aload_0 v0
      [67] getfield #164
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.stringPromptInstructions Landroid/widget/TextView;]
      [70] iconst_0
      [71] invokevirtual #219
        + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.setVisibility (I)V]
      [74] aload_0 v0
      [75] getfield #164
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.stringPromptInstructions Landroid/widget/TextView;]
      [78] aload_3 v3
      [79] invokevirtual #218
        + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [82] goto +12 (target=94)
      [85] aload_0 v0
      [86] getfield #164
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.stringPromptInstructions Landroid/widget/TextView;]
      [89] bipush 8
      [91] invokevirtual #219
        + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.setVisibility (I)V]
      [94] aload_0 v0
      [95] getfield #162
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.stringPrompt Landroid/widget/EditText;]
      [98] ldc #39
        + String []
      [100] invokevirtual #212
        + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [103] aload_0 v0
      [104] getfield #162
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.stringPrompt Landroid/widget/EditText;]
      [107] aload_2 v2
      [108] getfield #167
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.promptHint Ljava/lang/String;]
      [111] invokevirtual #210
        + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.setHint (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [114] aload_0 v0
      [115] getfield #162
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.stringPrompt Landroid/widget/EditText;]
      [118] invokevirtual #209
        + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.requestFocus ()Z]
      [121] pop
      [122] goto +54 (target=176)
      [125] ldc #88
        + Class [java/lang/Boolean]
      [127] aload_2 v2
      [128] getfield #169
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.promptRequested Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [131] invokevirtual #235
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [134] ifeq +33 (target=167)
      [137] aload_0 v0
      [138] getfield #127
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.booleanPromptGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
      [141] iconst_0
      [142] invokevirtual #217
        + Methodref [android/widget/RelativeLayout.setVisibility (I)V]
      [145] aload_0 v0
      [146] getfield #126
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.booleanPrompt Landroid/widget/TextView;]
      [149] aload_2 v2
      [150] getfield #167
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.promptHint Ljava/lang/String;]
      [153] invokevirtual #218
        + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [156] aload_0 v0
      [157] getfield #128
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.booleanYes Landroid/widget/Button;]
      [160] invokevirtual #207
        + Methodref [android/widget/Button.requestFocus ()Z]
      [163] pop
      [164] goto +12 (target=176)
      [167] aload_0 v0
      [168] invokevirtual #253
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.hideAllPrompts ()V]
      [171] aload_1 v1
      [172] invokevirtual #201
        + Methodref [android/view/View.requestFocus ()Z]
      [175] pop
      [176] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 22)
        [0] -> line 997
        [7] -> line 1000
        [11] -> line 1002
        [18] -> line 1004
        [19] -> line 1007
        [30] -> line 1008
        [42] -> line 1009
        [50] -> line 1011
        [55] -> line 1012
        [66] -> line 1013
        [74] -> line 1014
        [85] -> line 1016
        [94] -> line 1017
        [103] -> line 1018
        [114] -> line 1019
        [125] -> line 1021
        [137] -> line 1022
        [145] -> line 1023
        [156] -> line 1024
        [167] -> line 1027
        [171] -> line 1028
        [176] -> line 1030
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 177 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity; this]
        v1: 7 -> 177 [Landroid/view/View; view]
        v2: 30 -> 177 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper; prompt]
        v3: 55 -> 125 [Ljava/lang/String; instructions]
  + Method:       onConfigurationChanged(Landroid/content/res/Configuration;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onConfigurationChanged(android.content.res.Configuration)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 148, locals = 2, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #175
        + Methodref [android/app/Activity.onConfigurationChanged (Landroid/content/res/Configuration;)V]
      [5] ldc #40
        + String [ConnectBot.ConsoleActivity]
      [7] ldc #54
        + String [onConfigurationChanged; requestedOrientation=%d, newConfig.orientation=%d]
      [9] iconst_2
      [10] anewarray #94
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [13] dup
      [14] iconst_0
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] invokevirtual #249
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.getRequestedOrientation ()I]
      [19] invokestatic #234
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [22] aastore
      [23] dup
      [24] iconst_1
      [25] aload_1 v1
      [26] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [android/content/res/Configuration.orientation I]
      [29] invokestatic #234
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [32] aastore
      [33] invokestatic #237
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [36] invokestatic #193
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [39] pop
      [40] aload_0 v0
      [41] getfield #129
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [44] ifnull +103 (target=147)
      [47] aload_0 v0
      [48] getfield #140
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.forcedOrientation Z]
      [51] ifeq +18 (target=69)
      [54] aload_1 v1
      [55] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [android/content/res/Configuration.orientation I]
      [58] iconst_2
      [59] ificmpeq +10 (target=69)
      [62] aload_0 v0
      [63] invokevirtual #249
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.getRequestedOrientation ()I]
      [66] ifeq +19 (target=85)
      [69] aload_1 v1
      [70] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [android/content/res/Configuration.orientation I]
      [73] iconst_1
      [74] ificmpeq +22 (target=96)
      [77] aload_0 v0
      [78] invokevirtual #249
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.getRequestedOrientation ()I]
      [81] iconst_1
      [82] ificmpne +14 (target=96)
      [85] aload_0 v0
      [86] getfield #129
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [89] iconst_0
      [90] invokevirtual #291
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.setResizeAllowed (Z)V]
      [93] goto +11 (target=104)
      [96] aload_0 v0
      [97] getfield #129
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [100] iconst_1
      [101] invokevirtual #291
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.setResizeAllowed (Z)V]
      [104] aload_0 v0
      [105] getfield #129
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [108] aload_1 v1
      [109] getfield #122
        + Fieldref [android/content/res/Configuration.hardKeyboardHidden I]
      [112] iconst_2
      [113] ificmpne +7 (target=120)
      [116] iconst_1
      [117] goto +4 (target=121)
      [120] iconst_0
      [121] putfield #173
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.hardKeyboardHidden Z]
      [124] aload_0 v0
      [125] getfield #151
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.mKeyboardButton Landroid/widget/ImageView;]
      [128] aload_0 v0
      [129] getfield #129
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [132] getfield #173
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.hardKeyboardHidden Z]
      [135] ifeq +7 (target=142)
      [138] iconst_0
      [139] goto +5 (target=144)
      [142] bipush 8
      [144] invokevirtual #214
        + Methodref [android/widget/ImageView.setVisibility (I)V]
      [147] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 13)
        [0] -> line 1064
        [5] -> line 1066
        [40] -> line 1067
        [47] -> line 1068
        [54] -> line 1069
        [62] -> line 1070
        [69] -> line 1071
        [77] -> line 1072
        [85] -> line 1073
        [96] -> line 1075
        [104] -> line 1077
        [124] -> line 1079
        [147] -> line 1081
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 148 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity; this]
        v1: 0 -> 148 [Landroid/content/res/Configuration; newConfig]
  + Method:       addNewTerminalView(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int addNewTerminalView(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 108, locals = 6, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] getfield #171
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.promptHelper Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #155
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.promptHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
      [8] invokevirtual #285
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.setHandler (Landroid/os/Handler;)V]
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] getfield #143
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
      [15] ldc #9
        + Integer [2130903057]
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] getfield #139
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.flip Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [21] iconst_0
      [22] invokevirtual #199
        + Methodref [android/view/LayoutInflater.inflate (ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;Z)Landroid/view/View;]
      [25] checkcast #85
        + Class [android/widget/RelativeLayout]
      [28] astore_2 v2
      [29] aload_2 v2
      [30] ldc #38
        + Integer [2131427371]
      [32] invokevirtual #216
        + Methodref [android/widget/RelativeLayout.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [35] checkcast #86
        + Class [android/widget/TextView]
      [38] astore_3 v3
      [39] aload_3 v3
      [40] aload_1 v1
      [41] getfield #170
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [44] invokevirtual #284
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [47] invokevirtual #218
        + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [50] new #117
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
      [53] dup
      [54] aload_0 v0
      [55] aload_1 v1
      [56] invokespecial #282
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
      [59] astore v4
      [61] aload v4
      [63] ldc #25
        + Integer [2131427332]
      [65] invokevirtual #283
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.setId (I)V]
      [68] aload_2 v2
      [69] aload v4
      [71] iconst_0
      [72] invokevirtual #215
        + Methodref [android/widget/RelativeLayout.addView (Landroid/view/View;I)V]
      [75] aload_0 v0
      [76] getfield #139
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.flip Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [79] dup
      [80] astore v5
      [82] monitorenter
      [83] aload_0 v0
      [84] getfield #139
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.flip Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [87] aload_2 v2
      [88] invokevirtual #220
        + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.addView (Landroid/view/View;)V]
      [91] aload_0 v0
      [92] getfield #139
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.flip Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [95] invokevirtual #222
        + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.getChildCount ()I]
      [98] iconst_1
      [99] isub
      [100] aload v5
      [102] monitorexit
      [103] ireturn
      [104] aload v5
      [106] monitorexit
      [107] athrow
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (83 -> 103: 104):
      + ExceptionInfo (104 -> 107: 104):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 11)
        [0] -> line 1091
        [11] -> line 1094
        [29] -> line 1097
        [39] -> line 1098
        [50] -> line 1101
        [61] -> line 1102
        [68] -> line 1103
        [75] -> line 1105
        [83] -> line 1107
        [91] -> line 1108
        [104] -> line 1105
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 108 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity; this]
        v1: 0 -> 108 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; bridge]
        v2: 29 -> 108 [Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout; view]
        v3: 39 -> 108 [Landroid/widget/TextView; overlay]
        v4: 61 -> 108 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView; terminal]
  + Method:       getFlipIndex(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int getFlipIndex(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 93, locals = 7, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #139
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.flip Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [4] dup
      [5] astore_2 v2
      [6] monitorenter
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #139
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.flip Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [11] invokevirtual #222
        + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.getChildCount ()I]
      [14] istore_3 v3
      [15] iconst_0
      [16] istore v4
      [18] goto +59 (target=77)
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] getfield #139
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.flip Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [25] iload v4
      [27] invokevirtual #221
        + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.getChildAt (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [30] ldc #25
        + Integer [2131427332]
      [32] invokevirtual #200
        + Methodref [android/view/View.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [35] astore v5
      [37] aload v5
      [39] ifnull +35 (target=74)
      [42] aload v5
      [44] instanceof #117
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
      [47] ifne +6 (target=53)
      [50] goto +24 (target=74)
      [53] aload v5
      [55] checkcast #117
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
      [58] astore v6
      [60] aload v6
      [62] getfield #166
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [65] aload_1 v1
      [66] ifacmpne +8 (target=74)
      [69] iload v4
      [71] aload_2 v2
      [72] monitorexit
      [73] ireturn
      [74] iinc v4, 1
      [77] iload v4
      [79] iload_3 v3
      [80] ificmplt -59 (target=21)
      [83] aload_2 v2
      [84] monitorexit
      [85] goto +6 (target=91)
      [88] aload_2 v2
      [89] monitorexit
      [90] athrow
      [91] iconst_m1
      [92] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 3):
      + ExceptionInfo (7 -> 73: 88):
      + ExceptionInfo (74 -> 85: 88):
      + ExceptionInfo (88 -> 90: 88):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 12)
        [0] -> line 1113
        [7] -> line 1114
        [15] -> line 1115
        [21] -> line 1116
        [37] -> line 1118
        [50] -> line 1120
        [53] -> line 1123
        [60] -> line 1125
        [69] -> line 1126
        [74] -> line 1115
        [83] -> line 1113
        [91] -> line 1131
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 93 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity; this]
        v1: 0 -> 93 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; bridge]
        v3: 15 -> 83 [I children]
        v4: 18 -> 83 [I i]
        v5: 37 -> 74 [Landroid/view/View; view]
        v6: 60 -> 74 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView; tv]
  + Method:       setDisplayedTerminal(I)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void setDisplayedTerminal(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 64, locals = 4, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #139
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.flip Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [4] dup
      [5] astore_2 v2
      [6] monitorenter
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #139
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.flip Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [11] iload_1 v1
      [12] invokevirtual #226
        + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.setDisplayedChild (I)V]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] getfield #139
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.flip Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [19] invokevirtual #223
        + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.getCurrentView ()Landroid/view/View;]
      [22] ldc #38
        + Integer [2131427371]
      [24] invokevirtual #200
        + Methodref [android/view/View.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [27] aload_0 v0
      [28] getfield #137
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.fade_out_delayed Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
      [31] invokevirtual #202
        + Methodref [android/view/View.startAnimation (Landroid/view/animation/Animation;)V]
      [34] goto +13 (target=47)
      [37] astore_3 v3
      [38] ldc #40
        + String [ConnectBot.ConsoleActivity]
      [40] ldc #46
        + String [View went away when we were about to display it]
      [42] aload_3 v3
      [43] invokestatic #194
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [46] pop
      [47] aload_0 v0
      [48] invokevirtual #262
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.updatePromptVisible ()V]
      [51] aload_0 v0
      [52] invokevirtual #261
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.updateEmptyVisible ()V]
      [55] aload_2 v2
      [56] monitorexit
      [57] goto +6 (target=63)
      [60] aload_2 v2
      [61] monitorexit
      [62] athrow
      [63] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 3):
      + ExceptionInfo (7 -> 34: 37):
      + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
      + ExceptionInfo (7 -> 57: 60):
      + ExceptionInfo (60 -> 62: 60):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 10)
        [0] -> line 1140
        [7] -> line 1143
        [15] -> line 1144
        [27] -> line 1145
        [37] -> line 1146
        [38] -> line 1147
        [47] -> line 1150
        [51] -> line 1151
        [55] -> line 1140
        [63] -> line 1153
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 64 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity; this]
        v1: 0 -> 64 [I requestedIndex]
        v3: 38 -> 47 [Ljava/lang/NullPointerException; npe]
  + Method:       access$0(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)I
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic int access$0(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity,com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #239
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.addNewTerminalView (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)I]
      [5] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 1089
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$1(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;I)V
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic void access$1(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #255
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.setDisplayedTerminal (I)V]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 1139
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$2(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic void access$2(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity,com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #241
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.closeBridge (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 212
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$3(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)Landroid/view/inputmethod/InputMethodManager;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager access$3(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #144
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.inputManager Landroid/view/inputmethod/InputMethodManager;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 119
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$4(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;I)V
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic void access$4(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #148
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.lastTouchRow I]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 124
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$5(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;I)V
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic void access$5(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #147
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.lastTouchCol I]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 124
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$6(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)I
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic int access$6(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #148
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.lastTouchRow I]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 124
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$7(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)I
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic int access$7(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #147
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.lastTouchCol I]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 124
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$8(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;F)V
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic void access$8(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity,float)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] fload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #149
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.lastX F]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 117
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$9(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;F)V
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic void access$9(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity,float)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] fload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #150
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.lastY F]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 117
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$10(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)F
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic float access$10(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #149
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.lastX F]
      [4] freturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 117
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$11(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)F
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic float access$11(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #150
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.lastY F]
      [4] freturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 117
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$12(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)Landroid/view/animation/Animation;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic android.view.animation.Animation access$12(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #145
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.keyboard_fade_in Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 116
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$13(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)Landroid/os/Handler;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic android.os.Handler access$13(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #141
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.handler Landroid/os/Handler;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 128
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$14(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)Landroid/view/animation/Animation;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic android.view.animation.Animation access$14(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #146
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.keyboard_fade_out Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 116
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$15(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic android.content.SharedPreferences access$15(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #154
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.prefs Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 95
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 24)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/GestureDetector$OnGestureListener]
      + Class [android/view/GestureDetector]
      + Utf8 [OnGestureListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
      + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/View$OnClickListener]
      + Class [android/view/View]
      + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/View$OnKeyListener]
      + Class [android/view/View]
      + Utf8 [OnKeyListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/View$OnTouchListener]
      + Class [android/view/View]
      + Utf8 [OnTouchListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$1]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$10]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$11]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$13]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$14]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$15]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$16]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$17]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$2]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$3]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$4]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$5]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$6]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$7]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$8]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$9]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x2 = private 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$URLItemListener]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
      + Utf8 [URLItemListener]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$1
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity$1 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/content/ServiceConnection]

Constant Pool (count = 175):
  + String [ConnectBot.ConsoleActivity]
  + String [Connected to TerminalManager and found bridges.size=%d]
  + String [Problem while trying to create new requested bridge from URI]
  + String [We couldnt find an existing bridge with URI=%s (nickname=%s), so creating one now]
  + Class [android/content/ServiceConnection]
  + Class [android/net/Uri]
  + Class [android/util/Log]
  + Class [android/widget/ViewFlipper]
  + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Class [java/lang/Integer]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/util/Iterator]
  + Class [java/util/List]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$1]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.disconnectHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.flip Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.requested Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.promptHelper Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.bridges Ljava/util/List;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.disconnectHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Methodref [android/net/Uri.getFragment ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/net/Uri.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.removeAllViews ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.access$1 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.updateEmptyVisible ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.setHandler (Landroid/os/Handler;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.getConnectedBridge (Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.openConnection (Landroid/net/Uri;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.setResizeAllowed (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder.getService ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Iterator.hasNext ()Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/ ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.size ()I]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)I]
  + NameAndType [access$1 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;I)V]
  + NameAndType [bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + NameAndType [bridges Ljava/util/List;]
  + NameAndType [d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [disconnectHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + NameAndType [e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + NameAndType [flip Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
  + NameAndType [format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getConnectedBridge (Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [getFragment ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getService ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + NameAndType [hasNext ()Z]
  + NameAndType [iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
  + NameAndType [next ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [openConnection (Landroid/net/Uri;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [promptHelper Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
  + NameAndType [removeAllViews ()V]
  + NameAndType [requested Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + NameAndType [setHandler (Landroid/os/Handler;)V]
  + NameAndType [setResizeAllowed (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [size ()I]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [updateEmptyVisible ()V]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/ComponentName;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/ComponentName;Landroid/os/IBinder;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/net/Uri;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Handler;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ConnectBot.ConsoleActivity]
  + Utf8 [Connected to TerminalManager and found bridges.size=%d]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/ComponentName;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/IBinder;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Exception;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$1;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Utf8 [Problem while trying to create new requested bridge from URI]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [TerminalBinder]
  + Utf8 [We couldnt find an existing bridge with URI=%s (nickname=%s), so creating one now]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [access$1]
  + Utf8 [android/content/ServiceConnection]
  + Utf8 [android/net/Uri]
  + Utf8 [android/util/Log]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/ViewFlipper]
  + Utf8 [bound]
  + Utf8 [bridge]
  + Utf8 [bridges]
  + Utf8 [className]
  + Utf8 [currentIndex]
  + Utf8 [d]
  + Utf8 [disconnectHandler]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [flip]
  + Utf8 [format]
  + Utf8 [getConnectedBridge]
  + Utf8 [getFragment]
  + Utf8 [getService]
  + Utf8 [hasNext]
  + Utf8 [iterator]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Exception]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Integer]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Iterator]
  + Utf8 [java/util/List]
  + Utf8 [next]
  + Utf8 [onServiceConnected]
  + Utf8 [onServiceDisconnected]
  + Utf8 [openConnection]
  + Utf8 [promptHelper]
  + Utf8 [removeAllViews]
  + Utf8 [requested]
  + Utf8 [requestedBridge]
  + Utf8 [requestedIndex]
  + Utf8 [requestedNickname]
  + Utf8 [service]
  + Utf8 [setHandler]
  + Utf8 [setResizeAllowed]
  + Utf8 [size]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$1]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [updateEmptyVisible]
  + Utf8 [valueOf]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity this$0

Methods (count = 3):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = ConsoleActivity$1(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #35
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 132
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$1; this]
  + Method:       onServiceConnected(Landroid/content/ComponentName;Landroid/os/IBinder;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onServiceConnected(android.content.ComponentName,android.os.IBinder)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 278, locals = 9, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [4] aload_2 v2
      [5] checkcast #20
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder]
      [8] invokevirtual #44
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder.getService ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [11] putfield #21
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [18] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [25] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.disconnectHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
      [28] putfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.disconnectHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
      [31] ldc #1
        + String [ConnectBot.ConsoleActivity]
      [33] ldc #2
        + String [Connected to TerminalManager and found bridges.size=%d]
      [35] iconst_1
      [36] anewarray #11
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [39] dup
      [40] iconst_0
      [41] aload_0 v0
      [42] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [45] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [48] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.bridges Ljava/util/List;]
      [51] invokeinterface #48
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.size ()I]
      [56] invokestatic #34
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [59] aastore
      [60] invokestatic #36
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [63] invokestatic #31
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [66] pop
      [67] aload_0 v0
      [68] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [71] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [74] iconst_1
      [75] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.setResizeAllowed (Z)V]
      [78] aload_0 v0
      [79] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [82] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.flip Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [85] invokevirtual #33
        + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.removeAllViews ()V]
      [88] aload_0 v0
      [89] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [92] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.requested Landroid/net/Uri;]
      [95] ifnull +16 (target=111)
      [98] aload_0 v0
      [99] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [102] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.requested Landroid/net/Uri;]
      [105] invokevirtual #29
        + Methodref [android/net/Uri.getFragment ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [108] goto +4 (target=112)
      [111] aconst_null
      [112] astore_3 v3
      [113] iconst_0
      [114] istore v4
      [116] aload_0 v0
      [117] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [120] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [123] aload_3 v3
      [124] invokevirtual #41
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.getConnectedBridge (Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [127] astore v5
      [129] aload_3 v3
      [130] ifnull +74 (target=204)
      [133] aload v5
      [135] ifnonnull +69 (target=204)
      [138] ldc #1
        + String [ConnectBot.ConsoleActivity]
      [140] ldc #4
        + String [We couldnt find an existing bridge with URI=%s (nickname=%s), so creating one now]
      [142] iconst_2
      [143] anewarray #11
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [146] dup
      [147] iconst_0
      [148] aload_0 v0
      [149] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [152] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.requested Landroid/net/Uri;]
      [155] invokevirtual #30
        + Methodref [android/net/Uri.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [158] aastore
      [159] dup
      [160] iconst_1
      [161] aload_3 v3
      [162] aastore
      [163] invokestatic #36
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [166] invokestatic #31
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [169] pop
      [170] aload_0 v0
      [171] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [174] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [177] aload_0 v0
      [178] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [181] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.requested Landroid/net/Uri;]
      [184] invokevirtual #42
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.openConnection (Landroid/net/Uri;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [187] astore v5
      [189] goto +15 (target=204)
      [192] astore v6
      [194] ldc #1
        + String [ConnectBot.ConsoleActivity]
      [196] ldc #3
        + String [Problem while trying to create new requested bridge from URI]
      [198] aload v6
      [200] invokestatic #32
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [203] pop
      [204] aload_0 v0
      [205] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [208] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [211] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.bridges Ljava/util/List;]
      [214] invokeinterface #47
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
      [219] astore v7
      [221] goto +37 (target=258)
      [224] aload v7
      [226] invokeinterface #46
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/ ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [231] checkcast #18
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
      [234] astore v6
      [236] aload_0 v0
      [237] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [240] aload v6
      [242] invokestatic #37
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)I]
      [245] istore v8
      [247] aload v6
      [249] aload v5
      [251] ifacmpne +7 (target=258)
      [254] iload v8
      [256] istore v4
      [258] aload v7
      [260] invokeinterface #45
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Iterator.hasNext ()Z]
      [265] ifne -41 (target=224)
      [268] aload_0 v0
      [269] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [272] iload v4
      [274] invokestatic #38
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.access$1 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;I)V]
      [277] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (138 -> 189: 192):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 20)
        [0] -> line 134
        [14] -> line 137
        [31] -> line 139
        [67] -> line 141
        [78] -> line 144
        [88] -> line 146
        [113] -> line 147
        [116] -> line 149
        [129] -> line 152
        [138] -> line 154
        [170] -> line 155
        [192] -> line 156
        [194] -> line 157
        [204] -> line 162
        [236] -> line 164
        [247] -> line 167
        [254] -> line 168
        [258] -> line 162
        [268] -> line 171
        [277] -> line 172
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 9)
        v0: 0 -> 278 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$1; this]
        v1: 0 -> 278 [Landroid/content/ComponentName; className]
        v2: 0 -> 278 [Landroid/os/IBinder; service]
        v3: 113 -> 278 [Ljava/lang/String; requestedNickname]
        v4: 116 -> 278 [I requestedIndex]
        v5: 129 -> 278 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; requestedBridge]
        v6: 194 -> 204 [Ljava/lang/Exception; e]
        v6: 236 -> 258 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; bridge]
        v8: 247 -> 258 [I currentIndex]
  + Method:       onServiceDisconnected(Landroid/content/ComponentName;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onServiceDisconnected(android.content.ComponentName)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 96, locals = 5, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [4] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [7] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.bridges Ljava/util/List;]
      [10] dup
      [11] astore_2 v2
      [12] monitorenter
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [17] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [20] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.bridges Ljava/util/List;]
      [23] invokeinterface #47
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
      [28] astore v4
      [30] goto +22 (target=52)
      [33] aload v4
      [35] invokeinterface #46
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/ ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [40] checkcast #18
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
      [43] astore_3 v3
      [44] aload_3 v3
      [45] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.promptHelper Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
      [48] aconst_null
      [49] invokevirtual #40
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.setHandler (Landroid/os/Handler;)V]
      [52] aload v4
      [54] invokeinterface #45
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Iterator.hasNext ()Z]
      [59] ifne -26 (target=33)
      [62] aload_2 v2
      [63] monitorexit
      [64] goto +6 (target=70)
      [67] aload_2 v2
      [68] monitorexit
      [69] athrow
      [70] aload_0 v0
      [71] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [74] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.flip Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [77] invokevirtual #33
        + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.removeAllViews ()V]
      [80] aload_0 v0
      [81] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [84] invokevirtual #39
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.updateEmptyVisible ()V]
      [87] aload_0 v0
      [88] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [91] aconst_null
      [92] putfield #21
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [95] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (13 -> 64: 67):
      + ExceptionInfo (67 -> 69: 67):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 176
        [13] -> line 177
        [44] -> line 178
        [52] -> line 177
        [62] -> line 176
        [70] -> line 181
        [80] -> line 182
        [87] -> line 183
        [95] -> line 184
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 96 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$1; this]
        v1: 0 -> 96 [Landroid/content/ComponentName; className]
        v3: 44 -> 52 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; bridge]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$1]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x1 = public 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
      + Utf8 [TerminalBinder]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$10
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity$10 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/view/View$OnClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 74):
  + Integer [2131427332]
  + Class [android/view/View]
  + Class [android/view/View$OnClickListener]
  + Class [android/widget/RelativeLayout]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$10]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$10.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$10.val$keyboardGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/RelativeLayout.setVisibility (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.findCurrentView (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.getKeyHandler ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.sendEscape ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [findCurrentView (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [getKeyHandler ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;]
  + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + NameAndType [sendEscape ()V]
  + NameAndType [setVisibility (I)V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + NameAndType [val$keyboardGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$10;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;]
  + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View$OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/RelativeLayout]
  + Utf8 [bridge]
  + Utf8 [findCurrentView]
  + Utf8 [flip]
  + Utf8 [getKeyHandler]
  + Utf8 [handler]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [onClick]
  + Utf8 [onCreate]
  + Utf8 [sendEscape]
  + Utf8 [setVisibility]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$10]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener]
  + Utf8 [terminal]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [val$keyboardGroup]
  + Utf8 [view]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity this$0
  + Field:        val$keyboardGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic android.widget.RelativeLayout val$keyboardGroup

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = ConsoleActivity$10(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity,android.widget.RelativeLayout)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #11
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$10.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_2 v2
      [7] putfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$10.val$keyboardGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] invokespecial #15
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [14] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [10] -> line 399
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 15 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$10; this]
  + Method:       onClick(Landroid/view/View;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onClick(android.view.View)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 44, locals = 5, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$10.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [4] ldc #1
        + Integer [2131427332]
      [6] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.findCurrentView (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [9] astore_2 v2
      [10] aload_2 v2
      [11] ifnonnull +4 (target=15)
      [14] return
      [15] aload_2 v2
      [16] checkcast #8
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
      [19] astore_3 v3
      [20] aload_3 v3
      [21] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [24] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.getKeyHandler ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;]
      [27] astore v4
      [29] aload v4
      [31] invokevirtual #18
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.sendEscape ()V]
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$10.val$keyboardGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
      [38] bipush 8
      [40] invokevirtual #14
        + Methodref [android/widget/RelativeLayout.setVisibility (I)V]
      [43] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 401
        [10] -> line 402
        [15] -> line 403
        [20] -> line 405
        [29] -> line 406
        [34] -> line 408
        [43] -> line 409
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 44 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$10; this]
        v1: 0 -> 44 [Landroid/view/View; view]
        v2: 10 -> 44 [Landroid/view/View; flip]
        v3: 20 -> 44 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView; terminal]
        v4: 29 -> 44 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener; handler]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/View$OnClickListener]
      + Class [android/view/View]
      + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$10]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$11
  Superclass:    android/view/GestureDetector$SimpleOnGestureListener
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity$11 extends android.view.GestureDetector$SimpleOnGestureListener

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 144):
  + Integer [2131427332]
  + Class [android/view/GestureDetector]
  + Class [android/view/GestureDetector$SimpleOnGestureListener]
  + Class [android/view/MotionEvent]
  + Class [android/view/View]
  + Class [android/view/ViewConfiguration]
  + Class [android/widget/ViewFlipper]
  + Class [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer]
  + Class [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
  + Class [java/lang/Math]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$11]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.copySource Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.flip Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$11.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$11.totalY F]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charHeight I]
  + Methodref [android/view/GestureDetector$SimpleOnGestureListener.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [android/view/MotionEvent.getAction ()I]
  + Methodref [android/view/MotionEvent.getRawX ()F]
  + Methodref [android/view/MotionEvent.getRawY ()F]
  + Methodref [android/view/MotionEvent.getX ()F]
  + Methodref [android/view/View.getWidth ()I]
  + Methodref [android/view/ViewConfiguration.getTouchSlop ()I]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.getHeight ()I]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.getWidth ()I]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.getWindowBase ()I]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.setWindowBase (I)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.keyPressed (ICI)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Math.abs (F)F]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.findCurrentView (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.shiftCurrentTerminal (I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.isSelectingForCopy ()Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.tryKeyVibrate ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [abs (F)F]
  + NameAndType [bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
  + NameAndType [charHeight I]
  + NameAndType [copySource Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [findCurrentView (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [flip Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
  + NameAndType [getAction ()I]
  + NameAndType [getHeight ()I]
  + NameAndType [getRawX ()F]
  + NameAndType [getRawY ()F]
  + NameAndType [getTouchSlop ()I]
  + NameAndType [getWidth ()I]
  + NameAndType [getWindowBase ()I]
  + NameAndType [getX ()F]
  + NameAndType [isSelectingForCopy ()Z]
  + NameAndType [keyPressed (ICI)V]
  + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + NameAndType [setWindowBase (I)V]
  + NameAndType [shiftCurrentTerminal (I)V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + NameAndType [totalY F]
  + NameAndType [tryKeyVibrate ()V]
  + Utf8 [()F]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(F)F]
  + Utf8 [(I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(ICI)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/MotionEvent;Landroid/view/MotionEvent;FF)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [F]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/MotionEvent;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
  + Utf8 [Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$11;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [SimpleOnGestureListener]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [abs]
  + Utf8 [android/view/GestureDetector]
  + Utf8 [android/view/GestureDetector$SimpleOnGestureListener]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MotionEvent]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View]
  + Utf8 [android/view/ViewConfiguration]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/ViewFlipper]
  + Utf8 [base]
  + Utf8 [bridge]
  + Utf8 [buffer]
  + Utf8 [charHeight]
  + Utf8 [copySource]
  + Utf8 [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer]
  + Utf8 [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
  + Utf8 [distanceX]
  + Utf8 [distanceY]
  + Utf8 [distx]
  + Utf8 [disty]
  + Utf8 [e1]
  + Utf8 [e2]
  + Utf8 [findCurrentView]
  + Utf8 [flip]
  + Utf8 [getAction]
  + Utf8 [getHeight]
  + Utf8 [getRawX]
  + Utf8 [getRawY]
  + Utf8 [getTouchSlop]
  + Utf8 [getWidth]
  + Utf8 [getWindowBase]
  + Utf8 [getX]
  + Utf8 [goalwidth]
  + Utf8 [isSelectingForCopy]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Math]
  + Utf8 [keyPressed]
  + Utf8 [moved]
  + Utf8 [onCreate]
  + Utf8 [onFling]
  + Utf8 [onScroll]
  + Utf8 [setWindowBase]
  + Utf8 [shiftCurrentTerminal]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$11]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Utf8 [terminal]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [totalY]
  + Utf8 [tryKeyVibrate]
  + Utf8 [velocityX]
  + Utf8 [velocityY]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        totalY F
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private float totalY
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity this$0

Methods (count = 3):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = ConsoleActivity$11(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$11.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #22
        + Methodref [android/view/GestureDetector$SimpleOnGestureListener.<init> ()V]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] fconst_0
      [11] putfield #18
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$11.totalY F]
      [14] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 413
        [9] -> line 414
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 15 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$11; this]
  + Method:       onFling(Landroid/view/MotionEvent;Landroid/view/MotionEvent;FF)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean onFling(android.view.MotionEvent,android.view.MotionEvent,float,float)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 99, locals = 8, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_2 v2
      [1] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [android/view/MotionEvent.getRawX ()F]
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [android/view/MotionEvent.getRawX ()F]
      [8] fsub
      [9] fstore v5
      [11] aload_2 v2
      [12] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [android/view/MotionEvent.getRawY ()F]
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [android/view/MotionEvent.getRawY ()F]
      [19] fsub
      [20] fstore v6
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$11.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [26] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.flip Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [29] invokevirtual #30
        + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.getWidth ()I]
      [32] iconst_2
      [33] idiv
      [34] istore v7
      [36] fload v6
      [38] invokestatic #34
        + Methodref [java/lang/Math.abs (F)F]
      [41] aload_0 v0
      [42] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$11.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [45] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.flip Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [48] invokevirtual #29
        + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.getHeight ()I]
      [51] iconst_4
      [52] idiv
      [53] i2f
      [54] fcmpg
      [55] ifge +42 (target=97)
      [58] fload v5
      [60] iload v7
      [62] i2f
      [63] fcmpl
      [64] ifle +13 (target=77)
      [67] aload_0 v0
      [68] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$11.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [71] iconst_1
      [72] invokevirtual #36
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.shiftCurrentTerminal (I)V]
      [75] iconst_1
      [76] ireturn
      [77] fload v5
      [79] iload v7
      [81] ineg
      [82] i2f
      [83] fcmpg
      [84] ifge +13 (target=97)
      [87] aload_0 v0
      [88] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$11.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [91] iconst_0
      [92] invokevirtual #36
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.shiftCurrentTerminal (I)V]
      [95] iconst_1
      [96] ireturn
      [97] iconst_0
      [98] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 11)
        [0] -> line 419
        [11] -> line 420
        [22] -> line 421
        [36] -> line 425
        [58] -> line 426
        [67] -> line 427
        [75] -> line 428
        [77] -> line 431
        [87] -> line 432
        [95] -> line 433
        [97] -> line 438
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 8)
        v0: 0 -> 99 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$11; this]
        v1: 0 -> 99 [Landroid/view/MotionEvent; e1]
        v2: 0 -> 99 [Landroid/view/MotionEvent; e2]
        v3: 0 -> 99 [F velocityX]
        v4: 0 -> 99 [F velocityY]
        v5: 11 -> 99 [F distx]
        v6: 22 -> 99 [F disty]
        v7: 36 -> 99 [I goalwidth]
  + Method:       onScroll(Landroid/view/MotionEvent;Landroid/view/MotionEvent;FF)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean onScroll(android.view.MotionEvent,android.view.MotionEvent,float,float)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 263, locals = 9, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$11.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [4] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.copySource Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [7] ifnull +18 (target=25)
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$11.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [14] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.copySource Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [17] invokevirtual #37
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.isSelectingForCopy ()Z]
      [20] ifeq +5 (target=25)
      [23] iconst_0
      [24] ireturn
      [25] aload_1 v1
      [26] ifnull +7 (target=33)
      [29] aload_2 v2
      [30] ifnonnull +5 (target=35)
      [33] iconst_0
      [34] ireturn
      [35] aload_2 v2
      [36] invokevirtual #23
        + Methodref [android/view/MotionEvent.getAction ()I]
      [39] iconst_1
      [40] ificmpne +8 (target=48)
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] fconst_0
      [45] putfield #18
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$11.totalY F]
      [48] aload_1 v1
      [49] invokevirtual #26
        + Methodref [android/view/MotionEvent.getX ()F]
      [52] aload_2 v2
      [53] invokevirtual #26
        + Methodref [android/view/MotionEvent.getX ()F]
      [56] fsub
      [57] invokestatic #34
        + Methodref [java/lang/Math.abs (F)F]
      [60] invokestatic #28
        + Methodref [android/view/ViewConfiguration.getTouchSlop ()I]
      [63] iconst_4
      [64] imul
      [65] i2f
      [66] fcmpg
      [67] ifge +194 (target=261)
      [70] aload_0 v0
      [71] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$11.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [74] ldc #1
        + Integer [2131427332]
      [76] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.findCurrentView (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [79] astore v5
      [81] aload v5
      [83] ifnonnull +5 (target=88)
      [86] iconst_0
      [87] ireturn
      [88] aload v5
      [90] checkcast #13
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
      [93] astore v6
      [95] aload_0 v0
      [96] dup
      [97] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$11.totalY F]
      [100] fload v4
      [102] fadd
      [103] putfield #18
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$11.totalY F]
      [106] aload_0 v0
      [107] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$11.totalY F]
      [110] aload v6
      [112] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [115] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charHeight I]
      [118] i2f
      [119] fdiv
      [120] f2i
      [121] istore v7
      [123] aload_2 v2
      [124] invokevirtual #26
        + Methodref [android/view/MotionEvent.getX ()F]
      [127] aload v5
      [129] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [android/view/View.getWidth ()I]
      [132] iconst_2
      [133] idiv
      [134] i2f
      [135] fcmpl
      [136] ifle +44 (target=180)
      [139] iload v7
      [141] ifeq +120 (target=261)
      [144] aload v6
      [146] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [149] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [152] invokevirtual #31
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.getWindowBase ()I]
      [155] istore v8
      [157] aload v6
      [159] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [162] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [165] iload v8
      [167] iload v7
      [169] iadd
      [170] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.setWindowBase (I)V]
      [173] aload_0 v0
      [174] fconst_0
      [175] putfield #18
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$11.totalY F]
      [178] iconst_1
      [179] ireturn
      [180] iload v7
      [182] iconst_5
      [183] ificmple +37 (target=220)
      [186] aload v6
      [188] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [191] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [194] checkcast #9
        + Class [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
      [197] bipush 18
      [199] bipush 32
      [201] iconst_0
      [202] invokevirtual #33
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.keyPressed (ICI)V]
      [205] aload v6
      [207] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [210] invokevirtual #38
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.tryKeyVibrate ()V]
      [213] aload_0 v0
      [214] fconst_0
      [215] putfield #18
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$11.totalY F]
      [218] iconst_1
      [219] ireturn
      [220] iload v7
      [222] bipush -5
      [224] ificmpge +37 (target=261)
      [227] aload v6
      [229] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [232] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [235] checkcast #9
        + Class [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
      [238] bipush 19
      [240] bipush 32
      [242] iconst_0
      [243] invokevirtual #33
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.keyPressed (ICI)V]
      [246] aload v6
      [248] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [251] invokevirtual #38
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.tryKeyVibrate ()V]
      [254] aload_0 v0
      [255] fconst_0
      [256] putfield #18
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$11.totalY F]
      [259] iconst_1
      [260] ireturn
      [261] iconst_0
      [262] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 29)
        [0] -> line 446
        [23] -> line 447
        [25] -> line 449
        [33] -> line 450
        [35] -> line 453
        [43] -> line 454
        [48] -> line 458
        [70] -> line 460
        [81] -> line 461
        [88] -> line 462
        [95] -> line 466
        [106] -> line 467
        [123] -> line 470
        [139] -> line 471
        [144] -> line 472
        [157] -> line 473
        [173] -> line 474
        [178] -> line 475
        [180] -> line 479
        [186] -> line 480
        [205] -> line 481
        [213] -> line 482
        [218] -> line 483
        [220] -> line 484
        [227] -> line 485
        [246] -> line 486
        [254] -> line 487
        [259] -> line 488
        [261] -> line 495
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 9)
        v0: 0 -> 263 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$11; this]
        v1: 0 -> 263 [Landroid/view/MotionEvent; e1]
        v2: 0 -> 263 [Landroid/view/MotionEvent; e2]
        v3: 0 -> 263 [F distanceX]
        v4: 0 -> 263 [F distanceY]
        v5: 81 -> 261 [Landroid/view/View; flip]
        v6: 95 -> 261 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView; terminal]
        v7: 123 -> 261 [I moved]
        v8: 157 -> 180 [I base]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x9 = public static 
      + Class [android/view/GestureDetector$SimpleOnGestureListener]
      + Class [android/view/GestureDetector]
      + Utf8 [SimpleOnGestureListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$11]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity$12 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/view/View$OnTouchListener]

Constant Pool (count = 268):
  + Integer [2131230855]
  + Float [25.0]
  + Class [android/content/res/Resources]
  + Class [android/os/Handler]
  + Class [android/text/ClipboardManager]
  + Class [android/view/GestureDetector]
  + Class [android/view/MotionEvent]
  + Class [android/view/View]
  + Class [android/view/View$OnTouchListener]
  + Class [android/widget/RelativeLayout]
  + Class [android/widget/Toast]
  + Class [java/lang/Integer]
  + Class [java/lang/Math]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12$1]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Long [400]
  + Long [1500]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.clipboard Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.copySource Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12.val$detect Landroid/view/GestureDetector;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12.val$keyboardGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charHeight I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charWidth I]
  + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getConfiguration ()Landroid/content/res/Configuration;]
  + Methodref [android/os/Handler.postDelayed (Ljava/lang/Runnable;J)Z]
  + Methodref [android/text/ClipboardManager.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Methodref [android/view/GestureDetector.onTouchEvent (Landroid/view/MotionEvent;)Z]
  + Methodref [android/view/MotionEvent.getAction ()I]
  + Methodref [android/view/MotionEvent.getDownTime ()J]
  + Methodref [android/view/MotionEvent.getEventTime ()J]
  + Methodref [android/view/MotionEvent.getX ()F]
  + Methodref [android/view/MotionEvent.getY ()F]
  + Methodref [android/widget/RelativeLayout.getVisibility ()I]
  + Methodref [android/widget/RelativeLayout.setVisibility (I)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/RelativeLayout.startAnimation (Landroid/view/animation/Animation;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/Toast.makeText (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;I)Landroid/widget/Toast;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Math.abs (F)F]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Math.floor (D)D]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.access$10 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)F]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.access$11 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)F]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.access$12 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.access$13 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.access$4 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.access$5 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.access$6 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.access$7 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.access$8 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;F)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.access$9 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;F)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.getString (I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12;Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.copyFrom (Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.finishSelectingOrigin ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.getBottom ()I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.getLeft ()I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.getRight ()I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.getTop ()I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.isSelectingOrigin ()Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.reset ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.setColumn (I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.setRow (I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.getSelectionArea ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.isSelectingForCopy ()Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.redraw ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.setSelectingForCopy (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12;Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;)V]
  + NameAndType [abs (F)F]
  + NameAndType [access$10 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)F]
  + NameAndType [access$11 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)F]
  + NameAndType [access$12 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
  + NameAndType [access$13 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + NameAndType [access$4 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;I)V]
  + NameAndType [access$5 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;I)V]
  + NameAndType [access$6 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)I]
  + NameAndType [access$7 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)I]
  + NameAndType [access$8 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;F)V]
  + NameAndType [access$9 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;F)V]
  + NameAndType [buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
  + NameAndType [charHeight I]
  + NameAndType [charWidth I]
  + NameAndType [clipboard Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;]
  + NameAndType [copyFrom (Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [copySource Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [finishSelectingOrigin ()V]
  + NameAndType [floor (D)D]
  + NameAndType [getAction ()I]
  + NameAndType [getBottom ()I]
  + NameAndType [getConfiguration ()Landroid/content/res/Configuration;]
  + NameAndType [getDownTime ()J]
  + NameAndType [getEventTime ()J]
  + NameAndType [getLeft ()I]
  + NameAndType [getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + NameAndType [getRight ()I]
  + NameAndType [getSelectionArea ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea;]
  + NameAndType [getString (I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getTop ()I]
  + NameAndType [getVisibility ()I]
  + NameAndType [getX ()F]
  + NameAndType [getY ()F]
  + NameAndType [isSelectingForCopy ()Z]
  + NameAndType [isSelectingOrigin ()Z]
  + NameAndType [length ()I]
  + NameAndType [makeText (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;I)Landroid/widget/Toast;]
  + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + NameAndType [onTouchEvent (Landroid/view/MotionEvent;)Z]
  + NameAndType [postDelayed (Ljava/lang/Runnable;J)Z]
  + NameAndType [redraw ()V]
  + NameAndType [reset ()V]
  + NameAndType [setColumn (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setRow (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setSelectingForCopy (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + NameAndType [setVisibility (I)V]
  + NameAndType [show ()V]
  + NameAndType [startAnimation (Landroid/view/animation/Animation;)V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + NameAndType [val$detect Landroid/view/GestureDetector;]
  + NameAndType [val$keyboardGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Utf8 [()F]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()J]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/content/res/Configuration;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(D)D]
  + Utf8 [(F)F]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;I)Landroid/widget/Toast;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/MotionEvent;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/MotionEvent;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/animation/Animation;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Runnable;J)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12;Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)F]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;F)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;Landroid/view/GestureDetector;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/res/Configuration;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/GestureDetector;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/MotionEvent;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
  + Utf8 [Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [OnTouchListener]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [abs]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [access$10]
  + Utf8 [access$11]
  + Utf8 [access$12]
  + Utf8 [access$13]
  + Utf8 [access$4]
  + Utf8 [access$5]
  + Utf8 [access$6]
  + Utf8 [access$7]
  + Utf8 [access$8]
  + Utf8 [access$9]
  + Utf8 [android/content/res/Resources]
  + Utf8 [android/os/Handler]
  + Utf8 [android/text/ClipboardManager]
  + Utf8 [android/view/GestureDetector]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MotionEvent]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View$OnTouchListener]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/RelativeLayout]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/Toast]
  + Utf8 [area]
  + Utf8 [buffer]
  + Utf8 [charHeight]
  + Utf8 [charWidth]
  + Utf8 [clipboard]
  + Utf8 [col]
  + Utf8 [config]
  + Utf8 [copiedText]
  + Utf8 [copyFrom]
  + Utf8 [copySource]
  + Utf8 [event]
  + Utf8 [finishSelectingOrigin]
  + Utf8 [floor]
  + Utf8 [getAction]
  + Utf8 [getBottom]
  + Utf8 [getConfiguration]
  + Utf8 [getDownTime]
  + Utf8 [getEventTime]
  + Utf8 [getLeft]
  + Utf8 [getResources]
  + Utf8 [getRight]
  + Utf8 [getSelectionArea]
  + Utf8 [getString]
  + Utf8 [getTop]
  + Utf8 [getVisibility]
  + Utf8 [getX]
  + Utf8 [getY]
  + Utf8 [isSelectingForCopy]
  + Utf8 [isSelectingOrigin]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Integer]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Math]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [length]
  + Utf8 [makeText]
  + Utf8 [onCreate]
  + Utf8 [onTouch]
  + Utf8 [onTouchEvent]
  + Utf8 [postDelayed]
  + Utf8 [redraw]
  + Utf8 [reset]
  + Utf8 [row]
  + Utf8 [setColumn]
  + Utf8 [setRow]
  + Utf8 [setSelectingForCopy]
  + Utf8 [setText]
  + Utf8 [setVisibility]
  + Utf8 [show]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12$1]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Utf8 [startAnimation]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [v]
  + Utf8 [val$detect]
  + Utf8 [val$keyboardGroup]
  + Utf8 [valueOf]

Fields (count = 3):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity this$0
  + Field:        val$keyboardGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic android.widget.RelativeLayout val$keyboardGroup
  + Field:        val$detect Landroid/view/GestureDetector;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic android.view.GestureDetector val$detect

Methods (count = 3):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;Landroid/view/GestureDetector;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = ConsoleActivity$12(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity,android.widget.RelativeLayout,android.view.GestureDetector)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 20, locals = 4, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_2 v2
      [7] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12.val$keyboardGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] aload_3 v3
      [12] putfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12.val$detect Landroid/view/GestureDetector;]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] invokespecial #50
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [19] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [15] -> line 502
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 20 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12; this]
  + Method:       onTouch(Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/MotionEvent;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean onTouch(android.view.View,android.view.MotionEvent)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 536, locals = 7, stack = 7):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [4] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.copySource Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [7] ifnull +351 (target=358)
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [14] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.copySource Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [17] invokevirtual #76
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.isSelectingForCopy ()Z]
      [20] ifeq +338 (target=358)
      [23] aload_2 v2
      [24] invokevirtual #41
        + Methodref [android/view/MotionEvent.getY ()F]
      [27] aload_0 v0
      [28] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [31] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.copySource Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [34] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charHeight I]
      [37] i2f
      [38] fdiv
      [39] f2d
      [40] invokestatic #49
        + Methodref [java/lang/Math.floor (D)D]
      [43] d2i
      [44] istore_3 v3
      [45] aload_2 v2
      [46] invokevirtual #40
        + Methodref [android/view/MotionEvent.getX ()F]
      [49] aload_0 v0
      [50] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [53] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.copySource Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [56] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charWidth I]
      [59] i2f
      [60] fdiv
      [61] f2d
      [62] invokestatic #49
        + Methodref [java/lang/Math.floor (D)D]
      [65] d2i
      [66] istore v4
      [68] aload_0 v0
      [69] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [72] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.copySource Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [75] invokevirtual #75
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.getSelectionArea ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea;]
      [78] astore v5
      [80] aload_2 v2
      [81] invokevirtual #37
        + Methodref [android/view/MotionEvent.getAction ()I]
      [84] tableswitch (4 offsets, default=274) (target=358)
        0: offset = 32, target = 116
        1: offset = 154, target = 238
        2: offset = 82, target = 166
        3: offset = 246, target = 330
        default: offset = 274, target = 358
      [116] aload v5
      [118] invokevirtual #71
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.isSelectingOrigin ()Z]
      [121] ifeq +43 (target=164)
      [124] aload v5
      [126] iload_3 v3
      [127] invokevirtual #74
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.setRow (I)V]
      [130] aload v5
      [132] iload v4
      [134] invokevirtual #73
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.setColumn (I)V]
      [137] aload_0 v0
      [138] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [141] iload_3 v3
      [142] invokestatic #56
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.access$4 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;I)V]
      [145] aload_0 v0
      [146] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [149] iload v4
      [151] invokestatic #57
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.access$5 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;I)V]
      [154] aload_0 v0
      [155] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [158] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.copySource Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [161] invokevirtual #77
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.redraw ()V]
      [164] iconst_1
      [165] ireturn
      [166] iload_3 v3
      [167] aload_0 v0
      [168] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [171] invokestatic #58
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.access$6 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)I]
      [174] ificmpne +17 (target=191)
      [177] iload v4
      [179] aload_0 v0
      [180] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [183] invokestatic #59
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.access$7 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)I]
      [186] ificmpne +5 (target=191)
      [189] iconst_1
      [190] ireturn
      [191] aload v5
      [193] invokevirtual #66
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.finishSelectingOrigin ()V]
      [196] aload v5
      [198] iload_3 v3
      [199] invokevirtual #74
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.setRow (I)V]
      [202] aload v5
      [204] iload v4
      [206] invokevirtual #73
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.setColumn (I)V]
      [209] aload_0 v0
      [210] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [213] iload_3 v3
      [214] invokestatic #56
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.access$4 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;I)V]
      [217] aload_0 v0
      [218] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [221] iload v4
      [223] invokestatic #57
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.access$5 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;I)V]
      [226] aload_0 v0
      [227] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [230] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.copySource Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [233] invokevirtual #77
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.redraw ()V]
      [236] iconst_1
      [237] ireturn
      [238] aload v5
      [240] invokevirtual #68
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.getLeft ()I]
      [243] aload v5
      [245] invokevirtual #69
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.getRight ()I]
      [248] ificmpne +18 (target=266)
      [251] aload v5
      [253] invokevirtual #70
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.getTop ()I]
      [256] aload v5
      [258] invokevirtual #67
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.getBottom ()I]
      [261] ificmpne +5 (target=266)
      [264] iconst_1
      [265] ireturn
      [266] aload v5
      [268] aload_0 v0
      [269] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [272] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.copySource Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [275] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [278] invokevirtual #65
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.copyFrom (Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [281] astore v6
      [283] aload_0 v0
      [284] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [287] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.clipboard Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;]
      [290] aload v6
      [292] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [android/text/ClipboardManager.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [295] aload_0 v0
      [296] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [299] aload_0 v0
      [300] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [303] ldc #1
        + Integer [2131230855]
      [305] iconst_1
      [306] anewarray #14
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [309] dup
      [310] iconst_0
      [311] aload v6
      [313] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
      [316] invokestatic #47
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [319] aastore
      [320] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.getString (I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [323] iconst_1
      [324] invokestatic #45
        + Methodref [android/widget/Toast.makeText (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;I)Landroid/widget/Toast;]
      [327] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [android/widget/ ()V]
      [330] aload v5
      [332] invokevirtual #72
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.reset ()V]
      [335] aload_0 v0
      [336] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [339] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.copySource Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [342] iconst_0
      [343] invokevirtual #78
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.setSelectingForCopy (Z)V]
      [346] aload_0 v0
      [347] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [350] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.copySource Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [353] invokevirtual #77
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.redraw ()V]
      [356] iconst_1
      [357] ireturn
      [358] aload_0 v0
      [359] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [362] invokevirtual #62
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [365] invokevirtual #33
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getConfiguration ()Landroid/content/res/Configuration;]
      [368] astore_3 v3
      [369] aload_2 v2
      [370] invokevirtual #37
        + Methodref [android/view/MotionEvent.getAction ()I]
      [373] ifne +28 (target=401)
      [376] aload_0 v0
      [377] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [380] aload_2 v2
      [381] invokevirtual #40
        + Methodref [android/view/MotionEvent.getX ()F]
      [384] invokestatic #60
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.access$8 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;F)V]
      [387] aload_0 v0
      [388] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [391] aload_2 v2
      [392] invokevirtual #41
        + Methodref [android/view/MotionEvent.getY ()F]
      [395] invokestatic #61
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.access$9 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;F)V]
      [398] goto +129 (target=527)
      [401] aload_2 v2
      [402] invokevirtual #37
        + Methodref [android/view/MotionEvent.getAction ()I]
      [405] iconst_1
      [406] ificmpne +121 (target=527)
      [409] aload_0 v0
      [410] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12.val$keyboardGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
      [413] invokevirtual #42
        + Methodref [android/widget/RelativeLayout.getVisibility ()I]
      [416] bipush 8
      [418] ificmpne +109 (target=527)
      [421] aload_2 v2
      [422] invokevirtual #39
        + Methodref [android/view/MotionEvent.getEventTime ()J]
      [425] aload_2 v2
      [426] invokevirtual #38
        + Methodref [android/view/MotionEvent.getDownTime ()J]
      [429] lsub
      [430] ldc2_w #21
        + Long [400]
      [433] lcmp
      [434] ifge +93 (target=527)
      [437] aload_2 v2
      [438] invokevirtual #40
        + Methodref [android/view/MotionEvent.getX ()F]
      [441] aload_0 v0
      [442] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [445] invokestatic #52
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.access$10 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)F]
      [448] fsub
      [449] invokestatic #48
        + Methodref [java/lang/Math.abs (F)F]
      [452] ldc #2
        + Float [25.0]
      [454] fcmpg
      [455] ifge +72 (target=527)
      [458] aload_2 v2
      [459] invokevirtual #41
        + Methodref [android/view/MotionEvent.getY ()F]
      [462] aload_0 v0
      [463] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [466] invokestatic #53
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.access$11 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)F]
      [469] fsub
      [470] invokestatic #48
        + Methodref [java/lang/Math.abs (F)F]
      [473] ldc #2
        + Float [25.0]
      [475] fcmpg
      [476] ifge +51 (target=527)
      [479] aload_0 v0
      [480] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12.val$keyboardGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
      [483] aload_0 v0
      [484] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [487] invokestatic #54
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.access$12 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
      [490] invokevirtual #44
        + Methodref [android/widget/RelativeLayout.startAnimation (Landroid/view/animation/Animation;)V]
      [493] aload_0 v0
      [494] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12.val$keyboardGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
      [497] iconst_0
      [498] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [android/widget/RelativeLayout.setVisibility (I)V]
      [501] aload_0 v0
      [502] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [505] invokestatic #55
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.access$13 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)Landroid/os/Handler;]
      [508] new #18
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12$1]
      [511] dup
      [512] aload_0 v0
      [513] aload_0 v0
      [514] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12.val$keyboardGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
      [517] invokespecial #64
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12;Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;)V]
      [520] ldc2_w #23
        + Long [1500]
      [523] invokevirtual #34
        + Methodref [android/os/Handler.postDelayed (Ljava/lang/Runnable;J)Z]
      [526] pop
      [527] aload_0 v0
      [528] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12.val$detect Landroid/view/GestureDetector;]
      [531] aload_2 v2
      [532] invokevirtual #36
        + Methodref [android/view/GestureDetector.onTouchEvent (Landroid/view/MotionEvent;)Z]
      [535] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 46)
        [0] -> line 507
        [23] -> line 508
        [45] -> line 509
        [68] -> line 511
        [80] -> line 513
        [116] -> line 516
        [124] -> line 517
        [130] -> line 518
        [137] -> line 519
        [145] -> line 520
        [154] -> line 521
        [164] -> line 523
        [166] -> line 528
        [189] -> line 529
        [191] -> line 532
        [196] -> line 535
        [202] -> line 536
        [209] -> line 537
        [217] -> line 538
        [226] -> line 539
        [236] -> line 540
        [238] -> line 545
        [251] -> line 546
        [264] -> line 547
        [266] -> line 551
        [283] -> line 553
        [295] -> line 554
        [330] -> line 559
        [335] -> line 560
        [346] -> line 561
        [356] -> line 562
        [358] -> line 566
        [369] -> line 568
        [376] -> line 569
        [387] -> line 570
        [401] -> line 571
        [409] -> line 572
        [421] -> line 573
        [437] -> line 574
        [458] -> line 575
        [479] -> line 576
        [493] -> line 577
        [501] -> line 579
        [520] -> line 587
        [523] -> line 579
        [527] -> line 591
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 8)
        v0: 0 -> 536 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12; this]
        v1: 0 -> 536 [Landroid/view/View; v]
        v2: 0 -> 536 [Landroid/view/MotionEvent; event]
        v3: 45 -> 358 [I row]
        v4: 68 -> 358 [I col]
        v5: 80 -> 358 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea; area]
        v6: 283 -> 330 [Ljava/lang/String; copiedText]
        v3: 369 -> 536 [Landroid/content/res/Configuration; config]
  + Method:       access$0(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity access$0(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity$12)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 502
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 3)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/View$OnTouchListener]
      + Class [android/view/View]
      + Utf8 [OnTouchListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12$1]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12$1
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity$12$1 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [java/lang/Runnable]

Constant Pool (count = 59):
  + Class [android/widget/RelativeLayout]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/Runnable]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12$1]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12$1.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12$1.val$keyboardGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/RelativeLayout.getVisibility ()I]
  + Methodref [android/widget/RelativeLayout.setVisibility (I)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/RelativeLayout.startAnimation (Landroid/view/animation/Animation;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.access$14 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + NameAndType [access$14 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
  + NameAndType [getVisibility ()I]
  + NameAndType [onTouch (Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/MotionEvent;)Z]
  + NameAndType [setVisibility (I)V]
  + NameAndType [startAnimation (Landroid/view/animation/Animation;)V]
  + NameAndType [this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12;]
  + NameAndType [val$keyboardGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/MotionEvent;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/animation/Animation;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12;Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12$1;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12;]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [access$14]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/RelativeLayout]
  + Utf8 [getVisibility]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Runnable]
  + Utf8 [onTouch]
  + Utf8 [run]
  + Utf8 [setVisibility]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12$1]
  + Utf8 [startAnimation]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$1]
  + Utf8 [val$keyboardGroup]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity$12 this$1
  + Field:        val$keyboardGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic android.widget.RelativeLayout val$keyboardGroup

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12;Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = ConsoleActivity$12$1(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity$12,android.widget.RelativeLayout)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #7
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12$1.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_2 v2
      [7] putfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12$1.val$keyboardGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] invokespecial #12
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [14] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [10] -> line 579
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 15 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12$1; this]
  + Method:       run()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void run()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 40, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12$1.val$keyboardGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
      [4] invokevirtual #9
        + Methodref [android/widget/RelativeLayout.getVisibility ()I]
      [7] bipush 8
      [9] ificmpne +4 (target=13)
      [12] return
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12$1.val$keyboardGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12$1.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12;]
      [21] invokestatic #14
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [24] invokestatic #13
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.access$14 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)Landroid/view/animation/Animation;]
      [27] invokevirtual #11
        + Methodref [android/widget/RelativeLayout.startAnimation (Landroid/view/animation/Animation;)V]
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12$1.val$keyboardGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
      [34] bipush 8
      [36] invokevirtual #10
        + Methodref [android/widget/RelativeLayout.setVisibility (I)V]
      [39] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 581
        [12] -> line 582
        [13] -> line 584
        [30] -> line 585
        [39] -> line 586
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 40 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12$1; this]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12]
    + NameAndType [onTouch (Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/MotionEvent;)Z]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$12$1]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$13
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity$13 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 56):
  + Integer [2131427332]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$13]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$13.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.findCurrentView (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.dispatchDisconnect (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [dispatchDisconnect (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [findCurrentView (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [onCreateOptionsMenu (Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$13;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [bridge]
  + Utf8 [dispatchDisconnect]
  + Utf8 [findCurrentView]
  + Utf8 [item]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [onCreateOptionsMenu]
  + Utf8 [onMenuItemClick]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$13]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Utf8 [terminalView]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity this$0

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = ConsoleActivity$13(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$13.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #11
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 652
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$13; this]
  + Method:       onMenuItemClick(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean onMenuItemClick(android.view.MenuItem)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 25, locals = 4, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$13.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [4] ldc #1
        + Integer [2131427332]
      [6] invokevirtual #12
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.findCurrentView (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [9] checkcast #7
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
      [12] astore_2 v2
      [13] aload_2 v2
      [14] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [17] astore_3 v3
      [18] aload_3 v3
      [19] iconst_1
      [20] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.dispatchDisconnect (Z)V]
      [23] iconst_1
      [24] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 655
        [13] -> line 656
        [18] -> line 658
        [23] -> line 659
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 25 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$13; this]
        v1: 0 -> 25 [Landroid/view/MenuItem; item]
        v2: 13 -> 25 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView; terminalView]
        v3: 18 -> 25 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; bridge]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreateOptionsMenu (Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
      + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$13]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$14
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity$14 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 104):
  + Integer [2131230856]
  + Integer [2131427332]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Class [android/widget/Toast]
  + Class [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$14]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.copySource Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$14.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/Toast.makeText (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;I)Landroid/widget/Toast;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ ()V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.getColumns ()I]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.getRows ()I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.findCurrentView (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.reset ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.setBounds (II)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.getSelectionArea ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.redraw ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.setSelectingForCopy (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
  + NameAndType [copySource Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [findCurrentView (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [getColumns ()I]
  + NameAndType [getRows ()I]
  + NameAndType [getSelectionArea ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea;]
  + NameAndType [getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [makeText (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;I)Landroid/widget/Toast;]
  + NameAndType [onCreateOptionsMenu (Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + NameAndType [redraw ()V]
  + NameAndType [reset ()V]
  + NameAndType [setBounds (II)V]
  + NameAndType [setSelectingForCopy (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [show ()V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;I)Landroid/widget/Toast;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$14;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/Toast]
  + Utf8 [area]
  + Utf8 [bridge]
  + Utf8 [buffer]
  + Utf8 [copySource]
  + Utf8 [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer]
  + Utf8 [findCurrentView]
  + Utf8 [getColumns]
  + Utf8 [getRows]
  + Utf8 [getSelectionArea]
  + Utf8 [getString]
  + Utf8 [item]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [makeText]
  + Utf8 [onCreateOptionsMenu]
  + Utf8 [onMenuItemClick]
  + Utf8 [redraw]
  + Utf8 [reset]
  + Utf8 [setBounds]
  + Utf8 [setSelectingForCopy]
  + Utf8 [show]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$14]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Utf8 [terminalView]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity this$0

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = ConsoleActivity$14(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$14.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #21
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 668
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$14; this]
  + Method:       onMenuItemClick(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean onMenuItemClick(android.view.MenuItem)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 112, locals = 4, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$14.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [4] ldc #2
        + Integer [2131427332]
      [6] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.findCurrentView (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [9] checkcast #10
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
      [12] astore_2 v2
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$14.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [17] aload_2 v2
      [18] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [21] putfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.copySource Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$14.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [28] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.copySource Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [31] invokevirtual #26
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.getSelectionArea ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea;]
      [34] astore_3 v3
      [35] aload_3 v3
      [36] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.reset ()V]
      [39] aload_3 v3
      [40] aload_0 v0
      [41] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$14.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [44] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.copySource Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [47] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [50] invokevirtual #19
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.getColumns ()I]
      [53] aload_0 v0
      [54] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$14.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [57] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.copySource Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [60] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [63] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.getRows ()I]
      [66] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.setBounds (II)V]
      [69] aload_0 v0
      [70] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$14.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [73] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.copySource Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [76] iconst_1
      [77] invokevirtual #28
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.setSelectingForCopy (Z)V]
      [80] aload_0 v0
      [81] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$14.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [84] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.copySource Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [87] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.redraw ()V]
      [90] aload_0 v0
      [91] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$14.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [94] aload_0 v0
      [95] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$14.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [98] ldc #1
        + Integer [2131230856]
      [100] invokevirtual #23
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [103] iconst_1
      [104] invokestatic #17
        + Methodref [android/widget/Toast.makeText (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;I)Landroid/widget/Toast;]
      [107] invokevirtual #18
        + Methodref [android/widget/ ()V]
      [110] iconst_1
      [111] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 671
        [13] -> line 672
        [24] -> line 674
        [35] -> line 675
        [39] -> line 676
        [69] -> line 678
        [80] -> line 681
        [90] -> line 683
        [110] -> line 684
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 112 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$14; this]
        v1: 0 -> 112 [Landroid/view/MenuItem; item]
        v2: 13 -> 112 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView; terminalView]
        v3: 35 -> 112 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea; area]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreateOptionsMenu (Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
      + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$14]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$15
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity$15 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 74):
  + Integer [2131427332]
  + Class [android/text/ClipboardManager]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Class [java/lang/CharSequence]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$15]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.clipboard Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$15.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Methodref [android/text/ClipboardManager.getText ()Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.findCurrentView (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.injectString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/lang/CharSequence.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [clipboard Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;]
  + NameAndType [findCurrentView (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [getText ()Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + NameAndType [injectString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [onCreateOptionsMenu (Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$15;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [android/text/ClipboardManager]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [bridge]
  + Utf8 [clip]
  + Utf8 [clipboard]
  + Utf8 [findCurrentView]
  + Utf8 [getText]
  + Utf8 [injectString]
  + Utf8 [item]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/CharSequence]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [onCreateOptionsMenu]
  + Utf8 [onMenuItemClick]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$15]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Utf8 [terminalView]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [toString]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity this$0

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = ConsoleActivity$15(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$15.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #15
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 693
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$15; this]
  + Method:       onMenuItemClick(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean onMenuItemClick(android.view.MenuItem)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 43, locals = 5, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$15.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [4] ldc #1
        + Integer [2131427332]
      [6] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.findCurrentView (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [9] checkcast #9
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
      [12] astore_2 v2
      [13] aload_2 v2
      [14] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [17] astore_3 v3
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$15.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [22] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.clipboard Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;]
      [25] invokevirtual #14
        + Methodref [android/text/ClipboardManager.getText ()Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
      [28] invokeinterface #18
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/lang/CharSequence.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [33] astore v4
      [35] aload_3 v3
      [36] aload v4
      [38] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.injectString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [41] iconst_1
      [42] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 696
        [13] -> line 697
        [18] -> line 700
        [35] -> line 701
        [41] -> line 703
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 43 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$15; this]
        v1: 0 -> 43 [Landroid/view/MenuItem; item]
        v2: 13 -> 43 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView; terminalView]
        v3: 18 -> 43 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; bridge]
        v4: 35 -> 43 [Ljava/lang/String; clip]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreateOptionsMenu (Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
      + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$15]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$16
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity$16 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 81):
  + Integer [2131427332]
  + String [android.intent.extra.TITLE]
  + Class [android/content/Intent]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$16]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$16.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Methodref [android/content/Intent.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
  + Methodref [android/content/Intent.putExtra (Ljava/lang/String;J)Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.findCurrentView (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.startActivityForResult (Landroid/content/Intent;I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getId ()J]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
  + NameAndType [bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [findCurrentView (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [getId ()J]
  + NameAndType [host Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + NameAndType [onCreateOptionsMenu (Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + NameAndType [putExtra (Ljava/lang/String;J)Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + NameAndType [startActivityForResult (Landroid/content/Intent;I)V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Utf8 [()J]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Intent;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;J)Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$16;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [android.intent.extra.TITLE]
  + Utf8 [android/content/Intent]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [bridge]
  + Utf8 [findCurrentView]
  + Utf8 [getId]
  + Utf8 [host]
  + Utf8 [intent]
  + Utf8 [item]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [onCreateOptionsMenu]
  + Utf8 [onMenuItemClick]
  + Utf8 [putExtra]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$16]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Utf8 [startActivityForResult]
  + Utf8 [terminalView]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity this$0

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = ConsoleActivity$16(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$16.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #18
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 712
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$16; this]
  + Method:       onMenuItemClick(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean onMenuItemClick(android.view.MenuItem)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 60, locals = 5, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$16.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [4] ldc #1
        + Integer [2131427332]
      [6] invokevirtual #19
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.findCurrentView (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [9] checkcast #10
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
      [12] astore_2 v2
      [13] aload_2 v2
      [14] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [17] astore_3 v3
      [18] new #3
        + Class [android/content/Intent]
      [21] dup
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$16.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [26] ldc #9
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity]
      [28] invokespecial #16
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
      [31] astore v4
      [33] aload v4
      [35] ldc #2
        + String [android.intent.extra.TITLE]
      [37] aload_3 v3
      [38] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [41] invokevirtual #21
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getId ()J]
      [44] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.putExtra (Ljava/lang/String;J)Landroid/content/Intent;]
      [47] pop
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$16.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [52] aload v4
      [54] iconst_1
      [55] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.startActivityForResult (Landroid/content/Intent;I)V]
      [58] iconst_1
      [59] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 714
        [13] -> line 715
        [18] -> line 717
        [33] -> line 718
        [48] -> line 719
        [58] -> line 720
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 60 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$16; this]
        v1: 0 -> 60 [Landroid/view/MenuItem; item]
        v2: 13 -> 60 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView; terminalView]
        v3: 18 -> 60 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; bridge]
        v4: 33 -> 60 [Landroid/content/Intent; intent]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreateOptionsMenu (Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
      + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$16]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$17
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity$17 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 111):
  + Integer [17367043]
  + Integer [2131230862]
  + Integer [2131427332]
  + Class [android/app/Dialog]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Class [android/widget/AdapterView]
  + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener]
  + Class [android/widget/ArrayAdapter]
  + Class [android/widget/ListView]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$17]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$URLItemListener]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$17.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Methodref [android/app/Dialog.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Methodref [android/app/Dialog.setContentView (Landroid/view/View;)V]
  + Methodref [android/app/Dialog.setTitle (I)V]
  + Methodref [android/app/ ()V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ArrayAdapter.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;ILjava/util/List;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ListView.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ListView.setAdapter (Landroid/widget/ListAdapter;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ListView.setOnItemClickListener (Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.findCurrentView (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$URLItemListener.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.scanForURLs ()Ljava/util/List;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;ILjava/util/List;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + NameAndType [bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [findCurrentView (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [onCreateOptionsMenu (Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + NameAndType [scanForURLs ()Ljava/util/List;]
  + NameAndType [setAdapter (Landroid/widget/ListAdapter;)V]
  + NameAndType [setContentView (Landroid/view/View;)V]
  + NameAndType [setOnItemClickListener (Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener;)V]
  + NameAndType [setTitle (I)V]
  + NameAndType [show ()V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/List;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;ILjava/util/List;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/ListAdapter;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/app/Dialog;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/ListView;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List<Ljava/lang/String;>;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTypeTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$17;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$URLItemListener;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [OnItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [URLItemListener]
  + Utf8 [android/app/Dialog]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/AdapterView]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/ArrayAdapter]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/ListView]
  + Utf8 [bridge]
  + Utf8 [findCurrentView]
  + Utf8 [item]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [onCreateOptionsMenu]
  + Utf8 [onMenuItemClick]
  + Utf8 [scanForURLs]
  + Utf8 [setAdapter]
  + Utf8 [setContentView]
  + Utf8 [setOnItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [setTitle]
  + Utf8 [show]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$17]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$URLItemListener]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Utf8 [terminalView]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [urlDialog]
  + Utf8 [urlListView]
  + Utf8 [urlListener]
  + Utf8 [urls]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity this$0

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = ConsoleActivity$17(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$17.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #27
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 729
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$17; this]
  + Method:       onMenuItemClick(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean onMenuItemClick(android.view.MenuItem)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 111, locals = 7, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$17.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [4] ldc #3
        + Integer [2131427332]
      [6] invokevirtual #28
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.findCurrentView (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [9] checkcast #15
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
      [12] astore_2 v2
      [13] aload_2 v2
      [14] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [17] invokevirtual #30
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.scanForURLs ()Ljava/util/List;]
      [20] astore_3 v3
      [21] new #4
        + Class [android/app/Dialog]
      [24] dup
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$17.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [29] invokespecial #19
        + Methodref [android/app/Dialog.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [32] astore v4
      [34] aload v4
      [36] ldc #2
        + Integer [2131230862]
      [38] invokevirtual #21
        + Methodref [android/app/Dialog.setTitle (I)V]
      [41] new #10
        + Class [android/widget/ListView]
      [44] dup
      [45] aload_0 v0
      [46] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$17.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [49] invokespecial #24
        + Methodref [android/widget/ListView.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [52] astore v5
      [54] new #14
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$URLItemListener]
      [57] dup
      [58] aload_0 v0
      [59] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$17.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [62] aload_0 v0
      [63] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$17.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [66] invokespecial #29
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$URLItemListener.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [69] astore v6
      [71] aload v5
      [73] aload v6
      [75] invokevirtual #26
        + Methodref [android/widget/ListView.setOnItemClickListener (Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener;)V]
      [78] aload v5
      [80] new #9
        + Class [android/widget/ArrayAdapter]
      [83] dup
      [84] aload_0 v0
      [85] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$17.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [88] ldc #1
        + Integer [17367043]
      [90] aload_3 v3
      [91] invokespecial #23
        + Methodref [android/widget/ArrayAdapter.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;ILjava/util/List;)V]
      [94] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [android/widget/ListView.setAdapter (Landroid/widget/ListAdapter;)V]
      [97] aload v4
      [99] aload v5
      [101] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [android/app/Dialog.setContentView (Landroid/view/View;)V]
      [104] aload v4
      [106] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [android/app/ ()V]
      [109] iconst_1
      [110] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 11)
        [0] -> line 731
        [13] -> line 733
        [21] -> line 735
        [34] -> line 736
        [41] -> line 738
        [54] -> line 739
        [71] -> line 740
        [78] -> line 742
        [97] -> line 743
        [104] -> line 744
        [109] -> line 746
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 111 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$17; this]
        v1: 0 -> 111 [Landroid/view/MenuItem; item]
        v2: 13 -> 111 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView; terminalView]
        v3: 21 -> 111 [Ljava/util/List; urls]
        v4: 34 -> 111 [Landroid/app/Dialog; urlDialog]
        v5: 54 -> 111 [Landroid/widget/ListView; urlListView]
        v6: 71 -> 111 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$URLItemListener; urlListener]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 1)
        v3: 21 -> 111 [Ljava/util/List<Ljava/lang/String;>; urls]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreateOptionsMenu (Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 4)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
      + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener]
      + Class [android/widget/AdapterView]
      + Utf8 [OnItemClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$17]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x2 = private 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$URLItemListener]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
      + Utf8 [URLItemListener]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity$18 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 130):
  + Integer [17039360]
  + Integer [2130903053]
  + Integer [2131230787]
  + Integer [2131427332]
  + Integer [2131427369]
  + Integer [2131427370]
  + String [25]
  + String [80]
  + String [default_fsize_height]
  + String [default_fsize_width]
  + Class [android/app/AlertDialog]
  + Class [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder]
  + Class [android/content/DialogInterface]
  + Class [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
  + Class [android/content/SharedPreferences]
  + Class [android/view/LayoutInflater]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Class [android/view/View]
  + Class [android/widget/EditText]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18$1]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Methodref [android/app/ ()V]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.create ()Landroid/app/AlertDialog;]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setNegativeButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setPositiveButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setView (Landroid/view/View;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Methodref [android/view/LayoutInflater.inflate (ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;Z)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [android/view/View.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.access$15 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.findCurrentView (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18;Landroid/view/View;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.getString (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18;Landroid/view/View;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)V]
  + NameAndType [access$15 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
  + NameAndType [create ()Landroid/app/AlertDialog;]
  + NameAndType [findCurrentView (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [getString (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [inflate (ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;Z)Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + NameAndType [onCreateOptionsMenu (Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + NameAndType [setNegativeButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + NameAndType [setPositiveButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + NameAndType [setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + NameAndType [setView (Landroid/view/View;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + NameAndType [show ()V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/app/AlertDialog;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [(ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Utf8 [(ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;Z)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18;Landroid/view/View;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [25]
  + Utf8 [80]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Builder]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
  + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [access$15]
  + Utf8 [android/app/AlertDialog]
  + Utf8 [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder]
  + Utf8 [android/content/DialogInterface]
  + Utf8 [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/content/SharedPreferences]
  + Utf8 [android/view/LayoutInflater]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/EditText]
  + Utf8 [create]
  + Utf8 [default_fsize_height]
  + Utf8 [default_fsize_width]
  + Utf8 [findCurrentView]
  + Utf8 [findViewById]
  + Utf8 [getString]
  + Utf8 [inflate]
  + Utf8 [inflater]
  + Utf8 [item]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [onCreateOptionsMenu]
  + Utf8 [onMenuItemClick]
  + Utf8 [resizeView]
  + Utf8 [setNegativeButton]
  + Utf8 [setPositiveButton]
  + Utf8 [setText]
  + Utf8 [setView]
  + Utf8 [show]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18$1]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
  + Utf8 [terminalView]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity this$0

Methods (count = 3):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = ConsoleActivity$18(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #37
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 755
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18; this]
  + Method:       onMenuItemClick(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean onMenuItemClick(android.view.MenuItem)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 128, locals = 4, stack = 7):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [4] ldc #4
        + Integer [2131427332]
      [6] invokevirtual #39
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.findCurrentView (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [9] checkcast #25
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
      [12] astore_2 v2
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [17] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
      [20] ldc #2
        + Integer [2130903053]
      [22] aconst_null
      [23] iconst_0
      [24] invokevirtual #34
        + Methodref [android/view/LayoutInflater.inflate (ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;Z)Landroid/view/View;]
      [27] astore_3 v3
      [28] aload_3 v3
      [29] ldc #5
        + Integer [2131427369]
      [31] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [android/view/View.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [34] checkcast #20
        + Class [android/widget/EditText]
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [41] invokestatic #38
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.access$15 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
      [44] ldc #10
        + String [default_fsize_width]
      [46] ldc #8
        + String [80]
      [48] invokeinterface #41
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.getString (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [53] invokevirtual #36
        + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [56] aload_3 v3
      [57] ldc #6
        + Integer [2131427370]
      [59] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [android/view/View.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [62] checkcast #20
        + Class [android/widget/EditText]
      [65] aload_0 v0
      [66] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [69] invokestatic #38
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.access$15 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
      [72] ldc #9
        + String [default_fsize_height]
      [74] ldc #7
        + String [25]
      [76] invokeinterface #41
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.getString (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [81] invokevirtual #36
        + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [84] new #12
        + Class [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder]
      [87] dup
      [88] aload_0 v0
      [89] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [92] invokespecial #29
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [95] aload_3 v3
      [96] invokevirtual #33
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setView (Landroid/view/View;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
      [99] ldc #3
        + Integer [2131230787]
      [101] new #24
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18$1]
      [104] dup
      [105] aload_0 v0
      [106] aload_3 v3
      [107] aload_2 v2
      [108] invokespecial #40
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18;Landroid/view/View;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)V]
      [111] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setPositiveButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
      [114] ldc #1
        + Integer [17039360]
      [116] aconst_null
      [117] invokevirtual #31
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setNegativeButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
      [120] invokevirtual #30
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.create ()Landroid/app/AlertDialog;]
      [123] invokevirtual #28
        + Methodref [android/app/ ()V]
      [126] iconst_1
      [127] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 11)
        [0] -> line 757
        [13] -> line 759
        [28] -> line 760
        [37] -> line 761
        [56] -> line 762
        [65] -> line 763
        [84] -> line 765
        [95] -> line 766
        [99] -> line 767
        [114] -> line 793
        [126] -> line 795
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 128 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18; this]
        v1: 0 -> 128 [Landroid/view/MenuItem; item]
        v2: 13 -> 128 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView; terminalView]
        v3: 28 -> 128 [Landroid/view/View; resizeView]
  + Method:       access$0(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity access$0(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity$18)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 755
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreateOptionsMenu (Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 5)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x9 = public static 
      + Class [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder]
      + Class [android/app/AlertDialog]
      + Utf8 [Builder]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
      + Class [android/content/DialogInterface]
      + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
      + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18$1]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18$1
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity$18$1 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 122):
  + Integer [2131427369]
  + Integer [2131427370]
  + String [Error]
  + String [Width and height must be higher than zero.]
  + Class [android/app/AlertDialog]
  + Class [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder]
  + Class [android/content/DialogInterface]
  + Class [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
  + Class [android/text/Editable]
  + Class [android/view/View]
  + Class [android/widget/EditText]
  + Class [java/lang/Integer]
  + Class [java/lang/NumberFormatException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18$1]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18$1.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18$1.val$resizeView Landroid/view/View;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18$1.val$terminalView Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setMessage (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setTitle (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$ ()Landroid/app/AlertDialog;]
  + Methodref [android/view/View.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.getText ()Landroid/text/Editable;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.parseInt (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.forceSize (II)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.parentChanged (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/text/Editable.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + NameAndType [access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + NameAndType [bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [forceSize (II)V]
  + NameAndType [getText ()Landroid/text/Editable;]
  + NameAndType [onMenuItemClick (Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + NameAndType [parentChanged (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)V]
  + NameAndType [parseInt (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [setMessage (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + NameAndType [setTitle (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + NameAndType [show ()Landroid/app/AlertDialog;]
  + NameAndType [this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18;]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [val$resizeView Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [val$terminalView Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/app/AlertDialog;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/text/Editable;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [(II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/DialogInterface;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18;Landroid/view/View;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Builder]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [Error]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/DialogInterface;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/NumberFormatException;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18$1;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Width and height must be higher than zero.]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [android/app/AlertDialog]
  + Utf8 [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder]
  + Utf8 [android/content/DialogInterface]
  + Utf8 [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/text/Editable]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/EditText]
  + Utf8 [bridge]
  + Utf8 [dialog]
  + Utf8 [findViewById]
  + Utf8 [forceSize]
  + Utf8 [getText]
  + Utf8 [height]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Integer]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/NumberFormatException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [nfe]
  + Utf8 [onClick]
  + Utf8 [onMenuItemClick]
  + Utf8 [parentChanged]
  + Utf8 [parseInt]
  + Utf8 [setMessage]
  + Utf8 [setTitle]
  + Utf8 [show]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18$1]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$1]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [val$resizeView]
  + Utf8 [val$terminalView]
  + Utf8 [which]
  + Utf8 [width]

Fields (count = 3):
  + Field:        this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity$18 this$1
  + Field:        val$resizeView Landroid/view/View;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic android.view.View val$resizeView
  + Field:        val$terminalView Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.TerminalView val$terminalView

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18;Landroid/view/View;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = ConsoleActivity$18$1(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity$18,android.view.View,com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.TerminalView)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 20, locals = 4, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #19
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18$1.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_2 v2
      [7] putfield #20
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18$1.val$resizeView Landroid/view/View;]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] aload_3 v3
      [12] putfield #21
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18$1.val$terminalView Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] invokespecial #30
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [19] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [15] -> line 767
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 20 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18$1; this]
  + Method:       onClick(Landroid/content/DialogInterface;I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onClick(android.content.DialogInterface,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 120, locals = 6, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18$1.val$resizeView Landroid/view/View;]
      [4] ldc #1
        + Integer [2131427369]
      [6] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [android/view/View.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [9] checkcast #11
        + Class [android/widget/EditText]
      [12] invokevirtual #28
        + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.getText ()Landroid/text/Editable;]
      [15] invokeinterface #34
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/text/Editable.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [20] invokestatic #29
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.parseInt (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [23] istore_3 v3
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18$1.val$resizeView Landroid/view/View;]
      [28] ldc #2
        + Integer [2131427370]
      [30] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [android/view/View.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [33] checkcast #11
        + Class [android/widget/EditText]
      [36] invokevirtual #28
        + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.getText ()Landroid/text/Editable;]
      [39] invokeinterface #34
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/text/Editable.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [44] invokestatic #29
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.parseInt (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [47] istore v4
      [49] goto +6 (target=55)
      [52] astore v5
      [54] return
      [55] iload_3 v3
      [56] ifle +35 (target=91)
      [59] iload v4
      [61] ifle +30 (target=91)
      [64] aload_0 v0
      [65] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18$1.val$terminalView Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [68] iload_3 v3
      [69] iload v4
      [71] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.forceSize (II)V]
      [74] aload_0 v0
      [75] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18$1.val$terminalView Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [78] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [81] aload_0 v0
      [82] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18$1.val$terminalView Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [85] invokevirtual #33
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.parentChanged (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)V]
      [88] goto +31 (target=119)
      [91] new #6
        + Class [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder]
      [94] dup
      [95] aload_0 v0
      [96] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18$1.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18;]
      [99] invokestatic #31
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [102] invokespecial #23
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [105] ldc #4
        + String [Width and height must be higher than zero.]
      [107] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setMessage (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
      [110] ldc #3
        + String [Error]
      [112] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setTitle (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
      [115] invokevirtual #26
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$ ()Landroid/app/AlertDialog;]
      [118] pop
      [119] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 49: 52):
      + Class [java/lang/NumberFormatException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 20)
        [0] -> line 771
        [4] -> line 772
        [9] -> line 771
        [12] -> line 773
        [20] -> line 771
        [24] -> line 774
        [28] -> line 775
        [33] -> line 774
        [36] -> line 776
        [44] -> line 774
        [52] -> line 777
        [54] -> line 780
        [55] -> line 782
        [64] -> line 783
        [74] -> line 784
        [91] -> line 787
        [105] -> line 788
        [110] -> line 789
        [115] -> line 790
        [119] -> line 792
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 8)
        v0: 0 -> 120 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18$1; this]
        v1: 0 -> 120 [Landroid/content/DialogInterface; dialog]
        v2: 0 -> 120 [I which]
        v3: 24 -> 52 [I width]
        v3: 55 -> 120 [I width]
        v4: 49 -> 52 [I height]
        v4: 55 -> 120 [I height]
        v5: 54 -> 55 [Ljava/lang/NumberFormatException; nfe]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18]
    + NameAndType [onMenuItemClick (Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 4)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x9 = public static 
      + Class [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder]
      + Class [android/app/AlertDialog]
      + Utf8 [Builder]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
      + Class [android/content/DialogInterface]
      + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$18$1]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$2
  Superclass:    android/os/Handler
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity$2 extends android.os.Handler

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 32):
  + Class [android/os/Handler]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$2]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Methodref [android/os/Handler.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.updatePromptVisible ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + NameAndType [updatePromptVisible ()V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Message;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/Message;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$2;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [android/os/Handler]
  + Utf8 [handleMessage]
  + Utf8 [msg]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$2]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [updatePromptVisible]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity this$0

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = ConsoleActivity$2(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #4
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #5
        + Methodref [android/os/Handler.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 187
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$2; this]
  + Method:       handleMessage(Landroid/os/Message;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void handleMessage(android.os.Message)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 8, locals = 2, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #4
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [4] invokevirtual #6
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.updatePromptVisible ()V]
      [7] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 191
        [7] -> line 192
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$2; this]
        v1: 0 -> 8 [Landroid/os/Message; msg]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$2]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$3
  Superclass:    android/os/Handler
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity$3 extends android.os.Handler

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 57):
  + String [ConnectBot.ConsoleActivity]
  + String [Someone sending HANDLE_DISCONNECT to parentHandler]
  + Class [android/os/Handler]
  + Class [android/os/Message]
  + Class [android/util/Log]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$3]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Fieldref [android/os/Message.obj Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$3.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Methodref [android/os/Handler.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.access$2 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.isAwaitingClose ()Z]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [access$2 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
  + NameAndType [d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [isAwaitingClose ()Z]
  + NameAndType [obj Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Message;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ConnectBot.ConsoleActivity]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/Message;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$3;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [Someone sending HANDLE_DISCONNECT to parentHandler]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [access$2]
  + Utf8 [android/os/Handler]
  + Utf8 [android/os/Message]
  + Utf8 [android/util/Log]
  + Utf8 [bridge]
  + Utf8 [d]
  + Utf8 [handleMessage]
  + Utf8 [isAwaitingClose]
  + Utf8 [msg]
  + Utf8 [obj]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$3]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity this$0

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = ConsoleActivity$3(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$3.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #11
        + Methodref [android/os/Handler.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 195
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$3; this]
  + Method:       handleMessage(Landroid/os/Message;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void handleMessage(android.os.Message)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 32, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] ldc #1
        + String [ConnectBot.ConsoleActivity]
      [2] ldc #2
        + String [Someone sending HANDLE_DISCONNECT to parentHandler]
      [4] invokestatic #12
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [7] pop
      [8] aload_1 v1
      [9] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [android/os/Message.obj Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [12] checkcast #8
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
      [15] astore_2 v2
      [16] aload_2 v2
      [17] invokevirtual #14
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.isAwaitingClose ()Z]
      [20] ifeq +11 (target=31)
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$3.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [27] aload_2 v2
      [28] invokestatic #13
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.access$2 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
      [31] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 198
        [8] -> line 202
        [16] -> line 204
        [23] -> line 205
        [31] -> line 206
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 32 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$3; this]
        v1: 0 -> 32 [Landroid/os/Message; msg]
        v2: 16 -> 32 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; bridge]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$3]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$4
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity$4 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/view/View$OnKeyListener]

Constant Pool (count = 86):
  + String []
  + Class [android/text/Editable]
  + Class [android/view/KeyEvent]
  + Class [android/view/View]
  + Class [android/view/View$OnKeyListener]
  + Class [android/widget/EditText]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$4]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.stringPrompt Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$4.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Methodref [android/view/KeyEvent.getAction ()I]
  + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.getText ()Landroid/text/Editable;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.getCurrentPromptHelper ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.updatePromptVisible ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.setResponse (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/text/Editable.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [getAction ()I]
  + NameAndType [getCurrentPromptHelper ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
  + NameAndType [getText ()Landroid/text/Editable;]
  + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + NameAndType [setResponse (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + NameAndType [setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + NameAndType [stringPrompt Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [updatePromptVisible ()V]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/text/Editable;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View;ILandroid/view/KeyEvent;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/KeyEvent;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$4;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
  + Utf8 [OnKeyListener]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [android/text/Editable]
  + Utf8 [android/view/KeyEvent]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View$OnKeyListener]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/EditText]
  + Utf8 [event]
  + Utf8 [getAction]
  + Utf8 [getCurrentPromptHelper]
  + Utf8 [getText]
  + Utf8 [helper]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [keyCode]
  + Utf8 [onCreate]
  + Utf8 [onKey]
  + Utf8 [setResponse]
  + Utf8 [setText]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$4]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper]
  + Utf8 [stringPrompt]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [updatePromptVisible]
  + Utf8 [v]
  + Utf8 [value]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity this$0

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = ConsoleActivity$4(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$4.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #16
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 298
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$4; this]
  + Method:       onKey(Landroid/view/View;ILandroid/view/KeyEvent;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean onKey(android.view.View,int,android.view.KeyEvent)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 79, locals = 6, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_3 v3
      [1] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [android/view/KeyEvent.getAction ()I]
      [4] iconst_1
      [5] ificmpne +5 (target=10)
      [8] iconst_0
      [9] ireturn
      [10] iload_2 v2
      [11] bipush 66
      [13] ificmpeq +5 (target=18)
      [16] iconst_0
      [17] ireturn
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$4.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [22] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.stringPrompt Landroid/widget/EditText;]
      [25] invokevirtual #14
        + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.getText ()Landroid/text/Editable;]
      [28] invokeinterface #20
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/text/Editable.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [33] astore v4
      [35] aload_0 v0
      [36] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$4.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [39] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.getCurrentPromptHelper ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
      [42] astore v5
      [44] aload v5
      [46] ifnonnull +5 (target=51)
      [49] iconst_0
      [50] ireturn
      [51] aload v5
      [53] aload v4
      [55] invokevirtual #19
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.setResponse (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
      [58] aload_0 v0
      [59] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$4.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [62] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.stringPrompt Landroid/widget/EditText;]
      [65] ldc #1
        + String []
      [67] invokevirtual #15
        + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [70] aload_0 v0
      [71] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$4.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [74] invokevirtual #18
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.updatePromptVisible ()V]
      [77] iconst_1
      [78] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 300
        [10] -> line 301
        [18] -> line 304
        [35] -> line 306
        [44] -> line 307
        [51] -> line 308
        [58] -> line 311
        [70] -> line 312
        [77] -> line 314
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 79 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$4; this]
        v1: 0 -> 79 [Landroid/view/View; v]
        v2: 0 -> 79 [I keyCode]
        v3: 0 -> 79 [Landroid/view/KeyEvent; event]
        v4: 35 -> 79 [Ljava/lang/String; value]
        v5: 44 -> 79 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper; helper]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/View$OnKeyListener]
      + Class [android/view/View]
      + Utf8 [OnKeyListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$4]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$5
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity$5 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/view/View$OnClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 58):
  + Class [android/view/View]
  + Class [android/view/View$OnClickListener]
  + Class [java/lang/Boolean]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$5]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper]
  + Fieldref [java/lang/Boolean.TRUE Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$5.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.getCurrentPromptHelper ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.updatePromptVisible ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.setResponse (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [TRUE Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
  + NameAndType [getCurrentPromptHelper ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
  + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + NameAndType [setResponse (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + NameAndType [updatePromptVisible ()V]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$5;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
  + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [TRUE]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View$OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [getCurrentPromptHelper]
  + Utf8 [helper]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Boolean]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [onClick]
  + Utf8 [onCreate]
  + Utf8 [setResponse]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$5]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [updatePromptVisible]
  + Utf8 [v]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity this$0

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = ConsoleActivity$5(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$5.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #10
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 322
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$5; this]
  + Method:       onClick(Landroid/view/View;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onClick(android.view.View)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 28, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$5.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [4] invokevirtual #11
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.getCurrentPromptHelper ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
      [7] astore_2 v2
      [8] aload_2 v2
      [9] ifnonnull +4 (target=13)
      [12] return
      [13] aload_2 v2
      [14] getstatic #8
        + Fieldref [java/lang/Boolean.TRUE Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
      [17] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.setResponse (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$5.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [24] invokevirtual #12
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.updatePromptVisible ()V]
      [27] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 324
        [8] -> line 325
        [13] -> line 326
        [20] -> line 327
        [27] -> line 328
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 28 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$5; this]
        v1: 0 -> 28 [Landroid/view/View; v]
        v2: 8 -> 28 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper; helper]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/View$OnClickListener]
      + Class [android/view/View]
      + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$5]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$6
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity$6 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/view/View$OnClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 58):
  + Class [android/view/View]
  + Class [android/view/View$OnClickListener]
  + Class [java/lang/Boolean]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$6]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper]
  + Fieldref [java/lang/Boolean.FALSE Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$6.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.getCurrentPromptHelper ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.updatePromptVisible ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.setResponse (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [FALSE Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
  + NameAndType [getCurrentPromptHelper ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
  + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + NameAndType [setResponse (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + NameAndType [updatePromptVisible ()V]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [FALSE]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$6;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
  + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View$OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [getCurrentPromptHelper]
  + Utf8 [helper]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Boolean]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [onClick]
  + Utf8 [onCreate]
  + Utf8 [setResponse]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$6]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [updatePromptVisible]
  + Utf8 [v]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity this$0

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = ConsoleActivity$6(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$6.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #10
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 332
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$6; this]
  + Method:       onClick(Landroid/view/View;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onClick(android.view.View)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 28, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$6.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [4] invokevirtual #11
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.getCurrentPromptHelper ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
      [7] astore_2 v2
      [8] aload_2 v2
      [9] ifnonnull +4 (target=13)
      [12] return
      [13] aload_2 v2
      [14] getstatic #8
        + Fieldref [java/lang/Boolean.FALSE Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
      [17] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.setResponse (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$6.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [24] invokevirtual #12
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.updatePromptVisible ()V]
      [27] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 334
        [8] -> line 335
        [13] -> line 336
        [20] -> line 337
        [27] -> line 338
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 28 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$6; this]
        v1: 0 -> 28 [Landroid/view/View; v]
        v2: 8 -> 28 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper; helper]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/View$OnClickListener]
      + Class [android/view/View]
      + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$6]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$7
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity$7 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/view/View$OnClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 63):
  + Integer [2131427332]
  + Class [android/view/View]
  + Class [android/view/View$OnClickListener]
  + Class [android/view/inputmethod/InputMethodManager]
  + Class [android/widget/RelativeLayout]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$7]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$7.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$7.val$keyboardGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
  + Methodref [android/view/inputmethod/InputMethodManager.showSoftInput (Landroid/view/View;I)Z]
  + Methodref [android/widget/RelativeLayout.setVisibility (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.access$3 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)Landroid/view/inputmethod/InputMethodManager;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.findCurrentView (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [access$3 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)Landroid/view/inputmethod/InputMethodManager;]
  + NameAndType [findCurrentView (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + NameAndType [setVisibility (I)V]
  + NameAndType [showSoftInput (Landroid/view/View;I)Z]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + NameAndType [val$keyboardGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View;I)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)Landroid/view/inputmethod/InputMethodManager;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$7;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [access$3]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View$OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/view/inputmethod/InputMethodManager]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/RelativeLayout]
  + Utf8 [findCurrentView]
  + Utf8 [flip]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [onClick]
  + Utf8 [onCreate]
  + Utf8 [setVisibility]
  + Utf8 [showSoftInput]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$7]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [val$keyboardGroup]
  + Utf8 [view]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity this$0
  + Field:        val$keyboardGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic android.widget.RelativeLayout val$keyboardGroup

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = ConsoleActivity$7(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity,android.widget.RelativeLayout)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$7.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_2 v2
      [7] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$7.val$keyboardGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] invokespecial #13
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [14] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [10] -> line 359
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 15 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$7; this]
  + Method:       onClick(Landroid/view/View;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onClick(android.view.View)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 38, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$7.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [4] ldc #1
        + Integer [2131427332]
      [6] invokevirtual #15
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.findCurrentView (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [9] astore_2 v2
      [10] aload_2 v2
      [11] ifnonnull +4 (target=15)
      [14] return
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$7.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [19] invokestatic #14
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.access$3 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;)Landroid/view/inputmethod/InputMethodManager;]
      [22] aload_2 v2
      [23] iconst_2
      [24] invokevirtual #11
        + Methodref [android/view/inputmethod/InputMethodManager.showSoftInput (Landroid/view/View;I)Z]
      [27] pop
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$7.val$keyboardGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
      [32] bipush 8
      [34] invokevirtual #12
        + Methodref [android/widget/RelativeLayout.setVisibility (I)V]
      [37] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 361
        [10] -> line 362
        [14] -> line 363
        [15] -> line 365
        [28] -> line 366
        [37] -> line 367
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 38 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$7; this]
        v1: 0 -> 38 [Landroid/view/View; view]
        v2: 10 -> 38 [Landroid/view/View; flip]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/View$OnClickListener]
      + Class [android/view/View]
      + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$7]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$8
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity$8 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/view/View$OnClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 75):
  + Integer [2131427332]
  + Class [android/view/View]
  + Class [android/view/View$OnClickListener]
  + Class [android/widget/RelativeLayout]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$8]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$8.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$8.val$keyboardGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/RelativeLayout.setVisibility (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.findCurrentView (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.getKeyHandler ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.showCharPickerDialog (Landroid/view/View;)Z]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [findCurrentView (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [getKeyHandler ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;]
  + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + NameAndType [setVisibility (I)V]
  + NameAndType [showCharPickerDialog (Landroid/view/View;)Z]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + NameAndType [val$keyboardGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$8;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;]
  + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View$OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/RelativeLayout]
  + Utf8 [bridge]
  + Utf8 [findCurrentView]
  + Utf8 [flip]
  + Utf8 [getKeyHandler]
  + Utf8 [handler]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [onClick]
  + Utf8 [onCreate]
  + Utf8 [setVisibility]
  + Utf8 [showCharPickerDialog]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$8]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener]
  + Utf8 [terminal]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [val$keyboardGroup]
  + Utf8 [view]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity this$0
  + Field:        val$keyboardGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic android.widget.RelativeLayout val$keyboardGroup

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = ConsoleActivity$8(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity,android.widget.RelativeLayout)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #11
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$8.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_2 v2
      [7] putfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$8.val$keyboardGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] invokespecial #15
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [14] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [10] -> line 371
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 15 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$8; this]
  + Method:       onClick(Landroid/view/View;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onClick(android.view.View)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 46, locals = 5, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$8.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [4] ldc #1
        + Integer [2131427332]
      [6] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.findCurrentView (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [9] astore_2 v2
      [10] aload_2 v2
      [11] ifnonnull +4 (target=15)
      [14] return
      [15] aload_2 v2
      [16] checkcast #8
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
      [19] astore_3 v3
      [20] aload_3 v3
      [21] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [24] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.getKeyHandler ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;]
      [27] astore v4
      [29] aload v4
      [31] aload_3 v3
      [32] invokevirtual #18
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.showCharPickerDialog (Landroid/view/View;)Z]
      [35] pop
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$8.val$keyboardGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
      [40] bipush 8
      [42] invokevirtual #14
        + Methodref [android/widget/RelativeLayout.setVisibility (I)V]
      [45] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 373
        [10] -> line 374
        [15] -> line 376
        [20] -> line 378
        [29] -> line 379
        [36] -> line 380
        [45] -> line 381
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 46 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$8; this]
        v1: 0 -> 46 [Landroid/view/View; view]
        v2: 10 -> 46 [Landroid/view/View; flip]
        v3: 20 -> 46 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView; terminal]
        v4: 29 -> 46 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener; handler]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/View$OnClickListener]
      + Class [android/view/View]
      + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$8]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$9
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity$9 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/view/View$OnClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 74):
  + Integer [2131427332]
  + Class [android/view/View]
  + Class [android/view/View$OnClickListener]
  + Class [android/widget/RelativeLayout]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$9]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$9.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$9.val$keyboardGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/RelativeLayout.setVisibility (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.findCurrentView (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.getKeyHandler ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaPress (I)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [findCurrentView (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [getKeyHandler ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;]
  + NameAndType [metaPress (I)V]
  + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + NameAndType [setVisibility (I)V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + NameAndType [val$keyboardGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$9;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;]
  + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View$OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/RelativeLayout]
  + Utf8 [bridge]
  + Utf8 [findCurrentView]
  + Utf8 [flip]
  + Utf8 [getKeyHandler]
  + Utf8 [handler]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [metaPress]
  + Utf8 [onClick]
  + Utf8 [onCreate]
  + Utf8 [setVisibility]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$9]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener]
  + Utf8 [terminal]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [val$keyboardGroup]
  + Utf8 [view]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity this$0
  + Field:        val$keyboardGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic android.widget.RelativeLayout val$keyboardGroup

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = ConsoleActivity$9(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity,android.widget.RelativeLayout)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #11
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$9.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_2 v2
      [7] putfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$9.val$keyboardGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] invokespecial #15
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [14] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [10] -> line 385
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 15 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$9; this]
  + Method:       onClick(Landroid/view/View;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onClick(android.view.View)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 45, locals = 5, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$9.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [4] ldc #1
        + Integer [2131427332]
      [6] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity.findCurrentView (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [9] astore_2 v2
      [10] aload_2 v2
      [11] ifnonnull +4 (target=15)
      [14] return
      [15] aload_2 v2
      [16] checkcast #8
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
      [19] astore_3 v3
      [20] aload_3 v3
      [21] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [24] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.getKeyHandler ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;]
      [27] astore v4
      [29] aload v4
      [31] iconst_1
      [32] invokevirtual #18
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaPress (I)V]
      [35] aload_0 v0
      [36] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$9.val$keyboardGroup Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout;]
      [39] bipush 8
      [41] invokevirtual #14
        + Methodref [android/widget/RelativeLayout.setVisibility (I)V]
      [44] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 387
        [10] -> line 388
        [15] -> line 389
        [20] -> line 391
        [29] -> line 392
        [35] -> line 394
        [44] -> line 395
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 45 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$9; this]
        v1: 0 -> 45 [Landroid/view/View; view]
        v2: 10 -> 45 [Landroid/view/View; flip]
        v3: 20 -> 45 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView; terminal]
        v4: 29 -> 45 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener; handler]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/View$OnClickListener]
      + Class [android/view/View]
      + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$9]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$URLItemListener
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity$URLItemListener extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 131):
  + String [://]
  + String [ConnectBot.ConsoleActivity]
  + String [android.intent.action.VIEW]
  + String [couldn't open URL]
  + String [http://]
  + Class [android/content/Context]
  + Class [android/content/Intent]
  + Class [android/net/Uri]
  + Class [android/util/Log]
  + Class [android/widget/AdapterView]
  + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener]
  + Class [android/widget/TextView]
  + Class [java/lang/CharSequence]
  + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/lang/ref/WeakReference]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$URLItemListener]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$URLItemListener.contextRef Ljava/lang/ref/WeakReference;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$URLItemListener.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Methodref [android/content/Context.startActivity (Landroid/content/Intent;)V]
  + Methodref [android/content/Intent.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/net/Uri;)V]
  + Methodref [android/net/Uri.parse (Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.getText ()Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.indexOf (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/ref/WeakReference.<init> (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/ref/WeakReference.get ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/lang/CharSequence.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/net/Uri;)V]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [contextRef Ljava/lang/ref/WeakReference;]
  + NameAndType [e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + NameAndType [get ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [getText ()Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + NameAndType [indexOf (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [parse (Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + NameAndType [startActivity (Landroid/content/Intent;)V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Intent;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView;Landroid/view/View;IJ)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>;Landroid/view/View;IJ)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/net/Uri;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Utf8 [://]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ConnectBot.ConsoleActivity]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [J]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/Context;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/TextView;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Exception;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Object;Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/ref/WeakReference;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/ref/WeakReference<Landroid/content/Context;>;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTypeTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$URLItemListener;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
  + Utf8 [OnItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [Signature]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [URLItemListener]
  + Utf8 [android.intent.action.VIEW]
  + Utf8 [android/content/Context]
  + Utf8 [android/content/Intent]
  + Utf8 [android/net/Uri]
  + Utf8 [android/util/Log]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/AdapterView]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/TextView]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [arg0]
  + Utf8 [context]
  + Utf8 [contextRef]
  + Utf8 [couldn't open URL]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [get]
  + Utf8 [getText]
  + Utf8 [http://]
  + Utf8 [id]
  + Utf8 [indexOf]
  + Utf8 [intent]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/CharSequence]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Exception]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/ref/WeakReference]
  + Utf8 [onItemClick]
  + Utf8 [parse]
  + Utf8 [position]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$URLItemListener]
  + Utf8 [startActivity]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [url]
  + Utf8 [urlView]
  + Utf8 [view]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        contextRef Ljava/lang/ref/WeakReference;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.ref.WeakReference contextRef
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/ref/WeakReference<Landroid/content/Context;>;]
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity this$0

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;Landroid/content/Context;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = ConsoleActivity$URLItemListener(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.ConsoleActivity,android.content.Context)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 22, locals = 3, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$URLItemListener.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #28
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] new #18
        + Class [java/lang/ref/WeakReference]
      [13] dup
      [14] aload_2 v2
      [15] invokespecial #33
        + Methodref [java/lang/ref/WeakReference.<init> (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
      [18] putfield #21
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$URLItemListener.contextRef Ljava/lang/ref/WeakReference;]
      [21] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 1035
        [9] -> line 1036
        [21] -> line 1037
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 22 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$URLItemListener; this]
        v2: 0 -> 22 [Landroid/content/Context; context]
  + Method:       onItemClick(Landroid/widget/AdapterView;Landroid/view/View;IJ)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onItemClick(android.widget.AdapterView,android.view.View,int,long)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 104, locals = 10, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$URLItemListener.contextRef Ljava/lang/ref/WeakReference;]
      [4] invokevirtual #34
        + Methodref [java/lang/ref/WeakReference.get ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [7] checkcast #6
        + Class [android/content/Context]
      [10] astore v6
      [12] aload v6
      [14] ifnonnull +4 (target=18)
      [17] return
      [18] aload_2 v2
      [19] checkcast #12
        + Class [android/widget/TextView]
      [22] astore v7
      [24] aload v7
      [26] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.getText ()Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
      [29] invokeinterface #35
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/lang/CharSequence.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [34] astore v8
      [36] aload v8
      [38] ldc #1
        + String [://]
      [40] invokevirtual #29
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.indexOf (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [43] ifge +22 (target=65)
      [46] new #17
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [49] dup
      [50] ldc #5
        + String [http://]
      [52] invokespecial #30
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [55] aload v8
      [57] invokevirtual #31
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [60] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [63] astore v8
      [65] new #7
        + Class [android/content/Intent]
      [68] dup
      [69] ldc #3
        + String [android.intent.action.VIEW]
      [71] aload v8
      [73] invokestatic #25
        + Methodref [android/net/Uri.parse (Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri;]
      [76] invokespecial #24
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/net/Uri;)V]
      [79] astore v9
      [81] aload v6
      [83] aload v9
      [85] invokevirtual #23
        + Methodref [android/content/Context.startActivity (Landroid/content/Intent;)V]
      [88] goto +15 (target=103)
      [91] astore v7
      [93] ldc #2
        + String [ConnectBot.ConsoleActivity]
      [95] ldc #4
        + String [couldn't open URL]
      [97] aload v7
      [99] invokestatic #26
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [102] pop
      [103] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (18 -> 88: 91):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 12)
        [0] -> line 1040
        [12] -> line 1042
        [17] -> line 1043
        [18] -> line 1046
        [24] -> line 1048
        [36] -> line 1049
        [46] -> line 1050
        [65] -> line 1052
        [81] -> line 1053
        [91] -> line 1054
        [93] -> line 1055
        [103] -> line 1058
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 10)
        v0: 0 -> 104 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$URLItemListener; this]
        v1: 0 -> 104 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView; arg0]
        v2: 0 -> 104 [Landroid/view/View; view]
        v3: 0 -> 104 [I position]
        v4: 0 -> 104 [J id]
        v6: 12 -> 104 [Landroid/content/Context; context]
        v7: 24 -> 91 [Landroid/widget/TextView; urlView]
        v8: 36 -> 91 [Ljava/lang/String; url]
        v9: 81 -> 91 [Landroid/content/Intent; intent]
        v7: 93 -> 103 [Ljava/lang/Exception; e]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 1)
        v1: 0 -> 104 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>; arg0]
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>;Landroid/view/View;IJ)V]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener]
      + Class [android/widget/AdapterView]
      + Utf8 [OnItemClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x2 = private 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity$URLItemListener]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
      + Utf8 [URLItemListener]
  + Signature attribute:
    + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Object;Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener;]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity
  Superclass:    android/app/Activity
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.GeneratePubkeyActivity extends

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/OnEntropyGatheredListener]

Constant Pool (count = 368):
  + Integer [2130903042]
  + Integer [2130903050]
  + Integer [2131230745]
  + Integer [2131427345]
  + Integer [2131427346]
  + Integer [2131427349]
  + Integer [2131427350]
  + Integer [2131427351]
  + Integer [2131427352]
  + Integer [2131427353]
  + Integer [2131427354]
  + Integer [2131427355]
  + Integer [2131427365]
  + String [%]
  + String [ConnectBot.GeneratePubkeyActivity]
  + String [Entropy distribution=]
  + String [KeyGen]
  + String [RSA]
  + String [entropy gathered; attemping to generate key...]
  + Class [[B]
  + Class [android/app/Activity]
  + Class [android/app/Dialog]
  + Class [android/app/ProgressDialog]
  + Class [android/content/res/Resources]
  + Class [android/text/Editable]
  + Class [android/util/Log]
  + Class [android/view/LayoutInflater]
  + Class [android/view/View]
  + Class [android/view/View$OnClickListener]
  + Class [android/view/View$OnFocusChangeListener]
  + Class [android/widget/Button]
  + Class [android/widget/CheckBox]
  + Class [android/widget/EditText]
  + Class [android/widget/RadioGroup]
  + Class [android/widget/RadioGroup$OnCheckedChangeListener]
  + Class [android/widget/SeekBar]
  + Class [android/widget/SeekBar$OnSeekBarChangeListener]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/lang/Thread]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$1]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$2]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$3]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$4]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$5]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$6]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$7]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyDialog]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/OnEntropyGatheredListener]
  + Double [100.0]
  + Double [160.0]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.bits I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.bitsSlider Landroid/widget/SeekBar;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.bitsText Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.confirmUse Landroid/widget/CheckBox;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.entropy [B]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.entropyDialog Landroid/app/Dialog;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.handler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.keyType Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.keyTypeGroup Landroid/widget/RadioGroup;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.mKeyGen Ljava/lang/Runnable;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.minBits I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.nickname Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.password1 Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.password2 Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.progress Landroid/app/ProgressDialog;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ Landroid/widget/Button;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.textChecker Landroid/text/TextWatcher;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.unlockAtStartup Landroid/widget/CheckBox;]
  + Methodref [[B.clone ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [android/app/Activity.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [android/app/Activity.onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Methodref [android/app/ ()V]
  + Methodref [android/app/ProgressDialog.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Methodref [android/app/ProgressDialog.setCancelable (Z)V]
  + Methodref [android/app/ProgressDialog.setIndeterminate (Z)V]
  + Methodref [android/app/ProgressDialog.setMessage (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Methodref [android/app/ ()V]
  + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getText (I)Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [android/view/LayoutInflater.from (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + Methodref [android/view/LayoutInflater.inflate (ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;Z)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [android/view/View.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/Button.setEnabled (Z)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/Button.setOnClickListener (Landroid/view/View$OnClickListener;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.addTextChangedListener (Landroid/text/TextWatcher;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.getText ()Landroid/text/Editable;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.setOnFocusChangeListener (Landroid/view/View$OnFocusChangeListener;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/RadioGroup.setOnCheckedChangeListener (Landroid/widget/RadioGroup$OnCheckedChangeListener;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/SeekBar.setOnSeekBarChangeListener (Landroid/widget/SeekBar$OnSeekBarChangeListener;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.<init> (Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.setName (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.start ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.checkEntries ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.finish ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.measureNumberOfSetBits (B)I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.setContentView (I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.startEntropyGather ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.startKeyGen ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$2.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$3.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$4.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$5.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$6.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$7.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyDialog.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/view/View;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.addOnEntropyGatheredListener (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/OnEntropyGatheredListener;)V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/text/Editable.length ()I]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/text/Editable.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/view/View;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)V]
  + NameAndType [addOnEntropyGatheredListener (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/OnEntropyGatheredListener;)V]
  + NameAndType [addTextChangedListener (Landroid/text/TextWatcher;)V]
  + NameAndType [append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [bits I]
  + NameAndType [bitsSlider Landroid/widget/SeekBar;]
  + NameAndType [bitsText Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + NameAndType [checkEntries ()V]
  + NameAndType [clone ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [confirmUse Landroid/widget/CheckBox;]
  + NameAndType [d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [entropy [B]
  + NameAndType [entropyDialog Landroid/app/Dialog;]
  + NameAndType [equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [finish ()V]
  + NameAndType [from (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + NameAndType [getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + NameAndType [getText ()Landroid/text/Editable;]
  + NameAndType [getText (I)Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + NameAndType [handler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + NameAndType [inflate (ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;Z)Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + NameAndType [keyType Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [keyTypeGroup Landroid/widget/RadioGroup;]
  + NameAndType [length ()I]
  + NameAndType [mKeyGen Ljava/lang/Runnable;]
  + NameAndType [measureNumberOfSetBits (B)I]
  + NameAndType [minBits I]
  + NameAndType [nickname Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + NameAndType [password1 Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + NameAndType [password2 Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + NameAndType [progress Landroid/app/ProgressDialog;]
  + NameAndType [save Landroid/widget/Button;]
  + NameAndType [setCancelable (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [setContentView (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setEnabled (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [setIndeterminate (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [setMessage (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + NameAndType [setName (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [setOnCheckedChangeListener (Landroid/widget/RadioGroup$OnCheckedChangeListener;)V]
  + NameAndType [setOnClickListener (Landroid/view/View$OnClickListener;)V]
  + NameAndType [setOnFocusChangeListener (Landroid/view/View$OnFocusChangeListener;)V]
  + NameAndType [setOnSeekBarChangeListener (Landroid/widget/SeekBar$OnSeekBarChangeListener;)V]
  + NameAndType [show ()V]
  + NameAndType [start ()V]
  + NameAndType [startEntropyGather ()V]
  + NameAndType [startKeyGen ()V]
  + NameAndType [textChecker Landroid/text/TextWatcher;]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [unlockAtStartup Landroid/widget/CheckBox;]
  + Utf8 [%]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/text/Editable;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(B)I]
  + Utf8 [(I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;Z)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/view/View;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/text/TextWatcher;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View$OnClickListener;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View$OnFocusChangeListener;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/RadioGroup$OnCheckedChangeListener;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/SeekBar$OnSeekBarChangeListener;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/app/ProgressDialog;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/Button;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/CheckBox;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/SeekBar;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)[B]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/OnEntropyGatheredListener;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [B]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ConnectBot.GeneratePubkeyActivity]
  + Utf8 [Entropy distribution=]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [KeyGen]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/app/Dialog;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/app/ProgressDialog;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/Bundle;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/text/TextWatcher;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/Button;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/CheckBox;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/RadioGroup;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/SeekBar;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Runnable;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Thread;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
  + Utf8 [OnCheckedChangeListener]
  + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [OnFocusChangeListener]
  + Utf8 [OnSeekBarChangeListener]
  + Utf8 [RSA]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [access$1]
  + Utf8 [access$10]
  + Utf8 [access$11]
  + Utf8 [access$12]
  + Utf8 [access$13]
  + Utf8 [access$14]
  + Utf8 [access$15]
  + Utf8 [access$16]
  + Utf8 [access$17]
  + Utf8 [access$2]
  + Utf8 [access$3]
  + Utf8 [access$4]
  + Utf8 [access$5]
  + Utf8 [access$6]
  + Utf8 [access$7]
  + Utf8 [access$8]
  + Utf8 [access$9]
  + Utf8 [addOnEntropyGatheredListener]
  + Utf8 [addTextChangedListener]
  + Utf8 [allowSave]
  + Utf8 [android/app/Activity]
  + Utf8 [android/app/Dialog]
  + Utf8 [android/app/ProgressDialog]
  + Utf8 [android/content/res/Resources]
  + Utf8 [android/text/Editable]
  + Utf8 [android/util/Log]
  + Utf8 [android/view/LayoutInflater]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View$OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View$OnFocusChangeListener]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/Button]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/CheckBox]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/EditText]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/RadioGroup]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/RadioGroup$OnCheckedChangeListener]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/SeekBar]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/SeekBar$OnSeekBarChangeListener]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [b]
  + Utf8 [bits]
  + Utf8 [bitsSlider]
  + Utf8 [bitsText]
  + Utf8 [checkEntries]
  + Utf8 [clone]
  + Utf8 [confirmUse]
  + Utf8 [d]
  + Utf8 [entropy]
  + Utf8 [entropy gathered; attemping to generate key...]
  + Utf8 [entropyDialog]
  + Utf8 [entropyView]
  + Utf8 [equals]
  + Utf8 [findViewById]
  + Utf8 [finish]
  + Utf8 [from]
  + Utf8 [getResources]
  + Utf8 [getText]
  + Utf8 [handler]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [icicle]
  + Utf8 [inflate]
  + Utf8 [inflater]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Thread]
  + Utf8 [keyGenThread]
  + Utf8 [keyType]
  + Utf8 [keyTypeGroup]
  + Utf8 [length]
  + Utf8 [mKeyGen]
  + Utf8 [measureNumberOfSetBits]
  + Utf8 [minBits]
  + Utf8 [nickname]
  + Utf8 [numSetBits]
  + Utf8 [onCreate]
  + Utf8 [onEntropyGathered]
  + Utf8 [password1]
  + Utf8 [password2]
  + Utf8 [progress]
  + Utf8 [save]
  + Utf8 [setCancelable]
  + Utf8 [setContentView]
  + Utf8 [setEnabled]
  + Utf8 [setIndeterminate]
  + Utf8 [setMessage]
  + Utf8 [setName]
  + Utf8 [setOnCheckedChangeListener]
  + Utf8 [setOnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [setOnFocusChangeListener]
  + Utf8 [setOnSeekBarChangeListener]
  + Utf8 [show]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$1]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$2]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$3]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$4]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$5]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$6]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$7]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyDialog]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/OnEntropyGatheredListener]
  + Utf8 [start]
  + Utf8 [startEntropyGather]
  + Utf8 [startKeyGen]
  + Utf8 [textChecker]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [unlockAtStartup]

Fields (count = 19):
  + Field:        inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.view.LayoutInflater inflater
  + Field:        nickname Landroid/widget/EditText;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.widget.EditText nickname
  + Field:        keyTypeGroup Landroid/widget/RadioGroup;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.widget.RadioGroup keyTypeGroup
  + Field:        bitsSlider Landroid/widget/SeekBar;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.widget.SeekBar bitsSlider
  + Field:        bitsText Landroid/widget/EditText;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.widget.EditText bitsText
  + Field:        unlockAtStartup Landroid/widget/CheckBox;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.widget.CheckBox unlockAtStartup
  + Field:        confirmUse Landroid/widget/CheckBox;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.widget.CheckBox confirmUse
  + Field:        save Landroid/widget/Button;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.widget.Button save
  + Field:        entropyDialog Landroid/app/Dialog;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private entropyDialog
  + Field:        progress Landroid/app/ProgressDialog;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private progress
  + Field:        password1 Landroid/widget/EditText;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.widget.EditText password1
  + Field:        password2 Landroid/widget/EditText;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.widget.EditText password2
  + Field:        keyType Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String keyType
  + Field:        minBits I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int minBits
  + Field:        bits I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int bits
  + Field:        entropy [B
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private byte[] entropy
  + Field:        handler Landroid/os/Handler;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.os.Handler handler
  + Field:        mKeyGen Ljava/lang/Runnable;
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final java.lang.Runnable mKeyGen
  + Field:        textChecker Landroid/text/TextWatcher;
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final android.text.TextWatcher textChecker

Methods (count = 25):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public GeneratePubkeyActivity()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 66, locals = 1, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #76
        + Methodref [android/app/Activity.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aconst_null
      [6] putfield #63
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] ldc #18
        + String [RSA]
      [12] putfield #64
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.keyType Ljava/lang/String;]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] sipush 768
      [19] putfield #67
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.minBits I]
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] sipush 1024
      [26] putfield #56
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.bits I]
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] new #42
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$1]
      [33] dup
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] invokespecial #112
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)V]
      [38] putfield #62
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.handler Landroid/os/Handler;]
      [41] aload_0 v0
      [42] new #43
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$2]
      [45] dup
      [46] aload_0 v0
      [47] invokespecial #113
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$2.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)V]
      [50] putfield #66
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.mKeyGen Ljava/lang/Runnable;]
      [53] aload_0 v0
      [54] new #44
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$3]
      [57] dup
      [58] aload_0 v0
      [59] invokespecial #114
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$3.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)V]
      [62] putfield #73
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.textChecker Landroid/text/TextWatcher;]
      [65] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 53
        [4] -> line 58
        [9] -> line 72
        [15] -> line 73
        [22] -> line 74
        [29] -> line 238
        [41] -> line 246
        [53] -> line 293
        [65] -> line 53
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 66 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity; this]
  + Method:       onCreate(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onCreate(android.os.Bundle)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 230, locals = 2, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #77
        + Methodref [android/app/Activity.onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] ldc #1
        + Integer [2130903042]
      [8] invokevirtual #109
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.setContentView (I)V]
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] ldc #4
        + Integer [2131427345]
      [15] invokevirtual #105
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [18] checkcast #33
        + Class [android/widget/EditText]
      [21] putfield #68
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.nickname Landroid/widget/EditText;]
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] ldc #5
        + Integer [2131427346]
      [28] invokevirtual #105
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [31] checkcast #34
        + Class [android/widget/RadioGroup]
      [34] putfield #65
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.keyTypeGroup Landroid/widget/RadioGroup;]
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] ldc #6
        + Integer [2131427349]
      [41] invokevirtual #105
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [44] checkcast #33
        + Class [android/widget/EditText]
      [47] putfield #58
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.bitsText Landroid/widget/EditText;]
      [50] aload_0 v0
      [51] aload_0 v0
      [52] ldc #7
        + Integer [2131427350]
      [54] invokevirtual #105
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [57] checkcast #36
        + Class [android/widget/SeekBar]
      [60] putfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.bitsSlider Landroid/widget/SeekBar;]
      [63] aload_0 v0
      [64] aload_0 v0
      [65] ldc #8
        + Integer [2131427351]
      [67] invokevirtual #105
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [70] checkcast #33
        + Class [android/widget/EditText]
      [73] putfield #69
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.password1 Landroid/widget/EditText;]
      [76] aload_0 v0
      [77] aload_0 v0
      [78] ldc #9
        + Integer [2131427352]
      [80] invokevirtual #105
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [83] checkcast #33
        + Class [android/widget/EditText]
      [86] putfield #70
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.password2 Landroid/widget/EditText;]
      [89] aload_0 v0
      [90] aload_0 v0
      [91] ldc #10
        + Integer [2131427353]
      [93] invokevirtual #105
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [96] checkcast #32
        + Class [android/widget/CheckBox]
      [99] putfield #74
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.unlockAtStartup Landroid/widget/CheckBox;]
      [102] aload_0 v0
      [103] aload_0 v0
      [104] ldc #11
        + Integer [2131427354]
      [106] invokevirtual #105
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [109] checkcast #32
        + Class [android/widget/CheckBox]
      [112] putfield #59
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.confirmUse Landroid/widget/CheckBox;]
      [115] aload_0 v0
      [116] aload_0 v0
      [117] ldc #12
        + Integer [2131427355]
      [119] invokevirtual #105
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [122] checkcast #31
        + Class [android/widget/Button]
      [125] putfield #72
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ Landroid/widget/Button;]
      [128] aload_0 v0
      [129] aload_0 v0
      [130] invokestatic #86
        + Methodref [android/view/LayoutInflater.from (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
      [133] putfield #63
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
      [136] aload_0 v0
      [137] getfield #68
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.nickname Landroid/widget/EditText;]
      [140] aload_0 v0
      [141] getfield #73
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.textChecker Landroid/text/TextWatcher;]
      [144] invokevirtual #91
        + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.addTextChangedListener (Landroid/text/TextWatcher;)V]
      [147] aload_0 v0
      [148] getfield #69
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.password1 Landroid/widget/EditText;]
      [151] aload_0 v0
      [152] getfield #73
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.textChecker Landroid/text/TextWatcher;]
      [155] invokevirtual #91
        + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.addTextChangedListener (Landroid/text/TextWatcher;)V]
      [158] aload_0 v0
      [159] getfield #70
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.password2 Landroid/widget/EditText;]
      [162] aload_0 v0
      [163] getfield #73
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.textChecker Landroid/text/TextWatcher;]
      [166] invokevirtual #91
        + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.addTextChangedListener (Landroid/text/TextWatcher;)V]
      [169] aload_0 v0
      [170] getfield #65
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.keyTypeGroup Landroid/widget/RadioGroup;]
      [173] new #45
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$4]
      [176] dup
      [177] aload_0 v0
      [178] invokespecial #115
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$4.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)V]
      [181] invokevirtual #94
        + Methodref [android/widget/RadioGroup.setOnCheckedChangeListener (Landroid/widget/RadioGroup$OnCheckedChangeListener;)V]
      [184] aload_0 v0
      [185] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.bitsSlider Landroid/widget/SeekBar;]
      [188] new #46
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$5]
      [191] dup
      [192] aload_0 v0
      [193] invokespecial #116
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$5.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)V]
      [196] invokevirtual #95
        + Methodref [android/widget/SeekBar.setOnSeekBarChangeListener (Landroid/widget/SeekBar$OnSeekBarChangeListener;)V]
      [199] aload_0 v0
      [200] getfield #58
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.bitsText Landroid/widget/EditText;]
      [203] new #47
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$6]
      [206] dup
      [207] aload_0 v0
      [208] invokespecial #117
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$6.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)V]
      [211] invokevirtual #93
        + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.setOnFocusChangeListener (Landroid/view/View$OnFocusChangeListener;)V]
      [214] aload_0 v0
      [215] getfield #72
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ Landroid/widget/Button;]
      [218] new #48
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$7]
      [221] dup
      [222] aload_0 v0
      [223] invokespecial #118
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$7.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)V]
      [226] invokevirtual #90
        + Methodref [android/widget/Button.setOnClickListener (Landroid/view/View$OnClickListener;)V]
      [229] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 20)
        [0] -> line 80
        [5] -> line 82
        [11] -> line 84
        [24] -> line 86
        [37] -> line 88
        [50] -> line 89
        [63] -> line 91
        [76] -> line 92
        [89] -> line 94
        [102] -> line 96
        [115] -> line 98
        [128] -> line 100
        [136] -> line 102
        [147] -> line 103
        [158] -> line 104
        [169] -> line 106
        [184] -> line 133
        [199] -> line 159
        [214] -> line 178
        [229] -> line 186
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 230 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity; this]
        v1: 0 -> 230 [Landroid/os/Bundle; icicle]
  + Method:       checkEntries()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void checkEntries()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 60, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] iconst_1
      [1] istore_1 v1
      [2] aload_0 v0
      [3] getfield #69
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.password1 Landroid/widget/EditText;]
      [6] invokevirtual #92
        + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.getText ()Landroid/text/Editable;]
      [9] invokeinterface #122
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/text/Editable.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] getfield #70
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.password2 Landroid/widget/EditText;]
      [18] invokevirtual #92
        + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.getText ()Landroid/text/Editable;]
      [21] invokeinterface #122
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/text/Editable.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [26] invokevirtual #96
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [29] ifne +5 (target=34)
      [32] iconst_0
      [33] istore_1 v1
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] getfield #68
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.nickname Landroid/widget/EditText;]
      [38] invokevirtual #92
        + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.getText ()Landroid/text/Editable;]
      [41] invokeinterface #121
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/text/Editable.length ()I]
      [46] ifne +5 (target=51)
      [49] iconst_0
      [50] istore_1 v1
      [51] aload_0 v0
      [52] getfield #72
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ Landroid/widget/Button;]
      [55] iload_1 v1
      [56] invokevirtual #89
        + Methodref [android/widget/Button.setEnabled (Z)V]
      [59] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 189
        [2] -> line 191
        [32] -> line 192
        [34] -> line 194
        [49] -> line 195
        [51] -> line 197
        [59] -> line 198
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 60 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity; this]
        v1: 2 -> 60 [Z allowSave]
  + Method:       startEntropyGather()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void startEntropyGather()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 46, locals = 2, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #63
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
      [4] ldc #2
        + Integer [2130903050]
      [6] aconst_null
      [7] iconst_0
      [8] invokevirtual #87
        + Methodref [android/view/LayoutInflater.inflate (ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;Z)Landroid/view/View;]
      [11] astore_1 v1
      [12] aload_1 v1
      [13] ldc #13
        + Integer [2131427365]
      [15] invokevirtual #88
        + Methodref [android/view/View.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [18] checkcast #50
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView]
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] invokevirtual #120
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.addOnEntropyGatheredListener (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/OnEntropyGatheredListener;)V]
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] new #49
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyDialog]
      [29] dup
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] aload_1 v1
      [32] invokespecial #119
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyDialog.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/view/View;)V]
      [35] putfield #61
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.entropyDialog Landroid/app/Dialog;]
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] getfield #61
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.entropyDialog Landroid/app/Dialog;]
      [42] invokevirtual #78
        + Methodref [android/app/ ()V]
      [45] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 201
        [12] -> line 202
        [25] -> line 203
        [38] -> line 204
        [45] -> line 205
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 46 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity; this]
        v1: 12 -> 46 [Landroid/view/View; entropyView]
  + Method:       onEntropyGathered([B)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onEntropyGathered(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 99, locals = 4, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] ifnonnull +8 (target=9)
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] invokevirtual #106
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.finish ()V]
      [8] return
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aload_1 v1
      [11] invokevirtual #75
        + Methodref [[B.clone ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [14] checkcast #20
        + Class [[B]
      [17] putfield #60
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.entropy [B]
      [20] iconst_0
      [21] istore_2 v2
      [22] iconst_0
      [23] istore_3 v3
      [24] goto +19 (target=43)
      [27] iload_2 v2
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] getfield #60
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.entropy [B]
      [33] iload_3 v3
      [34] baload
      [35] invokespecial #108
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.measureNumberOfSetBits (B)I]
      [38] iadd
      [39] istore_2 v2
      [40] iinc v3, 1
      [43] iload_3 v3
      [44] bipush 20
      [46] ificmplt -19 (target=27)
      [49] ldc #15
        + String [ConnectBot.GeneratePubkeyActivity]
      [51] new #39
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [54] dup
      [55] ldc #16
        + String [Entropy distribution=]
      [57] invokespecial #97
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [60] ldc2_w #52
        + Double [100.0]
      [63] iload_2 v2
      [64] i2d
      [65] dmul
      [66] ldc2_w #54
        + Double [160.0]
      [69] ddiv
      [70] d2i
      [71] invokevirtual #98
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [74] ldc #14
        + String [%]
      [76] invokevirtual #99
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [79] invokevirtual #100
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [82] invokestatic #85
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [85] pop
      [86] ldc #15
        + String [ConnectBot.GeneratePubkeyActivity]
      [88] ldc #19
        + String [entropy gathered; attemping to generate key...]
      [90] invokestatic #85
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [93] pop
      [94] aload_0 v0
      [95] invokespecial #111
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.startKeyGen ()V]
      [98] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 12)
        [0] -> line 209
        [4] -> line 210
        [8] -> line 211
        [9] -> line 214
        [20] -> line 216
        [22] -> line 217
        [27] -> line 218
        [40] -> line 217
        [49] -> line 220
        [86] -> line 222
        [94] -> line 223
        [98] -> line 224
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 99 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity; this]
        v1: 0 -> 99 [[B entropy]
        v2: 22 -> 99 [I numSetBits]
        v3: 24 -> 49 [I i]
  + Method:       startKeyGen()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void startKeyGen()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 74, locals = 2, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] new #23
        + Class [android/app/ProgressDialog]
      [4] dup
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #79
        + Methodref [android/app/ProgressDialog.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [9] putfield #71
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.progress Landroid/app/ProgressDialog;]
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] getfield #71
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.progress Landroid/app/ProgressDialog;]
      [16] aload_0 v0
      [17] invokevirtual #107
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [20] ldc #3
        + Integer [2131230745]
      [22] invokevirtual #84
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getText (I)Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
      [25] invokevirtual #82
        + Methodref [android/app/ProgressDialog.setMessage (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] getfield #71
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.progress Landroid/app/ProgressDialog;]
      [32] iconst_1
      [33] invokevirtual #81
        + Methodref [android/app/ProgressDialog.setIndeterminate (Z)V]
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] getfield #71
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.progress Landroid/app/ProgressDialog;]
      [40] iconst_0
      [41] invokevirtual #80
        + Methodref [android/app/ProgressDialog.setCancelable (Z)V]
      [44] aload_0 v0
      [45] getfield #71
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.progress Landroid/app/ProgressDialog;]
      [48] invokevirtual #83
        + Methodref [android/app/ ()V]
      [51] new #40
        + Class [java/lang/Thread]
      [54] dup
      [55] aload_0 v0
      [56] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.mKeyGen Ljava/lang/Runnable;]
      [59] invokespecial #101
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.<init> (Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V]
      [62] astore_1 v1
      [63] aload_1 v1
      [64] ldc #17
        + String [KeyGen]
      [66] invokevirtual #102
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.setName (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [69] aload_1 v1
      [70] invokevirtual #103
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.start ()V]
      [73] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 227
        [12] -> line 228
        [28] -> line 229
        [36] -> line 230
        [44] -> line 231
        [51] -> line 233
        [63] -> line 234
        [69] -> line 235
        [73] -> line 236
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 74 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity; this]
        v1: 63 -> 74 [Ljava/lang/Thread; keyGenThread]
  + Method:       measureNumberOfSetBits(B)I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int measureNumberOfSetBits(byte)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 33, locals = 4, stack = 2):
      [0] iconst_0
      [1] istore_2 v2
      [2] iconst_0
      [3] istore_3 v3
      [4] goto +21 (target=25)
      [7] iload_1 v1
      [8] iconst_1
      [9] iand
      [10] iconst_1
      [11] ificmpne +6 (target=17)
      [14] iinc v2, 1
      [17] iload_1 v1
      [18] iconst_1
      [19] ishr
      [20] i2b
      [21] istore_1 v1
      [22] iinc v3, 1
      [25] iload_3 v3
      [26] bipush 8
      [28] ificmplt -21 (target=7)
      [31] iload_2 v2
      [32] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 306
        [2] -> line 308
        [7] -> line 309
        [14] -> line 310
        [17] -> line 311
        [22] -> line 308
        [31] -> line 314
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 33 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity; this]
        v1: 0 -> 33 [B b]
        v2: 2 -> 33 [I numSetBits]
        v3: 4 -> 31 [I i]
  + Method:       access$0(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/app/ProgressDialog;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic access$0(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.GeneratePubkeyActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #71
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.progress Landroid/app/ProgressDialog;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 68
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$1(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)[B
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic byte[] access$1(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.GeneratePubkeyActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #60
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.entropy [B]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 76
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$2(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic java.lang.String access$2(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.GeneratePubkeyActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #64
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.keyType Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 72
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$3(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)I
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic int access$3(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.GeneratePubkeyActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #56
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.bits I]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 74
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$4(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/EditText;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic android.widget.EditText access$4(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.GeneratePubkeyActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #69
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.password1 Landroid/widget/EditText;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 70
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$5(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/EditText;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic android.widget.EditText access$5(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.GeneratePubkeyActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #68
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.nickname Landroid/widget/EditText;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 60
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$6(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/CheckBox;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic android.widget.CheckBox access$6(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.GeneratePubkeyActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #74
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.unlockAtStartup Landroid/widget/CheckBox;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 64
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$7(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/CheckBox;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic android.widget.CheckBox access$7(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.GeneratePubkeyActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #59
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.confirmUse Landroid/widget/CheckBox;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 65
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$8(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/os/Handler;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic android.os.Handler access$8(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.GeneratePubkeyActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #62
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.handler Landroid/os/Handler;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 238
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$9(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)V
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic void access$9(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.GeneratePubkeyActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #104
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.checkEntries ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 188
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$10(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;I)V
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic void access$10(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.GeneratePubkeyActivity,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #67
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.minBits I]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 73
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$11(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/SeekBar;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic android.widget.SeekBar access$11(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.GeneratePubkeyActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.bitsSlider Landroid/widget/SeekBar;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 62
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$12(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)I
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic int access$12(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.GeneratePubkeyActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #67
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.minBits I]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 73
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$13(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/EditText;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic android.widget.EditText access$13(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.GeneratePubkeyActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #58
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.bitsText Landroid/widget/EditText;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 63
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$14(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic void access$14(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.GeneratePubkeyActivity,java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #64
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.keyType Ljava/lang/String;]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 72
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$15(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;I)V
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic void access$15(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.GeneratePubkeyActivity,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #56
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.bits I]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 74
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$16(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/Button;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic android.widget.Button access$16(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.GeneratePubkeyActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #72
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ Landroid/widget/Button;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 66
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$17(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)V
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic void access$17(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.GeneratePubkeyActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #110
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.startEntropyGather ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 200
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 11)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/View$OnClickListener]
      + Class [android/view/View]
      + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/View$OnFocusChangeListener]
      + Class [android/view/View]
      + Utf8 [OnFocusChangeListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/widget/RadioGroup$OnCheckedChangeListener]
      + Class [android/widget/RadioGroup]
      + Utf8 [OnCheckedChangeListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/widget/SeekBar$OnSeekBarChangeListener]
      + Class [android/widget/SeekBar]
      + Utf8 [OnSeekBarChangeListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$1]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$2]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$3]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$4]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$5]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$6]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$7]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$1
  Superclass:    android/os/Handler
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.GeneratePubkeyActivity$1 extends android.os.Handler

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 41):
  + Class [android/app/ProgressDialog]
  + Class [android/os/Handler]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$1]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
  + Methodref [android/app/ProgressDialog.dismiss ()V]
  + Methodref [android/os/Handler.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/app/ProgressDialog;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.finish ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/app/ProgressDialog;]
  + NameAndType [dismiss ()V]
  + NameAndType [finish ()V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Message;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/app/ProgressDialog;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/Message;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$1;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [android/app/ProgressDialog]
  + Utf8 [android/os/Handler]
  + Utf8 [dismiss]
  + Utf8 [finish]
  + Utf8 [handleMessage]
  + Utf8 [msg]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$1]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.GeneratePubkeyActivity this$0

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = GeneratePubkeyActivity$1(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.GeneratePubkeyActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #5
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #7
        + Methodref [android/os/Handler.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 238
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$1; this]
  + Method:       handleMessage(Landroid/os/Message;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void handleMessage(android.os.Message)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 18, locals = 2, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [4] invokestatic #8
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/app/ProgressDialog;]
      [7] invokevirtual #6
        + Methodref [android/app/ProgressDialog.dismiss ()V]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [14] invokevirtual #9
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.finish ()V]
      [17] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 241
        [10] -> line 242
        [17] -> line 243
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 18 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$1; this]
        v1: 0 -> 18 [Landroid/os/Message; msg]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$1]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$2
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.GeneratePubkeyActivity$2 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [java/lang/Runnable]

Constant Pool (count = 225):
  + String [ConnectBot.GeneratePubkeyActivity]
  + String [Could not generate key pair]
  + String [SHA1PRNG]
  + String [private: ]
  + String [public: ]
  + Class [android/os/Handler]
  + Class [android/text/Editable]
  + Class [android/util/Log]
  + Class [android/widget/CheckBox]
  + Class [android/widget/EditText]
  + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/Runnable]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/security/KeyPair]
  + Class [java/security/KeyPairGenerator]
  + Class [java/security/SecureRandom]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$2]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
  + Methodref [android/os/Handler.sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [android/widget/CheckBox.isChecked ()Z]
  + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.getText ()Landroid/text/Editable;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Exception.printStackTrace ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/security/KeyPair.getPrivate ()Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
  + Methodref [java/security/KeyPair.getPublic ()Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
  + Methodref [java/security/KeyPairGenerator.generateKeyPair ()Ljava/security/KeyPair;]
  + Methodref [java/security/KeyPairGenerator.getInstance (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/KeyPairGenerator;]
  + Methodref [java/security/KeyPairGenerator.initialize (ILjava/security/SecureRandom;)V]
  + Methodref [java/security/SecureRandom.getInstance (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
  + Methodref [java/security/SecureRandom.setSeed ([B)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$1 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)[B]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$2 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$3 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$4 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$5 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$6 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/CheckBox;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$7 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/CheckBox;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$8 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setConfirmUse (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setEncrypted (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setNickname (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setPrivateKey ([B)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setPublicKey ([B)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setStartup (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setType (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.close ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.savePubkey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.formatKey (Ljava/security/Key;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.getEncodedPrivate (Ljava/security/PrivateKey;Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.getEncodedPublic (Ljava/security/PublicKey;)[B]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/text/Editable.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [access$1 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)[B]
  + NameAndType [access$2 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [access$3 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)I]
  + NameAndType [access$4 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + NameAndType [access$5 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + NameAndType [access$6 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/CheckBox;]
  + NameAndType [access$7 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/CheckBox;]
  + NameAndType [access$8 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [close ()V]
  + NameAndType [d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [formatKey (Ljava/security/Key;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [generateKeyPair ()Ljava/security/KeyPair;]
  + NameAndType [getEncodedPrivate (Ljava/security/PrivateKey;Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
  + NameAndType [getEncodedPublic (Ljava/security/PublicKey;)[B]
  + NameAndType [getInstance (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/KeyPairGenerator;]
  + NameAndType [getInstance (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
  + NameAndType [getPrivate ()Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
  + NameAndType [getPublic ()Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
  + NameAndType [getText ()Landroid/text/Editable;]
  + NameAndType [initialize (ILjava/security/SecureRandom;)V]
  + NameAndType [isChecked ()Z]
  + NameAndType [length ()I]
  + NameAndType [printStackTrace ()V]
  + NameAndType [savePubkey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + NameAndType [sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
  + NameAndType [setConfirmUse (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [setEncrypted (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [setNickname (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [setPrivateKey ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [setPublicKey ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [setSeed ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [setStartup (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [setType (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/text/Editable;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/security/KeyPair;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(I)Z]
  + Utf8 [(ILjava/security/SecureRandom;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/KeyPairGenerator;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/security/Key;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/security/PrivateKey;Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/security/PublicKey;)[B]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/CheckBox;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)[B]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ConnectBot.GeneratePubkeyActivity]
  + Utf8 [Could not generate key pair]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Exception;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/security/KeyPair;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/security/KeyPairGenerator;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$2;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
  + Utf8 [SHA1PRNG]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [access$1]
  + Utf8 [access$2]
  + Utf8 [access$3]
  + Utf8 [access$4]
  + Utf8 [access$5]
  + Utf8 [access$6]
  + Utf8 [access$7]
  + Utf8 [access$8]
  + Utf8 [android/os/Handler]
  + Utf8 [android/text/Editable]
  + Utf8 [android/util/Log]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/CheckBox]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/EditText]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [close]
  + Utf8 [d]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [encrypted]
  + Utf8 [formatKey]
  + Utf8 [generateKeyPair]
  + Utf8 [getEncodedPrivate]
  + Utf8 [getEncodedPublic]
  + Utf8 [getInstance]
  + Utf8 [getPrivate]
  + Utf8 [getPublic]
  + Utf8 [getText]
  + Utf8 [initialize]
  + Utf8 [isChecked]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Exception]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Runnable]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/security/KeyPair]
  + Utf8 [java/security/KeyPairGenerator]
  + Utf8 [java/security/SecureRandom]
  + Utf8 [keyPairGen]
  + Utf8 [length]
  + Utf8 [pair]
  + Utf8 [printStackTrace]
  + Utf8 [priv]
  + Utf8 [private: ]
  + Utf8 [pub]
  + Utf8 [pubkey]
  + Utf8 [pubkeydb]
  + Utf8 [public: ]
  + Utf8 [random]
  + Utf8 [run]
  + Utf8 [savePubkey]
  + Utf8 [secret]
  + Utf8 [sendEmptyMessage]
  + Utf8 [setConfirmUse]
  + Utf8 [setEncrypted]
  + Utf8 [setNickname]
  + Utf8 [setPrivateKey]
  + Utf8 [setPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [setSeed]
  + Utf8 [setStartup]
  + Utf8 [setType]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$2]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [toString]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.GeneratePubkeyActivity this$0

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = GeneratePubkeyActivity$2(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.GeneratePubkeyActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #24
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #31
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 246
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$2; this]
  + Method:       run()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void run()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 295, locals = 10, stack = 4):
      [0] iconst_0
      [1] istore_1 v1
      [2] ldc #3
        + String [SHA1PRNG]
      [4] invokestatic #41
        + Methodref [java/security/SecureRandom.getInstance (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
      [7] astore_2 v2
      [8] aload_2 v2
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [13] invokestatic #43
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$1 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)[B]
      [16] invokevirtual #42
        + Methodref [java/security/SecureRandom.setSeed ([B)V]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [23] invokestatic #44
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$2 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [26] invokestatic #39
        + Methodref [java/security/KeyPairGenerator.getInstance (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/KeyPairGenerator;]
      [29] astore_3 v3
      [30] aload_3 v3
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [35] invokestatic #45
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$3 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)I]
      [38] aload_2 v2
      [39] invokevirtual #40
        + Methodref [java/security/KeyPairGenerator.initialize (ILjava/security/SecureRandom;)V]
      [42] aload_3 v3
      [43] invokevirtual #38
        + Methodref [java/security/KeyPairGenerator.generateKeyPair ()Ljava/security/KeyPair;]
      [46] astore v4
      [48] aload v4
      [50] invokevirtual #36
        + Methodref [java/security/KeyPair.getPrivate ()Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
      [53] astore v5
      [55] aload v4
      [57] invokevirtual #37
        + Methodref [java/security/KeyPair.getPublic ()Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
      [60] astore v6
      [62] aload_0 v0
      [63] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [66] invokestatic #46
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$4 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/EditText;]
      [69] invokevirtual #29
        + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.getText ()Landroid/text/Editable;]
      [72] invokeinterface #65
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/text/Editable.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [77] astore v7
      [79] aload v7
      [81] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
      [84] ifle +5 (target=89)
      [87] iconst_1
      [88] istore_1 v1
      [89] ldc #1
        + String [ConnectBot.GeneratePubkeyActivity]
      [91] new #15
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [94] dup
      [95] ldc #4
        + String [private: ]
      [97] invokespecial #33
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [100] aload v5
      [102] invokestatic #62
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.formatKey (Ljava/security/Key;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [105] invokevirtual #34
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [108] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [111] invokestatic #26
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [114] pop
      [115] ldc #1
        + String [ConnectBot.GeneratePubkeyActivity]
      [117] new #15
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [120] dup
      [121] ldc #5
        + String [public: ]
      [123] invokespecial #33
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [126] aload v6
      [128] invokestatic #62
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.formatKey (Ljava/security/Key;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [131] invokevirtual #34
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [134] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [137] invokestatic #26
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [140] pop
      [141] new #21
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean]
      [144] dup
      [145] invokespecial #51
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.<init> ()V]
      [148] astore v8
      [150] aload v8
      [152] aload_0 v0
      [153] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [156] invokestatic #47
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$5 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/EditText;]
      [159] invokevirtual #29
        + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.getText ()Landroid/text/Editable;]
      [162] invokeinterface #65
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/text/Editable.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [167] invokevirtual #54
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setNickname (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [170] aload v8
      [172] aload_0 v0
      [173] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [176] invokestatic #44
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$2 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [179] invokevirtual #58
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setType (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [182] aload v8
      [184] aload v5
      [186] aload v7
      [188] invokestatic #63
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.getEncodedPrivate (Ljava/security/PrivateKey;Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
      [191] invokevirtual #55
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setPrivateKey ([B)V]
      [194] aload v8
      [196] aload v6
      [198] invokestatic #64
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.getEncodedPublic (Ljava/security/PublicKey;)[B]
      [201] invokevirtual #56
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setPublicKey ([B)V]
      [204] aload v8
      [206] iload_1 v1
      [207] invokevirtual #53
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setEncrypted (Z)V]
      [210] aload v8
      [212] aload_0 v0
      [213] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [216] invokestatic #48
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$6 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/CheckBox;]
      [219] invokevirtual #28
        + Methodref [android/widget/CheckBox.isChecked ()Z]
      [222] invokevirtual #57
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setStartup (Z)V]
      [225] aload v8
      [227] aload_0 v0
      [228] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [231] invokestatic #49
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$7 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/CheckBox;]
      [234] invokevirtual #28
        + Methodref [android/widget/CheckBox.isChecked ()Z]
      [237] invokevirtual #52
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setConfirmUse (Z)V]
      [240] new #22
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase]
      [243] dup
      [244] aload_0 v0
      [245] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [248] invokespecial #59
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [251] astore v9
      [253] aload v9
      [255] aload v8
      [257] invokevirtual #61
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.savePubkey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
      [260] pop
      [261] aload v9
      [263] invokevirtual #60
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.close ()V]
      [266] goto +16 (target=282)
      [269] astore_1 v1
      [270] ldc #1
        + String [ConnectBot.GeneratePubkeyActivity]
      [272] ldc #2
        + String [Could not generate key pair]
      [274] invokestatic #27
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [277] pop
      [278] aload_1 v1
      [279] invokevirtual #30
        + Methodref [java/lang/Exception.printStackTrace ()V]
      [282] aload_0 v0
      [283] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [286] invokestatic #50
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$8 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/os/Handler;]
      [289] iconst_0
      [290] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [android/os/Handler.sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
      [293] pop
      [294] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 266: 269):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 29)
        [0] -> line 249
        [2] -> line 251
        [8] -> line 253
        [19] -> line 255
        [30] -> line 257
        [42] -> line 259
        [48] -> line 260
        [55] -> line 261
        [62] -> line 263
        [79] -> line 264
        [87] -> line 265
        [89] -> line 267
        [115] -> line 268
        [141] -> line 270
        [150] -> line 271
        [170] -> line 272
        [182] -> line 273
        [194] -> line 274
        [204] -> line 275
        [210] -> line 276
        [225] -> line 277
        [240] -> line 279
        [253] -> line 280
        [261] -> line 281
        [269] -> line 282
        [270] -> line 283
        [278] -> line 285
        [282] -> line 288
        [294] -> line 289
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 11)
        v0: 0 -> 295 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$2; this]
        v1: 2 -> 269 [Z encrypted]
        v2: 8 -> 269 [Ljava/security/SecureRandom; random]
        v3: 30 -> 269 [Ljava/security/KeyPairGenerator; keyPairGen]
        v4: 48 -> 269 [Ljava/security/KeyPair; pair]
        v5: 55 -> 269 [Ljava/security/PrivateKey; priv]
        v6: 62 -> 269 [Ljava/security/PublicKey; pub]
        v7: 79 -> 269 [Ljava/lang/String; secret]
        v8: 150 -> 269 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean; pubkey]
        v9: 253 -> 269 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase; pubkeydb]
        v1: 270 -> 282 [Ljava/lang/Exception; e]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$2]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$3
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.GeneratePubkeyActivity$3 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/text/TextWatcher]

Constant Pool (count = 43):
  + Class [android/text/TextWatcher]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$3]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$3.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$9 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [access$9 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/text/Editable;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;III)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/text/Editable;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$3;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [access$9]
  + Utf8 [after]
  + Utf8 [afterTextChanged]
  + Utf8 [android/text/TextWatcher]
  + Utf8 [before]
  + Utf8 [beforeTextChanged]
  + Utf8 [count]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [onTextChanged]
  + Utf8 [s]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$3]
  + Utf8 [start]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.GeneratePubkeyActivity this$0

Methods (count = 4):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = GeneratePubkeyActivity$3(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.GeneratePubkeyActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #5
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$3.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #6
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 293
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$3; this]
  + Method:       afterTextChanged(Landroid/text/Editable;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void afterTextChanged(android.text.Editable)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 1, locals = 2, stack = 0):
      [0] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 294
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 1 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$3; this]
        v1: 0 -> 1 [Landroid/text/Editable; s]
  + Method:       beforeTextChanged(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;III)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void beforeTextChanged(java.lang.CharSequence,int,int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 1, locals = 5, stack = 0):
      [0] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 297
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 1 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$3; this]
        v1: 0 -> 1 [Ljava/lang/CharSequence; s]
        v2: 0 -> 1 [I start]
        v3: 0 -> 1 [I count]
        v4: 0 -> 1 [I after]
  + Method:       onTextChanged(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;III)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onTextChanged(java.lang.CharSequence,int,int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 8, locals = 5, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$3.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [4] invokestatic #7
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$9 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)V]
      [7] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 301
        [7] -> line 302
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$3; this]
        v1: 0 -> 8 [Ljava/lang/CharSequence; s]
        v2: 0 -> 8 [I start]
        v3: 0 -> 8 [I before]
        v4: 0 -> 8 [I count]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$3]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$4
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.GeneratePubkeyActivity$4 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/widget/RadioGroup$OnCheckedChangeListener]

Constant Pool (count = 88):
  + Integer [2131427347]
  + Integer [2131427348]
  + String [DSA]
  + String [RSA]
  + Class [android/widget/EditText]
  + Class [android/widget/RadioGroup]
  + Class [android/widget/RadioGroup$OnCheckedChangeListener]
  + Class [android/widget/SeekBar]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$4]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$4.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.setEnabled (Z)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/SeekBar.setEnabled (Z)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/SeekBar.setProgress (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$10 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$11 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/SeekBar;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$12 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$13 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$14 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [access$10 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;I)V]
  + NameAndType [access$11 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/SeekBar;]
  + NameAndType [access$12 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)I]
  + NameAndType [access$13 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + NameAndType [access$14 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + NameAndType [setEnabled (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [setProgress (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/RadioGroup;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/SeekBar;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [DSA]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/RadioGroup;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$4;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
  + Utf8 [OnCheckedChangeListener]
  + Utf8 [RSA]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [access$10]
  + Utf8 [access$11]
  + Utf8 [access$12]
  + Utf8 [access$13]
  + Utf8 [access$14]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/EditText]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/RadioGroup]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/RadioGroup$OnCheckedChangeListener]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/SeekBar]
  + Utf8 [checkedId]
  + Utf8 [group]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [onCheckedChanged]
  + Utf8 [onCreate]
  + Utf8 [setEnabled]
  + Utf8 [setProgress]
  + Utf8 [setText]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$4]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [valueOf]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.GeneratePubkeyActivity this$0

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = GeneratePubkeyActivity$4(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.GeneratePubkeyActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$4.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #18
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 106
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$4; this]
  + Method:       onCheckedChanged(Landroid/widget/RadioGroup;I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onCheckedChanged(android.widget.RadioGroup,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 162, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] iload_2 v2
      [1] ldc #1
        + Integer [2131427347]
      [3] ificmpne +84 (target=87)
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$4.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [10] sipush 768
      [13] invokestatic #20
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$10 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;I)V]
      [16] aload_0 v0
      [17] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$4.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [20] invokestatic #21
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$11 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/SeekBar;]
      [23] iconst_1
      [24] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [android/widget/SeekBar.setEnabled (Z)V]
      [27] aload_0 v0
      [28] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$4.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [31] invokestatic #21
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$11 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/SeekBar;]
      [34] sipush 1024
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$4.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [41] invokestatic #22
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$12 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)I]
      [44] isub
      [45] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [android/widget/SeekBar.setProgress (I)V]
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$4.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [52] invokestatic #23
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$13 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/EditText;]
      [55] sipush 1024
      [58] invokestatic #19
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [61] invokevirtual #15
        + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [64] aload_0 v0
      [65] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$4.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [68] invokestatic #23
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$13 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/EditText;]
      [71] iconst_1
      [72] invokevirtual #14
        + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.setEnabled (Z)V]
      [75] aload_0 v0
      [76] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$4.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [79] ldc #4
        + String [RSA]
      [81] invokestatic #24
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$14 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [84] goto +77 (target=161)
      [87] iload_2 v2
      [88] ldc #2
        + Integer [2131427348]
      [90] ificmpne +71 (target=161)
      [93] aload_0 v0
      [94] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$4.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [97] invokestatic #21
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$11 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/SeekBar;]
      [100] iconst_0
      [101] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [android/widget/SeekBar.setEnabled (Z)V]
      [104] aload_0 v0
      [105] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$4.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [108] invokestatic #21
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$11 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/SeekBar;]
      [111] sipush 1024
      [114] aload_0 v0
      [115] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$4.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [118] invokestatic #22
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$12 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)I]
      [121] isub
      [122] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [android/widget/SeekBar.setProgress (I)V]
      [125] aload_0 v0
      [126] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$4.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [129] invokestatic #23
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$13 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/EditText;]
      [132] sipush 1024
      [135] invokestatic #19
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [138] invokevirtual #15
        + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [141] aload_0 v0
      [142] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$4.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [145] invokestatic #23
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$13 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/EditText;]
      [148] iconst_0
      [149] invokevirtual #14
        + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.setEnabled (Z)V]
      [152] aload_0 v0
      [153] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$4.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [156] ldc #3
        + String [DSA]
      [158] invokestatic #24
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$14 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [161] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 14)
        [0] -> line 109
        [6] -> line 110
        [16] -> line 112
        [27] -> line 113
        [48] -> line 115
        [64] -> line 116
        [75] -> line 118
        [87] -> line 119
        [93] -> line 122
        [104] -> line 123
        [125] -> line 125
        [141] -> line 126
        [152] -> line 128
        [161] -> line 130
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 162 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$4; this]
        v1: 0 -> 162 [Landroid/widget/RadioGroup; group]
        v2: 0 -> 162 [I checkedId]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/widget/RadioGroup$OnCheckedChangeListener]
      + Class [android/widget/RadioGroup]
      + Utf8 [OnCheckedChangeListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$4]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$5
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.GeneratePubkeyActivity$5 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/widget/SeekBar$OnSeekBarChangeListener]

Constant Pool (count = 73):
  + Class [android/widget/EditText]
  + Class [android/widget/SeekBar]
  + Class [android/widget/SeekBar$OnSeekBarChangeListener]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$5]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$5.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$12 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$13 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$15 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$3 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)I]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [access$12 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)I]
  + NameAndType [access$13 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + NameAndType [access$15 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;I)V]
  + NameAndType [access$3 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)I]
  + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + NameAndType [setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/SeekBar;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/SeekBar;IZ)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;I)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/SeekBar;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$5;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
  + Utf8 [OnSeekBarChangeListener]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [access$12]
  + Utf8 [access$13]
  + Utf8 [access$15]
  + Utf8 [access$3]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/EditText]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/SeekBar]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/SeekBar$OnSeekBarChangeListener]
  + Utf8 [fromTouch]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [leftover]
  + Utf8 [onCreate]
  + Utf8 [onProgressChanged]
  + Utf8 [onStartTrackingTouch]
  + Utf8 [onStopTrackingTouch]
  + Utf8 [ourProgress]
  + Utf8 [progress]
  + Utf8 [seekBar]
  + Utf8 [setText]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$5]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [valueOf]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.GeneratePubkeyActivity this$0

Methods (count = 4):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = GeneratePubkeyActivity$5(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.GeneratePubkeyActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$5.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #10
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 133
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$5; this]
  + Method:       onProgressChanged(Landroid/widget/SeekBar;IZ)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onProgressChanged(android.widget.SeekBar,int,boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 62, locals = 6, stack = 3):
      [0] iload_2 v2
      [1] bipush 8
      [3] irem
      [4] istore v4
      [6] iload_2 v2
      [7] istore v5
      [9] iload v4
      [11] ifle +13 (target=24)
      [14] iload v5
      [16] bipush 8
      [18] iload v4
      [20] isub
      [21] iadd
      [22] istore v5
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$5.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$5.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [32] invokestatic #12
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$12 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)I]
      [35] iload v5
      [37] iadd
      [38] invokestatic #14
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$15 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;I)V]
      [41] aload_0 v0
      [42] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$5.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [45] invokestatic #13
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$13 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/EditText;]
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$5.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [52] invokestatic #15
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$3 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)I]
      [55] invokestatic #11
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [58] invokevirtual #9
        + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [61] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 140
        [6] -> line 141
        [9] -> line 143
        [14] -> line 144
        [24] -> line 146
        [41] -> line 147
        [61] -> line 148
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 62 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$5; this]
        v1: 0 -> 62 [Landroid/widget/SeekBar; seekBar]
        v2: 0 -> 62 [I progress]
        v3: 0 -> 62 [Z fromTouch]
        v4: 6 -> 62 [I leftover]
        v5: 9 -> 62 [I ourProgress]
  + Method:       onStartTrackingTouch(Landroid/widget/SeekBar;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onStartTrackingTouch(android.widget.SeekBar)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 1, locals = 2, stack = 0):
      [0] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 152
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 1 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$5; this]
        v1: 0 -> 1 [Landroid/widget/SeekBar; seekBar]
  + Method:       onStopTrackingTouch(Landroid/widget/SeekBar;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onStopTrackingTouch(android.widget.SeekBar)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 1, locals = 2, stack = 0):
      [0] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 156
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 1 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$5; this]
        v1: 0 -> 1 [Landroid/widget/SeekBar; seekBar]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/widget/SeekBar$OnSeekBarChangeListener]
      + Class [android/widget/SeekBar]
      + Utf8 [OnSeekBarChangeListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$5]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$6
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.GeneratePubkeyActivity$6 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/view/View$OnFocusChangeListener]

Constant Pool (count = 96):
  + Class [android/text/Editable]
  + Class [android/view/View]
  + Class [android/view/View$OnFocusChangeListener]
  + Class [android/widget/EditText]
  + Class [android/widget/SeekBar]
  + Class [java/lang/Integer]
  + Class [java/lang/NumberFormatException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$6]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$6.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.getText ()Landroid/text/Editable;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/SeekBar.setProgress (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.parseInt (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$11 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/SeekBar;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$12 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$13 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$15 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$3 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)I]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/text/Editable.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [access$11 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/SeekBar;]
  + NameAndType [access$12 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)I]
  + NameAndType [access$13 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + NameAndType [access$15 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;I)V]
  + NameAndType [access$3 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)I]
  + NameAndType [getText ()Landroid/text/Editable;]
  + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + NameAndType [parseInt (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [setProgress (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/text/Editable;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View;Z)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/SeekBar;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;I)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/NumberFormatException;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$6;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
  + Utf8 [OnFocusChangeListener]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [access$11]
  + Utf8 [access$12]
  + Utf8 [access$13]
  + Utf8 [access$15]
  + Utf8 [access$3]
  + Utf8 [android/text/Editable]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View$OnFocusChangeListener]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/EditText]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/SeekBar]
  + Utf8 [getText]
  + Utf8 [hasFocus]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Integer]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/NumberFormatException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [nfe]
  + Utf8 [onCreate]
  + Utf8 [onFocusChange]
  + Utf8 [parseInt]
  + Utf8 [setProgress]
  + Utf8 [setText]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$6]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [v]
  + Utf8 [valueOf]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.GeneratePubkeyActivity this$0

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = GeneratePubkeyActivity$6(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.GeneratePubkeyActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$6.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #17
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 159
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$6; this]
  + Method:       onFocusChange(Landroid/view/View;Z)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onFocusChange(android.view.View,boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 140, locals = 4, stack = 3):
      [0] iload_2 v2
      [1] ifne +138 (target=139)
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$6.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$6.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [12] invokestatic #21
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$13 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/EditText;]
      [15] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.getText ()Landroid/text/Editable;]
      [18] invokeinterface #24
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/text/Editable.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [23] invokestatic #16
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.parseInt (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [26] invokestatic #22
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$15 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;I)V]
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$6.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [33] invokestatic #23
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$3 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)I]
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$6.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [40] invokestatic #20
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$12 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)I]
      [43] ificmpge +71 (target=114)
      [46] aload_0 v0
      [47] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$6.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [50] aload_0 v0
      [51] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$6.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [54] invokestatic #20
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$12 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)I]
      [57] invokestatic #22
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$15 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;I)V]
      [60] aload_0 v0
      [61] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$6.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [64] invokestatic #21
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$13 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/EditText;]
      [67] aload_0 v0
      [68] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$6.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [71] invokestatic #23
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$3 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)I]
      [74] invokestatic #18
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [77] invokevirtual #14
        + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [80] goto +34 (target=114)
      [83] astore_3 v3
      [84] aload_0 v0
      [85] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$6.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [88] sipush 1024
      [91] invokestatic #22
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$15 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;I)V]
      [94] aload_0 v0
      [95] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$6.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [98] invokestatic #21
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$13 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/EditText;]
      [101] aload_0 v0
      [102] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$6.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [105] invokestatic #23
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$3 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)I]
      [108] invokestatic #18
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [111] invokevirtual #14
        + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [114] aload_0 v0
      [115] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$6.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [118] invokestatic #19
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$11 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/SeekBar;]
      [121] aload_0 v0
      [122] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$6.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [125] invokestatic #23
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$3 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)I]
      [128] aload_0 v0
      [129] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$6.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [132] invokestatic #20
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$12 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)I]
      [135] isub
      [136] invokevirtual #15
        + Methodref [android/widget/SeekBar.setProgress (I)V]
      [139] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (4 -> 80: 83):
      + Class [java/lang/NumberFormatException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 10)
        [0] -> line 161
        [4] -> line 163
        [29] -> line 164
        [46] -> line 165
        [60] -> line 166
        [83] -> line 168
        [84] -> line 169
        [94] -> line 170
        [114] -> line 173
        [139] -> line 175
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 140 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$6; this]
        v1: 0 -> 140 [Landroid/view/View; v]
        v2: 0 -> 140 [Z hasFocus]
        v3: 84 -> 114 [Ljava/lang/NumberFormatException; nfe]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/View$OnFocusChangeListener]
      + Class [android/view/View]
      + Utf8 [OnFocusChangeListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$6]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$7
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.GeneratePubkeyActivity$7 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/view/View$OnClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 50):
  + Class [android/view/View]
  + Class [android/view/View$OnClickListener]
  + Class [android/widget/Button]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$7]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$7.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/Button.setEnabled (Z)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$16 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/Button;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$17 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [access$16 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/Button;]
  + NameAndType [access$17 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)V]
  + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + NameAndType [setEnabled (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/Button;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$7;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
  + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [access$16]
  + Utf8 [access$17]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View$OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/Button]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [onClick]
  + Utf8 [onCreate]
  + Utf8 [setEnabled]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$7]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [view]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.GeneratePubkeyActivity this$0

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = GeneratePubkeyActivity$7(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.GeneratePubkeyActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #7
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$7.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #9
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 178
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$7; this]
  + Method:       onClick(Landroid/view/View;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onClick(android.view.View)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 19, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$7.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [4] invokestatic #10
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$16 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)Landroid/widget/Button;]
      [7] iconst_0
      [8] invokevirtual #8
        + Methodref [android/widget/Button.setEnabled (Z)V]
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$7.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;]
      [15] invokestatic #11
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity.access$17 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity;)V]
      [18] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 180
        [11] -> line 182
        [18] -> line 183
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 19 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$7; this]
        v1: 0 -> 19 [Landroid/view/View; view]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/View$OnClickListener]
      + Class [android/view/View]
      + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity$7]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity
  Superclass:    android/app/Activity
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HelpActivity extends

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 135):
  + Integer [2130903043]
  + Integer [2131230720]
  + Integer [2131230729]
  + Integer [2131427356]
  + String [%s: %s]
  + String [.html]
  + String [ConnectBot.HelpActivity]
  + String [couldn't get list of help assets]
  + String [help]
  + Class [android/app/Activity]
  + Class [android/content/res/AssetManager]
  + Class [android/content/res/Resources]
  + Class [android/util/Log]
  + Class [android/view/View]
  + Class [android/view/View$OnClickListener]
  + Class [android/widget/Button]
  + Class [android/widget/LinearLayout]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity$1]
  + Methodref [android/app/Activity.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [android/app/Activity.onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Methodref [android/content/res/AssetManager.list (Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getText (I)Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Methodref [android/widget/Button.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/Button.setOnClickListener (Landroid/view/View$OnClickListener;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/Button.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/LinearLayout.addView (Landroid/view/View;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.endsWith (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (II)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity.getAssets ()Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity.getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity.setContentView (I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity.setTitle (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [addView (Landroid/view/View;)V]
  + NameAndType [e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + NameAndType [endsWith (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + NameAndType [findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getAssets ()Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;]
  + NameAndType [getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + NameAndType [getText (I)Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + NameAndType [length ()I]
  + NameAndType [list (Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + NameAndType [setContentView (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setOnClickListener (Landroid/view/View$OnClickListener;)V]
  + NameAndType [setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + NameAndType [setTitle (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + NameAndType [substring (II)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [%s: %s]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(II)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View$OnClickListener;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [.html]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ConnectBot.HelpActivity]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/Bundle;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/Button;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/LinearLayout;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/IOException;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity;]
  + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [addView]
  + Utf8 [am]
  + Utf8 [android/app/Activity]
  + Utf8 [android/content/res/AssetManager]
  + Utf8 [android/content/res/Resources]
  + Utf8 [android/util/Log]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View$OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/Button]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/LinearLayout]
  + Utf8 [button]
  + Utf8 [content]
  + Utf8 [couldn't get list of help assets]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [endsWith]
  + Utf8 [findViewById]
  + Utf8 [format]
  + Utf8 [getAssets]
  + Utf8 [getResources]
  + Utf8 [getText]
  + Utf8 [help]
  + Utf8 [icicle]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [length]
  + Utf8 [list]
  + Utf8 [name]
  + Utf8 [onCreate]
  + Utf8 [setContentView]
  + Utf8 [setOnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [setText]
  + Utf8 [setTitle]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity$1]
  + Utf8 [substring]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [topic]

Fields (count = 0):

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public HelpActivity()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #23
        + Methodref [android/app/Activity.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 36
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity; this]
  + Method:       onCreate(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onCreate(android.os.Bundle)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 181, locals = 10, stack = 7):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #24
        + Methodref [android/app/Activity.onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] ldc #1
        + Integer [2130903043]
      [8] invokevirtual #39
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity.setContentView (I)V]
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] ldc #5
        + String [%s: %s]
      [14] iconst_2
      [15] anewarray #19
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [18] dup
      [19] iconst_0
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] invokevirtual #38
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity.getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [24] ldc #2
        + Integer [2131230720]
      [26] invokevirtual #26
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getText (I)Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
      [29] aastore
      [30] dup
      [31] iconst_1
      [32] aload_0 v0
      [33] invokevirtual #38
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity.getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [36] ldc #3
        + Integer [2131230729]
      [38] invokevirtual #26
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getText (I)Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
      [41] aastore
      [42] invokestatic #33
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [45] invokevirtual #40
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity.setTitle (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] invokevirtual #37
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity.getAssets ()Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;]
      [52] astore_2 v2
      [53] aload_0 v0
      [54] ldc #4
        + Integer [2131427356]
      [56] invokevirtual #36
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [59] checkcast #17
        + Class [android/widget/LinearLayout]
      [62] astore_3 v3
      [63] aload_2 v2
      [64] ldc #9
        + String [help]
      [66] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [android/content/res/AssetManager.list (Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String;]
      [69] dup
      [70] astore v7
      [72] arraylength
      [73] istore v6
      [75] iconst_0
      [76] istore v5
      [78] goto +80 (target=158)
      [81] aload v7
      [83] iload v5
      [85] aaload
      [86] astore v4
      [88] aload v4
      [90] ldc #6
        + String [.html]
      [92] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.endsWith (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [95] ifeq +60 (target=155)
      [98] new #16
        + Class [android/widget/Button]
      [101] dup
      [102] aload_0 v0
      [103] invokespecial #28
        + Methodref [android/widget/Button.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [106] astore v8
      [108] aload v4
      [110] iconst_0
      [111] aload v4
      [113] invokevirtual #34
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
      [116] ldc #6
        + String [.html]
      [118] invokevirtual #34
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
      [121] isub
      [122] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (II)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [125] astore v9
      [127] aload v8
      [129] aload v9
      [131] invokevirtual #30
        + Methodref [android/widget/Button.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [134] aload v8
      [136] new #22
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity$1]
      [139] dup
      [140] aload_0 v0
      [141] aload v9
      [143] invokespecial #41
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [146] invokevirtual #29
        + Methodref [android/widget/Button.setOnClickListener (Landroid/view/View$OnClickListener;)V]
      [149] aload_3 v3
      [150] aload v8
      [152] invokevirtual #31
        + Methodref [android/widget/LinearLayout.addView (Landroid/view/View;)V]
      [155] iinc v5, 1
      [158] iload v5
      [160] iload v6
      [162] ificmplt -81 (target=81)
      [165] goto +15 (target=180)
      [168] astore v4
      [170] ldc #7
        + String [ConnectBot.HelpActivity]
      [172] ldc #8
        + String [couldn't get list of help assets]
      [174] aload v4
      [176] invokestatic #27
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [179] pop
      [180] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (63 -> 165: 168):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 19)
        [0] -> line 44
        [5] -> line 45
        [11] -> line 47
        [20] -> line 48
        [32] -> line 49
        [42] -> line 47
        [48] -> line 51
        [53] -> line 52
        [63] -> line 55
        [88] -> line 56
        [98] -> line 57
        [108] -> line 58
        [127] -> line 59
        [134] -> line 61
        [149] -> line 69
        [155] -> line 55
        [168] -> line 72
        [170] -> line 74
        [180] -> line 76
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 8)
        v0: 0 -> 181 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity; this]
        v1: 0 -> 181 [Landroid/os/Bundle; icicle]
        v2: 53 -> 181 [Landroid/content/res/AssetManager; am]
        v3: 63 -> 181 [Landroid/widget/LinearLayout; content]
        v4: 88 -> 155 [Ljava/lang/String; name]
        v8: 108 -> 155 [Landroid/widget/Button; button]
        v9: 127 -> 155 [Ljava/lang/String; topic]
        v4: 170 -> 180 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/View$OnClickListener]
      + Class [android/view/View]
      + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity$1]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity$1
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HelpActivity$1 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/view/View$OnClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 60):
  + String [android.intent.extra.TITLE]
  + Class [android/content/Intent]
  + Class [android/view/View]
  + Class [android/view/View$OnClickListener]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity$1]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpTopicActivity]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity$1.val$topic Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/content/Intent.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
  + Methodref [android/content/Intent.putExtra (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity.startActivity (Landroid/content/Intent;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
  + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + NameAndType [putExtra (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + NameAndType [startActivity (Landroid/content/Intent;)V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity;]
  + NameAndType [val$topic Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Intent;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity$1;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity;]
  + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [android.intent.extra.TITLE]
  + Utf8 [android/content/Intent]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View$OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [intent]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [onClick]
  + Utf8 [onCreate]
  + Utf8 [putExtra]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity$1]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpTopicActivity]
  + Utf8 [startActivity]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [v]
  + Utf8 [val$topic]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HelpActivity this$0
  + Field:        val$topic Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic java.lang.String val$topic

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity;Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = HelpActivity$1(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HelpActivity,java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_2 v2
      [7] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity$1.val$topic Ljava/lang/String;]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] invokespecial #13
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [14] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [10] -> line 61
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 15 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity$1; this]
  + Method:       onClick(Landroid/view/View;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onClick(android.view.View)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 34, locals = 3, stack = 4):
      [0] new #2
        + Class [android/content/Intent]
      [3] dup
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity;]
      [8] ldc #8
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpTopicActivity]
      [10] invokespecial #11
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
      [13] astore_2 v2
      [14] aload_2 v2
      [15] ldc #1
        + String [android.intent.extra.TITLE]
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity$1.val$topic Ljava/lang/String;]
      [21] invokevirtual #12
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.putExtra (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
      [24] pop
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity;]
      [29] aload_2 v2
      [30] invokevirtual #14
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity.startActivity (Landroid/content/Intent;)V]
      [33] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 63
        [14] -> line 64
        [25] -> line 65
        [33] -> line 66
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 34 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity$1; this]
        v1: 0 -> 34 [Landroid/view/View; v]
        v2: 14 -> 34 [Landroid/content/Intent; intent]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/View$OnClickListener]
      + Class [android/view/View]
      + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity$1]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpTopicActivity
  Superclass:    android/app/Activity
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HelpTopicActivity extends

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 80):
  + Integer [2130903044]
  + Integer [2131230720]
  + Integer [2131230729]
  + Integer [2131427357]
  + String [%s: %s - %s]
  + String [android.intent.extra.TITLE]
  + Class [android/app/Activity]
  + Class [android/content/Intent]
  + Class [android/content/res/Resources]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpTopicActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HelpTopicView]
  + Methodref [android/app/Activity.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [android/app/Activity.onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Methodref [android/content/Intent.getStringExtra (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getText (I)Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpTopicActivity.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpTopicActivity.getIntent ()Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpTopicActivity.getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpTopicActivity.setContentView (I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpTopicActivity.setTitle (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HelpTopicView.setTopic (Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HelpTopicView;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getIntent ()Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + NameAndType [getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + NameAndType [getStringExtra (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getText (I)Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + NameAndType [setContentView (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setTitle (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + NameAndType [setTopic (Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HelpTopicView;]
  + Utf8 [%s: %s - %s]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HelpTopicView;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/Bundle;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpTopicActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HelpTopicView;]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [android.intent.extra.TITLE]
  + Utf8 [android/app/Activity]
  + Utf8 [android/content/Intent]
  + Utf8 [android/content/res/Resources]
  + Utf8 [findViewById]
  + Utf8 [format]
  + Utf8 [getIntent]
  + Utf8 [getResources]
  + Utf8 [getStringExtra]
  + Utf8 [getText]
  + Utf8 [helpTopic]
  + Utf8 [icicle]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [onCreate]
  + Utf8 [setContentView]
  + Utf8 [setTitle]
  + Utf8 [setTopic]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpTopicActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HelpTopicView]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [topic]

Fields (count = 0):

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public HelpTopicActivity()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #14
        + Methodref [android/app/Activity.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 29
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpTopicActivity; this]
  + Method:       onCreate(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onCreate(android.os.Bundle)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 79, locals = 4, stack = 7):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #15
        + Methodref [android/app/Activity.onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] ldc #1
        + Integer [2130903044]
      [8] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpTopicActivity.setContentView (I)V]
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpTopicActivity.getIntent ()Landroid/content/Intent;]
      [15] ldc #6
        + String [android.intent.extra.TITLE]
      [17] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.getStringExtra (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [20] astore_2 v2
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] ldc #5
        + String [%s: %s - %s]
      [24] iconst_3
      [25] anewarray #10
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [28] dup
      [29] iconst_0
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] invokevirtual #21
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpTopicActivity.getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [34] ldc #2
        + Integer [2131230720]
      [36] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getText (I)Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
      [39] aastore
      [40] dup
      [41] iconst_1
      [42] aload_0 v0
      [43] invokevirtual #21
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpTopicActivity.getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [46] ldc #3
        + Integer [2131230729]
      [48] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getText (I)Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
      [51] aastore
      [52] dup
      [53] iconst_2
      [54] aload_2 v2
      [55] aastore
      [56] invokestatic #18
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [59] invokevirtual #23
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpTopicActivity.setTitle (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [62] aload_0 v0
      [63] ldc #4
        + Integer [2131427357]
      [65] invokevirtual #19
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpTopicActivity.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [68] checkcast #13
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HelpTopicView]
      [71] astore_3 v3
      [72] aload_3 v3
      [73] aload_2 v2
      [74] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HelpTopicView.setTopic (Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HelpTopicView;]
      [77] pop
      [78] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 11)
        [0] -> line 34
        [5] -> line 35
        [11] -> line 37
        [21] -> line 39
        [30] -> line 40
        [42] -> line 41
        [54] -> line 42
        [56] -> line 39
        [62] -> line 44
        [72] -> line 46
        [78] -> line 47
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 79 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpTopicActivity; this]
        v1: 0 -> 79 [Landroid/os/Bundle; icicle]
        v2: 21 -> 79 [Ljava/lang/String; topic]
        v3: 72 -> 79 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HelpTopicView; helpTopic]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity
  Superclass:    android/preference/PreferenceActivity
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostEditorActivity extends android.preference.PreferenceActivity

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/content/SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener]

Constant Pool (count = 331):
  + Integer [2131034112]
  + Integer [2131230825]
  + Integer [2131230826]
  + String []
  + String [_id]
  + String [android.intent.extra.TITLE]
  + String [encoding]
  + String [hosts]
  + String [nickname]
  + String [postlogin]
  + String [pubkeyid]
  + Class [[Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + Class [android/content/Intent]
  + Class [android/content/SharedPreferences]
  + Class [android/content/SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener]
  + Class [android/preference/CheckBoxPreference]
  + Class [android/preference/ListPreference]
  + Class [android/preference/Preference]
  + Class [android/preference/PreferenceActivity]
  + Class [java/lang/CharSequence]
  + Class [java/lang/Integer]
  + Class [java/lang/NumberFormatException]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/Thread]
  + Class [java/util/Arrays]
  + Class [java/util/Iterator]
  + Class [java/util/LinkedList]
  + Class [java/util/List]
  + Class [java/util/Map]
  + Class [java/util/Set]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$1]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$2]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CharsetHolder]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase]
  + Long [-2]
  + Long [-1]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.connection Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.hostBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.pref Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack.values Ljava/util/Map;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.ENCODING_DEFAULT Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/content/Intent.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
  + Methodref [android/content/Intent.getLongExtra (Ljava/lang/String;J)J]
  + Methodref [android/preference/ListPreference.findIndexOfValue (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [android/preference/ListPreference.getEntries ()[Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + Methodref [android/preference/ListPreference.getEntryValues ()[Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + Methodref [android/preference/ListPreference.getValue ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/preference/ListPreference.setEntries ([Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Methodref [android/preference/ListPreference.setEntryValues ([Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Methodref [android/preference/Preference.setSummary (I)V]
  + Methodref [android/preference/Preference.setSummary (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Methodref [android/preference/PreferenceActivity.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [android/preference/PreferenceActivity.onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Methodref [android/preference/PreferenceActivity.onStart ()V]
  + Methodref [android/preference/PreferenceActivity.onStop ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.parseInt (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.<init> (Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.start ()V]
  + Methodref [java/util/Arrays.asList ([Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/util/List;]
  + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.<init> (Ljava/util/Collection;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.addPreferencesFromResource (I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.bindService (Landroid/content/Intent;Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;I)Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.findPreference (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/preference/Preference;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.getIntent ()Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.initCharsetPref (Landroid/preference/ListPreference;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.unbindService (Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.updateSummaries ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$2.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;Landroid/preference/ListPreference;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CharsetHolder.getCharsetIds ()[Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CharsetHolder.getCharsetNames ()[Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CharsetHolder.isInitialized ()Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;Ljava/lang/String;J)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack.getString (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack.registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener (Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.setCharset (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.close ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.findHostById (J)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.allValues (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/List;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.close ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.getNickname (J)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.getString (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Iterator.hasNext ()Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/ ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.addAll (Ljava/util/Collection;)Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.size ()I]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.toArray ([Ljava/lang/Object;)[Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.keySet ()Ljava/util/Set;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Set.iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/util/Collection;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;Landroid/preference/ListPreference;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;Ljava/lang/String;J)V]
  + NameAndType [ENCODING_DEFAULT Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [addAll (Ljava/util/Collection;)Z]
  + NameAndType [addPreferencesFromResource (I)V]
  + NameAndType [allValues (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/List;]
  + NameAndType [asList ([Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/util/List;]
  + NameAndType [bindService (Landroid/content/Intent;Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;I)Z]
  + NameAndType [close ()V]
  + NameAndType [connection Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;]
  + NameAndType [equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [findHostById (J)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + NameAndType [findIndexOfValue (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [findPreference (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/preference/Preference;]
  + NameAndType [getCharsetIds ()[Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + NameAndType [getCharsetNames ()[Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + NameAndType [getEntries ()[Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + NameAndType [getEntryValues ()[Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + NameAndType [getIntent ()Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + NameAndType [getLongExtra (Ljava/lang/String;J)J]
  + NameAndType [getNickname (J)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getString (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getValue ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [hasNext ()Z]
  + NameAndType [host Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + NameAndType [hostBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + NameAndType [initCharsetPref (Landroid/preference/ListPreference;)V]
  + NameAndType [isInitialized ()Z]
  + NameAndType [iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
  + NameAndType [keySet ()Ljava/util/Set;]
  + NameAndType [next ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + NameAndType [onStart ()V]
  + NameAndType [onStop ()V]
  + NameAndType [parseInt (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [pref Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack;]
  + NameAndType [pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
  + NameAndType [registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener (Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener;)V]
  + NameAndType [setCharset (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [setEntries ([Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + NameAndType [setEntryValues ([Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + NameAndType [setSummary (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setSummary (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + NameAndType [size ()I]
  + NameAndType [start ()V]
  + NameAndType [toArray ([Ljava/lang/Object;)[Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [unbindService (Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;)V]
  + NameAndType [updateSummaries ()V]
  + NameAndType [values Ljava/util/Map;]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/Set;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [()[Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(J)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(J)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Intent;Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;I)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/preference/ListPreference;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/preference/Preference;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/List;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;I)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;J)J]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/util/Collection;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/util/Collection;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;Landroid/preference/ListPreference;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;Ljava/lang/String;J)V]
  + Utf8 [([Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Utf8 [([Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/util/List;]
  + Utf8 [([Ljava/lang/Object;)[Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [CharsetHolder]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [CursorPreferenceHack]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [J]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/Bundle;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/preference/ListPreference;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/preference/Preference;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List<Ljava/lang/CharSequence;>;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Map;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTypeTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
  + Utf8 [OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [_id]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [access$1]
  + Utf8 [addAll]
  + Utf8 [addPreferencesFromResource]
  + Utf8 [allValues]
  + Utf8 [android.intent.extra.TITLE]
  + Utf8 [android/content/Intent]
  + Utf8 [android/content/SharedPreferences]
  + Utf8 [android/content/SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener]
  + Utf8 [android/preference/CheckBoxPreference]
  + Utf8 [android/preference/ListPreference]
  + Utf8 [android/preference/Preference]
  + Utf8 [android/preference/PreferenceActivity]
  + Utf8 [asList]
  + Utf8 [bindService]
  + Utf8 [charsetPref]
  + Utf8 [close]
  + Utf8 [connection]
  + Utf8 [currentCharsetPref]
  + Utf8 [encoding]
  + Utf8 [entryIndex]
  + Utf8 [equals]
  + Utf8 [findHostById]
  + Utf8 [findIndexOfValue]
  + Utf8 [findPreference]
  + Utf8 [getCharsetIds]
  + Utf8 [getCharsetNames]
  + Utf8 [getEntries]
  + Utf8 [getEntryValues]
  + Utf8 [getIntent]
  + Utf8 [getLongExtra]
  + Utf8 [getNickname]
  + Utf8 [getSharedPreferences]
  + Utf8 [getString]
  + Utf8 [getValue]
  + Utf8 [hasNext]
  + Utf8 [host]
  + Utf8 [hostBridge]
  + Utf8 [hostId]
  + Utf8 [hostdb]
  + Utf8 [hosts]
  + Utf8 [icicle]
  + Utf8 [initCharsetPref]
  + Utf8 [isInitialized]
  + Utf8 [iterator]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/CharSequence]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Integer]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/NumberFormatException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Thread]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Arrays]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Iterator]
  + Utf8 [java/util/LinkedList]
  + Utf8 [java/util/List]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Map]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Set]
  + Utf8 [key]
  + Utf8 [keySet]
  + Utf8 [listPref]
  + Utf8 [mode]
  + Utf8 [name]
  + Utf8 [next]
  + Utf8 [nickname]
  + Utf8 [onCreate]
  + Utf8 [onSharedPreferenceChanged]
  + Utf8 [onStart]
  + Utf8 [onStop]
  + Utf8 [parseInt]
  + Utf8 [postlogin]
  + Utf8 [pref]
  + Utf8 [pubkeyId]
  + Utf8 [pubkeyIds]
  + Utf8 [pubkeyNicks]
  + Utf8 [pubkeyPref]
  + Utf8 [pubkeydb]
  + Utf8 [pubkeyid]
  + Utf8 [registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener]
  + Utf8 [setCharset]
  + Utf8 [setEntries]
  + Utf8 [setEntryValues]
  + Utf8 [setSummary]
  + Utf8 [sharedPreferences]
  + Utf8 [size]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$1]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$2]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CharsetHolder]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase]
  + Utf8 [start]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toArray]
  + Utf8 [unbindService]
  + Utf8 [updateSummaries]
  + Utf8 [value]
  + Utf8 [values]

Fields (count = 6):
  + Field:        hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.HostDatabase hostdb
  + Field:        pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.PubkeyDatabase pubkeydb
  + Field:        pref Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack pref
  + Field:        connection Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.content.ServiceConnection connection
  + Field:        host Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.HostBean host
  + Field:        hostBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge hostBridge

Methods (count = 10):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public HostEditorActivity()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #62
        + Methodref [android/preference/PreferenceActivity.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aconst_null
      [6] putfield #47
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aconst_null
      [11] putfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
      [14] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 51
        [4] -> line 228
        [9] -> line 229
        [14] -> line 51
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 15 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity; this]
  + Method:       getSharedPreferences(Ljava/lang/String;I)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public android.content.SharedPreferences getSharedPreferences(java.lang.String,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 3, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #48
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.pref Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 223
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity; this]
        v1: 0 -> 5 [Ljava/lang/String; name]
        v2: 0 -> 5 [I mode]
  + Method:       onCreate(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onCreate(android.os.Bundle)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 304, locals = 9, stack = 7):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #63
        + Methodref [android/preference/PreferenceActivity.onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokevirtual #75
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.getIntent ()Landroid/content/Intent;]
      [9] ldc #6
        + String [android.intent.extra.TITLE]
      [11] ldc2_w #42
        + Long [-1]
      [14] invokevirtual #53
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.getLongExtra (Ljava/lang/String;J)J]
      [17] lstore_2 v2
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] new #38
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
      [22] dup
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] invokespecial #88
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [27] putfield #47
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] new #39
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase]
      [34] dup
      [35] aload_0 v0
      [36] invokespecial #91
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [39] putfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
      [42] aload_0 v0
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] getfield #47
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [47] lload_2 v2
      [48] invokevirtual #90
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.findHostById (J)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [51] putfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [54] aload_0 v0
      [55] new #32
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$1]
      [58] dup
      [59] aload_0 v0
      [60] invokespecial #79
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;)V]
      [63] putfield #44
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.connection Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;]
      [66] aload_0 v0
      [67] new #35
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack]
      [70] dup
      [71] aload_0 v0
      [72] ldc #8
        + String [hosts]
      [74] lload_2 v2
      [75] invokespecial #84
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;Ljava/lang/String;J)V]
      [78] putfield #48
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.pref Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack;]
      [81] aload_0 v0
      [82] getfield #48
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.pref Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack;]
      [85] aload_0 v0
      [86] invokevirtual #86
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack.registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener (Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener;)V]
      [89] aload_0 v0
      [90] ldc #1
        + Integer [2131034112]
      [92] invokevirtual #72
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.addPreferencesFromResource (I)V]
      [95] aload_0 v0
      [96] ldc #11
        + String [pubkeyid]
      [98] invokevirtual #74
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.findPreference (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/preference/Preference;]
      [101] checkcast #17
        + Class [android/preference/ListPreference]
      [104] astore v4
      [106] new #27
        + Class [java/util/LinkedList]
      [109] dup
      [110] aload v4
      [112] invokevirtual #55
        + Methodref [android/preference/ListPreference.getEntries ()[Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
      [115] invokestatic #70
        + Methodref [java/util/Arrays.asList ([Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/util/List;]
      [118] invokespecial #71
        + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.<init> (Ljava/util/Collection;)V]
      [121] astore v5
      [123] aload v5
      [125] aload_0 v0
      [126] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
      [129] ldc #9
        + String [nickname]
      [131] invokevirtual #92
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.allValues (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/List;]
      [134] invokeinterface #98
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.addAll (Ljava/util/Collection;)Z]
      [139] pop
      [140] aload v4
      [142] aload v5
      [144] aload v5
      [146] invokeinterface #99
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.size ()I]
      [151] anewarray #20
        + Class [java/lang/CharSequence]
      [154] invokeinterface #100
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.toArray ([Ljava/lang/Object;)[Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [159] checkcast #12
        + Class [[Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
      [162] invokevirtual #58
        + Methodref [android/preference/ListPreference.setEntries ([Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [165] new #27
        + Class [java/util/LinkedList]
      [168] dup
      [169] aload v4
      [171] invokevirtual #56
        + Methodref [android/preference/ListPreference.getEntryValues ()[Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
      [174] invokestatic #70
        + Methodref [java/util/Arrays.asList ([Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/util/List;]
      [177] invokespecial #71
        + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.<init> (Ljava/util/Collection;)V]
      [180] astore v6
      [182] aload v6
      [184] aload_0 v0
      [185] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
      [188] ldc #5
        + String [_id]
      [190] invokevirtual #92
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.allValues (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/List;]
      [193] invokeinterface #98
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.addAll (Ljava/util/Collection;)Z]
      [198] pop
      [199] aload v4
      [201] aload v6
      [203] aload v6
      [205] invokeinterface #99
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.size ()I]
      [210] anewarray #20
        + Class [java/lang/CharSequence]
      [213] invokeinterface #100
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.toArray ([Ljava/lang/Object;)[Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [218] checkcast #12
        + Class [[Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
      [221] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [android/preference/ListPreference.setEntryValues ([Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [224] aload_0 v0
      [225] ldc #7
        + String [encoding]
      [227] invokevirtual #74
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.findPreference (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/preference/Preference;]
      [230] checkcast #17
        + Class [android/preference/ListPreference]
      [233] astore v7
      [235] invokestatic #83
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CharsetHolder.isInitialized ()Z]
      [238] ifeq +12 (target=250)
      [241] aload_0 v0
      [242] aload v7
      [244] invokespecial #76
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.initCharsetPref (Landroid/preference/ListPreference;)V]
      [247] goto +52 (target=299)
      [250] iconst_1
      [251] anewarray #23
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [254] astore v8
      [256] aload v8
      [258] iconst_0
      [259] aload v7
      [261] invokevirtual #57
        + Methodref [android/preference/ListPreference.getValue ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [264] aastore
      [265] aload v7
      [267] aload v8
      [269] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [android/preference/ListPreference.setEntryValues ([Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [272] aload v7
      [274] aload v8
      [276] invokevirtual #58
        + Methodref [android/preference/ListPreference.setEntries ([Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [279] new #24
        + Class [java/lang/Thread]
      [282] dup
      [283] new #33
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$2]
      [286] dup
      [287] aload_0 v0
      [288] aload v7
      [290] invokespecial #80
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$2.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;Landroid/preference/ListPreference;)V]
      [293] invokespecial #68
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.<init> (Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V]
      [296] invokevirtual #69
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.start ()V]
      [299] aload_0 v0
      [300] invokespecial #78
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.updateSummaries ()V]
      [303] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 27)
        [0] -> line 239
        [5] -> line 241
        [18] -> line 246
        [30] -> line 247
        [42] -> line 249
        [54] -> line 251
        [66] -> line 263
        [81] -> line 264
        [89] -> line 266
        [95] -> line 271
        [106] -> line 273
        [123] -> line 274
        [140] -> line 275
        [165] -> line 277
        [182] -> line 278
        [199] -> line 279
        [224] -> line 282
        [235] -> line 284
        [241] -> line 285
        [250] -> line 287
        [256] -> line 288
        [265] -> line 289
        [272] -> line 290
        [279] -> line 292
        [296] -> line 296
        [299] -> line 299
        [303] -> line 300
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 8)
        v0: 0 -> 304 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity; this]
        v1: 0 -> 304 [Landroid/os/Bundle; icicle]
        v2: 18 -> 304 [J hostId]
        v4: 106 -> 304 [Landroid/preference/ListPreference; pubkeyPref]
        v5: 123 -> 304 [Ljava/util/List; pubkeyNicks]
        v6: 182 -> 304 [Ljava/util/List; pubkeyIds]
        v7: 235 -> 304 [Landroid/preference/ListPreference; charsetPref]
        v8: 256 -> 299 [[Ljava/lang/String; currentCharsetPref]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 2)
        v5: 123 -> 304 [Ljava/util/List<Ljava/lang/CharSequence;>; pubkeyNicks]
        v6: 182 -> 304 [Ljava/util/List<Ljava/lang/CharSequence;>; pubkeyIds]
  + Method:       onStart()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onStart()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 63, locals = 1, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #64
        + Methodref [android/preference/PreferenceActivity.onStart ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] new #13
        + Class [android/content/Intent]
      [8] dup
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] ldc #37
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
      [12] invokespecial #52
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.connection Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;]
      [19] iconst_1
      [20] invokevirtual #73
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.bindService (Landroid/content/Intent;Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;I)Z]
      [23] pop
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] getfield #47
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [28] ifnonnull +15 (target=43)
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] new #38
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
      [35] dup
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] invokespecial #88
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [40] putfield #47
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
      [47] ifnonnull +15 (target=62)
      [50] aload_0 v0
      [51] new #39
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase]
      [54] dup
      [55] aload_0 v0
      [56] invokespecial #91
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [59] putfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
      [62] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 304
        [4] -> line 306
        [24] -> line 308
        [31] -> line 309
        [43] -> line 311
        [50] -> line 312
        [62] -> line 313
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 63 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity; this]
  + Method:       onStop()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onStop()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 51, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #65
        + Methodref [android/preference/PreferenceActivity.onStop ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.connection Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;]
      [9] invokevirtual #77
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.unbindService (Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;)V]
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] getfield #47
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [16] ifnull +15 (target=31)
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] getfield #47
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [23] invokevirtual #89
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.close ()V]
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] aconst_null
      [28] putfield #47
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
      [35] ifnull +15 (target=50)
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
      [42] invokevirtual #93
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.close ()V]
      [45] aload_0 v0
      [46] aconst_null
      [47] putfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
      [50] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 317
        [4] -> line 319
        [12] -> line 321
        [19] -> line 322
        [26] -> line 323
        [31] -> line 326
        [38] -> line 327
        [45] -> line 328
        [50] -> line 330
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 51 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity; this]
  + Method:       updateSummaries()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void updateSummaries()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 218, locals = 7, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #48
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.pref Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack;]
      [4] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack.values Ljava/util/Map;]
      [7] invokeinterface #101
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.keySet ()Ljava/util/Set;]
      [12] invokeinterface #102
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Set.iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
      [17] astore_2 v2
      [18] goto +190 (target=208)
      [21] aload_2 v2
      [22] invokeinterface #97
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/ ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [27] checkcast #23
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [30] astore_1 v1
      [31] aload_1 v1
      [32] ldc #10
        + String [postlogin]
      [34] invokevirtual #67
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [37] ifeq +6 (target=43)
      [40] goto +168 (target=208)
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] aload_1 v1
      [45] invokevirtual #74
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.findPreference (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/preference/Preference;]
      [48] astore_3 v3
      [49] aload_3 v3
      [50] ifnonnull +6 (target=56)
      [53] goto +155 (target=208)
      [56] aload_3 v3
      [57] instanceof #16
        + Class [android/preference/CheckBoxPreference]
      [60] ifeq +6 (target=66)
      [63] goto +145 (target=208)
      [66] aload_0 v0
      [67] getfield #48
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.pref Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack;]
      [70] aload_1 v1
      [71] ldc #4
        + String []
      [73] invokevirtual #85
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack.getString (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [76] astore v4
      [78] aload_1 v1
      [79] ldc #11
        + String [pubkeyid]
      [81] invokevirtual #67
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [84] ifeq +78 (target=162)
      [87] aload v4
      [89] checkcast #23
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [92] invokestatic #66
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.parseInt (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [95] istore v5
      [97] iload v5
      [99] iflt +20 (target=119)
      [102] aload_3 v3
      [103] aload_0 v0
      [104] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
      [107] iload v5
      [109] i2l
      [110] invokevirtual #94
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.getNickname (J)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [113] invokevirtual #61
        + Methodref [android/preference/Preference.setSummary (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [116] goto +92 (target=208)
      [119] iload v5
      [121] i2l
      [122] ldc2_w #42
        + Long [-1]
      [125] lcmp
      [126] ifne +12 (target=138)
      [129] aload_3 v3
      [130] ldc #3
        + Integer [2131230826]
      [132] invokevirtual #60
        + Methodref [android/preference/Preference.setSummary (I)V]
      [135] goto +73 (target=208)
      [138] iload v5
      [140] i2l
      [141] ldc2_w #40
        + Long [-2]
      [144] lcmp
      [145] ifne +63 (target=208)
      [148] aload_3 v3
      [149] ldc #2
        + Integer [2131230825]
      [151] invokevirtual #60
        + Methodref [android/preference/Preference.setSummary (I)V]
      [154] goto +54 (target=208)
      [157] astore v5
      [159] goto +43 (target=202)
      [162] aload_3 v3
      [163] instanceof #17
        + Class [android/preference/ListPreference]
      [166] ifeq +36 (target=202)
      [169] aload_3 v3
      [170] checkcast #17
        + Class [android/preference/ListPreference]
      [173] astore v5
      [175] aload v5
      [177] aload v4
      [179] checkcast #23
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [182] invokevirtual #54
        + Methodref [android/preference/ListPreference.findIndexOfValue (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [185] istore v6
      [187] iload v6
      [189] iflt +13 (target=202)
      [192] aload v5
      [194] invokevirtual #55
        + Methodref [android/preference/ListPreference.getEntries ()[Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
      [197] iload v6
      [199] aaload
      [200] astore v4
      [202] aload_3 v3
      [203] aload v4
      [205] invokevirtual #61
        + Methodref [android/preference/Preference.setSummary (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [208] aload_2 v2
      [209] invokeinterface #96
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Iterator.hasNext ()Z]
      [214] ifne -193 (target=21)
      [217] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (87 -> 154: 157):
      + Class [java/lang/NumberFormatException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 24)
        [0] -> line 334
        [31] -> line 335
        [43] -> line 336
        [49] -> line 337
        [56] -> line 338
        [66] -> line 339
        [78] -> line 341
        [87] -> line 343
        [97] -> line 344
        [102] -> line 345
        [119] -> line 346
        [129] -> line 347
        [138] -> line 348
        [148] -> line 349
        [154] -> line 350
        [157] -> line 351
        [162] -> line 354
        [169] -> line 355
        [175] -> line 356
        [187] -> line 357
        [192] -> line 358
        [202] -> line 361
        [208] -> line 334
        [217] -> line 364
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 218 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity; this]
        v1: 31 -> 208 [Ljava/lang/String; key]
        v3: 49 -> 208 [Landroid/preference/Preference; pref]
        v4: 78 -> 208 [Ljava/lang/CharSequence; value]
        v5: 97 -> 157 [I pubkeyId]
        v5: 175 -> 202 [Landroid/preference/ListPreference; listPref]
        v6: 187 -> 202 [I entryIndex]
  + Method:       initCharsetPref(Landroid/preference/ListPreference;)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void initCharsetPref(android.preference.ListPreference)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] invokestatic #81
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CharsetHolder.getCharsetIds ()[Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
      [4] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [android/preference/ListPreference.setEntryValues ([Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [7] aload_1 v1
      [8] invokestatic #82
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CharsetHolder.getCharsetNames ()[Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
      [11] invokevirtual #58
        + Methodref [android/preference/ListPreference.setEntries ([Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [14] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 367
        [7] -> line 368
        [14] -> line 369
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 15 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity; this]
        v1: 0 -> 15 [Landroid/preference/ListPreference; charsetPref]
  + Method:       onSharedPreferenceChanged(Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onSharedPreferenceChanged(android.content.SharedPreferences,java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 30, locals = 3, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #78
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.updateSummaries ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.hostBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [8] ifnull +21 (target=29)
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.hostBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] ldc #7
        + String [encoding]
      [18] getstatic #51
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.ENCODING_DEFAULT Ljava/lang/String;]
      [21] invokeinterface #95
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.getString (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [26] invokevirtual #87
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.setCharset (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [29] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 373
        [4] -> line 376
        [11] -> line 377
        [16] -> line 378
        [26] -> line 377
        [29] -> line 379
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 30 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity; this]
        v1: 0 -> 30 [Landroid/content/SharedPreferences; sharedPreferences]
        v2: 0 -> 30 [Ljava/lang/String; key]
  + Method:       access$0(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.HostBean access$0(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostEditorActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 234
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$1(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;Landroid/preference/ListPreference;)V
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic void access$1(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostEditorActivity,android.preference.ListPreference)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #76
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.initCharsetPref (Landroid/preference/ListPreference;)V]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 366
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 5)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/content/SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener]
      + Class [android/content/SharedPreferences]
      + Utf8 [OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$1]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$2]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x9 = public static 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CharsetHolder]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity]
      + Utf8 [CharsetHolder]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x1 = public 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity]
      + Utf8 [CursorPreferenceHack]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$1
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostEditorActivity$1 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/content/ServiceConnection]

Constant Pool (count = 62):
  + Class [android/content/ServiceConnection]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$1]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.hostBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.getConnectedBridge (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder.getService ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + NameAndType [getConnectedBridge (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [getService ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + NameAndType [hostBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/ComponentName;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/ComponentName;Landroid/os/IBinder;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/ComponentName;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/IBinder;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$1;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [TerminalBinder]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [android/content/ServiceConnection]
  + Utf8 [bound]
  + Utf8 [className]
  + Utf8 [getConnectedBridge]
  + Utf8 [getService]
  + Utf8 [hostBridge]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [name]
  + Utf8 [onCreate]
  + Utf8 [onServiceConnected]
  + Utf8 [onServiceDisconnected]
  + Utf8 [service]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$1]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostEditorActivity this$0

Methods (count = 3):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = HostEditorActivity$1(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostEditorActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #9
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 251
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$1; this]
  + Method:       onServiceConnected(Landroid/content/ComponentName;Landroid/os/IBinder;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onServiceConnected(android.content.ComponentName,android.os.IBinder)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 27, locals = 4, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_2 v2
      [1] checkcast #6
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder]
      [4] invokevirtual #12
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder.getService ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [7] astore_3 v3
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;]
      [12] aload_3 v3
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;]
      [17] invokestatic #10
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [20] invokevirtual #11
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.getConnectedBridge (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [23] putfield #7
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.hostBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [26] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 253
        [8] -> line 255
        [26] -> line 256
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 27 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$1; this]
        v1: 0 -> 27 [Landroid/content/ComponentName; className]
        v2: 0 -> 27 [Landroid/os/IBinder; service]
        v3: 8 -> 27 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; bound]
  + Method:       onServiceDisconnected(Landroid/content/ComponentName;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onServiceDisconnected(android.content.ComponentName)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 9, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;]
      [4] aconst_null
      [5] putfield #7
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.hostBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [8] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 259
        [8] -> line 260
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 9 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$1; this]
        v1: 0 -> 9 [Landroid/content/ComponentName; name]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$1]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x1 = public 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
      + Utf8 [TerminalBinder]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$2
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostEditorActivity$2 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [java/lang/Runnable]

Constant Pool (count = 38):
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/Runnable]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$2]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$2.val$charsetPref Landroid/preference/ListPreference;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.access$1 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;Landroid/preference/ListPreference;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [access$1 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;Landroid/preference/ListPreference;)V]
  + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;]
  + NameAndType [val$charsetPref Landroid/preference/ListPreference;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;Landroid/preference/ListPreference;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/preference/ListPreference;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$2;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [access$1]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Runnable]
  + Utf8 [onCreate]
  + Utf8 [run]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$2]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [val$charsetPref]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostEditorActivity this$0
  + Field:        val$charsetPref Landroid/preference/ListPreference;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic android.preference.ListPreference val$charsetPref

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;Landroid/preference/ListPreference;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = HostEditorActivity$2(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostEditorActivity,android.preference.ListPreference)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #5
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_2 v2
      [7] putfield #6
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$2.val$charsetPref Landroid/preference/ListPreference;]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] invokespecial #7
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [14] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [10] -> line 292
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 15 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$2; this]
  + Method:       run()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void run()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 12, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$2.val$charsetPref Landroid/preference/ListPreference;]
      [8] invokestatic #8
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.access$1 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;Landroid/preference/ListPreference;)V]
      [11] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 294
        [11] -> line 295
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 12 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$2; this]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$2]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CharsetHolder
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostEditorActivity$CharsetHolder extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 130):
  + String [CP437]
  + String [cp]
  + Class [[Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + Class [java/lang/CharSequence]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/nio/charset/Charset]
  + Class [java/util/Iterator]
  + Class [java/util/LinkedList]
  + Class [java/util/List]
  + Class [java/util/Map]
  + Class [java/util/Map$Entry]
  + Class [java/util/Set]
  + Class [java/util/SortedMap]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CharsetHolder]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CharsetHolder.charsetIds [Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CharsetHolder.charsetNames [Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CharsetHolder.initialized Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.startsWith (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/nio/charset/Charset.availableCharsets ()Ljava/util/SortedMap;]
  + Methodref [java/nio/charset/Charset.canEncode ()Z]
  + Methodref [java/nio/charset/Charset.displayName ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/nio/charset/Charset.isRegistered ()Z]
  + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CharsetHolder.initialize ()V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Iterator.hasNext ()Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/ ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.size ()I]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.toArray ([Ljava/lang/Object;)[Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map$Entry.getKey ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map$Entry.getValue ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Set.iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/SortedMap.entrySet ()Ljava/util/Set;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [availableCharsets ()Ljava/util/SortedMap;]
  + NameAndType [canEncode ()Z]
  + NameAndType [charsetIds [Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + NameAndType [charsetNames [Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + NameAndType [displayName ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [entrySet ()Ljava/util/Set;]
  + NameAndType [getKey ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [getValue ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [hasNext ()Z]
  + NameAndType [initialize ()V]
  + NameAndType [initialized Z]
  + NameAndType [isRegistered ()Z]
  + NameAndType [iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
  + NameAndType [next ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [size ()I]
  + NameAndType [startsWith (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + NameAndType [toArray ([Ljava/lang/Object;)[Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/Set;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/SortedMap;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [()[Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Utf8 [([Ljava/lang/Object;)[Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [CP437]
  + Utf8 [CharsetHolder]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Entry]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List<Ljava/lang/CharSequence;>;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Map$Entry;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Map$Entry<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;>;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTypeTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CharsetHolder;]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + Utf8 [add]
  + Utf8 [availableCharsets]
  + Utf8 [c]
  + Utf8 [canEncode]
  + Utf8 [charsetIds]
  + Utf8 [charsetIdsList]
  + Utf8 [charsetNames]
  + Utf8 [charsetNamesList]
  + Utf8 [cp]
  + Utf8 [displayName]
  + Utf8 [entry]
  + Utf8 [entrySet]
  + Utf8 [getCharsetIds]
  + Utf8 [getCharsetNames]
  + Utf8 [getKey]
  + Utf8 [getValue]
  + Utf8 [hasNext]
  + Utf8 [initialize]
  + Utf8 [initialized]
  + Utf8 [isInitialized]
  + Utf8 [isRegistered]
  + Utf8 [iterator]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/CharSequence]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/nio/charset/Charset]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Iterator]
  + Utf8 [java/util/LinkedList]
  + Utf8 [java/util/List]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Map]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Map$Entry]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Set]
  + Utf8 [java/util/SortedMap]
  + Utf8 [key]
  + Utf8 [next]
  + Utf8 [size]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CharsetHolder]
  + Utf8 [startsWith]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toArray]

Fields (count = 3):
  + Field:        initialized Z
    Access flags: 0xa
      = private static boolean initialized
  + Field:        charsetIds [Ljava/lang/CharSequence;
    Access flags: 0xa
      = private static java.lang.CharSequence[] charsetIds
  + Field:        charsetNames [Ljava/lang/CharSequence;
    Access flags: 0xa
      = private static java.lang.CharSequence[] charsetNames

