view src/pst2ldif.cpp @ 59:7d5c637aaafb

General cleanup and code fixes. Use autoscan to cleanup our autoconf system. Use autoconf to detect when we need to use our XGetopt files and other header files. Decode BCC field. Fix missing LE32_CPU byte swapping for FILETIME types.
author Carl Byington <>
date Thu, 14 Feb 2008 14:55:32 -0800
parents 034641c26ab9
children 3cb02cb1e6cd
line wrap: on
line source


Copyright (c) 2004 Carl Byington - 510 Software Group, released under
the GPL version 2 or any later version at your choice available at

Based on readpst.c by David Smith


using namespace std;

// needed for std c++ collections
#include <set>

extern "C" {
	#include "define.h"
	#include "libstrfunc.h"
	#include "libpst.h"
	#include "common.h"
	#include "timeconv.h"
	#include "lzfu.h"

int32_t   usage();
int32_t   version();
char *my_stristr(char *haystack, char *needle);
char *check_filename(char *fname);
char *single(char *str);
char *folded(char *str);
void  multi(char *fmt, char *str);
char *rfc2426_escape(char *str);
int32_t chr_count(char *str, char x);

char *prog_name;
pst_file pstfile;
char *ldap_base  = NULL;	// 'o=some.domain.tld, c=US'
char *ldap_class = NULL;	// 'newPerson'
char *ldap_org	 = NULL;	// 'o=some.domain.tld', computed from ldap_base

// define our ordering
struct ltstr {
	bool operator()(char* s1, char* s2) const {
		return strcasecmp(s1, s2) < 0;
// define our set
typedef set<char *, ltstr>	 string_set;
// make a static set to hold the cn values
static string_set all_strings;

// helper to free all the strings in a set
static void free_strings(string_set &s);
static void free_strings(string_set &s)
	for (string_set::iterator i=s.begin(); i!=s.end(); i++) {

// helper to register a string in a string set
static char* register_string(string_set &s, char *name);
static char* register_string(string_set &s, char *name) {
	string_set::iterator i = s.find(name);
	if (i != s.end()) return *i;
	char *x = strdup(name);
	return x;

// register a global string
static char* register_string(char *name);
static char* register_string(char *name) {
	return register_string(all_strings, name);

// make a unique string
static char* unique_string(char *name);
static char* unique_string(char *name) {
	int  unique = 2;
	string_set::iterator i = all_strings.find(name);
	if (i == all_strings.end()) return register_string(name);
	while (true) {
		char n[strlen(name)+10];
		snprintf(n, sizeof(n), "%s %d", name, unique++);
		string_set::iterator i = all_strings.find(n);
		if (i == all_strings.end()) return register_string(n);

// remove leading and trailing blanks
static char *trim(char *name);
static char *trim(char *name) {
	char *p;
	while (*name == ' ') name++;
	p = name + strlen(name) - 1;
	while ((p >= name) && (*p == ' ')) *p-- = '\0';
	return name;

static void process(pst_desc_ll *d_ptr);
static void process(pst_desc_ll *d_ptr) {
	pst_item *item = NULL;
	while (d_ptr) {
		if (d_ptr->desc) {
			item = pst_parse_item(&pstfile, d_ptr);
			DEBUG_INFO(("item pointer is %p\n", item));
			if (item) {
				if (item->message_store) {
					// there should only be one message_store, and we have already done it
					DIE(("main: A second message_store has been found. Sorry, this must be an error.\n"));

