+ − 1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+ − 2 <!--
+ − 3 /*
+ − 4 * ConnectBot: simple, powerful, open-source SSH client for Android
+ − 5 * Copyright 2007 Kenny Root, Jeffrey Sharkey
+ − 6 *
+ − 7 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ − 8 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ − 9 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ − 10 *
+ − 11 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ − 12 *
+ − 13 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ − 14 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ − 15 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ − 16 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ − 17 * limitations under the License.
+ − 18 */
+ − 19 -->
+ − 20
+ − 21 <resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
+ − 22 <string name="app_desc">"Simple, powerful, open-source SSH client."</string>
+ − 23 <string name="service_desc">"Maintains SSH connections and loaded pubkeys"</string>
+ − 24 <string name="auth_agent_service_desc">"Acts as an ssh-agent for other Android Apps on the device"</string>
+ − 25
+ − 26 <string name="ssh_agent_permission_label">use SSH keys stored in your SSH Agent</string>
+ − 27 <string name="ssh_agent_permission_desc">Allows the application to authenticate SSH transactions using your private keys stored in ConnectBot.
+ − 28 VERY DANGEROUS if used by a malicious application.</string>
+ − 29
+ − 30 <!-- Window title for the Host List -->
+ − 31 <string name="title_hosts_list">"Hosts"</string>
+ − 32 <!-- Window title for the Pubkeys List -->
+ − 33 <string name="title_pubkey_list">"Pubkeys"</string>
+ − 34 <!-- Window title for the Port Forwards List -->
+ − 35 <string name="title_port_forwards_list">"Port forwards"</string>
+ − 36 <!-- Window title when editing host details -->
+ − 37 <string name="title_host_editor">"Edit Host"</string>
+ − 38 <!-- Window title for Help index -->
+ − 39 <string name="title_help">"Help"</string>
+ − 40 <!-- Window title for color list editing screen -->
+ − 41 <string name="title_colors">"Colors"</string>
+ − 42
+ − 43 <string name="resolve_connect">"Connect"</string>
+ − 44 <!-- Menu selection where user must move finger randomly over an area to gather entropy (collect random bits) -->
+ − 45 <string name="resolve_entropy">"Gather Entropy"</string>
+ − 46
+ − 47 <string name="menu_insert">"Add Host"</string>
+ − 48 <string name="menu_delete">"Delete Host"</string>
+ − 49 <string name="menu_preferences">"Preferences"</string>
+ − 50
+ − 51 <string name="help_intro">"Please select a topic below for more information on a particular subject."</string>
+ − 52 <string name="help_about">"About ConnectBot"</string>
+ − 53 <string name="help_keyboard">"Keyboard"</string>
+ − 54
+ − 55 <string name="pubkey_generate">"Generate"</string>
+ − 56 <string name="pubkey_import">"Import"</string>
+ − 57 <string name="pubkey_delete">"Delete key"</string>
+ − 58 <!-- Dialog title when user must move finger randomly over an area to gather entropy (collect random bits) -->
+ − 59 <string name="pubkey_gather_entropy">"Gathering Entropy"</string>
+ − 60 <string name="pubkey_touch_prompt">"Touch this box to gather randomness: %1$d%% done"</string>
+ − 61 <string name="pubkey_touch_hint">"In order to assure randomness during the key generation, move your finger randomly over the box below."</string>
+ − 62 <string name="pubkey_generating">"Generating key pair…"</string>
+ − 63 <string name="pubkey_copy_private">"Copy private key"</string>
+ − 64 <string name="pubkey_copy_public">"Copy public key"</string>
+ − 65 <!-- Note that the '\n' just splits lines, so it's actually "create or import" -->
+ − 66 <string name="pubkey_list_empty">"Tap \"Menu\" to create"\n"or import key pairs."</string>
+ − 67 <string name="pubkey_unknown_format">"Unknown format"</string>
+ − 68 <string name="pubkey_change_password">"Change password"</string>
+ − 69 <string name="pubkey_list_pick">"Pick from /sdcard"</string>
+ − 70 <string name="pubkey_import_parse_problem">"Problem parsing imported private key"</string>
+ − 71 <string name="pubkey_unlock">"Unlock key"</string>
+ − 72 <string name="pubkey_failed_add">"Bad password for key '%1$s'. Authentication failed."</string>
+ − 73 <string name="pubkey_memory_load">"Load into memory"</string>
+ − 74 <string name="pubkey_memory_unload">"Unload from memory"</string>
+ − 75 <string name="pubkey_load_on_start">"Load key on start"</string>
+ − 76 <!-- Pubkey preference asking user whether the key use should be confirmed via prompt before it can be used for authentication -->
+ − 77 <string name="pubkey_confirm_use">"Confirm before use"</string>
+ − 78
+ − 79 <!-- Note that the '\n' splits lines, so it's actually "create port forwards" -->
+ − 80 <string name="portforward_list_empty">"Tap \"Menu\" to create"\n"port forwards."</string>
+ − 81 <string name="portforward_edit">"Edit port forward"</string>
+ − 82 <string name="portforward_delete">"Delete port forward"</string>
+ − 83
+ − 84 <string name="prompt_nickname">"Nickname:"</string>
+ − 85 <!-- An example string that could be used as a nickname for a pubkey. -->
+ − 86 <string name="prompt_nickname_hint_pubkey">"My work key"</string>
+ − 87 <!-- The source TCP port for port forwards. -->
+ − 88 <string name="prompt_source_port">"Source port:"</string>
+ − 89 <!-- The "host:port" combination used for port forward destinations. -->
+ − 90 <string name="prompt_destination">"Destination:"</string>
+ − 91 <string name="prompt_old_password">"Old password:"</string>
+ − 92 <string name="prompt_password">"Password:"</string>
+ − 93 <!-- Added after a "Password:" prompt to indicate user needs to confirm entry. -->
+ − 94 <string name="prompt_again">"(again)"</string>