Methods (count = 6):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 0, stack = 1):
      [0] iconst_0
      [1] putstatic #19
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CharsetHolder.initialized Z]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 382
        [4] -> line 381
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public HostEditorActivity$CharsetHolder()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #20
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 381
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CharsetHolder; this]
  + Method:       getCharsetNames()[Ljava/lang/CharSequence;
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static java.lang.CharSequence[] getCharsetNames()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 13, locals = 0, stack = 1):
      [0] getstatic #18
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CharsetHolder.charsetNames [Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
      [3] ifnonnull +6 (target=9)
      [6] invokestatic #27
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CharsetHolder.initialize ()V]
      [9] getstatic #18
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CharsetHolder.charsetNames [Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
      [12] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 388
        [6] -> line 389
        [9] -> line 391
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       getCharsetIds()[Ljava/lang/CharSequence;
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static java.lang.CharSequence[] getCharsetIds()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 13, locals = 0, stack = 1):
      [0] getstatic #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CharsetHolder.charsetIds [Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
      [3] ifnonnull +6 (target=9)
      [6] invokestatic #27
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CharsetHolder.initialize ()V]
      [9] getstatic #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CharsetHolder.charsetIds [Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
      [12] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 395
        [6] -> line 396
        [9] -> line 398
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       initialize()V
    Access flags: 0x2a
      = private static synchronized void initialize()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 200, locals = 6, stack = 2):
      [0] getstatic #19
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CharsetHolder.initialized Z]
      [3] ifeq +4 (target=7)
      [6] return
      [7] new #9
        + Class [java/util/LinkedList]
      [10] dup
      [11] invokespecial #26
        + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.<init> ()V]
      [14] astore_0 v0
      [15] new #9
        + Class [java/util/LinkedList]
      [18] dup
      [19] invokespecial #26
        + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.<init> ()V]
      [22] astore_1 v1
      [23] invokestatic #22
        + Methodref [java/nio/charset/Charset.availableCharsets ()Ljava/util/SortedMap;]
      [26] invokeinterface #36
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/SortedMap.entrySet ()Ljava/util/Set;]
      [31] invokeinterface #35
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Set.iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
      [36] astore_3 v3
      [37] goto +107 (target=144)
      [40] aload_3 v3
      [41] invokeinterface #29
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/ ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [46] checkcast #12
        + Class [java/util/Map$Entry]
      [49] astore_2 v2
      [50] aload_2 v2
      [51] invokeinterface #34
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map$Entry.getValue ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [56] checkcast #7
        + Class [java/nio/charset/Charset]
      [59] astore v4
      [61] aload v4
      [63] invokevirtual #23
        + Methodref [java/nio/charset/Charset.canEncode ()Z]
      [66] ifeq +78 (target=144)
      [69] aload v4
      [71] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [java/nio/charset/Charset.isRegistered ()Z]
      [74] ifeq +70 (target=144)
      [77] aload_2 v2
      [78] invokeinterface #33
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map$Entry.getKey ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [83] checkcast #6
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [86] astore v5
      [88] aload v5
      [90] ldc #2
        + String [cp]
      [92] invokevirtual #21
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.startsWith (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [95] ifeq +21 (target=116)
      [98] aload_0 v0
      [99] ldc #1
        + String [CP437]
      [101] invokeinterface #30
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [106] pop
      [107] aload_1 v1
      [108] ldc #1
        + String [CP437]
      [110] invokeinterface #30
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [115] pop
      [116] aload_0 v0
      [117] aload_2 v2
      [118] invokeinterface #33
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map$Entry.getKey ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [123] checkcast #4
        + Class [java/lang/CharSequence]
      [126] invokeinterface #30
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [131] pop
      [132] aload_1 v1
      [133] aload v4
      [135] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [java/nio/charset/Charset.displayName ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [138] invokeinterface #30
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [143] pop
      [144] aload_3 v3
      [145] invokeinterface #28
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Iterator.hasNext ()Z]
      [150] ifne -110 (target=40)
      [153] aload_0 v0
      [154] aload_0 v0
      [155] invokeinterface #31
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.size ()I]
      [160] anewarray #4
        + Class [java/lang/CharSequence]
      [163] invokeinterface #32
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.toArray ([Ljava/lang/Object;)[Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [168] checkcast #3
        + Class [[Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
      [171] putstatic #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CharsetHolder.charsetIds [Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
      [174] aload_1 v1
      [175] aload_1 v1
      [176] invokeinterface #31
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.size ()I]
      [181] anewarray #4
        + Class [java/lang/CharSequence]
      [184] invokeinterface #32
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.toArray ([Ljava/lang/Object;)[Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [189] checkcast #3
        + Class [[Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
      [192] putstatic #18
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CharsetHolder.charsetNames [Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
      [195] iconst_1
      [196] putstatic #19
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CharsetHolder.initialized Z]
      [199] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 18)
        [0] -> line 402
        [6] -> line 403
        [7] -> line 405
        [15] -> line 406
        [23] -> line 408
        [50] -> line 409
        [61] -> line 410
        [77] -> line 411
        [88] -> line 412
        [98] -> line 414
        [107] -> line 415
        [116] -> line 417
        [132] -> line 418
        [144] -> line 408
        [153] -> line 422
        [174] -> line 423
        [195] -> line 425
        [199] -> line 426
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 15 -> 200 [Ljava/util/List; charsetIdsList]
        v1: 23 -> 200 [Ljava/util/List; charsetNamesList]
        v2: 50 -> 144 [Ljava/util/Map$Entry; entry]
        v4: 61 -> 144 [Ljava/nio/charset/Charset; c]
        v5: 88 -> 144 [Ljava/lang/String; key]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 15 -> 200 [Ljava/util/List<Ljava/lang/CharSequence;>; charsetIdsList]
        v1: 23 -> 200 [Ljava/util/List<Ljava/lang/CharSequence;>; charsetNamesList]
        v2: 50 -> 144 [Ljava/util/Map$Entry<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;>; entry]
  + Method:       isInitialized()Z
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static boolean isInitialized()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 4, locals = 0, stack = 1):
      [0] getstatic #19
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CharsetHolder.initialized Z]
      [3] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 429
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [java/util/Map$Entry]
      + Class [java/util/Map]
      + Utf8 [Entry]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x9 = public static 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CharsetHolder]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity]
      + Utf8 [CharsetHolder]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/content/SharedPreferences]

Constant Pool (count = 235):
  + String [HostEditor Prefs do not support Set<String>]
  + String [_id = ?]
  + String [hostkey]
  + Class [android/content/SharedPreferences]
  + Class [android/content/SharedPreferences$Editor]
  + Class [android/content/SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener]
  + Class [android/database/Cursor]
  + Class [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase]
  + Class [java/lang/Boolean]
  + Class [java/lang/ClassCastException]
  + Class [java/lang/Float]
  + Class [java/lang/Integer]
  + Class [java/lang/Long]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/util/HashMap]
  + Class [java/util/LinkedList]
  + Class [java/util/List]
  + Class [java/util/Map]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$ J]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack.listeners Ljava/util/List;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack.table Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack.values Ljava/util/Map;]
  + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.close ()V]
  + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.query (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/database/Cursor;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Boolean.booleanValue ()Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Boolean.toString (Z)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Boolean.valueOf (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/ClassCastException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Float.floatValue ()F]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Float.toString (F)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Float.valueOf (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Float;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.intValue ()I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.toString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Long.longValue ()J]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Long.toString (J)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Long.valueOf (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Long;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (J)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/util/HashMap.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack.cacheValues ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack.edit ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack.getString (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.getReadableDatabase ()Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.close ()V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnCount ()I]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnName (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.moveToFirst ()Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.remove (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.containsKey (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.get (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.put (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack;)V]
  + NameAndType [add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [booleanValue ()Z]
  + NameAndType [cacheValues ()V]
  + NameAndType [close ()V]
  + NameAndType [containsKey (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [edit ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor;]
  + NameAndType [equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [floatValue ()F]
  + NameAndType [get (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [getColumnCount ()I]
  + NameAndType [getColumnName (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getReadableDatabase ()Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
  + NameAndType [getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getString (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + NameAndType [id J]
  + NameAndType [intValue ()I]
  + NameAndType [listeners Ljava/util/List;]
  + NameAndType [longValue ()J]
  + NameAndType [moveToFirst ()Z]
  + NameAndType [put (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [query (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/database/Cursor;]
  + NameAndType [remove (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [table Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;]
  + NameAndType [toString (F)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [toString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [toString (J)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [toString (Z)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (J)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Float;]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Long;]
  + NameAndType [values Ljava/util/Map;]
  + Utf8 [()F]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()J]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/Map;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;*>;]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(F)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(J)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Float;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Long;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;F)F]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;I)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;J)J]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/Set;)Ljava/util/Set;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/Set<Ljava/lang/String;>;)Ljava/util/Set<Ljava/lang/String;>;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/database/Cursor;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;Ljava/lang/String;J)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [CursorPreferenceHack]
  + Utf8 [Editor]
  + Utf8 [F]
  + Utf8 [HostEditor Prefs do not support Set<String>]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [J]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/database/Cursor;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List<Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener;>;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Map;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;>;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Set;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Set<Ljava/lang/String;>;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTypeTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + Utf8 [OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener]
  + Utf8 [Signature]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [_id = ?]
  + Utf8 [access$1]
  + Utf8 [add]
  + Utf8 [android/content/SharedPreferences]
  + Utf8 [android/content/SharedPreferences$Editor]
  + Utf8 [android/content/SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener]
  + Utf8 [android/database/Cursor]
  + Utf8 [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase]
  + Utf8 [booleanValue]
  + Utf8 [cacheValues]
  + Utf8 [close]
  + Utf8 [contains]
  + Utf8 [containsKey]
  + Utf8 [cursor]
  + Utf8 [db]
  + Utf8 [defValue]
  + Utf8 [edit]
  + Utf8 [equals]
  + Utf8 [floatValue]
  + Utf8 [get]
  + Utf8 [getAll]
  + Utf8 [getBoolean]
  + Utf8 [getColumnCount]
  + Utf8 [getColumnName]
  + Utf8 [getFloat]
  + Utf8 [getInt]
  + Utf8 [getLong]
  + Utf8 [getReadableDatabase]
  + Utf8 [getString]
  + Utf8 [getStringSet]
  + Utf8 [hostdb]
  + Utf8 [hostkey]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [id]
  + Utf8 [intValue]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Boolean]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/ClassCastException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Float]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Integer]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Long]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/util/HashMap]
  + Utf8 [java/util/LinkedList]
  + Utf8 [java/util/List]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Map]
  + Utf8 [key]
  + Utf8 [listener]
  + Utf8 [listeners]
  + Utf8 [longValue]
  + Utf8 [moveToFirst]
  + Utf8 [put]
  + Utf8 [query]
  + Utf8 [registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener]
  + Utf8 [remove]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
  + Utf8 [table]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [unregisterOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener]
  + Utf8 [value]
  + Utf8 [valueOf]
  + Utf8 [values]

Fields (count = 5):
  + Field:        table Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x14
      = protected final java.lang.String table
  + Field:        id J
    Access flags: 0x14
      = protected final long id
  + Field:        values Ljava/util/Map;
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected java.util.Map values
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;>;]
  + Field:        listeners Ljava/util/List;
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected java.util.List listeners
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List<Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener;>;]
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostEditorActivity this$0

Methods (count = 15):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;Ljava/lang/String;J)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostEditorActivity,java.lang.String,long)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 46, locals = 5, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #45
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] new #16
        + Class [java/util/HashMap]
      [13] dup
      [14] invokespecial #48
        + Methodref [java/util/HashMap.<init> ()V]
      [17] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack.values Ljava/util/Map;]
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] new #17
        + Class [java/util/LinkedList]
      [24] dup
      [25] invokespecial #49
        + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.<init> ()V]
      [28] putfield #26
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack.listeners Ljava/util/List;]
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] aload_2 v2
      [33] putfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack.table Ljava/lang/String;]
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] lload_3 v3
      [38] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$ J]
      [41] aload_0 v0
      [42] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack.cacheValues ()V]
      [45] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 59
        [9] -> line 56
        [20] -> line 208
        [31] -> line 60
        [36] -> line 61
        [41] -> line 63
        [45] -> line 64
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 46 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack; this]
        v2: 0 -> 46 [Ljava/lang/String; table]
        v3: 0 -> 46 [J id]
  + Method:       cacheValues()V
    Access flags: 0x14
      = protected final void cacheValues()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 123, locals = 6, stack = 9):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;]
      [4] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [7] invokevirtual #54
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.getReadableDatabase ()Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
      [10] astore_1 v1
      [11] aload_1 v1
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack.table Ljava/lang/String;]
      [16] aconst_null
      [17] ldc #2
        + String [_id = ?]
      [19] iconst_1
      [20] anewarray #15
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [23] dup
      [24] iconst_0
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$ J]
      [29] invokestatic #47
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (J)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [32] aastore
      [33] aconst_null
      [34] aconst_null
      [35] aconst_null
      [36] invokevirtual #31
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.query (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/database/Cursor;]
      [39] astore_2 v2
      [40] aload_2 v2
      [41] invokeinterface #59
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.moveToFirst ()Z]
      [46] ifeq +66 (target=112)
      [49] iconst_0
      [50] istore_3 v3
      [51] goto +51 (target=102)
      [54] aload_2 v2
      [55] iload_3 v3
      [56] invokeinterface #57
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnName (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [61] astore v4
      [63] aload v4
      [65] ldc #3
        + String [hostkey]
      [67] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [70] ifeq +6 (target=76)
      [73] goto +26 (target=99)
      [76] aload_2 v2
      [77] iload_3 v3
      [78] invokeinterface #58
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [83] astore v5
      [85] aload_0 v0
      [86] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack.values Ljava/util/Map;]
      [89] aload v4
      [91] aload v5
      [93] invokeinterface #64
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.put (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [98] pop
      [99] iinc v3, 1
      [102] iload_3 v3
      [103] aload_2 v2
      [104] invokeinterface #56
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnCount ()I]
      [109] ificmplt -55 (target=54)
      [112] aload_2 v2
      [113] invokeinterface #55
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.close ()V]
      [118] aload_1 v1
      [119] invokevirtual #30
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.close ()V]
      [122] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 14)
        [0] -> line 70
        [11] -> line 71
        [19] -> line 72
        [36] -> line 71
        [40] -> line 74
        [49] -> line 75
        [54] -> line 76
        [63] -> line 77
        [76] -> line 78
        [85] -> line 79
        [99] -> line 75
        [112] -> line 82
        [118] -> line 83
        [122] -> line 100
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 123 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack; this]
        v1: 11 -> 123 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase; db]
        v2: 40 -> 123 [Landroid/database/Cursor; cursor]
        v3: 51 -> 112 [I i]
        v4: 63 -> 99 [Ljava/lang/String; key]
        v5: 85 -> 99 [Ljava/lang/String; value]
  + Method:       contains(Ljava/lang/String;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean contains(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 11, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack.values Ljava/util/Map;]
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] invokeinterface #62
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.containsKey (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [10] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 103
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 11 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack; this]
        v1: 0 -> 11 [Ljava/lang/String; key]
  + Method:       edit()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor edit()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 9, locals = 1, stack = 3):
      [0] new #22
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor]
      [3] dup
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] invokespecial #53
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack;)V]
      [8] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 174
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 9 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack; this]
  + Method:       getAll()Ljava/util/Map;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.util.Map getAll()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack.values Ljava/util/Map;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 178
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack; this]
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;*>;]
  + Method:       getBoolean(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean getBoolean(java.lang.String,boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 16, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] iload_2 v2
      [3] invokestatic #33
        + Methodref [java/lang/Boolean.toString (Z)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [6] invokevirtual #52
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack.getString (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [9] invokestatic #34
        + Methodref [java/lang/Boolean.valueOf (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
      [12] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [java/lang/Boolean.booleanValue ()Z]
      [15] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 182
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 16 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack; this]
        v1: 0 -> 16 [Ljava/lang/String; key]
        v2: 0 -> 16 [Z defValue]
  + Method:       getFloat(Ljava/lang/String;F)F
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public float getFloat(java.lang.String,float)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 16, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] fload_2 v2
      [3] invokestatic #37
        + Methodref [java/lang/Float.toString (F)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [6] invokevirtual #52
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack.getString (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [9] invokestatic #38
        + Methodref [java/lang/Float.valueOf (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Float;]
      [12] invokevirtual #36
        + Methodref [java/lang/Float.floatValue ()F]
      [15] freturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 186
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 16 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack; this]
        v1: 0 -> 16 [Ljava/lang/String; key]
        v2: 0 -> 16 [F defValue]
  + Method:       getInt(Ljava/lang/String;I)I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int getInt(java.lang.String,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 16, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] iload_2 v2
      [3] invokestatic #40
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.toString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [6] invokevirtual #52
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack.getString (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [9] invokestatic #41
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [12] invokevirtual #39
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.intValue ()I]
      [15] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 190
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 16 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack; this]
        v1: 0 -> 16 [Ljava/lang/String; key]
        v2: 0 -> 16 [I defValue]
  + Method:       getLong(Ljava/lang/String;J)J
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public long getLong(java.lang.String,long)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 16, locals = 4, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] lload_2 v2
      [3] invokestatic #43
        + Methodref [java/lang/Long.toString (J)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [6] invokevirtual #52
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack.getString (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [9] invokestatic #44
        + Methodref [java/lang/Long.valueOf (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Long;]
      [12] invokevirtual #42
        + Methodref [java/lang/Long.longValue ()J]
      [15] lreturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 194
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 16 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack; this]
        v1: 0 -> 16 [Ljava/lang/String; key]
        v2: 0 -> 16 [J defValue]
  + Method:       getString(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String getString(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 29, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack.values Ljava/util/Map;]
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] invokeinterface #62
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.containsKey (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [10] ifne +5 (target=15)
      [13] aload_2 v2
      [14] areturn
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack.values Ljava/util/Map;]
      [19] aload_1 v1
      [20] invokeinterface #63
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.get (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [25] checkcast #15
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [28] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 200
        [15] -> line 201
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 29 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack; this]
        v1: 0 -> 29 [Ljava/lang/String; key]
        v2: 0 -> 29 [Ljava/lang/String; defValue]
  + Method:       getStringSet(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/Set;)Ljava/util/Set;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.util.Set getStringSet(java.lang.String,java.util.Set)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] new #10
        + Class [java/lang/ClassCastException]
      [3] dup
      [4] ldc #1
        + String [HostEditor Prefs do not support Set<String>]
      [6] invokespecial #35
        + Methodref [java/lang/ClassCastException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [9] athrow
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 205
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack; this]
        v1: 0 -> 10 [Ljava/lang/String; key]
        v2: 0 -> 10 [Ljava/util/Set; defValue]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 1)
        v2: 0 -> 10 [Ljava/util/Set<Ljava/lang/String;>; defValue]
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/Set<Ljava/lang/String;>;)Ljava/util/Set<Ljava/lang/String;>;]
  + Method:       registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener(Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener(android.content.SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 12, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack.listeners Ljava/util/List;]
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] invokeinterface #60
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [10] pop
      [11] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 211
        [11] -> line 212
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 12 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack; this]
        v1: 0 -> 12 [Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener; listener]
  + Method:       unregisterOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener(Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void unregisterOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener(android.content.SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 12, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack.listeners Ljava/util/List;]
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] invokeinterface #61
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.remove (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [10] pop
      [11] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 215
        [11] -> line 216
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 12 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack; this]
        v1: 0 -> 12 [Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener; listener]
  + Method:       edit()Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;
    Access flags: 0x1041
      = public bridge synthetic android.content.SharedPreferences$Editor edit()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack.edit ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 1
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$1(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostEditorActivity access$1(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 52
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 4)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/content/SharedPreferences$Editor]
      + Class [android/content/SharedPreferences]
      + Utf8 [Editor]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/content/SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener]
      + Class [android/content/SharedPreferences]
      + Utf8 [OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x1 = public 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity]
      + Utf8 [CursorPreferenceHack]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x1 = public 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack]
      + Utf8 [Editor]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/content/SharedPreferences$Editor]

Constant Pool (count = 193):
  + String [HostEditor Prefs do not support Set<String>]
  + String [_id = ?]
  + String [clear()]
  + Class [android/content/ContentValues]
  + Class [android/content/SharedPreferences]
  + Class [android/content/SharedPreferences$Editor]
  + Class [android/content/SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener]
  + Class [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase]
  + Class [android/util/Log]
  + Class [java/lang/Boolean]
  + Class [java/lang/Class]
  + Class [java/lang/Float]
  + Class [java/lang/Integer]
  + Class [java/lang/Long]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/UnsupportedOperationException]
  + Class [java/util/Iterator]
  + Class [java/util/List]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$ J]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack.listeners Ljava/util/List;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack.table Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor.update Landroid/content/ContentValues;]
  + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.remove (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.close ()V]
  + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.update (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/ContentValues;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Boolean.toString (Z)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Class.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Float.toString (F)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.toString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Long.toString (J)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.getClass ()Ljava/lang/Class;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (J)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/UnsupportedOperationException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack.access$1 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack.cacheValues ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor.commit ()Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor.putString (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.getWritableDatabase ()Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener.onSharedPreferenceChanged (Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Iterator.hasNext ()Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/ ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [access$1 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;]
  + NameAndType [cacheValues ()V]
  + NameAndType [close ()V]
  + NameAndType [commit ()Z]
  + NameAndType [d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [getClass ()Ljava/lang/Class;]
  + NameAndType [getWritableDatabase ()Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
  + NameAndType [hasNext ()Z]
  + NameAndType [hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + NameAndType [id J]
  + NameAndType [iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
  + NameAndType [listeners Ljava/util/List;]
  + NameAndType [next ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [onSharedPreferenceChanged (Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [putString (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;]
  + NameAndType [remove (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [table Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack;]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [toString (F)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [toString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [toString (J)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [toString (Z)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [update (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/ContentValues;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [update Landroid/content/ContentValues;]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (J)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/Class;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(F)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(J)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;F)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;I)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;J)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/ContentValues;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/Set;)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/Set<Ljava/lang/String;>;)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [CursorPreferenceHack]
  + Utf8 [Editor]
  + Utf8 [F]
  + Utf8 [HostEditor Prefs do not support Set<String>]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [J]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/ContentValues;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Set;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Set<Ljava/lang/String;>;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTypeTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + Utf8 [OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener]
  + Utf8 [Signature]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [_id = ?]
  + Utf8 [access$1]
  + Utf8 [android/content/ContentValues]
  + Utf8 [android/content/SharedPreferences]
  + Utf8 [android/content/SharedPreferences$Editor]
  + Utf8 [android/content/SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener]
  + Utf8 [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase]
  + Utf8 [android/util/Log]
  + Utf8 [apply]
  + Utf8 [cacheValues]
  + Utf8 [clear]
  + Utf8 [clear()]
  + Utf8 [close]
  + Utf8 [commit]
  + Utf8 [d]
  + Utf8 [db]
  + Utf8 [getClass]
  + Utf8 [getWritableDatabase]
  + Utf8 [hasNext]
  + Utf8 [hostdb]
  + Utf8 [id]
  + Utf8 [iterator]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Boolean]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Class]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Float]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Integer]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Long]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/UnsupportedOperationException]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Iterator]
  + Utf8 [java/util/List]
  + Utf8 [key]
  + Utf8 [listener]
  + Utf8 [listeners]
  + Utf8 [next]
  + Utf8 [onSharedPreferenceChanged]
  + Utf8 [put]
  + Utf8 [putBoolean]
  + Utf8 [putFloat]
  + Utf8 [putInt]
  + Utf8 [putLong]
  + Utf8 [putString]
  + Utf8 [putStringSet]
  + Utf8 [remove]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
  + Utf8 [table]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$1]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [update]
  + Utf8 [value]
  + Utf8 [valueOf]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        update Landroid/content/ContentValues;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.content.ContentValues update
  + Field:        this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack this$1

Methods (count = 11):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 21, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #41
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] new #4
        + Class [android/content/ContentValues]
      [13] dup
      [14] invokespecial #30
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.<init> ()V]
      [17] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor.update Landroid/content/ContentValues;]
      [20] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 106
        [9] -> line 108
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 21 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor; this]
  + Method:       clear()Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public android.content.SharedPreferences$Editor clear()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 26, locals = 1, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokevirtual #42
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.getClass ()Ljava/lang/Class;]
      [4] invokevirtual #37
        + Methodref [java/lang/Class.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [7] ldc #3
        + String [clear()]
      [9] invokestatic #35
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [12] pop
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] new #4
        + Class [android/content/ContentValues]
      [17] dup
      [18] invokespecial #30
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.<init> ()V]
      [21] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor.update Landroid/content/ContentValues;]
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 111
        [13] -> line 112
        [24] -> line 113
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 26 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor; this]
  + Method:       commit()Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean commit()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 108, locals = 4, stack = 9):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack;]
      [4] invokestatic #45
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack.access$1 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity;]
      [7] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [10] invokevirtual #49
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.getWritableDatabase ()Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
      [13] astore_1 v1
      [14] aload_1 v1
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack;]
      [19] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack.table Ljava/lang/String;]
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor.update Landroid/content/ContentValues;]
      [26] ldc #2
        + String [_id = ?]
      [28] iconst_1
      [29] anewarray #16
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [32] dup
      [33] iconst_0
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack;]
      [38] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$ J]
      [41] invokestatic #43
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (J)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [44] aastore
      [45] invokevirtual #34
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.update (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/ContentValues;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [48] pop
      [49] aload_1 v1
      [50] invokevirtual #33
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.close ()V]
      [53] aload_0 v0
      [54] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack;]
      [57] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack.cacheValues ()V]
      [60] aload_0 v0
      [61] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack;]
      [64] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack.listeners Ljava/util/List;]
      [67] invokeinterface #53
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
      [72] astore_3 v3
      [73] goto +24 (target=97)
      [76] aload_3 v3
      [77] invokeinterface #52
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/ ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [82] checkcast #7
        + Class [android/content/SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener]
      [85] astore_2 v2
      [86] aload_2 v2
      [87] aload_0 v0
      [88] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack;]
      [91] aconst_null
      [92] invokeinterface #50
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener.onSharedPreferenceChanged (Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [97] aload_3 v3
      [98] invokeinterface #51
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Iterator.hasNext ()Z]
      [103] ifne -27 (target=76)
      [106] iconst_1
      [107] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 118
        [14] -> line 119
        [49] -> line 120
        [53] -> line 123
        [60] -> line 126
        [86] -> line 127
        [97] -> line 126
        [106] -> line 130
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 108 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor; this]
        v1: 14 -> 108 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase; db]
        v2: 86 -> 97 [Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener; listener]
  + Method:       apply()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void apply()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor.commit ()Z]
      [4] pop
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 135
        [5] -> line 136
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor; this]
  + Method:       putBoolean(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public android.content.SharedPreferences$Editor putBoolean(java.lang.String,boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] iload_2 v2
      [3] invokestatic #36
        + Methodref [java/lang/Boolean.toString (Z)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [6] invokevirtual #48
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor.putString (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;]
      [9] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 139
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor; this]
        v1: 0 -> 10 [Ljava/lang/String; key]
        v2: 0 -> 10 [Z value]
  + Method:       putFloat(Ljava/lang/String;F)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public android.content.SharedPreferences$Editor putFloat(java.lang.String,float)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] fload_2 v2
      [3] invokestatic #38
        + Methodref [java/lang/Float.toString (F)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [6] invokevirtual #48
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor.putString (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;]
      [9] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 143
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor; this]
        v1: 0 -> 10 [Ljava/lang/String; key]
        v2: 0 -> 10 [F value]
  + Method:       putInt(Ljava/lang/String;I)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public android.content.SharedPreferences$Editor putInt(java.lang.String,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] iload_2 v2
      [3] invokestatic #39
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.toString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [6] invokevirtual #48
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor.putString (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;]
      [9] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 147
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor; this]
        v1: 0 -> 10 [Ljava/lang/String; key]
        v2: 0 -> 10 [I value]
  + Method:       putLong(Ljava/lang/String;J)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public android.content.SharedPreferences$Editor putLong(java.lang.String,long)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 4, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] lload_2 v2
      [3] invokestatic #40
        + Methodref [java/lang/Long.toString (J)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [6] invokevirtual #48
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor.putString (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;]
      [9] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 151
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor; this]
        v1: 0 -> 10 [Ljava/lang/String; key]
        v2: 0 -> 10 [J value]
  + Method:       putString(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public android.content.SharedPreferences$Editor putString(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 11, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor.update Landroid/content/ContentValues;]
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] aload_2 v2
      [6] invokevirtual #31
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 156
        [9] -> line 157
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 11 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor; this]
        v1: 0 -> 11 [Ljava/lang/String; key]
        v2: 0 -> 11 [Ljava/lang/String; value]
  + Method:       remove(Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public android.content.SharedPreferences$Editor remove(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor.update Landroid/content/ContentValues;]
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.remove (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 162
        [8] -> line 163
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor; this]
        v1: 0 -> 10 [Ljava/lang/String; key]
  + Method:       putStringSet(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/Set;)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public android.content.SharedPreferences$Editor putStringSet(java.lang.String,java.util.Set)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] new #17
        + Class [java/lang/UnsupportedOperationException]
      [3] dup
      [4] ldc #1
        + String [HostEditor Prefs do not support Set<String>]
      [6] invokespecial #44
        + Methodref [java/lang/UnsupportedOperationException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [9] athrow
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 167
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor; this]
        v1: 0 -> 10 [Ljava/lang/String; key]
        v2: 0 -> 10 [Ljava/util/Set; value]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 1)
        v2: 0 -> 10 [Ljava/util/Set<Ljava/lang/String;>; value]
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/Set<Ljava/lang/String;>;)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;]

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 4)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/content/SharedPreferences$Editor]
      + Class [android/content/SharedPreferences]
      + Utf8 [Editor]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/content/SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener]
      + Class [android/content/SharedPreferences]
      + Utf8 [OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x1 = public 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity]
      + Utf8 [CursorPreferenceHack]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x1 = public 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack$Editor]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity$CursorPreferenceHack]
      + Utf8 [Editor]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity
  Superclass:    android/app/ListActivity
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity extends

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 577):
  + Integer [17301551]
  + Integer [17301568]
  + Integer [17301577]
  + Integer [17301586]
  + Integer [17301587]
  + Integer [17367048]
  + Integer [17367049]
  + Integer [2130903045]
  + Integer [2131230720]
  + Integer [2131230725]
  + Integer [2131230729]
  + Integer [2131230873]
  + Integer [2131230877]
  + Integer [2131230878]
  + Integer [2131230879]
  + Integer [2131230880]
  + Integer [2131230881]
  + Integer [2131230882]
  + Integer [2131230883]
  + Integer [2131230884]
  + Integer [2131427358]
  + Integer [2131427359]
  + String [%s: %s]
  + String [Colors]
  + String [android.intent.action.CREATE_SHORTCUT]
  + String [android.intent.action.PICK]
  + String [eula]
  + String [gray]
  + String [sortByColor]
  + Class [android/app/ListActivity]
  + Class [android/content/Intent]
  + Class [android/content/SharedPreferences]
  + Class [android/content/SharedPreferences$Editor]
  + Class [android/content/res/Resources]
  + Class [android/net/Uri]
  + Class [android/preference/PreferenceManager]
  + Class [android/view/ContextMenu]
  + Class [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
  + Class [android/view/LayoutInflater]
  + Class [android/view/Menu]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Class [android/view/View]
  + Class [android/view/View$OnKeyListener]
  + Class [android/widget/AdapterView]
  + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$AdapterContextMenuInfo]
  + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener]
  + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener]
  + Class [android/widget/ArrayAdapter]
  + Class [android/widget/ListView]
  + Class [android/widget/Spinner]
  + Class [android/widget/TextView]
  + Class [java/lang/CharSequence]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/util/Iterator]
  + Class [java/util/List]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$1]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$10]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$2]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$3]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$4]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$5]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$6]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$7]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$8]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$9]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/SettingsActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/TransportFactory]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
  + Long [-1]
  + Fieldref [android/widget/AdapterView$AdapterContextMenuInfo.position I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.connection Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.hosts Ljava/util/List;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.makingShortcut Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.prefs Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.quickconnect Landroid/widget/TextView;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.sortcolor Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.sortedByColor Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.sortlast Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.transportSpinner Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.bridges Ljava/util/List;]
  + Methodref [android/app/ListActivity.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [android/app/ListActivity.onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Methodref [android/app/ListActivity.onCreateOptionsMenu (Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + Methodref [android/app/ListActivity.onPrepareOptionsMenu (Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + Methodref [android/app/ListActivity.onResume ()V]
  + Methodref [android/app/ListActivity.onStart ()V]
  + Methodref [android/app/ListActivity.onStop ()V]
  + Methodref [android/content/Intent.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
  + Methodref [android/content/Intent.getAction ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/content/Intent.setData (Landroid/net/Uri;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getText (I)Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + Methodref [android/net/Uri.getScheme ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/preference/PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
  + Methodref [android/view/LayoutInflater.from (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ArrayAdapter.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;I[Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ArrayAdapter.setDropDownViewResource (I)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ListView.getItemAtPosition (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ListView.setOnItemClickListener (Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/Spinner.getSelectedItem ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/Spinner.setAdapter (Landroid/widget/SpinnerAdapter;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/Spinner.setOnItemSelectedListener (Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/Spinner.setVisibility (I)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.getText ()Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.setError (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.setOnKeyListener (Landroid/view/View$OnKeyListener;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.setVisibility (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.bindService (Landroid/content/Intent;Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;I)Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.finish ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.getIntent ()Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.getListView ()Landroid/widget/ListView;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.getString (I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.registerForContextMenu (Landroid/view/View;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.setContentView (I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.setListAdapter (Landroid/widget/ListAdapter;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.setTitle (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.startActivity (Landroid/content/Intent;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.startActivityForResult (Landroid/content/Intent;I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.startConsoleActivity ()Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.unbindService (Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.updateList ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$10.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$2.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$3.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$4.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$5.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$6.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$7.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$8.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$9.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/util/List;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getProtocol ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setColor (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setPubkeyId (J)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.getConnectedBridge (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.createHost (Landroid/net/Uri;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/TransportFactory.canForwardPorts (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/TransportFactory.findHost (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;Landroid/net/Uri;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/TransportFactory.getFormatHint (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/Context;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/TransportFactory.getTransport (Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/TransportFactory.getTransportNames ()[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/TransportFactory.getUri (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.close ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.getHosts (Z)Ljava/util/List;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.saveHost (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.edit ()Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.getBoolean (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences$Editor.commit ()Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences$Editor.putBoolean (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/ContextMenu.add (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/ContextMenu.setHeaderTitle (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/view/ContextMenu;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/Menu.add (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/Menu.add (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setEnabled (Z)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setIcon (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setIntent (Landroid/content/Intent;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setOnMenuItemClickListener (Landroid/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setVisible (Z)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/lang/CharSequence.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Iterator.hasNext ()Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/ ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.add (ILjava/lang/Object;)V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.contains (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;I[Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/util/List;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
  + NameAndType [add (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + NameAndType [add (ILjava/lang/Object;)V]
  + NameAndType [add (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + NameAndType [bindService (Landroid/content/Intent;Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;I)Z]
  + NameAndType [bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + NameAndType [bridges Ljava/util/List;]
  + NameAndType [canForwardPorts (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + NameAndType [close ()V]
  + NameAndType [commit ()Z]
  + NameAndType [connection Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;]
  + NameAndType [contains (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [createHost (Landroid/net/Uri;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + NameAndType [edit ()Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;]
  + NameAndType [equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [findHost (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;Landroid/net/Uri;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + NameAndType [findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [finish ()V]
  + NameAndType [format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [from (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + NameAndType [getAction ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getBoolean (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
  + NameAndType [getConnectedBridge (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [getDefaultSharedPreferences (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
  + NameAndType [getFormatHint (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/Context;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getHosts (Z)Ljava/util/List;]
  + NameAndType [getIntent ()Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + NameAndType [getItemAtPosition (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [getListView ()Landroid/widget/ListView;]
  + NameAndType [getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getProtocol ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + NameAndType [getScheme ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getSelectedItem ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [getString (I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getText ()Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + NameAndType [getText (I)Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + NameAndType [getTransport (Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
  + NameAndType [getTransportNames ()[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getUri (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + NameAndType [hasNext ()Z]
  + NameAndType [host Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + NameAndType [hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + NameAndType [hosts Ljava/util/List;]
  + NameAndType [inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + NameAndType [iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
  + NameAndType [makingShortcut Z]
  + NameAndType [next ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + NameAndType [onCreateOptionsMenu (Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + NameAndType [onPrepareOptionsMenu (Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + NameAndType [onResume ()V]
  + NameAndType [onStart ()V]
  + NameAndType [onStop ()V]
  + NameAndType [position I]
  + NameAndType [prefs Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
  + NameAndType [putBoolean (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;]
  + NameAndType [quickconnect Landroid/widget/TextView;]
  + NameAndType [registerForContextMenu (Landroid/view/View;)V]
  + NameAndType [saveHost (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + NameAndType [setAdapter (Landroid/widget/SpinnerAdapter;)V]
  + NameAndType [setColor (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [setContentView (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setData (Landroid/net/Uri;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + NameAndType [setDropDownViewResource (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setEnabled (Z)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + NameAndType [setError (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + NameAndType [setHeaderTitle (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/view/ContextMenu;]
  + NameAndType [setIcon (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + NameAndType [setIntent (Landroid/content/Intent;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + NameAndType [setListAdapter (Landroid/widget/ListAdapter;)V]
  + NameAndType [setOnItemClickListener (Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener;)V]
  + NameAndType [setOnItemSelectedListener (Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener;)V]
  + NameAndType [setOnKeyListener (Landroid/view/View$OnKeyListener;)V]
  + NameAndType [setOnMenuItemClickListener (Landroid/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + NameAndType [setPubkeyId (J)V]
  + NameAndType [setTitle (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + NameAndType [setVisibility (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setVisible (Z)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + NameAndType [sortcolor Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + NameAndType [sortedByColor Z]
  + NameAndType [sortlast Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + NameAndType [startActivity (Landroid/content/Intent;)V]
  + NameAndType [startActivityForResult (Landroid/content/Intent;I)V]
  + NameAndType [startConsoleActivity ()Z]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [transportSpinner Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
  + NameAndType [unbindService (Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;)V]
  + NameAndType [updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + NameAndType [updateList ()V]
  + Utf8 [%s: %s]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/widget/ListView;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [()[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(IILandroid/content/Intent;)V]
  + Utf8 [(ILjava/lang/Object;)V]
  + Utf8 [(I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(J)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;I[Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Intent;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Intent;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Intent;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Intent;Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;I)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/net/Uri;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/net/Uri;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/ContextMenu;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View$OnKeyListener;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/ListAdapter;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/SpinnerAdapter;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/view/ContextMenu;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/Context;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)Landroid/widget/TextView;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/util/List;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;Landroid/net/Uri;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [(Z)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [(Z)Ljava/util/List;]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [AdapterContextMenuInfo]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Colors]
  + Utf8 [ContextMenuInfo]
  + Utf8 [Editor]
  + Utf8 [HostAdapter]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/Bundle;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/ContextMenu;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/Menu;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView$AdapterContextMenuInfo;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/ArrayAdapter;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/ArrayAdapter<Ljava/lang/String;>;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/ListView;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/TextView;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;>;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTypeTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + Utf8 [OnItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [OnItemSelectedListener]
  + Utf8 [OnKeyListener]
  + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [Signature]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [access$1]
  + Utf8 [access$2]
  + Utf8 [adapter]
  + Utf8 [add]
  + Utf8 [agreed]
  + Utf8 [android.intent.action.CREATE_SHORTCUT]
  + Utf8 [android.intent.action.PICK]
  + Utf8 [android/app/ListActivity]
  + Utf8 [android/content/Intent]
  + Utf8 [android/content/SharedPreferences]
  + Utf8 [android/content/SharedPreferences$Editor]
  + Utf8 [android/content/res/Resources]
  + Utf8 [android/net/Uri]
  + Utf8 [android/preference/PreferenceManager]
  + Utf8 [android/view/ContextMenu]
  + Utf8 [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
  + Utf8 [android/view/LayoutInflater]
  + Utf8 [android/view/Menu]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View$OnKeyListener]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/AdapterView]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/AdapterView$AdapterContextMenuInfo]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/ArrayAdapter]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/ListView]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/Spinner]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/TextView]
  + Utf8 [bindService]
  + Utf8 [bound]
  + Utf8 [bridge]
  + Utf8 [bridges]
  + Utf8 [canForwardPorts]
  + Utf8 [close]
  + Utf8 [colors]
  + Utf8 [commit]
  + Utf8 [connect]
  + Utf8 [connection]
  + Utf8 [contains]
  + Utf8 [createHost]
  + Utf8 [data]
  + Utf8 [delete]
  + Utf8 [edit]
  + Utf8 [equals]
  + Utf8 [eula]
  + Utf8 [findHost]
  + Utf8 [findViewById]
  + Utf8 [finish]
  + Utf8 [format]
  + Utf8 [from]
  + Utf8 [getAction]
  + Utf8 [getBoolean]
  + Utf8 [getConnectedBridge]
  + Utf8 [getDefaultSharedPreferences]
  + Utf8 [getFormatHint]
  + Utf8 [getHosts]
  + Utf8 [getIntent]
  + Utf8 [getItemAtPosition]
  + Utf8 [getListView]
  + Utf8 [getNickname]
  + Utf8 [getProtocol]
  + Utf8 [getResources]
  + Utf8 [getScheme]
  + Utf8 [getSelectedItem]
  + Utf8 [getString]
  + Utf8 [getText]
  + Utf8 [getTransport]
  + Utf8 [getTransportNames]
  + Utf8 [getUri]
  + Utf8 [gray]
  + Utf8 [hasNext]
  + Utf8 [help]
  + Utf8 [host]
  + Utf8 [hostdb]
  + Utf8 [hosts]
  + Utf8 [icicle]
  + Utf8 [inflater]
  + Utf8 [info]
  + Utf8 [intent]
  + Utf8 [iterator]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/CharSequence]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Iterator]
  + Utf8 [java/util/List]
  + Utf8 [keys]
  + Utf8 [list]
  + Utf8 [makingShortcut]
  + Utf8 [menu]
  + Utf8 [menuInfo]
  + Utf8 [next]
  + Utf8 [onActivityResult]
  + Utf8 [onCreate]
  + Utf8 [onCreateContextMenu]
  + Utf8 [onCreateOptionsMenu]
  + Utf8 [onPrepareOptionsMenu]
  + Utf8 [onResume]
  + Utf8 [onStart]
  + Utf8 [onStop]
  + Utf8 [portForwards]
  + Utf8 [position]
  + Utf8 [prefs]
  + Utf8 [putBoolean]
  + Utf8 [quickconnect]
  + Utf8 [registerForContextMenu]
  + Utf8 [requestCode]
  + Utf8 [resultCode]
  + Utf8 [saveHost]
  + Utf8 [setAdapter]
  + Utf8 [setColor]
  + Utf8 [setContentView]
  + Utf8 [setData]
  + Utf8 [setDropDownViewResource]
  + Utf8 [setEnabled]
  + Utf8 [setError]
  + Utf8 [setHeaderTitle]
  + Utf8 [setIcon]
  + Utf8 [setIntent]
  + Utf8 [setListAdapter]
  + Utf8 [setOnItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [setOnItemSelectedListener]
  + Utf8 [setOnKeyListener]
  + Utf8 [setOnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [setPubkeyId]
  + Utf8 [setTitle]
  + Utf8 [setVisibility]
  + Utf8 [setVisible]
  + Utf8 [settings]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$1]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$10]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$2]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$3]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$4]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$5]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$6]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$7]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$8]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$9]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/SettingsActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/TransportFactory]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
  + Utf8 [sortByColor]
  + Utf8 [sortcolor]
  + Utf8 [sortedByColor]
  + Utf8 [sortlast]
  + Utf8 [startActivity]
  + Utf8 [startActivityForResult]
  + Utf8 [startConsoleActivity]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [transportSelection]
  + Utf8 [transportSpinner]
  + Utf8 [unbindService]
  + Utf8 [updateHandler]
  + Utf8 [updateList]
  + Utf8 [uri]
  + Utf8 [v]

Fields (count = 13):
  + Field:        bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalManager bound
  + Field:        hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.HostDatabase hostdb
  + Field:        hosts Ljava/util/List;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.util.List hosts
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;>;]
  + Field:        inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected android.view.LayoutInflater inflater
  + Field:        sortedByColor Z
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected boolean sortedByColor
  + Field:        sortcolor Landroid/view/MenuItem;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.view.MenuItem sortcolor
  + Field:        sortlast Landroid/view/MenuItem;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.view.MenuItem sortlast
  + Field:        transportSpinner Landroid/widget/Spinner;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.widget.Spinner transportSpinner
  + Field:        quickconnect Landroid/widget/TextView;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.widget.TextView quickconnect
  + Field:        prefs Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.content.SharedPreferences prefs
  + Field:        makingShortcut Z
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected boolean makingShortcut
  + Field:        updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected android.os.Handler updateHandler
  + Field:        connection Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.content.ServiceConnection connection

Methods (count = 14):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public HostListActivity()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 54, locals = 1, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #101
        + Methodref [android/app/ListActivity.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aconst_null
      [6] putfield #86
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aconst_null
      [11] putfield #90
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] iconst_0
      [16] putfield #95
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.sortedByColor Z]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] aconst_null
      [21] putfield #92
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.prefs Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] iconst_0
      [26] putfield #91
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.makingShortcut Z]
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] new #62
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$1]
      [33] dup
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] invokespecial #145
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)V]
      [38] putfield #98
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
      [41] aload_0 v0
      [42] new #65
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$2]
      [45] dup
      [46] aload_0 v0
      [47] invokespecial #148
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$2.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)V]
      [50] putfield #87
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.connection Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;]
      [53] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 64
        [4] -> line 69
        [9] -> line 73
        [14] -> line 75
        [19] -> line 84
        [24] -> line 86
        [29] -> line 88
        [41] -> line 95
        [53] -> line 64
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 54 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity; this]
  + Method:       onStart()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onStart()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 44, locals = 1, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #106
        + Methodref [android/app/ListActivity.onStart ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] new #31
        + Class [android/content/Intent]
      [8] dup
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] ldc #79
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
      [12] invokespecial #108
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] getfield #87
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.connection Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;]
      [19] iconst_1
      [20] invokevirtual #129
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.bindService (Landroid/content/Intent;Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;I)Z]
      [23] pop
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] getfield #88
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [28] ifnonnull +15 (target=43)
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] new #82
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
      [35] dup
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] invokespecial #169
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [40] putfield #88
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [43] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 111
        [4] -> line 114
        [24] -> line 116
        [31] -> line 117
        [43] -> line 118
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 44 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity; this]
  + Method:       onStop()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onStop()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 32, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #107
        + Methodref [android/app/ListActivity.onStop ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] getfield #87
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.connection Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;]
      [9] invokevirtual #143
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.unbindService (Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;)V]
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] getfield #88
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [16] ifnull +15 (target=31)
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] getfield #88
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [23] invokevirtual #170
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.close ()V]
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] aconst_null
      [28] putfield #88
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [31] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 122
        [4] -> line 123
        [12] -> line 125
        [19] -> line 126
        [26] -> line 127
        [31] -> line 129
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 32 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity; this]
  + Method:       onResume()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onResume()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #105
        + Methodref [android/app/ListActivity.onResume ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 133
        [4] -> line 134
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity; this]
  + Method:       onActivityResult(IILandroid/content/Intent;)V
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected void onActivityResult(int,int,android.content.Intent)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 60, locals = 5, stack = 3):
      [0] iload_1 v1
      [1] iconst_2
      [2] ificmpne +48 (target=50)
      [5] iload_2 v2
      [6] iconst_m1
      [7] ificmpne +36 (target=43)
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] getfield #92
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.prefs Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
      [14] invokeinterface #173
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.edit ()Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;]
      [19] astore v4
      [21] aload v4
      [23] ldc #27
        + String [eula]
      [25] iconst_1
      [26] invokeinterface #176
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences$Editor.putBoolean (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;]
      [31] pop
      [32] aload v4
      [34] invokeinterface #175
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences$Editor.commit ()Z]
      [39] pop
      [40] goto +19 (target=59)
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] invokevirtual #131
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.finish ()V]
      [47] goto +12 (target=59)
      [50] iload_1 v1
      [51] iconst_1
      [52] ificmpne +7 (target=59)
      [55] aload_0 v0
      [56] invokevirtual #144
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.updateList ()V]
      [59] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 138
        [5] -> line 139
        [10] -> line 141
        [21] -> line 142
        [32] -> line 143
        [43] -> line 146
        [50] -> line 148
        [55] -> line 149
        [59] -> line 151
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 60 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity; this]
        v1: 0 -> 60 [I requestCode]
        v2: 0 -> 60 [I resultCode]
        v3: 0 -> 60 [Landroid/content/Intent; data]
        v4: 21 -> 43 [Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor; edit]
  + Method:       onCreate(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onCreate(android.os.Bundle)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 313, locals = 5, stack = 7):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #102
        + Methodref [android/app/ListActivity.onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] ldc #8
        + Integer [2130903045]
      [8] invokevirtual #137
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.setContentView (I)V]
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] ldc #23
        + String [%s: %s]
      [14] iconst_2
      [15] anewarray #54
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [18] dup
      [19] iconst_0
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] invokevirtual #134
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [24] ldc #9
        + Integer [2131230720]
      [26] invokevirtual #111
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getText (I)Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
      [29] aastore
      [30] dup
      [31] iconst_1
      [32] aload_0 v0
      [33] invokevirtual #134
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [36] ldc #10
        + Integer [2131230725]
      [38] invokevirtual #111
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getText (I)Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
      [41] aastore
      [42] invokestatic #128
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [45] invokevirtual #139
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.setTitle (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] aload_0 v0
      [50] invokestatic #113
        + Methodref [android/preference/PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
      [53] putfield #92
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.prefs Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
      [56] aload_0 v0
      [57] getfield #92
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.prefs Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
      [60] ldc #27
        + String [eula]
      [62] iconst_0
      [63] invokeinterface #174
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.getBoolean (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
      [68] istore_2 v2
      [69] iload_2 v2
      [70] ifne +18 (target=88)
      [73] aload_0 v0
      [74] new #31
        + Class [android/content/Intent]
      [77] dup
      [78] aload_0 v0
      [79] ldc #76
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity]
      [81] invokespecial #108
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
      [84] iconst_2
      [85] invokevirtual #141
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.startActivityForResult (Landroid/content/Intent;I)V]
      [88] aload_0 v0
      [89] ldc #25
        + String [android.intent.action.CREATE_SHORTCUT]
      [91] aload_0 v0
      [92] invokevirtual #132
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.getIntent ()Landroid/content/Intent;]
      [95] invokevirtual #109
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.getAction ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [98] invokevirtual #127
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [101] ifne +22 (target=123)
      [104] ldc #26
        + String [android.intent.action.PICK]
      [106] aload_0 v0
      [107] invokevirtual #132
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.getIntent ()Landroid/content/Intent;]
      [110] invokevirtual #109
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.getAction ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [113] invokevirtual #127
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [116] ifne +7 (target=123)
      [119] iconst_0
      [120] goto +4 (target=124)
      [123] iconst_1
      [124] putfield #91
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.makingShortcut Z]
      [127] aload_0 v0
      [128] new #82
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
      [131] dup
      [132] aload_0 v0
      [133] invokespecial #169
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [136] putfield #88
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [139] aload_0 v0
      [140] invokevirtual #133
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.getListView ()Landroid/widget/ListView;]
      [143] astore_3 v3
      [144] aload_0 v0
      [145] aload_0 v0
      [146] getfield #92
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.prefs Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
      [149] ldc #29
        + String [sortByColor]
      [151] iconst_0
      [152] invokeinterface #174
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.getBoolean (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
      [157] putfield #95
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.sortedByColor Z]
      [160] aload_3 v3
      [161] new #66
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$3]
      [164] dup
      [165] aload_0 v0
      [166] invokespecial #149
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$3.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)V]
      [169] invokevirtual #118
        + Methodref [android/widget/ListView.setOnItemClickListener (Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener;)V]
      [172] aload_0 v0
      [173] aload_3 v3
      [174] invokevirtual #136
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.registerForContextMenu (Landroid/view/View;)V]
      [177] aload_0 v0
      [178] aload_0 v0
      [179] ldc #22
        + Integer [2131427359]
      [181] invokevirtual #130
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [184] checkcast #52
        + Class [android/widget/TextView]
      [187] putfield #93
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.quickconnect Landroid/widget/TextView;]
      [190] aload_0 v0
      [191] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.quickconnect Landroid/widget/TextView;]
      [194] aload_0 v0
      [195] getfield #91
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.makingShortcut Z]
      [198] ifeq +8 (target=206)
      [201] bipush 8
      [203] goto +4 (target=207)
      [206] iconst_0
      [207] invokevirtual #126
        + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.setVisibility (I)V]
      [210] aload_0 v0
      [211] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.quickconnect Landroid/widget/TextView;]
      [214] new #67
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$4]
      [217] dup
      [218] aload_0 v0
      [219] invokespecial #150
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$4.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)V]
      [222] invokevirtual #125
        + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.setOnKeyListener (Landroid/view/View$OnKeyListener;)V]
      [225] aload_0 v0
      [226] aload_0 v0
      [227] ldc #21
        + Integer [2131427358]
      [229] invokevirtual #130
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [232] checkcast #51
        + Class [android/widget/Spinner]
      [235] putfield #97
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.transportSpinner Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
      [238] aload_0 v0
      [239] getfield #97
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.transportSpinner Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
      [242] aload_0 v0
      [243] getfield #91
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.makingShortcut Z]
      [246] ifeq +8 (target=254)
      [249] bipush 8
      [251] goto +4 (target=255)
      [254] iconst_0
      [255] invokevirtual #122
        + Methodref [android/widget/Spinner.setVisibility (I)V]
      [258] new #49
        + Class [android/widget/ArrayAdapter]
      [261] dup
      [262] aload_0 v0
      [263] ldc #6
        + Integer [17367048]
      [265] invokestatic #167
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/TransportFactory.getTransportNames ()[Ljava/lang/String;]
      [268] invokespecial #115
        + Methodref [android/widget/ArrayAdapter.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;I[Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
      [271] astore v4
      [273] aload v4
      [275] ldc #7
        + Integer [17367049]
      [277] invokevirtual #116
        + Methodref [android/widget/ArrayAdapter.setDropDownViewResource (I)V]
      [280] aload_0 v0
      [281] getfield #97
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.transportSpinner Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
      [284] new #68
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$5]
      [287] dup
      [288] aload_0 v0
      [289] invokespecial #151
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$5.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)V]
      [292] invokevirtual #121
        + Methodref [android/widget/Spinner.setOnItemSelectedListener (Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener;)V]
      [295] aload_0 v0
      [296] getfield #97
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.transportSpinner Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
      [299] aload v4
      [301] invokevirtual #120
        + Methodref [android/widget/Spinner.setAdapter (Landroid/widget/SpinnerAdapter;)V]
      [304] aload_0 v0
      [305] aload_0 v0
      [306] invokestatic #114
        + Methodref [android/view/LayoutInflater.from (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
      [309] putfield #90
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
      [312] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 31)
        [0] -> line 155
        [5] -> line 156
        [11] -> line 158
        [20] -> line 159
        [32] -> line 160
        [42] -> line 158
        [48] -> line 163
        [56] -> line 165
        [69] -> line 166
        [73] -> line 167
        [88] -> line 170
        [104] -> line 171
        [124] -> line 170
        [127] -> line 174
        [139] -> line 175
        [144] -> line 177
        [160] -> line 181
        [172] -> line 211
        [177] -> line 213
        [190] -> line 214
        [210] -> line 215
        [225] -> line 226
        [238] -> line 227
        [258] -> line 228
        [263] -> line 229
        [268] -> line 228
        [273] -> line 230
        [280] -> line 231
        [295] -> line 243
        [304] -> line 245
        [312] -> line 246
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 313 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity; this]
        v1: 0 -> 313 [Landroid/os/Bundle; icicle]
        v2: 69 -> 313 [Z agreed]
        v3: 144 -> 313 [Landroid/widget/ListView; list]
        v4: 273 -> 313 [Landroid/widget/ArrayAdapter; transportSelection]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 1)
        v4: 273 -> 313 [Landroid/widget/ArrayAdapter<Ljava/lang/String;>; transportSelection]
  + Method:       onPrepareOptionsMenu(Landroid/view/Menu;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu(android.view.Menu)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 53, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #104
        + Methodref [android/app/ListActivity.onPrepareOptionsMenu (Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
      [5] pop
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] getfield #91
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.makingShortcut Z]
      [10] ifeq +5 (target=15)
      [13] iconst_1
      [14] ireturn
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] getfield #94
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.sortcolor Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] getfield #95
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.sortedByColor Z]
      [23] ifeq +7 (target=30)
      [26] iconst_0
      [27] goto +4 (target=31)
      [30] iconst_1
      [31] invokeinterface #185
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setVisible (Z)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [36] pop
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] getfield #96
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.sortlast Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [41] aload_0 v0
      [42] getfield #95
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.sortedByColor Z]
      [45] invokeinterface #185
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setVisible (Z)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [50] pop
      [51] iconst_1
      [52] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 250
        [6] -> line 253
        [15] -> line 255
        [37] -> line 256
        [51] -> line 258
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 53 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity; this]
        v1: 0 -> 53 [Landroid/view/Menu; menu]
  + Method:       onCreateOptionsMenu(Landroid/view/Menu;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(android.view.Menu)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 247, locals = 6, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #103
        + Methodref [android/app/ListActivity.onCreateOptionsMenu (Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
      [5] pop
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] getfield #91
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.makingShortcut Z]
      [10] ifeq +5 (target=15)
      [13] iconst_1
      [14] ireturn
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] aload_1 v1
      [17] ldc #14
        + Integer [2131230878]
      [19] invokeinterface #179
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/Menu.add (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [24] putfield #94
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.sortcolor Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [27] aload_0 v0
      [28] getfield #94
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.sortcolor Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [31] ldc #4
        + Integer [17301586]
      [33] invokeinterface #182
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setIcon (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [38] pop
      [39] aload_0 v0
      [40] getfield #94
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.sortcolor Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [43] new #69
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$6]
      [46] dup
      [47] aload_0 v0
      [48] invokespecial #152
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$6.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)V]
      [51] invokeinterface #184
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setOnMenuItemClickListener (Landroid/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [56] pop
      [57] aload_0 v0
      [58] aload_1 v1
      [59] ldc #15
        + Integer [2131230879]
      [61] invokeinterface #179
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/Menu.add (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [66] putfield #96
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.sortlast Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [69] aload_0 v0
      [70] getfield #96
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.sortlast Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [73] ldc #4
        + Integer [17301586]
      [75] invokeinterface #182
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setIcon (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [80] pop
      [81] aload_0 v0
      [82] getfield #96
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.sortlast Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [85] new #70
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$7]
      [88] dup
      [89] aload_0 v0
      [90] invokespecial #153
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$7.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)V]
      [93] invokeinterface #184
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setOnMenuItemClickListener (Landroid/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [98] pop
      [99] aload_1 v1
      [100] ldc #13
        + Integer [2131230877]
      [102] invokeinterface #179
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/Menu.add (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [107] astore_2 v2
      [108] aload_2 v2
      [109] ldc #1
        + Integer [17301551]
      [111] invokeinterface #182
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setIcon (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [116] pop
      [117] aload_2 v2
      [118] new #31
        + Class [android/content/Intent]
      [121] dup
      [122] aload_0 v0
      [123] ldc #74
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
      [125] invokespecial #108
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
      [128] invokeinterface #183
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setIntent (Landroid/content/Intent;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [133] pop
      [134] aload_1 v1
      [135] ldc #24
        + String [Colors]
      [137] invokeinterface #180
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/Menu.add (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [142] astore_3 v3
      [143] aload_3 v3
      [144] ldc #5
        + Integer [17301587]
      [146] invokeinterface #182
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setIcon (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [151] pop
      [152] aload_3 v3
      [153] new #31
        + Class [android/content/Intent]
      [156] dup
      [157] aload_0 v0
      [158] ldc #58
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ColorsActivity]
      [160] invokespecial #108
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
      [163] invokeinterface #183
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setIntent (Landroid/content/Intent;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [168] pop
      [169] aload_1 v1
      [170] ldc #16
        + Integer [2131230880]
      [172] invokeinterface #179
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/Menu.add (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [177] astore v4
      [179] aload v4
      [181] ldc #3
        + Integer [17301577]
      [183] invokeinterface #182
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setIcon (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [188] pop
      [189] aload v4
      [191] new #31
        + Class [android/content/Intent]
      [194] dup
      [195] aload_0 v0
      [196] ldc #75
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/SettingsActivity]
      [198] invokespecial #108
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
      [201] invokeinterface #183
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setIntent (Landroid/content/Intent;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [206] pop
      [207] aload_1 v1
      [208] ldc #11
        + Integer [2131230729]
      [210] invokeinterface #179
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/Menu.add (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [215] astore v5
      [217] aload v5
      [219] ldc #2
        + Integer [17301568]
      [221] invokeinterface #182
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setIcon (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [226] pop
      [227] aload v5
      [229] new #31
        + Class [android/content/Intent]
      [232] dup
      [233] aload_0 v0
      [234] ldc #60
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HelpActivity]
      [236] invokespecial #108
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
      [239] invokeinterface #183
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setIntent (Landroid/content/Intent;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [244] pop
      [245] iconst_1
      [246] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 21)
        [0] -> line 263
        [6] -> line 266
        [15] -> line 269
        [27] -> line 270
        [39] -> line 271
        [57] -> line 279
        [69] -> line 280
        [81] -> line 281
        [99] -> line 289
        [108] -> line 290
        [117] -> line 291
        [134] -> line 293
        [143] -> line 294
        [152] -> line 295
        [169] -> line 297
        [179] -> line 298
        [189] -> line 299
        [207] -> line 301
        [217] -> line 302
        [227] -> line 303
        [245] -> line 305
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 247 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity; this]
        v1: 0 -> 247 [Landroid/view/Menu; menu]
        v2: 108 -> 247 [Landroid/view/MenuItem; keys]
        v3: 143 -> 247 [Landroid/view/MenuItem; colors]
        v4: 179 -> 247 [Landroid/view/MenuItem; settings]
        v5: 217 -> 247 [Landroid/view/MenuItem; help]
  + Method:       onCreateContextMenu(Landroid/view/ContextMenu;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onCreateContextMenu(android.view.ContextMenu,android.view.View,android.view.ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 199, locals = 11, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_3 v3
      [1] checkcast #46
        + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$AdapterContextMenuInfo]
      [4] astore v4
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] invokevirtual #133
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.getListView ()Landroid/widget/ListView;]
      [10] aload v4
      [12] getfield #85
        + Fieldref [android/widget/AdapterView$AdapterContextMenuInfo.position I]
      [15] invokevirtual #117
        + Methodref [android/widget/ListView.getItemAtPosition (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [18] checkcast #77
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
      [21] astore v5
      [23] aload_1 v1
      [24] aload v5
      [26] invokevirtual #157
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [29] invokeinterface #178
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/ContextMenu.setHeaderTitle (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/view/ContextMenu;]
      [34] pop
      [35] aload_1 v1
      [36] ldc #17
        + Integer [2131230881]
      [38] invokeinterface #177
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/ContextMenu.add (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [43] astore v6
      [45] aload_0 v0
      [46] getfield #86
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [49] aload v5
      [51] invokevirtual #161
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.getConnectedBridge (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [54] astore v7
      [56] aload v6
      [58] aload v7
      [60] ifnull +7 (target=67)
      [63] iconst_1
      [64] goto +4 (target=68)
      [67] iconst_0
      [68] invokeinterface #181
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setEnabled (Z)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [73] pop
      [74] aload v6
      [76] new #71
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$8]
      [79] dup
      [80] aload_0 v0
      [81] aload v7
      [83] invokespecial #154
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$8.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
      [86] invokeinterface #184
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setOnMenuItemClickListener (Landroid/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [91] pop
      [92] aload_1 v1
      [93] ldc #18
        + Integer [2131230882]
      [95] invokeinterface #177
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/ContextMenu.add (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [100] astore v8
      [102] aload v8
      [104] new #72
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$9]
      [107] dup
      [108] aload_0 v0
      [109] aload v5
      [111] invokespecial #155
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$9.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
      [114] invokeinterface #184
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setOnMenuItemClickListener (Landroid/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [119] pop
      [120] aload_1 v1
      [121] ldc #19
        + Integer [2131230883]
      [123] invokeinterface #177
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/ContextMenu.add (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [128] astore v9
      [130] aload v9
      [132] new #63
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$10]
      [135] dup
      [136] aload_0 v0
      [137] aload v5
      [139] invokespecial #146
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$10.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
      [142] invokeinterface #184
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setOnMenuItemClickListener (Landroid/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [147] pop
      [148] aload v5
      [150] invokevirtual #158
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getProtocol ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [153] invokestatic #163
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/TransportFactory.canForwardPorts (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [156] ifne +12 (target=168)
      [159] aload v9
      [161] iconst_0
      [162] invokeinterface #181
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setEnabled (Z)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [167] pop
      [168] aload_1 v1
      [169] ldc #20
        + Integer [2131230884]
      [171] invokeinterface #177
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/ContextMenu.add (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [176] astore v10
      [178] aload v10
      [180] new #64
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11]
      [183] dup
      [184] aload_0 v0
      [185] aload v5
      [187] aload v7
      [189] invokespecial #147
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
      [192] invokeinterface #184
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setOnMenuItemClickListener (Landroid/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [197] pop
      [198] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 16)
        [0] -> line 316
        [6] -> line 317
        [23] -> line 319
        [35] -> line 322
        [45] -> line 323
        [56] -> line 324
        [74] -> line 325
        [92] -> line 333
        [102] -> line 334
        [120] -> line 343
        [130] -> line 344
        [148] -> line 352
        [159] -> line 353
        [168] -> line 355
        [178] -> line 356
        [198] -> line 376
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 11)
        v0: 0 -> 199 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity; this]
        v1: 0 -> 199 [Landroid/view/ContextMenu; menu]
        v2: 0 -> 199 [Landroid/view/View; v]
        v3: 0 -> 199 [Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo; menuInfo]
        v4: 6 -> 199 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView$AdapterContextMenuInfo; info]
        v5: 23 -> 199 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; host]
        v6: 45 -> 199 [Landroid/view/MenuItem; connect]
        v7: 56 -> 199 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; bridge]
        v8: 102 -> 199 [Landroid/view/MenuItem; edit]
        v9: 130 -> 199 [Landroid/view/MenuItem; portForwards]
        v10: 178 -> 199 [Landroid/view/MenuItem; delete]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 1)
        v4: 6 -> 199 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView$AdapterContextMenuInfo; info]
  + Method:       startConsoleActivity()Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean startConsoleActivity()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 137, locals = 4, stack = 8):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #97
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.transportSpinner Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
      [4] invokevirtual #119
        + Methodref [android/widget/Spinner.getSelectedItem ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [7] checkcast #55
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.quickconnect Landroid/widget/TextView;]
      [14] invokevirtual #123
        + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.getText ()Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
      [17] invokeinterface #186
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/lang/CharSequence.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [22] invokestatic #168
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/TransportFactory.getUri (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri;]
      [25] astore_1 v1
      [26] aload_1 v1
      [27] ifnonnull +39 (target=66)
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.quickconnect Landroid/widget/TextView;]
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] ldc #12
        + Integer [2131230873]
      [37] iconst_1
      [38] anewarray #54
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [41] dup
      [42] iconst_0
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] getfield #97
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.transportSpinner Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
      [47] invokevirtual #119
        + Methodref [android/widget/Spinner.getSelectedItem ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [50] checkcast #55
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [53] aload_0 v0
      [54] invokestatic #165
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/TransportFactory.getFormatHint (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/Context;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [57] aastore
      [58] invokevirtual #135
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.getString (I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [61] invokevirtual #124
        + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.setError (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [64] iconst_0
      [65] ireturn
      [66] aload_0 v0
      [67] getfield #88
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [70] aload_1 v1
      [71] invokestatic #164
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/TransportFactory.findHost (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;Landroid/net/Uri;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [74] astore_2 v2
      [75] aload_2 v2
      [76] ifnonnull +37 (target=113)
      [79] aload_1 v1
      [80] invokevirtual #112
        + Methodref [android/net/Uri.getScheme ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [83] invokestatic #166
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/TransportFactory.getTransport (Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [86] aload_1 v1
      [87] invokevirtual #162
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.createHost (Landroid/net/Uri;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [90] astore_2 v2
      [91] aload_2 v2
      [92] ldc #28
        + String [gray]
      [94] invokevirtual #159
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setColor (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [97] aload_2 v2
      [98] ldc2_w #83
        + Long [-1]
      [101] invokevirtual #160
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setPubkeyId (J)V]
      [104] aload_0 v0
      [105] getfield #88
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [108] aload_2 v2
      [109] invokevirtual #172
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.saveHost (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [112] pop
      [113] new #31
        + Class [android/content/Intent]
      [116] dup
      [117] aload_0 v0
      [118] ldc #59
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
      [120] invokespecial #108
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
      [123] astore_3 v3
      [124] aload_3 v3
      [125] aload_1 v1
      [126] invokevirtual #110
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.setData (Landroid/net/Uri;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
      [129] pop
      [130] aload_0 v0
      [131] aload_3 v3
      [132] invokevirtual #140
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.startActivity (Landroid/content/Intent;)V]
      [135] iconst_1
      [136] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 22)
        [0] -> line 383
        [4] -> line 384
        [7] -> line 383
        [10] -> line 384
        [22] -> line 383
        [26] -> line 386
        [30] -> line 387
        [43] -> line 389
        [53] -> line 390
        [54] -> line 388
        [58] -> line 387
        [64] -> line 391
        [66] -> line 394
        [75] -> line 395
        [79] -> line 396
        [91] -> line 397
        [97] -> line 398
        [104] -> line 399
        [113] -> line 402
        [124] -> line 403
        [130] -> line 404
        [135] -> line 406
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 137 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity; this]
        v1: 26 -> 137 [Landroid/net/Uri; uri]
        v2: 75 -> 137 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; host]
        v3: 124 -> 137 [Landroid/content/Intent; intent]
  + Method:       updateList()V
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected void updateList()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 179, locals = 3, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #92
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.prefs Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
      [4] ldc #29
        + String [sortByColor]
      [6] iconst_0
      [7] invokeinterface #174
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.getBoolean (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] getfield #95
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.sortedByColor Z]
      [16] ificmpeq +33 (target=49)
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] getfield #92
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.prefs Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
      [23] invokeinterface #173
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.edit ()Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;]
      [28] astore_1 v1
      [29] aload_1 v1
      [30] ldc #29
        + String [sortByColor]
      [32] aload_0 v0
      [33] getfield #95
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.sortedByColor Z]
      [36] invokeinterface #176
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences$Editor.putBoolean (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;]
      [41] pop
      [42] aload_1 v1
      [43] invokeinterface #175
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences$Editor.commit ()Z]
      [48] pop
      [49] aload_0 v0
      [50] getfield #88
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [53] ifnonnull +15 (target=68)
      [56] aload_0 v0
      [57] new #82
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
      [60] dup
      [61] aload_0 v0
      [62] invokespecial #169
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [65] putfield #88
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [68] aload_0 v0
      [69] aload_0 v0
      [70] getfield #88
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [73] aload_0 v0
      [74] getfield #95
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.sortedByColor Z]
      [77] invokevirtual #171
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.getHosts (Z)Ljava/util/List;]
      [80] putfield #89
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.hosts Ljava/util/List;]
      [83] aload_0 v0
      [84] getfield #86
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [87] ifnull +68 (target=155)
      [90] aload_0 v0
      [91] getfield #86
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [94] getfield #100
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.bridges Ljava/util/List;]
      [97] invokeinterface #191
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
      [102] astore_2 v2
      [103] goto +43 (target=146)
      [106] aload_2 v2
      [107] invokeinterface #188
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/ ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [112] checkcast #78
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
      [115] astore_1 v1
      [116] aload_0 v0
      [117] getfield #89
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.hosts Ljava/util/List;]
      [120] aload_1 v1
      [121] getfield #99
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [124] invokeinterface #190
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.contains (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [129] ifne +17 (target=146)
      [132] aload_0 v0
      [133] getfield #89
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.hosts Ljava/util/List;]
      [136] iconst_0
      [137] aload_1 v1
      [138] getfield #99
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [141] invokeinterface #189
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.add (ILjava/lang/Object;)V]
      [146] aload_2 v2
      [147] invokeinterface #187
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Iterator.hasNext ()Z]
      [152] ifne -46 (target=106)
      [155] new #73
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter]
      [158] dup
      [159] aload_0 v0
      [160] aload_0 v0
      [161] aload_0 v0
      [162] getfield #89
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.hosts Ljava/util/List;]
      [165] aload_0 v0
      [166] getfield #86
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [169] invokespecial #156
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/util/List;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;)V]
      [172] astore_1 v1
      [173] aload_0 v0
      [174] aload_1 v1
      [175] invokevirtual #138
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.setListAdapter (Landroid/widget/ListAdapter;)V]
      [178] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 15)
        [0] -> line 410
        [19] -> line 411
        [29] -> line 412
        [42] -> line 413
        [49] -> line 416
        [56] -> line 417
        [68] -> line 419
        [83] -> line 422
        [90] -> line 423
        [116] -> line 424
        [132] -> line 425
        [146] -> line 423
        [155] -> line 429
        [173] -> line 431
        [178] -> line 432
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 179 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity; this]
        v1: 29 -> 49 [Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor; edit]
        v1: 116 -> 146 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; bridge]
        v1: 173 -> 179 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter; adapter]
  + Method:       access$0(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic boolean access$0(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #142
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.startConsoleActivity ()Z]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 382
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$1(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)Landroid/widget/Spinner;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic android.widget.Spinner access$1(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #97
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.transportSpinner Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 81
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$2(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)Landroid/widget/TextView;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic android.widget.TextView access$2(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.quickconnect Landroid/widget/TextView;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 82
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 19)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/content/SharedPreferences$Editor]
      + Class [android/content/SharedPreferences]
      + Utf8 [Editor]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
      + Class [android/view/ContextMenu]
      + Utf8 [ContextMenuInfo]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
      + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/View$OnKeyListener]
      + Class [android/view/View]
      + Utf8 [OnKeyListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x9 = public static 
      + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$AdapterContextMenuInfo]
      + Class [android/widget/AdapterView]
      + Utf8 [AdapterContextMenuInfo]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener]
      + Class [android/widget/AdapterView]
      + Utf8 [OnItemClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener]
      + Class [android/widget/AdapterView]
      + Utf8 [OnItemSelectedListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$1]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$10]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$2]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$3]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$4]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$5]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$6]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$7]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$8]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$9]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity]
      + Utf8 [HostAdapter]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$1
  Superclass:    android/os/Handler
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity$1 extends android.os.Handler

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 32):
  + Class [android/os/Handler]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$1]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
  + Methodref [android/os/Handler.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.updateList ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
  + NameAndType [updateList ()V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Message;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/Message;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$1;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [android/os/Handler]
  + Utf8 [handleMessage]
  + Utf8 [msg]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$1]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [updateList]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity this$0

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = HostListActivity$1(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #4
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #5
        + Methodref [android/os/Handler.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 88
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$1; this]
  + Method:       handleMessage(Landroid/os/Message;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void handleMessage(android.os.Message)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 8, locals = 2, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #4
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
      [4] invokevirtual #6
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.updateList ()V]
      [7] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 91
        [7] -> line 92
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$1; this]
        v1: 0 -> 8 [Landroid/os/Message; msg]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$1]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$10
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity$10 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 71):
  + String [android.intent.extra.TITLE]
  + Class [android/content/Intent]
  + Class [android/view/ContextMenu]
  + Class [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$10]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$10.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$10.val$host Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Methodref [android/content/Intent.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
  + Methodref [android/content/Intent.putExtra (Ljava/lang/String;J)Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.startActivityForResult (Landroid/content/Intent;I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getId ()J]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
  + NameAndType [getId ()J]
  + NameAndType [onCreateContextMenu (Landroid/view/ContextMenu;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;)V]
  + NameAndType [putExtra (Ljava/lang/String;J)Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + NameAndType [startActivityForResult (Landroid/content/Intent;I)V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
  + NameAndType [val$host Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [()J]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Intent;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/ContextMenu;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;J)Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ContextMenuInfo]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$10;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [android.intent.extra.TITLE]
  + Utf8 [android/content/Intent]
  + Utf8 [android/view/ContextMenu]
  + Utf8 [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [getId]
  + Utf8 [intent]
  + Utf8 [item]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [onCreateContextMenu]
  + Utf8 [onMenuItemClick]
  + Utf8 [putExtra]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$10]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
  + Utf8 [startActivityForResult]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [val$host]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity this$0
  + Field:        val$host Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.HostBean val$host

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = HostListActivity$10(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity,com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.HostBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$10.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_2 v2
      [7] putfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$10.val$host Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] invokespecial #16
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [14] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [10] -> line 344
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 15 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$10; this]
  + Method:       onMenuItemClick(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean onMenuItemClick(android.view.MenuItem)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 39, locals = 3, stack = 4):
      [0] new #2
        + Class [android/content/Intent]
      [3] dup
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$10.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
      [8] ldc #10
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity]
      [10] invokespecial #14
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
      [13] astore_2 v2
      [14] aload_2 v2
      [15] ldc #1
        + String [android.intent.extra.TITLE]
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$10.val$host Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [21] invokevirtual #18
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getId ()J]
      [24] invokevirtual #15
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.putExtra (Ljava/lang/String;J)Landroid/content/Intent;]
      [27] pop
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$10.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
      [32] aload_2 v2
      [33] iconst_1
      [34] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.startActivityForResult (Landroid/content/Intent;I)V]
      [37] iconst_1
      [38] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 346
        [14] -> line 347
        [28] -> line 348
        [37] -> line 349
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 39 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$10; this]
        v1: 0 -> 39 [Landroid/view/MenuItem; item]
        v2: 14 -> 39 [Landroid/content/Intent; intent]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreateContextMenu (Landroid/view/ContextMenu;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 3)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
      + Class [android/view/ContextMenu]
      + Utf8 [ContextMenuInfo]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
      + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$10]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity$11 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 101):
  + Integer [2131230897]
  + Integer [2131230898]
  + Integer [2131230899]
  + Class [android/app/AlertDialog]
  + Class [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder]
  + Class [android/content/DialogInterface]
  + Class [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
  + Class [android/view/ContextMenu]
  + Class [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11$1]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11.val$bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11.val$host Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Methodref [android/app/ ()V]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.create ()Landroid/app/AlertDialog;]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setMessage (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setNegativeButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setPositiveButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.getString (I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
  + NameAndType [create ()Landroid/app/AlertDialog;]
  + NameAndType [getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getString (I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [onCreateContextMenu (Landroid/view/ContextMenu;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;)V]
  + NameAndType [setMessage (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + NameAndType [setNegativeButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + NameAndType [setPositiveButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + NameAndType [show ()V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
  + NameAndType [val$bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [val$host Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/app/AlertDialog;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Utf8 [(I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/ContextMenu;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Builder]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ContextMenuInfo]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [android/app/AlertDialog]
  + Utf8 [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder]
  + Utf8 [android/content/DialogInterface]
  + Utf8 [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/view/ContextMenu]
  + Utf8 [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [create]
  + Utf8 [getNickname]
  + Utf8 [getString]
  + Utf8 [item]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [onCreateContextMenu]
  + Utf8 [onMenuItemClick]
  + Utf8 [setMessage]
  + Utf8 [setNegativeButton]
  + Utf8 [setPositiveButton]
  + Utf8 [show]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11$1]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [val$bridge]
  + Utf8 [val$host]

Fields (count = 3):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity this$0
  + Field:        val$host Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.HostBean val$host
  + Field:        val$bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge val$bridge

Methods (count = 3):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = HostListActivity$11(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity,com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.HostBean,com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 20, locals = 4, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_2 v2
      [7] putfield #19
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11.val$host Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] aload_3 v3
      [12] putfield #18
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11.val$bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] invokespecial #26
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [19] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [15] -> line 356
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 20 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11; this]
  + Method:       onMenuItemClick(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean onMenuItemClick(android.view.MenuItem)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 72, locals = 2, stack = 7):
      [0] new #5
        + Class [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder]
      [3] dup
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
      [8] invokespecial #21
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
      [15] ldc #1
        + Integer [2131230897]
      [17] iconst_1
      [18] anewarray #12
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [21] dup
      [22] iconst_0
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11.val$host Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [27] invokevirtual #29
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [30] aastore
      [31] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.getString (I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [34] invokevirtual #23
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setMessage (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
      [37] ldc #2
        + Integer [2131230898]
      [39] new #15
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11$1]
      [42] dup
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] aload_0 v0
      [45] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11.val$bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11.val$host Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [52] invokespecial #28
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
      [55] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setPositiveButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
      [58] ldc #3
        + Integer [2131230899]
      [60] aconst_null
      [61] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setNegativeButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
      [64] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.create ()Landroid/app/AlertDialog;]
      [67] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [android/app/ ()V]
      [70] iconst_1
      [71] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 359
        [11] -> line 360
        [37] -> line 361
        [58] -> line 371
        [70] -> line 373
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 72 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11; this]
        v1: 0 -> 72 [Landroid/view/MenuItem; item]
  + Method:       access$0(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity access$0(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity$11)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 356
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreateContextMenu (Landroid/view/ContextMenu;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 6)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x9 = public static 
      + Class [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder]
      + Class [android/app/AlertDialog]
      + Utf8 [Builder]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
      + Class [android/content/DialogInterface]
      + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
      + Class [android/view/ContextMenu]
      + Utf8 [ContextMenuInfo]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
      + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11$1]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11$1
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity$11$1 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 79):
  + Class [android/content/DialogInterface]
  + Class [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
  + Class [android/os/Handler]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11$1]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11$1.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11$1.val$bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11$1.val$host Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Methodref [android/os/Handler.sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.dispatchDisconnect (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.deleteHost (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
  + NameAndType [deleteHost (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
  + NameAndType [dispatchDisconnect (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + NameAndType [onMenuItemClick (Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + NameAndType [sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
  + NameAndType [this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11;]
  + NameAndType [updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + NameAndType [val$bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [val$host Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/DialogInterface;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/DialogInterface;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11$1;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [android/content/DialogInterface]
  + Utf8 [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/os/Handler]
  + Utf8 [deleteHost]
  + Utf8 [dialog]
  + Utf8 [dispatchDisconnect]
  + Utf8 [hostdb]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [onClick]
  + Utf8 [onMenuItemClick]
  + Utf8 [sendEmptyMessage]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11$1]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$1]
  + Utf8 [updateHandler]
  + Utf8 [val$bridge]
  + Utf8 [val$host]
  + Utf8 [which]

Fields (count = 3):
  + Field:        this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity$11 this$1
  + Field:        val$bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge val$bridge
  + Field:        val$host Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.HostBean val$host

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = HostListActivity$11$1(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity$11,com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge,com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.HostBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 20, locals = 4, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11$1.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_2 v2
      [7] putfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11$1.val$bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] aload_3 v3
      [12] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11$1.val$host Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] invokespecial #16
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [19] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [15] -> line 361
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 20 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11$1; this]
  + Method:       onClick(Landroid/content/DialogInterface;I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onClick(android.content.DialogInterface,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 48, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11$1.val$bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [4] ifnull +11 (target=15)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11$1.val$bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [11] iconst_1
      [12] invokevirtual #18
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.dispatchDisconnect (Z)V]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11$1.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11;]
      [19] invokestatic #17
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
      [22] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11$1.val$host Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [29] invokevirtual #19
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.deleteHost (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
      [32] aload_0 v0
      [33] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11$1.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11;]
      [36] invokestatic #17
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
      [39] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
      [42] iconst_m1
      [43] invokevirtual #15
        + Methodref [android/os/Handler.sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
      [46] pop
      [47] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 364
        [7] -> line 365
        [15] -> line 367
        [32] -> line 368
        [47] -> line 369
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 48 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11$1; this]
        v1: 0 -> 48 [Landroid/content/DialogInterface; dialog]
        v2: 0 -> 48 [I which]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11]
    + NameAndType [onMenuItemClick (Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 3)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
      + Class [android/content/DialogInterface]
      + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$11$1]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$2
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity$2 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/content/ServiceConnection]

Constant Pool (count = 51):
  + Class [android/content/ServiceConnection]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$2]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.updateList ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder.getService ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + NameAndType [getService ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
  + NameAndType [updateList ()V]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/ComponentName;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/ComponentName;Landroid/os/IBinder;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/ComponentName;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/IBinder;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$2;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [TerminalBinder]
  + Utf8 [android/content/ServiceConnection]
  + Utf8 [bound]
  + Utf8 [className]
  + Utf8 [getService]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [onServiceConnected]
  + Utf8 [onServiceDisconnected]
  + Utf8 [service]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$2]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [updateList]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity this$0

Methods (count = 3):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = HostListActivity$2(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #9
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 95
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$2; this]
  + Method:       onServiceConnected(Landroid/content/ComponentName;Landroid/os/IBinder;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onServiceConnected(android.content.ComponentName,android.os.IBinder)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 22, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
      [4] aload_2 v2
      [5] checkcast #6
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder]
      [8] invokevirtual #11
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder.getService ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [11] putfield #7
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
      [18] invokevirtual #10
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.updateList ()V]
      [21] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 97
        [14] -> line 100
        [21] -> line 101
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 22 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$2; this]
        v1: 0 -> 22 [Landroid/content/ComponentName; className]
        v2: 0 -> 22 [Landroid/os/IBinder; service]
  + Method:       onServiceDisconnected(Landroid/content/ComponentName;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onServiceDisconnected(android.content.ComponentName)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 16, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
      [4] aconst_null
      [5] putfield #7
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
      [12] invokevirtual #10
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.updateList ()V]
      [15] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 104
        [8] -> line 105
        [15] -> line 106
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 16 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$2; this]
        v1: 0 -> 16 [Landroid/content/ComponentName; className]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$2]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x1 = public 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
      + Utf8 [TerminalBinder]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$3
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity$3 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 126):
  + Integer [67108864]
  + Integer [2130837512]
  + String [android.intent.action.VIEW]
  + String [android.intent.extra.shortcut.ICON_RESOURCE]
  + String [android.intent.extra.shortcut.INTENT]
  + String [android.intent.extra.shortcut.NAME]
  + Class [android/content/Intent]
  + Class [android/content/Intent$ShortcutIconResource]
  + Class [android/widget/Adapter]
  + Class [android/widget/AdapterView]
  + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$3]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.makingShortcut Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$3.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
  + Methodref [android/content/Intent.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [android/content/Intent.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/net/Uri;)V]
  + Methodref [android/content/Intent.putExtra (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/os/Parcelable;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Methodref [android/content/Intent.putExtra (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Methodref [android/content/Intent.setFlags (I)Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Methodref [android/content/Intent$ShortcutIconResource.fromContext (Landroid/content/Context;I)Landroid/content/Intent$ShortcutIconResource;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/AdapterView.getAdapter ()Landroid/widget/Adapter;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.finish ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.setResult (ILandroid/content/Intent;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.startActivity (Landroid/content/Intent;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getUri ()Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/widget/Adapter.getItem (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/net/Uri;)V]
  + NameAndType [finish ()V]
  + NameAndType [fromContext (Landroid/content/Context;I)Landroid/content/Intent$ShortcutIconResource;]
  + NameAndType [getAdapter ()Landroid/widget/Adapter;]
  + NameAndType [getItem (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getUri ()Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + NameAndType [makingShortcut Z]
  + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + NameAndType [putExtra (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/os/Parcelable;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + NameAndType [putExtra (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + NameAndType [setFlags (I)Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + NameAndType [setResult (ILandroid/content/Intent;)V]
  + NameAndType [startActivity (Landroid/content/Intent;)V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/widget/Adapter;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(ILandroid/content/Intent;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;I)Landroid/content/Intent$ShortcutIconResource;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Intent;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView;Landroid/view/View;IJ)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>;Landroid/view/View;IJ)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/net/Uri;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/os/Parcelable;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [J]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/Intent$ShortcutIconResource;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Object;Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTypeTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$3;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [OnItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [ShortcutIconResource]
  + Utf8 [Signature]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [android.intent.action.VIEW]
  + Utf8 [android.intent.extra.shortcut.ICON_RESOURCE]
  + Utf8 [android.intent.extra.shortcut.INTENT]
  + Utf8 [android.intent.extra.shortcut.NAME]
  + Utf8 [android/content/Intent]
  + Utf8 [android/content/Intent$ShortcutIconResource]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/Adapter]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/AdapterView]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [contents]
  + Utf8 [finish]
  + Utf8 [fromContext]
  + Utf8 [getAdapter]
  + Utf8 [getItem]
  + Utf8 [getNickname]
  + Utf8 [getUri]
  + Utf8 [host]
  + Utf8 [icon]
  + Utf8 [id]
  + Utf8 [intent]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [makingShortcut]
  + Utf8 [onCreate]
  + Utf8 [onItemClick]
  + Utf8 [parent]
  + Utf8 [position]
  + Utf8 [putExtra]
  + Utf8 [setFlags]
  + Utf8 [setResult]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$3]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
  + Utf8 [startActivity]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [uri]
  + Utf8 [view]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity this$0

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = HostListActivity$3(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$3.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #25
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 181
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$3; this]
  + Method:       onItemClick(Landroid/widget/AdapterView;Landroid/view/View;IJ)V
    Access flags: 0x21
      = public synchronized void onItemClick(android.widget.AdapterView,android.view.View,int,long)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 139, locals = 11, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [android/widget/AdapterView.getAdapter ()Landroid/widget/Adapter;]
      [4] checkcast #9
        + Class [android/widget/Adapter]
      [7] iload_3 v3
      [8] invokeinterface #31
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/widget/Adapter.getItem (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [13] checkcast #15
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
      [16] astore v6
      [18] aload v6
      [20] invokevirtual #30
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getUri ()Landroid/net/Uri;]
      [23] astore v7
      [25] new #7
        + Class [android/content/Intent]
      [28] dup
      [29] ldc #3
        + String [android.intent.action.VIEW]
      [31] aload v7
      [33] invokespecial #19
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/net/Uri;)V]
      [36] astore v8
      [38] aload v8
      [40] ldc #1
        + Integer [67108864]
      [42] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.setFlags (I)Landroid/content/Intent;]
      [45] pop
      [46] aload_0 v0
      [47] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$3.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
      [50] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.makingShortcut Z]
      [53] ifeq +76 (target=129)
      [56] aload_0 v0
      [57] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$3.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
      [60] ldc #2
        + Integer [2130837512]
      [62] invokestatic #23
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent$ShortcutIconResource.fromContext (Landroid/content/Context;I)Landroid/content/Intent$ShortcutIconResource;]
      [65] astore v9
      [67] new #7
        + Class [android/content/Intent]
      [70] dup
      [71] invokespecial #18
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.<init> ()V]
      [74] astore v10
      [76] aload v10
      [78] ldc #5
        + String [android.intent.extra.shortcut.INTENT]
      [80] aload v8
      [82] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.putExtra (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/os/Parcelable;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
      [85] pop
      [86] aload v10
      [88] ldc #6
        + String [android.intent.extra.shortcut.NAME]
      [90] aload v6
      [92] invokevirtual #29
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [95] invokevirtual #21
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.putExtra (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
      [98] pop
      [99] aload v10
      [101] ldc #4
        + String [android.intent.extra.shortcut.ICON_RESOURCE]
      [103] aload v9
      [105] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.putExtra (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/os/Parcelable;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
      [108] pop
      [109] aload_0 v0
      [110] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$3.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
      [113] iconst_m1
      [114] aload v10
      [116] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.setResult (ILandroid/content/Intent;)V]
      [119] aload_0 v0
      [120] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$3.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
      [123] invokevirtual #26
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.finish ()V]
      [126] goto +12 (target=138)
      [129] aload_0 v0
      [130] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$3.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
      [133] aload v8
      [135] invokevirtual #28
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.startActivity (Landroid/content/Intent;)V]
      [138] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 14)
        [0] -> line 186
        [18] -> line 187
        [25] -> line 189
        [38] -> line 190
        [46] -> line 192
        [56] -> line 194
        [67] -> line 196
        [76] -> line 197
        [86] -> line 198
        [99] -> line 199
        [109] -> line 201
        [119] -> line 202
        [129] -> line 206
        [138] -> line 208
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 10)
        v0: 0 -> 139 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$3; this]
        v1: 0 -> 139 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView; parent]
        v2: 0 -> 139 [Landroid/view/View; view]
        v3: 0 -> 139 [I position]
        v4: 0 -> 139 [J id]
        v6: 18 -> 139 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; host]
        v7: 25 -> 139 [Landroid/net/Uri; uri]
        v8: 38 -> 139 [Landroid/content/Intent; contents]
        v9: 67 -> 129 [Landroid/content/Intent$ShortcutIconResource; icon]
        v10: 76 -> 129 [Landroid/content/Intent; intent]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 1)
        v1: 0 -> 139 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>; parent]
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>;Landroid/view/View;IJ)V]

Class file attributes (count = 4):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 3)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x9 = public static 
      + Class [android/content/Intent$ShortcutIconResource]
      + Class [android/content/Intent]
      + Utf8 [ShortcutIconResource]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener]
      + Class [android/widget/AdapterView]
      + Utf8 [OnItemClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$3]
  + Signature attribute:
    + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Object;Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener;]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$4
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity$4 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/view/View$OnKeyListener]

Constant Pool (count = 51):
  + Class [android/view/KeyEvent]
  + Class [android/view/View]
  + Class [android/view/View$OnKeyListener]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$4]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$4.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
  + Methodref [android/view/KeyEvent.getAction ()I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)Z]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)Z]
  + NameAndType [getAction ()I]
  + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View;ILandroid/view/KeyEvent;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)Z]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/KeyEvent;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$4;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [OnKeyListener]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [android/view/KeyEvent]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View$OnKeyListener]
  + Utf8 [event]
  + Utf8 [getAction]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [keyCode]
  + Utf8 [onCreate]
  + Utf8 [onKey]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$4]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [v]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity this$0

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = HostListActivity$4(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #7
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$4.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #9
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 215
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$4; this]
  + Method:       onKey(Landroid/view/View;ILandroid/view/KeyEvent;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean onKey(android.view.View,int,android.view.KeyEvent)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 26, locals = 4, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_3 v3
      [1] invokevirtual #8
        + Methodref [android/view/KeyEvent.getAction ()I]
      [4] iconst_1
      [5] ificmpne +5 (target=10)
      [8] iconst_0
      [9] ireturn
      [10] iload_2 v2
      [11] bipush 66
      [13] ificmpeq +5 (target=18)
      [16] iconst_0
      [17] ireturn
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$4.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
      [22] invokestatic #10
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)Z]
      [25] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 219
        [10] -> line 220
        [18] -> line 222
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 26 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$4; this]
        v1: 0 -> 26 [Landroid/view/View; v]
        v2: 0 -> 26 [I keyCode]
        v3: 0 -> 26 [Landroid/view/KeyEvent; event]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/View$OnKeyListener]
      + Class [android/view/View]
      + Utf8 [OnKeyListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$4]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$5
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity$5 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener]

Constant Pool (count = 88):
  + Class [android/widget/AdapterView]
  + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener]
  + Class [android/widget/Spinner]
  + Class [android/widget/TextView]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$5]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/TransportFactory]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$5.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/Spinner.getSelectedItem ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.requestFocus ()Z]
  + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.setError (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.setHint (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.access$1 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.access$2 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)Landroid/widget/TextView;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/TransportFactory.getFormatHint (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/Context;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [access$1 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
  + NameAndType [access$2 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)Landroid/widget/TextView;]
  + NameAndType [getFormatHint (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/Context;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getSelectedItem ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + NameAndType [requestFocus ()Z]
  + NameAndType [setError (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + NameAndType [setHint (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView;Landroid/view/View;IJ)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>;Landroid/view/View;IJ)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/Context;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)Landroid/widget/TextView;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [J]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Object;Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTypeTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$5;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [OnItemSelectedListener]
  + Utf8 [Signature]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [access$1]
  + Utf8 [access$2]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/AdapterView]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/Spinner]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/TextView]
  + Utf8 [arg0]
  + Utf8 [formatHint]
  + Utf8 [getFormatHint]
  + Utf8 [getSelectedItem]
  + Utf8 [id]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [onCreate]
  + Utf8 [onItemSelected]
  + Utf8 [onNothingSelected]
  + Utf8 [position]
  + Utf8 [requestFocus]
  + Utf8 [setError]
  + Utf8 [setHint]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$5]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/TransportFactory]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [view]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity this$0

Methods (count = 3):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = HostListActivity$5(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$5.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #15
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 231
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$5; this]
  + Method:       onItemSelected(Landroid/widget/AdapterView;Landroid/view/View;IJ)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onItemSelected(android.widget.AdapterView,android.view.View,int,long)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 57, locals = 7, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$5.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
      [4] invokestatic #16
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.access$1 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
      [7] invokevirtual #11
        + Methodref [android/widget/Spinner.getSelectedItem ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [10] checkcast #6
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$5.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
      [17] invokestatic #18
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/TransportFactory.getFormatHint (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/Context;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [20] astore v6
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$5.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
      [26] invokestatic #17
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.access$2 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)Landroid/widget/TextView;]
      [29] aload v6
      [31] invokevirtual #14
        + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.setHint (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$5.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
      [38] invokestatic #17
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.access$2 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)Landroid/widget/TextView;]
      [41] aconst_null
      [42] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.setError (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [45] aload_0 v0
      [46] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$5.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
      [49] invokestatic #17
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.access$2 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)Landroid/widget/TextView;]
      [52] invokevirtual #12
        + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.requestFocus ()Z]
      [55] pop
      [56] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 234
        [13] -> line 235
        [17] -> line 233
        [22] -> line 237
        [34] -> line 238
        [45] -> line 239
        [56] -> line 240
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 57 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$5; this]
        v1: 0 -> 57 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView; arg0]
        v2: 0 -> 57 [Landroid/view/View; view]
        v3: 0 -> 57 [I position]
        v4: 0 -> 57 [J id]
        v6: 22 -> 57 [Ljava/lang/String; formatHint]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 1)
        v1: 0 -> 57 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>; arg0]
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>;Landroid/view/View;IJ)V]
  + Method:       onNothingSelected(Landroid/widget/AdapterView;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onNothingSelected(android.widget.AdapterView)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 1, locals = 2, stack = 0):
      [0] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 241
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 1 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$5; this]
        v1: 0 -> 1 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView; arg0]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 1)
        v1: 0 -> 1 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>; arg0]
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>;)V]

Class file attributes (count = 4):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener]
      + Class [android/widget/AdapterView]
      + Utf8 [OnItemSelectedListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$5]
  + Signature attribute:
    + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Object;Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener;]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$6
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity$6 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 44):
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$6]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.sortedByColor Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$6.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.updateList ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [onCreateOptionsMenu (Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + NameAndType [sortedByColor Z]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
  + NameAndType [updateList ()V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$6;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [item]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [onCreateOptionsMenu]
  + Utf8 [onMenuItemClick]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$6]
  + Utf8 [sortedByColor]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [updateList]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity this$0

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = HostListActivity$6(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #7
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$6.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #8
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 271
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$6; this]
  + Method:       onMenuItemClick(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean onMenuItemClick(android.view.MenuItem)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 17, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$6.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
      [4] iconst_1
      [5] putfield #6
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.sortedByColor Z]
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$6.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
      [12] invokevirtual #9
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.updateList ()V]
      [15] iconst_1
      [16] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 273
        [8] -> line 274
        [15] -> line 275
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 17 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$6; this]
        v1: 0 -> 17 [Landroid/view/MenuItem; item]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreateOptionsMenu (Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
      + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$6]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$7
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity$7 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 44):
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$7]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.sortedByColor Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$7.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.updateList ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [onCreateOptionsMenu (Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + NameAndType [sortedByColor Z]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
  + NameAndType [updateList ()V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$7;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [item]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [onCreateOptionsMenu]
  + Utf8 [onMenuItemClick]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$7]
  + Utf8 [sortedByColor]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [updateList]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity this$0

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = HostListActivity$7(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #7
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$7.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #8
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 281
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$7; this]
  + Method:       onMenuItemClick(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean onMenuItemClick(android.view.MenuItem)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 17, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$7.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
      [4] iconst_0
      [5] putfield #6
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.sortedByColor Z]
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$7.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
      [12] invokevirtual #9
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.updateList ()V]
      [15] iconst_1
      [16] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 283
        [8] -> line 284
        [15] -> line 285
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 17 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$7; this]
        v1: 0 -> 17 [Landroid/view/MenuItem; item]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreateOptionsMenu (Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
      + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$7]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$8
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity$8 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 62):
  + Class [android/os/Handler]
  + Class [android/view/ContextMenu]
  + Class [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$8]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$8.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$8.val$bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Methodref [android/os/Handler.sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.dispatchDisconnect (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [dispatchDisconnect (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [onCreateContextMenu (Landroid/view/ContextMenu;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;)V]
  + NameAndType [sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
  + NameAndType [updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + NameAndType [val$bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/ContextMenu;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ContextMenuInfo]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$8;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [android/os/Handler]
  + Utf8 [android/view/ContextMenu]
  + Utf8 [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [dispatchDisconnect]
  + Utf8 [item]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [onCreateContextMenu]
  + Utf8 [onMenuItemClick]
  + Utf8 [sendEmptyMessage]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$8]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [updateHandler]
  + Utf8 [val$bridge]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity this$0
  + Field:        val$bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge val$bridge

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = HostListActivity$8(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity,com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #11
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$8.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_2 v2
      [7] putfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$8.val$bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] invokespecial #14
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [14] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [10] -> line 325
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 15 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$8; this]
  + Method:       onMenuItemClick(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean onMenuItemClick(android.view.MenuItem)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 22, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$8.val$bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [4] iconst_1
      [5] invokevirtual #15
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.dispatchDisconnect (Z)V]
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$8.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
      [12] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
      [15] iconst_m1
      [16] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [android/os/Handler.sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
      [19] pop
      [20] iconst_1
      [21] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 327
        [8] -> line 328
        [20] -> line 329
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 22 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$8; this]
        v1: 0 -> 22 [Landroid/view/MenuItem; item]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreateContextMenu (Landroid/view/ContextMenu;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 3)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
      + Class [android/view/ContextMenu]
      + Utf8 [ContextMenuInfo]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
      + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$8]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$9
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity$9 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 71):
  + String [android.intent.extra.TITLE]
  + Class [android/content/Intent]
  + Class [android/view/ContextMenu]
  + Class [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$9]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$9.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$9.val$host Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Methodref [android/content/Intent.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
  + Methodref [android/content/Intent.putExtra (Ljava/lang/String;J)Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.startActivityForResult (Landroid/content/Intent;I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getId ()J]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
  + NameAndType [getId ()J]
  + NameAndType [onCreateContextMenu (Landroid/view/ContextMenu;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;)V]
  + NameAndType [putExtra (Ljava/lang/String;J)Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + NameAndType [startActivityForResult (Landroid/content/Intent;I)V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
  + NameAndType [val$host Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [()J]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Intent;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/ContextMenu;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;J)Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ContextMenuInfo]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$9;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [android.intent.extra.TITLE]
  + Utf8 [android/content/Intent]
  + Utf8 [android/view/ContextMenu]
  + Utf8 [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [getId]
  + Utf8 [intent]
  + Utf8 [item]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [onCreateContextMenu]
  + Utf8 [onMenuItemClick]
  + Utf8 [putExtra]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$9]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
  + Utf8 [startActivityForResult]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [val$host]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity this$0
  + Field:        val$host Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.HostBean val$host

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = HostListActivity$9(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity,com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.HostBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$9.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_2 v2
      [7] putfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$9.val$host Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] invokespecial #16
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [14] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [10] -> line 334
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 15 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$9; this]
  + Method:       onMenuItemClick(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean onMenuItemClick(android.view.MenuItem)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 39, locals = 3, stack = 4):
      [0] new #2
        + Class [android/content/Intent]
      [3] dup
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$9.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
      [8] ldc #8
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostEditorActivity]
      [10] invokespecial #14
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
      [13] astore_2 v2
      [14] aload_2 v2
      [15] ldc #1
        + String [android.intent.extra.TITLE]
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$9.val$host Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [21] invokevirtual #18
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getId ()J]
      [24] invokevirtual #15
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.putExtra (Ljava/lang/String;J)Landroid/content/Intent;]
      [27] pop
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$9.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
      [32] aload_2 v2
      [33] iconst_1
      [34] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.startActivityForResult (Landroid/content/Intent;I)V]
      [37] iconst_1
      [38] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 336
        [14] -> line 337
        [28] -> line 338
        [37] -> line 339
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 39 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$9; this]
        v1: 0 -> 39 [Landroid/view/MenuItem; item]
        v2: 14 -> 39 [Landroid/content/Intent; intent]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreateContextMenu (Landroid/view/ContextMenu;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 3)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
      + Class [android/view/ContextMenu]
      + Utf8 [ContextMenuInfo]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
      + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$9]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter
  Superclass:    android/widget/ArrayAdapter
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity$HostAdapter extends android.widget.ArrayAdapter

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 243):
  + Integer [16842816]
  + Integer [16842818]
  + Integer [16842912]
  + Integer [16842920]
  + Integer [16908294]
  + Integer [16908308]
  + Integer [16908309]
  + Integer [2130903054]
  + Integer [2131230851]
  + Integer [2131230852]
  + Integer [2131230853]
  + Integer [2131230854]
  + Integer [2131361792]
  + Integer [2131361793]
  + Integer [2131361794]
  + String [Error during lookup]
  + String [Host bean is null!]
  + String [HostAdapter]
  + String [blue]
  + String [green]
  + String [red]
  + String [see 'adb logcat' for more]
  + Class [android/content/Context]
  + Class [android/content/res/Resources]
  + Class [android/util/Log]
  + Class [android/view/LayoutInflater]
  + Class [android/view/View]
  + Class [android/widget/ArrayAdapter]
  + Class [android/widget/ImageView]
  + Class [android/widget/TextView]
  + Class [java/lang/Integer]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Class [java/util/List]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter$ViewHolder]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Long [60]
  + Long [1000]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$ Landroid/content/res/ColorStateList;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$ Landroid/content/res/ColorStateList;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter.hosts Ljava/util/List;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$ Landroid/content/res/ColorStateList;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter$ViewHolder.caption Landroid/widget/TextView;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter$ViewHolder.icon Landroid/widget/ImageView;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter$ViewHolder.nickname Landroid/widget/TextView;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.disconnected Ljava/util/List;]
  + Methodref [android/content/Context.getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + Methodref [android/content/Context.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/content/Context.getString (I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getColorStateList (I)Landroid/content/res/ColorStateList;]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [android/view/LayoutInflater.inflate (ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;Z)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [android/view/View.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [android/view/View.getContext ()Landroid/content/Context;]
  + Methodref [android/view/View.getTag ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [android/view/View.setTag (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ArrayAdapter.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;ILjava/util/List;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ImageView.setImageState ([IZ)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.setTextAppearance (Landroid/content/Context;I)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.setTextColor (Landroid/content/res/ColorStateList;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.currentTimeMillis ()J]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter.getConnectedState (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter$ViewHolder.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getColor ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getLastConnect ()J]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.getConnectedBridge (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.contains (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.get (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;ILjava/util/List;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter;)V]
  + NameAndType [blue Landroid/content/res/ColorStateList;]
  + NameAndType [caption Landroid/widget/TextView;]
  + NameAndType [contains (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [currentTimeMillis ()J]
  + NameAndType [disconnected Ljava/util/List;]
  + NameAndType [e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [get (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [getColor ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getColorStateList (I)Landroid/content/res/ColorStateList;]
  + NameAndType [getConnectedBridge (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [getConnectedState (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)I]
  + NameAndType [getContext ()Landroid/content/Context;]
  + NameAndType [getLastConnect ()J]
  + NameAndType [getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + NameAndType [getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getString (I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getTag ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [green Landroid/content/res/ColorStateList;]
  + NameAndType [hosts Ljava/util/List;]
  + NameAndType [icon Landroid/widget/ImageView;]
  + NameAndType [inflate (ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;Z)Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + NameAndType [manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + NameAndType [nickname Landroid/widget/TextView;]
  + NameAndType [red Landroid/content/res/ColorStateList;]
  + NameAndType [setImageState ([IZ)V]
  + NameAndType [setTag (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + NameAndType [setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + NameAndType [setTextAppearance (Landroid/content/Context;I)V]
  + NameAndType [setTextColor (Landroid/content/res/ColorStateList;)V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Utf8 [()J]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/content/Context;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Landroid/content/res/ColorStateList;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(ILandroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ViewGroup;)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [(ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;Z)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [(I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;ILjava/util/List;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;>;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/res/ColorStateList;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/util/List;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [([IZ)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Error during lookup]
  + Utf8 [Host bean is null!]
  + Utf8 [HostAdapter]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [J]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/Context;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/res/ColorStateList;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/ViewGroup;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/ArrayAdapter<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;>;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/ImageView;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/TextView;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;>;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTypeTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter$ViewHolder;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Utf8 [Signature]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [ViewHolder]
  + Utf8 [android/content/Context]
  + Utf8 [android/content/res/Resources]
  + Utf8 [android/util/Log]
  + Utf8 [android/view/LayoutInflater]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/ArrayAdapter]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/ImageView]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/TextView]
  + Utf8 [blue]
  + Utf8 [caption]
  + Utf8 [chosen]
  + Utf8 [contains]
  + Utf8 [context]
  + Utf8 [convertView]
  + Utf8 [currentTimeMillis]
  + Utf8 [days]
  + Utf8 [disconnected]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [equals]
  + Utf8 [findViewById]
  + Utf8 [get]
  + Utf8 [getColor]
  + Utf8 [getColorStateList]
  + Utf8 [getConnectedBridge]
  + Utf8 [getConnectedState]
  + Utf8 [getContext]
  + Utf8 [getLastConnect]
  + Utf8 [getNickname]
  + Utf8 [getResources]
  + Utf8 [getString]
  + Utf8 [getTag]
  + Utf8 [getView]
  + Utf8 [green]
  + Utf8 [holder]
  + Utf8 [host]
  + Utf8 [hosts]
  + Utf8 [hours]
  + Utf8 [icon]
  + Utf8 [inflate]
  + Utf8 [inflater]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Integer]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [java/util/List]
  + Utf8 [manager]
  + Utf8 [minutes]
  + Utf8 [nice]
  + Utf8 [nickname]
  + Utf8 [now]
  + Utf8 [parent]
  + Utf8 [position]
  + Utf8 [red]
  + Utf8 [see 'adb logcat' for more]
  + Utf8 [setImageState]
  + Utf8 [setTag]
  + Utf8 [setText]
  + Utf8 [setTextAppearance]
  + Utf8 [setTextColor]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter$ViewHolder]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [valueOf]

Fields (count = 6):
  + Field:        hosts Ljava/util/List;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.util.List hosts
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;>;]
  + Field:        manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalManager manager
  + Field:        red Landroid/content/res/ColorStateList;
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final android.content.res.ColorStateList red
  + Field:        green Landroid/content/res/ColorStateList;
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final android.content.res.ColorStateList green
  + Field:        blue Landroid/content/res/ColorStateList;
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final android.content.res.ColorStateList blue
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity this$0

Methods (count = 3):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/util/List;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public HostListActivity$HostAdapter(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity,android.content.Context,java.util.List,com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalManager)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 64, locals = 5, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #51
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_2 v2
      [7] ldc #8
        + Integer [2130903054]
      [9] aload_3 v3
      [10] invokespecial #66
        + Methodref [android/widget/ArrayAdapter.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;ILjava/util/List;)V]
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] aload_3 v3
      [15] putfield #48
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter.hosts Ljava/util/List;]
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] aload v4
      [21] putfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] aload_2 v2
      [26] invokevirtual #56
        + Methodref [android/content/Context.getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [29] ldc #15
        + Integer [2131361794]
      [31] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getColorStateList (I)Landroid/content/res/ColorStateList;]
      [34] putfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$ Landroid/content/res/ColorStateList;]
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] aload_2 v2
      [39] invokevirtual #56
        + Methodref [android/content/Context.getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [42] ldc #14
        + Integer [2131361793]
      [44] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getColorStateList (I)Landroid/content/res/ColorStateList;]
      [47] putfield #47
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$ Landroid/content/res/ColorStateList;]
      [50] aload_0 v0
      [51] aload_2 v2
      [52] invokevirtual #56
        + Methodref [android/content/Context.getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [55] ldc #13
        + Integer [2131361792]
      [57] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getColorStateList (I)Landroid/content/res/ColorStateList;]
      [60] putfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$ Landroid/content/res/ColorStateList;]
      [63] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 447
        [5] -> line 448
        [13] -> line 450
        [18] -> line 451
        [24] -> line 453
        [37] -> line 454
        [50] -> line 455
        [63] -> line 456
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 64 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter; this]
        v2: 0 -> 64 [Landroid/content/Context; context]
        v3: 0 -> 64 [Ljava/util/List; hosts]
        v4: 0 -> 64 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; manager]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 1)
        v3: 0 -> 64 [Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;>; hosts]
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;>;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;)V]
  + Method:       getConnectedState(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int getConnectedState(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.HostBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 42, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [4] ifnonnull +5 (target=9)
      [7] iconst_1
      [8] ireturn
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [13] aload_1 v1
      [14] invokevirtual #79
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.getConnectedBridge (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [17] ifnull +5 (target=22)
      [20] iconst_2
      [21] ireturn
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [26] getfield #55
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.disconnected Ljava/util/List;]
      [29] aload_1 v1
      [30] invokeinterface #80
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.contains (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [35] ifeq +5 (target=40)
      [38] iconst_3
      [39] ireturn
      [40] iconst_1
      [41] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 463
        [7] -> line 464
        [9] -> line 466
        [20] -> line 467
        [22] -> line 469
        [38] -> line 470
        [40] -> line 472
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 42 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter; this]
        v1: 0 -> 42 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; host]
  + Method:       getView(ILandroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ViewGroup;)Landroid/view/View;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public android.view.View getView(int,android.view.View,android.view.ViewGroup)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 512, locals = 14, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_2 v2
      [1] ifnonnull +79 (target=80)
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #51
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity;]
      [8] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity.inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
      [11] ldc #8
        + Integer [2130903054]
      [13] aconst_null
      [14] iconst_0
      [15] invokevirtual #61
        + Methodref [android/view/LayoutInflater.inflate (ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;Z)Landroid/view/View;]
      [18] astore_2 v2
      [19] new #38
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter$ViewHolder]
      [22] dup
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] invokespecial #75
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter$ViewHolder.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter;)V]
      [27] astore v4
      [29] aload v4
      [31] aload_2 v2
      [32] ldc #6
        + Integer [16908308]
      [34] invokevirtual #62
        + Methodref [android/view/View.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [37] checkcast #30
        + Class [android/widget/TextView]
      [40] putfield #54
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter$ViewHolder.nickname Landroid/widget/TextView;]
      [43] aload v4
      [45] aload_2 v2
      [46] ldc #7
        + Integer [16908309]
      [48] invokevirtual #62
        + Methodref [android/view/View.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [51] checkcast #30
        + Class [android/widget/TextView]
      [54] putfield #52
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter$ViewHolder.caption Landroid/widget/TextView;]
      [57] aload v4
      [59] aload_2 v2
      [60] ldc #5
        + Integer [16908294]
      [62] invokevirtual #62
        + Methodref [android/view/View.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [65] checkcast #29
        + Class [android/widget/ImageView]
      [68] putfield #53
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter$ViewHolder.icon Landroid/widget/ImageView;]
      [71] aload_2 v2
      [72] aload v4
      [74] invokevirtual #65
        + Methodref [android/view/View.setTag (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
      [77] goto +12 (target=89)
      [80] aload_2 v2
      [81] invokevirtual #64
        + Methodref [android/view/View.getTag ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [84] checkcast #38
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter$ViewHolder]
      [87] astore v4
      [89] aload_0 v0
      [90] getfield #48
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter.hosts Ljava/util/List;]
      [93] iload_1 v1
      [94] invokeinterface #81
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.get (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [99] checkcast #39
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
      [102] astore v5
      [104] aload v5
      [106] ifnonnull +33 (target=139)
      [109] ldc #18
        + String [HostAdapter]
      [111] ldc #17
        + String [Host bean is null!]
      [113] invokestatic #60
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [116] pop
      [117] aload v4
      [119] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter$ViewHolder.nickname Landroid/widget/TextView;]
      [122] ldc #16
        + String [Error during lookup]
      [124] invokevirtual #68
        + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [127] aload v4
      [129] getfield #52
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter$ViewHolder.caption Landroid/widget/TextView;]
      [132] ldc #22
        + String [see 'adb logcat' for more]
      [134] invokevirtual #68
        + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [137] aload_2 v2
      [138] areturn
      [139] aload v4
      [141] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter$ViewHolder.nickname Landroid/widget/TextView;]
      [144] aload v5
      [146] invokevirtual #78
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [149] invokevirtual #68
        + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [152] aload_0 v0
      [153] aload v5
      [155] invokespecial #74
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter.getConnectedState (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)I]
      [158] tableswitch (3 offsets, default=78) (target=236)
        1: offset = 26, target = 184
        2: offset = 41, target = 199
        3: offset = 61, target = 219
        default: offset = 78, target = 236
      [184] aload v4
      [186] getfield #53
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter$ViewHolder.icon Landroid/widget/ImageView;]
      [189] iconst_0
      [190] newarray 10
      [192] iconst_1
      [193] invokevirtual #67
        + Methodref [android/widget/ImageView.setImageState ([IZ)V]
      [196] goto +40 (target=236)
      [199] aload v4
      [201] getfield #53
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter$ViewHolder.icon Landroid/widget/ImageView;]
      [204] iconst_1
      [205] newarray 10
      [207] dup
      [208] iconst_0
      [209] ldc #3
        + Integer [16842912]
      [211] iastore
      [212] iconst_1
      [213] invokevirtual #67
        + Methodref [android/widget/ImageView.setImageState ([IZ)V]
      [216] goto +20 (target=236)
      [219] aload v4
      [221] getfield #53
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter$ViewHolder.icon Landroid/widget/ImageView;]
      [224] iconst_1
      [225] newarray 10
      [227] dup
      [228] iconst_0
      [229] ldc #4
        + Integer [16842920]
      [231] iastore
      [232] iconst_1
      [233] invokevirtual #67
        + Methodref [android/widget/ImageView.setImageState ([IZ)V]
      [236] aconst_null
      [237] astore v6
      [239] ldc #21
        + String [red]
      [241] aload v5
      [243] invokevirtual #76
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getColor ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [246] invokevirtual #72
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [249] ifeq +12 (target=261)
      [252] aload_0 v0
      [253] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$ Landroid/content/res/ColorStateList;]
      [256] astore v6
      [258] goto +44 (target=302)
      [261] ldc #20
        + String [green]
      [263] aload v5
      [265] invokevirtual #76
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getColor ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [268] invokevirtual #72
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [271] ifeq +12 (target=283)
      [274] aload_0 v0
      [275] getfield #47
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$ Landroid/content/res/ColorStateList;]
      [278] astore v6
      [280] goto +22 (target=302)
      [283] ldc #19
        + String [blue]
      [285] aload v5
      [287] invokevirtual #76
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getColor ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [290] invokevirtual #72
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [293] ifeq +9 (target=302)
      [296] aload_0 v0
      [297] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$ Landroid/content/res/ColorStateList;]
      [300] astore v6
      [302] aload_2 v2
      [303] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [android/view/View.getContext ()Landroid/content/Context;]
      [306] astore v7
      [308] aload v6
      [310] ifnull +26 (target=336)
      [313] aload v4
      [315] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter$ViewHolder.nickname Landroid/widget/TextView;]
      [318] aload v6
      [320] invokevirtual #70
        + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.setTextColor (Landroid/content/res/ColorStateList;)V]
      [323] aload v4
      [325] getfield #52
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter$ViewHolder.caption Landroid/widget/TextView;]
      [328] aload v6
      [330] invokevirtual #70
        + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.setTextColor (Landroid/content/res/ColorStateList;)V]
      [333] goto +27 (target=360)
      [336] aload v4
      [338] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter$ViewHolder.nickname Landroid/widget/TextView;]
      [341] aload v7
      [343] ldc #1
        + Integer [16842816]
      [345] invokevirtual #69
        + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.setTextAppearance (Landroid/content/Context;I)V]
      [348] aload v4
      [350] getfield #52
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter$ViewHolder.caption Landroid/widget/TextView;]
      [353] aload v7
      [355] ldc #2
        + Integer [16842818]
      [357] invokevirtual #69
        + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.setTextAppearance (Landroid/content/Context;I)V]
      [360] invokestatic #73
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.currentTimeMillis ()J]
      [363] ldc2_w #43
        + Long [1000]
      [366] ldiv
      [367] lstore v8
      [369] aload v7
      [371] ldc #9
        + Integer [2131230851]
      [373] invokevirtual #57
        + Methodref [android/content/Context.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [376] astore v10
      [378] aload v5
      [380] invokevirtual #77
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getLastConnect ()J]
      [383] lconst_0
      [384] lcmp
      [385] ifle +115 (target=500)
      [388] lload v8
      [390] aload v5
      [392] invokevirtual #77
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getLastConnect ()J]
      [395] lsub
      [396] ldc2_w #41
        + Long [60]
      [399] ldiv
      [400] l2i
      [401] istore v11
      [403] iload v11
      [405] bipush 60
      [407] ificmplt +72 (target=479)
      [410] iload v11
      [412] bipush 60
      [414] idiv
      [415] istore v12
      [417] iload v12
      [419] bipush 24
      [421] ificmplt +34 (target=455)
      [424] iload v12
      [426] bipush 24
      [428] idiv
      [429] istore v13
      [431] aload v7
      [433] ldc #12
        + Integer [2131230854]
      [435] iconst_1
      [436] anewarray #32
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [439] dup
      [440] iconst_0
      [441] iload v13
      [443] invokestatic #71
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [446] aastore
      [447] invokevirtual #58
        + Methodref [android/content/Context.getString (I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [450] astore v10
      [452] goto +48 (target=500)
      [455] aload v7
      [457] ldc #11
        + Integer [2131230853]
      [459] iconst_1
      [460] anewarray #32
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [463] dup
      [464] iconst_0
      [465] iload v12
      [467] invokestatic #71
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [470] aastore
      [471] invokevirtual #58
        + Methodref [android/content/Context.getString (I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [474] astore v10
      [476] goto +24 (target=500)
      [479] aload v7
      [481] ldc #10
        + Integer [2131230852]
      [483] iconst_1
      [484] anewarray #32
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [487] dup
      [488] iconst_0
      [489] iload v11
      [491] invokestatic #71
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [494] aastore
      [495] invokevirtual #58
        + Methodref [android/content/Context.getString (I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [498] astore v10
      [500] aload v4
      [502] getfield #52
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter$ViewHolder.caption Landroid/widget/TextView;]
      [505] aload v10
      [507] invokevirtual #68
        + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [510] aload_2 v2
      [511] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 47)
        [0] -> line 479
        [4] -> line 480
        [19] -> line 482
        [29] -> line 484
        [43] -> line 485
        [57] -> line 486
        [71] -> line 488
        [80] -> line 490
        [89] -> line 492
        [104] -> line 493
        [109] -> line 495
        [117] -> line 497
        [127] -> line 498
        [137] -> line 499
        [139] -> line 502
        [152] -> line 504
        [184] -> line 506
        [196] -> line 507
        [199] -> line 509
        [216] -> line 510
        [219] -> line 512
        [236] -> line 516
        [239] -> line 517
        [252] -> line 518
        [261] -> line 519
        [274] -> line 520
        [283] -> line 521
        [296] -> line 522
        [302] -> line 524
        [308] -> line 526
        [313] -> line 528
        [323] -> line 529
        [336] -> line 532
        [348] -> line 533
        [360] -> line 536
        [369] -> line 538
        [378] -> line 539
        [388] -> line 540
        [403] -> line 541
        [410] -> line 542
        [417] -> line 543
        [424] -> line 544
        [431] -> line 545
        [455] -> line 547
        [479] -> line 549
        [500] -> line 552
        [510] -> line 554
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 14)
        v0: 0 -> 512 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter; this]
        v1: 0 -> 512 [I position]
        v2: 0 -> 512 [Landroid/view/View; convertView]
        v3: 0 -> 512 [Landroid/view/ViewGroup; parent]
        v4: 29 -> 80 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter$ViewHolder; holder]
        v4: 89 -> 512 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter$ViewHolder; holder]
        v5: 104 -> 512 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; host]
        v6: 239 -> 512 [Landroid/content/res/ColorStateList; chosen]
        v7: 308 -> 512 [Landroid/content/Context; context]
        v8: 369 -> 512 [J now]
        v10: 378 -> 512 [Ljava/lang/String; nice]
        v11: 403 -> 500 [I minutes]
        v12: 417 -> 479 [I hours]
        v13: 431 -> 455 [I days]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity]
      + Utf8 [HostAdapter]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter$ViewHolder]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter]
      + Utf8 [ViewHolder]
  + Signature attribute:
    + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/ArrayAdapter<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;>;]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter$ViewHolder
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity$HostAdapter$ViewHolder extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 33):
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter$ViewHolder]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter$ViewHolder.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [HostAdapter]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/ImageView;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/TextView;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter$ViewHolder;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter;]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [ViewHolder]
  + Utf8 [caption]
  + Utf8 [icon]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [nickname]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter$ViewHolder]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$1]

Fields (count = 4):
  + Field:        nickname Landroid/widget/TextView;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public android.widget.TextView nickname
  + Field:        caption Landroid/widget/TextView;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public android.widget.TextView caption
  + Field:        icon Landroid/widget/ImageView;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public android.widget.ImageView icon
  + Field:        this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity$HostAdapter this$1

Methods (count = 1):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = HostListActivity$HostAdapter$ViewHolder(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.HostListActivity$HostAdapter)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #5
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter$ViewHolder.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #6
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 441
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter$ViewHolder; this]

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity]
      + Utf8 [HostAdapter]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter$ViewHolder]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/HostListActivity$HostAdapter]
      + Utf8 [ViewHolder]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity
  Superclass:    android/app/ListActivity
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity extends

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 284):
  + Integer [17301555]
  + Integer [2130903046]
  + Integer [2131230720]
  + Integer [2131230727]
  + Integer [2131230760]
  + Integer [2131230761]
  + Integer [2131230871]
  + String [%s: %s]
  + String [%s: %s (%s)]
  + String [android.intent.extra.TITLE]
  + Class [android/app/ListActivity]
  + Class [android/content/Intent]
  + Class [android/content/res/Resources]
  + Class [android/view/ContextMenu]
  + Class [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
  + Class [android/view/LayoutInflater]
  + Class [android/view/Menu]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Class [android/widget/AdapterView]
  + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$AdapterContextMenuInfo]
  + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener]
  + Class [android/widget/ListView]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$1]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$2]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$3]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
  + Long [-1]
  + Fieldref [android/widget/AdapterView$AdapterContextMenuInfo.position I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.connection Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.hostBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.portForwards Ljava/util/List;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Methodref [android/app/ListActivity.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [android/app/ListActivity.onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Methodref [android/app/ListActivity.onCreateOptionsMenu (Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + Methodref [android/app/ListActivity.onStart ()V]
  + Methodref [android/app/ListActivity.onStop ()V]
  + Methodref [android/content/Intent.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
  + Methodref [android/content/Intent.getLongExtra (Ljava/lang/String;J)J]
  + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getText (I)Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + Methodref [android/view/LayoutInflater.from (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ListView.getItemAtPosition (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ListView.setOnItemClickListener (Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.bindService (Landroid/content/Intent;Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;I)Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.getIntent ()Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.getListView ()Landroid/widget/ListView;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.registerForContextMenu (Landroid/view/View;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.setContentView (I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.setListAdapter (Landroid/widget/ListAdapter;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.setTitle (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.unbindService (Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.updateList ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$2.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$3.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/util/List;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.getPortForwards ()Ljava/util/List;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.close ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.findHostById (J)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.getPortForwardsForHost (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Ljava/util/List;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/ContextMenu.add (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/ContextMenu.setHeaderTitle (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/view/ContextMenu;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/Menu.add (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setIcon (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setOnMenuItemClickListener (Landroid/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/util/List;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)V]
  + NameAndType [add (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + NameAndType [bindService (Landroid/content/Intent;Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;I)Z]
  + NameAndType [close ()V]
  + NameAndType [connection Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;]
  + NameAndType [findHostById (J)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + NameAndType [format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [from (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + NameAndType [getIntent ()Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + NameAndType [getItemAtPosition (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [getListView ()Landroid/widget/ListView;]
  + NameAndType [getLongExtra (Ljava/lang/String;J)J]
  + NameAndType [getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getPortForwards ()Ljava/util/List;]
  + NameAndType [getPortForwardsForHost (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Ljava/util/List;]
  + NameAndType [getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + NameAndType [getText (I)Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + NameAndType [host Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + NameAndType [hostBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + NameAndType [inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + NameAndType [onCreateOptionsMenu (Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + NameAndType [onStart ()V]
  + NameAndType [onStop ()V]
  + NameAndType [portForwards Ljava/util/List;]
  + NameAndType [position I]
  + NameAndType [registerForContextMenu (Landroid/view/View;)V]
  + NameAndType [setContentView (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setHeaderTitle (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/view/ContextMenu;]
  + NameAndType [setIcon (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + NameAndType [setListAdapter (Landroid/widget/ListAdapter;)V]
  + NameAndType [setOnItemClickListener (Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener;)V]
  + NameAndType [setOnMenuItemClickListener (Landroid/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + NameAndType [setTitle (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + NameAndType [unbindService (Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;)V]
  + NameAndType [updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + NameAndType [updateList ()V]
  + Utf8 [%s: %s]
  + Utf8 [%s: %s (%s)]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/widget/ListView;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/List;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(J)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Intent;Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;I)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/ContextMenu;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/ListAdapter;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/view/ContextMenu;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;J)J]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/util/List;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Ljava/util/List;]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [AdapterContextMenuInfo]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ContextMenuInfo]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [J]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/Bundle;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/ContextMenu;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/Menu;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView$AdapterContextMenuInfo;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;>;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTypeTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + Utf8 [OnItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [PortForwardAdapter]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Signature]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [adapter]
  + Utf8 [add]
  + Utf8 [android.intent.extra.TITLE]
  + Utf8 [android/app/ListActivity]
  + Utf8 [android/content/Intent]
  + Utf8 [android/content/res/Resources]
  + Utf8 [android/view/ContextMenu]
  + Utf8 [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
  + Utf8 [android/view/LayoutInflater]
  + Utf8 [android/view/Menu]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/AdapterView]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/AdapterView$AdapterContextMenuInfo]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/ListView]
  + Utf8 [bindService]
  + Utf8 [close]
  + Utf8 [connection]
  + Utf8 [delete]
  + Utf8 [edit]
  + Utf8 [findHostById]
  + Utf8 [format]
  + Utf8 [from]
  + Utf8 [getIntent]
  + Utf8 [getItemAtPosition]
  + Utf8 [getListView]
  + Utf8 [getLongExtra]
  + Utf8 [getNickname]
  + Utf8 [getPortForwards]
  + Utf8 [getPortForwardsForHost]
  + Utf8 [getResources]
  + Utf8 [getText]
  + Utf8 [host]
  + Utf8 [hostBridge]
  + Utf8 [hostId]
  + Utf8 [hostdb]
  + Utf8 [icicle]
  + Utf8 [inflater]
  + Utf8 [info]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [menu]
  + Utf8 [menuInfo]
  + Utf8 [nickname]
  + Utf8 [onCreate]
  + Utf8 [onCreateContextMenu]
  + Utf8 [onCreateOptionsMenu]
  + Utf8 [onStart]
  + Utf8 [onStop]
  + Utf8 [pfb]
  + Utf8 [portForwards]
  + Utf8 [position]
  + Utf8 [registerForContextMenu]
  + Utf8 [resources]
  + Utf8 [setContentView]
  + Utf8 [setHeaderTitle]
  + Utf8 [setIcon]
  + Utf8 [setListAdapter]
  + Utf8 [setOnItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [setOnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [setTitle]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$1]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$2]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$3]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [unbindService]
  + Utf8 [updateHandler]
  + Utf8 [updateList]
  + Utf8 [v]

Fields (count = 7):
  + Field:        hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.HostDatabase hostdb
  + Field:        portForwards Ljava/util/List;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.util.List portForwards
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;>;]
  + Field:        connection Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.content.ServiceConnection connection
  + Field:        hostBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge hostBridge
  + Field:        inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected android.view.LayoutInflater inflater
  + Field:        host Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.HostBean host
  + Field:        updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected android.os.Handler updateHandler

Methods (count = 8):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public PortForwardListActivity()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 32, locals = 1, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #49
        + Methodref [android/app/ListActivity.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aconst_null
      [6] putfield #42
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.connection Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aconst_null
      [11] putfield #44
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.hostBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] aconst_null
      [16] putfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] new #27
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$1]
      [23] dup
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] invokespecial #71
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;)V]
      [28] putfield #48
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
      [31] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 65
        [4] -> line 74
        [9] -> line 75
        [14] -> line 76
        [19] -> line 363
        [31] -> line 65
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 32 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity; this]
  + Method:       onStart()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onStart()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 44, locals = 1, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #52
        + Methodref [android/app/ListActivity.onStart ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] new #12
        + Class [android/content/Intent]
      [8] dup
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] ldc #37
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
      [12] invokespecial #54
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] getfield #42
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.connection Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;]
      [19] iconst_1
      [20] invokevirtual #61
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.bindService (Landroid/content/Intent;Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;I)Z]
      [23] pop
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [28] ifnonnull +15 (target=43)
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] new #38
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
      [35] dup
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] invokespecial #81
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [40] putfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [43] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 82
        [4] -> line 84
        [24] -> line 86
        [31] -> line 87
        [43] -> line 88
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 44 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity; this]
  + Method:       onStop()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onStop()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 32, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #53
        + Methodref [android/app/ListActivity.onStop ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] getfield #42
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.connection Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;]
      [9] invokevirtual #69
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.unbindService (Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;)V]
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [16] ifnull +15 (target=31)
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [23] invokevirtual #82
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.close ()V]
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] aconst_null
      [28] putfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [31] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 92
        [4] -> line 94
        [12] -> line 96
        [19] -> line 97
        [26] -> line 98
        [31] -> line 100
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 32 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity; this]
  + Method:       onCreate(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onCreate(android.os.Bundle)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 201, locals = 6, stack = 7):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #50
        + Methodref [android/app/ListActivity.onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokevirtual #62
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.getIntent ()Landroid/content/Intent;]
      [9] ldc #10
        + String [android.intent.extra.TITLE]
      [11] ldc2_w #39
        + Long [-1]
      [14] invokevirtual #55
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.getLongExtra (Ljava/lang/String;J)J]
      [17] lstore_2 v2
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] ldc #2
        + Integer [2130903046]
      [21] invokevirtual #66
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.setContentView (I)V]
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] new #38
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
      [28] dup
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] invokespecial #81
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [33] putfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [41] lload_2 v2
      [42] invokevirtual #83
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.findHostById (J)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [45] putfield #43
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] getfield #43
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [52] ifnull +13 (target=65)
      [55] aload_0 v0
      [56] getfield #43
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [59] invokevirtual #78
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [62] goto +4 (target=66)
      [65] aconst_null
      [66] astore v4
      [68] aload_0 v0
      [69] invokevirtual #64
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [72] astore v5
      [74] aload v4
      [76] ifnull +44 (target=120)
      [79] aload_0 v0
      [80] ldc #9
        + String [%s: %s (%s)]
      [82] iconst_3
      [83] anewarray #24
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [86] dup
      [87] iconst_0
      [88] aload v5
      [90] ldc #3
        + Integer [2131230720]
      [92] invokevirtual #56
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getText (I)Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
      [95] aastore
      [96] dup
      [97] iconst_1
      [98] aload v5
      [100] ldc #4
        + Integer [2131230727]
      [102] invokevirtual #56
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getText (I)Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
      [105] aastore
      [106] dup
      [107] iconst_2
      [108] aload v4
      [110] aastore
      [111] invokestatic #60
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [114] invokevirtual #68
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.setTitle (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [117] goto +36 (target=153)
      [120] aload_0 v0
      [121] ldc #8
        + String [%s: %s]
      [123] iconst_2
      [124] anewarray #24
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [127] dup
      [128] iconst_0
      [129] aload v5
      [131] ldc #3
        + Integer [2131230720]
      [133] invokevirtual #56
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getText (I)Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
      [136] aastore
      [137] dup
      [138] iconst_1
      [139] aload v5
      [141] ldc #4
        + Integer [2131230727]
      [143] invokevirtual #56
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getText (I)Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
      [146] aastore
      [147] invokestatic #60
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [150] invokevirtual #68
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.setTitle (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [153] aload_0 v0
      [154] new #28
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$2]
      [157] dup
      [158] aload_0 v0
      [159] invokespecial #72
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$2.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;)V]
      [162] putfield #42
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.connection Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;]
      [165] aload_0 v0
      [166] invokevirtual #70
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.updateList ()V]
      [169] aload_0 v0
      [170] aload_0 v0
      [171] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.getListView ()Landroid/widget/ListView;]
      [174] invokevirtual #65
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.registerForContextMenu (Landroid/view/View;)V]
      [177] aload_0 v0
      [178] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.getListView ()Landroid/widget/ListView;]
      [181] new #29
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$3]
      [184] dup
      [185] aload_0 v0
      [186] invokespecial #73
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$3.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;)V]
      [189] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [android/widget/ListView.setOnItemClickListener (Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener;)V]
      [192] aload_0 v0
      [193] aload_0 v0
      [194] invokestatic #57
        + Methodref [android/view/LayoutInflater.from (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
      [197] putfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
      [200] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 23)
        [0] -> line 104
        [5] -> line 106
        [18] -> line 108
        [24] -> line 111
        [36] -> line 112
        [48] -> line 115
        [68] -> line 116
        [74] -> line 118
        [79] -> line 119
        [88] -> line 120
        [98] -> line 121
        [108] -> line 122
        [111] -> line 119
        [120] -> line 124
        [129] -> line 125
        [139] -> line 126
        [147] -> line 124
        [153] -> line 130
        [165] -> line 143
        [169] -> line 145
        [177] -> line 147
        [192] -> line 165
        [200] -> line 166
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 201 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity; this]
        v1: 0 -> 201 [Landroid/os/Bundle; icicle]
        v2: 18 -> 201 [J hostId]
        v4: 68 -> 153 [Ljava/lang/String; nickname]
        v5: 74 -> 153 [Landroid/content/res/Resources; resources]
  + Method:       onCreateOptionsMenu(Landroid/view/Menu;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(android.view.Menu)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 41, locals = 3, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #51
        + Methodref [android/app/ListActivity.onCreateOptionsMenu (Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
      [5] pop
      [6] aload_1 v1
      [7] ldc #7
        + Integer [2131230871]
      [9] invokeinterface #87
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/Menu.add (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [14] astore_2 v2
      [15] aload_2 v2
      [16] ldc #1
        + Integer [17301555]
      [18] invokeinterface #88
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setIcon (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [23] pop
      [24] aload_2 v2
      [25] new #30
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4]
      [28] dup
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] invokespecial #74
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;)V]
      [33] invokeinterface #89
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setOnMenuItemClickListener (Landroid/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [38] pop
      [39] iconst_1
      [40] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 170
        [6] -> line 172
        [15] -> line 173
        [24] -> line 174
        [39] -> line 238
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 41 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity; this]
        v1: 0 -> 41 [Landroid/view/Menu; menu]
        v2: 15 -> 41 [Landroid/view/MenuItem; add]
  + Method:       onCreateContextMenu(Landroid/view/ContextMenu;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onCreateContextMenu(android.view.ContextMenu,android.view.View,android.view.ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 92, locals = 8, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_3 v3
      [1] checkcast #21
        + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$AdapterContextMenuInfo]
      [4] astore v4
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.getListView ()Landroid/widget/ListView;]
      [10] aload v4
      [12] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [android/widget/AdapterView$AdapterContextMenuInfo.position I]
      [15] invokevirtual #58
        + Methodref [android/widget/ListView.getItemAtPosition (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [18] checkcast #35
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean]
      [21] astore v5
      [23] aload_1 v1
      [24] aload v5
      [26] invokevirtual #79
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [29] invokeinterface #86
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/ContextMenu.setHeaderTitle (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/view/ContextMenu;]
      [34] pop
      [35] aload_1 v1
      [36] ldc #5
        + Integer [2131230760]
      [38] invokeinterface #85
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/ContextMenu.add (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [43] astore v6
      [45] aload v6
      [47] new #31
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5]
      [50] dup
      [51] aload_0 v0
      [52] aload v5
      [54] invokespecial #75
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)V]
      [57] invokeinterface #89
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setOnMenuItemClickListener (Landroid/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [62] pop
      [63] aload_1 v1
      [64] ldc #6
        + Integer [2131230761]
      [66] invokeinterface #85
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/ContextMenu.add (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [71] astore v7
      [73] aload v7
      [75] new #32
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6]
      [78] dup
      [79] aload_0 v0
      [80] aload v5
      [82] invokespecial #76
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)V]
      [85] invokeinterface #89
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setOnMenuItemClickListener (Landroid/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [90] pop
      [91] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 244
        [6] -> line 245
        [23] -> line 247
        [35] -> line 249
        [45] -> line 250
        [63] -> line 335
        [73] -> line 336
        [91] -> line 361
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 8)
        v0: 0 -> 92 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity; this]
        v1: 0 -> 92 [Landroid/view/ContextMenu; menu]
        v2: 0 -> 92 [Landroid/view/View; v]
        v3: 0 -> 92 [Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo; menuInfo]
        v4: 6 -> 92 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView$AdapterContextMenuInfo; info]
        v5: 23 -> 92 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean; pfb]
        v6: 45 -> 92 [Landroid/view/MenuItem; edit]
        v7: 73 -> 92 [Landroid/view/MenuItem; delete]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 1)
        v4: 6 -> 92 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView$AdapterContextMenuInfo; info]
  + Method:       updateList()V
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected void updateList()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 64, locals = 2, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.hostBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [4] ifnull +17 (target=21)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.hostBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [12] invokevirtual #80
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.getPortForwards ()Ljava/util/List;]
      [15] putfield #47
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.portForwards Ljava/util/List;]
      [18] goto +26 (target=44)
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [25] ifnonnull +4 (target=29)
      [28] return
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] getfield #43
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [38] invokevirtual #84
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.getPortForwardsForHost (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Ljava/util/List;]
      [41] putfield #47
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.portForwards Ljava/util/List;]
      [44] new #33
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter]
      [47] dup
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] aload_0 v0
      [50] aload_0 v0
      [51] getfield #47
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.portForwards Ljava/util/List;]
      [54] invokespecial #77
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/util/List;)V]
      [57] astore_1 v1
      [58] aload_0 v0
      [59] aload_1 v1
      [60] invokevirtual #67
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.setListAdapter (Landroid/widget/ListAdapter;)V]
      [63] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 371
        [7] -> line 372
        [21] -> line 374
        [29] -> line 375
        [44] -> line 378
        [58] -> line 380
        [63] -> line 381
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 64 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity; this]
        v1: 58 -> 64 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter; adapter]
  + Method:       access$0(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.HostBean access$0(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #43
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 78
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 11)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
      + Class [android/view/ContextMenu]
      + Utf8 [ContextMenuInfo]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
      + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x9 = public static 
      + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$AdapterContextMenuInfo]
      + Class [android/widget/AdapterView]
      + Utf8 [AdapterContextMenuInfo]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener]
      + Class [android/widget/AdapterView]
      + Utf8 [OnItemClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$1]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$2]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$3]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity]
      + Utf8 [PortForwardAdapter]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$1
  Superclass:    android/os/Handler
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity$1 extends android.os.Handler

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 32):
  + Class [android/os/Handler]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$1]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
  + Methodref [android/os/Handler.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.updateList ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
  + NameAndType [updateList ()V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Message;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/Message;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$1;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [android/os/Handler]
  + Utf8 [handleMessage]
  + Utf8 [msg]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$1]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [updateList]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity this$0

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = PortForwardListActivity$1(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #4
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #5
        + Methodref [android/os/Handler.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 363
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$1; this]
  + Method:       handleMessage(Landroid/os/Message;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void handleMessage(android.os.Message)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 8, locals = 2, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #4
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [4] invokevirtual #6
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.updateList ()V]
      [7] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 366
        [7] -> line 367
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$1; this]
        v1: 0 -> 8 [Landroid/os/Message; msg]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$1]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$2
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity$2 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/content/ServiceConnection]

Constant Pool (count = 72):
  + Class [android/content/ServiceConnection]
  + Class [android/os/Handler]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$2]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.hostBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
  + Methodref [android/os/Handler.sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.getConnectedBridge (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder.getService ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + NameAndType [getConnectedBridge (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [getService ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + NameAndType [hostBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + NameAndType [sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
  + NameAndType [updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/ComponentName;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/ComponentName;Landroid/os/IBinder;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/ComponentName;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/IBinder;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$2;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [TerminalBinder]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [android/content/ServiceConnection]
  + Utf8 [android/os/Handler]
  + Utf8 [bound]
  + Utf8 [className]
  + Utf8 [getConnectedBridge]
  + Utf8 [getService]
  + Utf8 [hostBridge]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [name]
  + Utf8 [onCreate]
  + Utf8 [onServiceConnected]
  + Utf8 [onServiceDisconnected]
  + Utf8 [sendEmptyMessage]
  + Utf8 [service]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$2]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [updateHandler]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity this$0

Methods (count = 3):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = PortForwardListActivity$2(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #12
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 130
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$2; this]
  + Method:       onServiceConnected(Landroid/content/ComponentName;Landroid/os/IBinder;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onServiceConnected(android.content.ComponentName,android.os.IBinder)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 39, locals = 4, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_2 v2
      [1] checkcast #7
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder]
      [4] invokevirtual #15
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder.getService ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [7] astore_3 v3
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [12] aload_3 v3
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [17] invokestatic #13
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [20] invokevirtual #14
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.getConnectedBridge (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [23] putfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.hostBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [30] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
      [33] iconst_m1
      [34] invokevirtual #11
        + Methodref [android/os/Handler.sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
      [37] pop
      [38] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 132
        [8] -> line 134
        [26] -> line 135
        [38] -> line 136
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 39 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$2; this]
        v1: 0 -> 39 [Landroid/content/ComponentName; className]
        v2: 0 -> 39 [Landroid/os/IBinder; service]
        v3: 8 -> 39 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; bound]
  + Method:       onServiceDisconnected(Landroid/content/ComponentName;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onServiceDisconnected(android.content.ComponentName)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 9, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [4] aconst_null
      [5] putfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.hostBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [8] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 139
        [8] -> line 140
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 9 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$2; this]
        v1: 0 -> 9 [Landroid/content/ComponentName; name]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$2]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x1 = public 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
      + Utf8 [TerminalBinder]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$3
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity$3 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 105):
  + Integer [2131230870]
  + Class [android/os/Handler]
  + Class [android/widget/AdapterView]
  + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener]
  + Class [android/widget/ListView]
  + Class [android/widget/Toast]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$3]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.hostBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$3.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
  + Methodref [android/os/Handler.sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ListView.getItemAtPosition (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/Toast.makeText (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;I)Landroid/widget/Toast;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.getListView ()Landroid/widget/ListView;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.isEnabled ()Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.disablePortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.enablePortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [disablePortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
  + NameAndType [enablePortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
  + NameAndType [getItemAtPosition (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [getListView ()Landroid/widget/ListView;]
  + NameAndType [getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [hostBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [isEnabled ()Z]
  + NameAndType [makeText (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;I)Landroid/widget/Toast;]
  + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + NameAndType [sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
  + NameAndType [show ()V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
  + NameAndType [updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/widget/ListView;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;I)Landroid/widget/Toast;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView;Landroid/view/View;IJ)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>;Landroid/view/View;IJ)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [J]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/ListView;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Object;Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTypeTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$3;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [OnItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Signature]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [adapter]
  + Utf8 [android/os/Handler]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/AdapterView]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/ListView]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/Toast]
  + Utf8 [disablePortForward]
  + Utf8 [enablePortForward]
  + Utf8 [getItemAtPosition]
  + Utf8 [getListView]
  + Utf8 [getString]
  + Utf8 [hostBridge]
  + Utf8 [id]
  + Utf8 [isEnabled]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [lv]
  + Utf8 [makeText]
  + Utf8 [onCreate]
  + Utf8 [onItemClick]
  + Utf8 [pfb]
  + Utf8 [position]
  + Utf8 [sendEmptyMessage]
  + Utf8 [show]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$3]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [updateHandler]
  + Utf8 [view]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity this$0

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = PortForwardListActivity$3(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$3.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #19
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 147
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$3; this]
  + Method:       onItemClick(Landroid/widget/AdapterView;Landroid/view/View;IJ)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onItemClick(android.widget.AdapterView,android.view.View,int,long)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 102, locals = 8, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$3.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [4] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.getListView ()Landroid/widget/ListView;]
      [7] astore v6
      [9] aload v6
      [11] iload_3 v3
      [12] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [android/widget/ListView.getItemAtPosition (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [15] checkcast #10
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean]
      [18] astore v7
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$3.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [24] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.hostBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [27] ifnull +74 (target=101)
      [30] aload v7
      [32] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.isEnabled ()Z]
      [35] ifeq +19 (target=54)
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$3.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [42] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.hostBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [45] aload v7
      [47] invokevirtual #23
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.disablePortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
      [50] pop
      [51] goto +38 (target=89)
      [54] aload_0 v0
      [55] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$3.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [58] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.hostBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [61] aload v7
      [63] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.enablePortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
      [66] ifne +23 (target=89)
      [69] aload_0 v0
      [70] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$3.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [73] aload_0 v0
      [74] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$3.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [77] ldc #1
        + Integer [2131230870]
      [79] invokevirtual #21
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [82] iconst_1
      [83] invokestatic #17
        + Methodref [android/widget/Toast.makeText (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;I)Landroid/widget/Toast;]
      [86] invokevirtual #18
        + Methodref [android/widget/ ()V]
      [89] aload_0 v0
      [90] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$3.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [93] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
      [96] iconst_m1
      [97] invokevirtual #15
        + Methodref [android/os/Handler.sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
      [100] pop
      [101] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 149
        [9] -> line 150
        [20] -> line 152
        [30] -> line 153
        [38] -> line 154
        [54] -> line 156
        [69] -> line 157
        [89] -> line 160
        [101] -> line 162
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 102 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$3; this]
        v1: 0 -> 102 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView; adapter]
        v2: 0 -> 102 [Landroid/view/View; view]
        v3: 0 -> 102 [I position]
        v4: 0 -> 102 [J id]
        v6: 9 -> 102 [Landroid/widget/ListView; lv]
        v7: 20 -> 102 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean; pfb]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 1)
        v1: 0 -> 102 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>; adapter]
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>;Landroid/view/View;IJ)V]

Class file attributes (count = 4):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener]
      + Class [android/widget/AdapterView]
      + Utf8 [OnItemClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$3]
  + Signature attribute:
    + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Object;Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener;]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity$4 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 120):
  + Integer [2130903052]
  + Integer [2131230868]
  + Integer [2131230899]
  + Integer [2131427366]
  + Integer [2131427368]
  + Class [android/app/AlertDialog]
  + Class [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder]
  + Class [android/content/DialogInterface]
  + Class [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
  + Class [android/view/LayoutInflater]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Class [android/view/View]
  + Class [android/widget/AdapterView]
  + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener]
  + Class [android/widget/EditText]
  + Class [android/widget/Spinner]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$1]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$2]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
  + Methodref [android/app/ ()V]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.create ()Landroid/app/AlertDialog;]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setNegativeButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setPositiveButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setView (Landroid/view/View;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Methodref [android/view/LayoutInflater.inflate (ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;Z)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [android/view/View.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/Spinner.setOnItemSelectedListener (Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4;Landroid/widget/EditText;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$2.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/widget/Spinner;Landroid/widget/EditText;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/widget/Spinner;Landroid/widget/EditText;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4;Landroid/widget/EditText;)V]
  + NameAndType [create ()Landroid/app/AlertDialog;]
  + NameAndType [findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [inflate (ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;Z)Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + NameAndType [onCreateOptionsMenu (Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + NameAndType [setNegativeButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + NameAndType [setOnItemSelectedListener (Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener;)V]
  + NameAndType [setPositiveButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + NameAndType [setView (Landroid/view/View;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + NameAndType [show ()V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/app/AlertDialog;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [(ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Utf8 [(ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;Z)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/widget/Spinner;Landroid/widget/EditText;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4;Landroid/widget/EditText;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Builder]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [OnItemSelectedListener]
  + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [android/app/AlertDialog]
  + Utf8 [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder]
  + Utf8 [android/content/DialogInterface]
  + Utf8 [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/view/LayoutInflater]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/AdapterView]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/EditText]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/Spinner]
  + Utf8 [create]
  + Utf8 [destEdit]
  + Utf8 [findViewById]
  + Utf8 [inflate]
  + Utf8 [inflater]
  + Utf8 [item]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [onCreateOptionsMenu]
  + Utf8 [onMenuItemClick]
  + Utf8 [portForwardView]
  + Utf8 [setNegativeButton]
  + Utf8 [setOnItemSelectedListener]
  + Utf8 [setPositiveButton]
  + Utf8 [setView]
  + Utf8 [show]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$1]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$2]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [typeSpinner]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity this$0

Methods (count = 3):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = PortForwardListActivity$4(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #24
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #34
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 174
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4; this]
  + Method:       onMenuItemClick(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean onMenuItemClick(android.view.MenuItem)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 96, locals = 5, stack = 8):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [4] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
      [7] ldc #1
        + Integer [2130903052]
      [9] aconst_null
      [10] iconst_0
      [11] invokevirtual #31
        + Methodref [android/view/LayoutInflater.inflate (ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;Z)Landroid/view/View;]
      [14] astore_2 v2
      [15] aload_2 v2
      [16] ldc #5
        + Integer [2131427368]
      [18] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [android/view/View.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [21] checkcast #16
        + Class [android/widget/EditText]
      [24] astore_3 v3
      [25] aload_2 v2
      [26] ldc #4
        + Integer [2131427366]
      [28] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [android/view/View.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [31] checkcast #17
        + Class [android/widget/Spinner]
      [34] astore v4
      [36] aload v4
      [38] new #21
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$1]
      [41] dup
      [42] aload_0 v0
      [43] aload_3 v3
      [44] invokespecial #35
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4;Landroid/widget/EditText;)V]
      [47] invokevirtual #33
        + Methodref [android/widget/Spinner.setOnItemSelectedListener (Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener;)V]
      [50] new #7
        + Class [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder]
      [53] dup
      [54] aload_0 v0
      [55] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [58] invokespecial #26
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [61] aload_2 v2
      [62] invokevirtual #30
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setView (Landroid/view/View;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
      [65] ldc #2
        + Integer [2131230868]
      [67] new #22
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$2]
      [70] dup
      [71] aload_0 v0
      [72] aload_2 v2
      [73] aload v4
      [75] aload_3 v3
      [76] invokespecial #36
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$2.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/widget/Spinner;Landroid/widget/EditText;)V]
      [79] invokevirtual #29
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setPositiveButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
      [82] ldc #3
        + Integer [2131230899]
      [84] aconst_null
      [85] invokevirtual #28
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setNegativeButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
      [88] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.create ()Landroid/app/AlertDialog;]
      [91] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [android/app/ ()V]
      [94] iconst_1
      [95] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 177
        [15] -> line 178
        [25] -> line 179
        [36] -> line 181
        [50] -> line 190
        [61] -> line 191
        [65] -> line 192
        [82] -> line 232
        [94] -> line 234
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 96 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4; this]
        v1: 0 -> 96 [Landroid/view/MenuItem; item]
        v2: 15 -> 96 [Landroid/view/View; portForwardView]
        v3: 25 -> 96 [Landroid/widget/EditText; destEdit]
        v4: 36 -> 96 [Landroid/widget/Spinner; typeSpinner]
  + Method:       access$0(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity access$0(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity$4)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 174
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreateOptionsMenu (Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 7)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x9 = public static 
      + Class [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder]
      + Class [android/app/AlertDialog]
      + Utf8 [Builder]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
      + Class [android/content/DialogInterface]
      + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
      + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener]
      + Class [android/widget/AdapterView]
      + Utf8 [OnItemSelectedListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$1]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$2]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$1
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity$4$1 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener]

Constant Pool (count = 62):
  + Class [android/widget/AdapterView]
  + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener]
  + Class [android/widget/EditText]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$1]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$1.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$1.val$destEdit Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.setEnabled (Z)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [onMenuItemClick (Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + NameAndType [setEnabled (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4;]
  + NameAndType [val$destEdit Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView;Landroid/view/View;IJ)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>;Landroid/view/View;IJ)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4;Landroid/widget/EditText;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [J]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Object;Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTypeTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$1;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4;]
  + Utf8 [OnItemSelectedListener]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Signature]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/AdapterView]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/EditText]
  + Utf8 [arg0]
  + Utf8 [id]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [onItemSelected]
  + Utf8 [onMenuItemClick]
  + Utf8 [onNothingSelected]
  + Utf8 [position]
  + Utf8 [setEnabled]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$1]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$1]
  + Utf8 [val$destEdit]
  + Utf8 [value]
  + Utf8 [view]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity$4 this$1
  + Field:        val$destEdit Landroid/widget/EditText;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic android.widget.EditText val$destEdit

Methods (count = 3):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4;Landroid/widget/EditText;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = PortForwardListActivity$4$1(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity$4,android.widget.EditText)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #7
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$1.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_2 v2
      [7] putfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$1.val$destEdit Landroid/widget/EditText;]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] invokespecial #10
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [14] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [10] -> line 181
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 15 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$1; this]
  + Method:       onItemSelected(Landroid/widget/AdapterView;Landroid/view/View;IJ)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onItemSelected(android.widget.AdapterView,android.view.View,int,long)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 18, locals = 6, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$1.val$destEdit Landroid/widget/EditText;]
      [4] iload_3 v3
      [5] iconst_2
      [6] ificmpeq +7 (target=13)
      [9] iconst_1
      [10] goto +4 (target=14)
      [13] iconst_0
      [14] invokevirtual #9
        + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.setEnabled (Z)V]
      [17] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 184
        [17] -> line 185
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 18 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$1; this]
        v1: 0 -> 18 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView; value]
        v2: 0 -> 18 [Landroid/view/View; view]
        v3: 0 -> 18 [I position]
        v4: 0 -> 18 [J id]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 1)
        v1: 0 -> 18 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>; value]
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>;Landroid/view/View;IJ)V]
  + Method:       onNothingSelected(Landroid/widget/AdapterView;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onNothingSelected(android.widget.AdapterView)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 1, locals = 2, stack = 0):
      [0] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 187
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 1 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$1; this]
        v1: 0 -> 1 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView; arg0]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 1)
        v1: 0 -> 1 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>; arg0]
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>;)V]

Class file attributes (count = 4):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4]
    + NameAndType [onMenuItemClick (Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 3)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener]
      + Class [android/widget/AdapterView]
      + Utf8 [OnItemSelectedListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$1]
  + Signature attribute:
    + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Object;Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener;]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$2
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity$4$2 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 163):
  + Integer [2131427345]
  + Integer [2131427367]
  + String [ConnectBot.PortForwardListActivity]
  + String [Could not save port forward]
  + String [Could not update port forward]
  + String [dynamic5]
  + String [local]
  + String [remote]
  + Class [android/content/DialogInterface]
  + Class [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
  + Class [android/database/SQLException]
  + Class [android/os/Handler]
  + Class [android/text/Editable]
  + Class [android/util/Log]
  + Class [android/view/View]
  + Class [android/widget/EditText]
  + Class [android/widget/Spinner]
  + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$2]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
  + Long [-1]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.hostBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$2.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$2.val$destEdit Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$2.val$portForwardView Landroid/view/View;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$2.val$typeSpinner Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
  + Methodref [android/database/SQLException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [android/os/Handler.sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Methodref [android/view/View.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.getText ()Landroid/text/Editable;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/Spinner.getSelectedItemPosition ()I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getId ()J]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.<init> (JLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.addPortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.enablePortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.savePortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/text/Editable.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (JLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
  + NameAndType [access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + NameAndType [addPortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
  + NameAndType [e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + NameAndType [enablePortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
  + NameAndType [findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [getId ()J]
  + NameAndType [getSelectedItemPosition ()I]
  + NameAndType [getText ()Landroid/text/Editable;]
  + NameAndType [hostBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + NameAndType [onMenuItemClick (Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + NameAndType [savePortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
  + NameAndType [sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
  + NameAndType [this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4;]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + NameAndType [val$destEdit Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + NameAndType [val$portForwardView Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [val$typeSpinner Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()J]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/text/Editable;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Z]
  + Utf8 [(JLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/DialogInterface;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/widget/Spinner;Landroid/widget/EditText;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ConnectBot.PortForwardListActivity]
  + Utf8 [Could not save port forward]
  + Utf8 [Could not update port forward]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/DialogInterface;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Exception;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$2;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [addPortForward]
  + Utf8 [android/content/DialogInterface]
  + Utf8 [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/database/SQLException]
  + Utf8 [android/os/Handler]
  + Utf8 [android/text/Editable]
  + Utf8 [android/util/Log]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/EditText]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/Spinner]
  + Utf8 [dialog]
  + Utf8 [dynamic5]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [enablePortForward]
  + Utf8 [findViewById]
  + Utf8 [getId]
  + Utf8 [getSelectedItemPosition]
  + Utf8 [getText]
  + Utf8 [hostBridge]
  + Utf8 [hostdb]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Exception]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [local]
  + Utf8 [nicknameEdit]
  + Utf8 [onClick]
  + Utf8 [onMenuItemClick]
  + Utf8 [pfb]
  + Utf8 [remote]
  + Utf8 [savePortForward]
  + Utf8 [sendEmptyMessage]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$2]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
  + Utf8 [sourcePortEdit]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$1]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [type]
  + Utf8 [updateHandler]
  + Utf8 [val$destEdit]
  + Utf8 [val$portForwardView]
  + Utf8 [val$typeSpinner]
  + Utf8 [which]

Fields (count = 4):
  + Field:        this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity$4 this$1
  + Field:        val$portForwardView Landroid/view/View;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic android.view.View val$portForwardView
  + Field:        val$typeSpinner Landroid/widget/Spinner;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic android.widget.Spinner val$typeSpinner
  + Field:        val$destEdit Landroid/widget/EditText;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic android.widget.EditText val$destEdit

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/widget/Spinner;Landroid/widget/EditText;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = PortForwardListActivity$4$2(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity$4,android.view.View,android.widget.Spinner,android.widget.EditText)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 26, locals = 5, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$2.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_2 v2
      [7] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$2.val$portForwardView Landroid/view/View;]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] aload_3 v3
      [12] putfield #35
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$2.val$typeSpinner Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] aload v4
      [18] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$2.val$destEdit Landroid/widget/EditText;]
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] invokespecial #42
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [25] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [21] -> line 192
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 26 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$2; this]
  + Method:       onClick(Landroid/content/DialogInterface;I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onClick(android.content.DialogInterface,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 271, locals = 7, stack = 8):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$2.val$portForwardView Landroid/view/View;]
      [4] ldc #1
        + Integer [2131427345]
      [6] invokevirtual #39
        + Methodref [android/view/View.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [9] checkcast #16
        + Class [android/widget/EditText]
      [12] astore_3 v3
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$2.val$portForwardView Landroid/view/View;]
      [17] ldc #2
        + Integer [2131427367]
      [19] invokevirtual #39
        + Methodref [android/view/View.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [22] checkcast #16
        + Class [android/widget/EditText]
      [25] astore v4
      [27] ldc #7
        + String [local]
      [29] astore v5
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$2.val$typeSpinner Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
      [35] invokevirtual #41
        + Methodref [android/widget/Spinner.getSelectedItemPosition ()I]
      [38] tableswitch (3 offsets, default=44) (target=82)
        0: offset = 26, target = 64
        1: offset = 33, target = 71
        2: offset = 40, target = 78
        default: offset = 44, target = 82
      [64] ldc #7
        + String [local]
      [66] astore v5
      [68] goto +14 (target=82)
      [71] ldc #8
        + String [remote]
      [73] astore v5
      [75] goto +7 (target=82)
      [78] ldc #6
        + String [dynamic5]
      [80] astore v5
      [82] new #24
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean]
      [85] dup
      [86] aload_0 v0
      [87] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$2.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4;]
      [90] invokestatic #44
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [93] invokestatic #43
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [96] ifnull +19 (target=115)
      [99] aload_0 v0
      [100] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$2.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4;]
      [103] invokestatic #44
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [106] invokestatic #43
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [109] invokevirtual #45
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getId ()J]
      [112] goto +6 (target=118)
      [115] ldc2_w #27
        + Long [-1]
      [118] aload_3 v3
      [119] invokevirtual #40
        + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.getText ()Landroid/text/Editable;]
      [122] invokeinterface #50
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/text/Editable.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [127] aload v5
      [129] aload v4
      [131] invokevirtual #40
        + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.getText ()Landroid/text/Editable;]
      [134] invokeinterface #50
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/text/Editable.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [139] aload_0 v0
      [140] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$2.val$destEdit Landroid/widget/EditText;]
      [143] invokevirtual #40
        + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.getText ()Landroid/text/Editable;]
      [146] invokeinterface #50
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/text/Editable.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [151] invokespecial #46
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.<init> (JLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [154] astore v6
      [156] aload_0 v0
      [157] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$2.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4;]
      [160] invokestatic #44
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [163] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.hostBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [166] ifnull +35 (target=201)
      [169] aload_0 v0
      [170] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$2.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4;]
      [173] invokestatic #44
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [176] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.hostBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [179] aload v6
      [181] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.addPortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
      [184] pop
      [185] aload_0 v0
      [186] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$2.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4;]
      [189] invokestatic #44
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [192] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.hostBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [195] aload v6
      [197] invokevirtual #48
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.enablePortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
      [200] pop
      [201] aload_0 v0
      [202] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$2.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4;]
      [205] invokestatic #44
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [208] invokestatic #43
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [211] ifnull +31 (target=242)
      [214] aload_0 v0
      [215] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$2.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4;]
      [218] invokestatic #44
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [221] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [224] aload v6
      [226] invokevirtual #49
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.savePortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
      [229] ifne +13 (target=242)
      [232] new #11
        + Class [android/database/SQLException]
      [235] dup
      [236] ldc #4
        + String [Could not save port forward]
      [238] invokespecial #36
        + Methodref [android/database/SQLException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [241] athrow
      [242] aload_0 v0
      [243] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$2.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4;]
      [246] invokestatic #44
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [249] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
      [252] iconst_m1
      [253] invokevirtual #37
        + Methodref [android/os/Handler.sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
      [256] pop
      [257] goto +13 (target=270)
      [260] astore_3 v3
      [261] ldc #3
        + String [ConnectBot.PortForwardListActivity]
      [263] ldc #5
        + String [Could not update port forward]
      [265] aload_3 v3
      [266] invokestatic #38
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [269] pop
      [270] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 257: 260):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 24)
        [0] -> line 195
        [13] -> line 196
        [27] -> line 198
        [31] -> line 199
        [64] -> line 201
        [68] -> line 202
        [71] -> line 204
        [75] -> line 205
        [78] -> line 207
        [82] -> line 211
        [86] -> line 212
        [118] -> line 213
        [129] -> line 214
        [139] -> line 215
        [151] -> line 211
        [156] -> line 217
        [169] -> line 218
        [185] -> line 219
        [201] -> line 222
        [232] -> line 223
        [242] -> line 225
        [260] -> line 226
        [261] -> line 227
        [270] -> line 230
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 8)
        v0: 0 -> 271 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$2; this]
        v1: 0 -> 271 [Landroid/content/DialogInterface; dialog]
        v2: 0 -> 271 [I which]
        v3: 13 -> 260 [Landroid/widget/EditText; nicknameEdit]
        v4: 27 -> 260 [Landroid/widget/EditText; sourcePortEdit]
        v5: 31 -> 260 [Ljava/lang/String; type]
        v6: 156 -> 260 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean; pfb]
        v3: 261 -> 270 [Ljava/lang/Exception; e]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4]
    + NameAndType [onMenuItemClick (Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 3)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
      + Class [android/content/DialogInterface]
      + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$4$2]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity$5 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 191):
  + Integer [17039360]
  + Integer [2130903052]
  + Integer [2131230785]
  + Integer [2131427345]
  + Integer [2131427366]
  + Integer [2131427367]
  + Integer [2131427368]
  + String [%s:%d]
  + String [dynamic5]
  + String [local]
  + String [remote]
  + Class [android/app/AlertDialog]
  + Class [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder]
  + Class [android/content/DialogInterface]
  + Class [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
  + Class [android/view/ContextMenu]
  + Class [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
  + Class [android/view/LayoutInflater]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Class [android/view/View]
  + Class [android/widget/AdapterView]
  + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener]
  + Class [android/widget/EditText]
  + Class [android/widget/Spinner]
  + Class [java/lang/Integer]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$1]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5.val$pfb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
  + Methodref [android/app/ ()V]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.create ()Landroid/app/AlertDialog;]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setNegativeButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setPositiveButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setView (Landroid/view/View;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Methodref [android/view/LayoutInflater.inflate (ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;Z)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [android/view/View.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.setEnabled (Z)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/Spinner.setOnItemSelectedListener (Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/Spinner.setSelection (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;Landroid/widget/EditText;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;Landroid/widget/EditText;Landroid/widget/Spinner;Landroid/widget/EditText;Landroid/widget/EditText;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getDestAddr ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getDestPort ()I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getSourcePort ()I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getType ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;Landroid/widget/EditText;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;Landroid/widget/EditText;Landroid/widget/Spinner;Landroid/widget/EditText;Landroid/widget/EditText;)V]
  + NameAndType [create ()Landroid/app/AlertDialog;]
  + NameAndType [equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getDestAddr ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getDestPort ()I]
  + NameAndType [getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getSourcePort ()I]
  + NameAndType [getType ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [inflate (ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;Z)Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + NameAndType [onCreateContextMenu (Landroid/view/ContextMenu;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;)V]
  + NameAndType [setEnabled (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [setNegativeButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + NameAndType [setOnItemSelectedListener (Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener;)V]
  + NameAndType [setPositiveButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + NameAndType [setSelection (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + NameAndType [setView (Landroid/view/View;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + NameAndType [show ()V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
  + NameAndType [val$pfb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [%s:%d]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/app/AlertDialog;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Utf8 [(ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;Z)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/ContextMenu;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;Landroid/widget/EditText;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;Landroid/widget/EditText;Landroid/widget/Spinner;Landroid/widget/EditText;Landroid/widget/EditText;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Builder]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ContextMenuInfo]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
  + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [OnItemSelectedListener]
  + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [android/app/AlertDialog]
  + Utf8 [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder]
  + Utf8 [android/content/DialogInterface]
  + Utf8 [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/view/ContextMenu]
  + Utf8 [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
  + Utf8 [android/view/LayoutInflater]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/AdapterView]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/EditText]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/Spinner]
  + Utf8 [create]
  + Utf8 [destEdit]
  + Utf8 [dynamic5]
  + Utf8 [editTunnelView]
  + Utf8 [equals]
  + Utf8 [findViewById]
  + Utf8 [format]
  + Utf8 [getDestAddr]
  + Utf8 [getDestPort]
  + Utf8 [getNickname]
  + Utf8 [getSourcePort]
  + Utf8 [getType]
  + Utf8 [inflate]
  + Utf8 [inflater]
  + Utf8 [item]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Integer]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [local]
  + Utf8 [nicknameEdit]
  + Utf8 [onCreateContextMenu]
  + Utf8 [onMenuItemClick]
  + Utf8 [remote]
  + Utf8 [setEnabled]
  + Utf8 [setNegativeButton]
  + Utf8 [setOnItemSelectedListener]
  + Utf8 [setPositiveButton]
  + Utf8 [setSelection]
  + Utf8 [setText]
  + Utf8 [setView]
  + Utf8 [show]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$1]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean]
  + Utf8 [sourcePortEdit]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [typeSpinner]
  + Utf8 [val$pfb]
  + Utf8 [valueOf]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity this$0
  + Field:        val$pfb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PortForwardBean val$pfb

Methods (count = 3):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = PortForwardListActivity$5(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity,com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PortForwardBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #35
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_2 v2
      [7] putfield #36
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5.val$pfb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] invokespecial #50
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [14] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [10] -> line 250
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 15 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5; this]
  + Method:       onMenuItemClick(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean onMenuItemClick(android.view.MenuItem)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 264, locals = 7, stack = 10):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [4] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
      [7] ldc #2
        + Integer [2130903052]
      [9] aconst_null
      [10] iconst_0
      [11] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [android/view/LayoutInflater.inflate (ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;Z)Landroid/view/View;]
      [14] astore_2 v2
      [15] aload_2 v2
      [16] ldc #5
        + Integer [2131427366]
      [18] invokevirtual #44
        + Methodref [android/view/View.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [21] checkcast #25
        + Class [android/widget/Spinner]
      [24] astore_3 v3
      [25] ldc #10
        + String [local]
      [27] aload_0 v0
      [28] getfield #36
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5.val$pfb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
      [31] invokevirtual #60
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getType ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [34] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [37] ifeq +11 (target=48)
      [40] aload_3 v3
      [41] iconst_0
      [42] invokevirtual #48
        + Methodref [android/widget/Spinner.setSelection (I)V]
      [45] goto +31 (target=76)
      [48] ldc #11
        + String [remote]
      [50] aload_0 v0
      [51] getfield #36
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5.val$pfb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
      [54] invokevirtual #60
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getType ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [57] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [60] ifeq +11 (target=71)
      [63] aload_3 v3
      [64] iconst_1
      [65] invokevirtual #48
        + Methodref [android/widget/Spinner.setSelection (I)V]
      [68] goto +8 (target=76)
      [71] aload_3 v3
      [72] iconst_2
      [73] invokevirtual #48
        + Methodref [android/widget/Spinner.setSelection (I)V]
      [76] aload_2 v2
      [77] ldc #4
        + Integer [2131427345]
      [79] invokevirtual #44
        + Methodref [android/view/View.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [82] checkcast #24
        + Class [android/widget/EditText]
      [85] astore v4
      [87] aload v4
      [89] aload_0 v0
      [90] getfield #36
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5.val$pfb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
      [93] invokevirtual #58
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [96] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [99] aload_2 v2
      [100] ldc #6
        + Integer [2131427367]
      [102] invokevirtual #44
        + Methodref [android/view/View.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [105] checkcast #24
        + Class [android/widget/EditText]
      [108] astore v5
      [110] aload v5
      [112] aload_0 v0
      [113] getfield #36
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5.val$pfb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
      [116] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getSourcePort ()I]
      [119] invokestatic #53
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [122] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [125] aload_2 v2
      [126] ldc #7
        + Integer [2131427368]
      [128] invokevirtual #44
        + Methodref [android/view/View.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [131] checkcast #24
        + Class [android/widget/EditText]
      [134] astore v6
      [136] ldc #9
        + String [dynamic5]
      [138] aload_0 v0
      [139] getfield #36
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5.val$pfb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
      [142] invokevirtual #60
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getType ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [145] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [148] ifeq +12 (target=160)
      [151] aload v6
      [153] iconst_0
      [154] invokevirtual #45
        + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.setEnabled (Z)V]
      [157] goto +40 (target=197)
      [160] aload v6
      [162] ldc #8
        + String [%s:%d]
      [164] iconst_2
      [165] anewarray #27
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [168] dup
      [169] iconst_0
      [170] aload_0 v0
      [171] getfield #36
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5.val$pfb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
      [174] invokevirtual #56
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getDestAddr ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [177] aastore
      [178] dup
      [179] iconst_1
      [180] aload_0 v0
      [181] getfield #36
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5.val$pfb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
      [184] invokevirtual #57
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getDestPort ()I]
      [187] invokestatic #49
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [190] aastore
      [191] invokestatic #52
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [194] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [197] aload_3 v3
      [198] new #31
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$1]
      [201] dup
      [202] aload_0 v0
      [203] aload v6
      [205] invokespecial #54
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;Landroid/widget/EditText;)V]
      [208] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [android/widget/Spinner.setOnItemSelectedListener (Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener;)V]
      [211] new #13
        + Class [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder]
      [214] dup
      [215] aload_0 v0
      [216] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [219] invokespecial #38
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [222] aload_2 v2
      [223] invokevirtual #42
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setView (Landroid/view/View;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
      [226] ldc #3
        + Integer [2131230785]
      [228] new #32
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2]
      [231] dup
      [232] aload_0 v0
      [233] aload_0 v0
      [234] getfield #36
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5.val$pfb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
      [237] aload v4
      [239] aload_3 v3
      [240] aload v5
      [242] aload v6
      [244] invokespecial #55
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;Landroid/widget/EditText;Landroid/widget/Spinner;Landroid/widget/EditText;Landroid/widget/EditText;)V]
      [247] invokevirtual #41
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setPositiveButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
      [250] ldc #1
        + Integer [17039360]
      [252] aconst_null
      [253] invokevirtual #40
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setNegativeButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
      [256] invokevirtual #39
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.create ()Landroid/app/AlertDialog;]
      [259] invokevirtual #37
        + Methodref [android/app/ ()V]
      [262] iconst_1
      [263] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 21)
        [0] -> line 252
        [15] -> line 254
        [25] -> line 255
        [40] -> line 256
        [48] -> line 257
        [63] -> line 258
        [71] -> line 260
        [76] -> line 262
        [87] -> line 263
        [99] -> line 265
        [110] -> line 266
        [125] -> line 268
        [136] -> line 269
        [151] -> line 270
        [160] -> line 272
        [197] -> line 275
        [211] -> line 284
        [222] -> line 285
        [226] -> line 286
        [250] -> line 329
        [262] -> line 331
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 264 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5; this]
        v1: 0 -> 264 [Landroid/view/MenuItem; item]
        v2: 15 -> 264 [Landroid/view/View; editTunnelView]
        v3: 25 -> 264 [Landroid/widget/Spinner; typeSpinner]
        v4: 87 -> 264 [Landroid/widget/EditText; nicknameEdit]
        v5: 110 -> 264 [Landroid/widget/EditText; sourcePortEdit]
        v6: 136 -> 264 [Landroid/widget/EditText; destEdit]
  + Method:       access$0(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity access$0(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity$5)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 250
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreateContextMenu (Landroid/view/ContextMenu;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 8)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x9 = public static 
      + Class [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder]
      + Class [android/app/AlertDialog]
      + Utf8 [Builder]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
      + Class [android/content/DialogInterface]
      + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
      + Class [android/view/ContextMenu]
      + Utf8 [ContextMenuInfo]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
      + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener]
      + Class [android/widget/AdapterView]
      + Utf8 [OnItemSelectedListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$1]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$1
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity$5$1 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener]

Constant Pool (count = 62):
  + Class [android/widget/AdapterView]
  + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener]
  + Class [android/widget/EditText]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$1]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$1.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$1.val$destEdit Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.setEnabled (Z)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [onMenuItemClick (Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + NameAndType [setEnabled (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;]
  + NameAndType [val$destEdit Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView;Landroid/view/View;IJ)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>;Landroid/view/View;IJ)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;Landroid/widget/EditText;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [J]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Object;Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTypeTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$1;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;]
  + Utf8 [OnItemSelectedListener]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Signature]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/AdapterView]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/EditText]
  + Utf8 [arg0]
  + Utf8 [id]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [onItemSelected]
  + Utf8 [onMenuItemClick]
  + Utf8 [onNothingSelected]
  + Utf8 [position]
  + Utf8 [setEnabled]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$1]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$1]
  + Utf8 [val$destEdit]
  + Utf8 [value]
  + Utf8 [view]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity$5 this$1
  + Field:        val$destEdit Landroid/widget/EditText;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic android.widget.EditText val$destEdit

Methods (count = 3):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;Landroid/widget/EditText;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = PortForwardListActivity$5$1(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity$5,android.widget.EditText)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #7
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$1.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_2 v2
      [7] putfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$1.val$destEdit Landroid/widget/EditText;]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] invokespecial #10
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [14] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [10] -> line 275
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 15 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$1; this]
  + Method:       onItemSelected(Landroid/widget/AdapterView;Landroid/view/View;IJ)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onItemSelected(android.widget.AdapterView,android.view.View,int,long)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 18, locals = 6, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$1.val$destEdit Landroid/widget/EditText;]
      [4] iload_3 v3
      [5] iconst_2
      [6] ificmpeq +7 (target=13)
      [9] iconst_1
      [10] goto +4 (target=14)
      [13] iconst_0
      [14] invokevirtual #9
        + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.setEnabled (Z)V]
      [17] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 278
        [17] -> line 279
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 18 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$1; this]
        v1: 0 -> 18 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView; value]
        v2: 0 -> 18 [Landroid/view/View; view]
        v3: 0 -> 18 [I position]
        v4: 0 -> 18 [J id]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 1)
        v1: 0 -> 18 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>; value]
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>;Landroid/view/View;IJ)V]
  + Method:       onNothingSelected(Landroid/widget/AdapterView;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onNothingSelected(android.widget.AdapterView)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 1, locals = 2, stack = 0):
      [0] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 281
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 1 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$1; this]
        v1: 0 -> 1 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView; arg0]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 1)
        v1: 0 -> 1 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>; arg0]
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>;)V]

Class file attributes (count = 4):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5]
    + NameAndType [onMenuItemClick (Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 3)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener]
      + Class [android/widget/AdapterView]
      + Utf8 [OnItemSelectedListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$1]
  + Signature attribute:
    + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Object;Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener;]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity$5$2 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 169):
  + String [ConnectBot.PortForwardListActivity]
  + String [Could not save port forward]
  + String [Could not update port forward]
  + String [dynamic5]
  + String [local]
  + String [remote]
  + Class [android/content/DialogInterface]
  + Class [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
  + Class [android/database/SQLException]
  + Class [android/os/Handler]
  + Class [android/text/Editable]
  + Class [android/util/Log]
  + Class [android/widget/EditText]
  + Class [android/widget/Spinner]
  + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Class [java/lang/Integer]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2$1]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
  + Long [500]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.hostBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2.val$destEdit Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2.val$nicknameEdit Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2.val$pfb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2.val$sourcePortEdit Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2.val$typeSpinner Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
  + Methodref [android/database/SQLException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [android/os/Handler.postDelayed (Ljava/lang/Runnable;J)Z]
  + Methodref [android/os/Handler.sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.getText ()Landroid/text/Editable;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/Spinner.getSelectedItemPosition ()I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.parseInt (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.setDest (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.setNickname (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.setSourcePort (I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.setType (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.disablePortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.savePortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/text/Editable.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)V]
  + NameAndType [access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
  + NameAndType [disablePortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
  + NameAndType [e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + NameAndType [getSelectedItemPosition ()I]
  + NameAndType [getText ()Landroid/text/Editable;]
  + NameAndType [hostBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + NameAndType [onMenuItemClick (Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + NameAndType [parseInt (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [postDelayed (Ljava/lang/Runnable;J)Z]
  + NameAndType [savePortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
  + NameAndType [sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
  + NameAndType [setDest (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [setNickname (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [setSourcePort (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setType (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + NameAndType [val$destEdit Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + NameAndType [val$nicknameEdit Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + NameAndType [val$pfb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
  + NameAndType [val$sourcePortEdit Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + NameAndType [val$typeSpinner Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/text/Editable;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/DialogInterface;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Runnable;J)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;Landroid/widget/EditText;Landroid/widget/Spinner;Landroid/widget/EditText;Landroid/widget/EditText;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ConnectBot.PortForwardListActivity]
  + Utf8 [Could not save port forward]
  + Utf8 [Could not update port forward]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/DialogInterface;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Exception;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [android/content/DialogInterface]
  + Utf8 [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/database/SQLException]
  + Utf8 [android/os/Handler]
  + Utf8 [android/text/Editable]
  + Utf8 [android/util/Log]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/EditText]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/Spinner]
  + Utf8 [dialog]
  + Utf8 [disablePortForward]
  + Utf8 [dynamic5]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [getSelectedItemPosition]
  + Utf8 [getText]
  + Utf8 [hostBridge]
  + Utf8 [hostdb]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Exception]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Integer]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [local]
  + Utf8 [onClick]
  + Utf8 [onMenuItemClick]
  + Utf8 [parseInt]
  + Utf8 [postDelayed]
  + Utf8 [remote]
  + Utf8 [savePortForward]
  + Utf8 [sendEmptyMessage]
  + Utf8 [setDest]
  + Utf8 [setNickname]
  + Utf8 [setSourcePort]
  + Utf8 [setType]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2$1]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$1]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [updateHandler]
  + Utf8 [val$destEdit]
  + Utf8 [val$nicknameEdit]
  + Utf8 [val$pfb]
  + Utf8 [val$sourcePortEdit]
  + Utf8 [val$typeSpinner]
  + Utf8 [which]

Fields (count = 6):
  + Field:        this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity$5 this$1
  + Field:        val$pfb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PortForwardBean val$pfb
  + Field:        val$nicknameEdit Landroid/widget/EditText;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic android.widget.EditText val$nicknameEdit
  + Field:        val$typeSpinner Landroid/widget/Spinner;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic android.widget.Spinner val$typeSpinner
  + Field:        val$sourcePortEdit Landroid/widget/EditText;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic android.widget.EditText val$sourcePortEdit
  + Field:        val$destEdit Landroid/widget/EditText;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic android.widget.EditText val$destEdit

Methods (count = 3):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;Landroid/widget/EditText;Landroid/widget/Spinner;Landroid/widget/EditText;Landroid/widget/EditText;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = PortForwardListActivity$5$2(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity$5,com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PortForwardBean,android.widget.EditText,android.widget.Spinner,android.widget.EditText,android.widget.EditText)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 38, locals = 7, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_2 v2
      [7] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2.val$pfb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] aload_3 v3
      [12] putfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2.val$nicknameEdit Landroid/widget/EditText;]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] aload v4
      [18] putfield #35
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2.val$typeSpinner Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] aload v5
      [24] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2.val$sourcePortEdit Landroid/widget/EditText;]
      [27] aload_0 v0
      [28] aload v6
      [30] putfield #31
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2.val$destEdit Landroid/widget/EditText;]
      [33] aload_0 v0
      [34] invokespecial #43
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [37] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [33] -> line 286
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 38 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2; this]
  + Method:       onClick(Landroid/content/DialogInterface;I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onClick(android.content.DialogInterface,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 259, locals = 4, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;]
      [4] invokestatic #44
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [7] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.hostBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [10] ifnull +21 (target=31)
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;]
      [17] invokestatic #44
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [20] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.hostBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2.val$pfb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
      [27] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.disablePortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
      [30] pop
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2.val$pfb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
      [35] aload_0 v0
      [36] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2.val$nicknameEdit Landroid/widget/EditText;]
      [39] invokevirtual #40
        + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.getText ()Landroid/text/Editable;]
      [42] invokeinterface #52
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/text/Editable.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [47] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.setNickname (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [50] aload_0 v0
      [51] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2.val$typeSpinner Landroid/widget/Spinner;]
      [54] invokevirtual #41
        + Methodref [android/widget/Spinner.getSelectedItemPosition ()I]
      [57] tableswitch (3 offsets, default=60) (target=117)
        0: offset = 27, target = 84
        1: offset = 39, target = 96
        2: offset = 51, target = 108
        default: offset = 60, target = 117
      [84] aload_0 v0
      [85] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2.val$pfb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
      [88] ldc #5
        + String [local]
      [90] invokevirtual #49
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.setType (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [93] goto +24 (target=117)
      [96] aload_0 v0
      [97] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2.val$pfb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
      [100] ldc #6
        + String [remote]
      [102] invokevirtual #49
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.setType (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [105] goto +12 (target=117)
      [108] aload_0 v0
      [109] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2.val$pfb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
      [112] ldc #4
        + String [dynamic5]
      [114] invokevirtual #49
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.setType (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [117] aload_0 v0
      [118] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2.val$pfb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
      [121] aload_0 v0
      [122] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2.val$sourcePortEdit Landroid/widget/EditText;]
      [125] invokevirtual #40
        + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.getText ()Landroid/text/Editable;]
      [128] invokeinterface #52
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/text/Editable.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [133] invokestatic #42
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.parseInt (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [136] invokevirtual #48
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.setSourcePort (I)V]
      [139] aload_0 v0
      [140] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2.val$pfb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
      [143] aload_0 v0
      [144] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2.val$destEdit Landroid/widget/EditText;]
      [147] invokevirtual #40
        + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.getText ()Landroid/text/Editable;]
      [150] invokeinterface #52
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/text/Editable.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [155] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.setDest (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [158] aload_0 v0
      [159] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;]
      [162] invokestatic #44
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [165] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.hostBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [168] ifnull +32 (target=200)
      [171] aload_0 v0
      [172] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;]
      [175] invokestatic #44
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [178] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
      [181] new #21
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2$1]
      [184] dup
      [185] aload_0 v0
      [186] aload_0 v0
      [187] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2.val$pfb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
      [190] invokespecial #45
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)V]
      [193] ldc2_w #25
        + Long [500]
      [196] invokevirtual #37
        + Methodref [android/os/Handler.postDelayed (Ljava/lang/Runnable;J)Z]
      [199] pop
      [200] aload_0 v0
      [201] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;]
      [204] invokestatic #44
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [207] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [210] aload_0 v0
      [211] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2.val$pfb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
      [214] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.savePortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
      [217] ifne +13 (target=230)
      [220] new #9
        + Class [android/database/SQLException]
      [223] dup
      [224] ldc #2
        + String [Could not save port forward]
      [226] invokespecial #36
        + Methodref [android/database/SQLException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [229] athrow
      [230] aload_0 v0
      [231] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;]
      [234] invokestatic #44
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [237] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
      [240] iconst_m1
      [241] invokevirtual #38
        + Methodref [android/os/Handler.sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
      [244] pop
      [245] goto +13 (target=258)
      [248] astore_3 v3
      [249] ldc #1
        + String [ConnectBot.PortForwardListActivity]
      [251] ldc #3
        + String [Could not update port forward]
      [253] aload_3 v3
      [254] invokestatic #39
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [257] pop
      [258] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 245: 248):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 21)
        [0] -> line 289
        [13] -> line 290
        [31] -> line 292
        [50] -> line 294
        [84] -> line 296
        [93] -> line 297
        [96] -> line 299
        [105] -> line 300
        [108] -> line 302
        [117] -> line 306
        [139] -> line 307
        [158] -> line 310
        [171] -> line 311
        [193] -> line 316
        [196] -> line 311
        [200] -> line 319
        [220] -> line 320
        [230] -> line 322
        [248] -> line 323
        [249] -> line 324
        [258] -> line 327
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 259 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2; this]
        v1: 0 -> 259 [Landroid/content/DialogInterface; dialog]
        v2: 0 -> 259 [I which]
        v3: 249 -> 258 [Ljava/lang/Exception; e]
  + Method:       access$0(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity$5 access$0(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity$5$2)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 286
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5]
    + NameAndType [onMenuItemClick (Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 4)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
      + Class [android/content/DialogInterface]
      + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2$1]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2$1
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity$5$2$1 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [java/lang/Runnable]

Constant Pool (count = 66):
  + Class [android/os/Handler]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/Runnable]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2$1]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.hostBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2$1.this$2 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2$1.val$pfb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
  + Methodref [android/os/Handler.sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.enablePortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;]
  + NameAndType [access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
  + NameAndType [enablePortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
  + NameAndType [hostBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [onClick (Landroid/content/DialogInterface;I)V]
  + NameAndType [sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
  + NameAndType [this$2 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2;]
  + NameAndType [updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + NameAndType [val$pfb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/DialogInterface;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2$1;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [android/os/Handler]
  + Utf8 [enablePortForward]
  + Utf8 [hostBridge]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Runnable]
  + Utf8 [onClick]
  + Utf8 [run]
  + Utf8 [sendEmptyMessage]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2$1]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$2]
  + Utf8 [updateHandler]
  + Utf8 [val$pfb]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        this$2 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity$5$2 this$2
  + Field:        val$pfb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PortForwardBean val$pfb

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = PortForwardListActivity$5$2$1(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity$5$2,com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PortForwardBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #11
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2$1.this$2 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_2 v2
      [7] putfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2$1.val$pfb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] invokespecial #14
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [14] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [10] -> line 311
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 15 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2$1; this]
  + Method:       run()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void run()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 40, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2$1.this$2 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2;]
      [4] invokestatic #16
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;]
      [7] invokestatic #15
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [10] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.hostBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2$1.val$pfb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
      [17] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.enablePortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
      [20] pop
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2$1.this$2 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2;]
      [25] invokestatic #16
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;]
      [28] invokestatic #15
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [31] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
      [34] iconst_m1
      [35] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [android/os/Handler.sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
      [38] pop
      [39] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 313
        [21] -> line 314
        [39] -> line 315
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 40 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2$1; this]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2]
    + NameAndType [onClick (Landroid/content/DialogInterface;I)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 3)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$5$2$1]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity$6 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 97):
  + Integer [2131230897]
  + Integer [2131230898]
  + Integer [2131230899]
  + Class [android/app/AlertDialog]
  + Class [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder]
  + Class [android/content/DialogInterface]
  + Class [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
  + Class [android/view/ContextMenu]
  + Class [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6$1]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6.val$pfb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
  + Methodref [android/app/ ()V]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.create ()Landroid/app/AlertDialog;]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setMessage (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setNegativeButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setPositiveButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.getString (I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)V]
  + NameAndType [create ()Landroid/app/AlertDialog;]
  + NameAndType [getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getString (I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [onCreateContextMenu (Landroid/view/ContextMenu;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;)V]
  + NameAndType [setMessage (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + NameAndType [setNegativeButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + NameAndType [setPositiveButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + NameAndType [show ()V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
  + NameAndType [val$pfb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/app/AlertDialog;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Utf8 [(I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/ContextMenu;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Builder]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ContextMenuInfo]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
  + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [android/app/AlertDialog]
  + Utf8 [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder]
  + Utf8 [android/content/DialogInterface]
  + Utf8 [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/view/ContextMenu]
  + Utf8 [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [create]
  + Utf8 [getNickname]
  + Utf8 [getString]
  + Utf8 [item]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [onCreateContextMenu]
  + Utf8 [onMenuItemClick]
  + Utf8 [setMessage]
  + Utf8 [setNegativeButton]
  + Utf8 [setPositiveButton]
  + Utf8 [show]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6$1]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [val$pfb]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity this$0
  + Field:        val$pfb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PortForwardBean val$pfb

Methods (count = 3):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = PortForwardListActivity$6(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity,com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PortForwardBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_2 v2
      [7] putfield #18
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6.val$pfb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] invokespecial #25
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [14] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [10] -> line 336
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 15 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6; this]
  + Method:       onMenuItemClick(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean onMenuItemClick(android.view.MenuItem)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 68, locals = 2, stack = 7):
      [0] new #5
        + Class [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder]
      [3] dup
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [8] invokespecial #20
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [15] ldc #1
        + Integer [2131230897]
      [17] iconst_1
      [18] anewarray #12
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [21] dup
      [22] iconst_0
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6.val$pfb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
      [27] invokevirtual #28
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [30] aastore
      [31] invokevirtual #26
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.getString (I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [34] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setMessage (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
      [37] ldc #2
        + Integer [2131230898]
      [39] new #15
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6$1]
      [42] dup
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] aload_0 v0
      [45] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6.val$pfb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
      [48] invokespecial #27
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)V]
      [51] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setPositiveButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
      [54] ldc #3
        + Integer [2131230899]
      [56] aconst_null
      [57] invokevirtual #23
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setNegativeButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
      [60] invokevirtual #21
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.create ()Landroid/app/AlertDialog;]
      [63] invokevirtual #19
        + Methodref [android/app/ ()V]
      [66] iconst_1
      [67] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 339
        [11] -> line 340
        [37] -> line 341
        [54] -> line 356
        [66] -> line 358
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 68 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6; this]
        v1: 0 -> 68 [Landroid/view/MenuItem; item]
  + Method:       access$0(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity access$0(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity$6)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 336
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreateContextMenu (Landroid/view/ContextMenu;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 6)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x9 = public static 
      + Class [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder]
      + Class [android/app/AlertDialog]
      + Utf8 [Builder]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
      + Class [android/content/DialogInterface]
      + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
      + Class [android/view/ContextMenu]
      + Utf8 [ContextMenuInfo]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
      + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6$1]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6$1
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity$6$1 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 92):
  + String [ConnectBot.PortForwardListActivity]
  + String [Could not delete port forward]
  + Class [android/content/DialogInterface]
  + Class [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
  + Class [android/os/Handler]
  + Class [android/util/Log]
  + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6$1]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.hostBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6$1.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6$1.val$pfb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
  + Methodref [android/os/Handler.sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.removePortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.deletePortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
  + NameAndType [deletePortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)V]
  + NameAndType [e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + NameAndType [hostBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + NameAndType [onMenuItemClick (Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + NameAndType [removePortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
  + NameAndType [sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
  + NameAndType [this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6;]
  + NameAndType [updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + NameAndType [val$pfb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/DialogInterface;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ConnectBot.PortForwardListActivity]
  + Utf8 [Could not delete port forward]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/DialogInterface;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Exception;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6$1;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [android/content/DialogInterface]
  + Utf8 [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/os/Handler]
  + Utf8 [android/util/Log]
  + Utf8 [deletePortForward]
  + Utf8 [dialog]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [hostBridge]
  + Utf8 [hostdb]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Exception]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [onClick]
  + Utf8 [onMenuItemClick]
  + Utf8 [removePortForward]
  + Utf8 [sendEmptyMessage]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6$1]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$1]
  + Utf8 [updateHandler]
  + Utf8 [val$pfb]
  + Utf8 [which]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity$6 this$1
  + Field:        val$pfb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PortForwardBean val$pfb

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = PortForwardListActivity$6$1(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity$6,com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PortForwardBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6$1.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_2 v2
      [7] putfield #18
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6$1.val$pfb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] invokespecial #21
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [14] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [10] -> line 341
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 15 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6$1; this]
  + Method:       onClick(Landroid/content/DialogInterface;I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onClick(android.content.DialogInterface,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 77, locals = 4, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6$1.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6;]
      [4] invokestatic #22
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [7] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.hostBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [10] ifnull +21 (target=31)
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6$1.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6;]
      [17] invokestatic #22
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [20] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.hostBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6$1.val$pfb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
      [27] invokevirtual #23
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.removePortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
      [30] pop
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6$1.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6;]
      [35] invokestatic #22
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [38] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [41] aload_0 v0
      [42] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6$1.val$pfb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
      [45] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.deletePortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)V]
      [48] goto +13 (target=61)
      [51] astore_3 v3
      [52] ldc #1
        + String [ConnectBot.PortForwardListActivity]
      [54] ldc #2
        + String [Could not delete port forward]
      [56] aload_3 v3
      [57] invokestatic #20
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [60] pop
      [61] aload_0 v0
      [62] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6$1.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6;]
      [65] invokestatic #22
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [68] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
      [71] iconst_m1
      [72] invokevirtual #19
        + Methodref [android/os/Handler.sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
      [75] pop
      [76] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 48: 51):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 345
        [13] -> line 346
        [31] -> line 348
        [51] -> line 349
        [52] -> line 350
        [61] -> line 353
        [76] -> line 354
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 77 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6$1; this]
        v1: 0 -> 77 [Landroid/content/DialogInterface; dialog]
        v2: 0 -> 77 [I which]
        v3: 52 -> 61 [Ljava/lang/Exception; e]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6]
    + NameAndType [onMenuItemClick (Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 3)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
      + Class [android/content/DialogInterface]
      + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$6$1]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter
  Superclass:    android/widget/ArrayAdapter
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter extends android.widget.ArrayAdapter

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 126):
  + Integer [16908308]
  + Integer [16908309]
  + Integer [2130903055]
  + Class [android/view/LayoutInflater]
  + Class [android/view/View]
  + Class [android/widget/ArrayAdapter]
  + Class [android/widget/TextView]
  + Class [java/util/List]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter$ViewHolder]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.hostBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter.portForwards Ljava/util/List;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter$ViewHolder.caption Landroid/widget/TextView;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter$ViewHolder.nickname Landroid/widget/TextView;]
  + Methodref [android/view/LayoutInflater.inflate (ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;Z)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [android/view/View.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [android/view/View.getTag ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [android/view/View.setTag (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ArrayAdapter.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;ILjava/util/List;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.getPaintFlags ()I]
  + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.setPaintFlags (I)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter$ViewHolder.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getDescription ()Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.isEnabled ()Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.get (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;ILjava/util/List;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter;)V]
  + NameAndType [caption Landroid/widget/TextView;]
  + NameAndType [findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [get (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [getDescription ()Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + NameAndType [getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getPaintFlags ()I]
  + NameAndType [getTag ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [hostBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [inflate (ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;Z)Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + NameAndType [isEnabled ()Z]
  + NameAndType [nickname Landroid/widget/TextView;]
  + NameAndType [portForwards Ljava/util/List;]
  + NameAndType [setPaintFlags (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setTag (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + NameAndType [setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(ILandroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ViewGroup;)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [(ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;Z)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;ILjava/util/List;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;>;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/util/List;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/Context;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/ViewGroup;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/ArrayAdapter<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;>;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/TextView;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;>;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTypeTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter$ViewHolder;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [PortForwardAdapter]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Signature]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [ViewHolder]
  + Utf8 [android/view/LayoutInflater]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/ArrayAdapter]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/TextView]
  + Utf8 [caption]
  + Utf8 [context]
  + Utf8 [convertView]
  + Utf8 [findViewById]
  + Utf8 [get]
  + Utf8 [getDescription]
  + Utf8 [getNickname]
  + Utf8 [getPaintFlags]
  + Utf8 [getTag]
  + Utf8 [getView]
  + Utf8 [holder]
  + Utf8 [hostBridge]
  + Utf8 [inflate]
  + Utf8 [inflater]
  + Utf8 [isEnabled]
  + Utf8 [java/util/List]
  + Utf8 [nickname]
  + Utf8 [parent]
  + Utf8 [pfb]
  + Utf8 [portForwards]
  + Utf8 [position]
  + Utf8 [setPaintFlags]
  + Utf8 [setTag]
  + Utf8 [setText]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter$ViewHolder]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        portForwards Ljava/util/List;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.util.List portForwards
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;>;]
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity this$0

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/util/List;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity,android.content.Context,java.util.List)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 19, locals = 4, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #16
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_2 v2
      [7] ldc #3
        + Integer [2130903055]
      [9] aload_3 v3
      [10] invokespecial #23
        + Methodref [android/widget/ArrayAdapter.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;ILjava/util/List;)V]
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] aload_3 v3
      [15] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter.portForwards Ljava/util/List;]
      [18] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 391
        [5] -> line 392
        [13] -> line 394
        [18] -> line 395
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 19 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter; this]
        v2: 0 -> 19 [Landroid/content/Context; context]
        v3: 0 -> 19 [Ljava/util/List; portForwards]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 1)
        v3: 0 -> 19 [Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;>; portForwards]
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;>;)V]
  + Method:       getView(ILandroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ViewGroup;)Landroid/view/View;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public android.view.View getView(int,android.view.View,android.view.ViewGroup)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 174, locals = 6, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_2 v2
      [1] ifnonnull +65 (target=66)
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [8] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
      [11] ldc #3
        + Integer [2130903055]
      [13] aconst_null
      [14] iconst_0
      [15] invokevirtual #19
        + Methodref [android/view/LayoutInflater.inflate (ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;Z)Landroid/view/View;]
      [18] astore_2 v2
      [19] new #11
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter$ViewHolder]
      [22] dup
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] invokespecial #27
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter$ViewHolder.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter;)V]
      [27] astore v4
      [29] aload v4
      [31] aload_2 v2
      [32] ldc #1
        + Integer [16908308]
      [34] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [android/view/View.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [37] checkcast #7
        + Class [android/widget/TextView]
      [40] putfield #18
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter$ViewHolder.nickname Landroid/widget/TextView;]
      [43] aload v4
      [45] aload_2 v2
      [46] ldc #2
        + Integer [16908309]
      [48] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [android/view/View.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [51] checkcast #7
        + Class [android/widget/TextView]
      [54] putfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter$ViewHolder.caption Landroid/widget/TextView;]
      [57] aload_2 v2
      [58] aload v4
      [60] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [android/view/View.setTag (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
      [63] goto +12 (target=75)
      [66] aload_2 v2
      [67] invokevirtual #21
        + Methodref [android/view/View.getTag ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [70] checkcast #11
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter$ViewHolder]
      [73] astore v4
      [75] aload_0 v0
      [76] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter.portForwards Ljava/util/List;]
      [79] iload_1 v1
      [80] invokeinterface #31
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.get (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [85] checkcast #12
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean]
      [88] astore v5
      [90] aload v4
      [92] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter$ViewHolder.nickname Landroid/widget/TextView;]
      [95] aload v5
      [97] invokevirtual #29
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [100] invokevirtual #26
        + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [103] aload v4
      [105] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter$ViewHolder.caption Landroid/widget/TextView;]
      [108] aload v5
      [110] invokevirtual #28
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getDescription ()Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
      [113] invokevirtual #26
        + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [116] aload_0 v0
      [117] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity;]
      [120] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity.hostBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [123] ifnull +49 (target=172)
      [126] aload v5
      [128] invokevirtual #30
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.isEnabled ()Z]
      [131] ifne +41 (target=172)
      [134] aload v4
      [136] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter$ViewHolder.nickname Landroid/widget/TextView;]
      [139] aload v4
      [141] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter$ViewHolder.nickname Landroid/widget/TextView;]
      [144] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.getPaintFlags ()I]
      [147] bipush 16
      [149] ior
      [150] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.setPaintFlags (I)V]
      [153] aload v4
      [155] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter$ViewHolder.caption Landroid/widget/TextView;]
      [158] aload v4
      [160] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter$ViewHolder.caption Landroid/widget/TextView;]
      [163] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.getPaintFlags ()I]
      [166] bipush 16
      [168] ior
      [169] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.setPaintFlags (I)V]
      [172] aload_2 v2
      [173] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 14)
        [0] -> line 401
        [4] -> line 402
        [19] -> line 404
        [29] -> line 405
        [43] -> line 406
        [57] -> line 408
        [66] -> line 410
        [75] -> line 412
        [90] -> line 413
        [103] -> line 414
        [116] -> line 416
        [134] -> line 417
        [153] -> line 418
        [172] -> line 421
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 174 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter; this]
        v1: 0 -> 174 [I position]
        v2: 0 -> 174 [Landroid/view/View; convertView]
        v3: 0 -> 174 [Landroid/view/ViewGroup; parent]
        v4: 29 -> 66 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter$ViewHolder; holder]
        v4: 75 -> 174 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter$ViewHolder; holder]
        v5: 90 -> 174 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean; pfb]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity]
      + Utf8 [PortForwardAdapter]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter$ViewHolder]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter]
      + Utf8 [ViewHolder]
  + Signature attribute:
    + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/ArrayAdapter<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;>;]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter$ViewHolder
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter$ViewHolder extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 31):
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter$ViewHolder]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter$ViewHolder.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/TextView;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter$ViewHolder;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter;]
  + Utf8 [PortForwardAdapter]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [ViewHolder]
  + Utf8 [caption]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [nickname]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter$ViewHolder]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$1]

Fields (count = 3):
  + Field:        nickname Landroid/widget/TextView;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public android.widget.TextView nickname
  + Field:        caption Landroid/widget/TextView;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public android.widget.TextView caption
  + Field:        this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter this$1

Methods (count = 1):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter$ViewHolder(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #5
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter$ViewHolder.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #6
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 384
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter$ViewHolder; this]

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity]
      + Utf8 [PortForwardAdapter]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter$ViewHolder]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PortForwardListActivity$PortForwardAdapter]
      + Utf8 [ViewHolder]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity
  Superclass:    android/app/ListActivity
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity extends

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [java/util/EventListener]

