view src/libpst.h @ 59:7d5c637aaafb

General cleanup and code fixes. Use autoscan to cleanup our autoconf system. Use autoconf to detect when we need to use our XGetopt files and other header files. Decode BCC field. Fix missing LE32_CPU byte swapping for FILETIME types.
author Carl Byington <>
date Thu, 14 Feb 2008 14:55:32 -0800
parents 034641c26ab9
children cfd6175f9334
line wrap: on
line source

 * libpst.h
 * Part of LibPST project
 * Written by David Smith
// LibPST - Library for Accessing Outlook .pst files
// Dave Smith -

#ifndef LIBPST_H
#define LIBPST_H

#include <stdint.h>

#ifndef  _MSC_VER

//Win32 Filetime struct - copied from WINE
typedef struct {
  uint32_t dwLowDateTime;
  uint32_t dwHighDateTime;
#endif //ifndef FILETIME_DEFINED
#endif //ifndef  _MSC_VER

// According to Jan Wolter, sys/param.h is the most portable source of endian
// information on UNIX systems. see
#ifdef _MSC_VER
  #include <sys/param.h>
#endif // defined _MSC_VER

#  define LE64_CPU(x) \
  x = ((((x) & 0xff00000000000000) >> 56) | \
       (((x) & 0x00ff000000000000) >> 40) | \
       (((x) & 0x0000ff0000000000) >> 24) | \
       (((x) & 0x000000ff00000000) >> 8 ) | \
       (((x) & 0x00000000ff000000) << 8 ) | \
       (((x) & 0x0000000000ff0000) << 24) | \
       (((x) & 0x000000000000ff00) << 40) | \
       (((x) & 0x00000000000000ff) << 56));
#  define LE32_CPU(x) \
  x = ((((x) & 0xff000000) >> 24) | \
       (((x) & 0x00ff0000) >> 8 ) | \
       (((x) & 0x0000ff00) << 8 ) | \
       (((x) & 0x000000ff) << 24));
#  define LE16_CPU(x) \
  x = ((((x) & 0xff00) >> 8) | \
       (((x) & 0x00ff) << 8));
#  define LE64_CPU(x) {}
#  define LE32_CPU(x) {}
#  define LE16_CPU(x) {}
#  error "Byte order not supported by this library"
#endif // BYTE_ORDER

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include "windows.h"
#define int32_t  int
#define uint32_t unsigned int
#define int16_t  short int
#define uint16_t unsigned short int
#endif // _MSC_VER

#define PST_TYPE_NOTE 1
#define PST_TYPE_TASK 12
#define PST_TYPE_OTHER 13
#define PST_TYPE_REPORT 14

// defines whether decryption is done on this bit of data
#define PST_NO_ENC 0
#define PST_ENC 1

// defines types of possible encryption
#define PST_NO_ENCRYPT 0
#define PST_ENCRYPT 2

// defines different types of mappings
#define PST_MAP_ATTRIB (uint32_t)1
#define PST_MAP_HEADER (uint32_t)2

// define my custom email attributes.

// defines types of free/busy values for appointment->showas

// defines labels for appointment->label
#define PST_APP_LABEL_NONE        0 // None
#define PST_APP_LABEL_IMPORTANT   1 // Important
#define PST_APP_LABEL_BUSINESS    2 // Business
#define PST_APP_LABEL_PERSONAL    3 // Personal
#define PST_APP_LABEL_VACATION    4 // Vacation
#define PST_APP_LABEL_MUST_ATTEND 5 // Must Attend
#define PST_APP_LABEL_TRAVEL_REQ  6 // Travel Required
#define PST_APP_LABEL_NEEDS_PREP  7 // Needs Preparation
#define PST_APP_LABEL_BIRTHDAY    8 // Birthday
#define PST_APP_LABEL_ANNIVERSARY 9 // Anniversary
#define PST_APP_LABEL_PHONE_CALL  10// Phone Call

