view xml/ @ 457:0199965a71eb

Added tag stable-6-0-72 for changeset 2cf7183a911c
author Carl Byington <>
date Wed, 06 Jun 2018 07:33:44 -0700
parents f2bc221240e8
children 6c1c2bd9fb54
line wrap: on
line source

    <title>@PACKAGE@ Sendmail milter - Version @VERSION@</title>

            The various source and binary packages are available at <ulink
            The most recent documentation is available at <ulink

            A <ulink
            url="">Mercurial</ulink> source
            code repository for this project is available at <ulink

            Bitcoin donations for this project may be sent to
            <ulink url="bitcoin:17n5xJZ9a8csJW2uLeZn7i6jegNKGdLUPJ">bitcoin:17n5xJZ9a8csJW2uLeZn7i6jegNKGdLUPJ</ulink>

    <refentry id="@PACKAGE@.1">
                <affiliation><orgname>510 Software Group</orgname></affiliation>

            <refmiscinfo>@PACKAGE@ @VERSION@</refmiscinfo>

        <refnamediv id='name.1'>
            <refpurpose>a sendmail milter with per-user dnsbl filtering</refpurpose>

        <refsynopsisdiv id='synopsis.1'>
                <arg><option>-d <replaceable class="parameter">n</replaceable></option></arg>
                <arg><option>-e <replaceable class="parameter">from|to</replaceable></option></arg>
                <arg><option>-b <replaceable class="parameter">local-domain-socket</replaceable></option></arg>
                <arg><option>-r <replaceable class="parameter">local-domain-socket</replaceable></option></arg>
                <arg><option>-p <replaceable class="parameter">sendmail-socket</replaceable></option></arg>
                <arg><option>-t <replaceable class="parameter">timeout</replaceable></option></arg>

        <refsect1 id='options.1'>
                        Load the configuration file, print a cannonical form
                        of the configuration on stdout, and exit.
                        Stress test the configuration loading code by repeating
                        the load/free cycle in an infinite loop.
                    <term>-d <replaceable class="parameter">n</replaceable></term>
                        Set the debug level to <replaceable class="parameter">n</replaceable>.
                    <term>-e <replaceable class="parameter">from|to</replaceable></term>
                        Print the results of looking up the from and to addresses in the
                        current configuration. The | character is used to separate the from and to
                        addresses in the argument to the -e switch.
                    <term>-b <replaceable class="parameter">local-domain-socket-file-name</replaceable></term>
                        Set the local socket used for the connection to the dccifd daemon.
                        This is typically /var/dcc/dccifd.
                    <term>-r <replaceable class="parameter">local-domain-socket-file-name</replaceable></term>
                        Set the local socket used for the connection to our own dns resolver processes.
                    <term>-p <replaceable class="parameter">sendmail-socket</replaceable></term>
                        Set the socket used for the milter connection to sendmail. This is either
                        "inet:port@ip-address" or "local:local-domain-socket-file-name".
                    <term>-t <replaceable class="parameter">timeout</replaceable></term>
                        Set the timeout in seconds used for communication with sendmail.

        <refsect1 id='usage.1'>
            <para><command>@PACKAGE@</command> -c</para>
            <para><command>@PACKAGE@</command> -s</para>
            <para><command>@PACKAGE@</command> -e '|localname@mydomain.tld'</para>
            <para><command>@PACKAGE@</command> -d 10 -r resolver.sock -p local:dnsbl.sock</para>

        <refsect1 id='installation.1'>
                This is now a standard GNU autoconf/automake installation, so the normal
                "./configure; make; su; make install" works.  "make chkconfig" will
                setup the init.d runlevel scripts.  Alternatively, you can use the
                source or binary RPMs at <ulink
                Note that this has ONLY been tested on Linux, specifically RedHat Linux.
                In particular, this milter makes no attempt to understand IPv6.  Your
                mileage will vary.  You will need at a minimum a C++ compiler with a
                minimally thread safe STL implementation.  The distribution includes a
                test.cpp program.  If it fails this milter won't work.  If it passes,
                this milter might work.
                Modify your by removing all the "FEATURE(dnsbl" lines, add
                the following line in your and rebuild the .cf file
            <para><screen>INPUT_MAIL_FILTER(`dnsbl', `S=local:/var/run/dnsbl/dnsbl.sock, F=T, T=C:30s;S:5m;R:5m;E:5m')</screen></para>
                Modify the default <citerefentry>
                <refentrytitle>@PACKAGE@.conf</refentrytitle> <manvolnum>5</manvolnum>
                </citerefentry> configuration.