				if (item->folder && d_ptr->child && strcasecmp(item->file_as, "Deleted Items")) {
					//if this is a non-empty folder other than deleted items, we want to recurse into it
					fprintf(stderr, "entering folder %s\n", item->file_as);
				} else if (item->contact) {
					// deal with a contact
					if (item->type != PST_TYPE_CONTACT) {
						DIE(("type should be contact\n"));
					else if (item->contact == NULL) { // this is an incorrect situation. Inform user
						DIE(("null item contact\n"));
					} else {
						char cn[1000];
						snprintf(cn, sizeof(cn), "%s %s %s %s",
						if (strcmp(cn, "   ")) {
//							  fprintf(stderr, "\n\n\n");
//							  fprintf(stderr, "access_method %s\n",              item->contact->access_method);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "account_name %s\n",               item->contact->account_name);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "address1 %s\n",                   item->contact->address1);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "address1_desc %s\n",              item->contact->address1_desc);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "address1_transport %s\n",         item->contact->address1_transport);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "address2 %s\n",                   item->contact->address2);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "address2_desc %s\n",              item->contact->address2_desc);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "address2_transport %s\n",         item->contact->address2_transport);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "address3 %s\n",                   item->contact->address3);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "address3_desc %s\n",              item->contact->address3_desc);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "address3_transport %s\n",         item->contact->address3_transport);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "assistant_name %s\n",             item->contact->assistant_name);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "assistant_phone %s\n",            item->contact->assistant_phone);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "billing_information %s\n",        item->contact->billing_information);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "business_address %s\n",           item->contact->business_address);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "business_city %s\n",              item->contact->business_city);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "business_country %s\n",           item->contact->business_country);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "business_fax %s\n",               item->contact->business_fax);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "business_homepage %s\n",          item->contact->business_homepage);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "business_phone %s\n",             item->contact->business_phone);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "business_phone2 %s\n",            item->contact->business_phone2);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "business_po_box %s\n",            item->contact->business_po_box);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "business_postal_code %s\n",       item->contact->business_postal_code);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "business_state %s\n",             item->contact->business_state);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "business_street %s\n",            item->contact->business_street);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "callback_phone %s\n",             item->contact->callback_phone);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "car_phone %s\n",                  item->contact->car_phone);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "company_main_phone %s\n",         item->contact->company_main_phone);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "company_name %s\n",               item->contact->company_name);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "computer_name %s\n",              item->contact->computer_name);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "customer_id %s\n",                item->contact->customer_id);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "def_postal_address %s\n",         item->contact->def_postal_address);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "department %s\n",                 item->contact->department);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "display_name_prefix %s\n",        item->contact->display_name_prefix);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "first_name %s\n",                 item->contact->first_name);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "followup %s\n",                   item->contact->followup);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "free_busy_address %s\n",          item->contact->free_busy_address);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "ftp_site %s\n",                   item->contact->ftp_site);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "fullname %s\n",                   item->contact->fullname);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "gov_id %s\n",                     item->contact->gov_id);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "hobbies %s\n",                    item->contact->hobbies);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "home_address %s\n",               item->contact->home_address);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "home_city %s\n",                  item->contact->home_city);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "home_country %s\n",               item->contact->home_country);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "home_fax %s\n",                   item->contact->home_fax);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "home_phone %s\n",                 item->contact->home_phone);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "home_phone2 %s\n",                item->contact->home_phone2);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "home_po_box %s\n",                item->contact->home_po_box);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "home_postal_code %s\n",           item->contact->home_postal_code);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "home_state %s\n",                 item->contact->home_state);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "home_street %s\n",                item->contact->home_street);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "initials %s\n",                   item->contact->initials);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "isdn_phone %s\n",                 item->contact->isdn_phone);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "job_title %s\n",                  item->contact->job_title);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "keyword %s\n",                    item->contact->keyword);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "language %s\n",                   item->contact->language);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "location %s\n",                   item->contact->location);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "manager_name %s\n",               item->contact->manager_name);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "middle_name %s\n",                item->contact->middle_name);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "mileage %s\n",                    item->contact->mileage);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "mobile_phone %s\n",               item->contact->mobile_phone);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "nickname %s\n",                   item->contact->nickname);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "office_loc %s\n",                 item->contact->office_loc);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "org_id %s\n",                     item->contact->org_id);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "other_address %s\n",              item->contact->other_address);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "other_city %s\n",                 item->contact->other_city);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "other_country %s\n",              item->contact->other_country);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "other_phone %s\n",                item->contact->other_phone);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "other_po_box %s\n",               item->contact->other_po_box);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "other_postal_code %s\n",          item->contact->other_postal_code);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "other_state %s\n",                item->contact->other_state);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "other_street %s\n",               item->contact->other_street);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "pager_phone %s\n",                item->contact->pager_phone);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "personal_homepage %s\n",          item->contact->personal_homepage);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "pref_name %s\n",                  item->contact->pref_name);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "primary_fax %s\n",                item->contact->primary_fax);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "primary_phone %s\n",              item->contact->primary_phone);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "profession %s\n",                 item->contact->profession);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "radio_phone %s\n",                item->contact->radio_phone);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "spouse_name %s\n",                item->contact->spouse_name);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "suffix %s\n",                     item->contact->suffix);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "surname %s\n",                    item->contact->surname);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "telex %s\n",                      item->contact->telex);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "transmittable_display_name %s\n", item->contact->transmittable_display_name);
//							  fprintf(stderr, "ttytdd_phone %s\n",               item->contact->ttytdd_phone);
							// have a valid cn
							char *ucn = unique_string(folded(trim(cn)));
							printf("dn: cn=%s, %s\n", ucn, ldap_base);
							printf("cn: %s\n", ucn);
							if (item->contact->first_name) {
								snprintf(cn, sizeof(cn), "%s %s",
								printf("givenName: %s\n", trim(cn));
							if (item->contact->surname) {
								snprintf(cn, sizeof(cn), "%s %s",
								printf("sn: %s\n", trim(cn));
							else if (item->contact->company_name) {
								printf("sn: %s\n", single(item->contact->company_name));
								printf("sn: %s\n", ucn);    // use cn as sn if we cannot find something better

