comparison FILE-FORMAT @ 0:6b1b602514db libpst_0_5

Initial revision
author carl
date Fri, 09 Jul 2004 07:26:16 -0700
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:6b1b602514db
1 File format for Outlook pst files
2 =================================
4 Basically, we work on two indexes. One index associates an ID with each item, and the second index associates a second ID with the original ID. I see no real purpose for this yet.
6 0x00 - Signature [4 bytes] (0x4E444221)
7 0xA8 - File Size [4 bytes]
8 0xC4 - Pointer to Index of all Items in File, associating the first ID [4 bytes]
9 0xBC - Pointer to Index of controlling Items in File [4 bytes]
11 First All Items Index: - constists of a table of offsets pointing to the table of items.
12 ======================
13 repeating:
14 0x0 - First id in this table [4 bytes]
15 0x04 - Unknown [4 bytes]
16 0x08 - Offset of table [4 bytes]
18 until "First id in this table" is zero
20 Table Of Items: - Pointed to by above records.
21 ===============
22 repeating:
23 0x0 - Id1 of this item [4 bytes]
24 0x04 - Offset of this item [4 bytes]
25 0x08 - Size of data stored there [2 bytes]
26 0x0A - Unknown [2 bytes]
28 until "Id1 of this item" is zero. When this is reached, you return to the above table and read the next record
30 Second All Items Index: - Contains the descriptors for emails, and other items
31 =======================
32 repeating:
33 0x0 - First id2 of this table [4 bytes]
34 0x04 - Unknown [4 bytes]
35 0x08 - Offset of table [4 bytes]
37 until "First id2 of this table" is zero
39 Second Table of Items: - Pointed to by above records
40 ======================
41 repeats 0x1F times
42 0x0 - Id2 of this item [4 bytes]
43 0x04 - Id1 of the descriptor item [4 bytes]
44 0x08 - Id1 of the associated list [4 bytes] (this contains a list of id1 and id2 that are to with this controlling item)
45 0x0C - Id2 of parent [4 bytes]
48 Associated List: - pointed to by the above record. Contains associations between id1 and id2 for the items controlled by the record
49 ================
50 0x0 - Constant [2 bytes] (0x0002)
51 0x02 - Count [2 bytes] (the number of items that are about to follow)
53 repeating
54 0x0 - Id2 of record [4 bytes]
55 0x04 - Id of record [4 bytes] - This is an association between the two
56 0x08 - Unknown [4 bytes]
57 until you have reached the "Count"
60 Descriptor Item: - Referenced from "Second Table of Items" - contains information about the item (email, contact...)
61 ================
62 0x0 - Block Offset to Block Index [2 bytes]
63 0x02 - Constant [2 bytes] (0xBCEC)
64 0x04 - Index Pos of Section1 [4 bytes]
66 NOTE: An index pos can be shifted left 4 times [ i_pos << 4 ] to get an index offset (ie, an offset from the start of the block index)
69 Block Index: - contains offsets to points in the current block
70 ============
71 0x0 - Count of offsets minus one. [2 bytes] (In effect, each offset must be taken with the following one so that the start and end of the referenced item can be established. Therefore there is one extra to show the end of the last item.)
73 repeating
74 0x0 - Block Offset [2 bytes]
75 until you have one extra than the "Count"
78 Section1: - Referenced from "Descriptor Item" - contains not much
79 =========
80 0x0 - Constant? [4 bytes] (0x0602B5)
81 0x04 - Index Pos of Descriptor fields [4 bytes]
84 Descriptor Fields: - Contain the information needed to access the details of the email
85 ==================
86 repeats
87 0x0 - Item type [2 bytes] (subject, from, to ...)
