view src/lzfu.c @ 59:7d5c637aaafb

General cleanup and code fixes. Use autoscan to cleanup our autoconf system. Use autoconf to detect when we need to use our XGetopt files and other header files. Decode BCC field. Fix missing LE32_CPU byte swapping for FILETIME types.
author Carl Byington <>
date Thu, 14 Feb 2008 14:55:32 -0800
parents f66078abed38
children 3cb02cb1e6cd
line wrap: on
line source

	 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
	 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
	 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
	 (at your option) any later version.

	 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
	 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
	 Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA	02111-1307, USA

#include "define.h"
#include "libpst.h"

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#include "lzfu.h"

#define LZFU_COMPRESSED 		0x75465a4c
#define LZFU_UNCOMPRESSED		0x414c454d

// initital dictionary
#define LZFU_INITDICT	"{\\rtf1\\ansi\\mac\\deff0\\deftab720{\\fonttbl;}" \
						"{\\f0\\fnil \\froman \\fswiss \\fmodern \\fscrip" \
						"t \\fdecor MS Sans SerifSymbolArialTimes Ne" \
						"w RomanCourier{\\colortbl\\red0\\green0\\blue0" \
						"\r\n\\par \\pard\\plain\\f0\\fs20\\b\\i\\u\\tab" \
// initial length of dictionary

// header for compressed rtf
typedef struct _lzfuheader {
	uint32_t cbSize;
	uint32_t cbRawSize;
	uint32_t dwMagic;
	uint32_t dwCRC;
} lzfuheader;

unsigned char* lzfu_decompress (unsigned char* rtfcomp, uint32_t compsize, size_t *size) {
	// the dictionary buffer
	unsigned char dict[4096];
	// the dictionary pointer
	unsigned int dict_length=0;
	// the header of the lzfu block
	lzfuheader lzfuhdr;
	// container for the data blocks
	unsigned char flags;
	// temp value for determining the bits in the flag
	unsigned char flag_mask;
	uint32_t i;
	unsigned char *out_buf;
	uint32_t out_ptr  = 0;
	uint32_t out_size;
	uint32_t in_ptr;
	uint32_t in_size;

	dict_length = LZFU_INITLENGTH;
	memcpy(&lzfuhdr, rtfcomp, sizeof(lzfuhdr));
	//printf("total size: %d\n", lzfuhdr.cbSize+4);
	//printf("raw size  : %d\n", lzfuhdr.cbRawSize);
	//printf("compressed: %s\n", (lzfuhdr.dwMagic == LZFU_COMPRESSED ? "yes" : "no"));
	//printf("CRC       : %#x\n", lzfuhdr.dwCRC);
	out_size = lzfuhdr.cbRawSize + 3;	// two braces and a null terminator
	out_buf  = (unsigned char*)xmalloc(out_size);
	in_ptr	 = sizeof(lzfuhdr);
	in_size  = (lzfuhdr.cbSize < compsize) ? lzfuhdr.cbSize : compsize;
	while (in_ptr < in_size) {
		flags = rtfcomp[in_ptr++];
		flag_mask = 1;
		while (flag_mask) {
			if (flag_mask & flags) {
				// two bytes available?
				if (in_ptr+1 < in_size) {
					// read 2 bytes from input
					unsigned short int blkhdr, offset, length;
					memcpy(&blkhdr, rtfcomp+in_ptr, 2);
					in_ptr += 2;
					/* swap the upper and lower bytes of blkhdr */
					blkhdr = (((blkhdr&0xFF00)>>8)+
					/* the offset is the first 12 bits of the 16 bit value */
					offset = (blkhdr&0xFFF0)>>4;
					/* the length of the dict entry are the last 4 bits */
					length = (blkhdr&0x000F)+2;
					// add the value we are about to print to the dictionary
					for (i=0; i < length; i++) {
						unsigned char c1;
						c1 = dict[(offset+i)%4096];
						dict_length = (dict_length+1) % 4096;
						if (out_ptr < out_size) out_buf[out_ptr++] = c1;
			} else {
				// one byte available?
				if (in_ptr < in_size) {
					// uncompressed chunk (single byte)
					char c1 = rtfcomp[in_ptr++];
					dict[dict_length] = c1;
					dict_length = (dict_length+1)%4096;
					if (out_ptr < out_size) out_buf[out_ptr++] = c1;
			flag_mask <<= 1;
	// the compressed version doesn't appear to drop the closing
	// braces onto the doc, so we do that here.
	if (out_ptr < out_size) out_buf[out_ptr++] = '}';
	if (out_ptr < out_size) out_buf[out_ptr++] = '}';
	*size = out_ptr;
	if (out_ptr < out_size) out_buf[out_ptr++] = '\0';
	return out_buf;