							if (item->contact->job_title)
								printf("personalTitle: %s\n", single(item->contact->job_title));
							if (item->contact->company_name)
								printf("company: %s\n", single(item->contact->company_name));
							if (item->contact->address1  && *item->contact->address1)
								printf("mail: %s\n", single(item->contact->address1));
							if (item->contact->address2  && *item->contact->address2)
								printf("mail: %s\n", single(item->contact->address2));
							if (item->contact->address3  && *item->contact->address3)
								printf("mail: %s\n", single(item->contact->address3));
							if (item->contact->address1a && *item->contact->address1a)
								printf("mail: %s\n", single(item->contact->address1a));
							if (item->contact->address2a && *item->contact->address2a)
								printf("mail: %s\n", single(item->contact->address2a));
							if (item->contact->address3a && *item->contact->address3a)
								printf("mail: %s\n", single(item->contact->address3a));
							if (item->contact->business_address) {
								if (item->contact->business_po_box)
									printf("postalAddress: %s\n", single(item->contact->business_po_box));
								if (item->contact->business_street)
									multi("postalAddress: %s\n", item->contact->business_street);
								if (item->contact->business_city)
									printf("l: %s\n", single(item->contact->business_city));
								if (item->contact->business_state)
									printf("st: %s\n", single(item->contact->business_state));
								if (item->contact->business_postal_code)
									printf("postalCode: %s\n", single(item->contact->business_postal_code));
							else if (item->contact->home_address) {
								if (item->contact->home_po_box)
									printf("postalAddress: %s\n", single(item->contact->home_po_box));
								if (item->contact->home_street)
									multi("postalAddress: %s\n", item->contact->home_street);
								if (item->contact->home_city)
									printf("l: %s\n", single(item->contact->home_city));
								if (item->contact->home_state)
									printf("st: %s\n", single(item->contact->home_state));
								if (item->contact->home_postal_code)
									printf("postalCode: %s\n", single(item->contact->home_postal_code));
							else if (item->contact->other_address) {
								if (item->contact->other_po_box)
									printf("postalAddress: %s\n", single(item->contact->other_po_box));
								if (item->contact->other_street)
									multi("postalAddress: %s\n", item->contact->other_street);
								if (item->contact->other_city)
									printf("l: %s\n", single(item->contact->other_city));
								if (item->contact->other_state)
									printf("st: %s\n", single(item->contact->other_state));
								if (item->contact->other_postal_code)
									printf("postalCode: %s\n", single(item->contact->other_postal_code));
							if (item->contact->business_fax)
								printf("facsimileTelephoneNumber: %s\n", single(item->contact->business_fax));
							else if (item->contact->home_fax)
								printf("facsimileTelephoneNumber: %s\n", single(item->contact->home_fax));

							if (item->contact->business_phone)
								printf("telephoneNumber: %s\n", single(item->contact->business_phone));
							if (item->contact->home_phone)
								printf("homePhone: %s\n", single(item->contact->home_phone));

							if (item->contact->car_phone)
								printf("mobile: %s\n", single(item->contact->car_phone));
							else if (item->contact->mobile_phone)
								printf("mobile: %s\n", single(item->contact->mobile_phone));
							else if (item->contact->other_phone)
								printf("mobile: %s\n", single(item->contact->other_phone));

							if (item->comment)
								printf("description: %s\n", single(item->comment));

							printf("objectClass: %s\n\n", ldap_class);
				else {
					DEBUG_INFO(("item is not a contact\n"));
		d_ptr = d_ptr->next;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
	pst_desc_ll *d_ptr;
	char *fname = NULL;
	char *temp = NULL;		  //temporary char pointer
	char c;
	char *d_log = NULL;
	prog_name = argv[0];
	pst_item *item = NULL;

	while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "b:c:d:Vh"))!= -1) {
		switch (c) {
		case 'b':
			ldap_base = optarg;
			temp = strchr(ldap_base, ',');
			if (temp) {
				*temp = '\0';
				ldap_org = strdup(ldap_base+2); // assume first 2 chars are o=
				*temp = ',';
		case 'c':
			ldap_class = optarg;
		case 'd':
			d_log = optarg;
		case 'h':
		case 'V':

	if ((argc > optind) && (ldap_base) && (ldap_class) && (ldap_org)) {
		fname = argv[optind];
	} else {