+ − 95 <!-- Label for the user to select port forward type. -->
+ − 96 <string name="prompt_type">"Type:"</string>
+ − 97 <string name="prompt_password_can_be_blank">"Note: password can be blank"</string>
+ − 98 <!-- Prompt for the size of the private key in bits. -->
+ − 99 <string name="prompt_bits">"Bits:"</string>
+ − 100
+ − 101 <!-- Prompt for the password to unlock a certain pubkey. -->
+ − 102 <string name="prompt_pubkey_password">"Password for key '%1$s'"</string>
+ − 103
+ − 104 <!-- Prompt for whether to allow SSH Authentication Agent to use the specified key. Note that the '\n' means split the line so it's actually "host to use key" -->
+ − 105 <string name="prompt_allow_agent_to_use_key">"Allow remote host to"\n"use key '%1$s'?"</string>
+ − 106
+ − 107 <!-- The header of the warning a user gets when the host key has changed. Note that this can be a very serious attack, so we try to be as "loud" to the user as possible. -->
+ − 108 <string name="host_verification_failure_warning_header">"WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!"</string>
+ − 109 <!-- The body of the warning a user gets when the host key has changed. Note that this can be a very serious attack, so we try to be as "loud" to the user as possible. -->
+ − 110 <string name="host_verification_failure_warning">"IT IS POSSIBLE THAT SOMEONE IS DOING SOMETHING NASTY!"\n"Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!"\n"It is also possible that the host key has just been changed."</string>
+ − 111
+ − 112 <!-- Prompt user gets when the remote host has disconnected unexpectedly. -->
+ − 113 <string name="prompt_host_disconnected">"Host has disconnected."\n"Close session?"</string>
+ − 114 <!-- Prompt user must answer yes or no to when the remote host fails verification of encryption fingerprint -->
+ − 115 <string name="prompt_continue_connecting">"Are you sure you want"\n"to continue connecting?"</string>
+ − 116
+ − 117 <!-- Sent to user when the remote public encryption key fingerprint doesn't match the local database -->
+ − 118 <string name="host_authenticity_warning">"The authenticity of host '%1$s' can't be established."</string>
+ − 119 <!-- First field is encryption algorithm. Second is the actual fingerprint in hex digits -->
+ − 120 <string name="host_fingerprint">"Host %1$s key fingerprint is %2$s"</string>
+ − 121
+ − 122 <!-- tn5250 strings -->
+ − 123 <string name="host_cert_version">"Version: "</string>
+ − 124 <string name="host_cert_serial">"Serial Number: "</string>
+ − 125 <string name="host_cert_algorithm">"Signature Algorithm: "</string>
+ − 126 <string name="host_cert_issuer">"Issuer: "</string>
+ − 127 <string name="host_cert_from">"Valid From: "</string>
+ − 128 <string name="host_cert_to">"Valid To: "</string>
+ − 129 <string name="host_cert_dn">"Subject DN: "</string>
+ − 130 <string name="host_cert_publickey">"Public Key: "</string>
+ − 131 <string name="host_certificate">"The certificate is %1$s"</string>
+ − 132 <string name="prompt_accept_certificate">"Unknown Certificate - Do you accept it?"</string>
+ − 133 <string name="prompt_save_certificate">"Do you want to save this certificate?"</string>
+ − 134 <string name="prompt_sys_request">"Enter sys-request string"</string>
+ − 135
+ − 136 <string name="alert_passwords_do_not_match_msg">"Passwords do not match!"</string>
+ − 137 <string name="alert_wrong_password_msg">"Wrong password!"</string>
+ − 138 <string name="alert_key_corrupted_msg">"Private key appears corrupt!"</string>
+ − 139 <string name="alert_sdcard_absent">"SD card is not inserted!"</string>
+ − 140
+ − 141 <!-- Add a new item (e.g., host or pubkey) to the list. -->
+ − 142 <string name="button_add">"Add"</string>
+ − 143 <!-- Change an existing item's (e.g., host or pubkey) details. -->
+ − 144 <string name="button_change">"Change"</string>
+ − 145 <!-- Button that begins the generation of a public key pair. -->
+ − 146 <string name="button_generate">"Generate Key"</string>
+ − 147 <!-- Button that resizes the screen to the user-specified dimensions. -->
+ − 148 <string name="button_resize">"Resize"</string>
+ − 149 <!-- Button that resets to default size -->
+ − 150 <string name="button_resize_reset">"Default size"</string>
+ − 151
+ − 152 <string name="alert_disconnect_msg">"Connection Lost"</string>
+ − 153
+ − 154
+ − 155 <!-- The category title for terminal emulation preferences. -->
+ − 156 <string name="pref_emulation_category">"Terminal emulation"</string>
+ − 157
+ − 158 <!-- Name for the emulation terminal type preference. -->
+ − 159 <string name="pref_emulation_title">"Emulation mode"</string>
+ − 160 <!-- Description of the emulation terminal type preference. -->
+ − 161 <string name="pref_emulation_summary">"Terminal emulation mode to use for PTY connections"</string>
+ − 162
+ − 163 <!-- Name for the scrollback size preference -->
+ − 164 <string name="pref_scrollback_title">"Scrollback size"</string>
+ − 165 <!-- Description of the scrollback size preference -->
+ − 166 <string name="pref_scrollback_summary">"Size of scrollback buffer to keep in memory for each console"</string>
+ − 167
+ − 168 <!-- The category title for user interface preferences -->
+ − 169 <string name="pref_ui_category">"User interface"</string>
+ − 170
+ − 171 <!-- Name for the rotation mode preference -->
+ − 172 <string name="pref_rotation_title">"Rotation mode"</string>
+ − 173 <!-- Summary for the rotation mode preference -->
+ − 174 <string name="pref_rotation_summary">"How to change rotation when keyboard popped in/out"</string>
+ − 175
+ − 176 <!-- Name for the full screen preference -->
+ − 177 <string name="pref_fullscreen_title">"Full screen"</string>
+ − 178 <!-- Summary for the full screen preference -->
+ − 179 <string name="pref_fullscreen_summary">"Start terminal in full screen mode"</string>