// define type of reccuring event
#define PST_APP_RECUR_NONE        0
#define PST_APP_RECUR_DAILY       1
#define PST_APP_RECUR_WEEKLY      2
#define PST_APP_RECUR_YEARLY      4

typedef struct pst_misc_6_struct {
    int32_t i1;
    int32_t i2;
    int32_t i3;
    int32_t i4;
    int32_t i5;
    int32_t i6;
} pst_misc_6;

typedef struct pst_entryid_struct {
    int32_t u1;
    char entryid[16];
    uint32_t id;
} pst_entryid;

typedef struct pst_desc_struct32 {
    uint32_t d_id;
    uint32_t desc_id;
    uint32_t list_id;
    uint32_t parent_id;
} pst_desc32;

typedef struct pst_desc_structn {
    uint64_t d_id;
    uint64_t desc_id;
    uint64_t list_id;
    uint32_t parent_id;  // not 64 bit ??
    uint32_t u1;         // padding
} pst_descn;

typedef struct pst_index_struct32 {
    uint32_t id;
    uint32_t offset;
    uint16_t size;
    int16_t  u1;
} pst_index32;

typedef struct pst_index_struct {
    uint64_t id;
    uint64_t offset;
    uint16_t size;
    int16_t  u0;
    int32_t  u1;
} pst_index;

typedef struct pst_index_tree32 {
    uint32_t id;
    uint32_t offset;
    uint32_t size;
    int32_t  u1;
    struct pst_index_tree * next;
} pst_index_ll32;

typedef struct pst_index_tree {
    uint64_t id;
    uint64_t offset;
    uint64_t size;
    int64_t  u1;
    struct pst_index_tree * next;
} pst_index_ll;

typedef struct pst_index2_tree {
    uint64_t id2;
    pst_index_ll *id;
    struct pst_index2_tree * next;
} pst_index2_ll;

typedef struct pst_desc_tree {
    uint64_t id;
    pst_index_ll * list_index;
    pst_index_ll * desc;
    int32_t no_child;
    struct pst_desc_tree * prev;
    struct pst_desc_tree * next;
    struct pst_desc_tree * parent;
    struct pst_desc_tree * child;
    struct pst_desc_tree * child_tail;
} pst_desc_ll;

typedef struct pst_item_email_subject {
    int     off1;
    int     off2;
    char   *subj;
} pst_item_email_subject;

typedef struct pst_item_email {
    FILETIME *arrival_date;
    int       autoforward;            // 1 = true, 0 = not set, -1 = false
    char     *body;
    char     *cc_address;
    char     *bcc_address;
    char     *common_name;
    int32_t   conv_index;
    int       conversion_prohib;      // 1 = true, 0 = false
    int       delete_after_submit;    // 1 = true, 0 = false
    int       delivery_report;        // 1 = true, 0 = false
    char     *encrypted_body;
    size_t    encrypted_body_size;
    char     *encrypted_htmlbody;
    size_t    encrypted_htmlbody_size;
    int32_t   flag;
    char     *header;
    char     *htmlbody;
    int32_t   importance;
    char     *in_reply_to;
    int       message_cc_me;          // 1 = true, 0 = false
    int       message_recip_me;       // 1 = true, 0 = false
    int       message_to_me;          // 1 = true, 0 = false
    char     *messageid;
    int32_t   orig_sensitivity;
    char     *outlook_recipient;
    char     *outlook_recipient2;
    char     *outlook_sender;
    char     *outlook_sender_name;
    char     *outlook_sender2;
    int32_t   priority;
    char     *proc_subject;
    int       read_receipt;           // 1 = true, 0 = false
    char     *recip_access;
    char     *recip_address;
    char     *recip2_access;
    char     *recip2_address;
    int       reply_requested;        // 1 = true, 0 = false
    char     *reply_to;
    char     *return_path_address;
    int32_t   rtf_body_char_count;
    int32_t   rtf_body_crc;
    char     *rtf_body_tag;
    char     *rtf_compressed;
    uint32_t rtf_compressed_size;
    int       rtf_in_sync;            // 1 = true, 0 = doesn't exist, -1 = false
    int32_t   rtf_ws_prefix_count;
    int32_t   rtf_ws_trailing_count;
    char     *sender_access;
    char     *sender_address;
    char     *sender2_access;
    char     *sender2_address;
    int32_t   sensitivity;
    FILETIME *sent_date;
    pst_entryid *sentmail_folder;
    char        *sentto_address;
    pst_item_email_subject *subject;
} pst_item_email;

