view archive/patch1 @ 60:97b7706bdda2

Work around bogus 7c.b5 blocks in some messages that have been read. They appear to have attachments, but of some unknown format. Before the message was read, it did not have any attachments. Use autoscan to cleanup our autoconf system. Use autoconf to detect when we need to use our XGetopt files and other header files. More fields, including BCC. Fix missing LE32_CPU byte swapping for FILETIME types.
author Carl Byington <>
date Sat, 16 Feb 2008 12:26:35 -0800
parents de3753c3160a
line wrap: on
line source

diff -Naur ../orig/libpst-0.5.1/define.h libpst64-060926/define.h
--- ../orig/libpst-0.5.1/define.h	2004-11-17 07:48:03.000000000 -0700
+++ libpst64-060926/define.h	2006-09-26 14:09:55.000000000 -0600
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
-//#define DEBUG_ALL
+#define DEBUG_ALL
 #ifndef DEFINEH_H
 #define DEFINEH_H
diff -Naur ../orig/libpst-0.5.1/generic.c libpst64-060926/generic.c
--- ../orig/libpst-0.5.1/generic.c	1969-12-31 17:00:00.000000000 -0700
+++ libpst64-060926/generic.c	2006-09-26 14:09:55.000000000 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+// {{{ includes
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "generic.h"
+#include <dmalloc.h>
+// }}}
+// {{{ Macros: ASSERT(), DIE(), F_MALLOC()
+void pDIE( char *fmt, ... ) // {{{ Cough...cough
+	va_list ap;
+	va_start( ap, fmt );
+        //fprintf( stderr, "Fatal error (will segfault): ");
+	vfprintf( stderr, fmt, ap );
+	fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
+	va_end(ap);
+        raise( SIGSEGV );
+// }}}
+void pWARN( char *fmt, ... ) // {{{ Cough...cough
+	va_list ap;
+	va_start( ap, fmt );
+        fprintf( stderr, "WARNING: ");
+	vfprintf( stderr, fmt, ap );
+	fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
+	va_end(ap);
+// }}}
+void *F_MALLOC( size_t size ) // {{{ malloc() but dumps core when it fails
+	void *result;
+	result = malloc( size );
+	ASSERT( NULL != result, "malloc() failure." );
+	return result;
+// }}}
+void *F_REALLOC( void *p, size_t size ) // {{{ realloc() but dumps core when it fails
+	void *result;
+	//if( NULL != p ) hexdump((char*)p - 128, 0, 128, 1 );
+	if(!p) {
+		ASSERT( NULL != ( result = malloc( size ) ), "malloc() failure." );
+	}
+	else {
+		ASSERT( NULL != ( result = realloc( p, size ) ), "realloc() failure." );
+	}
+	//hexdump((char*)result - 128, 0, 128, 1 );
+	fflush(stderr);
+	return result;
+// }}}
+// }}}
+// {{{ Program logging/debug output
+void db_default( char *file, int line, int level, char *fmt, ... ) // {{{
+	va_list ap;
+	if( level <= DEBUG_LEVEL ) {
+		switch( level ) {
+			case DB_CRASH:
+				fprintf(stderr, "CRASH");
+				break;
+			case DB_ERR:
+				fprintf(stderr, "ERROR");
+				break;
+			case DB_WARN:
+				fprintf(stderr, "WARNING");
+				break;
+			case DB_INFO:
+			case DB_VERB:
+				break;
+			default:
+				fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG(%d)", level );
+		}
+		if( level <= DB_WARN )
+			fprintf(stderr, " (%s:%d)", file, line );
+		if( DB_INFO != level && DB_VERB != level )
+			fprintf(stderr, ": ");
+		va_start( ap, fmt );
+		vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap );
+		fprintf(stderr, "\n" );
+		va_end( ap );
+	}
+} // }}}
+void (*dbfunc)(char *file, int line, int level, char *fmt, ...) = &db_default;
+//#define DEBUG(x) { x; }
+//#define DEBUG(x) ;
+// }}}
diff -Naur ../orig/libpst-0.5.1/generic.h libpst64-060926/generic.h
--- ../orig/libpst-0.5.1/generic.h	1969-12-31 17:00:00.000000000 -0700
+++ libpst64-060926/generic.h	2006-09-26 14:09:55.000000000 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+/* {{{ Generic.h - thigns every program does:
+ *
+ * - user output (log, debug, etc)
+ * - crash and burn
+ * - allocate memory (or explode)
+ * }}} */
+#ifndef GENERIC_H
+#define GENERIC_H
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#define LOAD_DEBUG 1
+#define DIE(...) { fprintf(stderr, "Fatal Error at %s,%d: ", __FILE__, __LINE__); pDIE(__VA_ARGS__); }
+//#define WARN(...) { fprintf(stderr, "WARN: %s,%d: ", __FILE__, __LINE__); pWARN(__VA_ARGS__); }
+void pDIE( char *fmt, ... );
+//void pWARN( char *fmt, ... );
+#define WARN(...) DB( DB_WARN, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define ASSERT(x,...) { if( !(x) ) DIE( __VA_ARGS__ ); }
+void *F_MALLOC( size_t size );
+void *F_REALLOC( void *p, size_t size );
+#define DO_DEBUG 0
+#define DEBUG(x) if( DO_DEBUG ) { x; }
+#define STUPID_CR "\r\n"
+#define DB_CRASH   0 // crashing
+#define DB_ERR     1 // error
+#define DB_WARN    2 // warning
+#define DB_INFO    3 // normal, but significant, condition
+#define DB_VERB	   4 // verbose information
+#define DB_0       5 // debug-level message
+#define DB_1       6 // debug-level message
+#define DB_2       7 // debug-level message
+extern int DEBUG_LEVEL;
+extern void (*dbfunc)(char *file, int line, int level, char *fmt, ...);
+#define DB(...) { dbfunc( __FILE__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__ ); }
+int set_db_function( void (*func)( char *file, int line, int level, char *fmt, ...) );
diff -Naur ../orig/libpst-0.5.1/libpst.c libpst64-060926/libpst.c
--- ../orig/libpst-0.5.1/libpst.c	2004-11-17 07:48:04.000000000 -0700
+++ libpst64-060926/libpst.c	2006-09-26 14:09:55.000000000 -0600
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
  * Written by David Smith
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <time.h>
@@ -12,11 +13,15 @@
 #include <limits.h>
 #include <wchar.h>
+#include <signal.h>
 #include <errno.h>
 #include <sys/stat.h> //mkdir
 #include <fcntl.h> // for Win32 definition of _O_BINARY
 #include "define.h"
 #include "libstrfunc.h"
+#include "vbuf.h"
+#define ASSERT(x) { if(!(x)) raise( SIGSEGV ); }
 #ifdef _MSC_VER
 # include <windows.h>
@@ -45,30 +50,54 @@
 //#define LE32_CPU(x) {}
 //#define LE16_CPU(x) {}
 //#endif // _MSC_VER
-#define INDEX_POINTER 0xC4
+// }}}
+#define FILE_SIZE_POINTER32 0xA8
+#define INDEX_POINTER32 0xC4
+#define INDEX_COUNT32 0xC0
+#define SECOND_POINTER32 0xBC
+#define SECOND_COUNT32 0xB8
 #define INDEX_DEPTH 0x4C
 #define SECOND_DEPTH 0x5C
 // the encryption setting could be at 0x1CC. Will require field testing
-#define ENC_OFFSET 0x1CD
+#define ENC_OFFSET32 0x1CD
 // says the type of index we have
+#define INDEX_TYPE_OFFSET32 0x0A
+#define INDEX_TYPE32 0x0E
+#define INDEX_TYPE64 0x17 //I think this is wrong
 // for the 64bit 2003 outlook PST we need new file offsets
 // perhaps someone can figure out the header format for the pst files...
-#define FILE_SIZE_POINTER_64 0xB8
-#define INDEX_POINTER_64 0xF0
-#define SECOND_POINTER_64 0xE0
+#define FILE_SIZE_POINTER64 0xB8
+#define INDEX_POINTER64 0xF0
+#define INDEX_COUNT64 0xE8
+#define SECOND_POINTER64 0xE0
+#define SECOND_COUNT64 0xD8
+#define INDEX_TYPE_OFFSET64 0x0A
+#define ENC_OFFSET64 0x201
+#define INDEX_TYPE ((do_read64)?INDEX_TYPE64:INDEX_TYPE32)
+#define ENC_OFFSET ((do_read64)?ENC_OFFSET64:ENC_OFFSET32)
+#define INDEX_COUNT ((do_read64)?INDEX_COUNT64:INDEX_COUNT32)
 #define PST_SIGNATURE 0x4E444221
-struct _pst_table_ptr_struct{
+int do_read64 = 0; //set this to 1 in order to try and read 64-bit pst files (Outlook 2003)
+struct _pst_table_ptr_struct32{
   int32_t start;
   int32_t u1;
   int32_t offset;
+struct _pst_table_ptr_structn{
+  int64_t start;
+  int64_t u1;
+  int64_t offset;
 typedef struct _pst_block_header {
   int16_t type;
@@ -119,6 +148,26 @@
     0xd4, 0xe1, 0x11, 0xd0, 0x08, 0x8b, 0x2a, 0xf2,
     0xed, 0x9a, 0x64, 0x3f, 0xc1, 0x6c, 0xf9, 0xec}; /*0xff*/
+void set_read64() { do_read64 = 1; } 
+void dump_desc( off_t off, int depth, int i, pst_descn *desc_rec ) { // {{{
+	//desc_rec->d_id = 0x0102030405060708;
+      DEBUG_INDEX(("%08x [%i] Item(%#x) = [d_id = %#llx, desc_id = %#llx, "
+		  "list_id = %#llx, parent_id = %#x, u1 = %#x] %#x %p %p\n",
+		  off,
+		  depth, i, desc_rec->d_id, 
+		  desc_rec->desc_id, desc_rec->list_id, desc_rec->parent_id, desc_rec->u1));
+      DEBUG_HEXDUMPC( (char*)desc_rec, sizeof( pst_descn ), 0x10 );
+      DEBUG_INDEX(("WTF? %d %x %x %x %x %x\n",
+			      sizeof( u_int32_t ),
+		      (int)(&desc_rec->d_id) - (int)desc_rec,
+		      (int)(&desc_rec->desc_id) - (int)desc_rec,
+		      (int)(&desc_rec->list_id) - (int)desc_rec,
+		      (int)(&desc_rec->parent_id) - (int)desc_rec,
+		      (int)(&desc_rec->u1) - (int)desc_rec ));
+} // }}}
 int32_t pst_open(pst_file *pf, char *name, char *mode) {
   u_int32_t sig;
   //  unsigned char ind_type;
@@ -158,9 +207,10 @@
     return -1;
   _pst_getAtPos(pf->fp, INDEX_TYPE_OFFSET, &(pf->ind_type), sizeof(unsigned char));
   DEBUG_INFO(("index_type = %i\n", pf->ind_type));
-  if (pf->ind_type != 0x0E) {
+  if ( pf->ind_type != INDEX_TYPE) {
     WARN(("unknown index structure. Could this be a new Outlook 2003 PST file?\n"));
     return -1;
@@ -170,23 +220,18 @@
   DEBUG_INFO(("encrypt = %i\n", pf->encryption));
   //  pf->encryption = encrypt;
-  _pst_getAtPos(pf->fp, SECOND_POINTER-4, &(pf->index2_count), sizeof(pf->index2_count));
-  _pst_getAtPos(pf->fp, SECOND_POINTER, &(pf->index2), sizeof(pf->index2));
-  LE32_CPU(pf->index2_count);
-  LE32_CPU(pf->index2);
+  pf->index2_count = _pst_getIntAtPos(pf->fp, SECOND_COUNT);
+  pf->index2 = _pst_getIntAtPos(pf->fp, SECOND_POINTER );
-  _pst_getAtPos(pf->fp, FILE_SIZE_POINTER, &(pf->size), sizeof(pf->size));
-  LE32_CPU(pf->size);
+  pf->size = _pst_getIntAtPos( pf->fp, FILE_SIZE_POINTER );
   // very tempting to leave these values set way too high and let the exploration of the tables set them...