+ − 180
+ − 181 <!-- Name for the shifted numbers are f-keys preference -->
+ − 182 <string name="pref_shiftfkeys_title">"Shift+num are F-keys"</string>
+ − 183 <!-- Summary for the shifted numbers are f-keys preference -->
+ − 184 <string name="pref_shiftfkeys_summary">"On hardware keyboards, number keys send F1-F10 with shift"</string>
+ − 185
+ − 186 <!-- Name for the ctrl'ed numbers are f-keys preference -->
+ − 187 <string name="pref_ctrlfkeys_title">"Ctrl+num are F-keys"</string>
+ − 188 <!-- Summary for the ctrl'ed numbers are f-keys preference -->
+ − 189 <string name="pref_ctrlfkeys_summary">"On software keyboards, number keys send F1-F10 with ctrl"</string>
+ − 190
+ − 191 <!-- Name for the memorize keys preference -->
+ − 192 <string name="pref_memkeys_title">"Remember keys in memory"</string>
+ − 193 <!-- Summary for the memorize keys preference -->
+ − 194 <string name="pref_memkeys_summary">"Keep unlocked keys in memory until backend service is terminated"</string>
+ − 195
+ − 196 <!-- Name for the update check preference -->
+ − 197 <string name="pref_update_title">"Update check"</string>
+ − 198 <!-- Summary for the update check preference -->
+ − 199 <string name="pref_update_summary">"Set the maximum frequency to check for ConnectBot updates"</string>
+ − 200
+ − 201 <!-- Name for the preference that forces the service to stay running in the background.-->
+ − 202 <string name="pref_conn_persist_title">"Persist connections"</string>
+ − 203 <!-- Summary for the preference that forces the service to stay running in the background. -->
+ − 204 <string name="pref_conn_persist_summary">"Force connections to stay connected while in background"</string>
+ − 205
+ − 206 <!-- Name for the keyboard shortcuts preference -->
+ − 207 <string name="pref_keymode_title">"Directory shortcuts"</string>
+ − 208 <!-- Summary for the keyboard shortcuts preference -->
+ − 209 <string name="pref_keymode_summary">"Select how to use Alt for '/' and Shift for Tab"</string>
+ − 210
+ − 211 <!-- Name for the camera shortcut usage preference -->
+ − 212 <string name="pref_camera_title">"Camera button"</string>
+ − 213 <string name="pref_camera_summary">"Action triggered by pressing the camera button"</string>
+ − 214
+ − 215 <!-- Name for the volup shortcut usage preference -->
+ − 216 <string name="pref_volup_title">"Volume up button"</string>
+ − 217 <string name="pref_volup_summary">"Action triggered by pressing the volume up button"</string>
+ − 218
+ − 219 <!-- Name for the volup shortcut usage preference -->
+ − 220 <string name="pref_voldn_title">"Volume down button"</string>
+ − 221 <string name="pref_voldn_summary">"Action triggered by pressing the volume down button"</string>
+ − 222
+ − 223 <!-- Name for the search shortcut usage preference -->
+ − 224 <string name="pref_search_title">"Search button"</string>
+ − 225 <string name="pref_search_summary">"Action triggered by pressing the search button"</string>
+ − 226
+ − 227 <!-- Name for the ptt shortcut usage preference -->
+ − 228 <string name="pref_ptt_title">"PTT (L2) button"</string>
+ − 229 <string name="pref_ptt_summary">"Action triggered by pressing the ptt button"</string>
+ − 230
+ − 231 <!-- Name for the keep screen on preference -->
+ − 232 <string name="pref_keepalive_title">"Keep screen awake"</string>
+ − 233 <!-- Summary for the camera shortcut usage preference -->
+ − 234 <string name="pref_keepalive_summary">"Prevent the screen from turning off when working in a console"</string>
+ − 235
+ − 236 <!-- Name for the Wi-Fi lock preference -->
+ − 237 <string name="pref_wifilock_title">"Keep Wi-Fi active"</string>
+ − 238 <!-- Summary for the Wi-Fi lock preference -->
+ − 239 <string name="pref_wifilock_summary">"Prevent Wi-Fi from turning off when a session is active"</string>
+ − 240
+ − 241 <!-- Name for the haptic feedback (bumpy arrow) preference -->
+ − 242 <string name="pref_bumpyarrows_title">"Bumpy arrows"</string>
+ − 243 <!-- Summary for the haptic feedback (bumpy arrow) preference -->
+ − 244 <string name="pref_bumpyarrows_summary">"Vibrate when sending arrow keys from trackball; useful for laggy connections"</string>
+ − 245
+ − 246 <!-- Category title for the Terminal Bell preferences -->
+ − 247 <string name="pref_bell_category">"Terminal bell"</string>
+ − 248
+ − 249 <!-- Checkbox preference title for the audible terminal bell feature -->
+ − 250 <string name="pref_bell_title">"Audible bell"</string>
+ − 251
+ − 252 <!-- Title for the slider preference to set the volume -->
+ − 253 <string name="pref_bell_volume_title">"Bell volume"</string>
+ − 254
+ − 255 <!-- Checkbox preference title for the vibrate on terminal bell feature -->
+ − 256 <string name="pref_bell_vibrate_title">"Vibrate on bell"</string>
+ − 257
+ − 258 <!-- Checkbox preference title for the receive notifications on terminal bell feature -->
+ − 259 <string name="pref_bell_notification_title">"Background notifications"</string>
+ − 260 <!-- Brief summary of the feature that is enabled when the checkbox preference for the receive notifications on terminal bell feature is checked -->
+ − 261 <string name="pref_bell_notification_summary">"Send notification when a terminal running in the background sounds a bell."</string>
+ − 262
+ − 263 <!-- Preference selection to indicate use of right side of keyboard for special shortcuts. -->
+ − 264 <string name="list_keymode_right">"Use right-side keys"</string>
+ − 265 <!-- Preference selection to indicate use of left side of keyboard for special shortcuts. -->
+ − 266 <string name="list_keymode_left">"Use left-side keys"</string>
+ − 267 <!-- Preference selection to indicate never to use special shortcut keys. -->
+ − 268 <string name="list_keymode_none">"Disable"</string>
+ − 269