        <refsect1 id='configuration.1'>
                The configuration file is documented in <citerefentry>
                <refentrytitle>@PACKAGE@.conf</refentrytitle> <manvolnum>5</manvolnum>
                </citerefentry>.  Any change to the config file, or any file included
                from that config file, will cause it to be reloaded within three

        <refsect1 id='introduction.1'>
                Consider the case of a mail server that is acting as secondary MX for a
                collection of clients, each of which has a collection of mail domains.
                Each client may use their own collection of DNSBLs on their primary mail
                server.  We present here a mechanism whereby the backup mail server can
                use the correct set of DNSBLs for each recipient for each message.  As a
                side-effect, it gives us the ability to customize the set of DNSBLs on a
                per-recipient basis, so that could use LOCAL and the
                SBL, where all other users use only the SBL.
                This milter can also verify the envelope from/recipient pairs with the
                primary MX server.  This allows the backup mail servers to properly
                reject mail sent to invalid addresses.  Otherwise, the backup mail
                servers will accept that mail, and then generate a bounce message when
                the message is forwarded to the primary server (and rejected there with
                no such user). These rejections are the primary cause of such backscatter.
                This milter will also decode (uuencode, base64, mime, html entity, url
                encodings) and scan for HTTP and HTTPS URLs and bare hostnames in the
                body of the mail.  If any of those host names have A or NS records on
                the SBL (or a single configurable DNSBL), the mail will be rejected
                unless previously whitelisted.  This milter also counts the number of
                invalid HTML tags, and can reject mail if that count exceeds your
                specified limit.
                This milter can also impose hourly and daily rate
                limits on the number of recipients accepted from SMTP
                AUTH connections, that would otherwise be allowed to
                relay thru this mail server with no spam filtering. If
                the connection does not use SMTP AUTH, the rate limits
                may be specified by the mail from email address or
                This milter can also impose hourly and daily limits on the number of
                different ip addresses used for SMTP AUTH connections. If a single
                user is connecting from too many different ip addresses, we presume that
                their authentication credentials have been discovered, and block their
                outgoing mail.
                Consider the case of a message from A to B passing thru this milter.  If
                that message is not blocked, then we might eventually see a reply
                message from B to A. If the filtering context for A includes an
                autowhite entry, and that context does <emphasis>not</emphasis> cover B
                as a recipient, then this milter will add an entry in that file to
                whitelist such replies for a configurable time period.  Suppose A and B
                are in the same domain, or at least use the same filtering context.  In
                that case we don't want to add a whitelist entry for B, since that would
                then allow spammers to send mail from B (forged) to B. Such autowhite
                files need to be writeable by the dnsbl user, where all the other dnsbl
                configuration files only need to be readable by the dnsbl user.
                You can manually add such an autowhite entry, by appending a single
                text line to the autowhitelist file, using something like
                <command>echo "$mail 0" >>$autowhitefile</command>.
                You can manually remove such an autowhite entry, by appending a single
                text line to the autowhitelist file, using something like
                <command>echo "$mail 1" >>$autowhitefile</command>.
                The DNSBL milter reads a text configuration file (dnsbl.conf) on
                startup, and whenever the config file (or any of the referenced include
                files) is changed.  The entire configuration file is case insensitive.
                If the configuration cannot be loaded due to a syntax error, the milter
                will log the error and quit.  If the configuration cannot be reloaded
                after being modified, the milter will log the error and send an email to
                root from dnsbl@$hostname.  You probably want to add dnsbl@$hostname
                to your /etc/mail/virtusertable since otherwise sendmail will reject
                that message.