   pf->index1_depth = pf->index2_depth = 255;
   DEBUG_INFO(("Pointer2 is %#X, count %i[%#x], depth %#x\n", 
     pf->index2, pf->index2_count, pf->index2_count, pf->index2_depth));
-  _pst_getAtPos(pf->fp, INDEX_POINTER-4, &(pf->index1_count), sizeof(pf->index1_count));
-  _pst_getAtPos(pf->fp, INDEX_POINTER, &(pf->index1), sizeof(pf->index1));
-  LE32_CPU(pf->index1_count);
-  LE32_CPU(pf->index1);
+  pf->index1_count = _pst_getIntAtPos(pf->fp, INDEX_COUNT);
+  pf->index1 = _pst_getIntAtPos(pf->fp, INDEX_POINTER);
   DEBUG_INFO(("Pointer1 is %#X, count %i[%#x], depth %#x\n", 
     pf->index1, pf->index1_count, pf->index1_count, pf->index1_depth));
@@ -495,18 +540,110 @@
 #define BLOCK_SIZE 516
+int _pst_decode_desc( pst_descn *desc, char *buf ) { // {{{
+	int r;
+	if( do_read64 ) {
+		DEBUG_INDEX(("Decoding desc64 "));
+		DEBUG_HEXDUMPC(buf, sizeof( pst_descn ), 0x10);
+		memcpy(desc, buf, sizeof( pst_descn ));
+		LE64_CPU(desc->d_id);
+		LE64_CPU(desc->desc_id);
+		LE64_CPU(desc->list_id);
+		LE32_CPU(desc->parent_id);
+		LE32_CPU(desc->u1);
+		r = sizeof( pst_descn );
+	}
+	else {
+		pst_desc32 d32;
+		DEBUG_INDEX(("Decoding desc32 "));
+		DEBUG_HEXDUMPC(buf, sizeof( d32 ), 0x10);
+		memcpy(&d32, buf, sizeof(d32));
+		LE32_CPU(d32.d_id);
+		LE32_CPU(d32.desc_id);
+		LE32_CPU(d32.list_id);
+		LE32_CPU(d32.parent_id);
+		desc->d_id = d32.d_id;
+		desc->desc_id = d32.desc_id;
+		desc->list_id = d32.list_id;
+		desc->parent_id = d32.parent_id;
+		desc->u1 = 0;
+		r = sizeof( d32 );
+	}
+	return r;
+} // }}}
+int _pst_decode_table( struct _pst_table_ptr_structn *table, char *buf ) { // {{{
+	if( do_read64 ) {
+		DEBUG_INDEX(("Decoding table64"));
+		DEBUG_HEXDUMPC(buf, sizeof( struct _pst_table_ptr_structn ), 0x10);
+		memcpy(table, buf, sizeof( struct _pst_table_ptr_structn ) );
+		LE64_CPU(table->start);
+		LE64_CPU(table->u1);
+		LE64_CPU(table->offset);
+		return sizeof( struct _pst_table_ptr_structn );
+	}
+	else {
+		struct _pst_table_ptr_struct32 t32;
+		memcpy(&t32, buf, sizeof(t32));
+		LE32_CPU(t32.start);
+		LE32_CPU(t32.u1);
+		LE32_CPU(t32.offset);
+		table->start = t32.start;
+		table->u1 = t32.u1;
+		table->offset = t32.offset;
+		return sizeof( struct _pst_table_ptr_struct32 );
+	}
+	return 0;
+} // }}}
+int _pst_decode_index( pst_index *index, char *buf ) { // {{{
+	if( do_read64 ) {
+		DEBUG_INDEX(("Decoding index64"));
+		DEBUG_HEXDUMPC(buf, sizeof( pst_index ), 0x10);
+		memcpy(index, buf, sizeof(pst_index));
+		LE64_CPU(index->id);
+		LE64_CPU(index->offset);
+		LE16_CPU(index->size);
+		LE16_CPU(index->u0);
+		LE16_CPU(index->u1);
+		return sizeof( pst_index );
+	} else {
+		pst_index32 index32;
+		memcpy(&index32, buf, sizeof(pst_index32));
+		LE32_CPU(index32->id);
+		LE32_CPU(index32->offset);
+		LE16_CPU(index32->size);
+		LE16_CPU(index32->u1);
+		index->id =;
+		index->offset = index32.offset;
+		index->size = index32.size;
+		index->u1 = index32.u1;
+		return sizeof( pst_index32 );
+	}
-int32_t _pst_build_id_ptr(pst_file *pf, int32_t offset, int32_t depth, int32_t start_val, int32_t end_val) {
-  struct _pst_table_ptr_struct table, table2;
+	return 0;
+} // }}}
+int32_t _pst_build_id_ptr(pst_file *pf, off_t offset, int32_t depth, int32_t start_val, int32_t end_val) {
+  struct _pst_table_ptr_structn table, table2;
   pst_index_ll *i_ptr=NULL;
   pst_index index;
   //  int fpos = ftell(pf->fp);
   int32_t x, ret;
   int32_t old = start_val;
+  off_t roff;
   char *buf = NULL, *bptr = NULL;
-  if (pf->index1_depth - depth == 0) {
+  if (pf->index1_depth - depth == 0) { // {{{ Leaf table, add indexes to linked list
     // we must be at a leaf table. These are index items
     DEBUG_INDEX(("Reading Items\n"));
     //    fseek(pf->fp, offset, SEEK_SET);
@@ -519,15 +656,14 @@
     bptr = buf;
     //    DEBUG_HEXDUMPC(buf, BLOCK_SIZE, 12);
-    memcpy(&index, bptr, sizeof(index));
-    LE32_CPU(;
-    LE32_CPU(index.offset);
-    LE16_CPU(index.size);
-    LE16_CPU(index.u1);
-    bptr += sizeof(index);
+    roff = offset;
+    bptr += _pst_decode_index( &index, bptr );
-    while( != 0 && x < 42 && bptr < buf+BLOCK_SIZE && < end_val) {
-      DEBUG_INDEX(("[%i]%i Item [id = %#x, offset = %#x, u1 = %#x, size = %i(%#x)]\n", depth, ++x,, index.offset, index.u1, index.size, index.size));
+    while( != 0 && x < 42 && bptr < buf+BLOCK_SIZE && < end_val) { // {{{
+      DEBUG_INDEX(("%08x [%i]%i Item [        id = %#llx, offset = %#llx, u1 = %#x, size = %i(%#x)] %p %p\n",
+			      roff,
+	depth, ++x,, index.offset, index.u1,
+	index.size, index.size, buf, bptr ));
       if ( & 0x02) {
 	DEBUG_INDEX(("two-bit set!!\n"));
@@ -543,7 +679,7 @@
 	pf->id_depth_ok = 1;
       // u1 could be a flag. if bit 0x2 is not set, it might be deleted
-      //      if (index.u1 & 0x2 || index.u1 & 0x4) { 
+      //      if (index.u1 & 0x2 || index.u1 & 0x4)  
       // ignore the above condition. it doesn't appear to hold
       if (old > { // then we have back-slid on the new values
 	DEBUG_INDEX(("Back slider detected - Old value [%#x] greater than new [%#x]. Progressing to next table\n", old,;
@@ -551,6 +687,7 @@
 	return 2;
       old =;
+      // {{{ Add index to linked list
       i_ptr = (pst_index_ll*) xmalloc(sizeof(pst_index_ll));
       i_ptr->id =;
       i_ptr->offset = index.offset;    	
@@ -562,15 +699,12 @@
       if (pf->i_head == NULL)
 	pf->i_head = i_ptr;
       pf->i_tail = i_ptr;
-      memcpy(&index, bptr, sizeof(index));
-      LE32_CPU(;
-      LE32_CPU(index.offset);
-      LE16_CPU(index.size);
-      LE16_CPU(index.u1);
-      bptr += sizeof(index);
-    }
-    //    fseek(pf->fp, fpos, SEEK_SET);
-    if (x < 42) { // we have stopped prematurley. Why?
+      // }}}
+      roff = offset + (bptr - buf);
+      bptr +=_pst_decode_index( &index, bptr );
+    } // }}}
+    if (x < 42) { // {{{ we have stopped prematurley. Why?
       if ( == 0) {
 	DEBUG_INDEX(("Found == 0\n"));
       } else if (!(bptr < buf+BLOCK_SIZE)) {
@@ -581,12 +715,12 @@
       } else {
 	DEBUG_INDEX(("Stopped for unknown reason\n"));
-    }
+    } // }}}
     if (buf) free (buf);
     return 2;      
-  } else {
-    // this is then probably a table of offsets to more tables.
+  } // }}}
+  else { // {{{ probably a table of offsets to tables, recurse
     DEBUG_INDEX(("Reading Table Items\n"));
     x = 0;
@@ -600,15 +734,10 @@
     bptr = buf;
     //    DEBUG_HEXDUMPC(buf, BLOCK_SIZE, 12);
-    memcpy(&table, bptr, sizeof(table));
-    LE32_CPU(table.start);
-    LE32_CPU(table.u1);
-    LE32_CPU(table.offset);
-    bptr += sizeof(table);
-    memcpy(&table2, bptr, sizeof(table));
-    LE32_CPU(table2.start);
-    LE32_CPU(table2.u1);
-    LE32_CPU(table2.offset);
+    roff = offset;
+    bptr += _pst_decode_table( &table, bptr );
+    _pst_decode_table( &table2, bptr );
     if (start_val != -1 && table.start != start_val) {
       DEBUG_WARN(("This table isn't right. Must be corruption, or I got it wrong!\n"));
@@ -619,7 +748,9 @@
     while (table.start != 0 && bptr < buf+BLOCK_SIZE && table.start < end_val) {
-      DEBUG_INDEX(("[%i] %i Table [start id = %#x, u1 = %#x, offset = %#x]\n", depth, ++x, table.start, table.u1, table.offset));
+      DEBUG_INDEX(("%08x [%i] %i Table [start id = %#x, u1 = %#x, offset = %#x]\n",
+			      roff,
+			      depth, ++x, table.start, table.u1, table.offset));
       if (table2.start <= table.start) 
 	// this should only be the case when we come to the end of the table
@@ -643,15 +774,9 @@
       } else {
 	DEBUG_INDEX(("child has returned without a known error [%i]\n", ret));
-      memcpy(&table, bptr, sizeof(table));
-      LE32_CPU(table.start);
-      LE32_CPU(table.u1);
-      LE32_CPU(table.offset);
-      bptr += sizeof(table);
-      memcpy(&table2, bptr, sizeof(table));
-      LE32_CPU(table2.start);
-      LE32_CPU(table2.u1);
-      LE32_CPU(table2.offset);
+      bptr += _pst_decode_table( &table, bptr );
+      roff = offset + ( bptr - buf );
+      _pst_decode_table( &table2, bptr );
     if (table.start == 0) {
@@ -669,21 +794,23 @@
     DEBUG_INDEX(("End of table of pointers\n"));
     return 3;
-  }
+  } // }}}
   DEBUG_WARN(("ERROR ** Shouldn't be here!\n"));
   return 1;
 #define DESC_BLOCK_SIZE 520
-int32_t _pst_build_desc_ptr (pst_file *pf, int32_t offset, int32_t depth, int32_t *high_id, int32_t start_id, 
+int32_t _pst_build_desc_ptr (pst_file *pf, off_t offset, int32_t depth, int32_t *high_id, int32_t start_id, 
 			     int32_t end_val) {
-  struct _pst_table_ptr_struct table, table2;
-  pst_desc desc_rec;
+  struct _pst_table_ptr_structn table, table2;
+  pst_descn desc_rec;
   pst_desc_ll *d_ptr=NULL, *d_par=NULL;
   int32_t i = 0, y, prev_id=-1;
   char *buf = NULL, *bptr;
+  off_t roff;
   struct _pst_d_ptr_ll {
     pst_desc_ll * ptr;
@@ -696,8 +823,7 @@
   int32_t d_ptr_count = 0;
-  if (pf->index2_depth-depth == 0) {
-    // leaf node
+  if (pf->index2_depth-depth == 0) { // {{{ leaf node, index it
