view @ 61:d80641be405b stable-1-0-15

add script to build syslog2iptables.conf
author Carl Byington <>
date Sat, 04 Oct 2014 10:01:32 -0700
children 60f59936fabb
line wrap: on
line source

context general {
    threshold 550;

    add_command    "/sbin/iptables -I INPUT --src %s --jump DROP";
    remove_command "/sbin/iptables -D INPUT --src %s --jump DROP";

    ignore {;        // localhost

    file "/var/log/secure" {
        pattern "sshd.*Failed password .* from ::ffff:(.*) port" {
            index 1;    // zero based
            bucket 400;
            message "ssh failed password";
        pattern "sshd.*Failed password .* from (.*) port" {
            index 1;    // zero based
            bucket 400;
            message "ssh failed password";
        pattern "sshd.*authentication failure; .* rhost=(.*) " {
            index 1;    // zero based
            bucket 400;
            message "ssh failed password";
        pattern "sshd.*Did not receive identification string from (.*)" {
            index 1;    // zero based
            bucket 400;
            message "ssh failed password";
        pattern "proftpd.*no such user found from (.*) \[" {
            index 1;    // zero based
            bucket 400;
            message "ftp failed password";
        pattern "proftpd.* authentication failure; .* rhost=(.*) " {
            index 1;    // zero based
            bucket 400;
            message "ftp failed password";
        pattern "vsftpd.* authentication failure; .* rhost=(.*) " {
            index 1;    // zero based
            bucket 400;
            message "ftp failed password";
        pattern "dovecot.* authentication failure; .* rhost=::ffff:(.*) " {
            index 1;    // zero based
            bucket 400;
            message "dovecot failed password";
        pattern "dovecot.* authentication failure; .* rhost=(.*) " {
            index 1;    // zero based
            bucket 400;
            message "dovecot failed password";

    file "/var/log/messages" {
        pattern "dovecot.* authentication failure; .* rhost=(.*) " {
            index 1;    // zero based
            bucket 400;
            message "dovecot failed password";
        pattern "kernel.*local-net-to.*SRC=(.*) DST=.*DPT=" {
            index 1;    // zero based
            bucket 400;
            message "kernel firewall blocked packet";
        pattern "kernel.*outside-net-from.*SRC=(.*) DST=.*DPT=" {
            index 1;    // zero based
            bucket 400;
            message "kernel firewall blocked packet";

    file "/var/log/maillog" {
        pattern "\]: .* \[(.*)\] did not issue MAIL" {
            index 1;    // zero based
            bucket 200;
            message "sendmail banner probe";
        pattern "lost input channel from.* \[(.*)\] .* after (mail|rcpt|auth)" {
            index 1;    // zero based
            bucket 200;
            message "sendmail spammer dropping connection";
        pattern " \[(.*)\]: possible SMTP attack" {
            index 1;    // zero based
            bucket 600;
            message "sendmail authentication attack";
        pattern "rejecting commands from.* \[(.*)\] due to pre-greeting traffic" {
            index 1;    // zero based
            bucket 1800;
            message "sendmail pre-greeting";
        pattern "authentication failure: checkpass failed,.*\[(.*)\]" {
            index 1;    // zero based
            bucket 600;
            message "sendmail authentication attack";
        pattern "dovecot.*Aborted login.*rip=(.*)," {
            index 1;    // zero based
            bucket 100;
            message "dovecot failed password";
        pattern "dovecot: pop3-login: Disconnected: Shutting down.*rip=(.*)," {
            index 1;    // zero based
            bucket 100;
            message "dovecot failed password";