+ − 270 <!-- Preference to not use pubkeys to authenticate to this host. -->
+ − 271 <string name="list_pubkeyids_none">"Do not use keys"</string>
+ − 272 <!-- Preference to use any pubkey to authenticate to this host. -->
+ − 273 <string name="list_pubkeyids_any">"Use any unlocked key"</string>
+ − 274
+ − 275 <!-- Host nickname field preference title -->
+ − 276 <string name="hostpref_nickname_title">"Nickname"</string>
+ − 277
+ − 278 <!-- Host color category preference title -->
+ − 279 <string name="hostpref_color_title">"Color category"</string>
+ − 280
+ − 281 <!-- Host's default font size when opening the terminal in points (pt) -->
+ − 282 <string name="hostpref_fontsize_title">"Font size (pt)"</string>
+ − 283
remove unused update preference; add host preference for fixed screen size
Carl Byington <carl@five-ten-sg.com>
+ − 284 <!-- Host's use fixed size -->
remove unused update preference; add host preference for fixed screen size
Carl Byington <carl@five-ten-sg.com>
+ − 285 <string name="hostpref_fixed_size_title">"Fixed screen size"</string>
remove unused update preference; add host preference for fixed screen size
Carl Byington <carl@five-ten-sg.com>
+ − 286 <string name="hostpref_fixed_size_summary">"Compute font size from screen size"</string>
remove unused update preference; add host preference for fixed screen size
Carl Byington <carl@five-ten-sg.com>
+ − 287 <string name="hostpref_fixed_width_title">"Screen width (columns)"</string>
remove unused update preference; add host preference for fixed screen size
Carl Byington <carl@five-ten-sg.com>
+ − 288 <string name="hostpref_fixed_height_title">"Screen height (rows)"</string>
remove unused update preference; add host preference for fixed screen size
Carl Byington <carl@five-ten-sg.com>
+ − 289
+ − 290 <!-- Host pubkey usage preference title -->
+ − 291 <string name="hostpref_pubkeyid_title">"Use pubkey authentication"</string>
+ − 292
+ − 293 <!-- Preference title for the SSH Authentication Agent Forwarding for a host connection -->
+ − 294 <string name="hostpref_authagent_title">"Use SSH auth agent"</string>
+ − 295
+ − 296 <!-- Host post-login automation preference title -->
+ − 297 <string name="hostpref_postlogin_title">"Post-login automation"</string>
+ − 298 <!-- Host post-login automation preference summary -->
+ − 299 <string name="hostpref_postlogin_summary">"Commands to run on remote server once authenticated"</string>
+ − 300
+ − 301 <!-- Host compression preference title -->
+ − 302 <string name="hostpref_compression_title">"Compression"</string>
+ − 303 <!-- Summary for compression preference -->
+ − 304 <string name="hostpref_compression_summary">"This may help with slower networks"</string>
+ − 305
+ − 306 <!-- HTTP Proxy preference title -->
+ − 307 <string name="hostpref_httpproxy_title">"Use HTTP Proxy"</string>
+ − 308 <!-- Summary for compression preference -->
+ − 309 <string name="hostpref_httpproxy_summary">"The host:port of an HTTP proxy"</string>
+ − 310
+ − 311 <!-- Setting for whether we want a session to start up when we connect to a host -->
+ − 312 <string name="hostpref_wantsession_title">"Start shell session"</string>
+ − 313 <!-- Summary for field asking whether a shell session should be started up upon connection or not -->
+ − 314 <string name="hostpref_wantsession_summary">"Disable this preference to only use port forwards"</string>
+ − 315
+ − 316 <!-- Setting for whether the host should be reconnected to automatically upon disconnect -->
+ − 317 <string name="hostpref_stayconnected_title">"Stay connected"</string>
+ − 318 <!-- Summary for preference asking whether the host should be reconnected to when it disconnects -->
+ − 319 <string name="hostpref_stayconnected_summary">"Try to reconnect to host if disconnected"</string>
+ − 320
+ − 321 <!-- Setting for what key code is sent to the server when DEL key is pressed. -->
+ − 322 <string name="hostpref_delkey_title">"DEL Key"</string>
+ − 323 <!-- Summary for field asking what key code is sent to the server when DEL key is pressed. -->
+ − 324 <string name="hostpref_delkey_summary">"The key code sent when DEL key is pressed"</string>
+ − 325
+ − 326 <!-- Host character encoding preference title -->
+ − 327 <string name="hostpref_encoding_title">"Encoding"</string>
+ − 328 <!-- Host character encoding preference summary -->
+ − 329 <string name="hostpref_encoding_summary">"Character encoding for the host"</string>
+ − 330
+ − 331 <!-- Host preference category title for connection settings -->
+ − 332 <string name="hostpref_connection_category">"Connection settings"</string>
+ − 333
+ − 334 <!-- Username field title for host editor preference -->
+ − 335 <string name="hostpref_username_title">"Username"</string>
+ − 336
+ − 337 <!-- Hostname field title for host editor preference -->
+ − 338 <string name="hostpref_hostname_title">"Host"</string>
+ − 339
+ − 340 <!-- Port field title for host editor preference -->
+ − 341 <string name="hostpref_port_title">"Port"</string>
+ − 342
+ − 343 <!-- Monitor field title for host editor preference -->
+ − 344 <string name="hostpref_monitor_title">"Monitor Init String"</string>
convert ctrl keys to virtual keys; use proper android home directory
Carl Byington <carl@five-ten-sg.com>
+ − 345 <string name="hostpref_monitor_summary">"String to pass to the monitor process"</string>
+ − 346
+ − 347 <!-- Override global emulation (terminal type) host editor preference -->
+ − 348 <string name="hostpref_emulation_title">"Emulation mode"</string>
+ − 349 <string name="hostpref_emulation_summary">"Override global emulation mode / answerback string"</string>
+ − 350
+ − 351 <!-- 5250 -->
+ − 352 <string name="hostpref_5250_settings">"5250 Settings"</string>
+ − 353 <string name="hostpref_5250_encryption_title">"Host 5250 Encryption"</string>