Constant Pool (count = 754):
  + Integer [16908308]
  + Integer [17039360]
  + Integer [17301570]
  + Integer [17301589]
  + Integer [2130903047]
  + Integer [2130903051]
  + Integer [2131230720]
  + Integer [2131230726]
  + Integer [2131230739]
  + Integer [2131230740]
  + Integer [2131230741]
  + Integer [2131230746]
  + Integer [2131230747]
  + Integer [2131230750]
  + Integer [2131230751]
  + Integer [2131230752]
  + Integer [2131230753]
  + Integer [2131230754]
  + Integer [2131230755]
  + Integer [2131230756]
  + Integer [2131230757]
  + Integer [2131230758]
  + Integer [2131230783]
  + String [%s: %s]
  + String [-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----]
  + String [-----END PRIVATE KEY-----]
  + String [ConnectBot.PubkeyListActivity]
  + String [Couldn't read from picked file]
  + String [IMPORTED]
  + String [Problem parsing PKCS#8 file; corrupt?]
  + String [Problem parsing imported private key]
  + String [Unlocked key ]
  + String [Unlocked key '%s']
  + String [clipboard]
  + String [encoded: ]
  + String [mounted]
  + String [mounted_ro]
  + Class [[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Class [android/app/AlertDialog]
  + Class [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder]
  + Class [android/app/ListActivity]
  + Class [android/content/DialogInterface]
  + Class [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
  + Class [android/content/Intent]
  + Class [android/content/res/Resources]
  + Class [android/net/Uri]
  + Class [android/os/Environment]
  + Class [android/os/Handler]
  + Class [android/text/ClipboardManager]
  + Class [android/util/Log]
  + Class [android/view/ContextMenu]
  + Class [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
  + Class [android/view/LayoutInflater]
  + Class [android/view/Menu]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Class [android/view/View]
  + Class [android/widget/AdapterView]
  + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$AdapterContextMenuInfo]
  + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener]
  + Class [android/widget/EditText]
  + Class [android/widget/ListView]
  + Class [android/widget/Toast]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/Base64]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMDecoder]
  + Class [java/io/ByteArrayOutputStream]
  + Class [java/io/File]
  + Class [java/io/FileInputStream]
  + Class [java/io/InputStream]
  + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/net/URI]
  + Class [java/security/KeyPair]
  + Class [java/security/PrivateKey]
  + Class [java/security/PublicKey]
  + Class [java/util/Collections]
  + Class [java/util/EventListener]
  + Class [java/util/LinkedList]
  + Class [java/util/List]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$1]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$11]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$13]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$2]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$3]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$4]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$5]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$6]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$7]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$8]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$9]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils]
  + Long [8192]
  + Fieldref [android/widget/AdapterView$AdapterContextMenuInfo.position I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.clipboard Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.confirmUse Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.connection Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.onstartToggle Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.pubkeys Ljava/util/List;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Methodref [android/app/ ()V]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.create ()Landroid/app/AlertDialog;]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setItems ([Ljava/lang/CharSequence;Landroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setMessage (I)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setNegativeButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setPositiveButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setTitle (I)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setView (Landroid/view/View;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Methodref [android/app/ListActivity.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [android/app/ListActivity.onActivityResult (IILandroid/content/Intent;)V]
  + Methodref [android/app/ListActivity.onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Methodref [android/app/ListActivity.onCreateOptionsMenu (Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + Methodref [android/app/ListActivity.onStart ()V]
  + Methodref [android/app/ListActivity.onStop ()V]
  + Methodref [android/content/Intent.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
  + Methodref [android/content/Intent.getData ()Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + Methodref [android/content/Intent.getDataString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getText (I)Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + Methodref [android/net/Uri.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/os/Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory ()Ljava/io/File;]
  + Methodref [android/os/Environment.getExternalStorageState ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/os/Handler.sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Methodref [android/view/LayoutInflater.from (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + Methodref [android/view/LayoutInflater.inflate (ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [android/view/View.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ListView.getItemAtPosition (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ListView.setOnItemClickListener (Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/Toast.makeText (Landroid/content/Context;II)Landroid/widget/Toast;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/Toast.makeText (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;I)Landroid/widget/Toast;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/Base64.decode ([C)[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMDecoder.decode ([CLjava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMDecoder.isPEMEncrypted (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure;)Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMDecoder.parsePEM ([C)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure;]
  + Methodref [java/io/ByteArrayOutputStream.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/io/ByteArrayOutputStream.close ()V]
  + Methodref [java/io/ByteArrayOutputStream.flush ()V]
  + Methodref [java/io/ByteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray ()[B]
  + Methodref [java/io/ByteArrayOutputStream.write ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/File.<init> (Ljava/net/URI;)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/File.getName ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/io/File.isDirectory ()Z]
  + Methodref [java/io/File.length ()J]
  + Methodref [java/io/File.listFiles ()[Ljava/io/File;]
  + Methodref [java/io/File.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/io/FileInputStream.<init> (Ljava/io/File;)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/InputStream.close ()V]
  + Methodref [java/io/ ([B)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.<init> ([B)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.<init> ([C)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.indexOf (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.startsWith (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (II)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.toCharArray ()[C]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/net/URI.create (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/URI;]
  + Methodref [java/security/KeyPair.getPrivate ()Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
  + Methodref [java/security/KeyPair.getPublic ()Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
  + Methodref [java/util/Collections.sort (Ljava/util/List;)V]
  + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.bindService (Landroid/content/Intent;Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;I)Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.getListView ()Landroid/widget/ListView;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.getSystemService (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.handleAddKey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.pickFileSimple ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.readKeyFromFile (Ljava/io/File;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.readRaw (Ljava/io/File;)[B]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.registerForContextMenu (Landroid/view/View;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.setContentView (I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.setListAdapter (Landroid/widget/ListAdapter;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.setTitle (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.unbindService (Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.updateList ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$11.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;Z)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$13.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/io/File;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$2.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$3.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$4.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$5.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;Landroid/widget/EditText;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$6.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;ZLcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$7.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$8.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$9.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;ZLcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/util/List;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getPrivateKey ()[B]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getPublicKey ()Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getType ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.isConfirmUse ()Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.isEncrypted ()Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.isStartup ()Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setEncrypted (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setNickname (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setPrivateKey ([B)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setPublicKey ([B)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setType (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.addKey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;Ljava/lang/Object;Z)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.isKeyLoaded (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.allPubkeys ()Ljava/util/List;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.close ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.savePubkey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.convertToTrilead (Ljava/security/PrivateKey;Ljava/security/PublicKey;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.decodePrivate ([BLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.formatKey (Ljava/security/Key;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.recoverKeyPair ([B)Ljava/security/KeyPair;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/ContextMenu.add (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/ContextMenu.setHeaderTitle (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/view/ContextMenu;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/Menu.add (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setCheckable (Z)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setChecked (Z)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setEnabled (Z)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setIcon (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setIntent (Landroid/content/Intent;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setOnMenuItemClickListener (Landroid/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/PrivateKey.getAlgorithm ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/PrivateKey.getEncoded ()[B]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/PublicKey.getEncoded ()[B]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.toArray ([Ljava/lang/Object;)[Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/io/File;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/net/URI;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/util/List;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;Landroid/widget/EditText;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;Z)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;ZLcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/io/File;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([C)V]
  + NameAndType [add (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + NameAndType [add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [addKey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;Ljava/lang/Object;Z)V]
  + NameAndType [allPubkeys ()Ljava/util/List;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [bindService (Landroid/content/Intent;Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;I)Z]
  + NameAndType [bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + NameAndType [clipboard Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;]
  + NameAndType [close ()V]
  + NameAndType [confirmUse Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + NameAndType [connection Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;]
  + NameAndType [convertToTrilead (Ljava/security/PrivateKey;Ljava/security/PublicKey;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [create ()Landroid/app/AlertDialog;]
  + NameAndType [create (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/URI;]
  + NameAndType [d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [decode ([C)[B]
  + NameAndType [decode ([CLjava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [decodePrivate ([BLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
  + NameAndType [e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + NameAndType [equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [flush ()V]
  + NameAndType [format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [formatKey (Ljava/security/Key;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [from (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + NameAndType [getAlgorithm ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getData ()Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + NameAndType [getDataString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getEncoded ()[B]
  + NameAndType [getExternalStorageDirectory ()Ljava/io/File;]
  + NameAndType [getExternalStorageState ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getItemAtPosition (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [getListView ()Landroid/widget/ListView;]
  + NameAndType [getName ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getPrivate ()Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
  + NameAndType [getPrivateKey ()[B]
  + NameAndType [getPublic ()Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
  + NameAndType [getPublicKey ()Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
  + NameAndType [getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + NameAndType [getString (I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getSystemService (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [getText (I)Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + NameAndType [getType ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [handleAddKey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [indexOf (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [inflate (ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;)Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + NameAndType [isConfirmUse ()Z]
  + NameAndType [isDirectory ()Z]
  + NameAndType [isEncrypted ()Z]
  + NameAndType [isKeyLoaded (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + NameAndType [isPEMEncrypted (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure;)Z]
  + NameAndType [isStartup ()Z]
  + NameAndType [length ()I]
  + NameAndType [length ()J]
  + NameAndType [listFiles ()[Ljava/io/File;]
  + NameAndType [makeText (Landroid/content/Context;II)Landroid/widget/Toast;]
  + NameAndType [makeText (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;I)Landroid/widget/Toast;]
  + NameAndType [onActivityResult (IILandroid/content/Intent;)V]
  + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + NameAndType [onCreateOptionsMenu (Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + NameAndType [onStart ()V]
  + NameAndType [onStop ()V]
  + NameAndType [onstartToggle Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + NameAndType [parsePEM ([C)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure;]
  + NameAndType [pickFileSimple ()V]
  + NameAndType [position I]
  + NameAndType [pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
  + NameAndType [pubkeys Ljava/util/List;]
  + NameAndType [read ([B)I]
  + NameAndType [readKeyFromFile (Ljava/io/File;)V]
  + NameAndType [readRaw (Ljava/io/File;)[B]
  + NameAndType [recoverKeyPair ([B)Ljava/security/KeyPair;]
  + NameAndType [registerForContextMenu (Landroid/view/View;)V]
  + NameAndType [savePubkey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + NameAndType [sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
  + NameAndType [setCheckable (Z)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + NameAndType [setChecked (Z)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + NameAndType [setContentView (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setEnabled (Z)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + NameAndType [setEncrypted (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [setHeaderTitle (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/view/ContextMenu;]
  + NameAndType [setIcon (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + NameAndType [setIntent (Landroid/content/Intent;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + NameAndType [setItems ([Ljava/lang/CharSequence;Landroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + NameAndType [setListAdapter (Landroid/widget/ListAdapter;)V]
  + NameAndType [setMessage (I)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + NameAndType [setNegativeButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + NameAndType [setNickname (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [setOnItemClickListener (Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener;)V]
  + NameAndType [setOnMenuItemClickListener (Landroid/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + NameAndType [setPositiveButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + NameAndType [setPrivateKey ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [setPublicKey ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [setTitle (I)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + NameAndType [setTitle (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + NameAndType [setType (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [setView (Landroid/view/View;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + NameAndType [show ()V]
  + NameAndType [sort (Ljava/util/List;)V]
  + NameAndType [startsWith (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + NameAndType [substring (II)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [toArray ([Ljava/lang/Object;)[Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [toByteArray ()[B]
  + NameAndType [toCharArray ()[C]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [unbindService (Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;)V]
  + NameAndType [updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + NameAndType [updateList ()V]
  + NameAndType [write ([BII)V]
  + Utf8 [%s: %s]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()J]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/app/AlertDialog;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/widget/ListView;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/io/File;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/List;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [()[C]
  + Utf8 [()[Ljava/io/File;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Z]
  + Utf8 [(II)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(IILandroid/content/Intent;)V]
  + Utf8 [(ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Utf8 [(ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [(I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;II)Landroid/widget/Toast;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;I)Landroid/widget/Toast;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Intent;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Intent;Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;I)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/ContextMenu;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/ListAdapter;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/io/File;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/io/File;)[B]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/view/ContextMenu;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/URI;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/net/URI;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/security/Key;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/security/PrivateKey;Ljava/security/PublicKey;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/util/List;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/util/List;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;Ljava/io/File;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;Landroid/widget/EditText;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;Z)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;ZLcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/io/File;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;Ljava/lang/Object;Z)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)I]
  + Utf8 [([B)Ljava/security/KeyPair;]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [([BII)V]
  + Utf8 [([BLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
  + Utf8 [([C)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure;]
  + Utf8 [([C)V]
  + Utf8 [([C)[B]
  + Utf8 [([CLjava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [([Ljava/lang/CharSequence;Landroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Utf8 [([Ljava/lang/Object;)[Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----]
  + Utf8 [-----END PRIVATE KEY-----]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [AdapterContextMenuInfo]
  + Utf8 [Builder]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ConnectBot.PubkeyListActivity]
  + Utf8 [ContextMenuInfo]
  + Utf8 [Couldn't read from picked file]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [IMPORTED]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/Bundle;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/ContextMenu;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/Menu;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView$AdapterContextMenuInfo;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/ByteArrayOutputStream;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/File;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Exception;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/IllegalArgumentException;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/security/KeyPair;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List<Ljava/lang/String;>;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;>;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTypeTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
  + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [OnItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [Problem parsing PKCS#8 file; corrupt?]
  + Utf8 [Problem parsing imported private key]
  + Utf8 [PubkeyAdapter]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Signature]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Unlocked key ]
  + Utf8 [Unlocked key '%s']
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [[C]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/io/File;]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [access$1]
  + Utf8 [adapter]
  + Utf8 [add]
  + Utf8 [addKey]
  + Utf8 [allPubkeys]
  + Utf8 [android/app/AlertDialog]
  + Utf8 [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder]
  + Utf8 [android/app/ListActivity]
  + Utf8 [android/content/DialogInterface]
  + Utf8 [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/content/Intent]
  + Utf8 [android/content/res/Resources]
  + Utf8 [android/net/Uri]
  + Utf8 [android/os/Environment]
  + Utf8 [android/os/Handler]
  + Utf8 [android/text/ClipboardManager]
  + Utf8 [android/util/Log]
  + Utf8 [android/view/ContextMenu]
  + Utf8 [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
  + Utf8 [android/view/LayoutInflater]
  + Utf8 [android/view/Menu]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/AdapterView]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/AdapterView$AdapterContextMenuInfo]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/EditText]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/ListView]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/Toast]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [bindService]
  + Utf8 [bound]
  + Utf8 [buffer]
  + Utf8 [bytesRead]
  + Utf8 [changePassword]
  + Utf8 [clipboard]
  + Utf8 [close]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/Base64]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMDecoder]
  + Utf8 [confirmUse]
  + Utf8 [connection]
  + Utf8 [convertToTrilead]
  + Utf8 [copyPrivateToClipboard]
  + Utf8 [copyPublicToClipboard]
  + Utf8 [create]
  + Utf8 [d]
  + Utf8 [data]
  + Utf8 [decode]
  + Utf8 [decodePrivate]
  + Utf8 [decoded]
  + Utf8 [delete]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [encoded]
  + Utf8 [encoded: ]
  + Utf8 [end]
  + Utf8 [equals]
  + Utf8 [file]
  + Utf8 [filename]
  + Utf8 [files]
  + Utf8 [findViewById]
  + Utf8 [flush]
  + Utf8 [format]
  + Utf8 [formatKey]
  + Utf8 [from]
  + Utf8 [generatekey]
  + Utf8 [getAlgorithm]
  + Utf8 [getData]
  + Utf8 [getDataString]
  + Utf8 [getEncoded]
  + Utf8 [getExternalStorageDirectory]
  + Utf8 [getExternalStorageState]
  + Utf8 [getItemAtPosition]
  + Utf8 [getListView]
  + Utf8 [getName]
  + Utf8 [getNickname]
  + Utf8 [getPrivate]
  + Utf8 [getPrivateKey]
  + Utf8 [getPublic]
  + Utf8 [getPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [getResources]
  + Utf8 [getString]
  + Utf8 [getSystemService]
  + Utf8 [getText]
  + Utf8 [getType]
  + Utf8 [handleAddKey]
  + Utf8 [icicle]
  + Utf8 [imported]
  + Utf8 [importkey]
  + Utf8 [indexOf]
  + Utf8 [inflate]
  + Utf8 [inflater]
  + Utf8 [info]
  + Utf8 [intent]
  + Utf8 [is]
  + Utf8 [isConfirmUse]
  + Utf8 [isDirectory]
  + Utf8 [isEncrypted]
  + Utf8 [isKeyLoaded]
  + Utf8 [isPEMEncrypted]
  + Utf8 [isStartup]
  + Utf8 [java/io/ByteArrayOutputStream]
  + Utf8 [java/io/File]
  + Utf8 [java/io/FileInputStream]
  + Utf8 [java/io/InputStream]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Exception]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/net/URI]
  + Utf8 [java/security/KeyPair]
  + Utf8 [java/security/PrivateKey]
  + Utf8 [java/security/PublicKey]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Collections]
  + Utf8 [java/util/EventListener]
  + Utf8 [java/util/LinkedList]
  + Utf8 [java/util/List]
  + Utf8 [kp]
  + Utf8 [length]
  + Utf8 [listFiles]
  + Utf8 [load]
  + Utf8 [loaded]
  + Utf8 [makeText]
  + Utf8 [menu]
  + Utf8 [menuInfo]
  + Utf8 [message]
  + Utf8 [mounted]
  + Utf8 [mounted_ro]
  + Utf8 [names]
  + Utf8 [namesList]
  + Utf8 [onActivityResult]
  + Utf8 [onCreate]
  + Utf8 [onCreateContextMenu]
  + Utf8 [onCreateOptionsMenu]
  + Utf8 [onStart]
  + Utf8 [onStop]
  + Utf8 [onstartToggle]
  + Utf8 [os]
  + Utf8 [parsePEM]
  + Utf8 [password]
  + Utf8 [passwordField]
  + Utf8 [pickFileSimple]
  + Utf8 [position]
  + Utf8 [privKey]
  + Utf8 [pubKey]
  + Utf8 [pubkey]
  + Utf8 [pubkeydb]
  + Utf8 [pubkeys]
  + Utf8 [raw]
  + Utf8 [read]
  + Utf8 [readKeyFromFile]
  + Utf8 [readRaw]
  + Utf8 [recoverKeyPair]
  + Utf8 [registerForContextMenu]
  + Utf8 [requestCode]
  + Utf8 [resultCode]
  + Utf8 [savePubkey]
  + Utf8 [sdcard]
  + Utf8 [sendEmptyMessage]
  + Utf8 [setCheckable]
  + Utf8 [setChecked]
  + Utf8 [setContentView]
  + Utf8 [setEnabled]
  + Utf8 [setEncrypted]
  + Utf8 [setHeaderTitle]
  + Utf8 [setIcon]
  + Utf8 [setIntent]
  + Utf8 [setItems]
  + Utf8 [setListAdapter]
  + Utf8 [setMessage]
  + Utf8 [setNegativeButton]
  + Utf8 [setNickname]
  + Utf8 [setOnItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [setOnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [setPositiveButton]
  + Utf8 [setPrivateKey]
  + Utf8 [setPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [setTitle]
  + Utf8 [setType]
  + Utf8 [setView]
  + Utf8 [show]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$1]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$11]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$13]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$2]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$3]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$4]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$5]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$6]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$7]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$8]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$9]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils]
  + Utf8 [sort]
  + Utf8 [start]
  + Utf8 [startsWith]
  + Utf8 [state]
  + Utf8 [struct]
  + Utf8 [substring]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toArray]
  + Utf8 [toByteArray]
  + Utf8 [toCharArray]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [trileadKey]
  + Utf8 [unbindService]
  + Utf8 [updateHandler]
  + Utf8 [updateList]
  + Utf8 [uri]
  + Utf8 [v]
  + Utf8 [view]
  + Utf8 [write]

Fields (count = 9):
  + Field:        pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.PubkeyDatabase pubkeydb
  + Field:        pubkeys Ljava/util/List;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.util.List pubkeys
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;>;]
  + Field:        clipboard Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected android.text.ClipboardManager clipboard
  + Field:        inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected android.view.LayoutInflater inflater
  + Field:        bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalManager bound
  + Field:        onstartToggle Landroid/view/MenuItem;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.view.MenuItem onstartToggle
  + Field:        confirmUse Landroid/view/MenuItem;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.view.MenuItem confirmUse
  + Field:        connection Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.content.ServiceConnection connection
  + Field:        updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected android.os.Handler updateHandler

Methods (count = 15):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public PubkeyListActivity()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 49, locals = 1, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #124
        + Methodref [android/app/ListActivity.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aconst_null
      [6] putfield #110
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aconst_null
      [11] putfield #106
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] aconst_null
      [16] putfield #111
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.onstartToggle Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] aconst_null
      [21] putfield #108
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.confirmUse Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] new #85
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$1]
      [28] dup
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] invokespecial #200
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;)V]
      [33] putfield #109
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.connection Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;]
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] new #90
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$2]
      [40] dup
      [41] aload_0 v0
      [42] invokespecial #205
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$2.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;)V]
      [45] putfield #114
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
      [48] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 83
        [4] -> line 98
        [9] -> line 100
        [14] -> line 102
        [19] -> line 103
        [24] -> line 105
        [36] -> line 470
        [48] -> line 83
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 49 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity; this]
  + Method:       onStart()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onStart()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 44, locals = 1, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #128
        + Methodref [android/app/ListActivity.onStart ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] new #44
        + Class [android/content/Intent]
      [8] dup
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] ldc #100
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
      [12] invokespecial #130
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] getfield #109
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.connection Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;]
      [19] iconst_1
      [20] invokevirtual #186
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.bindService (Landroid/content/Intent;Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;I)Z]
      [23] pop
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] getfield #112
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
      [28] ifnonnull +15 (target=43)
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] new #101
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase]
      [35] dup
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] invokespecial #229
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [40] putfield #112
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
      [43] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 121
        [4] -> line 123
        [24] -> line 125
        [31] -> line 126
        [43] -> line 127
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 44 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity; this]
  + Method:       onStop()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onStop()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 32, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #129
        + Methodref [android/app/ListActivity.onStop ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] getfield #109
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.connection Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;]
      [9] invokevirtual #198
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.unbindService (Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;)V]
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] getfield #112
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
      [16] ifnull +15 (target=31)
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] getfield #112
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
      [23] invokevirtual #231
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.close ()V]
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] aconst_null
      [28] putfield #112
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
      [31] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 131
        [4] -> line 133
        [12] -> line 135
        [19] -> line 136
        [26] -> line 137
        [31] -> line 139
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 32 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity; this]
  + Method:       onCreate(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onCreate(android.os.Bundle)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 109, locals = 2, stack = 7):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #126
        + Methodref [android/app/ListActivity.onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] ldc #5
        + Integer [2130903047]
      [8] invokevirtual #195
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.setContentView (I)V]
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] ldc #24
        + String [%s: %s]
      [14] iconst_2
      [15] anewarray #72
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [18] dup
      [19] iconst_0
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] invokevirtual #188
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [24] ldc #7
        + Integer [2131230720]
      [26] invokevirtual #134
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getText (I)Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
      [29] aastore
      [30] dup
      [31] iconst_1
      [32] aload_0 v0
      [33] invokevirtual #188
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [36] ldc #8
        + Integer [2131230726]
      [38] invokevirtual #134
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getText (I)Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
      [41] aastore
      [42] invokestatic #172
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [45] invokevirtual #197
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.setTitle (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] new #101
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase]
      [52] dup
      [53] aload_0 v0
      [54] invokespecial #229
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [57] putfield #112
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
      [60] aload_0 v0
      [61] invokevirtual #199
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.updateList ()V]
      [64] aload_0 v0
      [65] aload_0 v0
      [66] invokevirtual #187
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.getListView ()Landroid/widget/ListView;]
      [69] invokevirtual #194
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.registerForContextMenu (Landroid/view/View;)V]
      [72] aload_0 v0
      [73] invokevirtual #187
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.getListView ()Landroid/widget/ListView;]
      [76] new #91
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$3]
      [79] dup
      [80] aload_0 v0
      [81] invokespecial #206
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$3.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;)V]
      [84] invokevirtual #146
        + Methodref [android/widget/ListView.setOnItemClickListener (Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener;)V]
      [87] aload_0 v0
      [88] aload_0 v0
      [89] ldc #34
        + String [clipboard]
      [91] invokevirtual #189
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.getSystemService (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [94] checkcast #49
        + Class [android/text/ClipboardManager]
      [97] putfield #107
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.clipboard Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;]
      [100] aload_0 v0
      [101] aload_0 v0
      [102] invokestatic #142
        + Methodref [android/view/LayoutInflater.from (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
      [105] putfield #110
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
      [108] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 13)
        [0] -> line 143
        [5] -> line 144
        [11] -> line 146
        [20] -> line 147
        [32] -> line 148
        [42] -> line 146
        [48] -> line 151
        [60] -> line 153
        [64] -> line 155
        [72] -> line 157
        [87] -> line 173
        [100] -> line 175
        [108] -> line 176
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 109 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity; this]
        v1: 0 -> 109 [Landroid/os/Bundle; icicle]
  + Method:       readRaw(Ljava/io/File;)[B
    Access flags: 0xc
      = protected static byte[] readRaw(
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 64, locals = 5, stack = 4):
      [0] new #68
        + Class [java/io/FileInputStream]
      [3] dup
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] invokespecial #165
        + Methodref [java/io/FileInputStream.<init> (Ljava/io/File;)V]
      [8] astore_1 v1
      [9] new #66
        + Class [java/io/ByteArrayOutputStream]
      [12] dup
      [13] invokespecial #154
        + Methodref [java/io/ByteArrayOutputStream.<init> ()V]
      [16] astore_2 v2
      [17] sipush 1024
      [20] newarray 8
      [22] astore v4
      [24] goto +11 (target=35)
      [27] aload_2 v2
      [28] aload v4
      [30] iconst_0
      [31] iload_3 v3
      [32] invokevirtual #158
        + Methodref [java/io/ByteArrayOutputStream.write ([BII)V]
      [35] aload_1 v1
      [36] aload v4
      [38] invokevirtual #167
        + Methodref [java/io/ ([B)I]
      [41] dup
      [42] istore_3 v3
      [43] iconst_m1
      [44] ificmpne -17 (target=27)
      [47] aload_2 v2
      [48] invokevirtual #156
        + Methodref [java/io/ByteArrayOutputStream.flush ()V]
      [51] aload_2 v2
      [52] invokevirtual #155
        + Methodref [java/io/ByteArrayOutputStream.close ()V]
      [55] aload_1 v1
      [56] invokevirtual #166
        + Methodref [java/io/InputStream.close ()V]
      [59] aload_2 v2
      [60] invokevirtual #157
        + Methodref [java/io/ByteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray ()[B]
      [63] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 10)
        [0] -> line 182
        [9] -> line 183
        [17] -> line 186
        [24] -> line 187
        [27] -> line 188
        [35] -> line 187
        [47] -> line 191
        [51] -> line 192
        [55] -> line 193
        [59] -> line 195
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 64 [Ljava/io/File; file]
        v1: 9 -> 64 [Ljava/io/InputStream; is]
        v2: 17 -> 64 [Ljava/io/ByteArrayOutputStream; os]
        v3: 27 -> 35 [I bytesRead]
        v3: 43 -> 64 [I bytesRead]
        v4: 24 -> 64 [[B buffer]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Method:       onCreateOptionsMenu(Landroid/view/Menu;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(android.view.Menu)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 76, locals = 4, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #127
        + Methodref [android/app/ListActivity.onCreateOptionsMenu (Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
      [5] pop
      [6] aload_1 v1
      [7] ldc #9
        + Integer [2131230739]
      [9] invokeinterface #239
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/Menu.add (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [14] astore_2 v2
      [15] aload_2 v2
      [16] ldc #3
        + Integer [17301570]
      [18] invokeinterface #243
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setIcon (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [23] pop
      [24] aload_2 v2
      [25] new #44
        + Class [android/content/Intent]
      [28] dup
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] ldc #83
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/GeneratePubkeyActivity]
      [32] invokespecial #130
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
      [35] invokeinterface #244
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setIntent (Landroid/content/Intent;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [40] pop
      [41] aload_1 v1
      [42] ldc #10
        + Integer [2131230740]
      [44] invokeinterface #239
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/Menu.add (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [49] astore_3 v3
      [50] aload_3 v3
      [51] ldc #4
        + Integer [17301589]
      [53] invokeinterface #243
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setIcon (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [58] pop
      [59] aload_3 v3
      [60] new #92
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$4]
      [63] dup
      [64] aload_0 v0
      [65] invokespecial #207
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$4.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;)V]
      [68] invokeinterface #245
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setOnMenuItemClickListener (Landroid/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [73] pop
      [74] iconst_1
      [75] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 201
        [6] -> line 203
        [15] -> line 204
        [24] -> line 205
        [41] -> line 207
        [50] -> line 208
        [59] -> line 209
        [74] -> line 239
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 76 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity; this]
        v1: 0 -> 76 [Landroid/view/Menu; menu]
        v2: 15 -> 76 [Landroid/view/MenuItem; generatekey]
        v3: 50 -> 76 [Landroid/view/MenuItem; importkey]
  + Method:       handleAddKey(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected void handleAddKey(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PubkeyBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 77, locals = 4, stack = 7):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] invokevirtual #220
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.isEncrypted ()Z]
      [4] ifeq +66 (target=70)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #110
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
      [11] ldc #6
        + Integer [2130903051]
      [13] aconst_null
      [14] invokevirtual #143
        + Methodref [android/view/LayoutInflater.inflate (ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;)Landroid/view/View;]
      [17] astore_2 v2
      [18] aload_2 v2
      [19] ldc #1
        + Integer [16908308]
      [21] invokevirtual #144
        + Methodref [android/view/View.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [24] checkcast #61
        + Class [android/widget/EditText]
      [27] astore_3 v3
      [28] new #40
        + Class [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder]
      [31] dup
      [32] aload_0 v0
      [33] invokespecial #116
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [36] aload_2 v2
      [37] invokevirtual #123
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setView (Landroid/view/View;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
      [40] ldc #17
        + Integer [2131230753]
      [42] new #93
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$5]
      [45] dup
      [46] aload_0 v0
      [47] aload_1 v1
      [48] aload_3 v3
      [49] invokespecial #208
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$5.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;Landroid/widget/EditText;)V]
      [52] invokevirtual #121
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setPositiveButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
      [55] ldc #2
        + Integer [17039360]
      [57] aconst_null
      [58] invokevirtual #120
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setNegativeButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
      [61] invokevirtual #117
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.create ()Landroid/app/AlertDialog;]
      [64] invokevirtual #115
        + Methodref [android/app/ ()V]
      [67] goto +9 (target=76)
      [70] aload_0 v0
      [71] aload_1 v1
      [72] aconst_null
      [73] invokevirtual #190
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.handleAddKey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [76] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 243
        [7] -> line 244
        [18] -> line 245
        [28] -> line 247
        [36] -> line 248
        [40] -> line 249
        [55] -> line 254
        [70] -> line 256
        [76] -> line 258
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 77 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity; this]
        v1: 0 -> 77 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean; pubkey]
        v2: 18 -> 70 [Landroid/view/View; view]
        v3: 28 -> 70 [Landroid/widget/EditText; passwordField]
  + Method:       handleAddKey(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected void handleAddKey(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PubkeyBean,java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 234, locals = 8, stack = 6):
      [0] aconst_null
      [1] astore_3 v3
      [2] ldc #29
        + String [IMPORTED]
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] invokevirtual #218
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getType ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [8] invokevirtual #171
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [11] ifeq +70 (target=81)
      [14] new #73
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [17] dup
      [18] aload_1 v1
      [19] invokevirtual #216
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getPrivateKey ()[B]
      [22] invokespecial #169
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.<init> ([B)V]
      [25] invokevirtual #177
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.toCharArray ()[C]
      [28] aload_2 v2
      [29] invokestatic #151
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMDecoder.decode ([CLjava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [32] astore_3 v3
      [33] goto +154 (target=187)
      [36] astore v4
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] invokevirtual #188
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [42] ldc #18
        + Integer [2131230754]
      [44] iconst_1
      [45] anewarray #72
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [48] dup
      [49] iconst_0
      [50] aload_1 v1
      [51] invokevirtual #215
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [54] aastore
      [55] invokevirtual #133
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [58] astore v5
      [60] ldc #27
        + String [ConnectBot.PubkeyListActivity]
      [62] aload v5
      [64] aload v4
      [66] invokestatic #141
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [69] pop
      [70] aload_0 v0
      [71] aload v5
      [73] iconst_1
      [74] invokestatic #148
        + Methodref [android/widget/Toast.makeText (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;I)Landroid/widget/Toast;]
      [77] pop
      [78] goto +109 (target=187)
      [81] aconst_null
      [82] astore v4
      [84] aconst_null
      [85] astore v5
      [87] aload_1 v1
      [88] invokevirtual #216
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getPrivateKey ()[B]
      [91] aload_1 v1
      [92] invokevirtual #218
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getType ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [95] aload_2 v2
      [96] invokestatic #234
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.decodePrivate ([BLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
      [99] astore v4
      [101] aload_1 v1
      [102] invokevirtual #217
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getPublicKey ()Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
      [105] astore v5
      [107] goto +46 (target=153)
      [110] astore v6
      [112] aload_0 v0
      [113] invokevirtual #188
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [116] ldc #18
        + Integer [2131230754]
      [118] iconst_1
      [119] anewarray #72
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [122] dup
      [123] iconst_0
      [124] aload_1 v1
      [125] invokevirtual #215
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [128] aastore
      [129] invokevirtual #133
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [132] astore v7
      [134] ldc #27
        + String [ConnectBot.PubkeyListActivity]
      [136] aload v7
      [138] aload v6
      [140] invokestatic #141
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [143] pop
      [144] aload_0 v0
      [145] aload v7
      [147] iconst_1
      [148] invokestatic #148
        + Methodref [android/widget/Toast.makeText (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;I)Landroid/widget/Toast;]
      [151] pop
      [152] return
      [153] aload v4
      [155] aload v5
      [157] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.convertToTrilead (Ljava/security/PrivateKey;Ljava/security/PublicKey;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [160] astore_3 v3
      [161] ldc #27
        + String [ConnectBot.PubkeyListActivity]
      [163] new #74
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [166] dup
      [167] ldc #32
        + String [Unlocked key ]
      [169] invokespecial #178
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [172] aload v5
      [174] invokestatic #235
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.formatKey (Ljava/security/Key;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [177] invokevirtual #179
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [180] invokevirtual #180
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [183] invokestatic #139
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [186] pop
      [187] aload_3 v3
      [188] ifnonnull +4 (target=192)
      [191] return
      [192] ldc #27
        + String [ConnectBot.PubkeyListActivity]
      [194] ldc #33
        + String [Unlocked key '%s']
      [196] iconst_1
      [197] anewarray #72
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [200] dup
      [201] iconst_0
      [202] aload_1 v1
      [203] invokevirtual #215
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [206] aastore
      [207] invokestatic #172
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [210] invokestatic #139
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [213] pop
      [214] aload_0 v0
      [215] getfield #106
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [218] aload_1 v1
      [219] aload_3 v3
      [220] iconst_1
      [221] invokevirtual #227
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.addKey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;Ljava/lang/Object;Z)V]
      [224] aload_0 v0
      [225] getfield #114
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
      [228] iconst_m1
      [229] invokevirtual #138
        + Methodref [android/os/Handler.sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
      [232] pop
      [233] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (14 -> 33: 36):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      + ExceptionInfo (87 -> 107: 110):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 23)
        [0] -> line 261
        [2] -> line 262
        [14] -> line 265
        [36] -> line 266
        [38] -> line 267
        [60] -> line 268
        [70] -> line 269
        [81] -> line 274
        [84] -> line 275
        [87] -> line 277
        [101] -> line 278
        [110] -> line 279
        [112] -> line 280
        [134] -> line 281
        [144] -> line 282
        [152] -> line 283
        [153] -> line 287
        [161] -> line 288
        [187] -> line 291
        [192] -> line 293
        [214] -> line 296
        [224] -> line 298
        [233] -> line 299
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 10)
        v0: 0 -> 234 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity; this]
        v1: 0 -> 234 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean; pubkey]
        v2: 0 -> 234 [Ljava/lang/String; password]
        v3: 2 -> 234 [Ljava/lang/Object; trileadKey]
        v4: 38 -> 78 [Ljava/lang/Exception; e]
        v5: 60 -> 78 [Ljava/lang/String; message]
        v4: 84 -> 187 [Ljava/security/PrivateKey; privKey]
        v5: 87 -> 187 [Ljava/security/PublicKey; pubKey]
        v6: 112 -> 153 [Ljava/lang/Exception; e]
        v7: 134 -> 153 [Ljava/lang/String; message]
  + Method:       onCreateContextMenu(Landroid/view/ContextMenu;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onCreateContextMenu(android.view.ContextMenu,android.view.View,android.view.ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 419, locals = 13, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_3 v3
      [1] checkcast #59
        + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$AdapterContextMenuInfo]
      [4] astore v4
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] invokevirtual #187
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.getListView ()Landroid/widget/ListView;]
      [10] aload v4
      [12] getfield #105
        + Fieldref [android/widget/AdapterView$AdapterContextMenuInfo.position I]
      [15] invokevirtual #145
        + Methodref [android/widget/ListView.getItemAtPosition (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [18] checkcast #99
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean]
      [21] astore v5
      [23] aload_1 v1
      [24] aload v5
      [26] invokevirtual #215
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [29] invokeinterface #238
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/ContextMenu.setHeaderTitle (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/view/ContextMenu;]
      [34] pop
      [35] ldc #29
        + String [IMPORTED]
      [37] aload v5
      [39] invokevirtual #218
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getType ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [42] invokevirtual #171
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [45] istore v6
      [47] aload_0 v0
      [48] getfield #106
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [51] aload v5
      [53] invokevirtual #215
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [56] invokevirtual #228
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.isKeyLoaded (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [59] istore v7
      [61] aload_1 v1
      [62] iload v7
      [64] ifeq +8 (target=72)
      [67] ldc #20
        + Integer [2131230756]
      [69] goto +5 (target=74)
      [72] ldc #19
        + Integer [2131230755]
      [74] invokeinterface #237
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/ContextMenu.add (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [79] astore v8
      [81] aload v8
      [83] new #94
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$6]
      [86] dup
      [87] aload_0 v0
      [88] iload v7
      [90] aload v5
      [92] invokespecial #209
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$6.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;ZLcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
      [95] invokeinterface #245
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setOnMenuItemClickListener (Landroid/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [100] pop
      [101] aload_0 v0
      [102] aload_1 v1
      [103] ldc #21
        + Integer [2131230757]
      [105] invokeinterface #237
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/ContextMenu.add (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [110] putfield #111
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.onstartToggle Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [113] aload_0 v0
      [114] getfield #111
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.onstartToggle Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [117] aload v5
      [119] invokevirtual #220
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.isEncrypted ()Z]
      [122] ifeq +7 (target=129)
      [125] iconst_0
      [126] goto +4 (target=130)
      [129] iconst_1
      [130] invokeinterface #242
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setEnabled (Z)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [135] pop
      [136] aload_0 v0
      [137] getfield #111
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.onstartToggle Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [140] iconst_1
      [141] invokeinterface #240
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setCheckable (Z)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [146] pop
      [147] aload_0 v0
      [148] getfield #111
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.onstartToggle Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [151] aload v5
      [153] invokevirtual #221
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.isStartup ()Z]
      [156] invokeinterface #241
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setChecked (Z)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [161] pop
      [162] aload_0 v0
      [163] getfield #111
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.onstartToggle Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [166] new #95
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$7]
      [169] dup
      [170] aload_0 v0
      [171] aload v5
      [173] invokespecial #210
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$7.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
      [176] invokeinterface #245
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setOnMenuItemClickListener (Landroid/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [181] pop
      [182] aload_1 v1
      [183] ldc #13
        + Integer [2131230747]
      [185] invokeinterface #237
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/ContextMenu.add (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [190] astore v9
      [192] aload v9
      [194] iload v6
      [196] ifeq +7 (target=203)
      [199] iconst_0
      [200] goto +4 (target=204)
      [203] iconst_1
      [204] invokeinterface #242
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setEnabled (Z)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [209] pop
      [210] aload v9
      [212] new #96
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$8]
      [215] dup
      [216] aload_0 v0
      [217] aload v5
      [219] invokespecial #211
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$8.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
      [222] invokeinterface #245
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setOnMenuItemClickListener (Landroid/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [227] pop
      [228] aload_1 v1
      [229] ldc #12
        + Integer [2131230746]
      [231] invokeinterface #237
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/ContextMenu.add (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [236] astore v10
      [238] aload v10
      [240] aload v5
      [242] invokevirtual #220
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.isEncrypted ()Z]
      [245] ifeq +12 (target=257)
      [248] iload v6
      [250] ifne +7 (target=257)
      [253] iconst_0
      [254] goto +4 (target=258)
      [257] iconst_1
      [258] invokeinterface #242
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setEnabled (Z)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [263] pop
      [264] aload v10
      [266] new #97
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$9]
      [269] dup
      [270] aload_0 v0
      [271] iload v6
      [273] aload v5
      [275] invokespecial #212
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$9.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;ZLcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
      [278] invokeinterface #245
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setOnMenuItemClickListener (Landroid/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [283] pop
      [284] aload_1 v1
      [285] ldc #14
        + Integer [2131230750]
      [287] invokeinterface #237
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/ContextMenu.add (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [292] astore v11
      [294] aload v11
      [296] iload v6
      [298] ifeq +7 (target=305)
      [301] iconst_0
      [302] goto +4 (target=306)
      [305] iconst_1
      [306] invokeinterface #242
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setEnabled (Z)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [311] pop
      [312] aload v11
      [314] new #86
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10]
      [317] dup
      [318] aload_0 v0
      [319] aload v5
      [321] invokespecial #201
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
      [324] invokeinterface #245
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setOnMenuItemClickListener (Landroid/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [329] pop
      [330] aload_0 v0
      [331] aload_1 v1
      [332] ldc #22
        + Integer [2131230758]
      [334] invokeinterface #237
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/ContextMenu.add (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [339] putfield #108
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.confirmUse Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [342] aload_0 v0
      [343] getfield #108
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.confirmUse Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [346] iconst_1
      [347] invokeinterface #240
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setCheckable (Z)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [352] pop
      [353] aload_0 v0
      [354] getfield #108
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.confirmUse Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [357] aload v5
      [359] invokevirtual #219
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.isConfirmUse ()Z]
      [362] invokeinterface #241
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setChecked (Z)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [367] pop
      [368] aload_0 v0
      [369] getfield #108
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.confirmUse Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [372] new #87
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$11]
      [375] dup
      [376] aload_0 v0
      [377] aload v5
      [379] invokespecial #202
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$11.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
      [382] invokeinterface #245
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setOnMenuItemClickListener (Landroid/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [387] pop
      [388] aload_1 v1
      [389] ldc #11
        + Integer [2131230741]
      [391] invokeinterface #237
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/ContextMenu.add (I)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [396] astore v12
      [398] aload v12
      [400] new #88
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12]
      [403] dup
      [404] aload_0 v0
      [405] aload v5
      [407] iload v7
      [409] invokespecial #203
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;Z)V]
      [412] invokeinterface #245
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/MenuItem.setOnMenuItemClickListener (Landroid/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener;)Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
      [417] pop
      [418] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 28)
        [0] -> line 304
        [6] -> line 305
        [23] -> line 307
        [35] -> line 313
        [47] -> line 314
        [61] -> line 316
        [81] -> line 317
        [101] -> line 330
        [113] -> line 331
        [136] -> line 332
        [147] -> line 333
        [162] -> line 334
        [182] -> line 344
        [192] -> line 345
        [210] -> line 346
        [228] -> line 360
        [238] -> line 361
        [264] -> line 362
        [284] -> line 382
        [294] -> line 383
        [312] -> line 384
        [330] -> line 430
        [342] -> line 431
        [353] -> line 432
        [368] -> line 433
        [388] -> line 443
        [398] -> line 444
        [418] -> line 467
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 13)
        v0: 0 -> 419 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity; this]
        v1: 0 -> 419 [Landroid/view/ContextMenu; menu]
        v2: 0 -> 419 [Landroid/view/View; v]
        v3: 0 -> 419 [Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo; menuInfo]
        v4: 6 -> 419 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView$AdapterContextMenuInfo; info]
        v5: 23 -> 419 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean; pubkey]
        v6: 47 -> 419 [Z imported]
        v7: 61 -> 419 [Z loaded]
        v8: 81 -> 419 [Landroid/view/MenuItem; load]
        v9: 192 -> 419 [Landroid/view/MenuItem; copyPublicToClipboard]
        v10: 238 -> 419 [Landroid/view/MenuItem; copyPrivateToClipboard]
        v11: 294 -> 419 [Landroid/view/MenuItem; changePassword]
        v12: 398 -> 419 [Landroid/view/MenuItem; delete]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 1)
        v4: 6 -> 419 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView$AdapterContextMenuInfo; info]
  + Method:       updateList()V
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected void updateList()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 39, locals = 2, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #112
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
      [4] ifnonnull +4 (target=8)
      [7] return
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] getfield #112
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
      [13] invokevirtual #230
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.allPubkeys ()Ljava/util/List;]
      [16] putfield #113
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.pubkeys Ljava/util/List;]
      [19] new #98
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter]
      [22] dup
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] getfield #113
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.pubkeys Ljava/util/List;]
      [29] invokespecial #213
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/util/List;)V]
      [32] astore_1 v1
      [33] aload_0 v0
      [34] aload_1 v1
      [35] invokevirtual #196
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.setListAdapter (Landroid/widget/ListAdapter;)V]
      [38] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 478
        [8] -> line 480
        [19] -> line 481
        [33] -> line 483
        [38] -> line 484
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 39 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity; this]
        v1: 33 -> 39 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter; adapter]
  + Method:       onActivityResult(IILandroid/content/Intent;)V
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected void onActivityResult(int,int,android.content.Intent)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 113, locals = 6, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] iload_2 v2
      [3] aload_3 v3
      [4] invokespecial #125
        + Methodref [android/app/ListActivity.onActivityResult (IILandroid/content/Intent;)V]
      [7] iload_1 v1
      [8] tableswitch (1 offsets, default=104) (target=112)
        1: offset = 20, target = 28
        default: offset = 104, target = 112
      [28] iload_2 v2
      [29] iconst_m1
      [30] ificmpne +82 (target=112)
      [33] aload_3 v3
      [34] ifnull +78 (target=112)
      [37] aload_3 v3
      [38] invokevirtual #131
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.getData ()Landroid/net/Uri;]
      [41] astore v4
      [43] aload v4
      [45] ifnull +25 (target=70)
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] new #67
        + Class [java/io/File]
      [52] dup
      [53] aload v4
      [55] invokevirtual #135
        + Methodref [android/net/Uri.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [58] invokestatic #181
        + Methodref [java/net/URI.create (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/URI;]
      [61] invokespecial #159
        + Methodref [java/io/File.<init> (Ljava/net/URI;)V]
      [64] invokespecial #192
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.readKeyFromFile (Ljava/io/File;)V]
      [67] goto +45 (target=112)
      [70] aload_3 v3
      [71] invokevirtual #132
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.getDataString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [74] astore v5
      [76] aload v5
      [78] ifnull +34 (target=112)
      [81] aload_0 v0
      [82] new #67
        + Class [java/io/File]
      [85] dup
      [86] aload v5
      [88] invokestatic #181
        + Methodref [java/net/URI.create (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/URI;]
      [91] invokespecial #159
        + Methodref [java/io/File.<init> (Ljava/net/URI;)V]
      [94] invokespecial #192
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.readKeyFromFile (Ljava/io/File;)V]
      [97] goto +15 (target=112)
      [100] astore v5
      [102] ldc #27
        + String [ConnectBot.PubkeyListActivity]
      [104] ldc #28
        + String [Couldn't read from picked file]
      [106] aload v5
      [108] invokestatic #141
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [111] pop
      [112] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (43 -> 97: 100):
      + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 12)
        [0] -> line 488
        [7] -> line 490
        [28] -> line 492
        [37] -> line 493
        [43] -> line 495
        [48] -> line 496
        [70] -> line 498
        [76] -> line 499
        [81] -> line 500
        [100] -> line 502
        [102] -> line 503
        [112] -> line 508
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 113 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity; this]
        v1: 0 -> 113 [I requestCode]
        v2: 0 -> 113 [I resultCode]
        v3: 0 -> 113 [Landroid/content/Intent; intent]
        v4: 43 -> 112 [Landroid/net/Uri; uri]
        v5: 76 -> 97 [Ljava/lang/String; filename]
        v5: 102 -> 112 [Ljava/lang/IllegalArgumentException; e]
  + Method:       readKeyFromFile(Ljava/io/File;)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void readKeyFromFile(
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 317, locals = 10, stack = 5):
      [0] new #99
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean]
      [3] dup
      [4] invokespecial #214
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.<init> ()V]
      [7] astore_2 v2
      [8] aload_2 v2
      [9] aload_1 v1
      [10] invokevirtual #160
        + Methodref [java/io/File.getName ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [13] invokevirtual #223
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setNickname (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [16] aload_1 v1
      [17] invokevirtual #162
        + Methodref [java/io/File.length ()J]
      [20] ldc2_w #103
        + Long [8192]
      [23] lcmp
      [24] ifle +14 (target=38)
      [27] aload_0 v0
      [28] ldc #16
        + Integer [2131230752]
      [30] iconst_1
      [31] invokestatic #147
        + Methodref [android/widget/Toast.makeText (Landroid/content/Context;II)Landroid/widget/Toast;]
      [34] invokevirtual #149
        + Methodref [android/widget/ ()V]
      [37] return
      [38] aload_1 v1
      [39] invokestatic #193
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.readRaw (Ljava/io/File;)[B]
      [42] astore_3 v3
      [43] new #73
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [46] dup
      [47] aload_3 v3
      [48] invokespecial #169
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.<init> ([B)V]
      [51] astore v4
      [53] aload v4
      [55] ldc #25
        + String [-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----]
      [57] invokevirtual #175
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.startsWith (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [60] ifeq +160 (target=220)
      [63] aload v4
      [65] ldc #25
        + String [-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----]
      [67] invokevirtual #173
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.indexOf (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [70] ldc #25
        + String [-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----]
      [72] invokevirtual #174
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
      [75] iadd
      [76] istore v5
      [78] aload v4
      [80] ldc #26
        + String [-----END PRIVATE KEY-----]
      [82] invokevirtual #173
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.indexOf (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [85] istore v6
      [87] iload v6
      [89] iload v5
      [91] ificmple +108 (target=199)
      [94] aload v4
      [96] iload v5
      [98] iload v6
      [100] iconst_1
      [101] isub
      [102] invokevirtual #176
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (II)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [105] invokevirtual #177
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.toCharArray ()[C]
      [108] astore v7
      [110] ldc #27
        + String [ConnectBot.PubkeyListActivity]
      [112] new #74
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [115] dup
      [116] ldc #35
        + String [encoded: ]
      [118] invokespecial #178
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [121] new #73
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [124] dup
      [125] aload v7
      [127] invokespecial #170
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.<init> ([C)V]
      [130] invokevirtual #179
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [133] invokevirtual #180
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [136] invokestatic #139
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [139] pop
      [140] aload v7
      [142] invokestatic #150
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/Base64.decode ([C)[B]
      [145] astore v8
      [147] aload v8
      [149] invokestatic #236
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.recoverKeyPair ([B)Ljava/security/KeyPair;]
      [152] astore v9
      [154] aload_2 v2
      [155] aload v9
      [157] invokevirtual #182
        + Methodref [java/security/KeyPair.getPrivate ()Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
      [160] invokeinterface #246
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/PrivateKey.getAlgorithm ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [165] invokevirtual #226
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setType (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [168] aload_2 v2
      [169] aload v9
      [171] invokevirtual #182
        + Methodref [java/security/KeyPair.getPrivate ()Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
      [174] invokeinterface #247
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/PrivateKey.getEncoded ()[B]
      [179] invokevirtual #224
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setPrivateKey ([B)V]
      [182] aload_2 v2
      [183] aload v9
      [185] invokevirtual #183
        + Methodref [java/security/KeyPair.getPublic ()Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
      [188] invokeinterface #248
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/PublicKey.getEncoded ()[B]
      [193] invokevirtual #225
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setPublicKey ([B)V]
      [196] goto +60 (target=256)
      [199] ldc #27
        + String [ConnectBot.PubkeyListActivity]
      [201] ldc #30
        + String [Problem parsing PKCS#8 file; corrupt?]
      [203] invokestatic #140
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [206] pop
      [207] aload_0 v0
      [208] ldc #16
        + Integer [2131230752]
      [210] iconst_1
      [211] invokestatic #147
        + Methodref [android/widget/Toast.makeText (Landroid/content/Context;II)Landroid/widget/Toast;]
      [214] invokevirtual #149
        + Methodref [android/widget/ ()V]
      [217] goto +39 (target=256)
      [220] new #73
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [223] dup
      [224] aload_3 v3
      [225] invokespecial #169
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.<init> ([B)V]
      [228] invokevirtual #177
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.toCharArray ()[C]
      [231] invokestatic #153
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMDecoder.parsePEM ([C)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure;]
      [234] astore v5
      [236] aload_2 v2
      [237] aload v5
      [239] invokestatic #152
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMDecoder.isPEMEncrypted (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure;)Z]
      [242] invokevirtual #222
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setEncrypted (Z)V]
      [245] aload_2 v2
      [246] ldc #29
        + String [IMPORTED]
      [248] invokevirtual #226
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setType (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [251] aload_2 v2
      [252] aload_3 v3
      [253] invokevirtual #224
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setPrivateKey ([B)V]
      [256] aload_0 v0
      [257] getfield #112
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
      [260] ifnonnull +15 (target=275)
      [263] aload_0 v0
      [264] new #101
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase]
      [267] dup
      [268] aload_0 v0
      [269] invokespecial #229
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [272] putfield #112
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
      [275] aload_0 v0
      [276] getfield #112
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
      [279] aload_2 v2
      [280] invokevirtual #232
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.savePubkey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
      [283] pop
      [284] aload_0 v0
      [285] getfield #114
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
      [288] iconst_m1
      [289] invokevirtual #138
        + Methodref [android/os/Handler.sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
      [292] pop
      [293] goto +23 (target=316)
      [296] astore_3 v3
      [297] ldc #27
        + String [ConnectBot.PubkeyListActivity]
      [299] ldc #31
        + String [Problem parsing imported private key]
      [301] aload_3 v3
      [302] invokestatic #141
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [305] pop
      [306] aload_0 v0
      [307] ldc #16
        + Integer [2131230752]
      [309] iconst_1
      [310] invokestatic #147
        + Methodref [android/widget/Toast.makeText (Landroid/content/Context;II)Landroid/widget/Toast;]
      [313] invokevirtual #149
        + Methodref [android/widget/ ()V]
      [316] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (38 -> 293: 296):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 40)
        [0] -> line 514
        [8] -> line 517
        [16] -> line 519
        [27] -> line 520
        [28] -> line 521
        [30] -> line 522
        [31] -> line 520
        [34] -> line 522
        [37] -> line 523
        [38] -> line 529
        [43] -> line 531
        [53] -> line 532
        [63] -> line 533
        [78] -> line 534
        [87] -> line 536
        [94] -> line 537
        [110] -> line 538
        [140] -> line 539
        [147] -> line 541
        [154] -> line 543
        [168] -> line 544
        [182] -> line 545
        [199] -> line 547
        [207] -> line 548
        [208] -> line 549
        [210] -> line 550
        [211] -> line 548
        [214] -> line 550
        [220] -> line 553
        [236] -> line 554
        [245] -> line 555
        [251] -> line 556
        [256] -> line 560
        [263] -> line 561
        [275] -> line 562
        [284] -> line 564
        [296] -> line 565
        [297] -> line 566
        [306] -> line 567
        [316] -> line 569
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 12)
        v0: 0 -> 317 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity; this]
        v1: 0 -> 317 [Ljava/io/File; file]
        v2: 8 -> 317 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean; pubkey]
        v3: 43 -> 296 [[B raw]
        v4: 53 -> 296 [Ljava/lang/String; data]
        v5: 78 -> 220 [I start]
        v6: 87 -> 220 [I end]
        v7: 110 -> 199 [[C encoded]
        v8: 147 -> 199 [[B decoded]
        v9: 154 -> 199 [Ljava/security/KeyPair; kp]
        v5: 236 -> 256 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure; struct]
        v3: 297 -> 316 [Ljava/lang/Exception; e]
  + Method:       pickFileSimple()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void pickFileSimple()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 208, locals = 9, stack = 7):
      [0] invokestatic #136
        + Methodref [android/os/Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory ()Ljava/io/File;]
      [3] astore_1 v1
      [4] ldc #27
        + String [ConnectBot.PubkeyListActivity]
      [6] aload_1 v1
      [7] invokevirtual #164
        + Methodref [java/io/File.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [10] invokestatic #139
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [13] pop
      [14] invokestatic #137
        + Methodref [android/os/Environment.getExternalStorageState ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [17] astore_2 v2
      [18] ldc #37
        + String [mounted_ro]
      [20] aload_2 v2
      [21] invokevirtual #171
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [24] ifne +38 (target=62)
      [27] ldc #36
        + String [mounted]
      [29] aload_2 v2
      [30] invokevirtual #171
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [33] ifne +29 (target=62)
      [36] new #40
        + Class [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder]
      [39] dup
      [40] aload_0 v0
      [41] invokespecial #116
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [44] ldc #23
        + Integer [2131230783]
      [46] invokevirtual #119
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setMessage (I)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
      [49] ldc #2
        + Integer [17039360]
      [51] aconst_null
      [52] invokevirtual #120
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setNegativeButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
      [55] invokevirtual #117
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.create ()Landroid/app/AlertDialog;]
      [58] invokevirtual #115
        + Methodref [android/app/ ()V]
      [61] return
      [62] new #81
        + Class [java/util/LinkedList]
      [65] dup
      [66] invokespecial #185
        + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.<init> ()V]
      [69] astore_3 v3
      [70] aload_1 v1
      [71] invokevirtual #163
        + Methodref [java/io/File.listFiles ()[Ljava/io/File;]
      [74] astore v4
      [76] aload v4
      [78] ifnull +59 (target=137)
      [81] aload_1 v1
      [82] invokevirtual #163
        + Methodref [java/io/File.listFiles ()[Ljava/io/File;]
      [85] dup
      [86] astore v8
      [88] arraylength
      [89] istore v7
      [91] iconst_0
      [92] istore v6
      [94] goto +36 (target=130)
      [97] aload v8
      [99] iload v6
      [101] aaload
      [102] astore v5
      [104] aload v5
      [106] invokevirtual #161
        + Methodref [java/io/File.isDirectory ()Z]
      [109] ifeq +6 (target=115)
      [112] goto +15 (target=127)
      [115] aload_3 v3
      [116] aload v5
      [118] invokevirtual #160
        + Methodref [java/io/File.getName ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [121] invokeinterface #249
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [126] pop
      [127] iinc v6, 1
      [130] iload v6
      [132] iload v7
      [134] ificmplt -37 (target=97)
      [137] aload_3 v3
      [138] invokestatic #184
        + Methodref [java/util/Collections.sort (Ljava/util/List;)V]
      [141] aload_3 v3
      [142] iconst_0
      [143] anewarray #73
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [146] invokeinterface #250
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.toArray ([Ljava/lang/Object;)[Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [151] checkcast #38
        + Class [[Ljava/lang/String;]
      [154] astore v4
      [156] ldc #27
        + String [ConnectBot.PubkeyListActivity]
      [158] aload_3 v3
      [159] invokevirtual #168
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [162] invokestatic #139
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [165] pop
      [166] new #40
        + Class [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder]
      [169] dup
      [170] aload_0 v0
      [171] invokespecial #116
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [174] ldc #15
        + Integer [2131230751]
      [176] invokevirtual #122
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setTitle (I)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
      [179] aload v4
      [181] new #89
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$13]
      [184] dup
      [185] aload_0 v0
      [186] aload v4
      [188] aload_1 v1
      [189] invokespecial #204
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$13.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/io/File;)V]
      [192] invokevirtual #118
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setItems ([Ljava/lang/CharSequence;Landroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
      [195] ldc #2
        + Integer [17039360]
      [197] aconst_null
      [198] invokevirtual #120
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setNegativeButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
      [201] invokevirtual #117
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.create ()Landroid/app/AlertDialog;]
      [204] invokevirtual #115
        + Methodref [android/app/ ()V]
      [207] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 24)
        [0] -> line 576
        [4] -> line 577
        [14] -> line 580
        [18] -> line 581
        [27] -> line 582
        [36] -> line 583
        [44] -> line 584
        [49] -> line 585
        [61] -> line 586
        [62] -> line 589
        [70] -> line 591
        [76] -> line 592
        [81] -> line 593
        [104] -> line 594
        [115] -> line 595
        [127] -> line 593
        [137] -> line 599
        [141] -> line 601
        [156] -> line 602
        [166] -> line 605
        [174] -> line 606
        [179] -> line 607
        [195] -> line 614
        [207] -> line 615
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 208 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity; this]
        v1: 4 -> 208 [Ljava/io/File; sdcard]
        v2: 18 -> 208 [Ljava/lang/String; state]
        v3: 70 -> 208 [Ljava/util/List; names]
        v4: 76 -> 137 [[Ljava/io/File; files]
        v5: 104 -> 127 [Ljava/io/File; file]
        v4: 156 -> 208 [[Ljava/lang/String; namesList]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 1)
        v3: 70 -> 208 [Ljava/util/List<Ljava/lang/String;>; names]
  + Method:       access$0(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;)V
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic void access$0(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #191
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.pickFileSimple ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 574
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$1(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;Ljava/io/File;)V
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic void access$1(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity,
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #192
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.readKeyFromFile (Ljava/io/File;)V]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 513
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 20)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x9 = public static 
      + Class [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder]
      + Class [android/app/AlertDialog]
      + Utf8 [Builder]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
      + Class [android/content/DialogInterface]
      + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
      + Class [android/view/ContextMenu]
      + Utf8 [ContextMenuInfo]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
      + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x9 = public static 
      + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$AdapterContextMenuInfo]
      + Class [android/widget/AdapterView]
      + Utf8 [AdapterContextMenuInfo]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener]
      + Class [android/widget/AdapterView]
      + Utf8 [OnItemClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$1]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$11]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$13]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$2]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$3]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$4]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$5]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$6]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$7]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$8]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$9]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
      + Utf8 [PubkeyAdapter]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$1
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity$1 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/content/ServiceConnection]

Constant Pool (count = 51):
  + Class [android/content/ServiceConnection]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$1]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.updateList ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder.getService ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + NameAndType [getService ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + NameAndType [updateList ()V]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/ComponentName;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/ComponentName;Landroid/os/IBinder;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/ComponentName;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/IBinder;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$1;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [TerminalBinder]
  + Utf8 [android/content/ServiceConnection]
  + Utf8 [bound]
  + Utf8 [className]
  + Utf8 [getService]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [onServiceConnected]
  + Utf8 [onServiceDisconnected]
  + Utf8 [service]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$1]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [updateList]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity this$0

Methods (count = 3):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = PubkeyListActivity$1(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #9
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 105
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$1; this]
  + Method:       onServiceConnected(Landroid/content/ComponentName;Landroid/os/IBinder;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onServiceConnected(android.content.ComponentName,android.os.IBinder)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 22, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [4] aload_2 v2
      [5] checkcast #6
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder]
      [8] invokevirtual #11
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder.getService ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [11] putfield #7
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [18] invokevirtual #10
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.updateList ()V]
      [21] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 107
        [14] -> line 110
        [21] -> line 111
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 22 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$1; this]
        v1: 0 -> 22 [Landroid/content/ComponentName; className]
        v2: 0 -> 22 [Landroid/os/IBinder; service]
  + Method:       onServiceDisconnected(Landroid/content/ComponentName;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onServiceDisconnected(android.content.ComponentName)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 16, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [4] aconst_null
      [5] putfield #7
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [12] invokevirtual #10
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.updateList ()V]
      [15] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 114
        [8] -> line 115
        [15] -> line 116
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 16 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$1; this]
        v1: 0 -> 16 [Landroid/content/ComponentName; className]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$1]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x1 = public 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
      + Utf8 [TerminalBinder]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity$10 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 118):
  + Integer [17039360]
  + Integer [2130903049]
  + Integer [2131230785]
  + Integer [2131427363]
  + Class [android/app/AlertDialog]
  + Class [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder]
  + Class [android/content/DialogInterface]
  + Class [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
  + Class [android/view/ContextMenu]
  + Class [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
  + Class [android/view/LayoutInflater]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Class [android/view/View]
  + Class [android/widget/TableRow]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10$1]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10.val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Methodref [android/app/ ()V]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.create ()Landroid/app/AlertDialog;]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setNegativeButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setPositiveButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setView (Landroid/view/View;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Methodref [android/view/LayoutInflater.inflate (ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;Z)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [android/view/View.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/TableRow.setVisibility (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10;Landroid/view/View;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.isEncrypted ()Z]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10;Landroid/view/View;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
  + NameAndType [create ()Landroid/app/AlertDialog;]
  + NameAndType [findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [inflate (ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;Z)Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + NameAndType [isEncrypted ()Z]
  + NameAndType [onCreateContextMenu (Landroid/view/ContextMenu;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;)V]
  + NameAndType [setNegativeButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + NameAndType [setPositiveButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + NameAndType [setView (Landroid/view/View;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + NameAndType [setVisibility (I)V]
  + NameAndType [show ()V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + NameAndType [val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/app/AlertDialog;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Utf8 [(ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;Z)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/ContextMenu;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10;Landroid/view/View;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Builder]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ContextMenuInfo]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [android/app/AlertDialog]
  + Utf8 [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder]
  + Utf8 [android/content/DialogInterface]
  + Utf8 [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/view/ContextMenu]
  + Utf8 [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
  + Utf8 [android/view/LayoutInflater]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/TableRow]
  + Utf8 [changePasswordView]
  + Utf8 [create]
  + Utf8 [findViewById]
  + Utf8 [inflate]
  + Utf8 [inflater]
  + Utf8 [isEncrypted]
  + Utf8 [item]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [onCreateContextMenu]
  + Utf8 [onMenuItemClick]
  + Utf8 [setNegativeButton]
  + Utf8 [setPositiveButton]
  + Utf8 [setView]
  + Utf8 [setVisibility]
  + Utf8 [show]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10$1]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [val$pubkey]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity this$0
  + Field:        val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PubkeyBean val$pubkey

Methods (count = 3):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = PubkeyListActivity$10(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity,com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PubkeyBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_2 v2
      [7] putfield #23
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10.val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] invokespecial #33
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [14] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [10] -> line 384
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 15 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10; this]
  + Method:       onMenuItemClick(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean onMenuItemClick(android.view.MenuItem)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 90, locals = 3, stack = 7):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [4] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
      [7] ldc #2
        + Integer [2130903049]
      [9] aconst_null
      [10] iconst_0
      [11] invokevirtual #30
        + Methodref [android/view/LayoutInflater.inflate (ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;Z)Landroid/view/View;]
      [14] astore_2 v2
      [15] aload_2 v2
      [16] ldc #4
        + Integer [2131427363]
      [18] invokevirtual #31
        + Methodref [android/view/View.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [21] checkcast #15
        + Class [android/widget/TableRow]
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10.val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
      [28] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.isEncrypted ()Z]
      [31] ifeq +7 (target=38)
      [34] iconst_0
      [35] goto +5 (target=40)
      [38] bipush 8
      [40] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [android/widget/TableRow.setVisibility (I)V]
      [43] new #6
        + Class [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder]
      [46] dup
      [47] aload_0 v0
      [48] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [51] invokespecial #25
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [54] aload_2 v2
      [55] invokevirtual #29
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setView (Landroid/view/View;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
      [58] ldc #3
        + Integer [2131230785]
      [60] new #19
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10$1]
      [63] dup
      [64] aload_0 v0
      [65] aload_2 v2
      [66] aload_0 v0
      [67] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10.val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
      [70] invokespecial #34
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10;Landroid/view/View;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
      [73] invokevirtual #28
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setPositiveButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
      [76] ldc #1
        + Integer [17039360]
      [78] aconst_null
      [79] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setNegativeButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
      [82] invokevirtual #26
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.create ()Landroid/app/AlertDialog;]
      [85] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [android/app/ ()V]
      [88] iconst_1
      [89] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 386
        [15] -> line 387
        [24] -> line 388
        [43] -> line 389
        [54] -> line 390
        [58] -> line 391
        [76] -> line 424
        [88] -> line 426
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 90 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10; this]
        v1: 0 -> 90 [Landroid/view/MenuItem; item]
        v2: 15 -> 90 [Landroid/view/View; changePasswordView]
  + Method:       access$0(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity access$0(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity$10)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 384
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreateContextMenu (Landroid/view/ContextMenu;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 6)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x9 = public static 
      + Class [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder]
      + Class [android/app/AlertDialog]
      + Utf8 [Builder]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
      + Class [android/content/DialogInterface]
      + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
      + Class [android/view/ContextMenu]
      + Utf8 [ContextMenuInfo]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
      + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10$1]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10$1
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity$10$1 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 150):
  + Integer [17039370]
  + Integer [2131230780]
  + Integer [2131230781]
  + Integer [2131230782]
  + Integer [2131427351]
  + Integer [2131427352]
  + Integer [2131427364]
  + String [ConnectBot.PubkeyListActivity]
  + String [Could not change private key password]
  + Class [android/app/AlertDialog]
  + Class [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder]
  + Class [android/content/DialogInterface]
  + Class [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
  + Class [android/os/Handler]
  + Class [android/text/Editable]
  + Class [android/util/Log]
  + Class [android/view/View]
  + Class [android/widget/EditText]
  + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10$1]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10$1.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10$1.val$changePasswordView Landroid/view/View;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10$1.val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Methodref [android/app/ ()V]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.create ()Landroid/app/AlertDialog;]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setMessage (I)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setPositiveButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Methodref [android/os/Handler.sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Methodref [android/view/View.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.getText ()Landroid/text/Editable;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.changePassword (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.savePubkey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/text/Editable.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + NameAndType [access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + NameAndType [changePassword (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + NameAndType [create ()Landroid/app/AlertDialog;]
  + NameAndType [e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + NameAndType [equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [getText ()Landroid/text/Editable;]
  + NameAndType [onMenuItemClick (Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + NameAndType [pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
  + NameAndType [savePubkey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + NameAndType [sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
  + NameAndType [setMessage (I)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + NameAndType [setPositiveButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + NameAndType [show ()V]
  + NameAndType [this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10;]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + NameAndType [val$changePasswordView Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/app/AlertDialog;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/text/Editable;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Z]
  + Utf8 [(ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/DialogInterface;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10;Landroid/view/View;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Builder]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ConnectBot.PubkeyListActivity]
  + Utf8 [Could not change private key password]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/DialogInterface;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Exception;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10$1;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
  + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [android/app/AlertDialog]
  + Utf8 [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder]
  + Utf8 [android/content/DialogInterface]
  + Utf8 [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/os/Handler]
  + Utf8 [android/text/Editable]
  + Utf8 [android/util/Log]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/EditText]
  + Utf8 [changePassword]
  + Utf8 [create]
  + Utf8 [dialog]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [equals]
  + Utf8 [findViewById]
  + Utf8 [getText]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Exception]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [oldPassword]
  + Utf8 [onClick]
  + Utf8 [onMenuItemClick]
  + Utf8 [password1]
  + Utf8 [password2]
  + Utf8 [pubkeydb]
  + Utf8 [savePubkey]
  + Utf8 [sendEmptyMessage]
  + Utf8 [setMessage]
  + Utf8 [setPositiveButton]
  + Utf8 [show]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10$1]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$1]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [updateHandler]
  + Utf8 [val$changePasswordView]
  + Utf8 [val$pubkey]
  + Utf8 [which]

Fields (count = 3):
  + Field:        this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity$10 this$1
  + Field:        val$changePasswordView Landroid/view/View;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic android.view.View val$changePasswordView
  + Field:        val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PubkeyBean val$pubkey

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10;Landroid/view/View;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = PubkeyListActivity$10$1(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity$10,android.view.View,com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PubkeyBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 20, locals = 4, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10$1.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_2 v2
      [7] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10$1.val$changePasswordView Landroid/view/View;]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] aload_3 v3
      [12] putfield #31
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10$1.val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] invokespecial #41
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [19] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [15] -> line 391
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 20 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10$1; this]
  + Method:       onClick(Landroid/content/DialogInterface;I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onClick(android.content.DialogInterface,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 234, locals = 7, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10$1.val$changePasswordView Landroid/view/View;]
      [4] ldc #7
        + Integer [2131427364]
      [6] invokevirtual #39
        + Methodref [android/view/View.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [9] checkcast #18
        + Class [android/widget/EditText]
      [12] invokevirtual #40
        + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.getText ()Landroid/text/Editable;]
      [15] invokeinterface #46
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/text/Editable.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [20] astore_3 v3
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10$1.val$changePasswordView Landroid/view/View;]
      [25] ldc #5
        + Integer [2131427351]
      [27] invokevirtual #39
        + Methodref [android/view/View.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [30] checkcast #18
        + Class [android/widget/EditText]
      [33] invokevirtual #40
        + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.getText ()Landroid/text/Editable;]
      [36] invokeinterface #46
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/text/Editable.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [41] astore v4
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10$1.val$changePasswordView Landroid/view/View;]
      [47] ldc #6
        + Integer [2131427352]
      [49] invokevirtual #39
        + Methodref [android/view/View.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [52] checkcast #18
        + Class [android/widget/EditText]
      [55] invokevirtual #40
        + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.getText ()Landroid/text/Editable;]
      [58] invokeinterface #46
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/text/Editable.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [63] astore v5
      [65] aload v4
      [67] aload v5
      [69] invokevirtual #42
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [72] ifne +35 (target=107)
      [75] new #11
        + Class [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder]
      [78] dup
      [79] aload_0 v0
      [80] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10$1.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10;]
      [83] invokestatic #43
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [86] invokespecial #33
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [89] ldc #2
        + Integer [2131230780]
      [91] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setMessage (I)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
      [94] ldc #1
        + Integer [17039370]
      [96] aconst_null
      [97] invokevirtual #36
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setPositiveButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
      [100] invokevirtual #34
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.create ()Landroid/app/AlertDialog;]
      [103] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [android/app/ ()V]
      [106] return
      [107] aload_0 v0
      [108] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10$1.val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
      [111] aload_3 v3
      [112] aload v4
      [114] invokevirtual #44
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.changePassword (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [117] ifne +37 (target=154)
      [120] new #11
        + Class [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder]
      [123] dup
      [124] aload_0 v0
      [125] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10$1.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10;]
      [128] invokestatic #43
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [131] invokespecial #33
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [134] ldc #3
        + Integer [2131230781]
      [136] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setMessage (I)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
      [139] ldc #1
        + Integer [17039370]
      [141] aconst_null
      [142] invokevirtual #36
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setPositiveButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
      [145] invokevirtual #34
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.create ()Landroid/app/AlertDialog;]
      [148] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [android/app/ ()V]
      [151] goto +82 (target=233)
      [154] aload_0 v0
      [155] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10$1.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10;]
      [158] invokestatic #43
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [161] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
      [164] aload_0 v0
      [165] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10$1.val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
      [168] invokevirtual #45
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.savePubkey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
      [171] pop
      [172] aload_0 v0
      [173] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10$1.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10;]
      [176] invokestatic #43
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [179] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
      [182] iconst_m1
      [183] invokevirtual #37
        + Methodref [android/os/Handler.sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
      [186] pop
      [187] goto +46 (target=233)
      [190] astore v6
      [192] ldc #8
        + String [ConnectBot.PubkeyListActivity]
      [194] ldc #9
        + String [Could not change private key password]
      [196] aload v6
      [198] invokestatic #38
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [201] pop
      [202] new #11
        + Class [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder]
      [205] dup
      [206] aload_0 v0
      [207] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10$1.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10;]
      [210] invokestatic #43
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [213] invokespecial #33
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [216] ldc #4
        + Integer [2131230782]
      [218] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setMessage (I)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
      [221] ldc #1
        + Integer [17039370]
      [223] aconst_null
      [224] invokevirtual #36
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setPositiveButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
      [227] invokevirtual #34
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.create ()Landroid/app/AlertDialog;]
      [230] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [android/app/ ()V]
      [233] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (107 -> 187: 190):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 23)
        [0] -> line 393
        [21] -> line 394
        [43] -> line 395
        [65] -> line 397
        [75] -> line 398
        [89] -> line 399
        [94] -> line 400
        [100] -> line 401
        [106] -> line 402
        [107] -> line 406
        [120] -> line 407
        [134] -> line 408
        [139] -> line 409
        [145] -> line 410
        [154] -> line 412
        [172] -> line 413
        [190] -> line 415
        [192] -> line 416
        [202] -> line 417
        [216] -> line 418
        [221] -> line 419
        [227] -> line 420
        [233] -> line 422
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 234 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10$1; this]
        v1: 0 -> 234 [Landroid/content/DialogInterface; dialog]
        v2: 0 -> 234 [I which]
        v3: 21 -> 234 [Ljava/lang/String; oldPassword]
        v4: 43 -> 234 [Ljava/lang/String; password1]
        v5: 65 -> 234 [Ljava/lang/String; password2]
        v6: 192 -> 233 [Ljava/lang/Exception; e]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10]
    + NameAndType [onMenuItemClick (Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 4)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x9 = public static 
      + Class [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder]
      + Class [android/app/AlertDialog]
      + Utf8 [Builder]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
      + Class [android/content/DialogInterface]
      + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$10$1]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$11
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity$11 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 76):
  + Class [android/os/Handler]
  + Class [android/view/ContextMenu]
  + Class [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$11]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$11.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$11.val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Methodref [android/os/Handler.sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.isConfirmUse ()Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setConfirmUse (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.savePubkey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [isConfirmUse ()Z]
  + NameAndType [onCreateContextMenu (Landroid/view/ContextMenu;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;)V]
  + NameAndType [pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
  + NameAndType [savePubkey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + NameAndType [sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
  + NameAndType [setConfirmUse (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + NameAndType [updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + NameAndType [val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(I)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/ContextMenu;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ContextMenuInfo]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$11;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
  + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [android/os/Handler]
  + Utf8 [android/view/ContextMenu]
  + Utf8 [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [isConfirmUse]
  + Utf8 [item]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [onCreateContextMenu]
  + Utf8 [onMenuItemClick]
  + Utf8 [pubkeydb]
  + Utf8 [savePubkey]
  + Utf8 [sendEmptyMessage]
  + Utf8 [setConfirmUse]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$11]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [updateHandler]
  + Utf8 [val$pubkey]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity this$0
  + Field:        val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PubkeyBean val$pubkey

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = PubkeyListActivity$11(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity,com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PubkeyBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$11.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_2 v2
      [7] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$11.val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] invokespecial #16
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [14] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [10] -> line 433
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 15 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$11; this]
  + Method:       onMenuItemClick(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean onMenuItemClick(android.view.MenuItem)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 51, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$11.val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$11.val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
      [8] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.isConfirmUse ()Z]
      [11] ifeq +7 (target=18)
      [14] iconst_0
      [15] goto +4 (target=19)
      [18] iconst_1
      [19] invokevirtual #18
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setConfirmUse (Z)V]
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$11.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [26] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$11.val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
      [33] invokevirtual #19
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.savePubkey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
      [36] pop
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$11.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [41] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
      [44] iconst_m1
      [45] invokevirtual #15
        + Methodref [android/os/Handler.sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
      [48] pop
      [49] iconst_1
      [50] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 436
        [22] -> line 437
        [37] -> line 438
        [49] -> line 439
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 51 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$11; this]
        v1: 0 -> 51 [Landroid/view/MenuItem; item]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreateContextMenu (Landroid/view/ContextMenu;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 3)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
      + Class [android/view/ContextMenu]
      + Utf8 [ContextMenuInfo]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
      + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$11]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity$12 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 101):
  + Integer [2131230897]
  + Integer [2131230898]
  + Integer [2131230899]
  + Class [android/app/AlertDialog]
  + Class [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder]
  + Class [android/content/DialogInterface]
  + Class [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
  + Class [android/view/ContextMenu]
  + Class [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12$1]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12.val$loaded Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12.val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Methodref [android/app/ ()V]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.create ()Landroid/app/AlertDialog;]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setMessage (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setNegativeButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setPositiveButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.getString (I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12;ZLcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12;ZLcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
  + NameAndType [create ()Landroid/app/AlertDialog;]
  + NameAndType [getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getString (I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [onCreateContextMenu (Landroid/view/ContextMenu;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;)V]
  + NameAndType [setMessage (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + NameAndType [setNegativeButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + NameAndType [setPositiveButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + NameAndType [show ()V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + NameAndType [val$loaded Z]
  + NameAndType [val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/app/AlertDialog;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Utf8 [(I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/ContextMenu;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12;ZLcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;Z)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Builder]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ContextMenuInfo]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [android/app/AlertDialog]
  + Utf8 [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder]
  + Utf8 [android/content/DialogInterface]
  + Utf8 [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/view/ContextMenu]
  + Utf8 [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [create]
  + Utf8 [getNickname]
  + Utf8 [getString]
  + Utf8 [item]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [onCreateContextMenu]
  + Utf8 [onMenuItemClick]
  + Utf8 [setMessage]
  + Utf8 [setNegativeButton]
  + Utf8 [setPositiveButton]
  + Utf8 [show]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12$1]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [val$loaded]
  + Utf8 [val$pubkey]

Fields (count = 3):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity this$0
  + Field:        val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PubkeyBean val$pubkey
  + Field:        val$loaded Z
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic boolean val$loaded

Methods (count = 3):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;Z)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = PubkeyListActivity$12(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity,com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PubkeyBean,boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 20, locals = 4, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_2 v2
      [7] putfield #19
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12.val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] iload_3 v3
      [12] putfield #18
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12.val$loaded Z]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] invokespecial #26
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [19] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [15] -> line 444
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 20 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12; this]
  + Method:       onMenuItemClick(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean onMenuItemClick(android.view.MenuItem)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 72, locals = 2, stack = 7):
      [0] new #5
        + Class [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder]
      [3] dup
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [8] invokespecial #21
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [15] ldc #1
        + Integer [2131230897]
      [17] iconst_1
      [18] anewarray #12
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [21] dup
      [22] iconst_0
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12.val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
      [27] invokevirtual #29
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [30] aastore
      [31] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.getString (I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [34] invokevirtual #23
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setMessage (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
      [37] ldc #2
        + Integer [2131230898]
      [39] new #15
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12$1]
      [42] dup
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] aload_0 v0
      [45] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12.val$loaded Z]
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12.val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
      [52] invokespecial #28
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12;ZLcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
      [55] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setPositiveButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
      [58] ldc #3
        + Integer [2131230899]
      [60] aconst_null
      [61] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.setNegativeButton (ILandroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;)Landroid/app/AlertDialog$Builder;]
      [64] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder.create ()Landroid/app/AlertDialog;]
      [67] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [android/app/ ()V]
      [70] iconst_1
      [71] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 447
        [11] -> line 448
        [37] -> line 449
        [58] -> line 461
        [70] -> line 463
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 72 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12; this]
        v1: 0 -> 72 [Landroid/view/MenuItem; item]
  + Method:       access$0(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity access$0(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity$12)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 444
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreateContextMenu (Landroid/view/ContextMenu;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 6)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x9 = public static 
      + Class [android/app/AlertDialog$Builder]
      + Class [android/app/AlertDialog]
      + Utf8 [Builder]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
      + Class [android/content/DialogInterface]
      + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
      + Class [android/view/ContextMenu]
      + Utf8 [ContextMenuInfo]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
      + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12$1]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12$1
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity$12$1 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 89):
  + Class [android/content/DialogInterface]
  + Class [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
  + Class [android/os/Handler]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12$1]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12$1.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12$1.val$loaded Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12$1.val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Methodref [android/os/Handler.sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.removeKey (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.deletePubkey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + NameAndType [bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + NameAndType [deletePubkey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
  + NameAndType [getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [onMenuItemClick (Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + NameAndType [pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
  + NameAndType [removeKey (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + NameAndType [sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
  + NameAndType [this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12;]
  + NameAndType [updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + NameAndType [val$loaded Z]
  + NameAndType [val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/DialogInterface;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12;ZLcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/DialogInterface;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12$1;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
  + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [android/content/DialogInterface]
  + Utf8 [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/os/Handler]
  + Utf8 [bound]
  + Utf8 [deletePubkey]
  + Utf8 [dialog]
  + Utf8 [getNickname]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [onClick]
  + Utf8 [onMenuItemClick]
  + Utf8 [pubkeydb]
  + Utf8 [removeKey]
  + Utf8 [sendEmptyMessage]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12$1]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$1]
  + Utf8 [updateHandler]
  + Utf8 [val$loaded]
  + Utf8 [val$pubkey]
  + Utf8 [which]

Fields (count = 3):
  + Field:        this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity$12 this$1
  + Field:        val$loaded Z
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic boolean val$loaded
  + Field:        val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PubkeyBean val$pubkey

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12;ZLcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = PubkeyListActivity$12$1(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity$12,boolean,com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PubkeyBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 20, locals = 4, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12$1.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] iload_2 v2
      [7] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12$1.val$loaded Z]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] aload_3 v3
      [12] putfield #16
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12$1.val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] invokespecial #18
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [19] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [15] -> line 449
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 20 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12$1; this]
  + Method:       onClick(Landroid/content/DialogInterface;I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onClick(android.content.DialogInterface,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 61, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12$1.val$loaded Z]
      [4] ifeq +24 (target=28)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12$1.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12;]
      [11] invokestatic #19
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [14] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12$1.val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
      [21] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [24] invokevirtual #21
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.removeKey (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [27] pop
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12$1.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12;]
      [32] invokestatic #19
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [35] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12$1.val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
      [42] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.deletePubkey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
      [45] aload_0 v0
      [46] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12$1.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12;]
      [49] invokestatic #19
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [52] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
      [55] iconst_m1
      [56] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [android/os/Handler.sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
      [59] pop
      [60] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 453
        [7] -> line 454
        [28] -> line 457
        [45] -> line 458
        [60] -> line 459
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 61 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12$1; this]
        v1: 0 -> 61 [Landroid/content/DialogInterface; dialog]
        v2: 0 -> 61 [I which]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12]
    + NameAndType [onMenuItemClick (Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 3)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
      + Class [android/content/DialogInterface]
      + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$12$1]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$13
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity$13 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 57):
  + Class [android/content/DialogInterface]
  + Class [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
  + Class [java/io/File]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$13]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$13.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$13.val$namesList [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$13.val$sdcard Ljava/io/File;]
  + Methodref [java/io/File.<init> (Ljava/io/File;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.access$1 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;Ljava/io/File;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/io/File;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [access$1 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;Ljava/io/File;)V]
  + NameAndType [pickFileSimple ()V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + NameAndType [val$namesList [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [val$sdcard Ljava/io/File;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/DialogInterface;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/io/File;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;Ljava/io/File;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/io/File;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/DialogInterface;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/File;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$13;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [access$1]
  + Utf8 [android/content/DialogInterface]
  + Utf8 [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [arg0]
  + Utf8 [arg1]
  + Utf8 [java/io/File]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [name]
  + Utf8 [onClick]
  + Utf8 [pickFileSimple]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$13]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [val$namesList]
  + Utf8 [val$sdcard]

Fields (count = 3):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity this$0
  + Field:        val$namesList [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic java.lang.String[] val$namesList
  + Field:        val$sdcard Ljava/io/File;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic val$sdcard

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/io/File;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = PubkeyListActivity$13(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity,java.lang.String[],
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 20, locals = 4, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #7
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$13.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_2 v2
      [7] putfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$13.val$namesList [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] aload_3 v3
      [12] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$13.val$sdcard Ljava/io/File;]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] invokespecial #11
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [19] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [15] -> line 607
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 20 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$13; this]
  + Method:       onClick(Landroid/content/DialogInterface;I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onClick(android.content.DialogInterface,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 27, locals = 4, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$13.val$namesList [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4] iload_2 v2
      [5] aaload
      [6] astore_3 v3
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$13.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [11] new #3
        + Class [java/io/File]
      [14] dup
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$13.val$sdcard Ljava/io/File;]
      [19] aload_3 v3
      [20] invokespecial #10
        + Methodref [java/io/File.<init> (Ljava/io/File;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [23] invokestatic #12
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.access$1 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;Ljava/io/File;)V]
      [26] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 609
        [7] -> line 611
        [26] -> line 612
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 27 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$13; this]
        v1: 0 -> 27 [Landroid/content/DialogInterface; arg0]
        v2: 0 -> 27 [I arg1]
        v3: 7 -> 27 [Ljava/lang/String; name]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
    + NameAndType [pickFileSimple ()V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
      + Class [android/content/DialogInterface]
      + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$13]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$2
  Superclass:    android/os/Handler
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity$2 extends android.os.Handler

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 32):
  + Class [android/os/Handler]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$2]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + Methodref [android/os/Handler.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.updateList ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + NameAndType [updateList ()V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Message;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/Message;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$2;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [android/os/Handler]
  + Utf8 [handleMessage]
  + Utf8 [msg]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$2]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [updateList]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity this$0

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = PubkeyListActivity$2(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #4
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #5
        + Methodref [android/os/Handler.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 470
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$2; this]
  + Method:       handleMessage(Landroid/os/Message;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void handleMessage(android.os.Message)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 8, locals = 2, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #4
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [4] invokevirtual #6
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.updateList ()V]
      [7] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 473
        [7] -> line 474
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$2; this]
        v1: 0 -> 8 [Landroid/os/Message; msg]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$2]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$3
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity$3 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 95):
  + Class [android/os/Handler]
  + Class [android/widget/AdapterView]
  + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener]
  + Class [android/widget/ListView]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$3]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$3.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + Methodref [android/os/Handler.sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ListView.getItemAtPosition (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.getListView ()Landroid/widget/ListView;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.handleAddKey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.isKeyLoaded (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.removeKey (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + NameAndType [getItemAtPosition (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [getListView ()Landroid/widget/ListView;]
  + NameAndType [getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [handleAddKey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
  + NameAndType [isKeyLoaded (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + NameAndType [removeKey (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + NameAndType [sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + NameAndType [updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/widget/ListView;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView;Landroid/view/View;IJ)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>;Landroid/view/View;IJ)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [J]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Object;Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTypeTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$3;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Utf8 [OnItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Signature]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [adapter]
  + Utf8 [android/os/Handler]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/AdapterView]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/ListView]
  + Utf8 [bound]
  + Utf8 [getItemAtPosition]
  + Utf8 [getListView]
  + Utf8 [getNickname]
  + Utf8 [handleAddKey]
  + Utf8 [id]
  + Utf8 [isKeyLoaded]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [loaded]
  + Utf8 [onCreate]
  + Utf8 [onItemClick]
  + Utf8 [position]
  + Utf8 [pubkey]
  + Utf8 [removeKey]
  + Utf8 [sendEmptyMessage]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$3]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [updateHandler]
  + Utf8 [view]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity this$0

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = PubkeyListActivity$3(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$3.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #15
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 157
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$3; this]
  + Method:       onItemClick(Landroid/widget/AdapterView;Landroid/view/View;IJ)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onItemClick(android.widget.AdapterView,android.view.View,int,long)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 79, locals = 8, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$3.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [4] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.getListView ()Landroid/widget/ListView;]
      [7] iload_3 v3
      [8] invokevirtual #14
        + Methodref [android/widget/ListView.getItemAtPosition (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [11] checkcast #8
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean]
      [14] astore v6
      [16] aload_0 v0
      [17] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$3.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [20] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [23] aload v6
      [25] invokevirtual #18
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [28] invokevirtual #19
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.isKeyLoaded (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [31] istore v7
      [33] iload v7
      [35] ifeq +34 (target=69)
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$3.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [42] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [45] aload v6
      [47] invokevirtual #18
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [50] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.removeKey (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [53] pop
      [54] aload_0 v0
      [55] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$3.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [58] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
      [61] iconst_m1
      [62] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [android/os/Handler.sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
      [65] pop
      [66] goto +12 (target=78)
      [69] aload_0 v0
      [70] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$3.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [73] aload v6
      [75] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.handleAddKey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
      [78] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 159
        [16] -> line 160
        [33] -> line 163
        [38] -> line 164
        [54] -> line 165
        [69] -> line 167
        [78] -> line 170
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 79 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$3; this]
        v1: 0 -> 79 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView; adapter]
        v2: 0 -> 79 [Landroid/view/View; view]
        v3: 0 -> 79 [I position]
        v4: 0 -> 79 [J id]
        v6: 16 -> 79 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean; pubkey]
        v7: 33 -> 79 [Z loaded]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 1)
        v1: 0 -> 79 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>; adapter]
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView<*>;Landroid/view/View;IJ)V]

Class file attributes (count = 4):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener]
      + Class [android/widget/AdapterView]
      + Utf8 [OnItemClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$3]
  + Signature attribute:
    + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Object;Landroid/widget/AdapterView$OnItemClickListener;]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$4
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity$4 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 102):
  + Integer [17039370]
  + Integer [2131230751]
  + String [android.intent.action.PICK]
  + String [explorer_title]
  + String [org.openintents.action.PICK_FILE]
  + String [org.openintents.extra.BUTTON_TEXT]
  + String [org.openintents.extra.TITLE]
  + String []
  + Class [android/content/ActivityNotFoundException]
  + Class [android/content/Intent]
  + Class [android/net/Uri]
  + Class [android/os/Environment]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$4]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$4.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + Methodref [android/content/Intent.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [android/content/Intent.putExtra (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Methodref [android/content/Intent.setData (Landroid/net/Uri;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Methodref [android/content/Intent.setDataAndType (Landroid/net/Uri;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Methodref [android/net/Uri.fromFile (Ljava/io/File;)Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + Methodref [android/os/Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory ()Ljava/io/File;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.startActivityForResult (Landroid/content/Intent;I)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;)V]
  + NameAndType [fromFile (Ljava/io/File;)Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + NameAndType [getExternalStorageDirectory ()Ljava/io/File;]
  + NameAndType [getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [onCreateOptionsMenu (Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + NameAndType [putExtra (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + NameAndType [setData (Landroid/net/Uri;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + NameAndType [setDataAndType (Landroid/net/Uri;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + NameAndType [startActivityForResult (Landroid/content/Intent;I)V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/io/File;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Intent;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/net/Uri;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/net/Uri;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/io/File;)Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/ActivityNotFoundException;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$4;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [android.intent.action.PICK]
  + Utf8 [android/content/ActivityNotFoundException]
  + Utf8 [android/content/Intent]
  + Utf8 [android/net/Uri]
  + Utf8 [android/os/Environment]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [e1]
  + Utf8 [explorer_title]
  + Utf8 [fromFile]
  + Utf8 [getExternalStorageDirectory]
  + Utf8 [getString]
  + Utf8 [intent]
  + Utf8 [item]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [onCreateOptionsMenu]
  + Utf8 [onMenuItemClick]
  + Utf8 [org.openintents.action.PICK_FILE]
  + Utf8 [org.openintents.extra.BUTTON_TEXT]
  + Utf8 [org.openintents.extra.TITLE]
  + Utf8 [pickerTitle]
  + Utf8 [putExtra]
  + Utf8 [sdcard]
  + Utf8 [setData]
  + Utf8 [setDataAndType]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$4]
  + Utf8 [startActivityForResult]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 []

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity this$0

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = PubkeyListActivity$4(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #18
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$4.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #25
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 209
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$4; this]
  + Method:       onMenuItemClick(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean onMenuItemClick(android.view.MenuItem)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 129, locals = 7, stack = 4):
      [0] invokestatic #24
        + Methodref [android/os/Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory ()Ljava/io/File;]
      [3] invokestatic #23
        + Methodref [android/net/Uri.fromFile (Ljava/io/File;)Landroid/net/Uri;]
      [6] astore_2 v2
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$4.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [11] ldc #2
        + Integer [2131230751]
      [13] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [16] astore_3 v3
      [17] new #10
        + Class [android/content/Intent]
      [20] dup
      [21] ldc #5
        + String [org.openintents.action.PICK_FILE]
      [23] invokespecial #19
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [26] astore v4
      [28] aload v4
      [30] aload_2 v2
      [31] invokevirtual #21
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.setData (Landroid/net/Uri;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
      [34] pop
      [35] aload v4
      [37] ldc #7
        + String [org.openintents.extra.TITLE]
      [39] aload_3 v3
      [40] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.putExtra (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
      [43] pop
      [44] aload v4
      [46] ldc #6
        + String [org.openintents.extra.BUTTON_TEXT]
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$4.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [52] ldc #1
        + Integer [17039370]
      [54] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [57] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.putExtra (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
      [60] pop
      [61] aload_0 v0
      [62] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$4.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [65] aload v4
      [67] iconst_1
      [68] invokevirtual #28
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.startActivityForResult (Landroid/content/Intent;I)V]
      [71] goto +56 (target=127)
      [74] astore v5
      [76] new #10
        + Class [android/content/Intent]
      [79] dup
      [80] ldc #3
        + String [android.intent.action.PICK]
      [82] invokespecial #19
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [85] astore v4
      [87] aload v4
      [89] aload_2 v2
      [90] ldc #8
        + String []
      [92] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.setDataAndType (Landroid/net/Uri;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
      [95] pop
      [96] aload v4
      [98] ldc #4
        + String [explorer_title]
      [100] aload_3 v3
      [101] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.putExtra (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
      [104] pop
      [105] aload_0 v0
      [106] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$4.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [109] aload v4
      [111] iconst_1
      [112] invokevirtual #28
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.startActivityForResult (Landroid/content/Intent;I)V]
      [115] goto +12 (target=127)
      [118] astore v6
      [120] aload_0 v0
      [121] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$4.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [124] invokestatic #26
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;)V]
      [127] iconst_1
      [128] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (61 -> 71: 74):
      + Class [android/content/ActivityNotFoundException]
      + ExceptionInfo (105 -> 115: 118):
      + Class [android/content/ActivityNotFoundException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 15)
        [0] -> line 211
        [7] -> line 212
        [17] -> line 215
        [28] -> line 216
        [35] -> line 217
        [44] -> line 218
        [61] -> line 221
        [74] -> line 222
        [76] -> line 224
        [87] -> line 225
        [96] -> line 226
        [105] -> line 229
        [118] -> line 230
        [120] -> line 231
        [127] -> line 235
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 129 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$4; this]
        v1: 0 -> 129 [Landroid/view/MenuItem; item]
        v2: 7 -> 129 [Landroid/net/Uri; sdcard]
        v3: 17 -> 129 [Ljava/lang/String; pickerTitle]
        v4: 28 -> 129 [Landroid/content/Intent; intent]
        v5: 76 -> 127 [Landroid/content/ActivityNotFoundException; e]
        v6: 120 -> 127 [Landroid/content/ActivityNotFoundException; e1]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreateOptionsMenu (Landroid/view/Menu;)Z]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
      + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$4]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$5
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity$5 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 62):
  + Class [android/content/DialogInterface]
  + Class [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
  + Class [android/text/Editable]
  + Class [android/widget/EditText]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$5]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$5.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$5.val$passwordField Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$5.val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.getText ()Landroid/text/Editable;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.handleAddKey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/text/Editable.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [getText ()Landroid/text/Editable;]
  + NameAndType [handleAddKey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
  + NameAndType [handleAddKey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [val$passwordField Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + NameAndType [val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/text/Editable;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/DialogInterface;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;Landroid/widget/EditText;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/DialogInterface;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/EditText;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$5;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [android/content/DialogInterface]
  + Utf8 [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/text/Editable]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/EditText]
  + Utf8 [dialog]
  + Utf8 [getText]
  + Utf8 [handleAddKey]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [onClick]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$5]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [val$passwordField]
  + Utf8 [val$pubkey]
  + Utf8 [which]

Fields (count = 3):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity this$0
  + Field:        val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PubkeyBean val$pubkey
  + Field:        val$passwordField Landroid/widget/EditText;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic android.widget.EditText val$passwordField

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;Landroid/widget/EditText;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = PubkeyListActivity$5(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity,com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PubkeyBean,android.widget.EditText)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 20, locals = 4, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$5.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_2 v2
      [7] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$5.val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] aload_3 v3
      [12] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$5.val$passwordField Landroid/widget/EditText;]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] invokespecial #12
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [19] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [15] -> line 249
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 20 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$5; this]
  + Method:       onClick(Landroid/content/DialogInterface;I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onClick(android.content.DialogInterface,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 24, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$5.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$5.val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$5.val$passwordField Landroid/widget/EditText;]
      [12] invokevirtual #11
        + Methodref [android/widget/EditText.getText ()Landroid/text/Editable;]
      [15] invokeinterface #14
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/text/Editable.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [20] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.handleAddKey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [23] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 251
        [23] -> line 252
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 24 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$5; this]
        v1: 0 -> 24 [Landroid/content/DialogInterface; dialog]
        v2: 0 -> 24 [I which]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
    + NameAndType [handleAddKey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener]
      + Class [android/content/DialogInterface]
      + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$5]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$6
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity$6 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 80):
  + Class [android/os/Handler]
  + Class [android/view/ContextMenu]
  + Class [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$6]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$6.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$6.val$loaded Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$6.val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Methodref [android/os/Handler.sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.handleAddKey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.removeKey (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + NameAndType [getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [handleAddKey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
  + NameAndType [onCreateContextMenu (Landroid/view/ContextMenu;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;)V]
  + NameAndType [removeKey (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + NameAndType [sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + NameAndType [updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + NameAndType [val$loaded Z]
  + NameAndType [val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/ContextMenu;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;ZLcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ContextMenuInfo]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$6;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [android/os/Handler]
  + Utf8 [android/view/ContextMenu]
  + Utf8 [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [bound]
  + Utf8 [getNickname]
  + Utf8 [handleAddKey]
  + Utf8 [item]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [onCreateContextMenu]
  + Utf8 [onMenuItemClick]
  + Utf8 [removeKey]
  + Utf8 [sendEmptyMessage]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$6]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [updateHandler]
  + Utf8 [val$loaded]
  + Utf8 [val$pubkey]

Fields (count = 3):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity this$0
  + Field:        val$loaded Z
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic boolean val$loaded
  + Field:        val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PubkeyBean val$pubkey

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;ZLcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = PubkeyListActivity$6(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity,boolean,com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PubkeyBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 20, locals = 4, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$6.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] iload_2 v2
      [7] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$6.val$loaded Z]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] aload_3 v3
      [12] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$6.val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] invokespecial #17
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [19] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [15] -> line 317
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 20 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$6; this]
  + Method:       onMenuItemClick(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean onMenuItemClick(android.view.MenuItem)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 53, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$6.val$loaded Z]
      [4] ifeq +36 (target=40)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$6.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [11] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$6.val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
      [18] invokevirtual #19
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [21] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.removeKey (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [24] pop
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$6.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [29] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
      [32] iconst_m1
      [33] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [android/os/Handler.sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
      [36] pop
      [37] goto +14 (target=51)
      [40] aload_0 v0
      [41] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$6.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [44] aload_0 v0
      [45] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$6.val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
      [48] invokevirtual #18
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.handleAddKey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
      [51] iconst_1
      [52] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 319
        [7] -> line 320
        [25] -> line 321
        [40] -> line 323
        [51] -> line 326
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 53 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$6; this]
        v1: 0 -> 53 [Landroid/view/MenuItem; item]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreateContextMenu (Landroid/view/ContextMenu;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 3)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
      + Class [android/view/ContextMenu]
      + Utf8 [ContextMenuInfo]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
      + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$6]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$7
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity$7 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 76):
  + Class [android/os/Handler]
  + Class [android/view/ContextMenu]
  + Class [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$7]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$7.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$7.val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Methodref [android/os/Handler.sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.isStartup ()Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setStartup (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.savePubkey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [isStartup ()Z]
  + NameAndType [onCreateContextMenu (Landroid/view/ContextMenu;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;)V]
  + NameAndType [pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
  + NameAndType [savePubkey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + NameAndType [sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
  + NameAndType [setStartup (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + NameAndType [updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + NameAndType [val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(I)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/ContextMenu;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ContextMenuInfo]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$7;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
  + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [android/os/Handler]
  + Utf8 [android/view/ContextMenu]
  + Utf8 [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [isStartup]
  + Utf8 [item]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [onCreateContextMenu]
  + Utf8 [onMenuItemClick]
  + Utf8 [pubkeydb]
  + Utf8 [savePubkey]
  + Utf8 [sendEmptyMessage]
  + Utf8 [setStartup]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$7]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [updateHandler]
  + Utf8 [val$pubkey]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity this$0
  + Field:        val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PubkeyBean val$pubkey

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = PubkeyListActivity$7(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity,com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PubkeyBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$7.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_2 v2
      [7] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$7.val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] invokespecial #16
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [14] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [10] -> line 334
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 15 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$7; this]
  + Method:       onMenuItemClick(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean onMenuItemClick(android.view.MenuItem)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 51, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$7.val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$7.val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
      [8] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.isStartup ()Z]
      [11] ifeq +7 (target=18)
      [14] iconst_0
      [15] goto +4 (target=19)
      [18] iconst_1
      [19] invokevirtual #18
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setStartup (Z)V]
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$7.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [26] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$7.val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
      [33] invokevirtual #19
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.savePubkey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
      [36] pop
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$7.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [41] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.updateHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
      [44] iconst_m1
      [45] invokevirtual #15
        + Methodref [android/os/Handler.sendEmptyMessage (I)Z]
      [48] pop
      [49] iconst_1
      [50] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 337
        [22] -> line 338
        [37] -> line 339
        [49] -> line 340
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 51 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$7; this]
        v1: 0 -> 51 [Landroid/view/MenuItem; item]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreateContextMenu (Landroid/view/ContextMenu;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 3)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
      + Class [android/view/ContextMenu]
      + Utf8 [ContextMenuInfo]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
      + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$7]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$8
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity$8 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 83):
  + Class [android/text/ClipboardManager]
  + Class [android/view/ContextMenu]
  + Class [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$8]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.clipboard Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$8.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$8.val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Methodref [android/text/ClipboardManager.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Exception.printStackTrace ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getPublicKey ()Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.convertToOpenSSHFormat (Ljava/security/PublicKey;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [clipboard Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;]
  + NameAndType [convertToOpenSSHFormat (Ljava/security/PublicKey;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getPublicKey ()Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
  + NameAndType [onCreateContextMenu (Landroid/view/ContextMenu;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;)V]
  + NameAndType [printStackTrace ()V]
  + NameAndType [setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + NameAndType [val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/ContextMenu;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/security/PublicKey;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ContextMenuInfo]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Exception;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$8;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [android/text/ClipboardManager]
  + Utf8 [android/view/ContextMenu]
  + Utf8 [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [clipboard]
  + Utf8 [convertToOpenSSHFormat]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [getNickname]
  + Utf8 [getPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [item]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Exception]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [onCreateContextMenu]
  + Utf8 [onMenuItemClick]
  + Utf8 [openSSHPubkey]
  + Utf8 [pk]
  + Utf8 [printStackTrace]
  + Utf8 [setText]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$8]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [val$pubkey]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity this$0
  + Field:        val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PubkeyBean val$pubkey

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = PubkeyListActivity$8(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity,com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PubkeyBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$8.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_2 v2
      [7] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$8.val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] invokespecial #17
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [14] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [10] -> line 346
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 15 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$8; this]
  + Method:       onMenuItemClick(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean onMenuItemClick(android.view.MenuItem)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 41, locals = 4, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$8.val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
      [4] invokevirtual #19
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getPublicKey ()Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
      [7] astore_2 v2
      [8] aload_2 v2
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$8.val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
      [13] invokevirtual #18
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [16] invokestatic #20
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.convertToOpenSSHFormat (Ljava/security/PublicKey;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [19] astore_3 v3
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$8.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [24] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.clipboard Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;]
      [27] aload_3 v3
      [28] invokevirtual #15
        + Methodref [android/text/ClipboardManager.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [31] goto +8 (target=39)
      [34] astore_2 v2
      [35] aload_2 v2
      [36] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [java/lang/Exception.printStackTrace ()V]
      [39] iconst_1
      [40] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 31: 34):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 349
        [8] -> line 350
        [20] -> line 352
        [34] -> line 353
        [35] -> line 354
        [39] -> line 356
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 41 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$8; this]
        v1: 0 -> 41 [Landroid/view/MenuItem; item]
        v2: 8 -> 34 [Ljava/security/PublicKey; pk]
        v3: 20 -> 34 [Ljava/lang/String; openSSHPubkey]
        v2: 35 -> 39 [Ljava/lang/Exception; e]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreateContextMenu (Landroid/view/ContextMenu;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 3)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
      + Class [android/view/ContextMenu]
      + Utf8 [ContextMenuInfo]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
      + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$8]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$9
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity$9 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 96):
  + Class [android/text/ClipboardManager]
  + Class [android/view/ContextMenu]
  + Class [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$9]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.clipboard Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$9.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$9.val$imported Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$9.val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Methodref [android/text/ClipboardManager.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Exception.printStackTrace ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.<init> ([B)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getPrivateKey ()[B]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getType ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.decodePrivate ([BLjava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.exportPEM (Ljava/security/PrivateKey;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [clipboard Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;]
  + NameAndType [decodePrivate ([BLjava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
  + NameAndType [exportPEM (Ljava/security/PrivateKey;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getPrivateKey ()[B]
  + NameAndType [getType ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [onCreateContextMenu (Landroid/view/ContextMenu;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;)V]
  + NameAndType [printStackTrace ()V]
  + NameAndType [setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + NameAndType [val$imported Z]
  + NameAndType [val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/ContextMenu;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/security/PrivateKey;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;ZLcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [([BLjava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ContextMenuInfo]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/MenuItem;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Exception;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$9;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [android/text/ClipboardManager]
  + Utf8 [android/view/ContextMenu]
  + Utf8 [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
  + Utf8 [clipboard]
  + Utf8 [data]
  + Utf8 [decodePrivate]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [exportPEM]
  + Utf8 [getPrivateKey]
  + Utf8 [getType]
  + Utf8 [item]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Exception]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [onCreateContextMenu]
  + Utf8 [onMenuItemClick]
  + Utf8 [pk]
  + Utf8 [printStackTrace]
  + Utf8 [setText]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$9]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [val$imported]
  + Utf8 [val$pubkey]

Fields (count = 3):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity this$0
  + Field:        val$imported Z
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic boolean val$imported
  + Field:        val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PubkeyBean val$pubkey

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;ZLcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = PubkeyListActivity$9(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity,boolean,com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PubkeyBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 20, locals = 4, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$9.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] iload_2 v2
      [7] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$9.val$imported Z]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] aload_3 v3
      [12] putfield #16
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$9.val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] invokespecial #19
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [19] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [15] -> line 362
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 20 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$9; this]
  + Method:       onMenuItemClick(Landroid/view/MenuItem;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean onMenuItemClick(android.view.MenuItem)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 72, locals = 4, stack = 3):
      [0] aconst_null
      [1] astore_2 v2
      [2] aload_0 v0
      [3] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$9.val$imported Z]
      [6] ifeq +21 (target=27)
      [9] new #8
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [12] dup
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$9.val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
      [17] invokevirtual #21
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getPrivateKey ()[B]
      [20] invokespecial #20
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.<init> ([B)V]
      [23] astore_2 v2
      [24] goto +27 (target=51)
      [27] aload_0 v0
      [28] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$9.val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
      [31] invokevirtual #21
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getPrivateKey ()[B]
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$9.val$pubkey Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
      [38] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getType ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [41] invokestatic #23
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.decodePrivate ([BLjava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
      [44] astore_3 v3
      [45] aload_3 v3
      [46] aconst_null
      [47] invokestatic #24
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.exportPEM (Ljava/security/PrivateKey;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [50] astore_2 v2
      [51] aload_0 v0
      [52] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$9.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [55] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.clipboard Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;]
      [58] aload_2 v2
      [59] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [android/text/ClipboardManager.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [62] goto +8 (target=70)
      [65] astore_2 v2
      [66] aload_2 v2
      [67] invokevirtual #18
        + Methodref [java/lang/Exception.printStackTrace ()V]
      [70] iconst_1
      [71] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 62: 65):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 365
        [2] -> line 367
        [9] -> line 368
        [27] -> line 370
        [45] -> line 371
        [51] -> line 374
        [65] -> line 375
        [66] -> line 376
        [70] -> line 378
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 72 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$9; this]
        v1: 0 -> 72 [Landroid/view/MenuItem; item]
        v2: 2 -> 65 [Ljava/lang/String; data]
        v3: 45 -> 51 [Ljava/security/PrivateKey; pk]
        v2: 66 -> 70 [Ljava/lang/Exception; e]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreateContextMenu (Landroid/view/ContextMenu;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo;)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 3)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo]
      + Class [android/view/ContextMenu]
      + Utf8 [ContextMenuInfo]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener]
      + Class [android/view/MenuItem]
      + Utf8 [OnMenuItemClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$9]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter
  Superclass:    android/widget/ArrayAdapter
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter extends android.widget.ArrayAdapter

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 223):
  + Integer [16842912]
  + Integer [16908295]
  + Integer [16908308]
  + Integer [16908309]
  + Integer [2130903056]
  + Integer [2131230749]
  + String [%s unknown-bit]
  + String [ConnectBot.PubkeyListActivity]
  + String [DSA]
  + String [Error decoding IMPORTED public key at ]
  + String [Error decoding public key at ]
  + String [IMPORTED]
  + String [RSA]
  + Class [android/util/Log]
  + Class [android/view/LayoutInflater]
  + Class [android/view/View]
  + Class [android/widget/ArrayAdapter]
  + Class [android/widget/ImageView]
  + Class [android/widget/TextView]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMDecoder]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/util/List]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter$ViewHolder]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure.pemType I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter.pubkeys Ljava/util/List;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter$ViewHolder.caption Landroid/widget/TextView;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter$ViewHolder.icon Landroid/widget/ImageView;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter$ViewHolder.nickname Landroid/widget/TextView;]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Methodref [android/view/LayoutInflater.inflate (ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;Z)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [android/view/View.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [android/view/View.getTag ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [android/view/View.setTag (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ArrayAdapter.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;ILjava/util/List;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ImageView.setImageState ([IZ)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ImageView.setVisibility (I)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.setText (I)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMDecoder.parsePEM ([C)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.<init> ([B)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.toCharArray ()[C]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (J)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter$ViewHolder.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getDescription ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getId ()J]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getPrivateKey ()[B]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getType ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.isKeyLoaded (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.get (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;ILjava/util/List;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [append (J)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + NameAndType [caption Landroid/widget/TextView;]
  + NameAndType [e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + NameAndType [equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [get (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [getDescription ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getId ()J]
  + NameAndType [getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getPrivateKey ()[B]
  + NameAndType [getTag ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [getType ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [icon Landroid/widget/ImageView;]
  + NameAndType [inflate (ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;Z)Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + NameAndType [isKeyLoaded (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + NameAndType [nickname Landroid/widget/TextView;]
  + NameAndType [parsePEM ([C)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure;]
  + NameAndType [pemType I]
  + NameAndType [pubkeys Ljava/util/List;]
  + NameAndType [setImageState ([IZ)V]
  + NameAndType [setTag (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + NameAndType [setText (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + NameAndType [setVisibility (I)V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + NameAndType [toCharArray ()[C]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [%s unknown-bit]
  + Utf8 [()J]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [()[C]
  + Utf8 [(I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(ILandroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ViewGroup;)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [(ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;Z)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [(J)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;ILjava/util/List;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;>;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/util/List;)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [([C)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure;]
  + Utf8 [([IZ)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ConnectBot.PubkeyListActivity]
  + Utf8 [DSA]
  + Utf8 [Error decoding IMPORTED public key at ]
  + Utf8 [Error decoding public key at ]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [IMPORTED]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/Context;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/ViewGroup;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/ArrayAdapter<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;>;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/ImageView;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/TextView;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/IOException;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Exception;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;>;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTypeTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter$ViewHolder;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Utf8 [PubkeyAdapter]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [RSA]
  + Utf8 [Signature]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [ViewHolder]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [android/util/Log]
  + Utf8 [android/view/LayoutInflater]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/ArrayAdapter]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/ImageView]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/TextView]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [bound]
  + Utf8 [caption]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMDecoder]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure]
  + Utf8 [context]
  + Utf8 [convertView]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [equals]
  + Utf8 [findViewById]
  + Utf8 [format]
  + Utf8 [get]
  + Utf8 [getDescription]
  + Utf8 [getId]
  + Utf8 [getNickname]
  + Utf8 [getPrivateKey]
  + Utf8 [getTag]
  + Utf8 [getType]
  + Utf8 [getView]
  + Utf8 [holder]
  + Utf8 [icon]
  + Utf8 [imported]
  + Utf8 [inflate]
  + Utf8 [inflater]
  + Utf8 [isKeyLoaded]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Exception]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/util/List]
  + Utf8 [nickname]
  + Utf8 [parent]
  + Utf8 [parsePEM]
  + Utf8 [pemType]
  + Utf8 [position]
  + Utf8 [pubkey]
  + Utf8 [pubkeys]
  + Utf8 [setImageState]
  + Utf8 [setTag]
  + Utf8 [setText]
  + Utf8 [setVisibility]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter$ViewHolder]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Utf8 [struct]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [toCharArray]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [type]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        pubkeys Ljava/util/List;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.util.List pubkeys
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;>;]
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity this$0

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/util/List;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity,android.content.Context,java.util.List)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 19, locals = 4, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #37
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_2 v2
      [7] ldc #5
        + Integer [2130903056]
      [9] aload_3 v3
      [10] invokespecial #46
        + Methodref [android/widget/ArrayAdapter.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;ILjava/util/List;)V]
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] aload_3 v3
      [15] putfield #36
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter.pubkeys Ljava/util/List;]
      [18] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 626
        [5] -> line 627
        [13] -> line 629
        [18] -> line 630
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 19 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter; this]
        v2: 0 -> 19 [Landroid/content/Context; context]
        v3: 0 -> 19 [Ljava/util/List; pubkeys]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 1)
        v3: 0 -> 19 [Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;>; pubkeys]
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;>;)V]
  + Method:       getView(ILandroid/view/View;Landroid/view/ViewGroup;)Landroid/view/View;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public android.view.View getView(int,android.view.View,android.view.ViewGroup)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 370, locals = 9, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_2 v2
      [1] ifnonnull +79 (target=80)
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #37
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [8] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.inflater Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
      [11] ldc #5
        + Integer [2130903056]
      [13] aconst_null
      [14] iconst_0
      [15] invokevirtual #42
        + Methodref [android/view/LayoutInflater.inflate (ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;Z)Landroid/view/View;]
      [18] astore_2 v2
      [19] new #30
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter$ViewHolder]
      [22] dup
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] invokespecial #59
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter$ViewHolder.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter;)V]
      [27] astore v4
      [29] aload v4
      [31] aload_2 v2
      [32] ldc #3
        + Integer [16908308]
      [34] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [android/view/View.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [37] checkcast #19
        + Class [android/widget/TextView]
      [40] putfield #40
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter$ViewHolder.nickname Landroid/widget/TextView;]
      [43] aload v4
      [45] aload_2 v2
      [46] ldc #4
        + Integer [16908309]
      [48] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [android/view/View.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [51] checkcast #19
        + Class [android/widget/TextView]
      [54] putfield #38
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter$ViewHolder.caption Landroid/widget/TextView;]
      [57] aload v4
      [59] aload_2 v2
      [60] ldc #2
        + Integer [16908295]
      [62] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [android/view/View.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [65] checkcast #18
        + Class [android/widget/ImageView]
      [68] putfield #39
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter$ViewHolder.icon Landroid/widget/ImageView;]
      [71] aload_2 v2
      [72] aload v4
      [74] invokevirtual #45
        + Methodref [android/view/View.setTag (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
      [77] goto +12 (target=89)
      [80] aload_2 v2
      [81] invokevirtual #44
        + Methodref [android/view/View.getTag ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [84] checkcast #30
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter$ViewHolder]
      [87] astore v4
      [89] aload_0 v0
      [90] getfield #36
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter.pubkeys Ljava/util/List;]
      [93] iload_1 v1
      [94] invokeinterface #66
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.get (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [99] checkcast #31
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean]
      [102] astore v5
      [104] aload v4
      [106] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter$ViewHolder.nickname Landroid/widget/TextView;]
      [109] aload v5
      [111] invokevirtual #62
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [114] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [117] ldc #12
        + String [IMPORTED]
      [119] aload v5
      [121] invokevirtual #64
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getType ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [124] invokevirtual #53
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [127] istore v6
      [129] iload v6
      [131] ifeq +99 (target=230)
      [134] new #25
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [137] dup
      [138] aload v5
      [140] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getPrivateKey ()[B]
      [143] invokespecial #52
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.<init> ([B)V]
      [146] invokevirtual #55
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.toCharArray ()[C]
      [149] invokestatic #51
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMDecoder.parsePEM ([C)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure;]
      [152] astore v7
      [154] aload v7
      [156] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure.pemType I]
      [159] iconst_1
      [160] ificmpne +8 (target=168)
      [163] ldc #13
        + String [RSA]
      [165] goto +5 (target=170)
      [168] ldc #9
        + String [DSA]
      [170] astore v8
      [172] aload v4
      [174] getfield #38
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter$ViewHolder.caption Landroid/widget/TextView;]
      [177] ldc #7
        + String [%s unknown-bit]
      [179] iconst_1
      [180] anewarray #24
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [183] dup
      [184] iconst_0
      [185] aload v8
      [187] aastore
      [188] invokestatic #54
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [191] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [194] goto +92 (target=286)
      [197] astore v7
      [199] ldc #8
        + String [ConnectBot.PubkeyListActivity]
      [201] new #26
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [204] dup
      [205] ldc #10
        + String [Error decoding IMPORTED public key at ]
      [207] invokespecial #56
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [210] aload v5
      [212] invokevirtual #61
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getId ()J]
      [215] invokevirtual #57
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (J)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [218] invokevirtual #58
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [221] aload v7
      [223] invokestatic #41
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [226] pop
      [227] goto +59 (target=286)
      [230] aload v4
      [232] getfield #38
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter$ViewHolder.caption Landroid/widget/TextView;]
      [235] aload v5
      [237] invokevirtual #60
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getDescription ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [240] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [243] goto +43 (target=286)
      [246] astore v7
      [248] ldc #8
        + String [ConnectBot.PubkeyListActivity]
      [250] new #26
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [253] dup
      [254] ldc #11
        + String [Error decoding public key at ]
      [256] invokespecial #56
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [259] aload v5
      [261] invokevirtual #61
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getId ()J]
      [264] invokevirtual #57
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (J)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [267] invokevirtual #58
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [270] aload v7
      [272] invokestatic #41
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [275] pop
      [276] aload v4
      [278] getfield #38
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter$ViewHolder.caption Landroid/widget/TextView;]
      [281] ldc #6
        + Integer [2131230749]
      [283] invokevirtual #49
        + Methodref [android/widget/TextView.setText (I)V]
      [286] aload_0 v0
      [287] getfield #37
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [290] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [293] ifnonnull +16 (target=309)
      [296] aload v4
      [298] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter$ViewHolder.icon Landroid/widget/ImageView;]
      [301] bipush 8
      [303] invokevirtual #48
        + Methodref [android/widget/ImageView.setVisibility (I)V]
      [306] goto +62 (target=368)
      [309] aload v4
      [311] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter$ViewHolder.icon Landroid/widget/ImageView;]
      [314] iconst_0
      [315] invokevirtual #48
        + Methodref [android/widget/ImageView.setVisibility (I)V]
      [318] aload_0 v0
      [319] getfield #37
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity;]
      [322] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity.bound Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [325] aload v5
      [327] invokevirtual #62
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [330] invokevirtual #65
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.isKeyLoaded (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [333] ifeq +23 (target=356)
      [336] aload v4
      [338] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter$ViewHolder.icon Landroid/widget/ImageView;]
      [341] iconst_1
      [342] newarray 10
      [344] dup
      [345] iconst_0
      [346] ldc #1
        + Integer [16842912]
      [348] iastore
      [349] iconst_1
      [350] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [android/widget/ImageView.setImageState ([IZ)V]
      [353] goto +15 (target=368)
      [356] aload v4
      [358] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter$ViewHolder.icon Landroid/widget/ImageView;]
      [361] iconst_0
      [362] newarray 10
      [364] iconst_1
      [365] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [android/widget/ImageView.setImageState ([IZ)V]
      [368] aload_2 v2
      [369] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (134 -> 194: 197):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (230 -> 243: 246):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 28)
        [0] -> line 636
        [4] -> line 637
        [19] -> line 639
        [29] -> line 641
        [43] -> line 642
        [57] -> line 643
        [71] -> line 645
        [80] -> line 647
        [89] -> line 649
        [104] -> line 650
        [117] -> line 652
        [129] -> line 654
        [134] -> line 656
        [154] -> line 657
        [172] -> line 658
        [197] -> line 659
        [199] -> line 660
        [230] -> line 664
        [246] -> line 665
        [248] -> line 666
        [276] -> line 667
        [286] -> line 671
        [296] -> line 672
        [309] -> line 674
        [318] -> line 676
        [336] -> line 677
        [356] -> line 679
        [368] -> line 682
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 12)
        v0: 0 -> 370 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter; this]
        v1: 0 -> 370 [I position]
        v2: 0 -> 370 [Landroid/view/View; convertView]
        v3: 0 -> 370 [Landroid/view/ViewGroup; parent]
        v4: 29 -> 80 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter$ViewHolder; holder]
        v4: 89 -> 370 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter$ViewHolder; holder]
        v5: 104 -> 370 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean; pubkey]
        v6: 129 -> 370 [Z imported]
        v7: 154 -> 197 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMStructure; struct]
        v8: 172 -> 197 [Ljava/lang/String; type]
        v7: 199 -> 227 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]
        v7: 248 -> 286 [Ljava/lang/Exception; e]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
      + Utf8 [PubkeyAdapter]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter$ViewHolder]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter]
      + Utf8 [ViewHolder]
  + Signature attribute:
    + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/ArrayAdapter<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;>;]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter$ViewHolder
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter$ViewHolder extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 33):
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter$ViewHolder]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter$ViewHolder.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/ImageView;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/TextView;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter$ViewHolder;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter;]
  + Utf8 [PubkeyAdapter]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [ViewHolder]
  + Utf8 [caption]
  + Utf8 [icon]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [nickname]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter$ViewHolder]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$1]

Fields (count = 4):
  + Field:        nickname Landroid/widget/TextView;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public android.widget.TextView nickname
  + Field:        caption Landroid/widget/TextView;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public android.widget.TextView caption
  + Field:        icon Landroid/widget/ImageView;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public android.widget.ImageView icon
  + Field:        this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter this$1

Methods (count = 1):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter$ViewHolder(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #5
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter$ViewHolder.this$1 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #6
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 620
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter$ViewHolder; this]

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity]
      + Utf8 [PubkeyAdapter]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter$ViewHolder]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/PubkeyListActivity$PubkeyAdapter]
      + Utf8 [ViewHolder]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/SettingsActivity
  Superclass:    android/preference/PreferenceActivity
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.SettingsActivity extends android.preference.PreferenceActivity

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 77):
  + Integer [2131034113]
  + String [ConnectBot.Settings]
  + String [Shared preferences are corrupt! Resetting to default values.]
  + String [eula]
  + Class [android/content/SharedPreferences]
  + Class [android/content/SharedPreferences$Editor]
  + Class [android/preference/PreferenceActivity]
  + Class [android/preference/PreferenceManager]
  + Class [android/util/Log]
  + Class [java/lang/ClassCastException]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/SettingsActivity]
  + Methodref [android/preference/PreferenceActivity.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [android/preference/PreferenceActivity.onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Methodref [android/preference/PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
  + Methodref [android/preference/PreferenceManager.setDefaultValues (Landroid/content/Context;IZ)V]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/SettingsActivity.addPreferencesFromResource (I)V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.edit ()Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences$Editor.clear ()Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences$Editor.commit ()Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences$Editor.putBoolean (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [addPreferencesFromResource (I)V]
  + NameAndType [clear ()Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;]
  + NameAndType [commit ()Z]
  + NameAndType [e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [edit ()Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;]
  + NameAndType [getDefaultSharedPreferences (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
  + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + NameAndType [putBoolean (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;]
  + NameAndType [setDefaultValues (Landroid/content/Context;IZ)V]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;IZ)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ConnectBot.Settings]
  + Utf8 [Editor]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/Bundle;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/ClassCastException;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/SettingsActivity;]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Shared preferences are corrupt! Resetting to default values.]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [addPreferencesFromResource]
  + Utf8 [android/content/SharedPreferences]
  + Utf8 [android/content/SharedPreferences$Editor]
  + Utf8 [android/preference/PreferenceActivity]
  + Utf8 [android/preference/PreferenceManager]
  + Utf8 [android/util/Log]
  + Utf8 [clear]
  + Utf8 [commit]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [edit]
  + Utf8 [editor]
  + Utf8 [eula]
  + Utf8 [getDefaultSharedPreferences]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/ClassCastException]
  + Utf8 [onCreate]
  + Utf8 [preferences]
  + Utf8 [putBoolean]
  + Utf8 [savedInstanceState]
  + Utf8 [setDefaultValues]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/SettingsActivity]
  + Utf8 [this]

Fields (count = 0):

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public SettingsActivity()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #12
        + Methodref [android/preference/PreferenceActivity.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 27
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/SettingsActivity; this]
  + Method:       onCreate(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected void onCreate(android.os.Bundle)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 93, locals = 5, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #13
        + Methodref [android/preference/PreferenceActivity.onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] ldc #1
        + Integer [2131034113]
      [8] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/SettingsActivity.addPreferencesFromResource (I)V]
      [11] goto +81 (target=92)
      [14] astore_2 v2
      [15] ldc #2
        + String [ConnectBot.Settings]
      [17] ldc #3
        + String [Shared preferences are corrupt! Resetting to default values.]
      [19] invokestatic #16
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [22] pop
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] invokestatic #14
        + Methodref [android/preference/PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
      [27] astore_3 v3
      [28] aload_3 v3
      [29] invokeinterface #18
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.edit ()Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;]
      [34] astore v4
      [36] aload v4
      [38] invokeinterface #19
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences$Editor.clear ()Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;]
      [43] pop
      [44] aload v4
      [46] invokeinterface #20
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences$Editor.commit ()Z]
      [51] pop
      [52] aload_0 v0
      [53] ldc #1
        + Integer [2131034113]
      [55] iconst_1
      [56] invokestatic #15
        + Methodref [android/preference/PreferenceManager.setDefaultValues (Landroid/content/Context;IZ)V]
      [59] aload_3 v3
      [60] invokeinterface #18
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.edit ()Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;]
      [65] astore v4
      [67] aload v4
      [69] ldc #4
        + String [eula]
      [71] iconst_1
      [72] invokeinterface #21
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences$Editor.putBoolean (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor;]
      [77] pop
      [78] aload v4
      [80] invokeinterface #20
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences$Editor.commit ()Z]
      [85] pop
      [86] aload_0 v0
      [87] ldc #1
        + Integer [2131034113]
      [89] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/SettingsActivity.addPreferencesFromResource (I)V]
      [92] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (5 -> 11: 14):
      + Class [java/lang/ClassCastException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 14)
        [0] -> line 32
        [5] -> line 34
        [14] -> line 35
        [15] -> line 36
        [23] -> line 38
        [28] -> line 41
        [36] -> line 42
        [44] -> line 43
        [52] -> line 45
        [59] -> line 48
        [67] -> line 49
        [78] -> line 50
        [86] -> line 52
        [92] -> line 57
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 93 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/SettingsActivity; this]
        v1: 0 -> 93 [Landroid/os/Bundle; savedInstanceState]
        v2: 15 -> 92 [Ljava/lang/ClassCastException; e]
        v3: 28 -> 92 [Landroid/content/SharedPreferences; preferences]
        v4: 36 -> 92 [Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$Editor; editor]

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/content/SharedPreferences$Editor]
      + Class [android/content/SharedPreferences]
      + Utf8 [Editor]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/StrictModeSetup
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.StrictModeSetup extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 31):
  + Class [android/os/StrictMode]
  + Class [android/os/StrictMode$ThreadPolicy]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/StrictModeSetup]
  + Fieldref [android/os/StrictMode$ThreadPolicy.LAX Landroid/os/StrictMode$ThreadPolicy;]
  + Methodref [android/os/StrictMode.setThreadPolicy (Landroid/os/StrictMode$ThreadPolicy;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [LAX Landroid/os/StrictMode$ThreadPolicy;]
  + NameAndType [setThreadPolicy (Landroid/os/StrictMode$ThreadPolicy;)V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/StrictMode$ThreadPolicy;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [LAX]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/StrictMode$ThreadPolicy;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/StrictModeSetup;]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [ThreadPolicy]
  + Utf8 [android/os/StrictMode]
  + Utf8 [android/os/StrictMode$ThreadPolicy]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [run]
  + Utf8 [setThreadPolicy]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/StrictModeSetup]
  + Utf8 [this]

Fields (count = 0):

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public StrictModeSetup()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #7
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 19
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/StrictModeSetup; this]
  + Method:       run()V
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static void run()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 7, locals = 0, stack = 1):
      [0] getstatic #5
        + Fieldref [android/os/StrictMode$ThreadPolicy.LAX Landroid/os/StrictMode$ThreadPolicy;]
      [3] invokestatic #6
        + Methodref [android/os/StrictMode.setThreadPolicy (Landroid/os/StrictMode$ThreadPolicy;)V]
      [6] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 21
        [6] -> line 22
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x19 = public static final 
      + Class [android/os/StrictMode$ThreadPolicy]
      + Class [android/os/StrictMode]
      + Utf8 [ThreadPolicy]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView
  Superclass:    android/view/View
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.TerminalView extends android.view.View

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/FontSizeChangedListener]

Constant Pool (count = 487):
  + Integer [134217728]
  + Integer [1342177281]
  + Float [0.1]
  + Float [0.25]
  + Float [0.33]
  + Float [0.5]
  + Float [0.66]
  + Float [0.75]
  + Class [android/graphics/Canvas]
  + Class [android/graphics/Matrix]
  + Class [android/graphics/Matrix$ScaleToFit]
  + Class [android/graphics/Paint]
  + Class [android/graphics/Paint$Style]
  + Class [android/graphics/Path]
  + Class [android/graphics/PixelXorXfermode]
  + Class [android/graphics/RectF]
  + Class [android/view/View]
  + Class [android/view/View$OnKeyListener]
  + Class [android/view/ViewGroup]
  + Class [android/view/ViewGroup$LayoutParams]
  + Class [android/view/inputmethod/EditorInfo]
  + Class [android/widget/Toast]
  + Class [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer]
  + Class [java/lang/Integer]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuffer]
  + Class [java/lang/Void]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$1]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityStateTester]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/FontSizeChangedListener]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener]
  + Long [1000]
  + Fieldref [android/graphics/Matrix$ScaleToFit.FILL Landroid/graphics/Matrix$ScaleToFit;]
  + Fieldref [android/graphics/Paint$Style.STROKE Landroid/graphics/Paint$Style;]
  + Fieldref [android/view/inputmethod/EditorInfo.imeOptions I]
  + Fieldref [android/view/inputmethod/EditorInfo.inputType I]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.screenBase I]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.windowBase I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.altCursor Landroid/graphics/Path;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.context Landroid/content/Context;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.ctrlCursor Landroid/graphics/Path;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.cursorPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.cursorStrokePaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.lastNotification Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.mAccessibilityActive Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.mAccessibilityBuffer Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.mAccessibilityInitialized Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.mAccessibilityLock [Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.mCodeMatcher Ljava/util/regex/Matcher;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.mControlCodes Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.mEventSender Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.notification Landroid/widget/Toast;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.notifications Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.paint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.scaleMatrix Landroid/graphics/Matrix;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.scaleType Landroid/graphics/Matrix$ScaleToFit;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.shiftCursor Landroid/graphics/Path;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.tempDst Landroid/graphics/RectF;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.tempSrc Landroid/graphics/RectF;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.bitmap Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charHeight I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charWidth I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.color [Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.defaultBg I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.defaultFg I]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.clipRect (IIII)Z]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.concat (Landroid/graphics/Matrix;)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawBitmap (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;FFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawPaint (Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawPath (Landroid/graphics/Path;Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawText ([CIIFFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.restore ()V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/ ()I]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/ (I)I]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.translate (FF)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Matrix.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Matrix.setRectToRect (Landroid/graphics/RectF;Landroid/graphics/RectF;Landroid/graphics/Matrix$ScaleToFit;)Z]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.<init> (Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setAntiAlias (Z)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setColor (I)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setStrokeWidth (F)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setStyle (Landroid/graphics/Paint$Style;)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setXfermode (Landroid/graphics/Xfermode;)Landroid/graphics/Xfermode;]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Path.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Path.lineTo (FF)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Path.moveTo (FF)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/PixelXorXfermode.<init> (I)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/RectF.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/RectF.set (FFFF)V]
  + Methodref [android/view/View.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Methodref [android/view/View.onSizeChanged (IIII)V]
  + Methodref [android/view/ViewGroup$LayoutParams.<init> (II)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/Toast.makeText (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;I)Landroid/widget/Toast;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/Toast.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ ()V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.getAttributes (II)I]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.getColumns ()I]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.getCursorColumn ()I]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.getCursorRow ()I]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.isCursorVisible ()Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.intValue ()I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.append ([CII)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.getHeight ()I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.getWidth ()I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.postDelayed (Ljava/lang/Runnable;J)Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.removeCallbacks (Ljava/lang/Runnable;)Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.scaleCursors ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.setFocusable (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.setFocusableInTouchMode (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.setLayoutParams (Landroid/view/ViewGroup$LayoutParams;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.setOnKeyListener (Landroid/view/View$OnKeyListener;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Landroid/view/View;Z)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityStateTester.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityStateTester;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityStateTester.execute ([Ljava/lang/Object;)Landroid/os/AsyncTask;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.getBottom ()I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.getLeft ()I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.getRight ()I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.getTop ()I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.addFontSizeChangedListener (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/FontSizeChangedListener;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.getKeyHandler ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.getSelectionArea ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.isSelectingForCopy ()Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.onDraw ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.parentChanged (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.resizeComputed (IIII)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.getDeadKey ()I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.getMetaState ()I]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (I)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (II)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Landroid/view/View;Z)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityStateTester;)V]
  + NameAndType [FILL Landroid/graphics/Matrix$ScaleToFit;]
  + NameAndType [STROKE Landroid/graphics/Paint$Style;]
  + NameAndType [addFontSizeChangedListener (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/FontSizeChangedListener;)V]
  + NameAndType [altCursor Landroid/graphics/Path;]
  + NameAndType [append ([CII)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + NameAndType [bitmap Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;]
  + NameAndType [bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
  + NameAndType [charHeight I]
  + NameAndType [charWidth I]
  + NameAndType [clipRect (IIII)Z]
  + NameAndType [color [Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + NameAndType [concat (Landroid/graphics/Matrix;)V]
  + NameAndType [context Landroid/content/Context;]
  + NameAndType [ctrlCursor Landroid/graphics/Path;]
  + NameAndType [cursorPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
  + NameAndType [cursorStrokePaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
  + NameAndType [defaultBg I]
  + NameAndType [defaultFg I]
  + NameAndType [drawBitmap (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;FFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
  + NameAndType [drawPaint (Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
  + NameAndType [drawPath (Landroid/graphics/Path;Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
  + NameAndType [drawText ([CIIFFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
  + NameAndType [equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [execute ([Ljava/lang/Object;)Landroid/os/AsyncTask;]
  + NameAndType [getAttributes (II)I]
  + NameAndType [getBottom ()I]
  + NameAndType [getColumns ()I]
  + NameAndType [getCursorColumn ()I]
  + NameAndType [getCursorRow ()I]
  + NameAndType [getDeadKey ()I]
  + NameAndType [getHeight ()I]
  + NameAndType [getKeyHandler ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;]
  + NameAndType [getLeft ()I]
  + NameAndType [getMetaState ()I]
  + NameAndType [getRight ()I]
  + NameAndType [getSelectionArea ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea;]
  + NameAndType [getTop ()I]
  + NameAndType [getWidth ()I]
  + NameAndType [imeOptions I]
  + NameAndType [inputType I]
  + NameAndType [intValue ()I]
  + NameAndType [isCursorVisible ()Z]
  + NameAndType [isSelectingForCopy ()Z]
  + NameAndType [lastNotification Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [lineTo (FF)V]
  + NameAndType [mAccessibilityActive Z]
  + NameAndType [mAccessibilityBuffer Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + NameAndType [mAccessibilityInitialized Z]
  + NameAndType [mAccessibilityLock [Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [mCodeMatcher Ljava/util/regex/Matcher;]
  + NameAndType [mControlCodes Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;]
  + NameAndType [mEventSender Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender;]
  + NameAndType [makeText (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;I)Landroid/widget/Toast;]
  + NameAndType [moveTo (FF)V]
  + NameAndType [notification Landroid/widget/Toast;]
  + NameAndType [notifications Z]
  + NameAndType [onDraw ()V]
  + NameAndType [onSizeChanged (IIII)V]
  + NameAndType [paint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
  + NameAndType [parentChanged (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)V]
  + NameAndType [postDelayed (Ljava/lang/Runnable;J)Z]
  + NameAndType [removeCallbacks (Ljava/lang/Runnable;)Z]
  + NameAndType [resizeComputed (IIII)V]
  + NameAndType [restore ()V]
  + NameAndType [save ()I]
  + NameAndType [save (I)I]
  + NameAndType [scaleCursors ()V]
  + NameAndType [scaleMatrix Landroid/graphics/Matrix;]
  + NameAndType [scaleType Landroid/graphics/Matrix$ScaleToFit;]
  + NameAndType [screenBase I]
  + NameAndType [set (FFFF)V]
  + NameAndType [setAntiAlias (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [setColor (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setFocusable (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [setFocusableInTouchMode (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [setLayoutParams (Landroid/view/ViewGroup$LayoutParams;)V]
  + NameAndType [setOnKeyListener (Landroid/view/View$OnKeyListener;)V]
  + NameAndType [setRectToRect (Landroid/graphics/RectF;Landroid/graphics/RectF;Landroid/graphics/Matrix$ScaleToFit;)Z]
  + NameAndType [setStrokeWidth (F)V]
  + NameAndType [setStyle (Landroid/graphics/Paint$Style;)V]
  + NameAndType [setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + NameAndType [setXfermode (Landroid/graphics/Xfermode;)Landroid/graphics/Xfermode;]
  + NameAndType [shiftCursor Landroid/graphics/Path;]
  + NameAndType [show ()V]
  + NameAndType [tempDst Landroid/graphics/RectF;]
  + NameAndType [tempSrc Landroid/graphics/RectF;]
  + NameAndType [translate (FF)V]
  + NameAndType [windowBase I]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea;]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(F)V]
  + Utf8 [(FF)V]
  + Utf8 [(FFFF)V]
  + Utf8 [(I)I]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(II)I]
  + Utf8 [(II)V]
  + Utf8 [(IIII)V]
  + Utf8 [(IIII)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;I)Landroid/widget/Toast;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;FFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/graphics/Canvas;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/graphics/Matrix;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/graphics/Paint$Style;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/graphics/Path;Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/graphics/RectF;Landroid/graphics/RectF;Landroid/graphics/Matrix$ScaleToFit;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/graphics/Xfermode;)Landroid/graphics/Xfermode;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View$OnKeyListener;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/ViewGroup$LayoutParams;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/inputmethod/EditorInfo;)Landroid/view/inputmethod/InputConnection;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Runnable;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Runnable;J)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)Landroid/content/Context;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)Ljava/util/regex/Matcher;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)[Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Landroid/view/View;Z)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Ljava/util/regex/Matcher;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityStateTester;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Z)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/FontSizeChangedListener;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [([CI)V]
  + Utf8 [([CII)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + Utf8 [([CIIFFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
  + Utf8 [([Ljava/lang/Object;)Landroid/os/AsyncTask;]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [AccessibilityEventSender]
  + Utf8 [AccessibilityStateTester]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [F]
  + Utf8 [FILL]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/Context;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/graphics/Canvas;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/graphics/Matrix$ScaleToFit;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/graphics/Matrix;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/graphics/Paint$Style;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/graphics/Path;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/graphics/RectF;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/inputmethod/EditorInfo;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/Toast;]
  + Utf8 [LayoutParams]
  + Utf8 [Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/regex/Matcher;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [OnKeyListener]
  + Utf8 [STROKE]
  + Utf8 [ScaleToFit]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Style]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[C]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [access$1]
  + Utf8 [access$10]
  + Utf8 [access$11]
  + Utf8 [access$2]
  + Utf8 [access$3]
  + Utf8 [access$4]
  + Utf8 [access$5]
  + Utf8 [access$6]
  + Utf8 [access$7]
  + Utf8 [access$8]
  + Utf8 [access$9]
  + Utf8 [addFontSizeChangedListener]
  + Utf8 [altCursor]
  + Utf8 [android/graphics/Canvas]
  + Utf8 [android/graphics/Matrix]
  + Utf8 [android/graphics/Matrix$ScaleToFit]
  + Utf8 [android/graphics/Paint]
  + Utf8 [android/graphics/Paint$Style]
  + Utf8 [android/graphics/Path]
  + Utf8 [android/graphics/PixelXorXfermode]
  + Utf8 [android/graphics/RectF]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View$OnKeyListener]
  + Utf8 [android/view/ViewGroup]
  + Utf8 [android/view/ViewGroup$LayoutParams]
  + Utf8 [android/view/inputmethod/EditorInfo]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/Toast]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [area]
  + Utf8 [bitmap]
  + Utf8 [bridge]
  + Utf8 [buffer]
  + Utf8 [canvas]
  + Utf8 [charHeight]
  + Utf8 [charWidth]
  + Utf8 [clipRect]
  + Utf8 [color]
  + Utf8 [columns]
  + Utf8 [concat]
  + Utf8 [context]
  + Utf8 [ctrlCursor]
  + Utf8 [currentAttribute]
  + Utf8 [cursorColumn]
  + Utf8 [cursorPaint]
  + Utf8 [cursorRow]
  + Utf8 [cursorStrokePaint]
  + Utf8 [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer]
  + Utf8 [deadKey]
  + Utf8 [defaultBg]
  + Utf8 [defaultFg]
  + Utf8 [drawBitmap]
  + Utf8 [drawPaint]
  + Utf8 [drawPath]
  + Utf8 [drawText]
  + Utf8 [equals]
  + Utf8 [execute]
  + Utf8 [forceSize]
  + Utf8 [getAttributes]
  + Utf8 [getBottom]
  + Utf8 [getColumns]
  + Utf8 [getCursorColumn]
  + Utf8 [getCursorRow]
  + Utf8 [getDeadKey]
  + Utf8 [getHeight]
  + Utf8 [getKeyHandler]
  + Utf8 [getLeft]
  + Utf8 [getMetaState]
  + Utf8 [getRight]
  + Utf8 [getSelectionArea]
  + Utf8 [getTop]
  + Utf8 [getWidth]
  + Utf8 [h]
  + Utf8 [height]
  + Utf8 [imeOptions]
  + Utf8 [inputType]
  + Utf8 [intValue]
  + Utf8 [isCursorVisible]
  + Utf8 [isSelectingForCopy]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Integer]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuffer]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Void]
  + Utf8 [lastNotification]
  + Utf8 [length]
  + Utf8 [lineTo]
  + Utf8 [mAccessibilityActive]
  + Utf8 [mAccessibilityBuffer]
  + Utf8 [mAccessibilityInitialized]
  + Utf8 [mAccessibilityLock]
  + Utf8 [mCodeMatcher]
  + Utf8 [mControlCodes]
  + Utf8 [mEventSender]
  + Utf8 [makeText]
  + Utf8 [message]
  + Utf8 [metaState]
  + Utf8 [moveTo]
  + Utf8 [notification]
  + Utf8 [notifications]
  + Utf8 [notifyUser]
  + Utf8 [oldh]
  + Utf8 [oldw]
  + Utf8 [onCheckIsTextEditor]
  + Utf8 [onCreateInputConnection]
  + Utf8 [onDraw]
  + Utf8 [onFontSizeChanged]
  + Utf8 [onSizeChanged]
  + Utf8 [onWideCharacter]
  + Utf8 [outAttrs]
  + Utf8 [paint]
  + Utf8 [parentChanged]
  + Utf8 [postDelayed]
  + Utf8 [propagateConsoleText]
  + Utf8 [rawText]
  + Utf8 [removeCallbacks]
  + Utf8 [resizeComputed]
  + Utf8 [restore]
  + Utf8 [save]
  + Utf8 [scaleCursors]
  + Utf8 [scaleMatrix]
  + Utf8 [scaleType]
  + Utf8 [screenBase]
  + Utf8 [set]
  + Utf8 [setAntiAlias]
  + Utf8 [setColor]
  + Utf8 [setFocusable]
  + Utf8 [setFocusableInTouchMode]
  + Utf8 [setLayoutParams]
  + Utf8 [setOnKeyListener]
  + Utf8 [setRectToRect]
  + Utf8 [setStrokeWidth]
  + Utf8 [setStyle]
  + Utf8 [setText]
  + Utf8 [setXfermode]
  + Utf8 [shiftCursor]
  + Utf8 [show]
  + Utf8 [size]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$1]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityStateTester]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/FontSizeChangedListener]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener]
  + Utf8 [tempDst]
  + Utf8 [tempSrc]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [translate]
  + Utf8 [w]
  + Utf8 [width]
  + Utf8 [windowBase]
  + Utf8 [x]
  + Utf8 [y]

Fields (count = 22):
  + Field:        context Landroid/content/Context;
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final android.content.Context context
  + Field:        bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;
    Access flags: 0x11
      = public final com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge bridge
  + Field:        paint Landroid/graphics/Paint;
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final paint
  + Field:        cursorPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final cursorPaint
  + Field:        cursorStrokePaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final cursorStrokePaint
  + Field:        ctrlCursor Landroid/graphics/Path;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private ctrlCursor
  + Field:        altCursor Landroid/graphics/Path;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private altCursor
  + Field:        shiftCursor Landroid/graphics/Path;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private shiftCursor
  + Field:        tempSrc Landroid/graphics/RectF;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private tempSrc
  + Field:        tempDst Landroid/graphics/RectF;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private tempDst
  + Field:        scaleMatrix Landroid/graphics/Matrix;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private scaleMatrix
  + Field:        scaleType Landroid/graphics/Matrix$ScaleToFit;
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final$ScaleToFit scaleType
  + Field:        notification Landroid/widget/Toast;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.widget.Toast notification
  + Field:        lastNotification Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String lastNotification
  + Field:        notifications Z
    Access flags: 0x42
      = private volatile boolean notifications
  + Field:        mAccessibilityInitialized Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean mAccessibilityInitialized
  + Field:        mAccessibilityActive Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean mAccessibilityActive
  + Field:        mAccessibilityLock [Ljava/lang/Object;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.Object[] mAccessibilityLock
  + Field:        mAccessibilityBuffer Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.StringBuffer mAccessibilityBuffer
  + Field:        mControlCodes Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.util.regex.Pattern mControlCodes
  + Field:        mCodeMatcher Ljava/util/regex/Matcher;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.util.regex.Matcher mCodeMatcher
  + Field:        mEventSender Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender mEventSender

Methods (count = 23):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 7, locals = 0, stack = 1):
      [0] getstatic #39
        + Fieldref [android/graphics/Matrix$ScaleToFit.FILL Landroid/graphics/Matrix$ScaleToFit;]
      [3] putstatic #63
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.scaleType Landroid/graphics/Matrix$ScaleToFit;]
      [6] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 72
        [6] -> line 60
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>(Landroid/content/Context;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public TerminalView(android.content.Context,com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 398, locals = 3, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #99
        + Methodref [android/view/View.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aconst_null
      [7] putfield #59
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.notification Landroid/widget/Toast;]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] aconst_null
      [12] putfield #51
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.lastNotification Ljava/lang/String;]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] iconst_1
      [17] putfield #60
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.notifications Z]
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] iconst_0
      [22] putfield #54
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.mAccessibilityInitialized Z]
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] iconst_1
      [27] putfield #52
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.mAccessibilityActive Z]
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] iconst_0
      [32] anewarray #25
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [35] putfield #55
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.mAccessibilityLock [Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] aconst_null
      [40] putfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.mControlCodes Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;]
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] aconst_null
      [45] putfield #56
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.mCodeMatcher Ljava/util/regex/Matcher;]
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] aconst_null
      [50] putfield #58
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.mEventSender Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender;]
      [53] aload_0 v0
      [54] aload_1 v1
      [55] putfield #47
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.context Landroid/content/Context;]
      [58] aload_0 v0
      [59] aload_2 v2
      [60] putfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [63] aload_0 v0
      [64] new #12
        + Class [android/graphics/Paint]
      [67] dup
      [68] invokespecial #86
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.<init> ()V]
      [71] putfield #61
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.paint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [74] aload_0 v0
      [75] new #20
        + Class [android/view/ViewGroup$LayoutParams]
      [78] dup
      [79] iconst_m1
      [80] iconst_m1
      [81] invokespecial #101
        + Methodref [android/view/ViewGroup$LayoutParams.<init> (II)V]
      [84] invokevirtual #121
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.setLayoutParams (Landroid/view/ViewGroup$LayoutParams;)V]
      [87] aload_0 v0
      [88] iconst_1
      [89] invokevirtual #119
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.setFocusable (Z)V]
      [92] aload_0 v0
      [93] iconst_1
      [94] invokevirtual #120
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.setFocusableInTouchMode (Z)V]
      [97] aload_0 v0
      [98] new #12
        + Class [android/graphics/Paint]
      [101] dup
      [102] invokespecial #86
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.<init> ()V]
      [105] putfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.cursorPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [108] aload_0 v0
      [109] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.cursorPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [112] aload_2 v2
      [113] getfield #71
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.color [Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [116] aload_2 v2
      [117] getfield #73
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.defaultFg I]
      [120] aaload
      [121] invokevirtual #110
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.intValue ()I]
      [124] invokevirtual #89
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setColor (I)V]
      [127] aload_0 v0
      [128] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.cursorPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [131] new #15
        + Class [android/graphics/PixelXorXfermode]
      [134] dup
      [135] aload_2 v2
      [136] getfield #71
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.color [Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [139] aload_2 v2
      [140] getfield #72
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.defaultBg I]
      [143] aaload
      [144] invokevirtual #110
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.intValue ()I]
      [147] invokespecial #96
        + Methodref [android/graphics/PixelXorXfermode.<init> (I)V]
      [150] invokevirtual #92
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setXfermode (Landroid/graphics/Xfermode;)Landroid/graphics/Xfermode;]
      [153] pop
      [154] aload_0 v0
      [155] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.cursorPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [158] iconst_1
      [159] invokevirtual #88
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setAntiAlias (Z)V]
      [162] aload_0 v0
      [163] new #12
        + Class [android/graphics/Paint]
      [166] dup
      [167] aload_0 v0
      [168] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.cursorPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [171] invokespecial #87
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.<init> (Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [174] putfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.cursorStrokePaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [177] aload_0 v0
      [178] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.cursorStrokePaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [181] ldc #3
        + Float [0.1]
      [183] invokevirtual #90
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setStrokeWidth (F)V]
      [186] aload_0 v0
      [187] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.cursorStrokePaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [190] getstatic #40
        + Fieldref [android/graphics/Paint$Style.STROKE Landroid/graphics/Paint$Style;]
      [193] invokevirtual #91
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setStyle (Landroid/graphics/Paint$Style;)V]
      [196] aload_0 v0
      [197] new #14
        + Class [android/graphics/Path]
      [200] dup
      [201] invokespecial #93
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Path.<init> ()V]
      [204] putfield #64
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.shiftCursor Landroid/graphics/Path;]
      [207] aload_0 v0
      [208] getfield #64
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.shiftCursor Landroid/graphics/Path;]
      [211] ldc #6
        + Float [0.5]
      [213] ldc #5
        + Float [0.33]
      [215] invokevirtual #94
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Path.lineTo (FF)V]
      [218] aload_0 v0
      [219] getfield #64
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.shiftCursor Landroid/graphics/Path;]
      [222] fconst_1
      [223] fconst_0
      [224] invokevirtual #94
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Path.lineTo (FF)V]
      [227] aload_0 v0
      [228] new #14
        + Class [android/graphics/Path]
      [231] dup
      [232] invokespecial #93
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Path.<init> ()V]
      [235] putfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.altCursor Landroid/graphics/Path;]
      [238] aload_0 v0
      [239] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.altCursor Landroid/graphics/Path;]
      [242] fconst_0
      [243] fconst_1
      [244] invokevirtual #95
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Path.moveTo (FF)V]
      [247] aload_0 v0
      [248] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.altCursor Landroid/graphics/Path;]
      [251] ldc #6
        + Float [0.5]
      [253] ldc #7
        + Float [0.66]
      [255] invokevirtual #94
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Path.lineTo (FF)V]
      [258] aload_0 v0
      [259] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.altCursor Landroid/graphics/Path;]
      [262] fconst_1
      [263] fconst_1
      [264] invokevirtual #94
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Path.lineTo (FF)V]
      [267] aload_0 v0
      [268] new #14
        + Class [android/graphics/Path]
      [271] dup
      [272] invokespecial #93
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Path.<init> ()V]
      [275] putfield #48
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.ctrlCursor Landroid/graphics/Path;]
      [278] aload_0 v0
      [279] getfield #48
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.ctrlCursor Landroid/graphics/Path;]
      [282] fconst_0
      [283] ldc #4
        + Float [0.25]
      [285] invokevirtual #95
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Path.moveTo (FF)V]
      [288] aload_0 v0
      [289] getfield #48
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.ctrlCursor Landroid/graphics/Path;]
      [292] fconst_1
      [293] ldc #6
        + Float [0.5]
      [295] invokevirtual #94
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Path.lineTo (FF)V]
      [298] aload_0 v0
      [299] getfield #48
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.ctrlCursor Landroid/graphics/Path;]
      [302] fconst_0
      [303] ldc #8
        + Float [0.75]
      [305] invokevirtual #94
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Path.lineTo (FF)V]
      [308] aload_0 v0
      [309] new #16
        + Class [android/graphics/RectF]
      [312] dup
      [313] invokespecial #97
        + Methodref [android/graphics/RectF.<init> ()V]
      [316] putfield #66
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.tempSrc Landroid/graphics/RectF;]
      [319] aload_0 v0
      [320] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.tempSrc Landroid/graphics/RectF;]
      [323] fconst_0
      [324] fconst_0
      [325] fconst_1
      [326] fconst_1
      [327] invokevirtual #98
        + Methodref [android/graphics/RectF.set (FFFF)V]
      [330] aload_0 v0
      [331] new #16
        + Class [android/graphics/RectF]
      [334] dup
      [335] invokespecial #97
        + Methodref [android/graphics/RectF.<init> ()V]
      [338] putfield #65
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.tempDst Landroid/graphics/RectF;]
      [341] aload_0 v0
      [342] new #10
        + Class [android/graphics/Matrix]
      [345] dup
      [346] invokespecial #84
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Matrix.<init> ()V]
      [349] putfield #62
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.scaleMatrix Landroid/graphics/Matrix;]
      [352] aload_2 v2
      [353] aload_0 v0
      [354] invokevirtual #131
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.addFontSizeChangedListener (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/FontSizeChangedListener;)V]
      [357] aload_0 v0
      [358] aload_2 v2
      [359] invokevirtual #132
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.getKeyHandler ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;]
      [362] invokevirtual #122
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.setOnKeyListener (Landroid/view/View$OnKeyListener;)V]
      [365] aload_0 v0
      [366] new #27
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuffer]
      [369] dup
      [370] invokespecial #112
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.<init> ()V]
      [373] putfield #53
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.mAccessibilityBuffer Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
      [376] new #32
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityStateTester]
      [379] dup
      [380] aload_0 v0
      [381] aconst_null
      [382] invokespecial #125
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityStateTester.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityStateTester;)V]
      [385] iconst_1
      [386] anewarray #28
        + Class [java/lang/Void]
      [389] dup
      [390] iconst_0
      [391] aconst_null
      [392] aastore
      [393] invokevirtual #126
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityStateTester.execute ([Ljava/lang/Object;)Landroid/os/AsyncTask;]
      [396] pop
      [397] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 43)
        [0] -> line 95
        [5] -> line 74
        [10] -> line 75
        [15] -> line 76
        [20] -> line 79
        [25] -> line 80
        [30] -> line 81
        [38] -> line 83
        [43] -> line 84
        [48] -> line 85
        [53] -> line 97
        [58] -> line 98
        [63] -> line 99
        [74] -> line 101
        [87] -> line 102
        [92] -> line 103
        [97] -> line 105
        [108] -> line 106
        [127] -> line 107
        [154] -> line 108
        [162] -> line 110
        [177] -> line 111
        [186] -> line 112
        [196] -> line 119
        [207] -> line 120
        [218] -> line 121
        [227] -> line 123
        [238] -> line 124
        [247] -> line 125
        [258] -> line 126
        [267] -> line 128
        [278] -> line 129
        [288] -> line 130
        [298] -> line 131
        [308] -> line 134
        [319] -> line 135
        [330] -> line 136
        [341] -> line 137
        [352] -> line 139
        [357] -> line 142
        [365] -> line 144
        [376] -> line 147
        [397] -> line 148
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 398 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView; this]
        v1: 0 -> 398 [Landroid/content/Context; context]
        v2: 0 -> 398 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; bridge]
  + Method:       onSizeChanged(IIII)V
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected void onSizeChanged(int,int,int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 22, locals = 5, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] iload_2 v2
      [3] iload_3 v3
      [4] iload v4
      [6] invokespecial #100
        + Methodref [android/view/View.onSizeChanged (IIII)V]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] invokevirtual #136
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.parentChanged (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)V]
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] invokespecial #118
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.scaleCursors ()V]
      [21] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 157
        [9] -> line 159
        [17] -> line 161
        [21] -> line 162
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 22 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView; this]
        v1: 0 -> 22 [I w]
        v2: 0 -> 22 [I h]
        v3: 0 -> 22 [I oldw]
        v4: 0 -> 22 [I oldh]
  + Method:       onFontSizeChanged(F)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onFontSizeChanged(float)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 2, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #118
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.scaleCursors ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 165
        [4] -> line 166
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView; this]
        v1: 0 -> 5 [F size]
  + Method:       scaleCursors()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void scaleCursors()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 45, locals = 1, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #65
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.tempDst Landroid/graphics/RectF;]
      [4] fconst_0
      [5] fconst_0
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [10] getfield #70
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charWidth I]
      [13] i2f
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [18] getfield #69
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charHeight I]
      [21] i2f
      [22] invokevirtual #98
        + Methodref [android/graphics/RectF.set (FFFF)V]
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] getfield #62
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.scaleMatrix Landroid/graphics/Matrix;]
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.tempSrc Landroid/graphics/RectF;]
      [33] aload_0 v0
      [34] getfield #65
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.tempDst Landroid/graphics/RectF;]
      [37] getstatic #63
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.scaleType Landroid/graphics/Matrix$ScaleToFit;]
      [40] invokevirtual #85
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Matrix.setRectToRect (Landroid/graphics/RectF;Landroid/graphics/RectF;Landroid/graphics/Matrix$ScaleToFit;)Z]
      [43] pop
      [44] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 170
        [25] -> line 171
        [44] -> line 172
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 45 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView; this]
  + Method:       onDraw(Landroid/graphics/Canvas;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onDraw(
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 520, locals = 11, stack = 7):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [4] getfield #67
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.bitmap Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;]
      [7] ifnull +512 (target=519)
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [14] invokevirtual #135
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.onDraw ()V]
      [17] aload_1 v1
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [22] getfield #67
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.bitmap Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;]
      [25] fconst_0
      [26] fconst_0
      [27] aload_0 v0
      [28] getfield #61
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.paint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [31] invokevirtual #76
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawBitmap (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;FFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [38] getfield #68
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [41] invokevirtual #109
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.isCursorVisible ()Z]
      [44] ifeq +382 (target=426)
      [47] aload_0 v0
      [48] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [51] getfield #68
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [54] invokevirtual #107
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.getCursorColumn ()I]
      [57] istore_2 v2
      [58] aload_0 v0
      [59] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [62] getfield #68
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [65] invokevirtual #108
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.getCursorRow ()I]
      [68] istore_3 v3
      [69] aload_0 v0
      [70] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [73] getfield #68
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [76] invokevirtual #106
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.getColumns ()I]
      [79] istore v4
      [81] iload_2 v2
      [82] iload v4
      [84] ificmpne +8 (target=92)
      [87] iload v4
      [89] iconst_1
      [90] isub
      [91] istore_2 v2
      [92] iload_2 v2
      [93] iflt +7 (target=100)
      [96] iload_3 v3
      [97] ifge +4 (target=101)
      [100] return
      [101] aload_0 v0
      [102] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [105] getfield #68
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [108] iload_2 v2
      [109] iload_3 v3
      [110] invokevirtual #105
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.getAttributes (II)I]
      [113] istore v5
      [115] iload v5
      [117] ldc #1
        + Integer [134217728]
      [119] iand
      [120] ifeq +7 (target=127)
      [123] iconst_1
      [124] goto +4 (target=128)
      [127] iconst_0
      [128] istore v6
      [130] iload_2 v2
      [131] aload_0 v0
      [132] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [135] getfield #70
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charWidth I]
      [138] imul
      [139] istore v7
      [141] aload_0 v0
      [142] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [145] getfield #68
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [148] invokevirtual #108
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.getCursorRow ()I]
      [151] aload_0 v0
      [152] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [155] getfield #68
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [158] getfield #43
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.screenBase I]
      [161] iadd
      [162] aload_0 v0
      [163] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [166] getfield #68
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [169] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.windowBase I]
      [172] isub
      [173] aload_0 v0
      [174] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [177] getfield #69
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charHeight I]
      [180] imul
      [181] istore v8
      [183] aload_1 v1
      [184] invokevirtual #81
        + Methodref [android/graphics/ ()I]
      [187] pop
      [188] aload_1 v1
      [189] iload v7
      [191] i2f
      [192] iload v8
      [194] i2f
      [195] invokevirtual #83
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.translate (FF)V]
      [198] aload_1 v1
      [199] iconst_0
      [200] iconst_0
      [201] aload_0 v0
      [202] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [205] getfield #70
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charWidth I]
      [208] iload v6
      [210] ifeq +7 (target=217)
      [213] iconst_2
      [214] goto +4 (target=218)
      [217] iconst_1
      [218] imul
      [219] aload_0 v0
      [220] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [223] getfield #69
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charHeight I]
      [226] invokevirtual #74
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.clipRect (IIII)Z]
      [229] pop
      [230] aload_1 v1
      [231] aload_0 v0
      [232] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.cursorPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [235] invokevirtual #77
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawPaint (Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [238] aload_0 v0
      [239] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [242] invokevirtual #132
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.getKeyHandler ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;]
      [245] invokevirtual #138
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.getDeadKey ()I]
      [248] istore v9
      [250] iload v9
      [252] ifeq +24 (target=276)
      [255] aload_1 v1
      [256] iconst_1
      [257] newarray 5
      [259] dup
      [260] iconst_0
      [261] iload v9
      [263] i2c
      [264] castore
      [265] iconst_0
      [266] iconst_1
      [267] fconst_0
      [268] fconst_0
      [269] aload_0 v0
      [270] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.cursorStrokePaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [273] invokevirtual #79
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawText ([CIIFFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [276] aload_1 v1
      [277] aload_0 v0
      [278] getfield #62
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.scaleMatrix Landroid/graphics/Matrix;]
      [281] invokevirtual #75
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.concat (Landroid/graphics/Matrix;)V]
      [284] aload_0 v0
      [285] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [288] invokevirtual #132
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.getKeyHandler ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;]
      [291] invokevirtual #139
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.getMetaState ()I]
      [294] istore v10
      [296] iload v10
      [298] bipush 16
      [300] iand
      [301] ifeq +18 (target=319)
      [304] aload_1 v1
      [305] aload_0 v0
      [306] getfield #64
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.shiftCursor Landroid/graphics/Path;]
      [309] aload_0 v0
      [310] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.cursorStrokePaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [313] invokevirtual #78
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawPath (Landroid/graphics/Path;Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [316] goto +23 (target=339)
      [319] iload v10
      [321] bipush 32
      [323] iand
      [324] ifeq +15 (target=339)
      [327] aload_1 v1
      [328] aload_0 v0
      [329] getfield #64
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.shiftCursor Landroid/graphics/Path;]
      [332] aload_0 v0
      [333] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.cursorPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [336] invokevirtual #78
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawPath (Landroid/graphics/Path;Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [339] iload v10
      [341] iconst_4
      [342] iand
      [343] ifeq +18 (target=361)
      [346] aload_1 v1
      [347] aload_0 v0
      [348] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.altCursor Landroid/graphics/Path;]
      [351] aload_0 v0
      [352] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.cursorStrokePaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [355] invokevirtual #78
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawPath (Landroid/graphics/Path;Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [358] goto +23 (target=381)
      [361] iload v10
      [363] bipush 8
      [365] iand
      [366] ifeq +15 (target=381)
      [369] aload_1 v1
      [370] aload_0 v0
      [371] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.altCursor Landroid/graphics/Path;]
      [374] aload_0 v0
      [375] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.cursorPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [378] invokevirtual #78
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawPath (Landroid/graphics/Path;Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [381] iload v10
      [383] iconst_1
      [384] iand
      [385] ifeq +18 (target=403)
      [388] aload_1 v1
      [389] aload_0 v0
      [390] getfield #48
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.ctrlCursor Landroid/graphics/Path;]
      [393] aload_0 v0
      [394] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.cursorStrokePaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [397] invokevirtual #78
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawPath (Landroid/graphics/Path;Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [400] goto +22 (target=422)
      [403] iload v10
      [405] iconst_2
      [406] iand
      [407] ifeq +15 (target=422)
      [410] aload_1 v1
      [411] aload_0 v0
      [412] getfield #48
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.ctrlCursor Landroid/graphics/Path;]
      [415] aload_0 v0
      [416] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.cursorPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [419] invokevirtual #78
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawPath (Landroid/graphics/Path;Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [422] aload_1 v1
      [423] invokevirtual #80
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.restore ()V]
      [426] aload_0 v0
      [427] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [430] invokevirtual #134
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.isSelectingForCopy ()Z]
      [433] ifeq +86 (target=519)
      [436] aload_0 v0
      [437] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [440] invokevirtual #133
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.getSelectionArea ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea;]
      [443] astore_2 v2
      [444] aload_1 v1
      [445] iconst_2
      [446] invokevirtual #82
        + Methodref [android/graphics/ (I)I]
      [449] pop
      [450] aload_1 v1
      [451] aload_2 v2
      [452] invokevirtual #128
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.getLeft ()I]
      [455] aload_0 v0
      [456] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [459] getfield #70
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charWidth I]
      [462] imul
      [463] aload_2 v2
      [464] invokevirtual #130
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.getTop ()I]
      [467] aload_0 v0
      [468] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [471] getfield #69
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charHeight I]
      [474] imul
      [475] aload_2 v2
      [476] invokevirtual #129
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.getRight ()I]
      [479] iconst_1
      [480] iadd
      [481] aload_0 v0
      [482] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [485] getfield #70
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charWidth I]
      [488] imul
      [489] aload_2 v2
      [490] invokevirtual #127
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.getBottom ()I]
      [493] iconst_1
      [494] iadd
      [495] aload_0 v0
      [496] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [499] getfield #69
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charHeight I]
      [502] imul
      [503] invokevirtual #74
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.clipRect (IIII)Z]
      [506] pop
      [507] aload_1 v1
      [508] aload_0 v0
      [509] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.cursorPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [512] invokevirtual #77
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawPaint (Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [515] aload_1 v1
      [516] invokevirtual #80
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.restore ()V]
      [519] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 60)
        [0] -> line 176
        [10] -> line 178
        [17] -> line 181
        [34] -> line 184
        [47] -> line 185
        [58] -> line 186
        [69] -> line 188
        [81] -> line 190
        [87] -> line 191
        [92] -> line 193
        [100] -> line 194
        [101] -> line 196
        [108] -> line 197
        [110] -> line 196
        [115] -> line 198
        [130] -> line 200
        [141] -> line 201
        [151] -> line 202
        [161] -> line 201
        [162] -> line 202
        [172] -> line 201
        [173] -> line 203
        [180] -> line 201
        [183] -> line 206
        [188] -> line 208
        [198] -> line 209
        [201] -> line 210
        [219] -> line 211
        [226] -> line 209
        [230] -> line 212
        [238] -> line 214
        [250] -> line 215
        [255] -> line 216
        [276] -> line 220
        [284] -> line 222
        [296] -> line 224
        [304] -> line 225
        [319] -> line 226
        [327] -> line 227
        [339] -> line 229
        [346] -> line 230
        [361] -> line 231
        [369] -> line 232
        [381] -> line 234
        [388] -> line 235
        [403] -> line 236
        [410] -> line 237
        [422] -> line 240
        [426] -> line 244
        [436] -> line 245
        [444] -> line 246
        [450] -> line 247
        [451] -> line 248
        [463] -> line 249
        [475] -> line 250
        [489] -> line 251
        [503] -> line 247
        [507] -> line 253
        [515] -> line 254
        [519] -> line 257
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 12)
        v0: 0 -> 520 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView; this]
        v1: 0 -> 520 [Landroid/graphics/Canvas; canvas]
        v2: 58 -> 426 [I cursorColumn]
        v3: 69 -> 426 [I cursorRow]
        v4: 81 -> 426 [I columns]
        v5: 115 -> 426 [I currentAttribute]
        v6: 130 -> 426 [Z onWideCharacter]
        v7: 141 -> 426 [I x]
        v8: 183 -> 426 [I y]
        v9: 250 -> 426 [I deadKey]
        v10: 296 -> 426 [I metaState]
        v2: 444 -> 519 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea; area]
  + Method:       notifyUser(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void notifyUser(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 78, locals = 2, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #60
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.notifications Z]
      [4] ifne +4 (target=8)
      [7] return
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] getfield #59
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.notification Landroid/widget/Toast;]
      [12] ifnull +40 (target=52)
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] getfield #51
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.lastNotification Ljava/lang/String;]
      [19] ifnull +15 (target=34)
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] getfield #51
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.lastNotification Ljava/lang/String;]
      [26] aload_1 v1
      [27] invokevirtual #111
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [30] ifeq +4 (target=34)
      [33] return
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] getfield #59
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.notification Landroid/widget/Toast;]
      [38] aload_1 v1
      [39] invokevirtual #103
        + Methodref [android/widget/Toast.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [42] aload_0 v0
      [43] getfield #59
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.notification Landroid/widget/Toast;]
      [46] invokevirtual #104
        + Methodref [android/widget/ ()V]
      [49] goto +23 (target=72)
      [52] aload_0 v0
      [53] aload_0 v0
      [54] getfield #47
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.context Landroid/content/Context;]
      [57] aload_1 v1
      [58] iconst_0
      [59] invokestatic #102
        + Methodref [android/widget/Toast.makeText (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;I)Landroid/widget/Toast;]
      [62] putfield #59
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.notification Landroid/widget/Toast;]
      [65] aload_0 v0
      [66] getfield #59
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.notification Landroid/widget/Toast;]
      [69] invokevirtual #104
        + Methodref [android/widget/ ()V]
      [72] aload_0 v0
      [73] aload_1 v1
      [74] putfield #51
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.lastNotification Ljava/lang/String;]
      [77] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 11)
        [0] -> line 260
        [7] -> line 261
        [8] -> line 263
        [15] -> line 265
        [33] -> line 266
        [34] -> line 268
        [42] -> line 269
        [52] -> line 271
        [65] -> line 272
        [72] -> line 275
        [77] -> line 276
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 78 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView; this]
        v1: 0 -> 78 [Ljava/lang/String; message]
  + Method:       forceSize(II)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void forceSize(int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 18, locals = 3, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [4] iload_1 v1
      [5] iload_2 v2
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] invokevirtual #115
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.getWidth ()I]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] invokevirtual #114
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.getHeight ()I]
      [14] invokevirtual #137
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.resizeComputed (IIII)V]
      [17] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 284
        [17] -> line 285
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 18 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView; this]
        v1: 0 -> 18 [I width]
        v2: 0 -> 18 [I height]
  + Method:       onCheckIsTextEditor()Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean onCheckIsTextEditor()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 2, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] iconst_1
      [1] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 297
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 2 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView; this]
  + Method:       onCreateInputConnection(Landroid/view/inputmethod/EditorInfo;)Landroid/view/inputmethod/InputConnection;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public android.view.inputmethod.InputConnection onCreateInputConnection(android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 27, locals = 2, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] dup
      [2] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [android/view/inputmethod/EditorInfo.imeOptions I]
      [5] ldc #2
        + Integer [1342177281]
      [7] ior
      [8] putfield #41
        + Fieldref [android/view/inputmethod/EditorInfo.imeOptions I]
      [11] aload_1 v1
      [12] iconst_0
      [13] putfield #42
        + Fieldref [android/view/inputmethod/EditorInfo.inputType I]
      [16] new #30
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$1]
      [19] dup
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] iconst_0
      [23] invokespecial #123
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Landroid/view/View;Z)V]
      [26] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [5] -> line 303
        [11] -> line 306
        [16] -> line 307
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 27 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView; this]
        v1: 0 -> 27 [Landroid/view/inputmethod/EditorInfo; outAttrs]
  + Method:       propagateConsoleText([CI)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void propagateConsoleText(char[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 85, locals = 4, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #52
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.mAccessibilityActive Z]
      [4] ifeq +80 (target=84)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #55
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.mAccessibilityLock [Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [11] dup
      [12] astore_3 v3
      [13] monitorenter
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] getfield #53
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.mAccessibilityBuffer Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
      [18] aload_1 v1
      [19] iconst_0
      [20] iload_2 v2
      [21] invokevirtual #113
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.append ([CII)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
      [24] pop
      [25] aload_3 v3
      [26] monitorexit
      [27] goto +6 (target=33)
      [30] aload_3 v3
      [31] monitorexit
      [32] athrow
      [33] aload_0 v0
      [34] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.mAccessibilityInitialized Z]
      [37] ifeq +47 (target=84)
      [40] aload_0 v0
      [41] getfield #58
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.mEventSender Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender;]
      [44] ifnull +15 (target=59)
      [47] aload_0 v0
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] getfield #58
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.mEventSender Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender;]
      [52] invokevirtual #117
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.removeCallbacks (Ljava/lang/Runnable;)Z]
      [55] pop
      [56] goto +16 (target=72)
      [59] aload_0 v0
      [60] new #31
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender]
      [63] dup
      [64] aload_0 v0
      [65] aconst_null
      [66] invokespecial #124
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender;)V]
      [69] putfield #58
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.mEventSender Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender;]
      [72] aload_0 v0
      [73] aload_0 v0
      [74] getfield #58
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.mEventSender Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender;]
      [77] ldc2_w #37
        + Long [1000]
      [80] invokevirtual #116
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.postDelayed (Ljava/lang/Runnable;J)Z]
      [83] pop
      [84] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (14 -> 27: 30):
      + ExceptionInfo (30 -> 32: 30):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 10)
        [0] -> line 323
        [7] -> line 324
        [14] -> line 325
        [25] -> line 324
        [33] -> line 328
        [40] -> line 329
        [47] -> line 330
        [59] -> line 332
        [72] -> line 335
        [84] -> line 338
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 85 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView; this]
        v1: 0 -> 85 [[C rawText]
        v2: 0 -> 85 [I length]
  + Method:       access$0(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)[Ljava/lang/Object;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic java.lang.Object[] access$0(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.TerminalView)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #55
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.mAccessibilityLock [Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 81
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$1(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)Ljava/util/regex/Matcher;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic java.util.regex.Matcher access$1(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.TerminalView)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #56
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.mCodeMatcher Ljava/util/regex/Matcher;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 84
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$2(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic java.util.regex.Pattern access$2(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.TerminalView)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.mControlCodes Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 83
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$3(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic java.lang.StringBuffer access$3(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.TerminalView)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #53
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.mAccessibilityBuffer Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 82
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$4(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Ljava/util/regex/Matcher;)V
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic void access$4(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.TerminalView,java.util.regex.Matcher)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #56
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.mCodeMatcher Ljava/util/regex/Matcher;]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 84
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$5(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;)V
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic void access$5(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.TerminalView,java.lang.StringBuffer)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #53
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.mAccessibilityBuffer Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 82
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$6(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)Landroid/content/Context;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic android.content.Context access$6(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.TerminalView)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #47
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.context Landroid/content/Context;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 62
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$7(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;)V
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic void access$7(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.TerminalView,java.util.regex.Pattern)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.mControlCodes Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 83
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$8(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Z)V
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic void access$8(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.TerminalView,boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #52
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.mAccessibilityActive Z]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 80
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$9(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Z)V
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic void access$9(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.TerminalView,boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #54
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.mAccessibilityInitialized Z]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 79
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$10(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender;)V
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic void access$10(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.TerminalView,com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #58
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.mEventSender Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender;]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 85
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$11(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender access$11(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.TerminalView)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #58
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.mEventSender Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 85
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 7)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x4019 = public static final enum 
      + Class [android/graphics/Matrix$ScaleToFit]
      + Class [android/graphics/Matrix]
      + Utf8 [ScaleToFit]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x4019 = public static final enum 
      + Class [android/graphics/Paint$Style]
      + Class [android/graphics/Paint]
      + Utf8 [Style]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/View$OnKeyListener]
      + Class [android/view/View]
      + Utf8 [OnKeyListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x9 = public static 
      + Class [android/view/ViewGroup$LayoutParams]
      + Class [android/view/ViewGroup]
      + Utf8 [LayoutParams]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$1]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x2 = private 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
      + Utf8 [AccessibilityEventSender]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x2 = private 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityStateTester]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
      + Utf8 [AccessibilityStateTester]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$1
  Superclass:    android/view/inputmethod/BaseInputConnection
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.TerminalView$1 extends android.view.inputmethod.BaseInputConnection

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 47):
  + Class [android/view/KeyEvent]
  + Class [android/view/inputmethod/BaseInputConnection]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$1]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
  + Methodref [android/view/KeyEvent.<init> (II)V]
  + Methodref [android/view/inputmethod/BaseInputConnection.<init> (Landroid/view/View;Z)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$1.sendKeyEvent (Landroid/view/KeyEvent;)Z]
  + NameAndType [<init> (II)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/view/View;Z)V]
  + NameAndType [onCreateInputConnection (Landroid/view/inputmethod/EditorInfo;)Landroid/view/inputmethod/InputConnection;]
  + NameAndType [sendKeyEvent (Landroid/view/KeyEvent;)Z]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
  + Utf8 [$anonymous0]
  + Utf8 [$anonymous1]
  + Utf8 [(II)V]
  + Utf8 [(II)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/KeyEvent;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View;Z)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/inputmethod/EditorInfo;)Landroid/view/inputmethod/InputConnection;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Landroid/view/View;Z)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$1;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [android/view/KeyEvent]
  + Utf8 [android/view/inputmethod/BaseInputConnection]
  + Utf8 [deleteSurroundingText]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [leftLength]
  + Utf8 [onCreateInputConnection]
  + Utf8 [rightLength]
  + Utf8 [sendKeyEvent]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$1]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.TerminalView this$0

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Landroid/view/View;Z)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = TerminalView$1(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.TerminalView,android.view.View,boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 12, locals = 4, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #5
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_2 v2
      [7] iload_3 v3
      [8] invokespecial #7
        + Methodref [android/view/inputmethod/BaseInputConnection.<init> (Landroid/view/View;Z)V]
      [11] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 307
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 12 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$1; this]
        v2: 0 -> 12 [Landroid/view/View; $anonymous0]
        v3: 0 -> 12 [Z $anonymous1]
  + Method:       deleteSurroundingText(II)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean deleteSurroundingText(int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 53, locals = 4, stack = 5):
      [0] iload_2 v2
      [1] ifne +22 (target=23)
      [4] iload_1 v1
      [5] ifne +18 (target=23)
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] new #1
        + Class [android/view/KeyEvent]
      [12] dup
      [13] iconst_0
      [14] bipush 67
      [16] invokespecial #6
        + Methodref [android/view/KeyEvent.<init> (II)V]
      [19] invokevirtual #8
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$1.sendKeyEvent (Landroid/view/KeyEvent;)Z]
      [22] ireturn
      [23] iconst_0
      [24] istore_3 v3
      [25] goto +21 (target=46)
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] new #1
        + Class [android/view/KeyEvent]
      [32] dup
      [33] iconst_0
      [34] bipush 67
      [36] invokespecial #6
        + Methodref [android/view/KeyEvent.<init> (II)V]
      [39] invokevirtual #8
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$1.sendKeyEvent (Landroid/view/KeyEvent;)Z]
      [42] pop
      [43] iinc v3, 1
      [46] iload_3 v3
      [47] iload_1 v1
      [48] ificmplt -20 (target=28)
      [51] iconst_1
      [52] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 310
        [8] -> line 311
        [23] -> line 313
        [28] -> line 314
        [43] -> line 313
        [51] -> line 317
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 53 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$1; this]
        v1: 0 -> 53 [I leftLength]
        v2: 0 -> 53 [I rightLength]
        v3: 25 -> 51 [I i]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
    + NameAndType [onCreateInputConnection (Landroid/view/inputmethod/EditorInfo;)Landroid/view/inputmethod/InputConnection;]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$1]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [java/lang/Runnable]

Constant Pool (count = 130):
  + String []
  + String [ ]
  + String [\x08\x1b\[K]
  + Class [android/view/accessibility/AccessibilityEvent]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/Runnable]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuffer]
  + Class [java/util/List]
  + Class [java/util/regex/Matcher]
  + Class [java/util/regex/Pattern]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
  + Methodref [android/view/accessibility/AccessibilityEvent.getText ()Ljava/util/List;]
  + Methodref [android/view/accessibility/AccessibilityEvent.obtain (I)Landroid/view/accessibility/AccessibilityEvent;]
  + Methodref [android/view/accessibility/AccessibilityEvent.setAddedCount (I)V]
  + Methodref [android/view/accessibility/AccessibilityEvent.setFromIndex (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.indexOf (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.length ()I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.replace (IILjava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.setLength (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/util/regex/Matcher.replaceAll (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/util/regex/Matcher.reset (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Ljava/util/regex/Matcher;]
  + Methodref [java/util/regex/Pattern.matcher (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Ljava/util/regex/Matcher;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)[Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.access$1 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)Ljava/util/regex/Matcher;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.access$2 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.access$3 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.access$4 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Ljava/util/regex/Matcher;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.access$5 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.sendAccessibilityEventUnchecked (Landroid/view/accessibility/AccessibilityEvent;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)V]
  + NameAndType [access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)[Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [access$1 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)Ljava/util/regex/Matcher;]
  + NameAndType [access$2 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;]
  + NameAndType [access$3 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + NameAndType [access$4 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Ljava/util/regex/Matcher;)V]
  + NameAndType [access$5 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;)V]
  + NameAndType [add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [getText ()Ljava/util/List;]
  + NameAndType [indexOf (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [length ()I]
  + NameAndType [matcher (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Ljava/util/regex/Matcher;]
  + NameAndType [obtain (I)Landroid/view/accessibility/AccessibilityEvent;]
  + NameAndType [replace (IILjava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + NameAndType [replaceAll (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [reset (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Ljava/util/regex/Matcher;]
  + NameAndType [sendAccessibilityEventUnchecked (Landroid/view/accessibility/AccessibilityEvent;)V]
  + NameAndType [setAddedCount (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setFromIndex (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setLength (I)V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [ ]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/List;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Landroid/view/accessibility/AccessibilityEvent;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(IILjava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/accessibility/AccessibilityEvent;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Ljava/util/regex/Matcher;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)Ljava/util/regex/Matcher;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)[Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Ljava/util/regex/Matcher;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [AccessibilityEventSender]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/accessibility/AccessibilityEvent;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [\x08\x1b\[K]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [access$1]
  + Utf8 [access$2]
  + Utf8 [access$3]
  + Utf8 [access$4]
  + Utf8 [access$5]
  + Utf8 [add]
  + Utf8 [android/view/accessibility/AccessibilityEvent]
  + Utf8 [event]
  + Utf8 [getText]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [indexOf]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Runnable]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuffer]
  + Utf8 [java/util/List]
  + Utf8 [java/util/regex/Matcher]
  + Utf8 [java/util/regex/Pattern]
  + Utf8 [length]
  + Utf8 [matcher]
  + Utf8 [obtain]
  + Utf8 [replace]
  + Utf8 [replaceAll]
  + Utf8 [reset]
  + Utf8 [run]
  + Utf8 [sendAccessibilityEventUnchecked]
  + Utf8 [setAddedCount]
  + Utf8 [setFromIndex]
  + Utf8 [setLength]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.TerminalView this$0

Methods (count = 3):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.TerminalView)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #19
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 340
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender; this]
  + Method:       run()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void run()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 245, locals = 4, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [4] invokestatic #29
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)[Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [7] dup
      [8] astore_1 v1
      [9] monitorenter
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [14] invokestatic #30
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.access$1 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)Ljava/util/regex/Matcher;]
      [17] ifnonnull +30 (target=47)
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [28] invokestatic #31
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.access$2 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;]
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [35] invokestatic #32
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.access$3 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
      [38] invokevirtual #28
        + Methodref [java/util/regex/Pattern.matcher (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Ljava/util/regex/Matcher;]
      [41] invokestatic #33
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.access$4 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Ljava/util/regex/Matcher;)V]
      [44] goto +21 (target=65)
      [47] aload_0 v0
      [48] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [51] invokestatic #30
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.access$1 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)Ljava/util/regex/Matcher;]
      [54] aload_0 v0
      [55] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [58] invokestatic #32
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.access$3 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
      [61] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [java/util/regex/Matcher.reset (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Ljava/util/regex/Matcher;]
      [64] pop
      [65] aload_0 v0
      [66] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [69] new #8
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuffer]
      [72] dup
      [73] aload_0 v0
      [74] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [77] invokestatic #30
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.access$1 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)Ljava/util/regex/Matcher;]
      [80] ldc #2
        + String [ ]
      [82] invokevirtual #26
        + Methodref [java/util/regex/Matcher.replaceAll (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [85] invokespecial #21
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [88] invokestatic #34
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.access$5 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;)V]
      [91] aload_0 v0
      [92] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [95] invokestatic #32
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.access$3 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
      [98] ldc #3
        + String [\x08\x1b\[K]
      [100] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.indexOf (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [103] istore_2 v2
      [104] goto +53 (target=157)
      [107] aload_0 v0
      [108] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [111] aload_0 v0
      [112] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [115] invokestatic #32
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.access$3 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
      [118] iload_2 v2
      [119] ifne +7 (target=126)
      [122] iconst_0
      [123] goto +6 (target=129)
      [126] iload_2 v2
      [127] iconst_1
      [128] isub
      [129] iload_2 v2
      [130] ldc #3
        + String [\x08\x1b\[K]
      [132] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
      [135] iadd
      [136] ldc #1
        + String []
      [138] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.replace (IILjava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
      [141] invokestatic #34
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.access$5 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;)V]
      [144] aload_0 v0
      [145] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [148] invokestatic #32
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.access$3 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
      [151] ldc #3
        + String [\x08\x1b\[K]
      [153] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.indexOf (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [156] istore_2 v2
      [157] iload_2 v2
      [158] iconst_m1
      [159] ificmpne -52 (target=107)
      [162] aload_0 v0
      [163] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [166] invokestatic #32
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.access$3 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
      [169] invokevirtual #23
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.length ()I]
      [172] ifle +64 (target=236)
      [175] bipush 16
      [177] invokestatic #16
        + Methodref [android/view/accessibility/AccessibilityEvent.obtain (I)Landroid/view/accessibility/AccessibilityEvent;]
      [180] astore_3 v3
      [181] aload_3 v3
      [182] iconst_0
      [183] invokevirtual #18
        + Methodref [android/view/accessibility/AccessibilityEvent.setFromIndex (I)V]
      [186] aload_3 v3
      [187] aload_0 v0
      [188] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [191] invokestatic #32
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.access$3 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
      [194] invokevirtual #23
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.length ()I]
      [197] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [android/view/accessibility/AccessibilityEvent.setAddedCount (I)V]
      [200] aload_3 v3
      [201] invokevirtual #15
        + Methodref [android/view/accessibility/AccessibilityEvent.getText ()Ljava/util/List;]
      [204] aload_0 v0
      [205] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [208] invokestatic #32
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.access$3 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
      [211] invokeinterface #37
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [216] pop
      [217] aload_0 v0
      [218] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [221] aload_3 v3
      [222] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.sendAccessibilityEventUnchecked (Landroid/view/accessibility/AccessibilityEvent;)V]
      [225] aload_0 v0
      [226] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [229] invokestatic #32
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.access$3 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
      [232] iconst_0
      [233] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.setLength (I)V]
      [236] aload_1 v1
      [237] monitorexit
      [238] goto +6 (target=244)
      [241] aload_1 v1
      [242] monitorexit
      [243] athrow
      [244] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (10 -> 238: 241):
      + ExceptionInfo (241 -> 243: 241):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 22)
        [0] -> line 342
        [10] -> line 343
        [20] -> line 344
        [47] -> line 346
        [65] -> line 350
        [91] -> line 353
        [104] -> line 354
        [107] -> line 355
        [130] -> line 356
        [138] -> line 355
        [144] -> line 357
        [157] -> line 354
        [162] -> line 360
        [175] -> line 362
        [177] -> line 361
        [181] -> line 363
        [186] -> line 364
        [200] -> line 365
        [217] -> line 367
        [225] -> line 368
        [236] -> line 342
        [244] -> line 371
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 245 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender; this]
        v2: 104 -> 236 [I i]
        v3: 181 -> 236 [Landroid/view/accessibility/AccessibilityEvent; event]
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender;)V
    Access flags: 0x1000
      = synthetic TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.TerminalView,com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #36
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)V]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 340
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x2 = private 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
      + Utf8 [AccessibilityEventSender]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityStateTester
  Superclass:    android/os/AsyncTask
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.TerminalView$AccessibilityStateTester extends android.os.AsyncTask

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 221):
  + String [.providers.StatusProvider]
  + String [\x1b\[K[^m]+[m|:]]
  + String [accessibility]
  + String [android.accessibilityservice.AccessibilityService]
  + String [android.accessibilityservice.category.FEEDBACK_SPOKEN]
  + String [content://]
  + Class [[Ljava/lang/Void;]
  + Class [android/content/ContentResolver]
  + Class [android/content/Context]
  + Class [android/content/Intent]
  + Class [android/content/pm/PackageManager]
  + Class [android/content/pm/ResolveInfo]
  + Class [android/content/pm/ServiceInfo]
  + Class [android/database/Cursor]
  + Class [android/net/Uri]
  + Class [android/os/AsyncTask]
  + Class [android/view/accessibility/AccessibilityManager]
  + Class [java/lang/Boolean]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/util/List]
  + Class [java/util/regex/Pattern]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityStateTester]
  + Long [1000]
  + Fieldref [android/content/pm/ResolveInfo.serviceInfo Landroid/content/pm/ServiceInfo;]
  + Fieldref [android/content/pm/ServiceInfo.packageName Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityStateTester.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
  + Methodref [android/content/ContentResolver.query (Landroid/net/Uri;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/database/Cursor;]
  + Methodref [android/content/Context.getContentResolver ()Landroid/content/ContentResolver;]
  + Methodref [android/content/Context.getPackageManager ()Landroid/content/pm/PackageManager;]
  + Methodref [android/content/Context.getSystemService (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [android/content/Intent.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [android/content/Intent.addCategory (Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Methodref [android/content/pm/PackageManager.queryIntentServices (Landroid/content/Intent;I)Ljava/util/List;]
  + Methodref [android/net/Uri.parse (Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + Methodref [android/os/AsyncTask.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [android/view/accessibility/AccessibilityManager.isEnabled ()Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Boolean.booleanValue ()Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Boolean.valueOf (Z)Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/util/regex/Pattern.compile (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.access$10 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.access$11 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.access$5 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.access$6 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)Landroid/content/Context;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.access$7 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.access$8 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Z)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.access$9 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Z)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.postDelayed (Ljava/lang/Runnable;J)Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityStateTester.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityStateTester.doInBackground ([Ljava/lang/Void;)Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityStateTester.onPostExecute (Ljava/lang/Boolean;)V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.close ()V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getInt (I)I]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.moveToFirst ()Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.get (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.size ()I]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender;)V]
  + NameAndType [access$10 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender;)V]
  + NameAndType [access$11 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender;]
  + NameAndType [access$5 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;)V]
  + NameAndType [access$6 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)Landroid/content/Context;]
  + NameAndType [access$7 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;)V]
  + NameAndType [access$8 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Z)V]
  + NameAndType [access$9 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Z)V]
  + NameAndType [addCategory (Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [booleanValue ()Z]
  + NameAndType [close ()V]
  + NameAndType [compile (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;]
  + NameAndType [doInBackground ([Ljava/lang/Void;)Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
  + NameAndType [get (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [getContentResolver ()Landroid/content/ContentResolver;]
  + NameAndType [getInt (I)I]
  + NameAndType [getPackageManager ()Landroid/content/pm/PackageManager;]
  + NameAndType [getSystemService (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [isEnabled ()Z]
  + NameAndType [moveToFirst ()Z]
  + NameAndType [onPostExecute (Ljava/lang/Boolean;)V]
  + NameAndType [packageName Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [parse (Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + NameAndType [postDelayed (Ljava/lang/Runnable;J)Z]
  + NameAndType [query (Landroid/net/Uri;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/database/Cursor;]
  + NameAndType [queryIntentServices (Landroid/content/Intent;I)Ljava/util/List;]
  + NameAndType [serviceInfo Landroid/content/pm/ServiceInfo;]
  + NameAndType [size ()I]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (Z)Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/content/ContentResolver;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/content/pm/PackageManager;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(I)I]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Intent;I)Ljava/util/List;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/net/Uri;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/database/Cursor;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Boolean;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Runnable;J)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)Landroid/content/Context;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityStateTester;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Z)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
  + Utf8 [([Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [([Ljava/lang/Void;)Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
  + Utf8 [.providers.StatusProvider]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [AccessibilityEventSender]
  + Utf8 [AccessibilityStateTester]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/ContentResolver;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/pm/ResolveInfo;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/pm/ServiceInfo;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/database/Cursor;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/AsyncTask<Ljava/lang/Void;Ljava/lang/Void;Ljava/lang/Boolean;>;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/accessibility/AccessibilityManager;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List<Landroid/content/pm/ResolveInfo;>;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTypeTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityStateTester;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
  + Utf8 [N]
  + Utf8 [Signature]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/Void;]
  + Utf8 [\x1b\[K[^m]+[m|:]]
  + Utf8 [access$10]
  + Utf8 [access$11]
  + Utf8 [access$5]
  + Utf8 [access$6]
  + Utf8 [access$7]
  + Utf8 [access$8]
  + Utf8 [access$9]
  + Utf8 [accessibility]
  + Utf8 [addCategory]
  + Utf8 [android.accessibilityservice.AccessibilityService]
  + Utf8 [android.accessibilityservice.category.FEEDBACK_SPOKEN]
  + Utf8 [android/content/ContentResolver]
  + Utf8 [android/content/Context]
  + Utf8 [android/content/Intent]
  + Utf8 [android/content/pm/PackageManager]
  + Utf8 [android/content/pm/ResolveInfo]
  + Utf8 [android/content/pm/ServiceInfo]
  + Utf8 [android/database/Cursor]
  + Utf8 [android/net/Uri]
  + Utf8 [android/os/AsyncTask]
  + Utf8 [android/view/accessibility/AccessibilityManager]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [booleanValue]
  + Utf8 [close]
  + Utf8 [compile]
  + Utf8 [content://]
  + Utf8 [cr]
  + Utf8 [cursor]
  + Utf8 [doInBackground]
  + Utf8 [foundScreenReader]
  + Utf8 [get]
  + Utf8 [getContentResolver]
  + Utf8 [getInt]
  + Utf8 [getPackageManager]
  + Utf8 [getSystemService]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [isEnabled]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Boolean]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/util/List]
  + Utf8 [java/util/regex/Pattern]
  + Utf8 [moveToFirst]
  + Utf8 [onPostExecute]
  + Utf8 [packageName]
  + Utf8 [params]
  + Utf8 [parse]
  + Utf8 [postDelayed]
  + Utf8 [query]
  + Utf8 [queryIntentServices]
  + Utf8 [result]
  + Utf8 [screenReader]
  + Utf8 [screenReaderIntent]
  + Utf8 [screenReaders]
  + Utf8 [serviceInfo]
  + Utf8 [size]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityStateTester]
  + Utf8 [status]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [valueOf]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.TerminalView this$0

Methods (count = 6):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private TerminalView$AccessibilityStateTester(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.TerminalView)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityStateTester.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #38
        + Methodref [android/os/AsyncTask.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 374
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityStateTester; this]
  + Method:       doInBackground([Ljava/lang/Void;)Ljava/lang/Boolean;
    Access flags: 0x84
      = protected varargs java.lang.Boolean doInBackground(java.lang.Void[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 225, locals = 12, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityStateTester.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [4] invokestatic #49
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.access$6 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)Landroid/content/Context;]
      [7] ldc #3
        + String [accessibility]
      [9] invokevirtual #33
        + Methodref [android/content/Context.getSystemService (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [12] checkcast #17
        + Class [android/view/accessibility/AccessibilityManager]
      [15] astore_2 v2
      [16] aload_2 v2
      [17] invokevirtual #39
        + Methodref [android/view/accessibility/AccessibilityManager.isEnabled ()Z]
      [20] ifne +8 (target=28)
      [23] iconst_0
      [24] invokestatic #41
        + Methodref [java/lang/Boolean.valueOf (Z)Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
      [27] areturn
      [28] new #10
        + Class [android/content/Intent]
      [31] dup
      [32] ldc #4
        + String [android.accessibilityservice.AccessibilityService]
      [34] invokespecial #34
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [37] astore_3 v3
      [38] aload_3 v3
      [39] ldc #5
        + String [android.accessibilityservice.category.FEEDBACK_SPOKEN]
      [41] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.addCategory (Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
      [44] pop
      [45] aload_0 v0
      [46] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityStateTester.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [49] invokestatic #49
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.access$6 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)Landroid/content/Context;]
      [52] invokevirtual #31
        + Methodref [android/content/Context.getContentResolver ()Landroid/content/ContentResolver;]
      [55] astore v4
      [57] aload_0 v0
      [58] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityStateTester.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [61] invokestatic #49
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.access$6 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)Landroid/content/Context;]
      [64] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [android/content/Context.getPackageManager ()Landroid/content/pm/PackageManager;]
      [67] aload_3 v3
      [68] iconst_0
      [69] invokevirtual #36
        + Methodref [android/content/pm/PackageManager.queryIntentServices (Landroid/content/Intent;I)Ljava/util/List;]
      [72] astore v5
      [74] iconst_0
      [75] istore v6
      [77] aload v5
      [79] invokeinterface #62
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.size ()I]
      [84] istore v7
      [86] iconst_0
      [87] istore v8
      [89] goto +106 (target=195)
      [92] aload v5
      [94] iload v8
      [96] invokeinterface #61
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.get (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [101] checkcast #12
        + Class [android/content/pm/ResolveInfo]
      [104] astore v9
      [106] aload v4
      [108] new #19
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [111] dup
      [112] ldc #6
        + String [content://]
      [114] invokespecial #42
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [117] aload v9
      [119] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [android/content/pm/ResolveInfo.serviceInfo Landroid/content/pm/ServiceInfo;]
      [122] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [android/content/pm/ServiceInfo.packageName Ljava/lang/String;]
      [125] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [128] ldc #1
        + String [.providers.StatusProvider]
      [130] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [133] invokevirtual #44
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [136] invokestatic #37
        + Methodref [android/net/Uri.parse (Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri;]
      [139] aconst_null
      [140] aconst_null
      [141] aconst_null
      [142] aconst_null
      [143] invokevirtual #30
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentResolver.query (Landroid/net/Uri;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/database/Cursor;]
      [146] astore v10
      [148] aload v10
      [150] ifnull +42 (target=192)
      [153] aload v10
      [155] invokeinterface #60
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.moveToFirst ()Z]
      [160] ifeq +32 (target=192)
      [163] aload v10
      [165] iconst_0
      [166] invokeinterface #59
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getInt (I)I]
      [171] istore v11
      [173] aload v10
      [175] invokeinterface #58
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.close ()V]
      [180] iload v11
      [182] iconst_1
      [183] ificmpne +9 (target=192)
      [186] iconst_1
      [187] istore v6
      [189] goto +13 (target=202)
      [192] iinc v8, 1
      [195] iload v8
      [197] iload v7
      [199] ificmplt -107 (target=92)
      [202] iload v6
      [204] ifeq +15 (target=219)
      [207] aload_0 v0
      [208] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityStateTester.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [211] ldc #2
        + String [\x1b\[K[^m]+[m|:]]
      [213] invokestatic #45
        + Methodref [java/util/regex/Pattern.compile (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;]
      [216] invokestatic #50
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.access$7 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;)V]
      [219] iload v6
      [221] invokestatic #41
        + Methodref [java/lang/Boolean.valueOf (Z)Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
      [224] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 31)
        [0] -> line 381
        [7] -> line 382
        [12] -> line 381
        [16] -> line 383
        [23] -> line 384
        [28] -> line 391
        [38] -> line 392
        [45] -> line 394
        [57] -> line 396
        [67] -> line 397
        [69] -> line 396
        [74] -> line 399
        [77] -> line 401
        [86] -> line 402
        [92] -> line 403
        [106] -> line 410
        [108] -> line 411
        [128] -> line 412
        [133] -> line 411
        [139] -> line 412
        [143] -> line 410
        [148] -> line 413
        [163] -> line 419
        [173] -> line 421
        [180] -> line 423
        [186] -> line 424
        [189] -> line 425
        [192] -> line 402
        [202] -> line 430
        [207] -> line 431
        [219] -> line 434
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 12)
        v0: 0 -> 225 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityStateTester; this]
        v1: 0 -> 225 [[Ljava/lang/Void; params]
        v2: 16 -> 225 [Landroid/view/accessibility/AccessibilityManager; accessibility]
        v3: 38 -> 225 [Landroid/content/Intent; screenReaderIntent]
        v4: 57 -> 225 [Landroid/content/ContentResolver; cr]
        v5: 74 -> 225 [Ljava/util/List; screenReaders]
        v6: 77 -> 225 [Z foundScreenReader]
        v7: 86 -> 225 [I N]
        v8: 89 -> 202 [I i]
        v9: 106 -> 192 [Landroid/content/pm/ResolveInfo; screenReader]
        v10: 148 -> 192 [Landroid/database/Cursor; cursor]
        v11: 173 -> 192 [I status]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 1)
        v5: 74 -> 225 [Ljava/util/List<Landroid/content/pm/ResolveInfo;>; screenReaders]
  + Method:       onPostExecute(Ljava/lang/Boolean;)V
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected void onPostExecute(java.lang.Boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 75, locals = 2, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityStateTester.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] invokevirtual #40
        + Methodref [java/lang/Boolean.booleanValue ()Z]
      [8] invokestatic #51
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.access$8 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Z)V]
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityStateTester.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [15] iconst_1
      [16] invokestatic #52
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.access$9 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Z)V]
      [19] aload_1 v1
      [20] invokevirtual #40
        + Methodref [java/lang/Boolean.booleanValue ()Z]
      [23] ifeq +43 (target=66)
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityStateTester.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [30] new #23
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender]
      [33] dup
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityStateTester.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [38] aconst_null
      [39] invokespecial #54
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender;)V]
      [42] invokestatic #46
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.access$10 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender;)V]
      [45] aload_0 v0
      [46] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityStateTester.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [49] aload_0 v0
      [50] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityStateTester.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [53] invokestatic #47
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.access$11 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender;]
      [56] ldc2_w #25
        + Long [1000]
      [59] invokevirtual #53
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.postDelayed (Ljava/lang/Runnable;J)Z]
      [62] pop
      [63] goto +11 (target=74)
      [66] aload_0 v0
      [67] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityStateTester.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [70] aconst_null
      [71] invokestatic #48
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.access$5 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;)V]
      [74] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 439
        [11] -> line 441
        [19] -> line 443
        [26] -> line 444
        [45] -> line 445
        [66] -> line 447
        [74] -> line 449
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 75 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityStateTester; this]
        v1: 0 -> 75 [Ljava/lang/Boolean; result]
  + Method:       onPostExecute(Ljava/lang/Object;)V
    Access flags: 0x1044
      = protected bridge synthetic void onPostExecute(java.lang.Object)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 9, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] checkcast #18
        + Class [java/lang/Boolean]
      [5] invokevirtual #57
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityStateTester.onPostExecute (Ljava/lang/Boolean;)V]
      [8] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 1
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       doInBackground([Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
    Access flags: 0x10c4
      = protected bridge varargs synthetic java.lang.Object doInBackground(java.lang.Object[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 9, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] checkcast #7
        + Class [[Ljava/lang/Void;]
      [5] invokevirtual #56
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityStateTester.doInBackground ([Ljava/lang/Void;)Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
      [8] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 1
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityStateTester;)V
    Access flags: 0x1000
      = synthetic TerminalView$AccessibilityStateTester(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.TerminalView,com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.TerminalView$AccessibilityStateTester)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #55
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityStateTester.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)V]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 374
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x2 = private 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityEventSender]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
      + Utf8 [AccessibilityEventSender]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x2 = private 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView$AccessibilityStateTester]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
      + Utf8 [AccessibilityStateTester]
  + Signature attribute:
    + Utf8 [Landroid/os/AsyncTask<Ljava/lang/Void;Ljava/lang/Void;Ljava/lang/Boolean;>;]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity
  Superclass:    android/app/Activity
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.WizardActivity extends

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 135):
  + Integer [2130903048]
  + Integer [2130903058]
  + Integer [2131165200]
  + Integer [2131230899]
  + Integer [2131230900]
  + Integer [2131230901]
  + Integer [2131230902]
  + Integer [2131427360]
  + Integer [2131427361]
  + Integer [2131427362]
  + Class [android/app/Activity]
  + Class [android/content/res/Resources]
  + Class [android/view/LayoutInflater]
  + Class [android/view/View]
  + Class [android/view/View$OnClickListener]
  + Class [android/widget/Button]
  + Class [android/widget/ViewFlipper]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity$1]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity$2]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HelpTopicView]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.flipper Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ Landroid/widget/Button;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.prev Landroid/widget/Button;]
  + Methodref [android/app/Activity.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [android/app/Activity.onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getStringArray (I)[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/view/LayoutInflater.from (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + Methodref [android/view/LayoutInflater.inflate (ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;Z)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/Button.setOnClickListener (Landroid/view/View$OnClickListener;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/Button.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.addView (Landroid/view/View;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.getChildCount ()I]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.getDisplayedChild ()I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.setContentView (I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.updateButtons ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity$2.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HelpTopicView.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HelpTopicView.setTopic (Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HelpTopicView;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity;)V]
  + NameAndType [addView (Landroid/view/View;)V]
  + NameAndType [findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [flipper Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
  + NameAndType [from (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + NameAndType [getChildCount ()I]
  + NameAndType [getDisplayedChild ()I]
  + NameAndType [getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + NameAndType [getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getStringArray (I)[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [inflate (ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;Z)Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [next Landroid/widget/Button;]
  + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + NameAndType [prev Landroid/widget/Button;]
  + NameAndType [setContentView (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setOnClickListener (Landroid/view/View$OnClickListener;)V]
  + NameAndType [setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + NameAndType [setTopic (Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HelpTopicView;]
  + NameAndType [updateButtons ()V]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(I)[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;Z)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View$OnClickListener;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HelpTopicView;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/Bundle;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/Button;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity;]
  + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [addView]
  + Utf8 [android/app/Activity]
  + Utf8 [android/content/res/Resources]
  + Utf8 [android/view/LayoutInflater]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View$OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/Button]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/ViewFlipper]
  + Utf8 [eula]
  + Utf8 [findViewById]
  + Utf8 [flipper]
  + Utf8 [from]
  + Utf8 [getChildCount]
  + Utf8 [getDisplayedChild]
  + Utf8 [getResources]
  + Utf8 [getString]
  + Utf8 [getStringArray]
  + Utf8 [inflate]
  + Utf8 [inflater]
  + Utf8 [isFirstDisplayed]
  + Utf8 [isLastDisplayed]
  + Utf8 [next]
  + Utf8 [onCreate]
  + Utf8 [prev]
  + Utf8 [savedInstanceState]
  + Utf8 [setContentView]
  + Utf8 [setOnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [setText]
  + Utf8 [setTopic]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity$1]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity$2]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HelpTopicView]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [topic]
  + Utf8 [topics]
  + Utf8 [updateButtons]

Fields (count = 3):
  + Field:        flipper Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected android.widget.ViewFlipper flipper
  + Field:        next Landroid/widget/Button;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.widget.Button next
  + Field:        prev Landroid/widget/Button;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.widget.Button prev

Methods (count = 5):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public WizardActivity()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #25
        + Methodref [android/app/Activity.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aconst_null
      [6] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.flipper Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 35
        [4] -> line 36
        [9] -> line 35
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity; this]
  + Method:       onCreate(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onCreate(android.os.Bundle)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 168, locals = 8, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #26
        + Methodref [android/app/Activity.onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] ldc #1
        + Integer [2130903048]
      [8] invokevirtual #38
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.setContentView (I)V]
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] ldc #8
        + Integer [2131427360]
      [15] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [18] checkcast #17
        + Class [android/widget/ViewFlipper]
      [21] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.flipper Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] invokestatic #28
        + Methodref [android/view/LayoutInflater.from (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;]
      [28] astore_2 v2
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.flipper Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [33] aload_2 v2
      [34] ldc #2
        + Integer [2130903058]
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.flipper Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [40] iconst_0
      [41] invokevirtual #29
        + Methodref [android/view/LayoutInflater.inflate (ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;Z)Landroid/view/View;]
      [44] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.addView (Landroid/view/View;)V]
      [47] aload_0 v0
      [48] invokevirtual #36
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [51] ldc #3
        + Integer [2131165200]
      [53] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getStringArray (I)[Ljava/lang/String;]
      [56] astore_3 v3
      [57] aload_3 v3
      [58] dup
      [59] astore v7
      [61] arraylength
      [62] istore v6
      [64] iconst_0
      [65] istore v5
      [67] goto +33 (target=100)
      [70] aload v7
      [72] iload v5
      [74] aaload
      [75] astore v4
      [77] aload_0 v0
      [78] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.flipper Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [81] new #21
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HelpTopicView]
      [84] dup
      [85] aload_0 v0
      [86] invokespecial #42
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HelpTopicView.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [89] aload v4
      [91] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HelpTopicView.setTopic (Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HelpTopicView;]
      [94] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.addView (Landroid/view/View;)V]
      [97] iinc v5, 1
      [100] iload v5
      [102] iload v6
      [104] ificmplt -34 (target=70)
      [107] aload_0 v0
      [108] aload_0 v0
      [109] ldc #10
        + Integer [2131427362]
      [111] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [114] checkcast #16
        + Class [android/widget/Button]
      [117] putfield #23
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ Landroid/widget/Button;]
      [120] aload_0 v0
      [121] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ Landroid/widget/Button;]
      [124] new #19
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity$1]
      [127] dup
      [128] aload_0 v0
      [129] invokespecial #40
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity;)V]
      [132] invokevirtual #30
        + Methodref [android/widget/Button.setOnClickListener (Landroid/view/View$OnClickListener;)V]
      [135] aload_0 v0
      [136] aload_0 v0
      [137] ldc #9
        + Integer [2131427361]
      [139] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [142] checkcast #16
        + Class [android/widget/Button]
      [145] putfield #24
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.prev Landroid/widget/Button;]
      [148] aload_0 v0
      [149] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.prev Landroid/widget/Button;]
      [152] new #20
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity$2]
      [155] dup
      [156] aload_0 v0
      [157] invokespecial #41
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity$2.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity;)V]
      [160] invokevirtual #30
        + Methodref [android/widget/Button.setOnClickListener (Landroid/view/View$OnClickListener;)V]
      [163] aload_0 v0
      [164] invokevirtual #39
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.updateButtons ()V]
      [167] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 15)
        [0] -> line 41
        [5] -> line 42
        [11] -> line 44
        [24] -> line 47
        [29] -> line 48
        [47] -> line 51
        [57] -> line 52
        [77] -> line 53
        [97] -> line 52
        [107] -> line 56
        [120] -> line 57
        [135] -> line 71
        [148] -> line 72
        [163] -> line 86
        [167] -> line 87
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 168 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity; this]
        v1: 0 -> 168 [Landroid/os/Bundle; savedInstanceState]
        v2: 29 -> 168 [Landroid/view/LayoutInflater; inflater]
        v3: 57 -> 168 [[Ljava/lang/String; topics]
        v4: 77 -> 97 [Ljava/lang/String; topic]
  + Method:       isFirstDisplayed()Z
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected boolean isFirstDisplayed()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 14, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.flipper Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [4] invokevirtual #34
        + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.getDisplayedChild ()I]
      [7] ifne +5 (target=12)
      [10] iconst_1
      [11] ireturn
      [12] iconst_0
      [13] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 90
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 14 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity; this]
  + Method:       isLastDisplayed()Z
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected boolean isLastDisplayed()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 23, locals = 1, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.flipper Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [4] invokevirtual #34
        + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.getDisplayedChild ()I]
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.flipper Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [11] invokevirtual #33
        + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.getChildCount ()I]
      [14] iconst_1
      [15] isub
      [16] ificmpne +5 (target=21)
      [19] iconst_1
      [20] ireturn
      [21] iconst_0
      [22] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 94
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 23 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity; this]
  + Method:       updateButtons()V
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected void updateButtons()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 69, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.flipper Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [4] invokevirtual #34
        + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.getDisplayedChild ()I]
      [7] ifne +7 (target=14)
      [10] iconst_1
      [11] goto +4 (target=15)
      [14] iconst_0
      [15] istore_1 v1
      [16] aload_0 v0
      [17] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ Landroid/widget/Button;]
      [20] iload_1 v1
      [21] ifeq +12 (target=33)
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] ldc #5
        + Integer [2131230900]
      [27] invokevirtual #37
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [30] goto +9 (target=39)
      [33] aload_0 v0
      [34] ldc #6
        + Integer [2131230901]
      [36] invokevirtual #37
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [39] invokevirtual #31
        + Methodref [android/widget/Button.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [42] aload_0 v0
      [43] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.prev Landroid/widget/Button;]
      [46] iload_1 v1
      [47] ifeq +12 (target=59)
      [50] aload_0 v0
      [51] ldc #4
        + Integer [2131230899]
      [53] invokevirtual #37
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [56] goto +9 (target=65)
      [59] aload_0 v0
      [60] ldc #7
        + Integer [2131230902]
      [62] invokevirtual #37
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [65] invokevirtual #31
        + Methodref [android/widget/Button.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [68] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 98
        [16] -> line 100
        [42] -> line 101
        [68] -> line 102
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 69 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity; this]
        v1: 16 -> 69 [Z eula]

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 3)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/View$OnClickListener]
      + Class [android/view/View]
      + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity$1]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity$2]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity$1
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.WizardActivity$1 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/view/View$OnClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 60):
  + Class [android/view/View]
  + Class [android/view/View$OnClickListener]
  + Class [android/widget/ViewFlipper]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity$1]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.flipper Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.showNext ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.finish ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.isLastDisplayed ()Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.setResult (I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.updateButtons ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [finish ()V]
  + NameAndType [flipper Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
  + NameAndType [isLastDisplayed ()Z]
  + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + NameAndType [setResult (I)V]
  + NameAndType [showNext ()V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity;]
  + NameAndType [updateButtons ()V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity$1;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity;]
  + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [android/view/View]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View$OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/ViewFlipper]
  + Utf8 [finish]
  + Utf8 [flipper]
  + Utf8 [isLastDisplayed]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [onClick]
  + Utf8 [onCreate]
  + Utf8 [setResult]
  + Utf8 [showNext]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity$1]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [updateButtons]
  + Utf8 [v]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.WizardActivity this$0

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = WizardActivity$1(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.WizardActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #10
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 57
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity$1; this]
  + Method:       onClick(Landroid/view/View;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onClick(android.view.View)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 46, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity;]
      [4] invokevirtual #12
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.isLastDisplayed ()Z]
      [7] ifeq +21 (target=28)
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity;]
      [14] iconst_m1
      [15] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.setResult (I)V]
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity;]
      [22] invokevirtual #11
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.finish ()V]
      [25] goto +20 (target=45)
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity;]
      [32] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.flipper Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [35] invokevirtual #9
        + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.showNext ()V]
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity;]
      [42] invokevirtual #14
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.updateButtons ()V]
      [45] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 59
        [10] -> line 61
        [18] -> line 62
        [28] -> line 65
        [38] -> line 66
        [45] -> line 68
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 46 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity$1; this]
        v1: 0 -> 46 [Landroid/view/View; v]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/View$OnClickListener]
      + Class [android/view/View]
      + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity$1]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity$2
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.WizardActivity$2 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/view/View$OnClickListener]

Constant Pool (count = 60):
  + Class [android/view/View]
  + Class [android/view/View$OnClickListener]
  + Class [android/widget/ViewFlipper]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity$2]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.flipper Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity;]
  + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.showPrevious ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.finish ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.isFirstDisplayed ()Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.setResult (I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.updateButtons ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [finish ()V]
  + NameAndType [flipper Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
  + NameAndType [isFirstDisplayed ()Z]
  + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + NameAndType [setResult (I)V]
  + NameAndType [showPrevious ()V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity;]
  + NameAndType [updateButtons ()V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity$2;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity;]
  + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [android/view/View]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View$OnClickListener]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/ViewFlipper]
  + Utf8 [finish]
  + Utf8 [flipper]
  + Utf8 [isFirstDisplayed]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [onClick]
  + Utf8 [onCreate]
  + Utf8 [setResult]
  + Utf8 [showPrevious]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity$2]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [updateButtons]
  + Utf8 [v]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.WizardActivity this$0

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = WizardActivity$2(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.WizardActivity)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #10
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 72
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity$2; this]
  + Method:       onClick(Landroid/view/View;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onClick(android.view.View)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 46, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity;]
      [4] invokevirtual #12
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.isFirstDisplayed ()Z]
      [7] ifeq +21 (target=28)
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity;]
      [14] iconst_0
      [15] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.setResult (I)V]
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity;]
      [22] invokevirtual #11
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.finish ()V]
      [25] goto +20 (target=45)
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity;]
      [32] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.flipper Landroid/widget/ViewFlipper;]
      [35] invokevirtual #9
        + Methodref [android/widget/ViewFlipper.showPrevious ()V]
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity;]
      [42] invokevirtual #14
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity.updateButtons ()V]
      [45] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 74
        [10] -> line 76
        [18] -> line 77
        [28] -> line 80
        [38] -> line 81
        [45] -> line 83
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 46 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity$2; this]
        v1: 0 -> 46 [Landroid/view/View; v]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity]
    + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/View$OnClickListener]
      + Class [android/view/View]
      + Utf8 [OnClickListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/WizardActivity$2]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/AbstractBean
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x420
    = abstract class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.AbstractBean extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 22):
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/util/Map]
  + Class [java/util/Map$Entry]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/AbstractBean]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Entry]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/AbstractBean;]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Map]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Map$Entry]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/AbstractBean]
  + Utf8 [this]

Fields (count = 0):

Methods (count = 1):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = AbstractBean()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #5
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 29
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/AbstractBean; this]

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [java/util/Map$Entry]
      + Class [java/util/Map]
      + Utf8 [Entry]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean
  Superclass:    com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/AbstractBean
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.HostBean extends com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.AbstractBean