	#ifdef DEBUG_ALL
		// force a log file
		if (!d_log) d_log = "pst2ldif.log";
	RET_DERROR(pst_open(&pstfile, fname), 1, ("Error opening File\n"));
	RET_DERROR(pst_load_index(&pstfile), 2, ("Index Error\n"));


	d_ptr = pstfile.d_head; // first record is main record
	item  = (pst_item*)pst_parse_item(&pstfile, d_ptr);
	if (!item || !item->message_store) {
		DIE(("main: Could not get root record\n"));

	d_ptr = pst_getTopOfFolders(&pstfile, item);
	if (!d_ptr) {
		DIE(("Top of folders record not found. Cannot continue\n"));


	// write the ldap header
	printf("dn: %s\n", ldap_base);
	printf("o: %s\n", ldap_org);
	printf("objectClass: organization\n\n");
	printf("dn: cn=root, %s\n", ldap_base);
	printf("cn: root\n");
	printf("objectClass: %s\n\n", ldap_class);

	process(d_ptr->child);	// do the children of TOPF
	return 0;

int usage() {
	printf("Usage: %s [OPTIONS] {PST FILENAME}\n", prog_name);
	printf("\t-h\t- Help. This screen\n");
	printf("\t-V\t- Version. Display program version\n");
	printf("\t-b ldapbase\t- set the ldap base value\n");
	printf("\t-c class   \t- set the class of the ldap objects\n");
	return 0;

int version() {
	printf("pst2ldif v%s\n", VERSION);
	printf("Big Endian implementation being used.\n");
	printf("Little Endian implementation being used.\n");
#  error "Byte order not supported by this library"
#ifdef __GNUC__
	printf("GCC %d.%d : %s %s\n", __GNUC__, __GNUC_MINOR__, __DATE__, __TIME__);
	return 0;

// my_stristr varies from strstr in that its searches are case-insensitive
char * my_stristr(char *haystack, char *needle) {
	char *x=haystack, *y=needle, *z = NULL;
	if (haystack == NULL || needle == NULL)
		return NULL;
	while (*y != '\0' && *x != '\0') {
		if (tolower(*y) == tolower(*x)) {
			// move y on one
			if (z == NULL) {
		z = x; // store first position in haystack where a match is made
		} else {
			y = needle; // reset y to the beginning of the needle
			z = NULL; // reset the haystack storage point
		x++; // advance the search in the haystack
	return z;

char *check_filename(char *fname) {
	char *t = fname;
	if (t == NULL) {
		return fname;
	while ((t = strpbrk(t, "/\\:"))) {
		// while there are characters in the second string that we don't want
		*t = '_'; //replace them with an underscore
	return fname;

char *single(char *str) {
	if (!str) return "";
	char *ret = rfc2426_escape(str);
	char *n = strchr(ret, '\n');
	if (n) *n = '\0';
	return ret;

char *folded(char *str) {
	if (!str) return "";
	char *ret = rfc2426_escape(str);
	char *n = ret;
	while (n = strchr(n, '\n')) {
		*n = ' ';
	n = ret;
	while (n = strchr(n, ',')) {
		*n = ' ';
	return ret;

void multi(char *fmt, char *str) {
	if (!str) return;
	char *ret = rfc2426_escape(str);
	char *n = ret;
	while (n = strchr(ret, '\n')) {
		*n = '\0';
		printf(fmt, ret);
		ret = n+1;
	if (*ret) printf(fmt, ret);

char *rfc2426_escape(char *str) {
	static char* buf = NULL;
	char *ret, *a, *b;
	int x = 0, y, z;
	if (str == NULL)
		ret = str;
	else {

		// calculate space required to escape all the following characters
		y = chr_count(str, '\\')
		  + chr_count(str, ';');
		z = chr_count(str, '\r');
		if (y == 0 && z == 0)
			// there isn't any extra space required
			ret = str;
		else {
			x = strlen(str) + y - z + 1; // don't forget room for the NUL
			buf = (char*) realloc(buf, x);
			a = str;
			b = buf;
			while (*a != '\0') {
				switch(*a) {
					case '\\':
					case ';' :
					case '\r':  // skip cr
			*b = '\0'; // NUL-terminate the string (buf)
			ret = buf;
	return ret;

int chr_count(char *str, char x) {
	int r = 0;
	while (*str != '\0') {
		if (*str == x)
	return r;