        <refsect1 id='dcc.1'>
            <title>DCC Issues</title>
                If you are also using the <ulink
                url="">DCC</ulink> milter, there
                are a few considerations.  You may need to whitelist senders from the
                DCC bulk detector, or from the DNS based lists.  Those are two very
                different reasons for whitelisting.  The former is done thru the DCC
                whiteclnt config file, the later is done thru the DNSBL milter config
                You may want to blacklist some specific senders or sending domains.
                This could be done thru either the DCC (on a global basis, or for a
                specific single recipient).  We prefer to do such blacklisting via the
                DNSBL milter config, since it can be done for a collection of recipient
                mail domains.  The DCC approach has the feature that you can capture the
                entire message in the DCC log files.  The DNSBL milter approach has the
                feature that the mail is rejected earlier (at RCPT TO time), and the
                sending machine just gets a generic "550 5.7.1 no such user" message.
                The DCC whiteclnt file can be included in the DNSBL milter config by the
                dcc_to and dcc_from statements.  This will import the (env_to, env_from,
                and substitute mail_host) entries from the DCC config into the DNSBL
                config.  This allows using the DCC config as the single point for
                Consider the case where you have multiple clients, each with their own
                mail servers, and each running their own DCC milters.  Each client is
                using the DCC facilities for envelope from/to white/blacklisting.
                Presumably you can use rsync or scp to fetch copies of your clients DCC
                whiteclnt files on a regular basis.  Your mail server, acting as a
                backup MX for your clients, can use the DNSBL milter, and include those
                client DCC config files.  The envelope from/to white/blacklisting will
                be appropriately tagged and used only for the domains controlled by each
                of those clients.
                You can now use (via dccifd) different dcc filtering parameters on a per
                context basis.  See the dcc_greylist and dcc_bulk_threshold statements
                in the <citerefentry> <refentrytitle>@PACKAGE@.conf</refentrytitle>
                <manvolnum>5</manvolnum> </citerefentry> configuration.  Those
                statements are only active if you supply the <option>-b</option> option
                on the dnsbl command line.  If you use the dcc via the standard dcc
                milter (dccm), then connections from clients that use SMTP AUTH are
                still subject to greylisting.  If you use the dcc via dccifd and this
                milter, then connections from clients that use SMTP AUTH are never
                subject to greylisting. As part of this per-user greylisting, you need
                to move the dnsblnogrey file from the config directory to something
                like /var/dcc/userdirs/dnsblnogrey/whiteclnt so the dccifd will
                properly ignore greylisting for those recipients that don't want it.

        <refsect1 id='definitions.1'>
                CONTEXT - a collection of parameters that defines the filtering context
                to be used for a collection of envelope recipient addresses.  The
                context includes such things as the list of DNSBLs to be used, and the
                various content filtering parameters.
                DNSBL - a named DNS based blocking list is defined by a dns suffix (e.g.
       and a message string that is used to generate the
                "550 5.7.1" smtp error return code.  The names of these DNSBLs will be
                used to define the DNSBL-LISTs.
                DNSBL-LIST - a named list of DNSBLs that will be used for specific
                recipients or recipient domains.
                DNSWL - a named DNS based white list is defined by a dns suffix (e.g.
       and an integer level. If the level is greater than or
                equal to x in the 127.0.z.x return code from the white list, then the
                ip address is considered to match, and the message will be whitelisted.
                The names of these DNSWLs will be used to define the DNSWL-LISTs.
                DNSWL-LIST - a named list of DNSWLs that will be used for specific
                recipients or recipient domains.