typedef struct pst_item_folder {
    int32_t  email_count;
    int32_t  unseen_email_count;
    int32_t  assoc_count;
    int      subfolder;               // 1 = true, 0 = false
} pst_item_folder;

typedef struct pst_item_message_store {
    pst_entryid *top_of_personal_folder;        // 0x35e0
    pst_entryid *default_outbox_folder;         // 0x35e2
    pst_entryid *deleted_items_folder;          // 0x35e3
    pst_entryid *sent_items_folder;             // 0x35e4
    pst_entryid *user_views_folder;             // 0x35e5
    pst_entryid *common_view_folder;            // 0x35e6
    pst_entryid *search_root_folder;            // 0x35e7
    pst_entryid *top_of_folder;                 // 0x7c07
    int32_t valid_mask;                         // 0x35df  // what folders the message store contains
    int32_t pwd_chksum;                         // 0x76ff
} pst_item_message_store;

typedef struct pst_item_contact {
    char *access_method;
    char *account_name;
    char *address1;
    char *address1a;
    char *address1_desc;
    char *address1_transport;
    char *address2;
    char *address2a;
    char *address2_desc;
    char *address2_transport;
    char *address3;
    char *address3a;
    char *address3_desc;
    char *address3_transport;
    char *assistant_name;
    char *assistant_phone;
    char *billing_information;
    FILETIME *birthday;
    char *business_address;             // 0x801b
    char *business_city;
    char *business_country;
    char *business_fax;
    char *business_homepage;
    char *business_phone;
    char *business_phone2;
    char *business_po_box;
    char *business_postal_code;
    char *business_state;
    char *business_street;
    char *callback_phone;
    char *car_phone;
    char *company_main_phone;
    char *company_name;
    char *computer_name;
    char *customer_id;
    char *def_postal_address;
    char *department;
    char *display_name_prefix;
    char *first_name;
    char *followup;
    char *free_busy_address;
    char *ftp_site;
    char *fullname;
    int16_t  gender;
    char *gov_id;
    char *hobbies;
    char *home_address;                 // 0x801a
    char *home_city;
    char *home_country;
    char *home_fax;
    char *home_phone;
    char *home_phone2;
    char *home_po_box;
    char *home_postal_code;
    char *home_state;
    char *home_street;
    char *initials;
    char *isdn_phone;
    char *job_title;
    char *keyword;
    char *language;
    char *location;
    int   mail_permission;              // 1 = true, 0 = false
    char *manager_name;
    char *middle_name;
    char *mileage;
    char *mobile_phone;
    char *nickname;
    char *office_loc;
    char *org_id;
    char *other_address;                // 0x801c
    char *other_city;
    char *other_country;
    char *other_phone;
    char *other_po_box;
    char *other_postal_code;
    char *other_state;
    char *other_street;
    char *pager_phone;
    char *personal_homepage;
    char *pref_name;
    char *primary_fax;
    char *primary_phone;
    char *profession;
    char *radio_phone;
    int   rich_text;                    // 1 = true, 0 = false
    char *spouse_name;
    char *suffix;
    char *surname;
    char *telex;
    char *transmittable_display_name;
    char *ttytdd_phone;
    FILETIME *wedding_anniversary;
    char *work_address_street;          // 0x8045
    char *work_address_city;            // 0x8046
    char *work_address_state;           // 0x8047
    char *work_address_postalcode;      // 0x8048
    char *work_address_country;         // 0x8049
    char *work_address_postofficebox;   // 0x804a
} pst_item_contact;

typedef struct pst_item_attach {
    char *filename1;
    char *filename2;
    char *mimetype;
    char *data;
    size_t   size;
    uint64_t id2_val;
    uint64_t id_val; // calculated from id2_val during creation of record
    int32_t  method;
    int32_t  position;
    int32_t  sequence;
    struct pst_item_attach *next;
} pst_item_attach;