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 268):
  + String [/#]
  + String [://]
  + String [color]
  + String [compression]
  + String [del]
  + String [delkey]
  + String [encoding]
  + String [fontsize]
  + String [hostkey]
  + String [hostkeyalgo]
  + String [hostname]
  + String [lastconnect]
  + String [nickname]
  + String [no]
  + String [port]
  + String [postlogin]
  + String [protocol]
  + String [pubkeyid]
  + String [ssh]
  + String [stayconnected]
  + String [useauthagent]
  + String [usekeys]
  + String [username]
  + String [wantsession]
  + Class [android/content/ContentValues]
  + Class [android/net/Uri]
  + Class [java/lang/Boolean]
  + Class [java/lang/Integer]
  + Class [java/lang/Long]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/AbstractBean]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
  + Long [-1]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.color Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.compression Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.delKey Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.encoding Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.fontSize I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.hostKey [B]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.hostKeyAlgo Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.hostname Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/ J]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.lastConnect J]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.nickname Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.port I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.postLogin Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.protocol Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.pubkeyId J]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.stayConnected Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.useAuthAgent Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.useKeys Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.username Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.wantSession Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.ENCODING_DEFAULT Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Boolean;)V]
  + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Integer;)V]
  + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Long;)V]
  + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;[B)V]
  + Methodref [android/net/Uri.encode (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/net/Uri.parse (Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Boolean.toString (Z)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Boolean.valueOf (Z)Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Long.valueOf (J)Ljava/lang/Long;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.hashCode ()I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/AbstractBean.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getHostname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getId ()J]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getPort ()I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getProtocol ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getUsername ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [ENCODING_DEFAULT Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [color Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [compression Z]
  + NameAndType [delKey Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [encode (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [encoding Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [fontSize I]
  + NameAndType [getHostname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getId ()J]
  + NameAndType [getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getPort ()I]
  + NameAndType [getProtocol ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getUsername ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [hashCode ()I]
  + NameAndType [hostKey [B]
  + NameAndType [hostKeyAlgo Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [hostname Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [id J]
  + NameAndType [lastConnect J]
  + NameAndType [nickname Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [parse (Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + NameAndType [port I]
  + NameAndType [postLogin Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [protocol Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [pubkeyId J]
  + NameAndType [put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Boolean;)V]
  + NameAndType [put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Integer;)V]
  + NameAndType [put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Long;)V]
  + NameAndType [put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [put (Ljava/lang/String;[B)V]
  + NameAndType [stayConnected Z]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [toString (Z)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [useAuthAgent Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [useKeys Z]
  + NameAndType [username Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (J)Ljava/lang/Long;]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (Z)Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
  + NameAndType [wantSession Z]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()J]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/content/ContentValues;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(J)Ljava/lang/Long;]
  + Utf8 [(J)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Boolean;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Integer;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Long;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;[B)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
  + Utf8 [(Z)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [/#]
  + Utf8 [://]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [J]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/ContentValues;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [android/content/ContentValues]
  + Utf8 [android/net/Uri]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [color]
  + Utf8 [compression]
  + Utf8 [del]
  + Utf8 [delKey]
  + Utf8 [delkey]
  + Utf8 [encode]
  + Utf8 [encoding]
  + Utf8 [equals]
  + Utf8 [fontSize]
  + Utf8 [fontsize]
  + Utf8 [getColor]
  + Utf8 [getCompression]
  + Utf8 [getDelKey]
  + Utf8 [getEncoding]
  + Utf8 [getFontSize]
  + Utf8 [getHostname]
  + Utf8 [getId]
  + Utf8 [getLastConnect]
  + Utf8 [getNickname]
  + Utf8 [getPort]
  + Utf8 [getPostLogin]
  + Utf8 [getProtocol]
  + Utf8 [getPubkeyId]
  + Utf8 [getStayConnected]
  + Utf8 [getUri]
  + Utf8 [getUseAuthAgent]
  + Utf8 [getUsername]
  + Utf8 [getValues]
  + Utf8 [getWantSession]
  + Utf8 [hash]
  + Utf8 [hashCode]
  + Utf8 [host]
  + Utf8 [hostKey]
  + Utf8 [hostKeyAlgo]
  + Utf8 [hostkey]
  + Utf8 [hostkeyalgo]
  + Utf8 [hostname]
  + Utf8 [id]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Boolean]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Integer]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Long]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [lastConnect]
  + Utf8 [lastconnect]
  + Utf8 [nickname]
  + Utf8 [no]
  + Utf8 [o]
  + Utf8 [parse]
  + Utf8 [port]
  + Utf8 [postLogin]
  + Utf8 [postlogin]
  + Utf8 [protocol]
  + Utf8 [pubkeyId]
  + Utf8 [pubkeyid]
  + Utf8 [put]
  + Utf8 [sb]
  + Utf8 [setColor]
  + Utf8 [setCompression]
  + Utf8 [setDelKey]
  + Utf8 [setEncoding]
  + Utf8 [setFontSize]
  + Utf8 [setHostname]
  + Utf8 [setId]
  + Utf8 [setLastConnect]
  + Utf8 [setNickname]
  + Utf8 [setPort]
  + Utf8 [setPostLogin]
  + Utf8 [setProtocol]
  + Utf8 [setPubkeyId]
  + Utf8 [setStayConnected]
  + Utf8 [setUseAuthAgent]
  + Utf8 [setUseKeys]
  + Utf8 [setUsername]
  + Utf8 [setWantSession]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/AbstractBean]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
  + Utf8 [ssh]
  + Utf8 [stayConnected]
  + Utf8 [stayconnected]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [useAuthAgent]
  + Utf8 [useKeys]
  + Utf8 [useauthagent]
  + Utf8 [usekeys]
  + Utf8 [username]
  + Utf8 [valueOf]
  + Utf8 [values]
  + Utf8 [wantSession]
  + Utf8 [wantsession]

Fields (count = 20):
  + Field:        id J
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private long id
  + Field:        nickname Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String nickname
  + Field:        username Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String username
  + Field:        hostname Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String hostname
  + Field:        port I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int port
  + Field:        protocol Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String protocol
  + Field:        hostKeyAlgo Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String hostKeyAlgo
  + Field:        hostKey [B
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private byte[] hostKey
  + Field:        lastConnect J
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private long lastConnect
  + Field:        color Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String color
  + Field:        useKeys Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean useKeys
  + Field:        useAuthAgent Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String useAuthAgent
  + Field:        postLogin Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String postLogin
  + Field:        pubkeyId J
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private long pubkeyId
  + Field:        wantSession Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean wantSession
  + Field:        delKey Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String delKey
  + Field:        fontSize I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int fontSize
  + Field:        compression Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean compression
  + Field:        encoding Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String encoding
  + Field:        stayConnected Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean stayConnected

Methods (count = 40):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public HostBean()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 112, locals = 1, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #77
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/AbstractBean.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] ldc2_w #35
        + Long [-1]
      [8] putfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/ J]
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] aconst_null
      [13] putfield #47
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.nickname Ljava/lang/String;]
      [16] aload_0 v0
      [17] aconst_null
      [18] putfield #55
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.username Ljava/lang/String;]
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] aconst_null
      [23] putfield #44
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.hostname Ljava/lang/String;]
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] bipush 22
      [29] putfield #48
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.port I]
      [32] aload_0 v0
      [33] ldc #19
        + String [ssh]
      [35] putfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.protocol Ljava/lang/String;]
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] aconst_null
      [40] putfield #43
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.hostKeyAlgo Ljava/lang/String;]
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] aconst_null
      [45] putfield #42
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.hostKey [B]
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] ldc2_w #35
        + Long [-1]
      [52] putfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.lastConnect J]
      [55] aload_0 v0
      [56] iconst_1
      [57] putfield #54
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.useKeys Z]
      [60] aload_0 v0
      [61] ldc #14
        + String [no]
      [63] putfield #53
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.useAuthAgent Ljava/lang/String;]
      [66] aload_0 v0
      [67] aconst_null
      [68] putfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.postLogin Ljava/lang/String;]
      [71] aload_0 v0
      [72] ldc2_w #35
        + Long [-1]
      [75] putfield #51
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.pubkeyId J]
      [78] aload_0 v0
      [79] iconst_1
      [80] putfield #56
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.wantSession Z]
      [83] aload_0 v0
      [84] ldc #5
        + String [del]
      [86] putfield #39
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.delKey Ljava/lang/String;]
      [89] aload_0 v0
      [90] iconst_m1
      [91] putfield #41
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.fontSize I]
      [94] aload_0 v0
      [95] iconst_0
      [96] putfield #38
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.compression Z]
      [99] aload_0 v0
      [100] getstatic #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.ENCODING_DEFAULT Ljava/lang/String;]
      [103] putfield #40
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.encoding Ljava/lang/String;]
      [106] aload_0 v0
      [107] iconst_0
      [108] putfield #52
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.stayConnected Z]
      [111] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 21)
        [0] -> line 53
        [4] -> line 32
        [11] -> line 33
        [16] -> line 34
        [21] -> line 35
        [26] -> line 36
        [32] -> line 37
        [38] -> line 38
        [43] -> line 39
        [48] -> line 40
        [55] -> line 42
        [60] -> line 43
        [66] -> line 44
        [71] -> line 45
        [78] -> line 46
        [83] -> line 47
        [89] -> line 48
        [94] -> line 49
        [99] -> line 50
        [106] -> line 51
        [111] -> line 55
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 112 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; this]
  + Method:       setId(J)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setId(long)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] lload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/ J]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 71
        [5] -> line 72
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [J id]
  + Method:       getId()J
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public long getId()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/ J]
      [4] lreturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 74
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; this]
  + Method:       setNickname(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setNickname(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #47
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.nickname Ljava/lang/String;]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 77
        [5] -> line 78
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [Ljava/lang/String; nickname]
  + Method:       getNickname()Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String getNickname()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #47
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.nickname Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 80
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; this]
  + Method:       setUsername(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setUsername(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #55
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.username Ljava/lang/String;]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 83
        [5] -> line 84
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [Ljava/lang/String; username]
  + Method:       getUsername()Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String getUsername()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #55
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.username Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 86
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; this]
  + Method:       setHostname(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setHostname(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #44
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.hostname Ljava/lang/String;]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 89
        [5] -> line 90
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [Ljava/lang/String; hostname]
  + Method:       getHostname()Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String getHostname()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.hostname Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 92
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; this]
  + Method:       setPort(I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setPort(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #48
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.port I]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 95
        [5] -> line 96
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [I port]
  + Method:       getPort()I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int getPort()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #48
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.port I]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 98
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; this]
  + Method:       setProtocol(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setProtocol(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.protocol Ljava/lang/String;]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 102
        [5] -> line 103
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [Ljava/lang/String; protocol]
  + Method:       getProtocol()Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String getProtocol()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.protocol Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 106
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; this]
  + Method:       setLastConnect(J)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setLastConnect(long)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] lload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.lastConnect J]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 128
        [5] -> line 129
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [J lastConnect]
  + Method:       getLastConnect()J
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public long getLastConnect()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.lastConnect J]
      [4] lreturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 131
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; this]
  + Method:       setColor(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setColor(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #37
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.color Ljava/lang/String;]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 134
        [5] -> line 135
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [Ljava/lang/String; color]
  + Method:       getColor()Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String getColor()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #37
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.color Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 137
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; this]
  + Method:       setUseKeys(Z)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setUseKeys(boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #54
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.useKeys Z]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 140
        [5] -> line 141
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [Z useKeys]
  + Method:       setUseAuthAgent(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setUseAuthAgent(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #53
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.useAuthAgent Ljava/lang/String;]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 146
        [5] -> line 147
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [Ljava/lang/String; useAuthAgent]
  + Method:       getUseAuthAgent()Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String getUseAuthAgent()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #53
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.useAuthAgent Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 149
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; this]
  + Method:       setPostLogin(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setPostLogin(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.postLogin Ljava/lang/String;]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 152
        [5] -> line 153
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [Ljava/lang/String; postLogin]
  + Method:       getPostLogin()Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String getPostLogin()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.postLogin Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 155
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; this]
  + Method:       setPubkeyId(J)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setPubkeyId(long)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] lload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #51
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.pubkeyId J]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 158
        [5] -> line 159
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [J pubkeyId]
  + Method:       getPubkeyId()J
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public long getPubkeyId()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #51
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.pubkeyId J]
      [4] lreturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 161
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; this]
  + Method:       setWantSession(Z)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setWantSession(boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #56
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.wantSession Z]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 164
        [5] -> line 165
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [Z wantSession]
  + Method:       getWantSession()Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean getWantSession()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #56
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.wantSession Z]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 167
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; this]
  + Method:       setDelKey(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setDelKey(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #39
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.delKey Ljava/lang/String;]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 170
        [5] -> line 171
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [Ljava/lang/String; delKey]
  + Method:       getDelKey()Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String getDelKey()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.delKey Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 173
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; this]
  + Method:       setFontSize(I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setFontSize(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #41
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.fontSize I]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 176
        [5] -> line 177
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [I fontSize]
  + Method:       getFontSize()I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int getFontSize()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.fontSize I]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 179
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; this]
  + Method:       setCompression(Z)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setCompression(boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #38
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.compression Z]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 182
        [5] -> line 183
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [Z compression]
  + Method:       getCompression()Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean getCompression()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #38
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.compression Z]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 185
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; this]
  + Method:       setEncoding(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setEncoding(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #40
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.encoding Ljava/lang/String;]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 189
        [5] -> line 190
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [Ljava/lang/String; encoding]
  + Method:       getEncoding()Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String getEncoding()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.encoding Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 193
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; this]
  + Method:       setStayConnected(Z)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setStayConnected(boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #52
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.stayConnected Z]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 197
        [5] -> line 198
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [Z stayConnected]
  + Method:       getStayConnected()Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean getStayConnected()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #52
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.stayConnected Z]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 201
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; this]
  + Method:       getValues()Landroid/content/ContentValues;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public android.content.ContentValues getValues()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 224, locals = 2, stack = 4):
      [0] new #25
        + Class [android/content/ContentValues]
      [3] dup
      [4] invokespecial #58
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.<init> ()V]
      [7] astore_1 v1
      [8] aload_1 v1
      [9] ldc #13
        + String [nickname]
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] getfield #47
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.nickname Ljava/lang/String;]
      [15] invokevirtual #62
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [18] aload_1 v1
      [19] ldc #17
        + String [protocol]
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.protocol Ljava/lang/String;]
      [25] invokevirtual #62
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [28] aload_1 v1
      [29] ldc #23
        + String [username]
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] getfield #55
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.username Ljava/lang/String;]
      [35] invokevirtual #62
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [38] aload_1 v1
      [39] ldc #11
        + String [hostname]
      [41] aload_0 v0
      [42] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.hostname Ljava/lang/String;]
      [45] invokevirtual #62
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [48] aload_1 v1
      [49] ldc #15
        + String [port]
      [51] aload_0 v0
      [52] getfield #48
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.port I]
      [55] invokestatic #68
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [58] invokevirtual #60
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Integer;)V]
      [61] aload_1 v1
      [62] ldc #10
        + String [hostkeyalgo]
      [64] aload_0 v0
      [65] getfield #43
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.hostKeyAlgo Ljava/lang/String;]
      [68] invokevirtual #62
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [71] aload_1 v1
      [72] ldc #9
        + String [hostkey]
      [74] aload_0 v0
      [75] getfield #42
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.hostKey [B]
      [78] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;[B)V]
      [81] aload_1 v1
      [82] ldc #12
        + String [lastconnect]
      [84] aload_0 v0
      [85] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.lastConnect J]
      [88] invokestatic #69
        + Methodref [java/lang/Long.valueOf (J)Ljava/lang/Long;]
      [91] invokevirtual #61
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Long;)V]
      [94] aload_1 v1
      [95] ldc #3
        + String [color]
      [97] aload_0 v0
      [98] getfield #37
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.color Ljava/lang/String;]
      [101] invokevirtual #62
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [104] aload_1 v1
      [105] ldc #22
        + String [usekeys]
      [107] aload_0 v0
      [108] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.useKeys Z]
      [111] invokestatic #66
        + Methodref [java/lang/Boolean.toString (Z)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [114] invokevirtual #62
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [117] aload_1 v1
      [118] ldc #21
        + String [useauthagent]
      [120] aload_0 v0
      [121] getfield #53
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.useAuthAgent Ljava/lang/String;]
      [124] invokevirtual #62
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [127] aload_1 v1
      [128] ldc #16
        + String [postlogin]
      [130] aload_0 v0
      [131] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.postLogin Ljava/lang/String;]
      [134] invokevirtual #62
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [137] aload_1 v1
      [138] ldc #18
        + String [pubkeyid]
      [140] aload_0 v0
      [141] getfield #51
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.pubkeyId J]
      [144] invokestatic #69
        + Methodref [java/lang/Long.valueOf (J)Ljava/lang/Long;]
      [147] invokevirtual #61
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Long;)V]
      [150] aload_1 v1
      [151] ldc #24
        + String [wantsession]
      [153] aload_0 v0
      [154] getfield #56
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.wantSession Z]
      [157] invokestatic #66
        + Methodref [java/lang/Boolean.toString (Z)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [160] invokevirtual #62
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [163] aload_1 v1
      [164] ldc #6
        + String [delkey]
      [166] aload_0 v0
      [167] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.delKey Ljava/lang/String;]
      [170] invokevirtual #62
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [173] aload_1 v1
      [174] ldc #8
        + String [fontsize]
      [176] aload_0 v0
      [177] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.fontSize I]
      [180] invokestatic #68
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [183] invokevirtual #60
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Integer;)V]
      [186] aload_1 v1
      [187] ldc #4
        + String [compression]
      [189] aload_0 v0
      [190] getfield #38
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.compression Z]
      [193] invokestatic #66
        + Methodref [java/lang/Boolean.toString (Z)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [196] invokevirtual #62
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [199] aload_1 v1
      [200] ldc #7
        + String [encoding]
      [202] aload_0 v0
      [203] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.encoding Ljava/lang/String;]
      [206] invokevirtual #62
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [209] aload_1 v1
      [210] ldc #20
        + String [stayconnected]
      [212] aload_0 v0
      [213] getfield #52
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.stayConnected Z]
      [216] invokestatic #67
        + Methodref [java/lang/Boolean.valueOf (Z)Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
      [219] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Boolean;)V]
      [222] aload_1 v1
      [223] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 21)
        [0] -> line 215
        [8] -> line 217
        [18] -> line 218
        [28] -> line 219
        [38] -> line 220
        [48] -> line 221
        [61] -> line 222
        [71] -> line 223
        [81] -> line 224
        [94] -> line 225
        [104] -> line 226
        [117] -> line 227
        [127] -> line 228
        [137] -> line 229
        [150] -> line 230
        [163] -> line 231
        [173] -> line 232
        [186] -> line 233
        [199] -> line 234
        [209] -> line 235
        [222] -> line 237
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 224 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; this]
        v1: 8 -> 224 [Landroid/content/ContentValues; values]
  + Method:       equals(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean equals(java.lang.Object)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 199, locals = 3, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] ifnull +10 (target=11)
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] instanceof #33
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
      [8] ifne +5 (target=13)
      [11] iconst_0
      [12] ireturn
      [13] aload_1 v1
      [14] checkcast #33
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
      [17] astore_2 v2
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/ J]
      [22] ldc2_w #35
        + Long [-1]
      [25] lcmp
      [26] ifeq +30 (target=56)
      [29] aload_2 v2
      [30] invokevirtual #79
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getId ()J]
      [33] ldc2_w #35
        + Long [-1]
      [36] lcmp
      [37] ifeq +19 (target=56)
      [40] aload_2 v2
      [41] invokevirtual #79
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getId ()J]
      [44] aload_0 v0
      [45] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/ J]
      [48] lcmp
      [49] ifne +5 (target=54)
      [52] iconst_1
      [53] ireturn
      [54] iconst_0
      [55] ireturn
      [56] aload_0 v0
      [57] getfield #47
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.nickname Ljava/lang/String;]
      [60] ifnonnull +12 (target=72)
      [63] aload_2 v2
      [64] invokevirtual #80
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [67] ifnull +21 (target=88)
      [70] iconst_0
      [71] ireturn
      [72] aload_0 v0
      [73] getfield #47
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.nickname Ljava/lang/String;]
      [76] aload_2 v2
      [77] invokevirtual #80
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [80] invokevirtual #70
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [83] ifne +5 (target=88)
      [86] iconst_0
      [87] ireturn
      [88] aload_0 v0
      [89] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.protocol Ljava/lang/String;]
      [92] ifnonnull +12 (target=104)
      [95] aload_2 v2
      [96] invokevirtual #82
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getProtocol ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [99] ifnull +21 (target=120)
      [102] iconst_0
      [103] ireturn
      [104] aload_0 v0
      [105] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.protocol Ljava/lang/String;]
      [108] aload_2 v2
      [109] invokevirtual #82
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getProtocol ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [112] invokevirtual #70
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [115] ifne +5 (target=120)
      [118] iconst_0
      [119] ireturn
      [120] aload_0 v0
      [121] getfield #55
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.username Ljava/lang/String;]
      [124] ifnonnull +12 (target=136)
      [127] aload_2 v2
      [128] invokevirtual #83
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getUsername ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [131] ifnull +21 (target=152)
      [134] iconst_0
      [135] ireturn
      [136] aload_0 v0
      [137] getfield #55
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.username Ljava/lang/String;]
      [140] aload_2 v2
      [141] invokevirtual #83
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getUsername ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [144] invokevirtual #70
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [147] ifne +5 (target=152)
      [150] iconst_0
      [151] ireturn
      [152] aload_0 v0
      [153] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.hostname Ljava/lang/String;]
      [156] ifnonnull +12 (target=168)
      [159] aload_2 v2
      [160] invokevirtual #78
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getHostname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [163] ifnull +21 (target=184)
      [166] iconst_0
      [167] ireturn
      [168] aload_0 v0
      [169] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.hostname Ljava/lang/String;]
      [172] aload_2 v2
      [173] invokevirtual #78
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getHostname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [176] invokevirtual #70
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [179] ifne +5 (target=184)
      [182] iconst_0
      [183] ireturn
      [184] aload_0 v0
      [185] getfield #48
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.port I]
      [188] aload_2 v2
      [189] invokevirtual #81
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getPort ()I]
      [192] ificmpeq +5 (target=197)
      [195] iconst_0
      [196] ireturn
      [197] iconst_1
      [198] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 28)
        [0] -> line 242
        [11] -> line 243
        [13] -> line 245
        [18] -> line 247
        [40] -> line 248
        [56] -> line 250
        [63] -> line 251
        [70] -> line 252
        [72] -> line 253
        [86] -> line 254
        [88] -> line 256
        [95] -> line 257
        [102] -> line 258
        [104] -> line 259
        [118] -> line 260
        [120] -> line 262
        [127] -> line 263
        [134] -> line 264
        [136] -> line 265
        [150] -> line 266
        [152] -> line 268
        [159] -> line 269
        [166] -> line 270
        [168] -> line 271
        [182] -> line 272
        [184] -> line 274
        [195] -> line 275
        [197] -> line 277
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 199 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; this]
        v1: 0 -> 199 [Ljava/lang/Object; o]
        v2: 18 -> 199 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; host]
  + Method:       hashCode()I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int hashCode()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 128, locals = 2, stack = 4):
      [0] bipush 7
      [2] istore_1 v1
      [3] aload_0 v0
      [4] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/ J]
      [7] ldc2_w #35
        + Long [-1]
      [10] lcmp
      [11] ifeq +9 (target=20)
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/ J]
      [18] l2i
      [19] ireturn
      [20] bipush 31
      [22] iload_1 v1
      [23] imul
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] getfield #47
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.nickname Ljava/lang/String;]
      [28] ifnonnull +7 (target=35)
      [31] iconst_0
      [32] goto +10 (target=42)
      [35] aload_0 v0
      [36] getfield #47
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.nickname Ljava/lang/String;]
      [39] invokevirtual #71
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.hashCode ()I]
      [42] iadd
      [43] istore_1 v1
      [44] bipush 31
      [46] iload_1 v1
      [47] imul
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.protocol Ljava/lang/String;]
      [52] ifnonnull +7 (target=59)
      [55] iconst_0
      [56] goto +10 (target=66)
      [59] aload_0 v0
      [60] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.protocol Ljava/lang/String;]
      [63] invokevirtual #71
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.hashCode ()I]
      [66] iadd
      [67] istore_1 v1
      [68] bipush 31
      [70] iload_1 v1
      [71] imul
      [72] aload_0 v0
      [73] getfield #55
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.username Ljava/lang/String;]
      [76] ifnonnull +7 (target=83)
      [79] iconst_0
      [80] goto +10 (target=90)
      [83] aload_0 v0
      [84] getfield #55
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.username Ljava/lang/String;]
      [87] invokevirtual #71
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.hashCode ()I]
      [90] iadd
      [91] istore_1 v1
      [92] bipush 31
      [94] iload_1 v1
      [95] imul
      [96] aload_0 v0
      [97] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.hostname Ljava/lang/String;]
      [100] ifnonnull +7 (target=107)
      [103] iconst_0
      [104] goto +10 (target=114)
      [107] aload_0 v0
      [108] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.hostname Ljava/lang/String;]
      [111] invokevirtual #71
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.hashCode ()I]
      [114] iadd
      [115] istore_1 v1
      [116] bipush 31
      [118] iload_1 v1
      [119] imul
      [120] aload_0 v0
      [121] getfield #48
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.port I]
      [124] iadd
      [125] istore_1 v1
      [126] iload_1 v1
      [127] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 282
        [3] -> line 284
        [14] -> line 285
        [20] -> line 287
        [44] -> line 288
        [68] -> line 289
        [92] -> line 290
        [116] -> line 291
        [126] -> line 293
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 128 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; this]
        v1: 3 -> 128 [I hash]
  + Method:       getUri()Landroid/net/Uri;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public getUri()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 90, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] new #31
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [3] dup
      [4] invokespecial #72
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> ()V]
      [7] astore_1 v1
      [8] aload_1 v1
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.protocol Ljava/lang/String;]
      [13] invokevirtual #75
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [16] ldc #2
        + String [://]
      [18] invokevirtual #75
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [21] pop
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] getfield #55
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.username Ljava/lang/String;]
      [26] ifnull +20 (target=46)
      [29] aload_1 v1
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] getfield #55
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.username Ljava/lang/String;]
      [34] invokestatic #64
        + Methodref [android/net/Uri.encode (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [37] invokevirtual #75
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [40] bipush 64
      [42] invokevirtual #73
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [45] pop
      [46] aload_1 v1
      [47] aload_0 v0
      [48] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.hostname Ljava/lang/String;]
      [51] invokestatic #64
        + Methodref [android/net/Uri.encode (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [54] invokevirtual #75
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [57] bipush 58
      [59] invokevirtual #73
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [62] aload_0 v0
      [63] getfield #48
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.port I]
      [66] invokevirtual #74
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [69] ldc #1
        + String [/#]
      [71] invokevirtual #75
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [74] aload_0 v0
      [75] getfield #47
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.nickname Ljava/lang/String;]
      [78] invokevirtual #75
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [81] pop
      [82] aload_1 v1
      [83] invokevirtual #76
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [86] invokestatic #65
        + Methodref [android/net/Uri.parse (Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri;]
      [89] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 12)
        [0] -> line 300
        [8] -> line 301
        [16] -> line 302
        [22] -> line 304
        [29] -> line 305
        [40] -> line 306
        [46] -> line 308
        [57] -> line 309
        [62] -> line 310
        [69] -> line 311
        [74] -> line 312
        [82] -> line 313
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 90 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; this]
        v1: 8 -> 90 [Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; sb]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean
  Superclass:    com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/AbstractBean
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PortForwardBean extends com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.AbstractBean

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 160):
  + String [:]
  + String [Dynamic port %d (SOCKS)]
  + String [Local port %d to %s:%d]
  + String [Remote port %d to %s:%d]
  + String [Unknown type]
  + String [destaddr]
  + String [destport]
  + String [dynamic5]
  + String [hostid]
  + String [local]
  + String [nickname]
  + String [remote]
  + String [sourceport]
  + String [type]
  + Class [android/content/ContentValues]
  + Class [java/lang/Integer]
  + Class [java/lang/Long]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/AbstractBean]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean]
  + Long [-1]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.destAddr Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.destPort I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.enabled Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.hostId J]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/ J]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.identifier Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.nickname Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.sourcePort I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.type Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Integer;)V]
  + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Long;)V]
  + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.parseInt (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Long.valueOf (J)Ljava/lang/Long;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.split (Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/AbstractBean.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.setDest (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [destAddr Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [destPort I]
  + NameAndType [enabled Z]
  + NameAndType [equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [hostId J]
  + NameAndType [id J]
  + NameAndType [identifier Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [nickname Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [parseInt (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Integer;)V]
  + NameAndType [put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Long;)V]
  + NameAndType [put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [setDest (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [sourcePort I]
  + NameAndType [split (Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [type Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (J)Ljava/lang/Long;]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()J]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/content/ContentValues;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(J)Ljava/lang/Long;]
  + Utf8 [(J)V]
  + Utf8 [(JJLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(JLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Integer;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Long;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [:]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Dynamic port %d (SOCKS)]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [J]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/ContentValues;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Local port %d to %s:%d]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Remote port %d to %s:%d]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Unknown type]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [android/content/ContentValues]
  + Utf8 [description]
  + Utf8 [dest]
  + Utf8 [destAddr]
  + Utf8 [destPort]
  + Utf8 [destSplit]
  + Utf8 [destaddr]
  + Utf8 [destport]
  + Utf8 [dynamic5]
  + Utf8 [enabled]
  + Utf8 [equals]
  + Utf8 [format]
  + Utf8 [getDescription]
  + Utf8 [getDestAddr]
  + Utf8 [getDestPort]
  + Utf8 [getId]
  + Utf8 [getIdentifier]
  + Utf8 [getNickname]
  + Utf8 [getSourcePort]
  + Utf8 [getType]
  + Utf8 [getValues]
  + Utf8 [hostId]
  + Utf8 [hostid]
  + Utf8 [id]
  + Utf8 [identifier]
  + Utf8 [isEnabled]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Integer]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Long]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [local]
  + Utf8 [nickname]
  + Utf8 [parseInt]
  + Utf8 [put]
  + Utf8 [remote]
  + Utf8 [setDest]
  + Utf8 [setEnabled]
  + Utf8 [setId]
  + Utf8 [setIdentifier]
  + Utf8 [setNickname]
  + Utf8 [setSourcePort]
  + Utf8 [setType]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/AbstractBean]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean]
  + Utf8 [source]
  + Utf8 [sourcePort]
  + Utf8 [sourceport]
  + Utf8 [split]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [type]
  + Utf8 [valueOf]
  + Utf8 [values]

Fields (count = 9):
  + Field:        id J
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private long id
  + Field:        hostId J
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private long hostId
  + Field:        nickname Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String nickname
  + Field:        type Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String type
  + Field:        sourcePort I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int sourcePort
  + Field:        destAddr Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String destAddr
  + Field:        destPort I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int destPort
  + Field:        enabled Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean enabled
  + Field:        identifier Ljava/lang/Object;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.Object identifier

Methods (count = 19):
  + Method:       <init>(JJLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public PortForwardBean(long,long,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 94, locals = 10, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #43
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/AbstractBean.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] ldc2_w #22
        + Long [-1]
      [8] putfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/ J]
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] ldc2_w #22
        + Long [-1]
      [15] putfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.hostId J]
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] aconst_null
      [20] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.nickname Ljava/lang/String;]
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] aconst_null
      [25] putfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.type Ljava/lang/String;]
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] iconst_m1
      [30] putfield #31
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.sourcePort I]
      [33] aload_0 v0
      [34] aconst_null
      [35] putfield #24
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.destAddr Ljava/lang/String;]
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] iconst_m1
      [40] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.destPort I]
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] iconst_0
      [45] putfield #26
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.enabled Z]
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] aconst_null
      [50] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.identifier Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [53] aload_0 v0
      [54] lload_1 v1
      [55] putfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/ J]
      [58] aload_0 v0
      [59] lload_3 v3
      [60] putfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.hostId J]
      [63] aload_0 v0
      [64] aload v5
      [66] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.nickname Ljava/lang/String;]
      [69] aload_0 v0
      [70] aload v6
      [72] putfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.type Ljava/lang/String;]
      [75] aload_0 v0
      [76] iload v7
      [78] putfield #31
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.sourcePort I]
      [81] aload_0 v0
      [82] aload v8
      [84] putfield #24
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.destAddr Ljava/lang/String;]
      [87] aload_0 v0
      [88] iload v9
      [90] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.destPort I]
      [93] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 18)
        [0] -> line 52
        [4] -> line 32
        [11] -> line 33
        [18] -> line 34
        [23] -> line 35
        [28] -> line 36
        [33] -> line 37
        [38] -> line 38
        [43] -> line 41
        [48] -> line 42
        [53] -> line 53
        [58] -> line 54
        [63] -> line 55
        [69] -> line 56
        [75] -> line 57
        [81] -> line 58
        [87] -> line 59
        [93] -> line 60
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 8)
        v0: 0 -> 94 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean; this]
        v1: 0 -> 94 [J id]
        v3: 0 -> 94 [J hostId]
        v5: 0 -> 94 [Ljava/lang/String; nickname]
        v6: 0 -> 94 [Ljava/lang/String; type]
        v7: 0 -> 94 [I sourcePort]
        v8: 0 -> 94 [Ljava/lang/String; destAddr]
        v9: 0 -> 94 [I destPort]
  + Method:       <init>(JLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public PortForwardBean(long,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 85, locals = 7, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #43
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/AbstractBean.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] ldc2_w #22
        + Long [-1]
      [8] putfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/ J]
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] ldc2_w #22
        + Long [-1]
      [15] putfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.hostId J]
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] aconst_null
      [20] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.nickname Ljava/lang/String;]
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] aconst_null
      [25] putfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.type Ljava/lang/String;]
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] iconst_m1
      [30] putfield #31
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.sourcePort I]
      [33] aload_0 v0
      [34] aconst_null
      [35] putfield #24
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.destAddr Ljava/lang/String;]
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] iconst_m1
      [40] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.destPort I]
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] iconst_0
      [45] putfield #26
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.enabled Z]
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] aconst_null
      [50] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.identifier Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [53] aload_0 v0
      [54] lload_1 v1
      [55] putfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.hostId J]
      [58] aload_0 v0
      [59] aload_3 v3
      [60] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.nickname Ljava/lang/String;]
      [63] aload_0 v0
      [64] aload v4
      [66] putfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.type Ljava/lang/String;]
      [69] aload_0 v0
      [70] aload v5
      [72] invokestatic #37
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.parseInt (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [75] putfield #31
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.sourcePort I]
      [78] aload_0 v0
      [79] aload v6
      [81] invokevirtual #44
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.setDest (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [84] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 16)
        [0] -> line 67
        [4] -> line 32
        [11] -> line 33
        [18] -> line 34
        [23] -> line 35
        [28] -> line 36
        [33] -> line 37
        [38] -> line 38
        [43] -> line 41
        [48] -> line 42
        [53] -> line 68
        [58] -> line 69
        [63] -> line 70
        [69] -> line 71
        [78] -> line 73
        [84] -> line 74
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 85 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean; this]
        v1: 0 -> 85 [J hostId]
        v3: 0 -> 85 [Ljava/lang/String; nickname]
        v4: 0 -> 85 [Ljava/lang/String; type]
        v5: 0 -> 85 [Ljava/lang/String; source]
        v6: 0 -> 85 [Ljava/lang/String; dest]
  + Method:       setId(J)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setId(long)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] lload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/ J]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 85
        [5] -> line 86
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [J id]
  + Method:       getId()J
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public long getId()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/ J]
      [4] lreturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 92
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean; this]
  + Method:       setNickname(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setNickname(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.nickname Ljava/lang/String;]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 99
        [5] -> line 100
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [Ljava/lang/String; nickname]
  + Method:       getNickname()Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String getNickname()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.nickname Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 106
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean; this]
  + Method:       setType(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setType(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.type Ljava/lang/String;]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 113
        [5] -> line 114
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [Ljava/lang/String; type]
  + Method:       getType()Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String getType()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.type Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 120
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean; this]
  + Method:       setSourcePort(I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setSourcePort(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #31
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.sourcePort I]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 127
        [5] -> line 128
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [I sourcePort]
  + Method:       getSourcePort()I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int getSourcePort()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.sourcePort I]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 134
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean; this]
  + Method:       setDest(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x11
      = public final void setDest(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 31, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] ldc #1
        + String [:]
      [3] invokevirtual #42
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.split (Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String;]
      [6] astore_2 v2
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] aload_2 v2
      [9] iconst_0
      [10] aaload
      [11] putfield #24
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.destAddr Ljava/lang/String;]
      [14] aload_2 v2
      [15] arraylength
      [16] iconst_1
      [17] ificmple +13 (target=30)
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] aload_2 v2
      [22] iconst_1
      [23] aaload
      [24] invokestatic #37
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.parseInt (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [27] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.destPort I]
      [30] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 141
        [7] -> line 142
        [14] -> line 143
        [20] -> line 144
        [30] -> line 145
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 31 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean; this]
        v1: 0 -> 31 [Ljava/lang/String; dest]
        v2: 7 -> 31 [[Ljava/lang/String; destSplit]
  + Method:       getDestAddr()Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String getDestAddr()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.destAddr Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 158
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean; this]
  + Method:       getDestPort()I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int getDestPort()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.destPort I]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 172
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean; this]
  + Method:       setEnabled(Z)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setEnabled(boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #26
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.enabled Z]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 179
        [5] -> line 180
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [Z enabled]
  + Method:       isEnabled()Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean isEnabled()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.enabled Z]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 186
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean; this]
  + Method:       setIdentifier(Ljava/lang/Object;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setIdentifier(java.lang.Object)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.identifier Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 193
        [5] -> line 194
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [Ljava/lang/Object; identifier]
  + Method:       getIdentifier()Ljava/lang/Object;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.Object getIdentifier()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.identifier Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 200
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean; this]
  + Method:       getDescription()Ljava/lang/CharSequence;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.CharSequence getDescription()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 141, locals = 2, stack = 5):
      [0] ldc #5
        + String [Unknown type]
      [2] astore_1 v1
      [3] ldc #10
        + String [local]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.type Ljava/lang/String;]
      [9] invokevirtual #40
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [12] ifeq +43 (target=55)
      [15] ldc #3
        + String [Local port %d to %s:%d]
      [17] iconst_3
      [18] anewarray #18
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [21] dup
      [22] iconst_0
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.sourcePort I]
      [27] invokestatic #38
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [30] aastore
      [31] dup
      [32] iconst_1
      [33] aload_0 v0
      [34] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.destAddr Ljava/lang/String;]
      [37] aastore
      [38] dup
      [39] iconst_2
      [40] aload_0 v0
      [41] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.destPort I]
      [44] invokestatic #38
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [47] aastore
      [48] invokestatic #41
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [51] astore_1 v1
      [52] goto +87 (target=139)
      [55] ldc #12
        + String [remote]
      [57] aload_0 v0
      [58] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.type Ljava/lang/String;]
      [61] invokevirtual #40
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [64] ifeq +43 (target=107)
      [67] ldc #4
        + String [Remote port %d to %s:%d]
      [69] iconst_3
      [70] anewarray #18
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [73] dup
      [74] iconst_0
      [75] aload_0 v0
      [76] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.sourcePort I]
      [79] invokestatic #38
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [82] aastore
      [83] dup
      [84] iconst_1
      [85] aload_0 v0
      [86] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.destAddr Ljava/lang/String;]
      [89] aastore
      [90] dup
      [91] iconst_2
      [92] aload_0 v0
      [93] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.destPort I]
      [96] invokestatic #38
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [99] aastore
      [100] invokestatic #41
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [103] astore_1 v1
      [104] goto +35 (target=139)
      [107] ldc #8
        + String [dynamic5]
      [109] aload_0 v0
      [110] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.type Ljava/lang/String;]
      [113] invokevirtual #40
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [116] ifeq +23 (target=139)
      [119] ldc #2
        + String [Dynamic port %d (SOCKS)]
      [121] iconst_1
      [122] anewarray #18
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [125] dup
      [126] iconst_0
      [127] aload_0 v0
      [128] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.sourcePort I]
      [131] invokestatic #38
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [134] aastore
      [135] invokestatic #41
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [138] astore_1 v1
      [139] aload_1 v1
      [140] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 207
        [3] -> line 209
        [15] -> line 210
        [55] -> line 211
        [67] -> line 212
        [107] -> line 217
        [119] -> line 218
        [139] -> line 221
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 141 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean; this]
        v1: 3 -> 141 [Ljava/lang/String; description]
  + Method:       getValues()Landroid/content/ContentValues;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public android.content.ContentValues getValues()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 79, locals = 2, stack = 4):
      [0] new #15
        + Class [android/content/ContentValues]
      [3] dup
      [4] invokespecial #33
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.<init> ()V]
      [7] astore_1 v1
      [8] aload_1 v1
      [9] ldc #9
        + String [hostid]
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.hostId J]
      [15] invokestatic #39
        + Methodref [java/lang/Long.valueOf (J)Ljava/lang/Long;]
      [18] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Long;)V]
      [21] aload_1 v1
      [22] ldc #11
        + String [nickname]
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.nickname Ljava/lang/String;]
      [28] invokevirtual #36
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [31] aload_1 v1
      [32] ldc #14
        + String [type]
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.type Ljava/lang/String;]
      [38] invokevirtual #36
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [41] aload_1 v1
      [42] ldc #13
        + String [sourceport]
      [44] aload_0 v0
      [45] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.sourcePort I]
      [48] invokestatic #38
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [51] invokevirtual #34
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Integer;)V]
      [54] aload_1 v1
      [55] ldc #6
        + String [destaddr]
      [57] aload_0 v0
      [58] getfield #24
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.destAddr Ljava/lang/String;]
      [61] invokevirtual #36
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [64] aload_1 v1
      [65] ldc #7
        + String [destport]
      [67] aload_0 v0
      [68] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.destPort I]
      [71] invokestatic #38
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [74] invokevirtual #34
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Integer;)V]
      [77] aload_1 v1
      [78] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 229
        [8] -> line 231
        [21] -> line 232
        [31] -> line 233
        [41] -> line 234
        [54] -> line 235
        [64] -> line 236
        [77] -> line 238
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 79 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean; this]
        v1: 8 -> 79 [Landroid/content/ContentValues; values]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean
  Superclass:    com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/AbstractBean
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PubkeyBean extends com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.AbstractBean

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 239):
  + String [ (encrypted)]
  + String [-bit]
  + String [DSA]
  + String [DSA 1024-bit]
  + String [RSA]
  + String [RSA ]
  + String [Unknown Key Type]
  + String [confirmuse]
  + String [encrypted]
  + String [lifetime]
  + String [nickname]
  + String [private]
  + String [public]
  + String [startup]
  + String [type]
  + Class [[B]
  + Class [android/content/ContentValues]
  + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Class [java/lang/Integer]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/math/BigInteger]
  + Class [java/security/KeyFactory]
  + Class [java/security/NoSuchAlgorithmException]
  + Class [java/security/PublicKey]
  + Class [java/security/interfaces/DSAPublicKey]
  + Class [java/security/interfaces/RSAPublicKey]
  + Class [java/security/spec/InvalidKeySpecException]
  + Class [java/security/spec/X509EncodedKeySpec]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/AbstractBean]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.confirmUse Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.encrypted Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/ J]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.lifetime I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.nickname Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.privateKey [B]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.publicKey Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.startup Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.type Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.unlocked Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.unlockedPrivate Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [[B.clone ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Integer;)V]
  + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;[B)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.bitLength ()I]
  + Methodref [java/security/KeyFactory.generatePublic (Ljava/security/spec/KeySpec;)Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
  + Methodref [java/security/KeyFactory.getInstance (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/KeyFactory;]
  + Methodref [java/security/spec/X509EncodedKeySpec.<init> ([B)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/AbstractBean.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.decodePublicKeyAs (Ljava/security/spec/EncodedKeySpec;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getPrivateKey ()[B]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getType ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setEncrypted (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setPrivateKey ([B)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.decodePrivate ([BLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.getEncodedPrivate (Ljava/security/PrivateKey;Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/PublicKey.getEncoded ()[B]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/interfaces/RSAPublicKey.getModulus ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [bitLength ()I]
  + NameAndType [clone ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [confirmUse Z]
  + NameAndType [decodePrivate ([BLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
  + NameAndType [decodePublicKeyAs (Ljava/security/spec/EncodedKeySpec;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
  + NameAndType [encrypted Z]
  + NameAndType [generatePublic (Ljava/security/spec/KeySpec;)Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
  + NameAndType [getEncoded ()[B]
  + NameAndType [getEncodedPrivate (Ljava/security/PrivateKey;Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
  + NameAndType [getInstance (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/KeyFactory;]
  + NameAndType [getModulus ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [getPrivateKey ()[B]
  + NameAndType [getType ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [id J]
  + NameAndType [length ()I]
  + NameAndType [lifetime I]
  + NameAndType [nickname Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [privateKey [B]
  + NameAndType [publicKey Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
  + NameAndType [put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Integer;)V]
  + NameAndType [put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [put (Ljava/lang/String;[B)V]
  + NameAndType [setEncrypted (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [setPrivateKey ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [startup Z]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [type Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [unlocked Z]
  + NameAndType [unlockedPrivate Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Utf8 [ (encrypted)]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()J]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/content/ContentValues;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(J)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/KeyFactory;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Integer;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;[B)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/security/PrivateKey;Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/security/spec/EncodedKeySpec;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/security/spec/KeySpec;)Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [([BLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
  + Utf8 [-bit]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [DSA]
  + Utf8 [DSA 1024-bit]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [J]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/ContentValues;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Exception;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/security/KeyFactory;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/security/NoSuchAlgorithmException;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/security/spec/EncodedKeySpec;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/security/spec/InvalidKeySpecException;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/security/spec/X509EncodedKeySpec;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [RSA]
  + Utf8 [RSA ]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Unknown Key Type]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [android/content/ContentValues]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [bitLength]
  + Utf8 [bits]
  + Utf8 [changePassword]
  + Utf8 [clone]
  + Utf8 [confirmUse]
  + Utf8 [confirmuse]
  + Utf8 [decodePrivate]
  + Utf8 [decodePublicKeyAs]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [encoded]
  + Utf8 [encrypted]
  + Utf8 [generatePublic]
  + Utf8 [getDescription]
  + Utf8 [getEncoded]
  + Utf8 [getEncodedPrivate]
  + Utf8 [getId]
  + Utf8 [getInstance]
  + Utf8 [getLifetime]
  + Utf8 [getModulus]
  + Utf8 [getNickname]
  + Utf8 [getPrivateKey]
  + Utf8 [getPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [getType]
  + Utf8 [getValues]
  + Utf8 [id]
  + Utf8 [isConfirmUse]
  + Utf8 [isEncrypted]
  + Utf8 [isStartup]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Exception]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Integer]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/math/BigInteger]
  + Utf8 [java/security/KeyFactory]
  + Utf8 [java/security/NoSuchAlgorithmException]
  + Utf8 [java/security/PublicKey]
  + Utf8 [java/security/interfaces/DSAPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [java/security/interfaces/RSAPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [java/security/spec/InvalidKeySpecException]
  + Utf8 [java/security/spec/X509EncodedKeySpec]
  + Utf8 [keySpec]
  + Utf8 [keyType]
  + Utf8 [kf]
  + Utf8 [length]
  + Utf8 [lifetime]
  + Utf8 [newPassword]
  + Utf8 [nickname]
  + Utf8 [oldPassword]
  + Utf8 [priv]
  + Utf8 [private]
  + Utf8 [privateKey]
  + Utf8 [pubKeySpec]
  + Utf8 [public]
  + Utf8 [publicKey]
  + Utf8 [put]
  + Utf8 [sb]
  + Utf8 [setConfirmUse]
  + Utf8 [setEncrypted]
  + Utf8 [setId]
  + Utf8 [setLifetime]
  + Utf8 [setNickname]
  + Utf8 [setPrivateKey]
  + Utf8 [setPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [setStartup]
  + Utf8 [setType]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/AbstractBean]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils]
  + Utf8 [startup]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [type]
  + Utf8 [unlocked]
  + Utf8 [unlockedPrivate]
  + Utf8 [valueOf]
  + Utf8 [values]

Fields (count = 11):
  + Field:        id J
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private long id
  + Field:        nickname Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String nickname
  + Field:        type Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String type
  + Field:        privateKey [B
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private byte[] privateKey
  + Field:        publicKey Ljava/security/PublicKey;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private publicKey
  + Field:        encrypted Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean encrypted
  + Field:        startup Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean startup
  + Field:        confirmUse Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean confirmUse
  + Field:        lifetime I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int lifetime
  + Field:        unlocked Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean unlocked
  + Field:        unlockedPrivate Ljava/lang/Object;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.Object unlockedPrivate

Methods (count = 23):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public PubkeyBean()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 35, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #59
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/AbstractBean.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] iconst_0
      [6] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.encrypted Z]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] iconst_0
      [11] putfield #40
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.startup Z]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] iconst_0
      [16] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.confirmUse Z]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] iconst_0
      [21] putfield #36
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.lifetime I]
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] iconst_0
      [26] putfield #42
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.unlocked Z]
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] aconst_null
      [31] putfield #43
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.unlockedPrivate Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [34] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 38
        [4] -> line 51
        [9] -> line 52
        [14] -> line 53
        [19] -> line 54
        [24] -> line 57
        [29] -> line 58
        [34] -> line 38
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 35 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean; this]
  + Method:       setId(J)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setId(long)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] lload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #35
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/ J]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 66
        [5] -> line 67
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [J id]
  + Method:       getId()J
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public long getId()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/ J]
      [4] lreturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 70
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean; this]
  + Method:       setNickname(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setNickname(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #37
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.nickname Ljava/lang/String;]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 74
        [5] -> line 75
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [Ljava/lang/String; nickname]
  + Method:       getNickname()Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String getNickname()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #37
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.nickname Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 78
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean; this]
  + Method:       setType(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setType(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #41
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.type Ljava/lang/String;]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 82
        [5] -> line 83
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [Ljava/lang/String; type]
  + Method:       getType()Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String getType()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.type Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 86
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean; this]
  + Method:       setPrivateKey([B)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setPrivateKey(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 24, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] ifnonnull +11 (target=12)
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aconst_null
      [6] putfield #38
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.privateKey [B]
      [9] goto +14 (target=23)
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] aload_1 v1
      [14] invokevirtual #44
        + Methodref [[B.clone ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [17] checkcast #16
        + Class [[B]
      [20] putfield #38
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.privateKey [B]
      [23] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 90
        [4] -> line 91
        [12] -> line 93
        [23] -> line 94
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 24 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean; this]
        v1: 0 -> 24 [[B privateKey]
  + Method:       getPrivateKey()[B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] getPrivateKey()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 20, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #38
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.privateKey [B]
      [4] ifnonnull +5 (target=9)
      [7] aconst_null
      [8] areturn
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] getfield #38
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.privateKey [B]
      [13] invokevirtual #44
        + Methodref [[B.clone ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [16] checkcast #16
        + Class [[B]
      [19] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 97
        [7] -> line 98
        [9] -> line 100
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 20 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean; this]
  + Method:       decodePublicKeyAs(Ljava/security/spec/EncodedKeySpec;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/PublicKey;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private decodePublicKeyAs(,java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 17, locals = 4, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_2 v2
      [1] invokestatic #57
        + Methodref [java/security/KeyFactory.getInstance (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/KeyFactory;]
      [4] astore_3 v3
      [5] aload_3 v3
      [6] aload_1 v1
      [7] invokevirtual #56
        + Methodref [java/security/KeyFactory.generatePublic (Ljava/security/spec/KeySpec;)Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
      [10] areturn
      [11] astore_3 v3
      [12] aconst_null
      [13] areturn
      [14] astore_3 v3
      [15] aconst_null
      [16] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 10: 11):
      + Class [java/security/NoSuchAlgorithmException]
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 10: 14):
      + Class [java/security/spec/InvalidKeySpecException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 105
        [5] -> line 106
        [11] -> line 107
        [12] -> line 108
        [14] -> line 109
        [15] -> line 110
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 17 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean; this]
        v1: 0 -> 17 [Ljava/security/spec/EncodedKeySpec; keySpec]
        v2: 0 -> 17 [Ljava/lang/String; keyType]
        v3: 5 -> 11 [Ljava/security/KeyFactory; kf]
        v3: 12 -> 14 [Ljava/security/NoSuchAlgorithmException; e]
        v3: 15 -> 17 [Ljava/security/spec/InvalidKeySpecException; e]
  + Method:       setPublicKey([B)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setPublicKey(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 84, locals = 3, stack = 4):
      [0] new #29
        + Class [java/security/spec/X509EncodedKeySpec]
      [3] dup
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] invokespecial #58
        + Methodref [java/security/spec/X509EncodedKeySpec.<init> ([B)V]
      [8] astore_2 v2
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.type Ljava/lang/String;]
      [13] ifnull +19 (target=32)
      [16] aload_0 v0
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] aload_2 v2
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.type Ljava/lang/String;]
      [23] invokespecial #60
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.decodePublicKeyAs (Ljava/security/spec/EncodedKeySpec;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
      [26] putfield #39
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.publicKey Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
      [29] goto +54 (target=83)
      [32] aload_0 v0
      [33] aload_0 v0
      [34] aload_2 v2
      [35] ldc #5
        + String [RSA]
      [37] invokespecial #60
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.decodePublicKeyAs (Ljava/security/spec/EncodedKeySpec;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
      [40] putfield #39
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.publicKey Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.publicKey Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
      [47] ifnull +12 (target=59)
      [50] aload_0 v0
      [51] ldc #5
        + String [RSA]
      [53] putfield #41
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.type Ljava/lang/String;]
      [56] goto +27 (target=83)
      [59] aload_0 v0
      [60] aload_0 v0
      [61] aload_2 v2
      [62] ldc #3
        + String [DSA]
      [64] invokespecial #60
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.decodePublicKeyAs (Ljava/security/spec/EncodedKeySpec;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
      [67] putfield #39
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.publicKey Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
      [70] aload_0 v0
      [71] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.publicKey Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
      [74] ifnull +9 (target=83)
      [77] aload_0 v0
      [78] ldc #3
        + String [DSA]
      [80] putfield #41
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.type Ljava/lang/String;]
      [83] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 10)
        [0] -> line 115
        [9] -> line 116
        [16] -> line 117
        [32] -> line 119
        [43] -> line 120
        [50] -> line 121
        [59] -> line 123
        [70] -> line 124
        [77] -> line 125
        [83] -> line 129
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 84 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean; this]
        v1: 0 -> 84 [[B encoded]
        v2: 9 -> 84 [Ljava/security/spec/X509EncodedKeySpec; pubKeySpec]
  + Method:       getPublicKey()Ljava/security/PublicKey;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public getPublicKey()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.publicKey Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 132
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean; this]
  + Method:       setEncrypted(Z)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setEncrypted(boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.encrypted Z]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 136
        [5] -> line 137
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [Z encrypted]
  + Method:       isEncrypted()Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean isEncrypted()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.encrypted Z]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 140
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean; this]
  + Method:       setStartup(Z)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setStartup(boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #40
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.startup Z]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 144
        [5] -> line 145
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [Z startup]
  + Method:       isStartup()Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean isStartup()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.startup Z]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 148
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean; this]
  + Method:       setConfirmUse(Z)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setConfirmUse(boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.confirmUse Z]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 152
        [5] -> line 153
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [Z confirmUse]
  + Method:       isConfirmUse()Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean isConfirmUse()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.confirmUse Z]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 156
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean; this]
  + Method:       setLifetime(I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setLifetime(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #36
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.lifetime I]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 160
        [5] -> line 161
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [I lifetime]
  + Method:       getLifetime()I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int getLifetime()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #36
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.lifetime I]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 164
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean; this]
  + Method:       getDescription()Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String getDescription()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 103, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] new #21
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [3] dup
      [4] invokespecial #51
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> ()V]
      [7] astore_1 v1
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.publicKey Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
      [12] instanceof #27
        + Class [java/security/interfaces/RSAPublicKey]
      [15] ifeq +42 (target=57)
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.publicKey Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
      [22] checkcast #27
        + Class [java/security/interfaces/RSAPublicKey]
      [25] invokeinterface #68
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/interfaces/RSAPublicKey.getModulus ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [30] invokevirtual #55
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.bitLength ()I]
      [33] istore_2 v2
      [34] aload_1 v1
      [35] ldc #6
        + String [RSA ]
      [37] invokevirtual #53
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [40] pop
      [41] aload_1 v1
      [42] iload_2 v2
      [43] invokevirtual #52
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [46] pop
      [47] aload_1 v1
      [48] ldc #2
        + String [-bit]
      [50] invokevirtual #53
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [53] pop
      [54] goto +30 (target=84)
      [57] aload_0 v0
      [58] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.publicKey Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
      [61] instanceof #26
        + Class [java/security/interfaces/DSAPublicKey]
      [64] ifeq +13 (target=77)
      [67] aload_1 v1
      [68] ldc #4
        + String [DSA 1024-bit]
      [70] invokevirtual #53
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [73] pop
      [74] goto +10 (target=84)
      [77] aload_1 v1
      [78] ldc #7
        + String [Unknown Key Type]
      [80] invokevirtual #53
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [83] pop
      [84] aload_0 v0
      [85] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.encrypted Z]
      [88] ifeq +10 (target=98)
      [91] aload_1 v1
      [92] ldc #1
        + String [ (encrypted)]
      [94] invokevirtual #53
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [97] pop
      [98] aload_1 v1
      [99] invokevirtual #54
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [102] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 12)
        [0] -> line 184
        [8] -> line 185
        [18] -> line 186
        [34] -> line 187
        [41] -> line 188
        [47] -> line 189
        [57] -> line 190
        [67] -> line 191
        [77] -> line 193
        [84] -> line 196
        [91] -> line 197
        [98] -> line 199
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 103 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean; this]
        v1: 8 -> 103 [Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; sb]
        v2: 34 -> 57 [I bits]
  + Method:       getValues()Landroid/content/ContentValues;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public android.content.ContentValues getValues()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 131, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] new #17
        + Class [android/content/ContentValues]
      [3] dup
      [4] invokespecial #45
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.<init> ()V]
      [7] astore_1 v1
      [8] aload_1 v1
      [9] ldc #11
        + String [nickname]
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] getfield #37
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.nickname Ljava/lang/String;]
      [15] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [18] aload_1 v1
      [19] ldc #15
        + String [type]
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.type Ljava/lang/String;]
      [25] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [28] aload_1 v1
      [29] ldc #12
        + String [private]
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] getfield #38
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.privateKey [B]
      [35] invokevirtual #48
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;[B)V]
      [38] aload_1 v1
      [39] ldc #13
        + String [public]
      [41] aload_0 v0
      [42] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.publicKey Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
      [45] invokeinterface #67
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/PublicKey.getEncoded ()[B]
      [50] invokevirtual #48
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;[B)V]
      [53] aload_1 v1
      [54] ldc #9
        + String [encrypted]
      [56] aload_0 v0
      [57] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.encrypted Z]
      [60] ifeq +7 (target=67)
      [63] iconst_1
      [64] goto +4 (target=68)
      [67] iconst_0
      [68] invokestatic #49
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [71] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Integer;)V]
      [74] aload_1 v1
      [75] ldc #14
        + String [startup]
      [77] aload_0 v0
      [78] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.startup Z]
      [81] ifeq +7 (target=88)
      [84] iconst_1
      [85] goto +4 (target=89)
      [88] iconst_0
      [89] invokestatic #49
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [92] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Integer;)V]
      [95] aload_1 v1
      [96] ldc #8
        + String [confirmuse]
      [98] aload_0 v0
      [99] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.confirmUse Z]
      [102] ifeq +7 (target=109)
      [105] iconst_1
      [106] goto +4 (target=110)
      [109] iconst_0
      [110] invokestatic #49
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [113] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Integer;)V]
      [116] aload_1 v1
      [117] ldc #10
        + String [lifetime]
      [119] aload_0 v0
      [120] getfield #36
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.lifetime I]
      [123] invokestatic #49
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [126] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Integer;)V]
      [129] aload_1 v1
      [130] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 10)
        [0] -> line 207
        [8] -> line 209
        [18] -> line 210
        [28] -> line 211
        [38] -> line 212
        [53] -> line 213
        [74] -> line 214
        [95] -> line 215
        [116] -> line 216
        [129] -> line 218
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 131 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean; this]
        v1: 8 -> 131 [Landroid/content/ContentValues; values]
  + Method:       changePassword(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean changePassword(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 47, locals = 5, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokevirtual #61
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getPrivateKey ()[B]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] invokevirtual #62
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getType ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [8] aload_1 v1
      [9] invokestatic #65
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.decodePrivate ([BLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
      [12] astore_3 v3
      [13] goto +7 (target=20)
      [16] astore v4
      [18] iconst_0
      [19] ireturn
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] aload_3 v3
      [22] aload_2 v2
      [23] invokestatic #66
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.getEncodedPrivate (Ljava/security/PrivateKey;Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
      [26] invokevirtual #64
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setPrivateKey ([B)V]
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] aload_2 v2
      [31] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
      [34] ifle +7 (target=41)
      [37] iconst_1
      [38] goto +4 (target=42)
      [41] iconst_0
      [42] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setEncrypted (Z)V]
      [45] iconst_1
      [46] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 13: 16):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 225
        [16] -> line 226
        [18] -> line 227
        [20] -> line 230
        [29] -> line 231
        [45] -> line 233
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 47 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean; this]
        v1: 0 -> 47 [Ljava/lang/String; oldPassword]
        v2: 0 -> 47 [Ljava/lang/String; newPassword]
        v3: 13 -> 16 [Ljava/security/PrivateKey; priv]
        v3: 20 -> 47 [Ljava/security/PrivateKey; priv]
        v4: 18 -> 20 [Ljava/lang/Exception; e]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.SelectionArea extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 179):
  + String [
  + String [, bottom=]
  + String [, isSelectingOrigin=]
  + String [, left=]
  + String [, maxColumns=]
  + String [, maxRows=]
  + String [, right=]
  + String [SelectionArea[top=]
  + String []]
  + Class [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer]
  + Class [java/lang/Character]
  + Class [java/lang/Math]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuffer]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.bottom I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.left I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.maxColumns I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.maxRows I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.right I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.selectingOrigin Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/ I]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.getChar (II)C]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Character.isDefined (C)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Character.isISOControl (C)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Math.max (II)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Math.min (II)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.<init> (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.delete (II)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.length ()I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Z)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.checkBounds (II)I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.getBottom ()I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.getLeft ()I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.getRight ()I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.getTop ()I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.isSelectingOrigin ()Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.reset ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.setBottom (I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.setLeft (I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.setRight (I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.setTop (I)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (I)V]
  + NameAndType [append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + NameAndType [append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (Z)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [bottom I]
  + NameAndType [checkBounds (II)I]
  + NameAndType [delete (II)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + NameAndType [getBottom ()I]
  + NameAndType [getChar (II)C]
  + NameAndType [getLeft ()I]
  + NameAndType [getRight ()I]
  + NameAndType [getTop ()I]
  + NameAndType [isDefined (C)Z]
  + NameAndType [isISOControl (C)Z]
  + NameAndType [isSelectingOrigin ()Z]
  + NameAndType [left I]
  + NameAndType [length ()I]
  + NameAndType [max (II)I]
  + NameAndType [maxColumns I]
  + NameAndType [maxRows I]
  + NameAndType [min (II)I]
  + NameAndType [reset ()V]
  + NameAndType [right I]
  + NameAndType [selectingOrigin Z]
  + NameAndType [setBottom (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setLeft (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setRight (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setTop (I)V]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [top I]
  + Utf8 [
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(C)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + Utf8 [(C)Z]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(II)C]
  + Utf8 [(II)I]
  + Utf8 [(II)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + Utf8 [(II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Z)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [, bottom=]
  + Utf8 [, isSelectingOrigin=]
  + Utf8 [, left=]
  + Utf8 [, maxColumns=]
  + Utf8 [, maxRows=]
  + Utf8 [, right=]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [C]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea;]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SelectionArea[top=]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 []]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [bottom]
  + Utf8 [buffer]
  + Utf8 [c]
  + Utf8 [checkBounds]
  + Utf8 [column]
  + Utf8 [columns]
  + Utf8 [copyFrom]
  + Utf8 [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer]
  + Utf8 [decrementColumn]
  + Utf8 [decrementRow]
  + Utf8 [delete]
  + Utf8 [finishSelectingOrigin]
  + Utf8 [getBottom]
  + Utf8 [getChar]
  + Utf8 [getLeft]
  + Utf8 [getRight]
  + Utf8 [getTop]
  + Utf8 [incrementColumn]
  + Utf8 [incrementRow]
  + Utf8 [isDefined]
  + Utf8 [isISOControl]
  + Utf8 [isSelectingOrigin]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Character]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Math]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuffer]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [lastNonSpace]
  + Utf8 [left]
  + Utf8 [length]
  + Utf8 [max]
  + Utf8 [maxColumns]
  + Utf8 [maxRows]
  + Utf8 [min]
  + Utf8 [reset]
  + Utf8 [right]
  + Utf8 [row]
  + Utf8 [rows]
  + Utf8 [selectingOrigin]
  + Utf8 [setBottom]
  + Utf8 [setBounds]
  + Utf8 [setColumn]
  + Utf8 [setLeft]
  + Utf8 [setRight]
  + Utf8 [setRow]
  + Utf8 [setTop]
  + Utf8 [size]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [top]
  + Utf8 [value]
  + Utf8 [vb]
  + Utf8 [x]
  + Utf8 [y]

Fields (count = 7):
  + Field:        top I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int top
  + Field:        bottom I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int bottom
  + Field:        left I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int left
  + Field:        right I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int right
  + Field:        maxColumns I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int maxColumns
  + Field:        maxRows I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int maxRows
  + Field:        selectingOrigin Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean selectingOrigin

Methods (count = 22):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public SelectionArea()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 9, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #29
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.reset ()V]
      [8] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 37
        [4] -> line 38
        [8] -> line 39
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 9 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea; this]
  + Method:       reset()V
    Access flags: 0x11
      = public final void reset()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 26, locals = 1, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_0 v0
      [2] aload_0 v0
      [3] aload_0 v0
      [4] iconst_0
      [5] dup_x1
      [6] putfield #21
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.right I]
      [9] dup_x1
      [10] putfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.bottom I]
      [13] dup_x1
      [14] putfield #18
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.left I]
      [17] putfield #23
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/ I]
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] iconst_1
      [22] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.selectingOrigin Z]
      [25] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 42
        [20] -> line 43
        [25] -> line 44
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 26 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea; this]
  + Method:       setBounds(II)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setBounds(int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] iconst_1
      [3] isub
      [4] putfield #19
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.maxColumns I]
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] iload_2 v2
      [9] iconst_1
      [10] isub
      [11] putfield #20
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.maxRows I]
      [14] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 51
        [7] -> line 52
        [14] -> line 53
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 15 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea; this]
        v1: 0 -> 15 [I columns]
        v2: 0 -> 15 [I rows]
  + Method:       checkBounds(II)I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int checkBounds(int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] iload_1 v1
      [1] ifge +5 (target=6)
      [4] iconst_0
      [5] ireturn
      [6] iload_1 v1
      [7] iload_2 v2
      [8] ificmple +5 (target=13)
      [11] iload_2 v2
      [12] ireturn
      [13] iload_1 v1
      [14] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 56
        [4] -> line 57
        [6] -> line 58
        [11] -> line 59
        [13] -> line 61
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 15 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea; this]
        v1: 0 -> 15 [I value]
        v2: 0 -> 15 [I max]
  + Method:       isSelectingOrigin()Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean isSelectingOrigin()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.selectingOrigin Z]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 65
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea; this]
  + Method:       finishSelectingOrigin()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void finishSelectingOrigin()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iconst_0
      [2] putfield #22
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.selectingOrigin Z]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 69
        [5] -> line 70
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea; this]
  + Method:       decrementRow()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void decrementRow()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 31, locals = 1, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.selectingOrigin Z]
      [4] ifeq +16 (target=20)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/ I]
      [12] iconst_1
      [13] isub
      [14] invokespecial #51
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.setTop (I)V]
      [17] goto +13 (target=30)
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.bottom I]
      [25] iconst_1
      [26] isub
      [27] invokespecial #48
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.setBottom (I)V]
      [30] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 73
        [7] -> line 74
        [20] -> line 76
        [30] -> line 77
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 31 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea; this]
  + Method:       incrementRow()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void incrementRow()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 31, locals = 1, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.selectingOrigin Z]
      [4] ifeq +16 (target=20)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/ I]
      [12] iconst_1
      [13] iadd
      [14] invokespecial #51
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.setTop (I)V]
      [17] goto +13 (target=30)
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.bottom I]
      [25] iconst_1
      [26] iadd
      [27] invokespecial #48
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.setBottom (I)V]
      [30] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 80
        [7] -> line 81
        [20] -> line 83
        [30] -> line 84
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 31 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea; this]
  + Method:       setRow(I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setRow(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 21, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.selectingOrigin Z]
      [4] ifeq +11 (target=15)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] iload_1 v1
      [9] invokespecial #51
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.setTop (I)V]
      [12] goto +8 (target=20)
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] iload_1 v1
      [17] invokespecial #48
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.setBottom (I)V]
      [20] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 87
        [7] -> line 88
        [15] -> line 90
        [20] -> line 91
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 21 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea; this]
        v1: 0 -> 21 [I row]
  + Method:       setTop(I)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void setTop(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 19, locals = 2, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_0 v0
      [2] aload_0 v0
      [3] iload_1 v1
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.maxRows I]
      [8] invokespecial #41
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.checkBounds (II)I]
      [11] dup_x1
      [12] putfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.bottom I]
      [15] putfield #23
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/ I]
      [18] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 94
        [18] -> line 95
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 19 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea; this]
        v1: 0 -> 19 [I top]
  + Method:       getTop()I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int getTop()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 12, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/ I]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.bottom I]
      [8] invokestatic #28
        + Methodref [java/lang/Math.min (II)I]
      [11] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 98
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 12 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea; this]
  + Method:       setBottom(I)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void setBottom(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 14, locals = 2, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_0 v0
      [2] iload_1 v1
      [3] aload_0 v0
      [4] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.maxRows I]
      [7] invokespecial #41
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.checkBounds (II)I]
      [10] putfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.bottom I]
      [13] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 102
        [13] -> line 103
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 14 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea; this]
        v1: 0 -> 14 [I bottom]
  + Method:       getBottom()I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int getBottom()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 12, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/ I]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.bottom I]
      [8] invokestatic #27
        + Methodref [java/lang/Math.max (II)I]
      [11] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 106
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 12 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea; this]
  + Method:       decrementColumn()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void decrementColumn()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 31, locals = 1, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.selectingOrigin Z]
      [4] ifeq +16 (target=20)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.left I]
      [12] iconst_1
      [13] isub
      [14] invokespecial #49
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.setLeft (I)V]
      [17] goto +13 (target=30)
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.right I]
      [25] iconst_1
      [26] isub
      [27] invokespecial #50
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.setRight (I)V]
      [30] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 110
        [7] -> line 111
        [20] -> line 113
        [30] -> line 114
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 31 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea; this]
  + Method:       incrementColumn()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void incrementColumn()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 31, locals = 1, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.selectingOrigin Z]
      [4] ifeq +16 (target=20)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.left I]
      [12] iconst_1
      [13] iadd
      [14] invokespecial #49
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.setLeft (I)V]
      [17] goto +13 (target=30)
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.right I]
      [25] iconst_1
      [26] iadd
      [27] invokespecial #50
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.setRight (I)V]
      [30] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 117
        [7] -> line 118
        [20] -> line 120
        [30] -> line 121
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 31 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea; this]
  + Method:       setColumn(I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setColumn(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 21, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #22
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.selectingOrigin Z]
      [4] ifeq +11 (target=15)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] iload_1 v1
      [9] invokespecial #49
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.setLeft (I)V]
      [12] goto +8 (target=20)
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] iload_1 v1
      [17] invokespecial #50
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.setRight (I)V]
      [20] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 124
        [7] -> line 125
        [15] -> line 127
        [20] -> line 128
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 21 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea; this]
        v1: 0 -> 21 [I column]
  + Method:       setLeft(I)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void setLeft(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 19, locals = 2, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_0 v0
      [2] aload_0 v0
      [3] iload_1 v1
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.maxColumns I]
      [8] invokespecial #41
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.checkBounds (II)I]
      [11] dup_x1
      [12] putfield #21
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.right I]
      [15] putfield #18
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.left I]
      [18] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 131
        [18] -> line 132
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 19 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea; this]
        v1: 0 -> 19 [I left]
  + Method:       getLeft()I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int getLeft()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 12, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.left I]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.right I]
      [8] invokestatic #28
        + Methodref [java/lang/Math.min (II)I]
      [11] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 135
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 12 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea; this]
  + Method:       setRight(I)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void setRight(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 14, locals = 2, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_0 v0
      [2] iload_1 v1
      [3] aload_0 v0
      [4] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.maxColumns I]
      [7] invokespecial #41
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.checkBounds (II)I]
      [10] putfield #21
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.right I]
      [13] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 139
        [13] -> line 140
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 14 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea; this]
        v1: 0 -> 14 [I right]
  + Method:       getRight()I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int getRight()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 12, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.left I]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.right I]
      [8] invokestatic #27
        + Methodref [java/lang/Math.max (II)I]
      [11] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 143
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 12 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea; this]
  + Method:       copyFrom(Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;)Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String copyFrom(de.mud.terminal.VDUBuffer)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 181, locals = 8, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokevirtual #44
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.getRight ()I]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.getLeft ()I]
      [8] isub
      [9] iconst_1
      [10] iadd
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] invokevirtual #42
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.getBottom ()I]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] invokevirtual #45
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.getTop ()I]
      [19] isub
      [20] iconst_1
      [21] iadd
      [22] imul
      [23] istore_2 v2
      [24] new #14
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuffer]
      [27] dup
      [28] iload_2 v2
      [29] invokespecial #30
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.<init> (I)V]
      [32] astore_3 v3
      [33] aload_0 v0
      [34] invokevirtual #45
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.getTop ()I]
      [37] istore v4
      [39] goto +128 (target=167)
      [42] aload_3 v3
      [43] invokevirtual #34
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.length ()I]
      [46] istore v5
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.getLeft ()I]
      [52] istore v6
      [54] goto +63 (target=117)
      [57] aload_1 v1
      [58] iload v6
      [60] iload v4
      [62] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.getChar (II)C]
      [65] istore v7
      [67] iload v7
      [69] invokestatic #25
        + Methodref [java/lang/Character.isDefined (C)Z]
      [72] ifeq +18 (target=90)
      [75] iload v7
      [77] invokestatic #26
        + Methodref [java/lang/Character.isISOControl (C)Z]
      [80] ifeq +14 (target=94)
      [83] iload v7
      [85] bipush 9
      [87] ificmpeq +7 (target=94)
      [90] bipush 32
      [92] istore v7
      [94] iload v7
      [96] bipush 32
      [98] ificmpeq +9 (target=107)
      [101] aload_3 v3
      [102] invokevirtual #34
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.length ()I]
      [105] istore v5
      [107] aload_3 v3
      [108] iload v7
      [110] invokevirtual #31
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
      [113] pop
      [114] iinc v6, 1
      [117] iload v6
      [119] aload_0 v0
      [120] invokevirtual #44
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.getRight ()I]
      [123] ificmple -66 (target=57)
      [126] aload_3 v3
      [127] invokevirtual #34
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.length ()I]
      [130] iload v5
      [132] ificmple +16 (target=148)
      [135] aload_3 v3
      [136] iload v5
      [138] iconst_1
      [139] iadd
      [140] aload_3 v3
      [141] invokevirtual #34
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.length ()I]
      [144] invokevirtual #33
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.delete (II)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
      [147] pop
      [148] iload v4
      [150] aload_0 v0
      [151] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.bottom I]
      [154] ificmpeq +10 (target=164)
      [157] aload_3 v3
      [158] ldc #1
        + String [
      [160] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;]
      [163] pop
      [164] iinc v4, 1
      [167] iload v4
      [169] aload_0 v0
      [170] invokevirtual #42
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.getBottom ()I]
      [173] ificmple -131 (target=42)
      [176] aload_3 v3
      [177] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuffer.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [180] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 19)
        [0] -> line 147
        [24] -> line 149
        [33] -> line 151
        [42] -> line 152
        [48] -> line 154
        [57] -> line 156
        [67] -> line 158
        [75] -> line 159
        [90] -> line 160
        [94] -> line 162
        [101] -> line 163
        [107] -> line 165
        [114] -> line 154
        [126] -> line 169
        [135] -> line 170
        [148] -> line 172
        [157] -> line 173
        [164] -> line 151
        [176] -> line 176
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 8)
        v0: 0 -> 181 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea; this]
        v1: 0 -> 181 [Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer; vb]
        v2: 24 -> 181 [I size]
        v3: 33 -> 181 [Ljava/lang/StringBuffer; buffer]
        v4: 39 -> 176 [I y]
        v5: 48 -> 164 [I lastNonSpace]
        v6: 54 -> 126 [I x]
        v7: 67 -> 114 [C c]
  + Method:       toString()Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String toString()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 132, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] new #15
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [3] dup
      [4] invokespecial #36
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> ()V]
      [7] astore_1 v1
      [8] aload_1 v1
      [9] ldc #8
        + String [SelectionArea[top=]
      [11] invokevirtual #38
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [14] pop
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] aload_0 v0
      [17] getfield #23
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/ I]
      [20] invokevirtual #37
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [23] pop
      [24] aload_1 v1
      [25] ldc #2
        + String [, bottom=]
      [27] invokevirtual #38
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [30] pop
      [31] aload_1 v1
      [32] aload_0 v0
      [33] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.bottom I]
      [36] invokevirtual #37
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [39] pop
      [40] aload_1 v1
      [41] ldc #4
        + String [, left=]
      [43] invokevirtual #38
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [46] pop
      [47] aload_1 v1
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] getfield #18
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.left I]
      [52] invokevirtual #37
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [55] pop
      [56] aload_1 v1
      [57] ldc #7
        + String [, right=]
      [59] invokevirtual #38
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [62] pop
      [63] aload_1 v1
      [64] aload_0 v0
      [65] getfield #21
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.right I]
      [68] invokevirtual #37
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [71] pop
      [72] aload_1 v1
      [73] ldc #5
        + String [, maxColumns=]
      [75] invokevirtual #38
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [78] pop
      [79] aload_1 v1
      [80] aload_0 v0
      [81] getfield #19
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.maxColumns I]
      [84] invokevirtual #37
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [87] pop
      [88] aload_1 v1
      [89] ldc #6
        + String [, maxRows=]
      [91] invokevirtual #38
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [94] pop
      [95] aload_1 v1
      [96] aload_0 v0
      [97] getfield #20
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.maxRows I]
      [100] invokevirtual #37
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [103] pop
      [104] aload_1 v1
      [105] ldc #3
        + String [, isSelectingOrigin=]
      [107] invokevirtual #38
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [110] pop
      [111] aload_1 v1
      [112] aload_0 v0
      [113] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.isSelectingOrigin ()Z]
      [116] invokevirtual #39
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Z)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [119] pop
      [120] aload_1 v1
      [121] ldc #9
        + String []]
      [123] invokevirtual #38
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [126] pop
      [127] aload_1 v1
      [128] invokevirtual #40
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [131] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 17)
        [0] -> line 181
        [8] -> line 183
        [15] -> line 184
        [24] -> line 185
        [31] -> line 186
        [40] -> line 187
        [47] -> line 188
        [56] -> line 189
        [63] -> line 190
        [72] -> line 191
        [79] -> line 192
        [88] -> line 193
        [95] -> line 194
        [104] -> line 195
        [111] -> line 196
        [120] -> line 197
        [127] -> line 199
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 132 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea; this]
        v1: 8 -> 132 [Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; buffer]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BackupAgent
  Superclass:    android/app/backup/BackupAgentHelper
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.BackupAgent extends

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 104):
  + String [../databases/hosts]
  + String [../databases/pubkeys]
  + String [ConnectBot.BackupAgent]
  + String [_preferences]
  + String [hosts]
  + String [onCreate called]
  + String [onRestore called]
  + String [onRestore in-lock]
  + String [prefs]
  + String [pubkeys]
  + Class [android/app/backup/BackupAgentHelper]
  + Class [android/app/backup/FileBackupHelper]
  + Class [android/app/backup/SharedPreferencesBackupHelper]
  + Class [android/util/Log]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BackupAgent]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.dbLock [Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [android/app/backup/BackupAgentHelper.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [android/app/backup/BackupAgentHelper.onBackup (Landroid/os/ParcelFileDescriptor;Landroid/app/backup/BackupDataOutput;Landroid/os/ParcelFileDescriptor;)V]
  + Methodref [android/app/backup/BackupAgentHelper.onRestore (Landroid/app/backup/BackupDataInput;ILandroid/os/ParcelFileDescriptor;)V]
  + Methodref [android/app/backup/FileBackupHelper.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;[Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [android/app/backup/SharedPreferencesBackupHelper.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;[Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BackupAgent.addHelper (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/app/backup/BackupHelper;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BackupAgent.getPackageName ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;[Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [addHelper (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/app/backup/BackupHelper;)V]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [dbLock [Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [getPackageName ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [onBackup (Landroid/os/ParcelFileDescriptor;Landroid/app/backup/BackupDataOutput;Landroid/os/ParcelFileDescriptor;)V]
  + NameAndType [onRestore (Landroid/app/backup/BackupDataInput;ILandroid/os/ParcelFileDescriptor;)V]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/app/backup/BackupDataInput;ILandroid/os/ParcelFileDescriptor;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;[Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/ParcelFileDescriptor;Landroid/app/backup/BackupDataOutput;Landroid/os/ParcelFileDescriptor;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/app/backup/BackupHelper;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [../databases/hosts]
  + Utf8 [../databases/pubkeys]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ConnectBot.BackupAgent]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/app/backup/BackupDataInput;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/app/backup/BackupDataOutput;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/app/backup/FileBackupHelper;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/app/backup/SharedPreferencesBackupHelper;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/ParcelFileDescriptor;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BackupAgent;]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [_preferences]
  + Utf8 [addHelper]
  + Utf8 [android/app/backup/BackupAgentHelper]
  + Utf8 [android/app/backup/FileBackupHelper]
  + Utf8 [android/app/backup/SharedPreferencesBackupHelper]
  + Utf8 [android/util/Log]
  + Utf8 [appVersionCode]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [d]
  + Utf8 [data]
  + Utf8 [dbLock]
  + Utf8 [getPackageName]
  + Utf8 [hosts]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [newState]
  + Utf8 [oldState]
  + Utf8 [onBackup]
  + Utf8 [onCreate]
  + Utf8 [onCreate called]
  + Utf8 [onRestore]
  + Utf8 [onRestore called]
  + Utf8 [onRestore in-lock]
  + Utf8 [prefs]
  + Utf8 [pubkeys]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BackupAgent]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [valueOf]

Fields (count = 0):

Methods (count = 4):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public BackupAgent()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #21
        + Methodref [android/app/backup/BackupAgentHelper.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 37
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BackupAgent; this]
  + Method:       onCreate()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onCreate()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 104, locals = 4, stack = 9):
      [0] ldc #3
        + String [ConnectBot.BackupAgent]
      [2] ldc #6
        + String [onCreate called]
      [4] invokestatic #26
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [7] pop
      [8] new #13
        + Class [android/app/backup/SharedPreferencesBackupHelper]
      [11] dup
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] iconst_1
      [14] anewarray #16
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [17] dup
      [18] iconst_0
      [19] new #17
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [22] dup
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BackupAgent.getPackageName ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [27] invokestatic #27
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [30] invokespecial #28
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [33] ldc #4
        + String [_preferences]
      [35] invokevirtual #29
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [38] invokevirtual #30
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [41] aastore
      [42] invokespecial #25
        + Methodref [android/app/backup/SharedPreferencesBackupHelper.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;[Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [45] astore_1 v1
      [46] aload_0 v0
      [47] ldc #9
        + String [prefs]
      [49] aload_1 v1
      [50] invokevirtual #31
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BackupAgent.addHelper (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/app/backup/BackupHelper;)V]
      [53] new #12
        + Class [android/app/backup/FileBackupHelper]
      [56] dup
      [57] aload_0 v0
      [58] iconst_1
      [59] anewarray #16
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [62] dup
      [63] iconst_0
      [64] ldc #1
        + String [../databases/hosts]
      [66] aastore
      [67] invokespecial #24
        + Methodref [android/app/backup/FileBackupHelper.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;[Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [70] astore_2 v2
      [71] aload_0 v0
      [72] ldc #5
        + String [hosts]
      [74] aload_2 v2
      [75] invokevirtual #31
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BackupAgent.addHelper (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/app/backup/BackupHelper;)V]
      [78] new #12
        + Class [android/app/backup/FileBackupHelper]
      [81] dup
      [82] aload_0 v0
      [83] iconst_1
      [84] anewarray #16
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [87] dup
      [88] iconst_0
      [89] ldc #2
        + String [../databases/pubkeys]
      [91] aastore
      [92] invokespecial #24
        + Methodref [android/app/backup/FileBackupHelper.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;[Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [95] astore_3 v3
      [96] aload_0 v0
      [97] ldc #10
        + String [pubkeys]
      [99] aload_3 v3
      [100] invokevirtual #31
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BackupAgent.addHelper (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/app/backup/BackupHelper;)V]
      [103] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 40
        [8] -> line 42
        [46] -> line 43
        [53] -> line 45
        [71] -> line 46
        [78] -> line 48
        [96] -> line 49
        [103] -> line 51
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 104 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BackupAgent; this]
        v1: 46 -> 104 [Landroid/app/backup/SharedPreferencesBackupHelper; prefs]
        v2: 71 -> 104 [Landroid/app/backup/FileBackupHelper; hosts]
        v3: 96 -> 104 [Landroid/app/backup/FileBackupHelper; pubkeys]
  + Method:       onBackup(Landroid/os/ParcelFileDescriptor;Landroid/app/backup/BackupDataOutput;Landroid/os/ParcelFileDescriptor;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onBackup(android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor,,android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 25, locals = 5, stack = 4):
      [0] getstatic #20
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.dbLock [Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [3] dup
      [4] astore v4
      [6] monitorenter
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] aload_1 v1
      [9] aload_2 v2
      [10] aload_3 v3
      [11] invokespecial #22
        + Methodref [android/app/backup/BackupAgentHelper.onBackup (Landroid/os/ParcelFileDescriptor;Landroid/app/backup/BackupDataOutput;Landroid/os/ParcelFileDescriptor;)V]
      [14] aload v4
      [16] monitorexit
      [17] goto +7 (target=24)
      [20] aload v4
      [22] monitorexit
      [23] athrow
      [24] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (7 -> 17: 20):
      + ExceptionInfo (20 -> 23: 20):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 56
        [7] -> line 57
        [14] -> line 56
        [24] -> line 59
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 25 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BackupAgent; this]
        v1: 0 -> 25 [Landroid/os/ParcelFileDescriptor; oldState]
        v2: 0 -> 25 [Landroid/app/backup/BackupDataOutput; data]
        v3: 0 -> 25 [Landroid/os/ParcelFileDescriptor; newState]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       onRestore(Landroid/app/backup/BackupDataInput;ILandroid/os/ParcelFileDescriptor;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onRestore(,int,android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 41, locals = 5, stack = 4):
      [0] ldc #3
        + String [ConnectBot.BackupAgent]
      [2] ldc #7
        + String [onRestore called]
      [4] invokestatic #26
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [7] pop
      [8] getstatic #20
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.dbLock [Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [11] dup
      [12] astore v4
      [14] monitorenter
      [15] ldc #3
        + String [ConnectBot.BackupAgent]
      [17] ldc #8
        + String [onRestore in-lock]
      [19] invokestatic #26
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [22] pop
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] aload_1 v1
      [25] iload_2 v2
      [26] aload_3 v3
      [27] invokespecial #23
        + Methodref [android/app/backup/BackupAgentHelper.onRestore (Landroid/app/backup/BackupDataInput;ILandroid/os/ParcelFileDescriptor;)V]
      [30] aload v4
      [32] monitorexit
      [33] goto +7 (target=40)
      [36] aload v4
      [38] monitorexit
      [39] athrow
      [40] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (15 -> 33: 36):
      + ExceptionInfo (36 -> 39: 36):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 64
        [8] -> line 66
        [15] -> line 67
        [23] -> line 69
        [30] -> line 66
        [40] -> line 71
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 41 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BackupAgent; this]
        v1: 0 -> 41 [Landroid/app/backup/BackupDataInput; data]
        v2: 0 -> 41 [I appVersionCode]
        v3: 0 -> 41 [Landroid/os/ParcelFileDescriptor; newState]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BridgeDisconnectedListener
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x601
    = public interface com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.BridgeDisconnectedListener extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 9):
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BridgeDisconnectedListener]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [onDisconnected]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BridgeDisconnectedListener]

Fields (count = 0):

Methods (count = 1):
  + Method:       onDisconnected(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract void onDisconnected(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge)

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x421
    = public abstract class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.ConnectionNotifier extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 192):
  + Integer [-16776961]
  + Integer [-16711936]
  + Integer [-65536]
  + Integer [2130837514]
  + Integer [2131230720]
  + Integer [2131230923]
  + Integer [2131230932]
  + String [android.intent.action.VIEW]
  + String [blue]
  + String [green]
  + String [notification]
  + String [red]
  + Class [android/app/Notification]
  + Class [android/app/NotificationManager]
  + Class [android/app/PendingIntent]
  + Class [android/content/Context]
  + Class [android/content/Intent]
  + Class [android/content/res/Resources]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond$Holder]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair$Holder]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PreferenceConstants]
  + Fieldref [android/app/Notification.contentIntent Landroid/app/PendingIntent;]
  + Fieldref [android/app/Notification.flags I]
  + Fieldref [android/app/Notification.icon I]
  + Fieldref [android/app/Notification.ledARGB I]
  + Fieldref [android/app/Notification.ledOffMS I]
  + Fieldref [android/app/Notification.ledOnMS I]
  + Fieldref [android/app/Notification.when J]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PreferenceConstants.PRE_ECLAIR Z]
  + Methodref [android/app/Notification.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [android/app/Notification.setLatestEventInfo (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;Landroid/app/PendingIntent;)V]
  + Methodref [android/app/NotificationManager.notify (ILandroid/app/Notification;)V]
  + Methodref [android/app/PendingIntent.getActivity (Landroid/content/Context;ILandroid/content/Intent;I)Landroid/app/PendingIntent;]
  + Methodref [android/content/Context.getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + Methodref [android/content/Context.getSystemService (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [android/content/Intent.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
  + Methodref [android/content/Intent.setAction (Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Methodref [android/content/Intent.setData (Landroid/net/Uri;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.currentTimeMillis ()J]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getColor ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getUri ()Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier.getNotificationManager (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/app/NotificationManager;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier.newActivityNotification (Landroid/content/Context;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Landroid/app/Notification;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier.newNotification (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/app/Notification;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond$Holder.access$0 ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair$Holder.access$0 ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
  + NameAndType [PRE_ECLAIR Z]
  + NameAndType [access$0 ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond;]
  + NameAndType [access$0 ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair;]
  + NameAndType [contentIntent Landroid/app/PendingIntent;]
  + NameAndType [currentTimeMillis ()J]
  + NameAndType [equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [flags I]
  + NameAndType [getActivity (Landroid/content/Context;ILandroid/content/Intent;I)Landroid/app/PendingIntent;]
  + NameAndType [getColor ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getNotificationManager (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/app/NotificationManager;]
  + NameAndType [getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + NameAndType [getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getString (I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getSystemService (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [getUri ()Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + NameAndType [icon I]
  + NameAndType [ledARGB I]
  + NameAndType [ledOffMS I]
  + NameAndType [ledOnMS I]
  + NameAndType [newActivityNotification (Landroid/content/Context;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Landroid/app/Notification;]
  + NameAndType [newNotification (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/app/Notification;]
  + NameAndType [notify (ILandroid/app/Notification;)V]
  + NameAndType [setAction (Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + NameAndType [setData (Landroid/net/Uri;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + NameAndType [setLatestEventInfo (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;Landroid/app/PendingIntent;)V]
  + NameAndType [when J]
  + Utf8 [()J]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond;]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair;]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(ILandroid/app/Notification;)V]
  + Utf8 [(I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/app/Service;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/app/Service;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/app/Notification;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/app/NotificationManager;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;ILandroid/content/Intent;I)Landroid/app/PendingIntent;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;Landroid/app/PendingIntent;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Landroid/app/Notification;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/net/Uri;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [EclairAndBeyond]
  + Utf8 [Holder]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [J]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/app/Notification;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/app/PendingIntent;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/app/Service;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/Context;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier;]
  + Utf8 [PRE_ECLAIR]
  + Utf8 [PreEclair]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [android.intent.action.VIEW]
  + Utf8 [android/app/Notification]
  + Utf8 [android/app/NotificationManager]
  + Utf8 [android/app/PendingIntent]
  + Utf8 [android/content/Context]
  + Utf8 [android/content/Intent]
  + Utf8 [android/content/res/Resources]
  + Utf8 [blue]
  + Utf8 [contentIntent]
  + Utf8 [contentText]
  + Utf8 [context]
  + Utf8 [currentTimeMillis]
  + Utf8 [equals]
  + Utf8 [flags]
  + Utf8 [getActivity]
  + Utf8 [getColor]
  + Utf8 [getInstance]
  + Utf8 [getNickname]
  + Utf8 [getNotificationManager]
  + Utf8 [getResources]
  + Utf8 [getString]
  + Utf8 [getSystemService]
  + Utf8 [getUri]
  + Utf8 [green]
  + Utf8 [hideRunningNotification]
  + Utf8 [host]
  + Utf8 [icon]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [ledARGB]
  + Utf8 [ledOffMS]
  + Utf8 [ledOnMS]
  + Utf8 [newActivityNotification]
  + Utf8 [newNotification]
  + Utf8 [newRunningNotification]
  + Utf8 [notification]
  + Utf8 [notificationIntent]
  + Utf8 [notify]
  + Utf8 [red]
  + Utf8 [res]
  + Utf8 [setAction]
  + Utf8 [setData]
  + Utf8 [setLatestEventInfo]
  + Utf8 [showActivityNotification]
  + Utf8 [showRunningNotification]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond$Holder]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair$Holder]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PreferenceConstants]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [when]

Fields (count = 0):

Methods (count = 9):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public ConnectionNotifier()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #49
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 42
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier; this]
  + Method:       getInstance()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier;
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.ConnectionNotifier getInstance()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 14, locals = 0, stack = 1):
      [0] getstatic #37
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PreferenceConstants.PRE_ECLAIR Z]
      [3] ifeq +7 (target=10)
      [6] invokestatic #59
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair$Holder.access$0 ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair;]
      [9] areturn
      [10] invokestatic #58
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond$Holder.access$0 ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond;]
      [13] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 47
        [6] -> line 48
        [10] -> line 50
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       getNotificationManager(Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/app/NotificationManager;
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected getNotificationManager(android.content.Context)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] ldc #11
        + String [notification]
      [3] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [android/content/Context.getSystemService (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [6] checkcast #14
        + Class [android/app/NotificationManager]
      [9] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 54
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier; this]
        v1: 0 -> 10 [Landroid/content/Context; context]
  + Method:       newNotification(Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/app/Notification;
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected newNotification(android.content.Context)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 23, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] new #13
        + Class [android/app/Notification]
      [3] dup
      [4] invokespecial #38
        + Methodref [android/app/Notification.<init> ()V]
      [7] astore_2 v2
      [8] aload_2 v2
      [9] ldc #4
        + Integer [2130837514]
      [11] putfield #32
        + Fieldref [android/app/Notification.icon I]
      [14] aload_2 v2
      [15] invokestatic #51
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.currentTimeMillis ()J]
      [18] putfield #36
        + Fieldref [android/app/Notification.when J]
      [21] aload_2 v2
      [22] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 58
        [8] -> line 59
        [14] -> line 60
        [21] -> line 62
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 23 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier; this]
        v1: 0 -> 23 [Landroid/content/Context; context]
        v2: 8 -> 23 [Landroid/app/Notification; notification]
  + Method:       newActivityNotification(Landroid/content/Context;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Landroid/app/Notification;
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected newActivityNotification(android.content.Context,com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.HostBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 198, locals = 8, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokevirtual #57
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier.newNotification (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/app/Notification;]
      [5] astore_3 v3
      [6] aload_1 v1
      [7] invokevirtual #42
        + Methodref [android/content/Context.getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [10] astore v4
      [12] aload v4
      [14] ldc #6
        + Integer [2131230923]
      [16] iconst_1
      [17] anewarray #19
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [20] dup
      [21] iconst_0
      [22] aload_2 v2
      [23] invokevirtual #53
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [26] aastore
      [27] invokevirtual #48
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [30] astore v5
      [32] new #17
        + Class [android/content/Intent]
      [35] dup
      [36] aload_1 v1
      [37] ldc #22
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
      [39] invokespecial #44
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
      [42] astore v6
      [44] aload v6
      [46] ldc #8
        + String [android.intent.action.VIEW]
      [48] invokevirtual #45
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.setAction (Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
      [51] pop
      [52] aload v6
      [54] aload_2 v2
      [55] invokevirtual #54
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getUri ()Landroid/net/Uri;]
      [58] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.setData (Landroid/net/Uri;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
      [61] pop
      [62] aload_1 v1
      [63] iconst_0
      [64] aload v6
      [66] iconst_0
      [67] invokestatic #41
        + Methodref [android/app/PendingIntent.getActivity (Landroid/content/Context;ILandroid/content/Intent;I)Landroid/app/PendingIntent;]
      [70] astore v7
      [72] aload_3 v3
      [73] aload_1 v1
      [74] aload v4
      [76] ldc #5
        + Integer [2131230720]
      [78] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [81] aload v5
      [83] aload v7
      [85] invokevirtual #39
        + Methodref [android/app/Notification.setLatestEventInfo (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;Landroid/app/PendingIntent;)V]
      [88] aload_3 v3
      [89] bipush 16
      [91] putfield #31
        + Fieldref [android/app/Notification.flags I]
      [94] aload_3 v3
      [95] dup
      [96] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [android/app/Notification.flags I]
      [99] iconst_4
      [100] ior
      [101] putfield #31
        + Fieldref [android/app/Notification.flags I]
      [104] ldc #12
        + String [red]
      [106] aload_2 v2
      [107] invokevirtual #52
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getColor ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [110] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [113] ifeq +12 (target=125)
      [116] aload_3 v3
      [117] ldc #3
        + Integer [-65536]
      [119] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [android/app/Notification.ledARGB I]
      [122] goto +50 (target=172)
      [125] ldc #10
        + String [green]
      [127] aload_2 v2
      [128] invokevirtual #52
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getColor ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [131] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [134] ifeq +12 (target=146)
      [137] aload_3 v3
      [138] ldc #2
        + Integer [-16711936]
      [140] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [android/app/Notification.ledARGB I]
      [143] goto +29 (target=172)
      [146] ldc #9
        + String [blue]
      [148] aload_2 v2
      [149] invokevirtual #52
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getColor ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [152] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [155] ifeq +12 (target=167)
      [158] aload_3 v3
      [159] ldc #1
        + Integer [-16776961]
      [161] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [android/app/Notification.ledARGB I]
      [164] goto +8 (target=172)
      [167] aload_3 v3
      [168] iconst_m1
      [169] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [android/app/Notification.ledARGB I]
      [172] aload_3 v3
      [173] sipush 300
      [176] putfield #35
        + Fieldref [android/app/Notification.ledOnMS I]
      [179] aload_3 v3
      [180] sipush 1000
      [183] putfield #34
        + Fieldref [android/app/Notification.ledOffMS I]
      [186] aload_3 v3
      [187] dup
      [188] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [android/app/Notification.flags I]
      [191] iconst_1
      [192] ior
      [193] putfield #31
        + Fieldref [android/app/Notification.flags I]
      [196] aload_3 v3
      [197] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 25)
        [0] -> line 66
        [6] -> line 68
        [12] -> line 70
        [14] -> line 71
        [27] -> line 70
        [32] -> line 73
        [44] -> line 74
        [52] -> line 75
        [62] -> line 77
        [64] -> line 78
        [67] -> line 77
        [72] -> line 80
        [88] -> line 82
        [94] -> line 84
        [104] -> line 85
        [116] -> line 86
        [125] -> line 87
        [137] -> line 88
        [146] -> line 89
        [158] -> line 90
        [167] -> line 92
        [172] -> line 93
        [179] -> line 94
        [186] -> line 95
        [196] -> line 97
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 8)
        v0: 0 -> 198 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier; this]
        v1: 0 -> 198 [Landroid/content/Context; context]
        v2: 0 -> 198 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; host]
        v3: 6 -> 198 [Landroid/app/Notification; notification]
        v4: 12 -> 198 [Landroid/content/res/Resources; res]
        v5: 32 -> 198 [Ljava/lang/String; contentText]
        v6: 44 -> 198 [Landroid/content/Intent; notificationIntent]
        v7: 72 -> 198 [Landroid/app/PendingIntent; contentIntent]
  + Method:       newRunningNotification(Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/app/Notification;
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected newRunningNotification(android.content.Context)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 65, locals = 4, stack = 7):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokevirtual #57
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier.newNotification (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/app/Notification;]
      [5] astore_2 v2
      [6] aload_2 v2
      [7] bipush 34
      [9] putfield #31
        + Fieldref [android/app/Notification.flags I]
      [12] aload_2 v2
      [13] lconst_0
      [14] putfield #36
        + Fieldref [android/app/Notification.when J]
      [17] aload_2 v2
      [18] aload_1 v1
      [19] iconst_1
      [20] new #17
        + Class [android/content/Intent]
      [23] dup
      [24] aload_1 v1
      [25] ldc #22
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/ConsoleActivity]
      [27] invokespecial #44
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
      [30] iconst_0
      [31] invokestatic #41
        + Methodref [android/app/PendingIntent.getActivity (Landroid/content/Context;ILandroid/content/Intent;I)Landroid/app/PendingIntent;]
      [34] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [android/app/Notification.contentIntent Landroid/app/PendingIntent;]
      [37] aload_1 v1
      [38] invokevirtual #42
        + Methodref [android/content/Context.getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [41] astore_3 v3
      [42] aload_2 v2
      [43] aload_1 v1
      [44] aload_3 v3
      [45] ldc #5
        + Integer [2131230720]
      [47] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [50] aload_3 v3
      [51] ldc #7
        + Integer [2131230932]
      [53] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [56] aload_2 v2
      [57] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [android/app/Notification.contentIntent Landroid/app/PendingIntent;]
      [60] invokevirtual #39
        + Methodref [android/app/Notification.setLatestEventInfo (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;Landroid/app/PendingIntent;)V]
      [63] aload_2 v2
      [64] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 14)
        [0] -> line 101
        [6] -> line 103
        [12] -> line 105
        [17] -> line 107
        [19] -> line 108
        [20] -> line 109
        [31] -> line 107
        [37] -> line 111
        [42] -> line 113
        [44] -> line 114
        [50] -> line 115
        [56] -> line 116
        [60] -> line 113
        [63] -> line 118
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 65 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier; this]
        v1: 0 -> 65 [Landroid/content/Context; context]
        v2: 6 -> 65 [Landroid/app/Notification; notification]
        v3: 42 -> 65 [Landroid/content/res/Resources; res]
  + Method:       showActivityNotification(Landroid/app/Service;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void showActivityNotification(,com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.HostBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 16, locals = 3, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokevirtual #55
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier.getNotificationManager (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/app/NotificationManager;]
      [5] iconst_2
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] aload_1 v1
      [8] aload_2 v2
      [9] invokevirtual #56
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier.newActivityNotification (Landroid/content/Context;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Landroid/app/Notification;]
      [12] invokevirtual #40
        + Methodref [android/app/NotificationManager.notify (ILandroid/app/Notification;)V]
      [15] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 122
        [15] -> line 123
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 16 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier; this]
        v1: 0 -> 16 [Landroid/app/Service; context]
        v2: 0 -> 16 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; host]
  + Method:       showRunningNotification(Landroid/app/Service;)V
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract void showRunningNotification(
  + Method:       hideRunningNotification(Landroid/app/Service;)V
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract void hideRunningNotification(

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 4)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0xa = private static 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier]
      + Utf8 [EclairAndBeyond]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0xa = private static 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond$Holder]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond]
      + Utf8 [Holder]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0xa = private static 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier]
      + Utf8 [PreEclair]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0xa = private static 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair$Holder]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair]
      + Utf8 [Holder]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond
  Superclass:    com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond extends com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.ConnectionNotifier

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 42):
  + Class [android/app/Service]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond$Holder]
  + Methodref [android/app/Service.startForeground (ILandroid/app/Notification;)V]
  + Methodref [android/app/Service.stopForeground (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond.newRunningNotification (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/app/Notification;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [newRunningNotification (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/app/Notification;]
  + NameAndType [startForeground (ILandroid/app/Notification;)V]
  + NameAndType [stopForeground (Z)V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(ILandroid/app/Notification;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/app/Service;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/app/Notification;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [EclairAndBeyond]
  + Utf8 [Holder]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/app/Service;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond;]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [android/app/Service]
  + Utf8 [context]
  + Utf8 [hideRunningNotification]
  + Utf8 [newRunningNotification]
  + Utf8 [showRunningNotification]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond$Holder]
  + Utf8 [startForeground]
  + Utf8 [stopForeground]
  + Utf8 [this]

Fields (count = 0):

Methods (count = 4):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #7
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 176
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond; this]
  + Method:       showRunningNotification(Landroid/app/Service;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void showRunningNotification(
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 11, locals = 2, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] iconst_1
      [2] aload_0 v0
      [3] aload_1 v1
      [4] invokevirtual #9
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond.newRunningNotification (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/app/Notification;]
      [7] invokevirtual #5
        + Methodref [android/app/Service.startForeground (ILandroid/app/Notification;)V]
      [10] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 183
        [10] -> line 184
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 11 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond; this]
        v1: 0 -> 11 [Landroid/app/Service; context]
  + Method:       hideRunningNotification(Landroid/app/Service;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void hideRunningNotification(
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] iconst_1
      [2] invokevirtual #6
        + Methodref [android/app/Service.stopForeground (Z)V]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 188
        [5] -> line 189
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [Landroid/app/Service; context]
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond;)V
    Access flags: 0x1000
      = synthetic ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 2, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #8
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 176
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0xa = private static 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier]
      + Utf8 [EclairAndBeyond]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0xa = private static 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond$Holder]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond]
      + Utf8 [Holder]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond$Holder
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond$Holder extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 33):
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond$Holder]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond$Holder.sInstance Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond;)V]
  + NameAndType [sInstance Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond;]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond;)V]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [EclairAndBeyond]
  + Utf8 [Holder]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond$Holder;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond;]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [sInstance]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond$Holder]
  + Utf8 [this]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        sInstance Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond;
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond sInstance

Methods (count = 3):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 12, locals = 0, stack = 3):
      [0] new #3
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond]
      [3] dup
      [4] aconst_null
      [5] invokespecial #7
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond;)V]
      [8] putstatic #5
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond$Holder.sInstance Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond;]
      [11] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 178
        [11] -> line 177
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond$Holder()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #6
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 177
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond$Holder; this]
  + Method:       access$0()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond access$0()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 4, locals = 0, stack = 1):
      [0] getstatic #5
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond$Holder.sInstance Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond;]
      [3] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 178
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0xa = private static 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier]
      + Utf8 [EclairAndBeyond]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0xa = private static 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond$Holder]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$EclairAndBeyond]
      + Utf8 [Holder]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair
  Superclass:    com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair extends com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.ConnectionNotifier

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 93):
  + String [setForeground]
  + Class [android/app/NotificationManager]
  + Class [android/app/Service]
  + Class [java/lang/Boolean]
  + Class [java/lang/Class]
  + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Class [java/lang/IllegalAccessException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/reflect/InvocationTargetException]
  + Class [java/lang/reflect/Method]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair$Holder]
  + Fieldref [java/lang/Boolean.FALSE Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
  + Fieldref [java/lang/Boolean.TRUE Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
  + Fieldref [java/lang/Boolean.TYPE Ljava/lang/Class;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair.setForeground Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair.setForegroundSignature [Ljava/lang/Class;]
  + Methodref [android/app/NotificationManager.cancel (I)V]
  + Methodref [android/app/NotificationManager.notify (ILandroid/app/Notification;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Class.getMethod (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/reflect/Method.invoke (Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair.getNotificationManager (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/app/NotificationManager;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair.newRunningNotification (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/app/Notification;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [FALSE Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
  + NameAndType [TRUE Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
  + NameAndType [TYPE Ljava/lang/Class;]
  + NameAndType [cancel (I)V]
  + NameAndType [getMethod (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;]
  + NameAndType [getNotificationManager (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/app/NotificationManager;]
  + NameAndType [invoke (Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [newRunningNotification (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/app/Notification;]
  + NameAndType [notify (ILandroid/app/Notification;)V]
  + NameAndType [setForeground Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;]
  + NameAndType [setForegroundSignature [Ljava/lang/Class;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(ILandroid/app/Notification;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/app/Service;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/app/Notification;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/app/NotificationManager;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [FALSE]
  + Utf8 [Holder]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/app/Service;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Class;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair;]
  + Utf8 [PreEclair]
  + Utf8 [Signature]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [TRUE]
  + Utf8 [TYPE]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/Class;]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/Class<*>;]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [android/app/NotificationManager]
  + Utf8 [android/app/Service]
  + Utf8 [cancel]
  + Utf8 [context]
  + Utf8 [getMethod]
  + Utf8 [getNotificationManager]
  + Utf8 [hideRunningNotification]
  + Utf8 [invoke]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Boolean]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Class]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Exception]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/IllegalAccessException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/reflect/InvocationTargetException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/reflect/Method]
  + Utf8 [newRunningNotification]
  + Utf8 [notify]
  + Utf8 [setForeground]
  + Utf8 [setForegroundArgs]
  + Utf8 [setForegroundSignature]
  + Utf8 [showRunningNotification]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair$Holder]
  + Utf8 [this]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        setForegroundSignature [Ljava/lang/Class;
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final java.lang.Class[] setForegroundSignature
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/Class<*>;]
  + Field:        setForeground Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.reflect.Method setForeground

Methods (count = 4):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 14, locals = 0, stack = 4):
      [0] iconst_1
      [1] anewarray #5
        + Class [java/lang/Class]
      [4] dup
      [5] iconst_0
      [6] getstatic #16
        + Fieldref [java/lang/Boolean.TYPE Ljava/lang/Class;]
      [9] aastore
      [10] putstatic #18
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair.setForegroundSignature [Ljava/lang/Class;]
      [13] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 133
        [13] -> line 132
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 28, locals = 2, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #23
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aconst_null
      [6] putfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair.setForeground Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] ldc #3
        + Class [android/app/Service]
      [12] ldc #1
        + String [setForeground]
      [14] getstatic #18
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair.setForegroundSignature [Ljava/lang/Class;]
      [17] invokevirtual #21
        + Methodref [java/lang/Class.getMethod (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;]
      [20] putfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair.setForeground Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;]
      [23] goto +4 (target=27)
      [26] astore_1 v1
      [27] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (9 -> 23: 26):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 140
        [4] -> line 134
        [9] -> line 142
        [26] -> line 143
        [27] -> line 145
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 28 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair; this]
  + Method:       showRunningNotification(Landroid/app/Service;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void showRunningNotification(
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 51, locals = 4, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair.setForeground Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;]
      [4] ifnull +46 (target=50)
      [7] iconst_1
      [8] anewarray #8
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [11] astore_2 v2
      [12] aload_2 v2
      [13] iconst_0
      [14] getstatic #15
        + Fieldref [java/lang/Boolean.TRUE Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
      [17] aastore
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair.setForeground Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;]
      [22] aload_1 v1
      [23] aload_2 v2
      [24] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [java/lang/reflect/Method.invoke (Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [27] pop
      [28] goto +8 (target=36)
      [31] astore_3 v3
      [32] goto +4 (target=36)
      [35] astore_3 v3
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] aload_1 v1
      [38] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair.getNotificationManager (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/app/NotificationManager;]
      [41] iconst_1
      [42] aload_0 v0
      [43] aload_1 v1
      [44] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair.newRunningNotification (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/app/Notification;]
      [47] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [android/app/NotificationManager.notify (ILandroid/app/Notification;)V]
      [50] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (18 -> 28: 31):
      + Class [java/lang/reflect/InvocationTargetException]
      + ExceptionInfo (18 -> 28: 35):
      + Class [java/lang/IllegalAccessException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 149
        [7] -> line 150
        [12] -> line 151
        [18] -> line 153
        [31] -> line 154
        [35] -> line 155
        [36] -> line 157
        [50] -> line 159
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 51 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair; this]
        v1: 0 -> 51 [Landroid/app/Service; context]
        v2: 12 -> 50 [[Ljava/lang/Object; setForegroundArgs]
  + Method:       hideRunningNotification(Landroid/app/Service;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void hideRunningNotification(
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 46, locals = 4, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair.setForeground Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;]
      [4] ifnull +41 (target=45)
      [7] iconst_1
      [8] anewarray #8
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [11] astore_2 v2
      [12] aload_2 v2
      [13] iconst_0
      [14] getstatic #14
        + Fieldref [java/lang/Boolean.FALSE Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
      [17] aastore
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] getfield #17
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair.setForeground Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;]
      [22] aload_1 v1
      [23] aload_2 v2
      [24] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [java/lang/reflect/Method.invoke (Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [27] pop
      [28] goto +8 (target=36)
      [31] astore_3 v3
      [32] goto +4 (target=36)
      [35] astore_3 v3
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] aload_1 v1
      [38] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair.getNotificationManager (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/app/NotificationManager;]
      [41] iconst_1
      [42] invokevirtual #19
        + Methodref [android/app/NotificationManager.cancel (I)V]
      [45] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (18 -> 28: 31):
      + Class [java/lang/reflect/InvocationTargetException]
      + ExceptionInfo (18 -> 28: 35):
      + Class [java/lang/IllegalAccessException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 163
        [7] -> line 164
        [12] -> line 165
        [18] -> line 167
        [31] -> line 168
        [35] -> line 169
        [36] -> line 171
        [45] -> line 173
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 46 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair; this]
        v1: 0 -> 46 [Landroid/app/Service; context]
        v2: 12 -> 45 [[Ljava/lang/Object; setForegroundArgs]

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0xa = private static 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier]
      + Utf8 [PreEclair]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0xa = private static 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair$Holder]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair]
      + Utf8 [Holder]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair$Holder
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair$Holder extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 31):
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair$Holder]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair$Holder.sInstance Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [sInstance Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair;]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Holder]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair$Holder;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair;]
  + Utf8 [PreEclair]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [sInstance]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair$Holder]
  + Utf8 [this]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        sInstance Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair;
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair sInstance

Methods (count = 3):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 11, locals = 0, stack = 2):
      [0] new #3
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair]
      [3] dup
      [4] invokespecial #7
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair.<init> ()V]
      [7] putstatic #5
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair$Holder.sInstance Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair;]
      [10] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 137
        [10] -> line 136
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair$Holder()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #6
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 136
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair$Holder; this]
  + Method:       access$0()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair access$0()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 4, locals = 0, stack = 1):
      [0] getstatic #5
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair$Holder.sInstance Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair;]
      [3] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 137
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0xa = private static 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier]
      + Utf8 [PreEclair]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0xa = private static 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair$Holder]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier$PreEclair]
      + Utf8 [Holder]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver
  Superclass:    android/content/BroadcastReceiver
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.ConnectivityReceiver extends android.content.BroadcastReceiver

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 209):
  + String [; isFailover? ]
  + String [ConnectBot.ConnectivityManager]
  + String []
  + String [connectivity]
  + String [isFailover]
  + String [networkInfo]
  + String [noConnectivity]
  + String [onReceived() called: ]
  + String [onReceived() called; noConnectivity? ]
  + String [wifi]
  + Class [android/content/BroadcastReceiver]
  + Class [android/content/Intent]
  + Class [android/content/IntentFilter]
  + Class [android/net/ConnectivityManager]
  + Class [android/net/NetworkInfo]
  + Class [android/net/NetworkInfo$State]
  + Class [android/net/wifi/WifiManager]
  + Class [android/net/wifi/WifiManager$WifiLock]
  + Class [android/os/Bundle]
  + Class [android/util/Log]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Fieldref [android/net/NetworkInfo$State.CONNECTED Landroid/net/NetworkInfo$State;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.mIsConnected Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.mLock [Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.mLockingWifi Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.mNetworkRef I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.mTerminalManager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.mWifiLock Landroid/net/wifi/WifiManager$WifiLock;]
  + Methodref [android/content/BroadcastReceiver.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [android/content/Intent.getAction ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/content/Intent.getBooleanExtra (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
  + Methodref [android/content/Intent.getExtras ()Landroid/os/Bundle;]
  + Methodref [android/content/IntentFilter.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [android/content/IntentFilter.addAction (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [android/net/ConnectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo ()Landroid/net/NetworkInfo;]
  + Methodref [android/net/NetworkInfo.getState ()Landroid/net/NetworkInfo$State;]
  + Methodref [android/net/wifi/WifiManager.createWifiLock (Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/wifi/WifiManager$WifiLock;]
  + Methodref [android/net/wifi/WifiManager$WifiLock.acquire ()V]
  + Methodref [android/net/wifi/WifiManager$WifiLock.isHeld ()Z]
  + Methodref [android/net/wifi/WifiManager$WifiLock.release ()V]
  + Methodref [android/os/Bundle.get (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.w (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Z)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.acquireWifiLockIfNecessaryLocked ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.releaseWifiLockIfNecessaryLocked ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.getSystemService (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.onConnectivityLost ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.onConnectivityRestored ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.registerReceiver (Landroid/content/BroadcastReceiver;Landroid/content/IntentFilter;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.unregisterReceiver (Landroid/content/BroadcastReceiver;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [CONNECTED Landroid/net/NetworkInfo$State;]
  + NameAndType [acquire ()V]
  + NameAndType [acquireWifiLockIfNecessaryLocked ()V]
  + NameAndType [addAction (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (Z)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [createWifiLock (Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/wifi/WifiManager$WifiLock;]
  + NameAndType [d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [get (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [getAction ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getActiveNetworkInfo ()Landroid/net/NetworkInfo;]
  + NameAndType [getBooleanExtra (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
  + NameAndType [getExtras ()Landroid/os/Bundle;]
  + NameAndType [getState ()Landroid/net/NetworkInfo$State;]
  + NameAndType [getSystemService (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [isHeld ()Z]
  + NameAndType [mIsConnected Z]
  + NameAndType [mLock [Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [mLockingWifi Z]
  + NameAndType [mNetworkRef I]
  + NameAndType [mTerminalManager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + NameAndType [mWifiLock Landroid/net/wifi/WifiManager$WifiLock;]
  + NameAndType [onConnectivityLost ()V]
  + NameAndType [onConnectivityRestored ()V]
  + NameAndType [registerReceiver (Landroid/content/BroadcastReceiver;Landroid/content/IntentFilter;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + NameAndType [release ()V]
  + NameAndType [releaseWifiLockIfNecessaryLocked ()V]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [unregisterReceiver (Landroid/content/BroadcastReceiver;)V]
  + NameAndType [w (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/net/NetworkInfo$State;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/net/NetworkInfo;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/os/Bundle;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/BroadcastReceiver;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/BroadcastReceiver;Landroid/content/IntentFilter;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/content/Intent;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/wifi/WifiManager$WifiLock;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;Z)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [; isFailover? ]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [CONNECTED]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ConnectBot.ConnectivityManager]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/Context;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/IntentFilter;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/net/ConnectivityManager;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/net/NetworkInfo$State;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/net/NetworkInfo;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/net/wifi/WifiManager$WifiLock;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/net/wifi/WifiManager;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [State]
  + Utf8 [WifiLock]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [acquire]
  + Utf8 [acquireWifiLockIfNecessaryLocked]
  + Utf8 [action]
  + Utf8 [addAction]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [android/content/BroadcastReceiver]
  + Utf8 [android/content/Intent]
  + Utf8 [android/content/IntentFilter]
  + Utf8 [android/net/ConnectivityManager]
  + Utf8 [android/net/NetworkInfo]
  + Utf8 [android/net/NetworkInfo$State]
  + Utf8 [android/net/wifi/WifiManager]
  + Utf8 [android/net/wifi/WifiManager$WifiLock]
  + Utf8 [android/os/Bundle]
  + Utf8 [android/util/Log]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [cleanup]
  + Utf8 [cm]
  + Utf8 [connectivity]
  + Utf8 [context]
  + Utf8 [createWifiLock]
  + Utf8 [d]
  + Utf8 [decRef]
  + Utf8 [equals]
  + Utf8 [filter]
  + Utf8 [get]
  + Utf8 [getAction]
  + Utf8 [getActiveNetworkInfo]
  + Utf8 [getBooleanExtra]
  + Utf8 [getExtras]
  + Utf8 [getState]
  + Utf8 [getSystemService]
  + Utf8 [incRef]
  + Utf8 [info]
  + Utf8 [intent]
  + Utf8 [isConnected]
  + Utf8 [isFailover]
  + Utf8 [isHeld]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [lockingWifi]
  + Utf8 [mIsConnected]
  + Utf8 [mLock]
  + Utf8 [mLockingWifi]
  + Utf8 [mNetworkRef]
  + Utf8 [mTerminalManager]
  + Utf8 [mWifiLock]
  + Utf8 [manager]
  + Utf8 [networkInfo]
  + Utf8 [noConnectivity]
  + Utf8 [onConnectivityLost]
  + Utf8 [onConnectivityRestored]
  + Utf8 [onReceive]
  + Utf8 [onReceived() called: ]
  + Utf8 [onReceived() called; noConnectivity? ]
  + Utf8 [registerReceiver]
  + Utf8 [release]
  + Utf8 [releaseWifiLockIfNecessaryLocked]
  + Utf8 [setWantWifiLock]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [unregisterReceiver]
  + Utf8 [w]
  + Utf8 [wifi]
  + Utf8 [wm]

Fields (count = 6):
  + Field:        mIsConnected Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean mIsConnected
  + Field:        mTerminalManager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalManager mTerminalManager
  + Field:        mWifiLock Landroid/net/wifi/WifiManager$WifiLock;
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final$WifiLock mWifiLock
  + Field:        mNetworkRef I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int mNetworkRef
  + Field:        mLockingWifi Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean mLockingWifi
  + Field:        mLock [Ljava/lang/Object;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.Object[] mLock

Methods (count = 9):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;Z)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public ConnectivityReceiver(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalManager,boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 120, locals = 7, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #33
        + Methodref [android/content/BroadcastReceiver.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] iconst_0
      [6] putfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.mIsConnected Z]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] iconst_0
      [11] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.mNetworkRef I]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] iconst_0
      [16] anewarray #21
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [19] putfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.mLock [Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] aload_1 v1
      [24] putfield #31
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.mTerminalManager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [27] aload_1 v1
      [28] ldc #4
        + String [connectivity]
      [30] invokevirtual #56
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.getSystemService (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [33] checkcast #14
        + Class [android/net/ConnectivityManager]
      [36] astore_3 v3
      [37] aload_1 v1
      [38] ldc #10
        + String [wifi]
      [40] invokevirtual #56
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.getSystemService (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [43] checkcast #17
        + Class [android/net/wifi/WifiManager]
      [46] astore v4
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] aload v4
      [51] ldc #2
        + String [ConnectBot.ConnectivityManager]
      [53] invokevirtual #41
        + Methodref [android/net/wifi/WifiManager.createWifiLock (Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/wifi/WifiManager$WifiLock;]
      [56] putfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.mWifiLock Landroid/net/wifi/WifiManager$WifiLock;]
      [59] aload_3 v3
      [60] invokevirtual #39
        + Methodref [android/net/ConnectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo ()Landroid/net/NetworkInfo;]
      [63] astore v5
      [65] aload v5
      [67] ifnull +23 (target=90)
      [70] aload_0 v0
      [71] aload v5
      [73] invokevirtual #40
        + Methodref [android/net/NetworkInfo.getState ()Landroid/net/NetworkInfo$State;]
      [76] getstatic #26
        + Fieldref [android/net/NetworkInfo$State.CONNECTED Landroid/net/NetworkInfo$State;]
      [79] ifacmpne +7 (target=86)
      [82] iconst_1
      [83] goto +4 (target=87)
      [86] iconst_0
      [87] putfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.mIsConnected Z]
      [90] aload_0 v0
      [91] iload_2 v2
      [92] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.mLockingWifi Z]
      [95] new #13
        + Class [android/content/IntentFilter]
      [98] dup
      [99] invokespecial #37
        + Methodref [android/content/IntentFilter.<init> ()V]
      [102] astore v6
      [104] aload v6
      [106] ldc #3
        + String []
      [108] invokevirtual #38
        + Methodref [android/content/IntentFilter.addAction (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [111] aload_1 v1
      [112] aload_0 v0
      [113] aload v6
      [115] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.registerReceiver (Landroid/content/BroadcastReceiver;Landroid/content/IntentFilter;)Landroid/content/Intent;]
      [118] pop
      [119] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 17)
        [0] -> line 36
        [4] -> line 24
        [9] -> line 30
        [14] -> line 34
        [22] -> line 37
        [27] -> line 40
        [36] -> line 39
        [37] -> line 42
        [48] -> line 43
        [59] -> line 45
        [65] -> line 46
        [70] -> line 47
        [90] -> line 50
        [95] -> line 52
        [104] -> line 53
        [111] -> line 54
        [119] -> line 55
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 120 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver; this]
        v1: 0 -> 120 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; manager]
        v2: 0 -> 120 [Z lockingWifi]
        v3: 37 -> 120 [Landroid/net/ConnectivityManager; cm]
        v4: 48 -> 120 [Landroid/net/wifi/WifiManager; wm]
        v5: 65 -> 120 [Landroid/net/NetworkInfo; info]
        v6: 104 -> 120 [Landroid/content/IntentFilter; filter]
  + Method:       onReceive(Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/content/Intent;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onReceive(android.content.Context,android.content.Intent)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 173, locals = 7, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_2 v2
      [1] invokevirtual #34
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.getAction ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4] astore_3 v3
      [5] aload_3 v3
      [6] ldc #3
        + String []
      [8] invokevirtual #48
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [11] ifne +26 (target=37)
      [14] ldc #2
        + String [ConnectBot.ConnectivityManager]
      [16] new #23
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [19] dup
      [20] ldc #8
        + String [onReceived() called: ]
      [22] invokespecial #49
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [25] aload_2 v2
      [26] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [29] invokevirtual #53
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [32] invokestatic #47
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.w (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [35] pop
      [36] return
      [37] aload_2 v2
      [38] ldc #7
        + String [noConnectivity]
      [40] iconst_0
      [41] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.getBooleanExtra (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
      [44] istore v4
      [46] aload_2 v2
      [47] ldc #5
        + String [isFailover]
      [49] iconst_0
      [50] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.getBooleanExtra (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
      [53] istore v5
      [55] ldc #2
        + String [ConnectBot.ConnectivityManager]
      [57] new #23
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [60] dup
      [61] ldc #9
        + String [onReceived() called; noConnectivity? ]
      [63] invokespecial #49
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [66] iload v4
      [68] invokevirtual #52
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Z)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [71] ldc #1
        + String [; isFailover? ]
      [73] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [76] iload v5
      [78] invokevirtual #52
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Z)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [81] invokevirtual #53
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [84] invokestatic #46
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [87] pop
      [88] iload v4
      [90] ifeq +30 (target=120)
      [93] iload v5
      [95] ifne +25 (target=120)
      [98] aload_0 v0
      [99] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.mIsConnected Z]
      [102] ifeq +18 (target=120)
      [105] aload_0 v0
      [106] iconst_0
      [107] putfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.mIsConnected Z]
      [110] aload_0 v0
      [111] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.mTerminalManager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [114] invokevirtual #57
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.onConnectivityLost ()V]
      [117] goto +55 (target=172)
      [120] aload_0 v0
      [121] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.mIsConnected Z]
      [124] ifne +48 (target=172)
      [127] aload_2 v2
      [128] invokevirtual #36
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.getExtras ()Landroid/os/Bundle;]
      [131] ldc #6
        + String [networkInfo]
      [133] invokevirtual #45
        + Methodref [android/os/Bundle.get (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [136] checkcast #15
        + Class [android/net/NetworkInfo]
      [139] astore v6
      [141] aload_0 v0
      [142] aload v6
      [144] invokevirtual #40
        + Methodref [android/net/NetworkInfo.getState ()Landroid/net/NetworkInfo$State;]
      [147] getstatic #26
        + Fieldref [android/net/NetworkInfo$State.CONNECTED Landroid/net/NetworkInfo$State;]
      [150] ifacmpne +7 (target=157)
      [153] iconst_1
      [154] goto +4 (target=158)
      [157] iconst_0
      [158] dup_x1
      [159] putfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.mIsConnected Z]
      [162] ifeq +10 (target=172)
      [165] aload_0 v0
      [166] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.mTerminalManager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [169] invokevirtual #58
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.onConnectivityRestored ()V]
      [172] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 17)
        [0] -> line 62
        [5] -> line 64
        [14] -> line 65
        [36] -> line 66
        [37] -> line 69
        [46] -> line 70
        [55] -> line 72
        [88] -> line 74
        [105] -> line 75
        [110] -> line 76
        [120] -> line 77
        [127] -> line 78
        [131] -> line 79
        [136] -> line 78
        [141] -> line 81
        [165] -> line 82
        [172] -> line 85
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 173 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver; this]
        v1: 0 -> 173 [Landroid/content/Context; context]
        v2: 0 -> 173 [Landroid/content/Intent; intent]
        v3: 5 -> 173 [Ljava/lang/String; action]
        v4: 46 -> 173 [Z noConnectivity]
        v5: 55 -> 173 [Z isFailover]
        v6: 141 -> 172 [Landroid/net/NetworkInfo; info]
  + Method:       cleanup()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void cleanup()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 26, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.mWifiLock Landroid/net/wifi/WifiManager$WifiLock;]
      [4] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [android/net/wifi/WifiManager$WifiLock.isHeld ()Z]
      [7] ifeq +10 (target=17)
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.mWifiLock Landroid/net/wifi/WifiManager$WifiLock;]
      [14] invokevirtual #44
        + Methodref [android/net/wifi/WifiManager$WifiLock.release ()V]
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.mTerminalManager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] invokevirtual #60
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.unregisterReceiver (Landroid/content/BroadcastReceiver;)V]
      [25] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 91
        [10] -> line 92
        [17] -> line 94
        [25] -> line 95
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 26 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver; this]
  + Method:       incRef()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void incRef()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 30, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.mLock [Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [4] dup
      [5] astore_1 v1
      [6] monitorenter
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] dup
      [9] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.mNetworkRef I]
      [12] iconst_1
      [13] iadd
      [14] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.mNetworkRef I]
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] invokespecial #54
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.acquireWifiLockIfNecessaryLocked ()V]
      [21] aload_1 v1
      [22] monitorexit
      [23] goto +6 (target=29)
      [26] aload_1 v1
      [27] monitorexit
      [28] athrow
      [29] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (7 -> 23: 26):
      + ExceptionInfo (26 -> 28: 26):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 102
        [7] -> line 103
        [17] -> line 105
        [21] -> line 102
        [29] -> line 107
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 30 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver; this]
  + Method:       decRef()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void decRef()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 30, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.mLock [Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [4] dup
      [5] astore_1 v1
      [6] monitorenter
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] dup
      [9] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.mNetworkRef I]
      [12] iconst_1
      [13] isub
      [14] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.mNetworkRef I]
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] invokespecial #55
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.releaseWifiLockIfNecessaryLocked ()V]
      [21] aload_1 v1
      [22] monitorexit
      [23] goto +6 (target=29)
      [26] aload_1 v1
      [27] monitorexit
      [28] athrow
      [29] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (7 -> 23: 26):
      + ExceptionInfo (26 -> 28: 26):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 114
        [7] -> line 115
        [17] -> line 117
        [21] -> line 114
        [29] -> line 119
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 30 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver; this]
  + Method:       setWantWifiLock(Z)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setWantWifiLock(boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 39, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.mLock [Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [4] dup
      [5] astore_2 v2
      [6] monitorenter
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] iload_1 v1
      [9] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.mLockingWifi Z]
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.mLockingWifi Z]
      [16] ifeq +10 (target=26)
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] invokespecial #54
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.acquireWifiLockIfNecessaryLocked ()V]
      [23] goto +7 (target=30)
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] invokespecial #55
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.releaseWifiLockIfNecessaryLocked ()V]
      [30] aload_2 v2
      [31] monitorexit
      [32] goto +6 (target=38)
      [35] aload_2 v2
      [36] monitorexit
      [37] athrow
      [38] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (7 -> 32: 35):
      + ExceptionInfo (35 -> 37: 35):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 125
        [7] -> line 126
        [12] -> line 128
        [19] -> line 129
        [26] -> line 131
        [30] -> line 125
        [38] -> line 134
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 39 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver; this]
        v1: 0 -> 39 [Z lockingWifi]
  + Method:       acquireWifiLockIfNecessaryLocked()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void acquireWifiLockIfNecessaryLocked()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 32, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.mLockingWifi Z]
      [4] ifeq +27 (target=31)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.mNetworkRef I]
      [11] ifle +20 (target=31)
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.mWifiLock Landroid/net/wifi/WifiManager$WifiLock;]
      [18] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [android/net/wifi/WifiManager$WifiLock.isHeld ()Z]
      [21] ifne +10 (target=31)
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.mWifiLock Landroid/net/wifi/WifiManager$WifiLock;]
      [28] invokevirtual #42
        + Methodref [android/net/wifi/WifiManager$WifiLock.acquire ()V]
      [31] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 137
        [24] -> line 138
        [31] -> line 140
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 32 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver; this]
  + Method:       releaseWifiLockIfNecessaryLocked()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void releaseWifiLockIfNecessaryLocked()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 25, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.mNetworkRef I]
      [4] ifne +20 (target=24)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.mWifiLock Landroid/net/wifi/WifiManager$WifiLock;]
      [11] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [android/net/wifi/WifiManager$WifiLock.isHeld ()Z]
      [14] ifeq +10 (target=24)
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.mWifiLock Landroid/net/wifi/WifiManager$WifiLock;]
      [21] invokevirtual #44
        + Methodref [android/net/wifi/WifiManager$WifiLock.release ()V]
      [24] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 143
        [17] -> line 144
        [24] -> line 146
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 25 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver; this]
  + Method:       isConnected()Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean isConnected()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.mIsConnected Z]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 152
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver; this]

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x4019 = public static final enum 
      + Class [android/net/NetworkInfo$State]
      + Class [android/net/NetworkInfo]
      + Utf8 [State]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x1 = public 
      + Class [android/net/wifi/WifiManager$WifiLock]
      + Class [android/net/wifi/WifiManager]
      + Utf8 [WifiLock]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/FontSizeChangedListener
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x601
    = public interface com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.FontSizeChangedListener extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 9):
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/FontSizeChangedListener]
  + Utf8 [(F)V]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [onFontSizeChanged]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/FontSizeChangedListener]

Fields (count = 0):

Methods (count = 1):
  + Method:       onFontSizeChanged(F)V
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract void onFontSizeChanged(float)

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.PromptHelper extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 99):
  + Class [android/os/Message]
  + Class [java/lang/Boolean]
  + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Class [java/lang/InterruptedException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/util/concurrent/Semaphore]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.handler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.promptHint Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.promptInstructions Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.promptRequested Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.promptResponse Ljava/util/concurrent/Semaphore;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.promptToken Ljava/util/concurrent/Semaphore;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.response Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.tag Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [android/os/Message.obtain (Landroid/os/Handler;ILjava/lang/Object;)Landroid/os/Message;]
  + Methodref [android/os/Message.sendToTarget ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/util/concurrent/Semaphore.<init> (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/util/concurrent/Semaphore.acquire ()V]
  + Methodref [java/util/concurrent/Semaphore.release ()V]
  + Methodref [java/util/concurrent/Semaphore.tryAcquire ()Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.popResponse ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.requestPrompt (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (I)V]
  + NameAndType [acquire ()V]
  + NameAndType [handler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + NameAndType [obtain (Landroid/os/Handler;ILjava/lang/Object;)Landroid/os/Message;]
  + NameAndType [popResponse ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [promptHint Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [promptInstructions Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [promptRequested Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [promptResponse Ljava/util/concurrent/Semaphore;]
  + NameAndType [promptToken Ljava/util/concurrent/Semaphore;]
  + NameAndType [release ()V]
  + NameAndType [requestPrompt (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [response Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [sendToTarget ()V]
  + NameAndType [tag Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [tryAcquire ()Z]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Handler;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Handler;ILjava/lang/Object;)Landroid/os/Message;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/concurrent/Semaphore;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [acquire]
  + Utf8 [android/os/Message]
  + Utf8 [cancelPrompt]
  + Utf8 [handler]
  + Utf8 [hint]
  + Utf8 [instructions]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Boolean]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Exception]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/InterruptedException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/util/concurrent/Semaphore]
  + Utf8 [obtain]
  + Utf8 [popResponse]
  + Utf8 [promptHint]
  + Utf8 [promptInstructions]
  + Utf8 [promptRequested]
  + Utf8 [promptResponse]
  + Utf8 [promptToken]
  + Utf8 [release]
  + Utf8 [requestBooleanPrompt]
  + Utf8 [requestPrompt]
  + Utf8 [requestStringPrompt]
  + Utf8 [response]
  + Utf8 [sendToTarget]
  + Utf8 [setHandler]
  + Utf8 [setResponse]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper]
  + Utf8 [tag]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [tryAcquire]
  + Utf8 [type]
  + Utf8 [value]

Fields (count = 8):
  + Field:        tag Ljava/lang/Object;
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final java.lang.Object tag
  + Field:        handler Landroid/os/Handler;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.os.Handler handler
  + Field:        promptToken Ljava/util/concurrent/Semaphore;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.util.concurrent.Semaphore promptToken
  + Field:        promptResponse Ljava/util/concurrent/Semaphore;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.util.concurrent.Semaphore promptResponse
  + Field:        promptInstructions Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String promptInstructions
  + Field:        promptHint Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String promptHint
  + Field:        promptRequested Ljava/lang/Object;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.Object promptRequested
  + Field:        response Ljava/lang/Object;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.Object response

Methods (count = 8):
  + Method:       <init>(Ljava/lang/Object;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public PromptHelper(java.lang.Object)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 59, locals = 2, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #19
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aconst_null
      [6] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.handler Landroid/os/Handler;]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aconst_null
      [11] putfield #11
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.promptInstructions Ljava/lang/String;]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] aconst_null
      [16] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.promptHint Ljava/lang/String;]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] aconst_null
      [21] putfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.promptRequested Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] aconst_null
      [26] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.response Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] aload_1 v1
      [31] putfield #16
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.tag Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] new #7
        + Class [java/util/concurrent/Semaphore]
      [38] dup
      [39] iconst_1
      [40] invokespecial #20
        + Methodref [java/util/concurrent/Semaphore.<init> (I)V]
      [43] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.promptToken Ljava/util/concurrent/Semaphore;]
      [46] aload_0 v0
      [47] new #7
        + Class [java/util/concurrent/Semaphore]
      [50] dup
      [51] iconst_0
      [52] invokespecial #20
        + Methodref [java/util/concurrent/Semaphore.<init> (I)V]
      [55] putfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.promptResponse Ljava/util/concurrent/Semaphore;]
      [58] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 10)
        [0] -> line 45
        [4] -> line 34
        [9] -> line 39
        [14] -> line 40
        [19] -> line 41
        [24] -> line 43
        [29] -> line 46
        [34] -> line 49
        [46] -> line 52
        [58] -> line 53
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 59 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper; this]
        v1: 0 -> 59 [Ljava/lang/Object; tag]
  + Method:       setHandler(Landroid/os/Handler;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setHandler(android.os.Handler)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.handler Landroid/os/Handler;]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 60
        [5] -> line 61
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [Landroid/os/Handler; handler]
  + Method:       setResponse(Ljava/lang/Object;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setResponse(java.lang.Object)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 28, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.response Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aconst_null
      [7] putfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.promptRequested Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] aconst_null
      [12] putfield #11
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.promptInstructions Ljava/lang/String;]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] aconst_null
      [17] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.promptHint Ljava/lang/String;]
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.promptResponse Ljava/util/concurrent/Semaphore;]
      [24] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [java/util/concurrent/Semaphore.release ()V]
      [27] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 68
        [5] -> line 69
        [10] -> line 70
        [15] -> line 71
        [20] -> line 72
        [27] -> line 73
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 28 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper; this]
        v1: 0 -> 28 [Ljava/lang/Object; value]
  + Method:       popResponse()Ljava/lang/Object;
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected java.lang.Object popResponse()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 12, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.response Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [4] astore_1 v1
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aconst_null
      [7] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.response Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [10] aload_1 v1
      [11] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 79
        [5] -> line 80
        [10] -> line 81
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 12 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper; this]
        v1: 5 -> 12 [Ljava/lang/Object; value]
  + Method:       requestPrompt(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.Object requestPrompt(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.Object)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 85, locals = 6, stack = 3):
      [0] aconst_null
      [1] astore v4
      [3] aload_0 v0
      [4] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.promptToken Ljava/util/concurrent/Semaphore;]
      [7] invokevirtual #21
        + Methodref [java/util/concurrent/Semaphore.acquire ()V]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] aload_1 v1
      [12] putfield #11
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.promptInstructions Ljava/lang/String;]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] aload_2 v2
      [17] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.promptHint Ljava/lang/String;]
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] aload_3 v3
      [22] putfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.promptRequested Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.handler Landroid/os/Handler;]
      [29] ifnull +18 (target=47)
      [32] aload_0 v0
      [33] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.handler Landroid/os/Handler;]
      [36] iconst_m1
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] getfield #16
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.tag Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [41] invokestatic #17
        + Methodref [android/os/Message.obtain (Landroid/os/Handler;ILjava/lang/Object;)Landroid/os/Message;]
      [44] invokevirtual #18
        + Methodref [android/os/Message.sendToTarget ()V]
      [47] aload_0 v0
      [48] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.promptResponse Ljava/util/concurrent/Semaphore;]
      [51] invokevirtual #21
        + Methodref [java/util/concurrent/Semaphore.acquire ()V]
      [54] aload_0 v0
      [55] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.popResponse ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [58] astore v4
      [60] goto +15 (target=75)
      [63] astore v5
      [65] aload_0 v0
      [66] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.promptToken Ljava/util/concurrent/Semaphore;]
      [69] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [java/util/concurrent/Semaphore.release ()V]
      [72] aload v5
      [74] athrow
      [75] aload_0 v0
      [76] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.promptToken Ljava/util/concurrent/Semaphore;]
      [79] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [java/util/concurrent/Semaphore.release ()V]
      [82] aload v4
      [84] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (10 -> 63: 63):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 14)
        [0] -> line 92
        [3] -> line 94
        [10] -> line 97
        [15] -> line 98
        [20] -> line 99
        [25] -> line 102
        [32] -> line 103
        [47] -> line 106
        [54] -> line 108
        [63] -> line 109
        [65] -> line 110
        [72] -> line 111
        [75] -> line 110
        [82] -> line 113
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 85 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper; this]
        v1: 0 -> 85 [Ljava/lang/String; instructions]
        v2: 0 -> 85 [Ljava/lang/String; hint]
        v3: 0 -> 85 [Ljava/lang/Object; type]
        v4: 3 -> 85 [Ljava/lang/Object; response]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/lang/InterruptedException]
  + Method:       requestStringPrompt(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String requestStringPrompt(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 21, locals = 5, stack = 4):
      [0] aconst_null
      [1] astore_3 v3
      [2] aload_0 v0
      [3] aload_1 v1
      [4] aload_2 v2
      [5] ldc #6
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [7] invokespecial #25
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.requestPrompt (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [10] checkcast #6
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [13] astore_3 v3
      [14] goto +5 (target=19)
      [17] astore v4
      [19] aload_3 v3
      [20] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (2 -> 14: 17):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 123
        [2] -> line 125
        [17] -> line 126
        [19] -> line 128
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 21 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper; this]
        v1: 0 -> 21 [Ljava/lang/String; instructions]
        v2: 0 -> 21 [Ljava/lang/String; hint]
        v3: 2 -> 21 [Ljava/lang/String; value]
  + Method:       requestBooleanPrompt(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Boolean;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.Boolean requestBooleanPrompt(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 21, locals = 5, stack = 4):
      [0] aconst_null
      [1] astore_3 v3
      [2] aload_0 v0
      [3] aload_1 v1
      [4] aload_2 v2
      [5] ldc #2
        + Class [java/lang/Boolean]
      [7] invokespecial #25
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.requestPrompt (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [10] checkcast #2
        + Class [java/lang/Boolean]
      [13] astore_3 v3
      [14] goto +5 (target=19)
      [17] astore v4
      [19] aload_3 v3
      [20] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (2 -> 14: 17):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 138
        [2] -> line 140
        [17] -> line 141
        [19] -> line 143
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 21 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper; this]
        v1: 0 -> 21 [Ljava/lang/String; instructions]
        v2: 0 -> 21 [Ljava/lang/String; hint]
        v3: 2 -> 21 [Ljava/lang/Boolean; value]
  + Method:       cancelPrompt()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void cancelPrompt()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 33, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.promptToken Ljava/util/concurrent/Semaphore;]
      [4] invokevirtual #23
        + Methodref [java/util/concurrent/Semaphore.tryAcquire ()Z]
      [7] ifne +18 (target=25)
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] aconst_null
      [12] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.response Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.promptResponse Ljava/util/concurrent/Semaphore;]
      [19] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [java/util/concurrent/Semaphore.release ()V]
      [22] goto +10 (target=32)
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.promptToken Ljava/util/concurrent/Semaphore;]
      [29] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [java/util/concurrent/Semaphore.release ()V]
      [32] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 150
        [10] -> line 152
        [15] -> line 153
        [25] -> line 156
        [32] -> line 158
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 33 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper; this]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.Relay extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [java/lang/Runnable]

Constant Pool (count = 239):
  + String [CP437]
  + String [ConnectBot.Relay]
  + String [IBM437]
  + String [Problem while handling incoming data in relay thread]
  + String [changing charset to ]
  + Class [android/util/Log]
  + Class [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/Runnable]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/nio/ByteBuffer]
  + Class [java/nio/CharBuffer]
  + Class [java/nio/charset/Charset]
  + Class [java/nio/charset/CharsetDecoder]
  + Class [java/nio/charset/CoderResult]
  + Class [java/nio/charset/CodingErrorAction]
  + Class [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth]
  + Fieldref [java/nio/charset/CodingErrorAction.REPLACE Ljava/nio/charset/CodingErrorAction;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/vt320;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.byteArray [B]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.byteBuffer Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.charArray [C]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.charBuffer Ljava/nio/CharBuffer;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.currentCharset Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.decoder Ljava/nio/charset/CharsetDecoder;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charWidth I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.defaultPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.putString ([C[BII)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.allocate (I)Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;]
  + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.array ()[B]
  + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.arrayOffset ()I]
  + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.capacity ()I]
  + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.compact ()Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;]
  + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.limit ()I]
  + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.limit (I)Ljava/nio/Buffer;]
  + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.position ()I]
  + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.position (I)Ljava/nio/Buffer;]
  + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.allocate (I)Ljava/nio/CharBuffer;]
  + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.array ()[C]
  + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.clear ()Ljava/nio/Buffer;]
  + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.position ()I]
  + Methodref [java/nio/charset/Charset.forName (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;]
  + Methodref [java/nio/charset/Charset.newDecoder ()Ljava/nio/charset/CharsetDecoder;]
  + Methodref [java/nio/charset/CharsetDecoder.decode (Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;Ljava/nio/CharBuffer;Z)Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult;]
  + Methodref [java/nio/charset/CharsetDecoder.onMalformedInput (Ljava/nio/charset/CodingErrorAction;)Ljava/nio/charset/CharsetDecoder;]
  + Methodref [java/nio/charset/CharsetDecoder.onUnmappableCharacter (Ljava/nio/charset/CodingErrorAction;)Ljava/nio/charset/CharsetDecoder;]
  + Methodref [java/nio/charset/CoderResult.isUnderflow ()Z]
  + Methodref [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.setCharset (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.propagateConsoleText ([CI)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.redraw ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/ ([BII)I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth.getInstance ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth.measure ([CII[BLandroid/graphics/Paint;I)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [REPLACE Ljava/nio/charset/CodingErrorAction;]
  + NameAndType [allocate (I)Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;]
  + NameAndType [allocate (I)Ljava/nio/CharBuffer;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [array ()[B]
  + NameAndType [array ()[C]
  + NameAndType [arrayOffset ()I]
  + NameAndType [bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [buffer Lde/mud/terminal/vt320;]
  + NameAndType [byteArray [B]
  + NameAndType [byteBuffer Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;]
  + NameAndType [capacity ()I]
  + NameAndType [charArray [C]
  + NameAndType [charBuffer Ljava/nio/CharBuffer;]
  + NameAndType [charWidth I]
  + NameAndType [clear ()Ljava/nio/Buffer;]
  + NameAndType [compact ()Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;]
  + NameAndType [currentCharset Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;]
  + NameAndType [d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [decode (Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;Ljava/nio/CharBuffer;Z)Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult;]
  + NameAndType [decoder Ljava/nio/charset/CharsetDecoder;]
  + NameAndType [defaultPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
  + NameAndType [e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + NameAndType [equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [forName (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;]
  + NameAndType [getInstance ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth;]
  + NameAndType [isUnderflow ()Z]
  + NameAndType [limit ()I]
  + NameAndType [limit (I)Ljava/nio/Buffer;]
  + NameAndType [measure ([CII[BLandroid/graphics/Paint;I)V]
  + NameAndType [newDecoder ()Ljava/nio/charset/CharsetDecoder;]
  + NameAndType [onMalformedInput (Ljava/nio/charset/CodingErrorAction;)Ljava/nio/charset/CharsetDecoder;]
  + NameAndType [onUnmappableCharacter (Ljava/nio/charset/CodingErrorAction;)Ljava/nio/charset/CharsetDecoder;]
  + NameAndType [position ()I]
  + NameAndType [position (I)Ljava/nio/Buffer;]
  + NameAndType [propagateConsoleText ([CI)V]
  + NameAndType [putString ([C[BII)V]
  + NameAndType [read ([BII)I]
  + NameAndType [redraw ()V]
  + NameAndType [setCharset (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/nio/Buffer;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/nio/charset/CharsetDecoder;]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [()[C]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/nio/Buffer;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/nio/CharBuffer;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;Ljava/nio/CharBuffer;Z)Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/nio/charset/CodingErrorAction;)Ljava/nio/charset/CharsetDecoder;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;Lde/mud/terminal/vt320;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [([BII)I]
  + Utf8 [([CI)V]
  + Utf8 [([CII[BLandroid/graphics/Paint;I)V]
  + Utf8 [([C[BII)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [CP437]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ConnectBot.Relay]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [IBM437]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
  + Utf8 [Lde/mud/terminal/vt320;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/IOException;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/nio/CharBuffer;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/nio/charset/CharsetDecoder;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/nio/charset/CodingErrorAction;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth;]
  + Utf8 [Problem while handling incoming data in relay thread]
  + Utf8 [REPLACE]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [[C]
  + Utf8 [allocate]
  + Utf8 [android/util/Log]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [array]
  + Utf8 [arrayOffset]
  + Utf8 [bridge]
  + Utf8 [buffer]
  + Utf8 [byteArray]
  + Utf8 [byteBuffer]
  + Utf8 [bytesRead]
  + Utf8 [bytesToRead]
  + Utf8 [capacity]
  + Utf8 [changing charset to ]
  + Utf8 [charArray]
  + Utf8 [charBuffer]
  + Utf8 [charWidth]
  + Utf8 [charset]
  + Utf8 [clear]
  + Utf8 [compact]
  + Utf8 [currentCharset]
  + Utf8 [d]
  + Utf8 [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
  + Utf8 [decode]
  + Utf8 [decoder]
  + Utf8 [defaultPaint]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [encoding]
  + Utf8 [equals]
  + Utf8 [forName]
  + Utf8 [getCharset]
  + Utf8 [getInstance]
  + Utf8 [isUnderflow]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Runnable]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/nio/ByteBuffer]
  + Utf8 [java/nio/CharBuffer]
  + Utf8 [java/nio/charset/Charset]
  + Utf8 [java/nio/charset/CharsetDecoder]
  + Utf8 [java/nio/charset/CoderResult]
  + Utf8 [java/nio/charset/CodingErrorAction]
  + Utf8 [limit]
  + Utf8 [measure]
  + Utf8 [measurer]
  + Utf8 [newCd]
  + Utf8 [newDecoder]
  + Utf8 [offset]
  + Utf8 [onMalformedInput]
  + Utf8 [onUnmappableCharacter]
  + Utf8 [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437]
  + Utf8 [position]
  + Utf8 [propagateConsoleText]
  + Utf8 [putString]
  + Utf8 [read]
  + Utf8 [redraw]
  + Utf8 [result]
  + Utf8 [run]
  + Utf8 [setCharset]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [transport]
  + Utf8 [wideAttribute]

Fields (count = 9):
  + Field:        bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge bridge
  + Field:        currentCharset Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.nio.charset.Charset currentCharset
  + Field:        decoder Ljava/nio/charset/CharsetDecoder;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder decoder
  + Field:        transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.transport.AbsTransport transport
  + Field:        buffer Lde/mud/terminal/vt320;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private de.mud.terminal.vt320 buffer
  + Field:        byteBuffer Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.nio.ByteBuffer byteBuffer
  + Field:        charBuffer Ljava/nio/CharBuffer;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.nio.CharBuffer charBuffer
  + Field:        byteArray [B
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private byte[] byteArray
  + Field:        charArray [C
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private char[] charArray

Methods (count = 4):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;Lde/mud/terminal/vt320;Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public Relay(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge,com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.transport.AbsTransport,de.mud.terminal.vt320,java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 26, locals = 5, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #39
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aload v4
      [7] invokevirtual #64
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.setCharset (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] aload_1 v1
      [12] putfield #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] aload_2 v2
      [17] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] aload_3 v3
      [22] putfield #26
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/vt320;]
      [25] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 58
        [4] -> line 59
        [10] -> line 60
        [15] -> line 61
        [20] -> line 62
        [25] -> line 63
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 26 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay; this]
        v1: 0 -> 26 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; bridge]
        v2: 0 -> 26 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport; transport]
        v3: 0 -> 26 [Lde/mud/terminal/vt320; buffer]
        v4: 0 -> 26 [Ljava/lang/String; encoding]
  + Method:       setCharset(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setCharset(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 123, locals = 5, stack = 7):
      [0] ldc #2
        + String [ConnectBot.Relay]
      [2] new #12
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [5] dup
      [6] ldc #5
        + String [changing charset to ]
      [8] invokespecial #41
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [11] aload_1 v1
      [12] invokevirtual #42
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [15] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [18] invokestatic #36
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [21] pop
      [22] aload_1 v1
      [23] ldc #1
        + String [CP437]
      [25] invokevirtual #40
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [28] ifeq +30 (target=58)
      [31] new #19
        + Class [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437]
      [34] dup
      [35] ldc #3
        + String [IBM437]
      [37] iconst_2
      [38] anewarray #11
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [41] dup
      [42] iconst_0
      [43] ldc #3
        + String [IBM437]
      [45] aastore
      [46] dup
      [47] iconst_1
      [48] ldc #1
        + String [CP437]
      [50] aastore
      [51] invokespecial #63
        + Methodref [org/apache/harmony/niochar/charset/additional/IBM437.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [54] astore_2 v2
      [55] goto +8 (target=63)
      [58] aload_1 v1
      [59] invokestatic #57
        + Methodref [java/nio/charset/Charset.forName (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;]
      [62] astore_2 v2
      [63] aload_2 v2
      [64] aload_0 v0
      [65] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.currentCharset Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;]
      [68] ifacmpeq +7 (target=75)
      [71] aload_2 v2
      [72] ifnonnull +4 (target=76)
      [75] return
      [76] aload_2 v2
      [77] invokevirtual #58
        + Methodref [java/nio/charset/Charset.newDecoder ()Ljava/nio/charset/CharsetDecoder;]
      [80] astore_3 v3
      [81] aload_3 v3
      [82] getstatic #24
        + Fieldref [java/nio/charset/CodingErrorAction.REPLACE Ljava/nio/charset/CodingErrorAction;]
      [85] invokevirtual #61
        + Methodref [java/nio/charset/CharsetDecoder.onUnmappableCharacter (Ljava/nio/charset/CodingErrorAction;)Ljava/nio/charset/CharsetDecoder;]
      [88] pop
      [89] aload_3 v3
      [90] getstatic #24
        + Fieldref [java/nio/charset/CodingErrorAction.REPLACE Ljava/nio/charset/CodingErrorAction;]
      [93] invokevirtual #60
        + Methodref [java/nio/charset/CharsetDecoder.onMalformedInput (Ljava/nio/charset/CodingErrorAction;)Ljava/nio/charset/CharsetDecoder;]
      [96] pop
      [97] aload_0 v0
      [98] aload_2 v2
      [99] putfield #31
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.currentCharset Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;]
      [102] aload_0 v0
      [103] dup
      [104] astore v4
      [106] monitorenter
      [107] aload_0 v0
      [108] aload_3 v3
      [109] putfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.decoder Ljava/nio/charset/CharsetDecoder;]
      [112] aload v4
      [114] monitorexit
      [115] goto +7 (target=122)
      [118] aload v4
      [120] monitorexit
      [121] athrow
      [122] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (107 -> 115: 118):
      + ExceptionInfo (118 -> 121: 118):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 16)
        [0] -> line 66
        [22] -> line 68
        [31] -> line 69
        [37] -> line 70
        [51] -> line 69
        [58] -> line 72
        [63] -> line 74
        [75] -> line 75
        [76] -> line 77
        [81] -> line 78
        [89] -> line 79
        [97] -> line 81
        [102] -> line 82
        [107] -> line 83
        [112] -> line 82
        [122] -> line 85
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 123 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay; this]
        v1: 0 -> 123 [Ljava/lang/String; encoding]
        v2: 55 -> 58 [Ljava/nio/charset/Charset; charset]
        v2: 63 -> 123 [Ljava/nio/charset/Charset; charset]
        v3: 81 -> 123 [Ljava/nio/charset/CharsetDecoder; newCd]
  + Method:       getCharset()Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.nio.charset.Charset getCharset()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.currentCharset Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 88
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay; this]
  + Method:       run()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void run()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 332, locals = 9, stack = 7):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] sipush 4096
      [4] invokestatic #44
        + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.allocate (I)Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;]
      [7] putfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.byteBuffer Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] sipush 4096
      [14] invokestatic #53
        + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.allocate (I)Ljava/nio/CharBuffer;]
      [17] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.charBuffer Ljava/nio/CharBuffer;]
      [20] sipush 4096
      [23] newarray 8
      [25] astore_1 v1
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] aload_0 v0
      [28] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.byteBuffer Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;]
      [31] invokevirtual #45
        + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.array ()[B]
      [34] putfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.byteArray [B]
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.charBuffer Ljava/nio/CharBuffer;]
      [42] invokevirtual #54
        + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.array ()[C]
      [45] putfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.charArray [C]
      [48] iconst_0
      [49] istore_3 v3
      [50] aload_0 v0
      [51] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.byteBuffer Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;]
      [54] iconst_0
      [55] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.limit (I)Ljava/nio/Buffer;]
      [58] pop
      [59] invokestatic #68
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth.getInstance ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth;]
      [62] astore v7
      [64] aload_0 v0
      [65] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [68] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charWidth I]
      [71] istore v6
      [73] aload_0 v0
      [74] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.byteBuffer Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;]
      [77] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.capacity ()I]
      [80] aload_0 v0
      [81] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.byteBuffer Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;]
      [84] invokevirtual #49
        + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.limit ()I]
      [87] isub
      [88] istore v4
      [90] aload_0 v0
      [91] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.byteBuffer Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;]
      [94] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.arrayOffset ()I]
      [97] aload_0 v0
      [98] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.byteBuffer Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;]
      [101] invokevirtual #49
        + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.limit ()I]
      [104] iadd
      [105] istore v5
      [107] aload_0 v0
      [108] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [111] aload_0 v0
      [112] getfield #27
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.byteArray [B]
      [115] iload v5
      [117] iload v4
      [119] invokevirtual #67
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/ ([BII)I]
      [122] istore_3 v3
      [123] iload_3 v3
      [124] ifle -60 (target=64)
      [127] aload_0 v0
      [128] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.byteBuffer Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;]
      [131] aload_0 v0
      [132] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.byteBuffer Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;]
      [135] invokevirtual #49
        + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.limit ()I]
      [138] iload_3 v3
      [139] iadd
      [140] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.limit (I)Ljava/nio/Buffer;]
      [143] pop
      [144] aload_0 v0
      [145] dup
      [146] astore v8
      [148] monitorenter
      [149] aload_0 v0
      [150] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.decoder Ljava/nio/charset/CharsetDecoder;]
      [153] aload_0 v0
      [154] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.byteBuffer Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;]
      [157] aload_0 v0
      [158] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.charBuffer Ljava/nio/CharBuffer;]
      [161] iconst_0
      [162] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [java/nio/charset/CharsetDecoder.decode (Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;Ljava/nio/CharBuffer;Z)Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult;]
      [165] astore_2 v2
      [166] aload v8
      [168] monitorexit
      [169] goto +7 (target=176)
      [172] aload v8
      [174] monitorexit
      [175] athrow
      [176] aload_2 v2
      [177] invokevirtual #62
        + Methodref [java/nio/charset/CoderResult.isUnderflow ()Z]
      [180] ifeq +52 (target=232)
      [183] aload_0 v0
      [184] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.byteBuffer Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;]
      [187] invokevirtual #49
        + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.limit ()I]
      [190] aload_0 v0
      [191] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.byteBuffer Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;]
      [194] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.capacity ()I]
      [197] ificmpne +35 (target=232)
      [200] aload_0 v0
      [201] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.byteBuffer Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;]
      [204] invokevirtual #48
        + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.compact ()Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;]
      [207] pop
      [208] aload_0 v0
      [209] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.byteBuffer Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;]
      [212] aload_0 v0
      [213] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.byteBuffer Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;]
      [216] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.position ()I]
      [219] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.limit (I)Ljava/nio/Buffer;]
      [222] pop
      [223] aload_0 v0
      [224] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.byteBuffer Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;]
      [227] iconst_0
      [228] invokevirtual #52
        + Methodref [java/nio/ByteBuffer.position (I)Ljava/nio/Buffer;]
      [231] pop
      [232] aload_0 v0
      [233] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.charBuffer Ljava/nio/CharBuffer;]
      [236] invokevirtual #56
        + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.position ()I]
      [239] istore v5
      [241] aload v7
      [243] aload_0 v0
      [244] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.charArray [C]
      [247] iconst_0
      [248] iload v5
      [250] aload_1 v1
      [251] aload_0 v0
      [252] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [255] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.defaultPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [258] iload v6
      [260] invokevirtual #69
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth.measure ([CII[BLandroid/graphics/Paint;I)V]
      [263] aload_0 v0
      [264] getfield #26
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/vt320;]
      [267] aload_0 v0
      [268] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.charArray [C]
      [271] aload_1 v1
      [272] iconst_0
      [273] aload_0 v0
      [274] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.charBuffer Ljava/nio/CharBuffer;]
      [277] invokevirtual #56
        + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.position ()I]
      [280] invokevirtual #38
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.putString ([C[BII)V]
      [283] aload_0 v0
      [284] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [287] aload_0 v0
      [288] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.charArray [C]
      [291] aload_0 v0
      [292] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.charBuffer Ljava/nio/CharBuffer;]
      [295] invokevirtual #56
        + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.position ()I]
      [298] invokevirtual #65
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.propagateConsoleText ([CI)V]
      [301] aload_0 v0
      [302] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.charBuffer Ljava/nio/CharBuffer;]
      [305] invokevirtual #55
        + Methodref [java/nio/CharBuffer.clear ()Ljava/nio/Buffer;]
      [308] pop
      [309] aload_0 v0
      [310] getfield #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [313] invokevirtual #66
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.redraw ()V]
      [316] goto -252 (target=64)
      [319] astore v8
      [321] ldc #2
        + String [ConnectBot.Relay]
      [323] ldc #4
        + String [Problem while handling incoming data in relay thread]
      [325] aload v8
      [327] invokestatic #37
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [330] pop
      [331] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 3):
      + ExceptionInfo (149 -> 169: 172):
      + ExceptionInfo (172 -> 175: 172):
      + ExceptionInfo (64 -> 319: 319):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 32)
        [0] -> line 92
        [10] -> line 93
        [20] -> line 96
        [26] -> line 98
        [37] -> line 99
        [48] -> line 103
        [50] -> line 104
        [59] -> line 109
        [64] -> line 113
        [73] -> line 114
        [90] -> line 115
        [107] -> line 116
        [123] -> line 118
        [127] -> line 119
        [144] -> line 121
        [149] -> line 122
        [166] -> line 121
        [176] -> line 125
        [183] -> line 126
        [200] -> line 127
        [208] -> line 128
        [223] -> line 129
        [232] -> line 132
        [241] -> line 134
        [263] -> line 135
        [283] -> line 136
        [301] -> line 137
        [309] -> line 138
        [316] -> line 112
        [319] -> line 141
        [321] -> line 142
        [331] -> line 144
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 10)
        v0: 0 -> 332 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay; this]
        v1: 26 -> 332 [[B wideAttribute]
        v2: 166 -> 172 [Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult; result]
        v2: 176 -> 316 [Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult; result]
        v3: 50 -> 332 [I bytesRead]
        v4: 90 -> 316 [I bytesToRead]
        v5: 107 -> 316 [I offset]
        v6: 73 -> 316 [I charWidth]
        v7: 64 -> 332 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth; measurer]
        v8: 321 -> 331 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [de/mud/terminal/VDUDisplay]

Constant Pool (count = 940):
  + Integer [-16777216]
  + Integer [-7829368]
  + Integer [8372224]
  + Integer [134217728]
  + Integer [2131230788]
  + Integer [2131230904]
  + Float [-1.0]
  + Float [0.125]
  + Float [8.0]
  + String [
  + String [%[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}]
  + String [%d x %d]
  + String [(?:]
  + String [(?:(?:]
  + String [(?:/]
  + String [(?://]
  + String [(?::]
  + String [(?:[0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])]
  + String [)]
  + String [)*]
  + String [)*)?]
  + String [)?]
  + String [)?(?:#]
  + String [)\]]
  + String [){6}]
  + String [*]
  + String [+]
  + String [/(?:]
  + String [:]
  + String [@)?]
  + String [Attempt to disable port forward while not connected]
  + String [Attempt to enable port forward while not connected]
  + String [ConnectBot.TerminalBridge]
  + String [Connection]
  + String [Disconnect]
  + String [DisconnectPrompt]
  + String [Found match at %f]
  + String [InjectString]
  + String [Problem while trying to resize screen or PTY]
  + String [Relay]
  + String [Resize is not allowed now]
  + String [Session established, cannot use outputLine!]
  + String [X]
  + String [[!$&'()*+,;:=]]
  + String [[-._~0-9A-Za-z]]
  + String [[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}]
  + String [[0-9]*]
  + String [[A-Za-z][-+.0-9A-Za-z]*]
  + String [\.]
  + String [\[(?:]
  + String [backspace]
  + String [clipboard]
  + String [font size %f resulted in %d x %d]
  + String [fontsize]
  + String [outputLine call traceback]
  + String [parentChanged() now width=%d, height=%d]
  + String [v[0-9A-Fa-f]+.(?:]
  + String [|]
  + String [|/|\?)*]
  + String [|:)*]
  + String [|:)+]
  + String [|@)]
  + Class [android/content/Context]
  + Class [android/content/res/Resources]
  + Class [android/graphics/Bitmap]
  + Class [android/graphics/Bitmap$Config]
  + Class [android/graphics/Canvas]
  + Class [android/graphics/Paint]
  + Class [android/graphics/Paint$FontMetrics]
  + Class [android/graphics/Typeface]
  + Class [android/text/ClipboardManager]
  + Class [android/util/Log]
  + Class [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer]
  + Class [de/mud/terminal/VDUDisplay]
  + Class [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Class [java/lang/Float]
  + Class [java/lang/Integer]
  + Class [java/lang/Math]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Class [java/lang/Thread]
  + Class [java/util/Iterator]
  + Class [java/util/LinkedList]
  + Class [java/util/List]
  + Class [java/util/regex/Matcher]
  + Class [java/util/regex/Pattern]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BridgeDisconnectedListener]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/FontSizeChangedListener]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$1]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$2]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$3]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$4]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$5]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$6]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/TransportFactory]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
  + Fieldref [android/graphics/Bitmap$Config.ARGB_8888 Landroid/graphics/Bitmap$Config;]
  + Fieldref [android/graphics/Paint$FontMetrics.descent F]
  + Fieldref [android/graphics/Paint$ F]
  + Fieldref [android/graphics/Typeface.MONOSPACE Landroid/graphics/Typeface;]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charArray [[C]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charAttributes [[I]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.height I]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.screenBase I]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.update [Z]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.width I]
  + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.windowBase I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.awaitingClose Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.bitmap Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.canvas Landroid/graphics/Canvas;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charHeight I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charTop I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charWidth I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.clipboard Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.color [Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.columns I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.defaultBg I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.defaultFg I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.defaultPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.disconnectListener Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BridgeDisconnectedListener;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.disconnected Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.emulation Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.fontSize F]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.fontSizeChangedListeners Ljava/util/List;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.forcedSize Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.fullRedraw Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.keyListener Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.localOutput Ljava/util/List;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.parent Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.promptHelper Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.relay Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.rows I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.scrollback I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.selectingForCopy Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.selectionArea Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.urlPattern Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + Methodref [android/content/Context.getSystemService (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Bitmap.createBitmap (IILandroid/graphics/Bitmap$Config;)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Bitmap.getHeight ()I]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Bitmap.getWidth ()I]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Bitmap.recycle ()V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.clipRect (IIII)Z]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawLine (FFFFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawPaint (Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawText ([CIIFFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.restore ()V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/ (I)I]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.setBitmap (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.getFontMetrics ()Landroid/graphics/Paint$FontMetrics;]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.getTextWidths (Ljava/lang/String;[F)I]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setAntiAlias (Z)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setColor (I)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setFakeBoldText (Z)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setStrokeWidth (F)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setTextSize (F)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setTypeface (Landroid/graphics/Typeface;)Landroid/graphics/Typeface;]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setUnderlineText (Z)V]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.i (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.setBufferSize (I)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.setDisplay (Lde/mud/terminal/VDUDisplay;)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.setScreenSize (IIZ)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.setWindowBase (I)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.putString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.reset ()V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.setAnswerBack (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.setBackspace (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Float.valueOf (F)Ljava/lang/Float;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.intValue ()I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Math.ceil (D)D]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.<init> ([C)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.toCharArray ()[C]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.<init> (Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.setDaemon (Z)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.setName (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.start ()V]
  + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/util/regex/Matcher.find ()Z]
  + Methodref [java/util/regex/ ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/util/regex/Pattern.compile (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;]
  + Methodref [java/util/regex/Pattern.matcher (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Ljava/util/regex/Matcher;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.getContext ()Landroid/content/Context;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.getHeight ()I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.getWidth ()I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.notifyUser (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.postInvalidate ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.propagateConsoleText ([CI)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getCompression ()Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getDelKey ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getEncoding ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getFontSize ()I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getHostname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getPort ()I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getPostLogin ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getProtocol ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getStayConnected ()Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getUseAuthAgent ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getWantSession ()Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setFontSize (I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.<init> (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.cancelPrompt ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;Lde/mud/terminal/vt320;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.getCharset ()Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.setCharset (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.discardBitmap ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.fontSizeCompare (FIIII)I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.injectString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.outputLine (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.parentChanged (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.propagateConsoleText ([CI)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.redraw ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.resetColors ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.setFontSize (F)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$2.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$3.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$4.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$5.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$6.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.setCharset (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.setClipboardManager (Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.getEmulation ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.getScrollback ()I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.isResizeAllowed ()Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.requestReconnect (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.tryKeyVibrate ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.addPortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.canForwardPorts ()Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.disablePortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.enablePortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.getPortForwards ()Ljava/util/List;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.isConnected ()Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.isSessionOpen ()Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.removePortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.setBridge (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.setCompression (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.setDimensions (IIII)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.setEmulation (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.setHost (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.setManager (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.setUseAuthAgent (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.usesNetwork ()Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/TransportFactory.getTransport (Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.getColorsForScheme (I)[Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.getDefaultColorsForScheme (I)[I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.getPortForwardsForHost (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Ljava/util/List;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.updateFontSize (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Iterator.hasNext ()Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/ ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.clear ()V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BridgeDisconnectedListener.onDisconnected (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/FontSizeChangedListener.onFontSizeChanged (F)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;Lde/mud/terminal/vt320;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([C)V]
  + NameAndType [ARGB_8888 Landroid/graphics/Bitmap$Config;]
  + NameAndType [MONOSPACE Landroid/graphics/Typeface;]
  + NameAndType [add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [addPortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [awaitingClose Z]
  + NameAndType [bitmap Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;]
  + NameAndType [buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
  + NameAndType [canForwardPorts ()Z]
  + NameAndType [cancelPrompt ()V]
  + NameAndType [canvas Landroid/graphics/Canvas;]
  + NameAndType [ceil (D)D]
  + NameAndType [charArray [[C]
  + NameAndType [charAttributes [[I]
  + NameAndType [charHeight I]
  + NameAndType [charTop I]
  + NameAndType [charWidth I]
  + NameAndType [clear ()V]
  + NameAndType [clipRect (IIII)Z]
  + NameAndType [clipboard Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;]
  + NameAndType [color [Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + NameAndType [columns I]
  + NameAndType [compile (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;]
  + NameAndType [createBitmap (IILandroid/graphics/Bitmap$Config;)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;]
  + NameAndType [d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [defaultBg I]
  + NameAndType [defaultFg I]
  + NameAndType [defaultPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
  + NameAndType [descent F]
  + NameAndType [disablePortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
  + NameAndType [discardBitmap ()V]
  + NameAndType [disconnectListener Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BridgeDisconnectedListener;]
  + NameAndType [disconnected Z]
  + NameAndType [drawLine (FFFFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
  + NameAndType [drawPaint (Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
  + NameAndType [drawText ([CIIFFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
  + NameAndType [e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + NameAndType [emulation Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [enablePortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
  + NameAndType [equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [find ()Z]
  + NameAndType [fontSize F]
  + NameAndType [fontSizeChangedListeners Ljava/util/List;]
  + NameAndType [fontSizeCompare (FIIII)I]
  + NameAndType [forcedSize Z]
  + NameAndType [format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [fullRedraw Z]
  + NameAndType [getCharset ()Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;]
  + NameAndType [getColorsForScheme (I)[Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + NameAndType [getCompression ()Z]
  + NameAndType [getContext ()Landroid/content/Context;]
  + NameAndType [getDefaultColorsForScheme (I)[I]
  + NameAndType [getDelKey ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getEmulation ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getEncoding ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getFontMetrics ()Landroid/graphics/Paint$FontMetrics;]
  + NameAndType [getFontSize ()I]
  + NameAndType [getHeight ()I]
  + NameAndType [getHostname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getPort ()I]
  + NameAndType [getPortForwards ()Ljava/util/List;]
  + NameAndType [getPortForwardsForHost (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Ljava/util/List;]
  + NameAndType [getPostLogin ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getProtocol ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getScrollback ()I]
  + NameAndType [getStayConnected ()Z]
  + NameAndType [getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getString (I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getSystemService (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [getTextWidths (Ljava/lang/String;[F)I]
  + NameAndType [getTransport (Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
  + NameAndType [getUseAuthAgent ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getWantSession ()Z]
  + NameAndType [getWidth ()I]
  + NameAndType [group ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [hasNext ()Z]
  + NameAndType [height I]
  + NameAndType [host Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + NameAndType [hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + NameAndType [i (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [injectString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [intValue ()I]
  + NameAndType [isConnected ()Z]
  + NameAndType [isResizeAllowed ()Z]
  + NameAndType [isSessionOpen ()Z]
  + NameAndType [iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
  + NameAndType [keyListener Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;]
  + NameAndType [length ()I]
  + NameAndType [localOutput Ljava/util/List;]
  + NameAndType [manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + NameAndType [matcher (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Ljava/util/regex/Matcher;]
  + NameAndType [next ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [notifyUser (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [onDisconnected (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
  + NameAndType [onFontSizeChanged (F)V]
  + NameAndType [outputLine (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [parent Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
  + NameAndType [parentChanged (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)V]
  + NameAndType [postInvalidate ()V]
  + NameAndType [promptHelper Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
  + NameAndType [propagateConsoleText ([CI)V]
  + NameAndType [putString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [recycle ()V]
  + NameAndType [redraw ()V]
  + NameAndType [relay Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay;]
  + NameAndType [removePortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
  + NameAndType [requestReconnect (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
  + NameAndType [res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + NameAndType [reset ()V]
  + NameAndType [resetColors ()V]
  + NameAndType [restore ()V]
  + NameAndType [rows I]
  + NameAndType [save (I)I]
  + NameAndType [screenBase I]
  + NameAndType [scrollback I]
  + NameAndType [selectingForCopy Z]
  + NameAndType [selectionArea Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea;]
  + NameAndType [setAnswerBack (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [setAntiAlias (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [setBackspace (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setBitmap (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;)V]
  + NameAndType [setBridge (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
  + NameAndType [setBufferSize (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setCharset (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [setClipboardManager (Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;)V]
  + NameAndType [setColor (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setCompression (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [setDaemon (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [setDimensions (IIII)V]
  + NameAndType [setDisplay (Lde/mud/terminal/VDUDisplay;)V]
  + NameAndType [setEmulation (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [setFakeBoldText (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [setFontSize (F)V]
  + NameAndType [setFontSize (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setHost (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
  + NameAndType [setManager (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;)V]
  + NameAndType [setName (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [setScreenSize (IIZ)V]
  + NameAndType [setStrokeWidth (F)V]
  + NameAndType [setTextSize (F)V]
  + NameAndType [setTypeface (Landroid/graphics/Typeface;)Landroid/graphics/Typeface;]
  + NameAndType [setUnderlineText (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [setUseAuthAgent (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [setWindowBase (I)V]
  + NameAndType [start ()V]
  + NameAndType [toCharArray ()[C]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [top F]
  + NameAndType [transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
  + NameAndType [tryKeyVibrate ()V]
  + NameAndType [update [Z]
  + NameAndType [updateFontSize (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Z]
  + NameAndType [urlPattern Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;]
  + NameAndType [usesNetwork ()Z]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (F)Ljava/lang/Float;]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [width I]
  + NameAndType [windowBase I]
  + Utf8 [
  + Utf8 [%[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}]
  + Utf8 [%d x %d]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/content/Context;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/graphics/Paint$FontMetrics;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/List;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/List<Ljava/lang/String;>;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;>;]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea;]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [()[C]
  + Utf8 [(?:]
  + Utf8 [(?:(?:]
  + Utf8 [(?:/]
  + Utf8 [(?://]
  + Utf8 [(?::]
  + Utf8 [(?:[0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])]
  + Utf8 [(D)D]
  + Utf8 [(F)Ljava/lang/Float;]
  + Utf8 [(F)V]
  + Utf8 [(FFFFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
  + Utf8 [(FIIII)I]
  + Utf8 [(I)I]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(I)[I]
  + Utf8 [(I)[Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Utf8 [(IIII)V]
  + Utf8 [(IIII)Z]
  + Utf8 [(IILandroid/graphics/Bitmap$Config;)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;]
  + Utf8 [(IIZ)V]
  + Utf8 [(I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/graphics/Typeface;)Landroid/graphics/Typeface;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lde/mud/terminal/VDUDisplay;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Ljava/util/regex/Matcher;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;[F)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Ljava/util/List;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BridgeDisconnectedListener;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/FontSizeChangedListener;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;Lde/mud/terminal/vt320;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;Z)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [([C)V]
  + Utf8 [([CI)V]
  + Utf8 [([CIIFFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
  + Utf8 [)]
  + Utf8 [)*]
  + Utf8 [)*)?]
  + Utf8 [)?]
  + Utf8 [)?(?:#]
  + Utf8 [)\]]
  + Utf8 [){6}]
  + Utf8 [*]
  + Utf8 [+]
  + Utf8 [/(?:]
  + Utf8 [:]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [@)?]
  + Utf8 [ARGB_8888]
  + Utf8 [Attempt to disable port forward while not connected]
  + Utf8 [Attempt to enable port forward while not connected]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Config]
  + Utf8 [ConnectBot.TerminalBridge]
  + Utf8 [Connection]
  + Utf8 [Disconnect]
  + Utf8 [DisconnectPrompt]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [F]
  + Utf8 [FontMetrics]
  + Utf8 [Found match at %f]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InjectString]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/graphics/Bitmap$Config;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/graphics/Canvas;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/graphics/Paint$FontMetrics;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/graphics/Typeface;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;]
  + Utf8 [Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Exception;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Thread;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List<Ljava/lang/String;>;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/FontSizeChangedListener;>;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/regex/Matcher;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTypeTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BridgeDisconnectedListener;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/FontSizeChangedListener;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + Utf8 [MONOSPACE]
  + Utf8 [Problem while trying to resize screen or PTY]
  + Utf8 [Relay]
  + Utf8 [Resize is not allowed now]
  + Utf8 [Session established, cannot use outputLine!]
  + Utf8 [Signature]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [X]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[!$&'()*+,;:=]]
  + Utf8 [[-._~0-9A-Za-z]]
  + Utf8 [[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}]
  + Utf8 [[0-9]*]
  + Utf8 [[A-Za-z][-+.0-9A-Za-z]*]
  + Utf8 [[C]
  + Utf8 [[F]
  + Utf8 [[I]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Utf8 [[Z]
  + Utf8 [[[C]
  + Utf8 [[[I]
  + Utf8 [\.]
  + Utf8 [\[(?:]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [access$1]
  + Utf8 [add]
  + Utf8 [addFontSizeChangedListener]
  + Utf8 [addPortForward]
  + Utf8 [addr]
  + Utf8 [android/content/Context]
  + Utf8 [android/content/res/Resources]
  + Utf8 [android/graphics/Bitmap]
  + Utf8 [android/graphics/Bitmap$Config]
  + Utf8 [android/graphics/Canvas]
  + Utf8 [android/graphics/Paint]
  + Utf8 [android/graphics/Paint$FontMetrics]
  + Utf8 [android/graphics/Typeface]
  + Utf8 [android/text/ClipboardManager]
  + Utf8 [android/util/Log]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [arraycopy]
  + Utf8 [authority]
  + Utf8 [awaitingClose]
  + Utf8 [backspace]
  + Utf8 [bg]
  + Utf8 [bitmap]
  + Utf8 [blue]
  + Utf8 [borderX]
  + Utf8 [borderY]
  + Utf8 [buffer]
  + Utf8 [c]
  + Utf8 [canForwardPorts]
  + Utf8 [canFowardPorts]
  + Utf8 [cancelPrompt]
  + Utf8 [canvas]
  + Utf8 [ceil]
  + Utf8 [charArray]
  + Utf8 [charAttributes]
  + Utf8 [charHeight]
  + Utf8 [charTop]
  + Utf8 [charWidth]
  + Utf8 [clear]
  + Utf8 [clipRect]
  + Utf8 [clipboard]
  + Utf8 [color]
  + Utf8 [cols]
  + Utf8 [columns]
  + Utf8 [compile]
  + Utf8 [connectionThread]
  + Utf8 [createBitmap]
  + Utf8 [currAttr]
  + Utf8 [d]
  + Utf8 [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer]
  + Utf8 [de/mud/terminal/VDUDisplay]
  + Utf8 [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
  + Utf8 [decOctet]
  + Utf8 [decreaseFontSize]
  + Utf8 [defaultBg]
  + Utf8 [defaultFg]
  + Utf8 [defaultPaint]
  + Utf8 [defaults]
  + Utf8 [descent]
  + Utf8 [direction]
  + Utf8 [disablePortForward]
  + Utf8 [discardBitmap]
  + Utf8 [disconnectListener]
  + Utf8 [disconnectPromptThread]
  + Utf8 [disconnectThread]
  + Utf8 [disconnected]
  + Utf8 [dispatchDisconnect]
  + Utf8 [drawLine]
  + Utf8 [drawPaint]
  + Utf8 [drawText]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [emulation]
  + Utf8 [enablePortForward]
  + Utf8 [encoding]
  + Utf8 [entireDirty]
  + Utf8 [equals]
  + Utf8 [fg]
  + Utf8 [fgcolor]
  + Utf8 [find]
  + Utf8 [fm]
  + Utf8 [font size %f resulted in %d x %d]
  + Utf8 [fontSize]
  + Utf8 [fontSizeChangedListeners]
  + Utf8 [fontSizeCompare]
  + Utf8 [fontsize]
  + Utf8 [forcedSize]
  + Utf8 [format]
  + Utf8 [fragment]
  + Utf8 [fullRedraw]
  + Utf8 [getCharset]
  + Utf8 [getColorsForScheme]
  + Utf8 [getCompression]
  + Utf8 [getContext]
  + Utf8 [getDefaultColorsForScheme]
  + Utf8 [getDelKey]
  + Utf8 [getEmulation]
  + Utf8 [getEncoding]
  + Utf8 [getFontMetrics]
  + Utf8 [getFontSize]
  + Utf8 [getHeight]
  + Utf8 [getHostname]
  + Utf8 [getKeyHandler]
  + Utf8 [getPort]
  + Utf8 [getPortForwards]
  + Utf8 [getPortForwardsForHost]
  + Utf8 [getPostLogin]
  + Utf8 [getPromptHelper]
  + Utf8 [getProtocol]
  + Utf8 [getScrollback]
  + Utf8 [getSelectionArea]
  + Utf8 [getStayConnected]
  + Utf8 [getString]
  + Utf8 [getSystemService]
  + Utf8 [getTextWidths]
  + Utf8 [getTransport]
  + Utf8 [getUseAuthAgent]
  + Utf8 [getWantSession]
  + Utf8 [getWidth]
  + Utf8 [green]
  + Utf8 [group]
  + Utf8 [h16]
  + Utf8 [hasNext]
  + Utf8 [height]
  + Utf8 [hierPart]
  + Utf8 [host]
  + Utf8 [hostFontSize]
  + Utf8 [hostdb]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [immediate]
  + Utf8 [increaseFontSize]
  + Utf8 [index]
  + Utf8 [injectString]
  + Utf8 [injectStringThread]
  + Utf8 [intValue]
  + Utf8 [ipLiteral]
  + Utf8 [ipv4address]
  + Utf8 [ipv6address]
  + Utf8 [ipvfuture]
  + Utf8 [isAwaitingClose]
  + Utf8 [isConnected]
  + Utf8 [isDisconnected]
  + Utf8 [isResizeAllowed]
  + Utf8 [isSelectingForCopy]
  + Utf8 [isSessionOpen]
  + Utf8 [isUsingNetwork]
  + Utf8 [isWideCharacter]
  + Utf8 [iterator]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Exception]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Float]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Integer]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Math]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Thread]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Iterator]
  + Utf8 [java/util/LinkedList]
  + Utf8 [java/util/List]
  + Utf8 [java/util/regex/Matcher]
  + Utf8 [java/util/regex/Pattern]
  + Utf8 [keyListener]
  + Utf8 [l]
  + Utf8 [length]
  + Utf8 [limit]
  + Utf8 [line]
  + Utf8 [listener]
  + Utf8 [localOutput]
  + Utf8 [ls32]
  + Utf8 [manager]
  + Utf8 [matcher]
  + Utf8 [newBitmap]
  + Utf8 [newColumns]
  + Utf8 [newRows]
  + Utf8 [next]
  + Utf8 [notifyUser]
  + Utf8 [ofscl]
  + Utf8 [onConnected]
  + Utf8 [onDisconnected]
  + Utf8 [onDraw]
  + Utf8 [onFontSizeChanged]
  + Utf8 [outputLine]
  + Utf8 [outputLine call traceback]
  + Utf8 [parent]
  + Utf8 [parentChanged]
  + Utf8 [parentChanged() now width=%d, height=%d]
  + Utf8 [pathAbempty]
  + Utf8 [pathAbsolute]
  + Utf8 [pathRootless]
  + Utf8 [pchar]
  + Utf8 [pctEncoded]
  + Utf8 [port]
  + Utf8 [portForward]
  + Utf8 [postInvalidate]
  + Utf8 [promptHelper]
  + Utf8 [propagateConsoleText]
  + Utf8 [putString]
  + Utf8 [query]
  + Utf8 [rawText]
  + Utf8 [recycle]
  + Utf8 [red]
  + Utf8 [redraw]
  + Utf8 [regName]
  + Utf8 [relay]
  + Utf8 [relayThread]
  + Utf8 [removePortForward]
  + Utf8 [requestReconnect]
  + Utf8 [res]
  + Utf8 [reset]
  + Utf8 [resetColors]
  + Utf8 [resetScrollPosition]
  + Utf8 [resizeComputed]
  + Utf8 [restore]
  + Utf8 [rows]
  + Utf8 [s]
  + Utf8 [save]
  + Utf8 [scanForURLs]
  + Utf8 [scheme]
  + Utf8 [screenBase]
  + Utf8 [scrollback]
  + Utf8 [segment]
  + Utf8 [segmentNz]
  + Utf8 [selectingForCopy]
  + Utf8 [selectionArea]
  + Utf8 [setAnswerBack]
  + Utf8 [setAntiAlias]
  + Utf8 [setBackspace]
  + Utf8 [setBitmap]
  + Utf8 [setBridge]
  + Utf8 [setBufferSize]
  + Utf8 [setCharset]
  + Utf8 [setClipboardManager]
  + Utf8 [setColor]
  + Utf8 [setCompression]
  + Utf8 [setDaemon]
  + Utf8 [setDimensions]
  + Utf8 [setDisplay]
  + Utf8 [setEmulation]
  + Utf8 [setFakeBoldText]
  + Utf8 [setFontSize]
  + Utf8 [setHost]
  + Utf8 [setManager]
  + Utf8 [setName]
  + Utf8 [setOnDisconnectedListener]
  + Utf8 [setScreenSize]
  + Utf8 [setSelectingForCopy]
  + Utf8 [setStrokeWidth]
  + Utf8 [setTextSize]
  + Utf8 [setTypeface]
  + Utf8 [setUnderlineText]
  + Utf8 [setUseAuthAgent]
  + Utf8 [setWindowBase]
  + Utf8 [size]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BridgeDisconnectedListener]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/FontSizeChangedListener]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$1]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$2]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$3]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$4]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$5]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$6]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/TransportFactory]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
  + Utf8 [start]
  + Utf8 [startConnection]
  + Utf8 [step]
  + Utf8 [string]
  + Utf8 [subDelims]
  + Utf8 [swapc]
  + Utf8 [termHeight]
  + Utf8 [termWidth]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toCharArray]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [top]
  + Utf8 [transport]
  + Utf8 [tryKeyVibrate]
  + Utf8 [unreserved]
  + Utf8 [update]
  + Utf8 [updateFontSize]
  + Utf8 [updateScrollBar]
  + Utf8 [uriRegex]
  + Utf8 [urlMatcher]
  + Utf8 [urlPattern]
  + Utf8 [urls]
  + Utf8 [userinfo]
  + Utf8 [usesNetwork]
  + Utf8 [v[0-9A-Fa-f]+.(?:]
  + Utf8 [valueOf]
  + Utf8 [visibleBuffer]
  + Utf8 [width]
  + Utf8 [widths]
  + Utf8 [windowBase]
  + Utf8 [|]
  + Utf8 [|/|\?)*]
  + Utf8 [|:)*]
  + Utf8 [|:)+]
  + Utf8 [|@)]

Fields (count = 33):
  + Field:        color [Ljava/lang/Integer;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.Integer[] color
  + Field:        defaultFg I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int defaultFg
  + Field:        defaultBg I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int defaultBg
  + Field:        manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;
    Access flags: 0x14
      = protected final com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalManager manager
  + Field:        host Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.HostBean host
  + Field:        transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.transport.AbsTransport transport
  + Field:        defaultPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;
    Access flags: 0x10
      = final defaultPaint
  + Field:        relay Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.Relay relay
  + Field:        emulation Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final java.lang.String emulation
  + Field:        scrollback I
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final int scrollback
  + Field:        bitmap Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public bitmap
  + Field:        buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public de.mud.terminal.VDUBuffer buffer
  + Field:        parent Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.TerminalView parent
  + Field:        canvas Landroid/graphics/Canvas;
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final canvas
  + Field:        disconnected Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean disconnected
  + Field:        awaitingClose Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean awaitingClose
  + Field:        forcedSize Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean forcedSize
  + Field:        columns I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int columns
  + Field:        rows I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int rows
  + Field:        keyListener Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;
    Access flags: 0x10
      = final com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalKeyListener keyListener
  + Field:        selectingForCopy Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean selectingForCopy
  + Field:        selectionArea Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea;
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.SelectionArea selectionArea
  + Field:        clipboard Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.text.ClipboardManager clipboard
  + Field:        charWidth I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int charWidth
  + Field:        charHeight I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int charHeight
  + Field:        charTop I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int charTop
  + Field:        fontSize F
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private float fontSize
  + Field:        fontSizeChangedListeners Ljava/util/List;
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final java.util.List fontSizeChangedListeners
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/FontSizeChangedListener;>;]
  + Field:        localOutput Ljava/util/List;
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final java.util.List localOutput
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List<Ljava/lang/String;>;]
  + Field:        fullRedraw Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean fullRedraw
  + Field:        promptHelper Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.PromptHelper promptHelper
  + Field:        disconnectListener Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BridgeDisconnectedListener;
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.BridgeDisconnectedListener disconnectListener
  + Field:        urlPattern Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;
    Access flags: 0xa
      = private static java.util.regex.Pattern urlPattern