     if (_pst_read_block_size(pf, offset, DESC_BLOCK_SIZE, &buf, 0, 0) < DESC_BLOCK_SIZE) {
       DEBUG_WARN(("I didn't get all the index that I wanted. _pst_read_block_size returned less than requested\n"));
@@ -707,22 +833,17 @@
-    memcpy(&desc_rec, bptr, sizeof(desc_rec));
-    LE32_CPU(desc_rec.d_id);
-    LE32_CPU(desc_rec.desc_id);
-    LE32_CPU(desc_rec.list_id);
-    LE32_CPU(desc_rec.parent_id);
-    bptr+= sizeof(desc_rec);
+    roff = offset;
+    bptr += _pst_decode_desc( &desc_rec, bptr );
     if (end_val <= start_id) {
       DEBUG_WARN(("The end value is BEFORE the start value. This function will quit. Soz. [start:%#x, end:%#x]\n",
 		  start_id, end_val));
-    while (i < 0x1F && desc_rec.d_id < end_val && (prev_id == -1 || desc_rec.d_id > prev_id)) {
-      DEBUG_INDEX(("[%i] Item(%#x) = [d_id = %#x, desc_id = %#x, "
-		  "list_id = %#x, parent_id = %#x]\n", depth, i, desc_rec.d_id, 
-		  desc_rec.desc_id, desc_rec.list_id, desc_rec.parent_id));
+    while (i < 0x1F && desc_rec.d_id < end_val && (prev_id == -1 || desc_rec.d_id > prev_id)) { // {{{
+	    DEBUG_INDEX(("Bliss %d: %llx %p %p %p ", i, offset, buf, bptr, bptr ));
+	    dump_desc( roff, depth, i, &desc_rec );
       if (start_id != -1 && desc_rec.d_id != start_id) {
@@ -737,20 +858,16 @@
       if (desc_rec.d_id == 0) {
-	memcpy(&desc_rec, bptr, sizeof(desc_rec));
-	LE32_CPU(desc_rec.d_id);
-	LE32_CPU(desc_rec.desc_id);
-	LE32_CPU(desc_rec.list_id);
-	LE32_CPU(desc_rec.parent_id);
-	bptr+=sizeof(desc_rec);
-	continue;
+	      roff = offset + ( bptr - buf );
+		bptr+=_pst_decode_desc( &desc_rec, bptr );
+		continue;
       prev_id = desc_rec.d_id;
       // When duplicates found, just update the info.... perhaps this is correct functionality
       DEBUG_INDEX(("Searching for existing record\n"));
-      if (desc_rec.d_id <= *high_id && (d_ptr = _pst_getDptr(pf, desc_rec.d_id)) !=  NULL) { 
+      if (desc_rec.d_id <= *high_id && (d_ptr = _pst_getDptr(pf, desc_rec.d_id)) !=  NULL) { // {{{
 	DEBUG_INDEX(("Updating Existing Values\n"));
 	d_ptr->list_index = _pst_getID(pf, desc_rec.list_id);
 	d_ptr->desc = _pst_getID(pf, desc_rec.desc_id);
@@ -802,7 +919,7 @@
 	      d_ptr_ptr = d_ptr_ptr->next;
-	    if (d_ptr_ptr == NULL && (d_par = _pst_getDptr(pf, desc_rec.parent_id)) == NULL) {
+	    if (d_ptr_ptr == NULL && (d_par = _pst_getDptr(pf, desc_rec.parent_id)) == NULL) { // {{{
 	      // check in the lost/found list
 	      lf_ptr = lf_head;
 	      while (lf_ptr != NULL && lf_ptr->ptr->id != desc_rec.parent_id) {
@@ -820,7 +937,7 @@
 		d_par = lf_ptr->ptr;
 		DEBUG_INDEX(("Found parent (%#x) in Lost and Found\n", d_par->id));
-	    }
+	    } // }}}
 	    if (d_ptr_ptr != NULL || d_par != NULL) {
 	      if (d_ptr_ptr != NULL) 
@@ -857,7 +974,8 @@
-      } else {     
+      } // }}}
+      else {     
 	if (*high_id < desc_rec.d_id) {
 	  DEBUG_INDEX(("Updating New High\n"));
 	  *high_id = desc_rec.d_id;
@@ -866,8 +984,10 @@
 	d_ptr = (pst_desc_ll*) xmalloc(sizeof(pst_desc_ll));
 	//	DEBUG_INDEX(("Item pointer is %p\n", d_ptr));
 	d_ptr->id = desc_rec.d_id;
+	DEBUG_INDEX(("Weird %llx moo", desc_rec.list_id ));
 	d_ptr->list_index = _pst_getID(pf, desc_rec.list_id);
 	d_ptr->desc = _pst_getID(pf, desc_rec.desc_id);
+	//ASSERT( d_ptr->desc != NULL );
 	d_ptr->prev = NULL;
 	d_ptr->next = NULL;
 	d_ptr->parent = NULL;
@@ -876,7 +996,7 @@
 	d_ptr->no_child = 0;
         DEBUG_INDEX(("Searching for parent\n"));
-	if (desc_rec.parent_id == 0 || desc_rec.parent_id == desc_rec.d_id) {
+	if (desc_rec.parent_id == 0 || desc_rec.parent_id == desc_rec.d_id) { // {{{
 	  if (desc_rec.parent_id == 0) {
 	    DEBUG_INDEX(("No Parent\n"));
 	  } else {
@@ -888,7 +1008,8 @@
 	    pf->d_head = d_ptr;
 	  d_ptr->prev = pf->d_tail;
 	  pf->d_tail = d_ptr;
-        } else {
+        } // }}}
+	else { // {{{
 	  d_ptr_ptr = d_ptr_head;
 	  while (d_ptr_ptr != NULL && d_ptr_ptr->ptr->id != desc_rec.parent_id) {
 	    d_ptr_ptr = d_ptr_ptr->next;
@@ -947,7 +1068,7 @@
 	    d_ptr->prev = d_par->child_tail;
 	    d_par->child_tail = d_ptr;
-	}
+	} // }}}
       // check here to see if d_ptr is the parent of any of the items in the lost / found list
       lf_ptr = lf_head; lf_shd = NULL;
@@ -977,16 +1098,13 @@
 	  lf_ptr = lf_ptr->next;
-      memcpy(&desc_rec, bptr, sizeof(desc_rec));
-      LE32_CPU(desc_rec.d_id);
-      LE32_CPU(desc_rec.desc_id);
-      LE32_CPU(desc_rec.list_id);
-      LE32_CPU(desc_rec.parent_id);
-      bptr+= sizeof(desc_rec);
-    }
+      roff = offset + ( bptr - buf );
+      bptr+= _pst_decode_desc( &desc_rec, bptr );
+    } // }}}
     //    fseek(pf->fp, fpos, SEEK_SET);
-  } else {
-    // hopefully a table of offsets to more tables
+  } // }}}
+  else { // {{{ table of offsets to more tables, recurse
     if (_pst_read_block_size(pf, offset, DESC_BLOCK_SIZE, &buf, 0, 0) < DESC_BLOCK_SIZE) {
       DEBUG_WARN(("didn't read enough desc index. _pst_read_block_size returned less than requested\n"));
@@ -995,15 +1113,8 @@
     bptr = buf;
     //    DEBUG_HEXDUMPC(buf, DESC_BLOCK_SIZE, 12);
-    memcpy(&table, bptr, sizeof(table));
-    LE32_CPU(table.start);
-    LE32_CPU(table.u1);
-    LE32_CPU(table.offset);
-    bptr+=sizeof(table);
-    memcpy(&table2, bptr, sizeof(table));
-    LE32_CPU(table2.start);
-    LE32_CPU(table2.u1);
-    LE32_CPU(table2.offset);
+    bptr+=_pst_decode_table( &table, bptr );
+    _pst_decode_table( &table2, bptr );
     if (start_id != -1 && table.start != start_id) {
       DEBUG_WARN(("This table isn't right. Perhaps we are too deep, or corruption\n"));
@@ -1034,20 +1145,13 @@
 	_pst_build_desc_ptr(pf, table.offset, depth+1, high_id, table.start, table2.start);
-      memcpy(&table, bptr, sizeof(table));
-      LE32_CPU(table.start);
-      LE32_CPU(table.u1);
-      LE32_CPU(table.offset);
-      bptr+=sizeof(table);
-      memcpy(&table2, bptr, sizeof(table));
-      LE32_CPU(table2.start);
-      LE32_CPU(table2.u1);
-      LE32_CPU(table2.offset);
+      bptr+=_pst_decode_table( &table, bptr );
+      _pst_decode_table( &table2, bptr );
     if (buf) free(buf);
     return 3;
-  }
+  } // }}}
   // ok, lets try freeing the d_ptr_head cache here
   while (d_ptr_head != NULL) {
     d_ptr_ptr = d_ptr_head->next;
@@ -1183,7 +1287,7 @@
   return item;
-pst_num_array * _pst_parse_block(pst_file *pf, u_int32_t block_id, pst_index2_ll *i2_head) {
+pst_num_array * _pst_parse_block(pst_file *pf, u_int32_t block_id, pst_index2_ll *i2_head) { // {{{ 
   unsigned char *buf = NULL;
   pst_num_array *na_ptr = NULL, *na_head = NULL;
   pst_block_offset block_offset;
@@ -1194,6 +1298,7 @@
   size_t read_size=0;
   pst_x_attrib_ll *mapptr;
   struct {
     u_int16_t type;
     u_int16_t ref_type;
@@ -1238,13 +1343,13 @@
   //  DEBUG_EMAIL(("About to read %i bytes from offset %#x\n", block->size, block->offset));
-  if ((read_size = _pst_ff_getIDblock_dec(pf, block_id, &buf)) == 0) {
-    //  if (_pst_read_block_size(pf, block->offset, block->size, &buf, PST_ENC, 0) < block->size) {
+  if ((read_size = _pst_ff_getIDblock_dec(pf, block_id, &buf)) == 0) { // {{{ error
+    //  if (_pst_read_block_size(pf, block->offset, block->size, &buf, PST_ENC, 0) < block->size) 
     WARN(("Error reading block id %#x\n", block_id));
     if (buf) free (buf);
     return NULL;
-  }
+  } // }}}
   DEBUG_EMAIL(("pointer to buf is %p\n", buf));
   memcpy(&block_hdr, &(buf[0]), sizeof(block_hdr));
@@ -1255,7 +1360,7 @@
   ind_ptr = block_hdr.index_offset;
-  if (block_hdr.type == 0xBCEC) { //type 1
+  if (block_hdr.type == 0xBCEC) { // {{{ type 1, populate block_offset
     block_type = 1;
     _pst_getBlockOffset(buf, ind_ptr, block_hdr.offset, &block_offset);
@@ -1281,7 +1386,8 @@
     num_list = (to_ptr - fr_ptr)/sizeof(table_rec);
     num_recs = 1; // only going to one object in these blocks
     rec_size = 0; // doesn't matter cause there is only one object
-  } else if (block_hdr.type == 0x7CEC) { //type 2
+  } // }}}
+  else if (block_hdr.type == 0x7CEC) { // {{{ type 2, populate block_offset from seven_c_blk
     block_type = 2;
     _pst_getBlockOffset(buf, ind_ptr, block_hdr.offset, &block_offset);
@@ -1340,16 +1446,17 @@
     _pst_getBlockOffset(buf, ind_ptr, seven_c_blk.ind2_offset, &block_offset);
     ind2_ptr = block_offset.from;
-  } else {
+  } // }}}
+  else { // {{{ error
     WARN(("ERROR: Unknown block constant - %#X for id %#x\n", block_hdr.type, block_id));
     DEBUG_HEXDUMPC(buf, read_size,0x10);
     if (buf) free(buf);
     return NULL;
-  }
+  } // }}}
   DEBUG_EMAIL(("Mallocing number of items %i\n", num_recs));
-  while (count_rec < num_recs) {
+  while (count_rec < num_recs) { // {{{
     na_ptr = (pst_num_array*) xmalloc(sizeof(pst_num_array));
     memset(na_ptr, 0, sizeof(pst_num_array));
     if (na_head == NULL) {
@@ -1371,13 +1478,14 @@
     fr_ptr = list_start; // init fr_ptr to the start of the list.