+ − 354 <string name="hostpref_5250_library_title">"LIBRARY"</string>
+ − 355 <string name="hostpref_5250_menu_title">"MENU"</string>
+ − 356 <string name="hostpref_5250_program_title">"PROGRAM"</string>
+ − 357
+ − 358 <!-- Host preference category title for x11 forwarding -->
+ − 359 <string name="hostpref_x11_forwarding">"X11 forwarding"</string>
+ − 360
+ − 361 <!-- Enable x11 forwarding checkbox title for host editor preference -->
+ − 362 <string name="hostpref_wantx11forward_title">"Enable X11 forwarding"</string>
+ − 363
+ − 364 <!-- Enable x11 forwarding checkbox summary for host editor preference -->
+ − 365 <string name="hostpref_wantx11forward_summary">"Forward X11 sessions to host and port specified below"</string>
+ − 366
+ − 367 <!-- Hostname field title for x11 forwarding in host editor preference -->
+ − 368 <string name="hostpref_x11host_title">"X11 forwarding host"</string>
+ − 369
+ − 370 <!-- Port field title for x11 forwarding in host editor preference -->
+ − 371 <string name="hostpref_x11port_title">"X11 forwarding port"</string>
+ − 372
+ − 373 <!-- Displayed to indicate a host has never been connected to. -->
+ − 374 <string name="bind_never">"Never connected"</string>
+ − 375 <!-- The time that has elapsed since a host was connected to when it has been less than an hour. -->
+ − 376 <string name="bind_minutes">"%1$s minutes ago"</string>
+ − 377 <!-- The time that has elapsed since a host was connected to when it has been less than a day. -->
+ − 378 <string name="bind_hours">"%1$s hours ago"</string>
+ − 379 <!-- The time that has elapsed since a host was connected to when it has been a day or more. -->
+ − 380 <string name="bind_days">"%1$s days ago"</string>
+ − 381
+ − 382 <!-- Message given when user copies from the terminal. -->
+ − 383 <string name="console_copy_done">"Copied %1$d bytes to clipboard"</string>
+ − 384 <!-- Instructions for how to copy from the terminal. The '\n' entries are to split lines to improve readability and prevent wrapping off the screen. -->
+ − 385 <string name="console_copy_start">"Touch and drag"\n"or use directional pad"\n"to select area to copy"</string>
+ − 386
+ − 387 <!-- Button to close the disconnected terminal window. -->
+ − 388 <string name="console_menu_close">"Close"</string>
+ − 389 <!-- Button to begin copying from the terminal to the clipboard. -->
+ − 390 <string name="console_menu_copy">"Copy"</string>
+ − 391 <!-- Button to paste from the clipboard to the terminal. -->
+ − 392 <string name="console_menu_paste">"Paste"</string>
+ − 393 <!-- Button that brings user to the Port Forwards List. -->
+ − 394 <string name="console_menu_portforwards">"Port Forwards"</string>
+ − 395 <!-- Button that brings user to the terminal resizing dialog where they can force a size. -->
+ − 396 <string name="console_menu_resize">"Force Size"</string>
+ − 397 <!-- Button that brings up the list of URLs on the current screen -->
+ − 398 <string name="console_menu_urlscan">"URL Scan"</string>
+ − 399 <!-- Button that initiates screen capture -->
+ − 400 <string name="console_menu_screencapture">"Screen Capture"</string>
+ − 401 <!-- Button that lets user pick the file to download -->
+ − 402 <string name="console_menu_download">"Download File"</string>
+ − 403 <!-- Button that lets user pick the file to upload -->
+ − 404 <string name="console_menu_upload">"Upload File"</string>
+ − 405
+ − 406 <!-- Button label to answer "Yes" to a yes/no prompt -->
+ − 407 <string name="button_yes">"Yes"</string>
+ − 408 <!-- Button label to answer "No" to a yes/no prompt -->
+ − 409 <string name="button_no">"No"</string>
+ − 410
+ − 411 <!-- Selection for a "local" port forward. E.g., connections to a port listening locally is forwarded to the remote end's listening port. -->
+ − 412 <string name="portforward_local">"Local"</string>
+ − 413 <!-- Selection for a "remote" port forward. E.g., connections to a port listening remotely is forwarded to the local end's listening port. -->
+ − 414 <string name="portforward_remote">"Remote"</string>
+ − 415 <!-- Selection for a "dynamic" port forward. E.g., connections to a port listening locally is forwarded based on the SOCKS protocol to an arbitrary remote host and port. -->
+ − 416 <string name="portforward_dynamic">"Dynamic (SOCKS)"</string>
+ − 417 <!-- Button that commits the port forward to be made from the Port Forward Creation dialog. -->
+ − 418 <string name="portforward_pos">"Create port forward"</string>
+ − 419
+ − 420 <string name="portforward_done">"Successfully created port forward"</string>
+ − 421 <string name="portforward_problem">"Problem creating port forward, maybe you're using ports under 1024 or port is already used?"</string>
+ − 422
+ − 423 <string name="portforward_menu_add">"Add port forward"</string>
+ − 424
+ − 425 <!-- The string to present in the quick-connect box to hint the user to the format for connecting to hosts. -->
+ − 426 <string name="hint_userhost">"user@hostname"</string>
+ − 427
+ − 428 <!-- Hint given to user when the format they're using is incorrect in the quick-connect box. -->
+ − 429 <string name="list_format_error">"Use the format \"%1$s\""</string>
+ − 430
+ − 431 <!-- Part of the formatting hints that will be used like: username@hostname:port -->
+ − 432 <string name="format_username">"user"</string>
+ − 433 <!-- Part of the formatting hints that will be used like: username@hostname:port -->
+ − 434 <string name="format_hostname">"host"</string>
+ − 435 <!-- Part of the formatting hints that will be used like: username@hostname:port -->
+ − 436 <string name="format_port">"port"</string>
+ − 437
+ − 438 <string name="list_menu_pubkeys">"Manage Pubkeys"</string>
+ − 439 <!-- Selection choice to sort hosts by color. -->