Methods (count = 45):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 0, stack = 1):
      [0] aconst_null
      [1] putstatic #154
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.urlPattern Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 930
        [4] -> line 60
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public TerminalBridge()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 190, locals = 1, stack = 7):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #198
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] bipush 7
      [7] putfield #133
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.defaultFg I]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] iconst_0
      [12] putfield #132
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.defaultBg I]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] aconst_null
      [17] putfield #123
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.bitmap Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;]
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] aconst_null
      [22] putfield #124
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] aconst_null
      [27] putfield #146
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.parent Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] new #67
        + Class [android/graphics/Canvas]
      [34] dup
      [35] invokespecial #164
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.<init> ()V]
      [38] putfield #125
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.canvas Landroid/graphics/Canvas;]
      [41] aload_0 v0
      [42] iconst_0
      [43] putfield #136
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.disconnected Z]
      [46] aload_0 v0
      [47] iconst_0
      [48] putfield #122
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.awaitingClose Z]
      [51] aload_0 v0
      [52] iconst_0
      [53] putfield #140
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.forcedSize Z]
      [56] aload_0 v0
      [57] iconst_0
      [58] putfield #151
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.selectingForCopy Z]
      [61] aload_0 v0
      [62] iconst_m1
      [63] putfield #128
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charWidth I]
      [66] aload_0 v0
      [67] iconst_m1
      [68] putfield #126
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charHeight I]
      [71] aload_0 v0
      [72] iconst_m1
      [73] putfield #127
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charTop I]
      [76] aload_0 v0
      [77] ldc #7
        + Float [-1.0]
      [79] putfield #138
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.fontSize F]
      [82] aload_0 v0
      [83] iconst_0
      [84] putfield #141
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.fullRedraw Z]
      [87] aload_0 v0
      [88] aconst_null
      [89] putfield #135
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.disconnectListener Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BridgeDisconnectedListener;]
      [92] aload_0 v0
      [93] new #100
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$1]
      [96] dup
      [97] aload_0 v0
      [98] invokespecial #251
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
      [101] putfield #124
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [104] aload_0 v0
      [105] aconst_null
      [106] putfield #137
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.emulation Ljava/lang/String;]
      [109] aload_0 v0
      [110] aconst_null
      [111] putfield #145
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [114] aload_0 v0
      [115] new #68
        + Class [android/graphics/Paint]
      [118] dup
      [119] invokespecial #172
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.<init> ()V]
      [122] putfield #134
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.defaultPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [125] aload_0 v0
      [126] new #94
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea]
      [129] dup
      [130] invokespecial #236
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.<init> ()V]
      [133] putfield #152
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.selectionArea Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea;]
      [136] aload_0 v0
      [137] iconst_1
      [138] putfield #150
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.scrollback I]
      [141] aload_0 v0
      [142] new #87
        + Class [java/util/LinkedList]
      [145] dup
      [146] invokespecial #213
        + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.<init> ()V]
      [149] putfield #144
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.localOutput Ljava/util/List;]
      [152] aload_0 v0
      [153] new #87
        + Class [java/util/LinkedList]
      [156] dup
      [157] invokespecial #213
        + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.<init> ()V]
      [160] putfield #139
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.fontSizeChangedListeners Ljava/util/List;]
      [163] aload_0 v0
      [164] aconst_null
      [165] putfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [168] aload_0 v0
      [169] new #106
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener]
      [172] dup
      [173] aload_0 v0
      [174] getfield #145
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [177] aload_0 v0
      [178] aload_0 v0
      [179] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [182] aconst_null
      [183] invokespecial #257
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [186] putfield #143
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.keyListener Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;]
      [189] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 28)
        [0] -> line 128
        [4] -> line 68
        [10] -> line 69
        [15] -> line 84
        [20] -> line 85
        [25] -> line 87
        [30] -> line 88
        [41] -> line 90
        [46] -> line 91
        [51] -> line 93
        [56] -> line 99
        [61] -> line 105
        [66] -> line 106
        [71] -> line 107
        [76] -> line 109
        [82] -> line 119
        [87] -> line 123
        [92] -> line 129
        [104] -> line 142
        [109] -> line 143
        [114] -> line 145
        [125] -> line 147
        [136] -> line 148
        [141] -> line 150
        [152] -> line 152
        [163] -> line 154
        [168] -> line 156
        [189] -> line 157
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 190 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; this]
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public TerminalBridge(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalManager,com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.HostBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 296, locals = 4, stack = 7):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #198
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] bipush 7
      [7] putfield #133
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.defaultFg I]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] iconst_0
      [12] putfield #132
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.defaultBg I]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] aconst_null
      [17] putfield #123
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.bitmap Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;]
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] aconst_null
      [22] putfield #124
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] aconst_null
      [27] putfield #146
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.parent Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] new #67
        + Class [android/graphics/Canvas]
      [34] dup
      [35] invokespecial #164
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.<init> ()V]
      [38] putfield #125
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.canvas Landroid/graphics/Canvas;]
      [41] aload_0 v0
      [42] iconst_0
      [43] putfield #136
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.disconnected Z]
      [46] aload_0 v0
      [47] iconst_0
      [48] putfield #122
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.awaitingClose Z]
      [51] aload_0 v0
      [52] iconst_0
      [53] putfield #140
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.forcedSize Z]
      [56] aload_0 v0
      [57] iconst_0
      [58] putfield #151
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.selectingForCopy Z]
      [61] aload_0 v0
      [62] iconst_m1
      [63] putfield #128
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charWidth I]
      [66] aload_0 v0
      [67] iconst_m1
      [68] putfield #126
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charHeight I]
      [71] aload_0 v0
      [72] iconst_m1
      [73] putfield #127
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charTop I]
      [76] aload_0 v0
      [77] ldc #7
        + Float [-1.0]
      [79] putfield #138
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.fontSize F]
      [82] aload_0 v0
      [83] iconst_0
      [84] putfield #141
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.fullRedraw Z]
      [87] aload_0 v0
      [88] aconst_null
      [89] putfield #135
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.disconnectListener Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BridgeDisconnectedListener;]
      [92] aload_0 v0
      [93] aload_1 v1
      [94] putfield #145
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [97] aload_0 v0
      [98] aload_2 v2
      [99] putfield #142
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [102] aload_0 v0
      [103] aload_1 v1
      [104] invokevirtual #260
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.getEmulation ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [107] putfield #137
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.emulation Ljava/lang/String;]
      [110] aload_0 v0
      [111] aload_1 v1
      [112] invokevirtual #261
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.getScrollback ()I]
      [115] putfield #150
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.scrollback I]
      [118] aload_0 v0
      [119] new #97
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper]
      [122] dup
      [123] aload_0 v0
      [124] invokespecial #237
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.<init> (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
      [127] putfield #147
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.promptHelper Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
      [130] aload_0 v0
      [131] new #68
        + Class [android/graphics/Paint]
      [134] dup
      [135] invokespecial #172
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.<init> ()V]
      [138] putfield #134
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.defaultPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [141] aload_0 v0
      [142] getfield #134
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.defaultPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [145] iconst_1
      [146] invokevirtual #175
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setAntiAlias (Z)V]
      [149] aload_0 v0
      [150] getfield #134
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.defaultPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [153] getstatic #114
        + Fieldref [android/graphics/Typeface.MONOSPACE Landroid/graphics/Typeface;]
      [156] invokevirtual #180
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setTypeface (Landroid/graphics/Typeface;)Landroid/graphics/Typeface;]
      [159] pop
      [160] aload_0 v0
      [161] getfield #134
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.defaultPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [164] iconst_1
      [165] invokevirtual #177
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setFakeBoldText (Z)V]
      [168] aload_0 v0
      [169] new #87
        + Class [java/util/LinkedList]
      [172] dup
      [173] invokespecial #213
        + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.<init> ()V]
      [176] putfield #144
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.localOutput Ljava/util/List;]
      [179] aload_0 v0
      [180] new #87
        + Class [java/util/LinkedList]
      [183] dup
      [184] invokespecial #213
        + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.<init> ()V]
      [187] putfield #139
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.fontSizeChangedListeners Ljava/util/List;]
      [190] aload_2 v2
      [191] invokevirtual #227
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getFontSize ()I]
      [194] istore_3 v3
      [195] iload_3 v3
      [196] ifgt +6 (target=202)
      [199] bipush 10
      [201] istore_3 v3
      [202] aload_0 v0
      [203] iload_3 v3
      [204] i2f
      [205] invokevirtual #250
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.setFontSize (F)V]
      [208] aload_0 v0
      [209] new #101
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$2]
      [212] dup
      [213] aload_0 v0
      [214] aload_1 v1
      [215] aload_2 v2
      [216] invokespecial #252
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$2.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
      [219] putfield #124
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [222] aload_2 v2
      [223] invokevirtual #234
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getWantSession ()Z]
      [226] ifeq +17 (target=243)
      [229] aload_0 v0
      [230] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [233] aload_0 v0
      [234] getfield #150
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.scrollback I]
      [237] invokevirtual #185
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.setBufferSize (I)V]
      [240] goto +11 (target=251)
      [243] aload_0 v0
      [244] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [247] iconst_0
      [248] invokevirtual #185
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.setBufferSize (I)V]
      [251] aload_0 v0
      [252] invokevirtual #249
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.resetColors ()V]
      [255] aload_0 v0
      [256] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [259] aload_0 v0
      [260] invokevirtual #186
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.setDisplay (Lde/mud/terminal/VDUDisplay;)V]
      [263] aload_0 v0
      [264] new #94
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea]
      [267] dup
      [268] invokespecial #236
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.<init> ()V]
      [271] putfield #152
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.selectionArea Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea;]
      [274] aload_0 v0
      [275] new #106
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener]
      [278] dup
      [279] aload_1 v1
      [280] aload_0 v0
      [281] aload_0 v0
      [282] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [285] aload_2 v2
      [286] invokevirtual #226
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getEncoding ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [289] invokespecial #257
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [292] putfield #143
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.keyListener Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;]
      [295] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 41)
        [0] -> line 164
        [4] -> line 68
        [10] -> line 69
        [15] -> line 84
        [20] -> line 85
        [25] -> line 87
        [30] -> line 88
        [41] -> line 90
        [46] -> line 91
        [51] -> line 93
        [56] -> line 99
        [61] -> line 105
        [66] -> line 106
        [71] -> line 107
        [76] -> line 109
        [82] -> line 119
        [87] -> line 123
        [92] -> line 165
        [97] -> line 166
        [102] -> line 168
        [110] -> line 169
        [118] -> line 172
        [130] -> line 175
        [141] -> line 176
        [149] -> line 177
        [160] -> line 178
        [168] -> line 180
        [179] -> line 182
        [190] -> line 184
        [195] -> line 185
        [199] -> line 186
        [202] -> line 187
        [208] -> line 191
        [222] -> line 237
        [229] -> line 238
        [243] -> line 240
        [251] -> line 242
        [255] -> line 243
        [263] -> line 245
        [274] -> line 247
        [295] -> line 248
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 296 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; this]
        v1: 0 -> 296 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; manager]
        v2: 0 -> 296 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; host]
        v3: 195 -> 296 [I hostFontSize]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       getPromptHelper()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.PromptHelper getPromptHelper()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #147
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.promptHelper Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 251
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; this]
  + Method:       startConnection()V
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected void startConnection()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 229, locals = 3, stack = 7):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_0 v0
      [2] getfield #142
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [5] invokevirtual #231
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getProtocol ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [8] invokestatic #281
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/TransportFactory.getTransport (Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [11] putfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] invokevirtual #273
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.setBridge (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] getfield #145
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [30] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.setManager (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;)V]
      [33] aload_0 v0
      [34] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] getfield #142
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [41] invokevirtual #277
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.setHost (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
      [44] aload_0 v0
      [45] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] getfield #142
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [52] invokevirtual #224
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getCompression ()Z]
      [55] invokevirtual #274
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.setCompression (Z)V]
      [58] aload_0 v0
      [59] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [62] aload_0 v0
      [63] getfield #142
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [66] invokevirtual #233
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getUseAuthAgent ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [69] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.setUseAuthAgent (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [72] aload_0 v0
      [73] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [76] aload_0 v0
      [77] getfield #137
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.emulation Ljava/lang/String;]
      [80] invokevirtual #276
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.setEmulation (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [83] aload_0 v0
      [84] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [87] invokevirtual #266
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.canForwardPorts ()Z]
      [90] ifeq +54 (target=144)
      [93] aload_0 v0
      [94] getfield #145
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [97] getfield #155
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [100] aload_0 v0
      [101] getfield #142
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [104] invokevirtual #284
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.getPortForwardsForHost (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Ljava/util/List;]
      [107] invokeinterface #290
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
      [112] astore_2 v2
      [113] goto +22 (target=135)
      [116] aload_2 v2
      [117] invokeinterface #287
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/ ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [122] checkcast #93
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean]
      [125] astore_1 v1
      [126] aload_0 v0
      [127] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [130] aload_1 v1
      [131] invokevirtual #265
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.addPortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
      [134] pop
      [135] aload_2 v2
      [136] invokeinterface #286
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Iterator.hasNext ()Z]
      [141] ifne -25 (target=116)
      [144] aload_0 v0
      [145] aload_0 v0
      [146] getfield #145
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [149] getfield #156
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [152] ldc #6
        + Integer [2131230904]
      [154] iconst_3
      [155] anewarray #81
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [158] dup
      [159] iconst_0
      [160] aload_0 v0
      [161] getfield #142
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [164] invokevirtual #228
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getHostname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [167] aastore
      [168] dup
      [169] iconst_1
      [170] aload_0 v0
      [171] getfield #142
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [174] invokevirtual #229
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getPort ()I]
      [177] invokestatic #196
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [180] aastore
      [181] dup
      [182] iconst_2
      [183] aload_0 v0
      [184] getfield #142
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [187] invokevirtual #231
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getProtocol ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [190] aastore
      [191] invokevirtual #159
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [194] invokevirtual #245
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.outputLine (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [197] new #85
        + Class [java/lang/Thread]
      [200] dup
      [201] new #102
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$3]
      [204] dup
      [205] aload_0 v0
      [206] invokespecial #253
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$3.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
      [209] invokespecial #209
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.<init> (Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V]
      [212] astore_1 v1
      [213] aload_1 v1
      [214] ldc #34
        + String [Connection]
      [216] invokevirtual #211
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.setName (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [219] aload_1 v1
      [220] iconst_1
      [221] invokevirtual #210
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.setDaemon (Z)V]
      [224] aload_1 v1
      [225] invokevirtual #212
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.start ()V]
      [228] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 17)
        [0] -> line 258
        [14] -> line 259
        [22] -> line 260
        [33] -> line 261
        [44] -> line 264
        [58] -> line 265
        [72] -> line 266
        [83] -> line 268
        [93] -> line 269
        [126] -> line 270
        [135] -> line 269
        [144] -> line 273
        [197] -> line 275
        [213] -> line 280
        [219] -> line 281
        [224] -> line 282
        [228] -> line 283
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 229 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; this]
        v1: 126 -> 135 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean; portForward]
        v1: 213 -> 229 [Ljava/lang/Thread; connectionThread]
  + Method:       getCharset()Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.nio.charset.Charset getCharset()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 8, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #148
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.relay Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay;]
      [4] invokevirtual #240
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.getCharset ()Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;]
      [7] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 301
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; this]
  + Method:       setCharset(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setCharset(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 24, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #148
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.relay Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay;]
      [4] ifnull +11 (target=15)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #148
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.relay Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay;]
      [11] aload_1 v1
      [12] invokevirtual #241
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.setCharset (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] getfield #143
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.keyListener Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;]
      [19] aload_1 v1
      [20] invokevirtual #258
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.setCharset (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [23] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 310
        [7] -> line 311
        [15] -> line 312
        [23] -> line 313
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 24 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; this]
        v1: 0 -> 24 [Ljava/lang/String; encoding]
  + Method:       outputLine(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x11
      = public final void outputLine(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 107, locals = 5, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [4] ifnull +30 (target=34)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [11] invokevirtual #271
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.isSessionOpen ()Z]
      [14] ifeq +20 (target=34)
      [17] ldc #33
        + String [ConnectBot.TerminalBridge]
      [19] ldc #42
        + String [Session established, cannot use outputLine!]
      [21] new #76
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [24] dup
      [25] ldc #55
        + String [outputLine call traceback]
      [27] invokespecial #193
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [30] invokestatic #183
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [33] pop
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] getfield #144
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.localOutput Ljava/util/List;]
      [38] dup
      [39] astore_2 v2
      [40] monitorenter
      [41] new #83
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [44] dup
      [45] aload_1 v1
      [46] invokestatic #204
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [49] invokespecial #205
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [52] ldc #10
        + String [
      [54] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [57] invokevirtual #207
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [60] astore_3 v3
      [61] aload_0 v0
      [62] getfield #144
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.localOutput Ljava/util/List;]
      [65] aload_3 v3
      [66] invokeinterface #288
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [71] pop
      [72] aload_0 v0
      [73] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [76] checkcast #75
        + Class [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
      [79] aload_3 v3
      [80] invokevirtual #189
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.putString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [83] aload_3 v3
      [84] invokevirtual #203
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.toCharArray ()[C]
      [87] astore v4
      [89] aload_0 v0
      [90] aload v4
      [92] aload v4
      [94] arraylength
      [95] invokevirtual #247
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.propagateConsoleText ([CI)V]
      [98] aload_2 v2
      [99] monitorexit
      [100] goto +6 (target=106)
      [103] aload_2 v2
      [104] monitorexit
      [105] athrow
      [106] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (41 -> 100: 103):
      + ExceptionInfo (103 -> 105: 103):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 10)
        [0] -> line 320
        [17] -> line 321
        [34] -> line 323
        [41] -> line 324
        [61] -> line 326
        [72] -> line 328
        [83] -> line 331
        [89] -> line 332
        [98] -> line 323
        [106] -> line 334
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 107 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; this]
        v1: 0 -> 107 [Ljava/lang/String; line]
        v3: 61 -> 98 [Ljava/lang/String; s]
        v4: 89 -> 98 [[C charArray]
  + Method:       injectString(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void injectString(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 40, locals = 3, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] ifnull +10 (target=11)
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] invokevirtual #202
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
      [8] ifne +4 (target=12)
      [11] return
      [12] new #85
        + Class [java/lang/Thread]
      [15] dup
      [16] new #103
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$4]
      [19] dup
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] aload_1 v1
      [22] invokespecial #254
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$4.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [25] invokespecial #209
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.<init> (Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V]
      [28] astore_2 v2
      [29] aload_2 v2
      [30] ldc #38
        + String [InjectString]
      [32] invokevirtual #211
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.setName (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [35] aload_2 v2
      [36] invokevirtual #212
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.start ()V]
      [39] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 341
        [11] -> line 342
        [12] -> line 344
        [29] -> line 353
        [35] -> line 354
        [39] -> line 355
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 40 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; this]
        v1: 0 -> 40 [Ljava/lang/String; string]
        v2: 29 -> 40 [Ljava/lang/Thread; injectStringThread]
  + Method:       onConnected()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onConnected()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 155, locals = 2, stack = 7):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iconst_0
      [2] putfield #136
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.disconnected Z]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [9] checkcast #75
        + Class [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
      [12] invokevirtual #190
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.reset ()V]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] getfield #144
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.localOutput Ljava/util/List;]
      [19] invokeinterface #289
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.clear ()V]
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [28] checkcast #75
        + Class [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] getfield #137
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.emulation Ljava/lang/String;]
      [35] invokevirtual #191
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.setAnswerBack (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [38] ldc #51
        + String [backspace]
      [40] aload_0 v0
      [41] getfield #142
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [44] invokevirtual #225
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getDelKey ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [47] invokevirtual #200
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [50] ifeq +17 (target=67)
      [53] aload_0 v0
      [54] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [57] checkcast #75
        + Class [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
      [60] iconst_1
      [61] invokevirtual #192
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.setBackspace (I)V]
      [64] goto +14 (target=78)
      [67] aload_0 v0
      [68] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [71] checkcast #75
        + Class [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
      [74] iconst_0
      [75] invokevirtual #192
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.setBackspace (I)V]
      [78] aload_0 v0
      [79] new #98
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay]
      [82] dup
      [83] aload_0 v0
      [84] aload_0 v0
      [85] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [88] aload_0 v0
      [89] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [92] checkcast #75
        + Class [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
      [95] aload_0 v0
      [96] getfield #142
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [99] invokevirtual #226
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getEncoding ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [102] invokespecial #239
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;Lde/mud/terminal/vt320;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [105] putfield #148
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.relay Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay;]
      [108] new #85
        + Class [java/lang/Thread]
      [111] dup
      [112] aload_0 v0
      [113] getfield #148
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.relay Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/Relay;]
      [116] invokespecial #209
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.<init> (Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V]
      [119] astore_1 v1
      [120] aload_1 v1
      [121] iconst_1
      [122] invokevirtual #210
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.setDaemon (Z)V]
      [125] aload_1 v1
      [126] ldc #40
        + String [Relay]
      [128] invokevirtual #211
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.setName (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [131] aload_1 v1
      [132] invokevirtual #212
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.start ()V]
      [135] aload_0 v0
      [136] aload_0 v0
      [137] getfield #138
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.fontSize F]
      [140] invokevirtual #250
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.setFontSize (F)V]
      [143] aload_0 v0
      [144] aload_0 v0
      [145] getfield #142
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [148] invokevirtual #230
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getPostLogin ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [151] invokevirtual #244
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.injectString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [154] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 15)
        [0] -> line 362
        [5] -> line 364
        [15] -> line 367
        [24] -> line 371
        [38] -> line 373
        [53] -> line 374
        [67] -> line 376
        [78] -> line 379
        [108] -> line 380
        [120] -> line 381
        [125] -> line 382
        [131] -> line 383
        [135] -> line 386
        [143] -> line 389
        [154] -> line 390
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 155 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; this]
        v1: 120 -> 155 [Ljava/lang/Thread; relayThread]
  + Method:       isSessionOpen()Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean isSessionOpen()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 17, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [4] ifnull +11 (target=15)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [11] invokevirtual #271
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.isSessionOpen ()Z]
      [14] ireturn
      [15] iconst_0
      [16] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 396
        [7] -> line 397
        [15] -> line 398
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 17 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; this]
  + Method:       setOnDisconnectedListener(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BridgeDisconnectedListener;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setOnDisconnectedListener(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.BridgeDisconnectedListener)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #135
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.disconnectListener Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BridgeDisconnectedListener;]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 402
        [5] -> line 403
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BridgeDisconnectedListener; disconnectListener]
  + Method:       dispatchDisconnect(Z)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void dispatchDisconnect(boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 188, locals = 4, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] dup
      [2] astore_2 v2
      [3] monitorenter
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #136
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.disconnected Z]
      [8] ifeq +10 (target=18)
      [11] iload_1 v1
      [12] ifne +6 (target=18)
      [15] aload_2 v2
      [16] monitorexit
      [17] return
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] iconst_1
      [20] putfield #136
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.disconnected Z]
      [23] aload_2 v2
      [24] monitorexit
      [25] goto +6 (target=31)
      [28] aload_2 v2
      [29] monitorexit
      [30] athrow
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] getfield #147
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.promptHelper Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
      [35] invokevirtual #238
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.cancelPrompt ()V]
      [38] new #85
        + Class [java/lang/Thread]
      [41] dup
      [42] new #104
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$5]
      [45] dup
      [46] aload_0 v0
      [47] invokespecial #255
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$5.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
      [50] invokespecial #209
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.<init> (Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V]
      [53] astore_2 v2
      [54] aload_2 v2
      [55] ldc #35
        + String [Disconnect]
      [57] invokevirtual #211
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.setName (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [60] aload_2 v2
      [61] invokevirtual #212
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.start ()V]
      [64] iload_1 v1
      [65] ifeq +28 (target=93)
      [68] aload_0 v0
      [69] iconst_1
      [70] putfield #122
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.awaitingClose Z]
      [73] aload_0 v0
      [74] getfield #135
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.disconnectListener Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BridgeDisconnectedListener;]
      [77] ifnull +110 (target=187)
      [80] aload_0 v0
      [81] getfield #135
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.disconnectListener Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BridgeDisconnectedListener;]
      [84] aload_0 v0
      [85] invokeinterface #291
        + InterfaceMethodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BridgeDisconnectedListener.onDisconnected (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
      [90] goto +97 (target=187)
      [93] aload_0 v0
      [94] getfield #145
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [97] getfield #156
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [100] ldc #5
        + Integer [2131230788]
      [102] invokevirtual #158
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [105] astore_3 v3
      [106] aload_0 v0
      [107] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [110] checkcast #75
        + Class [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
      [113] new #83
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [116] dup
      [117] ldc #10
        + String [
      [119] invokespecial #205
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [122] aload_3 v3
      [123] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [126] ldc #10
        + String [
      [128] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [131] invokevirtual #207
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [134] invokevirtual #189
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.putString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [137] aload_0 v0
      [138] getfield #142
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [141] invokevirtual #232
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getStayConnected ()Z]
      [144] ifeq +12 (target=156)
      [147] aload_0 v0
      [148] getfield #145
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [151] aload_0 v0
      [152] invokevirtual #263
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.requestReconnect (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
      [155] return
      [156] new #85
        + Class [java/lang/Thread]
      [159] dup
      [160] new #105
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$6]
      [163] dup
      [164] aload_0 v0
      [165] invokespecial #256
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$6.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
      [168] invokespecial #209
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.<init> (Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V]
      [171] astore_3 v3
      [172] aload_3 v3
      [173] ldc #36
        + String [DisconnectPrompt]
      [175] invokevirtual #211
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.setName (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [178] aload_3 v3
      [179] iconst_1
      [180] invokevirtual #210
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.setDaemon (Z)V]
      [183] aload_3 v3
      [184] invokevirtual #212
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.start ()V]
      [187] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 3):
      + ExceptionInfo (4 -> 17: 28):
      + ExceptionInfo (18 -> 25: 28):
      + ExceptionInfo (28 -> 30: 28):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 23)
        [0] -> line 410
        [4] -> line 411
        [15] -> line 412
        [18] -> line 414
        [23] -> line 410
        [31] -> line 418
        [38] -> line 422
        [54] -> line 428
        [60] -> line 429
        [64] -> line 431
        [68] -> line 432
        [73] -> line 433
        [80] -> line 434
        [93] -> line 437
        [106] -> line 438
        [137] -> line 440
        [147] -> line 441
        [155] -> line 442
        [156] -> line 444
        [172] -> line 457
        [178] -> line 458
        [183] -> line 459
        [187] -> line 461
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 188 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; this]
        v1: 0 -> 188 [Z immediate]
        v2: 54 -> 188 [Ljava/lang/Thread; disconnectThread]
        v3: 106 -> 137 [Ljava/lang/String; line]
        v3: 172 -> 187 [Ljava/lang/Thread; disconnectPromptThread]
  + Method:       setSelectingForCopy(Z)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setSelectingForCopy(boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #151
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.selectingForCopy Z]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 464
        [5] -> line 465
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [Z selectingForCopy]
  + Method:       isSelectingForCopy()Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean isSelectingForCopy()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #151
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.selectingForCopy Z]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 468
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; this]
  + Method:       getSelectionArea()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.SelectionArea getSelectionArea()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #152
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.selectionArea Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 472
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; this]
  + Method:       tryKeyVibrate()V
    Access flags: 0x21
      = public synchronized void tryKeyVibrate()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 8, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #145
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [4] invokevirtual #264
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.tryKeyVibrate ()V]
      [7] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 476
        [7] -> line 477
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; this]
  + Method:       setFontSize(F)V
    Access flags: 0x10
      = final void setFontSize(float)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 179, locals = 6, stack = 4):
      [0] fload_1 v1
      [1] f2d
      [2] dconst_0
      [3] dcmpg
      [4] ifgt +4 (target=8)
      [7] return
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] getfield #134
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.defaultPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [12] fload_1 v1
      [13] invokevirtual #179
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setTextSize (F)V]
      [16] aload_0 v0
      [17] fload_1 v1
      [18] putfield #138
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.fontSize F]
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] getfield #134
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.defaultPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [25] invokevirtual #173
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.getFontMetrics ()Landroid/graphics/Paint$FontMetrics;]
      [28] astore_2 v2
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] aload_2 v2
      [31] getfield #113
        + Fieldref [android/graphics/Paint$ F]
      [34] f2d
      [35] invokestatic #197
        + Methodref [java/lang/Math.ceil (D)D]
      [38] d2i
      [39] putfield #127
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charTop I]
      [42] iconst_1
      [43] newarray 6
      [45] astore_3 v3
      [46] aload_0 v0
      [47] getfield #134
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.defaultPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [50] ldc #43
        + String [X]
      [52] aload_3 v3
      [53] invokevirtual #174
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.getTextWidths (Ljava/lang/String;[F)I]
      [56] pop
      [57] aload_0 v0
      [58] aload_3 v3
      [59] iconst_0
      [60] faload
      [61] f2d
      [62] invokestatic #197
        + Methodref [java/lang/Math.ceil (D)D]
      [65] d2i
      [66] putfield #128
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charWidth I]
      [69] aload_0 v0
      [70] aload_2 v2
      [71] getfield #112
        + Fieldref [android/graphics/Paint$FontMetrics.descent F]
      [74] aload_2 v2
      [75] getfield #113
        + Fieldref [android/graphics/Paint$ F]
      [78] fsub
      [79] f2d
      [80] invokestatic #197
        + Methodref [java/lang/Math.ceil (D)D]
      [83] d2i
      [84] putfield #126
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charHeight I]
      [87] aload_0 v0
      [88] getfield #146
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.parent Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [91] ifnull +11 (target=102)
      [94] aload_0 v0
      [95] aload_0 v0
      [96] getfield #146
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.parent Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [99] invokevirtual #246
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.parentChanged (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)V]
      [102] aload_0 v0
      [103] getfield #139
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.fontSizeChangedListeners Ljava/util/List;]
      [106] invokeinterface #290
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
      [111] astore v5
      [113] goto +23 (target=136)
      [116] aload v5
      [118] invokeinterface #287
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/ ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [123] checkcast #96
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/FontSizeChangedListener]
      [126] astore v4
      [128] aload v4
      [130] fload_1 v1
      [131] invokeinterface #292
        + InterfaceMethodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/FontSizeChangedListener.onFontSizeChanged (F)V]
      [136] aload v5
      [138] invokeinterface #286
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Iterator.hasNext ()Z]
      [143] ifne -27 (target=116)
      [146] aload_0 v0
      [147] getfield #142
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [150] aload_0 v0
      [151] getfield #138
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.fontSize F]
      [154] f2i
      [155] invokevirtual #235
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setFontSize (I)V]
      [158] aload_0 v0
      [159] getfield #145
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [162] getfield #155
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [165] aload_0 v0
      [166] getfield #142
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [169] invokevirtual #285
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.updateFontSize (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Z]
      [172] pop
      [173] aload_0 v0
      [174] iconst_0
      [175] putfield #140
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.forcedSize Z]
      [178] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 19)
        [0] -> line 484
        [7] -> line 485
        [8] -> line 487
        [16] -> line 488
        [21] -> line 491
        [29] -> line 492
        [42] -> line 494
        [46] -> line 495
        [57] -> line 496
        [69] -> line 497
        [87] -> line 500
        [94] -> line 501
        [102] -> line 503
        [128] -> line 504
        [136] -> line 503
        [146] -> line 506
        [158] -> line 507
        [173] -> line 509
        [178] -> line 510
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 179 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; this]
        v1: 0 -> 179 [F size]
        v2: 29 -> 179 [Landroid/graphics/Paint$FontMetrics; fm]
        v3: 46 -> 179 [[F widths]
        v4: 128 -> 136 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/FontSizeChangedListener; ofscl]
  + Method:       addFontSizeChangedListener(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/FontSizeChangedListener;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void addFontSizeChangedListener(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.FontSizeChangedListener)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 12, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #139
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.fontSizeChangedListeners Ljava/util/List;]
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] invokeinterface #288
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [10] pop
      [11] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 520
        [11] -> line 521
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 12 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; this]
        v1: 0 -> 12 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/FontSizeChangedListener; listener]
  + Method:       parentChanged(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;)V
    Access flags: 0x31
      = public final synchronized void parentChanged(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.TerminalView)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 575, locals = 8, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #145
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [4] ifnull +22 (target=26)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #145
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [11] invokevirtual #262
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.isResizeAllowed ()Z]
      [14] ifne +12 (target=26)
      [17] ldc #33
        + String [ConnectBot.TerminalBridge]
      [19] ldc #41
        + String [Resize is not allowed now]
      [21] invokestatic #182
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [24] pop
      [25] return
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] aload_1 v1
      [28] putfield #146
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.parent Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [31] aload_1 v1
      [32] invokevirtual #220
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.getWidth ()I]
      [35] istore_2 v2
      [36] aload_1 v1
      [37] invokevirtual #219
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.getHeight ()I]
      [40] istore_3 v3
      [41] iload_2 v2
      [42] ifle +7 (target=49)
      [45] iload_3 v3
      [46] ifgt +4 (target=50)
      [49] return
      [50] aload_0 v0
      [51] aload_1 v1
      [52] invokevirtual #218
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.getContext ()Landroid/content/Context;]
      [55] ldc #52
        + String [clipboard]
      [57] invokevirtual #157
        + Methodref [android/content/Context.getSystemService (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [60] checkcast #71
        + Class [android/text/ClipboardManager]
      [63] putfield #129
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.clipboard Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;]
      [66] aload_0 v0
      [67] getfield #143
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.keyListener Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;]
      [70] aload_0 v0
      [71] getfield #129
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.clipboard Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;]
      [74] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.setClipboardManager (Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;)V]
      [77] aload_0 v0
      [78] getfield #140
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.forcedSize Z]
      [81] ifne +50 (target=131)
      [84] iload_2 v2
      [85] aload_0 v0
      [86] getfield #128
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charWidth I]
      [89] idiv
      [90] istore v4
      [92] iload_3 v3
      [93] aload_0 v0
      [94] getfield #126
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charHeight I]
      [97] idiv
      [98] istore v5
      [100] iload v4
      [102] aload_0 v0
      [103] getfield #131
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.columns I]
      [106] ificmpne +13 (target=119)
      [109] iload v5
      [111] aload_0 v0
      [112] getfield #149
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.rows I]
      [115] ificmpne +4 (target=119)
      [118] return
      [119] aload_0 v0
      [120] iload v4
      [122] putfield #131
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.columns I]
      [125] aload_0 v0
      [126] iload v5
      [128] putfield #149
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.rows I]
      [131] aload_0 v0
      [132] getfield #123
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.bitmap Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;]
      [135] ifnonnull +7 (target=142)
      [138] iconst_1
      [139] goto +4 (target=143)
      [142] iconst_0
      [143] istore v4
      [145] aload_0 v0
      [146] getfield #123
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.bitmap Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;]
      [149] ifnull +32 (target=181)
      [152] aload_0 v0
      [153] getfield #123
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.bitmap Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;]
      [156] invokevirtual #162
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Bitmap.getWidth ()I]
      [159] iload_2 v2
      [160] ificmpne +18 (target=178)
      [163] aload_0 v0
      [164] getfield #123
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.bitmap Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;]
      [167] invokevirtual #161
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Bitmap.getHeight ()I]
      [170] iload_3 v3
      [171] ificmpne +7 (target=178)
      [174] iconst_0
      [175] goto +4 (target=179)
      [178] iconst_1
      [179] istore v4
      [181] iload v4
      [183] ifeq +30 (target=213)
      [186] aload_0 v0
      [187] invokespecial #242
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.discardBitmap ()V]
      [190] aload_0 v0
      [191] iload_2 v2
      [192] iload_3 v3
      [193] getstatic #111
        + Fieldref [android/graphics/Bitmap$Config.ARGB_8888 Landroid/graphics/Bitmap$Config;]
      [196] invokestatic #160
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Bitmap.createBitmap (IILandroid/graphics/Bitmap$Config;)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;]
      [199] putfield #123
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.bitmap Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;]
      [202] aload_0 v0
      [203] getfield #125
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.canvas Landroid/graphics/Canvas;]
      [206] aload_0 v0
      [207] getfield #123
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.bitmap Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;]
      [210] invokevirtual #171
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.setBitmap (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;)V]
      [213] aload_0 v0
      [214] getfield #134
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.defaultPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [217] ldc #1
        + Integer [-16777216]
      [219] invokevirtual #176
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setColor (I)V]
      [222] aload_0 v0
      [223] getfield #125
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.canvas Landroid/graphics/Canvas;]
      [226] aload_0 v0
      [227] getfield #134
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.defaultPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [230] invokevirtual #167
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawPaint (Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [233] aload_0 v0
      [234] getfield #140
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.forcedSize Z]
      [237] ifeq +104 (target=341)
      [240] aload_0 v0
      [241] getfield #131
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.columns I]
      [244] aload_0 v0
      [245] getfield #128
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charWidth I]
      [248] imul
      [249] iconst_1
      [250] iadd
      [251] istore v5
      [253] aload_0 v0
      [254] getfield #149
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.rows I]
      [257] aload_0 v0
      [258] getfield #126
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charHeight I]
      [261] imul
      [262] iconst_1
      [263] iadd
      [264] istore v6
      [266] aload_0 v0
      [267] getfield #134
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.defaultPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [270] ldc #2
        + Integer [-7829368]
      [272] invokevirtual #176
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setColor (I)V]
      [275] aload_0 v0
      [276] getfield #134
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.defaultPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [279] fconst_0
      [280] invokevirtual #178
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setStrokeWidth (F)V]
      [283] iload_2 v2
      [284] iload v5
      [286] ificmplt +26 (target=312)
      [289] aload_0 v0
      [290] getfield #125
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.canvas Landroid/graphics/Canvas;]
      [293] iload v5
      [295] i2f
      [296] fconst_0
      [297] iload v5
      [299] i2f
      [300] iload v6
      [302] iconst_1
      [303] iadd
      [304] i2f
      [305] aload_0 v0
      [306] getfield #134
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.defaultPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [309] invokevirtual #166
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawLine (FFFFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [312] iload_3 v3
      [313] iload v6
      [315] ificmplt +26 (target=341)
      [318] aload_0 v0
      [319] getfield #125
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.canvas Landroid/graphics/Canvas;]
      [322] fconst_0
      [323] iload v6
      [325] i2f
      [326] iload v5
      [328] iconst_1
      [329] iadd
      [330] i2f
      [331] iload v6
      [333] i2f
      [334] aload_0 v0
      [335] getfield #134
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.defaultPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [338] invokevirtual #166
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawLine (FFFFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [341] aload_0 v0
      [342] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [345] dup
      [346] astore v5
      [348] monitorenter
      [349] aload_0 v0
      [350] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [353] aload_0 v0
      [354] getfield #131
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.columns I]
      [357] aload_0 v0
      [358] getfield #149
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.rows I]
      [361] iconst_1
      [362] invokevirtual #187
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.setScreenSize (IIZ)V]
      [365] aload v5
      [367] monitorexit
      [368] goto +7 (target=375)
      [371] aload v5
      [373] monitorexit
      [374] athrow
      [375] aload_0 v0
      [376] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [379] ifnull +35 (target=414)
      [382] aload_0 v0
      [383] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [386] aload_0 v0
      [387] getfield #131
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.columns I]
      [390] aload_0 v0
      [391] getfield #149
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.rows I]
      [394] iload_2 v2
      [395] iload_3 v3
      [396] invokevirtual #275
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.setDimensions (IIII)V]
      [399] goto +15 (target=414)
      [402] astore v5
      [404] ldc #33
        + String [ConnectBot.TerminalBridge]
      [406] ldc #39
        + String [Problem while trying to resize screen or PTY]
      [408] aload v5
      [410] invokestatic #183
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [413] pop
      [414] aload_0 v0
      [415] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [418] ifnonnull +79 (target=497)
      [421] aload_0 v0
      [422] getfield #144
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.localOutput Ljava/util/List;]
      [425] dup
      [426] astore v5
      [428] monitorenter
      [429] aload_0 v0
      [430] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [433] checkcast #75
        + Class [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
      [436] invokevirtual #190
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.reset ()V]
      [439] aload_0 v0
      [440] getfield #144
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.localOutput Ljava/util/List;]
      [443] invokeinterface #290
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
      [448] astore v7
      [450] goto +27 (target=477)
      [453] aload v7
      [455] invokeinterface #287
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/ ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [460] checkcast #82
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [463] astore v6
      [465] aload_0 v0
      [466] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [469] checkcast #75
        + Class [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
      [472] aload v6
      [474] invokevirtual #189
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.putString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [477] aload v7
      [479] invokeinterface #286
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Iterator.hasNext ()Z]
      [484] ifne -31 (target=453)
      [487] aload v5
      [489] monitorexit
      [490] goto +7 (target=497)
      [493] aload v5
      [495] monitorexit
      [496] athrow
      [497] aload_0 v0
      [498] iconst_1
      [499] putfield #141
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.fullRedraw Z]
      [502] aload_0 v0
      [503] invokevirtual #248
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.redraw ()V]
      [506] aload_1 v1
      [507] ldc #12
        + String [%d x %d]
      [509] iconst_2
      [510] anewarray #81
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [513] dup
      [514] iconst_0
      [515] aload_0 v0
      [516] getfield #131
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.columns I]
      [519] invokestatic #196
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [522] aastore
      [523] dup
      [524] iconst_1
      [525] aload_0 v0
      [526] getfield #149
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.rows I]
      [529] invokestatic #196
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [532] aastore
      [533] invokestatic #201
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [536] invokevirtual #221
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.notifyUser (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [539] ldc #33
        + String [ConnectBot.TerminalBridge]
      [541] ldc #56
        + String [parentChanged() now width=%d, height=%d]
      [543] iconst_2
      [544] anewarray #81
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [547] dup
      [548] iconst_0
      [549] aload_0 v0
      [550] getfield #131
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.columns I]
      [553] invokestatic #196
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [556] aastore
      [557] dup
      [558] iconst_1
      [559] aload_0 v0
      [560] getfield #149
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.rows I]
      [563] invokestatic #196
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [566] aastore
      [567] invokestatic #201
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [570] invokestatic #184
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.i (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [573] pop
      [574] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 5):
      + ExceptionInfo (349 -> 368: 371):
      + ExceptionInfo (371 -> 374: 371):
      + ExceptionInfo (341 -> 399: 402):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      + ExceptionInfo (429 -> 490: 493):
      + ExceptionInfo (493 -> 496: 493):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 54)
        [0] -> line 539
        [17] -> line 540
        [25] -> line 541
        [26] -> line 544
        [31] -> line 545
        [36] -> line 546
        [41] -> line 549
        [49] -> line 550
        [50] -> line 552
        [66] -> line 553
        [77] -> line 555
        [84] -> line 559
        [92] -> line 560
        [100] -> line 564
        [118] -> line 565
        [119] -> line 567
        [125] -> line 568
        [131] -> line 572
        [145] -> line 573
        [152] -> line 574
        [181] -> line 576
        [186] -> line 577
        [190] -> line 578
        [202] -> line 579
        [213] -> line 583
        [222] -> line 584
        [233] -> line 587
        [240] -> line 588
        [253] -> line 589
        [266] -> line 591
        [275] -> line 592
        [283] -> line 593
        [289] -> line 594
        [312] -> line 595
        [318] -> line 596
        [341] -> line 601
        [349] -> line 602
        [365] -> line 601
        [375] -> line 605
        [382] -> line 606
        [402] -> line 607
        [404] -> line 608
        [414] -> line 612
        [421] -> line 613
        [429] -> line 614
        [439] -> line 616
        [465] -> line 617
        [477] -> line 616
        [487] -> line 613
        [497] -> line 622
        [502] -> line 623
        [506] -> line 625
        [539] -> line 627
        [574] -> line 628
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 11)
        v0: 0 -> 575 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; this]
        v1: 0 -> 575 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView; parent]
        v2: 36 -> 575 [I width]
        v3: 41 -> 575 [I height]
        v4: 92 -> 131 [I newColumns]
        v5: 100 -> 131 [I newRows]
        v4: 145 -> 575 [Z newBitmap]
        v5: 253 -> 341 [I borderX]
        v6: 266 -> 341 [I borderY]
        v5: 404 -> 414 [Ljava/lang/Exception; e]
        v6: 465 -> 477 [Ljava/lang/String; line]
  + Method:       discardBitmap()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void discardBitmap()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 20, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #123
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.bitmap Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;]
      [4] ifnull +10 (target=14)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #123
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.bitmap Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;]
      [11] invokevirtual #163
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Bitmap.recycle ()V]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] aconst_null
      [16] putfield #123
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.bitmap Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;]
      [19] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 640
        [7] -> line 641
        [14] -> line 642
        [19] -> line 643
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 20 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; this]
  + Method:       propagateConsoleText([CI)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void propagateConsoleText(char[],int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 17, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #146
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.parent Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [4] ifnull +12 (target=16)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #146
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.parent Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [11] aload_1 v1
      [12] iload_2 v2
      [13] invokevirtual #223
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.propagateConsoleText ([CI)V]
      [16] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 654
        [7] -> line 655
        [16] -> line 657
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 17 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; this]
        v1: 0 -> 17 [[C rawText]
        v2: 0 -> 17 [I length]
  + Method:       onDraw()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onDraw()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 594, locals = 11, stack = 7):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [4] dup
      [5] astore_3 v3
      [6] monitorenter
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [11] getfield #119
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.update [Z]
      [14] iconst_0
      [15] baload
      [16] ifne +14 (target=30)
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] getfield #141
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.fullRedraw Z]
      [23] ifne +7 (target=30)
      [26] iconst_0
      [27] goto +4 (target=31)
      [30] iconst_1
      [31] istore v4
      [33] iconst_0
      [34] istore v5
      [36] iconst_0
      [37] istore v6
      [39] goto +519 (target=558)
      [42] iload v4
      [44] ifne +21 (target=65)
      [47] aload_0 v0
      [48] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [51] getfield #119
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.update [Z]
      [54] iload v6
      [56] iconst_1
      [57] iadd
      [58] baload
      [59] ifne +6 (target=65)
      [62] goto +493 (target=555)
      [65] aload_0 v0
      [66] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [69] getfield #119
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.update [Z]
      [72] iload v6
      [74] iconst_1
      [75] iadd
      [76] iconst_0
      [77] bastore
      [78] iconst_0
      [79] istore v7
      [81] goto +462 (target=543)
      [84] iconst_0
      [85] istore v8
      [87] aload_0 v0
      [88] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [91] getfield #116
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charAttributes [[I]
      [94] aload_0 v0
      [95] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [98] getfield #121
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.windowBase I]
      [101] iload v6
      [103] iadd
      [104] aaload
      [105] iload v7
      [107] iaload
      [108] istore v9
      [110] aload_0 v0
      [111] getfield #133
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.defaultFg I]
      [114] istore v10
      [116] iload v9
      [118] sipush 16352
      [121] iand
      [122] ifeq +15 (target=137)
      [125] iload v9
      [127] sipush 16352
      [130] iand
      [131] iconst_5
      [132] ishr
      [133] iconst_1
      [134] isub
      [135] istore v10
      [137] iload v10
      [139] bipush 8
      [141] ificmpge +27 (target=168)
      [144] iload v9
      [146] iconst_1
      [147] iand
      [148] ifeq +20 (target=168)
      [151] aload_0 v0
      [152] getfield #130
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.color [Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [155] iload v10
      [157] bipush 8
      [159] iadd
      [160] aaload
      [161] invokevirtual #195
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.intValue ()I]
      [164] istore_1 v1
      [165] goto +14 (target=179)
      [168] aload_0 v0
      [169] getfield #130
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.color [Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [172] iload v10
      [174] aaload
      [175] invokevirtual #195
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.intValue ()I]
      [178] istore_1 v1
      [179] iload v9
      [181] ldc #3
        + Integer [8372224]
      [183] iand
      [184] ifeq +25 (target=209)
      [187] aload_0 v0
      [188] getfield #130
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.color [Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [191] iload v9
      [193] ldc #3
        + Integer [8372224]
      [195] iand
      [196] bipush 14
      [198] ishr
      [199] iconst_1
      [200] isub
      [201] aaload
      [202] invokevirtual #195
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.intValue ()I]
      [205] istore_2 v2
      [206] goto +16 (target=222)
      [209] aload_0 v0
      [210] getfield #130
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.color [Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [213] aload_0 v0
      [214] getfield #132
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.defaultBg I]
      [217] aaload
      [218] invokevirtual #195
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.intValue ()I]
      [221] istore_2 v2
      [222] iload v9
      [224] iconst_4
      [225] iand
      [226] ifeq +11 (target=237)
      [229] iload_2 v2
      [230] istore v10
      [232] iload_1 v1
      [233] istore_2 v2
      [234] iload v10
      [236] istore_1 v1
      [237] aload_0 v0
      [238] getfield #134
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.defaultPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [241] iload v9
      [243] iconst_2
      [244] iand
      [245] ifeq +7 (target=252)
      [248] iconst_1
      [249] goto +4 (target=253)
      [252] iconst_0
      [253] invokevirtual #181
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setUnderlineText (Z)V]
      [256] iload v9
      [258] ldc #4
        + Integer [134217728]
      [260] iand
      [261] ifeq +7 (target=268)
      [264] iconst_1
      [265] goto +4 (target=269)
      [268] iconst_0
      [269] istore v5
      [271] iload v5
      [273] ifeq +12 (target=285)
      [276] iinc v8, 1
      [279] goto +50 (target=329)
      [282] iinc v8, 1
      [285] iload v7
      [287] iload v8
      [289] iadd
      [290] aload_0 v0
      [291] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [294] getfield #120
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.width I]
      [297] ificmpge +32 (target=329)
      [300] aload_0 v0
      [301] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [304] getfield #116
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charAttributes [[I]
      [307] aload_0 v0
      [308] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [311] getfield #121
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.windowBase I]
      [314] iload v6
      [316] iadd
      [317] aaload
      [318] iload v7
      [320] iload v8
      [322] iadd
      [323] iaload
      [324] iload v9
      [326] ificmpeq -44 (target=282)
      [329] aload_0 v0
      [330] getfield #125
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.canvas Landroid/graphics/Canvas;]
      [333] iconst_2
      [334] invokevirtual #170
        + Methodref [android/graphics/ (I)I]
      [337] pop
      [338] aload_0 v0
      [339] getfield #134
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.defaultPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [342] iload_2 v2
      [343] invokevirtual #176
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setColor (I)V]
      [346] iload v5
      [348] ifeq +46 (target=394)
      [351] aload_0 v0
      [352] getfield #125
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.canvas Landroid/graphics/Canvas;]
      [355] iload v7
      [357] aload_0 v0
      [358] getfield #128
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charWidth I]
      [361] imul
      [362] iload v6
      [364] aload_0 v0
      [365] getfield #126
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charHeight I]
      [368] imul
      [369] iload v7
      [371] iconst_2
      [372] iadd
      [373] aload_0 v0
      [374] getfield #128
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charWidth I]
      [377] imul
      [378] iload v6
      [380] iconst_1
      [381] iadd
      [382] aload_0 v0
      [383] getfield #126
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charHeight I]
      [386] imul
      [387] invokevirtual #165
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.clipRect (IIII)Z]
      [390] pop
      [391] goto +44 (target=435)
      [394] aload_0 v0
      [395] getfield #125
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.canvas Landroid/graphics/Canvas;]
      [398] iload v7
      [400] aload_0 v0
      [401] getfield #128
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charWidth I]
      [404] imul
      [405] iload v6
      [407] aload_0 v0
      [408] getfield #126
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charHeight I]
      [411] imul
      [412] iload v7
      [414] iload v8
      [416] iadd
      [417] aload_0 v0
      [418] getfield #128
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charWidth I]
      [421] imul
      [422] iload v6
      [424] iconst_1
      [425] iadd
      [426] aload_0 v0
      [427] getfield #126
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charHeight I]
      [430] imul
      [431] invokevirtual #165
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.clipRect (IIII)Z]
      [434] pop
      [435] aload_0 v0
      [436] getfield #125
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.canvas Landroid/graphics/Canvas;]
      [439] aload_0 v0
      [440] getfield #134
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.defaultPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [443] invokevirtual #167
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawPaint (Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [446] aload_0 v0
      [447] getfield #134
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.defaultPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [450] iload_1 v1
      [451] invokevirtual #176
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setColor (I)V]
      [454] iload v9
      [456] bipush 16
      [458] iand
      [459] ifne +57 (target=516)
      [462] aload_0 v0
      [463] getfield #125
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.canvas Landroid/graphics/Canvas;]
      [466] aload_0 v0
      [467] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [470] getfield #115
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charArray [[C]
      [473] aload_0 v0
      [474] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [477] getfield #121
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.windowBase I]
      [480] iload v6
      [482] iadd
      [483] aaload
      [484] iload v7
      [486] iload v8
      [488] iload v7
      [490] aload_0 v0
      [491] getfield #128
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charWidth I]
      [494] imul
      [495] i2f
      [496] iload v6
      [498] aload_0 v0
      [499] getfield #126
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charHeight I]
      [502] imul
      [503] aload_0 v0
      [504] getfield #127
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.charTop I]
      [507] isub
      [508] i2f
      [509] aload_0 v0
      [510] getfield #134
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.defaultPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [513] invokevirtual #168
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawText ([CIIFFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [516] aload_0 v0
      [517] getfield #125
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.canvas Landroid/graphics/Canvas;]
      [520] invokevirtual #169
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.restore ()V]
      [523] iload v7
      [525] iload v8
      [527] iconst_1
      [528] isub
      [529] iadd
      [530] istore v7
      [532] iload v5
      [534] ifeq +6 (target=540)
      [537] iinc v7, 1
      [540] iinc v7, 1
      [543] iload v7
      [545] aload_0 v0
      [546] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [549] getfield #120
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.width I]
      [552] ificmplt -468 (target=84)
      [555] iinc v6, 1
      [558] iload v6
      [560] aload_0 v0
      [561] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [564] getfield #117
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.height I]
      [567] ificmplt -525 (target=42)
      [570] aload_0 v0
      [571] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [574] getfield #119
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.update [Z]
      [577] iconst_0
      [578] iconst_0
      [579] bastore
      [580] aload_3 v3
      [581] monitorexit
      [582] goto +6 (target=588)
      [585] aload_3 v3
      [586] monitorexit
      [587] athrow
      [588] aload_0 v0
      [589] iconst_0
      [590] putfield #141
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.fullRedraw Z]
      [593] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (7 -> 582: 585):
      + ExceptionInfo (585 -> 587: 585):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 59)
        [0] -> line 661
        [7] -> line 662
        [33] -> line 663
        [36] -> line 666
        [42] -> line 670
        [65] -> line 673
        [78] -> line 676
        [84] -> line 677
        [87] -> line 678
        [110] -> line 681
        [116] -> line 684
        [125] -> line 685
        [137] -> line 687
        [151] -> line 688
        [168] -> line 690
        [179] -> line 694
        [187] -> line 695
        [209] -> line 697
        [222] -> line 700
        [229] -> line 701
        [232] -> line 702
        [234] -> line 703
        [237] -> line 707
        [256] -> line 709
        [271] -> line 711
        [276] -> line 712
        [282] -> line 717
        [285] -> line 715
        [300] -> line 716
        [329] -> line 722
        [338] -> line 725
        [346] -> line 726
        [351] -> line 727
        [362] -> line 728
        [369] -> line 729
        [378] -> line 730
        [387] -> line 727
        [394] -> line 732
        [405] -> line 733
        [412] -> line 734
        [422] -> line 735
        [431] -> line 732
        [435] -> line 737
        [446] -> line 740
        [454] -> line 741
        [462] -> line 742
        [486] -> line 743
        [509] -> line 744
        [513] -> line 742
        [516] -> line 747
        [523] -> line 750
        [532] -> line 751
        [537] -> line 752
        [540] -> line 676
        [555] -> line 666
        [570] -> line 757
        [580] -> line 661
        [588] -> line 759
        [593] -> line 760
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 13)
        v0: 0 -> 594 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; this]
        v1: 165 -> 168 [I fg]
        v1: 179 -> 543 [I fg]
        v2: 206 -> 209 [I bg]
        v2: 222 -> 543 [I bg]
        v4: 33 -> 580 [Z entireDirty]
        v5: 36 -> 580 [Z isWideCharacter]
        v6: 39 -> 570 [I l]
        v7: 81 -> 555 [I c]
        v8: 87 -> 540 [I addr]
        v9: 110 -> 540 [I currAttr]
        v10: 116 -> 179 [I fgcolor]
        v10: 232 -> 237 [I swapc]
  + Method:       redraw()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void redraw()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #146
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.parent Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [4] ifnull +10 (target=14)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #146
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.parent Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [11] invokevirtual #222
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.postInvalidate ()V]
      [14] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 763
        [7] -> line 764
        [14] -> line 765
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 15 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; this]
  + Method:       updateScrollBar()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void updateScrollBar()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 1, locals = 1, stack = 0):
      [0] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 769
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 1 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; this]
  + Method:       resizeComputed(IIII)V
    Access flags: 0x21
      = public synchronized void resizeComputed(int,int,int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 171, locals = 9, stack = 6):
      [0] ldc #9
        + Float [8.0]
      [2] fstore v5
      [4] ldc #9
        + Float [8.0]
      [6] fstore v6
      [8] ldc #8
        + Float [0.125]
      [10] fstore v7
      [12] goto +10 (target=22)
      [15] fload v5
      [17] fload v6
      [19] fadd
      [20] fstore v5
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] fload v5
      [25] iload_1 v1
      [26] iload_2 v2
      [27] iload_3 v3
      [28] iload v4
      [30] invokespecial #243
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.fontSizeCompare (FIIII)I]
      [33] dup
      [34] istore v8
      [36] iflt -21 (target=15)
      [39] iload v8
      [41] ifne +27 (target=68)
      [44] ldc #54
        + String [fontsize]
      [46] ldc #37
        + String [Found match at %f]
      [48] iconst_1
      [49] anewarray #81
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [52] dup
      [53] iconst_0
      [54] fload v5
      [56] invokestatic #194
        + Methodref [java/lang/Float.valueOf (F)Ljava/lang/Float;]
      [59] aastore
      [60] invokestatic #201
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [63] invokestatic #182
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [66] pop
      [67] return
      [68] fload v6
      [70] fconst_2
      [71] fdiv
      [72] fstore v6
      [74] fload v5
      [76] fload v6
      [78] fsub
      [79] fstore v5
      [81] goto +31 (target=112)
      [84] fload v6
      [86] fconst_2
      [87] fdiv
      [88] fstore v6
      [90] iload v8
      [92] ifle +13 (target=105)
      [95] fload v5
      [97] fload v6
      [99] fsub
      [100] fstore v5
      [102] goto +10 (target=112)
      [105] fload v5
      [107] fload v6
      [109] fadd
      [110] fstore v5
      [112] aload_0 v0
      [113] fload v5
      [115] iload_1 v1
      [116] iload_2 v2
      [117] iload_3 v3
      [118] iload v4
      [120] invokespecial #243
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.fontSizeCompare (FIIII)I]
      [123] dup
      [124] istore v8
      [126] ifeq +11 (target=137)
      [129] fload v6
      [131] fload v7
      [133] fcmpl
      [134] ifge -50 (target=84)
      [137] iload v8
      [139] ifle +10 (target=149)
      [142] fload v5
      [144] fload v6
      [146] fsub
      [147] fstore v5
      [149] aload_0 v0
      [150] iload_1 v1
      [151] putfield #131
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.columns I]
      [154] aload_0 v0
      [155] iload_2 v2
      [156] putfield #149
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.rows I]
      [159] aload_0 v0
      [160] fload v5
      [162] invokevirtual #250
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.setFontSize (F)V]
      [165] aload_0 v0
      [166] iconst_1
      [167] putfield #140
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.forcedSize Z]
      [170] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 25)
        [0] -> line 779
        [4] -> line 780
        [8] -> line 781
        [12] -> line 785
        [15] -> line 786
        [22] -> line 785
        [39] -> line 788
        [44] -> line 789
        [67] -> line 790
        [68] -> line 793
        [74] -> line 794
        [81] -> line 796
        [84] -> line 798
        [90] -> line 799
        [95] -> line 800
        [105] -> line 802
        [112] -> line 796
        [129] -> line 797
        [137] -> line 806
        [142] -> line 807
        [149] -> line 809
        [154] -> line 810
        [159] -> line 811
        [165] -> line 812
        [170] -> line 813
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 10)
        v0: 0 -> 171 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; this]
        v1: 0 -> 171 [I cols]
        v2: 0 -> 171 [I rows]
        v3: 0 -> 171 [I width]
        v4: 0 -> 171 [I height]
        v5: 4 -> 171 [F size]
        v6: 8 -> 171 [F step]
        v7: 12 -> 171 [F limit]
        v8: 15 -> 22 [I direction]
        v8: 36 -> 171 [I direction]
  + Method:       fontSizeCompare(FIIII)I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int fontSizeCompare(float,int,int,int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 135, locals = 10, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #134
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.defaultPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [4] fload_1 v1
      [5] invokevirtual #179
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setTextSize (F)V]
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] getfield #134
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.defaultPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [12] invokevirtual #173
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.getFontMetrics ()Landroid/graphics/Paint$FontMetrics;]
      [15] astore v6
      [17] iconst_1
      [18] newarray 6
      [20] astore v7
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] getfield #134
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.defaultPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [26] ldc #43
        + String [X]
      [28] aload v7
      [30] invokevirtual #174
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.getTextWidths (Ljava/lang/String;[F)I]
      [33] pop
      [34] aload v7
      [36] iconst_0
      [37] faload
      [38] f2i
      [39] iload_2 v2
      [40] imul
      [41] istore v8
      [43] aload v6
      [45] getfield #112
        + Fieldref [android/graphics/Paint$FontMetrics.descent F]
      [48] aload v6
      [50] getfield #113
        + Fieldref [android/graphics/Paint$ F]
      [53] fsub
      [54] f2d
      [55] invokestatic #197
        + Methodref [java/lang/Math.ceil (D)D]
      [58] d2i
      [59] iload_3 v3
      [60] imul
      [61] istore v9
      [63] ldc #54
        + String [fontsize]
      [65] ldc #53
        + String [font size %f resulted in %d x %d]
      [67] iconst_3
      [68] anewarray #81
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [71] dup
      [72] iconst_0
      [73] fload_1 v1
      [74] invokestatic #194
        + Methodref [java/lang/Float.valueOf (F)Ljava/lang/Float;]
      [77] aastore
      [78] dup
      [79] iconst_1
      [80] iload v8
      [82] invokestatic #196
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [85] aastore
      [86] dup
      [87] iconst_2
      [88] iload v9
      [90] invokestatic #196
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [93] aastore
      [94] invokestatic #201
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [97] invokestatic #182
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [100] pop
      [101] iload v8
      [103] iload v4
      [105] ificmpgt +10 (target=115)
      [108] iload v9
      [110] iload v5
      [112] ificmple +5 (target=117)
      [115] iconst_1
      [116] ireturn
      [117] iload v8
      [119] iload v4
      [121] ificmpeq +10 (target=131)
      [124] iload v9
      [126] iload v5
      [128] ificmpne +5 (target=133)
      [131] iconst_0
      [132] ireturn
      [133] iconst_m1
      [134] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 12)
        [0] -> line 817
        [8] -> line 818
        [17] -> line 820
        [22] -> line 821
        [34] -> line 822
        [43] -> line 823
        [63] -> line 825
        [101] -> line 828
        [115] -> line 829
        [117] -> line 831
        [131] -> line 832
        [133] -> line 834
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 10)
        v0: 0 -> 135 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; this]
        v1: 0 -> 135 [F size]
        v2: 0 -> 135 [I cols]
        v3: 0 -> 135 [I rows]
        v4: 0 -> 135 [I width]
        v5: 0 -> 135 [I height]
        v6: 17 -> 135 [Landroid/graphics/Paint$FontMetrics; fm]
        v7: 22 -> 135 [[F widths]
        v8: 43 -> 135 [I termWidth]
        v9: 63 -> 135 [I termHeight]
  + Method:       canFowardPorts()Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean canFowardPorts()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 8, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [4] invokevirtual #266
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.canForwardPorts ()Z]
      [7] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 841
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; this]
  + Method:       addPortForward(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean addPortForward(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PortForwardBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 9, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] invokevirtual #265
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.addPortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
      [8] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 850
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 9 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; this]
        v1: 0 -> 9 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean; portForward]
  + Method:       removePortForward(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean removePortForward(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PortForwardBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 9, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] invokevirtual #272
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.removePortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
      [8] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 859
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 9 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; this]
        v1: 0 -> 9 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean; portForward]
  + Method:       getPortForwards()Ljava/util/List;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.util.List getPortForwards()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 8, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [4] invokevirtual #269
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.getPortForwards ()Ljava/util/List;]
      [7] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 866
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; this]
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;>;]
  + Method:       enablePortForward(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean enablePortForward(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PortForwardBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 29, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [4] invokevirtual #270
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.isConnected ()Z]
      [7] ifne +13 (target=20)
      [10] ldc #33
        + String [ConnectBot.TerminalBridge]
      [12] ldc #32
        + String [Attempt to enable port forward while not connected]
      [14] invokestatic #184
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.i (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [17] pop
      [18] iconst_0
      [19] ireturn
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [24] aload_1 v1
      [25] invokevirtual #268
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.enablePortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
      [28] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 876
        [10] -> line 877
        [18] -> line 878
        [20] -> line 881
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 29 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; this]
        v1: 0 -> 29 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean; portForward]
  + Method:       disablePortForward(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean disablePortForward(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PortForwardBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 29, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [4] invokevirtual #270
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.isConnected ()Z]
      [7] ifne +13 (target=20)
      [10] ldc #33
        + String [ConnectBot.TerminalBridge]
      [12] ldc #31
        + String [Attempt to disable port forward while not connected]
      [14] invokestatic #184
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.i (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [17] pop
      [18] iconst_0
      [19] ireturn
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [24] aload_1 v1
      [25] invokevirtual #267
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.disablePortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
      [28] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 891
        [10] -> line 892
        [18] -> line 893
        [20] -> line 896
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 29 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; this]
        v1: 0 -> 29 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean; portForward]
  + Method:       isAwaitingClose()Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean isAwaitingClose()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #122
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.awaitingClose Z]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 903
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; this]
  + Method:       isDisconnected()Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean isDisconnected()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #136
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.disconnected Z]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 910
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; this]
  + Method:       setColor(IIII)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setColor(int,int,int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 40, locals = 5, stack = 5):
      [0] iload_1 v1
      [1] aload_0 v0
      [2] getfield #130
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.color [Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [5] arraylength
      [6] ificmpge +33 (target=39)
      [9] iload_1 v1
      [10] bipush 16
      [12] ificmplt +27 (target=39)
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] getfield #130
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.color [Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [19] iload_1 v1
      [20] ldc #1
        + Integer [-16777216]
      [22] iload_2 v2
      [23] bipush 16
      [25] ishl
      [26] ior
      [27] iload_3 v3
      [28] bipush 8
      [30] ishl
      [31] ior
      [32] iload v4
      [34] ior
      [35] invokestatic #196
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [38] aastore
      [39] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 918
        [15] -> line 919
        [39] -> line 920
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 40 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; this]
        v1: 0 -> 40 [I index]
        v2: 0 -> 40 [I red]
        v3: 0 -> 40 [I green]
        v4: 0 -> 40 [I blue]
  + Method:       resetColors()V
    Access flags: 0x11
      = public final void resetColors()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 42, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #145
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [4] getfield #155
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [7] iconst_0
      [8] invokevirtual #283
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.getDefaultColorsForScheme (I)[I]
      [11] astore_1 v1
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] aload_1 v1
      [14] iconst_0
      [15] iaload
      [16] putfield #133
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.defaultFg I]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] aload_1 v1
      [21] iconst_1
      [22] iaload
      [23] putfield #132
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.defaultBg I]
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] aload_0 v0
      [28] getfield #145
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [31] getfield #155
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [34] iconst_0
      [35] invokevirtual #282
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.getColorsForScheme (I)[Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [38] putfield #130
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.color [Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [41] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 923
        [12] -> line 924
        [19] -> line 925
        [26] -> line 927
        [41] -> line 928
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 42 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; this]
        v1: 12 -> 42 [[I defaults]
  + Method:       scanForURLs()Ljava/util/List;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.util.List scanForURLs()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 852, locals = 28, stack = 5):
      [0] new #87
        + Class [java/util/LinkedList]
      [3] dup
      [4] invokespecial #213
        + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.<init> ()V]
      [7] astore_1 v1
      [8] getstatic #154
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.urlPattern Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;]
      [11] ifnonnull +728 (target=739)
      [14] ldc #48
        + String [[A-Za-z][-+.0-9A-Za-z]*]
      [16] astore_2 v2
      [17] ldc #45
        + String [[-._~0-9A-Za-z]]
      [19] astore_3 v3
      [20] ldc #11
        + String [%[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}]
      [22] astore v4
      [24] ldc #44
        + String [[!$&'()*+,;:=]]
      [26] astore v5
      [28] new #83
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [31] dup
      [32] ldc #13
        + String [(?:]
      [34] invokespecial #205
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [37] aload_3 v3
      [38] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [41] ldc #58
        + String [|]
      [43] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [46] aload v4
      [48] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [51] ldc #58
        + String [|]
      [53] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [56] aload v5
      [58] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [61] ldc #60
        + String [|:)*]
      [63] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [66] invokevirtual #207
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [69] astore v6
      [71] ldc #46
        + String [[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}]
      [73] astore v7
      [75] ldc #18
        + String [(?:[0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])]
      [77] astore v8
      [79] new #83
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [82] dup
      [83] aload v8
      [85] invokestatic #204
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [88] invokespecial #205
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [91] ldc #49
        + String [\.]
      [93] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [96] aload v8
      [98] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [101] ldc #49
        + String [\.]
      [103] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [106] aload v8
      [108] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [111] ldc #49
        + String [\.]
      [113] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [116] aload v8
      [118] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [121] invokevirtual #207
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [124] astore v9
      [126] new #83
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [129] dup
      [130] ldc #13
        + String [(?:]
      [132] invokespecial #205
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [135] aload v7
      [137] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [140] ldc #29
        + String [:]
      [142] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [145] aload v7
      [147] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [150] ldc #58
        + String [|]
      [152] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [155] aload v9
      [157] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [160] ldc #19
        + String [)]
      [162] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [165] invokevirtual #207
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [168] astore v10
      [170] new #83
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [173] dup
      [174] ldc #14
        + String [(?:(?:]
      [176] invokespecial #205
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [179] aload v7
      [181] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [184] ldc #25
        + String [){6}]
      [186] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [189] aload v10
      [191] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [194] ldc #19
        + String [)]
      [196] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [199] invokevirtual #207
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [202] astore v11
      [204] new #83
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [207] dup
      [208] ldc #57
        + String [v[0-9A-Fa-f]+.(?:]
      [210] invokespecial #205
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [213] aload_3 v3
      [214] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [217] ldc #58
        + String [|]
      [219] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [222] aload v5
      [224] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [227] ldc #61
        + String [|:)+]
      [229] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [232] invokevirtual #207
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [235] astore v12
      [237] new #83
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [240] dup
      [241] ldc #50
        + String [\[(?:]
      [243] invokespecial #205
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [246] aload v11
      [248] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [251] ldc #58
        + String [|]
      [253] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [256] aload v12
      [258] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [261] ldc #24
        + String [)\]]
      [263] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [266] invokevirtual #207
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [269] astore v13
      [271] new #83
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [274] dup
      [275] ldc #13
        + String [(?:]
      [277] invokespecial #205
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [280] aload_3 v3
      [281] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [284] ldc #58
        + String [|]
      [286] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [289] aload v4
      [291] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [294] ldc #58
        + String [|]
      [296] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [299] aload v5
      [301] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [304] ldc #20
        + String [)*]
      [306] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [309] invokevirtual #207
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [312] astore v14
      [314] new #83
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [317] dup
      [318] ldc #13
        + String [(?:]
      [320] invokespecial #205
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [323] aload v13
      [325] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [328] ldc #58
        + String [|]
      [330] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [333] aload v9
      [335] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [338] ldc #58
        + String [|]
      [340] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [343] aload v14
      [345] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [348] ldc #19
        + String [)]
      [350] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [353] invokevirtual #207
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [356] astore v15
      [358] ldc #47
        + String [[0-9]*]
      [360] astore v16
      [362] new #83
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [365] dup
      [366] ldc #13
        + String [(?:]
      [368] invokespecial #205
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [371] aload v6
      [373] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [376] ldc #30
        + String [@)?]
      [378] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [381] aload v15
      [383] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [386] ldc #17
        + String [(?::]
      [388] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [391] aload v16
      [393] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [396] ldc #22
        + String [)?]
      [398] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [401] invokevirtual #207
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [404] astore v17
      [406] new #83
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [409] dup
      [410] ldc #13
        + String [(?:]
      [412] invokespecial #205
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [415] aload_3 v3
      [416] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [419] ldc #58
        + String [|]
      [421] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [424] aload v4
      [426] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [429] ldc #58
        + String [|]
      [431] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [434] aload v5
      [436] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [439] ldc #62
        + String [|@)]
      [441] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [444] invokevirtual #207
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [447] astore v18
      [449] new #83
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [452] dup
      [453] aload v18
      [455] invokestatic #204
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [458] invokespecial #205
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [461] ldc #26
        + String [*]
      [463] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [466] invokevirtual #207
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [469] astore v19
      [471] new #83
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [474] dup
      [475] ldc #15
        + String [(?:/]
      [477] invokespecial #205
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [480] aload v19
      [482] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [485] ldc #20
        + String [)*]
      [487] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [490] invokevirtual #207
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [493] astore v20
      [495] new #83
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [498] dup
      [499] aload v18
      [501] invokestatic #204
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [504] invokespecial #205
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [507] ldc #27
        + String [+]
      [509] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [512] invokevirtual #207
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [515] astore v21
      [517] new #83
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [520] dup
      [521] ldc #28
        + String [/(?:]
      [523] invokespecial #205
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [526] aload v21
      [528] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [531] ldc #15
        + String [(?:/]
      [533] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [536] aload v19
      [538] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [541] ldc #21
        + String [)*)?]
      [543] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [546] invokevirtual #207
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [549] astore v22
      [551] new #83
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [554] dup
      [555] aload v21
      [557] invokestatic #204
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [560] invokespecial #205
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [563] ldc #15
        + String [(?:/]
      [565] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [568] aload v19
      [570] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [573] ldc #20
        + String [)*]
      [575] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [578] invokevirtual #207
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [581] astore v23
      [583] new #83
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [586] dup
      [587] ldc #16
        + String [(?://]
      [589] invokespecial #205
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [592] aload v17
      [594] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [597] aload v20
      [599] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [602] ldc #58
        + String [|]
      [604] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [607] aload v22
      [609] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [612] ldc #58
        + String [|]
      [614] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [617] aload v23
      [619] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [622] ldc #19
        + String [)]
      [624] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [627] invokevirtual #207
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [630] astore v24
      [632] new #83
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [635] dup
      [636] ldc #13
        + String [(?:]
      [638] invokespecial #205
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [641] aload v18
      [643] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [646] ldc #59
        + String [|/|\?)*]
      [648] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [651] invokevirtual #207
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [654] astore v25
      [656] new #83
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [659] dup
      [660] ldc #13
        + String [(?:]
      [662] invokespecial #205
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [665] aload v18
      [667] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [670] ldc #59
        + String [|/|\?)*]
      [672] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [675] invokevirtual #207
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [678] astore v26
      [680] new #83
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [683] dup
      [684] aload_2 v2
      [685] invokestatic #204
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [688] invokespecial #205
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [691] ldc #29
        + String [:]
      [693] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [696] aload v24
      [698] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [701] ldc #13
        + String [(?:]
      [703] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [706] aload v25
      [708] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [711] ldc #23
        + String [)?(?:#]
      [713] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [716] aload v26
      [718] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [721] ldc #22
        + String [)?]
      [723] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [726] invokevirtual #207
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [729] astore v27
      [731] aload v27
      [733] invokestatic #216
        + Methodref [java/util/regex/Pattern.compile (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;]
      [736] putstatic #154
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.urlPattern Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;]
      [739] aload_0 v0
      [740] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [743] getfield #117
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.height I]
      [746] aload_0 v0
      [747] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [750] getfield #120
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.width I]
      [753] imul
      [754] newarray 5
      [756] astore_2 v2
      [757] iconst_0
      [758] istore_3 v3
      [759] goto +44 (target=803)
      [762] aload_0 v0
      [763] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [766] getfield #115
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.charArray [[C]
      [769] aload_0 v0
      [770] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [773] getfield #121
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.windowBase I]
      [776] iload_3 v3
      [777] iadd
      [778] aaload
      [779] iconst_0
      [780] aload_2 v2
      [781] iload_3 v3
      [782] aload_0 v0
      [783] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [786] getfield #120
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.width I]
      [789] imul
      [790] aload_0 v0
      [791] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [794] getfield #120
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.width I]
      [797] invokestatic #208
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [800] iinc v3, 1
      [803] iload_3 v3
      [804] aload_0 v0
      [805] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [808] getfield #117
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.height I]
      [811] ificmplt -49 (target=762)
      [814] getstatic #154
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.urlPattern Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;]
      [817] new #82
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [820] dup
      [821] aload_2 v2
      [822] invokespecial #199
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.<init> ([C)V]
      [825] invokevirtual #217
        + Methodref [java/util/regex/Pattern.matcher (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Ljava/util/regex/Matcher;]
      [828] astore_3 v3
      [829] goto +14 (target=843)
      [832] aload_1 v1
      [833] aload_3 v3
      [834] invokevirtual #215
        + Methodref [java/util/regex/ ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [837] invokeinterface #288
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [842] pop
      [843] aload_3 v3
      [844] invokevirtual #214
        + Methodref [java/util/regex/Matcher.find ()Z]
      [847] ifne -15 (target=832)
      [850] aload_1 v1
      [851] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 40)
        [0] -> line 936
        [8] -> line 938
        [14] -> line 940
        [17] -> line 941
        [20] -> line 942
        [24] -> line 943
        [28] -> line 944
        [71] -> line 945
        [75] -> line 946
        [79] -> line 947
        [126] -> line 948
        [170] -> line 949
        [204] -> line 950
        [237] -> line 951
        [271] -> line 952
        [314] -> line 953
        [358] -> line 954
        [362] -> line 955
        [406] -> line 956
        [449] -> line 957
        [471] -> line 958
        [495] -> line 959
        [517] -> line 960
        [551] -> line 961
        [583] -> line 962
        [632] -> line 963
        [656] -> line 964
        [680] -> line 965
        [731] -> line 966
        [739] -> line 969
        [757] -> line 970
        [762] -> line 971
        [780] -> line 972
        [797] -> line 971
        [800] -> line 970
        [814] -> line 974
        [829] -> line 975
        [832] -> line 976
        [843] -> line 975
        [850] -> line 978
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 31)
        v0: 0 -> 852 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; this]
        v1: 8 -> 852 [Ljava/util/List; urls]
        v2: 17 -> 739 [Ljava/lang/String; scheme]
        v3: 20 -> 739 [Ljava/lang/String; unreserved]
        v4: 24 -> 739 [Ljava/lang/String; pctEncoded]
        v5: 28 -> 739 [Ljava/lang/String; subDelims]
        v6: 71 -> 739 [Ljava/lang/String; userinfo]
        v7: 75 -> 739 [Ljava/lang/String; h16]
        v8: 79 -> 739 [Ljava/lang/String; decOctet]
        v9: 126 -> 739 [Ljava/lang/String; ipv4address]
        v10: 170 -> 739 [Ljava/lang/String; ls32]
        v11: 204 -> 739 [Ljava/lang/String; ipv6address]
        v12: 237 -> 739 [Ljava/lang/String; ipvfuture]
        v13: 271 -> 739 [Ljava/lang/String; ipLiteral]
        v14: 314 -> 739 [Ljava/lang/String; regName]
        v15: 358 -> 739 [Ljava/lang/String; host]
        v16: 362 -> 739 [Ljava/lang/String; port]
        v17: 406 -> 739 [Ljava/lang/String; authority]
        v18: 449 -> 739 [Ljava/lang/String; pchar]
        v19: 471 -> 739 [Ljava/lang/String; segment]
        v20: 495 -> 739 [Ljava/lang/String; pathAbempty]
        v21: 517 -> 739 [Ljava/lang/String; segmentNz]
        v22: 551 -> 739 [Ljava/lang/String; pathAbsolute]
        v23: 583 -> 739 [Ljava/lang/String; pathRootless]
        v24: 632 -> 739 [Ljava/lang/String; hierPart]
        v25: 656 -> 739 [Ljava/lang/String; query]
        v26: 680 -> 739 [Ljava/lang/String; fragment]
        v27: 731 -> 739 [Ljava/lang/String; uriRegex]
        v2: 757 -> 852 [[C visibleBuffer]
        v3: 759 -> 814 [I l]
        v3: 829 -> 852 [Ljava/util/regex/Matcher; urlMatcher]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 1)
        v1: 8 -> 852 [Ljava/util/List<Ljava/lang/String;>; urls]
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/List<Ljava/lang/String;>;]
  + Method:       isUsingNetwork()Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean isUsingNetwork()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 8, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [4] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.usesNetwork ()Z]
      [7] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 985
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; this]
  + Method:       getKeyHandler()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalKeyListener getKeyHandler()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #143
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.keyListener Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 992
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; this]
  + Method:       resetScrollPosition()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void resetScrollPosition()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 32, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [4] getfield #121
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.windowBase I]
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [11] getfield #118
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.screenBase I]
      [14] ificmpeq +17 (target=31)
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] getfield #124
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [25] getfield #118
        + Fieldref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.screenBase I]
      [28] invokevirtual #188
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer.setWindowBase (I)V]
      [31] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 1000
        [17] -> line 1001
        [31] -> line 1002
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 32 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; this]
  + Method:       increaseFontSize()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void increaseFontSize()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 11, locals = 1, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_0 v0
      [2] getfield #138
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.fontSize F]
      [5] fconst_2
      [6] fadd
      [7] invokevirtual #250
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.setFontSize (F)V]
      [10] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1008
        [10] -> line 1009
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 11 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; this]
  + Method:       decreaseFontSize()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void decreaseFontSize()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 11, locals = 1, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_0 v0
      [2] getfield #138
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.fontSize F]
      [5] fconst_2
      [6] fsub
      [7] invokevirtual #250
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.setFontSize (F)V]
      [10] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1015
        [10] -> line 1016
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 11 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; this]
  + Method:       access$0(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.TerminalView access$0(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #146
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.parent Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 87
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$1(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;Z)V
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic void access$1(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge,boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #122
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.awaitingClose Z]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 91
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 8)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x4019 = public static final enum 
      + Class [android/graphics/Bitmap$Config]
      + Class [android/graphics/Bitmap]
      + Utf8 [Config]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x9 = public static 
      + Class [android/graphics/Paint$FontMetrics]
      + Class [android/graphics/Paint]
      + Utf8 [FontMetrics]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$1]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$2]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$3]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$4]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$5]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$6]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$1
  Superclass:    de/mud/terminal/vt320
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge$1 extends de.mud.terminal.vt320

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 43):
  + Class [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$1]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(B)V]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [B]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$1;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [b]
  + Utf8 [c]
  + Utf8 [cmd]
  + Utf8 [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
  + Utf8 [debug]
  + Utf8 [r]
  + Utf8 [s]
  + Utf8 [sendTelnetCommand]
  + Utf8 [setWindowSize]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$1]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [write]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge this$0

Methods (count = 6):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = TerminalBridge$1(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #4
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #5
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 129
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$1; this]
  + Method:       write([B)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void write(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 1, locals = 2, stack = 0):
      [0] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 131
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 1 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$1; this]
        v1: 0 -> 1 [[B b]
  + Method:       write(I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void write(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 1, locals = 2, stack = 0):
      [0] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 133
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 1 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$1; this]
        v1: 0 -> 1 [I b]
  + Method:       sendTelnetCommand(B)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void sendTelnetCommand(byte)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 1, locals = 2, stack = 0):
      [0] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 135
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 1 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$1; this]
        v1: 0 -> 1 [B cmd]
  + Method:       setWindowSize(II)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setWindowSize(int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 1, locals = 3, stack = 0):
      [0] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 137
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 1 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$1; this]
        v1: 0 -> 1 [I c]
        v2: 0 -> 1 [I r]
  + Method:       debug(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void debug(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 1, locals = 2, stack = 0):
      [0] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 139
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 1 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$1; this]
        v1: 0 -> 1 [Ljava/lang/String; s]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
    + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$1]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$2
  Superclass:    de/mud/terminal/vt320
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge$2 extends de.mud.terminal.vt320

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 100):
  + String [ConnectBot.TerminalBridge]
  + String [Problem writing outgoing data in vt320() thread]
  + Class [android/util/Log]
  + Class [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$2]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$2.val$host Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$2.val$manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.isShown ()Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.playBeep ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.sendActivityNotification (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.write (I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.write ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
  + NameAndType [access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
  + NameAndType [d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + NameAndType [isShown ()Z]
  + NameAndType [playBeep ()V]
  + NameAndType [sendActivityNotification (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
  + NameAndType [val$host Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + NameAndType [val$manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + NameAndType [write (I)V]
  + NameAndType [write ([B)V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(B)V]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [B]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ConnectBot.TerminalBridge]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/IOException;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$2;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
  + Utf8 [Problem writing outgoing data in vt320() thread]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [android/util/Log]
  + Utf8 [b]
  + Utf8 [beep]
  + Utf8 [c]
  + Utf8 [cmd]
  + Utf8 [d]
  + Utf8 [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
  + Utf8 [debug]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [isShown]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [playBeep]
  + Utf8 [r]
  + Utf8 [s]
  + Utf8 [sendActivityNotification]
  + Utf8 [sendTelnetCommand]
  + Utf8 [setWindowSize]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$2]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [transport]
  + Utf8 [val$host]
  + Utf8 [val$manager]
  + Utf8 [write]

Fields (count = 3):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge this$0
  + Field:        val$manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalManager val$manager
  + Field:        val$host Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.HostBean val$host

Methods (count = 7):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = TerminalBridge$2(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge,com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalManager,com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.HostBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 20, locals = 4, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_2 v2
      [7] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$2.val$manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] aload_3 v3
      [12] putfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$2.val$host Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] invokespecial #17
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.<init> ()V]
      [19] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [15] -> line 191
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 20 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$2; this]
  + Method:       debug(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void debug(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 8, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] ldc #1
        + String [ConnectBot.TerminalBridge]
      [2] aload_1 v1
      [3] invokestatic #15
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [6] pop
      [7] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 194
        [7] -> line 195
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$2; this]
        v1: 0 -> 8 [Ljava/lang/String; s]
  + Method:       write([B)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void write(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 39, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] ifnull +37 (target=38)
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [8] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [11] ifnull +27 (target=38)
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [18] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [21] aload_1 v1
      [22] invokevirtual #23
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.write ([B)V]
      [25] goto +13 (target=38)
      [28] astore_2 v2
      [29] ldc #1
        + String [ConnectBot.TerminalBridge]
      [31] ldc #2
        + String [Problem writing outgoing data in vt320() thread]
      [33] aload_2 v2
      [34] invokestatic #16
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [37] pop
      [38] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 25: 28):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 200
        [14] -> line 201
        [28] -> line 202
        [29] -> line 203
        [38] -> line 205
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 39 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$2; this]
        v1: 0 -> 39 [[B b]
        v2: 29 -> 38 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]
  + Method:       write(I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void write(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 35, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [4] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [7] ifnull +27 (target=34)
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [14] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [17] iload_1 v1
      [18] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.write (I)V]
      [21] goto +13 (target=34)
      [24] astore_2 v2
      [25] ldc #1
        + String [ConnectBot.TerminalBridge]
      [27] ldc #2
        + String [Problem writing outgoing data in vt320() thread]
      [29] aload_2 v2
      [30] invokestatic #16
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [33] pop
      [34] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 21: 24):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 210
        [10] -> line 211
        [24] -> line 212
        [25] -> line 213
        [34] -> line 215
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 35 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$2; this]
        v1: 0 -> 35 [I b]
        v2: 25 -> 34 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]
  + Method:       sendTelnetCommand(B)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void sendTelnetCommand(byte)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 1, locals = 2, stack = 0):
      [0] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 220
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 1 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$2; this]
        v1: 0 -> 1 [B cmd]
  + Method:       setWindowSize(II)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setWindowSize(int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 1, locals = 3, stack = 0):
      [0] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 225
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 1 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$2; this]
        v1: 0 -> 1 [I c]
        v2: 0 -> 1 [I r]
  + Method:       beep()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void beep()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 35, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [4] invokestatic #19
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView;]
      [7] invokevirtual #18
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/TerminalView.isShown ()Z]
      [10] ifeq +13 (target=23)
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$2.val$manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [17] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.playBeep ()V]
      [20] goto +14 (target=34)
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$2.val$manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [27] aload_0 v0
      [28] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$2.val$host Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [31] invokevirtual #21
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.sendActivityNotification (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
      [34] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 229
        [13] -> line 230
        [23] -> line 232
        [34] -> line 233
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 35 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$2; this]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
    + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$2]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$3
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge$3 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [java/lang/Runnable]

Constant Pool (count = 39):
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/Runnable]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$3]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$3.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.connect ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [connect ()V]
  + NameAndType [startConnection ()V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$3;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [connect]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Runnable]
  + Utf8 [run]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$3]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport]
  + Utf8 [startConnection]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [transport]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge this$0

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = TerminalBridge$3(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #7
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$3.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #8
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 275
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$3; this]
  + Method:       run()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void run()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 11, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$3.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [4] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [7] invokevirtual #9
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.connect ()V]
      [10] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 277
        [10] -> line 278
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 11 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$3; this]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
    + NameAndType [startConnection ()V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$3]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$4
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge$4 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [java/lang/Runnable]

Constant Pool (count = 74):
  + String [ConnectBot.TerminalBridge]
  + String [Couldn't inject string to remote host: ]
  + Class [android/util/Log]
  + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/Runnable]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$4]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$4.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$4.val$string Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.getBytes (Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getEncoding ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.write ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + NameAndType [getBytes (Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
  + NameAndType [getEncoding ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [host Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + NameAndType [injectString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
  + NameAndType [val$string Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [write ([B)V]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ConnectBot.TerminalBridge]
  + Utf8 [Couldn't inject string to remote host: ]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Exception;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$4;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [android/util/Log]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [getBytes]
  + Utf8 [getEncoding]
  + Utf8 [host]
  + Utf8 [injectString]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Exception]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Runnable]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [run]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$4]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [transport]
  + Utf8 [val$string]
  + Utf8 [write]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge this$0
  + Field:        val$string Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic java.lang.String val$string

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = TerminalBridge$4(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge,java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$4.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_2 v2
      [7] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$4.val$string Ljava/lang/String;]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] invokespecial #17
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [14] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [10] -> line 344
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 15 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$4; this]
  + Method:       run()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void run()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 41, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$4.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [4] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$4.val$string Ljava/lang/String;]
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$4.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [15] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [18] invokevirtual #19
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getEncoding ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [21] invokevirtual #18
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.getBytes (Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
      [24] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.write ([B)V]
      [27] goto +13 (target=40)
      [30] astore_1 v1
      [31] ldc #1
        + String [ConnectBot.TerminalBridge]
      [33] ldc #2
        + String [Couldn't inject string to remote host: ]
      [35] aload_1 v1
      [36] invokestatic #16
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [39] pop
      [40] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 27: 30):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 347
        [30] -> line 348
        [31] -> line 349
        [40] -> line 351
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 41 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$4; this]
        v1: 31 -> 40 [Ljava/lang/Exception; e]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
    + NameAndType [injectString (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$4]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$5
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge$5 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [java/lang/Runnable]

Constant Pool (count = 44):
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/Runnable]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$5]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$5.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.close ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.isConnected ()Z]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [close ()V]
  + NameAndType [dispatchDisconnect (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [isConnected ()Z]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$5;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [close]
  + Utf8 [dispatchDisconnect]
  + Utf8 [isConnected]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Runnable]
  + Utf8 [run]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$5]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [transport]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge this$0

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = TerminalBridge$5(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #7
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$5.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #8
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 422
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$5; this]
  + Method:       run()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void run()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 34, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$5.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [4] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [7] ifnull +26 (target=33)
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$5.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [14] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [17] invokevirtual #10
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.isConnected ()Z]
      [20] ifeq +13 (target=33)
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$5.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [27] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [30] invokevirtual #9
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.close ()V]
      [33] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 424
        [23] -> line 425
        [33] -> line 426
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 34 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$5; this]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
    + NameAndType [dispatchDisconnect (Z)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$5]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$6
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge$6 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [java/lang/Runnable]

Constant Pool (count = 79):
  + Integer [2131230776]
  + Class [android/content/res/Resources]
  + Class [java/lang/Boolean]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/Runnable]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BridgeDisconnectedListener]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$6]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.disconnectListener Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BridgeDisconnectedListener;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.promptHelper Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$6.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Boolean.booleanValue ()Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.requestBooleanPrompt (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.access$1 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;Z)V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BridgeDisconnectedListener.onDisconnected (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [access$1 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;Z)V]
  + NameAndType [booleanValue ()Z]
  + NameAndType [disconnectListener Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BridgeDisconnectedListener;]
  + NameAndType [dispatchDisconnect (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + NameAndType [onDisconnected (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
  + NameAndType [promptHelper Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
  + NameAndType [requestBooleanPrompt (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
  + NameAndType [res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;Z)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BridgeDisconnectedListener;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$6;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [access$1]
  + Utf8 [android/content/res/Resources]
  + Utf8 [booleanValue]
  + Utf8 [disconnectListener]
  + Utf8 [dispatchDisconnect]
  + Utf8 [getString]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Boolean]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Runnable]
  + Utf8 [manager]
  + Utf8 [onDisconnected]
  + Utf8 [promptHelper]
  + Utf8 [requestBooleanPrompt]
  + Utf8 [res]
  + Utf8 [result]
  + Utf8 [run]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BridgeDisconnectedListener]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$6]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge this$0

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = TerminalBridge$6(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$6.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #18
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 444
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$6; this]
  + Method:       run()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void run()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 73, locals = 2, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$6.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [4] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.promptHelper Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
      [7] aconst_null
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$6.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [12] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [15] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [18] ldc #1
        + Integer [2131230776]
      [20] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [23] invokevirtual #19
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.requestBooleanPrompt (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
      [26] astore_1 v1
      [27] aload_1 v1
      [28] ifnull +10 (target=38)
      [31] aload_1 v1
      [32] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [java/lang/Boolean.booleanValue ()Z]
      [35] ifeq +37 (target=72)
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$6.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [42] iconst_1
      [43] invokestatic #20
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.access$1 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;Z)V]
      [46] aload_0 v0
      [47] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$6.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [50] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.disconnectListener Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BridgeDisconnectedListener;]
      [53] ifnull +19 (target=72)
      [56] aload_0 v0
      [57] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$6.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [60] getfield #11
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.disconnectListener Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BridgeDisconnectedListener;]
      [63] aload_0 v0
      [64] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$6.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [67] invokeinterface #21
        + InterfaceMethodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BridgeDisconnectedListener.onDisconnected (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
      [72] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 446
        [8] -> line 447
        [23] -> line 446
        [27] -> line 448
        [38] -> line 449
        [46] -> line 452
        [56] -> line 453
        [72] -> line 455
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 73 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$6; this]
        v1: 27 -> 73 [Ljava/lang/Boolean; result]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
    + NameAndType [dispatchDisconnect (Z)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge$6]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalKeyListener extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 2):
  + Class [android/content/SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener]
  + Class [android/view/View$OnKeyListener]

Constant Pool (count = 397):
  + Integer [-2147483648]
  + Integer [61185]
  + Integer [2147483647]
  + String []
  + String [ConnectBot.OnKeyListener]
  + String [Ctrl+A]
  + String [Ctrl+A then Space]
  + String [Esc]
  + String [Esc+A]
  + String [Input before connection established ignored.]
  + String [Our transport was closed, dispatching disconnect event]
  + String [Problem while trying to handle an onKey() event]
  + String [Use left-side keys]
  + String [Use right-side keys]
  + String [camera]
  + String [keymode]
  + String [xperiaProFix]
  + String [~\^()[]{}<>|/:_;,.!@#$%&*?"'-+=€¥£]
  + Class [android/content/SharedPreferences]
  + Class [android/content/SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener]
  + Class [android/content/res/Configuration]
  + Class [android/content/res/Resources]
  + Class [android/preference/PreferenceManager]
  + Class [android/text/ClipboardManager]
  + Class [android/text/Editable]
  + Class [android/text/Editable$Factory]
  + Class [android/text/method/CharacterPickerDialog]
  + Class [android/util/Log]
  + Class [android/util/SparseArray]
  + Class [android/view/KeyCharacterMap]
  + Class [android/view/KeyEvent]
  + Class [android/view/View]
  + Class [android/view/View$OnKeyListener]
  + Class [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/lang/Character]
  + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener$1]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport]
  + Fieldref [android/content/res/Configuration.keyboard I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.PICKER_SETS Landroid/util/SparseArray;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.clipboard Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.encoding Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.hardKeyboard Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.keymode Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.mDeadKey I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.prefs Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.selectingForCopy Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.selectionArea Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.hardKeyboardHidden Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.prefs Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getConfiguration ()Landroid/content/res/Configuration;]
  + Methodref [android/preference/PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
  + Methodref [android/text/ClipboardManager.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Methodref [android/text/Editable$Factory.getInstance ()Landroid/text/Editable$Factory;]
  + Methodref [android/text/Editable$Factory.newEditable (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/text/Editable;]
  + Methodref [android/text/method/ ()V]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Methodref [android/util/SparseArray.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [android/util/SparseArray.get (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [android/util/SparseArray.put (ILjava/lang/Object;)V]
  + Methodref [android/view/KeyCharacterMap.getDeadChar (II)I]
  + Methodref [android/view/KeyEvent.getAction ()I]
  + Methodref [android/view/KeyEvent.getCharacters ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/view/KeyEvent.getMetaState ()I]
  + Methodref [android/view/KeyEvent.getRepeatCount ()I]
  + Methodref [android/view/KeyEvent.getUnicodeChar (I)I]
  + Methodref [android/view/View.getContext ()Landroid/content/Context;]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.keyPressed (ICI)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.keyTyped (ICI)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Character.toChars (I)[C]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.<init> ([C)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.getBytes (Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.copyFrom (Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.decrementColumn ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.decrementRow ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.finishSelectingOrigin ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.incrementColumn ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.incrementRow ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.isSelectingOrigin ()Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.reset ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.decreaseFontSize ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.dispatchDisconnect (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.increaseFontSize ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.isDisconnected ()Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.redraw ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.resetScrollPosition ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.tryKeyVibrate ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.getStateForBuffer ()I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.keyAsControl (I)I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaPress (I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.sendEscape ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.sendFunctionKey (I)Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.showCharPickerDialog (Landroid/view/View;)Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.updateKeymode ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/text/Editable;Ljava/lang/String;ZLjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.flush ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.write (I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.write ([B)V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.getBoolean (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.getString (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener (Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/text/Editable;Ljava/lang/String;ZLjava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([C)V]
  + NameAndType [PICKER_SETS Landroid/util/SparseArray;]
  + NameAndType [bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
  + NameAndType [clipboard Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;]
  + NameAndType [copyFrom (Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [decreaseFontSize ()V]
  + NameAndType [decrementColumn ()V]
  + NameAndType [decrementRow ()V]
  + NameAndType [dispatchDisconnect (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + NameAndType [encoding Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [finishSelectingOrigin ()V]
  + NameAndType [flush ()V]
  + NameAndType [get (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [getAction ()I]
  + NameAndType [getBoolean (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
  + NameAndType [getBytes (Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
  + NameAndType [getCharacters ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getConfiguration ()Landroid/content/res/Configuration;]
  + NameAndType [getContext ()Landroid/content/Context;]
  + NameAndType [getDeadChar (II)I]
  + NameAndType [getDefaultSharedPreferences (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
  + NameAndType [getInstance ()Landroid/text/Editable$Factory;]
  + NameAndType [getMetaState ()I]
  + NameAndType [getRepeatCount ()I]
  + NameAndType [getStateForBuffer ()I]
  + NameAndType [getString (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getUnicodeChar (I)I]
  + NameAndType [hardKeyboard Z]
  + NameAndType [hardKeyboardHidden Z]
  + NameAndType [increaseFontSize ()V]
  + NameAndType [incrementColumn ()V]
  + NameAndType [incrementRow ()V]
  + NameAndType [isDisconnected ()Z]
  + NameAndType [isSelectingOrigin ()Z]
  + NameAndType [keyAsControl (I)I]
  + NameAndType [keyPressed (ICI)V]
  + NameAndType [keyTyped (ICI)V]
  + NameAndType [keyboard I]
  + NameAndType [keymode Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [mDeadKey I]
  + NameAndType [manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + NameAndType [metaPress (I)V]
  + NameAndType [metaState I]
  + NameAndType [newEditable (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/text/Editable;]
  + NameAndType [prefs Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
  + NameAndType [put (ILjava/lang/Object;)V]
  + NameAndType [redraw ()V]
  + NameAndType [registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener (Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener;)V]
  + NameAndType [res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + NameAndType [reset ()V]
  + NameAndType [resetScrollPosition ()V]
  + NameAndType [selectingForCopy Z]
  + NameAndType [selectionArea Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea;]
  + NameAndType [sendEscape ()V]
  + NameAndType [sendFunctionKey (I)Z]
  + NameAndType [setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + NameAndType [show ()V]
  + NameAndType [showCharPickerDialog (Landroid/view/View;)Z]
  + NameAndType [toChars (I)[C]
  + NameAndType [transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
  + NameAndType [tryKeyVibrate ()V]
  + NameAndType [updateKeymode ()V]
  + NameAndType [write (I)V]
  + NameAndType [write ([B)V]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/content/Context;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/content/res/Configuration;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/text/Editable$Factory;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(I)I]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Z]
  + Utf8 [(I)[C]
  + Utf8 [(ICI)V]
  + Utf8 [(II)I]
  + Utf8 [(ILjava/lang/Object;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View;ILandroid/view/KeyEvent;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/text/Editable;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/text/Editable;Ljava/lang/String;ZLjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [([C)V]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ConnectBot.OnKeyListener]
  + Utf8 [Ctrl+A]
  + Utf8 [Ctrl+A then Space]
  + Utf8 [Esc]
  + Utf8 [Esc+A]
  + Utf8 [Factory]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Input before connection established ignored.]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/text/Editable;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/text/method/CharacterPickerDialog;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/util/SparseArray;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/util/SparseArray<Ljava/lang/String;>;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/KeyEvent;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/IOException;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/NullPointerException;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
  + Utf8 [OnKeyListener]
  + Utf8 [OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener]
  + Utf8 [Our transport was closed, dispatching disconnect event]
  + Utf8 [PICKER_SETS]
  + Utf8 [Problem while trying to handle an onKey() event]
  + Utf8 [Signature]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Use left-side keys]
  + Utf8 [Use right-side keys]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [android/content/SharedPreferences]
  + Utf8 [android/content/SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener]
  + Utf8 [android/content/res/Configuration]
  + Utf8 [android/content/res/Resources]
  + Utf8 [android/preference/PreferenceManager]
  + Utf8 [android/text/ClipboardManager]
  + Utf8 [android/text/Editable]
  + Utf8 [android/text/Editable$Factory]
  + Utf8 [android/text/method/CharacterPickerDialog]
  + Utf8 [android/util/Log]
  + Utf8 [android/util/SparseArray]
  + Utf8 [android/view/KeyCharacterMap]
  + Utf8 [android/view/KeyEvent]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View$OnKeyListener]
  + Utf8 [bridge]
  + Utf8 [buffer]
  + Utf8 [bufferState]
  + Utf8 [camera]
  + Utf8 [clipboard]
  + Utf8 [code]
  + Utf8 [content]
  + Utf8 [copiedText]
  + Utf8 [copyFrom]
  + Utf8 [cpd]
  + Utf8 [curMetaState]
  + Utf8 [d]
  + Utf8 [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
  + Utf8 [decreaseFontSize]
  + Utf8 [decrementColumn]
  + Utf8 [decrementRow]
  + Utf8 [dispatchDisconnect]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [encoding]
  + Utf8 [equals]
  + Utf8 [event]
  + Utf8 [finishSelectingOrigin]
  + Utf8 [flush]
  + Utf8 [get]
  + Utf8 [getAction]
  + Utf8 [getBoolean]
  + Utf8 [getBytes]
  + Utf8 [getCharacters]
  + Utf8 [getConfiguration]
  + Utf8 [getContext]
  + Utf8 [getDeadChar]
  + Utf8 [getDeadKey]
  + Utf8 [getDefaultSharedPreferences]
  + Utf8 [getInstance]
  + Utf8 [getMetaState]
  + Utf8 [getRepeatCount]
  + Utf8 [getStateForBuffer]
  + Utf8 [getString]
  + Utf8 [getUnicodeChar]
  + Utf8 [hardKeyboard]
  + Utf8 [hardKeyboardHidden]
  + Utf8 [increaseFontSize]
  + Utf8 [incrementColumn]
  + Utf8 [incrementRow]
  + Utf8 [input]
  + Utf8 [ioe]
  + Utf8 [isDisconnected]
  + Utf8 [isSelectingOrigin]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Character]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/NullPointerException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [k]
  + Utf8 [k0]
  + Utf8 [key]
  + Utf8 [keyAsControl]
  + Utf8 [keyCode]
  + Utf8 [keyPressed]
  + Utf8 [keyTyped]
  + Utf8 [keyboard]
  + Utf8 [keymode]
  + Utf8 [lastMetaState]
  + Utf8 [mDeadKey]
  + Utf8 [manager]
  + Utf8 [metaPress]
  + Utf8 [metaState]
  + Utf8 [newEditable]
  + Utf8 [npe]
  + Utf8 [onKey]
  + Utf8 [onSharedPreferenceChanged]
  + Utf8 [orgMetaState]
  + Utf8 [prefs]
  + Utf8 [printing]
  + Utf8 [put]
  + Utf8 [redraw]
  + Utf8 [registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener]
  + Utf8 [res]
  + Utf8 [reset]
  + Utf8 [resetScrollPosition]
  + Utf8 [selectingForCopy]
  + Utf8 [selectionArea]
  + Utf8 [sendCtrl]
  + Utf8 [sendEscape]
  + Utf8 [sendFunctionKey]
  + Utf8 [sendMeta]
  + Utf8 [set]
  + Utf8 [setCharset]
  + Utf8 [setClipboardManager]
  + Utf8 [setText]
  + Utf8 [sharedPreferences]
  + Utf8 [show]
  + Utf8 [showCharPickerDialog]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener$1]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport]
  + Utf8 [str]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toChars]
  + Utf8 [transport]
  + Utf8 [tryKeyVibrate]
  + Utf8 [updateKeymode]
  + Utf8 [v]
  + Utf8 [write]
  + Utf8 [xperiaProFix]
  + Utf8 [~\^()[]{}<>|/:_;,.!@#$%&*?"'-+=€¥£]

Fields (count = 13):
  + Field:        manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalManager manager
  + Field:        bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge bridge
  + Field:        buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final de.mud.terminal.VDUBuffer buffer
  + Field:        keymode Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String keymode
  + Field:        hardKeyboard Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean hardKeyboard
  + Field:        metaState I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int metaState
  + Field:        mDeadKey I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int mDeadKey
  + Field:        clipboard Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.text.ClipboardManager clipboard
  + Field:        selectingForCopy Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean selectingForCopy
  + Field:        selectionArea Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea;
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.SelectionArea selectionArea
  + Field:        encoding Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String encoding
  + Field:        prefs Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final android.content.SharedPreferences prefs
  + Field:        PICKER_SETS Landroid/util/SparseArray;
    Access flags: 0xa
      = private static android.util.SparseArray PICKER_SETS
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [Landroid/util/SparseArray<Ljava/lang/String;>;]

Methods (count = 16):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 21, locals = 0, stack = 3):
      [0] new #29
        + Class [android/util/SparseArray]
      [3] dup
      [4] invokespecial #72
        + Methodref [android/util/SparseArray.<init> ()V]
      [7] putstatic #48
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.PICKER_SETS Landroid/util/SparseArray;]
      [10] getstatic #48
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.PICKER_SETS Landroid/util/SparseArray;]
      [13] ldc #2
        + Integer [61185]
      [15] ldc #18
        + String [~\^()[]{}<>|/:_;,.!@#$%&*?"'-+=€¥£]
      [17] invokevirtual #74
        + Methodref [android/util/SparseArray.put (ILjava/lang/Object;)V]
      [20] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 114
        [7] -> line 113
        [10] -> line 116
        [15] -> line 117
        [17] -> line 116
        [20] -> line 47
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public TerminalKeyListener(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalManager,com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge,de.mud.terminal.VDUBuffer,java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 112, locals = 5, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #85
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] aconst_null
      [6] putfield #54
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.keymode Ljava/lang/String;]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] iconst_0
      [11] putfield #53
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.hardKeyboard Z]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] iconst_0
      [16] putfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] iconst_0
      [21] putfield #55
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.mDeadKey I]
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] aconst_null
      [26] putfield #51
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.clipboard Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;]
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] iconst_0
      [31] putfield #59
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.selectingForCopy Z]
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] aload_1 v1
      [36] putfield #56
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [39] aload_0 v0
      [40] aload_2 v2
      [41] putfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [44] aload_0 v0
      [45] aload_3 v3
      [46] putfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [49] aload_0 v0
      [50] aload v4
      [52] putfield #52
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.encoding Ljava/lang/String;]
      [55] aload_0 v0
      [56] new #40
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea]
      [59] dup
      [60] invokespecial #89
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.<init> ()V]
      [63] putfield #60
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.selectionArea Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea;]
      [66] aload_0 v0
      [67] aload_1 v1
      [68] invokestatic #65
        + Methodref [android/preference/PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
      [71] putfield #58
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.prefs Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
      [74] aload_0 v0
      [75] getfield #58
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.prefs Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
      [78] aload_0 v0
      [79] invokeinterface #118
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener (Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener;)V]
      [84] aload_0 v0
      [85] aload_1 v1
      [86] getfield #63
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [89] invokevirtual #64
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getConfiguration ()Landroid/content/res/Configuration;]
      [92] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [android/content/res/Configuration.keyboard I]
      [95] iconst_2
      [96] ificmpne +7 (target=103)
      [99] iconst_1
      [100] goto +4 (target=104)
      [103] iconst_0
      [104] putfield #53
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.hardKeyboard Z]
      [107] aload_0 v0
      [108] invokespecial #111
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.updateKeymode ()V]
      [111] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 19)
        [0] -> line 93
        [4] -> line 76
        [9] -> line 77
        [14] -> line 79
        [19] -> line 81
        [24] -> line 84
        [29] -> line 86
        [34] -> line 97
        [39] -> line 98
        [44] -> line 99
        [49] -> line 100
        [55] -> line 102
        [66] -> line 104
        [74] -> line 105
        [84] -> line 107
        [95] -> line 108
        [104] -> line 107
        [107] -> line 110
        [111] -> line 111
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 112 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener; this]
        v1: 0 -> 112 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; manager]
        v2: 0 -> 112 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; bridge]
        v3: 0 -> 112 [Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer; buffer]
        v4: 0 -> 112 [Ljava/lang/String; encoding]
  + Method:       onKey(Landroid/view/View;ILandroid/view/KeyEvent;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean onKey(android.view.View,int,android.view.KeyEvent)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 2109, locals = 13, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #56
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [4] getfield #61
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.hardKeyboardHidden Z]
      [7] istore v4
      [9] aload_3 v3
      [10] invokevirtual #76
        + Methodref [android/view/KeyEvent.getAction ()I]
      [13] iconst_1
      [14] ificmpne +240 (target=254)
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] getfield #53
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.hardKeyboard Z]
      [21] ifeq +15 (target=36)
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] getfield #53
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.hardKeyboard Z]
      [28] ifeq +10 (target=38)
      [31] iload v4
      [33] ifeq +5 (target=38)
      [36] iconst_0
      [37] ireturn
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [42] invokevirtual #101
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.isDisconnected ()Z]
      [45] ifne +13 (target=58)
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [52] getfield #47
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [55] ifnonnull +5 (target=60)
      [58] iconst_0
      [59] ireturn
      [60] ldc #14
        + String [Use right-side keys]
      [62] aload_0 v0
      [63] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.keymode Ljava/lang/String;]
      [66] invokevirtual #87
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [69] ifeq +87 (target=156)
      [72] iload_2 v2
      [73] bipush 58
      [75] ificmpne +38 (target=113)
      [78] aload_0 v0
      [79] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [82] bipush 64
      [84] iand
      [85] ifeq +28 (target=113)
      [88] aload_0 v0
      [89] dup
      [90] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [93] bipush -86
      [95] iand
      [96] putfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [99] aload_0 v0
      [100] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [103] getfield #47
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [106] bipush 47
      [108] invokevirtual #114
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.write (I)V]
      [111] iconst_1
      [112] ireturn
      [113] iload_2 v2
      [114] bipush 60
      [116] ificmpne +136 (target=252)
      [119] aload_0 v0
      [120] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [123] sipush 128
      [126] iand
      [127] ifeq +125 (target=252)
      [130] aload_0 v0
      [131] dup
      [132] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [135] sipush -150
      [138] iand
      [139] putfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [142] aload_0 v0
      [143] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [146] getfield #47
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [149] bipush 9
      [151] invokevirtual #114
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.write (I)V]
      [154] iconst_1
      [155] ireturn
      [156] ldc #13
        + String [Use left-side keys]
      [158] aload_0 v0
      [159] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.keymode Ljava/lang/String;]
      [162] invokevirtual #87
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [165] ifeq +87 (target=252)
      [168] iload_2 v2
      [169] bipush 57
      [171] ificmpne +38 (target=209)
      [174] aload_0 v0
      [175] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [178] bipush 64
      [180] iand
      [181] ifeq +28 (target=209)
      [184] aload_0 v0
      [185] dup
      [186] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [189] bipush -86
      [191] iand
      [192] putfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [195] aload_0 v0
      [196] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [199] getfield #47
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [202] bipush 47
      [204] invokevirtual #114
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.write (I)V]
      [207] iconst_1
      [208] ireturn
      [209] iload_2 v2
      [210] bipush 59
      [212] ificmpne +40 (target=252)
      [215] aload_0 v0
      [216] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [219] sipush 128
      [222] iand
      [223] ifeq +29 (target=252)
      [226] aload_0 v0
      [227] dup
      [228] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [231] sipush -150
      [234] iand
      [235] putfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [238] aload_0 v0
      [239] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [242] getfield #47
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [245] bipush 9
      [247] invokevirtual #114
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.write (I)V]
      [250] iconst_1
      [251] ireturn
      [252] iconst_0
      [253] ireturn
      [254] iload_2 v2
      [255] bipush 24
      [257] ificmpne +12 (target=269)
      [260] aload_0 v0
      [261] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [264] invokevirtual #100
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.increaseFontSize ()V]
      [267] iconst_1
      [268] ireturn
      [269] iload_2 v2
      [270] bipush 25
      [272] ificmpne +12 (target=284)
      [275] aload_0 v0
      [276] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [279] invokevirtual #98
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.decreaseFontSize ()V]
      [282] iconst_1
      [283] ireturn
      [284] aload_0 v0
      [285] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [288] invokevirtual #101
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.isDisconnected ()Z]
      [291] ifne +13 (target=304)
      [294] aload_0 v0
      [295] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [298] getfield #47
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [301] ifnonnull +5 (target=306)
      [304] iconst_0
      [305] ireturn
      [306] aload_0 v0
      [307] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [310] invokevirtual #103
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.resetScrollPosition ()V]
      [313] iload_2 v2
      [314] ifne +38 (target=352)
      [317] aload_3 v3
      [318] invokevirtual #76
        + Methodref [android/view/KeyEvent.getAction ()I]
      [321] iconst_2
      [322] ificmpne +30 (target=352)
      [325] aload_3 v3
      [326] invokevirtual #77
        + Methodref [android/view/KeyEvent.getCharacters ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [329] aload_0 v0
      [330] getfield #52
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.encoding Ljava/lang/String;]
      [333] invokevirtual #88
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.getBytes (Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
      [336] astore v5
      [338] aload_0 v0
      [339] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [342] getfield #47
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [345] aload v5
      [347] invokevirtual #115
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.write ([B)V]
      [350] iconst_1
      [351] ireturn
      [352] aload_3 v3
      [353] invokevirtual #78
        + Methodref [android/view/KeyEvent.getMetaState ()I]
      [356] istore v5
      [358] iload v5
      [360] istore v6
      [362] aload_0 v0
      [363] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [366] bipush 48
      [368] iand
      [369] ifeq +9 (target=378)
      [372] iload v5
      [374] iconst_1
      [375] ior
      [376] istore v5
      [378] aload_0 v0
      [379] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [382] bipush 12
      [384] iand
      [385] ifeq +9 (target=394)
      [388] iload v5
      [390] iconst_2
      [391] ior
      [392] istore v5
      [394] aload_3 v3
      [395] iload v5
      [397] invokevirtual #80
        + Methodref [android/view/KeyEvent.getUnicodeChar (I)I]
      [400] istore v7
      [402] iload v6
      [404] iconst_2
      [405] iand
      [406] ifeq +18 (target=424)
      [409] aload_0 v0
      [410] getfield #53
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.hardKeyboard Z]
      [413] ifeq +8 (target=421)
      [416] iload v4
      [418] ifeq +6 (target=424)
      [421] iconst_0
      [422] istore v7
      [424] iload v7
      [426] ldc #1
        + Integer [-2147483648]
      [428] iand
      [429] ifeq +14 (target=443)
      [432] aload_0 v0
      [433] iload v7
      [435] ldc #3
        + Integer [2147483647]
      [437] iand
      [438] putfield #55
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.mDeadKey I]
      [441] iconst_1
      [442] ireturn
      [443] aload_0 v0
      [444] getfield #55
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.mDeadKey I]
      [447] ifeq +18 (target=465)
      [450] aload_0 v0
      [451] getfield #55
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.mDeadKey I]
      [454] iload_2 v2
      [455] invokestatic #75
        + Methodref [android/view/KeyCharacterMap.getDeadChar (II)I]
      [458] istore v7
      [460] aload_0 v0
      [461] iconst_0
      [462] putfield #55
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.mDeadKey I]
      [465] iload v7
      [467] ifeq +13 (target=480)
      [470] iload_2 v2
      [471] bipush 66
      [473] ificmpeq +7 (target=480)
      [476] iconst_1
      [477] goto +4 (target=481)
      [480] iconst_0
      [481] istore v8
      [483] iload_2 v2
      [484] bipush 63
      [486] ificmpeq +16 (target=502)
      [489] iload_2 v2
      [490] bipush 94
      [492] ificmpeq +10 (target=502)
      [495] iload v7
      [497] ldc #2
        + Integer [61185]
      [499] ificmpne +35 (target=534)
      [502] aload_1 v1
      [503] ifnull +31 (target=534)
      [506] aload_0 v0
      [507] aload_1 v1
      [508] invokevirtual #110
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.showCharPickerDialog (Landroid/view/View;)Z]
      [511] pop
      [512] aload_0 v0
      [513] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [516] iconst_4
      [517] ificmpne +15 (target=532)
      [520] aload_0 v0
      [521] iconst_0
      [522] putfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [525] aload_0 v0
      [526] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [529] invokevirtual #102
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.redraw ()V]
      [532] iconst_1
      [533] ireturn
      [534] iload v8
      [536] ifeq +195 (target=731)
      [539] aload_0 v0
      [540] dup
      [541] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [544] sipush -193
      [547] iand
      [548] putfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [551] aload_0 v0
      [552] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [555] istore v9
      [557] aload_0 v0
      [558] dup
      [559] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [562] bipush -21
      [564] iand
      [565] putfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [568] aload_0 v0
      [569] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [572] iload v9
      [574] ificmpeq +10 (target=584)
      [577] aload_0 v0
      [578] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [581] invokevirtual #102
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.redraw ()V]
      [584] aload_0 v0
      [585] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [588] iconst_3
      [589] iand
      [590] ifeq +58 (target=648)
      [593] aload_0 v0
      [594] dup
      [595] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [598] bipush -2
      [600] iand
      [601] putfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [604] aload_0 v0
      [605] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [608] invokevirtual #102
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.redraw ()V]
      [611] aload_0 v0
      [612] getfield #53
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.hardKeyboard Z]
      [615] ifeq +15 (target=630)
      [618] aload_0 v0
      [619] getfield #53
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.hardKeyboard Z]
      [622] ifeq +18 (target=640)
      [625] iload v4
      [627] ifeq +13 (target=640)
      [630] aload_0 v0
      [631] iload_2 v2
      [632] invokespecial #109
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.sendFunctionKey (I)Z]
      [635] ifeq +5 (target=640)
      [638] iconst_1
      [639] ireturn
      [640] aload_0 v0
      [641] iload v7
      [643] invokevirtual #106
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.keyAsControl (I)I]
      [646] istore v7
      [648] aload_0 v0
      [649] getfield #53
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.hardKeyboard Z]
      [652] ifeq +25 (target=677)
      [655] iload v4
      [657] ifne +20 (target=677)
      [660] iload v5
      [662] iconst_1
      [663] iand
      [664] ifeq +13 (target=677)
      [667] aload_0 v0
      [668] iload_2 v2
      [669] invokespecial #109
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.sendFunctionKey (I)Z]
      [672] ifeq +5 (target=677)
      [675] iconst_1
      [676] ireturn
      [677] iload v7
      [679] sipush 128
      [682] ificmpge +18 (target=700)
      [685] aload_0 v0
      [686] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [689] getfield #47
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [692] iload v7
      [694] invokevirtual #114
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.write (I)V]
      [697] goto +32 (target=729)
      [700] aload_0 v0
      [701] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [704] getfield #47
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [707] new #39
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [710] dup
      [711] iload v7
      [713] invokestatic #84
        + Methodref [java/lang/Character.toChars (I)[C]
      [716] invokespecial #86
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.<init> ([C)V]
      [719] aload_0 v0
      [720] getfield #52
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.encoding Ljava/lang/String;]
      [723] invokevirtual #88
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.getBytes (Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
      [726] invokevirtual #115
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.write ([B)V]
      [729] iconst_1
      [730] ireturn
      [731] aload_0 v0
      [732] getfield #53
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.hardKeyboard Z]
      [735] ifeq +8 (target=743)
      [738] iload v4
      [740] ifeq +105 (target=845)
      [743] aload_3 v3
      [744] iconst_0
      [745] invokevirtual #80
        + Methodref [android/view/KeyEvent.getUnicodeChar (I)I]
      [748] istore v9
      [750] iload v9
      [752] istore v10
      [754] iconst_0
      [755] istore v11
      [757] iconst_0
      [758] istore v12
      [760] iload v9
      [762] ifeq +83 (target=845)
      [765] iload v6
      [767] sipush 4096
      [770] iand
      [771] ifeq +36 (target=807)
      [774] aload_0 v0
      [775] iload v9
      [777] invokevirtual #106
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.keyAsControl (I)I]
      [780] istore v9
      [782] iload v9
      [784] iload v10
      [786] ificmpeq +6 (target=792)
      [789] iconst_1
      [790] istore v11
      [792] iload v11
      [794] ifne +27 (target=821)
      [797] aload_0 v0
      [798] iload_2 v2
      [799] invokespecial #109
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.sendFunctionKey (I)Z]
      [802] ifeq +19 (target=821)
      [805] iconst_1
      [806] ireturn
      [807] iload v6
      [809] iconst_2
      [810] iand
      [811] ifeq +10 (target=821)
      [814] iconst_1
      [815] istore v12
      [817] aload_0 v0
      [818] invokevirtual #108
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.sendEscape ()V]
      [821] iload v12
      [823] ifne +8 (target=831)
      [826] iload v11
      [828] ifeq +17 (target=845)
      [831] aload_0 v0
      [832] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [835] getfield #47
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [838] iload v9
      [840] invokevirtual #114
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.write (I)V]
      [843] iconst_1
      [844] ireturn
      [845] aload_0 v0
      [846] getfield #53
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.hardKeyboard Z]
      [849] ifeq +238 (target=1087)
      [852] iload v4
      [854] ifne +233 (target=1087)
      [857] aload_3 v3
      [858] invokevirtual #79
        + Methodref [android/view/KeyEvent.getRepeatCount ()I]
      [861] ifne +226 (target=1087)
      [864] ldc #14
        + String [Use right-side keys]
      [866] aload_0 v0
      [867] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.keymode Ljava/lang/String;]
      [870] invokevirtual #87
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [873] ifeq +80 (target=953)
      [876] iload_2 v2
      [877] tableswitch (4 offsets, default=73) (target=950)
        57: offset = 66, target = 943
        58: offset = 31, target = 908
        59: offset = 58, target = 935
        60: offset = 44, target = 921
        default: offset = 73, target = 950
      [908] aload_0 v0
      [909] dup
      [910] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [913] bipush 64
      [915] ior
      [916] putfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [919] iconst_1
      [920] ireturn
      [921] aload_0 v0
      [922] dup
      [923] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [926] sipush 128
      [929] ior
      [930] putfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [933] iconst_1
      [934] ireturn
      [935] aload_0 v0
      [936] bipush 16
      [938] invokevirtual #107
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaPress (I)V]
      [941] iconst_1
      [942] ireturn
      [943] aload_0 v0
      [944] iconst_4
      [945] invokevirtual #107
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaPress (I)V]
      [948] iconst_1
      [949] ireturn
      [950] goto +137 (target=1087)
      [953] ldc #13
        + String [Use left-side keys]
      [955] aload_0 v0
      [956] getfield #54
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.keymode Ljava/lang/String;]
      [959] invokevirtual #87
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [962] ifeq +79 (target=1041)
      [965] iload_2 v2
      [966] tableswitch (4 offsets, default=72) (target=1038)
        57: offset = 30, target = 996
        58: offset = 65, target = 1031
        59: offset = 43, target = 1009
        60: offset = 57, target = 1023
        default: offset = 72, target = 1038
      [996] aload_0 v0
      [997] dup
      [998] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [1001] bipush 64
      [1003] ior
      [1004] putfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [1007] iconst_1
      [1008] ireturn
      [1009] aload_0 v0
      [1010] dup
      [1011] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [1014] sipush 128
      [1017] ior
      [1018] putfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [1021] iconst_1
      [1022] ireturn
      [1023] aload_0 v0
      [1024] bipush 16
      [1026] invokevirtual #107
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaPress (I)V]
      [1029] iconst_1
      [1030] ireturn
      [1031] aload_0 v0
      [1032] iconst_4
      [1033] invokevirtual #107
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaPress (I)V]
      [1036] iconst_1
      [1037] ireturn
      [1038] goto +49 (target=1087)
      [1041] iload_2 v2
      [1042] tableswitch (4 offsets, default=45) (target=1087)
        57: offset = 30, target = 1072
        58: offset = 30, target = 1072
        59: offset = 37, target = 1079
        60: offset = 37, target = 1079
        default: offset = 45, target = 1087
      [1072] aload_0 v0
      [1073] iconst_4
      [1074] invokevirtual #107
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaPress (I)V]
      [1077] iconst_1
      [1078] ireturn
      [1079] aload_0 v0
      [1080] bipush 16
      [1082] invokevirtual #107
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaPress (I)V]
      [1085] iconst_1
      [1086] ireturn
      [1087] iload_2 v2
      [1088] lookupswitch (13 offsets, default=958) (target=2046)
        19: offset = 434, target = 1522
        20: offset = 527, target = 1615
        21: offset = 341, target = 1429
        22: offset = 620, target = 1708
        23: offset = 713, target = 1801
        27: offset = 136, target = 1224
        47: offset = 855, target = 1943
        54: offset = 902, target = 1990
        61: offset = 122, target = 1210
        66: offset = 313, target = 1401
        67: offset = 282, target = 1370
        95: offset = 713, target = 1801
        111: offset = 116, target = 1204
        default: offset = 958, target = 2046
      [1204] aload_0 v0
      [1205] invokevirtual #108
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.sendEscape ()V]
      [1208] iconst_1
      [1209] ireturn
      [1210] aload_0 v0
      [1211] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [1214] getfield #47
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [1217] bipush 9
      [1219] invokevirtual #114
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.write (I)V]
      [1222] iconst_1
      [1223] ireturn
      [1224] aload_0 v0
      [1225] getfield #56
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [1228] getfield #62
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.prefs Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
      [1231] ldc #15
        + String [camera]
      [1233] ldc #7
        + String [Ctrl+A then Space]
      [1235] invokeinterface #117
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.getString (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [1240] astore v9
      [1242] ldc #7
        + String [Ctrl+A then Space]
      [1244] aload v9
      [1246] invokevirtual #87
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [1249] ifeq +29 (target=1278)
      [1252] aload_0 v0
      [1253] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [1256] getfield #47
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [1259] iconst_1
      [1260] invokevirtual #114
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.write (I)V]
      [1263] aload_0 v0
      [1264] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [1267] getfield #47
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [1270] bipush 32
      [1272] invokevirtual #114
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.write (I)V]
      [1275] goto +832 (target=2107)
      [1278] ldc #6
        + String [Ctrl+A]
      [1280] aload v9
      [1282] invokevirtual #87
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [1285] ifeq +17 (target=1302)
      [1288] aload_0 v0
      [1289] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [1292] getfield #47
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [1295] iconst_1
      [1296] invokevirtual #114
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.write (I)V]
      [1299] goto +808 (target=2107)
      [1302] ldc #8
        + String [Esc]
      [1304] aload v9
      [1306] invokevirtual #87
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [1309] ifeq +21 (target=1330)
      [1312] aload_0 v0
      [1313] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [1316] checkcast #34
        + Class [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
      [1319] bipush 43
      [1321] bipush 32
      [1323] iconst_0
      [1324] invokevirtual #83
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.keyTyped (ICI)V]
      [1327] goto +780 (target=2107)
      [1330] ldc #9
        + String [Esc+A]
      [1332] aload v9
      [1334] invokevirtual #87
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [1337] ifeq +770 (target=2107)
      [1340] aload_0 v0
      [1341] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [1344] checkcast #34
        + Class [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
      [1347] bipush 43
      [1349] bipush 32
      [1351] iconst_0
      [1352] invokevirtual #83
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.keyTyped (ICI)V]
      [1355] aload_0 v0
      [1356] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [1359] getfield #47
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [1362] bipush 97
      [1364] invokevirtual #114
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.write (I)V]
      [1367] goto +740 (target=2107)
      [1370] aload_0 v0
      [1371] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [1374] checkcast #34
        + Class [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
      [1377] bipush 22
      [1379] bipush 32
      [1381] aload_0 v0
      [1382] invokespecial #105
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.getStateForBuffer ()I]
      [1385] invokevirtual #82
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.keyPressed (ICI)V]
      [1388] aload_0 v0
      [1389] dup
      [1390] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [1393] bipush -22
      [1395] iand
      [1396] putfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [1399] iconst_1
      [1400] ireturn
      [1401] aload_0 v0
      [1402] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [1405] checkcast #34
        + Class [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
      [1408] bipush 30
      [1410] bipush 32
      [1412] iconst_0
      [1413] invokevirtual #83
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.keyTyped (ICI)V]
      [1416] aload_0 v0
      [1417] dup
      [1418] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [1421] bipush -22
      [1423] iand
      [1424] putfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [1427] iconst_1
      [1428] ireturn
      [1429] aload_0 v0
      [1430] getfield #59
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.selectingForCopy Z]
      [1433] ifeq +20 (target=1453)
      [1436] aload_0 v0
      [1437] getfield #60
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.selectionArea Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea;]
      [1440] invokevirtual #91
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.decrementColumn ()V]
      [1443] aload_0 v0
      [1444] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [1447] invokevirtual #102
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.redraw ()V]
      [1450] goto +70 (target=1520)
      [1453] aload_0 v0
      [1454] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [1457] bipush 12
      [1459] iand
      [1460] ifeq +24 (target=1484)
      [1463] aload_0 v0
      [1464] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [1467] checkcast #34
        + Class [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
      [1470] bipush 23
      [1472] bipush 32
      [1474] aload_0 v0
      [1475] invokespecial #105
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.getStateForBuffer ()I]
      [1478] invokevirtual #82
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.keyPressed (ICI)V]
      [1481] goto +21 (target=1502)
      [1484] aload_0 v0
      [1485] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [1488] checkcast #34
        + Class [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
      [1491] bipush 16
      [1493] bipush 32
      [1495] aload_0 v0
      [1496] invokespecial #105
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.getStateForBuffer ()I]
      [1499] invokevirtual #82
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.keyPressed (ICI)V]
      [1502] aload_0 v0
      [1503] dup
      [1504] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [1507] bipush -22
      [1509] iand
      [1510] putfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [1513] aload_0 v0
      [1514] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [1517] invokevirtual #104
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.tryKeyVibrate ()V]
      [1520] iconst_1
      [1521] ireturn
      [1522] aload_0 v0
      [1523] getfield #59
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.selectingForCopy Z]
      [1526] ifeq +20 (target=1546)
      [1529] aload_0 v0
      [1530] getfield #60
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.selectionArea Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea;]
      [1533] invokevirtual #92
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.decrementRow ()V]
      [1536] aload_0 v0
      [1537] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [1540] invokevirtual #102
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.redraw ()V]
      [1543] goto +70 (target=1613)
      [1546] aload_0 v0
      [1547] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [1550] bipush 12
      [1552] iand
      [1553] ifeq +24 (target=1577)
      [1556] aload_0 v0
      [1557] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [1560] checkcast #34
        + Class [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
      [1563] bipush 19
      [1565] bipush 32
      [1567] aload_0 v0
      [1568] invokespecial #105
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.getStateForBuffer ()I]
      [1571] invokevirtual #82
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.keyPressed (ICI)V]
      [1574] goto +21 (target=1595)
      [1577] aload_0 v0
      [1578] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [1581] checkcast #34
        + Class [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
      [1584] bipush 14
      [1586] bipush 32
      [1588] aload_0 v0
      [1589] invokespecial #105
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.getStateForBuffer ()I]
      [1592] invokevirtual #82
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.keyPressed (ICI)V]
      [1595] aload_0 v0
      [1596] dup
      [1597] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [1600] bipush -22
      [1602] iand
      [1603] putfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [1606] aload_0 v0
      [1607] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [1610] invokevirtual #104
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.tryKeyVibrate ()V]
      [1613] iconst_1
      [1614] ireturn
      [1615] aload_0 v0
      [1616] getfield #59
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.selectingForCopy Z]
      [1619] ifeq +20 (target=1639)
      [1622] aload_0 v0
      [1623] getfield #60
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.selectionArea Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea;]
      [1626] invokevirtual #95
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.incrementRow ()V]
      [1629] aload_0 v0
      [1630] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [1633] invokevirtual #102
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.redraw ()V]
      [1636] goto +70 (target=1706)
      [1639] aload_0 v0
      [1640] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [1643] bipush 12
      [1645] iand
      [1646] ifeq +24 (target=1670)
      [1649] aload_0 v0
      [1650] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [1653] checkcast #34
        + Class [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
      [1656] bipush 18
      [1658] bipush 32
      [1660] aload_0 v0
      [1661] invokespecial #105
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.getStateForBuffer ()I]
      [1664] invokevirtual #82
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.keyPressed (ICI)V]
      [1667] goto +21 (target=1688)
      [1670] aload_0 v0
      [1671] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [1674] checkcast #34
        + Class [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
      [1677] bipush 15
      [1679] bipush 32
      [1681] aload_0 v0
      [1682] invokespecial #105
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.getStateForBuffer ()I]
      [1685] invokevirtual #82
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.keyPressed (ICI)V]
      [1688] aload_0 v0
      [1689] dup
      [1690] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [1693] bipush -22
      [1695] iand
      [1696] putfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [1699] aload_0 v0
      [1700] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [1703] invokevirtual #104
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.tryKeyVibrate ()V]
      [1706] iconst_1
      [1707] ireturn
      [1708] aload_0 v0
      [1709] getfield #59
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.selectingForCopy Z]
      [1712] ifeq +20 (target=1732)
      [1715] aload_0 v0
      [1716] getfield #60
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.selectionArea Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea;]
      [1719] invokevirtual #94
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.incrementColumn ()V]
      [1722] aload_0 v0
      [1723] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [1726] invokevirtual #102
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.redraw ()V]
      [1729] goto +70 (target=1799)
      [1732] aload_0 v0
      [1733] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [1736] bipush 12
      [1738] iand
      [1739] ifeq +24 (target=1763)
      [1742] aload_0 v0
      [1743] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [1746] checkcast #34
        + Class [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
      [1749] bipush 24
      [1751] bipush 32
      [1753] aload_0 v0
      [1754] invokespecial #105
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.getStateForBuffer ()I]
      [1757] invokevirtual #82
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.keyPressed (ICI)V]
      [1760] goto +21 (target=1781)
      [1763] aload_0 v0
      [1764] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [1767] checkcast #34
        + Class [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
      [1770] bipush 17
      [1772] bipush 32
      [1774] aload_0 v0
      [1775] invokespecial #105
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.getStateForBuffer ()I]
      [1778] invokevirtual #82
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.keyPressed (ICI)V]
      [1781] aload_0 v0
      [1782] dup
      [1783] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [1786] bipush -22
      [1788] iand
      [1789] putfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [1792] aload_0 v0
      [1793] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [1796] invokevirtual #104
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.tryKeyVibrate ()V]
      [1799] iconst_1
      [1800] ireturn
      [1801] iload_2 v2
      [1802] bipush 95
      [1804] ificmpne +27 (target=1831)
      [1807] aload_0 v0
      [1808] getfield #58
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.prefs Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
      [1811] ldc #17
        + String [xperiaProFix]
      [1813] iconst_0
      [1814] invokeinterface #116
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.getBoolean (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
      [1819] ifne +12 (target=1831)
      [1822] aload_0 v0
      [1823] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [1826] invokevirtual #102
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.redraw ()V]
      [1829] iconst_1
      [1830] ireturn
      [1831] aload_0 v0
      [1832] getfield #59
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.selectingForCopy Z]
      [1835] ifeq +67 (target=1902)
      [1838] aload_0 v0
      [1839] getfield #60
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.selectionArea Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea;]
      [1842] invokevirtual #96
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.isSelectingOrigin ()Z]
      [1845] ifeq +13 (target=1858)
      [1848] aload_0 v0
      [1849] getfield #60
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.selectionArea Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea;]
      [1852] invokevirtual #93
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.finishSelectingOrigin ()V]
      [1855] goto +79 (target=1934)
      [1858] aload_0 v0
      [1859] getfield #51
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.clipboard Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;]
      [1862] ifnull +72 (target=1934)
      [1865] aload_0 v0
      [1866] getfield #60
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.selectionArea Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea;]
      [1869] aload_0 v0
      [1870] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [1873] invokevirtual #90
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.copyFrom (Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [1876] astore v10
      [1878] aload_0 v0
      [1879] getfield #51
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.clipboard Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;]
      [1882] aload v10
      [1884] invokevirtual #66
        + Methodref [android/text/ClipboardManager.setText (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [1887] aload_0 v0
      [1888] iconst_0
      [1889] putfield #59
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.selectingForCopy Z]
      [1892] aload_0 v0
      [1893] getfield #60
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.selectionArea Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea;]
      [1896] invokevirtual #97
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/SelectionArea.reset ()V]
      [1899] goto +35 (target=1934)
      [1902] aload_0 v0
      [1903] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [1906] iconst_1
      [1907] iand
      [1908] ifeq +21 (target=1929)
      [1911] aload_0 v0
      [1912] invokevirtual #108
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.sendEscape ()V]
      [1915] aload_0 v0
      [1916] dup
      [1917] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [1920] bipush -2
      [1922] iand
      [1923] putfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [1926] goto +8 (target=1934)
      [1929] aload_0 v0
      [1930] iconst_1
      [1931] invokevirtual #107
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaPress (I)V]
      [1934] aload_0 v0
      [1935] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [1938] invokevirtual #102
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.redraw ()V]
      [1941] iconst_1
      [1942] ireturn
      [1943] aload_0 v0
      [1944] getfield #58
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.prefs Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
      [1947] ldc #17
        + String [xperiaProFix]
      [1949] iconst_0
      [1950] invokeinterface #116
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.getBoolean (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
      [1955] ifeq +35 (target=1990)
      [1958] aload_0 v0
      [1959] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [1962] getfield #47
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [1965] bipush 124
      [1967] invokevirtual #114
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.write (I)V]
      [1970] aload_0 v0
      [1971] dup
      [1972] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [1975] bipush -22
      [1977] iand
      [1978] putfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [1981] aload_0 v0
      [1982] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [1985] invokevirtual #102
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.redraw ()V]
      [1988] iconst_1
      [1989] ireturn
      [1990] aload_0 v0
      [1991] getfield #58
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.prefs Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
      [1994] ldc #17
        + String [xperiaProFix]
      [1996] iconst_0
      [1997] invokeinterface #116
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.getBoolean (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
      [2002] ifeq +35 (target=2037)
      [2005] aload_0 v0
      [2006] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [2009] getfield #47
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [2012] bipush 92
      [2014] invokevirtual #114
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.write (I)V]
      [2017] aload_0 v0
      [2018] dup
      [2019] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [2022] bipush -22
      [2024] iand
      [2025] putfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [2028] aload_0 v0
      [2029] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [2032] invokevirtual #102
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.redraw ()V]
      [2035] iconst_1
      [2036] ireturn
      [2037] aload_0 v0
      [2038] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [2041] invokevirtual #102
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.redraw ()V]
      [2044] iconst_1
      [2045] ireturn
      [2046] goto +61 (target=2107)
      [2049] astore v4
      [2051] ldc #5
        + String [ConnectBot.OnKeyListener]
      [2053] ldc #12
        + String [Problem while trying to handle an onKey() event]
      [2055] aload v4
      [2057] invokestatic #71
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [2060] pop
      [2061] aload_0 v0
      [2062] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [2065] getfield #47
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [2068] invokevirtual #113
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.flush ()V]
      [2071] goto +36 (target=2107)
      [2074] astore v5
      [2076] ldc #5
        + String [ConnectBot.OnKeyListener]
      [2078] ldc #11
        + String [Our transport was closed, dispatching disconnect event]
      [2080] invokestatic #70
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [2083] pop
      [2084] aload_0 v0
      [2085] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [2088] iconst_0
      [2089] invokevirtual #99
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.dispatchDisconnect (Z)V]
      [2092] goto +15 (target=2107)
      [2095] astore v4
      [2097] ldc #5
        + String [ConnectBot.OnKeyListener]
      [2099] ldc #10
        + String [Input before connection established ignored.]
      [2101] invokestatic #70
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [2104] pop
      [2105] iconst_1
      [2106] ireturn
      [2107] iconst_0
      [2108] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 81):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 36: 2049):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (38 -> 58: 2049):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (60 -> 111: 2049):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (113 -> 154: 2049):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (156 -> 207: 2049):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (209 -> 250: 2049):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (254 -> 267: 2049):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (269 -> 282: 2049):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (284 -> 304: 2049):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (306 -> 350: 2049):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (352 -> 441: 2049):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (443 -> 532: 2049):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (534 -> 638: 2049):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (640 -> 675: 2049):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (677 -> 729: 2049):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (731 -> 805: 2049):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (807 -> 843: 2049):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (845 -> 919: 2049):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (921 -> 933: 2049):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (935 -> 941: 2049):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (943 -> 948: 2049):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (950 -> 1007: 2049):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (1009 -> 1021: 2049):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (1023 -> 1029: 2049):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (1031 -> 1036: 2049):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (1038 -> 1077: 2049):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (1079 -> 1085: 2049):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (1087 -> 1208: 2049):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (1210 -> 1222: 2049):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (1224 -> 1399: 2049):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (1401 -> 1427: 2049):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (1429 -> 1520: 2049):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (1522 -> 1613: 2049):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (1615 -> 1706: 2049):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (1708 -> 1799: 2049):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (1801 -> 1829: 2049):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (1831 -> 1941: 2049):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (1943 -> 1988: 2049):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (1990 -> 2035: 2049):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (2037 -> 2044: 2049):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (2061 -> 2071: 2074):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 36: 2095):
      + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
      + ExceptionInfo (38 -> 58: 2095):
      + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
      + ExceptionInfo (60 -> 111: 2095):
      + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
      + ExceptionInfo (113 -> 154: 2095):
      + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
      + ExceptionInfo (156 -> 207: 2095):
      + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
      + ExceptionInfo (209 -> 250: 2095):
      + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
      + ExceptionInfo (254 -> 267: 2095):
      + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
      + ExceptionInfo (269 -> 282: 2095):
      + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
      + ExceptionInfo (284 -> 304: 2095):
      + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
      + ExceptionInfo (306 -> 350: 2095):
      + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
      + ExceptionInfo (352 -> 441: 2095):
      + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
      + ExceptionInfo (443 -> 532: 2095):
      + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
      + ExceptionInfo (534 -> 638: 2095):
      + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
      + ExceptionInfo (640 -> 675: 2095):
      + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
      + ExceptionInfo (677 -> 729: 2095):
      + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
      + ExceptionInfo (731 -> 805: 2095):
      + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
      + ExceptionInfo (807 -> 843: 2095):
      + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
      + ExceptionInfo (845 -> 919: 2095):
      + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
      + ExceptionInfo (921 -> 933: 2095):
      + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
      + ExceptionInfo (935 -> 941: 2095):
      + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
      + ExceptionInfo (943 -> 948: 2095):
      + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
      + ExceptionInfo (950 -> 1007: 2095):
      + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
      + ExceptionInfo (1009 -> 1021: 2095):
      + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
      + ExceptionInfo (1023 -> 1029: 2095):
      + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
      + ExceptionInfo (1031 -> 1036: 2095):
      + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
      + ExceptionInfo (1038 -> 1077: 2095):
      + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
      + ExceptionInfo (1079 -> 1085: 2095):
      + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
      + ExceptionInfo (1087 -> 1208: 2095):
      + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
      + ExceptionInfo (1210 -> 1222: 2095):
      + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
      + ExceptionInfo (1224 -> 1399: 2095):
      + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
      + ExceptionInfo (1401 -> 1427: 2095):
      + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
      + ExceptionInfo (1429 -> 1520: 2095):
      + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
      + ExceptionInfo (1522 -> 1613: 2095):
      + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
      + ExceptionInfo (1615 -> 1706: 2095):
      + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
      + ExceptionInfo (1708 -> 1799: 2095):
      + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
      + ExceptionInfo (1801 -> 1829: 2095):
      + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
      + ExceptionInfo (1831 -> 1941: 2095):
      + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
      + ExceptionInfo (1943 -> 1988: 2095):
      + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
      + ExceptionInfo (1990 -> 2035: 2095):
      + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
      + ExceptionInfo (2037 -> 2044: 2095):
      + Class [java/lang/NullPointerException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 257)
        [0] -> line 126
        [9] -> line 129
        [17] -> line 131
        [36] -> line 132
        [38] -> line 135
        [58] -> line 136
        [60] -> line 138
        [72] -> line 139
        [78] -> line 140
        [88] -> line 141
        [99] -> line 142
        [111] -> line 143
        [113] -> line 144
        [119] -> line 145
        [130] -> line 146
        [142] -> line 147
        [154] -> line 148
        [156] -> line 150
        [168] -> line 151
        [174] -> line 152
        [184] -> line 153
        [195] -> line 154
        [207] -> line 155
        [209] -> line 156
        [215] -> line 157
        [226] -> line 158
        [238] -> line 159
        [250] -> line 160
        [252] -> line 164
        [254] -> line 168
        [260] -> line 169
        [267] -> line 170
        [269] -> line 171
        [275] -> line 172
        [282] -> line 173
        [284] -> line 177
        [304] -> line 178
        [306] -> line 180
        [313] -> line 182
        [317] -> line 183
        [325] -> line 184
        [338] -> line 185
        [350] -> line 186
        [352] -> line 189
        [358] -> line 190
        [362] -> line 192
        [372] -> line 193
        [378] -> line 196
        [388] -> line 197
        [394] -> line 200
        [402] -> line 202
        [409] -> line 203
        [421] -> line 204
        [424] -> line 207
        [432] -> line 208
        [441] -> line 209
        [443] -> line 212
        [450] -> line 213
        [460] -> line 214
        [465] -> line 217
        [483] -> line 220
        [495] -> line 221
        [506] -> line 222
        [512] -> line 223
        [520] -> line 224
        [525] -> line 225
        [532] -> line 227
        [534] -> line 232
        [539] -> line 233
        [551] -> line 236
        [557] -> line 237
        [568] -> line 238
        [577] -> line 239
        [584] -> line 242
        [593] -> line 243
        [604] -> line 244
        [611] -> line 248
        [630] -> line 249
        [638] -> line 250
        [640] -> line 252
        [648] -> line 256
        [660] -> line 257
        [667] -> line 258
        [675] -> line 259
        [677] -> line 261
        [685] -> line 262
        [700] -> line 265
        [719] -> line 266
        [726] -> line 265
        [729] -> line 268
        [731] -> line 272
        [743] -> line 273
        [750] -> line 274
        [754] -> line 275
        [757] -> line 276
        [760] -> line 277
        [765] -> line 278
        [774] -> line 279
        [782] -> line 280
        [789] -> line 281
        [792] -> line 283
        [805] -> line 284
        [807] -> line 285
        [814] -> line 286
        [817] -> line 287
        [821] -> line 289
        [831] -> line 290
        [843] -> line 291
        [845] -> line 296
        [857] -> line 297
        [864] -> line 298
        [876] -> line 299
        [908] -> line 301
        [919] -> line 302
        [921] -> line 304
        [933] -> line 305
        [935] -> line 307
        [941] -> line 308
        [943] -> line 310
        [948] -> line 311
        [950] -> line 312
        [953] -> line 313
        [965] -> line 314
        [996] -> line 316
        [1007] -> line 317
        [1009] -> line 319
        [1021] -> line 320
        [1023] -> line 322
        [1029] -> line 323
        [1031] -> line 325
        [1036] -> line 326
        [1038] -> line 327
        [1041] -> line 329
        [1072] -> line 332
        [1077] -> line 333
        [1079] -> line 336
        [1085] -> line 337
        [1087] -> line 343
        [1204] -> line 345
        [1208] -> line 346
        [1210] -> line 348
        [1222] -> line 349
        [1224] -> line 353
        [1231] -> line 354
        [1233] -> line 355
        [1235] -> line 353
        [1242] -> line 356
        [1252] -> line 357
        [1263] -> line 358
        [1278] -> line 359
        [1288] -> line 360
        [1302] -> line 361
        [1312] -> line 362
        [1330] -> line 363
        [1340] -> line 364
        [1355] -> line 365
        [1367] -> line 368
        [1370] -> line 371
        [1381] -> line 372
        [1385] -> line 371
        [1388] -> line 373
        [1399] -> line 374
        [1401] -> line 376
        [1416] -> line 377
        [1427] -> line 378
        [1429] -> line 381
        [1436] -> line 382
        [1443] -> line 383
        [1453] -> line 385
        [1463] -> line 386
        [1474] -> line 387
        [1478] -> line 386
        [1484] -> line 389
        [1495] -> line 390
        [1499] -> line 389
        [1502] -> line 392
        [1513] -> line 393
        [1520] -> line 395
        [1522] -> line 398
        [1529] -> line 399
        [1536] -> line 400
        [1546] -> line 402
        [1556] -> line 403
        [1567] -> line 404
        [1571] -> line 403
        [1577] -> line 406
        [1588] -> line 407
        [1592] -> line 406
        [1595] -> line 409
        [1606] -> line 410
        [1613] -> line 412
        [1615] -> line 415
        [1622] -> line 416
        [1629] -> line 417
        [1639] -> line 419
        [1649] -> line 420
        [1660] -> line 421
        [1664] -> line 420
        [1670] -> line 423
        [1681] -> line 424
        [1685] -> line 423
        [1688] -> line 426
        [1699] -> line 427
        [1706] -> line 429
        [1708] -> line 432
        [1715] -> line 433
        [1722] -> line 434
        [1732] -> line 436
        [1742] -> line 437
        [1753] -> line 438
        [1757] -> line 437
        [1763] -> line 440
        [1774] -> line 441
        [1778] -> line 440
        [1781] -> line 443
        [1792] -> line 444
        [1799] -> line 446
        [1801] -> line 450
        [1822] -> line 451
        [1829] -> line 452
        [1831] -> line 454
        [1838] -> line 455
        [1848] -> line 456
        [1858] -> line 458
        [1865] -> line 460
        [1878] -> line 462
        [1887] -> line 468
        [1892] -> line 469
        [1902] -> line 473
        [1911] -> line 474
        [1915] -> line 475
        [1929] -> line 477
        [1934] -> line 480
        [1941] -> line 482
        [1943] -> line 485
        [1958] -> line 486
        [1970] -> line 487
        [1981] -> line 488
        [1988] -> line 489
        [1990] -> line 493
        [2005] -> line 494
        [2017] -> line 495
        [2028] -> line 496
        [2035] -> line 497
        [2037] -> line 500
        [2044] -> line 501
        [2046] -> line 502
        [2049] -> line 504
        [2051] -> line 505
        [2061] -> line 507
        [2074] -> line 508
        [2076] -> line 509
        [2084] -> line 510
        [2095] -> line 512
        [2097] -> line 513
        [2105] -> line 514
        [2107] -> line 517
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 20)
        v0: 0 -> 2109 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener; this]
        v1: 0 -> 2109 [Landroid/view/View; v]
        v2: 0 -> 2109 [I keyCode]
        v3: 0 -> 2109 [Landroid/view/KeyEvent; event]
        v4: 9 -> 2049 [Z hardKeyboardHidden]
        v5: 338 -> 352 [[B input]
        v5: 358 -> 2049 [I curMetaState]
        v6: 362 -> 2049 [I orgMetaState]
        v7: 402 -> 2049 [I key]
        v8: 483 -> 2049 [Z printing]
        v9: 557 -> 731 [I lastMetaState]
        v9: 750 -> 845 [I k]
        v10: 754 -> 845 [I k0]
        v11: 757 -> 845 [Z sendCtrl]
        v12: 760 -> 845 [Z sendMeta]
        v9: 1242 -> 1370 [Ljava/lang/String; camera]
        v10: 1878 -> 1899 [Ljava/lang/String; copiedText]
        v4: 2051 -> 2092 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]
        v5: 2076 -> 2092 [Ljava/io/IOException; ioe]
        v4: 2097 -> 2107 [Ljava/lang/NullPointerException; npe]
  + Method:       keyAsControl(I)I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int keyAsControl(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 58, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] iload_1 v1
      [1] bipush 97
      [3] ificmplt +15 (target=18)
      [6] iload_1 v1
      [7] bipush 122
      [9] ificmpgt +9 (target=18)
      [12] iinc v1, -96
      [15] goto +41 (target=56)
      [18] iload_1 v1
      [19] bipush 65
      [21] ificmplt +15 (target=36)
      [24] iload_1 v1
      [25] bipush 95
      [27] ificmpgt +9 (target=36)
      [30] iinc v1, -64
      [33] goto +23 (target=56)
      [36] iload_1 v1
      [37] bipush 32
      [39] ificmpne +8 (target=47)
      [42] iconst_0
      [43] istore_1 v1
      [44] goto +12 (target=56)
      [47] iload_1 v1
      [48] bipush 63
      [50] ificmpne +6 (target=56)
      [53] bipush 127
      [55] istore_1 v1
      [56] iload_1 v1
      [57] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 522
        [12] -> line 523
        [18] -> line 525
        [30] -> line 526
        [36] -> line 528
        [42] -> line 529
        [47] -> line 531
        [53] -> line 532
        [56] -> line 533
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 58 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener; this]
        v1: 0 -> 58 [I key]
  + Method:       sendEscape()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void sendEscape()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 16, locals = 1, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [4] checkcast #34
        + Class [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
      [7] bipush 43
      [9] bipush 32
      [11] iconst_0
      [12] invokevirtual #83
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.keyTyped (ICI)V]
      [15] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 537
        [15] -> line 538
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 16 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener; this]
  + Method:       sendFunctionKey(I)Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean sendFunctionKey(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 224, locals = 2, stack = 4):
      [0] iload_1 v1
      [1] tableswitch (10 offsets, default=221) (target=222)
        7: offset = 204, target = 205
        8: offset = 55, target = 56
        9: offset = 71, target = 72
        10: offset = 87, target = 88
        11: offset = 103, target = 104
        12: offset = 119, target = 120
        13: offset = 136, target = 137
        14: offset = 153, target = 154
        15: offset = 170, target = 171
        16: offset = 187, target = 188
        default: offset = 221, target = 222
      [56] aload_0 v0
      [57] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [60] checkcast #34
        + Class [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
      [63] iconst_2
      [64] bipush 32
      [66] iconst_0
      [67] invokevirtual #82
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.keyPressed (ICI)V]
      [70] iconst_1
      [71] ireturn
      [72] aload_0 v0
      [73] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [76] checkcast #34
        + Class [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
      [79] iconst_3
      [80] bipush 32
      [82] iconst_0
      [83] invokevirtual #82
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.keyPressed (ICI)V]
      [86] iconst_1
      [87] ireturn
      [88] aload_0 v0
      [89] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [92] checkcast #34
        + Class [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
      [95] iconst_4
      [96] bipush 32
      [98] iconst_0
      [99] invokevirtual #82
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.keyPressed (ICI)V]
      [102] iconst_1
      [103] ireturn
      [104] aload_0 v0
      [105] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [108] checkcast #34
        + Class [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
      [111] iconst_5
      [112] bipush 32
      [114] iconst_0
      [115] invokevirtual #82
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.keyPressed (ICI)V]
      [118] iconst_1
      [119] ireturn
      [120] aload_0 v0
      [121] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [124] checkcast #34
        + Class [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
      [127] bipush 6
      [129] bipush 32
      [131] iconst_0
      [132] invokevirtual #82
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.keyPressed (ICI)V]
      [135] iconst_1
      [136] ireturn
      [137] aload_0 v0
      [138] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [141] checkcast #34
        + Class [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
      [144] bipush 7
      [146] bipush 32
      [148] iconst_0
      [149] invokevirtual #82
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.keyPressed (ICI)V]
      [152] iconst_1
      [153] ireturn
      [154] aload_0 v0
      [155] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [158] checkcast #34
        + Class [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
      [161] bipush 8
      [163] bipush 32
      [165] iconst_0
      [166] invokevirtual #82
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.keyPressed (ICI)V]
      [169] iconst_1
      [170] ireturn
      [171] aload_0 v0
      [172] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [175] checkcast #34
        + Class [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
      [178] bipush 9
      [180] bipush 32
      [182] iconst_0
      [183] invokevirtual #82
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.keyPressed (ICI)V]
      [186] iconst_1
      [187] ireturn
      [188] aload_0 v0
      [189] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [192] checkcast #34
        + Class [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
      [195] bipush 10
      [197] bipush 32
      [199] iconst_0
      [200] invokevirtual #82
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.keyPressed (ICI)V]
      [203] iconst_1
      [204] ireturn
      [205] aload_0 v0
      [206] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.buffer Lde/mud/terminal/VDUBuffer;]
      [209] checkcast #34
        + Class [de/mud/terminal/vt320]
      [212] bipush 11
      [214] bipush 32
      [216] iconst_0
      [217] invokevirtual #82
        + Methodref [de/mud/terminal/vt320.keyPressed (ICI)V]
      [220] iconst_1
      [221] ireturn
      [222] iconst_0
      [223] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 22)
        [0] -> line 545
        [56] -> line 547
        [70] -> line 548
        [72] -> line 550
        [86] -> line 551
        [88] -> line 553
        [102] -> line 554
        [104] -> line 556
        [118] -> line 557
        [120] -> line 559
        [135] -> line 560
        [137] -> line 562
        [152] -> line 563
        [154] -> line 565
        [169] -> line 566
        [171] -> line 568
        [186] -> line 569
        [188] -> line 571
        [203] -> line 572
        [205] -> line 574
        [220] -> line 575
        [222] -> line 577
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 224 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener; this]
        v1: 0 -> 224 [I keyCode]
  + Method:       metaPress(I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void metaPress(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 82, locals = 2, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [4] iload_1 v1
      [5] iconst_1
      [6] ishl
      [7] iand
      [8] ifeq +20 (target=28)
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] dup
      [13] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [16] iload_1 v1
      [17] iconst_1
      [18] ishl
      [19] iconst_m1
      [20] ixor
      [21] iand
      [22] putfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [25] goto +49 (target=74)
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [32] iload_1 v1
      [33] iand
      [34] ifeq +30 (target=64)
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] dup
      [39] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [42] iload_1 v1
      [43] iconst_m1
      [44] ixor
      [45] iand
      [46] putfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [49] aload_0 v0
      [50] dup
      [51] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [54] iload_1 v1
      [55] iconst_1
      [56] ishl
      [57] ior
      [58] putfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [61] goto +13 (target=74)
      [64] aload_0 v0
      [65] dup
      [66] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [69] iload_1 v1
      [70] ior
      [71] putfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [74] aload_0 v0
      [75] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [78] invokevirtual #102
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.redraw ()V]
      [81] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 591
        [11] -> line 592
        [28] -> line 593
        [37] -> line 594
        [49] -> line 595
        [64] -> line 597
        [74] -> line 598
        [81] -> line 599
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 82 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener; this]
        v1: 0 -> 82 [I code]
  + Method:       getStateForBuffer()I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int getStateForBuffer()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 48, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] iconst_0
      [1] istore_1 v1
      [2] aload_0 v0
      [3] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [6] iconst_3
      [7] iand
      [8] ifeq +8 (target=16)
      [11] iload_1 v1
      [12] bipush 28
      [14] ior
      [15] istore_1 v1
      [16] aload_0 v0
      [17] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [20] bipush 48
      [22] iand
      [23] ifeq +8 (target=31)
      [26] iload_1 v1
      [27] bipush 27
      [29] ior
      [30] istore_1 v1
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [35] bipush 12
      [37] iand
      [38] ifeq +8 (target=46)
      [41] iload_1 v1
      [42] bipush 29
      [44] ior
      [45] istore_1 v1
      [46] iload_1 v1
      [47] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 606
        [2] -> line 608
        [11] -> line 609
        [16] -> line 610
        [26] -> line 611
        [31] -> line 612
        [41] -> line 613
        [46] -> line 615
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 48 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener; this]
        v1: 2 -> 48 [I bufferState]
  + Method:       getMetaState()I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int getMetaState()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #57
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.metaState I]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 619
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener; this]
  + Method:       getDeadKey()I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int getDeadKey()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #55
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.mDeadKey I]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 623
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener; this]
  + Method:       setClipboardManager(Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setClipboardManager(android.text.ClipboardManager)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #51
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.clipboard Landroid/text/ClipboardManager;]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 627
        [5] -> line 628
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [Landroid/text/ClipboardManager; clipboard]
  + Method:       onSharedPreferenceChanged(Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onSharedPreferenceChanged(android.content.SharedPreferences,java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 14, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] ldc #16
        + String [keymode]
      [2] aload_2 v2
      [3] invokevirtual #87
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [6] ifeq +7 (target=13)
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] invokespecial #111
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.updateKeymode ()V]
      [13] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 632
        [9] -> line 633
        [13] -> line 635
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 14 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener; this]
        v1: 0 -> 14 [Landroid/content/SharedPreferences; sharedPreferences]
        v2: 0 -> 14 [Ljava/lang/String; key]
  + Method:       updateKeymode()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void updateKeymode()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 18, locals = 1, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_0 v0
      [2] getfield #58
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.prefs Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
      [5] ldc #16
        + String [keymode]
      [7] ldc #14
        + String [Use right-side keys]
      [9] invokeinterface #117
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.getString (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [14] putfield #54
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.keymode Ljava/lang/String;]
      [17] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 638
        [17] -> line 639
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 18 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener; this]
  + Method:       setCharset(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setCharset(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #52
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.encoding Ljava/lang/String;]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 642
        [5] -> line 643
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [Ljava/lang/String; encoding]
  + Method:       showCharPickerDialog(Landroid/view/View;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean showCharPickerDialog(android.view.View)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 59, locals = 6, stack = 9):
      [0] ldc #4
        + String []
      [2] astore_2 v2
      [3] invokestatic #67
        + Methodref [android/text/Editable$Factory.getInstance ()Landroid/text/Editable$Factory;]
      [6] aload_2 v2
      [7] invokevirtual #68
        + Methodref [android/text/Editable$Factory.newEditable (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/text/Editable;]
      [10] astore_3 v3
      [11] getstatic #48
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.PICKER_SETS Landroid/util/SparseArray;]
      [14] ldc #2
        + Integer [61185]
      [16] invokevirtual #73
        + Methodref [android/util/SparseArray.get (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [19] checkcast #39
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [22] astore v4
      [24] aload v4
      [26] ifnonnull +5 (target=31)
      [29] iconst_0
      [30] ireturn
      [31] new #43
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener$1]
      [34] dup
      [35] aload_0 v0
      [36] aload_1 v1
      [37] invokevirtual #81
        + Methodref [android/view/View.getContext ()Landroid/content/Context;]
      [40] aload_1 v1
      [41] aload_3 v3
      [42] aload v4
      [44] iconst_1
      [45] aload v4
      [47] invokespecial #112
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/text/Editable;Ljava/lang/String;ZLjava/lang/String;)V]
      [50] astore v5
      [52] aload v5
      [54] invokevirtual #69
        + Methodref [android/text/method/ ()V]
      [57] iconst_1
      [58] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 646
        [3] -> line 647
        [11] -> line 649
        [24] -> line 650
        [31] -> line 652
        [52] -> line 687
        [57] -> line 688
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 59 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener; this]
        v1: 0 -> 59 [Landroid/view/View; v]
        v2: 3 -> 59 [Ljava/lang/CharSequence; str]
        v3: 11 -> 59 [Landroid/text/Editable; content]
        v4: 24 -> 59 [Ljava/lang/String; set]
        v5: 52 -> 59 [Landroid/text/method/CharacterPickerDialog; cpd]
  + Method:       access$0(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge access$0(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalKeyListener)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 73
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 4)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/content/SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener]
      + Class [android/content/SharedPreferences]
      + Utf8 [OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x9 = public static 
      + Class [android/text/Editable$Factory]
      + Class [android/text/Editable]
      + Utf8 [Factory]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/view/View$OnKeyListener]
      + Class [android/view/View]
      + Utf8 [OnKeyListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener$1]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener$1
  Superclass:    android/text/method/CharacterPickerDialog
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalKeyListener$1 extends android.text.method.CharacterPickerDialog

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 124):
  + String [ConnectBot.OnKeyListener]
  + String [Problem with the CharacterPickerDialog]
  + Class [android/text/method/CharacterPickerDialog]
  + Class [android/util/Log]
  + Class [android/widget/Button]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/lang/CharSequence]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener$1]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener$1.val$set Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/text/method/CharacterPickerDialog.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/text/Editable;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
  + Methodref [android/text/method/CharacterPickerDialog.onKeyDown (ILandroid/view/KeyEvent;)Z]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Methodref [android/widget/Button.getText ()Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.charAt (I)C]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.getBytes ()[B]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (C)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener$1.dismiss ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener$1.writeCharAndClose (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.write ([B)V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/lang/CharSequence.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/text/Editable;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
  + NameAndType [access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [charAt (I)C]
  + NameAndType [dismiss ()V]
  + NameAndType [e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + NameAndType [getBytes ()[B]
  + NameAndType [getText ()Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + NameAndType [onKeyDown (ILandroid/view/KeyEvent;)Z]
  + NameAndType [showCharPickerDialog (Landroid/view/View;)Z]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
  + NameAndType [val$set Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (C)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [write ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [writeCharAndClose (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Utf8 [$anonymous0]
  + Utf8 [$anonymous1]
  + Utf8 [$anonymous2]
  + Utf8 [$anonymous3]
  + Utf8 [$anonymous4]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [(C)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(I)C]
  + Utf8 [(ILandroid/view/KeyEvent;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/text/Editable;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/AdapterView;Landroid/view/View;IJ)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/text/Editable;Ljava/lang/String;ZLjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ConnectBot.OnKeyListener]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [J]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/Context;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/text/Editable;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/KeyEvent;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/IOException;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener$1;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
  + Utf8 [Problem with the CharacterPickerDialog]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [android/text/method/CharacterPickerDialog]
  + Utf8 [android/util/Log]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/Button]
  + Utf8 [charAt]
  + Utf8 [dismiss]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [event]
  + Utf8 [getBytes]
  + Utf8 [getText]
  + Utf8 [id]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/CharSequence]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [keyCode]
  + Utf8 [onClick]
  + Utf8 [onItemClick]
  + Utf8 [onKeyDown]
  + Utf8 [p]
  + Utf8 [pos]
  + Utf8 [result]
  + Utf8 [showCharPickerDialog]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener$1]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [transport]
  + Utf8 [v]
  + Utf8 [val$set]
  + Utf8 [valueOf]
  + Utf8 [write]
  + Utf8 [writeCharAndClose]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalKeyListener this$0
  + Field:        val$set Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic java.lang.String val$set

Methods (count = 5):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/text/Editable;Ljava/lang/String;ZLjava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = TerminalKeyListener$1(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalKeyListener,android.content.Context,android.view.View,android.text.Editable,java.lang.String,boolean,java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 24, locals = 8, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload v7
      [8] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener$1.val$set Ljava/lang/String;]
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] aload_2 v2
      [13] aload_3 v3
      [14] aload v4
      [16] aload v5
      [18] iload v6
      [20] invokespecial #16
        + Methodref [android/text/method/CharacterPickerDialog.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/view/View;Landroid/text/Editable;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
      [23] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [11] -> line 652
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 24 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener$1; this]
        v2: 0 -> 24 [Landroid/content/Context; $anonymous0]
        v3: 0 -> 24 [Landroid/view/View; $anonymous1]
        v4: 0 -> 24 [Landroid/text/Editable; $anonymous2]
        v5: 0 -> 24 [Ljava/lang/String; $anonymous3]
        v6: 0 -> 24 [Z $anonymous4]
  + Method:       writeCharAndClose(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void writeCharAndClose(java.lang.CharSequence)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 40, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;]
      [4] invokestatic #23
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [7] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.transport Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [10] aload_1 v1
      [11] invokeinterface #27
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/lang/CharSequence.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [16] invokevirtual #21
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.getBytes ()[B]
      [19] invokevirtual #26
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.write ([B)V]
      [22] goto +13 (target=35)
      [25] astore_2 v2
      [26] ldc #1
        + String [ConnectBot.OnKeyListener]
      [28] ldc #2
        + String [Problem with the CharacterPickerDialog]
      [30] aload_2 v2
      [31] invokestatic #18
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [34] pop
      [35] aload_0 v0
      [36] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener$1.dismiss ()V]
      [39] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 22: 25):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 655
        [25] -> line 656
        [26] -> line 657
        [35] -> line 659
        [39] -> line 660
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 40 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener$1; this]
        v1: 0 -> 40 [Ljava/lang/CharSequence; result]
        v2: 26 -> 35 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]
  + Method:       onItemClick(Landroid/widget/AdapterView;Landroid/view/View;IJ)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onItemClick(android.widget.AdapterView,android.view.View,int,long)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 20, locals = 7, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener$1.val$set Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4] iload_3 v3
      [5] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.charAt (I)C]
      [8] invokestatic #22
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (C)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [11] astore v6
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] aload v6
      [16] invokespecial #25
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener$1.writeCharAndClose (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [19] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 664
        [13] -> line 665
        [19] -> line 666
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 20 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener$1; this]
        v1: 0 -> 20 [Landroid/widget/AdapterView; p]
        v2: 0 -> 20 [Landroid/view/View; v]
        v3: 0 -> 20 [I pos]
        v4: 0 -> 20 [J id]
        v6: 13 -> 20 [Ljava/lang/String; result]
  + Method:       onClick(Landroid/view/View;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onClick(android.view.View)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 25, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] instanceof #5
        + Class [android/widget/Button]
      [4] ifeq +16 (target=20)
      [7] aload_1 v1
      [8] checkcast #5
        + Class [android/widget/Button]
      [11] invokevirtual #19
        + Methodref [android/widget/Button.getText ()Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
      [14] astore_2 v2
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] aload_2 v2
      [17] invokespecial #25
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener$1.writeCharAndClose (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener$1.dismiss ()V]
      [24] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 670
        [7] -> line 671
        [15] -> line 672
        [20] -> line 674
        [24] -> line 675
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 25 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener$1; this]
        v1: 0 -> 25 [Landroid/view/View; v]
        v2: 15 -> 20 [Ljava/lang/CharSequence; result]
  + Method:       onKeyDown(ILandroid/view/KeyEvent;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean onKeyDown(int,android.view.KeyEvent)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 25, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] iload_1 v1
      [1] bipush 63
      [3] ificmpeq +9 (target=12)
      [6] iload_1 v1
      [7] bipush 94
      [9] ificmpne +9 (target=18)
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener$1.dismiss ()V]
      [16] iconst_1
      [17] ireturn
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] iload_1 v1
      [20] aload_2 v2
      [21] invokespecial #17
        + Methodref [android/text/method/CharacterPickerDialog.onKeyDown (ILandroid/view/KeyEvent;)Z]
      [24] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 679
        [12] -> line 680
        [16] -> line 681
        [18] -> line 683
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 25 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener$1; this]
        v1: 0 -> 25 [I keyCode]
        v2: 0 -> 25 [Landroid/view/KeyEvent; event]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener]
    + NameAndType [showCharPickerDialog (Landroid/view/View;)Z]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalKeyListener$1]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager
  Superclass:    android/app/Service
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalManager extends

Interfaces (count = 2):
  + Class [android/content/SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BridgeDisconnectedListener]

Constant Pool (count = 749):
  + Integer [2131099648]
  + Float [0.25]
  + String [140]
  + String [Added key '%s' to in-memory cache]
  + String [ConnectBot.TerminalManager]
  + String [Connection already open for that nickname]
  + String [Destroying service]
  + String [Disconnector]
  + String [Error setting up bell media player]
  + String [Problem adding key '%s' to in-memory cache]
  + String [Reconnector]
  + String [Removed key '%s' to in-memory cache]
  + String [Someone bound to TerminalManager]
  + String [Someone rebound to TerminalManager]
  + String [Someone unbound from TerminalManager]
  + String [Starting service]
  + String [Stopping service immediately]
  + String [bell]
  + String [bellNotification]
  + String [bellVibrate]
  + String [bellVolume]
  + String [bumpyarrows]
  + String [connPersist]
  + String [emulation]
  + String [idleTimer]
  + String [memkeys]
  + String [pubkeyTimer]
  + String [screen]
  + String [scrollback]
  + String [vibrator]
  + String [wifilock]
  + Class [[Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Class [android/app/Service]
  + Class [android/content/Intent]
  + Class [android/content/SharedPreferences]
  + Class [android/content/SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener]
  + Class [android/content/res/AssetFileDescriptor]
  + Class [android/content/res/Configuration]
  + Class [android/content/res/Resources]
  + Class [android/media/MediaPlayer]
  + Class [android/media/MediaPlayer$OnCompletionListener]
  + Class [android/net/Uri]
  + Class [android/os/Message]
  + Class [android/os/Vibrator]
  + Class [android/preference/PreferenceManager]
  + Class [android/util/Log]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Class [java/lang/Integer]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/Thread]
  + Class [java/lang/ref/WeakReference]
  + Class [java/util/Arrays]
  + Class [java/util/HashMap]
  + Class [java/util/Iterator]
  + Class [java/util/LinkedList]
  + Class [java/util/List]
  + Class [java/util/Map]
  + Class [java/util/Map$Entry]
  + Class [java/util/Set]
  + Class [java/util/Timer]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BridgeDisconnectedListener]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$1]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$2]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$3]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$BeepListener]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$IdleTask]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/TransportFactory]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils]
  + Long [30]
  + Long [300000]
  + Fieldref [android/content/res/Configuration.hardKeyboardHidden I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.IDLE_TIMEOUT J]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.binder Landroid/os/IBinder;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.bridges Ljava/util/List;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.connectivityManager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.defaultBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.disconnectHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.disconnected Ljava/util/List;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.hardKeyboardHidden Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.idleTimer Ljava/util/Timer;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.loadedKeypairs Ljava/util/Map;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.mHostBridgeMap Ljava/util/Map;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.mNicknameBridgeMap Ljava/util/Map;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.mPendingReconnect Ljava/util/List;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.mediaPlayer Landroid/media/MediaPlayer;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.prefs Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.pubkeyTimer Ljava/util/Timer;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.resizeAllowed Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.savingKeys Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.vibrator Landroid/os/Vibrator;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.wantBellVibration Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.wantKeyVibration Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder.bean Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder.openSSHPubkey [B]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder.trileadKey Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [android/app/Service.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [android/app/Service.onRebind (Landroid/content/Intent;)V]
  + Methodref [android/content/Intent.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
  + Methodref [android/content/res/AssetFileDescriptor.close ()V]
  + Methodref [android/content/res/AssetFileDescriptor.getFileDescriptor ()Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;]
  + Methodref [android/content/res/AssetFileDescriptor.getLength ()J]
  + Methodref [android/content/res/AssetFileDescriptor.getStartOffset ()J]
  + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getConfiguration ()Landroid/content/res/Configuration;]
  + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.openRawResourceFd (I)Landroid/content/res/AssetFileDescriptor;]
  + Methodref [android/media/MediaPlayer.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [android/media/MediaPlayer.prepare ()V]
  + Methodref [android/media/MediaPlayer.release ()V]
  + Methodref [android/media/MediaPlayer.setAudioStreamType (I)V]
  + Methodref [android/media/MediaPlayer.setDataSource (Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;JJ)V]
  + Methodref [android/media/MediaPlayer.setOnCompletionListener (Landroid/media/MediaPlayer$OnCompletionListener;)V]
  + Methodref [android/media/MediaPlayer.setVolume (FF)V]
  + Methodref [android/media/MediaPlayer.start ()V]
  + Methodref [android/net/Uri.getScheme ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/os/Message.obtain (Landroid/os/Handler;ILjava/lang/Object;)Landroid/os/Message;]
  + Methodref [android/os/Message.sendToTarget ()V]
  + Methodref [android/os/Vibrator.vibrate (J)V]
  + Methodref [android/preference/PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.i (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.parseInt (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.setName (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.start ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/ref/WeakReference.<init> (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/ref/WeakReference.get ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [java/util/Arrays.equals ([B[B)Z]
  + Methodref [java/util/HashMap.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/util/Timer.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
  + Methodref [java/util/Timer.cancel ()V]
  + Methodref [java/util/Timer.schedule (Ljava/util/TimerTask;J)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getLifetime ()I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getPrivateKey ()[B]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getPublicKey ()Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getType ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier.getInstance ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier.hideRunningNotification (Landroid/app/Service;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier.showActivityNotification (Landroid/app/Service;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier.showRunningNotification (Landroid/app/Service;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;Z)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.cleanup ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.decRef ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.incRef ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.isConnected ()Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.setWantWifiLock (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.dispatchDisconnect (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.isUsingNetwork ()Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.setOnDisconnectedListener (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BridgeDisconnectedListener;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.startConnection ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.addKey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.addKey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;Ljava/lang/Object;Z)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.disableMediaPlayer ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.disconnectAll (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.enableMediaPlayer ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.getConnectedBridge (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.getSystemService (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.openConnection (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.reconnectPending ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.removeKey (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.setResizeAllowed (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.startService (Landroid/content/Intent;)Landroid/content/ComponentName;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.stopIdleTimer ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.stopSelf ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.stopWithDelay ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.touchHost (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.updateSavingKeys ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.vibrate ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$2.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$3.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$BeepListener.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$BeepListener;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$IdleTask.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$IdleTask;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.createHost (Landroid/net/Uri;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/TransportFactory.findHost (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;Landroid/net/Uri;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/TransportFactory.getTransport (Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.close ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.touchHost (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.close ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.getAllStartPubkeys ()Ljava/util/List;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.convertToTrilead (Ljava/security/PrivateKey;Ljava/security/PublicKey;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.decodePrivate ([BLjava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.extractOpenSSHPublic (Ljava/lang/Object;)[B]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.getBoolean (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.getFloat (Ljava/lang/String;F)F]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.getString (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener (Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener;)V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Iterator.hasNext ()Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/ ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.clear ()V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.remove (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.size ()I]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.toArray ([Ljava/lang/Object;)[Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.containsKey (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.entrySet ()Ljava/util/Set;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.get (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.put (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.remove (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.size ()I]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map$Entry.getKey ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map$Entry.getValue ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Set.iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$BeepListener;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$IdleTask;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;Z)V]
  + NameAndType [IDLE_TIMEOUT J]
  + NameAndType [add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [addKey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + NameAndType [addKey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;Ljava/lang/Object;Z)V]
  + NameAndType [bean Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + NameAndType [binder Landroid/os/IBinder;]
  + NameAndType [bridges Ljava/util/List;]
  + NameAndType [cancel ()V]
  + NameAndType [cleanup ()V]
  + NameAndType [clear ()V]
  + NameAndType [close ()V]
  + NameAndType [connectivityManager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver;]
  + NameAndType [containsKey (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [convertToTrilead (Ljava/security/PrivateKey;Ljava/security/PublicKey;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [createHost (Landroid/net/Uri;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + NameAndType [d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + NameAndType [decRef ()V]
  + NameAndType [decodePrivate ([BLjava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
  + NameAndType [defaultBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [disableMediaPlayer ()V]
  + NameAndType [disconnectAll (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [disconnectHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + NameAndType [disconnected Ljava/util/List;]
  + NameAndType [dispatchDisconnect (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + NameAndType [enableMediaPlayer ()V]
  + NameAndType [entrySet ()Ljava/util/Set;]
  + NameAndType [equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [equals ([B[B)Z]
  + NameAndType [extractOpenSSHPublic (Ljava/lang/Object;)[B]
  + NameAndType [findHost (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;Landroid/net/Uri;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + NameAndType [format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [get ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [get (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [getAllStartPubkeys ()Ljava/util/List;]
  + NameAndType [getBoolean (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
  + NameAndType [getConfiguration ()Landroid/content/res/Configuration;]
  + NameAndType [getConnectedBridge (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [getDefaultSharedPreferences (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
  + NameAndType [getFileDescriptor ()Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;]
  + NameAndType [getFloat (Ljava/lang/String;F)F]
  + NameAndType [getInstance ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier;]
  + NameAndType [getKey ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [getLength ()J]
  + NameAndType [getLifetime ()I]
  + NameAndType [getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getPrivateKey ()[B]
  + NameAndType [getPublicKey ()Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
  + NameAndType [getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + NameAndType [getScheme ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getStartOffset ()J]
  + NameAndType [getString (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getSystemService (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [getTransport (Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
  + NameAndType [getType ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getValue ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [hardKeyboardHidden I]
  + NameAndType [hardKeyboardHidden Z]
  + NameAndType [hasNext ()Z]
  + NameAndType [hideRunningNotification (Landroid/app/Service;)V]
  + NameAndType [host Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + NameAndType [hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + NameAndType [i (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [idleTimer Ljava/util/Timer;]
  + NameAndType [incRef ()V]
  + NameAndType [isConnected ()Z]
  + NameAndType [isUsingNetwork ()Z]
  + NameAndType [iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
  + NameAndType [loadedKeypairs Ljava/util/Map;]
  + NameAndType [mHostBridgeMap Ljava/util/Map;]
  + NameAndType [mNicknameBridgeMap Ljava/util/Map;]
  + NameAndType [mPendingReconnect Ljava/util/List;]
  + NameAndType [mediaPlayer Landroid/media/MediaPlayer;]
  + NameAndType [next ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [obtain (Landroid/os/Handler;ILjava/lang/Object;)Landroid/os/Message;]
  + NameAndType [onRebind (Landroid/content/Intent;)V]
  + NameAndType [openConnection (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [openRawResourceFd (I)Landroid/content/res/AssetFileDescriptor;]
  + NameAndType [openSSHPubkey [B]
  + NameAndType [parseInt (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [prefs Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
  + NameAndType [prepare ()V]
  + NameAndType [pubkeyTimer Ljava/util/Timer;]
  + NameAndType [pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
  + NameAndType [put (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [reconnectPending ()V]
  + NameAndType [registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener (Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener;)V]
  + NameAndType [release ()V]
  + NameAndType [remove (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [remove (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [removeKey (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + NameAndType [res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + NameAndType [resizeAllowed Z]
  + NameAndType [savingKeys Z]
  + NameAndType [schedule (Ljava/util/TimerTask;J)V]
  + NameAndType [sendToTarget ()V]
  + NameAndType [setAudioStreamType (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setDataSource (Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;JJ)V]
  + NameAndType [setName (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [setOnCompletionListener (Landroid/media/MediaPlayer$OnCompletionListener;)V]
  + NameAndType [setOnDisconnectedListener (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BridgeDisconnectedListener;)V]
  + NameAndType [setResizeAllowed (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [setVolume (FF)V]
  + NameAndType [setWantWifiLock (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [showActivityNotification (Landroid/app/Service;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
  + NameAndType [showRunningNotification (Landroid/app/Service;)V]
  + NameAndType [size ()I]
  + NameAndType [start ()V]
  + NameAndType [startConnection ()V]
  + NameAndType [startService (Landroid/content/Intent;)Landroid/content/ComponentName;]
  + NameAndType [stopIdleTimer ()V]
  + NameAndType [stopSelf ()V]
  + NameAndType [stopWithDelay ()V]
  + NameAndType [toArray ([Ljava/lang/Object;)[Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [touchHost (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
  + NameAndType [trileadKey Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [updateSavingKeys ()V]
  + NameAndType [vibrate ()V]
  + NameAndType [vibrate (J)V]
  + NameAndType [vibrator Landroid/os/Vibrator;]
  + NameAndType [wantBellVibration Z]
  + NameAndType [wantKeyVibration Z]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()J]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/content/res/Configuration;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/List;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/Set;]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [(FF)V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Landroid/content/res/AssetFileDescriptor;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(J)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/app/Service;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/app/Service;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Intent;)Landroid/content/ComponentName;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Intent;)Landroid/os/IBinder;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Intent;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Intent;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Intent;II)I]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/media/MediaPlayer$OnCompletionListener;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/net/Uri;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/net/Uri;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Handler;ILjava/lang/Object;)Landroid/os/Message;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;JJ)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)[B]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;F)F]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/security/PrivateKey;Ljava/security/PublicKey;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/util/TimerTask;J)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;Ljava/lang/Object;Z)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BridgeDisconnectedListener;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$BeepListener;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$IdleTask;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;Z)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;Landroid/net/Uri;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [([B)Z]
  + Utf8 [([BLjava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
  + Utf8 [([B[B)Z]
  + Utf8 [([Ljava/lang/Object;)[Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [140]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Added key '%s' to in-memory cache]
  + Utf8 [BeepListener]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ConnectBot.TerminalManager]
  + Utf8 [Connection already open for that nickname]
  + Utf8 [ConstantValue]
  + Utf8 [Destroying service]
  + Utf8 [Disconnector]
  + Utf8 [Entry]
  + Utf8 [Error setting up bell media player]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [F]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [IdleTask]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [J]
  + Utf8 [KeyHolder]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/Intent;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/res/AssetFileDescriptor;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/media/MediaPlayer;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/Handler;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/IBinder;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/Vibrator;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/IOException;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Exception;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Thread;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/ref/WeakReference;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/ref/WeakReference<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;>;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List<Ljava/lang/ref/WeakReference<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;>;>;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;>;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;>;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;>;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Map$Entry;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Map$Entry<Ljava/lang/String;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder;>;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Map;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/ref/WeakReference<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;>;>;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder;>;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Map<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;Ljava/lang/ref/WeakReference<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;>;>;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Timer;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTypeTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
  + Utf8 [OnCompletionListener]
  + Utf8 [OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener]
  + Utf8 [Problem adding key '%s' to in-memory cache]
  + Utf8 [Reconnector]
  + Utf8 [Removed key '%s' to in-memory cache]
  + Utf8 [Signature]
  + Utf8 [Someone bound to TerminalManager]
  + Utf8 [Someone rebound to TerminalManager]
  + Utf8 [Someone unbound from TerminalManager]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Starting service]
  + Utf8 [Stopping service immediately]
  + Utf8 [TerminalBinder]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [[Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [access$1]
  + Utf8 [add]
  + Utf8 [addKey]
  + Utf8 [android/app/Service]
  + Utf8 [android/content/Intent]
  + Utf8 [android/content/SharedPreferences]
  + Utf8 [android/content/SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener]
  + Utf8 [android/content/res/AssetFileDescriptor]
  + Utf8 [android/content/res/Configuration]
  + Utf8 [android/content/res/Resources]
  + Utf8 [android/media/MediaPlayer]
  + Utf8 [android/media/MediaPlayer$OnCompletionListener]
  + Utf8 [android/net/Uri]
  + Utf8 [android/os/Message]
  + Utf8 [android/os/Vibrator]
  + Utf8 [android/preference/PreferenceManager]
  + Utf8 [android/util/Log]
  + Utf8 [bean]
  + Utf8 [bell]
  + Utf8 [bellNotification]
  + Utf8 [bellVibrate]
  + Utf8 [bellVolume]
  + Utf8 [binder]
  + Utf8 [bridge]
  + Utf8 [bridges]
  + Utf8 [bumpyarrows]
  + Utf8 [cancel]
  + Utf8 [cleanup]
  + Utf8 [clear]
  + Utf8 [close]
  + Utf8 [connPersist]
  + Utf8 [connectivityManager]
  + Utf8 [containsKey]
  + Utf8 [convertToTrilead]
  + Utf8 [createHost]
  + Utf8 [d]
  + Utf8 [decRef]
  + Utf8 [decodePrivate]
  + Utf8 [defaultBridge]
  + Utf8 [disableMediaPlayer]
  + Utf8 [disconnectAll]
  + Utf8 [disconnectHandler]
  + Utf8 [disconnected]
  + Utf8 [dispatchDisconnect]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [emulation]
  + Utf8 [enableMediaPlayer]
  + Utf8 [entry]
  + Utf8 [entrySet]
  + Utf8 [equals]
  + Utf8 [extractOpenSSHPublic]
  + Utf8 [file]
  + Utf8 [findHost]
  + Utf8 [flags]
  + Utf8 [force]
  + Utf8 [format]
  + Utf8 [get]
  + Utf8 [getAllStartPubkeys]
  + Utf8 [getBoolean]
  + Utf8 [getConfiguration]
  + Utf8 [getConnectedBridge]
  + Utf8 [getDefaultSharedPreferences]
  + Utf8 [getEmulation]
  + Utf8 [getFileDescriptor]
  + Utf8 [getFloat]
  + Utf8 [getInstance]
  + Utf8 [getKey]
  + Utf8 [getKeyNickname]
  + Utf8 [getLength]
  + Utf8 [getLifetime]
  + Utf8 [getNickname]
  + Utf8 [getPrivateKey]
  + Utf8 [getPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [getResources]
  + Utf8 [getScheme]
  + Utf8 [getScrollback]
  + Utf8 [getStartOffset]
  + Utf8 [getString]
  + Utf8 [getSystemService]
  + Utf8 [getTransport]
  + Utf8 [getType]
  + Utf8 [getValue]
  + Utf8 [hardKeyboardHidden]
  + Utf8 [hasNext]
  + Utf8 [hideRunningNotification]
  + Utf8 [host]
  + Utf8 [hostdb]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [idleTimer]
  + Utf8 [immediate]
  + Utf8 [incRef]
  + Utf8 [intent]
  + Utf8 [isConnected]
  + Utf8 [isKeyLoaded]
  + Utf8 [isResizeAllowed]
  + Utf8 [isUsingNetwork]
  + Utf8 [iterator]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Exception]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Integer]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Thread]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/ref/WeakReference]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Arrays]
  + Utf8 [java/util/HashMap]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Iterator]
  + Utf8 [java/util/LinkedList]
  + Utf8 [java/util/List]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Map]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Map$Entry]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Set]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Timer]
  + Utf8 [key]
  + Utf8 [keyHolder]
  + Utf8 [loadedKeypairs]
  + Utf8 [lockingWifi]
  + Utf8 [mHostBridgeMap]
  + Utf8 [mNicknameBridgeMap]
  + Utf8 [mPendingReconnect]
  + Utf8 [mediaPlayer]
  + Utf8 [memkeys]
  + Utf8 [next]
  + Utf8 [nickname]
  + Utf8 [obtain]
  + Utf8 [onBind]
  + Utf8 [onConnectivityLost]
  + Utf8 [onConnectivityRestored]
  + Utf8 [onCreate]
  + Utf8 [onDestroy]
  + Utf8 [onDisconnected]
  + Utf8 [onRebind]
  + Utf8 [onSharedPreferenceChanged]
  + Utf8 [onStartCommand]
  + Utf8 [onUnbind]
  + Utf8 [openConnection]
  + Utf8 [openRawResourceFd]
  + Utf8 [openSSHPubkey]
  + Utf8 [parseInt]
  + Utf8 [playBeep]
  + Utf8 [prefs]
  + Utf8 [prepare]
  + Utf8 [privKey]
  + Utf8 [pubKey]
  + Utf8 [pubkey]
  + Utf8 [pubkeyTimer]
  + Utf8 [pubkeydb]
  + Utf8 [pubkeys]
  + Utf8 [publicKey]
  + Utf8 [put]
  + Utf8 [reconnectPending]
  + Utf8 [ref]
  + Utf8 [registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener]
  + Utf8 [release]
  + Utf8 [remove]
  + Utf8 [removeKey]
  + Utf8 [requestReconnect]
  + Utf8 [res]
  + Utf8 [resizeAllowed]
  + Utf8 [savingKeys]
  + Utf8 [schedule]
  + Utf8 [screen]
  + Utf8 [scrollback]
  + Utf8 [sendActivityNotification]
  + Utf8 [sendToTarget]
  + Utf8 [setAudioStreamType]
  + Utf8 [setDataSource]
  + Utf8 [setName]
  + Utf8 [setOnCompletionListener]
  + Utf8 [setOnDisconnectedListener]
  + Utf8 [setResizeAllowed]
  + Utf8 [setVolume]
  + Utf8 [setWantWifiLock]
  + Utf8 [sharedPreferences]
  + Utf8 [shouldHideRunningNotification]
  + Utf8 [showActivityNotification]
  + Utf8 [showRunningNotification]
  + Utf8 [size]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BridgeDisconnectedListener]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$1]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$2]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$3]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$BeepListener]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$IdleTask]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/TransportFactory]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils]
  + Utf8 [sshPubKey]
  + Utf8 [start]
  + Utf8 [startConnection]
  + Utf8 [startId]
  + Utf8 [startService]
  + Utf8 [stopIdleTimer]
  + Utf8 [stopNow]
  + Utf8 [stopSelf]
  + Utf8 [stopWithDelay]
  + Utf8 [t]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [tmpBridges]
  + Utf8 [toArray]
  + Utf8 [touchHost]
  + Utf8 [trileadKey]
  + Utf8 [tryKeyVibrate]
  + Utf8 [updateSavingKeys]
  + Utf8 [uri]
  + Utf8 [vibrate]
  + Utf8 [vibrator]
  + Utf8 [volume]
  + Utf8 [wantAudible]
  + Utf8 [wantBellVibration]
  + Utf8 [wantKeyVibration]
  + Utf8 [wifilock]
  + Utf8 [wr]

Fields (count = 24):
  + Field:        bridges Ljava/util/List;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.util.List bridges
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;>;]
  + Field:        mHostBridgeMap Ljava/util/Map;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.util.Map mHostBridgeMap
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Map<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;Ljava/lang/ref/WeakReference<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;>;>;]
  + Field:        mNicknameBridgeMap Ljava/util/Map;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.util.Map mNicknameBridgeMap
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/ref/WeakReference<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;>;>;]
  + Field:        defaultBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge defaultBridge
  + Field:        disconnected Ljava/util/List;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.util.List disconnected
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;>;]
  + Field:        disconnectHandler Landroid/os/Handler;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public android.os.Handler disconnectHandler
  + Field:        loadedKeypairs Ljava/util/Map;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.util.Map loadedKeypairs
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder;>;]
  + Field:        res Landroid/content/res/Resources;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public android.content.res.Resources res
  + Field:        hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.HostDatabase hostdb
  + Field:        pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.PubkeyDatabase pubkeydb
  + Field:        prefs Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected android.content.SharedPreferences prefs
  + Field:        binder Landroid/os/IBinder;
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final android.os.IBinder binder
  + Field:        connectivityManager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.ConnectivityReceiver connectivityManager
  + Field:        mediaPlayer Landroid/media/MediaPlayer;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private mediaPlayer
  + Field:        pubkeyTimer Ljava/util/Timer;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.util.Timer pubkeyTimer
  + Field:        idleTimer Ljava/util/Timer;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.util.Timer idleTimer
  + Field:        IDLE_TIMEOUT J
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final long IDLE_TIMEOUT
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Constant value attribute:
    + Long [300000]
  + Field:        vibrator Landroid/os/Vibrator;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.os.Vibrator vibrator
  + Field:        wantKeyVibration Z
    Access flags: 0x42
      = private volatile boolean wantKeyVibration
  + Field:        wantBellVibration Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean wantBellVibration
  + Field:        resizeAllowed Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean resizeAllowed
  + Field:        savingKeys Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean savingKeys
  + Field:        mPendingReconnect Ljava/util/List;
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected java.util.List mPendingReconnect
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List<Ljava/lang/ref/WeakReference<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;>;>;]
  + Field:        hardKeyboardHidden Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean hardKeyboardHidden

Methods (count = 42):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public TerminalManager()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 105, locals = 1, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #116
        + Methodref [android/app/Service.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] new #58
        + Class [java/util/LinkedList]
      [8] dup
      [9] invokespecial #152
        + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.<init> ()V]
      [12] putfield #91
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.bridges Ljava/util/List;]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] new #56
        + Class [java/util/HashMap]
      [19] dup
      [20] invokespecial #151
        + Methodref [java/util/HashMap.<init> ()V]
      [23] putfield #100
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.mHostBridgeMap Ljava/util/Map;]
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] new #56
        + Class [java/util/HashMap]
      [30] dup
      [31] invokespecial #151
        + Methodref [java/util/HashMap.<init> ()V]
      [34] putfield #101
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.mNicknameBridgeMap Ljava/util/Map;]
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] aconst_null
      [39] putfield #93
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.defaultBridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [42] aload_0 v0
      [43] new #58
        + Class [java/util/LinkedList]
      [46] dup
      [47] invokespecial #152
        + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.<init> ()V]
      [50] putfield #95
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.disconnected Ljava/util/List;]
      [53] aload_0 v0
      [54] aconst_null
      [55] putfield #94
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.disconnectHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
      [58] aload_0 v0
      [59] new #56
        + Class [java/util/HashMap]
      [62] dup
      [63] invokespecial #151
        + Methodref [java/util/HashMap.<init> ()V]
      [66] putfield #99
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.loadedKeypairs Ljava/util/Map;]
      [69] aload_0 v0
      [70] new #77
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder]
      [73] dup
      [74] aload_0 v0
      [75] invokespecial #202
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;)V]
      [78] putfield #90
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.binder Landroid/os/IBinder;]
      [81] aload_0 v0
      [82] ldc2_w #85
        + Long [300000]
      [85] putfield #89
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.IDLE_TIMEOUT J]
      [88] aload_0 v0
      [89] iconst_1
      [90] putfield #108
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.resizeAllowed Z]
      [93] aload_0 v0
      [94] new #58
        + Class [java/util/LinkedList]
      [97] dup
      [98] invokespecial #152
        + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.<init> ()V]
      [101] putfield #102
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.mPendingReconnect Ljava/util/List;]
      [104] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 16)
        [0] -> line 68
        [4] -> line 71
        [15] -> line 72
        [16] -> line 73
        [26] -> line 74
        [27] -> line 75
        [37] -> line 77
        [42] -> line 79
        [53] -> line 81
        [58] -> line 83
        [69] -> line 92
        [81] -> line 101
        [88] -> line 109
        [93] -> line 113
        [94] -> line 114
        [104] -> line 68
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 105 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; this]
  + Method:       onCreate()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onCreate()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 276, locals = 7, stack = 6):
      [0] ldc #5
        + String [ConnectBot.TerminalManager]
      [2] ldc #16
        + String [Starting service]
      [4] invokestatic #141
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.i (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [7] pop
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] invokestatic #137
        + Methodref [android/preference/PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences (Landroid/content/Context;)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
      [13] putfield #104
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.prefs Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
      [16] aload_0 v0
      [17] getfield #104
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.prefs Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] invokeinterface #218
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener (Landroid/content/SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener;)V]
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] aload_0 v0
      [28] invokevirtual #183
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [31] putfield #107
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] new #63
        + Class [java/util/Timer]
      [38] dup
      [39] ldc #27
        + String [pubkeyTimer]
      [41] iconst_1
      [42] invokespecial #153
        + Methodref [java/util/Timer.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
      [45] putfield #105
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.pubkeyTimer Ljava/util/Timer;]
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] new #80
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
      [52] dup
      [53] aload_0 v0
      [54] invokespecial #206
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [57] putfield #97
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [60] aload_0 v0
      [61] new #81
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase]
      [64] dup
      [65] aload_0 v0
      [66] invokespecial #209
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [69] putfield #106
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
      [72] aload_0 v0
      [73] invokespecial #194
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.updateSavingKeys ()V]
      [76] aload_0 v0
      [77] getfield #106
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
      [80] invokevirtual #211
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.getAllStartPubkeys ()Ljava/util/List;]
      [83] astore_1 v1
      [84] aload_1 v1
      [85] invokeinterface #223
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
      [90] astore_3 v3
      [91] goto +77 (target=168)
      [94] aload_3 v3
      [95] invokeinterface #220
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/ ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [100] checkcast #65
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean]
      [103] astore_2 v2
      [104] aload_2 v2
      [105] invokevirtual #159
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getPrivateKey ()[B]
      [108] aload_2 v2
      [109] invokevirtual #161
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getType ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [112] invokestatic #213
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.decodePrivate ([BLjava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
      [115] astore v4
      [117] aload_2 v2
      [118] invokevirtual #160
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getPublicKey ()Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
      [121] astore v5
      [123] aload v4
      [125] aload v5
      [127] invokestatic #212
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.convertToTrilead (Ljava/security/PrivateKey;Ljava/security/PublicKey;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [130] astore v6
      [132] aload_0 v0
      [133] aload_2 v2
      [134] aload v6
      [136] invokevirtual #177
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.addKey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
      [139] goto +29 (target=168)
      [142] astore v4
      [144] ldc #5
        + String [ConnectBot.TerminalManager]
      [146] ldc #10
        + String [Problem adding key '%s' to in-memory cache]
      [148] iconst_1
      [149] anewarray #51
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [152] dup
      [153] iconst_0
      [154] aload_2 v2
      [155] invokevirtual #158
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [158] aastore
      [159] invokestatic #145
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [162] aload v4
      [164] invokestatic #139
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [167] pop
      [168] aload_3 v3
      [169] invokeinterface #219
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Iterator.hasNext ()Z]
      [174] ifne -80 (target=94)
      [177] aload_0 v0
      [178] aload_0 v0
      [179] ldc #30
        + String [vibrator]
      [181] invokevirtual #184
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.getSystemService (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [184] checkcast #44
        + Class [android/os/Vibrator]
      [187] putfield #110
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.vibrator Landroid/os/Vibrator;]
      [190] aload_0 v0
      [191] aload_0 v0
      [192] getfield #104
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.prefs Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
      [195] ldc #22
        + String [bumpyarrows]
      [197] iconst_1
      [198] invokeinterface #215
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.getBoolean (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
      [203] putfield #112
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.wantKeyVibration Z]
      [206] aload_0 v0
      [207] aload_0 v0
      [208] getfield #104
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.prefs Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
      [211] ldc #20
        + String [bellVibrate]
      [213] iconst_1
      [214] invokeinterface #215
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.getBoolean (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
      [219] putfield #111
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.wantBellVibration Z]
      [222] aload_0 v0
      [223] invokespecial #181
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.enableMediaPlayer ()V]
      [226] aload_0 v0
      [227] aload_0 v0
      [228] getfield #107
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [231] invokevirtual #123
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getConfiguration ()Landroid/content/res/Configuration;]
      [234] getfield #87
        + Fieldref [android/content/res/Configuration.hardKeyboardHidden I]
      [237] iconst_2
      [238] ificmpne +7 (target=245)
      [241] iconst_1
      [242] goto +4 (target=246)
      [245] iconst_0
      [246] putfield #96
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.hardKeyboardHidden Z]
      [249] aload_0 v0
      [250] getfield #104
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.prefs Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
      [253] ldc #31
        + String [wifilock]
      [255] iconst_1
      [256] invokeinterface #215
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.getBoolean (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
      [261] istore_2 v2
      [262] aload_0 v0
      [263] new #68
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver]
      [266] dup
      [267] aload_0 v0
      [268] iload_2 v2
      [269] invokespecial #166
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;Z)V]
      [272] putfield #92
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.connectivityManager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver;]
      [275] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (104 -> 139: 142):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 27)
        [0] -> line 120
        [8] -> line 122
        [16] -> line 123
        [26] -> line 125
        [34] -> line 127
        [48] -> line 129
        [60] -> line 130
        [72] -> line 133
        [76] -> line 134
        [84] -> line 136
        [104] -> line 138
        [117] -> line 139
        [123] -> line 140
        [132] -> line 142
        [142] -> line 143
        [144] -> line 144
        [168] -> line 136
        [177] -> line 148
        [190] -> line 149
        [206] -> line 151
        [222] -> line 152
        [226] -> line 154
        [237] -> line 155
        [246] -> line 154
        [249] -> line 157
        [262] -> line 159
        [275] -> line 161
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 8)
        v0: 0 -> 276 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; this]
        v1: 84 -> 276 [Ljava/util/List; pubkeys]
        v2: 104 -> 168 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean; pubkey]
        v4: 117 -> 142 [Ljava/security/PrivateKey; privKey]
        v5: 123 -> 142 [Ljava/security/PublicKey; pubKey]
        v6: 132 -> 142 [Ljava/lang/Object; trileadKey]
        v4: 144 -> 168 [Ljava/lang/Exception; e]
        v2: 262 -> 276 [Z lockingWifi]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 1)
        v1: 84 -> 276 [Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;>; pubkeys]
  + Method:       updateSavingKeys()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void updateSavingKeys()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 17, locals = 1, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_0 v0
      [2] getfield #104
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.prefs Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
      [5] ldc #26
        + String [memkeys]
      [7] iconst_1
      [8] invokeinterface #215
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.getBoolean (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
      [13] putfield #109
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.savingKeys Z]
      [16] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 164
        [16] -> line 165
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 17 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; this]
  + Method:       onDestroy()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onDestroy()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 110, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] ldc #5
        + String [ConnectBot.TerminalManager]
      [2] ldc #7
        + String [Destroying service]
      [4] invokestatic #141
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.i (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [7] pop
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] iconst_1
      [10] invokespecial #180
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.disconnectAll (Z)V]
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] getfield #97
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [17] ifnull +15 (target=32)
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] getfield #97
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [24] invokevirtual #207
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.close ()V]
      [27] aload_0 v0
      [28] aconst_null
      [29] putfield #97
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [32] aload_0 v0
      [33] getfield #106
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
      [36] ifnull +15 (target=51)
      [39] aload_0 v0
      [40] getfield #106
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
      [43] invokevirtual #210
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.close ()V]
      [46] aload_0 v0
      [47] aconst_null
      [48] putfield #106
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
      [51] aload_0 v0
      [52] dup
      [53] astore_1 v1
      [54] monitorenter
      [55] aload_0 v0
      [56] getfield #98
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.idleTimer Ljava/util/Timer;]
      [59] ifnull +10 (target=69)
      [62] aload_0 v0
      [63] getfield #98
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.idleTimer Ljava/util/Timer;]
      [66] invokevirtual #154
        + Methodref [java/util/Timer.cancel ()V]
      [69] aload_0 v0
      [70] getfield #105
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.pubkeyTimer Ljava/util/Timer;]
      [73] ifnull +10 (target=83)
      [76] aload_0 v0
      [77] getfield #105
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.pubkeyTimer Ljava/util/Timer;]
      [80] invokevirtual #154
        + Methodref [java/util/Timer.cancel ()V]
      [83] aload_1 v1
      [84] monitorexit
      [85] goto +6 (target=91)
      [88] aload_1 v1
      [89] monitorexit
      [90] athrow
      [91] aload_0 v0
      [92] getfield #92
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.connectivityManager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver;]
      [95] invokevirtual #167
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.cleanup ()V]
      [98] invokestatic #162
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier.getInstance ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier;]
      [101] aload_0 v0
      [102] invokevirtual #163
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier.hideRunningNotification (Landroid/app/Service;)V]
      [105] aload_0 v0
      [106] invokespecial #179
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.disableMediaPlayer ()V]
      [109] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (55 -> 85: 88):
      + ExceptionInfo (88 -> 90: 88):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 18)
        [0] -> line 169
        [8] -> line 171
        [13] -> line 173
        [20] -> line 174
        [27] -> line 175
        [32] -> line 178
        [39] -> line 179
        [46] -> line 180
        [51] -> line 183
        [55] -> line 184
        [62] -> line 185
        [69] -> line 186
        [76] -> line 187
        [83] -> line 183
        [91] -> line 190
        [98] -> line 192
        [105] -> line 194
        [109] -> line 195
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 110 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; this]
  + Method:       disconnectAll(Z)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void disconnectAll(boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 83, locals = 4, stack = 2):
      [0] aconst_null
      [1] checkcast #32
        + Class [[Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [4] astore_2 v2
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] getfield #91
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.bridges Ljava/util/List;]
      [9] dup
      [10] astore_3 v3
      [11] monitorenter
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] getfield #91
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.bridges Ljava/util/List;]
      [16] invokeinterface #225
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.size ()I]
      [21] ifle +28 (target=49)
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] getfield #91
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.bridges Ljava/util/List;]
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] getfield #91
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.bridges Ljava/util/List;]
      [32] invokeinterface #225
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.size ()I]
      [37] anewarray #69
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
      [40] invokeinterface #226
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.toArray ([Ljava/lang/Object;)[Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [45] checkcast #32
        + Class [[Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [48] astore_2 v2
      [49] aload_3 v3
      [50] monitorexit
      [51] goto +6 (target=57)
      [54] aload_3 v3
      [55] monitorexit
      [56] athrow
      [57] aload_2 v2
      [58] ifnull +24 (target=82)
      [61] iconst_0
      [62] istore_3 v3
      [63] goto +13 (target=76)
      [66] aload_2 v2
      [67] iload_3 v3
      [68] aaload
      [69] iload_1 v1
      [70] invokevirtual #173
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.dispatchDisconnect (Z)V]
      [73] iinc v3, 1
      [76] iload_3 v3
      [77] aload_2 v2
      [78] arraylength
      [79] ificmplt -13 (target=66)
      [82] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (12 -> 51: 54):
      + ExceptionInfo (54 -> 56: 54):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 10)
        [0] -> line 201
        [5] -> line 203
        [12] -> line 204
        [24] -> line 205
        [49] -> line 203
        [57] -> line 209
        [61] -> line 211
        [66] -> line 212
        [73] -> line 211
        [82] -> line 214
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 83 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 83 [Z immediate]
        v2: 5 -> 83 [[Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; tmpBridges]
        v3: 63 -> 82 [I i]
  + Method:       openConnection(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge openConnection(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.HostBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 180, locals = 5, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokevirtual #182
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.getConnectedBridge (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [5] ifnull +13 (target=18)
      [8] new #49
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [11] dup
      [12] ldc #6
        + String [Connection already open for that nickname]
      [14] invokespecial #142
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [17] athrow
      [18] new #69
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
      [21] dup
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] aload_1 v1
      [24] invokespecial #172
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
      [27] astore_2 v2
      [28] aload_2 v2
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] invokevirtual #175
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.setOnDisconnectedListener (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/BridgeDisconnectedListener;)V]
      [33] aload_2 v2
      [34] invokevirtual #176
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.startConnection ()V]
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] getfield #91
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.bridges Ljava/util/List;]
      [41] dup
      [42] astore_3 v3
      [43] monitorenter
      [44] aload_0 v0
      [45] getfield #91
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.bridges Ljava/util/List;]
      [48] aload_2 v2
      [49] invokeinterface #221
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [54] pop
      [55] new #54
        + Class [java/lang/ref/WeakReference]
      [58] dup
      [59] aload_2 v2
      [60] invokespecial #148
        + Methodref [java/lang/ref/WeakReference.<init> (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
      [63] astore v4
      [65] aload_0 v0
      [66] getfield #100
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.mHostBridgeMap Ljava/util/Map;]
      [69] aload_2 v2
      [70] getfield #88
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [73] aload v4
      [75] invokeinterface #230
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.put (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [80] pop
      [81] aload_0 v0
      [82] getfield #101
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.mNicknameBridgeMap Ljava/util/Map;]
      [85] aload_2 v2
      [86] getfield #88
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [89] invokevirtual #156
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [92] aload v4
      [94] invokeinterface #230
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.put (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [99] pop
      [100] aload_3 v3
      [101] monitorexit
      [102] goto +6 (target=108)
      [105] aload_3 v3
      [106] monitorexit
      [107] athrow
      [108] aload_0 v0
      [109] getfield #95
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.disconnected Ljava/util/List;]
      [112] dup
      [113] astore_3 v3
      [114] monitorenter
      [115] aload_0 v0
      [116] getfield #95
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.disconnected Ljava/util/List;]
      [119] aload_2 v2
      [120] getfield #88
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [123] invokeinterface #224
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.remove (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [128] pop
      [129] aload_3 v3
      [130] monitorexit
      [131] goto +6 (target=137)
      [134] aload_3 v3
      [135] monitorexit
      [136] athrow
      [137] aload_2 v2
      [138] invokevirtual #174
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.isUsingNetwork ()Z]
      [141] ifeq +10 (target=151)
      [144] aload_0 v0
      [145] getfield #92
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.connectivityManager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver;]
      [148] invokevirtual #169
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.incRef ()V]
      [151] aload_0 v0
      [152] getfield #104
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.prefs Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
      [155] ldc #23
        + String [connPersist]
      [157] iconst_1
      [158] invokeinterface #215
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.getBoolean (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
      [163] ifeq +10 (target=173)
      [166] invokestatic #162
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier.getInstance ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier;]
      [169] aload_0 v0
      [170] invokevirtual #165
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier.showRunningNotification (Landroid/app/Service;)V]
      [173] aload_0 v0
      [174] aload_1 v1
      [175] invokespecial #193
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.touchHost (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
      [178] aload_2 v2
      [179] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 4):
      + ExceptionInfo (44 -> 102: 105):
      + ExceptionInfo (105 -> 107: 105):
      + ExceptionInfo (115 -> 131: 134):
      + ExceptionInfo (134 -> 136: 134):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 20)
        [0] -> line 221
        [8] -> line 222
        [18] -> line 225
        [28] -> line 226
        [33] -> line 227
        [37] -> line 229
        [44] -> line 230
        [55] -> line 231
        [65] -> line 232
        [81] -> line 233
        [100] -> line 229
        [108] -> line 236
        [115] -> line 237
        [129] -> line 236
        [137] -> line 240
        [144] -> line 241
        [151] -> line 244
        [166] -> line 245
        [173] -> line 249
        [178] -> line 251
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 180 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 180 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; host]
        v2: 28 -> 180 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; bridge]
        v4: 65 -> 100 [Ljava/lang/ref/WeakReference; wr]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 1)
        v4: 65 -> 100 [Ljava/lang/ref/WeakReference<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;>; wr]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 2)
      + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       getEmulation()Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String getEmulation()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 14, locals = 1, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #104
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.prefs Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
      [4] ldc #24
        + String [emulation]
      [6] ldc #28
        + String [screen]
      [8] invokeinterface #217
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.getString (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [13] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 255
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 14 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; this]
  + Method:       getScrollback()I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int getScrollback()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 27, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] sipush 140
      [3] istore_1 v1
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #104
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.prefs Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
      [8] ldc #29
        + String [scrollback]
      [10] ldc #3
        + String [140]
      [12] invokeinterface #217
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.getString (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [17] invokestatic #143
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.parseInt (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [20] istore_1 v1
      [21] goto +4 (target=25)
      [24] astore_2 v2
      [25] iload_1 v1
      [26] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (4 -> 21: 24):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 259
        [4] -> line 261
        [24] -> line 262
        [25] -> line 264
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 27 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; this]
        v1: 4 -> 27 [I scrollback]
  + Method:       openConnection(Landroid/net/Uri;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge openConnection(
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 31, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #97
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] invokestatic #204
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/TransportFactory.findHost (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;Landroid/net/Uri;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [8] astore_2 v2
      [9] aload_2 v2
      [10] ifnonnull +15 (target=25)
      [13] aload_1 v1
      [14] invokevirtual #133
        + Methodref [android/net/Uri.getScheme ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [17] invokestatic #205
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/TransportFactory.getTransport (Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [20] aload_1 v1
      [21] invokevirtual #203
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.createHost (Landroid/net/Uri;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [24] astore_2 v2
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] aload_2 v2
      [27] invokespecial #185
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.openConnection (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [30] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 272
        [9] -> line 274
        [13] -> line 275
        [25] -> line 277
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 31 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 31 [Landroid/net/Uri; uri]
        v2: 9 -> 31 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; host]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Method:       touchHost(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void touchHost(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.HostBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 9, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #97
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] invokevirtual #208
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.touchHost (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
      [8] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 285
        [8] -> line 286
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 9 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 9 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; host]
  + Method:       getConnectedBridge(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge getConnectedBridge(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.HostBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 28, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #100
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.mHostBridgeMap Ljava/util/Map;]
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] invokeinterface #229
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.get (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [10] checkcast #54
        + Class [java/lang/ref/WeakReference]
      [13] astore_2 v2
      [14] aload_2 v2
      [15] ifnull +11 (target=26)
      [18] aload_2 v2
      [19] invokevirtual #149
        + Methodref [java/lang/ref/WeakReference.get ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [22] checkcast #69
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
      [25] areturn
      [26] aconst_null
      [27] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 295
        [14] -> line 296
        [18] -> line 297
        [26] -> line 299
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 28 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 28 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; host]
        v2: 14 -> 28 [Ljava/lang/ref/WeakReference; wr]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 1)
        v2: 14 -> 28 [Ljava/lang/ref/WeakReference<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;>; wr]
  + Method:       getConnectedBridge(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge getConnectedBridge(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 34, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] ifnonnull +5 (target=6)
      [4] aconst_null
      [5] areturn
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] getfield #101
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.mNicknameBridgeMap Ljava/util/Map;]
      [10] aload_1 v1
      [11] invokeinterface #229
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.get (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [16] checkcast #54
        + Class [java/lang/ref/WeakReference]
      [19] astore_2 v2
      [20] aload_2 v2
      [21] ifnull +11 (target=32)
      [24] aload_2 v2
      [25] invokevirtual #149
        + Methodref [java/lang/ref/WeakReference.get ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [28] checkcast #69
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
      [31] areturn
      [32] aconst_null
      [33] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 310
        [4] -> line 311
        [6] -> line 313
        [20] -> line 314
        [24] -> line 315
        [32] -> line 317
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 34 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 34 [Ljava/lang/String; nickname]
        v2: 20 -> 34 [Ljava/lang/ref/WeakReference; wr]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 1)
        v2: 20 -> 34 [Ljava/lang/ref/WeakReference<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;>; wr]
  + Method:       onDisconnected(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onDisconnected(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 159, locals = 4, stack = 3):
      [0] iconst_0
      [1] istore_2 v2
      [2] aload_0 v0
      [3] getfield #91
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.bridges Ljava/util/List;]
      [6] dup
      [7] astore_3 v3
      [8] monitorenter
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] getfield #91
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.bridges Ljava/util/List;]
      [13] aload_1 v1
      [14] invokeinterface #224
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.remove (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [19] pop
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] getfield #100
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.mHostBridgeMap Ljava/util/Map;]
      [24] aload_1 v1
      [25] getfield #88
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [28] invokeinterface #231
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.remove (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [33] pop
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] getfield #101
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.mNicknameBridgeMap Ljava/util/Map;]
      [38] aload_1 v1
      [39] getfield #88
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [42] invokevirtual #156
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [45] invokeinterface #231
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.remove (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [50] pop
      [51] aload_1 v1
      [52] invokevirtual #174
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.isUsingNetwork ()Z]
      [55] ifeq +10 (target=65)
      [58] aload_0 v0
      [59] getfield #92
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.connectivityManager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver;]
      [62] invokevirtual #168
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.decRef ()V]
      [65] aload_0 v0
      [66] getfield #91
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.bridges Ljava/util/List;]
      [69] invokeinterface #225
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.size ()I]
      [74] ifne +17 (target=91)
      [77] aload_0 v0
      [78] getfield #102
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.mPendingReconnect Ljava/util/List;]
      [81] invokeinterface #225
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.size ()I]
      [86] ifne +5 (target=91)
      [89] iconst_1
      [90] istore_2 v2
      [91] aload_3 v3
      [92] monitorexit
      [93] goto +6 (target=99)
      [96] aload_3 v3
      [97] monitorexit
      [98] athrow
      [99] aload_0 v0
      [100] getfield #95
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.disconnected Ljava/util/List;]
      [103] dup
      [104] astore_3 v3
      [105] monitorenter
      [106] aload_0 v0
      [107] getfield #95
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.disconnected Ljava/util/List;]
      [110] aload_1 v1
      [111] getfield #88
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [114] invokeinterface #221
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [119] pop
      [120] aload_3 v3
      [121] monitorexit
      [122] goto +6 (target=128)
      [125] aload_3 v3
      [126] monitorexit
      [127] athrow
      [128] iload_2 v2
      [129] ifeq +10 (target=139)
      [132] invokestatic #162
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier.getInstance ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier;]
      [135] aload_0 v0
      [136] invokevirtual #163
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier.hideRunningNotification (Landroid/app/Service;)V]
      [139] aload_0 v0
      [140] getfield #94
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.disconnectHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
      [143] ifnull +15 (target=158)
      [146] aload_0 v0
      [147] getfield #94
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.disconnectHandler Landroid/os/Handler;]
      [150] iconst_m1
      [151] aload_1 v1
      [152] invokestatic #134
        + Methodref [android/os/Message.obtain (Landroid/os/Handler;ILjava/lang/Object;)Landroid/os/Message;]
      [155] invokevirtual #135
        + Methodref [android/os/Message.sendToTarget ()V]
      [158] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 4):
      + ExceptionInfo (9 -> 93: 96):
      + ExceptionInfo (96 -> 98: 96):
      + ExceptionInfo (106 -> 122: 125):
      + ExceptionInfo (125 -> 127: 125):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 19)
        [0] -> line 325
        [2] -> line 327
        [9] -> line 329
        [20] -> line 331
        [34] -> line 332
        [51] -> line 334
        [58] -> line 335
        [65] -> line 338
        [77] -> line 339
        [89] -> line 340
        [91] -> line 327
        [99] -> line 344
        [106] -> line 345
        [120] -> line 344
        [128] -> line 348
        [132] -> line 349
        [139] -> line 353
        [146] -> line 354
        [158] -> line 355
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 159 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 159 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; bridge]
        v2: 2 -> 159 [Z shouldHideRunningNotification]
  + Method:       isKeyLoaded(Ljava/lang/String;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean isKeyLoaded(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 11, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #99
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.loadedKeypairs Ljava/util/Map;]
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] invokeinterface #227
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.containsKey (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [10] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 358
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 11 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 11 [Ljava/lang/String; nickname]
  + Method:       addKey(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;Ljava/lang/Object;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void addKey(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PubkeyBean,java.lang.Object)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 8, locals = 3, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] aload_2 v2
      [3] iconst_0
      [4] invokevirtual #178
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.addKey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;Ljava/lang/Object;Z)V]
      [7] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 362
        [7] -> line 363
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean; pubkey]
        v2: 0 -> 8 [Ljava/lang/Object; trileadKey]
  + Method:       addKey(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;Ljava/lang/Object;Z)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void addKey(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PubkeyBean,java.lang.Object,boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 133, locals = 7, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #109
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.savingKeys Z]
      [4] ifne +8 (target=12)
      [7] iload_3 v3
      [8] ifne +4 (target=12)
      [11] return
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] aload_1 v1
      [14] invokevirtual #158
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [17] invokevirtual #187
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.removeKey (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [20] pop
      [21] aload_2 v2
      [22] invokestatic #214
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.extractOpenSSHPublic (Ljava/lang/Object;)[B]
      [25] astore v4
      [27] new #76
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder]
      [30] dup
      [31] invokespecial #201
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder.<init> ()V]
      [34] astore v5
      [36] aload v5
      [38] aload_1 v1
      [39] putfield #113
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder.bean Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
      [42] aload v5
      [44] aload_2 v2
      [45] putfield #115
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder.trileadKey Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [48] aload v5
      [50] aload v4
      [52] putfield #114
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder.openSSHPubkey [B]
      [55] aload_0 v0
      [56] getfield #99
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.loadedKeypairs Ljava/util/Map;]
      [59] aload_1 v1
      [60] invokevirtual #158
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [63] aload v5
      [65] invokeinterface #230
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.put (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [70] pop
      [71] aload_1 v1
      [72] invokevirtual #157
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getLifetime ()I]
      [75] ifle +35 (target=110)
      [78] aload_1 v1
      [79] invokevirtual #158
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [82] astore v6
      [84] aload_0 v0
      [85] getfield #105
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.pubkeyTimer Ljava/util/Timer;]
      [88] new #71
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$1]
      [91] dup
      [92] aload_0 v0
      [93] aload v6
      [95] invokespecial #196
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [98] aload_1 v1
      [99] invokevirtual #157
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getLifetime ()I]
      [102] sipush 1000
      [105] imul
      [106] i2l
      [107] invokevirtual #155
        + Methodref [java/util/Timer.schedule (Ljava/util/TimerTask;J)V]
      [110] ldc #5
        + String [ConnectBot.TerminalManager]
      [112] ldc #4
        + String [Added key '%s' to in-memory cache]
      [114] iconst_1
      [115] anewarray #51
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [118] dup
      [119] iconst_0
      [120] aload_1 v1
      [121] invokevirtual #158
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [124] aastore
      [125] invokestatic #145
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [128] invokestatic #138
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [131] pop
      [132] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 16)
        [0] -> line 366
        [11] -> line 367
        [12] -> line 369
        [21] -> line 371
        [27] -> line 373
        [36] -> line 374
        [42] -> line 375
        [48] -> line 376
        [55] -> line 378
        [71] -> line 380
        [78] -> line 381
        [84] -> line 382
        [98] -> line 388
        [107] -> line 382
        [110] -> line 391
        [132] -> line 392
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 133 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 133 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean; pubkey]
        v2: 0 -> 133 [Ljava/lang/Object; trileadKey]
        v3: 0 -> 133 [Z force]
        v4: 27 -> 133 [[B sshPubKey]
        v5: 36 -> 133 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder; keyHolder]
        v6: 84 -> 110 [Ljava/lang/String; nickname]
  + Method:       removeKey(Ljava/lang/String;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean removeKey(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 36, locals = 2, stack = 6):
      [0] ldc #5
        + String [ConnectBot.TerminalManager]
      [2] ldc #12
        + String [Removed key '%s' to in-memory cache]
      [4] iconst_1
      [5] anewarray #51
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [8] dup
      [9] iconst_0
      [10] aload_1 v1
      [11] aastore
      [12] invokestatic #145
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [15] invokestatic #138
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [18] pop
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] getfield #99
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.loadedKeypairs Ljava/util/Map;]
      [23] aload_1 v1
      [24] invokeinterface #231
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.remove (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [29] ifnull +5 (target=34)
      [32] iconst_1
      [33] ireturn
      [34] iconst_0
      [35] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 395
        [19] -> line 396
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 36 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 36 [Ljava/lang/String; nickname]
  + Method:       removeKey([B)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean removeKey(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 105, locals = 5, stack = 6):
      [0] aconst_null
      [1] astore_2 v2
      [2] aload_0 v0
      [3] getfield #99
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.loadedKeypairs Ljava/util/Map;]
      [6] invokeinterface #228
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.entrySet ()Ljava/util/Set;]
      [11] invokeinterface #235
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Set.iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
      [16] astore v4
      [18] goto +46 (target=64)
      [21] aload v4
      [23] invokeinterface #220
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/ ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [28] checkcast #61
        + Class [java/util/Map$Entry]
      [31] astore_3 v3
      [32] aload_3 v3
      [33] invokeinterface #234
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map$Entry.getValue ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [38] checkcast #76
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder]
      [41] getfield #114
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder.openSSHPubkey [B]
      [44] aload_1 v1
      [45] invokestatic #150
        + Methodref [java/util/Arrays.equals ([B[B)Z]
      [48] ifeq +16 (target=64)
      [51] aload_3 v3
      [52] invokeinterface #233
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map$Entry.getKey ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [57] checkcast #52
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [60] astore_2 v2
      [61] goto +13 (target=74)
      [64] aload v4
      [66] invokeinterface #219
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Iterator.hasNext ()Z]
      [71] ifne -50 (target=21)
      [74] aload_2 v2
      [75] ifnull +28 (target=103)
      [78] ldc #5
        + String [ConnectBot.TerminalManager]
      [80] ldc #12
        + String [Removed key '%s' to in-memory cache]
      [82] iconst_1
      [83] anewarray #51
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [86] dup
      [87] iconst_0
      [88] aload_2 v2
      [89] aastore
      [90] invokestatic #145
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [93] invokestatic #138
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [96] pop
      [97] aload_0 v0
      [98] aload_2 v2
      [99] invokevirtual #187
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.removeKey (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [102] ireturn
      [103] iconst_0
      [104] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 10)
        [0] -> line 400
        [2] -> line 401
        [32] -> line 402
        [51] -> line 403
        [61] -> line 404
        [64] -> line 401
        [74] -> line 408
        [78] -> line 409
        [97] -> line 410
        [103] -> line 412
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 105 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 105 [[B publicKey]
        v2: 2 -> 105 [Ljava/lang/String; nickname]
        v3: 32 -> 64 [Ljava/util/Map$Entry; entry]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 1)
        v3: 32 -> 64 [Ljava/util/Map$Entry<Ljava/lang/String;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder;>; entry]
  + Method:       getKey(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.Object getKey(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 34, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #99
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.loadedKeypairs Ljava/util/Map;]
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] invokeinterface #227
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.containsKey (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [10] ifeq +22 (target=32)
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] getfield #99
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.loadedKeypairs Ljava/util/Map;]
      [17] aload_1 v1
      [18] invokeinterface #229
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.get (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [23] checkcast #76
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder]
      [26] astore_2 v2
      [27] aload_2 v2
      [28] getfield #115
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder.trileadKey Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [31] areturn
      [32] aconst_null
      [33] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 416
        [13] -> line 417
        [27] -> line 418
        [32] -> line 420
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 34 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 34 [Ljava/lang/String; nickname]
        v2: 27 -> 32 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder; keyHolder]
  + Method:       getKeyNickname([B)Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String getKeyNickname(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 68, locals = 4, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #99
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.loadedKeypairs Ljava/util/Map;]
      [4] invokeinterface #228
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.entrySet ()Ljava/util/Set;]
      [9] invokeinterface #235
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Set.iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
      [14] astore_3 v3
      [15] goto +42 (target=57)
      [18] aload_3 v3
      [19] invokeinterface #220
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/ ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [24] checkcast #61
        + Class [java/util/Map$Entry]
      [27] astore_2 v2
      [28] aload_2 v2
      [29] invokeinterface #234
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map$Entry.getValue ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [34] checkcast #76
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder]
      [37] getfield #114
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder.openSSHPubkey [B]
      [40] aload_1 v1
      [41] invokestatic #150
        + Methodref [java/util/Arrays.equals ([B[B)Z]
      [44] ifeq +13 (target=57)
      [47] aload_2 v2
      [48] invokeinterface #233
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map$Entry.getKey ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [53] checkcast #52
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [56] areturn
      [57] aload_3 v3
      [58] invokeinterface #219
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Iterator.hasNext ()Z]
      [63] ifne -45 (target=18)
      [66] aconst_null
      [67] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 432
        [28] -> line 433
        [47] -> line 434
        [57] -> line 432
        [66] -> line 436
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 68 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 68 [[B publicKey]
        v2: 28 -> 57 [Ljava/util/Map$Entry; entry]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 1)
        v2: 28 -> 57 [Ljava/util/Map$Entry<Ljava/lang/String;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder;>; entry]
  + Method:       stopWithDelay()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void stopWithDelay()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 77, locals = 2, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #99
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.loadedKeypairs Ljava/util/Map;]
      [4] invokeinterface #232
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.size ()I]
      [9] ifle +55 (target=64)
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] dup
      [14] astore_1 v1
      [15] monitorenter
      [16] aload_0 v0
      [17] getfield #98
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.idleTimer Ljava/util/Timer;]
      [20] ifnonnull +17 (target=37)
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] new #63
        + Class [java/util/Timer]
      [27] dup
      [28] ldc #25
        + String [idleTimer]
      [30] iconst_1
      [31] invokespecial #153
        + Methodref [java/util/Timer.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;Z)V]
      [34] putfield #98
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.idleTimer Ljava/util/Timer;]
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] getfield #98
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.idleTimer Ljava/util/Timer;]
      [41] new #75
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$IdleTask]
      [44] dup
      [45] aload_0 v0
      [46] aconst_null
      [47] invokespecial #200
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$IdleTask.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$IdleTask;)V]
      [50] ldc2_w #85
        + Long [300000]
      [53] invokevirtual #155
        + Methodref [java/util/Timer.schedule (Ljava/util/TimerTask;J)V]
      [56] aload_1 v1
      [57] monitorexit
      [58] goto +18 (target=76)
      [61] aload_1 v1
      [62] monitorexit
      [63] athrow
      [64] ldc #5
        + String [ConnectBot.TerminalManager]
      [66] ldc #17
        + String [Stopping service immediately]
      [68] invokestatic #138
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [71] pop
      [72] aload_0 v0
      [73] invokevirtual #191
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.stopSelf ()V]
      [76] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (16 -> 58: 61):
      + ExceptionInfo (61 -> 63: 61):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 443
        [12] -> line 444
        [16] -> line 445
        [23] -> line 446
        [37] -> line 448
        [56] -> line 444
        [64] -> line 451
        [72] -> line 452
        [76] -> line 454
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 77 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; this]
  + Method:       stopNow()V
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected void stopNow()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 17, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #91
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.bridges Ljava/util/List;]
      [4] invokeinterface #225
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.size ()I]
      [9] ifne +7 (target=16)
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] invokevirtual #191
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.stopSelf ()V]
      [16] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 457
        [12] -> line 458
        [16] -> line 460
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 17 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; this]
  + Method:       stopIdleTimer()V
    Access flags: 0x22
      = private synchronized void stopIdleTimer()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 20, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #98
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.idleTimer Ljava/util/Timer;]
      [4] ifnull +15 (target=19)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #98
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.idleTimer Ljava/util/Timer;]
      [11] invokevirtual #154
        + Methodref [java/util/Timer.cancel ()V]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] aconst_null
      [16] putfield #98
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.idleTimer Ljava/util/Timer;]
      [19] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 463
        [7] -> line 464
        [14] -> line 465
        [19] -> line 467
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 20 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; this]
  + Method:       onBind(Landroid/content/Intent;)Landroid/os/IBinder;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public android.os.IBinder onBind(android.content.Intent)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 37, locals = 2, stack = 5):
      [0] ldc #5
        + String [ConnectBot.TerminalManager]
      [2] ldc #13
        + String [Someone bound to TerminalManager]
      [4] invokestatic #141
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.i (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [7] pop
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] iconst_1
      [10] invokevirtual #188
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.setResizeAllowed (Z)V]
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] invokespecial #190
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.stopIdleTimer ()V]
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] new #34
        + Class [android/content/Intent]
      [21] dup
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] ldc #70
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
      [25] invokespecial #118
        + Methodref [android/content/Intent.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V]
      [28] invokevirtual #189
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.startService (Landroid/content/Intent;)Landroid/content/ComponentName;]
      [31] pop
      [32] aload_0 v0
      [33] getfield #90
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.binder Landroid/os/IBinder;]
      [36] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 477
        [8] -> line 479
        [13] -> line 481
        [17] -> line 484
        [32] -> line 486
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 37 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 37 [Landroid/content/Intent; intent]
  + Method:       onStartCommand(Landroid/content/Intent;II)I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int onStartCommand(android.content.Intent,int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 2, locals = 4, stack = 1):
      [0] iconst_1
      [1] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 495
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 2 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 2 [Landroid/content/Intent; intent]
        v2: 0 -> 2 [I flags]
        v3: 0 -> 2 [I startId]
  + Method:       onRebind(Landroid/content/Intent;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onRebind(android.content.Intent)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 23, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #117
        + Methodref [android/app/Service.onRebind (Landroid/content/Intent;)V]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] iconst_1
      [7] invokevirtual #188
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.setResizeAllowed (Z)V]
      [10] ldc #5
        + String [ConnectBot.TerminalManager]
      [12] ldc #14
        + String [Someone rebound to TerminalManager]
      [14] invokestatic #141
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.i (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [17] pop
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] invokespecial #190
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.stopIdleTimer ()V]
      [22] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 500
        [5] -> line 502
        [10] -> line 504
        [18] -> line 506
        [22] -> line 507
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 23 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 23 [Landroid/content/Intent; intent]
  + Method:       onUnbind(Landroid/content/Intent;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean onUnbind(android.content.Intent)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 31, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] ldc #5
        + String [ConnectBot.TerminalManager]
      [2] ldc #15
        + String [Someone unbound from TerminalManager]
      [4] invokestatic #141
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.i (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [7] pop
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] iconst_1
      [10] invokevirtual #188
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.setResizeAllowed (Z)V]
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] getfield #91
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.bridges Ljava/util/List;]
      [17] invokeinterface #225
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.size ()I]
      [22] ifne +7 (target=29)
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] invokespecial #192
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.stopWithDelay ()V]
      [29] iconst_1
      [30] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 511
        [8] -> line 513
        [13] -> line 515
        [25] -> line 516
        [29] -> line 519
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 31 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 31 [Landroid/content/Intent; intent]
  + Method:       tryKeyVibrate()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void tryKeyVibrate()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 12, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #112
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.wantKeyVibration Z]
      [4] ifeq +7 (target=11)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] invokespecial #195
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.vibrate ()V]
      [11] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 534
        [7] -> line 535
        [11] -> line 536
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 12 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; this]
  + Method:       vibrate()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void vibrate()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 18, locals = 1, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #110
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.vibrator Landroid/os/Vibrator;]
      [4] ifnull +13 (target=17)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #110
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.vibrator Landroid/os/Vibrator;]
      [11] ldc2_w #83
        + Long [30]
      [14] invokevirtual #136
        + Methodref [android/os/Vibrator.vibrate (J)V]
      [17] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 539
        [7] -> line 540
        [17] -> line 541
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 18 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; this]
  + Method:       enableMediaPlayer()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void enableMediaPlayer()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 111, locals = 4, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] new #40
        + Class [android/media/MediaPlayer]
      [4] dup
      [5] invokespecial #125
        + Methodref [android/media/MediaPlayer.<init> ()V]
      [8] putfield #103
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.mediaPlayer Landroid/media/MediaPlayer;]
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] getfield #104
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.prefs Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
      [15] ldc #21
        + String [bellVolume]
      [17] ldc #2
        + Float [0.25]
      [19] invokeinterface #216
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.getFloat (Ljava/lang/String;F)F]
      [24] fstore_1 v1
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] getfield #103
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.mediaPlayer Landroid/media/MediaPlayer;]
      [29] iconst_5
      [30] invokevirtual #128
        + Methodref [android/media/MediaPlayer.setAudioStreamType (I)V]
      [33] aload_0 v0
      [34] getfield #103
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.mediaPlayer Landroid/media/MediaPlayer;]
      [37] new #74
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$BeepListener]
      [40] dup
      [41] aconst_null
      [42] invokespecial #199
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$BeepListener.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$BeepListener;)V]
      [45] invokevirtual #130
        + Methodref [android/media/MediaPlayer.setOnCompletionListener (Landroid/media/MediaPlayer$OnCompletionListener;)V]
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] getfield #107
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [52] ldc #1
        + Integer [2131099648]
      [54] invokevirtual #124
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.openRawResourceFd (I)Landroid/content/res/AssetFileDescriptor;]
      [57] astore_2 v2
      [58] aload_0 v0
      [59] getfield #103
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.mediaPlayer Landroid/media/MediaPlayer;]
      [62] aload_2 v2
      [63] invokevirtual #120
        + Methodref [android/content/res/AssetFileDescriptor.getFileDescriptor ()Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;]
      [66] aload_2 v2
      [67] invokevirtual #122
        + Methodref [android/content/res/AssetFileDescriptor.getStartOffset ()J]
      [70] aload_2 v2
      [71] invokevirtual #121
        + Methodref [android/content/res/AssetFileDescriptor.getLength ()J]
      [74] invokevirtual #129
        + Methodref [android/media/MediaPlayer.setDataSource (Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;JJ)V]
      [77] aload_2 v2
      [78] invokevirtual #119
        + Methodref [android/content/res/AssetFileDescriptor.close ()V]
      [81] aload_0 v0
      [82] getfield #103
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.mediaPlayer Landroid/media/MediaPlayer;]
      [85] fload_1 v1
      [86] fload_1 v1
      [87] invokevirtual #131
        + Methodref [android/media/MediaPlayer.setVolume (FF)V]
      [90] aload_0 v0
      [91] getfield #103
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.mediaPlayer Landroid/media/MediaPlayer;]
      [94] invokevirtual #126
        + Methodref [android/media/MediaPlayer.prepare ()V]
      [97] goto +13 (target=110)
      [100] astore_3 v3
      [101] ldc #5
        + String [ConnectBot.TerminalManager]
      [103] ldc #9
        + String [Error setting up bell media player]
      [105] aload_3 v3
      [106] invokestatic #140
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [109] pop
      [110] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (58 -> 97: 100):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 16)
        [0] -> line 544
        [11] -> line 546
        [17] -> line 547
        [19] -> line 546
        [25] -> line 549
        [33] -> line 550
        [48] -> line 552
        [58] -> line 554
        [67] -> line 555
        [74] -> line 554
        [77] -> line 556
        [81] -> line 557
        [90] -> line 558
        [100] -> line 559
        [101] -> line 560
        [110] -> line 562
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 111 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; this]
        v1: 25 -> 111 [F volume]
        v2: 58 -> 111 [Landroid/content/res/AssetFileDescriptor; file]
        v3: 101 -> 110 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]
  + Method:       disableMediaPlayer()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void disableMediaPlayer()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 20, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #103
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.mediaPlayer Landroid/media/MediaPlayer;]
      [4] ifnull +15 (target=19)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #103
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.mediaPlayer Landroid/media/MediaPlayer;]
      [11] invokevirtual #127
        + Methodref [android/media/MediaPlayer.release ()V]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] aconst_null
      [16] putfield #103
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.mediaPlayer Landroid/media/MediaPlayer;]
      [19] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 565
        [7] -> line 566
        [14] -> line 567
        [19] -> line 569
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 20 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; this]
  + Method:       playBeep()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void playBeep()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 26, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #103
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.mediaPlayer Landroid/media/MediaPlayer;]
      [4] ifnull +10 (target=14)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #103
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.mediaPlayer Landroid/media/MediaPlayer;]
      [11] invokevirtual #132
        + Methodref [android/media/MediaPlayer.start ()V]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] getfield #111
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.wantBellVibration Z]
      [18] ifeq +7 (target=25)
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] invokespecial #195
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.vibrate ()V]
      [25] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 572
        [7] -> line 573
        [14] -> line 575
        [21] -> line 576
        [25] -> line 577
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 26 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; this]
  + Method:       sendActivityNotification(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void sendActivityNotification(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.HostBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 25, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #104
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.prefs Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
      [4] ldc #19
        + String [bellNotification]
      [6] iconst_0
      [7] invokeinterface #215
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.getBoolean (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
      [12] ifne +4 (target=16)
      [15] return
      [16] invokestatic #162
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier.getInstance ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier;]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] aload_1 v1
      [21] invokevirtual #164
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectionNotifier.showActivityNotification (Landroid/app/Service;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
      [24] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 593
        [15] -> line 594
        [16] -> line 596
        [24] -> line 597
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 25 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 25 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; host]
  + Method:       onSharedPreferenceChanged(Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onSharedPreferenceChanged(android.content.SharedPreferences,java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 191, locals = 4, stack = 4):
      [0] ldc #18
        + String [bell]
      [2] aload_2 v2
      [3] invokevirtual #144
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [6] ifeq +49 (target=55)
      [9] aload_1 v1
      [10] ldc #18
        + String [bell]
      [12] iconst_1
      [13] invokeinterface #215
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.getBoolean (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
      [18] istore_3 v3
      [19] iload_3 v3
      [20] ifeq +17 (target=37)
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] getfield #103
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.mediaPlayer Landroid/media/MediaPlayer;]
      [27] ifnonnull +10 (target=37)
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] invokespecial #181
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.enableMediaPlayer ()V]
      [34] goto +156 (target=190)
      [37] iload_3 v3
      [38] ifne +152 (target=190)
      [41] aload_0 v0
      [42] getfield #103
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.mediaPlayer Landroid/media/MediaPlayer;]
      [45] ifnull +145 (target=190)
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] invokespecial #179
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.disableMediaPlayer ()V]
      [52] goto +138 (target=190)
      [55] ldc #21
        + String [bellVolume]
      [57] aload_2 v2
      [58] invokevirtual #144
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [61] ifeq +33 (target=94)
      [64] aload_0 v0
      [65] getfield #103
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.mediaPlayer Landroid/media/MediaPlayer;]
      [68] ifnull +122 (target=190)
      [71] aload_1 v1
      [72] ldc #21
        + String [bellVolume]
      [74] ldc #2
        + Float [0.25]
      [76] invokeinterface #216
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.getFloat (Ljava/lang/String;F)F]
      [81] fstore_3 v3
      [82] aload_0 v0
      [83] getfield #103
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.mediaPlayer Landroid/media/MediaPlayer;]
      [86] fload_3 v3
      [87] fload_3 v3
      [88] invokevirtual #131
        + Methodref [android/media/MediaPlayer.setVolume (FF)V]
      [91] goto +99 (target=190)
      [94] ldc #20
        + String [bellVibrate]
      [96] aload_2 v2
      [97] invokevirtual #144
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [100] ifeq +19 (target=119)
      [103] aload_0 v0
      [104] aload_1 v1
      [105] ldc #20
        + String [bellVibrate]
      [107] iconst_1
      [108] invokeinterface #215
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.getBoolean (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
      [113] putfield #111
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.wantBellVibration Z]
      [116] goto +74 (target=190)
      [119] ldc #22
        + String [bumpyarrows]
      [121] aload_2 v2
      [122] invokevirtual #144
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [125] ifeq +19 (target=144)
      [128] aload_0 v0
      [129] aload_1 v1
      [130] ldc #22
        + String [bumpyarrows]
      [132] iconst_1
      [133] invokeinterface #215
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.getBoolean (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
      [138] putfield #112
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.wantKeyVibration Z]
      [141] goto +49 (target=190)
      [144] ldc #31
        + String [wifilock]
      [146] aload_2 v2
      [147] invokevirtual #144
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [150] ifeq +27 (target=177)
      [153] aload_0 v0
      [154] getfield #104
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.prefs Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;]
      [157] ldc #31
        + String [wifilock]
      [159] iconst_1
      [160] invokeinterface #215
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/content/SharedPreferences.getBoolean (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z]
      [165] istore_3 v3
      [166] aload_0 v0
      [167] getfield #92
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.connectivityManager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver;]
      [170] iload_3 v3
      [171] invokevirtual #171
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.setWantWifiLock (Z)V]
      [174] goto +16 (target=190)
      [177] ldc #26
        + String [memkeys]
      [179] aload_2 v2
      [180] invokevirtual #144
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [183] ifeq +7 (target=190)
      [186] aload_0 v0
      [187] invokespecial #194
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.updateSavingKeys ()V]
      [190] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 29)
        [0] -> line 604
        [9] -> line 605
        [10] -> line 606
        [13] -> line 605
        [19] -> line 607
        [30] -> line 608
        [37] -> line 609
        [48] -> line 610
        [55] -> line 611
        [64] -> line 612
        [71] -> line 613
        [72] -> line 614
        [74] -> line 615
        [76] -> line 613
        [82] -> line 616
        [94] -> line 618
        [103] -> line 619
        [105] -> line 620
        [108] -> line 619
        [119] -> line 621
        [128] -> line 622
        [130] -> line 623
        [133] -> line 622
        [144] -> line 624
        [153] -> line 625
        [166] -> line 626
        [177] -> line 627
        [186] -> line 628
        [190] -> line 630
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 191 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 191 [Landroid/content/SharedPreferences; sharedPreferences]
        v2: 0 -> 191 [Ljava/lang/String; key]
        v3: 19 -> 55 [Z wantAudible]
        v3: 82 -> 91 [F volume]
        v3: 166 -> 177 [Z lockingWifi]
  + Method:       setResizeAllowed(Z)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setResizeAllowed(boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #108
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.resizeAllowed Z]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 637
        [5] -> line 638
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [Z resizeAllowed]
  + Method:       isResizeAllowed()Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean isResizeAllowed()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #108
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.resizeAllowed Z]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 641
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; this]
  + Method:       onConnectivityLost()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onConnectivityLost()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 20, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] new #72
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$2]
      [3] dup
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] invokespecial #197
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$2.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;)V]
      [8] astore_1 v1
      [9] aload_1 v1
      [10] ldc #8
        + String [Disconnector]
      [12] invokevirtual #146
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.setName (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] invokevirtual #147
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.start ()V]
      [19] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 655
        [9] -> line 661
        [15] -> line 662
        [19] -> line 663
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 20 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; this]
        v1: 9 -> 20 [Ljava/lang/Thread; t]
  + Method:       onConnectivityRestored()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onConnectivityRestored()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 20, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] new #73
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$3]
      [3] dup
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] invokespecial #198
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$3.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;)V]
      [8] astore_1 v1
      [9] aload_1 v1
      [10] ldc #11
        + String [Reconnector]
      [12] invokevirtual #146
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.setName (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] invokevirtual #147
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.start ()V]
      [19] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 669
        [9] -> line 675
        [15] -> line 676
        [19] -> line 677
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 20 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; this]
        v1: 9 -> 20 [Ljava/lang/Thread; t]
  + Method:       requestReconnect(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void requestReconnect(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 55, locals = 3, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #102
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.mPendingReconnect Ljava/util/List;]
      [4] dup
      [5] astore_2 v2
      [6] monitorenter
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #102
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.mPendingReconnect Ljava/util/List;]
      [11] new #54
        + Class [java/lang/ref/WeakReference]
      [14] dup
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] invokespecial #148
        + Methodref [java/lang/ref/WeakReference.<init> (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
      [19] invokeinterface #221
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [24] pop
      [25] aload_1 v1
      [26] invokevirtual #174
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.isUsingNetwork ()Z]
      [29] ifeq +13 (target=42)
      [32] aload_0 v0
      [33] getfield #92
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.connectivityManager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver;]
      [36] invokevirtual #170
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/ConnectivityReceiver.isConnected ()Z]
      [39] ifeq +7 (target=46)
      [42] aload_0 v0
      [43] invokespecial #186
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.reconnectPending ()V]
      [46] aload_2 v2
      [47] monitorexit
      [48] goto +6 (target=54)
      [51] aload_2 v2
      [52] monitorexit
      [53] athrow
      [54] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (7 -> 48: 51):
      + ExceptionInfo (51 -> 53: 51):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 687
        [7] -> line 688
        [25] -> line 689
        [32] -> line 690
        [42] -> line 691
        [46] -> line 687
        [54] -> line 694
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 55 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; this]
        v1: 0 -> 55 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; bridge]
  + Method:       reconnectPending()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void reconnectPending()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 79, locals = 5, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #102
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.mPendingReconnect Ljava/util/List;]
      [4] dup
      [5] astore_1 v1
      [6] monitorenter
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #102
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.mPendingReconnect Ljava/util/List;]
      [11] invokeinterface #223
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
      [16] astore_3 v3
      [17] goto +35 (target=52)
      [20] aload_3 v3
      [21] invokeinterface #220
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/ ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [26] checkcast #54
        + Class [java/lang/ref/WeakReference]
      [29] astore_2 v2
      [30] aload_2 v2
      [31] invokevirtual #149
        + Methodref [java/lang/ref/WeakReference.get ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [34] checkcast #69
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
      [37] astore v4
      [39] aload v4
      [41] ifnonnull +6 (target=47)
      [44] goto +8 (target=52)
      [47] aload v4
      [49] invokevirtual #176
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.startConnection ()V]
      [52] aload_3 v3
      [53] invokeinterface #219
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Iterator.hasNext ()Z]
      [58] ifne -38 (target=20)
      [61] aload_0 v0
      [62] getfield #102
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.mPendingReconnect Ljava/util/List;]
      [65] invokeinterface #222
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.clear ()V]
      [70] aload_1 v1
      [71] monitorexit
      [72] goto +6 (target=78)
      [75] aload_1 v1
      [76] monitorexit
      [77] athrow
      [78] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (7 -> 72: 75):
      + ExceptionInfo (75 -> 77: 75):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 10)
        [0] -> line 701
        [7] -> line 702
        [30] -> line 703
        [39] -> line 704
        [44] -> line 705
        [47] -> line 707
        [52] -> line 702
        [61] -> line 709
        [70] -> line 701
        [78] -> line 711
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 79 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; this]
        v2: 30 -> 52 [Ljava/lang/ref/WeakReference; ref]
        v4: 39 -> 52 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; bridge]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 1)
        v2: 30 -> 52 [Ljava/lang/ref/WeakReference<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;>; ref]
  + Method:       access$0(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;Z)V
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic void access$0(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalManager,boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #180
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.disconnectAll (Z)V]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 200
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$1(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;)V
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic void access$1(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalManager)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #186
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.reconnectPending ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 700
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 10)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/content/SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener]
      + Class [android/content/SharedPreferences]
      + Utf8 [OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/media/MediaPlayer$OnCompletionListener]
      + Class [android/media/MediaPlayer]
      + Utf8 [OnCompletionListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [java/util/Map$Entry]
      + Class [java/util/Map]
      + Utf8 [Entry]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$1]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$2]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$3]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0xa = private static 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$BeepListener]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
      + Utf8 [BeepListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x2 = private 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$IdleTask]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
      + Utf8 [IdleTask]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x9 = public static 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
      + Utf8 [KeyHolder]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x1 = public 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
      + Utf8 [TerminalBinder]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$1
  Superclass:    java/util/TimerTask
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalManager$1 extends java.util.TimerTask