typedef struct pst_item_extra_field {
    char *field_name;
    char *value;
    struct pst_item_extra_field *next;
} pst_item_extra_field;

typedef struct pst_item_journal {
    FILETIME *end;
    FILETIME *start;
    char *type;
} pst_item_journal;

typedef struct pst_item_appointment {
    FILETIME *end;
    char     *location;
    int       alarm;                // 1 = true, 0 = false
    FILETIME *reminder;
    int32_t   alarm_minutes;
    char     *alarm_filename;
    FILETIME *start;
    char     *timezonestring;
    int32_t   showas;
    int32_t   label;
    int       all_day;              // 1 = true, 0 = false
    char     *recurrence;
    int32_t   recurrence_type;
    FILETIME *recurrence_start;
    FILETIME *recurrence_end;
} pst_item_appointment;

typedef struct pst_item {
    struct pst_item_email         *email;           // data reffering to email
    struct pst_item_folder        *folder;          // data reffering to folder
    struct pst_item_contact       *contact;         // data reffering to contact
    struct pst_item_attach        *attach;          // linked list of attachments
    struct pst_item_message_store *message_store;   // data referring to the message store
    struct pst_item_extra_field   *extra_fields;    // linked list of extra headers and such
    struct pst_item_journal       *journal;         // data reffering to a journal entry
    struct pst_item_appointment   *appointment;     // data reffering to a calendar entry
    int       type;
    char     *ascii_type;
    char     *file_as;
    char     *comment;
    int32_t   message_size;
    char     *outlook_version;
    char     *record_key; // probably 16 bytes long.
    size_t    record_key_size;
    int       response_requested;     // 1 = true, 0 = false
    FILETIME *create_date;
    FILETIME *modify_date;
    int       private_member;         // 1 = true, 0 = false
} pst_item;

typedef struct pst_x_attrib_ll {
    uint32_t type;
    uint32_t mytype;
    uint32_t map;
    void *data;
    struct pst_x_attrib_ll *next;
} pst_x_attrib_ll;

typedef struct pst_block_recorder {
    struct pst_block_recorder  *next;
    off_t                       offset;
    size_t                      size;
    int                         readcount;
} pst_block_recorder;

typedef struct pst_file {
    pst_index_ll *i_head, *i_tail;
    pst_desc_ll  *d_head, *d_tail;
    pst_x_attrib_ll *x_head;
    pst_block_recorder *block_head;

    //set this to 0 to read 32-bit pst files (pre Outlook 2003)
    //set this to 1 to read 64-bit pst files (Outlook 2003 and later)
    int do_read64;

    uint64_t index1;
    uint64_t index1_back;
    uint64_t index2;
    uint64_t index2_back;
    FILE * fp;                // file pointer to opened PST file
    uint64_t size;            // pst file size
    unsigned char encryption; // pst encryption setting
    unsigned char ind_type;   // pst index type
} pst_file;

typedef struct pst_block_offset {
    int16_t from;
    int16_t to;
} pst_block_offset;

typedef struct pst_block_offset_pointer {
    char *from;
    char *to;
    int   needfree;
} pst_block_offset_pointer;

typedef struct pst_num_item {
    uint32_t   id;      // not an id1 or id2, this is actually some sort of type code
    char      *data;
    uint32_t   type;
    size_t     size;
    char      *extra;
} pst_num_item;

typedef struct pst_num_array {
    int32_t count_item;
    int32_t orig_count;
    int32_t count_array;
    struct pst_num_item ** items;
    struct pst_num_array *next;
} pst_num_array;

typedef struct pst_holder {
    char **buf;
    FILE *    fp;
    int       base64;
    char      base64_extra_chars[3];
    uint32_t  base64_extra;
} pst_holder;

typedef struct pst_subblock {
    char    *buf;
    size_t   read_size;
    size_t   i_offset;
} pst_subblock;

typedef struct pst_subblocks {
    size_t          subblock_count;
    pst_subblock   *subs;
} pst_subblocks;