+ − 440 <string name="list_menu_sortcolor">"Sort by color"</string>
+ − 441 <!-- Selection choice to sort hosts by nickname. -->
+ − 442 <string name="list_menu_sortname">"Sort by name"</string>
+ − 443 <string name="list_menu_settings">"Settings"</string>
+ − 444
+ − 445 <string name="list_host_disconnect">"Disconnect"</string>
+ − 446 <string name="list_host_edit">"Edit host"</string>
+ − 447 <string name="list_host_portforwards">"Edit port forwards"</string>
+ − 448 <string name="list_host_delete">"Delete host"</string>
+ − 449 <!-- Note that the '\n' splits the lines so it's actually "quick-connect box below to connect" -->
+ − 450 <string name="list_host_empty">"Use the quick-connect box"\n"below to connect to a host."</string>
+ − 451
+ − 452 <!-- Default screen rotation preference selection -->
+ − 453 <string name="list_rotation_default">"Default"</string>
+ − 454 <string name="list_rotation_land">"Force landscape"</string>
+ − 455 <string name="list_rotation_port">"Force portrait"</string>
+ − 456 <!-- Selection to indicate the rotation should be selected automatically based on the tilt sensor. -->
+ − 457 <string name="list_rotation_auto">"Automatic"</string>
+ − 458
+ − 459 <!-- Selection to indicate pressing a hardware button should send Ctrl. -->
+ − 460 <string name="list_hwbutton_ctrl">"CTRL"</string>
+ − 461 <!-- Selection to indicate pressing a hardware button should send Esc. -->
+ − 462 <string name="list_hwbutton_esc">"Esc"</string>
+ − 463 <!-- Selection to indicate pressing a hardware button should send a Tab. -->
+ − 464 <string name="list_hwbutton_tab">"Tab"</string>
+ − 465 <!-- Selection to indicate pressing a hardware button should do a screen capture. -->
+ − 466 <string name="list_hwbutton_screen_capture">"Screen Capture"</string>
+ − 467 <!-- Selection to indicate pressing a hardware button should send "Ctrl then Space". -->
+ − 468 <string name="list_hwbutton_ctrlaspace">"Ctrl+A then Space"</string>
+ − 469 <!-- Selection to indicate pressing a hardware button should send "Ctrl+A". -->
+ − 470 <string name="list_hwbutton_ctrla">"Ctrl+A"</string>
+ − 471 <!-- Selection to indicate pressing a hardware button should send "Esc+A". -->
+ − 472 <string name="list_hwbutton_esc_a">"Esc+A"</string>
+ − 473 <!-- Selection to indicate pressing a hardware button should notify the monitor. -->
+ − 474 <string name="list_hwbutton_monitor">"Monitor Key"</string>
read deployment.connections on startup for global preferences also
Carl Byington <carl@five-ten-sg.com>
+ − 475 <!-- Selection to indicate pressing a hardware button should bring up the soft function key pad. -->
read deployment.connections on startup for global preferences also
Carl Byington <carl@five-ten-sg.com>
+ − 476 <string name="list_hwbutton_soft_function_keys">"Soft Function Keypad"</string>
+ − 477 <!-- Selection to indicate pressing a hardware button should increase font size. -->
+ − 478 <string name="list_hwbutton_increase_fontsize">"Increase Font Size"</string>
+ − 479 <!-- Selection to indicate pressing a hardware button should decrease font size. -->
+ − 480 <string name="list_hwbutton_decrease_fontsize">"Decrease Font Size"</string>
+ − 481 <!-- Selection to indicate pressing a hardware button should send nothing at all. -->
+ − 482 <string name="list_hwbutton_none">"None"</string>
+ − 483
+ − 484 <!-- Name for the backspace character -->
+ − 485 <string name="list_delkey_backspace">"Backspace"</string>
+ − 486 <!-- Name for the ASCII DEL character -->
+ − 487 <string name="list_delkey_del">"Delete"</string>
+ − 488
+ − 489 <string name="delete_message">"Are you sure you want to delete '%1$s'?"</string>
+ − 490 <string name="delete_pos">"Yes, delete"</string>
+ − 491 <string name="delete_neg">"Cancel"</string>
+ − 492
+ − 493 <!-- Button to agree to license terms. -->
+ − 494 <string name="wizard_agree">"Agree"</string>
+ − 495 <!-- Button to go to the next page in the first time start-up wizard. -->
+ − 496 <string name="wizard_next">"Next"</string>
+ − 497 <!-- Button to go to the previous page in the first time start-up wizard. -->
+ − 498 <string name="wizard_back">"Back"</string>
+ − 499
+ − 500 <string name="terminal_no_hosts_connected">"No hosts currently connected"</string>
+ − 501
+ − 502 <!-- Displayed in terminal when attempting to connect to a host. The first two
+ − 503 variables are host:port and the third is the protocol (e.g., SSH) -->
+ − 504 <string name="terminal_connecting">"Connecting to %1$s:%2$d via %3$s"</string>
+ − 505
+ − 506 <!-- Displays the host key to the user in the terminal -->
+ − 507 <string name="terminal_sucess">"Verified host '%1$s' key: %2$s"</string>
+ − 508 <string name="terminal_failed">"Host key verification failed."</string>
+ − 509
+ − 510 <!-- Displayed on the terminal describing the cryptographic algorithm names -->
+ − 511 <string name="terminal_using_s2c_algorithm">"Server-to-client algorithm: %1$s %2$s"</string>
+ − 512 <!-- Displayed on the terminal describing the cryptographic algorithm names -->
+ − 513 <string name="terminal_using_c2s_algorithm">"Client-to-server algorithm: %1$s %2$s"</string>
+ − 514 <!-- Displayed on the terminal describing the cryptographic algorithm names -->
+ − 515 <string name="terminal_using_algorithm">"Using algorithm: %1$s %2$s"</string>
+ − 516
+ − 517 <string name="terminal_auth">"Trying to authenticate"</string>
+ − 518
+ − 519 <string name="terminal_auth_pass">"Attempting 'password' authentication"</string>
+ − 520 <string name="terminal_auth_pass_fail">"Authentication method 'password' failed"</string>
+ − 521
+ − 522 <string name="terminal_auth_pubkey_any">"Attempting 'publickey' authentication with any in-memory public keys"</string>
+ − 523 <string name="terminal_auth_pubkey_invalid">"Selected public key is invalid, try reselecting key in host editor"</string>