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 60):
  + String [ConnectBot.TerminalManager]
  + String [Unloading from memory key: ]
  + Class [android/util/Log]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/util/TimerTask]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$1]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$1.val$nickname Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/util/TimerTask.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.removeKey (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [addKey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;Ljava/lang/Object;Z)V]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [removeKey (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [val$nickname Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;Ljava/lang/Object;Z)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ConnectBot.TerminalManager]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$1;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Unloading from memory key: ]
  + Utf8 [addKey]
  + Utf8 [android/util/Log]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [d]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/util/TimerTask]
  + Utf8 [removeKey]
  + Utf8 [run]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$1]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [val$nickname]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalManager this$0
  + Field:        val$nickname Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic java.lang.String val$nickname

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = TerminalManager$1(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalManager,java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_2 v2
      [7] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$1.val$nickname Ljava/lang/String;]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] invokespecial #14
        + Methodref [java/util/TimerTask.<init> ()V]
      [14] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [10] -> line 382
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 15 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$1; this]
  + Method:       run()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void run()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 38, locals = 1, stack = 4):
      [0] ldc #1
        + String [ConnectBot.TerminalManager]
      [2] new #4
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [5] dup
      [6] ldc #2
        + String [Unloading from memory key: ]
      [8] invokespecial #11
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$1.val$nickname Ljava/lang/String;]
      [15] invokevirtual #12
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [18] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [21] invokestatic #10
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [24] pop
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$1.val$nickname Ljava/lang/String;]
      [33] invokevirtual #15
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.removeKey (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [36] pop
      [37] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 385
        [25] -> line 386
        [37] -> line 387
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 38 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$1; this]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
    + NameAndType [addKey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;Ljava/lang/Object;Z)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$1]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$2
  Superclass:    java/lang/Thread
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalManager$2 extends java.lang.Thread

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 32):
  + Class [java/lang/Thread]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$2]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;Z)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;Z)V]
  + NameAndType [onConnectivityLost ()V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;Z)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$2;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Thread]
  + Utf8 [onConnectivityLost]
  + Utf8 [run]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$2]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalManager this$0

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = TerminalManager$2(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalManager)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #4
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #5
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 655
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$2; this]
  + Method:       run()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void run()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 9, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #4
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$2.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [4] iconst_0
      [5] invokestatic #6
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;Z)V]
      [8] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 658
        [8] -> line 659
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 9 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$2; this]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
    + NameAndType [onConnectivityLost ()V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$2]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$3
  Superclass:    java/lang/Thread
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalManager$3 extends java.lang.Thread

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 31):
  + Class [java/lang/Thread]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$3]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$3.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.access$1 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [access$1 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;)V]
  + NameAndType [onConnectivityRestored ()V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$3;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [access$1]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Thread]
  + Utf8 [onConnectivityRestored]
  + Utf8 [run]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$3]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalManager this$0

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = TerminalManager$3(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalManager)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #4
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$3.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #5
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 669
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$3; this]
  + Method:       run()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void run()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 8, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #4
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$3.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [4] invokestatic #6
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.access$1 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;)V]
      [7] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 672
        [7] -> line 673
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$3; this]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
    + NameAndType [onConnectivityRestored ()V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$3]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$BeepListener
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalManager$BeepListener extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/media/MediaPlayer$OnCompletionListener]

Constant Pool (count = 35):
  + Class [android/media/MediaPlayer]
  + Class [android/media/MediaPlayer$OnCompletionListener]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$BeepListener]
  + Methodref [android/media/MediaPlayer.seekTo (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$BeepListener.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [seekTo (I)V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/media/MediaPlayer;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$BeepListener;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [BeepListener]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/media/MediaPlayer;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$BeepListener;]
  + Utf8 [OnCompletionListener]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [android/media/MediaPlayer]
  + Utf8 [android/media/MediaPlayer$OnCompletionListener]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [mp]
  + Utf8 [onCompletion]
  + Utf8 [seekTo]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$BeepListener]
  + Utf8 [this]

Fields (count = 0):

Methods (count = 3):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private TerminalManager$BeepListener()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #7
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 579
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$BeepListener; this]
  + Method:       onCompletion(Landroid/media/MediaPlayer;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onCompletion(
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] iconst_0
      [2] invokevirtual #6
        + Methodref [android/media/MediaPlayer.seekTo (I)V]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 581
        [5] -> line 582
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$BeepListener; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [Landroid/media/MediaPlayer; mp]
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$BeepListener;)V
    Access flags: 0x1000
      = synthetic TerminalManager$BeepListener(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalManager$BeepListener)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 2, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #8
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$BeepListener.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 579
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/media/MediaPlayer$OnCompletionListener]
      + Class [android/media/MediaPlayer]
      + Utf8 [OnCompletionListener]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0xa = private static 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$BeepListener]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
      + Utf8 [BeepListener]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$IdleTask
  Superclass:    java/util/TimerTask
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalManager$IdleTask extends java.util.TimerTask

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 58):
  + String [ConnectBot.TerminalManager]
  + String [Stopping service after timeout of ~%d seconds]
  + Class [android/util/Log]
  + Class [java/lang/Long]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/util/TimerTask]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$IdleTask]
  + Long [300]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$IdleTask.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Long.valueOf (J)Ljava/lang/Long;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/util/TimerTask.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.stopNow ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$IdleTask.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;)V]
  + NameAndType [d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [stopNow ()V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (J)Ljava/lang/Long;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(J)Ljava/lang/Long;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$IdleTask;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ConnectBot.TerminalManager]
  + Utf8 [IdleTask]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$IdleTask;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Stopping service after timeout of ~%d seconds]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [android/util/Log]
  + Utf8 [d]
  + Utf8 [format]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Long]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/util/TimerTask]
  + Utf8 [run]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$IdleTask]
  + Utf8 [stopNow]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [valueOf]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalManager this$0

Methods (count = 3):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private TerminalManager$IdleTask(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalManager)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$IdleTask.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #16
        + Methodref [java/util/TimerTask.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 522
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$IdleTask; this]
  + Method:       run()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void run()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 32, locals = 1, stack = 7):
      [0] ldc #1
        + String [ConnectBot.TerminalManager]
      [2] ldc #2
        + String [Stopping service after timeout of ~%d seconds]
      [4] iconst_1
      [5] anewarray #5
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [8] dup
      [9] iconst_0
      [10] ldc2_w #10
        + Long [300]
      [13] invokestatic #14
        + Methodref [java/lang/Long.valueOf (J)Ljava/lang/Long;]
      [16] aastore
      [17] invokestatic #15
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [20] invokestatic #13
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [23] pop
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$IdleTask.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [28] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.stopNow ()V]
      [31] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 528
        [24] -> line 529
        [31] -> line 530
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 32 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$IdleTask; this]
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$IdleTask;)V
    Access flags: 0x1000
      = synthetic TerminalManager$IdleTask(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalManager,com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalManager$IdleTask)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #18
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$IdleTask.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;)V]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 522
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x2 = private 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$IdleTask]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
      + Utf8 [IdleTask]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalManager$KeyHolder extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 26):
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [KeyHolder]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder;]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [bean]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [openSSHPubkey]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [trileadKey]

Fields (count = 3):
  + Field:        bean Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PubkeyBean bean
  + Field:        trileadKey Ljava/lang/Object;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.Object trileadKey
  + Field:        openSSHPubkey [B
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public byte[] openSSHPubkey

Methods (count = 1):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public TerminalManager$KeyHolder()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #4
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 644
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder; this]

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x9 = public static 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
      + Utf8 [KeyHolder]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder
  Superclass:    android/os/Binder
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalManager$TerminalBinder extends android.os.Binder

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 27):
  + Class [android/os/Binder]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Methodref [android/os/Binder.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [TerminalBinder]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [android/os/Binder]
  + Utf8 [getService]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalManager this$0

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public TerminalManager$TerminalBinder(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalManager)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #4
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #5
        + Methodref [android/os/Binder.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 469
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder; this]
  + Method:       getService()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalManager getService()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #4
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 471
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder; this]

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x1 = public 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$TerminalBinder]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
      + Utf8 [TerminalBinder]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x421
    = public abstract class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.transport.AbsTransport extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 88):
  + String [???]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.emulation Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [emulation Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [host Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + NameAndType [manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/List;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;>;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(IIII)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/net/Uri;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/net/Uri;Ljava/util/Map;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/net/Uri;Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;>;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [([BII)I]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [???]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/Context;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
  + Utf8 [Signature]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [addPortForward]
  + Utf8 [bridge]
  + Utf8 [canForwardPorts]
  + Utf8 [close]
  + Utf8 [compression]
  + Utf8 [connect]
  + Utf8 [context]
  + Utf8 [createHost]
  + Utf8 [disablePortForward]
  + Utf8 [emulation]
  + Utf8 [enablePortForward]
  + Utf8 [flush]
  + Utf8 [getEmulation]
  + Utf8 [getFormatHint]
  + Utf8 [getPortForwards]
  + Utf8 [getSelectionArgs]
  + Utf8 [host]
  + Utf8 [isConnected]
  + Utf8 [isSessionOpen]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [manager]
  + Utf8 [portForward]
  + Utf8 [read]
  + Utf8 [removePortForward]
  + Utf8 [setBridge]
  + Utf8 [setCompression]
  + Utf8 [setDimensions]
  + Utf8 [setEmulation]
  + Utf8 [setHost]
  + Utf8 [setManager]
  + Utf8 [setUseAuthAgent]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [useAuthAgent]
  + Utf8 [usesNetwork]
  + Utf8 [write]

Fields (count = 4):
  + Field:        host Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.HostBean host
  + Field:        bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge bridge
  + Field:        manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalManager manager
  + Field:        emulation Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x0
      = java.lang.String emulation

Methods (count = 27):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public AbsTransport()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #9
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 42
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport; this]
  + Method:       connect()V
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract void connect()
  + Method:       read([BII)I
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract int read(byte[],int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       write([B)V
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract void write(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       write(I)V
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract void write(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       flush()V
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract void flush()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       close()V
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract void close()
  + Method:       setDimensions(IIII)V
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract void setDimensions(int,int,int,int)
  + Method:       setCompression(Z)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setCompression(boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 1, locals = 2, stack = 0):
      [0] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 132
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 1 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport; this]
        v1: 0 -> 1 [Z compression]
  + Method:       setUseAuthAgent(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setUseAuthAgent(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 1, locals = 2, stack = 0):
      [0] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 136
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 1 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport; this]
        v1: 0 -> 1 [Ljava/lang/String; useAuthAgent]
  + Method:       setEmulation(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setEmulation(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #6
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.emulation Ljava/lang/String;]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 139
        [5] -> line 140
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [Ljava/lang/String; emulation]
  + Method:       getEmulation()Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String getEmulation()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #6
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.emulation Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 143
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport; this]
  + Method:       setHost(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setHost(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.HostBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #7
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 147
        [5] -> line 148
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; host]
  + Method:       setBridge(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setBridge(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalBridge)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #5
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 151
        [5] -> line 152
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge; bridge]
  + Method:       setManager(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setManager(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.service.TerminalManager)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 155
        [5] -> line 156
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager; manager]
  + Method:       canForwardPorts()Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean canForwardPorts()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 2, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] iconst_0
      [1] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 163
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 2 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport; this]
  + Method:       addPortForward(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean addPortForward(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PortForwardBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 2, locals = 2, stack = 1):
      [0] iconst_0
      [1] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 172
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 2 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport; this]
        v1: 0 -> 2 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean; portForward]
  + Method:       enablePortForward(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean enablePortForward(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PortForwardBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 2, locals = 2, stack = 1):
      [0] iconst_0
      [1] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 182
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 2 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport; this]
        v1: 0 -> 2 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean; portForward]
  + Method:       disablePortForward(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean disablePortForward(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PortForwardBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 2, locals = 2, stack = 1):
      [0] iconst_0
      [1] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 192
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 2 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport; this]
        v1: 0 -> 2 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean; portForward]
  + Method:       removePortForward(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean removePortForward(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PortForwardBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 2, locals = 2, stack = 1):
      [0] iconst_0
      [1] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 201
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 2 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport; this]
        v1: 0 -> 2 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean; portForward]
  + Method:       getPortForwards()Ljava/util/List;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.util.List getPortForwards()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 2, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aconst_null
      [1] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 209
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 2 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport; this]
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;>;]
  + Method:       isConnected()Z
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract boolean isConnected()
  + Method:       isSessionOpen()Z
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract boolean isSessionOpen()
  + Method:       getSelectionArgs(Landroid/net/Uri;Ljava/util/Map;)V
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract void getSelectionArgs(,java.util.Map)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [(Landroid/net/Uri;Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;>;)V]
  + Method:       createHost(Landroid/net/Uri;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.HostBean createHost(
  + Method:       getFormatHint(Landroid/content/Context;)Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static java.lang.String getFormatHint(android.content.Context)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 3, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] ldc #1
        + String [???]
      [2] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 246
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 3 [Landroid/content/Context; context]
  + Method:       usesNetwork()Z
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract boolean usesNetwork()

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local
  Superclass:    com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.transport.Local extends com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.transport.AbsTransport

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 268):
  + Integer [2131230830]
  + Integer [2131230922]
  + String [-]
  + String [/system/bin/sh]
  + String [Cannot start local shell]
  + String [ConnectBot.Local]
  + String [Couldn't close shell]
  + String [Couldn't resize pty]
  + String [LocalExitWatcher]
  + String [local]
  + String [local:#Local]
  + String [nickname]
  + String [protocol]
  + String [session closed]
  + Class [android/content/Context]
  + Class [android/content/res/Resources]
  + Class [android/net/Uri]
  + Class [android/net/Uri$Builder]
  + Class [android/util/Log]
  + Class [com/google/ase/Exec]
  + Class [java/io/FileInputStream]
  + Class [java/io/FileOutputStream]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/Thread]
  + Class [java/util/Map]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local$1]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/ Ljava/io/FileInputStream;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local.os Ljava/io/FileOutputStream;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local.shellFd Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;]
  + Methodref [android/content/Context.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/net/Uri.buildUpon ()Landroid/net/Uri$Builder;]
  + Methodref [android/net/Uri.getFragment ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/net/Uri.parse (Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + Methodref [android/net/Uri$ ()Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + Methodref [android/net/Uri$Builder.fragment (Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri$Builder;]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Methodref [com/google/ase/Exec.createSubprocess (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[I)Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;]
  + Methodref [com/google/ase/Exec.setPtyWindowSize (Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;IIII)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/FileInputStream.<init> (Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/FileInputStream.close ()V]
  + Methodref [java/io/ ([BII)I]
  + Methodref [java/io/FileOutputStream.<init> (Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/FileOutputStream.close ()V]
  + Methodref [java/io/FileOutputStream.flush ()V]
  + Methodref [java/io/FileOutputStream.write (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/FileOutputStream.write ([B)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.<init> (Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.setDaemon (Z)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.setName (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.start ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getHostname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getPort ()I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getUsername ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setNickname (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setProtocol (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.dispatchDisconnect (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.onConnected ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.outputLine (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local.getDefaultNickname (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local;I)V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.put (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local;I)V]
  + NameAndType [bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [build ()Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + NameAndType [buildUpon ()Landroid/net/Uri$Builder;]
  + NameAndType [close ()V]
  + NameAndType [createSubprocess (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[I)Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;]
  + NameAndType [dispatchDisconnect (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + NameAndType [flush ()V]
  + NameAndType [fragment (Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri$Builder;]
  + NameAndType [getDefaultNickname (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getFragment ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getHostname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getPort ()I]
  + NameAndType [getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getUsername ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [is Ljava/io/FileInputStream;]
  + NameAndType [length ()I]
  + NameAndType [manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + NameAndType [onConnected ()V]
  + NameAndType [os Ljava/io/FileOutputStream;]
  + NameAndType [outputLine (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [parse (Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + NameAndType [put (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [read ([BII)I]
  + NameAndType [res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + NameAndType [setDaemon (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [setName (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [setNickname (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [setProtocol (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [setPtyWindowSize (Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;IIII)V]
  + NameAndType [shellFd Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;]
  + NameAndType [start ()V]
  + NameAndType [write (I)V]
  + NameAndType [write ([B)V]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/net/Uri$Builder;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(IIII)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/net/Uri;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/net/Uri;Ljava/util/Map;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/net/Uri;Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;>;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;IIII)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri$Builder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[I)Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [([BII)I]
  + Utf8 [-]
  + Utf8 [/system/bin/sh]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Builder]
  + Utf8 [Cannot start local shell]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ConnectBot.Local]
  + Utf8 [Couldn't close shell]
  + Utf8 [Couldn't resize pty]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/Context;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/FileInputStream;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/FileOutputStream;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/IOException;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Exception;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Runnable;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Thread;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Map;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;>;]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [LocalExitWatcher]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTypeTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local;]
  + Utf8 [Signature]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [[I]
  + Utf8 [android/content/Context]
  + Utf8 [android/content/res/Resources]
  + Utf8 [android/net/Uri]
  + Utf8 [android/net/Uri$Builder]
  + Utf8 [android/util/Log]
  + Utf8 [bridge]
  + Utf8 [buffer]
  + Utf8 [build]
  + Utf8 [buildUpon]
  + Utf8 [c]
  + Utf8 [close]
  + Utf8 [columns]
  + Utf8 [com/google/ase/Exec]
  + Utf8 [connect]
  + Utf8 [context]
  + Utf8 [createHost]
  + Utf8 [createSubprocess]
  + Utf8 [dispatchDisconnect]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [exitWatcher]
  + Utf8 [exitWatcherThread]
  + Utf8 [flush]
  + Utf8 [fragment]
  + Utf8 [getDefaultNickname]
  + Utf8 [getFormatHint]
  + Utf8 [getFragment]
  + Utf8 [getHostname]
  + Utf8 [getPort]
  + Utf8 [getProtocolName]
  + Utf8 [getSelectionArgs]
  + Utf8 [getString]
  + Utf8 [getUri]
  + Utf8 [getUsername]
  + Utf8 [height]
  + Utf8 [host]
  + Utf8 [hostname]
  + Utf8 [input]
  + Utf8 [is]
  + Utf8 [isConnected]
  + Utf8 [isSessionOpen]
  + Utf8 [java/io/FileInputStream]
  + Utf8 [java/io/FileOutputStream]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Exception]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Thread]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Map]
  + Utf8 [len]
  + Utf8 [length]
  + Utf8 [local]
  + Utf8 [local:#Local]
  + Utf8 [manager]
  + Utf8 [nickname]
  + Utf8 [onConnected]
  + Utf8 [os]
  + Utf8 [outputLine]
  + Utf8 [parse]
  + Utf8 [pids]
  + Utf8 [port]
  + Utf8 [protocol]
  + Utf8 [put]
  + Utf8 [read]
  + Utf8 [res]
  + Utf8 [rows]
  + Utf8 [selection]
  + Utf8 [session closed]
  + Utf8 [setDaemon]
  + Utf8 [setDimensions]
  + Utf8 [setName]
  + Utf8 [setNickname]
  + Utf8 [setProtocol]
  + Utf8 [setPtyWindowSize]
  + Utf8 [shellFd]
  + Utf8 [shellPid]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local$1]
  + Utf8 [start]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [uri]
  + Utf8 [username]
  + Utf8 [usesNetwork]
  + Utf8 [width]
  + Utf8 [write]

Fields (count = 3):
  + Field:        shellFd Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private shellFd
  + Field:        is Ljava/io/FileInputStream;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private is
  + Field:        os Ljava/io/FileOutputStream;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private os

Methods (count = 17):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public Local()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #73
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 55
        [4] -> line 56
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local; this]
  + Method:       getProtocolName()Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static java.lang.String getProtocolName()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 3, locals = 0, stack = 1):
      [0] ldc #10
        + String [local]
      [2] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 68
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       close()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void close()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 52, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #38
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local.os Ljava/io/FileOutputStream;]
      [4] ifnull +15 (target=19)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #38
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local.os Ljava/io/FileOutputStream;]
      [11] invokevirtual #54
        + Methodref [java/io/FileOutputStream.close ()V]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] aconst_null
      [16] putfield #38
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local.os Ljava/io/FileOutputStream;]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] getfield #36
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/ Ljava/io/FileInputStream;]
      [23] ifnull +28 (target=51)
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] getfield #36
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/ Ljava/io/FileInputStream;]
      [30] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [java/io/FileInputStream.close ()V]
      [33] aload_0 v0
      [34] aconst_null
      [35] putfield #36
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/ Ljava/io/FileInputStream;]
      [38] goto +13 (target=51)
      [41] astore_1 v1
      [42] ldc #6
        + String [ConnectBot.Local]
      [44] ldc #7
        + String [Couldn't close shell]
      [46] aload_1 v1
      [47] invokestatic #47
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [50] pop
      [51] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 38: 41):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 74
        [7] -> line 75
        [14] -> line 76
        [19] -> line 78
        [26] -> line 79
        [33] -> line 80
        [41] -> line 82
        [42] -> line 83
        [51] -> line 85
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 52 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local; this]
        v1: 42 -> 51 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]
  + Method:       connect()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void connect()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 130, locals = 5, stack = 5):
      [0] iconst_1
      [1] newarray 10
      [3] astore_1 v1
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] ldc #4
        + String [/system/bin/sh]
      [7] ldc #3
        + String [-]
      [9] aconst_null
      [10] aload_1 v1
      [11] invokestatic #48
        + Methodref [com/google/ase/Exec.createSubprocess (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[I)Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;]
      [14] putfield #39
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local.shellFd Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;]
      [17] goto +33 (target=50)
      [20] astore_2 v2
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] getfield #37
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [29] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [32] ldc #2
        + Integer [2131230922]
      [34] invokevirtual #41
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [37] invokevirtual #72
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.outputLine (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [40] ldc #6
        + String [ConnectBot.Local]
      [42] ldc #5
        + String [Cannot start local shell]
      [44] aload_2 v2
      [45] invokestatic #47
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [48] pop
      [49] return
      [50] aload_1 v1
      [51] iconst_0
      [52] iaload
      [53] istore_2 v2
      [54] new #33
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local$1]
      [57] dup
      [58] aload_0 v0
      [59] iload_2 v2
      [60] invokespecial #75
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local;I)V]
      [63] astore_3 v3
      [64] new #26
        + Class [java/lang/Thread]
      [67] dup
      [68] aload_3 v3
      [69] invokespecial #60
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.<init> (Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V]
      [72] astore v4
      [74] aload v4
      [76] ldc #9
        + String [LocalExitWatcher]
      [78] invokevirtual #62
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.setName (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [81] aload v4
      [83] iconst_1
      [84] invokevirtual #61
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.setDaemon (Z)V]
      [87] aload v4
      [89] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.start ()V]
      [92] aload_0 v0
      [93] new #21
        + Class [java/io/FileInputStream]
      [96] dup
      [97] aload_0 v0
      [98] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local.shellFd Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;]
      [101] invokespecial #50
        + Methodref [java/io/FileInputStream.<init> (Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;)V]
      [104] putfield #36
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/ Ljava/io/FileInputStream;]
      [107] aload_0 v0
      [108] new #22
        + Class [java/io/FileOutputStream]
      [111] dup
      [112] aload_0 v0
      [113] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local.shellFd Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;]
      [116] invokespecial #53
        + Methodref [java/io/FileOutputStream.<init> (Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;)V]
      [119] putfield #38
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local.os Ljava/io/FileOutputStream;]
      [122] aload_0 v0
      [123] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [126] invokevirtual #71
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.onConnected ()V]
      [129] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (4 -> 17: 20):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 16)
        [0] -> line 89
        [4] -> line 92
        [20] -> line 93
        [21] -> line 94
        [40] -> line 95
        [49] -> line 96
        [50] -> line 99
        [54] -> line 100
        [64] -> line 108
        [74] -> line 109
        [81] -> line 110
        [87] -> line 111
        [92] -> line 113
        [107] -> line 114
        [122] -> line 116
        [129] -> line 117
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 130 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local; this]
        v1: 4 -> 130 [[I pids]
        v2: 21 -> 50 [Ljava/lang/Exception; e]
        v2: 54 -> 130 [I shellPid]
        v3: 64 -> 130 [Ljava/lang/Runnable; exitWatcher]
        v4: 74 -> 130 [Ljava/lang/Thread; exitWatcherThread]
  + Method:       flush()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void flush()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 8, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #38
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local.os Ljava/io/FileOutputStream;]
      [4] invokevirtual #55
        + Methodref [java/io/FileOutputStream.flush ()V]
      [7] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 121
        [7] -> line 122
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local; this]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       getDefaultNickname(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String getDefaultNickname(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 3, locals = 4, stack = 1):
      [0] ldc #11
        + String [local:#Local]
      [2] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 126
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 3 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local; this]
        v1: 0 -> 3 [Ljava/lang/String; username]
        v2: 0 -> 3 [Ljava/lang/String; hostname]
        v3: 0 -> 3 [I port]
  + Method:       isConnected()Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean isConnected()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 18, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #36
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/ Ljava/io/FileInputStream;]
      [4] ifnull +12 (target=16)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #38
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local.os Ljava/io/FileOutputStream;]
      [11] ifnull +5 (target=16)
      [14] iconst_1
      [15] ireturn
      [16] iconst_0
      [17] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 136
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 18 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local; this]
  + Method:       isSessionOpen()Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean isSessionOpen()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 18, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #36
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/ Ljava/io/FileInputStream;]
      [4] ifnull +12 (target=16)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #38
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local.os Ljava/io/FileOutputStream;]
      [11] ifnull +5 (target=16)
      [14] iconst_1
      [15] ireturn
      [16] iconst_0
      [17] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 141
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 18 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local; this]
  + Method:       read([BII)I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int read(byte[],int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 36, locals = 4, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #36
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/ Ljava/io/FileInputStream;]
      [4] ifnonnull +21 (target=25)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #35
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [11] iconst_0
      [12] invokevirtual #70
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.dispatchDisconnect (Z)V]
      [15] new #23
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [18] dup
      [19] ldc #14
        + String [session closed]
      [21] invokespecial #58
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [24] athrow
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] getfield #36
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/ Ljava/io/FileInputStream;]
      [29] aload_1 v1
      [30] iload_2 v2
      [31] iload_3 v3
      [32] invokevirtual #52
        + Methodref [java/io/ ([BII)I]
      [35] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 146
        [7] -> line 147
        [15] -> line 148
        [25] -> line 150
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 36 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local; this]
        v1: 0 -> 36 [[B buffer]
        v2: 0 -> 36 [I start]
        v3: 0 -> 36 [I len]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       setDimensions(IIII)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setDimensions(int,int,int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 28, locals = 6, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local.shellFd Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;]
      [4] iload_2 v2
      [5] iload_1 v1
      [6] iload_3 v3
      [7] iload v4
      [9] invokestatic #49
        + Methodref [com/google/ase/Exec.setPtyWindowSize (Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;IIII)V]
      [12] goto +15 (target=27)
      [15] astore v5
      [17] ldc #6
        + String [ConnectBot.Local]
      [19] ldc #8
        + String [Couldn't resize pty]
      [21] aload v5
      [23] invokestatic #47
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [26] pop
      [27] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 12: 15):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 156
        [15] -> line 157
        [17] -> line 158
        [27] -> line 160
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 28 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local; this]
        v1: 0 -> 28 [I columns]
        v2: 0 -> 28 [I rows]
        v3: 0 -> 28 [I width]
        v4: 0 -> 28 [I height]
        v5: 17 -> 27 [Ljava/lang/Exception; e]
  + Method:       write([B)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void write(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 16, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #38
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local.os Ljava/io/FileOutputStream;]
      [4] ifnull +11 (target=15)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #38
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local.os Ljava/io/FileOutputStream;]
      [11] aload_1 v1
      [12] invokevirtual #57
        + Methodref [java/io/FileOutputStream.write ([B)V]
      [15] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 164
        [7] -> line 165
        [15] -> line 166
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 16 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local; this]
        v1: 0 -> 16 [[B buffer]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       write(I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void write(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 16, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #38
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local.os Ljava/io/FileOutputStream;]
      [4] ifnull +11 (target=15)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #38
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local.os Ljava/io/FileOutputStream;]
      [11] iload_1 v1
      [12] invokevirtual #56
        + Methodref [java/io/FileOutputStream.write (I)V]
      [15] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 170
        [7] -> line 171
        [15] -> line 172
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 16 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local; this]
        v1: 0 -> 16 [I c]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       getUri(Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri;
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static getUri(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 31, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] ldc #11
        + String [local:#Local]
      [2] invokestatic #44
        + Methodref [android/net/Uri.parse (Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri;]
      [5] astore_1 v1
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] ifnull +22 (target=29)
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
      [14] ifle +15 (target=29)
      [17] aload_1 v1
      [18] invokevirtual #42
        + Methodref [android/net/Uri.buildUpon ()Landroid/net/Uri$Builder;]
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [android/net/Uri$Builder.fragment (Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri$Builder;]
      [25] invokevirtual #45
        + Methodref [android/net/Uri$ ()Landroid/net/Uri;]
      [28] astore_1 v1
      [29] aload_1 v1
      [30] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 175
        [6] -> line 177
        [17] -> line 178
        [29] -> line 181
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 31 [Ljava/lang/String; input]
        v1: 6 -> 31 [Landroid/net/Uri; uri]
  + Method:       createHost(Landroid/net/Uri;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.HostBean createHost(
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 63, locals = 4, stack = 5):
      [0] new #28
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
      [3] dup
      [4] invokespecial #64
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.<init> ()V]
      [7] astore_2 v2
      [8] aload_2 v2
      [9] ldc #10
        + String [local]
      [11] invokevirtual #69
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setProtocol (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [14] aload_1 v1
      [15] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [android/net/Uri.getFragment ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [18] astore_3 v3
      [19] aload_3 v3
      [20] ifnull +10 (target=30)
      [23] aload_3 v3
      [24] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
      [27] ifne +26 (target=53)
      [30] aload_2 v2
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] aload_2 v2
      [33] invokevirtual #67
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getUsername ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [36] aload_2 v2
      [37] invokevirtual #65
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getHostname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [40] aload_2 v2
      [41] invokevirtual #66
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getPort ()I]
      [44] invokevirtual #74
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local.getDefaultNickname (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [47] invokevirtual #68
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setNickname (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [50] goto +11 (target=61)
      [53] aload_2 v2
      [54] aload_1 v1
      [55] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [android/net/Uri.getFragment ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [58] invokevirtual #68
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setNickname (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [61] aload_2 v2
      [62] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 186
        [8] -> line 188
        [14] -> line 190
        [19] -> line 191
        [30] -> line 192
        [36] -> line 193
        [44] -> line 192
        [53] -> line 195
        [61] -> line 198
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 63 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local; this]
        v1: 0 -> 63 [Landroid/net/Uri; uri]
        v2: 8 -> 63 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; host]
        v3: 19 -> 63 [Ljava/lang/String; nickname]
  + Method:       getSelectionArgs(Landroid/net/Uri;Ljava/util/Map;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void getSelectionArgs(,java.util.Map)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 25, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_2 v2
      [1] ldc #13
        + String [protocol]
      [3] ldc #10
        + String [local]
      [5] invokeinterface #76
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.put (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [10] pop
      [11] aload_2 v2
      [12] ldc #12
        + String [nickname]
      [14] aload_1 v1
      [15] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [android/net/Uri.getFragment ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [18] invokeinterface #76
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.put (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [23] pop
      [24] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 203
        [11] -> line 204
        [24] -> line 205
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 25 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local; this]
        v1: 0 -> 25 [Landroid/net/Uri; uri]
        v2: 0 -> 25 [Ljava/util/Map; selection]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 1)
        v2: 0 -> 25 [Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;>; selection]
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [(Landroid/net/Uri;Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;>;)V]
  + Method:       getFormatHint(Landroid/content/Context;)Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static java.lang.String getFormatHint(android.content.Context)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 7, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] ldc #1
        + Integer [2131230830]
      [3] invokevirtual #40
        + Methodref [android/content/Context.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [6] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 208
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 7 [Landroid/content/Context; context]
  + Method:       usesNetwork()Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean usesNetwork()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 2, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] iconst_0
      [1] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 216
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 2 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local; this]

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x19 = public static final 
      + Class [android/net/Uri$Builder]
      + Class [android/net/Uri]
      + Utf8 [Builder]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local$1]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local$1
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.transport.Local$1 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [java/lang/Runnable]

Constant Pool (count = 50):
  + Class [com/google/ase/Exec]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/Runnable]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local$1]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local$1.val$shellPid I]
  + Methodref [com/google/ase/Exec.waitFor (I)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.dispatchDisconnect (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [connect ()V]
  + NameAndType [dispatchDisconnect (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local;]
  + NameAndType [val$shellPid I]
  + NameAndType [waitFor (I)I]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local$1;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local;]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [bridge]
  + Utf8 [com/google/ase/Exec]
  + Utf8 [connect]
  + Utf8 [dispatchDisconnect]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Runnable]
  + Utf8 [run]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local$1]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [val$shellPid]
  + Utf8 [waitFor]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.transport.Local this$0
  + Field:        val$shellPid I
    Access flags: 0x1012
      = private final synthetic int val$shellPid

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local;I)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = Local$1(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.transport.Local,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] iload_2 v2
      [7] putfield #9
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local$1.val$shellPid I]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] invokespecial #11
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [14] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [10] -> line 100
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 15 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local$1; this]
  + Method:       run()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void run()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 20, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local$1.val$shellPid I]
      [4] invokestatic #10
        + Methodref [com/google/ase/Exec.waitFor (I)I]
      [7] pop
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] getfield #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local;]
      [12] getfield #7
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [15] iconst_0
      [16] invokevirtual #12
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.dispatchDisconnect (Z)V]
      [19] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 102
        [8] -> line 104
        [19] -> line 105
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 20 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local$1; this]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local]
    + NameAndType [connect ()V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local$1]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH
  Superclass:    com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.transport.SSH extends com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.transport.AbsTransport

Interfaces (count = 3):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionMonitor]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/InteractiveCallback]

Constant Pool (count = 950):
  + Integer [65535]
  + Integer [2131230767]
  + Integer [2131230772]
  + Integer [2131230773]
  + Integer [2131230874]
  + Integer [2131230875]
  + Integer [2131230876]
  + Integer [2131230907]
  + Integer [2131230908]
  + Integer [2131230909]
  + Integer [2131230910]
  + Integer [2131230911]
  + Integer [2131230912]
  + Integer [2131230913]
  + Integer [2131230914]
  + Integer [2131230915]
  + Integer [2131230916]
  + Integer [2131230917]
  + Integer [2131230918]
  + Integer [2131230919]
  + Integer [2131230920]
  + Integer [2131230921]
  + String []
  + String [%s@%s]
  + String [%s@%s:%d]
  + String [%s@%s:%s]
  + String [/#]
  + String [://]
  + String [Attempt to disable port forward not in list]
  + String [Attempt to enable port forward not in list]
  + String [Bad password for key '%s'. Authentication failed.]
  + String [ConnectBot.SSH]
  + String [Connection went away while we were trying to authenticate]
  + String [Could not create dynamic port forward]
  + String [Could not create local port forward]
  + String [Could not create remote port forward]
  + String [Could not disable %s; it appears to be not enabled or have no handler]
  + String [Could not enable compression!]
  + String [Could not stop dynamic port forwarder, setting enabled to false]
  + String [Could not stop local port forwarder, setting enabled to false]
  + String [Could not stop remote port forwarding, setting enabled to false]
  + String [Couldn't send resize PTY packet]
  + String [Error setting up port forward during connect]
  + String [Found unlocked key '%s' already in-memory]
  + String [Host does not support 'none' authentication.]
  + String [IMPORTED]
  + String [Problem during handleAuthentication()]
  + String [Problem in SSH connection thread during authentication]
  + String [Problem while trying to create PTY in finishConnection()]
  + String [Remote end closed connection]
  + String [Unlocked key ]
  + String [Unlocked key '%s']
  + String [^(.+)@([0-9a-z.-]+)(:(\d+))?$]
  + String [attempt to forward unknown type %s]
  + String [confirm]
  + String [dynamic5]
  + String [hostname]
  + String [keyboard-interactive]
  + String [local]
  + String [nickname]
  + String [no]
  + String [password]
  + String [port]
  + String [protocol]
  + String [publickey]
  + String [remote]
  + String [returned LocalPortForwarder object is null]
  + String [ssh]
  + String [username]
  + Class [android/content/Context]
  + Class [android/content/res/Resources]
  + Class [android/net/Uri]
  + Class [android/util/Log]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionMonitor]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/DynamicPortForwarder]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/InteractiveCallback]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/LocalPortForwarder]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/Session]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMDecoder]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/io/InputStream]
  + Class [java/io/OutputStream]
  + Class [java/lang/Boolean]
  + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
  + Class [java/lang/Integer]
  + Class [java/lang/NumberFormatException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/lang/Thread]
  + Class [java/lang/Throwable]
  + Class [java/net/InetAddress]
  + Class [java/net/InetSocketAddress]
  + Class [java/security/NoSuchAlgorithmException]
  + Class [java/security/spec/InvalidKeySpecException]
  + Class [java/util/HashMap]
  + Class [java/util/Iterator]
  + Class [java/util/LinkedList]
  + Class [java/util/List]
  + Class [java/util/Map]
  + Class [java/util/Map$Entry]
  + Class [java/util/Set]
  + Class [java/util/regex/Matcher]
  + Class [java/util/regex/Pattern]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH$HostKeyVerifier]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils]
  + Long [-2]
  + Long [-1]
  + Long [1000]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo.clientToServerCryptoAlgorithm Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo.clientToServerMACAlgorithm Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo.serverToClientCryptoAlgorithm Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo.serverToClientMACAlgorithm Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.promptHelper Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.loadedKeypairs Ljava/util/Map;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder.bean Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder.trileadKey Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.agentLockPassphrase Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.authenticated Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.columns I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.compression Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.connected Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.connection Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.connectionInfo Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.height I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.hostmask Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.interactiveCanContinue Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.portForwards Ljava/util/List;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.pubkeysExhausted Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.rows I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.session Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Session;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.sessionOpen Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.stderr Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.stdin Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.stdout Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.useAuthAgent Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.width I]
  + Methodref [android/content/Context.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/net/Uri.encode (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/net/Uri.getFragment ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/net/Uri.getHost ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/net/Uri.getPort ()I]
  + Methodref [android/net/Uri.getUserInfo ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/net/Uri.parse (Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.addConnectionMonitor (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionMonitor;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.authenticateWithKeyboardInteractive (Ljava/lang/String;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/InteractiveCallback;)Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.authenticateWithNone (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.authenticateWithPassword (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.authenticateWithPublicKey (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.cancelRemotePortForwarding (I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.close ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.connect (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.createDynamicPortForwarder (Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DynamicPortForwarder;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.createLocalPortForwarder (Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress;Ljava/lang/String;I)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/LocalPortForwarder;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.isAuthMethodAvailable (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.isAuthenticationComplete ()Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.openSession ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Session;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.requestRemotePortForwarding (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.setCompression (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/DynamicPortForwarder.close ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/LocalPortForwarder.close ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Session.close ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Session.getStderr ()Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Session.getStdin ()Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Session.getStdout ()Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Session.requestAuthAgentForwarding (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback;)Z]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Session.requestPTY (Ljava/lang/String;IIII[B)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Session.resizePTY (IIII)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Session.startShell ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Session.waitForCondition (IJ)I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMDecoder.decode ([CLjava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey.getPublicKey ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify.encodeSSHDSAPublicKey (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;)[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey.getPublicKey ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify.encodeSSHRSAPublicKey (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;)[B]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.getCause ()Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
  + Methodref [java/io/InputStream.available ()I]
  + Methodref [java/io/ ([B)I]
  + Methodref [java/io/ ([BII)I]
  + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.flush ()V]
  + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Boolean.booleanValue ()Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.parseInt (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.toString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.<init> ([B)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.toCharArray ()[C]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.sleep (J)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Throwable.getMessage ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/net/InetAddress.getLocalHost ()Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
  + Methodref [java/net/InetSocketAddress.<init> (Ljava/net/InetAddress;I)V]
  + Methodref [java/util/HashMap.<init> (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/util/regex/ (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/util/regex/Matcher.matches ()Z]
  + Methodref [java/util/regex/Pattern.compile (Ljava/lang/String;I)Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;]
  + Methodref [java/util/regex/Pattern.matcher (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Ljava/util/regex/Matcher;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getHostname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getPort ()I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getPubkeyId ()J]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getUsername ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getWantSession ()Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setHostname (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setNickname (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setPort (I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setProtocol (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setUsername (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getDescription ()Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getDestAddr ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getDestPort ()I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getIdentifier ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getSourcePort ()I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getType ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.isEnabled ()Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.setEnabled (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.setIdentifier (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getPrivateKey ()[B]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getPublicKey ()Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getType ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.isConfirmUse ()Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.isEncrypted ()Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setConfirmUse (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setLifetime (I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setNickname (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.requestBooleanPrompt (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.requestStringPrompt (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.dispatchDisconnect (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.getPromptHelper ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.onConnected ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.outputLine (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.addKey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.getKey (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.getKeyNickname ([B)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.isKeyLoaded (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.removeKey ([B)Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.authenticate ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.close ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.disablePortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.enablePortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.finishConnection ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.getDefaultNickname (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.getEmulation ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.onDisconnect ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.promptForPubkeyUse (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.tryPublicKey (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.tryPublicKey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH$HostKeyVerifier.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.findPubkeyById (J)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.convertToTrilead (Ljava/security/PrivateKey;Ljava/security/PublicKey;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.decodePrivate ([BLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.formatKey (Ljava/security/Key;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Iterator.hasNext ()Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/ ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.contains (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.remove (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.clear ()V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.entrySet ()Ljava/util/Set;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.get (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.put (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.size ()I]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map$Entry.getKey ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map$Entry.getValue ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Set.iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (I)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;I)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/net/InetAddress;I)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [addConnectionMonitor (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionMonitor;)V]
  + NameAndType [addKey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + NameAndType [agentLockPassphrase Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [authenticate ()V]
  + NameAndType [authenticateWithKeyboardInteractive (Ljava/lang/String;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/InteractiveCallback;)Z]
  + NameAndType [authenticateWithNone (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + NameAndType [authenticateWithPassword (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + NameAndType [authenticateWithPublicKey (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [authenticated Z]
  + NameAndType [available ()I]
  + NameAndType [bean Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + NameAndType [booleanValue ()Z]
  + NameAndType [bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [cancelRemotePortForwarding (I)V]
  + NameAndType [clear ()V]
  + NameAndType [clientToServerCryptoAlgorithm Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [clientToServerMACAlgorithm Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [close ()V]
  + NameAndType [columns I]
  + NameAndType [compile (Ljava/lang/String;I)Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;]
  + NameAndType [compression Z]
  + NameAndType [connect (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
  + NameAndType [connected Z]
  + NameAndType [connection Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;]
  + NameAndType [connectionInfo Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
  + NameAndType [contains (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [convertToTrilead (Ljava/security/PrivateKey;Ljava/security/PublicKey;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [createDynamicPortForwarder (Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DynamicPortForwarder;]
  + NameAndType [createLocalPortForwarder (Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress;Ljava/lang/String;I)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/LocalPortForwarder;]
  + NameAndType [d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [decode ([CLjava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [decodePrivate ([BLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
  + NameAndType [disablePortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
  + NameAndType [dispatchDisconnect (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + NameAndType [enablePortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
  + NameAndType [encode (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [encodeSSHDSAPublicKey (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;)[B]
  + NameAndType [encodeSSHRSAPublicKey (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;)[B]
  + NameAndType [entrySet ()Ljava/util/Set;]
  + NameAndType [equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [findPubkeyById (J)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + NameAndType [finishConnection ()V]
  + NameAndType [flush ()V]
  + NameAndType [format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [formatKey (Ljava/security/Key;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [get (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [getCause ()Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
  + NameAndType [getDefaultNickname (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getDescription ()Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + NameAndType [getDestAddr ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getDestPort ()I]
  + NameAndType [getEmulation ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getFragment ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getHost ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getHostname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getIdentifier ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [getKey ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [getKey (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [getKeyNickname ([B)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getLocalHost ()Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
  + NameAndType [getMessage ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getPort ()I]
  + NameAndType [getPrivateKey ()[B]
  + NameAndType [getPromptHelper ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
  + NameAndType [getPubkeyId ()J]
  + NameAndType [getPublicKey ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;]
  + NameAndType [getPublicKey ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;]
  + NameAndType [getPublicKey ()Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
  + NameAndType [getSourcePort ()I]
  + NameAndType [getStderr ()Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + NameAndType [getStdin ()Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + NameAndType [getStdout ()Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + NameAndType [getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getString (I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getType ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getUserInfo ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getUsername ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getValue ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [getWantSession ()Z]
  + NameAndType [group (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [hasNext ()Z]
  + NameAndType [height I]
  + NameAndType [host Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + NameAndType [hostmask Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;]
  + NameAndType [interactiveCanContinue Z]
  + NameAndType [isAuthMethodAvailable (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + NameAndType [isAuthenticationComplete ()Z]
  + NameAndType [isConfirmUse ()Z]
  + NameAndType [isEnabled ()Z]
  + NameAndType [isEncrypted ()Z]
  + NameAndType [isKeyLoaded (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + NameAndType [iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
  + NameAndType [length ()I]
  + NameAndType [loadedKeypairs Ljava/util/Map;]
  + NameAndType [manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + NameAndType [matcher (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Ljava/util/regex/Matcher;]
  + NameAndType [matches ()Z]
  + NameAndType [next ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [onConnected ()V]
  + NameAndType [onDisconnect ()V]
  + NameAndType [openSession ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Session;]
  + NameAndType [outputLine (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [parse (Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + NameAndType [parseInt (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [portForwards Ljava/util/List;]
  + NameAndType [promptForPubkeyUse (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + NameAndType [promptHelper Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
  + NameAndType [pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
  + NameAndType [pubkeysExhausted Z]
  + NameAndType [put (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [read ([B)I]
  + NameAndType [read ([BII)I]
  + NameAndType [remove (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [removeKey ([B)Z]
  + NameAndType [requestAuthAgentForwarding (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback;)Z]
  + NameAndType [requestBooleanPrompt (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
  + NameAndType [requestPTY (Ljava/lang/String;IIII[B)V]
  + NameAndType [requestRemotePortForwarding (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)V]
  + NameAndType [requestStringPrompt (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + NameAndType [resizePTY (IIII)V]
  + NameAndType [rows I]
  + NameAndType [serverToClientCryptoAlgorithm Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [serverToClientMACAlgorithm Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [session Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Session;]
  + NameAndType [sessionOpen Z]
  + NameAndType [setCompression (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [setConfirmUse (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [setEnabled (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [setHostname (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [setIdentifier (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + NameAndType [setLifetime (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setNickname (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [setPort (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setProtocol (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [setUsername (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [size ()I]
  + NameAndType [sleep (J)V]
  + NameAndType [startShell ()V]
  + NameAndType [stderr Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + NameAndType [stdin Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + NameAndType [stdout Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + NameAndType [toCharArray ()[C]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [toString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [trileadKey Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [tryPublicKey (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [tryPublicKey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)Z]
  + NameAndType [useAuthAgent Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + NameAndType [waitForCondition (IJ)I]
  + NameAndType [width I]
  + NameAndType [write (I)V]
  + NameAndType [write ([B)V]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [%s@%s]
  + Utf8 [%s@%s:%d]
  + Utf8 [%s@%s:%s]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()J]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Session;]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/List;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;>;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/Map;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;[B>;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/Set;]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [()[C]
  + Utf8 [(C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(IIII)V]
  + Utf8 [(IJ)I]
  + Utf8 [(I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(J)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Utf8 [(J)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/net/Uri;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/net/Uri;Ljava/util/Map;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/net/Uri;Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;>;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionMonitor;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;)[B]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;)[B]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Ljava/util/regex/Matcher;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;ZI)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;I)Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;IIII[B)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/InteractiveCallback;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I[Ljava/lang/String;[Z)[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/net/InetAddress;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DynamicPortForwarder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress;Ljava/lang/String;I)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/LocalPortForwarder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/security/Key;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/security/PrivateKey;Ljava/security/PublicKey;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)I]
  + Utf8 [([B)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [([B)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)Z]
  + Utf8 [([BII)I]
  + Utf8 [([BLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
  + Utf8 [([CLjava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [/#]
  + Utf8 [://]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Attempt to disable port forward not in list]
  + Utf8 [Attempt to enable port forward not in list]
  + Utf8 [Bad password for key '%s'. Authentication failed.]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ConnectBot.SSH]
  + Utf8 [Connection went away while we were trying to authenticate]
  + Utf8 [Could not create dynamic port forward]
  + Utf8 [Could not create local port forward]
  + Utf8 [Could not create remote port forward]
  + Utf8 [Could not disable %s; it appears to be not enabled or have no handler]
  + Utf8 [Could not enable compression!]
  + Utf8 [Could not stop dynamic port forwarder, setting enabled to false]
  + Utf8 [Could not stop local port forwarder, setting enabled to false]
  + Utf8 [Could not stop remote port forwarding, setting enabled to false]
  + Utf8 [Couldn't send resize PTY packet]
  + Utf8 [Entry]
  + Utf8 [Error setting up port forward during connect]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [Found unlocked key '%s' already in-memory]
  + Utf8 [Host does not support 'none' authentication.]
  + Utf8 [HostKeyVerifier]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [IMPORTED]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [J]
  + Utf8 [KeyHolder]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/Context;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DynamicPortForwarder;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/LocalPortForwarder;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Session;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/IOException;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Exception;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/IllegalStateException;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;>;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Map$Entry;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Map$Entry<Ljava/lang/String;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder;>;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Map;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;>;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;[B>;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/regex/Matcher;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTypeTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
  + Utf8 [Problem during handleAuthentication()]
  + Utf8 [Problem in SSH connection thread during authentication]
  + Utf8 [Problem while trying to create PTY in finishConnection()]
  + Utf8 [Remote end closed connection]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Signature]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Unlocked key ]
  + Utf8 [Unlocked key '%s']
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [[Z]
  + Utf8 [^(.+)@([0-9a-z.-]+)(:(\d+))?$]
  + Utf8 [add]
  + Utf8 [addConnectionMonitor]
  + Utf8 [addIdentity]
  + Utf8 [addKey]
  + Utf8 [addPortForward]
  + Utf8 [agentLockPassphrase]
  + Utf8 [android/content/Context]
  + Utf8 [android/content/res/Resources]
  + Utf8 [android/net/Uri]
  + Utf8 [android/util/Log]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [attempt to forward unknown type %s]
  + Utf8 [authenticate]
  + Utf8 [authenticateWithKeyboardInteractive]
  + Utf8 [authenticateWithNone]
  + Utf8 [authenticateWithPassword]
  + Utf8 [authenticateWithPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [authenticated]
  + Utf8 [available]
  + Utf8 [bean]
  + Utf8 [booleanValue]
  + Utf8 [bridge]
  + Utf8 [buffer]
  + Utf8 [bytesRead]
  + Utf8 [c]
  + Utf8 [canForwardPorts]
  + Utf8 [cancelRemotePortForwarding]
  + Utf8 [clear]
  + Utf8 [clientToServerCryptoAlgorithm]
  + Utf8 [clientToServerMACAlgorithm]
  + Utf8 [close]
  + Utf8 [columns]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionMonitor]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/DynamicPortForwarder]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/InteractiveCallback]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/LocalPortForwarder]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/Session]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMDecoder]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify]
  + Utf8 [comment]
  + Utf8 [compile]
  + Utf8 [compression]
  + Utf8 [confirm]
  + Utf8 [confirmUse]
  + Utf8 [connect]
  + Utf8 [connected]
  + Utf8 [connection]
  + Utf8 [connectionInfo]
  + Utf8 [connectionLost]
  + Utf8 [contains]
  + Utf8 [context]
  + Utf8 [convertToTrilead]
  + Utf8 [createDynamicPortForwarder]
  + Utf8 [createHost]
  + Utf8 [createLocalPortForwarder]
  + Utf8 [d]
  + Utf8 [decode]
  + Utf8 [decodePrivate]
  + Utf8 [disablePortForward]
  + Utf8 [discard]
  + Utf8 [dispatchDisconnect]
  + Utf8 [dpf]
  + Utf8 [dynamic5]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [e1]
  + Utf8 [echo]
  + Utf8 [enablePortForward]
  + Utf8 [encode]
  + Utf8 [encodeSSHDSAPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [encodeSSHRSAPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [entry]
  + Utf8 [entrySet]
  + Utf8 [equals]
  + Utf8 [findPubkeyById]
  + Utf8 [finishConnection]
  + Utf8 [flush]
  + Utf8 [format]
  + Utf8 [formatKey]
  + Utf8 [get]
  + Utf8 [getCause]
  + Utf8 [getDefaultNickname]
  + Utf8 [getDescription]
  + Utf8 [getDestAddr]
  + Utf8 [getDestPort]
  + Utf8 [getEmulation]
  + Utf8 [getFormatHint]
  + Utf8 [getFragment]
  + Utf8 [getHost]
  + Utf8 [getHostname]
  + Utf8 [getIdentifier]
  + Utf8 [getKey]
  + Utf8 [getKeyNickname]
  + Utf8 [getLocalHost]
  + Utf8 [getMessage]
  + Utf8 [getNickname]
  + Utf8 [getPort]
  + Utf8 [getPortForwards]
  + Utf8 [getPrivateKey]
  + Utf8 [getPromptHelper]
  + Utf8 [getProtocolName]
  + Utf8 [getPubkeyId]
  + Utf8 [getPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [getSelectionArgs]
  + Utf8 [getSourcePort]
  + Utf8 [getStderr]
  + Utf8 [getStdin]
  + Utf8 [getStdout]
  + Utf8 [getString]
  + Utf8 [getType]
  + Utf8 [getUri]
  + Utf8 [getUserInfo]
  + Utf8 [getUsername]
  + Utf8 [getValue]
  + Utf8 [getWantSession]
  + Utf8 [group]
  + Utf8 [hasNext]
  + Utf8 [height]
  + Utf8 [host]
  + Utf8 [hostmask]
  + Utf8 [hostname]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [input]
  + Utf8 [instruction]
  + Utf8 [interactiveCanContinue]
  + Utf8 [isAgentLocked]
  + Utf8 [isAuthMethodAvailable]
  + Utf8 [isAuthenticationComplete]
  + Utf8 [isConfirmUse]
  + Utf8 [isConnected]
  + Utf8 [isEnabled]
  + Utf8 [isEncrypted]
  + Utf8 [isKeyLoaded]
  + Utf8 [isSessionOpen]
  + Utf8 [iterator]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/io/InputStream]
  + Utf8 [java/io/OutputStream]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Boolean]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Exception]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Integer]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/NumberFormatException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Thread]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Throwable]
  + Utf8 [java/net/InetAddress]
  + Utf8 [java/net/InetSocketAddress]
  + Utf8 [java/security/NoSuchAlgorithmException]
  + Utf8 [java/security/spec/InvalidKeySpecException]
  + Utf8 [java/util/HashMap]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Iterator]
  + Utf8 [java/util/LinkedList]
  + Utf8 [java/util/List]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Map]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Map$Entry]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Set]
  + Utf8 [java/util/regex/Matcher]
  + Utf8 [java/util/regex/Pattern]
  + Utf8 [key]
  + Utf8 [keyNickname]
  + Utf8 [keyboard-interactive]
  + Utf8 [len]
  + Utf8 [length]
  + Utf8 [lifetime]
  + Utf8 [loadedKeypairs]
  + Utf8 [local]
  + Utf8 [lockPassphrase]
  + Utf8 [lpf]
  + Utf8 [manager]
  + Utf8 [matcher]
  + Utf8 [matches]
  + Utf8 [message]
  + Utf8 [name]
  + Utf8 [newConditions]
  + Utf8 [next]
  + Utf8 [nickname]
  + Utf8 [no]
  + Utf8 [numPrompts]
  + Utf8 [onConnected]
  + Utf8 [onDisconnect]
  + Utf8 [openSession]
  + Utf8 [outputLine]
  + Utf8 [parse]
  + Utf8 [parseInt]
  + Utf8 [password]
  + Utf8 [port]
  + Utf8 [portForward]
  + Utf8 [portForwards]
  + Utf8 [portString]
  + Utf8 [privKey]
  + Utf8 [prompt]
  + Utf8 [promptForPubkeyUse]
  + Utf8 [promptHelper]
  + Utf8 [protocol]
  + Utf8 [pubKey]
  + Utf8 [pubKeys]
  + Utf8 [pubkey]
  + Utf8 [pubkeyId]
  + Utf8 [pubkeydb]
  + Utf8 [pubkeysExhausted]
  + Utf8 [publicKey]
  + Utf8 [publickey]
  + Utf8 [put]
  + Utf8 [read]
  + Utf8 [reason]
  + Utf8 [remote]
  + Utf8 [remove]
  + Utf8 [removeAllIdentities]
  + Utf8 [removeIdentity]
  + Utf8 [removeKey]
  + Utf8 [removePortForward]
  + Utf8 [replyToChallenge]
  + Utf8 [requestAgentUnlock]
  + Utf8 [requestAuthAgentForwarding]
  + Utf8 [requestBooleanPrompt]
  + Utf8 [requestPTY]
  + Utf8 [requestRemotePortForwarding]
  + Utf8 [requestStringPrompt]
  + Utf8 [res]
  + Utf8 [resizePTY]
  + Utf8 [responses]
  + Utf8 [result]
  + Utf8 [retrieveIdentities]
  + Utf8 [returned LocalPortForwarder object is null]
  + Utf8 [rows]
  + Utf8 [sb]
  + Utf8 [selection]
  + Utf8 [serverToClientCryptoAlgorithm]
  + Utf8 [serverToClientMACAlgorithm]
  + Utf8 [session]
  + Utf8 [sessionOpen]
  + Utf8 [setAgentLock]
  + Utf8 [setCompression]
  + Utf8 [setConfirmUse]
  + Utf8 [setDimensions]
  + Utf8 [setEnabled]
  + Utf8 [setHostname]
  + Utf8 [setIdentifier]
  + Utf8 [setLifetime]
  + Utf8 [setNickname]
  + Utf8 [setPort]
  + Utf8 [setProtocol]
  + Utf8 [setUseAuthAgent]
  + Utf8 [setUsername]
  + Utf8 [size]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH$HostKeyVerifier]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils]
  + Utf8 [sleep]
  + Utf8 [ssh]
  + Utf8 [start]
  + Utf8 [startShell]
  + Utf8 [stderr]
  + Utf8 [stdin]
  + Utf8 [stdout]
  + Utf8 [success]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toCharArray]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [tries]
  + Utf8 [trileadKey]
  + Utf8 [tryPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [unlockPassphrase]
  + Utf8 [uri]
  + Utf8 [useAuthAgent]
  + Utf8 [username]
  + Utf8 [usesNetwork]
  + Utf8 [valueOf]
  + Utf8 [waitForCondition]
  + Utf8 [width]
  + Utf8 [write]

Fields (count = 20):
  + Field:        hostmask Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;
    Access flags: 0x18
      = static final java.util.regex.Pattern hostmask
  + Field:        compression Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean compression
  + Field:        authenticated Z
    Access flags: 0x42
      = private volatile boolean authenticated
  + Field:        connected Z
    Access flags: 0x42
      = private volatile boolean connected
  + Field:        sessionOpen Z
    Access flags: 0x42
      = private volatile boolean sessionOpen
  + Field:        pubkeysExhausted Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean pubkeysExhausted
  + Field:        interactiveCanContinue Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean interactiveCanContinue
  + Field:        connection Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private com.trilead.ssh2.Connection connection
  + Field:        session Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Session;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private com.trilead.ssh2.Session session
  + Field:        connectionInfo Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private com.trilead.ssh2.ConnectionInfo connectionInfo
  + Field:        stdin Ljava/io/OutputStream;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private stdin
  + Field:        stdout Ljava/io/InputStream;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private stdout
  + Field:        stderr Ljava/io/InputStream;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private stderr
  + Field:        portForwards Ljava/util/List;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.util.List portForwards
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;>;]
  + Field:        columns I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int columns
  + Field:        rows I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int rows
  + Field:        width I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int width
  + Field:        height I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int height
  + Field:        useAuthAgent Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String useAuthAgent
  + Field:        agentLockPassphrase Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String agentLockPassphrase

Methods (count = 42):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 0, stack = 2):
      [0] ldc #53
        + String [^(.+)@([0-9a-z.-]+)(:(\d+))?$]
      [2] iconst_2
      [3] invokestatic #239
        + Methodref [java/util/regex/Pattern.compile (Ljava/lang/String;I)Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;]
      [6] putstatic #151
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.hostmask Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 100
        [9] -> line 75
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public SSH()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 52, locals = 1, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #283
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] iconst_0
      [6] putfield #145
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.compression Z]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] iconst_0
      [11] putfield #142
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.authenticated Z]
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] iconst_0
      [16] putfield #146
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.connected Z]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] iconst_0
      [21] putfield #158
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.sessionOpen Z]
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] iconst_0
      [26] putfield #155
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.pubkeysExhausted Z]
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] iconst_1
      [31] putfield #152
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.interactiveCanContinue Z]
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] new #106
        + Class [java/util/LinkedList]
      [38] dup
      [39] invokespecial #236
        + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.<init> ()V]
      [42] putfield #154
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.portForwards Ljava/util/List;]
      [45] aload_0 v0
      [46] ldc #61
        + String [no]
      [48] putfield #162
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.useAuthAgent Ljava/lang/String;]
      [51] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 10)
        [0] -> line 77
        [4] -> line 103
        [9] -> line 104
        [14] -> line 105
        [19] -> line 106
        [24] -> line 108
        [29] -> line 109
        [34] -> line 124
        [45] -> line 132
        [51] -> line 78
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 52 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH; this]
  + Method:       authenticate()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void authenticate()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 575, locals = 5, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #147
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.connection Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #150
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [8] invokevirtual #245
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getUsername ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [11] invokevirtual #179
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.authenticateWithNone (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [14] ifeq +17 (target=31)
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] invokespecial #288
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.finishConnection ()V]
      [21] return
      [22] astore_1 v1
      [23] ldc #32
        + String [ConnectBot.SSH]
      [25] ldc #45
        + String [Host does not support 'none' authentication.]
      [27] invokestatic #173
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [30] pop
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] getfield #143
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [35] aload_0 v0
      [36] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [39] getfield #138
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [42] ldc #11
        + Integer [2131230910]
      [44] invokevirtual #165
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [47] invokevirtual #277
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.outputLine (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [50] aload_0 v0
      [51] getfield #150
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [54] invokevirtual #244
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getPubkeyId ()J]
      [57] lstore_1 v1
      [58] aload_0 v0
      [59] getfield #155
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.pubkeysExhausted Z]
      [62] ifne +259 (target=321)
      [65] lload_1 v1
      [66] ldc2_w #125
        + Long [-2]
      [69] lcmp
      [70] ifeq +251 (target=321)
      [73] aload_0 v0
      [74] getfield #147
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.connection Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;]
      [77] aload_0 v0
      [78] getfield #150
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [81] invokevirtual #245
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getUsername ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [84] ldc #65
        + String [publickey]
      [86] invokevirtual #187
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.isAuthMethodAvailable (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [89] ifeq +232 (target=321)
      [92] lload_1 v1
      [93] ldc2_w #127
        + Long [-1]
      [96] lcmp
      [97] ifne +147 (target=244)
      [100] aload_0 v0
      [101] getfield #143
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [104] aload_0 v0
      [105] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [108] getfield #138
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [111] ldc #14
        + Integer [2131230913]
      [113] invokevirtual #165
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [116] invokevirtual #277
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.outputLine (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [119] aload_0 v0
      [120] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [123] getfield #136
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.loadedKeypairs Ljava/util/Map;]
      [126] invokeinterface #307
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.entrySet ()Ljava/util/Set;]
      [131] invokeinterface #313
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Set.iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
      [136] astore v4
      [138] goto +93 (target=231)
      [141] aload v4
      [143] invokeinterface #301
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/ ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [148] checkcast #109
        + Class [java/util/Map$Entry]
      [151] astore_3 v3
      [152] aload_3 v3
      [153] invokeinterface #312
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map$Entry.getValue ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [158] checkcast #119
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder]
      [161] getfield #139
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder.bean Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
      [164] invokevirtual #267
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.isConfirmUse ()Z]
      [167] ifeq +22 (target=189)
      [170] aload_0 v0
      [171] aload_3 v3
      [172] invokeinterface #311
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map$Entry.getKey ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [177] checkcast #96
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [180] invokespecial #292
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.promptForPubkeyUse (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [183] ifne +6 (target=189)
      [186] goto +45 (target=231)
      [189] aload_0 v0
      [190] aload_0 v0
      [191] getfield #150
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [194] invokevirtual #245
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getUsername ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [197] aload_3 v3
      [198] invokeinterface #311
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map$Entry.getKey ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [203] checkcast #96
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [206] aload_3 v3
      [207] invokeinterface #312
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map$Entry.getValue ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [212] checkcast #119
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder]
      [215] getfield #140
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder.trileadKey Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [218] invokespecial #293
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.tryPublicKey (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [221] ifeq +10 (target=231)
      [224] aload_0 v0
      [225] invokespecial #288
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.finishConnection ()V]
      [228] goto +85 (target=313)
      [231] aload v4
      [233] invokeinterface #300
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Iterator.hasNext ()Z]
      [238] ifne -97 (target=141)
      [241] goto +72 (target=313)
      [244] aload_0 v0
      [245] getfield #143
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [248] aload_0 v0
      [249] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [252] getfield #138
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [255] ldc #16
        + Integer [2131230915]
      [257] invokevirtual #165
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [260] invokevirtual #277
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.outputLine (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [263] aload_0 v0
      [264] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [267] getfield #137
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.pubkeydb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
      [270] lload_1 v1
      [271] invokevirtual #296
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.findPubkeyById (J)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
      [274] astore_3 v3
      [275] aload_3 v3
      [276] ifnonnull +25 (target=301)
      [279] aload_0 v0
      [280] getfield #143
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [283] aload_0 v0
      [284] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [287] getfield #138
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [290] ldc #15
        + Integer [2131230914]
      [292] invokevirtual #165
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [295] invokevirtual #277
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.outputLine (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [298] goto +15 (target=313)
      [301] aload_0 v0
      [302] aload_3 v3
      [303] invokespecial #294
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.tryPublicKey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)Z]
      [306] ifeq +7 (target=313)
      [309] aload_0 v0
      [310] invokespecial #288
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.finishConnection ()V]
      [313] aload_0 v0
      [314] iconst_1
      [315] putfield #155
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.pubkeysExhausted Z]
      [318] goto +256 (target=574)
      [321] aload_0 v0
      [322] getfield #152
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.interactiveCanContinue Z]
      [325] ifeq +93 (target=418)
      [328] aload_0 v0
      [329] getfield #147
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.connection Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;]
      [332] aload_0 v0
      [333] getfield #150
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [336] invokevirtual #245
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getUsername ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [339] ldc #58
        + String [keyboard-interactive]
      [341] invokevirtual #187
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.isAuthMethodAvailable (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [344] ifeq +74 (target=418)
      [347] aload_0 v0
      [348] getfield #143
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [351] aload_0 v0
      [352] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [355] getfield #138
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [358] ldc #18
        + Integer [2131230917]
      [360] invokevirtual #165
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [363] invokevirtual #277
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.outputLine (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [366] aload_0 v0
      [367] iconst_0
      [368] putfield #152
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.interactiveCanContinue Z]
      [371] aload_0 v0
      [372] getfield #147
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.connection Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;]
      [375] aload_0 v0
      [376] getfield #150
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [379] invokevirtual #245
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getUsername ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [382] aload_0 v0
      [383] invokevirtual #178
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.authenticateWithKeyboardInteractive (Ljava/lang/String;Lcom/trilead/ssh2/InteractiveCallback;)Z]
      [386] ifeq +10 (target=396)
      [389] aload_0 v0
      [390] invokespecial #288
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.finishConnection ()V]
      [393] goto +181 (target=574)
      [396] aload_0 v0
      [397] getfield #143
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [400] aload_0 v0
      [401] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [404] getfield #138
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [407] ldc #19
        + Integer [2131230918]
      [409] invokevirtual #165
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [412] invokevirtual #277
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.outputLine (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [415] goto +159 (target=574)
      [418] aload_0 v0
      [419] getfield #147
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.connection Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;]
      [422] aload_0 v0
      [423] getfield #150
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [426] invokevirtual #245
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getUsername ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [429] ldc #62
        + String [password]
      [431] invokevirtual #187
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.isAuthMethodAvailable (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [434] ifeq +97 (target=531)
      [437] aload_0 v0
      [438] getfield #143
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [441] aload_0 v0
      [442] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [445] getfield #138
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [448] ldc #12
        + Integer [2131230911]
      [450] invokevirtual #165
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [453] invokevirtual #277
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.outputLine (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [456] aload_0 v0
      [457] getfield #143
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [460] invokevirtual #275
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.getPromptHelper ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
      [463] aconst_null
      [464] aload_0 v0
      [465] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [468] getfield #138
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [471] ldc #2
        + Integer [2131230767]
      [473] invokevirtual #165
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [476] invokevirtual #273
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.requestStringPrompt (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [479] astore_3 v3
      [480] aload_3 v3
      [481] ifnull +28 (target=509)
      [484] aload_0 v0
      [485] getfield #147
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.connection Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;]
      [488] aload_0 v0
      [489] getfield #150
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [492] invokevirtual #245
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getUsername ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [495] aload_3 v3
      [496] invokevirtual #180
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.authenticateWithPassword (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [499] ifeq +10 (target=509)
      [502] aload_0 v0
      [503] invokespecial #288
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.finishConnection ()V]
      [506] goto +68 (target=574)
      [509] aload_0 v0
      [510] getfield #143
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [513] aload_0 v0
      [514] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [517] getfield #138
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [520] ldc #13
        + Integer [2131230912]
      [522] invokevirtual #165
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [525] invokevirtual #277
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.outputLine (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [528] goto +46 (target=574)
      [531] aload_0 v0
      [532] getfield #143
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [535] aload_0 v0
      [536] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [539] getfield #138
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [542] ldc #20
        + Integer [2131230919]
      [544] invokevirtual #165
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [547] invokevirtual #277
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.outputLine (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [550] goto +24 (target=574)
      [553] astore_1 v1
      [554] ldc #32
        + String [ConnectBot.SSH]
      [556] ldc #33
        + String [Connection went away while we were trying to authenticate]
      [558] aload_1 v1
      [559] invokestatic #175
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [562] pop
      [563] return
      [564] astore_1 v1
      [565] ldc #32
        + String [ConnectBot.SSH]
      [567] ldc #47
        + String [Problem during handleAuthentication()]
      [569] aload_1 v1
      [570] invokestatic #175
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [573] pop
      [574] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 3):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 21: 22):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      + ExceptionInfo (50 -> 550: 553):
      + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
      + ExceptionInfo (50 -> 550: 564):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 54)
        [0] -> line 206
        [17] -> line 207
        [21] -> line 208
        [22] -> line 210
        [23] -> line 211
        [31] -> line 214
        [50] -> line 217
        [58] -> line 219
        [65] -> line 220
        [73] -> line 221
        [92] -> line 226
        [100] -> line 228
        [111] -> line 229
        [116] -> line 228
        [119] -> line 230
        [152] -> line 231
        [170] -> line 232
        [186] -> line 233
        [189] -> line 235
        [206] -> line 236
        [218] -> line 235
        [224] -> line 237
        [228] -> line 238
        [231] -> line 230
        [244] -> line 242
        [263] -> line 244
        [275] -> line 246
        [279] -> line 247
        [301] -> line 249
        [309] -> line 250
        [313] -> line 253
        [321] -> line 254
        [328] -> line 255
        [347] -> line 258
        [366] -> line 259
        [371] -> line 260
        [389] -> line 261
        [396] -> line 263
        [418] -> line 265
        [437] -> line 266
        [456] -> line 267
        [464] -> line 268
        [476] -> line 267
        [480] -> line 269
        [484] -> line 270
        [502] -> line 271
        [509] -> line 273
        [531] -> line 276
        [553] -> line 278
        [554] -> line 279
        [563] -> line 280
        [564] -> line 281
        [565] -> line 282
        [574] -> line 284
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 8)
        v0: 0 -> 575 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH; this]
        v1: 23 -> 31 [Ljava/lang/Exception; e]
        v1: 58 -> 553 [J pubkeyId]
        v3: 152 -> 231 [Ljava/util/Map$Entry; entry]
        v3: 275 -> 313 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean; pubkey]
        v3: 480 -> 531 [Ljava/lang/String; password]
        v1: 554 -> 564 [Ljava/lang/IllegalStateException; e]
        v1: 565 -> 574 [Ljava/lang/Exception; e]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 1)
        v3: 152 -> 231 [Ljava/util/Map$Entry<Ljava/lang/String;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder;>; entry]
  + Method:       tryPublicKey(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean tryPublicKey(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PubkeyBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 303, locals = 7, stack = 8):
      [0] aconst_null
      [1] astore_2 v2
      [2] aload_0 v0
      [3] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [6] aload_1 v1
      [7] invokevirtual #263
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [10] invokevirtual #281
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.isKeyLoaded (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [13] ifeq +60 (target=73)
      [16] ldc #32
        + String [ConnectBot.SSH]
      [18] ldc #44
        + String [Found unlocked key '%s' already in-memory]
      [20] iconst_1
      [21] anewarray #95
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [24] dup
      [25] iconst_0
      [26] aload_1 v1
      [27] invokevirtual #263
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [30] aastore
      [31] invokestatic #222
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [34] invokestatic #173
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [37] pop
      [38] aload_1 v1
      [39] invokevirtual #267
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.isConfirmUse ()Z]
      [42] ifeq +16 (target=58)
      [45] aload_0 v0
      [46] aload_1 v1
      [47] invokevirtual #263
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [50] invokespecial #292
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.promptForPubkeyUse (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [53] ifne +5 (target=58)
      [56] iconst_0
      [57] ireturn
      [58] aload_0 v0
      [59] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [62] aload_1 v1
      [63] invokevirtual #263
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [66] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.getKey (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [69] astore_2 v2
      [70] goto +216 (target=286)
      [73] aconst_null
      [74] astore_3 v3
      [75] aload_1 v1
      [76] invokevirtual #268
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.isEncrypted ()Z]
      [79] ifeq +44 (target=123)
      [82] aload_0 v0
      [83] getfield #143
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [86] invokevirtual #275
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.getPromptHelper ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
      [89] aconst_null
      [90] aload_0 v0
      [91] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [94] getfield #138
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [97] ldc #3
        + Integer [2131230772]
      [99] iconst_1
      [100] anewarray #95
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [103] dup
      [104] iconst_0
      [105] aload_1 v1
      [106] invokevirtual #263
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [109] aastore
      [110] invokevirtual #166
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [113] invokevirtual #273
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.requestStringPrompt (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [116] astore_3 v3
      [117] aload_3 v3
      [118] ifnonnull +5 (target=123)
      [121] iconst_0
      [122] ireturn
      [123] ldc #46
        + String [IMPORTED]
      [125] aload_1 v1
      [126] invokevirtual #266
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getType ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [129] invokevirtual #221
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [132] ifeq +25 (target=157)
      [135] new #96
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [138] dup
      [139] aload_1 v1
      [140] invokevirtual #264
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getPrivateKey ()[B]
      [143] invokespecial #220
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.<init> ([B)V]
      [146] invokevirtual #224
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.toCharArray ()[C]
      [149] aload_3 v3
      [150] invokestatic #203
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/PEMDecoder.decode ([CLjava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [153] astore_2 v2
      [154] goto +101 (target=255)
      [157] aload_1 v1
      [158] invokevirtual #264
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getPrivateKey ()[B]
      [161] aload_1 v1
      [162] invokevirtual #266
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getType ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [165] aload_3 v3
      [166] invokestatic #298
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.decodePrivate ([BLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
      [169] astore v4
      [171] goto +44 (target=215)
      [174] astore v5
      [176] ldc #31
        + String [Bad password for key '%s'. Authentication failed.]
      [178] iconst_1
      [179] anewarray #95
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [182] dup
      [183] iconst_0
      [184] aload_1 v1
      [185] invokevirtual #263
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [188] aastore
      [189] invokestatic #222
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [192] astore v6
      [194] ldc #32
        + String [ConnectBot.SSH]
      [196] aload v6
      [198] aload v5
      [200] invokestatic #175
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [203] pop
      [204] aload_0 v0
      [205] getfield #143
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [208] aload v6
      [210] invokevirtual #277
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.outputLine (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [213] iconst_0
      [214] ireturn
      [215] aload_1 v1
      [216] invokevirtual #265
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getPublicKey ()Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
      [219] astore v5
      [221] aload v4
      [223] aload v5
      [225] invokestatic #297
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.convertToTrilead (Ljava/security/PrivateKey;Ljava/security/PublicKey;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [228] astore_2 v2
      [229] ldc #32
        + String [ConnectBot.SSH]
      [231] new #97
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [234] dup
      [235] ldc #51
        + String [Unlocked key ]
      [237] invokespecial #226
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [240] aload v5
      [242] invokestatic #299
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.formatKey (Ljava/security/Key;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [245] invokevirtual #229
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [248] invokevirtual #230
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [251] invokestatic #173
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [254] pop
      [255] ldc #32
        + String [ConnectBot.SSH]
      [257] ldc #52
        + String [Unlocked key '%s']
      [259] iconst_1
      [260] anewarray #95
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [263] dup
      [264] iconst_0
      [265] aload_1 v1
      [266] invokevirtual #263
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [269] aastore
      [270] invokestatic #222
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [273] invokestatic #173
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [276] pop
      [277] aload_0 v0
      [278] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [281] aload_1 v1
      [282] aload_2 v2
      [283] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.addKey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
      [286] aload_0 v0
      [287] aload_0 v0
      [288] getfield #150
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [291] invokevirtual #245
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getUsername ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [294] aload_1 v1
      [295] invokevirtual #263
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [298] aload_2 v2
      [299] invokespecial #293
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.tryPublicKey (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [302] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (157 -> 171: 174):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 30)
        [0] -> line 295
        [2] -> line 296
        [16] -> line 298
        [38] -> line 300
        [45] -> line 301
        [56] -> line 302
        [58] -> line 305
        [73] -> line 308
        [75] -> line 309
        [82] -> line 310
        [90] -> line 311
        [113] -> line 310
        [117] -> line 314
        [121] -> line 315
        [123] -> line 318
        [135] -> line 320
        [157] -> line 325
        [161] -> line 326
        [166] -> line 325
        [174] -> line 327
        [176] -> line 328
        [194] -> line 329
        [204] -> line 330
        [213] -> line 331
        [215] -> line 334
        [221] -> line 337
        [229] -> line 338
        [255] -> line 341
        [277] -> line 344
        [286] -> line 347
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 9)
        v0: 0 -> 303 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH; this]
        v1: 0 -> 303 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean; pubkey]
        v2: 2 -> 303 [Ljava/lang/Object; trileadKey]
        v3: 75 -> 286 [Ljava/lang/String; password]
        v4: 171 -> 174 [Ljava/security/PrivateKey; privKey]
        v4: 215 -> 255 [Ljava/security/PrivateKey; privKey]
        v5: 176 -> 215 [Ljava/lang/Exception; e]
        v6: 194 -> 215 [Ljava/lang/String; message]
        v5: 221 -> 255 [Ljava/security/PublicKey; pubKey]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 3)
      + Class [java/security/NoSuchAlgorithmException]
      + Class [java/security/spec/InvalidKeySpecException]
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       tryPublicKey(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean tryPublicKey(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.Object)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 46, locals = 5, stack = 7):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #147
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.connection Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;]
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] aload_3 v3
      [6] invokevirtual #181
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.authenticateWithPublicKey (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [9] istore v4
      [11] iload v4
      [13] ifne +30 (target=43)
      [16] aload_0 v0
      [17] getfield #143
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [24] getfield #138
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [27] ldc #17
        + Integer [2131230916]
      [29] iconst_1
      [30] anewarray #95
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [33] dup
      [34] iconst_0
      [35] aload_2 v2
      [36] aastore
      [37] invokevirtual #166
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [40] invokevirtual #277
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.outputLine (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [43] iload v4
      [45] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 352
        [11] -> line 353
        [16] -> line 354
        [43] -> line 355
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 46 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH; this]
        v1: 0 -> 46 [Ljava/lang/String; username]
        v2: 0 -> 46 [Ljava/lang/String; keyNickname]
        v3: 0 -> 46 [Ljava/lang/Object; trileadKey]
        v4: 11 -> 46 [Z success]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       finishConnection()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void finishConnection()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 249, locals = 4, stack = 7):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iconst_1
      [2] putfield #142
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.authenticated Z]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] getfield #154
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.portForwards Ljava/util/List;]
      [9] invokeinterface #304
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
      [14] astore_2 v2
      [15] goto +62 (target=77)
      [18] aload_2 v2
      [19] invokeinterface #301
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/ ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [24] checkcast #114
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean]
      [27] astore_1 v1
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] aload_1 v1
      [30] invokevirtual #287
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.enablePortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
      [33] pop
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] getfield #143
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [42] getfield #138
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [45] ldc #22
        + Integer [2131230921]
      [47] iconst_1
      [48] anewarray #95
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [51] dup
      [52] iconst_0
      [53] aload_1 v1
      [54] invokevirtual #252
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getDescription ()Ljava/lang/CharSequence;]
      [57] aastore
      [58] invokevirtual #166
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [61] invokevirtual #277
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.outputLine (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [64] goto +13 (target=77)
      [67] astore_3 v3
      [68] ldc #32
        + String [ConnectBot.SSH]
      [70] ldc #43
        + String [Error setting up port forward during connect]
      [72] aload_3 v3
      [73] invokestatic #175
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [76] pop
      [77] aload_2 v2
      [78] invokeinterface #300
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Iterator.hasNext ()Z]
      [83] ifne -65 (target=18)
      [86] aload_0 v0
      [87] getfield #150
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [90] invokevirtual #246
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getWantSession ()Z]
      [93] ifne +30 (target=123)
      [96] aload_0 v0
      [97] getfield #143
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [100] aload_0 v0
      [101] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [104] getfield #138
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [107] ldc #21
        + Integer [2131230920]
      [109] invokevirtual #165
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [112] invokevirtual #277
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.outputLine (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [115] aload_0 v0
      [116] getfield #143
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [119] invokevirtual #276
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.onConnected ()V]
      [122] return
      [123] aload_0 v0
      [124] aload_0 v0
      [125] getfield #147
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.connection Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;]
      [128] invokevirtual #189
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.openSession ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Session;]
      [131] putfield #157
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.session Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Session;]
      [134] aload_0 v0
      [135] getfield #162
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.useAuthAgent Ljava/lang/String;]
      [138] ldc #61
        + String [no]
      [140] invokevirtual #221
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [143] ifne +12 (target=155)
      [146] aload_0 v0
      [147] getfield #157
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.session Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Session;]
      [150] aload_0 v0
      [151] invokevirtual #198
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Session.requestAuthAgentForwarding (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/AuthAgentCallback;)Z]
      [154] pop
      [155] aload_0 v0
      [156] getfield #157
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.session Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Session;]
      [159] aload_0 v0
      [160] invokevirtual #290
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.getEmulation ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [163] aload_0 v0
      [164] getfield #144
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.columns I]
      [167] aload_0 v0
      [168] getfield #156
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.rows I]
      [171] aload_0 v0
      [172] getfield #163
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.width I]
      [175] aload_0 v0
      [176] getfield #149
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.height I]
      [179] aconst_null
      [180] invokevirtual #199
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Session.requestPTY (Ljava/lang/String;IIII[B)V]
      [183] aload_0 v0
      [184] getfield #157
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.session Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Session;]
      [187] invokevirtual #201
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Session.startShell ()V]
      [190] aload_0 v0
      [191] aload_0 v0
      [192] getfield #157
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.session Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Session;]
      [195] invokevirtual #196
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Session.getStdin ()Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [198] putfield #160
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.stdin Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [201] aload_0 v0
      [202] aload_0 v0
      [203] getfield #157
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.session Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Session;]
      [206] invokevirtual #197
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Session.getStdout ()Ljava/io/InputStream;]
      [209] putfield #161
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.stdout Ljava/io/InputStream;]
      [212] aload_0 v0
      [213] aload_0 v0
      [214] getfield #157
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.session Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Session;]
      [217] invokevirtual #195
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Session.getStderr ()Ljava/io/InputStream;]
      [220] putfield #159
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.stderr Ljava/io/InputStream;]
      [223] aload_0 v0
      [224] iconst_1
      [225] putfield #158
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.sessionOpen Z]
      [228] aload_0 v0
      [229] getfield #143
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [232] invokevirtual #276
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.onConnected ()V]
      [235] goto +13 (target=248)
      [238] astore_1 v1
      [239] ldc #32
        + String [ConnectBot.SSH]
      [241] ldc #49
        + String [Problem while trying to create PTY in finishConnection()]
      [243] aload_1 v1
      [244] invokestatic #175
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [247] pop
      [248] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (28 -> 64: 67):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      + ExceptionInfo (123 -> 235: 238):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 24)
        [0] -> line 363
        [5] -> line 365
        [28] -> line 367
        [34] -> line 368
        [67] -> line 369
        [68] -> line 370
        [77] -> line 365
        [86] -> line 374
        [96] -> line 375
        [115] -> line 376
        [122] -> line 377
        [123] -> line 381
        [134] -> line 383
        [146] -> line 384
        [155] -> line 386
        [183] -> line 387
        [190] -> line 389
        [201] -> line 390
        [212] -> line 391
        [223] -> line 393
        [228] -> line 395
        [238] -> line 396
        [239] -> line 397
        [248] -> line 400
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 249 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH; this]
        v1: 28 -> 77 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean; portForward]
        v3: 68 -> 77 [Ljava/lang/Exception; e]
        v1: 239 -> 248 [Ljava/io/IOException; e1]
  + Method:       connect()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void connect()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 340, locals = 2, stack = 7):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] new #75
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection]
      [4] dup
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] getfield #150
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [9] invokevirtual #242
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getHostname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] getfield #150
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [16] invokevirtual #243
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getPort ()I]
      [19] invokespecial #176
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;I)V]
      [22] putfield #147
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.connection Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;]
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] getfield #147
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.connection Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;]
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] invokevirtual #177
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.addConnectionMonitor (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionMonitor;)V]
      [33] aload_0 v0
      [34] getfield #147
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.connection Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;]
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] getfield #145
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.compression Z]
      [41] invokevirtual #191
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.setCompression (Z)V]
      [44] goto +13 (target=57)
      [47] astore_1 v1
      [48] ldc #32
        + String [ConnectBot.SSH]
      [50] ldc #38
        + String [Could not enable compression!]
      [52] aload_1 v1
      [53] invokestatic #175
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [56] pop
      [57] aload_0 v0
      [58] aload_0 v0
      [59] getfield #147
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.connection Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;]
      [62] new #122
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH$HostKeyVerifier]
      [65] dup
      [66] aload_0 v0
      [67] invokespecial #295
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH$HostKeyVerifier.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH;)V]
      [70] invokevirtual #184
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.connect (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
      [73] putfield #148
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.connectionInfo Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
      [76] aload_0 v0
      [77] iconst_1
      [78] putfield #146
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.connected Z]
      [81] aload_0 v0
      [82] getfield #148
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.connectionInfo Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
      [85] getfield #131
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo.clientToServerCryptoAlgorithm Ljava/lang/String;]
      [88] aload_0 v0
      [89] getfield #148
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.connectionInfo Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
      [92] getfield #133
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo.serverToClientCryptoAlgorithm Ljava/lang/String;]
      [95] invokevirtual #221
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [98] ifeq +69 (target=167)
      [101] aload_0 v0
      [102] getfield #148
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.connectionInfo Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
      [105] getfield #132
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo.clientToServerMACAlgorithm Ljava/lang/String;]
      [108] aload_0 v0
      [109] getfield #148
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.connectionInfo Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
      [112] getfield #134
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo.serverToClientMACAlgorithm Ljava/lang/String;]
      [115] invokevirtual #221
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [118] ifeq +49 (target=167)
      [121] aload_0 v0
      [122] getfield #143
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [125] aload_0 v0
      [126] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [129] getfield #138
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [132] ldc #10
        + Integer [2131230909]
      [134] iconst_2
      [135] anewarray #95
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [138] dup
      [139] iconst_0
      [140] aload_0 v0
      [141] getfield #148
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.connectionInfo Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
      [144] getfield #131
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo.clientToServerCryptoAlgorithm Ljava/lang/String;]
      [147] aastore
      [148] dup
      [149] iconst_1
      [150] aload_0 v0
      [151] getfield #148
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.connectionInfo Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
      [154] getfield #132
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo.clientToServerMACAlgorithm Ljava/lang/String;]
      [157] aastore
      [158] invokevirtual #166
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [161] invokevirtual #277
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.outputLine (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [164] goto +121 (target=285)
      [167] aload_0 v0
      [168] getfield #143
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [171] aload_0 v0
      [172] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [175] getfield #138
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [178] ldc #9
        + Integer [2131230908]
      [180] iconst_2
      [181] anewarray #95
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [184] dup
      [185] iconst_0
      [186] aload_0 v0
      [187] getfield #148
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.connectionInfo Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
      [190] getfield #131
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo.clientToServerCryptoAlgorithm Ljava/lang/String;]
      [193] aastore
      [194] dup
      [195] iconst_1
      [196] aload_0 v0
      [197] getfield #148
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.connectionInfo Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
      [200] getfield #132
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo.clientToServerMACAlgorithm Ljava/lang/String;]
      [203] aastore
      [204] invokevirtual #166
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [207] invokevirtual #277
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.outputLine (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [210] aload_0 v0
      [211] getfield #143
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [214] aload_0 v0
      [215] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [218] getfield #138
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [221] ldc #8
        + Integer [2131230907]
      [223] iconst_2
      [224] anewarray #95
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [227] dup
      [228] iconst_0
      [229] aload_0 v0
      [230] getfield #148
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.connectionInfo Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
      [233] getfield #133
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo.serverToClientCryptoAlgorithm Ljava/lang/String;]
      [236] aastore
      [237] dup
      [238] iconst_1
      [239] aload_0 v0
      [240] getfield #148
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.connectionInfo Lcom/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo;]
      [243] getfield #134
        + Fieldref [com/trilead/ssh2/ConnectionInfo.serverToClientMACAlgorithm Ljava/lang/String;]
      [246] aastore
      [247] invokevirtual #166
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [250] invokevirtual #277
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.outputLine (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [253] goto +32 (target=285)
      [256] astore_1 v1
      [257] ldc #32
        + String [ConnectBot.SSH]
      [259] ldc #48
        + String [Problem in SSH connection thread during authentication]
      [261] aload_1 v1
      [262] invokestatic #175
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [265] pop
      [266] aload_0 v0
      [267] getfield #143
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [270] aload_1 v1
      [271] invokevirtual #209
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.getCause ()Ljava/lang/Throwable;]
      [274] invokevirtual #232
        + Methodref [java/lang/Throwable.getMessage ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [277] invokevirtual #277
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.outputLine (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [280] aload_0 v0
      [281] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.onDisconnect ()V]
      [284] return
      [285] iconst_0
      [286] istore_1 v1
      [287] goto +13 (target=300)
      [290] aload_0 v0
      [291] invokespecial #284
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.authenticate ()V]
      [294] ldc2_w #129
        + Long [1000]
      [297] invokestatic #231
        + Methodref [java/lang/Thread.sleep (J)V]
      [300] aload_0 v0
      [301] getfield #146
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.connected Z]
      [304] ifeq +35 (target=339)
      [307] aload_0 v0
      [308] getfield #147
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.connection Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;]
      [311] invokevirtual #188
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.isAuthenticationComplete ()Z]
      [314] ifne +25 (target=339)
      [317] iload_1 v1
      [318] iinc v1, 1
      [321] bipush 20
      [323] ificmplt -33 (target=290)
      [326] goto +13 (target=339)
      [329] astore_1 v1
      [330] ldc #32
        + String [ConnectBot.SSH]
      [332] ldc #48
        + String [Problem in SSH connection thread during authentication]
      [334] aload_1 v1
      [335] invokestatic #175
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [338] pop
      [339] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 3):
      + ExceptionInfo (33 -> 44: 47):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (57 -> 253: 256):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (285 -> 326: 329):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 38)
        [0] -> line 404
        [25] -> line 405
        [33] -> line 408
        [47] -> line 409
        [48] -> line 410
        [57] -> line 425
        [76] -> line 426
        [81] -> line 428
        [88] -> line 429
        [101] -> line 430
        [108] -> line 431
        [121] -> line 432
        [140] -> line 433
        [150] -> line 434
        [158] -> line 432
        [167] -> line 436
        [178] -> line 437
        [186] -> line 438
        [196] -> line 439
        [204] -> line 436
        [210] -> line 441
        [221] -> line 442
        [229] -> line 443
        [239] -> line 444
        [247] -> line 441
        [256] -> line 446
        [257] -> line 447
        [266] -> line 450
        [280] -> line 452
        [284] -> line 453
        [285] -> line 458
        [287] -> line 459
        [290] -> line 460
        [294] -> line 463
        [300] -> line 459
        [329] -> line 465
        [330] -> line 466
        [339] -> line 468
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 340 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH; this]
        v1: 48 -> 57 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]
        v1: 257 -> 285 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]
        v1: 287 -> 329 [I tries]
        v1: 330 -> 339 [Ljava/lang/Exception; e]
  + Method:       close()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void close()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 44, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iconst_0
      [2] putfield #146
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.connected Z]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] getfield #157
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.session Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Session;]
      [9] ifnull +15 (target=24)
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] getfield #157
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.session Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Session;]
      [16] invokevirtual #194
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Session.close ()V]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] aconst_null
      [21] putfield #157
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.session Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Session;]
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] getfield #147
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.connection Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;]
      [28] ifnull +15 (target=43)
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] getfield #147
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.connection Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;]
      [35] invokevirtual #183
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.close ()V]
      [38] aload_0 v0
      [39] aconst_null
      [40] putfield #147
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.connection Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;]
      [43] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 472
        [5] -> line 474
        [12] -> line 475
        [19] -> line 476
        [24] -> line 479
        [31] -> line 480
        [38] -> line 481
        [43] -> line 483
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 44 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH; this]
  + Method:       onDisconnect()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void onDisconnect()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 13, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokevirtual #285
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.close ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #143
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [8] iconst_0
      [9] invokevirtual #274
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.dispatchDisconnect (Z)V]
      [12] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 486
        [4] -> line 488
        [12] -> line 489
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 13 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH; this]
  + Method:       flush()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void flush()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #160
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.stdin Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [4] ifnull +10 (target=14)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #160
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.stdin Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [11] invokevirtual #213
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.flush ()V]
      [14] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 493
        [7] -> line 494
        [14] -> line 495
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 15 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH; this]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       read([BII)I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int read(byte[],int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 106, locals = 7, stack = 4):
      [0] iconst_0
      [1] istore v4
      [3] aload_0 v0
      [4] getfield #157
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.session Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Session;]
      [7] ifnonnull +5 (target=12)
      [10] iconst_0
      [11] ireturn
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] getfield #157
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.session Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Session;]
      [16] bipush 30
      [18] lconst_0
      [19] invokevirtual #202
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Session.waitForCondition (IJ)I]
      [22] istore v5
      [24] iload v5
      [26] iconst_4
      [27] iand
      [28] ifeq +15 (target=43)
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] getfield #161
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.stdout Ljava/io/InputStream;]
      [35] aload_1 v1
      [36] iload_2 v2
      [37] iload_3 v3
      [38] invokevirtual #212
        + Methodref [java/io/ ([BII)I]
      [41] istore v4
      [43] iload v5
      [45] bipush 8
      [47] iand
      [48] ifeq +33 (target=81)
      [51] sipush 256
      [54] newarray 8
      [56] astore v6
      [58] goto +13 (target=71)
      [61] aload_0 v0
      [62] getfield #159
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.stderr Ljava/io/InputStream;]
      [65] aload v6
      [67] invokevirtual #211
        + Methodref [java/io/ ([B)I]
      [70] pop
      [71] aload_0 v0
      [72] getfield #159
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.stderr Ljava/io/InputStream;]
      [75] invokevirtual #210
        + Methodref [java/io/InputStream.available ()I]
      [78] ifgt -17 (target=61)
      [81] iload v5
      [83] bipush 16
      [85] iand
      [86] ifeq +17 (target=103)
      [89] aload_0 v0
      [90] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.onDisconnect ()V]
      [93] new #87
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [96] dup
      [97] ldc #50
        + String [Remote end closed connection]
      [99] invokespecial #208
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [102] athrow
      [103] iload v4
      [105] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 15)
        [0] -> line 499
        [3] -> line 501
        [10] -> line 502
        [12] -> line 504
        [24] -> line 506
        [31] -> line 507
        [43] -> line 510
        [51] -> line 511
        [58] -> line 512
        [61] -> line 513
        [71] -> line 512
        [81] -> line 517
        [89] -> line 518
        [93] -> line 519
        [103] -> line 522
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 106 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH; this]
        v1: 0 -> 106 [[B buffer]
        v2: 0 -> 106 [I start]
        v3: 0 -> 106 [I len]
        v4: 3 -> 106 [I bytesRead]
        v5: 24 -> 106 [I newConditions]
        v6: 58 -> 81 [[B discard]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       write([B)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void write(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 16, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #160
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.stdin Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [4] ifnull +11 (target=15)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #160
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.stdin Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [11] aload_1 v1
      [12] invokevirtual #215
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
      [15] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 527
        [7] -> line 528
        [15] -> line 529
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 16 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH; this]
        v1: 0 -> 16 [[B buffer]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       write(I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void write(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 16, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #160
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.stdin Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [4] ifnull +11 (target=15)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #160
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.stdin Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [11] iload_1 v1
      [12] invokevirtual #214
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write (I)V]
      [15] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 533
        [7] -> line 534
        [15] -> line 535
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 16 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH; this]
        v1: 0 -> 16 [I c]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       getProtocolName()Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static java.lang.String getProtocolName()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 3, locals = 0, stack = 1):
      [0] ldc #68
        + String [ssh]
      [2] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 553
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       isSessionOpen()Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean isSessionOpen()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #158
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.sessionOpen Z]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 558
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH; this]
  + Method:       isConnected()Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean isConnected()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #146
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.connected Z]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 563
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH; this]
  + Method:       connectionLost(Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void connectionLost(java.lang.Throwable)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 2, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #291
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.onDisconnect ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 567
        [4] -> line 568
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH; this]
        v1: 0 -> 5 [Ljava/lang/Throwable; reason]
  + Method:       canForwardPorts()Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean canForwardPorts()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 2, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] iconst_1
      [1] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 572
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 2 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH; this]
  + Method:       getPortForwards()Ljava/util/List;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.util.List getPortForwards()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #154
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.portForwards Ljava/util/List;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 577
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH; this]
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;>;]
  + Method:       addPortForward(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean addPortForward(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PortForwardBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 11, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #154
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.portForwards Ljava/util/List;]
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] invokeinterface #302
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [10] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 582
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 11 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH; this]
        v1: 0 -> 11 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean; portForward]
  + Method:       removePortForward(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean removePortForward(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PortForwardBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 17, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokevirtual #286
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.disablePortForward (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
      [5] pop
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] getfield #154
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.portForwards Ljava/util/List;]
      [10] aload_1 v1
      [11] invokeinterface #305
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.remove (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [16] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 588
        [6] -> line 590
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 17 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH; this]
        v1: 0 -> 17 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean; portForward]
  + Method:       enablePortForward(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean enablePortForward(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PortForwardBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 259, locals = 4, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #154
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.portForwards Ljava/util/List;]
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] invokeinterface #303
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.contains (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [10] ifne +13 (target=23)
      [13] ldc #32
        + String [ConnectBot.SSH]
      [15] ldc #30
        + String [Attempt to enable port forward not in list]
      [17] invokestatic #174
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [20] pop
      [21] iconst_0
      [22] ireturn
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] getfield #142
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.authenticated Z]
      [27] ifne +5 (target=32)
      [30] iconst_0
      [31] ireturn
      [32] ldc #59
        + String [local]
      [34] aload_1 v1
      [35] invokevirtual #258
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getType ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [38] invokevirtual #221
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [41] ifeq +76 (target=117)
      [44] aconst_null
      [45] astore_2 v2
      [46] aload_0 v0
      [47] getfield #147
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.connection Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;]
      [50] new #101
        + Class [java/net/InetSocketAddress]
      [53] dup
      [54] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/net/InetAddress.getLocalHost ()Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
      [57] aload_1 v1
      [58] invokevirtual #257
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getSourcePort ()I]
      [61] invokespecial #234
        + Methodref [java/net/InetSocketAddress.<init> (Ljava/net/InetAddress;I)V]
      [64] aload_1 v1
      [65] invokevirtual #253
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getDestAddr ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [68] aload_1 v1
      [69] invokevirtual #254
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getDestPort ()I]
      [72] invokevirtual #186
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.createLocalPortForwarder (Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress;Ljava/lang/String;I)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/LocalPortForwarder;]
      [75] astore_2 v2
      [76] goto +15 (target=91)
      [79] astore_3 v3
      [80] ldc #32
        + String [ConnectBot.SSH]
      [82] ldc #35
        + String [Could not create local port forward]
      [84] aload_3 v3
      [85] invokestatic #175
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [88] pop
      [89] iconst_0
      [90] ireturn
      [91] aload_2 v2
      [92] ifnonnull +13 (target=105)
      [95] ldc #32
        + String [ConnectBot.SSH]
      [97] ldc #67
        + String [returned LocalPortForwarder object is null]
      [99] invokestatic #174
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [102] pop
      [103] iconst_0
      [104] ireturn
      [105] aload_1 v1
      [106] aload_2 v2
      [107] invokevirtual #261
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.setIdentifier (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
      [110] aload_1 v1
      [111] iconst_1
      [112] invokevirtual #260
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.setEnabled (Z)V]
      [115] iconst_1
      [116] ireturn
      [117] ldc #66
        + String [remote]
      [119] aload_1 v1
      [120] invokevirtual #258
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getType ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [123] invokevirtual #221
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [126] ifeq +46 (target=172)
      [129] aload_0 v0
      [130] getfield #147
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.connection Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;]
      [133] ldc #23
        + String []
      [135] aload_1 v1
      [136] invokevirtual #257
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getSourcePort ()I]
      [139] aload_1 v1
      [140] invokevirtual #253
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getDestAddr ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [143] aload_1 v1
      [144] invokevirtual #254
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getDestPort ()I]
      [147] invokevirtual #190
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.requestRemotePortForwarding (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)V]
      [150] goto +15 (target=165)
      [153] astore_2 v2
      [154] ldc #32
        + String [ConnectBot.SSH]
      [156] ldc #36
        + String [Could not create remote port forward]
      [158] aload_2 v2
      [159] invokestatic #175
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [162] pop
      [163] iconst_0
      [164] ireturn
      [165] aload_1 v1
      [166] iconst_1
      [167] invokevirtual #260
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.setEnabled (Z)V]
      [170] iconst_1
      [171] ireturn
      [172] ldc #56
        + String [dynamic5]
      [174] aload_1 v1
      [175] invokevirtual #258
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getType ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [178] invokevirtual #221
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [181] ifeq +54 (target=235)
      [184] aconst_null
      [185] astore_2 v2
      [186] aload_0 v0
      [187] getfield #147
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.connection Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;]
      [190] new #101
        + Class [java/net/InetSocketAddress]
      [193] dup
      [194] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/net/InetAddress.getLocalHost ()Ljava/net/InetAddress;]
      [197] aload_1 v1
      [198] invokevirtual #257
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getSourcePort ()I]
      [201] invokespecial #234
        + Methodref [java/net/InetSocketAddress.<init> (Ljava/net/InetAddress;I)V]
      [204] invokevirtual #185
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.createDynamicPortForwarder (Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress;)Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DynamicPortForwarder;]
      [207] astore_2 v2
      [208] goto +15 (target=223)
      [211] astore_3 v3
      [212] ldc #32
        + String [ConnectBot.SSH]
      [214] ldc #34
        + String [Could not create dynamic port forward]
      [216] aload_3 v3
      [217] invokestatic #175
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [220] pop
      [221] iconst_0
      [222] ireturn
      [223] aload_1 v1
      [224] aload_2 v2
      [225] invokevirtual #261
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.setIdentifier (Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
      [228] aload_1 v1
      [229] iconst_1
      [230] invokevirtual #260
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.setEnabled (Z)V]
      [233] iconst_1
      [234] ireturn
      [235] ldc #32
        + String [ConnectBot.SSH]
      [237] ldc #54
        + String [attempt to forward unknown type %s]
      [239] iconst_1
      [240] anewarray #95
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [243] dup
      [244] iconst_0
      [245] aload_1 v1
      [246] invokevirtual #258
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getType ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [249] aastore
      [250] invokestatic #222
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [253] invokestatic #174
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [256] pop
      [257] iconst_0
      [258] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 3):
      + ExceptionInfo (46 -> 76: 79):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      + ExceptionInfo (129 -> 150: 153):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      + ExceptionInfo (186 -> 208: 211):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 40)
        [0] -> line 595
        [13] -> line 596
        [21] -> line 597
        [23] -> line 600
        [30] -> line 601
        [32] -> line 603
        [44] -> line 604
        [46] -> line 606
        [50] -> line 607
        [64] -> line 608
        [72] -> line 606
        [79] -> line 609
        [80] -> line 610
        [89] -> line 611
        [91] -> line 614
        [95] -> line 615
        [103] -> line 616
        [105] -> line 619
        [110] -> line 620
        [115] -> line 621
        [117] -> line 622
        [129] -> line 624
        [153] -> line 625
        [154] -> line 626
        [163] -> line 627
        [165] -> line 630
        [170] -> line 631
        [172] -> line 632
        [184] -> line 633
        [186] -> line 636
        [190] -> line 637
        [204] -> line 636
        [211] -> line 638
        [212] -> line 639
        [221] -> line 640
        [223] -> line 643
        [228] -> line 644
        [233] -> line 645
        [235] -> line 648
        [257] -> line 649
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 259 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH; this]
        v1: 0 -> 259 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean; portForward]
        v2: 46 -> 117 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/LocalPortForwarder; lpf]
        v3: 80 -> 91 [Ljava/lang/Exception; e]
        v2: 154 -> 165 [Ljava/lang/Exception; e]
        v2: 186 -> 235 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DynamicPortForwarder; dpf]
        v3: 212 -> 223 [Ljava/lang/Exception; e]
  + Method:       disablePortForward(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean disablePortForward(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PortForwardBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 267, locals = 4, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #154
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.portForwards Ljava/util/List;]
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] invokeinterface #303
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.contains (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [10] ifne +13 (target=23)
      [13] ldc #32
        + String [ConnectBot.SSH]
      [15] ldc #29
        + String [Attempt to disable port forward not in list]
      [17] invokestatic #174
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [20] pop
      [21] iconst_0
      [22] ireturn
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] getfield #142
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.authenticated Z]
      [27] ifne +5 (target=32)
      [30] iconst_0
      [31] ireturn
      [32] ldc #59
        + String [local]
      [34] aload_1 v1
      [35] invokevirtual #258
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getType ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [38] invokevirtual #221
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [41] ifeq +74 (target=115)
      [44] aconst_null
      [45] astore_2 v2
      [46] aload_1 v1
      [47] invokevirtual #255
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getIdentifier ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [50] checkcast #80
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/LocalPortForwarder]
      [53] astore_2 v2
      [54] aload_1 v1
      [55] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.isEnabled ()Z]
      [58] ifeq +7 (target=65)
      [61] aload_2 v2
      [62] ifnonnull +27 (target=89)
      [65] ldc #32
        + String [ConnectBot.SSH]
      [67] ldc #37
        + String [Could not disable %s; it appears to be not enabled or have no handler]
      [69] iconst_1
      [70] anewarray #95
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [73] dup
      [74] iconst_0
      [75] aload_1 v1
      [76] invokevirtual #256
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [79] aastore
      [80] invokestatic #222
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [83] invokestatic #173
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [86] pop
      [87] iconst_0
      [88] ireturn
      [89] aload_1 v1
      [90] iconst_0
      [91] invokevirtual #260
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.setEnabled (Z)V]
      [94] aload_2 v2
      [95] invokevirtual #193
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/LocalPortForwarder.close ()V]
      [98] goto +15 (target=113)
      [101] astore_3 v3
      [102] ldc #32
        + String [ConnectBot.SSH]
      [104] ldc #40
        + String [Could not stop local port forwarder, setting enabled to false]
      [106] aload_3 v3
      [107] invokestatic #175
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [110] pop
      [111] iconst_0
      [112] ireturn
      [113] iconst_1
      [114] ireturn
      [115] ldc #66
        + String [remote]
      [117] aload_1 v1
      [118] invokevirtual #258
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getType ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [121] invokevirtual #221
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [124] ifeq +36 (target=160)
      [127] aload_1 v1
      [128] iconst_0
      [129] invokevirtual #260
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.setEnabled (Z)V]
      [132] aload_0 v0
      [133] getfield #147
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.connection Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Connection;]
      [136] aload_1 v1
      [137] invokevirtual #257
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getSourcePort ()I]
      [140] invokevirtual #182
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Connection.cancelRemotePortForwarding (I)V]
      [143] goto +15 (target=158)
      [146] astore_2 v2
      [147] ldc #32
        + String [ConnectBot.SSH]
      [149] ldc #41
        + String [Could not stop remote port forwarding, setting enabled to false]
      [151] aload_2 v2
      [152] invokestatic #175
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [155] pop
      [156] iconst_0
      [157] ireturn
      [158] iconst_1
      [159] ireturn
      [160] ldc #56
        + String [dynamic5]
      [162] aload_1 v1
      [163] invokevirtual #258
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getType ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [166] invokevirtual #221
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [169] ifeq +74 (target=243)
      [172] aconst_null
      [173] astore_2 v2
      [174] aload_1 v1
      [175] invokevirtual #255
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getIdentifier ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [178] checkcast #78
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/DynamicPortForwarder]
      [181] astore_2 v2
      [182] aload_1 v1
      [183] invokevirtual #259
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.isEnabled ()Z]
      [186] ifeq +7 (target=193)
      [189] aload_2 v2
      [190] ifnonnull +27 (target=217)
      [193] ldc #32
        + String [ConnectBot.SSH]
      [195] ldc #37
        + String [Could not disable %s; it appears to be not enabled or have no handler]
      [197] iconst_1
      [198] anewarray #95
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [201] dup
      [202] iconst_0
      [203] aload_1 v1
      [204] invokevirtual #256
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getNickname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [207] aastore
      [208] invokestatic #222
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [211] invokestatic #173
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [214] pop
      [215] iconst_0
      [216] ireturn
      [217] aload_1 v1
      [218] iconst_0
      [219] invokevirtual #260
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.setEnabled (Z)V]
      [222] aload_2 v2
      [223] invokevirtual #192
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/DynamicPortForwarder.close ()V]
      [226] goto +15 (target=241)
      [229] astore_3 v3
      [230] ldc #32
        + String [ConnectBot.SSH]
      [232] ldc #39
        + String [Could not stop dynamic port forwarder, setting enabled to false]
      [234] aload_3 v3
      [235] invokestatic #175
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [238] pop
      [239] iconst_0
      [240] ireturn
      [241] iconst_1
      [242] ireturn
      [243] ldc #32
        + String [ConnectBot.SSH]
      [245] ldc #54
        + String [attempt to forward unknown type %s]
      [247] iconst_1
      [248] anewarray #95
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [251] dup
      [252] iconst_0
      [253] aload_1 v1
      [254] invokevirtual #258
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getType ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [257] aastore
      [258] invokestatic #222
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [261] invokestatic #174
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [264] pop
      [265] iconst_0
      [266] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 3):
      + ExceptionInfo (94 -> 98: 101):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (132 -> 143: 146):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (222 -> 226: 229):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 38)
        [0] -> line 655
        [13] -> line 656
        [21] -> line 657
        [23] -> line 660
        [30] -> line 661
        [32] -> line 663
        [44] -> line 664
        [46] -> line 665
        [54] -> line 667
        [65] -> line 668
        [87] -> line 669
        [89] -> line 672
        [94] -> line 675
        [101] -> line 676
        [102] -> line 677
        [111] -> line 678
        [113] -> line 681
        [115] -> line 682
        [127] -> line 683
        [132] -> line 686
        [146] -> line 687
        [147] -> line 688
        [156] -> line 689
        [158] -> line 692
        [160] -> line 693
        [172] -> line 694
        [174] -> line 695
        [182] -> line 697
        [193] -> line 698
        [215] -> line 699
        [217] -> line 702
        [222] -> line 705
        [229] -> line 706
        [230] -> line 707
        [239] -> line 708
        [241] -> line 711
        [243] -> line 714
        [265] -> line 715
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 267 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH; this]
        v1: 0 -> 267 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean; portForward]
        v2: 46 -> 115 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/LocalPortForwarder; lpf]
        v3: 102 -> 113 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]
        v2: 147 -> 158 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]
        v2: 174 -> 243 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/DynamicPortForwarder; dpf]
        v3: 230 -> 241 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]
  + Method:       setDimensions(IIII)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setDimensions(int,int,int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 45, locals = 6, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #144
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.columns I]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] iload_2 v2
      [7] putfield #156
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.rows I]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] getfield #158
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.sessionOpen Z]
      [14] ifeq +30 (target=44)
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] getfield #157
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.session Lcom/trilead/ssh2/Session;]
      [21] iload_1 v1
      [22] iload_2 v2
      [23] iload_3 v3
      [24] iload v4
      [26] invokevirtual #200
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/Session.resizePTY (IIII)V]
      [29] goto +15 (target=44)
      [32] astore v5
      [34] ldc #32
        + String [ConnectBot.SSH]
      [36] ldc #42
        + String [Couldn't send resize PTY packet]
      [38] aload v5
      [40] invokestatic #175
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [43] pop
      [44] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (17 -> 29: 32):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 721
        [5] -> line 722
        [10] -> line 724
        [17] -> line 726
        [32] -> line 727
        [34] -> line 728
        [44] -> line 731
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 45 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH; this]
        v1: 0 -> 45 [I columns]
        v2: 0 -> 45 [I rows]
        v3: 0 -> 45 [I width]
        v4: 0 -> 45 [I height]
        v5: 34 -> 44 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]
  + Method:       getDefaultNickname(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String getDefaultNickname(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 49, locals = 4, stack = 5):
      [0] iload_3 v3
      [1] bipush 22
      [3] ificmpne +21 (target=24)
      [6] ldc #24
        + String [%s@%s]
      [8] iconst_2
      [9] anewarray #95
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [12] dup
      [13] iconst_0
      [14] aload_1 v1
      [15] aastore
      [16] dup
      [17] iconst_1
      [18] aload_2 v2
      [19] aastore
      [20] invokestatic #222
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [23] areturn
      [24] ldc #25
        + String [%s@%s:%d]
      [26] iconst_3
      [27] anewarray #95
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [30] dup
      [31] iconst_0
      [32] aload_1 v1
      [33] aastore
      [34] dup
      [35] iconst_1
      [36] aload_2 v2
      [37] aastore
      [38] dup
      [39] iconst_2
      [40] iload_3 v3
      [41] invokestatic #219
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [44] aastore
      [45] invokestatic #222
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [48] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 740
        [6] -> line 741
        [24] -> line 743
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 49 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH; this]
        v1: 0 -> 49 [Ljava/lang/String; username]
        v2: 0 -> 49 [Ljava/lang/String; hostname]
        v3: 0 -> 49 [I port]
  + Method:       getUri(Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri;
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static getUri(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 148, locals = 6, stack = 3):
      [0] getstatic #151
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.hostmask Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;]
      [3] aload_0 v0
      [4] invokevirtual #240
        + Methodref [java/util/regex/Pattern.matcher (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Ljava/util/regex/Matcher;]
      [7] astore_1 v1
      [8] aload_1 v1
      [9] invokevirtual #238
        + Methodref [java/util/regex/Matcher.matches ()Z]
      [12] ifne +5 (target=17)
      [15] aconst_null
      [16] areturn
      [17] new #97
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [20] dup
      [21] invokespecial #225
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> ()V]
      [24] astore_2 v2
      [25] aload_2 v2
      [26] ldc #68
        + String [ssh]
      [28] invokevirtual #229
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [31] ldc #28
        + String [://]
      [33] invokevirtual #229
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [36] aload_1 v1
      [37] iconst_1
      [38] invokevirtual #237
        + Methodref [java/util/regex/ (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [41] invokestatic #167
        + Methodref [android/net/Uri.encode (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [44] invokevirtual #229
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [47] bipush 64
      [49] invokevirtual #227
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [52] aload_1 v1
      [53] iconst_2
      [54] invokevirtual #237
        + Methodref [java/util/regex/ (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [57] invokevirtual #229
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [60] pop
      [61] aload_1 v1
      [62] iconst_4
      [63] invokevirtual #237
        + Methodref [java/util/regex/ (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [66] astore_3 v3
      [67] bipush 22
      [69] istore v4
      [71] aload_3 v3
      [72] ifnull +31 (target=103)
      [75] aload_3 v3
      [76] invokestatic #217
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.parseInt (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [79] istore v4
      [81] iload v4
      [83] iconst_1
      [84] ificmplt +10 (target=94)
      [87] iload v4
      [89] ldc #1
        + Integer [65535]
      [91] ificmple +12 (target=103)
      [94] bipush 22
      [96] istore v4
      [98] goto +5 (target=103)
      [101] astore v5
      [103] iload v4
      [105] bipush 22
      [107] ificmpeq +15 (target=122)
      [110] aload_2 v2
      [111] bipush 58
      [113] invokevirtual #227
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [116] iload v4
      [118] invokevirtual #228
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [121] pop
      [122] aload_2 v2
      [123] ldc #27
        + String [/#]
      [125] invokevirtual #229
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [128] aload_0 v0
      [129] invokestatic #167
        + Methodref [android/net/Uri.encode (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [132] invokevirtual #229
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [135] pop
      [136] aload_2 v2
      [137] invokevirtual #230
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [140] invokestatic #172
        + Methodref [android/net/Uri.parse (Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri;]
      [143] astore v5
      [145] aload v5
      [147] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (75 -> 98: 101):
      + Class [java/lang/NumberFormatException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 23)
        [0] -> line 748
        [8] -> line 750
        [15] -> line 751
        [17] -> line 753
        [25] -> line 755
        [31] -> line 756
        [36] -> line 757
        [47] -> line 758
        [52] -> line 759
        [61] -> line 761
        [67] -> line 762
        [71] -> line 763
        [75] -> line 765
        [81] -> line 766
        [94] -> line 767
        [101] -> line 769
        [103] -> line 774
        [110] -> line 775
        [116] -> line 776
        [122] -> line 779
        [128] -> line 780
        [136] -> line 782
        [145] -> line 784
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 148 [Ljava/lang/String; input]
        v1: 8 -> 148 [Ljava/util/regex/Matcher; matcher]
        v2: 25 -> 148 [Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; sb]
        v3: 67 -> 148 [Ljava/lang/String; portString]
        v4: 71 -> 148 [I port]
        v5: 145 -> 148 [Landroid/net/Uri; uri]
  + Method:       replyToChallenge(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I[Ljava/lang/String;[Z)[Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String[] replyToChallenge(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String[],boolean[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 50, locals = 8, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iconst_1
      [2] putfield #152
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.interactiveCanContinue Z]
      [5] iload_3 v3
      [6] anewarray #96
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [9] astore v6
      [11] iconst_0
      [12] istore v7
      [14] goto +27 (target=41)
      [17] aload v6
      [19] iload v7
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] getfield #143
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [25] getfield #135
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.promptHelper Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
      [28] aload_2 v2
      [29] aload v4
      [31] iload v7
      [33] aaload
      [34] invokevirtual #273
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.requestStringPrompt (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [37] aastore
      [38] iinc v7, 1
      [41] iload v7
      [43] iload_3 v3
      [44] ificmplt -27 (target=17)
      [47] aload v6
      [49] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 791
        [5] -> line 792
        [11] -> line 793
        [17] -> line 795
        [38] -> line 793
        [47] -> line 797
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 8)
        v0: 0 -> 50 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH; this]
        v1: 0 -> 50 [Ljava/lang/String; name]
        v2: 0 -> 50 [Ljava/lang/String; instruction]
        v3: 0 -> 50 [I numPrompts]
        v4: 0 -> 50 [[Ljava/lang/String; prompt]
        v5: 0 -> 50 [[Z echo]
        v6: 11 -> 50 [[Ljava/lang/String; responses]
        v7: 14 -> 47 [I i]
  + Method:       createHost(Landroid/net/Uri;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.HostBean createHost(
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 99, locals = 5, stack = 5):
      [0] new #113
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
      [3] dup
      [4] invokespecial #241
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.<init> ()V]
      [7] astore_2 v2
      [8] aload_2 v2
      [9] ldc #68
        + String [ssh]
      [11] invokevirtual #250
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setProtocol (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [14] aload_2 v2
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] invokevirtual #169
        + Methodref [android/net/Uri.getHost ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [19] invokevirtual #247
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setHostname (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [22] aload_1 v1
      [23] invokevirtual #170
        + Methodref [android/net/Uri.getPort ()I]
      [26] istore_3 v3
      [27] iload_3 v3
      [28] ifge +6 (target=34)
      [31] bipush 22
      [33] istore_3 v3
      [34] aload_2 v2
      [35] iload_3 v3
      [36] invokevirtual #249
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setPort (I)V]
      [39] aload_2 v2
      [40] aload_1 v1
      [41] invokevirtual #171
        + Methodref [android/net/Uri.getUserInfo ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [44] invokevirtual #251
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setUsername (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [47] aload_1 v1
      [48] invokevirtual #168
        + Methodref [android/net/Uri.getFragment ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [51] astore v4
      [53] aload v4
      [55] ifnull +11 (target=66)
      [58] aload v4
      [60] invokevirtual #223
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
      [63] ifne +26 (target=89)
      [66] aload_2 v2
      [67] aload_0 v0
      [68] aload_2 v2
      [69] invokevirtual #245
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getUsername ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [72] aload_2 v2
      [73] invokevirtual #242
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getHostname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [76] aload_2 v2
      [77] invokevirtual #243
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getPort ()I]
      [80] invokevirtual #289
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.getDefaultNickname (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [83] invokevirtual #248
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setNickname (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [86] goto +11 (target=97)
      [89] aload_2 v2
      [90] aload_1 v1
      [91] invokevirtual #168
        + Methodref [android/net/Uri.getFragment ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [94] invokevirtual #248
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setNickname (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [97] aload_2 v2
      [98] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 15)
        [0] -> line 802
        [8] -> line 804
        [14] -> line 806
        [22] -> line 808
        [27] -> line 809
        [31] -> line 810
        [34] -> line 811
        [39] -> line 813
        [47] -> line 815
        [53] -> line 816
        [66] -> line 817
        [72] -> line 818
        [80] -> line 817
        [89] -> line 820
        [97] -> line 823
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 99 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH; this]
        v1: 0 -> 99 [Landroid/net/Uri; uri]
        v2: 8 -> 99 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; host]
        v3: 27 -> 99 [I port]
        v4: 53 -> 99 [Ljava/lang/String; nickname]
  + Method:       getSelectionArgs(Landroid/net/Uri;Ljava/util/Map;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void getSelectionArgs(,java.util.Map)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 76, locals = 4, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_2 v2
      [1] ldc #64
        + String [protocol]
      [3] ldc #68
        + String [ssh]
      [5] invokeinterface #309
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.put (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [10] pop
      [11] aload_2 v2
      [12] ldc #60
        + String [nickname]
      [14] aload_1 v1
      [15] invokevirtual #168
        + Methodref [android/net/Uri.getFragment ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [18] invokeinterface #309
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.put (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [23] pop
      [24] aload_2 v2
      [25] ldc #57
        + String [hostname]
      [27] aload_1 v1
      [28] invokevirtual #169
        + Methodref [android/net/Uri.getHost ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [31] invokeinterface #309
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.put (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [36] pop
      [37] aload_1 v1
      [38] invokevirtual #170
        + Methodref [android/net/Uri.getPort ()I]
      [41] istore_3 v3
      [42] iload_3 v3
      [43] ifge +6 (target=49)
      [46] bipush 22
      [48] istore_3 v3
      [49] aload_2 v2
      [50] ldc #63
        + String [port]
      [52] iload_3 v3
      [53] invokestatic #218
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.toString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [56] invokeinterface #309
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.put (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [61] pop
      [62] aload_2 v2
      [63] ldc #69
        + String [username]
      [65] aload_1 v1
      [66] invokevirtual #171
        + Methodref [android/net/Uri.getUserInfo ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [69] invokeinterface #309
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.put (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [74] pop
      [75] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 828
        [11] -> line 829
        [24] -> line 830
        [37] -> line 832
        [42] -> line 833
        [46] -> line 834
        [49] -> line 835
        [62] -> line 836
        [75] -> line 837
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 76 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH; this]
        v1: 0 -> 76 [Landroid/net/Uri; uri]
        v2: 0 -> 76 [Ljava/util/Map; selection]
        v3: 42 -> 76 [I port]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 1)
        v2: 0 -> 76 [Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;>; selection]
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [(Landroid/net/Uri;Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;>;)V]
  + Method:       setCompression(Z)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setCompression(boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #145
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.compression Z]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 841
        [5] -> line 842
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [Z compression]
  + Method:       getFormatHint(Landroid/content/Context;)Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static java.lang.String getFormatHint(android.content.Context)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 37, locals = 1, stack = 6):
      [0] ldc #26
        + String [%s@%s:%s]
      [2] iconst_3
      [3] anewarray #95
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [6] dup
      [7] iconst_0
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] ldc #5
        + Integer [2131230874]
      [11] invokevirtual #164
        + Methodref [android/content/Context.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [14] aastore
      [15] dup
      [16] iconst_1
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] ldc #6
        + Integer [2131230875]
      [20] invokevirtual #164
        + Methodref [android/content/Context.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [23] aastore
      [24] dup
      [25] iconst_2
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] ldc #7
        + Integer [2131230876]
      [29] invokevirtual #164
        + Methodref [android/content/Context.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [32] aastore
      [33] invokestatic #222
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [36] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 845
        [8] -> line 846
        [17] -> line 847
        [26] -> line 848
        [33] -> line 845
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 37 [Landroid/content/Context; context]
  + Method:       setUseAuthAgent(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setUseAuthAgent(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #162
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.useAuthAgent Ljava/lang/String;]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 853
        [5] -> line 854
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [Ljava/lang/String; useAuthAgent]
  + Method:       retrieveIdentities()Ljava/util/Map;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.util.Map retrieveIdentities()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 162, locals = 6, stack = 3):
      [0] new #104
        + Class [java/util/HashMap]
      [3] dup
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [8] getfield #136
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.loadedKeypairs Ljava/util/Map;]
      [11] invokeinterface #310
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.size ()I]
      [16] invokespecial #235
        + Methodref [java/util/HashMap.<init> (I)V]
      [19] astore_1 v1
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [24] getfield #136
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.loadedKeypairs Ljava/util/Map;]
      [27] invokeinterface #307
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.entrySet ()Ljava/util/Set;]
      [32] invokeinterface #313
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Set.iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
      [37] astore_3 v3
      [38] goto +113 (target=151)
      [41] aload_3 v3
      [42] invokeinterface #301
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/ ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [47] checkcast #109
        + Class [java/util/Map$Entry]
      [50] astore_2 v2
      [51] aload_2 v2
      [52] invokeinterface #312
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map$Entry.getValue ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [57] checkcast #119
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder]
      [60] getfield #140
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder.trileadKey Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [63] astore v4
      [65] aload v4
      [67] instanceof #85
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey]
      [70] ifeq +37 (target=107)
      [73] aload v4
      [75] checkcast #85
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey]
      [78] invokevirtual #206
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey.getPublicKey ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;]
      [81] astore v5
      [83] aload_1 v1
      [84] aload_2 v2
      [85] invokeinterface #311
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map$Entry.getKey ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [90] checkcast #96
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [93] aload v5
      [95] invokestatic #207
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify.encodeSSHRSAPublicKey (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;)[B]
      [98] invokeinterface #309
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.put (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [103] pop
      [104] goto +47 (target=151)
      [107] aload v4
      [109] instanceof #83
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey]
      [112] ifeq +39 (target=151)
      [115] aload v4
      [117] checkcast #83
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey]
      [120] invokevirtual #204
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey.getPublicKey ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;]
      [123] astore v5
      [125] aload_1 v1
      [126] aload_2 v2
      [127] invokeinterface #311
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map$Entry.getKey ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [132] checkcast #96
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [135] aload v5
      [137] invokestatic #205
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify.encodeSSHDSAPublicKey (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;)[B]
      [140] invokeinterface #309
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.put (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [145] pop
      [146] goto +5 (target=151)
      [149] astore v5
      [151] aload_3 v3
      [152] invokeinterface #300
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Iterator.hasNext ()Z]
      [157] ifne -116 (target=41)
      [160] aload_1 v1
      [161] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (65 -> 146: 149):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 12)
        [0] -> line 857
        [20] -> line 859
        [51] -> line 860
        [65] -> line 863
        [73] -> line 864
        [83] -> line 865
        [107] -> line 866
        [115] -> line 867
        [125] -> line 868
        [149] -> line 871
        [151] -> line 859
        [160] -> line 876
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 162 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH; this]
        v1: 20 -> 162 [Ljava/util/Map; pubKeys]
        v2: 51 -> 151 [Ljava/util/Map$Entry; entry]
        v4: 65 -> 151 [Ljava/lang/Object; trileadKey]
        v5: 83 -> 107 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey; pubkey]
        v5: 125 -> 146 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey; pubkey]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 2)
        v1: 20 -> 162 [Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;[B>; pubKeys]
        v2: 51 -> 151 [Ljava/util/Map$Entry<Ljava/lang/String;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder;>; entry]
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;[B>;]
  + Method:       getPrivateKey([B)Ljava/lang/Object;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.Object getPrivateKey(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 93, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] invokevirtual #280
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.getKeyNickname ([B)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [8] astore_2 v2
      [9] aload_2 v2
      [10] ifnonnull +5 (target=15)
      [13] aconst_null
      [14] areturn
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] getfield #162
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.useAuthAgent Ljava/lang/String;]
      [19] ldc #61
        + String [no]
      [21] invokevirtual #221
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [24] ifeq +13 (target=37)
      [27] ldc #32
        + String [ConnectBot.SSH]
      [29] ldc #23
        + String []
      [31] invokestatic #174
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [34] pop
      [35] aconst_null
      [36] areturn
      [37] aload_0 v0
      [38] getfield #162
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.useAuthAgent Ljava/lang/String;]
      [41] ldc #55
        + String [confirm]
      [43] invokevirtual #221
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [46] ifne +28 (target=74)
      [49] aload_0 v0
      [50] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [53] getfield #136
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.loadedKeypairs Ljava/util/Map;]
      [56] aload_2 v2
      [57] invokeinterface #308
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.get (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [62] checkcast #119
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder]
      [65] getfield #139
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder.bean Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
      [68] invokevirtual #267
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.isConfirmUse ()Z]
      [71] ifeq +13 (target=84)
      [74] aload_0 v0
      [75] aload_2 v2
      [76] invokespecial #292
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.promptForPubkeyUse (Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
      [79] ifne +5 (target=84)
      [82] aconst_null
      [83] areturn
      [84] aload_0 v0
      [85] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [88] aload_2 v2
      [89] invokevirtual #279
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.getKey (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [92] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 11)
        [0] -> line 880
        [9] -> line 882
        [13] -> line 883
        [15] -> line 885
        [27] -> line 886
        [35] -> line 887
        [37] -> line 888
        [49] -> line 889
        [74] -> line 890
        [82] -> line 891
        [84] -> line 893
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 93 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH; this]
        v1: 0 -> 93 [[B publicKey]
        v2: 9 -> 93 [Ljava/lang/String; nickname]
  + Method:       promptForPubkeyUse(Ljava/lang/String;)Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean promptForPubkeyUse(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 37, locals = 3, stack = 8):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #143
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [4] getfield #135
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.promptHelper Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
      [7] aconst_null
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [12] getfield #138
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [15] ldc #4
        + Integer [2131230773]
      [17] iconst_1
      [18] anewarray #95
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [21] dup
      [22] iconst_0
      [23] aload_1 v1
      [24] aastore
      [25] invokevirtual #166
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [28] invokevirtual #272
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.requestBooleanPrompt (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
      [31] astore_2 v2
      [32] aload_2 v2
      [33] invokevirtual #216
        + Methodref [java/lang/Boolean.booleanValue ()Z]
      [36] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 897
        [8] -> line 898
        [23] -> line 899
        [25] -> line 898
        [28] -> line 897
        [32] -> line 900
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 37 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH; this]
        v1: 0 -> 37 [Ljava/lang/String; nickname]
        v2: 32 -> 37 [Ljava/lang/Boolean; result]
  + Method:       addIdentity(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;ZI)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean addIdentity(java.lang.Object,java.lang.String,boolean,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 40, locals = 6, stack = 3):
      [0] new #115
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean]
      [3] dup
      [4] invokespecial #262
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.<init> ()V]
      [7] astore v5
      [9] aload v5
      [11] aload_2 v2
      [12] invokevirtual #271
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setNickname (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [15] aload v5
      [17] iload_3 v3
      [18] invokevirtual #269
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setConfirmUse (Z)V]
      [21] aload v5
      [23] iload v4
      [25] invokevirtual #270
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setLifetime (I)V]
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [32] aload v5
      [34] aload_1 v1
      [35] invokevirtual #278
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.addKey (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;Ljava/lang/Object;)V]
      [38] iconst_1
      [39] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 904
        [9] -> line 906
        [15] -> line 907
        [21] -> line 908
        [28] -> line 909
        [38] -> line 910
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 40 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH; this]
        v1: 0 -> 40 [Ljava/lang/Object; key]
        v2: 0 -> 40 [Ljava/lang/String; comment]
        v3: 0 -> 40 [Z confirmUse]
        v4: 0 -> 40 [I lifetime]
        v5: 9 -> 40 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean; pubkey]
  + Method:       removeAllIdentities()Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean removeAllIdentities()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 14, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [4] getfield #136
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.loadedKeypairs Ljava/util/Map;]
      [7] invokeinterface #306
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.clear ()V]
      [12] iconst_1
      [13] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 914
        [12] -> line 915
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 14 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH; this]
  + Method:       removeIdentity([B)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean removeIdentity(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 9, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #153
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] invokevirtual #282
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.removeKey ([B)Z]
      [8] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 919
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 9 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH; this]
        v1: 0 -> 9 [[B publicKey]
  + Method:       isAgentLocked()Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean isAgentLocked()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 11, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #141
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.agentLockPassphrase Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4] ifnull +5 (target=9)
      [7] iconst_1
      [8] ireturn
      [9] iconst_0
      [10] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 923
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 11 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH; this]
  + Method:       requestAgentUnlock(Ljava/lang/String;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean requestAgentUnlock(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 36, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #141
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.agentLockPassphrase Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4] ifnonnull +5 (target=9)
      [7] iconst_0
      [8] ireturn
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] getfield #141
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.agentLockPassphrase Ljava/lang/String;]
      [13] aload_1 v1
      [14] invokevirtual #221
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [17] ifeq +8 (target=25)
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] aconst_null
      [22] putfield #141
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.agentLockPassphrase Ljava/lang/String;]
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] getfield #141
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.agentLockPassphrase Ljava/lang/String;]
      [29] ifnonnull +5 (target=34)
      [32] iconst_1
      [33] ireturn
      [34] iconst_0
      [35] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 927
        [7] -> line 928
        [9] -> line 930
        [20] -> line 931
        [25] -> line 933
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 36 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH; this]
        v1: 0 -> 36 [Ljava/lang/String; unlockPassphrase]
  + Method:       setAgentLock(Ljava/lang/String;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean setAgentLock(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 16, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #141
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.agentLockPassphrase Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4] ifnull +5 (target=9)
      [7] iconst_0
      [8] ireturn
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aload_1 v1
      [11] putfield #141
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.agentLockPassphrase Ljava/lang/String;]
      [14] iconst_1
      [15] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 937
        [7] -> line 938
        [9] -> line 940
        [14] -> line 941
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 16 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH; this]
        v1: 0 -> 16 [Ljava/lang/String; lockPassphrase]
  + Method:       usesNetwork()Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean usesNetwork()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 2, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] iconst_1
      [1] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 949
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 2 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH; this]

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 3)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [java/util/Map$Entry]
      + Class [java/util/Map]
      + Utf8 [Entry]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x9 = public static 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager$KeyHolder]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
      + Utf8 [KeyHolder]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x1 = public 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH$HostKeyVerifier]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH]
      + Utf8 [HostKeyVerifier]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH$HostKeyVerifier
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.transport.SSH$HostKeyVerifier extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier]

Constant Pool (count = 166):
  + Integer [2131230774]
  + Integer [2131230775]
  + Integer [2131230777]
  + Integer [2131230778]
  + Integer [2131230779]
  + Integer [2131230905]
  + String [%s:%d]
  + String [@   %s   @]
  + String [DSA]
  + String [RSA]
  + String [ssh-dss]
  + String [ssh-rsa]
  + Class [android/content/res/Resources]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/lang/Boolean]
  + Class [java/lang/Integer]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/util/Arrays]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH$HostKeyVerifier]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.promptHelper Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH$HostKeyVerifier.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH;]
  + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts.createHexFingerprint (Ljava/lang/String;[B)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts.verifyHostkey (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[B)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Boolean.booleanValue ()Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.<init> ([C)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
  + Methodref [java/util/Arrays.fill ([CC)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.requestBooleanPrompt (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.outputLine (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.getKnownHosts ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.saveKnownHost (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;[B)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([C)V]
  + NameAndType [booleanValue ()Z]
  + NameAndType [bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [createHexFingerprint (Ljava/lang/String;[B)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [fill ([CC)V]
  + NameAndType [format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getKnownHosts ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts;]
  + NameAndType [getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getString (I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + NameAndType [length ()I]
  + NameAndType [manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + NameAndType [outputLine (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [promptHelper Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
  + NameAndType [requestBooleanPrompt (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
  + NameAndType [res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + NameAndType [saveKnownHost (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;[B)V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH;]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + NameAndType [verifyHostkey (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[B)I]
  + Utf8 [%s:%d]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;[B)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;[B)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[B)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;[B)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH;)V]
  + Utf8 [([C)V]
  + Utf8 [([CC)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [@   %s   @]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [DSA]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [HostKeyVerifier]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH$HostKeyVerifier;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + Utf8 [RSA]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [[C]
  + Utf8 [algorithmName]
  + Utf8 [android/content/res/Resources]
  + Utf8 [atsigns]
  + Utf8 [booleanValue]
  + Utf8 [border]
  + Utf8 [bridge]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/ServerHostKeyVerifier]
  + Utf8 [createHexFingerprint]
  + Utf8 [equals]
  + Utf8 [fill]
  + Utf8 [fingerprint]
  + Utf8 [format]
  + Utf8 [getKnownHosts]
  + Utf8 [getString]
  + Utf8 [header]
  + Utf8 [hostdb]
  + Utf8 [hostname]
  + Utf8 [hosts]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Boolean]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Integer]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Arrays]
  + Utf8 [length]
  + Utf8 [manager]
  + Utf8 [matchName]
  + Utf8 [outputLine]
  + Utf8 [port]
  + Utf8 [promptHelper]
  + Utf8 [requestBooleanPrompt]
  + Utf8 [res]
  + Utf8 [result]
  + Utf8 [saveKnownHost]
  + Utf8 [serverHostKey]
  + Utf8 [serverHostKeyAlgorithm]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH$HostKeyVerifier]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
  + Utf8 [ssh-dss]
  + Utf8 [ssh-rsa]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [valueOf]
  + Utf8 [verifyHostkey]
  + Utf8 [verifyServerHostKey]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.transport.SSH this$0

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public SSH$HostKeyVerifier(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.transport.SSH)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #33
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH$HostKeyVerifier.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #40
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 135
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH$HostKeyVerifier; this]
  + Method:       verifyServerHostKey(Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;[B)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean verifyServerHostKey(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 518, locals = 13, stack = 7):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH$HostKeyVerifier.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH;]
      [4] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [7] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [10] invokevirtual #48
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.getKnownHosts ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts;]
      [13] astore v5
      [15] ldc #7
        + String [%s:%d]
      [17] iconst_2
      [18] anewarray #19
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [21] dup
      [22] iconst_0
      [23] aload_1 v1
      [24] aastore
      [25] dup
      [26] iconst_1
      [27] iload_2 v2
      [28] invokestatic #39
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [31] aastore
      [32] invokestatic #43
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [35] astore v7
      [37] aload_3 v3
      [38] aload v4
      [40] invokestatic #36
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts.createHexFingerprint (Ljava/lang/String;[B)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [43] astore v8
      [45] ldc #12
        + String [ssh-rsa]
      [47] aload_3 v3
      [48] invokevirtual #42
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [51] ifeq +10 (target=61)
      [54] ldc #10
        + String [RSA]
      [56] astore v9
      [58] goto +22 (target=80)
      [61] ldc #11
        + String [ssh-dss]
      [63] aload_3 v3
      [64] invokevirtual #42
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [67] ifeq +10 (target=77)
      [70] ldc #9
        + String [DSA]
      [72] astore v9
      [74] goto +6 (target=80)
      [77] aload_3 v3
      [78] astore v9
      [80] aload v5
      [82] aload v7
      [84] aload_3 v3
      [85] aload v4
      [87] invokevirtual #37
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts.verifyHostkey (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[B)I]
      [90] tableswitch (3 offsets, default=426) (target=516)
        0: offset = 26, target = 116
        1: offset = 67, target = 157
        2: offset = 209, target = 299
        default: offset = 426, target = 516
      [116] aload_0 v0
      [117] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH$HostKeyVerifier.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH;]
      [120] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [123] aload_0 v0
      [124] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH$HostKeyVerifier.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH;]
      [127] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [130] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [133] ldc #6
        + Integer [2131230905]
      [135] iconst_2
      [136] anewarray #19
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [139] dup
      [140] iconst_0
      [141] aload v9
      [143] aastore
      [144] dup
      [145] iconst_1
      [146] aload v8
      [148] aastore
      [149] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [152] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.outputLine (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [155] iconst_1
      [156] ireturn
      [157] aload_0 v0
      [158] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH$HostKeyVerifier.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH;]
      [161] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [164] aload_0 v0
      [165] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH$HostKeyVerifier.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH;]
      [168] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [171] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [174] ldc #4
        + Integer [2131230778]
      [176] iconst_1
      [177] anewarray #19
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [180] dup
      [181] iconst_0
      [182] aload_1 v1
      [183] aastore
      [184] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [187] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.outputLine (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [190] aload_0 v0
      [191] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH$HostKeyVerifier.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH;]
      [194] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [197] aload_0 v0
      [198] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH$HostKeyVerifier.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH;]
      [201] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [204] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [207] ldc #5
        + Integer [2131230779]
      [209] iconst_2
      [210] anewarray #19
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [213] dup
      [214] iconst_0
      [215] aload v9
      [217] aastore
      [218] dup
      [219] iconst_1
      [220] aload v8
      [222] aastore
      [223] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [226] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.outputLine (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [229] aload_0 v0
      [230] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH$HostKeyVerifier.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH;]
      [233] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [236] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.promptHelper Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
      [239] aconst_null
      [240] aload_0 v0
      [241] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH$HostKeyVerifier.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH;]
      [244] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [247] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [250] ldc #3
        + Integer [2131230777]
      [252] invokevirtual #34
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [255] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.requestBooleanPrompt (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
      [258] astore v6
      [260] aload v6
      [262] ifnonnull +5 (target=267)
      [265] iconst_0
      [266] ireturn
      [267] aload v6
      [269] invokevirtual #38
        + Methodref [java/lang/Boolean.booleanValue ()Z]
      [272] ifeq +21 (target=293)
      [275] aload_0 v0
      [276] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH$HostKeyVerifier.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH;]
      [279] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [282] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [285] aload_1 v1
      [286] iload_2 v2
      [287] aload_3 v3
      [288] aload v4
      [290] invokevirtual #49
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.saveKnownHost (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;[B)V]
      [293] aload v6
      [295] invokevirtual #38
        + Methodref [java/lang/Boolean.booleanValue ()Z]
      [298] ireturn
      [299] ldc #8
        + String [@   %s   @]
      [301] iconst_1
      [302] anewarray #19
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [305] dup
      [306] iconst_0
      [307] aload_0 v0
      [308] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH$HostKeyVerifier.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH;]
      [311] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [314] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [317] ldc #1
        + Integer [2131230774]
      [319] invokevirtual #34
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [322] aastore
      [323] invokestatic #43
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [326] astore v10
      [328] aload v10
      [330] invokevirtual #44
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
      [333] newarray 5
      [335] astore v11
      [337] aload v11
      [339] bipush 64
      [341] invokestatic #45
        + Methodref [java/util/Arrays.fill ([CC)V]
      [344] new #20
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [347] dup
      [348] aload v11
      [350] invokespecial #41
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.<init> ([C)V]
      [353] astore v12
      [355] aload_0 v0
      [356] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH$HostKeyVerifier.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH;]
      [359] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [362] aload v12
      [364] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.outputLine (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [367] aload_0 v0
      [368] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH$HostKeyVerifier.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH;]
      [371] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [374] aload_0 v0
      [375] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH$HostKeyVerifier.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH;]
      [378] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [381] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [384] ldc #2
        + Integer [2131230775]
      [386] invokevirtual #34
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [389] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.outputLine (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [392] aload_0 v0
      [393] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH$HostKeyVerifier.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH;]
      [396] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [399] aload v12
      [401] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.outputLine (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [404] aload_0 v0
      [405] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH$HostKeyVerifier.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH;]
      [408] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [411] aload_0 v0
      [412] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH$HostKeyVerifier.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH;]
      [415] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [418] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [421] ldc #5
        + Integer [2131230779]
      [423] invokevirtual #34
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [426] iconst_2
      [427] anewarray #19
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [430] dup
      [431] iconst_0
      [432] aload v9
      [434] aastore
      [435] dup
      [436] iconst_1
      [437] aload v8
      [439] aastore
      [440] invokestatic #43
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [443] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.outputLine (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [446] aload_0 v0
      [447] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH$HostKeyVerifier.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH;]
      [450] getfield #31
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [453] getfield #28
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.promptHelper Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper;]
      [456] aconst_null
      [457] aload_0 v0
      [458] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH$HostKeyVerifier.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH;]
      [461] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [464] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.res Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [467] ldc #3
        + Integer [2131230777]
      [469] invokevirtual #34
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [472] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/PromptHelper.requestBooleanPrompt (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
      [475] astore v6
      [477] aload v6
      [479] ifnonnull +5 (target=484)
      [482] iconst_0
      [483] ireturn
      [484] aload v6
      [486] invokevirtual #38
        + Methodref [java/lang/Boolean.booleanValue ()Z]
      [489] ifeq +21 (target=510)
      [492] aload_0 v0
      [493] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH$HostKeyVerifier.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH;]
      [496] getfield #32
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.manager Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager;]
      [499] getfield #29
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalManager.hostdb Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
      [502] aload_1 v1
      [503] iload_2 v2
      [504] aload_3 v3
      [505] aload v4
      [507] invokevirtual #49
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.saveKnownHost (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;[B)V]
      [510] aload v6
      [512] invokevirtual #38
        + Methodref [java/lang/Boolean.booleanValue ()Z]
      [515] ireturn
      [516] iconst_0
      [517] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 36)
        [0] -> line 140
        [15] -> line 143
        [37] -> line 145
        [45] -> line 148
        [54] -> line 149
        [61] -> line 150
        [70] -> line 151
        [77] -> line 153
        [80] -> line 155
        [116] -> line 157
        [155] -> line 158
        [157] -> line 162
        [190] -> line 163
        [229] -> line 165
        [260] -> line 166
        [267] -> line 167
        [275] -> line 169
        [293] -> line 171
        [299] -> line 174
        [307] -> line 175
        [323] -> line 174
        [328] -> line 177
        [337] -> line 178
        [344] -> line 179
        [355] -> line 181
        [367] -> line 182
        [392] -> line 183
        [404] -> line 185
        [432] -> line 186
        [440] -> line 185
        [446] -> line 189
        [477] -> line 190
        [484] -> line 191
        [492] -> line 193
        [510] -> line 195
        [516] -> line 198
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 16)
        v0: 0 -> 518 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH$HostKeyVerifier; this]
        v1: 0 -> 518 [Ljava/lang/String; hostname]
        v2: 0 -> 518 [I port]
        v3: 0 -> 518 [Ljava/lang/String; serverHostKeyAlgorithm]
        v4: 0 -> 518 [[B serverHostKey]
        v5: 15 -> 518 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts; hosts]
        v6: 260 -> 299 [Ljava/lang/Boolean; result]
        v6: 477 -> 516 [Ljava/lang/Boolean; result]
        v7: 37 -> 518 [Ljava/lang/String; matchName]
        v8: 45 -> 518 [Ljava/lang/String; fingerprint]
        v9: 58 -> 61 [Ljava/lang/String; algorithmName]
        v9: 74 -> 77 [Ljava/lang/String; algorithmName]
        v9: 80 -> 518 [Ljava/lang/String; algorithmName]
        v10: 328 -> 516 [Ljava/lang/String; header]
        v11: 337 -> 516 [[C atsigns]
        v12: 355 -> 516 [Ljava/lang/String; border]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x1 = public 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH$HostKeyVerifier]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH]
      + Utf8 [HostKeyVerifier]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet
  Superclass:    com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.transport.Telnet extends com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.transport.AbsTransport

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 339):
  + Integer [65535]
  + Integer [2131230875]
  + Integer [2131230876]
  + String [%s]
  + String [%s:%d]
  + String [%s:%s]
  + String [/#]
  + String [://]
  + String [ConnectBot.Telnet]
  + String [Couldn't resize remote terminal]
  + String [Error closing telnet socket.]
  + String [IO Exception connecting to host]
  + String [Remote end closed connection.]
  + String [^([0-9a-z.-]+)(:(\d+))?$]
  + String [hostname]
  + String [nickname]
  + String [port]
  + String [protocol]
  + String [telnet]
  + Class [android/content/Context]
  + Class [android/net/Uri]
  + Class [android/util/Log]
  + Class [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/io/InputStream]
  + Class [java/io/OutputStream]
  + Class [java/lang/Integer]
  + Class [java/lang/NumberFormatException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/net/Socket]
  + Class [java/net/SocketException]
  + Class [java/net/UnknownHostException]
  + Class [java/util/Map]
  + Class [java/util/regex/Matcher]
  + Class [java/util/regex/Pattern]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet$1]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.connected Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.handler Lde/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.height I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.hostmask Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/ Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.os Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.socket Ljava/net/Socket;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.width I]
  + Methodref [android/content/Context.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/net/Uri.encode (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/net/Uri.getFragment ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/net/Uri.getHost ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/net/Uri.getPort ()I]
  + Methodref [android/net/Uri.parse (Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.inputfeed ([BII)V]
  + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.negotiate ([BI)I]
  + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.setWindowSize (II)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/ ([BII)I]
  + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.flush ()V]
  + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.parseInt (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.toString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/net/Socket.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;I)V]
  + Methodref [java/net/Socket.close ()V]
  + Methodref [java/net/Socket.getInputStream ()Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + Methodref [java/net/Socket.getOutputStream ()Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + Methodref [java/util/regex/ (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/util/regex/Matcher.matches ()Z]
  + Methodref [java/util/regex/Pattern.compile (Ljava/lang/String;I)Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;]
  + Methodref [java/util/regex/Pattern.matcher (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Ljava/util/regex/Matcher;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getHostname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getPort ()I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getUsername ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setHostname (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setNickname (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setPort (I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setProtocol (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.dispatchDisconnect (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.onConnected ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.getDefaultNickname (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet;)V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.put (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;I)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet;)V]
  + NameAndType [append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [close ()V]
  + NameAndType [compile (Ljava/lang/String;I)Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;]
  + NameAndType [connected Z]
  + NameAndType [d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + NameAndType [dispatchDisconnect (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + NameAndType [encode (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [flush ()V]
  + NameAndType [format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getDefaultNickname (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getFragment ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getHost ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getHostname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getInputStream ()Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + NameAndType [getOutputStream ()Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + NameAndType [getPort ()I]
  + NameAndType [getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getUsername ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [group (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [handler Lde/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler;]
  + NameAndType [height I]
  + NameAndType [host Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + NameAndType [hostmask Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;]
  + NameAndType [inputfeed ([BII)V]
  + NameAndType [is Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + NameAndType [length ()I]
  + NameAndType [matcher (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Ljava/util/regex/Matcher;]
  + NameAndType [matches ()Z]
  + NameAndType [negotiate ([BI)I]
  + NameAndType [onConnected ()V]
  + NameAndType [os Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + NameAndType [parse (Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + NameAndType [parseInt (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [put (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [read ([BII)I]
  + NameAndType [setHostname (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [setNickname (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [setPort (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setProtocol (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [setWindowSize (II)V]
  + NameAndType [socket Ljava/net/Socket;]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [toString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + NameAndType [width I]
  + NameAndType [write (I)V]
  + NameAndType [write ([B)V]
  + Utf8 [%s]
  + Utf8 [%s:%d]
  + Utf8 [%s:%s]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(II)V]
  + Utf8 [(IIII)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/net/Uri;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/net/Uri;Ljava/util/Map;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/net/Uri;Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;>;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Ljava/util/regex/Matcher;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;I)Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet;)Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [([BI)I]
  + Utf8 [([BII)I]
  + Utf8 [([BII)V]
  + Utf8 [/#]
  + Utf8 [://]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ConnectBot.Telnet]
  + Utf8 [Couldn't resize remote terminal]
  + Utf8 [Error closing telnet socket.]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [IO Exception connecting to host]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/Context;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + Utf8 [Lde/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/IOException;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/InputStream;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/net/Socket;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/net/SocketException;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/net/UnknownHostException;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Map;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;>;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/regex/Matcher;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTypeTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet;]
  + Utf8 [Remote end closed connection.]
  + Utf8 [Signature]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [^([0-9a-z.-]+)(:(\d+))?$]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [access$1]
  + Utf8 [access$2]
  + Utf8 [android/content/Context]
  + Utf8 [android/net/Uri]
  + Utf8 [android/util/Log]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [bridge]
  + Utf8 [buffer]
  + Utf8 [c]
  + Utf8 [close]
  + Utf8 [columns]
  + Utf8 [compile]
  + Utf8 [connect]
  + Utf8 [connected]
  + Utf8 [context]
  + Utf8 [createHost]
  + Utf8 [d]
  + Utf8 [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler]
  + Utf8 [dispatchDisconnect]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [encode]
  + Utf8 [flush]
  + Utf8 [format]
  + Utf8 [getDefaultNickname]
  + Utf8 [getFormatHint]
  + Utf8 [getFragment]
  + Utf8 [getHost]
  + Utf8 [getHostname]
  + Utf8 [getInputStream]
  + Utf8 [getOutputStream]
  + Utf8 [getPort]
  + Utf8 [getProtocolName]
  + Utf8 [getSelectionArgs]
  + Utf8 [getString]
  + Utf8 [getUri]
  + Utf8 [getUsername]
  + Utf8 [group]
  + Utf8 [handler]
  + Utf8 [height]
  + Utf8 [host]
  + Utf8 [hostmask]
  + Utf8 [hostname]
  + Utf8 [input]
  + Utf8 [inputfeed]
  + Utf8 [is]
  + Utf8 [isConnected]
  + Utf8 [isSessionOpen]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/io/InputStream]
  + Utf8 [java/io/OutputStream]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Integer]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/NumberFormatException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/net/Socket]
  + Utf8 [java/net/SocketException]
  + Utf8 [java/net/UnknownHostException]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Map]
  + Utf8 [java/util/regex/Matcher]
  + Utf8 [java/util/regex/Pattern]
  + Utf8 [len]
  + Utf8 [length]
  + Utf8 [matcher]
  + Utf8 [matches]
  + Utf8 [n]
  + Utf8 [negotiate]
  + Utf8 [nickname]
  + Utf8 [onConnected]
  + Utf8 [os]
  + Utf8 [parse]
  + Utf8 [parseInt]
  + Utf8 [port]
  + Utf8 [portString]
  + Utf8 [protocol]
  + Utf8 [put]
  + Utf8 [read]
  + Utf8 [rows]
  + Utf8 [sb]
  + Utf8 [selection]
  + Utf8 [setDimensions]
  + Utf8 [setHostname]
  + Utf8 [setNickname]
  + Utf8 [setPort]
  + Utf8 [setProtocol]
  + Utf8 [setWindowSize]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet$1]
  + Utf8 [socket]
  + Utf8 [start]
  + Utf8 [telnet]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [uri]
  + Utf8 [username]
  + Utf8 [usesNetwork]
  + Utf8 [valueOf]
  + Utf8 [width]
  + Utf8 [write]

Fields (count = 8):
  + Field:        handler Lde/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private de.mud.telnet.TelnetProtocolHandler handler
  + Field:        socket Ljava/net/Socket;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private socket
  + Field:        is Ljava/io/InputStream;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private is
  + Field:        os Ljava/io/OutputStream;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private os
  + Field:        width I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int width
  + Field:        height I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int height
  + Field:        connected Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean connected
  + Field:        hostmask Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;
    Access flags: 0x18
      = static final java.util.regex.Pattern hostmask

Methods (count = 21):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 0, stack = 2):
      [0] ldc #14
        + String [^([0-9a-z.-]+)(:(\d+))?$]
      [2] iconst_2
      [3] invokestatic #85
        + Methodref [java/util/regex/Pattern.compile (Ljava/lang/String;I)Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;]
      [6] putstatic #48
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.hostmask Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 66
        [9] -> line 48
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public Telnet()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 22, locals = 1, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #97
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] iconst_0
      [6] putfield #44
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.connected Z]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] new #42
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet$1]
      [13] dup
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] invokespecial #99
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet;)V]
      [18] putfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.handler Lde/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler;]
      [21] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 69
        [4] -> line 62
        [9] -> line 70
        [21] -> line 110
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 22 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet; this]
  + Method:       getProtocolName()Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static java.lang.String getProtocolName()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 3, locals = 0, stack = 1):
      [0] ldc #19
        + String [telnet]
      [2] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 122
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       connect()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void connect()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 86, locals = 2, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] new #32
        + Class [java/net/Socket]
      [4] dup
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] getfield #47
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [9] invokevirtual #88
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getHostname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] getfield #47
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/ Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [16] invokevirtual #89
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getPort ()I]
      [19] invokespecial #79
        + Methodref [java/net/Socket.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;I)V]
      [22] putfield #51
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.socket Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] iconst_1
      [27] putfield #44
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.connected Z]
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] getfield #51
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.socket Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [35] invokevirtual #81
        + Methodref [java/net/Socket.getInputStream ()Ljava/io/InputStream;]
      [38] putfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/ Ljava/io/InputStream;]
      [41] aload_0 v0
      [42] aload_0 v0
      [43] getfield #51
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.socket Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [46] invokevirtual #82
        + Methodref [java/net/Socket.getOutputStream ()Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [49] putfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.os Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [52] aload_0 v0
      [53] getfield #43
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [56] invokevirtual #96
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.onConnected ()V]
      [59] goto +26 (target=85)
      [62] astore_1 v1
      [63] ldc #9
        + String [ConnectBot.Telnet]
      [65] ldc #12
        + String [IO Exception connecting to host]
      [67] aload_1 v1
      [68] invokestatic #59
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [71] pop
      [72] goto +13 (target=85)
      [75] astore_1 v1
      [76] ldc #9
        + String [ConnectBot.Telnet]
      [78] ldc #12
        + String [IO Exception connecting to host]
      [80] aload_1 v1
      [81] invokestatic #59
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [84] pop
      [85] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 59: 62):
      + Class [java/net/UnknownHostException]
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 59: 75):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 10)
        [0] -> line 128
        [25] -> line 130
        [30] -> line 132
        [41] -> line 133
        [52] -> line 135
        [62] -> line 136
        [63] -> line 137
        [75] -> line 138
        [76] -> line 139
        [85] -> line 141
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 86 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet; this]
        v1: 63 -> 72 [Ljava/net/UnknownHostException; e]
        v1: 76 -> 85 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]
  + Method:       close()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void close()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 38, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iconst_0
      [2] putfield #44
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.connected Z]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] getfield #51
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.socket Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [9] ifnull +28 (target=37)
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] getfield #51
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.socket Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [16] invokevirtual #80
        + Methodref [java/net/Socket.close ()V]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] aconst_null
      [21] putfield #51
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.socket Ljava/net/Socket;]
      [24] goto +13 (target=37)
      [27] astore_1 v1
      [28] ldc #9
        + String [ConnectBot.Telnet]
      [30] ldc #11
        + String [Error closing telnet socket.]
      [32] aload_1 v1
      [33] invokestatic #59
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [36] pop
      [37] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (12 -> 24: 27):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 145
        [5] -> line 146
        [12] -> line 148
        [19] -> line 149
        [27] -> line 150
        [28] -> line 151
        [37] -> line 153
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 38 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet; this]
        v1: 28 -> 37 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]
  + Method:       flush()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void flush()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 8, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.os Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [4] invokevirtual #66
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.flush ()V]
      [7] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 157
        [7] -> line 158
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet; this]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       isConnected()Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean isConnected()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.connected Z]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 167
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet; this]
  + Method:       isSessionOpen()Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean isSessionOpen()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.connected Z]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 172
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet; this]
  + Method:       read([BII)I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int read(byte[],int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 119, locals = 5, stack = 4):
      [0] iconst_0
      [1] istore v4
      [3] aload_0 v0
      [4] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.handler Lde/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler;]
      [7] aload_1 v1
      [8] iload_2 v2
      [9] invokevirtual #62
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.negotiate ([BI)I]
      [12] istore v4
      [14] iload v4
      [16] ifle +6 (target=22)
      [19] iload v4
      [21] ireturn
      [22] iload v4
      [24] ifeq -21 (target=3)
      [27] goto +84 (target=111)
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.handler Lde/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler;]
      [34] aload_1 v1
      [35] iload_2 v2
      [36] invokevirtual #62
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.negotiate ([BI)I]
      [39] istore v4
      [41] iload v4
      [43] ifle +6 (target=49)
      [46] iload v4
      [48] ireturn
      [49] iload v4
      [51] ifeq -21 (target=30)
      [54] aload_0 v0
      [55] getfield #49
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/ Ljava/io/InputStream;]
      [58] aload_1 v1
      [59] iload_2 v2
      [60] iload_3 v3
      [61] invokevirtual #65
        + Methodref [java/io/ ([BII)I]
      [64] istore v4
      [66] iload v4
      [68] ifge +21 (target=89)
      [71] aload_0 v0
      [72] getfield #43
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [75] iconst_0
      [76] invokevirtual #95
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.dispatchDisconnect (Z)V]
      [79] new #24
        + Class [java/io/IOException]
      [82] dup
      [83] ldc #13
        + String [Remote end closed connection.]
      [85] invokespecial #64
        + Methodref [java/io/IOException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [88] athrow
      [89] aload_0 v0
      [90] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.handler Lde/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler;]
      [93] aload_1 v1
      [94] iload_2 v2
      [95] iload v4
      [97] invokevirtual #61
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.inputfeed ([BII)V]
      [100] aload_0 v0
      [101] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.handler Lde/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler;]
      [104] aload_1 v1
      [105] iload_2 v2
      [106] invokevirtual #62
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.negotiate ([BI)I]
      [109] istore v4
      [111] iload v4
      [113] ifle -83 (target=30)
      [116] iload v4
      [118] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 18)
        [0] -> line 178
        [3] -> line 181
        [14] -> line 182
        [19] -> line 183
        [22] -> line 184
        [27] -> line 186
        [30] -> line 188
        [41] -> line 189
        [46] -> line 190
        [49] -> line 191
        [54] -> line 192
        [66] -> line 193
        [71] -> line 194
        [79] -> line 195
        [89] -> line 198
        [100] -> line 199
        [111] -> line 186
        [116] -> line 201
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 119 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet; this]
        v1: 0 -> 119 [[B buffer]
        v2: 0 -> 119 [I start]
        v3: 0 -> 119 [I len]
        v4: 3 -> 119 [I n]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       write([B)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void write(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 28, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.os Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [4] ifnull +23 (target=27)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.os Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [11] aload_1 v1
      [12] invokevirtual #68
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
      [15] goto +12 (target=27)
      [18] astore_2 v2
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] getfield #43
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [23] iconst_0
      [24] invokevirtual #95
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.dispatchDisconnect (Z)V]
      [27] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 15: 18):
      + Class [java/net/SocketException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 207
        [7] -> line 208
        [18] -> line 209
        [19] -> line 210
        [27] -> line 212
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 28 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet; this]
        v1: 0 -> 28 [[B buffer]
        v2: 19 -> 27 [Ljava/net/SocketException; e]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       write(I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void write(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 28, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.os Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [4] ifnull +23 (target=27)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.os Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [11] iload_1 v1
      [12] invokevirtual #67
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write (I)V]
      [15] goto +12 (target=27)
      [18] astore_2 v2
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] getfield #43
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [23] iconst_0
      [24] invokevirtual #95
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.dispatchDisconnect (Z)V]
      [27] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 15: 18):
      + Class [java/net/SocketException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 217
        [7] -> line 218
        [18] -> line 219
        [19] -> line 220
        [27] -> line 222
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 28 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet; this]
        v1: 0 -> 28 [I c]
        v2: 19 -> 27 [Ljava/net/SocketException; e]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       setDimensions(IIII)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setDimensions(int,int,int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 25, locals = 6, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.handler Lde/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler;]
      [4] iload_1 v1
      [5] iload_2 v2
      [6] invokevirtual #63
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.setWindowSize (II)V]
      [9] goto +15 (target=24)
      [12] astore v5
      [14] ldc #9
        + String [ConnectBot.Telnet]
      [16] ldc #10
        + String [Couldn't resize remote terminal]
      [18] aload v5
      [20] invokestatic #60
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [23] pop
      [24] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 9: 12):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 227
        [12] -> line 228
        [14] -> line 229
        [24] -> line 231
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 25 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet; this]
        v1: 0 -> 25 [I columns]
        v2: 0 -> 25 [I rows]
        v3: 0 -> 25 [I width]
        v4: 0 -> 25 [I height]
        v5: 14 -> 24 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]
  + Method:       getDefaultNickname(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String getDefaultNickname(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 41, locals = 4, stack = 5):
      [0] iload_3 v3
      [1] bipush 23
      [3] ificmpne +17 (target=20)
      [6] ldc #4
        + String [%s]
      [8] iconst_1
      [9] anewarray #29
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [12] dup
      [13] iconst_0
      [14] aload_2 v2
      [15] aastore
      [16] invokestatic #72
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [19] areturn
      [20] ldc #5
        + String [%s:%d]
      [22] iconst_2
      [23] anewarray #29
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [26] dup
      [27] iconst_0
      [28] aload_2 v2
      [29] aastore
      [30] dup
      [31] iconst_1
      [32] iload_3 v3
      [33] invokestatic #71
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [36] aastore
      [37] invokestatic #72
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [40] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 235
        [6] -> line 236
        [20] -> line 238
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 41 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet; this]
        v1: 0 -> 41 [Ljava/lang/String; username]
        v2: 0 -> 41 [Ljava/lang/String; hostname]
        v3: 0 -> 41 [I port]
  + Method:       getUri(Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri;
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static getUri(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 134, locals = 6, stack = 3):
      [0] getstatic #48
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.hostmask Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;]
      [3] aload_0 v0
      [4] invokevirtual #86
        + Methodref [java/util/regex/Pattern.matcher (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Ljava/util/regex/Matcher;]
      [7] astore_1 v1
      [8] aload_1 v1
      [9] invokevirtual #84
        + Methodref [java/util/regex/Matcher.matches ()Z]
      [12] ifne +5 (target=17)
      [15] aconst_null
      [16] areturn
      [17] new #31
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [20] dup
      [21] invokespecial #74
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> ()V]
      [24] astore_2 v2
      [25] aload_2 v2
      [26] ldc #19
        + String [telnet]
      [28] invokevirtual #77
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [31] ldc #8
        + String [://]
      [33] invokevirtual #77
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [36] aload_1 v1
      [37] iconst_1
      [38] invokevirtual #83
        + Methodref [java/util/regex/ (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [41] invokevirtual #77
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [44] pop
      [45] aload_1 v1
      [46] iconst_3
      [47] invokevirtual #83
        + Methodref [java/util/regex/ (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [50] astore_3 v3
      [51] bipush 23
      [53] istore v4
      [55] aload_3 v3
      [56] ifnull +31 (target=87)
      [59] aload_3 v3
      [60] invokestatic #69
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.parseInt (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [63] istore v4
      [65] iload v4
      [67] iconst_1
      [68] ificmplt +10 (target=78)
      [71] iload v4
      [73] ldc #1
        + Integer [65535]
      [75] ificmple +12 (target=87)
      [78] bipush 23
      [80] istore v4
      [82] goto +5 (target=87)
      [85] astore v5
      [87] iload v4
      [89] bipush 23
      [91] ificmpeq +17 (target=108)
      [94] aload_2 v2
      [95] bipush 58
      [97] invokevirtual #75
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [100] pop
      [101] aload_2 v2
      [102] iload v4
      [104] invokevirtual #76
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [107] pop
      [108] aload_2 v2
      [109] ldc #7
        + String [/#]
      [111] invokevirtual #77
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [114] aload_0 v0
      [115] invokestatic #54
        + Methodref [android/net/Uri.encode (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [118] invokevirtual #77
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [121] pop
      [122] aload_2 v2
      [123] invokevirtual #78
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [126] invokestatic #58
        + Methodref [android/net/Uri.parse (Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri;]
      [129] astore v5
      [131] aload v5
      [133] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (59 -> 82: 85):
      + Class [java/lang/NumberFormatException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 21)
        [0] -> line 243
        [8] -> line 245
        [15] -> line 246
        [17] -> line 248
        [25] -> line 250
        [31] -> line 251
        [36] -> line 252
        [45] -> line 254
        [51] -> line 255
        [55] -> line 256
        [59] -> line 258
        [65] -> line 259
        [78] -> line 260
        [85] -> line 262
        [87] -> line 267
        [94] -> line 268
        [101] -> line 269
        [108] -> line 272
        [114] -> line 273
        [122] -> line 275
        [131] -> line 277
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 134 [Ljava/lang/String; input]
        v1: 8 -> 134 [Ljava/util/regex/Matcher; matcher]
        v2: 25 -> 134 [Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; sb]
        v3: 51 -> 134 [Ljava/lang/String; portString]
        v4: 55 -> 134 [I port]
        v5: 131 -> 134 [Landroid/net/Uri; uri]
  + Method:       createHost(Landroid/net/Uri;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.HostBean createHost(
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 91, locals = 5, stack = 5):
      [0] new #38
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
      [3] dup
      [4] invokespecial #87
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.<init> ()V]
      [7] astore_2 v2
      [8] aload_2 v2
      [9] ldc #19
        + String [telnet]
      [11] invokevirtual #94
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setProtocol (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [14] aload_2 v2
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] invokevirtual #56
        + Methodref [android/net/Uri.getHost ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [19] invokevirtual #91
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setHostname (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [22] aload_1 v1
      [23] invokevirtual #57
        + Methodref [android/net/Uri.getPort ()I]
      [26] istore_3 v3
      [27] iload_3 v3
      [28] ifge +6 (target=34)
      [31] bipush 23
      [33] istore_3 v3
      [34] aload_2 v2
      [35] iload_3 v3
      [36] invokevirtual #93
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setPort (I)V]
      [39] aload_1 v1
      [40] invokevirtual #55
        + Methodref [android/net/Uri.getFragment ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [43] astore v4
      [45] aload v4
      [47] ifnull +11 (target=58)
      [50] aload v4
      [52] invokevirtual #73
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
      [55] ifne +26 (target=81)
      [58] aload_2 v2
      [59] aload_0 v0
      [60] aload_2 v2
      [61] invokevirtual #90
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getUsername ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [64] aload_2 v2
      [65] invokevirtual #88
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getHostname ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [68] aload_2 v2
      [69] invokevirtual #89
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getPort ()I]
      [72] invokevirtual #98
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.getDefaultNickname (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [75] invokevirtual #92
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setNickname (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [78] goto +11 (target=89)
      [81] aload_2 v2
      [82] aload_1 v1
      [83] invokevirtual #55
        + Methodref [android/net/Uri.getFragment ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [86] invokevirtual #92
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setNickname (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [89] aload_2 v2
      [90] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 14)
        [0] -> line 282
        [8] -> line 284
        [14] -> line 286
        [22] -> line 288
        [27] -> line 289
        [31] -> line 290
        [34] -> line 291
        [39] -> line 293
        [45] -> line 294
        [58] -> line 295
        [64] -> line 296
        [72] -> line 295
        [81] -> line 298
        [89] -> line 301
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 91 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet; this]
        v1: 0 -> 91 [Landroid/net/Uri; uri]
        v2: 8 -> 91 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; host]
        v3: 27 -> 91 [I port]
        v4: 45 -> 91 [Ljava/lang/String; nickname]
  + Method:       getSelectionArgs(Landroid/net/Uri;Ljava/util/Map;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void getSelectionArgs(,java.util.Map)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 63, locals = 4, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_2 v2
      [1] ldc #18
        + String [protocol]
      [3] ldc #19
        + String [telnet]
      [5] invokeinterface #100
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.put (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [10] pop
      [11] aload_2 v2
      [12] ldc #16
        + String [nickname]
      [14] aload_1 v1
      [15] invokevirtual #55
        + Methodref [android/net/Uri.getFragment ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [18] invokeinterface #100
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.put (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [23] pop
      [24] aload_2 v2
      [25] ldc #15
        + String [hostname]
      [27] aload_1 v1
      [28] invokevirtual #56
        + Methodref [android/net/Uri.getHost ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [31] invokeinterface #100
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.put (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [36] pop
      [37] aload_1 v1
      [38] invokevirtual #57
        + Methodref [android/net/Uri.getPort ()I]
      [41] istore_3 v3
      [42] iload_3 v3
      [43] ifge +6 (target=49)
      [46] bipush 23
      [48] istore_3 v3
      [49] aload_2 v2
      [50] ldc #17
        + String [port]
      [52] iload_3 v3
      [53] invokestatic #70
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.toString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [56] invokeinterface #100
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.put (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [61] pop
      [62] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 306
        [11] -> line 307
        [24] -> line 308
        [37] -> line 310
        [42] -> line 311
        [46] -> line 312
        [49] -> line 313
        [62] -> line 314
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 63 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet; this]
        v1: 0 -> 63 [Landroid/net/Uri; uri]
        v2: 0 -> 63 [Ljava/util/Map; selection]
        v3: 42 -> 63 [I port]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 1)
        v2: 0 -> 63 [Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;>; selection]
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [(Landroid/net/Uri;Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;>;)V]
  + Method:       getFormatHint(Landroid/content/Context;)Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static java.lang.String getFormatHint(android.content.Context)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 28, locals = 1, stack = 6):
      [0] ldc #6
        + String [%s:%s]
      [2] iconst_2
      [3] anewarray #29
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [6] dup
      [7] iconst_0
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] ldc #2
        + Integer [2131230875]
      [11] invokevirtual #53
        + Methodref [android/content/Context.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [14] aastore
      [15] dup
      [16] iconst_1
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] ldc #3
        + Integer [2131230876]
      [20] invokevirtual #53
        + Methodref [android/content/Context.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [23] aastore
      [24] invokestatic #72
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [27] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 317
        [8] -> line 318
        [17] -> line 319
        [24] -> line 317
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 28 [Landroid/content/Context; context]
  + Method:       usesNetwork()Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean usesNetwork()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 2, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] iconst_1
      [1] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 327
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 2 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet; this]
  + Method:       access$0(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet;)I
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic int access$0(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.transport.Telnet)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #52
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.width I]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 59
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$1(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet;)I
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic int access$1(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.transport.Telnet)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.height I]
      [4] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 60
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       access$2(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet;)Ljava/io/OutputStream;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic access$2(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.transport.Telnet)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #50
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.os Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 58
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet$1]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet$1
  Superclass:    de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.transport.Telnet$1 extends de.mud.telnet.TelnetProtocolHandler

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 79):
  + String []
  + Class [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/io/OutputStream]
  + Class [java/nio/charset/Charset]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet$1]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet;]
  + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
  + Methodref [java/nio/charset/ ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.getCharset ()Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet;)I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.access$1 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet;)I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.access$2 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet;)Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.getEmulation ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet;)I]
  + NameAndType [access$1 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet;)I]
  + NameAndType [access$2 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet;)Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + NameAndType [bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + NameAndType [getCharset ()Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;]
  + NameAndType [getEmulation ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [name ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet;]
  + NameAndType [write ([B)V]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()[I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet;)Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet$1;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet;]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [access$1]
  + Utf8 [access$2]
  + Utf8 [b]
  + Utf8 [bridge]
  + Utf8 [charset]
  + Utf8 [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler]
  + Utf8 [echo]
  + Utf8 [getCharset]
  + Utf8 [getCharsetName]
  + Utf8 [getEmulation]
  + Utf8 [getTerminalType]
  + Utf8 [getWindowSize]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/io/OutputStream]
  + Utf8 [java/nio/charset/Charset]
  + Utf8 [name]
  + Utf8 [notifyEndOfRecord]
  + Utf8 [setLocalEcho]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet$1]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]
  + Utf8 [write]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.transport.Telnet this$0

Methods (count = 7):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = Telnet$1(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.transport.Telnet)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #10
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #11
        + Methodref [de/mud/telnet/TelnetProtocolHandler.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 70
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet$1; this]
  + Method:       getTerminalType()Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String getTerminalType()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 8, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet;]
      [4] invokevirtual #18
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.getEmulation ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [7] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 74
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet$1; this]
  + Method:       getWindowSize()[I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int[] getWindowSize()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 24, locals = 1, stack = 4):
      [0] iconst_2
      [1] newarray 10
      [3] dup
      [4] iconst_0
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet;]
      [9] invokestatic #15
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet;)I]
      [12] iastore
      [13] dup
      [14] iconst_1
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet;]
      [19] invokestatic #16
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.access$1 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet;)I]
      [22] iastore
      [23] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 80
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 24 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet$1; this]
  + Method:       setLocalEcho(Z)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setLocalEcho(boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 1, locals = 2, stack = 0):
      [0] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 87
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 1 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet$1; this]
        v1: 0 -> 1 [Z echo]
  + Method:       write([B)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void write(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 22, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet;]
      [4] invokestatic #17
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.access$2 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet;)Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [7] ifnull +14 (target=21)
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet;]
      [14] invokestatic #17
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.access$2 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet;)Ljava/io/OutputStream;]
      [17] aload_1 v1
      [18] invokevirtual #12
        + Methodref [java/io/OutputStream.write ([B)V]
      [21] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 92
        [10] -> line 93
        [21] -> line 94
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 22 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet$1; this]
        v1: 0 -> 22 [[B b]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       notifyEndOfRecord()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void notifyEndOfRecord()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 1, locals = 1, stack = 0):
      [0] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 99
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 1 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet$1; this]
  + Method:       getCharsetName()Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected java.lang.String getCharsetName()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 23, locals = 2, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #10
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet;]
      [4] getfield #9
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.bridge Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge;]
      [7] invokevirtual #14
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/service/TerminalBridge.getCharset ()Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;]
      [10] astore_1 v1
      [11] aload_1 v1
      [12] ifnull +8 (target=20)
      [15] aload_1 v1
      [16] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [java/nio/charset/ ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [19] areturn
      [20] ldc #1
        + String []
      [22] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 103
        [11] -> line 104
        [15] -> line 105
        [20] -> line 107
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 23 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet$1; this]
        v1: 11 -> 23 [Ljava/nio/charset/Charset; charset]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet]
    + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet$1]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/TransportFactory
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.transport.TransportFactory extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 141):
  + String [Attempting to discover URI for scheme=%s on input=%s]
  + String [ConnectBot.TransportFactory]
  + String [Failed to get needed selection arguments]
  + String [Got to the local parsing area]
  + String [Transport %s failed to do something useful with URI=%s]
  + String [TransportFactory]
  + Class [android/net/Uri]
  + Class [android/util/Log]
  + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/util/HashMap]
  + Class [java/util/Map]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/TransportFactory]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/TransportFactory.transportNames [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/net/Uri.getScheme ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/net/Uri.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalStateException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/util/HashMap.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.getFormatHint (Landroid/content/Context;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.getSelectionArgs (Landroid/net/Uri;Ljava/util/Map;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local.getFormatHint (Landroid/content/Context;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local.getProtocolName ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local.getUri (Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.getFormatHint (Landroid/content/Context;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.getProtocolName ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.getUri (Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.getFormatHint (Landroid/content/Context;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.getProtocolName ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.getUri (Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/TransportFactory.getTransport (Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.findHost (Ljava/util/Map;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.size ()I]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [findHost (Ljava/util/Map;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + NameAndType [format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getFormatHint (Landroid/content/Context;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getProtocolName ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getScheme ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getSelectionArgs (Landroid/net/Uri;Ljava/util/Map;)V]
  + NameAndType [getTransport (Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
  + NameAndType [getUri (Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + NameAndType [size ()I]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [transportNames [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/net/Uri;Ljava/util/Map;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/Context;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/util/Map;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;Landroid/net/Uri;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Attempting to discover URI for scheme=%s on input=%s]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ConnectBot.TransportFactory]
  + Utf8 [Failed to get needed selection arguments]
  + Utf8 [Got to the local parsing area]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/Context;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/net/Uri;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Map;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;>;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTypeTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/TransportFactory;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Transport %s failed to do something useful with URI=%s]
  + Utf8 [TransportFactory]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [android/net/Uri]
  + Utf8 [android/util/Log]
  + Utf8 [canForwardPorts]
  + Utf8 [context]
  + Utf8 [d]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [equals]
  + Utf8 [findHost]
  + Utf8 [format]
  + Utf8 [getFormatHint]
  + Utf8 [getProtocolName]
  + Utf8 [getScheme]
  + Utf8 [getSelectionArgs]
  + Utf8 [getTransport]
  + Utf8 [getTransportNames]
  + Utf8 [getUri]
  + Utf8 [hostdb]
  + Utf8 [input]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/util/HashMap]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Map]
  + Utf8 [protocol]
  + Utf8 [scheme]
  + Utf8 [selection]
  + Utf8 [size]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/TransportFactory]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [transport]
  + Utf8 [transportNames]
  + Utf8 [uri]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        transportNames [Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0xa
      = private static java.lang.String[] transportNames

Methods (count = 8):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 26, locals = 0, stack = 4):
      [0] iconst_3
      [1] anewarray #11
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [4] dup
      [5] iconst_0
      [6] invokestatic #38
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.getProtocolName ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [9] aastore
      [10] dup
      [11] iconst_1
      [12] invokestatic #42
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.getProtocolName ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [15] aastore
      [16] dup
      [17] iconst_2
      [18] invokestatic #34
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local.getProtocolName ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [21] aastore
      [22] putstatic #20
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/TransportFactory.transportNames [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [25] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 37
        [6] -> line 38
        [12] -> line 39
        [18] -> line 40
        [22] -> line 37
        [25] -> line 34
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public TransportFactory()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #26
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 34
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/TransportFactory; this]
  + Method:       getTransport(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.transport.AbsTransport getTransport(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 56, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] invokestatic #38
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.getProtocolName ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [3] aload_0 v0
      [4] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [7] ifeq +11 (target=18)
      [10] new #16
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH]
      [13] dup
      [14] invokespecial #36
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.<init> ()V]
      [17] areturn
      [18] invokestatic #42
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.getProtocolName ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [25] ifeq +11 (target=36)
      [28] new #17
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet]
      [31] dup
      [32] invokespecial #40
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.<init> ()V]
      [35] areturn
      [36] invokestatic #34
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local.getProtocolName ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [39] aload_0 v0
      [40] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [43] ifeq +11 (target=54)
      [46] new #15
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local]
      [49] dup
      [50] invokespecial #32
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local.<init> ()V]
      [53] areturn
      [54] aconst_null
      [55] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 48
        [10] -> line 49
        [18] -> line 50
        [28] -> line 51
        [36] -> line 52
        [46] -> line 53
        [54] -> line 55
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 56 [Ljava/lang/String; protocol]
  + Method:       getUri(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri;
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static getUri(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 78, locals = 2, stack = 6):
      [0] ldc #6
        + String [TransportFactory]
      [2] ldc #1
        + String [Attempting to discover URI for scheme=%s on input=%s]
      [4] iconst_2
      [5] anewarray #10
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [8] dup
      [9] iconst_0
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] aastore
      [12] dup
      [13] iconst_1
      [14] aload_1 v1
      [15] aastore
      [16] invokestatic #28
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [19] invokestatic #23
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [22] pop
      [23] invokestatic #38
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.getProtocolName ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [30] ifeq +8 (target=38)
      [33] aload_1 v1
      [34] invokestatic #39
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.getUri (Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri;]
      [37] areturn
      [38] invokestatic #42
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.getProtocolName ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [41] aload_0 v0
      [42] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [45] ifeq +8 (target=53)
      [48] aload_1 v1
      [49] invokestatic #43
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.getUri (Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri;]
      [52] areturn
      [53] invokestatic #34
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local.getProtocolName ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [56] aload_0 v0
      [57] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [60] ifeq +16 (target=76)
      [63] ldc #6
        + String [TransportFactory]
      [65] ldc #4
        + String [Got to the local parsing area]
      [67] invokestatic #23
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [70] pop
      [71] aload_1 v1
      [72] invokestatic #35
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local.getUri (Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri;]
      [75] areturn
      [76] aconst_null
      [77] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 12)
        [0] -> line 60
        [2] -> line 61
        [14] -> line 62
        [16] -> line 60
        [23] -> line 63
        [33] -> line 64
        [38] -> line 65
        [48] -> line 66
        [53] -> line 67
        [63] -> line 68
        [71] -> line 69
        [76] -> line 71
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 78 [Ljava/lang/String; scheme]
        v1: 0 -> 78 [Ljava/lang/String; input]
  + Method:       getTransportNames()[Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static java.lang.String[] getTransportNames()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 4, locals = 0, stack = 1):
      [0] getstatic #20
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/TransportFactory.transportNames [Ljava/lang/String;]
      [3] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 75
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       canForwardPorts(Ljava/lang/String;)Z
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static boolean canForwardPorts(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 14, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] invokestatic #38
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.getProtocolName ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [3] aload_0 v0
      [4] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [7] ifeq +5 (target=12)
      [10] iconst_1
      [11] ireturn
      [12] iconst_0
      [13] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 87
        [10] -> line 88
        [12] -> line 90
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 14 [Ljava/lang/String; protocol]
  + Method:       getFormatHint(Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/Context;)Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static java.lang.String getFormatHint(java.lang.String,android.content.Context)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 50, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] invokestatic #38
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.getProtocolName ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [3] aload_0 v0
      [4] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [7] ifeq +8 (target=15)
      [10] aload_1 v1
      [11] invokestatic #37
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/SSH.getFormatHint (Landroid/content/Context;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [14] areturn
      [15] invokestatic #42
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.getProtocolName ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [22] ifeq +8 (target=30)
      [25] aload_1 v1
      [26] invokestatic #41
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Telnet.getFormatHint (Landroid/content/Context;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [29] areturn
      [30] invokestatic #34
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local.getProtocolName ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [33] aload_0 v0
      [34] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [37] ifeq +8 (target=45)
      [40] aload_1 v1
      [41] invokestatic #33
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/Local.getFormatHint (Landroid/content/Context;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [44] areturn
      [45] aload_1 v1
      [46] invokestatic #30
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.getFormatHint (Landroid/content/Context;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [49] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 100
        [10] -> line 101
        [15] -> line 102
        [25] -> line 103
        [30] -> line 104
        [40] -> line 105
        [45] -> line 107
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 50 [Ljava/lang/String; protocol]
        v1: 0 -> 50 [Landroid/content/Context; context]
  + Method:       findHost(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;Landroid/net/Uri;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.HostBean findHost(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.HostDatabase,
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 76, locals = 4, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] invokevirtual #21
        + Methodref [android/net/Uri.getScheme ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [4] invokestatic #44
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/TransportFactory.getTransport (Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport;]
      [7] astore_2 v2
      [8] new #12
        + Class [java/util/HashMap]
      [11] dup
      [12] invokespecial #29
        + Methodref [java/util/HashMap.<init> ()V]
      [15] astore_3 v3
      [16] aload_2 v2
      [17] aload_1 v1
      [18] aload_3 v3
      [19] invokevirtual #31
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport.getSelectionArgs (Landroid/net/Uri;Ljava/util/Map;)V]
      [22] aload_3 v3
      [23] invokeinterface #46
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.size ()I]
      [28] ifne +42 (target=70)
      [31] ldc #2
        + String [ConnectBot.TransportFactory]
      [33] ldc #5
        + String [Transport %s failed to do something useful with URI=%s]
      [35] iconst_2
      [36] anewarray #10
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [39] dup
      [40] iconst_0
      [41] aload_1 v1
      [42] invokevirtual #21
        + Methodref [android/net/Uri.getScheme ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [45] aastore
      [46] dup
      [47] iconst_1
      [48] aload_1 v1
      [49] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [android/net/Uri.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [52] aastore
      [53] invokestatic #28
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [56] invokestatic #24
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [59] pop
      [60] new #9
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalStateException]
      [63] dup
      [64] ldc #3
        + String [Failed to get needed selection arguments]
      [66] invokespecial #25
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalStateException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [69] athrow
      [70] aload_0 v0
      [71] aload_3 v3
      [72] invokevirtual #45
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.findHost (Ljava/util/Map;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [75] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 118
        [8] -> line 120
        [16] -> line 122
        [22] -> line 123
        [31] -> line 124
        [41] -> line 125
        [53] -> line 124
        [60] -> line 126
        [70] -> line 129
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 76 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase; hostdb]
        v1: 0 -> 76 [Landroid/net/Uri; uri]
        v2: 8 -> 76 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/transport/AbsTransport; transport]
        v3: 16 -> 76 [Ljava/util/Map; selection]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 1)
        v3: 16 -> 76 [Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;>; selection]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/Colors
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.Colors extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 255):
  + Integer [-16777216]
  + Integer [-16777121]
  + Integer [-16777081]
  + Integer [-16777041]
  + Integer [-16777012]
  + Integer [-16777001]
  + Integer [-16776961]
  + Integer [-16752896]
  + Integer [-16752801]
  + Integer [-16752761]
  + Integer [-16752721]
  + Integer [-16752681]
  + Integer [-16752641]
  + Integer [-16742656]
  + Integer [-16742561]
  + Integer [-16742521]
  + Integer [-16742481]
  + Integer [-16742441]
  + Integer [-16742401]
  + Integer [-16732416]
  + Integer [-16732321]
  + Integer [-16732281]
  + Integer [-16732241]
  + Integer [-16732201]
  + Integer [-16732161]
  + Integer [-16724992]
  + Integer [-16724788]
  + Integer [-16722176]
  + Integer [-16722081]
  + Integer [-16722041]
  + Integer [-16722001]
  + Integer [-16721961]
  + Integer [-16721921]
  + Integer [-16711936]
  + Integer [-16711841]
  + Integer [-16711801]
  + Integer [-16711761]
  + Integer [-16711721]
  + Integer [-16711681]
  + Integer [-16250872]
  + Integer [-15592942]
  + Integer [-14935012]
  + Integer [-14277082]
  + Integer [-13619152]
  + Integer [-12961222]
  + Integer [-12303292]
  + Integer [-12303105]
  + Integer [-12255420]
  + Integer [-12255233]
  + Integer [-11645362]
  + Integer [-10987432]
  + Integer [-10551296]
  + Integer [-10551201]
  + Integer [-10551161]
  + Integer [-10551121]
  + Integer [-10551081]
  + Integer [-10551041]
  + Integer [-10526976]
  + Integer [-10526881]
  + Integer [-10526841]
  + Integer [-10526801]
  + Integer [-10526761]
  + Integer [-10526721]
  + Integer [-10516736]
  + Integer [-10516641]
  + Integer [-10516601]
  + Integer [-10516561]
  + Integer [-10516521]
  + Integer [-10516481]
  + Integer [-10506496]
  + Integer [-10506401]
  + Integer [-10506361]
  + Integer [-10506321]
  + Integer [-10506281]
  + Integer [-10506241]
  + Integer [-10496256]
  + Integer [-10496161]
  + Integer [-10496121]
  + Integer [-10496081]
  + Integer [-10496041]
  + Integer [-10496001]
  + Integer [-10486016]
  + Integer [-10485921]
  + Integer [-10485881]
  + Integer [-10485841]
  + Integer [-10485801]
  + Integer [-10485761]
  + Integer [-10329502]
  + Integer [-9671572]
  + Integer [-9013642]
  + Integer [-8355712]
  + Integer [-7929856]
  + Integer [-7929761]
  + Integer [-7929721]
  + Integer [-7929681]
  + Integer [-7929641]
  + Integer [-7929601]
  + Integer [-7905536]
  + Integer [-7905441]
  + Integer [-7905401]
  + Integer [-7905361]
  + Integer [-7905321]
  + Integer [-7905281]
  + Integer [-7895296]
  + Integer [-7895201]
  + Integer [-7895161]
  + Integer [-7895121]
  + Integer [-7895081]
  + Integer [-7895041]
  + Integer [-7885056]
  + Integer [-7884961]
  + Integer [-7884921]
  + Integer [-7884881]
  + Integer [-7884841]
  + Integer [-7884801]
  + Integer [-7874816]
  + Integer [-7874721]
  + Integer [-7874681]
  + Integer [-7874641]
  + Integer [-7874601]
  + Integer [-7874561]
  + Integer [-7864576]
  + Integer [-7864481]
  + Integer [-7864441]
  + Integer [-7864401]
  + Integer [-7864361]
  + Integer [-7864321]
  + Integer [-7697782]
  + Integer [-7039852]
  + Integer [-6381922]
  + Integer [-5723992]
  + Integer [-5308416]
  + Integer [-5308321]
  + Integer [-5308281]
  + Integer [-5308241]
  + Integer [-5308201]
  + Integer [-5308161]
  + Integer [-5284096]
  + Integer [-5284001]
  + Integer [-5283961]
  + Integer [-5283921]
  + Integer [-5283881]
  + Integer [-5283841]
  + Integer [-5273856]
  + Integer [-5273761]
  + Integer [-5273721]
  + Integer [-5273681]
  + Integer [-5273641]
  + Integer [-5273601]
  + Integer [-5263616]
  + Integer [-5263521]
  + Integer [-5263481]
  + Integer [-5263441]
  + Integer [-5263401]
  + Integer [-5263361]
  + Integer [-5253376]
  + Integer [-5253281]
  + Integer [-5253241]
  + Integer [-5253201]
  + Integer [-5253161]
  + Integer [-5253121]
  + Integer [-5243136]
  + Integer [-5243041]
  + Integer [-5243001]
  + Integer [-5242961]
  + Integer [-5242921]
  + Integer [-5242881]
  + Integer [-5066062]
  + Integer [-4408132]
  + Integer [-3750202]
  + Integer [-3407872]
  + Integer [-3407668]
  + Integer [-3355648]
  + Integer [-3355444]
  + Integer [-3092272]
  + Integer [-2686976]
  + Integer [-2686881]
  + Integer [-2686841]
  + Integer [-2686801]
  + Integer [-2686761]
  + Integer [-2686721]
  + Integer [-2662656]
  + Integer [-2662561]
  + Integer [-2662521]
  + Integer [-2662481]
  + Integer [-2662441]
  + Integer [-2662401]
  + Integer [-2652416]
  + Integer [-2652321]
  + Integer [-2652281]
  + Integer [-2652241]
  + Integer [-2652201]
  + Integer [-2652161]
  + Integer [-2642176]
  + Integer [-2642081]
  + Integer [-2642041]
  + Integer [-2642001]
  + Integer [-2641961]
  + Integer [-2641921]
  + Integer [-2631936]
  + Integer [-2631841]
  + Integer [-2631801]
  + Integer [-2631761]
  + Integer [-2631721]
  + Integer [-2631681]
  + Integer [-2621696]
  + Integer [-2621601]
  + Integer [-2621561]
  + Integer [-2621521]
  + Integer [-2621481]
  + Integer [-2621441]
  + Integer [-2434342]
  + Integer [-1776412]
  + Integer [-1118482]
  + Integer [-65536]
  + Integer [-65441]
  + Integer [-65401]
  + Integer [-65361]
  + Integer [-65321]
  + Integer [-65281]
  + Integer [-48060]
  + Integer [-47873]
  + Integer [-41216]
  + Integer [-41121]
  + Integer [-41081]
  + Integer [-41041]
  + Integer [-41001]
  + Integer [-40961]
  + Class [java/lang/Integer]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/Colors]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/Colors.defaults [Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [defaults [Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/Colors;]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Utf8 [defaults]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Integer]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/Colors]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [valueOf]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        defaults [Ljava/lang/Integer;
    Access flags: 0x19
      = public static final java.lang.Integer[] defaults