     cur_list = 0;
     stop = 0;
-    while (!stop && cur_list < num_list) { //we will increase fr_ptr as we progress through index
-      if (block_type == 1) {
+    while (!stop && cur_list < num_list) { //{{{ we will increase fr_ptr as we progress through index
+      if (block_type == 1) { // {{{
 	memcpy(&table_rec, &(buf[fr_ptr]), sizeof(table_rec));
 	fr_ptr += sizeof(table_rec);
-      } else if (block_type == 2) {
+      } // }}}
+      else if (block_type == 2) { // {{{
 	// we will copy the table2_rec values into a table_rec record so that we can keep the rest of the code
 	memcpy(&table2_rec, &(buf[fr_ptr]), sizeof(table2_rec));
@@ -1398,12 +1506,13 @@
 	fr_ptr += sizeof(table2_rec);
-      } else {
+      } // }}}
+      else { // {{{ ERROR
 	WARN(("Missing code for block_type %i\n", block_type));
 	if (buf) free(buf);
 	return NULL;
-      }
+      } // }}}
       cur_list++; // get ready to read next bit from list
       DEBUG_EMAIL(("reading block %i (type=%#x, ref_type=%#x, value=%#x)\n",
 		  x, table_rec.type, table_rec.ref_type, table_rec.value));
@@ -1466,10 +1575,10 @@
 		 || table_rec.ref_type == 0x001E || table_rec.ref_type == 0x0102
 		 || table_rec.ref_type == 0x0040 || table_rec.ref_type == 0x101E
 		 || table_rec.ref_type == 0x0048 || table_rec.ref_type == 0x1102
-		 || table_rec.ref_type == 0x1014) { 
+		 || table_rec.ref_type == 0x1014 || table_rec.ref_type == 0x001F ) { 
 	//contains index_ref to data 
-	if ((table_rec.value & 0x0000000F) == 0xF) { 
+	if ((table_rec.value & 0x0000000F) == 0xF) { // {{{ 
 	  // if value ends in 'F' then this should be an id2 value 
 	  DEBUG_EMAIL(("Found id2 [%#x] value. Will follow it\n", 
@@ -1483,7 +1592,8 @@
 	  DEBUG_EMAIL(("Read %i bytes to a buffer at %p\n",
 		       na_ptr->items[x]->size, na_ptr->items[x]->data));
-	} else if (table_rec.value != 0) {
+	} // }}}
+	else if (table_rec.value != 0) {
 	  if ((table_rec.value >> 4)+ind_ptr > read_size) { 
 	    // check that we will not be outside the buffer we have read
 	    DEBUG_WARN(("table_rec.value [%#x] is outside of block [%#x]\n",
@@ -1507,10 +1617,30 @@
 	  // plus one for good luck (and strings) we will null terminate all reads
-	  na_ptr->items[x]->data = (char*) xmalloc(size+1); 
-	  memcpy(na_ptr->items[x]->data, &(buf[t_ptr]), size);
-	  na_ptr->items[x]->data[size] = '\0'; // null terminate buffer
+	  if( 0x001F == table_rec.ref_type ) {
+		  VBUF_STATIC( strbuf, 1024 );
+		  VBUF_STATIC( unibuf, 1024 );
+		  //need UTF-16 zero-termination
+		  vbset( strbuf, &(buf[t_ptr]), size );
+		  vbappend( strbuf, "\0\0", 2 );
+		  DEBUG_INDEX(("Iconv in: "));
+		  DEBUG_HEXDUMPC( strbuf->b, strbuf->dlen, 0x10 );
+		  vb_utf16to8( unibuf, strbuf->b, strbuf->dlen );
+		  na_ptr->items[x]->data = (char*) xmalloc(unibuf->dlen); 
+		  memcpy(na_ptr->items[x]->data, unibuf->b, unibuf->dlen);
+		  na_ptr->items[x]->size = unibuf->dlen;
+		  DEBUG_INDEX(("Iconv out: "));
+		  DEBUG_HEXDUMPC(na_ptr->items[x]->data, na_ptr->items[x]->size, 0x10 );
+	  }
+	  else {
+		  na_ptr->items[x]->data = (char*) xmalloc(size+1); 
+		  memcpy(na_ptr->items[x]->data, &(buf[t_ptr]), size);
+		  na_ptr->items[x]->data[size] = '\0'; // null terminate buffer
+	  }
+	  DEBUG_INDEX(("Item Puke: type: %x, ref_type: %x, value: %x\n",
+				  table_rec.type, table_rec.ref_type, table_rec.value ));
+	  DEBUG_HEXDUMPC(na_ptr->items[x]->data, size, 0x10 );
 	  if (table_rec.ref_type == 0xd) {
 	    // there is still more to do for the type of 0xD
 	    type_d_rec = (struct _type_d_rec*) na_ptr->items[x]->data;
@@ -1526,7 +1656,6 @@
 	    DEBUG_EMAIL(("Read %i bytes into a buffer at %p\n",
 			 na_ptr->items[x]->size, na_ptr->items[x]->data));
-	    //	  } 
 	} else {
 	  DEBUG_EMAIL(("Ignoring 0 value in offset\n"));
@@ -1548,18 +1677,18 @@
 	return NULL;
-    }
+    } // }}}
     DEBUG_EMAIL(("increasing ind2_ptr by %i [%#x] bytes. Was %#x, Now %#x\n",
 		rec_size, rec_size, ind2_ptr, 
     ind2_ptr += rec_size;
-  }
+  } // }}}
   if (buf != NULL)
   return na_head;
+} // }}}
 // check if item->email is NULL, and init if so
 #define MALLOC_EMAIL(x) { if (x->email == NULL) { x->email = (pst_item_email*) xmalloc(sizeof(pst_item_email)); memset (x->email, 0, sizeof(pst_item_email));} }
@@ -3384,7 +3513,7 @@
   if (_pst_read_block_size(pf, list->offset, list->size, &buf, PST_NO_ENC,0) < list->size) {
     //an error occured in block read
-    WARN(("block read error occured. offset = %#x, size = %#x\n", list->offset, list->size));
+    WARN(("block read error occured. offset = %#llx, size = %#llx\n", list->offset, list->size));
     return NULL;
@@ -3394,7 +3523,7 @@
   if (block_head.type != 0x0002) { // some sort of constant?
-    WARN(("Unknown constant [%#x] at start of id2 values [offset %#x].\n", block_head.type, list->offset));
+    WARN(("Unknown constant [%#x] at start of id2 values [offset %#llx].\n", block_head.type, list->offset));
     return NULL;
@@ -3678,7 +3807,7 @@
   return 0;
-pst_index_ll * _pst_getID(pst_file* pf, u_int32_t id) {
+pst_index_ll * _pst_getID(pst_file* pf, u_int64_t id) {
   //  static pst_index_ll *old_val = NULL; //this should make it quicker
   pst_index_ll *ptr = NULL;
@@ -3693,9 +3822,10 @@
   // Dave: I don't think I should do this. next bit. I really think it doesn't work
   // it isn't based on sound principles either.
   // update: seems that the last two sig bits are flags. u tell me!
-  id &= 0xFFFFFFFE; // remove least sig. bit. seems that it might work if I do this
+  //id &= 0xFFFFFFFE; // remove least sig. bit. seems that it might work if I do this
+  id -= (id & 1 );
-  DEBUG_INDEX(("Trying to find %#x\n", id));
+  DEBUG_INDEX(("Trying to find %#llx\n", id));
   if (ptr == NULL) 
     ptr = pf->i_head;
@@ -3927,6 +4057,9 @@
     return -1;
+  DEBUG_INDEX(("_pst_decrypt()"));
+  DEBUG_HEXDUMPC(buf, size, 0x10 );
   if (type == PST_COMP_ENCRYPT) {
     x = 0;
     while (x < size) {
@@ -3935,6 +4068,9 @@
       buf[x] = comp_enc[y]; // transpose from encrypt array
+	  DEBUG_INDEX(("_pst_decrypt() result"));
+	  DEBUG_HEXDUMPC(buf, size, 0x10 );
   } else {
     WARN(("Unknown encryption: %i. Cannot decrypt\n", type));
@@ -3944,7 +4080,23 @@
   return 0;
-int32_t _pst_getAtPos(FILE *fp, int32_t pos, void* buf, u_int32_t size) {
+int64_t _pst_getIntAtPos(FILE *fp, off_t pos ) {
+	int64_t buf64;
+	int32_t buf32;
+	if(do_read64) {
+		_pst_getAtPos(fp, pos, &buf64, sizeof( buf64 ) );
+		LE64_CPU(buf64);
+		return buf64;
+	}
+	else {
+		_pst_getAtPos(fp, pos, &buf32, sizeof( buf32 ) );
+		LE32_CPU(buf32);
+		return buf32;
+	}
+int32_t _pst_getAtPos(FILE *fp, off_t pos, void* buf, u_int32_t size) {
   if (fseek(fp, pos, SEEK_SET) == -1) {
diff -Naur ../orig/libpst-0.5.1/libpst.h libpst64-060926/libpst.h
--- ../orig/libpst-0.5.1/libpst.h	2004-11-17 07:48:03.000000000 -0700
+++ libpst64-060926/libpst.h	2006-09-26 14:09:55.000000000 -0600
@@ -117,6 +117,8 @@
 #define PST_APP_LABEL_ANNIVERSARY 9 // Anniversary
 #define PST_APP_LABEL_PHONE_CALL  10// Phone Call
+extern int do_read64;
 typedef struct _pst_misc_6_struct {
   int32_t i1;
   int32_t i2;
@@ -132,26 +134,72 @@
   int32_t id;
 } pst_entryid;
-typedef struct _pst_desc_struct {
+typedef struct _pst_desc_struct32 {
   u_int32_t d_id;
   u_int32_t desc_id;
   u_int32_t list_id;
   u_int32_t parent_id;
-} pst_desc;
+} pst_desc32;
-typedef struct _pst_index_struct{
+typedef struct _pst_desc_structn {
+  u_int64_t d_id;
+  u_int64_t desc_id;
+  u_int64_t list_id;
+//  u_int64_t parent_id;
+  u_int32_t parent_id;
+  u_int32_t u1;
+} pst_descn;
+typedef struct _pst_index_struct32{
   u_int32_t id;
   int32_t offset;
   u_int16_t size;
   int16_t u1;
+} pst_index32;
+typedef struct _pst_index_struct64{
+  u_int64_t id;
+  int64_t offset;
+  u_int16_t size;
+  int16_t u1;
+} pst_index64;
+typedef struct _pst_index_struct{
+  u_int64_t id;
+  int64_t offset;
+  u_int16_t size;
+  int16_t u0;
+  int32_t u1;
 } pst_index;
-typedef struct _pst_index_tree {
+typedef union _pst_index_struct {
+	pst_index32 i32;
+	pst_index64 i64;
+} pst_index;
+#define INDEX_ID(x) ((do_read64)?