+ − 524 <string name="terminal_auth_pubkey_specific">"Attempting 'publickey' authentication with a specific public key"</string>
+ − 525 <string name="terminal_auth_pubkey_fail">"Authentication method 'publickey' with key '%1$s' failed"</string>
+ − 526
+ − 527 <string name="terminal_auth_ki">"Attempting 'keyboard-interactive' authentication"</string>
+ − 528 <string name="terminal_auth_ki_fail">"Authentication method 'keyboard-interactive' failed"</string>
+ − 529
+ − 530 <string name="terminal_auth_fail">"[Your host doesn't support 'password' or 'keyboard-interactive' authentication.]"</string>
+ − 531
+ − 532 <string name="terminal_no_session">"Session will not be started due to host preference."</string>
+ − 533 <string name="terminal_enable_portfoward">"Enable port forward: %1$s"</string>
+ − 534
+ − 535 <string name="local_shell_unavailable">"Failure! Local shell is unavailable on this device."</string>
+ − 536
+ − 537 <!-- Text sent to the user to alert them that a Terminal Bell is received in a background session -->
+ − 538 <string name="notification_text">"%1$s wants your attention."</string>
+ − 539
+ − 540 <!-- Preference selection for SSH Authentication Agent to never use pubkeys -->
+ − 541 <string name="no">"No"</string>
+ − 542 <!-- Preference selection for SSH Authentication Agent to be able to use pubkeys "with confirmation" only -->
+ − 543 <string name="with_confirmation">"With confirmation"</string>
+ − 544 <!-- Preference selection for SSH Authentication Agent to be able to use pubkeys -->
+ − 545 <string name="yes">"Yes"</string>
+ − 546
+ − 547 <!-- String displayed to user when they're asked to submit exceptions to the ConnectBot developers -->
+ − 548 <string name="exceptions_submit_message">"It appears ConnectBot had a problem last time it ran. Submit error report to ConnectBot developers?"</string>
+ − 549
+ − 550 <!-- Menu selection to reset colors to their defaults. -->
+ − 551 <string name="menu_colors_reset">"Reset"</string>
+ − 552
+ − 553 <!-- Displayed in the notification bar that connections are active -->
+ − 554 <string name="app_is_running">"510 ConnectBot is running"</string>
+ − 555
+ − 556 <string name="color_red">"red"</string>
+ − 557 <string name="color_green">"green"</string>
+ − 558 <string name="color_blue">"blue"</string>
+ − 559 <string name="color_gray">"gray"</string>
+ − 560
+ − 561 <!-- Very short label indicating the thing next to it is "foreground color." -->
+ − 562 <string name="colors_fg">"FG":</string>
+ − 563
+ − 564 <!-- Very short label indicating the thing next to it is "background color." -->
+ − 565 <string name="color_bg">"BG:"</string>
+ − 566
+ − 567 <!-- Describes the image of the "connected to host" icon for accessibility purposes. -->
+ − 568 <string name="image_description_connected">"Connected."</string>
+ − 569
+ − 570 <!-- Describes the icon of the "locked pubkey" icon for accessibility purposes. -->
+ − 571 <string name="image_description_key_is_locked">"Key is locked."</string>
+ − 572
+ − 573 <!-- Describes the icon of the "send control character" button in the terminal view for
+ − 574 accessibility purposes. -->
+ − 575 <string name="image_description_toggle_control_character">Toggle control character.</string>
+ − 576
+ − 577 <!-- Describes the icon of the "send escape character" button in the terminal view for
+ − 578 accessibility purposes. -->
+ − 579 <string name="image_description_send_escape_character">Send escape character.</string>
+ − 580
+ − 581 <!-- Describes the icon of the "show keyboard" button in the terminal view for accessibility
+ − 582 purposes. -->
+ − 583 <string name="image_description_show_keyboard">Show keyboard.</string>
+ − 584
+ − 585 <!-- Describes the icon of the "line input" button in the terminal view for accessibility
+ − 586 purposes -->
+ − 587 <string name="image_description_line_input">Single line input</string>
+ − 588
+ − 589 <!-- Describes the icon of the "sym" button in the terminal view for accessibility
+ − 590 purposes -->
+ − 591 <string name="image_description_sym">Character picker window</string>
+ − 592
+ − 593 <string name="button_close">Close</string>
+ − 594
+ − 595 <!-- Keyboard customization -->
+ − 596 <string name="pref_custom_keymap_title">Custom Keymap</string>
+ − 597 <string name="pref_custom_keymap_summary">Remapping of certain keys on supported devices</string>
+ − 598 <string name="pref_custom_keymap_full">Full hardware keyboard</string>
+ − 599 <string name="pref_custom_keymap_disabled">disabled</string>
+ − 600
+ − 601 <string name="resize_error_title">Error resizing screen</string>
+ − 602 <string name="resize_error_width_height">Width and height must be higher than 0</string>
+ − 603 <string name="dia_resize_x">x</string>
+ − 604
+ − 605 <!-- Screen capture -->
+ − 606 <string name="pref_screen_capture_category">Screen Capture</string>
+ − 607 <string name="pref_screen_capture_folder">Screen capture path</string>
+ − 608 <string name="pref_screen_capture_folder_summary">Folder to save screen capture files</string>
+ − 609 <string name="pref_screen_capture_popup">Screen capture report</string>
+ − 610 <string name="pref_screen_capture_popup_summary">Display a pop-up window on successful screen capture</string>
+ − 611 <string name="screen_capture">Screen Capture</string>
+ − 612 <string name="screenshot_success_title">Screenshot successful</string>
+ − 613 <string name="screenshot_saved_as">Screenshot saved as</string>
+ − 614 <string name="screenshot_error_title">Error creating screenshot</string>
+ − 615 <string name="screenshot_not_saved_as">Could not save screenshot as</string>
+ − 616
+ − 617 <!-- Character picker (Sym) dialog -->
+ − 618 <string name="pref_picker_string">Sym window contents</string>