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 2455, locals = 0, stack = 4):
      [0] sipush 256
      [3] anewarray #229
        + Class [java/lang/Integer]
      [6] dup
      [7] iconst_0
      [8] ldc #1
        + Integer [-16777216]
      [10] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [13] aastore
      [14] dup
      [15] iconst_1
      [16] ldc #171
        + Integer [-3407872]
      [18] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [21] aastore
      [22] dup
      [23] iconst_2
      [24] ldc #26
        + Integer [-16724992]
      [26] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [29] aastore
      [30] dup
      [31] iconst_3
      [32] ldc #173
        + Integer [-3355648]
      [34] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [37] aastore
      [38] dup
      [39] iconst_4
      [40] ldc #5
        + Integer [-16777012]
      [42] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [45] aastore
      [46] dup
      [47] iconst_5
      [48] ldc #172
        + Integer [-3407668]
      [50] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [53] aastore
      [54] dup
      [55] bipush 6
      [57] ldc #27
        + Integer [-16724788]
      [59] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [62] aastore
      [63] dup
      [64] bipush 7
      [66] ldc #174
        + Integer [-3355444]
      [68] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [71] aastore
      [72] dup
      [73] bipush 8
      [75] ldc #46
        + Integer [-12303292]
      [77] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [80] aastore
      [81] dup
      [82] bipush 9
      [84] ldc #221
        + Integer [-48060]
      [86] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [89] aastore
      [90] dup
      [91] bipush 10
      [93] ldc #48
        + Integer [-12255420]
      [95] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [98] aastore
      [99] dup
      [100] bipush 11
      [102] sipush -188
      [105] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [108] aastore
      [109] dup
      [110] bipush 12
      [112] ldc #47
        + Integer [-12303105]
      [114] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [117] aastore
      [118] dup
      [119] bipush 13
      [121] ldc #222
        + Integer [-47873]
      [123] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [126] aastore
      [127] dup
      [128] bipush 14
      [130] ldc #49
        + Integer [-12255233]
      [132] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [135] aastore
      [136] dup
      [137] bipush 15
      [139] iconst_m1
      [140] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [143] aastore
      [144] dup
      [145] bipush 16
      [147] ldc #1
        + Integer [-16777216]
      [149] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [152] aastore
      [153] dup
      [154] bipush 17
      [156] ldc #2
        + Integer [-16777121]
      [158] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [161] aastore
      [162] dup
      [163] bipush 18
      [165] ldc #3
        + Integer [-16777081]
      [167] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [170] aastore
      [171] dup
      [172] bipush 19
      [174] ldc #4
        + Integer [-16777041]
      [176] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [179] aastore
      [180] dup
      [181] bipush 20
      [183] ldc #6
        + Integer [-16777001]
      [185] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [188] aastore
      [189] dup
      [190] bipush 21
      [192] ldc #7
        + Integer [-16776961]
      [194] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [197] aastore
      [198] dup
      [199] bipush 22
      [201] ldc #8
        + Integer [-16752896]
      [203] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [206] aastore
      [207] dup
      [208] bipush 23
      [210] ldc #9
        + Integer [-16752801]
      [212] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [215] aastore
      [216] dup
      [217] bipush 24
      [219] ldc #10
        + Integer [-16752761]
      [221] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [224] aastore
      [225] dup
      [226] bipush 25
      [228] ldc #11
        + Integer [-16752721]
      [230] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [233] aastore
      [234] dup
      [235] bipush 26
      [237] ldc #12
        + Integer [-16752681]
      [239] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [242] aastore
      [243] dup
      [244] bipush 27
      [246] ldc #13
        + Integer [-16752641]
      [248] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [251] aastore
      [252] dup
      [253] bipush 28
      [255] ldc #14
        + Integer [-16742656]
      [257] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [260] aastore
      [261] dup
      [262] bipush 29
      [264] ldc #15
        + Integer [-16742561]
      [266] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [269] aastore
      [270] dup
      [271] bipush 30
      [273] ldc #16
        + Integer [-16742521]
      [275] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [278] aastore
      [279] dup
      [280] bipush 31
      [282] ldc #17
        + Integer [-16742481]
      [284] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [287] aastore
      [288] dup
      [289] bipush 32
      [291] ldc #18
        + Integer [-16742441]
      [293] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [296] aastore
      [297] dup
      [298] bipush 33
      [300] ldc #19
        + Integer [-16742401]
      [302] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [305] aastore
      [306] dup
      [307] bipush 34
      [309] ldc #20
        + Integer [-16732416]
      [311] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [314] aastore
      [315] dup
      [316] bipush 35
      [318] ldc #21
        + Integer [-16732321]
      [320] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [323] aastore
      [324] dup
      [325] bipush 36
      [327] ldc #22
        + Integer [-16732281]
      [329] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [332] aastore
      [333] dup
      [334] bipush 37
      [336] ldc #23
        + Integer [-16732241]
      [338] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [341] aastore
      [342] dup
      [343] bipush 38
      [345] ldc #24
        + Integer [-16732201]
      [347] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [350] aastore
      [351] dup
      [352] bipush 39
      [354] ldc #25
        + Integer [-16732161]
      [356] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [359] aastore
      [360] dup
      [361] bipush 40
      [363] ldc #28
        + Integer [-16722176]
      [365] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [368] aastore
      [369] dup
      [370] bipush 41
      [372] ldc #29
        + Integer [-16722081]
      [374] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [377] aastore
      [378] dup
      [379] bipush 42
      [381] ldc #30
        + Integer [-16722041]
      [383] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [386] aastore
      [387] dup
      [388] bipush 43
      [390] ldc #31
        + Integer [-16722001]
      [392] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [395] aastore
      [396] dup
      [397] bipush 44
      [399] ldc #32
        + Integer [-16721961]
      [401] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [404] aastore
      [405] dup
      [406] bipush 45
      [408] ldc #33
        + Integer [-16721921]
      [410] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [413] aastore
      [414] dup
      [415] bipush 46
      [417] ldc #34
        + Integer [-16711936]
      [419] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [422] aastore
      [423] dup
      [424] bipush 47
      [426] ldc #35
        + Integer [-16711841]
      [428] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [431] aastore
      [432] dup
      [433] bipush 48
      [435] ldc #36
        + Integer [-16711801]
      [437] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [440] aastore
      [441] dup
      [442] bipush 49
      [444] ldc #37
        + Integer [-16711761]
      [446] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [449] aastore
      [450] dup
      [451] bipush 50
      [453] ldc #38
        + Integer [-16711721]
      [455] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [458] aastore
      [459] dup
      [460] bipush 51
      [462] ldc #39
        + Integer [-16711681]
      [464] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [467] aastore
      [468] dup
      [469] bipush 52
      [471] ldc #52
        + Integer [-10551296]
      [473] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [476] aastore
      [477] dup
      [478] bipush 53
      [480] ldc #53
        + Integer [-10551201]
      [482] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [485] aastore
      [486] dup
      [487] bipush 54
      [489] ldc #54
        + Integer [-10551161]
      [491] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [494] aastore
      [495] dup
      [496] bipush 55
      [498] ldc #55
        + Integer [-10551121]
      [500] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [503] aastore
      [504] dup
      [505] bipush 56
      [507] ldc #56
        + Integer [-10551081]
      [509] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [512] aastore
      [513] dup
      [514] bipush 57
      [516] ldc #57
        + Integer [-10551041]
      [518] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [521] aastore
      [522] dup
      [523] bipush 58
      [525] ldc #58
        + Integer [-10526976]
      [527] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [530] aastore
      [531] dup
      [532] bipush 59
      [534] ldc #59
        + Integer [-10526881]
      [536] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [539] aastore
      [540] dup
      [541] bipush 60
      [543] ldc #60
        + Integer [-10526841]
      [545] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [548] aastore
      [549] dup
      [550] bipush 61
      [552] ldc #61
        + Integer [-10526801]
      [554] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [557] aastore
      [558] dup
      [559] bipush 62
      [561] ldc #62
        + Integer [-10526761]
      [563] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [566] aastore
      [567] dup
      [568] bipush 63
      [570] ldc #63
        + Integer [-10526721]
      [572] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [575] aastore
      [576] dup
      [577] bipush 64
      [579] ldc #64
        + Integer [-10516736]
      [581] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [584] aastore
      [585] dup
      [586] bipush 65
      [588] ldc #65
        + Integer [-10516641]
      [590] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [593] aastore
      [594] dup
      [595] bipush 66
      [597] ldc #66
        + Integer [-10516601]
      [599] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [602] aastore
      [603] dup
      [604] bipush 67
      [606] ldc #67
        + Integer [-10516561]
      [608] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [611] aastore
      [612] dup
      [613] bipush 68
      [615] ldc #68
        + Integer [-10516521]
      [617] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [620] aastore
      [621] dup
      [622] bipush 69
      [624] ldc #69
        + Integer [-10516481]
      [626] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [629] aastore
      [630] dup
      [631] bipush 70
      [633] ldc #70
        + Integer [-10506496]
      [635] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [638] aastore
      [639] dup
      [640] bipush 71
      [642] ldc #71
        + Integer [-10506401]
      [644] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [647] aastore
      [648] dup
      [649] bipush 72
      [651] ldc #72
        + Integer [-10506361]
      [653] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [656] aastore
      [657] dup
      [658] bipush 73
      [660] ldc #73
        + Integer [-10506321]
      [662] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [665] aastore
      [666] dup
      [667] bipush 74
      [669] ldc #74
        + Integer [-10506281]
      [671] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [674] aastore
      [675] dup
      [676] bipush 75
      [678] ldc #75
        + Integer [-10506241]
      [680] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [683] aastore
      [684] dup
      [685] bipush 76
      [687] ldc #76
        + Integer [-10496256]
      [689] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [692] aastore
      [693] dup
      [694] bipush 77
      [696] ldc #77
        + Integer [-10496161]
      [698] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [701] aastore
      [702] dup
      [703] bipush 78
      [705] ldc #78
        + Integer [-10496121]
      [707] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [710] aastore
      [711] dup
      [712] bipush 79
      [714] ldc #79
        + Integer [-10496081]
      [716] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [719] aastore
      [720] dup
      [721] bipush 80
      [723] ldc #80
        + Integer [-10496041]
      [725] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [728] aastore
      [729] dup
      [730] bipush 81
      [732] ldc #81
        + Integer [-10496001]
      [734] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [737] aastore
      [738] dup
      [739] bipush 82
      [741] ldc #82
        + Integer [-10486016]
      [743] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [746] aastore
      [747] dup
      [748] bipush 83
      [750] ldc #83
        + Integer [-10485921]
      [752] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [755] aastore
      [756] dup
      [757] bipush 84
      [759] ldc #84
        + Integer [-10485881]
      [761] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [764] aastore
      [765] dup
      [766] bipush 85
      [768] ldc #85
        + Integer [-10485841]
      [770] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [773] aastore
      [774] dup
      [775] bipush 86
      [777] ldc #86
        + Integer [-10485801]
      [779] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [782] aastore
      [783] dup
      [784] bipush 87
      [786] ldc #87
        + Integer [-10485761]
      [788] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [791] aastore
      [792] dup
      [793] bipush 88
      [795] ldc #92
        + Integer [-7929856]
      [797] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [800] aastore
      [801] dup
      [802] bipush 89
      [804] ldc #93
        + Integer [-7929761]
      [806] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [809] aastore
      [810] dup
      [811] bipush 90
      [813] ldc #94
        + Integer [-7929721]
      [815] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [818] aastore
      [819] dup
      [820] bipush 91
      [822] ldc #95
        + Integer [-7929681]
      [824] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [827] aastore
      [828] dup
      [829] bipush 92
      [831] ldc #96
        + Integer [-7929641]
      [833] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [836] aastore
      [837] dup
      [838] bipush 93
      [840] ldc #97
        + Integer [-7929601]
      [842] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [845] aastore
      [846] dup
      [847] bipush 94
      [849] ldc #98
        + Integer [-7905536]
      [851] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [854] aastore
      [855] dup
      [856] bipush 95
      [858] ldc #99
        + Integer [-7905441]
      [860] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [863] aastore
      [864] dup
      [865] bipush 96
      [867] ldc #100
        + Integer [-7905401]
      [869] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [872] aastore
      [873] dup
      [874] bipush 97
      [876] ldc #101
        + Integer [-7905361]
      [878] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [881] aastore
      [882] dup
      [883] bipush 98
      [885] ldc #102
        + Integer [-7905321]
      [887] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [890] aastore
      [891] dup
      [892] bipush 99
      [894] ldc #103
        + Integer [-7905281]
      [896] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [899] aastore
      [900] dup
      [901] bipush 100
      [903] ldc #104
        + Integer [-7895296]
      [905] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [908] aastore
      [909] dup
      [910] bipush 101
      [912] ldc #105
        + Integer [-7895201]
      [914] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [917] aastore
      [918] dup
      [919] bipush 102
      [921] ldc #106
        + Integer [-7895161]
      [923] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [926] aastore
      [927] dup
      [928] bipush 103
      [930] ldc #107
        + Integer [-7895121]
      [932] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [935] aastore
      [936] dup
      [937] bipush 104
      [939] ldc #108
        + Integer [-7895081]
      [941] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [944] aastore
      [945] dup
      [946] bipush 105
      [948] ldc #109
        + Integer [-7895041]
      [950] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [953] aastore
      [954] dup
      [955] bipush 106
      [957] ldc #110
        + Integer [-7885056]
      [959] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [962] aastore
      [963] dup
      [964] bipush 107
      [966] ldc #111
        + Integer [-7884961]
      [968] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [971] aastore
      [972] dup
      [973] bipush 108
      [975] ldc #112
        + Integer [-7884921]
      [977] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [980] aastore
      [981] dup
      [982] bipush 109
      [984] ldc #113
        + Integer [-7884881]
      [986] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [989] aastore
      [990] dup
      [991] bipush 110
      [993] ldc #114
        + Integer [-7884841]
      [995] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [998] aastore
      [999] dup
      [1000] bipush 111
      [1002] ldc #115
        + Integer [-7884801]
      [1004] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1007] aastore
      [1008] dup
      [1009] bipush 112
      [1011] ldc #116
        + Integer [-7874816]
      [1013] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1016] aastore
      [1017] dup
      [1018] bipush 113
      [1020] ldc #117
        + Integer [-7874721]
      [1022] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1025] aastore
      [1026] dup
      [1027] bipush 114
      [1029] ldc #118
        + Integer [-7874681]
      [1031] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1034] aastore
      [1035] dup
      [1036] bipush 115
      [1038] ldc #119
        + Integer [-7874641]
      [1040] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1043] aastore
      [1044] dup
      [1045] bipush 116
      [1047] ldc #120
        + Integer [-7874601]
      [1049] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1052] aastore
      [1053] dup
      [1054] bipush 117
      [1056] ldc #121
        + Integer [-7874561]
      [1058] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1061] aastore
      [1062] dup
      [1063] bipush 118
      [1065] ldc #122
        + Integer [-7864576]
      [1067] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1070] aastore
      [1071] dup
      [1072] bipush 119
      [1074] ldc #123
        + Integer [-7864481]
      [1076] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1079] aastore
      [1080] dup
      [1081] bipush 120
      [1083] ldc #124
        + Integer [-7864441]
      [1085] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1088] aastore
      [1089] dup
      [1090] bipush 121
      [1092] ldc #125
        + Integer [-7864401]
      [1094] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1097] aastore
      [1098] dup
      [1099] bipush 122
      [1101] ldc #126
        + Integer [-7864361]
      [1103] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1106] aastore
      [1107] dup
      [1108] bipush 123
      [1110] ldc #127
        + Integer [-7864321]
      [1112] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1115] aastore
      [1116] dup
      [1117] bipush 124
      [1119] ldc #132
        + Integer [-5308416]
      [1121] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1124] aastore
      [1125] dup
      [1126] bipush 125
      [1128] ldc #133
        + Integer [-5308321]
      [1130] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1133] aastore
      [1134] dup
      [1135] bipush 126
      [1137] ldc #134
        + Integer [-5308281]
      [1139] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1142] aastore
      [1143] dup
      [1144] bipush 127
      [1146] ldc #135
        + Integer [-5308241]
      [1148] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1151] aastore
      [1152] dup
      [1153] sipush 128
      [1156] ldc #136
        + Integer [-5308201]
      [1158] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1161] aastore
      [1162] dup
      [1163] sipush 129
      [1166] ldc #137
        + Integer [-5308161]
      [1168] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1171] aastore
      [1172] dup
      [1173] sipush 130
      [1176] ldc #138
        + Integer [-5284096]
      [1178] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1181] aastore
      [1182] dup
      [1183] sipush 131
      [1186] ldc #139
        + Integer [-5284001]
      [1188] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1191] aastore
      [1192] dup
      [1193] sipush 132
      [1196] ldc #140
        + Integer [-5283961]
      [1198] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1201] aastore
      [1202] dup
      [1203] sipush 133
      [1206] ldc #141
        + Integer [-5283921]
      [1208] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1211] aastore
      [1212] dup
      [1213] sipush 134
      [1216] ldc #142
        + Integer [-5283881]
      [1218] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1221] aastore
      [1222] dup
      [1223] sipush 135
      [1226] ldc #143
        + Integer [-5283841]
      [1228] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1231] aastore
      [1232] dup
      [1233] sipush 136
      [1236] ldc #144
        + Integer [-5273856]
      [1238] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1241] aastore
      [1242] dup
      [1243] sipush 137
      [1246] ldc #145
        + Integer [-5273761]
      [1248] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1251] aastore
      [1252] dup
      [1253] sipush 138
      [1256] ldc #146
        + Integer [-5273721]
      [1258] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1261] aastore
      [1262] dup
      [1263] sipush 139
      [1266] ldc #147
        + Integer [-5273681]
      [1268] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1271] aastore
      [1272] dup
      [1273] sipush 140
      [1276] ldc #148
        + Integer [-5273641]
      [1278] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1281] aastore
      [1282] dup
      [1283] sipush 141
      [1286] ldc #149
        + Integer [-5273601]
      [1288] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1291] aastore
      [1292] dup
      [1293] sipush 142
      [1296] ldc #150
        + Integer [-5263616]
      [1298] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1301] aastore
      [1302] dup
      [1303] sipush 143
      [1306] ldc #151
        + Integer [-5263521]
      [1308] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1311] aastore
      [1312] dup
      [1313] sipush 144
      [1316] ldc #152
        + Integer [-5263481]
      [1318] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1321] aastore
      [1322] dup
      [1323] sipush 145
      [1326] ldc #153
        + Integer [-5263441]
      [1328] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1331] aastore
      [1332] dup
      [1333] sipush 146
      [1336] ldc #154
        + Integer [-5263401]
      [1338] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1341] aastore
      [1342] dup
      [1343] sipush 147
      [1346] ldc #155
        + Integer [-5263361]
      [1348] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1351] aastore
      [1352] dup
      [1353] sipush 148
      [1356] ldc #156
        + Integer [-5253376]
      [1358] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1361] aastore
      [1362] dup
      [1363] sipush 149
      [1366] ldc #157
        + Integer [-5253281]
      [1368] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1371] aastore
      [1372] dup
      [1373] sipush 150
      [1376] ldc #158
        + Integer [-5253241]
      [1378] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1381] aastore
      [1382] dup
      [1383] sipush 151
      [1386] ldc #159
        + Integer [-5253201]
      [1388] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1391] aastore
      [1392] dup
      [1393] sipush 152
      [1396] ldc #160
        + Integer [-5253161]
      [1398] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1401] aastore
      [1402] dup
      [1403] sipush 153
      [1406] ldc #161
        + Integer [-5253121]
      [1408] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1411] aastore
      [1412] dup
      [1413] sipush 154
      [1416] ldc #162
        + Integer [-5243136]
      [1418] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1421] aastore
      [1422] dup
      [1423] sipush 155
      [1426] ldc #163
        + Integer [-5243041]
      [1428] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1431] aastore
      [1432] dup
      [1433] sipush 156
      [1436] ldc #164
        + Integer [-5243001]
      [1438] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1441] aastore
      [1442] dup
      [1443] sipush 157
      [1446] ldc #165
        + Integer [-5242961]
      [1448] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1451] aastore
      [1452] dup
      [1453] sipush 158
      [1456] ldc #166
        + Integer [-5242921]
      [1458] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1461] aastore
      [1462] dup
      [1463] sipush 159
      [1466] ldc #167
        + Integer [-5242881]
      [1468] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1471] aastore
      [1472] dup
      [1473] sipush 160
      [1476] ldc #176
        + Integer [-2686976]
      [1478] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1481] aastore
      [1482] dup
      [1483] sipush 161
      [1486] ldc #177
        + Integer [-2686881]
      [1488] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1491] aastore
      [1492] dup
      [1493] sipush 162
      [1496] ldc #178
        + Integer [-2686841]
      [1498] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1501] aastore
      [1502] dup
      [1503] sipush 163
      [1506] ldc #179
        + Integer [-2686801]
      [1508] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1511] aastore
      [1512] dup
      [1513] sipush 164
      [1516] ldc #180
        + Integer [-2686761]
      [1518] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1521] aastore
      [1522] dup
      [1523] sipush 165
      [1526] ldc #181
        + Integer [-2686721]
      [1528] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1531] aastore
      [1532] dup
      [1533] sipush 166
      [1536] ldc #182
        + Integer [-2662656]
      [1538] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1541] aastore
      [1542] dup
      [1543] sipush 167
      [1546] ldc #183
        + Integer [-2662561]
      [1548] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1551] aastore
      [1552] dup
      [1553] sipush 168
      [1556] ldc #184
        + Integer [-2662521]
      [1558] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1561] aastore
      [1562] dup
      [1563] sipush 169
      [1566] ldc #185
        + Integer [-2662481]
      [1568] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1571] aastore
      [1572] dup
      [1573] sipush 170
      [1576] ldc #186
        + Integer [-2662441]
      [1578] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1581] aastore
      [1582] dup
      [1583] sipush 171
      [1586] ldc #187
        + Integer [-2662401]
      [1588] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1591] aastore
      [1592] dup
      [1593] sipush 172
      [1596] ldc #188
        + Integer [-2652416]
      [1598] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1601] aastore
      [1602] dup
      [1603] sipush 173
      [1606] ldc #189
        + Integer [-2652321]
      [1608] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1611] aastore
      [1612] dup
      [1613] sipush 174
      [1616] ldc #190
        + Integer [-2652281]
      [1618] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1621] aastore
      [1622] dup
      [1623] sipush 175
      [1626] ldc #191
        + Integer [-2652241]
      [1628] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1631] aastore
      [1632] dup
      [1633] sipush 176
      [1636] ldc #192
        + Integer [-2652201]
      [1638] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1641] aastore
      [1642] dup
      [1643] sipush 177
      [1646] ldc #193
        + Integer [-2652161]
      [1648] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1651] aastore
      [1652] dup
      [1653] sipush 178
      [1656] ldc #194
        + Integer [-2642176]
      [1658] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1661] aastore
      [1662] dup
      [1663] sipush 179
      [1666] ldc #195
        + Integer [-2642081]
      [1668] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1671] aastore
      [1672] dup
      [1673] sipush 180
      [1676] ldc #196
        + Integer [-2642041]
      [1678] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1681] aastore
      [1682] dup
      [1683] sipush 181
      [1686] ldc #197
        + Integer [-2642001]
      [1688] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1691] aastore
      [1692] dup
      [1693] sipush 182
      [1696] ldc #198
        + Integer [-2641961]
      [1698] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1701] aastore
      [1702] dup
      [1703] sipush 183
      [1706] ldc #199
        + Integer [-2641921]
      [1708] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1711] aastore
      [1712] dup
      [1713] sipush 184
      [1716] ldc #200
        + Integer [-2631936]
      [1718] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1721] aastore
      [1722] dup
      [1723] sipush 185
      [1726] ldc #201
        + Integer [-2631841]
      [1728] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1731] aastore
      [1732] dup
      [1733] sipush 186
      [1736] ldc #202
        + Integer [-2631801]
      [1738] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1741] aastore
      [1742] dup
      [1743] sipush 187
      [1746] ldc #203
        + Integer [-2631761]
      [1748] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1751] aastore
      [1752] dup
      [1753] sipush 188
      [1756] ldc #204
        + Integer [-2631721]
      [1758] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1761] aastore
      [1762] dup
      [1763] sipush 189
      [1766] ldc #205
        + Integer [-2631681]
      [1768] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1771] aastore
      [1772] dup
      [1773] sipush 190
      [1776] ldc #206
        + Integer [-2621696]
      [1778] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1781] aastore
      [1782] dup
      [1783] sipush 191
      [1786] ldc #207
        + Integer [-2621601]
      [1788] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1791] aastore
      [1792] dup
      [1793] sipush 192
      [1796] ldc #208
        + Integer [-2621561]
      [1798] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1801] aastore
      [1802] dup
      [1803] sipush 193
      [1806] ldc #209
        + Integer [-2621521]
      [1808] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1811] aastore
      [1812] dup
      [1813] sipush 194
      [1816] ldc #210
        + Integer [-2621481]
      [1818] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1821] aastore
      [1822] dup
      [1823] sipush 195
      [1826] ldc #211
        + Integer [-2621441]
      [1828] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1831] aastore
      [1832] dup
      [1833] sipush 196
      [1836] ldc #215
        + Integer [-65536]
      [1838] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1841] aastore
      [1842] dup
      [1843] sipush 197
      [1846] ldc #216
        + Integer [-65441]
      [1848] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1851] aastore
      [1852] dup
      [1853] sipush 198
      [1856] ldc #217
        + Integer [-65401]
      [1858] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1861] aastore
      [1862] dup
      [1863] sipush 199
      [1866] ldc #218
        + Integer [-65361]
      [1868] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1871] aastore
      [1872] dup
      [1873] sipush 200
      [1876] ldc #219
        + Integer [-65321]
      [1878] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1881] aastore
      [1882] dup
      [1883] sipush 201
      [1886] ldc #220
        + Integer [-65281]
      [1888] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1891] aastore
      [1892] dup
      [1893] sipush 202
      [1896] ldc #223
        + Integer [-41216]
      [1898] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1901] aastore
      [1902] dup
      [1903] sipush 203
      [1906] ldc #224
        + Integer [-41121]
      [1908] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1911] aastore
      [1912] dup
      [1913] sipush 204
      [1916] ldc #225
        + Integer [-41081]
      [1918] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1921] aastore
      [1922] dup
      [1923] sipush 205
      [1926] ldc #226
        + Integer [-41041]
      [1928] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1931] aastore
      [1932] dup
      [1933] sipush 206
      [1936] ldc #227
        + Integer [-41001]
      [1938] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1941] aastore
      [1942] dup
      [1943] sipush 207
      [1946] ldc #228
        + Integer [-40961]
      [1948] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1951] aastore
      [1952] dup
      [1953] sipush 208
      [1956] sipush -30976
      [1959] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1962] aastore
      [1963] dup
      [1964] sipush 209
      [1967] sipush -30881
      [1970] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1973] aastore
      [1974] dup
      [1975] sipush 210
      [1978] sipush -30841
      [1981] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1984] aastore
      [1985] dup
      [1986] sipush 211
      [1989] sipush -30801
      [1992] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [1995] aastore
      [1996] dup
      [1997] sipush 212
      [2000] sipush -30761
      [2003] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [2006] aastore
      [2007] dup
      [2008] sipush 213
      [2011] sipush -30721
      [2014] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [2017] aastore
      [2018] dup
      [2019] sipush 214
      [2022] sipush -20736
      [2025] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [2028] aastore
      [2029] dup
      [2030] sipush 215
      [2033] sipush -20641
      [2036] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [2039] aastore
      [2040] dup
      [2041] sipush 216
      [2044] sipush -20601
      [2047] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [2050] aastore
      [2051] dup
      [2052] sipush 217
      [2055] sipush -20561
      [2058] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [2061] aastore
      [2062] dup
      [2063] sipush 218
      [2066] sipush -20521
      [2069] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [2072] aastore
      [2073] dup
      [2074] sipush 219
      [2077] sipush -20481
      [2080] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [2083] aastore
      [2084] dup
      [2085] sipush 220
      [2088] sipush -10496
      [2091] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [2094] aastore
      [2095] dup
      [2096] sipush 221
      [2099] sipush -10401
      [2102] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [2105] aastore
      [2106] dup
      [2107] sipush 222
      [2110] sipush -10361
      [2113] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [2116] aastore
      [2117] dup
      [2118] sipush 223
      [2121] sipush -10321
      [2124] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [2127] aastore
      [2128] dup
      [2129] sipush 224
      [2132] sipush -10281
      [2135] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [2138] aastore
      [2139] dup
      [2140] sipush 225
      [2143] sipush -10241
      [2146] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [2149] aastore
      [2150] dup
      [2151] sipush 226
      [2154] sipush -256
      [2157] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [2160] aastore
      [2161] dup
      [2162] sipush 227
      [2165] sipush -161
      [2168] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [2171] aastore
      [2172] dup
      [2173] sipush 228
      [2176] bipush -121
      [2178] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [2181] aastore
      [2182] dup
      [2183] sipush 229
      [2186] bipush -81
      [2188] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [2191] aastore
      [2192] dup
      [2193] sipush 230
      [2196] bipush -41
      [2198] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [2201] aastore
      [2202] dup
      [2203] sipush 231
      [2206] iconst_m1
      [2207] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [2210] aastore
      [2211] dup
      [2212] sipush 232
      [2215] ldc #40
        + Integer [-16250872]
      [2217] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [2220] aastore
      [2221] dup
      [2222] sipush 233
      [2225] ldc #41
        + Integer [-15592942]
      [2227] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [2230] aastore
      [2231] dup
      [2232] sipush 234
      [2235] ldc #42
        + Integer [-14935012]
      [2237] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [2240] aastore
      [2241] dup
      [2242] sipush 235
      [2245] ldc #43
        + Integer [-14277082]
      [2247] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [2250] aastore
      [2251] dup
      [2252] sipush 236
      [2255] ldc #44
        + Integer [-13619152]
      [2257] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [2260] aastore
      [2261] dup
      [2262] sipush 237
      [2265] ldc #45
        + Integer [-12961222]
      [2267] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [2270] aastore
      [2271] dup
      [2272] sipush 238
      [2275] ldc #46
        + Integer [-12303292]
      [2277] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [2280] aastore
      [2281] dup
      [2282] sipush 239
      [2285] ldc #50
        + Integer [-11645362]
      [2287] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [2290] aastore
      [2291] dup
      [2292] sipush 240
      [2295] ldc #51
        + Integer [-10987432]
      [2297] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [2300] aastore
      [2301] dup
      [2302] sipush 241
      [2305] ldc #88
        + Integer [-10329502]
      [2307] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [2310] aastore
      [2311] dup
      [2312] sipush 242
      [2315] ldc #89
        + Integer [-9671572]
      [2317] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [2320] aastore
      [2321] dup
      [2322] sipush 243
      [2325] ldc #90
        + Integer [-9013642]
      [2327] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [2330] aastore
      [2331] dup
      [2332] sipush 244
      [2335] ldc #91
        + Integer [-8355712]
      [2337] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [2340] aastore
      [2341] dup
      [2342] sipush 245
      [2345] ldc #128
        + Integer [-7697782]
      [2347] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [2350] aastore
      [2351] dup
      [2352] sipush 246
      [2355] ldc #129
        + Integer [-7039852]
      [2357] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [2360] aastore
      [2361] dup
      [2362] sipush 247
      [2365] ldc #130
        + Integer [-6381922]
      [2367] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [2370] aastore
      [2371] dup
      [2372] sipush 248
      [2375] ldc #131
        + Integer [-5723992]
      [2377] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [2380] aastore
      [2381] dup
      [2382] sipush 249
      [2385] ldc #168
        + Integer [-5066062]
      [2387] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [2390] aastore
      [2391] dup
      [2392] sipush 250
      [2395] ldc #169
        + Integer [-4408132]
      [2397] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [2400] aastore
      [2401] dup
      [2402] sipush 251
      [2405] ldc #170
        + Integer [-3750202]
      [2407] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [2410] aastore
      [2411] dup
      [2412] sipush 252
      [2415] ldc #175
        + Integer [-3092272]
      [2417] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [2420] aastore
      [2421] dup
      [2422] sipush 253
      [2425] ldc #212
        + Integer [-2434342]
      [2427] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [2430] aastore
      [2431] dup
      [2432] sipush 254
      [2435] ldc #213
        + Integer [-1776412]
      [2437] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [2440] aastore
      [2441] dup
      [2442] sipush 255
      [2445] ldc #214
        + Integer [-1118482]
      [2447] invokestatic #233
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [2450] aastore
      [2451] putstatic #232
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/Colors.defaults [Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [2454] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 67)
        [0] -> line 25
        [8] -> line 26
        [16] -> line 27
        [24] -> line 28
        [32] -> line 29
        [40] -> line 30
        [48] -> line 31
        [57] -> line 32
        [66] -> line 33
        [75] -> line 34
        [84] -> line 35
        [93] -> line 36
        [102] -> line 37
        [112] -> line 38
        [121] -> line 39
        [130] -> line 40
        [139] -> line 41
        [147] -> line 42
        [192] -> line 43
        [237] -> line 44
        [282] -> line 45
        [327] -> line 46
        [372] -> line 47
        [417] -> line 48
        [462] -> line 49
        [507] -> line 50
        [552] -> line 51
        [597] -> line 52
        [642] -> line 53
        [687] -> line 54
        [732] -> line 55
        [777] -> line 56
        [822] -> line 57
        [867] -> line 58
        [912] -> line 59
        [957] -> line 60
        [1002] -> line 61
        [1047] -> line 62
        [1092] -> line 63
        [1137] -> line 64
        [1186] -> line 65
        [1236] -> line 66
        [1286] -> line 67
        [1336] -> line 68
        [1386] -> line 69
        [1436] -> line 70
        [1486] -> line 71
        [1536] -> line 72
        [1586] -> line 73
        [1636] -> line 74
        [1686] -> line 75
        [1736] -> line 76
        [1786] -> line 77
        [1836] -> line 78
        [1886] -> line 79
        [1936] -> line 80
        [1989] -> line 81
        [2044] -> line 82
        [2099] -> line 83
        [2154] -> line 84
        [2206] -> line 85
        [2255] -> line 86
        [2305] -> line 87
        [2355] -> line 88
        [2405] -> line 89
        [2451] -> line 25
        [2454] -> line 24
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public Colors()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #234
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 24
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/Colors; this]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x421
    = public abstract class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.EastAsianWidth extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 45):
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond$Holder]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo$Holder]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PreferenceConstants]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PreferenceConstants.PRE_FROYO Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond$Holder.access$0 ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo$Holder.access$0 ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [PRE_FROYO Z]
  + NameAndType [access$0 ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond;]
  + NameAndType [access$0 ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo;]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond;]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo;]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [([CII[BLandroid/graphics/Paint;I)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [FroyoAndBeyond]
  + Utf8 [Holder]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth;]
  + Utf8 [PRE_FROYO]
  + Utf8 [PreFroyo]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [getInstance]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [measure]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond$Holder]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo$Holder]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PreferenceConstants]
  + Utf8 [this]

Fields (count = 0):

Methods (count = 3):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public EastAsianWidth()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #9
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 27
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth; this]
  + Method:       getInstance()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth;
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.EastAsianWidth getInstance()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 14, locals = 0, stack = 1):
      [0] getstatic #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PreferenceConstants.PRE_FROYO Z]
      [3] ifeq +7 (target=10)
      [6] invokestatic #11
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo$Holder.access$0 ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo;]
      [9] areturn
      [10] invokestatic #10
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond$Holder.access$0 ()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond;]
      [13] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 29
        [6] -> line 30
        [10] -> line 32
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       measure([CII[BLandroid/graphics/Paint;I)V
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract void measure(char[],int,int,byte[],,int)

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 4)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0xa = private static 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth]
      + Utf8 [FroyoAndBeyond]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0xa = private static 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond$Holder]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond]
      + Utf8 [Holder]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0xa = private static 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth]
      + Utf8 [PreFroyo]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0xa = private static 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo$Holder]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo]
      + Utf8 [Holder]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond
  Superclass:    com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond extends com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.EastAsianWidth

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 41):
  + Class [android/text/AndroidCharacter]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond$Holder]
  + Methodref [android/text/AndroidCharacter.getEastAsianWidths ([CII[B)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [getEastAsianWidths ([CII[B)V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond;)V]
  + Utf8 [([CII[B)V]
  + Utf8 [([CII[BLandroid/graphics/Paint;I)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [FroyoAndBeyond]
  + Utf8 [Holder]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond;]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [[C]
  + Utf8 [android/text/AndroidCharacter]
  + Utf8 [charArray]
  + Utf8 [charWidth]
  + Utf8 [end]
  + Utf8 [getEastAsianWidths]
  + Utf8 [measure]
  + Utf8 [paint]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond$Holder]
  + Utf8 [start]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [wideAttribute]

Fields (count = 0):

Methods (count = 3):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #6
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 64
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond; this]
  + Method:       measure([CII[BLandroid/graphics/Paint;I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void measure(char[],int,int,byte[],,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 11, locals = 7, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] iload_2 v2
      [2] iload_3 v3
      [3] iload_2 v2
      [4] isub
      [5] aload v4
      [7] invokestatic #5
        + Methodref [android/text/AndroidCharacter.getEastAsianWidths ([CII[B)V]
      [10] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 72
        [10] -> line 73
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 11 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond; this]
        v1: 0 -> 11 [[C charArray]
        v2: 0 -> 11 [I start]
        v3: 0 -> 11 [I end]
        v4: 0 -> 11 [[B wideAttribute]
        v5: 0 -> 11 [Landroid/graphics/Paint; paint]
        v6: 0 -> 11 [I charWidth]
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond;)V
    Access flags: 0x1000
      = synthetic EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 2, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #7
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 64
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0xa = private static 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth]
      + Utf8 [FroyoAndBeyond]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0xa = private static 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond$Holder]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond]
      + Utf8 [Holder]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond$Holder
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond$Holder extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 33):
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond$Holder]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond$Holder.sInstance Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond;)V]
  + NameAndType [sInstance Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond;]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond;)V]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [FroyoAndBeyond]
  + Utf8 [Holder]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond$Holder;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond;]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [sInstance]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond$Holder]
  + Utf8 [this]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        sInstance Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond;
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond sInstance

Methods (count = 3):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 12, locals = 0, stack = 3):
      [0] new #3
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond]
      [3] dup
      [4] aconst_null
      [5] invokespecial #7
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond;)V]
      [8] putstatic #5
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond$Holder.sInstance Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond;]
      [11] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 66
        [11] -> line 65
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond$Holder()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #6
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 65
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond$Holder; this]
  + Method:       access$0()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond access$0()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 4, locals = 0, stack = 1):
      [0] getstatic #5
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond$Holder.sInstance Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond;]
      [3] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 66
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0xa = private static 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth]
      + Utf8 [FroyoAndBeyond]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0xa = private static 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond$Holder]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$FroyoAndBeyond]
      + Utf8 [Holder]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo
  Superclass:    com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo extends com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.EastAsianWidth

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 47):
  + Class [android/graphics/Paint]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo$Holder]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo.mWidths [F]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.getTextWidths ([CII[F)I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [getTextWidths ([CII[F)I]
  + NameAndType [mWidths [F]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo;)V]
  + Utf8 [([CII[BLandroid/graphics/Paint;I)V]
  + Utf8 [([CII[F)I]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Holder]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo;]
  + Utf8 [N]
  + Utf8 [PreFroyo]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [[C]
  + Utf8 [[F]
  + Utf8 [android/graphics/Paint]
  + Utf8 [charArray]
  + Utf8 [charWidth]
  + Utf8 [end]
  + Utf8 [getTextWidths]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [mWidths]
  + Utf8 [measure]
  + Utf8 [paint]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo$Holder]
  + Utf8 [start]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [wideAttribute]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        mWidths [F
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private float[] mWidths

Methods (count = 3):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 14, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #7
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth.<init> ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] sipush 4096
      [8] newarray 6
      [10] putfield #5
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo.mWidths [F]
      [13] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 44
        [4] -> line 46
        [13] -> line 44
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 14 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo; this]
  + Method:       measure([CII[BLandroid/graphics/Paint;I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void measure(char[],int,int,byte[],,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 59, locals = 9, stack = 5):
      [0] aload v5
      [2] aload_1 v1
      [3] iload_2 v2
      [4] iload_3 v3
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo.mWidths [F]
      [9] invokevirtual #6
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.getTextWidths ([CII[F)I]
      [12] pop
      [13] iload_3 v3
      [14] iload_2 v2
      [15] isub
      [16] istore v7
      [18] iconst_0
      [19] istore v8
      [21] goto +30 (target=51)
      [24] aload v4
      [26] iload v8
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo.mWidths [F]
      [32] iload v8
      [34] faload
      [35] f2i
      [36] iload v6
      [38] ificmpeq +7 (target=45)
      [41] iconst_5
      [42] goto +4 (target=46)
      [45] iconst_4
      [46] i2b
      [47] bastore
      [48] iinc v8, 1
      [51] iload v8
      [53] iload v7
      [55] ificmplt -31 (target=24)
      [58] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 55
        [13] -> line 56
        [18] -> line 57
        [24] -> line 58
        [41] -> line 59
        [45] -> line 60
        [47] -> line 58
        [48] -> line 57
        [58] -> line 61
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 9)
        v0: 0 -> 59 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo; this]
        v1: 0 -> 59 [[C charArray]
        v2: 0 -> 59 [I start]
        v3: 0 -> 59 [I end]
        v4: 0 -> 59 [[B wideAttribute]
        v5: 0 -> 59 [Landroid/graphics/Paint; paint]
        v6: 0 -> 59 [I charWidth]
        v7: 18 -> 59 [I N]
        v8: 21 -> 58 [I i]
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo;)V
    Access flags: 0x1000
      = synthetic EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 2, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #8
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 44
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0xa = private static 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth]
      + Utf8 [PreFroyo]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0xa = private static 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo$Holder]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo]
      + Utf8 [Holder]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo$Holder
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo$Holder extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 33):
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo$Holder]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo$Holder.sInstance Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo;)V]
  + NameAndType [sInstance Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo;]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo;)V]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Holder]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo$Holder;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo;]
  + Utf8 [PreFroyo]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [sInstance]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo$Holder]
  + Utf8 [this]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        sInstance Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo;
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo sInstance

Methods (count = 3):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 12, locals = 0, stack = 3):
      [0] new #3
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo]
      [3] dup
      [4] aconst_null
      [5] invokespecial #7
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo;)V]
      [8] putstatic #5
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo$Holder.sInstance Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo;]
      [11] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 49
        [11] -> line 48
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo$Holder()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #6
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 48
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo$Holder; this]
  + Method:       access$0()Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo access$0()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 4, locals = 0, stack = 1):
      [0] getstatic #5
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo$Holder.sInstance Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo;]
      [3] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 49
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0xa = private static 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth]
      + Utf8 [PreFroyo]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0xa = private static 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo$Holder]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EastAsianWidth$PreFroyo]
      + Utf8 [Holder]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/Encryptor
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x31
    = public final class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.Encryptor extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 110):
  + String [AES]
  + String [AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding]
  + String [SHA-256]
  + String [SHA1PRNG]
  + String [UTF-8]
  + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Class [java/security/MessageDigest]
  + Class [java/security/SecureRandom]
  + Class [java/util/Arrays]
  + Class [javax/crypto/Cipher]
  + Class [javax/crypto/spec/IvParameterSpec]
  + Class [javax/crypto/spec/SecretKeySpec]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/Encryptor]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.getBytes (Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Methodref [java/security/MessageDigest.digest ([B)[B]
  + Methodref [java/security/MessageDigest.getInstance (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/MessageDigest;]
  + Methodref [java/security/MessageDigest.reset ()V]
  + Methodref [java/security/SecureRandom.getInstance (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
  + Methodref [java/security/SecureRandom.nextBytes ([B)V]
  + Methodref [java/util/Arrays.fill ([BB)V]
  + Methodref [javax/crypto/Cipher.doFinal ([B)[B]
  + Methodref [javax/crypto/Cipher.getInstance (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljavax/crypto/Cipher;]
  + Methodref [javax/crypto/Cipher.init (ILjava/security/Key;Ljava/security/spec/AlgorithmParameterSpec;)V]
  + Methodref [javax/crypto/spec/IvParameterSpec.<init> ([B)V]
  + Methodref [javax/crypto/spec/SecretKeySpec.<init> ([BLjava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([BLjava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [digest ([B)[B]
  + NameAndType [doFinal ([B)[B]
  + NameAndType [fill ([BB)V]
  + NameAndType [getBytes (Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
  + NameAndType [getInstance (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/MessageDigest;]
  + NameAndType [getInstance (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
  + NameAndType [getInstance (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljavax/crypto/Cipher;]
  + NameAndType [init (ILjava/security/Key;Ljava/security/spec/AlgorithmParameterSpec;)V]
  + NameAndType [nextBytes ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [reset ()V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(ILjava/security/Key;Ljava/security/spec/AlgorithmParameterSpec;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/MessageDigest;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljavax/crypto/Cipher;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)[B]
  + Utf8 [([BB)V]
  + Utf8 [([BILjava/lang/String;[B)[B]
  + Utf8 [([BLjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [AES]
  + Utf8 [AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/security/MessageDigest;]
  + Utf8 [Ljavax/crypto/Cipher;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/Encryptor;]
  + Utf8 [SHA-256]
  + Utf8 [SHA1PRNG]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [UTF-8]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [arraycopy]
  + Utf8 [cipher]
  + Utf8 [ciphertext]
  + Utf8 [cleartext]
  + Utf8 [decrypt]
  + Utf8 [digest]
  + Utf8 [doFinal]
  + Utf8 [encrypt]
  + Utf8 [fill]
  + Utf8 [getBytes]
  + Utf8 [getInstance]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [init]
  + Utf8 [iterations]
  + Utf8 [iv]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Exception]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [java/security/MessageDigest]
  + Utf8 [java/security/SecureRandom]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Arrays]
  + Utf8 [javax/crypto/Cipher]
  + Utf8 [javax/crypto/spec/IvParameterSpec]
  + Utf8 [javax/crypto/spec/SecretKeySpec]
  + Utf8 [key]
  + Utf8 [nextBytes]
  + Utf8 [password]
  + Utf8 [pw]
  + Utf8 [reset]
  + Utf8 [salt]
  + Utf8 [salted]
  + Utf8 [shaDigest]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/Encryptor]
  + Utf8 [this]

Fields (count = 0):

Methods (count = 3):
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private Encryptor()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #17
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 62
        [4] -> line 63
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/Encryptor; this]
  + Method:       encrypt([BILjava/lang/String;[B)[B
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static byte[] encrypt(byte[],int,java.lang.String,byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 192, locals = 9, stack = 6):
      [0] ldc #4
        + String [SHA1PRNG]
      [2] invokestatic #23
        + Methodref [java/security/SecureRandom.getInstance (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [java/security/SecureRandom.nextBytes ([B)V]
      [9] ldc #3
        + String [SHA-256]
      [11] invokestatic #21
        + Methodref [java/security/MessageDigest.getInstance (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/MessageDigest;]
      [14] astore v4
      [16] aload_2 v2
      [17] ldc #5
        + String [UTF-8]
      [19] invokevirtual #18
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.getBytes (Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
      [22] astore v5
      [24] iconst_0
      [25] istore v6
      [27] goto +66 (target=93)
      [30] aload v5
      [32] arraylength
      [33] aload_0 v0
      [34] arraylength
      [35] iadd
      [36] newarray 8
      [38] astore v7
      [40] aload v5
      [42] iconst_0
      [43] aload v7
      [45] iconst_0
      [46] aload v5
      [48] arraylength
      [49] invokestatic #19
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [52] aload_0 v0
      [53] iconst_0
      [54] aload v7
      [56] aload v5
      [58] arraylength
      [59] aload_0 v0
      [60] arraylength
      [61] invokestatic #19
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [64] aload v5
      [66] iconst_0
      [67] invokestatic #25
        + Methodref [java/util/Arrays.fill ([BB)V]
      [70] aload v4
      [72] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [java/security/MessageDigest.reset ()V]
      [75] aload v4
      [77] aload v7
      [79] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [java/security/MessageDigest.digest ([B)[B]
      [82] astore v5
      [84] aload v7
      [86] iconst_0
      [87] invokestatic #25
        + Methodref [java/util/Arrays.fill ([BB)V]
      [90] iinc v6, 1
      [93] iload v6
      [95] iload_1 v1
      [96] ificmplt -66 (target=30)
      [99] bipush 16
      [101] newarray 8
      [103] astore v6
      [105] bipush 16
      [107] newarray 8
      [109] astore v7
      [111] aload v5
      [113] iconst_0
      [114] aload v6
      [116] iconst_0
      [117] bipush 16
      [119] invokestatic #19
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [122] aload v5
      [124] bipush 16
      [126] aload v7
      [128] iconst_0
      [129] bipush 16
      [131] invokestatic #19
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [134] aload v5
      [136] iconst_0
      [137] invokestatic #25
        + Methodref [java/util/Arrays.fill ([BB)V]
      [140] ldc #2
        + String [AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding]
      [142] invokestatic #27
        + Methodref [javax/crypto/Cipher.getInstance (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljavax/crypto/Cipher;]
      [145] astore v8
      [147] aload v8
      [149] iconst_1
      [150] new #15
        + Class [javax/crypto/spec/SecretKeySpec]
      [153] dup
      [154] aload v6
      [156] ldc #1
        + String [AES]
      [158] invokespecial #30
        + Methodref [javax/crypto/spec/SecretKeySpec.<init> ([BLjava/lang/String;)V]
      [161] new #14
        + Class [javax/crypto/spec/IvParameterSpec]
      [164] dup
      [165] aload v7
      [167] invokespecial #29
        + Methodref [javax/crypto/spec/IvParameterSpec.<init> ([B)V]
      [170] invokevirtual #28
        + Methodref [javax/crypto/Cipher.init (ILjava/security/Key;Ljava/security/spec/AlgorithmParameterSpec;)V]
      [173] aload v6
      [175] iconst_0
      [176] invokestatic #25
        + Methodref [java/util/Arrays.fill ([BB)V]
      [179] aload v7
      [181] iconst_0
      [182] invokestatic #25
        + Methodref [java/util/Arrays.fill ([BB)V]
      [185] aload v8
      [187] aload_3 v3
      [188] invokevirtual #26
        + Methodref [javax/crypto/Cipher.doFinal ([B)[B]
      [191] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 26)
        [0] -> line 96
        [9] -> line 99
        [16] -> line 100
        [24] -> line 102
        [30] -> line 105
        [40] -> line 106
        [52] -> line 107
        [64] -> line 108
        [70] -> line 111
        [75] -> line 112
        [84] -> line 113
        [90] -> line 102
        [99] -> line 117
        [105] -> line 118
        [111] -> line 119
        [122] -> line 120
        [134] -> line 121
        [140] -> line 124
        [147] -> line 126
        [149] -> line 127
        [150] -> line 128
        [161] -> line 129
        [170] -> line 126
        [173] -> line 131
        [179] -> line 132
        [185] -> line 134
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 11)
        v0: 0 -> 192 [[B salt]
        v1: 0 -> 192 [I iterations]
        v2: 0 -> 192 [Ljava/lang/String; password]
        v3: 0 -> 192 [[B cleartext]
        v4: 16 -> 192 [Ljava/security/MessageDigest; shaDigest]
        v5: 24 -> 192 [[B pw]
        v6: 27 -> 99 [I i]
        v7: 40 -> 90 [[B salted]
        v6: 105 -> 192 [[B key]
        v7: 111 -> 192 [[B iv]
        v8: 147 -> 192 [Ljavax/crypto/Cipher; cipher]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Method:       decrypt([BILjava/lang/String;[B)[B
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static byte[] decrypt(byte[],int,java.lang.String,byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 183, locals = 9, stack = 6):
      [0] ldc #3
        + String [SHA-256]
      [2] invokestatic #21
        + Methodref [java/security/MessageDigest.getInstance (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/MessageDigest;]
      [5] astore v4
      [7] aload_2 v2
      [8] ldc #5
        + String [UTF-8]
      [10] invokevirtual #18
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.getBytes (Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
      [13] astore v5
      [15] iconst_0
      [16] istore v6
      [18] goto +66 (target=84)
      [21] aload v5
      [23] arraylength
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] arraylength
      [26] iadd
      [27] newarray 8
      [29] astore v7
      [31] aload v5
      [33] iconst_0
      [34] aload v7
      [36] iconst_0
      [37] aload v5
      [39] arraylength
      [40] invokestatic #19
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] iconst_0
      [45] aload v7
      [47] aload v5
      [49] arraylength
      [50] aload_0 v0
      [51] arraylength
      [52] invokestatic #19
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [55] aload v5
      [57] iconst_0
      [58] invokestatic #25
        + Methodref [java/util/Arrays.fill ([BB)V]
      [61] aload v4
      [63] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [java/security/MessageDigest.reset ()V]
      [66] aload v4
      [68] aload v7
      [70] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [java/security/MessageDigest.digest ([B)[B]
      [73] astore v5
      [75] aload v7
      [77] iconst_0
      [78] invokestatic #25
        + Methodref [java/util/Arrays.fill ([BB)V]
      [81] iinc v6, 1
      [84] iload v6
      [86] iload_1 v1
      [87] ificmplt -66 (target=21)
      [90] bipush 16
      [92] newarray 8
      [94] astore v6
      [96] bipush 16
      [98] newarray 8
      [100] astore v7
      [102] aload v5
      [104] iconst_0
      [105] aload v6
      [107] iconst_0
      [108] bipush 16
      [110] invokestatic #19
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [113] aload v5
      [115] bipush 16
      [117] aload v7
      [119] iconst_0
      [120] bipush 16
      [122] invokestatic #19
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [125] aload v5
      [127] iconst_0
      [128] invokestatic #25
        + Methodref [java/util/Arrays.fill ([BB)V]
      [131] ldc #2
        + String [AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding]
      [133] invokestatic #27
        + Methodref [javax/crypto/Cipher.getInstance (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljavax/crypto/Cipher;]
      [136] astore v8
      [138] aload v8
      [140] iconst_2
      [141] new #15
        + Class [javax/crypto/spec/SecretKeySpec]
      [144] dup
      [145] aload v6
      [147] ldc #1
        + String [AES]
      [149] invokespecial #30
        + Methodref [javax/crypto/spec/SecretKeySpec.<init> ([BLjava/lang/String;)V]
      [152] new #14
        + Class [javax/crypto/spec/IvParameterSpec]
      [155] dup
      [156] aload v7
      [158] invokespecial #29
        + Methodref [javax/crypto/spec/IvParameterSpec.<init> ([B)V]
      [161] invokevirtual #28
        + Methodref [javax/crypto/Cipher.init (ILjava/security/Key;Ljava/security/spec/AlgorithmParameterSpec;)V]
      [164] aload v6
      [166] iconst_0
      [167] invokestatic #25
        + Methodref [java/util/Arrays.fill ([BB)V]
      [170] aload v7
      [172] iconst_0
      [173] invokestatic #25
        + Methodref [java/util/Arrays.fill ([BB)V]
      [176] aload v8
      [178] aload_3 v3
      [179] invokevirtual #26
        + Methodref [javax/crypto/Cipher.doFinal ([B)[B]
      [182] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 25)
        [0] -> line 168
        [7] -> line 169
        [15] -> line 171
        [21] -> line 174
        [31] -> line 175
        [43] -> line 176
        [55] -> line 177
        [61] -> line 180
        [66] -> line 181
        [75] -> line 182
        [81] -> line 171
        [90] -> line 186
        [96] -> line 187
        [102] -> line 188
        [113] -> line 189
        [125] -> line 190
        [131] -> line 193
        [138] -> line 195
        [140] -> line 196
        [141] -> line 197
        [152] -> line 198
        [161] -> line 195
        [164] -> line 200
        [170] -> line 201
        [176] -> line 203
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 11)
        v0: 0 -> 183 [[B salt]
        v1: 0 -> 183 [I iterations]
        v2: 0 -> 183 [Ljava/lang/String; password]
        v3: 0 -> 183 [[B ciphertext]
        v4: 7 -> 183 [Ljava/security/MessageDigest; shaDigest]
        v5: 15 -> 183 [[B pw]
        v6: 18 -> 90 [I i]
        v7: 31 -> 81 [[B salted]
        v6: 96 -> 183 [[B key]
        v7: 102 -> 183 [[B iv]
        v8: 138 -> 183 [Ljavax/crypto/Cipher; cipher]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyDialog
  Superclass:    android/app/Dialog
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.EntropyDialog extends

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/OnEntropyGatheredListener]

Constant Pool (count = 54):
  + Integer [2130903050]
  + Integer [2131230742]
  + Integer [2131427365]
  + Class [android/app/Dialog]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyDialog]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/OnEntropyGatheredListener]
  + Methodref [android/app/Dialog.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyDialog.dismiss ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyDialog.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyDialog.setContentView (I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyDialog.setContentView (Landroid/view/View;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyDialog.setTitle (I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.addOnEntropyGatheredListener (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/OnEntropyGatheredListener;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + NameAndType [addOnEntropyGatheredListener (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/OnEntropyGatheredListener;)V]
  + NameAndType [dismiss ()V]
  + NameAndType [findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + NameAndType [setContentView (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setContentView (Landroid/view/View;)V]
  + NameAndType [setTitle (I)V]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/view/View;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/OnEntropyGatheredListener;)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/Context;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyDialog;]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [addOnEntropyGatheredListener]
  + Utf8 [android/app/Dialog]
  + Utf8 [context]
  + Utf8 [dismiss]
  + Utf8 [entropy]
  + Utf8 [findViewById]
  + Utf8 [onEntropyGathered]
  + Utf8 [setContentView]
  + Utf8 [setTitle]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyDialog]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/OnEntropyGatheredListener]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [view]

Fields (count = 0):

Methods (count = 3):
  + Method:       <init>(Landroid/content/Context;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public EntropyDialog(android.content.Context)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 31, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #8
        + Methodref [android/app/Dialog.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] ldc #1
        + Integer [2130903050]
      [8] invokevirtual #11
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyDialog.setContentView (I)V]
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] ldc #2
        + Integer [2131230742]
      [14] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyDialog.setTitle (I)V]
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] ldc #3
        + Integer [2131427365]
      [20] invokevirtual #10
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyDialog.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [23] checkcast #6
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView]
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] invokevirtual #14
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.addOnEntropyGatheredListener (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/OnEntropyGatheredListener;)V]
      [30] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 28
        [5] -> line 30
        [11] -> line 31
        [17] -> line 33
        [30] -> line 34
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 31 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyDialog; this]
        v1: 0 -> 31 [Landroid/content/Context; context]
  + Method:       <init>(Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/view/View;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public EntropyDialog(android.content.Context,android.view.View)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 30, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #8
        + Methodref [android/app/Dialog.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_2 v2
      [7] invokevirtual #12
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyDialog.setContentView (Landroid/view/View;)V]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] ldc #2
        + Integer [2131230742]
      [13] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyDialog.setTitle (I)V]
      [16] aload_0 v0
      [17] ldc #3
        + Integer [2131427365]
      [19] invokevirtual #10
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyDialog.findViewById (I)Landroid/view/View;]
      [22] checkcast #6
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView]
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] invokevirtual #14
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.addOnEntropyGatheredListener (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/OnEntropyGatheredListener;)V]
      [29] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 37
        [5] -> line 39
        [10] -> line 40
        [16] -> line 42
        [29] -> line 43
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 30 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyDialog; this]
        v1: 0 -> 30 [Landroid/content/Context; context]
        v2: 0 -> 30 [Landroid/view/View; view]
  + Method:       onEntropyGathered([B)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onEntropyGathered(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 2, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokevirtual #9
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyDialog.dismiss ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 46
        [4] -> line 47
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyDialog; this]
        v1: 0 -> 5 [[B entropy]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView
  Superclass:    android/view/View
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.EntropyView extends android.view.View

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 258):
  + Integer [2131230743]
  + Float [16.0]
  + String [ ]
  + Class [android/content/res/Resources]
  + Class [android/graphics/Canvas]
  + Class [android/graphics/Paint]
  + Class [android/graphics/Paint$Align]
  + Class [android/graphics/Paint$FontMetrics]
  + Class [android/graphics/Typeface]
  + Class [android/view/MotionEvent]
  + Class [android/view/View]
  + Class [java/lang/Integer]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Class [java/util/Iterator]
  + Class [java/util/Vector]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/OnEntropyGatheredListener]
  + Long [50]
  + Double [0.8]
  + Double [5.0]
  + Double [8.0]
  + Double [20.0]
  + Double [100.0]
  + Fieldref [android/graphics/Paint$Align.CENTER Landroid/graphics/Paint$Align;]
  + Fieldref [android/graphics/Paint$FontMetrics.ascent F]
  + Fieldref [android/graphics/Paint$FontMetrics.descent F]
  + Fieldref [android/graphics/Typeface.DEFAULT Landroid/graphics/Typeface;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.lastX F]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.lastY F]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.listeners Ljava/util/Vector;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mEntropy [B]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mEntropyBitIndex I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mEntropyByteIndex I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mFlipFlop Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mFontMetrics Landroid/graphics/Paint$FontMetrics;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mLastTime J]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.splitText I]
  + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawText (Ljava/lang/String;FFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.ascent ()F]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.descent ()F]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.getFontMetrics ()Landroid/graphics/Paint$FontMetrics;]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.measureText (Ljava/lang/String;)F]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setAntiAlias (Z)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setColor (I)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setTextAlign (Landroid/graphics/Paint$Align;)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setTextSize (F)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setTypeface (Landroid/graphics/Typeface;)Landroid/graphics/Typeface;]
  + Methodref [android/view/MotionEvent.getX ()F]
  + Methodref [android/view/MotionEvent.getY ()F]
  + Methodref [android/view/View.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Methodref [android/view/View.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/util/AttributeSet;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.indexOf (Ljava/lang/String;I)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (II)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.currentTimeMillis ()J]
  + Methodref [java/util/Vector.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/util/Vector.add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Methodref [java/util/Vector.iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.getHeight ()I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.getWidth ()I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.invalidate ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.setUpEntropy ()V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Iterator.hasNext ()Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/ ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/OnEntropyGatheredListener.onEntropyGathered ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/util/AttributeSet;)V]
  + NameAndType [CENTER Landroid/graphics/Paint$Align;]
  + NameAndType [DEFAULT Landroid/graphics/Typeface;]
  + NameAndType [add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [ascent ()F]
  + NameAndType [ascent F]
  + NameAndType [currentTimeMillis ()J]
  + NameAndType [descent ()F]
  + NameAndType [descent F]
  + NameAndType [drawText (Ljava/lang/String;FFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
  + NameAndType [format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getFontMetrics ()Landroid/graphics/Paint$FontMetrics;]
  + NameAndType [getHeight ()I]
  + NameAndType [getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + NameAndType [getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getWidth ()I]
  + NameAndType [getX ()F]
  + NameAndType [getY ()F]
  + NameAndType [hasNext ()Z]
  + NameAndType [indexOf (Ljava/lang/String;I)I]
  + NameAndType [invalidate ()V]
  + NameAndType [iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
  + NameAndType [lastX F]
  + NameAndType [lastY F]
  + NameAndType [length ()I]
  + NameAndType [listeners Ljava/util/Vector;]
  + NameAndType [mEntropy [B]
  + NameAndType [mEntropyBitIndex I]
  + NameAndType [mEntropyByteIndex I]
  + NameAndType [mFlipFlop Z]
  + NameAndType [mFontMetrics Landroid/graphics/Paint$FontMetrics;]
  + NameAndType [mLastTime J]
  + NameAndType [mPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
  + NameAndType [measureText (Ljava/lang/String;)F]
  + NameAndType [next ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [onEntropyGathered ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [setAntiAlias (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [setColor (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setTextAlign (Landroid/graphics/Paint$Align;)V]
  + NameAndType [setTextSize (F)V]
  + NameAndType [setTypeface (Landroid/graphics/Typeface;)Landroid/graphics/Typeface;]
  + NameAndType [setUpEntropy ()V]
  + NameAndType [splitText I]
  + NameAndType [substring (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [substring (II)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Utf8 [ ]
  + Utf8 [()F]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()J]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/graphics/Paint$FontMetrics;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(F)V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(II)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/util/AttributeSet;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/graphics/Canvas;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/graphics/Paint$Align;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/graphics/Typeface;)Landroid/graphics/Typeface;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/MotionEvent;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)F]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;FFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;I)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/OnEntropyGatheredListener;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Align]
  + Utf8 [B]
  + Utf8 [CENTER]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [DEFAULT]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [F]
  + Utf8 [FontMetrics]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [J]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/Context;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/graphics/Canvas;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/graphics/Paint$Align;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/graphics/Paint$FontMetrics;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/graphics/Typeface;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/util/AttributeSet;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/MotionEvent;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Vector;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Vector<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/OnEntropyGatheredListener;>;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/OnEntropyGatheredListener;]
  + Utf8 [Signature]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [add]
  + Utf8 [addOnEntropyGatheredListener]
  + Utf8 [android/content/res/Resources]
  + Utf8 [android/graphics/Canvas]
  + Utf8 [android/graphics/Paint]
  + Utf8 [android/graphics/Paint$Align]
  + Utf8 [android/graphics/Paint$FontMetrics]
  + Utf8 [android/graphics/Typeface]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MotionEvent]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View]
  + Utf8 [ascent]
  + Utf8 [attrs]
  + Utf8 [c]
  + Utf8 [context]
  + Utf8 [currentTimeMillis]
  + Utf8 [descent]
  + Utf8 [drawText]
  + Utf8 [event]
  + Utf8 [format]
  + Utf8 [getFontMetrics]
  + Utf8 [getHeight]
  + Utf8 [getResources]
  + Utf8 [getString]
  + Utf8 [getWidth]
  + Utf8 [getX]
  + Utf8 [getY]
  + Utf8 [hasNext]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [indexOf]
  + Utf8 [input]
  + Utf8 [invalidate]
  + Utf8 [iterator]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Integer]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Iterator]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Vector]
  + Utf8 [lastX]
  + Utf8 [lastY]
  + Utf8 [length]
  + Utf8 [listener]
  + Utf8 [listeners]
  + Utf8 [mEntropy]
  + Utf8 [mEntropyBitIndex]
  + Utf8 [mEntropyByteIndex]
  + Utf8 [mFlipFlop]
  + Utf8 [mFontMetrics]
  + Utf8 [mLastTime]
  + Utf8 [mPaint]
  + Utf8 [measureText]
  + Utf8 [next]
  + Utf8 [now]
  + Utf8 [onDraw]
  + Utf8 [onEntropyGathered]
  + Utf8 [onTouchEvent]
  + Utf8 [prompt]
  + Utf8 [setAntiAlias]
  + Utf8 [setColor]
  + Utf8 [setTextAlign]
  + Utf8 [setTextSize]
  + Utf8 [setTypeface]
  + Utf8 [setUpEntropy]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/OnEntropyGatheredListener]
  + Utf8 [splitText]
  + Utf8 [substring]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [valueOf]

Fields (count = 11):
  + Field:        mPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private mPaint
  + Field:        mFontMetrics Landroid/graphics/Paint$FontMetrics;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private$FontMetrics mFontMetrics
  + Field:        mFlipFlop Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean mFlipFlop
  + Field:        mLastTime J
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private long mLastTime
  + Field:        listeners Ljava/util/Vector;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.util.Vector listeners
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Vector<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/OnEntropyGatheredListener;>;]
  + Field:        mEntropy [B
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private byte[] mEntropy
  + Field:        mEntropyByteIndex I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int mEntropyByteIndex
  + Field:        mEntropyBitIndex I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int mEntropyBitIndex
  + Field:        splitText I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int splitText
  + Field:        lastX F
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private float lastX
  + Field:        lastY F
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private float lastY

Methods (count = 6):
  + Method:       <init>(Landroid/content/Context;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public EntropyView(android.content.Context)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 25, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #61
        + Methodref [android/view/View.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] iconst_0
      [7] putfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.splitText I]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] fconst_0
      [12] putfield #36
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.lastX F]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] fconst_0
      [17] putfield #37
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.lastY F]
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] invokespecial #77
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.setUpEntropy ()V]
      [24] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 52
        [5] -> line 47
        [10] -> line 49
        [20] -> line 54
        [24] -> line 55
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 25 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView; this]
        v1: 0 -> 25 [Landroid/content/Context; context]
  + Method:       <init>(Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/util/AttributeSet;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public EntropyView(android.content.Context,android.util.AttributeSet)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 26, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] aload_2 v2
      [3] invokespecial #62
        + Methodref [android/view/View.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/util/AttributeSet;)V]
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] iconst_0
      [8] putfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.splitText I]
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] fconst_0
      [13] putfield #36
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.lastX F]
      [16] aload_0 v0
      [17] fconst_0
      [18] putfield #37
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.lastY F]
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] invokespecial #77
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.setUpEntropy ()V]
      [25] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 58
        [6] -> line 47
        [11] -> line 49
        [21] -> line 60
        [25] -> line 61
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 26 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView; this]
        v1: 0 -> 26 [Landroid/content/Context; context]
        v2: 0 -> 26 [Landroid/util/AttributeSet; attrs]
  + Method:       setUpEntropy()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void setUpEntropy()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 98, locals = 1, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] new #6
        + Class [android/graphics/Paint]
      [4] dup
      [5] invokespecial #49
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.<init> ()V]
      [8] putfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [15] iconst_1
      [16] invokevirtual #54
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setAntiAlias (Z)V]
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [23] getstatic #35
        + Fieldref [android/graphics/Typeface.DEFAULT Landroid/graphics/Typeface;]
      [26] invokevirtual #58
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setTypeface (Landroid/graphics/Typeface;)Landroid/graphics/Typeface;]
      [29] pop
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [34] getstatic #32
        + Fieldref [android/graphics/Paint$Align.CENTER Landroid/graphics/Paint$Align;]
      [37] invokevirtual #56
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setTextAlign (Landroid/graphics/Paint$Align;)V]
      [40] aload_0 v0
      [41] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [44] ldc #2
        + Float [16.0]
      [46] invokevirtual #57
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setTextSize (F)V]
      [49] aload_0 v0
      [50] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [53] iconst_m1
      [54] invokevirtual #55
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setColor (I)V]
      [57] aload_0 v0
      [58] aload_0 v0
      [59] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [62] invokevirtual #52
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.getFontMetrics ()Landroid/graphics/Paint$FontMetrics;]
      [65] putfield #43
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mFontMetrics Landroid/graphics/Paint$FontMetrics;]
      [68] aload_0 v0
      [69] bipush 20
      [71] newarray 8
      [73] putfield #39
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mEntropy [B]
      [76] aload_0 v0
      [77] iconst_0
      [78] putfield #41
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mEntropyByteIndex I]
      [81] aload_0 v0
      [82] iconst_0
      [83] putfield #40
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mEntropyBitIndex I]
      [86] aload_0 v0
      [87] new #17
        + Class [java/util/Vector]
      [90] dup
      [91] invokespecial #70
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.<init> ()V]
      [94] putfield #38
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.listeners Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [97] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 12)
        [0] -> line 64
        [11] -> line 65
        [19] -> line 66
        [30] -> line 67
        [40] -> line 68
        [49] -> line 69
        [57] -> line 70
        [68] -> line 72
        [76] -> line 73
        [81] -> line 74
        [86] -> line 76
        [97] -> line 77
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 98 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView; this]
  + Method:       addOnEntropyGatheredListener(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/OnEntropyGatheredListener;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void addOnEntropyGatheredListener(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.OnEntropyGatheredListener)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #38
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.listeners Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] invokevirtual #71
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [8] pop
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 80
        [9] -> line 81
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView; this]
        v1: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/OnEntropyGatheredListener; listener]
  + Method:       onDraw(Landroid/graphics/Canvas;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onDraw(
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 242, locals = 3, stack = 11):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokevirtual #74
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.getResources ()Landroid/content/res/Resources;]
      [4] ldc #1
        + Integer [2131230743]
      [6] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [android/content/res/Resources.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [9] iconst_1
      [10] anewarray #13
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [13] dup
      [14] iconst_0
      [15] ldc2_w #30
        + Double [100.0]
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mEntropyByteIndex I]
      [22] i2d
      [23] ldc2_w #28
        + Double [20.0]
      [26] ddiv
      [27] dmul
      [28] d2i
      [29] ldc2_w #24
        + Double [5.0]
      [32] aload_0 v0
      [33] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mEntropyBitIndex I]
      [36] i2d
      [37] ldc2_w #26
        + Double [8.0]
      [40] ddiv
      [41] dmul
      [42] d2i
      [43] iadd
      [44] invokestatic #63
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [47] aastore
      [48] invokestatic #64
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [51] astore_2 v2
      [52] aload_0 v0
      [53] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.splitText I]
      [56] ifgt +25 (target=81)
      [59] aload_0 v0
      [60] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [63] aload_2 v2
      [64] invokevirtual #53
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.measureText (Ljava/lang/String;)F]
      [67] f2d
      [68] aload_0 v0
      [69] invokevirtual #75
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.getWidth ()I]
      [72] i2d
      [73] ldc2_w #22
        + Double [0.8]
      [76] dmul
      [77] dcmpl
      [78] ifle +122 (target=200)
      [81] aload_0 v0
      [82] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.splitText I]
      [85] ifne +19 (target=104)
      [88] aload_0 v0
      [89] aload_2 v2
      [90] ldc #3
        + String [ ]
      [92] aload_2 v2
      [93] invokevirtual #66
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
      [96] iconst_2
      [97] idiv
      [98] invokevirtual #65
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.indexOf (Ljava/lang/String;I)I]
      [101] putfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.splitText I]
      [104] aload_1 v1
      [105] aload_2 v2
      [106] iconst_0
      [107] aload_0 v0
      [108] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.splitText I]
      [111] invokevirtual #68
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (II)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [114] aload_0 v0
      [115] invokevirtual #75
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.getWidth ()I]
      [118] i2f
      [119] fconst_2
      [120] fdiv
      [121] aload_0 v0
      [122] invokevirtual #73
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.getHeight ()I]
      [125] i2f
      [126] fconst_2
      [127] fdiv
      [128] aload_0 v0
      [129] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [132] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.ascent ()F]
      [135] aload_0 v0
      [136] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [139] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.descent ()F]
      [142] fadd
      [143] fadd
      [144] aload_0 v0
      [145] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [148] invokevirtual #48
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawText (Ljava/lang/String;FFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [151] aload_1 v1
      [152] aload_2 v2
      [153] aload_0 v0
      [154] getfield #46
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.splitText I]
      [157] invokevirtual #67
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [160] aload_0 v0
      [161] invokevirtual #75
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.getWidth ()I]
      [164] i2f
      [165] fconst_2
      [166] fdiv
      [167] aload_0 v0
      [168] invokevirtual #73
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.getHeight ()I]
      [171] i2f
      [172] fconst_2
      [173] fdiv
      [174] aload_0 v0
      [175] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [178] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.ascent ()F]
      [181] aload_0 v0
      [182] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [185] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.descent ()F]
      [188] fadd
      [189] fsub
      [190] aload_0 v0
      [191] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [194] invokevirtual #48
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawText (Ljava/lang/String;FFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [197] goto +44 (target=241)
      [200] aload_1 v1
      [201] aload_2 v2
      [202] aload_0 v0
      [203] invokevirtual #75
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.getWidth ()I]
      [206] i2f
      [207] fconst_2
      [208] fdiv
      [209] aload_0 v0
      [210] invokevirtual #73
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.getHeight ()I]
      [213] i2f
      [214] fconst_2
      [215] fdiv
      [216] aload_0 v0
      [217] getfield #43
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mFontMetrics Landroid/graphics/Paint$FontMetrics;]
      [220] getfield #33
        + Fieldref [android/graphics/Paint$FontMetrics.ascent F]
      [223] aload_0 v0
      [224] getfield #43
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mFontMetrics Landroid/graphics/Paint$FontMetrics;]
      [227] getfield #34
        + Fieldref [android/graphics/Paint$FontMetrics.descent F]
      [230] fadd
      [231] fconst_2
      [232] fdiv
      [233] fsub
      [234] aload_0 v0
      [235] getfield #45
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mPaint Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [238] invokevirtual #48
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawText (Ljava/lang/String;FFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [241] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 23)
        [0] -> line 89
        [15] -> line 90
        [48] -> line 89
        [52] -> line 91
        [59] -> line 92
        [81] -> line 93
        [88] -> line 94
        [104] -> line 96
        [114] -> line 97
        [121] -> line 98
        [144] -> line 99
        [148] -> line 96
        [151] -> line 100
        [160] -> line 101
        [167] -> line 102
        [190] -> line 103
        [194] -> line 100
        [200] -> line 105
        [202] -> line 106
        [209] -> line 107
        [234] -> line 108
        [238] -> line 105
        [241] -> line 110
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 242 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView; this]
        v1: 0 -> 242 [Landroid/graphics/Canvas; c]
        v2: 52 -> 242 [Ljava/lang/String; prompt]
  + Method:       onTouchEvent(Landroid/view/MotionEvent;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean onTouchEvent(android.view.MotionEvent)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 348, locals = 7, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mEntropyByteIndex I]
      [4] bipush 20
      [6] ificmpge +27 (target=33)
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] getfield #36
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.lastX F]
      [13] aload_1 v1
      [14] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [android/view/MotionEvent.getX ()F]
      [17] fcmpl
      [18] ifeq +15 (target=33)
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] getfield #37
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.lastY F]
      [25] aload_1 v1
      [26] invokevirtual #60
        + Methodref [android/view/MotionEvent.getY ()F]
      [29] fcmpl
      [30] ifne +5 (target=35)
      [33] iconst_1
      [34] ireturn
      [35] invokestatic #69
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.currentTimeMillis ()J]
      [38] lstore_2 v2
      [39] lload_2 v2
      [40] aload_0 v0
      [41] getfield #44
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mLastTime J]
      [44] lsub
      [45] ldc2_w #20
        + Long [50]
      [48] lcmp
      [49] ifge +5 (target=54)
      [52] iconst_1
      [53] ireturn
      [54] aload_0 v0
      [55] lload_2 v2
      [56] putfield #44
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mLastTime J]
      [59] aload_0 v0
      [60] aload_1 v1
      [61] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [android/view/MotionEvent.getX ()F]
      [64] putfield #36
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.lastX F]
      [67] aload_0 v0
      [68] aload_1 v1
      [69] invokevirtual #60
        + Methodref [android/view/MotionEvent.getY ()F]
      [72] putfield #37
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.lastY F]
      [75] aload_0 v0
      [76] getfield #42
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mFlipFlop Z]
      [79] ifeq +28 (target=107)
      [82] aload_0 v0
      [83] getfield #36
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.lastX F]
      [86] f2i
      [87] bipush 15
      [89] iand
      [90] iconst_4
      [91] ishl
      [92] aload_0 v0
      [93] getfield #37
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.lastY F]
      [96] f2i
      [97] bipush 15
      [99] iand
      [100] ior
      [101] i2b
      [102] istore v4
      [104] goto +25 (target=129)
      [107] aload_0 v0
      [108] getfield #37
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.lastY F]
      [111] f2i
      [112] bipush 15
      [114] iand
      [115] iconst_4
      [116] ishl
      [117] aload_0 v0
      [118] getfield #36
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.lastX F]
      [121] f2i
      [122] bipush 15
      [124] iand
      [125] ior
      [126] i2b
      [127] istore v4
      [129] aload_0 v0
      [130] aload_0 v0
      [131] getfield #42
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mFlipFlop Z]
      [134] ifeq +7 (target=141)
      [137] iconst_0
      [138] goto +4 (target=142)
      [141] iconst_1
      [142] putfield #42
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mFlipFlop Z]
      [145] iconst_0
      [146] istore v5
      [148] goto +125 (target=273)
      [151] iload v4
      [153] iconst_3
      [154] iand
      [155] iconst_1
      [156] ificmpne +51 (target=207)
      [159] aload_0 v0
      [160] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mEntropy [B]
      [163] aload_0 v0
      [164] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mEntropyByteIndex I]
      [167] dup2
      [168] baload
      [169] iconst_1
      [170] ishl
      [171] i2b
      [172] bastore
      [173] aload_0 v0
      [174] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mEntropy [B]
      [177] aload_0 v0
      [178] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mEntropyByteIndex I]
      [181] dup2
      [182] baload
      [183] iconst_1
      [184] ior
      [185] i2b
      [186] bastore
      [187] aload_0 v0
      [188] dup
      [189] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mEntropyBitIndex I]
      [192] iconst_1
      [193] iadd
      [194] putfield #40
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mEntropyBitIndex I]
      [197] iload v4
      [199] iconst_2
      [200] ishr
      [201] i2b
      [202] istore v4
      [204] goto +42 (target=246)
      [207] iload v4
      [209] iconst_3
      [210] iand
      [211] iconst_2
      [212] ificmpne +34 (target=246)
      [215] aload_0 v0
      [216] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mEntropy [B]
      [219] aload_0 v0
      [220] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mEntropyByteIndex I]
      [223] dup2
      [224] baload
      [225] iconst_1
      [226] ishl
      [227] i2b
      [228] bastore
      [229] aload_0 v0
      [230] dup
      [231] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mEntropyBitIndex I]
      [234] iconst_1
      [235] iadd
      [236] putfield #40
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mEntropyBitIndex I]
      [239] iload v4
      [241] iconst_2
      [242] ishr
      [243] i2b
      [244] istore v4
      [246] aload_0 v0
      [247] getfield #40
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mEntropyBitIndex I]
      [250] bipush 8
      [252] ificmplt +18 (target=270)
      [255] aload_0 v0
      [256] iconst_0
      [257] putfield #40
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mEntropyBitIndex I]
      [260] aload_0 v0
      [261] dup
      [262] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mEntropyByteIndex I]
      [265] iconst_1
      [266] iadd
      [267] putfield #41
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mEntropyByteIndex I]
      [270] iinc v5, 1
      [273] iload v5
      [275] iconst_4
      [276] ificmpge +12 (target=288)
      [279] aload_0 v0
      [280] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mEntropyByteIndex I]
      [283] bipush 20
      [285] ificmplt -134 (target=151)
      [288] aload_0 v0
      [289] getfield #41
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mEntropyByteIndex I]
      [292] bipush 20
      [294] ificmplt +48 (target=342)
      [297] aload_0 v0
      [298] getfield #38
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.listeners Ljava/util/Vector;]
      [301] invokevirtual #72
        + Methodref [java/util/Vector.iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
      [304] astore v6
      [306] goto +26 (target=332)
      [309] aload v6
      [311] invokeinterface #79
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/ ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [316] checkcast #19
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/OnEntropyGatheredListener]
      [319] astore v5
      [321] aload v5
      [323] aload_0 v0
      [324] getfield #39
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.mEntropy [B]
      [327] invokeinterface #80
        + InterfaceMethodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/OnEntropyGatheredListener.onEntropyGathered ([B)V]
      [332] aload v6
      [334] invokeinterface #78
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Iterator.hasNext ()Z]
      [339] ifne -30 (target=309)
      [342] aload_0 v0
      [343] invokevirtual #76
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView.invalidate ()V]
      [346] iconst_1
      [347] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 34)
        [0] -> line 114
        [9] -> line 115
        [21] -> line 116
        [33] -> line 117
        [35] -> line 120
        [39] -> line 121
        [52] -> line 122
        [54] -> line 124
        [59] -> line 128
        [67] -> line 129
        [75] -> line 133
        [82] -> line 134
        [107] -> line 136
        [129] -> line 137
        [145] -> line 139
        [151] -> line 140
        [159] -> line 141
        [173] -> line 142
        [187] -> line 143
        [197] -> line 144
        [207] -> line 145
        [215] -> line 146
        [229] -> line 147
        [239] -> line 148
        [246] -> line 151
        [255] -> line 152
        [260] -> line 153
        [270] -> line 139
        [288] -> line 158
        [297] -> line 159
        [321] -> line 160
        [332] -> line 159
        [342] -> line 164
        [346] -> line 166
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 348 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/EntropyView; this]
        v1: 0 -> 348 [Landroid/view/MotionEvent; event]
        v2: 39 -> 348 [J now]
        v4: 104 -> 107 [B input]
        v4: 129 -> 348 [B input]
        v5: 148 -> 288 [I i]
        v5: 321 -> 332 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/OnEntropyGatheredListener; listener]

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x4019 = public static final enum 
      + Class [android/graphics/Paint$Align]
      + Class [android/graphics/Paint]
      + Utf8 [Align]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x9 = public static 
      + Class [android/graphics/Paint$FontMetrics]
      + Class [android/graphics/Paint]
      + Utf8 [FontMetrics]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HelpTopicView
  Superclass:    android/webkit/WebView
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.HelpTopicView extends android.webkit.WebView

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 82):
  + String [.html]
  + String [file:///android_asset/%s/%s%s]
  + String [help]
  + Class [android/webkit/WebSettings]
  + Class [android/webkit/WebSettings$LayoutAlgorithm]
  + Class [android/webkit/WebView]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HelpTopicView]
  + Fieldref [android/webkit/WebSettings$LayoutAlgorithm.NARROW_COLUMNS Landroid/webkit/WebSettings$LayoutAlgorithm;]
  + Methodref [android/webkit/WebSettings.setLayoutAlgorithm (Landroid/webkit/WebSettings$LayoutAlgorithm;)V]
  + Methodref [android/webkit/WebSettings.setUseWideViewPort (Z)V]
  + Methodref [android/webkit/WebView.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Methodref [android/webkit/WebView.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/util/AttributeSet;)V]
  + Methodref [android/webkit/WebView.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/util/AttributeSet;I)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HelpTopicView.computeScroll ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HelpTopicView.getSettings ()Landroid/webkit/WebSettings;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HelpTopicView.initialize ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HelpTopicView.loadUrl (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/util/AttributeSet;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/util/AttributeSet;I)V]
  + NameAndType [NARROW_COLUMNS Landroid/webkit/WebSettings$LayoutAlgorithm;]
  + NameAndType [computeScroll ()V]
  + NameAndType [format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getSettings ()Landroid/webkit/WebSettings;]
  + NameAndType [initialize ()V]
  + NameAndType [loadUrl (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [setLayoutAlgorithm (Landroid/webkit/WebSettings$LayoutAlgorithm;)V]
  + NameAndType [setUseWideViewPort (Z)V]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/webkit/WebSettings;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/util/AttributeSet;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/util/AttributeSet;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/webkit/WebSettings$LayoutAlgorithm;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HelpTopicView;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [.html]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/Context;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/util/AttributeSet;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/webkit/WebSettings$LayoutAlgorithm;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/webkit/WebSettings;]
  + Utf8 [LayoutAlgorithm]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HelpTopicView;]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [android/webkit/WebSettings]
  + Utf8 [android/webkit/WebSettings$LayoutAlgorithm]
  + Utf8 [android/webkit/WebView]
  + Utf8 [attrs]
  + Utf8 [computeScroll]
  + Utf8 [context]
  + Utf8 [defStyle]
  + Utf8 [file:///android_asset/%s/%s%s]
  + Utf8 [format]
  + Utf8 [getSettings]
  + Utf8 [help]
  + Utf8 [initialize]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [loadUrl]
  + Utf8 [path]
  + Utf8 [setLayoutAlgorithm]
  + Utf8 [setTopic]
  + Utf8 [setUseWideViewPort]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HelpTopicView]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [topic]
  + Utf8 [wSet]

Fields (count = 0):

Methods (count = 5):
  + Method:       <init>(Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/util/AttributeSet;I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public HelpTopicView(android.content.Context,android.util.AttributeSet,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 12, locals = 4, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] aload_2 v2
      [3] iload_3 v3
      [4] invokespecial #15
        + Methodref [android/webkit/WebView.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/util/AttributeSet;I)V]
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] invokespecial #19
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HelpTopicView.initialize ()V]
      [11] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 32
        [7] -> line 33
        [11] -> line 34
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 12 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HelpTopicView; this]
        v1: 0 -> 12 [Landroid/content/Context; context]
        v2: 0 -> 12 [Landroid/util/AttributeSet; attrs]
        v3: 0 -> 12 [I defStyle]
  + Method:       <init>(Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/util/AttributeSet;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public HelpTopicView(android.content.Context,android.util.AttributeSet)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 11, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] aload_2 v2
      [3] invokespecial #14
        + Methodref [android/webkit/WebView.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/util/AttributeSet;)V]
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] invokespecial #19
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HelpTopicView.initialize ()V]
      [10] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 37
        [6] -> line 38
        [10] -> line 39
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 11 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HelpTopicView; this]
        v1: 0 -> 11 [Landroid/content/Context; context]
        v2: 0 -> 11 [Landroid/util/AttributeSet; attrs]
  + Method:       <init>(Landroid/content/Context;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public HelpTopicView(android.content.Context)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #13
        + Methodref [android/webkit/WebView.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #19
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HelpTopicView.initialize ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 42
        [5] -> line 43
        [9] -> line 44
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HelpTopicView; this]
        v1: 0 -> 10 [Landroid/content/Context; context]
  + Method:       initialize()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void initialize()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 18, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokevirtual #18
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HelpTopicView.getSettings ()Landroid/webkit/WebSettings;]
      [4] astore_1 v1
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] getstatic #10
        + Fieldref [android/webkit/WebSettings$LayoutAlgorithm.NARROW_COLUMNS Landroid/webkit/WebSettings$LayoutAlgorithm;]
      [9] invokevirtual #11
        + Methodref [android/webkit/WebSettings.setLayoutAlgorithm (Landroid/webkit/WebSettings$LayoutAlgorithm;)V]
      [12] aload_1 v1
      [13] iconst_0
      [14] invokevirtual #12
        + Methodref [android/webkit/WebSettings.setUseWideViewPort (Z)V]
      [17] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 47
        [5] -> line 48
        [12] -> line 49
        [17] -> line 50
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 18 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HelpTopicView; this]
        v1: 5 -> 18 [Landroid/webkit/WebSettings; wSet]
  + Method:       setTopic(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HelpTopicView;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.HelpTopicView setTopic(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 35, locals = 3, stack = 5):
      [0] ldc #2
        + String [file:///android_asset/%s/%s%s]
      [2] iconst_3
      [3] anewarray #7
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [6] dup
      [7] iconst_0
      [8] ldc #3
        + String [help]
      [10] aastore
      [11] dup
      [12] iconst_1
      [13] aload_1 v1
      [14] aastore
      [15] dup
      [16] iconst_2
      [17] ldc #1
        + String [.html]
      [19] aastore
      [20] invokestatic #16
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [23] astore_2 v2
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] aload_2 v2
      [26] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HelpTopicView.loadUrl (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HelpTopicView.computeScroll ()V]
      [33] aload_0 v0
      [34] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 53
        [8] -> line 54
        [20] -> line 53
        [24] -> line 55
        [29] -> line 57
        [33] -> line 59
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 35 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HelpTopicView; this]
        v1: 0 -> 35 [Ljava/lang/String; topic]
        v2: 24 -> 35 [Ljava/lang/String; path]

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x4019 = public static final enum 
      + Class [android/webkit/WebSettings$LayoutAlgorithm]
      + Class [android/webkit/WebSettings]
      + Utf8 [LayoutAlgorithm]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase
  Superclass:    com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.HostDatabase extends com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.RobustSQLiteOpenHelper

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 630):
  + String [ = ?]
  + String [ AND ]
  + String [ ASC]
  + String [ TEXT DEFAULT ']
  + String [ TEXT)]
  + String [%s:%d]
  + String [']
  + String [', ]
  + String [ALTER TABLE hosts ADD COLUMN compression TEXT DEFAULT ']
  + String [ALTER TABLE hosts ADD COLUMN delkey TEXT DEFAULT 'del']
  + String [ALTER TABLE hosts ADD COLUMN encoding TEXT DEFAULT ']
  + String [ALTER TABLE hosts ADD COLUMN fontsize INTEGER]
  + String [ALTER TABLE hosts ADD COLUMN protocol TEXT DEFAULT 'ssh']
  + String [ALTER TABLE hosts ADD COLUMN pubkeyid INTEGER DEFAULT -1]
  + String [ALTER TABLE hosts ADD COLUMN stayconnected TEXT]
  + String [ALTER TABLE hosts ADD COLUMN useauthagent TEXT DEFAULT 'no']
  + String [ALTER TABLE hosts ADD COLUMN wantsession TEXT DEFAULT ']
  + String [CREATE INDEX colorDefaultsschemeindex ON colorDefaults (scheme);]
  + String [CREATE INDEX colorsschemeindex ON colors (scheme);]
  + String [CREATE INDEX portforwardshostidindex ON portforwards (hostid);]
  + String [CREATE TABLE colors (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, number INTEGER, value INTEGER, scheme INTEGER)]
  + String [CREATE TABLE hosts (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, nickname TEXT, protocol TEXT DEFAULT 'ssh', username TEXT, hostname TEXT, port INTEGER, hostkeyalgo TEXT, hostkey BLOB, lastconnect INTEGER, color TEXT, usekeys TEXT, useauthagent TEXT, postlogin TEXT, pubkeyid INTEGER DEFAULT -1, delkey TEXT DEFAULT 'del', fontsize INTEGER, wantsession TEXT DEFAULT ']
  + String [CREATE TABLE portforwards (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, hostid INTEGER, nickname TEXT, type TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT local, sourceport INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 8080, destaddr TEXT, destport INTEGER)]
  + String [CREATE TABLE portforwards (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, hostid INTEGER, nickname TEXT, type TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT local, sourceport INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 8080, destaddr TEXT, destport TEXT)]
  + String [ConnectBot.HostDatabase]
  + String [DROP TABLE IF EXISTS hosts]
  + String [DROP TABLE colorDefaults]
  + String [Finished saving hostkey information for '%s']
  + String [Problem while adding a known host from database]
  + String [Set all hosts using pubkey id %d to -1]
  + String [_id]
  + String [_id = ?]
  + String [bg]
  + String [color]
  + String [colorDefaults]
  + String [colorDefaultsschemeindex]
  + String [colors]
  + String [colorsschemeindex]
  + String [compression]
  + String [delkey]
  + String [destaddr]
  + String [destport]
  + String [encoding]
  + String [fg]
  + String [fontsize]
  + String [hostid = ?]
  + String [hostkey]
  + String [hostkeyalgo]
  + String [hostname]
  + String [hostname = ? AND port = ?]
  + String [hosts]
  + String [lastconnect]
  + String [nickname]
  + String [number]
  + String [port]
  + String [portforwards]
  + String [portforwardshostidindex]
  + String [postlogin]
  + String [protocol]
  + String [pubkeyid]
  + String [pubkeyid = ?]
  + String [scheme]
  + String [scheme = ?]
  + String [scheme = ? AND number = ?]
  + String [sourceport]
  + String [stayconnected]
  + String [type]
  + String [useauthagent]
  + String [usekeys]
  + String [username]
  + String [value]
  + String [wantsession]
  + Class [[Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Class [android/content/ContentValues]
  + Class [android/database/Cursor]
  + Class [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase]
  + Class [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase$CursorFactory]
  + Class [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteException]
  + Class [android/util/Log]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts]
  + Class [java/lang/Boolean]
  + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Class [java/lang/Integer]
  + Class [java/lang/Long]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Class [java/nio/charset/Charset]
  + Class [java/util/Iterator]
  + Class [java/util/LinkedList]
  + Class [java/util/List]
  + Class [java/util/Map]
  + Class [java/util/Map$Entry]
  + Class [java/util/Set]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/Colors]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper]
  + Long [-1]
  + Long [1000]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/Colors.defaults [Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.ENCODING_DEFAULT Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.dbLock [Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [[Ljava/lang/Integer;.clone ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Integer;)V]
  + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Long;)V]
  + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;[B)V]
  + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.close ()V]
  + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.delete (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.execSQL (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.insert (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/ContentValues;)J]
  + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.query (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/database/Cursor;]
  + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.update (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/ContentValues;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts.addHostkey ([Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[B)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Boolean.booleanValue ()Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Boolean.toString (Z)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Boolean.valueOf (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.<init> (I)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.intValue ()I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Long.valueOf (J)Ljava/lang/Long;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (J)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.currentTimeMillis ()J]
  + Methodref [java/nio/charset/Charset.defaultCharset ()Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;]
  + Methodref [java/nio/charset/ ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getFontSize ()I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getId ()J]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getValues ()Landroid/content/ContentValues;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setColor (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setCompression (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setDelKey (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setEncoding (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setFontSize (I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setHostname (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setId (J)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setLastConnect (J)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setNickname (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setPort (I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setPostLogin (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setProtocol (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setPubkeyId (J)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setStayConnected (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setUseAuthAgent (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setUseKeys (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setUsername (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setWantSession (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.<init> (JJLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getId ()J]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getValues ()Landroid/content/ContentValues;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.setId (J)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.addIndexName (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.addTableName (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.createHostBeans (Landroid/database/Cursor;)Ljava/util/List;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.getFirstHostBean (Landroid/database/Cursor;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.getReadableDatabase ()Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.getWritableDatabase ()Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.onCreate (Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.setColorForScheme (III)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase$CursorFactory;I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper.onCreate (Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;)V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.close ()V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getBlob (I)[B]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getInt (I)I]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getLong (I)J]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.moveToFirst ()Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.moveToNext ()Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Iterator.hasNext ()Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/ ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.get (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.size ()I]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.toArray ([Ljava/lang/Object;)[Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.entrySet ()Ljava/util/Set;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map$Entry.getKey ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map$Entry.getValue ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Set.iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (I)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (JJLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase$CursorFactory;I)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [ENCODING_DEFAULT Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [addHostkey ([Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[B)V]
  + NameAndType [addIndexName (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [addTableName (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [booleanValue ()Z]
  + NameAndType [clone ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [close ()V]
  + NameAndType [createHostBeans (Landroid/database/Cursor;)Ljava/util/List;]
  + NameAndType [currentTimeMillis ()J]
  + NameAndType [d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [dbLock [Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [defaultCharset ()Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;]
  + NameAndType [defaults [Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + NameAndType [delete (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + NameAndType [entrySet ()Ljava/util/Set;]
  + NameAndType [execSQL (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [get (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [getBlob (I)[B]
  + NameAndType [getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [getFirstHostBean (Landroid/database/Cursor;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + NameAndType [getFontSize ()I]
  + NameAndType [getId ()J]
  + NameAndType [getInt (I)I]
  + NameAndType [getKey ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [getLong (I)J]
  + NameAndType [getReadableDatabase ()Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
  + NameAndType [getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getValue ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [getValues ()Landroid/content/ContentValues;]
  + NameAndType [getWritableDatabase ()Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
  + NameAndType [hasNext ()Z]
  + NameAndType [insert (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/ContentValues;)J]
  + NameAndType [intValue ()I]
  + NameAndType [iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
  + NameAndType [length ()I]
  + NameAndType [moveToFirst ()Z]
  + NameAndType [moveToNext ()Z]
  + NameAndType [name ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [next ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;)V]
  + NameAndType [put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Integer;)V]
  + NameAndType [put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Long;)V]
  + NameAndType [put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [put (Ljava/lang/String;[B)V]
  + NameAndType [query (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/database/Cursor;]
  + NameAndType [setColor (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [setColorForScheme (III)V]
  + NameAndType [setCompression (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [setDelKey (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [setEncoding (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [setFontSize (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setHostname (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [setId (J)V]
  + NameAndType [setLastConnect (J)V]
  + NameAndType [setNickname (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [setPort (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setPostLogin (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [setProtocol (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [setPubkeyId (J)V]
  + NameAndType [setStayConnected (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [setUseAuthAgent (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [setUseKeys (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [setUsername (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [setWantSession (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [size ()I]
  + NameAndType [toArray ([Ljava/lang/Object;)[Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [toString (Z)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [update (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/ContentValues;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (J)Ljava/lang/Long;]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (J)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
  + Utf8 [ = ?]
  + Utf8 [ AND ]
  + Utf8 [ ASC]
  + Utf8 [ TEXT DEFAULT ']
  + Utf8 [ TEXT)]
  + Utf8 [%s:%d]
  + Utf8 [']
  + Utf8 [', ]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()J]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/content/ContentValues;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/Set;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(I)I]
  + Utf8 [(I)J]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(I)[B]
  + Utf8 [(I)[I]
  + Utf8 [(I)[Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Utf8 [(II)V]
  + Utf8 [(III)V]
  + Utf8 [(J)Ljava/lang/Long;]
  + Utf8 [(J)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(J)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [(J)V]
  + Utf8 [(JJLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase$CursorFactory;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/database/Cursor;)Ljava/util/List;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/database/Cursor;)Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;>;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/database/Cursor;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;[B)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/ContentValues;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Integer;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Long;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/ContentValues;)J]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;[B)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/database/Cursor;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/util/Map;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;>;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Ljava/util/List;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;>;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Z)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Z)Ljava/util/List;]
  + Utf8 [(Z)Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;>;]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [([Ljava/lang/Object;)[Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [([Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[B)V]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [ALTER TABLE hosts ADD COLUMN compression TEXT DEFAULT ']
  + Utf8 [ALTER TABLE hosts ADD COLUMN delkey TEXT DEFAULT 'del']
  + Utf8 [ALTER TABLE hosts ADD COLUMN encoding TEXT DEFAULT ']
  + Utf8 [ALTER TABLE hosts ADD COLUMN fontsize INTEGER]
  + Utf8 [ALTER TABLE hosts ADD COLUMN protocol TEXT DEFAULT 'ssh']
  + Utf8 [ALTER TABLE hosts ADD COLUMN stayconnected TEXT]
  + Utf8 [ALTER TABLE hosts ADD COLUMN useauthagent TEXT DEFAULT 'no']
  + Utf8 [ALTER TABLE hosts ADD COLUMN wantsession TEXT DEFAULT ']
  + Utf8 [COL_COLOR]
  + Utf8 [COL_DELKEY]
  + Utf8 [COL_HOSTKEY]
  + Utf8 [COL_ID]
  + Utf8 [COL_PORT]
  + Utf8 [COL_USEKEYS]
  + Utf8 [CREATE INDEX colorDefaultsschemeindex ON colorDefaults (scheme);]
  + Utf8 [CREATE INDEX colorsschemeindex ON colors (scheme);]
  + Utf8 [CREATE INDEX portforwardshostidindex ON portforwards (hostid);]
  + Utf8 [CREATE TABLE colors (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, number INTEGER, value INTEGER, scheme INTEGER)]
  + Utf8 [CREATE TABLE hosts (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, nickname TEXT, protocol TEXT DEFAULT 'ssh', username TEXT, hostname TEXT, port INTEGER, hostkeyalgo TEXT, hostkey BLOB, lastconnect INTEGER, color TEXT, usekeys TEXT, useauthagent TEXT, postlogin TEXT, pubkeyid INTEGER DEFAULT -1, delkey TEXT DEFAULT 'del', fontsize INTEGER, wantsession TEXT DEFAULT ']
  + Utf8 [CREATE TABLE portforwards (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, hostid INTEGER, nickname TEXT, type TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT local, sourceport INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 8080, destaddr TEXT, destport INTEGER)]
  + Utf8 [CREATE TABLE portforwards (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, hostid INTEGER, nickname TEXT, type TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT local, sourceport INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 8080, destaddr TEXT, destport TEXT)]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ConnectBot.HostDatabase]
  + Utf8 [CursorFactory]
  + Utf8 [DROP TABLE IF EXISTS hosts]
  + Utf8 [DROP TABLE colorDefaults]
  + Utf8 [Entry]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [Finished saving hostkey information for '%s']
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [J]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/ContentValues;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/Context;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/database/Cursor;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Exception;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Iterator;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Iterator<Ljava/util/Map$Entry<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;>;>;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List<Ljava/lang/String;>;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;>;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;>;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Map$Entry;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Map$Entry<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;>;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Map;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;>;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTypeTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + Utf8 [Problem while adding a known host from database]
  + Utf8 [Set all hosts using pubkey id %d to -1]
  + Utf8 [Signature]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [[I]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/Integer;]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [_id]
  + Utf8 [_id = ?]
  + Utf8 [add]
  + Utf8 [addHostkey]
  + Utf8 [addIndexName]
  + Utf8 [addTableName]
  + Utf8 [android/content/ContentValues]
  + Utf8 [android/database/Cursor]
  + Utf8 [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase]
  + Utf8 [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase$CursorFactory]
  + Utf8 [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteException]
  + Utf8 [android/util/Log]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [bg]
  + Utf8 [booleanValue]
  + Utf8 [c]
  + Utf8 [clone]
  + Utf8 [close]
  + Utf8 [color]
  + Utf8 [colorDefaults]
  + Utf8 [colorDefaultsschemeindex]
  + Utf8 [colors]
  + Utf8 [colorsschemeindex]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts]
  + Utf8 [compression]
  + Utf8 [context]
  + Utf8 [createHostBeans]
  + Utf8 [currentTimeMillis]
  + Utf8 [d]
  + Utf8 [db]
  + Utf8 [dbLock]
  + Utf8 [defaultCharset]
  + Utf8 [defaults]
  + Utf8 [delete]
  + Utf8 [deleteHost]
  + Utf8 [deletePortForward]
  + Utf8 [delkey]
  + Utf8 [destaddr]
  + Utf8 [destport]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [encoding]
  + Utf8 [entry]
  + Utf8 [entrySet]
  + Utf8 [execSQL]
  + Utf8 [fg]
  + Utf8 [findHost]
  + Utf8 [findHostById]
  + Utf8 [fontsize]
  + Utf8 [format]
  + Utf8 [get]
  + Utf8 [getBlob]
  + Utf8 [getColorsForScheme]
  + Utf8 [getColumnIndexOrThrow]
  + Utf8 [getDefaultColorsForScheme]
  + Utf8 [getFirstHostBean]
  + Utf8 [getFontSize]
  + Utf8 [getHosts]
  + Utf8 [getId]
  + Utf8 [getInt]
  + Utf8 [getKey]
  + Utf8 [getKnownHosts]
  + Utf8 [getLong]
  + Utf8 [getPortForwardsForHost]
  + Utf8 [getReadableDatabase]
  + Utf8 [getString]
  + Utf8 [getValue]
  + Utf8 [getValues]
  + Utf8 [getWritableDatabase]
  + Utf8 [hasNext]
  + Utf8 [host]
  + Utf8 [hostId]
  + Utf8 [hostid = ?]
  + Utf8 [hostkey]
  + Utf8 [hostkeyalgo]
  + Utf8 [hostname]
  + Utf8 [hostname = ? AND port = ?]
  + Utf8 [hosts]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [id]
  + Utf8 [insert]
  + Utf8 [intValue]
  + Utf8 [iterator]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Boolean]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Exception]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Integer]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Long]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [java/nio/charset/Charset]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Iterator]
  + Utf8 [java/util/LinkedList]
  + Utf8 [java/util/List]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Map]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Map$Entry]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Set]
  + Utf8 [known]
  + Utf8 [lastconnect]
  + Utf8 [length]
  + Utf8 [moveToFirst]
  + Utf8 [moveToNext]
  + Utf8 [n]
  + Utf8 [name]
  + Utf8 [newVersion]
  + Utf8 [next]
  + Utf8 [nickname]
  + Utf8 [now]
  + Utf8 [number]
  + Utf8 [oldVersion]
  + Utf8 [onCreate]
  + Utf8 [onRobustUpgrade]
  + Utf8 [pfb]
  + Utf8 [port]
  + Utf8 [portForwards]
  + Utf8 [portforwards]
  + Utf8 [portforwardshostidindex]
  + Utf8 [postlogin]
  + Utf8 [protocol]
  + Utf8 [pubkeyId]
  + Utf8 [pubkeyid]
  + Utf8 [pubkeyid = ?]
  + Utf8 [put]
  + Utf8 [query]
  + Utf8 [rowsAffected]
  + Utf8 [saveHost]
  + Utf8 [saveKnownHost]
  + Utf8 [savePortForward]
  + Utf8 [scheme]
  + Utf8 [scheme = ?]
  + Utf8 [scheme = ? AND number = ?]
  + Utf8 [schemeWhere]
  + Utf8 [selection]
  + Utf8 [selectionBuilder]
  + Utf8 [selectionValues]
  + Utf8 [selectionValuesList]
  + Utf8 [setColor]
  + Utf8 [setColorForScheme]
  + Utf8 [setCompression]
  + Utf8 [setDefaultColorsForScheme]
  + Utf8 [setDelKey]
  + Utf8 [setEncoding]
  + Utf8 [setFontSize]
  + Utf8 [setGlobalColor]
  + Utf8 [setHostname]
  + Utf8 [setId]
  + Utf8 [setLastConnect]
  + Utf8 [setNickname]
  + Utf8 [setPort]
  + Utf8 [setPostLogin]
  + Utf8 [setProtocol]
  + Utf8 [setPubkeyId]
  + Utf8 [setStayConnected]
  + Utf8 [setUseAuthAgent]
  + Utf8 [setUseKeys]
  + Utf8 [setUsername]
  + Utf8 [setWantSession]
  + Utf8 [size]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/Colors]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper]
  + Utf8 [sortColors]
  + Utf8 [sortField]
  + Utf8 [sourceport]
  + Utf8 [stayconnected]
  + Utf8 [stopUsingPubkey]
  + Utf8 [success]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toArray]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [touchHost]
  + Utf8 [type]
  + Utf8 [update]
  + Utf8 [updateFontSize]
  + Utf8 [updates]
  + Utf8 [useauthagent]
  + Utf8 [usekeys]
  + Utf8 [username]
  + Utf8 [value]
  + Utf8 [valueOf]
  + Utf8 [values]
  + Utf8 [wantsession]
  + Utf8 [whereArgs]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        ENCODING_DEFAULT Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x19
      = public static final java.lang.String ENCODING_DEFAULT
  + Field:        dbLock [Ljava/lang/Object;
    Access flags: 0x19
      = public static final java.lang.Object[] dbLock

Methods (count = 24):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 52, locals = 0, stack = 1):
      [0] invokestatic #142
        + Methodref [java/nio/charset/Charset.defaultCharset ()Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;]
      [3] invokevirtual #143
        + Methodref [java/nio/charset/ ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [6] putstatic #107
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.ENCODING_DEFAULT Ljava/lang/String;]
      [9] ldc #52
        + String [hosts]
      [11] invokestatic #172
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.addTableName (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [14] ldc #57
        + String [portforwards]
      [16] invokestatic #172
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.addTableName (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [19] ldc #58
        + String [portforwardshostidindex]
      [21] invokestatic #171
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.addIndexName (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [24] ldc #38
        + String [colors]
      [26] invokestatic #172
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.addTableName (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [29] ldc #39
        + String [colorsschemeindex]
      [31] invokestatic #171
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.addIndexName (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [34] ldc #36
        + String [colorDefaults]
      [36] invokestatic #172
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.addTableName (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [39] ldc #37
        + String [colorDefaultsschemeindex]
      [41] invokestatic #171
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.addIndexName (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [44] iconst_0
      [45] anewarray #86
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [48] putstatic #108
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.dbLock [Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [51] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 10)
        [0] -> line 109
        [9] -> line 130
        [14] -> line 131
        [19] -> line 132
        [24] -> line 133
        [29] -> line 134
        [34] -> line 135
        [39] -> line 136
        [44] -> line 139
        [51] -> line 44
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>(Landroid/content/Context;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public HostDatabase(android.content.Context)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 18, locals = 2, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] ldc #52
        + String [hosts]
      [4] aconst_null
      [5] bipush 22
      [7] invokespecial #179
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase$CursorFactory;I)V]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] invokevirtual #176
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.getWritableDatabase ()Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
      [14] invokevirtual #115
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.close ()V]
      [17] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 142
        [10] -> line 144
        [17] -> line 145
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 18 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase; this]
        v1: 0 -> 18 [Landroid/content/Context; context]
  + Method:       onCreate(Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onCreate(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 123, locals = 2, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #180
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper.onCreate (Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;)V]
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] new #88
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [9] dup
      [10] ldc #23
        + String [CREATE TABLE hosts (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, nickname TEXT, protocol TEXT DEFAULT 'ssh', username TEXT, hostname TEXT, port INTEGER, hostkeyalgo TEXT, hostkey BLOB, lastconnect INTEGER, color TEXT, usekeys TEXT, useauthagent TEXT, postlogin TEXT, pubkeyid INTEGER DEFAULT -1, delkey TEXT DEFAULT 'del', fontsize INTEGER, wantsession TEXT DEFAULT ']
      [12] invokespecial #138
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [15] iconst_1
      [16] invokestatic #126
        + Methodref [java/lang/Boolean.toString (Z)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [19] invokevirtual #139
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [22] ldc #8
        + String [', ]
      [24] invokevirtual #139
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [27] ldc #40
        + String [compression]
      [29] invokevirtual #139
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [32] ldc #4
        + String [ TEXT DEFAULT ']
      [34] invokevirtual #139
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [37] iconst_0
      [38] invokestatic #126
        + Methodref [java/lang/Boolean.toString (Z)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [41] invokevirtual #139
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [44] ldc #8
        + String [', ]
      [46] invokevirtual #139
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [49] ldc #44
        + String [encoding]
      [51] invokevirtual #139
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [54] ldc #4
        + String [ TEXT DEFAULT ']
      [56] invokevirtual #139
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [59] getstatic #107
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.ENCODING_DEFAULT Ljava/lang/String;]
      [62] invokevirtual #139
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [65] ldc #8
        + String [', ]
      [67] invokevirtual #139
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [70] ldc #67
        + String [stayconnected]
      [72] invokevirtual #139
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [75] ldc #5
        + String [ TEXT)]
      [77] invokevirtual #139
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [80] invokevirtual #140
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [83] invokevirtual #117
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.execSQL (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [86] aload_1 v1
      [87] ldc #25
        + String [CREATE TABLE portforwards (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, hostid INTEGER, nickname TEXT, type TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT local, sourceport INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 8080, destaddr TEXT, destport TEXT)]
      [89] invokevirtual #117
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.execSQL (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [92] aload_1 v1
      [93] ldc #20
        + String [CREATE INDEX portforwardshostidindex ON portforwards (hostid);]
      [95] invokevirtual #117
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.execSQL (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [98] aload_1 v1
      [99] ldc #22
        + String [CREATE TABLE colors (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, number INTEGER, value INTEGER, scheme INTEGER)]
      [101] invokevirtual #117
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.execSQL (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [104] aload_1 v1
      [105] ldc #19
        + String [CREATE INDEX colorsschemeindex ON colors (scheme);]
      [107] invokevirtual #117
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.execSQL (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [110] aload_1 v1
      [111] ldc #21
      [113] invokevirtual #117
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.execSQL (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [116] aload_1 v1
      [117] ldc #18
        + String [CREATE INDEX colorDefaultsschemeindex ON colorDefaults (scheme);]
      [119] invokevirtual #117
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.execSQL (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [122] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 14)
        [0] -> line 149
        [5] -> line 151
        [15] -> line 168
        [27] -> line 169
        [49] -> line 170
        [70] -> line 171
        [83] -> line 151
        [86] -> line 173
        [92] -> line 182
        [98] -> line 185
        [104] -> line 191
        [110] -> line 194
        [116] -> line 195
        [122] -> line 196
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 123 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase; this]
        v1: 0 -> 123 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase; db]
  + Method:       onRobustUpgrade(Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;II)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onRobustUpgrade(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase,int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 242, locals = 4, stack = 4):
      [0] iload_2 v2
      [1] bipush 9
      [3] ificmpgt +15 (target=18)
      [6] aload_1 v1
      [7] ldc #27
        + String [DROP TABLE IF EXISTS hosts]
      [9] invokevirtual #117
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.execSQL (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] aload_1 v1
      [14] invokevirtual #177
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.onCreate (Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;)V]
      [17] return
      [18] iload_2 v2
      [19] tableswitch (12 offsets, default=222) (target=241)
        10: offset = 61, target = 80
        11: offset = 67, target = 86
        12: offset = 73, target = 92
        13: offset = 101, target = 120
        14: offset = 129, target = 148
        15: offset = 156, target = 175
        16: offset = 162, target = 181
        17: offset = 168, target = 187
        18: offset = 186, target = 205
        19: offset = 192, target = 211
        20: offset = 198, target = 217
        21: offset = 204, target = 223
        default: offset = 222, target = 241
      [80] aload_1 v1
      [81] ldc #14
        + String [ALTER TABLE hosts ADD COLUMN pubkeyid INTEGER DEFAULT -1]
      [83] invokevirtual #117
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.execSQL (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [86] aload_1 v1
      [87] ldc #24
        + String [CREATE TABLE portforwards (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, hostid INTEGER, nickname TEXT, type TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT local, sourceport INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 8080, destaddr TEXT, destport INTEGER)]
      [89] invokevirtual #117
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.execSQL (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [92] aload_1 v1
      [93] new #88
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [96] dup
      [97] ldc #17
        + String [ALTER TABLE hosts ADD COLUMN wantsession TEXT DEFAULT ']
      [99] invokespecial #138
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [102] iconst_1
      [103] invokestatic #126
        + Methodref [java/lang/Boolean.toString (Z)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [106] invokevirtual #139
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [109] ldc #7
        + String [']
      [111] invokevirtual #139
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [114] invokevirtual #140
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [117] invokevirtual #117
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.execSQL (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [120] aload_1 v1
      [121] new #88
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [124] dup
      [125] ldc #9
        + String [ALTER TABLE hosts ADD COLUMN compression TEXT DEFAULT ']
      [127] invokespecial #138
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [130] iconst_0
      [131] invokestatic #126
        + Methodref [java/lang/Boolean.toString (Z)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [134] invokevirtual #139
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [137] ldc #7
        + String [']
      [139] invokevirtual #139
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [142] invokevirtual #140
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [145] invokevirtual #117
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.execSQL (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [148] aload_1 v1
      [149] new #88
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [152] dup
      [153] ldc #11
        + String [ALTER TABLE hosts ADD COLUMN encoding TEXT DEFAULT ']
      [155] invokespecial #138
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [158] getstatic #107
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.ENCODING_DEFAULT Ljava/lang/String;]
      [161] invokevirtual #139
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [164] ldc #7
        + String [']
      [166] invokevirtual #139
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [169] invokevirtual #140
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [172] invokevirtual #117
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.execSQL (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [175] aload_1 v1
      [176] ldc #13
        + String [ALTER TABLE hosts ADD COLUMN protocol TEXT DEFAULT 'ssh']
      [178] invokevirtual #117
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.execSQL (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [181] aload_1 v1
      [182] ldc #10
        + String [ALTER TABLE hosts ADD COLUMN delkey TEXT DEFAULT 'del']
      [184] invokevirtual #117
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.execSQL (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [187] aload_1 v1
      [188] ldc #20
        + String [CREATE INDEX portforwardshostidindex ON portforwards (hostid);]
      [190] invokevirtual #117
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.execSQL (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [193] aload_1 v1
      [194] ldc #22
        + String [CREATE TABLE colors (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, number INTEGER, value INTEGER, scheme INTEGER)]
      [196] invokevirtual #117
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.execSQL (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [199] aload_1 v1
      [200] ldc #19
        + String [CREATE INDEX colorsschemeindex ON colors (scheme);]
      [202] invokevirtual #117
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.execSQL (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [205] aload_1 v1
      [206] ldc #16
        + String [ALTER TABLE hosts ADD COLUMN useauthagent TEXT DEFAULT 'no']
      [208] invokevirtual #117
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.execSQL (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [211] aload_1 v1
      [212] ldc #15
        + String [ALTER TABLE hosts ADD COLUMN stayconnected TEXT]
      [214] invokevirtual #117
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.execSQL (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [217] aload_1 v1
      [218] ldc #12
        + String [ALTER TABLE hosts ADD COLUMN fontsize INTEGER]
      [220] invokevirtual #117
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.execSQL (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [223] aload_1 v1
      [224] ldc #28
        + String [DROP TABLE colorDefaults]
      [226] invokevirtual #117
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.execSQL (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [229] aload_1 v1
      [230] ldc #21
      [232] invokevirtual #117
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.execSQL (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [235] aload_1 v1
      [236] ldc #18
        + String [CREATE INDEX colorDefaultsschemeindex ON colorDefaults (scheme);]
      [238] invokevirtual #117
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.execSQL (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [241] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 28)
        [0] -> line 202
        [6] -> line 203
        [12] -> line 204
        [17] -> line 205
        [18] -> line 208
        [80] -> line 210
        [86] -> line 213
        [92] -> line 222
        [102] -> line 223
        [117] -> line 222
        [120] -> line 225
        [130] -> line 226
        [145] -> line 225
        [148] -> line 228
        [158] -> line 229
        [172] -> line 228
        [175] -> line 231
        [181] -> line 234
        [187] -> line 237
        [193] -> line 241
        [199] -> line 246
        [205] -> line 249
        [211] -> line 252
        [217] -> line 255
        [223] -> line 258
        [229] -> line 259
        [235] -> line 260
        [241] -> line 262
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 242 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase; this]
        v1: 0 -> 242 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase; db]
        v2: 0 -> 242 [I oldVersion]
        v3: 0 -> 242 [I newVersion]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteException]
  + Method:       touchHost(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void touchHost(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.HostBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 78, locals = 7, stack = 9):
      [0] invokestatic #141
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.currentTimeMillis ()J]
      [3] ldc2_w #104
        + Long [1000]
      [6] ldiv
      [7] lstore_2 v2
      [8] new #75
        + Class [android/content/ContentValues]
      [11] dup
      [12] invokespecial #110
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.<init> ()V]
      [15] astore v4
      [17] aload v4
      [19] ldc #53
        + String [lastconnect]
      [21] lload_2 v2
      [22] invokestatic #131
        + Methodref [java/lang/Long.valueOf (J)Ljava/lang/Long;]
      [25] invokevirtual #112
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Long;)V]
      [28] getstatic #108
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.dbLock [Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [31] dup
      [32] astore v5
      [34] monitorenter
      [35] aload_0 v0
      [36] invokevirtual #176
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.getWritableDatabase ()Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
      [39] astore v6
      [41] aload v6
      [43] ldc #52
        + String [hosts]
      [45] aload v4
      [47] ldc #33
        + String [_id = ?]
      [49] iconst_1
      [50] anewarray #87
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [53] dup
      [54] iconst_0
      [55] aload_1 v1
      [56] invokevirtual #147
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getId ()J]
      [59] invokestatic #135
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (J)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [62] aastore
      [63] invokevirtual #120
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.update (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/ContentValues;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [66] pop
      [67] aload v5
      [69] monitorexit
      [70] goto +7 (target=77)
      [73] aload v5
      [75] monitorexit
      [76] athrow
      [77] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (35 -> 70: 73):
      + ExceptionInfo (73 -> 76: 73):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 269
        [8] -> line 271
        [17] -> line 272
        [28] -> line 274
        [35] -> line 275
        [41] -> line 277
        [67] -> line 274
        [77] -> line 279
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 78 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase; this]
        v1: 0 -> 78 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; host]
        v2: 8 -> 78 [J now]
        v4: 17 -> 78 [Landroid/content/ContentValues; values]
        v6: 41 -> 67 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase; db]
  + Method:       saveHost(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.HostBean saveHost(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.HostBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 43, locals = 6, stack = 4):
      [0] getstatic #108
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.dbLock [Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [3] dup
      [4] astore v4
      [6] monitorenter
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] invokevirtual #176
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.getWritableDatabase ()Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
      [11] astore v5
      [13] aload v5
      [15] ldc #52
        + String [hosts]
      [17] aconst_null
      [18] aload_1 v1
      [19] invokevirtual #148
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getValues ()Landroid/content/ContentValues;]
      [22] invokevirtual #118
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.insert (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/ContentValues;)J]
      [25] lstore_2 v2
      [26] aload v4
      [28] monitorexit
      [29] goto +7 (target=36)
      [32] aload v4
      [34] monitorexit
      [35] athrow
      [36] aload_1 v1
      [37] lload_2 v2
      [38] invokevirtual #155
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setId (J)V]
      [41] aload_1 v1
      [42] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (7 -> 29: 32):
      + ExceptionInfo (32 -> 35: 32):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 287
        [7] -> line 288
        [13] -> line 290
        [26] -> line 287
        [36] -> line 293
        [41] -> line 295
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 43 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase; this]
        v1: 0 -> 43 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; host]
        v2: 26 -> 32 [J id]
        v2: 36 -> 43 [J id]
        v5: 13 -> 26 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase; db]
  + Method:       updateFontSize(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean updateFontSize(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.HostBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 84, locals = 7, stack = 9):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] invokevirtual #147
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getId ()J]
      [4] lstore_2 v2
      [5] lload_2 v2
      [6] lconst_0
      [7] lcmp
      [8] ifge +5 (target=13)
      [11] iconst_0
      [12] ireturn
      [13] new #75
        + Class [android/content/ContentValues]
      [16] dup
      [17] invokespecial #110
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.<init> ()V]
      [20] astore v4
      [22] aload v4
      [24] ldc #46
        + String [fontsize]
      [26] aload_1 v1
      [27] invokevirtual #146
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getFontSize ()I]
      [30] invokestatic #130
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [33] invokevirtual #111
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Integer;)V]
      [36] getstatic #108
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.dbLock [Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [39] dup
      [40] astore v5
      [42] monitorenter
      [43] aload_0 v0
      [44] invokevirtual #176
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.getWritableDatabase ()Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
      [47] astore v6
      [49] aload v6
      [51] ldc #52
        + String [hosts]
      [53] aload v4
      [55] ldc #33
        + String [_id = ?]
      [57] iconst_1
      [58] anewarray #87
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [61] dup
      [62] iconst_0
      [63] lload_2 v2
      [64] invokestatic #135
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (J)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [67] aastore
      [68] invokevirtual #120
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.update (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/ContentValues;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [71] pop
      [72] aload v5
      [74] monitorexit
      [75] goto +7 (target=82)
      [78] aload v5
      [80] monitorexit
      [81] athrow
      [82] iconst_1
      [83] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (43 -> 75: 78):
      + ExceptionInfo (78 -> 81: 78):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 12)
        [0] -> line 302
        [5] -> line 303
        [11] -> line 304
        [13] -> line 306
        [22] -> line 307
        [36] -> line 309
        [43] -> line 310
        [49] -> line 312
        [57] -> line 313
        [68] -> line 312
        [72] -> line 309
        [82] -> line 317
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 84 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase; this]
        v1: 0 -> 84 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; host]
        v2: 5 -> 84 [J id]
        v4: 22 -> 84 [Landroid/content/ContentValues; updates]
        v6: 49 -> 72 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase; db]
  + Method:       deleteHost(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void deleteHost(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.HostBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 53, locals = 4, stack = 8):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] invokevirtual #147
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getId ()J]
      [4] lconst_0
      [5] lcmp
      [6] ifge +4 (target=10)
      [9] return
      [10] getstatic #108
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.dbLock [Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [13] dup
      [14] astore_2 v2
      [15] monitorenter
      [16] aload_0 v0
      [17] invokevirtual #176
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.getWritableDatabase ()Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
      [20] astore_3 v3
      [21] aload_3 v3
      [22] ldc #52
        + String [hosts]
      [24] ldc #33
        + String [_id = ?]
      [26] iconst_1
      [27] anewarray #87
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [30] dup
      [31] iconst_0
      [32] aload_1 v1
      [33] invokevirtual #147
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getId ()J]
      [36] invokestatic #135
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (J)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [39] aastore
      [40] invokevirtual #116
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.delete (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [43] pop
      [44] aload_2 v2
      [45] monitorexit
      [46] goto +6 (target=52)
      [49] aload_2 v2
      [50] monitorexit
      [51] athrow
      [52] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (16 -> 46: 49):
      + ExceptionInfo (49 -> 51: 49):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 324
        [9] -> line 325
        [10] -> line 327
        [16] -> line 328
        [21] -> line 329
        [44] -> line 327
        [52] -> line 331
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 53 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase; this]
        v1: 0 -> 53 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; host]
        v3: 21 -> 44 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase; db]
  + Method:       getHosts(Z)Ljava/util/List;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.util.List getHosts(boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 84, locals = 7, stack = 10):
      [0] iload_1 v1
      [1] ifeq +8 (target=9)
      [4] ldc #35
        + String [color]
      [6] goto +5 (target=11)
      [9] ldc #54
        + String [nickname]
      [11] astore_2 v2
      [12] getstatic #108
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.dbLock [Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [15] dup
      [16] astore v4
      [18] monitorenter
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] invokevirtual #175
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.getReadableDatabase ()Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
      [23] astore v5
      [25] aload v5
      [27] ldc #52
        + String [hosts]
      [29] aconst_null
      [30] aconst_null
      [31] aconst_null
      [32] aconst_null
      [33] aconst_null
      [34] new #88
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [37] dup
      [38] aload_2 v2
      [39] invokestatic #136
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [42] invokespecial #138
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [45] ldc #3
        + String [ ASC]
      [47] invokevirtual #139
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [50] invokevirtual #140
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [53] invokevirtual #119
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.query (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/database/Cursor;]
      [56] astore v6
      [58] aload_0 v0
      [59] aload v6
      [61] invokespecial #173
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.createHostBeans (Landroid/database/Cursor;)Ljava/util/List;]
      [64] astore_3 v3
      [65] aload v6
      [67] invokeinterface #181
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.close ()V]
      [72] aload v4
      [74] monitorexit
      [75] goto +7 (target=82)
      [78] aload v4
      [80] monitorexit
      [81] athrow
      [82] aload_3 v3
      [83] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (19 -> 75: 78):
      + ExceptionInfo (78 -> 81: 78):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 338
        [12] -> line 341
        [19] -> line 342
        [25] -> line 344
        [58] -> line 346
        [65] -> line 348
        [72] -> line 341
        [82] -> line 351
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 84 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase; this]
        v1: 0 -> 84 [Z sortColors]
        v2: 12 -> 84 [Ljava/lang/String; sortField]
        v3: 65 -> 78 [Ljava/util/List; hosts]
        v3: 82 -> 84 [Ljava/util/List; hosts]
        v5: 25 -> 72 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase; db]
        v6: 58 -> 72 [Landroid/database/Cursor; c]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 2)
        v3: 65 -> 78 [Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;>; hosts]
        v3: 82 -> 84 [Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;>; hosts]
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [(Z)Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;>;]
  + Method:       createHostBeans(Landroid/database/Cursor;)Ljava/util/List;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.util.List createHostBeans(android.database.Cursor)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 476, locals = 22, stack = 3):
      [0] new #92
        + Class [java/util/LinkedList]
      [3] dup
      [4] invokespecial #144
        + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.<init> ()V]
      [7] astore_2 v2
      [8] aload_1 v1
      [9] ldc #32
        + String [_id]
      [11] invokeinterface #183
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [16] istore_3 v3
      [17] aload_1 v1
      [18] ldc #54
        + String [nickname]
      [20] invokeinterface #183
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [25] istore v4
      [27] aload_1 v1
      [28] ldc #60
        + String [protocol]
      [30] invokeinterface #183
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [35] istore v5
      [37] aload_1 v1
      [38] ldc #71
        + String [username]
      [40] invokeinterface #183
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [45] istore v6
      [47] aload_1 v1
      [48] ldc #50
        + String [hostname]
      [50] invokeinterface #183
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [55] istore v7
      [57] aload_1 v1
      [58] ldc #56
        + String [port]
      [60] invokeinterface #183
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [65] istore v8
      [67] aload_1 v1
      [68] ldc #53
        + String [lastconnect]
      [70] invokeinterface #183
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [75] istore v9
      [77] aload_1 v1
      [78] ldc #35
        + String [color]
      [80] invokeinterface #183
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [85] istore v10
      [87] aload_1 v1
      [88] ldc #70
        + String [usekeys]
      [90] invokeinterface #183
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [95] istore v11
      [97] aload_1 v1
      [98] ldc #69
        + String [useauthagent]
      [100] invokeinterface #183
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [105] istore v12
      [107] aload_1 v1
      [108] ldc #59
        + String [postlogin]
      [110] invokeinterface #183
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [115] istore v13
      [117] aload_1 v1
      [118] ldc #61
        + String [pubkeyid]
      [120] invokeinterface #183
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [125] istore v14
      [127] aload_1 v1
      [128] ldc #73
        + String [wantsession]
      [130] invokeinterface #183
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [135] istore v15
      [137] aload_1 v1
      [138] ldc #41
        + String [delkey]
      [140] invokeinterface #183
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [145] istore v16
      [147] aload_1 v1
      [148] ldc #46
        + String [fontsize]
      [150] invokeinterface #183
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [155] istore v17
      [157] aload_1 v1
      [158] ldc #40
        + String [compression]
      [160] invokeinterface #183
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [165] istore v18
      [167] aload_1 v1
      [168] ldc #44
        + String [encoding]
      [170] invokeinterface #183
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [175] istore v19
      [177] aload_1 v1
      [178] ldc #67
        + String [stayconnected]
      [180] invokeinterface #183
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [185] istore v20
      [187] goto +278 (target=465)
      [190] new #97
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
      [193] dup
      [194] invokespecial #145
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.<init> ()V]
      [197] astore v21
      [199] aload v21
      [201] aload_1 v1
      [202] iload_3 v3
      [203] invokeinterface #185
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getLong (I)J]
      [208] invokevirtual #155
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setId (J)V]
      [211] aload v21
      [213] aload_1 v1
      [214] iload v4
      [216] invokeinterface #186
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [221] invokevirtual #157
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setNickname (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [224] aload v21
      [226] aload_1 v1
      [227] iload v5
      [229] invokeinterface #186
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [234] invokevirtual #160
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setProtocol (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [237] aload v21
      [239] aload_1 v1
      [240] iload v6
      [242] invokeinterface #186
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [247] invokevirtual #165
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setUsername (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [250] aload v21
      [252] aload_1 v1
      [253] iload v7
      [255] invokeinterface #186
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [260] invokevirtual #154
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setHostname (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [263] aload v21
      [265] aload_1 v1
      [266] iload v8
      [268] invokeinterface #184
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getInt (I)I]
      [273] invokevirtual #158
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setPort (I)V]
      [276] aload v21
      [278] aload_1 v1
      [279] iload v9
      [281] invokeinterface #185
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getLong (I)J]
      [286] invokevirtual #156
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setLastConnect (J)V]
      [289] aload v21
      [291] aload_1 v1
      [292] iload v10
      [294] invokeinterface #186
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [299] invokevirtual #149
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setColor (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [302] aload v21
      [304] aload_1 v1
      [305] iload v11
      [307] invokeinterface #186
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [312] invokestatic #127
        + Methodref [java/lang/Boolean.valueOf (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
      [315] invokevirtual #125
        + Methodref [java/lang/Boolean.booleanValue ()Z]
      [318] invokevirtual #164
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setUseKeys (Z)V]
      [321] aload v21
      [323] aload_1 v1
      [324] iload v12
      [326] invokeinterface #186
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [331] invokevirtual #163
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setUseAuthAgent (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [334] aload v21
      [336] aload_1 v1
      [337] iload v13
      [339] invokeinterface #186
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [344] invokevirtual #159
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setPostLogin (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [347] aload v21
      [349] aload_1 v1
      [350] iload v14
      [352] invokeinterface #185
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getLong (I)J]
      [357] invokevirtual #161
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setPubkeyId (J)V]
      [360] aload v21
      [362] aload_1 v1
      [363] iload v15
      [365] invokeinterface #186
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [370] invokestatic #127
        + Methodref [java/lang/Boolean.valueOf (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
      [373] invokevirtual #125
        + Methodref [java/lang/Boolean.booleanValue ()Z]
      [376] invokevirtual #166
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setWantSession (Z)V]
      [379] aload v21
      [381] aload_1 v1
      [382] iload v16
      [384] invokeinterface #186
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [389] invokevirtual #151
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setDelKey (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [392] aload v21
      [394] aload_1 v1
      [395] iload v17
      [397] invokeinterface #184
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getInt (I)I]
      [402] invokevirtual #153
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setFontSize (I)V]
      [405] aload v21
      [407] aload_1 v1
      [408] iload v18
      [410] invokeinterface #186
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [415] invokestatic #127
        + Methodref [java/lang/Boolean.valueOf (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
      [418] invokevirtual #125
        + Methodref [java/lang/Boolean.booleanValue ()Z]
      [421] invokevirtual #150
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setCompression (Z)V]
      [424] aload v21
      [426] aload_1 v1
      [427] iload v19
      [429] invokeinterface #186
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [434] invokevirtual #152
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setEncoding (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [437] aload v21
      [439] aload_1 v1
      [440] iload v20
      [442] invokeinterface #186
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [447] invokestatic #127
        + Methodref [java/lang/Boolean.valueOf (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Boolean;]
      [450] invokevirtual #125
        + Methodref [java/lang/Boolean.booleanValue ()Z]
      [453] invokevirtual #162
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.setStayConnected (Z)V]
      [456] aload_2 v2
      [457] aload v21
      [459] invokeinterface #191
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [464] pop
      [465] aload_1 v1
      [466] invokeinterface #188
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.moveToNext ()Z]
      [471] ifne -281 (target=190)
      [474] aload_2 v2
      [475] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 42)
        [0] -> line 359
        [8] -> line 361
        [17] -> line 362
        [27] -> line 363
        [37] -> line 364
        [47] -> line 365
        [57] -> line 366
        [67] -> line 367
        [77] -> line 368
        [87] -> line 369
        [97] -> line 370
        [107] -> line 371
        [117] -> line 372
        [127] -> line 373
        [137] -> line 374
        [147] -> line 375
        [157] -> line 376
        [167] -> line 377
        [177] -> line 378
        [187] -> line 381
        [190] -> line 382
        [199] -> line 384
        [211] -> line 385
        [224] -> line 386
        [237] -> line 387
        [250] -> line 388
        [263] -> line 389
        [276] -> line 390
        [289] -> line 391
        [302] -> line 392
        [321] -> line 393
        [334] -> line 394
        [347] -> line 395
        [360] -> line 396
        [379] -> line 397
        [392] -> line 398
        [405] -> line 399
        [424] -> line 400
        [437] -> line 401
        [456] -> line 403
        [465] -> line 381
        [474] -> line 406
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 22)
        v0: 0 -> 476 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase; this]
        v1: 0 -> 476 [Landroid/database/Cursor; c]
        v2: 8 -> 476 [Ljava/util/List; hosts]
        v3: 17 -> 476 [I COL_ID]
        v4: 27 -> 476 [I COL_NICKNAME]
        v5: 37 -> 476 [I COL_PROTOCOL]
        v6: 47 -> 476 [I COL_USERNAME]
        v7: 57 -> 476 [I COL_HOSTNAME]
        v8: 67 -> 476 [I COL_PORT]
        v9: 77 -> 476 [I COL_LASTCONNECT]
        v10: 87 -> 476 [I COL_COLOR]
        v11: 97 -> 476 [I COL_USEKEYS]
        v12: 107 -> 476 [I COL_USEAUTHAGENT]
        v13: 117 -> 476 [I COL_POSTLOGIN]
        v14: 127 -> 476 [I COL_PUBKEYID]
        v15: 137 -> 476 [I COL_WANTSESSION]
        v16: 147 -> 476 [I COL_DELKEY]
        v17: 157 -> 476 [I COL_FONTSIZE]
        v18: 167 -> 476 [I COL_COMPRESSION]
        v19: 177 -> 476 [I COL_ENCODING]
        v20: 187 -> 476 [I COL_STAYCONNECTED]
        v21: 199 -> 465 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; host]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 1)
        v2: 8 -> 476 [Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;>; hosts]
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [(Landroid/database/Cursor;)Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;>;]
  + Method:       getFirstHostBean(Landroid/database/Cursor;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.HostBean getFirstHostBean(android.database.Cursor)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 36, locals = 4, stack = 2):
      [0] aconst_null
      [1] astore_2 v2
      [2] aload_0 v0
      [3] aload_1 v1
      [4] invokespecial #173
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.createHostBeans (Landroid/database/Cursor;)Ljava/util/List;]
      [7] astore_3 v3
      [8] aload_3 v3
      [9] invokeinterface #193
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.size ()I]
      [14] ifle +14 (target=28)
      [17] aload_3 v3
      [18] iconst_0
      [19] invokeinterface #192
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.get (I)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [24] checkcast #97
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean]
      [27] astore_2 v2
      [28] aload_1 v1
      [29] invokeinterface #181
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.close ()V]
      [34] aload_2 v2
      [35] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 414
        [2] -> line 416
        [8] -> line 417
        [17] -> line 418
        [28] -> line 420
        [34] -> line 422
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 36 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase; this]
        v1: 0 -> 36 [Landroid/database/Cursor; c]
        v2: 2 -> 36 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; host]
        v3: 8 -> 36 [Ljava/util/List; hosts]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 1)
        v3: 8 -> 36 [Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;>; hosts]
  + Method:       findHost(Ljava/util/Map;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.HostBean findHost(java.util.Map)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 199, locals = 11, stack = 8):
      [0] new #88
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [3] dup
      [4] invokespecial #137
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> ()V]
      [7] astore_2 v2
      [8] aload_1 v1
      [9] invokeinterface #195
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map.entrySet ()Ljava/util/Set;]
      [14] invokeinterface #198
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Set.iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
      [19] astore_3 v3
      [20] new #92
        + Class [java/util/LinkedList]
      [23] dup
      [24] invokespecial #144
        + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.<init> ()V]
      [27] astore v4
      [29] iconst_0
      [30] istore v5
      [32] goto +80 (target=112)
      [35] aload_3 v3
      [36] invokeinterface #190
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/ ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [41] checkcast #95
        + Class [java/util/Map$Entry]
      [44] astore v6
      [46] aload v6
      [48] invokeinterface #197
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map$Entry.getValue ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [53] ifnonnull +6 (target=59)
      [56] goto +56 (target=112)
      [59] iload v5
      [61] iinc v5, 1
      [64] ifle +10 (target=74)
      [67] aload_2 v2
      [68] ldc #2
        + String [ AND ]
      [70] invokevirtual #139
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [73] pop
      [74] aload_2 v2
      [75] aload v6
      [77] invokeinterface #196
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map$Entry.getKey ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [82] checkcast #87
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [85] invokevirtual #139
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [88] ldc #1
        + String [ = ?]
      [90] invokevirtual #139
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [93] pop
      [94] aload v4
      [96] aload v6
      [98] invokeinterface #197
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Map$Entry.getValue ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [103] checkcast #87
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [106] invokeinterface #191
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [111] pop
      [112] aload_3 v3
      [113] invokeinterface #189
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Iterator.hasNext ()Z]
      [118] ifne -83 (target=35)
      [121] aload v4
      [123] invokeinterface #193
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.size ()I]
      [128] anewarray #87
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [131] astore v6
      [133] aload v4
      [135] aload v6
      [137] invokeinterface #194
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.toArray ([Ljava/lang/Object;)[Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [142] pop
      [143] aconst_null
      [144] astore v4
      [146] getstatic #108
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.dbLock [Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [149] dup
      [150] astore v8
      [152] monitorenter
      [153] aload_0 v0
      [154] invokevirtual #175
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.getReadableDatabase ()Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
      [157] astore v9
      [159] aload v9
      [161] ldc #52
        + String [hosts]
      [163] aconst_null
      [164] aload_2 v2
      [165] invokevirtual #140
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [168] aload v6
      [170] aconst_null
      [171] aconst_null
      [172] aconst_null
      [173] invokevirtual #119
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.query (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/database/Cursor;]
      [176] astore v10
      [178] aload_0 v0
      [179] aload v10
      [181] invokespecial #174
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.getFirstHostBean (Landroid/database/Cursor;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [184] astore v7
      [186] aload v8
      [188] monitorexit
      [189] goto +7 (target=196)
      [192] aload v8
      [194] monitorexit
      [195] athrow
      [196] aload v7
      [198] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (153 -> 189: 192):
      + ExceptionInfo (192 -> 195: 192):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 27)
        [0] -> line 435
        [8] -> line 437
        [20] -> line 439
        [29] -> line 440
        [32] -> line 441
        [35] -> line 442
        [46] -> line 444
        [56] -> line 445
        [59] -> line 447
        [67] -> line 448
        [74] -> line 450
        [88] -> line 451
        [94] -> line 453
        [112] -> line 441
        [121] -> line 456
        [133] -> line 457
        [143] -> line 458
        [146] -> line 462
        [153] -> line 463
        [159] -> line 465
        [164] -> line 466
        [168] -> line 467
        [170] -> line 468
        [173] -> line 465
        [178] -> line 470
        [186] -> line 462
        [196] -> line 473
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 12)
        v0: 0 -> 199 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase; this]
        v1: 0 -> 199 [Ljava/util/Map; selection]
        v2: 8 -> 199 [Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; selectionBuilder]
        v3: 20 -> 199 [Ljava/util/Iterator; i]
        v4: 29 -> 199 [Ljava/util/List; selectionValuesList]
        v5: 32 -> 199 [I n]
        v6: 46 -> 112 [Ljava/util/Map$Entry; entry]
        v6: 133 -> 199 [[Ljava/lang/String; selectionValues]
        v7: 186 -> 192 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; host]
        v7: 196 -> 199 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; host]
        v9: 159 -> 186 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase; db]
        v10: 178 -> 186 [Landroid/database/Cursor; c]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 4)
        v1: 0 -> 199 [Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;>; selection]
        v3: 20 -> 199 [Ljava/util/Iterator<Ljava/util/Map$Entry<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;>;>; i]
        v4: 29 -> 199 [Ljava/util/List<Ljava/lang/String;>; selectionValuesList]
        v6: 46 -> 112 [Ljava/util/Map$Entry<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;>; entry]
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [(Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;>;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
  + Method:       findHostById(J)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.HostBean findHostById(long)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 58, locals = 7, stack = 9):
      [0] getstatic #108
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.dbLock [Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [3] dup
      [4] astore v4
      [6] monitorenter
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] invokevirtual #175
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.getReadableDatabase ()Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
      [11] astore v5
      [13] aload v5
      [15] ldc #52
        + String [hosts]
      [17] aconst_null
      [18] ldc #33
        + String [_id = ?]
      [20] iconst_1
      [21] anewarray #87
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [24] dup
      [25] iconst_0
      [26] lload_1 v1
      [27] invokestatic #135
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (J)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [30] aastore
      [31] aconst_null
      [32] aconst_null
      [33] aconst_null
      [34] invokevirtual #119
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.query (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/database/Cursor;]
      [37] astore v6
      [39] aload_0 v0
      [40] aload v6
      [42] invokespecial #174
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.getFirstHostBean (Landroid/database/Cursor;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;]
      [45] astore_3 v3
      [46] aload v4
      [48] monitorexit
      [49] goto +7 (target=56)
      [52] aload v4
      [54] monitorexit
      [55] athrow
      [56] aload_3 v3
      [57] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (7 -> 49: 52):
      + ExceptionInfo (52 -> 55: 52):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 483
        [7] -> line 484
        [13] -> line 486
        [18] -> line 487
        [31] -> line 488
        [34] -> line 486
        [39] -> line 490
        [46] -> line 483
        [56] -> line 493
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 58 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase; this]
        v1: 0 -> 58 [J hostId]
        v3: 46 -> 52 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; host]
        v3: 56 -> 58 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; host]
        v5: 13 -> 46 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase; db]
        v6: 39 -> 46 [Landroid/database/Cursor; c]
  + Method:       saveKnownHost(Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;[B)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void saveKnownHost(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 96, locals = 8, stack = 8):
      [0] new #75
        + Class [android/content/ContentValues]
      [3] dup
      [4] invokespecial #110
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.<init> ()V]
      [7] astore v5
      [9] aload v5
      [11] ldc #49
        + String [hostkeyalgo]
      [13] aload_3 v3
      [14] invokevirtual #113
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [17] aload v5
      [19] ldc #48
        + String [hostkey]
      [21] aload v4
      [23] invokevirtual #114
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;[B)V]
      [26] getstatic #108
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.dbLock [Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [29] dup
      [30] astore v6
      [32] monitorenter
      [33] aload_0 v0
      [34] invokevirtual #175
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.getReadableDatabase ()Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
      [37] astore v7
      [39] aload v7
      [41] ldc #52
        + String [hosts]
      [43] aload v5
      [45] ldc #51
        + String [hostname = ? AND port = ?]
      [47] iconst_2
      [48] anewarray #87
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [51] dup
      [52] iconst_0
      [53] aload_1 v1
      [54] aastore
      [55] dup
      [56] iconst_1
      [57] iload_2 v2
      [58] invokestatic #134
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [61] aastore
      [62] invokevirtual #120
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.update (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/ContentValues;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [65] pop
      [66] ldc #26
        + String [ConnectBot.HostDatabase]
      [68] ldc #29
        + String [Finished saving hostkey information for '%s']
      [70] iconst_1
      [71] anewarray #86
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [74] dup
      [75] iconst_0
      [76] aload_1 v1
      [77] aastore
      [78] invokestatic #132
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [81] invokestatic #121
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [84] pop
      [85] aload v6
      [87] monitorexit
      [88] goto +7 (target=95)
      [91] aload v6
      [93] monitorexit
      [94] athrow
      [95] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (33 -> 88: 91):
      + ExceptionInfo (91 -> 94: 91):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 12)
        [0] -> line 504
        [9] -> line 505
        [17] -> line 506
        [26] -> line 508
        [33] -> line 509
        [39] -> line 511
        [45] -> line 512
        [47] -> line 513
        [62] -> line 511
        [66] -> line 514
        [85] -> line 508
        [95] -> line 516
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 96 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase; this]
        v1: 0 -> 96 [Ljava/lang/String; hostname]
        v2: 0 -> 96 [I port]
        v3: 0 -> 96 [Ljava/lang/String; hostkeyalgo]
        v4: 0 -> 96 [[B hostkey]
        v5: 9 -> 96 [Landroid/content/ContentValues; values]
        v7: 39 -> 85 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase; db]
  + Method:       getKnownHosts()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public com.trilead.ssh2.KnownHosts getKnownHosts()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 261, locals = 14, stack = 9):
      [0] new #81
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts]
      [3] dup
      [4] invokespecial #123
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts.<init> ()V]
      [7] astore_1 v1
      [8] getstatic #108
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.dbLock [Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [11] dup
      [12] astore_2 v2
      [13] monitorenter
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] invokevirtual #175
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.getReadableDatabase ()Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
      [18] astore_3 v3
      [19] aload_3 v3
      [20] ldc #52
        + String [hosts]
      [22] iconst_4
      [23] anewarray #87
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [26] dup
      [27] iconst_0
      [28] ldc #50
        + String [hostname]
      [30] aastore
      [31] dup
      [32] iconst_1
      [33] ldc #56
        + String [port]
      [35] aastore
      [36] dup
      [37] iconst_2
      [38] ldc #49
        + String [hostkeyalgo]
      [40] aastore
      [41] dup
      [42] iconst_3
      [43] ldc #48
        + String [hostkey]
      [45] aastore
      [46] aconst_null
      [47] aconst_null
      [48] aconst_null
      [49] aconst_null
      [50] aconst_null
      [51] invokevirtual #119
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.query (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/database/Cursor;]
      [54] astore v4
      [56] aload v4
      [58] ifnull +193 (target=251)
      [61] aload v4
      [63] ldc #50
        + String [hostname]
      [65] invokeinterface #183
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [70] istore v5
      [72] aload v4
      [74] ldc #56
        + String [port]
      [76] invokeinterface #183
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [81] istore v6
      [83] aload v4
      [85] ldc #49
        + String [hostkeyalgo]
      [87] invokeinterface #183
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [92] istore v7
      [94] aload v4
      [96] ldc #48
        + String [hostkey]
      [98] invokeinterface #183
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [103] istore v8
      [105] goto +129 (target=234)
      [108] aload v4
      [110] iload v5
      [112] invokeinterface #186
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [117] astore v9
      [119] aload v4
      [121] iload v7
      [123] invokeinterface #186
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [128] astore v10
      [130] aload v4
      [132] iload v6
      [134] invokeinterface #184
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getInt (I)I]
      [139] istore v11
      [141] aload v4
      [143] iload v8
      [145] invokeinterface #182
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getBlob (I)[B]
      [150] astore v12
      [152] aload v10
      [154] ifnull +80 (target=234)
      [157] aload v10
      [159] invokevirtual #133
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
      [162] ifne +6 (target=168)
      [165] goto +69 (target=234)
      [168] aload v12
      [170] ifnull +64 (target=234)
      [173] aload v12
      [175] arraylength
      [176] ifne +6 (target=182)
      [179] goto +55 (target=234)
      [182] aload_1 v1
      [183] iconst_1
      [184] anewarray #87
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [187] dup
      [188] iconst_0
      [189] ldc #6
        + String [%s:%d]
      [191] iconst_2
      [192] anewarray #86
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [195] dup
      [196] iconst_0
      [197] aload v9
      [199] aastore
      [200] dup
      [201] iconst_1
      [202] iload v11
      [204] invokestatic #130
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [207] aastore
      [208] invokestatic #132
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [211] aastore
      [212] aload v10
      [214] aload v12
      [216] invokevirtual #124
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts.addHostkey ([Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[B)V]
      [219] goto +15 (target=234)
      [222] astore v13
      [224] ldc #26
        + String [ConnectBot.HostDatabase]
      [226] ldc #30
        + String [Problem while adding a known host from database]
      [228] aload v13
      [230] invokestatic #122
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.e (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [233] pop
      [234] aload v4
      [236] invokeinterface #188
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.moveToNext ()Z]
      [241] ifne -133 (target=108)
      [244] aload v4
      [246] invokeinterface #181
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.close ()V]
      [251] aload_2 v2
      [252] monitorexit
      [253] goto +6 (target=259)
      [256] aload_2 v2
      [257] monitorexit
      [258] athrow
      [259] aload_1 v1
      [260] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 3):
      + ExceptionInfo (182 -> 219: 222):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      + ExceptionInfo (14 -> 253: 256):
      + ExceptionInfo (256 -> 258: 256):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 26)
        [0] -> line 523
        [8] -> line 525
        [14] -> line 526
        [19] -> line 527
        [33] -> line 528
        [46] -> line 529
        [51] -> line 527
        [56] -> line 531
        [61] -> line 532
        [72] -> line 533
        [83] -> line 534
        [94] -> line 535
        [105] -> line 537
        [108] -> line 538
        [119] -> line 539
        [130] -> line 540
        [141] -> line 541
        [152] -> line 543
        [168] -> line 544
        [182] -> line 547
        [222] -> line 548
        [224] -> line 549
        [234] -> line 537
        [244] -> line 553
        [251] -> line 525
        [259] -> line 557
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 13)
        v0: 0 -> 261 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase; this]
        v1: 8 -> 261 [Lcom/trilead/ssh2/KnownHosts; known]
        v3: 19 -> 251 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase; db]
        v4: 56 -> 251 [Landroid/database/Cursor; c]
        v5: 72 -> 251 [I COL_HOSTNAME]
        v6: 83 -> 251 [I COL_PORT]
        v7: 94 -> 251 [I COL_HOSTKEYALGO]
        v8: 105 -> 251 [I COL_HOSTKEY]
        v9: 119 -> 234 [Ljava/lang/String; hostname]
        v10: 130 -> 234 [Ljava/lang/String; hostkeyalgo]
        v11: 141 -> 234 [I port]
        v12: 152 -> 234 [[B hostkey]
        v13: 224 -> 234 [Ljava/lang/Exception; e]
  + Method:       stopUsingPubkey(J)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void stopUsingPubkey(long)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 95, locals = 6, stack = 9):
      [0] lload_1 v1
      [1] lconst_0
      [2] lcmp
      [3] ifge +4 (target=7)
      [6] return
      [7] new #75
        + Class [android/content/ContentValues]
      [10] dup
      [11] invokespecial #110
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.<init> ()V]
      [14] astore_3 v3
      [15] aload_3 v3
      [16] ldc #61
        + String [pubkeyid]
      [18] ldc2_w #102
        + Long [-1]
      [21] invokestatic #131
        + Methodref [java/lang/Long.valueOf (J)Ljava/lang/Long;]
      [24] invokevirtual #112
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Long;)V]
      [27] getstatic #108
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.dbLock [Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [30] dup
      [31] astore v4
      [33] monitorenter
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] invokevirtual #176
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.getWritableDatabase ()Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
      [38] astore v5
      [40] aload v5
      [42] ldc #52
        + String [hosts]
      [44] aload_3 v3
      [45] ldc #62
        + String [pubkeyid = ?]
      [47] iconst_1
      [48] anewarray #87
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [51] dup
      [52] iconst_0
      [53] lload_1 v1
      [54] invokestatic #135
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (J)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [57] aastore
      [58] invokevirtual #120
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.update (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/ContentValues;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [61] pop
      [62] aload v4
      [64] monitorexit
      [65] goto +7 (target=72)
      [68] aload v4
      [70] monitorexit
      [71] athrow
      [72] ldc #26
        + String [ConnectBot.HostDatabase]
      [74] ldc #31
        + String [Set all hosts using pubkey id %d to -1]
      [76] iconst_1
      [77] anewarray #86
        + Class [java/lang/Object]
      [80] dup
      [81] iconst_0
      [82] lload_1 v1
      [83] invokestatic #131
        + Methodref [java/lang/Long.valueOf (J)Ljava/lang/Long;]
      [86] aastore
      [87] invokestatic #132
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.format (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [90] invokestatic #121
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [93] pop
      [94] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (34 -> 65: 68):
      + ExceptionInfo (68 -> 71: 68):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 565
        [7] -> line 567
        [15] -> line 568
        [27] -> line 570
        [34] -> line 571
        [40] -> line 573
        [62] -> line 570
        [72] -> line 576
        [94] -> line 577
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 95 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase; this]
        v1: 0 -> 95 [J pubkeyId]
        v3: 15 -> 95 [Landroid/content/ContentValues; values]
        v5: 40 -> 62 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase; db]
  + Method:       getPortForwardsForHost(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Ljava/util/List;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.util.List getPortForwardsForHost(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.HostBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 184, locals = 7, stack = 12):
      [0] new #92
        + Class [java/util/LinkedList]
      [3] dup
      [4] invokespecial #144
        + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.<init> ()V]
      [7] astore_2 v2
      [8] getstatic #108
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.dbLock [Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [11] dup
      [12] astore_3 v3
      [13] monitorenter
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] invokevirtual #175
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.getReadableDatabase ()Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
      [18] astore v4
      [20] aload v4
      [22] ldc #57
        + String [portforwards]
      [24] bipush 6
      [26] anewarray #87
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [29] dup
      [30] iconst_0
      [31] ldc #32
        + String [_id]
      [33] aastore
      [34] dup
      [35] iconst_1
      [36] ldc #54
        + String [nickname]
      [38] aastore
      [39] dup
      [40] iconst_2
      [41] ldc #68
        + String [type]
      [43] aastore
      [44] dup
      [45] iconst_3
      [46] ldc #66
        + String [sourceport]
      [48] aastore
      [49] dup
      [50] iconst_4
      [51] ldc #42
        + String [destaddr]
      [53] aastore
      [54] dup
      [55] iconst_5
      [56] ldc #43
        + String [destport]
      [58] aastore
      [59] ldc #47
        + String [hostid = ?]
      [61] iconst_1
      [62] anewarray #87
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [65] dup
      [66] iconst_0
      [67] aload_1 v1
      [68] invokevirtual #147
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getId ()J]
      [71] invokestatic #135
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (J)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [74] aastore
      [75] aconst_null
      [76] aconst_null
      [77] aconst_null
      [78] invokevirtual #119
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.query (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/database/Cursor;]
      [81] astore v5
      [83] goto +74 (target=157)
      [86] new #98
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean]
      [89] dup
      [90] aload v5
      [92] iconst_0
      [93] invokeinterface #184
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getInt (I)I]
      [98] i2l
      [99] aload_1 v1
      [100] invokevirtual #147
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean.getId ()J]
      [103] aload v5
      [105] iconst_1
      [106] invokeinterface #186
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [111] aload v5
      [113] iconst_2
      [114] invokeinterface #186
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [119] aload v5
      [121] iconst_3
      [122] invokeinterface #184
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getInt (I)I]
      [127] aload v5
      [129] iconst_4
      [130] invokeinterface #186
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [135] aload v5
      [137] iconst_5
      [138] invokeinterface #184
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getInt (I)I]
      [143] invokespecial #167
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.<init> (JJLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)V]
      [146] astore v6
      [148] aload_2 v2
      [149] aload v6
      [151] invokeinterface #191
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [156] pop
      [157] aload v5
      [159] invokeinterface #188
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.moveToNext ()Z]
      [164] ifne -78 (target=86)
      [167] aload v5
      [169] invokeinterface #181
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.close ()V]
      [174] aload_3 v3
      [175] monitorexit
      [176] goto +6 (target=182)
      [179] aload_3 v3
      [180] monitorexit
      [181] athrow
      [182] aload_2 v2
      [183] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (14 -> 176: 179):
      + ExceptionInfo (179 -> 181: 179):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 24)
        [0] -> line 589
        [8] -> line 591
        [14] -> line 592
        [20] -> line 594
        [31] -> line 595
        [51] -> line 596
        [59] -> line 597
        [75] -> line 598
        [78] -> line 594
        [83] -> line 600
        [86] -> line 601
        [90] -> line 602
        [99] -> line 603
        [103] -> line 604
        [111] -> line 605
        [119] -> line 606
        [127] -> line 607
        [135] -> line 608
        [143] -> line 601
        [148] -> line 609
        [157] -> line 600
        [167] -> line 612
        [174] -> line 591
        [182] -> line 615
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 184 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase; this]
        v1: 0 -> 184 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean; host]
        v2: 8 -> 184 [Ljava/util/List; portForwards]
        v4: 20 -> 174 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase; db]
        v5: 83 -> 174 [Landroid/database/Cursor; c]
        v6: 148 -> 157 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean; pfb]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 1)
        v2: 8 -> 184 [Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;>; portForwards]
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/HostBean;)Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;>;]
  + Method:       savePortForward(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean savePortForward(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PortForwardBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 90, locals = 7, stack = 9):
      [0] iconst_0
      [1] istore_2 v2
      [2] getstatic #108
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.dbLock [Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [5] dup
      [6] astore_3 v3
      [7] monitorenter
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] invokevirtual #176
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.getWritableDatabase ()Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
      [12] astore v4
      [14] aload_1 v1
      [15] invokevirtual #168
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getId ()J]
      [18] lconst_0
      [19] lcmp
      [20] ifge +28 (target=48)
      [23] aload v4
      [25] ldc #57
        + String [portforwards]
      [27] aconst_null
      [28] aload_1 v1
      [29] invokevirtual #169
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getValues ()Landroid/content/ContentValues;]
      [32] invokevirtual #118
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.insert (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/ContentValues;)J]
      [35] lstore v5
      [37] aload_1 v1
      [38] lload v5
      [40] invokevirtual #170
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.setId (J)V]
      [43] iconst_1
      [44] istore_2 v2
      [45] goto +35 (target=80)
      [48] aload v4
      [50] ldc #57
        + String [portforwards]
      [52] aload_1 v1
      [53] invokevirtual #169
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getValues ()Landroid/content/ContentValues;]
      [56] ldc #33
        + String [_id = ?]
      [58] iconst_1
      [59] anewarray #87
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [62] dup
      [63] iconst_0
      [64] aload_1 v1
      [65] invokevirtual #168
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getId ()J]
      [68] invokestatic #135
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (J)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [71] aastore
      [72] invokevirtual #120
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.update (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/ContentValues;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [75] ifle +5 (target=80)
      [78] iconst_1
      [79] istore_2 v2
      [80] aload_3 v3
      [81] monitorexit
      [82] goto +6 (target=88)
      [85] aload_3 v3
      [86] monitorexit
      [87] athrow
      [88] iload_2 v2
      [89] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (8 -> 82: 85):
      + ExceptionInfo (85 -> 87: 85):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 11)
        [0] -> line 624
        [2] -> line 626
        [8] -> line 627
        [14] -> line 629
        [23] -> line 630
        [37] -> line 631
        [43] -> line 632
        [48] -> line 634
        [78] -> line 635
        [80] -> line 626
        [88] -> line 639
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 90 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase; this]
        v1: 0 -> 90 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean; pfb]
        v2: 2 -> 90 [Z success]
        v4: 14 -> 80 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase; db]
        v5: 37 -> 48 [J id]
  + Method:       deletePortForward(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void deletePortForward(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PortForwardBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 53, locals = 4, stack = 8):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] invokevirtual #168
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getId ()J]
      [4] lconst_0
      [5] lcmp
      [6] ifge +4 (target=10)
      [9] return
      [10] getstatic #108
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.dbLock [Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [13] dup
      [14] astore_2 v2
      [15] monitorenter
      [16] aload_0 v0
      [17] invokevirtual #176
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.getWritableDatabase ()Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
      [20] astore_3 v3
      [21] aload_3 v3
      [22] ldc #57
        + String [portforwards]
      [24] ldc #33
        + String [_id = ?]
      [26] iconst_1
      [27] anewarray #87
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [30] dup
      [31] iconst_0
      [32] aload_1 v1
      [33] invokevirtual #168
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean.getId ()J]
      [36] invokestatic #135
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (J)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [39] aastore
      [40] invokevirtual #116
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.delete (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [43] pop
      [44] aload_2 v2
      [45] monitorexit
      [46] goto +6 (target=52)
      [49] aload_2 v2
      [50] monitorexit
      [51] athrow
      [52] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (16 -> 46: 49):
      + ExceptionInfo (49 -> 51: 49):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 647
        [9] -> line 648
        [10] -> line 650
        [16] -> line 651
        [21] -> line 652
        [44] -> line 650
        [52] -> line 654
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 53 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase; this]
        v1: 0 -> 53 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PortForwardBean; pfb]
        v3: 21 -> 44 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase; db]
  + Method:       getColorsForScheme(I)[Ljava/lang/Integer;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.Integer[] getColorsForScheme(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 116, locals = 6, stack = 8):
      [0] getstatic #106
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/Colors.defaults [Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [3] invokevirtual #109
        + Methodref [[Ljava/lang/Integer;.clone ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [6] checkcast #74
        + Class [[Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [9] astore_2 v2
      [10] getstatic #108
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.dbLock [Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [13] dup
      [14] astore_3 v3
      [15] monitorenter
      [16] aload_0 v0
      [17] invokevirtual #175
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.getReadableDatabase ()Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
      [20] astore v4
      [22] aload v4
      [24] ldc #38
        + String [colors]
      [26] iconst_2
      [27] anewarray #87
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [30] dup
      [31] iconst_0
      [32] ldc #55
        + String [number]
      [34] aastore
      [35] dup
      [36] iconst_1
      [37] ldc #72
        + String [value]
      [39] aastore
      [40] ldc #64
        + String [scheme = ?]
      [42] iconst_1
      [43] anewarray #87
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [46] dup
      [47] iconst_0
      [48] iload_1 v1
      [49] invokestatic #134
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [52] aastore
      [53] aconst_null
      [54] aconst_null
      [55] aconst_null
      [56] invokevirtual #119
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.query (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/database/Cursor;]
      [59] astore v5
      [61] goto +28 (target=89)
      [64] aload_2 v2
      [65] aload v5
      [67] iconst_0
      [68] invokeinterface #184
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getInt (I)I]
      [73] new #84
        + Class [java/lang/Integer]
      [76] dup
      [77] aload v5
      [79] iconst_1
      [80] invokeinterface #184
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getInt (I)I]
      [85] invokespecial #128
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.<init> (I)V]
      [88] aastore
      [89] aload v5
      [91] invokeinterface #188
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.moveToNext ()Z]
      [96] ifne -32 (target=64)
      [99] aload v5
      [101] invokeinterface #181
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.close ()V]
      [106] aload_3 v3
      [107] monitorexit
      [108] goto +6 (target=114)
      [111] aload_3 v3
      [112] monitorexit
      [113] athrow
      [114] aload_2 v2
      [115] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (16 -> 108: 111):
      + ExceptionInfo (111 -> 113: 111):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 15)
        [0] -> line 657
        [10] -> line 659
        [16] -> line 660
        [22] -> line 662
        [32] -> line 663
        [40] -> line 664
        [42] -> line 665
        [53] -> line 666
        [56] -> line 662
        [61] -> line 668
        [64] -> line 669
        [89] -> line 668
        [99] -> line 672
        [106] -> line 659
        [114] -> line 675
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 116 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase; this]
        v1: 0 -> 116 [I scheme]
        v2: 10 -> 116 [[Ljava/lang/Integer; colors]
        v4: 22 -> 106 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase; db]
        v5: 61 -> 106 [Landroid/database/Cursor; c]
  + Method:       setColorForScheme(III)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setColorForScheme(int,int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 164, locals = 9, stack = 5):
      [0] iconst_2
      [1] anewarray #87
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [4] dup
      [5] iconst_0
      [6] iload_1 v1
      [7] invokestatic #134
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [10] aastore
      [11] dup
      [12] iconst_1
      [13] iload_2 v2
      [14] invokestatic #134
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [17] aastore
      [18] astore v5
      [20] iload_3 v3
      [21] getstatic #106
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/Colors.defaults [Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [24] iload_2 v2
      [25] aaload
      [26] invokevirtual #129
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.intValue ()I]
      [29] ificmpne +38 (target=67)
      [32] getstatic #108
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.dbLock [Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [35] dup
      [36] astore v6
      [38] monitorenter
      [39] aload_0 v0
      [40] invokevirtual #176
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.getWritableDatabase ()Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
      [43] astore v4
      [45] aload v4
      [47] ldc #38
        + String [colors]
      [49] ldc #65
        + String [scheme = ? AND number = ?]
      [51] aload v5
      [53] invokevirtual #116
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.delete (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [56] pop
      [57] aload v6
      [59] monitorexit
      [60] goto +103 (target=163)
      [63] aload v6
      [65] monitorexit
      [66] athrow
      [67] new #75
        + Class [android/content/ContentValues]
      [70] dup
      [71] invokespecial #110
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.<init> ()V]
      [74] astore v6
      [76] aload v6
      [78] ldc #72
        + String [value]
      [80] iload_3 v3
      [81] invokestatic #130
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [84] invokevirtual #111
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Integer;)V]
      [87] getstatic #108
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.dbLock [Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [90] dup
      [91] astore v7
      [93] monitorenter
      [94] aload_0 v0
      [95] invokevirtual #176
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.getWritableDatabase ()Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
      [98] astore v4
      [100] aload v4
      [102] ldc #38
        + String [colors]
      [104] aload v6
      [106] ldc #65
        + String [scheme = ? AND number = ?]
      [108] aload v5
      [110] invokevirtual #120
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.update (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/ContentValues;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [113] istore v8
      [115] iload v8
      [117] ifne +36 (target=153)
      [120] aload v6
      [122] ldc #63
        + String [scheme]
      [124] iload_1 v1
      [125] invokestatic #130
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [128] invokevirtual #111
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Integer;)V]
      [131] aload v6
      [133] ldc #55
        + String [number]
      [135] iload_2 v2
      [136] invokestatic #130
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [139] invokevirtual #111
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Integer;)V]
      [142] aload v4
      [144] ldc #38
        + String [colors]
      [146] aconst_null
      [147] aload v6
      [149] invokevirtual #118
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.insert (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/ContentValues;)J]
      [152] pop2
      [153] aload v7
      [155] monitorexit
      [156] goto +7 (target=163)
      [159] aload v7
      [161] monitorexit
      [162] athrow
      [163] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 4):
      + ExceptionInfo (39 -> 60: 63):
      + ExceptionInfo (63 -> 66: 63):
      + ExceptionInfo (94 -> 156: 159):
      + ExceptionInfo (159 -> 162: 159):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 21)
        [0] -> line 681
        [20] -> line 683
        [32] -> line 684
        [39] -> line 685
        [45] -> line 687
        [49] -> line 688
        [53] -> line 687
        [57] -> line 684
        [67] -> line 691
        [76] -> line 692
        [87] -> line 694
        [94] -> line 695
        [100] -> line 697
        [106] -> line 698
        [110] -> line 697
        [115] -> line 700
        [120] -> line 701
        [131] -> line 702
        [142] -> line 703
        [153] -> line 694
        [163] -> line 707
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 10)
        v0: 0 -> 164 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase; this]
        v1: 0 -> 164 [I scheme]
        v2: 0 -> 164 [I number]
        v3: 0 -> 164 [I value]
        v4: 45 -> 63 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase; db]
        v4: 100 -> 159 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase; db]
        v4: 163 -> 164 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase; db]
        v5: 20 -> 164 [[Ljava/lang/String; whereArgs]
        v6: 76 -> 163 [Landroid/content/ContentValues; values]
        v8: 115 -> 153 [I rowsAffected]
  + Method:       setGlobalColor(II)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setGlobalColor(int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 8, locals = 3, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iconst_0
      [2] iload_1 v1
      [3] iload_2 v2
      [4] invokevirtual #178
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.setColorForScheme (III)V]
      [7] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 710
        [7] -> line 711
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase; this]
        v1: 0 -> 8 [I number]
        v2: 0 -> 8 [I value]
  + Method:       getDefaultColorsForScheme(I)[I
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public int[] getDefaultColorsForScheme(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 109, locals = 6, stack = 8):
      [0] iconst_2
      [1] newarray 10
      [3] dup
      [4] iconst_0
      [5] bipush 7
      [7] iastore
      [8] astore_2 v2
      [9] getstatic #108
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.dbLock [Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [12] dup
      [13] astore_3 v3
      [14] monitorenter
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] invokevirtual #175
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.getReadableDatabase ()Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
      [19] astore v4
      [21] aload v4
      [23] ldc #36
        + String [colorDefaults]
      [25] iconst_2
      [26] anewarray #87
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [29] dup
      [30] iconst_0
      [31] ldc #45
        + String [fg]
      [33] aastore
      [34] dup
      [35] iconst_1
      [36] ldc #34
        + String [bg]
      [38] aastore
      [39] ldc #64
        + String [scheme = ?]
      [41] iconst_1
      [42] anewarray #87
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [45] dup
      [46] iconst_0
      [47] iload_1 v1
      [48] invokestatic #134
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [51] aastore
      [52] aconst_null
      [53] aconst_null
      [54] aconst_null
      [55] invokevirtual #119
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.query (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/database/Cursor;]
      [58] astore v5
      [60] aload v5
      [62] invokeinterface #187
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.moveToFirst ()Z]
      [67] ifeq +25 (target=92)
      [70] aload_2 v2
      [71] iconst_0
      [72] aload v5
      [74] iconst_0
      [75] invokeinterface #184
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getInt (I)I]
      [80] iastore
      [81] aload_2 v2
      [82] iconst_1
      [83] aload v5
      [85] iconst_1
      [86] invokeinterface #184
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getInt (I)I]
      [91] iastore
      [92] aload v5
      [94] invokeinterface #181
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.close ()V]
      [99] aload_3 v3
      [100] monitorexit
      [101] goto +6 (target=107)
      [104] aload_3 v3
      [105] monitorexit
      [106] athrow
      [107] aload_2 v2
      [108] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (15 -> 101: 104):
      + ExceptionInfo (104 -> 106: 104):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 15)
        [0] -> line 714
        [9] -> line 716
        [15] -> line 717
        [21] -> line 719
        [25] -> line 720
        [39] -> line 721
        [41] -> line 722
        [52] -> line 723
        [55] -> line 719
        [60] -> line 725
        [70] -> line 726
        [81] -> line 727
        [92] -> line 730
        [99] -> line 716
        [107] -> line 733
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 109 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase; this]
        v1: 0 -> 109 [I scheme]
        v2: 9 -> 109 [[I colors]
        v4: 21 -> 99 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase; db]
        v5: 60 -> 99 [Landroid/database/Cursor; c]
  + Method:       setDefaultColorsForScheme(III)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void setDefaultColorsForScheme(int,int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 117, locals = 10, stack = 5):
      [0] aconst_null
      [1] astore v5
      [3] ldc #64
        + String [scheme = ?]
      [5] astore v5
      [7] iconst_1
      [8] anewarray #87
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [11] dup
      [12] iconst_0
      [13] iload_1 v1
      [14] invokestatic #134
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [17] aastore
      [18] astore v6
      [20] new #75
        + Class [android/content/ContentValues]
      [23] dup
      [24] invokespecial #110
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.<init> ()V]
      [27] astore v7
      [29] aload v7
      [31] ldc #45
        + String [fg]
      [33] iload_2 v2
      [34] invokestatic #130
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [37] invokevirtual #111
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Integer;)V]
      [40] aload v7
      [42] ldc #34
        + String [bg]
      [44] iload_3 v3
      [45] invokestatic #130
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [48] invokevirtual #111
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Integer;)V]
      [51] getstatic #108
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.dbLock [Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [54] dup
      [55] astore v8
      [57] monitorenter
      [58] aload_0 v0
      [59] invokevirtual #176
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.getWritableDatabase ()Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
      [62] astore v4
      [64] aload v4
      [66] ldc #36
        + String [colorDefaults]
      [68] aload v7
      [70] aload v5
      [72] aload v6
      [74] invokevirtual #120
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.update (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/ContentValues;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [77] istore v9
      [79] iload v9
      [81] ifne +25 (target=106)
      [84] aload v7
      [86] ldc #63
        + String [scheme]
      [88] iload_1 v1
      [89] invokestatic #130
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;]
      [92] invokevirtual #111
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.put (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Integer;)V]
      [95] aload v4
      [97] ldc #36
        + String [colorDefaults]
      [99] aconst_null
      [100] aload v7
      [102] invokevirtual #118
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.insert (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/ContentValues;)J]
      [105] pop2
      [106] aload v8
      [108] monitorexit
      [109] goto +7 (target=116)
      [112] aload v8
      [114] monitorexit
      [115] athrow
      [116] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (58 -> 109: 112):
      + ExceptionInfo (112 -> 115: 112):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 16)
        [0] -> line 743
        [3] -> line 746
        [7] -> line 747
        [20] -> line 749
        [29] -> line 750
        [40] -> line 751
        [51] -> line 753
        [58] -> line 754
        [64] -> line 756
        [70] -> line 757
        [74] -> line 756
        [79] -> line 759
        [84] -> line 760
        [95] -> line 761
        [106] -> line 753
        [116] -> line 764
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 10)
        v0: 0 -> 117 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase; this]
        v1: 0 -> 117 [I scheme]
        v2: 0 -> 117 [I fg]
        v3: 0 -> 117 [I bg]
        v4: 64 -> 112 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase; db]
        v4: 116 -> 117 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase; db]
        v5: 3 -> 117 [Ljava/lang/String; schemeWhere]
        v6: 20 -> 117 [[Ljava/lang/String; whereArgs]
        v7: 29 -> 117 [Landroid/content/ContentValues; values]
        v9: 79 -> 106 [I rowsAffected]

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase$CursorFactory]
      + Class [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase]
      + Utf8 [CursorFactory]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [java/util/Map$Entry]
      + Class [java/util/Map]
      + Utf8 [Entry]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/OnEntropyGatheredListener
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x601
    = public interface com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.OnEntropyGatheredListener extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 9):
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/OnEntropyGatheredListener]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [onEntropyGathered]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/OnEntropyGatheredListener]

Fields (count = 0):

Methods (count = 1):
  + Method:       onEntropyGathered([B)V
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract void onEntropyGathered(byte[])

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PreferenceConstants
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.PreferenceConstants extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 40):
  + Class [android/os/Build]
  + Class [android/os/Build$VERSION]
  + Class [java/lang/Integer]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PreferenceConstants]
  + Fieldref [android/os/Build$VERSION.SDK Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PreferenceConstants.PRE_ECLAIR Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PreferenceConstants.PRE_FROYO Z]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.parseInt (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [PRE_ECLAIR Z]
  + NameAndType [PRE_FROYO Z]
  + NameAndType [SDK Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [parseInt (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PreferenceConstants;]
  + Utf8 [PRE_ECLAIR]
  + Utf8 [PRE_FROYO]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [SDK]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [VERSION]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [android/os/Build]
  + Utf8 [android/os/Build$VERSION]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Integer]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [parseInt]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PreferenceConstants]
  + Utf8 [this]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        PRE_ECLAIR Z
    Access flags: 0x19
      = public static final boolean PRE_ECLAIR
  + Field:        PRE_FROYO Z
    Access flags: 0x19
      = public static final boolean PRE_FROYO

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 48, locals = 0, stack = 2):
      [0] getstatic #6
        + Fieldref [android/os/Build$VERSION.SDK Ljava/lang/String;]
      [3] invokestatic #9
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.parseInt (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [6] iconst_4
      [7] ificmpgt +7 (target=14)
      [10] iconst_1
      [11] goto +4 (target=15)
      [14] iconst_0
      [15] putstatic #7
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PreferenceConstants.PRE_ECLAIR Z]
      [18] getstatic #7
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PreferenceConstants.PRE_ECLAIR Z]
      [21] ifeq +7 (target=28)
      [24] iconst_1
      [25] goto +19 (target=44)
      [28] getstatic #6
        + Fieldref [android/os/Build$VERSION.SDK Ljava/lang/String;]
      [31] invokestatic #9
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.parseInt (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [34] bipush 7
      [36] ificmpgt +7 (target=43)
      [39] iconst_1
      [40] goto +4 (target=44)
      [43] iconst_0
      [44] putstatic #8
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PreferenceConstants.PRE_FROYO Z]
      [47] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 27
        [18] -> line 28
        [28] -> line 29
        [44] -> line 28
        [47] -> line 26
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public PreferenceConstants()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #10
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 26
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PreferenceConstants; this]

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x9 = public static 
      + Class [android/os/Build$VERSION]
      + Class [android/os/Build]
      + Utf8 [VERSION]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase
  Superclass:    com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.PubkeyDatabase extends com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.RobustSQLiteOpenHelper

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 271):
  + String [ALTER TABLE pubkeys ADD COLUMN confirmuse INTEGER DEFAULT 0]
  + String [ALTER TABLE pubkeys ADD COLUMN lifetime INTEGER DEFAULT 0]
  + String [CREATE TABLE pubkeys (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, nickname TEXT, type TEXT, private BLOB, public BLOB, encrypted INTEGER, startup INTEGER, confirmuse INTEGER DEFAULT 0, lifetime INTEGER DEFAULT 0)]
  + String [_id]
  + String [_id = ?]
  + String [_id ASC]
  + String [confirmuse]
  + String [encrypted]
  + String [lifetime]
  + String [nickname]
  + String [private]
  + String [pubkeys]
  + String [public]
  + String [startup]
  + String [startup = 1 AND encrypted = 0]
  + String [type]
  + Class [android/content/ContentValues]
  + Class [android/database/Cursor]
  + Class [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase]
  + Class [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase$CursorFactory]
  + Class [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteException]
  + Class [java/lang/Long]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/util/LinkedList]
  + Class [java/util/List]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.context Landroid/content/Context;]
  + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.remove (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.close ()V]
  + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.delete (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.execSQL (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.insert (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/ContentValues;)J]
  + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.query (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/database/Cursor;]
  + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.update (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/ContentValues;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Long.toString (J)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (J)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getId ()J]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getValues ()Landroid/content/ContentValues;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setConfirmUse (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setEncrypted (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setId (J)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setLifetime (I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setNickname (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setPrivateKey ([B)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setPublicKey ([B)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setStartup (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setType (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.close ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.stopUsingPubkey (J)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.addTableName (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.createPubkeyBean (Landroid/database/Cursor;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.getPubkeys (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/List;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.getReadableDatabase ()Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.getWritableDatabase ()Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase$CursorFactory;I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper.onCreate (Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;)V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.close ()V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getBlob (I)[B]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getInt (I)I]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getLong (I)J]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.moveToFirst ()Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.moveToNext ()Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase$CursorFactory;I)V]
  + NameAndType [add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [addTableName (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [close ()V]
  + NameAndType [context Landroid/content/Context;]
  + NameAndType [createPubkeyBean (Landroid/database/Cursor;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + NameAndType [delete (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [execSQL (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [getBlob (I)[B]
  + NameAndType [getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [getId ()J]
  + NameAndType [getInt (I)I]
  + NameAndType [getLong (I)J]
  + NameAndType [getPubkeys (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/List;]
  + NameAndType [getReadableDatabase ()Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
  + NameAndType [getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getValues ()Landroid/content/ContentValues;]
  + NameAndType [getWritableDatabase ()Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
  + NameAndType [insert (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/ContentValues;)J]
  + NameAndType [moveToFirst ()Z]
  + NameAndType [moveToNext ()Z]
  + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;)V]
  + NameAndType [query (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/database/Cursor;]
  + NameAndType [remove (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [setConfirmUse (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [setEncrypted (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [setId (J)V]
  + NameAndType [setLifetime (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setNickname (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [setPrivateKey ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [setPublicKey ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [setStartup (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [setType (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [stopUsingPubkey (J)V]
  + NameAndType [toString (J)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [update (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/ContentValues;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (J)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()J]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/content/ContentValues;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/List;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;>;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(I)I]
  + Utf8 [(I)J]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(I)[B]
  + Utf8 [(J)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(J)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Utf8 [(J)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase$CursorFactory;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/database/Cursor;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/List;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/List<Ljava/lang/CharSequence;>;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/ContentValues;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/ContentValues;)J]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/List;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;>;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/database/Cursor;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [ALTER TABLE pubkeys ADD COLUMN confirmuse INTEGER DEFAULT 0]
  + Utf8 [ALTER TABLE pubkeys ADD COLUMN lifetime INTEGER DEFAULT 0]
  + Utf8 [COL]
  + Utf8 [COL_ID]
  + Utf8 [COL_PRIVATE]
  + Utf8 [COL_PUBLIC]
  + Utf8 [COL_STARTUP]
  + Utf8 [COL_TYPE]
  + Utf8 [CREATE TABLE pubkeys (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, nickname TEXT, type TEXT, private BLOB, public BLOB, encrypted INTEGER, startup INTEGER, confirmuse INTEGER DEFAULT 0, lifetime INTEGER DEFAULT 0)]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [CursorFactory]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [J]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/ContentValues;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/Context;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/database/Cursor;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List<Ljava/lang/CharSequence;>;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;>;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTypeTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase;]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Signature]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [_id]
  + Utf8 [_id = ?]
  + Utf8 [_id ASC]
  + Utf8 [add]
  + Utf8 [addTableName]
  + Utf8 [allPubkeys]
  + Utf8 [allValues]
  + Utf8 [android/content/ContentValues]
  + Utf8 [android/database/Cursor]
  + Utf8 [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase]
  + Utf8 [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase$CursorFactory]
  + Utf8 [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteException]
  + Utf8 [c]
  + Utf8 [close]
  + Utf8 [column]
  + Utf8 [confirmuse]
  + Utf8 [context]
  + Utf8 [createPubkeyBean]
  + Utf8 [db]
  + Utf8 [delete]
  + Utf8 [deletePubkey]
  + Utf8 [encrypted]
  + Utf8 [execSQL]
  + Utf8 [findPubkeyById]
  + Utf8 [getAllStartPubkeys]
  + Utf8 [getBlob]
  + Utf8 [getColumnIndexOrThrow]
  + Utf8 [getId]
  + Utf8 [getInt]
  + Utf8 [getLong]
  + Utf8 [getNickname]
  + Utf8 [getPubkeys]
  + Utf8 [getReadableDatabase]
  + Utf8 [getString]
  + Utf8 [getValues]
  + Utf8 [getWritableDatabase]
  + Utf8 [hostdb]
  + Utf8 [id]
  + Utf8 [insert]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Long]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/util/LinkedList]
  + Utf8 [java/util/List]
  + Utf8 [lifetime]
  + Utf8 [list]
  + Utf8 [moveToFirst]
  + Utf8 [moveToNext]
  + Utf8 [newVersion]
  + Utf8 [nickname]
  + Utf8 [oldVersion]
  + Utf8 [onCreate]
  + Utf8 [onRobustUpgrade]
  + Utf8 [private]
  + Utf8 [pubkey]
  + Utf8 [pubkeyId]
  + Utf8 [pubkeys]
  + Utf8 [public]
  + Utf8 [query]
  + Utf8 [remove]
  + Utf8 [savePubkey]
  + Utf8 [selection]
  + Utf8 [selectionArgs]
  + Utf8 [setConfirmUse]
  + Utf8 [setEncrypted]
  + Utf8 [setId]
  + Utf8 [setLifetime]
  + Utf8 [setNickname]
  + Utf8 [setPrivateKey]
  + Utf8 [setPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [setStartup]
  + Utf8 [setType]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper]
  + Utf8 [startup]
  + Utf8 [startup = 1 AND encrypted = 0]
  + Utf8 [stopUsingPubkey]
  + Utf8 [success]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [type]
  + Utf8 [update]
  + Utf8 [valueOf]
  + Utf8 [values]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        context Landroid/content/Context;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private android.content.Context context

Methods (count = 13):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 0, stack = 1):
      [0] ldc #12
        + String [pubkeys]
      [2] invokestatic #56
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.addTableName (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 59
        [5] -> line 36
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>(Landroid/content/Context;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public PubkeyDatabase(android.content.Context)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 15, locals = 2, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] ldc #12
        + String [pubkeys]
      [4] aconst_null
      [5] iconst_2
      [6] invokespecial #61
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase$CursorFactory;I)V]
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] aload_1 v1
      [11] putfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.context Landroid/content/Context;]
      [14] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 63
        [9] -> line 65
        [14] -> line 66
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 15 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase; this]
        v1: 0 -> 15 [Landroid/content/Context; context]
  + Method:       onCreate(Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onCreate(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 12, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #62
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper.onCreate (Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;)V]
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] ldc #3
        + String [CREATE TABLE pubkeys (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, nickname TEXT, type TEXT, private BLOB, public BLOB, encrypted INTEGER, startup INTEGER, confirmuse INTEGER DEFAULT 0, lifetime INTEGER DEFAULT 0)]
      [8] invokevirtual #34
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.execSQL (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [11] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 70
        [5] -> line 72
        [11] -> line 82
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 12 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase; this]
        v1: 0 -> 12 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase; db]
  + Method:       onRobustUpgrade(Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;II)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onRobustUpgrade(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase,int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 33, locals = 4, stack = 2):
      [0] iload_2 v2
      [1] tableswitch (1 offsets, default=31) (target=32)
        1: offset = 19, target = 20
        default: offset = 31, target = 32
      [20] aload_1 v1
      [21] ldc #1
        + String [ALTER TABLE pubkeys ADD COLUMN confirmuse INTEGER DEFAULT 0]
      [23] invokevirtual #34
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.execSQL (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [26] aload_1 v1
      [27] ldc #2
        + String [ALTER TABLE pubkeys ADD COLUMN lifetime INTEGER DEFAULT 0]
      [29] invokevirtual #34
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.execSQL (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [32] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 86
        [20] -> line 88
        [26] -> line 90
        [32] -> line 93
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 33 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase; this]
        v1: 0 -> 33 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase; db]
        v2: 0 -> 33 [I oldVersion]
        v3: 0 -> 33 [I newVersion]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteException]
  + Method:       deletePubkey(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void deletePubkey(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PubkeyBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 57, locals = 4, stack = 8):
      [0] new #27
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase]
      [3] dup
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #30
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.context Landroid/content/Context;]
      [8] invokespecial #53
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [11] astore_2 v2
      [12] aload_2 v2
      [13] aload_1 v1
      [14] invokevirtual #42
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getId ()J]
      [17] invokevirtual #55
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.stopUsingPubkey (J)V]
      [20] aload_2 v2
      [21] invokevirtual #54
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase.close ()V]
      [24] aload_0 v0
      [25] invokevirtual #60
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.getWritableDatabase ()Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
      [28] astore_3 v3
      [29] aload_3 v3
      [30] ldc #12
        + String [pubkeys]
      [32] ldc #5
        + String [_id = ?]
      [34] iconst_1
      [35] anewarray #23
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [38] dup
      [39] iconst_0
      [40] aload_1 v1
      [41] invokevirtual #42
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getId ()J]
      [44] invokestatic #38
        + Methodref [java/lang/Long.toString (J)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [47] aastore
      [48] invokevirtual #33
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.delete (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [51] pop
      [52] aload_3 v3
      [53] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.close ()V]
      [56] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 99
        [12] -> line 100
        [20] -> line 101
        [24] -> line 103
        [29] -> line 104
        [52] -> line 105
        [56] -> line 106
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 57 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase; this]
        v1: 0 -> 57 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean; pubkey]
        v2: 12 -> 57 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/HostDatabase; hostdb]
        v3: 29 -> 57 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase; db]
  + Method:       allPubkeys()Ljava/util/List;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.util.List allPubkeys()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 7, locals = 1, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aconst_null
      [2] aconst_null
      [3] invokespecial #58
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.getPubkeys (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/List;]
      [6] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 121
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 7 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase; this]
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;>;]
  + Method:       getAllStartPubkeys()Ljava/util/List;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.util.List getAllStartPubkeys()
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 8, locals = 1, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] ldc #15
        + String [startup = 1 AND encrypted = 0]
      [3] aconst_null
      [4] invokespecial #58
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.getPubkeys (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/List;]
      [7] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 125
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase; this]
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;>;]
  + Method:       getPubkeys(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/List;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.util.List getPubkeys(java.lang.String,java.lang.String[])
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 328, locals = 16, stack = 8):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.getReadableDatabase ()Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
      [4] astore_3 v3
      [5] new #24
        + Class [java/util/LinkedList]
      [8] dup
      [9] invokespecial #40
        + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.<init> ()V]
      [12] astore v4
      [14] aload_3 v3
      [15] ldc #12
        + String [pubkeys]
      [17] aconst_null
      [18] aload_1 v1
      [19] aload_2 v2
      [20] aconst_null
      [21] aconst_null
      [22] aconst_null
      [23] invokevirtual #36
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.query (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/database/Cursor;]
      [26] astore v5
      [28] aload v5
      [30] ifnull +291 (target=321)
      [33] aload v5
      [35] ldc #4
        + String [_id]
      [37] invokeinterface #65
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [42] istore v6
      [44] aload v5
      [46] ldc #10
        + String [nickname]
      [48] invokeinterface #65
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [53] istore v7
      [55] aload v5
      [57] ldc #16
        + String [type]
      [59] invokeinterface #65
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [64] istore v8
      [66] aload v5
      [68] ldc #11
        + String [private]
      [70] invokeinterface #65
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [75] istore v9
      [77] aload v5
      [79] ldc #13
        + String [public]
      [81] invokeinterface #65
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [86] istore v10
      [88] aload v5
      [90] ldc #8
        + String [encrypted]
      [92] invokeinterface #65
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [97] istore v11
      [99] aload v5
      [101] ldc #14
        + String [startup]
      [103] invokeinterface #65
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [108] istore v12
      [110] aload v5
      [112] ldc #7
        + String [confirmuse]
      [114] invokeinterface #65
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [119] istore v13
      [121] aload v5
      [123] ldc #9
        + String [lifetime]
      [125] invokeinterface #65
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [130] istore v14
      [132] goto +172 (target=304)
      [135] new #26
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean]
      [138] dup
      [139] invokespecial #41
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.<init> ()V]
      [142] astore v15
      [144] aload v15
      [146] aload v5
      [148] iload v6
      [150] invokeinterface #67
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getLong (I)J]
      [155] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setId (J)V]
      [158] aload v15
      [160] aload v5
      [162] iload v7
      [164] invokeinterface #68
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [169] invokevirtual #48
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setNickname (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [172] aload v15
      [174] aload v5
      [176] iload v8
      [178] invokeinterface #68
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [183] invokevirtual #52
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setType (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [186] aload v15
      [188] aload v5
      [190] iload v9
      [192] invokeinterface #64
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getBlob (I)[B]
      [197] invokevirtual #49
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setPrivateKey ([B)V]
      [200] aload v15
      [202] aload v5
      [204] iload v10
      [206] invokeinterface #64
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getBlob (I)[B]
      [211] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setPublicKey ([B)V]
      [214] aload v15
      [216] aload v5
      [218] iload v11
      [220] invokeinterface #66
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getInt (I)I]
      [225] ifle +7 (target=232)
      [228] iconst_1
      [229] goto +4 (target=233)
      [232] iconst_0
      [233] invokevirtual #45
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setEncrypted (Z)V]
      [236] aload v15
      [238] aload v5
      [240] iload v12
      [242] invokeinterface #66
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getInt (I)I]
      [247] ifle +7 (target=254)
      [250] iconst_1
      [251] goto +4 (target=255)
      [254] iconst_0
      [255] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setStartup (Z)V]
      [258] aload v15
      [260] aload v5
      [262] iload v13
      [264] invokeinterface #66
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getInt (I)I]
      [269] ifle +7 (target=276)
      [272] iconst_1
      [273] goto +4 (target=277)
      [276] iconst_0
      [277] invokevirtual #44
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setConfirmUse (Z)V]
      [280] aload v15
      [282] aload v5
      [284] iload v14
      [286] invokeinterface #66
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getInt (I)I]
      [291] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setLifetime (I)V]
      [294] aload v4
      [296] aload v15
      [298] invokeinterface #71
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [303] pop
      [304] aload v5
      [306] invokeinterface #70
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.moveToNext ()Z]
      [311] ifne -176 (target=135)
      [314] aload v5
      [316] invokeinterface #63
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.close ()V]
      [321] aload_3 v3
      [322] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.close ()V]
      [325] aload v4
      [327] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 29)
        [0] -> line 129
        [5] -> line 131
        [14] -> line 133
        [28] -> line 135
        [33] -> line 136
        [44] -> line 137
        [55] -> line 138
        [66] -> line 139
        [77] -> line 140
        [88] -> line 141
        [99] -> line 142
        [110] -> line 143
        [121] -> line 144
        [132] -> line 146
        [135] -> line 147
        [144] -> line 149
        [158] -> line 150
        [172] -> line 151
        [186] -> line 152
        [200] -> line 153
        [214] -> line 154
        [236] -> line 155
        [258] -> line 156
        [280] -> line 157
        [294] -> line 159
        [304] -> line 146
        [314] -> line 162
        [321] -> line 165
        [325] -> line 167
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 16)
        v0: 0 -> 328 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase; this]
        v1: 0 -> 328 [Ljava/lang/String; selection]
        v2: 0 -> 328 [[Ljava/lang/String; selectionArgs]
        v3: 5 -> 328 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase; db]
        v4: 14 -> 328 [Ljava/util/List; pubkeys]
        v5: 28 -> 328 [Landroid/database/Cursor; c]
        v6: 44 -> 321 [I COL_ID]
        v7: 55 -> 321 [I COL_NICKNAME]
        v8: 66 -> 321 [I COL_TYPE]
        v9: 77 -> 321 [I COL_PRIVATE]
        v10: 88 -> 321 [I COL_PUBLIC]
        v11: 99 -> 321 [I COL_ENCRYPTED]
        v12: 110 -> 321 [I COL_STARTUP]
        v13: 121 -> 321 [I COL_CONFIRMUSE]
        v14: 132 -> 321 [I COL_LIFETIME]
        v15: 144 -> 304 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean; pubkey]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 1)
        v4: 14 -> 328 [Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;>; pubkeys]
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/List<Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;>;]
  + Method:       findPubkeyById(J)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PubkeyBean findPubkeyById(long)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 70, locals = 6, stack = 9):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.getReadableDatabase ()Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
      [4] astore_3 v3
      [5] aload_3 v3
      [6] ldc #12
        + String [pubkeys]
      [8] aconst_null
      [9] ldc #5
        + String [_id = ?]
      [11] iconst_1
      [12] anewarray #23
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [15] dup
      [16] iconst_0
      [17] lload_1 v1
      [18] invokestatic #39
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (J)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [21] aastore
      [22] aconst_null
      [23] aconst_null
      [24] aconst_null
      [25] invokevirtual #36
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.query (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/database/Cursor;]
      [28] astore v4
      [30] aconst_null
      [31] astore v5
      [33] aload v4
      [35] ifnull +28 (target=63)
      [38] aload v4
      [40] invokeinterface #69
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.moveToFirst ()Z]
      [45] ifeq +11 (target=56)
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] aload v4
      [51] invokespecial #57
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.createPubkeyBean (Landroid/database/Cursor;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;]
      [54] astore v5
      [56] aload v4
      [58] invokeinterface #63
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.close ()V]
      [63] aload_3 v3
      [64] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.close ()V]
      [67] aload v5
      [69] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 12)
        [0] -> line 175
        [5] -> line 177
        [9] -> line 178
        [22] -> line 179
        [25] -> line 177
        [30] -> line 181
        [33] -> line 183
        [38] -> line 184
        [48] -> line 185
        [56] -> line 187
        [63] -> line 190
        [67] -> line 192
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 70 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase; this]
        v1: 0 -> 70 [J pubkeyId]
        v3: 5 -> 70 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase; db]
        v4: 30 -> 70 [Landroid/database/Cursor; c]
        v5: 33 -> 70 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean; pubkey]
  + Method:       createPubkeyBean(Landroid/database/Cursor;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PubkeyBean createPubkeyBean(android.database.Cursor)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 196, locals = 3, stack = 4):
      [0] new #26
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean]
      [3] dup
      [4] invokespecial #41
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.<init> ()V]
      [7] astore_2 v2
      [8] aload_2 v2
      [9] aload_1 v1
      [10] aload_1 v1
      [11] ldc #4
        + String [_id]
      [13] invokeinterface #65
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [18] invokeinterface #67
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getLong (I)J]
      [23] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setId (J)V]
      [26] aload_2 v2
      [27] aload_1 v1
      [28] aload_1 v1
      [29] ldc #10
        + String [nickname]
      [31] invokeinterface #65
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [36] invokeinterface #68
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [41] invokevirtual #48
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setNickname (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [44] aload_2 v2
      [45] aload_1 v1
      [46] aload_1 v1
      [47] ldc #16
        + String [type]
      [49] invokeinterface #65
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [54] invokeinterface #68
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [59] invokevirtual #52
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setType (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [62] aload_2 v2
      [63] aload_1 v1
      [64] aload_1 v1
      [65] ldc #11
        + String [private]
      [67] invokeinterface #65
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [72] invokeinterface #64
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getBlob (I)[B]
      [77] invokevirtual #49
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setPrivateKey ([B)V]
      [80] aload_2 v2
      [81] aload_1 v1
      [82] aload_1 v1
      [83] ldc #13
        + String [public]
      [85] invokeinterface #65
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [90] invokeinterface #64
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getBlob (I)[B]
      [95] invokevirtual #50
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setPublicKey ([B)V]
      [98] aload_2 v2
      [99] aload_1 v1
      [100] aload_1 v1
      [101] ldc #8
        + String [encrypted]
      [103] invokeinterface #65
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [108] invokeinterface #66
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getInt (I)I]
      [113] ifle +7 (target=120)
      [116] iconst_1
      [117] goto +4 (target=121)
      [120] iconst_0
      [121] invokevirtual #45
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setEncrypted (Z)V]
      [124] aload_2 v2
      [125] aload_1 v1
      [126] aload_1 v1
      [127] ldc #14
        + String [startup]
      [129] invokeinterface #65
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [134] invokeinterface #66
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getInt (I)I]
      [139] ifle +7 (target=146)
      [142] iconst_1
      [143] goto +4 (target=147)
      [146] iconst_0
      [147] invokevirtual #51
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setStartup (Z)V]
      [150] aload_2 v2
      [151] aload_1 v1
      [152] aload_1 v1
      [153] ldc #7
        + String [confirmuse]
      [155] invokeinterface #65
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [160] invokeinterface #66
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getInt (I)I]
      [165] ifle +7 (target=172)
      [168] iconst_1
      [169] goto +4 (target=173)
      [172] iconst_0
      [173] invokevirtual #44
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setConfirmUse (Z)V]
      [176] aload_2 v2
      [177] aload_1 v1
      [178] aload_1 v1
      [179] ldc #9
        + String [lifetime]
      [181] invokeinterface #65
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [186] invokeinterface #66
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getInt (I)I]
      [191] invokevirtual #47
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setLifetime (I)V]
      [194] aload_2 v2
      [195] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 11)
        [0] -> line 196
        [8] -> line 198
        [26] -> line 199
        [44] -> line 200
        [62] -> line 201
        [80] -> line 202
        [98] -> line 203
        [124] -> line 204
        [150] -> line 205
        [176] -> line 206
        [194] -> line 208
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 196 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase; this]
        v1: 0 -> 196 [Landroid/database/Cursor; c]
        v2: 8 -> 196 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean; pubkey]
  + Method:       allValues(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/List;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.util.List allValues(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 97, locals = 6, stack = 8):
      [0] new #24
        + Class [java/util/LinkedList]
      [3] dup
      [4] invokespecial #40
        + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.<init> ()V]
      [7] astore_2 v2
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.getReadableDatabase ()Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
      [12] astore_3 v3
      [13] aload_3 v3
      [14] ldc #12
        + String [pubkeys]
      [16] iconst_2
      [17] anewarray #23
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [20] dup
      [21] iconst_0
      [22] ldc #4
        + String [_id]
      [24] aastore
      [25] dup
      [26] iconst_1
      [27] aload_1 v1
      [28] aastore
      [29] aconst_null
      [30] aconst_null
      [31] aconst_null
      [32] aconst_null
      [33] ldc #6
        + String [_id ASC]
      [35] invokevirtual #36
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.query (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/database/Cursor;]
      [38] astore v4
      [40] aload v4
      [42] ifnull +49 (target=91)
      [45] aload v4
      [47] aload_1 v1
      [48] invokeinterface #65
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [53] istore v5
      [55] goto +19 (target=74)
      [58] aload_2 v2
      [59] aload v4
      [61] iload v5
      [63] invokeinterface #68
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [68] invokeinterface #71
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [73] pop
      [74] aload v4
      [76] invokeinterface #70
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.moveToNext ()Z]
      [81] ifne -23 (target=58)
      [84] aload v4
      [86] invokeinterface #63
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.close ()V]
      [91] aload_3 v3
      [92] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.close ()V]
      [95] aload_2 v2
      [96] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 3):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 13)
        [0] -> line 216
        [8] -> line 218
        [13] -> line 219
        [29] -> line 220
        [35] -> line 219
        [40] -> line 222
        [45] -> line 223
        [55] -> line 225
        [58] -> line 226
        [74] -> line 225
        [84] -> line 228
        [91] -> line 231
        [95] -> line 233
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 97 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase; this]
        v1: 0 -> 97 [Ljava/lang/String; column]
        v2: 8 -> 97 [Ljava/util/List; list]
        v3: 13 -> 97 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase; db]
        v4: 40 -> 97 [Landroid/database/Cursor; c]
        v5: 55 -> 91 [I COL]
      + Local variable type table attribute (count = 1)
        v2: 8 -> 97 [Ljava/util/List<Ljava/lang/CharSequence;>; list]
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/List<Ljava/lang/CharSequence;>;]
  + Method:       getNickname(J)Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public java.lang.String getNickname(long)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 93, locals = 6, stack = 9):
      [0] aconst_null
      [1] astore_3 v3
      [2] aload_0 v0
      [3] invokevirtual #59
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.getReadableDatabase ()Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
      [6] astore v4
      [8] aload v4
      [10] ldc #12
        + String [pubkeys]
      [12] iconst_2
      [13] anewarray #23
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [16] dup
      [17] iconst_0
      [18] ldc #4
        + String [_id]
      [20] aastore
      [21] dup
      [22] iconst_1
      [23] ldc #10
        + String [nickname]
      [25] aastore
      [26] ldc #5
        + String [_id = ?]
      [28] iconst_1
      [29] anewarray #23
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [32] dup
      [33] iconst_0
      [34] lload_1 v1
      [35] invokestatic #38
        + Methodref [java/lang/Long.toString (J)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [38] aastore
      [39] aconst_null
      [40] aconst_null
      [41] aconst_null
      [42] invokevirtual #36
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.query (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/database/Cursor;]
      [45] astore v5
      [47] aload v5
      [49] ifnull +37 (target=86)
      [52] aload v5
      [54] invokeinterface #69
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.moveToFirst ()Z]
      [59] ifeq +20 (target=79)
      [62] aload v5
      [64] aload v5
      [66] ldc #10
        + String [nickname]
      [68] invokeinterface #65
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow (Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [73] invokeinterface #68
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [78] astore_3 v3
      [79] aload v5
      [81] invokeinterface #63
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.close ()V]
      [86] aload v4
      [88] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.close ()V]
      [91] aload_3 v3
      [92] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 12)
        [0] -> line 237
        [2] -> line 239
        [8] -> line 240
        [23] -> line 241
        [28] -> line 242
        [42] -> line 240
        [47] -> line 244
        [52] -> line 245
        [62] -> line 246
        [79] -> line 248
        [86] -> line 251
        [91] -> line 253
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 93 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase; this]
        v1: 0 -> 93 [J id]
        v3: 2 -> 93 [Ljava/lang/String; nickname]
        v4: 8 -> 93 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase; db]
        v5: 47 -> 93 [Landroid/database/Cursor; c]
  + Method:       savePubkey(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean;
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PubkeyBean savePubkey(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.bean.PubkeyBean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 87, locals = 7, stack = 9):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokevirtual #60
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase.getWritableDatabase ()Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
      [4] astore_2 v2
      [5] iconst_0
      [6] istore_3 v3
      [7] aload_1 v1
      [8] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getValues ()Landroid/content/ContentValues;]
      [11] astore v4
      [13] aload_1 v1
      [14] invokevirtual #42
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getId ()J]
      [17] lconst_0
      [18] lcmp
      [19] ifle +39 (target=58)
      [22] aload v4
      [24] ldc #4
        + String [_id]
      [26] invokevirtual #31
        + Methodref [android/content/ContentValues.remove (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [29] aload_2 v2
      [30] ldc #12
        + String [pubkeys]
      [32] aload v4
      [34] ldc #5
        + String [_id = ?]
      [36] iconst_1
      [37] anewarray #23
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [40] dup
      [41] iconst_0
      [42] aload_1 v1
      [43] invokevirtual #42
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getId ()J]
      [46] invokestatic #39
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (J)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [49] aastore
      [50] invokevirtual #37
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.update (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/ContentValues;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)I]
      [53] ifle +5 (target=58)
      [56] iconst_1
      [57] istore_3 v3
      [58] iload_3 v3
      [59] ifne +22 (target=81)
      [62] aload_2 v2
      [63] ldc #12
        + String [pubkeys]
      [65] aconst_null
      [66] aload_1 v1
      [67] invokevirtual #43
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.getValues ()Landroid/content/ContentValues;]
      [70] invokevirtual #35
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.insert (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/ContentValues;)J]
      [73] lstore v5
      [75] aload_1 v1
      [76] lload v5
      [78] invokevirtual #46
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean.setId (J)V]
      [81] aload_2 v2
      [82] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.close ()V]
      [85] aload_1 v1
      [86] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 12)
        [0] -> line 307
        [5] -> line 308
        [7] -> line 310
        [13] -> line 312
        [22] -> line 313
        [29] -> line 314
        [56] -> line 315
        [58] -> line 318
        [62] -> line 319
        [75] -> line 320
        [81] -> line 323
        [85] -> line 325
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 87 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyDatabase; this]
        v1: 0 -> 87 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/bean/PubkeyBean; pubkey]
        v2: 5 -> 87 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase; db]
        v3: 7 -> 87 [Z success]
        v4: 13 -> 87 [Landroid/content/ContentValues; values]
        v5: 75 -> 81 [J id]

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase$CursorFactory]
      + Class [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase]
      + Utf8 [CursorFactory]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.PubkeyUtils extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 496):
  + String [
  + String [

  + String [ ]
  + String [, bytes=]
  + String [, format=]
  + String [-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----]
  + String [-----END PRIVATE KEY-----]
  + String [AES]
  + String [Could not decrypt with new method]
  + String [DEK-Info: DES-EDE3-CBC,]
  + String [DSA]
  + String [Key is not RSA or DSA format]
  + String [Key[algorithm=]
  + String [Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED
  + String [PublicKey is not RSA or DSA format]
  + String [RSA]
  + String [SHA-256]
  + String [Unknown key type]
  + String []]
  + String [connectbot@android]
  + String [decrypt]
  + String [ssh-dss ]
  + String [ssh-rsa ]
  + Class [android/util/Log]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/Base64]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey]
  + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify]
  + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Class [java/lang/ClassCastException]
  + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/lang/System]
  + Class [java/math/BigInteger]
  + Class [java/security/AlgorithmParameters]
  + Class [java/security/InvalidAlgorithmParameterException]
  + Class [java/security/InvalidKeyException]
  + Class [java/security/Key]
  + Class [java/security/KeyFactory]
  + Class [java/security/KeyPair]
  + Class [java/security/MessageDigest]
  + Class [java/security/NoSuchAlgorithmException]
  + Class [java/security/PrivateKey]
  + Class [java/security/PublicKey]
  + Class [java/security/SecureRandom]
  + Class [java/security/interfaces/DSAParams]
  + Class [java/security/interfaces/DSAPrivateKey]
  + Class [java/security/interfaces/DSAPublicKey]
  + Class [java/security/interfaces/RSAPrivateCrtKey]
  + Class [java/security/interfaces/RSAPrivateKey]
  + Class [java/security/interfaces/RSAPublicKey]
  + Class [java/security/spec/DSAPublicKeySpec]
  + Class [java/security/spec/InvalidKeySpecException]
  + Class [java/security/spec/InvalidParameterSpecException]
  + Class [java/security/spec/PKCS8EncodedKeySpec]
  + Class [java/security/spec/RSAPublicKeySpec]
  + Class [java/security/spec/X509EncodedKeySpec]
  + Class [java/util/Arrays]
  + Class [javax/crypto/BadPaddingException]
  + Class [javax/crypto/Cipher]
  + Class [javax/crypto/EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo]
  + Class [javax/crypto/IllegalBlockSizeException]
  + Class [javax/crypto/NoSuchPaddingException]
  + Class [javax/crypto/SecretKeyFactory]
  + Class [javax/crypto/spec/PBEKeySpec]
  + Class [javax/crypto/spec/PBEParameterSpec]
  + Class [javax/crypto/spec/SecretKeySpec]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/Encryptor]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.HEX_DIGITS [C]
  + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/Base64.encode ([B)[C]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey.<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey.getPublicKey ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey.<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify.encodeSSHDSAPublicKey (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;)[B]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey.<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey.getPublicKey ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey.<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify.encodeSSHRSAPublicKey (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;)[B]
  + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.getBytes ()[B]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.toCharArray ()[C]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf ([C)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append ([C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.insert (ILjava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.length ()I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.modPow (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Methodref [java/security/AlgorithmParameters.getInstance (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/AlgorithmParameters;]
  + Methodref [java/security/AlgorithmParameters.init (Ljava/security/spec/AlgorithmParameterSpec;)V]
  + Methodref [java/security/InvalidKeyException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/security/KeyFactory.generatePrivate (Ljava/security/spec/KeySpec;)Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
  + Methodref [java/security/KeyFactory.generatePublic (Ljava/security/spec/KeySpec;)Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
  + Methodref [java/security/KeyFactory.getInstance (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/KeyFactory;]
  + Methodref [java/security/KeyPair.<init> (Ljava/security/PublicKey;Ljava/security/PrivateKey;)V]
  + Methodref [java/security/MessageDigest.digest ([B)[B]
  + Methodref [java/security/MessageDigest.getInstance (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/MessageDigest;]
  + Methodref [java/security/SecureRandom.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/security/SecureRandom.nextBytes ([B)V]
  + Methodref [java/security/spec/DSAPublicKeySpec.<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Methodref [java/security/spec/PKCS8EncodedKeySpec.<init> ([B)V]
  + Methodref [java/security/spec/PKCS8EncodedKeySpec.getEncoded ()[B]
  + Methodref [java/security/spec/RSAPublicKeySpec.<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Methodref [java/security/spec/X509EncodedKeySpec.<init> ([B)V]
  + Methodref [java/security/spec/X509EncodedKeySpec.getEncoded ()[B]
  + Methodref [java/util/Arrays.fill ([BB)V]
  + Methodref [javax/crypto/Cipher.doFinal ([B)[B]
  + Methodref [javax/crypto/Cipher.getInstance (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljavax/crypto/Cipher;]
  + Methodref [javax/crypto/Cipher.init (ILjava/security/Key;)V]
  + Methodref [javax/crypto/Cipher.init (ILjava/security/Key;Ljava/security/AlgorithmParameters;)V]
  + Methodref [javax/crypto/Cipher.wrap (Ljava/security/Key;)[B]
  + Methodref [javax/crypto/EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo.<init> (Ljava/security/AlgorithmParameters;[B)V]
  + Methodref [javax/crypto/EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo.getEncoded ()[B]
  + Methodref [javax/crypto/SecretKeyFactory.generateSecret (Ljava/security/spec/KeySpec;)Ljavax/crypto/SecretKey;]
  + Methodref [javax/crypto/SecretKeyFactory.getInstance (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljavax/crypto/SecretKeyFactory;]
  + Methodref [javax/crypto/spec/PBEKeySpec.<init> ([C)V]
  + Methodref [javax/crypto/spec/PBEParameterSpec.<init> ([BI)V]
  + Methodref [javax/crypto/spec/SecretKeySpec.<init> ([BLjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/Encryptor.decrypt ([BILjava/lang/String;[B)[B]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/Encryptor.encrypt ([BILjava/lang/String;[B)[B]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.cipher (I[B[B)[B]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.convertToTrilead (Ljava/security/PublicKey;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.decodePrivate ([BLjava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.decrypt ([BLjava/lang/String;)[B]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.encodeHex ([B)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.encrypt ([BLjava/lang/String;)[B]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.getEncodedPrivate (Ljava/security/PrivateKey;)[B]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.sha256 ([B)[B]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/Key.getAlgorithm ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/Key.getEncoded ()[B]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/Key.getFormat ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/PrivateKey.getAlgorithm ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/PrivateKey.getEncoded ()[B]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/PublicKey.getEncoded ()[B]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/interfaces/DSAParams.getG ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/interfaces/DSAParams.getP ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/interfaces/DSAParams.getQ ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/interfaces/DSAPrivateKey.getParams ()Ljava/security/interfaces/DSAParams;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/interfaces/DSAPrivateKey.getX ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/interfaces/DSAPublicKey.getParams ()Ljava/security/interfaces/DSAParams;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/interfaces/DSAPublicKey.getY ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/interfaces/RSAPrivateCrtKey.getModulus ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/interfaces/RSAPrivateCrtKey.getPublicExponent ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/interfaces/RSAPrivateKey.getModulus ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/interfaces/RSAPrivateKey.getPrivateExponent ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/interfaces/RSAPublicKey.getModulus ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/interfaces/RSAPublicKey.getPublicExponent ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/security/AlgorithmParameters;[B)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/security/PublicKey;Ljava/security/PrivateKey;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([BI)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([BLjava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ([C)V]
  + NameAndType [HEX_DIGITS [C]
  + NameAndType [append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append ([C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + NameAndType [cipher (I[B[B)[B]
  + NameAndType [convertToTrilead (Ljava/security/PublicKey;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + NameAndType [decodePrivate ([BLjava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
  + NameAndType [decrypt ([BILjava/lang/String;[B)[B]
  + NameAndType [decrypt ([BLjava/lang/String;)[B]
  + NameAndType [digest ([B)[B]
  + NameAndType [doFinal ([B)[B]
  + NameAndType [encode ([B)[C]
  + NameAndType [encodeHex ([B)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [encodeSSHDSAPublicKey (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;)[B]
  + NameAndType [encodeSSHRSAPublicKey (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;)[B]
  + NameAndType [encrypt ([BILjava/lang/String;[B)[B]
  + NameAndType [encrypt ([BLjava/lang/String;)[B]
  + NameAndType [fill ([BB)V]
  + NameAndType [generatePrivate (Ljava/security/spec/KeySpec;)Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
  + NameAndType [generatePublic (Ljava/security/spec/KeySpec;)Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
  + NameAndType [generateSecret (Ljava/security/spec/KeySpec;)Ljavax/crypto/SecretKey;]
  + NameAndType [getAlgorithm ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getBytes ()[B]
  + NameAndType [getEncoded ()[B]
  + NameAndType [getEncodedPrivate (Ljava/security/PrivateKey;)[B]
  + NameAndType [getFormat ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getG ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [getInstance (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/AlgorithmParameters;]
  + NameAndType [getInstance (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/KeyFactory;]
  + NameAndType [getInstance (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/MessageDigest;]
  + NameAndType [getInstance (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljavax/crypto/Cipher;]
  + NameAndType [getInstance (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljavax/crypto/SecretKeyFactory;]
  + NameAndType [getModulus ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [getP ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [getParams ()Ljava/security/interfaces/DSAParams;]
  + NameAndType [getPrivateExponent ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [getPublicExponent ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [getPublicKey ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;]
  + NameAndType [getPublicKey ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;]
  + NameAndType [getQ ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [getX ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [getY ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [init (ILjava/security/Key;)V]
  + NameAndType [init (ILjava/security/Key;Ljava/security/AlgorithmParameters;)V]
  + NameAndType [init (Ljava/security/spec/AlgorithmParameterSpec;)V]
  + NameAndType [insert (ILjava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [length ()I]
  + NameAndType [modPow (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + NameAndType [nextBytes ([B)V]
  + NameAndType [sha256 ([B)[B]
  + NameAndType [toCharArray ()[C]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [valueOf (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [valueOf ([C)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [wrap (Ljava/security/Key;)[B]
  + Utf8 [
  + Utf8 [