        <refsect1 id='filtering.1'>
            <title>Filtering Procedure</title>
                The SMTP envelope 'from' and 'to' values are used in various checks.
                The first check is to see if a reply message (swapping the env_from and
                env_to values) would be unconditionally blocked (just based on the
                envelope from address).  That check is similar to the main check
                described below, but there is no body content to be scanned, and there
                is no client connection ip address to be checked against DNSBLs.  If
                such a reply message would be blocked, we also block the original
                outgoing message.  This prevents folks from sending mail to recipients
                that are unable to reply.
                If the client has authenticated with sendmail, the recipient rate limits
                and connection ip address limits are
                checked.  If the authenticated user has not exceeded the hourly or daily rate
                limits, then the mail is accepted, the filtering contexts are not used,
                the dns lists are not checked, and the body content is not scanned.  These
                rate limits can also be applied to unauthenticated connections, in which case
                the envelope from value is used as the authentication id for lookup purposes.
                the client has not authenticated with sendmail, we follow these steps
                for each recipient.
                    The envelope to email address is used to find an initial filtering
                    context.  We first look for a context that specified the full email
                    address in the env_to statement.  If that is not found, we look for a
                    context that specified the entire domain name of the envelope recipient
                    in the env_to statement.  If that is not found, we look for a context
                    that specified the user@ part of the envelope recipient in the env_to
                    statement.  If that is not found, we use the first top level context
                    defined in the config file.
                    The initial filtering context may redirect to a child context based on
                    the values in the initial context's env_from statement.  We look for [1)
                    the full envelope from email address, 2) the domain name part of the
                    envelope from address, 3) the user@ part of the envelope from address]
                    in that context's env_from statement, with values that point to a child
                    context.  If such an entry is found, we switch to that child filtering
                    We lookup [1) the full envelope from email address, 2) the domain name
                    part of the envelope from address, 3) the user@ part of the envelope
                    from address] in the filtering context env_from statement.  That results
                    in one of (white, black, unknown, inherit).
                    If the answer is black, mail to this recipient is rejected with "no such
                    user", and the dns lists are not checked.
                    If the answer is white, the mail is not from localhost,
                    and the envelope from domain name is
                    listed in the current (or parents) filtering contexts dkim_from with
                    "required_signed" or "unsigned_black", we downgrade this white answer to unknown.
                    If the answer is still white, mail to this recipient is accepted and the dns
                    lists are not checked.
                    If the answer is unknown, we don't reject yet, but the dns lists will be
                    checked, and the content may be scanned.
                    If the answer is inherit, we repeat the envelope from search in the
                    parent context.
                    If the mail has not been accepted or rejected yet, and the filtering
                    context (or any ancestor context) specifies a non-empty whitelist regular
                    expression, then we check the envelope from value against that regex.
                    The mail is accepted if the envelope from value matches the specified regular
                    If the mail has not been accepted or rejected yet, the dns white lists
                    specified in the filtering context are checked and the mail is accepted
                    if any list has an A record for the standard dns based lookup scheme
                    (reversed octets of the client followed by the dns suffix) with a final
                    octet greater than or equal to the level specified for that dnswl.
                    If the mail has not been accepted or rejected yet, the dns black lists
                    specified in the filtering context are checked and the mail is rejected
                    if any list has an A record for the standard dns based lookup scheme
                    (reversed octets of the client followed by the dns suffix).
                    If the mail has not been accepted or rejected yet, and the filtering
                    context (or any ancestor context) requires matching reverse dns client
                    name, the mail is rejected if the client name is empty or forged.
                    If the mail has not been accepted or rejected yet, and the filtering
                    context (or any ancestor context) specifies a non-empty generic regular
                    expression, then we check the fully qualified client name (obtained via
                    the sendmail macro "_").  The mail is rejected if the client name
                    matches the specified regular expression.
                    If the mail has not been accepted or rejected yet, we look for a
                    verification context, which is the closest ancestor of the filtering
                    context that both specifies a verification host, and which covers the
                    envelope to address.  If we find such a verification context, and the
                    verification host is not our own hostname, we open an smtp conversation
                    with that verification host.  The current envelope from and recipient to
                    values are passed to that verification host.  If we receive a 5xy
                    response those commands, we reject the current recipient with "no such
                    If the mail has not been accepted or rejected yet, and the filtering
                    context enables content filtering, and this is the first such recipient
                    in this smtp transaction, we set the content filtering parameters from
                    this context, and enable content filtering for the body of this message.
                For each recipient that was accepted, we search for an autowhite entry
                starting in the reply filtering context. If an autowhite entry is found,
                we add the recipient to that auto whitelist file. This will prevent reply
                messages from being blocked by the dnsbl or content filtering.
                If the mail is from localhost we skip the following dkim checks, since
                such mail will never be dkim signed. This is typically mail that is generated by
                apache forms.
                If content filtering is enabled for this body, we look for dkim_signer
                and dkim_from sections in the current context and parents. We collect the
                signers of this message from the header added by the dkim-milter. If any
                of the message signers are whitelisted, the message is accepted.
                If the header from domain maps to required_signed then:
                If any of the message signers are in that list, or if
                the source ip address passes a strong spf check for the header from
                domain, the message is accepted. Otherwise, the message is rejected.
                If the header from domain maps to signed_white then:
                If any of the message signers are in that list, or if
                the source ip address passes a strong spf check for the header from
                domain, the message is accepted. Otherwise, processing continues.
                If the header from domain maps to signed_black then:
                If any of the message signers are in that list, the message is rejected.
                Otherwise, processing continues.
                If the header from domain maps to unsigned_black then:
                If any of the message signers are in that list, or if
                the source ip address passes a strong spf check for the header from
                domain, processing continues. Otherwise, the message is rejected.
                If any of the message signers are blacklisted, the message is rejected.
                If content filtering is enabled for this body, the mail text is decoded
                (uuencode, base64, mime, html entity, url encodings), and scanned for HTTP
                and HTTPS URLs or bare host names.  Hostnames must be either ip address
                literals, or must end in a string defined by the TLD list.  The first
                &lt;configurable&gt; host names are checked as follows.
                The only known list that is suitable for the content filter DNSBL is the
                SBL.  If the content filter DNSBL is defined, and any of those host
                names resolve to ip addresses that are on that DNSBL (or have
                nameservers that are on that list), and the host name is not on the
                &lt;configurable&gt; ignore list, the mail is rejected.
                If the content uribl DNSBL is defined, and any of those host names are
                on that DNSBL, and the host name is not on the &lt;configurable&gt;
                ignore list, the mail is rejected. There are three lists that are suitable
                here, URIBL, SURBL, and DBL.
                If any non-whitelisted recipient has a filtering context with a non-zero
                spamassassin limit, then the message is passed thru spamassassin (via
                spamc), and the message is rejected for those recipients with spamassassin
                limits less than the resulting spamassassin score. For example, a
                spamassassin limit of three will reject messages with spamassassin scores
                of four or greater. If the filtering context has a spamassassin limit of
                zero, then spamassassin is not called (or if called the results are not used)
                for this recipient.
                If any non-whitelisted recipient has a filtering context that specifies
                DCC greylisting, then the message is passed thru the DCC bulk detector,
                and the message is greylisted (for all recipients) if the DCC says this
                message should be delayed.
                If any non-whitelisted recipient has a filtering context with a non-zero
                DCC bulk threshold, then the message is passed thru the DCC bulk detector,
                and the message is rejected for those recipients with DCC thresholds less
                than or equal to the DCC bulk score.
                We also scan for excessive bad html tags, and if a &lt;configurable&gt;
                limit is exceeded, the mail is rejected.