88 0x02 - Reference type [2 bytes] (how to interpret the value)
89 0x04 - Value [4 bytes]
90 until the alloted size of the record has been read. (The following Block Offset from the Index has been reached)
92 Reference Types: - I don't know if I have interpreted this field correctly. It might have a completely different purpose
93 ===============
94 0x0002 -
95 0x0003 - Value following is a value in it's own right
96 0x000B -
97 0x001E - (STRING) Value following is a Index Position (must be shifted left 4 times)
98 0x0040 - (DATE) " " " " "
99 0x0048 -
100 0x0102 - (STRUCTURE) " " " " "
101 0x1003 -
102 0x101E - (ARRAY OF STRING)
103 0x1102 -
105 Value:
106 ======
107 When the value is of type Index Position, you can left shift the value 4 times to get an offset into the Block Index. Some descriptor types can have Id2 values. This is recognised by using a bitwise AND with the number. ie val & 0x0000000F. if the result is 0xF, it is likely to be a Id2 reference.
110 Descriptor Types: - Types that are in "Descriptor Fields"
111 =================
113 All Values are Hex
115 Note: it appears that some types can have a IPOS value or a ID2 value depending on the size of the field in question. It is safer to check every field than for me to say what the "usually" contain. Absolute values though, are generally going to be constant.
117 Type Ref Type Value Desc
118 ---- -------- ----- ----
119 001A [REF] IPM Context. What type of message is this
120 0037 001E [REF] Email Subject. The referenced item is of type "Subject Type"
121 0039 [REF] Date. This is likely to be the arrival date
122 003B [REF] Outlook Address of Sender
123 003F [REF] Outlook structure describing the recipient
124 0040 [REF] Name of the Outlook recipient structure
125 0041 [REF] Outlook structure describing the sender
126 0042 [REF] Name of the Outlook sender structure
127 0043 [REF] Another structure describing the recipient
128 0044 [REF] Name of the second recipient structure
129 004F [REF] Reply-To Outlook Structure
130 0050 [REF] Name of the Reply-To structure
131 0051 [REF] Outlook Name of recipient
132 0052 [REF] Second Outlook name of recipient
133 0064 [REF] Sender's Address access method (SMTP, EX)
134 0065 [REF] Sender's Address
135 0070 [REF] Processed Subject (with Fwd:, Re, ... removed)
136 0071 [REF] Date. Another date
137 0075 [REF] Recipient Address Access Method (SMTP, EX)
138 0076 [REF] Recipient's Address
139 0077 [REF] Second Recipient Access Method (SMTP, EX)
140 0078 [REF] Second Recipient Address
141 007D 001E [REF] Email Header. This is the header that was attached to the email
142 0C19 [REF] Second sender struct
143 0C1A [REF] Name of second sender struct
144 0C1D [REF] Second outlook name of sender
145 0C1E [REF] Second sender access method (SMTP, EX)
146 0C1F [REF] Second Sender Address
147 0E03 [REF] CC Address?
148 0E04 [REF] SentTo Address
149 0E06 [REF] Date.
150 0E07 [REF] Flag - contains IsSeen value
151 0FF9 [REF] binary record header
152 1000 001E [REF] Plain Text Email Body. Does not exist if the email doesn't have a plain text version
153 1013 001E [REF] HTML Email Body. Does not exist if the email doesn't have a HTML version
154 1035 [REF] Message ID
155 1042 [REF] In-Reply-To or Parent's Message ID
156 1046 [REF] Return Path
157 3001 [REF] Folder Name? I have seen this value used for the contacts record aswell
158 3007 [REF] Date.
159 3008 [REF] Date.
160 300B [REF] binary record header
161 35E0 [REF] binary record found in first item. Contains the reference to "Top of Personal Folder" item
162 35E3 [REF] binary record with a reference to "Deleted Items" item
163 35E7 [REF] binary record with a refernece to "Search Root" item
164 3602 [REF] the number of emails stored in a folder
165 3603 [REF] the number of unread emails in a folder
166 3613 [REF] the folder content description
167 8000- Contain extra bits of information that have been taken from the email's header. I call them extra lines
169 Key:
170 [REF] = Can be either Index Position, or an Id2 Reference