view src/debug.c @ 42:7a97f50c39c5 stable-0-5-12 **FUNKY**

security fix for potential buffer overrun in lz decompress
author carl
date Tue, 02 Oct 2007 16:10:36 -0700
parents ddfb25318812
children f6db1f060a95
line wrap: on
line source

/* Contains the debug functions */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include "define.h"

#ifdef _WIN32
# define vsnprintf _vsnprintf

struct _debug_item {
	int type;
	char * function;
	unsigned int line;
	char * file;
	char * text;
	struct _debug_item *next;
} *item_head=NULL, *item_tail=NULL, *item_ptr=NULL, *info_ptr=NULL, *temp_list=NULL;

struct _debug_func {
	char * name;
	struct _debug_func *next;
} *func_head=NULL, *func_ptr=NULL;

void _debug_write_msg(struct _debug_item *item, char *fmt, va_list *ap, int size);
void _debug_write_hex(struct _debug_item *item, unsigned char *buf, int size, int col);
void * xmalloc(size_t size);

// the largest text size we will store in memory. Otherwise we
// will do a debug_write, then create a new record, and write the
// text body directly to the file
#define MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE 4096

void _pst_debug(char *fmt, ...) {
	va_list ap;
	vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);

#define NUM_COL 30
void _pst_debug_hexdump(FILE *out, unsigned char *buf, size_t size, int col, int delta) {
	int off = 0, toff;
	int count = 0;

	if (!out) return;	// no file
	if (col == -1) col = NUM_COL;
	fprintf(out, "\n");
	while (off < size) {
		fprintf(out, "%06X\t:", off+delta);
		toff = off;
		while (count < col && off < size) {
			fprintf(out, "%02hhx ", buf[off]);
			off++; count++;
		off = toff;
		while (count < col) {
			// only happens at end of block to pad the text over to the text column
			fprintf(out, "   ");
		count = 0;
		fprintf(out, ":");
		while (count < col && off < size) {
			fprintf(out, "%c", isgraph(buf[off])?buf[off]:'.');
			off++; count ++;

		fprintf(out, "\n");

	fprintf(out, "\n");

FILE *debug_fp = NULL;
unsigned int max_items=DEBUG_MAX_ITEMS, curr_items=0;

void _debug_init(char* fname) {
	unsigned char version = DEBUG_VERSION;
	item_head = item_tail = NULL;
	curr_items = 0;
	if (debug_fp) _debug_close();
	if (!fname) return;
	if ((debug_fp = fopen(fname, "wb")) == NULL) {
	  fprintf(stderr, "Opening of file %s failed\n", fname);
	fwrite(&version, 1, sizeof(char), debug_fp);

// function must be called before _debug_msg. It sets up the
// structure for the function that follows
void _debug_msg_info(int line, char* file, int type) {
	char *x;
	if (!debug_fp) return;	// no file
	info_ptr = (struct _debug_item*) xmalloc(sizeof(struct _debug_item));
	info_ptr->type = type;
	info_ptr->line = line;
	x = (func_head==NULL?"No Function":func_head->name);
	info_ptr->function = (char*) xmalloc(strlen(x)+1);
	strcpy(info_ptr->function, x);

	info_ptr->file = (char*) xmalloc(strlen(file)+1);
	strcpy(info_ptr->file, file);

	//put the current record on a temp linked list
	info_ptr->next = temp_list;
	temp_list = info_ptr;

void _debug_msg_text(char* fmt, ...) {
	va_list ap;
	int f, g;
	char x[2];
	struct _debug_item *temp;
	if (!debug_fp) return;	// no file
	va_start(ap, fmt);
	// get the record off of the temp_list
	info_ptr = temp_list;
	if (info_ptr)
		temp_list = info_ptr->next;
	else {
		fprintf(stderr, "NULL info_ptr. ERROR!!\n");
	// according to glibc 2.1, this should return the req. number of bytes for
	// the string
  #ifdef _WIN32
	// vsnprintf trick doesn't work. must use function called _vscprintf
	// cannot find much documentation about this on internet or anywhere.
	// I assume it isn't a standard function, but only in VisualC++
	f = _vscprintf(fmt, ap);
	f = vsnprintf(x, 1, fmt, ap);
	va_end(ap);  // must be called after vsnprintf()

	if (f > 0 && f < MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE) {
		info_ptr->text = (char*) xmalloc(f+1);
		va_start(ap, fmt);
		if ((g = vsnprintf(info_ptr->text, f, fmt, ap)) == -1) {
			fprintf(stderr, "_debug_msg: Dieing! vsnprintf returned -1 for format \"%s\"\n", fmt);
		info_ptr->text[g] = '\0';
		if (f != g) {
			fprintf(stderr, "_debug_msg: f != g\n");
	} else if (f > 0) { // it is over the max_message_size then
		f += strlen(info_ptr->file)+strlen(info_ptr->function);
		temp = info_ptr;
		_debug_write(); // dump the current messages
		info_ptr = temp;
		va_start(ap, fmt);
		_debug_write_msg(info_ptr, fmt, &ap, f);
		info_ptr = NULL;
	} else {
		fprintf(stderr, "_debug_msg: error getting requested size of debug message\n");
		info_ptr->text = "ERROR Saving\n";