        <refsect1 id='dmarc.1'>
            <title>DMARC vs dkim_from require_signed</title>
                Note that DNSBL does not implement rfc7489 DMARC. We do not look for
                _dmarc.$DOMAIN txt records.
                The restrictions imposed by require_signed are similar but not
                identical to a DMARC reject policy with strict identifier alignment.
                When doing SPF fallback, DMARC checks SPF based on the rfc5321
                envelope from domain. DNSBL checks SPF based on the rfc5322 header
                from domain.
                DMARC does not allow mail from to be
                signed by - which is a common case. Both Microsoft
                Office365 and Google run mail for customer domains, but use DKIM
                signing domains in and, which are
                unrelated to the customer domain. DMARC in the default relaxed
                alignment mode allows to sign mail from
       DNSBL specifies the exact list of acceptable signing
                domains, rather than inferring it from child/parent relationships, or
                using public
                suffix lists to find the organizational domain.  We can block mail
                from while accepting mail from
      , even if both are DKIM signed by
                Suppose we have:
<literallayout class="monospaced"><![CDATA[
rfc5321 envelope from       =
rfc5322 header from         =
authentication results      = dkim pass txt = "v=DMARC1; p=reject; adkim:s aspf:s"
dkim_from { require_signed;}
                DMARC would fail the strict identifier alignment. DNSBL allows
                us to require DKIM signatures that are unrelated
                to the rfc5322 header from, so we accept this message.
                Suppose we have:
<literallayout class="monospaced"><![CDATA[
rfc5321 envelope from       =
rfc5322 header from         =
authentication results      = dkim pass txt = "v=DMARC1; p=reject; adkim:r aspf:r"
dkim_from { require_signed;}
                DMARC would pass the relaxed spf identifier alignments,
                and would check the spf record. If that
                allowed the source ip, DMARC would accept the message.
                DMARC would not check DKIM since and
                do not pass even the relaxed identifer alignment requirement.
                DNSBL allows us to require DKIM signatures that are not
                related to the rfc5322 header from domain, so we accept
                the message based on the DKIM signature and don't need to
                fall back to SPF.
                Suppose we have:
<literallayout class="monospaced"><![CDATA[
rfc5321 envelope from       =
rfc5322 header from         =
authentication results      = dkim fail txt = "v=DMARC1; p=reject; adkim:r aspf:r" txt        = "v=spf1 ... including the source ip txt        = "v=spf1 ... not including the source ip
dkim_from { require_signed;}
                DNSBL allows us to require DKIM signatures that are not
                related to the rfc5322 header from domain. In this case
                the signature fails, so we fall back to an SPF check.
                We check SPF based on the rfc5322 header from, and
       does not allow the source ip, so we reject
                this message.
                DMARC would accept that message based on the SPF check