+#define INDEX_OFFSET(x) ((do_read64)?x.i64.offset:x.i32.offset)
+#define INDEX_SIZE(x) ((do_read64)?x.i64.size:x.i32.size)
+#define INDEX_U1(x) ((do_read64)?x.i64.u1:x.i32.u1)
+typedef struct _pst_index_tree32 {
   u_int32_t id;
   int32_t offset;
-  size_t size;
+  int32_t size;
   int32_t u1;
   struct _pst_index_tree * next;
+} pst_index_ll32;
+typedef struct _pst_index_tree {
+  u_int64_t id;
+  int64_t offset;
+  int64_t size;
+  int64_t u1;
+  struct _pst_index_tree * next;
 } pst_index_ll;
 typedef struct _pst_index2_tree {
@@ -421,6 +469,10 @@
   int32_t index1_count;
   int32_t index2;
   int32_t index2_count;
+  int64_t index1_64;
+  int64_t index1_count_64;
+  int64_t index2_64;
+  int64_t index2_count_64;
   FILE * fp;
   size_t size;
   unsigned char index1_depth;
@@ -460,6 +512,7 @@
 // prototypes
+void set_read64();
 int32_t pst_open(pst_file *pf, char *name, char *mode);
 int32_t pst_close(pst_file *pf);
 pst_desc_ll * pst_getTopOfFolders(pst_file *pf, pst_item *root);
@@ -470,8 +523,8 @@
 pst_desc_ll* pst_getNextDptr(pst_desc_ll* d);
 int32_t pst_load_extended_attributes(pst_file *pf);
-int32_t _pst_build_id_ptr(pst_file *pf, int32_t offset, int32_t depth, int32_t start_val, int32_t end_val);
-int32_t _pst_build_desc_ptr (pst_file *pf, int32_t offset, int32_t depth, int32_t *high_id, 
+int32_t _pst_build_id_ptr(pst_file *pf, off_t offset, int32_t depth, int32_t start_val, int32_t end_val);
+int32_t _pst_build_desc_ptr (pst_file *pf, off_t offset, int32_t depth, int32_t *high_id, 
 			     int32_t start_id, int32_t end_val);
 pst_item* _pst_getItem(pst_file *pf, pst_desc_ll *d_ptr);
 void * _pst_parse_item (pst_file *pf, pst_desc_ll *d_ptr);
@@ -485,13 +538,14 @@
 int32_t _pst_free_xattrib(pst_x_attrib_ll *x);
 int32_t _pst_getBlockOffset(char *buf, int32_t i_offset, int32_t offset, pst_block_offset *p);
 pst_index2_ll * _pst_build_id2(pst_file *pf, pst_index_ll* list, pst_index2_ll* head_ptr);
-pst_index_ll * _pst_getID(pst_file* pf, u_int32_t id);
+pst_index_ll * _pst_getID(pst_file* pf, u_int64_t id);
 pst_index_ll * _pst_getID2(pst_index2_ll * ptr, u_int32_t id);
 pst_desc_ll * _pst_getDptr(pst_file *pf, u_int32_t id);
 size_t _pst_read_block_size(pst_file *pf, int32_t offset, size_t size, char ** buf, int32_t do_enc,
 			 unsigned char is_index);
 int32_t _pst_decrypt(unsigned char *buf, size_t size, int32_t type);
-int32_t _pst_getAtPos(FILE *fp, int32_t pos, void* buf, u_int32_t size);
+int64_t _pst_getIntAtPos(FILE *fp, off_t pos);
+int32_t _pst_getAtPos(FILE *fp, off_t pos, void* buf, u_int32_t size);
 int32_t _pst_get (FILE *fp, void *buf, u_int32_t size);
 size_t _pst_ff_getIDblock_dec(pst_file *pf, u_int32_t id, unsigned char **b);
 size_t _pst_ff_getIDblock(pst_file *pf, u_int32_t id, unsigned char** b);
diff -Naur ../orig/libpst-0.5.1/libstrfunc.c libpst64-060926/libstrfunc.c
--- ../orig/libpst-0.5.1/libstrfunc.c	2004-11-17 07:48:03.000000000 -0700
+++ libpst64-060926/libstrfunc.c	2006-09-26 14:09:55.000000000 -0600
@@ -67,3 +67,30 @@
   return _sf_b64_buf=output;
+void hexdump(char *hbuf, int start, int stop, int ascii) /* {{{ HexDump all or a part of some buffer */
+        char c;
+        int diff,i;
+        while (start < stop ) {
+                diff = stop - start;
+                if (diff > 16) diff = 16;
+                fprintf(stderr, ":%08X  ",start);
+                for (i = 0; i < diff; i++) {
+                        if( 8 == i ) fprintf( stderr, " " );
+                        fprintf(stderr, "%02X ",(unsigned char)*(hbuf+start+i));
+                }
+                if (ascii) {
+                        for (i = diff; i < 16; i++) fprintf(stderr, "   ");
+                        for (i = 0; i < diff; i++) {
+                                c = *(hbuf+start+i);
+                                fprintf(stderr, "%c", isprint(c) ? c : '.');
+                        }
+                }
+                fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+                start += 16;
+        }
+// }}}
diff -Naur ../orig/libpst-0.5.1/libstrfunc.h libpst64-060926/libstrfunc.h
--- ../orig/libpst-0.5.1/libstrfunc.h	2004-11-17 07:48:03.000000000 -0700
+++ libpst64-060926/libstrfunc.h	2006-09-26 14:09:55.000000000 -0600
@@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
 char * base64_encode(void *data, size_t size);
+void hexdump(char *hbuf, int start, int stop, int ascii);
diff -Naur ../orig/libpst-0.5.1/lspst.c libpst64-060926/lspst.c
--- ../orig/libpst-0.5.1/lspst.c	2004-11-17 07:48:03.000000000 -0700
+++ libpst64-060926/lspst.c	2006-09-26 14:09:55.000000000 -0600
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
 char *rfc2426_escape(char *str);
 char *rfc2445_datetime_format(FILETIME *ft);
 // }}}1
+#undef DEBUG_MAIN
 #define DEBUG_MAIN(x) debug_print x;
 // int main(int argc, char** argv) {{{1
 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
diff -Naur ../orig/libpst-0.5.1/Makefile libpst64-060926/Makefile
--- ../orig/libpst-0.5.1/Makefile	2004-11-17 09:16:02.000000000 -0700
+++ libpst64-060926/Makefile	2006-09-26 14:09:55.000000000 -0600
@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
 #!/usr/bin/make -f
-CFLAGS  ?= -g -Wall
+CFLAGS  ?= -g -Wall 
 PREFIX ?= /usr/local
 INSTALL ?= install
+# You might need this
+#LDLIBS ?= -liconv
 #---------------- Do not modify below this point ------------------
 INSTALL_DIR     := $(INSTALL) -p -d -o root -g root -m 0755
@@ -39,9 +42,11 @@
 readpstlog.o: XGetopt.h define.h
 testdebug.o: define.h
 timeconv.o: timeconv.h common.h
+vbuf.o: vbuf.h
+generic.o: generic.h
-readpst: readpst.o libpst.o timeconv.o libstrfunc.o debug.o lzfu.o
-lspst: debug.o libpst.o libstrfunc.o lspst.o timeconv.o
+readpst: readpst.o libpst.o timeconv.o libstrfunc.o debug.o lzfu.o vbuf.o generic.o
+lspst: debug.o libpst.o libstrfunc.o lspst.o timeconv.o vbuf.o generic.o
 getidblock: getidblock.o libpst.o debug.o libstrfunc.o
 testdebug: testdebug.o debug.o
 readpstlog: readpstlog.o debug.o
diff -Naur ../orig/libpst-0.5.1/readpst.c libpst64-060926/readpst.c
--- ../orig/libpst-0.5.1/readpst.c	2004-11-17 07:48:03.000000000 -0700
+++ libpst64-060926/readpst.c	2006-09-26 14:09:55.000000000 -0600
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
 #include <limits.h>
 #include <errno.h>
+#include "vbuf.h"
 #ifndef _WIN32
 # include <unistd.h>
 # include <sys/stat.h> //mkdir
@@ -70,19 +72,19 @@
 // Function Declarations {{{1
 void  write_email_body(FILE *f, char *body);
 char *removeCR (char *c);
-int32_t   usage();
-int32_t   version();
+int   usage();
+int   version();
 char *mk_kmail_dir(char*);
-int32_t   close_kmail_dir();
+int   close_kmail_dir();
 char *mk_recurse_dir(char*);
-int32_t   close_recurse_dir();
+int   close_recurse_dir();
 char *mk_seperate_dir(char *dir, int overwrite);
-int32_t   close_seperate_dir();
-int32_t   mk_seperate_file(struct file_ll *f);
+int   close_seperate_dir();
+int   mk_seperate_file(struct file_ll *f);
 char *my_stristr(char *haystack, char *needle);
 char *check_filename(char *fname);
 char *rfc2426_escape(char *str);
-int32_t chr_count(char *str, char x);
+int chr_count(char *str, char x);
 char *rfc2425_datetime_format(FILETIME *ft);
 char *rfc2445_datetime_format(FILETIME *ft);
 char *skip_header_prologue(char *headers);
@@ -107,6 +109,8 @@
 // saved as email_no-filename (e.g. 1-samplefile.doc or
 #define MODE_SEPERATE 3
+// Decrypt the whole file (even the parts that aren't encrypted) and ralph it to stdout
+#define MODE_DECSPEW 4
 // Output Normal just prints the standard information about what is going on
 #define OUTPUT_NORMAL 0
@@ -153,7 +157,7 @@
   prog_name = argv[0];
   // }}}2
-  while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "d:hko:qrSVwc:"))!= -1) {
+  while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "C6d:hko:qrSVwc:"))!= -1) {
     switch (c) {
     case 'c':
       if (optarg!=NULL && optarg[0]=='v')
@@ -168,6 +172,9 @@
     case 'd':
       d_log = optarg;
+	case '6':
+	  set_read64();
+	  break;
     case 'h':
@@ -191,6 +198,9 @@
     case 'S':
       mode = MODE_SEPERATE;
+	case 'C':
+	  mode = MODE_DECSPEW;
+	  break;
     case 'w':
       overwrite = 1;
@@ -201,6 +211,8 @@
+  unicode_init();
 #ifdef DEBUG_ALL
   // initialize log file
   if (d_log == NULL)
@@ -218,6 +230,29 @@
+  if ( mode == MODE_DECSPEW ) {
+	  FILE *fp;
+	  char buf[1024];
+	  int l=0;
+	  if( NULL == ( fp = fopen(fname, "rb" ) ) ) {
+		  fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open file %s\n", fname );
+		  return 1;
+	  }
+	  while( 0 != ( l = fread( buf, 1, 1024, fp ) ) ) {
+		  if( 0 != _pst_decrypt( buf, l, PST_COMP_ENCRYPT ) ) 
+			  fprintf(stderr, "_pst_decrypt() failed (I'll try to continue)\n");
+		  if( l != fwrite( buf, 1, l, stdout ) ) {
+			  fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't output to stdout?\n");
+			  return 1;
+		  }
+	  }
+	  return 0;
+  }
   if (output_mode != OUTPUT_QUIET) printf("Opening PST file and indexes...\n");
   DEBUG_MAIN(("main: Opening PST file '%s'\n", fname));
@@ -1139,6 +1174,8 @@
   printf("\t-S\t- Seperate. Write emails in the seperate format\n");
   printf("\t-V\t- Version. Display program version\n");
   printf("\t-w\t- Overwrite any output mbox files\n");
+  printf("\t-6\t- Attempt to read 64-bit Outlook file (Outlook 2003)\n");
+  printf("\t-C\t- Decrypt the entire file and output on stdout (not typically useful)\n");
   return 0;
diff -Naur ../orig/libpst-0.5.1/vbuf.c libpst64-060926/vbuf.c
--- ../orig/libpst-0.5.1/vbuf.c	1969-12-31 17:00:00.000000000 -0700
+++ libpst64-060926/vbuf.c	2006-09-26 14:09:55.000000000 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,932 @@
+// {{{ includes
+#include <ctype.h>
+//#include "defines.h"
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <iconv.h>
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "vbuf.h"
+#include "generic.h"
+#include <dmalloc.h>
+// }}}
+int skip_nl( char *s ) // {{{ returns the width of the newline at s[0]
+        if( s[0] == '\n' ) return 1;
+        if( s[0] == '\r' && s[1] == '\n' ) return 2;
+        if( s[0] == '\0' ) return 0;
+        return -1;
+} // }}}
+int find_nl( vstr *vs ) // {{{ find newline of type type in b
+        char *nextr, *nextn;
+        nextr = memchr( vs->b, '\r', vs->dlen );
+        nextn = memchr( vs->b, '\n', vs->dlen );
+        //case 1: UNIX, we find \n first
+        if( nextn && (nextr == NULL || nextr > nextn ) ) {
+                return nextn - vs->b;
+        }
+        //case 2: DOS, we find \r\n
+        if( NULL != nextr && NULL != nextn && 1 == (char*)nextn - (char*)nextr ) {
+                return nextr - vs->b;
+        }
+        //case 3: we find nothing
+        return -1;
+} // }}}
+// {{{ UTF8 <-> UTF16 <-> ISO8859 Character set conversion functions and (ack) their globals
+//TODO: the following should not be
+char *wwbuf=NULL;
+size_t nwwbuf=0;
+static int unicode_up=0;
+iconv_t i16to8, i8to16, i8859_1to8, i8toi8859_1;
+void unicode_init() // {{{
+	char *wipe = "";
+	char dump[4];
+	if( unicode_up ) unicode_close();
+	if( (iconv_t)-1 == (i16to8 = iconv_open( "UTF-8", "UTF-16" ) ) ) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "doexport(): Couldn't open iconv descriptor for UTF-16 to UTF-8.\n");
+		exit( 1 );
+	}
+	if( (iconv_t)-1 == (i8to16 = iconv_open( "UTF-16", "UTF-8" ) ) ) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "doexport(): Couldn't open iconv descriptor for UTF-8 to UTF-16.\n");
+		exit( 2 );
+	}
+	//iconv will prefix output with an FF FE (utf-16 start seq), the following dumps that.