	if (!item_head)
	  item_head = info_ptr;

	info_ptr->next = NULL;
	if (item_tail) item_tail->next = info_ptr;
	item_tail = info_ptr;

	if (++curr_items == max_items) {
		// here we will jump off and save the contents
		info_ptr = NULL;

void _debug_hexdump(unsigned char *x, int y, int cols, int delta) {
	struct _debug_item *temp;
	if (!debug_fp) return;	// no file
	info_ptr = temp_list;
	if (info_ptr) temp_list = info_ptr->next;
	temp = info_ptr;
	info_ptr = temp;
	_debug_write_hex(info_ptr, x, y, cols);
	info_ptr = NULL;

void _debug_func(char *function) {
	func_ptr = xmalloc (sizeof(struct _debug_func));
	func_ptr->name = xmalloc(strlen(function)+1);
	strcpy(func_ptr->name, function);
	func_ptr->next = func_head;
	func_head = func_ptr;

void _debug_func_ret() {
	//remove the head item
	func_ptr = func_head;
	if (func_head) {
		func_head = func_head->next;
	} else {
		DIE(("function list is empty!\n"));

void _debug_close(void) {
	while (func_head) {
		func_ptr = func_head;
		func_head = func_head->next;
	if (debug_fp) fclose(debug_fp);
	debug_fp = NULL;

void _debug_write() {
	size_t size, ptr, funcname, filename, text, end;
	char *buf = NULL, rec_type;
	if (!debug_fp) return;	// no file
	long index_pos = ftell (debug_fp), file_pos = index_pos;
	// add 2. One for the pointer to the next index,
	// one for the count of this index
	int index_size = ((curr_items+2) * sizeof(int));
	int *index;
	int index_ptr = 0;
	struct _debug_file_rec_m mfile_rec;
	struct _debug_file_rec_l lfile_rec;

	if (curr_items == 0) return;	// no items to write.

	index = (int*) xmalloc(index_size);
	memset(index, 0, index_size);	// valgrind, avoid writing uninitialized data
	file_pos += index_size;
	// write the index first, we will re-write it later, but
	// we want to allocate the space
	fwrite(index, index_size, 1, debug_fp);
	index[index_ptr++] = curr_items;

	item_ptr = item_head;
	while (item_ptr) {
		file_pos = ftell(debug_fp);
		index[index_ptr++] = file_pos;
		size = strlen(item_ptr->function) +
			   strlen(item_ptr->file)	  +
			   strlen(item_ptr->text)	  + 3; //for the three \0s
		if (buf) free(buf);
		buf = xmalloc(size+1);
		ptr = 0;
		ptr += sprintf(&(buf[ptr]), "%s", item_ptr->function)+1;
		ptr += sprintf(&(buf[ptr]), "%s", item_ptr->file)+1;
		ptr += sprintf(&(buf[ptr]), "%s", item_ptr->text)+1;
		if (end > USHRT_MAX) { // bigger than can be stored in a short
			rec_type = 'L';
			fwrite(&rec_type, 1, sizeof(char), debug_fp);
			lfile_rec.type = item_ptr->type;
			lfile_rec.line = item_ptr->line;
			lfile_rec.funcname = funcname;
			lfile_rec.filename = filename;
			lfile_rec.text = text;
			lfile_rec.end = end;
			fwrite(&lfile_rec, sizeof(lfile_rec), 1, debug_fp);
		} else {
			rec_type = 'M';
			fwrite(&rec_type, 1, sizeof(char), debug_fp);
			mfile_rec.type = item_ptr->type;
			mfile_rec.line = item_ptr->line;
			mfile_rec.funcname = funcname;
			mfile_rec.filename = filename;
			mfile_rec.text = text;
			mfile_rec.end = end;
			fwrite(&mfile_rec, sizeof(mfile_rec), 1, debug_fp);
		fwrite(buf, 1, ptr, debug_fp);
		if (buf) free(buf); buf = NULL;
		item_head = item_ptr->next;
		item_ptr = item_head;
	curr_items = 0;
	index[index_ptr] = ftell(debug_fp);