        <refsect1 id='access.1'>
            <title>Sendmail access vs. DNSBL</title>
                With the standard dnsbl FEATURE, the dnsbl checks may be
                suppressed by entries in the /etc/mail/access database.  For example,
                suppose you control a /18 of address space, and have allocated some /24s
                to some clients.  You have access entries like
<literallayout class="monospaced"><![CDATA[
192.168.4   OK
192.168.17  OK]]></literallayout>
                to allow those clients to smarthost thru your mail server.  Now if one
                of those clients happens get infected with a virus that turns a machine
                into an open proxy, and their lands on the SBL-XBL, you
                will still wind up allowing that infected machine to smarthost thru your
                mail servers.
                With this DNSBL milter, the sendmail access database cannot override the
                dnsbl checks, so that machine won't be able to send mail to or thru your
                smarthost mail server (unless the virus/proxy can use smtp-auth).
                Using the standard sendmail features, you would add access entries to
                allow hosts on your local network to relay thru your mail server.  Those
                OK entries in the sendmail access database will override all the dnsbl
                checks.  With this DNSBL milter, you will need to have the local users
                authenticate with smtp-auth to get the same effect.  You might find
                these directions</ulink> helpful for setting up smtp-auth if you are on
                RH Linux.

        <refsect1 id='performance.1'>
            <title>Performance Issues</title>
                Consider a high volume high performance machine running sendmail.  Each
                sendmail process can do its own dns resolution.  Typically, such dns
                resolver libraries are not thread safe, and so must be protected by some
                sort of mutex in a threaded environment.  When we add a milter to
                sendmail, we now have a collection of sendmail processes, and a
                collection of milter threads.
                We will be doing a lot of dns lookups per mail message, and at least
                some of those will take many tens of seconds.  If all this dns work is
                serialized inside the milter, we have an upper limit of about 25K mail
                messages per day.  That is clearly not sufficient for many sites.
                Since we want to do parallel dns resolution across those milter threads,
                we add another collection of dns resolver processes.  Each sendmail
                process is talking to a milter thread over a socket, and each milter
                thread is talking to a dns resolver process over another socket.
                Suppose we are processing 20 messages per second, and each message
                requires 20 seconds of dns work.  Then we will have 400 sendmail
                processes, 400 milter threads, and 400 dns resolver processes.  Of
                course that steady state is very unlikely to happen.

        <refsect1 id='rejected.1'>
            <title>Rejected Ideas</title>
                The following ideas have been considered and rejected.
                Add max_recipients setting to the context configuration.  Recipients in
                excess of that limit will be rejected, and all the non-whitelisted
                recipients will be removed.  Current spammers *very* rarely send more
                than ten recipients in a single smtp transaction, so this won't stop any
                significant amount of spam.
                Add poison addresses to the configuration.  If any recipient is
                poison, all recipients are rejected even if they would be whitelisted,
                and the data is rejected if sent.  I have a collection of spam trap
                addresses that would be suitable for such use.  Based on my log files,
                any mail to those spam trap addresses is rejected based on either dnsbl
                lookups or the DCC.  So this won't result in blocking any additional
                Add an option to only allow one recipient if the return path is
                empty.  Based on my log files, there is no mail that violates this
                Reject the mail if the envelope from domain name contains any MX
                records pointing to  I don't see any significant amount of
                spam sent with such domain names.

        <refsect1 id='todo.1'>
                The following ideas are under consideration.
                More complete SPF check.
                Add config switch to require the HELO argument to resolve to an ip address.
                Add white/unknown to config for smtp authenticated connections. Currently
                any authenticated connection is fully whitelisted. The only spam control
                on those connections is rate limiting. This feature would allow content based
                spam controls to be applied even to authenticated connections. Add
                context/authenticated_dnsbl_list and context/content/authenticated.
                Add an optional list of domains to be enforced on the env_from value for
                authenticated connections. User abc could be restricted to envelope from
                values of and, user def could be restricted to envelope from
                values of and
                Look for href="hostname/path" strings that are missing the required
                http:// protocol header. Such references are still clickable in common
                mail software.