+	memset( dump, 'x', 4 );
+	ASSERT( 0 == utf8to16( wipe, 1, dump, 4 ), "unicode_init(): attempt to dump FF FE failed." );
+	if( (iconv_t)-1 == (i8859_1to8 = iconv_open( "UTF-8", "ISO_8859-1" ) ) ) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "doexport(): Couldn't open iconv descriptor for ASCII to UTF-8.\n");
+		exit( 1 );
+	}
+	if( (iconv_t)-1 == (i8toi8859_1 = iconv_open( "ISO_8859-1", "UTF-8" ) ) ) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "doexport(): Couldn't open iconv descriptor for UTF-8 to ASCII.\n");
+		exit( 1 );
+	}
+	unicode_up = 1;
+// }}}
+void unicode_close() // {{{
+	unicode_up = 0;
+	iconv_close( i8to16 );
+	iconv_close( i16to8 );
+	iconv_close( i8859_1to8 );
+	iconv_close( i8toi8859_1 );
+// }}}
+//int utf16_write( FILE* stream, const void *buf, size_t count ) // {{{ write utf-8 or iso_8869-1 to stream after converting it to utf-16
+//	//TODO: if anything big comes through here we are sunk, should do it
+//	//bit-by-bit, not one-big-gulp
+//	size_t inbytesleft, outbytesleft;
+//	char *inbuf, *outbuf;
+//	size_t icresult;
+//	size_t rl;
+//	//do we have enough buffer space?
+//	if( !wwbuf || nwwbuf < (count * 2 + 2) ) {
+//		wwbuf = F_REALLOC( wwbuf, count * 2 +2 ); 
+//		nwwbuf = count * 2 + 2;
+//	}
+//	inbytesleft = count; outbytesleft = nwwbuf;
+//	inbuf = (char*)buf; outbuf = wwbuf;
+////	fprintf(stderr, "X%s, %dX", (char*)buf, strlen( buf ));
+////	fflush(stderr);
+//	if( (rl = strlen( buf ) + 1) != count ) {
+//		fprintf(stderr, "utf16_write(): reported buffer size (%d) does not match string length (%d)\n",
+//				count,
+//				rl);
+//		//hexdump( (char*)buf, 0, count, 1 );
+//		raise( SIGSEGV );
+//		inbytesleft = rl;
+//	}
+////	fprintf(stderr, "  attempting to convert:\n");
+////	hexdump( (char*)inbuf, 0, count, 1 );
+//	icresult = iconv( i8to16, &inbuf, &inbytesleft, &outbuf, &outbytesleft );
+////	fprintf(stderr, "  converted:\n");
+////	hexdump( (char*)buf, 0, count, 1 );
+////	fprintf(stderr, "  to:\n");
+////	hexdump( (char*)wwbuf, 0, nwwbuf, 1 );
+//	if( (size_t)-1  == icresult ) {
+//		fprintf(stderr, "utf16_write(): iconv failure(%d): %s\n", errno, strerror( errno ) );
+//		fprintf(stderr, "  attempted to convert:\n");
+//		hexdump( (char*)inbuf, 0, count, 1 );
+//		fprintf(stderr, "  result:\n");
+//		hexdump( (char*)outbuf, 0, count, 1 );
+//		fprintf(stderr, "I'm going to segfault now.\n");
+//		raise( SIGSEGV );
+//		exit(1);
+//	}
+//	if( inbytesleft > 0 ) {
+//		fprintf(stderr, "utf16_write(): iconv returned a short count.\n");
+//		exit(1);
+//	}
+//	return fwrite( wwbuf, nwwbuf - outbytesleft - 2, 1, stream  );
+// }}}
+//char *utf16buf = NULL;
+//int utf16buf_len = 0;
+//int utf16_fprintf( FILE* stream, const char *fmt, ... ) // {{{
+//	int result=0;
+//	va_list ap;
+//	if( utf16buf == NULL ) {
+//		utf16buf = (char*)F_MALLOC( SZ_MAX + 1 );
+//		utf16buf_len = SZ_MAX + 1;
+//	}
+//	va_start( ap, fmt );
+//	result = vsnprintf( utf16buf, utf16buf_len, fmt, ap );
+//	if( result + 1 > utf16buf_len ) { //didn't have space, realloc() and try again
+//		fprintf(stderr, "utf16_fprintf(): buffer too small (%d), F_MALLOC(%d)\n", utf16buf_len, result);
+//		free( utf16buf );
+//		utf16buf_len = result + 1;
+//		utf16buf = (char*)F_MALLOC( utf16buf_len );
+//		result = vsnprintf( utf16buf, utf16buf_len, fmt, ap );
+//	}
+//	//didn't have space...again...something weird is going on...
+//	ASSERT( result + 1 <= utf16buf_len,  "utf16_fprintf(): Unpossible error!\n");
+//	if( 1 != utf16_write( stream, utf16buf, result + 1 ) )
+//		DIE( "Write error?  -> %s or %s\n", strerror( errno ), uerr_str( uerr_get() ) );
+//	return result;
+//// }}}
+//int utf16to8( char *inbuf_o, char *outbuf_o, int length ) // {{{
+//	int inbytesleft = length;
+//	int outbytesleft = length;
+//	char *inbuf = inbuf_o;
+//	char *outbuf = outbuf_o;
+//	int rlen = -1, tlen;
+//	int icresult = -1; 
+//	int i, strlen=-1;
+//	DEBUG(
+//		fprintf(stderr, "  utf16to8(): attempting to convert:\n");
+//		//hexdump( (char*)inbuf_o, 0, length, 1 );
+//		fflush(stderr);
+//	);
+//	for( i=0; i<length ; i+=2 ) {
+//		if( inbuf_o[i] == 0 && inbuf_o[i + 1] == 0 ) {
+//			//fprintf(stderr, "End of string found at: %d\n", i );
+//			strlen = i;
+//		}
+//	}
+//	//hexdump( (char*)inbuf_o, 0, strlen, 1 );
+//	if( -1 == strlen ) WARN("String is not zero-terminated.");
+//	//iconv does not like it when the inbytesleft > actual string length
+//	//enum: zero terminated, length valid
+//	//      zero terminated, length short //we won't go beyond length ever, so this is same as NZT case
+//	//      zero terminated, length long
+//	//      not zero terminated
+//	//      TODO: MEMORY BUG HERE!
+//	for( tlen = 0; tlen <= inbytesleft - 2; tlen+=2 ) {
+//		if( inbuf_o[tlen] == 0 && inbuf_o[tlen+1] == 0 ){
+//			rlen = tlen + 2;
+//			tlen = rlen;
+//			break;
+//		}
+//		if( tlen == inbytesleft )fprintf(stderr, "Space allocated for string > actual string length.  Go windows!\n");
+//	}
+//	if( rlen >= 0 )
+//		icresult = iconv( i16to8, &inbuf, &rlen, &outbuf, &outbytesleft );
+//	if( icresult == (size_t)-1 ) {
+//		fprintf(stderr, "utf16to8(): iconv failure(%d): %s\n", errno, strerror( errno ) );
+//		fprintf(stderr, "  attempted to convert:\n");
+//		hexdump( (char*)inbuf_o, 0, length, 1 );
+//		fprintf(stderr, "  result:\n");
+//		hexdump( (char*)outbuf_o, 0, length, 1 );
+//		fprintf(stderr, "  MyDirtyOut:\n");
+//		for( i=0; i<length; i++) {
+//			if( inbuf_o[i] != '\0' ) fprintf(stderr, "%c", inbuf_o[i] );
+//		}
+//		fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
+//		raise( SIGSEGV );
+//		exit(1);
+//	}
+//	DEBUG(
+//		fprintf(stderr, "  result:\n");
+//		hexdump( (char*)outbuf_o, 0, length, 1 );
+//	     )
+//	//fprintf(stderr, "utf16to8() returning %s\n", outbuf );
+//	return icresult;	
+//// }}}
+int utf16_is_terminated( char *str, int length ) // {{{
+	VSTR_STATIC( errbuf, 100 );
+	int len = -1;
+	int i;
+	for( i=0; i<length ; i+=2 ) {
+		if( str[i] == 0 && str[i + 1] == 0 ) {
+			//fprintf(stderr, "End of string found at: %d\n", i );
+			len = i;
+		}
+	}
+	//hexdump( (char*)inbuf_o, 0, len, 1 );
+	if( -1 == len ) {
+		vshexdump( errbuf, str, 0, length, 1 );
+		WARN("String is not zero terminated (probably broken data from registry) %s.", errbuf->b);
+	}
+	return (-1 == len )?0:1;
+} // }}}
+int vb_utf16to8( vbuf *dest, char *buf, int len ) // {{{
+	int inbytesleft = len;
+	char *inbuf = buf;
+	//int rlen = -1, tlen;
+	int icresult = -1; 
+	VBUF_STATIC( dumpster, 100 );
+	//int i; //, strlen=-1;
+	int outbytesleft; 
+	char *outbuf;
+	ASSERT( unicode_up, "vb_utf16to8() called before unicode started." );
+	if( 2 > dest->blen ) vbresize( dest, 2 );
+	dest->dlen = 0;
+	//Bad Things can happen if a non-zero-terminated utf16 string comes through here
+	if( !utf16_is_terminated( buf, len ) ) return -1;
+	do {
+		outbytesleft = dest->blen - dest->dlen;
+		outbuf = dest->b + dest->dlen;
+		icresult = iconv( i16to8, &inbuf, &inbytesleft, &outbuf, &outbytesleft );
+		dest->dlen = outbuf - dest->b;
+		vbgrow( dest, inbytesleft);
+	} while( (size_t)-1 == icresult && E2BIG == errno );
+	if( 0 != vb_utf8to16T( dumpster, dest->b, dest->dlen ) )
+		DIE("Reverse conversion failed.");
+	if( icresult == (size_t)-1 ) {
+		//TODO: error
+		//ERR_UNIX( errno, "vb_utf16to8():iconv failure: %s", strerror( errno ) );
+		unicode_init();
+		return -1;
+		/*
+		fprintf(stderr, "  attempted to convert:\n");
+		hexdump( (char*)cin, 0, inlen, 1 );
+		fprintf(stderr, "  result:\n");
+		hexdump( (char*)bout->b, 0, bout->dlen, 1 );
+		fprintf(stderr, "  MyDirtyOut:\n");
+		for( i=0; i<inlen; i++) {
+			if( inbuf[i] != '\0' ) fprintf(stderr, "%c", inbuf[i] );
+		}
+		fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
+		raise( SIGSEGV );
+		exit(1);
+		*/
+	}
+	if( icresult ) {
+		//ERR_UNIX( EILSEQ, "Uhhhh...vb_utf16to8() returning icresult == %d", icresult );
+		return -1;
+	}
+	return icresult;	
+// }}}
+int utf8to16( char *inbuf_o, int iblen, char *outbuf_o, int oblen) // {{{ iblen, oblen: bytes including \0
+	//TODO: this is *only* used to dump the utf16 preamble now...
+	//TODO: This (and 8to16) are the most horrible things I have ever seen...
+	int inbytesleft;
+	int outbytesleft = oblen;
+	char *inbuf = inbuf_o;
+	char *outbuf = outbuf_o;
+	//int rlen = -1, tlen;
+	int icresult = -1; 
+	char *stend;
+	//int i; //, strlen=-1;
+		fprintf(stderr, "  utf8to16(): attempting to convert:\n");
+		//hexdump( (char*)inbuf_o, 0, length, 1 );
+		fflush(stderr);
+	);
+	stend = memchr( inbuf_o, '\0', iblen );
+	ASSERT( NULL != stend, "utf8to16(): in string not zero terminated." );
+	inbytesleft = ( stend - inbuf_o + 1 < iblen )? stend - inbuf_o + 1: iblen;
+	//iconv does not like it when the inbytesleft > actual string length
+	//enum: zero terminated, length valid
+	//      zero terminated, length short //we won't go beyond length ever, so this is same as NZT case
+	//      zero terminated, length long
+	//      not zero terminated
+	//      
+	/*
+	for( tlen = 0; tlen <= inbytesleft - 2; tlen+=2 ) {
+		if( inbuf_o[tlen] == 0 && inbuf_o[tlen+1] == 0 ){
+			rlen = tlen + 2;
+			tlen = rlen;
+			break;
+		}
+		if( tlen == inbytesleft )fprintf(stderr, "Space allocated for string > actual string length.  Go windows!\n");
+	}
+	*/
+	//if( rlen >= 0 )
+		icresult = iconv( i8to16, &inbuf, &inbytesleft, &outbuf, &outbytesleft );
+	if( icresult == (size_t)-1 ) {
+		DIE("iconv failure(%d): %s\n", errno, strerror( errno ) );
+		//fprintf(stderr, "  attempted to convert:\n");
+		//hexdump( (char*)inbuf_o, 0, iblen, 1 );
+		//fprintf(stderr, "  result:\n");
+		//hexdump( (char*)outbuf_o, 0, oblen, 1 );
+		//fprintf(stderr, "  MyDirtyOut:\n");
+//		for( i=0; i<iblen; i++) {
+//			if( inbuf_o[i] != '\0' ) fprintf(stderr, "%c", inbuf_o[i] );
+//		}
+//		fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
+//		raise( SIGSEGV );
+//		exit(1);
+	}
+//	DEBUG(
+//		fprintf(stderr, "  result:\n");
+//		hexdump( (char*)outbuf_o, 0, oblen, 1 );
+//	     )
+	//fprintf(stderr, "utf8to16() returning %s\n", outbuf );
+	//TODO: error
+	if( icresult ) printf("Uhhhh...utf8to16() returning icresult == %d\n", icresult );
+	return icresult;	
+// }}}
+int vb_utf8to16T( vbuf *bout, char *cin, int inlen ) // {{{ 
+	//TODO: This (and 8to16) are the most horrible things I have ever seen...