	// we should now have a complete index
	fseek(debug_fp, index_pos, SEEK_SET);
	fwrite(index, index_size, 1, debug_fp);
	fseek(debug_fp, 0, SEEK_END);
	item_ptr = item_head = item_tail = NULL;
	if (buf) free(buf);

void _debug_write_msg(struct _debug_item *item, char *fmt, va_list *ap, int size) {
	struct _debug_file_rec_l lfile_rec;
	struct _debug_file_rec_m mfile_rec;
	unsigned char rec_type;
	int index_size = 3 * sizeof(int);
	int index[3];
	int index_pos, file_pos;
	char zero='\0';
	unsigned int end;
	if (!debug_fp) return;	// no file
	index[0] = 1; //only one item in this index
	index_pos = ftell(debug_fp);
	fwrite(index, index_size, 1, debug_fp);

	index[1] = ftell(debug_fp);

	if (size > USHRT_MAX) { // bigger than can be stored in a short
		rec_type = 'L';
		fwrite(&rec_type, 1, sizeof(char), debug_fp);
		lfile_rec.type = item->type;
		lfile_rec.line = item->line;
		lfile_rec.funcname = 0;
		lfile_rec.filename = strlen(item->function)+1;
		lfile_rec.text = lfile_rec.filename+strlen(item->file)+1;
		fwrite(&lfile_rec, sizeof(lfile_rec), 1, debug_fp);
	} else {
		rec_type = 'M';
		fwrite(&rec_type, 1, sizeof(char), debug_fp);
		mfile_rec.type = item->type;
		mfile_rec.line = item->line;
		mfile_rec.funcname = 0;
		mfile_rec.filename = strlen(item->function)+1;
		mfile_rec.text = mfile_rec.filename+strlen(item->file)+1;
		fwrite(&mfile_rec, sizeof(mfile_rec), 1, debug_fp);
	file_pos = ftell(debug_fp);
	fwrite(item->function, strlen(item->function)+1, 1, debug_fp);
	fwrite(item->file, strlen(item->file)+1, 1, debug_fp);
	vfprintf(debug_fp, fmt, *ap);
	fwrite(&zero, 1, 1, debug_fp);

	end = ftell(debug_fp)-file_pos;

	index[2] = ftell(debug_fp);
	fseek(debug_fp, index_pos, SEEK_SET);
	fwrite(index, index_size, 1, debug_fp);
	if (size > USHRT_MAX) {
		fwrite(&rec_type, 1, sizeof(char), debug_fp);
		lfile_rec.end = end;
		fwrite(&lfile_rec, sizeof(lfile_rec), 1, debug_fp);
	} else {
		fwrite(&rec_type, 1, sizeof(char), debug_fp);
		mfile_rec.end = end;
		fwrite(&mfile_rec, sizeof(mfile_rec), 1, debug_fp);
	fseek(debug_fp, 0, SEEK_END);

void _debug_write_hex(struct _debug_item *item, unsigned char *buf, int size, int col) {
	struct _debug_file_rec_l lfile_rec;
	unsigned char rec_type;
	int index_size = 3 * sizeof(int);
	int index_pos, file_pos, index[3];
	char zero='\0';
	if (!debug_fp) return;	// no file
	index[0] = 1; // only one item in this index run
	index[1] = 0; // valgrind, avoid writing uninitialized data
	index[2] = 0; // ""
	index_pos = ftell(debug_fp);
	fwrite(index, index_size, 1, debug_fp);
	index[1] = ftell(debug_fp);

	// always use the long
	rec_type = 'L';
	fwrite(&rec_type, 1, sizeof(char), debug_fp);
	lfile_rec.funcname = 0;
	lfile_rec.filename = strlen(item->function)+1;
	lfile_rec.text = lfile_rec.filename+strlen(item->file)+1;
	lfile_rec.end  = 0; // valgrind, avoid writing uninitialized data
	lfile_rec.line = item->line;
	lfile_rec.type = item->type;
	fwrite(&lfile_rec, sizeof(lfile_rec), 1, debug_fp);

	file_pos = ftell(debug_fp);
	fwrite(item->function, strlen(item->function)+1, 1, debug_fp);
	fwrite(item->file, strlen(item->file)+1, 1, debug_fp);

	_pst_debug_hexdump(debug_fp, buf, size, col, 0);
	fwrite(&zero, 1, 1, debug_fp);
	lfile_rec.end = ftell(debug_fp)-file_pos;

	index[2] = ftell(debug_fp);
	fseek(debug_fp, index_pos, SEEK_SET);
	fwrite(index, index_size, 1, debug_fp);
	fwrite(&rec_type, 1, sizeof(char), debug_fp);
	fwrite(&lfile_rec, sizeof(lfile_rec), 1, debug_fp);
	fseek(debug_fp, 0, SEEK_END);

void *xmalloc(size_t size) {
	void *mem = malloc(size);
	if (!mem) {
		fprintf(stderr, "xMalloc: Out Of memory [req: %ld]\n", (long)size);
  //memset(mem, 0, size);	// valgrind
	return mem;