        <refsect1 id='copyright.1'>
                Copyright (C) 2012 by 510 Software Group &lt;;
                This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
                under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
                Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any
                later version.
                You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
                with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, please write to the
                Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

        <refsect1 id='version.1'>

    <refentry id="@PACKAGE@.conf.5">
                <affiliation><orgname>510 Software Group</orgname></affiliation>

            <refmiscinfo>@PACKAGE@ @VERSION@</refmiscinfo>

        <refnamediv id='name.5'>
            <refpurpose>configuration file for @PACKAGE@ sendmail milter</refpurpose>

        <refsynopsisdiv id='synopsis.5'>

        <refsect1 id='description.5'>
            <para>The <command>@PACKAGE@.conf</command> configuration file is
            specified by this partial bnf description. Comments start with //
            or # and extend to the end of the line. To include the contents
            of some file verbatim in the dnsbl.conf file, use
            <literallayout class="monospaced"><![CDATA[include "<file>";]]></literallayout>

            <literallayout class="monospaced"><![CDATA[
CONFIG     = {CONTEXT ";"}+
CONTEXT    = "context" NAME "{" {STATEMENT}+ "}"
             | RATE-LIMIT | REQUIRERDNS) ";"

DNSBLLIST  = "dnsbl_list" {NAME}*

DNSWLLIST  = "dnswl_list" {NAME}*

REQUIRERDNS = "require_rdns" ("yes" | "no")

CONTENT    = "content" ("on" | "off") "{" {CONTENT-ST}+ "}"
              DKIM_FROM) ";"
IGNORE     = "ignore"     "{" {HOSTNAME [";"]}+ "}"
TLD        = "tld"        "{" {TLD      [";"]}+ "}"
HTML-TAGS  = "html_tags"  "{" {HTMLTAG  [";"]}+ "}"
ERROR-MSG1 = string containing exactly two %s replacement tokens
             both are replaced with the client ip address
ERROR-MSG2 = string containing exactly two %s replacement tokens
             the first is replaced with the hostname, and the second
             is replaced with the ip address
ERROR-MSG3 = string containing exactly two %s replacement tokens
             both are replaced with the hostname

HTML-LIMIT = "html_limit" ("on" INTEGER ERROR-MSG | "off")

HOST-LIMIT = "host_limit" ("on" INTEGER ERROR-MSG | "off" |
                                                    "soft" INTEGER)
SPAMASS    = "spamassassin"         INTEGER
REQUIRE    = "require_match"        ("yes" | "no")
DCCGREY    = "dcc_greylist"         ("yes" | "no")
DCCBULK    = "dcc_bulk_threshold"   (INTEGER | "many" | "off")

DKIMSIGNER = "dkim_signer" "{" {SIGNING_DOMAIN DEF [";"]}+ "}"
DKIMFROM   = "dkim_from"   "{" {HEADER_FROM_DOMAIN DKIMVALUE SIGNERS [";"]}+ "}"
DKIMVALUE  = "signed_white" | "signed_black" | "require_signed" | "unsigned_black"
SIGNERS    = quoted comma separated SIGNING_DOMAINs no whitespace

ENV-TO     = "env_to"     "{" {(TO-ADDR | DCC-TO)}+ "}"
TO-ADDR    = ADDRESS [";"]
DCC-TO     = "dcc_to" ("ok" | "many") "{" DCCINCLUDEFILE "}" ";"

VERIFY     = "verify" HOSTNAME ";"
W-REGEX    = "white_regex" REGULAREXPRESSION ";"
ERROR-MSG4 = string containing exactly one %s replacement token
             which is replaced with the client name
AUTOWHITE  = "autowhite" DAYS FILENAME ";"

ENV_FROM   = "env_from" [DEFAULT] "{" {(FROM-ADDR | DCC-FROM)}+ "}"
DCC-FROM   = "dcc_from" "{" DCCINCLUDEFILE "}" ";"

                              DEFAULT_IP_LIMIT   DAILY_MULTIPLE_IP "{" (RATE)+ "}"

DEF        = ("white" | "black" | "unknown")
DEFAULT    = (DEF | "inherit" | "")
VALUE      = (DEF | "inherit" | CHILD-CONTEXT-NAME)]]></literallayout>

        <refsect1 id='sample.5'>
            <literallayout class="monospaced"><![CDATA[
context main-default {
    // outbound dnsbl filtering to catch our own customers that end up on the sbl
    dnsbl   sbl        "Mail from %s rejected - sbl; see";
    dnsbl_list  sbl;

    // outbound content filtering to prevent our own customers from sending spam
    content on {
        filter        "Mail containing %s rejected - sbl; see";
        uribl             "Mail containing %s rejected - surbl; see";
        #uribl             "Mail containing %s rejected - uribl; see";
        #uribl            "Mail containing %s rejected - dbl; see";
        ignore    { include "hosts-ignore.conf"; };
        tld       { include "tld.conf"; };
        html_tags { include "html-tags.conf"; };
        html_limit on 20 "Mail containing excessive bad html tags rejected";
        html_limit off;
        host_limit on 20 "Mail containing excessive host names rejected";
        host_limit soft 20;
        spamassassin        4;
        require_match       yes;
        dcc_greylist        yes;
        dcc_bulk_threshold  50;