+	int inbytesleft = inlen;
+	char *inbuf = cin;
+	//int rlen = -1, tlen;
+	int icresult = -1; 
+	//int i; //, strlen=-1;
+	//if( rlen >= 0 )
+	int outbytesleft; 
+	char *outbuf;
+	if( 2 > bout->blen ) vbresize( bout, 2 );
+	bout->dlen = 0;
+	do {
+		outbytesleft = bout->blen - bout->dlen;
+		outbuf = bout->b + bout->dlen;
+		icresult = iconv( i8to16, &inbuf, &inbytesleft, &outbuf, &outbytesleft );
+		bout->dlen = outbuf - bout->b;
+		vbgrow( bout, 20 );
+	} while( (size_t)-1 == icresult && E2BIG == errno );
+	if( icresult == (size_t)-1 ) {
+		WARN("iconv failure: %s", strerror( errno ) );
+		//ERR_UNIX( errno, "vb_utf8to16():iconv failure: %s", strerror( errno ) );
+		unicode_init();
+		return -1;
+		/*
+		fprintf(stderr, "vb_utf8to16(): iconv failure(%d == %d?): %s\n", errno, E2BIG, strerror( errno ) );
+		fprintf(stderr, "  attempted to convert:\n");
+		hexdump( (char*)cin, 0, inlen, 1 );
+		fprintf(stderr, "  result:\n");
+		hexdump( (char*)bout->b, 0, bout->dlen, 1 );
+		fprintf(stderr, "  MyDirtyOut:\n");
+		for( i=0; i<inlen; i++) {
+			if( inbuf[i] != '\0' ) fprintf(stderr, "%c", inbuf[i] );
+		}
+		fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
+		raise( SIGSEGV );
+		exit(1);
+		*/
+	}
+	//TODO: error
+	if( icresult ) printf("Uhhhh...vb_utf8to16() returning icresult == %d\n", icresult );
+	return icresult;	
+// }}}
+#if 1
+void cheap_uni2ascii(char *src, char *dest, int l) /* {{{ Quick and dirty UNICODE to std. ascii */
+	for (; l > 0; l -=2) {
+		*dest = *src;
+		dest++; src +=2;
+	}
+	*dest = 0;
+// }}}
+void cheap_ascii2uni(char *src, char *dest, int l) /* {{{ Quick and dirty ascii to unicode */
+   for (; l > 0; l--) {
+      *dest++ = *src++;
+      *dest++ = 0;
+   }
+// }}}
+// }}}
+// {{{ VARBUF Functions 
+vbuf *vballoc( size_t len ) // {{{
+	struct varbuf *result;
+	result = F_MALLOC( sizeof( struct varbuf ) );
+	result->dlen = 0;
+	result->blen = 0;
+	result->buf = NULL;
+	vbresize( result, len );
+	return result;
+} // }}}
+void vbcheck( vbuf *vb ) // {{{
+	ASSERT( vb->b - vb->buf <= vb->blen, "vbcheck(): vb->b outside of buffer range.");
+	ASSERT( vb->dlen <= vb->blen, "vbcheck(): data length > buffer length.");
+	ASSERT( vb->blen < 1024*1024, "vbcheck(): blen is a bit large...hmmm.");
+} // }}}
+void vbfree( vbuf *vb ) // {{{
+	free( vb->buf );
+	free( vb );
+} // }}}
+void vbclear( struct varbuf *vb ) // {{{ditch the data, keep the buffer
+	vbresize( vb, 0 );
+} // }}}
+void vbresize( struct varbuf *vb, size_t len ) // {{{ DESTRUCTIVELY grow or shrink buffer
+	vb->dlen = 0;
+	if( vb->blen >= len ) {
+		vb->b = vb->buf;
+		return;
+	}
+	vb->buf = F_REALLOC( vb->buf, len );
+	vb->b = vb->buf;
+	vb->blen = len;
+} // }}}
+int vbavail( vbuf *vb ) // {{{
+	return vb->blen - ((char*)vb->b - (char*)vb->buf + vb->dlen);
+} // }}}
+//void vbdump( vbuf *vb ) // {{{ TODO: to stdout?  Yuck
+//	printf("vb dump-------------\n");
+//        printf("dlen: %d\n", vb->dlen );
+//	printf("blen: %d\n", vb->blen );
+//	printf("b - buf: %d\n", vb->b - vb->buf );
+//	printf("buf:\n");
+//	hexdump( vb->buf, 0, vb->blen, 1 );
+//	printf("b:\n");
+//	hexdump( vb->b, 0, vb->dlen, 1 );
+//	printf("^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n");
+//} // }}}
+void vbgrow( struct varbuf *vb, size_t len ) // {{{ out: vbavail(vb) >= len, data are preserved
+	if( 0 == len ) return;
+	if( 0 == vb->blen ) {
+		vbresize( vb, len );
+		return;
+	}
+	if( vb->dlen + len > vb->blen ) {
+		if( vb->dlen + len < vb->blen * 1.5 ) len = vb->blen * 1.5;
+		char *nb = F_MALLOC( vb->blen + len );
+		//printf("vbgrow() got %p back from malloc(%d)\n", nb, vb->blen + len);
+		vb->blen = vb->blen + len;
+		memcpy( nb, vb->b, vb->dlen );
+		//printf("vbgrow() I am going to free %p\n", vb->buf );
+		free( vb->buf );
+		vb->buf = nb;
+		vb->b = vb->buf;
+	} else {
+		if( vb->b != vb->buf ) 
+			memcpy( vb->buf, vb->b, vb->dlen );
+	}
+	vb->b = vb->buf;
+	ASSERT( vbavail( vb ) >= len, "vbgrow(): I have failed in my mission." );
+} // }}}
+void vbset( vbuf *vb, void *b, size_t len ) // {{{ set vbuf b size=len, resize if necessary, relen = how much to over-allocate
+	vbresize( vb, len );
+	memcpy( vb->b, b, len );
+	vb->dlen = len;
+} // }}}
+void vsskipws( vstr *vs ) // {{{
+	char *p = vs->b;
+	while( p - vs->b < vs->dlen && isspace( p[0] ) ) p++;
+	vbskip( (vbuf*)vs, p - vs->b );
+} // }}}
+void vbappend( struct varbuf *vb, void *b, size_t len ) // {{{ append len bytes of b to vbuf, resize if necessary
+	if( 0 == vb->dlen ) {
+		vbset( vb, b, len );
+		return;
+	}
+	vbgrow( vb, len );
+	memcpy( vb->b + vb->dlen, b, len );
+	vb->dlen += len;
+	//printf("vbappend() end: >%s/%d<\n", vbuf->b, vbuf->dlen );
+} // }}}
+void vbskip( struct varbuf *vb, size_t skip ) // {{{ dumps the first skip bytes from vbuf
+	ASSERT( skip <= vb->dlen, "vbskip(): Attempt to seek past end of buffer." );
+	//memmove( vbuf->b, vbuf->b + skip, vbuf->dlen - skip );
+	vb->b += skip;
+	vb->dlen -= skip;
+} // }}}
+void vboverwrite( struct varbuf *vbdest, struct varbuf *vbsrc ) // {{{ overwrite vbdest with vbsrc
+	vbresize( vbdest, vbsrc->blen );
+	memcpy( vbdest->b, vbsrc->b, vbsrc->dlen );
+	vbdest->blen = vbsrc->blen;
+	vbdest->dlen = vbsrc->dlen;
+} // }}}
+// }}}
+// {{{ VARSTR Functions
+vstr *vsalloc( size_t len ) // {{{
+	vstr *result = (vstr*)vballoc( len + 1 );
+	vsset( result, "" );
+	return result;
+} // }}}
+char *vsstr( vstr *vs ) // {{{
+	return vs->b;
+} // }}}
+size_t vslen( vstr *vs ) // {{{
+	return strlen( vsstr( vs ));
+} // }}}
+void vsfree( vstr *vs ) // {{{
+	vbfree( (vbuf*)vs );
+} // }}}
+void vscharcat( vstr *vb, int ch ) // {{{
+	vbgrow( (vbuf*)vb, 1);
+	vb->b[vb->dlen-1] = ch;
+	vb->b[vb->dlen] = '\0';
+	vb->dlen++;
+} // }}}
+void vsnprepend( vstr *vb, char *str, size_t len ) // {{{ prependappend string str to vbuf, vbuf must already contain a valid string 
+	ASSERT( vb->b[vb->dlen-1] == '\0', "vsncat(): attempt to append string to non-string.");
+	int sl = strlen( str );
+	int n = (sl<len)?sl:len;
+	//string append
+	vbgrow( (vbuf*)vb, n + 1 );
+	memmove( vb->b + n, vb->b, vb->dlen - 1 );
+	memcpy( vb->b, str, n );
+	//strncat( vb->b, str, n );
+	vb->dlen += n;
+	vb->b[ vb->dlen - 1 ] = '\0';
+} // }}}
+void vsskip( vstr *vs, size_t len ) // {{{ len < dlen-1 -> skip len chars, else DIE
+	ASSERT( len < vs->dlen - 1, "Attempt to skip past end of string" );
+	vbskip( (vbuf*)vs, len );
+} // }}}
+int vsskipline( vstr *vs ) // {{{ in: vb->b == "stuff\nmore_stuff"; out: vb->b == "more_stuff"
+	int nloff = find_nl( vs );
+	int nll = skip_nl( vs->b + nloff );
+	if( nloff < 0 ) {
+		//TODO: error
+		printf("vb_skipline(): there seems to be no newline here.\n");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if( skip_nl < 0 ) {
+		//TODO: error
+		printf("vb_skipline(): there seems to be no newline here...except there should be. :P\n");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	memmove( vs->b, vs->b + nloff + nll, vs->dlen - nloff - nll );
+	vs->dlen -= nloff + nll;
+	return 0;
+} // }}}
+int vscatprintf( vstr *vs, char *fmt, ... ) // {{{
+	int size;
+	va_list ap;
+	/* Guess we need no more than 100 bytes. */
+	//vsresize( vb, 100 );
+	if(!vs->b || vs->dlen == 0) {
+		vsset( vs, "" );
+	}
+	while (1) {
+		/* Try to print in the allocated space. */
+		va_start(ap, fmt);
+		size = vsnprintf (vs->b + vs->dlen - 1, vs->blen - vs->dlen, fmt, ap);
+		va_end(ap);
+		/* If that worked, return the string. */
+		if (size > -1 && size < vs->blen - vs->dlen ) {
+			vs->dlen += size;
+			return size;
+		}
+		/* Else try again with more space. */
+		if ( size >= 0 )    /* glibc 2.1 */
+			vbgrow( (vbuf*)vs, size+1 ); /* precisely what is needed */
+		else           /* glibc 2.0 */
+			vbgrow( (vbuf*)vs, vs->blen);
+	}
+} // }}}
+int vslast( vstr *vs ) // {{{ returns the last character stored in a vstr 
+	if( vs->dlen < 1 ) return -1;
+	if( vs->b[vs->dlen-1] != '\0' ) return -1;
+	if( vs->dlen == 1 ) return '\0';
+	return vs->b[vs->dlen-2];
+} // }}}
+void vs_printf( vstr *vs, char *fmt, ... ) // {{{ print over vb
+	int size;
+	va_list ap;
+	/* Guess we need no more than 100 bytes. */
+	vbresize( (vbuf*)vs, 100 );
+	while (1) {
+		/* Try to print in the allocated space. */
+		va_start(ap, fmt);
+		size = vsnprintf (vs->b, vs->blen, fmt, ap);
+		va_end(ap);
+		/* If that worked, return the string. */
+		if (size > -1 && size < vs->blen) {
+			vs->dlen = size + 1;
+			return;
+		}
+		/* Else try again with more space. */
+		if ( size >= 0 )    /* glibc 2.1 */
+			vbresize( (vbuf*)vs, size+1 ); /* precisely what is needed */
+		else           /* glibc 2.0 */
+			vbresize( (vbuf*)vs, vs->blen*2);
+	}
+} // }}}
+void vs_printfa( vstr *vs, char *fmt, ... ) // {{{ printf append to vs
+	int size;
+	va_list ap;
+	if( vs->blen - vs->dlen < 50 )
+		vbgrow( (vbuf*)vs, 100 );
+	while (1) {
+		/* Try to print in the allocated space. */
+		va_start(ap, fmt);
+		size = vsnprintf (vs->b + vs->dlen - 1, vs->blen - vs->dlen + 1, fmt, ap);
+		va_end(ap);
