
age author description
2007-08-27 carl fix unitialized variable stable-6-0-5
2007-08-27 carl spamassassin changes stable-6-0-4
2007-08-27 carl spamassassin changes
2007-07-14 carl don't add auto whitelist for A to A stable-6-03
2007-07-10 carl allow manual updates to auto whitelist files stable-6-02
2007-07-10 carl allow manual updates to auto whitelist files
2007-07-08 carl add auto whitelisting stable-6-01
2007-07-08 carl add auto whitelisting
2007-07-08 carl add auto whitelisting
2007-07-08 carl add auto whitelisting
2007-07-08 carl add auto whitelisting
2007-07-08 carl add auto whitelisting
2007-07-07 carl add auto whitelisting
2007-07-07 carl gpl3, block mail to recipients that cannot reply
2007-03-27 carl limit dns resolver timeouts and retry interval stable-5-29