+ − 619 <string name="pref_picker_string_summary">String of characters for the character picker dialog</string>
+ − 620 <string name="pref_picker_keep_open">Leave Sym window open</string>
+ − 621 <string name="pref_picker_keep_open_summary">Only the cancel button closes the picker dialog</string>
+ − 622
+ − 623 <!-- File Dialog -->
+ − 624 <string name="pref_file_transfer_category">File Transfer</string>
+ − 625 <string name="pref_file_dialog_title">File selection</string>
+ − 626 <string name="pref_file_dialog_summary">Dialog for choosing files and directories</string>
+ − 627 <string name="pref_file_dialog_builtin">built-in</string>
+ − 628 <string name="error_starting_app">Error starting %1$s</string>
+ − 629 <string name="file_chooser_select_file">Select file %1$s</string>
+ − 630 <string name="select_for_download">for download</string>
+ − 631 <string name="select_for_upload">for upload</string>
+ − 632 <string name="select_for_key_import">for key import</string>
+ − 633
+ − 634 <!-- com.lamerman.FileExplorer -->
+ − 635 <string name="location">Location</string>
+ − 636 <string name="cant_read_folder">Error reading folder.</string>
+ − 637 <string name="nnew">New</string>
+ − 638 <string name="select">Select</string>
+ − 639 <string name="file_name">File name:</string>
+ − 640 <string name="cancel">Cancel</string>
+ − 641 <string name="new_file">New file</string>
+ − 642 <string name="save">Save</string>
+ − 643 <string name="no_data">No Data</string>
+ − 644 <color name="gray">#ffff0000</color>
+ − 645
+ − 646 <!-- File Transfer -->
+ − 647 <string name="pref_download_folder">Download folder</string>
+ − 648 <string name="pref_download_folder_summary">Path to save downloaded files</string>
+ − 649 <string name="pref_remote_upload_folder">Remote upload folder</string>
+ − 650 <string name="pref_remote_upload_folder_summary">Remote path to save uploaded files</string>
+ − 651 <string name="pref_upload_dest_prompt">Upload target prompt</string>
+ − 652 <string name="pref_upload_dest_prompt_summary">Prompt for remote destination of file uploads</string>
+ − 653 <string name="pref_background_file_transfer">Background file transfer</string>
+ − 654 <string name="pref_background_file_transfer_summary">Perform file downloads and uploads in background</string>
+ − 655 <string name="transfer_downloading">"Downloading file…"</string>
+ − 656 <string name="transfer_downloading_file">Downloading file: %1$s</string>
+ − 657 <string name="transfer_download_complete">Download complete</string>
+ − 658 <string name="transfer_download_failed">Error downloading file(s):%1$s</string>
+ − 659 <string name="transfer_select_remote_download_title">Download file(s)</string>
+ − 660 <string name="transfer_select_remote_download_desc">Enter paths of the remote files to download (one per line)</string>
+ − 661 <string name="transfer_select_remote_upload_dest_title">Upload destination</string>
+ − 662 <string name="transfer_select_remote_upload_dest_desc">Enter remote file name for:</string>
+ − 663 <string name="transfer_button_download">Download</string>
+ − 664 <string name="transfer_button_upload">Upload</string>
+ − 665 <string name="transfer_uploading">"Uploading file…"</string>
+ − 666 <string name="transfer_uploading_file">Uploading file: %1$s</string>
+ − 667 <string name="transfer_upload_complete">Upload complete</string>
+ − 668 <string name="transfer_upload_failed">Error uploading file(s):%1$s</string>
+ − 669
+ − 670 <!-- Key export -->
+ − 671 <string name="pubkey_export_private">"Export private key"</string>
+ − 672 <string name="pubkey_export_public">"Export public key"</string>
+ − 673 <string name="pubkey_public_save_as">Save public key</string>
+ − 674 <string name="pubkey_public_save_as_desc">File name (full path) to save the public key</string>
+ − 675 <string name="pubkey_private_save_as">Save private key</string>
+ − 676 <string name="pubkey_private_save_as_desc">File name (full path) to save the private key</string>
+ − 677 <string name="pubkey_public_export_success">Public key saved as %1$s</string>
+ − 678 <string name="pubkey_public_export_problem">Error exporting public key</string>
+ − 679 <string name="pubkey_private_export_success">Private key saved as %1$s</string>
+ − 680 <string name="pubkey_private_export_problem">Error exporting private key</string>
+ − 681
+ − 682 <!-- Debug -->
+ − 683 <string name="pref_debug_category">Debug settings</string>
+ − 684 <string name="pref_debug_keycodes">Print keycodes</string>
+ − 685 <string name="pref_debug_keycodes_summary">Print codes of keys pressed in terminal window</string>
+ − 686 <string name="keycode_pressed">Code of pressed key</string>
+ − 687
+ − 688 <!-- Long Press Menu -->
+ − 689 <string name="pref_extended_longpress">Extended longpress menu</string>
+ − 690 <string name="pref_extended_longpress_summary">Show input dialogs in tap-and-hold menu</string>
+ − 691 <string name="longpress_select_action">Select Action</string>
+ − 692 <string name="longpress_enable_full_screen_mode">Enable full screen mode</string>
+ − 693 <string name="longpress_disable_full_screen_mode">Disable full screen mode</string>
+ − 694 <string name="longpress_change_font_size">Change font size</string>
+ − 695 <string name="longpress_arrows_dialog">Arrow keys</string>
+ − 696 <string name="longpress_fkeys_dialog">Function keys</string>
+ − 697 <string name="longpress_ctrl_dialog">CTRL+?</string>
+ − 698 <string name="longpress_sym_dialog">Character picker</string>
+ − 699
+ − 700 <!-- Ctrl picker dialog -->
+ − 701 <string name="pref_ctrl_string">Ctrl window contents</string>
+ − 702 <string name="pref_ctrl_string_summary">String of characters for the CTRL+? combination</string>
+ − 703
+ − 704 <string name="fullscreen">Fullscreen</string>
+ − 705 </resources>