+		/* If that worked, return the string. */
+		if (size > -1 && size < vs->blen) {
+			vs->dlen += size;
+			return;
+		}
+		/* Else try again with more space. */
+		if ( size >= 0 )    /* glibc 2.1 */
+			vbgrow( (vbuf*)vs, size+1 - vs->dlen ); /* precisely what is needed */
+		else           /* glibc 2.0 */
+			vbgrow( (vbuf*)vs, size );
+	}
+} // }}}
+void vshexdump( vstr *vs, char *b, size_t start, size_t stop, int ascii ) // {{{
+	char c;
+	int diff,i;
+	while (start < stop ) {
+		diff = stop - start;
+		if (diff > 16) diff = 16;
+		vs_printfa(vs, ":%08X  ",start);
+		for (i = 0; i < diff; i++) {
+			if( 8 == i ) vs_printfa( vs, " " );
+			vs_printfa(vs, "%02X ",(unsigned char)*(b+start+i));
+		}
+		if (ascii) {
+			for (i = diff; i < 16; i++) vs_printfa(vs, "   ");
+			for (i = 0; i < diff; i++) {
+				c = *(b+start+i);
+				vs_printfa(vs, "%c", isprint(c) ? c : '.');
+			}
+		}
+		vs_printfa(vs, "\n");
+		start += 16;
+	}
+} // }}}
+void vsset( vstr *vs, char *s ) // {{{ Store string s in vs
+	vsnset( vs, s, strlen( s ) );
+} // }}}
+void vsnset( vstr *vs, char *s, size_t n ) // {{{ Store string s in vs
+	vbresize( (vbuf*)vs, n + 1 );
+	memcpy( vs->b, s, n);
+	vs->b[n] = '\0';
+	vs->dlen = n+1;
+} // }}}
+void vsgrow(      vstr *vs, size_t len ) // {{{ grow buffer by len bytes, data are preserved
+	vbgrow( (vbuf*)vs, len );
+} // }}}
+size_t vsavail( vstr *vs ) // {{{
+	return vbavail( (vbuf*)vs );
+} // }}}
+void vsnset16( vstr *vs, char *s, size_t len ) // {{{ Like vbstrnset, but for UTF16
+	vbresize( (vbuf*)vs, len+1 );
+	memcpy( vs->b, s, len );
+	vs->b[len] = '\0';
+	vs->dlen = len+1;
+	vs->b[len] = '\0';
+} // }}}
+void vscat( vstr *vs, char *str ) // {{{
+	vsncat( vs, str, strlen(str ) );
+} // }}}
+int vscmp( vstr *vs, char *str ) // {{{
+	return strcmp( vs->b, str );
+} // }}}
+void vsncat( vstr *vs, char *str, size_t len ) // {{{ append string str to vstr, vstr must already contain a valid string 
+	ASSERT( vs->b[vs->dlen-1] == '\0', "vsncat(): attempt to append string to non-string.");
+	int sl = strlen( str );
+	int n = (sl<len)?sl:len;
+	//string append
+	vbgrow( (vbuf*)vs, n + 1 );
+	memcpy( vs->b + vs->dlen - 1, str, n );
+	//strncat( vs->b, str, n );
+	vs->dlen += n;
+	vs->b[ vs->dlen - 1 ] = '\0';
+} // }}}
+void vstrunc( vstr *v, int off ) // {{{ Drop chars [off..dlen] 
+	if( off >= v->dlen - 1 ) return; //nothing to do
+	v->b[off] = '\0';
+	v->dlen = off + 1;
+// }}}
+// }}}
+// {{{ User input
+// TODO: not sure how useful this stuff is here
+int fmyinput(char *prmpt, char *ibuf, int maxlen) /* {{{ get user input */
+	printf("%s",prmpt);
+	fgets(ibuf,maxlen+1,stdin);
+	ibuf[strlen(ibuf)-1] = 0;
+	return(strlen(ibuf));
+// }}}
+//{{{ String formatting and output to FILE *stream or just stdout, etc 
+// TODO: a lot of old, unused stuff in here
+void vswinhex8(vstr *vs, unsigned char *hbuf, int start, int stop, int loff ) // {{{ Produce regedit-style hex output */
+	int i;
+	int lineflag=0;
+	for( i=start; i<stop; i++)
+	{
+		loff += vscatprintf( vs, "%02x", hbuf[i] );
+		if( i < stop - 1 ) {
+			loff+=vscatprintf( vs, "," );
+			switch( lineflag ) {
+				case 0:
+				if( loff >= 77) {
+					lineflag=1;
+					loff=0;
+					vscatprintf( vs, "\\%s  ", STUPID_CR );
+				}
+				break;
+				case 1:
+				if( loff >= 75 ) {
+					loff=0;
+					vscatprintf( vs, "\\%s  ", STUPID_CR );
+				}
+				break;
+			}
+			//	if( 24 < i || 0 == (i - 17) % 25 ) fprintf( stream, "\\\n  " );
+		}
+	}
+	//   fprintf( stream, "\n" );
+} // }}}
diff -Naur ../orig/libpst-0.5.1/vbuf.h libpst64-060926/vbuf.h
--- ../orig/libpst-0.5.1/vbuf.h	1969-12-31 17:00:00.000000000 -0700
+++ libpst64-060926/vbuf.h	2006-09-26 14:09:55.000000000 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+/* {{{ vbuf.h - variable length buffer functions
+ *
+ * Functions that try to make dealing with buffers easier.
+ *
+ * vbuf
+ *
+ * vstr
+ * - should always contain a valid string
+ *
+ * }}} */
+#ifndef VBUF_H
+#define VBUF_H
+#define SZ_MAX     4096
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+// {{{ Tokenizer const TOK_EMPTY, TOK_ELEMENT, DELIM
+#define DELIM '\\'
+#define TOK_EMPTY	0
+#define TOK_DELIM	1
+#define TOK_PARENT	2
+#define TOK_CURRENT	3
+#define TOK_ELEMENT	4
+#define TOK_ERROR	10
+#define TOK_BUF_SMALL	11
+// }}}
+// Variable-length buffers 
+struct varbuf { // {{{
+	size_t dlen; 	//length of data stored in buffer
+	size_t blen; 	//length of buffer
+	char *buf; 	//buffer
+	char *b;	//start of stored data
+}; // }}}
+// The exact same thing as a varbuf but should always contain at least '\0' 
+struct varstr { // {{{
+	size_t dlen; 	//length of data stored in buffer
+	size_t blen; 	//length of buffer
+	char *buf; 	//buffer
+	char *b;	//start of stored data
+}; // }}}
+typedef struct varbuf vbuf;
+typedef struct varstr vstr;
+#define VBUF_STATIC(x,y) static vbuf *x = NULL; if(!x) x = vballoc(y);
+#define VSTR_STATIC(x,y) static vstr *x = NULL; if(!x) x = vsalloc(y);
+// vbuf functions
+struct varbuf *vballoc( size_t len );
+void vbfree(      vbuf *vb );
+void vbclear(     vbuf *vb ); //ditch the data, keep the buffer
+void vbresize(    vbuf *vb, size_t len );
+int  vbavail(     vbuf *vb );
+void vbdump(      vbuf *vb );
+void vbgrow(      vbuf *vb, size_t len ); // grow buffer by len bytes, data are preserved
+void vbset(       vbuf *vb, void *data, size_t len );
+void vbskipws(    vbuf *vb ); 
+void vbappend(    vbuf *vb, void *data, size_t length );
+void vbskip(      vbuf *vb, size_t skip ); 
+void vboverwrite( vbuf *vbdest, vbuf *vbsrc );
+// vstr functions
+vstr *vsalloc( size_t len );
+char *vsb(      vstr *vs );
+size_t vslen(     vstr *vs ); //strlen
+void vsfree(      vstr *vs );
+void vsset(       vstr *vs, char *s ); // Store string s in vb
+void vsnset(      vstr *vs, char *s, size_t n ); // Store string s in vb
+void vsgrow(      vstr *vs, size_t len ); // grow buffer by len bytes, data are preserved
+size_t vsavail(   vstr *vs );
+void vscat(       vstr *vs, char *str );
+void vsncat(      vstr *vs, char *str, size_t len );
+void vsnprepend(  vstr *vs, char *str, size_t len ) ;
+void vsskip(      vstr *vs, size_t len );
+int  vscmp(       vstr *vs, char *str );
+void vsskipws(    vstr *vs );
+void vs_printf(   vstr *vs, char *fmt, ... );
+void vs_printfa(  vstr *vs, char *fmt, ... );
+void vshexdump(   vstr *vs, char *b, size_t start, size_t stop, int ascii );
+int  vscatprintf( vstr *vs, char *fmt, ... );
+void vsvprintf(   vstr *vs, char *fmt, va_list ap );
+void vstrunc(     vstr *vs, int off ); // Drop chars [off..dlen]
+int  vslast(      vstr *vs ); // returns the last character stored in a vstr string
+void vscharcat(   vstr *vs, int ch );
+int  vsutf16(     vstr *vs, vbuf *in ); //in: in=zero-terminated utf16; out: vs=utf8; returns: 0 on success, else on fail
+int vs_parse_escaped_string( vstr *vs, char *str, size_t len );
+ * Windows unicode output trash - this stuff sucks
+ * TODO: most of this should not be here
+ */
+void unicode_init();
+void unicode_close();
+int utf16_write( FILE* stream, const void *buf, size_t count );
+int utf16_fprintf( FILE* stream, const char *fmt, ... );
+int utf16to8( char *inbuf_o, char *outbuf_o, int length );
+int utf8to16( char *inbuf_o, int iblen, char *outbuf_o, int oblen);
+int vb_utf8to16T( vbuf *bout, char *cin, int inlen );
+int vb_utf16to8( vbuf *dest, char *buf, int len );
+int iso8859_1to8( char *inbuf_o, char *outbuf_o, int length );
+int utf8toascii( const char *inbuf_o, char *outbuf_o, int length );
+/* dump ascii hex in windoze format */
+void winhex(FILE* stream, unsigned char *hbuf, int start, int stop, int loff);
+void winhex8(FILE *stream, unsigned char *hbuf, int start, int stop, int loff );
+void vbwinhex8(vbuf *vb, unsigned char *hbuf, int start, int stop, int loff );
+/* general search routine, find something in something else */
+int find_in_buf(char *buf, char *what, int sz, int len, int start);
+/* Get INTEGER from memory. This is probably low-endian specific? */
+int get_int( char *array );
+int find_nl( vstr *vs ); // find newline of type type in b
+int skip_nl( char *s ); // returns the width of the newline at s[0]
+//int vb_readline( struct varbuf *vb, int *ctype, FILE *in ); // read *AT LEAST* one full line of data from in
+int vb_skipline( struct varbuf *vb ); // in: vb->b == "stuff\nmore_stuff"; out: vb->b == "more_stuff"
+/* Get a string of HEX bytes (space separated),
+ * or if first char is ' get an ASCII string instead.  */
+int gethexorstr(char **c, char *wb);
+char *esc_index( char *s, int c ); // just like index(3), but works on strings with escape sequences
+char *esc_rindex( char *s, int c ); // just like rindex(3), but works on strings with escape sequences
+char *tok_esc_char( char *s, int *is_esc, int *c );
+int vb_path_token( vbuf *tok, char **path ); // returns things like TOK_EMPTY, TOK_ERROR, complete list at top
+int gettoken( char *tok, int len, char **path, char delim ); // Path tokenizer: increments path, dumps token in tok