// prototypes
int            pst_open(pst_file *pf, char *name);
int            pst_close(pst_file *pf);
pst_desc_ll *  pst_getTopOfFolders(pst_file *pf, pst_item *root);
size_t         pst_attach_to_mem(pst_file *pf, pst_item_attach *attach, char **b);
size_t         pst_attach_to_file(pst_file *pf, pst_item_attach *attach, FILE* fp);
size_t         pst_attach_to_file_base64(pst_file *pf, pst_item_attach *attach, FILE* fp);
int            pst_load_index (pst_file *pf);
pst_desc_ll*   pst_getNextDptr(pst_desc_ll* d);
int            pst_load_extended_attributes(pst_file *pf);

int            pst_build_id_ptr(pst_file *pf, off_t offset, int32_t depth, uint64_t linku1, uint64_t start_val, uint64_t end_val);
int            pst_build_desc_ptr(pst_file *pf, off_t offset, int32_t depth, uint64_t linku1, uint64_t *high_id, uint64_t start_val, uint64_t end_val);
pst_item*      pst_getItem(pst_file *pf, pst_desc_ll *d_ptr);
pst_item*      pst_parse_item (pst_file *pf, pst_desc_ll *d_ptr);
pst_num_array* pst_parse_block(pst_file *pf, uint64_t block_id, pst_index2_ll *i2_head, pst_num_array *na_head);
int            pst_process(pst_num_array *list, pst_item *item, pst_item_attach *attach);
void           pst_free_list(pst_num_array *list);
void           pst_freeItem(pst_item *item);
void           pst_free_id2(pst_index2_ll * head);
void           pst_free_id (pst_index_ll *head);
void           pst_free_desc (pst_desc_ll *head);
void           pst_free_xattrib(pst_x_attrib_ll *x);
int            pst_getBlockOffsetPointer(pst_file *pf, pst_index2_ll *i2_head, pst_subblocks *subblocks, uint32_t offset, pst_block_offset_pointer *p);
int            pst_getBlockOffset(char *buf, size_t read_size, uint32_t i_offset, uint32_t offset, pst_block_offset *p);
pst_index2_ll* pst_build_id2(pst_file *pf, pst_index_ll* list, pst_index2_ll* head_ptr);
pst_index_ll*  pst_getID(pst_file* pf, uint64_t id);
pst_index_ll*  pst_getID2(pst_index2_ll * ptr, uint64_t id);
pst_desc_ll*   pst_getDptr(pst_file *pf, uint64_t id);
size_t         pst_read_block_size(pst_file *pf, off_t offset, size_t size, char **buf);
int            pst_decrypt(unsigned char *buf, size_t size, unsigned char type);
uint64_t       pst_getIntAt(pst_file *pf, char *buf);
uint64_t       pst_getIntAtPos(pst_file *pf, off_t pos);
size_t         pst_getAtPos(pst_file *pf, off_t pos, void* buf, size_t size);
size_t         pst_ff_getIDblock_dec(pst_file *pf, uint64_t id, char **b);
size_t         pst_ff_getIDblock(pst_file *pf, uint64_t id, char** b);
size_t         pst_ff_getID2block(pst_file *pf, uint64_t id2, pst_index2_ll *id2_head, char** buf);
size_t         pst_ff_getID2data(pst_file *pf, pst_index_ll *ptr, pst_holder *h);
size_t         pst_ff_compile_ID(pst_file *pf, uint64_t id, pst_holder *h, size_t size);

int            pst_strincmp(char *a, char *b, size_t x);
int            pst_stricmp(char *a, char *b);
size_t         pst_fwrite(const void*ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE*stream);
char *         pst_wide_to_single(char *wt, size_t size);

char *         pst_rfc2426_escape(char *str);
int            pst_chr_count(char *str, char x);
char *         pst_rfc2425_datetime_format(FILETIME *ft);
char *         pst_rfc2445_datetime_format(FILETIME *ft);

void           pst_printDptr(pst_file *pf, pst_desc_ll *ptr);
void           pst_printIDptr(pst_file* pf);
void           pst_printID2ptr(pst_index2_ll *ptr);

#endif // defined LIBPST_H