  + Utf8 [ ]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;]
  + Utf8 [()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/security/interfaces/DSAParams;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()[B]
  + Utf8 [()[C]
  + Utf8 [(C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(ILjava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(ILjava/security/Key;)V]
  + Utf8 [(ILjava/security/Key;Ljava/security/AlgorithmParameters;)V]
  + Utf8 [(I[B[B)[B]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;)[B]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;)[B]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)[B]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/AlgorithmParameters;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/KeyFactory;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/MessageDigest;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljavax/crypto/Cipher;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljavax/crypto/SecretKeyFactory;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/security/AlgorithmParameters;[B)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/security/Key;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/security/Key;)[B]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/security/PrivateKey;)[B]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/security/PrivateKey;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/security/PrivateKey;Ljava/lang/String;)[B]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/security/PrivateKey;Ljava/security/PublicKey;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/security/PublicKey;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/security/PublicKey;)[B]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/security/PublicKey;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/security/PublicKey;Ljava/security/PrivateKey;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/security/spec/AlgorithmParameterSpec;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/security/spec/KeySpec;)Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/security/spec/KeySpec;)Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/security/spec/KeySpec;)Ljavax/crypto/SecretKey;]
  + Utf8 [([B)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [([B)Ljava/security/KeyPair;]
  + Utf8 [([B)V]
  + Utf8 [([B)[B]
  + Utf8 [([B)[C]
  + Utf8 [([BB)V]
  + Utf8 [([BI)V]
  + Utf8 [([BILjava/lang/String;[B)[B]
  + Utf8 [([BLjava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
  + Utf8 [([BLjava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [([BLjava/lang/String;)[B]
  + Utf8 [([BLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
  + Utf8 [([C)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [([C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [([C)V]
  + Utf8 [, bytes=]
  + Utf8 [, format=]
  + Utf8 [-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----]
  + Utf8 [-----END PRIVATE KEY-----]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [AES]
  + Utf8 [B]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [Could not decrypt with new method]
  + Utf8 [DEK-Info: DES-EDE3-CBC,]
  + Utf8 [DSA]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [HEX_DIGITS]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [Key is not RSA or DSA format]
  + Utf8 [Key[algorithm=]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/io/IOException;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/ClassCastException;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Exception;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/security/AlgorithmParameters;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/security/Key;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/security/KeyFactory;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/security/SecureRandom;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/security/interfaces/DSAParams;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/security/spec/KeySpec;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/security/spec/PKCS8EncodedKeySpec;]
  + Utf8 [Ljavax/crypto/Cipher;]
  + Utf8 [Ljavax/crypto/EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo;]
  + Utf8 [Ljavax/crypto/SecretKeyFactory;]
  + Utf8 [Ljavax/crypto/spec/PBEKeySpec;]
  + Utf8 [Ljavax/crypto/spec/PBEParameterSpec;]
  + Utf8 [Ljavax/crypto/spec/SecretKeySpec;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils;]
  + Utf8 [Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [PublicKey is not RSA or DSA format]
  + Utf8 [RSA]
  + Utf8 [SHA-256]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Unknown key type]
  + Utf8 [[B]
  + Utf8 [[C]
  + Utf8 []]
  + Utf8 [algo]
  + Utf8 [android/util/Log]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [arraycopy]
  + Utf8 [b]
  + Utf8 [bytes]
  + Utf8 [c]
  + Utf8 [cipher]
  + Utf8 [ciphertext]
  + Utf8 [cleartext]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/Base64]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify]
  + Utf8 [complete]
  + Utf8 [connectbot@android]
  + Utf8 [convertToOpenSSHFormat]
  + Utf8 [convertToTrilead]
  + Utf8 [d]
  + Utf8 [data]
  + Utf8 [decodePrivate]
  + Utf8 [decrypt]
  + Utf8 [defParams]
  + Utf8 [digest]
  + Utf8 [doFinal]
  + Utf8 [dp]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [encode]
  + Utf8 [encodeHex]
  + Utf8 [encodeSSHDSAPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [encodeSSHRSAPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [encoded]
  + Utf8 [encrypt]
  + Utf8 [exportPEM]
  + Utf8 [extractOpenSSHPublic]
  + Utf8 [fill]
  + Utf8 [fmt]
  + Utf8 [formatKey]
  + Utf8 [generatePrivate]
  + Utf8 [generatePublic]
  + Utf8 [generateSecret]
  + Utf8 [getAlgorithm]
  + Utf8 [getBytes]
  + Utf8 [getEncoded]
  + Utf8 [getEncodedPrivate]
  + Utf8 [getEncodedPublic]
  + Utf8 [getFormat]
  + Utf8 [getG]
  + Utf8 [getInstance]
  + Utf8 [getModulus]
  + Utf8 [getP]
  + Utf8 [getParams]
  + Utf8 [getPrivateExponent]
  + Utf8 [getPublicExponent]
  + Utf8 [getPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [getQ]
  + Utf8 [getX]
  + Utf8 [getY]
  + Utf8 [hex]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [init]
  + Utf8 [insert]
  + Utf8 [java/io/IOException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/ClassCastException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Exception]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/System]
  + Utf8 [java/math/BigInteger]
  + Utf8 [java/security/AlgorithmParameters]
  + Utf8 [java/security/InvalidAlgorithmParameterException]
  + Utf8 [java/security/InvalidKeyException]
  + Utf8 [java/security/Key]
  + Utf8 [java/security/KeyFactory]
  + Utf8 [java/security/KeyPair]
  + Utf8 [java/security/MessageDigest]
  + Utf8 [java/security/NoSuchAlgorithmException]
  + Utf8 [java/security/PrivateKey]
  + Utf8 [java/security/PublicKey]
  + Utf8 [java/security/SecureRandom]
  + Utf8 [java/security/interfaces/DSAParams]
  + Utf8 [java/security/interfaces/DSAPrivateKey]
  + Utf8 [java/security/interfaces/DSAPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [java/security/interfaces/RSAPrivateCrtKey]
  + Utf8 [java/security/interfaces/RSAPrivateKey]
  + Utf8 [java/security/interfaces/RSAPublicKey]
  + Utf8 [java/security/spec/DSAPublicKeySpec]
  + Utf8 [java/security/spec/InvalidKeySpecException]
  + Utf8 [java/security/spec/InvalidParameterSpecException]
  + Utf8 [java/security/spec/PKCS8EncodedKeySpec]
  + Utf8 [java/security/spec/RSAPublicKeySpec]
  + Utf8 [java/security/spec/X509EncodedKeySpec]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Arrays]
  + Utf8 [javax/crypto/BadPaddingException]
  + Utf8 [javax/crypto/Cipher]
  + Utf8 [javax/crypto/EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo]
  + Utf8 [javax/crypto/IllegalBlockSizeException]
  + Utf8 [javax/crypto/NoSuchPaddingException]
  + Utf8 [javax/crypto/SecretKeyFactory]
  + Utf8 [javax/crypto/spec/PBEKeySpec]
  + Utf8 [javax/crypto/spec/PBEParameterSpec]
  + Utf8 [javax/crypto/spec/SecretKeySpec]
  + Utf8 [key]
  + Utf8 [keyFact]
  + Utf8 [keyType]
  + Utf8 [kf]
  + Utf8 [length]
  + Utf8 [modPow]
  + Utf8 [mode]
  + Utf8 [nextBytes]
  + Utf8 [nickname]
  + Utf8 [origNickname]
  + Utf8 [params]
  + Utf8 [pbeSpec]
  + Utf8 [pinfo]
  + Utf8 [pk]
  + Utf8 [priv]
  + Utf8 [privKeySpec]
  + Utf8 [pub]
  + Utf8 [pubKeySpec]
  + Utf8 [random]
  + Utf8 [recoverKeyPair]
  + Utf8 [salt]
  + Utf8 [sb]
  + Utf8 [secret]
  + Utf8 [secretKeySpec]
  + Utf8 [sha256]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/Encryptor]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils]
  + Utf8 [ssh-dss ]
  + Utf8 [ssh-rsa ]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toCharArray]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [trileadKey]
  + Utf8 [valueOf]
  + Utf8 [wrap]
  + Utf8 [wrappedKey]
  + Utf8 [y]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        HEX_DIGITS [C
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final char[] HEX_DIGITS

Methods (count = 19):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 98, locals = 0, stack = 4):
      [0] bipush 16
      [2] newarray 5
      [4] dup
      [5] iconst_0
      [6] bipush 48
      [8] castore
      [9] dup
      [10] iconst_1
      [11] bipush 49
      [13] castore
      [14] dup
      [15] iconst_2
      [16] bipush 50
      [18] castore
      [19] dup
      [20] iconst_3
      [21] bipush 51
      [23] castore
      [24] dup
      [25] iconst_4
      [26] bipush 52
      [28] castore
      [29] dup
      [30] iconst_5
      [31] bipush 53
      [33] castore
      [34] dup
      [35] bipush 6
      [37] bipush 54
      [39] castore
      [40] dup
      [41] bipush 7
      [43] bipush 55
      [45] castore
      [46] dup
      [47] bipush 8
      [49] bipush 56
      [51] castore
      [52] dup
      [53] bipush 9
      [55] bipush 57
      [57] castore
      [58] dup
      [59] bipush 10
      [61] bipush 97
      [63] castore
      [64] dup
      [65] bipush 11
      [67] bipush 98
      [69] castore
      [70] dup
      [71] bipush 12
      [73] bipush 99
      [75] castore
      [76] dup
      [77] bipush 13
      [79] bipush 100
      [81] castore
      [82] dup
      [83] bipush 14
      [85] bipush 101
      [87] castore
      [88] dup
      [89] bipush 15
      [91] bipush 102
      [93] castore
      [94] putstatic #76
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.HEX_DIGITS [C]
      [97] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 324
        [43] -> line 325
        [94] -> line 324
        [97] -> line 64
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>()V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public PubkeyUtils()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #88
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [4] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 64
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 5 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils; this]
  + Method:       formatKey(Ljava/security/Key;)Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static java.lang.String formatKey(
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 62, locals = 4, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokeinterface #145
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/Key.getAlgorithm ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [6] astore_1 v1
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] invokeinterface #147
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/Key.getFormat ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [13] astore_2 v2
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] invokeinterface #146
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/Key.getEncoded ()[B]
      [20] astore_3 v3
      [21] new #38
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [24] dup
      [25] ldc #13
        + String [Key[algorithm=]
      [27] invokespecial #95
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [30] aload_1 v1
      [31] invokevirtual #98
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [34] ldc #5
        + String [, format=]
      [36] invokevirtual #98
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [39] aload_2 v2
      [40] invokevirtual #98
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [43] ldc #4
        + String [, bytes=]
      [45] invokevirtual #98
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [48] aload_3 v3
      [49] arraylength
      [50] invokevirtual #97
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [53] ldc #19
        + String []]
      [55] invokevirtual #98
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [58] invokevirtual #102
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [61] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 75
        [7] -> line 76
        [14] -> line 77
        [21] -> line 78
        [43] -> line 79
        [58] -> line 78
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 62 [Ljava/security/Key; key]
        v1: 7 -> 62 [Ljava/lang/String; algo]
        v2: 14 -> 62 [Ljava/lang/String; fmt]
        v3: 21 -> 62 [[B encoded]
  + Method:       sha256([B)[B
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static byte[] sha256(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] ldc #17
        + String [SHA-256]
      [2] invokestatic #113
        + Methodref [java/security/MessageDigest.getInstance (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/MessageDigest;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokevirtual #112
        + Methodref [java/security/MessageDigest.digest ([B)[B]
      [9] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 83
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [[B data]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/security/NoSuchAlgorithmException]
  + Method:       cipher(I[B[B)[B
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static byte[] cipher(int,byte[],byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 35, locals = 5, stack = 4):
      [0] new #73
        + Class [javax/crypto/spec/SecretKeySpec]
      [3] dup
      [4] aload_2 v2
      [5] invokestatic #144
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.sha256 ([B)[B]
      [8] ldc #8
        + String [AES]
      [10] invokespecial #134
        + Methodref [javax/crypto/spec/SecretKeySpec.<init> ([BLjava/lang/String;)V]
      [13] astore_3 v3
      [14] ldc #8
        + String [AES]
      [16] invokestatic #124
        + Methodref [javax/crypto/Cipher.getInstance (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljavax/crypto/Cipher;]
      [19] astore v4
      [21] aload v4
      [23] iload_0 v0
      [24] aload_3 v3
      [25] invokevirtual #125
        + Methodref [javax/crypto/Cipher.init (ILjava/security/Key;)V]
      [28] aload v4
      [30] aload_1 v1
      [31] invokevirtual #123
        + Methodref [javax/crypto/Cipher.doFinal ([B)[B]
      [34] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 87
        [14] -> line 88
        [21] -> line 89
        [28] -> line 90
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 35 [I mode]
        v1: 0 -> 35 [[B data]
        v2: 0 -> 35 [[B secret]
        v3: 14 -> 35 [Ljavax/crypto/spec/SecretKeySpec; secretKeySpec]
        v4: 21 -> 35 [Ljavax/crypto/Cipher; c]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 5)
      + Class [java/security/NoSuchAlgorithmException]
      + Class [javax/crypto/NoSuchPaddingException]
      + Class [java/security/InvalidKeyException]
      + Class [javax/crypto/IllegalBlockSizeException]
      + Class [javax/crypto/BadPaddingException]
  + Method:       encrypt([BLjava/lang/String;)[B
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static byte[] encrypt(byte[],java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 58, locals = 5, stack = 5):
      [0] bipush 8
      [2] newarray 8
      [4] astore_2 v2
      [5] aload_2 v2
      [6] sipush 1000
      [9] aload_1 v1
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] invokestatic #136
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/Encryptor.encrypt ([BILjava/lang/String;[B)[B]
      [14] astore_3 v3
      [15] aload_2 v2
      [16] arraylength
      [17] aload_3 v3
      [18] arraylength
      [19] iadd
      [20] newarray 8
      [22] astore v4
      [24] aload_2 v2
      [25] iconst_0
      [26] aload v4
      [28] iconst_0
      [29] aload_2 v2
      [30] arraylength
      [31] invokestatic #103
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [34] aload_3 v3
      [35] iconst_0
      [36] aload v4
      [38] aload_2 v2
      [39] arraylength
      [40] aload_3 v3
      [41] arraylength
      [42] invokestatic #103
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [45] aload_2 v2
      [46] iconst_0
      [47] invokestatic #122
        + Methodref [java/util/Arrays.fill ([BB)V]
      [50] aload_3 v3
      [51] iconst_0
      [52] invokestatic #122
        + Methodref [java/util/Arrays.fill ([BB)V]
      [55] aload v4
      [57] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 94
        [5] -> line 96
        [15] -> line 98
        [24] -> line 100
        [34] -> line 101
        [45] -> line 103
        [50] -> line 104
        [55] -> line 106
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 58 [[B cleartext]
        v1: 0 -> 58 [Ljava/lang/String; secret]
        v2: 5 -> 58 [[B salt]
        v3: 15 -> 58 [[B ciphertext]
        v4: 24 -> 58 [[B complete]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Method:       decrypt([BLjava/lang/String;)[B
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static byte[] decrypt(byte[],java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 62, locals = 4, stack = 5):
      [0] bipush 8
      [2] newarray 8
      [4] astore_2 v2
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] arraylength
      [7] aload_2 v2
      [8] arraylength
      [9] isub
      [10] newarray 8
      [12] astore_3 v3
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] iconst_0
      [15] aload_2 v2
      [16] iconst_0
      [17] aload_2 v2
      [18] arraylength
      [19] invokestatic #103
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] aload_2 v2
      [24] arraylength
      [25] aload_3 v3
      [26] iconst_0
      [27] aload_3 v3
      [28] arraylength
      [29] invokestatic #103
        + Methodref [java/lang/System.arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V]
      [32] aload_2 v2
      [33] sipush 1000
      [36] aload_1 v1
      [37] aload_3 v3
      [38] invokestatic #135
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/Encryptor.decrypt ([BILjava/lang/String;[B)[B]
      [41] areturn
      [42] astore_2 v2
      [43] ldc #21
        + String [decrypt]
      [45] ldc #9
        + String [Could not decrypt with new method]
      [47] aload_2 v2
      [48] invokestatic #77
        + Methodref [android/util/Log.d (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)I]
      [51] pop
      [52] iconst_2
      [53] aload_0 v0
      [54] aload_1 v1
      [55] invokevirtual #89
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.getBytes ()[B]
      [58] invokestatic #137
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.cipher (I[B[B)[B]
      [61] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 41: 42):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 111
        [5] -> line 112
        [13] -> line 114
        [22] -> line 115
        [32] -> line 117
        [42] -> line 118
        [43] -> line 119
        [52] -> line 121
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 62 [[B complete]
        v1: 0 -> 62 [Ljava/lang/String; secret]
        v2: 5 -> 42 [[B salt]
        v3: 13 -> 42 [[B ciphertext]
        v2: 43 -> 62 [Ljava/lang/Exception; e]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Method:       getEncodedPublic(Ljava/security/PublicKey;)[B
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static byte[] getEncodedPublic(
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 17, locals = 1, stack = 3):
      [0] new #63
        + Class [java/security/spec/X509EncodedKeySpec]
      [3] dup
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] invokeinterface #150
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/PublicKey.getEncoded ()[B]
      [10] invokespecial #120
        + Methodref [java/security/spec/X509EncodedKeySpec.<init> ([B)V]
      [13] invokevirtual #121
        + Methodref [java/security/spec/X509EncodedKeySpec.getEncoded ()[B]
      [16] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 126
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 17 [Ljava/security/PublicKey; pk]
  + Method:       getEncodedPrivate(Ljava/security/PrivateKey;)[B
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static byte[] getEncodedPrivate(
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 17, locals = 1, stack = 3):
      [0] new #61
        + Class [java/security/spec/PKCS8EncodedKeySpec]
      [3] dup
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] invokeinterface #149
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/PrivateKey.getEncoded ()[B]
      [10] invokespecial #117
        + Methodref [java/security/spec/PKCS8EncodedKeySpec.<init> ([B)V]
      [13] invokevirtual #118
        + Methodref [java/security/spec/PKCS8EncodedKeySpec.getEncoded ()[B]
      [16] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 130
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 17 [Ljava/security/PrivateKey; pk]
  + Method:       getEncodedPrivate(Ljava/security/PrivateKey;Ljava/lang/String;)[B
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static byte[] getEncodedPrivate(,java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 21, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] invokevirtual #90
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
      [4] ifle +12 (target=16)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] invokestatic #143
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.getEncodedPrivate (Ljava/security/PrivateKey;)[B]
      [11] aload_1 v1
      [12] invokestatic #142
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.encrypt ([BLjava/lang/String;)[B]
      [15] areturn
      [16] aload_0 v0
      [17] invokestatic #143
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.getEncodedPrivate (Ljava/security/PrivateKey;)[B]
      [20] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 134
        [7] -> line 135
        [16] -> line 137
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 21 [Ljava/security/PrivateKey; pk]
        v1: 0 -> 21 [Ljava/lang/String; secret]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Method:       decodePrivate([BLjava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/PrivateKey;
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static decodePrivate(byte[],java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 20, locals = 4, stack = 3):
      [0] new #61
        + Class [java/security/spec/PKCS8EncodedKeySpec]
      [3] dup
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] invokespecial #117
        + Methodref [java/security/spec/PKCS8EncodedKeySpec.<init> ([B)V]
      [8] astore_2 v2
      [9] aload_1 v1
      [10] invokestatic #110
        + Methodref [java/security/KeyFactory.getInstance (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/KeyFactory;]
      [13] astore_3 v3
      [14] aload_3 v3
      [15] aload_2 v2
      [16] invokevirtual #108
        + Methodref [java/security/KeyFactory.generatePrivate (Ljava/security/spec/KeySpec;)Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
      [19] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 141
        [9] -> line 142
        [14] -> line 143
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 20 [[B encoded]
        v1: 0 -> 20 [Ljava/lang/String; keyType]
        v2: 9 -> 20 [Ljava/security/spec/PKCS8EncodedKeySpec; privKeySpec]
        v3: 14 -> 20 [Ljava/security/KeyFactory; kf]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 2)
      + Class [java/security/NoSuchAlgorithmException]
      + Class [java/security/spec/InvalidKeySpecException]
  + Method:       decodePrivate([BLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/PrivateKey;
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static decodePrivate(byte[],java.lang.String,java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 27, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_2 v2
      [1] ifnull +20 (target=21)
      [4] aload_2 v2
      [5] invokevirtual #90
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
      [8] ifle +13 (target=21)
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] aload_2 v2
      [13] invokestatic #140
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.decrypt ([BLjava/lang/String;)[B]
      [16] aload_1 v1
      [17] invokestatic #139
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.decodePrivate ([BLjava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
      [20] areturn
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] aload_1 v1
      [23] invokestatic #139
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.decodePrivate ([BLjava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
      [26] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 147
        [11] -> line 148
        [21] -> line 150
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 27 [[B encoded]
        v1: 0 -> 27 [Ljava/lang/String; keyType]
        v2: 0 -> 27 [Ljava/lang/String; secret]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Method:       recoverKeyPair([B)Ljava/security/KeyPair;
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static recoverKeyPair(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 165, locals = 9, stack = 6):
      [0] new #61
        + Class [java/security/spec/PKCS8EncodedKeySpec]
      [3] dup
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] invokespecial #117
        + Methodref [java/security/spec/PKCS8EncodedKeySpec.<init> ([B)V]
      [8] astore_1 v1
      [9] ldc #16
        + String [RSA]
      [11] invokestatic #110
        + Methodref [java/security/KeyFactory.getInstance (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/KeyFactory;]
      [14] astore v5
      [16] aload v5
      [18] aload_1 v1
      [19] invokevirtual #108
        + Methodref [java/security/KeyFactory.generatePrivate (Ljava/security/spec/KeySpec;)Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
      [22] astore_3 v3
      [23] new #62
        + Class [java/security/spec/RSAPublicKeySpec]
      [26] dup
      [27] aload_3 v3
      [28] checkcast #55
        + Class [java/security/interfaces/RSAPrivateCrtKey]
      [31] invokeinterface #158
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/interfaces/RSAPrivateCrtKey.getModulus ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [36] aload_3 v3
      [37] checkcast #55
        + Class [java/security/interfaces/RSAPrivateCrtKey]
      [40] invokeinterface #159
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/interfaces/RSAPrivateCrtKey.getPublicExponent ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [45] invokespecial #119
        + Methodref [java/security/spec/RSAPublicKeySpec.<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
      [48] astore_2 v2
      [49] aload v5
      [51] aload_2 v2
      [52] invokevirtual #109
        + Methodref [java/security/KeyFactory.generatePublic (Ljava/security/spec/KeySpec;)Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
      [55] astore v4
      [57] goto +97 (target=154)
      [60] astore v6
      [62] ldc #11
        + String [DSA]
      [64] invokestatic #110
        + Methodref [java/security/KeyFactory.getInstance (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/KeyFactory;]
      [67] astore v5
      [69] aload v5
      [71] aload_1 v1
      [72] invokevirtual #108
        + Methodref [java/security/KeyFactory.generatePrivate (Ljava/security/spec/KeySpec;)Ljava/security/PrivateKey;]
      [75] astore_3 v3
      [76] aload_3 v3
      [77] checkcast #53
        + Class [java/security/interfaces/DSAPrivateKey]
      [80] invokeinterface #154
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/interfaces/DSAPrivateKey.getParams ()Ljava/security/interfaces/DSAParams;]
      [85] astore v7
      [87] aload v7
      [89] invokeinterface #151
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/interfaces/DSAParams.getG ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [94] aload_3 v3
      [95] checkcast #53
        + Class [java/security/interfaces/DSAPrivateKey]
      [98] invokeinterface #155
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/interfaces/DSAPrivateKey.getX ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [103] aload v7
      [105] invokeinterface #152
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/interfaces/DSAParams.getP ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [110] invokevirtual #104
        + Methodref [java/math/BigInteger.modPow (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [113] astore v8
      [115] new #58
        + Class [java/security/spec/DSAPublicKeySpec]
      [118] dup
      [119] aload v8
      [121] aload v7
      [123] invokeinterface #152
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/interfaces/DSAParams.getP ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [128] aload v7
      [130] invokeinterface #153
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/interfaces/DSAParams.getQ ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [135] aload v7
      [137] invokeinterface #151
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/interfaces/DSAParams.getG ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [142] invokespecial #116
        + Methodref [java/security/spec/DSAPublicKeySpec.<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
      [145] astore_2 v2
      [146] aload v5
      [148] aload_2 v2
      [149] invokevirtual #109
        + Methodref [java/security/KeyFactory.generatePublic (Ljava/security/spec/KeySpec;)Ljava/security/PublicKey;]
      [152] astore v4
      [154] new #46
        + Class [java/security/KeyPair]
      [157] dup
      [158] aload v4
      [160] aload_3 v3
      [161] invokespecial #111
        + Methodref [java/security/KeyPair.<init> (Ljava/security/PublicKey;Ljava/security/PrivateKey;)V]
      [164] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (9 -> 57: 60):
      + Class [java/lang/ClassCastException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 20)
        [0] -> line 160
        [9] -> line 167
        [16] -> line 168
        [23] -> line 170
        [31] -> line 171
        [40] -> line 172
        [45] -> line 170
        [49] -> line 174
        [60] -> line 175
        [62] -> line 176
        [69] -> line 177
        [76] -> line 179
        [87] -> line 182
        [103] -> line 183
        [110] -> line 182
        [115] -> line 185
        [135] -> line 186
        [142] -> line 185
        [146] -> line 188
        [154] -> line 191
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 13)
        v0: 0 -> 165 [[B encoded]
        v1: 9 -> 165 [Ljava/security/spec/KeySpec; privKeySpec]
        v2: 49 -> 60 [Ljava/security/spec/KeySpec; pubKeySpec]
        v2: 146 -> 165 [Ljava/security/spec/KeySpec; pubKeySpec]
        v3: 23 -> 60 [Ljava/security/PrivateKey; priv]
        v3: 76 -> 165 [Ljava/security/PrivateKey; priv]
        v4: 57 -> 60 [Ljava/security/PublicKey; pub]
        v4: 154 -> 165 [Ljava/security/PublicKey; pub]
        v5: 16 -> 60 [Ljava/security/KeyFactory; kf]
        v5: 69 -> 165 [Ljava/security/KeyFactory; kf]
        v6: 62 -> 154 [Ljava/lang/ClassCastException; e]
        v7: 87 -> 154 [Ljava/security/interfaces/DSAParams; params]
        v8: 115 -> 154 [Ljava/math/BigInteger; y]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 2)
      + Class [java/security/NoSuchAlgorithmException]
      + Class [java/security/spec/InvalidKeySpecException]
  + Method:       convertToTrilead(Ljava/security/PublicKey;)Ljava/lang/Object;
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static java.lang.Object convertToTrilead(
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 95, locals = 2, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] instanceof #57
        + Class [java/security/interfaces/RSAPublicKey]
      [4] ifeq +29 (target=33)
      [7] new #30
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey]
      [10] dup
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] checkcast #57
        + Class [java/security/interfaces/RSAPublicKey]
      [15] invokeinterface #163
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/interfaces/RSAPublicKey.getPublicExponent ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [20] aload_0 v0
      [21] checkcast #57
        + Class [java/security/interfaces/RSAPublicKey]
      [24] invokeinterface #162
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/interfaces/RSAPublicKey.getModulus ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [29] invokespecial #85
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey.<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
      [32] areturn
      [33] aload_0 v0
      [34] instanceof #54
        + Class [java/security/interfaces/DSAPublicKey]
      [37] ifeq +48 (target=85)
      [40] aload_0 v0
      [41] checkcast #54
        + Class [java/security/interfaces/DSAPublicKey]
      [44] invokeinterface #156
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/interfaces/DSAPublicKey.getParams ()Ljava/security/interfaces/DSAParams;]
      [49] astore_1 v1
      [50] new #27
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey]
      [53] dup
      [54] aload_1 v1
      [55] invokeinterface #152
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/interfaces/DSAParams.getP ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [60] aload_1 v1
      [61] invokeinterface #153
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/interfaces/DSAParams.getQ ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [66] aload_1 v1
      [67] invokeinterface #151
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/interfaces/DSAParams.getG ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [72] aload_0 v0
      [73] checkcast #54
        + Class [java/security/interfaces/DSAPublicKey]
      [76] invokeinterface #157
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/interfaces/DSAPublicKey.getY ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [81] invokespecial #81
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey.<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
      [84] areturn
      [85] new #35
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [88] dup
      [89] ldc #15
        + String [PublicKey is not RSA or DSA format]
      [91] invokespecial #87
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [94] athrow
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 11)
        [0] -> line 199
        [7] -> line 200
        [11] -> line 201
        [20] -> line 202
        [29] -> line 200
        [33] -> line 203
        [40] -> line 204
        [50] -> line 205
        [54] -> line 206
        [81] -> line 205
        [85] -> line 209
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 95 [Ljava/security/PublicKey; pk]
        v1: 50 -> 85 [Ljava/security/interfaces/DSAParams; dp]
  + Method:       convertToTrilead(Ljava/security/PrivateKey;Ljava/security/PublicKey;)Ljava/lang/Object;
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static java.lang.Object convertToTrilead(,
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 113, locals = 3, stack = 7):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] instanceof #56
        + Class [java/security/interfaces/RSAPrivateKey]
      [4] ifeq +38 (target=42)
      [7] new #29
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey]
      [10] dup
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] checkcast #56
        + Class [java/security/interfaces/RSAPrivateKey]
      [15] invokeinterface #161
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/interfaces/RSAPrivateKey.getPrivateExponent ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [20] aload_1 v1
      [21] checkcast #57
        + Class [java/security/interfaces/RSAPublicKey]
      [24] invokeinterface #163
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/interfaces/RSAPublicKey.getPublicExponent ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] checkcast #56
        + Class [java/security/interfaces/RSAPrivateKey]
      [33] invokeinterface #160
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/interfaces/RSAPrivateKey.getModulus ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [38] invokespecial #83
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey.<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
      [41] areturn
      [42] aload_0 v0
      [43] instanceof #53
        + Class [java/security/interfaces/DSAPrivateKey]
      [46] ifeq +57 (target=103)
      [49] aload_0 v0
      [50] checkcast #53
        + Class [java/security/interfaces/DSAPrivateKey]
      [53] invokeinterface #154
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/interfaces/DSAPrivateKey.getParams ()Ljava/security/interfaces/DSAParams;]
      [58] astore_2 v2
      [59] new #26
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey]
      [62] dup
      [63] aload_2 v2
      [64] invokeinterface #152
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/interfaces/DSAParams.getP ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [69] aload_2 v2
      [70] invokeinterface #153
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/interfaces/DSAParams.getQ ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [75] aload_2 v2
      [76] invokeinterface #151
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/interfaces/DSAParams.getG ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [81] aload_1 v1
      [82] checkcast #54
        + Class [java/security/interfaces/DSAPublicKey]
      [85] invokeinterface #157
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/interfaces/DSAPublicKey.getY ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [90] aload_0 v0
      [91] checkcast #53
        + Class [java/security/interfaces/DSAPrivateKey]
      [94] invokeinterface #155
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/interfaces/DSAPrivateKey.getX ()Ljava/math/BigInteger;]
      [99] invokespecial #79
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey.<init> (Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)V]
      [102] areturn
      [103] new #35
        + Class [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException]
      [106] dup
      [107] ldc #12
        + String [Key is not RSA or DSA format]
      [109] invokespecial #87
        + Methodref [java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [112] athrow
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 13)
        [0] -> line 213
        [7] -> line 214
        [11] -> line 215
        [20] -> line 216
        [29] -> line 217
        [38] -> line 214
        [42] -> line 218
        [49] -> line 219
        [59] -> line 220
        [63] -> line 221
        [90] -> line 222
        [99] -> line 220
        [103] -> line 225
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 113 [Ljava/security/PrivateKey; priv]
        v1: 0 -> 113 [Ljava/security/PublicKey; pub]
        v2: 59 -> 103 [Ljava/security/interfaces/DSAParams; dp]
  + Method:       convertToOpenSSHFormat(Ljava/security/PublicKey;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static java.lang.String convertToOpenSSHFormat(,java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 155, locals = 4, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] astore_2 v2
      [2] aload_2 v2
      [3] ifnonnull +6 (target=9)
      [6] ldc #20
        + String [connectbot@android]
      [8] astore_2 v2
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] instanceof #57
        + Class [java/security/interfaces/RSAPublicKey]
      [13] ifeq +64 (target=77)
      [16] ldc #23
        + String [ssh-rsa ]
      [18] astore_3 v3
      [19] new #38
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [22] dup
      [23] aload_3 v3
      [24] invokestatic #92
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [27] invokespecial #95
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] invokestatic #138
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.convertToTrilead (Ljava/security/PublicKey;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [34] checkcast #30
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey]
      [37] invokestatic #86
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify.encodeSSHRSAPublicKey (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;)[B]
      [40] invokestatic #78
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/Base64.encode ([B)[C]
      [43] invokestatic #93
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf ([C)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [46] invokevirtual #98
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [49] invokevirtual #102
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [52] astore_3 v3
      [53] new #38
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [56] dup
      [57] aload_3 v3
      [58] invokestatic #92
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [61] invokespecial #95
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [64] ldc #3
        + String [ ]
      [66] invokevirtual #98
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [69] aload_2 v2
      [70] invokevirtual #98
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [73] invokevirtual #102
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [76] areturn
      [77] aload_0 v0
      [78] instanceof #54
        + Class [java/security/interfaces/DSAPublicKey]
      [81] ifeq +64 (target=145)
      [84] ldc #22
        + String [ssh-dss ]
      [86] astore_3 v3
      [87] new #38
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [90] dup
      [91] aload_3 v3
      [92] invokestatic #92
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [95] invokespecial #95
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [98] aload_0 v0
      [99] invokestatic #138
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.convertToTrilead (Ljava/security/PublicKey;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [102] checkcast #27
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey]
      [105] invokestatic #82
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify.encodeSSHDSAPublicKey (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;)[B]
      [108] invokestatic #78
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/Base64.encode ([B)[C]
      [111] invokestatic #93
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf ([C)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [114] invokevirtual #98
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [117] invokevirtual #102
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [120] astore_3 v3
      [121] new #38
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [124] dup
      [125] aload_3 v3
      [126] invokestatic #92
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [129] invokespecial #95
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [132] ldc #3
        + String [ ]
      [134] invokevirtual #98
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [137] aload_2 v2
      [138] invokevirtual #98
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [141] invokevirtual #102
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [144] areturn
      [145] new #43
        + Class [java/security/InvalidKeyException]
      [148] dup
      [149] ldc #18
        + String [Unknown key type]
      [151] invokespecial #107
        + Methodref [java/security/InvalidKeyException.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [154] athrow
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 16)
        [0] -> line 233
        [2] -> line 234
        [6] -> line 235
        [9] -> line 237
        [16] -> line 238
        [19] -> line 239
        [30] -> line 240
        [37] -> line 239
        [53] -> line 241
        [77] -> line 242
        [84] -> line 243
        [87] -> line 244
        [98] -> line 245
        [105] -> line 244
        [121] -> line 246
        [145] -> line 249
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 155 [Ljava/security/PublicKey; pk]
        v1: 0 -> 155 [Ljava/lang/String; origNickname]
        v2: 2 -> 155 [Ljava/lang/String; nickname]
        v3: 19 -> 77 [Ljava/lang/String; data]
        v3: 87 -> 145 [Ljava/lang/String; data]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 2)
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + Class [java/security/InvalidKeyException]
  + Method:       extractOpenSSHPublic(Ljava/lang/Object;)[B
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static byte[] extractOpenSSHPublic(java.lang.Object)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 41, locals = 2, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] instanceof #29
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey]
      [4] ifeq +14 (target=18)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] checkcast #29
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey]
      [11] invokevirtual #84
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPrivateKey.getPublicKey ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;]
      [14] invokestatic #86
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSASHA1Verify.encodeSSHRSAPublicKey (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/RSAPublicKey;)[B]
      [17] areturn
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] instanceof #26
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey]
      [22] ifeq +14 (target=36)
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] checkcast #26
        + Class [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey]
      [29] invokevirtual #80
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPrivateKey.getPublicKey ()Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;]
      [32] invokestatic #82
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSASHA1Verify.encodeSSHDSAPublicKey (Lcom/trilead/ssh2/signature/DSAPublicKey;)[B]
      [35] areturn
      [36] aconst_null
      [37] areturn
      [38] astore_1 v1
      [39] aconst_null
      [40] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 17: 38):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      + ExceptionInfo (18 -> 35: 38):
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 262
        [7] -> line 264
        [14] -> line 263
        [18] -> line 265
        [25] -> line 267
        [32] -> line 266
        [36] -> line 269
        [38] -> line 270
        [39] -> line 271
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 41 [Ljava/lang/Object; trileadKey]
        v1: 39 -> 41 [Ljava/io/IOException; e]
  + Method:       exportPEM(Ljava/security/PrivateKey;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x9
      = public static java.lang.String exportPEM(,java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 261, locals = 13, stack = 4):
      [0] new #38
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [3] dup
      [4] invokespecial #94
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> ()V]
      [7] astore_2 v2
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] invokeinterface #149
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/PrivateKey.getEncoded ()[B]
      [14] astore_3 v3
      [15] aload_2 v2
      [16] ldc #6
        + String [-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----]
      [18] invokevirtual #98
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [21] pop
      [22] aload_2 v2
      [23] bipush 10
      [25] invokevirtual #96
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [28] pop
      [29] aload_1 v1
      [30] ifnull +163 (target=193)
      [33] bipush 8
      [35] newarray 8
      [37] astore v4
      [39] new #51
        + Class [java/security/SecureRandom]
      [42] dup
      [43] invokespecial #114
        + Methodref [java/security/SecureRandom.<init> ()V]
      [46] astore v5
      [48] aload v5
      [50] aload v4
      [52] invokevirtual #115
        + Methodref [java/security/SecureRandom.nextBytes ([B)V]
      [55] new #72
        + Class [javax/crypto/spec/PBEParameterSpec]
      [58] dup
      [59] aload v4
      [61] iconst_1
      [62] invokespecial #133
        + Methodref [javax/crypto/spec/PBEParameterSpec.<init> ([BI)V]
      [65] astore v6
      [67] aload_0 v0
      [68] invokeinterface #148
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/PrivateKey.getAlgorithm ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [73] invokestatic #105
        + Methodref [java/security/AlgorithmParameters.getInstance (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/AlgorithmParameters;]
      [76] astore v7
      [78] aload v7
      [80] aload v6
      [82] invokevirtual #106
        + Methodref [java/security/AlgorithmParameters.init (Ljava/security/spec/AlgorithmParameterSpec;)V]
      [85] new #71
        + Class [javax/crypto/spec/PBEKeySpec]
      [88] dup
      [89] aload_1 v1
      [90] invokevirtual #91
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.toCharArray ()[C]
      [93] invokespecial #132
        + Methodref [javax/crypto/spec/PBEKeySpec.<init> ([C)V]
      [96] astore v8
      [98] aload_0 v0
      [99] invokeinterface #148
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/PrivateKey.getAlgorithm ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [104] invokestatic #131
        + Methodref [javax/crypto/SecretKeyFactory.getInstance (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljavax/crypto/SecretKeyFactory;]
      [107] astore v9
      [109] aload_0 v0
      [110] invokeinterface #148
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/security/PrivateKey.getAlgorithm ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [115] invokestatic #124
        + Methodref [javax/crypto/Cipher.getInstance (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljavax/crypto/Cipher;]
      [118] astore v10
      [120] aload v10
      [122] iconst_3
      [123] aload v9
      [125] aload v8
      [127] invokevirtual #130
        + Methodref [javax/crypto/SecretKeyFactory.generateSecret (Ljava/security/spec/KeySpec;)Ljavax/crypto/SecretKey;]
      [130] aload v7
      [132] invokevirtual #126
        + Methodref [javax/crypto/Cipher.init (ILjava/security/Key;Ljava/security/AlgorithmParameters;)V]
      [135] aload v10
      [137] aload_0 v0
      [138] invokevirtual #127
        + Methodref [javax/crypto/Cipher.wrap (Ljava/security/Key;)[B]
      [141] astore v11
      [143] new #67
        + Class [javax/crypto/EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo]
      [146] dup
      [147] aload v7
      [149] aload v11
      [151] invokespecial #128
        + Methodref [javax/crypto/EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo.<init> (Ljava/security/AlgorithmParameters;[B)V]
      [154] astore v12
      [156] aload v12
      [158] invokevirtual #129
        + Methodref [javax/crypto/EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo.getEncoded ()[B]
      [161] astore_3 v3
      [162] aload_2 v2
      [163] ldc #14
        + String [Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED
      [165] invokevirtual #98
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [168] pop
      [169] aload_2 v2
      [170] ldc #10
        + String [DEK-Info: DES-EDE3-CBC,]
      [172] invokevirtual #98
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [175] pop
      [176] aload_2 v2
      [177] aload v4
      [179] invokestatic #141
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.encodeHex ([B)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [182] invokevirtual #98
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [185] pop
      [186] aload_2 v2
      [187] ldc #2
        + String [

      [189] invokevirtual #98
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [192] pop
      [193] aload_2 v2
      [194] invokevirtual #101
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.length ()I]
      [197] istore v4
      [199] aload_2 v2
      [200] aload_3 v3
      [201] invokestatic #78
        + Methodref [com/trilead/ssh2/crypto/Base64.encode ([B)[C]
      [204] invokevirtual #99
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append ([C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [207] pop
      [208] iinc v4, 63
      [211] goto +15 (target=226)
      [214] aload_2 v2
      [215] iload v4
      [217] ldc #1
        + String [
      [219] invokevirtual #100
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.insert (ILjava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [222] pop
      [223] iinc v4, 64
      [226] iload v4
      [228] aload_2 v2
      [229] invokevirtual #101
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.length ()I]
      [232] ificmplt -18 (target=214)
      [235] aload_2 v2
      [236] bipush 10
      [238] invokevirtual #96
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [241] pop
      [242] aload_2 v2
      [243] ldc #7
        + String [-----END PRIVATE KEY-----]
      [245] invokevirtual #98
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [248] pop
      [249] aload_2 v2
      [250] bipush 10
      [252] invokevirtual #96
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [255] pop
      [256] aload_2 v2
      [257] invokevirtual #102
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [260] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 31)
        [0] -> line 276
        [8] -> line 278
        [15] -> line 280
        [22] -> line 281
        [29] -> line 283
        [33] -> line 284
        [39] -> line 285
        [48] -> line 286
        [55] -> line 288
        [67] -> line 289
        [78] -> line 291
        [85] -> line 293
        [98] -> line 295
        [109] -> line 296
        [120] -> line 297
        [135] -> line 299
        [143] -> line 301
        [156] -> line 303
        [162] -> line 305
        [169] -> line 306
        [176] -> line 307
        [186] -> line 308
        [193] -> line 311
        [199] -> line 312
        [208] -> line 313
        [214] -> line 314
        [223] -> line 313
        [235] -> line 317
        [242] -> line 318
        [249] -> line 319
        [256] -> line 321
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 14)
        v0: 0 -> 261 [Ljava/security/PrivateKey; key]
        v1: 0 -> 261 [Ljava/lang/String; secret]
        v2: 8 -> 261 [Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; sb]
        v3: 15 -> 261 [[B data]
        v4: 39 -> 193 [[B salt]
        v5: 48 -> 193 [Ljava/security/SecureRandom; random]
        v6: 67 -> 193 [Ljavax/crypto/spec/PBEParameterSpec; defParams]
        v7: 78 -> 193 [Ljava/security/AlgorithmParameters; params]
        v8: 98 -> 193 [Ljavax/crypto/spec/PBEKeySpec; pbeSpec]
        v9: 109 -> 193 [Ljavax/crypto/SecretKeyFactory; keyFact]
        v10: 120 -> 193 [Ljavax/crypto/Cipher; cipher]
        v11: 143 -> 193 [[B wrappedKey]
        v12: 156 -> 193 [Ljavax/crypto/EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo; pinfo]
        v4: 199 -> 261 [I i]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 8)
      + Class [java/security/NoSuchAlgorithmException]
      + Class [java/security/spec/InvalidParameterSpecException]
      + Class [javax/crypto/NoSuchPaddingException]
      + Class [java/security/InvalidKeyException]
      + Class [java/security/InvalidAlgorithmParameterException]
      + Class [java/security/spec/InvalidKeySpecException]
      + Class [javax/crypto/IllegalBlockSizeException]
      + Class [java/io/IOException]
  + Method:       encodeHex([B)Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0xc
      = protected static java.lang.String encodeHex(byte[])
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 73, locals = 7, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] arraylength
      [2] iconst_2
      [3] imul
      [4] newarray 5
      [6] astore_1 v1
      [7] iconst_0
      [8] istore_2 v2
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] dup
      [11] astore v6
      [13] arraylength
      [14] istore v5
      [16] iconst_0
      [17] istore v4
      [19] goto +42 (target=61)
      [22] aload v6
      [24] iload v4
      [26] baload
      [27] istore_3 v3
      [28] aload_1 v1
      [29] iload_2 v2
      [30] iinc v2, 1
      [33] getstatic #76
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.HEX_DIGITS [C]
      [36] iload_3 v3
      [37] iconst_4
      [38] ishr
      [39] bipush 15
      [41] iand
      [42] caload
      [43] castore
      [44] aload_1 v1
      [45] iload_2 v2
      [46] iinc v2, 1
      [49] getstatic #76
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/PubkeyUtils.HEX_DIGITS [C]
      [52] iload_3 v3
      [53] bipush 15
      [55] iand
      [56] caload
      [57] castore
      [58] iinc v4, 1
      [61] iload v4
      [63] iload v5
      [65] ificmplt -43 (target=22)
      [68] aload_1 v1
      [69] invokestatic #93
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.valueOf ([C)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [72] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 327
        [7] -> line 329
        [9] -> line 330
        [28] -> line 331
        [44] -> line 332
        [58] -> line 330
        [68] -> line 335
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 73 [[B bytes]
        v1: 7 -> 73 [[C hex]
        v2: 9 -> 73 [I i]
        v3: 28 -> 58 [B b]

Class file attributes (count = 1):
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper
  Superclass:    android/database/sqlite/SQLiteOpenHelper
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x421
    = public abstract class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.RobustSQLiteOpenHelper extends android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 179):
  + String []
  + String [ (]
  + String [ FROM OLD_]
  + String [ RENAME TO OLD_]
  + String [)]
  + String [) SELECT ]
  + String [, ]
  + String [ALTER TABLE ]
  + String [INSERT INTO ]
  + String [OLD_]
  + String [PRAGMA table_info(]
  + Class [android/database/Cursor]
  + Class [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase]
  + Class [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase$CursorFactory]
  + Class [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteException]
  + Class [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteOpenHelper]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [java/util/Iterator]
  + Class [java/util/LinkedList]
  + Class [java/util/List]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper.mIndexNames Ljava/util/List;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper.mTableNames Ljava/util/List;]
  + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.execSQL (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.rawQuery (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/database/Cursor;]
  + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteOpenHelper.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase$CursorFactory;I)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper.dropAllTables (Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper.dropAllTablesWithPrefix (Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper.dropAndCreateTables (Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper.getTableColumnNames (Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper.onCreate (Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper.onRobustUpgrade (Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;II)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper.regenerateTables (Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper.repopulateTable (Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.close ()V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.isFirst ()Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.moveToNext ()Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Iterator.hasNext ()Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/ ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase$CursorFactory;I)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [close ()V]
  + NameAndType [dropAllTables (Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;)V]
  + NameAndType [dropAllTablesWithPrefix (Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [dropAndCreateTables (Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;)V]
  + NameAndType [execSQL (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [getTableColumnNames (Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [hasNext ()Z]
  + NameAndType [isFirst ()Z]
  + NameAndType [iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
  + NameAndType [mIndexNames Ljava/util/List;]
  + NameAndType [mTableNames Ljava/util/List;]
  + NameAndType [moveToNext ()Z]
  + NameAndType [next ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;)V]
  + NameAndType [onRobustUpgrade (Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;II)V]
  + NameAndType [rawQuery (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/database/Cursor;]
  + NameAndType [regenerateTables (Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;)V]
  + NameAndType [repopulateTable (Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [ (]
  + Utf8 [ FROM OLD_]
  + Utf8 [ RENAME TO OLD_]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/Object;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()Z]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase$CursorFactory;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/database/Cursor;]
  + Utf8 [)]
  + Utf8 [) SELECT ]
  + Utf8 [, ]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [ALTER TABLE ]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [CursorFactory]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [INSERT INTO ]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/Context;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/database/Cursor;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase$CursorFactory;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteException;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List;]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List<Ljava/lang/String;>;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper;]
  + Utf8 [OLD_]
  + Utf8 [PRAGMA table_info(]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Signature]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [add]
  + Utf8 [addIndexName]
  + Utf8 [addTableName]
  + Utf8 [android/database/Cursor]
  + Utf8 [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase]
  + Utf8 [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase$CursorFactory]
  + Utf8 [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteException]
  + Utf8 [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteOpenHelper]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [close]
  + Utf8 [columns]
  + Utf8 [context]
  + Utf8 [db]
  + Utf8 [dropAllTables]
  + Utf8 [dropAllTablesWithPrefix]
  + Utf8 [dropAndCreateTables]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [e2]
  + Utf8 [execSQL]
  + Utf8 [factory]
  + Utf8 [fields]
  + Utf8 [getString]
  + Utf8 [getTableColumnNames]
  + Utf8 [hasNext]
  + Utf8 [indexName]
  + Utf8 [isFirst]
  + Utf8 [iterator]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [java/util/Iterator]
  + Utf8 [java/util/LinkedList]
  + Utf8 [java/util/List]
  + Utf8 [mIndexNames]
  + Utf8 [mTableNames]
  + Utf8 [moveToNext]
  + Utf8 [name]
  + Utf8 [newVersion]
  + Utf8 [next]
  + Utf8 [oldVersion]
  + Utf8 [onCreate]
  + Utf8 [onRobustUpgrade]
  + Utf8 [onUpgrade]
  + Utf8 [prefix]
  + Utf8 [rawQuery]
  + Utf8 [regenerateTables]
  + Utf8 [repopulateTable]
  + Utf8 [sb]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper]
  + Utf8 [sql]
  + Utf8 [tableName]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [version]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        mTableNames Ljava/util/List;
    Access flags: 0xa
      = private static java.util.List mTableNames
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List<Ljava/lang/String;>;]
  + Field:        mIndexNames Ljava/util/List;
    Access flags: 0xa
      = private static java.util.List mIndexNames
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Signature attribute:
      + Utf8 [Ljava/util/List<Ljava/lang/String;>;]

Methods (count = 13):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 21, locals = 0, stack = 2):
      [0] new #22
        + Class [java/util/LinkedList]
      [3] dup
      [4] invokespecial #34
        + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.<init> ()V]
      [7] putstatic #26
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper.mTableNames Ljava/util/List;]
      [10] new #22
        + Class [java/util/LinkedList]
      [13] dup
      [14] invokespecial #34
        + Methodref [java/util/LinkedList.<init> ()V]
      [17] putstatic #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper.mIndexNames Ljava/util/List;]
      [20] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 35
        [10] -> line 36
        [20] -> line 34
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase$CursorFactory;I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public RobustSQLiteOpenHelper(android.content.Context,java.lang.String,android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase$CursorFactory,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 5, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] aload_2 v2
      [3] aload_3 v3
      [4] iload v4
      [6] invokespecial #29
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteOpenHelper.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase$CursorFactory;I)V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 40
        [9] -> line 41
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper; this]
        v1: 0 -> 10 [Landroid/content/Context; context]
        v2: 0 -> 10 [Ljava/lang/String; name]
        v3: 0 -> 10 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase$CursorFactory; factory]
        v4: 0 -> 10 [I version]
  + Method:       addTableName(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0xc
      = protected static void addTableName(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 11, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] getstatic #26
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper.mTableNames Ljava/util/List;]
      [3] aload_0 v0
      [4] invokeinterface #49
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [9] pop
      [10] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 44
        [10] -> line 45
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 11 [Ljava/lang/String; tableName]
  + Method:       addIndexName(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0xc
      = protected static void addIndexName(java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 11, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] getstatic #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper.mIndexNames Ljava/util/List;]
      [3] aload_0 v0
      [4] invokeinterface #49
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z]
      [9] pop
      [10] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 48
        [10] -> line 49
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 11 [Ljava/lang/String; indexName]
  + Method:       onCreate(Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onCreate(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #35
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper.dropAllTables (Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;)V]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 53
        [5] -> line 54
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase; db]
  + Method:       onUpgrade(Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;II)V
    Access flags: 0x11
      = public final void onUpgrade(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase,int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 28, locals = 6, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] iload_2 v2
      [3] iload_3 v3
      [4] invokevirtual #40
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper.onRobustUpgrade (Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;II)V]
      [7] goto +20 (target=27)
      [10] astore v4
      [12] aload_0 v0
      [13] aload_1 v1
      [14] invokespecial #41
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper.regenerateTables (Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;)V]
      [17] goto +10 (target=27)
      [20] astore v5
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] aload_1 v1
      [24] invokespecial #37
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper.dropAndCreateTables (Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;)V]
      [27] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 2):
      + ExceptionInfo (0 -> 7: 10):
      + Class [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteException]
      + ExceptionInfo (12 -> 17: 20):
      + Class [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteException]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 6)
        [0] -> line 59
        [10] -> line 60
        [12] -> line 63
        [20] -> line 64
        [22] -> line 65
        [27] -> line 68
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 28 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper; this]
        v1: 0 -> 28 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase; db]
        v2: 0 -> 28 [I oldVersion]
        v3: 0 -> 28 [I newVersion]
        v4: 12 -> 27 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteException; e]
        v5: 22 -> 27 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteException; e2]
  + Method:       onRobustUpgrade(Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;II)V
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract void onRobustUpgrade(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase,int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteException]
  + Method:       regenerateTables(Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void regenerateTables(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 117, locals = 4, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] ldc #12
        + String [OLD_]
      [4] invokespecial #36
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper.dropAllTablesWithPrefix (Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [7] getstatic #26
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper.mTableNames Ljava/util/List;]
      [10] invokeinterface #50
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
      [15] astore_3 v3
      [16] goto +42 (target=58)
      [19] aload_3 v3
      [20] invokeinterface #48
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/ ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [25] checkcast #19
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [28] astore_2 v2
      [29] aload_1 v1
      [30] new #20
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [33] dup
      [34] ldc #8
        + String [ALTER TABLE ]
      [36] invokespecial #31
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [39] aload_2 v2
      [40] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [43] ldc #4
        + String [ RENAME TO OLD_]
      [45] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [48] aload_2 v2
      [49] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [52] invokevirtual #33
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [55] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.execSQL (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [58] aload_3 v3
      [59] invokeinterface #47
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Iterator.hasNext ()Z]
      [64] ifne -45 (target=19)
      [67] aload_0 v0
      [68] aload_1 v1
      [69] invokevirtual #39
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper.onCreate (Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;)V]
      [72] getstatic #26
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper.mTableNames Ljava/util/List;]
      [75] invokeinterface #50
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
      [80] astore_3 v3
      [81] goto +19 (target=100)
      [84] aload_3 v3
      [85] invokeinterface #48
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/ ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [90] checkcast #19
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [93] astore_2 v2
      [94] aload_0 v0
      [95] aload_1 v1
      [96] aload_2 v2
      [97] invokespecial #42
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper.repopulateTable (Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [100] aload_3 v3
      [101] invokeinterface #47
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Iterator.hasNext ()Z]
      [106] ifne -22 (target=84)
      [109] aload_0 v0
      [110] aload_1 v1
      [111] ldc #12
        + String [OLD_]
      [113] invokespecial #36
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper.dropAllTablesWithPrefix (Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [116] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 12)
        [0] -> line 73
        [7] -> line 75
        [29] -> line 76
        [48] -> line 77
        [55] -> line 76
        [58] -> line 75
        [67] -> line 79
        [72] -> line 81
        [94] -> line 82
        [100] -> line 81
        [109] -> line 84
        [116] -> line 85
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 117 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper; this]
        v1: 0 -> 117 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase; db]
        v2: 29 -> 58 [Ljava/lang/String; tableName]
        v2: 94 -> 100 [Ljava/lang/String; tableName]
  + Method:       repopulateTable(Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void repopulateTable(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase,java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 69, locals = 6, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] aload_2 v2
      [3] invokespecial #38
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper.getTableColumnNames (Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [6] astore_3 v3
      [7] new #20
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [10] dup
      [11] invokespecial #30
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> ()V]
      [14] astore v4
      [16] aload v4
      [18] ldc #11
        + String [INSERT INTO ]
      [20] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [23] aload_2 v2
      [24] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [27] ldc #2
        + String [ (]
      [29] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [32] aload_3 v3
      [33] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [36] ldc #6
        + String [) SELECT ]
      [38] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [41] aload_3 v3
      [42] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [45] ldc #3
        + String [ FROM OLD_]
      [47] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [50] aload_2 v2
      [51] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [54] pop
      [55] aload v4
      [57] invokevirtual #33
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [60] astore v5
      [62] aload_1 v1
      [63] aload v5
      [65] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.execSQL (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [68] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 13)
        [0] -> line 88
        [7] -> line 90
        [16] -> line 91
        [23] -> line 92
        [27] -> line 93
        [32] -> line 94
        [36] -> line 95
        [41] -> line 96
        [45] -> line 97
        [50] -> line 98
        [55] -> line 100
        [62] -> line 101
        [68] -> line 102
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 69 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper; this]
        v1: 0 -> 69 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase; db]
        v2: 0 -> 69 [Ljava/lang/String; tableName]
        v3: 7 -> 69 [Ljava/lang/String; columns]
        v4: 16 -> 69 [Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; sb]
        v5: 62 -> 69 [Ljava/lang/String; sql]
  + Method:       getTableColumnNames(Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String getTableColumnNames(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase,java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 91, locals = 5, stack = 4):
      [0] new #20
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [3] dup
      [4] invokespecial #30
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> ()V]
      [7] astore_3 v3
      [8] aload_1 v1
      [9] new #20
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [12] dup
      [13] ldc #13
        + String [PRAGMA table_info(]
      [15] invokespecial #31
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [18] aload_2 v2
      [19] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [22] ldc #5
        + String [)]
      [24] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [27] invokevirtual #33
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [30] aconst_null
      [31] invokevirtual #28
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.rawQuery (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/database/Cursor;]
      [34] astore v4
      [36] goto +33 (target=69)
      [39] aload v4
      [41] invokeinterface #45
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.isFirst ()Z]
      [46] ifne +10 (target=56)
      [49] aload_3 v3
      [50] ldc #7
        + String [, ]
      [52] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [55] pop
      [56] aload_3 v3
      [57] aload v4
      [59] iconst_1
      [60] invokeinterface #44
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.getString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [65] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [68] pop
      [69] aload v4
      [71] invokeinterface #46
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.moveToNext ()Z]
      [76] ifne -37 (target=39)
      [79] aload v4
      [81] invokeinterface #43
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/database/Cursor.close ()V]
      [86] aload_3 v3
      [87] invokevirtual #33
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [90] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 105
        [8] -> line 107
        [36] -> line 108
        [39] -> line 109
        [49] -> line 110
        [56] -> line 111
        [69] -> line 108
        [79] -> line 113
        [86] -> line 115
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 91 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper; this]
        v1: 0 -> 91 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase; db]
        v2: 0 -> 91 [Ljava/lang/String; tableName]
        v3: 8 -> 91 [Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; sb]
        v4: 36 -> 91 [Landroid/database/Cursor; fields]
  + Method:       dropAndCreateTables(Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void dropAndCreateTables(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 11, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #35
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper.dropAllTables (Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;)V]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_1 v1
      [7] invokevirtual #39
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper.onCreate (Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;)V]
      [10] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 119
        [5] -> line 120
        [10] -> line 121
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 11 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper; this]
        v1: 0 -> 11 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase; db]
  + Method:       dropAllTablesWithPrefix(Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;Ljava/lang/String;)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void dropAllTablesWithPrefix(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase,java.lang.String)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 117, locals = 5, stack = 4):
      [0] getstatic #25
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper.mIndexNames Ljava/util/List;]
      [3] invokeinterface #50
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
      [8] astore v4
      [10] goto +38 (target=48)
      [13] aload v4
      [15] invokeinterface #48
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/ ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [20] checkcast #19
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [23] astore_3 v3
      [24] aload_1 v1
      [25] new #20
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [28] dup
      [29] ldc #9
        + String [DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ]
      [31] invokespecial #31
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [34] aload_2 v2
      [35] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [38] aload_3 v3
      [39] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [42] invokevirtual #33
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [45] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.execSQL (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [48] aload v4
      [50] invokeinterface #47
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Iterator.hasNext ()Z]
      [55] ifne -42 (target=13)
      [58] getstatic #26
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper.mTableNames Ljava/util/List;]
      [61] invokeinterface #50
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/List.iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator;]
      [66] astore v4
      [68] goto +38 (target=106)
      [71] aload v4
      [73] invokeinterface #48
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/ ()Ljava/lang/Object;]
      [78] checkcast #19
        + Class [java/lang/String]
      [81] astore_3 v3
      [82] aload_1 v1
      [83] new #20
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [86] dup
      [87] ldc #10
        + String [DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ]
      [89] invokespecial #31
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [92] aload_2 v2
      [93] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [96] aload_3 v3
      [97] invokevirtual #32
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [100] invokevirtual #33
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [103] invokevirtual #27
        + Methodref [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.execSQL (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [106] aload v4
      [108] invokeinterface #47
        + InterfaceMethodref [java/util/Iterator.hasNext ()Z]
      [113] ifne -42 (target=71)
      [116] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 124
        [24] -> line 125
        [48] -> line 124
        [58] -> line 126
        [82] -> line 127
        [106] -> line 126
        [116] -> line 128
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 117 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper; this]
        v1: 0 -> 117 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase; db]
        v2: 0 -> 117 [Ljava/lang/String; prefix]
        v3: 24 -> 48 [Ljava/lang/String; indexName]
        v3: 82 -> 106 [Ljava/lang/String; tableName]
  + Method:       dropAllTables(Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void dropAllTables(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 8, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] ldc #1
        + String []
      [4] invokespecial #36
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper.dropAllTablesWithPrefix (Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [7] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 131
        [7] -> line 132
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/RobustSQLiteOpenHelper; this]
        v1: 0 -> 8 [Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase; db]

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase$CursorFactory]
      + Class [android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase]
      + Utf8 [CursorFactory]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog
  Superclass:    android/app/Dialog
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.UberColorPickerDialog extends

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 111):
  + String [Pick a color (try the trackball)]
  + Class [android/app/Dialog]
  + Class [android/util/DisplayMetrics]
  + Class [android/view/Display]
  + Class [android/view/Window]
  + Class [android/view/WindowManager]
  + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$1]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener]
  + Fieldref [android/util/DisplayMetrics.heightPixels I]
  + Fieldref [android/util/DisplayMetrics.widthPixels I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog.mInitialColor I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog.mListener Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener;]
  + Methodref [android/app/Dialog.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Methodref [android/app/Dialog.onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Methodref [android/util/DisplayMetrics.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [android/view/Display.getMetrics (Landroid/util/DisplayMetrics;)V]
  + Methodref [android/view/Window.getWindowManager ()Landroid/view/WindowManager;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog.dismiss ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog.getContext ()Landroid/content/Context;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog.getWindow ()Landroid/view/Window;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog.setContentView (Landroid/view/View;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog.setTitle (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener;III)V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/WindowManager.getDefaultDisplay ()Landroid/view/Display;]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener;III)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog;)V]
  + NameAndType [dismiss ()V]
  + NameAndType [getContext ()Landroid/content/Context;]
  + NameAndType [getDefaultDisplay ()Landroid/view/Display;]
  + NameAndType [getMetrics (Landroid/util/DisplayMetrics;)V]
  + NameAndType [getWindow ()Landroid/view/Window;]
  + NameAndType [getWindowManager ()Landroid/view/WindowManager;]
  + NameAndType [heightPixels I]
  + NameAndType [mInitialColor I]
  + NameAndType [mListener Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener;]
  + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + NameAndType [setContentView (Landroid/view/View;)V]
  + NameAndType [setTitle (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + NameAndType [widthPixels I]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/content/Context;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/view/Display;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/view/Window;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/view/WindowManager;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener;III)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/util/DisplayMetrics;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/View;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ColorPickerView]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/Context;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/os/Bundle;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/util/DisplayMetrics;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/Exception;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog;]
  + Utf8 [OnColorChangedListener]
  + Utf8 [Pick a color (try the trackball)]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [android/app/Dialog]
  + Utf8 [android/util/DisplayMetrics]
  + Utf8 [android/view/Display]
  + Utf8 [android/view/Window]
  + Utf8 [android/view/WindowManager]
  + Utf8 [context]
  + Utf8 [dismiss]
  + Utf8 [dm]
  + Utf8 [e]
  + Utf8 [getContext]
  + Utf8 [getDefaultDisplay]
  + Utf8 [getMetrics]
  + Utf8 [getWindow]
  + Utf8 [getWindowManager]
  + Utf8 [heightPixels]
  + Utf8 [initialColor]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Exception]
  + Utf8 [l]
  + Utf8 [listener]
  + Utf8 [mInitialColor]
  + Utf8 [mListener]
  + Utf8 [onCreate]
  + Utf8 [savedInstanceState]
  + Utf8 [screenHeight]
  + Utf8 [screenWidth]
  + Utf8 [setContentView]
  + Utf8 [setTitle]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$1]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [widthPixels]

Fields (count = 2):
  + Field:        mListener Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener;
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener mListener
  + Field:        mInitialColor I
    Access flags: 0x12
      = private final int mInitialColor

Methods (count = 3):
  + Method:       <init>(Landroid/content/Context;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener;I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public UberColorPickerDialog(android.content.Context,com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 16, locals = 4, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #16
        + Methodref [android/app/Dialog.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_2 v2
      [7] putfield #15
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog.mListener Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener;]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] iload_3 v3
      [12] putfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog.mInitialColor I]
      [15] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 4)
        [0] -> line 88
        [5] -> line 90
        [10] -> line 91
        [15] -> line 92
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 16 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog; this]
        v1: 0 -> 16 [Landroid/content/Context; context]
        v2: 0 -> 16 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener; listener]
        v3: 0 -> 16 [I initialColor]
  + Method:       onCreate(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected void onCreate(android.os.Bundle)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 90, locals = 7, stack = 8):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #17
        + Methodref [android/app/Dialog.onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
      [5] new #9
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$1]
      [8] dup
      [9] aload_0 v0
      [10] invokespecial #26
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$1.<init> (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog;)V]
      [13] astore_2 v2
      [14] new #3
        + Class [android/util/DisplayMetrics]
      [17] dup
      [18] invokespecial #18
        + Methodref [android/util/DisplayMetrics.<init> ()V]
      [21] astore_3 v3
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] invokevirtual #23
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog.getWindow ()Landroid/view/Window;]
      [26] invokevirtual #20
        + Methodref [android/view/Window.getWindowManager ()Landroid/view/WindowManager;]
      [29] invokeinterface #28
        + InterfaceMethodref [android/view/WindowManager.getDefaultDisplay ()Landroid/view/Display;]
      [34] aload_3 v3
      [35] invokevirtual #19
        + Methodref [android/view/Display.getMetrics (Landroid/util/DisplayMetrics;)V]
      [38] aload_3 v3
      [39] getfield #13
        + Fieldref [android/util/DisplayMetrics.widthPixels I]
      [42] istore v4
      [44] aload_3 v3
      [45] getfield #12
        + Fieldref [android/util/DisplayMetrics.heightPixels I]
      [48] istore v5
      [50] aload_0 v0
      [51] ldc #1
        + String [Pick a color (try the trackball)]
      [53] invokevirtual #25
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog.setTitle (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V]
      [56] aload_0 v0
      [57] new #10
        + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView]
      [60] dup
      [61] aload_0 v0
      [62] invokevirtual #22
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog.getContext ()Landroid/content/Context;]
      [65] aload_2 v2
      [66] iload v4
      [68] iload v5
      [70] aload_0 v0
      [71] getfield #14
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog.mInitialColor I]
      [74] invokespecial #27
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener;III)V]
      [77] invokevirtual #24
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog.setContentView (Landroid/view/View;)V]
      [80] goto +9 (target=89)
      [83] astore v6
      [85] aload_0 v0
      [86] invokevirtual #21
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog.dismiss ()V]
      [89] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 1):
      + ExceptionInfo (56 -> 80: 83):
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 11)
        [0] -> line 99
        [5] -> line 100
        [14] -> line 107
        [22] -> line 108
        [38] -> line 109
        [44] -> line 110
        [50] -> line 112
        [56] -> line 115
        [83] -> line 117
        [85] -> line 119
        [89] -> line 121
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 7)
        v0: 0 -> 90 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog; this]
        v1: 0 -> 90 [Landroid/os/Bundle; savedInstanceState]
        v2: 14 -> 90 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener; l]
        v3: 22 -> 90 [Landroid/util/DisplayMetrics; dm]
        v4: 44 -> 90 [I screenWidth]
        v5: 50 -> 90 [I screenHeight]
        v6: 85 -> 89 [Ljava/lang/Exception; e]
  + Method:       access$0(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener;
    Access flags: 0x1008
      = static synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener access$0(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.UberColorPickerDialog)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 5, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #15
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog.mListener Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener;]
      [4] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 68
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 3)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$1]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0xa = private static 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog]
      + Utf8 [ColorPickerView]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog]
      + Utf8 [OnColorChangedListener]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$1
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.UberColorPickerDialog$1 extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener]

Constant Pool (count = 44):
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$1]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog.dismiss ()V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener.colorChanged (I)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener;]
  + NameAndType [colorChanged (I)V]
  + NameAndType [dismiss ()V]
  + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + NameAndType [this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener;]
  + Utf8 [(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog;)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [EnclosingMethod]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$1;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog;]
  + Utf8 [OnColorChangedListener]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [access$0]
  + Utf8 [color]
  + Utf8 [colorChanged]
  + Utf8 [dismiss]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [onCreate]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$1]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [this$0]

Fields (count = 1):
  + Field:        this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog;
    Access flags: 0x1010
      = final synthetic com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.UberColorPickerDialog this$0

Methods (count = 2):
  + Method:       <init>(Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog;)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = UberColorPickerDialog$1(com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.UberColorPickerDialog)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] putfield #5
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog;]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] invokespecial #6
        + Methodref [java/lang/Object.<init> ()V]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 1
        [5] -> line 100
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$1; this]
  + Method:       colorChanged(I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void colorChanged(int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 21, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog;]
      [4] invokestatic #7
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog.access$0 (Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog;)Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener;]
      [7] iload_1 v1
      [8] invokeinterface #9
        + InterfaceMethodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener.colorChanged (I)V]
      [13] aload_0 v0
      [14] getfield #5
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$1.this$0 Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog;]
      [17] invokevirtual #8
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog.dismiss ()V]
      [20] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 102
        [13] -> line 103
        [20] -> line 104
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 21 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$1; this]
        v1: 0 -> 21 [I color]

Class file attributes (count = 3):
  + Enclosing method attribute:
    + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog]
    + NameAndType [onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V]
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 2)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x0 = 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$1]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog]
      + Utf8 [OnColorChangedListener]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView
  Superclass:    android/view/View
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x20
    = class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView extends android.view.View

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 666):
  + Integer [-16777216]
  + Integer [-16776961]
  + Integer [-16711936]
  + Integer [-16711681]
  + Integer [-65536]
  + Integer [-65281]
  + Float [-0.5]
  + Float [0.5]
  + Float [6.2831855]
  + Float [12.0]
  + Float [16.0]
  + Float [57.295776]
  + Float [255.0]
  + Float [256.0]
  + Float [360.0]
  + String []
  + String [#]
  + String [Accept]
  + String [B: ]
  + String [G: ]
  + String [H: ]
  + String [R: ]
  + String [Revert]
  + String [S: ]
  + String [U: ]
  + String [V: ]
  + String [Y: ]
  + Class [android/graphics/Bitmap]
  + Class [android/graphics/Bitmap$Config]
  + Class [android/graphics/Canvas]
  + Class [android/graphics/Color]
  + Class [android/graphics/ColorMatrix]
  + Class [android/graphics/ComposeShader]
  + Class [android/graphics/Paint]
  + Class [android/graphics/Paint$Style]
  + Class [android/graphics/PorterDuff]
  + Class [android/graphics/PorterDuff$Mode]
  + Class [android/graphics/PorterDuffXfermode]
  + Class [android/graphics/RadialGradient]
  + Class [android/graphics/Rect]
  + Class [android/graphics/RectF]
  + Class [android/graphics/Shader]
  + Class [android/graphics/Shader$TileMode]
  + Class [android/graphics/SweepGradient]
  + Class [android/graphics/drawable/GradientDrawable]
  + Class [android/graphics/drawable/GradientDrawable$Orientation]
  + Class [android/view/MotionEvent]
  + Class [android/view/View]
  + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Class [java/lang/Integer]
  + Class [java/lang/Math]
  + Class [java/lang/String]
  + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener]
  + Double [0.5]
  + Double [42.0]
  + Fieldref [android/graphics/Bitmap$Config.RGB_565 Landroid/graphics/Bitmap$Config;]
  + Fieldref [android/graphics/Paint$Style.FILL Landroid/graphics/Paint$Style;]
  + Fieldref [android/graphics/Paint$Style.STROKE Landroid/graphics/Paint$Style;]
  + Fieldref [android/graphics/PorterDuff$Mode.MULTIPLY Landroid/graphics/PorterDuff$Mode;]
  + Fieldref [android/graphics/PorterDuff$Mode.SCREEN Landroid/graphics/PorterDuff$Mode;]
  + Fieldref [android/graphics/Rect.bottom I]
  + Fieldref [android/graphics/Rect.left I]
  + Fieldref [android/graphics/Rect.right I]
  + Fieldref [android/graphics/ I]
  + Fieldref [android/graphics/Shader$TileMode.CLAMP Landroid/graphics/Shader$TileMode;]
  + Fieldref [android/graphics/drawable/GradientDrawable$Orientation.TOP_BOTTOM Landroid/graphics/drawable/GradientDrawable$Orientation;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_CENTER_X I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_CENTER_Y I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_DIM I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_POS_X I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_POS_Y I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_RADIUS I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.SWATCH_WIDTH I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_HEX_POS [I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_HSV_POS [I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_RGB_POS [I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_YUV_POS [I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.VIEW_DIM_X I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.VIEW_DIM_Y I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mCoord [I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mFocusedControl I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHSV [F]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHSVenabled Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHexStr Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHexenabled Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHorSlidersBM [Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHorSlidersCv [Landroid/graphics/Canvas;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mListener Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mMethod I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mNewSwatchRect Landroid/graphics/Rect;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mOldSwatchRect Landroid/graphics/Rect;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mOriginalColor I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mOvalHueSat Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mOvalHueSatSmall Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mPaletteRect Landroid/graphics/Rect;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mPosMarker Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mRGB [I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mRGBenabled Z]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mSpectrumColorsRev [I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mSwatchNew Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mSwatchOld Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mText Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mTracking I]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mValDimmer Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mVerSliderBM Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mVerSliderCv Landroid/graphics/Canvas;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mVerSliderRect Landroid/graphics/Rect;]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mYUV [F]
  + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mYUVenabled Z]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Bitmap.createBitmap (IILandroid/graphics/Bitmap$Config;)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.<init> (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawBitmap (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;FFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawOval (Landroid/graphics/RectF;Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawRect (Landroid/graphics/Rect;Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawText (Ljava/lang/String;FFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.restore ()V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/ ()I]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.translate (FF)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Color.HSVToColor ([F)I]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Color.alpha (I)I]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Color.argb (IIII)I]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/ (I)I]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Color.colorToHSV (I[F)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/ (I)I]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/ (I)I]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/ColorMatrix.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/ColorMatrix.getArray ()[F]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/ColorMatrix.setRGB2YUV ()V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/ComposeShader.<init> (Landroid/graphics/Shader;Landroid/graphics/Shader;Landroid/graphics/PorterDuff$Mode;)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.<init> (I)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.getColor ()I]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.measureText (Ljava/lang/String;)F]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setColor (I)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setDither (Z)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setShader (Landroid/graphics/Shader;)Landroid/graphics/Shader;]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setStrokeWidth (F)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setStyle (Landroid/graphics/Paint$Style;)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setTextSize (F)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setXfermode (Landroid/graphics/Xfermode;)Landroid/graphics/Xfermode;]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/PorterDuffXfermode.<init> (Landroid/graphics/PorterDuff$Mode;)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/RadialGradient.<init> (FFFIILandroid/graphics/Shader$TileMode;)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Rect.<init> ()V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Rect.<init> (IIII)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/Rect.set (IIII)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/RectF.<init> (FFFF)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/SweepGradient.<init> (FF[I[F)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/drawable/GradientDrawable.<init> (Landroid/graphics/drawable/GradientDrawable$Orientation;[I)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/drawable/GradientDrawable.draw (Landroid/graphics/Canvas;)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/drawable/GradientDrawable.setBounds (IIII)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/drawable/GradientDrawable.setDither (Z)V]
  + Methodref [android/graphics/drawable/GradientDrawable.setLevel (I)Z]
  + Methodref [android/view/MotionEvent.getAction ()I]
  + Methodref [android/view/MotionEvent.getHistorySize ()I]
  + Methodref [android/view/MotionEvent.getX ()F]
  + Methodref [android/view/MotionEvent.getY ()F]
  + Methodref [android/view/View.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.toHexString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.toString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Math.atan2 (DD)D]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Math.cos (D)D]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Math.max (II)I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Math.round (D)J]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Math.sin (D)D]
  + Methodref [java/lang/Math.sqrt (D)D]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (II)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/String.toUpperCase ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.ave (IIF)I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.changeHSPalette (FFI)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.changeSlider (IZI)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.drawHSV1Palette (Landroid/graphics/Canvas;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.drawSwatches (Landroid/graphics/Canvas;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.hilightFocusedOvalPalette (Landroid/graphics/Canvas;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.hilightFocusedVerSlider (Landroid/graphics/Canvas;)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.initHSV1Palette ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.initUI ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.interpColor ([IF)I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.invalidate ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mark2DPalette (Landroid/graphics/Canvas;II)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.markVerSlider (Landroid/graphics/Canvas;I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ (FF)F]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ (FFF)F]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.pinToUnit (F)F]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.ptInRect (IILandroid/graphics/Rect;)Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.round (D)I]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.setFocusable (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.setMeasuredDimension (II)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.setOvalValDimmer ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.setVerValSlider ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.updateAllFromHSV ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.updateHexFromHSV ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.updateRGBfromHSV ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.updateYUVfromRGB ()V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.writeColorParams (Landroid/graphics/Canvas;)V]
  + InterfaceMethodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener.colorChanged (I)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> ()V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (FFFF)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (FFFIILandroid/graphics/Shader$TileMode;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (FF[I[F)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (I)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (IIII)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/graphics/PorterDuff$Mode;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/graphics/Shader;Landroid/graphics/Shader;Landroid/graphics/PorterDuff$Mode;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/graphics/drawable/GradientDrawable$Orientation;[I)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + NameAndType [CLAMP Landroid/graphics/Shader$TileMode;]
  + NameAndType [FILL Landroid/graphics/Paint$Style;]
  + NameAndType [HSVToColor ([F)I]
  + NameAndType [MULTIPLY Landroid/graphics/PorterDuff$Mode;]
  + NameAndType [PALETTE_CENTER_X I]
  + NameAndType [PALETTE_CENTER_Y I]
  + NameAndType [PALETTE_DIM I]
  + NameAndType [PALETTE_POS_X I]
  + NameAndType [PALETTE_POS_Y I]
  + NameAndType [PALETTE_RADIUS I]
  + NameAndType [RGB_565 Landroid/graphics/Bitmap$Config;]
  + NameAndType [SCREEN Landroid/graphics/PorterDuff$Mode;]
  + NameAndType [STROKE Landroid/graphics/Paint$Style;]
  + NameAndType [SWATCH_WIDTH I]
  + NameAndType [TEXT_HEX_POS [I]
  + NameAndType [TEXT_HSV_POS [I]
  + NameAndType [TEXT_RGB_POS [I]
  + NameAndType [TEXT_YUV_POS [I]
  + NameAndType [TOP_BOTTOM Landroid/graphics/drawable/GradientDrawable$Orientation;]
  + NameAndType [VIEW_DIM_X I]
  + NameAndType [VIEW_DIM_Y I]
  + NameAndType [alpha (I)I]
  + NameAndType [append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + NameAndType [argb (IIII)I]
  + NameAndType [atan2 (DD)D]
  + NameAndType [ave (IIF)I]
  + NameAndType [blue (I)I]
  + NameAndType [bottom I]
  + NameAndType [changeHSPalette (FFI)V]
  + NameAndType [changeSlider (IZI)V]
  + NameAndType [colorChanged (I)V]
  + NameAndType [colorToHSV (I[F)V]
  + NameAndType [cos (D)D]
  + NameAndType [createBitmap (IILandroid/graphics/Bitmap$Config;)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;]
  + NameAndType [draw (Landroid/graphics/Canvas;)V]
  + NameAndType [drawBitmap (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;FFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
  + NameAndType [drawHSV1Palette (Landroid/graphics/Canvas;)V]
  + NameAndType [drawOval (Landroid/graphics/RectF;Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
  + NameAndType [drawRect (Landroid/graphics/Rect;Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
  + NameAndType [drawSwatches (Landroid/graphics/Canvas;)V]
  + NameAndType [drawText (Ljava/lang/String;FFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
  + NameAndType [getAction ()I]
  + NameAndType [getArray ()[F]
  + NameAndType [getColor ()I]
  + NameAndType [getHistorySize ()I]
  + NameAndType [getX ()F]
  + NameAndType [getY ()F]
  + NameAndType [green (I)I]
  + NameAndType [hilightFocusedOvalPalette (Landroid/graphics/Canvas;)V]
  + NameAndType [hilightFocusedVerSlider (Landroid/graphics/Canvas;)V]
  + NameAndType [initHSV1Palette ()V]
  + NameAndType [initUI ()V]
  + NameAndType [interpColor ([IF)I]
  + NameAndType [invalidate ()V]
  + NameAndType [left I]
  + NameAndType [length ()I]
  + NameAndType [mCoord [I]
  + NameAndType [mFocusedControl I]
  + NameAndType [mHSV [F]
  + NameAndType [mHSVenabled Z]
  + NameAndType [mHexStr Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [mHexenabled Z]
  + NameAndType [mHorSlidersBM [Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;]
  + NameAndType [mHorSlidersCv [Landroid/graphics/Canvas;]
  + NameAndType [mListener Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener;]
  + NameAndType [mMethod I]
  + NameAndType [mNewSwatchRect Landroid/graphics/Rect;]
  + NameAndType [mOldSwatchRect Landroid/graphics/Rect;]
  + NameAndType [mOriginalColor I]
  + NameAndType [mOvalHueSat Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
  + NameAndType [mOvalHueSatSmall Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
  + NameAndType [mPaletteRect Landroid/graphics/Rect;]
  + NameAndType [mPosMarker Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
  + NameAndType [mRGB [I]
  + NameAndType [mRGBenabled Z]
  + NameAndType [mSpectrumColorsRev [I]
  + NameAndType [mSwatchNew Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
  + NameAndType [mSwatchOld Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
  + NameAndType [mText Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
  + NameAndType [mTracking I]
  + NameAndType [mValDimmer Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
  + NameAndType [mVerSliderBM Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;]
  + NameAndType [mVerSliderCv Landroid/graphics/Canvas;]
  + NameAndType [mVerSliderRect Landroid/graphics/Rect;]
  + NameAndType [mYUV [F]
  + NameAndType [mYUVenabled Z]
  + NameAndType [mark2DPalette (Landroid/graphics/Canvas;II)V]
  + NameAndType [markVerSlider (Landroid/graphics/Canvas;I)V]
  + NameAndType [max (II)I]
  + NameAndType [measureText (Ljava/lang/String;)F]
  + NameAndType [pin (FF)F]
  + NameAndType [pin (FFF)F]
  + NameAndType [pinToUnit (F)F]
  + NameAndType [ptInRect (IILandroid/graphics/Rect;)Z]
  + NameAndType [red (I)I]
  + NameAndType [restore ()V]
  + NameAndType [right I]
  + NameAndType [round (D)I]
  + NameAndType [round (D)J]
  + NameAndType [save ()I]
  + NameAndType [set (IIII)V]
  + NameAndType [setBounds (IIII)V]
  + NameAndType [setColor (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setDither (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [setFocusable (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [setLevel (I)Z]
  + NameAndType [setMeasuredDimension (II)V]
  + NameAndType [setOvalValDimmer ()V]
  + NameAndType [setRGB2YUV ()V]
  + NameAndType [setShader (Landroid/graphics/Shader;)Landroid/graphics/Shader;]
  + NameAndType [setStrokeWidth (F)V]
  + NameAndType [setStyle (Landroid/graphics/Paint$Style;)V]
  + NameAndType [setTextSize (F)V]
  + NameAndType [setVerValSlider ()V]
  + NameAndType [setXfermode (Landroid/graphics/Xfermode;)Landroid/graphics/Xfermode;]
  + NameAndType [sin (D)D]
  + NameAndType [sqrt (D)D]
  + NameAndType [substring (II)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [toHexString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [toString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [toUpperCase ()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + NameAndType [top I]
  + NameAndType [translate (FF)V]
  + NameAndType [updateAllFromHSV ()V]
  + NameAndType [updateHexFromHSV ()V]
  + NameAndType [updateRGBfromHSV ()V]
  + NameAndType [updateYUVfromRGB ()V]
  + NameAndType [writeColorParams (Landroid/graphics/Canvas;)V]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [#]
  + Utf8 [()F]
  + Utf8 [()I]
  + Utf8 [()Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [()V]
  + Utf8 [()[F]
  + Utf8 [(D)D]
  + Utf8 [(D)I]
  + Utf8 [(D)J]
  + Utf8 [(DD)D]
  + Utf8 [(F)F]
  + Utf8 [(F)V]
  + Utf8 [(FF)F]
  + Utf8 [(FF)V]
  + Utf8 [(FFF)F]
  + Utf8 [(FFFF)V]
  + Utf8 [(FFFIILandroid/graphics/Shader$TileMode;)V]
  + Utf8 [(FFI)V]
  + Utf8 [(FF[I[F)V]
  + Utf8 [(I)I]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(I)Z]
  + Utf8 [(II)I]
  + Utf8 [(II)Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [(II)V]
  + Utf8 [(IIF)I]
  + Utf8 [(IIII)I]
  + Utf8 [(IIII)V]
  + Utf8 [(IILandroid/graphics/Bitmap$Config;)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;]
  + Utf8 [(IILandroid/graphics/Rect;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(IZI)V]
  + Utf8 [(I[F)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener;III)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;FFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/graphics/Canvas;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/graphics/Canvas;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/graphics/Canvas;II)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/graphics/Paint$Style;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/graphics/PorterDuff$Mode;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/graphics/Rect;Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/graphics/RectF;Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/graphics/Shader;)Landroid/graphics/Shader;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/graphics/Shader;Landroid/graphics/Shader;Landroid/graphics/PorterDuff$Mode;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/graphics/Xfermode;)Landroid/graphics/Xfermode;]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/graphics/drawable/GradientDrawable$Orientation;[I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/view/MotionEvent;)Z]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)F]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Ljava/lang/String;FFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [([F)I]
  + Utf8 [([IF)I]
  + Utf8 [<clinit>]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Accept]
  + Utf8 [B: ]
  + Utf8 [CLAMP]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [ColorPickerView]
  + Utf8 [Config]
  + Utf8 [D]
  + Utf8 [Exceptions]
  + Utf8 [F]
  + Utf8 [FILL]
  + Utf8 [G: ]
  + Utf8 [H: ]
  + Utf8 [HSVToColor]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/Context;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/graphics/Bitmap$Config;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/graphics/Canvas;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/graphics/ColorMatrix;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/graphics/Paint$Style;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/graphics/PorterDuff$Mode;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/graphics/Rect;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/graphics/Shader$TileMode;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/graphics/Shader;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/graphics/drawable/GradientDrawable$Orientation;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/graphics/drawable/GradientDrawable;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/view/MotionEvent;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView;]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener;]
  + Utf8 [MULTIPLY]
  + Utf8 [Mode]
  + Utf8 [OnColorChangedListener]
  + Utf8 [Orientation]
  + Utf8 [PALETTE_DIM]
  + Utf8 [PALETTE_POS_X]
  + Utf8 [PALETTE_POS_Y]
  + Utf8 [R: ]
  + Utf8 [RGB_565]
  + Utf8 [Revert]
  + Utf8 [S: ]
  + Utf8 [SCREEN]
  + Utf8 [STROKE]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 [Style]
  + Utf8 [TEXT_HEX_POS]
  + Utf8 [TEXT_HSV_POS]
  + Utf8 [TEXT_RGB_POS]
  + Utf8 [TEXT_YUV_POS]
  + Utf8 [TOP_BOTTOM]
  + Utf8 [TileMode]
  + Utf8 [U: ]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [V: ]
  + Utf8 [VIEW_DIM_X]
  + Utf8 [VIEW_DIM_Y]
  + Utf8 [Y: ]
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [[F]
  + Utf8 [[I]
  + Utf8 [[Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;]
  + Utf8 [[Landroid/graphics/Canvas;]
  + Utf8 [a]
  + Utf8 [alpha]
  + Utf8 [android/graphics/Bitmap]
  + Utf8 [android/graphics/Bitmap$Config]
  + Utf8 [android/graphics/Canvas]
  + Utf8 [android/graphics/Color]
  + Utf8 [android/graphics/ColorMatrix]
  + Utf8 [android/graphics/ComposeShader]
  + Utf8 [android/graphics/Paint]
  + Utf8 [android/graphics/Paint$Style]
  + Utf8 [android/graphics/PorterDuff]
  + Utf8 [android/graphics/PorterDuff$Mode]
  + Utf8 [android/graphics/PorterDuffXfermode]
  + Utf8 [android/graphics/RadialGradient]
  + Utf8 [android/graphics/Rect]
  + Utf8 [android/graphics/RectF]
  + Utf8 [android/graphics/Shader]
  + Utf8 [android/graphics/Shader$TileMode]
  + Utf8 [android/graphics/SweepGradient]
  + Utf8 [android/graphics/drawable/GradientDrawable]
  + Utf8 [android/graphics/drawable/GradientDrawable$Orientation]
  + Utf8 [android/view/MotionEvent]
  + Utf8 [android/view/View]
  + Utf8 [angle]
  + Utf8 [append]
  + Utf8 [argb]
  + Utf8 [atan2]
  + Utf8 [ave]
  + Utf8 [b]
  + Utf8 [blue]
  + Utf8 [bottom]
  + Utf8 [c]
  + Utf8 [c0]
  + Utf8 [c1]
  + Utf8 [canvas]
  + Utf8 [changeHSPalette]
  + Utf8 [changeSlider]
  + Utf8 [circlePinnedX]
  + Utf8 [circlePinnedY]
  + Utf8 [cm]
  + Utf8 [col]
  + Utf8 [color]
  + Utf8 [colorChanged]
  + Utf8 [colorToHSV]
  + Utf8 [colors]
  + Utf8 [cos]
  + Utf8 [createBitmap]
  + Utf8 [d]
  + Utf8 [dispatchTrackballEvent]
  + Utf8 [draw]
  + Utf8 [drawBitmap]
  + Utf8 [drawHSV1Palette]
  + Utf8 [drawOval]
  + Utf8 [drawRect]
  + Utf8 [drawSwatches]
  + Utf8 [drawText]
  + Utf8 [event]
  + Utf8 [g]
  + Utf8 [getAction]
  + Utf8 [getArray]
  + Utf8 [getColor]
  + Utf8 [getHistorySize]
  + Utf8 [getX]
  + Utf8 [getY]
  + Utf8 [gradDraw]
  + Utf8 [gray]
  + Utf8 [green]
  + Utf8 [height]
  + Utf8 [heightMeasureSpec]
  + Utf8 [hilightFocusedOvalPalette]
  + Utf8 [hilightFocusedVerSlider]
  + Utf8 [hsv]
  + Utf8 [i]
  + Utf8 [inOvalPalette]
  + Utf8 [inSwatchNew]
  + Utf8 [inSwatchOld]
  + Utf8 [inVerSlider]
  + Utf8 [increase]
  + Utf8 [initHSV1Palette]
  + Utf8 [initUI]
  + Utf8 [interpColor]
  + Utf8 [invalidate]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Exception]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Integer]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Math]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/String]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/StringBuilder]
  + Utf8 [jump]
  + Utf8 [l]
  + Utf8 [left]
  + Utf8 [length]
  + Utf8 [mCoord]
  + Utf8 [mFocusedControl]
  + Utf8 [mHSV]
  + Utf8 [mHSVenabled]
  + Utf8 [mHexStr]
  + Utf8 [mHexenabled]
  + Utf8 [mHorSlidersBM]
  + Utf8 [mHorSlidersCv]
  + Utf8 [mListener]
  + Utf8 [mMethod]
  + Utf8 [mNewSwatchRect]
  + Utf8 [mOldSwatchRect]
  + Utf8 [mOriginalColor]
  + Utf8 [mOvalHueSat]
  + Utf8 [mOvalHueSatSmall]
  + Utf8 [mPaletteRect]
  + Utf8 [mPosMarker]
  + Utf8 [mRGB]
  + Utf8 [mRGBenabled]
  + Utf8 [mSpectrumColorsRev]
  + Utf8 [mSwatchNew]
  + Utf8 [mSwatchOld]
  + Utf8 [mText]
  + Utf8 [mTracking]
  + Utf8 [mValDimmer]
  + Utf8 [mVerSliderBM]
  + Utf8 [mVerSliderCv]
  + Utf8 [mVerSliderRect]
  + Utf8 [mYUV]
  + Utf8 [mYUVenabled]
  + Utf8 [mark2DPalette]
  + Utf8 [markVerSlider]
  + Utf8 [markerPos]
  + Utf8 [markerPosX]
  + Utf8 [markerPosY]
  + Utf8 [max]
  + Utf8 [measureText]
  + Utf8 [min]
  + Utf8 [n]
  + Utf8 [onDraw]
  + Utf8 [onMeasure]
  + Utf8 [onTouchEvent]
  + Utf8 [p]
  + Utf8 [pin]
  + Utf8 [pinToUnit]
  + Utf8 [ptInRect]
  + Utf8 [r]
  + Utf8 [radius]
  + Utf8 [red]
  + Utf8 [restore]
  + Utf8 [right]
  + Utf8 [round]
  + Utf8 [s]
  + Utf8 [save]
  + Utf8 [set]
  + Utf8 [setBounds]
  + Utf8 [setColor]
  + Utf8 [setDither]
  + Utf8 [setFocusable]
  + Utf8 [setLevel]
  + Utf8 [setMeasuredDimension]
  + Utf8 [setOvalValDimmer]
  + Utf8 [setRGB2YUV]
  + Utf8 [setShader]
  + Utf8 [setStrokeWidth]
  + Utf8 [setStyle]
  + Utf8 [setTextSize]
  + Utf8 [setVerValSlider]
  + Utf8 [setXfermode]
  + Utf8 [shader]
  + Utf8 [shaderA]
  + Utf8 [shaderB]
  + Utf8 [sin]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener]
  + Utf8 [slider]
  + Utf8 [sqrt]
  + Utf8 [substring]
  + Utf8 [this]
  + Utf8 [toHexString]
  + Utf8 [toString]
  + Utf8 [toUpperCase]
  + Utf8 [top]
  + Utf8 [translate]
  + Utf8 [unit]
  + Utf8 [updateAllFromHSV]
  + Utf8 [updateHexFromHSV]
  + Utf8 [updateRGBfromHSV]
  + Utf8 [updateYUVfromRGB]
  + Utf8 [value]
  + Utf8 [width]
  + Utf8 [widthMeasureSpec]
  + Utf8 [writeColorParams]
  + Utf8 [x]
  + Utf8 [x2]
  + Utf8 [y]
  + Utf8 [y2]

Fields (count = 43):
  + Field:        SWATCH_WIDTH I
    Access flags: 0xa
      = private static int SWATCH_WIDTH
  + Field:        PALETTE_POS_X I
    Access flags: 0xa
      = private static int PALETTE_POS_X
  + Field:        PALETTE_POS_Y I
    Access flags: 0xa
      = private static int PALETTE_POS_Y
  + Field:        PALETTE_DIM I
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final int PALETTE_DIM
  + Field:        PALETTE_RADIUS I
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final int PALETTE_RADIUS
  + Field:        PALETTE_CENTER_X I
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final int PALETTE_CENTER_X
  + Field:        PALETTE_CENTER_Y I
    Access flags: 0x1a
      = private static final int PALETTE_CENTER_Y
  + Field:        VIEW_DIM_X I
    Access flags: 0xa
      = private static int VIEW_DIM_X
  + Field:        VIEW_DIM_Y I
    Access flags: 0xa
      = private static int VIEW_DIM_Y
  + Field:        TEXT_HSV_POS [I
    Access flags: 0xa
      = private static int[] TEXT_HSV_POS
  + Field:        TEXT_RGB_POS [I
    Access flags: 0xa
      = private static int[] TEXT_RGB_POS
  + Field:        TEXT_YUV_POS [I
    Access flags: 0xa
      = private static int[] TEXT_YUV_POS
  + Field:        TEXT_HEX_POS [I
    Access flags: 0xa
      = private static int[] TEXT_HEX_POS
  + Field:        mMethod I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int mMethod
  + Field:        mTracking I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int mTracking
  + Field:        mSwatchOld Landroid/graphics/Paint;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private mSwatchOld
  + Field:        mSwatchNew Landroid/graphics/Paint;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private mSwatchNew
  + Field:        mOvalHueSat Landroid/graphics/Paint;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private mOvalHueSat
  + Field:        mVerSliderBM Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private mVerSliderBM
  + Field:        mVerSliderCv Landroid/graphics/Canvas;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private mVerSliderCv
  + Field:        mHorSlidersBM [Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private[] mHorSlidersBM
  + Field:        mHorSlidersCv [Landroid/graphics/Canvas;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private[] mHorSlidersCv
  + Field:        mValDimmer Landroid/graphics/Paint;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private mValDimmer
  + Field:        mOvalHueSatSmall Landroid/graphics/Paint;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private mOvalHueSatSmall
  + Field:        mPosMarker Landroid/graphics/Paint;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private mPosMarker
  + Field:        mText Landroid/graphics/Paint;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private mText
  + Field:        mOldSwatchRect Landroid/graphics/Rect;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private mOldSwatchRect
  + Field:        mNewSwatchRect Landroid/graphics/Rect;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private mNewSwatchRect
  + Field:        mPaletteRect Landroid/graphics/Rect;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private mPaletteRect
  + Field:        mVerSliderRect Landroid/graphics/Rect;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private mVerSliderRect
  + Field:        mSpectrumColorsRev [I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int[] mSpectrumColorsRev
  + Field:        mOriginalColor I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int mOriginalColor
  + Field:        mHSV [F
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private float[] mHSV
  + Field:        mRGB [I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int[] mRGB
  + Field:        mYUV [F
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private float[] mYUV
  + Field:        mHexStr Ljava/lang/String;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private java.lang.String mHexStr
  + Field:        mHSVenabled Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean mHSVenabled
  + Field:        mRGBenabled Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean mRGBenabled
  + Field:        mYUVenabled Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean mYUVenabled
  + Field:        mHexenabled Z
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private boolean mHexenabled
  + Field:        mCoord [I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int[] mCoord
  + Field:        mFocusedControl I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int mFocusedControl
  + Field:        mListener Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener;
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener mListener

Methods (count = 30):
  + Method:       <clinit>()V
    Access flags: 0x8
      = static void <clinit>()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 78, locals = 0, stack = 2):
      [0] bipush 95
      [2] putstatic #78
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.SWATCH_WIDTH I]
      [5] iconst_0
      [6] putstatic #75
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_POS_X I]
      [9] bipush 60
      [11] putstatic #76
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_POS_Y I]
      [14] getstatic #78
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.SWATCH_WIDTH I]
      [17] iconst_2
      [18] imul
      [19] putstatic #74
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_DIM I]
      [22] getstatic #74
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_DIM I]
      [25] iconst_2
      [26] idiv
      [27] putstatic #77
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_RADIUS I]
      [30] getstatic #77
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_RADIUS I]
      [33] putstatic #72
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_CENTER_X I]
      [36] getstatic #77
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_RADIUS I]
      [39] putstatic #73
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_CENTER_Y I]
      [42] getstatic #74
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_DIM I]
      [45] putstatic #83
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.VIEW_DIM_X I]
      [48] bipush 60
      [50] putstatic #84
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.VIEW_DIM_Y I]
      [53] iconst_2
      [54] newarray 10
      [56] putstatic #80
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_HSV_POS [I]
      [59] iconst_2
      [60] newarray 10
      [62] putstatic #81
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_RGB_POS [I]
      [65] iconst_2
      [66] newarray 10
      [68] putstatic #82
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_YUV_POS [I]
      [71] iconst_2
      [72] newarray 10
      [74] putstatic #79
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_HEX_POS [I]
      [77] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 14)
        [0] -> line 135
        [5] -> line 138
        [9] -> line 139
        [14] -> line 140
        [22] -> line 141
        [30] -> line 142
        [36] -> line 143
        [42] -> line 147
        [48] -> line 148
        [53] -> line 162
        [59] -> line 163
        [65] -> line 164
        [71] -> line 165
        [77] -> line 134
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 0)
  + Method:       <init>(Landroid/content/Context;Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener;III)V
    Access flags: 0x0
      = UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView(android.content.Context,com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener,int,int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 2):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 1102, locals = 10, stack = 8):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #161
        + Methodref [android/view/View.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] iconst_0
      [7] putfield #94
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mMethod I]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] iconst_m1
      [12] putfield #108
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mTracking I]
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] iconst_3
      [17] anewarray #28
        + Class [android/graphics/Bitmap]
      [20] putfield #91
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHorSlidersBM [Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;]
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] iconst_3
      [25] anewarray #30
        + Class [android/graphics/Canvas]
      [28] putfield #92
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHorSlidersCv [Landroid/graphics/Canvas;]
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] new #40
        + Class [android/graphics/Rect]
      [35] dup
      [36] invokespecial #147
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Rect.<init> ()V]
      [39] putfield #96
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mOldSwatchRect Landroid/graphics/Rect;]
      [42] aload_0 v0
      [43] new #40
        + Class [android/graphics/Rect]
      [46] dup
      [47] invokespecial #147
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Rect.<init> ()V]
      [50] putfield #95
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mNewSwatchRect Landroid/graphics/Rect;]
      [53] aload_0 v0
      [54] new #40
        + Class [android/graphics/Rect]
      [57] dup
      [58] invokespecial #147
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Rect.<init> ()V]
      [61] putfield #100
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mPaletteRect Landroid/graphics/Rect;]
      [64] aload_0 v0
      [65] new #40
        + Class [android/graphics/Rect]
      [68] dup
      [69] invokespecial #147
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Rect.<init> ()V]
      [72] putfield #112
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mVerSliderRect Landroid/graphics/Rect;]
      [75] aload_0 v0
      [76] iconst_0
      [77] putfield #97
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mOriginalColor I]
      [80] aload_0 v0
      [81] iconst_3
      [82] newarray 6
      [84] putfield #87
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHSV [F]
      [87] aload_0 v0
      [88] iconst_3
      [89] newarray 10
      [91] putfield #102
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mRGB [I]
      [94] aload_0 v0
      [95] iconst_3
      [96] newarray 6
      [98] putfield #113
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mYUV [F]
      [101] aload_0 v0
      [102] ldc #16
        + String []
      [104] putfield #89
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHexStr Ljava/lang/String;]
      [107] aload_0 v0
      [108] iconst_1
      [109] putfield #88
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHSVenabled Z]
      [112] aload_0 v0
      [113] iconst_1
      [114] putfield #103
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mRGBenabled Z]
      [117] aload_0 v0
      [118] iconst_1
      [119] putfield #114
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mYUVenabled Z]
      [122] aload_0 v0
      [123] iconst_1
      [124] putfield #90
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHexenabled Z]
      [127] aload_0 v0
      [128] iconst_3
      [129] newarray 10
      [131] putfield #85
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mCoord [I]
      [134] aload_0 v0
      [135] iconst_m1
      [136] putfield #86
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mFocusedControl I]
      [139] aload_0 v0
      [140] iconst_1
      [141] invokevirtual #195
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.setFocusable (Z)V]
      [144] aload_0 v0
      [145] aload_2 v2
      [146] putfield #93
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mListener Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener;]
      [149] aload_0 v0
      [150] iload v5
      [152] putfield #97
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mOriginalColor I]
      [155] iload v5
      [157] aload_0 v0
      [158] getfield #87
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHSV [F]
      [161] invokestatic #128
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Color.colorToHSV (I[F)V]
      [164] aload_0 v0
      [165] invokespecial #199
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.updateAllFromHSV ()V]
      [168] iload_3 v3
      [169] iload v4
      [171] ificmpgt +210 (target=381)
      [174] getstatic #74
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_DIM I]
      [177] bipush 40
      [179] iadd
      [180] iconst_2
      [181] idiv
      [182] putstatic #78
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.SWATCH_WIDTH I]
      [185] iconst_0
      [186] putstatic #75
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_POS_X I]
      [189] bipush 108
      [191] putstatic #76
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_POS_Y I]
      [194] aload_0 v0
      [195] getfield #96
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mOldSwatchRect Landroid/graphics/Rect;]
      [198] iconst_0
      [199] bipush 48
      [201] getstatic #78
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.SWATCH_WIDTH I]
      [204] bipush 108
      [206] invokevirtual #149
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Rect.set (IIII)V]
      [209] aload_0 v0
      [210] getfield #95
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mNewSwatchRect Landroid/graphics/Rect;]
      [213] getstatic #78
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.SWATCH_WIDTH I]
      [216] bipush 48
      [218] getstatic #78
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.SWATCH_WIDTH I]
      [221] iconst_2
      [222] imul
      [223] bipush 108
      [225] invokevirtual #149
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Rect.set (IIII)V]
      [228] aload_0 v0
      [229] getfield #100
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mPaletteRect Landroid/graphics/Rect;]
      [232] iconst_0
      [233] getstatic #76
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_POS_Y I]
      [236] getstatic #74
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_DIM I]
      [239] getstatic #76
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_POS_Y I]
      [242] getstatic #74
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_DIM I]
      [245] iadd
      [246] invokevirtual #149
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Rect.set (IIII)V]
      [249] aload_0 v0
      [250] getfield #112
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mVerSliderRect Landroid/graphics/Rect;]
      [253] getstatic #74
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_DIM I]
      [256] getstatic #76
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_POS_Y I]
      [259] getstatic #74
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_DIM I]
      [262] bipush 40
      [264] iadd
      [265] getstatic #76
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_POS_Y I]
      [268] getstatic #74
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_DIM I]
      [271] iadd
      [272] invokevirtual #149
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Rect.set (IIII)V]
      [275] getstatic #80
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_HSV_POS [I]
      [278] iconst_0
      [279] iconst_3
      [280] iastore
      [281] getstatic #80
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_HSV_POS [I]
      [284] iconst_1
      [285] iconst_0
      [286] iastore
      [287] getstatic #81
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_RGB_POS [I]
      [290] iconst_0
      [291] getstatic #80
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_HSV_POS [I]
      [294] iconst_0
      [295] iaload
      [296] bipush 50
      [298] iadd
      [299] iastore
      [300] getstatic #81
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_RGB_POS [I]
      [303] iconst_1
      [304] getstatic #80
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_HSV_POS [I]
      [307] iconst_1
      [308] iaload
      [309] iastore
      [310] getstatic #82
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_YUV_POS [I]
      [313] iconst_0
      [314] getstatic #80
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_HSV_POS [I]
      [317] iconst_0
      [318] iaload
      [319] bipush 100
      [321] iadd
      [322] iastore
      [323] getstatic #82
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_YUV_POS [I]
      [326] iconst_1
      [327] getstatic #80
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_HSV_POS [I]
      [330] iconst_1
      [331] iaload
      [332] iastore
      [333] getstatic #79
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_HEX_POS [I]
      [336] iconst_0
      [337] getstatic #80
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_HSV_POS [I]
      [340] iconst_0
      [341] iaload
      [342] sipush 150
      [345] iadd
      [346] iastore
      [347] getstatic #79
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_HEX_POS [I]
      [350] iconst_1
      [351] getstatic #80
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_HSV_POS [I]
      [354] iconst_1
      [355] iaload
      [356] iastore
      [357] getstatic #74
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_DIM I]
      [360] bipush 40
      [362] iadd
      [363] putstatic #83
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.VIEW_DIM_X I]
      [366] bipush 60
      [368] getstatic #74
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_DIM I]
      [371] iadd
      [372] bipush 48
      [374] iadd
      [375] putstatic #84
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.VIEW_DIM_Y I]
      [378] goto +231 (target=609)
      [381] bipush 110
      [383] putstatic #78
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.SWATCH_WIDTH I]
      [386] getstatic #78
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.SWATCH_WIDTH I]
      [389] putstatic #75
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_POS_X I]
      [392] iconst_0
      [393] putstatic #76
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_POS_Y I]
      [396] aload_0 v0
      [397] getfield #96
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mOldSwatchRect Landroid/graphics/Rect;]
      [400] iconst_0
      [401] bipush 84
      [403] getstatic #78
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.SWATCH_WIDTH I]
      [406] sipush 144
      [409] invokevirtual #149
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Rect.set (IIII)V]
      [412] aload_0 v0
      [413] getfield #95
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mNewSwatchRect Landroid/graphics/Rect;]
      [416] iconst_0
      [417] sipush 144
      [420] getstatic #78
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.SWATCH_WIDTH I]
      [423] sipush 204
      [426] invokevirtual #149
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Rect.set (IIII)V]
      [429] aload_0 v0
      [430] getfield #100
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mPaletteRect Landroid/graphics/Rect;]
      [433] getstatic #78
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.SWATCH_WIDTH I]
      [436] getstatic #76
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_POS_Y I]
      [439] getstatic #78
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.SWATCH_WIDTH I]
      [442] getstatic #74
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_DIM I]
      [445] iadd
      [446] getstatic #76
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_POS_Y I]
      [449] getstatic #74
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_DIM I]
      [452] iadd
      [453] invokevirtual #149
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Rect.set (IIII)V]
      [456] aload_0 v0
      [457] getfield #112
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mVerSliderRect Landroid/graphics/Rect;]
      [460] getstatic #78
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.SWATCH_WIDTH I]
      [463] getstatic #74
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_DIM I]
      [466] iadd
      [467] getstatic #76
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_POS_Y I]
      [470] getstatic #78
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.SWATCH_WIDTH I]
      [473] getstatic #74
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_DIM I]
      [476] iadd
      [477] bipush 40
      [479] iadd
      [480] getstatic #76
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_POS_Y I]
      [483] getstatic #74
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_DIM I]
      [486] iadd
      [487] invokevirtual #149
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Rect.set (IIII)V]
      [490] getstatic #80
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_HSV_POS [I]
      [493] iconst_0
      [494] iconst_3
      [495] iastore
      [496] getstatic #80
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_HSV_POS [I]
      [499] iconst_1
      [500] iconst_0
      [501] iastore
      [502] getstatic #81
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_RGB_POS [I]
      [505] iconst_0
      [506] getstatic #80
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_HSV_POS [I]
      [509] iconst_0
      [510] iaload
      [511] iastore
      [512] getstatic #81
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_RGB_POS [I]
      [515] iconst_1
      [516] getstatic #80
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_HSV_POS [I]
      [519] iconst_1
      [520] iaload
      [521] i2d
      [522] ldc2_w #59
        + Double [42.0]
      [525] dadd
      [526] d2i
      [527] iastore
      [528] getstatic #82
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_YUV_POS [I]
      [531] iconst_0
      [532] getstatic #80
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_HSV_POS [I]
      [535] iconst_0
      [536] iaload
      [537] bipush 50
      [539] iadd
      [540] iastore
      [541] getstatic #82
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_YUV_POS [I]
      [544] iconst_1
      [545] getstatic #80
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_HSV_POS [I]
      [548] iconst_1
      [549] iaload
      [550] i2d
      [551] ldc2_w #59
        + Double [42.0]
      [554] dadd
      [555] d2i
      [556] iastore
      [557] getstatic #79
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_HEX_POS [I]
      [560] iconst_0
      [561] getstatic #80
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_HSV_POS [I]
      [564] iconst_0
      [565] iaload
      [566] bipush 50
      [568] iadd
      [569] iastore
      [570] getstatic #79
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_HEX_POS [I]
      [573] iconst_1
      [574] getstatic #80
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_HSV_POS [I]
      [577] iconst_1
      [578] iaload
      [579] iastore
      [580] getstatic #75
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_POS_X I]
      [583] getstatic #74
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_DIM I]
      [586] iadd
      [587] bipush 40
      [589] iadd
      [590] putstatic #83
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.VIEW_DIM_X I]
      [593] aload_0 v0
      [594] getfield #95
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mNewSwatchRect Landroid/graphics/Rect;]
      [597] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [android/graphics/Rect.bottom I]
      [600] getstatic #74
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_DIM I]
      [603] invokestatic #166
        + Methodref [java/lang/Math.max (II)I]
      [606] putstatic #84
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.VIEW_DIM_Y I]
      [609] aload_0 v0
      [610] bipush 7
      [612] newarray 10
      [614] dup
      [615] iconst_0
      [616] ldc #5
        + Integer [-65536]
      [618] iastore
      [619] dup
      [620] iconst_1
      [621] ldc #6
        + Integer [-65281]
      [623] iastore
      [624] dup
      [625] iconst_2
      [626] ldc #2
        + Integer [-16776961]
      [628] iastore
      [629] dup
      [630] iconst_3
      [631] ldc #4
        + Integer [-16711681]
      [633] iastore
      [634] dup
      [635] iconst_4
      [636] ldc #3
        + Integer [-16711936]
      [638] iastore
      [639] dup
      [640] iconst_5
      [641] sipush -256
      [644] iastore
      [645] dup
      [646] bipush 6
      [648] ldc #5
        + Integer [-65536]
      [650] iastore
      [651] putfield #104
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mSpectrumColorsRev [I]
      [654] aload_0 v0
      [655] new #34
        + Class [android/graphics/Paint]
      [658] dup
      [659] iconst_1
      [660] invokespecial #135
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.<init> (I)V]
      [663] putfield #106
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mSwatchOld Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [666] aload_0 v0
      [667] getfield #106
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mSwatchOld Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [670] getstatic #62
        + Fieldref [android/graphics/Paint$Style.FILL Landroid/graphics/Paint$Style;]
      [673] invokevirtual #142
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setStyle (Landroid/graphics/Paint$Style;)V]
      [676] aload_0 v0
      [677] getfield #106
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mSwatchOld Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [680] aload_0 v0
      [681] getfield #87
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHSV [F]
      [684] invokestatic #124
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Color.HSVToColor ([F)I]
      [687] invokevirtual #138
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setColor (I)V]
      [690] aload_0 v0
      [691] new #34
        + Class [android/graphics/Paint]
      [694] dup
      [695] iconst_1
      [696] invokespecial #135
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.<init> (I)V]
      [699] putfield #105
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mSwatchNew Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [702] aload_0 v0
      [703] getfield #105
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mSwatchNew Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [706] getstatic #62
        + Fieldref [android/graphics/Paint$Style.FILL Landroid/graphics/Paint$Style;]
      [709] invokevirtual #142
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setStyle (Landroid/graphics/Paint$Style;)V]
      [712] aload_0 v0
      [713] getfield #105
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mSwatchNew Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [716] aload_0 v0
      [717] getfield #87
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHSV [F]
      [720] invokestatic #124
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Color.HSVToColor ([F)I]
      [723] invokevirtual #138
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setColor (I)V]
      [726] new #44
        + Class [android/graphics/SweepGradient]
      [729] dup
      [730] fconst_0
      [731] fconst_0
      [732] aload_0 v0
      [733] getfield #104
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mSpectrumColorsRev [I]
      [736] aconst_null
      [737] invokespecial #151
        + Methodref [android/graphics/SweepGradient.<init> (FF[I[F)V]
      [740] astore v6
      [742] new #39
        + Class [android/graphics/RadialGradient]
      [745] dup
      [746] fconst_0
      [747] fconst_0
      [748] getstatic #72
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_CENTER_X I]
      [751] i2f
      [752] iconst_m1
      [753] ldc #1
        + Integer [-16777216]
      [755] getstatic #70
        + Fieldref [android/graphics/Shader$TileMode.CLAMP Landroid/graphics/Shader$TileMode;]
      [758] invokespecial #146
        + Methodref [android/graphics/RadialGradient.<init> (FFFIILandroid/graphics/Shader$TileMode;)V]
      [761] astore v7
      [763] new #33
        + Class [android/graphics/ComposeShader]
      [766] dup
      [767] aload v6
      [769] aload v7
      [771] getstatic #65
        + Fieldref [android/graphics/PorterDuff$Mode.SCREEN Landroid/graphics/PorterDuff$Mode;]
      [774] invokespecial #134
        + Methodref [android/graphics/ComposeShader.<init> (Landroid/graphics/Shader;Landroid/graphics/Shader;Landroid/graphics/PorterDuff$Mode;)V]
      [777] astore v8
      [779] aload_0 v0
      [780] new #34
        + Class [android/graphics/Paint]
      [783] dup
      [784] iconst_1
      [785] invokespecial #135
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.<init> (I)V]
      [788] putfield #98
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mOvalHueSat Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [791] aload_0 v0
      [792] getfield #98
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mOvalHueSat Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [795] aload v8
      [797] invokevirtual #140
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setShader (Landroid/graphics/Shader;)Landroid/graphics/Shader;]
      [800] pop
      [801] aload_0 v0
      [802] getfield #98
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mOvalHueSat Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [805] getstatic #62
        + Fieldref [android/graphics/Paint$Style.FILL Landroid/graphics/Paint$Style;]
      [808] invokevirtual #142
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setStyle (Landroid/graphics/Paint$Style;)V]
      [811] aload_0 v0
      [812] getfield #98
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mOvalHueSat Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [815] iconst_1
      [816] invokevirtual #139
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setDither (Z)V]
      [819] aload_0 v0
      [820] bipush 40
      [822] getstatic #74
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_DIM I]
      [825] getstatic #61
        + Fieldref [android/graphics/Bitmap$Config.RGB_565 Landroid/graphics/Bitmap$Config;]
      [828] invokestatic #115
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Bitmap.createBitmap (IILandroid/graphics/Bitmap$Config;)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;]
      [831] putfield #110
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mVerSliderBM Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;]
      [834] aload_0 v0
      [835] new #30
        + Class [android/graphics/Canvas]
      [838] dup
      [839] aload_0 v0
      [840] getfield #110
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mVerSliderBM Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;]
      [843] invokespecial #116
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.<init> (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;)V]
      [846] putfield #111
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mVerSliderCv Landroid/graphics/Canvas;]
      [849] iconst_0
      [850] istore v9
      [852] goto +45 (target=897)
      [855] aload_0 v0
      [856] getfield #91
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHorSlidersBM [Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;]
      [859] iload v9
      [861] getstatic #74
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_DIM I]
      [864] bipush 40
      [866] getstatic #61
        + Fieldref [android/graphics/Bitmap$Config.RGB_565 Landroid/graphics/Bitmap$Config;]
      [869] invokestatic #115
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Bitmap.createBitmap (IILandroid/graphics/Bitmap$Config;)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;]
      [872] aastore
      [873] aload_0 v0
      [874] getfield #92
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHorSlidersCv [Landroid/graphics/Canvas;]
      [877] iload v9
      [879] new #30
        + Class [android/graphics/Canvas]
      [882] dup
      [883] aload_0 v0
      [884] getfield #91
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHorSlidersBM [Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;]
      [887] iload v9
      [889] aaload
      [890] invokespecial #116
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.<init> (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;)V]
      [893] aastore
      [894] iinc v9, 1
      [897] iload v9
      [899] iconst_3
      [900] ificmplt -45 (target=855)
      [903] aload_0 v0
      [904] new #34
        + Class [android/graphics/Paint]
      [907] dup
      [908] iconst_1
      [909] invokespecial #135
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.<init> (I)V]
      [912] putfield #109
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mValDimmer Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [915] aload_0 v0
      [916] getfield #109
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mValDimmer Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [919] getstatic #62
        + Fieldref [android/graphics/Paint$Style.FILL Landroid/graphics/Paint$Style;]
      [922] invokevirtual #142
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setStyle (Landroid/graphics/Paint$Style;)V]
      [925] aload_0 v0
      [926] getfield #109
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mValDimmer Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [929] iconst_1
      [930] invokevirtual #139
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setDither (Z)V]
      [933] aload_0 v0
      [934] getfield #109
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mValDimmer Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [937] new #38
        + Class [android/graphics/PorterDuffXfermode]
      [940] dup
      [941] getstatic #64
        + Fieldref [android/graphics/PorterDuff$Mode.MULTIPLY Landroid/graphics/PorterDuff$Mode;]
      [944] invokespecial #145
        + Methodref [android/graphics/PorterDuffXfermode.<init> (Landroid/graphics/PorterDuff$Mode;)V]
      [947] invokevirtual #144
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setXfermode (Landroid/graphics/Xfermode;)Landroid/graphics/Xfermode;]
      [950] pop
      [951] new #44
        + Class [android/graphics/SweepGradient]
      [954] dup
      [955] fconst_0
      [956] fconst_0
      [957] aload_0 v0
      [958] getfield #104
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mSpectrumColorsRev [I]
      [961] aconst_null
      [962] invokespecial #151
        + Methodref [android/graphics/SweepGradient.<init> (FF[I[F)V]
      [965] astore v6
      [967] new #39
        + Class [android/graphics/RadialGradient]
      [970] dup
      [971] fconst_0
      [972] fconst_0
      [973] getstatic #74
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_DIM I]
      [976] iconst_2
      [977] idiv
      [978] i2f
      [979] iconst_m1
      [980] ldc #1
        + Integer [-16777216]
      [982] getstatic #70
        + Fieldref [android/graphics/Shader$TileMode.CLAMP Landroid/graphics/Shader$TileMode;]
      [985] invokespecial #146
        + Methodref [android/graphics/RadialGradient.<init> (FFFIILandroid/graphics/Shader$TileMode;)V]
      [988] astore v7
      [990] new #33
        + Class [android/graphics/ComposeShader]
      [993] dup
      [994] aload v6
      [996] aload v7
      [998] getstatic #65
        + Fieldref [android/graphics/PorterDuff$Mode.SCREEN Landroid/graphics/PorterDuff$Mode;]
      [1001] invokespecial #134
        + Methodref [android/graphics/ComposeShader.<init> (Landroid/graphics/Shader;Landroid/graphics/Shader;Landroid/graphics/PorterDuff$Mode;)V]
      [1004] astore v8
      [1006] aload_0 v0
      [1007] new #34
        + Class [android/graphics/Paint]
      [1010] dup
      [1011] iconst_1
      [1012] invokespecial #135
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.<init> (I)V]
      [1015] putfield #99
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mOvalHueSatSmall Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [1018] aload_0 v0
      [1019] getfield #99
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mOvalHueSatSmall Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [1022] aload v8
      [1024] invokevirtual #140
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setShader (Landroid/graphics/Shader;)Landroid/graphics/Shader;]
      [1027] pop
      [1028] aload_0 v0
      [1029] getfield #99
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mOvalHueSatSmall Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [1032] getstatic #62
        + Fieldref [android/graphics/Paint$Style.FILL Landroid/graphics/Paint$Style;]
      [1035] invokevirtual #142
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setStyle (Landroid/graphics/Paint$Style;)V]
      [1038] aload_0 v0
      [1039] new #34
        + Class [android/graphics/Paint]
      [1042] dup
      [1043] iconst_1
      [1044] invokespecial #135
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.<init> (I)V]
      [1047] putfield #101
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mPosMarker Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [1050] aload_0 v0
      [1051] getfield #101
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mPosMarker Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [1054] getstatic #63
        + Fieldref [android/graphics/Paint$Style.STROKE Landroid/graphics/Paint$Style;]
      [1057] invokevirtual #142
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setStyle (Landroid/graphics/Paint$Style;)V]
      [1060] aload_0 v0
      [1061] getfield #101
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mPosMarker Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [1064] fconst_2
      [1065] invokevirtual #141
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setStrokeWidth (F)V]
      [1068] aload_0 v0
      [1069] new #34
        + Class [android/graphics/Paint]
      [1072] dup
      [1073] iconst_1
      [1074] invokespecial #135
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.<init> (I)V]
      [1077] putfield #107
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mText Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [1080] aload_0 v0
      [1081] getfield #107
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mText Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [1084] ldc #10
        + Float [12.0]
      [1086] invokevirtual #143
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setTextSize (F)V]
      [1089] aload_0 v0
      [1090] getfield #107
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mText Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [1093] iconst_m1
      [1094] invokevirtual #138
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setColor (I)V]
      [1097] aload_0 v0
      [1098] invokespecial #185
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.initUI ()V]
      [1101] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 101)
        [0] -> line 225
        [5] -> line 169
        [10] -> line 170
        [15] -> line 183
        [23] -> line 184
        [31] -> line 195
        [42] -> line 196
        [53] -> line 197
        [64] -> line 198
        [75] -> line 201
        [80] -> line 202
        [87] -> line 203
        [94] -> line 204
        [101] -> line 205
        [107] -> line 206
        [112] -> line 207
        [117] -> line 208
        [122] -> line 209
        [127] -> line 210
        [134] -> line 211
        [139] -> line 228
        [144] -> line 230
        [149] -> line 232
        [155] -> line 234
        [164] -> line 236
        [168] -> line 239
        [174] -> line 240
        [185] -> line 242
        [189] -> line 243
        [194] -> line 246
        [209] -> line 247
        [228] -> line 248
        [249] -> line 249
        [275] -> line 251
        [281] -> line 252
        [287] -> line 253
        [300] -> line 254
        [310] -> line 255
        [323] -> line 256
        [333] -> line 257
        [347] -> line 258
        [357] -> line 260
        [366] -> line 261
        [381] -> line 264
        [386] -> line 266
        [392] -> line 267
        [396] -> line 270
        [412] -> line 271
        [429] -> line 272
        [456] -> line 273
        [490] -> line 275
        [496] -> line 276
        [502] -> line 277
        [512] -> line 278
        [528] -> line 279
        [541] -> line 280
        [557] -> line 281
        [570] -> line 282
        [580] -> line 284
        [593] -> line 285
        [609] -> line 289
        [616] -> line 290
        [636] -> line 291
        [651] -> line 289
        [654] -> line 299
        [666] -> line 300
        [676] -> line 301
        [690] -> line 303
        [702] -> line 304
        [712] -> line 305
        [726] -> line 307
        [742] -> line 308
        [763] -> line 309
        [779] -> line 310
        [791] -> line 311
        [801] -> line 312
        [811] -> line 313
        [819] -> line 315
        [834] -> line 316
        [849] -> line 318
        [855] -> line 319
        [873] -> line 320
        [894] -> line 318
        [903] -> line 323
        [915] -> line 324
        [925] -> line 325
        [933] -> line 326
        [951] -> line 334
        [967] -> line 335
        [990] -> line 336
        [1006] -> line 337
        [1018] -> line 338
        [1028] -> line 339
        [1038] -> line 342
        [1050] -> line 343
        [1060] -> line 344
        [1068] -> line 347
        [1080] -> line 348
        [1089] -> line 349
        [1097] -> line 352
        [1101] -> line 353
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 10)
        v0: 0 -> 1102 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView; this]
        v1: 0 -> 1102 [Landroid/content/Context; c]
        v2: 0 -> 1102 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener; l]
        v3: 0 -> 1102 [I width]
        v4: 0 -> 1102 [I height]
        v5: 0 -> 1102 [I color]
        v6: 742 -> 1102 [Landroid/graphics/Shader; shaderA]
        v7: 763 -> 1102 [Landroid/graphics/Shader; shaderB]
        v8: 779 -> 1102 [Landroid/graphics/Shader; shader]
        v9: 852 -> 903 [I i]
    + Exceptions attribute (count = 1)
      + Class [java/lang/Exception]
  + Method:       onDraw(Landroid/graphics/Canvas;)V
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected void onDraw(
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 23, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] invokespecial #181
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.drawSwatches (Landroid/graphics/Canvas;)V]
      [5] aload_0 v0
      [6] aload_1 v1
      [7] invokespecial #203
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.writeColorParams (Landroid/graphics/Canvas;)V]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] getfield #94
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mMethod I]
      [14] ifne +8 (target=22)
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] aload_1 v1
      [19] invokespecial #180
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.drawHSV1Palette (Landroid/graphics/Canvas;)V]
      [22] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 361
        [5] -> line 364
        [10] -> line 367
        [17] -> line 368
        [22] -> line 369
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 23 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView; this]
        v1: 0 -> 23 [Landroid/graphics/Canvas; canvas]
  + Method:       drawSwatches(Landroid/graphics/Canvas;)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void drawSwatches(
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 208, locals = 3, stack = 5):
      [0] iconst_3
      [1] newarray 6
      [3] astore_2 v2
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] getfield #107
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mText Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [8] ldc #11
        + Float [16.0]
      [10] invokevirtual #143
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setTextSize (F)V]
      [13] aload_1 v1
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] getfield #96
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mOldSwatchRect Landroid/graphics/Rect;]
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] getfield #106
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mSwatchOld Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [22] invokevirtual #119
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawRect (Landroid/graphics/Rect;Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] getfield #97
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mOriginalColor I]
      [29] aload_2 v2
      [30] invokestatic #128
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Color.colorToHSV (I[F)V]
      [33] aload_2 v2
      [34] iconst_2
      [35] faload
      [36] f2d
      [37] ldc2_w #57
        + Double [0.5]
      [40] dcmpl
      [41] ifle +12 (target=53)
      [44] aload_0 v0
      [45] getfield #107
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mText Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [48] ldc #1
        + Integer [-16777216]
      [50] invokevirtual #138
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setColor (I)V]
      [53] aload_1 v1
      [54] ldc #23
        + String [Revert]
      [56] aload_0 v0
      [57] getfield #96
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mOldSwatchRect Landroid/graphics/Rect;]
      [60] getfield #67
        + Fieldref [android/graphics/Rect.left I]
      [63] getstatic #78
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.SWATCH_WIDTH I]
      [66] iconst_2
      [67] idiv
      [68] iadd
      [69] i2f
      [70] aload_0 v0
      [71] getfield #107
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mText Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [74] ldc #23
        + String [Revert]
      [76] invokevirtual #137
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.measureText (Ljava/lang/String;)F]
      [79] fconst_2
      [80] fdiv
      [81] fsub
      [82] aload_0 v0
      [83] getfield #96
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mOldSwatchRect Landroid/graphics/Rect;]
      [86] getfield #69
        + Fieldref [android/graphics/ I]
      [89] bipush 16
      [91] iadd
      [92] i2f
      [93] aload_0 v0
      [94] getfield #107
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mText Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [97] invokevirtual #120
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawText (Ljava/lang/String;FFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [100] aload_0 v0
      [101] getfield #107
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mText Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [104] iconst_m1
      [105] invokevirtual #138
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setColor (I)V]
      [108] aload_1 v1
      [109] aload_0 v0
      [110] getfield #95
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mNewSwatchRect Landroid/graphics/Rect;]
      [113] aload_0 v0
      [114] getfield #105
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mSwatchNew Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [117] invokevirtual #119
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawRect (Landroid/graphics/Rect;Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [120] aload_0 v0
      [121] getfield #87
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHSV [F]
      [124] iconst_2
      [125] faload
      [126] f2d
      [127] ldc2_w #57
        + Double [0.5]
      [130] dcmpl
      [131] ifle +12 (target=143)
      [134] aload_0 v0
      [135] getfield #107
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mText Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [138] ldc #1
        + Integer [-16777216]
      [140] invokevirtual #138
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setColor (I)V]
      [143] aload_1 v1
      [144] ldc #18
        + String [Accept]
      [146] aload_0 v0
      [147] getfield #95
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mNewSwatchRect Landroid/graphics/Rect;]
      [150] getfield #67
        + Fieldref [android/graphics/Rect.left I]
      [153] getstatic #78
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.SWATCH_WIDTH I]
      [156] iconst_2
      [157] idiv
      [158] iadd
      [159] i2f
      [160] aload_0 v0
      [161] getfield #107
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mText Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [164] ldc #18
        + String [Accept]
      [166] invokevirtual #137
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.measureText (Ljava/lang/String;)F]
      [169] fconst_2
      [170] fdiv
      [171] fsub
      [172] aload_0 v0
      [173] getfield #95
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mNewSwatchRect Landroid/graphics/Rect;]
      [176] getfield #69
        + Fieldref [android/graphics/ I]
      [179] bipush 16
      [181] iadd
      [182] i2f
      [183] aload_0 v0
      [184] getfield #107
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mText Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [187] invokevirtual #120
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawText (Ljava/lang/String;FFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [190] aload_0 v0
      [191] getfield #107
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mText Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [194] iconst_m1
      [195] invokevirtual #138
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setColor (I)V]
      [198] aload_0 v0
      [199] getfield #107
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mText Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [202] ldc #10
        + Float [12.0]
      [204] invokevirtual #143
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setTextSize (F)V]
      [207] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 15)
        [0] -> line 376
        [4] -> line 378
        [13] -> line 381
        [25] -> line 382
        [33] -> line 385
        [44] -> line 386
        [53] -> line 387
        [100] -> line 388
        [108] -> line 391
        [120] -> line 392
        [134] -> line 393
        [143] -> line 394
        [190] -> line 395
        [198] -> line 397
        [207] -> line 398
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 208 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView; this]
        v1: 0 -> 208 [Landroid/graphics/Canvas; canvas]
        v2: 4 -> 208 [[F hsv]
  + Method:       writeColorParams(Landroid/graphics/Canvas;)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void writeColorParams(
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 518, locals = 2, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #88
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHSVenabled Z]
      [4] ifeq +159 (target=163)
      [7] aload_1 v1
      [8] new #53
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [11] dup
      [12] ldc #21
        + String [H: ]
      [14] invokespecial #173
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] getfield #87
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHSV [F]
      [21] iconst_0
      [22] faload
      [23] ldc #15
        + Float [360.0]
      [25] fdiv
      [26] ldc #13
        + Float [255.0]
      [28] fmul
      [29] f2i
      [30] invokestatic #163
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.toString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [33] invokevirtual #175
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [36] invokevirtual #176
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [39] getstatic #80
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_HSV_POS [I]
      [42] iconst_0
      [43] iaload
      [44] i2f
      [45] getstatic #80
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_HSV_POS [I]
      [48] iconst_1
      [49] iaload
      [50] bipush 12
      [52] iadd
      [53] i2f
      [54] aload_0 v0
      [55] getfield #107
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mText Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [58] invokevirtual #120
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawText (Ljava/lang/String;FFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [61] aload_1 v1
      [62] new #53
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [65] dup
      [66] ldc #24
        + String [S: ]
      [68] invokespecial #173
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [71] aload_0 v0
      [72] getfield #87
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHSV [F]
      [75] iconst_1
      [76] faload
      [77] ldc #13
        + Float [255.0]
      [79] fmul
      [80] f2i
      [81] invokestatic #163
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.toString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [84] invokevirtual #175
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [87] invokevirtual #176
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [90] getstatic #80
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_HSV_POS [I]
      [93] iconst_0
      [94] iaload
      [95] i2f
      [96] getstatic #80
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_HSV_POS [I]
      [99] iconst_1
      [100] iaload
      [101] bipush 24
      [103] iadd
      [104] i2f
      [105] aload_0 v0
      [106] getfield #107
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mText Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [109] invokevirtual #120
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawText (Ljava/lang/String;FFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [112] aload_1 v1
      [113] new #53
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [116] dup
      [117] ldc #26
        + String [V: ]
      [119] invokespecial #173
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [122] aload_0 v0
      [123] getfield #87
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHSV [F]
      [126] iconst_2
      [127] faload
      [128] ldc #13
        + Float [255.0]
      [130] fmul
      [131] f2i
      [132] invokestatic #163
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.toString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [135] invokevirtual #175
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [138] invokevirtual #176
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [141] getstatic #80
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_HSV_POS [I]
      [144] iconst_0
      [145] iaload
      [146] i2f
      [147] getstatic #80
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_HSV_POS [I]
      [150] iconst_1
      [151] iaload
      [152] bipush 36
      [154] iadd
      [155] i2f
      [156] aload_0 v0
      [157] getfield #107
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mText Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [160] invokevirtual #120
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawText (Ljava/lang/String;FFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [163] aload_0 v0
      [164] getfield #103
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mRGBenabled Z]
      [167] ifeq +135 (target=302)
      [170] aload_1 v1
      [171] new #53
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [174] dup
      [175] ldc #22
        + String [R: ]
      [177] invokespecial #173
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [180] aload_0 v0
      [181] getfield #102
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mRGB [I]
      [184] iconst_0
      [185] iaload
      [186] invokevirtual #174
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [189] invokevirtual #176
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [192] getstatic #81
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_RGB_POS [I]
      [195] iconst_0
      [196] iaload
      [197] i2f
      [198] getstatic #81
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_RGB_POS [I]
      [201] iconst_1
      [202] iaload
      [203] bipush 12
      [205] iadd
      [206] i2f
      [207] aload_0 v0
      [208] getfield #107
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mText Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [211] invokevirtual #120
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawText (Ljava/lang/String;FFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [214] aload_1 v1
      [215] new #53
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [218] dup
      [219] ldc #20
        + String [G: ]
      [221] invokespecial #173
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [224] aload_0 v0
      [225] getfield #102
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mRGB [I]
      [228] iconst_1
      [229] iaload
      [230] invokevirtual #174
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [233] invokevirtual #176
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [236] getstatic #81
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_RGB_POS [I]
      [239] iconst_0
      [240] iaload
      [241] i2f
      [242] getstatic #81
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_RGB_POS [I]
      [245] iconst_1
      [246] iaload
      [247] bipush 24
      [249] iadd
      [250] i2f
      [251] aload_0 v0
      [252] getfield #107
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mText Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [255] invokevirtual #120
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawText (Ljava/lang/String;FFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [258] aload_1 v1
      [259] new #53
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [262] dup
      [263] ldc #19
        + String [B: ]
      [265] invokespecial #173
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [268] aload_0 v0
      [269] getfield #102
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mRGB [I]
      [272] iconst_2
      [273] iaload
      [274] invokevirtual #174
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [277] invokevirtual #176
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [280] getstatic #81
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_RGB_POS [I]
      [283] iconst_0
      [284] iaload
      [285] i2f
      [286] getstatic #81
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_RGB_POS [I]
      [289] iconst_1
      [290] iaload
      [291] bipush 36
      [293] iadd
      [294] i2f
      [295] aload_0 v0
      [296] getfield #107
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mText Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [299] invokevirtual #120
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawText (Ljava/lang/String;FFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [302] aload_0 v0
      [303] getfield #114
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mYUVenabled Z]
      [306] ifeq +162 (target=468)
      [309] aload_1 v1
      [310] new #53
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [313] dup
      [314] ldc #27
        + String [Y: ]
      [316] invokespecial #173
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [319] aload_0 v0
      [320] getfield #113
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mYUV [F]
      [323] iconst_0
      [324] faload
      [325] ldc #13
        + Float [255.0]
      [327] fmul
      [328] f2i
      [329] invokestatic #163
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.toString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [332] invokevirtual #175
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [335] invokevirtual #176
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [338] getstatic #82
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_YUV_POS [I]
      [341] iconst_0
      [342] iaload
      [343] i2f
      [344] getstatic #82
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_YUV_POS [I]
      [347] iconst_1
      [348] iaload
      [349] bipush 12
      [351] iadd
      [352] i2f
      [353] aload_0 v0
      [354] getfield #107
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mText Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [357] invokevirtual #120
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawText (Ljava/lang/String;FFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [360] aload_1 v1
      [361] new #53
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [364] dup
      [365] ldc #25
        + String [U: ]
      [367] invokespecial #173
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [370] aload_0 v0
      [371] getfield #113
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mYUV [F]
      [374] iconst_1
      [375] faload
      [376] ldc #8
        + Float [0.5]
      [378] fadd
      [379] ldc #13
        + Float [255.0]
      [381] fmul
      [382] f2i
      [383] invokestatic #163
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.toString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [386] invokevirtual #175
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [389] invokevirtual #176
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [392] getstatic #82
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_YUV_POS [I]
      [395] iconst_0
      [396] iaload
      [397] i2f
      [398] getstatic #82
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_YUV_POS [I]
      [401] iconst_1
      [402] iaload
      [403] bipush 24
      [405] iadd
      [406] i2f
      [407] aload_0 v0
      [408] getfield #107
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mText Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [411] invokevirtual #120
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawText (Ljava/lang/String;FFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [414] aload_1 v1
      [415] new #53
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [418] dup
      [419] ldc #26
        + String [V: ]
      [421] invokespecial #173
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [424] aload_0 v0
      [425] getfield #113
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mYUV [F]
      [428] iconst_2
      [429] faload
      [430] ldc #8
        + Float [0.5]
      [432] fadd
      [433] ldc #13
        + Float [255.0]
      [435] fmul
      [436] f2i
      [437] invokestatic #163
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.toString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [440] invokevirtual #175
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [443] invokevirtual #176
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [446] getstatic #82
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_YUV_POS [I]
      [449] iconst_0
      [450] iaload
      [451] i2f
      [452] getstatic #82
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_YUV_POS [I]
      [455] iconst_1
      [456] iaload
      [457] bipush 36
      [459] iadd
      [460] i2f
      [461] aload_0 v0
      [462] getfield #107
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mText Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [465] invokevirtual #120
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawText (Ljava/lang/String;FFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [468] aload_0 v0
      [469] getfield #90
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHexenabled Z]
      [472] ifeq +45 (target=517)
      [475] aload_1 v1
      [476] new #53
        + Class [java/lang/StringBuilder]
      [479] dup
      [480] ldc #17
        + String [#]
      [482] invokespecial #173
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V]
      [485] aload_0 v0
      [486] getfield #89
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHexStr Ljava/lang/String;]
      [489] invokevirtual #175
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;]
      [492] invokevirtual #176
        + Methodref [java/lang/StringBuilder.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [495] getstatic #79
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_HEX_POS [I]
      [498] iconst_0
      [499] iaload
      [500] i2f
      [501] getstatic #79
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.TEXT_HEX_POS [I]
      [504] iconst_1
      [505] iaload
      [506] bipush 12
      [508] iadd
      [509] i2f
      [510] aload_0 v0
      [511] getfield #107
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mText Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [514] invokevirtual #120
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawText (Ljava/lang/String;FFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [517] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 15)
        [0] -> line 405
        [7] -> line 406
        [61] -> line 407
        [112] -> line 408
        [163] -> line 411
        [170] -> line 412
        [214] -> line 413
        [258] -> line 414
        [302] -> line 417
        [309] -> line 418
        [360] -> line 419
        [414] -> line 420
        [468] -> line 423
        [475] -> line 424
        [517] -> line 425
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 518 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView; this]
        v1: 0 -> 518 [Landroid/graphics/Canvas; canvas]
  + Method:       mark2DPalette(Landroid/graphics/Canvas;II)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void mark2DPalette(,int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 80, locals = 4, stack = 8):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #101
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mPosMarker Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [4] ldc #1
        + Integer [-16777216]
      [6] invokevirtual #138
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setColor (I)V]
      [9] aload_1 v1
      [10] new #41
        + Class [android/graphics/RectF]
      [13] dup
      [14] iload_2 v2
      [15] iconst_5
      [16] isub
      [17] i2f
      [18] iload_3 v3
      [19] iconst_5
      [20] isub
      [21] i2f
      [22] iload_2 v2
      [23] iconst_5
      [24] iadd
      [25] i2f
      [26] iload_3 v3
      [27] iconst_5
      [28] iadd
      [29] i2f
      [30] invokespecial #150
        + Methodref [android/graphics/RectF.<init> (FFFF)V]
      [33] aload_0 v0
      [34] getfield #101
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mPosMarker Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [37] invokevirtual #118
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawOval (Landroid/graphics/RectF;Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [40] aload_0 v0
      [41] getfield #101
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mPosMarker Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [44] iconst_m1
      [45] invokevirtual #138
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setColor (I)V]
      [48] aload_1 v1
      [49] new #41
        + Class [android/graphics/RectF]
      [52] dup
      [53] iload_2 v2
      [54] iconst_3
      [55] isub
      [56] i2f
      [57] iload_3 v3
      [58] iconst_3
      [59] isub
      [60] i2f
      [61] iload_2 v2
      [62] iconst_3
      [63] iadd
      [64] i2f
      [65] iload_3 v3
      [66] iconst_3
      [67] iadd
      [68] i2f
      [69] invokespecial #150
        + Methodref [android/graphics/RectF.<init> (FFFF)V]
      [72] aload_0 v0
      [73] getfield #101
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mPosMarker Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [76] invokevirtual #118
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawOval (Landroid/graphics/RectF;Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [79] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 434
        [9] -> line 435
        [40] -> line 436
        [48] -> line 437
        [79] -> line 438
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 80 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView; this]
        v1: 0 -> 80 [Landroid/graphics/Canvas; canvas]
        v2: 0 -> 80 [I markerPosX]
        v3: 0 -> 80 [I markerPosY]
  + Method:       markVerSlider(Landroid/graphics/Canvas;I)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void markVerSlider(,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 64, locals = 3, stack = 8):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #101
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mPosMarker Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [4] ldc #1
        + Integer [-16777216]
      [6] invokevirtual #138
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setColor (I)V]
      [9] aload_1 v1
      [10] new #40
        + Class [android/graphics/Rect]
      [13] dup
      [14] iconst_0
      [15] iload_2 v2
      [16] iconst_2
      [17] isub
      [18] bipush 40
      [20] iload_2 v2
      [21] iconst_3
      [22] iadd
      [23] invokespecial #148
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Rect.<init> (IIII)V]
      [26] aload_0 v0
      [27] getfield #101
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mPosMarker Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [30] invokevirtual #119
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawRect (Landroid/graphics/Rect;Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [33] aload_0 v0
      [34] getfield #101
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mPosMarker Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [37] iconst_m1
      [38] invokevirtual #138
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setColor (I)V]
      [41] aload_1 v1
      [42] new #40
        + Class [android/graphics/Rect]
      [45] dup
      [46] iconst_0
      [47] iload_2 v2
      [48] bipush 40
      [50] iload_2 v2
      [51] iconst_1
      [52] iadd
      [53] invokespecial #148
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Rect.<init> (IIII)V]
      [56] aload_0 v0
      [57] getfield #101
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mPosMarker Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [60] invokevirtual #119
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawRect (Landroid/graphics/Rect;Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [63] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 446
        [9] -> line 447
        [33] -> line 448
        [41] -> line 449
        [63] -> line 450
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 64 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView; this]
        v1: 0 -> 64 [Landroid/graphics/Canvas; canvas]
        v2: 0 -> 64 [I markerPos]
  + Method:       hilightFocusedVerSlider(Landroid/graphics/Canvas;)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void hilightFocusedVerSlider(
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 64, locals = 2, stack = 8):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #101
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mPosMarker Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [4] iconst_m1
      [5] invokevirtual #138
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setColor (I)V]
      [8] aload_1 v1
      [9] new #40
        + Class [android/graphics/Rect]
      [12] dup
      [13] iconst_0
      [14] iconst_0
      [15] bipush 40
      [17] getstatic #74
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_DIM I]
      [20] invokespecial #148
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Rect.<init> (IIII)V]
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] getfield #101
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mPosMarker Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [27] invokevirtual #119
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawRect (Landroid/graphics/Rect;Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] getfield #101
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mPosMarker Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [34] ldc #1
        + Integer [-16777216]
      [36] invokevirtual #138
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setColor (I)V]
      [39] aload_1 v1
      [40] new #40
        + Class [android/graphics/Rect]
      [43] dup
      [44] iconst_2
      [45] iconst_2
      [46] bipush 38
      [48] getstatic #74
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_DIM I]
      [51] iconst_2
      [52] isub
      [53] invokespecial #148
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Rect.<init> (IIII)V]
      [56] aload_0 v0
      [57] getfield #101
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mPosMarker Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [60] invokevirtual #119
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawRect (Landroid/graphics/Rect;Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [63] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 457
        [8] -> line 458
        [30] -> line 459
        [39] -> line 460
        [63] -> line 461
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 64 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView; this]
        v1: 0 -> 64 [Landroid/graphics/Canvas; canvas]
  + Method:       hilightFocusedOvalPalette(Landroid/graphics/Canvas;)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void hilightFocusedOvalPalette(
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 92, locals = 2, stack = 8):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #101
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mPosMarker Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [4] iconst_m1
      [5] invokevirtual #138
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setColor (I)V]
      [8] aload_1 v1
      [9] new #41
        + Class [android/graphics/RectF]
      [12] dup
      [13] getstatic #77
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_RADIUS I]
      [16] ineg
      [17] i2f
      [18] getstatic #77
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_RADIUS I]
      [21] ineg
      [22] i2f
      [23] getstatic #77
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_RADIUS I]
      [26] i2f
      [27] getstatic #77
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_RADIUS I]
      [30] i2f
      [31] invokespecial #150
        + Methodref [android/graphics/RectF.<init> (FFFF)V]
      [34] aload_0 v0
      [35] getfield #101
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mPosMarker Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [38] invokevirtual #118
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawOval (Landroid/graphics/RectF;Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [41] aload_0 v0
      [42] getfield #101
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mPosMarker Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [45] ldc #1
        + Integer [-16777216]
      [47] invokevirtual #138
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setColor (I)V]
      [50] aload_1 v1
      [51] new #41
        + Class [android/graphics/RectF]
      [54] dup
      [55] getstatic #77
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_RADIUS I]
      [58] ineg
      [59] iconst_2
      [60] iadd
      [61] i2f
      [62] getstatic #77
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_RADIUS I]
      [65] ineg
      [66] iconst_2
      [67] iadd
      [68] i2f
      [69] getstatic #77
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_RADIUS I]
      [72] iconst_2
      [73] isub
      [74] i2f
      [75] getstatic #77
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_RADIUS I]
      [78] iconst_2
      [79] isub
      [80] i2f
      [81] invokespecial #150
        + Methodref [android/graphics/RectF.<init> (FFFF)V]
      [84] aload_0 v0
      [85] getfield #101
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mPosMarker Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [88] invokevirtual #118
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawOval (Landroid/graphics/RectF;Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [91] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 468
        [8] -> line 469
        [41] -> line 470
        [50] -> line 471
        [91] -> line 472
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 92 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView; this]
        v1: 0 -> 92 [Landroid/graphics/Canvas; canvas]
  + Method:       drawHSV1Palette(Landroid/graphics/Canvas;)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void drawHSV1Palette(
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 187, locals = 2, stack = 7):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] invokevirtual #122
        + Methodref [android/graphics/ ()I]
      [4] pop
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] getstatic #75
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_POS_X I]
      [9] i2f
      [10] getstatic #76
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_POS_Y I]
      [13] i2f
      [14] invokevirtual #123
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.translate (FF)V]
      [17] aload_1 v1
      [18] getstatic #72
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_CENTER_X I]
      [21] i2f
      [22] getstatic #73
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_CENTER_Y I]
      [25] i2f
      [26] invokevirtual #123
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.translate (FF)V]
      [29] aload_1 v1
      [30] new #41
        + Class [android/graphics/RectF]
      [33] dup
      [34] getstatic #77
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_RADIUS I]
      [37] ineg
      [38] i2f
      [39] getstatic #77
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_RADIUS I]
      [42] ineg
      [43] i2f
      [44] getstatic #77
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_RADIUS I]
      [47] i2f
      [48] getstatic #77
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_RADIUS I]
      [51] i2f
      [52] invokespecial #150
        + Methodref [android/graphics/RectF.<init> (FFFF)V]
      [55] aload_0 v0
      [56] getfield #98
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mOvalHueSat Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [59] invokevirtual #118
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawOval (Landroid/graphics/RectF;Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [62] aload_1 v1
      [63] new #41
        + Class [android/graphics/RectF]
      [66] dup
      [67] getstatic #77
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_RADIUS I]
      [70] ineg
      [71] i2f
      [72] getstatic #77
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_RADIUS I]
      [75] ineg
      [76] i2f
      [77] getstatic #77
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_RADIUS I]
      [80] i2f
      [81] getstatic #77
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_RADIUS I]
      [84] i2f
      [85] invokespecial #150
        + Methodref [android/graphics/RectF.<init> (FFFF)V]
      [88] aload_0 v0
      [89] getfield #109
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mValDimmer Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [92] invokevirtual #118
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawOval (Landroid/graphics/RectF;Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [95] aload_0 v0
      [96] getfield #86
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mFocusedControl I]
      [99] ifne +8 (target=107)
      [102] aload_0 v0
      [103] aload_1 v1
      [104] invokespecial #182
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.hilightFocusedOvalPalette (Landroid/graphics/Canvas;)V]
      [107] aload_0 v0
      [108] aload_1 v1
      [109] aload_0 v0
      [110] getfield #85
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mCoord [I]
      [113] iconst_0
      [114] iaload
      [115] aload_0 v0
      [116] getfield #85
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mCoord [I]
      [119] iconst_1
      [120] iaload
      [121] invokespecial #188
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mark2DPalette (Landroid/graphics/Canvas;II)V]
      [124] aload_1 v1
      [125] getstatic #72
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_CENTER_X I]
      [128] ineg
      [129] i2f
      [130] getstatic #73
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_CENTER_Y I]
      [133] ineg
      [134] i2f
      [135] invokevirtual #123
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.translate (FF)V]
      [138] aload_1 v1
      [139] getstatic #74
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_DIM I]
      [142] i2f
      [143] fconst_0
      [144] invokevirtual #123
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.translate (FF)V]
      [147] aload_1 v1
      [148] aload_0 v0
      [149] getfield #110
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mVerSliderBM Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;]
      [152] fconst_0
      [153] fconst_0
      [154] aconst_null
      [155] invokevirtual #117
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.drawBitmap (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;FFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V]
      [158] aload_0 v0
      [159] getfield #86
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mFocusedControl I]
      [162] iconst_1
      [163] ificmpne +8 (target=171)
      [166] aload_0 v0
      [167] aload_1 v1
      [168] invokespecial #183
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.hilightFocusedVerSlider (Landroid/graphics/Canvas;)V]
      [171] aload_0 v0
      [172] aload_1 v1
      [173] aload_0 v0
      [174] getfield #85
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mCoord [I]
      [177] iconst_2
      [178] iaload
      [179] invokespecial #189
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.markVerSlider (Landroid/graphics/Canvas;I)V]
      [182] aload_1 v1
      [183] invokevirtual #121
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Canvas.restore ()V]
      [186] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 16)
        [0] -> line 481
        [5] -> line 483
        [17] -> line 486
        [29] -> line 487
        [62] -> line 488
        [95] -> line 489
        [102] -> line 490
        [107] -> line 491
        [124] -> line 492
        [138] -> line 495
        [147] -> line 496
        [158] -> line 497
        [166] -> line 498
        [171] -> line 499
        [182] -> line 501
        [186] -> line 502
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 187 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView; this]
        v1: 0 -> 187 [Landroid/graphics/Canvas; canvas]
  + Method:       initUI()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void initUI()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 10, locals = 1, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #184
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.initHSV1Palette ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] iconst_0
      [6] putfield #86
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mFocusedControl I]
      [9] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 508
        [4] -> line 511
        [9] -> line 512
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 10 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView; this]
  + Method:       initHSV1Palette()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void initHSV1Palette()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 86, locals = 3, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] invokespecial #197
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.setOvalValDimmer ()V]
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] invokespecial #198
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.setVerValSlider ()V]
      [8] ldc #9
        + Float [6.2831855]
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] getfield #87
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHSV [F]
      [14] iconst_0
      [15] faload
      [16] ldc #12
        + Float [57.295776]
      [18] fdiv
      [19] fsub
      [20] fstore_1 v1
      [21] aload_0 v0
      [22] getfield #87
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHSV [F]
      [25] iconst_1
      [26] faload
      [27] getstatic #77
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_RADIUS I]
      [30] i2f
      [31] fmul
      [32] fstore_2 v2
      [33] aload_0 v0
      [34] getfield #85
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mCoord [I]
      [37] iconst_0
      [38] fload_1 v1
      [39] f2d
      [40] invokestatic #165
        + Methodref [java/lang/Math.cos (D)D]
      [43] fload_2 v2
      [44] f2d
      [45] dmul
      [46] d2i
      [47] iastore
      [48] aload_0 v0
      [49] getfield #85
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mCoord [I]
      [52] iconst_1
      [53] fload_1 v1
      [54] f2d
      [55] invokestatic #168
        + Methodref [java/lang/Math.sin (D)D]
      [58] fload_2 v2
      [59] f2d
      [60] dmul
      [61] d2i
      [62] iastore
      [63] aload_0 v0
      [64] getfield #85
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mCoord [I]
      [67] iconst_2
      [68] getstatic #74
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_DIM I]
      [71] aload_0 v0
      [72] getfield #87
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHSV [F]
      [75] iconst_2
      [76] faload
      [77] getstatic #74
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_DIM I]
      [80] i2f
      [81] fmul
      [82] f2i
      [83] isub
      [84] iastore
      [85] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 8)
        [0] -> line 520
        [4] -> line 521
        [8] -> line 523
        [21] -> line 524
        [33] -> line 525
        [48] -> line 526
        [63] -> line 528
        [85] -> line 529
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 86 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView; this]
        v1: 21 -> 86 [F angle]
        v2: 33 -> 86 [F radius]
  + Method:       setOvalValDimmer()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void setOvalValDimmer()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 40, locals = 3, stack = 4):
      [0] iconst_3
      [1] newarray 6
      [3] astore_1 v1
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] iconst_0
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] getfield #87
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHSV [F]
      [10] iconst_0
      [11] faload
      [12] fastore
      [13] aload_1 v1
      [14] iconst_1
      [15] fconst_0
      [16] fastore
      [17] aload_1 v1
      [18] iconst_2
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] getfield #87
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHSV [F]
      [23] iconst_2
      [24] faload
      [25] fastore
      [26] aload_1 v1
      [27] invokestatic #124
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Color.HSVToColor ([F)I]
      [30] istore_2 v2
      [31] aload_0 v0
      [32] getfield #109
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mValDimmer Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [35] iload_2 v2
      [36] invokevirtual #138
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setColor (I)V]
      [39] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 537
        [4] -> line 538
        [13] -> line 539
        [17] -> line 540
        [26] -> line 541
        [31] -> line 542
        [39] -> line 543
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 40 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView; this]
        v1: 4 -> 40 [[F hsv]
        v2: 31 -> 40 [I gray]
  + Method:       setVerValSlider()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void setVerValSlider()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 94, locals = 5, stack = 5):
      [0] iconst_3
      [1] newarray 6
      [3] astore_1 v1
      [4] aload_1 v1
      [5] iconst_0
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] getfield #87
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHSV [F]
      [10] iconst_0
      [11] faload
      [12] fastore
      [13] aload_1 v1
      [14] iconst_1
      [15] aload_0 v0
      [16] getfield #87
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHSV [F]
      [19] iconst_1
      [20] faload
      [21] fastore
      [22] aload_1 v1
      [23] iconst_2
      [24] fconst_1
      [25] fastore
      [26] aload_1 v1
      [27] invokestatic #124
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Color.HSVToColor ([F)I]
      [30] istore_2 v2
      [31] iconst_2
      [32] newarray 10
      [34] astore_3 v3
      [35] aload_3 v3
      [36] iconst_0
      [37] iload_2 v2
      [38] iastore
      [39] aload_3 v3
      [40] iconst_1
      [41] ldc #1
        + Integer [-16777216]
      [43] iastore
      [44] new #45
        + Class [android/graphics/drawable/GradientDrawable]
      [47] dup
      [48] getstatic #71
        + Fieldref [android/graphics/drawable/GradientDrawable$Orientation.TOP_BOTTOM Landroid/graphics/drawable/GradientDrawable$Orientation;]
      [51] aload_3 v3
      [52] invokespecial #152
        + Methodref [android/graphics/drawable/GradientDrawable.<init> (Landroid/graphics/drawable/GradientDrawable$Orientation;[I)V]
      [55] astore v4
      [57] aload v4
      [59] iconst_1
      [60] invokevirtual #155
        + Methodref [android/graphics/drawable/GradientDrawable.setDither (Z)V]
      [63] aload v4
      [65] sipush 10000
      [68] invokevirtual #156
        + Methodref [android/graphics/drawable/GradientDrawable.setLevel (I)Z]
      [71] pop
      [72] aload v4
      [74] iconst_0
      [75] iconst_0
      [76] bipush 40
      [78] getstatic #74
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_DIM I]
      [81] invokevirtual #154
        + Methodref [android/graphics/drawable/GradientDrawable.setBounds (IIII)V]
      [84] aload v4
      [86] aload_0 v0
      [87] getfield #111
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mVerSliderCv Landroid/graphics/Canvas;]
      [90] invokevirtual #153
        + Methodref [android/graphics/drawable/GradientDrawable.draw (Landroid/graphics/Canvas;)V]
      [93] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 14)
        [0] -> line 549
        [4] -> line 550
        [13] -> line 551
        [22] -> line 552
        [26] -> line 553
        [31] -> line 555
        [35] -> line 556
        [39] -> line 557
        [44] -> line 558
        [57] -> line 559
        [63] -> line 560
        [72] -> line 561
        [84] -> line 562
        [93] -> line 563
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 94 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView; this]
        v1: 4 -> 94 [[F hsv]
        v2: 31 -> 94 [I col]
        v3: 35 -> 94 [[I colors]
        v4: 57 -> 94 [Landroid/graphics/drawable/GradientDrawable; gradDraw]
  + Method:       onMeasure(II)V
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected void onMeasure(int,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 11, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getstatic #83
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.VIEW_DIM_X I]
      [4] getstatic #84
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.VIEW_DIM_Y I]
      [7] invokevirtual #196
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.setMeasuredDimension (II)V]
      [10] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 570
        [10] -> line 571
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 11 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView; this]
        v1: 0 -> 11 [I widthMeasureSpec]
        v2: 0 -> 11 [I heightMeasureSpec]
  + Method:       round(D)I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int round(double)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] dload_1 v1
      [1] invokestatic #167
        + Methodref [java/lang/Math.round (D)J]
      [4] l2i
      [5] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 579
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [D x]
  + Method:       pinToUnit(F)F
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private float pinToUnit(float)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 21, locals = 2, stack = 2):
      [0] fload_1 v1
      [1] fconst_0
      [2] fcmpg
      [3] ifge +8 (target=11)
      [6] fconst_0
      [7] fstore_1 v1
      [8] goto +11 (target=19)
      [11] fload_1 v1
      [12] fconst_1
      [13] fcmpl
      [14] ifle +5 (target=19)
      [17] fconst_1
      [18] fstore_1 v1
      [19] fload_1 v1
      [20] freturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 588
        [6] -> line 589
        [11] -> line 590
        [17] -> line 591
        [19] -> line 593
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 21 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView; this]
        v1: 0 -> 21 [F n]
  + Method:       pin(FF)F
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private float pin(float,float)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 21, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] fload_1 v1
      [1] fconst_0
      [2] fcmpg
      [3] ifge +8 (target=11)
      [6] fconst_0
      [7] fstore_1 v1
      [8] goto +11 (target=19)
      [11] fload_1 v1
      [12] fload_2 v2
      [13] fcmpl
      [14] ifle +5 (target=19)
      [17] fload_2 v2
      [18] fstore_1 v1
      [19] fload_1 v1
      [20] freturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 603
        [6] -> line 604
        [11] -> line 605
        [17] -> line 606
        [19] -> line 608
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 21 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView; this]
        v1: 0 -> 21 [F n]
        v2: 0 -> 21 [F max]
  + Method:       pin(FFF)F
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private float pin(float,float,float)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 21, locals = 4, stack = 2):
      [0] fload_1 v1
      [1] fload_2 v2
      [2] fcmpg
      [3] ifge +8 (target=11)
      [6] fload_2 v2
      [7] fstore_1 v1
      [8] goto +11 (target=19)
      [11] fload_1 v1
      [12] fload_3 v3
      [13] fcmpl
      [14] ifle +5 (target=19)
      [17] fload_3 v3
      [18] fstore_1 v1
      [19] fload_1 v1
      [20] freturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 619
        [6] -> line 620
        [11] -> line 621
        [17] -> line 622
        [19] -> line 624
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 21 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView; this]
        v1: 0 -> 21 [F n]
        v2: 0 -> 21 [F min]
        v3: 0 -> 21 [F max]
  + Method:       ave(IIF)I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int ave(int,int,float)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 14, locals = 4, stack = 5):
      [0] iload_1 v1
      [1] aload_0 v0
      [2] fload_3 v3
      [3] iload_2 v2
      [4] iload_1 v1
      [5] isub
      [6] i2f
      [7] fmul
      [8] f2d
      [9] invokespecial #194
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.round (D)I]
      [12] iadd
      [13] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 636
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 14 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView; this]
        v1: 0 -> 14 [I s]
        v2: 0 -> 14 [I d]
        v3: 0 -> 14 [F p]
  + Method:       interpColor([IF)I
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private int interpColor(int[],float)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 135, locals = 11, stack = 4):
      [0] fload_2 v2
      [1] fconst_0
      [2] fcmpg
      [3] ifgt +7 (target=10)
      [6] aload_1 v1
      [7] iconst_0
      [8] iaload
      [9] ireturn
      [10] fload_2 v2
      [11] fconst_1
      [12] fcmpl
      [13] iflt +10 (target=23)
      [16] aload_1 v1
      [17] aload_1 v1
      [18] arraylength
      [19] iconst_1
      [20] isub
      [21] iaload
      [22] ireturn
      [23] fload_2 v2
      [24] aload_1 v1
      [25] arraylength
      [26] iconst_1
      [27] isub
      [28] i2f
      [29] fmul
      [30] fstore_3 v3
      [31] fload_3 v3
      [32] f2i
      [33] istore v4
      [35] fload_3 v3
      [36] iload v4
      [38] i2f
      [39] fsub
      [40] fstore_3 v3
      [41] aload_1 v1
      [42] iload v4
      [44] iaload
      [45] istore v5
      [47] aload_1 v1
      [48] iload v4
      [50] iconst_1
      [51] iadd
      [52] iaload
      [53] istore v6
      [55] aload_0 v0
      [56] iload v5
      [58] invokestatic #125
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Color.alpha (I)I]
      [61] iload v6
      [63] invokestatic #125
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Color.alpha (I)I]
      [66] fload_3 v3
      [67] invokespecial #177
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.ave (IIF)I]
      [70] istore v7
      [72] aload_0 v0
      [73] iload v5
      [75] invokestatic #130
        + Methodref [android/graphics/ (I)I]
      [78] iload v6
      [80] invokestatic #130
        + Methodref [android/graphics/ (I)I]
      [83] fload_3 v3
      [84] invokespecial #177
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.ave (IIF)I]
      [87] istore v8
      [89] aload_0 v0
      [90] iload v5
      [92] invokestatic #129
        + Methodref [android/graphics/ (I)I]
      [95] iload v6
      [97] invokestatic #129
        + Methodref [android/graphics/ (I)I]
      [100] fload_3 v3
      [101] invokespecial #177
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.ave (IIF)I]
      [104] istore v9
      [106] aload_0 v0
      [107] iload v5
      [109] invokestatic #127
        + Methodref [android/graphics/ (I)I]
      [112] iload v6
      [114] invokestatic #127
        + Methodref [android/graphics/ (I)I]
      [117] fload_3 v3
      [118] invokespecial #177
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.ave (IIF)I]
      [121] istore v10
      [123] iload v7
      [125] iload v8
      [127] iload v9
      [129] iload v10
      [131] invokestatic #126
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Color.argb (IIII)I]
      [134] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 14)
        [0] -> line 648
        [6] -> line 649
        [10] -> line 651
        [16] -> line 652
        [23] -> line 655
        [31] -> line 656
        [35] -> line 657
        [41] -> line 660
        [47] -> line 661
        [55] -> line 662
        [72] -> line 663
        [89] -> line 664
        [106] -> line 665
        [123] -> line 667
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 11)
        v0: 0 -> 135 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView; this]
        v1: 0 -> 135 [[I colors]
        v2: 0 -> 135 [F unit]
        v3: 31 -> 135 [F p]
        v4: 35 -> 135 [I i]
        v5: 47 -> 135 [I c0]
        v6: 55 -> 135 [I c1]
        v7: 72 -> 135 [I a]
        v8: 89 -> 135 [I r]
        v9: 106 -> 135 [I g]
        v10: 123 -> 135 [I b]
  + Method:       ptInRect(IILandroid/graphics/Rect;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean ptInRect(int,int,
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 36, locals = 4, stack = 2):
      [0] iload_1 v1
      [1] aload_3 v3
      [2] getfield #67
        + Fieldref [android/graphics/Rect.left I]
      [5] ificmple +29 (target=34)
      [8] iload_1 v1
      [9] aload_3 v3
      [10] getfield #68
        + Fieldref [android/graphics/Rect.right I]
      [13] ificmpge +21 (target=34)
      [16] iload_2 v2
      [17] aload_3 v3
      [18] getfield #69
        + Fieldref [android/graphics/ I]
      [21] ificmple +13 (target=34)
      [24] iload_2 v2
      [25] aload_3 v3
      [26] getfield #66
        + Fieldref [android/graphics/Rect.bottom I]
      [29] ificmpge +5 (target=34)
      [32] iconst_1
      [33] ireturn
      [34] iconst_0
      [35] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 678
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 36 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView; this]
        v1: 0 -> 36 [I x]
        v2: 0 -> 36 [I y]
        v3: 0 -> 36 [Landroid/graphics/Rect; r]
  + Method:       dispatchTrackballEvent(Landroid/view/MotionEvent;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean dispatchTrackballEvent(android.view.MotionEvent)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 140, locals = 5, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] invokevirtual #159
        + Methodref [android/view/MotionEvent.getX ()F]
      [4] fstore_2 v2
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] invokevirtual #160
        + Methodref [android/view/MotionEvent.getY ()F]
      [9] fstore_3 v3
      [10] aload_1 v1
      [11] invokevirtual #158
        + Methodref [android/view/MotionEvent.getHistorySize ()I]
      [14] iconst_1
      [15] iadd
      [16] istore v4
      [18] aload_1 v1
      [19] invokevirtual #157
        + Methodref [android/view/MotionEvent.getAction ()I]
      [22] tableswitch (3 offsets, default=116) (target=138)
        0: offset = 26, target = 48
        1: offset = 116, target = 138
        2: offset = 29, target = 51
        default: offset = 116, target = 138
      [48] goto +90 (target=138)
      [51] aload_0 v0
      [52] getfield #94
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mMethod I]
      [55] tableswitch (1 offsets, default=80) (target=135)
        0: offset = 17, target = 72
        default: offset = 80, target = 135
      [72] aload_0 v0
      [73] getfield #86
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mFocusedControl I]
      [76] ifne +14 (target=90)
      [79] aload_0 v0
      [80] fload_2 v2
      [81] fload_3 v3
      [82] iload v4
      [84] invokespecial #178
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.changeHSPalette (FFI)V]
      [87] goto +51 (target=138)
      [90] aload_0 v0
      [91] getfield #86
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mFocusedControl I]
      [94] iconst_1
      [95] ificmpne +43 (target=138)
      [98] fload_3 v3
      [99] fconst_0
      [100] fcmpg
      [101] ifge +17 (target=118)
      [104] aload_0 v0
      [105] aload_0 v0
      [106] getfield #86
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mFocusedControl I]
      [109] iconst_1
      [110] iload v4
      [112] invokespecial #179
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.changeSlider (IZI)V]
      [115] goto +23 (target=138)
      [118] fload_3 v3
      [119] fconst_0
      [120] fcmpl
      [121] ifle +17 (target=138)
      [124] aload_0 v0
      [125] aload_0 v0
      [126] getfield #86
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mFocusedControl I]
      [129] iconst_0
      [130] iload v4
      [132] invokespecial #179
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.changeSlider (IZI)V]
      [135] goto +3 (target=138)
      [138] iconst_1
      [139] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 15)
        [0] -> line 686
        [5] -> line 687
        [10] -> line 691
        [18] -> line 693
        [48] -> line 696
        [51] -> line 701
        [72] -> line 703
        [79] -> line 704
        [90] -> line 706
        [98] -> line 707
        [104] -> line 708
        [118] -> line 709
        [124] -> line 710
        [135] -> line 715
        [138] -> line 721
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 5)
        v0: 0 -> 140 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView; this]
        v1: 0 -> 140 [Landroid/view/MotionEvent; event]
        v2: 5 -> 140 [F x]
        v3: 10 -> 140 [F y]
        v4: 18 -> 140 [I jump]
  + Method:       changeHSPalette(FFI)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void changeHSPalette(float,float,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 370, locals = 11, stack = 7):
      [0] iconst_0
      [1] istore v4
      [3] iconst_0
      [4] istore v5
      [6] fload_1 v1
      [7] fconst_0
      [8] fcmpg
      [9] ifge +10 (target=19)
      [12] iload_3 v3
      [13] ineg
      [14] istore v4
      [16] goto +12 (target=28)
      [19] fload_1 v1
      [20] fconst_0
      [21] fcmpl
      [22] ifle +6 (target=28)
      [25] iload_3 v3
      [26] istore v4
      [28] fload_2 v2
      [29] fconst_0
      [30] fcmpg
      [31] ifge +10 (target=41)
      [34] iload_3 v3
      [35] ineg
      [36] istore v5
      [38] goto +12 (target=50)
      [41] fload_2 v2
      [42] fconst_0
      [43] fcmpl
      [44] ifle +6 (target=50)
      [47] iload_3 v3
      [48] istore v5
      [50] aload_0 v0
      [51] getfield #85
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mCoord [I]
      [54] iconst_0
      [55] dup2
      [56] iaload
      [57] iload v4
      [59] iadd
      [60] iastore
      [61] aload_0 v0
      [62] getfield #85
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mCoord [I]
      [65] iconst_1
      [66] dup2
      [67] iaload
      [68] iload v5
      [70] iadd
      [71] iastore
      [72] aload_0 v0
      [73] getfield #85
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mCoord [I]
      [76] iconst_0
      [77] iaload
      [78] getstatic #77
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_RADIUS I]
      [81] ineg
      [82] ificmpge +16 (target=98)
      [85] aload_0 v0
      [86] getfield #85
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mCoord [I]
      [89] iconst_0
      [90] getstatic #77
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_RADIUS I]
      [93] ineg
      [94] iastore
      [95] goto +24 (target=119)
      [98] aload_0 v0
      [99] getfield #85
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mCoord [I]
      [102] iconst_0
      [103] iaload
      [104] getstatic #77
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_RADIUS I]
      [107] ificmple +12 (target=119)
      [110] aload_0 v0
      [111] getfield #85
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mCoord [I]
      [114] iconst_0
      [115] getstatic #77
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_RADIUS I]
      [118] iastore
      [119] aload_0 v0
      [120] getfield #85
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mCoord [I]
      [123] iconst_1
      [124] iaload
      [125] getstatic #77
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_RADIUS I]
      [128] ineg
      [129] ificmpge +16 (target=145)
      [132] aload_0 v0
      [133] getfield #85
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mCoord [I]
      [136] iconst_1
      [137] getstatic #77
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_RADIUS I]
      [140] ineg
      [141] iastore
      [142] goto +24 (target=166)
      [145] aload_0 v0
      [146] getfield #85
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mCoord [I]
      [149] iconst_1
      [150] iaload
      [151] getstatic #77
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_RADIUS I]
      [154] ificmple +12 (target=166)
      [157] aload_0 v0
      [158] getfield #85
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mCoord [I]
      [161] iconst_1
      [162] getstatic #77
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_RADIUS I]
      [165] iastore
      [166] aload_0 v0
      [167] getfield #85
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mCoord [I]
      [170] iconst_0
      [171] iaload
      [172] aload_0 v0
      [173] getfield #85
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mCoord [I]
      [176] iconst_0
      [177] iaload
      [178] imul
      [179] aload_0 v0
      [180] getfield #85
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mCoord [I]
      [183] iconst_1
      [184] iaload
      [185] aload_0 v0
      [186] getfield #85
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mCoord [I]
      [189] iconst_1
      [190] iaload
      [191] imul
      [192] iadd
      [193] i2d
      [194] invokestatic #169
        + Methodref [java/lang/Math.sqrt (D)D]
      [197] d2f
      [198] fstore v6
      [200] fload v6
      [202] getstatic #77
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_RADIUS I]
      [205] i2f
      [206] fcmpl
      [207] ifle +9 (target=216)
      [210] getstatic #77
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_RADIUS I]
      [213] i2f
      [214] fstore v6
      [216] aload_0 v0
      [217] getfield #85
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mCoord [I]
      [220] iconst_1
      [221] iaload
      [222] i2d
      [223] aload_0 v0
      [224] getfield #85
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mCoord [I]
      [227] iconst_0
      [228] iaload
      [229] i2d
      [230] invokestatic #164
        + Methodref [java/lang/Math.atan2 (DD)D]
      [233] d2f
      [234] fstore v7
      [236] fload v7
      [238] ldc #9
        + Float [6.2831855]
      [240] fdiv
      [241] fstore v8
      [243] fload v8
      [245] fconst_0
      [246] fcmpg
      [247] ifge +9 (target=256)
      [250] fload v8
      [252] fconst_1
      [253] fadd
      [254] fstore v8
      [256] aload_0 v0
      [257] getfield #85
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mCoord [I]
      [260] iconst_0
      [261] aload_0 v0
      [262] fload v7
      [264] f2d
      [265] invokestatic #165
        + Methodref [java/lang/Math.cos (D)D]
      [268] fload v6
      [270] f2d
      [271] dmul
      [272] invokespecial #194
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.round (D)I]
      [275] iastore
      [276] aload_0 v0
      [277] getfield #85
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mCoord [I]
      [280] iconst_1
      [281] aload_0 v0
      [282] fload v7
      [284] f2d
      [285] invokestatic #168
        + Methodref [java/lang/Math.sin (D)D]
      [288] fload v6
      [290] f2d
      [291] dmul
      [292] invokespecial #194
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.round (D)I]
      [295] iastore
      [296] aload_0 v0
      [297] aload_0 v0
      [298] getfield #104
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mSpectrumColorsRev [I]
      [301] fload v8
      [303] invokespecial #186
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.interpColor ([IF)I]
      [306] istore v9
      [308] iconst_3
      [309] newarray 6
      [311] astore v10
      [313] iload v9
      [315] aload v10
      [317] invokestatic #128
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Color.colorToHSV (I[F)V]
      [320] aload_0 v0
      [321] getfield #87
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHSV [F]
      [324] iconst_0
      [325] aload v10
      [327] iconst_0
      [328] faload
      [329] fastore
      [330] aload_0 v0
      [331] getfield #87
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHSV [F]
      [334] iconst_1
      [335] fload v6
      [337] getstatic #77
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_RADIUS I]
      [340] i2f
      [341] fdiv
      [342] fastore
      [343] aload_0 v0
      [344] invokespecial #199
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.updateAllFromHSV ()V]
      [347] aload_0 v0
      [348] getfield #105
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mSwatchNew Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [351] aload_0 v0
      [352] getfield #87
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHSV [F]
      [355] invokestatic #124
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Color.HSVToColor ([F)I]
      [358] invokevirtual #138
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setColor (I)V]
      [361] aload_0 v0
      [362] invokespecial #198
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.setVerValSlider ()V]
      [365] aload_0 v0
      [366] invokevirtual #187
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.invalidate ()V]
      [369] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 38)
        [0] -> line 734
        [6] -> line 735
        [12] -> line 736
        [19] -> line 737
        [25] -> line 738
        [28] -> line 739
        [34] -> line 740
        [41] -> line 741
        [47] -> line 742
        [50] -> line 744
        [61] -> line 745
        [72] -> line 747
        [85] -> line 748
        [98] -> line 749
        [110] -> line 750
        [119] -> line 751
        [132] -> line 752
        [145] -> line 753
        [157] -> line 754
        [166] -> line 756
        [200] -> line 757
        [210] -> line 758
        [216] -> line 760
        [236] -> line 762
        [243] -> line 763
        [250] -> line 764
        [256] -> line 767
        [276] -> line 768
        [296] -> line 770
        [308] -> line 771
        [313] -> line 772
        [320] -> line 773
        [330] -> line 774
        [343] -> line 775
        [347] -> line 776
        [361] -> line 778
        [365] -> line 780
        [369] -> line 781
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 11)
        v0: 0 -> 370 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView; this]
        v1: 0 -> 370 [F x]
        v2: 0 -> 370 [F y]
        v3: 0 -> 370 [I jump]
        v4: 3 -> 370 [I x2]
        v5: 6 -> 370 [I y2]
        v6: 200 -> 370 [F radius]
        v7: 236 -> 370 [F angle]
        v8: 243 -> 370 [F unit]
        v9: 308 -> 370 [I c]
        v10: 313 -> 370 [[F hsv]
  + Method:       changeSlider(IZI)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void changeSlider(int,boolean,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 95, locals = 4, stack = 5):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #94
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mMethod I]
      [4] ifne +90 (target=94)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #87
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHSV [F]
      [11] iconst_2
      [12] dup2
      [13] faload
      [14] iload_2 v2
      [15] ifeq +7 (target=22)
      [18] iload_3 v3
      [19] goto +5 (target=24)
      [22] iload_3 v3
      [23] ineg
      [24] i2f
      [25] ldc #14
        + Float [256.0]
      [27] fdiv
      [28] fadd
      [29] fastore
      [30] aload_0 v0
      [31] getfield #87
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHSV [F]
      [34] iconst_2
      [35] aload_0 v0
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] getfield #87
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHSV [F]
      [40] iconst_2
      [41] faload
      [42] invokespecial #192
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.pinToUnit (F)F]
      [45] fastore
      [46] aload_0 v0
      [47] invokespecial #199
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.updateAllFromHSV ()V]
      [50] aload_0 v0
      [51] getfield #85
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mCoord [I]
      [54] iconst_2
      [55] getstatic #74
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_DIM I]
      [58] aload_0 v0
      [59] getfield #87
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHSV [F]
      [62] iconst_2
      [63] faload
      [64] getstatic #74
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_DIM I]
      [67] i2f
      [68] fmul
      [69] f2i
      [70] isub
      [71] iastore
      [72] aload_0 v0
      [73] getfield #105
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mSwatchNew Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [76] aload_0 v0
      [77] getfield #87
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHSV [F]
      [80] invokestatic #124
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Color.HSVToColor ([F)I]
      [83] invokevirtual #138
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setColor (I)V]
      [86] aload_0 v0
      [87] invokespecial #197
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.setOvalValDimmer ()V]
      [90] aload_0 v0
      [91] invokevirtual #187
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.invalidate ()V]
      [94] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 9)
        [0] -> line 794
        [7] -> line 797
        [30] -> line 798
        [46] -> line 799
        [50] -> line 800
        [72] -> line 802
        [86] -> line 804
        [90] -> line 806
        [94] -> line 808
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 95 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView; this]
        v1: 0 -> 95 [I slider]
        v2: 0 -> 95 [Z increase]
        v3: 0 -> 95 [I jump]
  + Method:       updateRGBfromHSV()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void updateRGBfromHSV()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 39, locals = 2, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #87
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHSV [F]
      [4] invokestatic #124
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Color.HSVToColor ([F)I]
      [7] istore_1 v1
      [8] aload_0 v0
      [9] getfield #102
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mRGB [I]
      [12] iconst_0
      [13] iload_1 v1
      [14] invokestatic #130
        + Methodref [android/graphics/ (I)I]
      [17] iastore
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] getfield #102
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mRGB [I]
      [22] iconst_1
      [23] iload_1 v1
      [24] invokestatic #129
        + Methodref [android/graphics/ (I)I]
      [27] iastore
      [28] aload_0 v0
      [29] getfield #102
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mRGB [I]
      [32] iconst_2
      [33] iload_1 v1
      [34] invokestatic #127
        + Methodref [android/graphics/ (I)I]
      [37] iastore
      [38] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 5)
        [0] -> line 814
        [8] -> line 815
        [18] -> line 816
        [28] -> line 817
        [38] -> line 818
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 39 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView; this]
        v1: 8 -> 39 [I color]
  + Method:       updateYUVfromRGB()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void updateYUVfromRGB()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 194, locals = 6, stack = 6):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #102
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mRGB [I]
      [4] iconst_0
      [5] iaload
      [6] i2f
      [7] ldc #13
        + Float [255.0]
      [9] fdiv
      [10] fstore_1 v1
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] getfield #102
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mRGB [I]
      [15] iconst_1
      [16] iaload
      [17] i2f
      [18] ldc #13
        + Float [255.0]
      [20] fdiv
      [21] fstore_2 v2
      [22] aload_0 v0
      [23] getfield #102
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mRGB [I]
      [26] iconst_2
      [27] iaload
      [28] i2f
      [29] ldc #13
        + Float [255.0]
      [31] fdiv
      [32] fstore_3 v3
      [33] new #32
        + Class [android/graphics/ColorMatrix]
      [36] dup
      [37] invokespecial #131
        + Methodref [android/graphics/ColorMatrix.<init> ()V]
      [40] astore v4
      [42] aload v4
      [44] invokevirtual #133
        + Methodref [android/graphics/ColorMatrix.setRGB2YUV ()V]
      [47] aload v4
      [49] invokevirtual #132
        + Methodref [android/graphics/ColorMatrix.getArray ()[F]
      [52] astore v5
      [54] aload_0 v0
      [55] getfield #113
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mYUV [F]
      [58] iconst_0
      [59] aload v5
      [61] iconst_0
      [62] faload
      [63] fload_1 v1
      [64] fmul
      [65] aload v5
      [67] iconst_1
      [68] faload
      [69] fload_2 v2
      [70] fmul
      [71] fadd
      [72] aload v5
      [74] iconst_2
      [75] faload
      [76] fload_3 v3
      [77] fmul
      [78] fadd
      [79] fastore
      [80] aload_0 v0
      [81] getfield #113
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mYUV [F]
      [84] iconst_0
      [85] aload_0 v0
      [86] aload_0 v0
      [87] getfield #113
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mYUV [F]
      [90] iconst_0
      [91] faload
      [92] invokespecial #192
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.pinToUnit (F)F]
      [95] fastore
      [96] aload_0 v0
      [97] getfield #113
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mYUV [F]
      [100] iconst_1
      [101] aload v5
      [103] iconst_5
      [104] faload
      [105] fload_1 v1
      [106] fmul
      [107] aload v5
      [109] bipush 6
      [111] faload
      [112] fload_2 v2
      [113] fmul
      [114] fadd
      [115] aload v5
      [117] bipush 7
      [119] faload
      [120] fload_3 v3
      [121] fmul
      [122] fadd
      [123] fastore
      [124] aload_0 v0
      [125] getfield #113
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mYUV [F]
      [128] iconst_1
      [129] aload_0 v0
      [130] aload_0 v0
      [131] getfield #113
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mYUV [F]
      [134] iconst_1
      [135] faload
      [136] ldc #7
        + Float [-0.5]
      [138] ldc #8
        + Float [0.5]
      [140] invokespecial #191
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ (FFF)F]
      [143] fastore
      [144] aload_0 v0
      [145] getfield #113
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mYUV [F]
      [148] iconst_2
      [149] aload v5
      [151] bipush 10
      [153] faload
      [154] fload_1 v1
      [155] fmul
      [156] aload v5
      [158] bipush 11
      [160] faload
      [161] fload_2 v2
      [162] fmul
      [163] fadd
      [164] aload v5
      [166] bipush 12
      [168] faload
      [169] fload_3 v3
      [170] fmul
      [171] fadd
      [172] fastore
      [173] aload_0 v0
      [174] getfield #113
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mYUV [F]
      [177] iconst_2
      [178] aload_0 v0
      [179] aload_0 v0
      [180] getfield #113
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mYUV [F]
      [183] iconst_2
      [184] faload
      [185] ldc #7
        + Float [-0.5]
      [187] ldc #8
        + Float [0.5]
      [189] invokespecial #191
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ (FFF)F]
      [192] fastore
      [193] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 13)
        [0] -> line 824
        [11] -> line 825
        [22] -> line 826
        [33] -> line 828
        [42] -> line 829
        [47] -> line 830
        [54] -> line 832
        [80] -> line 833
        [96] -> line 834
        [124] -> line 835
        [144] -> line 836
        [173] -> line 837
        [193] -> line 838
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 6)
        v0: 0 -> 194 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView; this]
        v1: 11 -> 194 [F r]
        v2: 22 -> 194 [F g]
        v3: 33 -> 194 [F b]
        v4: 42 -> 194 [Landroid/graphics/ColorMatrix; cm]
        v5: 54 -> 194 [[F a]
  + Method:       updateHexFromHSV()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void updateHexFromHSV()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 37, locals = 1, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_0 v0
      [2] getfield #87
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHSV [F]
      [5] invokestatic #124
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Color.HSVToColor ([F)I]
      [8] invokestatic #162
        + Methodref [java/lang/Integer.toHexString (I)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [11] invokevirtual #172
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.toUpperCase ()Ljava/lang/String;]
      [14] putfield #89
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHexStr Ljava/lang/String;]
      [17] aload_0 v0
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] getfield #89
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHexStr Ljava/lang/String;]
      [22] iconst_2
      [23] aload_0 v0
      [24] getfield #89
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHexStr Ljava/lang/String;]
      [27] invokevirtual #170
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.length ()I]
      [30] invokevirtual #171
        + Methodref [java/lang/String.substring (II)Ljava/lang/String;]
      [33] putfield #89
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHexStr Ljava/lang/String;]
      [36] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 845
        [17] -> line 846
        [36] -> line 847
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 37 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView; this]
  + Method:       updateAllFromHSV()V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void updateAllFromHSV()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 41, locals = 1, stack = 1):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] getfield #103
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mRGBenabled Z]
      [4] ifne +10 (target=14)
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] getfield #114
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mYUVenabled Z]
      [11] ifeq +7 (target=18)
      [14] aload_0 v0
      [15] invokespecial #201
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.updateRGBfromHSV ()V]
      [18] aload_0 v0
      [19] getfield #114
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mYUVenabled Z]
      [22] ifeq +7 (target=29)
      [25] aload_0 v0
      [26] invokespecial #202
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.updateYUVfromRGB ()V]
      [29] aload_0 v0
      [30] getfield #103
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mRGBenabled Z]
      [33] ifeq +7 (target=40)
      [36] aload_0 v0
      [37] invokespecial #200
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.updateHexFromHSV ()V]
      [40] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 7)
        [0] -> line 854
        [14] -> line 855
        [18] -> line 858
        [25] -> line 859
        [29] -> line 862
        [36] -> line 863
        [40] -> line 864
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 1)
        v0: 0 -> 41 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView; this]
  + Method:       onTouchEvent(Landroid/view/MotionEvent;)Z
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public boolean onTouchEvent(android.view.MotionEvent)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 605, locals = 16, stack = 7):
      [0] aload_1 v1
      [1] invokevirtual #159
        + Methodref [android/view/MotionEvent.getX ()F]
      [4] fstore_2 v2
      [5] aload_1 v1
      [6] invokevirtual #160
        + Methodref [android/view/MotionEvent.getY ()F]
      [9] fstore_3 v3
      [10] aload_0 v0
      [11] aload_0 v0
      [12] fload_3 v3
      [13] getstatic #76
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_POS_Y I]
      [16] i2f
      [17] fsub
      [18] f2d
      [19] invokespecial #194
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.round (D)I]
      [22] i2f
      [23] getstatic #74
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_DIM I]
      [26] i2f
      [27] invokespecial #190
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ (FF)F]
      [30] f2i
      [31] istore v4
      [33] fload_2 v2
      [34] getstatic #75
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_POS_X I]
      [37] i2f
      [38] fsub
      [39] getstatic #72
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_CENTER_X I]
      [42] i2f
      [43] fsub
      [44] fstore v5
      [46] fload_3 v3
      [47] getstatic #76
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_POS_Y I]
      [50] i2f
      [51] fsub
      [52] getstatic #73
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_CENTER_Y I]
      [55] i2f
      [56] fsub
      [57] fstore v6
      [59] aload_0 v0
      [60] aload_0 v0
      [61] fload_2 v2
      [62] f2d
      [63] invokespecial #194
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.round (D)I]
      [66] aload_0 v0
      [67] fload_3 v3
      [68] f2d
      [69] invokespecial #194
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.round (D)I]
      [72] aload_0 v0
      [73] getfield #96
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mOldSwatchRect Landroid/graphics/Rect;]
      [76] invokevirtual #193
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.ptInRect (IILandroid/graphics/Rect;)Z]
      [79] istore v7
      [81] aload_0 v0
      [82] aload_0 v0
      [83] fload_2 v2
      [84] f2d
      [85] invokespecial #194
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.round (D)I]
      [88] aload_0 v0
      [89] fload_3 v3
      [90] f2d
      [91] invokespecial #194
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.round (D)I]
      [94] aload_0 v0
      [95] getfield #95
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mNewSwatchRect Landroid/graphics/Rect;]
      [98] invokevirtual #193
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.ptInRect (IILandroid/graphics/Rect;)Z]
      [101] istore v8
      [103] fload v5
      [105] fload v5
      [107] fmul
      [108] fload v6
      [110] fload v6
      [112] fmul
      [113] fadd
      [114] f2d
      [115] invokestatic #169
        + Methodref [java/lang/Math.sqrt (D)D]
      [118] d2f
      [119] fstore v9
      [121] fload v9
      [123] getstatic #77
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_RADIUS I]
      [126] i2f
      [127] fcmpg
      [128] ifgt +7 (target=135)
      [131] iconst_1
      [132] goto +4 (target=136)
      [135] iconst_0
      [136] istore v10
      [138] fload v9
      [140] getstatic #77
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_RADIUS I]
      [143] i2f
      [144] fcmpl
      [145] ifle +9 (target=154)
      [148] getstatic #77
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_RADIUS I]
      [151] i2f
      [152] fstore v9
      [154] aload_0 v0
      [155] aload_0 v0
      [156] fload_2 v2
      [157] f2d
      [158] invokespecial #194
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.round (D)I]
      [161] aload_0 v0
      [162] fload_3 v3
      [163] f2d
      [164] invokespecial #194
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.round (D)I]
      [167] aload_0 v0
      [168] getfield #112
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mVerSliderRect Landroid/graphics/Rect;]
      [171] invokevirtual #193
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.ptInRect (IILandroid/graphics/Rect;)Z]
      [174] istore v11
      [176] aload_1 v1
      [177] invokevirtual #157
        + Methodref [android/view/MotionEvent.getAction ()I]
      [180] tableswitch (3 offsets, default=423) (target=603)
        0: offset = 28, target = 208
        1: offset = 337, target = 517
        2: offset = 103, target = 283
        default: offset = 423, target = 603
      [208] aload_0 v0
      [209] iconst_m1
      [210] putfield #108
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mTracking I]
      [213] iload v7
      [215] ifeq +12 (target=227)
      [218] aload_0 v0
      [219] bipush 10
      [221] putfield #108
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mTracking I]
      [224] goto +59 (target=283)
      [227] iload v8
      [229] ifeq +12 (target=241)
      [232] aload_0 v0
      [233] bipush 11
      [235] putfield #108
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mTracking I]
      [238] goto +45 (target=283)
      [241] aload_0 v0
      [242] getfield #94
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mMethod I]
      [245] ifne +38 (target=283)
      [248] iload v10
      [250] ifeq +17 (target=267)
      [253] aload_0 v0
      [254] bipush 30
      [256] putfield #108
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mTracking I]
      [259] aload_0 v0
      [260] iconst_0
      [261] putfield #86
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mFocusedControl I]
      [264] goto +19 (target=283)
      [267] iload v11
      [269] ifeq +14 (target=283)
      [272] aload_0 v0
      [273] bipush 31
      [275] putfield #108
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mTracking I]
      [278] aload_0 v0
      [279] iconst_1
      [280] putfield #86
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mFocusedControl I]
      [283] aload_0 v0
      [284] getfield #108
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mTracking I]
      [287] bipush 30
      [289] ificmpne +151 (target=440)
      [292] fload v6
      [294] f2d
      [295] fload v5
      [297] f2d
      [298] invokestatic #164
        + Methodref [java/lang/Math.atan2 (DD)D]
      [301] d2f
      [302] fstore v12
      [304] fload v12
      [306] ldc #9
        + Float [6.2831855]
      [308] fdiv
      [309] fstore v13
      [311] fload v13
      [313] fconst_0
      [314] fcmpg
      [315] ifge +9 (target=324)
      [318] fload v13
      [320] fconst_1
      [321] fadd
      [322] fstore v13
      [324] aload_0 v0
      [325] getfield #85
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mCoord [I]
      [328] iconst_0
      [329] aload_0 v0
      [330] fload v12
      [332] f2d
      [333] invokestatic #165
        + Methodref [java/lang/Math.cos (D)D]
      [336] fload v9
      [338] f2d
      [339] dmul
      [340] invokespecial #194
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.round (D)I]
      [343] iastore
      [344] aload_0 v0
      [345] getfield #85
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mCoord [I]
      [348] iconst_1
      [349] aload_0 v0
      [350] fload v12
      [352] f2d
      [353] invokestatic #168
        + Methodref [java/lang/Math.sin (D)D]
      [356] fload v9
      [358] f2d
      [359] dmul
      [360] invokespecial #194
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.round (D)I]
      [363] iastore
      [364] aload_0 v0
      [365] aload_0 v0
      [366] getfield #104
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mSpectrumColorsRev [I]
      [369] fload v13
      [371] invokespecial #186
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.interpColor ([IF)I]
      [374] istore v14
      [376] iconst_3
      [377] newarray 6
      [379] astore v15
      [381] iload v14
      [383] aload v15
      [385] invokestatic #128
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Color.colorToHSV (I[F)V]
      [388] aload_0 v0
      [389] getfield #87
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHSV [F]
      [392] iconst_0
      [393] aload v15
      [395] iconst_0
      [396] faload
      [397] fastore
      [398] aload_0 v0
      [399] getfield #87
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHSV [F]
      [402] iconst_1
      [403] fload v9
      [405] getstatic #77
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_RADIUS I]
      [408] i2f
      [409] fdiv
      [410] fastore
      [411] aload_0 v0
      [412] invokespecial #199
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.updateAllFromHSV ()V]
      [415] aload_0 v0
      [416] getfield #105
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mSwatchNew Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [419] aload_0 v0
      [420] getfield #87
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHSV [F]
      [423] invokestatic #124
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Color.HSVToColor ([F)I]
      [426] invokevirtual #138
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setColor (I)V]
      [429] aload_0 v0
      [430] invokespecial #198
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.setVerValSlider ()V]
      [433] aload_0 v0
      [434] invokevirtual #187
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.invalidate ()V]
      [437] goto +166 (target=603)
      [440] aload_0 v0
      [441] getfield #108
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mTracking I]
      [444] bipush 31
      [446] ificmpne +157 (target=603)
      [449] aload_0 v0
      [450] getfield #85
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mCoord [I]
      [453] iconst_2
      [454] iaload
      [455] iload v4
      [457] ificmpeq +146 (target=603)
      [460] aload_0 v0
      [461] getfield #85
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mCoord [I]
      [464] iconst_2
      [465] iload v4
      [467] iastore
      [468] fconst_1
      [469] iload v4
      [471] i2f
      [472] getstatic #74
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.PALETTE_DIM I]
      [475] i2f
      [476] fdiv
      [477] fsub
      [478] fstore v12
      [480] aload_0 v0
      [481] getfield #87
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHSV [F]
      [484] iconst_2
      [485] fload v12
      [487] fastore
      [488] aload_0 v0
      [489] invokespecial #199
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.updateAllFromHSV ()V]
      [492] aload_0 v0
      [493] getfield #105
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mSwatchNew Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [496] aload_0 v0
      [497] getfield #87
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHSV [F]
      [500] invokestatic #124
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Color.HSVToColor ([F)I]
      [503] invokevirtual #138
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setColor (I)V]
      [506] aload_0 v0
      [507] invokespecial #197
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.setOvalValDimmer ()V]
      [510] aload_0 v0
      [511] invokevirtual #187
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.invalidate ()V]
      [514] goto +89 (target=603)
      [517] aload_0 v0
      [518] getfield #108
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mTracking I]
      [521] bipush 10
      [523] ificmpne +41 (target=564)
      [526] iload v7
      [528] ifeq +36 (target=564)
      [531] aload_0 v0
      [532] getfield #97
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mOriginalColor I]
      [535] aload_0 v0
      [536] getfield #87
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mHSV [F]
      [539] invokestatic #128
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Color.colorToHSV (I[F)V]
      [542] aload_0 v0
      [543] getfield #105
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mSwatchNew Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [546] aload_0 v0
      [547] getfield #97
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mOriginalColor I]
      [550] invokevirtual #138
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.setColor (I)V]
      [553] aload_0 v0
      [554] invokespecial #185
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.initUI ()V]
      [557] aload_0 v0
      [558] invokevirtual #187
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.invalidate ()V]
      [561] goto +37 (target=598)
      [564] aload_0 v0
      [565] getfield #108
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mTracking I]
      [568] bipush 11
      [570] ificmpne +28 (target=598)
      [573] iload v8
      [575] ifeq +23 (target=598)
      [578] aload_0 v0
      [579] getfield #93
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mListener Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener;]
      [582] aload_0 v0
      [583] getfield #105
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mSwatchNew Landroid/graphics/Paint;]
      [586] invokevirtual #136
        + Methodref [android/graphics/Paint.getColor ()I]
      [589] invokeinterface #204
        + InterfaceMethodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener.colorChanged (I)V]
      [594] aload_0 v0
      [595] invokevirtual #187
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.invalidate ()V]
      [598] aload_0 v0
      [599] iconst_m1
      [600] putfield #108
        + Fieldref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView.mTracking I]
      [603] iconst_1
      [604] ireturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 61)
        [0] -> line 871
        [5] -> line 872
        [10] -> line 875
        [33] -> line 878
        [46] -> line 879
        [59] -> line 882
        [81] -> line 883
        [103] -> line 886
        [121] -> line 889
        [138] -> line 892
        [148] -> line 893
        [154] -> line 896
        [176] -> line 898
        [208] -> line 900
        [213] -> line 902
        [218] -> line 903
        [227] -> line 904
        [232] -> line 905
        [241] -> line 909
        [248] -> line 910
        [253] -> line 911
        [259] -> line 912
        [267] -> line 914
        [272] -> line 915
        [278] -> line 916
        [283] -> line 923
        [292] -> line 924
        [304] -> line 926
        [311] -> line 927
        [318] -> line 928
        [324] -> line 931
        [344] -> line 932
        [364] -> line 934
        [376] -> line 935
        [381] -> line 936
        [388] -> line 937
        [398] -> line 938
        [411] -> line 939
        [415] -> line 940
        [429] -> line 942
        [433] -> line 944
        [440] -> line 946
        [449] -> line 947
        [460] -> line 948
        [468] -> line 949
        [480] -> line 951
        [488] -> line 952
        [492] -> line 953
        [506] -> line 955
        [510] -> line 957
        [514] -> line 960
        [517] -> line 964
        [531] -> line 965
        [542] -> line 966
        [553] -> line 967
        [557] -> line 968
        [564] -> line 970
        [578] -> line 971
        [594] -> line 972
        [598] -> line 975
        [603] -> line 979
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 17)
        v0: 0 -> 605 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView; this]
        v1: 0 -> 605 [Landroid/view/MotionEvent; event]
        v2: 5 -> 605 [F x]
        v3: 10 -> 605 [F y]
        v4: 33 -> 605 [I y2]
        v5: 46 -> 605 [F circlePinnedX]
        v6: 59 -> 605 [F circlePinnedY]
        v7: 81 -> 605 [Z inSwatchOld]
        v8: 103 -> 605 [Z inSwatchNew]
        v9: 121 -> 605 [F radius]
        v10: 138 -> 605 [Z inOvalPalette]
        v11: 176 -> 605 [Z inVerSlider]
        v12: 304 -> 440 [F angle]
        v13: 311 -> 440 [F unit]
        v14: 376 -> 440 [I c]
        v15: 381 -> 440 [[F hsv]
        v12: 480 -> 514 [F value]

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 7)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x4019 = public static final enum 
      + Class [android/graphics/Bitmap$Config]
      + Class [android/graphics/Bitmap]
      + Utf8 [Config]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x4019 = public static final enum 
      + Class [android/graphics/Paint$Style]
      + Class [android/graphics/Paint]
      + Utf8 [Style]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x4019 = public static final enum 
      + Class [android/graphics/PorterDuff$Mode]
      + Class [android/graphics/PorterDuff]
      + Utf8 [Mode]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x4019 = public static final enum 
      + Class [android/graphics/Shader$TileMode]
      + Class [android/graphics/Shader]
      + Utf8 [TileMode]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x4019 = public static final enum 
      + Class [android/graphics/drawable/GradientDrawable$Orientation]
      + Class [android/graphics/drawable/GradientDrawable]
      + Utf8 [Orientation]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0xa = private static 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$ColorPickerView]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog]
      + Utf8 [ColorPickerView]
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog]
      + Utf8 [OnColorChangedListener]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener
  Superclass:    java/lang/Object
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x601
    = public interface com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener extends java.lang.Object

Interfaces (count = 0):

Constant Pool (count = 13):
  + Class [java/lang/Object]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [OnColorChangedListener]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [colorChanged]
  + Utf8 [java/lang/Object]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener]

Fields (count = 0):

Methods (count = 1):
  + Method:       colorChanged(I)V
    Access flags: 0x401
      = public abstract void colorChanged(int)

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog$OnColorChangedListener]
      + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/UberColorPickerDialog]
      + Utf8 [OnColorChangedListener]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []

+ Program class: com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/VolumePreference
  Superclass:    android/preference/DialogPreference
  Major version: 0x31
  Minor version: 0x0
  Access flags:  0x21
    = public class com.five_ten_sg.connectbot.util.VolumePreference extends android.preference.DialogPreference

Interfaces (count = 1):
  + Class [android/widget/SeekBar$OnSeekBarChangeListener]

Constant Pool (count = 83):
  + Float [0.25]
  + Float [100.0]
  + Class [android/preference/DialogPreference]
  + Class [android/widget/SeekBar]
  + Class [android/widget/SeekBar$OnSeekBarChangeListener]
  + Class [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/VolumePreference]
  + Methodref [android/preference/DialogPreference.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/util/AttributeSet;)V]
  + Methodref [android/preference/DialogPreference.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/util/AttributeSet;I)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/SeekBar.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/SeekBar.setMax (I)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/SeekBar.setOnSeekBarChangeListener (Landroid/widget/SeekBar$OnSeekBarChangeListener;)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/SeekBar.setPadding (IIII)V]
  + Methodref [android/widget/SeekBar.setProgress (I)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/VolumePreference.getContext ()Landroid/content/Context;]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/VolumePreference.getPersistedFloat (F)F]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/VolumePreference.persistFloat (F)Z]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/VolumePreference.setPersistent (Z)V]
  + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/VolumePreference.setupLayout (Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/util/AttributeSet;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/util/AttributeSet;)V]
  + NameAndType [<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/util/AttributeSet;I)V]
  + NameAndType [getContext ()Landroid/content/Context;]
  + NameAndType [getPersistedFloat (F)F]
  + NameAndType [persistFloat (F)Z]
  + NameAndType [setMax (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setOnSeekBarChangeListener (Landroid/widget/SeekBar$OnSeekBarChangeListener;)V]
  + NameAndType [setPadding (IIII)V]
  + NameAndType [setPersistent (Z)V]
  + NameAndType [setProgress (I)V]
  + NameAndType [setupLayout (Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/util/AttributeSet;)V]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/content/Context;]
  + Utf8 [()Landroid/view/View;]
  + Utf8 [(F)F]
  + Utf8 [(F)Z]
  + Utf8 [(I)V]
  + Utf8 [(IIII)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/util/AttributeSet;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/util/AttributeSet;I)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/SeekBar$OnSeekBarChangeListener;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/SeekBar;)V]
  + Utf8 [(Landroid/widget/SeekBar;IZ)V]
  + Utf8 [(Z)V]
  + Utf8 [<init>]
  + Utf8 [Code]
  + Utf8 [I]
  + Utf8 [InnerClasses]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/content/Context;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/util/AttributeSet;]
  + Utf8 [Landroid/widget/SeekBar;]
  + Utf8 [LineNumberTable]
  + Utf8 [LocalVariableTable]
  + Utf8 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/VolumePreference;]
  + Utf8 [OnSeekBarChangeListener]
  + Utf8 [SourceFile]
  + Utf8 []
  + Utf8 [Z]
  + Utf8 [android/preference/DialogPreference]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/SeekBar]
  + Utf8 [android/widget/SeekBar$OnSeekBarChangeListener]
  + Utf8 [attrs]
  + Utf8 [context]
  + Utf8 [defStyle]
  + Utf8 [fromUser]
  + Utf8 [getContext]
  + Utf8 [getPersistedFloat]
  + Utf8 [onCreateDialogView]
  + Utf8 [onProgressChanged]
  + Utf8 [onStartTrackingTouch]
  + Utf8 [onStopTrackingTouch]
  + Utf8 [persistFloat]
  + Utf8 [progress]
  + Utf8 [sb]
  + Utf8 [seekBar]
  + Utf8 [setMax]
  + Utf8 [setOnSeekBarChangeListener]
  + Utf8 [setPadding]
  + Utf8 [setPersistent]
  + Utf8 [setProgress]
  + Utf8 [setupLayout]
  + Utf8 [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/VolumePreference]
  + Utf8 [this]

Fields (count = 0):

Methods (count = 7):
  + Method:       <init>(Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/util/AttributeSet;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public VolumePreference(android.content.Context,android.util.AttributeSet)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 13, locals = 3, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] aload_2 v2
      [3] invokespecial #7
        + Methodref [android/preference/DialogPreference.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/util/AttributeSet;)V]
      [6] aload_0 v0
      [7] aload_1 v1
      [8] aload_2 v2
      [9] invokespecial #18
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/VolumePreference.setupLayout (Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/util/AttributeSet;)V]
      [12] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 37
        [6] -> line 39
        [12] -> line 40
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 13 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/VolumePreference; this]
        v1: 0 -> 13 [Landroid/content/Context; context]
        v2: 0 -> 13 [Landroid/util/AttributeSet; attrs]
  + Method:       <init>(Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/util/AttributeSet;I)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public VolumePreference(android.content.Context,android.util.AttributeSet,int)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 14, locals = 4, stack = 4):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] aload_1 v1
      [2] aload_2 v2
      [3] iload_3 v3
      [4] invokespecial #8
        + Methodref [android/preference/DialogPreference.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/util/AttributeSet;I)V]
      [7] aload_0 v0
      [8] aload_1 v1
      [9] aload_2 v2
      [10] invokespecial #18
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/VolumePreference.setupLayout (Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/util/AttributeSet;)V]
      [13] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 3)
        [0] -> line 43
        [7] -> line 45
        [13] -> line 46
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 14 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/VolumePreference; this]
        v1: 0 -> 14 [Landroid/content/Context; context]
        v2: 0 -> 14 [Landroid/util/AttributeSet; attrs]
        v3: 0 -> 14 [I defStyle]
  + Method:       setupLayout(Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/util/AttributeSet;)V
    Access flags: 0x2
      = private void setupLayout(android.content.Context,android.util.AttributeSet)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 6, locals = 3, stack = 2):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iconst_1
      [2] invokevirtual #17
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/VolumePreference.setPersistent (Z)V]
      [5] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 49
        [5] -> line 50
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 3)
        v0: 0 -> 6 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/VolumePreference; this]
        v1: 0 -> 6 [Landroid/content/Context; context]
        v2: 0 -> 6 [Landroid/util/AttributeSet; attrs]
  + Method:       onCreateDialogView()Landroid/view/View;
    Access flags: 0x4
      = protected android.view.View onCreateDialogView()
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 51, locals = 2, stack = 5):
      [0] new #4
        + Class [android/widget/SeekBar]
      [3] dup
      [4] aload_0 v0
      [5] invokevirtual #14
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/VolumePreference.getContext ()Landroid/content/Context;]
      [8] invokespecial #9
        + Methodref [android/widget/SeekBar.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;)V]
      [11] astore_1 v1
      [12] aload_1 v1
      [13] bipush 100
      [15] invokevirtual #10
        + Methodref [android/widget/SeekBar.setMax (I)V]
      [18] aload_1 v1
      [19] aload_0 v0
      [20] ldc #1
        + Float [0.25]
      [22] invokevirtual #15
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/VolumePreference.getPersistedFloat (F)F]
      [25] ldc #2
        + Float [100.0]
      [27] fmul
      [28] f2i
      [29] invokevirtual #13
        + Methodref [android/widget/SeekBar.setProgress (I)V]
      [32] aload_1 v1
      [33] bipush 10
      [35] bipush 10
      [37] bipush 10
      [39] bipush 10
      [41] invokevirtual #12
        + Methodref [android/widget/SeekBar.setPadding (IIII)V]
      [44] aload_1 v1
      [45] aload_0 v0
      [46] invokevirtual #11
        + Methodref [android/widget/SeekBar.setOnSeekBarChangeListener (Landroid/widget/SeekBar$OnSeekBarChangeListener;)V]
      [49] aload_1 v1
      [50] areturn
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 10)
        [0] -> line 54
        [12] -> line 56
        [18] -> line 57
        [20] -> line 58
        [22] -> line 57
        [25] -> line 58
        [29] -> line 57
        [32] -> line 59
        [44] -> line 60
        [49] -> line 62
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 51 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/VolumePreference; this]
        v1: 12 -> 51 [Landroid/widget/SeekBar; sb]
  + Method:       onProgressChanged(Landroid/widget/SeekBar;IZ)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onProgressChanged(android.widget.SeekBar,int,boolean)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 11, locals = 4, stack = 3):
      [0] aload_0 v0
      [1] iload_2 v2
      [2] i2f
      [3] ldc #2
        + Float [100.0]
      [5] fdiv
      [6] invokevirtual #16
        + Methodref [com.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/VolumePreference.persistFloat (F)Z]
      [9] pop
      [10] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 2)
        [0] -> line 66
        [10] -> line 67
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 4)
        v0: 0 -> 11 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/VolumePreference; this]
        v1: 0 -> 11 [Landroid/widget/SeekBar; seekBar]
        v2: 0 -> 11 [I progress]
        v3: 0 -> 11 [Z fromUser]
  + Method:       onStartTrackingTouch(Landroid/widget/SeekBar;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onStartTrackingTouch(android.widget.SeekBar)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 1, locals = 2, stack = 0):
      [0] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 69
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 1 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/VolumePreference; this]
        v1: 0 -> 1 [Landroid/widget/SeekBar; seekBar]
  + Method:       onStopTrackingTouch(Landroid/widget/SeekBar;)V
    Access flags: 0x1
      = public void onStopTrackingTouch(android.widget.SeekBar)
    Class member attributes (count = 1):
    + Code attribute instructions (code length = 1, locals = 2, stack = 0):
      [0] return
      Code attribute exceptions (count = 0):
      Code attribute attributes (attribute count = 2):
      + Line number table attribute (count = 1)
        [0] -> line 71
      + Local variable table attribute (count = 2)
        v0: 0 -> 1 [Lcom.five_ten_sg/connectbot/util/VolumePreference; this]
        v1: 0 -> 1 [Landroid/widget/SeekBar; seekBar]

Class file attributes (count = 2):
  + Inner classes attribute (count = 1)
    + InnerClassesInfo:
      Access flags:  0x609 = public static interface 
      + Class [android/widget/SeekBar$OnSeekBarChangeListener]
      + Class [android/widget/SeekBar]
      + Utf8 [OnSeekBarChangeListener]
  + Source file attribute:
    + Utf8 []