    // backscatter prevention - do not send bounces for mail that we accepted but could not forward
    // we only send bounces to our own customers
    env_from unknown {
        "<>"    black;

    // hourly recipient rate limit by smtp auth client id, or unauthenticated mail from address
    // hourly unique ip addresses  by smtp auth client id, or unauthenticated mail from address
    // default hourly recipient rate limit is 30
    // daily recipient rate limits are 4 times the hourly limit
    // default hourly unique ip addresses is 5
    // daily unique ip addresses are 4 times the hourly limit
    rate_limit 30 4 5 4 { // default
        fred 100 10;   // override default limits
        joe  10  2;    // ""
        "sam@somedomain.tld"  500 2;
        "@otherdomain.tld"    100 2;

context main {
    dnsbl   localp  "Mail from %s rejected - local; see";
    dnsbl   local  "Mail from %s rejected - local; see";
    dnsbl   sbl            "Mail from %s rejected - sbl; see";
    dnsbl   xbl            "Mail from %s rejected - xbl; see";
    dnswl   2;
    dnsbl_list  local sbl;
    require_rdns    yes;

    content on {
        dkim_signer {
            # anything signed by this is accepted.
        dkim_from {
            # white/blacklisting based on presence of valid signatures
               require_signed  ",";
            # blacklisting based on header from value - requiring signatures
            # from an impossible signer.
            spammer.domain      require_signed  .;
            # whitelisting based on strong spf pass - whitelisted if signed by
            # an impossible signer (which will never happen) or strong spf pass.
            some.domain         signed_white    .;
            # whitelisting based on valid signature or strong spf pass.
            # some paychex mail is signed, some is unsigned but passes strong spf.
            # whitelisting from mailchimp which needs wildcards
     require_signed ",*,*,*,*";
        filter        "Mail containing %s rejected - sbl; see";
        uribl             "Mail containing %s rejected - surbl; see";
        #uribl             "Mail containing %s rejected - uribl; see";
        #uribl            "Mail containing %s rejected - dbl; see";
        ignore    { include "hosts-ignore.conf"; };
        tld       { include "tld.conf"; };
        html_tags { include "html-tags.conf"; };
        html_limit off;
        host_limit soft 20;
        spamassassin    5;
        require_match       yes;
        dcc_greylist        yes;
        dcc_bulk_threshold  20;

    generic "^dsl.static.*$|(^|[x.-])(ppp|h|host)?([0-9]{1,3}[x.-](Red-|dynamic[x.-])?){4}"
            "your mail server %s seems to have a generic name";

    white_regex "$";

    env_to {
        # !! replace this with your domain names
        # child contexts are not allowed to specify recipient addresses outside these domains
        # if this is a backup-mx, you need to include here domains for which you relay to the primary mx
        include "/etc/mail/local-host-names";

    context whitelist {
        content off {};
        env_to {
            # dcc_to ok { include "/var/dcc/whitecommon"; };
        env_from white {};      # white forces all unmatched from addresses (everyone in this case) to be whitelisted
                                # so all mail TO these env_to addresses is accepted

    context abuse {
        dnsbl_list xbl;
        content off {};
        generic "^$ " " ";      # regex cannot match, to disable generic rdns rejects
        env_to {
            abuse@              # no content filtering on abuse reports
            postmaster@         # ""
        env_from unknown {};    # ignore all parent white/black listing

    context minimal {
        dnsbl_list sbl;
        content on {
            spamassassin        10;
            dcc_bulk_threshold  many;
        generic "^$ " " ";      # regex cannot match, to disable generic rdns rejects
        env_to {

    context blacklist {
        dnsbl_list ;
        dnswl_list ;
        env_to {
            # dcc_to many { include "/var/dcc/whitecommon"; };
        env_from black {};      # black forces all unmatched from addresses (everyone in this case) to be blacklisted
                                # so all mail TO these env_to addresses is rejected

    env_from unknown {
        abuse@  abuse;  # replies to abuse reports use the abuse context
        # dcc_from { include "/var/dcc/whitecommon"; };

    autowhite 90 "autowhite/my-auto-whitelist";
    # install should create /etc/dnsbl/autowhite writable by userid dnsbl

        <refsect1 id='version.5'>
